J./4/4.2 No. l NOT FOR PDIBLICATION, BROAICAST, OR USE ON CLUB TAPES ·BEFORE 0830 B.S.T. (Le ., FOR EVENING- PAPERS) ON \/EDNESDAY APRIL 1, THIS E'-13.ARGD SHOULD BE RESPHJTFD OVERSEAS BY PREFACING ANY MESSAGES FILED ~vITH THE EMBARGO. ,Air Minis.t ry Bulletin No. 6595 FLYING BURNING SPITFI.RE 1\ 1ith his elevator and rudder confrols cut a nd his Spitfire oh fire, a young F:i:·ec R,:-ench pilot flew back nearly 50 mi°les from the Belgian coast before his airc:,aft became uncontrollable arid he had to bale. out. The )ilot had dropped to sea level to attack a German R-boat · which he left in flarr: c;3 _~ ou-t, as he was climbing after his attack another boat scored a direct hi·t on h:..J aircraft behind the cockpit, 11 .!\3 ;3 00:i.1 as this happened my rudder and elevator controls were broken° he said b=i.:q o n And the explosions started a fire. I jettisoned my hood, for I thcu~h.,u .. :. should have to bale out over the sea. I had only my throttle ancl the .:~lle2.·ons on which to :ftly, but I managed to keep going by opening and shutting the thcc/:;·G}_e and juggling, with my ailerons. 11 ~I:~1 'v S:pJ.-~fire kept turning l eft and right and when I made the English coast I kncrr t·:.a~ ·.~ he machine could not be landed, although the fire had by this time gone out ) So then I :was faced v;i th the problem of trying to find some....-rhere ~.-rhe!"c t.:~~-: ~t.ich:i.ne 1;muld do -no damage when it crashed. I -rns approaching a Kent.ish tmm, my Spitfire suddenly began to climb. ,:1-_,;; I cot ,.1.d c..o nQthing about it and i't carried me up to a.bout 3,000 feet. Then it went into a dive 1-_rh ich I could not control and 1.vhen I tried to bale out the air pres[)U1.."'e -tried to keep me in. "I co·J.ld not have been at more than 1,000 feet when I managed to throw 'myself over the side. AE, the aircraft passed me my head was caught by the tail plane " ·Lu--;k ily it Yvas only a glancing blow and I had · to have only one \stitch in 'C~"'.- :· -: : )'G.YlC~ ;i "ls T fell .in my parachute I went through the edge of some trees and through some telegraph vr.i.:r-es which scratched me a good deal ana. my aircraft crashed in the can:e -:: leld:, not much 1~1brn than 100 yn.rds away, • I S0rcte soldiers came along to help me and after they had given me . tea they 11 drove ·rr.e ~,a ck to my aerodrome. I feel fine no\t but it was 8 near thing and jus t a J. l t.tle too exciting, · i Tit1fortu:..ia.tely I can only claim the R.boat as fprobably' destroyed, but I saw it ,:Ls on ::'ire and the crev; were jumping into the water ..as I f1m;;)' ~"i;TA.y ." I\-!GcncJy ·i-;he y01mg Fr_enohman s e t fire to a 200 ton mine.e.-a~per ._. in the Char..:..1,-:;:-;_,., He gave it a short burst from his cannon and machine guns and as he · turn ~l :i::c:::· home he saw ,9.. smaJ 1 boa t being L ,•,.·-G:r.'~ f'r·("ln -th.e m.inesvreeper as the crs,-,r c.::·.,x f,.oned it. Library ·ci~i~ersity of Texd ,1'- in. Tex.al BpRMA ) co~~lUNIQUE The atta9k. to clear the . road blocks at SHWEDAUNG did not materialise, as the force +n the south, cons:hting of units of Gloucesters, west Yorks, Cameronians and puke of Wellingtons, assisted by two Indian Frontier Force b~ttalions from the-north, opened the road late on the· 30th March after hard fighting under intense enemy air action throughout the a.ey. The enemy · sustained heavy losses during these engagements and our casualties were moderate. The situation on 31st March is that our troops are now back in their original defended areas. The enemy are in force holding SIDVEDAUNG and on the western bank of the IRRAWADDY, while other columns are opera.ting to the east astride the ~ailway north of PAUN'GDE, still having complete control of the air. Our river patrols. have fought extremely successful actions and have now withd.ravm north protecting our· right fiarik from infiltration. Yesterday the enerrzy- bombed a landing ground in Central Bunna and another in Northern Burma. Damage was negligible. -----.....................