With Old d o r y floating m errily in the breeze and before hundreds of spectator-, the U niversity brigade of thirteen com panies passed through their tin rd re vie w . President Vinton, Captain ll P C ousins and L. A. Coul­ ter, State i retary of the Y. M. C. A were among those witnessing the review. While three troops were drawn up at attention, President Vinton address­ ed the men in the interest of the Y. \ and its work in the army. II i “One of the greatest pieces of serv­ ice that has been rendered during the present war ha been rendered by the Y. M. C. A.,” said President Vinson. He then told of President W ilso n ’s plan whereby the Y. M. <\ A. would continue its work among the soldiers and of the Nation-wide movement to It raise $3,000,000 for this purpose. is proposed to have one secretary to care for the needs of each 1000 men im the field. Texas has joined the movement and ha- been called upon and the to raise $75,000. Austin University have been requested to contribute $">000 towards this move­ ment, and President Vinson said that he desired to give each student the privilege of donating $1 toward this I cause. President \ inson then introduced IL A. Coulter, who hold of the erect­ ion at Leon Springs of a Y. M. C. A. building, entailing an expenditure of I $ hkmi for building, and $ 1200 for fur- I mshings. According to .Mr. Coulter, a campaign will be launched shortly fin order that the U niversity may help (pay this debt ('aptain lb. well introduced then Captain R. I ’ < , who is to take charge of th* University m ilitary or- ?ai i/ation a to Captain n es vol •swill, who leaves shortly for an­ Thi announcement came other pie! Ca great irprise, and was met with Regret t v boti. th* men on the field President Viri­ Ibid the spectator on- suggestion to the m ilitary au- If Antonio that Cap »in Boswell be elevated to a higher ink was greeted with great applause rum th* soldier? and the stands, and ^ tty rah w*-r« i iven for the retiring •ptain. i’ h 1 before th* I* view the companies lined up on the field and were •t through a fifteen-minute calis- Nnic drill. Th. review was preceded lowering of the flag to the r , .Spangled Banner. P in uf the > I niversity Band and . htl1' : I the I acuity tympany, under the pmand of Prof. A. P. Rrogan, par- 1'ipating for tho f,rst time, the bri- r ^ passed before reviewing the I he faculty company was and. an I they, together with *' twplve companies that followed, Biie a pleasing pectacle to all wit- r inK lf f; m j f ^ 0vU‘d marked tin stands. The improvement, *t. *£. -J* •£• •£■ *C Here’s to you, Capt. Boswell. Every student wishes you the best of success. * * * H U S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H V Dive your dollar donation V ? * puny commander. the \. VI. ( \. I«> >our com- for -J* f ... t . * + No. I Tit VOL. X V II. A U S T IN , T E X A S , S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 19, 1917. military pa r a d e of STUDENT BODY IS GREAT SUCCESS Y. M. C. A. WANTS TO RAISE $5000 IN AUSTIN FOR ARMY Dr. Vinson Vddresses Students in In- (crest of Y. M. C. A.— Large f r o " (I of Co-Eds Look On. I art of State-Wide C ampaign to Get $75,000— Secretary Coul­ ter Is Here. AVIATORS OFFERED TEXAS OUTPLAYS THOROUGH COURSE BEARMAN,S CAPI BOSWELL ORDERED Elg in Weeks of Training lo F it Men as Airm en—Schools in Six ( dllege*. IL Jones and J. M. Greer Defeat Mo­ Dade und Moore of B a ilo r in Close Match. TO DUTIES ELSEWHERE B> Jessie M ary H ill. Beginning today the State Y M r ' I The Aviation School, which will open here next Monday, is one of six the colleges of lexas won the Southwestern A th ­ letic- ( (inference tennis championship yesterday, when Houston Jones and J . M, Greer defeated McDade and Moore of Baylor. The first two sets were hard fought battles, Texas win- u o iu c g , t e x a s win ..........— .. enl,sted r» P ‘dly in the ning the first 6-3 and B aylor the sec­ ant! here for loud by the same score. In the last ourse w ill last eight I aet the Bears lost their luck and were Three weeks w ill bt l A fte r B aylo r was eliminated, the , k*urnln^ the theory of | finals were played between Jones ” ,r' --- — — | sent A. authorities will inaugurate a cam- wtal,|,shed paign to raise $5000 in Austin as part of the $75,000 fund that Texas is going to provide for work. This money this country. These will be at Cornell, Illinois, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Texas. i i a Ohio State, Arm y is to be used t o L . ! . _ , Y * in ... build mid equip quarters and to pro- C ™ aqua^r" n vide five secretaries for each build-1 ,,7 ',!""