. - '- 'I v Advance Gifts Form Nucleus For Campaign Project Proposed as a Nerve Center for Campus Life Active Solicitation After March 2 G ifts am ounting to $100,009 have already been made to the University Union fund, though a c ­ tive s^a-R ation doe# not begin un­ til a fte r che March Second meet* jugs of form er students, it wa.« an­ nounced s^t Union campaign head­ quarters Monday afternoon. Will C. Hogg, of Houston, one of the best known of Texas Exes, - has signed a pledge card for $25.- ; OOO for the Hogg fam ily; an or­ ganization has pledged $50,000 and another individual has pledged $25,000 to th e project to build three buildings on the cam pus cif “a nerve cen ter for cam pus life*,” as T. W. G regory, chairm an of the cam paign com m ittee, has express­ ed it. The* names of the. o rg an i­ zation and the second individual making the pledges were withheld at the request of the donor?, i was stated by campaign officials. Other Lar-je G ifts E xp ected Several com paratively j barge g ifts are expected within the next few days and it is possible* th at the period o f actual solicita­ tion may begin with as much as one-third of the total objective o f it $500,OOH already was declared. subscribed, other Tin* $109,000 a I re adv sudser:!; - cd is tw enty per cent of the total asked, it was pointed out; and of­ ficiate of the cam paign declared th at in the project th a t m akes it alm ost certainly a success. indicates an in tere st it Though active solicitation will not begin until a fte r the M arch Second m eetings. T. W. Gregory, com­ ex­ m ittee, and other interested I chairm an of the cam paign VOL. XXIX A U S T I N , T E X A S , T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 14, 1 9 2 8 . E IG H T P A G E S T O D A Y N o . n a First College Daily in the South $100,000 New Library Unit Complete by Fall Semester 1929 He Gave $25,000 Governor Oar Moody Moo. T. W. Gregory Addition Costs $600,000 Under Present Plans Entire Structure Provides Stack Room for One Million Books I eighteen m onths the j will have a complete J Record u n it to the* p resen t Library Building’, if proposed plans of tho through » go building com m ittee g p w ithout delay. Work the on $600,000 addition to the library will begin during tho sum m er and will be rushed toeom ptetion in tim e fo r the opening of the fail sem es­ te r in 1920. When the building is completed it will house the reserve library, the new spaper libra! y, and jHp - haps some of the departm ental li­ braries, besides stack rooms i'm one million books. Sem inar room? and g rad u ate reading rooms will Iso be included in the unit. A ppropriation Raised the The p resen t m ovem ent for in construction began in earnest th e spring of 1927, when the Board of Regents made an appro­ priation of $500,000 to com plete y r t i # u t ; ttlM iry, but ™ propriation was raised to $000,000 in order th a t the present style of arch itectu re be carried out as it wa* started . The increased appropriation tem® from the questioning of sum 1 of the R egents, who doubted thai hail a mi Pion would be sufficient to centime* the richness starred in the present building. Add; lio n W e s t Plans for the addition specify th a t stack room s and subsidiary to the I read in g rooms be added west of the present building. The new stuck room s will be BO feet long and 80 feet wide, m aking the en tire stacks 80 by IOO feet! and will hold about one rn ii lio n ; books. J To the south of the addition on the ground floor, th e reserve Ii-1 b rary reading room will be local ed. Above it there will be a g rad ­ u ate reading room. On the north side of the building a new spaper: room will be placed on the ground J floor, or about the position the source of B eck’s i*ake. y t G overnor Dan Moody, roost fam ous Texas Ex in tho present hero day, was caught "• a ch aracteristic pooe ext aiding greetings to all othei 11.'n*:- and best wishes f * sue e t ax in the Union drive. As a m em ber of the eve: alive cot uni: toe, he has p m r iii a] T ig full support. Benedict Gives Student Union Information on I IT . Resources Building Drive . .Well Endorsed)” W ild C. the most active exes the .U rrt varsity if egg, est# o> -ft*, rn. fins pix Jveod. His pledge of $25,OHO was one of th e first. Statement Issued by Moody Heartily Backs Union Plan Exclusive Statem ent to Exes Nominate Texan Stresses Need f p ' i f t J Four tor Head For Building* Governor Dun Moody, is, per- Of A ssociation of ■’ hap*. *«. Intending The reading room and loan desk U niversity a t thi figure | am ong the form er students of toe tim e. His polit* will continue to be the main loan j ira! activities have m ade him a desk and reading room when few building is com pleted years and a leader iii the Demo- con­ side of the library will be verted into doors from the pres­ en t stacks to the new er stacks, and th e wall will not be torn out while th e building pro g resses. The w e s t| national figure in th e past When tho the U niversity Union t t project was Drat explain H c n lh a .in r ti- . in callv. Since th at lim e he ha« **- I I f f thTpUm 's for"the*ne* build-] h i"»- ho „ ing th ere will be two elevators in | the place of one, as at present. ■ *^#11 the H• • *.^ i n - svaa-*me^, t These will be located a t the w e st!«lvi*i#cly for Che D ai^ •< of th e old building. n i™‘p *"**■ j for anyone need o f A model of the com plete build-« nee., or Model Built “ I think there to is it* necessity the the U niversity Union tm* em phasize , McGill, Crawford, Harris, Named to Succeed Gregory . . . j W illiam I., McGill of Austin m anager c f the Texas S tudents' <. . Publications a* ^ vice-chairm an of j thy University Union campaign, of McAllen. D. C raw ford iW “U t 7 I George W vthie of W eatherford, 1 ^ y B Harris cf Q uitm an were tho m ost elidible i nom inated as | ‘ thfi Hon. dWatM , ova bk- T. W. G regory of Houston -idc,nt uf xhft ^ s t u d e n t s ’ , fo.. m $*29, a t .the J m eeting of the executive council i n A ustin, M onday, Ja n u a ry 30. U nder the laws of th e Assoria- lion, Mr. Gregory who has served two successive as president fpr re a rs is ineligible to hold the o f­ fice an o th er term . to 8^ eed ing, showing th e com parative su es! buddings on toe c a m o is et .o u r , Ai,sotiatjr>n of the present stru c tu re and the U niversity of Tex ate The re ed I t j is too evident to require, emphasis, addition was made last week. was started T hursday so th a t th “ During th e p ast few years, I model would bo available fo r the think I have visited every Blate and ^ h o o l in Texas, and T have seen building com m ittee to see, j iv) school th a t is so fa r behind in decide on the exact plans. Tho model which is pictured in ; building program as the Un:- { this paper was not made With the versify. There arc m any schools, exact of r o n m , w lth few er buildings purpose o f p o rtray in g an com- and with poorer equipm ent, but I the «nchiteotuTal plan of deled budding, but to give a new v,ith a g re ater rf the building suffi'.-ientiy cor- j ^ for -more building than the r e d for all practical purport*®. No T one could detect any difference . from the proportions may not be pre- p * " cise. though b" «f *t....en*, 4 « try m e U toke the buIM in* itself, n f ^ (h„ . , . a t , ^ . . • • t0 I % Many of us thought th a t the Beck’s Lake Covered Mrs. Dan Moody of Austin, R W averlev Sm ith o f G alveston, and Dr. J. J. T « rrill of Dallas were nom inated fo r the office of first vice president. For second vice president, Mrs. F annie I’ra th e r Davis o f Waco, M erton I.. H arris of Smithville, and Mrs, Victor t . ctaml tb " " ork rt ls try!nK Brooks of Austin, whoa# Husband the form erly r, resident of The new building will extend ' f,d Held# would re men v th:-* need, j Association, were nom inated. 30 fe e t to the n orth and 30 feet j but fig u re s‘ recently m ade public J , to the south of the present one,; would seem McLeod N om inate (C ontinued on page 7) to prove th a t . tm# not occur for rn any y ea rs Ste . A ri. Mrs. Minnie G u Id*M orris of : I. Francis u t le a s t; a n d th e b u ild in g a re n em o -1 W ich ita F alls, and IP . R. H. Mc- I I m u st confess th a t now. I m u st C o n re y m a t unto, Lend o f P a le stin e w ere no m in ated now. vive pvest­ the J for the o ffic c (J; !hifd H ouston, C harles un! J I s , W R E N N L I B R A R I A N BA CK Miss F annie E. R atchford. Ii- ■ re c e n tly I wa? unaware of b rarian >f the VVrenn collection, Dm all a m o u n ts the school has r I- j d en t. will retu rn today from a visit to Dallas, During her senee G Ii ft on E. B lake, to r in E nglish, w as in c h a rg e of the library. b e l a b - ; spent fo r build lr?;# from , its o d ,1 “ T he need f o r the a u d ito riu m - . lustrum -. well a short ceived in a form th a t can Calendar rn ; I o ’clock— Orange rich at C actus Tea Room. 5 ©'clock — lanior-freshm an Jacket basketball practice. 5 • ,«l*ek— G irls’ Clee club, M. B. 157. 7:3*0 ©’cla c k — S c rib b le rs, Y. W. C. A. room, M. B. 7 :3 0 ©'clock— SpeaketA club, T exas Bible Chair. gym nasium building, in th is pro* ■*: gram n parD cutariy pressing. I fknow o f a drawn or m ore town# I • in T e x a s sm a lle r th a n A u stin th a t In fact. I I have b e tte r auditorium s. to: I A ustin has none e x c e p t th e Men** I \ Gymnasium at tho U niversity and : th e high school a u d ito riu m . Thi# I ne O'! *s nu re apparent in Austin ; than ih vtE.er town*, too. b . - - c n c ] | o f the many m eeting) Held hero < : arui the |Cor vt ant need o f m a h \ f fa cl I it i cs- - fnci I It ins th at * would .. servo tho whole state, | “ I like G eneral Grogwry*: idea J ; of bnf?ding h o tter citizens' at th? I I (C ontinued on page b f I ee Union F la n on C ard F o r M arch 2 F eed ; S olicitations T ahoe O L A KR for the Union eam- puign will be j. resent cd, sol c ita tio n but pogftivety no for fu n d s will be made at Ex- Students' banquets March 2, officiate o f the drive have an­ nounced, A ll #olicitatters will be made in pc: ion rd interview s, and no to con­ groups w ill be jerked tribute March 2. First B o n d Interest Prem ium s M u s t P a y Every Texas Ex Given A n G pnortunity To Hein Benedict Issues lion. T. VV. G rcgcry. presi­ d en t of tho E x-S tudents' Asso­ ciation, who is spending u n tir­ ing effort)* money for P reject. the* raising of S tudent Union Individuals Favor, Is Indicated “A w orthy ‘ cause, cause* which is w orth the tim e and devo-j lion of every ex-student of thi?j institution.” a Thus is tho S4 udent Union build-j ing pro ject characterized by T. U. j the University* Taylor,* dean of Cortege of E ngineering and voter-j an professor. “T his is an opportunity for each} Texas ‘E x’ to own a few bricks! in the buildings of the U niversity, the to become a stockholder in future education of Texas. In my opinion, the Union will be built within the next few years, and I those who do not help now to the extent th eir ability will miss the opportunity to be of inestim able t twice to th eir ow n children and to the children of Texas. i, “ I do not regard this as a duty an opportunity, and it will current once f o r a ]» m easure with a two- foot rule the size of T exas’ spirit. I predict th at the ex-student? who were here in the days of B enja­ min C lark and Helen Ma cr Kirby will rally roe- ' ■ old flag with-* out a d isc o rd a n t note and w ithout; a single exception. F urtherm ore, ( know th a t tho loyalty of the fa m oas‘Old Guard is exceeded only! .• the loyalty of the old B. Hall- -tea lo th eir sacred shrine. The B. d aillt ca will be the most loyal and! -nthusiaatic supporters of the (’n on p r o je c t” Exes in Behalf Drive Union Drive Fund I.) More T han Money To V arsity Ex-Sudenls’ Issue Sent to 18 Foreign Countries Today this ie • of ’T ''WUNTY-t.hrce thousand eop- ^ issue of Th.* Daily Texan will be mailed to the Texas E x-Students U nited S tates and in about 25 other countries of th? world. in By DR. H. Y. BENEDICT, President o f the U niversity The love, the adm iration, th e . devotion o f a grout O ',up of good people is necessary to make g re a t univ* rsity. ^ hen the The extra copies will be run today, o ff The Texan press imme­ and m ailing will s ta rt diately. This will be the first time in history th a t so m any copies of one issue will be m ail­ ed to E x-Students, Copies will be sent to Exes In the follow ing foreign lands: South America, the E uropean continent, Mexico, South Sow Islands, England. China, Ala­ ska, A ustralia. New Zealand, C anada, C entral Amel tea, C aba, India, States, Jap a n , M alay P ersia, Philippi no?, Porto Rico, Russia, and Sum atra. ex* I students and friends of the U ni­ versity oversubscribe, as I trust they will, the $500,000 asked o f to them in the campaign about start, they will give m uch more than the m oney they give. They give to T exas not only thi* hope bu* also the c e r ta in ty o f ] th in g s in th** fu tu re , T hey in ­ s p i r e th e stu d e n t# an d fa c u lty to g r e a te r in te lle c tu a l e ffo rts , th e y j stre n g th e n e v e ry th in g m ost w orth- * while in w hat we call Texas spirit. I More and more people 4 ^ p##* I ognizing beautifully sta te d in other w ords in the Bf* ■ bde. th a t w hat w e give aw ay we ; keep and w h at we keep we lose. * As a consequence, g re at schools and hospitals and other * vide aces j of philanthropy and civilization I and religion a re everyw here, aria- ! lug. irre sp e c tiv e of th e s ta te , the j U n iversity can n e ith e r g e t to no r rem ain w ithin the “ firs t class” wfl- som e be [ i t added, tho U niversity must con­ c h e U niversity G afeteria pro 1 tin UC lo deserve such beneficence. It is true ti int faith fu l ex-stu- to repay to the state what. it has done in e d u c a tin g them . Caf Takes Win in La, st Game Of independents *■<1 that ihev are the best team in tin* Uh , trounced she Little Gam pus 32-16 independent L ra g n t W h e n 4«n»» oo«M to dive in order its co m m u n ity p o u rs b e n e fic e n ce upon in a fa it ga mo it, And, j lei?# fact, the securing advance g ifts and the 8100,000 announced M onday Was the result o f such work. com pletely These g ifts over­ shadow anything done in the T ex­ as, Memorial Stadium cam paign, it In that campaign. v a? der hired. _ .. , ,! the H ogg fam ily subscribed $20,- \ w „ r am, Mra_ H_ j_ U lt. cher S tark subscribed ten p er cent of the am ount pledged on the cam­ pus and in Austin, which am ount­ ed to approxim ately $20,000. Meets Need of Campus The U niversity Union, for which is being the half million dollars .sought, is designed to meet the needs of the cam pus fo r all e x tra - The project great d asa room a ctiv e ie-. three buildings: a contem plates Union building proper, an auditor* ium -gyranasiurn, and a w o m a n ’s activities building and gymnasium. It is asserted th at every interest, •n the cam pus will find a place fu r its work in this project. The Union building will provide reading, lounging and game rooms, offices fo r the E x-S tudents’ As­ sociation, the student self govern­ m ent, honor councils* and all other stu d en t organizations; will pro­ vide an auditorium seating about 1.500 persons, and fo r the use of debating societies, dram atic clubs am! sim ilar organizations. The auditorium -gym nasium will have a hall large enough to seat between 8,000 and 10,000 persons which will be used fo r commence­ m ent exercises, convocations of ad students, lectures and concerts by (C ontinued on page 8) uaderm aintained j R o !! F i r s t Y e a r 3 0 ? Are Sec lionized J D ona A score. v Sets Record J Av dependent The C af team bus won tho In­ rho rn pi* rn hip Law Class! for the. test three years.’ and A ; seem s to have a monopoly on th at I division. league The enrollm ent lr* the first year J Thompson led th f C af boys a Ila looped eight throw. law clar# th is se m e ste r 160 students, and fo r the first exceed*- 17 p o in ts w hen Im and one *ree Half Moons Win Fraternity Finals From Phi Beta Theta rn *, m • ■ Flashing a brilliant ted by the tho H alf Moans classed the Phi rn— »• game floor well. and appeared capable .sensational T im m ins, | ^ m aking any varsity team in th e com pletely out- : C0 Bf t>r e n c e , B e was easily the out* Delta Theta? to standing man on the floor fen All Revenues Not Available How r e b is th e U niversity of Fexrs? How muon m oney has this school received from the cd fields de­ veloped on in West Texas? lands its W hat goes with the millions aim ing in each y ear from these ait fields? W ith th e legality of the whole U niversity oil developm ent pro­ gram soon to be subm itted to the state suprem e court, and With for­ m er students of th e school begin­ ning a campaign fo r $590,000 for buildings on the cam pus, stalls-, icians have worn their pencils and minds b lan ! trying to figure ii all out. is au d ito r endow m ents, U n iv ers ity W ealth Report school In recalled The w ealth of the is easily latest ascertained. The annual report of the president of the institution places its total as- sets, lands, including buildings, securities, everything of cash, equipm ent, cash including any value, even by the deposited with student organisation?, a t a little this more th an $28,000,000. that connection It P resident Benedict has recently m ade th e a sse rtio n th a t d u rin g the p resent year at least folic un: er j d ties will receive m ore th an th e U n iv e rsity will receiv e from kg oil N icholas M urray B u tle r, presider)1 I •if Columbia, recently tfPclared hb | school*# endow m ent of well over j least $00.