N ew s Coverage by a Competent S ta rt of University Students Makes T ^ f E p A l L Y T E X A N the Most Complete Medium for News of Campu P H O N E IT IN C irculation............................................... 23164 (Elbe Haifa N e w s ...................................................... 9181-61 9187 Classified A d s .............- ...................... 23165 Display Ads .......................................... 23164 After IO P. M. ................. The First College Daily in the South an The Weather S u n d a y : P a r t ly c lo u d y ; n ot m u c h c h a n g e in tem per* a tu r e . a1 AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1929. EIGHT P A G E S T O D A Y No. 150 McRae, Youngest Living Veteran Of World War, Enrolled in U. of T. JOHN F. M RAE By LAMAR HAMILTON I the University this year Enrolled in the Law School of the is the World youngest veteran of War, John Fred McRae, who has lived and accomplished more d u r­ than ing his life tw enty-four years in a I most men experience I time. ] student; Yet this man looks as young and unobtrusive in his daily strolls across the campus as any other except that he is more than average size, and his jaw is set with a little more d eterm ina­ tion. “ Foots,” as he is called by all who know him, is not willing to be content with his past suc- cessc s, and is now preparing to practice law in Texas. Ile was b o r n in El Dorado, Arkansas, in April, 1904, and was the in high school war broke out in 1917. He was only but being large am! m ature for his age p re ­ sented himself at the U. S. Navy Recruiting Station at Little Rock, » » y « l by an o ffic e r h i. ■ age he shot hack ‘‘e ig h te e n ’ with- out batting an eye, which sta te ­ ment was never disputed. .......... there when thirteen then, the Atlantic A fte r a period of training at; Great Lakes he was tran sferre d to fleet where he served on tho U. S. S. Louisiana during the m ajor p art of the war. to make a It was his privilege farewell v i s i t to his old ship shortly before she was dismantled in 1923, and he tells with pride the story of the Louisiana’s final escapade which happened shortly thereafter. She was being towed down the Delaware and was tied the break­ up for the night at the waters. Sometime d u r i n g loose night ^he from her tore took a farewell moorings a n d FACULTY MEET TO CONSIDER BUDGET PLAN Committee to O ff-r Report o n Problem The general faculty will meet in called session Thurs­ day, March 28, for the pur­ pose of considering the re­ port of the special commit­ tee on the budgetary situa­ tion a t the University. A copy of the re p o rt of the committee has already been mailed to the mem­ bers of the faculty. The general faculty authorized the appoint­ ment of a committee in October, 1928, to make a complete study of the present budget and to of­ fer suggestions concerning futu re budgets. The committee which is com­ posed of Dr. A. P. Brogan, chair­ man, Dr. S. P. Finch, and Dr. J. L. Henderson has made a de tailed study of the problem, and j it is stated th at it is highly de­ the sirable for a1! members of faculty who are interested in the budget and that should be used the making of fu­ ture budgets be present a t the meeting. the principles The meeting will be held a t 4 o’clock in Garrison Hall auditor- lum. trip to sea- cally alone. proudly and majesti- The most difficult part of his assumed role of warrior was a c t ­ the par! of a grown man, ing Mc Rae said. His buddies were all more than twenty years old. and it took quite a bit of deceit to carry ou t his part well. He succeeded, although he says th at it was during this time that he had to to bluff with a straight face. l e a r n In F ebruary, 1919, Foots was given his honorable discharge at Philadelphia, to a n d high school in El Dorado. He graduated there afte r two years, and during that time made two football and presided letters over his graduating class. returned in I The next year he entered Cen­ Archives Receive Photographs of Bonham Graves 1 Novel contributions to Texas 1 history appear from time to time, i but a recent accomplishment of a j small-town school teacher, Valine j Hobbs, teacher the Bonham in schools, is a unique undertaking by th at might well be emulated teachers and students in various to parts of the state, according Mrs. Mattie Austin Hatcher, a r ­ chivist in history. Chief among the photographs taken by Miss Hobbs is the pic­ ture of the grave of Bailey Ing- lish, fo u n d e r of Fort Inglish and one of the early Fannin County settlers. O ther tombstones photographed by Miss Hobbs are those of Harry P. Steger, University of Texas in graduate of 1902, who died (1809- 1913; S. W. Thompson 18741; J a n e Thompson (1810- 1873); Colonel R. IL Lane (1815- (1778- 1872); P a te r Maddrey 1 8 7 4 ) ; “ Grandma” Sylvester (1806-1892); and Bonham’s u n ­ known soldier of the Texas Rev­ olution, S. M. Damron, Company K, Sixth Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry. — o------------- FIRESIDE FORUM SPEAKERS NAMED Speakers on the Fireside rum program for this week as follows: Fo- are EDUCATORS OF SOUTHWEST TO CONVENE HERE Conference Dinner to Be Held Friday At 6:30 BENEDICT TO TALK Complete Program for Various Sections Announced Half Holiday Will Be Granted Friday For Texas Relays No classes or laboratories will be conducted Friday afternoon, March 29, after I o’clock, it has been announced by E. J. Mathews, registrar of the Uni­ versity. The half holiday is being given because of the Tex­ as Relays which will be held at th a t time. All classes will meet as usual Friday morning. The relays do not begin until 1 :20 o’clock, and the morning class­ es will not prevent anyone from attending the meet. Saturday classes will meet as scheduled. B. B. A. CLASSES DISMISSED FOR TUTT LECTURE the expected T w o social science con­ ventions art* to briner at least 150 delegates from colleges and universi­ south­ ties throughout west to the University cam- p u s ' Friday M id Saturday' o f th is) A J I week wet Political and Social Science Asso­ International ciation and of the Relations Clubs will meet in the auditorium of Garrison Hall. Sections o f the Southw est n U ,U I classrooms and t f f e G i v e n »».! , . . . . In Law Building Monday All business administra­ tion classes will adjoui n to the auditorium of the Law l l a t Texas Building Monday, V O L . XXX 66 C o n s t i t u t i o n a l R e v i s i o n W r i t e H o m e T o d a y W onder what w ould happen if it were suggested t h a t the con­ stitution of the U nited States be revised and rew ritten. More than likely there would be cries from over the land in p ro te s t. People would say that it h ad been good it enough for us thus f a r , and would suit our needs fo r the pres­ ent. of B u t are the s tu d e n ts the University of Texas going to say the same when the constitutional convention revamps t h e present constitution, when it is submitted and to the Students Assembly, when is presented during the it sp rin g election? is written No doubt the co nstitu tion is ob­ in solete in many instances, and even a greater n u m b e r of places it in such a manner t h a t one cannot o b ta in an intelli­ gible understanding of the mean­ the mal constructed ing behind ph ra ses and sentences. That the revision of the co n stitu tio n is a step th a t should be tak en , should be admitted. How ever, the mem­ should b ers of the keep in mind at all tim e s that they have been selected b y the Stu­ d e n ts’ Assembly, as a representa­ tive group of s tu d en ts, to reshape th e constitution so t h a t it will fit th e needs of the stu d en s. convention Utmost care a n d deliberation should be manifest on the part of th e convention t h e i r working in o u t of the problem before them. T he future should be considered well as the p re s e n t. Every as conceivable objection to each pro­ vision should be w eighed against th e m erit of the chang e. B u t when the convention fin­ ishes its work a f t e r careful con­ sideration and stud y, the students should likewise d elib erate before t h e y accept the n e w constitution — b u t even more so, they should condemn deliberate before t h e y th e newly written document. Not to do so may d e f e a t a noble pur pose! SPECIAL D ELIVERY The pen is m ig h tie r than the sword, even if i f s t h a t four-year- old Conklin, so fin d it and let’s your coat g et started. N o t in pocket? Not in y o u r note-book? T here it is, o v er th e re marking page 125 in y o u r history book. And now for the paper. The last s h e e t’s gone. Oh well, any old p ap e r! A sheet o f th e roommate’s new futuristic lin e n will do. Now pull up the old ea s y chair and w rite the date a t th e top. The delegates to both meetings will be given the opportunity to a tten d the fifth annual Relay games according secretary of the association. Friday afternoon, to Charles A. Timm, A general conference dinner will be held at a local hotel at 6:30 o’clock F riday evening, over which Attorney-General Claude Pollard will preside. P resid ent H. Y. Benedict of the University will address the group, speaking on the subject, “ Arithmetic in Social Science.” Other speakers a t the b anq uet will be Pitman B. Potter of the University of Wisconsin, and J. Q. Healy of Dallas, form er professor of political science in Brown. University. S atu rd ay at noon a conference business luncheon scheduled, with President Benedict as chair­ man. is The complete program fo r the convention has been arran ged as follow's: Business adm inistration, eco­ nomics and agricultural economics session, Friday morning. jo int S ecretaries of the th ree organiza­ tions are: C. A. Rehm, T. J. Cauley, and E. G. Lewis, Univer­ sity of Texas. Speakers will be tho M. H. Gossett, president of F ederal Lank Bank and the Fed­ eral Intermediate C redit Bank of T u rn to Page 6. Col. 3 UNION BUILDING PLANS COMPLETED How to begin? Since this is a fam ily affair, you m igh t as well say “ Dear Dad a n d Mother.” But wait. Don’t begin yet. Trace a fe w pictures on th e blotter, as­ sume that old th o u g h tfu l look, and l e t ’s go back a pace. How often h a v e your mother an d father visited you at the Uni­ versity? And when did they come, fo r what purpose w as it? Did they come to have a good time, or to become acquainted with your pro­ fessors, or to l e a r n all about the campus and c a m p u s activities? d i d n ’t. Perhaps They probably sick they heard t h a t you were and came to see t h a t you received proper attention. you got into some s c r a p and they stay­ ed long enough to straighten you out. But as fo r re a lly getting an insight into the University, they know just about a s much as you’ve Turn to P a g e 4, Col. 3 Perhaps The conference o f the Union Building committee and Universi­ ty architects completed plans and adjourned at 12 o’clock Saturday. Their business consisted chiefty of a check of plans and specifi­ cations of the proposed Auditor- ium-Gymnasium. Minor changes and revisions were made, accord­ ing to R. L. White, supervising a r­ chitect. These corrections in the gener­ al plans when incorporated will be j ready to set down in figures, Mr. i White said. George L. Dahl of the firm of H e rb e rt M. Green, La Roche, and Dahl of Dallas conferred with the ccrnmittee. The Union Building committee is composed of Dr. H. Y. Benedict, R. L. White, and John A. McCurdy; J. W. Calhoun, comptroller, and Hugh Yantis, building supervisor fo r the Univer­ sity, also conferred with the com­ mittee. A Bird's-Eye View By THE CAMPUS BUZZARD