- Wlill. OFFICE FOOD .PROSECUTIONS IN -FEBRUARY, ·1·942• During February, 1·942 ~ ·the;c v~ore 2_,670 prosecutions under the Food Oontro,l Order~., of _whieh __. 2,535 (94.94;J ·w ere -s ucoossf\u.. . · These prosecutions were taken against wholesaJ.er;, retailers, .members of .the public · and other offenders against food regulationS:• · · · · ·· S_:µ,.qe the vmr. sta~ed 45- 1 017 pros~outions have .been "undertaken by_. the M:i.nistry, of ·which 42_,271 hav·e been successful.. ·,· · The distribution. of prosecutions _among the various divisions -vro.s a.s follows _:. .. · · Number Peroentc.;ao Division Pr<>seout ions SU.Qcess:f'ul ,,. -Sueoess:f\ll . ENGLAND Northern Division 88 _87:-- 98~86 North Eastern Di~ion 152 _145 ·. 95~39 North Western Divi~ion 325 · 304 93,.54 North _.M iaiand :Oi:tision . 183 174.. 95~08 Mid.la.rid Division· ·... -':. . 238 226 , 94~96 · Eastern Division· -· . 124 124 ,. bo 10<:l· .· _. Eastern II .Division·.. 48 : _ 47' - , .97~92 London Division --·.·· .. 573 543 94.76 South Eastern Division 70 63. -90·.oo Sou.thorn Division · 73 7} ·. ..100.00 South ·western Division ·215 · 202 ~--93.~5 ,2 ,089 ·-:..1,988 .jJ5.\7 WALES ' ! . . ~. , . .• • -~ •• , • • ' j North Wal.es 20 20 100.• 00 . S<'.>'Uth Wales 251 ~37 94•42 _271 257 SCOTLAND · North o-f B-00-tland ..I .. North East of .SQo~ ,j ·l 33;'33 East of Scotland 9 8 88;'89 West of Sootiand. 118 118 lOO~'C)Q South Ea$t of Scotland _13 13 100.··oo NORTHERN IRELAND ¼O l:tO 97 ..90 89.{82 GRAND TOTAL . 94~94 Detai1.s are also available of · the number of proseoutic?n.s undertaken during February for speoifie_d group$ o-f· offences: - Number Type of.· Off eno-e • Pro seout ions.,. Sucoessful Off~noes against Maximum Prices Orders. •; H• •• . -. ,. •. 793 -· 736 Imposing Condition of ·sale •..•.• ••••• •. •,• ., ~•;• •i•,- ~-• •••.. 28 21 Failure to display prioe · -~-~-•• • t • • • • • • 41 e •.It•.•-. •.•···· .. . , 135 130. Ill$gal slaughter and c3+li?c!- :_ o:f'f9!16e!3· _,~, •.:~:.,_~:... ••.•· -· 212 206 Supplying or obtaining t-dthout correct ~\U~h,o:r;-ity.:_, 599 584 . False, dealarati,ons .•., • ., ... .,.•.• "• • • •• •.••• ~ ~ • •• , ••• • • • .·,,. ZLO 19.p · Trading without .\i.oe~?~ .·~.:._~.:•.•.~ -~--•.~~.:..:<•.•'.•:.· .,,.:.·,•.:•.•.•,_,.:_ ._: ,. 1.39 132 Other- off'enoes '·. •••.. ..• ·.. •• •·•·• . :, ....... : ... ·•... ,... ·-, " . :,. ..., ,••••• _, '.,... .. ,\ __ , • ~,••• •.- ~- ::-• .-., .. .·: , . -• ·. :• '._ :- ., ' '. . ~ .551+- 530 • • '!. ··~ ' , . ... . ' ' " , TOTAL - UNITED KJNGDOM ··2~-~70 . 2,535 --- -~ MINISTRY OF FOOD l(4/4? .. No~ 13- FREE FRENCH IN E \.CIFIC __.,._,;._~~ ~~ --- .. . . _ 1'S- . ~ - UNDER MP.1.Cl\.RTHUR ~neral de Gaulle has pln.c e d Free French Forces in the Pacific under Uie dor11rno.nd of Generc.l )'JiacArthur~ :tn J;"'eply to a cable. in.fori-:ung hi~.1 of tliis decision,_ General lfacArthur._ said:~ \ 11 '.Deeply appreciate your. r.10s cmge11c A.E1 happy once more to be clos el,y associated ·with _French soldiers as hiy oorr!t-a dc-s in ctrms II e General de Glttilie ho.'d previously sent hiu the follovring cn.ble: ' H1(m hn.pp;y to know you a re tetking supreme c.onno.nd in . J~i.istfb{lln.si~ Mel •to pln.ce unde_r your strategical oouEnnd '.ti'I"-ee 1:t'enoh Fore.es in the. Pc1.cific~ 11• F.REE ]i}IBNCH Pimss fJERVIClJ -: GENERAL DE GATJLLZ- AT,· NATION.AL DEl''EIDE . L-qNCHEON · · ·· · _'. · FoUo~v.ing is _th~·-·\ ext · de G1;,.ullet~.. sp.e_eoh oi at today's .National Defence· Public Interest ... , ·Luncheon: - ._. · · :. ~-•-~he: vrir~'. ,· ~~id}a?:hs~w~·Jc~, .yi~_~ ·terr.i ble an~ ~~sionate drama." ·-.