fife' Todat/s Editorials Congrats— A R eal Book R ecognized THE DAILY TEXAN AUSTIN, TEXAS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1937 Eight Pages Today Price Five Cents Volume 39 The Weather T hursday: Partly cloudy. No. IS Tw o Hundredth Bandsman IO More Enter Band ) Aggie Threat; Alter Total Jumps to 216 "They shall not pass,” is the Longhorn Band motto, recently r: adopted in formal reply to claims made by the A. & M. band o f having the largest membership in Texas. With the enrollm ent of the tenth new member in one day, last night at 9 o’clock, the Longhorns num ­ bered 216, twenty-six more than the A ggies’ boasted 190, and only thirty-four below the original Pre-♦ zz====^zz..r.J.:::.:.::::::::. = diction of 250 made by George * O T T O E. Hurt, director. The Longhorn I N Band is the first in Texas to have; an 200 mark. enrollment above l l N P f l C S the J * * * for Texas Flags To Use at Game New m em bers a re Jack Nowlin, Thomas Allen Wilson, Bill Phillip®, Alfred Meyer, Virgil Rundell, Perry Raiford, Harold Jones, Charles Nash, Lester May, a n d Robert Payne. ‘ I ‘ * of it h a . ' "n<1- D isguised Friends Tribute to the State o f Texas will be paid in cerem onies at the in Baton gam e Texas-L.S.U. Rouge Saturday, It was stated in a message received Wednesday by Governor James V. Allred from the it* a e s t i m u l a t e d i C^ « > C .raro, director "Friends in disguise,” Mr. Hurt called the A ggies last night. “We are grateful to them for their challenge, for campus spirit to the benefit of our band. Throe applicant, had to be I . l h * ”a"d director asked that the first tw e flags of Texas be J , ■ sent for use in the ceremony. At refused played some of the more u n u s u a l.,^ # f Governor AIlred, instrum ent, which tho U niversity (hp U nivendty e<)mmjttee on pub. He relations sent the five Hags to d->es net at present own. “Another by-product of t h e Baton Rouge W ednesday night, the receipt o f Cecil Took, committee secretary, rivalry has been several donations to the Longhorn announced. Band Hall fund,” Mr. Hurt said, j Last year when L.S.U. played in “ Musicians on the campos are ta k -; Austin, Louisiana Day was de­ in g this contest seriously, and it dared at the University Centen- is clear that they do not intend nia! Exposition and a reception to allow another school to best was held for the visitors, includ- Governor Richard Leche, them .” of officials. A tour o f inspection o f the Uni- " nd. th* expositi°n a n d « | luncheon given by the late Presi- co ntingency w ill be f-> r|d e n t H Y Benedict w ere on the p rogram a rra n g e d fo r the visitors. becomes any more intense, I shall a ; _ T have to attend the Thanksgiving game in in such a a plug hat, red whiskers, and a decided limp.” d i T s u i s r V p r a n c e I ' “ As for m yself, feud ya ™5f president if the J ? ,. -i, . High School Work All of the boys enrolled in the band have had fine experience un­ der capable high school direction, Mr. Hurt says. College Rolls Show Increase lhe figures of Registration a , com p„ ed t0 Following a speech to the Opti­ m ist Club yesterday, on a motion four by A. C. H ull, A ustin business i Texag univ ersities and colleges for m ap, t h . hoard of d o c t o r , of th e t h j | th o * , club m e t to consider p reaen tm g a r f U j . y e a r „how , n in tr e „ e of T«x.» C hristian u n ifo rm to the hand. I t I. hoped gg(( M r. H u rt said, th a t all th e b an d ^ boys soon will ba in uniform . , how, : c re a w q{ aRy of thf, col,ege5 It Requirement for membership in bas 321 more students registered y^ar ^ an jas^} making a total the Longhorn Band average of C, and participation is 0f x,021. strictly extra-curricular. A. & M., I At’ the T e?cas State College for however, gives credit to band Women there are 210 more stu- members in m ilitary science and dents than there were last year, drill practice, both of which are bringing the total to 2,424. Bay­ subjects re q u ire d in th e c u rric u ­ lor University has 305 more stu­ lum . In th e face of such diverse dents, making a total o f 2,067. req u irem en ts, Mr. H u rt feels th a t the U niversity has accomplished p ro p o rtio n ately as well as n u m e ri­ cally m ore th an has A. & M. i i a grade la r? e ;t The registration at East Texas State Teachers’ College is n o t com plete, but reports show that there is a slight insrease its in registration also. The latest re* ports fro®! Southwestern Univer- 5itF SEOW an addition of 50 stu- dentgf which brings tfce total 1 / ^ 1 p , i 3 I n a I 1 1 J P P I U h 1 ilia I V* I*, v/iuu / ^ l I TT ■ Iryouts loday T I number to 410. Curtain Club Announces! 18 New Members I o Give Longhorn I earn Allred, Band, Students — . . T r y - o u t s H e l d ‘First L a d y ’ For A f t e r M e e t i n g At 7 Tonight Send-Off at Practice ‘Hoops’ Burger, Texas Ex, Plays Sax for Coogan One hun d red and eighteen new acting p ro b atio n ary members and production m em bers o f the Cur­ tain Club, tr y -o u ts! selected T hu rsd ay and M onday, have been announced by Jam es H. Parke, director. in Senior Pictures For 1938 Cactus To Be Cheaper These new members will be p re se n t along w ith old m em bers A 20 per cent decrease in the at a m eeting in Texas Union 303, price of p ictu res fo r the senior Thursday night, September 30, at Mction o f the Cactn, was an. ‘ c’ c The m usical a rra n g e r and sax­ ophone p lay er fo r Jackie Coogan’s orch estra, U lrich Louis B u rg er, is a fo rm er stu d e n t of the U niver- m P ro b atio n ary m em - Dyke, business m an ag er. This will I the sum m er o f 1934 with a b a s ­ by B urt sity, having been g rad u ated Bounced W ednesday . , . fo r are eligible hers T hursday n ig h t fo r th e f ir s t p la y ) of th e season, “ F irs t L ad y ,” in Texas I.nion 303. T hey will ta k e p{ct urea ?_ay . ing and p ro b atio n ary m em bers. already fiiled by old act- ^be try -o u ts mako the cost to seniors onIy $2 las’ v ear | Increase in the nu m b er of senior up com pared ^ expected to make up an fra te rn lty b ro th e r,, W a!™e Ashmore. head yell , had, Mr, Dyke said. Representa- | tion of th e g r e a te r p a n of he was f o r S atu rd ay ’s gam e *-------------- 5 ” ~ 1----- announced Wednesday night. to * h °o1 , „ fro n> D unlay> if,M o p C. S herm an , P ° ]!y student body is one of the aims of Texas. A fter g rad ua tio n he went job. Last tbe c actus edj % n> he said. to the coast and got a ( coelia de Tolyer, Lean the cara« D „ Blanton, Elkowitz, H o r t y n c e Rankin, riwio-bt Mctrri, A Pill Vn-Pr y i ! J 'I' c , FU™. Students may make * ru!5" i m ents to have th e ir pictures made ; . r„ 0i.0 a rm ing appoint- vear he piayed m Rn .. th . Union', first Matinee Mixer a f =■--■■■:■ success Union Is Mixing Bow! For Matinee Dancers Pre-Med Census Ready Monday ‘o n 1 iP arm o v a, E dm und C labaugh, B n - j r.......... - - ... -= = l , je ljCjUjje Burger, Matti, Palmer, I the yearbook has announced th e studio £ A l | : n j r , r? w n '. . . . . . . . . . . . ; Wallace Ad ams , a n d E r n e s t Odom. P roduction M .m b .r . The census of pre-m edical stu- *v,-' U niversity will be Jack T he new p ro b a tio n a ry product- Stuckey p r u d e n t of Alpha Bp- I « a d f M onday A fternoon. :n F or th e first, time on this ca m -1 Periodical Room Turned Away are on ne rs .i.A . be Over six hundred stu d en ts of G overnor A llred will m ake th e only speech a t th e rally. The b an d v* v * will play, and songs and yells will th e U niversity fo u r payroll, V. I. M oore, Dean of S tu- assistants. Ja c k Egozcue, Ted D un- d e n t L ife, said W ednesday. Six- nam , Jo h n n y Goodman, and Jesse teen new jobs w ere created this Bond. y ear because of dro u g h t th ro u g h -I o u t the state. by Askm ora and L .5.U . W elcom es low cost inform al aftern o o n I refresh m en ts was pus d ancing with o ffered the stu d e n t body. in came joe-eds arrived w earing P e rt co-eds and dresses, sports and stre e t m any shirt sleeves. The Union steps m ade a p o p u lar m eetin g place fo r couples who h ad classes or o th e r en g ag e­ tim e. Girl m ents b efore dance stag* w ere in order, and m any girls a tte n d e d in groups, unes­ corted. The opinions of stu ­ dents, selected at random on the dance flo o r, follow : several Joanna C essna of H o u sto n : I f s nice. W e should have one every w eek.” Earle Johnson: “ Given proper th e y will prove very Has New Head .. momK o J « r a 0« fn lln w v T W r S A n i Adsit V inrent s S chw artz W m i - ‘ 4‘ e au . i ’ n .™ ti;,,,! ’ room of Miss K ath erin e Searcy h a s been f re^ Seigal, Dain H igdon, Sylvia placed in charge of the perodical I Herber, ane Y oung, Jean Bowyer, room in its new hom e in th e w est I Caroline M itchell, tr a n c e s LaRue, read in g th e Main 1*1- j Fred D arnell, E llen M cKenzie, b rary . Miss Searcy has been a M ary H elen P o tte r, B etty B erly, m em ber of th e lib ray s ta f f * e v - j M*tzi Sm ith, ^M argaret Cox, N ancy Blackburn, Bernice Alworth, Jo eral tim es and w as re c e n tly a p ­ Ann W hitmire, Felice Cline, F a y e ana pointed g eneral assistan t. Stuffer, N orene Tweedy, Mary Cunningham, Cynthia Sheffield, W ilma G ard n er, M artha H arris, A new m em ber o f the L ib rary sta ff, Ralph H agedorn, h a s been appointed c a ta lo g u e r. M r. Hage- dom was g ra d u a te d from North M ary Cox, H elen W oodruff. W est U niv ersity in W aterto w n , i D orothy Schm edt, L ea Seibel, Wig., and also studied a t the Ii- Betty B rush, M artha D raper, O th e r chan g es have taken place Hahn, M ary LoUi,e Braselton, Vie- P»* »» th a it^ the position, and personnel „ f ginia P o « y M a rg a re t C o . n J . m e g publicity, p o p u lar. The fa c t th a t every one ; . ■ seem s to be having a swell tim e the L ib ra ry . Mrs, K. N ierm an, F raser, E stelle A shton, Jacque- will help a lo t.” lin« Ashton, Ross W h itten b u rg , fo rm er to th e B usiness and Jo B?th M ontgom ery, L oraine F ra - tra n sfe rre d ser, M ary P e a rl L ynn, Lady Cleo Social Science L ib rary . She was Science L ib rary . Lynn, Joe Sullivan, M yra Thi- succeeded by Mrs. J . W. T re a t. bault! J a m . . H ow ard. Joyce Mar-1 g a re t M itchel, A n n a M ary P ierce, M ary Jo W hiteside, E ddie Sm ith, E llen Brooks: “ Gives th e kids a chance to m eet a lot o f swell people. I’m really crazy a b o u t the id ea.” loan assistan t, has been S idney Reagan: “ The m ixer is a lot o f fu n . It should be contin­ ued.” Miss Louise H erring and E lizabeth C handler. conducting r . ^ w S L J S T * ° f th e UnW ertity r f i M S ; “ ^ K a t h r ^ i m a n y p r * m « U are on the can,- Tryouts for the Girls’ Glee Club will be held all day Thursday in the tower room o f Texas Union with Gilbert A. Schramm, director o f the club, judging. Jane Eyres, president of the club, urged that all girls inter­ ested in a tryout come Thursday, which is the last day they will be given. afternoon The club w ill hold its first meet­ ing Monday 5 o ’clock, at which time a new busi­ ness m anager will be elected to replace Laura McCullough, who did not enter the University this fall. at Other o f f i c e elected last year are Jane Eyres, president; Bar­ bara Hull, vice-president; Dorothy Matson, historian; and Ruth Tul- loss, assistant business manager. in Included the Glee Club’s plans for the year are fall and spring to A. & M. and Schreiner Institute. concerts trips and .— 0--------------------------------- Teacher® Must Pay Retirement Share a M em bers of th e teach in g s ta ff o f th e U n iv ersity due full m onth’s salary S eptem ber 30, who a re eligible to p a rtic ip a te in th e te a c h e rs’ re tire m e n t system , m u st pay this m o n th ’s co n trib u tio n be­ fo re th e ir salary checks can be delivered, C. H. S p aren b erg , au ­ d ito r, has’ announced. a only B ut those m em bers o f th e s ta f f who will receive h a lf m o n th ’s salary S eptem ber 30 are to m ake th e ir f irs t co n trib u tio n th e system O ctober 31, Mr, to S p aren b erg said. o - - — - FRE-MEDS TO MEET T au D elta A lpha, h o n o rary p re ­ m edical society fo r wom en, will m eet fo r th e f ir s t tim e th is y e a r [T hursday n ig h t in th e T exas Un- a t 7:15 o ’clock, E lizabeth lion IH ord, p resid en t, an nounced to ­ day. 1 A R C H ITEC T S PLEDG E TW O Alpha Alpha Gamma, honorary architecture fraternity for women, elected two pledges at the year’s initial m eeting the first o f the week. The two girls chosen were Dorothy Nixon o f Luling and Jean Schneider of Austin, sophomores in the University. Pledge service will be held Friday night at 8 o’clock in the lounge o f the Archi­ tecture Building. Jackson H. S tuckey, G eorge F. Sm ith, and H en ry WL W ade are three new lo an a ssistan ts recently appointed. replaced M iss S a ra L ynn H art as C atalogue Division. d * a tte n d ^ ^ lib ra ry school a t L.S.U . --------------o--------- kl R!fh arvd 1 blood rebels a t an y form of en- See UNION. Page 3, --------------o-------------- Scholarship Cup Decided Today Scholarship ra tin g o f f ra te rn i­ ties probably w ill be com pleted this aftern o o n , V . I. M oore, dean of stu d e n t life, said la st night. T he fr a te r n ity which has the highest scholastic average will re­ ceive the F ra te rn ity Scholarship Cup for th is year. In 1935-36 Sigm a Nu fra te rn ity won the cup with a r a tin g of 18.53 th e sororities lead and Phi Mu w ith a ra tin g o f 18.14. The U ni­ v ersity sta n d a rd la st year was 15.82. Co-eds Give Dean of Women Rush Rubottcm to qDeak To Get Date Cards, File Records ____ ! Dick R ubottom , a ssista n t dean giving, when grad e re p o rts will of m en, will speak a t a meeting Society g 0 o a t, I of A lread y b ulging with v o lu m i-1 T hu rsd ay n ig h t, S ep tem b er 30, in th e R usk L ite ra ry E v ery wom an stu d e n t who steps the U niversity cam pus fo o t on m ust as surely walk in to th e four- room su ite occupied by th e s ta ff o f the Dean of W omen. These room s, tu ck ed aw ay in the w est w ing of the M ain B uilding, have received m ore wom en stu ­ single d en ts th a n h as anv o th er t w o d u rin g locality weeks. p a st the th e F ifte e n h u n d red rushee* ap­ p roached fro n t e n tra n c e of M ain B uilding, tu rn e d th ro u g h the le f t door, clim bed n in e step s, and walked into th e g re e n -c arp e te d re ­ ception room to g e t th e ir rush- week d a te card s. Seven h u n d red and f if ty of them b ro u g h t cards back across th e thresh o ld , a n d called a th ird tim e T u esd ay a f t­ ern o o n . aw aitin g B etw een th ese re g u la te d visits, le a th e r- lounges and th e heavy covered chairs were concealed by lines o f fid g etin g g irls an d des­ p e ra te m others, th eir tu rn to be adm itted to the office o f Miss D orothy G ebauer, d e a n of wom en. She was th e re to solve th e ir housing problem s and assure m o th ers th a t fresh m an d au g h ters would keep U n iv ersity h o u rs and leave th e ir room s n o t m ore than three nights a week until Thanks- nous reco rd s o f women who have a tte n d e d th e U niversity f o r th e last fifte e n years, file cabinets soon w ill be opened again and d u r­ ing th e nex t few w eeks g rad u ally filled w ith in fo rm atio n concern­ ing ea c h new woman stu d en t. F resh m an wom en m ust re p o rt to Miss G ebauer a t a conference period to be specified on a card sen t to them , while sophom ore tra n s fe rs will sit a t the m ahogany desk across from Miss L ula M. Bew ley, a ssista n t d ean o f wom en. Mr. K ath leen B land, a ssista n t dean o f w om en, will receive ju n io r tra n s fe rs in an ad jo in in g office. The o fficial nucleus of all fe m ­ inine activ ities, th e office of th e D ean o f W omen, holds w ithin its files card s m ark ed w ith the p ictu re o f each girl. T hese personal data card s a re used f o r re fe re n ce s to prospective em ployers, fo r scholarship applications, an d tra n s ­ fe r records. recom m endations p e rm a n e n t record O th e r filin g closets conceal re c ­ ords o f activ ities, w ithdraw als, and a daily reco rd o f girls who a re in th e hospital. T he sm allest o f these files th a t of g irls who have violated house reg u latio n s, says Miss Bew ley. is U nion 311. T his will be th e firs t m eeting in th e society’s fifty -fo u rth year. th e I t w as organ ized same y e a r th a t th e U niversity was founded. in 1883, O fficers will be elected b efore Mr. R ub o tto m ’s address. B ernard Giles, ac tin g p resid en t, will p re- _ side. W inston Davis, p resid en t- L y n d o n J o h n s o n S elect, did n o t re tu r n to school. -------------- o----------- Leach Is Elected Beaumont President -------------------------------- o-------------- i Father Better i t i D ean V. I. M oore spoke to th e B eaum ont Club W ednesday night on th e usefu ln ess o f a home tow n club to its m em bers and to o th er stud en ts. A n n e tte W hitm an com ­ p leted the p ro g ram w ith two ac­ cordion n um bers. T h e follow ing o fficers w ere ele c te d : Jim L each, p resid en t; N ew ton H opkins, v ice-president; Ja n e B rain ard , se c re ta ry ; T he­ resa D ean, re p o rte r; an d Buddy L efler, se rg e a n t-a t-a rm s. A new office, p a rlia m e n ta rian , was c re a te d , and Lee Shoptaw- was elected to fill it. The next in m eeting o f th e T exas U nion on firs t t h u r s d a y in O ctober. the club will be th e F o rm er R ep resen tativ e Sam Johnson o f Johnson City, fa th e r of Congressm an L yndon Johnson, was reported W