Scranton M ay Seek 0 O P Presidential Nod See Accent, Page 12 T h e S u m m e r T e x a n Student Newspaper at The University of Texas Vol. 64 Price Five C ents AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1964 44 Pages in 2 Sections No. 4 $1 Million Minimum Grant Awarded For Electronic Engineering Research Atom Advisers To Meet Monday McKetta Will Head Conference Here The 15-member Texas Atomic Energy Advisory Committee will have its first meeting Monday at the University. Dr. John J. McKetta, dean of toe College of Engineering, is chairman of the committee. Dean McKetta said that during the com tog year the Committee will en courage the “healthy development" Of industries concerned with atom­ ic energy in Texas Other advisory committee mem hers include Sen. Charles Herring and Dr. J. E. Peavy, State Com­ missioner of Health, Austin; Sen. William T. Moore, Bryan; Rep. Ben Atwell and Dr. Eugene Mc­ Dermott, Texas Instruments presi­ dent. Dallas; Rep. Willis Whatley. Joe Parish, Dow Engineering and Construction Services Division, and Dr. George R. Mcneely, professor of nuclear medicine at the Gradu­ ate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston; Dr. Howard R. Drew, Texas Electric Service Company research director, and Dr. W« O. Milligan, TCH vice-chancellor for ! research, Fort Worth; Dr. Richard E. Wainerdi, Texas A&M associate dean of engineering, College Sta­ tion; Dr. W. B. Franklin, Humble Oil and Refining Company techni­ cal manager (products m anufactur-1 tog), Baytown; Dr. Jam es M. Sharp, Southwest Research Insti­ tute technical vice-president, San Antonio; and Dr. Thomas G. Barnes, director of Texas Western College's Schellenger R e s e a r c h Laboratories, Ell Paso. University 1st in Southwest To Be Admitted to Program A minimum of $1 million has been promised to the Uni­ versity for research by the U.S. Defense Departments Joint Services Electronics Program. The University is the first southwestern school admitted to the program. Already receiving aid are MIT, Columbia, Harvard, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, the University of Illinois, Stanford, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Southern California. • A combination of electrical a n d mathematics, engineering called “information s c i e n c e , 1' includes providing n e w John J. McKetta, dean of the College of Engineering, said the | which grant will finance research and graduate in electronics and related sciences during the next five years, beginning in Sep­ tember. training knowledge about all aspects of communication in the area of data processing. • A combination of electrical engineering and radio engineering, known as the earth, atmospheric, and space sciences, including radio telescope research. “THE RESOURCES placed at our disposal will greatly increase our effectiveness to produce M.S. and Ph.D. graduates of the highest national stature to further contrib­ ute to the academic, industrial and DR. DOUGAL SAID the Depart- economic character of our region and nation,” Dean McKetta said. I merit of Defense supper will be a I great aid in speeding “ the dissem- 0f n e w Hidings," as it wiU University faculty num bers m cxchange pro. • A combination of electrical en­ gineering and medical electronics, called “bio-medical electronics." The Joint Services Electronic E Program ut a mutual rn te rp rrte o f; the US Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory, Of-; T . . c schools C V U i l U i i i i v , id * . M V i V # . i i eSe^ h 'p “ da rchr J j r 0L ? aVa^ Force Office of Scientific Research ; ta] ^ The support program is unusual ^crs Funds should also bo instrumen- top faculty mem- attracting capable gradu- in that only general guidelines are ate studonts from other schools, as given by the Department of De- we]1 as University graduates, Dr. fense to the participating schools. Doil{7aI said Specific project selection and di-j rection is left to the discretion of university scientific directors and project leaders. ;______________ Half-Mast Flags Honor Gov. Hobby RESEARCH WILL BE conducted by faculty m em bers and graduate Main m all flags will fly at half students in the Electrical Engineer- m ast until Sundav because of the ing Department. Dr. Arwin A. Dou death June 7 of former Gov. Wil­ gal, professor of electrical engi­ liam P. Hobby. neering, has been named program director. T V v . l T T T . * T X — T A A A. A . i I - Hobby died at his Houston home after a illness. Gov. John Connally ordered a week-long peri­ od of mourning. long Dr. Dougal said electronics re­ search at the University is divided into four areas: Hobby became Governor in 1917 • A combination of electrical when James E. Ferguson was im- engineering and physics, concerned peached, and he served until 1921. with advanced means of energy Until his death, Hobby was chair- conversion such as plasma dynam- man of the board of the Houston ics and controlled fusion. Post. "This O n e Is Still Breathing" . . . Instructor H . M ich ae l LeFever works with N a n cy Blakey —Texan Photo—Gossett N e w Biology Frontiers Top Junior Scientists Work in UT Program A panoram ic view of the new frontiers of biology is being pre­ sented to 35 outstanding high school students through the University’s sum m er science training program , now in its fifth year. The work of these junior scien­ tists is left to the discretion of their supervising scientists, University faculty m em bers. j For the first six weeks of the I program, which began June 7, stu­ dents do special course work in the ! morning and will participate in research in the afternoon. At the end of this period, the course work will end. Students research appears worthy whose will be allowed to continue for an additional three weeks. t h e : PROGRAM, under the di­ rection of Dr. Irwin Spear, associ- j ate professor of botany, is intend- jed to accelerate the professional development of students who have I chosen careers in biology. W eather: Scattered Showers H ig h 96, Low 76 IN SOME CASES, students are junior members of research teams. In others, they are assigned prob­ lems suitable to their abilities and experience. mm— i i i ii ■mn win i m — ....................... . ssa““ ’ Students Negative Toward Coldwater By JUDY BURTON The student consensus is anti- Goldwater, according to a ran­ dom survey conducted by The Texan Thursday afternoon. Asked if they would approve of Barry Coldwater as the Repub­ lican presidential nominee, 12 stu­ dents said they would not. Two students favored Coldwater as toe nominee, but would not sup­ port him for president. THOSE DISAPPROVING o I Coldwater generally object be­ cause of policies they consider radical. Dave French, transient gradu­ ate student, says Coldwater is “inconsistent and too far to the right.” French objects to strong statements about the United Na­ tions and nuclear weapons that Coldwater made early in his campaign but has not followed through. “A responsible person would not have made these state­ ments to start with," French says. Carolyn Luke, senior, said, “ I disapprove of Barry Coldwater because I think he is just as radi­ cal to the right as many people feel the present administration is to the left." “HE’S TOO RADICAL and wants to eliminate the civil rights bill," Ronnie Taylor, a junior, commented. Sandy Henderson, junior, dis­ likes Goldwater’s views on so­ cialized medicine. “He’s just too conservative as far as I ’m con­ cerned," she remarked. Favoring Nixon as the Repub­ lican nominee, Johnny Barton would prefer a Nixon Scranton ticket. “ I like Nixon because he’s the freshman more moderate,” explained. KATRINA KLUNDT, another freshman, shares the opinion that “he’s entirely a radical.” She would prefer Nixon or Rocke­ feller as the nominee. Diana Rushing, senior, disap­ proves of his nomination because “Coldwater isn’t a good repre­ . . . L I . . . I _______ ____________ sentative of the Republican view­ point. I don’t believe his opin­ ions are held by the majority of his fellow party members,” she declared. Mary Kay Von Bieberstein, a sophomore, dislikes Goldwater’s statements about nuclear war. “He’s all for it and I’m not,” she said. SUMMING THE IDEAS of stu­ dents who would disapprove of Goldwater’s nomination is Don McGraw, junior, who believes, “He is simply too far away from the norm to be a great presi­ dent" One boy and a girl would ap­ i f r i n l f prove if Coldwater were nomin­ ated. Connie Cole, a senior, ex­ plained, “Although I like Lodge better, I would like to see Cold­ water as the nominee because he is a good contrast to Johnson. If the election is between those two, the people will definitely have to take a stand." MISS COLE, however, does not believe the Republicans will win, and G o l d w a t e r ’s nomination would present a favorable con­ trast to Johnson. “I m very much in laver of Goldwater’s nomination on the first ballot," Jack Swanzy, senior, declared, “because then Johnson can beat the devil out of him!" Silence, Senators One question anfced by foreigJKTs tofaadh leav^* Ameri- 2jrj|>i/^g for ar; awnftwyr 1% ’ How do we cixpiain racial m m* I f % t MWJ * * Win*, •.* ben the United State* is q?.ukrk to set itself up a* ode! o<&'noocT<:c y . fSoe“.t it treat some of its 9wn R..tkI so ;• ? It has been a hard question to explain. W U )M S D A V ,S ACTION by the Senate—pasHng a bio L~ .Ln-g debate or: ovid rights to one hour per senator—is a step toward erasing th at shame an d pro*, iding an answer to t h e cfiies t ion.. Now the way is clear for passage of the civ;! rights biiL 2 ow the senate can get down to its business and legislate. T he dedaaoQ was not an easy one to make, btrf the tig h t c>nes seldom are. Traditionally, senators have opposed the cloture rule because It hampered freedom of speech- Bot tins e rule does interfere r .th I to provide for o THE H U Kl " T I K r h bar. bee mea rn of perpetuating ar injustice and a * Is ov er. As Sen Hubert Homphrey said the '* ided with tm ^ S1pfVa S' ./v .‘f*’;. *■ v'»*“ " ' * doutb a Arrie fica ypes co c ra m s : cert' >o -aith Ss r, I Si ct tn!.d toy I * bs. I ne ©r»»rf I. ’ Bivtn tv Suit km a astir T*xaa L*ni2 cm Tbsp** i y WRI Fruity EtoOFSCncJ C.r bu Soto- utip*.lhri mf* 4i ti % for tie n aIre smnsw^r 8*»ciJd-da** postajfe p«i- eral awd trie day u: deha Id cxi the r.-r* Si to! user the H i SeBatsr? Uwder the ha- are L"'-.ted to teie bmc ewck of f ib b e r belate. At l l AR ere quae* urn call began. The dntwre bfli was firs? used is IR ! aud came after the Ber­ ate bad saccessfally fiMwtstored against P resdect Woodrow WJ- soc's annednsectraii,ry hflL de- sfiied to arm aoercfeast skips in the day* before the ta acc s entry into World War L r r CAUSED W ILSON rn make the statement. A little group ti willful men has m ^iered the great of the United Stases helpless and cccterr.-pci- ble. ’ The yrriirid cessed without ac- tkxs on the till. Tbeo. in the spring following, the Senate en­ acted the demure bilL Two '-ears later the Senate iir»n.4ed it to end debate cc the Versailles Treaty at the end of World War L It was used again in 192$ cm a bill call­ ing for adherence to the World Coart and in 1S2T. curing debate ever a bill'setting up a Treasury to enforce Department bureau prohibition. For the next 25 pears, most mottoes for cloture were against civil rights legislation and were defea’ec. In 1962 cloture was invoked against a tell to establish a pri­ mate corporation to run the cotn- mirokattons satellite. Again in 62. the Senate voted on cloture rejecting a motion to shut cdf attempts to change the Senate rule. Wednesday, it Invoked the rule, historically. When Sen. John D. Williams, R-DeU said Aye a s gh w ert arourd the chamber. His was the sixty-seventh vote in favor of cloture, the number nec­ essary to get the two-thirds ma­ jority vote required. NOW THE WAV is d ear for passage on the civil rights bill. Action is expected soon, possibly in the next ten days. After taking such a big step, the Senate stopped to catch its breath—recessing for 2 hours and 45 minutes. Harrell Alien John Wallace In the afternoon, it considered a motion brought by Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga.. lender of cloture foes, who offered an amendment lo postpone until Nov. 15, 1965. the effective date of the ban on discrimination in public accom­ modations. It was defeated 59 to 40. Jim Seymour Then it skipped over a pro­ posal by Sen. Albert Gore of Tenessee to strike from the bill the provision permitting the fed­ eral government to cut off funds from programs administered in a discriminatory manner by local governments. It failed 69 to 25. In the afternoon, the air of ten­ sion was replaced with weari­ ness. Casually dressed tourists stream ed in and out of the visi­ tors gallery. While Sen. Mike Mansfield, D- leader, Mont., Senate majority credited cohorts Sen. Everett Dirksen, R 111., and Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D Minn , and floor manager of the bill, for its suc­ cess, Sen. Rosed handed out his credits, saying, “Die President WHEN THE SENATE bega r. : perked by reading a recetivd pte n o i m - .ce T-:s2*r. ss mooams. The rritc-ier cf 5cn«r ciJjdres wrote: A* :„.r*: w'hhs I inss bt* cfei!- arest pwo&^g?:‘. I o£fer a small praye r if ‘3s*sfe to God fee rr.ak- rig Ajen ss pesiect, healthy, and I find myssM tsessplsd In thank ♦..JE for jpttfoig messt be bom v T ^ t e r I am act so proud « Sber :< m?*m£ cc cf csb society v‘I jc i lames sac:, a :e*rptaDcn error ie.. I vise. the re was soiae- foafcf I to ..ti ii: es. ’ens issne. 7?*' any I stow hoar to start is ai. it educt.?? re} z&iid n s that jns- tjce iud treeskics azxl ambition .an? ant WMsrdtf privileges bnf I must try to Haeir bBrifarigbto jr;ce5& thes^ rigfetf mas: be given, not held tightly ssto tbemsrives, for what carmot be given., we do not really have caarseNes. japan them that In recurs Sen. Russell said the tell ■ wmdd take away from those wha have ard divide it among those who have D o t ” THE SENATOR said passage of cfotnre would be against free­ dom of speech. This is the tra­ ct Decal argument used by Sena­ tors against stopping a filibuster. Speaking in favor of the till. Sen. Dirksen, who marshalled the Republican support necessary to pass the bill. told a hushed gal­ lery: This is an issue whose time has a m e . Nothing is eternal, but chang es and American has changed. It is an integrated nation. Air, rails, and highway transportation make it so. A common language makes it so. A tax pattern which applies equally to white and non white makes it so. ■ Furtherm ore,” he said, tam ­ ir.;' to he Republica* Par", col* league* "Were the promises on civil rights but idle w~but idle words for vote-getting pur* poses? Or were they a covenant to be kept?” The Bi publican Party has had h strong civil rights plank in its platform for many years. -EN . BARRY GOLDWATER, A ra., waft erne of six Republican senators of 33 voting against clo­ ture. Sen. John Tower, R Tex., voted against i t Sen. Ralph Yarborough. D Tex., voted in favor. Yarborough s vote, howe-cr. was among the uncer­ tain ones until late Tuesday eve* ring. Sec. Dirksen, said, “ There are some things you get with your mother's milk a a i among them is the recognition cd moral prin­ ciples such as are involved in the civil rights bill/* “ It doesn't make any difference whether you're a Republican or a Democrat when an issue like this is to be resolved ’ trying “ W h a t SEN. GOLDWATER, an arm s length from the Republican Pres­ idential nomination, said, “ A vote like this has no party I earing at all. It is a matter for indi­ vidual senators.” to put I'm across,” he said, “ is the idea that the incubation process of in­ terracial justice has lasted IOO years and that for this concept of justice the time has come. ’ “ We’ve had 5 days of legal­ isms on the floor of the Senate while a great moral argument has ig­ teen overlooked ami nored,” Coldwater said. The surest thing abc ut this whole issue is that it is not go­ ing to die away. On the night be­ fore he died, Victor Hugo wrote 'Stronger than all in his d iary. the armies idea w 'host time has come.' ” is an GOP Runs Convention But Can 't Stop B u ry By L. ERICK KANTER Texan Staff Writer CLEVELAND, Ohio — (Spl) — It was called a National Govern­ ors Conference. But for the first few days it ‘teemed more like an executive session for national Republican leaders. Governors Rockefeller, Rom nev. and Scranton — all con­ sidered as potential presidential timber at various times — were there as delegates. Former President Eisenhower ■—sentimental head of the COP —was there for awhile. Former Vicepresident Nixon arrived shortly after Eisenhower had delivered an address to the governors on Monday night. Senator Coldwater — the ob ject of all the COP activity—was there too. Most of the Republican activity the so called was a result of “ Stop Coldwater” movement by moderates within the party. Eisenhower and Scranton got into the act before the conference had officially begun. The former Piesident urged the Pennsylvania Governor to make himself more available during a phone con­ versation Saturday. BLT SUNDAY—shortly t>ef< re Scranton appeared un a nation­ wide radio program, Elsenhower called him to say that he didn t want any part in a movement to stop anyone. As a result, Scran ton changed his ‘‘available** posh tion, and Sen. Gold wa tor's hold on the nomination became a notch tighter. Sen. Coldwater attends! the Monday night dinner. He chatted with Eisenhower at the speakers table, and he received an ova­ tion from the audience of govern­ ors. On Tuesday it was Nixon s turn to make a futile attempt at head­ ing off the Arizona conservative. Nixon tried to get Michigan's Governor Romney to actively seek the nomination. The Mormon said he would consider the ap­ peal. After retiring to his suite for meditation, R o m n e y an­ nounced that he would rn t per­ sonally seek the nomination but would work for a moderate plat­ form of traditional Republican principles. GOVEHNOR ROCKEFELLER of New York—The only candi­ date win) has expended a great deal of effort in opposing Cold­ in water the primaries — re­ in the race. but hardly mains anyone gives him a remote change of stopping Coldwater, who for all practical purposes has the nomination cinched. to Apparently Romney’s tat tics of trying to make Coldwater mn on a platform more liberal than the Senator’s personal views is the only avenue still open the anti Coldwater forces within the party. Tile success of such a move depends on the willingness of to cooperate, and it < add water hardly seems likely that he would accept a platform differing from some of his own views unless his tremendous present delegate sup- jiort Is somehow reduced before the GOF convention next month. Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 2 UT Golfers, Netters Seek National Titles Tennis Team to Face Thompson, Geiselman Test at N C A A Meet Lead Links Challenge RONNIE THOMAS . golfers Number One? Three Longhorn seniors close out their varsity careers next week in the NCAA tennis championships at Ionising, Mich. team m ates Southwest Conference tennis sin­ gles champion Jerry Walters leads his into competition with some of die top tennis stars ut the nation, including Davis Cup veteran Dennis Ralston of Southern California. W alters will be joined by Jack K am rath, Charles Lutz, and Kenny Wickett. Walters, Kam rath, and Wickett were regulars during the conference season, while Lutz was sidelined with an elbow inflamma­ tion and did not return to action until after the SWC tournament. Wickett was to be the only re ­ turnee from Wilmer Allison’s six- m an squad, but the promising sophomore lost his eligibility be­ cause of scholastic difficulties. Biddie Stray horn and Mike flaw­ less, other senior m em bers of Tex­ a s ’ third-place winners, will not m ake the trip to Lansing. Walters and Kam rath alternated in the number one position through­ out the season, while Stray horn played num ber three and Wickett the alternated with Lawless fourth spot. in W alters-Kamrath and Wickett- faitz will form doubles team s in addition to the four singles entries. H A I R C U T S $ r - a BARBER SHOP 6 0 7 T i 29th OPEN ’TIL 6 P.M. M O N D A Y THRU SATURDAY JERRY WALTERS . . . in national tourney Just off Guadalupe Plenty of Free Parking LIT golfers take dead aim on a national championship next week when the Southwest Conference champion Long­ horns play for the NCAA crown at Broadmoor Country d u b , Colorado City, Colo. All five Longhorns who brought the SWC crown to the University will compete, with the four lowest qualifiers com­ peting for the team championship. CON FERENCE MEDALIST Pat Thompson and junior Handy Geiselman, both NCAA playoff veterans, will head the Texas contingent at Broadmoor. Geiselman and sopho­ more Eugene Mitchell are the only non-seniors in the veteran group which ’Horn coach George Hannon rates with the Big Five in the nation. Hannon said two weeks ago dial the Longhorn quintet ought to have “as good a shot at the title as anyone up th e re /' He listed Wake Forest, the University of Houston, Oklahoma State, and Southern California as co-fa von’es for the big prize. Big Ten winner Minnesota Is generally conceded to be among the top title threats, despite the late start of the golf season in the winter-plagued Midwest. STUDENTS . . . WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR OIL CO. CREDIT CARDS! # tO L«e«+i*n« to Sorvo You # Prioodly Ellport Sorvteo StoHo* Attoi»do*t» HANCOCK SERVICE STATIONS " A t tho Sign of tho Roo«tor* QU AUSTING PLAY will begin Monday, with two 36-hole rounds scheduled to determ ine the low 64 scorers. Those making the cut will be able to compete for the individual m atch play title, with three prelim inary rounds opening the face-to-face competition. Wea­ ther perm itting, quarterfinals, sem ­ finals will be held ifinals. and late in the week. the quarterfinals Geiselman and Thompson are as Geiselm an NCAA veterans, last to moved year and Thompson to the semis. Kermit Zarley, one of the m atch play favorites, was among Thomp­ son's victims. Ronnie Thomas and team cap­ tain Biti Mimn will round out the longhorn squad. SUMMER STUDENT DIRECTORIES are out today! 25c Get yours at one of these convenient locations: • M AIN MALL BOOTH • UNION MALL BOOTH • HEMPHILL'S • CO -O P • NEW S STANDS • GARNER AND SMITH • CAM PU S CORNER • STENO BUREAU OR JB 107 Pwbibked by Texas Student Publications, Inc. • imported tobaccos • pipe racks • humidors • pouches MfEEtSCHAM— CALABASH— NOVELTY PIPES PULLOVERS BV GANTI P r e s h s ta yi ng o x f o r d c lo th m a d e w i t h full s hir t a n d h a l f sleeves t h a t co m e to y o u r e lb ow. Exact neck size f o r c o r ­ rect f i t 14 1/2 t h r u 161 V Blue, Maize, W h i t e . 6.50 POPLIN PANTS U n q u e s t i o n a b l y the very 1 I finest b u y von can m a k e D a c r o n - C o t t o n p o p l i n ho ld s an e x c e ll e n t crease, I ► stays n e w lo o k in g , and sheds w r i n k l e s no matter h o w h o t a n d h u m i d it gets, 28 t h r u IO, 10.95 : - : ■ - % C L + d c Carm pLtU __ largest selectio n o f pipes IN AUSTIN -20" Summer Outfit: Pullover and Poplins 2222 Guadalupe FOYTS 2350 Guadalupe itf^r n ~ T" * Friday, Juna 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Paga I Fencing Class Begins Today fencing A n e w Alison school will begin first eight-week sum m er session at 7 p m. Friday (June 12) at the University “ Y.“ its The school is a recently- organized non-profit venture, taught by G erard Poujard- ieu, a M aster fencer from Antibes, France. He is also instructor for the US Modern Pentathlon Team in San An­ tonio. Cost per m em ber is $35, paid ir, full in advance. Stu­ dents may attend the first two-hour meeting or leave a phone num ber with Darrell Williams, school president, at GR 1-5827. Williams said the cost will drop to $27 per student for the session if the m em ber­ ship reaches 15. Colts Edge Cincy On Aspro's Slam HOUSTON-—‘JB-—A dropped third strike by Cincinnati catcher John­ ny Edwards opened the door for a five-run fifth-inning rally capped by Bob Aspromonte s grand slam as Houston defeated the Reds 5-3 Thursday n ig h t i Reds sta rte r John Tsitouris beld a 2-0 lead going into die fifth and set the first two Houston batters down without difficulty. Al Spang­ then walked and Nellie Fox ler singled. Tsitouris. pitching to Mike White, fired a third strike but the ball got by Edw ards and White reached first, filling the bases. Unsettled, Tsitouris forced in the Colts’ first run by walking Dave Roberts. Aspromonte then hit his grand slam —his in three games and his fourth of the season. Aspromonte also collected two singles in his four trips to the plate. third homer THE LONGHORN FLYING CLUB OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS C O N G R A T U L A T E S • For Completing • For Completing the the Private Licence: Commercia! License: Richard Sutton 6-5 Ted Terry 6-3 O utlook A ggie s Choke • • • A g a in Paul Burka "Those u ho fail to learn from the mi (takes of the past are condemned to repeat them. * ■ — Sarrtayan* ‘ Analyzing Southwest Conference ath­ letics can be a pretty hopeless task. Tile sur­ est method is simply to pick I exas, and more often than not you’ll be right. But that’s very' much like checking “none of these” every time on the College Boards. So we’ve formulated a theory’, a guide­ line for performance. I fs a so-called Rule of Perpetuities, one which states that given teams perform essentially’ the same, year after year. SMU MAKES costly mistakes. Baylor looks good and loses. Arkansas looks sloppy and wins. Rice travels a sine curve with peaks and va Revs of brilliance and wretch­ edness. Texas makes — and gets — the big breaks. And AAM chokes. There was a baseball game Wednesday, in which the Texas Aggies carried the South­ west Conference banner. Or at least they' carried St for seven innings. At that point, the story- grew both ludicrous and familiar. THE AGGIES led Seton Hall 4-0 after six innings of the NCAA World Series game and 5-3 in the bottom of the eighth when the Aggies dissolved as only Aggies can. A single . . . a walk . . . another walk . . . a new pitcher to stem the tide of the Inevitable And then it came: a simple tap in front of the plate w ith the bases loaded ami one out. Pitcher and catcher charged first the ball, then each other as they collided while the ball sat placidly on the grass and runners gratefully circled the bases. Eight hits, some tainted by Aggie mis­ plays, and two actual errors later it wa* I 4-5, and a very* short time thereafter Tom Chandler herded his Southwest Conference champions onto the bus and sent them sadly but wisely back to the farm. OTR POINT IS that these things happen to the Aggies far more regularly than it hap- pens to other teams. The magnitude of the dissolution, not its occurrence, was new*, worthy. It is. of course, of some significance thai A&M and not Texas made the trip to Omaha. There are times when superior ability must win out, and the Aggies had the better team* MU AT IS OF MUCH greater significance is the fact that it took them 26 innings to prove what was evident after the first four pitches. Perhaps the trick in picking a winner isn’t knowing which team to choose: iUf knowing which one to choose against. TTT: 1 MHMmmm M a k e " D a d " a "J a c o b s o n M a n " June 21st Legion Power Ousts Bombers From Lead Richard Bold! and Bill Little led the Legion of Super Heroes to a 16-9 decision over the Bombers to knock the losers out of first plate in intram ural soft­ ball game Thursday night. the featured THE BOMBERS broke to ar. lead, but powerful hitting early proved the answer for legion which dropped its opener Tuesday night to the Recruits, 9-4. After Thursday’s play, the Utils and Recruits are tied for the top slot in Z leag u e play with perfect 1-0 records. In the X League, Sigma Chi Team Sigma CIU ATO Dells PiKA SAE Tt*am 2 Choppers I Phi D Phi I Praetors PAD 0 Sons of Bar 0 X LEAGUE Won Usst 0 2 I 0 I I I 0 2 0 Y LEAGUE Won List 0 0 I I 2 Z LEAGUE Won l A S S t 0 0 I I 2 I I I I 0 Team Utils Recruits Bombers Legion Newman GR — I I l l 2 2 GB — L, I * I U , 2 GR —— __ I L u, I V Schoolboys Set By The Associated Press Sherman and San Antonio Lee won their playoff series Thursday and will go to Austin to compete in the Class AAAA state baseball tournament next week. San Antonio Lee clipped Corpus Christi Miller 3 2 and I 0 and Sher­ man edged Dallas South Oak Cliff 1 -0 . The other AAAA teams in file tournament are Midland lx*e and Freeport Brazosport. moved into a slim lead with a 155 decision over SAE. Meanwhile the Dolts stopped Pi KA on a shutout, 4-0. LAH SCHOOL play in me T League found the Cedar Chopped grabing the league lead behind the all around play of shortstop I >an Benbow, with wins over the P rae­ tors and Phi Alpha Delta. Softball play will continue Tues­ day night, with six games or. tap, tw-c in each league. New—from Beautifully styled. . . Brilliantly engineered. . . 40-Watt Integrated Stereo Amplifier ST40 NEW e / ftx M U UHE Q u a lity -firs t h ifh -fide lity stereo at a moderato price Ult $ 7 9 .9 5 Wired $ 1 2 4 95 Includts Meta! Cover I m identic*!, Witliamson-typ* JO »*tt amplifiers mounted tot*th#r n t h » f nm* plat* control pan«l to live you superb stereo eound from any stereo source; tape bead, preemplifitd tape, disc, r * AM, FM Multiplex. TM fully equipped control pone! allows you to enjoyi — normal it e r t o — raver ta stereo — unsurpassed mono flaten lnf throufh on* or two speaker ayettm a Includ* aalector twitch for Control* Inputs; tap* monitor thoosmg stereo switch, separata leva! and balance con­ trol*; balance c h a d switch; aerate* and loudness level switch] rumble filter*! full individual feedback type bas* and treble ton* controls for each channel. M a c ilk * ! le a * freq u e n c y Response* A l d* 12 25 OOO cpi Harmonic Distortion, le ss then I X *&• 20,000 cps within I Ob Of 40 watts I I I Distortion* 1 % St 40 watts See the ST40— and UCO’! entire line of Best Buys to meet your every h .ti need— in kit and wired fo rro -e t SPEEDWAY 2010 S p e e d w a y G B 8 fcfrCW P a rk in g in R e a r "V a n H e u se n " SPORT SHIRTS A 2 5 SALE D A C R O N 4 W O O L A N D YEAR RO U N D FABRIC $ O XFO RD C LO TH %r J . BUTTONDO W N TAB O t h e r s 49.50 to 69.50 FREE ALTERATIONS For The Life of Garment "V a n H e u se n " P A J A M A S From 4 25 Others to 8.95 Terry Beach W I / I I R E G U L A R i s o C A T I f C j U v l w ............ H U S H p u p p i e s C l i A F C j f l U L J ............... J O O 9 9 5 S H K T I E S m c * , L E A T H E R B E T S 1 “ 2 0 0 WEAR - 2332 Guadalupe Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SU M M ER TEXAN Page 4 Su n d e rlan d In N ational Steeplechase Distance ace Ken Sunderland will continue his bid for an Olympic berth Saturday in the 3,000 meter steeplechase at Corvallis, Ore Sunderland will be running in the United States Track and Field Fed­ eration national finals after quali­ fying last week in Houston at the regional U STFF meet. Richard Romo, who has run the state’s best mile this year, will not comj>eto at the U STFF meet, as h? will in San Antonio where he is attending summer school. He will join Sunderland in Eugene, Ore., next week for the remain NCAA finals. Romo and Sunderland are the only two Longhorns making a bid for the Tokyo festival. Sunderland’s best time in the steeplechase is a 9:13.0, which will not be good enough to place high at Corvallis. Among the favorites in the race is Geoff Walker of the University of Houston, an Austral­ ian as is Sunderland. Walker is a former coach of Sunderland, but the pupil has yet to top the m aster. Walker’s best time is an excellent 9:01.6, which makes him a co-favorite along with durable Vie Zwolak of Villanova. idled Walker was in Houston by tendonitis, but should be at full speed for the U STFF race. With­ out Walker to face, Sunderland ran second to Kansas’ Bill Silverberg. Olle Scholarship Headed by Hart Weldon Hart, former University 1 sports publicist, has been named chairman of the Ed Olle Memorial j Scholarship Fund set up by the Ex-Students’ Association. A goal of $5,000 has been deter­ mined, according to Ja c k Maguire, i Executive Director of tile Kx-Stu- dents' Association. Contributions totaling more than $350 have been received since the fund was estab­ lished April 6. Maguire said. Olle was Assistant Athletic Di­ rector and business manager of intercollegiate athletics at the time of his death April 3. A 1927 gradu­ ate of the University, Olle gained fame throughout the Southwest by lettering in football, baseball, and basketball. Contributions to the Olle scholar­ ship may be mailed to the Ex- Students’ Association, P. O. Box 1278. University Station. Gift him royally on Father’s D a y . . . June 21 Shavers Pipes From $24.95 From 50c T o $30.00 Pen Counter, Street Floor Pipe Counter, Street Floor i itrirmwi I . i s ' «. OlVV s ' ‘ l k' I Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SU M M E R TEXAN Page S Few Changes Seen In Negro Housing The Board of Regents recently integrated University-owned hous­ ing, but Negroes taking courses this summer will probably find little has changed. The University owns six men's dormitories. Of 139 dormitories, co­ operatives, and rooming houses list­ ed as approved residences for men, these six are the only ones required by the new ruling to admit Ne­ groes. The University’s d o r m i tories were all filled, and therefore seg­ regated, long before the ruling this spring. Amo Nowotny, dean of student life, said Negroes would therefore need to apply to private residences, which are free to make their own admission policies. Pharmacettes Will Meet The Pharmacettes, an organiza­ tion for pharmacy students' wives, will see slides of Hawaiian scenes at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the home of Mrs. W. B. Weathers, 1307 Crestwood Road. Newly-elected officers to be rec- I ognized are Mrs. Jack Lush, presi­ d en t; Mrs. Merle D. McRorey, vice-president: Mrs. D a v i d A. Breed, secretary; Mrs. Guy I. Moore, treasurer; Mrs. Lovd D. Rowe, reporter; Mrs. Rodney Cate, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. II Bobby G. Scarbrough, parliamen­ ★ * GO Picnic Set Tonight Films of either the Cotton Bowl I or the Texas-Baylor game will be shown at the Young Republican "get acquainted” picnic at 6:30 p m. Friday at Eastwood Park. Students may meet the Young Republicans at the picnic, Neill Wilkerson, club president, said. Hot dogs and soft drinks will bo served at 25 cents per person. The park is at the corner of Park Place and Harris Park. Campus News Round-Up ceremonies at Washington and Lee University. He was cited for extending to countless persons his knowledge and understanding of the way man governs his society. Dr. MacCorkie has just complet­ ed a year’s leave of absence as lecturer at the College of Europe ; in Bruges, Belgium. In addition to his professorship, he is also director of the Institute of Public Affairs at the University. Student to Preach Sermon I Ben Streetman, graduate student, will speak on "The Ministry of the Laity” at the 7 p.m. worship service Sunday at University Bap- ! tist Church, 405 W. Twenty-second S t. Dr. Blake Smith, pastor, will speak at the l l a m. service. A Bible discussion period for students w ill be held at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Student Building of the church. W H A T S N E W IN THE JUNE a t l a n t i c ? “ H om in gw ay • * H is Own F n b lv ” by Alfred K a z in : A p i a c a of literary c riti­ c i s m a b o u t E rn o st H e m i n g w a y a s rn writer of f a b u l o u s a u t o b i o g r a p h y , A M o ve ab le Feest. “ Andrew W y e th ” : A n e p p r a is a l of th# A m e ric a n pa in te r by E. P. R ic h a rd so n — p lu s a sp ecial co lo r in se rt of the a r t is t 's works, m an y naver before re p ro d u ce d . “ Better Law yers for O ur C rim in a l C o u rt s ” : J u d g e Edw ard Lu m b ard d is c u s s e s crim in a l justice ann t a law yers who represent tho se a c c u s e d of se rio u s crim es. “ The P L U S A N A T L A N T I C E X T R A : Bron ze-A ge S h ip : An A dventure in by Peter U nderw ater A rch e ology T h ro ck m o rton : T h e exciting st or y o t h e exploration of a cargo * h 'P * u " * The s k in d iv in g 3,200 years ago. author and others discov- ar o b j e c t s of i m m e n s e arch eo logical im portance. / Dr. Scott Elected to Post Dr. Alan Scott, associate profes­ sor of journalism, has been elected dean of the Tenth District of the American Academy of Advertis­ ing. His election was announced at the annual meeting of the AAA, which convened concurrently June 6-10 with the annual convention of the Advertising Federation of Am­ erica in St. Louis Mo. M o nth in. m onth out The Atlantic's editors seek out exciting ex­ p re ssion s of new and p r o v o c a t iv e id e a s . And whether these e x pre ssion s take the form of prose or po­ etry, fact or fiction, they a lw ays attain a rem ark ab ly h igh level of a cade m ic value and literary interest. M ak e room In your lite for The Atlantic. Get a copy today. Lutheran Picnic Planned Swimming and picknieking at Barton Springs will highlight week­ end activities of the Lutheran Campus Ministry. Anyone wishing to attend the fes­ tivities should meet at the Luth­ eran Student Center, 2200 San An­ tonio, at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. ★ M acCorkie W ins Citation Dr. Stuart A. MacCorkie, profes­ sor of government, received an honorary degree at graduation Union Sum m er Program Sets Dance at 8 p.m. This week’s regular Texas Union I Summer Program dance will be a j i record dance in the Junior Ball-; : room. J The dance is from 8 to 12 p.m., and admission is free to students. Copies of the Union’s Summer Calendar, listing these dances as well as book reviews, movies, art exhibits, coffees, tournaments, and watermelon feasts, are available from the Texas Union program of­ fice, Union 342. Spacious Parking For Grotto Customers e BETTER STEAKS • OLD SOUTH GOLDEN BROWN FRIED CHICKEN • MEXICAN FOOD • SEA FOOD \Summer Special 6 oz. CHOPPED $ j r |0 j n Steak 19 XtSTM HIANT Summer Hours: ll a.m.-10:30 pm. "kinsolving is across the street 2607 GUADALUPE fan ^ .. mjm H & p P " * *'V‘T V - . Construction Takes Hours; Destruction, Minutes N othing, however, can stand in the w ay of progress. The small building was a part of Hie old O u td o o r Theater east of the C om putation C en ter. The theater has been moved several times to make w ay for the construction of new buildings, and the latest move left the theater north of the Longhorn Band Hall, adjacent to C lark Field. —T exan Photo—W ilson What Is A Unitarian's Faith? "It h a s for its object simply to m a k e m en g o o d and w ise" Ralph W a ld o Emerson tarian. The First Unitarian Church will continue services d u r i n g the summer months and visitors are always welcome. Nursery and child care are p ro vid e d while Church School is in recess. S U N D A Y S C H E D U L E 10:00— 10:50 a.m. Public Forum: Jenn y Lind Porter will speak on Twentieth C entury Poetry ' | | ;20___12:00 a.m. ^Public W o rs h ip : Minister, Rey. Bandoch Lovely Sermon: Faith For A Post Christian A g e •The R e ve re n d B ra n d o c h Lo ve ly , m in iste r o f the C h u rc h , will p reach on Ju n e 14, J u l y 12, Ju ly 26, A u g u st 2 and 9th. A series of g u est m inisters will p re a c h on other Su n d ays. The U n ita ria n C h u rc h in A m e r ic a b eg an a b o u t a c en tu ry a n d a halt ago w hen the heirs' P u rita n s b e g a n to d o u b t th e C a lv in is tic th e o lo g y of th e ir a n cesto rs U n ita ria n s b e lie v e th a t w e e d a be e v a lu a te d in the lig h t of reason and e v id e n c e and the e v o lu tio n a ry d e v e lo p m e n t, of life. R e lig io n fo r U n it a r ia n , g is b e tte r ju d g e d b y a p e r io d s c h a ra c te r th a n his supposed c o rrectn e ss of b e lie f. W h ile no prescribed statem ent can be m ade binding on any Unitarian, most Unitarians believe in: I. Individual freedom of belief— 2. Discipleship to advancing Huth— 3. The humaness of Jesus— 4. G o d , as the creative a n d sustaining force by which all things are brought into being and the law by which they operate— 5. The dem ocratic process in human relations — 6. Universal brotherhood, undivided by nation, race or creed. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n call G L 2-6168 M F 9 :0 0 - 1 2 :0 0 or G L 3-6373 4700 G ro v e r A v e . (between burnet and Lamar o ff W . 49th) E V E R Y P E R S O N IS W E L C O M E . KWIK WASH C O IN D R Y C L E A N IN G C O IN L A U N D R IE S - IOC - 25c DRY WASH - 15c C o in -O p Dry C le a n in g Too! 2 L O C A T I O N S 19T H & RED R IV E R A N D 3105 G U A D A L U P E 8 L B S $1.50 C o m e See Us— A n d Save! FULLY A IR C O N D IT IO N E D ! N o . I — L A M A R P L A Z A C E N T E R N o . 2— A IR P O R T A T N O . L O O P N o . 3— 1804 B R I A R C L I F F N o . 4— 704 7th N o . 6— 2209 S. C O N G R E S S N o 9 — 1702 K O E N I G LN. N N o . 7 3105 G U A D A L U P E N o . IO N o . 5 704 W E S T 24TH I9 T H & R E D R IV E R N o . 8 1302 W . LYNN Friday. June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 6 THE SUMMER TEXAN SECTION B FRIDAY. JUNE 12. 1964 Austin, Texas The University of Texas S u mme r 1964 O f f i c i a l STUDENT DIRECTORY PUBLISHED BY TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. JOURNALISM BUILDING 107 25c Listed alphabetically by nam e a re the students who registered June 2, 1964. Following each stu­ dent’s nam e are his hometown, Austin address, and Austin phone num ber in that order. Albe, Frank, San Antonio, 1502 A W. 13th, GR 6-5521 Albers, Robert J., Alton, 111., 1307 E. 28th St., GR 8-^49 Albright, Joseph R., Austin, 2301 Tower Dr., GR 8-7667 Albright, Mrs. M ary M., Austin, 4007 Edgemont, GL 2-3709 Al-Dilaimi, Sobhi K., Iraq, A - Abbott, Mrs. J. P., Del Rio, 130.1 Winsted Lane Abbett, Jam es P., Del Rio, 1303 Winsted Lane, GR 7-7586 Abbitt II, C h a ra s Webb. Houston, Moore-Hill Hall Abbott. Al D., Houston, 2308 Nueces Abbott, Frank W., San Angelo, 1912 Wichita Abbott, Kathryn G., Port Isabel, 2610 Whitis, GR 8-4241 Abbott, P atrick K., Baytown, 1907 Nueces, GR 2-5389 Abboud, Adel A., Lebanon, Box 7863, UT Sta., GR 8-7169 Abbud, Kazim A., Iraq. 3301 Red River, GR 8-1711 Abel. Grover C., Houston, 1910 Rio Grande, GR 8-5043 Abernathy, Don L., Menard, 6908 B Reese Lane Abney, John B., Edinburg, 2910 Red River, GR 6-8883 Abrahamson, Royce L., Elgin, 3810 B Tonkawa Trail, GL 2-0549 Abram s, Larry C., Austin, 1618 Pennsylvania Ave., GR 2-6020 Abram s, Mrs. Michon C., Austin, 1618 Pennsylvania Ave., GR 2-6020 Abudawood, Hussein H., Saudi Arabia, Box 7045. UT Sta. Acevedo, M ary Ann. Austin, 2601 Forest Lane, HI 2-5310 Acevedo, Sylvia Alma, McAllen, 22Q8 Rio Grande, GR 2-7695 Acosta, Herman R., La Pryor, 2700 Swisher, Apt. 4 Acosta-Gonzalez, Francisco J., Colombia, 705 West 22% Apt. 2 A tkinson, Arland L., San Antonio, 340 A Moore-Hill Hall A tkinson, Tomme R., San Antonio, 2106 Swisher, GR 8-1961 Acton, Waite S., Seguin, 2612 Wichita Adair, Diane, Austin. 1201 Castle Hill. GR 8-3991 Adair, Jack, Austin, P. O. Box 3361 Adam, William Kendall, Houston, 1951 Sabine, Apt. 307, GR 2-8091 Adamcik, Ervin F., Smithville, Adams. Mrs. Edith W,, Mt. Pleasant, 601 W. lith Adams, Gloria Joyce. Dallas, 1214 W. 5th St., Apt. C, GR 7-8247 Aldrich, Frank T., Austin, 393 A Deep Eddy Apts, GR 6-1511 Aldrich, Susan A., Wadsworth, O., 393-A Deep Eddy Apts., GR 6-1511 Aldridge, Waldon W., Winnsboro, 1301-B Brack. Apts.. GR 7-7800 Alexander, C. W., Houston, IIH Shoal Creek Blvd., GR 7-2054 Alexander, Clarice S., Lufkin, 2000 Pearl St.. GR 2-2027 Alexander, Jam es A., Pasadena, Alexander, Jam es L., Waco, 1907 Wichita 2405 Nueces Alexander, Jennifer J., South Africa. 608 W. 25th, GR 7-0661 Alexander, Jim E ., Sebastion, 6203-A Chesterfield, GL 2-0502 Alexander, John C., Lockhart, Robert E . Lee Hall, GR 8-7947 Alexander, Johnny B., Austin, 8601 Swanson I^ane, HI 2-6450 Alexander, Lewis E., Uvalde, 3215 John Cambodia, HI 4-2722 Alexander, Linda F., Fort Worth, 1908 University Ave., GR 8-2185 Alexander, Lynn, Austin. 709 W. 22nd St., GR 8-9891 Alexander, Nancy L., Dallas, 717 W. 22, GR 8-4154 Alexander, Rosalie, Corpus Christi, 405 E. 31st St., GR 2-8429 Alexander, Mrs. Sandra, Austin, 3407 Woodrow St., GR 2-6488 Alford, Grayce D., Austin, 2705 Twin Oaks Dr., HO 5-8927 Alford, John H., Austin, 2216 San I Gabriel, Apt. 2, GR 2-2389 Alford, Linda C., Austin, 1 2705 W are Rd., HI 2-1245 Alford, Stanley E., Houston, 1007 W. 26th, Apt. 205 Alfred J r., W arren IL, Tyler, 1807% N. Congress, GR 6-4-134 Alguire, Richard K., 916-A Keith Lane Alharthv, Hussin M., Saudi Arabia, Box 7003, UT Sta., GR 7-8112 Aliki. Saleh R., Saudi Arabia 2700 Nueces, Box 8032, UT Sta. ,Yas K., Iraq. Al-Janabi 606 W. 17til, Apt. 410, GR 8-6276 j Adams Jr.. Herm an A., Silsbee, 2413 Enfield, GR 2-8806 Adams, Jam es R., San Antonio, 2211 San Gabriel, GR 2-1755 Alkhersan, Hashim F., Iraq, Box 8549, UT Sta., GR 7-7532 Allbritton, Jack L., Pasadena, 313 W. 37th, GR 2-6312 Adams, Lynda P., Eagle I^ike, 103-B E. 52nd St., CL 3-4603 Adams, Norma R., Dallas, 2500 Whitis Ave., GR 1-8888 Adams, Russel L., San Antonio, San Marcos Academy, SM Adams, Sandra J., Pleasanton, 709 W. 22, GR 8-9891 Adams, Towne V., Mexia, 1106 A Baylor, GR 8-9135 Aderholt, Ben L., Corpus Christi, 303 W. 38th, HO 5-9661 Adermann, Ray F ., Austin, 1209 E. 52nd, CL 2-1647 Adkins, L arry R , San Antonio, 3001 Red River, GR 2-8231 Adler, Lila N., Groveton, 2610 Whitis, Apt. 2, GR 2-3787 Agee, Mrs. H arriette, Kerrville, 5415 Shoalwood, GL 2-3101 Ager, Roger Q., Liberty, 2518 Leon, GR 6-0060 Agnew, M argaret E., San Antonio, 2610 Whitis, Apt. 3, GR 6-6033 Agomo, Jam es B., Nigeria, 2623 University Ave., GR 6-9618 Aguilar III, Ramon, Brownsville, 1907 Nueces, Apt. 3. GR 7-0146 Aguirre, Alfred R., San Antonio, Simkins Hall 219, GR 7-8490 Aguirre, Raymundo, Mexico, 4703 Placid Place, HO 5-8157 Aguren, Gary D., Austin, 2405 B Red River, GR 84351 Ahi rich, Carolyn L., I^ake Jackson, 1904 San Gabriel. GR 2-3617 Aikman, John D., Port Arthur, 2711 Hemphill P ark, Apt. F Akersten, Wililiam A., Ashtabula, Ohio, 3208 Grandview, GL 3-4293 Akin, John H., Austin, Rt. 4, Box 289 N, HO 5-634$ Akkad, Ruwaid A., Saudi Arabia, Box 8229, UT Sta. Alaniz, Reynaldo, Brownsville, 3603 Guadalupe, GR 8-6235 906 E. Oltorf, HI 4-1878 Allday, Mrs. Marilyn T., Groves, 1206 Rom eria, GL 2-0816 Alldredge, Bud E., Sweetwater, 1401 Enfield Rd., GR 6-0050 Allen. Arthur W., Tyler 110 Laurel Lane, GR 6-2076 Allen, Ben C., Dallas, 2100 San Gabriel Allen III, Clay W., Houston 344-A Moore-Hill Hall Allen, David E.. Corpus Christi, 205 W. 20th St.. GR 8-7097 Allen, Eddie, Harlingen 2015-B Reid River, GR 7-6849 Allen, Gail W., Dallas, 103 W. 31st St., GR 8-3934 Allen, M arta L.. Austin, 5365 W estminster Dr., WA 6-0429 Allen, Mike IL, Houston, 2401 M anor Road Allen, Patton T., San M arcos, 1406-A Edgecliff Terrace, GR 2-6663 Allen, Raymond B., Dallas, 3105 Fontana Dr . HI 2-2802 Allen, Robert C., Dallas. 103 W. 31st St., GR 8-3934 Allen, Thomas H., Palestine, 1906 Speedway Allen, William F., San Antonio, 6103 Shoalcreek, GL 3-2949 Alien J r., William M., Corpus Christi, 504 W. 7th., GR 6-3009 Alley, A. David, Austin, 4308 Avenue G, GL 2-6256 Allgood, Je rry E., Port Arthur, 2400 Leon, GR 6 6225 Allison, Bobby W., Austin, 4815 Avenue H, HO 5-7809 Allison, D. Bryan, Houston, 226-A Simkins Hall Allison, Johnny W., Muleshoe, 3412-B Willow Springs, HI 2-5896 Allison II, William T., Houston, 2500 E. 22nd St., Apt. 204, GR 6-1880 Allred. Mack W., Lufkin. 1109-F Brackenridge Apts. All wright, Betty J., Rosenberg, 8308 Hathaway, GL 3-7062 Almand, Jackie D., Austin. 5514 Wood view, HO 5-5043 Almond. Dorothy S., Alice, 2104 Nueces, GR 7-8245 Al-Rashid, Nasser I., Saudi Arabia, Box 7077, UT Sta., GR 7-2669 Al-Rawi, Othman A., Iraq. Box 7147, UT Sta., GR 2-9035 Alston, Roy D., Richland Springs, 106 E. Powell Lane, GL 2-5902 Alsup, Al, Houston, 3001 Red River. Apt. 102, GR 8-5118 Alsup, Jam es M., Valley Mills, 1029 E. 43rd St., GL 2-0747 Altgelt III, Ernest J., Irvington, N.Y., 2401 Manor Rd., GR 7-7616 Altman, Steve M., Houston, 3106 Duval, Apt. 205, GR 8-2762 Alton, Cecil C., E l Campo. 113 Laurel Lane, GR 8-6907 Altwein, Diane M., E ast Bernard. 2620% Speedway Alvermann, Donna E ., Bath, N.Y., 1613-A Brackenridge Apts. Alvermann, John A., Bath, N.Y., 1613-A Brackenridge Apts. Alvirez, Daniel, 304-C Deep Eddy Apts. Alvis, Jim , Austin, 5404 Highland Crest Drive, GL 3-3184 Alvis, John W.. Austin, 5404 Highland Crest Dr., GL 3-3184 Al worth, Charles H., Austin, 2811 Rio Grande, GR 2-6053 Aly Jr., Carroll T., San Angelo, Goodall Wooten Dorm 702 Ambrosia, Andy L., Cayucos, Calif., 2612 Guadalupe, GR 6-5658 J Amerine, Larry F., Alice, 106-B Simkins Hall, GR 2-0567 Amis, John M., Dallas. 3001 Red River, Apt. 115, GR 8-0011 Ammons. William H., Abilene, 141-A Brack. Apts., GR 7-0464 Anan, Fayez S., Saudi Arabia, Box 7651 UT Sta., GR 2-1946 Anastasi, M ark N., Dallas, 1624 W. 6th St., GR 6-2180 An ber, Faysal A., Saudi Arabia, 2-M Leon Apts. Anderegg, Karen B., Fredericks­ burg. 1909 Nueces, GR 2-1716 Andersen, Mrs. M artha 1)., Wes­ laco, Kinsolvmg, GR 1-5797 Anderson Jr., Andrew G., Houston, 300 E. Riverside, Apt. 212, GR 6-9460 Anderson, Betty J., Big Spring, 1200 E. 52nd St., Apt. 103-A, GL 2-7497 Anderson, Brent VV., Austin, 1200 Cam pcraft Rd., GR 6-0020 Anderson .Burdinc C., Houston, 2016 Oldham. GR 7-8103 Anderson, Charles T., Grand Saline, 2315 Oldham, GR 2-0507 Anderson, Dale A., Stephenville, 2401 Manor Rd., Apt. 225 Anderson, Edmund N., Corpus Christi, Simkins Hall, GR 6-8497 Anderson, Florence M., Austin, 1120 Reinlist, GL 3-8465 Anderson, Florence Moe, Austin, 4110 Guadalupe, GL 2-2102 Anderson. Gene A., E ast Grand Forks, Minn., 600-A Elmwood Place. GR 7-1133 Anderson, George M., Austin, 1300 Ruth Ave., GL 3-3095 Anderson, Jack W., Austin, 5204 Brookdale, WA 6-2185 Anderson, Jam es B., Austin, 909 Taulbee Lane, GL 2-7741 Anderson, Jam es D., Rowlett, 2501 Sabine. GR 8-3788 Anderson. Jane C., Cleveland, Ohio, M ayfair House, GR 2-2545 Anderson, je r r e T., Abilene, Box 7877, UT Sta., GR I 5952 Anderson, Karen E,. Beeville, 534 Blanton, GR 1-1079 Anderson, Kenneth L., Pam pa, 2311 Nueces, GR 6-4594 Anderson. Lee, San Antonio, 127-A-Moore-Hill Hall Anderson, LelAnne B., Austin, 1200 Camp Craft Rd., GR 6-0020 Anderson, M arshall L.. Gunter, 2107 Oldham, Apt. 204, GR 7-7504 Anderson, M ary E., Weslaco, 2501 San Gabriel, Apt. I Anderson, M ary G., Houston, 2106 Oldham Rd.. GR 7-8103 Anderson. M ary J., Corpus Christi. Kinsolving, GR 1-7578 Anderson, M ary L., Midland. 1908 University Ave., GR 6-1068 Anderson, Myra J., St. Ignatius, Mont., 417 Kinsolving South, GR 1-5380 Anderson, Paul R., Beeville, 2007 Whitis Anderson, Robert E., Fort Worth, 12Q-A Moore-Hill Hall Anderson, Robert Lynn, Bellaire, 2503 Pearl. GR 8-3491 Anderson, Sharon L.. Austin, 4004 Duval, GL 3-1562 Anderson, Sidney, Dallas, 5 Green Lanes Anderson, Vicky, Fort Word!, 2507 Manor Circle, WA 6-0101 Andres. Joe F., 1709-C Brazos Andrews, David J., San Antonio, Wooten Dorm, GR 2-1343 Andrews, Donald E., Alvin, Dept, of Petroleum Engineering Andrews. Freem an, L., Austin, 2117 E ast Ave., GR 6-0893 Andrews, G. P., College Station, 1113-F Brack. Apts., GR 7-7709 Andrews, Jody Luriene, Groesbeck, Blanton Dorm, GR 1-5909 Andrews, Kay L., Corpus Christi, 717 W. 22nd St., Apt. 104 Andrews, M artha S., Gregory, 237 Scottish Rite, GR 6-9131 Andrews. M rs, Nelda L., Fredericksburg Andrews, P eter B., New Zealand, 2209-D P erry Ave. Andrews, Ronald E., McGregor, 101 W. 21st, Room 34, GR 7-0233 Andrews, Sadie M., Corsicana, 2506 Whitis Ave., GR 7-0577 Andrychuk. Dennis N., Richardson, 137-A Moore-Hill Hall Angell, David M., Austin, 2117 Brunswick, GL 2-7138 Angell, Kim M., Dallas, 1503 Parkw ay Dr., GR 8-8489 Angly, J r., Maurice, 4603 Parkwood, GL 2-2007 Angly, Surrenden H., Austin, 4603 Parkwood. GL 2-2007 Annas, Alicia M., 2011 Red River, Apt. 4, GR 8-1598 Anstiss, Bill H., Boerne, HOO Colorado. GR 64351 Anthony, Donald R., LaM arque, 2321 Red River, GR 2-5719 Appelt, Judy A., Austin, 2208 Enfield Rd.. GR 2-9030 Appleby, L arry R., San Antonio, 3103 Grooms, GR 74953 Appledorf, M argie, Houston, 2312 San Gabriel Applewhite. P atricia J., San Antonio. 2506 Whitis. GR 7-0577 Appling, R ichard E., El Campo. 905 W. 22% St. Arage, Philip M., Victoria, 300 E. Riverside, GR 2-1841 Arave, P atty B., San Antonio, Rt. I, Box 27. Buda. CL 31485 Arce, Joyce E ., Coral Gables. Fla., 1905 University Ave., GR 2-5505 Arceneaux, Joseph L., Scott, La., 2053 Sabine, GR 8-9422 Archer, Benjam in F., San Marcos Archer, Carolyn F., San Antonio, 2309 Rio Grande, Apt. 3 Archer, Jack IL, Austin, 602 W. 18th St.. GR G-3601 Archer, Joseph F., San Antonio, 3001 Red River, Apt. 202 Archer, Nancy R., Brady, 2803 Macken, GL 2-1443 Archer J r., William T.. Brady, 2308 Nueces. GR 8-0507 Ardis, Michael IL, Odessa, 113-A Moore-Hill Hall Arechiga, Domingo, Laredo, Wooten Dormitory, GR 2-1343 Arechiga, Jam es, Austin, 3304 Pecan Springs, W'A 6-3594 Arender, Louis B., Austin, 1601 Rio Grande, GR 6-5677 Arick, Ann E ., Midland, 2106 Oldham, GR 7-7643 Arsht, Alan M.. Houston. 4411 Airport Blvd., GR 7-2951 Arther, Knicky J., Eastland, 1501% Kirkwood Rd., GR 7-8219 Arvin, Charles E., Killeen, 200 E . 26% St.. GR 2-0098 Asbury, Arnold K., San Antonio, 2413 Leon Asbury, J r., John R., Big Spring, Wooten Dormitory, GR 2-1343 Ashby, Anna L.. Canyon, 1424 Preston, GR 8-2625 Ashby, Carol M., Wabash, Ind. Blanton Dorm Ashby. Karen R., Wabash, Ind., 528 Blanton Dorm, GR 1-1998 Ashford, Amanda J., Maud, 406 Blanton Dorm. GR 1-1980 Ashley, Donald R.. West, 2606 Enfield, Apt. IO Ashmore, Helen M., Austin, 602 E . 42nd.. HO 5-7845 Ash-Shaya, Mohammed A., Saudi Arabia. Box 8307, UT Sta. Ashton, Thomas G., Austin, 2205-A Sabine. GR 8-5231 Askew, Robert M., Amarillo, 1401 Enfield, Apt. 215, GR 2-9092 Atchison, Charles W., Slidell, San Jac. Dorm A, GR 8-0252 Atherton, Donna M., Austin, 2803 French Place. GR 7-7368 Atkins, Lyle D.. San Antonio, 2007 Whitis, GR 7-5481 Atkins, Reba J., Coleman, 1602-H Barton Springs. GR 7-1317 Atkins Jr., William D., Coleman, 1602-H Barton Springs, GR 7-1317 Atkins, William D., Carrizo Springs, 708 W. 34th, GL 3-5929 Atkinson, Eugenia R., Austin, 1706 Northwood Rd., GR 2-3238 Atkinson, P atrycia G., Angleton, 2315 Nueces, GR 7-7951 Atwill, Jam es IL, Austin, Box 4033, GR 2-8666 Atwood, J r., Bryan H., Frankston, 2500 E. 22nd., Apt. 109, GR 8-2038 Aulds, Anthony C., Burkburnett, 1518 Barton Springs Rd., Lot 6 Austin. E. Jane, Frankston, 206 W. 38th, Apt. 108, GL 2-0096 Austin II, John F., Houston, 5320 Balcones Dr.. GL 2-5698 Autrev, Cecile C., W axahachie, 717 W. 22nd St.. GR 2-5758 Avadisian, Antoine M., Iraq, j Box 7046, UT Sta. Avery, John S., Austin. 1608 Woodlawn, GR 7-1960 Awbrey, Frank T., 1530-B Brackenridge Apts., GR 2-9390 Awbrey, Stuart A., Austin. 1606-A Brackenridge Apts., GR 7-4340 Axelrod. Nathan S., Houston, 2208 Enfield Rd. Ayers, Robert E., Keene, 1509-B Brackenridge Apts. Ayres, Joe R., Athens, 3001 Red River, Apt. 224, GR 2-8231 Azar, George, Austin. 4018 Clawson Rd., HI 4-1189 Azuela-Arriaga. Arturo, Mexico, 405 E. 32nd St., GR 7-7858 B - Armstrong, Dale E ., Shreveport, La., 1603 Wheless Lane, HO 5-9635 Armstrong, J r., Frank L., Longview, 809 Tirado, Apt. 216 Armstrong, Jam es J., 1901 Fairlaw n Lane, HI 2-2628 Armstrong, Neal E., Dallas, 1932-B San Antonio, GR 6-5273 Armstrong, Robert C., Dallas, 1700 N. Congress Arnakis, Alex, Austin. 1010 W. 22nd St., GR 7-5526 Arndt, George I)., Ocean Springs, Miss., 306 E . 30th St., GR 6-0397 Arnold, J r., Baldur B., Austin, 1503 Choquette, GL 3-5075 Arnold, Jr., Elon F., Corpus Christi, 1607 Alta Vista. HI 2-5937 Arnold, George L., Austin, 501 Westwood Terrace, GR 6-8861 Arnold, Kay, Austin. 926 E. 40th St., HO 5-8295 Arnold, M argaret J., Austin, 3001 Skylark, GL 2-2657 Arnold, M arilyn A., Alice. Box 426, Blanton. GR 1-1560 Arnold, J r., Richard D., Eastland, 1604-B Lake Austin. GR 2-9476 Arnold. R ichard F.. Gilmer, 2407-B Sabine, GR 7-8137 Arnold, Vance M., Gilmer, 2407-B Sabine, GR 7-8137 Arons. Herm an R., San Angelo, 305-B Deep Eddy Apts. GR 7-8944 Arrants. Stephanie C., Austin, 6215 Brookside, GL 2-5461 Arredondo, Margo J., Port Arthur, Kinsolving South Arrell. Ralph L., Abilene, 300 W. 27th St. Arribau, Jo rg e O., Argentina, 2401 Winsted Lane Baade, J r. Henry H., Boling. 2106 Swisher, Apt. 113, GR 7-7991 Babinski, Judy Marie, Michigan, 2011 Whitis Baca, Ronald, Columbus, Southshore Apts.; Apt. 317 Bachm an, Elizabeth M,, Beaumont, 1802 W. Ave., Apt. 217, GR 2-3424 Bachus, Jam es W arren, Austin, 11801 N. Oaks Dr., GL 3-0576 Bacon, William G., Abilene, 4411 Airport Blvd. Badouh, Elaine M., New Braunfels, 2207 Rio Grande Baetcke, Karl Philip, Calif., 3103 Grooms Baggett, Larry Keith, Levelland, 2903 Kerbey Lane, GR 8-8606 Bagley, Judi Ann, Lake Jackson, 2106 Oldham, Apt. 105, GR 8-2990 Bagley, Nancy Louise, Bay City, 2610 Whitis, No. 2, GR 2-3787 Bagwell, Jam es Roy, Tyler, 11303 Hornsby, GL 3-2734 Bagwell, Patricia Anne, Austin, 5704 Wellington Dr., GL 2-2919 Bahlman, Charles Nelan, Winters, Goodall Wooten, 407, GR 8-0903 Bahme, Mrs. Myra A., San Antonio Baichtal, Jam es R., Austin, 2407 Oldham, GR 6-0565 Bailey, Ann Hall, Austin, 1718 Deerfield, HI 4-1601 Bailey, Carl Lynn, Lubbock. 1801 Congress Ave., GR 8-1800 Bailey, Carol Jean, San Angelo, 709% Carolyn Ave., GR 8-5276 Bailey, Dan! Ellen, Weatherford, 2106 Oldham, GR 7-1704 If its in Town . . . You’ll Find It at , Dillard’s of Of Course Dillard’s B ailey, Donald M ichael, Donna, 2804 VVhitis, G R 8-4673 B ailey, Edwin A , Tem ple, 2910 R ed R iv er, Apt. 104 B ailey, Jo Neil E v an s, Houston, 1618A B rack enridge Apts. B ailey, Johnny M att., Lowake, 709^2 C arolyn, GR 8-5276 B ailey, Kenneth D an, 1618A B rack en rid g e Apts. B ailey, Louise E velvn, Houston, 1404 Rock Cliff R d.. GR 8-9014 B ailey, J r ., P hilip Sigmon, Austin, 5606 Ridge O ak D r., GL 3-7265 B ailey, Ralph V incent. Austin, 2504 Galewood, GR 6-6746 B ailey, R obert D ennis, M ontana, 384C Deep E d d y A pts., GR 7-7440 B ailey, R obert E a rl, Jacksonville, 5005-A Ave. F ., HO 5-7705 B ailey, R obert E ugene, Ballinger 608 W. 22. G R 8-1956 B ailey, T hom as F ra n k , Austin, 5606 Ridge O ak D r., GL 3-1265 B ailey. William T ansley, Austin, 1616 W. 6th, Apt. 102. GR 8-6913 B ain, Bonnie Louise, Devine, 701 M anor R d., No. 3, GR 6-4568 B ain, Donna B eth, Corpus C hristi, 2207 Rio G rande B ain, R obert B e rtra m , Stephenville 2401 M anor R r., Apt. 225 B ain. W alter M athis, San Antonio, 2408 Longview, 201, GR 2-2721 B aines, M arsha Lee, Austin, 3500 l i t . B ark er, GL 2-1627 B aird , Ann C athrvn, F o rt Worth, 310 Blanton, G R 1-1788 B aird , C ynthia Ja n e , Midland, 611 W est 23rd B aird , E dw ard Hudson, Houston, 3645 W est L ake D r. B aird , Jim , B ellaire. 2410 San G abriel, GR 7-2716 B aird , M ary Lou, Austin, 828 E a st TFth S treet, GR 7-2181 B aird , Ted W ., T hree R ivers, B aird , Thom as E ., P leasanton, Sim kins Hall 102 E . 20th B ak er, Brook Alan. P erry ton. 1422-B B rack en rid ge, GR 7-7032 B ak er, D ianne C., M idland, 2102 West l l . GR 8-4267 B ak er. G eorge F ranklin , Bowie, 1407-B B rackenrid g e, GR 8-3709 B ak er, Glenn B arclay , Waco, 2408 Longview', Apt. 205 B ak er, Ja m e s Allen, R osenberg, 5309 A urora D rive B ak er, Jim M arsh all, Lubbock, 2200 Nueces. Apt. 103 B ak er, John K., San Antonio, 305 W. 20, G R 2-6052 B ak er, Johnnie W arren, Blum, 600 A. Elmwood. G R 7-1133 B ak er, Lowell M alcolm , D allas, 2700 Nueces, GR 2-0454-214 B ak er, M arcia Lee, San Angelo. 1422B B rackenridg e, GR 7-7032 B ak er, N ancy Ja n e . San Saba, 2102B W. l l , GR 8-4267 B ak er, O rdella M. R .. Port L avaca, 2000 Whitts, GR 6-5944 B ak er, P a tric ia M. R ., San Angelo Kinsolving-South 400 B ak er, R. C., T yler. 3412 Red R iv er. GR 6-9746 B ak er, R ichard W., Georgetown. Rt. 4, G eorgetow n. UN 3-2406 B akutis, Alice Rose, Lackland AFB. Box 1559 B aldeschw iler, M ary M., Austin, 3413 West A venue, GL 3-0938 B aldw in, J r., F ra n k I*ec, Ingleside 1704 West Ave., G R 6 0810 B aldw in, P a tric ia M ae, O dessa, 1506 N. C ongress, GR 8-7118 B all, Eldon R ay , O dessa, 2802 Whitts, Apt. IO B all, G arv Jaso n , lo u isia n a , 200 W. 33rd, GL 3-6904 Ball, Joe Dyke, Kingsville, 1200 Enfield, No. 206. GR 8-4393 B all, John Gordon, A rkansas, 2601 San G abriel. GR 7-0843 Ball, Lois E v ans, Odessa, 608 N. G rah am , Odessa Ball, M arg aret E lizabeth, G eorgia, 409 Blanton, G R 1-5620 Ball, M arjorie A., Abilene, 1707 Faw n D rive. HI 4-3401 B allard, D arrell M., P erry ton, 303D Deep Eddy, GR 2-6353 B allard. Jo Nita, P erryton, 303D Deep Eddy, GR 2-6353 B allies Lee S.. Austin, 387B Deep E ddy. GR 7-4781 B allinger, Royce E., San Angelo, 503C W. 25th, GR 2-3796 B alm ori, R igoberto R., Brownsville 2321 Roil R iver, Apt. D B altzer. C harles John, Austin, 5214 M edford, WA 6-2856 B altzer. M rs. Glenda J. N., Austin, 5214 M edford D r., WA 6-2856 Balzen, Dorothy C laire. Austin, 2055A Sabine, G R 7-6840 Balzen, William IE, San Antonio, 407 A. W est 27, GR 2-5108 B am berger, William John, D allas. 2610B Salado Barnes, J r ., C larence M. G ranger, 5203 R obinsdale, WA 6 3138 B anack, J r ., E m erson. Odessa. S14C E. 32. GR 7-8620 Banack. R ose M arie. San Antonio, OMC E a s t 32. G R 7-8620 Bankston, M ary A., Lake Jackson, 1910 San G abriel, Apt. 101 Bankston, Tom, San Angelo, 224A Sim kins Hall, GR 2-9879 B anner, Tim K., Austin, 3106 Duval. Apt. 302, GR 7-7697 B anta, D iana, L a P orte, 1951 Sabine, Apt. 201, GR 8-6505 B arbaria, Jo E ., D allas. 3501 Speedway, 107, GR 6-4565 B arbee. Linton Elzie. Brownfield, I 1913 W, 36th, GL 3-5815 B arbee, N ancy Sue, M idland. SRD. GR 6-9131 B arber. Ja m e s Orlon. Snyder, 1515 P arkw ay, GR 2-9526 B arbin, Annelle, Nacogdoches. I 7809 Northw'est Dr., OL 2-3949 B arbisch, J r., Joseph W., Houston, 3415 B ridle P ath B arbour. Ja m e s C harles. Cotulla, 129B Moore-Hill Hall, GR 2 2829 I B arclay. F ra n c e s C\, Austin, 2505 W estover Rd., GR 2-9820 B arclay, Will Bower. B eaum ont, j A Bar Hotel, Box 73. GR 6-5658 B arcus, Jean n ie, Austin, I 2711 Bowm an. GR 7-8680 B arden, M rs. G ertrude K.. Austin, 3700 B ridle P ath , GR 7-2836 Bardw ell, C harles M „ San Antonio. [ I 4505 Finley. GL 3-0265 B are, Joseph Lee, San Angelo. 3706 W erner Ave., GR 2-4503 B arenblat. Irving, San Antonio, 2208 Enfield, G R 8-1370 B argainer, J r., Ja m e s D., Groves, I 4807 Shoalwood, HO 5-0269 B arger, John W., College Station, 3401 Bonnie B arkem ever, R uth E .. R osebud. 2208 Enfield. No. 20G, GR 8-7777 * B arker, Bill R ichard. Am arillo, 3406 Speedw ay ’ B arker. II, Cam pbell B.. P ettu s, 1605 Newfield Lane. GR 2 6386 I B arker. Glenn P aul, Nocona, 2413 Leon B arker, R obert II., S p earm an, 396B Deep E ddv Apts. B arker, Sam uel T.. .San Antonio, | 2053A Sabine. GR 8 9122 B arkett, .Sam C harles. M arshall, ! 709 W. 23. G R 2 8950 B arkley, C arolyn E sth er. Austin, R t. 5, Box 741, HI 2-3109 B arkley, Jan e. Austin, i 6606 M esa, HO 5 7615 B arkley, R obert C.. Brownwood. ; Box 174, Round Rock, AL 5-3451 B arkley. Roy R eid, Brownwood, I 5330 B alcones, Apt. D. B arn a rd , J r., H erb ert J., Austin, 3811 Wilson, HI 4-2720 B arn a rd , L a rry Gordon, G arland, 1215 E . 52nd, No, 112, GL 2-6958 B arn a rd , Sam Clyde. D allas, 1951 Sabine, GR 2-8787 B arnes. C arol Vivian. F o rt Worth, 1802 West Ave., G R 6-5556 B arnes, Doris F aye, Houston, 2400 E . 