* ' mg. Provision will be made for read-*^7 S’ an Kiri in the Physical 'Training canning and drying fruits and vege- 'departm ent will have tho privilege of tables, the making of war bread and i usmK Un* cabin, hut it is not for the meat substitutes. of that depart those outside 2. Textiles and clothing 3. Gardening and poultry 4. F irs t aid. Borne 316 girls are taking this work and 160 of them have volun­ teered their services free of charge to the County Canning Clubs, the Women's ( bibs of the Stat.', and to the Extension Department of A. & M. to assist in carrying on the food con­ servation campaign during the months of Jun e and Ju ly . The graduation held here on May 30. exercises will he A. & M. GRADS ENLIST Juniors Drill Cadet Corps Double time— Seniors All Serving Country. Special to The Texan. Bryan , Texas, May 18.— O f the 138 Seniors recently graduated from Tex­ as A. & M. College, 71 have been ac­ cepted for training at Leon Spring , 13 for the Marine Corps, and 4 as paymasters in the N avy, while 37 are engaged in industrial work of a pub- society that lie character. The remaining 12 are .given. use °* went. j * C l T S IN ML S. C O U R S E S . The rules regarding cuts in M ili­ tary Science course- are the same as those governing any other University course, with the exception of M. S. 101, Each student is allowed to have unexcused absences to the extent of In IO per cent of the time called for. the case of th*- course in infantry drill, it was considered best to suspend this rule, as the time was so short and there was so much ground to cover that it would badly disorganize the work if the men were to take advan­ tage of the cutting privilege. NO A S H B E E P L A Y T H IS Y E A R . Ashhel Lite ra ry Society will not give a play this year because of the confusion that the pending crisis has brought about in the University. Each year Ashhel gives a play, the proceeds from which are used to buy books for the Library. Last year was the first time in the history of the a play has not been The Amazons” was the title It of the play to be given this year. has not been decided as yet whether the society will give books to the L i­ brary this year. FOOD PRO DUC T IO N C O U R S E SCHOLARSHIPS TO BE AWARDED SOON Four Applications Received for Old wright Fellowship— Others ( lonely ( out est ed. Up to date there are four applicants for the Charles Durand Oldwright •scholarship. This is the scholarship that is given annually to a student of Philosophy, and it is valued at $600. I he applicant has to he recommended Philosophy and »y the fat uity of Psychology, and is approved by the president and Board of Regents. The Board of Regents will confirm the recommendation of the faculty of P h i­ losophy at their next meeting. This year the Philosophy scholar­ ship has been held by Clarence E . Brand, who is taking his A. K. and his M. A. in Philosophy and Math. Mr. Bland had the privilege of a scholar­ ship for next year in Math at Prince­ ton, one in Philosophy at H arvard, but b** has gone to Leon Springs. ! Las! year the scholarship w as held by Tom Stokes, who now has a schol­ arship in Psychology at Chicago, Two years ago it was held by C. O. T a y ­ lor, who gets his Ph, D. at Missouri in .Sociology, Economics, and Psychol A ll four applicants ogy this year. for the scholarship are of Ilk*- calibre I to the above mentioned men. 'The scholarship given by the Fed­ eration of Wom en’s Clubs is to he given soon, as is also the scholarship given by the Daught* rs of the A m er­ very ican Revolution, There are A. R. many applicants scholarship, which will be awarded in the near future. for the D. E N G I N E E R S P L A N ( L A S S D A Y . Dean T. U. T aylo r has called for meetings of the Senior and Jun ior Engineering [a part­ classes of the ment on next Monday morning for th** purpose of laying plans for this year's ( la.-rtS Day exercises, Each year the Senior class of each department hands down to the Ju n io r class the emblem of the department on that occasion, and usually these ceremonies are ac companied by some sort of stunts. The Doodle Bug Versus the Ant ' Much curiosity has been aroused around the campus by the number of students, even dignified U niversity Seniors, who have returned to some of their childish pleasures, and are seen running at>out the campus with big bottles (m ilk ones, “ swiped” from I hey stop sudden­ i their landladies), ly, aiul at u small mound of dirt with a hole in the cen­ ter. Others are seen bending over little holes in the sand, stirring tiles*- diligently with a straw, humming all the while, th*U old fam iliar anthem, “ Doodle bug, doodle bug, fly away home; your house is on fire, and the children will burn.” look hopefully landladies. Some have gone so far as to estab­ lish various colonies of these insects iii their rooms, greatly to the sorrow of the No, These