ednesday restin g easier. H is physician, Dr. C. A. M artin, said Mr. Johnson regained consciousness f o r a while to d ay . Because of h is extrem ely se­ rious condition, visitors are not perm itted to see him. Mr. Johnson w as bro u g h t to A ustin last T h u rs­ day m orning, S ep tem b er 23. He was accom panied by his w ife and Congressm an Johnson. ----------- o-------------- CLUB ELECTS D IN K IN S A t a m eeting T hursday n ight th e P ort A rth u r Club elected the f It wing officers for th*' coming y e a r : L. L. Dinkins, p resident; H arvey R eviere, vice-p resid en t; Om a Rae W alker, se c re ta ry ; and Ja c k Camp, tre a su re r. ' The from census However A teleg ram A pproxim ately eighteen h u n ­ d red stu d en ts w ere tu rn e d aw ay th is y ear, D ean Moore said. As it is, th ere are tw enty-five m ore stu ­ d en ts on th e payroll th an th e re is it i, ex- silon D elta, h o n o rary pre-m edical * m oney to pay. H owever, it is ex f r a te rn ity sponsoring the census, pected W ith th e biggest pep rally sine* 1930 behind them , A shm ore p r e ­ dicted th a t th e big send-off may equal th e estim ated fiv e th o u san d a tte n d a n c e of la s t F rid a y ’s ra lly . th e L.S.U . head ye 11-leader, L a rry L an d ry , w as received y e sterd ay m orn in g th a t n o t all o f those em - b y th e yell s ta f f here, w elcom ing ; ployed will be able to work th e ir , th e L onghorn team and its sup- c o n t i n u e d ' re g u la r n u m b er o f h o u rs; hence p o rte rs t o B aton Rouge, and of- th ro u g h o u t the week and will e n d ; th e m oney can probably be m ade faring to m ake a rra n g e m en ts for F rid a y a fte rn o o n th e ir accom m odation a t th e gam * nam es obtained can be compiled paid 36 cents an hour fo r th ere. over the week-end. th e to cover all th e jobs. S tu d en ts are the work, and the re g u la r req u irem en t i* forty -tw o hours a I t has been conducted by hav in g fo r w ork y esterd ay afte rn o o n . Team Leaves Tonight la b o ra to ry m onth. The team will leave A ustin at IO o’clock tonight. Coach Bibl* plans to g et th e squad settled in th e ir cars sh o rtly a fte r 9 o’clock. th a t the rally be H e requ ested the A lpha E psilon la ity m ust have a m inim um schol- b e }d a t tb< end 0f t he fin al prac To be eligible fo r an N.Y.A. be included in th e census b y re- j job, an old stu d e n t of the U niver- p o rtin g D elta office, Texas Union 313, a n y time F riday aftern o o n fro m 2 to 6 o’clock. astic record of tw o C’s and two s y ce }nstead of a t the statio n , as D s fo r the la st sem ester. If th e be wanbs th e te a m to get a good before taking on th e stu d en t tresh m an , he m u s t; n jgbt*s sections j tu rn th e ir nam es in. Ochers may C A verage Rula in zoology chem lstry pre-m eds lectu re is a th a t has to so The purpose is to know how ; have been in th e u p p e r f o u rth of T jgers S aturday. his g rad u atin g class, and if from an o th er college, he m ust have a C average. j w J . . < £ , d f tS L h t t i t e 4 S schools with d a ta co ncerning stu ­ dents. The committee in the census charge cd is com- . . T b o m p . o n . ^ a . r m an, and George B erry , G eorge Pelausky, and Jo e D om iney. ----------------------- — o-------------- NEW PIC K -M E-U P-PL A N T The Rio G rande V alley C itru s E xchange has received two loans fro m a H ouston bank. E ig h t h u n ­ d red and fifty thousand will be used in establishing a system of g ra p e fru it and $239,000 is to be sp e n t in con­ ju ic e canning stru c tin g a new p la n t a t Mission, im proving t h e p la n t a t W eslaco, and pu rch asin g new packing eq u ip m en t. juice m ark etin g , to those Jobs are firs t given stu d en ts in th e w o rst fin an cial state. T hree re fe re n ce s are con­ sidered in g ra n tin g the jobs, one from the ap plicant and two from u n re la te d persons. Two applica­ tion blanks m u st be filled o u t, j one fo r th e U niversity and one fo r the governm ent. 180 Girls on Rolla The band will not accom pany the team to Baton Rouge. A sh­ m ore will go w ith the team , b u t his fo u r assistants will not go u n ­ less seventy-five stu d e n ts will tak e special a tra in . te n ta tiv e ly planned — o-------------- Miss Gregg Gets Columbia Post Each of th e 180 girls placed on the U niversity N.Y.A, roll was Miss Leah G regg, a ssista n t pro­ the given, as n e a r as possible, fessor and head of individual gym - k ind of work w hich would b en efit natics and th e ra p e u tic s in th e De­ h er in th e courses she has chosen p a rtm e n t o f Physical T ra in in g fo r fo r h e r in terests, Miss Women, is on a y e a r’s leave o f ab- D orothy G ebauer, dean of women, .aid, The p r i , w ere assigned po- fence from th e U niversity. « ach- sitiona from a list of req u ests fo r I"* and stu d y .r * e t T each er s Col- lege, Colum bia U niversity, New lab o rato ry , clerical, and research Y ork City. w orkers. fu tu re „ . , . . . . From Physics I to “ The A dvene-1 W orld P ic tu re ,” tracing^develop- In Scientific Publication Physics I Brings Ex Fame Miss Gregg, who will re tu rn to The University of Texas n e x t fall, was chosen by Dr. Jesse F. W il­ liams, d irecto r of the D ep artm en t of H ealth and Physical E d ucation a t Colum bia, to replace Dr. Jo se ­ phine R athbone, who is on leave o f absence to stu d y in E urope. a ssistan t Miss C lara Rausch, feJ8or a t th e U n ivarsity o f Ne- m g f r o n t o f Science” : th a t has m ents in physics ‘ from the inside braska ais0 0T, jeava 0f absence, been th e road o f George W. G ray, of th e atom to th e bounds of the who th irty -fo u r y e a rs ago w as a fresh m an ta k in g an overload of science courses on th e U n iversity cam pus, and who th is y e a r has published his second book of pop­ u larized science, w hich even anti- p o p u la rb ts a re lauding, In his new book, “ The A dvanc­ ing F ro n t of Science,” the w riter, in his role of rep o rtin g scien tist, covers not only field of physies b u t o th e r scientific fields gene C riley, who in which is being m ade. As hg defines his p u r­ pose : is replacing Miss G regg h ere this year. She will sponsor th e Tee Club. O ther new m em bers of th e de­ s ta ff are Miss M ary in stru c to r, Miss Haze!- is w orking on her master’s degree and teaching, and Mrs. Wanda Doty Potter, who is replacing Mia* Josephine Tur­ ner as classifier. Miss Turner is now secretary to the Secretary of State. An a rtic le in “ T im e,” S e p te m ­ b e r 27, describes G ray ’s success, a n d praises him fo r his able h and­ lin g o f scientific in fo rm atio n in jo u rn a listic style. in terestin g progress p a rtm e n t W atson, im perative “ One o f universe. the the tasks of our day is to in te rp re t th e p u r­ re su lts of poses, m ethods and science in such wise this th a t g re a te st ad v en tu re of the hum an sp irit m ay be ‘u n d erstan d ed o f the people.’ ” From fo u r sources p articu larly , PLEDGE HAS OPERA TIO N Sue Spivey, freshman stu d e n t of the University, had an em ergency operation for appendicitis a t S t. David’s Hospital T uesday after- fo r j noon. R eports from the hospital “ T im e,” applause declares G ray’s new book is fo rth co m in g :! Wednesday said h er condition was from A rth u r H. Com pton, from favorable. H e r p aren ts, Mr. and the geologist K irtley F. M ather, Mrs. R o b ert Spivey of B onham , ar- in from th e psychologist E dw ard L. j rived in A u stin T uesday to be with Last y e a r Thorndike, and from th e a s tr o n - 1 th eir d au g h ter. Miss Spivey is a [pledge of Pi B eta Phi so ro rity . a rticle by G ray was published th e A tlan tic M onthly. he published his f irs t book, “N ew , omer H arlan T . Stetson. A fte r one y e a r a t the U n iv er­ sity , G ray w as forced to d ro p out I because of illness. He w orked on a new spaper fo r a tim e, finished his education a t H arv ard , w here, no dou b t, he resum ed th e stru g ­ gle with atom s and chrom osom es; then again invaded the new spaper field. Seven y e a rs ago a scientific PAGE TWO The First College Daily In the South Phone 2-3164 -------------- THE DAILY TEXAN -------------- Phone 2-3165 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1937 Joe Frantz Joe W hitley B I# ,I ML *wm ■■ *'< * X John D. M cCully Editor COLLEGE STATION, S ept 29. — “ All aboard fo r New York!” first T hat’s the cry the Texas Aggie football squad of 32 will hear for time of recode early the it en­ ny afternoon *.« W train s for the nation’s largest city and its opening game with the M anhattan . College Jaspers there Saturday afternoon, October 2. on the Polo Grounds from Fresh scrimmage with their own freshmen and with an the earlier practice set-to with the Trinity University Tigers, Cadets expect to be in top shape for they downed 13 to 6 a t Tyler in their [final 1936 game. Jaspers, whom the WACO, Sept. 29.— Thirty-two Baylor Bruins will embark Thurs- In Southwestern Conference Camps M ontgomery, Hughes Head Orchestra John Montgomery and Harry Hughes were elected president and vice-president, respectively, of the University Symphony Or­ chestra at the second rehearsal of the year last night. Director of the orcheetra ii George E. Hurt. First public appearance ii to be a concert in December. Regular rehearsals will be held each Wed­ nesday night at 7:30 o’clock hi Old Library Building. jgp j ^ N e w way of burning tobacco —better, cooler, cleaner. Car­ buretor Act k » cools smoke. Keep* bottom of bowl a b so lu te ly d ry. Caked with honey. At dealer*’ now. LATEST DISCOVERY IN PIPES Krause Elected Intramural Head i Lothar Krause was elected in­ tramural manager for the College of Pharmacy at a meeting of phar­ macy students held Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock, Dr. W. F. Gidley said Wednesday. The College of Pharmacy -will be represented in most of the in­ tramural activities of the year, Dr. Gidley stated. Pharmacy stu­ dents have indicated their inten­ tion to enter in touch football, playground ball, tennis, wrestling, handball, and several other sports. ^rnarican Superior Rating For > The Cactus Entered In National Competition With Yearbooks ALL-AMERICAN SUPERIOR RATING The Highest Rating That Is Given Congratulations to Editor Greenhill and the staff on the 1937 Cactus. Best wishes to Editor Chamberlain and the staff of the 1938 Cactus for another great annual. mmv4$c f/4 THE C A C T U S WINS lf is beautifully designed and expertly produced. It is truly an all-campus book, giving the complete story of the year at "T e xa s" and offering representee tion to members of all classes from Freshmen to Graduates. Y O U W IL L W A N T T O BE R EP R ESEN T ED IN — Cac'cus C M I. AT JO U R N A L ISM BUILDING 108 FOR C LA SS PICTURE APPO INTM EN TS Bible Will Show Team in Public Practice Today By FRANK CHAPPELL T m # * S p ferr i s Sit*// A long, hard scrimmage against the freshm an footballers fe a tu re d ; W ednesday’* workout University of Texas L onghorns; in preparation for their roust with the Louisiana State Bengal* under , the in Baton Rouge next lights Sa lurciay night. of The W ednesday’* drill was the last hard workout before the game Saturday. This afternoon’s prac­ tice will be a sort of preview of what to expect S aturday as a big pep rally, beginning in fro n t of the Union at 5 o’clock, will end up on the football field with the students watching the la tte r part of the workout. The team mem­ bers will board a southbound ex­ press at IO o’clock this evening, but Coach Dana X Bible ha? re­ quested th at there be no pep rally or dem onstration at the train. for tickets No more the L.S.U. game S aturday will be sold in Austin after 6 o’clock tonight, Miss Alice Archer, Athletic Council secretary, ha? announced. Students planning to make the trip must get their tickets today. through the Varsity the athletes Getting under way with an in- ten .rive pass offense session d u r­ ing which threw pass a fte r pass at, around, and over the freshm en, C each Bible put their hardest workout of the week. When the first fo u r or five passes failed to connect. Bible called the thp into a huddle around boys blackboard to iron out the rough spot*. Coming back a few minute? later, things went much smoother. Wallace Lawson, star back who is in­ out of the running with an jured throwing leg, was on the end of m any of the heaves. Law­ son’s leg ii strengthening rapidly and he will be ready to go by the Arkansas game. W atson’* Hand Broken O ther Injuries are Jim m y W at­ son, junior center from Dallas, who received a broken hand on his first play of the gam e against Tech last week, and Joe Roach, who is out for th e season with a broken leg. At present it is doubt­ ful whether Roach well be in shape for the basketball season this w in­ ter. A large p art of the scrimmage line in running goal was spent scoring plays. W ith Bullet G ray, Hugh Wolfe, and Be cf us Bryan the smashing, the V arsity consistently scored from the line against, the freshm en. ten yard doing L.S.U. Offen** U»ed Jack G ray’s freshm en worked hard running the Louisiana State play* against the V arsity and worked h ard er in trying to stop the upper-clawm en from running the Longhorn plays against them. Morgan Nesbitt, all-district end from N orth Dallas High School, showed up particularly well for the Frosh in gamely fighting back on the attacks of the big varsity tackle*. Nesbitt is the. brother of Ed N esbitt, form er all-conference and Lee guard at Washington University. W atching the practice wa* Nel­ son P uitt, star Longhorn q u arter­ back of about twenty-fiv# years back. He was watching Nelson P u itt, Jr., who is a candidate for th;* year’s freshm an squad. Betty Jameson Off To G o lf Meeting B etty n, TUT. student, will leave this afternoon for Mem­ phis, T ern., wr.ere next Monday the she will sta rt her drive for national women’s the crown, highest title feminine golf. in Present holder of the Texas and T rans-Mississippi golf champion­ ships, Miss Jameson plan* to visit with relatives in Memphis before the tourney opens. Because of her brilliant play during the spring and summer, the San A atonic girl ha* been es­ tablished aa one of the favorite* to win th e national crown. Mr. A. M, Jam eson, Miss Jam eson’s lath er, will be a t the train along w ith Tod Men*fee, Brackenridge park professional. Mr. Menefee plans to give her a final lesson before th e entrains. CENTS DRILL SHREVEPORT, La., Sept. 29, — < I NS I — F urther heavy scrim ­ mage was ordeted today for the C entenary Gen is who are point­ ing to the game in Da' a* a t the against Cotton Bowl Saturday S Kl IU Si w play!* which is it M M * trill p u trid ’th* Ponies, ware rehearsed rn scrimmage and prac- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 19ST Phone 2-S164 THE DAILY T EX A N Phone S BI HSTX* rtrtt College Dally In th* South PAGE THREE □ HSM □ HSM ra “SM t a ' HSM (inference Fans Await Opening Gong JHogs-Toads Open Saturday; Others Meet Outside Foes IN T H IS C O R N E R T exan A sso c ia te S p o rts E d ito r B y L Y N N J A C K S O N B y JO H N D . M CCULLY Texan Sporte Editor Perhaps Coach D ana X. Bible will recognize the follow ing poem about champions . . . A little birdie tells me he wrote it! Perhaps, too, it applies to Jo e Roach. • TH E CHAMPION The average runner sprints until The breath in him has gone B u t the champion has the iron will That m akes him carry on. Fo r rest the average runner begs When limp his muscles grow, B u t the champion runs on leaden legs, His spirit makes them go. The average man’s complacent when He’s done his best to score, B u t the champion does his best— and then He does a little more. • From the looks o f the Longhorn football team S atu rd ay , each prayer m ust have been carrying a copy of this around his neck . . . And this flash from Charles 0 . H acker: Little Tommy Tucker san g for his supper, bu t three dozen Uni­ versity o f T exas freshm an football candidates have to run fo r theirs. The group working under Coach Ed Price has to race 50-yard dashes in groups, with only the w irners, and on occasion the runners-up, being allowed to call it a day and go to the showers. When several heats have been run, the few rem aining freebies are forced to run— not trot— one hundred yards. L o afers m ust take a lap around the edge of the field before going in. # • And the latest crack from Hugh W olfe: “ You ou gh t* give me those binoculars so I can see that p a ss.” Flash from A. & M .: Dick Todd, left h alfb ack from Crowell, holds the national high school scoring record fo r one season of football play . . . In 1934 Todd scored 318 points in leadin g Crowell to a regional championship. I couldn’t do better m yself. And then th ere’s th at old crack someone supposedly pulled S a t­ urday a fte r seeing the game. Said the C o-E d: “ I ’d like to meet Coach Bible.** Said the E d : “ W hy?” Said the Co-Ed: “ Well, someone ju s t now told me he had the best line in the Southw est.” T hat’s nearly as bad as Scotty M cDougall, who wanted to play in the line so he could guard his quarter (b ack ). W E W IL L W IN F la sh ! The L onghorns a r e goin g to win the Sou th w est C on feren ce fo o tb all p en n an t ch ase. W hy? W ell, becau se G eo rge W hite o f T h e D allas News picks them to finish in a tie for la st p lace with the B a y lo r B e a rs. Mr. W hite picked the L o n g h o rn * to finish first la st y e a r— an d th ey finished in a last-p iace tie . . . So, since he p ick s them for a last-p laee tie th is y e ar, they should finish first. H ere it is acco rd in g to seven th -grad e arith m etic! S elec ted F in ish ed ................... - ---------------- .................................... F ir st L ast-P lac e T ie L a st-P la c e T ie ? 