T H E DAI LY T E X A N F I R S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H VOL. XVIII. A U ST IN , T E X A S S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 17, 1917. VARSITY SHARE OF Y. M. C. A. FUND OVERSUBSCRIBED SIDES AND ORDER FIXED FOR TRY­ OUTS BY DRAW Faculty and S tu d e n ts C ontrib ute $11,- 140— Amount for T exas Colleges Still $5000 Short. I)e b a te rs-in -E m bryo Meet and Draw for ('laces in Brei im- in a n e s. RALLY FEATURES WOMAN SUFFRAGE INVESTIGATORS FOUR NEW YELLS LECTURE SUBJECT PROCEED THROUGH ROUT1NF WORK ' " VZ IV IV w U I H l L Only Two H undred R ooters Missing. Miss Younger of N ational Experience l ots of Ja z z Displayed by Those I‘resent. to Give A d dress a t the Y. M. C. A. Tonight. I he talk which Miss Maude Y o u n g ­ er of the N ational W om an's P a r t y is ' K*ve ‘n the Y’. M. C. A. a u d ito riu m to n ig h t a t 7:30 will be fully a s in- S e n a to r I. E. C lark of the legisla­ tiv e sub-com m ittee in v e s tig a tin g Uni- Men From Schools of Public Speaking and Math Questioned by C om m ittees. A ssistant Coach E ttlin g e r, With Picked Team, Gives V a rs ity Men S tif f Competion. The final fig u r e s of the U niversity Y. M. C. A. fund is announced to he $11,140. T e x as exceeded her app or tionm ent by $1140, and much p ra ise is due the s tu d e n t body and fa c u lty for the extre m e ly cred itab le way in which they responded to this call, com ing as it did on th e heels of others. / The a m o u n t se t fo r Texas colleges to raise is, however, still $5000 short. T here rem ain a s y e t two days in which to complete the cam paign. The various colleges and u n iv e rsi­ ties in the S ta te have retu rn e d very creditable rep o rts. A m ong these a re : A. & M. a t College Station, $5000; C. I. A. a t Denton, $5000; Rice In s ti­ tute, H ouston, $.‘{000; S ou th w e st T e x ­ as Normal and San Marcos B ap tist Academy, $3000; T rin ity U niversity, W axahachie, $1600; N orth Texas S ta te N orm al, Denton, $2500; S. M. U. at Dallas, $2400; So uthw estern, G eorgetow n, $2800; T. C. U. a t Fort W orth, $1810; B aylor U niversity at Waco, $2500. The goal aim ed at by the schools oi the S ta te is $65,OOO. leads, with Among the cities of the S ta te , Dal­ las $70,696; Houston, $05,000; Et. W o rth , $15,675; San A n ­ tonio, $11,305; W ichita Falls, $9000; Sherm an and Denison, $5600. The S ta te of T ex as is expected to raise $273,000. ra p id ity th ro u g h o u t The cam paig n has been p ro g re ssin g with equal the N ation. The U nited S ta te s has been se t the work of ra isin g $17,000,000. The C e n tra l D e p a rtm e n t a t Chicago comes first, with the sum of $7,248,- 000; Middle E a s te r n , with h e a d q u a r ­ ters in New York next, with $6,807,- 000; E a ste rn D e p a rtm e n t a t Boston, $2,700,000; W e stern D e pa rtm e n t at San Fiancisco, with $595,000; S o u th ­ w estern D e p a rtm e n t a t Dallas. $556,- 000; S o u th e a ste rn D epartm ent at A t ­ lanta, $314,000. Pass Required for Entrance to S. M.A. Grounds “ P r e se n t p a s s ! ” Your hand flies up to the left u p ­ per righ t pocket. No pass. To lower pockets, aud still no w h ite perm it. pocket. No card. To a Such Curse*. said s u it? I t ’s in m y other suit. But how does Uncle t a m m i e know you have a n o th e r su it, much less a p ass to He in the U. S. A. It. doesn’t. Hence the g u a rd tu r n s you to your off a n d you m arch aw ay boarding house (only half mile to the tu ne of ‘‘You m u s tn ’t a w a y ) say the n a u g h ty w ord,” procure the troublesome pass, and beat a hasty r e tr e a t back to the class you a re s u p ­ is a teaching. posed to be tra g e d y for S. M. A. in stru c to rs these days. No person is allowed to e n te r or leave th e g ro u n d s w ithout an offi­ cial pass, which m u s t be presented. This precaution ta k e n to prevent is sp y in g or sig h t-se e in g p a rtie s around th e school; also the cam pus and in the distu rbances to do a w a y w ith caused by n um e rou s a