S f o r B a i l i j E e x c t n First C ollege D aily Id th e South A U ST IN , TEXAS, F R ID A Y , MAY 26, 1922 OF VARSITY HAND Radio Reports of Texas Wins Heard By Cheering Exes STUDENTS MAKE PLANS TO ORGANIZE COUNTIES TO HELP ONION CENTER I HOLDS INITIATION NO. 176 M andolin Club A ssists Long­ horn M usicians at Semi- Popular Concert its organization, in union with As a closing perform ance of one of the most successful years in the the history of the Longhorn Band Mandolin Club presented a forty­ five minute concert last night on the platform at the south side of the Chem istry Building. . , o f S even ty More R ep resen tatives Counties A sk ed to M eet T o­ nigh t and O utline W ork than one hundred enthus­ iastic friends and graduates of the U niversity waited breathlessly in the radio station at Gatesville last Fri­ day and Saturday when reports of the Texas-Baylor games were broad­ casted play by play from the Uni­ seventy counties Students versity radio station. Each play was will meet the tnt* " « • m m , posted on the window opposite th e 1 r Law, Education and Main Buildings i* * station to the relief or excitement of , . excitement of tonight a t 8 oclock and discuss work the w aiting crowd, according to word in their respective counties, including from Gatesville. the electing of perm anent county A message chairmen, and the organizing of each county so th a t it will be able to work during the summer. ' in in various rooms in various rooms in .. ... . 0 By H. C . S tilw e ll the Lampasas from station said, “ When the 12th inning of the second Texas-Baylor game was came over and innings,’ ‘Texas wins everyone alm ost w ent the roof.” the grand words through tw elfth from . V : " n . in , VOLUME XXII L T NIGHT STAGED BT CO-ED ATHLETES IIT BTM SELLERS Of OLO FORDS BEGIN TO OOO STEPS OF MININO DISTANCE HIKER D ealers T rying to Sell Car to B ennett F lanagan, W ho W alks to San A ntonio A w ards o f Four H undred Second hand automobile Point ‘T * Sw eaters, and B lankets A re M ade THREE BLANKETS BIVEN in Austin have hunted VV. Bennet returned Flanagan, who has from his cighty-ftve mile walk to San Antonio, ever since he arrived, | as a result of his alleged statem ent O f f ic e r s for N ext Year Installed that he would use the hundred dollar the j purchase of a small automobile of some well-known make. and M anagers for Sports Nam ed purse he won by his walk ju st in ‘ T gy last night at .night, staged b e t 7:K> in the W oman's Gymnasium was! Flanagan was to walk from Austin the biggest “ T ” night ever held, both to San Antonio, the only check upon being ids ° wn word. He started from result and of a “ bullfest” in which he declared th at he could walk to San Antonio In the num ber of awards . given the enthusiasm at f^.30 Monday night, as a am ount of am ount conditions of his were p rese n ted .I forty eight hours. awards made sho^n. All athletic during the year Katherine Brougher, of A ustin; Lloyd M artin of San Antonio, and Polly Norton of Llano received the highest award of the Woman’s Ath­ letic Association, the blanket, which requires 1,400 points. Those who had earned 900 points time, getting He made the first lap of the jo u r­ to ney in excellent New Braunfels, fifty miles from Austin by eight o’clock of the night following his start. A fter getting eight hours of sleep in New B raun­ fels, Flannagan again, weakened physically but still filled forth set Longhorn Nine of 1923 To Be Lead By Rube Leissner Rube Leissner was elected captain for the Longhorn nine of 1923. at a m eeting of this year's baseball the Jenscn-Raynier studio team at dealers yesterday afternoon. The vote was by acclamation, and unanimous. had been A fter their pictures made, the presented le tte r men Coach Billy Disch with a beautiful solid gold signet ring, atem pting, in a small m easure, to show their ap­ preciation and love for the g reat baseball wizard. The .ring was ap­ the propriately figure “ l l ” on the outside, rep re­ senting Coach Disch’s eleventh con­ secutive Southw estern Champion­ ship, and on the inside it had “To W. J . Disch from members of South­ w estern Champions of 1922.” engraved, having Disch, tam , Buss Gillette, the Captain-elect, Rube Leissner, and “T y” Cobb, the retiring m anager. senioosI eoinexaaas sw eaters. These were with fche determ ined spirit of his i received Linda Allen, A ustin; Mina Bennett, J Irish ancestors. The last part of his | Faculty C om m ittee M oves Part Alamagordo, N. M.; K atherine i journey was says Fnann- terrible, Brougher, A ustin; H arriette Brush, gan; it took him two hours to make A ustin; Billie lo u ise ('lark, A ustin;] the last two miles, during the course Naomi Cocke, A ustin; Thelma D il-j0f which he fell to the ground three Ii agha rn, A ustin; W erna Hargis,* Aus­ times. -But he persevered, and a r­ tin; Lloyd M artin, San Antonio; rived in San Antonio, where he went Mary McKay, A ustin; Lucille Tray-* first to get a Turkish bath and a Aor, New W averly; and Laura T h o r n y rubdown, a fte r which re reported to son, San Antonio. o f Q u izzes for G raduates up a W eek ______ the St. Anthony Hotel. “ T ” A w a rd . The 400 point “T ” was won by Jessie Anderson, Genevieve Aron, H arriette Barrickm ann, Mina Ben­ nett, Elsie Brown, H arriette Brusn, Helena Buss, Inez Clary, Frances Cocke, Alma Copelin, Elizabeth Dico, Thelma Dillingham, Marie Duncan, Hazel F ritter, Mary Louise Gardner,! Miriam Gerling, Mildred G off,I Johnye Gilkerson, Elizabeth F ish ,! Jessie Ham ner, Ella Fay Gregg, Ruth H artgraves, Hallie H artgraves, V irda Hinton, Vivienne Howell, Lil­ lian James, Annie Ray K ieffer, Aile* Klotz, Bella Kroll, K atherine Lemley, Inez Lung, Mattie Mike, Dorothy Most, Medina Oliver, Kath- alee Powers, M ary Tom Powers, Helen Reed, Gleo Richey, Thelba Lee flippy. Linnie Scott Rountree, Elva Rodgers, Fay Shelton, Ruth Smith, Florence Stullken, Agues . Townsend, Cart ie Bel Thomas, Sibyl Vedder. f a ­ ther Wilson, Thisba Worley, Eugenia Smith. P a t t i e S u e D a v i t G a t . C u p the Pattie Sue Davis of Memphis, silver Tennessee was awarded loving cup presented to the mem­ ber of the W oman’s Athletic Asso­ ciation with the largest num ber of Taints by Ruby K. Daniel of Dallas. Miss Daniel is a form er University student, and was president of W. A. A. in 1920-21. Katherine B rougher was an nouncod as the winner of the highest I award offered by T urtle Club, the gold turtle. Silver tu rtles were glv-1 en to Lloyd M artin, E tta Gilbert, j Laura Thomson, Alice Dominguez and Sibyl Vedder. Virginia M antor received the hig h -1 est award of the Racqqet Club, a j gold racquet.. H arriette Brush, a* runner-up in the recent elimination tournam ent, received the silver rac-j quet. The following team s for spring (Continued