* j be J $100,000,000 was a t 300,000 and has zincy th en received erne g ift cf $5,000,000. F o rm e r Pres- ; 'dent VV. M. VV. Spbvvn, in m ak-j ing his final annual a t j the T exas school says, “ Tho I n; ; varsity and ment by lack of i e urccv.” is now i? hampered in gift: of T ex a I less th e n it Should its develop­ re p o rt fields in Oil R o y $ 8 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Figures from the ofSce of the or maiden t of the U niversity p lan ( the total ftiijottttt o f oil royalties t**.©. U n.w#iRlt» y f *»»»». , turned' wvsif ap I Hs West Texas oil field? a t p ro x im a te ly $8 000.000. | Then, with all thi# m oney, and J w ith still more com in g in each I month, how sa it th at the Univer L ady o f T exan sp forced lo ask it? « (fo rm er student1* bd Help w ith , , » sectionize are a b o u t 50 to 75 s tu d e n ts ,section. » j , : ; . In th e sm a lle r classes th e jn d i-| * in , viduai ta able to g e t more out o f; tether! .the course than tho in t e I sensational a i tim es. The I it th* t , / n g m v , f\^ ht <. ;„ n/ ; .>ut s 3 . n " r I * seige. The two team s b attled i t h e ir ' ....... IMNRgM fo r th e m o r e ' S M h alf, a n d th e period en ded a i m enace to th e hopes of th e H a lf th*. T he H alf M oons: M oons w ith his good flo o r gam e. ♦ »uck with a hrilUnnt gam e Had the Phi D elia Thetas been o th e r to a sta n d still in th e (g a m e fig h t, aft# WW# * tho Phi D elta T hetas Se#y lad it ajWt fa%n.r Ca-Atr-nu ?ev«*nudl i t th# i L w h u .i :. (j j* p - f ' f i ’eo"- e i^ e d 'io , im: - • . , - , . . pu,erArr. .-r.sti,,'--.,niv # | CU 5- « , . | f Mb ! « < » ! , b.'.tV n,. little m ore than $ i,0 0 0 #m l0? ,r , The a n sw e r is fo u n d in th e dis*! the m o m d u n l s tu d e n ts ow n* q u v.-1 ” • , „ h . positb.n o f th e fund% com ing into I ,-,.d orally in che a. Ac - rd'mg to * <;:aH‘A l *V’ i,u th ? U n iv e a d tv . T his school H ts I D ea# H tldebm ftc5, tho o th e r tw o fu n d s, the “ R e m a n e n t ” &nd; ete?s#s, as well as tho?? of the. “ A v aiteb te,” The p e rm a n e n t I f i r ^ venr laV s,. w oald b1 r V ' . ' l I W S F 1 w vtc , tie to stop the shots of • 8'v-uy would h ave w e e rd c g the claith Thetas. law j w hen N ew berry, th # Dorm s bes f *-°»_> t h e \ m»tit sh o t tw o H eld g o a l? ^ f r o ra Bandel! and rome of th e bl has been m m earnest C af quintet wa< lunfting u p 1% I an d one Dree throw f u r .# tot** o r t gam## dv fkbkl P ^ V ,'P n* to ta l Ttynmlfis wa - the b ig noise for sam e u m c iii# , m e w * F in th e ii Kl points. Tim mins played th e j forw aids 3 . P A G E T W O e x a s D i l l i e s t f T a k e T h f r d P l a c e + — Steers Vie With SMU for Second Owls Stage Rally To Win, 21 to 20 Berth Saturday T C. U, Loses Fifth Game Porkers Stated to Win Championship Without Hard Battle B t POE CA NTE FXL Texan Sport* Editor three if fie r loping frames in : TRP id jcaew-'wii to toe conference j leaders.. Texas has rallied to fr o contest 'n ur;r undisputed po**J session o f third place to the ran- < I ere nee. This rise has hee n due \ to a B fvcf 3 5 2 H 2 I ------- .... 7 0 P ct. I .OOO .750 .625 .375 .286 .260 .143 Saturday' night aw them take _ the Baylor S ta r s to another clean -( M' Ste!!8* tog by ti 4C>-2A count, having pre tioQsly downed them in Austin by rn 57-35 score. This win saw the T exas team stamp itse lf •* * dan­ gerous contender for second place in the confcrcnv*- standing, when x z r . ,„ rv Monday night over the T. C i.»*» who are the world’s III champion? when it com es to los­ ing by one point. The O wls were much blithen <1 by the tight fir e ­ man defence o f Matty Bell h crew - ftU rir « sib were made S i T * ■ h Muslanra liv e n ig h t Mustang* When they m eet them in • *c ®LI,ntV. Dallas the night of the 18th, Texas : lf Texas downs the . 'SLZ T.£$£S. “ Rag"” Mathews, and “ L efty” Walbn, Frag guards, showed much w o rt .n a d e white tteV w fie.s w iV ftod themed-' I V^y, the Frogs led, 20-16, but the ranking et .fib*,, Mad at Poof#* . . . . , I Q _______ * * Teas will ?<*• fighting mad for A T O I? them here V l S l t O R C l H T i p U S the Ponies that L O X / W T I V C * in the opening p o r m e r T e x a n E d i t o r H e r e a victory over night. They haven't forgotten the | fa c t that the Pontes Im ac bhd them for n row of counters wk** they ; . met game of the season There is still ; rankling in th* heart of che Texan? the memories of tw o certain days,' a year apart, on which the ItStaei Reavis Cox, editar-iu-fhief of k u f i downed a in 1921-1923, eleven, and a victory on the co u n arrived in Austin last night at 7 w in go a small way towards h e a l-;f,‘clock to visit hi* parents m g the rancor of that wound. D With K c l a t i v e s , s i his brother, Jack Cox, U niversity Most everyone pietas the M a s-: Evident, and to renew old friend- fighting Steer | The Daily T exan ~~~ , and j r ox has been working in second place ! ^ ; rg (..n the earn pus, h t» sg s to ftnbH t i m year. but the Steers have been , toward going Bkt a homo* afire in their p -. d o lla r o f philosophy degree la st five gam es, and th ey art* more j - ^ <»lumb Unlvcrsjtv this year. 3 * 8 likely to knock the* P o n ie sl>n ' «w,ra^ - -■ j and} has also been on the ataff from their hold on second place J of the American Journal of dom* in Dallas when they meet them I no rf** in New York City. , Saturday night, i White in th* U i.ivrr.ity b n * a member o f fr ia r s, Beta Kappa, Scribblers, Sigm a D elta Chi. He was r ?> Ch A. that Texas 'va'-- conserving ber energy for the Pop** - and taking no chances on a man g ettin g hurt in the Baylor genie S at'inlay t .v h “ I hi and ’ of the University Y. M. for one term. Cox also the » There Is no doubt Porker* Lead while in ^ 1 to in track It tool* like the Forkers have j Jcttew d cm ehed now. I Uaiver#ity. . ------ A nm-anc em eat was the champe nhhtp recently I hey have ane mare rand trip bot made o f Coxhi engagem ent to make into Texas, aud will m e e t ; S' h*d Dunaway, another cam ­ Rice in U'*u»ton February 17-18 a f farm er days. pus jnurriali^t and then they Will make the trip M ist Dunaway, who graduated to Chdlogf State Sunday and m eet from the University in 1925, wa# the Aggie* Monday and Tuesday a m ember of Gainnm Fbi Beta nights. T exas and S M U. have the sorority, She belonged both handed tibcsc tw o team# ©it*** Orange. Jackets, Mortar Hoard. * Wed «k* fen is, and the Porliaraf should win the ** four game# with-1 Alpha Uh; Epsilon, Theta Sigma Phi, V. W, C. A. cabinet, Reagan cut much ado, but then the Owl#; Literary Society, and Cap and Have been playing good basket Gown Council. ball them selves lately arc! will not be a IptOjp f a t the Forker-. Miss Dunaway. In addition to the#© other activities, wa# at one time th# m anaging editor of The Longhorn. to if #Im* finish cu rd , if not higher, come* through a win over the Don ie# Saturday night, and then win# ail o f her iv mu. ni ny contest#, STUDENTS MUST APPLY FOR LANGUAGE EXAMS SOON silt wiil be setting pretty fo r a finish in second position, foreign Steer# continue to play ball like language exam ination# must be in they have rn the part five gam es,' the Registrar*# office by Wedne#- tn t s t # no they ; day, February 15, a t 5 o’clock. through with a E xam inations will be given Sat- shouldn’t cam e their rem aining unlay, February 18, at 2 o'clock, win in OB of game*. if the I Application# for the Registrar*# office said. - ——-----a—■— — Texas- ha# a reason why fin e chance the ,#• I r e iv e d their first training under I the direction c f Stag*. S t a f f W ill Speak j W hile here, S tagg probably will address a convocation of freshm en and sophomore students, according to L. Theo B ellm on t W hile tM* j will be called for the freshm en and sophom ores only, it will be of great J J benefit to all the. students in the . W ith 20 University, and one hour Optnt in I intoning 1° S tagg will do the i t l l - 1 , I dent body more good than a whole f g° n day spent in w atching the world’s} : bf st athletes in action, B ellm ont} > contends. Ken- Present plans, if com pletely c a r -! I ried out will make the relays the I biggest sn the country, and som e­ th in g of which every student in the U niversity and every Ex, no* living, j m atter where he may be. should be proud of, THE SCHEDULE With 22 gam es already scheduled. Texas is within one o f the lim it allowed by the conference officials. The com pletion of nego­ tiations with N otre Dame filled the date open April 12, and left only one op-n date on the 1928 schedule. Texas opens the 192* schedule with the D etroit Tigers here March 24. l l , at D allas March 24- D etroit, at A ustin. March 2b and 2 7 — Rice, at A ustin. April 0 and 7 — S. M April 9 end IO—~T. C. U., at Fort Worth. April 12— Notre Dam e, at Austin. April 13 and 14— T. C. V., at A ustin. April 20 and 2 1 —-A. & i i . , at College Station. April 27 and 2* —Baylor, at Waco. May 7 and 8—-S. M. IL, at Austin, May l l and 12— R ice, at Houston. May IC and 17— B aylor, at Waco. % May 21 and 22— A, & M., at Austin. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1928. C o n f e r e n c e T Physical Perfection Rare Co-Ed Trait at Texas Say Statistics [. C o r r e c t i v e G y m W o r k A i d s P e r f e c t io n O f P h y siq u e ______ •rcisos suited to each girl’s needs. The corrective den*.rtment is in its second year at tho U niversity. is particularly valuable, since Ii I a bill bas not yet been passed by J the state for com pulsory physical *ot educa’ion or training in the pub- training | jjc schools, in enabling those girls, d epa rl roc rd, o f physical for won',en in the U niversity are j who have not been able fo r va- reasons, to g et som e exercise sn y inaroairou, iv , * -Eon in h* I* rf ck ting their bodies r,„;d.- n V V - • n i ■; a r. this? is a filet which has and In bringing their health to a iiov/ever, been noted for centuries. If ria ic tu s co opi.cd by m ore normal average. the I th in g . 1 . .Ti this year, and will give the fans tome of the prettiest baseball they f have ever seen. Hop grew better J sa each gam e last spring, and his I b ittin g should be better this ye a r.) I J H enry Laughlin and R M, cs! ' T rigg w ill be out there m aking , : l o p work every afternoon for ho j place. Laughlin Is a heavy hitter, | I JI* d should find a f-raee som ewhere I I cli the Steer nim* far f h»i reason. I Jackie Radford, le tte r man of | 1926, w ill ba baa it this sci r-~ and I v;:X ’ >‘v his hand af hurt, tho } Hon he played in ' 2 0 . ■ H ow ard M: - Mittian, a new m?n, will give I Jackie m ost of his apposition. The ; hot c o rn e r will rn ba Ed Olle’s on*- ‘ handed stops, and the fellow who i g ets that position Has a hard job I ahead of him. I rank H iggins I and D usty Rhoads look like the J hest beta, for the hot corner now. J T here’s a like! shod o; flu s Wend-* in field. j ’or breaking ■ W endler was one of the Heaviest • hitters on the froth team last year. Two letter men will be back in I the outfield. They nee P ete Ed­ tote, the Girls m ay find them selves in ! thin individual work at any tim e, which ix the “clearing house” o f the physical training departm ent, for a more or le is tem porary per­ iod tin** to some condition which fens com e to light such as post-op­ run-down erative case.--, general the conditions, injuries, In be corrective departm ent will found girls having various de­ gree;; o f heart trouble, postural and foot d eficien cies, cases of in- fan4 ifs paralysis, overwm ght, and underw eight cases, m uscular, and organic d eficien cies of all kinds. S l e e p i n g P. T , etc. T r y to G e t P ad d o ck It is hoped by the officials th at: Uncle Billy Leads Hopefuls vj^ ,,, th, To N ew Field for Fractice th e y will be able to secure C h a r le t: -tr-% § m ▼ i JT% _ _ A * I f f for the Rela I attem pts Paddock fa) will be mode to secure Joe Ray and Dodge o f Chicago, tw o o f th e, bent m iddle-distance men in t h e j ^ through, country. ta tk„ I witb U ncle B % Disch talking t Ift Ut26 Harold Osborne was th* ^ ^ afternoon of W ednesday,|dent© . V? hen he gains that very I these men arc good I, found thirty b a seb a ll. essential point. there isn ’t a te a m ! heavy hitters. B ig Rob Carf, the f peacefully in a room : iiijprfcew th a t can come anyw here heavy slugger from the fro Ii nine likely : Bilb- B h eh talking t o !near his throws. ^ th em a quia in I To be added to thgae tw o oft! grab a place in one or tho out- M f 1927, will more I than ® T o J ^ r ' t s : ; mfc,‘ 1,1 * fln c k o f " ,okii-s l f l , " .ilt.on, and Dave Rawlins, a n n e c tio n were sent to R’viere sottth-pawa, l o he added to those; Son, London, ae conli rig to already named. Brow ning and I Wink ter. librarian. R a d ia n are and : K. W. I fin e hundred I two of'*the c la ssie st■ and tw enty-five volume.-; up. E n g - ] The stands when com plete will b lu e le it-harrier* that ever : fee a phyi>ic;*l exercise un- UY cr the direction • ’* the depart­ ment of physical tm m ing far wom ­ en ai the U niversity. work to m ake each ‘individual case into a s healthy and as p erfect a It is alw ays body c s is possible. a p ”. Idem to attem pt to give pro­ grams to stud* nts with carry-over values, but for corrective work, a I KW game of tem koits, has been instituted which is prov­ elock ing popular, and archery, ; f , and swim m ing are a k o very oro Effable form s of recreation for whieh hey may find enjoyable a fte r col­ ic? * days. At F-r <1 ic of entering U nlyersliy, cvthy Dr! is gU *-n n, and n modi-1 mon4- cases 0, 1 ^ A It is the nim in th is cdnreetiv*r in thin group, ' r»l-a. n b le n n I t CIi Z CU a I) 11 ll '{ h IT v?icrl tsarV ? ' : the University. continue rn it if fir 'ti the a j * x •- -1U • r j |-» ' ji I 1 - --■ * *% \ r the to y p in r e 8 att!! grnq- , then. '*•» the iindi'U' l f these eiam itudibns, ara! when those hav ho “card? r r - deal i'm* ng health grades fT “ 0*’ ;hc mueh es ii*.king corrective work 7 h "rah j**. ir e ! . ’d u a l to cm'e m , o r e x S tututeics from exam ination* of ’5fi new girls at the U niversity in Septem ber, 1 9 2 7 . xviii fu r th e r iomon.-trate the work to be dor.e ,y i lie corrective departm ent. M .n , P r ia .. O ff.r ^ i consist o f bronx** consist silver silver and bronx® member# the of stet ues, gold, No longer will it be possible for medal#. The % pop fly to blow over a short le f t winning relay team s get a bronze f)e}d fence arMj go f or a home run; trophy while the member? of the row it will take a m ighty wallop to team# placing second and third carry over any of the thro** fences. ret silver and bronze modal# res­ It h SOO feet to all of them. L eft pectively. and ten ter field will be bordered by a high rock bank which stands out as a m onum ent to the ex te n t of excavation which was ne* .-es ary to m ake the field level. special event get bronze trophies, gold. liver and bronze m edals. Invitations, and The winners the of lute ii Houston. A lle n R e c e iv e s Potsy A lien , one to’ the best catcher# to ever don a mask in the Southwestern Conference, wil j take care o f the* receiving o f the I twists and curves o f T exas pitch- \ tm . Potsy is a >toady catcher and ! can make the young fellow s pitch ta him aud forget that they art* scared. Norm Recs and Pint Webb arc A llen’s roust* capable under studies. Webb can ptay anywhere, and will g e t plenty of chances be­ torn the year it over. Non© is a fin e . little fellow and he will line-up w ith hi? break he#A*y hitting. into the Infield Good P itc h e r * W a n t e d is that makes up the Pitcher# are what will be needed by Texas this year, and pitchers, it largest number of men out for the 1928 squad. Not in many year* has there been so many pitchers, and all o f them good pitchers, out for tho Steer nine. is one of Tommy Forbes, a right-hander, who aided Neal Baker to win tho is, out flag for Texas last year, and is rounding into shape rapidly. Tommy the sm artest I itchers yet to come under Uncle B illy ’s tutelage. Maurice Arm­ last strong, another member of Hop Hopkins, * he fielding sen­ year’s squad, is expected out soon. Army has everything that it lakes R ation of the 1927 Steer champion t ; make a pitcher, except conite [ Hup team , will be back at second Arvie W alker will be hack af first. Arvie is one of the best field­ ing first basemen to ever play with the Steers, and his hitting was the big factor in many of T exas’ wins ,last year. L efty Got m e r and Fd Kelly will be fighting Arvie for his place this v'-ar. • inform ation tanks have been sent out to all Ho paajor schools ?f the country nd many of these schools have re­ lied favorably. No entry blanks vin be sen t out until March I, and Bl entries will have to be back in before the hands of Bellm ont March 17. The Texas officials have spared this the in making no expense greatest year in Texas athletics. The Steer baseball nine will have a new home to cavort around in, and then, the relays will be the biggest event tv Or held in the South. — -o i----- Council Selects Publicity Man .... , ..... . Texas Relays Invite Star Athletes to Run March 23 Chicago Coach to Officiate as Referee en some nationally-known or athletes brought to the as a p ed al attraction, and not ane year have the relays been what m ight be term ed a failure in any sense of th e word. bas s fffhiet I ays K l •srtiaw here £ 3,909 o f Each year since their beginning there has been b o u g h t to Austin March 23 w ill find a prominent figure in college ath- l a the neighborhood * the beat athletes in the State arui} let ic# to act a.