EM METTE REDFORD w h o used to be a V a rs ity debater and is now a gov ern m e n t prof, going into P. K.’s w ith of ladies. a couple PAUL N E T Z E R , barb leader in th e Students’ Assembly, proud of the fact that as an engineering student he know s that the ab­ breviation IL V. s tan d s for high velocity. Isn’t it queer, The Buz­ zard gets along ail right without for 22 knowing th at a n d years. has UNDA LANC ASTER w h o dealt The Buzzard a lot of misery and a grade o f “ D ” in Economics 11 some years ago, standing in fr o n t of th* T e x a s Book Store, CHRISTINE ELLIS m issing a splendid to walk op p o rtu n ity across the cam pus w ith The Buz­ zard. NAP BROUGHTON going to chemistry laboratory or something equally fierce. Doesn’t the fact th at we mention such people show th at the column is ru n n in g short of material? the ROMAN BARTOSH and JOHN newest ALEXANDER with copy o f the Little Cam pus Free Press of which estimable weekly JOHN is m anaging and chief of the editorial staff. Heav­ en know* what position BAR TOSH holds. editor in o’clock, according to Dean J. A. Fitzgerald to attend the address to be given by Ernest L. T u t t on “ The Development of Foreign Trade and New Op­ the Field.” This portunities first spring assembly of th e is business administration students. in T hree speakers, prom inent economic circles, will address business adm inistra­ three tion students at the first business administration assemblies of this term. Mr. T u tt, who will deliver the lecture Monday, Ss district manager of the United States bureau of foreign and do­ mestic economics. and business O. Sam Cummins of the Kiwanis International Clubs, will deliver a lecture at the second assembly. April 8, on “ The Relation of In­ surance to Business.” Mr. Cum mins will be in Austin in connec­ tion with the Kiwanis district con­ vention to be held here in April. IL R. Stafford, executive vice president of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, will third address. deliver a B O G G S A N N O U N C E S 124th CAVALRYMEN The final list of the members of the Governor’s Guards, o th er­ wise known as the Headquarters I ‘24th Cavalry, was announced S aturd ay by Waller K. Boggs, cap­ tain. Measurements for uniforms will be taken Sunday afternoon at Camp Mabry. Those who will answer roll call a re : L. E. Adels, W. R. Berry, A. A. Bliss, C. F. Brown, C. C. Buchan­ an, C, O. Burkett, G. W. Carlson, S. R. Carr, E. D. Choate, R. B. Coit, W. H. Colbert, C. O. Cox, H. A. Cox, J. B. Crow, BL B. Crites. I Feigelson, V. A. Fielden, D. S. Culberson, J. B. Cyrus, I). W. Darling, B. B’. Early, Julius J. M. Forsman, B. B. Gardner, A. D. Glover, BL M. Hamby, W. D. Ham­ ilton, J. A. Hawkins, J. I. Henry, C harles Kramer, C. IL Leinbaeh, J r., W. C. McCutcheon, L. C. Mc- Culley, H. T. McLaughlin, B. W. Moiler, J. J. Newman, € . F. Nich­ ols, Jr. P. O. Nolan, J. BL P arker, BL N. Peterson, G. R. Peterson, P. N, Poindexter, J. B. Rutland, S. M. Scales, R. L. Taylor, B. L. Thom­ son, L. C. Tucker, H. L. Voelker, A. BL Voss, N. S. Weathers, C. C. W entw orth, John S. W'hite, M, R. W oilers. — o ----------------- A. S. M. E. OFFERS 3 THEME A W A R D S two different The American Society of Me­ is offering chanical Engineers again annual prizes to its student m embers for the three best papers on topics. The Charles T. Main aw ard of $150 will be given to the best paper on - T h e Influence of Engineering on Farm Production,” and two other prizes of $25 each will be a w ard ­ ed to the best papers on any en­ gineering subject or investigation w ritten under the direction of the d epartm ent of mechanical engi­ neering. Papers may not be submitted la te r than June 30, 193‘J, into initiated ter College, where he pledged and the Sigma was Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Then he carried on his scholastic work a t Princeton Univei’sity, receiving his ILA. degree there three and a half years later. From Princeton he w e n t law to for Vanderbilt and studied a year, a fte r which he entered tile University of Arkansas for another term law. This u n i - i versity honored him with a nomi­ the Rhodes Scholar­ nation ship in 1927 but the final selec­ tion for the state w e n t to a Northwestern student. for in McRae has received much hon­ orary recognition Ironi the Amor-1 ican Legion since the war, and I has held several esteemed offices in the organization. Ile is a char ter member of the Roy V. Kinard : post of El Dorado, and it was through this post that, in 1919, he received nation-wid•* recognition for being the youngest living vet- ! eran of the World War. One lad entered the arm y who was younger than John F red — a boy from Nebraska only twelve years of uge— but he wus killed in France. received In 1927 McRae his greatest military honors. At the state convention that year he was first vice-commander of elected the Arkansas Legion, and during the Paris convention he served as commander pro tem for his state. He held this office at the age of twenty-three and has been slated for the proposed national Who’s Who of the American Legion. Foots now feels that he has had about his share of schooling and will probably settle to his p ro fes­ sion in Houston in the n ea r f u ­ ture. ORATORS WILL [COMPETE FOR PRIZES MONDAY Post-Dispatch A w ards Total $100 in Value Three public speaking contests will be held this week. The trials in the W il­ mot declamation contest and the Houston Post-Dispatch extempore speaking contest will begin Monday night 7 o’clock in room 103 Law Building. to The Wilmot contest is open freshmen and women, and first and second prizes will be given to both. F irst prizes fo r both men and women is a cash award of $26, and second prizes entitle the holder to books to the amount of $15 at the Co-op. a t The H o u s t o n Post-Dispatch prizes total $100 in cash awards. The contest is open to men and women students, and dual prizes are offered. F irst prizes are $25 sec­ ♦ ach, for men and w om en; ond prizes, $15; and third prizes, Preliminaries for the men $10. contestants will be held in the literary societies. The contest is not limited to any one class, but is open to all students. The inter-society debate con­ test will begin Friday, March 29, at 7 o’clock in room 103 Law Building. A silver cup is offered to the winner by the Texas Book Store. BIBLE CLASS MEETS The program of the non-secta­ rian Bible class which will be held by Judge C. A. Leddy this Sun­ at day morning at 9:45 o’clock the Texas Theater, as announced by Lomia Slaughter, will consist of a song service led by Dean WL F. Gidley, a prayer by Fred M. by Walker, a responsive reading by A rth u r Moore, and Stanley Addington. solo a The bible class picnic has been temporarily, Slaughter Q------------ ---- Merchants Offer Prizes to Visiting Dads and Mothers Through the co-operation of the merchants, the following prizes for Dads’ and Mothers’ Day, April 13, have been a n ­ nounced: The first visiting p ar­ ents to register for Dads’ and be given Mothers’ Day, will their choice of any m odem novel or box of stationery in the Texas Book Store; the p ar­ ents coming the longest dis­ tance will be given a Texas pennant by the Co-Op; the parents Having greatest number of students in the Uni­ versity will be given a box of candy by the University Drug Store. the U. T. WILL SEND DELEGATES TO DENTON MEET Prominent Magazines A nd Newspapers Represented ‘WRITE HOME [DAY TO BRING PARENTS HERE Benedict Sends Out Personal Letters March 28 GAME SCHEDULED Debaters and Men’s Glee Club Will Entertain This is “Write Home” daj the day set aside on which e\ ery student in the University is to write home and invite his or her parents to Austin for Mothers* and Dads’ Day April 13. A m o Nowotny of the campus advisory committee expects a rec­ year, and ord attendance the co-operation of the through students. this A formal invitation, written by to be President H. Y. Benedict, is sent out March 28 as a follow-up lette r to those written by the stu­ dents today. A nother letter will bo sent out April 3, announcing the day’s program. Four representatives of the University will attend the Southwestern Journalism Congress, which will meet on the campus of the Col­ lege o f in Denton April 5 and 6. Professor Registration is to tak^ place at Paul J. Thompson, chairman of 9 :30 o’clock Saturday morning. journalism, the departm ent Students have been instructed to D e w itt C. Reddick, instructor in urge their parents to register so journalism, Alex Murphree, and James L. McCamy will leave for j th a t an accurate count of the nun** Denton, April 4, to attend the meet. The invitation written by P res­ ber in attendance can be kept. Industrial Arts afternoon, Thursday of of Professor Thompson will give a talk on “ The Relation Between the D epartm ent Journalism and Student Publications.” Mur­ fo r his phree, who is working m aster’s degree in journalism, will talk on “ High School Journalism .” newspaper men and magazine writers will be present a t the meeting. Among these are: Oswin King (Uncle Jake) of the Dallas Journal and P eter Molyneaux, magazine edi­ to r of F ort Worth. prominent Many Friday, April 5, will be de­ voted to discussions on the jo u r­ nalism teaching profession. Sat­ urday will be featured by talks those outside the teaching from profession. Varied entertainm ent is plan­ ned for those atten din g the cong­ ress. ----------------- o-------------- A. S. M. E. HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET The Vaudeville skit, “ I Think I Smell Smoke,” with Katherine as Robbins and Maxine Griffin principals, was given a t the a n ­ nual banquet of the American So­ ciety of Mechanical Engineers S aturday night a t the University Oldfather, Commons, Marion and Irene Flake, Roma Rogers, Frances Lusk the constituted chorus. Carl J. Eekhardt, instructor in mechanical engineering, acted as toastmaster. Talks were made by P. F. Rector on “ Highpowered Screw Press Design” ; Professor Alex Valiance spoke on “ On Top of the W'orld” ; J. W. Winfrey on “ When W inter Comes” ; Marshall Abernathy on “ Music U ntarnish­ ed,” and C. R. Von Bieberstein on “ What to Say When All Others Are Through.” Musical numbers given includ­ ed a piano solo by Miss Eunice Bishop, by Miss Florence Weymouth. and “ Pianologues” A comical act. “ Bughouse E n ­ gineering” was given by W. A. Kuenemann and A. B. McElroy. Programs were arranged in the form c f a blue print with a design of the power plant on the front page. ----------------- o------------- PARENTS WILL GET G RADE DISCUSSION Letters to the parents of students who were reported as failing in the recent intra-semes- tral examinations a re new being prepared in the office of tike dean of Arts and of the College Sciences, according to Dean H. T. Parlin. Notice of failing work was students and parents made to Thursday, ident Benedict is as follows; To the Parents of University stu­ dents: to In April, 1925, in response an invitation of the University of Texas, five hundred or more of the fathers and mothers of stu­ dents in the University spent a day on the campus in Austin, vis­ iting their children. At th at time these fathers and mothers o r­ ganized a Dads’ and Mothers* As­ sociation, and later in the year held a most successful meeting of this. Association. The Association will meet again and I most in Austin April 13, earnestly urge th at you attend this meeting. The University will be in session, and you will have an opportunity to visit the classed d see with your son or daughter and something of how the