on page 4) INSTILLED He retu rn ed to Austin on the 12:20 and was met by his friends with a great ovation, which added to the $100 he considers ample compensa­ tion for his expended energy. -------------------- o -------------------- _ _ * Committee to Hear Claims for Blanket Tax Apportionment Members of the appropriation com­ m ittee of the Assembly will m eet to ­ morrow a t three o’clock to hear the claims of all organizations" desiring apportionm ents from the blanket tax next year. Archie D. Gray announced last nigh th a t this comm ittee would the make its recom mendations assembly based on the findings of the m eeting today. to The com m ittee th at will hear these claims is composed of Ira J . Allen, John Meyers, and C. ft. Normand. T EXAS R A N K ED HIGH IN COLLEGE W ITS CONTEST ahead Texas hum orists came out tenth on the list of college wits who com­ peted in the contest held recently o f by Judge, being placed many schools having old and well established hum orist weeklies. About one-hundred and fifty colleges were ] entered in the contest. I A girl from . Seatle, Washington , won the silver cup offered for the best a rt work, subm itting a cover de ; sign in color, th at was used on the I special College Wits edition of th* I magazine. PUBLIC READINGS END Public readings for this scholastic year ended last week when Dr. Rob ert A. I^aw read from the recent stories of Kipling. The readings dur­ ing the year have been conducted un­ der the auspices of the Public Lec­ tures comm ittee of the faculty and in view of attendance and student interest have been very successful. ---------------------------o-------- -— PRE MEDS ASKED TO REPORT A. E. F. CLUB MEET? TONIGHT O fficers of the A. E. F. Club for next year will be elected a t a m eet­ ing of the club to be held a t the U niversity Y. M. C. A. this evening! at 7 o’clock at the call of P e rry Po rter, president. As this the last m eeting of the year, all business on hand will be finished off, and there will be no other program . is — — o— *---------- EDUCATION CLINICS Classes in first year Education are now holding clinics in the study of various types of children, and in the study of methods of giving tests th a t are needed in efficient schools. A study is being made of the methods used in teaching oral speech to deaf children, a t the D eaf and Dump In ­ stitu te this week, and next week will be devoted to observation o f types a t the Feeble-Minded Institute. * o —....................... — CO-OP REBATES Pre-M edic Society C loses A ll Business for Y ear at Final M eeting ---------- University Pre-Medical closed their official year at a bust-] their names ness meeting t ided not to hold the annual banquet of the society this year, as had been previously planned. last night. Phe-Medieal students expecting to , enter the School of Medicine a t Gal- students] veston this fall, who have no t given to Dr. J. R. Bailey, They ne- have been requested by registrar E* J. Matthews to notify some one in bra office, as the Dean at Galveston wishes to know how many students to prepare for. Rebates on purchases made by the University Co-Op are now being made a t the rate of fo u r per c e n t Last Saturday was the last day fo r stu ­ dents to tu rn in th eir rebate tickets and any who failed to get their tick­ et! in by th at tim e cannot do so now. The reb ates will be given out the rest of this week. '— - —H I — — I MST ALL OFFICERS TfcDAY After clearing all business le ft on hand, officers fo r the fall term of next year were installed. They are as follows: —o- TAKE FRESHMAN PICTURES Kent Hunt, president; C. D. J Present Day Club will install its officers for the coming year at the _____________ _ __ . . . ____ _ Pictures of all freshmen who were last regu lar meeting, held in Main Thompson, vice-president; Maudlej given numeral# will be taken this a f . I Building 158 at 5 o7clock this afte»l Marie Bums, secretary; R. H. El- ternoon at 5 o'clock. The men win noon. The incoming officers ar* the skull; Nan L. | meet at Coach Littlefield’s office ar I Alma Copelin, president; Ruth Qm- Hot, keeper of representative; that time, and will go from there lo ham. treasurer, and Floyd Hassell Gilkerson, Galveston IS. R* Smith* treasurer* | hiv# tiller picture mndc* I secretary, Because of the popular nature of at Wooldridge ; Park Monday night by the Band, r*~ Short talks were made by Coach \ quests were made of Director Bur- the program given the retirin g Longhorn C ap-. n e tt p harr t0 r(ipeat the perf orm an„ on the campus. Greatest appreci­ ation and interest was shown by the large audience which attended this twilight concert. Members of the Mandolin Club found special favor in their presen­ tation of several popular melodies including “ Bow Wow Blues,” “ Ain’t Nobody’s Darling,” “ Swarme River Moon,” and “ Ten Little Fingers.” In addition to the messages from similar and Lampasas, Gatesville acknowledgem ents have been re­ ceived here from Gonzales, Bonham, Yoakum, Valley View, other re­ places th a t caught the ports of the game sent out by the U niversity station. and radio TURTLES IM B E D TO ' W H . HIGH SCORERS V edder W ins Long Plunge and U nd er-w ater Sw im ; Brough­ er G ets Most Points According to Director P harr this will be the last concert of the season. Erwin F. Smith, m anager the band, had planned to close the year’s A l f exam inations "for Ju n e g r a d u - |work with the W oodridge Park con- The A dm inistrative Council of the general faculty voted in its session W ednesday afternoon th at all cand!-J dates for graduation in June, 192Z, j t who have exam inations scheduled for •Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ot the regular exam ination week, shall take them on Thursday, Friday and S aturday, respectively, of the reced­ ing week, in the same order and a t the same tim e as scheduled. ates coming on Monday, Tuesday, and W ednesday of the regular exam week, will be taken ju st as scheduled. Those set for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of next week will be taken by candidates for June gradu­ ation in the auditorium of the Law Building, at the regular examination hours,— nine until the m orning, and two to five in the a f ­ ternoon, noon. twelve in de­ and “ La Paloma,” that fantastic Span­ ish seranade, harmonized with the twilight setting and received popular favor from the audience. Rather more classical, Sousa* I lightful! presented, were I For making the highest number of “ Field Artillery March,” “ A Night in points on strokes, dives, and stunts Berlin” and A lexander's “ Olympia Hippodrome March.” ip the T urtle Club, a gold turtle was awarded to Katherine Brougher at the last m eeting of W. A. A. Thurs­ day night. Silver tu rtles were given to Lloyd M artin, Laura