< E l t e B a i l l i t e x a n First College Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS, SATUR DAY , FEBRUARY 26, 1927. No. 126 HERE FBR 300 Alecs March from to Driskill for ii Gym Banquet VOL. XXVIII ll. B. *.’5 DEFEAT Longhorns S I G M ! IU; MEET BOWERS I Ii F IL S in Last Game of at Men’s Gym Tonight Aggies VICTORY PUCES L em en s P re sid e s a t H o g g M eeting Business Men Swamp Sigma Nu D efense for 29 to 14 W in fly Many Distinguished Guests Expected; Decorations in Orange and White MIKE HOGS HOH BUESE Regular Meeting Style to Be Followed; Debate and Talks in Order Mike Hogg, of Houston, mem­ ber of the Legislature, will lie th e h o n o r gu est at th e H o gg Homecoming p ro g ram tonight at 8:45. Mr. Hogg is a son of Governor Ja m e s Stephen Hogg, for whom the club was named. Other distinguished g u ests who are com ­ ing to A ustin to this annual a f t .iii are Ty Cobb, form er Texan editor; Harold P recce and Gilbert May, who are T. ( ’. U. debaters this year; R. H. Jonas o f W ichita F alls, professor of E nglish in the junior college there, and V. O. W eed o f A ustin, w ho was o f Governor friend an intim ate H ogg. The m eetin g w ill be carried on as a regular H ogg m eeting. Read­ ings, talks, discussions, and a debate will be in order. The Hogg rooms at the Y. M. C. A. will be decorated in oorange and white. Coach Stewart Is Ready the A ggies W ith T w o Strong Teams for M atched to g e th e r in ag ain ri- continuation of an athletic valry of long standing. Texas will meet A. & M. in th e last game of th e conference basket ball season to n ig h t a t 7:30 at the M en’s Gym. A v ictory for T ex a s w ill mean a tie with S.M .U. for runner-up position in sta n d in g ; fo r A.&M. a win , w ill mean an even break cage in gam es w on and lo st this year. T e x a s Ready T exas is read y for the A g g ies with both barrels loaded. T onight Coach E. J. S tew a rt w ill start a g a in st D. X. B ible’s men an aggregation that whipped A rkansas in the o n ly gam es the H ogs lo st th is season. Captain Stallter, Edw in Ode, and C arrie N a ­ tion arc p la y in g in their la st basket j hall co n test fo r T exas and w ill give all they can to d e fe a t the W ildcats. Joe K ing, H olly Johnnie E stes, Brock, Jake L ooney, Red \\ ray, I at Patrick, and Bob H arwell w ill play against oth er A.&M. team s but they wil H ight to w hip this one. A g g i e ) Fast Since th e m iddle o f the season the V E R N O N L E M E N S CO-OP GETS RUGS INO l i m n s The subject fo r the debate will be “ R esolved, That a tax should be lev- University Seniors Have First led on bachelors.” A ffirm a tiv e side will be c h a m p i on e d by Ross Green and Jim K ulse, w hile C larence Trae- ger and L. J. Freem an will defend the n egative. Chance to Purchase Official Rings C ontracts fo r senior rings and in- The program for the evening is as 1 vitetiona have been )et to th e Co-op, follo w s: A e r ie s h ave been cornin* a lon g T heir 44 to 2 0 win from R ice indies- tea ■ th a tth ey are in good shape thin « “ > »>' o r d ,r s W,H '** m*de l h l "Ugh I Vernon Lem ens, R obie V aughan, anil In ten siv e training pointed to- them . T he .Co-op lias let th ese con- Harold’ S ch m id t; reading, Annie Leo D yt John F orrest w eek, T ex a s gam e has been go- tracts to T obins for the in v ita tio n s wards the ng on a t C ollege Station fo r m ore and l 0 the ^ tco Co. for th e rings than a w eek and at last the harm ers ^ these are both A ustin firm s it is I , A d d resses by th e th ree p r a m .. . Durham; debate j stunt, son, B essie Lipshitz, Collins; reading, Rachel Sm ith; Luke and His Uke, Roy ca n n o n ; w eekly grunt, Harold P reece. and - lik ely th a t d elivery will be m ore a r e thoroughly prepared. A sm ashing, crashing o ffe n se o f the fast typ e th a t cracks through the prompt than form erly, Salesm en w ill begin to call on the stubbornest o f guarding to reach the | basket and an individual d e fe n se that ; seniors about March 20, show ing them sam ples. N am es o f th ese su b ­ w ill choke o f f the best e ffo r ts of the J tile T exas m en will be played by A. wiH bo checlted ovt,r to be a T he M aroons can pass w ell and ^ . th ey play a stea d y but U g h p itched j w e that no on e ex cep t s e n o r s and gam e th a t saps the opponents in the graduates may buy them . I his is the first year which U n iv ersity gradu- closin g m om ents. HUGHETT SPEAKS TO LEGISLATURE Davis, p l a y i n g at forward, is a good a te s have had a chance o f buying Conditions in Mexico Since rings. The design o f the ring has copyrighted so that th e y m ay 1910 Traced by History P r o f e s s o r o ffe n siv e man with a build much the sam e as that o f Johnnie E stes. Clark w ho p la y s the other forw ard, M arx, wnu pm* d efeated T ex a s by h is individual play I , , J* . , not be duplicated. ^ ^ I. U V I .. , .g ^ * - V - r **'V ( f 1 0 karat gold? The . ,f - . is six *>et Uh a red garn et s it . The design is at C ollege Station. He and two inches tall and w eighs about by Mrs. Darrel Jackson, technician 185 pounds, is fa st on the court an I ^ ^be departm ent o f Zoology. E very feature o fth e ring is in (lo se keep- a w onderful shot. ^ m ot}f o f the U n iversity. end on the A ggie f o o tb a ll; Sikes, ^ o * - English Head W ill Spend Next Year in Writing and Research Dr. J. B. W harey, chairman o f the d e p a r tm cn t o f E n g l i s h , will spend the session o f 1927-28 w riting , and i n re- search along the lines in which he has been teach- ing, it was learn­ ed yesterday, H" w a s granted a leave o f absence from the facu lty by th e board o f regents at its m eetin g W H A R E Y COLORADO WI N S 2-1 11684871 IN D E B A T E VS. T E X A S By DORI S H O E F G E N Decision in th e M issouri Valley Conference debate series was I aw arded ilia two to one vote in favor of the I Diversity of Colo­ r a d o vs. U niversity of T exas in ihe debate "Resolved. That Con­ the gress should enact legislation embodying the principles of I M cN ary -U augen fa rm bills*’ Friday evening a t the University j — ------- the* a f f ir m a tiv e up* — ----- ------------------- ♦ B a p tis t C hurch I held by the I niv e rsity of T e x a s was ably suppi i (I by .Iatr.es I.. Shetv r a n d I es lie By id, while th e neg ativ e s u p p o rte d by the team fro m tho U ni­ ve rsity o f Colorado who were Day­ ton .McKean and Edward Hubman. 