1936 1937 # • • • Mr. W hite seem s to be very su btle in bis selection s. « ttitffiittimiMMf rn?* 4 Sports Notice intmit ti i mutt minim inn tm i f mumm R A C K E T C LU B will hold tryouts for second sem ester freshm en, seniors breaststroke champion of 1936- 1937, has enrolled in the Univer­ sity as a freshm an. Hynds, 17 years old and a grad u ate of Poly­ technic High School in F o rt Worth, is coming o u t fo r the U niversity’s swimming He team , sophomores, juniors, and on W ednesday and Thursday, J freshm an Septem ber 6 and 7, from 4 to 6 plans to m ajor in geology. o’clock on the tenn:? Women’s courts. the afternoon Gymnasium in JO S E P H IN E PO LK, leader. o------------ SW IM M E R E N R O L L E D Kerm it Hynds, state high school A. A MAS R IV A L S R E A D Y NEW YO RK, Sep t. 29.— (IN S) — Secret practice w as in order fo r the rem ainder o f the week as Chick M eehan’s eleven today pol­ to be used again st ished plays T exas A. & M. here this Saturday. the nation, hind the club long way toward offset- jar stress w as laid on the round­ With the leason’s non-conference openers out of the . way, Southwest Conference fans begin to look around a bit and long for the title bouts to get warmed up. First I opportunity comes their way Saturday when Arkansas en­ t e r t a i n s the Horned Frogs in Fayetteville. H Meanwhile, fo u r other con fer-+ ; Jg m c e squads tro t out of their own te rrito ry and take on non-confer- I pnce opponent*. S.M .U. will be |h s only circuit club holding a p a r ty a t home, not counting Ar- p a n sa *. Bobby McKinley Elected Head Of Golden Glovers Porker* to Win f It looks Uke the P ork er* to take , Ih e Fayetteville show on their w ay to try fo r a title lep e at. The gam e will be another battle of the “ razzle-dazzles,” A rkansas having ihe edge with Ja c k Rob- bin* opposed to Davey O’Brien. from The F ro g s Colum bus, Ohio, where Fran cis S c h m i d t “ out-razzle-dazzled” them. Now they’re taking on an­ other team which has made the open gam e fam ous. ju s t go t back an Top *pot in the non-conference m atches goes to the T exas-L .S.U . in B aton Rouge with the battle Longhorns even standing chance a t a victory. L .S .U .’s hard- running attack will lay a terrific •train on Bible’s line, putting the heavier boys on the field fo r the m ost duty, but T e x a s’ backfield, o f the fa ste st one will go a i n g th at advan tage. Add Texas’ Improved passin g and p a . , de- fens® to that and it looks like the Longhorns by a sm all m argin. in A ggies Travel elected M eeting fo r the first time this year, the Golden Glove Society of the University Bobby “ Scrapper” M cKinley president, and re-elected Tommy “ Country Glenn secretary-treasurer. George Gathings is the retirin g president. The two m an ager* p osts were future left vacant, pending a meeting. the ultim ate Fath er J . M. Riach, club spon­ the conclave and goal sor, addressed told about sought by the G lovers: legiate recognition by the Univer­ sity Athletic Council. He stressed the am ount o f work to be done and exhorted the boys to get be- and push. Particu- intercol­ jng Up 0f prospective mem bers. Thp G1 , physic„ , cultH„ launched with classes have been McKinley and Glenn, prize aces of the club’s ranks, instructing the novices. C andidates Tuesday Another headliner is the Aggie- M anhattan gam e in New York with the A ggies favored. It’s the season-opener fo r the T exas lads, while the Ja sp e r * turned back S t. Bonaventure, if th at m eans any­ thing, 21-12, in their opener. included: Pierce Gunderson, middleweight from the university Bierman made E d Rhor- fam ous— M innesota; baugh, huge heavyw eight from West V irgin ia; Bob W ooldridge, Big Six and Southwest clash at 130-pounder from Toronto, Can Norman when Rice pits its Owls again st tho Oklahoma University » « » : »"<« Sol Druse, 130-pounder ‘ from Galveston, the city of good Sooners with the Houston team a scrappers. heavy favorite. T u lsa, not an es­ pecially strong o u tfit ordinarily, downed the Sooners, 19-7, which doesn’t the O.U. boys. ------------ o------------ so well sound fo r U.T.S.A. Clubs Plan T ryouts last showed Although S.M .U. she had som ething on the ball in the latter part o f S atu rd ay ’s With school well under way, gam e, it doesn’t look like she had U .T .S.A . clubs are beginning to enough to rate a chance against look over prospective members the Centenary Gents in Dallas this to raaike plans fo r try-outs. again st week. A 14-to-3 i Denton doesn’t even argue with Within a *ew days dates for the the 38-to-0 d efeat the Gentlemen various tryouts will be set by the handed Oklahoma City U niversity, clubs. freshm en, ju n ior*, and seniors Of course, th at latte r score doesn’t j sophom ore*, Indicate much, but it looks better wishing to join any club should watch the papers for announce- than the S.M.U.-Denton tally. Oklahoma City tries its South- ™ents as to date, time, and place Second-term score S.M .U. Down of tryouts. w estern Conference foe this week in B aylor, and, judgin g by com­ parative score*, the B ears should take the O.C.U. la d s into camp. B aylor beat Southwestern 39-2, and O.C.U. went down 38-0 be- j afternoons fore Centenary. Looks like Baylor has found someone else to beat. I R eal conference fa re doesn’t get started fo r another two week*. October 9 fin d s one gam e on the calendar when B aylor tries A r­ kan sas, but O ctober 16 will see the going gettin g rough and the field beginning to narrow. -------------o------------ Union _ _ (Continued from P age I) Racket Club will hold tryout* on the tennis courts behind the Women's Gymnasium October 6 and 7 from 4 to 6 o’clock in the The dates o f October 6 and 13 have been chosen by Tee Club. Participants will m eet on th * g o lf course a t 4 o’clock on one of these days. B it and Spur will look over the speed and horsemanship of in ter­ ested girls on O ctober 8 and ll. The perform ances will begin a t 4 o'clock a t the P ease P ark Riding Ring. A fee o f IO cents will be charged fo r the tryouts. The arch ­ ery range is the m eeting place for prospective Bow and Arrow m em ­ bers from 4 to 6 o’clock on both October 6 and 13. tertainm ent costing more than h alf a dollar. N aturally I like it.” Clarence Schroeder: “ The a f t ­ ernoon dance has a future if prop­ erly advertised. It need* the su p ­ port o f the T ex an .” Booth Cullins, of Memphis, interesting novelty. We had nothing like it in T ennes­ see. I like it very much.” Elizabeth K e e n e y : "T h e dance i* swell. Ju s t the so rt of thing fo r a little afternoon recreation .” A rthur Pugh: “ I like it. H aving \ T en n .: “ An in Orchesis m eets on October 12 at 5 o ’clock in the dance studio of the gym to see perform ances of students who a re interested and interpretive dancing. capable exhibit Swimmers will four strokes and three dives before members o f T urtle Club on Oc­ tober 6 a t 5 o’clock. The m eet­ ing place is the pool in the gym. The departm ent suits but swimmers m ust bring their own caps. , furnishes o------------ a grand tim e.” ous fu n .” H ughetta H arris: “ I t’s m arvel­ M iss Dorothy Gebauer, dean o f women, and Mrs, Kathleen Bland, assistan t dean, declared that the inform al W ednesday afternoon dance has the full endorsem ent o f the D ean’s O ffice, and will be con­ tinued if a t all possible. “ I t ’s a good p lan ,” M iss G e­ bauer said. “ It provides such a nice opportunity fo r students to become better acquain ted.” M rs. Bland said, “ it is a delight­ fully inform al a ffa ir .” Charles Zivley, m an ager of the Union, pronounced the dance a success, but said he could not a n ­ nounce until end whether it will be possible to con­ tinue having each the W ednesday afternoon. the w eek’s dances ----------- o................. L .S .U . W O R K IN G BATO N R O U G E, La., Sept. 29. — ( I N S ) — Intense drill in tackling [and blocking is occupying the time >f the Louisiana S tate football in preparation this week iquad for the gam e with the U niversity if T ex as Longhorns Satu rd ay. ’he entire squad is in good phy­ sical condition. Flaw s disclosed in lart week with F lo ­ She gam e rid o are boing g von at: ntion this ^ e e k by Coach Bernie Moor*. Ashmore Plans LJS.U. Special Plans fo r a special coach to carry T ex as rooters to Baton Rouge fo r the T exas-L .S.U . fo o t­ ball gam e are being pushed by Wayne A shm ore, head yell leader. Ashmore has been inform ed by railw ay authorities th at a mini­ mum o f seventy-five persons will be required in order to run a spe­ cial coach with reduced Tates. With over ten students agree ing to m ake the trip by W ednes­ day afternoon, Ashmore is opti­ m istic over the possibilities o f ar­ ranging fo r a special coach. A desk will be placed in front of the Union Building today where those will sign who wish to at­ tend the gam e. the the required Reduced rates of $7.06 fo r the round trip will be o ffered pro­ vided seventy-five persons agree to go. I f thirty per­ sons go the rate will be $11.10. regu lar price of Otherwise $14 will be charged. The special, with reduced ra te s, will leave Aus­ tin at 1 2 :5 0 S atu rd ay morning. In the event th at the special can­ not be arran ged for, the T exas fa n s will leave F rid ay night at l l o’clock. I HSM r a HSM r a HSM, r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM F T I i J l HSM HSM □ HSU IMI HSM r a HSM PMI HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM Mi HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a DSM 0 ISM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a I HSM r a HSM r a HSM A n s w e r e d by R obert Surrey Famed style scout for S C H A F F N E R & M A R X H A R T Q U E S T IO N : ’’W h a t i* the smart suit for informal campus parties and ’off-campus wear’? " A n s w e r : "T h e d o u b le -b r e a s t e d suit, p r e fe r a b ly Sketch" C lu b , A m e r ic a ’s fa v o rite d r a p e . " Q U E S T IO N : "Just what sort of model is Sketch C lu b ? " A n s w e r : " A b r o a d -s h o u ld e r e d , trim -w a isted d r a p e d e ­ s ig n e d a lo n g En g lish lines . . . loose, e a sy at the c h e st a n d shoulders, with t a p e re d sle e v e s a n d tro use rs, a n d fla p le ss p o c k e t s . " Q U E S T IO N : "W ill the double-breasted dinner jacket maintain its popularity?" A n sw e r: ‘ The d o u b le -b r e a s t e d din ne r jacket, ’Nit© C l u b ’, will b e w orn a lm o st u niversally b y c o lle g e m en. It will b e w o rn w ith a tu rn e d -d o w n c o lla r a n d s o ft p le a te d -fro n t shirt." Q U E S T IO N : "A re Shetlands and other rough fabrics in go od taste for both town and campus w ear?" A n sw e r: " M o s t d e c id e d ly . T h a t g o e s fo r sm a rt styles like d o u b le -b r e a s t e d d ra p e s, t o o . " And the answers to all of these questions are r e a d y - N O W -executed in the proper styles and fabrics in M erritt-Nabours L o * ’s fine collection. Ask for a Copy of Our Style Book □ HSM ir a i HSM a (HSM ira HSM i r a ! HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM i r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM i r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM □ HSM r a HSM r a r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM r a HSM o HSM r a HSM O u r books are closed. Purchases made now will appear on N ovem ber I statement. lf your credit it good, it’s good at our store. S E V E N T H A T C O N G R E S S B e s t , a fte r exertion , Is one o f th© luxuries of life. A Dr. Pepper just then becomes a pleasure almost e x q u isite ft refreshes like a cool breeze on a hoi n igh t; gives you subtle but sure new •c s t — a new physical urge and am bi­ tion for w hatever you w ant to d o. YOM* BITE TO EDT **£ VA?*** on tea * * * * * * -mm £ 3 HSM Q ^ E 3 HSM HSM Q HSM □ HSM E 3 HSM Q HSM E l HSM J 3 HSM O HSM 5 3 HSM J 3 HSM Q HSM J 3 HSM E 3 HSM Q PAGE F o n t th e F irst College Dally In the South Phone 2-S164 THE HAPLY TEXAN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 193T Congrafcs~A Real Book Recognized F•OUR M O N TH S AG O th e T ex a n con­ th eir i t a f f on w h a t it term ed an A ll-A m e r ic a n g r a tu la te d C actus ed ito rs and book ." Two days ago the Cactus staff received fo rm a l n o tifica tio n th a t Its y e a r b o o k w a s a w a rd ed “ su p erio r0 r a tin g by th e N a tio n a l S c h o la stic P ress A sso cia tio n , a u th e n tic a te d y ea rb o o k a n a ly z er s. Q U I D N U N C By Harry Q uid A nd fo r au th en tic and a u th o rized ad - - T> EADERS by inquest (our own) Jimmy New- m issio n o f a fa ir ly ev id en t fa c t, eo n g ra tu - I ' ' man, John R. Walker, and “Pinkie” Dunn lationg are again due the Cactus for out- lounged over coffee the other morning Beamingly sta n d ing work last year. The University for the specific purpoee of throwing insult* at our yearbook is one of the standout college column, it# name, and the rotund fellow up there at the top to welcome readers. They didn’t even publications of th e country. Figures in the national ratin g speak know what quidnunc meant fo r th e m se lv e s. O ut o f m ore th a n 2 0 0 u n iv e r sity and , . . . college yearbooks sent to annual publics- make ^ I C) a F I*Ao V ti*! J I C f O ti H ii . _ * I. _ Hon, th e C actus fo r la st y e a r w ill stan d in th e h ig h e st b rack et. l"' A Since 1 9 3 5 , w h ile rem a in in g in th e Just so everyone who wonders won’t have to M (he pUnntd bat ncver time {or dictionary, quidnunc is a combination of two Latin words which mean what and now. In good usage also in English, it is a noun meaning one curious u p p er b ra ck ets o f co m p ara tiv e e x c e lle n c e , to know everything going on. no C actus h as b roken in to th e ranks of th e • ch osen f e w . j be fellow at the top of the column is a little In all p ro b a b ility th is y ea r not m ore man. It seems sort of frivolous and trivial but that th a n fiv e or six books over th e n ation w ill adds up to Little Man What Now? And even if we Ju?t figure it out as we sat writing this thing b e r e co g n iz e d in th e C actus cla ss. L ast y e a r ’s e d ito r s and s ta ff d eserve * lsn t " far ° f f berause * • hav-“ n° i , his first long-term program for October 15, was inspired to greater heights by this paragraph in a letter from Stuart Erwin, “And, just as a side Scotti„ 0ne of my prile ont3. Ja!t Its p r o p a g a to r s and su p p o rters, b e c a u se th e gave birth to nine puppies, causing plenty of night T e x a n ran to o fa r a fie ld , co v e re d too w id e work for my wife, June Collyer, and plenty of fun a sc o p e w ith to o little b a ck g ro u n d , in g e n - Bill and Judy.” Isn't he j u t too sweet eral because it apparently discussed w hat it d id n 't know. than ,. . Today’s Cross-Word Puzzle ------------------By EUGENE SHEFFER------------------- 2 3 5 6 7 ry / y 3 I It n 21 2 5 HH HQ r u e ^ / J / 35 ///>/ / JU. 3 3 t /V/ J / J / i i HO 53 ISS HORIZONTAL I— small um­ brella ft—-sack 11—fish 12—is ill 14—regrets 15—to track IT— cuckoo 18—places 20—perceived 21—to color 23—born 21— hireling 25— South American mountain range 27—quantity of paper 29—smaller 31— prepares a gun for firing 35— golf mounds 37—w ant badly 38— to furnish food 41— lofty moun­ tain 13— wound-mark 44—salutation 45—measuring stick i i IQ 22 2 3 26 30 31 27 ' 36 2Q 37 HI HS .......... ' -V/J b i r n M HH 5 0 H2 HQ H6 HT i 5 2 5 / I SH r /y y 56 w < 47—Peer Gyntfs mother 48— competitor 51—paragon of knighthood 53—light cotton fabric 54—reduce to slavery 55—uncooked 66—vessel VERTICAL I—pertaining to the roof of the mouth ft—white crys­ talline sub­ stance 8—brings to memory 4—fear J ■ G J P A N v E 'R N C ! XL N O N Bi R & 5 R I ' « o IRR I E r; Ss! s: S' c £ R Ulu M .1 | L hAy UA x I E NsI ■EL K O V E L A t e k a J 5 :Os*LZ :0£ s,A;R E 'S 'N';0 A T U R .E i G K AIRE. C: o N□ H I* A [OTP I N ITIHII rns i ■ a m OaprrUfu, IHI, by Kine 1‘mtsr** Srtriimt*. toe. IO 7% ii V ," r n 1 6 12 15 t i YY?t IH 2 0 2H The Steer Standard By BOYD SINCLAIR Looking Back TH E BEASTS OF TEXAS UNION Joyfully rings the freshman's cry, Sing Bible's victory tune} q . . , But my heart give. to joy th . H. UniTer„Uy Glce club who And gloom nvades my room. from # topr #f (ha Though garland, hang upon th* United s u t e | with a Chnatauqua John Love Boles, tenor, was .. one of the five members of the turned tod SO Years .. , , . J l l \ The Poets Release THE “DRAG” “Life begins at 8 a.m.” So says a Texan columnist! But I must be upon the Stern, By seven-thirty, or I’vg My morning coffee, without missed which waU* The Steer. .erv. football fare, Such mundane thing* are .mall— unit. Director the T. Tobin of Band announced that thirty men had reported for work I feel my day has not begun. In Time I’ll have to take a stitch To make my day more -//A & 32 3 3 3H too small. I beg you tell me where Are the heart, of Tega. UnionT tbe band In official Notice, wa, the fo,. lowing: There will be no gym Those lovely beasts, which some c]aggea tbjs year bu^ unitary Sci- ba substituted for all men say . . . , . . , ence Were but foul dogdom’* rabble— men. They missing are, so now my lay la sad. Who holds the gavel? The cap’talists and bourgeoisie Do eat the Union fare— Rich Chow, Police, and Peking­ ese! held O tell me, tell me, where Are the curs of Texas Union? Oh, where ie Spot who prordly The scepter of the power, Philosophised of Marx and yelled To comrades of the bour, A freshman reporter for the Texan began his story about a coming pep rally with the follow­ ing sentence: “Oh effervescence of delight! Once more we feel the thrill of pride play hide and seek up and down our back.” IO Year* Five army men from San An­ th* tonio, who plan to attend T.C.U.