22, Apt. 215 B arnes. M rs. D orris Ann. Baytow n, 1309B B rackenrid ge GR 6-8537 B arnes. Joe T hom as. Baytown, 1309B B racken ridge, GR 6 8537 B arnes, L a rry Boyd, F ort Worth, 2200 N ueces, No. 205 B arnes, J r.. L ehm an W., Austin, 1203A B rackenridge. GR 2-8728 B arnes, M ichael Philip, Tyler, 221A Sim kins Hall. GR 8M539 B arnes, S h erry D., Channelview. SRD, GR 6-9131 B arnett. Bobby I*ce. Austin, 1400 Hillside, GR 8-5441 B arnett, C harles Louis. Austin, 1400 Hillside Ave.. GR 8-5441 B arnett, E lizabeth LeG „ Houston. 717 W 22. GR 2-9986 B arnett. M rs. Ellen M arie, Austin. 5406 H arm on, HO 5-5053 B arnett, J e r ry L., Dallas, 708 W. 23 B arn ett. Joseph Sheppard. Waco, 809 T irado, Apt.* 120. GL 24)875 B arn ett, M arsha R ae, Austin, 1612 P reston, GR 2-6802 B arney, E dw ard Lynn. Wyoming, I T rav is St. School, WA 6-2410 - 248 B arn h art, M ary L., Corpus Christi, 2315 N ueces, GR 6-9846 B arn h art, Velda N., Houston, 2000 P earl, GR 6-8658 B arnhill, J e r ry R., San Angelo. 389F Deep E ddy, GR 2-6142 B arom eo, J r ., Chase, Austin, 4609 B ennett, HO 5-1989 B arr, G ary Joe, San Antonio. I 101 San Jacin to , IX GR 8-0192 B arr, Sheila R ae, Crime. B lanton D orm . G R 1-1408 B a rre ra . E lv ira P uig. San Antonio. Kinsolving Dorm . GR 1-1097 B a rre ra , III, M artin, Laredo, I 1910 Speedw ay, R ear, GR 2-8062 B arrickio, K enneth H., Houston, 1534B B racken rid ge, GR 6-8523 B arrientos, O scar, E agle P ass, 1809 Rio G rande, GR 6-5145 B arrios, J r .. G regory, Victoria. B artlett. M ary Kay. Austin 3204 Churchill Dr., GR 6-3761 B artlett, Suzanne W„ Alto 1901 Exposition, GR 7-M96 B arto, Josephine, New Jersey , 708 W 2214. Apt. 4. B arton, Calvin P ascal, Lufkin. B arton, John E dw ard, Lubbock, 2502 Nueces, GR 8 0370 B arton. Josef John, Taylor, 1905 Robbins P lace, G R 2-0525 B arton, Judyth F aye, Alvin 126 Blanton D orm ., GR I-<169 B arton, Sterlin E ., Longview, 2616 Wichita, GR 7-0427 B artosh, C arroll P atrick , Austin, 1317B West 6th, GR 7-2687 B artosh. G eraldine Virginia, T aft, 401 Kinsolving B artosh, G retchen Aliev. Austin. 1317 W est 6, Apt. B, GR 7-2687 B artosh, Kenneth John, Austin, 1505 Crestwood Road, HO 5-0162 Basev, Douglas Burleson, Austin, I 2005 Vallejo. GL 2-2937 B ash ara, C harles E dw ard, Austin. 5608 M apleleaf Dr.*, GL 2-2443 B askette, Cynthia Duval. Dallas. 1801 Rio G rande, 201, GR 7-4266 B ass, Bill. Houston, 400 W. 29, Apt. 6, G R 8^083 B ass. G eorge T urner, Louisiana, 1612A B rackenridge, GR 7-1821 B ass, Ja m e s W illiam, Jacksonville, I Moore-Hill Hall B ass, M ary Deborah. San Antonio, 231 Blanton, GR 1-5300 B ass, M rs. P. A. M., L ouisiana, 1612A B rackenridge, G R 7-1821 B ass. PhvllLs Lvllian. Illinois, 91 IF E a st 32nd. GR 2-5245 B ass, R obert Lee. San Antonio, I 407B W. 27th, GR 8-2086 B ass, J r., Stirling W.. Austin. 91 IP E a s t 32nd. GR 2-5245 B astien, C laire, C anada, 1809 Colorado, Apt. I, GR 2 3900 B asu, Sipra Ghosh. India. | 703A West 25. GR 2-1816 B ates, Ja m e s H erbert, M arshall, 808 E a st 30. Apt. C, GR 7 2270 B ates. Jim B ellaire, B ates, Kindell Wayne. Stam ford, 4016 Shoal Creek. GL 2-9016 I B atev. Donald Claud, Austin. 2507 E ast Side Dr.. HI 2 5809 B atey, William S. W., Austin, | 201A West 20, GR 2-5197 B ath, I*nrna ravens. Austin, 1114 W est lith , GR 2 8112 Ba (ria. R oberto E ., Mexico, I 2305 Oldham Moore-Hill Hall B arron, E dw ard R alph. Austin, 305A Deep E d dv, GR 7-4660 B arron, R ussell R .. Lockhart, 1403A B rackenridge, GR 2-3905 B arron, II. W illiam E dw ard. Austin 6205 Shoal C reek, CL 3-8780 B arru tia , R ich ard , Arizona. 3005A Red R iver. GR 7-6017 B arry , David H., Tyler, 3008 U niversity, GR 6-9969 B arry, J r.. Ja m e s Alv:n, Austin, Box 8417 Univ. Sta. B arrv. P a tric k Jam es, G alveston, 1311F B rackenridge B arrv . III, Thos. P ., Colorado City, 2105 Rio G rande. GR 8-2346 B arsky, N orm a R ae, Houston, 2513 San G ab riel B artee, S. L vneen. Austin, 4111 Sinclair, CL 3-0409 B artels, R obert M ichael. Tem ple, R. E . L ee Hall, GR 7-0233 B arth, D ianne Carol, T exas City, 2407 Nueces 4708 F inley Dr., GL 3-4876 B arth. F av e R uth, Yoakum, SRI), GR 6 9131. E xt. 204 B arth, J e r ry l ee. E lsa, 203 W. 39 HO 5-1.360 B artles. S. J. C harles A., K ansas, 2106 G uadalupe B artlett. C raig E dsall. D allas, 1002 West 26. GR 8 9327 B a rtle tt. Jim D., Austin, 49ll W estfield D r., HO 5-9023 B artlett, III. John E dm und. Austin, 4G07B E v a n s Ave., CL 2-3473 Batson, Mrs. M ildred L., V ictoria, Batson, R ichard E a rl, P am pa, 5905 Woodrow B atter lee, A.M A. J., Saudi Arabia. 8106 Univ. Station, GR 2 2.300 B auer, J r., WT. H , P ort I.avaca, 300 E. R iverside, GR 2-1841 B aughm an, M rs. Rose E tta , Clute, 1906 Robbins P lace, GR 8-1730 B auehn. M arilyn J*ee, Austin. 2408 E astsid e D rive, HI 4-3284 Bauhof. Ann Dale, Austin. 2204 Townes Lane, GR 6-4021 B auknight, Stella L'mn. Austin, 1305 Alta Vista. HI 4 3155 B aum ann. Judy Lvnn, San Antonio. 914 West 22V4, GR 6 3749 B aum el. H arris Sheldon, Austin, 4300 Balcones D r.. GL 3-7246 Bausch, Linda Ruth, B andera. B lanton Dorm , 424, GR 1-1389 B autista, Alfred X avier, Austin, B avouset, J. Ann, W ichita F alls. 2106 Swisher, Apt. 107, GR 2-5777 B axter. B renda V., Houston, J 2001 U niversity, GR 6-8735 B axter, C atharine D., Austin, 1405 Kent Done, GR 8-3166 B axter, David Ross, Austin, 1725 E ast 38, GR 7 4349 | B arth. III, E rn e st F red rick . Austin, 401 C herry Hill Dr. I B ayern, A rthur H., Luling, 2202 O ldham , No. 6, GR 2-4615 Baze, W allace Brown, Nixon, Moore-Hill 216A B eaird, Suzanne, Longview, I 2207 Rio G rande, G R 8-0851 B eal, Gail Ann, Austin, 1503 West Ave., G R 8-5976 B eale, David F iske, Houston. 2113 Shoalm ont, GL 3 7159 B ean, Allan K lark, Austin, 3108 Groom s. GR 7-5237 B ean, G eorge R ogers, M enard. 3106 Duval, No. 304, G R 8-8682 B ean, Jam s, Kilgore, | 717 W. 22nd, No. 105, GR 69034 B eard, Donnie R ., P alacios, 1704 Sabine B eard. Jim K., Austin, I 2414 D orm arion Lane, GR 2-6809 B eard, Lewis A., Irving, I 3501 Speedw ay, 107, GR 6-4565 B eard, M arvin F ord. P asad en a, 360B Deep E ddy, G R 2-1785 B eard, P atric ia G ail, Austin. 360B D eep Eddv, G R 24785 B eard, William R ay. N ederland. 2711 H em phill P a rk , GR 2-0732 1 B earden, B a rb a ra L., D allas, Tower M anor, Box 203 B earden, Ja m e s R alph, Dallas 1606 Colorado. No. 2, GR 6 3821 B earden, Ja n a Segall, M arshall, Blanton D orm , 408 I B earden. Milton Alex., Houston 12131) B rackenridge, CR 7-1082 B earden, S herry Ann. Valley Mills, B lanton, GR I 5560 B easley, M artha H am ner. Houston, 1605B B rackenridge. GR 6 4207 B eatty, Dennis W., T exas City. 709 West 23 B eatty, Ja m e s C arlyle, M idland, I 103A Sim kins Hall Boa tv, Douglas L ., Kingsland, 2301 Law nm ont, HO 5-9006 B eaucham p, W illiam B., G eorgia, 2614 Rio G rande, GR 2-6644 B eaudrv, G eorge W., F ort Worth, 1616 West 6th. 402. GR 7-4146 B eauharnais, Josephine, Franco. 6215 G uadalupe. HO 5 6521 B eaver, C hester E a rl, Austin, 1602 Houston St., GL 2-4075 B eavers, Bill, E l paso, 2502 Nueces, GR 8-0370 B eavers, Gordon, Austin. 3808 Bailey L ane, G L 3-2744 Reek, Jan e S ara, Austin, ^ 1306B Newfield L ane. GR 2 735< Beck, J e rry A rthur, Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., 120, GL 2 0761 Beck. Milton L., San Antonio, 1609A B rackenridge Beck, Vendon, P o rt A rthur, 1617 New York Ave., GR 2 8444 Ben kelm an, Dan IL, F t. Worth. 395F Deep E ddy Apts.. G R 24)502 B eckolm an. M rs. I. S., San Antonio 395F Deep E ddy. GR 2-0502 B ecker, L aurence A lbert, Austin, 5507 Jeff D avis, HO 5-8490 B erkey, Andrew Daniel. D eer Park '2616 W ichita. GR 7-0427 Bf'ckev. Sylvia Louise, D eer P ark, 2610 Whitts, 2 B eckham . E arn ell, K erm it, 3001 Red R iver, Apt. 107 .B eck h am . Phyllis June. Waco. j Blanton D orm . G R 1-3087 Boddoe. Susan F ,, D allas Scottish Rite D orm , G R 6-9131 B cdenbonder, John W.. K ansas. 2107 Oldham . No. 101 B edford, R uth M agrill. Midland. 3010 Hemphill P a rk , Apt. B B ednar. Jonnie Bee. Shiner, 707 Highlands Ave., G R 2*449* Bed,sole, E m b ree C . Austin, 5708 Wellington, HO 5-1450 Booley, Becky, Houston, 2206 Rio G rande B eer. M ichelle Robin, Houston. 2503C B ridle P ath I I I I I B axter, Ja m e s Kerwin, Floydada, 90711 E a st 32, GR 7-7348 R aver, L ester R alph, Austin, i 1600 R idgem ont D r.. OL 3-8096 B eers, John Joseph, San Antonio, | Sim kins Hall 241A. GR 8-2698 Beosley. S andra Ann, San Angelo, i 3001 Red R iver, Apt. 127 AUSTINS MOST BEAUTIFUL AND CONVENIENT SHOPPING CENTER HIM©©© Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 2B Iu r n . ©sins® r C A R B R O U G H S DOWNTOWN | m | i n ( Jtfm m Mi H ill H»*M, MtMt W EL C O M E to Austin and to Scarbroughs, your horn* town department store away from home. W e want to see you often and invite you to open a charge, use our layaway plan and free delivery. Open 9:30-5:30; on Thursdays 'til 9 . • . come shop and browse or phone G R 6-8331 for prompt delivery. Beynon, E . T.. Corpus Christi, 906 West 30^, G R 2-1708 Beynon, Victoria E ., Corpus Christi 906 West 30H, G R 2-1708 Bezanson, Stephen George, Tatum, 2612 Guadalupe. A-Bar Bezant. Rozelle King, Austin. 3309 Windsor Rd., G R 8-3673 Bhandawat, Suresh C., India, Simkins Dorm, 227B Blanchi, Paul Henry, Houston. 2106 Swisher, Apt. 207, G R 6-1429 Biasiolli, Robert A., San Antonio, 605 East 47, G L 3-2141 Bibb, Robert Bennett. M arshall, Moore-Hill Hall. 219A. G R 2-7305 Bickerton. Craig B., Houston, 2202 Enfield, Apt. 104. G R 2-4211; Bickerton, T erry S., Houston. 4900 Manor Rd., 207. W A 6-3209 Biedermann, Allen J.. Waco, 3106 D uval Ave., 310, G R 7-7446 Biedermann. Glenn W alter. Waco, Moore-Hill Hall, D IB . G R 2-7889 Bier, Charles R ., Louisiana, j 703B East 25, G R 7-2690 Bierds, Donna M argaret, Rosebud, 2610 Whitis, No. 3. G R 6-6033 Blackw ell, M rs. Ruth T., Texarkana 2506 W hitis, G R 7-0577 Blahauvietz, K ay Gene, Iowa, I 2402 W are Rd., H I 4-3806 B la ir, Jr ., Ben R ., Lake Jackson, I 904 Garner, H I 2-8565 B lair, Harold Dean, San Antonio, 502 Baltim ore, G R 8-2937 B lair, John Kenneth, Austin, I 406 E . Fawnridge D r., G L 2-8691 B lair, Lynda Jean. Liberty. 803 West 28, No. 105. G R 2-2192 B lair. M erlin Loy, Eola, I 1007A Blanco Blakely, Richard Stanley. Calif., 2629 W ichita, G R 7-2357 Blalock, Sam m y E . Perryton, ; 703A West 23, G R 74074 Blanco, Manuel B ., Laredo, 2308 Pecan Blank. Sue, Houston. I 1307 Norwalk Ln.. 108, G R 2-3484 Blankenship, Bonnie B ., Mexia, . 2106 Oldham « Blasingam e, C. W ., Corpus Christi, 602 West Ave. t . Blaylock. G erry I^ee S.. Austin, 1904 Forestglade, H I 2-3167 Blazyk, Carol Ann, Austin, Rt. 6, Box 47, HI 2-3893 Bicker, Ed G., Austin, Box 9053 Blend, M ichael M arc, Dallas. 805 West IO, 104. HO 5-8874 Bleveans, John Allen, Austin, 1308 East 52. G L 2-1928 Bley. Ann, San Angelo. 2106 Oldham. Apt. 207. G R 6-3898 Blinka. L . K av. Schulenburg, 802 W. 28l4, G R 2-3898 Blitch. Milton E .. Dist. of Col., I 2422 San Antonio, G R 7-7888 Block. Barbara M ., San Antonio, 2005 University, G R 8-8595 Block. W alter H.. Del Rio, j 1707 East 38. G R 6-1267 Blood. Susan Jane. Austin 4103 Farh ills D rive. G L 2-2353 Blood worth, Rexie Ann. Jacksboro. M ayfair House. G R 2-5437 Bohls, Frederick W ., Refugio, 1507 East 38^, G R 2-5712 Bohls, Jr ., Raymond W ., Austin, 2503 West 45, G L 34219 Bohm falk, Charles S., Weslaco, 3106 Duval, Apt. 305 Bohn. Jr ., C arl Henry, Houston, 1315 Norwalk Ln, 2i3A. G R 2-7772 Boiee, Arthur Henrv. Kilgore, 1700 Sabine, Apt. IO, G R 6 3406 Bolding. Jam es M., Athens. 2100 Oldham. Apt. 3. G R 2-8185 Boldt. Richard D., San Antonio, 3207 Harris Park, G R 6-0059 Bolieu. Sharon Rae, Austin, 2806 Rae Dell Ave., H I 2-2735 Bolinger, Carole J., Corpus Christi, 2207 Rio Grande Bolton, Frank C., 6205A Chesterfield. G L 2-3608 Bond, Donna Darlene, Baytown, 2106 Oldham. G R 2-7476 Bond, Gerald W., Houston, 2204 Nueces, G R 2-6838 Bond, Jam es M ., Fort Worth, Simpkins H all Bond, Richard A., Wisconsin, Moore-Hill Hall Bond, Richard W ., Denison, 2808 Hemphill Park A, G R 2-144T Bond, Ronald Fred, Texas City, San Jacinto Dorm. G R 1-5285 Boneau, Melvin J., Port Arthur, 2407 Oldham, G R 7-1020 Bones, Jr .. Jam es Clinton, Utah, 2314 Sabine. G R 8-2676 Bonev, Jim Don, Port Arthur, 1186 Leona, G R 7-8793 Bonnell. M ichael Joseph, Austin, 1301 Fairwood Rd. Bonney, Charles Edw ard. Ranger. 1210‘Windsor Rd.. 219. G R 2 6602 Bono. W inifred T., Bonham, 1606 Nickerson Booker, Rober Alexander, Dallas, 247A Brackenridge. G R 7*0464 Boone, Bobby Lynn. Hico. 504 East 38Vs, G L 3-8482 Boone. David W., 1205A Brackenridge, G R 6-1536 Beeson, Richard Reagan, Shepherd 2509 Nueces Beezley, Ja c k Lee. Dallas, 7600 C. Tisdale Dr., G L 2-4601 Behrens, Nancy Jean, Georgetown, Behrens, Patricia Quarles, Austin, 2314 Sabine. G R 8-2859 Behrenwald. Marquita, Big Spring. 2108 Sabine. Apt. 2, G R 2-8810 Brib er, Sharon Frances, Crockett, 405 East 31. Apt. 38, G R 2-4778 Beidel, John M., New Mexico, 1622 Barton Springs, G R 2-5349 Bela, Richard Joseph. E l Paso, 1424B Brackenridge Apts. Belancourt, Frank J., Austin, 3501 Owens. G L 3-8246 Belanger, Wayne Francis, Houston. 4104 Shoal Cr. Blvd., HO 5-7221 Bolden, Joe. Dallas, Robert E . Lee, 55 Belk. Gene Denton. D allas, 1507A Brackenridge Apts. Belknap, Elizabeth M.. Austin. 2205 Townes Lane. G R 7-8702 B ell. Alfred Ray. Austin, 913 W . Milton. Hi 2-6368 B ell, Betty L., 809 Winflo, Apt. 101 B ell, David Eugene, Fort Worth, 203 W . 19th. G R 6-6016 B e ll. Donald Barton, Odessa. 384D Deep Eddy Apts., G R 6 8507 B ell, Francis F., Dallas, 1012 Wayside, G R 2-3978 B e ll, George, 1318 Brackenridge G R 6-8492 B e ll. H. M artin, California, 809 Winflo, Apt. IGI B ell, Jam es Keith. Dallas. 2208 Enfield. G R 2-4971 B e ll, Jam es Michael. Odessa. 2405 W are Rd., HI 4-3952 B ell, John David, Dallas. 809 East 23, Apt. 201, G R 6-9840 B e ll, Lois Hen?, Waco. 1007 West 26. Apt. 206, G R 6-1215 B e ll, Lom a P., San Angelo, 2503 Hartford Road, G R 7-5348 B ell, Mrs. Marion I).. San Antonio, 2105 W are Rd., H I 4-3952 B ell. M orris Preston. Austin, 2403 M cCall Rd.. G R 8-5527 B ell, Wilson Guy, Luling, Moore-Hill Hall Bellam y, Sidney Eugene, Irving, 402 East 30th Belt, Jam es Henry. W eim ar, 705 West 26th. G R 7-2651 Belt, Jr ., M orris E ., Houston, 1106B West 22, G R 2-7497 Belt. III. W illiam A., Milano. Bennett, Richard John, Austin. 2212C Pe rry Ave., H I 4-2384 Bennett. Roy Jam es. Fort Worth, 2208 Mathews Dr., G R 7-4076 Bennion, Richard E ., NewGulf, 4114 Burnet Rd. Benson, Alton A., Austin, 2503 San Gabriel, 2A. G R 6-1912 Benson. Eleanor Sky, Austin, 2101 T ravis Heights, H I 2-3777 Benson, Joanna Lee, Sinton, 2834 Shoal Crest. G R 241735 Benson. John W\, Midland. 911D East 32. G R 7-8276 Benson, Kenneth E a rl, Odessa, 912 East 32, Apt. F . Benson. Stanley Hugh. Illinois, 3507B Vineland. G R 7-2548 Benson. Tangle M „ Corpus Christi. 2106 Oldham. Carousel Apts., 106 Bentley, Ken, Abilene. 1909B Fairlaw n. H I 4-2074 Bentley, Russell I -ake. Tyler, 403 Hearn, G R 8-6338 Bentley, Zoe Anne, Tyler, 403 Bearn, G R 8*6338 Benton, K ay C., Beaumont, 418 Kinsolving Dorm, G R 1-5478 Benton. M att Hall, Tyler, 3307 Tom Green, G R 6-0567 Benzo. Francisco R.. Dominican R. 3007 Speedway, Apt. 3 Bercu. Steven Lloyd, Dallas, 2626 Speedway, G R 8-8060 Bergen, Douglas Richard. Austin, I 1801 West 29, G R 8-3509 Berger, Jo el S., San Antonio. 400 E . 30th. Apt. 201. G R 2-8837 Berger, Suzie Jane. Fort Worth, Blanton Dorm, 311, G R 1-7570 Bergman, Nancy C., San Antonio, 208 College Court Apts. Bergman. Stuart A., San Antonio, College Courts No. 208 Bergmann, Sally, Fort Stockton, Box 8462 University Station Bergquist, Jam es C., Austin, 2705 Oakhurst, G R 7-4884 Bergquist, Thomas P., Austin. 2705 Oakhurst Ave., G R 7-4884 Bergstrom, M. Alan, Austin. I 2308 Hartford Rd., G R 6-8922 I Bernard, Connie E ., San Antonio, I S R I). 245. G R 9-6131 Bernard, W illiam J . Louisana, 3301 Red R iver. 104, G R 2-6545 Bernstein, Richard P., Dallas, j 2401 Manor Rd., 231. G R 8-2819 j Berry. George Madison. Austin, 118V4 Laurel Lane. G R 24)866 Berry, Pa tricia Ann, Oklahoma, 2215 I-eon, No. 18. G R 7-1587 I Berry, Ronald C., Austin, 3104W Tom Green. G R 8-4164 Benavides, M arta, l^aredo, 2610 Whitis. No. 5. G R 8-4241 Bonce, Ted. Canada. 3001 Red R iver. 212, G R 7-4026 Bendele, Beatrice Lee. Devine. 704 West 25. G R 7-8233 Bendele. Gerald Ewing, Devine, 304 East 33rd. No. 6 Bendorf, Robi H., Breckenridge, 1007 West 26. Apt. 106 Benedict. Irvin J., San Antonio, 3506 Duval Benjam in, David Gleason. Austin. 2305 Tower Drive. G R 6-3436 Beniam in, E . Carroll. Pallas. 1500 H arrell Lane, G R 7-4928 Benner, Rosetta Florence, Austin. 4100 Todd Lane, H I 2-1098 Bennett, Carl Max. Hillsboro, 3011 Speedway. Apt. 2 Bennett. Charles I^w is. Snyder. 2400 Leon. Room 9. G R 6-6225 Bennett, G ary Len. Houston, 1112D Brackenridge Bennett, H. Dixon. Austin, 4712 Sinclair, G L 3-4140 Bennett, John Scott. Pearsall, 300 E . Riverside D r., G R 7-4571 Bennett John Wayne, Richardson, 1709 Congress. G R 8-7097 Bennett, M ary Grace, New York, 2610 Whitis, No. 2. G R 2-3787 Bennett, M ary L ., San Antonio, Blanton Dorm. G R 1-3076 2 8 0 5 Hemphill Pk., G R 6-4265 Berry, Susan Elizabeth. Austin, 5501 Caprice Drive, HO 5-1209 Bertrand. Jam es Richard. Houston, 1412A Hartford Rd., G R 7-4567 Bertrand, John Avery, Louisiana, ! 604 W. 28th Berumen. M ike Sat) Antonio, 2700 Nueces, 221. G R 2-0454 Berw ick, M ichael H., Houston, I 2215 San Gabriel Besa. Mrs. Sarah Jan e, Austin, 404 West 13 (rea r) Besetter, Barbara Anne. Houston, SRO . 238, G R 6-9131, Ext. 238 Bescher. Judith Jam es, Houston, SRO . 238, G R 6-9131. Ext. 238 Best, ll, W illiam G., Fort Worth, I San Jacinto A-214, G R 8-0252 Bethea. Lona Katherine. Houston, I 2609 U niversity Bettinger, I II, Charles O., Waco, 6605 Bradley Drive, G L 2-1917 j Betts, Cheryl F ., Austin, I 5422 Shoal wood. G L 3-0903 Betts, Gilbert Wayne, Daingerfield ! 1904-A West 33. G L 2-5170 Betts, Sylvia Irw in. Austin. 4812 Woodview, HO 5-1383 Beverage, Jennie Larson, Austin, j 4406 Barrow , G L 3-6538 Beverly, Robert Allan, Conn., 3106 Duval, Apt. 210 Beyer. Daniel Philip. Austin. 1819 M argaret St.. H I 2-1841 Bigelow. Neal H., Bruni. 1601B Brackenridge. G R 2-0639 Bigelow. Jr ., Robert M . Austin, I HOI Woodland Ave.. H I 2-5328 Biggs. Kenneth D., Brownwood, | 600A Elmwood, G R 7-11113 Biles. Raymond E ., Waco, 1918 Speedway, Apt. 2 B illa . L a rry Joe. San Antonio, 601C West 26 Billingsley, Jo el Timothy, j 3106 Pe rry Lane. G L 2-7873 Billingsley, Keith R ay. Lubbock, 2807A Rio Grande. G R 7-1295 Billingsley, M ary Jean. Lubbock. 2807 Rio Grande, G R 7-1295 Billops. Jam es Thomas. Houston, 2018 Oldham, ll, G R 7-5400 i Binder. Jr ., Robert T., Paris. 300 E . Riverside, 311, G R 2-1261 Bin ford. Paul Lee. Corsicana, 2607B Salado, G R 7-4890 Binkley. Bruce Alexander, Houston. Univ. T railer Park. No. 13 Bird. David Edw ard. Waco. 3011 Whitis, Apt. 106. G R 7-1275 Bird, Donald E ., Austin. 4705 Ram sey. HO 5 8637 Bird. Ira M., Mission. 601 West 13 Bird. Ronald Holland. Austin. I 4705 Ram sey, HO 5-8637 Birden. Sheila Ann. Austin. 3707 Bridle Path. G R 6-9387 Birkner. Charles J., Corpus Christi, 908 West 22 Birnbaum . Michael L., San Antonio I 805 West IO, Apt. 104 Bishop. Eugene H., Mississippi, 1420 Cloverleaf, G L 2-7236 Bishop. III, Geo. M., Bacon Switch. 3001 Red R iver. 106, G R 7-1105 Bistrezki, J . J.. Corpus Christi. 6200 Grove, Box l l , G R 7-0296 Bitner, Zelda Sue. Kennard. Carousel Apts.. Room 106 Bitter, Harold Niels. Austin. 1501 Cloverleaf, G L 2-8643 Bittner, Frederic Allen. Thrall, 2308 Sabine, G R 2-9388 Bizzell, Bobby Gene, Frankston, 401 Wilm es. G L 2-1737 Bizzell. Don Howard, Briggs, 1806 Piedmont. G L 2-1397 Blachlv, Robert Douglas. Austin. 2809 Carlton Rd., HO 5-1716 Black. Donald Ray. Colorado City 709 Baylor, G R 6-9580 Black, Joan Elizabeth. Austin. 3002 Bonnie Road. G R 7 1063 Black, John W illiam , Austin. ! 2402 Winsted Lane. G R 24205 Black. M artha M arilla. Austin. 3005 Bowman, G R 8-3511 Blackaller, Ju d y Gale. Uvalde. 2106 Oldham, 208. G R 7-1798 Blackard, M orris. M t. Pleasant, 700 Carolyn Ave. Blackburn, Jane, San Angelo, 2106 Swisher, Apt. 211 Bloom , Alvin Michael, San Antonio. Boone. Jack B ., Memphis. 304 E a st 33, Apt. 20. G R 6-8818 Bloom, W allace. San Antonio, 1905 Nueces. G R 7-0239 Bluhm, R av R ., New Braunfels, 1511 Shoal Creek. G R 2-6517 i Bam berg, Armin W ., San Antonio, i 2511 Nueces I Blundell, Royce C., Victoria. San Jacinto Dorm A. G R 8-0252 Boatman. Ralph Arthur. Sherman, 1208A Brackenridge, G R 8-3619 Boatright. Robert E .. Austin 1104D Brackenridge. G R 8-2015 Bobbitt, Burdina R ., Houston, U niversity T railer Park, No. 32 Bobbitt, Ph il, Austin, 2403 Hartford Rd., G R 7-2321 Bobbitt, Rhodes Russell, Dallas, 4701 Crestway Bock. Betsy Ann. D allas. 717 West 22, Apt. 101, G R 8-7864 Bock. Jean Pool, Dallas 206 West 38. Apt. 124. C L 2-7454 Bodenhamer, Sheryl Ann. Mason, Blanton Dorm, G R 1-3570 Bodnar. Raymond E ., Canada, 1012A West 22, G R 24309 Bodoin. Pam ela J., Austin j I 1509 Wooldridge D r.. G R 8-1544 I Boehm, Telva J., Shiner. 1409A Brackenridge, GR i -4783 Borning. Bruce A., Fredericksburg 2308 Enfield, Apt. 101. GR 2-5602 Boettcher, A. S., E ast Bernard, 2809 French Place. GR 8-3580 Boettcher, Nan Barkley. Bishop, 2809 French Place. GR 8-3580 Bogan, Brenda Jo , Austin, 2504 Nueces, G R 7-7594 Bogart, Quentin J., Kentucky 3501 Speedway, 206. G R 2-4893 Bogart. Vivian Ann. Midlothian, 805 West Ave.. G R 8-1706 Boger, Robert P., New York. 1705 Ridgemont D r., HO 5-8601 Boggs, Mollie, Lake Ja c k s o n ,___ 2106 Oldham, Apt. 105. G R 8-8306 2318A Oldham. G R 6-1455 Boone, M ary Lou, Austin, 2804 Rae Dell, H I 2-1625 Boose, Clyde S., Sweetwater, 1.300 East 29, G R 8-5149 Boose, Mrs. Linda H., Eastland, 1300 East 29. G R 8 5149 Booth. Robert D., M arble Falls, I 2410 San Gabriel Boothe. Robert Lawson, Austin, Rf. 2, Box 851 Boothe. Sandra Nell. San Antonia I SRD , 267, G R 6-9131 Boothman, David A., Uvalde, 1517A Brackenridge Boothman, Sandra L . V., Uvalde, I 1517A Brackenridge ! Bordages, Betty Adele, Houston, 2609 University, G R 7-5483 Borden, Sherrill Ann, Houston, 220 Kinsolving. G R 1-5448 i Bordovsky. Adolph D., Austin. I 5703 Wellington Drive. G L 3-2078 Bordovskv. Michael J.. San Antonio I 307 East 23^, Apt. 4 Bordovskv. Robert Dean. Waco, 5703 Wellington Dr., G L 3-2078 Borgfeld. Jr ., W alter L., Houston, 1951B Red River. G R 6-3707 Borm , Alfred E ., Pearland, 3103 H arris Park Ave.. Borm . M ary Long, Pearland. 3103 H arris Park Ave., Born. George H .f Edna. 3403 Speedway, B-12, G R 8-5476 Born. M ark Alan. Florida, 4411 Airport, Apt. 141, HO 5-1326 Bosart, Ernest F „ Houston. 304V4 East 26V^. G R 74231 Bost, Robert Orion, Georgetown, Simkins Hall, 239A Bost. Roy Wade, Dallas. 2413 Leon, Apt. 106, G R 6-0273 Bostick, Beth, 2812^4 Nueces, Apt. 2, G R 7-8974 Boston. Roger Lee. Germ any (A F ) 2106 Swisher. G R 8-7086 Beautiful Shoes 2300 Guadalupe 720 Congress G R 6-4543 G R 6-2149 i« "O n the Drag Downtown Friday, June 12. IW 4 . THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 38 HEMPHILL'S *VJ&ha A ro u n d the C a m p u s ® North - East - South - Wesf FEATURING YOUR EVER-READY REBATE - G O O D ALL SUM M ER Boswell, G eorge T „ F t. W orth, '2104 Newfield Lane Boswell, John D avid, D allas, Moore-Hill Hall Bosw ell, J r., Lorin A.. F t. W orth. 1401 Enfield. GR 2-9562 B ott. Donald E .. M ineral Wells. 1903 San G abriel B ottom . Kenneth C., Hillsboro. 1106C B rackenridge, G R 2-3956 B otts, G erald M., San Antonio, B oucher. J r.. John C.. Stephenville. 5107 Ave. G. GE 3-7912 Boudloche, M ichael, Baytow n, 2400 Leon B oulet. P aul E m ile, C anada. 1807 Brazos, Apt. 32. GR 2-7711 Bouillon, T hom as L., Louisiana, i 1311E B rackenridge, GR 7-6830 B o u lter, B eau, L evelland, 911 R etam a. HI 2-0457 B oulter, R osem ary R.. Austin. 911 R etam a. HI 2-0457 B ourgeois, R obert E.. Mission, 1810 Congress. GR 2-2867 B ourke, William IL. Austin, 2218 South F irst. HI 2-5558 B ousrnan, Virgil F ., T exarkana. 1221A B rackenridge, GR 6 9338 Boutw ell, R osa C harlene. Tem ple. 9Q9B West 22%. GR 6-0256 Bowden. G a rd e G., H arlingen, 1400 Newfield I .ane. GR 6-4282 Bowden. H a rry Jam es. B rady. 1908 W ichita. GR 2-4131 Bowden, M arcia L., T yler, 3106 Duval Bowen, Dinah G., Corpus C hristi, 4 Sunset T rail. HI 2-8703 B ow ers, Helen Joycte, Baytown. 2212 .San G abriel. Apt IO Bowie, Neil M acLean, Austin, 6408 Bluff Springs Rd.. HI 4-2053 Bowlin, Ja m e s H., Port Neches, 2500 Nueces B ow m an, Dorothy Davis. Austin, 3500 C herry Lane. GR 8-1350 B ow m an, Lynda Kav. B aytow n. 1210B Norwalk Lane, GR 2-8089 B ow m an. R obert Hunt. Baytown, 1210B N orw alk I^ane, GR 2-8089 Bownds. Bill W„ Lubbock, HOS Upland. GR 6-8934 Box, F red erick Clyde. A labam a. 300 E . R iverside. 215. GR 2-3988 Box, M arquita R ave. F o rt W orth. 3102% Robinson, GR 6-0800 Boyce, Shelton W., Houston, 4411 Airport. GR 7-2951 Boyd, B ette Lois, Austin. 3501 R iver Road. GR 8-3654 Boyd. Dorothy L. D.. Austin. 5713 C hesterfield, HO 5-7760 Boyd, G ary Wilson, Austin. 308 L aurel wood Tr., GR 7-1845 Bovd. John R.. Houston, 601 M anor Rd.. Apt. A, GR 2-2756 Boyd, John Ronald, Austin. 308 Laurelwood T rail, GR 7 1845 Bovd. Kenneth E.. Longview, 703 West 26th. GR 7-7987 Bovd, Mike L.. Houston, 709 E a s t 44ih. HO 5-5566 Boyd, R ichard Wayne, Plainview , 1411 Fairw ood. GL 2 6519 Bovd, R obert Lvnn. Tyler. 1401 Brentwood, HO 5-5855 Bovd. Sam I^ane, Austin. 4201 Ave. H, GL 2-0800 Bovd. William R ., Austin. IO M argranita C res’nt. GR 8-8495 B o y e r , Calvin Jam es, Illinois, 1218A B rackenridge B ozarth. Kenneth Dale. Aastin, 4210 Alice Ave., GL 3-1829 B rac e. Anna Kingsley, Austin, 2205 N. L am ar. GR 8-1822 B ra c k e tt. A rthur WU F ort Worth. 1401 Enfield. Apt. 101. GR 2 9562 B radford, N athaniel, Austin, 2000 Concho. GR 6-1469 B radley, J r ., John Brooks. D allas. 2106 Sw isher. Apt. 113, GR 7-7991 B radley. Lee E dw ard. Austin, 1002 E . Applegate, HO 5-9848 B radley, R alph Eugene, K ansas, 2305 Longview B radley, R obert M arsh. Austin, 807 K easbev, GL 2-4783 B radley. R obert S., F t. Worth 407D West 22. GL 2-7054 B radley. Steven Justin, Austin, 3907 B ailey Lane. GL 3-5573 Bradshaw'. Lael M. Ely. Austin, 2111 M eldridge, HI 2-8638 B radv. B ettv Ruth, Austin, 1409 Suffolk Dr., GE 2-7370 B rady. P laine A., Austin. 5304 Bennett Ave., HO 5-7X14 B radv. Ja m e s Austin. Austin. 1407 Suffolk Drive. GL 2-7370 B raeutigam . III, John W,. Houston, Xii4 Rio G rande B ra rn blet t. C. A., C arrizo Springs. 1613 Sabine. GR 6-5675 B ram b lett, Jam es WU Austin, 404 E ast 32, GR 6-1107 B ranch, Stephen C arter. Waco, 608 West 22nd. GR 8 1956 B randenburg. M abel, Fort Worth, 2018 Oldham . Apt. 9. GR 7 2923 B randenburg, Philip D., La F eria 2502 Nueces. GR 8 0370 B randon. William Paul. Austin, 2309 West 12th. GR 8-8158 B randt. Louis Kohl. M ississippi, 2806 San Pedro. GR 7-6848 B ranner. M arlene R ae. Austin. 1405 West 39%, GL 3-7161 B rantlev , B arb a ra S. E .. D allas, 1802 West Ave., Apt. 117 B ranyon, B arry L.. Austin, 2200 Bonita. GR 6 8295 B rasfield. Lyle Albert, Seminole, 2802 W'hitis. Apt. 2. GR 8-5838 B rash ear, S arah P au lette, Austin, 4705 Stra s s Dr., HO 5-5712 B rassed , J r., Com er C., M arshall, 2202 Enfield. Apt. 205. GR 7-1745 B rasw ell. Don M erton, New Boston. 606 R ath erv ue P lace. GR 2-1442 B rasw ell, Jam es Ray, T exarkana. 607B E a s t 21. GR 2-3294 B ratton, T urner NL. New Boston, 1801 Rio G rande. X)2 B raubach. C arl IL, Houston, I 2032 Swisher B rauer. IL Karl Henry, Austin, 1808 B urbank. OL 2-7975 B raw ner, John H. P aris, 1704 Sabine, Apt. 23 Bray, Thom as Albert. Midland. 1003 W'est 23. Apt. .3, GR 8-2158 B rav. Wm. T erre, Austin. 1206 Lom a Drive. GR 2 5297 B recht, Howard D.. D allas, 2518 I .eon, GR 7-0028 B reckenridge. J r.. R. L.. Austin, Rt. 7. Box 948. GL 3-1055 B red e Jan . Rockdale. 2210 Enfield, Apt. 4, GR 6-1971 B reed, David AL M arlin. lllO F B rackenridge, GR 6-3741 Breedling, Bill A., Tem ple, 1421A B rackenridge. GR 6 5197 B reen, Walford T.. F ort Worth, 1816 Nueces, GR 7-8551 B reeskm , John. Austin. 5007 Highland Ct., GL 2-1844 B rehm , Jr.. Harold E rn st, P h a rr, 1805 Brazos. Apt. 36 B rehm , Hugo Adolph. Boling, 1905 Nueces, GR 7-0239 B reland. J r., O. Philip. Austin, 3604 M eredith. GR 7-2018 2408 Longview, GR 7-7141 B rew er. J r., C harles WU N avasota, Box 8406, Univ Sta. B rad b u ry , D avid P aul, D allas, B rew er, J r., M arion WU Austin, Dorm A Rim 228 2001 Whitis B radfield, Ja m e s Eldon. Tem ple, 2903 P e a rl, GR 2 2348 B rad fo rd , Brooks G., Angleton. 300 R iverside Dr.. 116. GR 2-4500 B rad fo rd . Jac k ie W., Austin, 841 A irport Blvd., Lot No. 48 B rew er. P atricia E lizabeth. Austin, 4102 R idgelea Dr.. HO 5-0315 Brew ington, Philip Dale, Austin, 6401 E m erald , HI 2-6587 B rew ster, M arcus Hunt. El Cam po Sim ians Hall, 236B Brew ton, D allas Pool, Austin, 4105 Rosedale, HO 5-9219 B rian, R obert Milling, Austin, 4818A B raesridge B ridges. C harles W alter. Tyler. 1309 W’est 9. Apt. D., GR 8-2876 B ridges, J r., J a rre ll M.. Am arillo, 2216A P e rry Ave., HI 2-4676 B ridges, W illiam C arlton, Tyler. 809 W inf lo, No. 211, GR 2-9458 B riggs, Mrs. Cora Belle. Austin, 1608 P ennsylvania. GR, 2-7031 Bright, Je a n Ellis, Austin, 1403 Possum T rot. GR 7 2909 B right, Thom as J., Pennsylvania, 205 West 20th. GR 2-1911 Brill. Jam es P eter, M innesota, 1507 West St. Johns, GL 3-3020 B rindley. J r., Hanes ll., Tem ple. 1951 Sabine, No. 309 B rinsm ade, P a tric ia , Mexico. 3401 Speedway, A4. GR 8-8969 B rinson, J r., Austin Neal. L am esa, 1002 West 22. GR 7-8700 Briones. Daniel. C orpus Christi, San Jacinto, I4orm A Brisbois, Joan Carole. Houston, SRD, GR 6-9131 Brison, F re d R.. College Station, 1908 Speedway. GR 2-6743 Brison, Jim . Dallas. 915 West 23. GR 8-6687 Bristow, Eugene R aym ond, Alvin, 1005 I^orrain. GR 6-0513 B rito, Ja im e F ., E cuador, Leon Apts., 2F Brito, L aura LU E cuador. I Blanton Dorm 204, GR 1-7260 Brito, M arta CU E cuador, Kinsolving Dorm , 319. GR 1-1106 B rittain. M arilyn Kay, El Paso, B lanton Dorm B rizzolara, J r., F. W., Houston, 2106 Swisher, No. 112, GR 8-7050 Brock, Bill J., Alice. 2202 Enfield. GR 6-2561 Brock, David B radley. K arnaek. B rockerm ever. K. L.. F ort Worth. 2204 Enfield. X)7, GR 2-2354 Brooks, J r., B. M., San Antonio. Goodall W7ooten Dorm , GR 2-1343 Brooks, B ernice Ross, 5320 Wellington Drive, WA 6-1343 Brooks, C harles E ., Rockdale, 1507A Elton Lane, GR 7-2374 Brooks, E v a M arie, Austin, 2503 Red R iver Brooks. J r.. G eorge E., New Jerse y 2303 Red R iver, 105. GR 8-2766 Brooks, Kay Cowan. Hillsboro, 1507 Elton Lane, GR 7-2374 Brooks. laovd George. Houston, 2103U H artford, GR 2-7130 Brooks, Melody Ann, La F eria, 2838 San G abriel. GR 2-8670 Brooks. Penelope, Hillsboro, 3001 Red River. 121. GR 6-4515 Brooks. J r.. Sam R aym ond. Austin 2615 H arris Blvd,, GR 6 4247 Brooks, Tom Howard, Stockdale, U niversity T ra ile r P ark Brookshire. Jim Bob, Austin, 1505 Sunnyvale 213. GR 2-7818 Broom e. E ugene F., McAllen, 810 E. 23%. GR 7-7514 B rothers, C harles A., Sham rock 4411 A irport, Apt. 122. HO 5-5184 B roum lev. Thom as C„ M cGregor San Jacinto Dorm A, GR 8-0252 B rowder. John T hom as, Ohio, Sim kins Hall. GR 2-0367 Brown. Anne M., Corpus Christi, 3408 C edar, GL 3-7603 Brown, B arb a ra Ann. Kendleton. 3204 E ast 17 Brown, B urket Allen. New Jersey, Brown, Carol Gillespie. Austin, 3105 H arris Blvd., GR 2-9158 Brown. David Clay, T exarkana, 3912 Nueces Brown. Donnie Mae. H allettsville, Shangri-La Apts., Whitis Ave. Brown, Dwane Allen. Brownsville. 405A E ast 18, GR 8-7701 Brown. E dw ard E a rl, P ort A rthur. 909 West 26, GR 2-0961 Brown. J r., E rn est C., Woodsboro, 310 Goodall-Woo ten Brown, Felicia Ann. San Benito. 6805 Edgefield, GL 2-4508 Brown. F rances S., Friendswood. 2200 Nueces, GR 7-2567 Brown. F redrick G., Midland 2212-D P erry Ave., HI 2-1341 Brown, G ary C harles M ichigan 2208 Enfield, Apt. 103, GR 8-5809 Brown. Gay, San Antonio. Kinsolving Dorm , 316, GR I i 460 Brown, George A., El Paso, Moore-Hill Hall. 34A, GR 8-8246 Brown. O r a Id M., San Antonio, 1618B M anor Road, G R 2-1929 Brown. Glen \ tck. Dallas, 2503 P earl. GR 8-3491 Brown. Gordon Rav, K ansas. 1400 B roadm oor Dr., GL 3 6535 Brown. Harold Neil, E ag le P ass, 18181 . W est 37, GL 2-0755 Brown. Hugh Miller. San Saba, 3904 Ave. G. GL 2-6508 Brown, Ja n Moore, T yler, 3001 Red R iver. 232, GR 8 4208 Brown, Jeanne W ray, San Antonio. R iver Oaks Apts*, 124, GR 8-8635 Brown, Jennifer L.. T hree R ivers, Blanton Dorm 308. GR 1-1596 Brown, Mrs. Jew el L., Austin. 2302 Del Curto Rd., HI 2-7224 Brown, Julia Ann. F ort Worth, Kinsolving 211, GR 1-3610 Brown. Mrs. L. R. L .. Gatesville, 809 Winflo, Apt. 210. GR 7-4786 Brown, Leighton B,. San Angelo, 392D Deep Eddv. GR 2-7626 Brown, Linda D iane, H enrietta. B ellaire Apts., 202, GR 8 7165 Brown. Linda Jean , Houston, 3104 Duval. GR 7-2219 Brown. Lorelei B.. College Station. Blanton Dorm, GR 1-3379 Brown. M. Kathleen. Houston. 2208 Enfield. 103, G R 8-5809 Brown, Mabel Ann, Gatesville, 4411 Airport. GL 2-0090 Brown. M abeth. Austin. 1701 Woodlawn, GR 8-2400 Brown. Marion B ryant. Austin, 2519 West 45. GL 3-3225 Brown, M arvin Lee J r., Dallas, 217A Sim kins Hall Brown. Michael Jan, K erm it, 3205 Helm s. GR 7 6202 Brown. M onetta Rollo, Austin, 1701 Woodlawn. GR 8-2400 Brown, Nancy Jan e, Austin. Brum below , Connie Sue, Killeen, 2100 San G abriel, GR 2-3452 B rom ley, Judith A. H., Atlanta, 400% E a st 17, GR 2 IOU B rundrett, B etty J ., W ichita Falls, 232 B lanton Dorm B rune, J r., R obert A., Austin. 5617 Bull C reek Rd., GL 3-1665 B runer, John M ichael. Coleman, 5414 Ave. F, HO 5 1265 B runi, M ary P a tric ia . Laredo, 2207 Rio G rande, GR 2-0257 B runken. B arby W ayne, Taylor, B ryan, J r., II. L.. Corpus Christi, 2401A Red R iver, GR 6-2828 B ryan, Judith Lvnn. Austin, 1503 W ethersfield R d., GR 8-3697 B ryan, S herry Lynn, G raham , B lanton Dorm 434. GR 1-3397 B ryant. A rthur Lee. Austin, 3003 Speedway, GR 8-2026 B ryant, M rs. N ancy K. F ., Austin, 3003 Speedw ay, GR 8-2026 B ryant, R uth C. WU T exas City, Kinsolving Dorm B ryant, Ruth Joy, Austin, 6805 Shoal C reek. GL 3-7431 Bryant, V ictoria Anne, Austin. 2502 Pinewood T err.. GL 2-5124 B ryant. W illiam O,, W inters, 1904 N ueces, Apt 2, GR 7 7087 Bryson, Jeff Bell, Corpus Christi, 2503 P earl, GR 8-3491 Brxowskie, lion S tew art. Seguin 1008 West 25, Apt. B. GR 6-2547 Buchan, Glenn C arl. Austin, 2910 Red R iver. 102, GR 74)729 B uchanan, Ja m e s R., San Antonio, 601 Wrest 26. Apt. A B uchanan, John WU San Antonio, 2107 N ueces. GR 2 9219 B uchanan, R ichard N., P aris. 2801 San Jacinto. GR 8-5641 Buck, J r ., A. Erw in. Houston. 1700 Sabine. Apt. 3 Buck. N ancv Ruth. San Antonio. 1616 West 6. GR 6 8016 Buckhannon, Ruth Ann, Missouri. 706 West 25 Buckley, C harles H , Little River, Buckley, M ichael NU -Austin, 1801 West Lake. G R 6 1924 Buckner. E lizabeth Ann, Dallas, 1207 West 9 B uckstaff, Sherwood J r.. Houston, 2200 N ueces. GR 6 AUK) Buoy, Joy E lizabeth. Lubbock. 405 E a s t 31. GR 2-4778 Budd, Clifford Henry, Wisconsin. 1909 Rio G rande Buffo, John Allen. San Benito, 3002 Carlisle Drive, GL 2-8001 Brown, Nancv Louise, G atesville, 4411 Airport. Apt. 23L GL 2 0090 Brown, P atric ia Ann, P h arr, 708 West 22%, Apt. 5, GR 6 8470 Brown, Pa trivia Eileen, T exarkana 2315 Nueces Brown, P riscilla Ann. San Antonio, 4411 Airport, Apt. 210, GL 2 0420 Brown, J r., R ichard M „ P am pa, 1701A B rackenridge, GR 8-5816 Brown, Robt. Jam es. Gatesville, 809 Winflo, GR 7-4786 Brown, Robert Storev, 387E Deep Eddy, GR 7-1426 Brown, Shirley J. A,. Houston, Kinsolving (south), 322, GR 1-1487 Brown. Squire I>ee, San Angelo, 1809 C ongress Brown, Tim othy Lvnn, Austin, 1014A Melissa Lane. GR 7 6865 Brown. W alter T,f Midland, 2101 Rio G rande. GR 8-5043 Browne, M ildred A., P alestine, 2506 Whitis. GR 7-0577 Browning. H, Z „ Corpus Christi. 2202 O ldham . Apt. 5, GR 6-2506 Brow’ning, J r . Joseph R.. G orm an, R. E. Lee Dorm . GR 8-7947 Browning, Thom as C.. Alamo, 1904 W ichita. GR 2-5763 Brownlow'. M arv l^ee. Morton, 1950 Sabine, GR 2 5868 Brownlow, Wm. Clvde, Morton, 1950 Sabine, GR 2-5868 B rocks, George I» u is. Hondo, 304 E a st 33, Apt. l l B ruder, Melvvn Carson, Austin. 2401-5, Winsted l^ine, GR 8-2831 Moore-Hill Dorm. 321B Bugg, Willis L., Troup. XKJ W est 38, HO 5-8185 Bull, Bill Owen, San Antonio. Moore Hill 121 A. GR 7-8990 Bull, M alcolm Tim m ons, Austin, 2213 B ristol D rive, GL 24439 B uller, Glen D arrel. Henderson. 2502 Lean, Apt. I) Bullock. S ara VU Fort Stockton. Blanton Dorm XXI. GR 1-1307 Bullock, Willie C harlotte. A rkansas 2610 Whitis. No. I, GR 2:9304 Bunce, C harles Ned. Austin, 3210 F rench P lace, GR 2-8886 Runkley, J r., T hom as A , Stam ford, 1602 Mohle. GR 2-5572 Bunnell, Tom S.. Midland, 107 L aurel Lane, GR 7-2787 B unting, G eorge R av, Uvalde, Moore-Hill Hall, 303A B urago, Alia, G ladew ater, B lanton Dorm B u ratti, David D., B renham , 2416 San Antonio B urch, P aul Jam es. Austin, 1700 Sabine, GR 2-5646 B urcham , K enneth Kay. Austin. 1518 B arton Springs, GR 6 5246 B urcham , S arah F ran c es, Austin. 16 Scott C rescent. GR 24)121 B urchard. Jo e David, San Saba, 709 West 26, Apt. 2 B urdett, R andy L uther. Austin, 3012 Windsor R d., GR 7-1562 B urdick, Dwight E ugene, La Pott*1 304 E a st 33, No. 21, GR 7-7485 B renan, Michael S.. San Antonio, 2519 West 45. GL 3-3225 Use the check preferred by students as the best way to budget their money. h '» U a * «, • Any Am ount O pens Y our A ccount • ( becks Are Personalized XX itll Your Nam e And Address Free • N o Service < barge • N o M i n i m u m Balance Required • In clu siv e Al I tie A m erican N ational Bank o f A ustin ta#- 'IHE A AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ~ S IX T H A N D COLORADO H G R EEN W O O D 2 -5 4 0 1 OF AUSTIN M E M B E R F E D E R A L D E P O S IT IN S U R A N C E C O RPO RATIO N friday, June 12, 19*4 THE SUMMER TEXAN P««* 48 CHECJ\ The New No Service Charge Checking Account f„ , A , TTnivprsirv T E X A ^ / S T A T I No Minimum Balance Man or Woman V No Service Charge 25 Checks for $2.00 19th & Guadalupe Burdick, Robert Dean, Fort Worth, 1401 Enfield Burford, L. D., Kentucky, 910 Baylor, GR 8-8207 Burford, Raymond Wallace. Dallas, 1311 Exposition, GR 2-7604 Burgard, George T., Pennsylvania, Burgard, Lee T., Pennsylvania, 2408 Longview 2408 Longview Burge, William Wallace, Houston, 2912% Red River Burges, Bettie Lee. Castroville, SRI) 228, GR 6-9131 Burgess, Robert Doil, McGregor, 2106 Swisher, Apt. 206, GR 8-1961 B uigess, Tim L., Nacogdoches, 3300 Tom Green, GR 8-4306 Burget, Barbara Anne, Austin, 8309 Burrell Dr., GL 2-2004 Burk, Linda Lee, Austin, 3929 Balcones Dr., GL 2-7015 Burke, Christine Kay, San Antonio, 409 West Bee Caves Road Burke, Jam es Oscar, Austin, 1303D Brackenridge, GR 7-8252 Burke, Linda Lee, Dallas, 403 West 25, GR 7-5055 Burke, Macvl A., Dallas, 403 West 25, GR 7-5055 Burke, Nelda June. Austin. 8401 Kromer St., GL 3-2592 Burkhalter, Robert N.. San Antonio Moore Hill 218A, GR 2-7197 Burks, Kenneth M., Austin. 206B E ast CrosHn. GL 2 0597 Burleson, Jr., David W„ Austin, .'1902 Seiders, No. I, GL 3-3628 Burleson, Rufus Edmond. Dawson, 7509 Northcrest, GL 3 5298 Burleson. Wm. Dan, Killeen. 2801 San Jacinto, GR 8-a641 Burnam, Rayford Dan. Brady, 2214 San Antonio. GR 2-0162 Burnett. Margaret Olivia, Dallas, 2005 University. GR 8-8595 Burnett, Peggy Marie, Gonzales, 2610 Whit is, No. 5, GR 8-4241 Burnett, Sandra Lou, Abilene, 2106 Swisher, No, 107. GR 2-5717 Burney, Charles Earl, Mart, Moore-Hiil Hall, 114B, GR 7-7476 Burney, Fred I., Hughes Springs, 2017E Red River Burns, Annie B., Dallas. 1208 Newport, HO 5-9474 Burns. Charles Finney, Austin, 1901 Hillman, GR 7-5468 Burns, Charlotte L., Crane, 1905 University, GR 7-0203 Burns, Dorothy Ann. Baytown, Route 2. Box 880, EV 5-2202 Burns, Laura McNeil, Houston, HI4A West 29, GR 2-4539 Burns, Michael Em m ett, Austin, 914 West 22, GR 2-0916 Burns, Pam ela Grace, Austin, 1901A Dillm an. GR 7-5468 Burns, Waller Thomas, Houston, 4102 Shoal Creek Burow, Jam es F .. Nordheim, 2200 San Antonio, GR 6-1787 Burrell, Georgia C M., Houston, 3001 Red River. 216 Burrell, Loma Frances. Houston, 3001 Red River. Apt. 262 Burris, Thomas Aubrey. Luling, 5205 Balcones, GL 2 9125 Burrow, Jerry Don, Kilgore, 306 East 30, Apt. 3. GR 2-4662 Burton, Bradley, Corpus Christi, Blanton Dorm. GR 1-3895 Burton, Charles S., Texas City, 4001 Maplewood, GR 8-6587 Burton. Jr., Felix J.. Henderson, 809 E ast 23, Apt. 202, GR 6-8444 Burton. Gillette D., Corpus Christi, 2701 Nueces Burton. Rae Russell, San Antonio, 3208 Duval, No. 2, GR 6-1485 Burton, Royce Edwin, Austin, 2802 Salado, GR 8-4447 Burton, Jr., Royce Edwin, Austin, 2802 Salado, GR 8-4447 Burton, Steve Nelson, Tyler, Moore-Hiil Hall Busbev, Charles Robert, Orange, 2806 Harris Blvd., GR 7-8976 Busby, Donald Lee, Quitman, 140IB Brackenridge, GR 2-3376 Bush, Dennis Craig, Houston, 2100 Rio Grande, GR 7-4021 Bush. Henry Alan, Houston, 2100 Rio Grande, GR 7-4021 Bushed, Gary Everett, Austin, 6601 Treadwell, HO 5-8934 Bussell, Carl Jam es. Marlin, Goodall-Wooten Dorm Bussey, William E., Longview. 18th & San Jacinto, GR 7-1880 Butcher, Frank Bennis, Deer Park, 1910 Wichita, GR 2-9497 Butcher, Madalyn Ruth. Baytown, 210 Kinsolving, GR 1-5050 Butler, David Ainsley, Austin, 3402 West Avenue. GL 3-1096 Butler, Duncan T., Austin, 6115 Janey Drive, GL 2-7316 Butler, Mrs. Mary Ann, Austin, 3402 West Ave.. GL 3-1096 Butler, Mike L., Austin. I Limerick Lane, GR 8-2777 Butler, Richard Nye, Rusk, 4014 Shoalcreek Apt. A, GL 3-^59 Butler, Ron I.. Orange, 2913 West Ave. Butler. Ruby Hermon, Austin, 815 Rutherford Place, HI 2-6832 Butter, Bette Lee, Longview, 206 West 38, Apt. 118, GL 2-0741 Butterfield, Ossian R., Austin, 6600 Willamette, GL 2-4593 Butterfield, Jr., W. H., Lubbock, 1401 Enfield, 102, GL 2-7320 Buttram, Mike L., DeKalb, 2619 Wichita, Box 4, GR 7-4820 B uys, Judith Kay, Austin. 701 West 23rd. GR 2-2072 Byerly, Glynda Sue, Coleman, 2610 Whitis, No. I, GR 2-9304 Bvers, Beniamin Rowe. Austin, 3001 Breeze Terrace, GR 7-7034 1510B Palma Plaza Byers. Beverly Ann, Dallas, S * Byers. Jim m y Frank. Springtown, I 5017 Highland Ct., GL 2-5826 I Bynum, Jr., Douglas, Tyler. 5311 Wellington Dr., WA 6 2187 Bynum. Richard, Brownwood, 1600 Lavaca. GR 2-6744 Byrd. Goleta Wright, Seguin. 2506 Whitis, GR 74)577 Byrd, Margaret Ann, Dallas, 2005 University, GR 8-8595 I Calkin. Allan G.. San Angelo, 1909 Rio Grande, GR 6-0900 Callaway, Judy Ann, Crockett, 1616 W. 6th, GR 2-8615 Callaway, Kenneth Ray, Greenvale. 1401 Enfield Rd., Apt. 204 Callesen Diane F., Saratoga. Calif., 2409 Red River. GR 2-4456 Calahan, Vada E ., San Marcos, P.O. Box 241 Calmes, Paul Monroe, San Antomo, 311-B Moore-Hiil Hall Calverley, Wesley S., San Antonio, 710 W. 25th, Apt. 9 Calvert Kenneth M„ Winnsboro, 1523-A Brack Apts.. GR 2-1256 I Calvilio, Joe, Jr., Temple, 27 IO Nueces St., GR 6-5280 Calvin, Aubrey B., Houston. 3001 Red River, GR 8-8993 Camargo, Ernest Flores, Brady, 704% Landon Ln., GR 7-4148 Cameron, E. A., San Antonio, 1805 Brazos, GR 7-2022 Cameron, Patricia Sue, San Saba, 210 SRD. GR 6-9131 Cameron, Paul D., Breckenridge, 2820 Rio Grande Camfield, Oretta T., Austin. 1103-A Wayside, GR 8-5301 Camp. Thomas Merrill, Dallas, 915 W. 23rd, GR 8-6687 Campbell, Cimron, San Angelo, 4715 Harmon. Apt. 206. CL 3-5045 Campbell. Donald B., Granbury, 304 E. 33rd. Apt. I Campbell, Edward C., Dallas. 1011-A West 25th. GR 2-5729 j CampbeU. Jim m ie Clarence. Italy, 1309-F Brack Apts., GR 2-5800 i Campbell, Joan Everett, Austin, 2804 Whitis Ave., GR 8-4673 ! Campbell, John Ross, Paducah, ! 1222-C Brack Apts., GR 2-1080 Campbell, Judith Ellen, Austin, I 423 Blanton Hall. GR 1-1296 1 Campbell. Linda Gail, Houston, | 608 Park Place Campbell, Lucien B., San Antonio, 1700 Sabine, Apt. I, GR 2-3556 Campbell, Mary Evelyn, Center, 3001 Red River. GR 8-8635 Campbell, Phillip M., Madisonville, 2400 Tower Dr., GR 7-1806 Campbell, Tom, Midland, 3001 Red River. GR 6-9825 Campbell. William M., Dallas, Byrd, Michael Reagan, Denison, Box 120, Buda, HI 2 4865 Byrd, Rebecca Doris, San Antonio, Byrne. Lucinda Kay, Houston. 1008 West 25%, 106, GR 8-6802 Byrne. Richard Clair. Ft. Worth, Byrom, Sandra, Arlington, 2404 Longview, 206, GR 6-4098 Bzura, Jan Marlene, N. Dakota, 717 West 22, GR 2-4812 1010 Melissa Ln., GR 6-8583 Camps, Judith Kay, San Antonio, 2610 Whitis, Apt. I. GR 6-9062 Campsev, Billv Jeff, Jr., Ft. Worth. 2400 Leon. GR 6-6225 Canales, Alfred G., Corpus Christi, 2019-C Red River. GR 8-7802 Canant, Ray Moschel, Abilene, 148-A Simkins Hall Canfield, Robert P., George West, -C- Caballero, Romualdo C., E l Paso, 1915 David Cabaniss, John Trigg, Rockport, 2107 Oldham, Apt. 201, GR 6-3421 Caddel. R. R., Wichita Falls, i 396 A Deep Eddy, GR 8-0033 'Caffoy. Jean Elizabeth, Abilene, 208 SRO, GR 6-9131 ea glet, Jon M„ Terrell, 2106 Swisher, Apt. 214, GR 8-7086 Cahill. Richard William, Austin, 1406 Parker Lane, HI 2-1748 Cain. Carol Linda, Dallas. 2107 Oldham, Apt. 207. GR 6-3898 Cain, Jam es Lee. Austin, 1308 Ardenwood Rd., GL 2-6582 Calcote, David Henry, Groves, 918 Oltorf. Apt. 206 Caldwell. Charles Eugene, El Paso, 3810 Bailey Lane Caldwell, Jam es T., San Antonio, 1546-B Brack Apts. Caldwell, Robert J., Corpus Christi, 1802 Northwood Rd., GR 8-8257 Caldwell. William David, Austin, 502-A Long Bow Ln.. HI 4-3819 Calhoun, Vicki Sue, Wichita Falls, 211 SRD. GR 6-9131 2308 Nueces Cannan, Edward Leslie, Dallas, 2307 San Antonio, GR 2-9749 Cannon, Ernest H.. Madisonville, 2609 Salado, GR 7-0793 ! [Cannon, Millard Don. Temple. 302-C Deep Eddy, GR 7-7565 Cannon, Neal D., Jr., Nacogdoches. : 3001 Red River. GR 7-7355 Canon, Joseph Edwin, Midland, 3301 Red River, Apt. 310 Canon, Roy Frank, Austin. I Univ. Tr. Pk.. No. 52, GR 8-1343 Cantrell. Carroll. G., Bay Citv, 3611 Windsor Road, GR 7-2206 I : Cantu. Antonio A.. Laredo, 2054-A Sabine, GR 2-8680 Cantu, Esther Celeste, San Benito, 2610 Whitis. GR 2-9304 Cantu, J. R., Port Arthur. 1114 Manor Road. GR 6-0239 Cantu, Rudolf Martin, Pt. Arthur, 1114 Manor Road, GR 6-0239 Cantwell, Kenneth R., Victoria. 1611 Juliet Cantwell, Nanev Jo, Victoria, 1611 Juliet, HI 4-1129 Canuteson, John Allen. Clifton, 1908 San Antonio, GR 7-7342 Caperton, Patsy C., Houston, 1908 University, GR 8-0693 Caraway, Jam es Robert, Houston. 3105-B Benelua Dr., GR 8-8335 Carberry, Robert P ., San Angelo, 1609-B Rio Grande, GR 7-2369 Carden, Mike W., Austin, 1505 Northridge, GL 3-5872 Cardenas. Blandina B., Del Rio, 219 Kinsolving, GR 1-5340 Cardenas, Carlos G., Laredo. 3302-A Cherrywood Rd., GR 7-4280 Cardenas, Robert, Weslaco, 2805% Hemphill Pk., GR 64265 Cardenas. Salvador, San Antonio, 407 West 27th St. Cardwell, George L., III, Lockhart, 2303-A Mahone, HO 5-1296 Carey, Anna Lou. Freer, Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9131 Cragile, Gloria Carolyn. Dallas. Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9131 Cariotis. Nicholas P ., Dallas, 4411 Airport, Apt. 137. GR 6-1046 Carleton. Frances B., Houston, 517 Kinsolving-So., GR 1-7308 Carlisle, Elizabeth Jane, Austin, 2703 Clearview Dr., GR 8-6849 Carlisle, Nancy Ruth, Baytown, 216 Kinsolving Carlock, George D., Honey Grove. 146-A Simkins Hall, GR 2-8651 Carlson, Gary Allen, Austin 1704 Cloverleaf Dr.. GL 3-0362 Carlson, Jerry W., Kilsore 505 Rathervue Pl., GR 7-4877 Carmichael, David M., Beaumont, 4102 Shoal Creek, GL 2-86.30 Carmichael, Ellis P., Jr., Corpus, 2614 Wichita. Apt. 8. GR 8-7988 Carmona, Jesse M.. Galveston, 2212-E Wirtz Carmouehe. Betty Jo. San Saba, Blanton Hall, GR 1-1878 Carnes. Sue Evelyn, Gonzales, 1401 Enfield Rd., GR 8-2157 Carnicom, Barbara Jean, Austin, 2810 Nueces, GR 2-1869 Carnival, Roman, Cannes, France, 5798 Hunting Ridge Road Carothers. John IL, Austin. 3605-B Meredith, GR 7-5128 Carpenter. E. A., San Antonio, 259 Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9313 Carpenter, George A., Cotulla, 3205 Helms St.. GR 7-6202 Carpenter, Linda Joy, Austin, 500 W. Johanna, HI 24)208 Carpenter, William P ., II, Austin, 1705 East 38th, GR 74010 Carr. Charles Dickey, Dallas. Route 7. Box 222 Carr, Dorothy Elizabeth. Dallas, | 2106 Oldham Carr. Juilliard V., Jr., Dallas, ; Rt. 7, Box 222 ' Carr, Leon Cole, Jr., Moody, 806 E. 23rd,, GR 8-7057 Carr, Marvin W., Dallas, 50° E 17th Carr, Richard P ., Jr.. San Antonio, 3009-B Fruth St. , ^ Carr. Ronnie Guy, Crystal City, 204 Reveille, GR 6-5009 Carr. Sandra B., Crystal Citv. 2421-C San Antonio, GR 64055 Carrell, Patricia G., Austin, 818 Morrow. GL 2-6002 Carrigan. Michael Dean Waco. 3106 Duval, Apt. 310. GR 7 7446 Carrington, Lowrey L., Paris. 2501 Oldham, Apt. 101 Carrington, Nancy Elaine, Austin. 1703 Richcreek. HO 5-9145 Carris. Thomas J., Dallas, 23li Red River, GR 8-1832 Carroll, Barbara Anne, Austin, 800 Park Blvd., HO 5-6391 Carrol. Betty Ruth. Lampasas 323 Blanton Dorm. GR 1-3507 Carrol. George C,, New Jersey, 2910 Red River, GR 1-5858 Carroll. Jam es V.. III. Houston, 203 W. 19th. GR 6-6046 Carroll. Joseph S., Gainesville. 1302 W. 37th Carsev, Carole, Greenville. 3001 Red River, GR 6-8556 Carson. Margaret, A. Geonpa. 300 E . Riverside. Apt. 107 Carson. David C., Austin. 2501 Keating Lane. GR 2-5115 Carswell. Paul Everett, GUmer. 918 Oltorf, Apt 105 Cars wed, V. L., Beaumont, 918 W. Oltorf Carter, Cloud G., Killeen, 6713 Bryn Mawr, WA 6-0595 Carter, Esther Grace, Houston, 508 Kinsolving, GR 1-7150 Carter, Jam es Alfred, Arlington, 3301 Red River, GR 6-2450 Carter, Joseph M., Houston, 102 West 18th Street. Carter, Kawin F., Normal 111., 1504 N. Congress, GR 2-8594 Carter, Sandra, Lvnn, San Antonio 1607 W. Ave., GR 8-7726 Carter, William Harold. Austin, 607-A Nelray, GL 2-7447 Cartsonas. Helen, Athens, Greece, 4618 Madrona Dr., GL 3-1277 Cartwright, Jan Douglas, Austin, 1541-A Brack Apts. Caruthers, Jim m ie Eugene, Austin, Rt. 6, Box 57, HI 2-3041 Caruthers, R. M.. Shreveport, La. 2711-B Windsor Rd., GR 2-8944 Casanova, Frank, Jr., Corpus, 2018 Speedway Casares. Idoluis E., Brownsville, 2603 Guadalupe, GR 8-6235 Casbeer, Faye Linnise, San Saba, Scottish Rite Dorm. GR 6-9131 Case, Donald R., Dallas, I 2401 Manor, Apt. 116. GR 24844 Case. George Dewar, San Antonio, 2408 Longview, GR 2-2721 Casey, Guinn William. Enochs. Casey, Martin F., Jr., San Antonio, 603 Park Blvd., GL 34900 Casey, S. Tim.. San Antonio. Cash. Charles K., Temple, 2614 Wichita Cashaw. Dorothy C., Austin, 1400 Penny, WA 6-2715 Cashin, Betty Bohner, San Benito, Kinsolving Dorm. GR 1-7488 Cason, Edwin E., Dallas. 1311 Exposition. Apt. IO Castaldi, Maria Elena. Austin. 5706 Fairlane Dr., GL 3-2047 Castaneda. Alberta Maxine, Austin, 5811 Trailridge Cir., HO 5-5398 Castaneda, Pete, Jr., Laredo, 1905 Nueces, GR 7-0239 Casteel. Frances Carter. Austin, 1602 Barton Spgs. Rd., GR 7-2458 Castellano, Joseph Harry, Laredo 713 W. 25th Casteter, Don William. Seguin, 1910 Wichita St.. GR 2-9497 C astile, Virginia L., Austin. 1307 Elton Ln., GR 8-6543 Castillo, Armando J., Nicaragua* Rio House, Box 24 Castle. Thomas M., San Augustin* 300 E. Riverside, GR 2-1841 Castleberry. J. R-. San Antoni* 3207 Harris Pk.. GR 6-0059 Castleberry, Judith, Albany, 717 W. 22nd. GR 7-1342 Castleman. Michael S., Midland, 2105 Enfield, GR 84379 Castro. Albert F., Brownsville, 1907 Nueces St., GR 7-0146 Caswell. Rollie, Crane. 4411 Airport, GL 2-7313 Cate. Ann Stephens. Austin. 4525 Guadalupe, GL 3-154 < Cate, Rodney Michael. Sudan, 302-D Deep Eddy, GR 7 4 9 1 1 I Cab's, Carolyn Ann. Monahans. 3001 Rod River, Apt. 107 I Catlett, Jam es L., Opa Locka. Fra., 251-A Simkins Hall Caughfield. Dwight Alton, Austin. 11106 Poilvanna. GL 2-3971 Cauthorn, Kay Candace, Sonora, 2000 Pearl Cavanaugh. Cathleen, Houston. . 803 W. 28th, GR 2-2192 Cavanaugh, Rachel Ann. Lufkin, 1403 Norwalk, GR 2-7417 Cavazos. Guillermo J.. 3302 Cherrywood Rd., GR 74280 Cavazos. Jose Luis. Laredo. 3202 Cherrywood, GR 7-4280 Cavazos. Juan H., Brownsville, 904 W. 22nd St. Cayias, John Leland, Houston, 209 Robert E. Lee Cay ton, Carolyn R.. L. Chas., La.. Kinsolving, GR 1-3610 L E A R N TO FLY L O N G H O R N FLYING CLUB in ■Hi* Of Th. University of Texas Information and Pianos at Flight Desk RAGSDALE AVIATION, 1801 EAST 51 ST Friday, Jun. 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Pa®* 58 PHOTOGRAPHS BY flCuJtutM frt _/?e4e*mctK Enter at 13th and Colorado 1306 COLORADO AUSTIN Park at Our Front Door GR 2-2567 Cedars, O les ter M ., Stepnen Ville, Chiles, Ann, Austin, 1007 W . 27th Cely, John M ., Frankston, 1804-A Mohle D r.. G R 6-2196 Cendriek, Thomas M, Houston, 392-A Deep Eddy, G R 7-4149 Cerda, Alice. San Antonio. 1904 San Gabriel. GR 2-3617 Cemosek, Stanley F .. San Antonio, 2401 Manor Rd., Apt 126 Chadderdon, Betsy Mason, Austin, 1951 Sabine, G R 7 7966 Chadderdon, Jim . Houston, 1951 Sabine, G R 7-7966 Chaffin, C. G ., Glendale, C alif., 2508 San Gabriel, G R 8-8326 O ialker, John M ., Breckenridge, 3106 Duval, Apt. 102 Chalmers, John Halbrook, Abilene, 335 Moore-Hill Chalmers. Presley HL, Jr .. Houston, 2627 W ichita, G R 2-1407 2304 Woodlawn, G R 8-2927 Chilton, Douglas H., Austin. 914-F E . 32nd S t, G R 2 1889 Chiny, Carol Lee. Austin, 3103 Silverleaf, G L 2-5653 Chirinos F . E ., Venesuela. 2107 Oklham St., G R 2 2288 Choate. W illiam Lee, Corpus, 1209-C Brack Apts., G R 7-8931 Chodorow, Steven Craig, Waco, 2408 Longview Choice, S lh . Sanderson, 3109 D Red River, G R 7-5507 Choice, W illiam Herschel, Houston, 3109 D Red R iver, G R 7-5507 Chollar. Thomas H „ Fort Worth, 397-F Deep Eddy, G R 2-9647 Chote, Richard Woolsev, Austin, 302-B Moore Blvd., G R 6-8255 Chow, R. L-Y., Hong Kong. 1918 Robbins Place, G R 6 8094 Chamberlain, C. A.. Jacksonville, Chow R., Bong Kong. 1102 S. Congress, I i i 2-7821 Cham berlain, J. E .„ Memphis, 1102 S. Congress, H I 2-7821 Chamberlin. Bitsv S., Austin, 910 W. 22V>, G R 7-6217 Chamberlm, Jo Anne, Dallas, Kappa Kappa G House, GR 2-3063 Chambers. Alice Estelle, M ay, 6201 Shoalwood Ave., G L 3 4159 Chambers, John Patton, Austin, 3001 Pin Oak Cts., H I 2-3696 Chambers, L. R ., VII)anova, Pa., 604 Elmwood, G R 8-8268 Chambers, Robert W illiam , Denton. Champion, Bertie Boyd. Houston. 1707 Newfield Im ., G R 2-6318 Chan. W illiam , Albany, C alif., 1615 Pearl St. Chandler, A. E , Brownsville, 1907 W hitis, G R 6-3344 Chandler, Betty Jane, Tyler, 206 E . 26*4 St. Chandler. E lla P .B Fort Worth, 3009 Cedar St., GR 6-9054 1918 Robbins Place, G R 6-8094 Chrane. Robert Lee. Austin, 1301 Brack Apts., GR 8-3077 Chrisco, Philip A., P l. Lavaca, 309 E . 33rd, A p t D Chrisman, Dale Lynn, Austin, 2506 Parkview Dr., HO 5:9491 Chrisner, Anna Beth, Austin, I 6409 Shoalcreek, G L 3-8973 Christensen, Eugene L.. Houston, I 1805 Brawls, G R 2-5914 Christian, C C., Jr .. E l Paso, 3810 Bailey Im .. G L 2 9659 Christian, Floyd H., E l Campo, 815 Park Place. G R 6-8690 Christian. Jam es Wayne. Austin, 2511 Woodmont, G R 8-0791 Christian. Je rrv D., .San Saba. 349-A Moore-Hill Hall Christian, Madeivn, W .. Longview, I 2500 W hi tis Ave., G R 1-1350 Christiansen, Sue A.. Seguin, 2610 W hitis. No. I, G R 2-9304 Christie. Carter Bvron, Houston, Chandler, Jam es H „ San Angelo, 3407 Bonnie. G R 7 9208 3213 Meredith. G R 2-5100 Chandler. M ac R ., Bay City, 2603 Guadalupe, GR 8-6235 Chaney, Suzanne. Austin, 11704 Springhill Drive, G L 2 1517 Chaplin, Jam es R ., Morehead K y., I Chapman, Bruce Scott. Austin, 3703 Kerbev Lane, G L 3-3403 Chapman, Carroll Winston, Austin, 1907 Hether. H I 2-7150 Chapman, David M iller, Austin, 6114 Rickey D r., G L 2-7937 Chapman, Hazann, Austin. 2406 Arpdale. H I 2-0497 . Christie, M argaret Anne, Austin. | 4411 Shoalwood Ave., G L 3-4998 Christopher, Ronald Joe. Longview, 1203-1' Brack Apts., G R 7-5471 Chu, C. C A., Taiwan. China, j 1912 Nueces St., G R 7-0572 Chumley. Bobbv Glenn, Abilene, 230-A Simkins H all Cb amie v, Gary R „ Abilene ! 2018 Oldham. No. 12. GR. 6 9292 Chunn. Edward Keith. Houston, I 606 Rathervue, G R 6-1187 Ciccarell, L. A., Holliston. Mass., 2022 Goodrich Ave., H I 2-5187 I Chapman, Jam es Thomas, Austin, Cirrineione G. A.. Dallas, 1600 W. 35th, G L 2-6762 332 Blanton H all, G R I 1089 Chapman, Jim . Sulphur Springs, 2105 Oldham Apt. I, G R 6-2522 Chapman, M ary Ann P., Midland, Cisneros Eliseo. Brownsville, 305 E . 12th. G R 6-5104 Clagett Jack Lee, Austin. 4214 Shoalwood, G L 3-45792 Chapman, Patricia. Austin, 6603 Lexington, HO 5-9914 Charba Jerom e Paul, Flatonia. 1108-C Brack A p t. GR 6-3480 Chastain, Linda S., Dallas, 2000 Pearl, M ayfair House Chatmas, John Thomas, M arlin, GoodaU-WTooten Cheatham. W iley (Scooter), Cuero, 1216 W ichita Cheeves, Barbara Ann. Austin, 2209 Oldham, G R 64107 Chelf, Patricia Joyce, Austin, 1414 Ridgehaven, HO 5-8247 Chen, T M ., Taiwan, Form osa. 2305 Leon S t, G R 7-1218 Cherry. Barton Null, Edna, 1903 Rio Grande, G R 2-8331 Cherry. Dona Lee Croft, Odessa, 1003 W. 23rd. G R 6-2432 Cherry, Robert E a rl. Austin, 515 Pearson, (B A F B ) E V 54)328 Chichakli M . S., Damascus. Syria, Box 7757 Univ. Sta.. G R 6-9611 Ch I leo te Ted Clark. Tyler, 3001 Red R iver, G R 2-8231 Childers, M ichael Allen, Corpus, 1009 Payne. G L 3-5792 Childress, Vicki Kay. Denver City, 311 Blanton H all, G R 1-1809 Childs. M artha Kalen, Austin, 1903 W. 33rd, C L 3-3693 1702 Winsted Im.. G R 7 7243 Claiborne, Ja y Wood, Lam esa, 1908 Sabine Clam pit, Linda Sue, Elgin, 306 Blanton H all, G R 11307 Clanton M elvin D., P L L a v a c a , 22 Univ. Trailer Pk., G R 7-8862 C ark. Don M .. Westlake. La., 701 Wayside D r., G R 2,-7018 Clark, Elaine M., Lackland A FB Clark. George E ., Breckenndge, 1300 M ariposa, H I 4-1791 Clark, Harper S., Lake Chaa., La., 1507 Palm a Plaza, G R 6-9446 Clark, Jam es R ., Vesper W is., 3012 Hunt T rail, HO 5-7346 Clark. Jam es V al, Lake Jackson, 2709 W. 26th St. Clark, Jam es Weldon. Dallas. South Shore Apts., G R 7-7232 ‘Clark. Linda Joan. Chillicothe, 1908 Univ,, Apt. 307, G R 2-1723 C ark , Lynnwood M ., Beaumont, 2502 Nueces. G R 8-0370 Clark, M arqretta Lillian , Dallas, 3001 Red R iver, G R 8-5360 Clark, Marianne Pittm an, Austin, 110 West 18th, G R 6-3319 Clark, Mildred N „ Austin. 304 W. 38th S t, O L 24)487 C ark. M orris Tom, M arble Falls, 338 F Deep Eddy, G R 7 6238 Clark, Robert E „ Crystal Q ty, 2712 Guadalupe Clark, Stephen S., Austin, I 6800 Mesa D r., G L 3-6522 C ark Teresa Blythe, Austin, 2410 Matthews Dr, G R 2-5290 C ark, W illiam Dean. Austin. I 5201 Balcones Dr., O L 2-4013 Clark. W illiam Robert. Austin, I 3106 Glenview, HO 5-5958 C arke. Ju lia Ruth, Houston. I 1713 Woodland Ave., H I 2-3354 C arke. Ola Mac T „ San Antonio 1316 Bob Harrison St., G R 2-7769 Clarkson. Robert G., Austin 2004V? Sharon Lane. G R 8-3303 Clay, John With s, Stamford, I 2812V? Nuecec Clay, Tommve, Markham, j 2506 Whitis Claypool, Carol Jeanne, Austin, Rt. 7, Box 831, G R 8-9r., G R 8 4291 Clements. Peggy L., San Antonio, 3301 Red River, G R 8-1540 Cem ents, Wesley, Alvin, I 1523 B Brack Apt.. G R 7-7688 Gendering, G. C., Corpus Christi, 1203-B Lake Austin Blvd. Ceveland, F. A., San Antonio, 2309 Nueces St.. G R 8-6114 Cleveland. Robert Ham s, Dallas, Click, Grady Harve. Jr ., Dike. C if ton. Charles Wade Ballinger. I 3304 Red River, B-7, G R 74830 O ilton, Denzil T „ Sulphur Springs. 907-D East 32nd St. Canard. Ralph Leon. Jr . Aigtin, i 2214 East Side D r., H I 4-2092 Clinton. M argaret J., Flint..M ich ., i 115 Blanton Donn., G R 1-5396 Clopton, Jam es Rokv, McAllen, 606 Rathervue Core. M arlier Sargent. Dallas, 1908 Sabine Couser IL H.» Jr ., San Antonio. Coffin, Polly Ann. Austin. 1600 Forest Trail, G R 7 *227 Cogswell. Robert S ., Houston, P O. Box 8134. HO 5-6176 Cohen. M arty, San Angelo. 2208 Enfield Rd., G R 8-1370 Cohen, Scott Towers, 604-L E . 20*1, G R 8-5228 Cohn. Frances Pauline, Austin, 2612 Spring Lane. G R 2^682 Cohn. R oy Neah Austin, 5713 Ave. A., G L 2-2196 Cohn. Steve M., Houston, 2626 Speedway Coil. Vernon Lee. Dallas, ; 1904 San Gabriel, G R 2-1294 Coker Donald Steam Dickinson, 2606 Enfield Apt. 6 Coker. Edward Lee. Austin. 5502 Overbrook, WA 6-1798 Coker. Michael Ernest, Dickinson. I IOO East 20th St. Colburn, Lida J., Oakley. Kan., 2834 San Gabriel. G R 6 5232 Cold well, Colbert N.. E l Paso Episcopalian Thoo Sem of S.W, Cole Clarence Wharton. Houston, 1007 Wr. 26th. G R 2-7131 Cole, Connie Sue. Rosenberg, 1802 West Ave.. G R 2-9690 Cole, Donna Clarice, Longview, Mauna Kai Dorm. Cole, Dud lev Ray. Longview, 605 Park Blvd.. G L 2-8610 Cole, George Doyle. Austin, 2709 Rae Dell. H I 2-4742 Cole. Je rry G ., Denton, 1801 Rio Grande, G R 2-2718 Cole. Paul L., Midland. | 3011 Carlisle Dr.. HO 5-7448 Cole. Sylvia Sue. Pasadena, 717 W. 22nd. G R 8-7165 Collier, Richard Robert, Dallas. 2616 W ichita, G R 6-8828 Collier, Robert Thomas, Houston, 3301 Red R iver, G R 6-8162 Collins, Carol G ., Houston, 1910 San G abriel, Apt. 202 Collins, Carol Lang, Austin, 1301 Alta Vista, H I 2-0777 Collins, C. C., Monticello, Ark., 2506 W hitis. G R 7-0577 Collins. Charles Peyton, Houston, 2502 Nueces. G R 7-0811 Collins. Harold W ., Fort Worth, 605 W. 18th, G R 6-9371 Collins, H. J., Vilhelmshaven Ger., 2521 Exposition Blvd., G R 7-2629 Collins, Jam es Alton, Barstow, 1507-B Brack Apts., G R 6-8505 Collins, Jeannie Sharon, Austin, 1000 East 46th St., HO 5-8422 Collins. Je rry R ., Santa Fe N.M ., 1507-B Brack Apts., G R 6-&XG Collins, Karen Sikes, Austin, 3020 Windsor Rd., G R 2-77/5 i Collins, Terry Gene. M o h a ll, 300 Riverside D r.. G R < 0970 Nacogdoches* Collins. Thomas I 1548-A Brack Apts., G R 8-078I Collins, W arren L ., Jr .. Ft. Worth, I 2106 Swisher. G R £9480 Coltharp, B ill M . , Abilene 206 W. 38th Apt. 103, HO 5 9600 Coltzer, Henry S.. Galveston, 700 Keasbey, G R 8-1351 Colvin. Joe Chester, Jr . Austin, 2818 W. 50th St.. HO 5-0«*5 Combs, Joan Beverly. M arshall, 2506 W hitis, G R 7-0577 Combs, John Pence, AiKtin, 7909 Sales St., G L 2-5608 Combs, John Raymond, Austin. 1803 Northwood Rd. Comegys, Jew ell A „ McKinney, 2215 San Gabnel, GR 2-0511 Comfort, Clifton C., Dallas, Compere. John M . , Abilene, 500 Bastrop Hw y., G R 6-9996 Compton, Ross Davis, Denton 1112 B Brack Apts.. G R 2 8207 Conant, Christina M a r i e , Austin, Rt. 5, Box 112A. H I 4-2271 I Condo, Juan R ., Jr ., San Benito, 4619 S. 2nd S t. H I 2-64*1 , Conder. Fred J., Tulsa. Okla.. i 1708 Manor Rd.. Apt. 123 Cone. Douglas L „ Lo n g to n , N M . 2106 Swisher, Apt. 113, GR Conely, R. Al. Lubbock, I 2018 Oldham. Apt. I ConiKlio. M a r t h a Ann Dallas, 2106 Oldham. G R 6-3837 Conine W. D., Ill, Fort Worth. I 1603 E . 38V? St.. G R <-4318 Conklin. Robert Byron, Austin 1611-A B ra ' k Apts. Cowe. Je rry Ij>e. Dallas, 2210 Enfield Rd , G R 6-4564 Coyd. Malcolm. E ., Dallas, Goods ll Wooten Cubb, Fred, Je ff, Fort Worth, 2009 W hitis, G R 6 9836 C v b o m e , W. L ., Jr .. San Antonio, 2910 Red River, G R 7-7051 Cyde, Catherine, Bellaire, 2610 W hitis. No. I, G R 2 9304 Coalter, Richard G., Dallas, 613 Park Place, Apt. I Conn, Richard D., Stephenville, 502 Texas Ave., G R 2 7026 Coats, David Samuel. Harlingen, I 4907 Shoal Creek, G L 3-8009 Coats. M ary Elizabeth, Harlingen, 717 W. 22nd. G R 6 9034 Cobb. Cleo Frisbie, Austin, : 4925 Stress Dr., HO 5-1961 Cobb, Jack C.. San Antonio, Cobb. L. Wavne, Rogers, 3305 Grooms Cochran, Annette, Lubbock, 1951 Sabine, G R 6-4417 Cochran, Betty W alker, Houston, 715 E . 38th St., G L 3-5823 Cochran, John R „ Jr .. Fort Worth 1903-A Fairlaw n. H I 2-4580 Cockran. Steve Thomson, Houston 715 E . 38th. G L 3-5823 Cole. Thomas Lussier. San Antonio, 2200 Guadalupe Cole. Wanda Jean, W ichita Falls. 803 Tirado St.. Apt. 204 Cole, W illiam Edward, Mineola Box 8481 Univ. Sta., G R 8 5075 Coleman, Claudette. Splendora, 2608 Stratford Dr.. G R 2 3471 Coleman, Coatnie Mae. Wharton, 2506 W'hitis, G R 7-0577 Coleman. J. B .. Las Cruces. N.M ., 912-B E . 