Thompson, Alice Domingues, and Sibyl Vedder, who came next on the list of points. At the swimming meet which was held a t Deep Eddy Wednesday after noon, Lloyd M artin took first place. K atherine Brougher came next, fol­ lowed by Laura Thompson, Alice Domingues, Sybil Vedder and Thirba Worley. The first place in the meet counted fo r sixty points toward the gold tu rtle , and the next five places counted fifty , forty, thirty, twenty and ten respectively. Activity of the Cosmopolitan Club for this year closed with an informal meeting on Dr. W. T. M athers lawn. Election of officers for th e -coming pro­ ---------------------------o------------- O fficers E lected at of C osm opolitan Club Last Y early M eeting cert. of i year followed a short social This modified schedule is not o p -1 £ ram - Mr. M. A. H enry gave tional, and m ust be followed by all I Piano 80,01 PearI C- Dahl #P°ke on New Zealand; and Miss Vertrees candidates, and by no one except gave a talk on Geneva. The follow­ candidates fo r graduation this June, ing officers were elected: Tom Nash, according to E. J. Matthews, secre­ president; A. P. MiKtchevitcb, vice­ tary of the A dm inistrative Council, president, and Lucy Plunkett, secre­ and chairman of the schedule com­ tary. m ittee. Sybil Vedder, made a long plunge going 40 feet inches. Martin l l pluned 40 fee t 6 inches, and Thom­ son 38 feet 8 inches. under-w ater Miss Vedder again the distinguished herself in swim, leaving the others behind when she swam IOO feet. Miss Brougher got away for 85 1-2 feet, while Penn made 83 feet. In the IOO foot dash* Miss Brough­ er took first place in 21 seconds, and Lloyd M artin second in 23 seconds. AUXILIARY SELLS P O P P IE S to Red poppies will be sold by the American Legion Auxiliary the Travis Post on Saturday, May 27, for the benefit of the Auxiliary work. The poppies sold on th a t day will serve a two-fold purpose to honor the dead and to aid in making the living Veterans more happy. Although sold on Saturday, the poppies are not to be worn until Monday, May 30, in honor of the dead. BEGIN HALF-HOLIDAYS All city employees will enjoy half* holidays each Saturday afternoon a f­ ternoon beginning June I and con­ tinuing through Septem ber 30. Th* resolution providing for these halt^ holidays was introduced into the city commission by H arry L. Haynes, and Satuv- was unanim ously adopted. j day, Ju n e 3, will be the first holiday that the employees will have. BAYLOR ALUMNI BANQUET The state-w ide Baylor University alumni banquet, which was origin­ ally set fo r April 13, b u t was post­ poned, will be held a t the Driskall Hotel, Thursday, June I a t 7 p. rn. A musical program for the evening*# entertainm ent has been arranged. Governor N eff will preside as toast­ m aster, and many prom inent men who have been students a t Baylor will speak on the program. The Cosmopolitan Club is under the auspices o f the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. lf. C. A. Its purpose is to bring the students of all nationah- tie8 together for their m utual aid and benefit. — - o — ■■■ ..... CO ED P.T. WORK ENDS W ITH EXAM S THIS WEEK Work training in girls’ physical is being rounded off for the year in the examinations th at arc being- held, in all classes and a1! sports dur­ ing this week. Finals in swimming were held Tuesday a t Deep Eddy,] and will be held at the same place again Friday. Canoeing finals, as} well as those in the land sports and dancing are already finished. No P. T. classes will be held during dead Week. —— o——-------- STEP-SING TO BE REPEATED On the steps of the Main Build­ ing at 7 30 this evening, the second step-sing will be held. • As before, the Mandolin Club will assist with the music, and copies of the favorite Varsity son ga to be sung will be on hand for ail present. POSTAL STATION CLOSES The University Postoffice S ta­ tion will be closed Friday a fte r­ noon from 3 to 4 o’clock, because of a meetin gof all portal em- ployees which will be held at that time. George W. Sparenberg, newly appointed postm aster, will this meet all time. Out-going Postm aster J e f­ ferson Johnson will alan attend the meeting to have a last meet­ ing with the entire staff. the employees at S ixteen Neophytes A dm itted * in to Circle Which G ives Them Hearty R eception FEATURE H E STICKS" “ B est Initiation Ever,” D eclares G eorge Hill, President o f O rganization B y Lloyd J. G regory the Above “ T ” Association. the resounding smaek of paddle coming in contact with human flesh, and even above joyous laughter of the old *‘T” men were heard the agonizing groans yesterday afternoon n East Woods of the six­ teen neophytes, as they were ad­ m itted into the select circle of the Longhorrt Im ­ m ediately following the hearty re ­ ception given to the new men, A th­ letic D irector Bellmont, gathered the initiates together for a group picture. Upon observing the refusal of any of the athletes to seat themselves for the picture, George Hill, until yes­ terday president of the “ T ” Associ­ ation, declared: “It is the best in iti­ ation we have ever had, if any of you are able to sit down for a weak, I shall feel that we old men ~ railed to do our duty today.” L ait of Neophyte* The men who were admitted to the fold yesterday were: George Ritchie, V ernon Schuhardt, Albert Curtis, Oscar Eckhardt, Heinie Odom, Ben­ n ett Smith, Cecil Hilliard, W alter Craddock, Arthur Allen, Leon Gor­ man, Raleigh Sapp, Clarence Hem- sill, Dial Shropshire, John Mulcahy, Ed Carson. of ceremony Exceeding impressive was the^lm- tiation yesterday. N aturally heavy emphasis was placed on the “ rough and ready” stuff, and the new men showed they were of Longhorn letter caliber by having as much or more fun out of the pro­ ceedings han did the wielders of the “ Big Sticks.” However, occasion was not lacking in more dignified de­ tails. C ertifica te* P resen ted to into For instance, as each men was be­ ing prepared to set out on his hazar­ dous journey, he was presented with a certificate of membership. The retain neophyte was instructed possession of the priceless souvenir and token a t all costs, and to have the certificate framed after the cere­ mony, in commemoration of his ad­ organization of mission the V arsity athletes. And despite the strenuous efforts of and despite the strenuous efforts of the old men to secure possession of these certificates each o f the neophytes arrived a t the j end of his tumultuous journey witn ; the paper in his won hand the old I men to secure possesion of these certificates, each of the neophytes upon arrived at the end of his tum ul­ tous voyage with the certificate In his own hand. A fter a short business meeting, In (Continued on page 4) “SPORTS G ir l _ ____ PRESS It is the desire of the executive committee th