VOL. XXIII. A U STIN , TEX A S, TH U R SD A Y , JA N U A R Y l l , 1923 No. 76 IV Bailli F ir a t C o l l e g e D a i l y in } h e S o u t h TEXAS EXES I K E UP LARGE M E IE R OF LEGISLATORS Everyone of You Has Dropped or Added 20 Courses “ We hold the world* s record fo r! ch angeability. No estim a te o f num ­ bers is n ecessary," was the reply o f; D ean C ollege o f A rts and S cien ces, when j ll. Y. B enedict, D ean o f the SOLUTION OE FAGULTYOPPOSEO ______ j asked y e - . , r e v for an estim a te o f | U n ;v e r , i t ^ P o , t o f A m e r i c a n F o r ty fiv e Per Cent of Senate the numb r ut c u r s e s dropped by students since the b a n n i n g o f the and T w en ty -fiv e Per Cent of Legion O bjects to Elim ina- tion of H oliday Nov. 11 H ouse Form er Students I w inter term . SINE LEGISLATION EIA I). Men H ave Prom ised to Back Only L egislation W hich Is B en eficial B y Hat B o u r l a n d W ith fo r ty -fiv e per cen t o f th “ Speaking continued, “ Speaking roughly," Dean B e n e -! very j dict roughly, tw en ty courses have been dropped by each stu d en t in school. T oday last day allow ed for changing courses. T onight tw o Gat- the ! ling g u n * -or I suppose th at I m odern eq u ivalen t w ould tw o be ' F rench se v e n ty -fiv e s— two French in the 1 se v e n ty -fiv e s w ill be placed is the In their first m eetin g o f the year T hursday night at 7 o ’clock in the chapel room o f the Y. M. C. A. the U n iv ersity P ost o f the A m erican L egion will take step s to oppose a resolution made by fa c u lty m em bers to abolish the N ovem ber l l holidav. E. H. G ipson, who is a m em ber o f from W ichita Fair. corridor ju st outside m y o ff ic e point-! the ing in opposite d irections. A ny s t u - ; will address the legionnaires on the legislature Senate and tw en ty -fiv e per cen t j dent applying fo r t o | subject o f the resolution. Mr. Simp- th e H ouse eith er stu d en ts or form er change section s, or to drop or »< O json wa3 adjutant Keneral and e x e e courses, will bo blown to fragm ents.' perm ission stu d en ts o f the U n iversity o f T exas, utive o f the d ra ftin g board o f Ok- D ean B enedict stated that! because V arsity prom ises to be w ell repre­ sented in the 38th L e g isla tu r e / o f the State o f T exas. T hese m en. m any o f them prom inent in all lin es o f student a ctiv ity either as form er students or as stu d en ts in residence, have prom ised to back only what th ey believe to be sane legisla tio n as far as the U n iversity o f T exas w ill be e ffe c ted . M embers o f the Senate who are o f co n flicts, because o f reg isterin g Lahoma during the w ar. lit- will be for courses not in e x isten ce and for ! one o f several leg isla tiv e visito rs who various other causes, som eth in g like wjn be present Thursday night. 7 0 .0 0 0 stu d en ts have applied at his o ffic e fo r perm ission to drop or add courses. T he fa cu lty resolution w as b eg u n ! , , , , ! fa cu lty m em bers which * am ong a. the , ' “N o report w ilL b e ready fo r pub Boation un til near the end o f the ^erm,” he concluded. will be presented to Board o f R egents fo r their consideration when th ey make up the calendar for the next .session. A ll ch an ges in the C alen­ dar are mad® b y them and the Legion intends to p resen t a counter resolution, w hich w ill be drawn up I . III. WOODSON SPEAKS form er stu d en ts o f the U n iversity are: P A. T urner o f T exarkana, H. | F o r m e r S tu d e n t T e lls „ * t r . „ . of! D a r k e d Pans, J. G. Strong of | C arthage, E dgar E. W itt o f W a c o ,, the Public D em ands o f a B u t i n e , , M an” ______ ‘‘W h a t Lom ax Will Read Cow boy Ballads Before Public Reading from hit famous collec­ tion of Cowboy Ballads, John A. Lomax will be the ape t k . r at the u v u l a r T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n read­ ing to be held this afternoon in room 3 1 2 of t he E d uc a ti o n Build­ ing. Since this will he the first time in two ye ar s t ha t Mr. Lomax has addressed t he stu de nt s of t he U niversity, it is probable, accord­ ing in to Miles Hanley, who charge of t he reading, that it will be found ne ce ss ar y to move the entire audience to a larger room, which in all probability will be K Hall. is Mr. Lomax has achieved nation­ wide recognition for his collection, which is hut an amass ing of the folk-lore of Ame ri ca . Mr. Lomax made this collection while working for his Master’s d eg r ee at Har­ vard, and since that time he has gone over the country extensively lecturing at various American col­ leges. E O I E M S PLAYED III INTFO-FRATERNITY BASKETBALL L E W Sigm a Chi D e fe a te d Chi Phi a n d D elta K a o p a Epsilon D ow ns Phi Knappa Psi a t the Legion m eeting. ’T w as a grea t night in the Inter­ i m s question is n o t o n ly o f inter- F rat B asketball L eague. Four gam es I. D. Fairchild o f L ufkin, W . FL e st to L egion m em bers who desire a W. W. W oodson, P resid en t o f t h e perpetuation o f this holiday in cele- w ere played in the W om en's Gym be- , _ , . . J. IL was tore: a student. E. Richards and W. H. o f Lockhart, resident senator. Bledsoe o f Lubbock. Baugh o f B allinger, T here are th irty-on e ex-stu d en ts Tom Pollard o f Edom is the o n ly , N avasota, C harles Murphy o f H ou s­ Cousins o f H em phill, H. L. L ew is of ton, T. J. H olbrook o f G alveston, C. the rep resen tative L egionairres o f in the U n iv ersity and th eir action is rep resen tative o f the stu d en t body F irst N ational Bank o f W aco, spoke bration o f the cessation o f hostili-j ore crow ds that threa ene a im es a t the Y. M. C. A. auditorium W e d - ties but the w hole stu d en t body would to o v erflo w onto the courts. The fea tu re match o f the ev en in g was the interested in this action o f nesday n ight, on “ W hat the P u b l i c : be D em ands o f a B usiness M an.” T h e ! fa cu lty . The m em bership the o f speech w as made by request o f the I U n iversity P ost is com posedl o f m ost Junior class in the School o f B usiness Ydministration and was w ell at- tended. Mr. W oodson is a graduate o f the School o f Law, and began his “ “ wh.o Ic-. . H s l f o f th. e o f the L egislature are form er aer lectu re with som e rem iniscences o f the U n iversity a t the tim e when he i vice men and the abolition o f Arm is- I * ce D ay in the la rg est sta te in stitu - o f the U n iversity in the H ouse o f wag R epreaentatives. T hese men j^r W oodson stated that in order tion w ould not be in accordance w ith Carey A bner o f M arshall, H. E .j ^ be su ccessfu l in business, a man th eir w ishes according to Ira A llen, Bell o f G atesville, R. Lee B obbitt o f m ust be fam iliar with all the details a d j u t a n t of the local post. Laredo, H. S. Bonham o f B eev ille, business t hat he is m anaging, W inter and spring officers &rejgame w as the headliner, the others Leo C. Brady o f G alveston, A. J - ( t h a t he m ust be am bitious, and th a t also t0 be elected at this m eeting. Durham o f Sabinal, W. C. E d w a r d s ! ^ m ust im press people w ith his abib T hese con sist o f a post com m ander, vice-com m anders o f D enton, J. F. H arrington J. Plano, R. L. H enderson o f W a c o ,: he is doing. * F urtherm ore, the busi spirited, Hom er H endricks o f W axahachie, j ness m an m u s t be public in the N athaniel Jacks o f D allas, Sam C. j an(j m u s t p e r f o r m his part he Lackey o f Cuero, C. L. M artin o f I a ctiv ities o f W estover, B. W . M athes o f Plain-J m u s t im p ress people w ith his person- view , J. M. M elson o f Sulphur j ality and his s t r e n g t h o f character. Springs, C. A; Morgan o f Brem ond. J S e lf- d e p r e c ia tio n is a m a n ’s g r ea test B. W. P atterson o f Cisco, Adrian enem y. Pool o f El Paso, W. E, Pope o f Cor­ pus Christi, L. E . Price o f D ainger- j field , J. E. Quaid o f El P aso, B . L. Russell o f Baird, R. E. S ea g ler of P alestin e, Dr. A. R. Shearer o f Mt B ellview , Gordan Simpson o f T yler, B. J. S tew a rt S tie m b e r g o f P ort Lavaca, R. B. T hrasher o f A ustin, and J. E. W in­ free o f H ouston. and a fin a n ce D obie is a t present post com m ander clearly outclassed the and Ira A llen is ad ju tan t. A drive the w inners o f th is gam e W illiams fo r membership will also be sidered and all vocational stu d en t- . . . . in the U niversity have been invited to the convocation o f L egionnaires! and ex-service men. The Phi Kappa Psi g a n g put up a their gam e conquerers, D. K. E. T hey held one field goal to their opponents What They Hid While in Varsity Speaker o f House Reminisces on Trials of a Washerwoman s con- an(j p a riss looked good, . f act t fcat he know s what ! adjutant, several Bible Class W ill , o f their tea m ’s points betw een them. sible exception o f th e Sigm a N u-S the w inners losers. For By K a t h e r i n e Co c hr a n o f B a rk sd a le L. J £ am e *n w hich o ffic e r . Frank I m igh ty good c o m m u n is , scoring all against 14-0. anfj . ,, his of o- , , . _ , . . . Student rep resen tatives I “The m ain trouble I ever had as a r e : w asherw om an o f B. H all was when Be C onducted by C arter o f Robert L ee, ^ e laundry would m is-m ate o f o f S ea g ler Claude E. R oy C. C o ffee o f Paradise, V. F u gler o f M arshall, G eorge Kem ble o f F ort W orth, R oger Robinson o f J ew ett. B j sock s,” Speaker ' • { H o u s e o f R ep resen tatives F. the the 38th L e g is la tu r e re m in is c e d on W ed­ nesday a f t e r n o o n . T hat was in the days when Speaker S ea g ler w as a the A nnouncem ent o f a B ible ( lass to Hold \ our Coin Here Come the Ticket Sellers Yum, yum I Sm ack, Sm ack! W ell once again. The se v e n te e n -1 he annual banquet o f the m em bers, vould-be m em bers, and form er mem- >ers o f the D aily Texan absolutely Vill be held on January 23, aa was nnounced by the well known Assin- ited Press. J u s t what is in store for members of the s t a ff ( if the funds ;o as the> usually go, w ell— ) is secret by u in g kept a profound hose unfortunate persons delegated >y W. Harry Jack, alleged editor f the T< \a n , as the banquet com ­ mittee. that Take going (o ffic ia l o f A ustin preparation W ell, anyhow, it’s to be amie banquet. rash statem ent from no other than S. AI, (B ia li) Pool, Jr., title ). I i- alleged by this individual that he entire supply live dock, of a certain variety, has beer. )Utchered in the In addition to the eats, there vent. ill be the annual Tiny Texan, which rives all the low down on every one rom the aforem entioned to J. Gould, im perturbable engineer of he Texan 50-per-hour press. The .liter o f this sheet has withdrawn 'rom school. A long editor the for en tertain m en t line, here will be speeches, ch iefly from members o f the s t a f f and o f the J o u r n a lis m fa cu lty unless other per- ; ions attend. T hose persons who are j >o fortu n ate as to be selected to ad Iress the banqueteers are assisted in •arrying out th eir part o f the pro­ gram by being told the subject of j heir speech fiv e m inutes before the j banquet. M embers o f the journalism faculty will from peaking over one hour, the regular pace o f a recitation period. prohibited be TF.XAS-VANOERBILT GAME OF FUTURE BEEM RENEWED FOR YEM DEISM Bellm ont Has Been T rying to Get Georgia Tech for O pen Date, But So F ar H as H ad Little Suc­ cess; C ontract P revent New Schedules It is practically certain, accor ding to L. Thee Bellmont thai Vanderbilt will not nu et Texas University in football a t Dallas In 1924. The co ntrac t with Vanderbilt expires a f t e r the game between Vandy an d Texas at Dallas the coming season, and it has been Impossible to sign the Commodores up for a ga m e in ’24. PFNIPK PJI I ^ TFMNI^ 0 O wing to this opening L. Theo is a tt e m p t i n g to fill the B e llm o nt d a te with a n o th e r big game which I L.111 ll IV U n L L u I L i l l IU ---- — I !TQ TO M T P T l l . L L I i i i ! I d I U I W hite and T halheim er E x ­ pected to Form Nucleus of Net Team a*S0 p*a^e<* *n Ballas. He ii b an n in g to bring G eorgia Tech, on* of th e o u ts ta n d in g team s o f South­ ern football e v e ry season, to Texas 'o r a g am e with the Longhorns in Dallas. B u t the chances o f getting th e “ Golden Tornado” for the Octo­ b e r g a m e in Dallas are dim in view of a reply received from the Geor­ gia Tech authorities by Mr. Bellmont. Bellm ont’* Letter or either D. A. P enick, ten n is coach in ad­ dition to his various other duties, has issued a call for all ten n is players who ex p ect to play on the V arsity, Shorthorn freshm an team s to m eet w ith him Thursday afternoon at tw o o ’clock in T H all. Plans for the y ea r’s work w ill be e x ­ plained to the men at this tim e and training rules w ill be given them . In a le tte r to W. A. Alexander, coach o f the G eorgia Tech eleven, on T anuary 5, Mr. Bellmont explained th e g a m e which Texas had been play­ ing with V anderbilt each year at D allas and that it was impossible to se c u re them f o r 1924. Mr. Bellmont m ade a g u a r a n te e o f $6,000 and an option of 50 per cent of the gate re c eip ts of the gam e to Georgia Tech. that Vanderbilt had Tt was shown been g e ttin g a b o u t $9,000 out of the rame each year, and Georgia Tech in the South- is a new attraction amount. vest might increase that Mr. Bellm ont stated that he realized o f the T ech eleven w as very much in- V arsity players w ill m ake a tour o f the M ississippi V a lley , m eetin g Illin- dem a n d but that it w as a grea t oppor- ois and Chicago and probably o th e r j (u nity f o r th e Tech team for an an Though the fir st m eet w ill not com e fo r som e tim e y et, Dr. P enick is a b eliever in preparedness and w ants to g e t his squads into shape as soon as possible. There w ill probably be som e local tournam ent or round-robin play soon to elim in ­ ate the weak m em bers o f the squads Som e tim e in April a team the Sigm a Chi-Chi Phi battle. Sigm a W hat with a fou r act, one person kit; the fam ous O riental “ Dance of Chi won by a acor** o f 8-6, but o n ly ] he Seven V eils," w ith four o f them >n the wash line, a journalistic jazz band, and various and sun dried, it '$ expected that s t a f f m em bers will a fte r fiv e m inutes o f extra play. In the eth er gam es, D elta Kappa dcUnted Phi R aj pa Pal b y a b„ ^ jven h „ n o r a r y , c av es o f abaence am a E N I ® " for tw o w eeks to recover. Marquis 5-2 score, Alpha Tau Omega downed D elta Chi 10-2, and Sigm a Nu ran J >t Q ueensbury and eatch-as-catch- enforced during the aw ay w ith banquet. Other announcem ents will nual Southw estern gam e. The date four dual m eets w ith C onference o f October 18, 1924, w as o ffered team s b efore the C onference m eet is to the Georgia Tech coach, played in May. A lexander’* Reply to send a team to take part in th ei W. A. A lexander in his reply on j be made as th ey are thought o f by j N ational In terco lleg ia te M eet to be January 8 to Mr. B ellm ont^ letter Sigm a Alpha Epsilon I an ™ les t h a , „e c tio „_ T b e r e wil| bfi is also p la n n e d ! It Though the Sigm a Chi-Chi P h