-- referee of the re* country assem bled in Austin for] lay#. In I *>2fi it wa# Major Or l i ­ fourth a Paul Texas relays. • bib, director o f athletic* In the B ig tho which m il be it o burge-t a th le tic ; Ten C onference, who acted as ref- the entire? cree of th - games. Ile pronounced c-rent Urn spring in g S fe ti, whether baseb-alU track or , ‘hero rn the com ing games of I Am erica, and said that they would w hat not. TIk re*will be m ore big m e n o f M w larger entry lists than any Passes Rule in Regard To Awards to Ineligible Men M eeting for the longest session o f the year, the U niversity Ath­ letic council last night elected a publicity director, appointed an athletic budget com m ittee, and passed a d efinite ruling that no I] ineligible scholastic ally person could represent the U niversity to any form o f athlete? contest and that no person would be given an ineligible if scholastically award at the tim e the awards are made. Vie Moore, present m anaging;] editor of the Cactus, was elected to serve a# the publicity director for the A thletic Council to suc­ ceed Dick McMurray, th o a tfd e tk i world at this w e t ] other m eet in the country. than have ever gathered at ©ne L Lost year F ielding H. (Hurry tim e rn m y city to f i e Booth. I U p) Tho part H a m r u m have seen tore to act in the capacity of ref- the roto vs grow from a very in- f f t e . T ost wa* wall received in several Thosc appointed to serve on the T ost, grrawh o f Michigan, was J budget com m ittee w ere Dr. R. A. Law, E. C\ H. Bant©!, and Judge D. F. Bobbitt, The report o f the budget com m ittee will be made dfro*at event in th e S tate, at- ’ A ustin, and addressed s#cu by v e ry fe w o u i o f S tats mweting# of the student body in j n ext Monday night, according to sa, to one of the biggest and whivn he strewed clean living and ■jireot important m eets to the en- ch an playing. I hrs year will find Alonzo Stagy, lire ©jaunt Try, and one attended by - rtsrerttoslly every .mpnrUmt achoo?, coach of Chicago I n iv e r sitf, here college feral afer.erxisy to the M id-’ to referee the games. Stagg is Wet*., Bo oh and Kart with a the oldest coach from the point of flurewsLer re# eidrtm fount the artgli* • service in the United Blat**. ^ He Dr. Law, chairman of the council, j The com m ittee made a grant to the Austin public schools for the stadium to be used May I for May day fetes. Flashlight pictures w ere taken of the council during the course I ho# been coaching at Chicago Uni-; of the m eeting tor the Cactus. . I va* sity for the past tw en ty year#,] “Of course,” Dr, Law sa id , ‘The I th e U ftN r m itf, go much o f the prats® d u e ;% h t and .Beilmont, d i r e c t o r hts team,*, have becom e noted University could ant engage to over the U nited States for their j any Southw est cohference contest spommansijip* T h ere-w h en using ineligible player#; but ' m u t th e Taxa# r«-l W t a man that is better liked the definite ruling parsed Monday ■spored nothing t h a t ’ his men- anywhere than Cooch .night wa# made to elim inate the a bigger and ’hat') Stag®- Borne o f year. E o # sreadwi | a t |^ t e * to Un? co u n t!y have r e - 1 gihle team .” greatest playing of gam es wbtft on th e p ., incite 11 fM&ublir af Mesxieo. fy - t f - * A r m * t ioas ,t,frAt# jp Tlft I ...rtweikto ’ a t a /r e . s ? cr CX * . » S p r i n g S u i t s o •> i n S t o c k S c h e y e r C l o t h i n g K i r s c h b a u m C l o t h i n g Approved models. Exclusive patterns. Exclusive agents. $27.50 to $35 $45 - $50 to $65 W e w ill m a k e your v isits h e r e p le a sa n t. 2332 Guadalupe 1 Eli H. M iller D a v e B ouldin Not the la r g est store in T ex a s but De Soto might be a telephone man —today H e pioneered a way into new coun- try — and back again. H e led his men through every obstacle; where there were no resources lie mn; ie them , where there were no boats he built them . Today men of the telephone Indus- try are the D e Soto kind of pioneer. T h e y I lave t h e v is io n t o tackle- th e n e w jo b a n d th e r e s o u r c e fu ln e s s t o see it through. In working to make a better cable they saw the need for a new m ethod of insulating wires and they devised it, G u id in g th e te c h n ic ia n ’s skill, telephone pioneering demands coura- peons business leadership by supend- sor and executive. I o keep up with a new country, industry needs not only great m om entum but right direction. BELL SYSTEM v f Mi&hn-'xide ty stm c f UUoocqcoo m t^ r^n n e c tin g ie u p m n n . I '■ ,1 I * . . - O U R P I O N E F R I N G a, VV O K K H A S J U S T B E G U N ’ President Benedict Tells Ideals of University How They Look Now and How They Will Look Then TU ESDA Y, FEBRU A R Y 14, 1928 U. Head Lists Aims of School Wealth of University is in Exes and Students S tu d en t s U nio cJfuo/TOfiiUM and Me n s Gym n a siu m TU E NEW BU ILD IN G S \ “ A nerve center for cam pus life” is the way Hon. T. W. Gregory describes the University Union buildings, pictured above. The student Union Build­ ing will houa< forensic and dram atic organizations, the En-Students’ Association, and will furnish a “ asocial center” for the campus. Tho auditorium- gvmnasium will furnish a meeting place that will accomodate 8,000 to 10,000 and will be used for Concerts, lectures, convocations, etc., and will also hous^ physical training for men. The women’s activities and gymnasium building will house all strictly feminine activities ami the physical train­ ing for women. W.A.A. Girls Give Party Thursday Ail University Girls Are Invited Technical Club Hears Topic On Seismograph Use Monday ''Wo m e n s Activities and G y m n a siu m Building- “ The Union Building plan aer- tainly has my hearty approval and Jam es H. endorsement,” said Hart of Austin, former T exas athlete. ‘‘ I believe the campaign is going to go over in splendid form, for Texas E xes and the people of Texas cannot help real­ izing the great benefit the Uni­ versity and the fatale will derive from such buildings.” H art pointed out that the Union GRAND WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY FIESTA V Laredo, T exas ^ February 19-20-21-22-23 Excursion rates Feb. 19-25 inclusive RUNNING HORSE RACES Fort McIntosh half mile track BULL FIGHT IN NUEVO LAREDO r; International outdoor cabaret with senortta;^f§|li tenclants in character costumes. Gorgeous Street Pageant and Mammoth Fh-C’srarki Display. Ample Band Music - Carnival Shows. A ssem blage of 2500 school children trained lei exercises in unison and m ass singing. “ V erbena” or contest in Spanish Shawl dancing bj the best am ateur talent for prizes. *; ' 4 International Products and Commercial E s P » ik For Trains Arriving Convenient Service . > Checking Accounts Deposit Boxes T ravelers’ Checks Notary Public 6 Per Cent Guaranteed Investments University Bank Tuft et OffJce Austin Botel, Phones W SI and SOSS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1928. E x-S tudents’ Association. H arry Craws R etu rn s is back H arry D. Cross in Texas a f te r helping various o th er institutions sincej he aided in the S ta­ Memorial dium campaign. Tniversity peo­ laughed at ple him when be said he was com­ ing to b a c k to raiso T exas the money for University o f Texas— the rich- 2 st school in the told him. He con- work!, vinced them of this erroneous im­ pression, but he is doing his best the situation. The to rem edy folks who rem em ber him from stadium days will be glad to know an o th er brought back he has story as good as his one about being in sym pathy with the move m ent, and added sagacity in wor of the so rt he i3 doing. H a rry E. Moore they is in in an o th er hold-over from the stadium cam paign. He held sam e job in the cam paign th a t he does the Union campaign th a t of publicity director. He also ? e t s o u t an Alcalde e a c h m onth, be­ tw een publicity stories. However it is only fa ir to say he as­ sisted by Mrs. H arry, who w ent through cam paign with him, and a whole flock of ■Indent assistants. Since leaving school he has seen service on two or three new spapers in the state. in­ T. W. G regory needs no In fact he has issued troduction. orders th a t there will be no cap­ italizing /iis nam e in the Union cam paign. Which, cam paign o ffi­ cials say, is all right, since th e m ere m ention of his name in con­ nection w ith any p ro jec t is su f­ ficient to carry assurance th a t it is entirely worthwhile. the stadium is Smoke El T id ies Cigars. 'V, r S alesm an sh ip BOOKS for E xten sion D ivision C lass in S alesm an sh ip a t V2 p r ic e K n o x : S alesm anship and bu si­ ness efficiency, $2.50, OUR PRICE. $125 Hawkins: Selling Prices, $8.50 O ur PR IC E $1.75 ;N Q a iew o o dj^, T E X A S BOOK STORE the You’d hardly know old place now. About a dozen typists tapping m adly; m uch hurrying | arid scurrying; and conferences I “ galore.” Ee«p Thing* Bu*y has been rum inated In the middle of the whole pro-* gram and directing th e work are five men. W hen T. W. Gregory comes up, a« he does every few days, things tak e on even a little more hurried ap p earan ce; at other tim es W. L. McGill, John A. M cCurdy, H arry D. Cross, and H a rry E. Moore keep things busy. McGill is the young fellow who to succeed Gnegory as press­ len t of the Ex V udents’ Asse­ rtio n - He is a inly r e c e n t raduate and has rn ed the ast few year* vs m anager of *;he th ree cam ­ pus publications. state He was chairm an of the cam ­ s t a d i u m fo r to P rior N aturally, its success. paign and was largely responsible for th a t he headed the F o rtieth A nniver­ sary C elebration and varsity c ir­ cus. H e organized the Cowboys in and has always been active student affairs. he was selected as an im portant cog in the m achinery of the U niver­ sity Union cam paign. John A. McCurdy is the execu­ tive secretary of the E x-S tudents’ ^ s s o c i ation, Though he bai been on the jo I two less than years, he is a1 ready sought out by students for solving help th eir problems. has made i nnu­ m erable address­ es a t m eetings of campus o r­ ganizations, and is responsible fo r the new interest the th e students have taken in in ofivoid ta d work slow delivery m d missing articles HOME STEAM LAUNDRY °lans Made For Four-Day Camp Te - W A A - Hiss Council Meets Monday - a t Camp T< -WAA Hiss s ta ff and “ Te-W A A-Hiss council m et from F lat” on M onday evening 5:80 to 7:30. A b u ffe t supper was served to the group, and a f­ ter this plans fo r the annual four- Jay camp were made. This camp will be held M arch I, 2, 3, and 4, at M anana, the lodge of Dr. Pierce, which is .situated on Lake Austin fifteen miles from the city. C o n trary to the custom s of p re­ vious years, m aterial aw ards will not be given a t camp this year. The cam p wrill be divided into fo u r lodges which will be Camp Lodge, Texas Lodge, WAA Lodge, and Hiss Lodge, Lodge leaders are Gyneth S tugard, L aV erne No­ wotny, Jim m y C rozier, and Sue In order to go on the fo u r Cocke. day camp a girl m ust have gone on the sightseeing party, the treasu re hunt, and the over night party. “ As only a liim led num ber can go to camp those signing up first will be given p reference,” says Di­ rector Essie Roots. Q W A A Girls O rganize T eam s in T enikoits I The firs t m eeting of all girls in­ terested in playing tenikoits on a W. A.A. interclass team was held Monday evening at 5 o’clock in the j W om an’s Gymnasium. About 15 girls w ere p resen t at the m eeting and a short practice game was held to in stru ct the girls in the points of the game. Tho next m eeting will be held It is not on F riday a t 4 o’clock. too late to sign up for the team, according to th# m anager of the 8!"ort. Girls interested in playing should »ign up on the list posted j in the east section of the W om an’s Gym nasium and attend the m eet­ ing Friday. * 1 school enrollm ent of 1,62®. These j I Munday fisrares w ere school taken from actual counts. Church J I attendance ' by students could be ■ The I estim ated only. I ; even students j church boards, and 249 students i tab le shows, also, are members th a t j of of enrolled in Bible classes of are j the Association | Teachers- Young people’s organ- ; izationa have a to tal enrollm ent | of 51(1 while 500 students have ! volunteered in campus to work churches. F aculty m em bers form ing 75.4 faculty Union Project Sponsors Work On ‘Champagne’ Religious ? Drive O fficials in Rush A t A ssociation Building U. T. Parents’ Day Annual Affair Set Soions Provide For April 15,16 ^ lo H()nor Esperanto Has Gained Vogue At University New Sections Are Added As Students Show Interest E speranto, the in tern atio n al lan ga a go, has recently been added to thv ^curriculum of tm of T exas although is credit given fo r these courses. th ere cent of j State s War Dead Stark Debate and Open House Feature Program per group are affilia te d with organ- j J zed religions bodies, The irbnem - berships are not necessarily in Sam, the old negro ja n ito r a t Dads and M others from every seven students are m em bers of j section of Texas and th e South­ Association ! religious w est will be guests of th eir sons A total 1 other p arts of the nation. A to tal building, said the burning of m any and daughters a t th e U niversity of | of 21b faculty m em bers are mem- j lights late a t n ig h t and the ex- T exas on A pril 15 and J firth. Aprs! indicated hers of A ustin churches; 28 are hilirated *“* atm osphere lb ha* b ren officially designated m em bers o f church boards, and th a t “ Dey’s got a big cham pagne D add and M others’ Day a t the on.” He ju s t got his name* tw ist­ U niversity, and it is expected th a t fw ho So t th eir fives in the W orld j '14 arc active* in Sunday achoo ed a little, but hit th e point very a larg e num ber of th e p a re n ts will War, the Legislature has se t aside (Work. effectively. Choose Bronze Mem­ orial for State bodies in Austin or Committee F ound B ib le Chair Selected E x-S tudents’ the to ta l to the n ° “ > *«*»*■J * *10 . . . I O . M O « Five Men Directing Work t i n i l y ] b l b e r,, for April 18 no date falling on Sunday. F ifty sik stu d en ts were present a t the first m eeting of the E sper­ anto d u b , sponsored by Prof. Al­ fred K« any »tt, in stru cto r in G er­ manic languages, which m et De­ cem ber 4 in room 204 of the Main Building. At th*- initial m eeting Hii sh Schw artz was elected presi­ d e n t; Helen H am ilton, vice presi­ d en t; Mr*. Madge Serval;us, sec- »< a ro tary ; Dorothy Goldm an, tre a s­ urer, aud Sarah Faverm ann, libra­ rian. in erect a bronze m emorial the ; W ith the opening of the second Te xas Memorial Stadium at A us- j sem ester a new Bible C hair was P enton*; ra y lla tio n * S en t fhe Episcopalian tm. G overnor Moody, Dr. W . J. Personal invitations wilt be sent B attle, and the C om m ander of the Rev. DuBose to all p aren ts whose a d d re s s * are American Legion J " T «J“ <*"^ M u r p h y as professor. O ther Bible available. The records do not con . tut*, the com m ittee to purchase the classes have been conducted fo r t i in th e co rrect addresses of all large mem orial , memorial. the B aptist, several year* by parents, however, so the com m it­ will probably have the individual Catholic, C hristian, M ethodist, tee in charge is sending out a gen- j name of each hero engraved on it. and P resbyterian organizations. Individual plates may be p u t era I invitation for Special cam pus churches friends student* are m aintained by the C hristian, Catholic, B aptist, P res­ byterian, C ongregational, M etho­ dist, and Epkicopfilian bodies. - tin on the flays m entioned. j m others of all U niversity o f T e x -j chased by The executive com m ittee of th e founded I c h u rr h w ith fa th e rs aud | This ---- , hy to , . - R v 7 PAGE FOUR PBBSSSBBBgBBTT*, .,1..—— -1 11 -— » 1 | ©he (Bailli %txan Invitations Sent for Fin* College Daily in the South r t l t h W *» e*a*p»* of of T u u l r Ik* Tots# »ta4*at* I 2 S S 3 off""' J M a il tK I J K * K K t J U n i r « * R r ^ Eatwred m ••eotMi cl*** * * u « *• ft ■ A. CL WH*hi, M m ,#r J. HsU. lb# »o«t««l«e at Atwite, Toes*. •Iff} T r a e m a a 0 Q J in n — -— — .......... .M -r--*-, Dick VMfteft a. James lf. W*:ch — —--- •—- —- W'intern L . M cG ill - — • # *-----——--------------- " ........ •>*— - ___ Editor-In-Chief M an ag in g E d ito r ~ '"'""cm*# Editorial Writer *' Manager ut JPsWlcites* ....... ; Burt Dyke. Basis*** Henna**; J fu* A** is tent Basto*** Manager; Ssiiritnn. W, I*. Derw* Bali, i ^ t j j t e r t e ^ - < - a«h*tent’' C> uleUee Man****; Brs.se B * W . B U S IN E S S S T A F F Ts jIott Hewer —- TW* fS*M*etw*Mt Everett* 1j >v* .