-Texas to­ football game morrow, wired the Austin Air Service to reserve hanger space smoothly run. Therefore, friend columnist, Not think that I am getting If I should change that head­ will you “shirty” line to: “My life begins at 7:30.” — G. G, pausing. again. them DRIFTING THOUGHTS Thoughts run through my mind, Sometimes hurrying, sometimes And then coming on faster By their sharp points I catch And find they are all of the same kind, Thistle-like thoughts of you, That pierce me gently as they follow through. TOM L. DAVIS. 5—transgres­ sions May great fleas bite the capital- for their planes. i*ts, Miss Katherine Wheatley of the 6 many times May Qreat Danes, Daschunds, Department of Romance Lan- 7—man a name guagea was selected as director of 8—club 9—ventilate IO—amorphous substance Take running fits and on our lists the Curtain Club for the year. Be blackballed I Comrades, speak— e.%v-zrgr.Tssssr=r==^- Ye dogs of Texas Union!” ;r—v .i;:;..;;;,:* * Pekes : 13—peruse 16—female sheep 19—percolate 24— Moham­ medan princes 26—perceive 28—part of a circle 30—harvest 32—broken stone 33—elusive 34—more calm 36—slants 38—blemish 39—wicked 40—Cut 42—cultivate 46—other 49—collection of sayings 50—to bellow 52—winglik* part SERVITUDE Dreary, discontented worlds of reality, Time staggers on, but not the O f f i c i a l N o t i c e same! game, snaps raps; Hear Reddick’s daily pun. And Price still creeps around and His secret, candid pictures, And Thompson raps his THE POSTPONED psychological Pierced by scorching ways of mot* examination of freshmen who ality, are entering the University for the Sickened, abandoned, unwanted first time will be held as follows: souls Monday, O c t o b e r 4, 2:80- That must march to the tolls 4:00 p. rn. For freshmen with Of the bells of cruel society, initials S to Z who have had the Keeping time, time, time, moral algebra test. To th© steady taps of propriety. The division by letters is merely But gone are our staid fixtures— a device to distribute the number Revolt racks recklessly bn yow to be tested. Any student who The beasts of Texas Union. can not come ax. the period desig- But too late, too late do yon re- nated for him should report at one of the other periods. Please The chain that binds you securely Ah, I recall, foregathered there Like Villon’s Fircone Tavern The hordes of beasts right passing note that only two periods are des- to the wheel. minds, sist ignated for the small number who You turn around, crushing the have not had the algebra test. hopes Freshmen who can not come at That once did burn. any of these periods because of . a conflict with work, laboratories, Too lat#. Though beasts may come and hours available for this examine- beasts may go, tion. Will leave only despair. or other University appointments For too soon they chained you will please write a note to the su- pervisor stating the days and Soon slashing whip-like there, their thoughts fair, A Marxian canine cavaran; Now in the sun sleep police dogs With cap’talistic air- And missing the important cogs . To carry on . . . O where Are the beasts of Texas Union? Their going brings no cheer; Their passing Like snows of yesteryear. Come, thunder, roll on, dogdom’* is a mystery—do! drums! What is the sad solution? Who will carry on when comes ^ Revolution* .revolution. All will please report promptly at the beginning of the periods By himself is Man enslaved, By whom is he to be saved? listed. H. T. MANUEL, TOM L. DAVIS. supervisor of freshmen m z , „ : z z .... ............. tesla, S. H. 319. SICK LIST St. David** Hospital ALL MEMBERS of the staff t. M. Scogfina who are due a full month’s sal- j ^ yiP °^ ,hr]piiT Ary on September 30 and who are st*** Debord er*’ retirement system must pay " ‘P1* their contribution for September pat Bryan fltTf+orrt Wk IX 1*4- rn ex» n Seton Infirmary1" Gene Workman Harvey Matney Ed Begot H ollis L eath er* R o s e M in g * Vervyi Baker J S W S X . u Member, of the staff who are qO wi mak* their first September 8 0 w il!m a k e th e ir fir st S.oHuh R ,t. Dormitory 1,1 mt Hora* They Talk A b ou t British Firmness— Italian Patrol ’Match Law’ In O ther Papers Compiled by Ann Jarratt British Firmness I terrane.,., even though these now I promise success. It is as if the *ne • Reports from London indicate i Dallas police force and the Texas Save th* beast* of Texas Union I Herewith is th* solution to yester- 22—trials terday’s puzzle. Though journalistic fun Makes fourth estating seem a ’^ l i y ‘ a . . . a w a fa " £ I » 2 * as f el d' t hf £ *> ikoall Let’, drink a comrade', eligible to participate in the te,ch- | » Sp j .., to Dickie Wickie. The irony of it n that the thing, ^ 7 iiltoTnTted backing "for "a operation*" of”"the gangsters' em- with nothing more paragraph, carne air mail from Los Angeles. the quoted finn gtand atra;nst ciracv There -ninver ard we*** able to rem his Strike up the Internationale, important toa8t> Anti-censorship leaders most strenously disliked the imposed exam ination of “ all proposed non-advertising contents of each , i s s u e _ 7^* critically d ir e c te d to u se c lip p e r s on a rticles had on a green dress— we abhor green— we would opian issue two years ago n o w r e g a r d in g lo c a l, S tate, or n a tio n a l p o litics, havo been at least obliging enough to do it. in agree him a great Texas power. different came by to wart us with the question, Why dont motives. The lion that tucked his; b y t h e c e n s o r , w h o w a s m o r e s p e - you giv€ Alpha Phi K !ne publicity?” If she hadn’t tail under his legs on the Ethi * Elizabeth Keeney, with better to ail parties are from gives belligerent roars. . 0, ment, _ I *__ __ - though , „ a ll I* J i _ j* I _ . * . • a x a In international relations, how- fairies e»vin* »r#» far Sleep cap teHstic facers, j ’ friva imnAvtnnf Ka AVAV. over- to be tors too important more You’ll rule the Forty Acres— looked. The adoption of straightforward method, by Great Ya baaata of TaIaa D“ on' _ A eanf _ depths is no dissentient voice, A G. Mac-1 co-operation^nly after patting the L e t Vodka flow, of beast, we before their salary checks can be Donnell writes to the Baltimore gang boss on the back and calling Sun; To kaeP tba Union rational. And though upon the Union steps due only a half month’s salary on Dorothy *•»«** delivered. ,h*a,!ky boast . , rlem#nt# .ace-s«ving are -ac- Some day they ll go back to the contribution to the teachers’ re- Harri.t Barnet hirAvw avxf &xrm aw A/'tAKpf 511. tirement system on October SI. C. H. SPARENBERG, Splvev Sd# Tommy HuB auditor. On t h e «idp o f th * d e fe n d e r s of u n th e sideIO ! .h e a m e n d e r s OI: p r e * fr e e d o m WES th e A m erica n lo g ic th a t no n e w s o rg a n sh o u ld be g a g g e d , th a t stu - reader interest for the Texan someone suggested route to India that for genera- L dent* could legitim ately view national or statew ide affairs. Journalists by and large, viewed with trepidation w hat they felt was Infringem ent on th e ir printers-ink rights. that a year’s subscription be given as a prize to tions has been the main basis for J everyone, mailing in a large envelope enclosing British wealth. Tories and jingo- isis, who consider the slightest of- „ five mast heads and And incidentally, we wonder what ha. happened fense a*amst tbe Bnt,sh "j"7 as tile interests are gravely concern-1 Britain and France Searching for a reliable drive to determine ed with keeping open the trade precipitated a war England's financial and mercan- a Mediterranean war has been avoided for long, the present out- * w , r r, h ,. h^v.MnrUino. might have that would thousands >f lives. While the editor's head. iMMUkfnt TF U‘I„®er _ . . , ‘ t J • . , , - . E v J ’ t h e I England andI Ranee, b y handling ta theed.tor. We haven't seen him getting around ‘ amor f o r 'fta n e a t' much lately. -------- Z— l— JI BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CEMENT SHOWS GAINS The cement industry in Tex* Joumalism Fraternity Re-Elects Reddick D®Witt Reddick, associate pro- ssor ,°f journalism, has been o t ' T h H 23.4, which now meets in Wag- shows an increase in both produo- gener Hall 301, will hereafter tion and shipments, the Univer- sity Bureau of Business Research meet in Library Building 201. has announced. A 13.9 per cent assistant professor, increase in production and a 3.8 in shipment* LATE physical examinations will was reported for August as com-. per cent increase F. L. COX, in Women's Gymnasium pared to the same time a year D. m be ...................... „*ri. And*™™ M-.rgnr.* McDomM David Ra*co H»1H« Grtghtoa >0------------- Laborite, are inclined to lay aside their pacifism when England faced with Fascist pirates, and the J. is needed rn atoppmg the p,racy J ' ” J I 0! . ! ’ ! k i S‘ST»* phi. honorary and protea- from 5 to « o’clock on Wednesday ago. that sinna, and Friday. fraternity for weckfl ©go va* terrorizing wojnenf Mavoumee Fitzgerald, * MISS ANNA HISS, 1 M editerranean snipping. -Dallas Morning News. president, announced A meeting of the fraternity has ------------------------------------------------------------- is possible, he should send a note director, to the supervisor stating the rea- son and the day and hour on ______ 'Match' Law Once there was a little boy. It was rn the days when stick -re^ry of Theta Sigma Phi, and Memorial Auditorium, according the algebra teat, been called for The test will require at least o’clock in Journalism Building 108, Miss Fitzgerald said. Miss freshmen is being given at 2:30 an hour and a half, and an extra Josephine Caldwell, national sec- 0»c]0c|t \n the afternoon in Hogg hour if the student has not had PSYCHOLOGICAL exam- which he can take the test. boation required of all new tonight 7 i 'h u at matches were first coming use; parents made it a point to den^ 0f make children be careful with the attend the meeting little things. into Misg Angeline Thompson, presi- Austin alunfnl, will to discuss pians for a regional conference to This little boy’s mother ran out be be]d here in December. Alice Monday, October 4. of matches, so.she sent him i» the Mary Adams, vice-president of the store for some. active chapter, will outline plans on tbe day gcheduled production of second the He didn’t know how to pro- f or nounce “ matches” very well, and “Time Staggers On,” annual va- other days> ^ none 0f his mother w’as afraid he might riety show, which has been ten- fo rg et the term. She gave him tatively scheduled for January 6 her last match as a sample, to and 7. show the clerk. * the following schedule: Freshmen with initials M-R on supervisor of freshman psychology H. T. MANUEL September SO. Freshmen with initials S-Z on leal examination. ---------- examinations Any student who cannot come . will continue to be given in the , for his Women’s Gymnasium from 6 to LATE PHYSICAL should come on one of the 6 o’clock Thursday these days ANNA HISS, director. a mma u ■ S W IN G O U T " W I T H rn rn i e L u n c e f o rd AND HIS ORCHESTRA T T P COMES Dean Frederick Replogk of Okla- country’s Fascist sympathizers are the year's quibl ling, neither side would or could admit to initial TO U RIN G ^ e r r o r ; n eith er side enjoyed the latent stif- W homa City University squabbling about stu- gbarne(j into {silence lif- U ling of th e cam pus press. Plans for com- dent*’ holding hands on th# campus, and asking England, the Mediterranean promise arose from all quarters, and on authorities to ban the practice. Most effective at trade route is even more impor- U. T. to prevent all sorts of things is the term tant than her vast commercial in- M arch 6, regental decree lifted the ban terest in China. Were it not for “piay boy” or “play girl.” beginning June I. trouble in the Mediterranean, a % taken stand might be firmer Japan. But Britain’s Anybody for any reason can call anybody else against is not yet a play boy and come pretty near making the of- Eastern battle fender cease whatever he is doing. Shame is a ready for a major encounter, and there is still hope in London that terrible thing. George Chamberlain having no trouble at all Japar* • rash course will end in I l e Daily T exan Regents pointed to revised qualifiea- is published! on fleet Th* Daily Texan. *? .df-r.t »ewj«p*p«r cf Tbt University of T e x a s, th * U n iv e r s ity a t A u s tin by to e T exaa S tu d e n t T u b - -ratjob.*, In c., every m o rn ­ ing except M onde: Bditoria! office* T elephone* $171— 119 a n d I - S a ’fl9; ti e e a r pus o f .A d v ertisin g C irc u la tio n B uilding I '- ' P h o n e 2-S164 an d 2 - S I * ’ **-****«vee eoa MATtcsMAi, AOvterietMa *v National Ad vert* sing Service, I ne. Cullet* Puiltslutrs Krprnsntativi A Z O M ao iao N A ve N ew YO etc. N. Y C«i'.a&o . Scares. • Lo* liitiu - t.a F.ahc-tco Printed b> me University Free*. A. C. Wright, manager. ....ring hi. C c t u , the book, started, having plenty * D e p a rtm e n t— Jo u rn a lis m to his editorship. Tri ^ c a c t u s sent by a local florirt u a complement Enf;Iand had u k m Mu„ o!ini t0 task two years ago, before h i s ruthless conquest of Ethiopia. But tio n s fo r e d ito r ia l m em b ers o f the staff to the Mistress of the Seas was not in 1 9 3 8 ; Texan journalists then prepared to stop ^grewUm t a k e effect and did not have France s support. m ade m erry over im pending sans-censor Even now, of course, she goes out of her way to avoid giving t h e period. In all ev en t, both sides now agree th a t Italia» d; ctat»r a^ « cuaa f»r an armed clash. But, despite the ______ Copy Editor T ex a n policy is subject to reasonable di- politeness of English diplomacy, Sports Editor y ectio n from a b oard Of d irecto rs to fu n c - she has given Mussolini to under- „ * m e im p lies. A ll a g r e e t h a t «*»<> «>.t sh , will tolerate no more monkey business from pirate Astart*.* E ^ rt. Editor kul tur I d, i ” n o th in g approaching heresy, idiocy, or th e , nbmarine, acting under'hi, Editor-in• Chief — c c abscene should be forced down th e cam- ders; and in this attitude the cabi- ...Photography Editor -............ Radio Editor Telegraph Editor pus th ro at. net has solid backing. — Dallas Morning News. * _ ED SYERS____ Joe Bidden--------- Harry Quin _ John Met ally___ Lynn Jackson___ Elizabeth Keeny Lola Sager Emory E. Power,--------- Dick Watte. ...------ Jim Anderson -...... A r" Ole ult j>an ut rs» .. “ A tau^nT nS EditaJ The m atter has been long settled. But Associate Amusements Editor for inform ation s sake, and to hurdle th e b a rrie r of student self-imposed disregard for cam pus news, the STAI* i FOR THIS ISSUE NIGHT EDITOR MAV’OU KNEE FITZGERALD Head Copyreaders Ann Eldyss Ja rra tt Helen Fay Pafcsraore, c en so rsh ip . cs=r:i;;=;T-;:=rr.-.rr: Italian Patrol Now that Great Britain and Texan reports no Frar)ce have 8alved MnMoHni., ruffled pride by a communique re­ ferring to Italy as “a great Med­ iterranean power,” the participa­ tion o f Italy in the Mediterranean aniipiracy patrol is virtually as­ sured. With Italy joining in the search for pirate submarines, it is almost certain that none will be A Seattle man traded a house and lot for found. Mussolini scarcely can af- ford to continue authorizing pir- We’ve al- . . . . . acy wj[h one hand whiIe B(;eking , W J e 5 t to meet th at type real estate to extirpate it with the other, an old Canadian postage stamp. wayB wanted salesman. • • • * • It is to be hoped that law en- forcement agencies in states like The words th at froze the old m an’s lip s: ^ 'X d T ’Led* by'E ngU rd'V nd A ssistants..................... Mack Robertson, H arvey E. Cabler, Waldo Niebuhr, Margaret Bownds, Donald Aitk< n, Alice Mary Adams, M argarine Garrison, Frankie Welborn. Night Society Editor...........— ....Margaret Presnatl Night Sports Editor.... ........... Jo© ^Whitley Night Telegraph Editor.—...........James Williamson ...........Roy Barclay Hodge*, Assistant* A rthur W hite, Jack Douglas, < larence La Loch?, Frank Chappe IL ........ Night Editor — ................. ....... ............ A ssistants Joe Whitley Tommy McSj adden, Kerns ... Taylor, Bill Newkirk, Jack Hart, —------ —-o— _ . , “Now, sonny,” she said very „ t i n H i P r e s i d e n t plainly, so it woul l sink in, “ don’t T a y l o r ft C i r a i K l f t O n b. Addita- with that thing, and A of all thing* don’t hit it against ^ a rock. Mind me now, keep it in your pocket until you get to the store.” 