i, nember3 o f , bo h„ nouet f ,im m ittef. were also hard fo u g h t, with the po*- S W E E PHESENTED TO MEMBERS OF TRE ENGINEERING TEAM Those Present at M eeting V ote to Hold A nnual Banquet Soon held som e tim e in June. W ith Lewis W’hite ‘R ed’ Thalheim er to form the backbone o f his team , Dr. Penick has little reason and (C ontinued on page 4) — - ~o ----- % Spring Trip to Carry Glee Club 11 h T O M S I C 0 0111/1 I L X U S said the follow ing: “Your letter re la tiv e to • fo o t­ ball game in 1924 received. Your o f fe r is, of co urse, very attract­ ive and I hooe we can get together soon for a home a n d home game with the U n iv ersity of Texa*. We have Notre Dame, State, University of A lab am a, Auburn and Georgetown on o u r 1924 sched­ ule. I hard ly think our comm it­ tee would f a v o r putting another hard game a nd long trip on top of th e b est of su c ­ th a t W u U m Penn in A s w as said b e fo r e g a v e v e n t Sigm a proval o f I during t h e entire gam e, but lost on I E n g in e e r in g stu d en ts m et W ith e n th u sia sm w axing high the room the a b ility o f D. K. E. cen ter Bass 210 o f the E n g in eerin g Building and their unanim ous ap- to throw fou ls. ovations delivered intram ural sw eaters I to the the Chi-Chi Phi gam e w as the th r ille r cl along with the the ev e n in g . A t th e end of the a1- given to mem bers o f the E n g in e e r -1 the spring trip o f the Glee Club o f ?ame8 f ar loted tim e each team had a total o f four points. f vc* m in u tes ex tra tim e. E ach team a rr iv e b ut Dean T aylor It was agreed to play w as to present the jersey s did not I ard Ilittso n o f C isco, m anager, but G eo rg ia Tech togther Brow nsville, Goliad, V ictoria, Gon- m ight yet be ing football team . B illy Disch who the U n iv ersity , according to Rich- chances are not bright fo r bringing to D allas the gam e fa r and ales, Corpus Christi and other tow ns T exas has only three gam es on tha p eriod would Ph il F e rg u s o n d o n a t e d , the victory I En that section w ill be visited on t h e ; ’24 schedule. T hey are: N ovem ber long trip, and w eek-end trips w ill be I, Rice at H ouston; N ovem ber 8, 27, tak en to San A ntonio, San Marcos, B aylor at A u stin ; N ovem ber Mr. A lexander’s le tte r em phasizes how hard it is to book games with big team s ow ing to the fact that they P lans are not y e t com plete fo r a ro aiw ay8 jn demand and schedule the them pla y e d out. B u t ju s t as the w ere A in sw o rth , H. H. A lle n ,gS. E. W eek-end Trips W ill Be M ade to Various T ow ns T hrough­ out th e State as if a n o t h e r e x t r a have to be a d d e d Difficult to Make Contracts if the g am e w as sw e a te rs. ahead. Although P la y e r s receiving arranged. cess.” So D r. T . W . C u rrie scored one field goal and it looked w ith Blue Sm ith , Si C rofton, be conducted by Dr. T. W. C u r r ie whistle w a s blow n ending t h e period, Allen, A nd erso n, Beck, Campbell, Dallas and probably B eaum ont and A. & M. at A ustin, has been made by the B ible arid C rofton, D r o u g h t, G reenwood, J. II. H ouston. S tudy I D o rn a k dropped one th r o u g h e*aiT The Glee Club is com posed o f 24 H A N D B A L L T O U R N A M E N T o- I student in the U n iv ersity and was C om m ittee o f the Y. W, C. A. L A D I E S * A U X I L I A R Y T O H O L D E L E C T I O N Pa r^ a ^ earning his w ay {'school as “ w asherw om an” Hall, o f which he w as a T hursday even in g , at 7 o ’clock, a through work o f the class is to be sim ilar to o f that o f la st y ea r’s which proved to loyal be such a marked success. The m eet- \ B. in- ings w ill be held in the library o f m eetin g o f th e Ladies A uxiliary w ill j m ate- be held in the U n iv ersity Y. M. C. A E n terin g the U n iv ersity in th e fall fo r the election o f new o ffic e r s fo r o f 1909, Speaker S eagler soon made the new year, and vario u s other him self know n, taking part business m atters. The retiring p r e s i-; fam ous E ngineer-L aw fig h t The leadership dent, how ever, w ill be unable to at* I spring o f 1910. He becam e a m em - ^ be continued during the rem ain- j tend this m eetin g, as she is ill w ith j ber o f the Rusk L iterary S ociety. c o m -1 F ollow ing his service in the cap acity der o f the year. The class will m eet diphtheria. The nom inating m ittee is com posed o f Miss A nnie o f laundrym an at B. H all, he wa.-; *t 7 o ’clock in the Y. W. C. A . read- O’D onnell, Mrs G yall Crine, evening, j Mrs. G eorge B utte. An e x e c u tiv e public speaking. com m ittee o f three w ill elected to serve during the en su in g collector for one o f the tailor shops year. in the ° ’cl°ck ev ery T hursday even in g , and in the are open to both men and w om en, be nancing his education he w as a bill flounced later. the U n iversity Y. M. C, A . and appetnted as stu d en t a ssista n t every M onday training course held a t 5 o ’clock every T u e s d a y af- a b o u t th e cam pus. in jg}g room at 7 also in T his won ^ u‘ Kame, finish a s could be asked by the most h a r d e n e d jazz-hound. I t w as as th rillin g a Irvine, R. H. Irv in e , K een, McClen- don, M c N a r y , M addox M arshall, M oore, Ponder and P ratt, the U niver- »»ty, selected on a basis o f m erit, j The question o f holding an E n g in -J Over 150 men tried out fo r m em -! th e b est s in g e r s in T O B E G I N F E B R U A R Y 5 y - ------ F A C U L T Y MEMBERS T O A D DR ESS C O N V E N T I O N A nnouncem ent wax made yester­ day by M iss E dith T. Parker of H ouston, secreta ry o f the Y oung P eoples Service L eague o f the Epis- copal Church T exas, th a t several m em bers o f the for t he w jnter term . J. H. H ardesty Un »Tsity fa c u lty w ill speak at th« the D iocese in as cerin g Banquet w as unanim ously de- bership in the organization at the Intram ural a th letics cided in the a ffir m a tiv e and Phil Ferguson w as elected chairm an. The D riskill w as again chosen the place o f the fe a st o f A lex ’s fo llo w ­ ers. B erry M. Whitaker, director o f in the L niver- beginning o f the year. The club is sity , sta tes that preparation for the under the directorship tournam ent, o f L ester U n iversity handball is j w hich will com m ence on F ebruary 5, Brenizer, and accom panist the j is being made. Every male student Mrs. V. K. M atthew s o f A ustin. As a general rule, the club m akes in the U niversity is eligible for par- ____ ______ ____ ________ _________ ^ E lections o f o ffic e r s for the next one l ° nK *our an(I sev era l tveek-end ticipation, and the winner of th® tw0 term s follow ed. R. R. Lutrick triP® during the year. T hese trips tournam ent w ill be declared Uahr®*- handbal l cham pion for 1922-2$. th e state. In 1920 the club toured! Mr- W hitaker desires that all of fir st trip and those who wish to enter the tourna- up on the b u lletin board near the cam pus entrance to Z Hall. Farris won the cham pionship in the elim ination tournam ent last year. n ex t yea r E ast T exas w as covered on the longl trip. T his year the first lo n g trip, taken during the Christ- its its second. Bainbridge o f Corpus Christi ser- of g e a n t-a t- a r m s . S p r in g t e r m o f f ic e r s o f o f Brownsboro w as elected president are arranged to co ver d iffe r e n t parts! 8 T h e ! 