stu­ dents are not candidates for North Austin, hut are only getting mate­ rial for a thesis on “ Bugology,” as directed by Dr. Casteel. “ A n ts” is the subject for one group of studes, and “ Doodle Bugs” for the other. .Some discussion has arisen bet’..win the members of each clan as to the rn* rit of their respective charges. To settle this, several battles have been staged in the Zoo I.ah between the most ferocious ants and the largest doodle bugs. The doodle bugs were declared winners, as the opposition was killed in the battle. C O R P O R A L S M IT H G E T S G IF T . The men in Company 7, who drill each morning, ar** appreciative of the efforts of their instructors to perfect them in the practice of m ilitary tac­ 'This was expressed in a very tics. practical manner yesterday, when they t*wik up a collection of several dollars and presented it to Corporal In a few appreciativ*- words, Sm ith. L. Then, Bellmont, group commander, thanked him for his services and ten­ dered him the gift. A t first he re­ fuged to accept it, hut was finally persuaded to do so. Corporals Smith and Askew w ill leave soon for their respective companies, and the men here will greatly feel their loss. B E R R Y -1 L E M M I N G W E D D ING. O F F I C E S L O S E A S S I S T A N T S . I he I ‘diversity is to hid good-by® Jam es (J, Boswell And to to ( apt. welcome Capt. Ralph P. Cousins, who is to take up the work that ( apt . Boswell leaving. This news was given out to the students by ( apt Boswell himself in the speech of in- traduction that he made for ( apt. ( oukins just before the review ye ster­ day. is The news of his recall to hendquar- t 9. when we attem pted to ex­ press. in our m eager way, the estim ation we held of C apt. Bos­ well. His w ithdraw al to another field was not required as an in­ for our appreciation; c e n t i v e was not necessary’ to make u> realise th a t we had the i d e a l m ilitary commander. ('apt* Boswell, the student? of K the University w >h > and if there is anything else you desire, we tru s t yo® ** able to a tta n it. R**1 th at you have made an in hie mark in t h mind < i * »er* student w ith whom y - h.i*- come in contact, an-; alwa*? re l h member the L niversity as strongest supporter. NY hen you are in these part again, Captain, d o n t forget f o u n d . r SHIRT SALE BEGINS T O D A Y IOO dozen M ens l ine w nile , sell at a big sacrifice in price. men will take advantage of the Shirts. W ill Hundreds of sale and lay in a full summer's supply. New. Fresh Negligee S h irt- b u y t h e m h e r e . b a t h CAPS—b a t h c a p s All This Year’s Stock—Nothing Old Large Line to Select From 35c to 75c University Drug Store “The Convenient Place*' Separate Garments 3 i c Men. h e n is I cut Undersl Hts b arred Nair.soo Eye Examiner! And Makers of QUALITY GLASSES T H E S T E L F O X CO. J. Thus. Ward Optometrist in Charge. Player Piano Rolls 30c Popular Sheet Music 10( J. R. Reed Music C ,y , t * • tv rd Tex .' V , one v hieh is now in \ ,. ;r v, ^ e ,i. , i nan tnt th e yesterday afternoon in the form tf the th ird m ilitary review. IHE SONG OF THE LIGHT RRIGADE. r g W i t i n verse is about as nat- ,r, I w ith us as the appreciation j.aVl. o f sim o we have read. , could Le so rare as no exam days in June? We had the best editorial up our sleeve, but the faculty’ un expectedly refused the contended measure. to approve • Hi w g - !- ' n ' ' ’ fe’ the Keep th is in mind when our mere living. Mu-e becomes unruly. Jim Jeffries couldn’t, but Zeke ---- — has. And the women at Syracuse 'n '.varsity are advocating “no Friends, what .m il e x a m s .” Good morning, have you sw atted a I ly • C ti R L W asn't the sleeping fine la?t c« mbined h breeze , xtv i mn si m ber ^ I ■ rvt’t* O’-' ur> - vt- Vt a i J r and a night ot minute? .in near. ant* t vt ry enJoymer.: mak e- such man feel that I • is sleet ing on a cl »ud. panic alar brand * f mat- As the ♦ rvss not c o r- dered. t it erf elder THE ELLIOTTS’ The Cactus has gone to press, but THE ELLIOTTS hav en 't gone anywhere. We are right here, ready, willing, and a n x io u s ly ’ w aiting to make those “nice” fancy pictures th a t you were w anting as soon as the rush was over. THE ELLIOTTS’ W . A . A C H I L L E S t h e p i o n e e r g r o c e r rites you to call or telephone _r w ants in his line. Quality d service, first consideration. - l f st i4 good, w« h iv e it.” -lf * e h iv e it, it is food.” At t ent io n to Sorori ty and Vri- U m ity House* Both Phones SW $0i-10 W. UH* SWANN Furniture and Carpet Company We Furnish More Home* There Is a Reason For Convenience and Service Cactus Tea Room 2*208 Guadalupe Open 7 :30 a. rn to 8 p. rn We Make Kodak Prints Every Da> Branch at Van Smith> ti IO Congress For Punch and Fancy Molds and Brick Ice t teams For All O c c a sio n s Griffith Drug CoPIONK * (Scarbrough Building) Have You Lost Anything? Did you know that advertising in The Texan was the best way to recover it* Texan reaches the entire student bod} - * ** are one cent per word for the first in-er to and a half-cent for each additional insert!0 Regular Meals or a la Phone 320 403 Congree 112 W . 