Wm Bailli l&exatt F irst College D aily in the South VOL. XXVIII Yesterday Law P ro f and B ank Porter H ave Discussion on Bells M E T SALES 0 f DA VIS WILL GIVE . IPREHHIEDS R E I D ^STADIUM WORKERS’ A U S T IN , T E X A S , S U N D A Y , N O V EM BER 14, 1926 E IG H T PA G E S T O D A Y No. 50 JO SECOND GEOLOGY JO MEET STRONG j j / j TUESDAY THIRD REPORT A T LUNCHEON MONDA Y BEGI N T LECTURE TUESD AY R B_ S HACKS S tudents G et R eserved Seats for $ 1 ; First B alcony W ith B lanket T ax SERIES Of TALKS ROMANCE OF FORTY ACRES OXFORD DEB A TFR S Business A dm inistration S tu ­ dents A p p ear to H ave S tronger Eleven IT ~ “ . . “ Your University has wonderful | I possibilities/’ say the Oxford repre- “ A n interesting Volcanic Dl*” sentatives who are on the campus, j M E I rn TO FINILS l e c t u r e a i belief the American colleges all con- tory over the Pre-Laws “ We are very glad to observe your excellent libraries and your well post- Laws and A cadem s Will sl ay ed librarians,” they said. Off Tie D uring the W eek the shacks, In re fe rrin g they to stated th a t the romance of the cam ­ pus would not be possible if there they weer of the wore not shacks, M e te d th e ir rom ance with the cam ­ pus shacks. You have a very frie n dly welcome for visitors on your cam ­ pus,” said P atrick Monkhouse, re p re­ sentative fr< rn T rinity College. i . , I a a. “ I understan d th at you have I . * I blanket tax by which most stu d en ts ' get into the debate, th a t entitles them to go baseball games, »th e r athletics and debates. In fact, I believe your blanket tax covers a m ultitude o f sins.” to football games, When asked his opinion of Am. Encouraged by (heir 3-0 vic- last W ednesday, the Pre-Mud ele ven will m eet the .strong BTL A. team T uesday afternoon at Clark field. The winner of this con* test will go into the finals and will a . f nlnv the winner of the Law-Aciuh ic game to decide the championship. From all appearance, the ILB.A. team, coached by Leo Baldwin, ap ­ pears to have the the embryo doctors. They defeated the Engineers, who have always pro­ se v edge over threa t, “ We believe in an education sys- (dc® fo erican football, Michael F ranklin said du ce! a championship “ It is 22 men try in g to get in an iden- e r a * weeks ago by a 6-0 score, an tical place a t one and the same tim e.” < have been working daily in anticipa r purpose of bringing the eth er hand, Die Pre-Mods go into Un­ tho handicap of ha vin » tem fo r the people to a where they will not indulge in the been outplayed drinking of instead of taking the method of law- However, intram ural sports have no j to deprive them of their personal lib- respect e r ty .” last ga nu intoxicants to an excess which they won by a lone field goal point of responsibility game w ill the coming in their <>n No L onger N ecessary to “ W alk the P la n k ” to G a rris o n H all ann — 1 instructors instructors students C A T URDA'Y m orning in Harrison in Hall saw and heard that sidewalks from the west entrance of the building to the main walk are now under construction. Soon, there- it will no longer be neces- I ore sary to “ walk the plank” on rainy days in order to get into the build­ ing dry-shod. The con tra ct for sidewalks approaching Garrison Hall calls for one south to the Law Bul ding, and for one north to the driveway in front of the hacks, besides the ones leading to the main walk and driveway. In a few days tho bells in the building will also be ready for service. A ditch, the rm necting wire is to be laid, is being dug. The building is to have «. separate electrical system. The ‘ating and lighting systems have peen tested out and are function­ ing perfectly. in which 11300026 _____ MUSIC. SPEECHES Leaders C onfident of Increase in Subscriptions of New S tu d en ts Reports of subscriptions in the New Student Stadium cam­ paign will be made again at the third luncheon of the organ­ ization Monday at I o’clock at the Cafeteria, to Bob Smith, general chairm an. Music by inspirational a local orchestra talks by several campus leaders will compose the program. according and “ We expect the total to jum p con­ this re p o rt,” stated siderably with have Smith, “ because the w orkers been given the week-end g et pledges. No rep ort has been made since Friday, and Monday’s figures ought to go well over the ten thous­ and dollar m ark.” to “ Due to the holiday preceding the last report, F rid ay’s total was some­ what low, but at tom orrow 's m eeting we are expecting to double the to­ tal for the drive,” said R obert L. Rhea, one of the vice-chairmen. With F rid ay ’s report, the total fo r I the drive among the students was pushed over the $5,000 mark. This, added to the IO per cent recently on nounced by Mr. and Mrs. H. J. L u t­ cher Stark, gives a grand total of nearly $6,000. “ It is no idle boast to say th at I believe Monday’s reports will * be greatly increased,” stated Max Fieh- tenbaum , executive secretary. “ One division is holding a m eeting today and various captains have come in to a re working.” tell me how th eir teams --------------o-------------- Yesterday, my friend Toby Toddles and I went fo r a ride with Marion Olson in the a t t e r ’* wrecked Ford. Marion is pretty well acquainted with S tu ­ dent Life, and he rot to telling us about some of hsi friends. “ Now take fleas,” he said. "You know how m any kinds of fleas there are. Well, there are ju s t as many borts and grades of Profs, and s tu ­ dents. Let me tell you about some of those I know. The other day, I was in the Am erican National Bank, tend in g my own business; and I not iced Prof. Stayton of the Law School was the doing the same. There is a big Liberty bell there, or was, and Ju d ge his irien d s were They w ent up to it and smelled it, and walked around it, and rubbed it, and Ju d g e S tayton got p re tty excited abo ut it. and one of examining S tayton it. sure “ ‘Say,’ he says ‘this is a p re tty bell. I sure wish I had this bell. I would like to give it to my nephew who is getting m arried next Thursday. Probably be could use this bell.’ He kept on walking around it and adm iring the thing, when he got too close and tipped it over. Tht- bell was ra th e r heavy and it mad( po tter considerable 0>e racket. dashing beard the crash and came c u t.” “ ‘Well!' he said, and he looked at th a t bell. Then he looked a t Judge Stayton, ‘Say,’ he says ‘did you knock this bell o v er?’ ” “ ‘Bell?’ answered Stayton ‘Bell? Have you got a b e l l . “ ‘N o / said the P orter have any bell. Did you o v er?’ ” ‘I don’t it knock ‘I “ ‘I wish I had a bell’, said Stay think I could have a lot of ton, I could ring it and fu n with a bell. if I had a cow, I could tie it around W hat did you do with Vier neck, your bell?’ “ ‘I h aven ’t any b e ll/ replied the P orter, ‘and if I had any, I wouldn't oiap e it around a fool cow’s neck W hat I w ant to know is w hether oi not you knocked this bell over?’ ” I’ve “ ‘W e ll/ said Stayton, ‘w h a t wouli you do with your bell? toll you what I ’d do with mine. Tell nu w h at you would use your bel! for Then I will have something to tel m y wife when I g et borne. She would enjoy it. I would e n jo y it too. Have you ever had a bell be­ I bad one once when I wa fore? twelve years cid. My mother kep it for me a month, arui then I ate it bu was not an ordinary bell, It made of carity. Do you Ilk was t h a t sort of a bell* If it bas cinna mon in it, or allspice, it will last lik p e t t y good. T h at is, don’ those like-—1 ” Some people flavors. if you “ ‘Listen, Big Boy, I ain’t inter ested in bells. All I w ant to knov is who knocked this bell over, ani “ T he Seven Keys to Baldpate* Is P roduction P resented N ovem ber 22-23-24 trict” Is Subject for Illus­ trated L ecture ^ D is tric l/, Jn ^ Dr. William Morris D avis of Harvard, visitin g professor ot geology at the U niversity dur­ ing the fall term, w ill give his second of a series of Tuesday night a t 8 o’clock in room 12, Biology Building. The title of wm be “ An Interesting Vol- Ticket sale fo r “ The Seven Keys to Baldpate to be presented on Nov. 22, 23 and 24, fall term play of the C urtain Club, will begin a t the Texas Book Stere on Thursday, November 18. Reserved seats— th a t is, seats on the lower floor of the Hancock Opj era House, will be soul to students* and faculty members f< r one dollar, w h k h wiU be illus- plus the blanket tax ticket. All oth- tra te d by b’a< kboard diagrams, Dr. ers will pay two dollars for reserved J jj ayjg wjjj describe the evolution of jcat tickets, according to Forest Ben­ | a volcanic area by eruption and ero- ; gion Uq wil, also tell nett, business m anager. of villages been founded near vol- of the ^ B ennett regarding the use of blanket tax ticket. He pointed out g re a t age, some of which have come th a t the C urtain Club Is o ffe rin g the ^ play fo r three nights instead of one; the night as has usually been the case. more advanced study of the geng­ j ra p by 0f cities, the landscape of the h i s innovation >f enabling all studen ts who so desire garroundjng te rrito ry should be learn- a t K first> and the city then to witness the perform ance M least one night of the I he ticket will be so punched a3 to make duplication of seats located rcSpect to its leading features, according to Dr. A. P. Brogan of the committee on public F u r th e r instructions were issued by : th a t ^ The lecture teac h es th a t in especially those villages is fo r the purpose large citjes impossible. lectures. three. Blanket Tax Admit* Other Lecture* Seats in the first balcony and in Others of the series will be given the gallery will be issued en the pre-1 to!lows. Novem ber 23, “ The P l a ­ centation of the blank et tax ticket gicRj F e atu re s of the E astern United November 30, “ The History it the Texas Book Store without tra charge. These tickets, or r e s e r v e d ^ F alls” ; December ,7 “ The veals, must be procured bel ore Davis holds honorary degrees /clock on the day on which The per- j many univergities in the Unit- von desires to witness the play. Mr. B ennett also stated th a t a f t e r th a t; ^ Stipes and E uropean countries. :ime the balconies would be thrown ^ ^ R momber o f lhe American It is a ‘" j ^ eademy 0f Arts and Sciences and >pen to the general public. »o pointed out th a t all seats e x c e p t « boftorary m ember of geological .hose in the gallery will be reserv- j K0(,|eties jn more than a dozen court­ ed,” b u t only those on the lower foor will ca rry an e x tra charge Lev,&on:i of the Colorado Canyon.” . , The club, according to Bennett, will receive from the blank et tax ap- rropriation ittle more than is neces- ;ary to pay the re ntal on the th e a te r or this one play. All o ther expen­ es m ust be m et from money tak en n from the sale o t lower floor seats, ’u tu re production must, of necessity, re financed by the Club as though no noney eame from the blanket tax. he excessive cost of house re n t due ; Miss M arg aret Downie, > the lack of an a d e q u ate auditorium n the campus makes the production f plays almost prohibitive, B ennett aid. For this reason, he urges all tudents who intend to see the play o reserve their seats early, or pro- ure them by six o ’clock of the day hey intend to be present. Tickets nay also be procured a t the Hancock ’heatre, b ut no blank et tax ticket vill be honored a f te r the specified ime. Stadium workers and — \ iolinist, playing. Watch the Texan fo r no­ tices of coming Sunday evening pro­ grams. o---------- — MEETING OF STADIUM WORKERS , the Due th a t the Law-j lor the dope, according “ Wc have debated several colleges in the United S tates and have lost al­ most unanimously. We go to Waco on Monday night to debate with the Baylor to i n t r a m u r a l officials, and the doctors Little C am pus D orm itory En- may surprise the penpushers Law* Play Academs fact to Academ game last Tuesday resulted ! in a 0-0 tie, it will be necessary for thef tertains Large N um ber of G uests at O pen H ouse t championship this yedV. the Pre-Med-B.B.A. team ,” said Monkhouse. -o—-** Celebration at the Little Campus Dormitory S aturday night from 8 to j 12 o'clock was to welcome visitors 1 to the only boy’s dorm itory ort the house- University | warm ing was sponsored by Univer­ sity officials and Little Campus Dor-; mitory men. There are 60 residents at the dorm itory 1,500 guests, including Austin peo­ ple, faculty members, and students, visited the evening. the dorm itory and more to repeat campus. during their The u already been eliminated race. v%„ Dl AK1C u f t V T H I Y M U S irA I F I College, Oxford, here with the Ox- meet the winner o f the Law-Academ championship cnan.p.v«.*i> lo rd D ebating team , will speak before . genie PLANS MONTHLY M US,CALE th e Menorah Society a t its meeting! the Fre-l.aws and E n g u l f , hov.ng thi decide the to decide m e from rr»i Sunday aftern oo n, The Y.W.C.A. is sponsoring a pro gram of music for one S unday a f te r CL noon in each month. The first pro- gram will be given this Sunday, Nov. ‘ ” clt 14, from 5 to 6 oclock a t the Uni- versity Methodist Church. It will in* elude an organ and violin recital with ^ £ u W h “^ a v ; r » r i L ' 7 r ^ n . n d e r tte t . n d b.