'n®nt I to be held F riday, Saturday, and! hart, secretary-treasueer, and W. G. Miss L u c y N e w to n , D ean 0f Ab#rnathy was elected vice-presi- W est T ex a s on A lso to aid in fi- x ) ,e topic fo r discussion w ill be an-] Third A nnual C ouncil o f the L e a g u e ; ;y*pft Hied September f4, f i t i W M B A R R Y J A C K Ed it or -tat-Chief HENRY C rtJLCfHSR « . fr K Keller M»n- /i-r Edit* JI ow Si R»ri;pb Da rid Kwt>pr*t'‘fop T r i m a s r, p o t f - A R D it- KRLF M R Arr v and N Pf.MA OUN* Advert)*Inc Manare-* ATA f P POR TODAY Mmapoy l l p * ,- ' S E le a n o r Lo-il*o Stereo tttwd m a s . . KKPOKTKWI E d it o r A A«*i«tsnf T -.*»•» * M .-.-a CT.- C T 1' ■» B -*a w . %* .M ig i I, ft a* V e r t An *•••* R o b e rra o e nnir Prt*« - ** y-ebrrr Bo******* W*<-ner R*l Rotfrfsnd Thursday, January Ti* 1923. passed by the Student A.ssem- Basketball Race Is bly, should bring much needed Gaining Interest of wl!e,f ,k’ th€ * 2 ? necee While there are some nee es-, in s a r y financial campaigns which I must be held among the stu- ^ f00^ a|j raee, molt of the Texas dents, the solicitations should Hj(rh Schoo!g turnerJ their attention be as few as possible. Students to ha8ketbaU According to Roy B. alhletic direetor of the arc generous and freehearted, Hen)|, but the numerous drives, ca m -! Interscholastic League, this interest Texas High Schools I their elimination goon a fte r , hl. ® | I S o O r / G V kS/V ) " By Karry E Moor# " the J u st judging from showing two games against made on Southw estern, the Longhorn basket* j eers are not so bad. They need a their trramnn!Bimit:i!i.;iiaaffimHi!tfmiiiifiiiifumaiaRt^fimiimaigiuiuataui b,t..of pollshin. f an,(! neef. ,t0 * * 1 t0' I aether more than they did in these) ..-ames; but th at should come with Down on ( lark Field these after- noons is heard seasoned aah as the crack of good practice. it smites the ole ..._...... . “ 8°me -yuh glove. W ith a spring sun shining “u l . t t l r i l t a " ? I’ I"! for “ Kood “ T " '"’ l l J « “ *" „C° T ' a".ordln* to I ihe “T hresher.” The Rice sports i NOW ON DISPLAY NEW SPRING HATS We are offering a splen­ did assortment of ad- Editorials s u /tT n h a r d s h i p o r ^ m b a i r a s s ^ 1 ** nJnninK extraordinarily ment to individuals with very limited Greater resources. fhan the financial burden of 'he financial drives, however, ’s the desirability of maintain­ ing, as far as possible, the aca The decision of the Student Bernie atmosphere and dignity r ap viva 1. OR CELEBRATION? pecialiy among Most of the time is being taken up at League headquarters with high es- down, with baseball in has the air fine to realize th at we are bunch of m aterial to work with and is there it w riter says Arbuckle in the “dead of w inter.” The fish that the old Rice “ fight” squad gives the requisite green th at completes the picture of touch of in plentiful supply. Coach Arbuckle ha* the right dope to enter Rice. At that, not all of the flab are so; He refu se s to even correspond with imagined, prospective etudes who might make but he asks wVfn»*ia« . or inr e oul 01 tne £ ,od under his tutelage; will There are two or three out o’f the t on getting ath lete, be a ; . . w itlin g eligibility q u e.tio n , which spring. arc a riling ,U over the .ta te . W ith the .U te divided into thirty-tw o di»- tr.ct* for basketball instead of six- awkward a* might . ? r ° n UC ° {n football the , 5^ uad of seventy-odd that look like every loyal Rice student to bring s the smaller schools. WM ** hard t a d bi-oi>- hand a time or so before. Z'VZh „d "“ "ri h*d, * , b* " to their can snare back with him next year. a - j 'h e best man in the line of sports he I ^ 1 Vance Spring models that | are sure to please the | most fastidious taste. These charming a n d beautiful models aw ait­ ing yon here you will find irresistible. rn 25 tournam ent things now.' held for eliminations leading to the Ju st as game. final Hate Few games will there to U ague headquarters until bi-district j fighting, there is likely to be miracles games will be played. — ....... o — But he was likely wrong. long as Billy Disch performed. is down M. & S. MATTHIESEN Congress at 9th In the latest bulletin of the Nat- I ind Hnft for the Mitten. ^ students anti alumni of ‘ to be a baseball team round some- wor^ *n time soon, “ Yeah, twenty years, from noon when someone rem arked thts it looked like there was going whoo!. would do more missionary likely less when things go a bit awry the coaches would have a whole lot less w orrying to do. ' ?° come ^ to persuade lex as and in the looks of about " just The Baylor Bears will meet Texas School of Mines football next in fall. The game will come one week ifte r the Longhom -Bear clash, which means that the Bears w ill be nice ” J. S. KOENIG C h i r o p o d a n d F o o l S p e c i a l i s t 4 1 8 L i t t l e f i e l d B l d g . Phone 4851 THURLOW B. WEED E m b a l m e r a n d F u n e r a l D i r e c t o r M o d e r n F u n e r a l H o m e S u p e r i o r A m b u l a n c e S e r v ic e I a r a c a a t 1 7 th P b . 6080 DONNELLY & WHITE Phone 6131 Plumbing and Heating Contractors 905 ConcTDRg Avenue HYDE PARK FLORAL 917 Congress Up to the Minute Styles in M en’s Furnishing* UNIVERSITY TOGGERY SHOP 2302 Guadalupe NORRIS BULK CANDIES a bore on county aft.- . . . , . , ° k a, , . c ' "l" !' ______ J .Y 1. . students financial the . . ■ o f irfKK i n c require. For solicitation on If the V a r s it y Circus Mention of the (or the J* the campus. Almost daily t ._ Many games were played before games were p.ayea oerore th . Sh. dirt b u i l d i n g , unduly detracts at- * * Assembly to arrange biennial Varsity Girrti« in s p r i n g term should meet with campus and in the halls of the the « p p » ™ l of from b o d y . however, is merely to take the their studies and develops a . form o f a m u s e m e n t it w ill n ot t a n t o and confusion which is be worth the great amount of 'tot conducive to the best scho- * h" • ________________ labor and p r o r a t i o n which to Uc work. The committee to, J « d i . * vt*ry soon district titles will be oass on all campus drives, as the production of a successful orovided for in the Assembly derided, bi-disirict the show will bill, should be able to reduce Kames will meet early in March in Circus to merit its presentation f O the minimum the number o f Aus^‘n in the every two years, it must as­ financial sume form and pronortions in which the student must pass. proper relation to the present size of the University student body. It must graduate from th*' class of side-show “sells" which in the past barely sur­ soda passed the hamburger, wafer a r d prize booths iv forming the predominant pari of the carnival. If the Circus is to he utilized mainly as a means of extracting moneyi uPVTTVr. o f Faut Texas N orm al5 fro m worthy a t au^e, it would be far!, better that the raided through a free-will of- j fe n ? g . Club Friday afteraoon at 4:30 i n l ional Research Council sent to F. E. Liestcke. head of the Engineering , Research Division of the Bureau of I Economic Geology and Technology, experim ents i ire Mentions Work Done by Texas Students _____ MATH. I, College Algebra, the con- OFFICIAL NOTICES PRE-LAW meeting Thursday, Ja n u ­ a t 7:15 o'clock, Law Geology Bulletin finances b e > w Aud“° rinm- ary l l , .building 105. championship gauntlets through h o w e v e r s t u d e n t s J . HART. reported V« inners o--------- annual listed over f o r iWlWRltlRH ten be of # # ^ ^ B u t t h e V a r s it y C ircus of 1 9 2 3 Will h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y j* 8 ,r »m , ^8 from 2 to 3 on M F and T T. ference sections are held In M. B. I nad® by thia bureau. This exceeds — M . sent in by A. 4 M. tbs only other T e x ., school the ------- PRESIDENT. LIDA B. MAY. ^ Januan, , , and 12, SENIOR Presidents for the University 