—«« Bill Marshy - Mery C!s>««wk Us* IteWBkm Leeton BWssstea f**o# E d ito r Re- W rit* E d i t * R^-Wrsi* Editor A*# ■I# tem Assistant Assistant ~ _ Assistant The Student Union Looks Ahead According to announcem ents made M onday the campaign com m ittee of which T. VV. Gregory is chairman and other interested tx -sted eu ts have secured $100,090 advance gifts fo r the student union project. F o r several years the need o f such buildings aa a gymnasium, an audi­ torium . a building for w om en’s activities, and a general m eeting place fc r students bas been recognized. And now that it seems likely th a t more than a third of the $600,000 which the Kx-Ht«dent*’ Association has undertaken ta raise aa its contribution tow ard the erection of such buildings will have been secured b efo re the campaign is aU ively o p en e d ’ th ere is reason to believe th at the University of Texan will not long be lacking in those facilities which it. seem- most to need. A detailed consideration of the plans for the student union need no be given here because it ha.* already been adequately described else­ w here. b u t a cursory review of some of the element* which ought te have a determ ining influence in the prosecution of a project of this It goes w ithout say alg th a t the building? kind would not ba arnica. which are enum erated in the plans are dem anded by tho exigencies of the immediate situation. What may b r of equal im portance is the fact th a t $bfte buildings should, unless phenomenal conditions prevail in the fu tu re which cannot be anticipated, adequately serve the I no varsity fo r many years to come, In th e third place, although th e re­ gents have $090 000 which they arc in a position to devote ie the erection of the student union, it is not a t all likely th a t any improve­ m ent in the financial statu s of the U niversity will be effected soon enough, oil-royalty chim eres to the co n trary notw ithstanding, to pro­ vide for such a project unassisted. T herefore, in undertaking to raise $500,000 fo r a student union, the E x-Students’ Association la recognizing the fact th a t a definite need exists, th a t the fu tu re is provided for, and th a t th eir support is imperative if the whole movement is not to be a failure. But more than this, in taking the initiative in the promotion of the venture, the ex-students of the university indicate a consciousness of the fact that they are stilt integrally a pert of the Institution, l f the possession of a common interest in the success o f a project can mor • effectively weld the stu d en t and ex -‘Indent bodies together, to fortunate culmina­ tion Is even more earnestly to be desired. From Other Pens M ote A bout Lindsey Inasm uch as Judge Ben Lindsey’* address has been commented b f alm ost every new spaper, club, pulpit and censorship board in the city of H ouston, it may not be amiss fo r The Thresher to have it* say. At the w orst, no sillier twaddle can em anate from us than has already done co from these o th er sources. on We may begin by rem arking th a t a f te r hearing Judge Lindsey speak at the auditorium T uesday night, th o u g h he ha* too many of the tricks of the popular dem agogue fo r o u r taste, we find him franker, more honest, better inform ed and clea rer sighted than any of his local critics. Most of those who have expressed themselves orally or in print have, we observe, a badly d istorted idea of w hat be stands for in the first place, and w here they a re not content merely w ith senti­ m ental platitude#, speak with a violence th at suggests either a guilty conscience of an obstinate unwillingness to face the facts. T here has been practically no dispassionate discussion of his scheme of com paa lunate m arriage in the light of contem porary conditions. In fact most of his critic# refuse to admit these conditions exist, though even a child of ten knows quite wet) th a t they do. in O ur own attitu d e is th a t the schem e should not be evaluated term * o f the decalogue or abstract m oral standard* which may or may not have a controlling influence over hum an conduct in the past, but w hat is dem anded by our highly com plex artificial civilization. W heth­ er or not thix civilization is good is not a question which we venture to answ er, b u t u ne on test ably it is the enrivonm ent in which we all live and m ust ad ju st ourselves. The general reaction of older people to this editorial will probably be the sam e as to a recent one ton th e tam e subject in another college newspaper. writing to the “Pres*” who declare*# the scheme to be such a# might be calculated to appeal to undeveloped minds who do not realize the beauty and sublimity of self-sacrifice. We are not so conceited as to suppose that anything we might say will alter this opinion, but we are undisturbed for we realize th at w e have stronger forces on our side than our poi r sophomoric pens, nam ely, human m ortality and the un­ resting laws of change.— Rice Thresher. C o u r t es v Lewis, and certain other gentlemen of the w riters’ fratern ity , ought to took into tbs0. The height, the acme of co n ite#y has been discovered. As one might suspect, not in this cold, aloof Am erica, but in France. Much as we depreciate the fact th a t the incident did not happen in the U nited States, we feel th at the attention of these professional iconoclasts should be called to th e circum stance th a t courtesy still Ama exist. This ii not a low, garden variety of courtesy either, but a highly cultivated, exotic sort of an affair. John Max.vm, a® American s tu d e n t from New Jersey, wa# stro ll­ ing through the Latin quarter in Bari.*, early the other morning. Quite w ithout w arning, two gunm en confronted him and demanded m osey. Not realizing th a t he was a stu d e n t, and an American one, the thug* w e rt doomed to disappointm ent. H asson triad this pocket, th a t ‘"pods*** fend then this ^pocket again. Twenty-five francs was rh# total produced, He beth lie bethought hi rd elf o f another three f ran ts in the dress­ produced, er is ins room, h u t unable to control b b m ercenary instincts, he said ‘ nothing about it. I T he gunm en looked s t the tw enty-five francs and then at Maxton. A br ti conaeltatiorn was held. F inally the one who appeared to be th e leader, advanced. 1 ^ ; ' This reaction is adm irably summed up by a worthy lady ; p iodu< tom by By Decem ber 22 th e enrollm ent of the E speranto classes had reached 200 and on F eb ru ary 8 the fifth section in the language was added to accom m odate the in- ereasing num ber of stu d en ts who wish to learn ibis universal tongue. In te re s t in­ creasing daily. language the in is N eutral Language E sp eran to is a n eu tra l, auxil ] (ary language which is already in wide use, according to m em bers It of the newly organized club. was officially adopted as the in te r­ national radio language by the In ­ ternational Radio la n g u a g e Asso­ ciation, and already thousands of volumes have been w ritten in the new tongue. the new P rofessor K enngott, who will • language, speaks E speranto fluently and bas w ritten a tex t in the in tern a tio n al tongue. E speranto belongs to no nation but is accepted by all w ithout n a­ tional prejudice. The language i? harm onious and b eau tifu l, much resem bling Italian in sound. Es­ peranto was designed by linguist* and was not. based on any one na­ tional tongue but i* a com bination Of moist, of the m odern languages. It is extrem ely flexible and can ex­ press every shade of thought. —o -------- Cast Selected For Barrie Play tells a sto ry ; ♦udents to be p resen t in Aaa- i “ 7 w ar heroes and placed in . the stadium at a minimum cost if purchased through the Texas Me- Stadium Association, Inc. D ads' and M others’ A ssociation is j Ti,esc plates are m ade in bronze, composed of John VV. H ornsby of I a perm anent m etal, and will cr A ustin, p re sid e n t; C. I , Stubbs of I dure for countless years. Each the h e ro s G alveston, firs t vice p re sid e n t; [ tab let Lynn ll. Milam of Dallas, attorn! i nam*. ™nl*' *<>•« and how hK waf vlo*.prealdcnt; W. B. Sw earia««n ! 1 ,n li.,(J „ a^ jum th e n ' is a aepa- i f Lockhart, th ird vice p re sid e n t; ra ^ tab let fo r every Texas insti- Mr». B. L. B rooks of A ustin, score- ; tution in the Southw est Confcr- fo r Dads « nee— I exas Chris* san U niversity, t a r r . A rrangem ents and M others’ Day are under the Rice, A. and M. College, May or I UTniversity, Southern Methodist direction of a campus a lvia iv , r n ;vt>r?*(tyf and Texas University, com m ittee o f V. S. com posed list *ot Moore, dean o f stu d en t life ; Mini Ruby T errill df*an of w om en. William h. McGill, m anager of the T exas S tu d e n ts’ Publications; Am o Nowotny, assistant dean of mer,; R obert Eikel, p resident of the Stu­ d en ts’ A ssociation; G erald C offee, forem an of the T exas * Covshpys; and Gyneth S tugard, presid en t of the O range Jackets, —o~ Y ’ Head D efends M arch o f Youth and on each those who died in service. tab let is a j j f,. secretary M odem students, mauled and besm irched by various m ourners for a passing day, have a eham- in W. A. “ Block” Smith. pion fo r men and executive secretary of th e U niversity Y. M. C. A., who be­ lieves the present campus popu­ lation is fundam entally as fa ith ­ beliefs as pre ful in religious decessors in those acres have been. fo rty A nnulli E v en t ________ Dads and M others day is an ? the p aren ts annual event a t the U niversity. It la believed th a t such an occasion v ill benefit them selves in m eeting othe r dad# and m others; in becoming acquainted with th® students and facu lty , and t he intim ate w orkings and ideals of the institution, which is p erfo rm ­ ing its God given purpose of tr a in - 1 , inp the citizen* of tom orrow. This year the com m ittee h a fte r- He believes this a fte r working with students fo r th e past sixteen »* a f:u‘« Hiv representative ranged an in terestin g program fur ant* a f te r spending *mir .yef.T' the visitor*, including sin inafXh - }him self as a sttu.cnI back rn the lion of tho campus, a pow er show j foam y days. He silso console)? by the < ngineering departm ent, | the th at a general transition open house a t ail o f the dorm itor- ‘ m / h e religious attitu d e is u n d er­ lie, and the annual S ta rk debating way throughout th e world. m utest. Church A ttendance Same . speaking, C om paratively he thinks church attendance by stu ­ dents and faculty mem bers is as consistent now as it was in other days before Sunday movies, which caused a vigorous upheaval when inaugurated lib­ eral expression of advanced be­ liefs. in A ustin, and “ Of course,” he said recently, “ th ere are some things done now I hat were taboo when I first came here, b u t behind the difference in gestures of evident now, I believe students are about the same in th eir attitu d es tow ard "oligiona and organized prom otion of religion.” liberalism He recen tly gathered figures showing an average stu d en t a t ­ tendance of 1,071 in cam pus Sun­ day schools and a stu d en t Sunday Gustavo Fernandez Plays Leading Role in “Dear Brutus” Gustavo F ernandez will have the leading role in “ D ear B rutus,” fam ous Barrie play selected as the Spring term presentation of the to an­ C urtain Club, by nouncem ent made last night F orrest Barnes, newly elected dir lictor of tho dram atic body. according cam pus The cast was com pleted in all except two p a rts in the final try ­ outs I a vt night in S hall. The ca st follows; Lob, Gustavo F e r­ nandez; M argaret D earth, Chris­ tine Johnson; Alice D earth, Ran dab R idley; Mr. D earth, George W olfe; Mrs. Burdie, Liaise Mil­ le r; Mr. P urdie, Archie Adams; Coa.de, Steel K ennedy; Lady Caro line, Thelm a Sm ith; M atey, Taylor H enry; the p arts of Jo an n a and Mrs. Fonde have not y et been cast. lias The play, “ Dear B rutus,” down for the Los Angeles little T heater, one of the fore- m< Ht in th# country* because it was considered too enorm ous for them to undertake. recently been tu rn ed “The chosing of this play by the C urtain Club is a signal event and one th a t will make it necessary for every m em ber to support it to the utm ost/* is the statem en t of the J director. B arnes is at present an j actor and technical director of the O rphum players, staging current show# a t the Hancock. He ha# served as director of some fifteen prom inent am ateur c l sem i-professional organ a a - and tu-ns in the United States, among them the A ft Theater of Los An­ geles. the m ost ti corge Wolfe, president of tho Curtain Club, has, been appointed Team Managers Organize Today Sunday School Teams To Re-organize M anagers of the several Sun­ day school team s will m eet Tues­ day evening a t I o’clock a t ho Y. M. C. A., according to B. M. W hitaker, instructor in physical training fo r men. The object of (he m eeting is to so organize the Sunday school league th a t it will include such sports as handball, tennis, baseball, and trac k ; and an all-year trophy to bo given to the team th a t stands the highest in all sports fo r the year. “ It was only this past year th a t the Sunday school league was o r­ ganized, * with basketball as Its only sport.” W hitaker said, “ bpt th a t has been so successful th at the ra'-n have requested th at they be p erm itted to organize in other sport*.*’ The attendance at this m eeting vvii! determ ine w hether or not th# league will be th u s organized* W hitaker stated. Bunts 2 Years for the Right Tobacco • Dallas, Texas .March 22,1927 Lams Sa Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: * The wurst thing in the world to try to find is a good pipe tobacco that is 1 ss jf&.si.'ss s L x t t it had just come out of the cabbage I I have been smoking a pipe for two organization to att as ass istant dt rector, ai ling Barnes measure possible. in any j patch. Exam inations Held b , . IT S BETTER to have a full he is# than th e open y e a r s and have just this month started i 8esHcn for ardent*,- of course, th e y 're to smoke a real smoke, Edgeworth. If I i«.>kinK for somethin*? different m the w a r of a room or a pine* ta eat. H* :se- at first you don’t succeed, try, try raot hers they t^il c . again. Believe me. I tried for two years the C lassified colum ns of have th ro u g h S o c i a l s c i e n c e s j but finally success is more than mine t e r t #» T h e Daily Texan I have just been looking around. P hone us little and accom plish m ech, and have found to my delight th ---- — tf yourn, W a: 8009, to wi.*h for one, • I O * them w hat Classified* Thf» bl should ... . . . Postponed exam inations wall fie can get Edgeworth practically an y -1 AJliy pa held in Education Building at 2 o’clock Tuesday aftern o o n . I afear Dallas where I go fishing. Oh b u r,! QMw>™hy lu n ie st* wish U ai v arsity Y. Those given then will be anth.ro-1 what a combination - a perfect day, a Phone 9014 c a n o f g o o d to b a c c o , a n d y o u r p ip e . polony, economics, sociology, gov­ I always thought these ad letter* ernm ent, history*, philosophy, psy­ were the bunk, but this time I know chology, and engineering. "12 ; where. I even found it out at the lake • ____ „ ____________________ H EA TER S Job* j Homebody is wrong and thai is me. relined, stove se ttin g , fire ­ places closed, ca* te s te r* , gas pises. E. R aven. Plum bing Repair# 1491 L a ­ Feb. 8 va,-a. Phone ti®#- «r# »*k«d JL. to “Mo® Ufos/* he ejaculated, “ you appear to be even as hard up as j l f I t were moi H ist me w ere so utterly broke, it would be our ; to r a te r s all of your franc*. A# it Is, we must apologize for j whacking up. B ut here, we re sto re five francs.” :J$vjiiuii o f spoil mas made, te e Frenchmen bid the American jour,” am i th# incident was d o ted . Come ob, yon pea- Daily Iowan. 11 y w f a c t o r y G e n u i n e S b i p m a n - W a r d r e b u i l t U n d e r w o o d * , r e b u i l t l ik e n e w . E a s y m o n t h l y p a y ­ m e n t s , p r a c t i c a l l y s a m e a * r e n t . G u a r a n t e e d 5 y e a r * . T e n d a y * ' t r i a l f r e e . T E X A S B O O K S T O R E Here s to old Edgeworth, Edmund Condon' DRESSMAKING E d g e w o rth DRESSM AKING — Ready saw ing and M tnodeliag ensem ble fa r Spring and S p r ie r coat* a speciality. Mr*. Bell, — F eb. IS 2816 i ra te * * S t. Pit. §6«1. ^ E xtra H ig h Grade * Smoking Tobacco DRESSM A KING- L adle-' coat*, and dresses. Co-ed frock* a specialty. S a tis fa c tio n R easonable gu aran teed . price*. Mrs. t , Lewis# t®« San Jacinto. suit#, f$te# 6i IN­ lassoed ANNOUNCEMENTS COACHING FOR -SALE TYPING “ bN JSvj U S f W S . r ^ r ? 7S I " V S K F iS S S L .*-1 b s tor «nd d »li..r. 1-boil. 6 « 2 W .,t End T a il,., SHOP. M .rc h S j 2S430. n u b ..* £ * • ” . . . . . l l ; w orn.-w oo*-*.™ .. ^ ^ j a b , i . . . . . , I.i’rd28 B jIS." V #.60°"p « ’ ~ r d . Bl«k AaM1> Wood Y«id. RAT WITH US, F lit* lunets## SSe. Short I NOTARY PUBLIC ai office of T e » P. nm H S -ti S tu d e n t* P ub licatio n s, tee. We drink*. 