institution operates. There will be a convocation of all parents in the morning # n d a baseball game between the Univer­ sity of Texas and A. & M. In the In the evening you arc afternoon. invited to attend the joint pro- gtam of the University Men’s Clee Club and the University de­ baters. The latter will be compel* ing for the annual H. J. Lutcher Stark debate prize. All func­ tions are Complimentary to dads and mothers. We of the faculty would like for you to know more intimately the institution you have selected and we would like for you to see the University as it is shown to yon rf by your sons and daughters, you can come, please write to the Dads* and Mothers* Association, University Station, Austin. Sincerely yours, IL Y. BENEDICT, President. Mothers who desire may Secure tickets for the Matrix table a t the Theta Sigma Phi b a n k e t Sat­ urday night. M H I TODAY’S SLOGAN Today's slogan for tim c#m-||j I pus beautification program fa:l For a campus t h a t ^ ^ ^ H Keep on the w alks.] The above slogan milled by Henry who has the best sloganB^fe^^ Any student or faculty] ber of the gible to submit best o f which will each day. B , ' ^ However, - £ \v Monday, March 25, Cunning Payne; ham house, Dr. L. V/. F au lk n er house, Dr. J. B. W harey; Half Moon, Dr. J. A. Fitzgerald HOGG CLUB MEETING! ut ti* campus. Dr w. J B a t t u . Tuesday, March 26, Kappa Al- ! D F R ATC T O FP A T I IRF A r elimination will be held to Dr- R - A- La w: Ka^ a *»*"■* select three members to r e p r e s e n t ! £ K. M cC m m .; Phi Kapp* h i , O ttle f.e ld ; Prowse, Law- the Howe Debating Club in t h e L 1^ extempore speakintf contest at the ' V1’* * on; G n !f,th s h o u ,e ' regular meeting of the organise | D*“ / • *• Mo°™' lion which is to be held Monday ! Wednesday, March 27, Roberts, night at 7:.‘)0 o'clock at the U.oi- RKl J e w e tt; Te- versity V. M. C. A. H- r - f a "lint; » « '; F - I The debate will be, “ Resolved:!*^** Club, C* T h at the Texas Legislature should be changed from bicameral to uni­ cameral.” Thursday, March 28, Alpha Tau Omega, Dr. M. S. B andm an; Bev­ erly house, W. N. James. -o— SCIENCE REVIEW APPEARS FRIDAY The Southwestern Political and Social Science Review will appear about March 29, to Dr. O. I). Weeks, professor of governm ent. according The Review is published by the and Social Southwest Political Science Association. STUDENTS HOSPITAL LIST NUMBERS NINE postponed said. the hospital Students on lists total nine. Those students in Se­ Elizabeth ton Brady, and J. T. Cottle. Infirm ary are: S tudents in St. David’s Hospital a re : Clark Blankenship, Odis El- left, Andrew F ouler. Edna Gregg, Cuban Clark, Ruby King, and Dale Miller. REV. VIVIAN TO TALK TODAY The Reverend King Vivian, president of Southwestern Uni­ t h e Uni­ versity, will address versity department of th® Uni­ versity Methodist Church Sunday the general assembly School 9:40 this Sunday morning a t o’clock. in AGE 2 T H E D A I L Y T E X A N SU ND AY, M ARCH 24, 1929. SPORT VARSITY HITTERS SLUMP BEFORE FROSHL4 S S t e e r b e tte r s Prepare for W e e k of Action Horseshoes Played in Stirring Days of ’49 ARCHITECTS MAY BONE MEETS WITH ADD NEW CHAPTER STUDENT LEADERS t tennis The Longhorn . . . . . The game of horseshoe* wa* inch and 8 inch planks embedded will begin to top-off a rather in- tensive practice P artin g Monday R*?yed practically a* it is today, clay. The regulation in preparing matches with the Grinnel Oklahoma Aggie netter*. student is squad p,ayed ff,r both P}ea*ure an ground to a depth of sev-j American Institute of Architects j directing a series of conferences local members j with student leaders of religious of the Institute at a meeting Fri- i v,'ork Sn lhe University today at Oak Lodge. Students from San boy nigh . at 7:30 o’clock, Marco Teachers’ College, A . & M., and Southwestern University confer- are also attending inches, and filled with damp < horseshoe in conventional ” r t {<-ngth, - i*ven inches in width, three IT. F. 5Cuehn i, Austin architect, inches between the acted as chairman of the meeting, Proposal- for a local bram h of I Harry Bone, national chapter of the j secretary of the Y. M. C. A . , i it back in *49. The game was en .<,.Ven and o re -he if inch* - a * tonvenion I heel calks, which cannot protrude and Goldwin Goldsmith, professor; the distance* standardized \ *,,tf *.a and I reent wa* not a that the equip-j j. the West Texas re discu--ed by »»■»»»«•«•*. The Grinnel exception for their *wo r.n ami on„. an< . the south to engage rival tennis ; horseshoe4 were pitched to make, squads, and will come to Austin them circle* the . Uke* and count for their scheduled matches with ** ringers. i the Steer* on Wednesday of this I week. They played the Oklahoma ■ Aggie* Saturday and will meet j the S. M. U. Hustling* Tuesday, these warm-up matrho i so with 1 ahead of them, the Grinnell qua r ­ ter should be in the pink of con­ dition and used to the Southern atmosphere by the time they hit the Steer*' hangout. ir.ch in diametet four feet in length, a r e .-'.et apart at a distance of 40 feet in the clay packed pitchers’ t e n t e r of boxes and driven down until they are ten inches above the soil and earh **r h | peiuts j a game, The closest shoe inclined her. six |nches Today, two iron stakes, one » "j ^ g in n in g of the game and th e re -1 two im he* toward The pitchers’ boxes are • w ith|n of th* to lee and ^ Mr- Bon'* ’• » vunonsl leader . orary ,o c -e U r y . ( * A* “ (i ba*s been lo establish a local branch, an i 01 Eat>h of thf> two v]ayeTh ^ UL S e d itio n must be made to th e s a- six feet square, «urrounded by 2 ------------------------------ well, Penick, and S. Ferguson will sn opponent' •• count two point*,] see some .service during the con- and two ringers for the sam* test*. ev eounL six points. play counts one point, a ringer counts • Goldsmith, head of the department ; conference at the University Arkansas a fte r the meeting th ree point*, two shoes closer than [of architecture. o------ ..... - - | Austin. Dorris La Venture is spending the wet k-end in San Antonio. W r i t e H o m e T o d a y . a similar of in I 1I i I 1 I 1 INTRAMURAL BASEBALL RESULTS Sigma Ft a Chi, 16; Omega Beta Pi, I \ . Delta Kappa Kp*ilon, 9; Sigma Eta t ’hi, 2. Delta Theta Phi. H; Delta Tau Delta. 3. Theta Pi, 2. Alpha Tau Omega, 7, Beta Game* Scheduled for Next Monday 4 o'clock— Phi Delta Theta re. Phi Sigma Delta. Kappa Sigma vs. Sigma Chi. T tuesday 2 o’clock— Lambda Chi Al­ pha vs. Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Theta v*. Sigma Chi. v*. Delta Chi. Theta Phi. I o’clock—Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Pv» vs. Delta Pre-law-, vt. Pharmacy. Wednesday 4 o’clock Tau Delta l*hi v*. Sigma Nu. Theta Pi. Lambda Chi Alpha vt. Beta Thnr*d«y 4 o'clock— Kappa Alpha vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Sigma Alpha Mu va, Omega Beta Pi. I,aw vs. Pre-Merl*. Saturday I o'clock — Theta Xi va dbl* Pi Kappa Alpha. Half Moon va. Acacia. Engineer* vs. B. B. A, NET STARS WIN AT SAN ANTONIO S p *' M lo T h* I ' a i l i Texan. SAN ANTONIO, March 23 .— Austin and University players cam** through their matches with the San Antonio Country Club losing only one successfully, n atch out of eight played. Allison defeated Thalheimer 6-2, 6-2; Bell defeated Keligson, 6-2, 6-3; Dunlap defeated Fuquay 6-4, 6-3; Taylor defeated Den­ man 6-3, 6-4; Allison and Bell split with Thalheimer and Camel 8-6, 4*6; Dunlap and Taylor de­ feated Bell ant! Denman 6-2, 6-2; and and then defeated Selig*on Denman 6-3, 6-0. Walthall and Johnson defeated Caswell and Pen ic k 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. erly a catcher for Austin, hi* home i* in Staple*. and The White Sox will arrive in the Austin Monday morning for game afternoon. that Longhorns By WILBURN VAN FLEET T i T A S SPORTS S TAP F have as r oncemed Over Chicago W hite Sox Here M onday ______ Yesterdijr must Jo the last practice before the *h I lay, a? fa r re the White Sox game Monday, Uncle! *bal’ diamond, Marty Ksrow'n Billy CH ach’* han*ba!l men suffer- arling: pitcher* were holding ed a batting flump a t the hand* of V anity hitter* to a few feat- M arty Ksrow’* freshmen yester- a fir*t-year, day, collecting but ten safe blow* lf) .oft.rigs. The ed blow*, while rtftop wa* drawing glory b y la n d 5 run* in brilliant fielding, been athletics tm l onghorn* were kept on the d e-1 In Memo- next them i Stadium. Hodge-, a fir*! year fen*ive throughout the afternoon for n, bettered the conference n e - 1 with the pitchers resting up week. * in the javelin by three f e e t , : the heavy schedule Tie game with the Chicago team h a heave of I Btl feet. Bull begin at 3:30 o'clock Moo­ Un* beat out the Varsity broad- ns per*. with 22 feel 3 3-4 inches day. be«t mark out of t h r e e at- Sixty-nine men faced the frosh fTfrts. The frosh relay quartet B a h e ra Saturday, with only ten able to connect safely. •niched noticeable competition | f i I The fresh man mound staff, con­ the Varsity quartet, and Schul sorting of Lewis, Lefty Harwood, ran a good second to Bowen White, and Bell, apparently had 'he mile. the Varsity big guns at their mer­ cy, and had they been hacked upj by air-tight support, the big men would have been luck to score three run*. Higgins led the Steer* at the bat, with three safe blow* in seven trip* to the plate, while Walker got two out of five, and Ices ch got two out of six. team The freshman lid not he a had entry in the it bv. est Conference. They have i of good men. several ‘cher* ‘hat *ho>w promise of do­ class men. first hitters not without her, many of the husky pupil* possessing ck power. Two or thew* time* •'eek. the ineligible* and the eli­ de frosh do battle on Fresh- n FiekL T birse games are full j action, and are keyed up by a -ndly rivalry until they surpass .ny lf. rn ., I* whtrt, b r tttr * .* - ! J 'V " * * light for the short , who took 16 chance*, Home of them ex tremely difficult, without an er- rttv, OM) fids of their hitting stump, which may be limited to one day, the St »er- are in top cond it km for Another bright A ffing into y arc potential frw h ha se hat! Kgrow and tab rt * “7 " “ S,"* k’IT ' Baflton, jxirt sui r. will probably i -tart the game against the Sox, * with Lefty Browning, Oscar Pee- ..p lea, and Frank ( heatham ready „ _ - . . wM) lany people, as well as yours* . , , ly, wondered why Guffin tm .) , M rrfjfV# hjm >hnull| hp TMM Morton. o f h .n M .r r o , rn ^ , lhl. c. „ h(.hit,,| thp t thrill,** half-mile m c, m - | b„ , .uhough B it Bob Carr may th€ .lay. Chitlin bimwlf c p l . , nod yi,t „ ,.hun,„ t(l brMk mystery a few minute* a fte r garnf, because of hfa hitting Fri- had won, by saying that he; slowed down to about a 2 JOI f, and would have had enough sh to win when the two hit t to­ it was the 'Th pushed the \ and then beat him out by al- t a yard at the tape. The Chicago line-up will be re ­ plete with star* famous in the big show. Art Shires, who was with Waco during the first of the sea- 'Per- first, the! with Andy Kerr tit second. Wii- in the competition be-1 ho Kamm, best hot corner man in Beaty and Wilky seem decide who can run the cen- the ! son, and who Is kn< s n a* the -/ fast. *k before, Beaty heat Wilky sonality man,” will be on cr having been beaten by I homo re st raight-away. An Last week and loser all can't the big league, will bo on third, that. Yesterday Withy w o n in bes, with Beaty closing in with O W , $75,000 t at the tape. Daniel* finished completing the infield. !. and W esterfeldt, fourth relay mbcr of the 446-yard rn, wa* not entered because of Reynolds, former star at South western University, will be found in right field, while Metxner in center, and B arrett in left field, complete the outfield. bort stop, s injured leg. The rh <' Pitch!.