3ui,din« f r o m a t h e a bemafera 1 . t dh Poafr t thr d UZ Z work t l i L T th ,, a pa h o f t h e usual amateur carnival and take* the more desirable and beneficial form of an All-Uni versify celebration and exposi- rAU BETA PI win « « t Thursday tion. An extensive celebration. »'«ht s t 7 :1 ? in t h . E n g i n i n g Special meeting. produced by Liter- every two years, would s ‘rve !fy program. as a great stimulant to the spir- it of the institution, and would lead to better co-operation be tween the students and faculty in presenting to student body a r d the general public a series of festive events and ex hilt iii Ona of which the Univer­ sity might well be proud Pageants, tableaux, shows and performances of real merit should form the predominant part of the Varsity Circus of 1923* rather than the crude hullabaloo of the carnival lot. The Circus might well form an event to attract thousands of ex-students back to the Univer­ sity for a homecoming which would be pleasant to them and beneficial to the interests of the institution. The best talent fall, w inter and spring term s from the various schools departm ents and will meet in M. B. 158 Friday, J a n ­ uary 12 a t 5 o'clock for the par- lose of perfecting organization in re rard to June Commencement. F. W. HICKS. TRY OUT for string section of the Symphony Orchestri will be held Thursday and Friday from 3 to 5 in S Hall IO. GYM TEAM will meet Thursday at MISS JOSEPHINE SCHMID. FRANK L, REED, Chairman. Student's 5 o’clock. the . ;;jr . — „ «* work. stud.e, of w«.r-r«!.ting proper- concrete aggregates is by far ' Ies the most im portant of these experi- of° ‘b" " p" ‘” e,nt* th* soils. rfoct f'f n u r tu r e on volume ch.nge Numerous in to test concrete, experim ents J were made these j including a study of the basic prin-j Hples of concrete design, the effect! flow of! of rodding concrete, heat into t h e ! in s rength of concrete as determ ined i by the strength of its coarse aggre- j states, the physical properties of dense concrete, and the strength of fine aggregate concrete. the concrete, and from which general The University is also one of t h e ! 2 schools road 1 r e - ; material surveys ported. Most of these experiments have been made within the last few years and some of them in the last year or two, been have Fraternity handball will open on January IS according to the ache* l " d . ^ !f ' ty ° f H*e . UJ ”,V er!Lty L E N IO R Basketball practice and! du,e -h ic h h a. been made out br final try-out Thursday, 7 o'clock. h ' rry M- W hitaker. The schedule is ! p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a c e le b ra tio n that will receive favorable rec-) t h r o n o h m i f i ’b e ih r o j f c ..o u t t h e j c o m m e n d a t io n j w . A _ A Pointl ahould ^ handed th . bulletin board on the west w .ll the ’f \ ,ra!1 ntar th f cam py, entrance in Thursday, 2 to 5:30 in S ta te . POLLY NORTON _____ j posted, together with the rules gov-! .ern in * play in the tournament on: If they will only bend them -1Counci1 Eoom- „ . vn ba„ the practlee FRESHMAN ANUR king. Thursday, 7 o’clock. MISS JOSEPHINE SCHMID. Btlves to the t a s k , students of the U niversity are easily capa-, hie of producing a Varsity Cir­ cus of the highest quality. In electing William L. McGill, as­ sistant manager of the last Cir­ executive cue, to act as bead of the 1923 festivity the S tudent A s s e m b ly h as m ad e a wise choice. If M anager Mc-1 G ill is g iv e n the w hole-hearted and unselfish co-operation o f 5 NEW Students who have not the student and faculty body, I th e re can be no doubt th a t th e i tbeir physical examina- 1 9 2 3 V arsity C ir c u s wall s e t a n [d on will report to physician’s office, B„ on Saturday at 2 enviable p reced en t for fu tu re room p- ® years. ALL FRESHMEN wishing to enter th# freshm an declamation contest band I® their names in room E* GRISCOM, J r. — °- v HalL ^et bad R EG U LA TIN*G C A M P U S D R IV E S UR. T. W, C urrie’* Bibl* Study class will meet Thursday at 7 T h e bill to regulate money! o’clock in the Y. M. c. A. Library, cam paigns on the campus, as A lv a MORROW. aiding. The most im portant parts of the rules include: The team to be com­ posed of two men; each match to be decided by the best two out of three games; all games to be played a t 5 » clock; scheduled games h a v | prior-; ity over all other games; opponents not showing up within ten m inutes I after scheduled time to r the game the game. A cup the winning | 'earn according to the usual custom thereby forfeit will be presented to tbe ! diversity, PALACE BARBER SHOP “The Old Reliable” “ Hall of Fam e” BILLY WOLF, Prop. A Strictly Up-to-Date Shop “ Next Door to Kress” 1 LET US DO YOUR DIRTY WORK HOME STEAM LAUNDRY “Good Work Our Hobby’ f r a t e r n i t y h a n d b a l l 211 East Fifth St. SCHEDULE IS POSTED Phone 3702 Received since the holidays a fresh supply of DULCO MEXICANO WHITMAN’S KING’S CANDIES Ranging in Price from— $ I .OO to $1.75 per pound —j — UNIVERSITY DRUG STORE " ......... . ..... ... .. . ...... SPECIAL CANDY SALE Cream Bon-Bons in Orange, Lemon, Pine­ Seafoam Candied Cherries V anilla Carmels Cream Taffy apple flavors. Burnt Almonds French Nougat es Cocoanut Squares Raspberry flavors. Gum Drops in Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, GRIFFITH DRUG CO. Scarbrough Building ✓ I I / V .. S O C I E T Y F A I R F A X N I S B E T , S o c i « t y E d ito r . O f f i c e T e l e p h o n e ( f r o m 8 t o 8 ) 8 1 2 S R e s i d e n c e T e l e p h o n e 4 2 1 7 ► •**<»** I F r e s h m e n T e e The University Dames m et Wed Honoring the freshm an girls ot nesday a ft.m o o n with Mrs. H. Wit- the University, the members of the cher. 2007 W hi til Avenue. Mes- University Ladies Club entertained d a n e s W. S. Ferguson, A. Abshear at the University Club house, 2306 J and J. H. Stuart were assistant host- San Antonio Street, with a tea from esses. 4 till 6 o’clock on W ednesday afte r-; noon. of Fort A color note of green, white and W orth has been visiting with h h and U niversity brother Dan E. McCaskill, head of Bascom E. McCatkfll --------- class THEATERS • 'Ss- T H E A T R E C A L E N D A R H a n c o c k : “ T r i f l i n g W o m e n . " s o lo , in A l c o L e s t e r B r e m b e r “ K e e p o n H o p i n ’ .” Q u e e n : M a d g e B e l l a m y i n “ Lor- n a D o o n e . ” a t t r a c t i o n A d d e d M r s. J o h n M c C a l l a n d J o h n Don* n a n in g r o u p o f E n g l i s h s o n g s . T e x a s : “ B u r n i n g S a n d s ’ w i t h M il t o n S il ls a n d W a n d a H a w l e y . M a j e s t i c : “ S i n g e d W i n g s . " C r e s c e n t : J a m e s O l i v e r C ur- w o o d ’s “ M a n F r o m H e l l ' s R i v e r . ’ C r e s c e n t orange, the colors combined, was carried out i n , tfce Extension Photographic Labora- Hell’s R iver,” the decorations. The dining room, tory far t ^e pas^ few days. in which refreshm ents were served fu rth e r carried out the scheme, the center of the table bearing a la rg e ; ja y s for San Antonio to silver basket of white carnations and M af Klncar and Rowena Davies minded w riter trying to impress his stal Ross, Mannie G. Sanders, Mary ill at the Scottish Rite frivolous daughter with the impor- Steussy, Roseiind Stripling, Lillian Have been tance of love and the loyalty that W ester and K atherine W heatly. she owes to the man who loves her. : last moment, | showing at the Hancock present* a; the biggest . ~ * * ( hurch wilt have ar- over other arrangem ents have been made fo r entertainm ent. Every Bap­ tist student of the U niversity is in­ vited to come. that to surpass. Lewis Stone , Infirm ary and are now able to at- SW EATERS H E R E S O O N V arsity football at her home Hot chocolate, cakes and salted I lend classes. the stunts --------- g y , ^ — - o - telegram le tte r men will have their sw eaters soon according received Tuesday to a levelling by L. Theo. Bellmont from the Oshea Knitting Mills. The tele- ! gram read, “Honor sw eaters shipped j I Tuesday Jan u ary 9.’