-ok collector. He won to -. mt ___ Elizabeth Eldridge, president of the He will talk about college . ¥^ n„ * ta ,7„ Mr. F rank lin is an tudent, being an actor, according f : Em pire Shakespeare accomplished journalist, British ciety’s competition at the H aym arket T h ea tre with a perform ance of his } whU h the Y . W. has brought to the CHINA SPEA KER AT V E SPE R S Miss Rosalie Venable, Y. W. C A, executive secretary of China, will be « V esp er. Monday a t the Girls’ Study Hall, first outsider t ! campus and they are time Sunday ' xious th at every girl come and heat­ or Monday fo r Waco, w here the de­ her. Special music will be provided bate team will meet Baylor. The of- and Mary Virginia Atkinson, m em ber­ team c a p - : ficers of the Menorah Society extend ship chairman of the Y.W.C A., will (be in charge of devotionals. i *v.— 5- I nod role th ere in 1925. So- & oV1()ck especially an- leave some ©,............ — Vcnabie He will the in tains in Division A, team s one to five un invitation to all to hear Frank will hold a meeting this afternoon a t Un. 2:30, in room 102 of the Engineering, Building. Discussion of problems W H EA TLE Y WILL GIVE READING and stirring up pep is the object o fj Miss C atherine W heatley the meeting. — ---------- o-----------— I French d e p a rtm e n t will read a play planned intricate formation on c f th e. Cowboys and O range Jackets have the R. E. Chrone, division leader, es- ut the next public reading Thursday field between halves of the Aggie they p e n a lly urged th a t every member of a t 5 o’clock in room 12 of the Bio- game. She will no doubt will give a t this time have not been -he division atte n d this meeting. Re- logy Building. “ F irst meet iultg of work since th e last meeting read a comedy stressing some aspect i disclosed to the public. will be taken, b u t the main thing is of Modern American prose. the purpose of arran g in g co rouse enthusiasm and encourage bable th a t “ T o rchbearers” by George these stunts wil! be held a t IO o’clock the workers. jNov. 14,” says Helen Beissner. I Kelley will be her selection. It is p r o - ; ing the *stunt» Plana fo r fo r . PLAN STUN TS Old Students Issue Challenge than I U r t l e t t C L l U D A d d s F ive M em bers A fter W ednesday T ryouts to the entertain The program Five new members were added to guests was planned by the University the membership of T u rtle tte , girls’ committee on stud ent social affairs ! swimming club, a t th eir try o u ts last headed by Dean V. I. Moore, dean ; W ednesday night. The new members of men, and Miss Ruby Terrill, dean a re Mildred Feigelson, A nna Ingram , of women, and Ed McCollough, who Ardis Phillips, Lucile Thompson, and headed the Little Campus committee. I Carla Mc Lane. The membership of All girls’ dormitories were extended (the club now includes 41 members, invitations to visit the boys’ d o rm i-jA ny member who has three absences tory at their housewarming, and the (from club meetings is dropped from Scottish Rite Dormitory showed their j the t ry o u t appreciation of the invitation by send- j for the club may do so a t the next the mg decorative purposes. large bouquet of roses for meeting. final one of the club this year. roll. Girls wishing try o u t will be This to a When Welcome Visitor* the visitors arrived, The next meeting of the club will be W ednesday at 7 o’clock a t th e they YMCA pool provided this does n o t were welcomed by John S pratt, pres- In case it does conflict with a rally. d en t of the L itt’e Campus men, Dean held. conflict, no meeting will be V. I. Moore, Dean Ruby Terril!, the Meetings of the club include instruc­ University committee on students' tions breast social affairs. Little Campus men, and stroke, and crawl. Practice in diving .acuity members, who were in the is always held at the last of the hour. line. The visitors were receiving Miss Wood, an instructor in Physical sh o w n , through the dormitory by the men residents who acted as guides. Training for women, has charge of Much interest wa* shown by the via-j the club this year. itors and it the was the best boys’ dorm itory University ever had, and compliment­ ed the men on in which the rooms were kept. A iding H. E. T eachers H eflin Tours V a lley they commented backstroke, condition th a t the the in ii praiseworthy. Does “ ‘Are you the P resident of thi B ank? ’ S tayton w anted to know ‘This is a p re tty good sort of a bank loaf and I used to keep my m o n o money? in anoth er bank but they got u charging me fifty cents for ever; month. Such a practice it “ ‘Say. Are you trying to goal me Did you knock this bell over? “ ‘Where is any bell?’ ” “ ‘There it is. Not ten feet from your nose. T h e re ’ and he pointed tc w here the bell lay. S tayton went u to it and studied it carefully. ‘Well, he says, ‘it really ii a bell.’ ” M anor was silent. “ ‘W e ll / ’ think said Toby. Juhge Stayton was a little scared of t h a t bell.” “ I And I think so, too. — ©---------- — C AP AND GOWN B A N Q U E T Cap and Gown will have a banquet a t the C afeteria on Wednesday, at 6:30. The decorations will be in the Hallowe’en motif, using autum n col­ ors and also orange and white. A interesting program has been very a r r a n g e d , one n um ber o f which will be a pianoiogue by Annie Lee D u r­ ham. The tickets for the banquet e a u be secured from any m em ber of the council. FINISH CONCRETE D rnam ental W o rk and Setting of Plate* C ontinue* for P re te n t P ouring of concrete fo r the last section of the stadium on the no rth ­ west p a rt was begun S aturday, and he entire horseshoe will be com plet­ 'd within a few days, according to H. T. G ranger, designing engineer. ■Setting of steel supports and the plac- ng of seats is going on continually. Eighteen inch le tters “ Texas Mem­ orial S tadium ” have arrived and will be placed shortly, as will the s te e r’s head which is to go a t the top of the curve. To the New Students of 1926-27: We, the undersigned older students of the University, who have taken part in previous stadium cam paigns and have helped build the Texas Memorial Stadium up to its present stage of completion, wish to extend to you our good wishes on the splendid undertaking which you have begun. We, like you, have been just a bit disap­ pointed that your first two reports were not aa large as you wished them to be. We have faith in you as Texas students and feel that you will measure up to your responsibility in this cam­ paign. We are not discouraged over the re­ sults to date, but only wish to call most earnest­ the ly to your attention : W / f c . - s i t u a t i o n . Across the valley stands the alm ost finished Memorial Stadium, mute and enduring evidence of the loyalty of present and form er students, and a monument to Texas heroes. Texas U ni­ versity has undertaken a task which must be completed. Other students have done their part, and we are looking to you new students to the seriousness of You have two more reports. Monday and Rubbings of the nam eplate to go on the right side of the main entran ce have been received and the metal plate will be shipped and set before the Thanksgiving game, if possible Memorial plate* for the six cshools of the Southw estern conference will be set in the concrete s tan d ard s of the horseshoe curve, an d individual t a b ­ lets are to be located at various places) varry on in the Texas way on the structure. A prize was aw arded to the best kept room by a committee of judges selected from residents of the girls’ I dormitories. The committee was com- Miss Bess Heflin, associate pro ­ fessor of home economics th e Tuesday, in which to prove that you will not University is mkaing a trip through f K l p o w the high standard of loyalty sat by the Rio Grande Valley visiting high the b a sses that have preceded you. We, having p^€d of E zra Mae Fudge, Velma j ^ h o o ls where domestic economy is the tau gh t by form er students* of gone through the experience which you now are University. Her work is in the m an ­ undergoing, know that it will require real work ner of a f / l o w - u p course o f the de­ during the remainder of the drive to put it over partm e nt of home economics for its like it !*hould go over. grad u ates to aid them in solving thine taeching problems. W ith advice and suggestions an effort is made to e f ­ fect the g re a te s t co-operation be­ tween the schools, the teachers, and the University. Miss Heflin has but recently re tu rn e d from visiting tho schools near Houston and Beaumont. Martin, and Ila May Nuinez. F irst! place was awarded to Ebon Keith, with honorable mention being given to J. C. Blankenship, Vernon Ham­ monds and Robert Coltharp. Prizes were toilet articles, stationery, and candy donated by Mrs. C. B. Smith and Mrs. V. I. Moore. Tex** Color* in Dancing with music furnished by a local negro orchestra was a fea­ ture of the en tertain m en t for couples who were present. Dormitory hails and porches furnished space for the dancers. Decorations were ferns and Texas colors attractively arranged by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Moore. While the dance was going on, others were entertained on the quadrangle by ukelele serenaders, Ebon Keith and Ella Chappel. They varied from the (Continued on Page 8.) KUT PROGRAM Scandinavian music will feature the program broa d cast from station KUT Monday night. The faculty cfi T rin ity College of Round Rock will have charge of the number*. In ad­ the m u s k , Rev, Harry dition Alden, president of the college, wiU deliver a talk. to Other new .students have had a vital part in this achievement. What w ill be your part and the measure of your success? You yourselves must w rite the answer. (Signed) E d Gossett Wilmer Hunt Mary Hoyle Heatly Carl Webb Joyce Cox Dick Blalock Claude Voyles Bill McGill Pete Oliver Henry Penix Murrin Clark Helen Beissner Sam Johnson Rufus King Murray Moore Tom Pickett V ivian Richardson Joe King Aubrey Gooch Bob Calhoun Mary Louise Murray Edith Fox Granville Price Clem “Ox” H iggins Tommy Suggs Mrs. Tex Lynn SAVE THE FLOWERS; SAY IT WITH A PLEDGE Ryan Pierson Shook Loo*© With Thi* Stadium Slogan and Get* Majee»tic Passe*. Only One Day More of the Contest— Get in It. — -- M M I wr ~ v-irVfr- Si M M K stocky Ike will reg ister in th e U niver­ sity en d thus become eligible fo r a g re at g rid season next fall. W ell, e t le a st the d e a f and dum b team d o a ’t h ave to w orry abow! photograph for the class group pic­ tu re made a t the U niversity .Studio 'lent*, both men and women, are wel­ come. th is w eek . HL A. (E S O N , Pren. C LA SSICA L CLUB will m eet Mon­ day evening, N ovem ber IS, a t 7:30 in Miss T e rrill’* office, Main Build­ ing I I L VIRGINIA TABB Dean Moore will to the S unday Club a t 0 :3 0 Sunday a f te r ­ noon. speak Howard H offm an will give a violin A L L S A IN T S* C H A P E L N O B R A IN S , B U T — th eir q u a rterb a ck g e ttin g th e sore H e w a y Im a d e b i» bis E n g ­ th roat. la E t a the d en sest o f den se; B u t h is fo r tu n e is m ade if h e ’s Official Notice “ W hat is studying H a rn aek 's A dult Class C h ristia n ity ? ” is book, S tran g ers a re h ea rtily welcom ed to th ese services. ALL SA IN TS C H A PE L (U n iv . E p isc o p a l C h u rch ) Whities A venue and W est 27th Rev. Du Bose M urphy, R ector Moly Ct ut rn ur< ton, 7 :3G. S unday School, 9:45. M orning P ra y e r and Serm on, l l . “ Living Church.’* M em bers o f a Living E vening P ra y e r and Address, 5. “ Prom C ontention to. Co-opera** lio n .” Student* S unday Club, 6 p. rn. AU seat* f r e e ; a cordial welcome to everyone. selection. Visitor* are invited an d m em bers are urged to a tten d . T H E F IR S T C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H W 23 a n d San A n to n io Rev. R. P. S nider preach** a t l l a. rn. on “ One TMfi# Thou l i k e s t . ” The Fellowship (*lub at 7 :Z' p. rn. will hear a diactMxion a f “ L uther” by the m unster. I*r. J. M. >*UBune m eets the stu d en t g ro u p p t it: r~, ii. rn. The ■PMM*# IS VISION A N EFFORT? The person with p erfect night does n o t think about his eyes. W hen one is con­ s c io u s of fin effort to see, vision is not w h a t is ought to be. The cost of strain in lost nerve energy is infinitely m ore th a n properly fitted glasses th a t would afford com fort and protection. WARD & TREADWELL O P T O M E T R IST S \ LL MEN en tered in tho In tra m u ral G olf T o u rn am en t be a t th* Mum- r ifial C dur e a t 3 o'clock M onday, Nov. IS. If m ore than fifteen m inu­ tes late, match will be forfeited. KNUDSON ALL TEAM w orkers and team cap­ tains* of team s 1 - 5 , Division A, S ta­ dium O rganization, are requested to m eet Sunday, Nov. 14, a t 2:30 ©’clock in E ngineering Building K»2. ft. I . CHROME, Division L eader I ALL G IRLS of th e C urtain Club n o t) in the cast or on the technical i t a f f rep*.ii to H Hall a t 2 today (S u n d ay ) for a short special m eeting. BU SIN ESS MANAGER. What Is Doing at The Churches U N IV P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H S tudent Bible Classes, 9:45. Sunday M orning W orship. II. Again it the background o f A rm is­ tice Day the p asto r will speak on the lubject, “ The Passing of the N ight.” P resb y terian Young Peoples’ Asso­ ciation, (1:30. Sunday evening stu d e n t service, 7:30, C ontinuing the series o f s tu ­ dies in “ W hat Jesus T au g h t,” the su b ject this evening will he, “ W hat Jesus T aught A bout P ra y e r.” Every stu d e n t will alway* find a welcome. LAW REN CE H, W HARTON U N IV E R S IT Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Sunday School 0:45 ocloek M i n i n g Service l l o'clock; Mr. I S tu d en t BY PU 6:30 o’clock. Evening Service 7:30 ©‘clock. S u b ject: “ In the World G row ing W orse?” Pasfbr. This service will be broadcast over The su b ject of T. 0. G a rd n e r’s lecture to his Sunday School class this m orning a t the U niversity Bap list Church will be “ J©«u*s’ T eaching «tu- R egarding W ar.” U niversity For quick free delivery Phone Pete's Place for hut bu tter kist wick s a n d w i c h e s , d e l i c i o u s home m ade candy and th at fresh fruit. “The taste tells” Phone 2&014 Curb Service Texas Candy 1 Kitchen ft>, fit;!!;, I RENT -A -FORD PA Y BY T H E MILE I I T ourings ............. 