* »>»ff makin* Coach Littlefield m a hopeful tor,lay that next Friday n would be shining as it w a s;!'0" stand* intr competition, ald probably contain more than authorities t 10,060 that the • expecting, should old Sol be so •lined. th, t h e ! ,r l '> ' on"irt* " r Teddy Lyons. Ur Bob Wie-land, ii. Mc- I ommy j Thomas, and Dan Dugan. Lyons. who wa* with Baylor University I the year that they broke Uncle Billy** string of victories, will probably get the call against hi* cid foes. Autrey and Berg do I the receiving. Autrey Wa* form- Writ* Ho mf- Today. o------------- in’ ^rady Atkins, in the national With the Grinnell team coming to the University, Texas will be forced to compete against one of the strongest net aggregation* In I the United State*. Led by Cap­ tain Cogger hall, fourteenth rank­ ing player list, the visitors will bring a team componed of three veteran* from ; s leat year* team that went through ! an undefeated a***on after com­ peting against formidable opporw-nt* os Notre Dame, Mar* j j quette, Iowa State, and Armour i j Tech. The fourth member of the team will be either De Ix»ng or Kent, both ranking in junior ten - 1 nls circle*. such The day a fte r the Grinnel m at-. che*, will find the Oklahoma Ag­ gie* here for a series of game* ex- J tending over a period of two days— Thursday and Friday. The Sooner Aggies will bring a team composed of only two letterm en, j but the remaining member* on the squad have good records behind I the them in high school and on freshman tennis squad*. eight The personnnel of the local* that will meet the visitors has not been determined, but in all prob­ ranking first ability the members on the squad will see some service during the week of matches. Af present Bell, Barnes Ferguson, and Captain Dunlap, in first four ranking members the order named seejn to be a sure bet as the team to face the Grinnel warrior*. It i* also pos­ sible that Taylor, Minehon, Cald- Q U A L I T Y BY K U P P E N H E I M E R Swiftest getaway . . • Greatest hill- climbing . . . nimblest change of pace . all combined in BUICK • • . proof awaits you at the wheel! . . Get behind the wheel and the facts! SERIES 129 ♦ 14*0 to $ I 520 $ I 875 lo $2145 11591 to $1450 $1865 to $1875 $1525 to $ 1550 #1525 Che vt price* £ a . b. Buick Factor?. special equipment extra. Convenient te m * ta o be »rr*aged o s the liber*! G. M A. < . lim e fer m e n t P U a. SERIES 116 $ 1220 to $1 320 t i m to $ 1 2 4 0 § 1 2 2 5 SERIES 121 COVERT AUTO COMPANY TELEPHONE 6834 321 WEST SIXTH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS SATISFACTION Like a good book, that holds your interest through the last page—these suits are the satisfying kind. They start out well, and they finish up strong. That s the inbuilt quality—the extra value that long hard wear only serves to bring out. Kuppenheimer Famous Fifties $ 5 0 Hirshfeld & Anderson Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats G O O D C L O T H E S ) F O R E V E R Y M A N - A * / § TYLE, Tailoring, F i t . . . a n d Q u a lity , too. C o m p a r e W a r d ’s S p rin g S u its a t $ 24 .5 0 w ith m o d e ls p r ic e d r e g u l a r l y a t $40. W a r d ’s m a tc h e s t h e b e st a n d o f f e r s as m u c h f o r less m on ey. H e r e a r e styles t h a t s t r i k e th e la te s t n o te in th e m a s c u lin e m o d e . . . c o n c e iv e d by th o le a d in g d e s ig n e r s of N ew Y o r k a n d L o n d o n . . . c u t f r o m th e S e a s o n ’s n ew w o o len s by A m e r i c a ’s f o r e m o s t m a k e r s o f c lo th in g fo r m e n . W a r d ’s b u y s in q u a n t iti e s a n d p a y s c a s h . T h e tr e m e n d o u s s a v in g s r e s u l t ­ ing f r o m th is policy a r e s h a r e d w ith you. Basket W eaves - Cashmeres - Cheviots Herringbones - Tweeds Unfinished W orsteds $ 24-50 m o m mPSL Others $19.50 to $34.50 Every Suit Has Extra Trousers A n d m a n y h a v e th e p o p u l a r n ew T a t t e r s a l l V est. T h e c o a ts a r e c o r r e c t, sin g le b r e a s t e d in tw o a n d t h r e e - b u t t o n m o d e ls . T h e w e ig h t s a r e s u ita b le f o r y e a r r o u n d w e a r . A n d you c a n d e p e n d on t h e i r s ty le a n d t h e i r lo n g w e a r in g q u a l ity . See these Suits in Our W indows Neckwear - 98c Selected ie please particular irmn. Figured patterns, stripe*, checks, and solid colors in variety to sat­ isfy every taste. pin Shirts - $1.98 Fine im porter and domestic broad­ cloths, rayon fancy madrases, stripes. Full cut, expertly tailor­ ed. in sixes 14 to 17. Hats - $4.95 Expertly molded of fine felts in for Spring. the shapes correct These handsome model* especially appeal to men who expect their hats to wear as well as look well. Snap and roll brims. Tan, Pearl Grey, and Green. Mo n t g o m e r y w a r d & C o. 409-11 Congress Phone 3636 Austin, Texas Entries T o t a i 991 Saturday For Texas Relays W ith 991 e n trie s to date, the t r a c k “ fa st,” ideal w e a th e r condi­ tions predicted, aud a u t h o r i tie s e x ­ not less than pe c tin g a gate o f the 10,000 people, p ro s p e c ts f o r than Texas Relays a re b r ig h te r sales e v e r of a t ­ te n d a n c e will p ro b a b ly double the old m ark. The g a m e s will begin ct 1:20 o’clock F r i d a y afte rn o o n . S tu d e n ts have been a half-holiday. before. tickets indicate t h a t the A dva n c e g r a n te d a Chicago U n iv e rsity e n te re d 20-man team in th e re la y s Satur- i day, to bring tho to ta l n u m b e r of U niversities e n te re d to 23. T w en­ schools, ty-six colleges, 33 high i a n d 9 ju n io r colleges have enter- 1 cd. T rophies th a t will be given away a t th e games a re n o w on exhibit in tho window of th e Co-op. Sixty- two gold w atches, 62 silver medals, 62 bronze medals, I 4 gold medals, and 15 bronze t ro p h ie s will be aw ard ed. I N o t least a m o n g th e a ttra c tio n s a t th e relays will be the officials. K n u te Roekne, fa m e d grid coach a t N otre Dame, will be re fe re e. Jo e W y a tt will h p o ffic ia l sta r te r , while Ted C anty a n d T in y Gooch will be the a n n o u n c e rs . P aavo Nurmi will about 3*30 o’clock, e ith e r in a mile and o r e -h a lf race a g a in s t some U ni­ v ersity relay te am , or if Ray Con- g< r, prem ier m iddle distance r u n ­ n e r of America, the gam es, the two will r u n a special mile race, com es to r u n The 100-yard dash will be one of the best s p r in t ra c e s this year. B racey, national collegiate cham ­ pion, Simpson of Ohio State , El­ d e r of Notre D am e, a n d Hodges of Abilene C h ristia n College, re p ­ ta len t r e s e n t the f a s te s t college S u n d a y , m a r c h 24, 1929. ^Steer Trackmen Win in Meet with S. W. Teachers W ith tho San M arcos Teachers a n d Moi.n Avenue High St bool of S a n A ntonio jo in in g th e competition, t h e stock of th e L o n g h o r n tr a c k s te r s rose se v e ra l notches a f t e r th e w eekly meet y esterd ay , \ is-J io n s of a n o th e r S o u th w e ste rn tra c k c ham pionship begun to fo r m , a f t e r th e n e a r re c o rd p e rfo rm a n c e o f se v e r a l men. ~~~ Guffin, newly m a d e into a h a l f - * m iler, ran th e co u rse in 1.59.8, in! h is f ir s t com p etitio n in t h a t event j n e >' ( S M ) , t o r o . . th is year. He ra n a b e a u tifu l and 4 4 0 -y ard relay— T exas (W ilk e y ,j h e a d y race a g a in s t M o rto n of Sans M arcos, b arely n o sin g th e visitor B enty, Daniels, M arsh ), fre s h m e n Birdw ell, o u t a t the finish. ” 2 2 0 - y a r d d asa— Mills ( 1 ), Moo- 28.5. Sec-, ( f r ) , D avis: (fr)> R ob#rtson (fr)> T im e ; 2 2.9. OBJ o n d s h e a t — Luckett ; ( L u c k e tt , Robeitson, „ 1 . T h e sp rin t re la y t e a m compos- D a v is ) . 42.6. to o k 2 2 0 -y a r d t h e place of h e a t, H e n r y ( f r ) , R o b e rts e d of Wilkey, B e a ty , Daniels and M arsh , who W e s te r f e ld t while the re g u la r was M u g ia (M a in ). 25.9. re stin g , ra n the 4 4 0 -y a rd relay in . 42.6, and th e 8 8 0 -y a rd rela y 1.29.9. W ith a little m ore prac- M cGee tice on to u c h in g o ff , th is will be able to lop n e a r l y a n o th er rill ( T ) , H a rris ( T ) , B a r t o n (T ) second o ff th e 440 m a r k in h e a t— Mondrick ( T ) , S m ith low h urdles— second ( T ) , low h urdles — f ir s t ( f r ) , | 4 4 0 -y a rd dash, first h e a t — Ter- 2 2 0 - y a r d team ( T ) . 25.1. 51.9. P e rk in s won th e h ig h ju m p with a leap of six f e e t, one inch, and did n o t t r y to b e t t e r t h a t mark, while Craig, V a r s ity b ro a d ju m p ­ e r, g ot 22 f e e t, I inch. Two m e m b ers of th e freshman sq u a d stood o u t f o r t h e i r a f t e r ­ n o o n ’s work. H o dg es, frosh ja v ­ elin tosser, th r e w th e sp ear 196 f e e t, th re e f e e t b e t t e r th a n the c on fe re n ce re c o rd . W ilson “ Bull’' Elkins, tr a n s f e r f r o m Schreiner I n stitu te , e n te r e d com petition f o r th e f ir s t tim e th is y e a r, and won t h e broad ju m p b y covering 22 f e e t, 3 1-2 inches. H e dropped out o f the high ju m p a t 5 f e e t l l inches. in F re sh m en c o m p e tin g the p ractice showed up un usu ally well in th e dashes, s t a r r i n g Luckett, Davis, Birdwell, a n d Robertson, a n d in the mile r u n , w here Schil­ l e r finished second. Results of th e com petition fol­ low : 4 4 0 -y a rd dash, second h e a t- M cM unn (M ain ), G a r r e t t ( M a in ) , M e re d ith ( M a in ) . ( f r ) , Gonzales 52.8. Mile r u n — Bowen ( T ) , Schiller Jo h n s o n ( T ) , ( f r ) , Williams ( T ) . 4.42. O n e an d one h alf-m ile r u n — ( T ) , S to rm S l a u g h t e r ( T ) . 7:42.5. ( T ) , Levi J a v e l in throw — H o d g e s ( f r ) , ( T ) , Galloway ( T ) . 196 G o rd o n fe e t. D isc u s— Baldwin ( T ) , ( T ) , B o yer (T ). 135 f e e t. Rose S h o t p u t— Baldwin ( T ) , K lein ( M a i n ) , A lexander ( f r ) . 44 f e e t, 9 inches. 8 8 0 -y a rd relay— F i r s t : B e a ty , W ilk e y , Daniels, M o n d ric k ; sec­ ond, W r ig h t Terrell, ITarton, H a r ris. 1:29.9. TEXAS TECH TRUST FUND READY SOON 100-yard d ash— f i r s t heat, W il­ k e y ( T ) , B e a ty ( T ) , Daniels ( T ) , W in d ro w ( T ) . T im e : IO flat. 100-yard d a s h — second heat, L u c k e tt ( f r ) , Davis ( f r ) , Bird- well ( f r ) , R o b e rtso n ( f r ) . Time: 10.2. 880-yard r u n — G u ffin (S M ) , M eadow s ( T ) , ( T ) , M orto n Bowen ( T ) . 1 :5 9 .8 S p e c ia l to The Daily T e r An. L UBBO CK , March 22.— I n t e r ­ e s t f r o m the p e rm a n e n t t r u s t fu n d o f $20,000 bequ eathed to T exas T echnological College as a s tu d e n t lo a n fu n d by the la te G e o rg e T M o r r o w of Lubbock will become a v a ila b le to stu d e n ts S e p te m b e r I, 1929, a c c o rd in g to P r e s i d e n t Paul W. H orn. fo r loans E D S EAT H E R E K arow Schedules 8 B aseball G am es F or F ro sh Team P la n n in g t e n or twelve games for the season , M arty Karow, fre shm a n coach, has a rra n g e d the follow ing schedule for the freshm an baseball te am : A pril 2— Auf'tin High School. April 4— D e a f and Dumb I n ­ stitute. Institute. April 16— D e a f and Dumb May 5— B a r tle t t in Austin. May I 5— B inn Memorial College a t B re n h a m . May IT a n i 18— Cuero High School at C uero. May 22 — Bl inn Memorial College in A ustin. Games will probably be a r ­ ranged w ith Taylor, W ax a­ hachie, high schools. B a stro p a n d FROG NET SEASON OPENS NEXT WEEK S p e c ia l to T h e D a tiy T e x a n . FO RT W O R T H , March 23.