* almonds were served during the first hour by Mrs. J. B. W harey and Mrs. G. A. Endress, and by Miss Mary Gearing and Miss Anna Lockett dur- ing the second. irm ary. i hospital. -------- - --------- Marion Legg is ill a t P. and S. Rawlins Clark is ill at Seton In- L IT E R A R Y M artha Louise Hoyt e n te rta in e d ; with a luncheon Monday afternoon a t the Country Club, honoring Mist M argaret Butler, whose engagem ent to Samuel Eagon Pondrom was re­ cently announced. Bridal white and green, the chief m otif, was carried out in all the decorations. Place cards were bridal bouquets and cup­ ids, favors were ear rings pearl and jade while the favor fo r the bride was a piece of silver. Covers were laid for Hallie Maud N eff, Mrs. George McCullough, E leanor Covert, Pauline Haldeman, M argaret Drake, Mary W atson, Eugenia Dilworth, Mary Louise Robinson,* Anna Cas­ well, E tta Gilbert, Mildred G riffith and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Ebelon Allis­ on announce the birth, on November 20, of their son, Jam es Ebelon Al­ lison Jr., Mrs. Allison was form er­ ly Miss Virginia Jones of Austin and a University student receiving her B. A. degree in 1921, while Mr. Al­ lison also took his LL. B. degree from Texas the same year. He was a member of Delta T heta Phi f ra ­ the ternity. Since in couple have made their Breckenridge. their m arriage home Rose Burgess spent the week-end in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. M, Moore have gone to Houston to spend the week-end. Beta Theta the pi pledging of Henry' P itcer of Abilene. ----------o------—- announces U D D E N R E T U R N S Dr. J. A. Udden, head of the eco­ R u s k The following program will be de livered a t the m eeting of the Rusk L iterary Society Saturday night: Debate, Resolved, T hat a conven­ tion to fram e a new constitution for tho Texaxs should be held within next two years. A ffirm ative, Blake Johnson and F. B. C layton; nega- j tive, C. T. Groce and W. L. Keitt. “ Public Speaking Contests During the W inter Term ,” J, P. Watson. “How the Legislature is Organized,” --------- Athenaeum nomic geology division of the Bu- Homer Maxwell. reau a t Economic Geology and Tech- the University, has re- nology of gently returned from Ann Arbor | Athenaeum held its first meeUnf, Mich., where he attended the meet- for the c u rren t term T «esday ni*ht ing o f the Geological Society o f The constitution drawn UP durin* \m erica and took part in the discus- the sessions held ,ast term was aP* proved by a unanimous vote. The don of “ Sedim entation.” : officers elected to serve during the _ w inter term were adm inistered the , B luebonnet C learance Sale oath of office by the outgoing Presi- r> progress— to m ake w ay for Jent. The newly inaugurated Presi- sprm g arrivals from New York. dent, E. L. Gossett, appointed Messrs. Yarborough, Ellis, and Rut- -o Sale of S w e a te r, a t th e B lue.' led*e to bonnet Shop m eans savings for you. °n tbe Pr08Tam C° m' m ittee, and Young, Wolfe, and P a t­ terson to serve on the Membership Committee. Since the members were attending patriotically desirous of basketball game, the society ad-; See th e costume an d tailored Blouses at the Bluebonnet Sale i°«™ed Patly, now on. ■rrr* “TV** Sack J fw CU*en.*tr« 4 fiHlgtlji w Hee*? IMwded ** HualitY miilS Au s t in Maid I Jr n • IS AUSTIN MAID EXTRA HIGH PATENT A U S T I N , T E X A S . < \tp\ 11 XI I inn ■ iftlti . It’s M ADE In AUSTIN [ I A N C O C 1/ I ilO P E R A HOUSE l l You have heard it— Now see it A m erican Legion s M usical R evnue Y ou ’ll E njoy TAPS w I f A N C O C i r ■■■ -“ - O p e r a H o u s e - ^ ^ - January 17 and 18 Matinee Thursday TICKETS ON SALE AT RENFRO’S to be of Mary Louise Robinson honored a the w inter season, I bride Miss M argaret Butler, with a bridge luncheon a t the home of the host­ ess, W ednesday afternoon. F irst prise was won by Mrs. Schuyler Room. Mills, consolation, by Eugenia Dil- \ ........ worth, booby prize by Elizabeth Rowe. A color scheme of pink and blue was carried out, and flower girls in pink and blue served as place cards. Every day in every w ay if you grow b etter and b etter, you must e a t a t The Cactus Tea Mu Phi Epsilon, honorary m usicalj fra tern ity for women, had a musical program W ednesday afternoon a t 5 o’clock at tbe home of Miss Bulah their Suprem e Presi­ Beavers fo r dent Miss re rs is Heaton. W ednes­ day night the fra tern ity entertained at the Faculty W omen’s Club for their patronesses, th eir president, and friends. Announcement has been received of the m arriage of Frances Lewis, of Denton, to Lawrence Shannon Cook, of Denver, Colorado, on De­ cember 20. The m arriage took place in Dallas, with only the immediate fam ily attending. Miss Lewis, while in the U niversity was a m em ber of Kappa Alpha Theta. C. A. Tayloi, Extension Bureau Photographer, and his*wife are the happy parents of a baby girl who was born December 7, and whom they have christened M ary Geral­ dine. Donley Broughton and Alec Pope of Tyler have returned to the Uni­ versity. T. M. W alker, a Sigma Nu from the University of California, has en­ tered the U niversity this term . T oday an d B alance o f W eek Rex In g ram 's TRIFLING WOMEN A d d ed A ttra ctio n Solo by L ester B ren izer Show s at 1:00, 3 :00, 5 :0 0 , 7 :0 0 an d 9 :0 0 p. rn. LITTIE PRICES I it 99 Today Burning Sands With Milton Sills And Wanda Hawley Com ing Tom orrow R ichard B arthelm ees In “ T otable D avid” ■■■ the love whimsey of a danc­ er and a gentle lover. MAJESTIC Three Days Starting Today A P aram o u n t P ictu re A Quaint faith in dreams which were real­ ized. ■rife Si)m mnAN E x tra Special Values In Lingerie D ainty fem inine things of particular in terest to you ng w om en on special sale during the W hite Sale This W eek O nly ‘’Take a stitch when there’s time.” Here are some special p r i c e s on stamped goods Gowns 69c Scarfs 49c Centers 39c Delectable underwear of soft white muslin profusely trimmed with laces at 98c at $1.88 at $1.68 . $3.98 Silk Lingerie Beautiful gowns, envelope chemises, vests and step-ins of soft silk laces, delightfully frivo- $3.38 S ilk " T" An uncommon price on Crepe de lbne and Radium silk envelop# tailored or chemises, trimmed. ' ' ‘i r a t e l y l a c e * hey come in rainbow tints ol pink, orchid and white. simply Jersey " Ever hear of so low a price? The* are those slip-in styles, cut bodle* top with ribbon shoulder straps. Light as a feath er but strong and durable. $6.29 Handmades ’Course you love the exquisite dais* tiness of real hand made, hand em­ broidered Philippine gowns and chemises of eoft envelope white nainsook. Jersey Silk Vests $1.50 J They are almost as long as “teds,” yet intended to be worn with knickers. With ribbon shuold- e r straps. Jersey Silk Knickers $1.98 Some people ju st can’t be torn away from knickers. They are so com­ fortable— and sufficient. Very unusually priced. SCARBROUGH’S Advertise In The Daily Texan ssea SUGGESTED POR SCHOOL LEAGUE M ajority of Proposed A m end­ ments A re U nw ork­ ab le m n M K S worn G rowth of In terse hole »t*c League During Past Three Yea''-' Period By Dick Scurry during happened As ha? each year of its existence, new spapers th ro u g h o u t the state are beginning the U niversity Interscho­ to knock officials, its and lastic League ch arg in g the league ss being u n fa ir to the larg e r cities, and offer.fig suggestions for a league o f cities of over 25,000 population. to The CHAPEL NOTICE Father Ross of St. Austin’s Chapel is the speaker at the morn­ ing prayer hour this week. His theme yesterday was the “Pois­ oned Tongue.