'Summerfield Taylor, son of Dr. and Mrs. Summerfield Taylor, and Had she given a reason “why” grandson of Dean T. U. Taylor, for all these orders, sonny might dean emeritus of the University of Engineering, was have been all right But she only College gave the orders, and they were elected president of the student just enough to fire the lad’s imag- council of Austin High School ination and induce him to out “why.” The council, elected from the The little boy was fumbling with ahtty-fte advisory groups of the find this week. A the match before he got out of achoo!, gives training n Pari* sight of the house. Two blocks ™entary procedure and serves as away, he had stopped and picked the student governi g up a rock, and three blocks away, he was cautiously rubbing t h # match against the stone. Officers and department heads All of a sudden the thing ex- of th# Wesley Foundation fresh- ploded and scared him so badly man clagg nominated Fri- he shook it out of his hands and day by a committee composed of let the rock drop on his great toe. Helen* Howard, Ed Lorsing, Ray- and Martha spent match, and by the time he Whiteman. The election will be reached the store he had worn the held Sunday. stick half away, trying to make ----------------- it strike again. But soon he had recaptured the mond Woolrich, WESLEY TO ELECT And the moral is: Laws are not much good unless t h e explained to the full satisfaction mother’s orders, and all of ua are of those the laws would govern, like the little boy. ----------------- son ar* made plain to the public, the laws will be disobeyed. Too many laws are like NOW when I was & lad, w e had rtal w in te r s.” France against piracy in the Med-1 And unless their purpose and rea- — San Angelo Evening Standard A T . O C T . 2 G REG O R Y G Y M OO PER COUPLE TAX EXEMPT ‘ I THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1937 Phone 2-3164 THE DAILY TEXAN Phone 2-3165 The First College Dally In the South PAGE FIVE Will Wed on October 9 About Lj niversity P I I cop Ie- U. T. Ex-Students Announce Approaching, Recent Weddings ------------------- Ganit-Gramon Miss Catherine Gramon and Stanley Gunn, ex-students o f the I University, will be married in Austin Saturday, October 9, at 7:30 o ’clock. The ceremony w ill be performed in the All Saints’ Episcopal i Church, Miss Gramon ie the daughter o f Mrs. J. F. Gramon o f Austin, and Mr. Gunn is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gunn, also o f Austin. Mrs. Edward M ugee of Cuero spent Sunday with her daughters, M abel C laire and R osem ary B ree­ den, new students in the Univer­ sity. M argaret May Burehard, new Mr#. Mary B. Harris and Miss C lara B arton of Calvert were guests of Mary E lisabeth Harris at Jesse Andrews Dormitory this week. Miss Gramon, who is now em ­ ployed in the o ffice o f the Dean o f Women, is a graduate of A us­ tin High School and the U niver­ sity. She received the bachelor of science degree in education. She was a member of the Light Opera Company, Orchesis, and the Texan student in the University, will visit I -baff. Last year she was curricu lum librarian at the University. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Mr. Gunn received his bachelor Burehard, in Gonzales, Sunday. of journalism degree at the U ni­ versity, and served as sports edi­ tor o f the Texan. He was also a member o f the Ranger and Cac­ tus staffs, as w ell as a member of the Students’ Assembly, Sigma V irgin ia A lrey , transfer from Chi fraternity, and the Rusk Lit- Mrs. C. N . C rain of Cuero was the g u est o f her mother, Mrs. R athbone, and her sister Miss Lucy R athbone, professor in the Department of Home Economies, last week-end. j u . t i - t Incarnate Word, has as her gut -*? erary Society. He now is employ g o ’clock Sunday her parents, Mr. and Mr*. A. B. A lvey of San Antonio. ed by the San Antonio Light. . ™ . . I a - u * i U. T. Ladies Discuss Tea For Fall Plans for the traditional tea honoring the w ife of the President o f the U niversity and new faculty women and wives were discussed at the first m eeting o f the Uni­ versity Ladies’ Club W ednesday morning. The tea w ill be held , W ednesday, October 6, from 4 to o u rn a lism S tu d e n ts to G a m e r m o n F r id a y f o r J a m b o re e U: Honorary Frats Entertain Pin Texas Union x The Journalism Jamboree! The lim e when most of the members Of the Departm ent of Journalism, i i not all of them , g e t together grid have one big time. This year’s ■ a r ty , given by Theta Sienna Phi grid Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalism fraternities, will be fr id a y night from 8 to l l o’clock In the main ballroom o f the Texas Union. ■ S e v e r a l forms o f entertainm ent are being planned by Joe Belden and Mavournee Pi mr or ald pres ^ ^dents of the two fraternities, for journalists. pome three hundred Dick Rubottom, new a ssista n t1 dean of men and charter member of the S.M.U. chapter of Sigma D elta Chi, will be given an o ffi­ cial press welcome. Three co-eds, Boots Cullins, Jean Rector, and Elizabeth K ee­ ney, will o ffer musical entertain­ m ent of their own arrangement, and Miss Cullins will sing a solo. A freshm an from Memphis, Tenn., Miss Culling has sung at the Para­ mount Theater in New York City and with Ted Fio Rito’s orchestra. Other entertainm ent has not yet been announced. University Clubs Announce First Activities for Year University campus organizations have fixed their m eeting dates on the calendar and have begun to organize, to re-elect, and to plan I their year’s programs. Each night, club rooms in Texas Union are filled with members gathered for the first time during this year to « greet new-comers. A eronau tical Club The U niversity Aeronautical So­ ciety w ill hold its first m eeting Thursday night at 7:15 o ’clock in Engineering Building 217 un­ der the sponsorship o f J. W. Ram­ say, associate professor of electri­ cal engineering. interested The club is for all students who are in any form of aviation, including model airplane building and actual flying. Sev- , era! contests for both rubber and gas-powered model planes h a v e been planned. Mr. Ramsay, the sponsor, is a major in the Reserve Army Air Corps. During the war he was the chief machine gun instructor at the U. S. Aviation Ground School established here and has been in the Army Air Corps since the war. TO D A Y IN BRIEF 8— Girls* Glee Club try-outs all day in Texas Union 401. 2:30— Freshman psychological ex­ aminations. 4:80— Sophomore Club picnic and campfire a t Barton Springs. 5-6— Home Econom ics Club tea, j Home Economics Building 105. 5— Pep rally in fron t of Gregory 7— Curtain Club m eeting in Texas Gym. Union 301. 7:15— Aeronautical Society meet­ ing in Engineering Building 217. 7:15— Tau D elta Alpha m eeting in Texas Union. 7:30— Rusk Literary Society meet­ ing in Texas Union 311. 7:30— Scandinavian Club tion in Texas Union 309. 7:30— Hogg D ebating Club recep­ in Texas Union 315. Mia* Martha Chaplain, ex-stu d en t o f the U niversity, w ill becom e the bride o f B enuo Schm idt, on O ctober 9. Girls’ Houses Each Elect Two Advisers Nowotny will discuss the rules for housemothers. ‘RIC* Club to M eet The Regional Interest Club will ■ , . * - Co-Ed Book L anier S ociety Sidney Lanier Literary Society will have its first m eeting o f the October 7, at 5 o’clock in the Texas Union, Kina Murphy, president, said Monday. Plans for the program are still in­ definite. All students in the Department year Thursday, A nnual B arbecue o f Journalism will receive bids to the Jamboree. hold its first m eeting of the year A V 3.1 I 3 . D 1 0 October 4, at 7 :30 o’clock in Union , Building 316. Members who did not receive ;On Thursday Guests are as follow s: President J. W. Calhoun, Dean V. I. Moore, A m o Nowotny, Miss Dorothy Ge- bauer, Mrs. Kathleen Bland, Miss Mary Bewley, W, D. Hornaday, Charles Clark, president o f A l­ W illiam L. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. pha Phi Omega, honorary fra Paul J. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. te m ity for Eagle Scouts on t h e D eW itt Reddick, Granville Price, campus, announced after a special M iss Lorena Drummond, Miss A f­ m eeting of the fraternity Sunday, to n Wynn, Burt Dyke, Louis September 26, that the fraternity’s B leth e, Miss Mildred Basford, annual barbecue fo r all Eagle Francis Burt, Nan Pearce, Wood- Scouts on the campus would be I*ow Walter, O. P. W hittington, beld Sunday night, October IO, on An informal luncheon to be held fla y rn end Rimmer, Dr. J. B. W harey, Dean J. A n d erso n ’F it * I the * « o u t property either in Zilker ■ by the Present Day Club'Tuesday, t h e gerald, Jake Pickle, George Cham- j Park or at Bull Creek. Invitation* October 5, at I o’clock in pertain, Bob Engelking, and E d j * ^ 1 be extended at this time for Queen Anne Room in the Com- sjtv Woman in her choice of cam- to all Eagle Scouts in the University j mons, was announced by A r a l-..I Syers. to join the fraternity. their keys or pins last year will I be asked to attend the m eeting so that they may receive proper recognition and be qualified to re- Handbook” which presented by the Co-Ed Assem bly The University o f Texas “ Co-ed P resen t D ay Club e i . . j _» j C' I I pus activities. Students are ad- Treadwell, president. Other o f- vised not to join all of the organ- ficers for 1937-38 are Helen Ram-1 lo t io n s they can, but to be active sey, vice-president; Mary Rice Brogan, secretary; and Margaret Glidewell, treasurer. in the ones to which they belong. d e r and * sponsor for the organ!-1 *mong women students Thursday, j Women’8 o ffic® by Polectin? "PT year. I zation will be discussed. v T i : g and F razier, M isses N ancy N ixon and Hat tie B ess W allace of F ort Worth, E lla Mae T urner, N ancy Darden and Martha Edm ond of Waco, Sarah D ugger, Martha W iggins, Jerry Josephine Schreiner o f San A ntonio, Fran­ ces C onn elly o f Tyler, Beth Ry- burn of Dallas, Martha Buford H ayter and T asca Blount of Nac­ and ogdoches, A m elia Harlan Sarah Clark o f Beaumont, ex-stu­ dents o f the University, and alum­ nae members o f Pi Beta Phi, re­ to their homes Monday, turned after attending the activities of rush week last week-end. * * * Girl Scouts Elect U .T . Girls * the loan Ray-W oods chairman; their home Miss Woods was graduated from The University o f Texas in 1936, where she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. The young in couple will make Monroe, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. W'oods of Houston announce engage­ ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Roberta, to John Robertson Ray o f Monroe, Ga. The wedding will be a small home affair to take place in H ous­ ton, October 9. Mrs. W. T. Mather, president, announced the follow ing commit­ tees which will serve during the year: correspondence, Mrs. Boyle- ston Green, Mrs. W. A. Seigler, and Mrs. F. J. Adams, chairman; house, Mrs. W, W. Riker, Mrs. George Endress, and Mrs. J. W, Ramsey, fund, Mrs. W. E. Metzenthin, Mrs. W. A. Nielander, and Mrs. Arno No­ wotny, chairman; memorial, Mrs, Annie S. Irvine, Mrs. Miriam Mc- Math, and Mrs. E. S. Redford, chairman; telephone, Mrs. Dale Bennett, Mrs. Lunn Brown, Mrs. B. N. Gafford, Mrs. Coleman Gul­ ley, Mrs. J. J. Jones, Mrs. Page Keeton, Mrs. E. G. Keller, Mrs. Chester Lay, Mrs. J. G. M cAllister, Mr*. D. M. Keithan, Mrs. Alex- dent rn the U niversity, and Miss ander MnffRt> Mr9. M N. Po9ey, Winifred Ruth Faubion of Lean-! Mrs M B Reedf Mrg> W. T. Rol?i2f der were married at St. Paul’s ; Mrs w> A Smithf Mrs. G. M. l l o’clock Stafford, Mrs. J. S. Stockton, Mrs. Lutheran Church at s> Vandiver, Mrs. C. K. Hol­ Tuesday m orning. The ceremony D sapple and Mrs. W. C. Harris*, co-chairmen; membership, Mrs. D, L. Miller, Mrs. H. E. Harrington, Mrs. E. H. Sellarda, Mrs. Raymond Everett, and Mrs. R. H. Cuyler, chairmen. Mrs. G. W, Stocking was appointed chairman of a spe­ cial com m ittee on assessments. W orking with Mrs. Stocking will be Mrs. W. A. Nielandar and Mr*. Charles Zivley. • Martin Charles Wukasch, a stu- Following the ceremony, . P* orme W ukasch-F aubioo « « * y “e ev* , . « • • J W orley-Spiry Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Cumby Spivy of Bonham have announced the m arriage o f their daughter, Ann, to Eugene Worley of Sham­ rock, Septem ber 25, in Bonham. Bo lh are ex-students o f the Uni­ versity. Mr. Worley, a member of the Legislature, is a member of Mabel C laire and R osem ary B reeden, Beulah M argaret B en n et, and E m alee W ells, new students la the University, visited their par­ ents in Cuero Monday night. Phi D elta Theta fraternity. He was also advertising manager for the Cactus for several years. T. H. WILLIAMS C O N G R E S S A T FIFTH See the new, genuine " S e a m p r u k t h e J ? m anagem ent for new scou t leaders , to Dallas. They will live at 611 last week; the other ten have had previous experience as troop lead- Mrs. Wukasch, a recent grad­ uate of St. David’s School of ers. t h i s I Nursing, is th e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lilburn Faubion of Lean- der. Troops are being opened Tw?n,ty~tbird S t r e t * * ^ j To aid in adjusting new girls at is edited and ItheA d v e r sity _ to campus life , sew- iitod and i i r i i s s vuiTcisivi vu vainuup uvc, o s . - 1 Nineteen U niversity girls have boarding houses for girls are i been appointed captains of local j fT . trill "be* distributed I cooperating with the Dean o f j Girl Scout troops for this school t i_ took the Girls who Commendations for in every public school to the newcomers so adiustm ent in week Austin, The Austin Girl Scout? organization is a member agency of the Austin Community Chest. Nine o f these students to o k I This pocket sized book is of vital per-ciassmen advisers. This has a general training course in troop Th;* noe.ket. sired hook is of vital per-classmen advisers. interest to every freshm an, and i bee" » practice o f the girls dormi- contains complete information and ] tori®» for a ™™ber of years, answers questions about every or- j Two girls are selected by each ganization which admits w o m e n ! house uP°n the recommendation o f to membership. The purpose o f the housing group or the house- this book is to guide the Univer- mother. Their responsibilities are interpret U niversity activities to the newcomers so adjustment may be made with less friction, to inform new students concerning training to acquaint club activities, and course are Boot? Carver. Both B u l­ and find club interests for them trail, Tee W aite, Annabella Dill, i Janie Lindeman, Avis Woolrich, while on the campus. this plan Myra Sauburn and Joan Holman, come have come the Dean o f o th er student leaders are Eliza- Women. However, at the present beth Watkins, Mary Cockrell, Mar- the plan is omy suggestive and | garet Haenel, Mary Margaret N a ­ gle, Eloise Waddell, Roselle Gir-J ard, H elen Madison, Mary Ruth Riedel, W ynalien G riffin and Mil­ dred Austin. This book should be carefully studied by each new girl in the University, because all eligibility rules, methods o f election, dues, and definition of every organiza­ tion are carefully explained. There is an organization for every inter- i purely voluntary, ested woman on the campus, and : The girls who have already annual dues for each organization been selected as upperclassm an j advisers at their boarding houses qtPrn A •_ f « follow ing. Ann b .e .n - ligious, literary, dramatic, musical, I berger and Evie Trigg at Mrs. honorary, regional, dormitories, Mary £ Lannon s boa? ding house; Notalie Wolman and Virginia Sue departmental, or athletic. Every Couch at Mrs. E. L. Faulkner’s group’s highest ranking woman o f­ house; Edna Sain and Genevieve ficer is admitted to membership McNeilly at Mrs. S. C, Clark’s in the Co-Ed Assembly which is house, Rosa May Egbert and Fran- the unifying organization for all cine Jensen at Mrs. J. M. War­ organizations on the campus. Each ren’s house, and Patti Beall Mor­ group also has a faculty sponsor. ris and A licia Lockley at Mrs. R. Amy Rose Cate is president of E. Butler’s boarding house. the assembly, and Miss Dorothy Gebauer, dean of women, is spon­ sor. ARCHITECTS HAVE PARTY Freshmen architecture g i r l s were entertained with a co ffee by Alpha Alpha Gamma, honorary ar­ chitecture fraternity for wom en,] Tuesday afternoon from 5 to 6 o’clock in the lounge o f the A rch i-1 tecture Building. R o s e s and wreath decorated the tea queens C offee, cakes, and sand- ] table. were wiches ments. Organizations mav be social, re- are served as refresh- * * * from the * * * • s t THOM PSON-HOLM ES T exas G raduates H a v e D a u g h te r A daughter, Ann Milroy Mc­ Leod, was born in August to Mr. and Mrs. V. W. McLeod o f Gal­ veston, ex-students o f The Uni­ versity o f Texas. Mi.'