— W ith tw'o m a tc h e s scheduled f o r next week, th e Texas Christian U niversity H o rn e d F ro g net s q u a d will swing in to action for the f ir s t tim e this y e a r. The team this y e a r is e x p e c te d to be one of th e best t h a t has ever rep rese n te d th e P urple school. Monday th e G rinnell U niversity th e c ou rt m en will be guests of Purple. The F r o g tem will be made up of Jo h n M eDiarmid, n um ber I ; Charles Ew ell, n u m b e r 2; W e ir MeDiarmid, n u m b e r 3; and G uy Fox, n u m b e r 4. The figh t fo r ra n k in g has b e e n hotly c o n te ste d w ith all th r e e o f the f ir s t m e n b a ttlin g ab ou t p a r . Captain W e ir MeDiarmid has e n ­ in his cl. m itered s t i f f opposition sophom ore b ro th e r, John. J o h n , who holds ju n io r cham pion ­ th e ship of Ohio, is one of the m o st prom ising m e n to a p p e a r on t h e F lo g c o u r ts fo r several years. S a tu r d a y , th e O klahoma A ggies a will come to F o r t W orth f o r m atch w ith Frogs. E a c h the t o u r n a m e n t will be made up of six m atch es, f o u r singles and tw o doubles. W r i t e H o m e T o d ay . T H E D A I L Y T E X A N PAGE 3 Baldwin w ill be entry. the U n iv e rsity ’s | Lon Ogg of th e Little Campus D orm ito ry is sp e n ding th e week­ end visiting a t his homo in H ous­ ton. S m it h S m a r t Shoes Wilson Bros. Hos% in th e U n ited States. E ld e r r e ­ cently b e a t Williams, w in n e r of the Olympic races in H olland last year, while Bracey has tr iu m p h e d over all th re e o f the o th e rs. Lee B a rtle tt, ho ld er of the colle g ia te javelin title wit in a heave of 216 feet, 7 inches, will add a ttr a c tio n to th e field events. Twelve m en have e n te r e d th e uH-aroui ti championship co nte st, which consists of seven ev en ts. Leo choaehing Se v e ra l ex -L on gh orn s nave en- tt red in special events, and a m o n g f o r m e r them a r e R o sy S ta lk e r, a t h urdler who is Schreiner L ong J im In stitu te , Reese, one -time holder of th e in­ mile record, S tu d terco lleg iate W right, h o ld e r of the c o n fe re n c e record in high hurdles, and Shop Shepherd, f o r m e r high ju m p e r. SENIORS Invitation Samples Have Arrived T h ey a re very a t ­ tractiv e and y ou should now begin to a n ticip ate y o u r needs. O u r sales­ m en will call on you soon to ta k e your order. H e w ill also sh o w rings, you senior caps an d g ow ns and calling cards.. FOR EASTER We recommend a Iiyrht weight twist or a tropical with a vest— We have plenty of these suits to show you in all shades —-They are heavy enough to w ear now w ith a vest and light enough to w ear without a vest in the summ er— “ A two-in-one-suit’ $25.00 to $45.00 UNIVERSITY TOGGERY J. L. ROSE Euro Shirts Knap-Felt Hats Thurlow B. Weed FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE j a com c o m e b a c k f o r a n o t h e r sack of I I t ’* th e T a s t e that makes you j Ifbppe S>lprppe P OP CORN S H E ’S H U N G R Y T O C I M ak e out y o u r invitation list now a n d be ready for o ur salesm en w h e n they call Attractive M ailing Covers - 5c The T exas Ranger on you. U N I V E R S I T Y * V University Co-Op T H E S T U D E N T S ' S T O R E P f Where Shall We EAT Tonight? HERE’S WHERE SUNDAY NIGHT MEALS TASTE BEST When you think of a place to eat— D O N T FORGET ABOUT PETE. His meals are really a treat; It’s where all athletes eat. The Taste Tells PETE S PLACE O range and W h ite H eadquarters. 2404 G u ad alu p e CURB SERVICE QUICK DELIVERY DIAL 23014 The W ay you like ’em, Pete will fix ’em. A Change in Menu r R o y s Place —of Course W here they serve those good “Coney Island” and Hamburgers Cooked the way you like them Curb Service Phone 2-2225 We Deliver them hot 2416 Guadalupe Y ou D o n ’t W a i t on Us And with the Springtime Come thoughts of P.K. PICNIC LUNCHES The pi cee-de-res int a nee of every outdoor p a rty of y o u r T h e luscious P. K. {sandwiches own choosing, to g e th e r with y o u r fa v o rite p a strie s and drinks co n v e n ie n tly packed in iu s t- p r o o f c onta in e rs w ith o u t e x t r a < barge. “Let P.K. Put Over Your Picnic’ PK’S FREE MOTORCYCLE DELIVERY B rin gs yo ur you’re still o r d e r w hile h u n g r y . A n y th in g P. K. serves can be delivered. DIAL 9090 Till 2 a. rn. SUNDAY EVENING DINNER Five to Eight Country Fried Spring Chicken Cream Gravy uBig Baked Potato” Tiny Peas in Cream Head Lettuce Wayside Special Dressing Saltines Hot Rolls Home Made Vanilla Ice Cream (Frozen Custard) Drink FIFTY CENTS ALSO FEATURING O P E N L U N C H S A N D W IC H E S T O A S T E D S A N D W IC H E S T A S T Y SALADS SU M MER P L A T E S HOT W E A T H E R P L A T E S T E N D E R ST EA KS S P E C IA L D E SSER T S WAYSIDE INN “The Students’ Home" Fred Janes, Proprietor 2402 Guadalupe The N ew Way Cafe 108 W. 5th St. A Large Variety Menu TAM ALES CHILI TORTILLAS COM BINATIONS E N C H IL A D A S Only O rigin*! M exican Cafe in A ustin Service the W h ole Nigh* P. K. Sandwich Shops, inc. OPPOSITE HANCOCK THEATRE OPPOSITE THE UNIVERSITY PK PK House of Quality W e furnish everything but the appetite Phone for quick delivery SIECK’S PALACE OF EATS 2408 GUADALUPE KS. , The Dr Offers an unusual tre at in a special Sunday Evening Dinner. You will like the cuisine ot The Drift* kill, because it furnishes delicious, a p ­ petizing, real Southern home cooking prepared by Chefs who know. M usic Every Evening CO FFEE S H O P DINING ROOM The Driskill Hotel r rn Y o u ’ll E n jo y ■ Cactus Tea Room »! Roast T u r k e y w i t h D r e s s in g the A L A M O H O TEL Sunday Evening Dinner 75c Orange and Pineapple Glace Shrim p or Oyster Cocktail Fresh Vegetable Soup Roast Loin of Pork—C a n d i e d Yams Baked Young Hen— Dressing— Apple Jelly Broiled Baby Gulf Trout— Iceman Butter Mashed Potatoes— Sweet Peas in Cream Waldorf Salad or Pineapple and Cheese Salad Cherry Pie— Cocoanut Pie Strawberry Ice Cream and Wafers f - Coffee Tea Milk SUGGESTS For Your Sunday Evening Dinner a n d Jelly V e g e ta b l e * H o t Roll* G r a p e f r u i t S alad Ice C r e a m a n d C a k e C offee Tea or Milk 50c T hrough A read* til F r o o t W ets W i NIGHT STAFF T H E T R U T H P A G E 4 f l u B a i t y t o a n Pn»M>l*i wa the e*wpu« of the Cal- eersity of Terns, Aaliis, bf th* Team# St Mien** PaM»<-*tiflM. Inc., ***ry morn- tats except Monday. M ltoriai o«c«*. B. Hall, TelepboB** (After IO p m. 9 1 *1.) Fn-.il>*** o«ee*. BL H all, T*l*»ho»e* M H I abd 2-3I#S. Fritted by the l!nie*r*ity Pf*#*, A. C Wrurbt, Manaxer Entered a* *w o «4 eta#* malt** at the p a c t* •* * at Austin, Tex*#. Fdit«r.»*-Ch»ef Ila nae K4*tef Jimmie 8 Payne .... t m . Kay Miller Brian Spinks __ Issue KH Hor M a t e le n e Charleton ... Assistant — Assistant Robert Mayes Thurman Covey . .... - .. Assistant Marshall Johnson ......... Assistant Henry Diugolenski ....... Assistant Rowena Stiles ..... Night Reporter Bert Lay ____ — Night Reporter What Do You Know About- By J. C, WATKINS 1. 2. 3. 4, F a m on* f o lk * ? Robber*? M e x ic a n f o o t b a l l ? C i f a r e t t e * ? Little chats about fam ous peo­ ple: Nearly everyone you read about or ice sec­ in the rotogravure tions, is down in Florida contrib­ uting to the $200,000,000 a year enriches tourist business which the coffer* of that state. is It said to lie the biggest year since few of the the 1025 boom. A prominent playfellows this year arc: John I). Rockefeller— motoring and golf. Every morning, though i t d r iz z le * , the aged millionaire is at O r m o n d beach knocking the gutta-percha over nine holes with his 94-year-old friend, General Adelbert Ames, Civil War veter­ an. Irving Berlin— bathing is said to be the hobby of the famous song writer and his w ife, the for­ mer Ellen Mackay. They occas­ ionally attend the races. They are said to avoid society at Miami Beach. Thomas A. Edison— like hi- friend, Henry Ford, busy as usual a t Fort Myers with rubber plant experiments, which they hope to produce a plant that ran grow rubber on southern soil. Al Capone— wa* enjoying bath­ ing. iiiotorboating, and fishing, a n d entertaining with “ what-ho” parties. Is enjoying questioning at the hands of officers in Chi­ cago in connection with the Ft. ; Valentine’s Day massacre. What with Mexican depreda­ to tio n s you find it interesting read of originality on the part of some Americans. In Spartanburg, South Oaro- !ir«si, a supposedly ferocious Ger­ man police dog was left to guard a suburban filling station. The dog held no terrors, however, for robbers who broke into the place and kelped themselves to a varied assortment of cigarettes, candy, and other delicacies. fact, they helped themselves to the dog, too. In They left a note, spelled out chewing gum on a desk with sticks: ‘ Damn fine dog.” The toreador is soon to pass out of the picture in Mexico and make way for the quarterback, if you are to believe Dr. Mike Bennett, University of the South football coach who has just returned from several week; of coaching at the University of Mexico, He declare that bull­ football may replace fighting as the Mexican national sport. “ A football game between Mex­ ico and the United States for the championship of the North Amer­ ican continent in 1950! Not at all impossible,” I hr. Bennett say*. issued my first call for candidates I got the most I wonderful turnout I’ve ever seen! •ayw here,” Dr. Bennett said. “Tho field was literally jammed with them.” “ When I Moral: Raise your boy to wear a jersey. Seven days till Easter. This ini vat ion u herod spring Into England. London girls have begun robing their own cigarettes. The ma-' jority o f the Young Things who compose the Smart Set now roll them out in the open, a t restau ­ lounge* a t hotels, rants and in The Young Things have found that certain expen Hive grades of tobacco with a “ th a t way” arom a are not told in cigarette form, and can be purchased only in bulk, hence the change. E dit vnal: A fter w atching the rnid Young Things strik e matches wrong way tm the box. choke and gag, and exhale amoke th rough the nose, now you have to watch them apt!! tobacco . o v er the- table white robing their m m slugs. Thera a in ’t no jus- I ML clum sily BULL BELLOWS By ALEX MURPHREE THOUGHT FOR TODAY RED HATS, oranfe hat*, Hat* with color* tinning, Red hat*, orang# hat*, An empty head for lining. AUSTIN is a fair town In winter and in summer; And if you do not think so It proves you are a bummer. And summer school’* quite pleas­ ant The nights are very cool And if you don’t agree with us You prove yourself a fool. You stroll along the drag And sip some cold iced drinks And dress oneself quite cooly In yellows, whites and pinks. And sleep at night all summer Beneath a cool gulf breeze And get yourself goose pimples And cause yourself to sneeze. But if we tell the truth And truth ’tis we must tell Austin in the summer Is really hot aa hell. S N E A K O , T H E P R I D E O F T H E D E T E C - S T I F F S A N D W H Y . A T A L E O F B L O O D A N D T H U N D E R A N D T H R I L L S By Bill Eiler*, Jr. A l a little pink table in a great big room, with purple and gold walla, M i Sneako, a detective such as wa* never before; but we won’t go so far a* to say before what. There ho sat, nom halant- ly a* it were, on a ihree-legged chair with a bare back. (The chair’s bare back of course, you there imbecile.) He