1808 Lavaca B. Hall. t-rJcr*. saiviwiehe*. deliver. Picnic Shoppe. Ph. 21017. DRESSMAKING 7486. N EW SPRING LIN E — AH Wool S u its m ade to m easu re $21.50 up. F it and sa tisfa c tio n g u a ra n te e d . C actus P r e s s ­ ? — 15 ing Shop. 2504 G uadalupe. s S2 M. Phone — Eek. 2$ G E N T L EM EN — A iry room s, Bot w ater, b a th , fa m ace heat, so u th e a s t *Ie*ping porch, block of cam pus. Have v a ca n ­ cies beiflnnint? second seines t#r. Mr*. D rum m ond*, 2409 San A ntonio. Feb 14 sonably priced. TY PIN G , any kind. E x p ert work. R ea­ Seven year* e x p er­ ience' w ith one corporation. Two blocks cam pus, Phone SSI 3. Notary Public at B Hall Room I i i ing and R em odeling. DE ESS MA KB-O— R eady for S pring Sew­ S pring Coat* an ii P re s se* a specialty,. M rs. B ren/.eale. — Feb. 19 I 706 W. 22. Ph. h026. Cor? e t ie r. RH:# 310 4 MRS. SH A R P M A Y E R - D ressm ak er and for a dem on­ a s tra tio n o f “C h a u m ' C o rslet.” p e rfe c t joy to the atour future. Feb. 211 it's coats $3 0 0 : o th e r price* W A N T ED — S errate of *0 kinds. S pring reasonable. T en day silk drew# special $3.50. W ork 1200 W est g u a ran tee d . P h. 2-1 'JI 7. —13 84th. tle today. city by— DRESSM AKING, s titc h in g . E u rek a a lte ra tio n s , H em ­ Shop, Ladies* 24®# G uadalupe. P h e w 5253. POR SALE Clear! Sparkling! P ure E lectrified W ater, good drink, and good fo r you. t o F o r health ’s sake, order a bot­ Delivered anyw here in the Coca Cola Bottling Work* 311 Colorado r r ’’ ' Phooe 2-2988 I £ f: ‘ WOOD-WOOD. “ Best in the City.” Get owe price* before Baying. We *p«c . $2 and up. *19 ' "Mini felts* Phone 5652. A. B. H ubbard. in stu d e n t o rd e rs. Played by Ted “ AWAY DOWN SO UTH IN H E A V E N ” le w is and his B and. New C oluq|bi» R e c o rd .. isaac Bledsoe, IS 821 Cointerest*. Phone 6419, See us about it. W o o d W o o d All kind* of wood delivered at once. G et our prices bow. W. C. L ear, phone 4 7 80. WOOD AND ICE E. M. A shford, Phone 374* Wood yard - 801$ Guadalupe S t ROOM AND BOARD T H R E E M EALS, $24 per m onth. Two meal* $18.50 P*r m a a lte M r*. J# A- X-itettertoB, m u im WIW*. ROOMS FOR RENT D E L IG H T F U L in new roS< nial boca*, h e a t, hot w ater, g a r ­ age* Speedw ay and 31 at. P hene 23868- for m en, tam * ROOMS FOR BOYS S te ep in g porch. H a t P ric e and caid w a ter. S team heat. I SO2-A U n iv e rsity retW reasonable. A venue. P hone 6108. ONE N IC ELY FU R N ISH E D f ro n t room in p riv a te hem *, adjoining b a tta p ri­ 2307 «»** v ate e n tr a n ts fro m Bio Qmate tro u t perth. WANTED 'I College Men Do you w ant em ploym ent fo r sum m er? Minimum g u aran tee 8,4.00 per day. Call Nash a t Dris- l ill Hotel, T uesday and W ednes­ day. W onderful Opportunity H IG H E ST CASH PA ID fo r gorond-hand clothing and shoe*. A. 6. P hone — M arch 7 SC H W A RTZ, 3 762. PRICES E a s t 4 17 H IG H E ST PR IC ES pain fa r c a s t-o ff c lo th in g and shoe*. 407 B a st «U» « rin g #717 — W o r any kind of W ANTED— Them es and these:, to ropy Phone, day 6566, n ig h t 3406. Mr*. Bes* O. B ee­ — M e t 3. man. 807 W. ty p in g . l i t h . U N IVERSITY GIRL w ant* w ork in Im«b« E xpertenead. desired. B o* for room and R eference* fu rn ish e d 1927-X U n iv e rsity S ta tio n . byard. if WANTED: Ladies who have rap canelos kl tho room! af boose* and at their table* to th* Classified advertising section of The Daily Texan. Classified* saqs- ply an easy, profitable way In solve your vacancy problems* Tho cost is negligible. Phone gram Dial ira .... % M ERCHANTS a t A ustin wha bn** N E W OK EH and G ennett re co rd s a t th a t con id ba lilted by d r w r r lB i i record dep’t.. E rne* Brothers, 111 E. u«t in on the free Phone 09420. FO R S A L E : B eat a n a lity G rade A milk. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1928. T H C D A I E Y T E X A lf ^ PAGE FIVE Union Building Will House Scattered Campus Groups . . . . H ... • j , , , , . N e w c o m e r T r a n s la t e * and literature in their hands/' ' because of his assidiousness in en- It is his duty as a m ember of tin' executive board to enforce th e , attaining m inute cuttings from the morn signal when it is known that I the sa fe ty of the English language oil well drills in that section ot Dean Hildebrand was so named the country, and was rewarded by . * I .. cvnlences o f the m ineral. Last year in recognition for the work that he has done along poet­ ical lines as in volum es edited and the like, Dr. Robert Adger Law, professor o f English, was made a . ...___ j ; vice-president o f the Am erican Poetry Society. His finds stim ulated the in terest forcing the rules o f the law agro­ o f others and during the past sev- elation in regard to the member eral years many people have ex-1 colleges. unlined and investigated the pos- sibilities lying dormant in the new fit Id. The result o f all these in - 1 rules governing the procedure vestigations w as for the first tim e; standards to which the member; made known to the general public schools must com e. And because the he has been so consistent in his the paper read before in Am erican Chemical Society in efforts, and so enforcing of the law Septem ber o f 1927. This paper he has been named to the board was prepared by Drs. E. P. Schoch for the tim e. Under his and E. II. Sellards after a ca refu ll direction the standards o f the dif- w inning fam e for him self by bis the checking o f the reports made by feren t law schools ever the United ! beautiful States that are members of the Norwegian. Jackson is at present association have been raised and working on "Hansine Solstad” by have advanced to higher levels of ! Peter E gge. He is also preparing dignity and scholarship than had the edition of the “ Saga of E m es- ever before been thought possible, to H ertuga,” to be printed n ext in the fields of econom ic and scientific research have the facu lty of the U niversity made them selves widely known but in the fields of literature, phar- niacy. law-, branches o f the schools noss A d m in istration .an d the fae«! selves and for the U niversity, and ulty of the departm ent of history. In any discussion o f this sort the name o f Dr. Chaa* Wilson H ackett, p rofessor of South Am er­ ican history, must» necessarily stand ou i in the fromt rank be- A m ember of the English faculty leave, J. Frank Dobie, is of Busi- many men to win renown for them- i making a very valuable contribu- lion to the natural lore of Texas this year three have been outstand-j in ‘ Texas and ing. Of these two are men who Southwestern Folklore,’’ of which have been with the English faculty i he is the editor. The sixth vol- for m any years. The other is a I am e of the series w as printed in teaching here for his: Septem ber of last year, and is of- newcom er fered as a publication o f the T exas first year. Folklore Society. The dramatic The newcomer to the English faculty, Jess H am ilton Jackson, associate professor o f English, is “ E n g li s h C h a n n e l ” Fanned i C hannel” have been AH F ields R e p r e s e n t e d sta tio n e d , now on fam ous “ English the volum es of And not only translations the various J spring. hi“ , . Down from third that and I various ones. A very pertinent phase o f this iam eship is the fact th at it is u n i­ versal. No one branch, no one Supplem entary to his works on school of the U niversity has a n y ! t he * • £ <*one more claim to fam e than another. I "> »P *«"nK u ” the exposure of | A m er>c.n_l.tcrature, Dr. Leonidas ire claim to fam e than a n o t h e r , f sppmintrlv hiivn hmm -ihnnt I All ii equally ti ally matched in their race for d o r y . W hat som e have attained ky w eight of num bers, other schools and departm ents have counterbalanced with the highness of the positions attained by their representatives. , n s p e llin g up m e exposure u | ^ “ J ' H earst fraud and the m vesti- 1 'V arren J a}ne, Jr., professor o f ! R a t io n s . I tivities of the G overnm ent. Dr„ H ackett ’ V Y . . ’ • t l i 1 • and historical legends of the state are inter­ spersed with Cowboy, Mexican and t r o o p e r songs. The varied nature of the work, and the authenticity o f legendary background, make it a veritable paradise for the the folklore the * YET VV into Latin-Am erican ac- English, has published a volume A ,L rino« L ,„ " on modern Am erican w riters that has been received with general acclaim by critics. One review er sla tes that he intended to give the book a m ost thorough “panning,” ! and y e t on picking it up and read- j seeker o f the romantic aa w e l l. ing through it he was constrained to remark that never before had ho read such a w ell-w ritten book based on such w ell-gathered and well-presented said: “ ll all college professors o f E ng­ lish are like this one from Texas, then we have nothing to fe a r for R O U G H ] ■ I D E U S \* a regular con­ tributor and, in fact, a m ember of the Board of Governors of the Current H istory M agazine. In this field he has contributed m any ar­ ticles during the past year which have attracted the attention and leading historians admiration* o f throughout the country. He has become to be accepted as the out­ standing Am erican scholar in the realm of Latin-Am erican politics such, his and history, and as opinion and advice is continually being sought on all questions ap­ pt rtainig to the present contro­ versies. student and fa cts. He M u lie r F o r e m o s t All Branches to Be Centralized In Structure O ffices, A u d ito riu m s, A n d S tudios W ill Be P ro v id ed New Women’s Gym Separate 22 U. T. Research Bureaus Aid Many Texas ! econom ic and social Since opening: as an am bitious lio n s. Only teachers trained and law and academ ic school in 1883, capable o f giving: satisfactory see­ the U niversity o f Texas has be- vice in state schools arc appointed com e a com plex social servant af-j by the com m ittee. A sta ff of geo- vv^° demote their tim e to fcetin g every branch of polities! field research in m atters of gen ­ life in the i i a1 interest to all citizens of the In fact, some branches of state is m aintained in the Bureau I the modern m achine have given of Econom ic G eology under di­ I \a lu a b le advice rection of Dr. J. A. Udden. Sam- world, the latest exam ple o f uni- , pics o f form ations sent to the bu- . versai influence being the d isco v -J reau f rom ap parts of die state cries of Dr. H. J Muller, gen e-] are exam ined, and the results of tieist. through correspond I he one wing of the Main Bui •. personal research are announced the w hole, interview s, state. , . _ to . . . . Gift Fund Aids Social Science Research Work Many Faculty Members Attain National Fame F acu lty M em bers G ive D etailed S tu d y O f T ex a s H ack ett, H ild e b ra n d , M ulier, and U d d en L ead L ist Aid Totals Quarter All Departments Million ; s u g g e s t i o n s ! Represented ----------- F ifty campus students o r g a n - c l a s s i n g which housed , , in zations now m eeting rooms, offices®, or in room s scat J heinie students tered about the cam pus neighbor hood will be given regular m eet ing rooms in the new Union Build­ ing to be built with funds now- being raised by the ex-S tu d en ts’ A ssociation. . . , . J dem ic students with space to snare; reau wag responsible for recent edge of Texas history in started this year as i .er.ee, and publications. The bu . , . law and aca- . in the first year has grown to a j discoveries of potash deposits plant covering approxim ately 1 /5 acres in the central portion, e x ­ clusive of the L ittle Campus and the 400-acre Brackenridge tract on the Colorado river w here Dr. f ounded to co-operate with engin B .C . I harp and the departm ent of eers> architects, contractors, and thc w estern part of the state# E n g in e e r * M a k e R e s e a r c h be perform ed in tho social science the Laura departm ents under The Bureau of Engineering Re-! Spellman R ockefeller m e m o r ia l .search at the L ittle Campus was j s if t o f $2o0,000 . . to leading During the years o f the past the Research for im provem ents in econom ic,con* J University of Texas has been pe- in having for ditions of Texas and in the knoWl-j culiaily fortunate have been members of its facu lty men who their And this year ju st gone La been no exception to the rule, for many m embers of the U niver­ sity faculty have brought them ­ selves personal fam e and have brought the U niversity renown. a ctivities to havi> been outstanding Expenditure of S t a r t e d in 1 9 2 7 in _i_^ for for school. S e r v i c e laboratory in applying ^ photom etric highw ay division first a n r L Industrial t herm, it J, r.x work to All Services to the state have The latest estim ate com piled by the g ift was listing all organizations does not in Septem ber of 1927 and include grcmps such as Phi Beta B otany continue the work o f es- m anufacturers o f the state in the j will co n tinu c ‘ for five years. The Kappa and other honorary o r g a n i-! tablishing a T exas B otanical gar- solution of technical problems and j fund was onc c f a f ew given to few ; den. Tw elve perm anent buildings. zations which m eet on ly a to stim ulate and aid in engineer- j leading universities o f the nation tim es each year. H ow ever, these, eleven for instruction and one dor­ ing research am ong students and which m et a high requirem ent in too, will be given regular m eeting m itory, have been added on the facu lty m embers o f the E ngineer- ability to conduct beneficial social places in the new- building under central cam pus since organization. I j research. A dvantages of the ex- present plans. W om en’s athletic The shacks, b lottin g beauty spots,! - , r is ; penditure, as outlined by the Board organizations which will have Hire not counted. On the greater m ajnta ined in the top floor o f Gar- of R egents tho quarters and m eeting rooms in the campus, the new power building is rj«,on f or testin g lenses and m oney, will be the prom otion of new W om an’s Gymnasium as part m uring com pletion, and the A l i e t - headl- h u for the state highway d o s tr relationships betw een the o f the union project are not in­ L ittlefield dormitory various social science departm ents cluded in the estim ate. the Industrial Chemistry E x - i ^ ro,u*fh the correlation o f their year girls has just been opened. This is I record of the nhvsical establishing closer contact lin s is a recora or tnt pny.ita l pe n m e nt station Texas raw ma- betw een the departm ent o f eco- grow th o f the o.d time school o f , torjais are studied so their best nom ics and the B ureau of B usiness the developm ent o f one wing. uses can he ascertained. L ignite,: Research, facu lty m em bers as re- natural water, clays (jje and pottery, lim estones, shales J search workers, and the assurance the The student honorary, educa­ tional, and professional bodies cover all branches of the U niver­ sity: engineering, law, business, public speaking, journalism , liter­ social, and dra­ ary activities, matic interests. Public speaking groups w ill receive special benefit I creased until the latest catalogue and gypsum , and other products o f certain studies needed for and through the provision o f an audi torium for debates and tryouts. the Under present conditions, the va- b en efit o f all T exans, w hether stu- rious public each of which has a fairly large membership, are forced to m eet w herever vacant room s can be in found the other buildings surrounding campus. The intersociety debates are held literally “all over” the cam pus, som e in the T exas Bible Chair, s o me in the Y.M .C.A., and other buildings near the campus. The Curtain Club, now housed in a shack, will have a studio in the union large enough to conduct all its rehearsals and stage plays for audiences as large as 1,500. The band, also using a shack at present, will have new quarters. Both Glee Clubs and th e Choral Club have larger m eeting places and better facilities for practice in the union and will move from their present Main B uilding room. M e e t i n g R o o m s tho m eeting room s The library with its varied col­ lections o f historical docum ents— the Garcia group of M exican rec­ ords, the archives filled with rec­ ords of T exas and the South, E ng­ lish literature in the W renn lib­ rary, the law, medical and m ining libraries, the Texas War Records collection, a L ittlefield collection. o f Southern history, the B exar ar­ chives, and several private librar­ ies given by their owners, is the largest unit in the list of inform a­ tive branches. T he Extension Teaching Bureau o ffe r s approxim ately 300 corres­ pondence courses, m ost o f which can be counted for college credit. Its group study courses are es­ pecially valuable to w om en’s clubs and educational organizations. The la te st developm ent has been th e arrangem ent salesm anship o f schools for business em ployees and business men in larger cities of the state. . r E. T. Miller of the econom ics de partm ent is continuing his study of T exas taxation to determ ine the eq u ity of present levies and to su ggest reform s. Dr. R. H. M ontgom ery, also of the econom ­ ics departm ent, wrill make a thor­ ough study of state cotton co­ operative associations and w ill com plete a book dealing with the subject. w hich m ight be improve^ in usage I benefit of the state bv chem ical treatm ent are studied. 