pplicants fo r jobs, who ta k e up th e valuable time of head in stru c to rs. There a r e few, if any, vacancies now, and more than enough a p plic a tion s have already been made to more th a n fill any possible vacancies. JU •I* *1* 4* * The C actus g e ts a rebate if a certain a m o u n t of copy is in the hands of the e n g r a v e r b e­ fore the holidays. All o r g a n ­ izations a r e urged to have th e ir p ic tu re s tak e n at the FJlioots th is week. to ready pay when pictu re is made. each Re Editor. V vt. * * ,t,* * * * * •J t h e " 1' 4' o th e r tw0 hu ndred n.en been i i i , is e x l1(“<'teodd’ ad ju n c t profe3Sor in the con- the ' ' e rs a tu m wlth whom I)r- ( l a r k Kave w” ■ * ’ w a i l e r hjg yiewg on r e tir in p faeulty niembers> 0n r e *-*r *nK' faculty m em bers, , gave it as his opinion th a t th e build- I ’’N ’ who WlU * w “ hout puaetiee w h e t I n ^ n n d L ie u te n an t G ov erno r Max of N o rth C arolina, W a lte r is to be feared fo r the other Clark, Food A d m in is tra to r H e n ry . S u p re m e 1 Sehool o f l>uf e t h e m a t i c * , in S u p re m e 1 W u ltsr I • '* on the ju m p, the crowd j Justle® of but C ourt ... , . . . » * . . , sitions now held by them. year th ere were over fif ty men who | l h ° Se new yell> c r e ca,lcd f o r - *ried out for the team , as compared ! •vith only th irty -e ig h t who a re com- Kent cal1 •eting this year. Out of these t h i r * ; th* rally to be held y-eight must be chosen m embers of the squad. insistence upon high in stru c to rs would. in time, put the U n iv ersity of Texas lina is the f ir s t Southern G overnor to tak e an advanced position on th e auf- in a class with the best N orth e rn and fra g e question, and this y e a r was the E a s te r n institutions. He recommend- in yelling before the big gam e, and first tim e he had e x p re sse d his views ed more pay fo r holders of scholar- F o r tbis reason, an even more ur- is made for a tte n d a n c e on next Monday twelve n ig h t. This will be the last practice Governor Dorsey of South Caro- qualifications w ith continued the for they will I he try o u ts met lrew the m embers which decided the side hey will a p p e a r on the p ro g ra m . The ■ At this rally, men who drew were as follows: la s t n ig h t and ‘■•very man who intends to corral him- the L onghorns Tuesday to be p r e s e t . definite announce- to B arker, H a rt, Day, Powell, Huff- w hether there will be a holiday Tues- r e p re se n t and w h e r e 1 a fternoon is expected j m ent will be made re g a r d With in a d a y or not. so fully. ships. The inquiry y e sterd a y Mrs. C lara Snell Wolfe, who has a r - took a d e­ ranged to brin g Miss Y o unger here, cidedly routine tu rn. Several student said th a t while she was in W a shing - a s s is ta n ts told of th e ir duties and Pax­ in s tru c to r in Slavic ton th is s u m m e r she interviewed every C harles Knizek, Texas C ong ressm an on s u f f r a g e and for more other N ational incident­ ally learned t h a t Miss Y’o u n g e r had a re p u ta tio n am o n g Con- notew orthy lang uages, made a courses in th a t school issues, and plea man, Brown, Knight, Kelly, C rossm an, Goldman, W arlick, Blalock, N augle, Dale, K err, Gofer J ’orenbletb, Hooper, Dameron, Forlies, Rascoe, Taylor, Jacks, G ra n g e r, S a n d stro m , Blocker, Simpson, Sim mons, Hedick, Cornwell, McMahon, Hickerson, Peevehouse, Stocking, May, Baccy, H e a r t, C an­ trell. MAILING STATION CAN NOW GET LETTERS i gressm en for her ability and ta c t. I IN SIX I*. M. M A IL 1 The chief clerk of the S tenographic Bureau has given out s ta te m e n t: the following j ERROR IN ATHLETIC SC H E D U L E IS C A U SE OF MUCH C O N FU SIO N NIGHT CLASSES IN ENGINEERING iit'drm tors iii S. M. A. \N ill be given O p p ortunity to Proceed W ith T heir Degree W ork. the u l e request was for b e tte r a r r a n g e - j ” 01 The Stenog raph ic Bureau and Mail­ ing S tation is today in receipt of its I first complaint, a n d we a re pleased to say t h a t this