had been for hours, chewing a lock o f gol­ den hair o ff of a horse s mane, and thinking thoughtfully a thoughtless sort of way. in An the Just then the telephone jan­ gled at his elbow, as all well-be hared telephones do when they happen to be at great d etective’s Sneako’* The great elbows. funny bone, being as it wa*, so close to the jangle became tickled and guffaw . With a harsh “Shut up” directed af the funny-bone, the detective as drew the telephone to him, movie stars draw to heroines them, that is, gracefully and said, “ Well,” ju*t like that. instant laughed a mighty bloody later man-hunter was entering the door of an apartment two miles down the street. There in a little room was pandemonium, whoever that is, The windows were shattered, the bed was overturned, one of the two chairs in the room was broken, the other only being de moi is he d. The half-dressed corpse of a man clad in red-woolen* lay in one corner of the roo rn in the middle of a great pool of blood. The great Sneako looked about glance; with a smiling, amused hut there was not laughter in that smile. You see he had done this sort of thing before. Tho cops who Mood about in hushed groups, and you know it takes a lot to get a cop to hush, gathered about him to hear him solve the mystery. And he did not turn them away either, not at all. his Instead he stroked red, silky hair which hung down to his belt In glaiing strand*, and gave bi* verdict. “ It it evident a airuggU that there leis been here,” he rumbled in a silky voice* “and this man has been basely uni rd red, Ti« ease is more sen oui than I thought at first, Tot th# broken glass in those window has been shattered through and through. I surmise that the mur­ derer escaped, sine* I do n<*t sec him in this room.” And then the cops just cheered and yelled and hoorayed, because the great Sneako had .solved an­ other case. Just to celebrate they crank all < f that case and hijack­ ed another one off honest bootlegger. an MORAL: It Is a convenient thing to be great. ------------- o — ------------- — New Books In The Library B a sines* Green, J. lf. Organized training in business. 1928. Shirley, F W, The new way to net profits, cl928. L it e r a t u r e The art of play writing. 1928. John Brown’s Benet, S. V. body, 1928. Terhune, A, P. Treve. c l9 2 8 . Obrien, cd. Beat short stories. H ansom , Knut, The w om en at the pump. 1928, Lucandu*, M. A. The civil war, Harrison, E. J. Lithuania. 1928. 1928. 1928. ■ H ary Kell June* and Mattie R ifu&riek a rs upending the " in Lampasas with Pearls former University sta- Scberer, J. A. B. The romance if Japan. 1928. Matsu r,arni.N. The flag o f Japan, 1928. national Baker, G. P. Tiberius Caesar. r n . _ AT AUSTIN CHURCHES CHRISTIAN CHURCH At T ex t* Bible Chair Re*. F. L. Jewett, minister l l o’clock sermon, "Something Deep in the Human Heart.” Special m usic, Marvin Brown, j UNIVERSITY BAP I IST CHURCH Dr. A. L. Au lie Ic, Patter l l a. rn., sermon by Dr. Getty*, professor of Bible at Baylor Col­ lege. Special mush-, vocal solo by Viola Helium. 7:30 p. in., sermon, “Qospel of Power,” by Dr. Auiiek. Special music, duet by Eleanor and Eula Gill. UNIVERSITY P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H 9:40 a. rn., devotional service. 10 a. rn., Sunday achoo! classes. 11 a. rn., “ The Patience of a Parson,” a talk by the Rev. L. ll. Wharton. 6 p rn., social supper for the Students' Associa­ Presbyterian tion. 0:30 p. rn , genera! program o f th#- association. assembly 7:30 p. rn., “ Beyond the Grave,” a talk by Dr. Wharton. F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H D a n i e l E. Cheder, M i n u t e r Service* Sunday morning and night at l l and 7:30, in keeping with l’alm Sunday. The pastor will preach a t both services. Spe­ cial music for Palm Sunday, both morning and night. sermon: Morning “P a l m Branches.” Duet: “The Palms,” by Faure, rung by Mrs. E. K. Watson and Mrs. F. L, Smith. Quartet; “ Jerusalem ” by Parker, »ung by Mrs, E. K. Watson, Mr*. F. L. Smith, Mr. Owen Hutchison, and Mr. B illy Huxman. Evening sermon: “Great Crises on the W ay to Calvary.” Violin so lo : “The Palms” Faure, played by James Watson. by Sunday school at 9:30; Chris­ tian Endeavor at 6:30. F I R S T C H U R C H O F C H R I S T S C I E N T I S T Services Sunday at l l a, rn.; subject, “ M atter,” Sunday school at 9:30 a. rn.; Wednesday testi­ monial m eetin g at H p. rn. U N I V E R S I T Y M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H Paator, H. Baicom Watt* Director o f student work and choir, G eorge ( ’. Baker, Jr. .Sunday school, 9.30 a, rn. Dean T. H. Shelby, superintendent. Dr. K ing Vivion, president of Southwestern University, will preach a1 I l a . rn. and 7:45 p. rn. twice daily all n ex t week at IO a. rn. and 7:45 p. rn. Dr, V ivion will preach Junior church, 11 a. rn., Mrs. H. Bascom Waits, director. Epworth League, 6:45 p. rn., Viola Helium, president. Student social hour, 6:15 p. rn. ST. P A U L ’S L U T H E R A N C H U R C H E. F . W i l k e n i n g , O r g a n i s t Sunday is Palm Sunday and this ex­ year’s Catechumens will be the confirmed at amined and morning service* at 10:30 it. rn. Sunday school and Bible classes at 9:30 a. rn. Special Lenten ser­ vices at 7 :3 0 p. rn. Professor Viehweg o f Lutheran Concordia College will preach the sermon. Maundy Thursday special cervices with Holy Communion at 8 p. rn. Confessional services at 7:30 p. rn. Good Friday special services at 8 p. in. with Holy Communion in German. Confession at 7 :30 p. rn. A U S T I N C O N G R E G A T I O N A L C H U R C H 9:45, Sunday school, Dr. Kuehne’s student clan*. l l , church service, the Rev. Du Bose Murphy. Protestant Epis­ copal Bible Chair. 7:30, Fellowship Club. Count | Attorney Archer will speak on “I* Organized Charity a Fail­ ure?” Next w eek Dr. Eugene Paul Schoch will speak to the club on “Chemistry in the Home.” ------------o------------- GOOD MORNING (Continued from Page I) written them in the weekly or semi-weekly letters home. a * * It’s about time they were learn­ ing the in s and outs of your home for four or five years, isn’t it? They should know more about Texas than they read in the lat­ est reports o f the McDonald will case or o f current legislation per­ taining to the University. Write hom e now. Tell them to duties to o -burdensome forsake and catch the next bus or train Austin w a r d . Dads’ and Mothers’ day will be here April 13. Let’s the I have everybody out to see I wheels ten Invest round- cents and make that letter a spe­ cial d elivery!— Antoinette Kuehne. go T H E D A I E Y T P . X A N SU N D A Y , M A R C H 24, 1929. SI I James Revely of the Little Cam­ pus is spending the week-end at his home in Marion. Frank Hagan o f the Sigma Chi house is spending the week-end at his home in San Antonio. o f the Northwest Texas Hospital H e is a physician and surgeon. in the School of Will Ie he was M edicine, he was a member o f Nu Sigm a Na. Dr. Nan Gilker- gort, who received ber bachelor of aria degree in 1922 and her doc­ tor o f medicine in 1924, was on the sta ff of the hospital before new officer* were appointed. W ell, that is all for this time about athlete* who are now doing their share a baseball to win gam e or so. Miss Virginia Lee Gusman, who received her degree of pharmacy in 1924, has recently been ap­ pointed to the head of the pre­ scription department of the new' L iggett Drug Store in Houston. She was born in Texas and re­ ceived her degree when the Col­ lege o f Pharmacy was in Galves­ she Since her graduation, ton. has lived in Houston, where she has been connected with the Lig­ g e tt Drug Company. She is one o f the few women in the state who have a pharmacist degree. Mr*. Jessie Wood Nance, who received her bachelor o f arts de­ gree in 1910 and who is now head of the department of education at Westmoreland College, has been appointed as a delegate to the National Educational Association in meeting which will be held Geneva, Switzerland. The m eet­ ing will be held from July 25 to August 3. Only three delegates are sent from Texas. The ap­ pointment is made by the associa­ tion. Byrd E. White, who received his bachelor of law degree from the University in 1904, has been re-a;ipointed to the board of di­ rectors o f Texas A. & M. His ap­ pointment was unanimously con­ curred by the Senate committee on nominations. He recently at­ tended the meeting o f the board in in Houston. While he was Houston, he was present at the silver anniversary celebration of the first demonstration farm. Mr. White believes that A. & M. is giving more constructive work than any other State institution. His appointment will last for six years. Well, length of time we ought to be able to con­ vince him that he is wrong. in that Features Lovely FOOTWEAR Creations for Easter I srytjjr Sm art L e a th e r s A ttractive D esign s A d orab le N ew Colors $6.00 and $7.50 E very D esirab le S ty le Here every woman will fin d something new', original and ahead o f the trend in feminine foot­ wear. Vanity Fair Hosiery to Match Footnotes on Ex-Students By FAY FOOTE Ex-Student*’ A**ociai»o» Reporter The White Sox are playing the j Steers tomorrow afternoon. Just recently the White Sox traded an : ex-Steer to the Cleveland Indians. He was Bib Falk, a student in the University from 1918 to 1922. He received his training from U ne ie Billy Diseh and wa* a pit­ cher. However, he is now an out­ fielder. He had a high batting average until last year when he dropped to .285. He is 30 years old. While he was in school he was the unanimous choice for tac­ kle on the All-Sou th w e te r n foot­ ball team of 1919. and Baseball teem s to be the chief topic of conversation the name that is spoken most often as the star league sensation o f the Buffaloes is Howard W illiam- on, another outfielder. He has been studying art in New York for the past winter but he arrived at the camp of the Bison some few days ago to play ball, He was in the University in 1924 in I the College of Arte and Sciences. Oh yes! And that is not all. O. former I long­ star is S. Eekhardt, Jr., horn football and baseball with the Detroit Tigers. Dr. Louis K. Patton, who r e ­ ceived hi* doctor o f medicine de* gree in 1921, ha* recently been appointed head o f the new staff Extra Special Until Easter rn A B eautiful Perm anent W ave $3.50 C O M P L E T E AII w ork g u a ra n teed E x p e r ie n c e d O p erators Paris Shop 2 0 1 El k * Bldg. P h o n e 8 2 3 6 C o r n e r 7 t h a n d C o l o r a d o St *. A D V A N C E D S H E W I N G D E S D M M E D W E IG D T S D IT S For this land of sunshine , . . and of playtime spirit . . . tropicals, nurotex, and linens , . . with designing that re­ flects the leadership of Cam­ pus Shop clothes in the ranks of well-dressed men , . . and the prices start at seventeen- fifty. 