□ a t t a < E t x a i t r." laaaesf; r a n First College Daily in the South VOLUME XXI. AUSTIN, TEXAS, SA T U R D A Y MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1920 NO. 4 7 FOR TURKEY DAY New Bill Providing For Super- Reception A t University Club ' vision of Musical Or- ganizations And Y. M. C. A. Are Included Final action was not taken yester­ day afternoon by the Students’ As­ sembly on the proposed bill to estab­ lish a Musical Organizations Board to supervise and control such activities in the University. The Assembly de­ cided to submit the proposed bill, to gether with suggested substitutes to a committee which will draft a new bill in co-operation with the representa­ tives from the organizations involve I. P r o v is i o n s o f P r o p o s e d Bill The bill as proposed at the met ti yesterday provides for *he creation of a Musical Organizations Boaul which would have supervision of a11 musical organizations of th* ' ’niw r- sity. This board, the bill prov bus, faculty would be composed of two members, the presidents of the Glee Club, Band, Mandolin Club, president of the Students* Association aud a member of the Assembly as the chair man. The duties of the board would include the approving and disapprov­ ing of public programs of the • nou^ organizations, fixin g the s a l a r i e s o f the directors and officers, regulating expenditures, and approving of con­ tracts for paid performances. S u b s titu te B ills O f f e r e d D. T. Stafford, president of the Longhorn Band, C. R. Hooten, m ana­ ger o f the Glee Club, and Harold Broome of the Mandolin Club, a* tended the Assembly meeting and pre­ sented substitute bills to the consid­ eration of that body. Among objections raised by them to th . bill, as proposed, was to the legislator' co­ ing into immediate effect, an i th°v suggested that the bill to be fin a le until fi’.h ted not become the session of .1921-22. It was poind­ ed out that officers of the organiza­ tions have made contracts on the pr ent basis and that a change now woj d work a hardship. effective A committee composed of Clyde A Barnes, R. H. H arvey and J. II. Shields was appointed by J. Benton Morgan, president of the Students’ Association to meet with the same representatives of the musical organ­ izations this afternoon and draft a port of the committee and tak-1 final -nee? new’ bill. The Assembly will Monday at 4 p. rn. to consider t re­ action on the matter. Events on the Thanksgiving calen­ dar are calculated to keep the visit­ ing alumni, undergraduates and fac­ ulty busy from Mart to finish. Be­ ginning Wednesday night with a ral­ ly to finish o ff rooting practice, and put final pep in the school througn a talk by Congressman Lucien W. Parish, things will begin to happen. A fter the rally an informal recep­ tion will be held at the Young Men’s Christian Association. A “T ” ban­ quet will be given at the Cactus Tea Room by the Athletic Council for all “T” men. The football team will be there in a body to imbibe the lig atin g spirit from the short speeches by men who played on the teams in past years. Alumni and visitors will De honored by a reception at the University Club tendered by the [acuity. An automo­ bile trip over the city will be followed by dinner for the guests. The event JI events on Thanksgiv­ ing afternoon, the annual g ilt!iron classic, and the reception that night will fill the rest of the program, i i ev­ ident and Mrs. Vinson, Governor and Mrs. Hobby, President and Mr- Biz- zell of A. & M., Governor-eleei N e ff and Mrs. Ne€f, and Will C. Hogg and the governor’s sta ff will I** in the re­ ceiving line at the reception. YEAR BOOK EDITORS REPORT PROGRESS 'Senior Pictures and C ollege Year Section Taking Shape Considerable progress on the 1921 Cactus is reported for the week. Vir­ tually all pictures have been made for the Senior section of the yearbook, and Saturday of this week has been established ar. a dead line for all pic­ tures for the section. Wendell Mayes, editor-in-chief of the Cactus in Fort Worth confering with the en­ gravers. Other sections of the Cac­ into tus are rapidly being whipped is A. & M. S E E K S M O RE F U N D S form. College Station, November 19.— The next legislature will be requested to provide A. & M. College and its appropria­ branches with increased tions for salaries, maintenance and permanent improvements to the total of $3,357,480 for the next biennium. This announcement was made by Pres­ ident W. B. Bizzell on his return from Austin. Strong Interest Being Shown By Students Who Make Cactus Purchases Strong interest is being showm in the publication of the 1921 Cactus, ac­ cording to Bennett L. Woolley, as shown by the successful sale insti­ tuted this week. Today is the last day to sign up for the year book, and those who have not already made a first payment on a copy are advised to do so. The number of copies printed will be determined by the result of the sale which ends today, and it will be a practically Cactus otherwise than paying the nec­ essary two dollars now for only a few extra copies will be ordered. impossible to obtain Up to 6 p. w Wednesday, Mr. Christianson, of c ia! photographer, reports I that pictures of 321 mem­ bers of the Senior class had been made. He believes that all pictures will be con pie ted by Saturday. * Club* l a k e Pic ture* organizations in The Organizations section reports much work accomplished, but that cer­ are tain clubs and slow to re I dim tc notices the Texan, and also in conferring with the Organ zjtion? S tu ff Editor as to the hest time suitable for taking pic­ tures. Much delay aas been exper­ ienced by clubs and organizations failing to appear at scheduled It is necessary that the sche­ time. dule be gone through if much is to be accomplished. Any Organization j finding itself unable to be present on I scheduled time is urged to notify the photographer of the fact; as making futile trips to the Auditorium Studio, j means much time and money lost to him. the The editor of the College Year section, Stanley E. Babb, reports that much of the chronicling of events for ; It the year to date, has been done. will be very clear on appearance of (Continued on Page Two) IN F O R M A T I O N A B O U T T H A N K S G I V I N G G A M E Game starts at 3 p. rn. Gates open at 12:30 p. rn. sharp. Those with red tickets enter through north gates. Those with orange tickets enter through south gates. Texas rooter.