08887911 Prof. E. C. H. Bantel Presides as Toastmaster; Pro­ grams Begins at 9 By L O R E N A D R U M M O N D ___________ Plates w i l l be laid fo r over 300 people a t the a n n u a l banquet of th e College of E n ­ gineering S a t­ u rday night, according to T. U. T aylor, dean. A lm ost 300 tick ­ ets had been sold Thursday night, when sale the was over, and the increased o f greatly o f the group B A N T E L number will be th e arrival with exes from San A ntonio. March From Gym A f f i r m a t i v e Difficult In view o f the fact that previous decisions on the same su b ject were un an im ou sly in f a v o r o f the negative side, and that the a f f i n i t i v e was d if­ reason o f Cool­ ficu lt to uphold by the debated id ge’a recent veto of j bills and other acts, the affirm ative impressed t h e ir points in | s tr o n g ly I spite opposition. Dr. Splawn as c h a irm a n rendered the de­ cisions o f the judges who w ere Dr. L. W. Courtney o f Baylor U niversity Sire G entry, a H ouston law yer and . ex-student, and W. Abbott o f a San A ntonio High School. o f general • S chere r Introduces Plans have been com pleted for the affa ir, according to W illiam Cun­ ningham, chairman of the en terta in ­ J,trues Scherer on the affirm ative m ent com m ittee, The banquet w ill j ! introduced their plan for “ A ssistance begin at 9 o ’clock at the Driskill Ho­ for the American farm er” , by remov* tel. The entire school w ill march to ing the exportable surplus of crops tb(> h0^e | jn maps form ation from th e to foreign m arkets and by rem oving! $fen *s Gym a fter the Texas-A . & M. Thursday. No plans have been made toward the choosing o f a successor to his place on the fa cu lty , according to ' ! this surplus thru governm ental ma I ehinery. M a n u factu rin g interests have had a direct result from leg is­ lation in the protective ta r iff, while I the farm er needs such protection for h»* can not prophesy his annual ou t­ put to check the exportable surplus. The first negative dated the severe Dr. W harey has been chairman o f depression as a jesu it o f the W ork’ two War when the demand for grains and product* increase.! the number l o t farm ers and productive acreage. ,, . ,, so that prices well and unem ploym ent sk y in this departm ent tor IO years wftg prevalent. The farm er must get the E nglish years, fo llo w in g Hr. R. A. Law. He . I has been connected w ith the Um ver- Dr. Robert A. Law. departm ent t t * for .I , , , . , English. He received his Ph.D. de- j any more than any one com ing here from Peabody C ollege at} into other industries and should not legislation for his protection N ashville, w h e r e .he was professor o f j desire than any one other class has the right to do. Mr. M cKean in . form ed the audience o f the smooth- n w r o f (|ther d<, pressions that win A n ationally known au th ority or grce from John Hopkins. , . B row ning, Dr. W harey has done j be n o tjced m the farm ing industry much research in this field. He has I gradually because o f its price flux- also tau gh t courses in com position, in nations and will be erased when farm- the novel, in old E nglish, and in Vie- « * ar<* em ployed in oth er positions .*f industry. The storin g o f the ex : portable surplus as proposed by the present bills would he im practical in I the cost o f storage and the maintain* once o f the m achinery to en force this torian poetry. basket ball game. junior freshm an, sophom ore, Stunts have been prepared by rep­ resen tatives from each o f the four ju n ­ classes, ior, and senior. The class will wear the traditional blue shirt o f their profession, aa will the honor guest, President W. ML W. Splawn. The d eleg a tio n from San A ntonio will also have a part on the program, and advance reports promise a num ­ ber far superior to the stunt present­ ed by the group last year. A t the last banquet, a splendid exhibition o f a Spanish bull lig h t, which, according to those pres­ ent, brought down the house. This tim e the San A ntonio people refu se to give the sligh test hint as to the nature o f their skit, m erely o ffe r ­ ing the assurance that it will surpass the bull fight. this crowd gave E. C. ll. B an tel, assistant dean o f the E ngineering School, will act as loa stfa ster. t crisis w ith M exico is not U N I V E R S I T Y J U N I O R C O L L EG E y e t!” Dr. H ack ett o f the his- j P R O P O S E D FOR U V A L D E over tory departm ent told legislators and J U nder the direction o f supervision I proposal public* in a lecture on c o n d it io n s ! ^ ^bc board 0 f regen ts of th e Uni in M exico and N icaragua at th e House , vePsity o f T exas, created o f R epresentatives I hursday night, *woujd a junior at U valde, T exas, I control the surplus to hid the farm er college j added that the governm ent Byrd, speaking for the affirm ative should ^ lth is p la y in g center. team , six f e e t and three inches o f height ^ he will .give C arn e N ation a battle. Baker and K onechy are th e guards. Baker is very fa st and K onechy is . I big man who plays a strong gam e. **; On one shank appears a Longhorn draped from one around under lh e no, e and up & ^ A fter tracing conditions iii M exico ^ j | ouse gjjj jsj() 5 9 u introduced F ri- and from 1910 onward, Dr. H ackett stat -' dfty \,y R epresentative Durham, p a ss-{mal ed that the petroleum law and th e I both houses< that the U nited S ta tes would make a good business man in run* I ning this controling m achinery. The J u n i o r College Bill lo Be R e­ ferred to Free Confer­ ence Committee to the other horn The nu m ber 2 7 | a }jen land law are the tw o bones of a b w e the h(,adi an (1 , Io n * I n t e n t i o n The petroleum law pro- j ^ ^ lt ^ ' i T he courses to be ta u g h t are to be! second negative Hubm an, persisted ^ m o ffer(,d , t thc U n i. m .h e fact that the farm ers w ill work „ r Tpx!1„. n „ fund, 0, th e! out ‘ h« ir o w " salvation, and that the star jg j u ( t below the nose. In a ■1 bearing 1 '*—o ..—— m o n d a y v e s p e r s P rofessor Sarah M. S tu rtev a n t of wjt h a scroll sem i-circled wreath below tho star is a group c t T exas cactus. On the other shank is the degree and crest the w ords T each er’s C ollege, Colum bia U n iv e r -, “ D isciplina Prasidium C ivitas.” Cor sity w ill address women stu d en ts at responding to the C actus on the first the 5 o ’clock V esper hour, Monday, shank is a w reath o f blue bonnets. F ebruary 28, in the Girl’s Study H all. All stu d en ts are urged to attend. Pro- and the w om en’s rings w ill sell fo r or within 60 fessor S tu rtev a n t is the director of $ 1 0 .5 0 . Plain This the courses in Teacher's C ollege which ( 20 cent* and leath er ones will cost! January I , 1927 looks to the training o f advisers of |5 0 cen ts each. S h eet invitations wil! girls and w om en in high schools and co st nine cen ts this year a s against uation, if the United S ta te s goes o ^ r o lW e * colleges. *• no lands could be held w ithin 3 kilom eters o f the national boundary kilom eters o f tbe sea- law The m en’s rings will sell for $ 13; kilom eters 115 cents fo r la st year. j S t a t e s goes to , invitations w ill co st coast. A m sr in n into , j vid es th a t alien holders o f land •* - Upon the motion o f R epresentative quired before May I, 1917, and w h o | Br. wn, the House Friday gave Speak­ expressed a desire to drill, would jance o f