© t o e U a x t o F irst C o lle g e D a ily in th e S ou th QZtxan VO L. X X III. A U S T IN , T E X A S , T U E S D A Y , D E C EM BER 5, 1922 N o. 6 0 TAG DAY i OPENS lie u p u s e s ATHLETIC COUNCIL DEFERS O O H 'A^/} TEXAS, WIN OR LOSE” MOVE V I se o m e n t t S a y s W orth in ess o f H is O p p o ­ n en t M ak es V icto ry H ig h ly P rized Whitaker Declines To Make New Statements L T I BE HELD NEXT MONDAK NIGHT bi a letter received by L. Theo. th e Bellmont, athletic director o f University, from D. X. Bible, coach P atron S ain t o f Law S ch ool of th e Texas Aggies,, in reply to a! telegram o f co n g ratu latio ns which Mr. Bellmont sent to Coach Bible a f te r t h e ' the Thanksgiving fracas, A. & M. coach is high in praise o f the Texas losing spirit. W ill M ake R eg u la r A p p ea r a n c e ---------- — ■— - - REGARD T01HEAD F 0 0 1 L L W H T w enty-three Football L etters A w ard ed to L ong­ horns, T w en ty-six to Freshm en and Eigh­ teen to Shorthorns w J I it w a s By H arry M oore A lth o u g h m em b ers of th e A th le tic C oun cil d e c lin e d to m ak e any sta tem en t for p u b lica tio n a fte r th e th ree- hour session M onday n ig h t, from relia b le sou rces th at th e req u est of H ead C oach B erry M. W h ita k er that h e be n ot co n sid ered in m a k in g a selec tio n of th e co a ch in g s ta ff for n ex t sea so n w a s d iscu ssed . A ction w as d e fe r r e d u n til som e fu tu r e d a te on a ccou n t of th e a b se n c e of Jim H art, ch a irm a n o f th e fo o tb a ll co m m ittee and o f D r. J. W . C alh ou n , and Dr. A . C. E llis, tw o o f th e m em b ers o f th is co m ­ m ittee. le a rn ed “I have talked too much now ,” was the expression from Coach B. M. W hitaker M onday in refusing to discuss the question of w hether or not he would consider acceptance of the position as head football coach in case the position is tendered to him again by the A thletic Council. L. Theo Bellmont, athletic director, stated Monday, that the idea spread broadcast that Coach W hitaker had resigned is som ew h at m isleading. “Coach W hitaker m erely stated that he did not intend to apply for a re-appointment as head football c o a ch ,” Mr. Bellmont said. Coach W h ita k er’s contract with the University expired with the close of the football season. by Mr. Bellmont is aa follows: The telegram sent to Coach Bible P rep aratio n s for the re g u la r ban- ° f the Law D epartm ent are al- most complete and the a f fa ir prom-! ises to be one of the big events of > the year. The b anquet will be held 1 The most important work accom plished by the council at at the Driskill Hotel Monday night. | “ D. X. Bible: ID. P. Bobbitt, adjunct professor o f !the m eeting w as the aw arding of letters to the football men. College Station Texas, You won greatest game o f y our Law will act as toastm aster and all I Twenty-three letters were aw arded to men on the Longhorn o f squad, twenty-six to men on the freshman squad and eighteen i to men on the Shorthorn squad. More letters w ere aw arded for the eveni ng is this year because of the great number of injuries which have kept some of the men out of the Kame for a good part o f the season. c a re e r yesterday. We lost to a bet- a m b e r s of the ter Please extend team my personal congratulations. I Your men fought clean and hard deserved to win. to y o u r ; Austin wiU be invited guests. The program courts team. high OPPORTUNITY TO S H U LOYALTY Y e ll-le a d e r s E n d orse P lan to U n ify T e x a s ’ F ig h tin g S p irit “ W IN OR L O S E T E X A S A L W A Y S ” “ I AM IOO P E R C E N T FOR T H E T E A M A N D C O A C H E S ” Those m em bers o f the s t u d e n t KESTEN C IB II OF ST. MAIX'S CHURCH GIVES SACHER CONCERT NERE body and faculty who desire to ex- j press th eir appreciation of the ser- j vice of the Longhorn football team J I and coaches d uring the past season the same time, a n d who desire, at they are , the world” to “ tell 1 ) 0 t dovm-heartted, discouraged, or M iss D aisy P olk , Lyric S op ran o b e r e f t of their pep and enthusiasm the fo r V arsity T hanksgiving Day d efeat, will have an o p p ortun ity a positive dem onstration of their sen­ tim e n t by w earing tags which read, to the sacred concert rendered by the vested choir of Saint M ark’s Epis­ o f D a lla s, A ssists th e C hoir in profound silence Listening reason today give th a t by of to copal Choir of San Antonio Sunday es- afternoo n a t 4 o’clock, a crowd filled tim ated a t 1500 persons University B aptist Church seating capacity. This concert was