32nd St., G R 6-2586 Coleman, Nova Lvnne, Pt. Arthur. 2202 Enfield Rd.. G R 6 9595 Coleman, Ronald D., E l Paso, 1102 S. Congress, H I 2-7821 Colen, Je rry Colen, Dayton, Ohio, 2400 E . 22nd Colina-Vargas, C. A.. Colombia, j 3011 Whitis, Apt. 104, G R 2-6145 Cdletti, Paula. Port Arthur. I 1212 Norwood Rd., G R 8-0987 Collier, Carroll P ., Pflugerville, Pflugerville, C L 1-4457 Collier, Jam es Edward, Austin, 600-C E . 24th„ G R 7-7963 Collier. Jennie M ., Georgetown, Scottish Rite Dorm.. G R 6-9131 Collier. John Paul, Navarro, 2503-D Bridle Path, G R 2-1464 Collier, Phyllis, Teller, Carthage, 3200 Lake Austin Blvd, Apt. 41 1426 B ria rcliff Blvd., G L Conley, Denny, R e n s ^ ^ . h*(l-. 2506Vi Rio Grande, G R ‘-8408 Conley. Glenn M ary Austin 2813 w . Fresco, G L 2-4151 Connallv H. Frank, W a c o ,_ _ 1307 Norwalk I JI., G R £3219 Connally. Jo lin M „ San Antonio, 100-E E . 32nd. G L 3 3685 Connally. J u l i a Holder. Lamesa. I 100-E E . 32nd, G L 3-3685 Connell, J. L .. Manistique, Mien., 1417-B Brack Apts. Conner. Sharon Jo y. Austin. I 1511 W ild Cat Hollow, G R 2-7034 Conover, Betty J a n e . Moody, 2206 Mathews D r., G R 2-4645 Conroy, Nona Jean. Da has. I 1802 West Ave., G R 2-93,19 I Constantine, Paul David. Vv aco, j 2106 Swisher, G R 2-5058 Conway, David A., Jr ., Baytown, 2103 Red R iver. Apt 211 Conway, Joyce Connally, Baytown, 2103 Red R iver, Apt. 211 Con w ill. M argaret Keith. Bandi ra. 717 W. 22nd St., G R 7-1342 Cook, Alton H ., Jr ., Seguin, 2055-E Sabine Cook, Charles Galloway, Austin. 610 Ilam m ack D r., G L 2-8224 Cook, Connie Sue, M cAllen, j 2503 San Gabriel, G R 2-0279 Cook, Daniel Robert, Vtm Ormy, 3006 H arris Park Ave., G R 2-3645 I) or II y o u r en j o y m en rn • rn a large variety of foods af reasonable prices P i c c a d i l l y C a f e t e r i a 801 Congress "H eart of Downtown” FRESH VEGETABLES. CHOICE MEATS. SALADS, PASTRY Friday. June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 6B G A R N E R & SMITH NEW AND USED BOOKS Up to 60°/o Savings on Used Books Complete Series of Paperbacks Penguin Scribner's Anchor Vintage Pelican Dover Gateway Harper Torch Books .. Others • School Supplies & Magazines • Books in Foreign Languages • Records, 14% OFF 2116 GUADALUPE Open Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am. ’til 8:30 p.m., Sat. til 6:30 GR 7-0925 Cook. David W illiam , Austin, 406 E . lo th St., GR 7-7295 Cook. Donald Allen, Waco, 7708 Albert Rd., HI 2-0582 Cook. G eorge S., Crockett, 1951 Sabine, Apt. 302, GR 8-3971 Cook. Jerom e, E dw ., A ustin, 910 R E. 32nd St., GR 7 2560 Cook. John Rowland, D allas, 311 Moore Blvd., GR 2 5361 Cook. John Vernon, Austin. 2506 Manor Rd.. GR 2-3263 Cook, Kathleen. M.. Corpus Christi, 3000 Harris P k., GR 2-3645 Cook. P atrick E ., Rochester, N Y., 1200 E ast 52nd St., CL 2-6237 Cook, Richard Keck, Cotulla, 3100 D uval, Apt. 210 Cook. Ruth Ann, Austin. 2608 St. Anthony, GR 6-4379 Cook. W illiam Morris. Austin, 2013 Oldham St., GR 2 3469 Cook. W illiam Richard, M cNary. 3411 D4 Speedw ay. GR 2 7380 Cook. W illiam T hom as. Clyde, 708 West 23rd Cooke. Ja m es W., Jr.. Austin. P.O. Box 4. Del Valle. CH 7-2933 Coombes, Zachariah E . D allas, 319 A Moore-Hill Hall Coon. Owen R eed, Tyler. 217-B M oore-Hill. GR 6 1664 Cooney, Toni Yvnn. Austin. 2708 Salado. Apt. 2. GR 8 0058 Cooper, C. J., B ossier City. L a.. 2201 B Leon. Cooper, C harlyne, C., Austin. 4810 W oodview Ave.. HO 59887 Cooper, J a m e s Gary, Port N eches, 608 Goodali Wooten Cooper. John D .. Blacksburg, Va., RI. 3, Box 15, GL 2-3726 Cooper, Leonard W., O dessa, 1611 B Brack Apts.. GR 2-5676 Cooper. Lynn R ay. C orsicana. 2518 Leon. GR 8-1608 Cooper, M argaret Anne, Austin, 1313 Dwv ee D r., HO 5-8298 Cooper, M ary E lizabeth. Austin, 1313 D w yce D r., HO 3-8298 Cooper. M ary Kila L.. Austin, 703 W. C restland. GI. 3 6874 C ooper, M elvin W ayne, iA xknev, Rf 7. Box 222 Cooper, M erlvn Don. D allas 9018 Placid P l.. HO 5*0871 Cooper. Nina A. I,.. Austin. 5018 P lacid P l.. HO 5 0871 Cooper, R ay E arl. Austin. Mil VV. Crestland D r., t il. 3 6874 Cooper. Robert A., D allas, 2800 Rio G rande C ooter, Stephen L., H itchcock. Box 7001. U niv Sta., GR 2-5289 Cooper, W illiam l l . Arlington. 123 Moore Hill Copeland, Annie L.. San Antonio, 3001 Red R iver. GU 74F251 Copeland, Cary H., Carthage, 1909 San G abriel. GR 0-1930 Cotvdand. Jamc^s W.. Belton 2512 Sherwood Ln., HI 2-1337 Copeland, K ay. Austin. 2206 Rio Grande Copeland, R eese B ., D allas. 234 A San Jacinto Dorm. Cmx‘land, Richard L.. A u stin 1306V* Red R iver. GI. 2-7>38 C ooley. E ileen Ann. V ictoria. 210 K insolving, GR I 5050 Coppin. Charles A.. Belton. 1903 N ueces, Apt. B CODplp. Brian W.. R osew ell N M. 501 B Long Bow. HI 4-3227 C o o o a t . Sheryl R.. Three R ivers, Blanton H all Corbin J a m e s E vans. Ingleside. 605 Blanco. GR 6-9085 Corbusier, W. H., III. Bryan. 2210 E nfield Apt 8. GR 8-8659 Core. E m y K ay, San Antonio. Coughran. Leta B., Austin, 1400 Kirkwood Rd.. GR 2-1950 Coulter. Jam es W., San Antonio. 2701 N ueces C oulthaid, Richard Clark, Houston, 3305-B Groom s St., GR 6 5179 Counihan. G ladys J., Austin, 824-A West 10th. GR 2-4814 Counihan, M ichael T.. Van Nuys. 824-A West 10th, GR 2-4814 Counts, D avid Norm an. Austin, 1410 C loverleaf, GL 3-4062 Courteau, Adrienne, L., G alveston, 2610 Whitis. 6. GR 7-4311 Courtney, Mrs. I. M. F ., Austin, 1411 E . 34th. GR 8-1522 Courtney, Jam es F ., Jr., Quitman. 2800 Rio Grande Courtright, K. P .. Brownwood, 1221-F Brack Apts.. GR 6 0573 Cousins. M arvin D., D evers. 1904-B W. 33rd. GL 2-6241 Cousins. Sister V. F ,, San Antonio, 2026 G uadalupe. GR 6-0669 Covarrubias, J esse S., San Antonio, 1210 W. 8th St. Covert. Charles R., Jr., Austin 1404 I^ v a c a Apt B. GR 7 4071 Covev. T. Shan. Austin. 200 W. 17th, GR 2-5586 I J Covington, G eorge A., Texarkana 110 San Jacinto Dorm A Cowan. David J., K errville San Jacinto Dorm D. GR 1-574 < I ! Cowan. D-Ette F ly. Hillsboro. 3304 Tom Green. GR 7-1790 Cowan, M aurice E ., Austin, 1311 Alta Vista. HI 2 0732 I Cowan. Robert K yle, Hillsboro, 3304-C Tom Green, GR 7-7190 Cowden. Thom as B .. E l P aso. 4207 B Shoalwood. GL 2-8525 Cowell. Herb Walker. Houston 905 W est 22Vi, Apt. C.. GR 8-6645 Cowey. D ouglas B.. Austin. 2721-E Hemphill Pk.. GR 2-594.> Cowles. Richard T.. San Antonio 2910 Red R iver. 203. OL 7-70M I Cowper. Jane Carolyn. Big Spring. 1908 U niversity I {Cox. Carolyn, D allas ! I Cox Delbert M.. F loresville, 206 W. 38th. Apt. 118. OL 2-0741 5516 Ave. F I Cox. Diana Caryl. Austin. ! Blanton Dorm , GR 1-7506 I Cox. G ene Arthur. Lorena 6401 H aney D r., GL 2-5273 Cox. Tvra Ann, Fredericksburg, HOI E nfield Rd., GR 8-2078 Coyle, Harry M ichael. No Change. No Change. C rabtree, Charles F .. Stephenville. 1307 C Brack. Apis. Crabtree. R osem ary L., Arlington, 406 W. 33rd Craddock, Fred L.. Austin, 4413 BeUvue A ve., HO 5-9975 Craft, G eorge Pipkin, Orange, 3304 Red River Craig. Corrie A. C . Johnson City. 1403 Wooldridge Dr. Craig. John A. Austin 6005 Bull Creek Rd., GL 3 06<* Craig. John Paul. Lubbock. K aren. HO 5-5876 1215 John Raym ond, Houston, Craig. N u eces. GR 2-4506 2700 a is. Linda B illingslev. Austin. Craig, 1017 Avondale Road. HI 4-2091 i Craig. P aula. Houston 4411 Airport B lvd.. GL 2-0420 Craig T om m ie Allen. Aastin. 101 West 35th. GL 2-6912 ! Craig W illiam ll.. Fort Worth. I 400 E. 30th. GR 8 2098 Crain. Helen Jan. Rot>stown 3001 Red R iver, GR 7-2123 Cram. Clara Sue. Alpine . 1616-A Brack. Apts.. GR 8-5330 Cram. John Stuart. G reenville 2000 P earl Cornell. Howard M.. Sim Antonio, 2 IOO E . 22nd. Apt. 211 Cornish, P eg g y Jo. P asadena, 2000 P earl. GR 7-7975 . 1616-A Brack. Apts., GR 8 5330 Crandon. John M., Jr.. M esa. A nz. 1955 Red R iver I I Crane. Robert Thom pson. Houston. 2055- G Sabine Cran m er, M. F „ Jr.. Pt. I^avaca, Coronado. Jose Cesarco. Zapata. WI Robert E . Leo. GR 7-0233 I 4110 Ave. H Coronado, R oy, Houston. 101 E . 17th. Apt. 3. GR 2-4320 Cortes. E r n e st. San Antonio. Cor/.ine. Richard ^ o t t . A i^tin. 2905 U niversity St.. GR 8-6711 C osscv. T om m y, Wharton, 4719 Harmon A ve. Apl 111 C etera, .loan E.. 1309-C B rack Ants Cot ha rn, Anne Claire. P l. Arthur, 231 Blanton Hall, GR Cotham. M ichael W ayne, M arlin, 205 San Antonio Arm" Cotham. Wm. Rotten M arlin. 1307 Westover, GR 2 3993 Collen, J im m y Rex. L am esa, 2 HH) Limn, GR 6-6225 Cutten. M ichal Barry. Austin, 705 W est 8th St., GR 7 7539 Cottle, Ronnie Jack, Elgin. 1502 E xposition Coughran. E thel V., Port War lh, Scottish K ite Dorm , GR b 9131 i Cranz, Edmund P .. I ort Worth. 1401 Enfield. GR 2 9562 Cravens. Ralph T hom as. A i lint on, j 1910 Santa Clara. GL 3-4175 Crawford, Blake Curry. Austin, 1807 Rio G rande, GR 7 S002 Crawford, H orace Lee, F t. D avis, 1432-B B rack Ants.. GR 7-280, Crawford, Isaa c L., Alist in 1109 M ission Ridge, HI 2 0426 : Crawford. Kenneth C., Cleburne, 1212 West 13th. Apt. D Crawford, Lonnie E ., Jr., Austin, 1308 Ludlow Ter., GL 3-6571 Crawford. P atricia A.. Houston, 2610 Whitis, 2, GR 2-3787 Crawford, Stanley VV yne, J Gorpus. HOO Sabine, Apt. 6, GR 6-9435 C reaser Edward B vers. Corpus, 1218 Bavlor, Apt. 107. GR 7-9175 I C reech. Robert Loo, Houston, 316-B W. 34th, GL 3-0756 Creekm ore, G ayle Lynn, Baytow n, 511 Blanton H all, GR 1-7498 C reel. Charles E lbert, P hillips, 1412-B Hartford Rd.. GR 2-0267 Crellen, Kenneth Roy, 2700 N ueces. Rm. 104 Crenwelge, R oy C., Fredericksburg, 3911 Ave. F , GL 2-5504 Cresap. Laurel K ay. Austin. 2101 Columbia Cove, GL 2-3903 Cresap, P atricia Ray. Austin, 2101 Colum bia Cove, GL 2-3903 Creveling B etsy Leo. Corpus, Red Oak Apt. Red River Crews. Albert D oyle, Jr., C lairette, 504 E . 38 V? St.. OL 3-8482 Crews. John P ., Austin. 2500 Manor Cl., B 2, WA 6-1428 Crews. John R ussell, Childress, 2405 Oldham, GR 2-6342 Crews, Paul C.. Jr. Houston. 307-C Deep E ddy Apts. GR 2-5119 Crews. Ronnie Milton, T exarkana, 131-A M oore-Hill, GR 8-1302 Crick, Gaylord Gene, K errville, ‘2627 W ichita, GR 2-1517 Criner, Jam es Philip. Houston, 2616 W ichita, 109. GR 2-6419 Crisford, John W. Jr., D allas. 1105-D Brack. Apts., GR 8-7770 Crisp. Bobby Gene, Austin. l l Uni. T railer P k., GR 2-1491 Crisp. R ichard Alan, San Angelo. 1709 N. Congress Ave.. GR 8-7097 Crist. Linda Kay. Florence. 6309-A Goodnight Ln., GL 2-4337 Crist. N ancy Lou, D allas 1708 Manor Rd.. GR 6-0056 Criswell. Anthony W avne, Austin, Route 3. Box 373. GL 3-2087 Crisw ell. Jean E ., San Antonio. 501 Blanton H all, GR 1-3946 C lites. Charles R., Brownfield 2106 Sw isher, Apt. 207. GR 6-1429 Crittenden, D avid L., Crane, 1700 Sabine, Apt. 8 Crittenden, Kathleen S., Midland, 2208 M athews. GR 8-7650 Crixell. Adolph E ., Brow nsville 280514 Hem phill Park. GR 6-4265 Crocker. Charles Allan. A m arillo, 4624-B D epew. HG 5 9486 Crocker. D aryl Sterling. Corpus Goodali Wooten. GR 8-5582 Crockett. Barbara Ruth. Austin, 211 Bonnie View, GR 6-1761 Crockett. R ennv, Austin. 211 Bonnie V iew , GR 6-1761 Crofts. Sandra Kav, Johnson Citv, 1403 Woodridge Dr. Croisant. John Keith. Austin 2502 N ueces. Apt. 212. GR t 1208 Cromaek. B ert M., Austin, 912 W. 22nd., GR 8*3360 Cromaek, Dan, Brow nsville. Culbertson, Joan E ., San Antonio, 3301 Red R iver. GR 8-1540 Cullison. Paul Stanford, O dessa, 396-D D eep Eddy Apt., GR 2-2500 C um m ings, Barbara F ., Austin, 2207 Hopi T rail. GR 7-5014 Cum m ings. Berlin. M., Fort Worth, 2106-A G lendale PL, HI 2-5620 C um m ins, Roland H., Ixm gview , HOO Stobaugh Cum m ins. Suzan C., Houston, 403 E . 48th. GL 3-3770 Cunniff, R oger L., Trinidad. Colo., 1111-A Brack Apts., GR 8-8467 Cunningham, C. M., Lubbock, Sim kins Hall Cunningham, Frank D., W aco, 3105 W heeler. GR 6-5088 Cunningham, Johnnye E . G oliad, 2500 Whitis Ave., GR 1-1906 Cunningham, G. B. Jr., Big Spring. 2915 Rio Grande. GR 24)634 Cunningham, Lynn, T em ple, 803 West 28th. GR 7-2071 Cunningham. Paul Y.. B row nsville, 2400 E . 22nd. 102, GR 6-8075 Curington, W ayne Clyde. H ouston, 1522-A Brack. Apts., GR 6-2493 Curlee, Dannie Herbert, F t. Worth, 1411-B B rackenridge D arling. B ill, D allas. H ouse, Room 5 Darling. J. B ennett. Sm ithville, Moore-Hill Hall D asch. Ram on E ., D allas. 2305 Red River. GR 8-0880 Dau. Ralph W., D allas, 31071 ** Tom Green, GR 2 6676 D augherty, Ralph H., Austin, 1513 W. 29th St.. GR 7-1829 D aughtry Jr.. B. Clayton. Elgin. 2311 N u eces, GR 6-4594 Davenport. F airy R ., Rt. I, Box 39. Del V alle. CH 7-2333 David. Helen L., Columbus, 306 W. 28th St. D avidson, Carolyn L., Port L avaca, 3001 Red River. GR 7-2123 D avidson. Linda S.. D allas, 527 Kinsolving, GR 1-1678 D avidson, M arshall V.. Tyler, 300 W. 27th St., GR 8-8533 D avidson. Marta L ee, Winters. 205 Scottish R ite, GR 6-9131 D avila. Humberto J., San Antonio, 2811 Salado D avis. Alvin R., Austin. 608 Elm wood P la ce. GR 2-2149 D avis, Andy T., Waco. 2302 Leon. Apt. C. GR 6-2026 D avis. Betty S.. Austin. 1701 Walnut A ve., GR 7-8851 D avis. Carl B ., Austin, Curlee. Rowena Ruth. Sour Lake, Box 7654 2609 U niversity, GR 8-1057 Currie. Susanna, Mart. Blanton D orm ., GR I 3297 Curry, Charles Don, G atesville, 2308 Kinney Rd., HI 24)679 Curry. Charles N., W axahachie, 2700 W. 49V», GL 2-4541 Curry. John R.. Houston, 388 A D eep Eddy Apts. GR 6-9772 Curry, M ickey D ale. A bilene, Scottish R ite D orm ., GR 6-9313 Curry. N ancy Ap, Houston. 388-A Deep"Eddy Apts., GR 6-9772 Curtis. Carolyn K ellam , Austin. 1703 A E m iiie Lane. GL 2 3223 Curtis, M arjorie B. L/>ren. D a llas,, 601 W. 33rd I I Cutler. Daryl Clinton. Austin, 1610-A Brack Apts., GR 2-5690 I Cyphers, Barbara Ann. Austin. 7011 B ennett Ave , GL 3 1332 - D - Dabney. Sandra K., L ake V illage, Ark., Blanton Dorm, GR 1-3434 205-A Sim kins Hall. GR 2-1228 Cram hie. K atherine Lynn, E l Paso. D aev. Donald A., Kyle 295-3902 (Buda) ‘2000 P earl, GR 6-3869 Cromer. Cheryl Austin, 3410 Windsor Road. GR 8-053o Cronenwett, B ill. Austin. 2403 R idgeview , HI 2-2403 Cronin Jam es Glen. Houston, 2616 W ichita. GR 7-0427 Croom. Rod W.. Tem ple, j 1704 Sabine. Apt 21. GR 2 4700 Cropper. M ike, Fort Worth,, 1416-A B rackenridge Apt. Crosby. Y olande Ruth. Houston, 319 Blanton Hall, GR I 3297 I I Crosnoe. O livia Sue Y - T exarkana. 2501 Oldham . Apt. 206. GR 2 8597 Crosnoe. Ralph Cavern Texarkana^ 2501 Oldham. Apt. 206. GR 2 8597 Cross, Ja m es C. Jr.. F w t Worth, 2910 Red R iver. GR 2-6666 Cross, M arian Holt, Austin. 1610 W estmoor Dr.. GL 2-8714 Cross. Tom E ., K ingsville, 2106 Sw isher, Apt. 109. GR 6-3268 Crouch. T hom as W illiam . K eller, 300 E . 33rd St., GR 2-5165 Crow. Charles W illiam. Seguin. 219 San Jacinto D orm .. GR 84)252 Crow, Steven, D ., D allas, Rt 7. B ox 222. Austin Crowder, Susann Gipson, Austin, 4522 Highland Terr., GL 2-5359 Crowe. N ata lie N elson. Austin, 1701 P alm a Plaza, GR 8-8457 Crowe. Stanley R. Jr., A m arillo, 1315 Norwalk Ln., GR 8 8982 Crowell, Thom as N.. San Antonio, 3011 Whitis, Apt. 105. GR 7 4513 Crow ley, Claude Leon, C orsicana, 3109 P in ecrest Dr., OL 2-1320 I Crowley, E lizabeth Anne. Austin, I 5505 E xeter Dr., GL 2 8609 I Crow lev. Suzanne, Houston. 2609 U niversity, GR 6 8835 I Crump. R ichard Ray. L a m esa , i 1127 G illespie PL, HI 2-7001 I Cruse, ('aren E lizabeth, H earne, 303 Blanton Hall, GR 1-7196 ! Cruz, Louis Robert, Austin, 4800 A ve. G. GL 2-7951 ; Cubley, Harold Dean, Scurry, 1108 W. 47th, GL 2-4993 Cuellor, H ector Saul, Austin, 1206-F B rack. Apt., GR 7 1302 D aehne Jr.. Allen Cl, Portland. 300 E. R iverside D r,, Apt. 123 D agerath, Virginia B,, Coupland, GR 8-5971 Dahl. Charles E ., B ox 7161. UT Sta.. GR 8-3634 Dahl, Janet M., Austin. 1200 Shelley. GR 2-0879 D ahlgren. Ja m es M., Austin. 1710 Vista Lane, GR 8-1069 Dahlin. Roland E ., D allas. 3112 D ancv St., GR 6 9498 Dahm an. M. N., Saudi Arabia 2810 H em phill Park. GR 2-4409 Dale, D iana. Austin. Rt. 5, Box 144 A. HI 4-2376 Dalton. John R , San Antonio, 4100-A Izewis Lane, GL 3-7630 Dalton, Sandra G.. Austin. 4514 Pack Saddle P ass. HI 2-7130 Daly. C harles R ., U valde, Sim kins Hall D ancy. M ary T.. Silsbee, 2500 Whitis Ave.. GR 1-3197 Dandridge. Antoinette E ., New Orleans. K insolv'g 300. GR I 5406 Daniel. B illy B.. F airfield. 2503-D B ridle Path. GR 2-1464 D aniel, John W., 1701 N ech es, Apt. A. GR 2-7000 D aniel, Richard B „ Austin, 5606 E x eter, GL 2-2878 Daniel. Thom as M.. La M arque, 2614 Rio G rande, GR 6-1211 Daniel Jr., William A., Houston, 2700 Wooldridge Dr.. GR 2-9535 Dann. Donna J.. L am p asas, 210 W. 27th St. Dannill Jr.. Fitzhugh HL, M idland, HOO E . 32nd. St., GR 7-2568 Dansbv, M ichael E ., T errell, 333-A Moore Hill Hall Danvsh, Ralph C... K arnes City. 2100 Oldham. Apt 4, GR 2-5635 Darby. B e ssie M., Austin. 911-B Keith Lane. G R 6-3263 I Darby, D iane, Dallas 706 VV, 25th St.. GR 8-2195 Darby, Jo A., Austin. I 2802 Oak H aven D r.. HI 2 2634 Darby, Karen S.. D allas, 706 W. 25th St.. GR 8-2195 Darby, Perry G., Austin. 911-B K enh Lane. GR 6-3263 Dare. Charles C., M elbourne. F la., 1304 W. 37th St. D avis. Carolyn S.. Austin, 4908 D uval. HO 5-7886 D avis. Dick, Port Arthur. 4012-2 Shoal Creek, GL 2 9684 D avis. Don L.. Austin. 807 E. 30th St., Apt. A, GR 64)719 D avis. D ouglass W., Hillsboro. 1308 B Brack. A pts., GR 7-0814 D avis. Elgin M ., Austin. 203 E . 34th St., GR 8-8633 D avis. F rancis G ., Port Arthur, 4502 Red R iver D avis, Fred E .. Center. 2501 D avis, 2703 D avis, 2715 D avis. Sabine. GR 8 3788 Gary P ., Austin. Speedw ay, Apt. 2 G eorgelle, W ashington. Rio G rande. GR 8-6113 Harry L., Corpus Christi, 1616 W. 6th, Apt. 117. GR 6-0952 D avis, Henry G.. San Antonio. 2619 W ichita. Room 9, GR 2-6812 D avis, 5903 D avis, Henry M., Corpus Christi. N asco, GL 2-1305 Henry P ., San Antonio, 2811 Salado D avis, Irene W., Corpus Christi, 1909 N ueces, GR 2 1716 D avis, Jana J., Austin, 304 E. 33rd D avis. Janet L., Houston. 66 Scottish Rite Dorm . GR 6-9131 D avis, Janet R.. Fort Worth. 4411 Airport B lvd., GL 3-8281 D avis. Jay C., Austin, IOO F E. 32nd St.. GR 2-5562 D avis, Jim J., Luling D avis. Joe D., Houston. 705 E. 23rd St.. GR 6-4237 D avis. John L.. Houston. 300 E . R iverside D r.. GR 2-4500 D avis. John Lindsey, Austin D avis. John O., Lufkin, 2204-B W. 9th St., GR 2-0886 D avis, John P .. Austin. Rt. 3. Box 373 A. WA 6-1737 D avis, John T., W aco, 2801 San Jacinto D avis. Kathy, F airfield. 2015 Red R iver, Apt. C. GR 2-6355 D avis, M argaret L., G onzales, 705 W. 25th St., GR 6-0226 D avis, N ancy D ., Austin. 1404 Justin Lane. HO 5-5638 D avis, P at, W .f D auas, 3008 Cedar, Apt. I D. GR 6-9796 D avis, Phillip W.. D allas, 915V? 37th St. D avis. Richard D olm an, H arlingen, 4719 Harm on. Apt. 115, GL 2 7318 D avis, Roy D ale D avis. Sharon M ., P alestine, 2204 B W. 9th St.. GR 2-0886 D avis. Thom as C., Corpus Christi. HIO W. 22V* St.. GR 2-1930 D avis. T om asine. Gorm an. 5903 N asco. GL 2-1305 D avis. W. Jeff. B ay City, 304 E. 33rd St.. Apt. 19 J D avis W illiam P .. Terrell, 1219 P arkw ay, Apt. I. GR 8-0619 Da vol. Jacquelyn T.. Austin. 4002 B alcones D r.. GL 3-6247 , Da vol, Steve C\, Austin, 900 West A ve.. GR 7-2612 D aw es. Joseph O.. Big Spring. 2004 W ichita, GR 2-1266 Daw kins, Diantha I).. M cC am ey. K insolving 214. GR 1-3836 I Daw son. Carroll T,, San A ngelo. 110842 Brack A pts., GR 6 3480 Dawson. John R., San Antonio, i 4407 R am sey Dawson. M erle R., D allas, 2103 R ed R iver. GR 8 0896 Dawson Jr.. P erry P .. Austin. 2610 Geraght v. GL 3 0220 D aw son, Robbin R.. Austin. 703 A E. Live Oak. HI 4-1386 Friday. June 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Pa9e 78 MEXICAN FOOD • MONROE'S • EL MAT Serving the Best of Mexican Food 504 East Ave.— G R 7-7023 Food to Take Home 500 East Ave.— G R 7-8744 • EL TORO Atmosphere of O ld Mexico 1601 Guadalupe— G R 8-4321 • EL CHARRO Delivery Service loth & Red River— G R 8-7735 BOND'S CAPITAL PLAZA GL 2-5714 L__ Day, Hart v B., H arlingen. 2616 W ichita. GR 2-7944 D ay. Je a n e tte D., San Antonio. ;j802 Avenue G, CSL 3-0715 D av, Jonathan S.. Houston, 606 R athervue, GR 2-8187 D ay, R obert E ., San Antonio, ]s0 4 ^ L av a ca Tm-a eon. M arg aret E „ G rapevine 803 W. 28th, Apt. 207, GR 2-f60l Dean, M rs. C ynthia M., C larksville, 391-A Deep Eddy Apts., GR 2-8009 D ean, Donna R.. D allas, 1704 W. 31st St., GL 2-7142 D ean, F ran cis E .. Orlando. F la., 714 H arris Ave.. GR 2-3068 D ean. J e r ry M.. 391-A Deep Eddv Apts. GR 2-8009 D ean J r., John W., M idway, 2302 McCullough. GR 7-8510 D ean, Linda R . D allas. R iver Oaks Apt. 221. GR < 6069 D ean. M arc yes G., F o rsy th, Mont., 2826 Rio G ran d e D ean. T. F uller, Austin, 1203 E lm , Apt. 12 D ear, Milton C., Houston, 325-A Moore Hill H all D eary, B arb a ra A.. Austin. 1402 E. lith St.. GR 2 8425 Deacon Jr.. Charles A., Killeen, Simkins Hail Deason, Switzer L . Aransas Pass, 1206 B Norwalk I^ane, GR 2-91 bo Vitals. L arrv J., Austin. 7)209-B Jo e S avers, GL 3-7854 L e a v e r ll. John M ontgom ery, M em phis, 711 W. 25th, GR < -4704 D eB errv, H oary D., Austin, 1610 Northwood Rd., GR 7-6055 DeBill J r.. W alter C.. San Antonio. 1805 P e a rl. GR 2-6826 D e Bois, A ntoinette, Austin, '2605 W ooldridge Dr.. G R 641753 De Bois, B arb a ra. Austin. 2605 Wooldridge D r , GR 7-0789 DeBots. Dianne, Austin. 2605 W ooldridge D r , GR 7-0789 DeBord. Ruth L., H allettsville, 317 Blanton. GR 1-3188 De Busk J r.. C larence K., Austin, 3304 C atalina. HI 4 2223 DeBusk, S herm an. Austin, 3303 Santa Monica D r.. HI 2-4339 D echairo. T hom as C., Newton, Ran., 1300 Newning, Apt. 110 D eeker III. Eugene M , Jackson Ville, HO E. 31st, GR 8-4151 D ecker J r , Loren E.. Waco, A B ar Hotel, GR 6-5658 D eer, Dennis A.. Corpus Christi, '2202 Enfield Rd D eganello, Guido, Italy. 1404 W. D eG eurin. 1907 W. D eG inder, 12th St., GR 6 2318 G eorge M . Austin, 33rd St.. GL 3 7065 Kelvin, Austin. 6106 Shoal C reek, GL 3-5371 D eG raffenreid, Adrian L.. Big Spring, 3301 Red River. GR 6 5418 D eG uerin, R ichard M., Austin, 1908 A F airlaw n. HI 2-0456 D eH art, M ichael R , San Antonio, 711 W, 22V? St., GR 8-6644 Deis. Paul R., Dallas, 303 A cadem y Dr.. GR 8 8872 Deming, l>eon R , San Antonio De la G arza J r . C an o s A., San Antonio. 408-D W, 19th St. D elahoussave. F ern P., Austin, 5717 Louise Lane, HO 5-5853 De la Hoz, Gonzalo. Spain. 604 W. 25th St.. GR 6-8603 D e La R osa. Paul B , Austin, 3306 Thom pson St., GR 8-1495 Del Cueto. C harles, San M arcos, 1007 W. 26th St. Del Cueto, R uth E ., San M arcos 1007 W. 26th St. D elgado, Reynolds M., San 1 ........ .. D eniger. David Bradfiold. D allas. 2506 P earl, GR 2-0857 Denison J r ., Ja m e s H, D allas, 1532 B B rack. Apts., GR 7 1776 D enm an. Lvnn. Houston, 2400 Wooldridge, GL 2-0096 Denney, David C., P aris, 1613 Bouldin Ave., HI 2-6538 Dennis, E ra h L.. San Antonio, Blanton Dorm , GR I 7270 Dennis, Helen L., Hollister, Okla.. Box 7714. UT Si a. Denton, Carolyn I.. El Campo, 107 W. O’Dell. G L 2-5324 Denton. C harles H., E l Paso. 1616 W. 6th. Apt. 424. GR 7-7187 D enton. F ra n k M cC rarv, Lubbock. 1008 W. 25C S t . GR 7-7395 Denton, R ichard A.. Austin. 6309 Shoal Creek West. GL 2 4083 Denton, Robei t G . W ace, 8514 Contour Dr , GL 2-6689 Deppong, F rank A.. San Jose, Calif., 1804H L av aca Deputy II. Robert D., Austin. 2101 Benwick C ircle. HO 5-0908 D eram us, F. NL, Louisville, Miss.. 1537-B B rack. A pts., GR 2-7808 Dert>es, Jack J., C orpus I hristi, 232 A Simksns Hall Der Houssikian, Haig, E g sp t, 709 W. 26th St., Apt. 3 D err. G eorge A., Austin, 3608 Wilson St.. III 2-8949 D errick, Donald IL, Burton, 2211 I^eon. Apt. 2-A. GR 8-6575 D ilday, Tom N., Austin, 1109 D B rackenridge Apts.. GR 2-0251 Dildv, Kathleen B.. Austin, 611 VV. Lvnn. GR 7-0076 Dildv, VV. Dolph, Austin. 609-A W. Lvnn. GR 8 1013 D illard, Henry C ., Austin, 5006 Row ena. GL 2 1534 D im m itt, John W., Sari Antonio, 2215 Leon St. Dingle, M ary M., Freeport, 2504 Nueces, (HR 7-7594 Dingle. R obert L., Beaum ont. 1509 I .eon Dinkins J r., L. L., Houston, 700 H earn. Apt. 2M D ittm an, William I., Houston, 1801 Rio G rande. GR 2 0233 D ittm ar. K aren A.. H arper, Kinsolving 528. GR 1-1705 D ittrich, Edwin W.. Jonesboro, 4700 Duval, GL 3-8592 Dixon, Bryan M., Cleburne, 1914 Wichita St.. GR 6-4583 Dixon. F red K.. Austin. 1611 A Sabine, GR 2-7590 Dixon. Kathy A , Houston, I 2404 Longview Dixon, Kenneth R.. Austin, 7606 Muller Dr.. HO 5-7549 Dixon. Rosie M , Waco. kinsolving 500. CIR I 5570 Dixon. Susan M., Dallas. 306 E 30th St. D errick. Jan e C\. Austin. 4412 Barrow Ave.. GL 2-5335 D erry b e n v, Jim IL, McKinney, 2627 Wichita DeShazo, d ia r ie s D., Sheridan, 612-A W. 31S St. De Shong. C h a rlo T., Tulsa, Okla., 2217-C P erry . HI 4 3963 De Shong Jr., Hal G., Tulsa, Okla., 1422-A B rackenridge Apts. Deskins, J. W., C hickasha, Okla.. 3503-0 Owen C ircle. GL 2 1489 Devine. Linda K . Rockdale De Vito, Alfred, Englewood. N J., 1213-C B rack. Apts., GR 7-2603 Dew. Ozella E., Tyler. Kinsotving D orm , GR I 7500 Dewees. Ron H ., Austin. 2305 H Red R iver. GR 2 5340 Dewey. M argaret A., Victoria. 2610 Whitis. Apt D ew itt. E rnestine 5. GR 8-4241 C , Houston, 2211 Leon Dial. B arb ara J ., Houston, 2005 U niversity Ave., GR 8-5521 D ial, Dan J.. P am p a, 1401 Enfield. GR 2 9092 Dial. Donald B., Baytown. 409 R iverside Dr , GR 7 7875 Diaz. Victor A., Mexico. Robert E. l>*e Hall. GR 7-0233 Diaz de I^eon, Sam uel E ,, Austin, 1513 P alm a P laza. GR 2 2582 Diaz M iranda, M del C arm en, Diaz M iranda. M. del C.. Mexico, 1908 U niversity Ave., GR 6-1967 Dick. Philip J., San Saba, Moore-Hill Hall ; D ickerson, E d., la g u n a P ark, 2003 W ichita, GR 2-2873 I Dickey J r., F red B., F ort Worth. 2209 Enfield Rd., GR 7 6989 Dickey, H erbert E ., Fort Worth, I 3106 Duval Dickey, Ja n e C., San Antonio, 3106 Duval. Apt. 204 Dickey, William T., Midland. 1217-E B rack. Apts.. GR 2-6370 Dickinson. Diana M.. Houston. 1401 Enfield, Apt. 201. GR 2-3643 Dickinson. Donald. Midland, 1705 B Enfield Rd. D ickinson, Wilson G., Lovington, N M., 1306 B riarcliff, HO 59360 3011 Whitis. Apt. ‘206. GR 6 9798 Doan. A radna K.. Austin, 358 A Deep Eddv Apts.. GR 8-3549 Doan, David B., Arlington, 2434 G uadalupe. GR 7-2713 Dobaihv, A. M.. Saudi A rabia, Box 8013 UT Sta.. GR 8 9412 Dobbs. Ann E .. Midland. 514 Dawson Rd., HI 2-5956 Dobbs. Evelvn L., Corpus C hristi, 524 W. Hopkins, San M arcos Dodd. David L „ Norwalk, Calif,, I 4522 Avenue B Dodd. D ianne A. Austin. 3802 Avenue F. GR 7-4589 Dodd. John L., Bay City. 1524-A B rackenridge Apts. Dodd, Tilm an E ., Austin. 1900 Schulle Ave.. GR 6 2571 Dodge. R obert K.. C incinnatus, i N.Y.. 3106 Duval. Apt. 303 Dodson. Adah G.. San Antonio, Kinsolving '107. GR I 5800 Dodson. Buddy. Jacksboro. 2910 Red R iver. GR 7 8228 Dodson. F ran c es K., Arlington. 2005 U niversity Ave.. GR 8-8595 Dodson. T eresa M.. Austin, 1903-A Brentwood. GR 6 1371 j Doerfier, M rs. Paula W., Georgetown, 1607 Pine. UN 3 2379 D o e ri, R oy F , Austin. 7705 Woodrow Ave., GL 2-3781 Doerr, Theodore C., Alvin, 1212 C B rack. Apts.. GR 7 8025 I>oggett, LIvckI A.. Austin. 1402 West Ave.. GR 8-3546 Doherty, P a tric ia , Austin, 4005 De Wild. HO 5-1705 I Dojahn. William IL. Angleton, 2423-A Nueces Dolan. Mrs. E. P.. D allas, 1206 B Shelley, GR 7 7265 Dolan, Edwin P.. Austin. 1206 B Shelley. GR 7 7265 Dolan. William S., Taylor Dolezal; Ja m e s N., I .a G range, 3501 Speedw ay. GR 6-0446 Dolezalek. Donald R., Collinsville, l l 10-D B rack. Apts.. GR 6 4292 Ira J .. Victoria, 2418 H arris Blvd.. GR 6 9051 Dolich, Domel, E ugene A., Jarrell. 2606 Enfield Rd.. Apt. 6 Dominguez. Volanda. Mission, Donnell. Carolyn S.. W khita F alls, 2000 Whitis Ave., GR 6-9615 Donnell. Stanley J,* D allas, 2004 B P asadena D r., GL 3-5tho Donskv. Cal L.. Austin 2115 Vanderbilt. CIL 2 >681 Dooley, M arshal W .I z i m e t a 2208 Enfield. Apt. 20a, GR - 2229 Doolev. M ary E .. Beaum ont 1315 Norwalk. Apt. 208 A. GR F L 0 4 Doran J r.. H ilary B., Del Rio 1810 Santa C lara, G L 2 5154 D orbandt, Judv 1).. San Antonio, Blanton 304. GR 1-3959 Dorem us. Elizabeth L.. Houston, 1805 Lightsev D om ak. G eorgia Ann, El ( am po, 911 P ay n e Ave.. 110 5-7292 D orr ell. Bob. Houston, 4100 Shoal Creek ~ Dor viand, A. T.. Independence, Kan., 6506-A Hickm an, GI. 2 8094 I iXrsier, H. P rice.. P am pa, 347 A Moore-Hill Hall Doss. Carol L., Salado. _____ 2500 N uecef, GR 6-3708 GR 8 1575 Doss, Glen P.. E astland. 4006 B Maplewood. GR 6 9755 Doss. Nancy E.. W eatherford Blanton D orm itory, GR 1-1187 Doss. T heresa, San Angelo, 2106 Sw isher, GR 2-0957 Doty, I Laurence T., Independence, Mo.. 2614 Rio G rande Dougherty. Donna G., Waco, 704) W. 22nd St.. GR 8-3976 D ougherty, P atricia. Austin 4004 A \enuo C, GL 3-2561 i Doughty J r., Sam uel P.. Corpus I Chr isti. 1004 Peck. CIL 2 8349 Doughty, William J.. Refugio, 1708-A U k e Austin Blvd. Douglas. Bud A., San Antonio, ll M atador Circle. GR 8 4492 Douglas, H arry D., Midland. H I O W 22H St., GR 2 1930 Douglas, Wesley M., Austin, 2003 Sabine. GR 2 4619 Douglass. P atricia T., W?aco, 1218 B aylor. Apt. 105 Douthit J r., H arry A., Raym ond Ville, 3704 Groom s St., GR 8 7093 Douthit. R. Styron, Austin. 3217 L iberty Dove, John R.. Panhandle. 1002 West 22nd St.. GR 7 8700 Dow. E lizabeth M . El Paso, 2211 Leon. Apt. I L Dowdy, Ja c k A., E agle U k e . 331 I D Speedway. GR 2-7060 Dowhes, M rs. B arbara B., Austin, 2904 Rae Dell, HI 2-3329 Downey, Ronald G., Austin. 1216 A B rack Apts . GR 8 4383 Downie, Jack N., Austin, 1127 E. 52nd St. Downing. Jim . H arlingen, 1908 San G abriel, GR 2-2581 Doval. Tom m y R., Austin, 4110 G uadalupe , Doyle. Charles C., W eim ar. 2015-B Red River. GR 7 6849 Doyle. M ary E.. W eim ar, 2309 N ueces. GR 8 6114 i D raeger. C arolyn, Houston. 3001 Red R iver. Apt. 218, GR 6 9357 Drago III Joe, Port A rthur, 1401 Enfield, Apt. 207 D rake, Ja m e s D., Las C ruces, N.M ., Goodall Wooten. Box 408 Drake. William IL. Austin, 2211 Rein*I Road, HI 4 1723 D raker. M aida WL, Austin. 2204 Stam ford U n e , GR 6 1282 Draper, N ita B.. Bay City, i Blan toil 224, GR I 3606 D rover, Howard P., B ellaire, 2401 M anor Rd, Apt. 135 Driggs, Linda F ., Austin, 3714 Stevenson Ave., GR 2 8920 D rum m ond, F ran k O., Jackson, Miss.. 1506 Mohle Dr.. G R 2-7655 D rum w right. H. Sterling. Cisco, 708 B E. 22*4 St., GR 2-5565 Drv. P eggy L., D allas, 201 Scottish Rite. GR 6 9131 Dube, Victor J., M cDade, 715 B E. 32nd St. Dubois, Donna, C am eron. B lanton D orm itory. G R 1-3434 Du Bose J r . B unts B., Killeen Dubov, G ladys A.. Abilene, Scottish R ite 5. GR 6-9131 D uB ray, C harles P .. F re d e ric k s­ burg. 1910 N ueces, Apt. I D uckett, Ja n e M.. T yler. 807 W. 25th St., GR 7-2195 Duckworth, S an d ra J.. D allas, Blanton 111. GR I 5096 Dudley. M ary D., San Angelo, 1802 West Ave., GR 6-3996 I Duffoe, Tim M , Plano, 500 W. 29!h St., GR 8-4217 Duffy, I e o ta J ., San Antonio. S c o ttish Rite 219. GR 6-9131 Duffy, Susan J ., Okla. City, Okla., Kinsolving South Dugan. Hugh S., M eridian, I 610 A K aw nee D r., GL 3-4716 Dugger J r.. E rw in B., D allas. 2408 Longview, GR 8-9148 Duke. I .atua I. . D allas, 310 Blanton. GR M 788 Duke. Tom m y B.. Houston, j 1707 B B rack. Apts., GR 8 4396 Dull***. Edith R., Austin. 1 1904 Hill O aks Court. GR 2 1631 Dulles. John E.. Austin. 1904 Hill Oaks C ourt, GR 2 1631 Dullnig. Jon F ., C arrizo Springs, 2056 A Sabine I D um as. Jo ris W Austin. 8804 Slavton Dr., GL 2-5279 Durable, G eorgia R., Austin, 3704 E ast ledge D r.. GL3-1717 D unagan, J e i t y M., Wichita Falls, 1600 D West Lynn, GR 2-61 <4 D unavant, Keith. P ortland. 2503-D Bi idle P ath. GR 2-1464 'D u n c an , Judith K., R usk, Scottish Rite Dorm. GR 6^9131 Duncan, Lewis A., M ineola, A Bar Hotel. Box 71 Duncan, Sister V irginia. San Ant., 2011 Whitis. GR 8-2357 Duncan. Sister Virginia, San Ant., 708 W. 22Va St.. Apt. 4 Dunlap. David J ., I b e r i a . 2302 johnson. GR 2-8982 Dunlap, D evereux B., D allas, 1115 W. lith St;, GR 2 1649 Dunlap. Lewis S., 1810 N Congress. Dunlap. W alter IL, 904 Avondale Jayton, GR 2 2867 E l P aso, Dunn. D agm ar D., Houston 2000 P e a rl St. Dunn. David A., O range. 1415 A B rackenridge. GR 8 2485 Dunn, M. Dow. Houston, 1904 San G abriel Dunn, Sharon A., F ort Worth. 1802 Wt;st Ave.. Apt. 117 Dunn J r ., Winford L .. T ex ark an a, 388 I) Deep Eddv Apts Dunnahoo. Jodie D., Austin, 3705 K erbey I*ane, G L 2 3^.*I D unsm ore. Dorothy B.. Alice. 1702-A Exposition. GR 2 9824 Dunton. 306 E DuPont B rack D uran. John M., Cheyenne. V\v., . 16th St., GR 6-9811 J r ., R obert L., 1527-A . Apts., GR 7-7239 Cecilia. L aredo, 1908 I 'niversity Ave. D urflinger. Joanne C., Corpus C hristi, Blanton 305. G R l l ^4) D urham , David F.. Am arillo, 3211 Tom G reen. G R 7-8446 D urham , David R.. F o rt Worth, 2107-C Sabine, GR 8-3622 D urham . Ja m e s A., F o rt W orth, 360 A I>eep E ddy, GR 2-6889 D urham , darnels B.. T yler. 1109 E. 31st St., GR 6-8213 D urham . M ary L., l*ake Jackson, 2504 Nueces, GR 7-7594 D urrent>erger. Cyril J.. I^ 'lla u e . ^ 1905 N ueces, Room IO. GR < 02.t9 Antonio, .304 E. 33rd. GR 7-8428 D elm ar. D eanna G., Sm ithville, Dickson, H. David, Austin, L ake Austin. G R 7-0911 2309 N ueces. GR 8-6114 D em ent. M. L anier, Austin, 4317 A irport Blvd., HO 5 8524 Denbow, Donald L., (Corsicana, 604 Rocky Rd., GR 8-4081 D eneke. Bill, Mt. Vernon. 2109 San G abriel. GR 6 5109 Dickson, Nanc y B., Houston, Kinsolving 506 D ieck, G eorge E., Austin. 409 E. 31st St.. GR 8 1707 D ierschke. N orm an J.. San Angelo 2100 Oldham , Apt. 7, GR 6 8479 Kinsolving South 306. GR I-5<01) D riscoll, Ann, Austin. Domoneck, Della P., B eaum ont, 2500 W hitis Ave.. GR 1-1888 Donaghe. Ja m e s R., Fort Worth, 2503 San G abriel. Apt. 4 B Donaldson. E laine M.. D allas, 608 P ark Plac e. GR 7 5016 Donaldson. Parti S.. Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., Apt. 245, CIL 2-0523 3416 Hillview, HD 54J006 Driscoll J r.. John J.. G alveston, 2801 San Jacinto, GR 8-5641 Driscoll, William D , Austin, 3416 Hillview. GL 3-0894 D rum m ond. Donald R.. Midland, 3115 Benelva. GR 6-0413 RENT from BERKMAN'S 2234 Guadalupe GR 6-3525 TYPEWRITERS AMPLIFIERS TELEVISION FANS FM RADIOS ADDERS CALCULATORS PHONOGRAPHS TAPE RECORDERS SPEAKERS TUNERS J . . . I... n I O M THE SUMMER TEXAN P«o* W Use the check preferred by students as the best way to budget their money. ?f4 / rn Any Amount Opens Y ou r Account • ( heck* A rc Personalised Wi t h Your Name And Address Ieee • N o Service Charge • No Minimum Balance Required • Exclusive At The American N ational Bank of Austin THU AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK M E M B E R F E D E R A L D E P O S IT IN S U R A N C E C O R P O R A T IO N J S I X T H A N D C O L O R A D O □ G R E E N W O O D 2 -5 4 0 1 OF AUSTIN D urst. Julian C., Crockett. 2106 Sw isher, Apt. 213, G R 6-4257 Edson. John L.. Seguin, 2506 Rio Grande D u rst. R ichard E .. Austin. 1045 Rosem ont, G I. 2-3346 D usok, B ern ay F ., C am eron, 706 K. 23% , Apt. I. G R 2-5985 D usek, E v elyn L ., Austin, 706 E . 23% . Apt. I. G R 2 5985 D usek, Rudolph V ., R iv ersid e. Conn.. 703 P a rk P la c e . G R 741045 D uvall, David, C., D allas. 2505 Enfield Rd.. Apt 3 D yen, Donald D ., G rand P ra irie , 2106 Sw isher. Apt. 307 G R 6 1429 D y er, Helen E ., Sw eetw ater, B lan ton D orm itory. G R I HOO D y er, M rs. M arjo rie B , Houston, R e s o lv in g 520, G R 1-1069 D y e r, N ancy J . , E l P aso , 2001 U niversity Ave. D yer. W allace E .. Austin. 1218-C B ra c k . A pis., HI 2-8463 D y k s tra , R ich ard F .. R ock V alley. 1540-A B ra ck . Apts.. G R 2-8744 Dynes. D ale N.. P h a rr. 2106 Sw isher, Apt. 202, G R 2-6325 - E - E a d s. Joh n A., D allas, 406 E . 15th, Apt. 209. G R 7-7295 K a kins. John C., A bilene. 1301 B W. 13th S t., G R 6 2162 E a r h a rt. R obert F .. I/>ngview , 3X09 B rid le P ath, G R 2-8073 E a r le , Ronald D ., F ort Worth. 916-C E . 32nd S t.. G R 7 4256 E ar lev, B illy J ., Austin. 2811 Hem phill P a rk . G R 2 5782 E a r ls . Alice N „ Austin, 1909 Leona, Apt. 102, G R 8-7993 E a r ls , Linda S ., I-a M arqu e. Box 108. S. U. S ta ., G eorgetow n F la ils. M ary L illian , Austin, 2500 W eber Ave., G R 6 5663 E a r ly , Ronald G ., Brownwood, Coni tolerate Home for Men 522. B ox 1898. G R 2 9744 E a r n e s t, M ike. Austin, SOT E . 31st S t.. G R 7-1555 E a s le y , B illie J . , Corpus C hristi. 2001 R ed R iv er E a s le y J r .. Ja m e s W ., O range, 400 E. 34th, Apt. 4, GR 8 1251 E a so n J r . , W illiam D ., G reen v ille, 900 West 22nd, Apt. 105 E a s o n , W illiam R .. Longview , 2612 G uadalupe. G R $ 5658 E a s te rlin g . Jim m y , Corpus C hristi. 2825 San G a b riel. G R 8 1867 E iNterwood. C harles IX . Snyd er, 2400 Leon. G R 6-6225 I j j I I I E dw ards J r ., Alfred C., Austin. 2521 Winsted I.ane, GR 8-4471 Edw ards. Alva A., D allas. 1916 Speedway. G R 2-9655 Edw ards. B a rb a ra J . , Arlington, 410 Kinsolving. GR 1-5368 E dw ards, C. M ack, 407 Franklin, G L 2-6167 Eld w ards. Charles J . . Austin, 1411 A B rack . Apts E dw ards. Ja c k L ., Channelview, Univ. T railer P ark , Ix>t 15 E d w ards. Ja m e s E .. O dessa. 1605 W. 46th St.. O L 2-4226 Edw ards, Jessica E ., San Antonio, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 2-0420 E dw ards. M arcelyn (I.. Lubbock, R t. 7. Box 132. AN 3 2487 Ed w ards, Richard A., Slaton, 6 Kern Ram ble, GR 6-1686 E d w ards, Ryan IL , F o rt Worth, Simkins Hall E d w ard s. Sidney R .. Austin. 1401 Enfield. Apt. 109. GR 6 3979 E dw ards. William M ., D allas. 1610 Northwood Rd.. G R 7-6055 Edwinson, John A.. Austin. 1912 N ueces, CIR 7-0572 E g an , Biff. D allas. 1 | 2100 Oldham. Apt. 8. GR 6-1150 I E g e rt. E ugene. V ancouver. B .C ., j 26-304 E . 33rd St. Egg eling , E lain e. Austin, 1304 P ayn e, HO 5-5877 E ib an d . G eorge W ., C rystal City. 1509-A B ra ck A pts., G R 8-1445 j I E ick m a n n , R ob ert E ., Austin, j 5802 Shoalwood A ve., G L 3 5495 E ld . N im r, le b a n o n , 709 W 26th. Apt. 14. G R 8-6960 S id m an J r . . J a c k E ., B row nsville, 300 E . 35th S t., G R 6 5029 Eidson. M errill L ., T em ple, 1519 A B ra ck . Apts.. CJB 7-1730 R ifle r. Clayton W , Austin. 1901 M eadow brook. G R 6 4275 E ise n b erg , C ecilia A., E l P a so , 1307 Norwalk. Apt. 206, G R 7-4528 I E ise n b e rg . Stan , San Antonio, 2626 Speedw ay Ekholm . Done, Upper D a rb y , P a ., 2910 Red R iv er, Apt. 202 E la m , Jud ith CL, L a m p a sa s. Scottish R ite 262. G R 6 9131 E ld e r J r . , G eorge A., Austin, 6709 Duquesne, G L 3-5611 E ld e r, Je a n n e E ., P asad en a, 803 W. 28th St.. G R 2-2192 E l-E m a rv , M ahmoud M . E g y p t., 2712-C N ueces. G R 2-8290 E len burg. M ary J . , M alakoff, E a s ie s , Gory D ., la f a y e t t e , L a ., 1602-S B arto n Sp rin g s, G R 6-3304 M oore-Hill Hall E astm o n d . Anthony P ., Spieewood, 3003 Belm ont C ircle, G R 8 4281 K b an k s, G erald K ., Houston K bel, F . Andrew, R osen b erg . 2600 Speedw ay. G R 2-0637 E beu st>erger, G ary L ., K errv ille, 1113-C B ra ck . A pts., G R 28436 E b e rh a rd , David A ., Moulton, 3410 IXJ val E le v J r . . Ja m e s H., Austin. 1206-D B rack A pts., GR 8-5979 E lh ag , M ostafa M., E gy p t, Box 8285, UT S ta., G R 2-3515 Eliason. Victor R ., Zion. IIL, 406 W. 38th St., HO 5 9922 E U er. Terah D., Austin. 3606 Clawson Rd., HI 2-5013 E llerb e. John W., C harleston, S C ., 608 Baylor E b e r t. M rs. D orothy J .. Austin, 8315 T ecu m seh , HI 4-1197 Ellin ger, Hunter D., W ashington. D C., 1903 Rio G rande, GR 2-8331 E b e s t, Bonnie A., San Antonio, E lliott, B a rb a ra A., Austin, 2106 Oldham , G R 2 9707 2002 Greenwood. GR 2-0151 E ch o ls . M rs. Ja n ie E ., R osen berg , Box 7103, UT S ta ., C L 2-4974 Elliott, Ja n ice A ., B reck en rid ge. 2105 Oldham. Apt. 8. GR 8-3295 E c h o ls . C harles M ., Rusk. 2309 C P ru e tt S t., G R 8-1509 EchoLs. Paul A., E l P aso , 302 B Deep Eddy Apts E c k e r t , P ete, C hicago, IU., 60«» R athervuo Plac e. Apt. 216 E ek h u rd t, Donald K .. Houston. l l 13-A M ariposa, HI 2 7147 E d d ishaw , P a tricia I.. Huntingdon V alley , P a .. 2011-2 Red R iv er G R 8 0566 Edge4. J . M ichelle. D el R io , S< oltish R ite 240. G R 6-9131 E d m gto n , Ju d ith M ., Houston. 710 E . O ltorf, Apt. 118, HI 4-3362 Edm ondson, C arol A .. M athis, 2013 E R ed R iv e r, G R 6-1067 E dm ondson. M orris S ., K en d alia, 4420 Je s t e r D r.. HI 2-4568 E lliott, John R ., D allas, 3409 Cedar St., GL 3-1979 E lliott. Mertie R .. Odessa, Scottish Rite 233. G R 6-9131 Elliott. Paul T ., Burleson, Health Center 412, G R 8 5711 Elliott, Stephen C ., Austin, 1519 W. 31st St.. GR 7-2053 E lliott. William Doyle, Frion a, 3303 Skylark D r., G L 2-3972 E llis, B a rry W., Elgin, 391 B Deep Eddy A pts., GR 6 9476 E llis J r ., Donald P ., D allas, 3400 l a k e Austin Blvd. E llis. R ita J . , San Antonio, 3001 Red R iver, Apt. 211 Ellis. Will P ., Laredo. 1410-B B rack Apts., G R 6-3003 Ellison. Hugh M .. Midland. Robert E . L ee Hall Ellison, John R ., Austin, 3303 Oakmont, G L 2-7463 E ls b e r r y , M ark A., R ichardson, 1709-A B rack Apts. Ellyson, Don E .. Cleburne, 2401 Manor R d., Apt. 104 Ellzev J r . , Marion L ., P erry to n , 2054-A Sabine, G R 2 8680 El-M ezaw ie, AU A., E g y p t, 1918 Speedway. Apt. 9 El Shafie, Adel. E gyp t, JOU Whitis. Apt. 104. G R 2-6145 E m b rey , C arl R ., Austin, 2501 Indian T rail, G R 6-5586 2501 Indian Trail. G R 6-5586 I E m b rey . Peggy J .. Austin, ; I E m m e r, Kathleen E ., Wink, Blanton 417, GR 1-3760 I E m m ett, Joseph CL, D allas. E ste s, Nelson N,, Austin, 4608 Edgem ont. G L 2 1614 E s te tte r, John D., Austin. 7600 N orth crest Blvd., G L 2*837 E s tra n , Jean n e L ., Odessa, 1909 N ueces. G R 2-1716 Ethrid ge, Ben M ., Midland, 1823 W. 39th St . G L 21957 E th rid ge, Ja m e s H ., Mullin. 3403-D Hampton R d .. GR 2-2182 E ttin gshau s, Carol V ., F t. dale. F la .. 402 C orrall. HI 4-1580 E ubanks, C harles A ., O dessa, 2910 Red R iv er, Apt. 106. G R 2-8767 Eubanks. Lennie R .. Alvin, 3010 Pin Oak Court, HI 4-2183 Eudy J r . , Spencer M ., Austin, m 3 Patton L ane. GL 2-1425 I E v an s J r . , Al B ., Olney. I 2703 C Speedway E v an s. Daniel S., Austin, 2214 W. 49th St., G L 3*659 E v an s. David G ., Austin 2903 T errain L an e. G L 3-120b E v an s. David L ., F o rt W orth, 1511-B B ra e s Ridge. G L 3-1933 E m m ick . R o b ert A rthur, San Antonio, 1210-C B r a c k ., G R 6-2291 3205 A Groom j E v a n s. Gerald M.. Houston. 2106 Swisher, GR 2 2023 E m o ry , L ee E ., Austin, IOO Skyline D r.. G R 8-1311 E m ric h , W ayne S .. H arlingen, 205 VV. 20th St. E n d e M au rice J . , P asad en a, G oodall Wooten 413, G R 2-1343 H ndebrock, W ilburn D .. D allas. 600 D Elm w ood P la c e . G R 7-7026 E n d erle, J e i r i L ., San Antonio, 803 W. 28th, Apl. 205. G R 8-6958 E n d icott, B etty J . , D allas, Blanton 226. G R I 3058 E n g elh ard t, R . R ., Houston. 1804 P a lm a P laza. G R 8-8869 E ngelk ing , Anna B ., P rem o n t, E v an s, Ja m e s L ., R obert E . L ee Hall E v a n s, M a rg a ret S ., Lxickhart. B lanton 505, G R 1-5067 BI vans. M ary A.. R ich ard so n . 704 W. 25th S t., G R 7-8233 E v a tf. G ary C., Stephenville. HOO W. 25th St.. GR 2-9352 E v e re tt. A. G .f Short Hills, N .J.* 3403 Speedway, G R 8 8251 E v e re tt. Gilbert, San D iego, 2619 W ichita E v e re tt, J im B .. San S a b a . 2211-D P e rry A ve.. HI 2 7184 E v e re tt. Louise. B ee v ille . 1904 1003 W 23rd, Apt. I, G R 2-1900 San G ab rie l, Apt. 104, G R 8-1554 E nglan d , J o e F ., R E D I . Round R o ck , AL 5-3117 E ngland . M arg aret C\, Austin, 1001 Anderson L an e, G L 2-3657 E n g le J r . , R ich ard VV., Austin, 2101 W insted L ane, G R 7 9312 E nglish J r . , Roy R . F o rt Worth, fill WL 17th S t., G R 2-7708 E n g lish , S a ri lane, Houston, 2503-E B rid le P a th , G R 7-6839 E n n is, Ja s o n R ., Houston, E v e re tt, R icard o A., Austin, 3011 S. 5th S t., HI 2 0348 E v e rs h e rg , M ax R , A lbany, G oodall Wooten, G R 6-4552 E v ertso n , D ale W ., K errv ille, 3100 N ortheast D r., G L 2-47% E v ertso n , M ary A ., K e rrv ille, 3100 N ortheast D r., G L 2-1706 E w ell J r . . Ja m e s J . . C rosby. 1712-B Newfield L an e, CIR 6 9814 E w ell. M arilyn L ., Houston, South Sh ore Apts 209, CIR 7-4571 2106 Oldham 1 E n qu ist, Molly J , Bellaire, 1008 WL 25% S t., G R 8 0886 E p p erson, S tew art, T y le r. 2105 W. 12th S t.. G R 7-0864 E pperson. Woodrow, K e rrv ille , 709 W. 26th S t., Apt. 20 E p stein , B etty L ., San Antonio, 4411 A irport, Apt. 302, G L 2-0537 E p stein . David G ., T em p le, 2401 M anor R d.. Apt. 135 Epting. Theodore R ., D allas E rick son , F red A., F orreston , 111., 3011 Whitis. Apt. 101, G R 8-0050 E rick son , Jon L ., Salt L ak e City, 1215% C astle HUI. GR 8-1475 E rick son , Virginia A . Austin. 3602 Bridle Path. G R 2-9139 E riksen, Louise E ,, San Antonio, 803 W. 28th St., G R 7-7540 Errn el. William F ., Seguin, 911 Shelley, GR 2 6834 E rm e y , H arold L ., Point Com fort, 1708 W eathersfield E rso y , U gur, Turkey, 202 B E 31st St E rw in. K aren E ., Austin. 2005 University A ve., G R 2-2257 E rw in . Kenneth J ., V ictoria, 4202 M arathon, HO 5-0816 E sp ev , R obert H., D allas. 1113 D B ra c k A pts.. G R 6-2553 E sp ev J r . , W illiam IL , Austin, 6905 M irand a, G L 2-7535 E sp in o sa -G a rcia . Antonio, Colom ­ bia, 1410 W ooldridge. G R 7-4993 E sp u rv o a J r . , David, B row nsville, 308 W. 37th S t.. G L 3-0911 E sq u ire l. E d w ard IL , Austin, 2306 Townes L an e, G R 2-0161 E s te s , B illy D., San B enito. 2508 San G abriel, G R 8*326 E ste s, Ja m e s R .. Am arillo, 1820 A W. 35th St.. HO 5-5044 FCv.cli. M artlia N ., B e lla ire , 2106 Oldham E w ing, D ianna J . . C orpus C hristi, 1601 Kenwood, HI 2 8546 Ezon, Steven S ., Houston, 1008 W. 25% . Apt. 204, G R 8-ao92 E z z e ll. M arg aret A.. Luling PCzzell, M ichael S .. Luling -F - F ad u l. Mohamed J . , Saudi Arabia, Box 8362, UT Sta. F a g a n . P a tricia J . , Austin. 2300 Spring Creek Dr , HI 2-3957 F a g g , C harles F ., Dallas F a g g , Geneva B ., Austin. 4403 Avenue A. G L 2 4989 F ah m y , S am ir B ., E gy p t. 702 E . 44th, HO 5-8207 F a ilo r. P a tricia A.. Houston, Blanton 325, GR 1 3708 F a in , P a tric ia T ., San M arcos, 1211-B B rack . A pts., G R 8-9197 F a in , R obert C ., Llano. 1211-B B ra c k Apts., G R 8-9197 F a in te r, R o b ert H .. Austin. 2903 B onnie R d ., G R 8-8458 | I F a irc lo th , R ayford A., Lufkin, 1308 Cullen, G L 3-5579 F a irm a n , Ja m e s P ., P asad en a. ; 1510 B C helsea l a n e , HI 4-1448 F a llis . R ich ard J . . San Angelo. 4510 la r e i n a D r., HI 2-4587 Fallon , M. M ichelle. Austin, 716 P a rk B lvd ., G I, 2-1041 I F an n in g . M arilyn K . Austin, j ; F a n s le r, P a tricia M ., P ort I a v a c a , | Kinsolving 222. G R 1-5629 F a r a r , F ra n k IL , Lipan. 1107 T ay lo r S t.. G R 2-7950 F a n e s , Eldon D . Brownwood. 5601 M anor Rd . GR 2-8253 F arle y , Billy J ., Beaum ont. 2905 San Gabriel. G R 2 2938 F a rle y . Edw ard L .. Delhi. L a ., 1807 B razos, Apt. 28 F a rle y . R am sey W., Tem ple. 1308 Bentwood R d., G L 2-6810 F a rm e r, Charles IL , P e a rsa ll. 707 Highland Ave., G R 2-4492 F a rm e r, Don E ., Houston. 1211 W. 22% St., GR 2-2612 F a rm e r, F a y e D ., D allas, 1950 Sabine. GR 7-2373 F a rm e r, J r . , Guss D.. T errell. San Jacin to A-210, G R 8-0295 F a rm e r, Jim m ie L ., Univ. T lr. P ark . Lot 23, GR 6-1773 F a rm e r, I^arry E ., Ash G rove, Mo., 3217 Meredith, G R 7-5268 Farn sw orth , David L ., 1006-B Melissa l a n e , G R 2 8632 F a r r . Audrey L ., T exark an a, 7701 E a s tc re s t IX . F a rr. John T., F o rt W orth. 3902 Seiders, Apt. 4. HO 5-8205 F a rris , Harold D.. U valde, 8400 Franwood l a n e . G L 2-6153 F a rris , Ju an eva K ., Austin. HOI Su m m it S t., G R 8-8191 F a te . D eanna IL . Austin, 7600 E a s tc re s t Dr., G L 2-5674 F au d rv , Deidre J . , F o rt W orth, Scottish Rite Dorm . G R 6 9131 F aulk, Cynthia, T ., Austin, 2007 P aram o u n t A ve., HI 2 2688 F au lkn er, W illiam L ., P a m p a , 915 W. 23rd. G R 8 6687 F a u ss, C hantal M ., D allas, B lanton Dorm F a y , M ichael C.. Houston. 214 B M oore-Hill H all, G R 8 1431 F a y , P a tric ia D ., Houston, B lanton 309. G R 1-1687 F a y , R o b ert M ., P asad en a. 1316 P asad en a D r., G L 2-7353 F e a s te r, Donna J . , A ustin. 4016 Clawson R d ., HI 2 3578 F e e le r . R obert C., San Angelo, 3400% Speedw ay F e h r, S co tt. Austin. 2503 P e a rl, G R 8-3491 F ohrenkam p , Wrn.. H allettsv ille. B o x 8115, G R 8-6813 F e is te l, Claude IL . Austin. 1717 Aggie L an e. G L 3-6155 F e lc m a n , M arcu s B .. W allis, 1916 Speedw ay. G R 2*9655 F eld t, M ary N.. Houston. 2001 U niversity A ve., G R 6-8733 F e lk n er, Ir a C .t A lice. 2308 Longview . G R 8-7605 F elp s, Jim m ie D ., Austin, 1201-D B ra ck . A pts.. G R 2-7181 F e ls h e r. M urray, New Y ork . N.V% 31 M argran ita C rscn t, G R 2-5122 Fendley, R ichard J . . Sm ithville. 406 W. 33rd, GL 2-8340 Fenly. Cathryn L ., G eorge W est, 3001 Red R iver. G R 6-0544 Fennel], Floyd W., Y o rk , P a ., 4415 Avenue D ., G L 3-2801 Fennell, Ja m e s A., San Antonio, 2811 Salado Fen n er, Ju n e M., Austin. 2524 H arris Blvd.. GR 2-4346 F en sterm ak er, M artha F ., San Antonio. 1403 Nop-valk, G R 6 5064 F ergu s. Ja m e s T .. Abilene, 3125 Hemphill P a rk . G R 7 6892 Fergu son , C larence B ., Austin. 2112 Shoalmont D r.. HO 5-7291 Ferguson, Dorothy V.. M cG regor, Scottish Rite D orm , G R 6-9131 Ferguson, Edwina R ., H arrison, Ark., 3001 Red R iver, Apt. 107 F ergu son , Geoffrey R ., Austin. 2905 D el Curto R d ., HI 2-1552 Ferguson, Ja n e t C.. G ro esb eck . B lanton 313, G R 1-1970 F erg u son. John D ., W aco. 400 E . 30th. Apt. 102 F erg u so n , W allace T .. T em p le. 1704 Sabine. Apt. 30. ( IL 2-8987 F o r is, Sam u el L ., Austin. Rt. 7. B ox 900. G L 2-1263 F e r le t, Anatole B ., N a ta lia . 1211 E B ra c k Apts. 27 Years W ith University Students-Growing Larger Every Year—No Intention of Stopping YOUR BANK MAY BE CLOSED BUT "FAULKNER S NATIONAL BANK" WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY AND HALF THE NIGHT. $4,500,OOO IN CHEC KS CASHED LAST YEAR. FAULKNER’S DRUGS GR 2-2134 2552 GUADALUPE s Friday. June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 9B $ $ REDS BARBER SHOP IN N A U S N EW CENTER 24th and SAN GABRIEL 2408 San G ab riel Red Patton A Good Place to Get a Haircut Jess Posey K erry. D avid K., San Antonio, Box 8488 UT Sta.. GR 2-6730 F e n n e r , J r.. G eorge S., San An­ tonio, 3221 B ridle P ath. G R 2-1245 F essel. David W.. Olney, 111.. 812 E 16th. GR 2-0668 F e to r, Stella H.. D allas, '2610 Whitis, Apt. IO. GR 6-6033 F e tte r, Sallv A.. La M arque 1910 San G abriel. GR 7-7113 F e tte rm a n . Rick A., D allas, 3304 R ed R iver., GR 2 7891 F e tz e r. H om er D., San Antonio, 4105 R am sey, GL 3-6831 F e u e rb a c h e r. Mrs. M. E ., Austin, 3111 D ancy, GR 6-9009 F eu ee , E velyn J New O rleans, L a., B lanton 227, GR 1-3989 Fichtenbaum, James ll., Dallas, 1401 E nfield, Apt. 104. G R 6-0050 F iel, L. D., Austin, 1413 A B rack. Apts., GR 8 897b F ield. R obert R., 916 Post Oak. HI 2-0894 F ield J r .. T hom as P., D allas, 300i Red R iver, GR 2-8666 Field. Tvson M., Bronco, Good all Wooten Dorm F ield J r ., William T.. Brownwood. 1902 Nueces. GR 8-3030 F ield er. H enry WL .L o c k h a r t. Robt. FN Let1 Hall 26, GR 2-3928 F ields, Betty L.. E dinburg, Blanton 519, GR 1-1298 F ields III. Guv N.. Tornillo. M oore-Hill Hall 204 A F ields. R odger H., E dinburg, v,u14 Rio G rande, GR 2-6644 Likes. Alice R., Austin. 3820-C Duval. GL 3-7153 F ikes. C harles T., G arland 3411 W indsor Rd., GR 6-0408 Fikes. R ichard E.. San Antonio, 3820-C Duval, GL 3-7153 F ilb e rt, G eoffrey C„ Corpus C hristi, 2500 San G abriel, Apt. 7 F inch. J r., Ja m e s H., Arlington, 1902 A rthur Lane F inch. P a tric ia A., Dickinson. Blanton 405. GR I -1878 F in g er, M arilyn J., D Hants, 2106 Sw isher. GR 8-0987 F in is v, P riscilla K.. Austin, 1007 M aufrais, GR 2-6566 F in lay , T hom as L., Fife, 2105 O ldham , Apt. 206 F inney. O liver J., D allas, 1912 N ueces. GR 7 0572 F isc bel. J r., A lbert L., Austin. 2401 M anor Rd.. GR 8 2819 F isch er. M ichael C. Tem ple, 206-E W. 13th, GR 2-4826 F isc h er. Suzanne V., El Paso, Kinsoiving 220. GR I 5448 Fleece. C arl J .. Austin, 5311 Joe Savers. GL 2 5952 F leisch hau er, Edna R.. bessel, 4719 H arm on Ave., HO 5-8515 Flem ing, E dm und J.. Austin, 3403 Speedway. GR 6-2130 Flem ing. J r., Jam es FN G alveston Univ. Tlr. P ark. Ix)t I. G R 2-7bil Flem ing III, Jam es E ., Lindale, 606 R ath view P lace Flem ing. Tom m y W., C hildre® , 301-A Deep Eddv Apts . GR 8-6522 F lesh er. M arg aret E ., San Angelo, B lanton 432, GR 1-3150 F letch er, J r.. Joe S., F o rt Worth. Moore-Hill Hall F letch er, Ken M.. M idland, 2325 Westoak D r., HI 4-1841 F linn, Michael L., C orpus Christi. 2303 San Antonio. GR 8-0463 H in t, Edwin M.. C o rp u s Christi. 1414-B B rack. Apts.. GR 6-0705 Flint. J r .. George L . Arlington, 134-A Moore Hill Hall Flint Mrs. M arv WL, Corpus. 1414 B B rack. Apts.. GR 6-0705 F lint, R ichard E ., Arlington, 134 B Moore-Hill Hail J r., F rancisco J ., Laredo F lores F lo res’. R ichard A.. San Antonio, 2828 Salado F lores. Vetal. B ronte, Robt. E. Lee Hall, G R 7 0233 Flory. WTavne. Austin, 1506 Wevford Dr. I I Flournov. E ugenia L. .Houston, I 3400 Speedway. GL 2 5840 Flournoy, Malcolm IL. Austin, i I ‘2707 Pecos. HO 5 1085 Flournoy, Robert L.. Huntington, 3400 Speedway. GL 2 5840 Flow er. DeYette ML, Austin, 5332-A Balcones T ra il. GL 2-5591 Flow ers III. John FN, Austin, 4516 Spanish Oak T rail, GL 3-4545 Flovd. J r.. Ber! A., G atesville, 103 Leland. HI 4-3756 Flovd. Glenn FN, W ayne, Okla., 802-B E. 23rd, G R 8-5937 Flovd. Louis C.. M idland, A-Bar Hotel 401. G R 2-7153 Flynn, Pat A., Houston, 1700 Sabine. Apt. 5 F o e rste r, Kavlene, .San Antonio, Blanton 211. GR I 1277 F'ogarty. Daniel P ., Austin, 1502 Kirkwood Rd , G R 2-2633 F'ogle, C arolyn FL. Austin. 2912 P erry L a n e . HO 58611 Fogle Lonnie, N acogdoches, 2107 Chestnut Ave., GR 6-6601 F o itasek . Joseph FN, G arland, 1411-B Theckla Terr . GL 3-8439 F ondren. Doris CL, E ast Point, Ga., F ish e r, J r.. F ranklin C.. B renham . 514 Dawson Rd., HI 2-3566 F ish er, G loria E ., Lolita, 2715 Hem phill P ark , GR 7-4774 F ish e r. Ja c k . San Antonio. 4715 H arm on, Apt. 205 GL 3-8021 F ish e r, Johnnie G .. Austin, 2007 F a ir Oaks, HI 2-6082 F ish e r, R ichard M., Houston F ish e rm a n , D iana. Houston, 2315 N ueces. GR 7-8717 F iste r, J e ri. D allas, 1403 N orw alk Lane. GR 6-0340 F itts, D iane K., M idland, 2106 Oldham . GR 8-9497 F itz g erre l. William W., Stinnett, San Jacin to Dorm A. GR 8-0252 F itzpatric k, Jim n d e D . Jonesboro, La., 1221-D B rack., GR 2-0552 F itz p atrick . John B., M arshall, 1808 W. 35th, Apt. 13. G L 2-7174 F itz p atrick . Ray. Austin, 3304 G reenlee, GR 7-1761 F itz p atrick , Nancy A., Elgin, 3304 G reenlee, GR 6-9512 F lan ik en , Texas R., F ranklin, 514 Dawson Rd., HI 2 1784 Flaked, G erald R., San Antonio. 711 WN 22H St., GR 8-6645 F la tte n . Daniel V„ San Antonio, 711 WN 22 Vt St.. GR 8-6645 F la to . F ran k . Kingsville. 606 R athervu e, GR 8-0920 F la v in , H a rry M,, Houston, 2410 San G abriel, GR 8 1627 910 WL 29th. G R 7-1610 Font wig, K erm it, Austin, 841 Airport Blvd. Fonville, Mrs. R oberta M . Austin, 406 T e rra c e M t., G R 7 1591 Fonville, William M., Houston. 406 T errac e Mt. D r., GR J 1591 F ord. David L., Longview, 1550 B Brack Apts., GR 8-9475 1304 Ford. San Ford. 6501 F ord. 1027 F ord. Donnie L.. Austin, Cullen. OL 2 9103 John N., San Antonio, Jacin to Dorm A 212 M ary WL. Austin, Shoalcreek B lvd., CIL 3-5362 Tom m y C.. San Angelo, Bonham T e rra c e , 1114 3171 F o rest, J r., W illiam F , G eorge­ town, UN 3*2935 (G eorgetow n) F o riste r, T hom as FN, Austin. 1201 E B rack. A pts., HO 5 9350 F orm bv, J r.. L ester WL, I Lampasas. 3204 Hancock, HO 5-8952 F o rre st, Cella J . Lubbock, 405 FN 31st. Apt. 34, GR 7 1425 F o rre st R andi L ., South Houston, 2107 Oldham , GR 2 6-390 F o rt, Sherri L,, G arlan d , 2CXI1 U niversity Ave. F'ortson, Noble CL, Port A ransas F ossa ti, G loria A., V ictoria, 3306 L arry I-a ne F o ste r. B arb a ra L., Austin, 1702 Poquito St., G R 2 5670 F'oster, B ettve S.. Anson, 2314 Bridle P ath, GR 2-5671 F o ster. Carol M., El Paso 709 WL 22nd. Rm . 204. GR 6-2025 F oster. C arole D., Houston, Scottish Rite 24(1 GFI 6-9131 F oster. C atherine L., Angleton 2609 U niversity Ave., GR 6-1021 F o ste r, C harles K., Corpus Christi. 715 P a rk Place, GR 2-0558 F o ste r, Law rence T., Rome, N.Y., Box 7364. UT Sta. F o ste r, LeRoy F ., D allas. 5507 Jo e Savers, GL 20464 F o ste r, R obert L., San Diego San J a r Dorm A 219. GR 8-0252 F o ste r, Rowland B., Anson. 2314 Bridle P ath, GR 2-5671 F o ster. Sandra FN, Longview, 1700 Sabine, GR 8-8809 F o ster. Sandra K , El Paso, 709 WL 22nd. GR 6-2025 F ouls. J r., Henry, Austin 1203 P ayne Ave.. OL 3-1370 F ow ler. Bill FN, Andrews 1307 West Avenue, GR 6 3601 Fow ler. Russell T.. Winnie. Box 17. Robt E. Lee Hall F o w ler, Tim othy J ., England, 606 WL 17th. Apt. 301 F ow ler. W allace T., Greenville, 2105-C Sabine. GR 8-6104 Fox. C harles E.. Corpus Christi. 1613 Suffolk. GL 3 8027 Fox. C harles R., Denton, 1902-A Nueces Fox. Douglas V., D allas 1918 Speedway, Apt. 5, GR7-2081 Fox. Evelyn L.. Austin. 4406 Caswell, GL 2-4479 Fox, J r., K erm it WL. Austin, 2809 Townes I^ane, GR 2-4349 F oxw orth. John P ., Dallas. 4600 Placid P lace. GL 3 2960 F ovt. Carol A., Austin. 1910 San Antonio, GR 6-4138 F oyt. Daniel A.. Austin, 1318 W'estmoor Dr.. GL 2-2743 F oyt, T hom as E.. Mumford. 238-A Sim kins Hall F ran c is, Beverly M., Clovis. N.M., 608 P a ik P lace, GR 2-1398 F'rancis. Durwood C.. Austin, 6402 C ary D rive, GL 3-8924 F ra n c is, Jam es K., Midland. 900 W F ra n c is, 1307-B F ran c is. 22nd, Apt. 208. GR 6-5896 R ichard M., Austin, B rack. Apts., GR 7 5359 W alter C., P aris. 1704 West Avenue, GR 7-0879 F ra n c is, William D.. Austin, 3001 G reenlaw n, GL 2-3546 F'rank, Karen H., Austin. 6607 Shoal C reek. HO 5-1887 F ran k , I^ s ta P.. San Antonio. 2001 U niversity Ave.. GR 6-8735 F'rank. Ruben M., Austin. Box 7635, UT Sta.. GR 6 2387 F ra n k Theodore D., Brooklyn, NNY., .3001 Red R iver, GR 8 3043 F ra n k e . Stephen H., Tyler, 2505 Rio G rande, Apt. 25 F ran k lin , Alton R., Austin, 910 FN 55th, GL 2-8329 F ran k lin , C hristine WL, D allas, 915 W. 21st, Apt. 6 F ran k lin . Eva L.. Austin. 1168 Ridgeway Dr.. GR 76985 F'ranklin. John M . Rockdale, 2506 P earl. GR 2-0857 F ran k lin , Susan C., Austin. 2610 Whitis, Apt. 2, GR 2 3787 F ran k lin , Tom m v D.. Sat! Antonio, Moore-Hill Hall 218, GR 2-7197 F rank lin. William S.. Houston, 2627 W ichita. GR 8-8527 F ra n k s, E tta M., Austin. 1805 Victoria Dr., WA 6 2679 F la n k s, Jen M., M arshall, Sim kins Hall F ran k s, Noel E ., Powell, Ohio, I 1915 W. 39th St. F ra n k s, Sam m y L., Austin, 4007 Avenue C, HO 5-9365 F ran se n , David R.. Houston, 2701 Nueces, GR 7-0839 F ranzetti, R obert J., Austin. 2301 Hartford Rd., GR 8-4416 Frazee, T erry L., Austin 1013 Riverside D r., GR (-4754 F ra z e r Beniam in F .. G reensboro, NNC., 306 FN 30th. Apt. I F razier, O rm an K., M i a s , 1401 Enfield, Apt. 206, GR 2-9892 F razier, William S.. M exia, 1220 S. Congress (Austin Motel) F r Odem an, Henry FN, P ort A rthur, 1801 Rio G rande. GR 8-4140 F rederking. David V H o l t o n 1200 E. 52nd. Apt. 101A, OL 3-8565 F ree, David R , Alvin, F'unk. Mrs. M arv Ann, F'alfurrias, 2405-C lied R iver, GR 6-1141 Funk, R ichard N., Austin, 802 W insted Lane, GR 6 3947 F uquay. Claudia R., Devine. 710 W. 21st. GR 8-7691 F uquay. M arjorie J ., Austin, 2207 Bowm an, G R 8 5010 F u rm an , William A., K errville, 500 E. 18th St.. GR 2-0186 F u rr. Paul H., D allas, 2502-A W. 12th St. Fuson, S. Nancy. D allas. 772 WL 22nd., GR 7-1342 F utschik, William L., La G range, 300 E. R iverside D r., Rm . 331 1905 Nueces F reem an , Je rry T,, 3106 Duval, Apt. F reem an, I-oretta J 715 WL 24th St. Wichita Falls. 102. GR 7-2336 Austin, Fn*em an, M ary J ., Austin. 1412 Ridgehaven. GL 2-5327 F reem an, Ronald P., San Antorno Goodall Wooten Dorm, GR 2 1343 F regia. Glenn W., Austin, 3404 l^arrv I .ane French. David M„ Arlington. Va., 910 West Avenue, GR 86823 F re n c h . William A . Big Spring, 813 P ark P lace. GR 2-6650 F row R ichard G., E vanston. 111.. 2301 I .a vvn mont. HO 5-9006 F'ridav, Gordon A.. Austin, 908 Daniel Dr.. HI 4 1562 F riedem ann. K atherine, Austin, 2104 Nueces. GR 7-8245 F riedrich, F21mer L.. F red erick s­ burg, 6302 Haney Dr.. GI. 2-0024 F riedrich. J r.. Otto M , Austin, 1125 Shady I .ane. GR 8-2709 Frieling, Douglas WL, Austin, 1404 Concordia Ave., GR - 1813 Friend, Ben P., Tvler. 511-A H arris Ave., GR 6-3758 F'riend. Malcolm D., Dallas. I 4411 Airport Blvd., GR 6-1046 Friou. Jam es D.. Cleburne. I l l 1-B B rack. Apts., GR 8-1942 F rith . Hugh G.. Childress, 2^)0 Rio G rande. GR 7-8791 F ritz, Virginia L.. Taylor. Rt. I Box 42, Taylor. EL 2-3925 F rost. Dorothy L. S., Austin. 5600 Delwood Drive. GL 3-8977 F'rost, Mrs. E leanor R. C., F31gin F'rost. M. Helen. Jasp e r. Scottish Rite Dorm. GR 6 9131 F'ruchter. Jonathan S., Austin. 1216 Norwood Rd., HO 5 5648 F'rv, Betty, Abilene, 2606 WL 8th, GR 6-9563 F'rv, Brigitte B., Austin, 2013-C Re Seton Ave. F'ulenwider, B arbara A , San 3001 Red River. GR 8 5971 F uller, Donald K., Austin, 404 A WL 34th St. Ant Fullilove. Susan L., Shreveport, ! L a,, 2106 Swisher, GR 2-9553 1 Fullingim , William FN, Odessa, 1411 Suffolk D r., GL 2-8014 F'ulton, M ichael M., San Antonio, 3402 Speedway, Apt. A-2 j ! Fultun, Roy, C orsicana, Moore-Hill Hall 340 B F'unda. M arti. D allas, | 1008 WL 25 V>. Apt. 202. GR 8-6525 F underburg, Allen W., Brownwood 1909 Aggie Lane. GL 3-4851 - G - G abriel, 306 E. Joseph R „ San Angelo, 30th, GR 7-0501 G adberrv. M ichael FN. Houston, 3109 Speedway, G R 7-0815 G addis, Ben H arry, Cotulla, 3106 Duval C addis, Dixie Ann. Cotulla. 1404 Northwood, GR 6-3928 C addis. John Lewis, Cotulla. 2013 A Red R iver, G R 7 8623 C addy. William E .. Sweeny, 2107-B Rio G rande Gaido, John Paul, G alveston, M oore Hill Hall G aines. Carolyn Lucille, D a lla s 2618V Speedw ay ! G albreth, Hied, II. S herm an. 2408 Longview, GR 2-4876 Gale. William A rthur. Baytown, Sim kins Hall Galindo, Daniel R , San Antorno. 2006 W ichita. GR 8 1425 G allagher. M. T., Houston, _ 1515 B Brack Apts., GR < <937 G allerano, Ronald L.. Houston, 2410 San G abriel. GR 7-2716 G allian, David Alan, Midland 2106 Goodall Wooten, Apt. 412 Ga Ho wav. C arole I,ee. Austin. Rt. 5. Box 104, HI 2-4958 Galloway. Gail Ann, Austin 1908 Ann Arbor. HI 2-0640 Gallowav. Jam es R., Houston. j i 307 WL 38th. HO 5-8185 Gallow ay, Nancy Sue, W harton, 2610 Whitis. GR 8-4241 Gallowav. Paul W allace. Austin, 1908 Ann Arbor. HI 2-0646 G alvan, Joanne Kloise. M ercedes, 1311 A B rack Apts. G alvan. Jose. M ercedes, 1311 A B rack Apts. Galvani W ayne W adsw orth, Dallas. 2413 Leon, GR 6 0273 Ga I y ea n . Le Roy, Austin. 6901 Brvn M awr, WA 6-244/ C anc, B etty D raper, Corpus, 201 SUD. GR 6 9131 Gandv, Daniel Ross. Houston, Sim kins Hall C ann, FHi Jared, J r.. Austin. 2105 Ashby. HI 2-4)019 G anna way, K athleen L . Austin. 2111 West 10th St.. G R 6-0418 , G ar a n a . Sister M , San Anton»o, 2026 G uadalupe. GR 6-066J Ga reps, Concepcion, San Antonio. 606 WTest 17th S t , GR 2-9455 G arces, Dolores, San Antonio. 606 WL 17th, GR 2 9455 I G arcia C IN, Chile, So. A m erica, I 3011 St**edwav, Aid. 3 Garcia. Carlos C., C orpus C hristi, 2004 Wichita I I G a rc ia . C arm ela A . San Diego. B lanton D orm ., G R 1-1711 I G arcia, F'loy P ilar, P ort I^avaca, I 1f G a rcia F'elipe N orberto, Ben Bolt, 2056 Sabine 4805 Ave. G . t G a r c i a , G loria E .. S a n Antonio, 1908 U niversity, G R 8-2185 G arcia, Gloria E lm a . Kingsville, 1008 W. 25V; St., Apt. 302 G arcia. H ector, J r ., M cA llen 1416 B B rack Apts., GR 2 5858 G arcia, Luis AlFonso, San Diego, 2619 W ichita . G a rcia. M A . J r ., San Antonio 2828V> Rio G rande F ran tze n , U*ster C., F redericks­ burg. 2204 N ueces, GR 2 6838 I Funk, John. Houston. 