a t each county unit or­ ganize the alum ni in th eir respective counties into organizations during the summer. Much work is being the students now, done among all not for the purpose securing pledges or of authorizing them to se­ to cure pledges from alum ni, but inform students so th at they will be able to work respective towns and counties. • th eir of in The list of counties and the place they will meet a re : Ed. B. 206, Bas­ trop; L. B. 105, Bell; Ed. B. 310, Cherokee; Ed. B. 307, Coleman; Ed. B. 203, Collins; Ed. B. 208, De W itt; Ed. B. 223, H arrison; Bd. B. 203, Hayes; M. B. 206, Hill; M. B. 140, H unt; M. B. 134, Nueces; Ed. B. 210, Robertson; M. B. 209, Wood; Ed. B. 207, Dallam, H artley, Moore, Ochie- tree, Roberta and Sherm an; M. B. 208, Arm strong, Deaf Sm ith, Dpnley, Gray and Randall; M. B. 225, Chil­ dress, Collingsworth, C attle, Hemp­ hill, Stonewall and Lipscomb; M. B. (Continued on page 4) Many to Complete Trials for Places in Sigma Delta Psi Many aspirants for Sigma Delta Psi have been making th eir final ef­ forts to qualify for eith er senior o t j junior time in the various events this week; but few are making senior standing. “ Doc” Goddard, by qualifying In the IOO yard swim yesterday m orn­ ing, became the second Sigma Delta Psi member of this year with senhor standing. G. M. Ritchie is the other athlete who has made the athletic fratern ity during this spring’s tr y ­ outs. Among those who will in all prob­ ability finish their requirem ents foe senior standing before school closes are Jim Reese, J. L. McCullough, A. Ragland, J. P. Cook, and A. L, Ainsworth. FORTY-ONE MEM BERS OF B A N D WILL G ET A W A R D S Forty-one “T and L yre’s” have been ordered by the advisory board of the Longhorn Band to be awarded to members showing the g reatest ra­ the past te rest and ability during year. The award this year is to be the standard for the fu tu re. It con­ sists of a pin, which bears a “T ” and a a lyre, attached by a chain small guard in the form of a head of a Longhorn steer. to The names of those who will re- j ! ! Wl ! hiS, *War^ hf Ve "0t yBt been U °-ed A thletic Paper W ill Be announced by the board. R eady for Distribution in t h e M o rn in g — " o NEARLY ALL CACTUS SOLD Only a few copies of the Cactus, are now left on the hands of the business staff, according to.* an­ nouncem ent made yesterday. As all these books were ordered, and pay­ m ents were therefore made on Hume, if they are not called for, the stu­ dents who ordered lose their original de; < sit. Year-books are now being sold to students who placed n j orders lart fall. them will -o— NEW CANDY SHOP Newest of the additions to the lit­ tle city along the west side of G uad­ alupe, opposite the campus, is a can­ dy shop installed next door to the V anity Beauty Shop and the Owl Lunch Room, during the past week. The shop is simply a confectionary, no other lines being carried, and all candy being made on the location. “The Sports Girl,” an eight page paper which is being put out by the m em bers of the Woman’s Athletic Association, will be ready for sale S atu rd ay morning. It will contain a resume of the big things which the Association has done during the year, and all of the recen t events. There are also stor­ ies on what is expected to be don* next year. There will be eighteen cuts including a cartoon by Jane tv. Worthington. This is the first time that the As­ sociation has ever attem pted to pub­ lish a paper devoted women’s ath ­ letics. The reason for this edition was th a t the weather and tig ris® * . in the lake prevented tov women from being carried ob in the usual way, and it was suggested th at a ' paper be published in o rd er to m aintain interest. Members of W. A, A. dis the reporting for the sports i ! ’ l € f x a t t P r e s e n t D a y C lu b , M B. I SS. Martha McCoy, Editor the ideas of the student body. When they are changed, the papers (which if they are any good at all represent w ith fair th ink accuracy what and feel) will soon follow. students / l l HAE** JACK TOMAS q . POULARD Supervftaiag Bual aaa* M anager lou is* ODA DK EY a t * KEITH COPP AGS Advewttaia* liana**-!? STAFF FOE TODAY Miry Bowman— ,_____ Hay EL h m Myrtle MsL* m . m m ........ t**a* Editor Axillant A»*S«taat REPORTERS W m oi*-D ]t,c k * n n F airfax Mi. b e t M*r*a'« t Blackburn Viola Ow fay I U ! * B r o w n Aaa* D-nnl* Jan# Wortbiaftoa Waifs,*** Da*i» H o m e * W a lk a r A. Banner H G .StII-rail Editorials Right now is th e tim e to com e in and select your goi^g-away luggage. And the best part o f it is th at we can giv e you now real honest fo goodness leather bags and cases, even low er than pre war prices T ravelin g B ags .... Suit C a s e s ................ D ress Trunks ......... W ardrobe Trunks H at B o x e s ...... Steam er Trunks ... P o r tm a n te a u s......... O ver-N ite Cases .... S p r i n g B r e a k f a s t a t M ic h ig a n The co-eds o f the University ot Michigan will formally greet spring with th**ir annual breakfast. This breakfast consists o f all spring dishes, especially s t r a w b e r r i e s and cream. lawn B luebonnet Shop of Silk U nd erw ear starts Satur­ day, sale B luebonnet Shop sale s ta r ts Saturday. E v e r y k i n d o f l u g g a g e f r o m th e b e s t t h a t is m a d e t h a t ii g o o d . Don’t fail to* to visit our fan cy leath er good s department make the selection o f graduation g ifts easy. va rd. Two students, who were en* gaged in an arm y te st o f liq u ify in g oxy gen, w ere blown to pieces. The others w ere taking a lectu re in the room above and w ere injured when. the floor was blown out by the rush o f air. M a r q u e t t S t a r t s D r i v e f o r N ew F ie ld At a mass m eetin g o f the stu d en ts and a lu m n i,o f M arquett U n iv ersity , at M ilwaukee a big drive for $200,- 000 was launched. The com m ittee will have plans drawn f o r a large stadium and a special gridiron. If the drive goes through, the athletic to m ake baseball a council plan major sport. S M. U. . P r e s i d e n t G e t s B is b o p rf e Dr.. H. A. Boaz, president of Southern Methodist University wan elected a bishop of the Methodist church, at the General Conference at Little Rock, Arkansas last week. Dr. Boaz has been in the service of the Methodist church since 1837. He has been holding the office of president of the university since 1920. THIS WEEK T o d a y S p. rn. D e W i t t C o u n t y s t u d e n t s , E d . B 2 0 8 , 7 : 3 0 p. rn. “ T ” b a n q u e t , C a c t u s T e a Room, 7 : 3 0 p. rn. considered more than two miles per hour* An this English girl who couldn’t do with ease would be In England an invalid. But here where the flow er of Texas manhood is gath­ ered, here where the youth o f Texas is supposed to attaih its peak of vig­ or, this