the junior co lleg e branch o f er R. L. Bobbitt authority to appoint have free title to the land. The alien ^ U niversity. The m easure sp e c ify co n tin u en ee o f the present depression tbe house m embers o f a free c o n fe r - increasing production thru p ro * |ence com m ittee which w ill m eet w ith land law provided aliens who *cquir- 1 ^ Senators named by the Senate fo l­ land before Jan u ary 2 1 , IJ ed low ing the re fu sa l of the upper house to concur with the H ouse am endm ents to the Floyd Junior C ollege bill. fo r ^ m a in ttn _ |g o v e rn m e n t could not a ffo rd to a! legislation th a t would cause the | a y^uni-h a branch o f the main U niversity. The B etoil crops ^ the main U n iversity. The teated crops. in n shill appropriates $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 o u t o f the reven u e fo r th e establishm ent I shall be hy .o f the institution. be ^ ^ . . . . KI NG IN B A SK ET ROOM I R ufus King, co-captain o f tbe 1927 lab - 1 football team , is now su b stitu tin g for Bujjdin es grounds, w en t in question, S en a te e ffe c t | oratories, and other equipm ent neces- Leo B aldw in in his work a t the M en’s S Bill No. 30, was passed Thursday by sa?*y for the establishm ent and main- Gym. Baldwin is recovering from a n ^ h e House with several am endm ents As Dr. H ack ett u n d e r s ta n d s the sit- t^ ance is to be provjded by th e c ity a n k le i n j u r y received in b a sk e t ball I b a c h e d Upon its r e t u r n to the Sen - ! a te th a t body decided that the am end- T h e th e ! S enate p ro p o n en ts claim House changes m a k e a n e n tirely new bill o u t o f th e original m easure. BOLTON LECTURES AB O U T , ------ sc rim m a g e . COUnty of Uvalde. --------------------------- menus w ere n o t w ar w ith M exico over the a lien lam I — I if over the petroleum law, it will be The measure ........................... ----------------- accepable. that libraries, 1 HARRIS DELIVERS SECOND LECTURE ON L Y E L L F A M I L Y t K S - S t f S V. which tim e no desire* was expressed to go below the surface. President C oolidge stated that the m atter could not be arbitrated, but the people o f! he U.S. b elieve it can be. N E W FA K E PSYCHOLOGISTS; H O N O R E D W I T H B A N Q U E I day was 106 to 19. As passed by The fin a l vote in th e H ouse T hurs- By RAE LOGSDON “ Fake psychologists who are mis- able book -leading a gullible public” w ere scored :tio n .” the psychology; probably his m ost n o t - j creation of a junoir college district district independent school I having taxable v alu es fo r school pur- .th e House the bill authorizes ■Principles o f Educa- o f any is “T hey then w ent to Springfield I N ic a r a g u a ; has kept the con stitu tion - dress a t the U n iv ersity Methodist skepticism Dr. H ackett showed how the U. S. by Dr. Frederick E. B olton, o f the I im periaibticaU y has taken charge o f | U n iversity o f W ashington in an ad- acco P . ^ t . o f the“ remed”y ready to believe a n yth in g that is told [fo r a $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 valuation and 400 IS gone and people a r e ! pupils. The original m easure called .... ^ n g ' n o U r a U U h X c h f d G ilbert D. Harris, v isitin g profes- terest in icebergs. Sir Charles stu d ­ ie r o f g e o lo g y from C ornell deliv- * ied the peculiar cold flora on the tops ered the second of a series o f lectures o f the W hite M ountains, try in g to ex- at the B iology B u ild --plain th eir presence. They next w ent j p r i d a y n i g h t to P ly m o u th , w here th e y s tu d ie d the sands and storm s. P ro fesso r Harris sp ok e on the ~ " ^ ^ chaH eg and, 1**•-> - •>« ' « “ < > -d — ^ « d Dr. Bolton is dean o f Education at to a form er age and in T exas a t p resen t to attend a W ashington S ta te U niversity Since the war, people have becom e is m eeting o f T exas school superintend- more p sychology en ta which will be held in Dallas Sat- quacks, for with the arm y in tellig en ce urday. H e is a brother o f Dr. H. E. j tests cam e a desire fo r m telhgejice The public rea- B olton, form er professor o f history j tests for every one i n t o n e d that if tests proved successful I — — ’ S usc ept i bl e to Quacks susceptible to _ v z j z a ^ E. Bolton books on education and educational - ... ‘ _ ..it ............. ... I It 4 - - — — (C ontinued on Rage 4 ) is the author o f several that th ey w ould prove su ccessfu l in The m em bers from the Senate on the fr e e co n feren ce com m ittee which wil latem pt to iron ou t the d ifficu l­ ties o fth e tw o houses are: Senators Pollard, Price, chairm an, Floyd, M oore, and Bledsoe. The latter nam ­ ed Senator voted against the original thu m easure vrhen it was before Senate. $11,000 PAID ON CACTUS By m ailing a check recently to si the In c., te a .. ^ M issouri concern T exas Students Publication*, made the printing o f the 1927 C adua. initial paym ent o n for $11,000, H A R O L D T E E N - A L L IS H O T S Y T O T S Y A G A I N H A MO C M /tU t> - I AA \M ASTim ' Mc T i a a s \ c m t h a s e "Iu r m s T i X sr did *T To re sr #V ouC ^ U W C - MC'Al TmAT t piajO Yo u Ii S e r i o u s c e r e c h o m s- S o 6 « ^ S T » N e I T h a t has?o l d PECOMSlDER • . v H e p e VAjf . RMD HAROLD I B e i m o om em A Lift Ba c k 3 * 4 Dn.r* • I.* X * Is- ria K«*f«r**« William IC***}* Ralph Parker. Vat**. ChMy* I/ 1 r.eais M ■ Hs Margaret CM TODAY’S STAPP tion* T-4Hot A mint ant Assistant A* ai *tant . A*a»*tanl i t rom busting out is to have p rofs who know m ore than the students. A seat in the stock exch an ge costs a lot, but think <» /th e marine** you have at your service. W ell, m oonshine has one advan­ tage; you can ’t drink it long enough to get the habit. A nother thing that m akes it hard to put, up with for som e women their bu*band* is the thought o f a li­ mony. says A T e x ts m inister doesn’t believe a tadpole could made into a colleg e p rofesso r t OOI),OOO years. not*know som e o f our 'professors. th at he be in Probably he does FEDAGOGY bly, d efea ted , (D aily Cardinal) V U U EN a pugilist, b attered , w ob­ longer stand up and trade punches w ith his Opponent, he prays and stalls. for the b e ll— ! can no When a basket ball team finds it­ self ahead by a couple o f points with only a few seconds to p la y —it stalls. W hen a professor has talked too fast and exhausted his stock o f le c ­ ture notes, and still the bell hasn’t rung—-he stalls. Som e profs are g# good at it that their class scarcely realizes th a t they are no longer sa y in g much o f a n y ­ thing. O thers visibly betray their con­ sternation as they arrive at the end last card, with five m inutes of the t’till to go. time But they are all gam e to the bist. the To dism iss the clans and allow few for a harried d isc ip le s ♦ 'stern drag- on a cig a rette would be m o lt un pedagogical, So they sta g ­ ger on, rehashing previous rem arks, im provising like a m ember o f the W isconsin player* who ha.