. McLeod was the former Miss Dorothy Milroy, member o f Kappa Kappa Gamma. She re­ ceived the bachelor o f arts degree In 1934. McLeod received his bachelor o f law degree in 1936, graduating with highest honors. He was a members of Kappa Sigma fra­ ternity. A pledge party in the form of a horse-back ride will follow the barbecue. Plans for the coming year a n d the various projects the fraternity will sponsor were discussed. Men’* H ousem others Mrs. Florence Jones, president of the Housemothers for Men, has announced that the first m eeting of the sem ester will be held next Tuesday at the. Union Building. The tim e o f the m eeting will be announced by A m o Nowotny, as­ sistant dean o f men. The purpose of the m eeting is to greet the new members. There will be a talk about intramural and social activities, and D e a n These I N I T I A L E D The clubs which have reserved I rar°iy exceed $1 per year, ^ Horn* Town Clubs Ten home town clubs have al­ ready made plans < t i t together in Texas Union a, a scheduled time and sing “ Hail, Hail the Gang’s AU H ere.” rooms in Texas Union are the Fort Worth Club, Hidalgo County Club, Houston Club, Austin Club, Beaumont Club, Cleburne Club, Dallas Club, Port Arthur Club, San Antonio Club, Tyler Club, and Tri Cities Club. S ociological Club Alpha Kappa Delta, honorary sociological fraternity, will m eet October 8 at 7:30 o’clock in Gar rison Hall 217 to elect officers for 1937-38. Dr. W. H. Getty? is faculty sponsor o f the club, and Charles H. Miller is president, a e * U niversity C lub W ill Meet Saturady The U niversity Club will hold its first bridge party of the sea ­ son Saturday. Both contract and auction bridge w ill be played. Res­ should be made with ervations Mrs. R. F. Dawson or Mrs. Banks McLaurin before noon Saturday. P resident Riker has appointed the follow ing com m ittees for the social programs: music, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Penick; drama, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jones; bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Short; dancing, Mr. and Mrs. DeW itt Reddick; smok­ ers, Mr. W . E. M etzenthin; pool tournam ents, Mr. T. A. Rousse. F ifteen new members have been added to the club. They are E. Bagby Atwood, L. R. Benson, T. P. Harrison, T. Hornberger, C. L. Lochte, Andrew Louis, E. J. Math­ ews, J. C. Mathews, C. M. Mont­ gomery, T. S. Painter, R. L. Rhoads, Arnold Romberg, W. B. Shallenberger, E. H. Schultz, and R. V. Vittucci. The other programs for Octo­ ber are: October 9, music; Octo­ ber 16, drama; October 23, an­ nual reception; O c t o b e r 30, smoker and pool tournament. • * * A lice K n iveton , who has been visiting at the Alpha Delta Pi house, returned Wednesday to her home in Shreveport, For Smartly Styled Ar­ rangement of Flowers CALL H ugh M etcalf Heads S.P.E. Pledges Sigma Phi Epsilon pledges held their first m eeting recently at the S.P.E. house under the direction of the pledge supervisor, Richard Lane. Lane made a short talk on the duties o f a pledge. The follow ­ ing officers were elected: Hugh M etcalf, president, Dick Preston, vice-president, and Lindsey Dub­ lin, secretary. A smoker, to be given soon, was planned for the pledges o f other fraternities. Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Isabelle Jan e Holmes to Ernest Lawrence Thompson, o f Houston. Miss Holmes graduated in the class o f ’35. Mr. Thompson at­ tended here in the years 1931 to 1936. • 0 • SA U ER -O *R 0U RK E The engagem ent of Mae J o se ­ phine O’Rourke to Lawrence Wil- j Ham Sauer has been announced. The marriage will take place Oc­ tober 16 in Dallas. Mr. Sauer at­ tended the University in 1934 and 1935. SPECIAL G R O U P OF UNDERW OODS Recently reconditioned Standard $49.50 N O W A V /.# I Year Guarantee Free Trial Valuable inform ation on fe l­ lowships, scholarships, Joans, and prizes open to the women of The University of Texas is given. Many each scholarships are year including tw o sorority-spon­ sored ones, the Alpha Delta Pi Nursery School Fellowship, and the Dr. May Reitzel-Hopkins F el­ lowship awarded by the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. awarded The handbook also includes a directory and the constitution of the Co-Ed Assembly. * * * Club to Entertain Sophomore Class be Sophomores will enter­ tained with a picnic and campfire Thursday afternoon, September 30, at the Boy Scout H ut at Bar­ ton Springs by the Sophomore Club of the Y M.C.A. The party leave the Y.M.C.A. at 4:30 will o’clock. Transportation and re­ freshm ents will be furnished. All members o f the Sophomore invited. R eservationsj class are should have been made with the “ Y ” not later than W ednesday at noon, Septem ber 29. * • • Mr. and Mr*. E u gen e W orley have returned from their wedding trip to Mexico. Mrs. W orley is the form er Miss Ann Spivey of Bonham. Mr. W orley is a rep­ resentative in the state legislature. Tip-Top Special Bar-B-Q on Bun 15C Tip-Top Bar-B-Q Plate 3 5 c Sandwiches of All Kinds P len ty of P arking Spa** T I P - T O P Sandwich Shop Ph. 2-7741 C. E. P earson, Mgr. I Mile South on San A ntonio H ighw ay SATIN LA RUS SLIPS $1 .98 lf you’re fussy about your slip* , . . and who Isn't? then you'll revel in the new col­ lection o f "Seamprufes." You'd find exactly the type you prefer . . . for every occasion. They're bias cut, 2-seyme, 4-gore, and straight-line. There are clas­ sic tailored type*, and frilly laces There are *horts, mediums, and longs. They fit perfectly. In white, tearose, navy, brown, and black. SPECIAL SALE! l l H ere’s individuality plus! Your ow n in itia ls on the folded over tongues’. Smooth brown calf. Square toes and heels. Be first to wear them! Choice of Two INITIALS FREI! JO-ED SHOPS 708 Congress Austin's Busiest Shoe Department 1406 Lavaca Your Florist for More Than 50 Years ORCHIDS AND GARDENIAS DAILY Day Phons* 2-1147 and 2-1148 Night Phones 2-382S and 2-2S43 Flowers Telegraphed to All Parts of the World Main bar of F.T.D. New Hosiery 3 Thread Ringless Chiffons $4 now ( I a week These machines have recently been completely recondi­ tioned. They present an exceptionally good used type­ '» writer value. W e Deliver — Phone 6141 TEXAS BOOK STORE The Students Book Exchonqe" i C pair 7 9 I P A IR F O R $2.25 Due to the special price, we can not advertise the brand, taut these are regu­ lar $1.00 quality hose made by one of the na­ tionally ramous hose man­ ufacturers. Dusky Beige Rusty Pecan Nu Bro Nu Beige Every Pair New and Perfect! K ■■ to th e air to n ig h t at A I R W A V E S S-K.SS a**.* *...0*%, -w* a «■*, Th* moon I* on its way over th e mountain again. R a ta Sm ith re­ turn# 7 o’clock over CBS-KNOW w ith a brand new full-hour show. Com ­ edy fo r th e h o u r will be supplied by Henry Y oungm an, and Ja c k K ille r will conduct the o rch estra. The program will Jim C row ley, one of th e original “F o u r H orsem en” of N otre Dame, who a t a fo otball e x p e rt will discuss th e com ing gam es. R a te will again p resen t h e r m onthly “ Com­ m and P e rfo rm a n c e ” which sta rs a natio n al “ H ero-of-the-M onth” chosen by th e rad io audience. fe a tu re C om peting w ith the K ate Sm ith abow is th e long-eptablished R udy j Vallee V ariety H o u r w hich com es ever a NBC-W OAI w ire, also a t T o ’clock. S h o w b o a t A m a te u r s tim e, Two p opular p ro g ram s will be j aired at 8 o’clock. C apt. H e n ry ’s} Show boat ever NBC-W O AI will fe a tu re th e usual ste lla r cast of N adine C onner, Tom m y Thomas. V irginia V e rrill, W a rre n HuU and o th ers. A t the the same wheel of fo rtu n e goes “ round and I ro u n d ” o v er at CBS. M ajo r Bowes again presen ts his a m a te u r hour. T he Music H all program , still m inus Bing Crosby, will be h eard at 9 o’clock. Bob B u ras, “ Ba­ zooka” playing stooge fo r Crosby j w hen th e cold w e a th e r sets in, will i ag ain em cee th e show w ith his s A rkansas draw l b eg in n in g to show * sign* of a Hollywood accent. Jo h n n y T ro tte r's o rch estra and } th e q u a rte t will swing o u t as us- j aal. Fans n o t accustom ed to s w in g \ and useless c h a tte r will th rills aw aiting them on Floyd j G ibbons’ T ru e A d v en tu re program j ru n n in g a t the sam e tim e. F o o tb a ll R esu lts find By th e way. fo o tb all fans will in terested be in Eddie Dooley’s j fo otball news over KNOW at 5 :30. I fOT his uncanny j Dooley, noted pred ictio n s of w eek-end resu lts, will also be h e a rd on S atu rd ay n ig h ts w ith a review o f the Sat- [ u rd a y games. Sw ing-?cokers will have a gala j n ig h t to n ig h t w ith Cab Calloway j on KNOW a t 10:15, G eorge Olser. a t 10:30, and Ted Fie R ito a t l l . W FA A will present the m usic of th e “ Pagliacci o f the P iano,” Joe R eichm an, a t 10:30 and H enry Busse m ay be h e a rd a t l l o’clock over WO A l. ------------- o -------- Opera to Pick Cast This Week PAGE SIT The First College Daily in the South Phone 2-3164 THE BAILY TEXAN Phone 2-3165 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1937 Circus Day Comes But Once Each Year Coogan, Who Grew Up While Shirley Reigned, Plays Tonight B y A L I C E M A R Y A D A M S IT CAN’T BE— ? It is! It’s Jackie Coogan. You re m em ber, he played in “Tom Sawyer,” with his knicker-legs hanging loose and his cap stuck on sidewise. And now that disreputable urchin has grown up— while everybody was palpitating over Shirley Temple— and will be at Gregory Gymnasium tonight from 9 until I o’clock with his the* orchestra for dancing, and forty-five minute “Hollywood Hit Parade” revue for entertainment. C h ap lin D is c o v e r y G eologists P lan C onvention H ere Tentative plans the na­ tional convention of Sigma Gam­ for The chapters, ma Epsilon, honorary geology fr*» ternity, which will be held at tho University for the first time tho last Thursday, F riday,. and Sat­ urday in December, were made at a meeting of the local chapt®* Tuesday night. thirty from twenty-five states, will send dele­ gates and chapter sponsors to tho convention. Sponsors are leading educators in the field of geology^ Dr. R. H. Cuyler, sponsor of the local chapter, and Dr. F. ML Bullard, grand historian o f tho Grand Council of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, both members of tho faculty of the D e p a rtm e n t of Gem­ ology o f the University, are aid­ ing the local c h a p te r in making plans for the convention. R eview ed Today story “BACK IN CIRCULATION.*’— A t th e P aram o u n t. O riginal by Ade}* Rogers St. Jo h n s. Screen play by W arren Duff. Gowns by Howard Shoup. D irected by Ray E n rig h t. Produced by F irst N a ­ tional- Released by W arner B ro th ers. THE CAST Bill M organ — ....... P a t O 'B rien “Timmy** Blake-------------------Jo a n Blondell A din* Wade ......... .M arg aret L indsay Dr. Eugene P o rd e---------- J o h n L ltel M urphy__________-___ ———-- E d d ie A eulf So overdrawn Is the 82-minute in Circula­ tabloidebacle, “Back tion,” that It is almost— but not quite— a clumsy satire of all news­ paper films. crumby Timmy Blake, little sob-sister of The New York Ex­ press and worshipper of its editor, Bill Morgan, also crumby, scoops her way through the picture, al­ ways managing to meet and win the hearts of her prospective vic­ tims in good time to get their confessions on the hook before the deadline. letter When Editor Bill learns by anonymous that wealthy Spencer "Wade died, not of indi­ gestion but of poison, Tim m y dashes out to get the dope. An autopsy verifies the story, and, with Timmy's unwilling help, Wade’s beautiful widow is con­ victed of the m u rd er. Timmy’s conscience th e better of h e r love fo r M organ. She goes to the W ade fam ily doc­ tor, who love with Mrs. Wade, and to g e th e r th e y persuade the woman to produce the suicide note in left by h e r husband, which he blam es Forde fo r his death. tem p o rarily g ets in is The evils of yetlaw jo u rn a lism (w h at, th a t a g a in ? ) and the lo y ­ alty o f wom an to her m an (a n d th a t? ) are two in g re d ie n ts of th e overseasoned stew. J o a n Blondell flips fro m e f f i­ c ien t new spaper wom an to p o u t­ ing child to scream ing w ench w ith confusing ra p id ity . P a t O’B rien, w hen he goes in to a staccato d ia ­ trib e , w ould m ake a m achine gun take to a shell hole. M arg aret Lindsay, whose ro le is th a t of be­ ing b e a u tifu l, fills it capably. Sole su b tle try o f th e p ic tu re is a cleverly poin ted c o n tra st b e­ t w e e n the re fin e m e n t o f the in n o ­ c e n t Mrs. W ade and th e v u lg arity I of Tim m y, h er to rm e n to r. — A.M.A. Jackie still has the lig h t brow n hair and the dim ples which long ago charm ed an audience w hen he w alked upon th e stage in th e m id­ dle of his parents* vaudeville act a n d did a little dance. C harlie C h ap lin 's presence In th a t a u d i­ ence w as the b reak which gave Jack ie a chance to charm o th e r au d ien ces in film s like “H u ck le­ b e rry F in n ” and “ P enrod and S am .” H e sings, now. and dances, as well as directs the sw ing band. is L ila Lee, who B u t h is will n o t he th e only fa ­ m iliar face. C o -starred w ith the o rc h e stra ’tis said, m akes gentlem en fo rg e t th e ir alleged p re fe re n ce s fo r blondes. She is one of “ Two W ise M aids” re c e n tly produced by Republic P ic tu re s in Hollywood. Hula P rin ces* H onolulu hulas its w ay into the H ollyw ood p arad e, re p re se n te d by P rin cess L u an a, who won a H a­ w aiian Islan d co n test b efo re she w e n t to Hollywood to play w ith B in g C rosby in “ W aikiki W ed­ d in g .” Don E ddy a n d L illian T ours, dancin g stars, have also jo in ed th e p a ra d e o f fam iliar faces by w ay of th e silver screen. H A V E US DE LIV ER YOUR M I L K ftloORE 2 5 0 6 G u a d a l u p e P h o n s 2 - 6 2 6 0 STOP IN FOR A DELICIOUS CUP TO DAY , * * ' N - a VI S o d a Fountain Q L u n c h e s # F o u n ta in D rinks • Ic e C r e a m A N D A C O M P L E T E L IN E O F G O O D D R U G S DIVERSITY DRUG STO i j P. W. MCFADDEN & CO. DIAL 3514 GUADALUPE AT 23RD T e x a n C l a s s i f i e d A c ! S e c t i o n A lone 165 ' Announcements Cleaners Locksmiths Plumbing Furnished Apartm ents PETM ECK Y’S F IF T H ST R E ET SHOP. 101 W EST 5th. PHONE 2-7981. KEYS ■ FITTED . CALL US. E. RAVEN— Since w ater h eater rep airin g , 1890 — Plum bing. piping, range?, heater? connected, sink*, sewer* on-topped, 1403 L avaca. Phone 6753. g a t BLOCK CAM PUS: B eautifully fu rn ish ed cottage. Also lovely room w ith p riv et* h eat. en tran ce, furnace b ath ; private 1920 Speedway, Phone 6818, 925 W est 12 Phone 2-1033 Lost and Found H A P P Y D A Y S A R E H E R E A G A I N I— H e r * in co m p o site a r e cir c u s s c e n e s ms t h e y will be e n a c te d to m o r r o w o n the sh o w g r o u n d s First at S t r e e t and C h a m b ers A v e n u e and when R in g lin g B r o th e r s E a st B a r n u m a n d B a il e y C o m b in e d + rider. B e lo w is se e n th e e r e c t i o n f o r t w o p e r ­ C ircus a r r iv e s le f t , P a u l J e ­ f o r m a n c e s . Top ro m e and Lou Jakoba o f the c lo w n se c tio n , th e D o r o th y La- m o u r -lo o k in g w o m a n ato p the e le p h a n t on th e r ig h t is M a r g u e r i t e Y a cop i. b a r e b a c k o f circ u s m a x im u s o f 1 9 3 7 . th e te n t c ity t o h o u s e y o u n g the When circus fans, eam eram en, say. Dorothy Herbert | W here to G o Circus Equestrian “ I f we don’t to p e v e ry cam pus a c tiv ity except fo o tb a ll this year, i t w ill b e o u r ow n fa u lt. W e cer­ ta in ly h av e th e ta le n t,” said H er­ b e r t W all, d ire c to r o f th e U niver- aity L ig h t O pera C o m p in g when an,d he heard try-outs Monday. p resid en t, W a lte r K err, horsem anship I05. , V " v f e r t* e(l aestrlaTJ said I t h « R ingling B ro th e rs and th a t by the end o f this week, aa- ®5rn ara R’ : 1?a ley Com bined nouncem ent will be made con cern -1 Circus, for expert horsem anship, &e t ^ in £ ° od in g the c a st o f th e o rg an izatio n 's •• eF * re 8 e fo r Miss H e rb e rt can first show, “ M aid M arian ,” a se- m easu re, th e ir hind to quel to last year’s “ Robin Hood,” : f e’n *nree easily a? she c a n one. to be given in D ecem ber. “ Yeo- m en of th e G u a rd ” w ill be p re- Thw acclaim ed rid in g sta r will be tented in M arch, and a third yet a h ea d lin e r w ith th e circus when unselected p ro d u ctio n in May. " com es to A ustin f rid a y . h o rse s The tw e n ty -th re e w ho gained I H e rb e rt, called by circus j PARAM OUNT.- -“ Back in C ir- Jo an Blondell, ; ciliation.” W ith I P a t O’B rien, and M a rg a re t L ind- F e a tu re begins a t 11:40, 1:40, 2:40. 3:40, 5:40, 7 .4 0 , an d I ! 9:40 o ’clock. (R eview ed tod ay .) ST A T E .— “ B ulldog D rum m ond Comes B ack.” W ith Jo h n B a rry ­ m ore, Reginald D enny, and E. E. Clive. F e a tu re begins a t 11:47, 1:29, 3:11. 4:53, 6:39, 9:21, and 10:03 o ’clock. (L a s t d a y ). , Q U EEN .— “ I C over th e W a r ” W ith Jo h n W ayne. F e a tu re b e­ gins at 1:2 2 , 3 :0 4 , 4 :4 6 , 6:28, (F irst 8:10, and 9:52 o ’clock. } in the group horses a s th e y jum p last P n b h eito rs “th e m adcap of th e big d membership M onday a re W a lte r Sellers. S p u r-! to p ," g eon B ritt P eg g y K reiale, G eorge over h u rd les blindfolded, B ra c k e tt, R uth S chultz, Jew o n d a h e r back a t°P a horse in * m illing N ight’s D ream ” Joe a « d stam p ed in g h e rd of G ilb e rt, B e a tric e S ch w artz, Sullivan, D ora G ras, fire hurdles, and H u rst, Ja n e lle T ay lo r, C ora Stein- ! from t h * saddle as h er m a n n , E liz a b e th H alm , W illis | b o ” ? spins on its h in d fe e t. C ole, Shelton Boyce, C lara Black, assisted by C h ristin e S to n e, R o b ert P u rv in , n i*ety o th e r girls in the display Ja m e s P rid g e n , W a lte r P o rte r, o f L ois H arv ey , Jo?ey M eyer, a n d J a n e Y oung. horses.. swings re a rin g lies on C A P I T O L . - H ow ard jum p* H e rb e rt is A M idsum m er W ith Mickey Rooney, Olivia de H a v ila n d , H ugh H erb ert, Dick Pow ell, and Ian H unter. V A R S I T Y.— “ M ountain J u s ­ tice.” W ith G eorge B re n t and school Josephine H utch in so n . --------------o-------------- Theater Selling Season Tickets T he A ustin L ittle T h e a te r laun ch ed an extensive tic k e t sell­ in g p ro g ram M onday f o r five pro­ to be p resen ted d u rin g d u ctio n s tic k e t th e 1937-38 season. The , co m m ittee of m o re th a n s, ; hour e arIier A u stin w om en the is o ffe rin g tic k e ts fo r S3 each o r two fo r $5. T h is d iscount f o r tw o tic k e ts is to en co u rag e h u sband a n d w ife a t­ te n d a n c e , Mrs. H a rry P. B ickler, chairm an o f th e com m ittee, said. . . . high and and jum ping horses. The th rill o f Miss H er­ b e rt’s p erfo rm an ce is the questio n in th e m inds o f sp e c ta to rs as to w h eth er or n o t she h a s h e r equine beast? under control. W ith its 1,600 people, 800 be- f in g p e rfo rm e rs of e ith e r n atio n al o r in tern atio n al fam e, the circus is in tro d u cin g its spectacle, ’‘In ­ dia.” th is year. M atinee p erfo rm an ce will be a t 2 o ’clock and th e n ig h t p e r- . fp rm an ce at 8. Doors are open an t0 the circus D a n c in g , GREGORY GYM.