little stunt is considered a noteworthy achievement for a young there were no moun­ m an! And tains to scale, no raging torrents to be breasted not hi ng of the sort, just the smooth shimmer o f a tae- viated road stretching out in the dis­ tance! ROY BEDICHEK. intended ALL POEMS the Frank Poetry Prize contest should be left at the English office M. B. 116, not later than Monday, June 5. for E. M. CLARK ALL (lashes in swimming will held at Jb-ep Eddy this week. MISS HISS C o l o r a d o G o lf T o u r n a m e n t The Colorado Aggies will clash with Colorado U niversity In a got! tournament next Saturday the Broadmoor links at Fort Collins. Much interest is shown by the stu­ dents of both schools, as their tourna­ ment will decide the championship of the Rocky Mountain conference. at in H a r v a r d L a b o r a t o r y E x p lo s io n Two students were killed and seven injured when a tank o f liquid oxygen exploded in the basement o f the J e f­ ferson physical laboratory, at Har- B luebonnet Shop sale of Sw eaters starts Saturday. B luebonnet Shop sale of Silk U nderw ear starts Satur day. Everybody realizes the vast im portance of keeping a nice wardrobe, and some people are puzzled as to the m ethods they should take, in trying to keep their clothes looking clean a n d neat. • T h ey s o o n come to the realiza­ tion that their clothes must be kept free of dirt, and th at this dirt must be removed in a scientific way, so as not to harm the m a te­ rial. O u r modern Cleaning and Press­ ing Plant does this. Phone Us Bes I A u stin T runk F actory 510 C ongress A ven u e miimilUIIfHMnrtHIHmWflfHiMHmtlHiminrtllltltlllilllimillllllHIMflifiliHmffllllHflllllfiWmfMHHWttlWIMIHimillHIHllHtHHUinUHilllHUSHinilliHlHliiillUii sr..- I Your Daintiest Organdy w ill be as fresh and crisp as a new one when cleaned by our new process— which gives organdy its natural gloss. Any perish­ able fabric is safe with us-^- All w ashable suits cleaned Austin, Teitas F irs t A m o n g C l e a n e r * P hone 6598 NICK LINZ 611 C ongress Dr T. F. Cox Dentist Scarbrough Bldg. Yonr Friend*, V on Boeckmann Jones Co. Printers i / 'i.\.m inly "Sj n W "A t; ►' ' r n ? ■ ' - . ’ -r '"->* . ±,-*__ - .?» **+..*■ **.- -*. v- - -e- "■ "'- rn? ..lim e * *■-■;<■>* .aof.*** .#»*-■•- .^v-*g.. .-aatSjaa. ^ ^ _ :* ..-3 to Yes, a daily visit the Helpy-Selfy is a good habit, be­ cause wholesome, appetizing « eating is a good habit. You can inspect for yourself how inviting everything is— and find just w hat you w ant for a light lunch or complete inner W est of the Cam pus—on Guadalupe GENUINE LORRAINE SEERSUCKER SUITS Regulars and Stouts YOUR MOST CHERISHED MEMORY BOOK CHUCK FULL OF COLLEGE PEP 513 Congress Avenue The School For Business Librarians A d e la id e R. Hasae, D ire c to r The Business Librarian is a recent addition to well-rounded busi­ ness organizations. Capable w om en sp ecially trained for this work are in demand at good salaries. Our courses include a stu iy o f the primary sources o f inform ation; processes of compilation; ca t­ aloging and indexing; accepted method* o f caring for and routing inform ation. P rofessional ethics will be inculcated. This speck* Braining fit you fo r an interesting and responsible occupation. in addition to your general education will The Washington School Jot Secretaries 1405 G S t r e e t B o x T W a s h i n g t o n , D. C ONLY A FEW MORE LEFT > Not Disappoint Your Sweetheart or Mother By Failing to Carry Home Your Cactus THE DAILY TEXAN Y.W.C.A. COLLECTS PLEDGES FOR SUPPORT OF SECRETARY IN ACTIVE SERVICE IN CHINA w m ir iU I * E le a n o r H indm u E d itor P l u m b J a c k s o n The marriage of Miss Jane Ja ck ­ son of Beaumont to Mr. Curtis Pium- »y also of Beaumont was solemnized bt t h e First Methodist Church of that bi tv Tuesday May 23. The bride is former University student and a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, is a graduate of Pittsburgh University and a member bf Delta Tau Delta fraternity: the groom hi Ie The church was decorated like a [garden with a trellis of sweet peas over the altar. Little Mary Martin and Fay Wilson opened the rose cov­ ered gates for the wedding party. The brides-maids. Misses Florence Fletcher, of Beaumont, Argoo .Tack- |Son of Corsicana, Pauline Pridgie of Beaumont, Tabby Jackson and Frkn- celle Jackson of Corsicana, Martha Frazier, Lucretia Hodges and Fay Weiss of Beaumont entered two by two, in chiffon dresses of pastel shades, and carrying pink roses and shepherdess, crook tied with maline [how. Mrs. P. B. Doty, sister of the [brith? was matron-of-honor, and Miss IKloise Hodges the maid of honor. Little Ruby Reed and Seawiltow Ect- [wards were flower girls. The bride mitered on the arm of her father, Mr Ben Jackson, and she wore a dress of white satin heavily In pearls and trimmed in cascades of real lace. The groom was attended ny Gordon Neece of Beaumont. beaded The ceremony was followed by a the Neches reception and dance at Club. A fter a trip to the Ozark Mountains, Mr. and Mrs. Plumby will make their home in Beaumont. M r . W. M. Tremble announces the marring, of her daughter, Billie Louise, to Sidney P. Chandler, Tues­ re­ day, May 16. Mr. Chandler ceived his law degree from the Uni­ versity last year, and was prominent in student affairs. Mrs. Chandler was a popular Fort Worth girl. Maude Woodyard of Belton ha* been visiting Misses Helen and Mad- alyn Baxter. Mrs. George from San Antonio fs visiting her daughter, Annie Kath- eryn, at Lubbock Hall. Mrs. Davies of San Antonio visiting her daughter, Rowena, Lubbock Hall. 1s at Tho?. H. Sanders has returned from a short business trip to San Antonio. The Faculty Club will hold its an­ nual barbecue Saturday evening at Barton Springs. Bernice MeClaren, of Southwest­ visiting Myrtle ern University, is Payne. John Madrid from Wichita Falls, has returned home a fte r visiting hts sister, Etta, at Driakill Hall. Mrs. Jolly from Lockhart has re­ turned after visiting her daughter, Vivian. Francis W hittaker and Elizabeth Stamps are visiting their parents In Seguin. Julia Mc Vicar has to school after a short visit to Fort Worth. returned Alma Wright has returned from house party. Virgil Lutrell has returned from a short visit to San Antonio. Susie Fisher of Houston is a guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. By Julia M. Crisp to a As the year draws close, every effort is being made to 'collect all pledges which have been made to the Y. W. C. A. The association Is very badly in need of all funds which are out, especially the sun)" which goes every year to Miss Nancy Leu Swann in China. Two years ago, the University As­ sociation Undertook the support of a foreign secretary. Miss Nancy Lee Swann, an alumna of this institution, was in this country on her