- fo rg o tten his lines. is listening, and The class folds up notebooks, w rig­ com ­ gles into fur coats, hauls out inspect noses for sig n s o f pacts to tin n in ess, stu d ies w atches ho p efu lly . No one the prof knows it, but his reputation fo r in ­ exh au stib ility o f wisdom is a t »take. en lig h ten ed fa c u lty m em bers o f the W isconsin realize is only un act o f ch a rity to dism iss the class and have ft over with. They can make it up on sonn­ et her occasion when they h a v e more to say. Many o f the more it in his Any seeker after w isdom who 9 has been kept listen in g in Bascom until he has o ’clock < la - in ju st one ami one-half m in u te s t o make his IO o ’ciocJk class which in Ag H all, real ires how wadi they can make it up on som e o th er occas­ ion. B y EV ER ETT A. PALM ER » v he b passed toe horns on reoru ary 21. Cr it id*®* o f this act is based on the grounds that an appropriation fur the th re.*' cruise vs will em barrass the P resident in his e ffo r ts to co n -. vc rte the di-armit ment conference and I constitute a challenge ♦<> the world, j But a consideration o f the circum ­ led to an agreem ent stances which # j a s regards capital ships at the W ash - 1 ington C onference r f 11*21 would ar­ gue that the President's position ha been strengthened rather than w eak­ ened by the recent appropriation. It wa.-* the challenge to the world im­ plied, or at le a d seen by other na­ tions, in the capital ship program which the United S ta te s was rapidly t arrying forward at th at tim e and j r o t the moral a ttitu d e of the govern- i merit of the U nited S ta te s toward th e q a e -turn of arm am ents w hichI five-pow er group to ; persuaded Un*- accept the A m erican proposal. this advantage. su ccessfu lly It is now evid en t tho’ the United S tates could havt ad- vane cd the proposal to limit capital •h ip s, in which ‘.he then had ah ad­ vantage, aa a trade .w ith the o th er' pow ers for a -itniiar agreem ent in referen ce to light cruisers and sub­ m arines. A> st U!r the United S tates sacrificed (I re at B ritain wa.B quite w illin g to tran sfer ! naval pom peii ti* ut to a type o f raft in which she already had a substan­ tia l lead over the U nited States and which, the war dem onstrated, was I litte r adapted to the protection of lu r sea born com m erce. France and et* the capital ita ly were ready ship elim inated as a factor in naval com petition when the ie was no re* fir id ion placed upon the subm arine, thr craft bef: suited to their partic­ Japan eagerly grasped ular needs. at tho opportunity o f avoiding a costly arm am ent race in the sin gle type o f vessel w hose e m irin g radius brought the archipelago Japanese w ithin the possible sphere o f action o f her nearest rival. t o today than it P resident Coolung* now < ail upon i th ese sam e power: to undertake the work which win le ft undone in 1921. I It seem s im probable that the moral a ttit t ie >'( the United S ta tes w i l l . have greater w eight did on the occasion o f the l l ashing- j toil C onference. On th e contrary, I the present situation bas less in our favor, for the foreign policy o f this country bas im pressed upon all the « I her nations that Wa hington a s­ pires to the moral leadership of the > world providing wsrou -1 rc^ponsihiUty. And without saying that the argum ent o f j com pulsion which the I u ti d S ta tes i w as able to advance in 1921 is now In other words, the U nited larding. .Stases is a-king som ething for noth­ i n g -- a poor basis for negotiation in ioiernatiooal bargaining- The ap­ propriation toward the construction p f three cruiser*- .may have com pro- s p a ! President C M idge in the moral I ■sense; bot a vote for thirty cruisers I would have provided him with ar. ar­ g o n 'em which the eabinets o f the j iive-p o ver group really understand. | it can avoid any it goes M echam and Soell H ave Ar tid es in H isoanic A m eri­ can Historical R eview W isconsin A th letic Director to Speak to Co-eds M onday Miss Blanche T rilling, director o f the w om en’s physical train in g depart m ent in the U n iv ersity o f W isconsin in A ustin Sunday m orning, will be arriving writh Miss A nna H iss, diree tor o f co-ed physical tra in in g in the U n iversity, from the N ational E duca­ fV HJT. tv Tift ttosa* T»ib«**. tio n A ssociation M eeting in Dallas. M o n d a y night from 7:30 until 8:30 o ’clock Miss T rilling w ill lecture to co-ed P hysical Education m ajor stu ­ den ts, m em bers o f the fa c u lty and lo< a1 tow n people w ho are interested at the F aculty W om en’s Club. given by reception The lectu re w ill be follow ed by an inform al the W om en’s P hysical T raining s t a ff a s­ sisted by the co-ed P hysical E d u ca ­ tion m ajor students. Miss T rilling leaves M onday night for W isconsin. "H ow do you k now you r new prof i* hard?” “ H e hat rn q uiz-zical exp re ssion Clarinet P laying by H okum Kings Is G ym Dance Feature F eatu rin g the playing o f four clar­ inets a t one tim e by only tw o m usi­ cians, .Steve G ardner’s Hokum King* will furnish the music for the regu ­ lar A ll-U niversity dance to ­ night. gym New son g lilts are being c o n tin u a l­ ly added to the rep etoire o f the or­ chestra. This policy is n ecessary, Gardner explained, in order to keep the U niversity dance on a par with those in other parts o f the country. located T H O M A S S P E A K S S U N D A Y Cullen F. Thom as o f D allas will speak Sunday m orning a t l l o ’clock at the First B aptist church. The sub­ ject that he will deal with is "Shall T exas be a Christian- Go m mon w ea lth .” H A T SALE SATURDAY Sp rin g A n unusual sh o w in g o f all new for Misses and M atrons. Sm all la r g e h ea d m ed iu m and sizes. sty le s IOO 2 .9 8 H ats . IOO 3 .9 8 H ats . IOO 5 .9 8 H ats AO 7 .9 8 V a lu e s SPECIALS .... 7 0 « i i I C | A Q I . £ 7 0 56 inch Ail Wool Plaid C oating. ”1 n o 3 .0 0 value, 1 * 1 7 0 \ardf 5 6 inch A ll Wool Tw eed C oat­ I Q O ing. 3.00 valu e, yard A . 2 / 0 56 inch AH W ool F lannel C oat­ ing. 3.00 value, yard 56 inch Ajl W ool Tw ill C oating. O O Q About 3.50 value, yard a * * 0 2 7 W om en’* R a y o n Bloomers. A ssorted shades, Pair IOO pairs A ll Silk Hose. N ew I O C Z shades. 1.75 to 2.50 values, pair IO W om en’s Black Kid Boudoir Slippers, ail size-. J O j j f ...L A * 4 ^ 0 1.50 value, pair I 2.50 size G enuine 1 * 0 * 7 B ye-L o-B aby D olls *1 O Q 2.00 fixe G enuine I »d*£7 B ye-L o-B aby Dolls I O 7 C N ew Spring C oats I m * / O (H at F ree) -I / J jcf% New -Spring Silk I O . D U Frocks (H at F ree) New Spring Silk Q A A D resses (Hat U Price) v . I / U Get your Spring Hat here at Vs Price i f y o u r purchase am ounts to 5.00 or m ore, specials e x ­ cepted. . A O T H ER A T T R A C T IV E portray adequately the real life of the U n i v e r ­ More than >UU pages will be required to give the complete record of the year s events and to I'or the first time in thirty-three years of the Cactus history— Juniors are given representation in the 1927 Popular Book. Individual pictures of m em bers of the class are included in a special section of the book. I his new feature^—added lo the num erous other attractive and interesting sections of the I Cactus?