7th St. SUPPLIES EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 'ThL e n tCu dlv W " Eventual!. pfc Carte. ADVERTISE IN THE TEXAN Did you know th a t un­ less you read the adver­ tisem ent- in The Texan and give your trad e to tho-* firm-* th a t adver- ti-*, >ou decrease its value as an advertising medium. Clark Field is the g reat equal­ izer. Take yesterday afternoon for example, when fully a thou­ sand male students marched side bv side in the th ird m ilitary re- \ie\\ of the sea? n —'was t'.crt ever a stronger evMBence o* ab­ solute democracy? Whether war has accompli: bed this or not. a voluntarily take off our h its to military train in g , the great h a r­ monizer of student difference?, and the leveler of all alleged so­ cial inequalities. Phi Beta Kappa? rubbed shoul­ ders with b u st-o u ts; the p r u ­ dent of th e Student? Associa­ tion m arched next to the lowli­ est Freshm an in School; mem­ bers of the U niversity in stru c t-1 ing s ta ff mingled with th eir students, and both were repri- manded for th e same m istakes Could Utopia be more id eal. The unnecessary B arb -F rat issue ha- * even been forgotten. • . i , j I sij » % u t . U n iv e rs ity t '• - the fullest. f r _ ■ ‘ V „ • t V * u I cX.i? ihall m l ring v.~ will the Univer- chimes toll out until each year s ^ fjt tQ leaYe some- !iehind them besides deep- re?ret? and a forwarding . 1 1 c l -N IC - *?■ W General convocations __— _ are tem pted to wax san to be held regularly were once sug- gested as a mean? of producing a more closely-knit student body. tic on mme of the peculiar ne - ?- DUX Xo suitable meeting place was t IMO su lta n ic iiim .iuK pi»v*. be had, and th e plan th u s failed. tru thful!y, how many h r .d- Daily m ilitary drill is now being were ever constr b d w i t h -ut given, and has itself a m ost capable su b stitu te .' circa? wilier. The T e x a n is dubious w hether a more successful plan could b e l g a s scheduled for today. Capt. adopted fo r dem ocratizing th e Boswell "put over" a free show hwwi> we paper heads we already proven , a j n lieu of the bones? ~ r e. I STRAW /M T S ---All ready for you now-••get yours today---$2 to $15 Here They Are Just as cool and refreshing as a sea breeze—Light weight, two-piece Sum­ mer Suits in Silks, Mohairs, Crashes, “ Breezeweave," Palm Beach and Wash Fabric*. Be sure arui see them. $7.50 to $25 B A T H I N G S U I T S The n i f illest tow n has line this seen, ever to $10 $1 •STV'* fruit* f.A V / 7 ‘ 6 1 6 C Vuv< i m s ^ A V R N VK. Refreshment when you’re thirsty A brimming glass o f pure delktousneas vhen y o u vnnt a palate-pleating drink -Exactly what you’re looking tor any COLLEGE NOTES Nathaniel Jacks, Editor Harvey* B. Henry, Associate. P a tr io tis m . Two hundred girls a t In d ia n a have the Nurses* T r a in in g to r signed up Corps. Seniors a t Ohio, who enlist, will be g r a n te d th e ir diplom as, d e sp ite th e i r absence*, while all .students a t O regon will be given c re d it for th e rest of the t e r m ’s work. the A a l e S t u d e n t s t o Eri e. I he A erial C o a st P a tro l No. 2, com ­ posed of Vale s tu d e n ts, h as been o r ­ dered by th e g o v e rn m e n t to do d u ty on Lake Erie. The m en will he e n ­ rolled a s individuals, and not a s a u n it of the N av al S tation. Our Daily Pome. It a i n ’t th e g u n s or armament, N o r the fu n d s t h a t th e y can pay, B u t the close co-operation T h a t m akes th e m win th e day. It a i n ’t th e individuals N o r the a r m y as a whole, But th e e v e rla s tin g te a m work Of e v e ry bloom in’ soul. — R u d y a rd Kipling. Dead Aviator to Be B rought Home. Action w as ta k e n by the U n iv e rs ity of V irg in ia r e la t e s to th e b r in in g of he body of J a m e s R. McConnell, ’IO, who w*as killed in an a r e p la n e e n g a g e m e n t with two G e rm a n fliers, back to the U n iv e rsity f o r burial. = r ' those persons S ig m a Xi, S ig m a Xi. th e h o n o ra ry scientific society, on May* 8 elected fifty-o nt new m e m b ers for the U n iv e rs ity of h aving Ohio. Only lone a c e rta in a m o u n t of orig in a l re- se aiv h a r e eliglde fo r c a n d id a te s for elected this and tw e n ty - f o u r w ere tw en ty -six w ere S eniors, a n d one a faculty m em ber. Of tw e n ty -six seniors, one was a