— Ja c k ie Coo­ gan an d his o rc h e stra . W ith P r in ­ cess L uana, Lila Lee, D on E ddy, L illian T ours, an d T h a y e r F o ste r a fo rty -fiv e m in u te flo o r show. in D ancing 9 u n til I o ’clock. D in in g a n d D a n c i n g AVALON D IN N ER CLU B.— F ra n k H u b ert and his A valon D in­ ner Club O rch estra. see th e m enagerie. ta k e n from seventeen ------------- o—-.........— MORE E L EC TR IC ITY USED An in crease of 20 p er c e n t in t h e I la rg e st pow er com panies o f T exas. ; F ig u re s com piled by the U n iv ersity B u reau o f Business R esearch in- e lectrical consum ption d u r i n g dicated th e gain over J u ly o f th is i as m ore th a n th e norm al , A u g u st over A u g u st of la st year y e a r w . ...____ i __________ „ shown when a survey was seasonal increase. w as o f t LISTEN— TEXAS - L. S. U. G A M E P lI h o n e 2-3164 N O T IC E Classified Advertisers You can run your classi­ in fied very economically The Daily Texan: R E A D E R A D S 20 W o rd s— Maximum 1 time .......... 2 times ........... 3 tim e s 6 times ...... $ .40 55 .70 LOO D IS P L A Y I col. wide x I in. deep, #60c insertion. N o refunds for cancella­ tions. Responsible for one incorrect insertion only. A L L A D S C A S H IN A D V A N C E Messenger service until 4:30 p.m., week-days. C ou n­ ter service until 6 p.m. Dial 2-8164 fo r fu rth er information on messen­ ger service. A utos for Sale 1937 BUICK COUPE. Radio, d o c k , h eater. P e rfec t m echanical condition— $*00— no trade. Joe Keiser, 308 P ra th e r Hall. Phone 2-9291. Barber Shops HAIRCUT 25e 409 W est 24— R ear V arsity T h ea te r Beauty Shops R E E D S BEAUTY SHOP, 2811 N orth Guadalupe, extend* a Special Invitation 60c. Call to you. Sham poo and w a tt 7121. J. B. SM ITH C LEA N ER S Coach ing COACHING In T rigonom etry, A nalytic Geom etry. College Algebra, M athe­ m atics of Finance, D ifferential Calculus, and Ja m es H u rt. Phone 2-4443. In teg ral Calculus. 2311 San Antonio. 2-0157. COACHING In Spanish g ram m ar and I tra n sla tio n . 2206 Nueces. 2-9792. COACHING: French. Germ an, L atin, Greek. T ra n s la tin g : 2-0892, evenings. Learn to Dance-—8 Lessons 83.50 .Student Ballroom Classes Monday and T hursday— 7 :30 p.m . ANNETTE DUVAL DANCING SCHOOL Phones 2-3864, 6908 108 W. 14 Visitor* Welcome Dancing Florists SEE del FLORIST M R S . T. H. SEEK A T Z W h o has for 15 years supplied the University students with Lovely C orsages and C u t Flowers. F L O W E R S FO R A L L O C C A S I O N S M ost Reasonable Phone 212 W e st 19th 5116 MATH COACHING. Experienced teach er b reasted . L iberal T rig. Algebra, Geom etry, R. M. R andle. Jo u rn alism Building rew ard. R e tu rn 108. LUST: M an’s brow n plaid coat, double to with pearls. LOST; K appa Sigm a f ra te rn ity pin set In itials W A L on bot­ tom. Reward for re tu rn to W. A. Lan- dreth. P hone 2-0668. LOST: From C hevrolet com partm ent, parked near U n iv ersity , pair pig skin in black ease. gloves and pair glasses Call 6727, Reward. Records GET •LAM PLIGHT,*’ “ Got a D ate W ith An A ngel,"— Hal Kemp. " I ts t h e . N atural T hing to Do.” “ All You W ant to Do Is D ance."— Bing C rosby. Records e t J . R. Reed M usic Co. 805 C ongress. Shoe Shops SA V E: L adies Heel Caps, 15c p air. Half soles, 60c pair. Shoe? dyed, 85c. H eath Shoe Shop. 24th and G uadalupe, w est of L o ck h art C ream ery, S H O E R E B U IL D IN G IN V ISIB L E HALF-SOLING P ick-up and D elivery G o o d y e a r Shoe Shop th e Shoe’* “ E v e ry th in g for 2826 Guadalupe Phone 4597 Service Stations . * j . The five p lay s to ne produced a re “F a ta M organa” by V adja, O ctober 19-20; “ Jo u rn e y ’s E n d ” by Sh e r r iff, N ovem ber 16-17; “ The R oyal F am ily ” by K aufm an and F e rb e r, F e b ru a ry 7-8; “ Coun­ sel I or-at-L aw ” by Rice, M arch 22-23; and “ The P la y # the Thing*’ by Moi n a r, in A p r IL LOUNGE N EA RLY READY The new lounge on th e second flo o r of G reg o ry Gym is n earin g com pletion. I t h as n o t been f o r m - 1 a lly accepted by the U niversity, j T h e furnishing* of th e lounge are m uch like those of th e lounge in th e T exas Union. I t will serve b o th as a lounge d u rin g d a n c e s,' a n d as a m eeting p l a c e fo r a t h l e t i c I j •quads, m an ag ers, a n d coaches, M e d o r a d e s ig n , . . h a n d s o m e w ood* • • • h o e to n e . . . p o w e r t o b r in g y o u th rill* to g coem ption fr o m borne a n d a b r o o d I i t ’# th o p e r f e c t ra d io fo r t a b le o r b o o k - s h e lf . . , a n d a cork la g v a lu e ! Co tao i s to r a d e m o n str a tio n o f shit new 1 9 3 8 P h ilo * IOT*. L u aortal • • • ••old £ * 3 5 0 8 * 3 $44.95 $4 month Includes Ph'lco High Efficiency aerial to insure greatest fore gn reception. R A Y W IL L IA M S O N S E R V IC E 2 Blocks South Campus 1 9 th A G uadalupe S tre ets 24 H O U R S E R V IC E G a ra g e Rooms Typewriters VICTOR A dding M achines R ented-R epaired For Sale Laundries FA LL SPECIALS '7.50 S h e lto n i Tuiipwood 5. 2 fo r $6: 15 B lua- lonnet. $3. 2 f o r $4. B a r­ gain Oil Wa va $1.00. SOC Shampoo Set and Dry 86c STU D EN TS: Don’t rent o r new ty p ew riters. See th* larg e st stock of tecond-hand m achines in town. AU mod­ els. Buy like ren t at Craddock’s Book Store. 821 Congress. 2-7712. buy A*k a b o u t th e R en tal-P u rch ase Plan T U R P E N ’S T Y PE W R IT E R EXCHANGE 210 W est 19— Phone 6 H 5 V A.v.SiTY BEAUTY SHOP 4 0‘J W est 2 4 th — 2-7021 W ELD O N 'S "S m a rt H a ird re sse rs” CREATORS OF SMART PERM A NENT W AVES AND CO IFFU R ES COM PLETE BEAUTY SERVICE IN ­ CLUDING A BUDGET BOOTH 2 Doors N o rth of V arsity T h eater 2402 G uadalupe Phone 4732 located T IT T L E ’S PER M A N EN T SH O P is now Phone 2-0196. O perator*: M rs. M. E. T ittle, Virgie Bruce, Dell B urger. 2802 Nueces. a t 6444 SSE LArnTTTrLY . PHON E 3 7 0 2 I l l T Y PE W R IT E R S Sold-R ented-R epaired Supplies TURPEN'S 210 W. 19 Phone BUR New P ortables T erm s Like R en t One Day Service D R IS K IL L H O T E L L A U N D R Y A LL MAKES Sold— R ented— Repaired Lowest Prices. B est Service 119 East 7th S T E C K I Phone 6384 W. G. AN DREW A RTH A: PLUM BING and Gas F ittin g , H ot W ater H eater* 408 E a s t 18th S treet. Phone 2-2808. Room s Professional DR. F. M. STEIN, Foot Specialist, C hiro­ podist, 320 L ittlefield B uilding, 6th sad C ongress. 0:00 to 5:30. N ight and Sunday ap pointm ents. Phone 2-6004. C O N G R E S S TAXI Phone 4375 •list A Speedway— 19th A Guadalupe Taxi W a n te d W ANTED: One or tw o boys in p riv ate borne of two, P riv a te en tran ce, p riv ate bath. 2307 Rio Grande. W an te d tot Buy HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID F O R second-hand clothing, shoes, and su it ease*. We also buy m usical in stru m e n ts. A. S ch w arts. Phone 8762. CASH for Scrap Gold, Rings, Chains, Pins, w atches, etc. 821 C ongress. 2-7712. G a ra g e Apartm ent large W ANTED : One or two men sh are 2 law stu d e n t. 2*4 blocks cam pus. V ery re a ­ sonable. 2-4748. show er bath, w ith rom s, GARAGE APA R TM EN TS: Boys, $20-125. One block cam pus. Room, p riv ate hath, private en tran ce. Maid service. 208 Elm ­ wood. M rs. Colwell. 2-864 8. FOR R E N T : 2 single rooms in garden apartm ent Garage, p riv ate b ath and en tran ce. Telephone 7294. G A R A G E R O O M S Brand new, nicely furnished. E very- th in g new and clean. Twin beds, show ers. P o rte r service. R ates rea­ sonable. 1912 Nueces Call 9749 NEAU U N IV E R SIT Y , D .li.h tf u l r o u t. large sleeping porch fo r two or with three boy*. E v ery convenience. 2-8419. BOYS: Two so u th e a st u p sta irs rooms in quiet private home near U n iv e rsity . Twin beds. p riv ate b eth , new fu rn ish in g s. 808 E a st 32nd. 2-3091. FOR BOYS: New ly decorated com fortable $7.60- room s. N o rth e ast Campus. -110.00. G arage. 409 E a s t 30th S tre et. ROOMS: P riv a te home, en tran ces, ad jo in ­ ing baths, q u iet U n iv ersity resid en tial reasonable, garage. 2915 W est section, Avenue. Phone 2-6583. SINGLE or double so u th e ast room, up­ sta irs brick a p a rtm e n t betw een Capi­ tol la n d U n iv ersity . Lavaca line. P riv ate entrance. Billa paid. B re ak fa st optional. Phone 2-9674. e a r LARGE, AIRY ROOM, p riv ate home, p r l. v ale entrance, quiet und consortable, 2621 U n iv e rsity . excellent Phone 7089 o r U n iv e rsity S ta tio n 206. location. BLOCK U niversity, room s, nicely cool furnished, all opening into reception hall. A djoining h ath. J u n - ior», seniors, g raduate* call 7749. th ree larg e M EN: One o r two q u iet, employed s t u ­ dents. 18.50 each, Twin beds, linen, gas furnished. P riv a te home between C apitol U n iv ersity . 1508 Colorado. 7504. BOYS; T hree room s, new tw in feed*, all conveniences, double garage. U niver­ sity neighborhood. $10 per boy. 205 E a s t SOth. Phone 3268. LARGE ROOM, tw in beds. p riv ate h a th . 2 blocks from cam pus, 2t>00 W hit is. Betone 6760.________ Room and Board UNIVERSITY G IR L S: M odernistic bed­ room , adjoining b ath , approved house. Meals optional, 4 blocks w eat U niver­ sity. 2 1 0 6 H P earl S tre e t, Phone 2-9828. FOR TWO M EN s tu d e n ts : L arge room , 2 or S m eals, g a rag e if desired. P r i­ vate home. Dial 2-1597. W ANTED : One girl room m ate ta k a m eal? in p riv ate hom e in q u iet n eig h ­ to borhood. Phone 7804. HOME for U n iv ersity girl stu d en t. Ona block from cam pus. Com fortable living q u a rte rs. I I E a s t 2 0 th . Phone 2-9406. G E N T L EM EN : Room with p riv ate h a th . en tran ce, an d garage. Very reasonably, Phone 2-1898— 2-1042. 2408 Sabine. IDEAL STUDENT lo catio n : Large, a l. a ttra c tiv e bedroom, a double an d s in g ly adjoining b a th . R ates reasonable. Ga* rage. 1711 San Ja c in to , 2-7806. Notice Classified Advertisers! Effective Immediately MESSENGER SERVICE Until 4:30 p . r n . Counter Service, as usual, to 6 p.m. Dial 2-3164 IT S DOLLAR WISE to use the T ex an classified section. L ow rates-—co m p lete U niversity coverage—re a d e r in terest—all com bined to m ake this A u stin ’s m ost profitable advertising m edium . Reach 10,000 students and faculty members by advertis­ ing in the paper they ALL READ!! C A L L 2-3164 B E F O R E 4:30 T O D A Y - W E D O T H E R E S T TH U R SD A Y , SEP T EM BER SO, 1937 Phone 2-3164 T H E DAILY TEXA N Phone 2-3165 The First Cortege Dally in the South PA G E SEV EN EE T E X A S P L A Y O K L A H O M A FREE at Dallas, O ct. 9th Go as the guest of these Austin merchants FREE Railroad Fare FREE TICKET to the Game Shoot the Game W ith Your Camera! C ut this ad out and bring to the studio. It will intitle you to Free Devel­ oping of your films (when prints are on» dered). 2510 Guadalupe St. Call 2-0258 Buy Now—Pay Later PER M O N T H As You Get Your A 1 I o w a n se FALL SUTES $19.50 to $35. A T C O H N BROS. AT 910 CONGRESS h a t s Jhn C L E A N E D & ' C / 3 8 4 7 LONGHORN CLEANERS Suitt made to ordr N. A. SH IR LEY , Owner 2638 G U A D A LU PE C am era! Action! “STYLED IN HOLLYWOOD” THE Moviecraft Braces Tho se aso n ’s la te st and g r e a te st— stiled in the ( C double - b r e a s t e d M o viecraft D rape . . . P laid s and overchecks. C l I W k ^ J L C X Complete Car Service Washing - Lubrication Prom pt R oad Service on Tire and Battery Calls Taxico Products Exide Batteries Goodyear Tires Austin Goodyear Co. No. 2 Inc. B O B A R M ST R O N G , M gr. Phone 2-818 7 26th at Guadalupe Wilson Bros. S H I R T S With Obun Seam less Collar button- W i t h down, neck-band and regular col­ lars . . whites and fancies. . and $ 2 Baker-Hemphill 113 East 21 it St. “ Football as it Should Be” D ana Bible’s Longhorns “Food As It Should Be” * T HE T O WE R 311 S. Congree One of our specialties is choice steaks and chops, all corn fattened and care­ fully grilled or broiled to suit your in­ dividual taste. Under the Managment of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rodger* Double and single breasted!; chalk stripe*, window-pain checks; sport backs and plain backs in drape f l 7 5 models................... $ Double-Breasted Drape Top C oati $ 19.75 ‘ A D O W N T O W N STORE FOR CAMPUS MEN i* * - This is the second of a se- ries of contests that will be sponsored each week throughout the football season by Austin merch­ ants through The Doily Texan. Follow these foot­ ball contests and win valuable prizes. Read Instructions— Send In Answers— and see Longhorn and Sooner football stars in action. M ail or bring your an iw eri lo the D A ILY TEXAN Football Contest Editor, Journalism Building, Room 108, before 6 o’clock Monday night, October 4, 1937. FOLLOW THESE RULES In each of the ads appearin g on this p age there are one or more m isspelled words. Find these words— list them cor­ rectly together with the nam e* of the firm s in which they a p ­ p ear and mail them or bring them to TH E TEXAN FOOT- B A LL CO NTEST EDITOR. free A railroad round-trip ticket and a free ticket to the Texas - Oklahoma football gam e will be aw arded the p er­ son having the most correct and neatest list. Merchants’ prize: Two dinners at the Tower. free Coach Bible COLLEGE STUDENTS — KNO— For Good Food and Drinks, come out to . . . [ SCHOQNERVILLE 127 E, 6th St. Ph. 2-1216 Blair Cherry Assistant Football Coach “ W HERE 30TH M EETS G U A D A LU PE AND YOU M EET YOUR F R IE N D S’’ Howard C. Gila trap Assistant Football Coach 103 EAST 6th STREET OPPOSITE LITTLEFIELD BUILDING M orris M an1* Swop Of Course You’ll Be Hungry after you root an d cheer for the winning team ; SP O R T IN G G O O D S CO . Rush down to the P.K . Sandwich Shop and satesfy that hunger. A treat is in store for you if you haven’t tried P .K .’s Cream W affles. T ry Our SIZZLING STEAKS They A re Different IF IT ’S S P O R T IN G G O O D S, YOU CAN GET IT AT . . . Everything for Every Sport 2120 G U A D A L U P E P H . 2-4141 “Potsy" Allen, Mgr. SEE US FOR O F F IC IL P. T. EQ U IPM EN T A Wise Decision before starting for the gam e is to have your car checked at JE S S E JA M E S SM ITH * SERV1CENTER Com plete Service at One Stop G U LF G A S AND OIL Good Luck • • . Longhorns Good L u c k . . . Longhorns The New Center of Student Life THE TEXAN GRILL 2800 G U A D A LU PE PHONE 7921 There * a reason for the popularity of the Texan Grill, the d ra g ’s newest lunchenette. P. K. SANDWICH SHOP 108 West 7th W. R. (B ill) Auttenberry, Mgr. W ASHING LUBRICATION TIRES ' REPAIRS Q U A CKER ST A T E OILS B A TT ER IES Serving: *lce Cream Specialties Fountain Drinks Steaks Sandwiches PAGE EIGHT T h ' f i r s t C o U tg t D a ily In t h e S o u th Photic 2-8164 THE DAILY TEXAN Phone 1-81 SB THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1937 Britain Warns Italy Against Continued Spanish Intervention Q U E E N French Will Open I Border to Troops Qf Terrorist War on Civilians If Duce Refuses Black to Answer Klan Membership Charges by Radio Governor Blasts Holbrook; Daniel Called Into Fray Jap Embassy Denies Charge Huntsville Boys Beat Their Rent C A P I T O L ma A d v en tu rer t Shooting war, dodging bullet* Now! 25c Till 5 T hree boys N E W SR E E L LAST DAY I C opyright by International New* S ervice A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM tv WM. n u n n A u M a * Vt K E H C tU B C aD I C A S T O P 1 0 0 6 I* STARS After-School for Matinee School Children 3 to 8 1 A C Today 10‘ STARTING FRIDAY I " JI a f m r \ W ttn/ir BAXTER BEERY LAVE S H I V .ELIZABETH ALI AN MICKEY ROONEY UflRSITV TODAY ONLY <4M O UNTAIN JUSTICE” with George B ren t Josephine H utchinson FRIDAY - SATURDAY JOHN WA Y N E - ami CAS . MW MMU* llUliLLLL NOW! Warn*? Ores' xaittsr-intaRtt nil Harries BASK SN CIRCULATION PAT O'BRIEN JOAN BLONDELL MARGARET LINDSAY 4 — PLUS— DUKE ELLINGTON*! — BAND— . usa pm I \ I - I i I I a I InjJLni LAST DAY Jo h n B arrym ore “ Bulldog Drum m ond Come* B ack” -S T A R T S T O M O R R O W - W A R N E R B A X OAN BENNET! m m J ret. H e l e n V I N S O N • M u c h * A U E R # A lan MOW BRAY • Jarom a C O W A N S______ Rotated thru UNITED A HT’STP_______ 1 9 3 8 IM TECHNICOLOR th* fa rn ou* W A L T E R W A N G E R M O D E L S storm -sw ept N O R FO LK , V a ., S ep t. 29.— ( I N S ) — W ith seas p resagin g an om inous w elcom e, Suprem e Court J u stice H ugo L. A m erican B lack shores today. returned to The B altim ore m ail liner, C ity o f N orfolk , carrying th e ju stice and h is w ife back to th e U nited S ta tes from a European vacation, slow ed down for quarantine in the early m orning hours a fte r b attlin g h eavy w eath er o f f the bleak V ir­ gin ia capes. com m ittee” p hotographers A “ reception of m ore than IOO n ew spaper corres­ p ond en ts, and n ew sreel cam eram en rode down N orfolk H arbor to board the lin er a fte r h ealth service, im m igration com ­ and cu stom s o ffic ia ls had p leted in sp ec­ tions. th eir prelim inary in spectors g overn m en t T w o coast guard v essels w ere n ecessa ry to transport the press to and q uarantine. It w as largest group to m eet an incom ing vessel leader Alme© sin ce Sem ple M cPherson passed through this p ort several years ago. eva n g elist th e "While new spaper cam eram en clam bered aboard to bombard the regarding ju stice w ith q uestions his alleged con n ection s w ith the Ku K lux K lan, word reached here from au th oritative that J u stice B lack m ay d eliver a radio speech S atu rd ay night. sou rces the O fficia ls o f tw o m ajor b road castin g com panies have com ­ m un icated w ith ju stice by w ireless o ffe r in g fa c ilitie s fo r a n ation -w id e address. the ----------------- o--------------- DIRECTORY READY NOV. I Miss Ita Louise Barekm an, edi­ tor o f o ffic ia l publications, an­ nounced th at work been started on this y ear’s S tu d en t Di­ rectory, which w ill be ready for distrib ution about N ovem ber I . has KNOWLEDGE M ost o f th e know ledge com es we o b tain through th e e y e s. It is our work to make your ey e s se e properly and com fortably. OPTOMETRIST & O P T I C I A N 6 * 8 7 * C O N G R E S S AVF 'vm tuff W A SH IN G TO N , 29.