one of the Texas A rtist Series un der the u n i c e s of the D epartm ent I to its i fjcmts t h a t the on one side, ‘‘Win or Lose— Texas Always,” and on the o th e r side, ‘‘I Am JOO Per Cent F o r the Team and Coaches.” It in athletic circles, desire this th a t is to be understood is a spontaneous o u tb u rs t on the p a r t of students who, regardless of developm ents the f u t u r e will bring forth to take this o pportunity o f crystallize ing a spirit of unity an d loyalty th at will ta k e the O range and W hite fo r­ ward to glorious victories the fu tu re . in C o w b o y s D is t r ib u te T a f t THREE ONE-ACT SAITS Re U sed T u esd a y N ig h t L atest S y stem o f S ta g e O u t t o ™ 88 is buildinK H* T Bal»"0"'. | "Mr- Athletic Director, University* of Texas, “ D ear Bellmont: L. THEO. B ELLM O N T.” B ible R ep lies and *n charge of Lee D ittert, chairm an of th e committee. There will be speeches by a speaker chosen from ‘*a(,b of the classes of the Law De- the members of the courts will also be asked to make a t short talks. Between the speeches, In his reply Coach Bible took oc- p a y m e n t and casion to pay high com plim ent both the team and school large. Especially did he compliment musical selections will be given. that (th e traditions of hospitality the At to this banquet, P erigrinus, pat- ron saint o f the Law D epartm ent will make his first and last appearance of the year. The chairmen of various committees a re: program , Lee Dit- invi- t e r t ; finance, A. I). Moore; decora- and the at College are deeply appre- of the v ery splendid spirit o f j tations, F. W. Hicks; Three one-act plays will be p re ­ sented by the Curtain Cub on Tues­ day night December 12. The plays and the entire casts will nounced stage sets will be unique of the spectators but ie one of the do WfJ who are connected with very latest developments a rt. “ We ciative hospitality exhibited by soon. The splendid the be in an to most system of! * diversity to the entire A. & M. Coi-j stage a u l e t i c d ep a rtm en t of appreciate the o..... ......■■■■- l e * e > Thanksgiving. More especially j l l r y n n i n P T r D C U H M f i l i i th e the College of this .sportsm anship which m arked your Btu-1 unex Pected loss to us yesterday. I t is organization exists a pleasure to win from such an op- 8 t u - |P on *"nt and> m aY ^ add that the sting t » of d e fe a t is so ften e d g reatly in a loss F resh m an , L aw s, Pre-La wa and U ll IU J I Ll l u r n i i n T I I U U U I UUU I ll I I I T n I m i n 1 1 [N I H S M Fill IlfilTIU IIflL th e plays spirit for the benefit o f U niversity dents. C onsequently The Curtain Club wishes th e j year eonvjnce U niversity en tire thins, Gladys Rowntree, presented were chosen with the ; to an institution like yours. j thank you for your very cor-j (dial and liberal telegram which came thi8 morning. We expected a hard I P re-M ed s Lost to E ngi- n eers T h is Y ear — ——_ , p f Music of the I university. | object of in terestin g and entertain-! ' jn^, students. f e - ; tw enty Sweeping The choir comprised Irr order to f u r th e r this idea the prano and bass sections being p a r ­ ticularly rich. One unusual fe a tu re of the p rogram was the absence of applause by the audience, a t the r e ­ quest of the choir. through an undefeated male and twelve male voices, the so- price of admission was designed b y i^ 'K ^ t an d we are especially proud of season and with only one tie game the club to meet the m eans of all! th** victory because of the worthiness to m ar its record, Dean Taylor's 1 Engineers In tram ural football team U niversity students as tickets will be sold a t fifty cents each. Tickets! record live a long tim e before it gets real j sheet in the race for the Gill I n t r a ­ will be on sale a t the Co-Op, J o r ­ traditions and sometimes it doesn’t j mural Football Cup which was re- d a n ’s and on the cam pus probably but j placed the D. A. Peniek Cup, won get the right trad itio n s then, W ednesday morning. sportsm anship and hospitality by the En- a re perm anently last year the University ofjgineers.