* enter through southeast gates. All students, faculty members and Austin residents should come ( early to avoid congestion at the gates. Every one tit urged to co-operate with the ushers in securing proper seats. L. THEO BELLMONT, Director of Athletics. PEPPY RALLY IS HELD BY ROOTERS Further Rallies Are Scheduled For Monday And W e d ­ nesday Nights rounding T exas’ rooting is into shape under the leadership of “S tag” Rowland and his corps of assistants, j The rally last night engendered pep and enthusiasm in one of the largest crowds that has turned out for a rally this year. Rowland especially emphasized the buying of megaphones by all the root­ ers, as this will be one means of mak­ ing the yelling more effective than that of A. & M. In preparation for the proper receiving of our arrivals from College Station he urged the men to be particularly watchful in defense of reverence due the singing of ‘‘The Eyes of Texas,” of Pig Bell­ mont, and of all the old Texas tradi­ tions. Two more rallies will be staged be­ fore the big game, one Monday night in the bleachers on at 7:30 o’clock Clark Field, when every one will find his seat to be occupied during the game, and one Wednesday night at the same hour in front of the band stand on the campus. -----------------------o------------- ASSOCIATIONS H A V E CHARGE OF CHAPEL Chapel services this week have been in charge of the Young Men’s Chris­ tian Asosciation and the Young Wom­ en’s Christian Association, each asso­ ciation having a representative speak­ er every other morning. Topics have b/en on the subject of prayer, since this week has been set aside as spec­ ial prayer week for the young people of America. The talks have touched largely on missionary subjects and the great need in the field. for workers This series of services has tended to enhance the influence of the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A., as well as -reate an interest in the daily chapel service. LONGHORNS PRACTICE TACKLING W ITH DUMMY Men of the Longhorn squad are being put through some hard practice this week by Coach Whitaker. Prac­ tice is being held every afternoon, with considerable time being devot­ ed to blocking and tackling by use of a dummy. At times Coach Whitaker is heard to say, “ You’ll never get Mahan that way.’’ Fo r the last few days prac­ tice has continued until shortly after dark by use of searchlights. ------------ c ------------- PEN N Y BA C K ER SOCIETY HOLDS FIRST MEETING Much enthusiasm was shown by the members of the Pennybacker Literary Society, who met for the first time this year Friday afternoon. Ruby Daniels, president of the club, spoke of a few of the many plans which have been formulated for the coming year. Judith Porter of Dallas was given a the club. The next meeting of the club will be held on December 6. try-out by TEACHING CENTER IN SAN A N TO NIO PLA N N ED Department of Extension is plan­ ning to open a teaching center in collaboration with the Young Men’s Christian Association of San Antonio. to be similar to the one now existing in Houston. This school is to give courses in business psychology, busi­ ness administration and education. It is hoped th at these plans will materialize, since schools of this kind are promoting education where it would otherwise be neglected. -------------o.------------ W E E G A C C E P T S P O S IT IO N Wiliam J. Weeg, a former student in the University has accepted a res­ ponsible editorial position on the Au* tin Statesman. Mr, Weeg was in the University in 1919, when he was a: member of the Daily Texan sta ff in the capacity of issue editor. During j the past year he has held positions on j throughout I several big newspapers the state REGENTS TAKE NO FINAL ACTION ON L SCHOOL President Vinson Announces He W ill A sk Legislature For $4,000,000 Plans of vital interest to the future of the University that will he sub­ mitted to the next session of the leg­ islature were considered at Temple, Thursday night by Dr. Robert E. Vinson, President of the University, when he appeared before a committee in­ appointed by vestigate a change in location of the Medical College of the University at Galveston. legislature to the G a l v e s t o n A s s u r e s S u p p o r t The committee heard reports, esti­ mates and testimony concerning the Department at Galveston. It was es­ timated that the Medical School could be made an institution of first rank by the expenditure of $500,000 and that the project of removal would cost three* times, that sum. the Citizens of Galveston assured the committee that their city commission­ ers would take sufficient steps to in­ sure a supply of clinical material by satisfactory appropriations for the Sealy Hospital. No action was taken by the Regents about tile matter. T o A*k F u r L a r g e S u m President Vinson made it known that he would request the next legis­ lature to appropriate $4,000,000 for extension of the University Work at Austin, El Paso and Galveston. A committee of citizens of Galveston and four Regents of the University were present at the meeting. the In discussing appropriation bill to be submitted to the next leg­ islature, which would call for the ex­ penditure of $4,000,000, Dr. Vinson it was the opinion of declared that expert legal advisors that tills sum could be appropriated without re­ course to constitutional amendment Lomax Presents Cowboy Folklore In P u b lic T a l k Customs, life and emotions of the cowboy were presented in a pictures­ que manner yesterday afternoon by Mr, John A. Lomax, secretary of the talk Ex-Studi nts Association, on “Cowboy Ballads.” in a Mr. Lomax is the author of two famous books, “Cowboy Songs,” and “Songs of Catle Trails and Cowboy Camps.” He has the distinction of being the first collector of ballads which sprung up among the cowboy* of the West, and he bas a thorough understanding of and meaning of these songs. the origin, “ Cowboy ballads,” said Mr. Lomax, “have sprung up and been handed Some down from word of mouth.” of them have recently appeared in newspapers, but no one but the author of “Cowboy Songs” has attempted to rd lect and publish them. Mr. Lomax’s interst in cowboy life vas aroused during his boyhood when great herds of catle were driven down ranch, i cowtrail near his father’s and he could hear the singing and calling of the cowboys. When he went to Harvard his themes on this subject attrit ed the attention of his English professors, who secured for him a traveling permit for three years, It was at this time that Mr. Lomax •x*ran -cplka ting the old ballads, and making a study of them. Th< social conditions under which these songs sprang up are significant. The ranches were very large and far apart, and since there were very few women living on them, the cowboys had to make the best of their lonely, quiet life together. While herding the cattle at night, many tunes and words for them were taken up. The s* ngs, grouped according to subject matter, are chiefly ballads of the hardships of the cowboy life, his relation to the Texas ranger, versions of the old world ballads, and the cow­ boy’s thoughts on death, which was ever present The cowboy is almost universially characterized, and Mr. Lomax’s col­ lection of his songs will doubtless give future generations a true conception of him as he really is. ANNUAL RECEPTION WILL BE INFORMAL NOTED LEADER OF Many Ex-students and Visitors From A. & M. Attend A ffair In accordance with University prec­ edent, the Thanksgiving Reception next Thursday flight in the Capitol will be informal. This anonuneement has been made by Louis A. Scott, president of this reception committee, in response to several in­ quiries. year’s The reception, coming a fter the biggest athletic contest of the season and providing entertainment for the returning “old timers,” the visiting Farmer cadets, as well as the entire U niversity student body, has always been one of the outstanding events of the year and is as famous for its live­ ly informality as its hospitable spir­ it. free admitted the Farmer Car!