— will m ake it desirable for every m em ­ ber of the Junior class to own a copy. sity. No other record is Varsity. Reservation orders for the book— with no cash paym ent required— are being taken now at the Publications’ office in L Hall, Tele- one THE 1927 CACTUS The Popular Book for Every Student T h eatres— Movie*— Park*—- Mission* — A la m o — U . S. P o st, E tc. O F F I C E A U S T I N H O T E L Phone* 7 7 5 5 and 6 0 9 6 M. L. M O R R IS , P. & T. A. R O B ’T W E B B , A . * ’t Professor Pipe’s popular illustrated lecture... You can learn far m o re a b o u t tobacco from old Prof. Pipe, than you'll g e t b y studying every treatise e v e r w r i t te n o n it. For Prof. Pipe is the world's m o st e m in e n t authority on the subject. . . He k n o w s tobacco from plant to pipe! Experiments w ith every known species have convinced the Prof. that the one perfect pipe tobacco is Granger Rough Cut. . . He points out reasons for this conclusion: ( g ) the Granger'grade Burley, the choicest tobacco grown; (r) the Re-dis* covery of W ellm an’s mellowing method; and (c) the C ut of the large slowTmrning flakes... Prof. Pipe proves Granger, by practical demonstration— shows how it acts under f i r e , . . You never saw tobacco burn so slow, never tasted ^uch cool, mild mellow* ness! T he first pipeful is a liberal education! You'll put your q . e . d . and capital o. k. on G. R. C . .. and all your pipe problems will be solved. . . forever! GRANGER R o u g h C u t The half-pound vac­ uum tin is forty-five cents; the foil pouch package, sealed in gia&ane, is ten cent*. if GRA NC EA m rf ■ — r n G r a n g e r R ough C u t is made by the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company At Austin Movie Shows Official Notice Faculty urged t*> meet in tile Law Audi- in this country t h e s e n i o r member of a torium at 7 p. rn. Monday for the the firm would and shmdd install a society joined in a discussion of the prob: training school for the new men who loin of teaching all practice or all come into the finn and give them a theory in »ide& thorough training in the minutest of were ably and heatedly discussed to details. the satisfaction of all present. Other members of accounting. Both the purpose of making Match 2 fight. plans for tho MORRIS I . WILLIAMSON. D v bh s H a t s Stacy-Adams Shoes I t T H E D A I L Y T E X A N to outline our proposition in a gun-) era! way, Tater gibing each fine short interview as we have done in the past. Yours very truly, (Signed) JA M E S HARRISON, Supervisor of College Relations. JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL girls meet in Girls’ Study Hall .Monday morn­ ing at 8.30. Very important mcet- AFTER SATURDAY, February ?6, and jug their original j Pure Mathematics abc. El E. J. MATHEWS, Registrar, I abc. 14 will meet in meeting place, M. B. 157. F RANDHS FOSTER -------- LONGHORN BAND: Meet at Men’s J Gym at 7 p. rn. to play for the A. & M. game. Meet in band ball Sun- QUIZ during Zoology 16 le c t u r e Mon* day at 2 p. rn. in full uniform* l’ic- day, Fob. 28 from I I to 12 in the titres fi r the Cactus will he made, G. A. T O E P P E R W E I N . j lecture rot in. DR. E. J . Ll M b ______ Dallas News copies of the THROUGH THE Courtesy of the 1926 Texas Almanac will be preluded ti each senior In the College of Arts and Sciences who will come to the Dean s office during the next few days and sign up for the same. Official Notice Student RUSK MEMBERS—There will be no regular meeting of the Society to­ night on account of the Texas-A.&M. basket ball game, FLETCHER, President. SOME MEMBER of tho Oratorical association will please call at the Cactus office in L. Hall this after­ noon and give the Organization Edi­ tor information concerning that or­ ganization's picture rn the Cactus. ORGANIZATION EDITOR ATTENTION. Housemothers for men Applications are being accepted by the Office of the Dean of Men for place on the official housing list for men students for the Summer Ses­ 1927. Applicants whose sion of names have not appeared on the housing list at some previous time must have a personal interview with the Dean of Men, in Main Bldg. ILL No applications will be accepted after March 4th. V. I. MOORE TE-WAA-HISS ST A FF meeting at 6:45 Monday night. Meeting will be over in time for Miss Trilling’s lecture. FU ase be prompt. GY NETH ST UGA RD. ALL MFN of the freshman class are Honorary Accounting Fraternity Meeting Held Wednesday Night Theta Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi held its regular meeting Wednesday evening at the Faculty flub. The meeting was then turned over to the speaker of the evening, Mr Ribbink introduced to the organiza­ tion of expectant hearers tile speak­ er, Fred IL Pflughaupt. Mr. Pflughaupt spoke along the l i n e s of the actual training received by auditors in the auditing firms of the U. S. and the preparatory train­ ing required by accountants in Eng­ land. Mr. Pflughaupt pointed out the fact that in many auditing firms .A L L APPLICATIONS for the fol­ lowing fellowships and scholarships should be in the hands of the Dean of the Graduate School, not later than March 1st, in order to be con­ sidered by the committee on awards: Advanced Fellowships, University University Scholarships, Walden- Beard Fellowship, Malcolm Hiram Reed Jr. Fellowship, and Louis Lip- sitz Fellowship. Details and further information concerning these scholar­ in the General ships will be found Catalogue and the Graduate School Catalogue, pages 35-39. Application blanks may be obtained from the Registrar. their HOUSEMOTHERS for men will have regular meeting Tuesday. March I at 7:30 in the Girls’ Study Hall. All housemothers are requested to be present. MRS . B O W E R S , President. REV. LAWRENCE H. Wharton. Pts-1 tor of the University Presbyterian Church will address Chapel Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings this week. The old hour of 8 :3f> for Chapel has been restored beginning Thursday morning. As usual, the service will be in Room 157, Main i Building. APPLICATIONS for place on the of­ ficial list of rooming and boarding houses for women students for the summer session, 1927, will be taken at the Dean of Women’s office, be-; 14th. ginning Monday, Those who have not been on the list at some previous time will be re­ quired to have a personal interview with the Dean of Women and to fur­ references. Time nish satisfactory limit March I, 1927. February No telephone calls, please. LULA M. BEWLEY, II. Y. Benedict, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin. Dear