* Th#* freshm en, Laws, Pre- tradition al with I Laws, and Pre-Medics were m et in short the though the the sons of Alec I to a tie in the first battle b u t lost a h ea rt-break ing playoff game, the I score being B to 0 as a re su lt of a | field goal and a safety. The Curtain Club will hold m eet­ ing in room 303 of the Education Building 3:50 to make m ents fo r the production of plays. thoughtfulness and your institution end of the encounter, for its splendid spirit and wishing p r e -Mads fo ugh t you every success, I am, institution has to added th irty points to R E P R E S E N T A T IV E B O A R D o u r opponent. “ You know an H O LD S M EET T U E S D A Y a fte rn o o n final tu rn and each r e c e i v e d ‘‘Yours very cordially, a r ra n g e ­ these Tuesday the th a n k in g you D. X. Bible.” for your a t Texas. ' Again the in a of th a t the Opinion tags desires ta g aga in st his will, The choir was assisted The Texas Cowboys have endorsed the “ app reciatio n” ta g day plan and tom orrow will distribute the to wear to anyone who them . No one will be urge-d to the w e ar Idea being this should be a free expression of sentim ent, un in­ fluenced by any The Cowboys will appear others. tomorrow* th eir black som brero hats, orange shirts, and white b a n ­ d a n a handkerchiefs. the program by Miss Daisy Polk, lyric soprano of Dallas. H er singing is to natural and peculiarly adapted two choral work. Miss Polk gave choir, num bers assisted the “ H ear these being Mendelssohn’s (sacred c a n ta ta ) and My P ra y e r,” (m otet.) She G ounod’s “ Gallia” showed particularly the Mendel­ ssohn nu m b er t h a t her voice is r e ­ tone. m arkably sweet and work of the team and coaches m e m - 1 Even with the voices of the choir as U niversity Longhorn Band hers will attend classes in full u n i - |« background, h er enunciation was perfec t t h a t every word she ut- form today as will the m em bers o f, the Varsity Yell-Leading S ta ff and tered could be plainly heard even in the members of the Co-eds Yell- J the real balcony of the church. The the Mendelssohn l e a d i n g S ta ff. In token of its appreciatio n of tho the rich by in in in n s e voices in n um ber were very impressive. N o w o tn y E n d o r se s Plan The choir was seated as th e two sung. These final num bers were were “ Now the Day is Over,” a vesper hymn by B arnby and “ Seven­ fold Am en,” by Stainer. Both of football ; th e n um bers were sung a cappela. s t u d e n t ; any- fa c e ’ ! SERIES O F LEC TU RES _________ __________ W ILL BE D E L IV E R E D ‘‘S h o rty ” Nowotny, jrell-leader of the University, when asked f o r an opinion on the value of the “a p p re ­ last nig h t: c ia tio n ” tag day, stated “ A vote of confidence and a p p r e ­ the Longhorn the coation o t team and coaches by body would do more save th in g to command public su p p o rt and ap­ this stu d en t body proval, and re ju v e n a te Texas spirit. I am w holeheartedly in fa v o r o f the w e a r­ ing of these tags.” to unify than ou r else to* Junior and Senior G irls W ill M eet in Joint S e ssio n !10 arou" int*r 2 2 - 2 3 Session, an d considerable w|iRht m ann er to pher Morley, will be presented by J Ainsworth, Anderson, R. Irvine in the The Com munity Players of A ustin the ha(.kfield and Marshall but T hursday evening at 8:15 vic- ( ommunity every This will he the first a p p e a ra n c e : mari on the squad p]ayed consi8tent no the football unit ,jne are men< who have #tood in the E ngineers on Lavaca prom inently this year. However contributed T h e a te r ! tories th a t the a t in in in t h e , developed by Coach E ttlin g e r t h e j Athletic Council to presentation of the initial group of j N um erais win ^ aw arded by the two plays. following English D e p a rtm e n t of the Univer -men: Ainsworth, Allen, Anderson, sity is directing the plays this year Beck, Campbell, C rofton, Green­ and is confident th a t the two plays wood, Irvine J., Irvine R., Keen, on Th ursd ay evening will prove e n ­ M c N a ry , Maddox, Marshall, Ponder, joyable to all those in and P ratt. a m a te u r theatricals. interested the R EC O G N IT IO N SE R V IC E S H E L D BY Y .W . C A B IN E T S Y. W. C. A. Recognition services were held ,V ' n | !U P la y e r’s Monday afternoon at 5. The ear-! w° m T Um y {11 v a y f r * in the G irl’s Study Hall „ Music will be furnished the ^ Orchestra. Com munity Members will be adm itted free, and . ” , u by | vice was largely symbolic in n atu re < rnH rK a mi **( annually. May Lea 0th„ Y * c h a r*ed cents each. rc rt>e* an< and spring ®* A * JUNIORS ELECTION i J Election of officers fo r the w in ter term and discussion of tw enty *f,ve j plans for a social will be the prin- transaction a t th e m eeting of ! cipal i ju n io r Business A dm inistration cla&s at W Hall 4 Tuesday aftern oo n at Those awarded Varsity football letters w ere: Captain “ S w ede” Swenson o f Stam ford, who will r e ­ ceive a sweater with four bars be­ cause of his fo u r years on the V ar­ sity team ; E. Bluestein of P ort A