re q u e st will be g r a n t e d . ! There has been a g r e a t deal of con­ d a te of th e fusion concerning L o n g h o rn -F a rm e r clash. Many have on the assu m p tio n th a t the sched­ m ent of the fa c u lty mail in o rd e r to I ide K»ves the p ro p e r date, and have im pression th a t the g a m e is to be connect with the United S ta te s mail a t 6 p. rn. in place of 6 a. rn. This I played on W ednesday, N ovem ber 21st. will allow you to drop y o u r le tte rs This is incorrect. The schedule was which a re to be sta m p e d in the faculty I printed last y e a r, and since t h a t tim e the ath letic a u th o ritie s have seen fit mail box and the sam e will be attended to the sam e nigh t, provided th ey a r e i t o c hange the day of the gam e. The in the faculty mail boxes by 6 o’clock ■ g am e will be played T uesday, Novem- in the evening. ber 20th. and Miller; T he E n g in e e rin g D e p a rtm e n t will to m a tric u la te a eg in Monday n ig h t students who have w ithd raw n in o r ­ der to teach a t S. M. A., and a n y o th er s tu d e n ts or men who a r e in stru c tin g a t S. M. A. T h ere will be courses in Electrical E ngineering , t a u g h t by Pro fesso rs Correll in by P rofessors A rch itecture, ta u g h t in Civil E n g i­ Gideon and Gieseeke; neering, ta u g h t by P ro fe sso rs B antel, Finch and Taylor, and in Mechanical E n gineering, Professor ta u g h t by The schedule has not yet Weaver. been a rra n g e d , and it is not known just how m any classes will be ta u g h t, but th ere will be probably a dozen or more stu d e n ts who will do d egree work in these classes. T hus the num ber of C. EL, E. E., and B. S. in A rc h ite c tu re ‘ comply with every request, and degrees will not s u f fe r so m a te ria lly j ma n a g e m ent solicits from recent w ithd ra w a ls from Ju n io r and Senior classes. in place their your of it and line Longhorns The Mailing S ta tio n will close as soon a f t e r 6 p. rn. as the mail can be hen ik*d, and it should be re m e m b e r­ ed th a t first class lette rs only can be mailed a f t e r 3:30 in the evening. L e t­ ters, circulars, bulletins, etc., should be in the sta tio n by 2:30 in the e ven­ ing. to drop your letters in the Mailing Sta- the tion naturally a tte n d the big boxes, you will sav e c a rry the mail work, and allow the j Kam e on Kyle Field. The tick et fo r mail clerks in the sta tio n to g e t home ! K a m e will cost $1; the w a r ta x a few seconds earlier. all stu d e n ts m aking the trip will leave for College S tation early Tuesday m orning. The railroad fa re fo r the including the railroad w a r ta x , will be $1.89. Tickets for the g a m e a re on sale a t the n o rth window of the Athletic C oun­ cil room. W ar tickets should he P u r­ faculty mail < cbast' d bere at A ustin e ig h t cents. Fo r $2.97 is convenient for you the boys who j 1 usb to avoid j ticket trip , the If yo ur co-opera- 1 lays for eats, lemonade, p eanu ts, the vided f o r , with the exception I • « _ ’ Many s tu d e n ts have been w ondering o f out- etc It is the aim of the m a n a g e m e n t to W'hole expenses of the trip a r e Dro- i team . . . . • I Owen B arker and G arland Day, s t u ­ dent a s s is ta n ts in the D e p a rtm e n t o f Public Speaking, w ere the f i r s t w it­ nesses heard. T hey were examined briefly and told of receiving IKM) a ! y e a r f o r th e ir services. W. R. Duffey in stru c to r in Public Speaking, also told of the work of th a t d e p a rtm e n t He said his sa la r y was $1400 a y e a r C hat les Knizek of the School of Slavic L ang uages, spoke of the num loyalty of th e Czechs (B o ­ ber and and suggester hem ians) I th a t more a tte n tio n be paid them in the Uni v a n i t y . He advocated in c re asin g the num ber o f courses now offered. in T exas, Mr. Mikesell was a sk e d about his is is work. his s a la ry and the needs of h school. G arland Day, Claude Bailey, and Miss Helena Y antis, stu d e n t a s s i s t­ a n ts, a p pe a re d before th e committer1 