** special a .plication was against the danger of the poisoned tongue in criticism against groups or organizations. As an illustra­ the tion he called attention criticism that has been made so frequently and so loudly against the University as a whole because of agnosticism and atheism of her faculty and students. The facts that there are very few such peo­ ple connected with the University in any way are not c o in h e re d ; but Christian people allow their tongues to get the better of them and make all sorts of statem ents concerning conditions at the Uni­ versity for which they have no facts. A special point was made that University student# could not be excused for such criticism for the very simple reason that they are specially trained to think through a problem and to weigh the evi­ dence before they make uncalh ri­ fer statements. the -tate asked to fifteen undefeated Three years ago there were from teams ten championship. claiming H ie League wa* take j to charge of the race, and make some sort of organization, with eligibility rules, an organization through which a championship could be determined, j The league, during its three years o f existence connection with football, ha* exerted th e greatest influence on high than any other ..ne thing. Sport for '""J* ™ '* sp o rt’s sake has been to the teams, cleaner athletics have re­ sulted, greater interest been aroused in the communities, and a successful championship has been conducted for three years. imparted has in (Continued from Page One) to worry about his prospects for an­ In addition to other winning teem. Hchoo) athl»aan with tb s banquet which something which is not done by any boys of th at house school, college, or university; teams would Smaller amonsr thom**lves. This plan would house are expected to be present. certainly be more unfair the smaller teams than the present one is to the larger teams, RA IN ES' M ANSION B A N Q U E T Raines’ Mansion announces the be­ night at the cafeteria at 6 o’clock. All members are giving on the Saturday eliminate I drawn —- in .mmmmmrnu., -,0 b tho th* of to ,.i ..... SENATORIAL SA Y IN G S CONCERNING VARSITY Senator H. L. Darwin of Paris— “The general sentim ent of the Sen­ ate will be to stand pat on the land-buying proposition until the entire aer-age is bought. Senator Charlet Murphy of Houston— “The atmosph* re of a that is is its greatest asset and < nlv the result of age, fa tu ity and distinction of ex-students. I be­ lieve in fullest freedom of profes- *or« of our h'gher educational in­ stitutions in the m atter of instruc­ tion of all theories of aria and sciences. Tri. th and an abundance of 1'ght is the only guide for a thoughtful and thorough student. t n t D A I L Y T E X A N and Craddock's boarding house ara league. contem plating entering the •HQ*— Goodwin Objects to Student Way With Magazines I rice for young man. Address R. V. — 16 Ford, Madisonville, Texas. Sauerm an. aes 7707 or leave at Grace Hall. Flora WOOD! WOOD for sale; oak heater blocks $2 rick, $8.50 cord deliv­ ered. Phone 5287. J. Reese. - ■ Miss Josephine Budd Much Im pressed by P oliteness o f People I MATH COACH— Students desiring an experienced coach in Algebra, Trigonom etry, Analytical Geometry Jr. Calculus call L. D. Golden, phone 5963. — l l I believe the thing which im - W A N T E D — A student to do ________________________ STUDENTS who need help in their c o u r s e , or som e w ho w ould stu- like to take conversational French, light-! F r e n c h housekeeping with two men ••One of tho larg est problems that to M. , ic0 pressed me most during my trip in-! the poljteneM of , he University Library has to face people,** declared Miss the at this time is the defacing of the Budd, student life secretary at the STUDENT Josephine — •— — -— I—I .,.’,, 1 stenographer ---- U U — U------ 1' ______ . . magazine* and new spaper, by students” was the atatem ent made tirn e d this^week i f te r spending tw o ja> m by J, E. Goodwin, librarian of the University. - - “The Mexicans are weeks in Mexico. Many students have noticed that p the 1 ,te laurels, i to vt8,tor8* No one laughedi y ^ tlefield Building. Rudd re I Brazos, Robison or Bastrop County or ! « • * • M,“ ®ut‘d / e' apply at Texan office from 8 to IO _•— l l 0 .od position. University of Texas , at the mistakes we made or the at- — ------------------------------------ ------ scrupulously DR. B B. BRAT, Pyorrhea Special- ist, T m* Electronic T reatm ent, 227 — l l - Sterling fountain pen with­ out cap. Has initials “ F.L.S.** en­ graved on it. Finder please* phone I popular magazines are not to 6268 fo r Mile. Eliae B ru n et^ —----------- — f r o rn LOST— One white coat sw eater left on Jordan field between 6 and 7 o'clock Tuesday, Jan. 9. Ring 3401 l l for reward. SPANISH coaching, phone 7467, be­ tween 7 and 8 p. rn. FOR SALE two beautiful evening dresses* and one afternoon dress. Phone 2847, 513 W. 34th. 0001000201010810050814240000010100010002002348484853232302000701025348 in m i l LOGUE found the reading room of the library. Mr. Goodwin says th a t the ’n ®Pan library has found th a t by keeping I these papular magazines they have [supplied only a few students with m^ ^ a r y officials who some of us made to converse i LO ST W herever we went we j W‘wb tbe s,arr!f‘ courteous d e fe r-j ,u e’ u te th e r at the hands of the us the them. O ther students merely clio towarfi Mexico City or v’^° aocomPa n ‘e(l us on many ; o u t .the articles th at interest them. ~fU ! ‘Life,*’ one of I be- • magazines, has not appeared in the J eve ^ bandits had held us up, they A dm ission of T hree new T eam s' library for some f i v e or six years. ‘wou,d have n e d us fo r our valu- the most popular of the sightseeing expeditions. started from the Rooming House . . f o e in Berry M. W hitaker’. o f .fr .n m T rtly d a PPM r8- Into L eague la Being Con- tem plated % At a m eeting of the 5 members of t h e ir m e r i t s o f Th a has been due to the fact that ab,es Wlth the same ceremoniousness j I when a student saw a joke or pie- w' tb which they pointed out t u r f t h a t he w a n t e d he t ook it. the s little g At the present time Mr. Goodwin; ^ H k c y s for climbing he m ountains.” g Ba ketb-tl! states th at the L iterary Digest mo>t Miss Budd was a member of a • gj In replacing! ®*rty of Texas tourists who visited i i Mexico City, under the guidance of I Miss K atherine E lliott of the State | | Others in the p arty were I Miss H enrietta Porr, Miss P h y llis § Henry, Miss Helen Saum, Mrs. M. D H M vntt of the University and Misses JU Frances Wilcox and Mable Brooks if the State Library. stolen great expense in copies so that the bound volume will I these magazines that are defaced or is put to a F.xcluaive b a n q u et the University extra I 'ik rary obtaining r i di c ul ou s ----- u ...