* A d m i t t e d F r e e of C h a r g e Girls will be of charge, it has been announced. This arrangement has been decided upon for the benefit of ca­ dets who attend the affair. Tickets for all others are now on sale and may be purchased in the rotunda of the Main Building, at McFadden’s Drug Store, the Bluebonnet Shop, the Co-op, the Jordan Company, and Jos­ eph’s Pharmacy. Musi c A r r a n g e d F o r Special interest has been aroused by the announcement that the Glee Club and Mandolin Club will make their first pubic appearance of the year at the reception. Students ac­ quainted with the personnel and ac­ tivity of these state that they alone will provide an even­ ing’s entertainment. organizations Shakey’s Burnett’s orchestra is to be in the Senate while orchestra, now famous nationally, will be station­ ed in the Hall of Representatives. Ac­ tivities begin at 8:30 and refresh­ ments will be served during the even­ ing. Arrangements for the reception programs have been completed the souvenirs go to press today. These promise to add another touch of dis­ tinctiveness to the festivities. a n d > — - ..........- O' ..............- ........... PICTURE O F SU N D A Y CLUB TAKEN T O D A Y AUSTIN loony President of General F ed era ­ tion of W om en’s Clubs To Lecture Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, President of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, will lecture at the University Methodist church this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Her subject on this occa­ sion will be, ‘‘Cur America.” She Mrs. Winter is an Easterner by birth. She was reared in Boston anti educated at Wellesley. is the daughter of Rev. Charles G. Ames oi the Church of Disciples, Boston. In the June meeting at Des Moines, Mrs. Winter was elected president of the General Federation of Women s Clubs. P r o m in e n t In Club W ork in women’s club work Since 190/ Mrs. Winter has been in prominent Minnesota. She was elected Presi­ dent of the Minneapolis Woman’.- Club at that time, and has since serv­ ed as a member of the Minnesota Child labor committee, the Minnesota playground commission and the Min­ neapolis Visiting Nurses Association. She has also been President of the Minneapolis Kindergarten Associa­ tion, chairman the Minnesota of women’s council of defense and wo­ men’s committee of public safety chairman of literature, general Fed­ eration of Women’s Clubs and direc­ tor of the general Federation. I* P rom in en t W rite r has writen Mrs. Winter two novels, “The Prize to the Hardy,” and •Jewel Weed,” and a life of her fath­ er, .Charles G. Ames. She has lec­ tured three seasons at Chatauqua, New York, and has won wide recogni­ tion in America. NOTED GUESTSTO SEE 1920 REVUE A dvance Sale of Tickets For Perform ance November 2 9 and 30 Begins Musical numbers will feature the program of the regular meeting of Special box seats for the Varsity the Student’s Sunday Club on Sunday Revue of 1920 have been reserved for afternoon, several renditions of which Governor William P. Hobby, Presi­ Will be inside talent, according to W’il- dent Robert E. Vinson, and other liam J. Fetzer, chairman of the pro­ to prominent persons. According gram committee. Plans will also be present plans Governor Hobby and completed for the “Majestic” which is Ii is party will occupy a box on one to be staged in the near future by the side of the Opera House and Presi­ Club. dent Vinson and his party in the box opposite. Both boxes are to be ap­ propriately decorated. This afternoon the picture of the Club for the Year Book will be taken in the Main Auditorium. Any one The advance sale of tickets for the who ever shown interest in the organ­ Revue opened yesterday at the Uni­ ization is urged to be present so that versity Co-op. the Hancock Opera they may get in the picture. O ffi­ House, and the Jordan Company. a cers of the Sunday Club expect ex­ Tickets purchased are to large representation for the picture changed at the Hancock Opera House as there has been a great deal of in- for reserved seats. Reservations will terest shown in the work this year. be made beginning today. Novem­ ber 29 and 30 are the two dates an­ nounced for the entertainment. ST. E D W A R D S PLAYS be DALLAS TEAM T O D A Y STUDENTS TO HIO IN WELCOME FOR VIGE PRESIDENT Public Reception For guished Guest To D is till- Be A t Mansion INVITATIO N TO WELCOME MARSHALL A t the request of Governor Hob­ by, I ta k e pleasure in extending to to e University students and Band a cordial invitation to assist in wel­ v lce-President Marshall, coming woo will reach Austin at 4:25 Bat­ el ruay afternoon, and who will be cue Crovernor s guest at a public reception to be given at the Exec­ utive Mansion immediately after als arrival, i hope tnat as many students as possiuie will take part. K O B E R T E, VINSO N. President. Considerable preparations are be- rng made tor the entertainm ent of v ice-President Thomas Riley Mar­ shall and Mrs. Marshall during the time they will be in Austin in order tnat all o f the visit may be used to good advantage. The program of events in charge of Kendal B. Cressy and A. P. Wooldridge of this city. is t oliowing the reception at which all Austin people and University stu­ dents are expected, as stated in the communication from President Vin­ ton, a state dinner will be given by uovernor Hobby in honor of the dis­ tinguished guests. A small party of leading citizens have been invited to aid the Governor in this affair, M a r s h a l l S p e a k s T o n ig h t The purpose of Mr. Marshall’s visit is to deliver an address in this city as In part of his lyceum lecture tour. veiler to bear the expense o f the fee lur the lecture a dollar admission wall ae charged. The