10c p#r m ils R oadster* JOe par m il# Coup#* ......... Sedan* __ . 12c p#r m il# * * 14c p o t m il# \ j F ifty -c e n t H our G u aran i*# A fte r 6 P.M . P h ones 7 7 7 7 , 6 2 8 8 , 9 1 4 4 PATTON TRANSFER CO. 4 1 7 -4 1 9 C o n g r ess A v# P I E L B y V IG MOORE MI lis h , ab le w itty , if , T o bust 'im high ore* Urn fen ce . P erch an ce b e's fa ir m eet for the And barren o f apt repartee, B n! a fte r nil, w hat are th e odds, H e loop* g oals with high f r o - q u e m J ? - it m ay be he's “d eed ” en a d an ce floor, W ith all fr e ig h t; the I,(b t grace a f a But hi* is th e la it laugh if e a ly He p un ts st a sixty -y a rd rata. M ayhap he's a le is w ith the la ­ A failu re as Y o u ag R om eo; B ut Htte th o od this mar hi* f e ­ l f he pot* th e *bet f ifty or so. may aacM icM vi and Hi* hand ju st a knob for hi* But brain* w o n ’t ba n*adad, lf ho Th* hundred yard da*h in ton d ie s — t o r s > O, ha d a ffy — h at, •tap* f l a t . ( E d ito r’s n atal O ffic ia l n otice* w ill n ot ha a cc ep ted for p u b lica­ tion in th is colum n u n less th ey are sign ed w ith th e nam e o f tho p res­ th e ident o f th e o r g a n ise lio n ar w h o is in ch a rg e. T h is mea* th at ta k e * to m ake su re so r e aft su ch n o tic e s ara a n th e m ia . is MKN W W R IN O to nerve ** »*>*«* r* I f»,r th** T hanksgiving football gam* m ust leave th e ir nam er, and a d d re ss [to a ith W iley B. Clar..* a t th e UnL I v e r it y Gym nasium im m edltely. 150 men who h ave not paid th e ir blanket taxes a re w anted for service T hanks­ giving day. T heir work will give them adm Attars r*« to th e game. W H E Y E. GLAZE {CAP AND GOWN b anquet will bf held W ednesday Nov. 17, at tho U n iv e r s ity C afe te ria, at six-thirty j o’clock. All Seniors are urged to be I present. T ickets can be bought fruit [any of th e follow ing council! mem* . ber*: Dorothy Holmes, Helen lieist- | mer, Polly M offord, Louis© P h eiffer, Hue B axter, Ruth M anton Fay Sap- I pittfton, Emily Housed, Eva Bell* Muling Qua rd end Helen F ran cas G irtd ea u HEI EN F. GIRARDEAU S ecretary. ALL COW BOYS and O range Jack- cts be on C lark Field a t IO o’clock to practice fo r AAM. gam e DENNY DALLAS Jack Slagle wa* represented by proxy a t th* M emorial Stadium Thurs* day in the able per urn of Jim m y Boy­ le*. Thin modest young man execut­ ed one of individual .Sunday the classiest gam es1 th at h a , been seen in the Au*- stunts, tin neighborhood iii some month*. Hi* offensive charges gave th# “ get behind me, S a ta n ,” lo the largest por­ team i n tion of the Sou th w estern most of hi* tries. His punting d u r­ ing the first h alf wa* enough to still some of the old-tim ers’ talk o f Colima and P ittm an. His defensive gam e wa* airtight. ALL A C A DEM field Jo rd an four o’clock. football men be or Monday evening at John Taylor. W IMBERLY, M anager MARCHING REHEARSAL of Cow­ IO on boy* S unday m orning a t Clark Field. Be thor# on tim e. KUT. DALLAS. th# On* o f th# »w orthy Jam #*’ a n ­ tic* stood out a* th# graal#*! tin It happen f i e fea tu r e o f th gam e cd on hi* retu rn af th# second kick- o f f for a tou ch d ow n . Tho run it* • e lf wa* tu t fie »#nt for W adi rn# m a­ te r ia l. B ut th# fin a l fifte e n yard* o f it wa* on# #1 th# p rettiest piece* glim p sed . o f wark wa k av# ever the P ir a te W h en Jim m y reach ed f ift e e n yard m ark sp eed y B lack b u rn wa* clo sin g in on hint, In a n o th er co u p le o f stride* he w ou ld d iv e — an d B lack b u rn rarely m issec. T h en su d d en ly B oyle* a p ­ p eared to slow up, alm ost a* thou gh I* look ed be w ere goin g to stop. to he th e en d o f the road. But th e a r tfu l J im m y took a slo w , d r a g ­ g in g sw erve to th e righ t, a lm ost le i­ su r e ly , Uh# th# bank o f an a e r o ­ p la n e a g a in st e s t if f w in d B la ck ­ burn kept on stra ig h t ah ead and sk id d ed se v e r a l yard s on his rbin- Jim m y am b led aero** the goal lin e w ith tim e In w a ste. This was on e ca*# w h ere fo u r -w h eel brake* and stew tin co n tro l a er ee d the tarn of su c c e ss b ette r than a mile a m in­ u te a c c e le r a tio n . The present w eek-end featu res th# re tu rn of the prodigals— Ike Sewell, J e r ry M arshall and Webb F uff, n a­ tionally renow ned fly er;, voyageurs an d adventurers. R eturning ju st in tim e to witness the final q u a rte r of the P irate orgy, Marco Polo Sewell received his first piece of tough luck in the uh ape o f a re n t in hi* p a n ts ,1 preventing him seeing the game fro m f th e from the sideline*. Af Lur a sev­ en m onths’ to u r of the middle west th e Longhorn Flying Circus has a t Duo l«ft the scenes of their headlined trium ph* to re tu rn to the home ha n r - ’ er, It is iritere -t;eg lo nut# that the T H E R E will be a m eeting of all th© member* of the tee tm a u l s ta ff to­ day a t S Hall at % ©’clock. Ticket* go on Hale T hursday aftern o o n and all I m ember* m ust be present to get in- BUSINESS MANAGER > st ructions. IAN O PE N m eeting of the In te rn a ­ t i o n a l R elations Club will be held at 7:15 M onday, November 15, in room I, G arrison Hall* Mi** Rosalie Ven­ able, Y W C A , secretary of China, will address the club. M. G. BURNSIDE, Pre* T. O. ( \ P arty T hursday evening, No­ vem ber 18, a t 7:30 o’clock in the W omen’* Gym. dancing, itu n tj arui eats Five cents to g et in or ten cents to skate. Come and get n a T. O. C. practice, S kating, LETTY GREEN T H E R E W IL L be a reg u lar m eeting of A c h te l L iterary Society Wed- lexday, N ovem ber 17. A program v.U be given. DOROTHY HOLM ES VIX SEN IO R But!tit ss Ad mini* lr lion stu d e n ts plea e have your J. R. REED MUSIC CO. Y our F rien d s THE DAILY TEXAN BU SIN ESS D IR E C T O R Y A U T O P A IN T SH O P L U M B E R f U f t a is A y m .r o a r w. h author**## D ue. A U T O P A I N T S H O P #©# C o l# £ . X . C o l* B X Y O S O IX L U M B E R C O B u ild in g M a te r M i o f At* K m # ut Ii an* Guadalupe PW**# #33 B U S IN E S S SE R V IC E £!»«•**, ka*r clippsr *, an# sensor* *barpo**# Razors grot*ti4 mad has*# i f . W . B r# # a in * S0 2 B r aaa* P O T A T O C H IP S S tu d e n t I# auth*## th a t p ic n ic W a , re to rt* ber #*!t*d peanut# , p o ta to c h ip * S A N I PRO DUCTS 3 0 4 W ast M b t i P L U M B E R S IU*#* Cl**u*ed. H aiti s w a d W #r% G u a r a n i, . - Capital C a r p a l Clta#**** 2**7 E a st Av# , SSaetc A Cssp t tr, PW*** #13# E. R A V E N , PLU M B E R '‘W W #* c o # # p i* athin g repair* ar* mode »4©3 L avaca S t. P W # * « 7 U D O C T O R S tm . LYNN Alto LYNN Poets! Smr g tm t —•* —*■ m i . fEftntij # Mf &S M , B, L CROWDER, D#»U»t H a s # #433 ' BJtAf, Bm. PWmm MIM Awstla, T«sa* ________ W A N T E D TO B U Y Wo P*y tW Highest Price# for Cass-*# Cl#tW it *»4 Shoe# *07 Coat 6 th S t. P h o a a #717 WOOD J. C. 8 HOODIE W*ody sr d — Card mood mad Bloc Ic# mast Baa* 71 St, P W * z t# l» BMbwFlvfkti# m m um m b r o t h e r s A. LEWIS, MAL, D O. 4#* £ F# 4) si&zm&m. rh'iv PW** ##92 IAI u r n MA st. .... £mait Sliced CkksRr Colkg Mea »3*da*d At Rochester. Boy! In the early winter mornings when the sun is just creeping over the hills east of Austin, it feeta mighty fine to make that class feeling “just right” in a comfy Bra ^ burn. A Style You1!! Like UNIVERSITY TOGGERY J. L ROSE and W IN T E R S U IT S For M en and Y oung M en W e b e lie v e th at w e ra n g iv e you B E TT E R Q U A L IT IE S a t our p rices th a n you can g et a n y w h e r e e ls e in th is city . Raincoats — Topcoats and Overcoats —- and Suits $20 “ $60 W e in v ite you to co m e in and see th e s e C lo th es. Do you know who wrote ‘T he Covered Wagon” ? I didn’t know it was writ­ ten. I thought it was drawn. — L o u i s v i l l e S a t y r . Wisdom is what you are supposed to acquire at college. A practical lesson in wisdom is acquired by following Mayer s plan for giving Christmas presents. It is to select the presents now. Reserve them by making a deposit, completing pay­ ment as convenient before Christmas. You’d be surprised to know how many people follow this plan. Come in and look over the new Fall lines. See what splendid gifts are here at gratifying low prices. O ui Mayer Co. Jewelers ~ Silversmith* 6 1 8 C o n g r e e t A v o * The Street Cars The University People The Parking Regulations And Their Peculiar Relationship I o the University People who are wide awake, who want real convenience, and who appreciate the value of time THE STREET CARS HAVE A SPECIAL APPEAL to F inding a place to park when you drive a car cchooh to a show, or most any place you go will cost you more in time lost, without considering the added attraction of being able to get off where you want to, than it costs. To Ride the Street Cars “Courtesy and Service” AUSTIN STREET RAILWAY CO. FOR THIS I F K ) A ttention Centers on A p ­ proaching Annual Thanks­ giving Clashes C O N F E R E N C E S T A N D I N G T T e a m — S. M. U. . . . ..... 4 3 T. C. U. B a y lo r ....------ 4 ...... 4 A rk a n sas 4 A. & M. T e x a s --------.— 3 R ice .. ----- -— 3 P W L 4 I 2 2 I I 0 2 I 0 I 0 0 G am es Last W e e k F c l. 0 O 1.0 0 0 .6 6 7 0 .6 2 5 I .5 0 0 2 . 3 7 5 2 . 3 3 3 2 .OOO 3 S. M. U. 31, B aylor 3. T. C. U. IO, A rk an sas 7. S ch ed u le This W e e k St. Ed w ard s at B aylor. A rk ansas at O k lah om a A. & M. B y DICK V A U G H A N the real conference W hen th e S.M.U. Ponies crushed th e B aylor B ears u n d er a landslide of scores a t Dallas S atu rd ay they be­ football cam e cham pions fo r 1926 and tu rn ed the a tte n tio n of grid iro n follow ers of th is section from the issue of the title ra ce to th e trad itio n al T hanksgiving gam es These closing gam es will not have th e dram atic possibilities they w ould have if the title was still in th e balance b u t th ey will draw big­ g er gates th an th ey have ever draw n before, nevertheless. M ost of them depend on rivalry of long and b itte r stan d in g fo r th e ir in te re st and will contain alm ost as m any th rills fo r fa n s as an y of the e a rlie r cham pion­ ship fray s have. to th e fan s lim ber up to en te rta in W ith th e big tim e com petition in th e conference slated fo r T hanks­ giving Day th ere will be only two gam es this week end. B aylor will engage Saint E dw ard’s a t Waco F rid ay in a gam e the B ears calculated fo r th eir clash w ith th e Rice Owls. T he S aints have a good little team , b u t it is quite unlikely th a t th ey will extend th e B ruins. A rkansas, a team th a t also ran fo r th e conference cham pionship, will play O klahom a A. &M. a t S tillw ater, O klahom a, in the o th er clash This a f fa ir seem s to be about a toss-up, as th e Hogs who m ust be given a slight edge in real stre n g th will be playing on foreign soil. A rkansas is the n e x t conference m em ber w ith a gam e carded. The H ogs wil grapple w ith T ulsa U niver­ sity a t T ulsa on T uesday, Novem- particu lar erges from now here In b er 23. E very few y ears T ulsa em- w ith a good team th a t gives every­ body trouble. It will n o t m ake so m uch d ifferen ce how th ey look in this gam e, how ever, as th e P orkers have a good team and a re due to win. to m ake Richest in trad itio n , b itte r rivalry, th rills, and atten d an ce, th e Texas A.