woman, Mabel FT Stehle, who had already been chosen by I’hi Beta K a p p a and Phi S ig m a . th o se g r a d u a te s , f r a t e r n ity . Of th e Vale Unit Sails May 2t». E ig h ty Vale men vo lu n tee re d to go \ m e r i c a n with Hie Vale unit o f the Vnibulanee Service. The ex pe n se s of the men will he about $100 each. Birth c e rtific ate s, p a ra ty p h o id vaccination re c o m ­ c e rtif ic a te s , p a ssp o rts, m e n d a tio n s a r e required o f e v e ry man, an d no m an is ta k en w ithout th e con sent of his p a re n ts. a n d I’ll m eet you a t R easonover’e Bar ber Shop, L ittlefield Building. SOCIETY luncheon Miss Anna H endricks e n te r ta in e d I 1 >r- Battle with a the 'v o o d s Thursday. Miss M attie Lock- ett, Miss A nne A ynesw orth, Miss Aden, and Mrs. C arot hers m ade up tire rest of the p a rty , in Mr. George M eCullar of Lovelady th e U niversity, a f t e r has re-entered a .-hort visit home. Miss Linnie Cullom of C. I. A. will siste r, Frances Cohorn, her visit, shortly. I hi Beta K a p p a will hold initiation tonight a t Lr. B enedict’s for the r e ­ initiation, pledges. Following cent th ere will be a recpetion. Miss Archie P r a t t , a g ra d u a te o f the i Diversity, will be m arried in El Paso .Saturday m o rning to Mr. Jo h n Nickles of t h a i city, Gown e n te rta in e d with bown and a boat ride and barbecue on Lake A ustin T h u rsd a y night. There were about seventy m em bers present. Miss ( h a rlo tte Spence will e n t e r ­ VV. C, A. com m ittee with E a s t Woods S a tu r d a y tain her V. in a picnic evening. Miss Mitt ie M arsh retu rn e d to her home in T a y lo r night, a f t e r spending a few days at Mrs. Muekle* coy’s. la st Miss M argaret S ou th e rla nd is sp e n d ­ ing the week-end at her home in San Antonio. Miss Mina Cardw ell is visiting at her home in L ockhart. Miss TYssie G reen will spend tin 1 {week-end in S an Marcos, ( Mrs. Oshian o f San Antonio is vis iting her d a u g h te r, Gladys, a t G race Hall. Miss ( rvstal Ross, accompanied by her brother, A bner, went to Lockhart F riday to a tte n d the funeral of her a un t, who was killed in San Antonio T h u r s d a y . Mrs. VV A. Rhea of Dallas spent the week visiting h e r son, Lawrence, a t the I Adversity. Lr. (). J. Gee of Greenville, Texas, has been visiting his sister, Miss Mat Clyde Gee. Miss Rosebud Segal is ill at tlit Austin S a n itariu m . Miss Helen Leary* from her recent illness. has recovered Mrs. E lizabeth S p e e r retu rn ed on T hu rsd a y from Waco, where she at the S ta te W o m a n ’s Suffrage tended A se d a tio n . the o citAnator, the m oving spirit, and the final c o nsun ia tor of much trouble before he ever joined a company. We did not ex p e c t a highly logical to c o m p re ­ md m athem atical mind hend our "and KT< .” "O rig in ality will be the keynote of the next y e a r’s M ag.” May the o ri g i­ nality he of a d iffe re n t sort from that atta ine d heretofore. The University has had enough of o rig in a lity on the side of inanity. Yes, m ild ■yet they L ots o f c ig a r e t te s m a y please tile t a s t e __ y o u ’ve n e v e r e x p e c te d a cigala tie to «i<> more t h a n th a t. B u t ( hesterfields d o more th a n pit tSe t h e t a s t e — C h e sterfieldsju'-.t“ touch th. p o t , " t h e y d o w h a t cigar sm o k e rs say a cigaret te can't d o — t h e y ‘ S A T I S I V " / A lid y e t , they ’re mild I I t ’s t h e blend — t h a t ’s t h e id e a ! t o ­ g e t h e r w ith t h e p u r e , n a tu ra l Im p o rte d a n d D o m e s tic tobaccos. A n d th e blend < rn’ be I f you w a n t more th a n good ta s te ut co p ie d . a c ig a r e tte — try C h e ste rfie ld s today. 'That 2 0 for IOC Chesterfield C I G A R E T T E S of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC tobaccos-BlendeJ ■ r f They “Satisfy’’f-atid yet thdy’tfe Mile! SY and E T C . It will go even j need m o re an d more. literary societies ; f u r t h e r titan | have gone the void th a t has been felt for some tim e a m o n g the U n iv e rsity girls* It will supply the The society which the g irls h ave r e ­ cently organized for the p u r p o s e of debating fills a long felt need a m o n g the women of the U n iv e rsity . Even is a woeful igniting the college s tu d e n ts, who a re supposed to have gained poise and lack of decoion, there ease and grace w henever they' a r e called upon to make a n y form o f a d ­ dress. In the class room, as a g e n ­ eral rule, a girl’s a n sw e r to a q u e s ­ tion is hesitating and u n in te llig ib le It has to he repeated. E m b a r r a s s lime is lost fro m th* ment results, a recitation. Stage f r ig h t m ak e s literary society her d read toman’s instead ot her pleasure. She can talk among her in tim ates, h u t upon any formal occasion, even b e fo re an audience of half a dozen, she can no t make a success. The literary .supply the societies [girls need to a certain e x te n t, hut In these jthey do not go far enough. dimes, when women a r e to take the initial, .