r­ F ort W o rth ; th u r; Joe Ward of Bobby Robertson of Dallas; Howard Gilstrap, G ra n g er; M. E. Brally Den­ ton; Richard Burns of H ouston; Archie Gray of Baileyville; Yancy Culp of Gainesville; J. B. Marley of McKinney; Oscar E ckhardt o f Aus­ of Kyle; Lane tin; Jack Sledge T y nes of Cooper; Joe Moore of Austin; George G ardere of Marlin; John Coit of R enner; A, B. Curtis of F o rt W orth ; Desha P atto n of Waco; W eaver Moore of Houston; F. F. L e a n e r of Sample; Franklin Stacy of A ustin; E. H. Jones of Gal­ vesto n ; A. S. Higgins of Austin. M anager W alter S terlin g of Houston was awarded a managerial letter. J u n i o r and senior girls will hold | a jo in t meeting Tuesday afte rn o o n , D ecem ber 5 in the G irl’s Study Hail a t 5 o’clock. Miss P auline W herry talk to the girls on a subject will co ncern in g leadership and problems which arise in connection with it. According to sta te m e n ts made by the president o f the Ju n io r Advia ory Board and president of Cap and Gown th ere will also be announ ce­ m ents of the girls o f these two classes. in terest special to MISS GEAR IN G TO SPEA K Miss Mary G earing o f the Home speak Economics D ep artm ent will T uesday afternoo n a t 5 the Y. in W. C. A. Reading room on Social Social W elfare. Legislation This is one o f the re g u la r Tuesday afterno on in ternational a ffa irs given under the auspices of lectures on and ' the Y. W. C. A. is held and G uthrie had charge o f th e program and C atherine and Ruth Penick the musical W harton accompanied selections with piano violin. and Members of the Y. W. C. A, Senior C abinet and new members were dressed in white and c a rried lighted candles. Alice Ory, ch airm an o f the mem bership committee, and Virginia P o rte r, re p resen ta tiv e membership committee J u n io r Cabinet led the procession o f new members. from to FO O T B A L L C A P T A IN W I U . BE ELECTED! 5 o’clock. Election of A e Varsity football ca p tain will tak e place a t a m eeting of the Longhorn team Tuesday af- ternoon. The Texas gridiron w ar Christmas program Reserve CHRISTMAS PROGRAM letters were awarded to Leon Gorman of Winnsboro; M. E. Sprague of Dallas; Dave Hemsell of Greenville; Robert M urphree of Wellington; Steve G ard ner of Aus­ tin ; Vernon S ehuhardt of San An- of Taylor; ito n io ; George Luhn p auVault of Glen F lora; Ben to be held D e -tAJlen of C orsicana; H ubert F o ster f W a c 0 . Horace Kibbie of P o rt to have charge of the Y. W. C. A ., iranizations will have p a r t in the en- W orth ; A w Dohoney of V ernon. H a rriet Brush has been appointed . e m b e r 14. V .riou* campus are being te rta in m e n t and plans made for the annu al Christmas tree. (Continued on page 4) or- th e Hors, according tom, will g a th e r photograph m ade to an annual cus­ to have the team to addition i election of n ex t y e a r ’s field leader. in i;- A iu w LETTERS ARE AWARDED IN'WHITAKER APPEARS BEFORE ■ IN RECARD TO H I LEHER AWADDS ’ ' „ m for award U nder the Council football squad. game* be- j makeB tw enty-three men In recommending the . . . a t the m eeting o f the Council which the aw ards- h<' for m aking This was Though Coach W hitaer appeared before the Council m eeting i t was m erely to answer questions in re ­ gard to the aw arding of letters to the the the presen t ruling o f long periods during th e j coach recommends as m any m en for letters as he thinks proper. Then, , . of letters to this year, Coach W hitaker called a t t e n ­ tion to the fa c t th a t there were no the team and outstanding stars on th a t many of the best men on the squad had been forced out of the game season because of injuries and of Stacy, Gardere, Tynes, sickness. T Robertson, Gray, Jones, and C u l p ; have all had to be out of cause of injuries or sickness. The states his reasons work of Joe Moore was ham pered recommendations. sickness all season because of his the of during the first weeks season. the reasons these Council felt justified in aw arding a larg er num ber of is customary. nine­ teen letters were given. »nd the the to the purpose of W hitakers visit Council m eeting it was last night, learned. Coach Littlefield was also called before the Council for a simi­ lar reason. The football letter men will meet in the Elliott’s studio W ednesday afternoo n at 2 o’clock to have the team picture made and will elect j mously agreed to defer taking the m a tte r until a a captain a t th at time. Though sev- action eral men have been mentioned fill left by “Swede,” no one has been even tentatively se­ lected. between