— LONDON, S e p t 2 9 ,— U N S ) — ( I N S ) — The Jap anese governm ent S te m w arning1 to Ita ly that E urope today denied, through its em bassy fa c e s th e p ossib ility of a general con flagration i f active fo reig n in -, here, C hina’s charges she is w ag- terrorist w ar again st de* tarvention con tin u es in Spain was ing a fen sele ss civilian non-com batants drafted by th e British cab in et to ­ by raids on day. China cities, indiscrim inate air Sept. In tw o m eetin gs th e cab in et ap­ proved a jo in t A nglo-F rench note ap pealin g to Ita ly to join a three- pow er co n feren ce aim ing at a g en ­ eral the Spanish Civil W ar. se ttle m e n t o f The n ote also reiterates the n e­ cessity of n on-interven tion sign a­ tories to resp ect th e le tte r and spirit o f th eir agreem ent In an exclu sive in terview w ith In tern ational N ew s S ervice, Y. Sum a, counselor and charge d’a f­ faires o f the Japanese em b assy, made this d efen se o f Japan’s m ili­ tary m aneuvers in China: Mme. Chiang Asks For Jap Boycott B apyright by In tern ation al New* Service N A N K IN G , S ep t. 2 9 .— (IN S ) — “'A m erica and G reat B ritain alone could restrain Japan by im - p osin g an and soft-p ressu re econom ic screw s need not lead to a con flict." econom ic em bargo . I B y International New* S ervice The T exas tax w ar boom ed m er­ rily on today as G overnor Jam es V. A llred le t fo rth new b lasts a t those opposing h is ta x program . o ffe n siv e T od ay’s from t h e w a s o ffic e ex ecu tiv e’s c h ie f launched prim arily a t th ose w h o ! m ove(l t o n eeded r e v en u e s can be ga„ . „ . I r* ised b* . D ecid in g to enroll at from H u n tsville, w ho have enrolled as fresh m en at th e C ollege o f M ines and M e ta l­ lu rg y at E l P aso, have a n ovel so ­ lu tion fo r the h ousin g problem . T h ey took th eir house w ith them . the El P aso in stitu tion fo llo w in g th e r e ­ several b u lletin s and ce ip t o f b ooklets, the boys, H arry M iller, H arry J oe Bruce, and Mack D uce, b ough t a 1931 m odel au tom obile and an an cien t trailer house and Their hom e now i * UaUiH J it, A stan d s on a vacan t lo t behind the cam pus. One o f their H u n tsville frien d s, Carl Shepard, has m oved in with them . — — « a — 4- I * 'oll'ctm d elin q u en t ' c h f n T b V u '’"defending " h e > » t h . U n ited S tate,' and_En/ in rights conveyed her under In th e stro n g est plea y e t m ade ta Ie5 - Secondary w as h is sarcastic T. J. H olbrook, G alveston, leader o f th e an ti-tax blockade. l.n d | flin gJ * th e I Mme. C hiang K ai-Shek m ade this appeal today in an exclu sive in te r­ view . D aniel L etter Made Public The B ritish governm ent w ill no- B oxer protocol and other tre a tie s, and d efen d in g the lives o f her n a ­ tionals resid in g in China. 2. Japanese air raids have been and w ill con tinu e to be d irected solely again st m ilitary ob jectives. tify Ita ly secretly , through diplo m atic ch an n els, that if she r e fu se s to ag ree to w ithd raw her “volu n ­ tee rs” from Spain, B ritain w ill be “ relu ctan tly com pelled to acqui­ esce” in the F rench in tention to open th e Franeo-Spanish fro n tier. action by F rance w ith British agreem en t, would perm it any am ount o f men and w ar ma- China’s territorial in teg rity , guar- Japanese a ggression is sim ple, terials to p our over the P yren ees in to Spanish L oyalist territory to rein force th e Spanish govern m en t in fig h tin g th e Insurgents. is n ot v iolatin g th e Nine Pow er Pact as her m ilitary’ operations are in d efen se o f her rights and she T his m ethod, sh e said, w ould check the Jap an ese in China w ith ­ out resort to war. is not a ssailin g j C hinese d ictator, “ the w a y to halt 4. Japan hopes China wil< agree A ustralia, anteed by th e pact. to an early peace. som eth in g 3. Japan Such is j Called into th e b attle was the G overnor’s tax com m ission er, A l­ b ert K. D aniel, fo r a reb u tta l of the delinquent ta x claim s. T h e Governor made public a le tte r from D aniel assertin g th a t the po? “ I f the sign a to ries o f th e N ine- P ow er P a ct o f W ashington up­ ( I N S ) — W ith u nexpected u nanim - the said that in stru m en t,” hold th e j sib ilities o f c o llec tin g d e l i n q u e n t l y the A m erican Bar A ssociation A m erican -ed ucated w ife of w e n t on record today as opposed to P resid en t R oosevelt’s cou rt to guard took I plan and . . taxes had been grossly o v er esti­ m ated. D aniel subm itted a report fro m j tax su rvey sh ow ing *«jn N ew Zealand and South already a statew ide K A N SA S CITY, Sept. steps 29.- . Lawyers Oppose New Court Plan On the other hand, it w as re­ vealed, if I ta ly agree? to w ith ­ draw her troops from the “ m inia­ ture W orld W ar ” B ritain w ill lead th* w ay in reco g n izin g Ita ly ’s con ­ quest o f Ethiopia. Such recognition has lo n g been a p oin t of close b argain in g be­ tw een London and Rom e. The Italian governm ent has brought it up rep eated ly in n eg o tia tio n s t o ­ ward a genera: European p a c ifi­ cation. Nyon Anti-Pirate Patrol Revised P A R IS, S e p t 29.— (IN S ) — Italian , F rench and Brit sh naval exp erts tod ay reached an ag ree­ m ent on revision o f the N yon ac­ cord fo r th e M editerranean an ti- pirate patrol, the m inistry o f m a­ rine an nou nced . The new agreem en t w ill be signed at 6 p. rn ., It wa? stated. A com m unique said : “T he n a v a l d elegation * o f F ran ce, Italy and Britain prepared an arran gem en t fo r subm ission to their govern m en ts assu rin g naval com m erce a gain st illicit a t­ tacks d efin e d at th e N yon co n fer­ ence. A fin a l session fo r sig n a ­ ture w ill be held at 6 p. rn.’’ the It w as b elieved th e n ew accord provides fo r Italian p articipation, on a basis o f eq u ality w ith B rit­ ain and F ran ce, in th e M editerran- I ean patrol. --------------- o ............ U. S. Ship Imperiled By Chinese Mine b ein g done. The labor fed era tio n s approxim ately $ 1 7 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 on d e - jRgrainpt lts success The presen t undeclared S in o-s there r e fu se to handle w ar m a te­ Japanese co n flict, Suma a sserted , J rials con sign ed to Jap an.” w as precipitated by aggressive at- linquent I $9,29h\458 “ w hich could n ever be I six tieth annual association __________________ „______________________________ The board o f d elegates a t th e con- rolls — but w ith tax .... Mme. C hiang K ai-Shek m ade j collected because th e y do n o tjv e n tio n here approved, w ith ou t troops I clear she b elieves that ev en tu a lly ex ist Sutmi declared th e first act o f h ostility w as an attack by C hinese in sold iers on Japanese w ill strike at R ussia h u t accum ulated f ° rC” cl**r she believM that ev en tu a lly I e x ist.” T his tota l, said D aniel, has; d isM n tin g v o te, the report o f a t0 j U nion in ten d s to do. She stated j doned property. through " fic titio u s fo r th e p resen t, sh e asserted , she and erroneous valu es alon e, a n d does not know w hat th e S o v ie t ; d oes not include ta x es on abon- special stu d y Suprem e Court plans, which condem ned any reorgan ization o f th e fed era l jud iciary, excep t by ta x com m issioner said, “‘th at m ost co n stitu tion al am endm ent, a n d “ Jap an,” she said , “ tried y ea r s o f these taxes are u n collectib le, j recom m en ded creation of a 7-man con stan t Japan’s p osition on the air raids ago after the Kolchak u n p leasan t-1 a t the present tim e. I need o n ly m * e d n^> y1"11 h e 6 ? la y fug o f * two? ’j a p - j P ositively low anes© naval o ffic er s at Shanghai i airport. i Ion N ank in g, Hankow, Canton and n ess, to sta y in Siberia. She cov- j call your atten tion to the I eth er China cities, as explained to : In tern ational N ew s S ervice by ; S u m s, is th is: eta 4rhe rich fish eries and m ineral th a t the price o f cotton is so low w atch over the cou n try s jud icial and econom ic w ealth iii those re- and uncertain I am v e r y gio n s and w ants an uninterrupted 0f the ability o f fa n n e r s to pay “ i t is m y o ffic ia l op in ion ,” the th at no Sino-R ussian j co m m itu < appointcd . . . u»a«i v*k The tit' m etal trad es d ep artm en t e anfj *;x other persons w ere the dam age o f I Labor T u esday form ally and unan-1 w^ ich tod ay w as se t a t $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . j im ouriy voted opposition to tw o of labor p o li­ P r e s id e n t R oosevelt’s cies. impairing th olr s0™ ° « the com m ission con- or in creasing th eir ra te s; and a j tin u e ad vocacy o f v iew s voted by ch allen ge of sta te m e n ts m ade by ; m em bers in b eh a lf o f an indepen- H olbrook in his speech yesterd ay. I H olbrook, said A llred , is a fin e j 3 T h at ir t i e e v e n t su bstan tial jud iciary. | tio n , , BdteUI system . 2. T h at the th e trouble ch aracter, "but is, ch an ges a ffe c tin g Sup rem e! j he w on ’t listen when you talk to j Court or other fed eral cou rts are i him . O bviously, he d id n ’t listen to j proposed and under seriou s con- j m y m essage. H e w ouldn ’t w ilfu lly j sid eration by fu tu re session s o f m isrepresen t th e fa cts, but t h e ; C ongress, a referend u m v o te o f S en ate Journal o f the regular sea- m em bers o f th e association be sion sh ow s th a t I did m ake sp e­ taken on such proposals and that cific b ud get recom m en dation s, yet th e resu lts o f the vote th ere a fter co n stitu te in stru ction s o f th e as­ in his speech be claim ed I did not. sociation to such special com m it­ -------------------------- 0 --------------- tee . th e J a p a n ese S H A N G H A I, S ep t, 29.— (IN S ) — The U n ited S ta te s cru iser A u ­ gu sta, at a s c h e r o f f S h a n g h a i , was g ra v e ly en d angered tod ay by a sp ecta cu la r C hinese attem p t to blow Id- zumo ou t o f the W h an gp oo R iver. its T he C hinese e f f o r t m issed mark and n eith e r v e sse l w as dam ­ aged, but th e m in e w hich had been m ean t *to blow the Idzum o to bit* exp lod ed w ith a b last that shook th e c ity from end to end. fla g sh ip T h e d eton ation the com m en cem en t o f a n ew b attle that m en aced resid en ts o f the fo r ­ eign sectio n . sign alled --------------------------o--------------- C H I N A B U Y S P L A N E S L O N D O N , Sep t. 29.— (IN S ) th e n a t io n a l B oth the w ages and hour bill a n d labor relation s b o a rd cam e in fo r slam s, as th e m e ta l tr a d e s con ven tion supported w ithout the position o f its p resid en t, John P. F rey, in th is opposition. a d issenting voice, J o h n C oefield, p resid en t of the plum bers and chairm an o f the o f­ fice rs com m ittee, brou ght a r e p o r t s h a rp ly critical o f govern ­ m ent exp ressin g w holehearted approval o f F r e y ’s position. W i th policies r o a r and in a 'th e con ven tion it w ithou t a d e le g a te s a d o p t e d c h a n g e. I M etal trad es com prise 600,000 fe d e r a tio n ’s 3 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 j of 1 m em bers. the has approved The air m in istry shipm ent o f about a dozen sin gle- E x - S t u d e n t S t u d i e s se a te r 250 m ile an h oar m ilitary n n airplan es to the C hinese govern - D e s i g n i n g B t v ^ O m e l l m ent, it wa® learn ed today. ---------------o --------------- ----------- ^ I The b laze, b elieved to have or-1 in the photograph iginated storage room o f the E dgar Tobin p . . A erial S u rvey C om pany, through th at p la n t and tw o other | n earb y b uild in gs b efo re b ein g brought under con trol. film J a p * C o n f i s c a t e . *. > u sw ep t L / i p J O m & t S r t o m e s ----------- P E IP IN G , Sep t. 2 9 .— ( I N S ) — In retaliation fo r C hinese diplo- j F irem en Frank M onaco, W . F. m atic su ccesses at G eneva, Japan Howard, and A ssista n t C hief Earn- ese m ilitary au th orities here tod ay est, and six em p loyes o f the s u r - : com pelled P eip in g p olice to con­ vey com pany w er e in ju red f ig h t - 1 fisca te th e 300-year-old $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 palace o f Dr. V. K. W ellin gton I in g the blaze. the em p loyes, Joh n C arnot, Koo, C hinese d elegate The to Luis R e y n a , G riffin ^ ooten , L eague o f N ations. Johnny V illegas, John F ern an d ez, 1 and Fred O viedo, n arrow ly es- caped b ein g burned to death. The Jap an ese also ordered con­ fisca tio n o f th e more m odest resi- j donees o f Dr. C. T. W ang, Chi- T hey w ere trapped in the blaz-1 n ese am bassador to W ashington, foreign I ing building but all seized fire ex- Dr. A lfred S ze, form er i tingu ish ers and fo u g h t their w ay m inister. to sa fety . The other tw o b uildin gs des- virtual n ation al shrine. Dr. K oo’s hom e has becom e a It w as troyed w ere a fillin g sta tio n and there th a t Sun Y at-S en , fou n d er an an tiq ue shop. I o f m odem C hina, died. 4. T h at th e special com m ittee on Suprem e Court proposals be discharged. DINE - DANCE At G ayest *Au»tin’* Newest, D inner Club” BRINS YOUR FRIENDS FOR G O O D F O O D , S O O D M U S I C , AN D LOTS OF FUN Phone 2-0442 for Reservations A v a l o n D I N N E R C L U B D allas Highway A U S T FRIDAY N AFT'N NIGHT Tune in on Texas-L.S.U. Game! O C T . I T he p lan es, m an u factu red by th* G loster A ircraft C om pany, may be accom pan ied b y B ritish “v o lu n tee r” p ilots. ONCE IN A BLUE MOON . . . Will you find food to compare with the de Icous food at P e K e SSSSUDDEN SSSS6RV1CE “ O N THE DRAG” E lizabeth Schm eck o f A u s t in ! le ft last w eek for C ornell U n i - J versify , w here she plans to tak e I a special course in costum e design. Miss Schmeck attended the U n i­ v ersity for her freshm an and soph- cm ore years. S he plans to spend a fe w days in P hiladelphia v isitin g relatives b efore en terin g C ornell. Next. | sum m er Miss Schm eck ex p ec ts to > stud y ad vertisin g in N ew Y ork C ity, and n ext w in ter w ill return to C ornell to com p lete h er cou rse. P O S T A L R E C E I P T S U P Texar- postal those o f receip t* d uring t h e A u gu st e x c e e d e d c o r r e s p o n d in g m onth la st year, a c­ cording to in form ation from the U n iv ersity Bureau o f B u sin ess R e­ search. R eceipt* in Corpu* Christi, Del Rio, EJ P aso, F o rt W orth, H arlin gen , P alestin e, San A n ­ ton io, T yler, W ichita F ails, a n d W a co e x c e e d e d both th o se o f the p r e c e d in g m onth and o f th e cor­ responding m onth last year. Th« on*y stock of National Col loge Fraternity Jewelry in Austin. ♦ W e deliver while others are ♦ thinking^about it. Com e in and I look— C om pare our prices. f M cK innon’s Jewelers—O ptom etrists 607 C ongress Ave. t Cha*. H ow ell’* G U L F Service Station R efu ter* * ! L u b rica tio n S t e a m C ar W a sh in g S T U D E N T E M P L O Y E E S 19th and Rio Grande P h o n e 9 8 2 6 Streamliner - - ' r V ’.r V . ‘ die " Special Sale Price 9e 0 19.00 Value ,V- ; . v ’ 7 Fir*t p rize w in n er in “ M od ern P la s t ic * ” c o m ­ p e titio n ! M ore b e a u t i f u l . m ore m o d e r n . . . th an a n y m id g e t r a d io ! Y e t it com e* to you a t a n e w lo w p rice! In o n e p ie c e , it c o m ­ p l e t e ly en clo s e* t h e se t— fro n t and b a ck . Y o u c a n ’t see a tube or w ire. Real v a lu e a t S e a r s ! . . SHOW D E A R T H ALL NEW TH IS YEA R 10.000 M A R V EL S including T he Colossal New Spectacle I N D I A GIGANTIC HOST OF C r a f t s ^ 2 ARDS NEVER BEFORB O N THIS CONTINENT Col, Tim McCoy & New Rough Riders & Jndiars 1 0 ,0 0 0 W A * v * L a _ i « o o P f o > C l T _ i o o ANEMIC CHAMPIONS — SSO CLOWNS 7S0 M o n a c a — lo o* m ch ao cr ic a n im a l s __ 7 HCRDX o r ELEPH A N T S— W O RLD ’ S I A H C I ST T I NT-7 KIN GS A S T A S E S . HUQE H IPPO D R O M E C O U R SE — 4 T R A IN S of Double-Length Steel R A I L R O A D C A R S L O A D E D W I T H W O N D E R S P R O M K V I R V L A M P Twice Daily -2 A 8 P . M . { p o p u l a r | P » H C C * DOORS OPEN U 7 P . M . Tickets on sale Circus Day at th# Renfro Drug Co., 6 th and C ongress St*., as well as on th* show grounds. Austin Community Show San A n t o n io H ig h w a y , 2 Mile* S o u th . C hills, T h rills, Sp ills. S o m e t h in g N e w a n d D i f f e r e n t . T o n i to Invitational Derby Night S E A R S . R O E B U C K AND CO. Don Eddy and Lillian Tours T O N I G H T / Everybody's going fo the biggest dance of the year. JACKIE C O O G A N J a c k i e C a c k i e u o o g a n and His Melody M en G R E G O R Y G Y M A D M IS S IO N $1.10 * ALSO "Hollywood Hit Parade 9-f f t 45 MINUTE FLOOR S H O W f e a t u r i n g : — L IL A L E E — P R I N C E S S L U A N A *— T H A Y E R F O S T E R — D O N E D D Y a nd L I L L I A N T O U R S University Girls May Attend With Permission Auspices: Ben H ut Temple