■ in a n y n u m b e r of im p e ra tiv e absolutely flings, it iv to a d v a n c e prepared hat they he to defend them . {then theories and This debating society will b e g in the raining which women are com in g to fo rced I he old Blind Institu te buildings, which w ere condemned recently, have been a p p r o p r ia te d for the use of tin* U niversity o f Texas for dorm ito ries fo r the n ext ten years." Q u otation t rom f r i d a y s I exam Condem ned? To he used for the next ten y e a r s ? Oh, yes; a n y condemned building will It sta n d fo r th e next tw enty years. in­ was a b e n ig n a n t generosity th a t duced the L e g is la tu re to say t h a t they m ust he used f o r only ten y ears. In these w a r tim e s such munificence is entirely o u t of place; it is even gross e x tr a v a g a n c e . T he w ar debt will not -lily he heavy at tin* end of the ten years, hut 'To discard p e r fe c tly habitable buildings in the midst of s in h a financial crisis would be crim inal. We advise the L e g isla tu re to repeal this bill, and su b ­ s titu te fo r th e ten the w’ord “ tw e n ty .’’ o f course, d u r in g the twenties y e a r But the buildings would w h a t diffe re n c e would th a t m a k e ? We can at lea st see how to escape. it will he increasing. eave in. Benny is th e cause of dissentien in the fa cu lty c om pany, is he? Well, t h a t is n o th in g unusual. He iias been 1847 JOHN BREMOND CO. McKEAN, EILERS & CO. 1916 W H O L E S A L E G U O ! FILS W holesale Dry Gouda, Notion* a * . - R o a s t e r s o f High Grade C o f f e e * a u s t i n T ex a s’ Oldest Jobbing H o u s e * nd Furniahlng Goode * I EX Ag Is th e m e r c h a n t t h a t you a r e tra d ing w ith a d v e r tis in g in T he T e x a n ? Cornell University Medical College ADVERTI SE I N T H E T E X AN . IN TMK CITY OF N E W YORK A d m its g r a d u a t e s ol th e I n iv e r s itv o f T e x a s p r e sen tin g th e required P h y s ic s, C h e m is t r y , and B io lo g y . In stru ctio n by laboratory m e th o d s th r o u g h o u t the course. Sm all s e c t io n s fa c ilita te co n ta ct o f stu dent and instructor. G ra d u a te c o u r ses lea d in g to A. M. and P h .D . a lso o ffered under d irection of the G ra d u a te School o f Cornell U n iv e r s it y A p p lic a tio n s for a d m is s io n are preferably m ade not later than June. N ex t sessio n o p e n s S e p te m b e r 27, Pl 17. f o r in fo r m a tio n and c a ta lo g u e , address T H E D E A N , Cornell University Medical College, I5«x 115 Fir*t A v e n u e and T w e n ty - e ig h th S tr ee t, N ew York, C ity. S U M M E R SUITS I hoy re cool and com­ fortable. They’re stylish. They’re durable. in a We show them dozen different fabrics, and ax many different models— SUITS $8.50, $10 to $15 Ju st opened up a new lot of Silk Shirts Very attractive. $5, $6,50, $7.50 Bates Street Shirts, a1! sizes, all sleeve lengths— $1.50 and $2.00 STEBBINS & JAMES Notice! W h e th e r you are g o in g to buy a s u it o f c lo th e s , a pair o f s h o e s , a cold drink or a tic k e t to a m o v in g p icture sh o w , a lw a y s tell th e m an that you s a w h is a d v e r tis e m e n t in T h e T exan. W hen you buy a n y t h i n g from a n y o n e th a t d o es not a d v e r tis e in T h e T ex a n , tell them that if you are to c o n tin u e to buy from th e m th a t you shall e x p e c t th em to a d v e r t s in T h e Texan. I HEAR YE! Get Your Cactus at the Cactus Office or at the Co-op LOCKHART GIRL WINS SINGLES ANI) DOUBLES IN TOURNAMENT Miss Linda Lancaster of Lockhart won the sin gles c h a m p i o n s h i p in the g irls’ tennis tournam ent at the Uni­ versity yesterday by defeating Miss . Stella Anderson in he finals by tw o straight sets, 6-2, 7-5. Miss Lancas­ ter played a stellar gam e through­ out and was superior to her oppo­ nent on both offen sive and defensive work. This is her second trial for tennis honors, as she was elim inated year last. She was a menibet of before the Sophomore g irls’ basketball team this year and won her T in basket ball. T ogether with Miss B eatrice Miller, she won the doubles cham pion­ ship earlier in the week. Curtis A l­ derson acted as referee. B. C. VOIGHT W HITES. Word has been received from B. (' (R ed) V oight, now in F ort Worth, that he is doing well, and that his company desires another man from the U niversity. Voight withdrew from the U niversity several months ago