-,:fs .tl:lis .\1ot _o 'bvi¢~sly true' of . the.-:p; _~sent in:.w~ich . not only the greatness war · ·o f each State but · als·o the fate of eaclf individual is at ~take? , It is ea~y .to underst.a_n:d .- 'thn.t in .9- . conf~ic-b 9:f thi·s · kind the· .acceptance of the ordeal and the exertion of· all ·: our ' offpr-fs . ate:· g6verne.d by moral factors, -. ' •• • ~ • , .ri,r1<{rrs::_ :~rts ·-;~hat· everybody, ·.and '· first of all her friencls ·, . should not · lose si8~.rc o!:' ·iihis f D.-:-:t~ ·. In shdrt"_, fighting Franc'ci has only ~:me :reas_on· artd · only one ,iusJ;ii:'ic&U_c-n for findinrs ·herself in the carnp of· freedor.1: that of being li'rar..cc hm·sc~lf; a..'1.d t1:'ca:tcc1 a~ .such by . her co'-belliger~nts. If I thb1: it r:w duty/ ·. Gentlcnen,' to insist on this . point, it is becau,se~ I asSl:rc ym:i; tbis :psychological and political fact governs the whple .attitude · of · the French nat:i -6 n. in the ·'pr0sent anc1 in tho f'uture, . f or fi 0hting· France c ,)uld net g;ccF, .in the Ld rj.st ;of ur..t old s1.rfferin13 if it · had . t o be understood that' ·Frencbt1e'n · who ha"rc beC"n fighting ·- anc1 in what condi tions1 .- since _Scp~er.1bor 3, 1 939, · :_ wouJ_d n c,t be , t::.e;atcd either as · Allies or oven as _bellig~rents?, · ·, ' ttovv Y!JU~.d it -;::)(' possible to persuaq.e t~is nation that thoi~ ·futuro ·· lies· . ,. ... ·· in _v:: ..-; tor:_v, · cli.shu:r.our in ca-pi tuJ..atioh · and ·, duty in fTccdon j if; by any unfortu- nate ch'lns-), her ;._llios thm.1selvcs should come to· accept the neutralisation :of Fral).cc QS ~ic~atcd to Vlchy by Hitler, and only discussed matters c oncerning the·"ihtcrost2 of DY co1.mt:c-y with the troi t ors who are oppressing her ancl taking their ardors fr or.1 the cnoDy? /Indeed -3- Indeed, if such things ev er cane to pnss, Herr Hitler would hnve definit el y won the bnttl e of France and it would be only just to toke off our h a't s t o . hiEl onc e an d . f or all t Le t me hast.en to ndd, Gentl en e n, thnt if I have spoken at such hypothe s es , it is b e: co.us c I consider the1:1 to be· quite incredible, which they o.r e . For the o.r gunents advnnced by defeatists or ill-vdshers in order t o give sonc s cri1 bl nnce of probability to these inprobubl.e ·.... ; - - suppositioris _·.nnd to dat.1p the a r dour nna_ shake the confidence of those · · ·Frenchmen :who still fi ght on, qre really so. unfounded thnt nobody could p ossib ly pl o.ce any cr,~ dence: ·in ther.1. N_ev cr~heless, it ··is perhaps advisabl e t o r ecall the s e nrguraents, for by exm.1ining them we can pr(?V~ hmv ridiculous they nr e . _;;·:1: .., .••• , \.1 -.. First . of a ll, how ·could. nnyone b elicvy . that· by shovdng considerntion fdr·'·t'hc r egj rae· e.s tablished in Vichy.· for Hitler's benefit it iriould be · possibl e t o prevent this rGg ine fron going to the utraost lfr1its in its f~li~y ?f c 0ll nborntion with the enemy1 " -·: Yf.ho c oul·d '. ' s eriously i mng,~_ne . that in such a ·_nti.tter ·m tler' s vcishc s and order s coula_ b e opp osed by anything other tho.rt the rcsist-ance •of the Fre nch. :rw. ti oh; . .galvanised into n,c~ion by fightii:-g . France • . If, 'b y .