the outstanding three or men on the team who will be back next year. of Coach W hitaker was re ad to the m eeting and was discussed a t length. How­ ever, a f te r the m eeting members o f the Council said th a t it was unani- any later to date. A bare quorum of members was present, the chairm an the football com m ittee was absent, as •wert**, two o th e r mg miters o f this committee, and fo r these reasons it was thought unwise to go on record either way a t this time. The honor fo ur o f The recommendation Last year only lette rs t h a n the hole F or lies o f in P laye d Last Gam e S tu d e n t s to b e C o n sid e re d Of tim e th e ir Gray, “ B eefy” th#* men receiving let­ ters, several have played their last game. Captain “ Swede” Swenson, Archie Jones, “ Little J o e ” Moore, Nick Brally, j Another reason for d e fe rrin g ac­ by tion at this Council Members was they w anted to find out just! how th e stu­ feel d ent body and the R ube” Leissner, Franklin Jack Sledge, Higgins and take others will all be missed from the anv action thuy may deem proper, and the they feel squad when it begins its work next alum ni have the right to make th em ­ fail. selves heard on the question before any final action is taken. Stacy, j tow ard several Council has full au th o rity to advanced th at situation. Though students alumni that the th# is understood O th er m atte rs to come before the the Council at this m eeting were aw arding of equipm ent to players. It th at some o f the Council m em bers desired to award each le tte r man a full set of equip­ m ent, while others felt just enough to serve as a souvenir of th e ir service while in the University was all th a t was necessary. C o n f e r e n c e M eet th a t The Southw estern Conference m eeting will be held in Dallas d uring the la tte r part o f the week and it is thoughts th a t m atters to be presented to the C onference meeting were discussed. However, nothing could be learned as to w hat m a tte rs Dr. Penick will present a t th a t time, A g re a t p a r t of the tim e was con­ sumed in disposing of ro utin e m a t­ te rs o f slight im portance, It is u n ­ derstood. J U D S O N F R A N C IS IS N E W M A N C L U B SPE A K E R “ Why Catholic S tudents Should Be M embers o f the Newman Club) of the U niversity o f T exas” was th# su b ject of a n im prom ptu talk given S un d ay b y Ju d so n Francis, fofW tr student of the University and rn ber of the Newman Club. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N t MUST TAHE u N /u o c h a n c e s S ' PVAjAiy I Thought] SUfcB. I 'S££A/ r —-J T M K Tl&KEVj/ p B£*fe J ' Fo o t s t e p A P P R O A C H ; I Go£S5 J I I VYAS I , M t & Q C M & H K k A Z V ( S O L L A M - “Mft.'rufcftsy W o t s THE , IDA OA p i H i O M G US TURKEYS ' C aaJV e s t o o c a g e f u l ^ “TOMV - J \ V 'W O k - f be th e back gro un d of one’s face; and th a t a woman should use clothes as a personal ex­ pression of herself. Even the ignorant and ordi­ nary m an can see the grain of wisdom in Professor P arso n ’s expert opinion. Clothes m ay be a public menace, or a p ub ­ lic benefaction. The poorly developed taste of the genus homo is even disturbed by the sight of a wom an w earing an extrem ely long or sh o rt skirt, or by a fat woman a p p e a rin g in red or baby blue. But fa r be it from us to criticise the d e a r exam in a­ ladies—-final tions are too close by for an a rg u m e n t to be started with them . W e leave the learned professor to fight out his own battle with th e women. the ehair m av*» th eir name* with not later man of the com m ittee, E x am in at­ fhan T hursday ions will be held F rid ay and S af- irday, Dectm D er 8 and 9 from 2 to :> in M, B. 205. noon. J. L. BOYSEN. ALL FOO TBA LL men who have la­ med them will please do so a t once. not re tu rn ed m osquito b ars W ALTER I). STER LIN G . ded FOOTBALL MEN who w ere a w ar­ le tte rs will m eet W ednesday a t the E llio tts’ S tudio fo r th e team picture a t 2 o'clock prom pt. W ALTER I). STER LIN G . in m eat ALL M EMBERS o f La T e rta lia the the auditorium Main B uilding T uesday a fte rn o o n a t 2 o’clock fo r C actus pictures. P R E S ID E N T . o f GEOLOGY I LAB. T hursday, be prepared fo r a quiz over all work th ro u g h the S outhern Rockies Prov- S tudy ca re fu lly inee. the reading m a tte r for the Province* which you covered. Quiz will be I have n »t based on read in g m a tte r. IN STR U C TO R . FREE An 8x10 enlargem ent with every dollar's worth of K odak Finishing, K odaks Loaned Texas Candy and Gift Shop In F ro n t o f T exas T h