&M. fobtball fray will lead all o th ­ e r T urkey Day gam es in this section in in terest. No cham pionship or high gridiron laurels hinge on th e issue of I t does not tak e a cham ­ this b attle. pionship stak e th e Long­ h orn-W ildcat gam e th e football high­ light of the Southw est. The long, bloody feud th a t has existed betw een O range and M aroon since th e firs t gam e in 1894 m akes the an n u a l clash th* m ost sensational on th e football cefendar. The team th a t wins this ie will round out th e season in finish th a t will ato n e to a large ex- fo r all o th er reverses. Close to tw ice as m any fans will w itness this gam e th a n the atte n d a n c e a t eith er D allas or Houston. T h a n k s g iv in g G am es I W hen SMU and TOU m eet a t D al­ las in th e an n e al g rudge fig h t be­ tw een th e M ethodists and the C hris­ tians, two of the m ost highly touted elevens in the conference will be seen in action. S ta rtin g the season w ith a world of m aterial and cham pion­ ship prospects, the lucky Ponies have pranced tru e to form in every gam e. The H orned Frogs, w ith a four-year old team , prom ised to be one o f the co n feren ce although they have n o t been as b rillia n t as the Horses, they have shown plenty of power. SMU is due to win this gam e, and th e school th a t was crow n­ ed chaps J n 1923 by th e conference board a t the O rien tal H otel will like­ ly be decared w inner in 1926 by the decree of uek th a t has given the Blue leaders, and „ every break this year. S o u t h w e s t S. M. U. 31, B aylor 3. T. C. U. IO, A rkansas 7. S o u th e r n A labam a 48, F lo rid a 0. V anderbilt 20, U niversity o f T en­ T ulane 19, Sew anee 7. U niversity o f G eorgia 14, G eorgia nessee 3. Tech 13. E ast Cornell 24, D artm o u th 23. N otre Dame 7, A rm y 0. Navy IO, G eorgetow n 7. Brown 21. H arv ard 0. P rinceton IO, Yale 7. Penn S tate 9, B ucknell 0. Boston College 21, H askell In ­ dians 21. A llegheny 7, C an in u s 0. Lehigh 14, R utgers 0. Grove City 3, G eneva 0. Tradition Upset; Razorbacks Lose To Horned Frogs FA Y E T T E V IL L E , A rk., Nov. IS — T. C. U. H orned F ro g s upset a t r a ­ dition in the A rkansas te rr ito r y when they defeated th e R azorbacks on th eir homecom ing day. The w inning points eagle in th e last period whe:n Wolfe drop kicked a field goal from the 43-yard line. The aerial route was used fo r m ak­ ing the touchdow ns, a f te r every pos­ sible form ation could be tined by the two te am s. The F rog score came when B rilliant, a11-South w estern q u arterb ack , tossed a fa st ball to Mathews, who ran thro u g h th e en ­ tire P orker defense w ith the ald of perfect to u ch ­ down. in terfe ren c e fo r a in they cam e back A fte r th e spirit was aroused in the camp o f the P a rk e rs a f te r the first half, the last h alf w ith renew ed vigor and scored w ithin th e firs t 3 m inutes o 1 olay. B eavers the vc olgine fo r 23 yards, which was long pass, Cole to followed by a i-rcott, which a lte r Cole kicker a placem ent. th e score thro u g h to re tied More than 4,000 hom ecom ing fans witnessed the gam e w hich was the m ost exciting fou g h t on local gridiron in years. _ o--------— th e J. OUTLOOK BRIGHT Littlefield Encouraged by Bas­ ketball Prospects; Three ■Players Star “ P rospects fo r a F reshm an b ask et­ ball team are exceedingly en co u rag ­ ing a t the p re sen t,” stated F resh ­ man basketball Coach Cyde L ittle­ “ The Frosh will organize im­ field. m ediately a f te r the football season but we will n o t begin real train in g until a f te r th e C hristm as holidays.” L ittlefield is n o t sure th a t the y e a r­ lings will have a real out-of-tow n schedule, b u t he is inclined to think of th a t the round having a dividing the team s first y ear conference in th e school was followed la s t year, will be as used this season. T his p erm its more chances fo r gam es inasm uch as th ere a re a good m any organized and a candidate has a b e tte r chance to show ll his tru e w ares in this type of to u r n am en t th an when one team is o r­ ganized of so m uch unknow n m a te r­ ial. robin m ethod and T hree of the m en now on th e first y e a r’s grid team a re very sure to well, L ittlefield said as th ey are do­ ing a t the p re se n t on th e football field. Two of these m en, C heatham and and Reese, hail from San A ntonio w ere m em bers o f th e Main Avenue High School five th a t burn ed up the Interscholastic League and finished th e season by w inning th e League cham pionship. The o th e r m an is “ Big ’U n” Rose, the H ighland P ark sensation of Dal-j la.-. Rose lived up to expectations and is showing g re a t football fo rm ; th e chances are do equally well in b ask et ball, it is said, th a t he will Varsity Peacocks 1 -O'—--------- Play for GymlDance fo r C lub O rchestra, played a t A t H ouston B aylor will m eet Rice V arsity Peacocks, regular G erm an in a gam e th a t will decide no th in g f u rth e r than the b est team between th e Wo* th e Owls and Bears. Baylor played a m en’s Gym th e All-U niversity'' real gam e of football a g a in st A.&M. dance last night, according to the man and m anaged to win from a Texas a g e men. Special num bers w ere giv* of team th a t was now here n ea r its best en fo r form . T he Owls have had a very dis- j the “ P eacocks” fo r th e winter sea- appointing season, losing th ree c o n -[son. M argrete S chott is director, ferenee gam es by th e score of 20 to j T his was th e last given 0, a f te r being to u ted as cham pion- a cam pus o rc h estra fo r the All-Uni* shap m aterial by H ouston scribes If j versify dance c o n tra ct, according to th o r is a n y th in g m uch in the law o f {Alton L ockett, m anager. T h re e or- pereto.lagos aud anything at all in the ch e atrie are in th e race fo r th e Gym dances. Tho contract will be awarded Bice ta m th® Owls may upset Bay­ lor, but they are certainly not due by th e A ll-U niversity dance com m it- appearance try o u t firs t the Baylor Defeat Assures S.M.U. v Championship crow ned DALLAS, Texas, Nov. 13— When the S outhern M ethodist U niversity M ustangs ran aw ay from th e B aylor B ears and d efeated them by a score of 31-3, th ey w ere the S outhw estern C onference cham pions w ithout dispute. Hum e, th e scin til­ latin g halfb ack o f th e Ponies, led tin the spirited M ustangs in th e ir attack. The M ustangs sta rte d th e ir scoring with a touchdow n b efo re th e gam e had progressed five m inutes and in ­ 3 po in ts by a creased field goal by Love from th e 32-yard line. A n o th er the third period followed by tw o m on period of the touchdow ns play n e tte d the big size of th e score fo r the Ponies. This was th e fo u rth conference and the v citory fo r the M ustangs first co n feren ce d e fe a t fo r th e Bears. The M ustangs still face th e T. C. U H orned F rogs, who tied A.&M. A g­ gies and d efeated the A rkansas P o rk ­ touchdow n th e ir lead last in in ers, b u t th e outcom e of this gam e will not a ffe c t th e cham pionship of the S outhern M ethodists. The M ustangs played th e ir gam e in co n feren ce cham pionship style as they w ent thro u g h th e grizzly line line a t will, w hich was which held th e P ow erful Longhorn backs last week. As the gam e ended, the ball was the M ustangs in mid-field. the hands of the sam e in T. O. C. Plans Party for Thursday Night T exas O uting Club will hold i i i first p a rty T hursday, N ovem ber 18 at 7:30 p. rn. in the W om en’s gym. The p a rty Will fe a tu re bowling, sk a t­ ing, dancing, stu n ts, and eats, and is in charge of T. C. C. Council. The p a rty will be over by 9 o’clock. P ractices in sk atin g and bow ling W edgewood China In sets and in gift pieces Ye Quality Shoppe Would You Want a Tramp to Represent You? O f course you w o u ld n ’t! You would choose som eone whose appearance is neat an d attrac­ tive— som eone w ho reflects good judgm ent on your part— som eone w ho creates the right im­ pression. K now ing th at such an opinion is generally accepted, you w o u ld n ’t believe that hundreds of people are being represented by tramps, would you? Perhaps you have placed y o u r­ self w ithout k n b w in g it. Your Stationery Is it tram p ­ Is your personal representative. ish? O r is it w o rth y of you ? Its value can hardly be overestim ated. W h e th e r you write seldom or often, you are judged by the appear­ ance of your letters. You will alw ays be properly represented if you get your stationery at the UNIVERSITY CO-OP M H W M M B g S B W III r(J o y ljo u Y ^ /\in is ~ AN EASTMAN ALBUM ONE AT OUR STORE % A picture that is worth taking is worth saving. If it’s worth saving it deserves a neat, orderly place in an album. Don’t let your prints become lost or damaged— get an Eastman album and start a Kodak diary. AU Eastman albums are in stock here— come in and see them. Eastman albums make ideal college memory' books in which to keep complete records of happy col- lege days. j Price# a re from 50c to $5.50 ■ For Thanksgiving we have table decorations, party favors, art candles, tallies, etc. DAN’S 6 1 5 Congress Ave. m ay be gotten in fo r points. A charge o f ten cents will be made for skates and bowling may be practiced the gym. free the balcony of in “ Come and g et in a T. O. C. p ra c­ tice,” says B e tty G reen, p re sd ie n t of the club. Pledges m ay use this m ethod of o b taln n ig points fo r en-1 to th e p arty . tran c e to W. A. A. if th e y do not, to go out fo r a feport. Any wish pledges interested by s,ure to cpme “ B E A U T I F U L F O O T W E A R F O R B E A U T I F U L G I R L S " F estivities Frilly lovely a re th e N e w P a t t e r n s — sm a rt, chic, c a p t i v a t i n g - F o o tw e a r in sp ira tio n of th e th a t re p re se n ts fo re m o st d esig n ers w h o c a te r to b e a u tifu l fo o tw e ar. Ju st th e m odels M ilad y w a n ts for T h an k sg iv in g . " L A C H I C ' L o v e l y all s ilv er k i d pit nip w i t h high spike, heel, radi­ ate s yo ut h an d y r a x e , L i g t l y dances the delicate foot th a t an ars this a d o r ­ able p a tt er n . ”L A P E T I T E ' A m e r i c a n B e a u t y velvet t r i m ­ m ed w i t h gold kid. One o f the mo st be au ti fu l eve n in g slippers o f the season — it fa i r l y brea the s o f Paris ian s m a r tn e s s . " L A P E R E L 9 T h is Paisley Cloth N u m b e r , t r i m m e d with gold kid, w ill d eligh t you. is a p er fe c t It m atc h f o r a n y ev e n in g g o w n y o u m a y select, a n d oh so chic! f09 W ST I ~ * mimm : Batty NOW GOING FULL BLAST People will buy. T h ey know th e W orld Fam ous G enuine Sealy.. T u t ties#, its w onder com fort ha# been th e desire of everyone fo r over fd rty year#. And now th a t th ey can be bought th e ridiculously low p rice of $39.50 people are buying them by the thousands. for Thi# g re a t sale will last SEVEN DAYS ONLY. Begin# M onday, Novem ber 15. M on­ day n ig h t Novem ber 22 it ends. U n d er no conditions will it be continued. Think of it. F or the co it of an o rd in a ry m attress yau can own one of th e W o rld Fam ous Sealy Tuftles# M attresses. T h e Fam ous Pillow fo r Y our Body. A M at­ tress th a t will give you trip le th e com ­ fo rt an d triple the service of a n o rd in a ry m attress. T ak e a d v a n ta g e of this Great Sealy Sale. CASH OR TERMS * MAIL ORDERS M ail o rd ers will he prom p tly filled if acco m p an ied by a ch eck fo r th e fu ll am orini* of th e pu rch ase. Everyone know s th e -Famous G enuine Sealy T u ftless. Use tn e m ail td g et this Big Saving. I hrJBaily Cexan Vt* I * * I First Colies* Dtify la the Son th r M U b k H ob tit* 'am pas of ti*# C n h w l t y of Tex** hr the Tex** Rtvdvat* F»*Uie*t4 *. Isr„ e v e r y Mora inc #x.*#s>s Monday, o * t# f L Ha!!, T#i#phor;# HOO#, * E ditorial office*. J Bali Tal##kot>* 9 1 * l-# l. (A fter IO p. rn *18t>. I Printed by the University Fret*, A. C. Wright, Manager. J H ail En taxed at MMUti ( I k i matter at the p o m e * # at Anatta, Tea**. So! Goode'*ky J i>« Cowan — TODAY'S STAFF t lea ne Editor . Anni* tent . . . Chief Editorial w r tt tr KuckJ#y# Sylvan Burg. D M M * McRae. RS PORTER** /arnee Aehiey, Edith Eiienherger. Dorothy Taylor, Doaflaa La* Meeter, VI ca beth Miner, Martha Phillip*. Glady* Whitley, J aaa Tull!*, Wandell O'Neal. Sam Harwell. F «•**.# Banka, Metti* Sailer Douiae h u rler. Gene* leva Garret eon. Elizabeth Bradley, Stuart Lueiie S tram Ie r, Thai ana E ditor-In-C hief Me nag * »V Editor ... Manager of FnbH-'atloa* A int. Guetavo Farnaadaa. SAM C - J O e x s O N GRANVILLE FRICK Edward S te e r * . W ilia m L. McGill F BtfSTNFSS STAFF A. * . S e rT H . D hM W f >f M . r r t M w : BI'KT DYKE. F n i u t f c a J *“ " W , ! r k - ___________ y - r . o B v M S B t JA. e i r w e t i j. j W O T i u m-lLU AdecrtJatnir4 ll^>F5 ( Y Oliver. Ray ie Pop#, gtok tta in c : OFFICE STAFF, Lout. Bsefbe Lori ae Broach**, A L. Rayne*. A/ton D -r-ett. Wrl„ t, . M ira Alvord. Carton* StaHlngv, E tn a Stol*. K atb- I L, Pone « vb. Baith, Martha Anne Faulk. Geraldine Sm ith. Bernadyae Ann* Lips (ta, Virginia Griffith, Evelyn Tbompaon. , , ............... ... „ I Editorial Writer*: Sam El^ johnson. Intwarl WtaofW, La* Wood*. F eat a re E ditor. Truem an O'QU b b ; Society F.dHor. Katberin# Ramsey: Theater Editor, f ■** Wyeomr; Sport* Editor, Dirk Vaiighen, « .ip Editor. Martin .g*.tao, j**t#r Editor, Everett A. f> h * lr. (Napi Br Special Rep*-rt*r«» Harte* Ferron, Joba Palmer, Marfa Jon**, Mary MeGarvay. Lore a* Driom*m>r>4. Feature Writers: Vivian Richardson. Va I ver» Moore, Ed Ta*ge1, Everett* Lot*. Sport* W rf (.ere: Frank Eat**, Vie Moor#, L. * . Harwood, Ane#* S#m*an. R obert C antred, L u th er Hudaon, H arry Lind, Henry Mor­ ris, Erma Hander, Robert Fielder, Robert Burge**. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N [b rin g ab sten tio n is folly in the ex­ treme. As the Oxford deb aters said can be brought the only way such I abo ut effectively is through a long and tireless process of education of the people. A reply this bom­ b ard m e n t will be appreciated from h eart, the w riters the depths of e ith er joining hands with him or aiming at him with a powerful a u t o ­ matic rifle. to in Threat the gentlem en The U niversity the Texas-Oxford d eba te should in all fairness and justice to themselves aa well as from E n g ­ land openly adm it they lost the de­ bate regardless of the favorable vote a t the hands of a large audience. The w rite r is wondering if their con­ science isn’t tro ubling them. Their name* would in alf England as the only th re e fa ir de­ b aters m et in Uolumbia, The Gem They would be the be heralded the .same those the necessities o f The d efeat by an audience not be legislated into a people and th a t d egenerates who went to extrem es before Prohibition loving wife and in depriving their children of life are still securing their liquor— not quite as easily in some cases, If the vote had been weighed in the scales of justice Oxford would have receiv­ ed a unanimous decision in her favor, The decisions adverse to the Oxford no Three seem to be only form ality or what they IN RE TEXAS-OXFORD DEB ATE vote? F riday night of three Oxford d e b a te rs by Olson, Ryan, and F o re ­ man representing the IT. of Texas and upholding the affirmative of the issue coupled with Ox­ Prohibition in virtually all uni­ f o r d s d e feat versities and schools visited re g a rd ­ less of what is debated has caused the w riter to wonder whether the gentlem en from England are ref civ ing justice am i a fa ir deal. Even the mighty three, outstanding ne ho- debate on. The w rite r sometimes jars and debaters from renowned Oxford, bowed by an audience vote little St. E d w a rd ’* University. to Can you conceive of such an o ccu r­ rence a* being and ju s t? The w rite r did not have th# good fortu ne of hearing the above d ebate but sincerely t h a t some who atten d e d the debate have the kindness to do bim the favor of giving a list of th eir reasons for v o t­ in g against Oxford, if they have any? Nothing else is desired. wonders if we are civilized. the debate overlooked th em : requested t t e r where t h e y is kindly logical, desires fair, the to A m ajority o f the people present a t last sentence o f the voting leaflet hand­ ed out to the e x te n t th a t it m eant u tterly nothing to die nee aside personal convictions and local; able publicity as well as the Univer-* quite unlike t h a t be­ prejudices” . The w riter th# negative although a upon Rev. Aimee S. stain er and believes th a t bastention [M cPherson a t p re sen t by the world is desirable. The method advocated f press. by our voted for sity of Texas total ab- ing bestowed lay recipients of extensive and “ The a u - j o f the Ocean. MALCOLM A. GREEN Prohibitionist friends favor-! to j Smart Frocks AND Beautiful Millinery for every occasion. Personal attention given to every customer, and our selections are always good. ADVERTISE IN DAILY TEXAN * t i * s r e p e l l i n g t h e i n v a d e r FRIDAY NIGHT a team o f brilliant debaters from th e University of Oxford entered the I bt* and con­ t e n d e d with the men selected to represent the University c f Texas. The b ittie of, words was waged over a ques­ tion which may he &4$ to involve the am our propre of the i n lr to }*mg. with the fata which has American nation, ap ­ Inmost uniformly befallen the Oxon in na the Austin pearances before Ammu wan assemblages, its ap­ audience e x p r e s s e s * t m overwhelming vote proval of the m oaner rn which native orators acq uitted th em ed vt*," their the * - in It would be iaterestnag to speculate on what might have been the outcome of the encounter had it been staged before an audience of intelligent Frenchmen. I he fundam ental disadvantage under which the Englishmen labored is obvious, No m atte r how eloquent the p re ­ impossible sentation of argu m en t, it would have been to create in the mind* of an American audience the alight es! enthusiasm for the concept of free moral a c ­ tion when th# question of the prohibition of spin to us liquor* was under discussion. It may be said without hesitation that the affirm ative committed the house to its decision by dragging in a bogey which could have no place lh the consideration of prohibition as an ethical principle, This wa* tho saloon bogey, There can be no doubt th a t the Texas debaters scored heavily against their opponents if we admit th a t the question argued before the house was restricted to a consideration as to whether o r not the prohibitive meas­ u re invoked in the Volstead Act was justifiable by r e a ­ son of the circumstances which urged its adoption. But the definition of the question, as prom ulgated by tile affirm ative and accepted by the negative, precluded any possible limitation of the discussion to a partic u la r sit­ uation. Nevertheless, th e Americans argued from the stan d p o in t of the situation they had in mind. The E n g ­ lishmen, on the other hand, argued from the standpoint o f an idea, which the hou*F* either failed to grasp or refused to recognise as being irrelevant to their popular conception o f prohibition. lr. one .sense of the weird th e re wn« no debate a t all. The thesis of the negative held th a t a recognition of the principle of prohibitive restrictions operating through a form al expression of the collective will imposed fetters w ithout < mite»ion upon th at range of free moral action which society Is supposed to g u a ra n te e the individual. It It distin­ did not deny guished between and pointed out ti at the need fo r regulating the conditions which grow o u t of excessive debauchery in one thing does not justify the prohibition of a tem perate indulgence in th a t thing. the principle of tem perance and intem perance regulation, The affirmative answ er to this thesis was as effective as it was ingenious. As summed up in the rebuttal, it Balds “ The sole arg u m e n t of the negative may be put in the words, T w ant my drink .’ ?’ This idea was the p a rtic u la r situation again as opposed to the general idea. This eau only indicate t h a t the affirm ativ e failed u tterly to grasp the fundam ental arg u m e n t upon which the neg­ ative built its attack , or th at it confused with wit of the Englishmen with their serious reasoning an d u nin ten ­ tionally, perhaps, perverted the whole spirit of their logic. VV ere Plato and Wayne ty. W heeler to a rg u e the p rin ­ ciple of prohibition, we. would have the same clash of Ideas. The philosopher would discuss the principle from the (standpoint of i t s applicability in his ideal common­ wealth. The propagandist would re fu te this principle by citing the evilsjof liquor yra f f ’ic in Alabama. lionization arid a barbaric esprit de corps, evolved out of the savage war party, the battle hymn, the m arching song, and tho ring of patriotic eloquence played the part of the war dance. l f those who have concerned themselves with a re n ­ aissance of the Texas spirit would make a serious busi­ the m atter of songs, they might ness of looking into achieve more than a m ere rejuvenation. They could lif t the Texas spirit from the plane of savagery and p u t it at least upon the level o f barbarism. SOMEONE RECENTLY TOOK A POT-SHOT AT Mussolini. Now it’* the Prince of W ales’ time to get thrown from a horse. OUR IDEA OF A PRO M INENT MAN IS TH E ONE who has to wear two vests to carry all of his pins. C H IN ES E DOCTORS OF T H E TH IR D CENTURY u*ed hemp as an anesthetic. Ye*, this is still a good a n ­ esthetic when applied around the neck. PROBABLY ONE KEAHON AM ERICANS LOVE Marie is that, she has decided to write a book. W E ONCE II EA KO OF A MAN SO NARROW- minded th a t he could look through a keyhole with both eyes. A PPLES PRODUCED IN fill 3,000,000 barrels, CANADA newspapers T H IS YEAR tell us. And will how' many kegs? W H A T OT HE R S THI NK i SMOTHERING LITERARY T A S T E < WisennainlD a ily Cardinal) A N INSTRUCTOR ow th* Hill recently commented to his class upon the g e n i a l lite rary ignorance of the present generation of students. Only in one of a h u n ­ dred cia*# papers he reads does this in stru cto r find any quotation* or allusions to works of lite ratu re which should be at the finger tips of an intelligent liberal arts senior. There is no wonder. libraries. Two stud ent book stores a t the university maintain is presumably an rental index of cu rren t university taste. In neither collection can anything but the most ephemeral of re cen t fiction be found. Their circulation University students of fifty or seventy-five years ago didn’t dru g themselves with cheap fiction, not because they were a race of intellectual giants arid despised such things, but because1, aside from the p a p e r backs designed for the consumption of hired girls and grocery clerks, th ere was no cheap fiction being published. Last yea r the bookman published lists taken from the library records of Brown University of the books read by tho stu den ts of two generations ago. The lists read like a syllabus of a course in English and American literature, not to speak of the works of philosophy, po­ litical science, and economics included. In days gone by, children with any bookish predilec­ tions at all cut their teeth on “ Pilgrim’s Progress,” and got into Milton and Johnson a t the age when the mod­ ern youngster is making the transition from bedtime stories to the “ Rover Boys.” If m odern youth ever makes the acquaintance of g reat literature* it in tu t be at a later date. ►NGS s J n < jpdK'RILVPv the most Significant thing, and the only one worthy of mention, in connection with the effort .recently launched to nail forth a g re a te r show of achoo! sp irit is the fact th at th e girl* have been m uch more constant and devoted in their enthusiasm than the mea, traditional ch a rac te r of women. While w an ting in the - rn a*‘nil im* Quality which manifests itself under stress in trenaen-j Once the best is known, the inferior is no longer en- dous bursts o f violent emotion, women can always be. Mounted upon for steadfast devotion when th e ir loyalty, ‘'‘teaming. But how mightily Ute odds have increased against youth's ever finding its way into those exclusive ba:- once been pledged inner circles of literature. But at every stage in his developm ent he is confronted with a deluge o f m inor co ntem porary th at comes from publishers' presses in the United States alone at the ra te of 2,000 titles a year. Among these are some -probably more than valuable and worth while books were being published at any time in the past. But these a r t hopelessly buried by the garbage. People can, and do, become so mentally drugged on the latte r th a t they never make Hie acqu ain tance of the best of today, much less the classics. So much more en tertain ing, you know, and easy to read. This, no doubt, is in keeping with literatu re the they refuse their really the they had The writer has no axe to grind, neither is he raising his voice in b e ­ half of Oxford except on the score of justice, but desire* to arouse the thinking prof ess in the minds of all of those who voted against Oxford lest they continue to go through life throw ing dust in th eir own eyes b e­ to see and care rn use not to see an issue as it actually, exists. There are too many million* of people in this world who are in shackle* weighed down with pre* judice, u nfairness, blind devotion, lack of openmlndness, The b s and side representatives upheld little well considering sound argum ent to cling It is a significant fact, a t least to. the mind of the w riter a t p re­ in sent, the affirm ative u tte rly failed in their heroic attem pts to te a r down and discredit the evidence so ably presented by negative— they simply beat around the bush and harped upon following exceed­ ingly weak points in comparison to those brought o u t so convincingly and plainly by the gentlemen from across the pond: first, one p erson’s freedom to drink interferes with the J best interests of society as a whole; ! second, a d ru n k a rd ’* family suffer* ■ fo r the necessities b f life— the a f ­ firm ative assuming th at any person taking a drink as synonymous with a d ru n k a rd ; third, the poor individ­ ual suffer* untold agonies and is re ­ warded with a prem ature death. th at the the include but the above The affirm ativ e advanced other minor points three were the foundation of their whole h o u r’s speaking. Due to the ty p i­ cal accent of the Englishmen, they failed to grasp all the truly sound arg u m e n t advanced by the English Three, but the following point* were impressed upon his mind: Prohibition has swept aw ay the God given rights of the individual where It has been rigidly enforced; the g re atest di*re- spect for law in the history of the a1! nation ; Prohibitionists fanatics, blind reform ers, the bulk of the clergy, and all o ther n arrow ­ minded classes of hum anity of which In justice to this world is afflicted. those who adhere to prohibition who are intelligent these words are aim ­ ed in an effort to convince them in their mistake and disillusion— all in­ telligent people are open to convic­ tion. since u n f o r ­ tu n ately they are composed largely of th# above classes, do not know when to stop prohibiting — wetness the insane move in Kansas to abol­ ish cigarettes. Increased drinking is afflicting our younger generation as never before and the liquor consum ­ ed is vastly more than twice the quantity of pure dep en da­ ble beverages obtainable easily be­ fore the passage of the abom inable Volstead Act. The great m ajority of the living creato rs of art, poetry, etc o f bygone years used aleholic beverages— for example, Poe, Vol­ taire, Shakespeare. Shelley and H e r­ b e rt Spencer. Alchohol is doubtfully more injurious to the human body, not taken in excess, than such slim* ulants as coffee, tea, tobacco, etc. conclusion can be Only one fair the above re ached in the face of evidence— TH E IS R IG H T. Prohibitionist*, injurious R u t there m a more obvious reason than the one bared b n female, psychology to e s p ia ls this attitud e. The girls have been faithfully practicing th eir songs, while the Spirit of th e men pas slowly dissipated itself since the day o f the S. M, V , game. fu Owing to th e ir indifference to the possibilities of song in atim uiating group enthusiasm, th# men are neglecting m mo;-1 potent factor th a t might go into th# creation of m ondurm g corpora?