~ny. )~ncrE.;di b l c chn~ce , Fro.nee vrer c t ·a nbandori the struggle tomorroyr, : 900-d_- ~1:Y nmbq.ssador be found to prev?n~ Hi tlcr? even for n noment, · f ror.1 .us i n g the coW'.ltry ns h e plens e d? ·_ W~ c ertn:;i,.nly -_ cnnnot beli ev e thnt the de f enders of liberty would . ev er risk losing - . . . F~ance ·.····· . by giying .way to such illusions • . -~ Nq~t, h8~7 could we nttribu.t b any significo.nc e to qer.t,0in ·s-ugges_tions ~pcordi ng·. ~'o whi~ch the' dernocroci e s should . r c cognis~ Fro.nee in the ·. pifrson·. o:t: tl:rc ·Vi9hy men rnther ·than in thnt of t;he le-ndors . of . fighting Fro.nee •. under ~,the pre t e xt thn-'c · ·che · lotter d.id not. mnke a ~mff'icient+y · defini .:te'. st'i i.-id ·in f avour o'f 1•i be~ t y .. • . i _Such o.ll egations o.r o a f lagrnnt insult to the d 6mocrncies themselves. Not or.ily..'. do they a sc.r i_b c tq --·t h~m the intenti ~n ·.·of interfc,ring in n .rrwttc r \7Mch c oncrns only the ·: sovs r e i gnty of the· _Fr_hri~h ·p·o ople ·, ·bu(-they nl·s o -a t -t ribut e to . the · democr ncie s a ludicrous bl'indriess. . . • " • ' • I • . .. ,. . For · t o · l e mr townrd s mm -v,rh o h ov e depr .i ve d Frnnce of o.11 f oms . b°f:_li -)l.:irty f:nd ¥Tho o.rc tryi ng to .r.1odel the ir. r ? gJ..ne : O:n fQ,scisr\ or its c3rica tur e , .i"a the r than trr'.st true Fr enchra~m 1rvh o still continup to . . apply the l mv_s _of the Republic, who ore ·fi ghting ev en unto dcnth against ·: the ;totali t o:cH.:i.:n enemy D...."'1c1 vrho openly pr cclnim that they will deliver the p eopl e. fr ora the ir chnins in ·.or ue·r to subt1i t to the ir v erd'i c:t, wpuld indeed b e t o int r oduce into p olitics the principl e s of thnt poor sirapl ct on wh o threw hi1~1s elf i nto the s ea ·b ec o. us·c · he wa s cfr3id ·of g etting _wet in the rain. - ,.i... . .. .Finally/ - 4 - Fimu.ly, hrnv· could cmyono suppose tho.t, in their .J.ttitudc towo.rds fir{nting Fro.nee, tho ·dornooro.cics would indulge in nn nbsurd kind of snobbery o.nd _lot thcri1- sol ves be inf1ucncoa.. by their :Ct!e;.:>ct o.t not finding in her ro.:nks o. grco..t IIk."\l1Y erstrrhile frn:.1ous n oL1cs? First of rJ.l) this vrould be . a cruel injustice to nruiy illustrious . men both in Frq.nce nad o.broad who live only for our victory. It ·would nean -forgetting , the coraplctc ca}?ti vity in Ythich· the enemy and the trnitors ho.vo pl.1.ced my unfortunate oou.11.try,, · But, · o.bov0 oJ.l, it ·Hould me an completely disrego.rding o. f o.ct v-rhich ncrr donino.tes the whole French q_uostion - the f{'.ct of_. the nrevolution", For Fr'roice, betr['..yed by her ruling and privileged clo.sses., has · embarked on the greo.·bcst revolution in 311 ~1er history~ While I om s-pecl<:ing on this subject, I i:i.ust add- that people throughout the Ymrld :rho imn.giho that 1then the last shot has been fired they vrill be able · to find o.. France . poli ticcJ.ly, socioJ.ly o.nd noroJ.ly -identicn.l with· tr...e courr0ry they onc_e _knetr, . . n,re mclcing , a grave r:1isto.k0. In the secrecy of her J::;ribuJ.o.tions, o._ corapJ,etely, ncvr Fro.nee is being created. o.t the pr~sent ·moment, ·and. i.:>he vd..lj_ be guid.ea. by ·11.ev .. ri1.en. People who nro sur- pri•scd at no+. · firnling [\1110ngst _· U8 out\{OI'n poli,tic:Lc'.U'ls, . sornn~1ent .o.on.derJ.icio..ns t business men versed · in inti~ig1..1.e~ .J.:tld. geriernls ·e xhiluste·d with prcmction; rccnl1 those old die-hards of the 31n8J.le_r :Curopcn.n Court$ 1;i(ho_, during the lo.st Fre110h Revolution: · \V~_r e shockecl not t o ·see Turgo:'c, Necker- and Lonenie de Erienno on the .Committ$e. iof Fublic Safety~,- But the f o.ct is that o. r ev olutionary Fro.nee pref erred to ,n.n the -~·lar with Ge~o.l Roche ro.ther thx~ l0s r1 it ,;1ith Hnrsho.l d.e Soubise. To proclaim and µnpose .the Dec1arn.tion -of Ri ght.J·,, revolutiono..ry Frn.noe oJsrays prcfe:cred to lis+ n to a Dn.nton rather th311i·rJct herself .oc :::..ullecl _by tho old politicD.1 forDulus. _.. Clemenceau referred to ':, ;he; .Revolution as · o. solid ,·r hole·. · · Tho . 