eatre After Every Meal >*W. 4y^r Would You Shop Comfortably Then tr y it these days before T hanksgiving— a f te r w h i c h d a te the rush is on. The shop is full of a ttra c tiv e g ifts to su it all taste s and pocketbooks. find By buying now you can g ifts which will have no du­ plicates and which the cream o f Miss A ndrew s’ ca refu l these selection. A nd, d u rin g q u iet days you can have th e un­ divided atte n tio n o f Miss A n­ drew s and h er assistants, w ith whom you can talk over your g if t needs and from whom you can g et valuable assistance. are Our advice is— L E T US H E L P YOU The Gift and Art Shop of Austin 1 1 0 4 C o lo ra d o S tr e e t To Serve You Better We have added Chili, Sandwiches, Coffee and Hot Chocolate to our quality line o f drinks. Special Chicken Salad S an d w ich ................ 15c Get acquainted with these good things to eat and drink. 420 Congress \\ e have 50 Reams of good practice typewrit er paper at Get Yours Now Bailli (Texan W in * Collar* Dotty to t x ****.**...__ Fob* * ho * tm IM* emmw** o f **• Uol*or- f'-abtt- •»«— t Moo- •tty l f f n u by th * T w m Im , n r y n m aaa. Otfloo B oob U S, M ^o Ball****. Tai- ly iH M f t I*- A tt mr S p ® u ^ N h SI t i i f T m h tfeo U«J*or*fty Jarratt#: by Po*lur* s ta f f —Nom tin Ib u 4 « l|b , f r i i - • n .4 i WU*o«. Da* Mi H £. K d W MMBMMHHMwMlbu-'ra- — — ■-,—■ r-ri-l, irinn wwn ,y« ■ m-viiwi, «. * mw r iii - - TOM AB Q POLLARD Sa y r* I* tag Bu Moon* Monocot f f i T S t RACEY and N ELM A^OtHfW Ae®r» at ^ e annual convention held questions in a modern guise, J. R. Mabry immediately, frier; Weekly Grunt, F. M. Ford. Captain Raymer, and will be issued *n Brownwood, December I and 2. Professor Reed announces a policy • All members are urged to be pres- to the men before the holidays. I ent and on time in order that several Only those members remaining lr. for "matters of business may be attended Austin during the holidays, however, adequate financial support of mu­ public education and for te. f uB recognition of music subjects on an equal basis with other sub- will be allowed to retain their uni- ?*c *n forms. Frank L. Reed professor of mu* in the University was elected th , U n lr m lty j Athenaeum and propaganda Equipment according publicity 0______ -------- - for sic Owing to the rally last Tuesday PRESERVATION OF OAKS ON CAMPUS IS ASSURED thc college* and the correlation of the Public School music with these courses are Arrangement* have beer, made by amon(t the aim , of the e lo c u tio n . jt*Ct8- M° re coriformity in the y. '• which the three live oak trees grow- Regular meeting of Sidney Lanier needed for the experiments to y Literary Society will be held Wed- made in this building would have to in Majn Buildirifcr be a northern light. The architect, however, after learning how much these trees are loved by the Univer- j atty students has been able to find! Election of officers took place a t : another way to place the building, Ru*k 203. rf be I PALACE BARBER SHOP “The Old Reliable" “Hall of Fame" BILLY WOLF, Prop. A S’rictly Up-to-Date Shop “Next Door to Kress" CONTEST NOT DECIDED night, the Athenaeum Literary So-1 eiety did not have its regular meet­ ing on that night. The program fort I tonight a* held ever from ia«t day, follows: j u / ti/* il T e m p !* O n ly a n d W a c o W in a e learn * P la y in g I n is mg on thc northwest corner of thc <.Th<> n<>w marinf, lavv of Brussel*," campui may be saved, according to IW " j F. J. (o x ; “liumorsf rom ( ongrcH^" president R F Vinson Week I W. D. f'arr; "Apparent Strength of While making the plans for the the Ku Klux Elan, A. B. Dickson; placing of this building, the architect Hotel Move- thought it necessary to sacrifice ! these trees because the place where they stand was the only available place on the campus, for the light Arrangements have not been made "Austin’s New . . . . Bice. ____ tv deer e< Sidney Lanier finals B##^ y at g p m by officials of the University Inter- j mt.nt »* scholastic League for the annual hign j it was school championship here, announced Monday. The place for the title contest will the two teams reaching the Austin was selected in IBIO by th** Cleburne and Houston Cams be-J cause neither team desired to play8 on the grounds of the other. be Temple and Waco will the. Rusk only teams to play games this which Will have . hearing on Saturday night. State Championship race. Thew two hor th“ f>11 ‘• f « ? “*•?