10 al J • . I he value of various substances in practical uses is ascertained as far ac possible w henever requested. S p la w n S t u d i e s P r o b l e m s A study of transportation prob lem s in the Southw est will be con­ tinued by Dr, W. M. W. Splawn o f thc econom ics facu lty w ith aid from thc fund. Dr. Splawn will work in W ashington Advice in rural school im prove­ m ent and com m unity activities is given by the School R elations Bu­ reau o f the Division of Extension. County school surveys are also made by the bureau. tw enty-tw o bureaus inform ation lists sources o f in school buildings or societies, j dents or not. T r a in S c h o o l T e a c h e r * for b r ic k ,; young speaking fund fo r in- ^ , . . , the Library, Museums and collections, grow­ ing each year, now include the Museum of A ncient Art in Main Building and the Swenson collection of coins and letters, recovered last year when a safe expert opened the huge box in which the coins had been locked for several years because o fficials could not work the com bination, the Sw-enson collection o f N eo­ lithic weapons and tools and the A nthropological m useum in Gar­ rison Hall, a collection o f Mexican antiquities, the B otanical co llec­ tion now being developed in the Brackenridge tract east of Lake Austin dam, a forestry exhibit in the Main Building rotunda, the m u seu m 'of Econom ic G eology and M ineralogy at the L ittle Campus, and Zoological and P aleontologi­ cal collections. O p e n t o P u b lic to All of these libraries and mu­ the public. seum s are open Curators and librarians are a l­ ways ready to answer questions Specific bureaus o f service* are the T eachers’ Appointm ent com­ m ittee, Bureau of Econom ic Geo logy, Bureau o f E ngineering Re search, Industrial Chem istry Ex pertinent station, School R elations Bureau, E xtension T eaching Bu reau, Industrial T eacher-Training Bureau, Interscholastic League Bureau, N utrition and H ealth Ed ucation Bureau, Package Loan Li brary, Visual Instruction Bureau and the new ly created Bureau of Business Research. Leaders who w ill organize and teach trade classes over the state are trained in courses conducted by the Industrial T eacher-Train­ ing Bureau in industrial centers and in Austin. A phenom enal growth has been Interscholastic recorded by the in L eague since its organization 1910 as a union o f T exas high schools. The L eague now conducts local, county, district and state con tests in high school debating, music mem ory, declam ation, essay w riting, spelling, and athletics. Its m achinery, especially in the ath­ letic activities, has become so com­ plex that part o f responsibility has been shifted from the central o f­ fice to district com m ittees of high school representatives. H ealth education for children preparing to enter school for the first tim e and for children attend­ ing .schools is conducted by the N utrition and H ealth Education B ureau. of health conducted throughout the state at fairs and in schools. Literature on health m easures is alw ays available at the bureau. program s training Special In the field of anthropology, P rofessors J, E. Pearce and G. C. Vt. Engtrrand will make further studies in ancient and modern racial com position o f T exas. Dr Pearce will investigate rem ains of life in the Southw est before the white men arrived, and Dr. E nger rand w ill study the present people form ing the state. Several kitchen m iddens near Austin will be excavated by Dr. Pearce in person w hile work­ men under his supervision will conduct excavations in other parts o f the state. the population of H a c k e t t T r a n s la t e * R e p o r t Dr. Charles W . H ackett of the history departm ent w ill begin translating and ed itin g the report on the Texas-L ouisiana boundary, said to be the m ost valuable his­ tory of Texas from the discovery o f North Am erica to tfie tim e the report was issued. H istorical ac­ counts of Florida. C alifornia, and New M exico are included also in the report and will be made avail­ able to the general public through the work of Dr. H ackett and the a ,<1 received from the fund. Dr. VV. P. W ebb, also o f the history faculty, will study problems solved by Am erican pioneers when they entered the W est and their meth­ ods o f solution. are W ith a grant from the State L egislature added to the Rocke­ feller fund the Bureau of Business Research w ill continue its task of w atching the pulse o f Texas busi­ ness anti keeping business firms of the state inform ed on tr e n d s; and probabilities. Bervard N ich­ ols works with com m ercial m ove-1 merits the sta te; George M. Lewis is studying the problems of The first, this T eachers’ A p­ retailing and w holesaling o f meats, I pointm ent com m ittee, serves T ex­ and W. J. R eilly is studying the as schools and graduates o f the problems of w holesale and retail U niversity by receiving applica­ m erchandising. A division to study tions from school authorities desir­ the availability o f raw m aterials ing teachers and appointing train- G reater U niversity of T exas de and possibilities for developing in­ od teachers from the U niversity i vt loped since 1883 and still grow- j dustries o f the Souhtw est has been student group to take im portant current topics is loaned free of charge to schools, w om en’s clubs, libraries, com m unity organizations, and in dividuals by the Package Loan Library of the Division o f E xten­ sion. These services are part o f the L o a n M a te r ia l F r e e the posh 1 ing. M aterial on ; oatcKiioi,...? established w ith the bureau. in — the use of Forem ost am ong the names of those faculty members who have won national fam e for them selves and for their institutions m ust com e the name o f Hermann Joseph Muller, professor of zoology, who with his m arvelous experim ental the X-ray, work in showing that the genes of fruit flies speeds up the evolution process o f the flie s a t­ tracted the attention o f scientists throughout a n d brought forth the prediction that .science in the form o f the X-ray m ay revolutionize the breeding of few in farm anim als years. its action on the next country the It is estim ated by m any prom i­ nent men o f science and in vesti­ gation that if Dr. M uller’s theory i, applicable to the larger form s of animal life a new and entirely different race o f anim als can be d< veloped, in the space of a few' generations can that would accomplish changes have been beyond the w ildest hopes even after centuries of e f ­ fort under the old system . U d d r n C o n tr ib u t e * for then breeders A nother im portant contribution to the scientific-econom ic develop­ m ent o f our life was made in the discovery of the vast potash de­ posits in Midland County, Texas, by Dr. J, A. Udden of the Bureau o f Econom ic G eology. The an­ nouncem ent waif made public the latter part of last year in a paper read by Dr. Udden before the Am erican Chemical Society. Through Dr. U dden’s effo rts, covering a period o f over ten years, a potash supply sufficient to last the United States over more than 250 years to come has been laid open to the production o f the commercial factors in the develop­ m ent o f that industry. F ir s t D e p o s i t F o u n d The discovery deposit was the first practicable one of this val­ uable mineral ever to be found in the U nited States and bids fair to cause a reconstruction of the factors controlling the m arketing o f this agricultural necessity. Dr Udden conducted his tests by ex- F r a u d E x p o s e d By his exam ination o f the docu­ m ents in the so-called H earst ex ­ posure o f the fraudulent relations between the Callet! G overnm ent and several U nited States Sena­ tors, Dr. H ackett was able to throw new light on the m atter. As will be rem em ber, his work in con­ nection w ith that o f Senor Torres of the rom ance language depart­ ment, pointed out m istakes in grammar, punctuation, and ignor­ ance o f Mexican custom s in pre­ paring o fficia l docum ents that finally led to the exposure of the whole procedure. P h a r m a c y H e a d H o n o r e d A new school to be moved to Austin and established as a local school uf the U niversity is that the Pharm aceutical branch. of And these newcom ers have not been behind at all the winning of renown fo r themselves.^. Dr. W illiam F rancis Gidley, professor o f pharmacy and dean of the school, during the past year was named head of the Southw estern branch o f the Am erican Pharma­ ceutical A ssociation. Dr. Gidley is a well-known chem ist and phar­ m acist and is looked up to by his contem poraries over the country. This is not the first tim e he has been awarded renown in his chosen field. H ild e b r a n d H o n o r e d During the past year for the third consecutive tim e, Dean Ira Polk Hildebrand of th e School of Law was made a mem ber o f the executive board of the A ssociation o f Am erican Law Schools. This is the first tim e in the history of that organization that any man has been named to the board for the third tim e, and it makes the honor O ne Ideal... The Student U nion is en­ deavoring to bring about a greater University of T exas. The A ustin Gas Com pany, in natural is contributing to by bringing gas, the growth of A ustin. Both have but one ideal— ideal of being o f the greater service to our fel­ low man. ACU Austin Gas 907 Congress Company Tel. 4325 G reetings for Valentine Day To Students and Ex-Students ‘ -wf ■J & Showing the Very Latest in Up to NOW Clothing for SPRING 1928 You sim ply haven’t seen th e real sty le u n til you see Society Brand Clothes W e invite you to d ro p in and “ look ’em o v er.” Y ou w ill b e pleased w ith c u t a n d p attern . W ith M eetings drawing the U nion Building w ill have other room s in which organizations can keep their files and paraphernalia. O rganization officials w ill have the privilege of having certain hours and rooms in the building to trans­ act business for their groups. Offi­ cials o f the Students’ Association will have offices in thc building and the Assem bly w ill be moved from its present “cubby bole” m eeting room under the second floor stairw ay in Main Building to o room of su ffic ie n t size. large au­ diences will be held in the new gym nasium - auditorium . V isiting artists, campus organizations, such as the musical clubs and dramatic clubs, and lecturers will appear there. General assem blies wall be held in the large auditorium . The central Union Building has been designed with a sm aller auditorium to be used by groups appearing before audiences no larger than 1,600 and with rooms for m eetings of various campus student groups. An estim ate, recently prepared by W. 0 . Moore o f the public speaking departm ent, had listed a total o f 410 events drawing up to 1,000 people each. 229 events drawing up to 2,000 each, and 215 events drawing over 4,000 each. The estim ate was based on a sup­ future growth and position o f . shows the need for an auditorium now and in years when more stu ­ dents will be enrolled. The union project will provide m eeting places for audiences ranging from the small auditorium capacity of 1,500 to the largo auditorium capacity o f approxim ately 10,000. o— —---- —. V iew Booklet G ives Sum m er Session Data Illustrated bulletins Enouncing the U niversity of Texas Summer School for 1928 have been made available for prospective students. The session is expected to pass all form er records in enrollm ent. enouncing approxi­ A bulletin m ately 300 scheduled courses will be available within a few weeks. Dr. Frederick Eby, director of the sum m er session, has announced. Th# illustrated booklet has pic­ tures o f Dr. H, Y. Benedict, Dr. Eby, and Dr. l>. A* Pe nick, assist­ ant director of th# session, and pictures o f the capitol, dorm itories the open air theater, class rooms, bathing pools, and various spots of natron! scenic beauty near Aus­ tin. Roy Bedichek, director of the Interscholastic L eague, »upervised preparation o f the booklet. ^^■Voicel I backer a f Successful « Singers I )' I;/-'/'/' Studio Ilt0 3 Guadalupe >tj S lS iP l'M J U Q u a m to r v a * , w a B i ’u it j | ELIZABETH ARDEN has sent her personal representative, who has had years of experience in the Arden Salon in New York, to visit oar toilet preparations department on Today, Feb. 14th ^ Take this op pert unify to consult an expert and to receive ber personal advice on the cor­ rect care and treatment of your skin. Private consultations without charge. I T. H. WILLIAMS & CO C o u tre ** Avo. a t 5th S t. ig — THUT ii' IT, ii s a m , — rn— rn ,'W f, ^ssfimtmmmwmm At the Hancock College T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 14, 1928. r the “ gay nineties.” i As an opener the songs and m { dances by the f ail- -Read i ng-Royce combination are far better the average of other shows. two boys’ get right into the spirit pose that would interest the hard-j and acting of the highest type. B- H. P. of the occasion without climbing) est to please. Her “ I Love a Las-, and sliding down pole;-:. The girl sit” brings the house down for a is a pretty dancer good enough to j couple or three encores. I The show which plays go into any act. than Estelle Fratus gives The three as a group times today is well worth the time of three or four good songs in a of any one Who likes real music Matinee Price 25c Night Price 35c Last Times -------------------- Today E N T E R !—A L L YE WHO LO V E FU N ! Enroll with Buster as he in ‘‘C ollege” — . Wb a fun Panic sta rts Finish with him— you’ll gain in Jo y K now ledge— IPs worth a million. - H E T A K E S T H E CO U R SES YOU T A K E T H E L A U G H S M A JE ST IC : Tuesday, Norma Tai- equalled by few jazz orchestras, Santrey himself contributes to madg** in “ The Dove” ; Wed nee : day through Friday, “ The P ri-. the music fund by singing “ My vat© li f e of Helen of T roy” : Blue Heaven” in such a manner Saturday through Tuesday, (Ire- as to vie with Gene Austin. En­ in Garbo in “ The Divine Worn-; cores upon encores are in store for the harpist and guitar player. A an.” is Q U EEN : Tuesday, Buster Kenton guitar solo of the “ R osary” and 1 exceptionally well done. Harry and Anne Seymour con­ tribute to the act with a number of songs and dances, which bring our attention back to the days of An evening’s course at “ C o lleg e” and you’ll g r a d ­ a p erp etu al uate with SM ILE. Funnier Than a Freshman- F risk ier T han a Blonde Co-ed. PVMIX A lso 2 Reel Com edy H o ly M a c k e r e l L atest News j ; edy. Buster Keaton. “ College. cracking I Now that ought to be enough to make you gn sec the picture show* j ing its last times at the Queen to- I day. Even if you do not consid er I the fact that it is a United A | lists picture, that Little Buster is i he “ still face” par excellence of a the movies, never j crinkle in that dour solemn map of his, and that this is a scream ing take-off on the ordinary idea of I eollitch as she is usually mirrored I on the screen. And not consider- I ing the fact that all through the I picture the Queen pipe organ is j urn pt.y-u rn pts rig the adopted song I of students, “ C ollegiate” — and! we’ve alw ays said that the Queen organ has the sw eetest tones of j ar y in Austin, though others may 1 sport more volume, power, and so ion. All of which adds up to the J I point of your getting in the notion \ to go see this bunch of fragment­ sketches college life { ary yielded together into I movie— and laughing at it. -CECIL. from —--------- o------------ V a u d e v i l i e ! occupy orchestra Henry San trey ana ms interna­ tional some hour’s time on the bill offered at j the Hancock this week. With his array of trum peters, his band of saxophonists, from where the guitar is a reaQ attrac- 1 ion, and a harpist that can not be beat, the orchestra is one that gives us a supply of real music guitarist a o c i n r Five Dances for Week-End tot Listed on Social Calendar for The- social calendar week-end includes several dances) given by various T I * Students’ Sunday club Is en-J (far Vincent dim ly. During tertaiuing with a Valentine party and dance at Grace Ha!'. Friday night, February I", from H to l l o ’clock ; this. when he v a * 18, he studied again the 8t tie Sch**la Cantoral# BU­ the ^ s o a Powell was Accepted by Louis Viem e, organist o f Notre Dame, aa an organ pupil, He is a senior In the University. philip and completed organisations.; t Newman club is entertaining with a dance at Newman Hall F ri­ day evening from I to I t o'clock. T h e. Chi Phis Are giving a dance F rid ay night at the Country club from 9 to I o’clock. The program was rn follow*: I. Fugue, C-sharp Pre lode and Minor Bach Fantasie Impromptu , Waltz*1, Opus 69, No. I I W alt*, Opus TO, No. I for Etdue, Opus 25, No. 7 n r , ; r * . John McCullough The German Satu rd ay r ig h t will be given by the S. A. EN*. who have charge of the G erm ans Ib is term . president of the German club for The all-1 Scherzo the rest a f this year. MSS * * WAty p I n.