address will be de- i ive red tonight in the House of Rep­ resentatives hail to accommodate the large gathering that is expected. In order to overcome the ruling that paid for philan­ entertainments, except thropic purposes, may not be given in the Capitol Building, all proceeds over and above th e net expense of the lecture will be donated to the Ameri­ can Legion Memorial Hospital at xverrville. I r a t e i n i t y E n t e r t a i n * V isito r In view of the fact that the Vice- President is a member of the Phi uamma Delta fraternity, he has ac­ cepted the offer of the hospitality of attend ale local chapter and will its church Sunday morning with members, tour the city in an automo­ bile, and later be a guest for dinner at the chapter house. Dr. R. E. Vinson, judge J. C. Townes, Governor-Elect Pat M. N eff, and Mr. Earle B. May- lield of the Railroad Commission will aiso be present at the Sunday meal. ------------ o------------- Mathematical Society Football in Austin today will con­ sist of a game between St, Edward's College and the University of Dallas. This contest is expected to be hotly contested as the Dallas team adminis­ tered a defeat to the followers of St. Ed’s last year and hope to make his­ tory repeat in spite of the determin­ mucMly the that ed strengthened St. Edward’s is planning to put up. opposition team Clark F ield w ill be the scene of the battle, which will be started at 2:16 p. rn., in order to allow the specta­ tors to see the game before attending the reception for Vice-President Mar­ shall. UNIVERSITY B A N D WILL MEET VICE-PRESIDENT D aily Rehearsal* B e in g H eld l o Hold initiation For Members Saturday Night With rehearsals of the special acts j being held each day the program of I the Revue is rapidly being perfected j and those participating are quite en-1 thusiastic over the prospects for what they predict will be the premier a t - ! tracion of the year. The University Co-op is offering as 'mote interest in mathematics among University students and professors. Pentagram, honorary mathematical society, will hold initiation ofr new members Saturday night at the home of Dr. G. P. Horton. This society, a prize for the hest act in the entire which was organized by Dr. A. A. performance, three handsome mount- Bennett in 1916, is primarily to pro- ed bronze seals of the University, and a second prize $25.00 in gold is be- as ing offered. A special committee will judge the acts, on the second night of the show, and award the prizes. The committee is to be composed of A. C. Goeth, President of the Austin Cham­ interesting programs have ber of Commerce; Dr. E. P. Wilmot, lec- president of the Austin National Bank; Major R. C. Roberdeau, vice-(Fares by Dr. R. L. Moore on Non-Eu- n resident of the American National | clidean Geometry and C. P. Boner on Bank; J. Novy, manager of the H a n -j Periodic Phenomena and Periodic cock Opera House; and Frank Soape Functions. The regular meetings are add Max Bickler. experienced dram at-J open to the public. A t the next meet­ ing, after initiation, which will be held December 2, Miss Jessie Marie Fouts will talk on the Number V The officers are: President, C. P. Boner; vice-president, Miss Jessie Marie Fouts; secretary, Dr. Jessie M. J acobs. been given this year, including Special Costum e* fo r Chorus Many All members of the U niversity Band are expected to meet at the M. ic critics. K. & T. depot this afternoon at four I o'clock, Sidney P. Chandler, director, at stated last night. The band has been work for several days on costumes to requested by Governor W. P. Hobby, be worn by the beauty chorus of Uni- through President R. E. Vinson, to j versity girls in the big cabaret scene meet Vice-President Thomas R. Mar- of the main act and these promise to shall on his arrival «n Austin, Special customers have been j be most elaborate. Following Vice-President Mar- shall’s arrival, the band will parade performances and from the depot the Governor’s to Mansion, where the reception in honor of the guest wil be held. jested that in order to secure choice! seats an early purchase of tickets is! I necessary, Seats are being reserved for both it has been sug- Each available room in the Uni­ versity neighborhood will be need­ ed Thanksgiving by some out-of- The housing town ex-student. committee will appreciate a tele­ phone call regarding such rooms any time today. Phone Mrs, Bell at 8143. THE PATLY TEXAN S h * i S c r i l u C e . V c T t t © ~ F irst C £«*<• Dmiijr ta t i Sooth Pufciabad an the ca«tM of tha Uaivarartr m d T Z a Z a ^ e n Hondas ***** Office: Room IU , Tefcrpboa* SUS, En tared m *e«md-cloot m atter a t the poat- the A st oi for rate of postage provided la SectM^s U S, Act of October S. 1*17. offic* a t A ustin, Co Rgrtm. March matting a t spec tai for st th«>n*ed Septnaoer SA. ISIS 'I ex aa, arider t . IFT* Acceptance HULON W. BLACK Editor-in-Ch wf I 'tie* could not rightly deprive Division of Visual ,, I him of his privilege of attend- ance upon the University; but Has New that as a penalty he had been de- prived of the credits which he ti, k e n n e lti the Agricultural jpJetow came]fa the r)ivi,bn of Vi,- the Cactus th.t the view Motion will ual Instruction, is filming the city of be the most readable seen in many This! years. J . u Motion Picture Camera R e p o r ts fr o m College S ta tio n I Austin and the University. I and * fechanical College. YEAR BOOK EDITORS REPORT PROGRESS ita recenty comparted motion (Continued from Page One) l f , J .* f " ti ii. i a “ I i i /-I i< j are to the e ffe ct th a t the Btu- fllm ,!i M ng prepaid to meet the- dents of the Agricultural and %g M e c h a n ic a l C o lleg e a s a w h o le ready for rejeM€ 9 a o n are not opposed to Elam ’s par- ticip atio n in th e gam es and th a t head of th. divi.ion, film. and did..’j d a tT * ItPfl'JT * !! y a s p ir i t of good feeling u p o n th e m a tte r is being g e n e ra te d w ith -j r” **' :,ri ln , w ue » Dig year ior The According to William R Duffel Ath ,itlc *'ctl0Ti has ™any spectacular ' ‘V T V * by t h . Vl.u.1 instruction feature « chronicling T ^ a . - ’ u ^ f t d*"“ »<». Arming . „ nual and .onMcutiv. victory on th . Tfr"rn wh*>1* and . I tties of Texas, and a exnert^d tn ho m , premiW8 t0 ^ w , A siatic Section To Be Bi* the University. . athletics in . pm- tJrizzzrszrxz rsi • * ? * ■ « - > - — » dis.1; £ n ,£ jr s r fz s r “ * » - ' in .h , ion ° B. a COE Mono* ir* Editor deed commendable and is an ex- the sendee Lou im GIodaey __________A d v e r tin g Manager TODAY'S STAFF Wm. Harry Jack Issue Editor W. R. Barrow........................ Assistant George Kean ...........................Assistant ................. Assistant M. N. E b y REPORTERS Clara Batjer Elma Gunn Julia M. Crisp Weldon Jones John S. Spratt Helen E. Taber Miriam Brown Daniel T. White Kathryn Anderson Thanksgiving and the Home­ coming are only five days off. Prepare to act as hosts to the I crowds of alumni and visitors who will be here that day and to make them feel that they consti­ tute a real part of the Univer­ sity. THE CONCLUSION OF THE ELAM AFFAIR The Elam affair has been amicably settled. A matte* which was unfortunate the extreme in many of its details! has been closed in a way which should be satisfactory to ail con-1 cerned. in ample which should be followed by students of the University, j » ■ — — elated students varsity. <|f California Uni FIRING LINE Baylor Will Debate California I The University of Southern Cali­ fornia has challenged Baylor Univer- I sity for a debate. Baylor has accept­ _______________________ llcll.u,.r Ln,, er! the challenge, although neither the er there appeared an article entitied,: date nor the subject fo r debate has C o n c e r n i n g A S o a p e r E d i t o r i a l In the November issue of the Scalp have been j been decided upon, __ B a y l o r A n n u a l D e d i c a t e d T o P a t N e f t Die 1021 Round-Up will be dedi­ cated to Governor-elect Pat Neff. He was unanimously selected at a meet­ ing of the Senior class of Baylor Uni­ versity. Justice for E lam .” I I tak< in this incorrect asked by Dr, Bizzell of A. A M and! to rectify several mis­ Dr. Vinson article, which, statements when written, were unwittingly based upon this facts. means of saying that Dr. Bizzell has been thoroughly fair in his dealir-r with the case o f Kyi* Elam; in fact, the entire student body at A. A M has shown great fairness toward the question of Elam’s I wish to apologize humbly for the in. ctrl- ertent reflections mad* 'n ti.is ar ♦.He upon the attitude of Dr Bizzell, and to assure him that the be^t of '• lin g exists bere toward A. & M eligibility. W hen hungry, eat a ham ­ burger. W. S. S. Bank by “ Y .” TUE SCALPER, J. II. Lutzer, Last Day to buy 1921 Cac* LUS— don’t fail. Doings of Others D e a d JVI e n T e l l N o T a l e s — j letics. The popularity of athletics is ever gaining friends in University it has perhaps reached j circles, and a summit this year. Accordingly the Iathletic section of the 1921 Cactus will be prepared to treat this impor- ; tant activity in the best form yet por­ trayed in a college year book. W o r k i n g O n B e a u t y S e c t i o n are The beauty section of the Cactus is as u-ual the tom and scarred ground of many a student contention. S taff members guarding Wendell Mayes, to say the least, with an anx­ ious eye. They are considering teach- j ing him the sign alphabet, lest he di­ vulge asleep. Mayes, on the other hand, appeared calm, but rather feverish. He re­ ports that material is plentiful, al­ though the preference seems to point secret while some Of course the Senior section needs introduction to the most casual no reader, but many new features will be inculcated in this part of the Cactus. Writeups of individuals will be treat­ a ed competently and thing that has been sorely neglected in former years. efficiently, All in all, the Cactus should have a successful year. Material is plen­ tiful, artists have shown a tendency to work, * udents have shown a will­ ingness to subscribe. But to make! predictions at this time might be dis- J estrous Last Day to buy 1921 Cac- , to a preponderance of blondes. tufr—-don’t fail. GEOLOGY STUDENTS BEGIN FIELD WORK La bora tory W ork Consists Of H ikes of Inspection A bout A ustin Students of Geology have during the past week or so been getting their first taste of field work. Each laboratory has been given one “hike” lasting about three hours. The ob ject o f this hike has been to fam il- j iarize the budding geologists with the numerous terraces in the immediate vicinity o f Austin. The trip includes inspection of the various rocks and topographic fea­ tures of the terraces near the Insane | Asylum, the Deaf and Dumb Insti­ tute, and north of the Colorado River If sandwiches to the High School. [could be substituted for the inevitable* quizzes which necessarily follow the bike, the a ffa ir would be extremely similar to a Sunday School picnic. the Despite the lack of edibles and presence of tests, however, these in -j the j spection tours have proved in is planned to main popular and it have greater others amount of time and space as soon as the sufficient progress in the study to warrant such. is made covering a Last D ay to buy 1921 C ac­ tu s — don ’t fail. Prompt and G uaranteed Service - O n.. Tennis R estringing C. & S. Sporting G oods Co. 704 Congress Ave. Hart Schaffner E c M a r x HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX DRESS CLOTHES AT MONEY SAVING Price $60.00 If you se going to need dress clothes for the Thanksgiving festivities, h e re ’s your chance. Rich all-wool dress w orsteds, beautifully silk lined, correct styles in young m en ’s models. A good custom tailor would c h arg e $ 1 0 0 for such qual­ ity . O ur price $ 6 0 .0 0 . Dress shirts, dress gloves and o th e r ac­ cessories, all at red u c ed prices. I he University has admitted that it was in error in register­ ing Elam in 1919 and has assumed the responsibility for Uh s error, By action of the Administrative Council and the President of the University, JLiani nas been rather heavily peaanzeu tor a condition of a l­ tair* lur wnicn he was in real­ ity not to oiame, in mat he has decii deprived oi tne tnree and two-nurds credits with whicn he entered me University from the Agricultural and Mechani­ cal College, loss of mis the academic credit stands in lieu of his not Having presented a clear record trout tne school which he termerly attended, but me Uni­ versity authorities have de­ clared that he is a bona fide student in good and regular standing and that he should not be turther penalized, but should be given an opportunity to stand upon the clean record which he has established in the Universi ty and that he should be given an opportunity to complete his education without reference to any other school which he may have attended, in short, Elam has been put upon his own feet, made eligible to play football, regular and is henceforth a University student without in­ cumbrances. There ha§ been much misunder­ standing relative to this whole matter. Students and others have made hasty statements without an adequate knowledge of the facts, and as a result a iU feeling deal of unnecessary has been generated. It is the duty of all concerned, and par­ ticularly of the student body, to dispel this ill feeling and to re­ member that through the whole affair the authorities of both the University and of the Agri­ cultural and Mechanical