and gave the usual in form ation CO-EDS AND A. & M. U niversity G irls Will A ttend Game Next Tuesday in a Bim!) With the Old-Time Pep. th e t0 e s (h e re will be no ” H o o v e n z in jf ’ on . tM u s,a sm » Pe P. and yells when the to College Station. The a s tr o n g e r su p p o rt a v, & M. g am e than a t any previous out-of-town gam e, not e xcepting Dallas. They are * from the girls a t the A 'v‘d have — n ♦ _ _ u I h r \ • . » - All in stru c to rs any of the work to be given, should be a t the E n g in e e rin g Building a t 7 o’clock Monday, N ov e m be r 19th. sh to ta k e K 0 ' ' ' " ' U ' . U ! 1 I N EX TEN SIO N H E IT I Roy Bedicheck, who g ra d u a te d from - this U niversity in 1903, is now con- YARBROUGH I. w HOME B U L T . t u i j it xr , v. Mr. J. U. Y a rb ro u g h of th e School . of Philosophy and Psychology is h a v - ; ing a b eautiful new home erected the co rn e r of N in eteen th and Duval , ta t I , ‘ K . . ‘ i S t r n t s . The house is an eig ht-roo m , stucco- J o u ^i R'tet'seholastie League. . . ~ .. ' 7 ',w t " 1 " j * ,h - ! ‘ ° f K s“ 'n‘ I sion as the a s s is ta n t directo r of the is well I fitted fo r this place, as he was for- . , i m erly the executive s e c r e ta r y of the , H ogg D ebating Club, and has for the , past twelve m onths been the city ed- the San Antonio Daily Ex- a t I „ n , . . ' , , He , . , , . . | itor of ,egg finished California W o w . and modern rn ev ery detail. The a r r a n g e - . tersoholastjc U a R u e _ Mr m ent is most conv em en t m a k .n * the : dutjcs are ^ ^ house is! A s 't h e a s s is ta n t director of the In- rjedicheck,s jn col)nection wjth an<| and . a „ Qf the >chooIg < f th e exceedingly c o m fo rtab le Mr. and .Mrs. Y a rb ro u g h expect , n addition M ^ move into th e ir new hom e some tim e , InleI.scho,a s t k . |.e a ,,u er next week. to • ^ to inform them of a n y c h ang es in the he e d i u [h(. . i f a holiday is g oing to be g r a n te d f o r ! *®,nR u U h o u t d a t e s - b« t not w ithout the required pep, fo r th e y ’re going this day. Lots of the stu d e n ts have down to g e t the F a r m e r s ’ go a t, and taken up all th e ir cuts alre a d y , and a lc going to leave no stone unturned will not be able to make the tr ip u n ­ to g e t it. less a holiday is g ra n te d . The team needs all the s u p p o rt t h a t can be g iv ­ en it. The pow ers t h a t be a r e a s y e t uncom m unicative as to the possibility but hope is not vet dead. L,.st y e a r s T h a n k s g iv in g g a m e is gone, but not in th e least fo rgotten, and the co-eds did th e ir sh a re to win the game. Tuesday, when we meet the F a r m e r s they will see ju s t w hat kind of s t u f f the T e x a s girls a re made of, fo r they will sta n d behind the team until the last w histle has blown. NEW S T A C K S FOK LIBRA RY . Two Additional Floors of Shelves to be Installed. A c h apero ne has not been selected yet, but Mrs. Kirby expects to secure one when she r e tu r n s from San A n ­ tonio. J. E. Goodwin, L ib ra ria n , announced yesterday t h a t ow ing to th e crowded condition of the sta c k s in the Library, a contract has been given to the Steel F ixture M a n u fa c tu rin g C om pany of Topeka, K ansas, two additional levels of shelves. T h e re a re a t p r e s ­ ent five stacks in use, b u t they a r e inadequate to conveniently shelve all the recent acquisitions. The new sta c k s ! will cost $15,445, calls for them to be installed within an d fo r * * * * * •I* •!* *1* *1* 4* *1* *1* *!* T H A N G S G IV IN G RECT P - TION T IC K E T S . * * •!