's·apo thing mcy be said of this inCi isible \le-._.., il.t the \rnrst 1·:iomont of o. conflic't which is strictly o. mornl confli~t 1 de1i1ccraci0s must not quibble with duty. It ·would not be tolerable thn.t the so-cn:Llcd. roalinn uhich~ fr9:.:1._one Munich to another, has- led freed.oB : -~o th,e -,rery edge 'of the abyss, shoula, continue to deceive the : nrddur of the .people::·n.n~. 1Jetro.y t _0 ,eir so.orifices. We are fighting a.go.inst c·v;·.1 and. we have all ventured. the . srune terrible stn.ke - the fo.te of our ccur.,_t1~~e s,, ·-No150dy ho.s the right, eithor vis-a-vis himself or vis-a-vis others, · .;·o i:nake m-zy of tho~:e cO\f~clly. concessions to evil 1 which would c:ndangei" ·the 06TT111DY1 · cfo:J,3e of allc. In this respect, : fighting 1-;irance· means_ to give · n.n exruaple ·by every means in fl.er pqvrer.. She hn.s bor.rp:i_e-1:;~ conf'ic1Aunc:~ fr1At h e r JJ.lies will reciprocate this o.t (Ltudo·. , . •· .. FR.EE FRENCH PRESS BUREA li ·1/4/42 -. No. 15 II COMMANDO." DRILL TOUGHENS R. A.,, O.. C. A form o'f; commando t:rain;ing fo~ Army clerks and stoi;-eme.n is the la test scheme· of the H. A~ 0, c. now that the .C,orps ~s : b ee.p :ae·c la.red ,. coinba tant. ' · As 0rdnance officers and men have a full time job handling t.lle :rising quantities _of gun, tank ~nd wµeles·s · stpfes, these ·c:o~ses are ·be:ing organised at :the depot.s , arid pe~sonnel :n,eed. not b·e · :Sent off to battle training centres, . ·The commando :type .of tr.a.ming is on a· voluntary' basis:, ·but at one Centre..l Aminµnition Dep9t .(c~ -A. D.) the !Cads~.' , . as ~hey ~~l+ the.ltlSelves, has had to pe . volunteers' list . o{ .'_ restricted for the ~#1e·.be~~g. ' · .-- · · · · · · . Whether they have had infantry tra;i.n:ing oz, not,. all pff~ce~s of the Corps; of whatever age, 1:'ank, ' or medical category, mus:t .also P·+9V~ . .. t}?.emselves capabJ.e ot' a rµnnmg ··oharge in full battl~- o:t'~e~ · fir,µig t1. continuous burst from a toinmyr,-gun~ · ,,, · · ·- -, ·' WAR OFFICE FOOD NEY/S Seizure of li1 ooc1: Ministry's New Povrers The Minister of Food. ho.s uD.d.e an Order - the Seizure· of Food Order, 1942 - perr~itting arry person.authorised by hin or Ct.ny constable or police officer or o.ny nenber of the RoyoJ. Ulstc:;.." Constabulnry to seize any article of fooa in cases -..1here such person or officer believes tho..t there has been l'.n infringenent of one of the i-.J inister' s Orders in res:9ect of that o..rticle of food. For the purposes of the Order food includes forage cJ1d also includes c~ttlc, pigs, sheep and poultry. Where an officer has seized· o..ny o..rtiole of fooa. in pursuo..nce of the provisions of the Order, that article r,1ey be sold._ i:n o.ccordance with any instructions given by or on behalf of the Minister, If the owner of the article is convicted of an offence in respect of that nrticle, the Court before uhon he is convicted nay direct that the vrhole or part of the proceeds of the sale shall be Ct.pplied t o\7nrds the po..yr::ient of ru1.y fine inposed. If a part only of the proceeds of the sale is so directed. to