College they have done thought just to themselves and to the individuals concerned. that which O x fo rd U n iv e rs ity Opan T o W om en Despite the fact that it will not be able to accommodate all the male stu dents sent up from lower schools, Ox ford Universityhas thrown open its rates to women snaking them elig­ ible for the privileges, degrees, and ex­ scholastic distinctions hitherto clusively reserved for men. D a r t m o u t h S t u d e n t s R e f u t e H o n o r System The students at Dartmouth refused to adopt the honor system by a vote of 578 to 430. Students at Columbia University have recently been debat- ing this same question. W i s c o n s i n U. N e e d s D o r m i t o r i e s Among the urgent building needs to be presented to the Legislature will »e the erection of two dormitories, one for men and one for women. The dormitory need will be presented as mere urgent than before because of the increasing shortage of rooms for students and because of the stabiliz­ ing effect that dormitories will have on other room rents. The present recommendation will urge the erection of one building to house 150 men and another to house 150 women. C a l i f o r n i a W ill B u ild S t a d i u m Details of a plan to erect a con­ crete stadium, costing over $600,000 and with a seating capacity of 60,000 neater than either the Yale bowl or Harvard stadium, are to be worked out in the immediate future by the university authorities and the asso •J* -£• 4* *£• *F *r* *!* CHAPEL NOTICE $ * + + * Continuing the week of pray- •I* er services, Migs Velma Purcell 4* of the Young Women’s Chris- 4* •I* tian Association, read from the *J« 4* 122nd Psalm and the 17th chap- •J*1 •f* tar of John. The topic for dis- for the 4* •I* cussion was “Prayer 4* Church.” It was pointed out 4* •J* that the church as the agency 4* 4* for the spread of the gospel of 4* •J* Jesus needs spiritual guidance 4* 4* and the power of God. both of 4* •J* which are to be obtained by *1* 4* prayer, 4* Further the Church grows •-*« •J* of •§• •F stronger by the •F prayer. to * •J* think that the Church is good An •F enough without prayer. appeal was made to all Chris- •F tians to pray continually for 4* interests 4* 4- and to pray system atically and 4* *£* definitely for the Church’s pro- 4*. 4- gram just as for other needed •$. -J* things. JU *5* the Young 4* 4* Men’s Christian Association *J» *F will speak this morning. 4* exercise It is a mistake the Church and her John Awtry of KING’S CANDIES? SURE W h a t ’s it? The g irl’s favorite. A fresh assortm ent of KING’S DELICIOUS BOX CANDY has just been received at the Do n’t fail to get “ h e r ” a box. IT ’S A WINNER CO-OP W •Iii SB apeagSKSB ai; IS ^ U nited States D epository The AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK Resources $8,000,000.00 A ustin, T exas THE ELLIOTTS U nm ounted Prints For $1.00 Student Rates On AII Photographs THE ELLIOTTS Stebbins & James Home of Hart S chaffner & Marx Clothes C. M. MILLER Wall P aper, Paints, Oils, W hite Lead, Window Glass, and P ain ter’s Supplies. Picture fram ing a specialty. 807 Congress Avenue Phone 62( M a k e Y o u r S h o e s L a s t To make your shoes last long have them re-soled right. Bring them to us and let us put on Korry- Krome GENUINE LEATHER SOLES There is twice the wear in Korry Soles; genuine leather, permanently water - proof. Here’s genuine economy for every member of the family. Let us add life to your shoes. G e o . R. A l l e n P . 4 5 9 7 2 4 0 0 G u . d . SWANN FURNITURE & CARPETS COMPANY w c Build More Homes 401 Congress 9venue WRIGHT’S A UTO SERVICE Cars For Hire With or Without Driver Driverless Buicks and Fords M AVERICK CORNER PHONE 7711 Residence Phone 440 D A Y O R N I G H T THE WALTER TIPS COMPANY Jobbers of HARDWARE AND MACHINERY Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition Automobile Accessories Austin, Texas AUSTIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO Phones 6536 ........................... A n d............................ 6073 SATISFACTION You Will A ppreciate the Satisfaction SERVICE, QUALITY, AND COURTESY Extended You At THE UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP N. W. RUTLEDGE, Prop. GRAHAM (W here Service Counts) HOME OF WHITMAN S FAMOUS CANDIES Everything in Drugs and Drug Sundries Fountain Delicacies a Specialty Our Prescription Departm ent Always At Your Service Phone 105 phone g54 In a letter to President Biz­ zell of the Agricultural and Mechanical College which was read before the student body of th at institution, President Vin­ son stated th at Elam had been admitted to the University in the fall of 1919 by mistake; that since he had been a student with a good record for more than a ju year the adm inistrative author- * * * * .j. ^ ^ ^ ^ j , ^ T. E. P. WILMOT, President INO. H. CHILES, Vice-Pres. T. H. DAVIS, Vice-President WM. H. FOLTS, Vice-President MORRIS HIRSHFELD, Vice-Pres. C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Cashier S. B. ROBERDEAU, Asst. Cashier FACULTY A N D STU D ENTS’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITED NO ACCOUNT TOO SMALL TO HANDLE m r OUR GREAT SALE o f $60,000 S t o c k of Coats, Suits and Dresses N o w in F u ll B la s t E n t i r e S t o c k Goes i n T h i s 2 5 7 ° t o 3 5 7 °; B e lo w O u r U s u a l L o w P r i c e s week in Austin visiting tus— d o n ’t fail. If you ever attended o o'clock. a meeting of tile club l*e sure and be in the A uditor: - i f tile Main Build­ ing .it th scheduled time. F R A N C IS G. WILSON. S o c i e t y ME R N E N A IL I* resident. T. P. C. Club Entertained D A N IE L F E N D Committee will have their picture taken S aturday a f te r ­ WI those on the com­ go n a t 2:lf). mittee are urged to be present. C OM M ITTEE Mrs. L. L. Click entertained the T. P. C. Club F riday afternoon, No­ vember 18, at 5 o’clock. There were In ­ several new members present. teresting games and business pro­ ceedings were followed by a pleasant The m ajority of sociaI- A refreshing F R A T E R N IT IE S die fratern ities I ave voted in favor of group lectures in the Cactus. IN T E R -F R A T S RNIT V COUNCIL. course was served near the close of the a f ­ ternoon. salad The next meeting of the Club will J E S S I E M JACOBS, Secretary. ** held at the home uf Mrs‘ w * A * Francis. The date will be announced A T H E N A E U M C ALLED M E E T - later* IN G : There will be a called meeting in Auditorium Main of Athenaeum pic­ today. Cactus Building. 