* •I* * ( A C T U S ECONOMY. pleasant, as well as a ttra c tiv e . No. 16 LONGHORNS TRAIN TO CAPTURE GOAT OF FARMER BOYS Coach Ju n e a u continues to p u t the Longhorns th rough evenings of g r u ­ elling work. Every man on the team is w orking with a d e te rm in a tio n to put himself in the best shape possible for the b iggest g am e of the y e a r in or- dei to help bring home a victory over the f a r m e r s . By reason in g in a s o rt of flimsy circle one can a r riv e a t the onclusion t h a t Texas still has a chance it S ta te honors. If we can p ut the kibosh on A. & M. and A. & M. does as the fav or of beating Rice, who can 'oth in th e U niversity Y. M. I A., gave a 261 m ajo rity for he “d ry s” in T h u rsd ay ’s elec­ tion. W ard Four is the U niversity com m unity, and m ost of the otes cast are by stu d en ts and acuity members. L et th e logical conclusion be draw n, lf we were once a “ roughnecks,” th ere bunch of was no law preventing a change. FOREIGN LANGUAGE EXAMS TODAY ANI) N EX T FRI. ANI) SAT. It is a rule that each candidate for the Bachelor’s degree must pass an examination which proves satisfac­ torily to the committee in charge that he is able to read some foreign lan­ guage, ancient or modern, with rea­ sonable ease. Such examinations are given euch fall and spring, and may be taken a t either time during the student'* Junior or Senior year, or spring term of his Sophomore year, It is recommended that the first trial be made not later than the fall of hi* If he does not pas* at Senior yeor. first, he may try again. The first series of such exams this fall were given Friday afternoon. Those who did not report then, may take the examination this afternoon, or Friday and Saturday of next week. They should see Miss Oasis about the m atter a t once. About thirty have signed up so far this fall. Dr. Baxter, Dentist, 512 Scarbrough Bldg. Old Phone 1316. Advertise in The Texan. PR I C K L Y E a R A G R A P H S We have often heard such follies is painting lilies and squirting per- fume on roses, but only recently was i n attem pt to stick thorns in a cactus I ought to our attention. There is just one thing more dis­ gusting than the Kaiser. You guess­ ed it—a he-vamp with a catsup com­ plexion and an inflated ego. When girls study until l l p. rn., then gossip until the wee small hours, nil own a poodle mascot a* loud as I a Follette, is it any wonder they are forced to resort to druggist’s camou­ flage to remain attractive? It appears that some of these Fresh­ men privates interpret “attention,” a tension. Many a father receives a son-stroke ..hen the young idea learns to draft on the family savings. A little power is a dangerous thing. When a fellow starts attending to jo u r business, you can put it down that he has mismanaged his own. OR. ROYSTER GIVES NIGHT LECTURES ON ’ three years on the French front, will deliver a lecture to University stu­ dents Thursday, November 23, a t 7:15 in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Dr. Ludlow delivered a lecture to the Sci­ ence Club, and the members speak very enthusiastically about her per­ sonality as a speaker and as a woman. 1847 1917 JOHN BREMOND CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS And Roasters of High Grade C offees Texas’ Oldest Jobbing House BACK WHEN YOU WANT 'EM” UNIV. TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing 2214 Guadalupe Phone 825 JNO. L. MARTIN FOR STUDENT LAMPS AND ACCESSORIES Electrical and Plumbing Supplies Phone 320 408 Congress GO TO J. A. JACKSON’S For Diamonds, W atches and Jew elry R ECENT POETRY Complete line of S porting Goods E x p e rt W atch R epairing The English book-worms now have furthering their a new chance of knowledge of the subject in the form >f a night school. Dr. J. F. Royster is the affable in­ structor of this class of about fifty students. He is giving lectures every Thursday night at 7:15 in the Main Building, Room 157, for all students of English 235. No credit is received for attending these lectures, but, as Dr. Royster says, surely no discredit is received, nor is it compulsory, and n o work is demanded of those interested. These extra lectures are on Recent American Poetry, by such writers as Robert Frost, E. L. Masters, Vochel Lindsey, Carl Sandberry, and others, j The works of all these poets can be found on the reserve shelf in the Li­ brary. DR. LUDLOW TO LECTURE. Dr. Ludlow, a woman physician, who has been doing trench duty for over 617 C ongress Both Phones 