furlough, after a service of six years in China. The Association selected Miss Swann as it representative, the place of ser­ vice to be named by the National Board. During Miss Swann's vacation year, she took her M. A. degree at the University of Texas. Her sub­ jects were: International Law, Gov­ ernment, and the History of the Far East, The subject of her thesis was The Shantung Province. It is inter­ esting to note that the National Board later assigned Miss Swann to the Shantung Province in its chief city, Tsinan. In this city she will be stationed for at least a period of five years. Because of Miss Swann’s previous experience of six years in China, and because she uses in Shantung prac­ tically the same dialect spoken in the Honan Province where she was form­ erly located, she has been* able tti two years to establish a city associ­ ation in Tsinan with one native sec­ report Miss retary. •Swann stated that hej association had raised by and from its local women four hundred dollars towards its bud­ get. The National Board expects, in a few years, to have these foreign associations meet all their expenses except the salary of the general sec­ retary. And this the women are glad In a recent Bluebonnet Shop sale sta rts to try to do. Many of th e ir gifts must be exceedingly small only a few cents given by each woman. high from established Miss Swann’s work now is chiefly the with girls in the schools : primary through the school, and the Girls’ Normal School. Next In i year there will be Tsinan a eo-edueational College. Lat­ er, work for the city will be begun. Naturally she will be able to find the leadership best women to develop and to encourage to study abroad. Already this province has forty-nine students in America alone, Molding Ma now’ a student in the University of Texas, being one of this number. Recently at a dinner given to news­ paper reporters, by the high officials of the province including its gover­ nor, Miss Swann was on the* program And made her address in Chinese. With this province now aroused from its long sleep, who can estimate how intelligent jrnuch this one secretary, in sympathy with the Chinese and point of view, can accomplish in a life time. “ J u st a tria l, please. Mrs. E d g a r Floyd, 112 W est 7th S tree t. D ressm akers.99 H illyer’s flow ers p ersu ad e w h ere arg u m en ts fail. P hone 61 GO. Try Q I O O Our J •VFVF Wa.himWashing tl fourth* MuhJrtf Austin Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. (W e Wash in Soft W ater) Dr. H. T. ParHft entertained at his home in Hyde Park Wednesday light. Those present were Dr. .D. J. Cooke, Charles H. Heimsath, A. Cooper, Billie Potts, Pat Lara- f ignore, Homer Toland, Alfonso Rag- and and H. A. Wroe Jr. • Town and Gown Club, composed pf fifteen faculty members and fif­ t e e n business men, held its annual J, E. c a r c e l Lodge seven miles up the ver. rbecue last night at Dr. from Dallas! Mr.,. Wilder Dunn, ublic Health Service Department is a guest of Mrs. T. H. Raymons at Grace Hall. Mrs. Dunn was former­ ly an assistant in the Chemistry De­ partment. Polly Thompson is visiting her rel­ Saturday. atives at Nvw Braunfels. Kona Collier is visiting her sister In Beaumont. Blanche Bennett is visiting In Houston. SPECIAL SALE Verna Evans is visiting Mary P a t­ SY r terson at her home in Austin. ON- Jeanette Milam is ill at Grace Hall. ------------- o------------- B luebonnet Shop sale of S w eaters s ta rts S a tu rd a y . B luebonnet Shop G ifts s ta rts S atu rd a y . sale of ——..—... -O--..— ii.— “ F o r F low ers Fone 8 2 6 1 /’ Box Stationery TWO BOXES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE JORDAN’S KODAK AND GIFT SHOP CLASSIFIEDS Alfred Ellison A. D. Boone 61 5 Congress John Bell, son of Mrs. Florence ^Sniith Bell, assistant dean of worn- m, has, returned from Roswell, New lexico, where he has been in mili­ tary college. Miss Sulena Jones of Hemphill is the house guest of Minnie Giesecke, at 24UC Rio Grande. Miss Jones is a former University student, and a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Hedwig Eichenburg, a medical stu­ dent at Galveston will arrive Sunday to be with her sister Irma Eichen- hurg, who will receive the degree of B, A. in June. Dixie Black, who has been ill at Seton, has withdrawn from the Uni­ versity and will return to her home in Jasper, Saturday. Irene Jones and Mattie Barnes left last night for Galveston where they will attend the final ball given by the Galveston the senior class of Medical school. Miss Hutton Laurans o f New Or­ of Kappa leans, district president Alpha Theta sorority is a guest at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Miss Sula May, former University student, has returned from Cotulla to bt* with her parents in Austin dur­ ing the vacation period. Doris Latham of Dublin, a former student of the University, is visiting friends on the campus. Cants Davis who has been the guest of Helen .Tamar has returned to Her home in San Marcos. Pi Kappa Alpha announces the In­ itiation of Donald M, Duson or El Campo, Texas. B luebonnet Shop H osiery sta rts S atu rd a y . sale LU FIX UP FOR THE SUMMER— Get a large cool room with sleeping porch. Rooms are attractive and conveniently across located street from Law Building. With o* without board. 2010 Wichita. Phone — tf. 3455. just STUDENTS— Good, tin t class bas­ her serries at tbs Hall of F ans, Palace Barber Shop, * next deer Is —i f Kress. DR. WILLIAM E. BERGMAN, salts 005 Littlefield Building, denial surgeon sud pyorrhea specialist, o f­ fice phone 2538. Austin, Texas, -—l f ate, satisfaction assured; HEMSTITCHING— Charges moder­ sewing st machines rented and Household Specialty Shop 17#0 La­ if. vaca. Phone 7086. repaired men during summer FOR RENT— Furnished rooms for 2508 Rio Grande. Available 25th inst. All conveniences with sleeping gallery. — 27 LOST— Gold Wahl fountain pen. Finder please return to Jack Life Texan office. Liberal reward. — 27 FOR RENT—Two coolest upstairs rooms in city. Hot water. Call 2104 Tom Green or dial 2911 morn­ — 29 ings. • LOST— A purple silk umbrella with ivory handle monogrammed F. F. K. Finder please phone 4616. — 26 FOR SALE—-One of the best clean­ ing and pressing establishments In the University vicinity. This is rn bargain, must be sold. Call at 712 Scarbrough Bldg. Ask for Thomas. — 26 LOST— on campus, case containing shell rimmed glasses and fountain lost pen. Finder please return to and found office. LOST— On tl^e campus, junior A. A M. pin with initials J. P. C. Re­ turn to lost and found office. Re­ — 28 ward. A lu m n i R ecall That A n n u a l Physics Joke DE F I N E e l e c t r i c i t y ” said th e P r o f. The class w as m o w n d o w n , o n e b y o n e , lik e so m a n y w h is k e r s. A n d th en “ no o n e has