1 2405 Red River, GR 6 1141 DART BOWL "Most Modern in Austin" BOWL WHERE THE CUSTOMER IS BOSS 7801 Burnet HO 5-5414 F r i d a y . June 12. 196A THE SUMMER TEXAN Pag* 15th and G u ad alu p e E verette A iittin, Te*e* PHONE G R 8-6455 PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY (Drive-In Service) lA^e L ope tilt A L U id on y o u r n ex t p r e s c r ip tio n L E A R N TO FLY LO N G H O R N FLYING CLUB in ♦he of The University of Texas Information and Plane* af Flight De*k RAGSDALE AVIATION, 1801 EAST 51 ST Garcia, Perfecto. Jr., Brownsville, Gei^elbrecht Rolfe B. Temple, Garcia, Marie, Yoakum. 2211 Leon, GR 8^575 Garcia. Pedro, Falfurrias. 2019-C Red River. UK B-PWZ 2019-C Red River, GR 8-7802 mu in e* n o o i o i 904 W. 21st St.. GR 84570 Garcia. Roxanna, Corpus Christi, 3007 Duval, Apt. 303 Garcia. Ruben, New Braunfels, 2603 Guadalupe, GR 8-6235 Gardner. Charles J.. Houston. 147-A Brack Dorm., GR 7-0764 Gardner, M. B., Jr., Seguin. 400 E. 30th, GR 24837 Gardner, Martha G., Austin, 1005 West Ave., GR 6-2065 Gardner, Robert E., Winters, 3210 Lafayette Ave.. GR 8-0690 Carling. F. C., Jr.. Harlingen, 3108 Walling Dr.. GR 8 7672 G am er, Bettv L.. Crockett, 1515-A Brack Apts. G arner, Bill Mervin, I^a Feria, 2910 Red River, GR 7-0729 G arner. Carl O., J r., Houston 1211-C Brack Apts.. GR 8-7932 G am er, Daniel Reed, Victoria, 2308 Enfield, (JR 2-0857 G arner. David W.. San Antonio, 1904 San Gabriel, GR 2-1294 G arner Doris Elizabeth, Austin, 303 Vale. GR 6-1494 G arner, Jam es Beall, Crockett, 1515-A Brack Apts Geise, William Royston. Austin, 2505 Hartford Rd.. GR 6-1167 Gender. Mary Ann. Beeville, 509 Blanton Hall. GR 1-7268 aw niamun nau. VXY7 Ka«t Ave. GR 8-8612 3207 East Ave., GR 8-8612 Geiber, Hennie J. L., La Porte, 1104-B W 22%. GR 2-2054 Gellman. Celia P.. Austin, 5200 Ridge Oak Dr.. GL 3-7667 Gentry. Rick. Austin, 3311 Clearview, GR 7-5155 George, Arnoldo, Los Indios, 2908 Cole, GR 8-5835 George. Jim, Brady 1607 Garner, HI 4-3161 George Joseph Aaron, Houston, 1910 Whitis, GR 2-2786 George, Patsy Marie Smith. Mason. 1607-6 Gamer. HI 4-3161 George, Stephen L.. Houston, 300 Westwood Terr., GR 6-9847 George. Steven C., San Antonio, 1310 Kenwood Ave., HI 2-0136 ' George, Vicki, Harlingen. 1802 West Ave., GR 2-3424 Genies, M. H.. Lake Jackson. I 227 Blanton Hall, GR 1-3989 I Geren. William P., Groesbeck, 2207-C Leon. GR 8-6123 I Gerganess, Jim m y D., Arlington, | 1923 B E. 38V, St.. G erhardt, Charlie. Breckenridge. i 4008 Idelwilde G arner. Jam es R-, Houston. Germen. law ren ce L , Refugio. 4012-B I^ewis Ln., GL 3-5464 2401 Manor Rd., GR 2-1005 *;ict n w iz n jut-w» 2401 Manor Rd., tilt lam er, J a n u s T.. Jr., Brownwood. Geyer, F rank A., Jr.,, Aiutin. 2105 Oldhan, GR 24508 lam er, Janoan Rheay, Belton, 800-F Nelson St., GR 8-4247 lam er. William H arris. Bolton, 800-F Nelson, GR 8-4247 lam e r, Wilton W., Alice, 703 W. 26th St.. GR 7-7987 larnett, Je rry Lee, Austin. 1901 Frazier A te., HI 2-7715 Jarratt! W'illiam L., Jr., Austin, 1907 Pearl, GR 2-60-13 Barrett. B arbara U , Omaha, 315 Kinsolving Dorm, CIR 1-730 Barrett, Bert Dee. Ft. Worth, 604 E. 19th 604 E. 19th Barrett, Carol J. R., San Antonio, Barrett, David George. Houston, , 1518 Barton Songs.. GR <1456 ; Govno J., Mexico Citv. Mexico, I 717 W. 22, GR 8*4154 Ghazzaly, Osman I., Cairo, Egypt. I 307 E. 33rd, GR 2-9718 : Chiselly Diam* B.. (Galveston. I Kinsolving. GR 1-1678 ! Gibbons. Dorothy Dale. Dallas. 101 Tower Manor. 1908 Univ. I Gibbons. Kenneth Gildart. Austin. 8100 Briarwood I JI.. GL 2-8;>00 Gibbs. Michael Furnace, Belton. I 608 West 22nd, GR 8-1956 Gibson, Annabel B., El Paso. 1313-D Brack Apts., GR 6-0947 Gibson, Jack H„ Corpus Christi, Box 305 McDade Gibson, Jerry , Austin. 2616 Wichita 2616 Wichita 910 W. Oltorf, HI 4-1902 - siu n 1613 Congress Ave. 1613 Congress Ave Barrett Elizabeth D., Fort Worth, Gibson. John A. C.f Austin. 71 ? w r?m\ GR 2-3966 . 4, W 22nd. GR 2-3966 Gibson. John J., Fori Worth. arrett. Gavin R., Lampasas, 719 H arris Ave., GR 2 7928 •» » « •-< * Ants GR . Refugio, j S f . 244 Brack Apts. I Gray Bill. Dallas I 205-A Moore-HiU 4101 B Lewis Ln„ GL 2-6192 Glaeser, Robert A.. Austin, 1541-B Brack Apts. Glasco. Franklin. Dallas. ! 2501 Rio Gra ’ r Glaser, Carroll 2100 Oldham. GR 7-4333 Glasgon, M argrit Older, Austin. 5608 Joe Sayers St., CL 3-7850 43 SRP. GR 6-9131 Goodev. Mary E.. Weslaco, 2500 E. 22nd. GR 8-0031 l a y , i i v i u j u i u u u u i u , 3304 Hancock. CHL 2-6558 Gray, Jack Doneley, Fort Worth, 605 Goodail Wooton. GR 8-4410 Glass. Coleman Day, Austin, ‘ 4210 Rosedale. HO 5-6157 Glass. Peggy Wells, Austin, 2001 De Verne. HI 24524 : 2001 Lie V(*rne. in z-ujzi n" i |a« Glasscock. Douglas Jam es. Alpine, Goodman, J u d y I Aim. Danas. Goodie! t, Kathleen Anne. Austin. 705 West 23rd. GR 24087 (Joodlett, Willis Dexter. Austin, 1001 West 36th. HO >7707 i w j o«>i^ Nueces ijvvinim Kenneth D., Hobbs. N.M. Green. Gretchen Ann. Midland, Box 9247 AllandaJe Sta., HO 5-9 Green, Charles C., III, Midland. Glast. Alan L., Austin, __ Green, Florence E „ Hoaston, 10031 a West 24th St. x,iui oi. iwo 2 Simkins. GR 1-7246 3716 Meredith Box 9247 AllandaIe Sta., HO 5-9810 lilt b-;x»i Gray, John Frederick, Dallas. 9810 I 2115-A Rabb Road. HI 4-3902 Clast. Leah Sonia, Pasadena, i 2115-A Rabb Road. HI 4-3902 Glast. Robert Joel, Odessa. 2413 Leon Apt. 110. GR 7-7870 Glenn J. IL. Jr.. Phoenix. Anz.. ■ 2907 Rogge Ln.. WA 6-1350 Glidden. Judith Diane. Houston, 268 SRD. GR 6-9131 Cher, Jeanne, Pecos. 2315 Nueces. GR 6-5381 Glimp. Janie Sue. 201 Blanton Hall, GR 1-5995 Glimp. Mary Jane, Austin. Route 4, Box 223. HO 5-o067 Glithero, Jan K., Columbus. i 1414 Corona Dr. Glover, Bonny W . San Antonio. 407 B W. 27til, GR 8-2086 Glueck, Howard Wesley, Waller. 708 W. 22Mi, Apt. 3 (killer. Nikki Nora, Nome. 415 Blanton Dorm., GR I M * Cooliman, B arbara Joan. Austin. OR 8-791:' Goodson. Donald VV., Austin, 1201 Lorrain. GR 2-3893 Goodwin. Charles Reid. Waco, i 124-A Moore-Hill Hall Goodwin. Gordon R., El Paso, 1106-E Brack Apts., GR 24518 Gri'en, Jam es Eugene, Austin, "»""»« Enoonn. Austin. 1805 Rockmcxir, GR 2-9450 Green. John M arkham, Dallas. 2518 Leon Green. John William. Abilene, 110l _> East 30th, GR 2-7720 Goodwin Marion Robert, Houston. Green, Lee S., Fort Worth. Goodwin, M arion iwu 1302 E. 32nd. Apt. E ( kxxiwin, N. A.. Birmingham Ala 3205-B Grandview. GL 2-3491 Goodwill, SherrillIE . El I aso, 708 W. 22%. GR 64470 Goodwin, Susann, N e w la n d . 1904 Rogge Ln., GR. 8-2345 Gordon. Paul EdwardL M g . 1215*E ast 52nd. HO 5-9664 Green, Mrs. Linda K., Pasadena. 933 East 54th Green, Robert Faulkner. Pam pa. 508-C West 34th Green. Robin I>ee, Corpus Christi, *2000 Pearl, GR 6-8673 Green. Roger, Canada, 1214-D Brack Apts., GR 74wT5 1805 Congress Ave., GR 6 30*20 r IrdorP Thom as0 Clinton, D am o n ,1 Green, Sarah Blanche, Victoria, Gordon. Thomas cumuli, Riantnn GR 1-7268 509 Blanton, GR 1-7268 Green, Steven John, Hoaston. 3707 Cedar , Gordon. W. A.. Jr., Houston. D Brackenridge Hall Gorman. Flreddy Lynn Hoaston. 2500 San Gabriel. GR - 0559 Gorman. Rodman E .. Houston, 502-B E. 17th S t, GR 2-0627 101 21st Green, Wayne E .. Ferris. 1544-B Brack. Apts.. GR 8-3986 Green, William Campbell, Houston, 109-A Moore-Hill 1 o S f ^ . 'c u U e n ' M ^ a c ^ ^ r . ^ f^W o rth . A g g W . 1910 San Gabriel. GR 2 7166 Harrison, Thom as W*, 1Gerpus, 1215 Brack Apts.. GR 8-7087 Harrison, William Rav, Dallas, larva, Alvaro, Ladera 2501 Oldham. GR 8-861? Jarza, Apolinar Garcia. Asherton, 2009 Whitis . 3 Ja r/a , David Trippe Austin. 401 W. Monroe. HI 2-6262 baston, Aud ley D., Austm* 206 W. 38th, HO 5-9600 baston, M ary Edna Dallas. 2106 Oldham. GR 7-1798 baston. Tommy Eugene. Dallas, 3313 Hollywood, GR 2-3919 Gaston. Virginia Mae. Dallas, 2106 Oldham. GR 74798 Gates. Robert H., Kerrville, IQI B Simkins Hah Gathright. M arsha Ann. Austin, 5101 Lucas Ln.. GL 2161b Gatlin, Earl Gene, Waco, 1616 West 6th. GR 7-8898 G adding. Rodger N., Dallas, 50242 17th, Gault. John Allen. Austin, 3210 Funston. GL 24054 Gauntt, Charles John, Austin 3302 Whiteway Ave., GL 2-J48Z Gauntt. Jam es Lloyd, Temple. 2619 Wichita. Apt. 2 Gauntt, Jim m y Dan. Athens, 1300 E ast 52nd. HO o 9232 Gauntt, M arcy Dubose Austin. 3302 Whiteway, GL 2-7482 Ga vends, Stephen E Rio'H ondo. 2504 San Antonio St., GR b-oou» M A M.A.R.* P.O. Box. 8334. Univ. GR 7-1852 Cav. William P.. Houston 2505 Enfield IM., GR 6-2381 Geek, Norman Hugo, I .aredo, 4411 Airport Blvd. Gee. Betty Weide. Austin. 2516-D Hartford Rd., GR 8 3610 Gee. Jane Ondus. Austin 3010 West Terrace, GL 2-1060 Gee Jerry Joseph, San Antonio, 504 E. 38% 2614 Rio Grande. GL 3-3530 Giffin. Jam es Wesley Waco. 323-A Moore Hall. GR 8-8473 Gilbert. Beverly Ann Ails tin. 1810 Airole Way. HI 24.48 Gilbert, Jam es Wayne. Beaumont. 300 W. 27. GR 8-8533 (Hilbert. Lawrence E.. W. Columbia, 412 Moore-Hill Hall Gilbert. Leanne R.. Austin. 4102 Edgemont, HO 5-8856 Gilbert. Linda Kay. tt> rpusC hnsti. 1802 West Ave., GR 6-39% Gilbreath. Cecil Ray. Amarillo, 1303-F Brack Apts Gilbreath. John NeweU, Weimar, 1300 Kirkwood, GL 2-4009 Gilchrist, James Lee. Houston, 1905 Nueces, GR 74239 Gildart. Mac. San A n to n y 1801 Rio Grande, GR 8-7767 Gilder, Sarah Goree. Palestine. 2500 Whitis Ave. Giles. Jam es Richard. Bowie. 204 E. 30th, GR 2-1085 Gilt's. Joe IL, Austin 1715 E. 34th. GR 7-l£«) Giles. M aurice Myer. Bellaire, . Goertz. Sheila Scarlett. Austin. 502"*Wri7th St., GR 6-5188 ; Go,cher. H. C.. J r . , '801 Avondale. HI 4-1879 # 1 Goforth. Jam es Morris. Comfort. Gotliboski. Thomas J.. Aasnn, Angelo. kkoV ..hill PL Ant H *2721 Hemphill Pk.. Apt. H Goggan, Tom, San Antonio, 3910-B Shoal Creek « ^ e « 8r 1538-A Brack Apts., GR 2 8320 Gold, Bary Allan. Hoaston, 105-A Moore Hill Goldberg, Charles. Uvalde. 1801 Rio Grande, UK b-bww 1801 Rio Grande, GR 8-6980 ‘ink Pl Paso St.. HI 4 2701 308 El Paso St.. HI 4-270. Gottlieb. Fred E., San Angelo. 21 Moore Hill Hall I Moore-Hill Hall ! Gould. R. Swanee Mission, Kan., . 2502 Nueces. GR 8-03.0 Gouldv, Jack V.. Jr.. Amarillo. 2113-B Rabb Rd.. HI 4-3063 2113-B KaDD Ka., rn Go killer g, Edwyn Irving. M arshall, Qourlev, Dan M., Seminole, Okla., 4715 Harmon. HO 5-6155 4715 Harmon, n u >ou.» ooh Qan Antnmo i 2214 San Antonio 1 / l i t U v t H i Goldberg. Ronald S., Qui no y M ass. Qoushe Abraham AiBtin. t;oii Axrc* F HO 5-0216 5211 Ave. F, HO 54)207 mu. T-v titnn. -loiv, Ct CR R4t.i28 202-D West 17th St., GR 8-0528 Goldberg. Sherry Lou Austin, Goutchkoff, Diane Austin. Houston. i v r r t O T . « • 4715 Harmon, HO 5-6155 Golden. Alvin Joseph, Dallas. 107 West 31st, GR 6-3673 inou m w ih , Gower, Brownsville,I 406 E. 150i. Apt. ll* 406 E. 15th, Apt. 104 men e n 7.9.T73 1950 Sabine. GR 7-2373 Golden. Gerry L yn n , Dallas. 223 Kinsolving. GR 1-5779 Goldfarb, Stephen J.. Austin 1502 Lupine Lane, GR 8-0643 1502 Lupine pant*, a,* Golden. B arbara Ann. Levelland. Guyton. B. Paul, Llano, 011A.R Pnhh Rd.. HI 4 2113-B Rabb Rd.. HI 4 3063. Grabb Ernest W., San Antonio, 2106 Swisher. GR 8-1961 Grace. Randall. Fort Worth. 2910 Red River, GR 2-6011 Grady, Irene Ann. San Antonio, 1802 West Ave.. GR 2-3878 Golding, Karen Michael. Aastin 5907 Highland Hills Dr.. OL 3-8766 GR 2-1844 Moore-Hill Hah Gill. Dennis Howard, Dallas. 396 F Deep Eddy. GR 2-9723 Gill. Don Roger, ^ A n t o n i o 602-C Henderson St.. GR 6 3340 Gill. Gary Lawlor. Corpus Christi, • 501 H arris Ave. Gillespie.. Helen D a ile y Alice. Kinsolving Dorm, GR Gillette John Alexander. Baytown. 1905 Nueces, GR 24379 Gillham, Robert Carroll. Odessa. 2619 Wichita, GR 2-6812 Gilliam. Anne Louise. Dallas. 226 SRD. GR 6-9131 Gilliland, Thomas M Austin, 3301 Red River, GR 7-4026 GiUingwater, Barry Sidney, Austin, 1411-A Braesridge, GL 3-1963 Gillis. Ralph Joseph. San Antonio. 906 West 21st, GR 8-2881 Gilman. George W„ Wichita Falls, I 2405 Sabine Goldman. Timothy Ray, Temple. 1704 Sabine St.. GR 2-4700 Goldstein, M arian M.. Austin. 3303 Laurel Circle, GL 3-099a Goldstein. Susan Joy A ^ m 1500 Hartford Rd.. GR 6-8bba Goller. William M., Henderson. 3202 Fairfax Walk A„ tnnin Golly. Katherine W -.^ n Antonio. 1204-B Elm, GR 6-8648 Golson. Thomas Eugene, W aco. 304 E ast 33rd St. Golson, Tom Brank, Alice 3109 Speedway, GR 7-wlo C olson. Rose Stasnv T a v ^ r. 1313 Alegna Rd.. G L 2-2480 Gomez, Fernando R ^JforPus* 1615 Pearl, GR 641751 Gomez. Henry Louis Eagle Pasa. 1910 Rio Grande. GR 8-W43 Gomez, Patricia. E-.Jlorpua. 703 W. 23rd, GR 2-0087 Gomez. Ruben Richard. Corpus, * 1615 Pearl, GR 6^751 G raeber, Harvey Allen 3007 Duval. No. 30b Graham. B a r n e y Glenn Houston, Hoaston. 300 West 27tn, GR 84b33 . Graham G erry Univ. Tr. Pk. No. 2, GR 7-libU Graham , J. Sue. Aactin. 1309 Hillside. GR <-4680 Graham . Jackie Sue. Austin 1801 Lake Shore Dr., GR 7-1 ret Graham . Je rry Van, A ustin 2503 Southland Dr., HI 4-2580 Graham , Jo Ann. 404 Kinsolving, GR I 3860 _ Graham, Ned Carleton. Alaska, 3004 Speedway. GR 8-9a». Graham, Perry RichanL 1909 San Gabriel. U.R 6-1930 Graham. 211 W. 17th, GR 2-8001 Grand. John A., Houston 2910 Red River. GR ^ Cranberry. Dauris A., Beeville, 1301 Corona, HO 5-1749 1510 San Antonio, GR 8-0823 Greenfield, John IL, J r.. Austin, 3205-A Grooms. GR 7-5095 Greenleaf, Floyd L., Missis'sippi. 2050 Sabine ^smss.wm. 1910 Rio ’Grande. GR 8-5043 Greenwood, Tolbert L., Ijouisiana* 3205 Grooms, GR 7-5095 Greer Bobby G., San Antonio. 1406 West 40th, GL 2-4816 Greer, Don Brooks, Longview, 997 Mt. Bonnell Dr. Greer, Robert Gordon. Wraco, 800 Christopher, HI 4-3118 Greer, Thomas Vernon, Burnet, 4719 Harmon, HO 5-8679 ?n<) c.Ithpri:n Rd., GL 3 5985 5702 Sutherlin Rd., GL 3-5985 Gregg, Cecil M., Jr., San M arcot. Gregg. Dick H., Jr., 1107 Norwalk Lane. GR 8-2896 Gregg, Jennie V.. Austin, 1156 Salina. GR 8-5091 Gregg, Susan, Round Rock. AL 5-3763 Gregory, Carolyn E.. Austin, 1 2305 Red River. GR 8-0880 Gregory, Charles Harry. Hoaston, 1708 Manor Rd. Gresham . B arbara Ann. Baytown, 2106 Oldham, GR 2-9707 Gresham . Robert L., Centerville. 2210 Enfield, GR 7-9185 Grey, David Rand. Austin, Box 4223 Grider, Sylvia Ann. Pam pa. 407 kinsolving. GR 1-5049 Grieder. Julianne IL, Austin 111% West 33rd. GR 8-6869 Griffeths, Gail. DalUg, 2207 Rio Grande, GR 2-2065 Griffin. Glenn Homer, San Antoni* 711 Nelray Blvd., HO 5-1544 Griffin. Jesse Marshall, Atlanta, 1401 Enfield Rd.. GL 2-7320 Griffin, Larry L., Austin 4201 Balcones, GL 2-3437 Griffin, Nancy Yvonne. Dallas. 2000 Pearl. GR 6-1061 Friday, Juna 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN P*g« H i • downtown 811 Congress • s u b u r b a n A lla n d a le V illa g o W hen young men shop to slay stylish G riffin , P a tricia Le i, Austin, 501 E a st Bee Cave R d., G R 6-2456 G riffin . Susan G ail, Gonzales, 1401 En field . G R 8-2157 G riffin , W aylon Donald, Flo rid a, 5302 D arlington Cove G riffith , Teddy, Austin. 23 M argranita, G R 2-8620 G riggs, Anna Gretchen. Jasp er, 1802 W est Ave., G R 2-4007 G rim es, Ralph Aubrey, Austin, 4211 Parkwood, G L 3-3540 G rim land. J . R . Jr ., Grand P ra irie , 3501 Vine Land, G R 6-1006 G risham , Kenneth L ., Fo rt W orth, 2512 San Antonio Grissom . D avid, D allas. 2303 Red R ive r, G R 6-3036 Groos, John C., San Antonio, 2700 Nueces Gross, Ted A.. K ing sville, 2106 Guadalupe Grossberg, M arc E ., Houston, 2707 W est 49th, G L 2-1938 Grosse, John W m ., Harlingen. 2017-G Red R ive r, G R 2-5644 G rossfield. Joseph 1210-D N orw alk Lane 2712-B Nueces. G R 7-5478 G rotte, Jam es T ., Houston, 909 W est 22nd St., G R 6-3267 G rove, Katherine D ., Austin, 1909 Red R iver, G R 8-6901 G rove, Lindsay. Diane. K eller, 3001 Red R iver. G R 8-4232 Groves, Thelm a C., Spearm an, 1228 25% St. Grow , Susan L ., D allas, 717 W est 22nd, G R 8-4154 Grubbs, B erry R ay, Grossm an, Lu E ., Fredericksburg, 3520-A So. Lam ar, H I 2-28j 5 Grubbs, Jam es Lee, San Antonio, 2311 Red R ive r Grube, John Stanley. B e llv ille . 3305 Grooms, G R 2-6881 G ruber, Ja c k Cornell, San Antonio, 1210-D Brack. Apts., G R 8-4213 Grundy, R ick, Houston, 3001 Red R ive r, G R b-0489 Guentzel, M elvin N eal. Austin, 1311 Madison Ave., G L 3-4093 G uerra, A licia , M ission. Kinsolving ... G uerra. D iana M ., M cAllen, 2208 R io Grande St., G R 2-<695 G u erra. M anuel B ., Hebbronville, 807 P a rk Place, G R 6-5100 G uerra, R au l E ., San Antonio, 612 W’est 31%, G R 8-2842 G u erra, W illiam Thomas, Rom a, 1215 E ast 52nd. G L 3-1454 G uerrero. Angelina, Austin, U niv. Sta., 7106, G R 7-1035 G uerrero, J. Germ an D. J Colombia, 3409 Speedway. G R 8-2236 Guess, Ben H .. Jr .. K e r ^ le . 1708 Manor R d., G R 6-8888 Guess, Roy R ., San Antonio 2503 W est Lake D r., G R 2-2739 G ullette, John Howard. C alifornia, 511 Bellevue Place, G R 6-4462 G ullette, S a lly J . H ., New Je rse y, Scottish R ite G u lley, D avid W esley. U valde, 1210 W indsor R d., G R 2-6602 G u lly. M ary Sylvan ia Austin 4506 Roundup T rad, H I 2-7371 Gum ert, W illiam R ., Austin, 7708 Lazy Lane. O L .j -8119 Gunn, Je rry W alter, Fo rt W orth, 1905 Raleigh, G R 8-2667 Gunn, Ju dith Ann Houston 717 West 22nd St., G R 6-9034 Gunn, Robert Harold, Ham ilton 301-B Deep Eddy Apts., G R 8-6936 Gunter, Donnis R ay, Corsicana. 4704-A Red R ive r, G L 3-5832 G unter, Joseph C „ IIL Fo rt W orth, 2500 E ast 22nd G u p till, Charles A ., M exico, Box 7069 G uthrie, Ram ona J., San Antonio, 1804 A legria, G L 2-8250 G utierrez, Antonio, Laredo, 111 W est 19th S t G utierrez, G abriel, Jr ., Austin, 611West L ive Oak, H I 2-3709 G utierrez, Lau ra, Laredo, 412 Kinsolving, G R 1-5550 G utierrez, M aria C., Rio Grande 511 Blanton. G R 1-7498 G utierrez, Rose M ary, Laredo, 2318 Oldham . G R 8-1817 Guttm ann, Gretchen M ., W aco, 406 W est 30th, G R 8-7791 Guyden, N ellie F a y, Fo rt W orth, 2506 WTi I tis, G R 7-0577 Guyton. H arry F ., Austin, 401 E a st 17th, G R 7-8995 Guzick, Charlotte F a y . Bay Q ty, 702 W est 25th Gwaiz. Ahdul Aziz, A rabia, 2215 Leon St. - H - H all, Jan ette, Kaufm an 3001 Red R iver. G R 7-0755 H all. Je rry B ., Austin 1410 W . 30th, G R 2-3707 H all. Joseph IU , W harton, 3001 Red R iver, G R 2-0535 H all, Laurens A , San Antonio, 2609 Salado, G R 7-0793 H all, Jr ., Randolph L ., San Ant., 2105 Oldham, Apt. 6, G R 2-6508 Jr ., Robert L ., Anahuac, H all 500-A Long Bow . H I 4-1513 H all, Sharon K ., Luling. Scottish R ite, G R 6-9131, Ex t. l l H all. Tim othy R ., Sunray, 1410 W . 30th St. H all, Tomm y J., Brad y. 2308 Nueces, G R 8-0186 H alliburton, Joe M ., Honey Grove. 1202 Ruth Ave., O L 3-8357 Hallm an, Sam uel K ., Abilene, 3001 Red R iver. G R 7-4026 Haag. B arb ara V .. M idland 1802 W est Avenue, G R 6-5556 Haas, Sandra K ., New Braunfels, H allm ark, Cecil G ., College Sta., Sim kins H all 252 A H allm ark, Denzil D ., San Antonio, 2315 Nueces. G R 6 :5381 Haase, Donald J., G illett, 3001 Red R iver, G R 8-1362 Haase, V irg in ia I., G illett 2005 U niversity A ve., G R 8-5521 Habib, Mohamed H „ Saudi A rabia, Box 7655, U T Sta., G R 7 1346 Hadder, Jo e E ., Austin, 1604-A Brack. Apts. Haddon. Ju d y C., Houston, 1807 Brazos. Apt. 23, G R 6 2000 Baden. Clovis R ., Bloom ing Grove, 1214-C Brack. Apts.. G R 2-2852 H affke. Paula J., Fo rt W orth, 2000 Pearl (M ayfa ir House) Hagan, George D., Fo rt W orth, I 3106 D uval, Apt. 307 Hagan, Thomas M ., Denton, 2400 Leon. G R 6-6225 Haggard, W ard M ., Beaum ont, Moore-Hill H all 448-B H agler, Frank B ., College Station, 1418-B Brack. Apts., G R 7-7050 H agler, M arion O., Belton, 3310 M errie Lvnn, G R 7-1322 Hagm an, G ary L ., W eatherford, 2321 Red R iver, G R 24628 Hague, Jo e C., E l Paso, 3819 Maplewood 2010 Alguno, G L 3-1510 H allm ark, K a n Ion A., Llano, 5803 M anor Rd., C L 3-3755 H allw orth. Gerald L.. Seattle, W ash., 3702 B a ile y I-me Halpin, John P ., B ellaire, 2503-F Brid le Path, G R 8-1936 Halstead. Bette L ., Ocean Springs, M iss., 2100 Oldham. G R 24828 H alter, Law rence J., Am arillo H alter, Richard F., Baytow n, 2405 Oldham, G R 2-6342 Ham bright, Robert N ., V ictoria, 2311 Nueces. G R 64594 Ham by, Edw ard B ., Austin. | 3706 Highland View . G L 3-8459 Ham dan, Ali A., Saudi Arabia. Box 8226, UT Sta., G R 8-0370 Ham dan, Yousif H ., Saudi Arabia 2215 Leon, Apt. 12, G R 2-7745 Ham er, Harrison F ., I>el Rio, * 2007 Kaliegh, G R 8-4201 Ham erslag, Robert M . Austin, 2108 Tow ies Lane, G R 7-4896 I Ham ilton, Diane R ., Austin, 6703 North Pa rk , G L 3-8925 ; Ham ilton, Donna M ., Austin, 3000 W indsor R d ., G R 2-0942 Ham ilton, Henry K ., Houstotn, HOO Colorado, G R 64351 Ham ilton, Lynn, E l Paso, Hahn, Jr ., Donald J., Austin, 1718-A Piedm ont, HO 5-9313 1514% W estover R d., G R 6-5669 Ham ilton, M arshall L .. E l Paso, I Haines, Andrew J., Mason, 1502 Bluebonnet Lane Haines, Je ra ld C., Abilene, , 2413 Leon Haish, M arilyn B ., Lake Jackson. Kinsolving 416, G R I 5279 H aisler, Robert L ., Tem ple, 395-A Deep Eddy Apts. H a jia i, Hareem A ., Saudi Arabia, 2515 Winsted Lane, G R 8-6982 Haldane, Douglas A ., Pasadena. 7506 Elm Forest, G R 2 1517 H ale, Jam es R .. Denton, 304-D Deep Eddy Apts. H ale, John T ., Austin 812% E . 30th, G R 7-0888 H ale, Leonard A., _ ^ 8100 Falm outh D r., G L 2-8011 H ale, M ike M ., Freeport. 1209-D Brack. Apts., G R 8 3570 H aley, Charles R ., Shelbyville Haliburton, Tracey A., Ph arr. 707-B Josephine, H I 2-8439 H all, Carolyn S.. San Antonio, 908-B W . 29th St. Ham ilton, M ary V ., Palestine. 1403 N orw alk Lane, G R 6-0340 Ham ilton, Moody, Denton, 711 W. 22% St., G R 8-6645 H am lin, Tom m ie, Batesville, 2100 Oldham, Apt. 6, G R 2-4828 Ham m er, M ary A., D allas, 709 W. 22nd St., G R 8-3976 Ham m er. Jr ., T ravis W .. Waco Hammond, John G ., D allas, HO E . 37th St., G R 7-5686 Hammond, Sheron R ., M idland, 2106 Sw isher, G R 8-9458 Hammons, Loretta L ., Houston, 2610 W hitis, Apt. 3, G R 6-6033 Ham ner, Dorothy F ., Austin. 4314 Rosedale A ve., HO 5-88;$ Hampton, Carol J., Austin. Box 7231, UT Sta., G R I 5994 Hampton, Jan e. Grove, O kla., | 1210 W indsor Rd., G R 68910 Hampton. Je rry G., Corpus C hristi, 3707 Cedar St., G L 2-3851 1215 E . 52nd, Apt. I l l , GU 3-6761 Ham pton, John D ., H all, D avid G ., Baytow n. 702-A E . 23%. G R 6 9016 H all, Don R ., San Antonio, 1215 E . 42nd., Apt. I l l , GL3-6<61 H all, G race M ., Anahuac, Blanton 223, G R 1-1907 H all, G rady E ., Comanche, 1930 San Antonio, G R 7-0617 H all, H albert W ., Crawford. 3207 H arris Pa rk , G R 6-0059 H all, Jam es H ., Anahuac, Moore-Hill H all 116-A H all. Jam es L ., San Antonio, 2410 San G abriel H all, Jam es W ., San Antonio, 1111-F Brack. Apts. I 211 VV.17th, Apt. 303, G R 6-5774 Hampton, Ruth C., Naples. 3103 S ilverlea f D r., G L 2-5653 H am ric, Jr ., D arrell IU , D allas, 281 San Jacin to , G R 8-5641 H am rick, D avid C.. San Antonio, 2413 Leon, Apt. 102, G R 7-9324 H anali, Abdulaziz A., Saudi A rabia, Box 7128, U T Sta. Hanchey, Carol K ., K e rrville . 1908 U niversity Ave. Hancock, Barb ara J. , Longview , 2207 Rio Grande, G R 8-0851 Hancock. Jr ., Dan S., Nacogdoches, 2508 San G ab riel Hancock. George EL. H ubterd. 2808-A Hem phill Park, G R 2-1447 Hancock, Lyndia M ., K e rrville . 2313 Oldham, G R 6-5215 Hancock, W illiam M ., Houston, 5320 Balcones, G L 2 9603 Hand. Nancy M . W eatherford, Scottish R ite, G R 6-9131, Ex t. 217 Handley, Linda L ., M cAllen, 2807 Rio Grande Handley, Ju dith C., M cAllen, 704 W . 25th St. Handly. Ned K ., George W est, Sim kins H all Handorf, E . Richard, Palestine, 617 W . 35th St. Handy. D eirdre C ., Austin 4502 Balcones D r., G L 2-3100 Sherm an, Handy. H arriet H 304 Kinsolving. G R 1-564 Haney. Bernadette, Temple. 803 W. 28th St.. G R 2-8517 Haney. M ichael D ., D allas 1907 Pearl. Apt. 4, G R 2-6043 Hankinson, J ill D ., Houston, Belaire Apts Hanks. Lester. Sim kins H all Harm, Charles 2215- F P e rry Hann, John IU 2305 Sabine Arlington, r n A E ., Ave. Low ell. M ass., Hanna, Judith L ., Breckenridge, 2315 Nueces, G R 6-5381 Hannes. Linda S., Giddings. Scottish R ite Dorm, G it 6-9131 Hanney, P a tricia D. M ., Seguin, 2610 W hitis, G R 74311 Hannibal. Alexander R ., Alexan­ dria, Va., 715 W. 22%, G R 8-1932 I Hannon. Sister L. M ., Port Arthur, 710 E . 41st St., HO 5-1911 Hansborough, John W „ Austin, 2014 T ravis Heights, H I 4 2161 Hansen, Herschel E ., Austin, Brack. Apts., G R 2-4068 Hanson. Donald O., St. Pau l, M inn.. 4410 Bidivue, G E 3-3845 Hanson, Edw ard B ., Baytown Hanson, George W ., K ingsville, Goodall Wooten Dorm 603 Hanson. Ida J., Austin, 5111 Woodview Ave., G L 2 3496 Hanz, Vernon IU , Austin, 1909 Santa C lara. G L 2 8400 Haralson, Carole J., Big Spring, 709 W. 22nd St., G R 8-3669 H arba urn, D arrell G ., Middletown, Ohio, 2317 Sabine Hard, Jr ., Jam es IU . Fort W orth. 3001 Red R ive r, G R 8-5118 Bardie, C raig F .. Houston, I 2214 San Antonio Hardin, Richard F ., San Antonio, 1108-E Brack. Apts., G R 2-9760 Hardin, Thomas A.. U valde, 3113 Owen Ave , HO 5-9250 Hardin, V irg inia K ., San Antonio, 1108-E Brack. Apts., G R 2-9760 Harding, Becky L ., San Antonio, Carousel Apartm ents i Hardwick, Charles S., Lubbock, I 2107 B risto l D r., HO 5-8697 i Harkey. M ary C., New York. N .Y ., I I | 1909 Robbins Place, G R 6-0916 Harkey, Randy K ., San Saba, : 1910 W ichita, G R 2-9497 Harlow , Charles A., I 906 Stark St., O L 2-6605 Harlow. E la in e F .. Denton, 906 Stark St.. G L 2-6605 I Harlow. Jr ., Forrest W „ Abilene, I Moore-Hill H all 318-A Harm an. Jim m ie L., Happy, Blanton 206, G R 1-7497 i Harmon, Jean J. K ., Childress, 1502 W . 40th St., G L 2-7311 Harmon, Je rry IU , Childress, 1502 W. 40th. G L 2-7311 Harmon, John M ., Pam pa, 4208 Avenue D Harmond, Ronald E ., Sweeny, 1405-A Brackenridge Apts. Harm s, T erry R ., San Antonio, 6309-A Goodnight Lane, G L 2-4337 Harper, Bobbie A ., San Antonio, 3407-C Speedway, G R 7-0866 Harper, Donald R ., D allas, 2500 M anor C ircle, Apt. C-3 H arper, G len M., Austin, 2606 W. 8th St.. G R 6-9786 H arper, Jr ., Henry Amos, Fort W orth, 1010 W . 24th, G R 6-3037 H arper, Hom er C., D allas, Box 8532, U T Sta., G R 8-0192 H arper, Jr ., Jam es C., Austin. 1318-C B ra ck . Apts., G R 6-1097 H arper, Ja m ie J., Longview, 1008 W . 25% St., Apt. 103 H arper. Jr ., John D., Pittsburgh, P a .. 2204 En field . G R 7-1814 H arper, Preston F „ Austin, 5705 Arroyo Seca, HO 5-1916 H arper, R ich ard L ., Dangerfield* San J ac Dorm A 206, G R 8-0252 H arper, Rodgers M .. Rockdale. 2204 En field , Apt. I l l , G R 7 1814 Harpster, N ancy K ., Tulsa, Okla., Blanton Dorm , G R 1-1269 H arrell, A lfred A., Austin, 1206 N ew ixirt, G R 2-4663 H arrell. Edna M . S., Devine. 3205 W est Avenue, O L 2-7556 H arrell, Jr ., Johnny F ., W ichita, Ran.. 1704 W est Ave., G R 70879 H arrell, Sh irley A., Austin, 5703 Sutherlin Rd., HO 5-6770 H arrington, Cordelia C., Corpus. 206 W. 38th, Apt. 108, GU 2-0096 H arris. Ann W ., Brow asville, 204 E , 30th, Apt. I, G R 7-7573 H arris, B e ve rly C., Austin, 1316 Bob H arrison, G R 2-7769 H arris. Jr ., C. Donald, W aco, 2413 Leon. Apt. 101, G R 7 0054 H arris III, Charles IU , Fo rt Worth, 2108 Kenwood Ave., H I 2-3473 H arris, F . A llen, D allas, 606 R athervue Place, G R 2-8187 H arris, Fran k C., C rystal C ity, 2503 San G ab riel. Apt. 4 B H arris. Ja c k T ., Georgetown. 1109 W . 10th St., G R 8-0628 H arris, J ill A ., Am arillo, 2106 Oldham H arris. John W\. Austin. 126 E . O ltorf, H I 2-1706 H arris, M ack IU , G reenville. 312 D avis, E L 2-3884 (T aylo r) H arris, M argie A., M arshall. Scottish R ite Dorm, G R 6-9131 H arris. M ary L ., Austin, i 5116 W aterbrook D r., HO 5-1419 H arris, N ancy L ., Austin, 1402 W ilsh ire Blvd ., G L 2-6004 H arris, N ancy L ., Tem ple, 1908 U n iversity Ave., G R 2-5680 H arris, N ancy R ., Austin, I 2717 H em phill Park H arris, Jr ., O. B ., Portales, N M., 3810 B Tonkawa T ra il, G L 2-0549 H arris, O rville B ., Houston H arris, P h ilip L ., San Antonio, 1908 W ich ita, G R 2 4131 H arris, Ralph E ., Odessa. 211 W . 17, Apt. 102, G R 6-5730 H arris, Robert B ., Austin, 126 O ltorf, H I 2-1706 H arris, Jr ., Robert M ., Austin. 1402 W ilsh ire B lvd ., G L 2-6004 H arris, Rufus F ., Pettus. 2200 Nueces, G R 2-1794 H arris, S a lly A.. Austin, 1402 W ilsh ire Blvd ., G L 2-6004 H arris, Stephen E ., Houston. 1512 Parkw ay, Apt. 7, G R 8-3042 H arris, W alter L ., Austin, I 2304 En field , Apt. I, G R 6-1417 H arrison, Ann L ., B ay C ity, 2400 E . 22nd St., Apt. 106 H arrison, Bobby J., Austin, | 602 E . 23% St., G R 2-4642 H arrison, Douglas P ., Frost* i 3001 Red R ive r, G R 8-1362 Harrison, Fran k L ., F o rt Worth, 1914 Speedway H arrison, Jacquelyn A ., Lubbock* I 2321 Oldham , Apt* 3, G R 7-9192 H arrison, John IU , 5205 Ravensdale. WTA 6-1192 H arrison, Jr ., Louis H .. Beaumont, 3009 Cedar, G R 2 5200 H arrison, M arvyn P ., Austin, 5803 H ig hl’d H ills T err., G L 2 2955 H arrison, R . T ., Lubbock, 2321 Oldham , G R 7-9192 Harshm an, M ichael, Austin, 1021 E . 45th St., G L 2-8429 B. C. ROGERS OPHTHALMIC DISPENSERS U 2906 RED RIVER OPPOSITE MEDICAL ARTS SQUARE GR 6-3885 -GR 7-1422 OPTICAL SALON 324 HANCOCK CENTER GL 2-4301 Friday, june 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page I2B O p e n (f3 o w (in9 35c a g a m * OL e (J3owlima 3400 C ju a J a fu p e S u p e w r i I er - S e r v ic e - S u p p lie s upp y EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR— ROYAL TYPEWRITERS, VICTOR ADDING MACHINES, CALCULATORS • N EW • USED • RENTALS • SUPPLIES • RIBBONS • CARBON PAPER D U N C A N T Y P E W R IT E R CO. Guadalupe Hanston, Daniel S.. Midland, 3001 Red River. G R 7-1105 H art, Jam es E ., Austin, 3204 Grandview, O E 2-9011 H art, Joseph H., Austin, 356-C Deep Eddv Apts., G R 7-4306 H art. Leslie S.. Bay Q ty, 2001 University Ave., G R 6-8735 Hart. Richard D., Austin. 906-A W. 22US! , G R 2-8914 H art, Terry C.. E l Paso. 803 Tirado, Apt. 103, G L 2-0097 H art, Jr .. W alter M., New Orleans. l^ ., 2313 Tow Bridge, HO 5-9021 Hartenstein, Joyce E . E ., Seguin, 1008-C W. 25th St., G R 8-8634 Hartm an, Adal/Hi. Corpus Christi. Kinsolving 217. G R 1-5164 Hartm an, Luther E ., San Antonio, 2003-A Wichita. G R 1-5025 Hartong, Alice K., San Antonio, Blanton 508, G R 1-7180 H arvel, Carolyn L., Austin, 5016 West Park Dr . C L 2-1685 Harvey, Elisabeth A., Austin, 4706 Highland Terrace, HO 5-1919 H arvey, Judv Darlene, Ft. Worth. 803 W. 28th St.. G R 8-6958 Harvey. Ralph C., Wichita Falls. 3001 Red River. G R 8-7584 Harvey. Roger A.. Lake Worth, Fla., 818-D W 6rh St. Harv ill, Olga D., Beaumont, Kinsolving Dorm. G R 1-3905 Harwood. Jr ., Robert H., Austin, 1309 Cullen Ave., G L 3-3478 Haschke, Richard H.. Austin. 2200 San Antonio. G R 6-1787 Hasten, Leonard K.. Mertens, 608-B Augusta, G R 8-3529 Hatton, Carroll C.. Plainview , 1207 B Brac k. Apts., GR 6-8876 Hasty, Jam es Hicks, Dallas, Moore-Hill 132A Hatchens, John C., Corpus Christi, 700-2K Hearn. G R 8-2385 Hat lox Carolyn Ann. louisiana, 709 W. 22. GR 7 8070 Haubold, Cleve E .. Dallas 2506’aB Rio Grande. GR 2-5817 Hauer, Johnny, Dallas 2503 Pearl, G R 8 3491 Hauk. Donald B., I Longview. 2614 Rio Grande, G R 2-3378 Ha un. Mary Terry, Fort Worth, 1908 University Haas, Dolores, Cia Weston 2508 San Gabriel. G R 6-3812 Hawker, Kenneth E , Jr ., Austin, 358 C Deep F.ddv Apts.. GR 8-7610 Hawkins. Alvah C., Jr ., Austin, Heare. Je rry Wayne. Am arillo, 1910 W ichita. G R 2 9497 Hearne. B ill, Dallas 1904 San Gabriel. GR 2-0731 Hearne, Wendell Eugene. 389E Deep Eddv Apts.. G R 6-8134 Heath, Nancy S., Kansas, 2053 Sabine, Apt. C. GR 6-2207 Heatherlv, Glenn Edward, Okla., 1003 W. 23rd, G R 8-7194 H eathery, Rebecca Jo S., Okla., 1003 W. 23rd, Apt. 2.. G R 8-7194 Heatly. Charles A.. San Antonio, P. O. Box 4454. G L 2-6534 Hebbe, Janelle Base. Pflugerville. CL 14329 Heddins, M ary Carolyn, Sail Angelo 2106 Swisher, G R 6-3268 Hixldins, Tingle H.. Austin 2106 Swisher, G R 6-3268 Hedgcoth, Charlie, Jr ., Dallas, 4714 Evans Ave.. HO 5-8965 Hediazi. Jahan G .. Iran. 3102 Northwood Circle. G L 3-6715 Hedjazi. Nedii, Iran. Box 7951, Univ. SU .. G R 2-2151 Hedrick, JoAnn, Houston. 2106 Oldham. GR 2 3480 Hedrick. Judith Ann, Jacksboro, 9102 North Drive. HO 5-6390 Heffington. W. M.. Round Mountain Robert E . Lee Hah. G R 24)591 Hefner. Ted Coleman. Am arillo 386 D Deep Eddv Apts. Hegi, David Davenport. Plainview 606 Rathervue, Rm. 113 Heideke, Ann Carol. Austin, 3213 Oakmont. G L 3-2379 Heirnan, Monica Hilling, Canyon, 908 W. 22nd Hein. Frank Barrett. San Antonio, 1401 Enfield, G R 2 4917 Heinemann, F . W., Corpus Christi, 2321-B Red River. GR 89127 Heinemever. Louis C.. Geronimo, 5005 Ave. F. G L 23644 ; Heironimus, Sharon B., Austin, j 3621-A Windsor Rd., GR 7-8445 Heisch. Geraldine, 1108 D Brack. Apts., G R 7 9200 Heisch. Henry R.. Granger. 1108 D Brack. Apts.. GR 7 9200 Heliums. Price. Terrell, Kinsolving, G R I -1848 Heller. Beth, Tyler. Miss Texas Apts.. West Ave. Helm. Hiram M., Jr.. Decatur, I 5332 D Balcones. G L 2-8248 Helm. Mrs. M a ry Jo , Decatur, 5332 D Balcones. OL 2-8248 Helmer. W illiam J., Worm Creek, 32 Salina Hawkins, Barbara Ann, Del Rio, 1508 Elmhurst Dr., H I 2-1700 Hawkins, Dan F ., Austin, 200 Red Oak Circle. HO 5-1274 Hawkins, David. New Jersey, 3305 Pinecrest Dr.. G L 24594 Hawkins, Frank R., Houston, 2511-2 Pearl. G R 2-7309 Hawkins, Jane F .. Austin, 1802 Redlands Hawkins. Jo Anne, College Sta., 200 Red Oak C ircle, HO 5-1274 Hawkins. Otto Lew is. Livingston, 1008 W. 25%. 206. G R 641202 Hawley, Dan E a rl. Austin. 508 So. Park D r.. Hi 2-6592 Hawley, Joe Wilson. Jr ., Austin, ,3306 Harris Park Avo., G R 64491 Hawthorne, Jam es S., Austin, 170S Manor Rd.. G R 6-1943 Hay. Jam es C., III. Corpus Christi, 1526A Brack Apts., G R 8-1083 Hayden, Charles E ., Corsicana. 2514 Nueces, G R 2-0931 Hayden, Mabel Beatrice, Austin 1309 Concho, G R 7-9242 Haves. Curtis Wayne, California, 1108 Winsted Lane. G R 7-1381 Haves, Miles O., North Carolina 3Q3A Deep Eddy Apts., GR 2-6990 H avley Duane E .. Fort Worth. 4719 Harmon Apt. 119. G L 2-5930 Havnes, B illie Kav. Baytown, Blanton Havnes, C. A., W ichita Falls, 2502 Nueces. G R 8-0370 Havnes, Janet Yvonne, Houston, 404 Blanton, G R 1-1759 Haynes. Sherry Lynn. Anahuac 5108 Harmon, HO 5-5057 Hazel, Barbara Ann, San Antonio. 2005 University—Alpha Phi Hazlewood, Thomas C\, Fort Worth. Goodall Wooten 512 Heaberlin, Dickie M ., Stephenville, 201 W. 31 Apt. B l Head. B illy Duane. Odessa, 1210F Brackenridge Apts. Head, Jam es Lawson, Hillsboro. 306 E . 30th, G R 7-0501 Head, Jim m y, Houston, 2100 Oldham, G R 6-5635 Healey, Kathleen Elizabeth. Port Arthur, Texas Healey, Thomas k ., BeeviUe 402 W. 12th, Apt. 3, G R 24)568 Heaner, Kathleen Diana. Houston, 1812 West Ave . G R 2-5780 Heard, Randolph Stewart. Houston, 1908 W ichita, G R 24131 2110 Pearl Helmers, Sandra J.. Eldorado, 5411 Shoal Creek. C L 3-1264 Helms. Sarah Jackson. Dallas, 2001 University. GR 6-8735 Helton. A licia Reddick, Austin. 3400-A Iu Fayette. GR 2-5960 Helton. John An., Wichita Falls, Box 567, Buda 295 3982 Hemenwav. Horace E li, Minnesota, I 809 Tirado. Apt. 221 Hem pel, Claude E ., San Marcos, R L 2, San Marcos. EA 2-5259 Hempel. Karen M arie. Austin. 2001 University, G R 6-8735 Hendelman. Allen Lee. Fort Worth. 1801 Rio Grande. G R 24)233 Henderson. Arvis Burl. San Angelo. 1709 N. Congress Ave., G R 8-7097 Henderson. Carroll Forrest. Tyler, 1509 M arshal Lane. G R 8-3004 Henderson, Donna J., San Antonio. 4611 Ramsey Ave., G L 2-5669 Henderson. Frank F., San Antonio. 2701 Nueces Henderson. Jam es M .. League City, 1908 W ichita, G R 24131 Henderson. Mae E lla . Prairie View 2506 Whitis St.. G R 74)577 Henderson, Michael W., Houston, 1950 Sabine, G R 6-8623 Henderson. Robert Lee, Austin, 102 B East 30th, G R 84)863 Henderson, Roger C., Harlingen, 2302-3 Enfield Road. G L 74830 Henderson. Sandy Lee. San Antonio Blanton 225, G R 1-3797 Henderson, Vivian L., Washington, 3301 Red River. G R 6-3310 Henderson. Watson Ross, Dallas, 1927 A E . 38%, G R 2-5761 Hendon. George Boyd . I I I . Te^gue, Univ. T railer Crt. 14, G R 8-1034 Hendrick, Richard G arv. Midland, 4612 Ram sey, HO 5-7930 Hendrickson, Robert E a rl, Pflugerville Hendrix. Donald L., P. O. Box 237, GR 2 2692 Hendrix. Ellen L., Lubbock. 406 East 15th, Apt. 206 Henerv, Jam es Daniel. Dallas. 385-D Deep Eddy Apts., G R 7 9202 Henion. K arl Eugene, II. Austin, 3600 River Road. G R 8-1046 Hennessey. P. J., II. San Antonie 801 Manor Rd., Apt. 106 Henney, M ary Ruth, Austin 1810 W. St. Johns, O L 2-7960 Hennrikus. Cynthia A., San Ant., MW Whitis, G R 84241 Henriehson. Preston E .. Edinburg. 1403 Norwalk Lane. Gr 84452 Henry, Abbeye Jane, 4411 Airport Blvd., G L 2-1563 Henry, Charles M ., Jr ., Waco, 4411 Airport Blvd.. G L 2-1563 Henry, Frazier P .. San Angelo, 905-B W. 30th. G R 6-3205 Henry, Mrs. Jan ice E ., Austin, 4300 B Ram sey, G L 2-8402 Hoary, M ary Helen, Laredo, 1908 University Ave. Henry, M ichael A., Houston, 1616 W. 6th. G R 2-3445 Henseil, Robert M arvin, Austin, I 600 E . 24th, Apt. B Henseil. Ronald D., Richardson, 2200 Oldham. Apt. I Hensey. Fritz, Mexico. 304-B Deep Eddy Apts. Henshel, Richard Lee, Dallas. 100-A Sim kins H all. G R 7-8754 Hensz. E a rl Douglas, Harlingen, 1701-B Brack. Apts.. G R 64)070 Hensz. Pam ela Anne, Harlingen, 1701-B Brack. Apts.. GR 64)070 Herd, H arvey Teris, Midland, MOI Red R iver, Apt. 310 Herdman, Charles Wm., Waco, 2407 Oldham, G R 6-0565 HermaiT, M ortv Lee. Fort Worth. 705 W. 8th. G R 2-9129 Hernandez, Eduardo A., Venezuela. Hernandez, M ichael B ., Austin, 4010 Crescent D r., GR 64)294 Herndon, Carole M arie, Pearsall, S.R.D ., G R 6-9131 Hemlund, R. T.. Jr ., San Antonio, | 803 Tirado. G L 2-0097 Hereto, Vickie Lee, Austin, 3409 Benton Rd.. G R 7-7759 Herr. Monty L., 3113 Grandview. HO 5-6738 Hordes. Carol Diane. Austin. 1409A Theckla Terrace, O L 24402 Hordes. W illiam Ward. Dallas, 1409-A Theckla Terrace. G L 2-4402 Herrin, Je rry Oren. Arp. 5304 Sunshine D r., C L 24)336 Herrin. Linda M arie. Austin, Herring, Alan Steele. Temple. 202 Brownlee. G R 8 0370 Herring. Josephine L.. San Antonio, 2408 Longview. G L 7 5325 Herring, Robert Jack, San Marcos, 5000-B Evans Ave., G L 2-8569 Herrington. Frances June. Austin, 3014 Pin Oak Ct.. H I 4-2247 Herrmann, Michael Clay. Gilm er, 711 W. 221 2 St.. G R 8-6645 Herron. M ary Kaye. Houston, 2210 Enfield Rd., G R 2-1687 Hershberger, Jam es Calvin. Austin, 706 Upson, G R 8-3905 Hervey, Richard M ., Austin, 2907-B Pecan Springs, WA 6-3678 Herzog, John David. Austin. Box 8338 Univ. Sta.. GR 2-5802 Herzog. M artha H., Austin Box 8338 Univ. Sta , GR 2-5802 Herzog, M artin O., Jr .. Killeen. 1303-A Brack. Apts.. GR 7-8878 Heslop. David Alan, Austin, 2100 Rio Grande St., G R 7-1119 Hess, Franklin Haley, Houston, 2401 Winsted Lane, Apt. 9 Hess. Nelda Jean, Houston. 2401 Winsted Lane. Apt. 9 Hesse. Bob. Fort Worth. 2217 Westlake Dr.. G R 2-6658 Hesse. Cherie Sandra, Fort Worth. 2606 Enfield R r„ Apt. 12 Hesse, John Edward. Austin 1603 Glenvalley Dr.. HO 5-8197 Hessel. Kenneth Ray. Elm Mott. 1550-A Brack. Apts.. G R 7 2o78 Hester, Kathleen Mairee Am arillo, 52 Scottish Rite. G R 6-9131—52 Hester, W alter Dean. Austin. 3106 W alling, G R 8-3255 Hetherington, Jam es M ., M arlin, 2706 Salado, G R 7-7701 Howell, Florence Ruth. Nixon, 59 Scottish Rite. G R 6-9131 Hewitt, Patricia Ann. Houston. 2106 Oldham. G R 7-7643 Hever. Ernest Wm. Fort Worth, 9106 North Drive, HO 5-5538 Hiatt, Arthur Buel, Jr .. Austin. 2422 San Antonio, G R 7-7888 Hickey, Jim m y Ray. Waco Robert E . Lee Hall, Box 2 Hicks. Arthur Sylvan. San Antonio. 605 E . 47th St.. G L 3-2141 Hicks. Frank Marion. K errville, 4505 Ave. D , Hicks. Gloria N.. Midland 1908 U niversity. G R 64135 Hicks. John Hardin III, Austin 1105 Shoal Creek Blvd.. G R 6-0027 Hicks, Linda G ail, Austin. 4104 Duval, G L 2-5694 Hicks. M arilyn Ruth, Tennessee, 2802 Oak Haven Dr., H I 2-2634 Hicks, W illiam M ., Lufkin. 1536 B Brack. Apts., G R 8-7616 Higdon, Lawrence Wain, Pearsall. 398-A Deep Eddy Apts., G R 2-4997 Higdon. W illiam Douglas. Ohio, 2400 E . 22nd. G R 74966 Higginbotham, Cynthia A., Dallas. 2206 Rio Grande, G R 8-2779 Higginbotham, Don, Waco. 1406 West Ave., G R 7-9138 Higgins. E llio tt Lee. Sherman, 2502 Nueces, G R 7-9120 Higgins, Robert N., 1512 Westmoor, G L 2-0428 Higgins. Patricia Susan, Highlands, 2403 Red R iver, G R 84376 Higgins, Patrick O., Austin. 2302 Townes Lane, G R 7-8530 Higgs. Hattie O.. Prairie View, 2205 E . 13th, G R 2-5508 Highsmith, John Hood, E l Paso, 701 E . 24th Hightower, John Buckner. Austin, 3814 Halfpenny. G R 2-2503 Hightower, M arjorie M., Austin, 1209-D Castle H ill. G R 2-2747 Hightower, M ary Jo , Midland, 406 Kinsolving Hightower, Newton, A., Austin. 1209-D Castle HUI. G R 2-2747 Hightower, Thomas B ., Liberty, 3001 Red R iver, G R 8-7584 Hilburn, Glenn O.. Waco, Hillburn. W illiam G.. Sr., Austin, 1311 Alguno, G L 2-6981 Hildebrand. Jam es R .. San Antonio, 1911% Nueces, G R 6-9540 Hildreth, Albert D., Jr ., Houston, 3201 M errie Lynn. G R 2-5961 Hilgers, M rs. Sara Lamun, Austin. H ill. Beverly G ail, Sheppard A FB. 2807 Rio Grande, Apt. C H ill. Charles M elvin, Austin. 1185 Chestnut Ave.. G R 7-1043 H ill. David Sims. E l Campo, 2055 Sabine. G R 2-2672 H ill, Floyd Robert. Austin. Rt. 3. Box 128. G L 3-8914 H ill. Graham. New Zealand. 1101-A Brack. Apts. H ill. Jam es Edwin. Jr.. Austin, 220 Bonnieview. G R 2-6112 H ill. Jam es Francis. Brownwood. 2406 Rio Grande, G R 6-9263 H ill, Jam es Michael. Mineola, 907-A Poplar. GR 6-8431 3703 Eastledge D r.. G L 2-3702 H ill, John Allen. Dallas 3004 Burleson Rd., H I 4 2194 H ill. John P., Houston 1909 Fairlaw n Ln., H I 4-1789 H ill. June Perrin. Conroe. 402 Blanton, G R 1-1509 H ill. M arilyn Ruth, New Mexico. 1904 Pearl St.. GR 8 7558 H ill. Pam ela, Dallas i 2315 Nueces. G R 2-8014 H ill, Penny L-, Houston. 907-A Poplar. G R 6-8931 ! H ill, Robert. IIL Baytown. 224-B Sim kins Hall H ill. Robert Wade. Dallas. I 2318 Swisher, G R 8-6816 H ill. Thomas Francis. Dallas. H ill. Thomas Howard. Austin, 3405 Clearview. G R 8-5402 H ill. W alter David. Austin. 1900 Belford. HO 5-0721 H ill. Yereer. H I. Sm ithville. 135-B Moore-Hill. G R 6-5561 H illaker, Stephanie. Fort Worth, I 803 W. 28th. G R 7-7061 Hillencamp. K. T.. Jacksonville. I 2202 Enfield Rd., G R 2-0893 H iller. Raymond Alfred. Jr^ Elgin. I 202 San Jacinto Dorm, G R 84)25., H illiard, John Edward. Newton, i 400 E . 30th . ^ Hillin, Wayne Kirby. Dallas, 213-B Simkins Hall H illis. Sharon Ann. Snyder 105 W. O’dell St., G L 2-1431 Hillm an. Robert Michael. Houston. 2106 Guadalupe Hilton. Stanley California 3311 HoUywood Ave., G R 7-:w24 Hindelang. Barbara A., Georgetown Hindman. S u z a n n e San Benito. 435 Blanton, G R 1-3580 Hinds. W illiam E ., Liberty H ill, Hiner Robert Leroy, Austin, 4718 Depew Ave. 4 ^ . Hines. Calvin W arner. San Antonio, Hines. Frank I^w is Austin. 2600 Lansbury. G L 2-42JJ Hinkle. Robert Neil. AusUn. 303 E . 32nd.£R T-ISG Hinotosa. A. D., Jr ., B iw n s v 2214 B San Antonio, G R 8-0016 Hinojosa. Arthur Robert Houston. ’ 706 F East 25th. G R 8-2366 Hinojosa. M arilyn Sue Austin, 8022 Falmouth. G L 2-8938 Hinshaw, Connie B e fir e . 228 Blanton, G R 1-50lo Hinshaw, d ennis M .. Dallas 218 Scottish Rite, G R 6 9131 Hinson. Pat Neff, Jr .. Vmgmia. 400 E . 30th St., G R 6-9881 Hinson. Tom Everett Henderson \930 San Antonio. G R 7-06li Hinton. Linda Kay. Tempk\ 1401 Enfield Rd., G R 2-^843 Hirtz. Thomas B ., Jr .. Bellville, 708 W. 22% St. Kirsch. M ar jot E . Austin. 4702 C iliappero Trail, G L 3-496) G R 2-9830 Hise, Lewis T., Shamrock. San Jacinto A109 Hiser Dennis Edward, Nebraska, 1616 West 6th Hitchock, W. B.. H I. Wash., D O , 1315 Norwalk. G R 6-0512 Hitz, Reinhart Green, Austin, 1200 Enfield Rd.. G R 7-1019 Hix. Carl W alter, San Antonio, 314 Moore-Hill Hixon. Richard E „ Bellaire. 387 Deep Eddy Apts.. G R 7-4294 Hixson. Je rry Morgan, Austin. 2206-B Longfellow. G R 8-3232 Hixson, Lyla June, Austin, 202 W. 32nd, G R 6-2462 Hlavaty, Elizabeth A., Abbott, Newman H all, G R 6-0669 Hnoosh. Mahdy Hussain. Iraq, 8588 Univ. SU ., G R 2-1755 Ho, Shih-Yeng, China. I 2511 Nueces, G R 6-5462 Hobbell, Jam es Thos.. San Antonio, 841 Airport Blvd., G R 7-7797 Hobbs. Charlotte M arcea. Austin. 5903 Cary D r.. HO 5-7436 Hobbs, David Livingston. Austin. 705 W. 22% St.. G R 8-5491 Hobson. Donald Joseph. 1009% Guadalupe. G R 5-1159 Hocker, Edwin J.. Jr .. Kingsville, 2106 Swisher. G R 6-3268 Hocutt, Jim m ie Dee. Wake Village. 3107-B Hancock. G L 2-0492 Hodge, Everett Allen, Slaton, 1409 Bentwood, G L 2-7598 Hodge, Luralee, Del Rio. 2001 University. G R 6-8735 Hodge. M ichael P., Baytown. 606 Elmwood. GFI 7-7464 Hodge, Paula, Baytown, 3001 Red River. G II 7-0755 Hodges, Daphne A., San Angelo. 1801-C Sharon Lane Hodges, Donna Shirlene. Llano. 2207-D Perry Ave., H I 2-7977 Hodges. Elm er Terrell. Jr ., Dallas, 304-A Deep Eddy Apts.. G R 60595 Hodges. Jam es E .. Austin. j 1000 Redd. H I 5-1889 Hodges. Jaines R.. 3203-A Heins, G R 6-3187 Hodges, Merron Alton. Ida no. 2207-D Perry Ave., H I 2-7977 Hodges, Ray Powell, Georgetown, Hodges. Stephen Bruce, Monahans, ! 2211 Leon St., G R 2 6330 Hodgins, M ary Elizabeth. Idaho, Caribesn Apts., Apt. 14 Hodnett, Larry Nolan. San Angelo, I 3403 Duval St., G R 2 7766 . Hoehne. Charles W .. Schulenburg. 704 Landen Lane. G R 2-8005 Hoffer, FYank Cole, Dallas. 2614 Rio Grande. G R 8-0436 Hoffman. J. F.. Scotland. Tex.. 305-A West 29th Hoffman. Katherine A.. Fort Worth, 1906 U llrich. G L 2-4840 Hoffmann, Robert Nicholas. Dallas, 1912 Nueces. G R 6-9974 Hoggett, Pierce A.. Junction. 1801 Winsted. G R 2-3765 Hoggins. Jam es Thomas. Tulia, 2107 Sabine. G R 8-3622 Hogue. Anne Elizabethe. Austin. 1516 West 31st. G R 7-2132 Hohertz, Darlene. Austin. 4505 Sinclair. G L 3-7774 Holbrook, Steve M.. San Antonio, 408 West 19th. Apt. D Holcomb, Nancy Low. Austin, 905 Avondale. H I 2-6584 Holden, Jean Osborn, Alvin. Holden, Orbry Dean. San Angelo. 702 West 25th 702 West 25th Holden, Thomas W illiam . Haskell, 306 East 30th St.. G R 6 9902 Holeman. Michael Wesley, Austin, 5300 Abingdon Place. HO 5-5904 i Holland. Robert G illett Uvalde^ 1307-D Brack. Apts.. G R 6-9221 I Holland. Ruble Jane, l^ongview. 3208 Helms I Holland. W. M., Conroe I 4411 Airport Blvd., G L 3 0947 Holley. Paul Douglas. Jr . Austin, 1105 Summitt St., G R 84)612 Holliday. Dale Vance. Austin. I 5207 Duval. HO 5-8989 Holliday, Howard Jack , Tyler, 387-F Deep Eddy Apts.. G R 2 )926 Hollingsworth, Jean T- o ^ Io 1008 West 25%. G R 8-6902 Hollis. Jam es Larry. Austin. 4008-C Speedway, G L 2-0707 Hollis. Jim m y Lee, Center. 1904 San Gabriel. GR 2-0731 Holloman. B ill. 400 West 21st, G R 8-6083 Holton, Jack Andrew Austui St. Stephen’s School. G R 8 49J5 Holly. W alter W.. Abilene 1706-B Brack. Apts., GR 2-8528 Hollyfield, Joe Gilbert. Louisiana, Rt. 7. Box 995. G L 2-3510 Holman. Doyle Lee. Hubbard. 1313-A Brack. Apts.. G R 2-8611 Holman, Susan Jane. Oklahoma. 2106 Oldham. G R 8 9497 Friday. Jut* 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN P«9« ti® 1204 W. St. Johns Ave., G L 2-6820 H ill, Jim A.. Austin. [Merritt H o K a e fe f ^ ^Jrown .......... .................. ■ M .......... * * Hudspeth. Anne Orton. Austin, 1904-A Fairlawn. HI 2-4112 Hudspeth. Robert Boyd, Austin, 1904-A Fairlawn. HI 2-4112 H untress, Virginia L.. San Antonio, Hupp. E llen Kay, W ashington, i Univ. Sta., 7375. GR 8-2454 H urd, H arlan F rancis, Round Rock, Hudspeth, William J., Jr., Houston, CL 8-1313 H olm ans, M rs. F ran c es K., Austin, 5800 Shoalwood Ave., GL 5-4349 i H olm es, M ary K athryn, Austin, 2301 Westover Rd., GR 6-2114 H olm es, Suzanne. Austin, 1705 Mohle Drive, GR 2-9687 Holt, Mrs. Margaret H., Austin, 8430 Univ. Sta.. GR 7-8062 Holt. Mary Bradshaw, Henderson, 314 Kinsolving, GR 1*5177 H olt. Tommy Bruce, San Antonio, 2811 Salado Holt. Timothy Jam es, Puerto Rico, 3301 Red River, GR 8-0634 Holt. William Henry, Austin. 8430, Univ. Sta., GR 7-8082 Honig, Lillie Mae, Llano, 704 West 25th, GR 7-8233 Hood. Keith Beckett, Boerne. 1906 Wichita. GR 6-0382 Boon. Lloyd R ussell Austin, 3901 Willowbrook Dr., GR 2-3856 Hooper. John B., Copperas Cove, 1910 San Gabriel, GR 6-3128 Hooper. Ronnie Rav, Houston, 5300 Ave. G, GL 2-6987 H ooper. W. Th . Ill, San F rancisco, 1958 Sabine, GR 6-5729 Hoops, G uenther K art, C anada. 2500 San Antonio St. Hooten. J e ra n Joe. Austin. 5105 C restw av. GL 3-3738 H oover. John M artin. San Antonio. 2100 W insted Lane H oover. R obert J .. Austin. 807 F a st 21st. GR 2-9664 Hopkins. E d g ar M., New Jerse y , 17IO-A B rack. Apts., GR 8-2365 Hopkins. John Alfred. Austin 1609-B B rack. Apts.. GR 7 -821 Hopkins. Sharon. D ripping Springs. Hopkins. Velma Lee. Austin, 2620 West 49, 2. HO 5-0346 H opper. Jack . 1426-A B rack. Apts. Hopson. John VV.. J r.. San M arco#, 1215-F B rack. Apts.. GR 2-5226 H oradam . Ja m e s F red . V ictoria, Univ, T ra ile r Pk. GR 6 881- H orak. Joseph B ernard . Ennis 1309-E B rack. Apts., GR M336 H orn. David Russell, C anada 2401 Red R iver St., GR 6-0312 H om bu rg. John C., Fort Worth, 709 P a rk P lace. GR 7-8985 H orne. C arol P atricia. Houston, 1802 West Ave., GR 2-5780 H orne, David B., Houston 1212-B B rack. Apts., GR 64b9. H orne Mrs. Linda T ixier. Houston. 506-B West 14th. GR 2-4514 H orner, David Louis, D allas, 1204 Elm . GR 8-3136 H om ev. Donald Louis. Indiana, ^ 3111 H arris P a rk Ave.. GR 2->l82 H ornsby. M ary M., Austin 3008 W. T errac e. HO 5-6472 H ornsbv. R ebecca. Austin. 3008 W. T e rra c e D r., HO 5-6472 H orrigan, Sue M., San M arcos, 2321 O ldham . GR 8-2631 H orton. Carol Kelly. Baytown 1518 B arton Spgs. Rd., GR 2-8751 H orton. Ja c k Elwvn. Austin. 1525-A B rack. Apts., GR 2-9170 H orton, Jim m ie M cRae. G arland, 700 M anor Rd.. GR 6-9450 H orton, Joe F ran k . G anado. 906 E ast 46th St.. HO 5-9604 H orton. M arv C.. League City. 3106 Duval St.. GR 8-0722 Horton. M ary K athryn. Austin 1214 Kinney Ave., HI 4 1770 Horton. R ich ard Doyle. Austin. 2911-A P earl. GR 8- 8146 H orton. Sam uel B., Austin. 3103 Glenview Ave., G R 2-8657 Ho-tnn William Cecil. O dessa, 2004-C W ichita, GR 7-7432 Hoskins N ancy Ann, Houston, 700 West 9th Houck, T helm a Covington. Blanco, Houghton, M ichael S., San Angelo, 2405 Nueces H oulihan, Daniel Kelly, Conroe, 2910 Red R iver, Apt. 213 H ouse, C harlie B.. Corpus C hristi, 3008 C eder S t , GR 6-4222 House, Fred Anthony, San Antonio 601 West 26th, Apt. A House, Jerry Wade. Big Wells, A-Bar Hotel, GR 2-8928 House, Judith R., Austin, HOO K aren, GR 2-5677 H oushm aud, Pawiz, Iran . I Univ. Sta., 8312. GR 6-9998 Houston. Ben F„ Port Arthur, 2215 Leon St.. GR 8-6064 Houston. Howard E., Austin, E t 5, Box 745, HI 2-1647 Houston, Jam es Thomas, Temple, 207 East 43rd. GL 3-8583 Houston. John E., Snyder. 2500 East 22nd. GR 7-8215 Houston, Louise Carr. Austin, 2307 Woodlawn. GR 8-2836 Houston, Raymond Stanley, D&lia*. 2700 Nueces Houston, Will, Austin. I 2307 Woodlawn. GR 2-3546 Houston, William F .. Longview. 2612 Guadalupe, GR 6-5658 Hovas. Sandra Ann. Houston, 2115-B R abb Rd.. HI 4-3804 Howard, Donald L., Austin. 2503 Pinewood T errace. GL 3-824,5 Howard. Gipsv Alice. Hawkins. 2610 Whirls, GR 6-6033 H oward. Glenn T.. J r., Alice. 237-B Simkins Hall Howard. P atrick John. Austin, 505 Alpine. HI 2-2725 H oward. Phvllis E ., L am arque, 309 West 29th Howard, Reese. Austin. 4202 Speedway. GL 2-4*45 Howard, R obert Allen. San Antonio. 1930 San Antonio, GR 7-061* Howard. Wayne R a y . Ifv e lla n d , 2603 West 49th St., GL 2-1*93 Howe. R obert M., J r.. B eaum ont. 2510 Enfield Rd., GR 8-0093 Howell. Bertv Jan et. C orsicana. 705 West 25th. GR 6-0226 Howell L. M.. G rand P la in e , 203 West 19th, GR 6-6046 Howell. Rollert Lynn. Baytown, 2500 E ast 22nd Howell. Watson M.. Austin 1613 Wheless Lane. GI, 2-7756 Howie. Carol Ann. T errell, .Scottish Rite. GR 6 9131 Howie Judy Jan . T errell, Scottish Rite. GR 6-9131 Ho wk. Edw ard B axter. Austin. 4809 Duval, GL 3-3419 Howsley, G arv Dale. Arlington. 603 C East 19% St.. GR 2-9955 Huang. Shvi-Yi. 2616 Speedway. GR 6-1312 Huang. Yu-Hsiw Joy. Form osa, 2620 Speedway H ubbard, Jacquelyn Ann. Palestine, 205 Blanton. GR 1-7386 H ubbard. Jam es L aw rence. A ustin 5704 W estm inster D r., GL H ubbard. Lonnie 3009 West Lake Dr., GR 8 9423 H ubbard. Sandra Kay, Dallas, 216 Kinsolving H ubbard, Suzanne. Austin. 304 Terrace D r., HI 2-57*6 Hubbard. Wm. ^ c k .^ n A p m n i o . 2503 W estlake Dr., GR 2-2739 H uber, Thom as W ayne, Austin, 3109 La F ay ette H ubert. F rank W. R. J r., Orange. 1612 West 14th. GR 6-2009 H udnall, Mrs. Eileen N., C arrollton. 1708 M anor Rd., GR 8-1953 H udnall, Jam es B.. III, D allas, 1708 M anor Rd., GR 8-1953 Hudgens, M adalyn Rae. D allas, 2408 Longview. GR 7-5325 Hudson, F rancis M.. A rkansas. 1011-B Winsted Lane, GR 7 4*62 > Hudson. F ran k L., J r., Austin, 3211 Funston Hudson. Jam es C lark. L aF eria, 2058 Sabine. GR 6-0525 Hudson. P at Alton. D allas, 1209 B B rack. Apts. Hudson. W. R.. Austin, 1206 Clover I^eaf D r.. GL 2 3465 Hudson. William Basil. M idland. 1905 Nueces 1908-B Fairlawn, HI 2-6274 Hue. Nguyen Van, Viet-Nam. 710 West 22% St., GR 7-6938 Huerta, Pedro, Jr., Mathis, 2509 Nueces. GR 7-5171 Hueter. Harvey H., New Braunfels, 2800 Stratford Dr., GR 8-0707 Huey, Oliver Jam es, 1106-D Brack. Apts., GR 7-1630 Huff. Deena Faye, San Angelo 1908 University Ave., GR 6-1080 Huff. Gerald Rene, San Antonio, 2107 Rabb Rd. Huff. Louis E .. III, Beaumont. 313-B West 35th Huff aker. Rebecca Gregg. Tahoka. 1515-B Woodlawn. GR 6-9098 Huffman. George Lloyd, Marshall. 207-A Moore-Hill, GR 2-5537 Huffman. Kay Knopp. San Antonio, 212-A West 51st. GL 2-6767 Huffman. O. Brock. San Antwiio. 1426-B B rack. Apts.. GR 8-5439 Huffm an. R ichard E .. Austin. 2414 H arris Blvd.. GR 8 430» H uffstutler. Howard M., Palestine. 110 E. 17. GR 7-7793 Huggins. John M., Plainview, 3821 Ave. F. GL 2 2630 Hugh, Michael David. Mission. 300-E R iverside. GR 6 1562 Hughes. Brenton Lerov, Austin, 3703 Kerbev H ughes, Connie W., Corpus Christi, 4013 A Lewis Lane, GL 2-3487 Hughes. Davis C lark, El Paso. 1704 Piedm ont, St. Hughes. Don W arren. San Angelo. 2308 Enfield. GR 2-5100 Hughes. H erbert Scott. B renham , 841 Airport Blvd.. (JR 7-5233 Hughes. Janet, Houston. 1307 Kirkwood, GL 2-0489 Hughes. Je rry Alton, Eden, 2711 Hemphill Hughes. John I)., Houston. HOO West 29th. GR 6-2005 Hughes. John M.. Brownsville, .3106 Duval. GR 8-2907 Hughes. Karon, Houston, 2106 Sw'isher Hughes, Lana Radell, Athens. 706 West 25th Hughes Lynn N ettleton. Houston, 2400 E ast 22nd, GR 7-4966 Hughes, M arv K athleen, Austin, 2467 Spring C reek Dr.. HI 2-8853 Hughes. M arv Lvnn. Sherm an. 710 West 21st. GR 2-2010 Hughes. M vrle Kav, Ja sp e r. 710 21st St., GR 2-3592 Hughes. Nolan Stephens. L tah , 501 Vale St.. GR 7-7989 Hughes. Suzanne Jan e. Brownsville. 2106 Oldham , GR 2-3480 Hull urn, E v erett, J r., D allas, 809 E ast 45*2 Hulm e, M ichael Eugene. D allas, 506 E a st 16th, GR 6-3632 Hulm e. P a tric ia Ruth. Houston, Blanton. GR 1-U87 Hulsev. Robert Allen. T errell, 2502 Nueces. GR 8-0370 H um phrey. Jackson C.. Houston, 4625 Philco D r.. HI 4-3246 H um phrey, Jim m v G rand I ramie. 3801 Manorwood R d., GR K 428U H um phreys. Joe Kenneth. El Paso, H unnicutt. Carolyn, Austin, GR 6 5047 Hunnicutt. F red Allen. Irving. 3200 G randview H unnicutt. G arland Gail. C rane. 1708 M anor Rd., GR 84)o6< .H un t, Carole P at. Austin 1008 Brentwood. HO 5-039* Hunt. Ja n e t C laire, Baytown, 3001 Red R iver Hunt W alker E .. G eronim o. 3012 E ast 14 Mo GR 2-9052 H unter. Diana Lee. B orger 48 Scottish Rite. GR 6-9131—48 H unter, Victoria I^ee. F o rt Worth, 2106 Swisher, GR 2-7412 Hurd, Joan Buzzini, San Antonio, 1708 M anor R d., G R 7-8316 Hurd. John R., Laredo, 1708 Manor Rd., GR 7-8316 Hurst, John Clark, Lufldn. 2317 Shoal Creek, GR 6-9460 Hurt. Brian Douglas, Austin. 6703 Lexington Rd., GL 3-3837 Hurt. Marion Eugene. Dallas. 613 Good a ll Wooten Dorm I | i Hurta, Leslie D., Smithville, 305-C Deep Eddy Apts. lndia Husain. Syed Dyas 1 609 West 23rd. GR 7-9132 Huskey. Robert G Highlands, 2100 Oldham. GR 841% Huss. Kathryn Jeannette, Austin. 3312 Beverly Rd.. HO 5-1082 Husseini, T am er, S v n a, 1007 West 26th. GR 8-7169 Hutcheson. Thad T., Houston. 4411 Airport, HO 5-1890 Hutchings. Trudy. D allas, -2600 Enfield. GR 2-6820 Hutchins. R. Clayton. L aB arq u e, 706 F E ast 25th. GR 8-2366 Hutchinson. John D., A labam a, 2700 P ark View Dr., GL 2-09o6 Hutchinson. W allace P., Austin, 3316 Peri v l^ane. GL 3-62t>9 Hutchison. John H.. Ill, Abilene, 2503 P earl. GR 8 3491 Hutka. Stanley C., C o n ^ C J n s t i , 3205 B Tom Green. GR 7 258* Hutson. Betty Sue, D allas, i 2305 Sabine H uttash. R obert A , Jacksonville F la., 3001 Red R iver. GR 7-*350 3001 Red R iver. GR 7-7355 H vatt. Robert H . Midland. 2606 Albata. GL 2-5268 H vm an. M arsha Lee, San Antonio, 2005 University Hvnds. Sharon Rave. L^ake Jackson, 501 Blanton. GR 1-3649 - I Ic a z a . C hristian, N icaragua, 2721 Hemphill P ark lgo. Jan et C., Plainview, 2000 P earl. GR 6-3824 Iguchi, Shogo. Jap a n , 2804 Robinson Ave. Iii va. R aja A., leb an o n . 2515 Rio G rande. GR 8 8926 Illich. Policy M., Victoria, 4000 S. L am ar. HI 2-0215 Im le, Elizabeth. El Paso. Blanton 235. GR I 5787 Indorf, Pinna L.. Cuero, 3404 King, GL 24)965 Ing, R eta J.. D allas, 204 E . 38th St., GR 2-3528 Inglis, J r., Curtis L.. F ort Worth, 388-B Deep Eddy Apts. Inglish, J r.. Edwin C., D allas, E piscopal Sem inarv Ingram . C. Glee. M idland, 2408 Enfield, GR 2 1554 Ingram , Wayne B.. Corpus Christi 7611 G rover. GL 2 6387 Ireland, H. Kelly, Midland. 1621 A Enfield Rd., GR 2-0173 Irw in, B arrv S., D allas, 3104 West Avenue, GL 3 3991 Isa, Abdulla S., Saudi Arabin, Box 7100, UT Sta., GR 6-1887 Isaacks, Nancy C., Austin, 1805-C W. 35th St. Isbell. Linda C., Waco. 704 A W. 25th St.. GR 7 8233 Isbell. Robert R., Austin, 3216 ^ F a y e t t e . GR 8-5159 Isenhower. John J .. San Antonio, 2422 San Antonio, GR 7-7888 Ivens. F rank C.. O range. C a lif, 105 Blessing Place., EV 54)848 Ivey, P aula S., Elgin Im rd, Elizabeth J., D allas. 1801 Rio G rande. GR 7-4266 Izzat, Nawfal N.. Iraq, Box 8114, UT Sta. Jabour, Albert M., Austin, 1602 Hartford Rd., GR 8 5257 Jacks, Dan M., Waco, 3501 Speedway. GL 3-1438 Jackson, Barbara N., San Antonio, 2610 Whitis, Apt. 5, GR 84241 Jackson. Barbara S.. Houston, 3301 Red River, GR 7-8868 Jackson. Billy R., Austin, i 805 Orland Blvd., HI 2-8975 Jackson, Carol E ., Austin, j 714 W. 22% St.. GR 2-9638 Jackson. Eunice A., Houston, 2506 Whitis Ave.. GR 7-0577 Jackson, F ay D., La Marque 2506 Whitis Ave., GR 7-0577 Jackson, Mrs. Gail C , Austin. 805 Orland Blvd.. HI 2-8975 Jackson, Glenn S.. Hawkins, I i 2318% Sabine St., GR 7-8145 Jackson, Jr., Jam es CM Arlington, 603-C E . 19% St.. GR 2-9955 Jackson. Jim m y A., Austin, 1546-A Brack A p ts , GR 2-9033 Jackson, John L., Austin, 1614-B B rack. Apts., GR 2-1507 Jackson, Joseph B., Houston, 909 W. 22nd St. Jackson. Judy A . Tucson. A m 1008 W. 25%. Apt. 104, GR 2-6753 Jackson, M arv L., Houston. 2504 B ridle P ath. GR 64)771 Jackson. J r ., R alph S.. Beeville, 2910 Red R iver. GR 6-8234 Jackson, Ronald G., Austin, 4016-B Shoal C reek Blvd., Jackson, Sandra J.. 3W1 Red R iver, Apt. 207. GR 2-64*8 Jacobe, Ronald H., Houston. 801 E . 21st, Apt. IOT, GR 8 * 19 Jacobs, M ichael C.. Daingerfield | 706 W. 21st St., GR 2-1264 Jacobson. Je ra ld L., Galveston. Moore-Hill Hall Jacobson, William E., Texas Ctt> 1710 W estover R d., GR 8-7903 Ja h a n Shahi-A hreza. Iran, 2505 Rio G rande Jah n s, M onroe F ., Rosebud. 1216-C B rack. Apts.. GR 7-5422 Ja la lei, Abdul R., Saudi Arabi.*, 2215 Leon, Apt. 37 Ja m e s, Donald B.. Austin. 1217 C loverleaf. GL 2 5382 Ja m e s. Jill E ., D allas 1503 P ark w av . G R 8-8489 Ja m e s. J . P reston, Austin, 5104 M artin Ave. Ja m e s, Judith, Fort Worth, 204 E. 30th St.. Apt. 6 Jam es. M rs. Lethe. R., Houston.. 1704 Sabine. Apt. 32. GR 2-59^ Ja m e s, N anev, San Antonio, 3410 West Ave., Apt. 2. OL 2-08 Ja m e s, N ancy L . Tyler, 1300 Fairw ood Rd., G L 2-5604 Jam eson. Gene L., Dallas. 3809 Red R iver. GL 2-6195 Jam eson, N ancy M., Gatesville 1616 W, 6th, Apt. IO!:, GR 7-85 Jam ison. G a rre tt H.. B artlett, Robt. E . Lee Hall. GR 24)591 Jam ison. N ancy. Seguin, 2206 Rio G rande I Jam ison, R ichard L., San Amor J a m a r, Jeffrey J.. Austin, 302 C h ap arral. HI 4 2642 Janczak. M ary J , Killeen, 2610 W'hitis. GR 2 3187 Jan a cek , S ister M arv R., Corpu 2026 G uadalupe. GR 64)669 Jan ecek , Wal J .. Bellville i 1904 San G abriel. GR 2-4774 Jan e s. John L., San Antonio, 2511 N ueces , Jan ew av . Bobby D., Temple, 1012 W. 23rd St. Jan sen . Rudolf K., Heidelberg. Box 7611, Austin 12, GR 2-53J Jan ssen , M arv E , Corpus Chi ! 1607 W est Avenue. GR 8-772t> Jan tz, Douglas H.. Houston. 3125 H em phill P ark . GR 7-689 Jaq u e t. H arold S., D allas, 1613 B C ongress A T ECONOMY "Austins Finest" in Center C n a r a v i n a Cc g r a v i n g L o n if t a n t j Wyatt’s C A F E T E R I A i 910'/2 Brazos G R 2-354: Friday, June 12. I9A4 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page MB GARNER & SMITH NEW AND USED BOOKS Up to 6Q°Jo Sayings on Used Books Complete Series o f Paperbacks Penguin Scribner’s Anchor Vintage Pelican Dover Gateway Harper Torch Books .. Others • School Supplies & Magazines • Books in Foreign Languages • Records, 14% OFF 2116 GUADALUPE Open Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am. ’til 8:30 pm., Sat. ’til 6:30 GR 7-0925 Jarrard, John D., Waco, 1519 Mohlc, GR 8-2858 Jarrard, Margaret W., Houston. Box 234, Blanton. GR 1-5696 Jarrell, Marguerite K.. Austin, 3400 Enfield Rd., GR 8-0645 Jarvis, Judith A.. Austin. 408 Crockett, HI 2-5314 Jaseck, Gladys P., Austin. 5607 Libyan Dr., HI 4-1057 Javors, Martin A., Dallas, 2801 San Jacinto, GR 8^5641 Janning, George D., Austin, 1539-A Brack. Apts., GR 7-1488 Jazzar, Omar A., Saudi Arabia, Box 7115, UT Sta. Jeane, Harvey L., Port Arthur, 2413 Leon, GR 2-0120 Jefferson, Fred L., Bryan. 2107 Chestnut Jeffress, Mrs. Iris P., Alice. Box 8583 ,UT Sta., GR 2-0706 Jeffress, Victor C., Alice. Box 8583 .UT Sta., GR 2-0706 Jeffrey, Jack C., Austin. 6005 Mtn. Climb Dr.. CL 2-5109 Jelinek, Robert M., Beaumont, 2701 Nueces Jelks, Edward B., Austin, 6004 Belfast Dr., CL 3-6293 Jenke, Erwin M., Giddings. 4110 Avenue B, GL 3-8550 Jenkins, Jr., Jeff D., Big Spring, 1701 E. 381/7 St., GR 8-6944 Jenkins, Milton P., Palestine, 300 E. Riverside Dr., Apt. 207 Jennings, Jr., Allen L., Shreveport. La., 1708 Enfield Rd.. Apt. 9 Jennings. Cvnthia A., San Antonio, Blanton 506, GR 1-3120 Jennings, Goldie A., Wharton, Scottish Rite 251, GR 6-9131 Jennings, Linda S., Longview. Blanton 410 Jennings, Marion W.t Austin. 841 Airport Blvd., GR2-4491 Jennings, Martha J.. Houston. 2001 University Ave., GR6-8735 Jenscliko. Ronald F.. Fredericks­ burg. 2808 Hemphill Park Jesse, Maryanna R., Austin, 509 Carolyn, GR 2-0655 J essel, B arbara, Robstown. Blanton 208, GR 1-1007 Jesse!, Susan, Robstown. Blanton 526. GR 1-1796 Jossen, Vanna L., Austin. 1300 The High Road. GR 841896 Jessup, Margaret A., Dallas, 907 Poplar Jetton, Johnnie K., Denton. 616 W. 17th. Apt. 408, GR 6 3473 Jeu. Jr., Chuck F.. Houston. 1904-A W. 33rd, OL 2-5170 Jimenez, Humberto, Laredo, IH A W. 19th St. Jitkoff, Andrew, Houston, 300-C E. 33rd St. Jobe. Alice J., Cisco, 804-E W. 23rd St. Jobe. Bill D.. Austin. 401 l-A Lewis Lane, CL 3 1413 John, James A., Brownsville, 1401 Enfield Rd.. Apt. 207 John, Phillip G., Midland Johns. Susan K., Austin, 809 E. 32nd St., GR 8-8272 Johnson, Annie O., Dallas, 2512V* Seton Ave. Johnson, Audra L., San Antonio, Scottish Rite 228. GR 6-9131 Johnson, Barbara N., Corpus, 1905 University Ave., GR 7-0203 Johnson, Bonita J., Austin, 2005 Robin Hood Trail. GR 7-2872 Johnson, Carl T., El Paso, 600% Bellvue Place, GR 2-0112 Johnson, Carmen C., San Antonio, 2610 Whitis, Apt. 5. GR 8-4241 Johnson, Mrs. Cassia N., Ganado, 5600 Coventry, WA 6-1806 Johnson, Charles E., Lake Jackson, 2401-C Red River. GR 6-9394 Johnson, Charlotte A., Austin, 1803 E. 39th St., GR 7-0944 Johnson, Clifford W., Austin, HO 5-8976 Johnson, Clifton O.. Bastrop Johnson. Dallas W., Orange, Robt. E. Lee Hall. GR 8-7947 Johnson, Dale R.. New Braunfels, 1205 E. 52nd. Apt. 205 Johnson, Dale T,, 824 Harris Ave., GR 8-1066 Johnson, David B., Garland. 813 W. lith St.. GR 2-0683 Johnson. David C., Louise, 2500 E. 22nd. Apt. 202, GR 6-9214 Johnson, Sr.. David L„ Bronson, Moore-Hill Hall 235-A Johnson, Donald E., Austin, 4001 Crescent, GR 8-6219 Johnson, Donald R., Austin. 1521-A Brack. Apts., GR 6-9864 Johnson, Doniva G.. Aurora. Colo., 2838-B San Gabriel. GR 2-8670 Johnson. Jr.. E. D„ New Orleans, La., 2701 Nueces, GR 2-9097 Johnson. Elbert R., Temple. 1111-E Brack. Apts., GR 7-4539 Johnson. Elizabeth R., Odessa, m W. 27th St., GR 6-3191 Johnson, Farris A., Amarillo, 1112-A Brack. Apts., GR 7-5327 Johnson, Gail E., Brownsville, 2100 Oldham. GR 2-8185 Johnson, Gerald A., Austin. 2910 Red River, GR 6-3087 Johnson, Gerald L., Sherman, Box 7685, UT Sta. Johnson, Glenn T., Austin. 3002 LaFayette, GR 8-3932 Johnson, Gordon H., San Antonio, 1902 Fairlawn, Apt. 2 Johnson, Harold L., Austin. 1408 W. Bee Caves, GR 8-5013 Johnson, Helen J., Victoria, 2606 Enfield Rd.. Apt. l l Johnson, Howard W., Elgin 300 N. Ave. C., AT 5-4522 (Elgin) Johnson, Jr., Hubert D., Dallas, 4201 Avenue H., CL 2-0751 Johnson, Jam es A., Comanche, 3006-B Speedway, GR 2-7544 Johnson, James G., Austin, 3007 Duval, Apt. 307 Johnson, James M., Kerrville, 717 Harris Ave. Johnson, James R., Corpus Christi, 3707 Cedar, TIL 2-3851 Johnson, Jennie M., Goliad, 2620 Wichita, GR 6-1285 Johnson, John Jacob, Austin, 500 W. 29th St., GR 8-1580 Johnson, John P., Garland. 3001 Rod River, GR 7-7905 Johnson, Jon A., Van Horn, 2503 Bridle Path. GR 8-1936 Johnson, Joseph R., Austin. 841 Airport Blvd., GR 8-8608 Johnson, Judith A., Carrizo Spngs, Blanton Dorm. GR 1-1759 Johnson, Judith L., Austin. 2405 Bridle Path. GR 6-3144 Johnson, June F., Austin, 1803 Alguna R.. OL 2-8724 Johnson. Jr., Justin J., San Ant., 721 Snarks. GR 6 1718 Johnson, Kenneth W., Austin, 1409 W. 6th St., GR 7-7837 Johnson. Larry B., San Angelo, 1616 W. 6th St., GR6-0598 Johnson, Larry D., Austin. I 841 Airport Blvd.. GR 2-3097 Johnson, Lee M., Austin, ! 2715 Hemphill Park, GR 7-4774 I Johnson. Lester C., Sim Antonio, 1910 Rio Grande, GR 8-5043 Johnson, louise, Austin, 1404 W. 39% St., CL 3-5511 Johnson, Marjorie T., Bastrop Johnson, Milton R.. Fort Worth, 7513 Grover, HO 54)470 Johnson, Patsy A., San Antonio, Johnson, Peggy L.. San Antonio, Kinsolving 320, GR 1-1240 Johnson, Phillis. Galveston, 717 W. 22nd, Apt. 207. GR 7 9390 Jones, F. Chalon, Nacogdoches, 1430 A Brack. Apts., GR 6-8225 Jones, Frank G., Houston, 2107 Oldham, Apt. 201, GR 6-3421 Jones, Gary D., Ix>ngview. 2627 Wichita, GR 8-8527 Jones. Gary D., Wichita Falls. 2810%-B Pearl, GR 8-3356 Jones, Jr., George FL. Dallas, 2303 Red River, GR 8-2766 Jones, Herbert IL, Weslaco, 2408 Rio Grande Jones. Howard L.. Spring City. Pa., 2510 Enfield. Apt. 3. GR 7-5179 Jones. I. Elizabeth. Baytown, Blanton Dorm, GR 1-5076 Jones, Jr., Jack B., Del Rio, 3001 Red River. GR 64M89 Jones, Jr., Jam es R.. Fort Worth. | 6104 Derby Cove. GL 2-4387 ' Jones, Jam es W., San Antonio, | Goodall Wooten 508, GR 2-1343 I Jones, James W., Diana, j 3010-A Hemphill Park, GR 8-5348 Jones, Jeff WL, Austin, I 1303% San Antonio, GR 7-5072 Jones. Jerry W., Longview, 2627 Wichita. GR 8-8527 Jones, John A., Austin. 3204 Greenlawn. OL 3-6358 Jones, Jr., John W.. San Angelo, | Tropicana Apts. IO Jones, Jon P., Gladewater. 1809 N. Congress Ave.. GR 2-7510 Jones III. L. Ludwell, Houston, 2401 Oldham. GR 8-9152 Jones. Larry R., Stephenville. 5003 Glencoe Circle, HI 2-5871 Jones. Marian G., Van Court. 1902 University Ave., GR 2-8821 Jones III, Mark E., Graham, 1700 Sabine, GR 7-1748 Jones, Mona L., Corpus Christi. 300 E. Riverside Dr., GR 8-0909 I Jones, Nick L., Baytown. 2410 San Gabriel, GR 8-1627 Jones, Patricia A., Austin, 2200-E Wirtz Ave., HI 2-2435 Jones, Patrick R., Austin. 1 5705 Avenue C, 110 5-9202 Jones, Paul B., Austin. 2208 Enfield, Apt. 203. GR 8-3707 I ' Jones, Pete R., Corpus Christi, I 1978 Sabine Jones. Ralph F., Austin, I 2511 Del Curio Rd., HI 2-4232 Jones. Robert A., Charleston, S.C., , 606% Highland Ave., GR 8-0860 Jones, Robert D., Austin. 1603 Northridge Dr., GL 3-2470 Jones, Rocknev W., Austin, 2511 Del Curio Rd.. HL 2-4232 Jones, Roy R., Brownwood, 3106 Brinwood, HI 2-S920 Jones, Samuel K., Lake Charles, La., OKE House, GR 8-3491 Jones, Sandra K., Austin, ! 8707 Leisure Lane, HO 3-1730 Jones, Sarah A., Houston, Johnson, Ronald P., Moorhead, Minn., 705 W. 8th, GR 7-4260 Johnson, Ruth A., Houston, 706-B W. 25th St., GR 7-4006 Johnson, Samuel P., Austin, 1710 Palma Plaza. GR 6-2292 Johnson, Stephen E„ Knoxville, IIL, Moore-Hill Hall Johnson, Stephen F., Irving, 900 W. 22nd St. Johnson, William J.. Mason, 1901 Cliff St., GR 6-8191 Johnston, Burrell I)., Beeville, 4709 Chiappero, GL 2-1980 Johnston, Douglas E., El Campo, 3208-B Duval, GR 7-1881 Johnston, George G., Honolulu, Ha.. 1307 Norwalk La., GR 8-3219 Johnston, Janet, Hull, Blanton Dorm, GR 1-7497 Johnston, Jr., Loren T., Buda, 2111 De Verne, HI 2-7140 Johnston, William M., Centerville, 2210 Enfield Rd. Johnstone, Mrs. Mary E., McAllen, 3011 Whitis, Apt. 202. GR 2-8379 Joiner, Jr., John, Dallas, Box 8153, UT Sta. Joines, Paul R., Austin, 670242 Mira Loma La., HO 5-8841 Jolley, Welcome B., Danbury, Moore-Hill Hall Jolly. Jack D., Davenport, Okla., 605 W. 28th St. Jones, Allison. Houston. 3001 Red River, GR 2-2380 Jones, Anne M., Austin, 101-B W. 30th, GR 2-4820 Jones, Ariette I., Houston, 2506 Whitis. GR 7-0577 Jones, Mrs. Barbara H., Taft, 709 W. 26th St., GR 8-8138 Jones, Ben H., Highlands Jones, Bernice E., Austin, 300 E. Riverside Dr.. GR 2-3507 Jones, Carol K., Houston, 2315 Nueces, GR 6-5381 Jones. Carolyn T., Houston, 2506 Whitis, GR 7-0577 Jones. Claude R., New Boston, 3301 Red River, GR 6-5418 Jones, Dan P., Austin. 2103 Tower Dr., GR 8-7859 Jones. David C. Austin, 1208 W. 22nd St., GR 6-5763 4411 Airport Blvd. Jones, Susan L., Lancaster. ; 304 E. 26% St., GR 7-7853 Jones. Terry D., Austin. 1206-A Brentwood, GL 2-5567 Jones. Thomas Q., Austin, j 709 W. 26th. Apt. 12. GR 8-6025 Jones, Thomas W., Midland, I 2502 Nueces. Rm. 117, GR 8-0370 Jones, Wilburn G., Austin, i 3001 Belmont Circle, GR 7-1887 Jones III, William P., Midlothian, I 1311 Exposition, GR 2-7604 I Jordahl, Peter R., Austin, 1113-E Brack. Apts., GR 2-7159 Jordan, Beverly A., Baytown, 3601 Bonnie, GR 8-6320 Jordan. Frank M., Liberty. 1107 Shoalereek, GR 2-2310 Jordan, Gary K., Carlton, j 1908 Wichita. GR 2-4131 Jordan, Gene T., Kountze, 1700 Sabine, Apt. 22, GR 2-5646 Jordan, Jam es P.. San Angelo. 303-B Deep Eddy Apts. Jordan, Jay A.. Austin, 1221 Bickler Rd., HI 2-8874 Jordan, Sister Mary L., San Ant., 2026 Guadalupe, GR 64)669 Jordan, Melbourne, 403 E. 32nd St., GR 7-7858 Jordan, Richard L., Austin. 1221 Bickler Rd., HI 2-8874 Jordan. Sherron S., Brady Joseph. Joe L., Austin, 1311-C Brack. Apts.. GR 2-4624 Joseph, Susan E., Austin, 2706 Wooldridge, GR 8-4141 Joumoi, Mustafa M., Saudi Arabia Box 7605 UT Sta.. GR 7-8852 Joy. Glenn C.. Fort Worth, 1202 Marshall, GR 6-4069 Joyce, Alice A., Austin, 1503 W. 40th St., HO 5-9892 Joyce, Kenneth G. B., Manlius. N.Y., 606 Elmwood, GR 7-7464 Juarez, Bennie R., Tularosa, N.M. 1434-A Brack. Apts., GR 6-0129 Jud, Gustav D., Galveston. 2204 Enfield Rd., Apt. 213 Jumper, Donald G., Mt. Vernon, 2216-B Perry Ave., HI 2 2884 Jung. Anthony C., Fredericksburg, 2100 Oldham, Apt. 7. GR 6-8479 Jurena, Leonard A., Yoakum, 4525% Avenue D Justice, Jr., John R.. Fort Worth, 2305 Sabine. Apt. 2-B Justin, Chester A., Anaheim. Calif., Simkins Hall 114-B Jutson, Patsy J., Groesbeck. 5206 Berkman Dr., GL 2-3184 - K Kaback, David B., Eagle Pass, Moore-Hill Hall Kadjar. Bennie G., Baytown, 3405 Duval, GR 2-5316 Kadjar, David M., Baytown, 3405 Duval. GR 2-5316 Kahn, Ilene B., San Antonio. 1804-A Niles Road. GR 6-9260 Kahn. Pat L . El Paso, 1212 Castlehill Kahn. Susan J., Little Rock., Ark., 2106 Swisher, Apt. 209, GR 6-0005 Kahn. Terry D., San Antonio, 1804-A Niles Rd., GR 6-9260 Kalmans, Monte S.. Houston, 717 W. 22nd St., GR 8-7864 Kaminski, Bonnie J., Houston, 2610 Whitis. GR 2-9304 Kane. John P., San Angelo. 2216 Westlake Dr., GR 2-5750 Kane, Steve D., San Antonio Kantowski, Anita C.. Galveston, 3704 Robinson Ave., GR 2-7647 Kantowski, Ronald, Galveston. 3704 Robinson Ave., GR 2-7647 Kantz, Jr., Paul T., Kingsville, 1309-A Brack. Apts., GR 2-5095 Kanzaki, Katsumi, Japan, 708 W. 22% St., GR 8-8185 Kapchinskie. Mary L., Channel­ view, 2026 Guadalupe, GR 6-0669 Kaplan. Rita, Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 2-0537 Kaplan, Stuart M., Brooklyn, N.Y., i Port Aransas (marine Institute! Karchmer, Michael B., Corpus | Christi, 3011 Whitis Karlik, Agnes M., West. 2303 San Antonio, GR 8-0463 Karlskind, Neil B., 2501 Oldham. Apt. 207 Kantian. Kathleen A., Austin. Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9131 Karwiel, Mrs. Lela S., San Antonio, 1616 W. 6th, Apt. 305, GR 2-2936 Kaspar, Thomas N., Austin, 212 W. 51st, Apt. 2. CL 2-4686 Kasper, Edward E.. Austin, 6106 Wood view, HO 5-9787 i I Kastritsis, Constantine D., Greece, ! Ut. 7. Box 996, CL 2-3510 Katami, Abdel R., Saudi Aragia, Box 8104, UT Sta., GR 2-2300 Katz, Karen J., San Antonio. Alpha Phi House, GR 8-8595 Katz, Loyce A., Amarillo. 3001 Red River, Apt. 226, GR84>275 t Kauachi, Jose E., Mexico, | 2318 Baylor i Kaufman, Andrea M., Houston, I 709 W. 22nd St.. GR 8-9891 Kaufman, Colin Kelly, Austin. I 501 E. lith St., GR 8-5658 Kavoussi, Rostam M., Iran, 111-A Simkins Hall, GR 6-2536 Kay, E. Anne, Nederland, 2610 Whitis, Apt. 6. GR 7-4311 Kayyal, Kasim M., Syria, 3009 Speedway, Apt. I, GR 2 8153 Kazen, Barbara A., Laredo, IOO-A E. 32nd St.. GR 6-0836 Kazen, Beth, Laredo, Kinsolving 212, GR 1-3729 Reach, Sam F., Austin, ! 4716 B Caswell Ave., GL 2-0952 Kearney, Milo E.. Austin. 1819 Travis Heights, HI 2 1292 Keating, John E , Port Arthur, 2500 E. 22nd. Apt. 104, GR 6-4496 Keating, Mrs. Karen A., Pt Arthur, 2500 E. 22nd, Apt. 104, GR 6-44% Reek, Christian E., W. Lafayette, Ind., 709 W. 22nd. GR 6-9316 Keefe II, James R., Victoria, 2710-B Nueces, GR 7-0197 Keefe, Thomas M., Austin, 4007 Jefferson St.. GL 3-8089 Keefer, Frederick E.. Greenville, Pa.. 209% W. 33rd St. Keel, Karen D.. Austin. 1510 W. 32nd St., GR 2-6502 Keeler, Bernard F.f Austin, 3807 Avenue B Keeling, Rubye B., Beaumont, 1807 Poquito, Apt. 214 Reese, Paul G., Houston, 2401 Manor Rd., GR 7-4834 Kell. Judith E .t Temple, Delta Zeta House, GR 6-5381 Keil. Kay N., Hallettsville, 1008 W. 25% S t. GR 2-1038 Keister. Don M.. Dallas, 2839% Shoal Crest Keller, Charles W., Houston, 1113-B Brack. Apts. Keller, Clarence E., San Antonio, 407-B W. 27th. GR 8-2006 Keller, Kathy A., Austin, 206 Bonniview, GR 2-6324 Keller. Keith A., Fredericksburg, 2529 S. Lamar. Lot 33. HI 4-3130 Kelley, Barbara L., Austin, 7003 Silverplume Crcl, GL 3-2298 Kelley, David L., 3102 Hunt Trail Kelley, Katherine L., Austin. 1602 Foresthill, HI 2-5258 Kellogg, Arthur J., Cedar Hill, 384-B Deep Eddy Apts. Kelly, Ernest M., Borger. 2511 Pearl, Apt. 2. GR 2-7309 Kelly, Richard J., Austin. 900 W. 30th St., GR 7-2129 Kelly, Jr., Robert E., San Antonio, 1401 Enfield, Apt. 206, GR 2-9892 Kelly, Sherry J., Edinburg, Blanton, Box 425, GR 1-1408 Kelly, William G., McKinney, 1958 Sabine, Apt. 102. GR 7-4332 Keltner, Kenneth M., Longview, 2106 Swisher, Apt. 202, GR 2-6325 Kelton, Camille. Austin, 3001 Red River Kelty, Diane C., San Antonio, 2315 Nueces. GR 7-7951 Kelm, Charles H., Austin. 702 Texas Ave.. GR 2-6706 Kemp, Ann S., Goldthwaite, Blanton 209, GR 1-1719 Kendall, Dorothy I., Karnes City, Scottish Rite 13, GR 6-9131 Kendall, Gary F., Killeen. San Jacinto Dorm A-216 Kendall, Melinda, Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 2-0545 Kendall, Natalie. Lufkin. Kinsolving 309, GR 1-7130 Kendall, Richard P., Pasadena. 1215 E. 52nd. Apt. 108, GL 3-6993 Kendrick. Jo A., Mineral Wells, 608 Park Place. GR 8-4114 Kendrick, John B., Denton, 1113 Shoal Creek. GR 7-5136 Kendrick, Julia J. M.. Austin. 1400-A Ashwood Rd., GR 8-7705 Kendrick, Mary L., Raymondville, 1113 Shoal Creek. GR 7-5136 Kendrick, Robert M., Gatesville, 2500 Leon. GR 8-7842 Kenmotsu, Do reno M.. Rio Grande City. Kinsolving 218, GR 1-5208 Kennedy, John W., Austin, 2400 Del Curio, HI 2-5946 Kennedy, Joy R., Austin, 1610 Wilshire Blvd., GL 3-8004 i Kennedy. Judy L., Mexia. ' 405 E. 31st. Apt. 34. GR 7-1425 Kennedy, Larry J., Austin. 5701 Marilyn Dr., HO 5-6147 Kennedy. Maurice G., Freeport, 1418-A Brack. Apts.. GR 2-9633 Kennemer, Julia A., Dallas, 2106 Oldham, Apt. 207, GR 6-3898 Kent, Jr., Herbert R., Austin, 361-B Deep Eddy Apts., GR 8-0828 Kent, Roberta, Austin, 2303 McCullough. GR 7-2447 Kercheviile, Jot1 B., San Antonio, 2202 Enfield, Apt. 204, GR 2-0893 Kern. Donald, El Paso. 1701 Sabine, GR 2-1217 Kerr, Ben Y., Baytown. 3808 Stevenson, GR 6-3770 Kershner, Susan L., Houston. 1708 Mohle Dr., GR 2-6614 Kesler II, William J., Austin. 2312 Pruett, GR 2-3262 Rester, Patricia Annette. Houston, 2315 Nueces. GR 2-8014 nestler, Jr., Abb, New Boston, 1801 Rio Grande, GR 6-2084 Key, Julia A., Sundown, 1504 Dartmouth Ave., GL 24K361 Key, Karen S., Dallas, Scottish Rite 46, GR 6-9131 Keys. M argaret A., Austin, 1108-C Blanco. GR 2-3413 Khaiyat, Mahdv Y., Saudi Arabia, , Box 8041, UT Sta., Khalaf, Ali M., Egypt, i 903 W. 22%, Apt. 3. GR 2-0232 Khashab, Abdul-Ilah Y., Iraq. Box 8154, UT Sta., GL 3-5424 Kibble, Johanne R., Austin. 3405 Oakmont, GL 2-6266 Kibble, Kent D., Fort Worth. 3405 Oakmont, GL 2-6266 Kidd. Alice R., _ 6802 Shoal Creek Blvd., GL 2-3186 Kidd, John B., Dallas, 1401 Enfield, Apt. 102, GL 2-7320 Kidder, Rudolph, Bay City. 1209 E. 31st St.. GR 7-9163 Kid well. Karen B., Tahoka, 2000 Pearl Kiger, Monna A., Austin, 2509 Janice Dr., GR 2-1931 Kilbride, Wade R.. Chicago, III., KOI Westminster, HO 5-9806 Kilgore, Sharon R., Groesbeck, Blanton 427, GR 1-1679 Killough, David T., Baytown. Moore-Hill Hall 214, GR 8-1431 Kimbler, Oscar K.. Austin, 1605 Sweetbriar Ave., GL 2-1871 Kimbrow, Johnny M., Midland, 1803 N. Congress Kinard, Donald R., Seminole, 903-F Northwood Terrace J I Friday, Ju m 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN P«g« I5« Designed for Better, Faster Service for the University Sfucf UNIVERSITY The University Co-Op and The Toggery, kl continuance of their policy to distribute maximum savings through dividends, will p a y a C A S H D I V I D E N D O F 2246 Guadalupe Street — GR 2-1141 FOR THE SUMMER SESSION. K inard, J r ., John R ., McAllen, 384-F Deep E ddy Apts., GR 8-6205 K inard, Lee E ., Tem ple, 1912 W ichita K incaid, E v a R., 1911-B W. 38th St. K incaid, J e r ry R ., Big Spring, 2604 G uadalupe, GR 8-5827 K incaid, K enneth W., Sabinal, Goodall Wooten 812 K in d . Ja m e s F „ Austin, 4209 Lull wood R d., GL 3-1928 King, A lbert K., Ingram , 1930 San Antonio, GR 7-0617 King, Anthony. San Antonio 841 A irport Blvd.. G R 2-1726 King, Donna S., Austin, WA 6-2495 King. E m m a L ea. Austin, 4812 King. 1.301 King. 1601 King. 4607 King. 1801 King, E a st Avenue, HO 5 8908 F ra n k L.. Brownfield. Suffolk D r.. GL 3-6175 H arv e D., Austin, A stor P lace, WA 6-3147 H ow ard A.. Austin. Clawson R d., HI 2-7020 Ja m e s F ., Austin, V ance C ircle, GR 6-1222 John W., P a ris, 1405-B B rack. Apts., GR 7-4622 King, John W., Austin. 5602 Shoaledge Ct., GL 2-1667 King. R ich ard E ., San Antonio, 1416 E. 37th St.. GR 6-9793 K ing II. R obert L., Austin 1801 Vance C ircle, GR 6-1222 King. R uth A., Austin. 1801 V ance C ircle. GR 6-1222 King, Sam uel L., Alice, Goodall Wooten 808. GR 8- do8- King, Sharon C., D allas, Scottish R ite 212, GR 6-9131 K ingsbury, S an d ra L., Austin, 1301 Norwood, HO 5-8550 K innard, K arolyn K „ Abilene, 1908 U niversity Ave., GR 6413o K insey, J a m e s R ., T>'ler. 4010 Avenue D, GL 3-6444 K insey, Ja n ic e D., Austin. 2507-B Q u arry R d., G R 6-2148 K insey, Jen n ifer C., Austin, 102 Skyline D r., GR 2-1782 K insey, J r ., John A., Lynn H aven, F la ., 2507-B Q u arry , GR 6-2148 Kinzy, H a rry N orm an, F o rt W orth, I I I 4415 Avenue D., GL 3-2801 Kiowski, Joseph R., D allas, 1533-A B rack. Apts., GR 7-9130 R ipple, C harles D„ P asad e n a, 3001 R ed R iv er, G R 7-2147 K irby. Linda S., Longview, Kinsolving 215. GR 1-3983 K irby, P a tric k L., Austin. 841 A irport Blvd.. GR 6-3400 K irchem , R onald G., Hitchcock, Moore-Hill Hall 107 K irch n er, G loria A., Junction. 1801 Rio G rande, G R 2-6543 K irk, E llen W., San Angelo, 3303 Hem lock. GR 8-5132 K irk. J r ., Joe E ckley, Huntsville, Robt. E . Lee Hall 56 K irk. M rs. M arjorie D., E l Paso, 1705 New H e ld Lane, G R 7-7893 K irk. M. C atherine, Huntsville, 2104 N ueces, GR 7-8245 K irk, M ary J ., O dessa, 2208 Rio G rande, G R 8-7153 K irk, P a tric ia A., B eaum ont, Kinsolving 422, G R 1-5830 K irk. R. W ade, Odessa, 3303 Hem lock, GR 8-5132 K irk, J r ., W illiam T., D allas. 2100-A Kin wood, HI 4-1242 K irk h am , E d w ard E ., Baytown, 2319 South L a m a r K irk p atrick II, Edwin L., Austin, 3306 B ry k er D r., OL 3-3108 K irk p atrick , E tta K., R ockdale, 806 Nelson. Apt. 106, GR 6-8012 K irk p atrick , K aren, Lubbock, 2313 Oldham K irk p atrick , R ich ard M., R ockdale, 806 Nelson, Apt. 106, GR 6-8012 K irk s. E u la R ., Houston, Kinsolving South 402, GR 1-3757 K irsopp, Donald E ., Austin, 1809 W. 29th St., GR 8-3062 K irven, L a m a r L., Austin, 1311 H arvey St.. GR 7-0868 K isselburgh. Jim , E l Paso, 1007 W. 26th St.. GR 8-2666 Kite. Verlon S., C anal Zone, 1953-A Red R iver K itten, M arvin C., Slaton, Goodall Wooten D orm , GR 2-1343 K itzm iller, J e r e A., D eer P ark , 2107 Oldham , Apt. 203 K laus, Ira J ., Lolita, .......... 1903 Rio G rande. GR 2-8331 K leim an. M ark E ., Austin, 1515 E nfield Rd.. GR 7-7519 Klein. B renda J., Austin, 2815 Wooldridge D r., G R 2-3742 Klein, D ayton C., Austin, 2702 Del C urio R d., HI 2-4106 Klein. H ow ard M „ P ittsfo rd , N.Y., 701 M anor Rd.. Apt. 4 Klein, Joel H., San Antonio, 1307 N orw alk. Apt. 102, GR 6-0331 Klein, M aria E ., C orpus C hristi, 1708 M anor Rd., GR 2-3429 Klein, M arjorie A., M inneapolis, Minn., 1806 P e a rl, GR 6-9355 Klein, M arth a M „ H arlingen, 3001 Red R iver, GR 7-8251 Klesius, Phillip H., F lorida, 2053 Sabine, GR 8-9422 Klinck, J a n M., McAllen, I GR 6-4111 Kline, P ete B., San Antonio, 1401 Enfield Rd.. GR 2-4917 Kline, J r., Philip S.. San Antonio. 140i Enfield, Apt. 210, GR 2-4917 | j Kline, R onald C., Houston, 3001 Red R iver. GR 6-9285 Kline, Steve M., Houston. 2626 Speedway. G R 2-1560 # K in g m a n , C harles D., Austin, 5604 Shady Oak Court. GL 3-19(4 K in g m an , K athryn S., H am ilton, 5604 Shady Oak Court. GL 3-1974 K o e p p er, Keith P ., New B raunfels, 102 W. 18th St., GR 8-5361 ! K u n d t, K atrin a O., E lm ica, N.Y., | 2208 N ueces, GR 8-9160 K u th , M arie A., Austin, 1104 W. 22nd., G R 8-7092 K u tz , Stacy C.. Van O rm y 2303 San Antonio, GR 8-0463 K nachel, R o b ert E ., M arion, Ohio, 102 W. U s a D r., GL 2-1766 K nape, J r., B. W.. Sherm an. 1604-E Rio G rande, G R 6-8872 J I K n err, D onna L.. Houston, B lanton 230, G R 1-5277 Knight, B arney L., R ogers. 1112-C B rack. Apts. I K night. G ary W., G rand Saline, 2700 Valley Springs, GR 6-1726 Knight, J r ., Glenn E ., San Saba, 304-D E. 2614 St.. GR 6-4155 Knight, Ja c k E ., K n g sv ille, j Sim kins Hall K night, John G., E l P aso, I ! 5001 G regory K night. L ester N .. Austin 11811 Dove H aven, GL 2-5552 K night, P a tric ia B.. W ichita Falls, 2001 U niversity Ave. Knight, R obert E ., Austin, 909 W. 17th St., GR 8-1852 K night, R obert P ., B ry an K night. Ronny L., Austin, 2408 Longview, R m . 205 K nippa, C onstance E ., Austin, 4206 B rad wood R d., GL 34026 K nippa, L a rry D., San Antonio. 903 B W. 22nd St., G R 2-8969 Knolle, E . Anne, Austin, 2609 Hillview, GR 7-8790 Knolle, M ary K ., Sandia. 2106 Oldham . Apt. 206, GR 8 9497 Knopp, Jero m e , Austin. 7510 St. Louis, GL 2-5265 K nostm an, G ary J., B ellaire, 2056-B Sabine, GR 8-8189 K notts. E llio tt L., F o rt W orth. ! Sari J a e Dorm D-103, GR 84)192 Knowles. C harles R., Coolville, Ohio, P e t. E n g . Dept, GR 1-3161 Knox, J r .. J a c k C., Seym our, 220 Bonniview. GR 2-6112 Knox, J r ., T heodore W., Sinton, j 1902 W ichita, GR 8-2006 Knox, J r ., Will G., Austin 394- CDeep E ddy A pts., GR 2-05(3 K ohler III, J a s p e r F ., Austin, 1607 Newfield, GR 8-1149 Kobv, W illiam A., Houston, 2701 N ueces, GR 7-0856 K ochhar, R ajin d ar K., India, 708 W. 22nd St., GR 6-1958 K ocurek. W. Neal, Austin, 3404-B L aF ay ette, G R 6-9708 Koehler, Judith E ., La P ry o r 2610 W hitis, Apt. 5, GR 8-7647 Koehn, R obert D., M cPherson, K an., 2910 R ed R iver, Apt. 305 Koenig, H ow ard W., San Antonio, 505 W. 23rd, Apt. 4, GR 6-4242 Koenig, L aw rence S., Hallettsville. 3000 M aplelaw n C ircle, WA 6-2996 Koenig. M audy M .f E dna, 1704 Sabine Koenig, W illiam D., Austin. 2016 B rentwood. GL 2-8379 K ohlenberg, J r .. Lee M., New B raunfels, 1909 WThitis, GR 6-u430 Kohler, R obert D., Austin, 3902 Idlew ild, HO 5-7739 K ohnert, Donna J Houston 2001 U niversity Ave., GR 6- 873j Koinm , A lbert J.. Houston. 2828 San Jacin to , Apt. 2 Kolb, Hazel L., San Angelo, 2728 S. Congress. HI 2-5342 K om dat, John R., D allas, 2506 Rio G rande, G R 7-1152 Kopecky. C harlotte J ., E a s t B er­ n ard . 2508 San G abriel, Apt. 5 K orm eier, V ictor A., Austin, 2514 H artfo rd Rd., GR 745113 K ornegay, J r ., H orace T,, Elgin, 103-A E . 52nd St., GL 2-0931 R osier. R onald A., Shiner. 2007 Whitis Ave.. G R 7-5481 R oss, Valene J ., Columbus, 1910 San G abriel K ostka, M arilyn J., Boulder, Colo., 2015-E Red R iver, GR 8-2364 Kostoff, M orris R., S eattle Wash , 1216-B B rack. Apts., GR 7-8115 K ott. G ary L., B ellaire 3208 L arry Lane. GR 2-5271 K ovac, K arl B., Austin, 386-F Deep Eddy Apts. ! K owalik, Ja n ic e R.; Hobson, ‘ B lanton D orm , GR 1-1277 K ra e m e r, R ich ard H., Austin, 1304 N orw alk, GR 7-0788 K ra m er, Dewey W., 1518 B arton Springs, GR i -4581 K ra m e r, John H., Austin, 3410 D uval, GR 2-1384 K ra m er, V ictor A., Waco, 1518 B arto n Springs. G R (4581 I K ra m e r, W illiam A., D allas, 4402-A E ilers, GL 2-8954 K rau se, D avid T., L a G range, 4306 M arathon St. K rau se, J uh anne I)., 1205 E . 52nd, Apt. 202, GL 2-3003 K reisle, Linda, Austin, 3108 Glenview, 110 5-7132 K rejci, Dorothy M., B a y to w n .__ 2600 E nfield, Apt. 205, GR 6-5793 ! K reneck, Lynwood A., Kenedy, 383-B Deep E ddy Apts.. G R 8-8377 ; K ress, B etty A., Austin, 2305-A R ed R iver, GR 2-5842 K re tsch m ar, Susane, R osenberg, 2000 P e a rl (M ayfair House) K riegel. J a m e s R ., Giddings, 1209-F B rack. A pts., G R 8-0685 K riet, John N., San Antonio, 3100-B S an ta M onica, HI 4-3137 Kroll. C harlotte, L ake Jackson, 2106 O ldham , Apt. 105 K ru eg er, Jim m y W., Olney, G02-B T exas Ave., GR 8-7855 K ru g er, J a m e s A., Austin, 1619 F o re st T ra d , GR 8-8028 K rum , Yvonne L.. Comfort, 3301 D uval, GR 6 5004 K ruzm an, S an d ra A., Scottsdale, Ariz., 709 W. 6th, GR 7-2119 Kubiak, E lizabeth J ., R ockdale, 2011 Whitis, GR 8-2357 K ubiak, L eonard P ., R ockdale, 705-B W. 23rd St. K ubicek, Adolph J ., G ranger, 1008 E . 44th St. Ruck, P am ala K., Odessa, . 1008 W. 25%, Apt. 105, GR 2-1038 Kuhlm ann, D avid G., Houston, 807 E. 24th St., GR 74322 Kuhlm ann, Linda R ., Houston, 807 E. 24th St. Kuhn, E lizabeth J ., Sebastian, 1814 Ashby. HI 4-1053 Kuhn, Joaquin C.. Taylor. Goodall Wooten 710 Kuhns III. Ja m e s F ., Austin. 6602 M esa Dr., GL 2-9118 K um m er. K aren E ., F o rt W orth, 2610 Whitis, Apt. 5, G R 8-4241 Kunz, Jan e M., Austin, 1705 P earl, GR 2-2505 Kunz, Sue, Austin, 1705 P earl. GR 2-2505 K u pennan, David I., B reckenridge, 2100 Oldham, Apt. 3, GR 2-8185 K urtz, M rs. B etty S., Austin, 915 Keith Lane. GR 8-5548 Kusin, Sherm an A., T ex ark an a, 1511 H arrell Lane, GR 8-2337 K utac, M arg aret M., Schulenburg, 3804 Red R iver, GR 2-5087 Kuykendall. Joseph R., Houston, 1916 Speedway, GR 2-9655 Kyle, Andrew C.. Abilene, Moore-Hill Hall. GR 2-9708 K yser, David S., Houston, 3701 Wilson L am b erth , L. S., J r ., San Antonio, 814 A irport Blvd., GR 64026 L am b rech t, M ark D avid, Austin, 14 S cott C rescent, G R 7-2085 L am kin, Bill D., Brownwood, 8380 Univ. Sta., G R 7-6231 L am m , E u g en e Noel, San Antonio, 1707-A B rack Apts. L am m , M arth a Louise, K rum , 2315 N ueces, GR 8-0958 L am m erg ard , M ary K., Waco, 2401 M anor Rd., G R 8-8880 Lam m ons, P e te S., Austin, 300 E . R iverside. GR 7-7232 LaM ontagne, J R., M exico City. 306-B E a s t 32nd St., GR 2-5989 L am pee, R obert H enry, Houston, 2202 E nfiekl, GR 24211 L an ag an , John Anton, Longview, 712-B P a rk P la ce L an ag an , Leslie B., Bay City, 712-B P a rk P lac* L an c aster, J . H., Bolton, Miss 2015-F Red R iver, GR 8-8835 L an c aster, L ana, H am lin, 3304 R ed R iver, G R 2-5087 Land. R odney P au l, Austin, 4514 Shoalwood. GL 3-4353 L an d ers, Ja m e s R ., Longview. 1704 Sabine, Apt. 29, G R 2-599 > L an d ers, Mel, Abilene, 2002 Whitis, GR 8-7183 L an d ers. M urriel K ., Anton, 1709 San Jacin to , GR 7-1880 Land in, M elchor R ., Brownsville, - L - LaBauve, Arnold A., J r ., Houston, 204 E. 30th. Apt. 4, GR 8-2902 LaBouve, Bobby Wayne, Houston, 1907 Whitis Lackey, Cynthia Lee, Georgetown, 2610 Whitis, Apt. 3. GR 6 6033 Lackey. William D., Brownfield, 2106 Swisher, Apt. 207, GR 6-1429 Lacy, Leonard C., Texas City, 1700 Sabine St., GR 8-1356 Lacy, Phillip W ayne. M arshall, 710 W. 24th, Apt. 3, GR 6-5609 Laden, M ichael M., Austin, i Box 7732, Univ. Sta., HO 5-5184 Ladin, F ra n k Sam uel, Houston, 706 E. 25th. Apt. IO. GR 7-1176 Laem m k, Philip G., PL A rthur, 2820 Rio G rande L affere, L an ette E laine, C am eron, 333 Blanton Hall, GR 1-1197 L afferty, C arl David, Austin, 1903-B David, GR 8-0554 Lafleur, Louis Dwynn, Austin, 905 E. 49th, GL 34056 Lagow, B a rb a ra R eisert, Austin, 4506 O akm ont St.. GL 34509 La Grone, M ax Huel, P t. A rthur, 5602 R idge O ak D r., HO 5-9745 Laibouitz. R obert Alan. Austin, 4614 M adrona D r., GL 3-5314 Lain, Jan ice S.. Corpus C hristi, 812 E. 30th, GR 2-7065 Laine, Donald E d w ard , Corpus, 1511-B B rack Apts. L aird, C harles E ., J r ., Austin, 5704 T railrid g e D r., GL 3-7764 L aird, John T., Stephenville, 906% W. 22, GR 6 8428 L aird, L au ra Sego, Glen R ose, 906% W. 22nd, GR 6-8428 L aird, Nickie Lee, F o rt Worth, 1504 W est Avenue, GR 2-8778 Lake, Jea n n e Ann, M arshall, 1801 Rio G rande, G R 2-6543 Lake, R obert Stephen. Ft. Worth, 2400 I .eon St.. GR 6-6225 L alla, G ilbert Adolph. Taylor, L am ar, M ary Blake. P u erto Rico, 1507 Northwood. G R 74886 L am b, Douglas W ayne, Austin, 1705 Alguno. HO 5-5140 Lam b, Lois M arlene. Brownwood, 2?011 R ed R iver, GR 8-5959 L am b, Noelle, L.. A rtesia, N.M. 2407-B N ueces. GR 2 3807 Lam bdin, William T., Austin. 2303-A Sabine. GR 6-0785 710-A W. 22% L andis. C harles E ., D allas 406 E . 15th, Apt. 204. GR 2-2093 L andolt, R obert George, Austin, 2300 R ae Dell, HI 2-2167 L an d ru m , M ary E ., Beaum ont, 1802 West Ave., G R 6-1875 L an d ru m , S andra L ., E agle I ass, 2105-07 M anor. G R 2-0545 L andry, Donna M areen, Wichita fr , Rt. 4, Box 323 L ands. Ja c k F ., J r ., Rockdale, 2205-C W irtz, HI 2-5380 L andstrom . R onald L., Axtell, Neb., 704 Good all-W ex) ten Dorm. L andua, H arvin L ., J r.. Midland, 1505 Newfield, G R 2-8963 L andua, Jeffry D., M idland, 2619 W ichita. Apt. 4 L andua. S andra T aylor Midland, 1505 Newfield L u., GR 2-8963 Lane, A rtie Sue, San Antonio 2609 U niversity Ave., GR 8-8160 Lane, D avid M averick, Tyler. 2102 San Antonio, GR 8 653J Lane, W illiam E lb ert, Austin, 5700 W estm inster, GL 2-2705 L ane. W illiam G erald, Austin, 2206 A rpdale, H I 4-2221 Lang. Glcndel Clifton Abilene 1528 B B rack A pts., G R 24259 L in g . Ju lian n a M ., San Antonio, 2609 U niversity Ave. L in g , Lucite M ick, I^ re d o , 2311 N ueces St., GR 6 4 5 4 L angenkam p, R.. L ., L ak e Jackson, 109 A San Jacin to Dorm Langford, Chiyoko Suzuki, Japan, 906% W est 22nd . L angford, Judy, C orpus Christi, 1007 W. 26th. Apt. 209 L angford, Orts D ale, P ittsb u rg , 1910 W hitis, GR 2-2786 L in g h am , R obert S.. F re e p o rt 2200 B W irtz, HI 2-0958 Langley, W illiam E ugene Eam pa, i 1271-F B rackenridge. G R 2-touz I Langston, Jim m y A it U m gvie 219 Moore-Hill. G R 8-1117 , L angston, John C., Channelview , 2503 San G abriel, Apt. 3-A L angston, R obert B ruce, Austin, 2700 Townes L ane, G R 8-31M8 Langston, T anya M ann, Baytown, 2503 San G abriel. Apt. L anham , D ora Celene, 3-A Silverton, 803 W. 28th L am b ert. David Roy, G arland, Box 3, R obert E. Lee, G R 2-0591 L am b ert, Donald E ., W ichita Falls, 406 E . 15th, Apt. 102, G R 2-2527 L am b erth , K aren J ., .San Antonio, 814 A irport Blvd., GR 6-1026 L anham . Linda. T em ple, 27 Sabine O aks Apts. L an ier, M arth a Ju n e, Houston. 2606 Enfield R d., Apt. l l L an ier, N ancy C arol. Austin. 2508 Inwood P la ce. G R 7-5417 i n t "b i ll 0 I N I S I ' V. N S I 0 I m 2246 Guadalupe Street — GR 8-6636 L an ier, R o b ert Alex, Houston, 3001 R ed R iver. GR 2-6627 L ankford, M ary Lee, Austin, 3503 R iv er Rd., GR 2-8201 lim n in g , Royston S earcy, Austin, 8201 Rockwood. OL 3-5839 L in te r, R obert Allen, F t. Worth, 2910 R ed R iver, GR 7-1520 L appin, Ja m e s B., F t. Sm ith, Ark., 1401-H San Antonio. GRb-5734 L a ra , R oberto, San Benito, 1902 W hitis Ave., G R 2-3691 L arg en t, Ja m e s R ich ard , W inters, 1301-B Kirkwood, GL 2-7840 L arg en t, M ary Alice, C leveland, 709 W. 26th, Apt. 19 L aritz , C harles M ichael, Austin, 3002 Glenview Ave., GL 2-3360 L ark in , J a m e s C., J r., Houston, 1419-A B rack Apts., G R 2-8658 L a rra b e e . D aniel Alvin, W ebster, 106-A San Jacinto, G R 84520 L arson, C herry E ileen, Austin, 4815 Rowena. HO 5-0359 L arson, D avid Lee, M arfa, 1525-B B rack Apts.. GR 8-8301 L ir v . Ca m m , C „ J r ., B urnet, 1148% G unter, GR 7-8685 L arv , M. S., J r ., F o rt W orth, 2704 San P edro, GR 24232 L a sa te r, G. N., J r., F alfu rria s, 4102 Shoal Creek. C L 2-8630 L a sa te r, M ary Lynne, T yler, 302-C E . 30th, GR 7-2340 L a Shier. W illiam S., A m arillo, 8304 Rockwood, GL 2-3260 L as iter. N ancy S., C enterville, 1915 Sabine, Apt. 206, GL 3-1812 L assen . (Jerald ^ o v d - Arlington, 1904-E Rio G rande, G R 6-5206 L as well. R alph W., San Angelo, j 3501-E Owens C ircle L ath am , C. E ..Odessa. Lawson, G ary Lee, Austin, 803 Tirado, GL 2-4449 Lawson, G eraldine A., Del Rio, 717 West 22nd, GR 8-7864 Lawson, H a rry J ., Houston, 805 P a rk P lace, GR 7-6902 Law son, N ancy C. A., Beeville 707 W. 25th. G R 6-5102 Law son, Sharon A., Houston, 807 E a st 24th, GR 74322 Law son, Susan C. A., Houston, 805 P a rk P lace, G R 7-6902 Law ton, F red W.. F reep o rt, 1705-B B rack Apts., GR 7-7401 Lay, Billy Gene, P asad en a, 2215 Leon S treet. Apt, 15 Lay, R ich ard I., San Antonio, 2214 Rebel Rd., HI 2-7310 Lay, Vernon I., J r., Austin, 5403 W aterbrook, WA 6-2295 Lea, M arth a Jean . M arshall, Scottish R ite Dorm ., GR 6-9131 Lea. M ichael Scott, D allas, 1961 Sabine, Apt. 305, GR i-4io2 L each. A ndrea Sharon, D allas, 2815 N ueces, GR 6-5381 # L each, F red d ie L., Austin, 1813 West 38th, GL 3-7512 L each. R onald Doyle, P asad en a, 1810 C ongress, G R 2-2867 L eague. N ancy Kay, Com fort, 2610 Whitis Apt. I, GR 2 9304 L eal. M anuel, South A m erica, Box 8254 Univ. Sta. Leam ons, R obert Hay. /u n c tio n , 6713 T am p a Cove. WA 6-2179 L ea th erb u ry , J. R ., J r .. F t Worth, 24-B Moore-Hill, GR 8-7757 Le Bleu. C harles J ., J r .. Houston, 2617-B Speedw ay. GR 7-5451 Le Croy, R ichard Ja n Houston, 307-B Deep Eddy, GR 6-8891 L ed b e tte r. Jim m y Glenn T yler 300 E . R iverside D r., GR 74110 L ed b etter K ate M w . Houston. 1405-A Possum T rot. GR 8-2136 U t h a m . Carolyn E. Cllass. Austin, : i 804-B E. 32%, GR 8-5526 1405 Possum T rot. G R 8-*. 136 ; L edbetter, K athy Dee. Austin, L it m an. Stanley E dw in, B orger 1515 West 30th, GR 6-0160 I 1300 T rinity Apt. 204. G R 64459 L au d erd ale, C harles Edw in. Austin, 3210 Duval. GR 2-1707 L aughlin, C C urtis. E a g le ! 1616 W est 6th Apt. 225, GR 2-9930 L aughlin, C harles E ugene, Odessa, 915 W est 21st, Apt. l l L aughlin. R. P ., .G oW thwaite. 1908 San Antonio, G R 7-7342 L auney, W alt, C orpus C hrirti. 2802 Whitis, Apt. 9, G R 8-5838 L au ren ce, C a r o l y n J ., Lexington, 701 W. 23rd, GR 2-2072 L au ren ce W. N ., J r.. Wes1Ha 930-B E. 55th St., OL 2-9162 L a ux, John P eter, III, A g tm ,, 800 E . 45th St., GL 2-8574 L aw , D elm an A.. Houston. 3400 I>ake Austin Blvd., GR 6-8160 . Law hon. Je rry W ayne. B aytow n,, 1300 T rinity. Apt 203 Law hon. R oger B a r r y D allas, 2604 G uadalupe, G R 7-2821 Law hon, W illiam C Houston, 304 E . 33rd, GR L aw less, Tony J., 2009 W hitis, G R 6-9836 L aw ren ce, B en n y O iiv er. Am arillo, 1401 Enfield Rd., GR 2-9092 L aw ren ce, B etty D ay, Abilene, 1407 E nfield Rd.. Apt. I L aw ren ce, C. B „ L ake La-. 3673 W est L ake D r., GR 7-1923 L aw ren ce. E. H., Hmhrrwnd, Va., 915 W. 23rd St., G R 8-6687 L aw ren ce, Joe C arrol, E d n a, 404 E . 18th, GR 6-1340 L aw ren ce, M arg aret Ann. B ryan, 2000 P e a rl. GR 6-1801 L aw ren ce, M arion G ay B., Austin, 606 Bellevue Pl. . L aw ren ce, P a tric k G San Antonio, 2612 G uadalupe, G R 2-1238 l a w r e n c e , T hom as A dair, Abilene, 1407 E nfield Rd. Apt. I L aw ren ce. W. IL. Jr-. C am eron, 2903 Village D r.. GL 3-8558 L aw ren ce, Wilford Alvin, Austin, 303 Westwood T r.. GR 2-3801 L aw rie, W illiam W allace, Austin, 1608 GlenvaUey, GL 2-1597 L ed b etter, W M J r., Palestine^ 1905% R obbins P lace, GR 8-30-6 L edbetter. W illiam D ale Houston, i I 804-B E . 32%, GR 8-5526 i Lee, Allen C urtis, N atalia. 2208 E nfield R d., G R 8-3707 Lee, C hester C. A.. China I 2418 San Antonio St., GR 2-94oo Lee, Dwight L., J r ., Austin, 1G02-F B arton Sprg.. GR 6-9n a I I Lee. Ja m e s A.. Baytown, 606 Elm w ood Pl. Lee. Ja m e s R ay m o n d B astrop, 2629 W ichita, GR 7-2357 _ 403% E . l i t h Lee. John W.. Baytown, ,___ L ee, K enneth R ., 5^ kc J ackson, 6200 G rove D r.. G R 7-4579 Lee L a rry Edm ond, Austin, 4515 Roundup T ri, HI 2-4275 Lee, Li-wen, Taiw an C hina, 8415 Univ Sta., GPU1*3662 Lee, M ancill G rant, B allinger, 1510 P ease Rd. I Lee. M ichael E dw ard D allas, 1910 San G abriel, GR 2-7166 Lee. N orm a Joyce. Houston, 307 Kinsolving. G R 1-5800 T rm Rnscoe. San Antonio, I 1907 Pearl.* Apt. 4. GR 2-6043 1 L e e Tipton B rew er, B allinger, I 1510 P e a se Rd. ... Leo. T om m ie M arvin. Sm ithville, i | ; 1909 Piedm ont. GL i f Looper, C harles S., M idland, 2204-A W. 9th Looper, Ja m e s S., M idland. 3304 R ed R iver. Apt. A-3 L eeper, N ora F ay e, M idland, ! L eto b ert^o lm ^C ourtney G alveston, i 331-B Moore-Hill Hall L e g r o , D onna Y.. Austin 1114-B M ariposa, H I 4-1503 L egsom burana Udom . '^ a ila n d . 601 Elm wood P lace, G R 8-2 (ii Leheigh, W alter R ., Austin, 4501 Caswell Ave. Lehm an, Sheryl K ay. Corpus, 709 W. 22nd, G R 2-6328 L ehrm an, R ussell Vann, Houston, 804-B W. 23rd s , A . Leigh tm an, E ugene D aniel, Austin, 204-B E. 30th L einbach C. H a rry , H I, Austin, 2405 Oldham , GR 2-0715 Lem , Pong N., N.Y., N.Y., 3007 Duval St. L em es, (Liz) M., San Antonio, 2208 Nueces, GR 8-9160 L em ker, R obert B., New Boston, 1010 W. 25th, GR 8-2S86 Lem on, Ja n e Honey, FC W orth, 3001 Red R iver, GR 8-5360 Lem on. Jon M ichael, Lubbock. 1715-B Bluebonnet, HI 2-8087 Lem p ert, Ja m e s G ary, P t. L av aca, 3304 R ed R iver, G R 2-7891 L en art, R aym ond W illiam, Abbott, 2700 Nueces Lentz, L. L., J r.. San Antonio, 1904 San G abriel Lentz, Linda Louise, Austin, 2305 W estover Rd . GR 8-5866 L eonard. Ida Sue, Sw eetw ater, 406 Blanton D orm , GR 1-1980 L eonard, Thom as W., Sw eetw ater, 2015-B Red R iver, GR 1-6849 Lepow, R onald Steven, Houston, 2626 Speedway L eschber, F ra n c e s E h vlhs, Austin, 8805 Slayton D r., GL 24750 L esikar, Je a n e tte E . .A u stin , 1504 M anor R d.. GR S;70. ^ Leslie. R obert V icto r D allas, 2106 Swisher, G R 2-3737 L ester, Mike B a rry , Houston, • 2317 Sabine LeStoargeon. W. M „ San Antonio, 304-D E . 26% St., GR 64155 Le Sueur. M ary H .. Austin, 2105 Griswold, G R 8-3806 L etb etter, B a rb a ra F ay e, Corpus, 2208 Nueces, G R (-8564 Levene M ichael R obert, E l P aso, 1212-D W 13th Leventhal. Victor, D allas, 2208 Enfield, Apt. 204 Levin, Susan E l l e n . G a r y . I n a . , 207-C E a st 18th, G R 2-75d5 v Levine, M artha Adele. Seabrook, 2017-F Red R iv er Levine, Sam uel Ja m e s, Houston, 2017-F Red R iv er L evitt, Carol Jo an , M idland, 2315 Nueces, GR 7£ 717 . |ir Levy. C hester. J r ., P t. A rthur. 229-A Moore-Hill Dorm , GR 8-0190 L e w . Jero m e S., Austin, 5509 Shoal C reek. GL 3-387U Lew. W alter. San Autoido, 1903 Rio G rande, GR 2-8331 Le wa lien, Jo B etsy, Austin 1514 E th rid g e Ave., GR 2-2624 Lewis. Albert C raw ford, I 2211 P o st Rd. 2406 H om edale C ir., H I 2-5648 Lewis. Am adeus T. M.. Austin, 704 Sparks Ave., GR 2-85Z1 I I Lewis. C harleen, Austin, I i Lewis. C harles W m „ D allas. I Box 10%. GR 8-8919 Ix"vis D avid B a rry . L am pasas, I Moore-Hill H all. GR 8-2362 Lewis. Doug, Austin, 1 6305 B edem an, OL 3-5448 Lewis, Glen E a rl. J r. Austin, 826 H a rris Ave., GR 6- b ld Lewis, G race L orene 1101-B L o rrain , GR 7*762| . p Lewis Jac q u es Calhoun, E l F aso, 1616 W est 6th St. Lewis. Jim m y .Costilla, Austin, 2111 Ivy T ra il. H I 2-0966 I^ w is. Jo e Hudson, Tyler, 105-D San Jacin to Lewis, Philip C harles, Houston. 4016-B Shoal Crock Lewis, R aym ond A.. D allas, 2011 Oldham . G R 7-69J) Lev/is, R o b ert K eller, D allas, 2612 G uadalupe Lewis. R o b ert W a y n e C arth ag e. Robt. E . Lee D orm ., G R .-0233 Lewis, Sidney Powell 1616 W. 6th, G R 2-3500 Lewis, Susan K av, IT. W orth, 1401 E nfield, G R 8-2157 Lewis, Susan Sm ith, L am p asas, Alpha P h i Lewis T yrone Lavel, Austin. 4714 B an d era Road, WA 6*0549 Lewis, T ru m an Orville, Austin. 6000 N asco, GL 3-5383 Ley, Bill, H arlingen, 1205 E . 52nd, Apt. 205, G R 2-8270 Li. Ti-Shu, T aiw an, 2003-E W ichita St. Libby, L a rry Leroy, D allas, 135-A Moore-Hill, GR 6-5561 Lichenstein, Linda Gay. Austin, 2516 H a rris Blvd., GR 74100 L ieberm an, H a rris B., San Antonio, 204 W. 38% ^ L iebrecht, E . G., M agallaries, 701-C W. 18th. GR 2-5304 Liford, C arolyn P atricia Victoria, 329 B lanton Dorm ., GR 1-5170 Ligarde, Jan e lle Alise, L aredo, 2207 Rio G rande, GR 2-0257 Light, N orm an, Austin, 2910 Red R iver, GR 2-J669 Ligon, Dulce, R., W e w o k a .0 ^ . , j | i U oyd, M arsh a K aye, Houston, 2021 R ed R iver, GR 8-5085 U oyd, R obert H „ Houston, 2204 Speedway, GR 8-6813 U oyd, Rodney F red erick , W inters, 1904 W ichita, GR 6-9013 Lobdill. J e rry Jac k . F t. W orth, 2708 San P edro, GR 8-7731 Lobpries, M. A. J ., L a G range, 607 W est 31% St., GL 2-0953 Locke, Joel, B rady. F o rt W orth, 1511-G Shoal C reek, GR 2-0532 Locke. K enneth Nyles, 3202 Locke Lane, H I 2-0170 L ockhart, Guy R obert, Conroe, 1611 W est Ave. L ockhart, Joe C harles, San Antonio, 2901 H am pton Rd.. G R 2-7336 L ockhart, Lora Lee (Lolly), Alpine, 3005 U niversity Ave., GR 8-2696 L ockhart, R. L „ J r., Sulphur Sngs., 2701 Nueces Locklin, C H „ J r., D allas. 1403 W estm oor, GL 2-9171 Loeb, M arian Stacy, Corpus C hristi, Sim kins D orm ., GR (-69(8 Li lie, W alter E a rl. E l C am tx), 110 W est 18th St., GR 6-3319 Lilker, Sheldon, „ 2717 W indsor R d., GR 8-1412 Lillard, E ugene P a tte rro n 2100% Alton I^ane, GR 6-2426 Lilley, H. E dw ard, H um ble, 106 W. 35th, GR 7-5271 Lilly, Jo M arie, F o rt W orth, 717 W. 22nd St., GR 7-5648 U n , D avid C. K.. T aiw an, 2418 San Antonio, G R 2-8456 U n , Wen, Taipei, Taiw an 2418 San Antonio, GR 2-9456 U n d ah l. G ary I^ w is A ^ tin 2803 Winston Ct., HO 5-6106 Lindlof, E d w ard Axel, H olston, 2500 San G ab n el, GR 2-0559 Lindlof. John Chapin, Houston, 2066 Moore-Hill Hall U ndsey. C. W„ HL F o rt W orth, 2400 Leon, GR 6-6225 Lindsey, E . Mae, Austin, 1505 F o re st T rail, GR 7-0935 Lindsey, Sid E .. Am arillo, 3501 Speedw ay, GR 2-7676 Lindsey, Vivian C a r o l. Victoria, 707 E . 14th, GR 8-8571 . Link, Val J ., Corpus C hristi, 2507-A Q u arry Rd., G R 2-2794 Linn, E m m a U>u, Houston, 2000 P earl, GR 2-2861 Loeffler, C harles E „ Junction 6812-B M ira Lom a, GL 2-2827 Loeffler. P a rk e r M., Junction. 4826 Tim berline, G R 2-2828 Loeffler. Reudy. Mason. 2103 R ed R iver, G R 7-1443 Loesch, H erb ert J ., Galveston, I 1415-B B rack Apts., GR 2-5322 Loftis, Cecilia Diane, Mt. Vernon, 214 Scottish Rite. GR 6-9131 Loftis, .John L., III, Tulsa, Okla.# 2700 Nueces, GR 2-4506 Loftis, W ayne C„ Bokchito. Okla.# 2529 S. L am ar. Box 27 Logan, Andrew B., San Antonio# 2831 P e a rl St., GR 2-7522 Logan, M ary E San Angeto. 3003 B everly Rd., OL 2-6290 a ’ Logan, R obert Jam es, E l P a so Vo<.rt 111-A Moore-Hill Hall, G R 2- (889 Logan, Susan M arie, Sweeny, 3001 Red R iver, G R 8-5971 Logan, Teddy, San Angelo. 2106 Oldham , GR 2-9036 Logan, W. M., J r., Austin, 3212 West 35th, GL 3-3736 Logsdon, John R obert, Austin, 5700 Ave. G, HO 5-1329 Lohr, John M ichael, Austin. 1902-B F o rd L in n staed ter, Billy Jamies, 1216-D B rac k Apts., G R 2-3770 Linz, G e rh ard David Austin 2312 Tow er D r i v e , G R 8-527b U ppincott, C harles IL . W ichita F ., 2105 O ldham , GR 6-2124 Lipscom b, G ro g . H ouston. 311 M oore-Hul Hall, G R 2-8329 Lipscom b, R ichard Lee. Nocona, Goodall Wooten D orm Lipscom b, Wm.. J r., P erkm ston, M iss., 29-A Moore-Hill Hall Lipshy, B ru ce A-, D allas, 5011 F inley, HO 5-5946 Lira. R obert. Jr. San Antonio 1107-D B rac k Apts., G R 64524 U tile . C arol M orris, Austin 1606% W est Ave., G R 2-5910 Little. J a n e P age,^E om jjnew . 2609 U niversity, GR 2-2brt Little. R o b ert Waldo Austin 1606% W est Ave., G R 2-5910 L ittle, Shirley Anne. Austm 1200 A legria Rd., HO 5-5794 Little, W illiam Lynn W inters, 3011 W hitis, GR 7-9257 Littlejohn, J . E „ M agnolia. Ark., R oute , Del Valle, L ittleton. L a rry O n n am p alU S , 603 E . Oltorf, HI 2-8404 U ttleto n , M arg aret M cCall. Austin, 603 E . Oltorf HI 2-8404 3302 Glen Rose D r., HO 5^9015 Loi, L am Van, D alat, Viet N am , 710-F, W. 22% St.. GR 7-6938 L em an, D. P au l, Tyler, 908-B W. 29th. G R 8-1271 Lona. R .. J r ., P o rt A rthur, 235-B Sim kins H all London. G ary E ., Okla. City, Okla. IOO E a st 32, GR 6-2059 Long. B enjam in Dale^ T yler, 3612 Bonnie Rd., G R 24371 U>ng. B ruce William Ada. O kla., 3001 Red R iver, GR 8-0011 Long. Dan F ra n k H ew itt. 3504 Grooms, GR 7-7918 Long. G arland D aniel, Olton, 1618-B B rack Apts., it Long. John W., S hreveport, L a., . 2055-D Sabine Long. U an v Douglas. San Angelo, 2106 Swisher, GR 7-7991 U m g. P atrick Cahill, Ausbm 3305 L aurel C ircle, GL 3-6367 Long, William F arro w , B e lt o n , 2303 Rio G rande St., G R 7-2586 L ongacre. K. W., G rand P ra irie . 1008-A W. 25th Longfellow, W ayne N eal, Austin, 1208-E B rack Apts. Longoria, A. F ., J r ., Nuevo Laredo# 1704 Sabine, GR 2-6702 Longoria, D avid King, Austin, 3207 B ridle P ath , GR 6-9541 Longoria, H. F ., J r ., McAllen, 1930 San Antonio, GR 7-0617 ] , I U u . E len a S. C T aiw an, China, Longwood, R. C., A cap ^ co . Mex.# 2011 W hitis, GR 8-2357 U v ely , I .am ar G., A m arillo Lively, R obert Don, P alestin e, 4206 M arathon, GL 34154 Ljungdahl. Philip ^ C arrizo Spgs, 1708 M anor Rd., G R 2-9071 U ovd, K athryn Ann, D allas, 221 B lanton, GR 1-3530 1409 B randt D r., EV ?4)444 Longwood, S herry Ann. Austin, 1409 B ran d t D r., EV 54)444 Looney. B etty C.. San Antonio, 402 B rookhaven, GR 8-6383 Looney, M ary Jea n . Sweeny, 323 Blanton. G R 1-3507 A NEW DIMENSION IN BANKING CONVENIENCE lune 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page I6B m e m b e r f e d e r a l d e p o s i t I N S U R A N C E C O R P O R A T I O N Friday. June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page I7B “A Good Place to E at” TOWER DRUG I S B E L L ' S U N I V E R S I T Y OF B E A U T Y C U L T U R E 7l(» 'Ijftim a It in - ^/7701 Morris. Gerald I.., Midland. 2914 Beanna St.. GR 6,3215 Morris. Jr., James B.. Austin. 1709 San Jacinto. GR 2 6340 Morris. J ear I P ., Atlanta. 397- BDeep Eddv Apts.. GR 7-5351 Morris. Marshall. Houston. .3014 Washington Sq.. GL 2-1841 Morris, Rose R.. Seguin. 2506 Whitis. GR 7-0577 Morris. Sheila R.. Brazoria, Blanton 301. GR 1-5895 I Morris, Shirley J.. Conroe. Kinsolving 302. GR 1-5597 Morrison, Jr., Emmett L., Houston, 2500 E. 22nd, Apt. 201, GR 7-5214 Morrison. Jack, Dallas. 2106 Guadalupe. GR 6^9083 Morrison. Jackie N., Lk. Jackson, Simkins Hall 155 A. GR 24)367 I Morrison. Olivia A., Austin, 1803 Forest Trad, GR 6 8218 Morrison, Jr., William B.. Corpus. 1706-D Palma Plaza. GR 74502 | I 1907 West 39 Mitchell, Marilyn J. S., Calif., 1616 West 6. Apt. 113 Mitchell, Marilla E., Mt. Pleasant. 2105 Oldham, Apt. 8. GR 2-8739 Mitchell, Michael A., Amarillo, 2400 Leon, GR 6^227 Mitchell, Michael G., Austin. 5703 Trailridge Dr., GL 3-8180 Mitchell, Pam ela Ann. Austin, 1204 Karen Ave., HO 5-7478 Mitchell, Rod. California, 1616 West 6. No. 113 Mitchell, Jr., Thomas L.. Austin, HOIG Brackenridge. GR 6-9724 Mitchon, Carol Elizabeth, Austin, 609 Fairfield Lane. GL 3-1578 Moak, Lynn Martin. Pennsylvania, Moore-Hill Hah, 232A Mobley. Jr., Jim m ie T., Austin. 2806 Harris Park Axe., GR 7-6992 Mobley, Raymond L., San Angelo, 8311 Weyburn Dr., GL 2-6842 Mock. Wm. Jordan. Midland, 1309 F East 52, CL 2-8345 Moon. H. H., Sr.. Houston. Rt. I, Box 348. Leander. Tex. Mooney, Charles A., Dallas. 2801 San Jacinto. GR 8-5641 Moore. Allen Murdoch. New York, 2616 Speedway. GR 6-1312 Moore, Billy Curry, Abilene. 1407 Enfield Rd., 3 GL 2 2511 Moore. Bob. Harlingen. 1315 Enfield. 213A. GR 2-7772 Moore. Donald Wayne, Holland. 1905 Piedmont Moore, Douglas Dale. Austin, 1514 Newton. HI 2-0795 Moore. Duane Travis. Austin. 5016 Highland Court. HO 5-7353 Moore. Frank Hugh. Corpus Christi 2106 Swisher, Ant. 101, GR 7-8497 Moore. Guy Ira. Gonzales, 1524B. Brackenridge. GR 2 5637 Moore. Herschel T., Austin. 3704 Basford Rd. GR 74)973 Moore. Ike Henry, Hillslxiro, 1701E Neches. GR 2 7036 Moore. Jack Otis. Midland. Moczygemba, George A., Hobson, 2801 San Jacinto. GR 8-5641 3102 Hemphill Park Moden, Merle L., Austin, 5606A Joe Sayers, GL 3-8059 Moeller. Edward F., Garwood. Robert E . Lee. Box 4 Moeller. Henry T., San Antonio. Moore. Janice A.. Kansas. 5104 Periwinkle Path. HI 2-6349 Moore. John Bell. Austin, 3206 Enfield. GR 84170 Moore. John Bowman. Austin, 808 Harris Ave., GR 84)637 1510 Parkway, Apt. 2. GR 6-4263 Moore, Judy Ann, Dallas, Moers. Arthur E ., Houston. 2317 Shoal Creek Moffatt, Joseph Franklin, Austin. 5609 Coventry Lane. GL 2-7735 Mogle, Richard D., Midland, 2502 Nueces. GR 64)846 Moglia, Jo Alice. Laredo, 2000 Pearl. GR 7-2977 Mohanna. Abdulla M., Saudi Ara., Box 7882. Univ. SU. Mohle, Richard Edwin, Austin, 6812 Daugherty, GL 241985 Mojica, Priscilla Orpha, Austin, 10W Jewell. HI 2 5916 Moles, Robert Ivan. Corsicana, 2105 Enfield Road Molesevich. Joseph P., Austin, 1705B Karen Ave., GL 24893 Molina, Michael R., Round Rack, AL 5.3888 (Round Rock) 2106 Swisher, Apt. 101, GR 7-8497 Moore, Kenneth James. Mass., 1010 West 24. GR 6 3037 Moore. Marta Elizabeth. Tyler, 3001 Red River. GR 8 4208 Moore, Melbalene. McF., Blanco. Moore. Patrick F .( El Paso. 1008 West 25 V>. No. 206. GR 6-0202 Moore. Richard A., Corpus Christi. 5402B Woodrow Ave., HO 5^8610 Moore. Richard Byron. Austin, 6009 Belfast Dr., CL 2 7590 Moore. Robert Allen. Rankin. 1810 Congress. GR 2-2867 Moore, Robert E.. Dayton, Moore Hill Hall, 124B Moore, Jr., Samuel B., McAllen. 2502 Nueces Miller. Marcia Kay. Austin, 809 East 31, GR 8-5549 Miller. Max Karlson. Alvarado. 8504 Contour Drive, GL 26896 Miller. Michael Ermon, Temple, 2619 Wichita, Rm. 2 Miller. Missy, Austin, 1904 Sharon Lane, GR 7-7123 Miller. Randolph Kin, Houston, 1205C Brackenridge, GR 6-5452 Miller. Robert Floyd, Houston, 1805 Brazos. 54, GR 2-5914 Miller. Robert Sterling. Austin, 1805 West 38. GL 2-3653. Miller, Royce G., Victoria, San Jacinto A. 134 Miller. Russell Craig, Lampasas, Moore-Hill Hall. GR 8-2362 Miller, Samuel R., Greenville, 2401 Manor Road. Apt. 123 Miller. Mrs. Suzanne J., Denison. 8410 Still wood. GL 2-3564 Miller. Thomas E., Bryan, 602 Harris Ave., GR 2-4239 Miller. Vivian E. B., Ozona. 1215 East 52. GL 3-5244 Miller. Wayne M,, Maryland, 1811 Brackenridge Miller, W’iiliam T., Gonzales, 2502 San Antonio, Apt. 5 Milliger, Larry Edward, Llano, 816 E ast 31 Mills. Don M.. Pampa. 3208 Red River. GR 2 1547 Mills. III. Jess Tandv, Pleasanton. Moore-Hill Hall. 342B. GR 7-5684 Mills. Kenny Sue, Dallas, 1704 McCall Road MilLs. Larry Quincy, Austin. 409A East Annie. HI 4 2546 Millsap. Richard D., Austin. 604 Elmwood Place. GR 8 8268 Milne, Terry Dale. Missouri, 2004V? Guadalupe. GR 6-8401 Milstein, Gavl Emily, Austin. Highland Hills Circle. GL 2-3378 Mil mer, Robert Alien, Dallas, Moore-Hill Hall. 211B, GR 7 2792 Mims, Carnegie H. I.. Austin, 2502 Weber. GR 7-9213 Miner, Bruce Hah Amarillo, 2106 Guadalupe. GR 2-1343 Mingus, Lad. Tyler, 2806 San Pedro, GR 7-6846 Minner, Sis. J. F ., Corpus Christi, 2026 Guadalupe. GR 6-0660 Blanton Dorm, 434. GR 1-3397 Minor. Jam es Wayne, San Benito, Goodall-Wooten Meriwether, Michael Lee, Austin, 3002 West Terrace Dr., GL 3-4075 Merlick, Carroll W., Ft. Worth, 4702 Sinclair, CL 2-2675 Merlick, Judy S., Austin, 4702 Sinclair, GL 2-2675 Merriam, Robert S., New Jersey, COG Rathervue Place. GR 6-9734 Merrick, Jr., John B ., Weatherford Moore Hill, 351A Merrifield, William A., Austin. 390B Deep Eddy, GR 2-8229 Merrill, Roy L.. Midland. 1704 Sabine, 27, GR 7-2568 Merritt. B. Mignon H.. Ingleside, Kinsolving, 314, GR 1-5177 Merschbrock. Roger E ., Austin, 1910 Justin Lane. HO 5 5481 M osser, Bonnie M., Austin. 2608 McCallum Drive, GR 2-1484 Messina, Ramon. Dominican Rep. 306 East 30, GR 7-0501 Metsiiiger, Clyde L., Brownsville, 308 West 37. GL 3-0911 Metz. Robert Leo, Edinburg, San Jacinto A, GR 8-0252 M ever, Elizabeth, Austin. 206 West 38, Apt. 203, GL 2-8074 Meyer, Robert Lee. Shiner, 706 East 25, Apt. 3 Meyers, Clyde C., Beaumont. 1609B Hartford Rd.. GR 6-1962 Meyers, Jan Alan, Houston, 710 West 24, Apt. I Meyers, Pam ela Ann. McAllen, 805 West Ave.. GR 8 1706 Mevnig, Bobby Roy, Beaumont, Simkins Hall. 206A Mgebroff. John Scott. Houston, 1132 S. Lamar, HI 2-6777 Michel, Jerry B., Marble Falls, Michel. Sarah S., Longview. 1607A Forest Trail. GR 2-9585 Michie. David Doss. San Antonio, Michna, Edward V., H allettsville. 2400 Leon 1700 Sabine Michulka. George A., Smithville, .3007 Duval. 102. GR 7 1070 Mickelsen, Thomas M.. Wash., 1010 West 24, GR 6-3037 Middleton. C. Claudia, Austin. 1604 Manor Road, GR 6-3065 Middleton, Gary Dennis. Austin, 2329 Westrock, Dr., HI 2-0077 Middleton, John Gregg, Liberty, 2825 San Gabriel. GR 8-5018 Middleton. Mary Ann, Denison, SRD, GR 6-9131 Miears, William Garv. Kerrville, 3215 Larry Lane, GR 2-6876 Miedl, George Thomas. Austin. 1617 Northwood Road, GR 6-3888 Mierl, II, Douglas Ernest. Austin. 3312 Randolph Road, GR 7-1114 Miertschin, Gene Monroe, 6713 Bryn Mawr Drive, WA 6-0595 Mikhail, Khalifa Fahm y, Egypt, 700 E ast 44, HO 5-8207 Miks. Marilyn K.. Wichita Falls, SRD 220, GR 6-9131 Mikulencak, Alice Marie, Elgin, M ilam, Morris B., Austin. 5215A Joe Sayers, GL 2^057 Milaras, Margaret S., Austin. 2808V£ Hemphill Park Milburn. Beri, Austin. 2606 Pecos, GR 7-8384 Milbv, Jam es F ., E agle Lake. 4109 Peck. GL 2-0938 Miter, Edgar M., Austin. 2904 Oak Park. HI 2-5570 Miles, Mrs. Mary Jane S.. Dallas. 3403 Hampton. GR 6-8231 Miller. Barbara Sue. Austin, 809 East 31. GR 8 5549 Miller. Bunnye, Graham. 2103 Red River. GR 7-6262 Miller. C. Dewaine, Irving. Minor, III, Thomas H.. Killeen, Money, Ellen L., Massachusetts, 1216E Brackenridge, GR 8-6810 Miller. Carol Dean, Corpus Christi, 608 Park Place Miller. Connve Victoria. Graham. 2103 Red River. GR 76262 Miller. Cherry. Austin. 4705 South Lamar. HI 2 3812 Miller, Dan Byron, Austin. 809 East 23. 106. GR 6 2439 1500 W. 13th. GR 2-4027 Minten, K. Henry, Falfurrias. 2110 Matthews, GR 2 7000 Minter. Alan H., San Antonio, 3403 Speedway, B6. CR 6-3235 Minter, David Smith. Sherman. 2006 Scenic Drive. GR 2 9503 Minter. T alm age Alan, Odessa, 1301 Kirkwood Moore. Sandra Faye. San Antonio. 2017D Red River Morrisroe. Michael F.. 2004 A Pasadena Molina-Escobar, T. J., Bolivia, 908 West 22. Apt. A., GR 2-3816 Moore. Sandra Lee. Omaha, 803 West 28, GR 2-7601 Moliere, AJan L., San Antonio, 710 West 24, Apt. I Moore Stephen L., Corpus Christi, 1801 Vista Lane, A. GR 2 5041 Moncriet, Richard W., Fort Worth GR 2 6366 1913 Cliff St. Moneypenney, J A., Schertz, 1910 Wichita. GR 2-9497 Monk, Kaye, Dallas. SRD. GR 6 9131 Monkhouse. I .aura Clegg. Houston, 717 West 22, Apt. 202. GR 8 7165 Moore. William J., Victoria, 1911V* Nueces, GR 6 9540 Morales, Filiberto. Mexico, 2413 Leon, Box 122 Morales, Joe I., California, 1514B Brackenridge Moran, Marcia T., Corpus Christi, Blan to Dorm, 215, GR 1-1495 Morehead, John F., Plainview, Box 7933. GR 6-2005 Montague, Jon Walter, Houston, Moreland, Henry Keith, Snyder, 603 Park Blvd., GL 3-6411 1906 Nueces. GR 2 1251 I I I Morrow. Jr., Cecil R., Austin. 1608 Linscomb, HI 24»603 Morrow Em ily S., Austin Morrow, I^arry C., Texarkana. 1925-A E . 38Va St.. GR 8 9453 Morrow. Ronnie K.. Garland. 2007 Whitis. GR 8-5971 Morrow, Ross E ., Austin. 2214 Bristol Dr . GL 2-8075 Morse. John T., Quitman, i Moore-Hill Hall 109 B Morton, Charles G., Burnet, 211 A San Jacinto, GR 8 0252 Morton, John H., Waco, 1918 Speedway, Apt. 2 Morton. John M.. Eustace. 1903 Rio Grande, GR 2 9102 ROY C O X SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION "Your Friendly Sinclair Dealer” 43rd & Duval Phone HO 5-9421 Friday, June 12, (964 THS SUMMER TEXAN P«9* 20B Attention Photo Fans! Kod achroma And Kodocoior Film* U * our shop at# . . . AS ALWAYS . . . processed only by Eastm** KodaL Com pany. S tu c ltm a n j^ k o to ^ ervice 222 W . 1 9 * Cameron VUU?# Use the check preferred by students as the best way to budget their money. h < » u * a • Any Amount Open* Your Account • Checks Are Personalized W ith Y our Name And Address Free • N o Service Charge • N o Minimum Balance Required • Exclusive At The American N ational Bank of Austin „ A MERIC AN NATIONAL BANK M EM BER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION □ SIXTH AN D COLORADO □ GREEN Morton. Philena J.. Austin. 402 Buckeye Trail, GR 7-2235 Morton. Priscilla M., Stephenville, 2001 University Ave., GR 8-1691 Morton, Weldon B., Austin 2839 San Gabriel, GR 6-9848 Moseley, Phillip E., San Antonio, 1413-B Brack. Apts. Moseley. Sam R.. Marshall, 5205 Brookdale Lane, WA 6-1678 Moseley, Walter S., Riverside, Calif.. 2500 San Jacinto Moser. Joel A.. Longview 2612 Rio Grande, GR 2-3378 Moser. K. Dan., Stephenville, HOO W. 25th St.. GR 2-9352 Moses, Ray E., Houston, 2108-D Comal Moses, William H.. Austin, 3906 Grayson Lane, GR 8-1253 Moss, Charles E., Amarillo, 1212-K W. 13th St., GR 2-8563 Moss. James L., Columbus, 2710 Whitis Moss. M argaret C., Austin, 231 i Woodlawn, GR 6-8701 Mosser, Joseph S.. Richardson, San Jacinto Dorm A-221 Mosteller, Jim m y H., Austin, 1609 Taylor Gaines, HI 2 1589 Motley. Mandy L., Austin, 3206 Westhill Dr., HI 2-7447 Motley, Michael T., Austin. 3206 Westhill Dr., HI 2-7447 Mounce, L arry D., W7aco, Murrell, Gerald B., Tyler, 2013-A Red River. GR 7-8623 Muse, James M.. Paris, 2801 San Jacinto, GR 8-5641 Musel, James L.. Brownsville Musgrave. Jr., Philip C., San Ant., 3673 West Lake Dr.. GR 7-1929 Musick, Donald M., Houston. 3304 Red River, Apt. 6-A Musselman, Marian M., Victoria, 2309 Nueces. GR 8-6114 Mutscher. Kenneth W., Brenham, 2100 Oldham, Apt. 2 Muzzy, Jeane L., Brenham, Blanton Hall. GR 1-1007 Myer, Mrs. Kathlene B.. Galveston, Kinsolving 411, GR 1-5400 Myers, Donald B., Lubbock, 1316-C Brack. Apts., GR 7-4218 Myers, Frank L.. Orange, 2107-B Sabine St. Myers, George M., Jacksboro. 6606 Columbia Dr., HO 5-<952 Myers, Linda C., A u s tin .__ 2408 Vista Lane. GR 2-6895 Myers, Ralph, Wichita Falls, 3005-A Froth Myers, Susan J., Amarillo. 2609 Universe.V Ave.. GR 8-8160 Mvler, Charles B.. San Antonio 1902 Edgehill Dr., TA 2-8488 (SA) - N - 1107-C Brack. Apts., GR 6-3073 Mount. Robert C.. Austin, 1222 Corona Dr.. G L 3-2097 Moy, Melvyn C., Houston. 306 E. 30th, Rm. 110, GR 7-0501 Moyer. Betty J.. Austin, 1109 E. 28th St., GR 2-3595 Mover, Harold K., Alpine, 2211 Leon, Apt. 2-P, GR 2-6150 Muckelroy, Duncan G., Corpus. 387-C Deep Eddy Apts.. GR 6-1722 Muckelroy. William L., Longview, 142-B Brackenridge, GR 8-3750 Mudd, Jam es E., Dilley, 1109-C Brack. Apts., GR 6-1871 Muecke, H erbert O.. Austin, 2407-D Nueces, GR 8-8087 Muegge, John T., Brenham, Box 7435. UT Sta. Mueller. Bill, San Antonio, 2502 Nueces, GR 8-3705 Mueller, Mrs. Carolyn N., Austin, 1902 Greenwood Dr., GR 6 8504 Mueller. Jim m y L., Houston, 3301 Red River, GR 8-3108 Mueller, Lee M., San Antonio, 3200 liake Austin Blvd., GR 2-2221 Mueller, Peggy N., Flatonia, Blanton 510. GR 1-7388 Muennink, Lloyd A., Hondo, 2804 Silverleaf Circle, GL 3-8178 Muldrow, Mimi A., Midland, 1307 Norwalk Lane, GR 6-0/91 Mulholland, Carol A., G ranger, 2000 Whitis. GR 8-5342 Mulholland. Sharon L.. G ranger, 2000 Whitis. GR 8-5342 Mullen, Marilyn J ., Austin, 4601 Nevada Path, HI 2-3153 Mullins, Alma J., Austin 1404 Alguno Road, GL 3-3704 Murnma, Jay P., Austin, 609-B Bellevue, GR 2-0939 Munn, Graham W?„ Killeen, 207 El Paso St., HI 2-8045 Nabors. John C., Gatesville 1518 Barton Springs, GR 8:2449 Nachlinger, Rodney R., Austin, 1910 Ridgemont, GL 2 5007 Nader. Waiter, Austria, 2100 San Jacinto Blvd. Nagv, Andrew, San Antonio, 7806 Gault St., GL 3-6190 Nagy, Thomas J., San Antonio, San Jac. Dorm A-218, GR 8-0252 Nahdi, Khamis A., Saudi Arabia, Box 7315, UT Sta. Naifeh, Sam C., Orange. 3108-D Walling. GR 7-8924 Naim, Saleh A., Saudi Arabia, Box 7.365, UT Sta. Naiser, Elaine E.. E l Campo, 701-A W. 18th St. Naiser, Leu Ann, E ast Bernard, Kinsolving 308. GR 1-5939 Naivar, Daniel J., Corpus Christi, 2207-E Wirtz Ave. Nalgaci, Turhan, Turkey, 2511 Seton Ave. Nalle, Alan W.. Austin 401 Inwood Rd., GR 8-2794 Nalle IU, George S., Austin, 401 Inwood Rd., GR 8-2794 S Nance, Don Loins, Naples, ; Napier, Jr., H. Albert, San Ant., 2502 Nueces, GR 8-0370 Napier II, Jack R., Angleton, Simians 112-A Napier, W arren S., Corpus Christi, 114130 Oakwood, GL 2-8916 Naquin, Mary M., Austin, 2401 Manor Rd., 219, GR 8-8880 Nasche, Angelo B., Fort Worth, 1208-D Lake Austin Blvd. Nash, John D., Jasper, 805. W. 19th, A pt 2 Natho, Jr., Paul J., Houston, 1708 Manor Rd., Apt. 215 Natto, Ibrahim A., Saudi Arabia, Munn, Jr., H. O’Neal. San Antonio, 5350 W estminster, WA 6-2768 Munnerlyn, Reinhold J., Austin, 2502 Manor Circle. WA 6-1859 Munnerlyn. Tom, Del Rio. 2202 Colgate Lane, GL 2-6834 Munns, Robert K., Austin, 1407-A Brack. Apts. Muns. Nancy H., Odessa, 3304 Red River, GR 2-5939 Munson. Elwood L., Austin. 3101 H arris P ark, GR 2-9409 Murchison, John L., Waco, 3008 Cedar. GR 8-3630 Murchison, Penny. Waco 717 W. 22nd, Apt. 204, GR 8-4154 Murfin. William R., Houston, 802 E. 46th St., GL 3-6873 Murillo, Gerardo T., Laredo. 112 Union. EX 2-4023 (S. Marcos) Murph, David R., Fort Worth, 300 W. 27th St.. GR 8-8533 Murphy. David S., Galveston, Moore-Hill Hall 346-A Murphy, David Austin, 206 E. 17th. A pt 3, GR 2-3859 Murphy, Joseph s - Austto. 5506 New Haven a . , HO 5-8849 Murphy, Mrs. Maude C., Austin, 2508 Dormarion, GR 2-0959 Murray, Christopher B-. Box 7053, UT Sta., GR 2-0641 Murray. Gudrun F., Germ ail y, Box 7053, UT Sta., GR 2-0641 Murray, Jack W., 2832 Shoalcrest, GR 2-0901 Murray, James R., Fort Worth. 2529 S. Lamar, Apt. 17, HI 4 1754 Murray, Melaine G., San Antonio, 405 E. 31st St.. Apt. 29 Box 7239. UT Sta. Neal, Florence M„ Austin, 4704 Avenue G, GL 2-2804 Jean D.f Austin, Neal J r 2601 Greenlawn Pky., G L 2-5978 Nebrat, Marvin L., Corpus Christi, Simkins Hall Nodow. Albert L., Odesssa, 2413 Leon, Apt. 110, GR 7-7870 Needles. Robert C.. Independence, Mo., 1808 Mohle Dr., GR 6-0782 Neely, Betsy B., Austin 2013 Easton Lane, HO 5-1260 Neely, Diane C., Dallas, 2106 Oldham, Apt. 206, GR 8-949» Neely, Gerald L., Dallas, 1529-B Brack. Apts., GR 2-8679 Neely, Mike D., Amarillo, 2408 Longview, Apt. 203 Neff, Jr., George B., New Braun­ fels. 2007 Whitis, GR 7-5481 Negley, Richard B., San Antonio, 1951 Sabine, Apt. 203 Neighbors, Robert L., Pitsburg, 1502-B Woolridge, GR 8-2006 Neill, James P., Austin, 2603 Wooldridge Dr., GR 6-3795 Nelms, Tommy H., Houston, Manor Villa Apts. Nelson, Ann E., Uvalde, 2000 Whitis, GR 7-7965 Nelson, Barbara A., p a 11 as, Kinsolving 215, GR 1-3983 Nelson, Barbara L., Corpus Christi, Scottish Rite Dorm NeLson, Jr.. B e n , San Antonio, 3009 Speedway, Apt. 3, GR 7-8333 Nelson, Charles I., San Antonio, 100-B E. 51st. GL 2-2429 Nelson, Craig E .( Mankato, Kan., I 2910 Froth Nelson, Don B., Cushing, 202 E. 31st, GR 6-1324 Nelson, George E., Georgetown Nelson, George L., Houston, Simitins Hall 246 Nelson, George W., Rusk, 11405 Oakwood Dr., GL 3-0042 Nelson, Harlan C., Dalhart, 205-B Moore-Hill Hall Nelson, Harold L., Paris, 3405 Oaianont Blvd., GL 3-0547 Nelson, J. Thomas, Jasper, 2100 Oldham, Apt. 5, GR 8-4196 Nelson, Jane A., Dallas, 1307 Kirkwood, GL 2-0489 Nelson. Jeffrey T., El Paso, 3106 Duval Nelson II, Joe A., Longview, SOO Riverside, Rm. 311, GR 2-1261 Nelson, Kristen K., Austin, 3407 Exposition, GL 3-0771 Nelson, Mary B., Austin, 1807 M argaret, HI 2-8976 Nelson, Mary E., 903 W. 30th, GR 2-2824 Nelson. Robert Y., Benton. La., 2501 San Gabriel, Apt. 8 Nelson. Sally T., Wichita Falls, 2106 Oldham Nelson. Suzanne W., San Antonio, 3009 Speedway, Apt. 3, GR 7-8333 Nelson, Virginia A., Midland, 2106 Swisher, Apt. .209, GR 6-0005 Neri, Michael J., San Antonio, Goodall Wooten Dorm 402 Nesbitt, E arl J., Austin, 2503 Quarry Rd., GR 8-2312 Nettles, Jim m y W., Woodville, 1318-D Brack. Apts. Neubauer, Jacqueline M.. Austin, 607 Josephine. HI 2-8217 Nevarez, Hector J., Crystal City, 2009 Whitis, GR 6-9836 Nevins, Norman L., Austin, 2410 W. 7th, GR 2-9832 Nevins, Sandra J., Austin, 2410 W. 7th, GR 2-9832 Newberry, Jam es N., Austin, 841 Airport Blvd., GR 7-1198 Newberry, William C., San Marcos EX 2-4736 (San Marcos) Newbury, Joyce D.. Brownwood Newell, Larry E., Maitland, Fla., 400 E. 30th, Apt. 207 Newhall. Mary F. B., Austin, 2847 Hancock D r., HO 5-5826 Newkirk. Nancy Lou, Midland, 1908 University Ave., OX 6-1068 Newman, Char lee. Kenedy, 717 N. 22nd, GR 8-3880 Newman, Jr., Charles E ., Austin, 1518 Barton Springs, Apt. 68 Newman, Dave E ., Houston, 1316-B Brack. Apts., GR 2-8940 Newman, Dwain L., Odessa, 1407-B Theckla Terr., GL 2-5621 Newman, Mary L., Alva, Okla., 2310 San Gabriel, GR 7-8267 Newman, Mary Suzanne, Dallas, Nixon, Michael M., 2004-D Wichita Noack, Linda J., Austin, 1314 Bonham Terrace, HI 2-2847 Noack, Rodger P., Austin, 1301 Kenwood, HI 4-1012 Nobis, Tommy, San Antonio, 1908 Wichita, GR 2-4131 Nocker, Melvin R., San Antonio, 1803 West Ave. Nodler, Lee Aaron, Houston. 1951 Sabine Noe, Philip S., Denison, 1305-C Brack. Apts., GR 8-6570 Nohra, Sylvia J., Austin, 4213 Avenue G, HO 5-8432 Nolan, Jr., Sidney D., Huntsville, 1107-B Brack. Apts., GR 6-9841 Noland, Richard P., Houston, 1109 W. 22%, GR 2-8943 Noland, Robert L., San Antonio, 305 W. 20th, GR 2-6052 Norman. Gayle E ., Dallas, 2005 University. GR 8-8595 Norman. Jam es L., Rule, 3809 Petes Path, GL 3-8967 Norman, Jim , Austin, 2505 Greenlee, GR 8-6282 ! Northcott, Frances M.. Dayton. i 1951 Sabine, Apt. 202. GR 6-4417 I Northcutt, W. T.. Pasadena, 103 E. 52nd. GL 2-0931 Northrop, Claude B., Austin. 4600 Chiappero Trail. GL 2-6264 Norton, Carla J., Abilene. 2706 Wooldridge Dr., GR 8-4141 Norvell, Nancy L., Houston, 3001 Red River, GR 6-8556 Norwood. E. C., Wichita Falls, 809 E. 23rd, Apt. 103, GR 6-9479 Norwood, Mary E ., Tyler, 1700 Sabine. Apt. 14, GR 2-8172 Norwood, Nell, Rosenberg, 606 W. 17th. Apt. 305, GR 7-2348 Norwood, Jr., W’m. D., San Marcos, 702 Belvin, EX 2-2382 (SM) Novosad, Adeline A., Richmond, 2610 Whitis, GR 2-9304 Nowick, Jo A., Woodward, Okla., 400 W 2 9th Nowlin, Robert D., Dallas, 2400 Leon, GR 6 6225 Nowotny, Allan R., New Braunfels, 706 H arris Ave.. GR 2-9090 Nowotny, Joyce E., Needville, Kinsolving 222, GR 1-5629 I Nowotny, P atrick J.. New Braun­ fels, 2504-B Leon, GR 6-3995 Noyes, Lillian F., Dallas, 2501 Oldham. Apt. 103. GR 7-7007 Nunis, Robert P., Austin. 615 Deep Eddy Ave., GR 8-5902 Nunnally, Knox D., Midland, South Shore Apts. 332, GR 6-1676 Nuse, Donna J. V., H art, 6902 Guadalupe Nye, M artha S., Rio Grande Qty, Blanton Dorm, GR 1-5687 2000 Pearl Newman, Sharon L., Royal Center, Ind.. 821 Tirado St. Newman, Thomas G., Brownwood, 821 Tirado St. Newton, J r.. Cecil L., Copperas Cove. 1915 Wichita, GR 6-1712 Newton, Kenneth N., New Lindon, Box 231-A, Moore-Hill, GR 8-0190 Newton, Laurie, San Antonio, Belaire Apts., W?. 22nd, GR 8-0$®3 Newton, Robert N., Dallas, Moore-Hill Hall 132-B Newton, William F,, Del Rio, Brownlee Dorm Ng, Gim L., San Antonio, Moore-Hill Hall Niazy, Farouk, Syria, 2610-B Salado Nichol, Sandra K„ San Antonio, 2106 Oldham, Apt. 102, GR 7-1704 Nicholas, Jr.. R. H„ P ort Arthur, 1110-C Brack. Apts.. GR 8-6978 Nichols, Cranz L., Burnet, 1912 Nueces, No. 9, GR 6-9974 Nichols, Ruth J.. Houston, 2206 Rio Grande. GR 2 2119 Nicholson, Robert W., Midland, 213 W. 41st, Apt. I, GL 3-7861 Nicklin. Jr., F. Oliver, PL Arthur, 2500 Leon, GR 8-7842 Nicklin, Josephine, Port Arthur, 2106 Swasher, Apt. 104, GR 2-9581 Niebuhr, Gretchen, __ SOO E. Riverside Dr., GR 8-8194 Niehaus, Shirley Ann, San Antonio, 2404 Longview, GR 2-7750 Nielsen, Gordon L., Tucson, Ariz., TM Harris Ave., GR 6-4026 Nigliazzo, Marc A., Hearne, Goodall Wooten Dorm Niland, Thomas M., El Paso. 2501 Oldham, Apt. 105 Nisbet, David A., San Antonio, 3910-B Shoal Creek Blvd. Nix, H. Keith, Dallas^ 2308 Enfield, Apt. 106, GR 2-0857 Nixon, Arlene G„ Big Spring. Blanton 305, GR 1-1250 Nixon, Charles R.. Alice, 1701 Summit View, GR 8-<653 - O - Oatis. Lloyd B., Dallas. 3305-A Grooms, GR 2-6881 Obenhaus, Richard L., Austin. 2615 Pem brook Trail, HO 5-6665 Oberst, Velda Jean, Canyon, 2005 Stamford Lane, GR 6-0825 O’Brien, Frank E., Concord, N.H., 3415 Guadalupe O’Brien, John J., Baltimoore, Md., 2113. Clifton. HI 2-3238 O’Brien. Thomas M., San Antonio, 2106 Guadalupe O’Bryant, Nancy, Galena P ark, SRD 234. GR 6-9131 O’Connor, Michol M., Houston, 2208 Nueces O’Dell, P atricia R., Austin, 1613 Cloverleaf Dr., GL 3-5426 O’Dell, Ralph Douglas. Austin, 1500 W. St. Johns. HO 5-0539 Oden, Jr., Barney, El Paso, 1956-E Sabine, GR 7-4375 Odom, Jr., Donald P., Houston, 2701 Nueces. GR 7-0091 Odom, Jr., Hubert T., Victoria. 1106-F Brack. Apts., GR 8-6169 Odom, Max C.. Austin, 5311 Peacedale Lane. WA 6-0648 O’Donnell, Jack C., Mason, Simitins Hall 255-A O’Donnell, Joan Emily, Mason, Blanton 528. GR 1-1998 O’Dowd, Ann, Waco, 2315 Nueces. GR 8-3581 Oehler, Delbert D., Harper, 208 Red Oak Circle, GL 2-0421 Oelkers, Jr., Edgar, New Braun­ fels, 1903 Rio Grande. GR 2-8331 Ogden. O. Walker, Andrews. 1405 Possum Trot, GR 2-9462 Oglesby, Dwight H., Austin, 3707 Meredith, GR 8-8370 Oh, Yong Kyu, Korea, 1910 Wichita. GR 2-9497 Ohanian, Jam, Iran, 2505 Rio Grande Old, John Marland, Texarkana, Moore-Hill Hall 131-B, GR 8-130C Oldham, Jackson D„ Fort Worth* 3307-A Beverly Rd., GL 2-9709 Olds, George E„ Pampa, 914 E. 48th, GL 3-2006 Oliphint, Robert E„ Austin, 3308 Enfield Rd., GR 7-9237 Oliva, Ralph, San Antonio, 709 W. 23rd Olive, Bonnie S., Baytown, Shangri-La. GR 6-6033 Oliver, Derrell M., Muleshoe, 1215 E. 52nd, GL 2-2207 Oilison. Mary P., Austin, 4004 Crescent Dr., GR 2-1393 Oilison, Will Mann, Austin, 4004 Crescent D r., GR 2-1393 Olm, Jane G., Austin, 6111 Rickey Dr.. HO 5-9103 Olofson, Clifford R., Austin. 1701-B Nueces, GR 2-1630 Olsen, Iola Knacker, Beeville, 2707 Speedway, GR 6-1700 Wiley S., Austin, S. L am ar Blvd., HI 2-3104 Ellen Boles, Austin, Idlewild, GL 2-7503 Joyce Ann, Lake Jackson* San Gabriel Karl Edwin. Nevada. Iowa, 3203% Cherrywood Rd., GR 8-3206 Olsen, 2529 Olson. 4100 Olson, 1910 Olson. Omar, Anwar A. J., Jordan. Box 8065. UT Sta., GR 2-9568 Ondrias, Paul R., Taylor O’Neill. Brian E ., San Antonio, 1540-B Brack. Apts., GR 2-6659 O’Neill, Michael W.. San Antonio, 2215 Leon, Apt. 24. GR 7-7139 O’Neill. Patrick M., San Antonio 2601 H am s Blvd., GR 2-4463 Orgain. Franklin D., Bastrop, 3002 Bridle Path, GR 2-9369 Ormand, Jerry B., Odessa, 706 E. 23%. Apt. 5, GR 2-4864 Ormand, Terry Lynn, Odessa, 706 E. 23%, Apt. 5, GR 2-4864 Ornelas, Raul S., Corpus C hristi 2004-E Wichita Orr, Jr., Daniel B., Graham , 2305 Sabine, Apt. 1-B Ortiz, Rebecca, Galveston, 2610 Whitis, No. 5, GR 8-4241 Ortiz, Victor C., San Antonio, 2212 San Antonio Ortiz de Montanello, B. R., San Ant., 2406 Rio Grande, GR 6-926d Ortman. Dennis, Houston, 1905 Nueces. GR 7-0239 Orton, Susan J., Bellevue, Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9131 Osborn, Diane R ae W., Austin, 1102 West Ave., GR 7-7547 Osborn, Michael U.. Jacksonville, Simkins Hall 234-A Osborn, M yra Ann, Austin, 4010 Vineland Dr., GR 8-6018 Osborne, Jane Frances, Austin, 4210 Avenue D, GL 3^3207 Osburn. John D., Austin, 5212 Berkman Dr., GL 2-2169 O’Shieles, Sue, Rosenberg, 1212-H W. 13th Osmon, Carol Louise. Orange, 2005 University, GR 8-8595 Ostler, Jam es Stark, Dallas, 2308 Nueces, GR 6-2613 I ?I i » I \ Otero-Sanvicente, Napoleon, Me*., Departm ent of Geology Ottmers, Jr., D. M., San M arcos, 1214-B Brack. Auts.. GR 2-8108 Oujezdsky, Dorothy Ann. Belton, 1910 San Gabriel Overstreet. Gloria Jean, M cGregor, 2610 Whitis, No. I, GR 6-9062 Overton, Jam es Lee, Cleveland, 2400 Leon, GR 6-6225 Owens, Carolyn, Ballinger, Blanton 521, GR 1-1380 Owens. Charles A., Austin, 3424-A Webberville Rd. Owens. Jam es W., Texas City, 504 W. 34th. GR 6-3818 Owens, Tary Kelly, Austin, 909 W. 22nd, GR 2-8905 Owens, Verda P., Austin, 1621 E. 8th, GR 2-6130 Ow in, Thomas Lynn, Houston. 1910 Whitis Ave., GR 2-0708 ____ Oxley, M. Lorraine, 2309 Rogge Lane. WA 6-0238 (^bespring, Harry H., Houston, 2507 Manor Circle, WA 6-2069 Oxspring, Martha Diane, Houston* 2507 Manor Circle, WA 6-2069 Oyervides, Betty Ruth, Austin, 1507 Alta Vista. HI 2-7572 Ozawa, Yuichi, Japan, 1910 San Gabriel, GR 8-3184 Carrie C. C„ Austin, Harris Blvd., GR 8-0905 Ozley. 2529 P- Pace, Anita E., Lubbock, Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9131 Pace, Eddie W.. Eldorado, 702%-A W. 23rd Pace. Martha E.. Missouri, Ohlendorf, Norbert K., Lockhart, Friday. June 12. 1964 IHE SUMMER. TEXAN Page 21ft Blanton 431, GR 1-3005 » ' I * \ v ^ ^ ^ ■ studentI I O H u P GIRLS! FOR FALL '64! KOR GIRLS] W U U N V C ^ S t I Special Summer Rate WRITE NOW FOR INFORMATION MADISON HOUSE DEXTER HOUSE VISIT THE M adison H ouse 709 W est 22nd St. GR 8-9891 or GR 8-9892 A ustin, T exas Pace III. Wm. Lynn. Haskell. 1513-A Brack. Apts.. GR 2-5020 Pacey. Jr., Russell H., Charlotte. >500 E. 22nd. Apt 110 Pacheco, Joe J.. Austin. >07 E. 16th. GR 7-8986 Pacheco. Nelson A.. Ft. Hood, 91 VA Poplar St. Packard. Barbara Ann. Kerrville. 2609 University Ave.. GR 8-0027 Padilla. Herminie, Eagle Pass, 1000 W. Oltorf, GR 7 5362 Page. F. Eleanor, Austin. 601 W. 12th. GR 2-1482 Page. Louis C., Austin. 2507 Kenmore Cts., GR 6 2422 Page. M urry Ennis. San Antonio. 1105-B Brack. Apts.. GR 2 3047 Page. Susan. Austin. 2507 Kenmore Court. GR 6-2422 P age. Sutton Gibbs. Austin, 708 W. 24th, GR 8-1985 P age. Thomas P., Midland. 1105-A Brack. Apts.. GR 8 2774 Paggi. Michael Henry. Austin, 2101 Highgrove Terr. Pain. George Robert. Austin, 406 Zennia. HO 5-9723 Painter, Judith Lynn. Dallas, SRI). No. 208, GR 6-9131 P ainter. Karlvn Janis. La., Blanton 526. GR 1-1796 P ainter. Lvnda, Ft. Worth. 3001 Red River. GR 8-6275 P ainter, M ary F. San Antonio. 2610 Whitts, GR 2-9304 P air. Doc Carlton. Abilene, HOL E. 30th. GR 2-7720 P airsh, Claude F.. Ft. Worth, San Jacinto Dorm Pais, Susan. Houston, 717 W. 22nd P a lares, Mrs. Jean S., Austin. 1507 Pease Rd., GR 7-9283 P a (ares. Luis. 1507 Pease Rd., GR 7 9283 Palacios-G., Argentina. Panam a. Episc. Scil., Box 818, GR 8-9295 Palafox, Robert J., San Antonio. 1959 Sabine. Apt. 104 Palew sky, Anita M arcia. Dallas, Blanton Dorm. GR 1-1698 Palm berg, Kenneth A.. Houston, 907-B E. 32nd P alm er. Catherine A., Brownsville. 2407-B Nueces. GR 2-3807 P alm er. Dennis E arl. Austin. 4904 Red River, HO 5-8406 Palm er, John Howard. Pt. Arthur. 1959 Sabine. No. 202 P alm er. John Lynn, Austin. 7109 Ryan Dr.. OL 345150 P an ak, John J.. Austin, Parker. Kenneth W., Belton. 2511 Pearl, Apt. 3, GR 6-5196 Parker. Marjorie L., N.M., Kinsolving Dorm, GR 1-3509 Parker. Mrs. Nancy R., Ill . 1021 Ellingson Ln., GL 34203 Parker, Nedro Gwen, Sherman, 4102 Shoal Creek. GR 2 7570 Parker, Pamela Jo, Lexington, I Blanton Dorm, GR I 7196 Parker II. Paul. Austin, 6613 Lexington Rd., GL 2-8015 i P arker. R. Craig. Kemah. 1810 B Lake Shore Dr., GR 8 3354 I Parker, Richard B., ! 1021 Ellingson Ln.. GL 34203 Parker. W arren D.. Eagle Lake. 1008 W. 25%. GR 2-5120 Parker. William W., Somerville, 3710 Cherrywood Rd., GR 2-2238 Parkhurst. Shirley Jean. Orange. 2609 University Ave., GR 8-5286 I Parks. Elizabeth M., Houston, 1514 Forest Trail, GR 6-2551 Parks. Hubbard S.. Kerrville, 1905 Nueces, GR 6-1813 I Parks. Joe, Houston, ; 1514 Forest Trail. GR 6-2551 Parks, Karen S.. Boerne, 1905 Nueces. GR 6-1813 Parks. Robert E ., La Mesa, 900 W. 22nd, GR 6-2052 Parks. Robert S., Houston. 1801 Rio Grand.e Apt. 207 Parnell. Gerald B.. Richardson, 3007 Speedway, GR 6 2484 Parnham , Jr., George J.. Austin, 1516 B Brack. Apts., GR 7-7273 P arr. John D.. Robstown, 394-A Deep Eddy Apts. P a rr. Mary Kaw Dallas, Blanton 525, GR 1-1689 P a rr III. Nor vin G., Donna. 2614 Rio Grande. GR 2-7255 P arr. Sylvia A.. Lam pasas, 394-A Deep Eddy Apts. I P arra. Amelia C., Brownsville, 2003 B Wichita Parris, Joe P., Austin. 1552-B Brack. Apts., GR 7 5385 Parrish. Patricia Ann. Goliad, 2107 Oldham. GR 2-6390 Parsons. Mary S., Gilmer, 3304 Red River. GR 8 8024 Partin. Janies R., Austin. GL 2-7334 Partney, Linda M., Tyler. 2106 Oldham, GR 6-3837 P artridge, Donna K.. Munday, 2106 Swisher, GR 2-5777 Paschall. Richard F., Austin, i Rt. 6. Box 46. HI 2-4692 I Passm ore. Dennis R., Dallas, 6008 Shoal Creek. GI. 3 8900 Pandya, Prafulla S., Collage Sta., 1906-C Nueces Passmore, Jon M.. San Antonio, 2708 Salado St. Panichapat, Chackchai, Thailand, 601 Elmwood Place. GR 8-2717 Pankhurst, Carl W.. Somerset, 1612-B Brack. Apts. P an tier. Jacqueline K.. Austin, 5906 Carleen Dr.. GL 2-23.30 P a pick. Joseph Frank, Austin. 5507 Darlington Ln.. WA 6-1747 P a roe. Fred D.. Harlingen, 1616 W. 6th. Apt. 227 Parish, Charles R., Weslaco. 1910 San Gabriel. GR 8-8033 P arish. Pam ela Jo. Ballinger, 2000 Pearl ParLso. Timothy M., Houston, 2700 Nueces, GR 6-1988 P ark er. Billy Dean. Lewisville, 2529 S. Lam ar. HI 4-2452 P ark er. Carolyn C., Nacogdoches, 1520 A Brack. Apts., GR 74)872 P ark er, David E., Austin. 2052 Sabine. GR 8-6261 P ark er. Dorothy N., Austin. 2402 Rio Grande. GR 2 1394 P a rk er. Eddie Worth, Tyler, 1904%-A Univ. Ave.. GR 74750 P a rk er. Jr., George P., Dallas, 1801 Rio Grande. GR 8-37462 P a rk er. John D., Garden City, 2413 Leon. GR 6-0273 P a rk er, John Wm., Nacogdoches. 1520-A B rack. Apts., GR 7-0872 I 1906 Wichita. GR 64)382 i Passm ore. Paul R., Dallas, j 3001 Red River, No. 202 i Pate, W alter F ., Midland, 101 W. 21st. Box 21 Patek, William D., Shiner. 2007 Whi tis. GR 7-5481 I Paternostro, Charles J.. Dallas, 3404-B Grooms. GR 7-1482 Batman. Norma Ruth. 1408 Ridgehaven, GL 3-7819 Patschke. Howard Lee. Austin, 1007-B Rom eria Dr., GL 3-6793 Patterson. Carol Jean, Austin, 4300 Caswell, CL 3-0.308 Patterson, Charles V., Taylor, GR 5-3335 Patterson. Elena H., Big Spring, 717 W. 22nd, GR 2-4812 Patterson, Jefferson M., Kerm it, Goodall Wooten Dorm 612 Patterson. John David. Ft. Worth, 1208% Castle Hill. GR 6-3369 Patterson. Judy K.. San Antonio, 613 Park Place, Apt. 2 Patterson. Laura M., Mission, BEOB 500 Patterson, Lon M , Conroe. 101 W. 21st. GR 8-7947 Patterson. M artin D.. Austin, 1108-C W. 22nd, GR 2 3408 Patterson, Oliver K., Ft. Worth, Brackenridge Hall 143, GR 7-0464 Patterson, P. Gayle, Austin, 3106 Highland Terr. W., GL 3-3028 Patterson, Robert Lynn, La., 2422 Keating, GR 6-2876 Patterson, Wendell A., Sweetwater, 2411 Leon, Apt. 102 Patton. Arian I., Houston. 5320 Balcones. OL 2-9603 Patton. Eddie R., Weatherford, 1401 Enfield, Apt. 203 Patton. Gayle R., Agua Dulce, 506 E. 16th, GR 6 3632 Patton. John J.. Tyler. 2614 Rio Grande. GR 8-0436 Patton. Larry Rogers, Argentina, 416 Wichita. GR 74M27 Patton, Michael L., Beaumont, 2701 Nueces Patton, Robert E., Cuero Patton, Robert T., Sanger. San J a r. Dorm A. GR 84)252 Patty. Tom S., Austin, GL 2-7852 Pauer. Gary Alan, Austin. 3707 Vineland Dr.. GR 8-1296 Paul. John WL, Baytown. 2500 San Gabriel, GR 7-4512 Paulos. Janet D.. Garland, 706 W. 25th. GR 2-5831 Pavev, Elizabeth Lee .Houston, Scottish Rite 59. GR 6 9131 Pavlik. Joseph C., Taylor. Pawclek. Louise Marie. Falls City. Blanton 515, GR 1-1087 Payne, Elroy T., Cleburne. 1111-3 Braesridge, CL 2-9708 Payne, Gene Charlesworth, Austin, 1600 Virginia. HI 2-8163 Payne. Jr.. Hermes E., Elgin, Robert E. Lee Hall Payne. Jean. Dallas, No. 3 Peak Road, GR 7 8801 Payne. Je rrv S.. Houston. 204 E. 30th. GR 7-6014 Payne, Sherry Lynn. Austin, 3809 Speedway. GL 2-1052 Peacock. Edith Ann, Austin. 2701 Scenic Dr., GR 7-5178 Peacock II, Jam es IL, Jacksonv’e, 1609 Sw'eetbriar, GL 34>289 Peacock, Joe Don, Austin, 6002 Aurora Dr., HO 54)581 Peal. Lulu, Austin, 3424 Mt. Barker. GL 24)484 Pearce, Joe S.. Austin. 6304 Arnold Dr., GL3-T756 Pearson. Angus G., Austin. 207 E. 34th. GR 7 7413 Pearson, Billie Neal. Brack. Apts.. GR 2 3421 Pearson, Mrs. Janet F., San Ant. 3206-A Tom Green. GR 8-6795 Pearson. John H., San Antonio, Goodall Wooten Dorm Pearson. John Paul, Houston, 2408 Longview. Apt. 103 Pearson. Richard Lee1. LaMesa, 3206 A Tom Green. GR 8-6795 Peavy. Betty K., Lufkin. 1712-H Rio Grande, GR 8 3830 Peavy, Penny Diane, Austin. 2801 Mountain Laurel. HO 54)882 Pechacek. Betty Joyce. Flatonia, Blanton 515. GR 1-1087 Peck. David N., Ala., 2106 Swisher, GR 6-4257 Peckham, Je rry B., Port Arthur, 2411 South 5th. HI 2-0486 Peden, Mrs. Betty Ann. Austin, 3404 LaFayette, GR 7-2031 Peden, J r.. Robert M.. Houston, 1907% University Ave. Pedersen, David E., 111. Peebles, Paul Lee, Killeen. 1113 A Brack. Apts.. GR 2 9107 Peebles, Rosalea P., Killeen. 1113 A Brack. Apts., GR 2-9107 Peek, Jam es C., Austin, 3109 Tom Green, GR 7-1725 Peeler. Geo. Thomas. Dallas, 2910 Red River, Apt. 103 Peeples. E. Edw ard. Belton, 906% W. 22nd. GR 2-4365 Peese. Gary Ray, San Antonio, 2106 Guadalupe, GR 2-1343 Peevev III, Joseph W., M arfa, 300 E. Riverside Dr., Apt. 231 Pehl, Richard E., Ballinger, 307 W. 26th Pena. Albar A., Falfurrias, 408 Cherryhill Dr., HI 4-3808 Pena. Gloria Y., McAllen, 2208 Rio Grande, GR 2-7695 Pen aiver. Manuel R-, San Antonio, 2828 Salado Pence, Gordon Clifford, Austin, 1811 Foresthill Dr., HI 2 3493 Pendery, Hugh Clinton. Dallas, 2201-A Leon, GR 8-5523 Pendleton. Randall G , Andrews. 817 E. 31st, GR 2-7184 Penix, Rahna Lue, Dallas. Blanton Dorm. GR 11880 Penn, Robert Earl. Midland, 2801 San Jacinto, GR 8-5641 Peno, Mrs. Bette E. B., Jasper. 1103-B Wayside Dr., GR 2 3931 Peno, Jr.. Joseph D., Jasper, 1103-B Wayside Dr GR 2-3931 Peoples. Robert M., Austin. 4506 Placid Place. GL 2 0760 Percival. Linda K.. San Antonio, W. 28th. Le Fontainebleau Apts. Perdue. Janet E., Houston. 3001 Rod River. GR 7-8251 Perel, Robert Paul. Victoria, 1307 Norwalk, Apt. 205, GR 7 7785 Perez, Albert. Del Rio, 2603 Guadalupe. GR 8-6235 Perez, Beatrice H.. Bon Bolt, Kinsolving 219. GR 1-5340 Perez, Jorge David. Roma, 1215 E. 52nd, GL 3-1454 Perez, Maria J.. San Diego, Blanton 210, GR 11150 Perini. Vincent W,, Abilene, 807 Baylor Perkins. John M artin, Liberty, 1215 E. 52nd. HO 5 9032 Perkins. Julia Lynn, Lam pasas, Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9131 Perkins. Raymond P.. Amarillo. Perkins. Richard I).. San Antonio. 2106 Swisher. GR 7 5080 Perkins. Scherrv A.. Mt. Pleasant, 1616 W. 6th, GR 2 8835 Pernell. Jr.. Jam es IL. Dallas, 400 W. 30th. GR 7-7880 Perozo-Gonzalez. Edison. Venez., 1708 Enfield Rd.. Apt. I Perrott, Kathleen. Ft. Worth, 2011 Whitis, GR 8 2357 Perrin, M ark W., Cameron. 3807 Petes Path Perone. Richard J., Austin. 2133 W. Ben White, HI 2-2632 Perry, B arbara Jean, Austin, 2002 Travis Hts. Blvd., HI 2-2828 j Perry, David lice. Austin, 506 E. 17th, GR 8-0876 P erry III, Hugh Lawrence. Austin. 1007 W. 39th, CL 3-4579 Perry. Jam es B.. Plainview, 606 Rathervue Place Perry, Je rry Keith, Irving, 407-C W. 27 th Perry. Malcom Conley, Mertens, 3704 La Fayette Ave., GR 2-9436 Perry. Mary Anne, Tyler. 2026 Guadalupe, GR 6 0669 Perry, Robert Charles, Dallas, Goodall Wooten 713 P erry, Ronnell Yvonne. Hitchcock, 707 W. 25th, GR 6-5102 Perrym an. Gladys W., Seguin, 2506 Whitis Ave., GR 7-0577 Perrym an, Patti Ann, Tyler, 1701-C Neches. GR 7-2195 Peschka. I^ana Jo Ann. Austin, 1309 Bluff, HI 2-8375 Peters. Carol Louise, Hamilton, Blanton 313, GR 1-1970 Peters, J r., Jam es G., Round Rock Peters. Leon Jam es. Weimar. 705 W. 26th. GR 7-2651 Peters, Patricia M arie. Seymour, 1401 Enfield Rd.. GR 8-7015 Peters II. R. F., Tarrytown. N Y.. 1953^A Red River Peters, Robert M., Normangee, Moore-Hill Hall 329 A Peterson, Anne. Austin. 2408 H arris Blvd., GR 2-1392 Peterson. Mrs. Betty Jo. Austin, 1410 Ridgehaven GL 3-7805 Peterson, Carolyn Nell, Lytle. 703 W. 23rd, GR 2-0087 Peterson III. C. G.. Galveston. 1109-A Brack. Apts.. GR 2-9153 Peterson, Dennis A., Washington, 2002 Whitis, GR 6-9404 Peterson, Edward J., N.Y.. 3403 Hampton Rd., GR 2-67# Peterson, Erik Georg. Houston. 2202 Enfield. GR 7-1745 Peterson. Gloria F.. Lytle. 703 W. 23rd, GR 2 0087 Peterson. Helen M.. Hutto. Peterson, Karin Eliz., Georgetown Peterson III, Leo John, Austin. Summit View, No. 4, GR 2-9631 Peterson, M arguerite W., Hutto Peterson. Ralph Ray, Houston. William K. Hall Peterson, Richard R . Austin, Rt. 3. Box 130, HO 5-0784 Peterson, Robert S., Austin, 1302 Norwalk Lane Peterson, Wilburn E.. Austin. 1204 Madison, HO 56874 Petesch. Donald Anthony. 4104 Ramsey Ave , GL 3 2917 Petizolas. Edw ard K.. El Paso, 3217 Larry Lane. GR 7-4095 Petmeckv, Billy, Fi iKlericksburg. 5004 Crestmont. GL 2-7478 Petrick. Anthony T., Austin. 396-1) I .ake Austin, GR <0061 Petropoulos. A postles P., Greece, 80IL,. E. 20th, GL 2-2950 Petru. Edward Louis, Lyford. 101 W. 21st, GR 7-0233 Pettev, I^ana Nell. Austin, 5802 Overlook, GL 2-7850 Pettigrew, Buddv G., Mich., 383 C Deep Eddy Apts . GR 7-5273 Petti john. John W„ Georgetown, 1900 W. 33rd, GL 3-0981 Petti john, Sara Cooper, Austin, 1900 W. 33rd. GI. 34)981 P ow ders. J. H„ College Station. GoodaJl Wooten Dorm, GR 2 1343 Pfennig, Jon Charles, Baytown. 702-A E. 23%, GR 6 9016 Pfister. Richard Dean. Austin. 2400 E . 22nd, GR 2-9570 Pflughaupt, Louis E ., Houston, 3905-A Bailey I .a no. HO 5-8359 Pham, Dung Kim, Viet Nam, 2618 Speedway P harr II. H arry N., Austin. 1725% Palm a Plaza, GR 7-7721 P harr, Rose Eliz., Houston. '2309 Nueces. GR 8-6114 Phillipps, Kenneth G., Austin. 1307 Westover. GR 6 1803 Phillips, Ann R.. Brownsville, Blanton Dorm, GR 1-5180 Phillips, Charles T .t I .a k e Jackson. 3311-A Hampton Rd.. GR 6-1034 Phillips, Jam es B.. Victoria, 1103-F Brack. Apts.. GR 7-8786 Phillips, Mrs. Janie. Austin, 1203-A. W. 39%, GL 3-0721 Phillips, Jr.. Jim m y. Angleton, 2401 Manor Rd., GR 7 4812 Phillips, Johnny R., Big Spring, Phillips, Jr., John R.. N.M., 2401 Manor Rd., GR 7-4812 2401 Manor Rd., GR 74812 Phillips. Johnny R., Big Spring, 1404-C Woodlawn. GR 6-9585 Phillips, Kenneth W., Texarkana, 1902 Santa Clara. GL 2-2464 Phillips. Lana Ray, Dallas, Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6 9131 Phillips, Larry Ewing. Harlingen, Moore Hill Hall. GR 11462 Phillips. M arsha Lynn, Dallas 701-A W. 18th St. Phillips. M artha H., Big Spring, 1404-C Woodlawn, GR 6-9585 Phillips. Michael M., Angleton, 2308 Nueces, GR 7-5214 Phillips. Ralph E .. Houston. 1908-10 Wichita. GR 2-4131 Phillips. Richard C.. Oklahoma, 604 L E . 20%, GR 8-5228 Phillips, Richard W., Houston, 3209 LaFayette. GR 2-8842 Phillips. Ronald F.. Abilene. 2307 Red River, GR 7-7808 Phipps. G. Gay. Perryton, Kinsolving 525 LAMBERT JOHNSON MOBIL C o m e r of Intramural and 19th Street • Fast Free Pi«k-Up & Delivery • Motor T*»ne-up— Starters—Generators • Brake Service • Complete Service 7 a .in.-IO p.m. 7 Days a Week Phone G R 8-1521 1900 Speedw ay friday, June 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN P«gs 22B F *■ V k ' * ' 2 BLOCKS FROM UT TOWER N. M. Jackson Texaco SERVICE STATION 2533 Guadalupe GR 2-1042 AUSTIN ARMY & NAVY STORE 201 WEST 6TH (Across from Post O ffice) C^om p fete cjCine o f W i t t t a r y lpm ?.nt a n d 3 iy in ia Western Clothing for Men and Women Featuring Levis and Lee Riders Picher, O liver Lewis. Austin. K)12 Contour Dr.. G L 2-8336 Pichinson, Don Ja y , Austin. 2102 W. 12th. G R 2-9686 Pickard. Jr ., H. Griffin San Ant., 3006-B .Speedway. G R 2-7544 Pickens. W illiam E .. Skipmore, 1302 Sabine. G R 6-9141 Pickett, Carolyn H., San Angelo, 1951 Sabine. G R 2-7609 Pickett. David F ., Corpus Christi, 1910 Nueces, Apt. 3 Pickett, Jam es Mace. Austin, 1105 W. 22nd, G R 6-3872 Pickett, John Robert. Austin, Box 818. G R 8-9032 Pickett. M ary C.. Fort Worth, 4411 Airport Blvd., G L 3-8281 Pickle, Joseph G ary, Big Spring, ‘2058 Sabine, G R 69326 Pierce. David Milo. Austin, 2711-A Windsor Rd., G R 2-4457 Pierce. Mrs. F . Caroline. Okla., 2711 A Windsor Rd., G R 2-4457 Pierce, George B.. San Antonio, 2106 Swisher. G R 2*3737 Pierce. Jam es O.. Austin, 205 E . 34th, G R 8-6128 Pierce. Jan ice Ruth, M arfa, Blanton Dorm Pierce Leis L.. West Columbia, 2115 B Rabb Rd., H I 4-3804 Pietrantoni. Raul J., Venezuela, 606-A Park Place, G R 8 6992 Pietsch, Thomas A.. Minn., 3401 Speedway, G R 6-9562 Pihlgren. Roy W „ Austin. 1408 Ridgemont Dr.. Pike. David L., Corsicana. San J ac. Dorm A 204, G R 8-0252 Pila, H arry David. Ft. Worth, 1205 E . 52nd, G L 2 4857 Pinckney, Jan ice Ashton, Austin, 610 E. 48th. G L 3 1948 Pinkard, Doval W m „ Miam i, Fla., 386 E Deep Eddy Apts., G R 7-8156 Pipkin, Clara W ., San Antonio, Pipkin, I^eroy Gordon, San Antonio, Pipkin. Roy Bedichek, Austin, 801 E . 23rd, G R 6 3016 Pirson. Jacques Em ile. Austin, 4510 Edgemont Dr.. Ho 5-0186 Pirtle, Robert E ., Ft. Worth. 396-E Deep Eddy Apts. Pita. Edward P., Dallas, 2200 Oldham, G R 8-1967 Pitt. Jam es M., Cedar H ill, 1505 Dexter. H I 2-6812 Pittenger. B ill, San Antonio, 2100 Oldham. G R 8-4196 Pittm an, C. R.. Midland. Pittm an. Dorothy Gene. Albany, Scottish Rite Dorm, G R 6 9131 Pittm an, Samuel Inman. Corpus, 2504 E la»on, G R 7-0706 Pittm an, Samuel S., Houston, Moore-Hill Hall Pitzer, Nancy Susan. Breckenridge, 717 W, 22no. G R 7 5648 Pitzer. Richard L., Galena Park. 3200 L^ake Austin Blvd , (JR 2 4652 Pivonka, Bernard J., Bryan, 912 W . 19th, G R 6-3039 Placke. John L , Giddings. 2937 Moss. G R 8 5929 Plotsky, Dianne Lynne. Austin, 4705 Shadow Lane, G L 3-8372 Plum m er, Otho R., Beaumont, 103 W. Lisa Dr., G L 2-7095 Plum m er, Tina C*. K errville, ‘JOO lU niversity Ave., G R 6-8735 Plunkett, A. Lenin, Quanah, 910 W. Oltorf, HT 4-1902 Poag, Evelyn G., Del Rio, D riskill Hotel, G R 6-3501 Pocock, Henry O , Austin, 709 E . 23rd. G R 2-9531 Polk, Carl Ray, Lufkin, South Shore Apts. Polk. E d J., Austin. 5104 Orleans Ct.. H I 4-2463 Pollard. Courtney R ., Houston, 2609 University Ave. Pollard, John Norman, Baytown, 1313-C Brack. Apts. Pulley. E m ily Jane, Dallas , 1606 West Ave., G R 2 2996 Pollock. Guy W m „ Indiana, 707 E . 20th Polome, Monique H. L., Austin, 2701 Rock Terr. Dr., H I 245634 Polston, Virginia Ann. Dallas, 906V, W. 22nd, G R 8-8068 Pomerantz, Sally, San Antonio, 2315 Nueces. GR 6-5381 Ponder, John Lewis, Midland, | Robt. E . Lee Hall. Box 21 Ponsford, Terrence V.. E l Paso, 2306 Oldham. G R 8-0937 Pool, Nancy R.. Groesbeck, 3007-B Fruth, GR 2-4087 Pool. Philip Ray, Carthage, i 2401 Manor Rd.. G R 2-3082 Poole. Bob, Amarillo i Poole. H arry J., San Antonio. San Ja c . Dorm A-226, G R 8-05K>2 Pool-Ramirez, Percy. Peru, I 403 W. 25th. G R 7-5055 Poor. Arthur R . Dallas. 4901 lansing Dr.. H I 2-7764 Pope, Nelda Ann, Tyler. Scottish Rite Dorm. G R 6-9131—61 Pope, W alter Allen, San Antonio, 2305 Sabine Porehe, Jr .. John Elrees. Edna, 1903 Rio Grande, G R 2-8331 Porter. Alexander W.. Austin. 2108 Maple Ave., G R 6 5858 Porter, Jr ., Douglas, San Antonio. 2810 Bowman. G R 6-8687 Porter, Geo. W., Kansas City. Mo.. 3302 Cherry Tree Cir., G L 2-1506 Porter. Jam es Hurt. San Antonio, 2400 Pearl. GR 8-6045 Porter. Ja rv is Holland, Bryan, 1904 Sharon I^ane, G R 7-7123 Porter. Judith Ann, San Antonio, 803 W. 28th, Apt. 107 Porter, Kenneth L., Gainesville, A B a r Hotel, Room 419 Porter. M ary Erin , Mathis, 606 W. 17th. G R 7-2348 Porter. Patsy Jane, Bryan. 1315 Norwalk Lane, G R 8-1704 Porter. Patricia J.. Midland. 1802 West Ave., G R 6-5556 Posey, Jr ., John A.. Freeport, 2701 Nueces. G R 7 9374 Poston. L. Marie, Taylor, 600 Fairfield l^ane Poston, M ary Lynn. Houston, '2610 Whitis, G R 2-3787 Potter, Beth. Tyler. 405 E. 31st. G R 8-6949 Potter M arv Evelyn, Tyler, 405 E. 31st. G R 8-6949 Potter, Jr ., Samuel. D allas, 2106 Guadalupe, G R 8 2436 Potter. Terry Lee, Austin, 1103 Karen Ave., G L 2-4505 ! Potts, Cheryl Joan, Austin, 804 Columbus. HI 2-0263 Potts, Howard Taft, 3807-A Speedway Potts. Sharon I.ce, Houston, Blanton Dorm. G R I 5769 1208 Newport, HO 5-9474 Powell, Bert Lariel. Austin, Rt. 5, Box 114, H I 2-6333 Powell. Charlie R., 2830 San Gabriel, G R 8-6030 Powell, Dona Jeanette. Austin, R t. 5, Box 114. H I 2-6333 Pocock. M ary A . San Antonio, 709 E . 23rd, (JR 2-9531 Podio, Augusto L.. Colombia. 1404 W. 12th, G R 6-2318 Polder. Robert F., Fredericksburg, San Ja c . Dorm D-101, G R 80192 Pohler. Shirley M., Fredericksburg, 1905 University Ave., G R 7-0203 Poling. Jr ., Russell G., Austin, 383 F Deep Eddy Apts., G R 8-0712 Powell. Jr ., Edward L ., Houston. 609 Carolyn Ave., G R 8 1093 Powell. Everett, Kingsville, 3008 Cedar Powell, M ary E ., Kingsville. 841 Airport Blvd., G R 2-7066 Powell. M ary, Austin, 2830 San Gabriel, G R 8-6030 Powell, Paul E ., (Allege Station, San Ja c . Dorm D 104, G R 8-0192 307-D Deep Eddv Apts.. G R 2-#322 1008 West 25 Powell, Penny Michele. Houston, 2500 Nueces, G R 8 1575 Powell, Sally Patricia. Austin, 4805 Balcones, HO 5-0345 Powell, Thomas E ., Dallas, 2703 Rio Grande, G R 7-2835 Powell. Virginia M .,S a n Saba, Kinsolving Dorm Power, Velva F ., Austin, 3102V? King St. Powers. Charles Bryan. Austin, 5800 Mohave Dr., H I 4 3287 lo w ers IV , John Pike, Beaumont, 2107 Oldham. G R 6-3421 Powers. Judy Kay. Dallas, Blanton 525. G R 1-1689 Powers Jr ., W illiam B.. Houston, 1717 E . 32nd. G R 8-6280 Poynor. Hugh Bell. Austin, 1220-A Brack. Apts., G R 6-8771 Praeger, Charles E .. Houston, 101 W. 21st, Box 48 Prassel. Frank R., San Antonio, 1958 Sabine, Apt. 204 Pratt. Sidney A.. Nicaragua. 910 E . 38Ut, G L 3-1819 Pra tt Jr .. W illiam C., Tyler, 1542-A Brack. Apts., G R 8-6548 Prate, Owen, 3204 Tom Green Preddv, Jam ie Michael, Dallas. 2700 Nueces, Room 106 Prenshaw. E rie R., Miss.. Prenshaw. Peggy W ., Miss., 307-D Deep Eddy Apts.. G R 2-7322 Prentice, Linda M arjorie. Austin, j 2803 Macken. CJL 2-1443 Prero, Tammv. San Antonio, I N. 22nd. G R 8 3880 Prescott. Clifford N.. Lk. Jackson, 2311 Nueces, G R 6-4594 Prescott. Mrs. Ruth Ann, 1500 E. Riverside. G R 6 1795 Presnell, Ronald G arv. Austin, 805 W. 19th Presslv. Kirbv Smith, Dallas, 1408-A Lake Austin. G R 2 1698 Preussc. Carol Ann. Rosebud, 1951 Sabine. G R 8-6505 Preusse, M arilyn Janelle. Austin, 809 Christopher. H I 2-8435 Prewett. Jon M cRae. Austin. 407 Almarion, G R 6 9978 Prewett. Sharon Kay. Austin, 407 Almarion, G R 6-9978 Pribble. Robert T., Goldthwaite, Simkins Hall 240 A Price. Chervl E ., Baytown, Scottish Rite Dorm, G R 6 9131 Price David law rence. Kvle, 806 W. 28V?. G R 2-5723 Price Justus J., Libva, Africa, 400 E . 30th. Apt. 202. G R 6 9881 Price. Richard M urrav. Austin. 6704 Isabelle. G I. 3-6115 Price. W illiam D., Indiana, 2024 Northridge. G L 3-4901 Prickett. Christopher, Uvalde, 1302 Kirkwood. G L 2 6881 Prickett. Janeal, Uvalde, 1302 Kirkwood, G L 2 6881 Pruett, Jan e G.. Austin. 4205 Avenue D, G L 3-2715 Pruitt, Brenda S. B., Austin, 1209 Enfield Rd.. G R 8-2478 Pruitt, George Dwayne, Jerm yn. 156-A Brack. Apts., G R 2-2784 Pruitt, Ronald B., Longivew, 1209 Enfield Rd., G R 8 2478 Pruitt, Sr., W illiam , Richardson. 2400 Block Longview, G R 7-8696 Pruske, Jam es E „ San Antonio, 2105 Rio Grande, G R 6-8875 Pryor, Frank Edwin, Lubbock, 4411 Airport Blvd.. G L 2-0534 Puckett. Jr .. Allen Key. D allas, 1600 Peace, G R 6-8174 Puckett, Robert Lee. Dallas, 1600 Pease, G R 6-8174 Puentes, Carlos D., Argentina, I 2401 Winsted Lane, Apt. 2 Puett, Ruth Lucile. Austin, 3709 Eastledge, G L 2-2575 Puff. Jr ., Harmon B ., Ft. Worth. 151 I D H arrell Lane, G R 8-7884 Pullen, Stuart N., San Antonio, 2710 Whitis. G R 8-2864 Pullin, A lvy D arvl, Nixon, 2009 Whitis. G R 6 9836 Pullm an. Saul A., Eastland, 4719 Harmon Pumphrey, B illv M arvin. Winters, 1907 Madison Ave., G L 3-6461 Purcell. Kathleen Ruth, Longview, Purdum. Don Lee. Austin, 509-B Zennia, G L 3-8534 Purifov. Mrs. Dorothy Jane. Austin. 907V7 West 22nd, G R 7-1617 Purifov, Jesse Allen, Austin, 907H West 22nd, G R 7-1617 Purinton. Donald L., Corpus Christi 1420-A Brack. Apts.. G R 7-1674 Puron. Jose Antonio, Mexico, Simkins Purslev. Betty Ruth. Austin. 7010 Isabelle Dr.. HO 5-1836 Purslev. Robert E ., Austin, 107 West 55th. G L 2-7086 Puruell. Richard F , Austin 1212 A Brack. Apts.. G R 8 5484 Puryear, Jam es Kenneth. l>>op, 300 West 27th, G R 8-8533 Putman, Frank, Houston, 4 Niles Putnam, 805 W. Putnam. Rd. Joe, Alban/, 19th, G R 2-3663 Michael, Corpus 4112 Bellevue. G L 2-6235 Pvron. W alter R., Mt. Pleasant, Moore-Hill Hall Christi. 9 - Quade. L a rry G.. Sagerton, 1908 W ichita. G R 2-4131 I Quick. David Eugene, Round Rock. Box 278. Round Rock Quinin. Ronald Weldon. Ft. Worth. 2501 Sabine. G R 8 3788 Quinlan. Jr ., Jam es F.. 383 D Deep Eddy Apts. ! Priddy, Jam es Ronald. Ft. Worth, 1205 E . 52nd, Apt. 205 Priddy. Laurance I... Fort Worth,, 2910 Red River. G R 7 0729 Prik ryl. Kenneth R., Arlington. 380 F Deep Eddy, G R 7-2122 Prince, Jr .. Clarence E .. G07-B Bellevue Place, G R 8-7832 Quinn. Barbara Ann, Freeport Quinn, Michael Sean, San Antonio, Simkins Hall Quinton. M uriel B., Missouri City, 31st & Whitis, Capri Terr. Apts. M ary, San Antonio, Airport Blvd. Quirk, 4411 607 B Bellevue Place. G R 8-7832 Pritchett. Doug, Dallas Pritchett. Evelyn F „ Austin, 2203 McCullough. G R 7-8325 Proano. Ernesto ()., Ecuador, 2505 Rio Grande Probasco. Jeanetta F.. Longview Proc tor. Venabb B., Victoria, 2609 San Pedro. G R 2-0837 Proffitt. Michael IT.. New Braun­ fels. 500 Elmwood, G R 8-8846 Propsma. M ay Elizabeth. 1602 Sylvan Glade. H I 2-7675 Prosise. W illiam J.. Brownwood, Prow itt. Henry T., Fort Worth. 1004 B Elm 812 E . 46til - R - Rabel, Herbert Em il, W eim ar, ,394-D Deep Eddy Apts. Raby, Richard Ray, Raym ondville, 2009 Whitis, G R 6 9836 Rackley. Ramon R „ Nederland. 1212-E Brack. Apts., G R 2-4948 Radcliffe. John H iller. Fairhaven, 1406 Biaesridge Dr., G L 2-6164 Radde, Alice Almeda, M eridian. 126 Blanton. G R I 7169 Radon. Beth Louise, Dallas, 2609 University Radoff. Pe rry Joe. Houston, I 2200 Oldham. Apt. 6, G R 8 3100 Pounders, (Jail M., San Antonio, Princ e. Moneta S., Radzieta, John Lee, Jacksonville, 2612 Guadalupe, G R 6-5658 Ragan. G ary Dennis, Dallas. 1923 B E. 381* St. Ragsdale, Nancy Carol, Dallas, 2000 Pearl Rahe, Ursulee T., Galveston 1918 Speedway, Apt. 6, G R 7-5254 Raiborn, Mitch Hardy, San Angelo, 2200 Nuece$, Apt. 102, G R 2-1794 Rains, Lu Dana, Rotan. 1908 University, G R 8-2185 Raleigh. Virginia Pearl, Austin, 1905 East 16th, G R 2-9631 Ralston, Fraulein E ., Vanderbilt, 3413 Cedar St. Ramble, Jr ., Guy S., Austin 7507 Carriage Dr.. G L 2-5671 Ram ev, Bobbie Joe, Kansas, 4719 Harmon, G L 2-4103 Ram ey. Ronald Lynn. Houston, 3301 Red R iver, G R 6-2450 Ram irez, Jr ., Enrique G., Reabtos, 1907 Nueces Ram irez, Florentine. Jr ., D allas, 705 Blanco, G R 6-4157 Ram irez, Roel Roberto. Roma, 2204 Enfield Rd., G R 6-2444 Ram irez M itchell, R . J., Argentina. 302 East 17th St. Ram m el, Joan Ann, Austin, 2106 Swisher. G R 2-7412 Ramming, Michael Evert. Austin, 2307 Lawnmont Ave.. G L 3-6184 Ramos. Baltazar, Jr .. Hebbronville. 2700 Nueces G R 8-5308 Ramos, Ernesto C., Del Rio, 1007-B West 25^ St. Ramos, Ju lio L.. Del Rio, I 1007-B West 25*/i St. Ram ser. Charles D., Richardson, 2200 Oldham St. Ram sey, Edw ard Lafayette. Paris, 14 M argranita Cres., G R 8-7882 Ram sey. George E ., III, Aastin, 106-B Park Blvd., G L 2-7747 Ram sey, Stevens D., Jr ., Austin, 1711 Summit View, G R 8-5819 Randall, Robert Stanley. Kemp, 2202 Bristol. G L 2 7120 Randle. Mrs. Jann. Aastin. I 915 West 22nd, G R 7-8353 Randle. M allory B lair, Austin, 915 West 22nd, G R 7-8353 Randolph. Carolyn E .. Orange. 226 Blanton, G R 1-3058 Randolph. John Buckner, Aastin, 6611 Argentia Rd., G L 3-1801 Ranelle. Harold W m „ Fort Worth, 3502 Owens Circle, G L 2-5861 Raney, Robert E „ Jr .. San Antonio, Alpha Tau Omega. G R 6-2613 Rankhom, Barney Lee, K errville, 2502 Nueces . Rankin. Dan F „ Sr., Corpas Christi. 911 West 19th, G R 8-7966 Rankin. J . T.. Austin. 932 East 56th. G L 3-7929 Ransleben, Judith P., Austin, 3106 Robinson, G R 6-3370 Ransleben. Norman H,, Austin, I 3106 Robinson. G R 6-3370 I Ransom, Joseph C.. San Antonio, 1401 Enfield Ransom, Lillie Bernice, Austin, 1417 S. Redondo, WA 6-3267 Rape Je rrv Mack, Austin, 1520 B Brack. Apts., G R 7-5480 Raper, John D., San Antonio, 109 West 18th R arey, Louisa Gail, Austin, 6002 M arilyn Dr., G L 2-4281 Rarey. M arv Liza, Austin, 6002 M arilyn Dr., G L 2-4281 Rash. Jam es L „ Sulphur Springs, 1908 W ichita, G R 2-4131 Rash. John E .. Sulphur Springs. 3006 Duval Rashid, M. M., Saudi Arabia, Box 2060 Univ. Sta., G R 2-8162 R atcliff, Carolyn Arnell. Houston, 2506 Whitis, G R 7-0577 R atcliff. Daniel E „ Jr ., Pleasanton, 126 A Moore-Hill Rather. Carroll, Little Rock. 2204 Enfield. G R 2-2033 Rather!, Rhonwyn Kav, Del Rio, 307 Blanton, G R 1-1489 "HOOK ‘EM ‘HORNS" GARLAND'S FLAT TOP SHOP providing 7 barbers Austin’s finest barber service Going Bowling? Capitol Bowling mb & Brazos GR 7-0437 A cro ss frow the Intramural R eid 5700 GROVER Friday, June 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Pe*e 238 ) Always a different and unusual gift AT hsbQdmi 2316 G uadalupe "Austin's Finest" in Hancock Center 41 st & INTERREGIONAL I Wyatt’s C A F E T E R I A ► Ritzwollor, Mary Ann. Fort Worth. 2005 University, GR 8 8595 Robison. Carolyn Au, San Antonio, 300 East R iverside, GR 8 0909 Ritzwoller. Steven W., Fort Worth, Robledo. Anthony, San Antonio. R a \. Edgar Wavne, Jr.. Houston, Reinhard, Erwin A., San Antonio, Richek, Herbert G., San Antonio, Ratliff. Gail A., Austin. I.307 Winsted I^ane. GR 2-2066 Ratliff, Gary 1*0?. El Paso, 215-A Moore-Hill Ratliff, Pauline Eave. Llano, 706 West 25th, GR 2-5831 R attan. Paula Rae, Dallas, 206 West 38th Rauhut, Stanley E., Comanche, 2105 Oldham Rausch. Diana Kav, Comfort, ■ m West 29th. GR 6 1843 Rawson. Ernest Wilmer, Austin, 3204 Kay St.. GR 2-6714 Rav. Alexis Mayo. Houston, 1910 Wichita. GR 2-9497 Rav, Dennis, Victoria 302 East 34th. GR 7 2825 2910 Red River, GR 2-3626 Ray. E m m a K.. Round Rock, 46ft3 Sir ass Dr.. GL 3-8848 Rav. Mrs. Wenona Mihsv Dallas, 3313-A E ast Ave.. GR 2 2025 Ravburne, Sandra Jean, Alvarado. 2317-D Sabine Rea, Charla Elliott, Austin. 5807-B Wellington. GI. 2 4764 Rea. Doris Carol, Austin. 4506 Tejas Trail. HI 4 1258 Read. Ann. Longview, 1700 Sabine. G R 8-8809 Read. Stanley Arnold. Dallas. 3509 Hampton Rd.. GR 2-4203 R eader, M argaret EL, Mississippi, JOI5-C Red River. GR 2-6355 Reagan, Bill F.. Brownsville, 3001 Red River. GR 2-0524 Real, Terry Jean. Kerrville, 3001 Red River Ream s. Gail Jacoby. Houston. 5413 NL Congress. GR 6-5986 R a ’ is. Raymond Edward, Austin. 908 West 21st. GR 7 0078 R tor. Eleanor Ann, Arkansas, 2103 Swisher. GR 6-0005 R ;or. Elizabeth Ann. Longview, 1908 University, GR 8-1436 R Id. CcK*il Lotus, J r., Beaumont. Lean Apis., 1-A R id mg. Pat. Austin. 511 E ast M ary, HI 2-5551 R ding. John Jam es, Sherwood, 1516 Vilianova Dr.. GE 3-4011 Re iman, M ary K.. St. Joseph, Mc., 1218 Baylor R cd. Carolyn Gay, Austin, 2702 P rier Tuck. HI 4-1783 Reed, Coke Stevenson, Austin 2902-B Bailey I^ane. GL 3 6884 Recd. Harry Dan, Austin, 702 F riar Tuck. HI 4-1783 Recd, Jack. Gdessa, 2619 Wichita. GR 2-6812 Reed. M ary C a th e rin e . Austin, 4008 Sierra Dr., GI. 2-3778 R>‘ d. Thomas Petty, III, Austin, 1416 Kenwood, HI 2-2268 R<*edor. Charles R., San Angelo, '800 Rio Grande. GR 7 5098 Reeder, Clair Lvn, Austin. 3606 Arrowiiead Dr. HO 5-1598 Reeder, M arjorie Jane. San Angelo, 2800 Rio Grande. GR 7 5098 R *ese. Jam es Daniel, Austin. MOI B Brack. Apts., GR 2h698 Reese. Mattie Charlene. Killeen, ME 4-8275 (Killeen) Reese. Richard M artin, Austin, 632** N. Lam ar. GR 7-7784 Re *ves, Jay Middle. Bav City, 2100 Oldham. GR 7 4333 Reeves, Keith O., Pasadena, 1908 W ich ita, G R 2 4131 Reaves, Wylie P.. Fort Worth, 2320*2 Sabine, G R 6 2129 R egan. Linda Janice. Port I^ivaca. 43 Scottish Rite, GR 6 9131 Rcgier, Mary A., Houston. Rehder. Helmut Julius. Austin. Rt. 6, Box l l, HI 2 3702 Reich m an. Paul Erwin. New York. IOO E ast 20th Reid, Je rry Preston, Canadian, 312 Goodall-Wooten Reid, Joseph Andrew. Austin, 1704 Harvey. GR 8-7576 Reid, William G., Austin, 1603-A Brack. Apts. Reierson, Curtis Calvin. Waco. 3001 Duval Rn hards, John Carver, II, Cuero, 2908*^8 West Ave., GR 6 8616 Richards, Terry E ., Austin. 2103 Red River. GR 7-8916 Richardson. Edward Pitt. Tyler, 708 West 23rd Richardson. Giva D., Iivm gston, 307 D E ast 30th Risley, John Frederick, Austin, i ,'1006 lafa y ette Ritchie. Carol Ann. Tyler, ‘2026 Guadalupe, GR 6-0669 Ritchie, Herbert FL. Amarillo, 2216 Rio Grande | : Ritchie, Sara Ann. Kerrville, 2001 University Richardson. Jam es A.. Pleasanton, 202-A Moore-Hill, GR 2-5221 Richardson. Susan Ann. Houston. 207 E. Lola, GR 8 6568 Ritter, Frank Joseph. Austin, 1907*2 University, GR 6-8757 I Hitter, Mary Ca tiler ine. Austin, 1403 Norwalk, GR 6-8822 Reilly, Diana Haves, Fort Worth, Richardson. Tommy Gene. Austin, 2610 Whitis. GR 6 6036 Reiman. Ianda Ann, Austin, 3201 Clearview, GR 2-9603 Reimer, Betty Ann. Houston, 3207 West Ave., GL 2-5427 H U Arcadia. GL 3-6592 Richardson. Victor P., Whitney, 2207 E. Perry, HI 2-87% Richburg, Dennis Byron. Arkansas. 700 Hearn, GR 2-8653 355-B Moore-Hill Reinhart, Suzanne. Carrizo Springs. 510 Blanton, GR 1-7388 Reis, Tarlton Ann, Austin, San Jac. Apts., GR 8-0252 Richert, B. E.. Jr.. Beaumont, 2211 I .eon St., GR 7-8474 Richert, Mrs. M. Kaye. Big Spring, 1613 Preston Ave., GR 8-7532 '2211 leo n , GR 7-8474 1801 Rio Grande, GR 2-0233 Rivera, Gilbert F., San Antonio, | 2209 F P erry Ave. Rizqi, Mlsfer Mana, Saudi Arabia, I 311 Goodall Wooten. GR 8-1201 I Roach, Irene Dorothy. Austin, I 1903-A Nueces Roach, Sister M. G., Corpus Christi. 2930 South Alameda. GR 64)669 R eistad. Knut Oluf. Norway, 3902 Peck Ave., GL 3 2067 Rendon. Richard M . Victoria. 2614 Rio Grande. GR 8-0436 Renter. Rudolf Albert, Jr., Austin. 1221-C Brack. Apts , GR 8-1150 Renfroe. F rances F. K., Brady, 419 R esolving, GR 1-5509 Renker. Pam . Austin 2030 Rundell Pl.. HI 2-7502 Renshaw, Dorothy Ann. Quinlan, 3001 Red River. GR 8-6275 Renz. Randy Robert, Dallas, 345 Moore-Hill. GR 2-9733 Repass, Ann Davis. Austin. 1308 Glenerest, OL 3-2453 Retzlaff, Louise Josephine. Elgin, Reynolds, Arnold M., Austin. .Vtoo Kerbey I^ane. GR 2-6336 Reynolds, Joan NL, Fort Worth, 512 Goodall Wooten Reynolds, John Timothy. Houston, 2210 Enfield, GR 7-9185 Reynolds. Norman T., Houston, 2501 Oldham Reynolds, Vining Towner, Houston, 2401 Manor Rd. Rnemann. Eugene Evans, Austin, 1607 Alta Vista, HI 2-5937 Rhodes, Dan Ceals, Houston. 300 C E ast 33rd. Rhodes. Em m a Ruth. l^iM arque, 1900 E ast 18th, GR 7-7535 Rhodes, Jack Lee. Oklahoma, 2715-B Rio Grande, GR 7-7633 Rhodes, Jim D., Amarillo, 1205-B West 42nd. Rhodes, Joe B., Austin. 1409 Kirkwood Rd., GR 2-3332 Rhodes. Susie Gates Eagle Pass. 2809 Rio Grande, GR 8-6193 Rhodes, Thomas Frank, Baytown, 908 West 29th Rhvne. Leland Dale, Illinois, 200 Frail ie Dell, GL 2 3362 Ricca, Lynne CL. Pennsylvania, Blanton, GR I 3380 Ricci. Virginia Carol. San Angelo, 709 West 22nd. GR 6 9316 Rice. William CL. Jr., Houston, 2910 Red River Rich. M argaret Helen. Virginia, 2106 Swasher. GR 2-9553 Richards. Catherine CL, Austin. 219 Blanton, GR 1-1860 Richards, Charles W., K erm it, 1520 West 29th, GR 8-5498 Richards, Elizabeth E ., Austin, Rf. 4. Box 323. CL 8-1361 Richards, Gerald Leon, Abilene, 243 A Si rn kl os Richards, Jam es Milton. Austin, 2603 Oakdale Court, GR 88959 Richards. Mrs, Joan, Austin, 710 West 25th, GR 24925 Richey. Sharon Kay. Nederland, 223 Scottish Rite. GR 6-9131 Richie, William Jr.. San Antonio 1920 West 39th. HO 5-9751 Richman, Ira Jarrell. Dallas. 1906-C Nueces, GR 6-1534 Roach, Patti Wade. Austin, 5701 Wood view. HO 59222 Roan, Forrest, Jr., Austin, 1700 West 32nd. CL 2-0907 Roane, G. Grant, Richmond. 39(H) Fairlaw n, HI 4-1789 Richter, Betty Rae. Lake Jackson. 2106 Oldham. GR 8-8306 Richter. Wm , L., Jr., San Antonio. 2101-A Oldham, GR 84185 Rickard, Thomas Junior. Austin, Robaishy, Soleman S., Saudi Arabia I Box 7054 Univ Sta. Robbins, Freddie Howard Austin, 2502 Spring Lane, GR 2 9593 Robbins, John Joseph. Plainview, 3412 Speedway, GL 2-5275 Ricketts, Joe Talley, Austin. 3502 Cherry Lane. GR 24381 Ricks, Jam es Glenn, Brady, 228-B Simkins Riddell. Joseph M , III, Fort Worth. 213-B Moore-Hill Riefler, Dorothy I... San Antonio. 7 Scottish Rite. GR 6 9131 Riek, Patricia Ann. Corpus Christi, 2207 Nueces Riely, Alice Ruth. Austin. 703 Jessie, HI 2-7071 Riemer, Milton Henry, Austin, 1602 Northridge Dr., GL 2-2312 Riese, Charles Edw ard. Bishop, 1903 Rio Grande. GR 2-8331 Riggins. Jim m y Dave. Rule, 1616 West 6th Riggs. Guy T., Wichita Falls. 618 West 33rd. GL 3-3842 Riggs, M artha Pat, Amarillo, 2208 Rio Grande. GR 8-7153 Rigsbee, H. Ken, Austin. Rt 5. Box 144, HI 24838 Riley, B rian Lewis. Austin, 454 McWhirk. BAFB, EU 5-0434 Riley. David F , San Antonio. 3208-D Red River. GR 2 3626 Riley, Patsy V., Jefferson. 803 West 28th Riley. Richard A., Del Valle, CH 7-2373 (Del Valle) Rimkus, Raymond A . San Antonio, 4014 Shoal Creek, GL 3-2859 Rinard, Stephen M., Breckenridge, 2500 E ast 22nd Ringland, Joseph Breen, Houston, 509 Goodall Wooten Ringwood, M ary S .. Laredo, 1911 Whitis Ave., GR 2-8119 I 105 East 20th, GR 7 1569 Robbins. Lester E.. Dallas, 209 Goodall Wooten J 1 Roberson. Doyle L., Grand Prairie, j Robert E. Lee ! Roberson, Rosem ary, San Antonio, I ' Roberto. Frances Jeanne. Austin, 201 West 31st 703 West 23rd, GR 24)087 Roberts, Albert J., New Mexico, 705 East 24th, GR 7-8936 Roberts, Bill. Gilmer, 2400 Leon, GR 6-6225 Roberts, Gerald I,., Angleton, 2310 Dancy, GR 6-2886 I Roberts, H. N., Corpus Christi, 1604-C Rio Grande. GR 7-7134 ! Roberts, Je rry Paul, Wichita Falls. 1220 F Brack. Apts., GE 24)910 Roberts, Joel Vaughan, Waco, 111-B Simkins j ! Roberts, Mrs. Judy, Belton, i 903 A E ast 32nd, GR 8-9215 Roberts, Lynn Ann, Austin, 3214 Bridie Path, GR 7 2220 Roberts, Richard 0 ., Millport, N Y. 1309-D Brack. Apts., GR 7-8437 I Roberts, Robert A , Dallas. 3805 Red River. HO 5-1641 Roberts, Robert E .. Kerrville, ; 8307-B Bowling Green. GL 2-2073 ! Roberts, Saundra K., Corpus. ! 710 E. OI tort Roberts. Thomas F., Jr., Killeen, j, 903-A E ast 32nd, GR 8 9215 Robertson, David Michael, Austin, I 4908 W. Frances, HO 5-1769 Robertson, Don Allan. San Antonio. 2629 Wichita. GR 7-2357 Ro hers ton, Jim m y L.. Garland, 5211 Joe Sayers Rios, Celina Frances. San Antonio, 3001 Red River, GR 6-8556 Ripley, Dennis I^eon, Independence, 386-B Deep Eddy Apts., GR 2-9330 Ripple, Lanier J., Eagle Lake, ! Robertson, Joyce. Fredericksburg, 4007 Lull wood, GR 7-2212 Robertson, Leonard Allen, Dallas, 3208 Grandview, CL 2-7462 Robertson, Miliicent, Houston, 902 E ast 43rd Riquelmy, Anne Paula, Houston, 2000 Pearl. GR 6 8658 Risinger. Dorothy McCoy, Austin, 6704 Columbia Dr., GL 3-2384 Risinger, Jam es Edsel. Austin, 6704 Columbia Dr.. GL 3-2384 Riskmd, David H., Eagle Pass, Moore-HiU Kinsolving Robertson. Torn Royce, Maryland, 307 Goodall Wooten, GR 7 4885 Robie, M ary M argaret, Austin, 1605 Pearl, GR 6-1396 Robinson, B urds B., Frost, 1807 Poquito St. Robinson, Clifford, Missouri, 2805 San Pedro Robinson. Clifford T., 2407-E Sabine Robinson, D. E., Corpus Christi. 2503 San Gabriel Robinson, Gary York, Dallas, 3305A Grooms. GR 2-6881 Robinson, Jeff T , Austin. 3507 lakeland Dr., OL 2-6755 Robiason. Robert Rex, Jr., Spur. 3302-A Cherrywood Rd.. GR 4 7280 Robiason. Sandra Ann, Plainview, 2606 Enfield. GR 8 3393 3508 Duval St. Roby. Charlotte F , 2310 Sabine. GR 7 2452 Roc! a. Paula Murillo, Brazil. 705 West 22’s St., GR 7 5307 Rochelle. Jerry A,. Texarkana, 2200 Nueces.’ GR 7 2698 Rockwell, Richard C., Tyler. Box 84.37, Univ. Sta . GR 2-0512 Rod. Marvin J., Pierce, 1217-A Brack. Apts. Rodehaver, Samuel C., El Paso, 5213-B Jot: Savers, CL 2 9677 Roden. Elizabeth Gale. Houston, 121 Blanton. GR I 5687 Roden. Jean D,. Austin. 1501 Newfield Lane, GR 2-5923 Roden. John Preston, Baytown, 1501 Newfield Lane, GR 2-5923 Roden. I,arrv Frank, Odessa, 320 Moore-Hill, GR 2 9082 Roden, Lyn. Austin. 4815 Blueberry Trail. WA 6-2617 Roden. Sheila Lvnn, Paris, 910 West 22*a Roden. Ursula Klfriede, Austin, 1406 Juliet HI 2-8742 Rodenberger, Charles A., Bryan, 1708 Vista Lane, GR 7 1973 Rodgers. Hugh Irmon, Alabama, Moore-Hill Rodgers, Jerry W.« C orp us Christi, 7708 Albert Rd,, HI 24)582 Rodnite, Vincent J., San Antonio, 601C M anor Road, GR 7-52)1 Rodrick. Rex OL Channelview. 1217-C Brack. Apts. Rodriguez. A., Rio Grande City. A Bar Hotel, Box 35 R»xinguez, Donald. San Antonio. 102 East 20th, GR 8-4544 Rodriguez. Kdmundo, J r., El Paso, Goodall Wooten, GR 7 9511 Rodriguez. F X . II, Brownsville. 1009 West 26th. GR 7 6258 Ridriguez, Jon A. V., San Antonio, 1910 Rio Grande. GR 8 5043 Rodriguez, Jose Angel, Brownsville, 2603 Guadalupe Rodriguez. Juventino, Jr.. Houston, 1912 Nueces, GR 74)572 Rodriguez. I^arry, San Antonio, 1959 Sabine Rodriguez, M. J , Rio Grande City, Goodall Wooten. GR 2-1343 Rodriguez. Rodolfo M., Palestine, 207 Brushy St., GR 6 2235 Rodriguez, Thomas F.. San Antonio 2603 Guadalupe. GR 8-6235 j ! Rodriguez, Victor D., Eagle Pass, 2107 Oldham. GR 2-2288 Rodriguez, Wenceslao. Jr.. I^aredo, 4110 Guadalupe', HO 5-6521 Rodriguez-Rosell, Juan. Colombia, 3409 Speedway, GR 8 2236 Rot'. W a lla s Wavne, Johnson City, 2200 Guadalupe Roehl, Carol Ann. San Angelo, 1816 Nueces, GR 2-9306 Roehl. Judith K,, San Angelo. 1816 Nueces, GR 2 9306 Hoover. William Alexander, 2506 Winsted I^ine GR 2 1870 Rogers. Bobby O’Neal. Longview, 605 A Nelray oC a I"Japatia K e jta u r a n t DELICIOUS MEXICAN FOOD 1509 East 6th O pen Every Day G R 7-2355 Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN P«9* 248 SPORTING G O O D S C O M P A N Y / J tU U tic £ < jt 2 1 2 0 Guadalupe HOn The DroQ'frGR GRINER'S TEXACO SERVICE M otor Tune Ups & Brake Service Fast Road Service 'M a k e C 4 S Your Sp o H ead q u arte rs" 3201 Red River G R 8-5424 ^ers, Carolyn Elise. I*aMarque, ,910 San Gabriel ors. Donna Marie. Austin, I Brentwood, CL 3-5331 ^ers. Harold ll., Austin, Sll So. Congress, HI 2-1446 ers, Jack VV., Jr.. Austin, )4 Harris Ave., GR 2-0530 prs, John Dickson. >4 Enfield. GR 7-6989 ers Joseph Gilbert, 6 East. 31st, GR 2-3563 _»*rs Karen Deane. Baytown, Jl7 West 22nd, GR 2 4*12 losers, Susann. Breckenridge, 2106 Oldham St. bogus W rn W., Jr., B kh Kenridge. 608 VV est 22nd. GR 8-1956 lobde. I dorothy D.. Hitchcock, 212 Kirisolving. GR I 3729 lohde, Sandra Kav. Hitchcock. 507 Blanton, GR 1-5997 is. Anthony Jam es, Waco, 103’ * Hartford Rd., GR 2-7130 ildan. Ramiro, Mexico, !207 D Nueces dins. Wells Proctor, Austin, j4 N. Hampton Dr. »man. Judith Ann, Knott, Offish Rite. GR 6-9131 Roush, George Bernard, Ohio, RI. 4. Box 29-L, GD 2 8040 Rowe. Donald Richard. Canada, 4802 Rowena, CL 3-5967 Rowe. Loyd Douglas, Jr.. Waco, 3210Va Duval, GR 7-7338 Rowland, George Thomas, Austin, 109 East 10th, GR 6-4561 Rowland, Nancy Ray, DeLeon, 2204 Enfield, GR 6 4089 Rowlett, Rose Ann. Austin, 21405 Bonnie Road, GR 8-1842 Rowntrec, Nancy Lois, Dallas, 504 Blanton. GR 1-3959 Roy, Dennis Terry, Kermit, 4608 Connelly, GR 2-6044 Row Michael Dwain, Austin, 404 W ist 34th, GL 3-2434 Royall. Natalie Jan. Dallas, 203 Blanton, GR 1-7187 Roy ce. Joseph Wm.. Trier, 1300 East 52nd, HO 5-6135 j Rozacky. Bessie Rose, Granger, Rucker, Patrick Cr. Austin, 3400 Stoneridge, GR 7 4605 Rtwlisill, H. Clifford, Houston, 702 West 25th, GR 2-0158 Rueffer, Martin Fred, Haskell, 3809 Pete’s Path, GE 3-8967 Rueffer, Nancy Carole, Haskell, 3809 Pete’s Path. GE 3 8967 - S - Saadi. Ismail H„ Syria, 8053 Univ. Sta., GR 8-2079 Saathoff, Elaine Lou, San Antonio, 4109 Ave. I i , HO 5-9549 Saathoff, Barley Alfred, Austin, 1807 Cullen Ave., GL 2-4432 Saati Abdulrahman. Saudi Arabia 702 West 25th, GR 7-0924 Sabath, Michael D., Houston, 2910 Truth Sablatura. P. Ann. East Bernard 803 W. 28th, GR 7-7061 Sacks E. E., Albuquerque. N.M. 2011 Red River, GR 2-4394 Sadegh. Abolghaseme, 1519 B Brack Apts. , Sadek. Ibraham Bassan, Egypt, 306 E. 33rd, GR 6-8076 I Sadler, Ann Ward, Austin, I 2214 A Perry Ave., HI 2-7904 Sadler, Joe E., Austin, 2214 A Perry Ave., HI 2 7904 Sadler. Margaret R.. Galveston, 2501 San Gabriel, GR 8-5167 Saenz, Aaron. Santa Elena. 2018-A Speedway, GR 8-6235 Saenz, Candelario. San Diego, 2004 Wichita. GR 8 4290 Safai. Ala O., Tehran. Iran 1105-F Brack Apts.. GR 8-2680 Safai, Marsha Eave, Rosebud. 1105-F Brack Apts. GR 8-2680 I j Jm ano, Carole C., D<)uisiana. |2609 University Ave.. DR 2-3228 jmo, Henrv D., Jr., San Antonio, 1222-D Brack. Apts. wk. Thomas Carter. Dallas, IOO East 20th 30S. Marcia A.. San Antonio, 2601 Oldham. GR 2 9707 oos. Terry Lee, Austin. 3714 Hollywood, GR 6-1400 ,oper. Freddv Tvra. Henrietta 305-D Deer* Eddy Apts.. GR 8-2493 ., (ieorganne Eoster. Mart 305 D Deep Eddy Apts., GR 8-2493 uouemore. Abb L.. IU. Palestine. 4902 Manor Rd., WA 6-1844 Ase. Fred A.. San Antonio, 1704 Sabine. GR 2 4924 jose William Cavanagh. Austin, 5317 Westminster Dr. Losen, Stanley William, El Paso, 3304 Red River Asenbaum. Gary Marvin. Houston, 1008 West 25Vi. GR 7-7395 tosenblum. Henry Mark Houston. .3001 Red River, GR 6-4061 Losonbluth, Owen. Breckenndge. 4108-B Shoal Creek, GE 2 5098 losenbluth, Sidney A.. Xtainesvdta. 4108 B Shoal Creek. GE 2 5098 losenthal, Stephen Lee 2626 Speedway, GR 2-1506 losenzweijf, Jacklyn, Terrell, 710 West 25th, GR 2 2138 losete. BMuardo Tong. Philippines, 600-C Bumwood Plate Risner, Naomi Jean, Fort Worth, 709 West 22nd, GR 6-9614 Rf is pi inn, Richard A Austin. IOO A East 30th, GR 6 0071 Ross, Cherrve So, Calvert, 2506 Whitis, GR 7 0577 Ross. Claude IX. Austin. 4010 Rosedale. GE 2-4035 Ross, H. Glenn, Sari Antonio. R oss. James P., Del Rio, 2211 leon, GR 7 7200 Ross. Joe Clay. Seymour. 1905 Nueces. GR 7 0239 Rugelev Chester H., Jr.. Wharton, 1503 B Brack. Apts., GR 2-7685 Rugeley. Linda Nell. Wharton, 1503 B Brack. Apts.. GR 2-7685 Ruiz, Rodolfo C.. Brownsville, 2214 San Antonio Ruiz, Ruben Moses. Austin. 3502 Bailey Lane, GE 34)347 Rummier David C.. Houston, 2308 Enfield, GR 2-0102 Rusche. Sylvia L., Fredericksburg, 1903 D Nueces. GR 2-4566 Rushing. Diana Sue. Austin. 3304 Pinecrest, GL 3-4496 Rushing, Margaret Ann, Houston, 508 Blanton, GR 1-7180 I I Rusks. Margaret Kenon. Austin. GR 8-4194 Russell. George W., Austin 5614 Woodrow Ave., GE 3-5609 Russell. Herschel L.. louisiana, 1816 Ashby Ave., HI 2-6788 Russell. James Edwin Austin, 8817 Stayton Dr., GE 2 1600 Russell, Jerry A.. Goldsmith, I 1201 C Brentwood Russell, Mary Claire Austin 1805 Lightse\ Rd., HI 2-4262 Russell. Pamela A.. Corpus Christi. I 1909 Nueces, GR 8-3595 Russell. Phvllis Claire. McGregor, S Russell. Richard S.. Monahans, 803 West 28th, GR 2-7601 116 B Moore Hill Russell, Rolinda 1401 Enfield Rd.. GR 2-3643 Russell, Sam Wilson. Mt. Pleasant, Doodad Wooten Russell, Terrell, Houston. 2106 Oldham. G R 7 1704 Russell. Virginia Gaye. Austin. 5803 Bull Creek Rd.. GE 3 0886 Russell. Walter 'I'., Jr., Wills Point, 2701 Nueces. GR 7-0839 Russell Wayne Edward. Austin, 405 West 15th. GR 6-5207 Russell, William Lee, III, Temple. Ross Marjorie Louise, Austin, 1215 West Mary, HI 2 7304 Ross. Nancy Harrington, 1.302 East 52nd, GE 3 2376 Ross. Robert Eugene. Odessa 300 E. Riverside Dr., GR 7-7232 Ross, Robert Page, J r ., Austin, 3506 West Ave.. GE 2 5046 Ross. Sheila J.. I*ake Jackson, '2013 E Ret! River. GR 6-1067 Ross. Stephen Sexton. Cuero, Box 21801 BAFB. GR 6-6481 Rossberg, Ronald Perry. Austin. 2313 Westrock Dr.. HI 2-4119 Rosser. Virgil O.. III, Graham, 2303 Windsor Rd., GR 7 8405 Roth. Janet Mary. Brownsville. 2315 Nueces, GR 6-5381 Roth. Sorwira Joyce. Houston, 330 Blanton. GR I 7469 Rothbauer, Edwin I»uis. Victoria, 1600 I Barton Springs, GR 2-3492 Rouchdy, Aleya Aly, Egypt RounsaVille, J . L., J r ., Robstown, 1307 Norwalk, GR 8-2818 Rountree, John B., III, Austin, 2807 Rio Grande, GR 7-1295 Rountree, Mrs. M., Carrizo Springs. 3218 Gilbert* GR 2^750 1401 Enfield i Ruth. Thomas G., Michigan, 915 West 23rd, GR 8-6687 Rutland. Roy. III. Wa«X 2012 Oldham, GR 2 4622 Ruttnda A Burn. Austin 2407 Red River. GR 2 9395 Ryan, Bruce Barnett, Austin, I Univ. Y Ryan. Claude Allan. Brady, 700 Hearn. GR 2-7556 Ryan. Kenneth. W.. Temple. Box 8210 Univ. Sta. Ryan. Mike A . Gonzales 4411 Airport Blvd., HO 5-1326 Ryan. Sharon Ann. ^ A n t o n i o . 802 Park Place, GR 2-5891 Rydell, Dorothy K,, Georgetown, Blanton. GR 1-1108 Ryder. John David, Austin 5514 Delwood Dr., CL 3-2529 Ryder, John Thomas, Austin. 5514 Delwood Dr., GL 3 2529 Ryland R ^ C.. Uv»lcte. 1903 Rio Grande, GR 2-8331 Rylander, Jam es B., S a n Antonio. 900 West 22nd St., GR 2-1949 Rylander. Nikki Kay, Buda, 2610 Whitis, GR 2-3787 Rvlander, W ilfredFew .Austin, 2319 Reid River S t, GR 2-J619 Sa lam Sami Jam il. lebanon, 2105 Oldham, GR 2 5060 Saldana. Florencio, McAllen, I 2713-B Rio Grande Saldivar. Guadalupe, San Benito, 2610 Whitis Ave.. GR 2 9304 I i Salgado-Caballero J., Mexico City, 4826 Timberline Dr,, GR 2 2828 Saunas, Elequiel S.. Artesia Wells. 4312-C Duval, GR 7-1306 Salinas. Eligk>. Rio Grande City, 2711 Hemphill Pk., GR 7-0873 Salinas. GuiUermo. Jr., Laredo. Sallee, Sylvia Dru. Midland. 1204 N. Elm., GR 8-2846 Salm. linda Beth. La Grange, 394 D Deep Eddy Salman. Mehmet Lutfi, Turkey, 2511 Seton Ave. (Salmon. Carol Annette, Ft. Worth, I 2000 Pearl. GR 7-5189 Salmon. James Arthur, Austin j 8308 Cochrane Cove, GL 3-8661 Sa lone. Alexander T., Austin | 2205 Chestnut St., GR 7-2777 Saloni. Harold John. Austijx 1506 Preston Ave., GR 6-85j0 Salvato. Pete. J r.. San Angelo. 360 D Deep Eddy, GR 2 4836 Sample. Donna Sue. Lewisville. I 3001 Red River. GR 8-5971 Samponaro. F. N.. Litchfield Conn.. 200-A Simkins Hall Sampson, Phillip Lynn, Ft. Worth. I 2104 West lith, GR 2-7659 Sa rnuell. Wanda June, Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 2-0090 Sanborn, Lloyd BX, Jr., Galveston, 1616 W. 6th Sanborn, Michael Avery, Dallas, 1805 Pearl. GR 2-6826 Sanchez. Anita. Laredo, 2500 Nueces. GR 6-3708 Sanchez, Jeanine M.. Brownsville. 1315 Norwalk En., GR 8-9897 Sanchez, M. L., Rio Grande City, 507 Blanton Dorm., GR I 5997 Sanchez, Rosaura A., San Angelo, 2620 Speedway, CTR 8-8398 Sanchez. Bro. Severiano, Austin. St. Ed’s High School, HI 2-1122 Sandel, Phillip B., Corpus Christi. 2616 Wichita Sanders. Bobby Lee. 19 Univ. Tr. Pk., GR 6-5265 Sanders, Bruce Wayne. Corpus, 2837V? San Gabriel, GR 2-7790 Sanders. Charles Bl, Austin, 6004 Bullard Dr.. GL 2-2240 Sanders. Clarence IL. Tyler, 2617 University, GR 7-4904 Sanders, Don Richard, Pecos. 8105 Rockwood Ln., GL 2-6163 Sanders. F. C., Jr.. Guatemala. 2216 San Gabriel, GR 8-5470 Sanders, Gary M., San Marcos. 1903 Rio Grande, Sanders. Hollis R., J r .. Austin, 3006 Breeze Terr., GR 7 7412 Sanders. H. W.. Jr., Austin, 3800 Toweryiew Cts., GR 8-8983 Sanders. John B., Tulsa. Okla., 1418 Fairwood Rd., HO 5-5914 Sanders. M artelle, Houston 2314 E Enfield Rd.. GR 2-4361 Sanders, Monty Carol. San Angelo, 1709 B Brack Apts. Schaffer, John B’rederick, 1421 B Brack Apts., GR 2-1908 Sanders, Pamela, Waxahachie, zzui mo uotnut:, 2207 Rio Grande, GR 7-4954 , Sanders. Richard D.. San Angelo. Schandua Emil J ., Fredericksburg 1702V, Meadowbrook, GR 6-0311 I 1221 E Brack Apts., GR 2-2386 2626 Speedway Schaffer. Richard A., Corpus, Sanders, Ruby Irene. Waco, 516 Kinsolving Dorm., GR I <267 Sanders. Sandra Elaine. Austin, 4900 Btl leones. HO 5-6814 ^ ' J ^ . Ctarence H Austin 2004 Winsted Ln., GR 7-5210 Schauer Kenneth CX. Gonzales 8510 Brookfield Dr., GL 2-2809 i Sanders, Steven Wayne. Baytown. Reheel John M , Ganado. I 2501 Sherwood Lane j Sandgarten, M. D , Austin j 1404-B W. 29th St., GR 2-8952 16 Margranita Crscnt, GR 6 9680 i n iv*cli ^1 t u u i a vj,%’ 2601 Whitis, GR *.-3787 Sandidge. Jean Baker. Kerrville.. Soh^l. Norman J.- Ganado, 1905 Univ. Ave., GR 6-8757 Sandlin. Buck. Austin, 2113 Highgrove Terr.. GR 8 4224 Sanford, Betty A.. Dallas. 2001 University. GR 8-1691 Sanford. Jane M., San Antonio. 1908 University Ave., GR 8-0693 I ' Sankar, Rolph A.. Venezuela. 300-A Blast 34th, GR 8-4303 Sansom. Elizabeth Rose, Austin, 6091 1 Texas Ave.. GR 7 8780 Sansom. Robert Killen, Austin, 805 Jet Lane. GR 2-8139 Santa Ana, Raul, McAllen. I l :1.1:. l 1 1 ^ ^ E1 X I o rl 809 Teravo St., GE 2 087.) I ! Scheiblich, Herman BX, Marlin, 3008 Cedar St., GR 6-9796 Schelin. Johnette Y Houston, 2500 Nueces, GR 8-1575 Scheltgen. Elmer, 1217 D Brack Apts. Schepers, Jean. McGregor, 3301 Red River, Apt. 305 S<’heps. Philip B., New Orleans. La. 2208 Nueces. GR 2-9374 Scherbel, Jenell Valerie. Bryan, 2422 San Antonio, GR 7-7888 j I Scheske. Claudia, Gonzales, | 317 W. 22nd Schieffer. Bena Jane, Austin. 1930 San Antonio, GR 7-0617 I : Santos, Santiago. Jr., McAllen, i San Antonio Arms. GR 7-0617 Sardo. Robert Francis, New York, Sohilhab Elgin James Austin I 6302 Windslow Ct., GL 2-2417 3814 Cherrywood Rd., GR 8-6538 ----- --------- 812 E. 16th St., GR 2-0668 Sartor. Charles Don. Round Rock, ScWlo. Carol Helen Austin Sartwelle, Thomas P., Austin. 2712 Mt Laurel En., GL 2-7027 Schkade, Albert BX. Jr., Giddings, 2205-E Wirtz, HI 2-6569 Sassman, Donna Ka ye., Austin, 6.305 Wild St., GL 3-6935 Sassman. Thomas Carroll, Austin. 3808 Brooky iew, GR 2-4242 SatLskv. Devera E., Hampton, Va., 2202 Enfield Rd., GR 7-7826 Satsky. Karen Ann. Austin. 8015 Tisdale Dr., GL 3-4995 Sattler. Donald Fred. San Antonio, 1302 Norwalk, GR 6-0837 Sattler, Kappie Jean. San Antonio, 1302 Norwalk. GR 6-0837 i ' Sauer. George Henry. Waco. 3307 Hampton Rd., GR 8-2710 j Sauer. Henry A.. Houston, 4402-B Filers, GL 2-3014 Sauer. Linda Lou. Eldorado, 207 Blanton, GR 1-7506 Saunders, Charles D.. Baytown, Moore Hill Hall, GR 2-6875 Saunders. Sharon Gale. Randolph, Blanton Dorm, GR 1-5170 Saunders. Virginia Jane. Waco, 2106 Oldham. GR 2 7476 Savage. Allan H., Austin. 3013 Carlisle. GL 3 5968 Savage. H3izabeth Allen. 1908 University, Apt. 306 915 W. 23rd St., GR 8-6687 Schkade, Judith Gayle, Giddings, Scottish Rite Dorm., GR 6-9131 Schlech, Barry A.. Houston, 406 East 17 th. GR 6-0003 Schlech. Fiances C., Houston, 406 East 17th, GR 6-0003 Schleider. Victor H.. R ^kport _ 3404VrB Grooms. St., GR 7-7907 Schlenk, (Dick) Donald, Waco. 2610 Salado Soh bosser. Mary Jane. La Porte, I 311 Kinsolvmg, GR 1-7379 Schmidt. Charles Uoyd. Austin. 1714 W. 34th St., GL 3-3401 Schmidt. Donna C. San Antonio, 2610 Whitis, GR 7-4311 Schmidt. Dorothy C , Edcouch. Schmidt. Henry C., Houston, Box 8227 Univ. Sta. Schmidt, James Frank, Austin. 2504-C Westlake Dr., GR 2 .*>86 Schmidt. Linda M , ^ " A n to n io . 2504-C Westlake Dr., GR 2-5686 Schmidt. Verne V., Austin. 1112 Binfield Rd., Apt 2 Schmitt, Lorette, Muenster. 704 West 25th, GR 7-8233 Savage. James Eldon. Houston, 2400 Leon, GR 6-6225 Z 'H *' u y i l , u h v 3001 Red River. GR 8-3043 t i - - Savage. John .Alexander, Dallas. Srtwch. John Bond. Dal . 1906 San Gabriel. Apt. 6 Schoch, Rachel Bond, Dallas, Schneider, Raymond J .. Buffalo NY 51 Robt. E. l^ee Hall Sawin, BYed, GR 1-1328 Sawyer, Arra Louise. Austin. 2826 San Gabriel, GR 6-8961 717 N. 22nd. GR 8-3880 Schoen, Robert Byward, Austin. 205 West 20th. GR 2-1941 % 3 ’ M a p f e w ^ A v e :.^ R 8 - ir a S S ch oen b n g.Darnr h . . ™ f rf81, Sa^ ' w Vl45!hKaGVL » ! S.. Gohad. J r " Am0ni0’ - v e e . wP o . land. ^ ^ i > \ W c J i T Apts, GR 2-4776 XfflW 'W rtx!? Ave.. Gr X 1662 Sohraubl.ynda D B . . Bishop. J - Seanlan. William, J r .. Brownsville. J r - W P - 2908 Beanna Scarbrough, E. L., Jr., Garland, 2013 Rogge I .ane, GL 3-8698 Scarbrough, Raymond L., Houston, 2400 l^eon, GFI 6-6227 - 1 ‘ w ‘ Schroeder, Glenna M., Ft. Worth, Blanton Dorm. Schroeder. Rondon I^ee 3117 Tom Green, GR 6-9937 Schubert, louise A , Victoria, 610 West 35th. GL 2-5280 Scarbrough. Linda C.. Georgetown. f ™ * 1 0 Blanton Dorm.. GR 64611 | Austin ^ “ 2%591 ' ^ I J n d e r a ^ B A ^ E V 56873 Schaefer, Glenn Hilmer, Houston, j Blandon F t o r t ^ ^ R *1-1089 Schuetzet>erg. Jerome H.. I^ckhart 397-D Deep Eddy Apts., GR 6 8424 506 A W. 35th St., GL 2-6765 Schaefer, Henry P., Schulenburg. 300-E Riverside Dr., GR 6-9460 Schaefer. Sister Mary G., McAllen, 2026 Guadalupe Schaeffer, Robert Arthur. Austin, 2809 Oakmont. GR 2 1807 Schaevitz. Alan Yale. Waco. 1903 Rio Grande, GR 2-8331 Schuh, John Robert, Kilgore. 400 E. 30tli St. Schuhmacher, Clinton C., Austin, 1600 Pearl. GR 7 2043 Schulte, F>eggy Ann. Ausrtn. 5202 Guadalupe. HO 5-6727 Schulz Behrend. Paul H., Austin. 313-B Moore-Hill Hall Fridayi Juimi 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Pa^a 25B Use tile check preferred by students as the best way to % budget their money. • Any Amount Opens Y o u r Account • ( heck* A re P ersonalized VC uh Y o u r Nam e And Address Free • No Minimum Balance Required • No Service Charge • Exclusive At T h e American N ational Bank of Austin T H E . AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK M E M B E R F E D E R A L DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION □ SIX T H AND COLORADO □ GREENWOOD 2 -5401 OF AI S ! IN Schulz, Jew el Ardene. I-t Grange, Seawell, John P a trick , Laredo, Sharkey, John Howard. D allas, 5111 Montview, G E 3 4077 Schulz. Wavne Elroy. San Antonio, 2204 Nueces. GR 2 6838 Schulze. Lauren Ann, Austin, >907 Marilyn Dr., GI. 3-3336 Schum acher. F ra n cesca. W aco, 2606 Rio Grande. G R 7-1152 Schum acher, Mary E .. Austin. 4 Arabian T rail. ( J . 8-1159 Schultz, Bob Edward, San Antonio, 1809 N. Congress Sc hwab, William Duane Austin, 406 Wilmes Dr.. C L 2-7396 Schw albe, Alice Elizabeth. Ennis, 533 Blanton Dorm .. GR I 7588 Sch w artz, Ja c k E ., Alvarado, 2216 Rio Grande Schw artz, William Bland. Austin, 1003 Milam P la ce. HI 2-7516 Schw arz, Douglas R ay . Ft. Worth. 5308 C Ave. G. O L 24)490 Schwegm ann. David V . l.a Grange. 609 Patterson 908-G West 22nd St. Seay. Stiles Noel, Austin. 4405 Shoalwood, HO 5-7412 2701 Nueces Sharm a. Na render Dev, 2505 Rio Grande Sebesta, Henry Robert, Rosharon, Sharp. Jo e Lvn, Austin. 1300 Broadm oor. HO 5-1881 Sebesta. John Ju lian , Snook, 7805 Northwest Dr.. GU 3 8916 Sharpe, Edwin Reese. J r .. Mason, 2721 Hemphill P ark. GR 2-5623 Sebesta, Mrs. J . J . , Corpus Christi, 2721 Hemphill P ark. G R 2-5623 202-B Moore Hall. GR 2-5221 Sharpe, Ja m e s Shelby. Austin, 2319 Red R iv er, G R 8-7519 Secrest, Byron Dale. Dallas. 3010 Truth St.. GR 84)039 Sharpe, John Stovall. Brownsville, 2614 Speedway, G R 6-8954 See. Robert Flem ing. J r ., Dallas, Sharpe. Mrs. Martha M., Stam ford, 3001 Red River, G R 8-7584 Seeger. Laurence Wolford, Austin, 1102 S. Congress, HI 2-7821 Seelinger, Kathryn Louise. Austin, 2.306 Sunny Slope. G R 7-2623 Seewald. Clyde Ray, Boerne. 4008-B Speedway, HO 5 9181 Sefcik, A. Wavne, Van Court. 3205 Helms. G R 8-6882 Segelke, P eter A., New Jerse y , 225-B Sim ians Segrato. Joseph L ., Houston. 3910 Alice Ave., HO 5-6317 Sehaim i. Mansour A., Saudi Arabia. 2319 R*h1 River. GR 8-7519 Sharpe. M ary P atricia, Austin. 3700 Greenway. GR 7-8712 Sharpe. Peggie A., San Antonio, 1932 San Antonio. Sharpless, Ja m e s Reid. Mavtown, 342 A Moore Hill, GR 7-5684 Shartle, Charles Wells. Houston, 6900-A R eese Lane. Shaughnessv. Ja m es P ., D allas. 300 Riverside Dr., G R 2-1261 Shaw, Bill S., Sw eetwater, 215-B Moore-Hill Shaw. Edwin Pliny, J r ., Austin. 1804 Stam ford Lane. G R 2-3227 Schwendem an. M N . Baytown, 7128 Univ. Sta., 305-E E . 16th, G R 6-3726 Schw ettm ann. Rick. S.. D allas. 410 Student Health Ctr., G R 8-5711 Schwing, W alter Edward. Houston. 2700 San Pedro, G R 7-8322 Scofield, John Blue. Tyler, 1951 Sabine, GR 2-1774 Seidensticker, Mary Ann, Comfort, Shaw, John Franklin, Austin. 2211 Leon Seiders, Roger Scott. Austin, 3506 Rogge Lane, WA 6-3416 Seitz. Rodney Dale, San Angelo, 841 Airport Blvd., GR 2-1403 Seka. Wolf. Austria, Rt. 7, Box 168, AN 3-2403 1823 West 37th St.. GU 3-0639 Shaw, Robert Evan. J r .. Austin, 3305 Robinson, G R 2-8748 Shaw. Sandy Sue. Lufkin, 2000 P earl. G R 2-2027 Shaw. Stephen Edward. Amarillo. 1402 Rom eria Scoggins, D ale A., Falcon Heights, Selden. M arjorie Morgan. Houston. Shaw, Susan D.. Amarillo. 513 Goodall Wooten Scott. Bill Don. Quanah. 6019 Sheridan Ave., OL 2-4510 Scott, Edward Riley. Jr ., E l Paso. 1212-K W. 13th. G R 2 8563 Sco tt. Em m y Lou. Port Neches, 509 Kinsolving. G R 1-7285 Sco tt. Gayle Ann. W eim ar, 9 SRD . GR 6-9131 Scott. F ran cille Helen, D allas, 2315 Nueces. G R 6 5381 Sco tt, Ja c k K .. J r .. Chanibb*e. G a., 207 Moore Hill. G R 2-5537 Sco tt. Ja m e s B .. III. Kilgore. 1414-A B rack Apts.. GR 6 9753 Sco tt, Ja m e s F ., Fort Worth. 2206 Robin Hood T r ., GR 7-1906 Scott Jean n ette M., Throckm orton, 4523 Caswell, GE 2-8708 Sco tt Linda Ann. San Antonio, 709 W, 22nd St. Sco tt. Linda Louise, Dallas. 2005 U niversity, G R 8 8595 Sco tt. Lynda M., San A n tonio. 1908 University Blvd., G R 8-2185 Sco tt. Nancy Coleman. Midland, 3001 Red R iver. G i f 7-1200 S to tt. Richard M., W ichita Falls, 1801 Rio Grande, GR 2-6879 S to tt. Thom as P erry , Coleman. 2503 P earl. GR 8-3491 Scott Thom as S., Balboa. Canal Zn. 2007 Whitis, GR 7-5481 Scriv en er, W. M., E agle P ass, Nloore-Hill Hall Scrogin, Bernard L ., Lake Jackson , 1507 E a st 38V? St. Scru ggs, Edward Dean. Houston. 1004 Daniel Dr., HI 2 8345 Scu ll. Charles E ., La Vernia, 1801 Rio Grande. G R 6-2084 Scu lly, B everly Je a n , Houston Scottish R ite, C if 6-9131—242 Scu rlo ck, Ja c k D., T exarkan a, 4501 Ave. H, GL 2-1003 Scu rry . Charles Richmond, D allas. 2401 Manor Rd. S e a le . Don W., K am es City. 2401 Manor Rd.. GR 6-2475 Seam an . Carol Je a n , Midland. 2005 U niversity Ave., G R 7-6009 S t‘anion, Ja m e s Hugh. Tyler, 202 E . 18th St.. G R 8-8964 Seam en . Jea n e tte Ann, Tyler, 202 E . 18th, G R 8-8964 S c a r s . Sandra, Sw eetw ater, 2001 University, G R 8 1691 1109 West 9th. GR 7-2930 Sellars, Ja m e s P ., Tennessee. 500 West 18th St., GR 8 771L Sellers. Diane Eden, Orange, 230 Blanton. G R 1-5277 3119 Tom Green. G R 2-9144 Shaw. W alter Ja rv is, San Saba. 1910 Wichita Ave., GR 2-9497 Shaw. Wiley Jo e. Troup. 803 Park Blvd. Sennott, Kathleen M., Wisconsin, Shay, Michael Thom as. Pasadena. Newman, G R 6-0669 Senterfitt, Linda M., San Saba, Scottish Rite, GR 6 9131 Sergeant, Carroll A., V ictoria, 235 S o ttis h Rite, GR 6-9131 Sergiwa, Sam ir Mohid, Libya, P. O. Box 8493, G R 2-5582 Sen n as. Gus, Waco, 2306 Sabine Serold. Amo C., San Antonio, 1958 Sabine, GR 7-5674 Servello, John P ., Venezuela, 606 Park P lace. G R 8-6992 Sessions, Diana Lee, Dallas, 2000 P earl. G R 7-1883 Sessions, Susan Elena. Dallas, 2000 P earl, GR 7-188.3 Setzer, Winston K.. Nederland, 2518 Leon. G R 8-9491 Sew&ll, Stanley Joseph, Palestine, 9061 a West 22nd St. Sewell, Charles R , Arkansas, 1805 West 29th. G it 8-2431 Sewell, Jim m y I., Nocona, 2413 Leon 3110 Duval Shay, Phyllis, Dallas. 2408 Longview, G R 6-5225 Sheaffer, Steven W,. T exas City, 1704 Sabine, GR 7 1564 Shedd. Karen M arie. Houston. 710 West 21st St.. G R 2 3592 Sheehy, Joseph William. Tyler, 1311 Exposition, GR 7-7117 Sheffield, M iller. Oklahoma, 606 West 17th St. .Sheffield. Reginald W., Sweeny, 204 E ast 2 6 b St.. G R 24)098 Shelby. Jea n Sheridvn. Del^eon. Scottish Rite. GR 6-9131 Shell. M ary M artha. Gorm an, Blanton. G R 1-7409 Shelley. Betty Jo y ce, Austin, 105 West 31st, G R 6-0090 Shelton, H askell H., E l P aso. I 8001 a San Antonio, G R 7-9273 Shelton. Ja c k W., J r .. D allas, 4704 Red R iver. GL 3-0395 Shelton, Ja m e s Poe. Austin. 1401 San Antonio, GR 6-5734 Sewell. Thom as Frank, Austin. Shelton. Polk. Austin. 383-A Deep Eddy Apts., G R 6-2092 900 Rod Bud T rail. GR 8-2469 Shcn, Yu Feng. China. 2305 I.eon St.. GR 7-1218 Shenk, Randall Ray, Houston 4400 Crest way D r., HO 5-6331 Shenkir. Sandra L., San Antonio, 304 R eso lv in g . GR I 5939 Shennum, Mary Lisa. Amarillo, 258 Scottish Rite, G R 6-9131 Sewell. Virginia Susan, D allas, 2207 Rio Grande. GR 2-0885 Sexton. Jo e Frank. Austin, 1507 Newning. HI 2-1559 Sexton, Robert Morris, J r .. Austin. 2708 E ast 22nd Seymour, Rogers Ja s ., Galveston, 710 West 2 4 b St., GR 6-5111 Seymour, Trev George, j 2507 Param ount, HI 2-5457 Shafer, B everly Ann, Austin, 5700 Trailrid ge D r., GR 2-6129 Shafiq, Maoyad Abdulla, Iraq. 397-C Deep Eddy Apts., G R 2-6522 ; Shanks. George Moody. Houston, 4411 Airport, G R 6-1046 Shannon, George L .. McAllen, 144-A Sim kins, G R 2-0367 Shannon. M ary J ., Eldorado, 411 E ast 31st St., G R 2-2040 Shannon. Sandra. Austin, 6 Matador C ircle, G R 2-8087 Shapiro, Robert A., Breckenridge, 4108-B Shoal Creek. C L 2-5098 Sharif poor, R eza, Iran, Simkins, G R 6-2536 Sharkey, Ja m e s, II, D allas, 1401 Enfield Sherrell. O scar Arthur. Austin. 8562 Univ. Sta., GL 2-8111—401 Sherrill, David M., Round Rock, 920 Shady Lane. G R 2^047 i Sherrod, Robert Mike. Odessa, 133-B Moore-Hill Sheshunoff, Alexander A.. Ark., 1801 West Lake D r., G R 241348 j Shew m aker. Linda E ., Gladewater. * 2207 Rio Grande I Shia, Theresa Diane. Austin, 1710 E a st 32nd. G R 2-6995 Sh in ier, Daniel White, Dallas, 2100 Oldham ; j Shields. Carolyn L., Fort Worth, I 2610 Whitis. GR 2-9304 Shields. Mary Ellen, Dallas, 803 West 28th, G R 7-2071 j Shields. M ercedes E m m a, Laredo. 601 Harris Ave., G R 7-1183 Shields. Stephen W., Randolph A FB 915 West 23rd St.. G R 8-6687 Shields. Theodore Curtis. Austin, 1010 West 22nd. G R 7-4882 Shields, William Henry, Pasadena, 1916 Speedway. G R 8-1860 Shiever, Je rr y L ., Odessa. 5408 Sunshine, GL 2-3715 Shinbaum, Chervl Dean. Alabam a, Blanton. G R I 7509 Shipp. Ju lia Mae. Austin. 2102 E ast 17th St., GR 8-5482 Shirk. Dennis Harold, Austin, 1218-D B rack. Apts.. GR 7-7361 Shirley, Carol Anne. Harlingen, I I I I 111 Blanton Shive, Kathleen, Austin. | Shiver, William F ., Post. 843 E ast 38th St., G R 6-5791 907 E ast 32nd Shmoldas. M ary Edvth, Houston, 1807 Brazos, GR 6-2000 Shoekey. Gerald A., San Antonio, 5509 Darlington, WA 6-2873 I Shockley. John Staples, Denton, i 2502 Nueces. GR 8-0370 Shockley. Suzanne. Waco. 4.30 Blanton. GR 1-1966 Shocklev. William C., J r ., Uvalde. 1605-A B rack. Apts. Shoem aker. Robert G., Mississippi. 1424-A B rack. Apts., GR 7-2325 Shoem aker. Wm. Howe. San Benito. 1522 Barton Springs Rd. Shook. B arry Gene, Austin. 1902 Nueces, G R 7-0082 Shooter, Ja c k Allen, Austin, 904 Rocky Spring, G L 3-2788 Short. Ailecn. Austin. 502 E ast 32nd. GR 2-1205 Short, Douglas Verne, Bav City, 8300 North Lam ar Shouhavvib, Yusuf l l . Lebanon, | 2700 Nueces. G R 2-0454 I Showers, Ja m e s A., Mission. 33051 j Speedway, G R 7 1832 I Showers, William David. Baytown, 607 Elmwood P lace, GR 24)561 Shrader, Diane Sue, Austin. 2010 Schul Ie, G R 2 7771 Shrader, Philip l l . J r .. Dallas, 3001 Red River Shropshire, fieri v Sue, Austin. 3108 Cherrywood. GR 2-9518 Shuart, Willard W arren. Houston, 1410-B Brackenridge. G L 2-0546 Shugart. Sandra Lee. I^evelland, 246 Scottish Rite. Sievers. Richard A.. Austin, 804 Josephine, H i 2-8028 Sigler, Je r r y R .. Corpus Christi, 711 A P ark P l.. G R 8-5418 Sikes. B arb ara I/ h i . Port L av aca, 1708 Manor Rd. Sikes, Perry Thom as. E l Paso, 2211 l/X )n Silberm an, Lynne B ., Illinois. 213 Blanton. GF* 1-1340 Silva. Angeline Gladys, Hawaii, 2011 Whitis Ave., G R 8-2357 Silva. M ary Ellen, Taylor, 2610 Whitis. G R 2-9.304 Silva-Boscan. Neuro, Venezuela, 908 C West 22nd. GR 7-4604 Silverm an. B arrv I a h *. Longview. HOO Blanco. G R 7 2003 Silversteen. Sonhv. Houston. 423 Kinsolving, G R 1-5958 Silvas. Susan Ruth. Houston. 717 West 22nd. G R 6-9034 Simmon, Ja n e W allace, Angleton, ‘2000 P earl S t., GR 2-54.37 Simmons. B arry , Lubbock, 1908 University Ave.. G R 8 2185 Simmons. Clyde W., J r ., Ballinger, 412 Stu. Health Cen., GR 8-5711 Simmons, Kenneth A., Austin. 304-B P ark Lane. HI 2-0539 Simmons, Sylvia Elaine. K eller, 2809 Rio Grande. G R 8-6193 Simmons, William A., J r .. D allas, Moore Hill Simon. B arb ara Belle. Austin. 1413 Gaston Ave., GR 7-4001 Simon. Dick Je ffre y . Longview, University T railer Park Simon. Richard Louis, Houston. 2626 Speedway. G R 2 1506 Simonds, Susan Louise. Houston. I Blanton. G R 1-1560 Simonton. B arb ara Sue. Houston. ,301-B Blanton. G R 1-5895 Simonton. Harry C . J 1534-A B rack. Apts., G R 6-8406 Simpson. Billy Bob. Austin. 11408 Pollvanna, HO 5-7883 Simpson, Bob L.. Brownfield. 206 West 38th, HO 5-8185 * Simpson, F erris Arthur, Dallas. 3205 King I^ane, G L 2 84.38 Simpson. Ja n Ann. San Angelo, 2315 Nueces, G R 6-5381 Simpson. John Fred rk, San Angelo, 2211 Nueces, GR 6-5817 Simpson, Linda Shawn. Houston, Blanton. G R 1-1108 Simpson, M ichael W illiam. Tyler, .300 E . Riverside Simpson, P a tricia P ., San Antonio, 2609 University, G R 2-2677 I Simpson, Richard Boyd. Converse, | 214 Archway. GR I 1724 Simpson. Robert D., 1504 1) Windsor. G R 6-9720 Simpson. Robert Dwight. Amarillo, 2627 W ichita, G R 2-1517 Simpson. Robert L., Tvler. 1311 Exposition. G R 2-7604 Sim s. Bobby Eld n xi, McAllen. 2604 Guadalupe Sim s. Bobby Clone, Dallas, 6308 B Peggy. GL 3-8276 Sim s. Fred Lee, Austin. 8410 Briarwood L in e. OL 3-5686 Sim s, George M., Port Arthur 1112 East 30th St.. G R 2-1977 Sim s. Judith Ann. Austin. 1212 Norwood R d ., HO 5 8669 Sim s, Ruth Lynne. Port Arthur. 1515 B Enfield Rd.. GR 2-0664 Sim s, William E a rl, Arkansas, 110,3 B B rack. Apts.. G R 6-2385 Singer. Franklvn Marion. Austin, 2413 I .eon, G R 2-8136 Singer, Muff., Fort Worth. 1007 West 26th. G R 6-1215 Singleton, Glen Dale. Bishop, 2510 Seton, G R 6-1993 Singleton. Ja m e s M ichael, Edna. 2205-D Wiritz Sisti. Frank Sam uel. V ictoria, 2320 Sabine St., G R 7-4903 Sitton. Judith Ann. Cisco. 2001 University, G R 8-1691 Sivek, Arnold J . J r ., San Antonio* 1705 A B rack. Apts. Shepard, Sarah Ann. Hale Center. Shuler. I/ewis David, Amarillo, 311 Kinsolving. G R 1-7379 Shepherd, Powell S., Leona. 405 E ast 18th. GR 8-7701 Shuman. M. M , Saudi Arabia, 207 L h* Hall 2502 Nueces Sheppard. Rodney J . , Big Springs, 5305 Cloverdale Lane. WA 6-3548 Shum ate, Kenneth M.. Houston. 2215 Leon St., G R 8-8975 Sheppard. Ronald E ., San Antonio. Shupee. Andrea Temple, Austin. 2106 Stam ford Lane. G R 2-2540 Shupp. Howard M., San Antonio, 1401 Enfield Rd., G R 2-4917 Shepperd. Alfred Lewis. Odessa, 209 B Sim kin, G R 2-8431 Shepperd Catherine. M arble Falls. 330 Blanton, G R I 7469 Shepperd. Elizabeth, M arble F alls. 421 Blanton, G R 1-1100 Shepperd. M rs. Sara. M arble F alls, Sherbert, Bill R ., Tyler. 1412-A B rack . Apts., G R 2 2057 125 M oore,Hill Shuptrine. F ran cis K .. Bandera, 5702 Jim Hogg, GL 3-0460 Shute, Benjam in R ., San Antonio, Sidem an, M arshall B ., San Antonio, 1905 Nueces, G R 6-2545 [Sides, Harold I>-*o, Van. 2504 B Leon St., G R 6*3995 Sherm an Charles K ., J r . , Burnet. Sielierg, Robert David. Austin. 5805 Westslope D r., G I 2-3394 Rt. 3. Box 271A. OL 2-4806 I theBIG APPETITES^™")ON CAMPUS! • C risp Crunchy Fried Chicken • Barbecued Ribs • H o m e -M a d e Fruit C o b b le r • H am burgers • Fried Shrimp • Bar-B-Q on Bun • Cousinburgers ‘The World’s Best Fried Chicken” THESE AND OTHER TREATS ON ORDER IN OUR FOOD-TO-GO DEPT. 3301 In t e r r e g io n a l Hwy, G R 8-3383 Menus Available for Dorms DELIVERY AVAILABLE Friday, June 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 268 HEMPHILL'S ifM . *?4 O ilily 'JftoA Slf&Ui. Around tho Campus • North - East - South - West FEATURING YOUR EVER-READY REBATE - GOOD ALL SUMMER Bivek. Jane Marie, San Antonio, 1705-A Brack. Apts. Sizer, Samuel Augustus, Austin, 1603 Sunnyvale. GR 24455 Skantz, Donald WM Fort Worth, 609 Park Place Skarada, Ann Eloise. Mico, 221 Scottish Rite, GR 6-9131 | Skarda, Dennis Marie, Deer Park, ; 3306 M errie Lynn, GR 6-0767 Skarvellis. M arlene, Port Lavaca, I 211 Scottish Rite, GR 6-9131 Skem bare, Jo Frances, Fort Worth, 808 E ast 23% St., GR 6^8456 I Skibell. Arthur, Lubbock, 3001 Red River. GR 8-3043 Skibell, Erwin R., Dallas, 1205 East 52nd, GL 2-6531 Skidmore. Arthur W., Austin, Box 8196 Univ. Sta. Skiles, Lawrence Allen, Austin, 4803 Shoal wood. GL 3-2640 Skinner. Carol Ann, Henderson. 5412 Darlington Lane, WA 6-0275 Skinner Marlene Marie, 3000 Camp Mabry Rd., GL 3-2394 Skinner, William M., San Antonio, 220-B Moore-Hill Skipper, Roy M., Crockett, 1904 San Gabriel, GR 2-1294 Skull, Gerald Ralph, Illinois, 2617 Bridlepath Ave., GR 2-8605 Slack, Wesley Mars, Grapeland, 503-A West 25th Slater. Mary, Lufkin, 2000 Pearl Slater, Stewart E., Georgetown. Slaughter. George O., Jr., Austin, RL 5. Box 62. HI 24325 Slaughter, Phyllis Jeanne, Houston, 608 Park Place Slavt*ns. Janet H., San Antonio, 319 Kinsolving Sledge, Robert Watson. Abilene, 4109 Speedway, GL 3 8865 Sligar, Donna Karen, Abilene. 206 West 32nd. GR 6-3059 Sloan, John William, New York, 102 West 18th St.. GR 8-5361 Sloan, Lloyd Elm er, Mission, 2319 West Oak Dr., HI 4 2070 Sloat, Elvira Wallin. Oklahoma. 4811 Lansing Dr., iii 2-0829 Slocum, Jonathan J.. New York, 5304 Turnabout Lane. GL 2-6297 Slum ch inski. Dorothy Ann, Refugio, 1529-A Brack. Apts., GR 2-1703 Slomchinski. Frank B., Refugio, 1529-A Brack. Apts., GR 2-1703 Sm aha, Robert Bruce, Wyoming, 2315 Oldham Small, Edward. Austin, 4706 Ridge Oak Smallshaw, John Arthur. Galveston. 1930 San Antonio St., GR 74)617 Sm art, Jam es Dock, Florence, 1907 A West 30th, GL 2-2415 Smart, Molly Jean, Louisiana, 2506 Whitis Ave. Smartt, Herschel B., Del Valle Smith. Alan Michael, Austin, 123 Laurel Lane, GR 24969 Smith, Andrew J. K.. Houston. 700 Hearn, GR 2-9565 Smith, Audas Richard, Odessa, 2611 Geraghtv, GL 3-5183 Smith, Bruce Dixie Tyler 707 Texas Ave., GR 8-6297 Smith, Cecil H., Dallas, lOOEast 27th St. Smith, Clinton Lynch, Odessa. 2612 Speedway. GR 84139 Smith. Dan Selwym lraan. 3303 Bonnie Rd., GR 6-2850 Smith, Don Stanton, Valiev Mills, 2401 Manor Rd., GR 6-0841 Smith, Donald Eugene, Austin 5704 McCarthy Circle, GL 3 5431 Smith, Donald Eugene. Dallas, 1216 West 22nd, GR 7-4866 Smith, Donald Ralph, Bellaire, 2501 Sabine, GR 7-1051 Smith, Eddie Tiger, Sweetwater, 2216 Rio Grande Smith. Edeltraud, Georgetown, Smith Eleanor Ann, Galveston, 225 Blanton, GR 1-3797 Smith, Eliz Irene, Austin, 2901 Scenic Dr., GL 36382 Smith, Frank F„ Jr., Crystal Qty, I 3001 Red River, GR 7-0001 Smith, G. Alan, Longview, 1219-C Brack. Apts. Smith, Gary Edward, Austin, 4609 Finley Dr., GL 3-3032 Smith, Gay Lynn, Henderson, 3501 Speedway, GR 2-2228 Smith, Gerald Robert, Waco, 1307 Norwalk, GR 7-7785 Smith, Geraldine Goleta, Marshall, 1801 Rio Grande, GR 2-6543 Smith, Glen Hilton, McAllen, 115-B Moore-Hill, GR 2-2226 Smith, Harold Altus, Jr., Houston. 356-D Deep Eddy Apts.. GR 2-6491 Smith. Jack Wilton, Marlin, j 2706 Salado. GR 64111 Smith, Jam es Lee, Cherokee, 4527 Ave. F Smith, Jam es R., Corpus Christi, I 4624-C Depew, GL 2-8909 Smith. Jay Dickey, Baytown, 24-A Moore-Hill, GR 8-7757 Smith. Jerry Marvel, Houston, j 2508 San Gabriel. GR 8-6043 Smith, Jim, Austin, j 704-A Henderson, HI 2-6437 Smith, Jim Henry, Houston, ! Smith, Jimmy Ray, El Paso, I 2061 Sabine, GR 6-9080 Smith, Joe Randal, Woodville, Moore, Hill Hall Smith, Johanna Louetta, Austin, 3317 Bowman Rd., GR, 2-4047 Smith. John Pierce. Ohio, 1007-B Bonham Terr., HI 4-2309 Smith. John Thomas, Waco, 4804 Woodview. GL 2-5574 Smith, Jon Dudley, San Antonio, 4805 Ave. G Smith. Jovce Adeline. Austin, 704-A Henderson St. Smith. Judith T erne, Alpine, 1909 Nueces. GR 8-3595 , Smith, Judy L„ Galveston, 2313 Oldham St., GR 6-5215 Smith, Lawrence Shannon, Dallas. ■ HOO West 29th. GR 6-2005 Smith, Lola Jane, Del Rio, 307 Blanton, GR 1-1489 Smith. Linda S. G., Austin. 701 Crestland. HO 5-5563 Smith, Loraine E.. San Antonio, 703 W?est 23rd, GR 2-0087 Sm ith, Lucy Lee, Am arillo, Heflin Manor, GR 7-6371 Smith, Malcom Carey, McAllen, 2500 E ast 22nd, GR 2-5589 i Smith, M argaret. San Antonio, Smith, Roy Bascom, McAllen, 2500 East 22nd. GR 2-5589 Smith. Sharon Ann, Winnsboro, Scottish Rite, GR 6-9131 Smith, Sheron, E., Fort Worth. 219 Blanton, GR 1-1860 Smith, Sidney Kennard. Sweeny, 914 West 22% St. Smith, Stephen Jessel, Houston, 2626 Speedway, GR 7-1595 Smith, Suzy, Byron, j 2606 Enfield Rd., GR 2-8434 Smith, TevLs Clyde, Brownwood, 205 West 20th Smith, Theresa Anne. Houston, 1401 Enfield, GR 7-1467 Smith. Timothy Hayes. Amarillo, 2308 Nueces, GR 8-0507 Smith. Tommy Jay, Austin, 11054? Brack. Apts., GR 24960 i Smith, Tony, Fort Worth, 303 Academy, GR 8-8872 Smith. Tracy Ann, Austin, 2205 McCullough, GR 6-5972 Smith, Willard Mac, Jr., Dallas, 1909-E Red River. GR 24940 Smith. William C., IIL Yorktown, 305 Goodall Wooten, GR 6-2884 I i Smither, John H.. Huntsville. 609 Elmwood PL, GR 8-3941 Smock, Steven Oliver, Austin, 2407 A Sabine Smyre. Stacey IL. Baytown, 2619 Wichita. GR 2-7341 Smyth, Carlyse Brechin. Austin, 2i04 Thames Circle. GL 2 8926 Smvth, L. Ada, Amarillo. ! 3001 Red River. GR 64515 Smvth. William Reginald. Austin, 2104 Thames Circle, GL 2-8926 Smvthe. Robert Victor, Tennessee, 904 West 22nd Sneed, Judy Ann. Kansas, 1300 E ast 52nd St. . Snell. Charles Samuel. San Antonio. 1010 West 24th, GR 6-3037 i Snell. Helen Marie. Lam pasas, 416 Kinsolving, GR 1-57T9 i Snodgrass, liecky Sue, Amarillo, I 2207 Rio Grande, GR 2-7304 Snodgrass, Jam es Don, Idalou, I 2502 Nueces Snow. Kenneth M., M assachusetts, I 2317 Sabine, GR 2-3761 Snow, Luther Dewitt. Kerville, 3208 D Tom Green, GR 7-1009 Snowdon. Charles T , Memphis. 4209% Ave. D. HO 56217 Snyder. Jeri Lynn, Midland, 2610 Whitis. GR 74311 Snyder. Judith Ann. Austin. I 811-D Blanco St., GR 86037 l0U’ Soto, Mary, Costa Rica, 403 East 32nd St.. GR 7-8192 South, David Michael, Midland, 1905 Nueces, Room 7 Southerland, John Robb. Austin. 2801 Robbs Run, GR 2-2998 Sowers, William Jasper. Jr., Austin, 12 Scott Crescent, GR 2-2728 Spacek. Edwin A., Jr., Quitman, 2800 Rio Grande Spalding, John Erwin, Austin, 4909 Ave. H, HO 56559 Spangler, Wayne E., Arizona, Sparks, Jam es Elliott, Victoria, I 709 West 23rd St., GR 86216 I Sparks. Joseph Campbell, Austin, 2106 Swisher, GR 2-5058 Sparks, Roy Marvin, Andrews, 1908 Wichita, GR 2-4131 Sparks, Sandra, Austin, 2602 Oakdale Court, GR 8-1438 Sparks, Willard Joe, Commerce, 4701 Rosedale, GL 3-6710 Spear, Paul Mayo, Kilgore, I Box 31, Univ. YMCA Spears, Marilyn Dulaney, Austin, 1302 E ast 52nd, GL 2-6817 Spears, Norman Lee, Austin, 11 IO-A Brack. Apts. I Spears, Robert Arnold, Austin, 1302 E ast 52nd, GL 2-6817 Specht, Udo Hermann, Pam pa. I 4805 Evans Ave., GL 2-8297 t Specked, Byron L., Yorktown, 2103 Red River, GR 7 9323 Speed, Charles T., Temple. Squier. Kenneth Lee. Houston, 1508 Broadmoor Dr., GL 34336 Squires, Ervin W„ Jr., Bellaire, v i 126-B Moore-Hill Stacy, Lana Kay, Taylor, Stoddard, Caddo P.. Jr., Carthage, 2202 Enfield, GR 24211 Stafford, Ben Alvis, Pleasanton, 4411 Airport, GL 2-7961 Stafford, Joyce, Lake Jackson, 2508 San Gabriel, GR 7-5500 Stagg, Robin Paul, Austin, 1518 Barton Springs, GR 7-8195 Staggs, Kenneth W „ San Antonio, i San Jacinto Dorm A-130 Staha, Rodger Lee, Austin, Rt. 5, Box 146-B Staley, Dean Gray, Nocona, Goodall-Wooten, GR 7-0265 Staller. Richard Martin. El Campo, 2502 Nueces, GR 8-3705 Stallings. Loretta May. Virginia, 606 West 17th, GR 6-9593 Stallings, Robert David, Midland, 1008 West 25%, GR 7-5011 Stallings. William Thomas, Dallas, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 2-9672 Stallworth, John Paul. Austin, 2106 Highgrove, GR 2-3473 Stambaugh, John Rhodes. Austin, 2503 Cascade Dr., GL 24074 Stancil. Mrs. Margie B., Louisiana, 1713 Enfield Rd., GR 2-5143 Stancliff, Albert Irwin. Ohio, 2302 Alta Vista, HI 4-3247 Standndge, A. Michael. Austin, 903 Jessie S ^ m a n n . ^ a ^ ’lP^ry. Houston, j S t ^ o r d ,£ n ^ y Jean Galveston, Box 9, Scottish Rite. GR 6-9131 , 1955 Sabine, GR 84145 Spence, Elizabeth M , Eagle Pass, Stanford, Jay Gordon, Austin, 2208 Nueces, GR 7-8564 Spence. Jan M urray. Whitney 1216-F Brack. Apts., GR 69070 Spence, Mary Patricia, Austin, 3301 Greene, GR 7-8746 Spence, Robert F., Laguna Park. 1216-F Brack. Apts., GR 6 90(0 Spence, Steve, Dallas, 4100 Shoalcreek Blvd., GR 26808 Spencer. Alexander B., San Antonio 1709 Alegria Rd.. GR 34593 Spencer, David Johnson, Mal tin, 1914 Wichita Spencer, Frances D., Austin, 6011 Brooks St. Spencer, Helen Mae, Houston, 1401 Enfield Rd.. GR 8-20(8 Spencer, John Michael. El Paso. 1213-B Brack. Apts.. GR 7-2a44 Spencer, John R., Austin, i 2208 Enfield, GR 6-8696 Spencer, Mrs. Joyce Ann, Austin, 912-C West 22% Smith, Mary Ann, Austin, 6006 Shoalwood Ave.. GL 3 3781 Smith. Mrs. Mary Annita. Amarillo 2808 B Hemphill Park, GR 8-3019 Smith. Mary Hay, Houston 1801 Rio Grande, GR 24779 Smith, Maxie Leon, El Paso, 1403 Norwalk, GR 8-1285 Smith, Milton Clark. Jr., Tyler, 3401 Speedway. GR 8-8969 Smith, Milton Lloyd, Austin 1 5414 Darlington Lane. WA 66323 i Smith, Nancy Omer, Eastland, ! 1219 C Brack. Apts. Smith, Nelson King, Houston. * 1951 Sabine, GR 7-1513 ; Smith, Norman Stanley, Waco, 2408 Longview I Smith, Philip Thomas. Austin, 3319 Perry Lane, GL 2-7976 Smith. Ray B., Bastrop. 21 Moore-Hill Smith. Richard IL ., California, 608 Bellevue Place. GR 7-7006 Smith. Robert Vernon Austin, 7006 Rufus Drive, GL 24798 Smith, Robert Vernon. Victoria, Bergstrom AFB, Ext. 2134 Smith, Roger Deane, San Antonio. 216-B Moore-Hill Smith, Ross Lewis, San Antonio, 504 West 37th, GL 3-1106 Smith. Rosser J., IIL Austin, 1200 East 52nd, GR 6-8b22 . Christi, i 2208 Enfield, GR 6-8696 S p ^ ^ . David Vernon ^ 3504 Mills Ave., OL 34185 , Spiller, Mrs. Ann Gault, Austin, Snyder. Richard S., Corpus 1906 Nueces, GR 2-1251 — Snyder. Robert Michael Austin, 3331 Perry Lane, GL 2-5413 Sodd, Sandra Carol, Fort Worth. 2215 Leon. Apt. 4 Soengkowo. Iman, Indonesia. 19^-B Speedway, GR 6-3825 Soileau, Mahlon J., Louisiana. Solis, Juan S.. Lyford, 107 A San Jacinto Apts. Solomon, Gloria Jean. Sugarland, 529 Blanton. GR 1-3076 Sommer, Walter F., Eagle Lake, 2311 Nueces, GR 64594 Somrnerfeld, Ray. Austin, _ 4901 Berverly Hills Dr., GR 1-5216 Sommers, John Paul, Victoria, ; 1003 West 23rd, GR 8-2158 Son, Thadieth E ^ b9 * u r n e . 2216 Rio Grande, GR 64283 ; Sonnenburg, Barbara JC . Malone, | 326 Blanton, GR 2-3800 Sorenson, Stephen WM Dallas, 2318 Sabine Soriero Margaret Beverly, Houston. 2106 Swisher, GR 8-6013 I Soriero. Susan Wood, Houston, 2001 University, GR 8-1691 Sorrel, Frank D., Wharton 8 Tropicana Apts., GR 2-2374 Sorrell, Jann, Austin. I 3505 Laurelledge Lane. HO 5-561. 1802 Anita, HI 2-7471 Spiller, Roger Wayne Austin, 1802 Anita Dr.. HI 2-74(1 Spiller, Wm. Gibbs. Houston, 2501 Sabine, GR 8-3788 ! I Spinks. Sidney Jean, Monahans, | 530 Blanton, GR 1-3108 Spivey, James Edward. Florida, Box 7624, Univ. Sta., GR ( 2184 Spivey, Rex J.. Austin. 3406-B Red River. GR 7-7230 Spivey, Sharon Mane. Australia, 3406-B Red River, GR 7-7230 Spitzer, Walter Kyle, Austin, 1351-A The High R o a d GR 6-9729 I I Spitznogle. Frank R ^ J ^ n d a , 1800-A Mohle Dr., GR 64014 Sponberg. Darrell L H olton , 2707-B Speedway. GR 6-0973 i Spragens, Jane Ellis, Austin, 203 East 30th St., GR 2-8613 Spratt. David Bryon. Pilot Point, 1219 A Brack. Apts.. GR 8-0908 Sprenger, Donald Holmes, Dallas, Moore-Hill, GR 8-6056 Springer, James W„ Georgetown Springer, Mary Jane. Waco, : 2000 Peart, GR 7-1883 Springfield. Anna K.. Huntsville, 2101 Nueces. GR 7 -8245 Sprinkle, Tommy L , Kansas, 506 West 12th, GR 7-1002 1607-A Brack Apts. Stanko, Mrs. Dianne E., Ohio, 2505 Enfield Rd., GR 2-4051 Stanley. David Brian, Austin 1315 Norwalk Lane, GR 6-0512 Stansbury. Gail, Blanco, 247 Scottish Rite, GR 6-9131—*47 Stansbury Tommy, Houston, 2614 Rio Grande . « Stanton, Robert Paul, V*ctorja, 1518 Barton Spring, GR 2-0137 Staples, George Archer J r.. Edna, 1‘>17-N West Mary, HI 2-<649 Staples. Nancy Jane, Austin, 5714 Highland Hills Dr., GL 2 1195 Stapp, Wallace Burton. Jr., Austin, 2100 Arpdale, HI 2-3781 S ta r ke, Charles T„ Beaumont, 5704 Bullard, GL 2-4467 Stark, Glenda. Garland, 300 E. Riverside Dr., GR 8 0909 Stark, Ray Vivian, G ran d m a m e, 1708 Manor Rd., GR 6-8888 Stark, Sandra E., San Angelo, , I * 2309 Nueces, GR 8-6114 Stark, Shirley Ann. Dallas, 2106 Oldham, GR 6-3S98 Starkey, Albert Edison, Jewett. 2501 Oldham, GR 2-7518 Starkey, Roger Lynn, Hearne, 4601 Parkdale Place Stamps, Mary Madeleine, Austin, 1904 Raleigh, GR 2-9556 Starnes. Willis Leslie, Oregon, ! 3106 Duval, GR 8-3634 Starr, Raymond G., Corpus Christi* GR 1-3261 , _ . Starrett, Hugh Jonathan, 1908 San Antonio, GR 7-7342 I Stautz. Carl D a v i d Austin, I 1704 Exposition. GR 7-137U Stavinoha, Jean M.. Schulenburg, 523 Blanton, GR 1-7588 St. Clair. Charles Alan. Cuero, ^ 201 East 30th. GR 6-8813 St. Clair, William C., Midland, 3301 Red River, Apt. 310 Steams. Joseph Edward Austin, 1428 Briarcliff, GL 3-5614 Stock. Ernest E., 1708 Manor Rd., GR 2-3591 Stock. Robert Neille, Corpus Christi ; 2401 Red River, Steed, Kenneth Ray, McAllen. Goodall Wooten Steele, Helen M., Austin, I 2403 Pruett, GR 8-7040 L E A R N TO FLY L O N G H O R N FLYIN G CLUB m the of The University of Texas In f o r m a tio n a n d Planes a t Flight Desk R A G S D A L E A V IA T IO N , 1801 EAST 51 ST Friday. June 12, 1964 THE SU M M ER TEXAN Page 278 tn f i t * L^n i verdi ty HH s h o p p in g a r e a MEXICAN FOOD e MONROE'S Food to Take Home 500 East Ave.—GR 7-8744 Serving the Best of Mexican Food 504 East Ave.—GR 7-702} EL MAT • EL TORO Atmosphere of Old Mexico 1601 Guadalupe—GR S-4321 e EL CHARRO Delver? Service 10th k Red River—GR 8-7735 Steele. Jack. J r .. Dallas. 245 Brackenridge Hall I Stiles. Sue Al v e e .F o rt Hood. 833 West 28th, GR 2-7071 Steele. John McGuffin. Port Arthur, Stilwell, Richard Burl Houston, 1003 West 23rd. GR 8-2158 Steele. Sharon Ann. Houston. 6208 Haney Dr.. GL 2-6594 Steen, Charles Alvin, Jr ., Tyler, 2408 Longview Steen, Stephen Marshall. El Paso, 1100-C Blanco St.. GR 7-5060 Steenland. Margot Kyle. Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., OL 2-0545 Steffen, Milton Henry. Huntsville, 2502 Nueces. GR 6-9814 Stef os, Katherine, Beaumont, 1902-B Ford Steger. Charles Hugh. Austin, 2214-D Perry Ave.. HI 4-2460 Steib, Steve B ., Harlingen, 1908 Wichita. GR 24131 Stein. Edward J ., Austin. 3011 Fruth St., GR 8-3217 Stein. Jam es D., Austin. 805 West 37til, GL 2-6005 Steil, J r ., Cecil Irving, Austin, 2608 East Side Dr., HI 2-7231 Stell, Sister Eugenia Ann, Houston, Newman, GR 6-0669 Stelmach. Allan Joseph. Austin, 1505-B West 10th St., GR 6-0746 Stenevich. Marilyn J .. Fort Worth, 1700 Sabine. GR 6-0568 Stengel, Bobby Burford, Austin, 1810-A West 37th. HO 5-5990 Stenglein, Joseph Arthur, Austin. 805 Walnut Creek Dr.. HO 5-1365 Stepczvk, Frank M., San Antonio, 300 East Riverside, GR 2-1261 Stephen, Donald R., Wichita Falls, 1213-A Brack. Apts., GR 8-8836 Stephens. Emory Clyde, Bastrop, Stephens. Isom Irwin, Fort Worth, Box 8492, Univ. Sta. Stephens, Jam es Burton, Odessa, 707 East 23rd, G R8-0763 Stephenson. Ronald Gordon, Austin, 2206 Vanderbilt Lane, GL 2-5364 Sterling, Mary Esther. Austin, 1187 Graham St., GR 7-2286 Sterling, Steven Jon, San Antonio, Stem , Barbara Sue, San Antonio, I I 229 Blanton, GR 1-5180 Stem , Bette Kay, Nebraska, 1708 Manor Rd., GR 7-8816 Stem , Janet Lee, Austin, HOO Gaston Ave., GR 2-6312 Stem , Larry N., Dallas, 1708 Manor Rd., GR 7-8816 Sternberg, Ralph Leslie, Dallas, 137-B Moore-Hill Stevens, Mrs. Doris Jane, Morgan, 4706 Ave. E , HO 5-8179 Stevens. Homer R., Daingerfield, 1810 Congress, GR 2-2867 Stevens, Linda Gayle, Austin, 3803 Willowbrook Dr.. GR 8-2363 Stevens. Maxine F ., Austin. 3803 Willowbrook, GR 8-2363 Stevens, Stanley E ., Jr ., Tioga, 1907 Whities Ave. Stevenson, Michael G., Florida, 1010 West 25th. GR 8-2686 Steves. Diana. Bay City, 531 Blanton, GR 1-3287 Stewart, Dianne, Palestine, 4ft HI FsKt ^1 Cf Stewart, Mrs. Dorothy J .. Austin, 2400 Rogge Lane, GL 2-5245 Stewart, Gary Allen, 308-A West 34th S h *wart, Jam es Dale. Robstown, 3004 Speedway. GR 7-2601 Stewart, Jam es Gladstone, Dallas. 205 West 20th. GR 2-1941 Stewart, Joyce Brown. Austin, 2405 West 8th, GR 2-2678 Stewart, Sylvia J ., Austin, 2505 Woodmont, GR 7-1246 807-B East 30th, GR 7-0775 I St. John. Bill, 8204 Renton Dr.. GL 2-8521 St. John. Mackie William, Abilene, j 8204 Renton Dr., GL 2-8521 St-Laurent, Rodrigue. Canada, | 1807 Brazos St., GR 2-7711 ! Stluka, Ben Wayne, San Angelo, 1204-F Elm , GR 7-7585 Stock, Bruce Erie, Odessa, i 404 East 31st. Stockman. Roy Taylor, Sweeny, 2107-B Rio Grande Stockton. Helen. Gonzales, Stockwell, Wm. R., Jr .. San Antonio 1906-A Nueces. GR 6-1534 Stohl. Ellen Christine, Austin, 3106 French Pl., GR 2-5975 Stoker, Carole Fannin, Amarillo, 1500 Riverside Dr. Stokes, Frank T., Houston, 1509 Marshall Stokes, Nanette, Uvalde, 1307 Kirkwood Stolle, Erwin Chas.. | I Stoller. Bernard M., San Antonio, 4601 Lennox Dr.. HI 2-1275 2800 Rio Grande Stone, Carolyn Knolle. Sandia, 3402 Banton Rd., GR 7-2512 I I Stone, Eugenia, Richmond, Mayfair House Stone, George Robert, San Antonio 3103 Grooms, GR 74953 Stone, Howard S., Houston. 1902 West 33rd. GL 2-8759 Stone. Jackie Lee, Taylor, 1704 Sabine, GR 2-5995 Stone. Joanna Sue, Edinburg, 709 West 22nd, GR 8-9891 Stone, Martha Dee. Linden, 123 Blanton, GR 1-5769 Stone, Michael Asa, Austin. 2404 Bridle Path, GR 7-7925 Stones. Jam es E .. Jr .. Midland, 2208 Mathews. GR 2-7650 Stool. Gerald Harris, Del Rio, Storer, Charles Russell, Bellaire, 2626 Speedway 121 Moore-Hill Storer. Lawrence, Austin, 1622 Enfield Rd.. GR 7-6253 Stork, Jan ice Darlene, Austin, 3501 South 1st. HI 2-8913 i Stork. Michael Earl. Austin, I 2119 Glendale. HI 24677 Storms, Louis Wilson, III. Houston, 1925 Sabine. GR 7-1513 Stout. Jam es d a n . Houston, 2701 Nueces, GR 7-0839 Stovall. Frank, Fort Worth, I 1106-B .Brack. Apts., GR 84315 Stovall, Helen Anne. Muleshoe, 3309 Grooms, GR 64245 Stover, Jo e E arl. Georgetown, I Stover. Nancy Eileen, Marfa, j Scottish Rite, GR 6-9131 Stowell, Larry, McAllen. 4800 South 1st, HI 2-6757 Stradinger, Janet E ., Bellaire, Stradinger, Judy. Bellaire, 2106 Oldham 2106 Oldham Strandtman, Norman E ., Moulton, San Jacinto Apts., GR 8-0252 Strandtman, Robin Keith, Moulton, 3006 Duval, GR 2-6476 Strauch, Cynthia Scott, San Antonio 803 West 28th, GR 2-8517 Strauss. Paul K., Corpus Christi, 361-E Deep Eddy Apts., GR 7-6936 Street, Jo e W., Austin, 1708 Nickerson. HI 2-6412 Streetman, Ben Garland, Seguin, 202 East 18th, GR 8-7094 Stewart, Vaughan O’Neal, Kilgore, Strehli, Charles Louis, Lubbock, 1713 B Brack. Apts., GR 7-7367 3001 Red River, GR 8-5118 Stewts, Kathleen Rae, Pasadena. 204 East 38th, GL 2-0098 Strein, Walter Ray. Austin. 212 Park Lane, HI 4-1200 Stigall, Zane Arnold, San G a b r i e l , Strickland, Jam es Cagney, Houston. 1918 Speedway. GR 8-1030 Stikeleather, Helen Haldon, Austin, 3200 French Pl., GR 8-2301 Stiles, Frederick A., Austin, P . O. Box 8442,, 453-5237 1910 Whitis, GR 2-2786 Strickland. Jam es F .. Killeen, 911V* Poplar St. Strickland, O. Ray. Bridgeport, 45 Univ. Trailer Park Stricklin, Jim Lane, Denison, 1508 B West 35th, HO 5-9117 Strieber, Mamie Helen, Ohio, 3200 Hemphill Park, GL 2-9629 Strimple, Lynda Kay, Temple, 521 Blanton, GR 1-1380 Stringer, Joe Frank. Henderson, 200 East 2612 . GR 2-0098 Stringer, John Dee. Tyler, 2204 Enfield. GR 7-1174 Stringer, William Hal, 402 West 34th St. Stripling, Craig, Nacogdoches, 2106 Guadalupe. GR 2-1343 Strom. Carol Lavon, Menard. 3001 Red River. GR 7-0755 Stroman, Carroll E ., Sweetwater, 1414 Westmoor Dr., GL 2-2683 Strom berg. Carole Cecelia. Hutto, 1908 University Ave., GR 2-5680 Stromberger, John C.. San Antonio, 603 Park Blvd., GL 34900 Strong, Fred C., Austin. 4606 Shoal Creek Blvd., GL 3-4427 Strong. Jo e C., Austin. I 4506 Caswell. HO 54)413 Strong. Judy T.. Amarillo. 506 West 18th Strother, Sandra A., Jacksonville, i 333 Blanton, GR 1-1197 Stroup. Nancy Kay. Irving, 3119 Tom Green, GR 2-9144 . i Stryker, Kent Ray, Spain, J 2106 Swisher, GR 8-7086 Stuard, Tommye, Austin, 1507 Romeria Dr., HO 5-7919 Stuart, George Michael, Dallas, 806 Goodall Wooten Stuart. Joseph Mack, Tyler, 5615-B Jim Hogg Stuart. Richard L., Houston, 502-A East 17th, GR 2-3459 Studebaker, Ira John, Iowa, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 2-8965 Stultz. Joseph Peter, Longview. 2002-A Whitis Stumhoffer, Stanley R.. Brenham, 2500 E ast 22nd, GR 6-9214 Sturgis, Janice, Houston, 3104 Duval. GR 7-2219 ! Sturm, Victor A., Port Lavaca, 300 E . Riverside, GR 6-3745 Suber. Norman Louis. Longview. 2413 Leon, GR 7-0054 Suehs, Peggy Anne, Austin, 2805 Robbs Run. GR 7-5300 Sulaiman, Yousif A., Saudi Aradia, Box 7945 Univ. Sta., GR 8-0370 Sulak, Marvin, Wallis, 3008 Cedar Sullins, K. Steve, Littlefield, 2210 Enfield Rd., GR 64564 Sullivan, Charles Eugene, Killeen, 3010-C Fruth, GR 8-0658 Sullivan, Jam es Leo, Ohio. 2400 Leon Ave., GR 6-6225 Sullivan, Jam es O., Greenville, 107-A Simkins Sullivan, Judith Lynn, Ennis, 256 Scottish Rite. GR 6-9131 Sullivan. Mark Leland, Angelton, 2517 Rio Grande St., G R 6-0002 Summers, Edward Lee, Houston, 1712-B Brack. Apts., GR 2-9167 Summers, Ga ye B ., Longview, 2309 Nueces Summers, Katherine S.. Houston, 3909 Red River, GL 3-8854 Summers, Kenneth T., Denison, 2413 Leon, GR 6-0273 Sumner, Patrick L., Fort Worth, Moore-Hill Blanton, Ext. 1707 Supornpaibul, Vatana, Thailand, 601 Elmwood Pl.. GR 8-2717 Supulver, Sidney R ., Fort W’orth, 3119 Tom Green, GR 7-7206 Suryanarayana, Y. S.. India. 6I3-C West 24Va, GR 2-8165 Susman, Stephen Daily, Houston, 2200 Oldham, GR 8-3100 Sutherland. Virgil. J r ., Huffman. 2503-A Woodmont Sutton, Stanley. San Antonio, 900 West 26t6h Suttle, Stephen H., Uvalde, 3007 H Red River. GR 2-4439 Suttles. James C.. J r., Houston. 2901 Cherry Lane, GR 2-0656 Sutton. Linda Arlene. Dallas. 2100 Rio Grande, GR 24613 Sutton. Richard H., Jr., Dallas, 2106 Swisher, GR 7-5080 Sutton. William R., San Antonio, San Jacinto Apts., GR 8-0252 Svadlenak, Jeane, Taylor, 531 Blanton. Git 1-3287 Svacek, Jim A., WTest, 600-C Elmwood Swaim, Phyllis Sue, Austin, 505 East 39th. GL 2-5961 Swamy, Pandrangi Appala. India, 613-B West 241u, GR 8-2977 Swan, Michael Kyle, Athens, 3301 Red River, GR 6-5418 Swango, Don. Dallas. 1801 Rio Grande, GR 6-4012 Swank, David Lynn. Austin, 1910 Bergman Ave., GR 7-0830 Swank, JoAnna, Victoria, 329 Blanton, GR 1-5170 Swank, William Arch. Victoria, 146-B Simkins, GR 2-8651 Swann, Jeanne, Richardson, 33£3 Lafayette, GR 8-0770 Swanzy. Ja c k M„ Port Arthur, 606 Rathervue, GR 2-3688 Sward. Carl R ., Corpus Christi. 904 East 14th St., GR 6-1742 Sweeney, Frank Bernard. Dallas, 2401 Manor Rd., GR 8-0821 Sweeney, Gregory Louis. Austin, 804 Spofford, HI 2-0941 Sweeney, Robert E ., New Mexico, Moore-Hill Sweet, Martha Ann. San Antonio, 3407-C Speedway. GR 7-0866 Sweet. Raymond Wayne, Florida, 2211 Leon Sweeten, Jam es D.t Rocksprings, 1401 Enfield Rd. Swendsen, Elsie L., Danevang. 235 Blanton. GR 1-5787 Swening, E . Selene, Manor, WA 6-0482 Swensen, Nancy Gayle, Austin, 1200 Crestwood Rd., HO 5-8121 Swenson, Charles Clayton, Kenedy, 2100 Oldham, GR 2-5635 Swift, William T., III. San Antonio, 2205 Pearl, GR 8-2260 Swinbum, Jam es C., Corpus Christi 909-B West 21st St., GR 2-3666 Switzer, Bobby C., Monahans, 2711 Cascade, GL 2-7004 Switzer, Wayne Virgil. Houston, 1721 Giles. GR 8-6860 Swoboda, Geneva R. T.t Victoria, Kinsolving Sykes, Mary Ellen, Angleton, 1908 University Symank. Laura A., Manor, CR 2-5606 Syptak, Frances Virginia. Austin, 1010 Bee Caves Rd., GR 6-3238 Szafranski, Gary W.. San Antonio, 706-A West 30th. GR 2-3487 Sztendero, Jaroslaw , New Jersey, 1501 West 5th St. - T Tabb, Jam es C., Houston, 505 W. 23rd St., Apt. 6 Taborsky, Ivan E ., Austin, 4503 Parkwood, HO 5-8876 Tackett, Steven Justyn, Madison­ ville, 1959 Sabine, Apt. 105 3214 Meredith St., GR 6-9226 Tait, Sandy, Victoria, 707 E . I4th, GR 8-8571, E xt. 268 Tajaddodi, Fred Y ., Iran, Box 8145, UT Sta., GR 6-2536 Talasek, B. Rubette, Temple, Blanton 3ll, GR 1-1809 Talasek, David M., Mesquite. 381-D Deep Eddy Apts., GR 8-8105 Talbert. Charles, Texas City, Moore-Hill Hall 221. Talbert, Freddie D., Austin, Box 7222. GR 6-8890 Talen, Kees A., Pasadena, 2614 Rio Grande, Room 13 Tallas, Thomas J. Talley, J r ., Claude A.. Victoria, 2210 San Antonio, Apt. 8 Talley Mrs. Mary W. C.. Austin. 2310 Pruett, GR 6-8821 Tang. Ting-Chi C., China, 2505 Rio Grande Tannler. Michael J ., Austin 2102 F W. 35th S t. GL 34183 Tarver, Jackson M., Waco, 3501 Speedway, Apt. 104 Tassios, Dimitrios, Greece. 1503 Lorrair, GR 6-9889 Tatikonda, Rao J., India, 613-B W. 24Va St.. GR 24325 Tatum. Come P., Houston. 401 W. 13th, Apt. 409. GR 8-3680 Tatum, Lance E . Dallas, 3501 Speedway Ave., GR 2-76% Tatum. Susanne, Houston, 401 W. 13th, Apt. 409, GR 8-3680 Tausch. Clementine, Watmore. 909 W. 29th St.. GR 6-2048 Taylor. Alan R.. Houston. 4014 Shoal Creek Blvd., Apt. I Taylor. Allan G., 1605 Nickerson St., HI 2-5612 Taylor, Allen C., Quanah, 2700 Nueces. GR 2-0454 Taylor. Barbara A., Dallas, 2107 Oldham Taylor. Barbara E .. Lamarque. Kinsolving 300. GR 1-5406 Taylor, Charles A., Boerne. 1957 Sabine Taylor. Charles H„ Winnsboro. 1615 Pearl, GR 6-8751 Taylor. Charles W., Austin 304 E. 33rd. Apt. 12, GR 8-3737 Taylor, David J ., Austin, 3904 Petes Path, GL 3-1135 Taylor. Jr ., David R.. Houston, 1215 E . 52nd St., HO 5-7508 Taylor III. Donald H., Houston, 3001 Red River. GR 7-0001 Taylor. Doyle E „ Sherman. 1214-E Brack. Apts., GR 2 5689 Taylor. Harry W„ M i Pleasant,. 428 Moore St., FR 9-6689 (Seguin) Taylor, J. Robert. Bellaire, 2501 Manor Circle, WA 6-1527 Taylor, Jr., Joe S., State College. Pa.. Heep Ranch, Buda, HI 2-2195 I i Taylor, Leslie. Palestine. 1700 E . 19th St., GR 6-9505 Taylor, Linda A., Mt. Pleasant. Blanton 309, GR 1-1687 Taylor, J r ., M. M., River Forest. UL 3108-D Walling Dr., GR 7-8924 Taylor, Margaret F ., Corpus. Scottish Rite 24, GR 6-9131 Taylor, Nancy C., Dallas, 2315 Nueces, Rm. 218, GR 6-,>$Ji Taylor, Jr.. Richard R.. Odessa. 1712 Brack. Apts., GR 64)732 Taylor, Jr ., Robert I)., Odessa, 1507-B Woodlawn, GL 3-3410 Taylor, Ronald D., San Antonio, 2308 Nueces, GR 8-0186 Taylor, Sally A., Austin, 2202 Townes Lane, GR 24606 Taylor. Ted J ., Austin. 1417 Larkwood Dr., GL 3-6781 Taylor, Thomas P., Cotulla, 3106 Duval. Apt. 210 Teague, H. Don, Dallas. 700-A Manor lid., GR 7-6930 Teague, J anis L.. E l Paso. 700-A Manor Rd., GR 7-6930 Ted ford. Gary E ., Garland. 1215 E. 52nd. Apt. 102. HO 5-9032 Tedford, Judy L., Liberty. 1215 E . 52nd St., HO 5-9032 Teed, Jere M., Pampa, 2910 Red River, GR 2-1459 Teel, Marion R., Junction. 710 W. 35th St., GL 2-6948 Teel, Mrs. Virginia L. B., Austin, 4711 Strass Dr., GL 3-2475 Teeples, Gertrude E .. Austin, 929 E . 56^ St., HO ^6892 Teeters, Tony D., Austin. 903 E . 53rd St.. GL 3-3237 Tegarden, Jam es IL, Orleans, Ind.* 7502 Daugherty St., GL 2-7276 Teichelman, J r ., R. W., Austin, 1808 Morrow, GL 3-3500 Sumners, Susan D.. San Antonio, Taggart. Terree, Austin, • CONVERTIBLE TOPS Do You Need Seat • TAILOR MADE SEAT COVERS • HEADLINERS A D A M S SERVICE 19th and Rio Grande GR 6-3475 Covers ? • CARPETS • ORIGINAL UPHOLSTERY CO. Friday, Juo* 12. I9 M THE SU M M ER TEXAN Pag* 28B G A RNER & SMITH NEW AND USED BOOKS Up to 60 °fo Sayings on Used Books Complete Series of Paperbacks Penguin Scribners Anchor Vintage Pelican Dover Gateway Harper Torch Books .. Others School Supplies & Magazines • Books in Foreign Languages • Records, 14% OFF 2116 GUADALUPE Open Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. 'til 8:30 pan., Sat. til 6:30 GR 7-0925 Templeton. Nancy E.. Brady, Blanton 415. GR 1-3688 Tennant. Gail B., Houston. 3645 Westlake Dr., GR 7-4998 Terrell, Dahlia J., 1909 W. 42nd St., CL 2-1989 Terrell. Glen E., Humble. 1106-A Brack. Apts.. GR 2-0201 Terrell, Josephine W., San Antonio. I 1400 West Lynn. GR 2-5070 Terrell, Junius H., McCall Creek. Miss., 5510 Coventry. WA 6-2203 Terrell. Lewis P., Lubbock. 1909 W. 42nd St . GL 2-1989 Terry. Edwin E., Bastrop, 1710 Garfield, CA 9-3092 (Bastrop) Terry, Lt* C., 1301-A Brack. Apts., GR 6-9784 Terry. Shirley A.. Big Spring. 2106 Oldham, Apt. 101. GR 6-3837 Tharp. M ane C., Raymondville, 2000 Pearl St., GR 2-5437 Thau. Jr., W. A., Webster Gloves. Mo.. 1210 Windsor Rd., GR 6-3282 Thaxton. Robert IL. Falfurrias, 205 W. 20th St., GR 2-3003 Thedford. Annie E., Graham. 1207-C Brack. Apts.. GL 2-7962 Thedford, Darrell R.. Graham. 1207-C Brack. Apts., GL 2-7962 Therrien, Chester D., San Diego, 1201-C Brack. Apts., GR 6-2883 Thielemann, Vernon G., Brenham. 2100 Oldham. Apt. 2 Thieme, Douglas C., Austin. 1014 Shelley Ave., GR 2-3019 Thiet, Tran Q , South Viet Nam, 604 W. 25th St., GR 6-8603 Thigpin. Patricia S.. San Angelo. 2106 Oldham. Apt 204. GR 2-9036 Thomas. Bertha D.. Waco, 2506 Whitis, GR 7 4)577 Thomas. Clyde H., San Antonio, 2106 Oldham, GR 7-8103 Thomas. Colin C„ A ustin,___ 4903 W. Frances Pl.. GL 2-3266 Thomas, Cordell E., Dallas, 306 E. 30th St.. GR 7-0501 Thomas, David M.. Marshall. 3001 Rex! River. GR 2-8231 Thomas, Jr., Donald S . Austin, 3901 Balcones Dr., CL 2-2493 Thomas. Evan T.. 1306 Glencrest Dr., GL 2-2396 TI IO mas, Faiz N., Iraq, Hix 8163, UT St a. Thomas, Gary R.. Conroe, Goodail Wooten 510 Thomas, James W., Austin, 1213-F Brack. Apts.. GR 2*1813 Thomas, Jerry VV., Arlington. 1908-B Speedway. GR 6*3825 Thomas, I^ra, Houston, 206 W. 38th. Apt. 118. GL 2-0741 Thomas, Tomv M.. Odessa, 361-A Deep Eddy Apts., Thomas. W. Jerry, Corpus Christi. 4700 S. Congress. HI 2-2337 Thomas, William L.. Justin, 385-A Deep Eddy Apts. Thomason. John M., Center Point. Simkins Hall Thompson, Ann. San Antonio, 2206 Rio Grande Thompson. Anna W., Austin '5003 Kinney Ave., HI 2-7523 Thompson, Jr.. Arthur R.. Austin, 1400 Hillcrest Dr.. GL 2-6911 Thompson. B. Cecil, Baird, 401% Atlanta, GR 7-7980 Thompson, Byron K., San Antonio 2501-B6 Manor Circle, WA b-2239 Thompson, Carolyn S., Houston, 2318 Oldham Thompson. Charles E .. Midland, 2106 Swisher, Apt. 109, GR 6-3268 Thompson, Charlotte A , Austin, 2814 W. 50th St., HO 5-5395 Thompson, Clinton B., Austin, 1312 Broadmoor. GL 2-5470 Thompson, Coumel W., Rochelle Thompson. Dottie, Amarillo. 3001 Red River. GR 7 2123 Thompson. Erik G.. Dallas. 1206-A Possum Trot. GR 6-5214 Thompson. Frances L., Three Rivers, 1501 B Brack. Apts. Thompson, Horace W., Mullin, 3110 Duval. Apt. 4 Thompson. Jr., Jean D.. Dickin­ son. 2836*4 Pearl, GR 8-5540 Thompson, Jodie B., Austin, 1911 Chestnut Ave.. GR 7-8554 Thompson. Jr.. John R.. Ft. Worth. 1003 Winsted Lane. GR 2-6151 Thompson, Lee, Houston, 2216-E Perry Ave.. HI 4-3304 Thompson. Patricia A.. Victoria, 710 W. 21st St.. GR 2-0488 Thompson, Richard A., Kingsville, 1501 B Brack. Apts. Thompson, Richard D., Gorman, Univ. Trailer Park,, I*ot 18 Thompson, Ronald M., Pasadena, 6115 B Manor Rd.. HO 5-6076 Thompson, Thomas H.t Dallas, 2518 Leon. GR 8-1608 Thompson, Vici A.. Midland, Blanton 502, GR 1-3786 Thompson, Sr., William C.. Marlin. 1802 E. 14th St., GR 2-5145 Thonhoff, Robert H.. Fashing, GL 9-3781 (Karnes Citv) Thorn, Charles M.. O Brien ! 300 E. Riverside Dr., GR6-2371 Tliorn. Jr., Gordon L.f Austin, 120 Ut Vista, HI 4-1038 Thornhill. Roger C„ Joplin. Mo., 2408 Longview, GR 8-2793 Thoms berry, Marion E., Austin, 2704 Nottingham I .ane, HI 4-3811 Thornton. Chrystal L., Austin, * GL 2-1800 Thornton. Sue Z.. Pittsburgh. Pa., 1405 Hillcrest Dr.. GL 2-3329 , „ , Thorpe, Joe IL, Boling, San Jac Dorm D-203. GR 8-019*. Thorpe, Jr., Peter E., Boling, San Jac Dorm D-203, GR 8-0192 Throgmorton, Mary L., Bellaire, 2108 Olhan, Apt. 8. GR 2-8739 Throop. Cheryl A., Austin 705 W. 25th St.. GR 6-0226 Thurlkill, Tommy C.. Archer City Univ. Tlr. Pk.. Lot 30. GR <-2474 Thurman, Gary L., Longview, 4520 Balcones Dr.. GL 2-3183 Thurman, Margaret E , Pasadena, Blanton Dorm. GR 1-3276 Thurmond. Sharon M., Austin. 3203 Walnut Ave.. GR 7-5398 Thurston. Richard E.. Norman, Okla.. 911-G E. 32nd St. Thweatt. Virginia R.. Houston, Blanton Dorm, GR 1-3570 Ticer, James E., Brownsville. 2504 San Antonio, GR 6-8869 Ticknor, Judy, Fort Worth, 2106 Oldham Th I well, Linda J., Fort Worth, Blanton 429, GR 1-1880 Tielke, Elton F , Rosenberg, 307-E Deep Eddy Apts. Tietz. Judy A,, Fredericksburg, 2503 Bridle Path Tiller, J anis R. .Shreveport, La., Blanton Dorm, GR 1-3250 Tillerson, Daphne C.. Galveston, 1603 Rio Grande, GR 6-9817 Tilma. Anthony R., Lubbock. 2616 Wichita. Room 107 Timmons, Richard A.. Odessa, 1908 Wichita, GR 2-4131 Tindall, llarrv U . Corpus Christi, 311 Moore, GR 2-5361 Tinley. Patrick A., Denver City, 500 Bastrop Hwy,, GR 2-7364 Tinnin. Charles F., El Paso, 2910 Red River. GR 2-2586 Tippit. Terry, I-as Vegas. Nev., 808-B Baylor, GR 7-2018 Tipton. Mrs. Ann B., W. Columbia, 6804 Hanover Lane. WA 6-3097 Tobin, Helene L., Crane. 709 W. 22nd St.. GR 8-9891 Tobola, Mrs. Elizabeth P., Houston 4508 Shoal wood, GL 2-8921 Toby, Herbert B.. Dallas. 1801 Rio Grande, GR 8-6980 Todd, Frederic B.. Amarillo. 109 E. 31st St.. GR 8-8177 Todd. Jacques O., Warsaw NC., ’ 1434 B Brack. Apts., GR 6-6551 Todd. James M.. Austin. 2501 Exposition Blvd.. GR 7-4731 Todd. John T„ Heber Springs, Ark., 1103-A Brack. Apts. Todd. Luther B„ Austin, 1315 Norwalk Lane, Apt. 110 A Todd, Phyllis B.. Ennis, 1218 Baylor, GR 7-2438 Todd. Susan L., Austin 2201 Woodmont A v e ., GR 2-5262 Todd, Terence C., Austin, 107 E. Gibson, HI 4-3196 Todd, Terry L., Atwater, Calif., 202 Prairie Dell, HO 5-7238 Toepperwein, Frances J.. N.J., 1309-A Norwalk Lane, GR 2 2342 Tolar, Robert A., Warren. 4500 S. 1st St.. HI 2-6817 Tolbert. Richard B., Victoria, BIS1) Park Place Tolleson, John L.. Sistcrdale, Box 7244. UT St a.. GR 7-0464 Tolson, Robin B.. Harwood. Tom, Steven L., Canipw'ood Tomasulo, Richard C., Austin, 2202 Enfield, Apt. 200. GR 6-0100 Tomlin, Billy F., Austin, I 3104 Bryker, OL 3-3634 Tomlinson, David A., Fort Worth. 1210-A Brack. Apts., GR 2-381 < i Tompkins, Jimmy B.. Austin, 1907 W. 38th St.. G L 2-3888 Tompkins III, William F., San i Antonio Tonahill. Jay D.. Waco. 1302 Mariposa, HI 2-2340 Toothe. Dents L., Austin 7404 Greenhaven Dr.. GL 3-6235 Torgerson, Vernon D.. San Ant., 5813-A Wellington. GL 2-5403 Torrance, Mrs. Shelby F , Corpus, 5707 Coventry, GL 2-3595 Torres. Carlos A., __ 1501-A Brack. Apts., GR 8 6191 Torres Palacios, J. Ivan, Ecuador, 1930 San Antonio, GR 7-1738 Torres, Patricia M., 1501-A Brack. Apts.. GR 8-6191 Trevino, Rosa O., Elsa, 2501 Rio Grande, GR 2-0003 Trevino, Ruben E d i n b u r g , 214 Archway. GR 1-1724 Trevino HI, Samuel J., Mission. San Jac Dorm A-207, GR 8-0252 Treybig, Elizabeth C.. Fayetteville, 604 Harris Ave., Apt. 4, GR8-55aO Treybig, Harvey J., Fayetteville 604 Harris Ave., Apt. 4, GR 8-5550 Tribble, Frank J.. Corpus Christi, 1709 San Jacinto, Apt. 105, Tribble, William D., San Antonio, BEOB 517, PAX 364 Trimble. Susan C„ Orange, 2106 Swisher, Apt. 211 Trippc, Teddy W., Lubbock. I 716 london Lane, GR 2-8090 Trolinger, John IL, San Angelo, 514 Dawson Rd., HI 2-0882 Trollinger, Bobbv J., Bergstrom. 215 Anderson, EV 5-0755 (Berg.) Tropnell, Corinne B.. Austin, 1715 E. 32nd St., GR 2-9051 Trout, Barbara A., Killeen, Blanton 328, GE 1-5501 Trout, Dora M.. Galveston Scottish Rite Dorm, GR 6-9131 Trovver, Robert D., Rankin, 2511 Rio Grande. GR 6-5871 Trube. John C., Houston. I 803 Tirado. Apt. 108. GL 3-7111 Trube. Mrs. Nancy M., Austin, 803 Tirado, Apt. 108, GL 3-7111 Truett, Dale B., Gary, Ind. Box 8034, UT Sta.. GL 2-8078 Trussed, Philip R., Kingsville, 1709-C Brazos Trver, James D., Kingsville, 2109 Red River Tsakalakis, Panagiotis T., San Antonio. 702 E. 24th St. Tsarois, George J., Dallas Tubbs, Charles G., Post. Torres. Rita Y„ Austin, 903 W. Oltorf, HI 2-6613 Torres, Roel O., McAllen, 102 E. 20th St. Toubassi, Tewfic H., Austin. 390-D Deep Eddy Apts., GR 7-1871 Toubassi, Wadih H., Israel. 390-D Deep Eddy Apts., GR 7-1871 Toubin, Charles I., Houston, 1500 E. Riverside Dr.. GR 8-1767 Touchet, Andrea K , Taylor, 707 E. 14th. GR 8-8571. Ext. 268 Towns, David J., Eagle Pass, 2100 Rio Grande Towns. George M., San Antonio, 11900 Dove Haven. GL 2-4682 Towns, James P., Gonzales, Alpha Tau Omega. GR 6-2613 Townsend, Clyde D., Austin, 5206 Guadalupe, HO 5-6179 Townsend, Jr.. Courtnev M., Paris, 2801 San Jacinto Townsend. Diana S.. San Antonio, 2000 Pearl. GR 6-3864 Townsend. Frank M.. San .Antonio, 3001 Red River. GR 6-9825 Townsend, Joan. Woodville. Scottish Rite Dorm. GR 6 9131 Towrv, Marilyn J.. Tulsa, Okla., 4411 Airport Blvd.. GL 2-4474 Tracy, Thomas L., San Antonio, San Jacinto Dorm A 101 Trahan. Michael F.. Orange, 3001 Rod River. GR 7 2147 Trammell, Ray, Palestine, 908-B W. 22nd St. Trapnell, Jr., Robert N.. Austin, 1715 E. 32nd St.. GR 2 9051 Travis, John F.. Texas City, Moor e-Hill Hall 113-B Travis, John T., Austin, 1417-A Brack. Apts.. GR 6-9652 Travis. Mrs. Mary K. R . Waco. 1417-A Brack. Apts., GR 6-9852 Travis, Richard S., Adkins, 1930 San Antonio, GR 7-0617 Traylor, Bill, Conroe. Moore-Hill Hall 223, GR 8-1264 Trent, Marvin O., Austin, 1900 Sabine Trevino, Darnel L., Edinburg. 214 Archway, GR 1-1724 San Jac Dorm A-212, GR 8-025*. Tuck, Joe G., Bastrop Tucker. Charles T., San Antonio, 2704-B Salado. GR 2-7767 Tucker, Josephine V., San Antonio, Red River Tullos, Jr., Napoleon J., Gilmer, Moore-Hill Hall 319-B Tung, Chao-hui, China. 2003 Tupa, 1903 Tupa, 706 Whitis Ave., GR 2-0216 Bernard F „ Ganado. Rio Grande, GR 7-8056 I leonard J., Flatonia, E. 23% St., Apt. 4 Turicchi. Svl W., Rosenberg. 2614 Rio Grande, GR 7-7255 Turkel, David B., Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 3-2135 Turkel, Mrs. Phyllis, Houston, 4411 Airport Blvd., GL 3-2135 Turley, Edward W.. 719 Harris Ave.. GR 2-2667 Turley, John R.. Lubbock. 1008 W. 25%. Apt. 303, GR 7-7395 Turley. Robert C., 906 E. Oltorf, HI 4-3283 Turlington, David T., Austin, 6101 Cary Drive, GL 2-4472 Turman, Bobby N., Dallas, San Jacinto Dorm A-230 Turman, Will A.. Tyler, 2502-A Seton, GR 2 5694 Turner, Bruce F,, Kingsville, 112-B Simkins Hall # Turner. Canda B., Corpus Christi, | 2000 Pearl Turner, Charles H.. Wharton. 2605 Ellise Dr., GL 2-0525 Turner. David S., San Antonio, 900 W. 22nd St., GR 2-1949 Turner, Dorothy E., Austin, 2201-A Turner, Miss., Turner, Nueces Dudley R., Greenwood. 3714 Bonnie Rd., GR 6 5868 Freddie W . Carrizo Springs, 915 W. 21st, Apt. I Turner. Joe M., Kilgore, 3001 Red River, GR 2 6535 Turner, Judith, Beeville, 1008 W. 25%, Apt. 202, GR 8-6525 Turner, Kathryn L., Austin, 2411-A Spring Lane. GR 6 8926 Turner, Keith B., San Augustine, 141(1 A Brack Apts., GR 7-0757 Turner, Richard E., Nacogdoches. 1903 Richcreek Rd.. G L 3-6970 Turner, Shirley J., Dallas, 3003-F Red River Turner, Zenobia H., Dallas. 1416 E. 12th St., GR 6-0398 Turnipseed. Carl D., Austin. 1616 W. 6th St.. GR 6-5536 Twiner. Nancy H., San Antonio, Blanton 210, GR 1-1150 Tyler, Carol, 6909 La Salle, WA 6-2056 Tyler, Linda K., Austin, 905 West Annie St., HI 2-6034 Tyler, Nancy A., Longview Tyson, Elizabeth. Alvin Tvston, William D., Houston, 3208 Duval, GR 6-3180 u Umlaut. 901 W ; U mime!, Carolyn C., Austin 24th Larry Kent, Austin 7905 Tisdale Underbrink, Mary Ruth, Goliad 2211 Leon St., Apt. A. GR 8-6575 Underwood. George Barton. Rogers Moore-Hill Hall. Room 32 A Undemood, Joe Byron, Lufkin 2506%-A Rio Grande. GR 7-8408 Underwood, Marvon. Mont Belvieu. 2303 Red River, 102, GR 2-4607 Underwood. W. C. Mont Belvieu 2303 Red River, 102, GR 2-4607 Upchurch, Donald Gene, Austin 305 E. Braker Lane Upton, J. S. Jr., Conway. Ark 1222E Brack. Apts., GR 8-5954 Urban, James E., Ledbetter, 404 East 16th Urban, Lloyd Victor. San Angelo 3205B Helms, GR 8-6882 Urban, Theresa Antonie. Brenham 417 Blanton Dorm. GR 1-3760 Urban. Walter A., Houston 3106 Duval. Apt. 310 Urdaneta. Maria-Luisa. S. Airier.* 4809 Blueberrv Tr., WA 6-0758 Utsev, Michael Dale. Tyler 3217 Liberty, GR 7-2256 - V- Vail, Dennis Ray, Austin 2306 Longview. GR 6-0043 Vail. Ira Duffy, El Paso 3008 Pinecrest Dr.. GL 2 7312 Valdez, Daniel, Austin 84 E. Ave., GR 7-6926 Vale. H. C.. Dallas 2614 Rio Grande Vale. Samuel F., Rio Grande City 300 E. Riverside Dr., GR 2-3986 Valentine, K. M.« Alaska Box 7056, U T. Sta. Valerga. Stan Paul. Austin 2509A Quarry R„ GR 7-8855 I Valfre, Benjamin, San Antonio 223A Moore-Hill Hall Van Amburgh, Ronald I... Houston 1552A Brack. Apts , GR 7 2126 Vance, Gary Guess, Austin 1310B Brack. Apts. Vance, Lvle R., Corpus Christi 1609C Hartford Rd., GR 2 0812 Vance. Richard B.. Austin 1210 W indsor Rd., GR 8-5325 Vance, Zinna. Liberty Hill 905 W. 22nd I Vandiver. Julie B., San Angelo 1901 Robinhood Tr., GR 7-2011 Vandiver, William R. Garland i 608 Patterson, GR 8 8665 Van Dorfv. Patricia. Houston 2609 University Ave., GR 8-5286 Vanecek, Frank A., Sinton 1401 Enfield Rd., Apt. 204 Vanelli, James C.. Victoria 1910 Wichita, GR 2-9497 Van Ermen, Wm. C., La Maroa# Moore-Hill Hall Van Erp, Stephen D . Houston 2801 San Jacinto, GR 8-5641 Vangul. Emin. Turkey 2511 Seton Ave. G RACIO US LIVING FOR UNIVERSITY GIRLS FRESHMEN TH R O U G H GRADUATES G race H a l l .................................... 2611 W h itis U n ive rsity House . . 2613 U niversity A ve. V a rsity H o u s e ..................... 2309 Nueces St. Pule I J o u r j L o i a l i o n a n t i l f o u r p r i s e f l a n g e m , P a t's Fo r Appointm ent Call GR 8-2228 2512 G uadalupe .-Friday, June 12; 1964 -THE SUMMER TEXAN ■ Pa?* MB _A £«r M old foe Wen Doubt**, $30 Sing!**, $40 SP ta AL SUMMER RATES for Fall Ho«#rvctf»o#if MeSSe ^ytantes SERVICECENTER Authorized Citroen Dealer COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 2612 Guadalupe GR 6-5658 2800 Guadalupe St. GR 8-7921 V anH ooser, R . B ., In d ian ap olis 3104 W. A ve.. G L 3-3991 V an L an din gh am . J . S ., Yorktow n. 353A Moore-Hill H all V an L an d in gh am , L. F ., I^a M arque 2321 R ed R iv e r. G R 2-5719 Vann, R o g e r G ., H untsville 2614 R io G ran d e. G R 2-6644 V an Olphen, H. H., B e lla ire 1310C B ra c k . A pts., G R 8-6611 Van P elt, Dan E .. K e rrv ille 717 VV. 22nd.. G R 7-5052 V an Wie. Stonew all. San Antonio 1805B W. 29th. G R 2-1598 V a r g a s , C arlo s R ., B o livia A -Bar H otel, B o x 16 V arn ad o , R e b e c c a A ., Austin •2212 H artfo rd R d ., G R 2-9430 V arn er, D udley M ., Austin 1512B B ra c k . A pts V asq u ez. Leon te E ., M cAllen 1930 San Antonio. G R 7-0617 V a sq u ez -S a la z ar. Jo s e .. V enezuela 2406 R io G ran d e, G R 2-8124 V asterlin g , M arvin G ., Austin 4301 R a m se y A ve., HO 5-9266 V a tica lo s. R obert L ., K ilg o re ‘2706C N u eces. G R 7-1990 V atter. G e o rg e M .. Houston 5320C B alco n e s. G L 2-5698 V augh an , A shley P. IV. Austin 1918 VV. 39th, G E 3-1982 V augh an. B . F ., C orpus C hristi 2408 P em berton Pkwy. V iughan. Dorothy. I v e m e ss, M iss. 702B W. 23rd. G R 2-7642 Vaughn. Ja c k C., B u rban k. C alif. 1602 M anor R d ., Apt. 3. G R 2-7608 Vaughn. Joh n D avid, K in gsville .3001 VV. 35 V augh an . Jo h n H.. Austin 1010 M e lissa , Apt. I, G R 6-8583 V aughn, Lin da R ., M enard im P e a rl St., G R 8-6188 V aughn. M arlen e G .. Baytow n 1602 M anor R d., G R 2-7608 V aughn. R on ald B ., A ustin 1302 F o lts A ve.. HI 2-3883 V aught, Gordon E . J r ., Baytow n 2208 E n field R d., G R 2-4971 V augh ter, E lizab eth , H ask ell SR D V augh ter, R e e sa M .. Lubbock 1807 B ra z o s, Apt. 27. G R 2-8133 V av ra. J e r r y T ., Sch ulen bu rg, 300 E . R iv e rsid e V eatch , B obbe, Austin 2513 P e a rl. G R 6-3913 V eazey. D o u glas G ., Cibolo 1910 W ichita, G R 2-9497 V eazey, J a m e s G ., M idland 2800 Rio G ran d e, G R 7-8791 Velluci, E lo ise V., D a lla s 2000 P e a rl. G R 7-1883 V elten, Jo a n E „ C orpus C h risti .3202 E G ro om s St. V era, Ju lio , L a P az, B o livia 1903 Rio G ran d e V e ra, M a rg a re t S ., San Antonio 233 Blanton. G R 1-5577 V era. .Rosalind L ., San Antonio 233 Blanton. G R 1-5577 V erdine, B obby G ., Silsb e e 1,301 W. 9th. Apt. B V e r g a r a , G u stav o , M exico IOO W. 26th. G R 2-0790 V erin der, D avid C., Austin 4607 L a s s o P ath , HI 4-2211 V erin der. R ich ard F ., A ustin 4607 L a s so P ath . HI 4-2211 V erley, A m elia G ., San Antonio 209 K in solvin g. G R 1-3905 V erm illion, H enry A., A lbuquerque 1701D N ech es. G R 2-3191 V e m e r, E d w a rd A ., Houston 1807 B ra z o s, Apt. 9, G R 8-4380 V ern or. A. C ., Houston 2400 Leon, G R 6-6225 V c rtre e s, R alph W m „ Austin 2525 H a rris B lv d ., G R 2-2359 V esely , D onald P ., R andolph A F B 2106 Sw ish er, Apt. 214, G R 8-7086 V ice. E d w a rd R ., T e x a s City 3001 R ed R iv e r. G R 2-0524 V ice, Lonnie F ., T e x a s City 3001 R ed R iv e r. G R 2-0524 V ick , N orm an A ., F t, Worth 604 G oodall Wooten. G R 8-4410 V ickers, B e tte L ., Austin 1407 W oodlawn, G R 7 5090 V ickrey, C h arlotte G ., F t. Stockton K K G , G R 8-1691 Victor, D avid J . , A m bur, India 2504 San Antonio Victor. Jo e M .. Houston Rf. 7. B o x 802P, G R 8-4934 V idaurri, A m ad a T ., B o rger 705 W. 25th, G R 6-0226 V illalva. G eo rg e J r . , E l P a so 394B D eep E d d v Apts. V illarreal. B e rth a I., Robstow n, 2501 R io G ran d e. G R 2-0003 V illarreal, D aniel B ., B row n sville, 2502 N u eces. G R 2 2908 V illarreal. J o s e A.. L are d o , 3405 C ed ar, G L 26724 V illarreal, V ictor X .. E a g le P a s s . 1910 R io G ran d e. G R 8-5043 V illescas, J o s e . E l P aso 2603 G u ad alu p e. G R 86235 Vincent. T h o m as M .. San Antonio 1616 W. 6th, Apt. 201. G R 8-7601 Vine. Louella G ., Dilley SR D Virden. D avid R .. Austin 4:504 R im ro ck Path . HI 4 1435 V itters. Donald L ., Austin 1212 E . 51st, C L 2-1503 Vivian. Lynn N ., Austin 1306 N ueces, G R 7-4729 Vivian. R on ald A., Austin 5608 Delwood D r., G L 2-8604 Vogel. Ja n ic e J . , Wichita F a lls 2107 O ldham . Apt. 205. G R 26390 Vogel, Louis J . , A lice 400 E . 30th. Apt. 206 Vogle. Sheryil D ., Corpus C hristi 1909 N u eces, G R 2-1716 V ogler. Jo n A .. M idland 2506 P earl. G R 8-5304 Vogt. Caid W m ., Houston G R 76846 Vogt. Je a n n ie G . Seguin 3309 H elm s. G R 8-1177 Vogt. M rs. R o se M „ Austin 6212 B ro oksid e. HO 5-0134 Vogt, W illiam H , Seguin 3309 H elm s.. G R 8-1177 Voigt, N olan C .. New B rau n fe ls 2211 Leon. Apt. 2P. G R 26150 Voigtel, C arl R .. T e x a s City 2906C U n iv ersity Ave. von B ieb erstein , M ary K ,, Austin 3012 O akh urst, G R 2 1951 von Doenhoff. R obert C., R usk 1008 W. 25V? von H epperger, M onika. Austin 2105 E n field . G R 7-1245 von K re isle r, N icolai A., Austin j 2408 W. 12th, G R 6-3897 Von Stein. F e m L .„ Austin 2608 O akhaven Dr.. HI 26929 V orndam ,, A. V.. Corpus C h risti 804 West A ve., G R 2-9118 Vowed. J a m e s E .. Waco 608 P atterso n , G R 8-8665 W agner, C a r la J . , Randolph A F B 915 W. 21st, Apt. 8 W agner, D onald A., B lanco 700A West A ve.. G R 2-2798 W agner, E d w a rd I.. Austin 6600 Vine S t., O L 3-8029 W agner, F o r r e s t. New B ra u n fe ls 1801 W estlake Dr. W agner. M a ria E ., San Antonio 2506 Whitis, G R 76577 W agner, S a m N ., Austin 605 Clifford D r., HI 2-4218 W agner, Shelby L., V ictoria 511 W. 16th, G R 2-3536 Wahl, M arlen e G ., Austin 2100 R oun tree D r., G R 7-5220 i W aight, A rvel J . . Austin 1205 P a sa d e n a , G L 3-1461 Waite, Sharon A., McAllen 2504 N u eces. G R 7-7594 Waite, Suzanne V.. Austin 1604 N ew field, G R 8 8857 W akefield, R o b ert D., D etroit 7919 L azy L an e, G L 2 8527 Walden, A nita J . . Austin 2701 P e g ra m A ve.. C L 3-3836 Walden. J a m e s L ., Hondo 910A R o m e ria D r.. HO 5-7519 Walden, P a r r y H „ San Antonio 3710B B a ile y Lan e W aldman, R obert ll., D a lla s 2626 Sp eed w ay W aldrep, A ubrv W., M arfa 2508 S an G ab riel, G R 7 5500 W alker, A gn es IL , Austin 6604 D au gh erty. G L 36788 W alker, D onald. W hitewright 2500 E . 22nd. Apt. 206 W alker, D onald R ., O ran ge HOO C olorado. G R 6-4351 W alker. G e o rg e P.. Austin 715 H a rris A ve., G R 760:>2 W alker. G e ra ld M ., Austin ‘2206 Thornton Rd., HI 2-4470 W alker. H arry B .. Austin St. E d w a rd s Univ.. HI 2-0070 W alker. H enry L ., M iles 6617 A rgen tia Rd., G L 3 6 i< 0 W alker. J a m e s W. J r ., A ustin 1816 W. 35th St. W alker, Jim m v R ., Austin 1510A N ew ning W alker, M rs. John E ., A ustin 2104 R aleigh . G R 2-9038 W alker. John E .. G alveston 2104 R aleigh . G R 2-9038 W alker. Jo se p h W.. T em p le 1207E B ra c k . A pts., G R 6-1984 W alker. L a r r y R ., Austin 1109 T r a v is H ts.. HI 26937 W alker. P a u l L.. Port A rthur 329B M oore Hill Hall W alker. P a id W., E lgin 800 San Antonio W alker, R o b e rt C.. Austin 4109 Sp eed w ay . G L 3-8865 Wall. B illy F „ Austin 4503 Round Up T r.. HI 2-7065 Wall, W ilburn C .., M arble F a Us Robf. E . I>x* Hall. G R 26691 W allace, Bennie ll.. Lufkin 326 Moore-Hill Hall - W - Wa< hsm uth. R o b ert. Port N eches W allace, Benny J .. .D a lla s 1002 W. 26th. G R 6-5550 1209A B ra c k . A pts.. G R 8-3266 W achter. P au l G ., Youngstow n. O W allace, B obby G ., S ilv er 1718 Cullen A ve.. HO 5-5116 W addell. C arolin e K ., Baytow n 12G5D B ra ck . Apts G R 8-0060 W addel. D an iel L ., Baytow n 1205D B ra c k . A pts., G R 8 0060 W'ade, Low ell. M idland Sim kin s Hall W ade, M arth a J . . . O range 403 E . 31st W ade. P a t. B a y City 2606 E n field Rd. W ade., Wm. J a m e s . Littlefield 4415 Ave. D, G L 3-2801 W adsw orth, T h o m a s T . T em p le 2204 N u eces. G R 26838 W agener, J a m e s W., Austin 1709 V ista L an e. G R 7-2571 W aggoner. G eo. M ., D eer P a r k 506 W. 34th W aggoner, Jo h n S.. Wichita F a lls 2202 E n field R d .. G R 66100 W aggoner. P a u la , D allas, 1315 N orw alk. G R 8-8913 : 907 E . 32nd W allace, C h a rle s B ., D a lla s 1809 P a lm a P laza. G R 2-o714 W allace, D avid W., S an Antonio 606 W ilm es, G L 2-2687 W allace, E d w ard B .. Sh re v e p o rt 1930 S an Antonio. G R 7-0617 W allace. E m m e tte B ., P a sa d e n a , 154A S im k in s W allace. J a m e s A., Ju n ctio n 1010 w . 25th. G R 8-2686 W allace. Jo se p h A., E lk in s. W. Va. 143A Sim k in s Hall W allace. N an L ., l ^ k e Ja c k s o n 2106 O ldham , G R 8 2990 W allace, P a tr ic ia E ., W eslaco i K in solvin g Dorm W allace. Suzann e Q., A ustin 3204 G ran dview W allace, W anda L ., M idlan d. 1802 W est A ve.,, Apt. 104 W allace, W illiam F ., H ouston 1616 W. 6th, Apt. 417, G R 7-5517 W aller. J a c k D.. Su n ray I 1207 W indsor R d.. G R 7-8643 W alley, Don M ., R ich ard son 500 B a str o p Hwy. L. 50. G R 7-2464 W allis. L in d a J . . F t. Worth 1400B B r a e s R id ge, G L 2-4918 W allis. Olney G .. U a n o 1400B B r a e s R id ge. G L 2-4918 W alls, R a y E .. San Antonio 2813 VV Rio G rande Walne, P a tric ia L.. Austin 302A M oore Blvd. Walsh, C atherine, C e d a r Valley, C ed ar V alley S ta ., HI 4-2839 Walsh. E lizabeth A., B aytow n 2106 O ldham . G R 2-9036 Walsh. J a m e s D.. San Angelo 1505D W. 12th. G R 6-4539 Walsh. B ro . Stephen. Lon g B each , St. E d w a rd s Univ., HI 4-2624 W alsh, Whitney A.. S an Antonio 2&1B Sim kin s Hall W alter, D avid V.. Austin 4516 R a m se y A ve., HO 5 9621 W alter. Jo h n C., Austin 4608 F in ley D r,, G L 3-8378 W alter. M. P .. Austin 4608 F in le y D r.. GU 3*8378 W alter. W illiam D ., F re d e iic k sb u rg 1107 VV. 22V?. G R 8-1232 W alters, B ill G ... G reen ville 514 D aw son R d. W alters. J e r r y L ., A ustin 1410 C oron a, HO >9977 W alters. M ichael C „ Je ffe r so n 305 E . 14th. G R 6-3287 W alters. Vincent R .., Austin 620 A m bsburv. HO 5-8881 W alther. N orm a G .. D a lla s 2610 W hitis, No. 5. G R 8-4241 Walton, A. Ronald. Austin 3005 R ed R iv e r. G R 8-5516 Walton, H enrv H.. P o rt Arthur 3407 C e d ar S t.. GU 2-7029 Walton. John M., Austin 3206 S k y lark . G L 3-3475 Walton, K eitha J . . Sn y d er SR D . G R 6-9131, E x t. 203 Wa na rn a k e r. Kenneth H., Tokvo 1908 San Antonio. G R 7-80M Wand le ss, John F ., C orpus C h n sti 2200 G u ad alu p e, G R 2-5893 Wang. An Chuan. F r e e China 2418 S an Antonio. G R 2-94 ,>6 i j Wang. Lieh Chun, 2418 S an Antonio, G R 7-8408 Wang. M adelin e C .. T aiw an 2407C N u eces., G R 7-6053 Wang. R ong. F r e e China 306 E . 30th t Warm, Trenton W. J r . . B e lla ire 301C Deop E ddy. G R 8-21o0 Ward. Corloyn S.. C h ilic o th e 328 Blanton D orm . G R 1-5086 Ward. D onald C., F a lfu r r ia s •JOI3A R ed R iver. G R >8623 Ward. H arry R . T e x a s City 2213F P e rry A ve.. HI 4 2062 W ard. J a m e s H., W a c o 2012A O ldham . G R 2-4622 W ard. J a m e s W.. Dickinson 2208 E n field R d.. Apt. IO Ward. Jo e L . IIL W aco Box 8466 U. T. S ta , G R 6 0876 W ard. K elly M ., C la rk sv ille 2706 W. 35th W ard. M arilvn L ., Del R io 2005 S tam fo rd la y , G R 6 082a W ard, M ary V., P a le stin e 405 E . 31st W ard. T om K . I.ak e C h arles, I * . 2500 E . 22nd, Apt. 210 W ard. W illiam C.. A ustin 3003 B elm on t. G R 8-4281 W are. Ju n io r L ., P a sa d e n a 1908 W ichita, G R 2-4131 W are. M y ra N „ C orpus C h risti 2206 R io G ran d e W ark. Ja n e t L „ Houston 1108 W. 25V? S t., G R 7-4690 W arnecke. Wilton, New B ra u n fe ls 2007 Whitis A ve., G R 7-5481 W arner. D o u g las W., T y le r I 1711 W estover R r. W arren, G a rv G ., Austin 1314A B r a c k Apts. W arren. Sherlie A., San Antonio 4214 Ave. C., HO 5-5217 W arren, Suzanne, Austin 3404 Shinoak Dr , G L 3-8379 W arwick. R obert W.. Austin 3704 K erbey L n ... G R 3-1854 W ashburn. S am . A bilene | 1201B B ra ck . A pts., G R 6-1347 W ashington. L ois M .„ Port A rthur 21 IO A E . 16th I i W ashington. W alter H., Del V alle RI. I. D el V alle. CH 7 2822 W asicek, D avid L ., W allis 206 W. 38th, HO 5-8185 W aters. C. D iane, Round R ock A L 5-3551 W aters. D avid L .. Houston 2703 Speedw ay. G R 2-8708 W aters, L au rie A., Houston ! S R D , E x t. 48 W aters, R ich ard D ., San Antonio I G oodall Wooten Dorm W aters, T hom as L ., San Antonio 1535B B ra ck . A pts t W athen, Carolyn E ., Houston I S R D . G R 6-9131 W atkins, D ale K ., C ro ss P lain s 3011 Whitis, G R 7-8183 W atkins, L a n a M „ Denison 115 K insolving. G R 1-3659 W atkins, M rs. S allv , Houston 1510A C h elsea Ln ., HI 2-3260 W atkins. T erry A., C ro ss P la in * 3011 Whitis. G R 7-8183 W atson. Bobby J . , Driftwood 409A West 35th, HO 5-9828 W atson. Bonnie L ., Houston 709 W. 2nd. G R 2-9364 W atson. C h arles M .. T errell Robt. E . L ee H all, lim . 30 W atson. C h arlie N ., Austin I , 2810 P e a rl W atson. D ave M., M arshall B rack en rid g e A pts., S ec. D W atson, G ail E ., Austin 2702 M oonlight Bend. G R 7-2934 W atson. Hal J r ., H enderson 1514A B rack . A pts. W atson, Ja m e s B ., Austin 1504 B ro ad m o or, G L 3-5516 W atson, J a m e s B ., Llano 7914 T isd ale D r., G L 2-4657 W atson. John W m., O range 2505 Enfield W atson, K aren R ., Austin 1915 West 38th. G L 3-2985 W atson, L. Jean n in e, Levellan d SR D . G R 6-9131 W atson. Lois P ., Austin 1908 D exter W atson. M artlia A.. C orpus C h risti 3205D G room s. G R 6-1341 W atson. R obert N ., D a lla s 1301 W. 9th. G R 8-2876 W att. Jo e T . J r ., L a re d o •201 W. 31st, G R 6-2337 W atters, H arry B ., Houston 1700 Sabin e. Apt. 5 W atters. Penney L .. Houston 2106 Sw isher. G R 2-5777 W atts. B a r b a r a A . Austin 4009 Brookview R d .. G R 6-1334 W atts. Lew is J r . , Oil City, la y 12121) B ra ck . A pts., G R 8-1091 ; W ay. K ristin K ., Houston 2207 R io Grande* , W ayland, Je a n ie L „ Lufkin 2000 P e a rl, G R 2-2027 I W ayland, Kenneth A., H enderson 1616 W. 6th, Apt. 418. G R 2 8859 W eaks. Ronald I)., S tam ford 1212 C astle HUI, G R 8-4413 W eatherby. G re ta N ., Austin 5902 B u llard D r., HO 5-9271 W eatherford, C h arle s Q .( D a lla s 205 W. 20th. G R 7-1647 W eathers, C a ssa n d ra L ., Houston 1008 W. 25bi S t., G R 8-6902 W eathers. R ich ard E ., W aco 1410 W. 29th W eaver. C h arles N „ Am ariUo 2828 S an Ja c in to , Apt. 3 W eaver, G a ry M ., Austin 3104 W hiteway, G L 3-0898 W eaver, Joh n A .. Sn yder 502 E , 17th, G R 6-2613 W arren. M a rg a re t, M iddletow n. 0 . 1400 R ock Cliff R d .. G R 6-1987 , W eaver, L a r r y H., P lain view 1211 W. 22VV. G R 2-2612 KEY TO BEAUTY 2422 Guadalupe Tbelma Coffey and Dorothy Ellis, owners For Appointment Call GR 2-9266 Friday, June 12, I9 M THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 30B EEDWAY RADIO — TV — HIGH FIDELITY SALES & SERVICE Just South of Gregory Gym We have c o m p l e t e stocks of some of the finest JJiyli ^Jicleiity O f C^om Available 2010 SPEEDWAY Parking in the Rear GR 8-6609 Weaver, M ary K.. Mobile, Ala. 2105 Oldham, GR 8-6155 Webb, Danil E., E. Hampton, N.Y. 708 W. 22%. GR 2-0713 Webb, Edw ard R., Austin 1213B W. 8th, GR 8-9224 Webb, Gary B., Houston 2910 Red River, GR 7-4590 Webb, Hukm T„ West 841 Airport Blvd, GR 6 5643 Webb. Jam es € ., Amarillo 801 E. 45th. HO 5-6217 Webb, Jam es L., Biloxi. Miss. 1109 M aufrais, GR 745743 Webb, John W., Austin 1406 Hartford Rd., GR 7-4796 Webb. Judith M., Temple 803 W. 28th, CR 2-8517 Webb, Laurent B., Brownsville 206B E. 31st. (ill 6-1524 Webb, M artha N., Kerrville, 1901 Nueces W(‘bb. Mary I,ee. Austin 501 Clover Crts., HI 4-1658 Webber. Karen D„ Odessa 405 E. 31st. GR 2-8429 Weber, W ane, Amarillo 2000 P earl. GR 7-51*9 Weber, Wayne T., Fredericksburg 2308 Enfield Rd., GR 2-5602 Wehner. Sharon A., Houston 334 Blanton Dorm. GR 1-1269 Weda, Kenneth A., Austin 4518 ShoaJwood, GE 2-8206 Wedding. Jam es V.. Marshall 1109E Brack. Apts.. GR 7-1464 Weddington, George R. 2405 Trafalgar Dr.. WA 6 0289 Weeks, Dorothy R., San Antonio 807 E. 30th. GR 2-2186 Web rn ever. Lunette, F red’rioksb rg 215 Blanton Dorm, GR 1-1495 Weedier. W arren L,, Austin 1304 Hillcrest Dr.. GE 2-1510 Weigel, Mabel D.. Austin. 2513 Hartford, GR 7-1478 Weigh Frederic. Austin, __ 1005-B E. 32nd St.. GR 2-*392 Weikel, Jim m y A., La Grange. 2106 Swisher, GR 6-4257 Weil, Nancy, Corpus Christi. 709 W. 22nd St.. GR 8-9891 Weil, Robin C.. Corpus Christi, 710 E. Oltorf, HI 4-3362 Weilbacher, Joan. San Antonio, 2206 Rio Grande, GR 8-7621 W ehner. Wilma K., Palacios. Box 333, S.U. Sta., UN 3 2879 Weinert. Kirk W.. Beaumont, 3001 Red River, GR 8-7584 Weinert. Sally E., Beaumont, 3001 Red River, GR 7-1200 Weinstein, Jerry L., Fort Worth, 3011 Whitis. Apt. 207 Wcintraub, John, Houston Weir. Woody W., Abilene, 2503 Pearl, GR 8-3491 We is (Hi burg, Lugay, Dallas, 1802 W. Ave., Apt. 203, GR2-2662 Weiss, Judith A. C.. Irving. 405-A W. 39th St., CL 2-9666 WTeiss, d i n E., San Antonio. 405 A W. 39th St.. CL 2-9666 Weisse, Kathleen L., San Antonio, 2610 Whitis, GR 2-9304 Weisse**, F. L.. New Braunfels, 1604-B Rio Grande. GR 2-2621 W eissert, William F., Dallas. 2801 San Jacinto, GR 8-5641 Welch. Nancy A.. Breckenridge. I I i 3001 Red River. Apt. 116 Welch, Thomas J.. Dallas, 700G Manor Rd., GR 2-0133 Welch, Mrs. Zetda K., Dallas, 3503 Grooms, GR 6 5803 Weldon. Jam es D.. 6808 Dubuque Lane, WTA 6-2819 Weldon, T erry L., Carthage. 303 Academy Dr., GR 8-8872 Welhausen, Mildred A., Shiner, 2504 Nueces, GR 7-7594 Wells, Edw ard L., Houston, 2627 Wichita, Wells, E rnest S.. Austin. Box 7581. UT Sta., CL 8 1449 Wells, Francis S., Edna, 3008 Cedar. Apt. A-l, GR 7-5110 Wells. George, Dallas, 2217 West Lake Dr.. GR 2-6658 Wells, Janet M.. Dallas. Blanton 302, GR 1-5909 Wells, Janna L., Kosse. I 309 W. 29th St. I I Wells. Maurice L., Tyler. 915 VV. 21st St.. GR 8-8971 Wells, Reva T., El Paso, I 5017 Lansing, HI 2-8302 Wells, Mrs. Shirley A. B.. Austin, 9301 Cameron Rd., GE 2 5652 Wells, Thomas H.. Austin, 2204 De Verne, HI 2-3419 Welmaker. Jr., Ben IL, Houston, 1706-A Brack Apts., GR 2-7878 ! Welty, Jeanette, Robstown, 3109 C R St. Yang, Jung H., China, 2418 San Antonio, GR 2-9456 Yang, Sub Y., Korea, 302 E. 26 54 St. Yarbrough, Betty J., La Feria, 1005 Harwood Place, HI 2-1664 Yarbrough. Jr., Carlton D., Austin, 1428 A Brack. Apts., GR 6-8785 Yarbrough. Don, Lancaster, Box 12264, GL 3-5187 Yarbrough, Jerrv W., Abilene, 390 C Deep Eddy Apts.. GR 7-1860 Yarbrough, John D., Dallas, 392-B Deep Eddy Apts., GR 24)691 Yates, Lynda S., Austin, Kinsolving Dorm Yawn, L arry M. B.. Alvarado, 2502 Nueces, GR 8-0370 Yeager, Jam es S., Springfield, 2803 Hemphill Park, GR 6-8169 Yeargan, Je rry R., Kirby, Ark., 3909 Bailey Lane Yeates, Jam es P., Jasper, 1606 B Brack. Apts., GR 2-7064 Yeates, Randall K., Austin. 3404-B Montrose. GR 6-8865 Yerby, M ary V., Austin. 3906 Grayson Lane, GR 8-1253 Yoon, Jong S., Korea. Box 8337, UT Sta., GR 1-3730 York, Je rry L., Fort Worth, IIO414 E, 28th St. York. L arry F ., Palestine, 1808 West Avenue, GR 8 3917 York, Sherry L., Dallas, 608 P ark Place Youash, Sabah Y., Iraq, Box 7211, UT Sta. Youash. Younathan Y., Iraq, 2502 Nueces Youdan, Dawn W„ Houston. 4323 Airport Blvd., GL 3-7971 Young, Bobby W., Stamford Young, Clifford W., Cleveland, 605 Elmwood, GR 8-1727 Young, Mrs. Ellen, Fairfield, III., 3001 Duval, Apt. 206 Young, Jr., F arrile J., Houston, 890 E. 23rd St.. GR 2-9673 Young, J r., Ira L., 1613-B Brack Apts., GR 6-0112 Young, Jam es M., San Angelo, 1211-F Brack. Apts., GR 7-7372 Young, Lynette, F ort Wdrfh, 2422-A San Antonio Young, Jr., M arcellus, Ft. W’orth, University YMCA, Room 4 Young, Robert W.. Austin, 358-D Deep Eddy Apts., GR 2-4382 Young, Ross L., Dallas, 2614 Rio Grande Young. Roy E., San Angelo, 1909 Rio Grande, GR 6-0900 Youngblood. Jr., H. Mills, Waskom, 400 E. 30th St.. Apt. 102 Youngbloom, Carvin O., Hutto, 170714 Brackenridge St. Younger, Lorraine W.. San Marcos, 600 B arbara Dr., EX 2-4350 (SM) Youngman, Arthur L., Evergreen Park. 111.. 302 E. 33rd, GR 7-5632 Yousef, Yousef A.. Egypt, Box 7521, UT Sta., HO 5-8207 Yousif, Mohamed S., Saudi Arabia, Box 7127, UT Sta., GR 2-1800 Yui. Alexander K.. China, 2202 Nueces. Box 7362. UT Sta, Yule, Ronald J., Kountze. 2512 San Antonio. Apt. B-2 -Z Zacharias, William F., Giddings, Zalles, Luis E.. Bolivia, 3405 Kay St., GR 2 6751 Zamorsky, Mildred Mary B., Thrall Zanders, John. Dallas, 2208-1) P erry Ave. Zanes, John P.. 121011 Brack. Apts.. GR 7 2063 Zappe, E. Elaine, Ballinger, 4505 Rimrock Path, HI 4-1361 Zarate, Ida, Brownsville, 2501 Rio Grande, GR 24)003 Zarskv, Frank E., Austin, 302 E. 34th St., GR 6 8042 Zavic, Geraldine L., Killeen, 2610 Whitis. Apt. 5. GR 8-4211 Zehner, William M.. Fort Worth, 300 E. Riverside Dr., GR 2-3986 Zeigler, John D., Austin, 204-B W. 32nd St., GR 8-7196 Zenner, Richard B., Houston, 1930 San Antonio Zidd, Peter L., Austin. 1412 Preston. GR 6-0572 Ziegler. Henry, Austin, 2712 E. 22nd St., GR 7-7207 Zimdars, Benjamin P., Bonduel Wis., 2804-B San Pedro, GR 2-8060 Zimm erm an, Beverly A., San Ant., 190® University Ave., GR 8-0693 Zimm erm an, Charlotte A., Cuero, 2303 Red River. GR 7-8196 Zimm erm an, Marvin B., Austin, 206 W. 38th St., GL 2-7163 Zimm erm an, M ary J., Houston, 1802 West Avenue Zimm erm an, Rachel A., Houston, Kinsolving Dorm Zimm erm an, Sandra L., San Ant.* 2610 Whitis, Apt. 3. GR 6-6033 Zimm erm ann, UIL San Antonio, 904-B W. 21st St., GR 8 8935 Zimm erm ann, Wayne J., San Ant.* 2052 Manor Circle, Apt. D-12 Zink. Blanche P., Dallas, 1813 Pasadena Dr.. GL 2-7347 Zlatkovich, Charles P., Austin, 5900 Cary Drive, HO 5-8134 Zoth, Virgil L., Houston. 1801 Rio Grande, GR 2-4900 Zrubek, Jan et J., G ranger. 2106 Swisher, Apt. 114, GR 2-7412 Zubarik, Charles J., Goldsboro, N.C., 905-C W. 2214 St.. GR 8-6645 Zurovetz, Dorothy M., Taylor Sears Has the Latest Campus Fashions . . . at Low, Low, Prices ... For the Thinking ... For the Girls M an R O E B U C K A N D C O H e Thinks About Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 32B 41st ft Interregional Hancock Shopping Center GL 2-9211 HEMPHILL'S r< g Corporate Aid To University Tops SI Million Corporate support for the Uni­ versity set a record in 1963, in­ c r e a s i n g 63 per cent, from nearly j $700,000 in 1962 to more than one million dollars last year. This increase is no accident. In 1962 the University created the National Corporation Committee, composed of 28 business leaders in the nation. L. L. “Tex” Colbert, chairman of the board of Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Ltd., and a member of the University De­ velopment Board, was elected chairman. T H E P U R P O S E of tins com mit­ tee is to stress to corporations the importance of higher education in training specialized personnel for | the advancement of their own company interests, said C. C. Jit­ ter" Nolen, assistant director of j the University Development Board, i Although TO per cent of studies at the University are in the arts and sciences field, the majority of donations last year were for engi­ neering and medical research. “Tile appeal in the medical field is more widely advertised,” Nolen said. “A layman who sees a sick person can understand his need, j Cultural deprivation is not so ob­ vious. Also, this is the era of big science when every company wants a Ph.D. research scientist on its staff whether it needs him or not." | ! I N A L E T T E R sent to 500 alumni who are heads or chief executives of major state and national corpo­ rations, Colbert said the University received more than eight million in private gifts “ to help dollars in- j provide quality programs of struction, research, and public service in a complex, modem , pub­ lic university.” $1,133,693 of this amount was contributed by busi­ ness and industry organizations, he said. “ Business and industry, in their own enlightened self-interest, are assuming a more responsible part in voluntary support of higher edu­ cation,” Colbert said. “The whole fabric of our society has becom e so com plex,” he said, “ that no company, large or sm all, or whatever its line of business, nly *3-95 GHOSTS ALONG T H E M IS «IS - Old S ilP P l: T h e Magic of H ouse* of L o u is ia n * . B y C la re n c e J o h n L a u g h lin . W ith BX) s u p e r b p h o to g r a p h s . A v iv id h is to ry in w o rd s a n d p ic tu r e s o f a g ra c io u s w a v o f lif e : th e a r c h ite c tu r e , la n d ­ sc a p in g . d e c o r a tio n a n d n o s ta lg ic a tm o s p h e r e . S ize IO * x l z Q . O rig P u b . a t $12.50 Only $o.Ja the to th e a n d s t a r open h e lp e d tw e n ty d r a w in g s & te c h n ic a l d a ta . t h e B y z a n tin e S Y M P H O N IE S OF T H E N I N E B E E T H O V E N T h e SC ORE. IN sc o res c le a r ly re p ro d u c e d w ith an o r ig in a l s y s te m f o r s im p lif y in g th e re a d in g o f sc o re s. H is to r ic a l a n d c r itic a l c o m m e n t p r e c e d e s each s y m p h o n y . Pub. a t $7.o0 Only $2.98 ATLAS O F T H E U N IV E R S E . Ed. b v ll. E. B u tle r. P h .D ., R o y a l O b­ s e r v a to r y , E d in b u r g h . T h e d isc o v ­ illu s ­ e r ie s o f m o d e rn a s tr o n o m y t r a t e d w ith h u n d r e d s o f b e a u tifu l p h o to s, c h a r ts . T e x t in a lp h a b e tic a lly a r r a n g e d e n ­ c y c lo p e d ia w ith sim p le , c o n c ise e x ­ p la n a tio n s . S ize 7 % x 10 \$. O nly $2.00 P u b . a t $9 95 TH E M OVIE S. B y R ic h a rd G r if f ith a n d A ri b u r M a y e r. T r e m e n d o u s pic­ to r ia l h is to r y o f m o tio n p ic tu r e s fr o m p re -n ic k le o d e o n d a y s th e p r e s e n t in a m a s siv e 9V4 x 12l a vol­ u m e c o n ta in in g I . OOO w o n d e r f u l p ic­ tu r e s a n d 150,000 b r i ll i a n t w o rd s o f c o m m e n ta r y a n d c a p tio n s . P u b . a t $15.00 Only $5.95 FRITZ H E N L E ’8 F IG U R E S T U D ­ IES. E x tr a o r d in a r y u n u s u a l m a s te r p ie c e s o f p h o to g r a p h y o f th e fe m a le n u d e in c o lo r a n d b la c k a n d w h ite , w ith P u b . a t $6 95 Only $2.98 T H E D A Y O F SAN JA C IN T O . Bv F r a n k X . T o lb e r t. 9 Illu s . & 3 fa n t a s tic story o f M aps. E x c itin g , S a m H o u s t o n 's ran r eb els w h o S a n ta Anna s ar m y o u t o f T e x a s t h e A m e ric a n a n d W e st. P u b a t $4.75 O nly *1.98 T H E P A G E A N T OF P A I N T I N G : From to P ic a s so . B y D E sp e z e l a n d F o s c a . N e a rly 250 illu s ., HO in f u ll c o lo r, m a n y fu ll p a g e size. T h e h i s t o r y of th e g ro w th o f c r e a tiv e p a in tin g o v e r th e p a s t a sp le n d id v o lu m e of p ic tu r e s w ith a te x t r e f le c tin g th e b e st o f m o d ­ e r n s c h o la r s h ip . S ize 8*2 x 11% . P u b . a t $15 00 Only *8.95 W ILD , WOOLY A W IC K E D . B y H a r r y S. D ra g o . T h e s p ir ite d , c o l­ o rfu l s t o r y of th e h e ll- r o a r in g K a n ­ sa s c o w lives o f A b ilen e , E lls w o rth . N e w to n , W ic h ita . C a ld w e ll a n d D o d g e C ity . P u b a t $5.00 Only $1.98 C O M PLETE WORKS O F S H A K E S ­ th e p la y s , c o m p le te PE A R E . All so n n e ts t h e a n d u n a b r id g e d : nil a n d p o e m s . O v e r 1.000 p a g e s , c le a r , d a r k ty p e , c lo th b o u n d w ith gold s ta m p in g . P u b . a t $6 25 Only $2.49 TH E W I N N I N G TOUCH IN GOLI-. I n tr o d . by B y P e t e r G. C r a n f o rd . in c o lo r. A G a ry M td d le c o ff. Illu s . im p ro v in g m a j o r c o n tr ib u tio n y o u r g o lf —a c le a r a n d w o r k a b le a p ­ p lic a tio n o f p sy c h o lo g ic a l p rin c i­ ples fo r c o n fid e n c e , p r a c tic e , a r ju s t- m en t, e tc , P u b . a t $7 50 Only $2.98 T H E AM ERICAN G I N No. 3. A r ti­ c le s o n a n ti q u e g u n s. h u n t in g d u c k s, w o o d co ck , g o sh a w k , s h o tg u n s , etc. H a n d so m e ly in b la c k & i ll u s t r a te d w h ite a n d f u ll c o lo r. P u b . at 6.00 Only *1.98 JO H N R A N SO M ’S D IA R Y . I n tr o d bv B r u c e C a tto n . U lu s, w ith old a c c o u n t of p rin ts . a in A n d e rso n v ille p r is o n e r o f w 'ar s h o w i n g t h a t so m e o f th e s u f f e r in g o f U n io n m e n t h e C o n f e d e r a te in p ris o n s vvas o f t h e i r o w n m a k in g . A d v e n tu re su s p e n s e t h a t r e a d s lik e a novel P u b a t $5 95 O nly $-198 T H E MAGIC OF T H E O PER A. A l i l t a r r M e m o i r o f t h e M e t r o p o l i t a n . Bv M a ry E llis P elt/.. H u n d r e d s o f iiiu s in c lu d in g 72 s u p e r b new' pho­ to s b y G jo n M ill w ith 6 fu ll c o lo r p a g e s’. L it e r a l ly a h is to r y o f th e o p e r a in A m e ric a in th is h a n d s o m e a lb u m o f t h e s ta r s & p e rfo rm a n c e s . th e m a g ic a n d n o s ta lg ia o f th e old Only Sd 9a M et. P u b . a t $10.00 th e v io le n t F ir s t- h a n d c e n tu r ie s to w n s f o r in HEMPHILL'S 2244 Guadalupe Store ONLY Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SU M M ER TEXAN Page 7, All State Schools Now Integrated Governor John Conically disclosed Tuesday all state colleges and uni­ versities have been integrated. Pri­ vate institutions, however, are not included in this announcement. Connally said that the action by the regents of the two teachers colleges was a voluntary approach to ending segregation and was more effective than legislation. Connally revealed the action dur­ ing a discussion on civil rights em­ ployment problems at the National Governors Conference in Cleveland. Ohio. Actually only two colleges were not integrated. East Texas State at Commerce and Sam Houston State at Huntsville. Pease Room Collection Acquires Heirloom Quilt A 122-year-old quilt has been do­ nated to the Texas State Library’s Pease Room Collection by Mrs. Robert Darling of Port Arthur-. Mrs. Darling donated the family heirloom, designed and quilted by Mrs. Julia Ann Summers Wickline af Gap Mills, W. Va., to be placed an the four-poster bed in the Pease Room. The quilt represents the lcirca 1840 period. The regents declared that all qualified applicants, regardless of race, will be admitted to tho two state teachers colleges. A third college, Tarleton State College at Stephenville, does not have Negro students, because it has not had qualified applicants, a spokesman for Connally said. reported At Houston, United Press Inter­ national that Newton Gresham, president of the board of regents, said that board m em ­ bers had agreed to stop persuading Negro applicants to the teachers colleges to stop their applications until racial feelings became less tense. Gresham said that in the past the teachers colleges had tried to per­ suade the Negro applicants to de­ lay their action until there had been some evolution in thinking. Saturday Scholars Have Union Rooms For Night Study Texas Union 319 and 312 have been reserved for Satur­ day night study rooms by the Students’ Association. Greg Lipscomb, president, said the rooms will be open from 5 p.m. to midniht through the summer because Univers­ ity libraries are closed Satur­ day nights. Lipscomb also said that tho Students’ Association office in Union 323 will be open from I to 3 p.m. Monday through Fri­ day and by appointment. Since the Association’s stand­ ing committees do not function in the summer, he said, stu­ dents are needed to work on a variety of committees. XI 9 M WBWM Wk UPW MMG! UT Artist Visiting Spain Loren Mozley, professor of art, has embarked on a museum and field trip to Europe which will take him to the principal art cent­ ers and architectural sites of Spain. Shorter trips are planned to Portu­ gal, France, and Italy. He will ! return to his post in January. ChemistsFocus ForSymposium Technical papers on colloidal and surface chemistry are being pre­ sented by 23 chemists and chemical engineers at the thirty-eighth Na­ tional Colloid Symposium, Thurs­ day through Saturday. Basic research on colloids and surface chemistry is the primary concern of the symposium, although industrial and academic chemists participate. DR. NORMAN HACKERMAN, vice-chancellor for academic af­ fairs and professor of chemistry, delivered a welcoming address Thursday morning. Erie Hutchin­ son, chairman of the national col­ loid symposium committee, also welcomed the participants. Friday’s sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to noon and from 2 to 5 p.m. Dr. William Wade, assist­ ant professor of chemistry, will preside at the Saturday session from 9 a m. to noon. Dr. J. H. DeBoer of the Netherlands is spec­ ial guest of honor at the symposi­ um. FACULTY MEMBERS attending the symposium include Dr. Robbia Anderson, professor of chemistry; Dr. William Bradley, professor of chemical engineering; Dr. James R. Brock, assistant professor of chemical engineering; and Dr. David Himmelblau, associate pro­ fessor of chemical engineering. Also Dr. Frederick Matsen, pro­ fessor of chemistry and physics; Dr. L. O. Morgan, professor of chemistry; and Dr. Robert Schech- ter, professor of chemical engineer­ ing. Texans Sold on Campus Summer Texan “honor boxes** have been placed at strategic places on campus. Price of the pa­ per Is five cent. Boxes are located at the Union, the Business Admini- stration-Economics Building, and Townes Hall, said Loyd Endmonds. general manager of Texas Student Publications. Summer Texan Classified Ads Furnished A p a rtm e n ts Furnished A p a rtm e n ts R oom s for Rent A IR -C O N D IT IO N ED . T W O la rg e bed- $35.00 FO R MAN M odern C lean room s. fab u lo u s b a th , k itchen, sit- i lin g room C arpeted W a tc r. $120 1102 W est 22nd GR 8-9125 Ideal fo r 3. G as- c r a to n H fc -G Speedw ay I rl- v ale e n tra n c e . P riv a te bath m i n g ­ en- (b a ck tra n c e ). Vt A 6-2564 G R 2-0962. $22.5<>-$35 OO fo r m en. P riv a te e n tra n c e , p riv ate bath. R e frig e ra to r. M odern, see C lean. 1906 S an G abriel. ■•TIO W h itis and 102 W est 1 8 th ». G it 7- 8158 GR 85361 GR 8-2864 GR 2-0952 (A lso N IC E ROOM FO R g ir ls - P r i v a t e hom e w ith o r w ith o u t kitchen p rivileg es. A vailable su m m er, fall GR 2-6806. ROOM IN P R IV A T E hom e y o u n g m an. A ir-conditioned 1 fu r th e r in fo rm a tio n . C all GR 2-0207. fo r on* l o r Houses— Furnished For Rent T yping SH O A L C R E E K A PA R T M E N T S In d iv id u a l W alk ing d ista n c e U niversity . O ne b ed­ room . A ir-con d i­ tioned C a rp e te d N ear sh o p p in g cen­ te r. R e a so n ab le ('a ll a f te r 5 d u rin g w eek days. M a n a g e r - GR 6-2547 p atio s ra te s, M ARTHA ANN ZIVLEY M B A ty p in g se rv ­ A co m p lete p rofessio nal ice ta ilo re d to th e needs of U nivers­ ity stu d e n ts. Sp ecial k ey b o ard eq u ip ­ m en t fo r lan g u ag e, science, a n d e n g i­ n e e rin g th e se s and d is se rta tio n s P h o n e GR 2-3210 & GR 2-7677 2013 G U A D A LU PE For Sale E X P E R T IBM T Y PIN G . T heses., re­ p o rts. briefs G ood ra te . Mrs. K. U. B rad ley , G L 3-8848. O R D E R YOUR new V olksw agen d i­ re c tly fro m G erm any S ave $150 or 271 a G oad. m o re U n iv ersity M trs. GR 2-7152 _____ ________ _ CUSTOM M ADE HEALY C o rvette. Sacrifice. $2500.00. C all H I 2-3702 "ONE IS NEARER GOD S H E A R T IT,’ A GARDEN th a n a n y w h e re else on e a rth —a poetic fa c t p ro m p tin g th e ow n e r of E to n- A rm s to c re a te one of A u stin 's m oat b e a u tifu l Azalea g a rd e n s in th e h e a rt o f e lite E nfield w h e re la a v ailab le a fu rn ish e d c h a rm in g ly , a rtis tic a lly o n e-b ed ro o m a p a rtm e n t. fo r Id ea l HONEYM OON C O U P L E o r B A C H E ­ re fin ed L O R (MAN OR WOMAN*, la d y o r g en tle m a n , It h a s tile k itch en , b a th (tu b it show er*. TW O K IN G ­ S IZ E C LO SETS. C O V E R E D E N ­ C L O SE D C A R PO R T, T W O R E F R IG ­ E R A T IO N U N IT S fo r cooling, p an el- r a y h e a te r, N EW R E F R IG E R A T O R W IT H H U G E F R E E Z IN G COM­ P A R T M E N T . p lu s peace and q u ie ­ tu d e , being only 4 u n its In a ttra c tiv e b u ild in g on larg e, tre e -stu d d e d law n. la rg e living room , liv in g alone, fo r 2 y e a r lo n g -term R e n t fre e to J u n e 15 to te n a n t. O nly $79 50 pius u tilitie s L e ss lu x u ry c la ss b u t p o p u la rly priced to a p p eal to p e rm a n e n t people. D ial GR 2 6853 f o r a p p o in tm e n t. lease In SU M M ER R A TES. L A R G E efficiency. to o led B ills S e p a ra te k itchen A ir paid $54.50. 915 W est 21st. GR 8-9125 Room and Board H O W E L L HOUSE — $75 A ir-condi­ good P a rk in g Q uiet n e ig hb orho od . tio n ed D aily m aid food. 304 E ast 32nd GR 84)515. service, Duplex— Furnished B R IC K , 2 b e d ro o m - d e n . C e n tra l A /C. N e a r U n iv ersity — H ancock C en ter. 3 s tu d e n ts o r fa m ily . GR 7-8411. F O U R SPACIOUS ROOMS w ith terrace to be ap p re c ia te d . a n d y a rd Seen $65.00. 603 W est 13th GR 6-3081 P R I V A T E. A TT R A C T IV EL Y F U R ­ N IS H E D . a ir-c o n d itio n e d , m ah o g an y p an e le d , slid in g g lass door, c a rp o rt o n e bedroom . 2407 W e st 9th. $75 C L 2- 0229 o r GR 8-3169. Houses for Sale A T C A M P U S A ir-c o n d itio n e d : a ttra c tiv e !v fu rn ish ed •‘ff k te n c y a p a rtm e n t. C all 1920 Speed­ way P h o n e GR 7-6818. H a lf block U n iv ersity , sh o p p in g 603 E lm w ood $40.-$55. 3110 D uval $60 00. L a rg e H ouse. $65 . G L 2-4516 $69.50. D E L IG H T F U L A /C a p a rtm e n t Spacious. M odern C lean O odles clos­ e ts . F re e z e r. 2015-A R ed R iver. O pen. WA 6-2564 GR 2-0952 630. E F F IC IE N C Y A PA R T M E N T F u r ­ n ish ed . L a rg e room s A ir-conditioned. S in g le o r couple. P riv a te Gas paid. I j C R 7-1991. GR 8-2258. s tu d v . d in in g K IC E 2 BEDROOM a p a rtm e n t Has room N ice k itchen j A /C . 5 blocks of U n iv e rsity . GR 6-0819 : | G R 2-3163 ~ ’ PRIVATE P A T IO th is new fu rn ish e d apt I b d rm F o r n e a r U niv. W ood paneled, inside wood s h u tte r s , p le n ty closets, w all to wall - a rp e ts. d ra p e s, A/C. c a rp o rt, tile bath. ; tre e s G as. w a te r paid. $«0/n»o. in su m ­ m er o n in F a ll-S p rin g on le a se 612 A & B W. 31Me S t. Apts have to n o t b een re n te d , f^how T o «>Uon. 1009 F ro st N a tl B an k B ldg . Nan A n to n io , A rea Code 512, CA 7-2231 o r T A 6-0102. Call collect to leas" lease call o r w rite G A. j lease. $95 re q u e s t te n a n ts R E D E C O R A T E D A /C ON E -tw o b ed ­ ro o m a p a rtm e n ts. 2406 R io G r a n d e , 792 W e st 21 Vs. Tw o b locks from U ni­ v e rs ity . C L 3-5314 C L 2-1339 P L A Y B O Y S b e a m e d firep la ce, in o ak tre es ceilings H a n g in g te r r a zo flo o rs p riv a te (.arn led w alls, tile b a th , m odern - ard th is new ‘2 k itc h e n an d fu r n itu r e b d rm . A /C apt. On 3 m o su m m er leas*. $75 p e r m onth. O n 9 mo. F all- M pring lease, $115 fo r 3, $1*25 fo r 4. T e n a n t pays bills. A pts h av e not been re n te d , re q u a s t te n a n ts t o show 3408 A & B W est Ave. C all o r w rite G A. o is o n , 1009 F ro s t N a tl B ank B ldg . S an A ntonio, Area C ode 512, CA 7-2231 o r 'I \ 6-0102. To lease, c a ll collect. $110 OO— W a te r, C O L O N IA L MANOR 1212 W est 13th 2 bed­ la u n ­ gas r o o m s . A /C . carp e ted d ry GR 2-4838 GR 8-6935 paid c a rp o r t, L A K E AUSTIN. SM A LL w a te rfro n t catlin. F u rn ish e d a ir-c o n d itio n e d . 25 m in u te s to cam pus, $35 G R 8-6383 C L E A N . Q U IE T . A /C . u p s ta irs Ideal fo r s tu d y $6* G as-* d e r p aid , GL 3- •'•742 a f t e r 5:30. N IC E L Y F U R N IS H E D 2 ne ro o m s. A ir-condition I I bed­ ' I wo blocks s tre e t p a rk in g W eek­ c am p u s. O ff d ay * c a ll G R 7-4471. STX D IO A PA R T M E N T E T T E : 2 la rg e clo sets K IT C H E N ­ ti l e sh e w e r- b a th round P riv a te e n tra n c e Y ear A /C $65.1JO bills paid A v aila b le lo th GR 8438(1 T H E TOWERVIUW law b u ild in g C u lv er- 1 finest, h u g e one bim- j effic ien c y ). fu r n itu r e 1V4 b lo c k L a s t slty 'f, n ew e st, F e a tu rin g ro o m s (N o t m o d e r n D an ish F ro st free r e f r ig e r a to r , g a rb ag e d isp o sa ls, p an ­ ra te s — $90 OO w a te r tr ie s an d g a s p aid P le n ty p a rk in g If you like. look 2501 O ldham S u m m er y o u ’ll G R 2-8772 C R 6-0227 N EA R U N IV E R SITY . F U R N IS H E D 2 bedroom house. A /C . C ouple o r 3 boys. S u m m e r ra te s $85 OO. 2810 P e a rl, H I 241438. ______ . O v erh au led 1956 FO RD O M A TIC TUD OR V icto ria 9 m o n th s g u a ra n te e . No jew el H an dy tr a n s p o r­ ta tio n . $265.00. G R 6-3087. __ __ tra n sm issio n $89.50. D A R L IN G A /C hom e. R edeco­ ra te d . M odern. W asher. N ice y a rd . 2004 A lgeria a n d 2000 P e q u e n a (N o rth ­ w e st). B oth open. W A 6-2564 GR 2-0952. Houses— Unfurnished PRIVACY F E A T U R E D C lean, cool one bedroom c o tta g e . 606 W est 31 st; $55 N ear C am pus. S ho p p in g . L E IG H . _______ j HO 5-9110. _ _ E a st W oods I N E A R U N IV E R SITY . SCHOOLS, and 2 P a rk srre e n e d porches. $80. O w ner-—GR 6- 9271. rooms;. 5 Apartments— Unfurnished U N F U R N IS H E D S T U D I O A PAR i - MKNT $50.00. B ills paid N ice liv in g room , w ith wr»od b u rn in g fire p la c e , b edroom w ith big closet. S m all k itc h ­ to W est E n field en and bath. Block Pool and to U T Please* call before 12 o r a f te r 3 GR 2-5336. te n n is co u rts. 5 m in u te s a p a rtm e n t. A ir-conditio ned, A TT R A C T IV E LARG E O N E bedroom la u n d ry law c e n te rs. N o pets. GR 7-0769 to U n iv ersity , room . C onvenient school, GR 76859 U N IV E R SIT Y C O U PL E. F IV E room s show er, U tilitie s In q u ire 2055-B S ab in e. _____ n e ar stove. paid. G R 2*1043. sta d iu m re frig e ra to r. T ile b a th , (85.00. rugs Special Services W IZA RD AIR C O N D IT IO N E R ton. 220V as is - $ 5 0 G L 2-8231. one FO R F A T H E R S DAY g iv e: K odak 8mm m ovie cam e ra. P e rfe c t w o rk in g c o n d itio n —$15 OO M an s S u n b ea m elec­ tric ra z o r w ith case. New co n d itio n $15.00. C all GR 7-7293 a f te r 5 00 p m. SA ILBO A T. 18 FOOT. Y-FL'YER class. P la n in g ty p e Good co n d itio n . T r a il­ er. $993.00 GR 8-6070 HONDA 50 U n der 1000 m iles. Call GR 8-78U6 2006 W in ste a d L an e. $27a. 1 9 5 7 M E R C E D E S B EN Z 190 4-door recent le a th e r b ucket sea ts, *edan. en g in e o v e rh au l. $350 GR 8-0640. I 1960 TR-3 B LAUK-red in te rio r O /D $1195 00. 6609 A rg e n t ia Rd. ... ....... ____ _ ___ R /H | C L 2-7003. SA ILBO A T 30 F T long fixed k e el- alu m in u m m a st a n d b o o m --$450. In- i elu des sails and o u tb o a rd m o to r. Call GL £6186 o r C.L 2-2506 Help W anted CO L L EG E MKN M issed y o u r su m m e r jo b ? fo u r m o re m en p a rt S t i ll need o r full office 203. S a tu rd a y IO OO a.m . tim e tim e . A pply 1503 G uadalupe. R E N T _ P U R C H A S E T V. s. A lpha T elevision R en ta l. G R 2-2692 —— i i _ jr „ c _ l _ M o u s e s tor oaie i A T T E N T IO N ’ .JU N IO R -SEN IO R G irls W ill fu rn ish lovely ro o m a n d bo ard I for w eek-end and ev en in g Call g i, 3-0132 b a b b it ti n g . T A R R Y T O W N T h re e b ed ro o m m o d ern hom e L a rg e re a so n a b le c o m m ercial call J D. C L 8-1207 -A ustin hom e vaiiab le T o see, C obb R e a lly Co. P h o n e ! 901 E 19th. ‘ IR O N IN G N E E D E D E X P E R IE N C E D , price. M rs. Alice K ing. T yp in g FA C U L TY -ST U D E N T P ro fe ssio n a l T y p in g Service C o m p eten t ty p in g q u a lifie d by w ide ex p erience. M a n u sc rip ts for theses, d is se rta tio n s, books a n d re p o rts. P e rs o n a l and c o n scien tio u s h a n d ­ lin g of every need in clu d in g rnui- t l lith in g and photo copying. MRS. LAURA BO DO UR P h o n e GR 8-8113 907 W est 22’ , (F o u r blocks w est of d ra g ) . T Y P I N G - N O TES. T H E M E S R easorv ____ _______ a b le —O L 3-3062. E X P E R IE N C E D T Y P IN G SE R V IC E . n e a r A ilan- rea so n a b le , A ccurate, ! dale. HO 5-3813 P R O F E SSIO N A L T Y P IN G L EG A L. IBM L ola K insey H I 4-2211, G eneral I C all a f te r 5 30 p m I ....................................................................... ...—- T H E S E S . D ISSE R T A T IO N S. RE* P O R IS . IBM S e le c tric Sym bol* fo r e n g in e e rin g , science la n g u a g e accen ts G reek. Call GR 2- ______________ _ m a th e m a tic s. ; 9617 D E L A F IE L D j G ra m m a r, i 26522. T Y P IN G sp e llin g 20c c o rr e c tio a page. J U SH O R T ON T Y P IN G T IM E ? M iss G rah am , C L 3-5725 C O M P E T E N T and H IG H LY EX P E R I ENC ED S E< ’ R ETA R IA L a n d T Y PIN G SE R IV C E D istin c tiv e a c c u ra te IBM E le c tro m a t Ie. B riefs, se m in a r p ap ers a sp ecialty . D isse rta tio n s, re p o rts, te rm p ap ers P e rso n alize d , co n scien tio u s s e r ­ vice. X erox copies, ('lo se In. ty p in g on GR 8 5894 MRS. A L B R IG H T W IL L ty p e y o u r p ap ers REASONABLY. ACCURATE­ .stenographer. D is­ th e se s, m a n u sc rip ts. M ulti* LY F o rm e r c o u rt se rta tio n s. lith . GR 7-0091. A R T IS T IC ACCURATE. T Y PIN G 25e page M inor c o rre c tio n s. N ew IBM.. M rs A nthony, N o rth e a s t U n iv ersity . GR 2-8402. PO R T S. C o m p eten tly D ISSE R T A T IO N S. T H E S E S , R E ­ ty p e d by e x ­ p erienced o p e ra to r of sym bo l-eq uipp ed e le c tro m a tir. Mrs. R itchie. E n field are a. GR 6-7079. T H E S E S, D IS SE R T A T IO N S. R E ­ PO R T S U nderw ood elec tric , S p a n ish s \ mbols. R ates re a so n a b le —p a ge-ho u r. GR 26132 3206 F a ir fa x W alk. T H E M E S . R E PO R T S, LAW notes 25c page. M rs. F ra se r. GR 6-1317. V IR G IN IA CALHOUN P ro fe ssio n al ty p in g all fields. S y m ­ bols, lan g u ag e s, seience and m ath . N o ta ry . 1301 E dgew ood GR 8-2636 TH E R IG H T PERSON? t h e W U >okmg r j k t ow ner f or fbi* unusual p ro p erty , j f $40,000 ISO,OOO l am e s, Two hom as in this d e s '—o n e. tw o E nfold A res of se p a ra ta d icin g and fireplace, and th# o th e r a two story brick c o 'o r /si wit; th e main house. M any possibilities h ere. story w fa m /y with many activates, Full price $25,000 fo r b o th . id e a E stab shed loan b a lan ce $(7 500 O w ner will h e'p finance. It you think this J i m W a ! s O R 6 884 7. W eekends: GR* 7-5253 m i g h t m eet your n eed : ‘9 fram e large ’>oi(Red from lo c a te d fo r ca< in T Y P IN G S E R V IC E R ep o rts. T h eses, D iss e rta tio n s K e y b o a rd eq u ip p ed fo r S p a n ish and F re n c h j IBM executive, docum entary tv pc. H O 56607 T Y P IN G LOW R A T E S, S a tisfa c tio n g u a ra n te e d . C L 3-5121. Mrs. T ullos. T Y P IN G . N O T E S, T H E M E S , g en eral. R eason ab le. Mrs. W oods. HO 5-1078. Arn C lea n W alk $49 50. D A R L IN G A /C a p a rtm e n t Mod - 2 0 .< -a R ed R iv er. O pen. W A 6-2564 GR 2 -i>952. Friday. June 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN to c la s s Page • Kjnser & Shackelford. P R O F E S S IO N A L T Y PIN G . T H E M E S . leg a l b rie fs, th e ses R easo n a b le ra te s. C all an y tim e. M rs. M o n tg o m ery . GR 2- 5601. D ISS E R T A T IO N S. T H E S E S . T E R M p a p e rs, IBM E le c tric 8 y ea rs exper­ ience F a s t, a c c u ra te . 8-5 only. G it 6* 5363. Handling 25,000 pieces of mail daily is one of the large, yet lit­ tle publicized, functions of the University. Campus Mail Zips to All Points Unsung University Mailmen Handle 25,000 Letters Daily AFTER COLLECTION, sorting begins. Federal mail is separated from the campus mail, and out­ the side mail postage is affixed. A record of all is also kept. Within a four- or five-week per­ iod, $16,000 worth of postage is used. through working day, Monday Friday, lf the mail is picked up after 5 p.m., it will be sorted and delivered by 8:30 a.m. the next day, or if picked up at noon, it will be delivered by 2:45 p.m. the same day. At the Business- Economics Building and the Main Building, extra pick-ups are made in the morning and afternoon. is weighed and insured mail A typical mail pick-up begins when one of the employes goes to University buildings in his area and collects the mail deposited in a special box. But for collect­ ing mail in outlying buildings, such as the new Art Building, a motor scooter is used. Abuses of the faculty mail sys­ tem, such as using the mail for personal, rather than official L7ni- versity business, are rare, Aime says. Since the mail is not op­ ened for inspection, abuses would have to be reported from the re­ ceiving end, thereby making it almost impossible to tell if a vio­ lation had occurred. W e stock all of the following: G et our trade-in deals JEN SEN SPEAKERS V. M. TAPE R E C O R D E R S P IC K E R IN G C A R T R ID G E S E IC O ^ IT S TU R N TA G A R R A R D C H A N G E R S . . . and more EEDWAY 2010 Speedway — Parking in Rear— G R 8-6609 welcome to UT! A Hard-W orking UT Boy Wants to Serve You! I (almes, BBA, T o m m v ’61, is a U T boy w h o has made g o o d early after g ra duatio n . . . practically under the shadow of the T ow er. T o m m y was an A T O . His wife Dianne was an A X O . As manager of O n e H o u r Martin- izing N o . One, T o m m y has built a large and loyal follo w in g of Forty Acres people . . . folks w h o like Tomm y, an d his last service! You should meet T o m m y . . . Approximately 10.000 items are handled through faculty mail, on- campus distribution, while 15,000 are for federal, off-campus dis­ tribution, Felton Lee Aime, man­ ager of the Stenographic Bureau, headquarters for the faculty mail, says. As long as the mail con­ cerns official University business, postage fees are paid by the de­ partments. TO HANDLE THE MAIL, two full-time employes and two stu­ dents for campus mail and one full time employe and three stu­ dents for federal mail are neces­ sary. Faculty mail is collected and delivered t w i c e each normal 2 in M a n a g e m e n t Cited John R. Curry and William E. rooster have receivel Gilbreth Awards at the University for their scholastic achievements the study of management. in They also were cited for out­ standing personal qualities which give promise that they will "con­ tribute to the ideals and principles of scientific management.” They received certificates signed by Dr. Lillian Gilbreth, a pioneer in the field of scientific manage­ ment. The Gilbreth Award was established by Dr. William R. Spriegel, dean emeritus of the Col­ lege of Business Administration. Dean John Arch White made the presentations to Curry and rooster. UNIVERSITY BROADCASTS K L U N TV. Channel t F rid ay 9 SO TV K in d e r g a r te n 10— W hat s N ew 10.30 The F isher Fam ily 11—Antiques 11:30—Making o f a D o c to r 12—The Answer 12 30— M u seu m 1 —Conversation 1 .30 M irro r o f W e s te r n A r t 2—E xp editio n USA 2 30 Navy Film s 3 A t Is su e 3 30—Introduction to V isual Art and Music Appreciation 4 IS M usic fo r V d u n g P e o p le 4:45— Holiday Tim es 5—Whats New 5:30—TV K indergarten 6— The G reat Plains 6 30— Evening News I — A t Issu e 7:30—Colloquy 8 - N E T D r a m a F e s tiv a l 9 3 0 - R a g tim e E r a 10 -Alcoholism The Revolving Door 10:30 Sign Off _ , , Mend ar 9 30 TV K indergarten 10—W hat's New 10:30 The F isher Fam ily 11—Nigh Noon 12— Ragtim e Era 1—Festival of Arts 2—Shakespeare *n Texas ... 3—Big P ictu re 3:30 - Introduction to Visual Art and Music A ppreciation , . 4 15- The C hildren's H our 5 W hat's New 5 30 TV K indergarten ti -T h e Gr>at P lain s fi 30 Evening News 7—The Faces of Self 7:30- Bookcase 8 — Public Affairs 9—Of People and Politics 9:30 The Best of ETV 10 20 Sign Off Take Your Date to Sporty GREEN ACRES 8711 B U R N E T R O A D # Bail Miniature Golf Coorie in the Southwest Driving R a n g e Belt Practice Belli in Town UT's Own Post Office System . . . Joe Macias and Tim Pariso (standing) sort faculty mail. T rade -/. B u y ^ S e ll TRAVIS BOOK SHOP 109 East Tenth Street IO A.M. to 6 P.M. Fiction, Politics, Nonfiction, Te xiana UNIVERSITY TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE • TYPEWRITERS • A D D IN S M A C H IN E S • C A L C U L A T O R RENTALS W eekly — M onthly — F r e e Pick Up and Delivery by the Semester 2542 Guadalupe G R *-4360 Rent a TYPEWRITER W E SERVICE— W E DELIVER 2234 G U AD A LU PE— G R 6-352S $6.50 Mo. ^ = $ 1 5 ELECTRIC PORTABLE $10— $12— $15 Mo. A D D IN G M ACH IN ES $7.53 Mo. S3ffo?$18 you say: YOU WANT IT SHORT We Cut It Short! A f Campus Barber Shop we cut your hair the way you want it. N o hasty, halfway jobs; no coming back in just day for an­ other trim. $1.75. One hour service til 4 daily rn 7 A.M .— 8 P.M. Mon., ti Til 6 P.M. Other days, c l e a n i n g P {ARBER SHOP 2428 Guadalupe G R * > - $ 5 ™ R em em ber: Short price equal* short deal New Bat-a-Befl 510 WEST I TW O L O C A T IO N S h ★ 704 WEST 29th Friday. June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 9 Sea we// on Seller: 'Panther Is Potluck “The Pink Panther ' ai t h e Para-1 Season throughout with the Man- mount Theater: starring Peter Sci rim touch. Stir until dizzy and lers Dai rn S n en. an J Capanne: serve with ©ne animated p u ttie r directed by Barbe Eduards: rn —color. pink. Voila!-s tr e a m Un**d Technic'dor and J echnirama' re- slapstick. leased through I titled Artist f. And good fare too. By JOHN P. S EW ! Attestant Am wrnm rts Kdater j Apparently even versatile come dian Peter Sellers was at a loss for new material to feast upon. But never fear—p ro d d e r Burke Edwards had tim recipe for a royal Seller repast: color Obtain film. European background, and the old ' cat bur­ glar ‘ plot from Alfred Hitchcock, or whomever HE got from. Blend David Niven into the Cary (iran! role. it THE MOST SOI R. cynical view­ e r s m a y . a t the picture's onset, be able to resist going into fits as Seilers leans a against it. and falls to tim floor before he's been cm screen 30 sec­ onds. glebe, spins But no one can remain unmoved as. no less than 46 more times during the film. Sellers trips over rugs. pulls off door handles, drops vases, kisses the wrong Hand, et ch era, ad uttWttHL i t s ridicu­ lous. S T K IN SBLLEttS as a bun gbng French inspector of police Spice generously with Capucine and Claudia Carminate for body.’' Add a dash of Robert Wagner, be­ cause he happens to be around, under contract. EXACTLY. And refreshingly so. There is a plot, but don't worry —it won t get in your way if you leave it alone. And be careful, on the way out, not lo take the wrong exit or trip ova* the rug. Scene From 'A c t W ithout W ords, Part I* Powell Shepherd "r e a d s ” from his " h o o k " in a scene from the Sam uel Beckett classy, “A c t W ith o u t W o rd s, Part I." The p la y is one of four one-act plays presented by the D ram a D epartm ent under the general title, ‘Privilege of A b surd ity. Drama Dept. Pulls First Show From Theater of the Absurd1 oilier two plays, each employing farcical techniques to make biting commentaries, are Samuel Beck ett’s “Act without Words, P art I” and "Act Without Words. Part H." Persons who have season tickets for the I T Summer Entertainment Series may make reservations for a particular performance by going 1 to che Fine Aits Box Office in Hogg Auditorium between IO a rn. and 3 p.m. Others may purchase any available tickets at the door imme­ diately before a performan<*e Prof. James Moll is director for the plays. mini mao mn\ H m m HEAL i excitingly teem ed* with the new | star discovery SAMANTHA E6M I Adolphe Frezin In Next SEP Concert Recommended (we mature •■dtm een «i»ly Various concepts of absurdity, as they are cloaked in traditional farce or amusing commentary, will be in four one act plays to be presented nightly June 16 20 by the University Drama De partment. treated Performances will begin at 8 p m. in the Drama Building Thea ter Room. the general Billed under title ••Privilege of Absurdity.'* the short dram as range from the traditional farce of John Maddison Morton’s “ Box and Cox” to the avant garde observations of Eugene Ionesco's the Submission.'' The ••Jack or Adolphe Frezin. concert violin cellist who joined the Department of Music faculty last fall, is the artist to be featured in the second concert of the Summer Entertain­ ment Program on the University campus. John Owings, young piano OTEN VB# F e a t u r e * 2 : 2 a - M i C BB - 7 54 - 9 A i DRIVE -IN THEATRE MOI M. I AMAR HO *-1710 ADC L I S l.BB BiHC. 4 AMDS .Ti mU.DKF* HUB* O FF IC E O P E N S AT 7:00 P M FREE RIDES ON UL TOOT* S T A R T I N G AT 7 P M could see thru clothes...flesh...and walls! R A Y M IL L A N D Scholz Garten 1607 San Jacinto GR 7-4171 He had the power to stop souls as bare as and to see to the end of universe!! PLUS virtuoso, will assist in the concert, to be presented in Recital Hall at 8 p.m. Monday. Tile concert is free to holders of the Summer Entertainment Series Season Ticket. Frezin has been principal cellist with the Metropolitan Opera Or­ chestra, the IX* Angeles Philhar­ tile Cleveland Sym­ monic and phony Orchestra. He was the founder and first conductor of the Santa Barbara Symphony. He has been a member of the faculty of The Academy of Music of Ander­ u n . the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. Brigham Young Univer­ sity, and most recently he was for two years head of the Coho and Chamber Muse Department of the Cleveland Institute of Music. the Beethoven The program will open wit Ii the “Sonata in G minor*’ by Eccles, followed by ‘‘So­ nata No. 3 in A Major for cello and piano, Dp. 68;” “Drei Kleine Stucke, Op. l l ” by Webern, and will conclude with the Tchaikow- ski “V a r i a t i o n s on a Rococo I Theme.’’ Holders of Summer Entertain­ ment Program season tickets will be admitted free to this concert. lie par Single admissions may chased at the d o o r at $1 tor adults and 25 cents for children. O I B B OX ( K l U- I H THEATRE 3*1 tot ta l l O F I N s O H ADMISSION 7ic K ID * I M H I! 12 I K E E CAPTAIN NEW MAN, M . D. G regory Peck A n gle IKcki i# # a 7:3# THE CONDEMNED OF ALTONA S op h ia I, or en M axim ilian S ch ell i i i I M R * Mi I THEATRE I NWS* CWI BOX OFFICE OPKNS «*:*• A D M IS S IO N l i e K ID S I M W * « H W * SO N O f CAPTAIN BLOOD 1.39 — MAM* — LAW OF IH E LAWLESS D ale K obertapn Y ron n r DoC’nrl* ta il SOM F ly na t a * T odd AVE GARDNER IN PERSON AT MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM JUNE 2 2 one performance 8:30 p.m. Tickets Now on Sole Austin Ticket Servic# A ud itoriu m Ticket O ffic e , 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, AJO , 4.50 Recording for Capitol 4 IC A Records You Saw Him on A e Jack Poor Show Rejoice Dear H eart* Friday. J u t * 12. I9&4 THE SUMMER TEXAN Fag# IO A N D THE\VAIA PIRES rn AMR MIC AN INTERNATIONAL a— * IN cotemeepE THE M A N W IT H TH E X R A Y E Y E S m PAThELOlOR „*oSPLC1ARAMA (to VUS HAROLD J. STON! JOH* HOYT- DOU MICKLES MONSTER* M i K H F I-F M Presents ‘S h a k e s p e a re in M u sic9 Series KHFI-FM, 96.3 mc., is present­ ing a special quadricentennial sa­ lute to the Bard with a series of entitled 2G two-hour programs, ••Shakespeare in M usic.” Programs will consist of both the plays in­ themselves and music spired by the works. Air time is 8:05 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. T O D A Y AT I N T E R S T A T E A m t FO * A MOVIE D I S C O U N T C A R D 'Z M o m & u rit N O W S H O W IN G ! S T A R T 12: OO F E A T U R E S : 1 2:2® - 2 : 4 * - 5:1 7 : 2 0 - 9 : 4 0 [ HELD OYER! 2N D SM ASH Meet the zaniest characters ever gathered under one bed!] WEEK M f M IS C H COMMOT * •M M U .BLAKE EDWARDS DAMO NIVEN PETER SELLERS ROBERT WAGNER CAPUCINE. i THE PINK ! ■ p a n t h e r ; i N O W S H O W IN G ! S T A R T 12:1® F R A T U H L S : 12 :31 - 2:4® - 4;® » 5 : 5 8 - 7 : 4 7 - 9 : 3 6 •nO »*th CLAUDIA CARDINALE n o n c tu r TECMMRAMA* C H I U ) A D I T . T S 1.0® M D C . .5 0 .2 5 | The Flicks AUSTIN and BURNET: The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao,” and ‘‘Ride the High Country.” Tony Randall does the scaly-faced bit. CH IEF: "The Man With the X-Ray Eyes” and "Goliath and the Vampires.” CINEMA: "The Three Lives of typically sterile Thomasina.” A Walt Disney family fun flick. DELWOOD: "Captain Newman, M.D.” and "The Condemned of Altona.” PARAMOUNT: "The Pink Pan­ ther.” (See review, page IO.) SOUTH AUSTIN: "The Son of Captain Blood” and "Law of the Lawless.” Sean Flynn, reminding us how bad his father was at his best. STATE: "Viva Las Vegas.” A truly charming picture. TEXAS: "Psyche 59." (See re view, this page.) VARSITY: "The Bridge on the River Kwai.” Whistle along with Sir Alec through a real cinema I gem. Commies, Aussies, Even Voters Coming on KLRN RLRN-TV, Channel 9, the Uni­ versity educational station, has an­ nounced two "specials” and the start of an important new series of programs. "Freedom in September,” to be shown at 9 p.m. Friday, is a dra­ matic treatment of a Leo Lehman story of the defection to the West of an insignificant Russian cul­ tural delegate to a London meet­ ing. Monday at 8 p.m., KLRN will show "Room Down Under," the «nrv or mo massive n o s i e r im- story of the massive postwar im- migration of two m illio fL r o p e a n s . to Australia The highly-praised “Of People and Politics" series begins a 21- week run Monday at 9 p.m. Pro­ duced by National Educational Television. n j” . ID SMY BLAIRbensonsidney KME Hear Elvis sng.4 r*w songs on his ROA V dor 45 EP record A D I T . TK 1 .00 M D C . . 50 C H I L D .35 N O W S H O W IN G ! C O N T IN U O U S F E R F O R M A N O E S 2 : 0 0 - 3 : 0 5 - S : l ® r HELD OVER T D BIG WEEK WINNER OF 27 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 7 ACADEM Y AWARDS! GUINNESS JACK HAWKINS S S IS S M B H n e BRiDGe ^^■bRnieR KWA! i SAM SPIEGEL PRODUCTION H SLSSUL MBWM 'M S MRO IIH SHK * 6iafTSTtlOKNL • OM) LEAN • Pl RPI WUU! » - A D U LTS LOO M D U .5 0 CH ILD .35 IHMttdSl CKIUSCOFl Is H er Husband H er Sister's Keeper? Samantha Eggar, Psyche 59's 'new star discovery,' looks up in an­ guish, wondering if her blind sister (Pat Neal) will really find out th at she s sleeping with her (Neal's) husband. O r maybe he isn t. 'Psyche 59' Reel Art --Or Just Plain Arty? “Psyche 3 9 ,” at the Texas T h e - j " a rt" film s has come an even larg- Jergenr,Samantha Ig g a r, an d tan In an attempt to convince the view- B a r m e n ; produ ced by P h ilip H azel- er that the imitation is the real thing, the pseudo "a r t" films are ton; directed by A lexander Singer: often more arty than the " a r t" released by C olum bia Pictures. films. Although “ Psyche 59" is an imitation, it is a good one, and has avoided many of the pitfalls of the stereotyped " a r t" film. By ELDON BALL Amusements Staff the recent onslaught With ““ 'i starring Patric Carl cr volume OI "imitation a r f films, "Psyche 59" is a story of human cruelty and fear, and is a reveal­ ing, if sometimes bitter, study of human nature. Based on the novel by Franeoise Deis Lingers, the plot is obviously contrived, but no less absorbing to the viewer. The film is a product of the production- direction team, Hazelton and Sing­ er, who made "A Cold Wind in August." PATRICIA NEAL plays the blind wife of an industrial tycoon, Curt Jurgens. Her blindness is evident­ ly the result of a fall down stairs during the late stages of pregnancy, although doctors can find nothing wrong with her eyes. She is caught in conflict when her sister, Robin, played by Saman­ tha Eggar, comes to live with her and begins trying to steal her hus­ band, Erie. Slowly she realizes that Erie and Robin have had previous affairs, and that her blindness is a defense against the cruelty of her husband and the hatred of her sister. Curt Jurgens, as Erie, is con­ vincingly weak and selfish. Al- ; though at times he faces his guilt and tries to break free, the tempt- is too much for tation of Robin him. Samantha Eggar is both a thoroughly hateful and completely misunderstood villain. ‘‘PSYCHE 59” is at times brittle and overdone, but thanks to Patric­ ia Neal, the movie becomes a stir­ ring story of the force of a woman s courage. Union Shows ‘Can-Con* Tonight and Tomorrow "Can-Can,” starring Frank Si­ natra and Shirley MacLaine, will be this weekend's Texas Union movie. The film will show at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday in the Union auditorium. Admission is IO cents for students and 25 cents for non-students. Friday, June 12. 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 11 Council Evicts Signs; Negroes Remain T he Summer Texan SICC6 fit on tho world King Jailed as Senate Guards Rights Bill W A SH IN G T O N — UP) — T he S en ate, w ith its b ip a rtisa n le ad ersh ip in firm control of th e voting, b e a t dow n by solid m a rg in s T h u rsd a y a succession of e ffo rts to m ak e m a jo r c h an g es in th e civil rig h ts bill. THE ONLY AMENDMENTS a p p ro v e d —-w ith th e le a d e r ­ s h ip ’s a c q u ie sc e n c e — w e re d e sc rib e d g e n e ra lly a s c la rify in g . —---------------------------------------------- Several were accepted by voice Racial demonstrations in Austin J flared again Tuesday as police of­ ficers were recalled to the City Council meeting to forcibly remove Bigns held by Negro civil rights demonstrators urging the passage Of an anti-discrimination ordinance. The Negroes held up signs read­ ing: “We Want an Effective Or­ dinance that Covers These Areas, job opportunities, education, hous­ ing. and public accommodation/' in the council chambers. M A Y O R LESTER PALMER asked the demonstrators to lower the signs so that all persons in the chambers could see. that the signs be Councilman Louis Shanks then moved taken from the room. The motion passed and the Negroes were asked to hand over the signs. After the Negroes refused to hand over the signs. Police Chief R. A. Bob) Miles called in uni­ formed officers to take the signs. B. T. BONNER, defeated candi­ for county commissioner, date held his sign so tightly that police- J men were forced to tear it from his hands. When the signs were taken from the room the demonstrators turned their backs to the Council members and knelt on the floor in the po-1 sition of prayer. Following this the Council went I through its agenda of city busi­ ness. IN THE AFTERNOON the Coun CU went into executive session. Demonstrators refused to indi­ cate if they planned further dem­ onstrations at City CouncU meet­ ings. SOM EBO DY TO DEPEND O N . . . Scranton to Go For Nomination HARRISBURG, Pa. — I* — Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Scranton will announce Friday he will seek Hie Republican nomina­ tion for president, sources close to him reported Thursday night. The sources said the governor will tell the Maryland Republican convention Friday afternoon that he wiU go into the fight for the nomination until issue is settled. The move would put Scranton, 46, in direct opposition to US Sen. Barry Coldwater, R-Ariz. The sources indicated that a key factor that influenced Scranton’s decision was Goldwater’s vote Wed­ nesday against ending the filibuster on civil rights. Dallas News Says Oswald Persuaded Not to Kill Nixon DALLAS—(£*—The Dallas News said Thursday night in a copy­ righted story that Marina Oswald, widow of President Kennedy’s ac­ cused assassin, believes she talked her husband out of an assassina­ tion attempt on former Vice-Presi­ dent Richard M. Nixon. THE STORY WAS WRITTEN by Hugh Aynesworth, Dallas News re­ porter, after interviewing the petite young widow before she went to Washington for a second appear­ ance before the Warren commis­ sion. Kennedy was slain in Dallas last Nov. 22. Nixon visited Dallas Nov. 21. House Approves Salary Increase WASHINGTON -4B — The House increases for voted $7,500-a-year members of Congress Thursday in passing a big federal pay raise bill. A 243-157 roll-call vote sent to the Senate a bill that would boost salaries of 1.7 million federal em­ ployes by a total of $533.2 million. their top aides and federal judges also would get $7,500-a-year increases, and the top-rated civil service employes would get 22.5 per cent raises. Cabinet officials and It would be the first raise for Congres and the Cabinet since 1955. Last March, with an election cam­ paign approaching, the House de­ cided 222-184 against raising sal­ aries by $10,000. Don’t Cook Tonight Call Jury to Investigate St. Augustine Riots ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — im — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. landed in jail Thursday for trying to de­ segregate a restaurant, and within a few hours a state judge ordered the county grand jury to investi­ gate racial turmoil in St. Augustine. King’s arrest with a group of 13 followers came after the second night march by integrationists brought violence from a white mob downtown. About 20 persons have been injured, either by beating or by rocks hurled from the mob. King and his companions were arrested by Police Chief Virgil Stuart and St. Johns County Sheriff L. O. Davis. The group of intergrationists was led away to police cars which took them to the county jail. They were charged with trespassing with mal­ ice, intent to breach the peace, and conspiracy. RENT Waahinj? M achine* V acuum C leaners .....................$£ 00 ......................... $3.00 I>er month while they last Long’* Vacuum Cleaner Co. MI 2-4562 21 IS S. Conure** AMIGOS KOSN KUCKER (Mexican Hor d’oeuvres) RECIPE ON BACK OF PACKAGE L C H IC K E N fD E L IG H T s f a o f ^ * C H IC KEN • SH RIM P • BAR-B-QUE RIBS • FISH • PIZZA FREF DELIVERY C A L I G R 6-6216 , ll a.rn.-I pm.; 5-11 p.m. W eekday* ll a.m.-1 I pm. Sat., Sun. & Holiday* I 6 v 3 L A V A C A THE UNIVERSITY’S ONLY EXCLUSIVE RADIO-TV AND HI-FI SALES AND SERVICE CENTER 2010 Speedway G R 8-660V Serving the University A rea for 13 Years PARKING IN REAR TCdTT1 T " Y ! A 7" J I ? J J T u U V V "H IG H FIDELITY AT REASONABLE PRICES" PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES EXPERT CAMERA REPAIR Hallmark Cards and Tape Recorders Studtman Photo Service 222 WEST I9TH G R 6-4326 votes. The rapid-fire voting was punc­ tuated only by brief flurries of ora­ tory—with senators rationing their words. Each senator is limited to a to­ tal of one hour of talk on the bill and all amendments under the his­ toric cloture clamped down Wed­ nesday to end the Dixie fUibuster. SEN. SAM J. ERVIN JR ., D- N.C., who offered one amendment after another, guarded his time by saying nothing about some of them before they were voted on. rejected Amendments the Senate drove toward expected final action on the bill next week, in­ cluded these: as • 68 to 21 by Ervin to nullify the entire public accommodations title. to intervene • 47 to 34 by Ervin to knock out the attorney general’s broad authority in civil rights suits brought by individuals. • 51 to 35 by Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., to make the exemp­ tion in the public accommodations section apply to rooming houses with IO rooms or less—instead of five rooms or less, as the bill now provides. • 56 to 25 by Ervin to eliminate authority for the attorney general to make agreements with states to certify that they are in compliance with the literacy test for voting under the act. • 66 to 24 by Sen. Russell B. Long, D-La., to repeal the 1962 housing order by the late President John F. Kennedy under which homes financed with FUA insur­ ance or VA guarantees in the fu­ ture must be sold on a nondiscrim­ inatory basis. • 51 to 31 by Ervin to strike out a section of the bill which permits a defendant to appeal from a fed­ eral district court order sending a civil rights case back to a state court. • 72 to 20 by Ervin to set up a broad range of property owner’s rights which the federal govern­ ment would tx1 f o r b i d d e n to abridge. These included “ the right of privacy,” “ the right to choose his own friends,” “ the right to oc­ cupy and dispose of property with­ out governmental interference in accordance with the dictates of his conscience,” “ the right to deter­ mine the acceptability and desira- I bilify of any prospective buyer or tenant of his property.” • 63 to 28, by Sen. George A. Smathers, D-Fla., to ban discrim- 1 ination in employment because of age. | On a 48 to 33 roll call the Senate refused to uphold a ruling by Sen. I John Stennis, D-Miss., who was presiding, that an amendment of­ fered by Sen. John L. McClellan, D-Ark., was germane to the civil j rights bill. IN THE FIRST VOTE of the day, j the Senate adopted 79 to 17 an I amendment by Ervin barring a ’ person from being tried twice un- | der the bill when the sam e act constitutes both a crime under fed­ eral law and criminal contempt of I co u rt /e u y w ito Cl LAN IRS 8. LAUNDERER •- 16TH & SAN JACINTO • prom pt pick-up and delivery! • fast CU rb service! • personal attention to every garm ent! • shirts on hangers no extra charge! cal GR 2-3166 Friday, June 12, 1964 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 12