be po.id the bolo.nee nust be paid to the owner. · The Order vrill cone into for0e · on April 7, 1942, ---------·------ RCt.tions for Urban H.Jraes New ration cards for urbD.n Ct.nd. industriDl horses · covering the ro.tioning period which bee;ins on May 1., -~7iJ.l be issued shortly, and applico..tion fonJ.s have been sent to horsekeepers who r e ceived ro.tioh cards fror.1 the Ministry of Food for tho winter periodo A.ny one whose horses are not rationed by the County Wn:r Agricultural Bxecutive Committee or o. Depa:rtnent of Agriculture, and ·who has horses employed. on essential tro..nsport v.rork but who does not recej,.vc a forr.i by April 3, should apply for one o.t his local Food Office, Comple:bed n:pplicn.tion forr:is should be returned to the J.:1ood. Office of issue before .i1.l)ril 8, Rations will onlJ be issued. to horses cngo.ged on vrork of rotional ir:1portance, · they Y\l·ill not be issuea., for exnrn.·ple, fo:c riding or carriage horses, exoept in the case of doct ors or veterinn.ry snrgeons where necessary for their -practice, Hay and straw o..re not ;..~r-1..t ione d.. MINISTRY OF FOOD B~~LGL.NS TO HOLD ONE MINUTE'S SILENCE ON GOOD FRIDAY . . . •· · Tho Belgian IJOoplc arc prcparin8 to koop a r.1inute' s silc21-~r:::cting 3rn:n·d C::t.nc::. the N. F . U., the C:-ovenli--1::nt llo.ve decided thEt.t the incre::~E:c in producers ' guc.rantced pr i c es for r:ilk , -t~ki ng the ye:.1.r 1st Apri l , 1342 , t o 31::;t }:If1roh, 191;..3, o.s ::'. ,,ibJle , shall ~Je at the rate of 2d . per gall on CV(";r the, prir.:>1r: origino.lly announced in Februc~ry, 19l1-l, that is , over prices 1·d:.ich did not include the ...:;ub~,equent retrospective e..wan:t of an additional ½a.. p:::r g~1l lon :for tiy:: six .3U.PF.cr uont~1s 19~-l, or the 2.dD.itionaJ. payr:1r:mt of l½d. per gallon for Jo.nuary, :87 e-brt1D.17, l1ir'.rch , 1942 . In crd.1:ff to encou.rCt.,i;-_;e. 1-vi:n.tc:r r:--:.illc J:>:i..~oc"'..uction o. lctr,~:er })Topor-cion of tlie incrc:cL;3e ·,;dll b0 appl:it>.o.. to the. six Yrinter ~~1011.th,3 Octo~Jer, 19)+2, to E:::trch, 194j , tlE\.n to t;he Dix st.T.~'1c:r monthr-3 .April to September, 1942, ,;,~hil;:t , of course , 1 provicii.ng to 1ircclucers as a vrhole 11n avcr3.E~e. incn.:-a3e of 2c1. ·Je:r 2~al lon over the yec,.r . Slm::ner Peri.oc1 For Enf;lD.nd '.)Ild It"'...J.cs ::·.5 1. 1.,..,-l.,_olc o.nc~ fc•r the six sunE.c r r:-.onths 2.s a ',7hole the ni l k price ·Jill l1e 17 •.3 jcl. :::ic,r ~;0.llon, \/1.ich represents cm averQge incrc.:1se of 1 . 37 a. pl:r gn.llcn o.s conp.'.lred w·i th the ~f:r,:·ic02, am1.cunced in :Jlcbrur:ry, 19Lf-1 • In tb; light of thc2.e Gover11.r.:.ent decisions the Hilk :Mo.rketing Bo2.rd ho.vc recc.x,:r:ended tlL1t the price:.:: tci be lJn.id :fc,r miH:: in the vo..riou::, ref:;ions shall be as follows 1vith th:.: u:.:n1:.=.1.l pr1...~r::iu:c:.s for qu'1lity r,:ill-=s .. '11hese rcco:•:-:-:i.enchtions have b(.:.,en accepter3 by tlk' Govern:.ncnt . Pence ·t?•~:.r ,<~allon Rc:gion J~pril May J·w:1e July Au6 ust Septembe r Northern 10:l. lt::il _,, ,::. 15½ 17t, 18½ 18¼ North ":iestern 19! - t ir.:t _;r;:, 75.1.. ..l.. ~ 17t 18"¼ 18/ Easter n 192 1·•-f :,i-;y 15;: r / 41 18·~ 18-0,- . ~- ~ 1' East Midland 19¼ 15-:;.- 1 r~_!_ 17¼ 182 181 ;+ "'.,7est Midland North ':!ales 19 19 l _,Jr:• h-- 15!. is¼ 15-'· 17 17i 18* 1sv 18~~ 18~ ?- South iJales 19¼· 15"i 15¾ 17d~.·) 18/ Southern Mi d - \"lestern 19-1 19+ 2 15:} 15¾ lei 172· 17 ~1 .:;.. 18.1. 19 18;;~ -r 15t :JYj 4, Far- Western 19 15?. 15:;. 17 18+ •::,; 18½ South Eastern 19-t 16 15::: 17½ 18-i; 19 -Ninter Period Takin;:: 4.;he six ·;rintcr r: .ont~·1::..c".s :.'