ever Keen able p r o p e r ly to define e le c t r ic it y s i n c e its d i s c o v e r y . ” A n d t h e s m i l e d r ie d on his face! S in c e I 8 4 0 W i l l i a m s Sha ving Soap has b e e n d e f i n e d b y h u n d r e d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f p e r f e c t i o n . c o l l e g e m e n w i t h o n e w o r d A n d it doesnt dry o n yo u r face. E xam ple— W illiams’ Shaving Cream. A t 7:50 you can whip up a cream y m ellow lather that so ften s the heart o f the toughest stu b b le. Y our snickersnee slips along to a slick jo b and a glove- sm ooth face— in time to catch chapel at 8. A n d the satisfaction afterwards is almost inde­ finable at that. Try it — tomorrow It*fora chapel, Cool Fresh Frocks for Wear Right Now with the assurance of hot, hot days, you long for the c o olest possible dress and what could be fresher than a dainty voile with a collar to set o f f your lace at its best. Or, perhaps, you prefer dotted Swiss w hich is never more cha rm in g than these lovely col­ ors and styles. A new m ode for the season is the printed crepe in ja d e, blue, red, tan and rust. Special Sale of ^ off on Silk Underwear P erfect tailored blouse for your ligh t suit new in dotted Sw iss and Tissue Gingham, Blue abd Y ellow with round collar. M. E S T E S & CO. 816 C ongress A venue BUY YOUR CACTUS m / % r v W T J. \ J m J a m . I Your Most Cherished Memory Book--Chuck Full of College Pep Cactus Sale Continues from 8 a. rn. till 6 p. rn. Only a Few Le ‘V t i ■ .. ■ , ' 4 * ' U ’““ bf “ Find ** ^ V‘rtU‘' ° f starring Alma yesterday afternoon, R«*ubm*, and “The Leatherpushers/* oirer Thomas j will meet up with Captain Lloyd I the popular prire-fight series. Gregory for the championship in the; All-comers Tournament now bel nj? I ! staged by tennis players in the U ni-1 versity. Wallace Reid is a hi* best fn Texes -0—--- * THE DAILY TEXAN rn “T ” A SSO CIATIO N HOLDS IN IT IA T IO N ON WALLER CREEK W RESTLING T O U R N A M E N T I BEGINS TH IS A FTER NO O N ______ THEATERS Majestic The University String Quartette, composed of Erdl S. King, C. C, Wright, Harold Broome and C. O. Oakley will play at the Majestic Theatre friday and Saturday mar- inei- and night. The instruments will he a guitar, a mandolin, a banjo and a banjo-mandolin. Some of the lat- est of the best music for these popts- far instruments will be played. This ! wiI1 b“ in • ddtH»n *° I Majestic music. The picture at- traction on Friday and Saturday will **>« ___ (Continued from page I) which th# Longhorn letter men pledged themselves to work toward the securing of free admission prt- < lieges to athletic contests for “T“ men, the officers who will preside over the Association for the 1922-23 session were selected. Swede Swea- *on was elected president and Buddy Tynes vice-president, both men r«- ceiving their honors by a unanimous vote. Some 25 men are .scheduled to be­ gin the elimination matches in the wrestling tournament that will start this aftemon at 3 o'clock. Coact! Roy McLean stated that it will pror>- ably take several days for all eliim- nation matches to be run off, because there are most of the weights tha’ will have to be put out by elimination before the finals can be started. The finals in each of the at'veil weights will come some time during the first of nextj week. contenders several -o- L o ts o f E a ts The Athletic Council furnished Blue bonnet Shop “Eats” of great abundance and »uv- passing quality. So hungry and appro- G ifts starts Saturday. elative were the Longhorns that Mr. Bellmont and “ Doc” Wisian who I took turns at filling the ice cream In leones, both developed the huge “The J their right arm, before It is cramps —— * ——©.---------- — T H U R L O W tt. W E E D M odern F u n e r a l H o m e. S u p er io r A m b u la n c e S e r v ic e . sale E m b a lm er and F u n e r a l D ir e c to r ; Love Special," a red blooded action freezer of cream was emptied. picture, which is on view at Texa* theatre today and Saturday, j found a unique use It is a virile railroad story and every Ice ream, and that this discovery was the *aid that a number of the new mer, L avaca a t 1 7 th for the ** ,i"e'1 with "tr0ne 'l r * m a t i '- 1 very M othier and cooling to a ir . W hen you think of clean in g and tailorin g w e are thinking o f you. B iggs dc Co. T o d a y an d S a tu rd a y A rth u r S o m e rs R o ch e's S e n sa tio n a l * M y ste r y D ra m a L" ''iv vX P O R T U «y4 J . Gregory, E d itor. C. H. W ilco * , A M iitB B t VARSITY ALL-STAB BULL T E I PLATS HTE MEETS U T FIE PLAT FOB TITLE G r e g o r y and W h ite W I B 'F a c e Tab«r*Hilliard Com bi na- Hon in D o u b le t * r , . . I T h orT h o™ l i d F r e s h m e n "* W i l l F a ce L egion S q u a d The semi-final match yesterday af-; from every phase, the lanky Longhorn net- man winning in two straight sets, •-2, and MI. U .m * his c.nno«-b.H I This afternoon at 4 o’clock tbs University a ll-Star? will clash with the strong American legion baseball team on Clark Field Coach Billy Discfe will pitch the first ball of th?* afternoon a cun teat, which will he ' ternooi? wa* a White affair the last game that Varsity baseball fans will have the chance of wit­ nessing thin season. aggregations will Both diamond pres**rtf the beat lineup* possible, with the Legion team having an edge because of the fact that Coach Ditch will use a combination of Long­ horn. Shorthorn, and freshmen play­ ers rn attempting to humble tha famous Austin Warrior*. Cook will from all indications oppose Gerrish in the box at the beginning of the combat, although Eckhart the University team and Davis for the Legion team are two extremely good hurler* that have excellent chances* of going into action. alertness for One of the greatest aquatic meet* i B louses starts Saturday. thin afternoon at 4; ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -I. B luebonnet Shop sale of action. Agnes Ayre*, Theodore Rob- bodies. arts, Sylvia Ashton, Lloyd Whitlock, and Clarence Burton have the princi- J ! serves and sure placements a* if In an inter-eollegiale meet, White hadj Thomas at his mercy in every game of the match. However, Thomas put j up a brand of tennis that is entirely J representative of real Longhorn style. INTER-DEPARTM ENTAL service I Hia headwork, lobbing, and com­ had his worthy opponent on pliant the throughout match. AQUATIC MEET TODAY o -T run in the history of intramural sport* j in expected Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, o'clock when the strong department j in both th<* singles and the finals teams will clash for honors in, the doubles will be off. Captain water event* at Deep Eddy. Gregory and White will contend with entered; department ha* the Taber-Hilliard combination for strong teams, and some classy swlm-j