# spirit. Thw was most strikingly ift n i t r a t e d during the trip to the Baylor game. Various attem p t* were made to “s t a r t something.” T he Texas r o o te r s were rp o ih rg for a demonstration. A mild f u r o r m m created by parading through Hie e a rs; b u t this fell It did not act rn a stimulus to fo rt lier enthusiasm. fia t- was no possibility of g ettin g to gether in a com- body under the yell leader and warming up with a ren*. So a g r e a t #r p a r t of th e ro o ters was con- < perforce, to gaze at th e scenery. fe w songs c o t kl have turned the trick . A roaring r arointed m ore s p irit than tw e n ty min- cbeering, We m ig h t have le ft th e tra in whfch marks the# th ro n g t h a t comes to con* we alighted at Waco xomeuh&t bewildered brat*!;/: which g re eted os. Instead, wk*, have given m much o f their tim# and t h e tk-vrv.nl o f the Texas spirit* i t mum. be the pep rally, with its stam ping and yelling, te method of irgiting enthusiasm. Sav­ io r y r m a t i y the sam# end and, N EG A TIV E The affirm ative “ INWARD SANCTIONS” (The New Student) A FAC! LIA C O M M ITTEE at the U niversity of North ( aru isna has declared itself opposed to censorship. In Whoa the Carolina Magazine published ."laves, ’ the .Student Council was outraged. advanced some false argum ents, for example, “ there its stead the committee would have stu d e n t editors re- van be no such thing as m oderation kA sponsible only to their own ta s te and intelligence. nri*“ * —~, J be more Mn d rin k ,” W hat could I fallacious? They talked to some ex­ the story It branded te n t as if the audience had only the the story as “ obscene aud indecent,” dem anded the re- mind of a seven year old child who uguatiwn of th e Magazine’* editors, Messrs. S ta r r and swallows, as tru e w ithout question Fowler. an y th in g coming from the lips of an older person. to e n te r th# minds of the affirm ative th at forality and good conduct can It de­ cided th a t “ S a v e s ” was “ im proper for publication in the Magazine,” but th at the Council “ erred in fixing penalty upon the persons involved in their official capacity as editors. . . . ” A faculty com m ittee considered the m atter. It d idn ’t seem ” Finally, the faculty recommended, “ th a t no machinery be set up outside the publications themselves which would have th# effect of instituting a censorship. Though the? reading public run* th e rink incident to the vogue of eon-! fusing fab# and sensational imitations of genuine art, I the committee would not su bstitute external control for inward sanctions. W e would ra th e r look to th e edito­ rial organization* to develop within th eir own life such a Bens# of responsibility for ou r tru e s t literary interests as would prevent the possibility of the student public being moved to destroy th# independence, freedom, and USE A TYPEWRITER I N ALL YOUR WORK Type writers for rent— $3.00 per month, $2,50 pi. r ip on th for each surigllm w month, Phone 7000 TEXAS BOOK STORE T wnivMrMit aa** HTV* I1 ' effec t, There were no jauto n o m y of the c itte rn ,; b -afd* of th e stu d e n t body Luedecke-Moffatt “ T h e F rie n d ly S to r e ’’ B rilliant as the Social S easo n for W hich T h e y A r e D esig ned A r e EVENING FROCKS They are gay, frivolous frocks of crisp taffetas— dainty frocks of georgette— and lovely frocks of Satin— all glittering with beads, rhinestones, sequins, and flowers. The colors, too, are delightful: Pink, peach, orange, blue, orchid, maise, chanel red, and black. $19.85 and $25.00 EVENI NG W R A P S Gay, glittering metallic shawls a variety of colors to blend with evening frock. and each $21.50 and $25 Crepe de Chine Shawls with 18-inch silk fringe. pink, green, white, blue, yellow, and black In lavender, $9.75 FEATHER BOAS An atractive feature of this season’s popularity is the lovely feather boa. These are full, fluffy ones in pretty col­ ors, and also black. You will enjoy wearing one during Holidays. the Thanksgiving $8.95 Place Your Orders Now For Christmas Candy to be d eliv ered at th e p ro p e r tim e l f W e h av e som e special n u m b e rs in C e d a r C h ests a n d B as­ k ets for you to choose from . King’s or Whitman’s Candies »* a lw a y s fresh We Still Insist That a sandwich made on our All Rite Toaster will satisfy your appetite better than any other kind— try one and see. Special for Monday We are offering a U M bottle of Jcrgens Narcisse perfume and a $1.50 bottle of Jergens Narcisse toilet water both for $1.50 Come early the supply is limited University Drug Store McFadden’s r n Three Co-eds in Campus Activities U HUH' KH WM C I LLL * C o L U / fj Photo by Jensen R. D. GIRLS N T E R T A I N A T FIRST DANCE Photo by Jensen Edith Fox is visiting in Flatonia ths week-end. STOCK CLEARANCE SALE For the S m art W om an and Miss A S tunning C ollection of WHICH HERALDS TH E ADVENT OF DISTINCTIVELY D IF F E R E N T W IN T E R ­ TIME SHOE FASHIONS. In our presentation of new shoes for Thanksgiv­ ing are styles for every hour of the busy day— correct new models for morning, afternoon, and evening wear. N i wcr W in te r ti m e Models Priced $8,SO to $IO.OO COMPLETE SHOWING JE W E L E D H EELS AND JEW ELED ORNAMENTS FOR DANCE SLIPPERS ■Dash i tifj Ox f o r d s — Copt ira tin g Colonials — C o lo rful P u m p s W id th s A A A A to B S iz e s 2 to 9 D uri ng Thanks giv in g Fes tivit ies Exquisite new slipper creations for evening that reflect their smartness with every dance step . . . that sparkle with originality as the daintily*sliod foot glides onto the floor. ALL OVER S I L V E R OR GOLD — WHITE B R O C A D E D S A T I N — W H I T E S A T I N ( T I N T E D ) — O R C H I D SILK KID W I T H S I L V E R — P A I S L E Y W I T H GOL D KID — P A I S L E Y W I T H S I L V E R KID JASMIN LA P E A R L $ 1 1 . 0 0 $ 1 4 . 5 0 Hosiery for Formalities STRAND FREN CH CH IFFO NS From “ Propper” In Brilliant Evening Shades of BOOTON DE ROSE Fo ur Dollar* the Pair F i t t i n g the N a r r o w Noel Joyce Marsh and R W. Hamm onds left Saturday f o r San Antonio where they will spend the week end as the guests of R. W. Smith. Mrs. P. G. Hughes o f Clarksdale, Mississippi, is visiting her daughter, Nina Weir, at the Scottish Rite Dor- sister, Hiawatha Imitory, I C rosstie at the Phi Omega Upsilon house. a n d her Christmas Cards From 5 cents to $2.00 Special 5 cent card . Ye Q uality Shopp* VELVET, VELOUR, and SA T IN . HATS T hese arc new H ats selected from stock— Special at Imported Felt* and Velour* ie Smartest Hats in Town at the Lowest Price* "LA PAR1SIENNE” I OS W. loth St. Thuriow B. Weed f u n e r a l home Aklftiu AMT**. 912 Congress Seven-Twenty ^Inhere a/&rvice Pleasu HANCOCKS M onday, T u esda y, and W ed n esd a y , m atin ee and n igh t, sp ecial p res en ta tio n o f R am on N ovarro and B e tty Bronson in the epic e l the screen , “B e n Hur"; Thursday an d Friday, C ontin uou s I n te r ­ s t a t e v a u d e v ille and screen feature. M A J E S T IC : M onday, T u esd ay, and W ed n esd ay: Greta Garbo and A n t o n io M oren o in “ The T e m p tre ss” ; Thursday, Friday, and S a tu rd a y , “ Kid B o o ts" w ith Eddie C antor and Clara Bow . Q U E E N - M onday and T u esd ay , “ F orever After” with Mary A sto r and L lo yd H u gh es; W ed n esd a y and Thursday, “ M ism a te s” with Doris K e n ­ y o n a n d W arn er B ax ter; Friday and S a tu rd ay, H oot Gibson in " T ilt B u ck a ro o K id.” C R E S C E N T : Monday and Tuesday, Conrad N a g e l and R e n e e Adore© in “T h e E x q u isite S in n er” ; W ed n esd ay and T h ursd ay, “ The U n k n o w n S o ld ie r ” with Charles E m m ett Mack and M arguerite De La M otte; F rid ay ancI Saturday, Jack Holt, F lo r en ce Vidor, and Mary Brian in “ T h e E n ch a n te d H ill.” T E X A S : Monday and Tuesday, Oscar W ild e ’s “ Lady W in d e rm er e's W a n ” ; W ed n esd ay and Thursday, Lon C haney in “T h e Phan tom o f the O p e r a ” ; Friday and S o cial C e le b r it y .” S aturday, A dolph# M enjou “ A in Kissing Scene From “Rose Marie tremendously sincere. “The Unknown Soldier,” played by Charles Emmet Mack, is a character­ istic American doughboy, devil-may- care, foolhardy, bot with a deep­ rooted spiritual sense glorified by war. Marguerite de la Motte, his war bride, attains great dramatic heights impelling characterization. in her The remaining players are excel­ lently cast. M ajestic W ill S h ow Ibanez’ “ Tem ptress “The Temptress,” which heralded C-smoporitan flimitation of Vin­ cente Blanco Ibanez's noted novel, will open at the Majestic Theatre to­ morrow. It shows several thing*—It in gigantic shows sc mothing new' thrill? and powerful drama-—a screen story that fairly thunders its import — it show* the Swedish beauty. Greta Garbo, a? a dramatic Actress and emotional artist, perhaps unequaled on the screen — and its power and leaves an her wonderful artistry astounded audience almost breath­ less. The sweep and magnitude of the story are almost it bares human souls and makes human emotion? living, breathing realities. indescribable; Miss Garbo and Antonio Moreno prove an ideal combination as the Russian enchantress and the Spanish engineer. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N Majestic regular time. Dr. L. H. Wharton, also serviced pastor of the University Presbyter- this week. These .services are held tach morning at 8 :3 5 in M. B. 157. inn Church will speak and there will be speecial Thanksgiving music for All student? are cordially invited to the occasion. The Y. W. C. A. in charge of chapel is attend. The unusual gift as well as the useful gift is the aim of every giver. GIFTS LA PETITE has a nice assortm ent C au tio u s “Spring is here,” said the kid as f ' ^ /^ P 'G P .fc T A GARBO ANTONIO MORENO in THE TE M PTR ESS*_____ * papa’s watch came apart. — Puppet. T H A N K S G I V I N G V E S P E R S IN MB The Y. VV. C. A. is planning to f, hold its regular Thanksgiving se r-1; vice at vespe rs, November 22 at t h e !' When you are homesick for mother’s cooking Fried Chicken — 35c Juicy Tea Bone Steak — 30c “ Hot Biscuits’’ Lemon Pie — 10c B anana Cream Pie — 15c THE TEXAN CAFETERIA “ Texan H otel B id s.” — 107 W . 7th St. Vodfvil Bill H eaded by W ally Sharpies The stage program to be seen at the Hancock Thursday and Friday is capably handled by a group o f seven vaudevillians under the tutelage of Wally Sharpes, one of Broadway’s noted sons of the footlight.*. Sharpies has assembled his players together in a musical called “ Smile Awhile.” Handing out humor and good cheer is only a part of the schedule of “Smile Awhile”— dance, musk and song coming f r it portion as entertainment. comedy in Crooning syncopated melodies and ballads, Myra Lee, a pretty little mis­ tress of melody, ha? a prominent spot on the new bill, May and Kilduff do a characterization, “ Village Gossip,” and Dare, Helene and Stan­ ley, have a little offering they call “Lo and Behold.” rube Frank Wilbur and a party they call “Girlie” have the opening act, “Yule­ tide.” Hallam Gooey, iMvid Torrence, Eita­ lic Jensen, Alec Francis, and Lila Leslie. Queen— Wednesday The Queen Theatre feature for Wednesday will be “ Mismates,” Doris Kenyon’s latest First National vehi­ cle, which ( louies Brabln directed for an Earl Hudson unit in New York. “Mismates” is the screen version of Myron Fagan’s stage play of the same title and has been filmed on a lavish scale. Doris Kenyon and Warner Baxter In the cast have the featured roles. are Philo McCullough, Mae Allison. Charlie Murray, John Kolb, Cyril Ring, Nancy Holey, Maude Turner Gordon, Charles Beyer, and many other well known screen players. “ Phantom o f the O p era” at T exas B y EVERETT A. P A L M E R it my Irene— “Is load on your breast that thrills you?” — ack— “No, I’m sitting on an ant hill,” # — Froth. C R E S C E N T T h e C R E S C E N T Brin** You This W ee k T h re e O u ts ta n d in g P ro d u c tio n s at B ar gain Prices: M a tin ee s, 10c N ig h ts, 25c M o n d ay &. T u e sd ay "You've gone far enough,” gush­ ed the South Troy ginda to her Hweetheart as they passed, the city limit*. And L ittle S co ts Molly— “I *cc where a woman in twenty-second her Glasgow had child.’ ( holly-—“Great Scflt.” -—Scream. * The Preacher - “I had a very en jcyable trip to the Adirondack*. The first day I shot two bucks.” Sport (absently) — “ W in any­ thing parson?”