. ·:,rholc and England nnd ?fn.lc,s as a 1 v1hole , the increase -.:rill be at the r.'.lte of 2 . 73a.. j_)er gal lon. on the prices announced in Februrny , 19~-l , gi vinr,; D.11 nvero.ge p r ice of 29 . 2lcl. per :::sallon. Di:3cussions :_1.re proceeding with or:3n.nis0.tions rc:pTcsenting proc'l.ucc:cs anc1 distributors on chan2cs in thu o.rranEeI:K:.mts for tl::.3 FD,rketiYl[s of milk, sm;1.e of ,;;rhich are designed to come intc oper,r•.tion o.t nn e2.rly c.12.te -').nd othe::.~s on 1st October, 19~-2 . . Full r:.1rticul:1rs of the nc-vr arran6 cments Ytill be annmmced o.s soon o.s possible . In t he · 1~:.:_::antime the }iiiiH:: l\fr.\.rketing Bo:rrcl is not in a position to recor11:1end o. det[dlec.1 :::,chedule of producers I price2> for the winter months . The ur.s;ency of the ::-.utt er is, however, fully n~Jpreciated both by the Govcri·r:ent nncl by producers t o:rzanisCLtions , and an 3.nnouc1cer;:er1t 0 ivinc: the &.:::tails of the \ rinter prices will be 1:10.de :~t the 0 l~D..rliest prD.ctic~·a·..) L..:. do.t e . -- The Gov8rrui:c:mt n.re s1.tisf i ed trnt th2 E_a.clition to this guar,::-.i1tced p r i c es no'.7 rrnnou.1.'l.ced covers fully the incr.ea$es in costs d:' proC_uction ",-v-hich have t~kcn place s inc·c r:1.ilk prices ·.mre lr.st under gencrnl revie, i:i.1 ?ubn1ary; 191+1• 0 .: They rcco 0 nise , hrn7ever, the · possib i lity that produ.cticm costs r:7..ur:i.nr: tho forthcor.:.in[; nil~< year m.o.y lx:- suost-:trrtially_ e.ffectec1 'by cho.IJ.gss in co::1d:iti ons ovc'.:.' wrJ.ch produ cers theusel ves hs.vc no control . ':!:hey a:ce )re~;)o.rec1 the;rcforc -to give an D.;.3;:--mrancc th2.t if' tr1e:y a re ;:;:1ti..sfied, on representation,., :·~·"r-.dc to then by proc'"'..uc,..:.,rs ' O lnr,,0)17"-',.,..L •·· :.::,--·· .~ oe:h.d.1l 0, ·t'h-·,t • Q11c L .•c ., .-,.o, .. .L,:o.r C.~- IJC:• J.,.. , a·.",.,~·•7·1 ·1r:•i· .•.i:-'1 ..... , 701.,.., -./LJ-c'.'. , :·•0t,--,-'~ -j 1...,1,. , .. , .. l:-1 J_c_ __ ..._,.,~ -, r v ,<::!, ,., ... _ __'li. :•'--'•J <"" u ·.n•.-,r,,r1 11.1.;re Q_.c •. ill,. .J...L '-''·· J.n •'lT __, concl.i ticns c utsi,=.t: the. co:!'.ltrol of pr·:JC1uccr2 · ~hi ch s ubstr,_n.t i:::.lly &ffc:ct , or a:ce likely substanti,.1lly to r1..fft:;ct , ci J.k pr odu ction costs [,:enera.lly, such 2-c~jusb.·ents ":till be ,.~".D.ue in the incree.se of 2c1. per ;;o.llon nG:r ::'.l"'tnted, or in tl1l':; p:cc,por-tions cf it -'.:i.ppl.icc:. -tc, tl1c; sur::r·.1:.,r· peril::·t.l or t o the ·Ni ntcr period resp.:cti7ely, .:=.u;; the G-overnr:.ent cons ic1'::'r r:.ppTopri ate in the :particu1m" cir cl:::-..;3-t2.nces . f.'oT provicl.3 :}.LL efficient r:ilk pr oclucerr:: vrith D. re!'L3011.: JJ1e ret-:n...,n 1 s.nd. cmo..b1c thmr. to respond to the nation 1 ~J nt:::,__,c; fo r _·,. se-p.s.r~\.t(, D.nn011nce:"'..ent is beinE · .'.:Lde: of t . . i::.:; ::_Jricos to be ;n.~_c.7.. tc _proouccrs in ~'3cot 1u.rnJ.. 1st April, 1942. E. A. F. 706 ·.frld- '-'lhitc ClovET Ce:;rt ification ScheE1.c3. There i s ir1-:r.1edi n.t,:::: neL~d t o i nci.' eo.se the s u pply of ho~·,.e - grown wild i;,rhi te clover scLd. All fn.rr.-,crs ,7i th 1x-.stm"' C.J like ly to be suitable for this purpose aru ur:~ed to apply for inspection 1..mder the certif.ication s cher.:e . TvJO cl[lSses of fields Dre e ligible for recording unc1er the Scherae , nar'.'lely genui ne old pastures of tun o:r 1:101"0 yen.rs of a2:e , -vrhich ho..vc not been rcnovo.t0d during that tir:-:e ,:rit;:1 !i ld \.:11ite Clover seed, D.nd pastures of le ss than ten yeo.rs of 3..6 8 , iihic:.1 h:::i.vc ~)e12n ~ro-,·m f:to1i. seed obtained f:ron a f.2:1_,nuine "old ·o,·'-.htU1"0" . The insm:.'ction fee; •.7hich is the onlv cost to the grower , is 2:3: ?,ff a. ere for the f ir3t ten 2.c:ru..3 ( ninimw-.