- I ZSL at Tuesday afternoon three other ice 'clock 230 were .brought up for consideration of en­ trance into the league, and a set of be complete "ules governing the league were also idopted. team s P lanned b y Junior B luebonnet Girls Junior Btuebonnetts will come to the fore for the second time this year the in for The rules are as follows; Any boarding house or any other unit not already represented in any in­ tram ural basketball league shall be eligible fo r membership; members of! he V arsity, Shorthorn and Fresh- nan squads shall be instituting a banquet to compete in this league. Any le tte r ju n io r girls exclusively, man in this sport from a recognized college ineligible; players m ust be bona fide resid en t4 ir boarders at the house they repre­ sent, unless provided fo r; if a house ineligible also be --------- shall TYPEWRITERS for rent, Plans for this affair were made at sell, ex- I change and repair, Phone 4604, §§ Bever Tvnew riter Exchange, 709 | Congress Avenue. a m eeting of the Ju n io r Council a n officers held Tuesday afternoon, f j FURNISHED ROOMS for boys. Hot anfl c°ld water, sleeping parches,I was decided at this meeting that! blocks from campus, 2103 Nu-. those junior girls who have pa.G s __________________________ d CLASSIFIEDS I i *ess *ban DI men, men may b e - their dues would have a semi-formal the same block; one banquet Friday evening, Ja n u ary 19, the banquet room of the Cafe- from man may not represent more than one team in this league; the violation shall of any of the be cause the game involved above rules to n teria. Tim tickets will be on sale Friday | PLAT E The five members of the league are the three floors of B Hall with a team each, the Y. M. C. A., and the student employees toria. S. M. A. Raines’ Mansion, j ryn Lemly at the W oman’s B uild-j m orning, January 12, and may be had from any member of the council or in Miss Bawley’* office, for one! *TTE V T ton Law Grads and senior* I . j ii excellent law8 library at half price. §§ tie more opp or dollar. be given for paying ju n io r dues by the cafe- getting a Bluebonnett tag from Kath- j way or nhone 4863. price $7.00. Address 2506 Speed- s — l l = ..I | I J of ri FOR RENT— Four-room cottage at if 2305 Speedway. See I. P. Loch- s " ' — p f1’.1!1'008 ????«_ m aa» I Remember The Helpy-Selfy I W h e n you w a n t so m e choice food for a pic­ i nic sp re a d o r a fo rm a l luncheon . H e re y o u serve y o u rse lf a n d save. Helpv-Selfy G u a d a lu p e S tr e e t— J u st A c ro s s the C am pus Good opening and established prac- ^ii||||!||!!iiii|i!ii||ilit|||lll||||||||fllli!ltlllllilllllll!lllllllllllillll!llftlllllllllllllltllllllinillltllllll!IIIIIIIHIlll ________________________________ ;__________________________ ____________________ M u i f j I December Bills Are Now Payable the have largest its schedule as A league of Class B cities of only a thousand people could not few successfully carry on an elimination race, In some of the smaller towns never receipts the am ounted to over a hundred dollars. The small town needs the large city on large city needs a small team on its schedule. At present every city of any size has a plan of its own and wants to put that plan in operation. Even a m eeting of representatives from the d ifferent schools, as the Waco T ri­ bune has suggested, would be un­ successful ; they w ouldn't get any­ where by rambling over each one's idea of what the league should be. of The league has been criticized for not having a school representation its policies. in the direction School representatives in the league would accomplish about as much as a meeting of all the representatives. They could not render a decision in some res­ without being biased pects. As the league is now formed, the most experienced men the st aLe are directing the work of the league With men like Dr. Penick, Dr. .Shelby, Dr. Calhoun, Roy H en­ derson. Roy Bedichek, and L. The©. Bellmont, a t ^ head of the league, the best f o i b l e rem its have been accomplished. in Jin x Tucker of the Waco Tribune s a js The Interscholastic League un- er th- direction of Roy Henderson,! Roy Bedichek, and others has done more g od for h'gh school football and high school athletic* as a whole, ’ban the combined e ffo rts of the a!-’ l*Fed critics, who are row belittling league,! the acMevtments of irnzm accomplish in ten I ,till a few flaws year*. There arc m th a t could be cor-j im makeup reeled by eo-operativs effort on the* part of the rn* mbers involved, bm j what the Interscholastic League a 3* f e a r In fe c t has done for high school r o l e tic* >und as a wonderful tri­ to n * ti, the u n ty in g e ffo rts of the Vasverss y of Texas a u th o ritie s ” the the next An oiymrization that h a . acorn- gibbed suer, wonders in such a short fjRift l&euJd receive every encourage i Maybe other plans would! the w ork out more fegffv* does th o se; not schools which have adopted other INfr*> but none have been put into o p eratio n which have surpassed the Interscholastic League e ith er in plan or in achievement. satisfactorily, criticize CACTUS SUBSCRIBERS T he fo llow in g have paid for the Cactus in fu ll. A ddi­ tions to this list w ill appear in alphabetical order each day. W atch for y o u r n am e. If it does n o t appear, please b rin g your receipt to T h e T e x a n office a n d have your nam e add­ ed to the list: Dennis, Anne D en n is J. H. H. Jr. D enm an. C. P. Derby. Lois M. D ^vereaux, Julian D 'ckem en, Richard D ieter, H. B. Dittm ar H. A. Di^on, K. I. D ickson. S. B. Doak, Mrs. M annie D oke, Deborah Dominques. A lice Lee • D oughtry, K ath leen D aughty, Miss Lucille D ow ning, A lice Drummond, Jane Dublin, G ’adys D uncan, Dorothy D unlap, Mary Dunn, Juanita Duson, Donald Eakon, J. O. Eanes, Irene Earnest, Joe F.*»«!ey, G ilbert Eek ford. E lizabeth Eckhardt, E lizabeth Eckhardt, H azel Brow Elick, Lyda Ellis. C. B. E souivel, Sandy F a llw ell Ola M ae Falvey, Sue F a n s, C**cil F arley, H. C. Faulkner, Jam es H. Fehr, Arthur Ferguson. Phil F e tter , Wm. J. Jr. Fin kelstein , W m . Fischer, K atherine L. Fisher, M. F. Fisher, Susie Fitzgerald. Lois Flem ing, Pearl Flint, A ustin C. Fly, Nettie Foster, Lois Fox, Edith Fank, Miriam O. Friend Llerina w F rien d , V ictor Frost, Jack F u lc h e r, C. W. Furman, M clver Ferguson, E. G ates, M argaret G ahagan, L aw rence H. G a r r a r d , L. C. G arza, Rachel G etzendaner, A . E. Gibbons, Richard H. Gibson, Pauline Gilbert, Etta G ilkerson, Johnnye G illiam , Josep hine G illespie, Ina Gilson. D. H. G old thw aite, Lucy G om ez, D efina G ooch, C. S. G raddy. M aizine G rafius, G race Graham , Ruth G raves, C eleste * T 7 A e C A C T U This is the tim e to pay your bills START your dollars moving and th ey ’ll come back to you. Your dollar pays the m erchant; the m erchant's dollar pays the m anufacturer, the jobber a^d the banker. W hen everybody pays his bills it makes for increased prosperity— of the lasting kind. OUR civilization rests on the sacredness of the contract— on the honor and hon­ esty of the people— on the spirit of fair dealing— on th e system of credit exten­ sion. Don’t risk your credit rating. Keep i f high. Pay your bills and help your­ self and business. rn WHEN goods are not paid for business men must borrow money. T hat means interest charges, overhead expenses in­ creased and sometimes higher prices. Unpaid bills slow up the wheels of in­ dustry— create stagnation of business and eventually unemployment for some­ one. P A Y IN G BILLS P R O M P T L Y M A K E S B U S IN E S S B E T T E R — Y O U C A N H E L P BY P A Y IN G Y O U R BILLS N O W The fact th a t you are "tfood for -it” doesn’t help your creditors— it’s the paying th a t does help. Keep your credit ratin g A No. I always— it’s an a s s e t The Retail Credit Men’s Association W ith a m em bership of 75 m erchants in A u stin