1 it w V T U E C A M E L S S U L L T he Store fo r C ollege M en Eli M iller D a v e Bouldin SLIPPER SHOP P erfect S /to e s - P erter A Pithing IQI E Sixth -One door oft Conqress With Warm Weather Drug Store Service You Witt Like The Aristocrat Of Toiletries by Lucretia Vanderbilt Has Just Arrived Here A beautiful line o f compacts, lip sticks, face powder and perfume. A ll dressed in an attractive blue. The line is Parisian in characteristics but A m erican in per­ fection. Sam ple the perfume at the free dem onstra­ tion stand. See the display. Write Home Day Let us supply your sta­ tionery. W ide selection and price range. Sunday Night We can satisfy that appe* tite with one of our All-Rite Toasted Sandwiches and a triple dip malted milk, University Drug Store P. W* McFadden & Co* The Students are again flock­ ing to the convenient place for their cold drinks in be­ tween classes. convenience Courtesy, and excellency o f service are th e reasons Students prefer the Home D rug Company fou n­ tain. £HOMB 'DRUG CC; qJL A Set Your Table for E A S T E R with Fostoria Glassware W edgewood China Hendricks Bird Cages and Stands Johnson’s Floor Wax and Waxers. W e rent Electric Waxer* by the day or by the hour. VV. H.Richardson & Co. HARDW ARE 416 Congress Phone 4768 SUNDAY, M ARCH 24, 1929 OCIE! I RUBY C. LEW IS Society Editor Telephone 913S I Terry, Jewett to Wed Monday I The w edding o f Elise Je w e tt, 'd a u g h t e r of Dr. and Mrs. F r a n k (Je w e tt, 2007 University A v e n u e ,' ■and A lb e rt T e rry will take place ( Monday night a t 8:30 o ’clock at th e home, of th e brid e’s p a re n ts, j w ith Dr. J e w e t t o fficiating , and with only a few in tim a te friend s a tte n d in g . th e c e re ­ Follow ing m o ny a recep tion will be held. th e W oolridge Miss J e w e tt is a g r a d u a te of the U niv ersity and has been teaching a t and Baker schools for the p a st year. She is a m em ber of th e D elta Zeta sorority. Mr. T e rry , now a t Rush Medical College in Chicago, is also a g ra d ­ u a te of th e U niversity. M U DF BT A PHI F R A T JCglONORS HOUSEMOTHER The T a u Delta Phi f r a t e r n i ty e n te r ta in e d S a tu rd a y nigh t with a p a r ty in honor of th e ir house­ m other, Mrs. E m ily Peach. T he p a rty was an inform al a f ­ f a ir, given by th e pledges a t the f r a t e r n i ty house. SOCIAL C A L E N D A R The social c a le n d a r f o r this week-end includes; Friday, March 29. Pre-Medical Society banqu et th e L Diversity and dance at C a fe te ria , 7-11. Phi K appa Psi open house a t C o u n try Club 9-1. Satur day, March 30. Phi Sigma lh d ta inform al dance, 9-12. 9-12. G erm an, W o m a n ’s Gym, Gordon T a c k a b e rr y a n d Potsy Sheph ard of th e A lpha T a u Omega house w e n t to H o u sto n to spend the week-end. Marvin Trice, Alpha T au Omega is spend in g the w eek-end in San A ntonio. J a n e t and S e lm a Lit itx arc their s p e nd in g the week-end a t home in Lake C harles, Louisiana. H e rm a n Glosserm an the Sigma Alpha Mu house has gone to L o ck hart f o r th e week-end. of of A aron L ittm a n Phi Sigma Delta house le f t fo r G al­ veston F rjd a y nigh t, to be with hts m o th e r who is ill. the A Mts, R obert Macy, Phi K ap pa Psi, le f t T hu rsd ay to a tte n d the geo­ logists co nv entio n in F o r t W orth. M yra Gill and Trcne Bowen arc .spending the w eek end in San A n­ tonio. Mac B u r n e tt of the K app a Sig­ m a house is spending the w eek­ -end in San A ntonio with his par- S a ra T u rk o f tho Alpha Delta is s p e n d in g th e week | Pi house end in San A ntonio. T hrace Rogers, G am m a, w ent to San Antonio spend the week-end. K appa K appa to D orothy L a ttim e r, Zeta Tau A l­ pha, w ent to San A ntonio to vis­ it h e r p a re n ts f o r the week-end. Bennie Sue S tr o th e r and Helen C o u lte r are spend in g the week-end in Rockdale. Emily Moore of th e Alpha the Delta Pi house week-end at h e r home in San A n ­ tonio. is sp e nd in g Ruth Slaton of the Zeta Tau Al pha house is spending the week end in San A ntonio with friends Mrs. IL M. B augh of Lubbock is visiting her d a u g h te r , Dorris, a t Scottish Rite D orm itory. E m ory Thom pson of San An tonio is a week-end gu est of Lo­ r e t t a Chapman. Bernice H argis, Zeta T a u A l­ pha, is spending the week-end with h er p a re n ts in San A ntonio. Ja k e Kelly Of the D elta Chi house w e n t to Houston F r id a y to spend the week-end with his p a r ­ ents. Rufus Shell, t r a n s f e r from S. M. U. this se m e ste r and pledge of th e Sigma A lpha Epsilon f r a t e r n ­ ity,, w e n t to C orsicana to spend th e week-end with his p a re n ts. M a rg a re t C h a lk ie r h a s gone to | San Antonio f o r the week-end. D aphna Grisham a n d M a r g a r e t 1 P a rk e r are visiting tonio this week-end. in San An M arjorie W a r n e r h s p e n d in g the week-end a t her home in San I Antonio. Marilla M asterson o f San A n ­ tonio is spending the week-end a t home. E lla Belle F a t h e r l y has gone to h er home in Elgin f o r th e w eek­ end. M a ry V irginia Chick is spending the week-end in S a n A ntonio. H a r r y Phillips o f Sigma Alpha Mu house is s p e n d in g the week-end in Dallas. th e Russell Flow ers is sp e n d in g the w eek-end in L o c k h a rt. Opalzelle F a in am i E v a S ta f f ­ ord a re spending th e week-end in W aco visiting f r ie n d s at Baylor. Leland E vans, p r e s id e n t " f Al­ pha Epsilon D elta, h o n o r a r y p re­ the med f r a te r n ity , in Little w eek-end in his hom e River. is s p e n d in g Mrs, R. C. VV ill rich of Lake has been C h a r k s , Inez He­ visiting bert, a t Grace Hall th e past week. L ouisiana, siste r, her K u r t Schmidt o f N ew B rau n­ the fels, who g r a d u a t e d U nive rsity in 1928, is visiting in A ustin o\« r the w eek-end. fro m Helen McLane o f G r a t e Hall is the w e e k -e n d with sp e n d in g frie n d s in B renham . Christine M c E lre a th and Bea­ trice Kantz of G ra c e Hall are s p e n d in g this S u n d a y in San An­ tonio. George T ubb o f B a y lo r Univcr the is sp e n d in g sity, at Waco, week-end in A ustin. Gurdon Jo h n s o n K appa Alpha house the week-end in San Antonio. the Pi o f is spending .Toe H o r n b e r g e r , L am bda Chi Alpha, has gone to F o r t Worth. E d g a r Klein, m e m b e r o f the t r a c k team of M ain Avenin- High School of San A n to n io , is spend­ the Tau ing Delta Phi house as th e guest of his bro th er, A le x a n d e r. the week-end a t V alentin o “ C a n a r y ” Ditto, Beta Phi Sigma, has w ith d r a w n from the U niversity to e n t e r Keith’s O rp h e u m Circuit. o Wr ite H o m e Today. asa s #15 EUGENE.* PERMANENTS 2 Shampoos and 2 Sets V * Chandoo \ AMO C/WAVS •EXPERT MARCELS- MARINELLO FACIALS / J / f , 6 * O pposite Driskill Mete! Phone 2-121^ NEWMAN CLUB WILL CONDUCT SERVICES may a tte n d th e exercises, accord intr ltcv Blakeslec, chaplin, t h e tjie to RICE SEU 5 TWO 11.M URE S TORIES o t h e r sto ry which she sold to the Boston E v e n in g T r a n s c r ip t re­ cen tly. r ‘.GE S ( in tion m ent o f t h e Dallas division o f th e Sou th w estern Bell Company. i d e p a r t ­ Ho expects to finish his w ork by correspondence and get his d e ­ gree in August. ----- —o-------------- Mr. a n d Mrs. J . T. Dickens of Luling a r e the week-end gu e sts of Mr. ami Mrs. O. J. B ru nk en - hoefor a t the L ittle Cam pus D or­ mitory. Lillian Rice, s tu d e n t in the U n i - ; to I .!" LEE SHERROD TAKES versify, sold a fe a tu r e sto ry the Houston C h ro n ic le this w The story d e a lt w ith the prisons in Texas, str e s s in g especially tho the history o f th e prisons from beginning of in the state. t h e i r existence T e x a s w om en w ho are active in POSH ION IN DALLAS W. Lee Sherrod o f B eaum on t, the School of f o r m e r student, in Business A d m in istra tio n the U n iv ersity , has a c c e p te d a po*i- in French Boot Shop’s Presentation of . ,. created for the woman with the taste of the sophisticate, and the swift, slim feet of the aristocrat . . . shoes of true distinction, MANY N E W ST Y L E S W IL L BE SH O W N FOR THE F I R S T TIM E MONDAY! M e m b e rs of the Newman Club Pl will a t t e n d a three-day r e t r e a t b e g in n in g Monday, March Jo. anti eloping M arch 27. I he re tie .it i- to be conducted u n d e r the first the a u sp ic e s the N e w m a n of Club, a lth o u g h plans h ave been made to m ake the m eeting an a n ­ nual a f f a i r to be given d u r in g th weeK p r e c e d in g Has'.or, a e co rd in . to Jim m ie Miller, president o f tile club. i lf the club, will The Rev. Win. F. PdakeshM? chaplin o f c o n " d u c t th e services to be held a t 7 o’clock 7 each o ’clock day. th e morning a n d the evening o f in in IARMACY WOMEN OF AUS I IN I IOLD MEET Women p h a rm a c ists o f A ustin held a m e e tin g a t V Hall T h u r s ­ day a f te r n o o n w ith Mrs. VV. I . Conklin, p re sid e n t, presiding. M in­ re a d an a rticle on nie Zaliehin ‘‘Women in P h a r m a c y ,” and A nne K u n a rn on “ Sponges,” a rtic le r e a d an The next m e e tin g will be held April 4, a c c o rd in g to Mrs, C onk­ lin. MASTERSON TALKS ON PASSION PLAY ____ for the com-1 Sunday Club a b o u t The Rev. H a r r is M asterson will A r r a n g e m e n ts and d eta ils , talk to th e Episcopal S tu d e n ts ’ the r e t r e a t a r e in charge o f the P assion N e w m a n executive council posed o f th e following s tu d e n t s : P l a y at O b e ra m m e rg a u a t th e reg- Jim m ie Miller, Lucy H e rm e s, j u,a r m e e tin g Sunday a t 6:30 Mildred Jelinek , Lillian U rb a n o v - sky. Bill Ryan, Ripple Hubbard, E u g e n ia Jakowiez, Jo h n n ie VV ar* P au lin e m uth, M adeline Clark. E h lin g e r, and Edward M eCaughey. A n y s tu d e n t of the U n iv e rsity Plans will be m ade fo r th e a n ­ nual E a s te r p a g ea n t. At th e con­ clusion of th e m e e ting , su p p e r will be served, a n d Mrs. David Mc­ kn ight will be in charge. o'clock. IOO STORES These shoes , . . in the newest blues . . . the newest reptiles .. . the newest sunshiny shad- es of kidskin, do more than “follow the mode.** Conceived, as they are, by foremost stylists with French Boot Shop’s in­ and imitable vtiflc— they are the mode itself! artistry F E A T U R IN G SMALL A N D N A R R O W W ID T H S ) rem in iscen t of sprint? ami th e m a n n e r o f str ic t simplicity, an A T M O S P H E R E Kid instep strap; bo* heel, silk kid piped, 13.50. Alto p a t e n t 12.50 ( b ) the tailored mode expressed in thin three-eyelet oxf or d of SL A T E B L U E . . . 13.50 . . . B E I G E W A I E R S N A K E . . . 7i4.50 . . . P a t e n t 12.50 ( c) wrought with truly artistic grace is this front gore pump in SUNBURN KID or DULL SATIN KID . . . 13.50 . . SATI N or P A T E N T . . . 12.50 . . . a b o W H I T E or A T M O S P H E R E KID . . . U SO SM ART RAGS and PROPPER or KAYSER STOCKINGS TO COMPLETE EVERY ENSEMBLE I t ’s as easy to he c o rre c t as to be criticized! C ONGRE SS N EA R E I G H T H . ..... s ? , CCME ANE CHCCX EJ Y o u th fu l mod­ erns who want the last word in good sty le w ill { find here the Easter mode at its height, stamped with Fashion’s approval. m A t your Favori te Shop. E A S T E R COATS New models find their w ay first to M angel’s—of course the sm art college miss visits M angel’s first when her wishes are for the new est of the new! Moires, satins, silks, tw ills, tweeds . . . all the finest expressions of the new mode. Misses’ and Junior sizes. LOOK! T his is only a part of the fleet of driverless cars for your con- yen ie nee at W hippets Fords LITSEY’ D riveY ourselfS ystem 112 W. 7—2216 Guad. W e reserve and d eliver cars. PH O N E 5555 ’■'few? * Chry ale Chevre* i v -; 620 Congressa nm Wichita Fall* F or t Wor th Laredo San A n t o n i o W aco Dallas Beaum ont Phone 23188 IM Q llta fe m civ lL p Ja lcn . k '-11*" 1 0 ,pen « « ialty. w JO* a to n a b le 24th. P h o n e 7 6 5 7 . charges, l e e YOH MAY HE mi t in g a ticket t o a ring 8717. g o o d it h o w i f you don’t re a d t h e DAILY T EX A N CLASSIFIERS. E v e r y day, t h r e e ar#* t w o tickets for two lu c k y student*. R EA D 7 HK CLASSIFIEDS. LOST A N D FO UND DRESSMAKING »S’j'— Small Yoakum ll iffh School ring ll R etu rn to D a ily T exan o ffice- 119 rimmed glasx'f*. Pair . r i . in* bearing i Austin Optical Co. Phone 8129. horn In rn #e DRESS M AKING FIR ST CLASS d ressm ak in g . W ork roar- a n teed . D o all kinds of tailored work and altera tio n s. Dinner a v e n in e iraase* a a p e n a lty . Phone 22(138. FIRST CLA SS D ressm ak in g , Al t e r a t i o n s ; Satisfaction g u aran teed . M rs. Foyil. 