1:80 tures a t 1:45* is visiting Austin. --------- M argaret Whipple of San Antonio in relatives and friends ROY D. JA C K SO N , President. G ardner Thomas has been visiting at his home in Brownwood fo r the CACTUS A R T ISTS: Most important I-mst ^ow da>’8* meeting of the term, Monday after-! noon 5 p. rn., ng. Be sure and bring samples 0f .your work, finished or unfinished. room 142 Main Build- pPend next ^r *ends and relatives. Lynnette J e te r of Kerrville will F O S T E R ! Howard Monroe of F o rt Worth vis- | ited on the campus Friday. M arvin Duprist of F o rt W orth P E N T A G R A M : There will be a so- sP«nt Fri w h i u G u n n > C l a u d e Jo h n S e a le , Kurt Dora Davenport is unable to attend B ech m an . E d gar S h elto n , Stan- t o n M c G a r y i A u tr ey P otter, classes aira.n a f te r a two days illness. M cC ann, Agnes Allison has returned from a classes on account of illness. visit in San Antonio. nalistic fraternity. Blanche Bennett H en ry F ay Shelton will spend the week J o h n G r a h a m . PRE MEDS who desire to purchase! Wende11 Maye8 ia »n Oklahoma City pins m u st see one of the f o llo w in g j attend ing he nation»l convention of nersons before T h ursday: T ravis ■the Delta Si*ma Chi* honorary jour- Dennett. Mi-s Mabel Daniels, Dan Painter, or Bougies Anderson. Pre- Med picture for Cactus to be made Tuesday at 2:00 p. rn. Meeting A u ­ ditorium of the Main T3uilding. Paschal Dreiblebis entertained on T h u rsd ay night with a dinner a t the C ountry Club His guests were S ta n ­ ley Babb; Jack Beretta, John Thomp­ son. Bib Simmons and Ded Adams. S T U D E N T ’S S U N D A Y CLUB PIC- TURE will bo taken this afternoon at DOO in the Auditorium of the Main Building. If you have ever attended ti meeting o fthe Club be sure to be n ti;,' Auditorium at Hic ^hedulod i ''n,i at h er home in D rip p in g Spring*. Delta T heta Phi entertained with a time so as not to delay the picture. FR A N C IS G. WILSON, President. L - t D a y to b u y 1921 Cac- * us— d o n ’t fa il. lance a t the Elks Hall last night. Dr. A. Caswell Ellis left Thu rsd ay night for an extended visit in the north and east. He will stop in F a y ­ etteville, where he will visit the Uni- a d D e n T e ll N o T a le s M e OFFICIAL NOTICES I H E following students are request­ ed to call at the office of the Dean of i y College of Arts and Sciences S a t­ urday November 20, between 2 and 5 o’clock: Brunner, E lla; Burton, K. K ; Cash, S a r a ; Connelly, Webb; harris-. J. A.; George, T.; Hancock, J. M.; Henry, J. IL; Howell, F ra n k ; Hughes, A. F .; Jones, E. C.; Joseph, Jennie; Lowrie, F ran k ie; Mc Nab, Adeline; McNamara, R uth; Massey, E. D.; Morrow, P ortia; Nelson, W. R.; Overton, Robert C.; Parrish, Clyde; P atterson, Maurine; Patton. Desha; Perry, Claude; Pew, Marpor- ie; P o tts,E lizabeth; Riviere, A. B.; Roach, W. C.; Russ, W. B.; Schwab, A H . ; Sherrill, M.; Shuford, Jozella; ^voan, M. J .; Smith, W. R.; Thomp­ son, Douglas; Joh n ; Thompson, Melvoe; Townsend, L, J.; Tribble, B etty; Walker, Mary E.; Weller, C arl; Wells, Lynden; Wheel­ er, H. Bernice; Whitis, C. W.; Wil­ liamson, E. H .; Wilson, C. D. Thompson, H. T. PA R L IN , A ssistant Dean of the College of A rts and Sciences. T H E CLUBS and organizations list­ ed below will please be present at the time designated, in tho Auditorium, Main Building,to have their picture* aaken for the Organizations Section of the 1920 Cactus. Saturday, November 20: 1:00 p. rn., University Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; 1:30 p. rn., Newman Club; 2:00 p. rn., University of Texas Students Volun­ teers; 2:15 Daniel Fund Committee; 2:30 p. rn., Society of Ministerial Students; 3:00 p. rn., Students S u n ­ day Club, All Saints Episcopal; 3:15 p. rn., W om an’s Athletic Council. Please be present promptly a t the noted time. A bv change will be made by calling me, but changes must be for good reason. HOW ARD S. ARONSON, Organizations Editor, 1920. BAND M E E T AT M. K. & T. 4 p. rn. All members are requested today. to be th ere on time, so we ean play for Vice-President Marshall. \ DIRECTOR. S T U D E N T V O L U N T E E R S : Picture to be made at 2 o’clock S aturday. R egular meeting Wednesday a t 5 o’clock. Dr. Lee will talk. All vol­ unteers urged to be present. C HAIRM AN. P icture will be N EW M A N I T E S : taken a t 1:30 instead of 2:00 p. rn. on S aturday. Let everybody know. P R E S ID E N T . T H E SOCIAL Meeting of the P e n ta ­ gram, which was to be held Thurs- j day evening, November 18, has been j postponed until S atu rd ay evening, j November 20 on account of the Sigma Xi dinner. GIRLS ten mile hike for November, j S atu rday Leave Gym at 2:15. M ANAGER. S T U D E N T ’S SUNDA Y CLUB P IC ­ TU R E will be taken on S atu rd ay a t Ice C r e a m S0 TEMPTINGLY GOOD that you never get enough of it Sold by quality stores everywhere because tt is tbs “Best let Cream/' PH ONE 4 4 0 0 A L A M O IN D U ST R IE S O F A U S T IN W est 6 th an d L avaca T H IN G S U P TO D A T E At The Gift S h op of A ustin E VEN ING F AN S GLOVE BRACELETS J E W E LE D COMBS T h e L atest In NECKLACES ARTISTIC RINGS FRENCH V AN IT IE S FABRI C AND TOOLED L E AT H E R BAGS V isitors A lw a y s W elco m e First house north of Governor’s Mansion 11 0 4 C olorad o S treet MCKEANEILERS COMPANY W holesale Dry Goods N O T IO N S A N D F U R ­ N IS H IN G G O O D S 321-327 Congress Ave. Take Some Home to the Folia Last D ay to bu y 1921 C a c­ t u s — d o n ’t fa il. Mrs. H a ll’s H air D ressin g P arlor M arcel W a v e a s p e c ia lty No waiting for appointment 110 W . 7th P h o n e 1656 W elco m e S T U D E N T S T o T h e T E X A S B A R B E R SH O P 10 0 8 C on gress H A Y N IE ’S B A R B E R SH O P Next d oor United Cigar Store 523 Congress Ave. P hone 242 257° Reduction on “Miss America” Middy Suits Middy Suib, good quality Serge, emblems are red and yellow. Sizes 6 to 14 years; misses’, 16 to 22. $22.50 f o r $ 2 7 . 5 0 fo r . . . . $2u.60 $ 3 7 . 5 0 fo r . . . . $ 2 8 . 