* E««man caama battled to a ll :t ti. and thev will play thi, tie off at N **,ta tv .CO Friday. The entire achenia F B‘ C1»Con a* wcretary, R. J. ha* been rut, up ana week and w i t h / 0*** «* rePorter, and J. P. Watson the semi-finals next week there th, Literary Society r«&uUr n o t in g of the week ** iaat weak w** unanimotialy elected prcaident; M A N Y E X E S V IS IT A T _ ^ ich the ***** vrlU not be dl*1 turbed. E N G IN E E R IN G B U IL D IN G --------- . probability of Visitor, to the Engineering Build- i v 8* *ergeant-at-arm». Officers electe d ing were few during thc Thanksgiv- stated game being played Christmas day. Bra<,y Col*l vice president, D. W. Monday. Those who came to Austin football game sergesnt-at-, were, H. B. Jones ’20, who is city! arms, Eugene Foreman. F. Y turri; engineer of Amarillo, Billy Barry Abilene vanquished Amarillo |a„t b a ck en ; secretary, N. 0. Nabors; r e -j to see *ek to the tune of ,33-0 and is rest-! *K>rter’ R J championship for the ®Prin* term wer* : P ™ ^ «n *»tng holidays, Dean Taylor the annua! JoPlhU the in the I week irig this week but will play final round next week School from Dayton Ohio will play j 8oe*t ^y* Cleburne at Cleburne this Friday, Although the Cleburne team is rather Freshmen Engage in light in tile bat k field, making many of its gains by me ans of line bucks. The kick mg o f the entire Cleburne back- field, has been in instrumental making many of Cleburne’s victor- j Dons will bt* ias possible. it has considerable punch Freshmen physical Pa&sball Games for Class Championship boxer of some note, F. P. Gerling '22, Grady Fuller ’20 who is coo-j .Southern Pacific the reclad with \ W. O. Stevens, *94, and! in Mile May K« I I of Wichita Falls, i >. A Frank of Dallas was also in j Austin during U»e holiday* to confer arni Benedic: the Student Memorial J with Deans Taylor training sec-1 gin their intra-section-J eonct!r,un*f for plans. th* is a v a i l a b l e o n a1 p a s- ball tournament championship of their class Tues-j ~ day, December 5, at 5 o'clock. No Reading Lamps, Light Globes d o p e t h e r e s p e c t i v e metrical S u p p lie s of a ll kin strength of any of the sections but j E le c tr ic a l S u p p lie s o f a b k in d s Repair Work a Specialty due to the fa«t that each is under; the tutelage of a Varsity athlete, i* safe to say that thp battle*! it will to* fierce when the divisions of the class of *26 clash. The sec­ tion winning* this tournament will meet the upperclassmen the championship of the University. Austin Electric Supply Company 1808 Lavaca— WH mn Twirling for t m . T H U R L O W B W F I D The schedule is as folows: Tues­ day December 5, Sections 2 and 4; Wednesday December 6. Sgcs , Hon* I and 8; Thursday December . _ * 7, Sections 6 and 8; Friday Peeem- . . ber 8, Section* 5 and 9; Saturday .. „ n IO, December IO, Section* 7 and . . , A „ _ ' . , , iS e .. ’ E o k t l a e r And Fun^r*! director Modern Funer«l d om * Superior Ambu!-< ace Service | | !?th Phone 6080 -----------------o----- ------------ LETTERS AWARDED (Continued from page t) .Shorthorn letter* were awarded to Captain Joe Dawson, Newton; Furman, Corpus Christi; L eister, .Sample; Pfannkuche, San Antonio; Hart, Austin; Mon mind, San An­ tonio; Guyton, , Hico; Alit*right; Brownwood; Du worth, Austin; Mc­ Pas#; Kennedy, Farland, Uagle Whitesboro; Duncan, Dallas; Light- _ . .... foot, Austin; Roberdeau, Austin, „ 0 Caswail, Waco; Maiey, Caesar; man- u 0 ager Hick, Dallas, „ _ Gms* Country . ___ . J , . ^ ’ «,.... ,, * . Varsity cross country letters were awarded to Captain John Trout of Buy Your Flower* V a r s ity Flower Shop 2300 I- Guadalupe Operated by 4 Varsity Students Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and Hot-Water Heating. Modern Electric Appli* ances. John L. Martin Phone 3563 4 1 0 C o n g r e s s IF You are interested iti preserving the leath­ er, keeping the color uniform, and at the shining time same your shoes with a polish which will last longer than any other shine— Then don’t fail to see the free demonstra­ tion of BARTON'S DYANSHINE double service shoe polish at University Drug Store Prevent Collision with a Green & Red, slow or atop signal A. W. HART Tires, Accessories and repairs 305 E„ 5th St. Phone 8065 Steele High was elected intr* membership in the ’22 former football player ami a 1 L«.,»»wtomim>m.,inmii,nmwnmmn.wi.imiimi.mmimi'minM,iiimnii* ii -o- _______ NWinwtwwH tm* * rn*** * * R—NNWI MKH j ll 111UWHHIII I Jacksonville; Dewey Youngblood of J CLASSIFIED I Fort Worth; Tom my Ijoop of Stam­ ford; and Gardner of San Antonio. Freshmen TAKEN BY MISTAKE- Brown hat and Brown Coat with brown scarf ^ ..... """ f W n .k ! Hondo; Temple Ouyton, Bill Bethea Bryan; C. E. Burnett, Kt?ph.r.Ville; Hra„a„n Bry.n , Beau- 1 morn; Hubbard Craven, Austin; J, • — — — — ........ .— -—-......... P. Cook. Texarkana; Kenneth Coon, LOST— Stone Marten fur Saturday! Mineral Walla* Franklin nlRbt 015 or ru‘ar Ulth and San franklin Dornak, Antonio streets, Finder Dial Leah l^ sera l Wells x,ur *-ake; J. T Darwin, ( ooper; j Martin, 9135. Reward, — 7| Sandy Eaqvival, El Paso; Sidney- ... E L r t t ' J S t M. M. Hardin, Hearne; Robert Her- and two rubies on the sides. Return mar, Fort Worth , Aubrey Jackson^ to I n a Knoble, 1908 Whitis Avenue, Hillsboro; Hiram Lawrence, Texar- kar.a; Julian Lyles, Austin; J. S. Mc- A REAL HOME for men and young Knight, Mansfield; M. M Newell, men who care for home comforts. 607 * 'A Richm ond; VV R. N .j |, A lbany; L r, .. —-IO Lh Parsons, Austin; Erie P e r k in s, Eastland; Chatles Ramsey. Marcos MV ll*; KB Shearer, Houston; W. ii. Trammel], Houston; J, H. Young, MAF Ll COACH FREE K ^ W , Ricbard B i.- locK, Marshall. San DR B B. BRAY, Pyorrhea Special ;Howard Stoker, Mineral - . ^ E l e c t r o n i c Treatment, 227 lf you want K S & Z lion of teaching me how to dance, write box 1818, University Station. O * ^ * - 22ud Street. Phone 7423. * Littlefield Build!ng. - —* „ , , , „ . 4 j CO EDS EXPRESS THANKS B. Lytle and Dorothy Fisher, yell LOST— A double Stone Marten chok-* leaders for the girls, today expressed cr Saturday night between 19th their appreciation of the co-opera- and 21at Streets or near San Auto- t h . nio- binder p l« « * notify Leah M ar-' don >nd m dnm hun. .bown by girls who They ala., extend . l Uu^k. to She merchant. Tho are rooms E l..,n. n. -meals largely responsible for the effective- Antonio. Phone 8591. change Chn tmaa see my nicely furnished 2506 San —6 sat rn the white section. their ameer* . tin, Scottish Rite Dormitory. planning to make v * ^ of the co-ed white section. Ed tl , .. ~ ~ rn EXCHANGED by mistake during Basker a t the Lnivcm ty Co-Op n a ; Th.r.ka«ivirlK Reception at Men*. the don^r of the costume* for the Gym brown caat with black seal col- coat. ehear ladders; J, R Reed donated coat, that rim8ar for a somewhat Sn* Will the person who has the the balloons and ^ arbr uf h * f j described please call 7674 so -'Asked (lie gas to an exchange can be arranged? — 5 ’ fsl, them. urA SERVICE— SANITATION DRISKILL BARBER SHOP Driskill Hotel Phone us your drug wants We Deliver Anywhere M ATTHEW S DRUG CO. Phone 6645 1612 Lavac* MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT Piton* 4525 C H A R L I E ’ S T he Busy C orner 23rd mod Guadalupe THE STU D EN TS' DELIGHT MAVERICK CAFE Open A ll Night Phone 7688 621-23 Congress Ave. A i ' : - , LA ST CHORUS REHEARSAL University Chorus held their last rehearsal of the term on Monday, De­ cember 4 at S Hall IO. The chorus intends to resume rehearsals after j Christmas in order that they may have the advantage of an early start inf the year. COLONIALS TALKS ON CURRENT EVENTS by Mrs. Clara Snell Wolfe will begin Tuesday evening, December 5, the first meeting being held at the Texas Bible Chair. Meetings every two weeks excluding the holidays, be­ ginning December 5 and ending April 3. This course is designed for busy women interested in public affairs. Second meeting January 16. The newest patterns in footwear. Plenty of ar­ tistic styles at Burt's. Black Satin with Brocaded Back Brocade Satin in Brown and Black Patent Vamp with Brocade Satin Back $9.50 to $11.00 Black suede slippers, sil­ ver slippers, grey slippers. B U R T SHOE CO. 606 Congress Ave. HYDE PARK FLORAL 917 Congress DRUGS, W HITM AN’S CANDIES, KODAK FILMS Let us fill your prescriptions— we guarantee aerifaction. FREE, PROMPT DELIVERY GRAHAM DRUG CO. Phone 9105 900 Congreaa Avenue UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Make our store your downtown headquarters. Use our telephones, drink our ice water and make y o u r s e lf a t home. CONSUMERS CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLY CO. Corner 6th and Brazos Phone 3555 Last Notice 1923 Cactus Pictures Following organizations must report at assigned times to auditorium of Main Building Tuesday, Dec. 5th 1:40—Students* Sunday Club 2:00—La Tertu ia 2:20 — Daily Texan (Entire Staff and Workers) 2:40—Longhorn Magazine (Entire staff and workers) 3:00 — Y. M. C. A. . Cabinet 3:20 — University Scandinavian Society Wednesday, Dec. 6th 1 :40—Rusk Debating Society 2:00—Corpus Christi Club 2:20—University Chess Club 2:40 — Panhandle Club 3:00—Greenhorns 3:20—Bonham Club 3:40—Students’ Ministerial Society Thursday, Dec. 7th 1 :40—Men’s Council 2:00—German Club