~. cho..rge 10s . ) , and ls . ·ocr acre fo r the remo.inder . Hitherto a c~rtific.'.:".te c ould not oe gro.ntf;d in respect of seed p r oduced from on ap:9 licant' s pas ture u11til a grmving - on t est he.d been cor::pleted, i. o . in the year follow·in:._: tho.t in wh ich the fie.lcl inspection was 1:13.de . It has , however, nov.r been decidcc.1 t:1c.t , where th.e field inspe ction proves satisfo..cto .. y , the past ure cnn be rt:,corde d and a cert i .i:"ic atc i ss ue d in respt.~ct of a crop p roduced in the t~o.-:··,c yc:'l.r . App lico.tions for inspection in 191 2 must be s ubnitted to the County 1 \Iild 1'!hi te ....Clover Co:-.-.mi ttee:--.. of the I{. l:P . U,. oefore tht 15th }!Il"'.y , ano. forns for this purpose n:.Ft.y be obtained fro1!l [my Colmt2r Se cre t a ry of the N. P . U., or dire ct fr olT. thG S1::;crc t :.1ry of the CentT..11 :_,"ilc1 ~. {hi te Clove r Corrn~".i tt ee of the N. F . U., 478, ·ye:::-.t '}ycombe RoD.cl, Hi gh -.~~ycor'i'x.:. , Bucks . 111clJ:'IT'.crs who ~re not nt:::1T,b0rs of th_e :~· . F . U . nre e lig i b l e cmd : '.c-.v ootain f orn1s :froz-: these sources . Woclnosc1.'1.y, 1 st April, 1 94-2 M I N .I S T R Y O F I- N F O R M A T I O N NErJS DUI.JJ]TII{ ~0.577 ii.RAD SEAMAN SENDS HALF HIS ?ii.Y TO MR. CHUIDHILL .Tho Prir.10 111.nistor hns received fro1:1 o.n Arab Merchant Scn.r.1r,.n on a ]Jr:Ltish ship n. cheque for £10 ''as n. contribution to the wnr offort 0 • . The seaman, Sn;id Mn.honoc1 Mtlkb:b., hn.ndcd. M n.dyniloc . note :f' or th:i.s . . amount to the ·supcx-intondent of the Mc:rdnntilc Ivbriho Off~co n.t a Scott:i,~h port, ·with n;., rcquest thb.t it should 1Jo nddrbssod tb the Rn. Hon. Uinston · qhu.rohill, Prine ilfiriistcr, persono.l:J,y. Although the r.10nqy :represented nn ad.vn.noc of noro th..m half n. :montli.• s pQ.y, he insisted on n.dding o. postn.l o:rtlor fo:t .3s: 6d. ,to dofro.y tho cost of · n. tclog:rn.m of n.clmowicdgmont. The Prine Min:lstot hn.s ·wired 11 his wnm tl'k.-'\llks" for tltls generous gift. - .:- },tirtistry of . Infoz,.-_1n.tio11. M• .o, I. l GOOO FRIDAY AND EASTER MONDAY POST OFFICE $ERVICES Tho Post lvhStor General n.nnoW1cos that on .Good F:dcl.,'\V·, 3rd April, pos-tal·, tclcgrn.ph, n.nd tolophono fn.cilitics n. t post offices in Englnnd:, Wn.les·, and Northepi Irclo.nc:1, wi.1+, in gcnorn.l, be n.s on o.n onHna:ry -week a.ey.• Eas.t cr Mondn.y, 6th April, will be ' observed o.s a Tonk Hol:i.do.y 'in .Et1ghnd, YlciJ.cs, nnd Northam Iroumd., n.nc1 n. t n..ll post offices tho postal, ·telegraph, and t9lo:phonc facilities on thn.t dn.y, including the hours of counter business., deliveries, n.nd col'ioction~, will be as on o. non:nl Dn:nk Holia.rizy-• . Gertc.r o.l Post Office~ :·- - · M,.o. I, 2 CANADA'S IMPORTS Cann.cl...'\ is buying norc abroad. Febru.'1.J:Y · inports, excluding gold., totn.llcd ft119,566,000 n.n incron.so of n.lnost $)0,000,000 over FobruD-;cy:, 1,941. In the sane pcricd purchn.sos fron tho Uni tcd Kingdon totalled ¢f3, ·1;67,000 ago.inst t7,G15,ooo; Dritish Ind.in ¢2_,33_;,ooo agn.:1.nst ~,1G?J.OOO:; Brazil, $1,049,000 against ¢5€4,000; Austro.lia,$1,.105 1 000 agp.inst i15691,000; Argentine, ¢396,000 agn:inst ¢197 1 000_; Chil0, .A1 ,000 n.gainst riil-; . Navy Zoo.land, ¢2.1.0,000 nen.inst %1,212-,000;and South Africa., ¢291_,000 against . ,¢223,000. ~ ~ cnnn.a.n. Houso ~Iss.;!.o§.. t~ueh tho Doninions Office Press Section). M,o.!.3 -------------