Dean Benedict: For your information the Bel! System Recruiting Committee will visit the University of Texas on March 8, 9, 10th. We would like to talk to all of the seniors, w*ho are interested, in order * SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 26, 1927. M ajestic: C la ra Bow in “ It." Hancock. Alma R eubens in ‘ Is L o v e E v e r y th in g ?” Q ueen: Lon Chaney in “ Flesh and Blood. C rescen t: R an g er in “ Flash in g F an g s. C R E S C E N T To tile extraordinary intelligence and acting ability of Ranger, a new and promising police dog star, is due much of the success of “ Flashing Fangs” the first of a series of dog pictures from F.B.O. which opened at the Crescent Theatre yeste day. Ranger is not only as handsome an animal as ever graced the screen, but he possesses what may be called an instinctive dramatic sense as well, into play which frequently comes I with remarkable effect. An original story by Ewart Adam­ son, with the redeeming force of a ^ dog’s adoration on the life of a hu- 1 man derelict as the theme, forms the basis of the picture. Henry McCarty directed the film , with telling skill, and the wrork of f both the author and director is de­ serving of much praise. H A N C O C K W E D N E S D A Y “ The Big Parade,” the Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer screen version of Laurence Stallings’ stirring story has made history wherever shown and is announced as one of the most not­ able bookings of the season coming to the Hancock Theatre Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with a spe elal twehty-pieee orchestra. Directed by King Vidor, with the battle sequences supervised by Gen Paul B. Malone of the U.S.A., The Big Parade is the most authentic pre­ sentation of military scenes extant. John Gilbert is the star of the pic­ ture and Renee Adoree the featured played, supported by an exceptional­ ly strong cast of screen favorites, in eluding Hobart Bosworth, Claire Mc­ Dowell, Robert Ober and Claire Adams, while one of the hits of the production was scored by Karl Dane, ably seconded by Tom O’Brien. SOOD veterans of the A.E.F. took part in the field work. Laurence Stallings, an active ticipant in the World Struggle, has recorded what may be classed as an historical document in its faithfulness to detail, every phase of a doughboy’s life being set forth in its true colors. M A J E S T I C Life in a department store isn’t always one long Christmas bargain sale. Soem times the sales-girls even get bonus checks for having sold more than their quota. That’s what happened to Betty Lou, heroine of Elinor Glyn’s “ It,” but it didn’t do much good because Betty had hoped to make an impression on her employ­ er, handsome young Cyrus Waltham, and the only thing he gave her was ,the check she’d won. So Betty Lou, taking stock of her assets, found that all she had was “ It.” But that was more than enough as those who have been to the Majes­ tic Theatre have discovered. Clara Bow is Betty and Antonio Moreno, Cyrus. Hope Loring and L o u i s D. Lighton scenarized Madame Glyn’s original story. Clarence Bad­ g ir directed. Q U E E N Remarkable in strength of story, acting action, and vividness of “ Flesh and Blood,” which opened an engagement at the Queen Theatre yesterday stands forth as one of the best moving pictures seen here in many months. Lon Chaney, who deserves the tribute as being the screen’s greatest character actor and who eclipses any player in mobility of facial expres­ sion, proves beyond question his right to stellar honors. In the present fea­ ture he is again a crook. You give him the utmost sympathy for he is a hounded figure of the law— a man sent up for fifteen years, whose un­ conquerable love and hatred cause him to escape— to look up his loved ones and to mete out vengeance upon the man’responsible for his incarcera­ tion. Noah Beery, Ralph Beery, and J lek supporting , Mulhall are among the . cast. H A N C O C K ‘Is Love Everything ” the question that every woman asks her secret heart provides the interesting theme of the new Encore picture bearing that title which will be the feature of the Hancock Theatre toddy only. Alma Rubens, the dark haired and the exotic beauty, is featured while supporting cast inclldes such well knowrn names as Frank Mayo, II. B. Warner, Lilyan Tashman and Walter McGrail. The story is said to have a luxurious wealth of beautful scenes particularly so those showing an entertainment aboard a palatial yacht and a garden fete at a Long Island home. and The heroine is a young matron, two years married to an indulgent husband, who, having once made her choice between two men, is again call­ ed upon to choose between them. Elect YM CA Officers M onday; Nominations Announced by Cabinet Nominations for the new officers of the Y. M, C. A. made by the “ Y ” cabinet for the year beginning March 18, 1927 have been announced by the cabinet. The election of officers will be held on Monday, March 7. Any other nominations may be made if placed in the hands of the general secretary, W. A. Smith at least 48 hours before the election. All mem­ bers of the Y. M. C. A. are allowed to vote on the nominated officers. William L. (Bill) Tayler of Hous­ ton was recommended by the cabinet as president, “ Bing” Blasingame of Hempstead, for vice-president, Noyes D. Smith of Austin for secretary. Tayler and Blasingame were both Student delegates to the National Conference in Milwaukee. Fire Insurance Paid on Chem. Building A favorable report concerning the insurance due on the chemistry build­ ing, which was destroyed by fire dur­ ing the fall terra, is expected soon, J . W. Calhoun, comptroller, stated yesterday foflpwing a conference with attorneys. Over one-fifth of the companies concerned have already paid in full, and payment of the remainder of the $90,000 due is expected in the near future following the culmination of several months of controversy. M at*. 