1 0 $16.85 E arly S e le c ­ tio n s W ill P rove M ore S a tisfa cto ry ill G arm en t From Our R egu lar S tock s HALL ROOM for young man. Hot and cold water. Sleeping porch room. Table bourder* wanted, good home cooked meals style. served 2608 Guadalupe. Phone 3140. —28. i E. BERGM AN— J DR. WILLIAM Suite 410 Littlefield Building. Den- j list and P yorrhea Specialist. Phone J638. family N O T IC E ! L E T R E A S O N O V E R ^ B AR B E R SH O P do the work for the students who care. VISIT the P alace B arber Shop Hall of Fame, next to Kress, Bill Wolfe, Prop. Send H illy e r ’s F lo w ers. A l­ P h on e id ea. w a y s a good 6 1 6 0 . FOR R E N T — Room in back yard 1905 — 23. Nueces for boys. FOR S A L E — Two passenger loadster. J u s t been overhauled. Electric self­ s t a r t e r and light complete. Makes 24 miles on the gallon of gasoline. Phone W aters 7385, for dem onstra­ tion. — 24.. L ast D ay to buy 1921 C ac­ tus— d o n ’t fa il. PERSONAL ENGRAVED XMAS CARDS P lace Your O rd er Now For E ngraved and Printed Com plete In O ur P lan t —tf. TOBIN’S 801-803 Congress Avenue W . A . ACHILLES & CO. PIO N E E R G R O C ER S 1602-04 Lavaca Street P h on es 865, 8 6 6 , 867 Especial A ttention and Service to F ra te rn ity and Sorority Houses J O S E P H ’S P H A R M A C Y STUDENT’S HEADQUARTERS DOWNTOWN Congress at 7th Phones 325-335 Drugs, Soda Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Articles LOOKERS CAFE LOOKE B R O S ., P rop s. I P h o n e 7 3 5 6 2 0 C on gress UNIVERSITY CASH GROCERY We Have a Com plete Line of Fresh U p-to-date Groceries At A ttr a c tile Prices P R O M P T D E L IV E R Y A N D C O U R T E O U S T R E A T M E N T Corner 24th and G uad alu pe Phone 628 DONNELLY & WHITE P lu m b in g and H ea tin g C ontractors 9 0 5 C on gress A ve. P h on e 131 I STUDENTS When Down Town Call Around — A t T h e — BON TON CAFE Best P lace To E at N ear Littlefield Building 6Q9 Congress Avenue A rn old Sc A ck erm a n , D V C. -LET C H IR O PR A C T O R S C o m p lete X -R ay L ab oratory 309 W est 6 th S treet P h on e 1 3 9 3 C on su ltation F ree H Y D E PA R K FLO R A L CO. a Say It With Flowers ALL FL O W E R S IN SE A SO N FOR YOU A T H E N A E U M S : in Main Building fo r Cactus picture a t 1:45 S a t u r d a y , November 20. ' ROY D. JA C K SO N , Meet * President. H ours 9 to 5 O ld P h o n e 8 0 2 W M . A. L E W IS , M D. D. O. Specializes In O steopathy Rooms 3 and 4, First Floor M asonic Tem ple Austin, Texas F o r quick, accu rate copying: and sten o g rap h y call A U S T IN M U L T IG R A P H IN G SH O P 811-13-15 Littlefield Building Phone 7224 CLASSIFIEDS LOO M IS S L A U G H T E R W H O L E SA L E A N D R E T A IL GROCER We now h an d le fresh meats, fish, oysters, vegetables and dairy products. 5378 .......................... • ............. P h o n e s ........................................... 5379 ma- „a * * x• ,, * v amendment *,ve, to the city of 5.0001 member, population and above the to . individual charters as distm individual charters as di9vu, adopt a d o p t guished from the cities of less than right ” ,, ] in 1912. This! --------------- ----------------- --- consideration. , teachers of Civics fo high school i Recently the Departm ent has charts on city government which th< *—• - - , ceived an inquiry from the city attor- Bureau compiles by using the ch a ra c ters of the different cities as the ba the latest system of house numbering, sis, working out charters illu stra te . Also it has received requests from of municipal government in T exaa. re- operate n' y ,of HoUston for information on our Latent Power* I ing lh a t tjme w J horn, in I!)M_ Endeavor Meet FRESHMEN PLAY T C D D IT I C f u n n r I U i l i l L L j L u U u L Shreveport Student Does Senior Work Through Correspondence School GRAPERY SPEAKS HERE ON MONDAY THI! DAILY T E X A N SEMI FINAL GAMES IN TENNIS PLAYED D o u b let T ou rnam ent O pen To A n yon e In C ity B e­ gins M onday tennis Semi-finals rn the single* tournam ent were playey the faculty of the dent of an overwhelming fictory, they are not expected to win without fight, as T> r n ! ! has a record of not and a * the signing of the armistice DePa n ™ent of Government having been defeated by a high school or pre pa tory school team in the past twelve years Their only defeat dur by the Texas Short- Ur - Granbery was with the Ameri- ight not be without something CJ* army in f rance* Greece, and the to employ her idle time. She is very *s,ear ^ ast where for the past three high in her praise of the University years he Wfts en»a»ed in relief work. ' f Texas correspondence courses and The freshman squad has a number ! saY® only in this way would she ever ! a* e completed her University work. ■“O* R IIQ ir l i / f i f na* in­ of promising individual players, cluding Robertson, Hemseil, Ward, Townsend and others During the late w ar Mrs. Parten ' 2’ a< oordinl? t0 turned to her U niversity work th at Departm ent Doing Research a was actively engaged w„ia> an m , WILL D E B A T E m e x i c a n q u e s t i o n garding municipal government. 3:30. | 3:40. coo. 6:30 tinue to Grow,” J. D. Gordon, Taylor, Rusk r , Waco 1921' Maut Surpass r u, „ . . . ^ t . y 1 O th e rs - Mc, aren McLaren, Aus- All Others, tin. "I/©t the Southwestern C. E News Lead," .lack Huppqft*, j wjth th at he|d l „ t s T i n a T n ^ h * Stilte :'o nstitutl')n 1 * "“ • “ Reaching Our Goal for Mis- c . a L _ .n i »» Shrive Alexander Schueneman will give a decla will be of a prepared nature Hall in the basement of the Law' l ‘ie” which • ; RiiiMinr* TW* p , * , wj|, tonio-ht 7 W ^ m f *,ow tion i ll U .J ». th t a t Rusk “Our Attitude Toward the A. & M (lame." The question for the debate Prayer «” T D is. “ RennveH " ' T h e s h r o f f * , ^ A um?in SUNDAY EVENING C hristie, Endeavor Mwrtii.fr. T o p ic : Thanksgiving H abit."; Re- “ port of Resolution fom m it- tee; Report of Place Com- Wood. thl, n(!(, ativ(, by Ba„ Bruba m .ttee; Installation of ° « l- her, and Hope cera ™ r ' T n,ted S ,a te , rT Z r ^ * I ne affirm ative will he Joplin Fox a n d -nexico. represented by fV,af , n «* « I, V Miters will be welcome. -o----------- 8:00. Special Music. Offering, Song. 8:15. Con seer at ion A d d r e s s , “ Choose ye this day whom ye will serve,” Joshua 24: 15. By Rev. Chasteen, Dallas. De, 'sion Service, led by Jack Hup- pertz, Dallas. Mizpah Circle. us— d o n ’t fa il. o» j VV. S. S. B a n k by ‘ -ae ■ » r n -se* m > a* r n se- <♦> . 3 MATTHEWS DRUG STORE 1 6 1 2 L a vaca P h on e 645 C om e in and h e a r th e J D E CE M B E R C O LU M BIA RECORDS M an y n ew d a n ce and s on g hits ISAAC BLEDSOE’S Fred K in gd on , Mgr. 9 th and C on gress P h o n e 6 6 1 9 “A L W A Y S FIR ST W IT H T H E L A T E ST ” I 8 I J a d D e n T e ll N o T a l e s M e W e en d e a v o r to furnish th e best b a n k in g s e n d e e in A ustin. , * * .»> *»> *»> *»> {♦> <♦;. * * Boys W h en You N e x t B uy a C igar A sk For W e labor u n d er th e im p ression th a t w e do. like it. W e invite e v e r y o n e to g iv e us a trial. Its m ild n ess and f r a g r a n c e will p lea se you and y o u ’ll^ Just try one. For sa le at all cig a r s ta n d s in A ustin w h e re g o o d cig a rs are sold . Just ask for I i ll I I I V I l l to : I I CITIZENS STATE BANK G U A R A N T Y F U N D B A N K # L arge en o u g h to p ro tect you . S m all en o u g h to k n o w you. A lw a y s rea d y to serv e you. D. B. G R A C Y . C hairm an o f the Board E ld red M cK innon, V. P. A. W. W ilk e rso n , Pres. Leo K uhn, A sst. C ash ier D. T. Ig leh art, V ice. Pres. DANDY FRENCH PASTRY E x c e lle n t B e s t s e n d e e q u a l i t y Maverick Cafe J. A. JACKSON MEDITATION 10c s iz e and up MEDITATION