-rtraity dane. «< > be B iw a BW Clair de Lune urday night as usual, but this one j Rn ma ne* will ic a leap year dance with W. A. A in charge of the Affair. * *. a r d * * . b j Ballade, (A Mi nor IIL | Etude, D-flat Major I Etna ic from carnival#, topos zn Finale from Carnival*', Opus 2d l l * * ! _ ________ Schumann * * * O il O m eg a G iv es Valentine T ea A CW *1 me rn a m r i t , k • . Loin c h r i.t ia e El- tainjn* wilt. a Valentine tea We4-|,ta o{ g ^ JI. apent the week-end neaiay. February IS . from I *» • , t lh,.ir home, in Kan Antonio. C lara M arie Arrington, ** - g u l|iv an , enter- ^ . . . Mildred Washburn of S. R. D. spent thc week-end in San Antonio AA the gu est o f Mrs, W. T. White. Ch.a Hi ne Bay of S. It. D. Spent the week-end in Dallas. of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Low* De Leon spent several days Inst wick with their daughter, Mary Louise of S. E. D. .Ban McMullen o f S. R. D. tpent the week end in Houston, Lectures To Sunday Club English Professor Explains Beauty of Bible as Literary Art Sunday evening the main fea­ ture of the Sunday club program was an interesting talk by Dr. L. W, Puyne, professor of English in the University. In his talk Dr. Payne cleared : up many mistaken ideas concern I ing certain Bible stories. Find ; he discussed the beauty of the Bible from the literary viewpoint, which he contends does not de­ prive the book o’ any of Its sac* : redness or rob it of any of Its re­ ligious seriousness. The Bible, ac- . cording to Dr. Payne, contains the and the most; boff short stories, beautiful rhythmic poetry, He read I the “ Lord’s Prayer” as it has been divided into lines of verse. By this division a new and fuller in-: the! tor pi elation prayer. is put upon Gaily bunion, that According to Dr. f’ ayn* . Jonah was nett swallowed by a whale. Th** story about Jonah, the pro­ phet, wa; nut lh** work of Jonah but it wan written by someone else years later. The story o f Jonah being thrown 4pto th** sea i.nd swallowed by a whale is abo told in a poem. Dr. Payne explained that, as the Bible was written by men, it was natural for mistokes to creep in, as two men seeing the «;m** incident have related it different­ ly in different books of the Bible. The Bible has gone through the hands of numerous scribes, mony translators, end countless editors, the result being changes, misinter­ of pretations, mistakes. Many the seemingly impossible incidents of the Bible ore not necessarily m iracles, but „probably notes in­ serted in the text instead of at the ex- Payne the home o f the presid ent, S p ; K ,.k Elizabeth Wilcox and Thelma j foot of th** page, Dr. f)_ ?ir„.nt ,n,6r *ru ' end a* their homes in Granger. ^ f. . the week- plained. Dr. Payne , I Modem Render’s Bible” used Moulton’s “ The in iHus . * -------- _ o f g Ruth Brown and Minelma Curl­ ing of S. Ii, D. apent the week-end .n Bartlett. F. *h«r S r sh oil 7. of S.R.D. Spent tho week-end in Seguin. tm I ing his points. Bedichek Calls for Judges for League Estelle Era* u s •playing at the Hancock Theater in vaudeville this week, who with her song and unique dance aet has made a decided hit. C T rir Dr. P a y n e s *id that many poo- j t o . Es.. pie cannot understand how it was! possible for the moon and sun tot . ti without th** earth’s commanded Chopin ' Rt* nd "tUi as Jo sh aa commanded inhabitants Chopin the void, Dr . \ Payne explained th at Jo sh u a said • s * u ltru,.,n to u, now, cad thai ,n v S p X l S r * in refHr,inK to a poem in V icto r Powell ^ Victor P O **111 an y th in * can hnpp.ii in a poem. , being flu os? into # ri.:ntf , . .. > , The Cinema HA NCOCX . T uesday, va udevilte and “ Wolf F an g s” ; Wednesday through Friday, Madge Bellamy in “ Very Confidential"*; S a tu r­ day And Sunday, Hancock P lay­ er® in “ Clarence.” in “ College” ; Wednesday Thursday, Sally O’Neil in “ Th* Lovelorn” ; Friday and Satu r­ day, “ South Sea Love.” T E X A S : Tuesday, “ The Three Musketeers” ; Wednesday and in Thursday, E sther Ralston “ Figures Don’t Lie” ; Friday and Saturday, “ The Rough R iders.” The Three M usketeers D ’A rtagn an , A tho*, Portho.*, and A nim is dash about the coun­ tryside of F ra n ca dealing death to the m enials o f the C ardin al Richelieu and p rotectin g the honor of the Queen of Louis X III by r e ­ covering her brooch which she had given to the Duk* in M err ie E n g ­ >f Buckingham land. Such is the m atter o f “ The th ree M usk eteers” now show ing st the T ex as T heater. diam ond Invitations have been gri t n to 200 guests, deceiving at the door will be the officers of the sorority. The color scheme will be pink cent* rf-i* • *», of and whit**; the pink carnations. Salad, tea, and cakes will bt* served. Y/'L.. rn * * V alentine Party G iv en bv Dames * , rnmmm The University Dante* club en­ tertained the sons aud daughters of the members with a leap year und Valentine party Friday eve- ning M r* R S, Winslow. D ancing and bridge* wore diversions of the eve­ ning, The Valort me motif was5 carried out in both decorations an*) refresh m en ts, G uests fo r the o c ­ casion included; ' » Elizabeth Leach, Virgin is IDch, >L ?sir.* lie King, Willie Louise King, Mabel Na hours, Margaret Gibson, Riosse Gooch, Viola Mac Jo ss, Beulah Befit Joss, Beanie U t S m art, Mildred Rockman, Rob* ria Winslow, Henrietta Winslow, P atty Lacey. M ary Fran cis M**?••«ley, Gy neth S t a g e d , Mary Beth Taylor, Elizabeth Hi ny arch Velma" Irwin, Jimmie Crozier, Elinor Vinson, Lots Waldie, William Palm er, W allace C rusty, Ed G rasiy. Buford Rich, Brisco*** K in g, W A. Dyer. H erbert Sm art, George Willis, Glen Passm ore, Daniel Gunn, Bob O liver, Alex M arphree, Jackson B. C ox, Jam -' Dribble, Jim H in yard, D avis S c a r ­ brough, Paul Kin yard, Barrington Shelton, Clark Petit Mr. and Sirs. W ade R oyal. Hoatesces: M©adamas I*assmore, M urphree, Cooch, Lacey, King,; Sf&seley, 'N a 1 » irs. Rich, Sm art. Alpha Chi Omega Holds Open House Alpha Chi Owego entertained with open hoar** Sunday aftern oon a t the chapter house from 5 to 7 Invited ©’clock for friends and guests. .Veal Johnson -To those t h a t have n e v e r *een , it m u st be said th at th ey should. To those who h av e a l r e a d y e#en. it m u st be said th a t they should Hee it again . It is Annabel Ic? M* Donald, Thelma Coffey, Grace Brown, and Sylvia Ringer a pent tho week-end in Waco visiting friends ut Baylor. Mi*,s Frances Scott of Houston was the week-end guest of Mrs, Maude a t Grace H aft p a r tic u la r ly I new a s a h attar ical d o c u m e n t I movie production. It W i t c o u n ty !'"™ ' p a r , * * » , »® Io n * a to ---- ----- * - Delta f hi announces the initia-i year University attidenls arn called j n.cr** leading w thebe Monon has oft! ; ing pari. Roy Bedichek, chief of the In­ terscholastic League Bureau, an­ nounces that he is ready to tai:* the names of cd a need students public particularly those of the speaking departm ent, who c a n to make trips over the state to judge w a ft in g rm it.sts in th., in Interscholastic I^nrin monis. Knch. fact that B arb ara La Marr is t ; lntersenoiasuc league biybw. r.arn > i woman and Adolph® only a small support­ Lie ii of Col© Stephens of Dallas, upon to, aet as judges in e r ! . Yet, strongly enough it Garland Shepherd of Cisco, Ber! I meets. In Un’I so much worse than the pic- Spencer of Houston, Roland Bo denhoim of Longview, Eugene Mc- ? March and continuo In fact, it is Whorter of Longview, Arvin Scott the month. Mr. Bedichek already j considerably better than some of of Waxahachie, and Lloyd Brown : has calls from many counties fo r! the pictures of more recent years.; ing of Keller. throughout ‘ Lures of the present. The county meet? begin ; judges of the contests, in te r e stin g o f A. N. M. reduced \ et, Virginia Seaman has returned to Kl Paso to attend the School h of Mines. Miss Seam an is a mem­ ber of Phi Mu sorority. Muriel Forbes spent the Week­ end at her home in San Antonio Jaqn eliae Nisbet spent week-end in College Station. Louise Paggi spent a few days in San Antonio last week, L a *t Tim es T od ay Norma Talm adge “ THE DOVE 99 S ta r tin g T o m o rro w T H E P R IV A T E L IF E OF (T h e m ost dangerous Blonde in history) I .ce Signor spent the week-end at his home in Kyle. The Valentine m otif wa* used in the decorations throughout the house. A musical program eon ristin g o f the following num ber*)burg has returned to Austin was given: Ixia Jan e NL tong san g; Mary Ernest played the violin ac­ com panied by V irginia Nurse, and Mrs. Hugh Lynn played several selections on the piano. Francis Sweeney cf S. IL D. spent the week-end in Denton as the gu est of Mrs. P. Henry Baurngarton of Schul n- is a t the H alf Moon house. Stand©. Mr?.. W. T, Haralson of Trin­ ity is visiting her daughter, Mary ami Anna belle, at the Phi Omega Upsilon house. • * * Powell Presents Piano Recital Powell of Austin, an ; pre- [ accomplished pianist., was te ste d in an Invitation recital in . San Antonio on F eb ru ary IS be-', San Antonio Muak for© the T e a t berri Association. Bo rn in Austin, of French P ar-1 eatage, Powell, who is not yet { 21 years old. was sent to Par ic to: study music when he was IS. He w as promptly accepted am a piano I pupil by the fam ous teacher, Phi!-, at the Ecole Norma! and at! the same time b e ta s th** Study of! argan music with George Jacob in) P ari*, and later with Eiboiict »t N ice. He spent a year abroad;) then returned to Austin. Op hi* second season in Paris TEXAS L a s t T im e ! T o d a y Douglas Fairbanks “The Three Musketeers” Leat tim e* T O D A Y 3.15 6:40 Sri 5? B i g - T im e UNIT Show H a n c o c K Hoary Santrey and Els International Orchestra With H A R P Y and A N N E S E Y M O U R fa ils . Reading & Rove© “ Versatile Doings” ESTELLE F R A T U S I MAORI HAKKI C a m « g a la h er o w * th«*tr© * N o velly from New Z e alan d fSSe o f the Y e *r’» Best Vaudeville O fferings! On the ammu— TK U N D E R , tho doe star, in “Wolf F a n g s. Taal ii*IWiiM'iit-i.Un aum .riri- ui 5 t o r t i * g W e d n aa d a y , fo r 3 d a y * ------ Madge Bellamy in “ Very Confidential” q tg e ss when a charm ing girl dm- > m ake Imre a apert mg grope*!- m c / / i fess i i C o m e e arly and A void the crowds $3.00 per month Four months for $10.00 AU makes, vV~ F. L. Patty Phone 6060 we deliver SI-ft tometi sa® toto*' C a c t u s . • • • Will be a complete history of this college year—Keep it for­ ever—It will become one of . your most valued Beginning today, salesmen for the 1928 Cactus will call on students who have not reserved a copy of “ The Book of Texas.M Please give your order to the salesman—it will save you time and trouble. ..w ■, Final printing order must be made within two weeks. Place your order now so there will be no regrets. ate Tint VAVD* Smet rn a rCatur! pfCTuet^w rn RENT A TYPEW RITER HAROLD TEEN—POP NEEDS A RATTLE ’U T O 1. BA BV I ITS lOLLVPOPStel I I P'iMK CO’S NICETY, N O TV LIE? Y tdRl. NOT TO LET SUGAI? DA DOV {HAVE A HEAVY CATE THIS P.Ti- PCO VTJ*LL DHT SO lOWc-SOME ALL X * - > . B T I T S E L F » J ' VfJ&r 4. " W 7 r a h o m e v l a m b s j e g ' gomma ^ CME tF HE DO ^fT S E E U T * 'TUMM I Ai' TO T E A -P O T T V LAT 3 , "to / L'L* j e l l N r o l l T'MO^'OA J ”7~ | j V \ HUH ? VVCMT'CHA - P lT T Y J / / i i L — _ _ A L E A SE ’ EVT t v I V I i f I PLEASE - POPfcA \ SPAXiK*. J /~Z3$/C AJA m h e l l o '? I sao^ o e r vuh aT HAPPENING)?' TM PO SIT IV E P O P "V M EVES. H UM S OP' i ^ i t MLfST B E «K C 6M ~rPA L— I TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1928. PAGE SEVEN New Library Building Planned to . House All Phases of Extension Ex-Students Campus Home Placed in Proposed Union The Proposed Library Extension R e tu r n in g exes will no lo n g e r be left to th e ir own devices to find tho old pro fessors th e y see*. when th e U niversity I nion project becomes a reality, ex -student oflfi- t mbs declare the H e a d q u a rte rs o f E.x-Btu? ] d e n ts’ Association will he placed j in th e Union building p ro per. Fa-! edit serf lor w elcoming th e r e t u r n ­ ing ex, giving hint a n y in form at iou j in* m ay wish, and p u ttin g him in u lt y m em bers will be m a in ta in e d there, they state . touch with s tu d e n ts a n d fee- j B ud d in g N e a r E n tra n c e T h e Union building i i which g he?,** { ;*ice» will be pl c . .! i I be located n e a r th e main e n tra n c e I to tho U n iv ersity gro un ds, w h e re ! . it will be c o n ven ient f o r vi. Hor • (to find , and special a r r a n g e m e n t I will be m ade to c a re fo r thin w ork, t ll is ann o u n c ed . U n d e r p re se n t conditions, *»v- •student officials say, only a b o u t l i e n p er c e n t of the fo rm e r Uni- I verr.Yty stu d e n ts cerning to A . - j tin ever visit th e cam p us because I when th e y do, th ey h ave no one ! to welcome them or to give them ! m y he j seeking, infoi alation they m ay “Au obi graduate comes back novq and Hitless ha happen-’.- to know w h ere the people ace whom ho wishes to see. he has little 'hance of c. cr finding* then!. The resu lt in that, if he comes to th e cam pus a t all, he wand* rn a ro u n d for a wdiih* ai mb ady, no enc knows him, he know s no one urns, and he fin: lly leaves w ith h*' feeling th a t the a 'bool has 'h ang ed po m uch it is not th e game nsti tuition he knew. Right th en we lose the good will an*! infill enc** of one m ore ox -st ii d e n t J b b l i n te r e s t in us has been m r n e g le c t,” declared John M cCurdy, ex ecutiv e s e c r e t a r y he E x -S tu d e n io ’ Association. kill * J bv A. of In Card! C a ta lo g u e Acceirabln this c a m p u s Office will be kept th** 8®,OOO ca rd re c o rd s of • ll perso n s who have a i ­ on dcd the U niversity, so that th ey a*iii be rea dily accessible lo any- >ne interef?ted in finding the pre 3- •nt w h e re a b o u ts o r o ccu patioa of m y f o r m e r stud en t. e v e r to ; vith, or w here they m ay cit R e a d in g room s cm l lounges will he provided w h e re visitors m ay I-JU a*.cot p e rso n s th e y wish and laten to the c o n v ersa tio n s of prerv nt d r y stu d e n ts arni i/ring ihem- the : a lyes b ack into touch with •arn;ms as - it really < data today. Provide* A lerting G ro u n d Record Molders Bolster Track Team Prospects First W orkout Shows Strong Team L ikely New Men Aiding jk'tSn Veterans ■ * n the sow going th ro u g h t a*, ti vc compt titian ai ieo to a, m I fron Uh* p e r- ; of th? ipdividu ii meta- evident t h a t T e x a s recon! con fe re n ce . mr with con- die* , dashes a n d r n hurl ruff lotion to his ti nm na! ;. i c y rd Leo Baldwin, h o ld e r of the con tao r h -at p u t in A ; /n e e und a h u rd ler < i note, h as r e ­ tu rn e d to th e T e a l s track team his y e a r a f t r T a n g aba-"it from i ' }<*• J IBI 7 team b e r an.rn of injuries. S nldwin In th e you ut fellow wh< ■von I n t e l scho lastic m e e t A-g'c hr.ad*. d f a r W ichita Fab; w hen h* to o k f o u r f * t place-- a n d : r Iva/ se en him i s e c o n d . T h is *. t h e beeng meeting b e t t e r all the time. Baldwin is p u tt in g th e shot well to f e e t in practice, a n d this over w ithout m u ch e x e rtio n on his p a rt. Should fee really try , th e re isn’t much d o u b t t h a t ho will be able in to .break hi® own I'J2 ti. record set ] dies, and if no thing At present, he seem s to be Vnr :ityT best bet in th e high hu r- happens to ham per his ru n n in g style b e fo re ti e tour-on is over th ere will be m o th e r c o n fere n ce record in this The I os:; of Tiny Gooch in nu th e d isaus ie o ffse t by th e mowing of Baldwin in this event. • -Idwin i - g e ttin g good d istances cm all his throws, Logan Oakes, a f v from last year’s intra­ i mural c om petition, is B aldwins eft dor: '.ady in this event. , : C u rtis B eatty, C. B. Smith, k r o n e L amia, and Alton B a g g e tt the best m en in the dashes, c c a p ­ is th e ir fo rm .ic! rapidly fir s t proaching perfection* The ' - ~'cn mentbaned r a n the 75 yards S a tu r d a y in less th a n eig ht : fonds. B e a tty is r u n n in g B a ld ­ win a good race in th e hurdles and .should c rate in close on th e heels ..f the Galloping Ghost, I ju m p e r . u t her in T exas has two of the best high in college today to repre- event. R u fu s th a t I L a g g a rd hold.: the N a tio n a l f n te r- t collegiate t h a t event, j r a d Shop Shepherd, V a rsity ’s tem - ] poi mon'. *1 leaper, holds the coit- I*T e r r e record in th e event. Both cf th est m en are capable of going well o v e r six feet in th e ir leaps, record in record K ! h Hammond® and C o u r­ ie r a r e th e best men in the pole vault. H am m onds holds the co n­ ference the vaultin g •vent, a n d C o u rte r has been p u sh ­ ing him r a t h e r closely the p a s t f< w w eeks in practice. Both of 'J ere m en a re n e a r the IS foot m ic k a nd can alm ost g e t over. in Dan Daniels, tho fle e t q u a r t e r m der, iv rapidly a p r ro a c h in g th e f* cm that made him th e most fe a r - th e talked of r u n n e r ti and Moved with every race he ra n l a s t i n fe re n c e la* I y ear. Dan im- '/car, a n d th is y e a r he prom ises to bt b e t t e r th a n ever. in Mer: h 23— T ex a s Relays. Mar. h 2 1— Rice Relays a t H ous­ ton. M arch 31-—Dual meet, A. & M. a t College Station. A pril 7— S. W. T. S. T. Ch and S o u th w e ste r# at A ustin. April I \ — B aylor and S. M. ti. * T h e g r e a te st idea behind th** Union project is ta provide tx rom- mm m e e tin g g r o u n d f o r stu d e n t, "{-student, am! fa c u lty m e m b e r so hat each m a v come to know rm*l in d c r s ta n d tho viewpoint <>r th e • T ho! is dem ocracy, and it is throu gh such co ntacts th at dom- oiy, cha irm a n of th o U n iv ersity a t A ustin , ocracy a t its b est is made possible. U nion cam paign I'he ch ief purpose of a n y a h o d is to build b e tto r c itiz e n ­ ship, find t h e r e i t no b e t t e r way* So do this I hi: rv to g e t tho various g r in pa (* v: 'h e r for a dAepnidon of j ( ' e i r aims an d ideals. We believe j UtO U n iv e rsity U nion will ac co rn- pl b b this th in g ,” Hon. T. W. Grog- com m ittee, de- sta te clares. et Dallas. M in uqo . May A pril 21 — K a n sa s Relays a t I .owrenee, Kan ms. April 28— Rice a t H o uston . May 4— A. & M. at Austin. l l , 12— C on fe re nc e m e e t J u n e 8, 0- -N ational m e e t a t T A K E I T EAST M ost Modern in South Is Plan of Building C o m m i t t e e (C o n tin u e d F r o n t P a g e I ) a n d will on a whole re ta in . th e shape it now has, The p r e s e n t cross of th e “ I ” will become th e s m a lle r p a rt. Beck’s Take will be c om p le te ly covered, and J Hall will be to r n down to m ake room f o r th e co nstruction. can B e fo re to place ii in th e P r e s s M o v e d be the build in g