honors in the doubles. Featuring thej ming is scheduled to take place, for the entire tournament will be performs* will battle for all-University singles hon-J several credable last intramural ors between Gregory and White j participate in the Ixiuia Dominguez, event of the year. Both men are in top form and prom­ easily representing 4he Engineers, ise an exhibition of rare court abil­ •outstripped ail other swimmers last ity. year, but is guaranteed some compe­ tition this afternoon. Each STUDENTS MAKE PLANS TO ORGANIZE COUNTIES TO HELP UNION CENTER (Continued from page I) ’ B iscoe, Floyd, Hale, Hall and * , Swisher; M. B. 168, ( rosby, Dickens, ! “ J* ’ , *•»«; bubbl>fk' .. D ... . * , CENTENARIAN GETS LL. D. Cornelius Cole, former United States Senator from California, ha* accepted an invitation to attend the commencement of Wesleyan Univer­ sity at Middletown, Conn., in June to receive a degree of LL. D. Bx- a HANCOCK 11 OPERA HOUSE1 1 T oday and Rest of W eek D. W. Griffith P resents “ORPHANS OF THE STORM” Starring Lillian and D orothy Giah Sp ecial Sym phony O rch estra Longhorns Play afternoon’s Coach Ditch stated yesterday af­ ternoon that he expected to use a large number of promising Long­ horn material in this several of diamond tilt. However, the first string Longhorn players will l « *et*n in I he lineup that will op­ pose the Legion a ires. Ward be­ hind the bat, Muleaby at the initial sack, and Nowlin at the hot corner will perform in the game. The lineup that will, from all ap­ pearances work for the University all-Stars is pitchers, Eckhart and Cook; with Ward receiving their de-! n i k liveries. Palk or Muleahy at fir st,. e .. Smith at second, Nowlm at third, „ K H * at stwrt. Kin* in left field. „ * , . . Hey! this is a game of tennis, not Whats the, matter, too SPEEDY fof . . a barrage! you! ITI say so! How do you do it’ By using a Lee SLOTTED I HKOAT tennis racket Constructed of th- best materials and having the distinctive, patented SLOT Lee rackets are more—SPEEDY, STRONG and DURA BIX The SLOT; imparts the very slightest spring—annot ice able to the user—but lending eitra power and velocity to the Service, Drive and Smash, insures absolutely perfect balance and absorbs tin? crashing, smashing ink* and shocks that split racket* at the shoulder it Thanks for the tip, Bill! I’m going to get one—theu, watch my brook*! P h o n e 6 0 8 0 TH E CO-OP DIAMONDS DIAMOND RINGS DIAMOND BAR PINS DIAMOND BROOCHES PRICES REDUCED L a n sd o w n e -B a r r itt C o. 718 C ongress Ct (paramount (picture — E x tr a — * 5 th R ound Leather P u sh er* — S p e cia lty ;— U n iv e r s ity S tr in g Q u a rtet A p p e a r in g A t 3 : 0 0 and 8 :3 0 - Let Us Watch Your Teeth DR. G U FF IN and associates D e n tists Phone 7839 — 812 Vs Congress We do your work now DONNELLY & W HITE Plumbing and Hafting Contractors 905 Congress Ave. Phone 131 %Mr : BUY YOUR CACTUS TODAY in center and Sledge in right. T»"3fi W- B. 204, f.ctor, Gbumroek, j Senator Cole nill be IOO years old: The \ustin all-Stars will start H°war<1> Midland, Mitchell and Scur-| „n September 17 next. sw im m ing,|similar methods at other universities ug a t r ia l. B ig g s & C o . Wuolst*y behind Hie bat, Gerrish or ’’Ti ^18, Galveston; Ed. B, Davis in the box, Richard* at first, 312, Harris; M. B. 142, tannin; M. B. Captain Talk at second, Severn at 219, Navarro; L. B. IGI, Williamson; third, Whit worth at short, and Whit- U B. 3, Brewster, Jeff Davis, Presid- lock. .Jamar and Smith in the field to, Reeves and Ward; L. B. 5, Foard, Hardeman and Wilbarger; L. B. 7, positions.* The receipts of th* game this af- Baylor, Haskill, Knox and Throck- ternoon will go to the Welfare Coun- morion; l.aw Auditorium, Dallas; L. and eil of Austin, which is in bad need of fund* to carry on it* work. Every Longhorn fan is expected to bt? pres­ ent to witness the final exhibition of Varsity baseball this year. information rel­ ative to the proposed union will be off the pres* in a short while. This bulletin will contain a cut of the pro­ posed building a* figured out by the plans agd building committee, in ad- A TH LETES AT G Y M Aition to matter of an instructive and It will proba- informational nature. about union | bly contain material buildings that have been secured by B. 201, Archer, Clay, Young. A N N U A L • n r N I G H T ST A G E D BY CO ED (Continued from Page I) The bulletin of Jack the! lliurtin. Elizabeth j meanji to be used kl putting across j ports w ere announced: I .a ura Thom son, m anager; Katherine and a thorough discussion ©rougher* JUN)©© Fi n, Sibyl V adder, and Patie Sue the campaign. -Davis,; Davis; canoeing: P attie Sue manager, Katherine ©rougher, Lloyd Martin, Naomi Corke, tennis. Virgin­ ia Man tor, manager Doris Cook, I Harriet?** Brush, and Ura Swann; av- chery, Louise La era Thomson, Eugenia Smith, and Saturday, June 3, according to an J nouncement of J. W. McFadden, T h eliua D ill.ogham Student cheques will not be cashed; Stevens, manager,; at the University Drug Store, aftei I CLOSE CASHING OF CHEQUES ---------- 0__________* o f proprietor of the store. Officer* I n s t a lle d After teams and award-, were an­ year next for nounced, officers were Installed, and sport managers j B luebonnet Shop named. A program, Katherine P lo u g h er, wag given and dancing was indulged in for the re-j ra&inder qf the evening arranged by H osiery starts Saturday. ' sale o f Tonight a t 7 :3 0 a t the Cactus Tea Room the “T ” b a n q u e t will be held. Any hrdder of W. A A. award* ta eligible to attend. All those who ex­ pect to be present are asked to sign up in the Woman’s Gym this mom* tog* i t . a For Sale First Class Motor Canoe A t a Bargain Phone 7674, M. T hom as TH EAT RE T o ri a y - S a t u r d a y W A L L A C E R E I D A a d A G N E S AYRES I' SWIMMING TODAY At DEEP EDDY BATHING BEACH “TH E L O W SPECIAL” E x tr a C o m ed y Pool C leaned and D rained Every N ight SAMPLES DISTRIBUTED Samples of the products of Col­ gate and Co have been datributed to all University students the past few day*. The packages for the girl* contain a generous sample <___ -____ Your con fid en ce In a firm is estab lish ed by ex p erien ce. Give I QUEEN T oday and B alance of the w eek R A H ’ RAH* LET'S GO •A G o a l!" attraction— Foil A d d ed actual show ing N ew s scenes from th e G reat K en­ tucky D erby. A real scoop. A lso A H arold Lloyd Com edy For Rheumatism and Soreness of the Limbs A G enuine Turkish Bath By an Expert Attendant A ustin Turkish Bath Littlefield Bldg, P h o n e 5 9 2 0 r* YOUR MOST CHERISHED MEMORY I BOOK CHUCK FULL OF COLLEGE PEP CACTUS SALE CONTINUES FROM 8 A. M. TILL 6 P. M. Do Not Disappoint Your Sweetheart or Mother By Failing to Carry Home Your Cactus a Few & * t ' v . , ... rn * •’•'N ■ .. . I ’ a S3