— Scream Ruth rode Sn my new cycle car, Ort the seat in back of me; I took a bump at fifty-five And rode on Ruthlessly. She— You know, I like variety it’* the spice of life. H eft—VV< ll, my name’s Heinz. Irate Father (to prodigal)— “ Go away. You’re no son of mine.” The Prodigal— “ No son of yours, dad?” not.” Irate Father — “No, certainly The Prodigal—“ Al! right, dad, I’ll k|cp your sec­ don’t be angry. ret.” w T H E N E W * - EX A THEATRE M O N D A Y & T U E S D A Y Ronald C olem an IN “Lady Windemere^ F a n ” W E D N E S D A Y & T H U R S D A Y Lon C haney IN “The Phantom of the Opera” % F R I D A Y & S A T U R D A Y A d olph e M enjou IN “A Social Celebrity” M O N D A Y THRU W E D N E S D A Y G lasco I b a n e z ’* G r e a t e s t S to r y W ith an E x tr a o r d in a r y C ast GRETA GARBO ANTONIO MORENO LIONEL BARRYMORE R O Y n ’A R C Y -H .B .V /A R M E R j ^ t i q ^ o ^ r b ^ / ^ a y e r PfCTU Rf, £ ________ _ _______ Two men fight a duel, the like of which has never been teen. Not with pistols—-nor with swords— not with their fists— but with cruel bull whips of the Pampas, the From the gay capitols of Europe to the wilder­ ness of South America, this brilliant romance of a passion flower, blazes a trail of romantic adventure. Ibanez She gambled with men, love, life itself. ha? never written a more powerfully alluring story. DCT ECHOLS at the Console Majestic Wonder Organ Accompanied by ADDISON' BAILEY Pianist Present “DEEP HENDERSON” III. Majestic Comedy Creation “Meet My Dog” IV. Movf events of World Affairs Pa the * T h ursd ay F rid ay , S a tu rd a y LOOK! The Comedy Se neat Cm of the Year A S T A R R I N G cDDIE CAN1”* W ith Conrad Nagel, Renee Adore? Paulette Duval a w ea lth y Thn love story of man and a g y p fcy m a i d - a n d o f yo u th * d e f ia n c e o f c o n v e n ­ tion I W e d n e s d a y and Thursday “ T he U nknow n S oldier” F rid ay and S a tu rd a y Peter B. K yne’s T he E nchanted H i l l N ew com edy with each program B A R G A I N M A T I N E E S 1 0 c — 2 5 c N IG H T S I 0 « — 3 5c B I G G E R S H O W S A T S M A L L E R P R IC E S ( S M O K I N G IN BALCONY) S T A R T I N G M O N D A Y .«>...<• ». ADOLPH TU KOS ... (ESSE L. LASKY CL Qararmu.nl Qictirre HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE T H R E E D A Y S , S T A R T I N G T O M O R R O W N IG H T T w ic e D a ily T h e r e a f t e r : at 2 : 1 5 and 8 : 1 5 See the M ightiest SPECTACLE cost $4.ooo,ooo —3 Years rn msfeirHj-150.000 Players UPST AIRS OVER WOOLWORTH’S For better values in ladies Hats and Shoes A lw a y s the latest sty les When you go up the prices go dow n {“ Forever A fte r ” to O pen W eek at Q ueen L Replete with action that varies Hmm college football games to great the battlefield* o f [encounter* on France; emotionally appealing be- jjeaoae of its tender love story; ami brilliantly cast, “Forever After,” phkfe hi to open at the Queen Thea­ tre tomorrow, baa been received ss mm a f th# sensations of the season. II •liftin g Lloyd Hughes and Mary Aster, the picture rn a film version M M m Davis’ stage success of the I rem* aam*. Brill brit* and warmly; bataan character delineations are] W IT H M A R Y A S T O R L L O Y D H U G H E S W E D N E S D A Y — T H U R S D A Y “ M IS M A T E S ” F E A T U R I N G IU^RKUajrMSM^I»UllWI.I»»l..lilW« ... Fit ADAY— SATURDAY HOOT GIBSON IN “T h e B uckaroo K id” T H E D A I L Y T E X A N eadquarters of Cupid and Gossip looks and Courses--- lso Fashions-Are Reviewed by Strides Prof. Frederic Dunealf of the University of Texas has been appointed executive-secret ary of a r exas State, Committee which is being formed to aid the American Historical Association in raising an endowment of $1,000,600 to promote “American history and history in America." DR. DUNCALF HEA DS T E X A S SECTION 0 F HIS TOR Y DRIVE Judge Robert L. Batts of A u stin ,♦ tions. I approach was universally recognized. Only through the medium o f history j can the man of today make a true appraisal o f existing institutions and I build the future on stable founda­ C o - o r d i n a t e I n t e r e s t * tho momentous problems, I political, and economic, that waited j torical research, solution background I of masters o f wide pub social, j more effective organisation of his the study of tho “The necessity o f the historical! ie h e r e a t such as immigration an- lean Historical Association present* a program of far-reaching impor­ tance. Firm in the belief that loyalty to our cherished traditions, respect for our institutions, and a deep sense of obligation to the future will bring the needed million dollar endowment interest of fund American history and of history in in tho enduring an approach to our sectionalism, legal, economic, and social problem? that will carry us beyond a mere sui* face study. “On the one hundred and fiftieth a n aiver-.ary of the ooh love merit of our national Independence, the Amor- i America.' PAGE 7 in U. “Lib” By VIC MOORF. toil, that ‘lib” is packed with earnest worker? who really derive some intelligence from their various books. is the influence o f necessity. Worn awav in hollow concaves, the stone steps that wind up- ard to the study hall of the University of Texas library give evi­ nce of long and frequent usage. And well they may, for from o’clock in the morning to the hour of IO at night, some thous* ids of pairs of feet wend their way to the mecca of knowledge, ia this stone stairway. Few students of the University, even he greenest of freshmen, can say that they have not spent eon- iderable toil in climbing to the heights of the table-strewn hall. is another us to their reasons in undergoing this latter. It must be admitted that, on the rt of most of the students, the iginal purpose of the pilgrimage lf ie library is to study. I hat back ork in Keo must be attended to, or couple of English them es are due the delinquent one be- -whereon I bal tkes him self to the library. if he is new at the game. With t experience, he cannot be oxpect- to make a wise choice of a place which to study. With perfectly ood and intentions he rides into the silent precincts of ie Goddess Wisdom and carefully looses a chair in a secluded corner, •pelting his book at the starting lace, he begins. But in the main the library is not i good place for those who need to work with their texts and who are of such romantic dispositions as are likely to be distracted by affairs of j more entertaining nature. For many ( are the forces whieh play havoc with J .he concentration. The attention of the studious male is attracted in the main by the tide of fem inine pub ehritude that daily pours through the double “ lib” , female eyes 3tray from books to in­ or criticise the spect and admire /srious styles of clothing which pass n review up and down the expanse if the hall. A R e v i e w e r , A n y w a y industrious of the doors Such Clarence R. Wharton and J. M, Winterbotham of Galves­ ton are aiding as members of a Nat­ ional Advisory Committee composed of more than IOO leading men and women in every state and in c lu d e Vice-President and Elihu Root. of Houston, working with scholars and business and professional leaders. “At the close of the late V ar tho America,' “Dedicated to the promotion of 1 ‘American history, and of history in tho American Historical representatives of contending I Association has since its foundation nations met to arrange the terms of forty-two years ago proved a most efficient agency in directing and co­ peace, ordinating historical interests throu- gho ut the United States. statem ent says the a sent Charles G. Dawe?« throughout the country by the Asso-, Endow­ elation from its National ment Headquarters at Columbia University in appealing for support. “ The last and in some respects the most vast struggle then occurred. B e v e r i d g e in C h a r g e The movement nationally is being directed by a committee headed by former Senator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana. Organization o f com­ m ittees to obtain the endowment has been completed iii practically every, state. A New York City Committee has been formed with former Sec- rotary of Stall* Charles E. Hughes at Several state governors its head. are are acting as chairmen, and “ Among those who have assumed the presidency o f tins Association and have served its high cause with important mobilization of the distinction were two presidents of the United Slates— Theodore Rouse volt and Woodrow Wilson— and such outstanding men I). White, George Bancroft, James B. Angel), JI en i y Adams, George V Hoar, Charles Francis Adams, Henry Charles Lea, G« orge Burton Adams, William A Dunning, and II. Morse Stephens. “ In this unprecedented mobiliza­ tion o f scholars of the world the his­ torian to >k first place. His special­ ized knowledge of the peoples dealt with, derived from a study o f their development, made him the best eq­ uipped person to advise concerning as Andrew * H e l l o I I s t h i s 6 6 8 5 , A m n i c o n Cleaners a n d D i f c r s ? Please call for a dress this morn I at) and return it this afternoon,M The* above telephone conversa­ tion will secure for you the most perfect cle aning and dye­ ing service in Austin. American Cleaners & Dyers 1510 Lavaca Street “Through its publications and (be work of its com m ittees, tin* Associa­ tion has been during the past forty yearn a notable influence in promot­ ing better history, better teaching, and better citizenship. “Against this rich background the American Historical Association now proposes to extend its work and in­ fluence. It asks the gen* rat puhlb for a one million dollar endowment in order that the Association may continue* and enlarge* its national Services ane! not be faced in tins cr: j of the depleted dollar with serious curtailment of its work. “ Adequate endowment will mean OUTER APPEARANCE AND INNER WORTH N o th in g is really closer to a m an th a n h is clothes. His personal a p p e a ra n c e is his first am i biggest asset. It can be safely said th a t a m a n is k n o w n as m u ch by the clothes he w e a rs as the c o m p a n y he keeps. J u s t as y ou are ju d g e d by the clothes y o u w ear, so are w e ju d g e d by th e clothes w e m ake. W e h av e alw ay s p referred to h av e it th at w ay. P ro b ab ly the prestige of being the largest tailors in A u s tin of good made~to~order cloths is d u e as m u c h to the w o rth of o u r g a rm e n ts in the in n er m ak in g , as to th e care w e exercise in th e o u te r finish. B ear this in m ind. I h ere .are easily o ver one h u n d r e d a n d fifty p arts a n d ope ratio ns in th e tail­ o r in g of a single suit. A n y or all can lie cheapener if th e q u estio n is m erely o n e of low price. Bat c h e a p e n in g w o uld only defeat o u r p u rp o se, w hich is y o u r satisfaction. A n y th i n g sh o rt of o u r s ta n d ­ ards w o u ld *not be Nick Liivz tailoring. B u y in g a suit is not a n e v e ry d a y o ccurrence w ilh a n y m a n . W h e n y o u b u y — b u y wisely. Y o u r clothes sho uld be tailored individually for y ou . Let y o u r o u te r a p p e a ra n c e indicate y o u r in n er w o rth. T A I L O R I N G F R A N K L A W S , Myr. T a ilo rin g D ept. _ in the springtime. One purpose which the library nerves faithfully is that o f a 'rendez­ vous for mutual victims of Cupid, specially 'I he Alibi of going to the study is an alr­ ight one, an,d rarely fails. Each light sees various and sundry tete-a- tete's along 4he tables. Adult's a library for but to enjoy And for those who have not stand mg dates, as well, this place of com­ mon gathering offers an excellent opportunity to make dates much than could be more conveniently done over A e conventional ,tele- )hone. The social calendar owes much to the library for its details. rows of The fact that no small part in the is vanity iverage human make-up ■xplains the fact that there is much Replay of fashion arni finery in the -lace on the campus where the larg crowds collect. New coats end ; ! frilled dresses, as well a s flashy knickers and golf socks, are exhib ted for the benefit of those who are ucky enough to be present. Promi­ nent high school athletes swaggei nto the “lib” with a large “ B” or “H” standing out on their expanded slickers with chests. New yellow ’aricatures and “Post no Bill” signs through the n lisles. And the majority o f those* rying to study look on with interest them are paraded Staple and Fancy Groceries All kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables every morning H ens and Fryers at all tim es Fraternities — Sororities — Boarding Houses Give us a trial. JOE A. WUKASCH 2000 Guadalupe St. Phones 3301— 7071 R ed B all Bus Line Sedan service to San Antonio every hour on the half hoar, from 5:30 a. rn. to 8:30 p. rn. Sightseeing busses at San Antonio. Set Your Watch by T H E R E D B A L L Kodaks Supplies Enlarging Copying We Feature a ONE DAY ,, V A % Finishing Service itIii at ten, out at fiv e ’ Boone-Holden Photo Co. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS W e w ill gladly loan you a Kodak W e sell the D ependable Eastm an Film 1000 Congress Ave. Phone 1440 W A R R E N ' S DOLLAR DAY MONDAK 7 1 4 CONG.— SELLS FOR CASH - SELLS FOR LESS - * 1 . 0 0 I A A 1.48 Silk Crepe de chine, new colors, 40 inch, yard —.................... - 36 inch B roadcloth, w hite ami colors, 75c value, 2 y a r d s 59c Dress Flannels, assorted colors, 36 inch, 3 yards ........................... 79c All Silk Jap Pongee, nat­ ural color, 33 inch, 2 yards Wool Flannel for Infants’ w ear, cream color, special, 2 yards 36 inch Dress Prints, fast color, I 0 0 l # U V ...... * • W I A A ....... f l f j I — IOO ; a^ ' ue’ 1 . 