in order to enter the service of S w ift & Co. of F ort Worth as one of their engineers. He has now w ritten to Prof. F. E. Geiescke, asking for a mechanical engineer to be engaged in power and refrigerating plant work. ZEHE SAYS. He w as a cam pus buzzard, And all day long he’d sit, W atching the path to McFaddend, W’hcre the thirsty couples flit. Time is precious. The planting sea­ son will soon be over, and unless these hands can be secured the crops will either unnecessarily be late or a part lands will remain of the cultivated untilled. Many of the farm ers in the so u th ­ eastern, the southern, the southw est­ ern, and the w estern portion of the S tate have depended heretofore a l­ most e n tir e !/ upon the M exican la ­ bor. But this year they are fleeing to Mexico to escape conscription. The Thursday’s new spapers had an arti­ cle from the Gov rnor of the State, in which he pleaded with the Mexi- . ans farm s and ranches. The high cost of labor has indeed becom e a problem with the farm er, but a greater problem still is that labor cannot be had at any price to rem ain on the just now. In order th at there be an increase in the food sup pl , there m ust be la­ borers to cultivate the soil, and the all-absorbing issue before the allied world is an increase in the production o f food. re in the colors, but If there w< re young men the U niversity who h d received ten or f if­ teen years of actual service in the arm y, it would be a height of folly to th a t they should be even think tained in the Universally at present. The sam e logic, it seem s, should hold true for any young men who heve received any training th at is as neces gary to the N ation’s w elfare as that of serving with in spite of the fact, there are a number have received o f young men who training in a science th at is of prime im portance to the very life of this N ation, as well as th at of those b at­ tlin g for freedom across the ocean These are no other than the farm er boys. Then, why! they not in service I? There is but one answ er they have been denied a privilege that w as granted to those who expect to serve w ith the flag. Since the allied food, and the world is crying farm ers are ilia! they are daily ask in g their sons in the U n iversity to return to the farm s, why deny the farm ers the use of these trained and experienced hands? in w ant of hands are for We have them for the lady, for the man, boy and girl. Its Time for buying and using Bath Suits. Also Light Flannel Suits, Silk Suits, Palm Beach, in fact, for all Summer Suits, and you can i iud the kind you want here, made by k & W. HARRELLS Knox S traw s and Panam as ON THE FIRING LINE TH E F A R M E R S PROBLEM. is “Give crying, In spite o f the fact that the allied us food, vorld [Yxas crops are from three to five veeks late. This is no fau lt of the Pexas farm ers. It was due to the lack >f rain. N ow the rain has com e; .hey are attem p tin g to plant these nuch needed crops, but this tim e of he year requires a number of hands. FLOYD C. DODSON. Idly sittin g there, When down in the city drop in and ee us. Make our store your head- to uarters. We are alw ays glad If you need refreshing, try the de- icious, refreshing drinks at our fouti- ident. ee you. ain. Q uality, expert service and sanita- ion Is our slogan. CAPITOL DRUG CO. 912 C ongress Ave. OFFICIAL NOTICES GERM AN ( L U B —There will be a German tonight at K. C. Halt. P res­ TH E RELIG IO US M EETINGS COMMITTEE will have supper Satur­ day at 5 p. rn. in E ast Wood. Every member Vie on hand. C S pense. The Sidney Lanier picnic will be at 5 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Meet at the W. B. Lois Foster. See Our Showing of White , Pumps and Oxfords DI L L I N G H A M S H O E CO. Joseph’s Pharmacy CONGRESS AVE. AT 7TH ST. JUST GIVE US A TRIAL PHONES 325-335 HOUGH’S AUTO SERVICE Both Phones 861 Day or Night 5 and 7-Passenger Cars. Fords and Automobiles 419 COLORADO STREET 419 A Most Attractive Figure A corset is so personal— so m uch a part o f o n e’s very self that it should be most thought­ fully selected and fitted by a skillful fitter. C. M. MILLER lim ie r in W all Paper, P aints, Oils, Window G lass, and Painters1 Supplies. Picture F ram ing a Specialty. Signs. 