50c, 75c, $1.10 N ight. 75c, $1.10, $1.65 A L L S E A T S R E S E R V E D I Here are the rates King Vidor'* Picturizatkm of Stirring Laurence Stallings World Story Binning John Gilbert with Renee Adore* is coming HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE 3 Da y s Beginning Monday, F eb. 28 3 : 0 0 Twice Da ily 8 : 3 0 Com plete N. Y. Production and l ouring Orchestra of 20. Begin With a Firm Foundation Here in the University, you are likely completing the last sect ion of the foun­ dation for your life’s work. A checking account will strengthen your plans. Join the other 1,500 stu­ dents and faculty members w'ho have accounts at this convenient institution. Checking A cco un t*— D e p o .it Boxes T r a v e le r *’ C h eq ue*— T im e D eposit* UNIVERSITY BANK (U N -IN C O R P O R A T E D ) R esou rce* end Individual Responsibility Over $2 50,000 OO 2324 G u ad alu p e St. Build Carefully for Health A successful contractor with a reputation at stake exerts care in the selection of his construction materials. You have the responsibility of building your own body with health at stake. Drink Plenty of Pure W ater Electrified Means Purified Drink ELECTRIFIED WATER Phone 491 I T oday Prompt Delivery ‘mm em Y o u ’ll have enough self-confidence to cut in on an engaged couple if you’re wearing a new Charter House Suit for Spring. M y! They’re good looking. $40, $45, $50. ut' I O L largest selling quality pencil in the wqM { r j i l e o j L MMM S HANCOCK NOW SH O W IN G “Is Love Everything?” S E E FOR Y O U R S E L F ALSO F O X N E W S — C O M E D Y T E X A S L A S T T I M E S TODA Y A l Christie’s “The Nervous Wreck” give best service and longest wear. I'Ja in e n d *, p e r d o * . $ 1.00 1.20 __________ Rubber end*, per do?. American Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Av*.,N.Y. MAtrsofVXIQVZTht, teed Colored >‘eni Hi in I 2 luivn- >1.00 per do; For Your Convenience Mail The With Your Ad You can now place your ad in the Daily T e x a n to ap p e ar every d ay until the ch an g­ ing of term at a very low cost. l f you w ant your ad to ap p ear under our special classification: “Where To Room Next Term” Ad i uhs Costs You ............... . ................. l l times ................... 15 times ................................ $2.35 2.20 2.05 .......... 1.90 .. 1.75 ................ 1.60 . 1.45 1.30 ... 1.15 ... 1 .0 0 .95 .80 .70 .. ................. 55 ................ 30 13 times ll? times ll times IO times 9 times ........... 8 times 7 times G times 5 times 4 times . 3 times 2 times I times . Inserted P e b . March 27 I 9 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 5 16 IF You prefer to have •mr solicitor make a per­ sonal call, just Phone 8 0 0 0 T H E D A I L Y T E X A N , ' P. O. Box 1927, U n iversity Station, Austin, T e x a s . Please insert attached ad in The D*»!y T exan , times; I am enclosing check* to pay for sam e. & ii‘Penick Courts" Dedicated with Ceremonies And Brilliant Tennis Matches T H E D A I L Y T E X A N SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1927. M e n t o r H o n o r e d i n C o u r t D e d i c a t i o n BOLTON SPEAKS p lo fees in factories is very small. m eeting Thursday in contrast to the citizenship 20 practices which have been required “ Large, broad-minded the m ost important objective o f the heretofore. .. d* terrain mg positions log positions (Continued from page I) i school* today,*’ declared Dr. Bolton. 1 “ One lead e r is w orth nu.re th an . , th o u san d skilled hands. Every nation T his recom m endation wiss come be- severaI year8 ago. bas recen tly ac- . # .. is f*»re W .A.A. at large at the March ( e P*«d a position to coach athleticr mu t encourage vocation, but st ... „ To arouse noble 3 m eeting and all members are asked at Springer, New Mexico. At pres ,y(sentim ents and manly and womanly to consider the matter carefully b e-!ent he *• working on the Beaumon lists and fake psvt hoanalvsists now j. for civilians. for civilians. . .. . . ince th*- public is so gullible, qu ack : . psychologists have taken the oppor- tun tty t i . “get rich quick/' Hvpno v l r M * aml t#> awaken all the higher fore coming to the m eeting, accord- Enterprise. 4 track star and member of rn m er o f a to get in 20 p ractices fo r each a p o r t It has been d ifficu lt for the g ir lsj ° , m . bo(Jf t } “ ' 1 ,nc everything. unfry t<1j, . .. . . , , a « , ,, , . 4 . . . , . . . . . . , , ' .. * * . the w o r*d's m edley record — . „ , , , . ' , . j . . , ’ , . . . Richard McNatt, form er Longhorn 'KU 1 " \ the tea rn the team ! Seton c j ara Hoden, Kermit K. Kloepper, B u tler Ed H erm an Rnht c,a. H e m a n , Boot, o u u e r, 1 om sCam pbell, H. H. C hapm an. ti r*u St. Davit*’* Margaret Kilgore, L. V. Oakes, J. IE. McCary, Ellen Wright MCNATT WILL COACH HOSPITAL LIST * “ t\T‘ !“ u!', „ be F n ™ * ''C o n n e ll, p r e s e n t . V .7 , « r“ t i , t . . i i , . * n O H all alx.ut thcm w lvni, and most. u t t h / / ' " ' ’' J , ™ * v"*>“ ni«iU0n, within thin*, told ar,, probably nm,or krsw n :th/ I Dr. Bolton expressed pleasure at vV.A.A. will be interested in know- , ■■. jf . i i , I j DV Lr$€? j seeing such evident signs o f growth mg that the Te-W AA-Hiss challenge , . IT : Dr. Bolton ended his lecture by university as expressed by the for a one hundred per cent mem- L akin.* I, f.lr- | , ] making a plea to all teacners to take , shacks on the campns, and said that he heirship in W.A.A. closes Thursday. ; bi stand against the fakers, and teach- , , r . a a i mg the children to take the true and , J leave th , f . l * . Only when th , pub- T / w ? " * ' , " p o th e r formerly lie is edaeated, will the , bad often wanted to visit Texas Urn- March 3. N « t m eetm c w.ll be in the form t a r ,, had o f a .pecm l welcome for M m Anna in , written him so much about it, and Hiss. ex c item e n ti" f ' / H* f ° ry Josephine Applewhite > . .. ~ ,, ‘ i a * .. if , , . , ,, ........................ rt r , . * » * . . . . i . « j . . ..» .[ , . is .. » , " , i ’ . , , . , . , , . caused by quack psychologists sub- 1 J ' J I , that he was not at ad disappointed, .• . . . charge. 1 1 1 —-------- DR B O L T O N S P E A K S A T E D U C A T I O N A L B A N Q U E T Dr. Bolton is probably best known -------------_o ____ ; to college students a-: the inaugura- F R E S H M E N M E E T tor of the plan for no study over the week-ends. M O N D A Y T O P L A N F O R S O P H F I G H T T a x E x e m p t i o n B i l l B y H A L L O N G Dr. Bolton was honored by a ban jquet last evening at f» o'clock in. the University Cafeteria, sponsored by I ' Phi Delta Kappa, Pi Lambda Gamma, [and the Education Association. Dr. Bolton spoke* after the the g re a t lV * 8 *on an^ °n E n g r o s s e d b y S e n a t e Coming close on the heels of the soph meeting held Thursday night, when a challenge was issued to the in a f tho Floyd bill designed to exempt chun rush next Wednesday was the Pro* J the University from the payment of announcement Friday afternoon that importance of the inheritance tax on over a millionjthe first year men will meet Monday dollars given by W\ (J. McDonald, de- n >srht a t 7 o'clock in the Law Audi- traditional ,-eased, fo r the purposes of construct- Engrossment by the .Senate Friday freshman class to participate to plan for the gram on ____ _ torium | ( *n * P e k i n g of present day educa- jng the largest astronomical observa- encounter. c larod that education cannot Hopping stone to mo.e occupations because there that important, and showed mor** j education is not the financial burden so popularly supposed, but rather makes property value what it is at all j t imes, the thoro should be tory in the world in TiWcas, marked “ We intend to show the sophs that to be ashamed th<. fjrst Bt,.ps toward final disposition spirit is not lagging among the Diem- I bere of the clam of ’SO,” stated Hor- ’ In any occupa- of the maU,,,.. is expected to de- ris L. Williamson, elected vice-presi- only velop atraiT)>t the measure. If the dent, and now at the helm by virtue amon* thmv who an> !