409 Natle Bldg., Phone 7 656. Business Directory D EN TIST PLUMBING K. R A V E N — P L U M B E R ‘W li s r i Good P lu m b in g Repairs Are M ad e” 140 3 Lavaca S treet. P h o n e 6703 W g T a N D RE W A R T H A P L U M B IN G P h o n e 2 2 3 0 3 S h o p 4 0 8 E- 18th St SERVICE STATION Firestone Tire Stores, Inc. T I R E S — F I R E S T O N E — T U B E S D istrib u tor— U. S. L. Batterie* G as * Oils - Car W a sh in g and Polishing - Greasing - Vulcanizing Road S erv ice L A V ACE S T R E E T A T FIFTH “ A u s t in ’s Most C om p le te Service S tation" PHONE 32 32 8288 STUDIOS W h e r e there’* B e a u ty Hefii take* it. W hee2* there’s e ane, Holland rn ake* it. Ors. Lynn and Lynn D en tal S u r geon s SO7 Scarbrough B ld g ., P hone 8154 ELECTRICA L SERVICE U N IV E R S IT Y E L EC TR IC A L S E R V I C E S ta r te r and G enerator R ep s ira— B attery S ales and S e r v ic e P hon e 8715 2 4 1 2 Guadalupe F L 0 W E R S E£D Fine Bulk F lo w e r Seed Everything fo r garden* and P o u ltr y C. J. M A R TIN A N D SONS 4 E. 6th Phone 6064 JEWELER O SC AR G A G E W atch, Clock and Jewelry R ep airing P h o n e 4 4 4 0 , 1 ,0 0 0 Congree* In B o o n e P h o t o Co. OfTOM ETiRisT A . B U R S T Y N , O. P . E xam ination and G la s se s Fitted ta T w o H o u rs N otice (Sift 1*2 C ongree* “COHENS and KELLYS in ATLANTIC CITY” RAVISHING BEAUTY IN BATHING SUITS A side-splitting com edy of high jinks at Atlantic City, with the famous partners’ wives th e killjoys of their fun on the beach. Prepare to laugh as you’ve never laughed before. w ith G E O R G E S ID N E Y — V E R A GORDON MARK S W A IN — K A T E PR IC E also V itaphone S p e cia ltie s JACK G O L D IE “ The A ce o f S pad es" JA N R U B IN I “The V iolin V ir t u o s o ’ Fe* T a lk in g N ew s Puhi** I h eatre H om e of P aram oun t Picture* COMING TH UHS. Fox Movietone News H IG H EST CASH PRICES PA ID for Mc- A SCHWARTZ. 417 E a s t 6th. Phono 87*2 ond-hand c lo th in g sh o es. and DR. E . B . C R O W D E R , Dentist 5 0 5 Scarbrough B ldg., Dial 9433 Eddic QuiUar. Vitaohone Specialty USE THE TEXAN Y O U R Chir l r n* Dressed F r e e l f Ord* !-.•<( From L. E a s t Produce Co. Phone 4 1 0 1 - 2 3 9 1 * HW W . 2n d TH IS a d w ill adrr.st < Tm d e s N e u te r th e C r e s c e n t T h e a te r Sunday. t o 'I a k o y our srirl a lo n g . FOR H A L L - I,, d Sm ith typewriter, ceile at condition. $40. Call 8888- tfx - AUTOMOBILES S t u d e n t Specials peltMMi 1921 O verland T earin g, First el* 1 .... .RWLoo 19’ t Ford O oupe, A bargain —• lift.OO IMH Ford Tow not; fSH&.m . K night-W hippet Co. 399 W. ffft Phone 33 HS I Lina B a n q u e t t e “SHOW FOLKS A Bit of Scotch Today T om orrow Today T omorrow MASKS OF THE DEVIL w ith JOHN GILBERT A D A PTED MUSIC COMEDY NEW S SFE A ND HEAR FANNY BRICE SING “MY Iv*AN1 A SY NCl f RO-SONG FILM DIAL 23 1 6 4 OR 23165 Pa g e s T H E D A I L Y T E X A N S U N D A Y , M ARCH 24, 19 CO-ED P. T. REGISTRATION BEGINS THURSDAY A T fo r re g iste r spring required to the training R egistration quarter of physical woman will be conducted in Woman’s Gymnasium T hursday, j Tuesday and T hursday must reg- March 28, from 1:30 to 5 o’clock later for an additional hour in a and Friday and S aturday from 81 class m eeting e ith e r Monday or to 12 o’clock. Copies of fo r hours in the course. Students who] given classes m eeting every take afternoon j Friday. three the for out the first two terras. Classes are arranged to be held at 8, IO, and 3 o’clock e v e ry day. Two rides each week give three hours’ credit in physical training. D ancing for beginners will be o’clock IO interested students who are in serving as judges at the m eet are asked to g et in touch with Mr. Henderson im mediately, In order that com plete arrangem ents may be made in sufficient tim e before the m eet. a t 8, 9, and ' !a>' Two new courses in dancing, elem entary rhythm and advanced dance composition, will be given, j T he work will be conducted in «mall groups, and hours will be arran g ed by special conference. PRE-MEDICAL FRAT INITIATES IO MEN ea rh a n d Interm ediate the spring schedule advanced with a list of equipm ent and cos- i sw imming, diving, and life slaving tam es required for co arse classes will be given at Deep will be posted in X Hall Monday. Kddy Monday, T uesday, Wednes- “ Since th ere is most interest in nay. and T hursday a t 2:30 and The following courses may be com bined to make th re e hours’ c re d it; riding, one lesson each swim­ two hours’ c re d it; week, spring courses than in courses of a t 3:30 o’clock, m ing, a t Deep Kddy, F riday only, any other q u a rte r, students who i Archery classes will meet every tw o hours’ cred it; ttn ik o it, one, wish to register in popular classes 1 day at 8, 9, and IO o'clock. two, or three hours’ c rc d :t ; fenc­ Tennis will be o ffered at 8, 9, or classes given at popular hours th re e hours’ ing, one, two, or are urged to be present at the ini- and IO o’cloc k every morning, and I c re d it; and correctives, one, two, tie! re g istratio n .’’ Miss Thelm a and 3 and 4 o’clock ovary after-1 o r th ree hours’ credit. Dillingham, in stru cto r in physical noon training, stated . j noon classes will play 45 m inutes P R O FS STU D EN TS except S aturday. A fter- -________o-----------■— “The spring q u arter is p m et ic- j twice each week in has Interm ediate a n d beginners’ ally a repetition of the first quar brith golf classes will be tau g h t a t 8, ter given in the fail. quarters an attempt been 9, and IO o'clock every day. A made to keep the students out of new ad va need class will meet on she j the practice g reen a t 8 o'clock doors as much a* possible,” three To **id. students seventy-five and faculty m em bers will be em­ and ployed as judges of track field events a t the Interscholastic to be 9, j one practice each week on the mu-1 held May 2, 3, and 4, according will be taught every day a t to Roy B. H enderson, athletic di­ All nicipal golf links, SO, l l , 12, 3, and 4 o’clock. freshm en who did not pas-? the Interscholastic freshm an swimming tests will be I sam* schedule as has been carried League. All faculty m em bers and Classes in beginners’ swimmings hours* rrrd it the stu d en t will have! League State meet which is Riding will be the I re c to r offered on com plete Tuesday. A bout the of T O JU D G E EVENTS Alpha Epsilon Delta, newly honorary pre-m edical initiation F rid ay organized fra te rn ity , held for ten members. The requirem ents fo r considera­ tion by the chapper fo r in itiatio n are th a t a student be engaged in pre-m edical study and he shall have completed th ree sem es­ a ters o f pre medical work w ith scholastic average which places h m in the first fifth of his class. P referen ce is given those stu d en ts whose excellence is ou tstan d in g in the sciences. th a t M em bers initiated F riday w ere. P rentiss Hydcr, Frank Koenig, E. T revino, G. C. W agner, J. R. Wise, B. O. W hite, Emily A. Sec, J, M, Boone, Mell Fleetwood, and P. P. B urnside. neer of the U niversity. MOTHER OF CO-ED DIES FOUR INITIATED IN ENGINEERING FRAT F our associate mem bers of E ta ; Kappa Nu, honorary electrical en-j gineering fra te rn ity , were in itia t- ; ed by th a t organization its! term banquet in the Driskill Ho- ’ a t tel Saturday night, according to John Renton Robuck, president of the organization and toastmaster for the occasion. Those initiated w ere: P rofessor J. A. Correl!, acting head of the department of electrical engineer­ ing; C. R. C ranberry, in stru cto r J in electrical engineering; R. E. Shelby, tu to r in physics, and L. L. * Antes, assistan t headlight engi­ Speeches were delivered by the new m em bers, and also by M. B. Reed, in stru cto r in electrical en­ gineering, on “ Aims and P u r­ poses of Eta Kappa N u,” and by Thom as W. H enrichson. senior en ­ gineering student, on I Have Used My E ngineering E du­ catio n .’’ “ How News has been received of ti death of Mrs. E lizabeth Ben m other of Elizabeth Benson, sophomore in the U niversity. M Benson had been at hom e with m other in Galveston fo r seve weeks. W rite Home Today. ELM.Scarbrough & Sons The Collegiate Shop Every Smart Co-ed Wardrobe will include these New Easter Fashions V A yin 1 JC* Bot Stu I I the JLha am stu un! tic OU col Cr tin an ial Ct p r st] to: Bb M Ii.® of A t S c a rb ro u g h ’s every season are th e favorite fashions of the yo ung people w ho insist upon sm artness, distinction a n d y o u th fu l chic in their clothes. A n d , m ore a n d m ore varied are th e ty p es for E a s te r — S m a rte r an d s m a rte r are th e color a n d fabric com binations. Size*— IS— 15— 17 M I S S E S ’ F A S H I O N S — Second Floor That Will Make Milady s Outfit Distinctive And Beautiful fin est Many of th e s e chiffon, g eo rg e tte , printed silk and silk crepe f r o c k s — lovely with d e lic a te laces and rib­ bons are rep lica s o f imports from couturieres— u ltra ­ Paris’ smart styles th a t discrim inating w o ­ to select. men will su rely w an t F rocks tea s and for afternoon, bridge, for street, business and s em i­ formal occasions. Sizes fo r w o m en and misses. Formerly $23.95 $19.75 $14.75 $ 8.95 $ 7.98 $ 5.95 N ow $19.75 $14.75 $ 8.95 $ 5.95 $ 5.95 $ 3.95 Color in Coats W hen Dame Fashion said “color “ she looked directly at coats. Discarding the usual dull shades, the Spring coats will be wrapped up in colors— brilliant and youthful— which lend themselves so well to soft woolens and silk fabrics. Form erly $29.75 $24.75 $19.75 $14.75 N ow $24.75 $19.75 $14.75 $ 9.75 HATS Individual hats developed in or perlc vise*, in crochet bangkok, b alib u n tl, baku, h air braid and im ported no­ velty braids. $1.95 Chiffon Hose In sheer cobwebby chiffon, or heavier chiffon w eights. Dozens of new col­ ors, favored for spring. service $1.29 Pair “ F in g er-T ip ” L en gth Silk E nsem bles $25.00 — have drest! of a sm art print jacket of harmonizing and solid color, or to match dress. in print ( abo ve) S heer Chiffon A fte rn o o n F ro cks $39.50 —U'ith flowing tines, unervn hents, unusual sleeve treat­ m ents, and tig h t-fittin g gir­ lace, or dles. Plain w ith printed. (at r i g h t ) T he “ Princess L in e ” S prin g C oats $59.50 — are made of tan or black N orm a cloth w ith m onkey or m i n k tri mmi ng. T a ii ore A cuf f s and silk crepe lining. (above) *< “ D re ssm a k e r” T y p e W ool E nsem bles $39.50 — that can be worn w ith or the short, yo u th fu l w ithout jacket. The biome m tia lly is o f gaily colored silk. (at left) D ependability Prue you m a y get to y o u r d esti­ nation b y w a lk in g — But th a t is u n n ec essary — T h e S T R E E T C A R S a n d B U S S E S w ith o u t e x p e n d in g th e en e rg y th at w o u ld be co n su m ed b y walking. V I will get y o u th ere on tim e, a n d Lingerie Rayon and crepe de chine drawers, teds, step-ins and gowns. 98c to $3.98 ’IWM t e ^ i-S-y.-.iV v • J Purses G enuine calf-skin, kangaroo strap -b ack purses. 98c to $4.85 ATHLETIC ECLIPMTNT Y o u ’ll find in o u r store a n y th in g y o u need in the w a y of ath letic supplies. C om e in and loo k th e m over. ■DffHMfeftoAUSTIN, TEXAS “Courtesy and Service” Austin Street Railway Company ’ i BMpa