s ta r te d the U n iv e rsity P re ss m u s t be moved to o th e r q u a r te r s . I t is the plan old but b e fo re th is P o w e r Building, can b e don *, th e m a c hine ry fr o m th e building m u s t be m oved to th e n ew P o w e r H ouse and th e u n it \ e n g in e e rin g o f on b uilding which is being b uilt old (Hark Field to tile east of the j cam p us. th e m echanical R ea d in g room s will n o t be placed on th e w est side of the new libra! y because o f th e in te n se h e a t the a fte r n o o n . T he and sun in p la n s allow re a d in g f o r ro o m s to be placed to th e n o r th an d south, apd the sta ck s t h e m ­ selves will be on the west. M o r e S ta c k R o o m th ese is The p a r t c f this bu ilding to th e L ib ra ry now the .le ft sta n d in g .. to the new stacks, th e p o rtio n e x ­ te n d in g above th e g e n e ra l level. th e On It e x te n d s back the g ro u n d floo r of located the new p a r t will be n e w sp ap e r room. On th e south, in a sim ilar the o th e r wing, will be located the Su b sid ia ry re se rv e s e m in a r r e a d in g lib ra ry . ro o m s position and in ro o m s will fill th e tw o wings, Book st irks will occupy th:* en ­ tir e c e n tra l p a rt. T h ey will bo 80 by IOO f e e t a n d vc i 11 shelve 1,000,00 ) volumes. does, which ‘m akes it possible f o r ! clition. T he m e a su re m e n ts those do in g res e a rc h to r e a d b e tte r a d v a n ta g e in th e stacks. have been m ade a n d checked a n u m b e r o f times. to N e w s p a p e r R o o m T h e b lu e p rin ts f o r u n i t allow m o re room s ta c k s th a n th e p resent the second tho A rc h ite c ts have been a t work for some tim e m ak in g th e fine :d - ju s tm e n ts a n d m e a su re m e n ts f o r in bu ild in g I the a c tu a l c o n stru ctio n o f the ad- The collection of some t e n th o u ­ sand volu m es of new spapers, which to a r e a t p r e s e n t sto red iv th e a ttic ) 'k e e p , says K. VV. W in kler, lib rar­ N ew spa p e rs a r e v e r y hard Reading Room s A re M odem Feature of N ev/ Lib T he 11*servo to ian. and it is especially h a r d g e l a piece to keep th e m Well. It requires the re. md rod rn to house one volume newspapj'ers ms of twt.n y four Volumes r f b ook s. lib ra ry will fee ivmVcd into the budd in g, which will I f a c i l i t a t e ir a l i e r s b o t h f o r t h e II- j b r a r y s ta f f and for a. adm its using j she libraries!, it w a s m o v e d t o the M a i *i B u ild in g in i 025 b e c a u s e tho o f I .main I ibi a i y w a s i r. c a \ > a bl e h a n d l in g t h e m ass of bookit. At present th e l ib r a r y o w n s in the neighborhood of *!OO,OOO vol­ the u m e s some cf which a r c in law lib;ary, come in th e various o th er d e p a rtm e n ta l lib raries, and some of them in G alveston, T h ere ave ab o u t 250,DOO books a n d a num b er o f p a m p h le ts in the lib ra ry J building a t presen t, New A ccom m odation . T he new sta c k s wii! house aboil! a million volume}, which will be ad e q u a te fo r some tim e to come, some lib r a r y m akes of th e E d u c a tio n B u i l d i n g because | accessions sim ilar to th e G a r­ ri f hick of o th e r fir e p r o o f place M a lib r a ry , and o th e r ta.go p u r ­ to tho lib ra ry it} a special room th e ir own. ls* cp them, w ill bp moved in to of which st now houses. lf th.* lib ra ry should continue to a. quire 20,ODO volum es caci year the building will fee a d e q u a te fo r more th a n thirty-five yei vs* I unit ?s ia n ; the S taff P h ates Adorn B* Hall O ffice W alk H a n g in g on th e w alls of the variou s editorial offices of the T e x a s S t u d e n t s ’ Publications th e r e soon will be a complete collection of p ic tu r e s including the editors p f c a m p u s publica­ tio ns up to th e p r e s e n t time, w ith a n o th e r g r o u p to be placed in th e business offices, B. ii,all th o stud en t IID , to re p r e s e n t a n d fac u lty m e m b e rs of tho b e a r d of p u b lica tio n s y e a r by y e a r since the s t u d e n t periodi­ cal's w ere i n c o r p o r a te d in 1921. T h e panels f o r t h e Cactus, y e a r­ book o f tho U n iv ersity, The l i t e r a r y m agazine, L o n g h o rn , campus T he Texas R a n g e r , comic, and T h e Daily T ex an will be placed in th e offices of th e editors. Splaten Doing Research ark In Washington th e U niversity, Dr. W. M. W. Bpbvwn. in W a sh in g to n do in g in his f o r m e r is p re sid e n t of re now search work specialized I field of t ra n : '>■ rat! -n cc n o r m a I Dr. Splay, n is c a r r y in g on h e Work with the aid of a arrant from the Laura Spellm an Ilockfifeilm fund. He is ciao a ctin g as d ire c ­ te r of the g r a n t from this £u?u which was m a d e t o the University if Texas while he was president Work cr. Engineering Building Nearing End ' U imrdf iiori of tho M echanics’ . , . ** is l i „ .. , have le a g u e tim e held th o T exas J Tap Thy oh th e roof. »----- .— U . I,E n g in e e rin g B uilding At i — -------------- -— ».I „ «*, * (he Texas m e n t o r a dirty blow T h e m echanical e n g in e e rin g de vartm ent will move its m echanical *qumittent ara? classes in to th e new building a s soon bk it is co m pleted a c c o r d in g t o p l a n s o f F rofesno: Bal Ch W e a v e r of t h a t d e p a rtm en t. sc he ! fluted f o r a d a te some th re e weeks I dm*a n t, a c c o rd in g to th e contrae- w h c n th e y r o b b e d him of th e aer- j >0y, R. R. S tapler. At present vice:; of Bruce B a r n e s and j i m m k die w slls and flo or beer Quick, two <>f th o r a n k in g V arsity I com pleted an d w ork is g oing for- m en. B oth c f thest* men had at ane in te r ­ scholastic championship, a n d were e x p e c te d to give Bel! end Allison a g r e a t d e a l of irouoln in the fir s t place r a n kin ga. The lo vs of th e se two m e n has left T exas with only A! Iva on a n d Bch to pin I*.M.U. in Dallas in what promises I f D unlap and F e r ­ t h e i r fa ith on. to be one o f th e ha rde st fought in the way g u so n come t h r o u g h t h a t is e x p e c te d o f them , Texas j c a tc h e s o f the year, The h a rd e s t will win her Usual shar# of con- Uur^ft match of the y e a r will be {erenee honors in th e way of te n - ' et N orm an, O klahoma, w hen Tex I i a:: .neet.4 O klahom a U niversity cis. • there April 21. The S ooners p u t th e s tr o n g e s t te n n is te a m s In th e Midwest and South, and alw ays give Texan one of her b a ld e s t f o u g h t b a ttle s. Texas won a dual m e e t from them hero last fall. o th e r c o n f e r e n c e learns stro n g in the w ay of a te n n i team. All of th em have good m a te r ia l and T e x ­ as will find h e r s e l f b eset on all f des oy s t r o n g th a t will m a k e it hard f o r h e r to go thron Ai T h is y e a r will Urn! ail of the I out one of C o n fe re n c e T e a m s Strong te a m s T u la n a U n iv e rsity from New i ’d e a n s will m e e t th e L onghorns Im y e a r with a clean slate. Tho f i r s t m e e t of the year for here on two days, A pril 27-28, A r e here ru m fo r your inspection in a most com­ plete as so r tm en t of two and three buttons. \ \ zp i i /’ ■ J J # M T h These suits are made fr o m fine domestic and foreign f a b - Ties in hew icemen and colors, e sm artest dress preference of college men are conformed to in style and fine tailoring. eligible f o r the Texas squad. Ins V a n i t y will corno April 7, when; Only ad dition to his serve, F e r g u s o n baa. T e x a s m eets a h ard drive th a t Is hard to solve h(re> and still H arder to r e tu r n . th r e e m a tc h e s will be th e Texas A g g ie s ; played in A u stin this year. The ^ in I I T exas will meet H ouston th is y ear , / n f e r a n e e m o d will be held O n April ’ Official Notices H O U S E M O T H E R S fo r women stu d e n ts, su m m e r session: All house mother rf who wish to place th e ir nam es on th e approved list fo r w om en f o r th e su m m e r ses­ sion a r e expected to sign t h e a p ­ plication c a rd b e f o r e F e b r u a r y 20. A pplications m ade over te le ­ phone will not be considered. RUBY R. T E R R IL L , Dean of W o m e n F O R E IG N la ngu a ge ex a m in a tio n s; will be held on S a tu rd a y , Feb- m a r y 18, a t 2 o'clock in M. B. 250. A pplication m u st be m ade a t th e r e g is tr a r 's office n o t la te r th a n W e d n e sd a y , F e b r u a r y 15, a t noon. This will be the la s t chance f o r rc n io rs who e x p e c t to g ra d - j require*] Hate in J u n e , since the b e f o r e ’ rnent m u st M arch 15. be satisfied J. L. BO Y SEN , E N G L IS H 00A m eets in tw o sec­ tio n s f o r th e s p rin g sem ester. Section I m e e ts M W E 8-9 in .G a r­ rison Hall 105; m e in s t r u c to r is Mr. Banda. Section 2 m e e ts TT S'W-IO in Main Building 30 0; the j in s tr u c to r is Dr. S te n b e rg . R. IL G R IF F I T H , ...---------- Debate Bulletins Increased Demands Muck Interest Show W om an ’s Building Closes June For Repair W o rk During Summer Rumor G ives Map of Buried Treasures T o Student Group rasp, copied I t is ru m o re d t h a t a c e rta in •group of s tu d e n ts on th e c a m ­ pus a rc in possession of a very valuable fro m some old Spanish m a n u s c rip t, location which ‘ shows of th e buried tr e a s u r e n e a r A ustin. I t is surm ised t h a t this t r e a s ­ ure, said to be one of th e most valuable collections e v e r b u r ­ ied is e ith e r to b s found on th e b a n k s of th e su b ­ r u n s t e r r a n e a n riv e r which into th e Colorado a b o u t six miles above tho dam , o r a t th e in te r s e c tio n -of ftbo»l O re e k and th e Colorado river. in Texas, Varsity Netmen Look Good for Winning Season Bell and A llison M ake Up N ucleus for 1928 N et Squad Rem odeling to add c h e e r and c o m fo rt to halls anil bed room s of j th e W o m a n ’s Building will b e ] s t a r te d as Soon as the build in g is ; v a c a n t in J u n e , u n d e r plan s a n ­ no un ced re c e n tly by ll. L. W hite, supervising a rc h ite c t. F o r the first lime in history cr'"is in the build in g will have per- J m an o n t closets in which to h a n g j th e i r clothes. nets, spaces behind c u rta in s, and j nails u n d e r shelves now* used will be discarded. Im provised c a b i­ W oodw ork downstairs will be Tainted in lig h te r a b t d e s; walls will be t i n t e d : nflw electrical f'x - tairer will bo installed, an d ad di­ tions; will Iva m a d e to b a th m o m onuipm ent. A sn elal roo m on tho fir&t flo o r will ho m ade la rg e r, New* .JtJjXtsj. Lur a. J tm d -.floor eov- . grin As will ho purchased f o r th'* building a f t e r the- re m o d e lin g if, completed, An a p p r o p r ia tio n o f $18,000 has benn m ad • im­ th e p ro vem en ts. W ork will be com ­ p leted be fo re the F a ll op ening in Uentember. for ell of these nu n p a rtic ip a te d in t o u r ­ n a m e n ts all over the U n ited Btu ten th e post su m m e r an d w e n t to the .s* m i-finals and finals in several of th e m a jo r the U nited S tates. to u r n a m e n t s of H ugh Dunlap, so uthp a w te n n is star, is a n o th e r prom isin g m an fo r tho V arsity squ ad , arid if I e e v e r g e ts to w h e re he can re main c o n siste n t in hi/, play in g, be will becom e one of the b e s t tenn is I layers e v e r to a p p e a r in the con­ fe re n c e , D u n la p has one, o f th e P ro s p e c ts a r e b rig h t f o r a w in-; ] a r d e s t d rives of a ny m an on tho A P r i ! 7 the Are Distributed First Meet Set For d e b ate In c r e a s in g d em a n d s for I n t e r ­ scholastic L eague bulle­ tin s m ark u n u su a l in te re s t in the de bide c o n te sts by th e high schools of th e sta 'e - Roy Bedichek, chief of th e In te rsc h o lastic L e a g u e Bu­ re a u , a n n o u n c e s t h a t G,500 bulle­ tin s have a lre a d y been s e n t out, um] th a t d em a n d s on th e p ac k a g e ^ 9 hi National Inn ti (I hrnj-tr n m loan lib ra ry a re day. {ling te n n is te a m a t th e U n iv e rsity i 7 *. xas s a ^ a d . th e y e a r 1928, a c c o rd in g to for Louis F e rg u so n , la n k y r a q u e te e r f o u r th best from El Paso la the Dr. I), A. Penick. B e rk e le y Bell two of t h e , p a n on th e squad. F e rg u so n has and W ilm er Allison, b i s t y oun g pla y e rs th e g am e r t e of th e m o st p o w erfu l serves in the U nited S la te s a t th e pres- 1 ,,f ?nv man Included a m o n g those e n t tim e, form the nu c le u s of th e ] b t e cr te n n is sq uad f o r 1928. A lli­ Intercom eg4**n .dncrkrrf h a v in g w on singles th a t h o n o r la st s u m m e r a t P h ila ­ delphia, w here he w e n t th ro u g h fhe.cpU r./ to u r n a m e n t w ith o u t th e loss o f a single set. . S earcy F e r g u s o n , H ow ard Key j cham pion, champion gro w in g every . . . in - Allison is r a n k e d No. l l in th e A m erican Law n T e n n is Associa­ tion ran k in g , while Bell is given tw e n ty -th ird plaice on th e list. Both Allen Key, a n d George C unning ham are o th e r s on whom D r. Pen iek will d r a w f o r his m en to com ­ plete c a rry T exas th ro u g h a n o t h e r successful te n n is yea r. th a t will te a m the The f i r s t se m e s te r finals gave abolished se p a ra tin g T h e provision the city high schools from the o th e r schools h a s been this y e a r, leaving only the one divis­ f o r ­ ion open to all schools. A s m erly advanced s tu d e n ts especially those of th e public s pe a king d e ­ p a r tm e n t will i*e used in ju d g in g tho d e b a te s o f tho s ta te meet. M any r e q u e s ts a re a lre a d y in for ju d g e s to go ou t to c o u n ty meet?, to jud g e . F a r m R e l i e f Q u e s t io n The question f o r th e L eague de­ b a te s this y e a r is “ Resolved, T hat C ongress should e nact f a r m relief legislation e m bodying th e p rin c e -! pier, of tho McNary-Haug&ft bill.” Tho p rese n t bulletin used bv the L eague w a s p r e p a re d by M arion A. Obion, fo r m e r c h a irm a n o f th e ho n o r council a n d well known in U n iv e rs ity d e b a tin g circles. C o u n ty interscholastic m e e ts over the sta te b egin th e f i r s t of M a rc h and con tinu e through* th e m on th . AH th e m eets have to be o v e r by April I. D istric t con­ test a of the 27 d is tric ts have to he ov er by April 22; then follows the s ta te m e e t on May 3, 4, a n d 5. P c c k e t Lighters a ls o W ic k s—F lints c a d Bel-Lite L ighter Fluid A B E F R A N K CIGAR CO. Cong. at 8th St. - I n T e x a s I t s t h e B a k e r H o t e l s NUJ J J Dallas Ft. Worth 2 6 0 0 Room s 2600 Baths Austin San Antonio Under Construction: j i l l ! The Baker, Beaumont The Baker, Mineral Wells Hiadepiiers for Both Students and Ex-Students J / J m “ They say th at True Love never runs “ As smooth and sleek as seals; “ O h, yes, it docs, when Sweethearts walk “ On Good’.ear Wbigfoot Heels.’' Ev e r y w h e r e you l o o k , in college 1 and out, you note the growing tendency toward the easy dignity oi rubber heels. The noise th at hard heels make fre­ q u e n t l y d e t r a c t s f r o m an o t h e r ­ w ise a ttr a c tiv e p e r s o n a l i t y And the jars and p i t s of walk­ ing on unyielding heels are a real cause of foot-weariness. Rubber heels — and particu­ larly Goodyear Wtngfoor H als absorb the hammer blows of th ou- J sands of steps. They cushion firmly, deeply, resiliently. And they have the trimmest style. You TI see them on the smartest shoes of the best m in u ­ te a ii re today, and more people walk on Goodyear Wingjoof Heels than, on J-0 , I P I Slip into the repair shop aaa say “ new Goodyear W ing- any other kind. ? foot Heels, plea sc f * On i n . J The n ew est h ats from the factories o f— D isney, F in ch ely and Stetson M A JESTIC M A N ’S S H O P S a v a * E leven C ongreet I - J. »■ « ’ TU ESD A Y, FEBRU A R Y 14, 1923 EIGHT State McCallum Gives Approval R&msdell and Others Work for Success Of Plan Mrs. Pennybacker Favors Union Secretary of Prerv Benny Union Project J. Lutcher Stark Calhoun Lists Gains Ex-Stude Co-operation Stark, Regent Chairman Reflects Alumni Opinion Louis Jordan Given Honor By Memorial Proposals (or Expansion Plan University Is Twenty Years Behind in Program, Says Comptroller Union Buildings Plan Discussed By T exas Exes March 2 Dinner Holds Much Promise for Program Faculty Members Will Talk J . Lutcher Stark, chairman of th' Board of Kegenta, who ban expressed himself as being in f a v o r o f the Ex-Students’ Union Project movement. Advance Gifts The “Collegiate Shoppe A GARLAND of FLOWERS over J I Lf! r ,^sZLnu if the J neck which the flowers partly out- line is a deep square a n d t h e e v e n i n g dress which they trim is of taffeta so much the sm arter! T h is Carolyn m o d el co m es in b l a c k , rose, or tu rq u o ise taffeta with gardenias. Sizes 14 to 20. That inner urge in man to cat is always keen , , . hem for the tantalizingly delicious Sand­ wich Shop Specials that P. K. serves . . . come in tonight. Serv ice the Whole Night Through P. K. Sandwich Shop O P P O S IT E H A N CO CK T H E A T E R THE DAILY University Station Carolyn M O D E S are featured at this store, only, in this dry . *be new Carolyn M odes feature some other striking evening dresses as well as beautiful new ensembles and afternoon dresses. All are moderately priced as a result of our special buying privilege*