807 C O N G R ESS AVE. I She was a campus vampire, And all day long she’d try, With a thirst that was uncanny, To drink that drug store dry. K e d fe r n M o d e ls e n h a n c e figure beauty and correct figure defects. WHEN VOI R ( LOTHES ARE DIRTY, RING 441, AND THEY WILL (O M E BACK CLEAN ONCE MORE DRISKILL HOTEL LAUNDRY THE LEADING LA UN D ER ERS K arl’s Barber Shop, 2402 Guada- He reached into his pocket, He sa t on a shady bench, Sm oking a cigarette, Idly w atching the dusky line, W here smoke and ashes met. Across the campus she saw him, And down the walk she rambled, W ith sw eetly sm iling air. The day was hot and sultry, M cFadden’s ushers few , So she knew sh e’d have to rustle To shag a coke or two. TEXAN WANT ADS TE X A N want ads bring results. Kates, I cent per word for the first insertion, three insertions for 2 cents. Absolutely no ad taken over the phone. Call at room 109, Main Building. No id taken for less than 25 cents. P ay­ ment in advance alw ays required. DK. H. E. BAXTER, dentist, 612 Scar- B rough Bldg. Old phone 1316. DR. E. C. BERW ICK, dentist. Suite 521 Scarbrough Bldg. Phone 3150 ; lupe. W ANTED TO B U Y — Men’s second­ hand shoes. Phone 4597. Geo. B Vilen, 2406 Guadalupe. FOR RENT 3104 Gaudalupe St., House of five rooms and bath, large closets, modern conveniences, south­ east exposure, large yard and shade Old trees, desirable neighborhood. 5-2? I phone 3657. j T Y P E W R I T E R F O R R E N T — Under­ wood with card attachm ent for rent I during sum m er months at reasonable rat*-. VV. E. Dunn, phone 3669. Lost— Delta Tau Delta Fraternity pin on Clark Field Tuesday, after 519 noon. Finder call 1529. LOST— Gold brooch in shape of d rag­ on, W ednesday at 25th and W ichita to Mrs. J. VV. 5-20 Reward if returned l i c i t , 2502 W ichita St. We give quality and service with our barber work. D riskill Barber Shop, Moritz Silver, Prop. M anicur­ ing and chiropody a specialty PATRONIZE the Co-Op Barbar shop, next to M ajestic Theatre. We take in cutting pomp* interest especial dours. for corresponding AN in telligen t person m ay earn $100 new s­ m onthly papers; $40 to $50 m onthly in spare experience unnecessary; tim e tim e; no canvassing; su ggested Send for particulars. N ational Press Bureau, Room 2654, B u ffalo, N. A. tf subjects The T exas Barber Shop. We please. 1008 Con- A llen & Oliphant, Props. graaa. ST U D E N T S — Go to Palace Barber Shop, Basche B ldg., for first-cla ss work. B illy W olf, Prop. In answ ering please m ention The T exan. advertisem ents, Y ou will appreciate the value o f a Redfern Corset, and you will like the beauty o f form and exquisite dain­ tiness o f the latest models. $3 up For Sale by T. H. WILLIAMS CO. U N IT E D S T A T E S D EPO SITA R Y The Austin National Bank OF A U ST IN , T E X A S RESOURCES, $5,000,000.00 O F F IC E R S: E. P. W ILMOT, P resident Wm. IL FO LTS, V ice-P resident MORRIS H IR SH F E L D , Cashier C. M. BARTHOLOM EW , A sst Cashier FACULTY AND STUDENTS* ACCOUNTS SOLICITED NO ACCOUNT TOO SM ALL FOR US TO HANDLE He’d m et her once at open house, She scarcely ever spoke, But now she craved a malted; She hoped he w asn’t broke. Her sm ile was sw eetly charm ing, He wondered w hat tw as 'bout, But her so ft persuading hints Soon put him out of doubt. And found he w asn’t broke, | She spoke of sultry w eather— They w ent to shag a coke. s, l’he drink she ordered cost two bit He said that he was off; The doctor had forbidden All drinks of nature soft. He paid his only quarter, And paid it with a grin, But wondered how he’d g et along Until his check came in. 5-19 They rambled to the campus, She shook him right aw ay; She said she d really like to, That she couldn’t stay. And so he lit a Camel, She caught some other gink, And coolly rambled by him, To hang another drink. AFTER THE GERMAN Our Fountain Is at Your Service We Cater Especially to University Students G R A H A M ’S N inth and C ongress President W ilson’s War Message “ It is a m essage of trem endous eloquence and power. I . ' r e ) s ^ dent. every citizen should read it over and over again .” Dean VV. Battle. . “ All publisher’s and distributor’s profits from the sale o! this will be given to the American Red Cross Society of A m e r i c a , but want it for the m essage.”— Chaa. E. Maddry. . On sale at EVERYBODY’S BOOK STORE 906 Congress. In Neat Book I or in, P R O M P T N E S S When you come to the Co-op in a hurry YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT. You know w hat a nuisanse it is to go in a store where there is only one clerk. Well, we do, too, so we have provided three to look after your w ants and supply them promptly* And in busy seasons we increase the number* We make it our business to prevent trouble from troubling you. We appreciate, in turn, your patronage. W atch for our next ad. It w ill tell you so m e ­ thing else you had not thought of. THE CO-OP Murad is the fashionable, the business, the club cigarette. Murad makes new friends every day. The Greatness o f Murad is because it is made of 17 pure Turkish tobaccos— the world’s most famous tobaccos fo r cigarettes. Murad stands alone in Popularity be­ cause Murad stands alone in Goodness. 1URAD THE TURKISH CIGARETTE