‘a rt of H* bill finally passes, the University will of the absence of “ Cowboy” Sewell, elected president last term. “ Monday the . challenge of the second year men, There is now a contest on between an<^ will select a committee to confer important quests runs enormously high. are nom tx* a ^ e inheritance tax on such large be- night we will officially answer lb* also de- j jje many thousand dollars richer, as No oppOKit ,,,n the University and relatives of the with theirs on plans for the fray.” dead benefactor who are attempting | to break the will, but the case has j MISS STURTEVANT SPEAKS not been finally disposed of. o------------- Misa Sarah Sturtevant from Teach­ ers’ College of Columbia University will speak to the co-eds of the Uni­ ts ' vewity Monday, February 28, at 5 b p o r t N e w W A A R u l e o'clock in the Girls’ stu d y Hall. Sen- j iors are especially invited since Miss fifteen Sturtevant will take as her subject be urged to go directly practices per term should be requir- Vocational Guidance and Opportuni- 1 5 P r a c t i c e s i n E a c h W.A.A, Council voted that mar a a va ---------- rn, I hools into industry b e - jed for all W.A.A. sports at a regularities for women. CLOTHES R e a d y m a d e And Cut to Ordttr E S T A B L I S H E D E N G L I S H U N I V E R S I T Y S T Y L E S , T A I L O R E D O VER Y O U T H F U L C H A R T S SO L E L Y FOR D I S T I N G U I S H E D I N T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S . S E R V I C E i I £ Charter Kiouse Suits and Topcoats *40, *45, *50 as The Penick Courts, the new tennis tournament courts! in the stadium p ark will he I called, were dedicated Friday afternoon with fittin g eulogies for the man for whom they w cr* named, and with an exhibition off tennis playing that thrilled the spec­ tators that almost filled the newly erected a fresh norther kept the crowds shiv­ ering, the sunshine gave the shel­ tered courts, the fin**-’ in the South, the appearance of a mid-summer tournament, grandstand. Although Sp I* w rn Dedicates Climaxing a group of talks by Var­ sity and ex-student tennis enthusiasts, I.owis in which Gillespie Stacy, White, and Red Mather praised Dr. D. A. Penick and his record as a coach and patron of tennis at the University, Dr. W. M. W. Splawn. the dedicatory president, delivered address, announcing for first the time the decision for the name of the courts. He also praised Dr. Penick. P en lek R e s p o n d s 1 Frosh Baseball Men Called For Answering a call for a short speech \ Dr. Penick told the spectators that I he did not regard the success that tennis has had at the University as any particular merit of his, but he the cause rather ascribed the matenai which the during the time he h a s b e e n coach. University in the future report to him lion affecting, so vitally, th** destiny freshmen and U°n* ° r Hflton **Plorer' * nt rm'- 11 -l that all * _ , Jdency among teach er Requesting ............ .eh * to University authorit ies have en- Conch W. J. Disch issued the j of o&tktnn, 7ulTT ? \ » r ? n i » Z \ l “ I wa* both surprised and grati­ fied at the hotter,” said Dr. Penick. I believe that the bouquets were misplaced, though.” Dr. S p la ^ i and L. Theo. Bellmont pulled the cords that unveiled the the nameplate over the center of grandstand while Dr. Penick watched the proceedings in surprise In what was perhaps the feature match of the afternoon, Wilmer Al­ lison of the Varsity squad defeated Berkeley Bell, freshman and r a n k -J ing junior player, 6-2, *1-6, 6-4. Bell’s I chop stroke was matched against Al- j I iron’s deep smashing drives to th* back court. two former captains, Lewis White and Gillespie Stacy, defeated this year’s No. I team of Allison and Ferguson, F-6, 6-4. The exes* cannonball serv­ ice, coupled with White’s steadiness and Stacy’s brilliant recoveries, fi­ nally won over the more erratic youngsters. the doubles!, In Other scores for the afternoon were as follows: Mather d. Ferguson, 6- 1, 6-4. Quick d. Wilkinson, 6- 1, 6-4. Dunlap and Boone d. Minehen and Disch issued the I* I first eal1 for yearling baseball play- ; first call for yearling baseball play­ ’ |ers of the year. Those who wish to ' ^ r * brought out. l e t of the year. Th*■ -«•— — Feb. 25 ' ; I K N O W M ATH J, D o y o n ? T h ree y ears' co a c h in g ex p erien ce, recom m en d ed by th e fa c u lty . D ial 9816 for A n d rew W ood s. J u l 5 Ka f . M m h n U eautifu{ ^ - p a i n t e d A D o han'i ! ? , ' ? Da v ’ * !,d G reet ing card*. « rd. ' £ o ? r Bd"ovr,tk-' G uadalupe. P h o n e 42-37. i i CO ACH ING — G erm an A, I , an d 2 b y grad- | u a te o f G erm an U n iv e r s ity . R eco m m en d - j ed by m em b ers o f G erm an D ep artm en t. - M arch 28 2 f 09 N u e c e s. P h on e 4 9 2 8 . CO ACH ING — S p a n ish A , I , 2, a te ., F ren ch . I know S p a n ish a s w ell you know E n g lish . H u b ert L ee. 2 3 4 3 0 . and as P hon e -—J u s I r iv in g ev e r y d ay. L A D IE S — S p rin g h a ts and a r ­ sh o e s ere For b e tte r valu e, try G ary's. U p sta irs o v e r W oui w o r th ’s. W hen Meh. 8 you g o up p rices g o dow n. M ATH A N D P H Y S IC S CO ACH — E xp ert c o a c h in g . F iv e y e a r s' ex p erien ce. S tr ic t ­ ly u n d er S a tis fa c tio n g u a ra n teed . D ial ,69*3 fo r G old en . Meh 21 th e honor s y s te m . DRESSMAKING LOST AND FOUND LOOK YO UR B E S T — S ee Mr*. B a iley {or th e la te s t trim m in g* in b r o m e an d silv er. Let m e d e sig n and do you r sp rin g d r e s sm a k ­ in g , The Walton, phone 8305* — 2 FO R S A L E — S ch o la rsh ip in o n e o f th e lea d ­ in g b u s in e s s c o lle g e s o f th e S o u th w e s t in te r e ste d , w rite M an ager, B ox 1927, — t i If W’ ni v e r i t y S ta tiu s . IDEAL PLACE TO ROOM f ( ’Jf. m e n ,. D elightful upstairs bed th r ee room . p . r t - room * eepm g Porch, Reduced rates s t 1934 San -n„,j A n to n io . A lso g a r a g e fo r ren t. I FOi n . BO Y^ ~ N ie« < i^ct room s w ith sle e p - modern conveniences. A l S f t d T i anud f t U .ble 0 '' *« ta- tH* CiR,* m pd REV. H. BASCOM WATTS, PASTOR “Tampering With The Mainspring” Pastor's subject for “Family Night” at U niversity M ethodist Church, Sunday, February 2 7th , 7 :3 0 P . M. A Bi! la will be p re­ sented to th e larg est family present, one to the couple who have been m arried longest, one to couple most re ­ cently m arried , and one to the individual who has been a m em ­ b er of church th e longest. Fam ilies arc to be seated to gether. Will b ro ad cast over KUT. Mr. McEuen will have ch arg e of Musical prgoram . CHAS. H. McEUEN Director of Music and Student Activities. THE WALTER TIPS COMPANY Automobile Accessories 708 Congress Hardware and Machinery Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition