Begin with these. First position. One, two, (inaudible). One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Two counts. Two, three, four, rise via six bridge on seven, change on eight. Same thing in second position. Same thing in fourth, same thing in fifth. Rising five, demi plié six, arms seven, eight. Port de bras forward, four, five six seven eight. Five six, five six, arm eight, (inaudible) port de bras arms (inaudible). Palms up, elbows up, shoulder blades together. ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructor inaudible) Follow that arm with the head. (inaudible) Arms go back, and rest. Other side, please. Two things to know that are very important in dancing, in ballet especially. Musicality one, you have four counts down, four counts up. Following that, two counts down, two up. Second thing to observe, there is no meaning to any port de bras if the head does not follow it. The head follows the arm all the way to fifth, and it reverses following the arm. Don't do independent movements from the head. Other side. Shoulder blades together, and épaulement. Chin up. ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructor inaudible) (music stops, instruction continues) (inaudible) Chins up, eyes up. And one-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) (music stops) Heads épaulement, shoulder blades together, and relax. (inaudible) tendu-- we won't be doing pointe today in class, but ladies especially, when you do that (inaudible) tendu, try not to use just the ankle. Just the ankle. Just the ankle. You will be needing those toes to press up on two points. So make sure that as you brush, you leave the toes on the ground and you lengthen. You leave the toes on the ground and you lengthen. So you work that last part of your leg with your toe. Other side, please. (inaudible) Heads épaulement. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) (music stops) And relax. You're late! >> (inaudible) >> (inaudible) And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) (music stops) And heads up. Not too bad, other side. ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) Heads épaulement, and arms. (music stops) Relax. Let me get in the middle. Can everyone see me here? Ronde de jambe, same preparation, five six, chin up, head épaulement seven, stretch. And rond de jambe one, full half-circle, big demi plié, rond de jambe. Five, six, good port de bras (inaudible) first, rond de jambe. (inaudible) two, three, four, lift, (inaudible), same height off the floor, and seven, port de bras eight. En dedans. And two, good port de bras, plié to first, stretch. Head épaulement, six, good demi plié seven, eight. (inaudible) third, two, three, four, three (inaudible) but we do lift off the ground, we turn out on the hip socket, and seven-- six, seven, full port de bras, and eight. We'll do twice on the up, twice on the down. Second position fifth, port de bras four counts, five, six, seven, eight, back four counts, up five-six, relevé in six-seven, (inaudible). Two counts, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Passé, eight counts open. And... Do a good first position, full half-circle on the floor. Work on your turnout, keep your heels (inaudible). ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) (music stops) And fifth position. And (inaudible) First port de bras, not too bad. Let's check the ending arms, the first-- the last (inaudible) and the last en dedans. The arms in second. Arm alongside the body, good first position, and the head lifts. Yeah, arm in second. En dehors, six, seven, bring the arm from behind the shoulder (inaudible) through a good first, incline the head, and raise. As you lengthen the arm (inaudible). Okay? En dedans. Five, six, seven, same as you did (inaudible). It opens the chest but with the rib cage still closed. Aim for the back, chins up. And (inaudible). ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructor inaudible) (music stops) And finish still with the head épaulement. Relax. (inaudible) one and two and three and four and.. and.. and. No arm (inaudible) for the last balance, fondu coupé one, relevé two, turning one piece, make sure the heel is the one that brings the body to the bar. Three. Fondu, relevé, make sure that the heel makes the shoulders turn. Six. Fondu coupé with the arm, passé, arms first, four, five, six. Fondu, relevé, heel front, fondu, relevé, heel front change coupé, passé, arms first, four, and five, and six, fondu, relevé, heel front, fondu, relevé, heel front, coupé, passé, arms first, open four, five, six. About that speed, not too fast. Make sure that the shoulders do not turn (inaudible) the heels, the heel is the one that will make the upper body turn, please. ♪ (piano) ♪ (music stops) Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. I can't find the (inaudible). (humming the music, counting) (inaudible) ♪ (piano) ♪ One two three four, slower, six, (inaudible) (music stops) And relax. Rest. You have a slow adagio. (inaudible) I think we'll need to spread the bars a little bit. It's too crowded. (inaudible) Begin en face, audience (inaudible). Passé one, two, turn and do a (inaudible), three, four. (inaudible) on the five, (inaudible), relevé passé six, head front, on the second-- seventh, relevé on eight. Balancé one, (inaudible) port de bras, down, piqué attitude three, heel front four, (inaudible) five, six, come up (inaudible) seven, fifth, head épaulement. Other side. One, open the (inaudible) front, two, turn onto effacé, raise the chin, eyes up four. (inaudible) on the five, relevé passé six, fondu second on seven, relevé on eight. Balance one, good tombé port de bras, and three, outside hand goes to the bar, heel front four, (inaudible) five, six, come up arabesque on seven, (inaudible). Four times, please. (inaudible) (inaudible continues) And one. ♪ (piano) ♪ ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructor inaudible) (instructor inaudible) Eyes front, eyes front. I'm your front. Raise the leg (inaudible) This is your front. This is where your head stays. (inaudible) (inaudible) Second (inaudible) Open the arm. (inaudible) Head stays front. ♪ (piano) ♪ One more time. Here, one. (inaudible) (inaudible) That's front. Up. Balance. (inaudible) port de bras. (inaudible) Head stays front. This is front. (inaudible) (inaudible continues) (inaudible continues) Head over the arm. (inaudible) Balance. Here we turn. (inaudible) This is front. (inaudible) Hold (inaudible). Straight out, the knees. Stretch knees. Point your toes. Come up (inaudible) Arms in the air. Arms second. Head stays up as we close it. And relax. (scatting) (snapping fingers) (inaudible) They point with the arm in fifth. Begin on (inaudible). Open your knees (inaudible). Strike one, strike two, strike three. (inaudible) Side, two, three. (inaudible) Back, two, three. (inaudible) and six and seven from back-front. (inaudible) and two and three from back-front Flex side and six and seven back from back. Flex back and two and three, back from back, flex, side, six and seven from back-front. Demi-plié and straighten. (inaudible) with the pointe of foot. Frappe. Definitely. Flexing of the foot, striking on the ball of the foot, and pointing your toes. Pull up. (inaudible) And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ ♪ (piano) ♪ (clapping) (inaudible) Side, side, side, one-two-three, ♪ (piano) ♪ One, two, three, (inaudible) (inaudible) (inaudible) ♪ (piano ends) ♪ And straight. Not too bad. Other side please. Loosen up those knees. Get your feet (inaudible) ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) Point the foot! (inaudible) Relax! Let's try once again. See if we can coordinate that foot, please! When we do the frappe this way, then we do the (inaudible) this way. It's not going around. Flex right, flex right, flex right, point the foot. Flex right, flex right, flex right, only the knee. Flex foot and foot and foot, only the knee. Flex side and side and side, only the knee. Flex. One more time, please. ♪ (piano) ♪ (clapping) (inaudible) (inaudible) Side, side, side, point the foot. Rest. And straighten. Other side, please. ♪ (piano) ♪ Very good. (inaudible) Point the foot. (inaudible) Rest and straighten. A little bit better. Same (inaudible) (scatting) Arm in second, first set. One and two, three and four, five, six, seven, and eight. Back and fifth, six and fifth. (inaudible), six, seven, and eight. Arms fifth and two, three and four, Back, (inaudible), and fifth. Back, heel fit, don't close the toes only. Tight (inaudible). Second, control, front, (inaudible) (inaudible) and fifth. Arms second. Head (inaudible). Loosen the legs, please. You're already (inaudible). Keep up. (inaudible) Great knees. Pointed feet. Hold your body straight. Only the leg works. ♪ (piano) ♪ (clapping) Up. Up. Back, front, back. (inaudible) Up. Side. (inaudible) Second. Leave the head and eyes up when you close straight (inaudible). Other side, please. It makes no difference how quick we work or how slow we work. Every (inaudible) has got two motions. It is not one-two. There's something in between. One. Two. One. Two. There is a (inaudible) before we close. Arms second. ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructor inaudible) (inaudible continues) Second, leave the eyes up as you bring the arms over. Relax, center. Do your own stretch. Keep your knees (inaudible) Did you count them? How many.... How many people have come? I count about 43. Is that right? (inaudible) (inaudible) Let's try and split into half-half. About 20 in each group, if there is room. Fifth position. (inaudible) (inaudible) Two, three, four, five, transfer to fourth. Seven, close back in (inaudible) (inaudible) one, two, three, four, five. With a proper (inaudible) (inaudible) Close in. En face. Fifth position. Single coupé . Second position. To second. Plié single. Coupé back. Sorry. Mistake. One, two, single, Coupé front. From second position, single. Leg at your side. Hold your backs. (inaudible) to fourth. (inaudible) one plié. Attitude (inaudible). Sixth. Straight (inaudible). Arms (inaudible). Other side. Two and a three and a four. Focus on your hands. Transfer to plié. Back. Two, three, four, five, come down. Open (inaudible) up. Fifth position. Sixth. Fifth. High passé. Low coupé. (inaudible) ♪ (piano) ♪ Long necks. (inaudible) To the front, and begin the other side. First (inaudible) please. (inaudible). Shoulders down, show me necks, arms away from the body. Don't (inaudible) ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) Relax, not too bad. Second group please. Come forward, come forward. Just a little bit, there we go. (inaudible), arms, heads up, long necks please, don't let me see pointed elbows (inaudible). ♪ (piano) ♪ (inaudible) Chin up, chin up, only the eyes look down. Eyes up! (inaudible) Relax, before we go back to (inaudible) first group. Stay here, stay here, just a minute, don't change groups. There's advantages and disadvantages to having (inaudible) The disadvantage is when you are (inaudible) you are looking in the mirror and (inaudible). Because your eyes are looking down because normally you have to do this. The chin does not rest on the chest. Your head turns. Your chin is up, the neck is still long, the only thing that focuses down are the eyes. You transfer, you focus, still with the chin up, (inaudible). With the chin up, the only thing that looks down are the eyes. (inaudible) The (inaudible) most important thing of any (inaudible), especially for the (inaudible). If you finish in fifth position, (inaudible). If you finish in fourth already (inaudible), you finish in second (inaudible), you finish (inaudible), the head must always precede the body. The second group (inaudible) too many groups. We'll talk about it (inaudible) later. One, two, three, four. And the head arrives after the body arrives. The head must always arrive to the front before. You have one, you have from fifth position, (inaudible) head so you know (inaudible). (inaudible) second position, plié-- head, so you know when you need to (inaudible). All the way over. (inaudible) don't let me see. Head, arabesque. I don't know which one is (inaudible), I haven't found it yet. That means your head has to arrive before. You have your fourth position is plié, head, head, one (inaudible), and hold your backs. First group once again. Change the lines. Keep your heels on the floor also. (inaudible) take it away from fifth, second, or fourth. Try not to do this. You're not curling up to pointe-- we'll sort out the lines in a second. We're curling up to pointe and we don't know what our balance is. There's always that extra plié before you run (inaudible), especially when you're doing pirouetted en pointe. From fifth, tandu, second, don't lift the heels, tandu fourth, don't lift either heel. You have an (inaudible), bracing with your heels on the ground, before pulling up and executing the pirouettes. Whoever was in back, forward please. Back two lines, front. Don't be shy. I (inaudible), but I don't bite. Come on. Forward, forward, forward. Eyes up, arms in front of the legs, do not stretch your thighs. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) (music ends) Second group please. Also change the line. I'll eliminate adagio. We won't do all that, we're gonna go straight to (inaudible). But we'll do with this combination once again, there's something we're leaving out. If I (inaudible) from this side, second pirouette, second. It is not (inaudible) You have a single pirouette, you have a single from second, (inaudible) Second group please. Coordinate the arms. (inaudible), heads up, eyes front. ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) (music stops) And rest. Do that once again. Can I have something else to work on? On the arms on the (inaudible), continue working on those (inaudible). (inaudible) we used to take classes with a teacher in New York who always used to say the port de bras is like the icing on the cake. There's no reason we have to wait until we have everything else before we work on the icing on the cake. Give me arms first position, the whole class. First position. They're nice and rounded, right? What we learned when we were little kiddies, you know? Beach ball, yes? Okay. Let's open to second position, a proper second position. The elbows do not point to the ground, right? The elbows are raised. There's another teacher we used to take classes in (inaudible). Madame (inaudible) used to say, imagine that you carry the most expensive china plate that you can find in (inaudible). Okay? So imagine the most expensive china plate you can, right? Okay. The arms are all below the shoulders appropriately. Relax now. There's no reason why when we have arms turned, which technically one arm is first position, one is second, that we're doing... That is not first and that is not second. First, third. That elbow (inaudible). One and a two, four, five, six, is still (inaudible), don't look down, don't stretch it. Once again, please. Heads front. Good (inaudible). Chins up, look important, you all are. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) ♪ (music stops) ♪ Arms in front, don't stretch your (inaudible), hands (inaudible) out in front the body. Second group, please. Come front, come front, don't crowd in the back, please. Good fifth croisé, long necks, arms down (inaudible), totally ready to open. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) ♪ (music stops) ♪ Arms in front of the body, heads up-- head up, head up. Relax for a second. (instructing dancer, inaudible) (clapping) First (inaudible), first jump please. (snapping, humming music) Simple jump. Use your (inaudible) please, that's what we worked on the feet on the bar for. Right foot in front. Demi plié on fourth chord. We have (inaudible). And first, and two, and three, fifth back, stand two, (inaudible) three, fifth front. To fifth position. Changement, turnout. Changement. Changement, turnout. Changement. Changement, turnout. Changement. Changement, turnout, do not grip the floor, hold the eight count, your plié begins with the left foot front. And a one, and three, fifth back, and a five, six, and seven, fifth front. Fifth, and note these positions, please. That heel closes to fifth. Changement, fifth, changement, fifth, changement, fifth, hold your plié, do not grip the floor with the toes, hold your back straight. (inaudible) Arms (inaudible) heads up, shoulder blades together. Right foot front in fifth position. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) ♪ (music stops) ♪ Great, we'll do that a second time (inaudible). Put your weight into your jump. Your back as straight as possible-- (inaudible) Temp levé (inaudible) with the legs. Don't do it with the upper body. The only thing that bends is your legs. One, and two, and three, and fifth. One, and two, and three, and fifth, don't (inaudible). You are (inaudible). (inaudible) with the legs only. Second group, please. Right foot front, good arms, heads up, (inaudible). And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Relax, and straight. Third group once again, please. Change lines, come forward, come forward, don't be shy. Use your feet, real (inaudible). Push away from the ground. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) And use that plié. Relax. Second group, please. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Arms, and straight. We'll try and do it once again. You know, demi plié is the most marvelous friend of yours if you can master it to help you. Use that whenever you can. Make sure that your backs are always straight, are always on balance, on top of both feet. On two feet or one, if you're supposed to land in coupé, it is the same thing. Relax your feet, try and avoid (inaudible) plié. It's only one. Bracing it to the ground, be ready for the next jump. Once again, please. Don't bounce in pliés. Demi plié is only one motion. Down, hold, and be ready for your next jump. Arms in front, palms up, elbows up. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Thank you. Second group, please. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) And stretch, arms, arms, curve-- elbows out, out, out. There you go, don't point to the back. I call this "chicken". About the same speed, a little bit slower. From the back, please (inaudible) lines, moving forward. Jumps and port de bras, let's coordinate. One, and two, and three, demi plié (inaudible). Glissade, jeté, glissade, jeté, jeté port de bras, jeté port de bras, jeté port de bras, jeté port de bras. Glissade, jeté, glissade, jeté, jeté, jeté, jeté, arms second, glissade with the head, glissade, port de bras, and five, six, and a seven eight. Glissade, (inaudible), glissade, jeté, port de bras, port de bras, port de bras (inaudible). It's like doing this, it's good for you. One, two, three, four, five, six. Alright. Arms second position, the third-- fourth count. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) And relax. Let's go over it once again, slowly. You begin with the arms in second on demi plié. Glissade, as you brush, (inaudible) on the head (inaudible). The arms (inaudible) come to fifth as you land. You make it look (inaudible). You go glissade, jeté. That picture should be in the air as you jump up. The arms in second. Port de bras on your glissade, brush, jeté. Now the arms will go through first (inaudible). Glissade, same (inaudible). On the way up, jeté. Jeté, jeté, leave the arm, jeté. Glissade, jeté, glissade, jeté, jeté, jeté, jeté. Let's highlight one other thing. Which direction (inaudible)? I saw one finger (inaudible). Okay. Are you sure we don't (inaudible)? Does that work (inaudible) (inaudible) In place, in place, in place, in place. First line once again, please. Coordinate those arms. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Just be careful and avoid this on your second. Don't (inaudible) You know what I just realized? We haven't done left. Left side, please. Right foot front. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) And relax. (inaudible) In the same lines, please. Begin with the arms in second, right foot in back. Assemblé over. (inaudible) arabesque assemblé, (inaudible), attitude, saute coupé, tombé, pas de bourreé, assemblé. That assemblé is in two counts, it's seven-eight. It's the biggest jump (inaudible). Preparation, then (inaudible). One, and two, and three, four, and five, and six, seven, eight. Preparation, demi plié. Assemblé, sissonne, assemblé, attitude, coupé, tombé, (inaudible) First line, please. Right foot in back. First line move over a little bit so you can (inaudible) that huge assemblé and (inaudible). Don't kill the pianist, we need him. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) And relax. We'll do same side once again. Not bad. First sissonne over on second. Arms, please. Assemblé. (inaudible) Every motion goes. Assemblé, don't open, (inaudible). Saute coupé, you're in (inaudible) position. Tombé, (inaudible), let's talk about the last step. Can someone tell me, what step is this? The last one. What was that step? (dancers answering, inaudible) The (inaudible) jump, what do you call that jump? I'll do it again. What was that jump? (dancers answering, inaudible) Oh, good. Because that's what-- assemblé, that's what nearly everybody's hearing. Coupé, tombé, assemble those feet! Don't jump (inaudible) your position. Once again, same side. If a teacher wants a grand saute à la seconde, he'll ask for it. Assemble means exactly what it means in French. Right foot in back. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Left side, please. Right foot front. (inaudible) ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Once again to the left. Once again to the left side, please. Watch your directions. (inaudible) various stages of training (inaudible) Assemblé to (inaudible), sissonne first, arabesque, assemblé, inclination of the hips so you have some place to go with the arms. (inaudible) saute coupé efface. Tombé, bourré, grand assemblé, (inaudible) the diagonal line, (inaudible) One more time to that side, please. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Alright, let's put them all together now. (inaudible) Demi plié, glissade, jeté, glissade, jeté, jeté, jeté, jeté, jeté, assemblé, sissonne, assemblé, attitude, coupé, tombé, bourre, assemblé. First line. Be daring. Come on. Right foot in back. And-- Oops! Don't fall out of the chair. (laughing) And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) And relax. Shall we give it a try to the left? Might as well, otherwise we'll end up lopsided. Left side, please. Right foot front. ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) And down. Not too bad. Shake your legs. (snapping, humming music) (instructing dancers, inaudible) Preparation. Demi. Emboîté, and two, and (inaudible) six, finish seven, release. One and two and (inaudible). Chaînés. Six, change your feet. Five, seven, arms second, glissade preparation. (inaudible) Emboîté, and two, and (inaudible), chaînés, six, finishing fifth, changing feet on seven, big glissade, in preparation to begin once again. Two at a time please. [1:16:34] Let's do three, I think there's room. Three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Don't do it unless it groups on that, okay? Not very much time left of the class. Preparation four. ♪ (piano) ♪ (snapping) (clapping rhythmically) Up! Up! (inaudible) glissade. Next, one, two, up, up. (clapping) (inaudible) glissade. (snapping) Fifth, change, left, left. Fifth, glissade, and left. (inaudible) Please, emboîté from fifth position. (inaudible) The first emboîté, make sure that you (inaudible). Number one. Number two is on tour second (inaudible) first position. There's only one single emboîté. Third, third (inaudible). There is no arm first position and there's no arm in second. (inaudible) Preparation plié. One, and two, and three and-- The arms are not in first position. Wiser preparation for your chaînés. The saut de basque, saut de basque. From your (inaudible) give me and chaînés. You have only two ways of doing your chaînés from there. The way I'm asking is (inaudible). Piqué. Chaînés. Or there is the alternative, which will be from here (inaudible). Left side please. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (clapping) One, good, up, down, up, down, (inaudible) Glissade. One, two, up, up, chaînés. Fifth. Glissade. One, two, three. (snapping) Seven. Glissade. Fifth. Glissade. One. (instruction over the music) Let's try once again to the right, please. Do do a definite finish on your chaînés. Your turning (inaudible). Close your feet. (inaudible) Make sure the back foot is the one that begins your coupé. Once again, please. Same one, that was good. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ And left, hit, left, hit, (clapping) (instructing over music) And rest before (inaudible). Nearly everyone is having the same trouble. We're turning, we're turning, We're turning, we're turning, we're turning, turning, glissade, then we expect to stand the turn. Nothing helps the upper body. That arm has to close on that first emboîté. Chaînés five, six, seven, glissade, one, (inaudible) that body around. (inaudible) leaving their arms in second position. Left side, please. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ Now use the right arms. Fifth, glissade. (clapping rhythmically) Right, right, up. Fifth, glissade. Right, right. Right arm, right arm. Go and join them in first. Don't (inaudible) the arms in chaînés, keep them in first. Lock the arms. Fifth, glissade. Glissade, right, right-- there you go, good. Once again. Right, right, up, up, chaînés, fifth, glissade. I thought-- I think it was the other way, wasn't it? Yes, alright. Alright. From the corner once again, please. We'll finish (inaudible) jumping. Grand allegro, please. (inaudible) All the accents are up except for your last two counts. Only the seven and eight are down. Temp levé first, arabesque. Accent up. Temp levé passé, accent up. Chassé, accent up. Développé temp levé, accent up. Attitude, temp levé, accent up. Chassé back, accent up, down and jeté. And up, and up, and up, and (inaudible) chassé, down-- up, down. And up, and up, up, and up and attitude, up, down and jeté. First three from the corner with the music. Light, (inaudible) And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) First three from the corner. You should in one set be able to get from that corner to the piano. And don't stand in the middle of the room either. First four. Four. One more. There we go. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Real light! (clapping on beat) Up, up, up, développé, attitude... down-up, move! Travel! Chassé, then move! Up! Travel, travel, travel! Move, move, move, up! Men. And travel, and travel. Up. And up. And rest, rest, rest, rest before we go to the left side. Not too bad. Let's go over some of the arms and the heads. (inaudible) We have preparation in croisé. Up. Up. Up, développé. Attitude. Chassé, down, head to the audience. Head up on your temp levé arabesque. Head to the audience on your passé épaulement. To the side. Développé, focus on the hands, attitude croisé, bring your arm in front. Chassé, down-up, port de bras (inaudible). Left side, please. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) Heads up! (inaudible) travel, and first, attitude, down, and jeté. Travel! Up! (clapping on beat) Control your force for that second temp levé. And the side. And rest. We'll do once again right and left, but I must ask for one more correction, one thing... I'll ask one more thing from you. Some of you are still worried about the steps, others of you are worried about the arms. Just don't forget something, when it gets to grand allegro, I don't remember ever-- I don't remember having seen on any ballet, any dramatic grand allegro. You worry about the steps, the audience that paid the tickets to see you dance, they don't know what the choreography is. You make a mistake, they think that that's the choreography. But they paid to see you dance. Nearly the whole class, "I'm worried, is this the step (inaudible)" It looks like a dramatic allegro. Enjoy! Once again! Come on, faces! The audience doesn't know the choreography. Make a mistake, but do it with a smile on your face. And-- ♪ (piano) ♪ (instructing dancers over music) It's the end of class, enjoy it! Up, down (inaudible)! And up. (snapping on beat) A little better, come on, faces up! Smile! Up, face, face, come on! Eyes up! Up. Heads (inaudible) the audience. Up. (inaudible) move! Up, up, move (inaudible), I don't want to travel too much, come on! Up and jeté! And up! And jeté, (inaudible) and jeté! One more watch. Left side. Down and go! Up! Up, travel, travel. (inaudible) Some of you won't smile for anything, come on! (inaudible) Face! And up. Face, and up. (inaudible) Very nice. Up. And... go! Up, up, (inaudible) chassé, down-up, down. Up. Up, chassé. Last time. Up, failli, chassé, down. That's it for class. Thank you. (clapping) (conversation)