0 0 and *1 A A * * * " *1 A A * lot of W om ens Special Missed Fall Hats to close out at New Gift Department: pieces up to 2.00 value, for :;6 inch Bleached Domestic, soft finish, extra value at IO yard* - 38 inch (luting Flannel, assoria cd patterns, special, 6 yards Good Qu ality Bleached < an ton F la n n e l, warm fleecy I A A nap. 7 yard* ... 36 Domestic, 7 yards inch Extra Fine Brown 1 . 0 0 i A A 1 , U U f i l l I * * I A A J . 0 0 36 inch linen Finish Head, very special, 4 yards - ..... -- 44c Novelty Suitings in plaids arui cheeks, 86 If inch, 4 yards ‘I - 32 inch Plaid G in g h am ^asso rt­ ed p attern s, 1 . 0 0 8 y ard s 75c New Plaid Suitings, inches wide, assort- cd p attern s, 2 yards 72x90 Cotton B atts for c o m ­ fo rts, 3 pound size, I A A J Q Q / V H I J* .. , Y J 0 0 - ......- - - - - an J # 0 0 69<5 * ’ d r e m nkinit, a lte ra tio n * , refining c o a ts. 2402 San A ntonio and h e m s titc h in g . Phone ft&feh. ...... .... .... ■ S T U D E N T S —Get your wait* p re sse d w th e , ~ • "" l»*t c re a se w ill All work guarantee.-! ' C aetov Pro**Ina S h op , w here ro o d clcanm -f • a n d pgfaaiag ia done, I KNOW MATH I —-Do y o « t T h ree y e a r* ’ ; mum«v'r;u>Ling I ’> j MATH AND PH Y SIC S COACH r<,:i<*hlag. Five y e a r s ’ #ap*rb lice. -K xpeft S trie t- ' jy under the h o n o r system. Sat«*fa*-tton Dial 5983 fo r Golden. — Hee6 ..................... ....................... . ..................... th e s e t and d14 ^ coaching experience, recom m ended by j Bldg. Texan M ultig r» g h Shop. M r*. U, J* fa c u lty . D ial k i tf t t a i A ndrew W ood-. H i® A d a * * . P L E A T IN G an y s t y le s H e m stitc h in g , silk . co tto n , gold , silv er . B u tton # f s n t y co v er­ to or- ed. So v a r ie tie s. R h in esto n es bet P hone #362. Mabel G annaw ay. 716 der. C o n g ress A ve. O ver B eacon S h oe Store. Phone NSftS Hee T Y P E W R IT E R S — W e h ave all m akes to r i th em . rent or sa le . C srry o t* p ortable p h on o­ graph* and all tate record h its. U n iv e r s ity P hone T y p ew r iter an d P hon ograp h 14 P ublic S tenograph er*. Shop. 4. COACH m c - F o r EiikIi h conch recom m end­ th r ee y ear*’ e Aperient Si Call 2813 a f te r ft a’etuek, Mrs. H od on. t*2# f a tu it y , ed by — all J. R. H ead l f u s Ut Ca. NKW RECORD I— V ictor. B ru n sw ick , OK*H the n ew est h its . Come and h ear — f # i i th * th e S o u th ­ in ter* ted . w rite M an ager, B ox — tf w est. I b m , U n iv e rsity S ta tio n . lead in g b u - m e .s colies;e s o f FOR SALK™ S ch o la rsh ip in o h o of If fU al. R em in gton P ortab le, T Y P E W R IT 'ERS— U nderw ood*. L. C. S m ith re­ built. secon d -h an d . On e a s y te r m s. 13.00 dow n. E xp ort m ech an ics. Typewriter E x ­ ch an ge. C ho L. P rice. 110 E a s t 10th S t. —DeeO Phone 2 nib I N ew . C O A C H IN G - S p an ish and F ren ch . Spans >h as w ell s s you VIubert Lee, 225 1 S p eed w ay. I know know E n g lish . P hon e 4011. TW O desirable liefer! < for th e T eas-A . A ML — go Kame, P h on e 5 2 2 4 . BUY YOUR SU NDA Y P A P E R S , n a n * f 4* inside leading Texas newspaper'. pl:.< he's to keep his mind on his work Once more he forces his eyes t< travel up and clown the meaningless rows of black print, i A fter fifteen minutes of this or deal, the disturbing beauty become restless and takes her leave, much ic the relief of the harassed scholar He now settles down to real applier tion. He hopes the blonde will St a; away until he gets through studying He reads a few lines. But what ii she does come back? He glance nervously at the entrance to make sure that those hers. A few MOW scanned. He looks up to sec if that the girl coming hack to her sea across the table. N o -s o m e o n e h doesn’t know. This time he reach. Somebody snick w h o l e p a r a g r a p h . era nearby. He glances about hun but SP(,S nothing but a knot of gos footsteps wet en si ping girls a few cussing latest jn6nt*s. the doW” ' d'3 social develop N o E c o in F o o t b a l l Turning hts attention back to th* greets him wit book, he again concentrates on th matter in hand. All is well for two or three m i n u t e Suddenly some one taps him on the shoulder. One o f his friends ? “ Dad’ya say?” and begins talking over the next football game. After a half hour of indulgence in the lux ury of a private “bull session , th* c o n s c ie n c e -s tric k e n s t u d e n t h in ts t< his friend that he has quite a bit of work to do, and takes up the book once more. Several sentences after the departure of the football enthu si ast, a slight scraping of a chair on the other side of the table draws the attention of the seeker of knowledge The girl again! She smiles. Gulp­ ing he straightens his tie, pushes His * hair back, and grins in return. Then he turns, gathers up his books, and beats a hasty retreat to the w<1ter fountain. Thus i» the story of the ad vee toras o f the average student in tin library. The great m ajority go lr their scats with the express iritsn tion of widening the scope of their knowledge. The great majority leave th e sanctum with nothing more bur­ dening on their respective mind# than the latest joke or a choice pier* l f scandal. Not that the library ii a failure as far as studying is con cerned. Not at alb There are al v.ay5 those hardy »®«1* who go there to study and do all they intended te Co. Such is til* power of coneen I ca tio n . And before each exam the I irs P A C E ft ris appointer I ■COACH OF DEBATE Meets Planned W ith Missouri Valley Conference Teams SOCIAL CALENDAR KOK WEEK ENDING NOV. 20 Friday, Nov. ISI: Education Associate n Women’s Gym, 7:30 to 10:30 Kappa Sigma Dance Country Club, 9 to 12 West Texas Club Reception University Y.M.C,A, 8 to 12 Saturday, Nov, 20: German Club K. C. Hall, 9 to 12 All-Univernity Dance Women's Gym, 9 to 12 Skull and Bone* Dinner Dance Country Club, 8 to 12 Sec. Calendar Committee Ora Ellis of Scottish Rite Dormi- >* v in tin g relatives in George- ®°b ? ! “ '*; * ho. ‘V T ' " bar" t ne Wi h th#’ ^ !s,e dams Company, i , th# rh i Phi housc durin* his visit in Austin. Mr, Steele is lf om Cornell University. Dave Buch- accompanied Mr. j« lan of Temple r c Goodwin MA ’2'! is assist-1 profeM or „f Chemiatry in th* Uni' SPANISH DRAMATIC CLUB ENTERTAINS A T FACULTY CLUB The Spanish Dramatic Club enter­ tained with a program and dance on H- Hr. Harris, instructor in public speaking, has been appointed coach of the debate team. taking over the duties formerly performed by W. 0. Moore, according to information re­ ceived from the public speaking de­ partm ent. Mr. Moore, former de- b*«- C M * , is now actine aa head W ednesday n * h t c t the F a u l t y Club. The evening was divided into two of the public speaking department, and because of the duties of that parts, the first part being devoted to position, has assigned Mr. Karris to a presentation of Spanish plays, dan- ^ an() tableux, and the second part the debating team. Mr, M >r< a.., ..IjB continue to coach those participat- ^ s diinr(, from , to 12 in* in the oratories! contort*, how- Kr,)m a„ a[]d ..Sabad(1 Sin Sol- ever, and will act as adviser to the debate team. were presented by members of the club. “ San Roque” A humoorus dialogue The public .peaking departm ent w u , h()Wn mu(.h f, vor by the aud. €a[)(||e dance, w ith beauti „ . h . , announced that p la n . are un d er i(,n„ way ford next year. handled Institute of International Education. Th to .end the i e x a . team through f (, and wa, (lUestJ 80 people. Guests from the faculty were Miss Lillia Mary Cask and Mr. and Mrs. E. R .. c am;a anA Mr « v .r i\r« V » V u * - Many of the M w ,u n Val.ey con- atUnd, Mr. Moore Valley question Congress should enact legislation on +on, of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Guests oth- the McNary Haugen er than the members of the chapter the principles of fa tm bills " ce re Mins Manon G riffith, Miss Bar­ bara Anderson, and Miss Linn ie Dry- I er. J Pl entertained at the Chapter House f&u*#. THREE FIELBS OF Epsilon Chapter of Omega Beta Pi announce* the pledging oi Wilbur A. •S ngleman, of Schulenburg, Texas. said. The Missouri wood, better known as Miss America, v arsity of Florida sc is “ Resolved, That and her mother, Mrs. M. E. Dicker- crag s* ss ....... to Ok- fu] Spanisb sbaw |a prnVed to be th e ‘"Hr the ra<„ t pop u |ar „v(,n t o f tb’arty ‘ n s*tur'iil>' ' ven- I""' *° " • ‘‘Ro"‘ Marle" Th“ *>,rty included Mary Jo Fitzgerald, and Bid- » n Harris, Wanda Wilkerson and Cha*. and Noyes Smith Jr. Kuehne Conduct Experi- menu Ivewis, Gretchen Smith in three distinct fields, the phys e> department of the University i* do­ ing special work. These fields ar* seismography, electromagnetism, and polari ration Experiment* are being conduct! d in these respective field by Dr. Arnold Romberg, Dr. S. Leroy Bn wn, and Dr, J, M, Kuehne. In the field of seismography, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. H uffm eyer of San Antonio, visited their daughter, Hel­ en, at Kirby Hall Friday. She re­ turned to San Antonio with them to *pend the week end. Virginia Tabor, of the Delta Delta Delta hou«e, is spending the wel k­ " Arnold Romberg, professor of p h y -jetMj jn Dallas sics, is working on the perfection of I a low period seismograph, an instru- | Roland M urray is visiting a t his went used to measure earth tremors *r.ome in San Antonio this week end. Seismographs for m e a su rin g short j -■-.--■iti-1 period vibrations are now being used but Dr. Romberg is working on a sets Biograph which will measure loup time vibrations. Pictures — to.* H om es .... a nd for s c h o o l s Ye Q uality Shoppe T I I ' ■ I- ** v f* It’s Easy to Choose From These Two Trouser Suits Particularly Suited For College Men Cfjnsitmasi iWornmg IT ’S almost here. And so many friends will expert a Greeting Gird from you to make their Christmas Day brighter. Have you ordered your Christmas Greeting Cards? We have just the sort you will like—gay cards, formal cards, cheery ones cards of sentiment and beauty. Come in and select yours now, while you can take plenty of time in choosing. T he E. L. Stack Co. 909 Confr*** P h o n e * 5 3 3 4 — 5 3 3 5 W hen you slip into one of these Suits you can their quality stand out. Made of fabrics th at will retain their original a p ­ pearance for a long time. ‘‘feel’' just Styles that the College Man has set— loose d raping coats, broad shoulders, narrow hips, wide bottom s. B eautiful grays, brow ns, and blues. Smart Styles In Topcoats Lonv. loose, topcoats th a t snugly em brace your shoulders and ride jauntilv in the wind, topcoats th at enliven a cloudy day .with th eir coloring. Loose enough for the “C ollegiate’ •.inr v i i * V , , . good en >ugh for the most discrim inating. $19.75 S C A R B R O U G H ’S Measurement of high in wireless frequency wave* telegraphy am' tell phony is the work in which Dr. B. Leroy Brown, professor cf physics, if now engaged. Dr. Brown is trying to extend into the domain of high frequency wave# the same accuracy of measurement that has been al •' tamed in ordinary low. Trey ne ncy a1 t»*iratin g cunents, in his research work Steady progress is being made Ip Dr J. M Kuehne. professor of phy- S th< rocs, and field of polarized polarization. He states th a t his pro gr< ss and findings have not beer spectacular but they have been con­ stant and steady. defraction in 04304020 fContinued from page I) Hawaiian ukele to guitars and mando­ lins. Keith k known as the “ Little Campus M andoliner.’’ Dance intermissions were featu r­ ed by musical selections by Eve ret ta Love, Kirby Hall pianist, who played the several popular selections for entertainm ent of the guests. An un expected added attraction a t the dance wa# the occasion when four cavaliers in colorful costumes dasher it ^nd announced themselves repre­ sentative# from the University of Mexico. They sang several Mexi­ can mngh. The entertainers wert Jack Ka zen, G. W* Fernandez, R. B. j fledarte, and J. C. Herrera. Iced punch was served the ! to gue#t« b y Y. W , C. A. girl#. This part o f th# program was provided through j the University committee ob studen j social afifair#. A fter the dance wa* completed, j the Little Campus quartet sang *ev. era! farewell songs rn a parting re- J rnembrarue to the guest#. The quart I lot is composed of Robert Coltharp. j Baal Riley, Ebon Keith, and Ken­ neth Jo ne*. in the Y T E X A N CONCERNIRNG THE M A N an d th e clothes he tshmdd w ear this Fall. Proper Cleaning and Pressing 1,500 STUDENTS To you real College Men S m a r t Clothes jure as essential as fo o d , A n d by " S m a r t C lo th e s “ he m e a n s S u i t s a nd accessories th a t are a b solutely correct. T h is d e fin itio n f i t s th? M A J E S T I C M A N ’S S H O P o f f c lin g s to a T. inci ease the life as well as the utility of clothes. Send your clothes to us. Satis* faction guaranteed. " E x c lu s iv e — b u t n o t expensive** B lack H a ts with all color bands, $5.00, $ a.OO MAJESTIC M A N ’S SHOP M a jestic T h ea ter B uilding Phone 3847 < 2406 G uadalupe -ONGHORN TAILOR SHOP HIM find this a convenient and satisfactory place to handle their finances. Faculty member, community business houses and near-by residents also use this bank to their ad ­ vantage. ■! CHECKING ACCOUNTS— DEPOSIT BOXES, TRAVELERS CHEQUES— TIME DEPOSITS THE UNIVERSITY BANK (U N IN CO R PO R A TED ) Rm o r r m t u t Individual Re*j>on*ibUtty Over ESSA Ganda)up# S h rift'