133 Office Phone 623. DR. P. E. SUEHS Practice Limited to D iseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Scarbrough Building, Suite 419 Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M., 3 to 5 P. M. Dr. J. Gordon Bryson Physician and Surgeon. Phone 478, 303 Scarbrough Bldg. W. T. WROE & SON Oldsmobile and Maxwell Automobiles Rain Coats and Puttee Leggings 417-419 Congress Ave. Phone 332 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Candies, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos, Hot and Cold Lunches, Staionery and Toilet Articles at the UNIVERSITY ( AFE AND CONFECTIONERY Successors to Weilbacher’s On Speedway, Across from Law Building T H E U N I V E R S I T Y S H O P A. G. G ERJ ES, Prop. MEN’S FURNISHINGS MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES OUR SPECIALTY We Make Military Uniforms. 1610 Lavaca St. H O U G H ’S A U TO SERVICE Both Phones 861 Day or Night Seven Passenger Cars Only 419 COLORADO STREET 419 Joseph's Pharmacy E. M. JOSEPH. Prop. Try Our Sanitary SODA SERVICE. A gents JOHNSTON’S and ELMERS’ CANDIES A GUARANTEED SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN F O R $ 1 . 0 0 M A T T H E W S D R U G S T O R E 1612 Lavaca St. Prompt Delivery Anywhere Phone 645 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY The Austin National Bank OF AUSTIN, TEXAS RESOURCES, $5,000,000.00 E. P. WILMOT, President Wm. H. FOLTS, Vice-President JNO. H. CHILES, Vice-President MORRIS HIRSHFELD, Cashier C. M BARTHOLOMEW, Asst. Cash. FACULTY AND STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITED NO ACCOUNT TOO SMALL TO HANDLE Residence Phone 4270 622 Congress Ave. Phones 325-335 First Class Shining Parlor Phone 2652 607 Congress Ave For Your Deer and Duck Hunt We Have Guns, Ammunition and Full Stock of Sportsmen’s Clothing . a The Walter Tips Company AUSTIN, TEXAS Kodak Finishing and Supplies OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS FOR THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Jordan Co. “We Make Kodak Prints Every Day.” 610 Congress Branch at Van Sm iths’ The Crescent Confectionery — ^ 10th and Congress Hot Drinks, Chili, Tamales, Sandwiches, Cold Drinks, Bread, Cakes, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. I hone 1703 10th & Congress RING 4 7 3 | CONSUMERS FU E L AND ICE COMPANY - _ I V e n u s IO* PENCIL T H E perfec­ tion of pencil quality — un* • q u e l l e d f o r smoothness, uni­ formity of grading and durability. 17 black degrees' from 6B softest to to 9H hardest, and hard and medium (Indelible) copy­ ing. Look for the distinc­ tive V E N U S finish! % / F R E E T h is trial b o x with fir* V EN D S Dr*w in* Pencils, H o l d e r a n d V EN U S Eraser sent free. Write for it. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Axe.. N . Y . Dept. D21 th* VENU S ErU**r,h». M o * in 12 tit**. Si OO pm A m . - . , - ' ■■ • / ■ . ^ m 1 . TheWoman’s Toggery Shop SOCIETY Dorthy M cKnight, Editor. COLLEGE NOTES Jam es A. H unter, Editor. Lucien C rockett, Associate. Y O U R O P P O R T U N IT Y " . . . . . . . WILL COME—BE READY FOR IT Mark this—Today’s conditions make it more essential than ever before th at you not only be in clothes of dressed good style, but correct style. They are the first step toward creating con­ fidence in the men you have to meet and do bus­ iness with. When your a rriv e s_ opportunity and it is sure to come__ make it a point to be in condition to take advan­ tage of it by wearing a Smith-Wilcox Suit. Custom finish—ready-to- put-on $20, $25 and Up Come in now while the selection is good. T h . Stat* Bi Cm III* 616 CONGRESS AVENUE members. They will not be entitled to take p a rt in the trial of cases a t pres­ ent, but will help to form a ju ry when is demanded. N ext y ear these one men will enjoy all privileges of active m embership. C. I. FRANCIS TALKS TO J. AAS “ My Experience as a L aw yer” was talk by C harles I the the subject of a Francis, prom inent alum nus, to J .'A . class yesterday. the Mr. Francis dew lt a t length upon his experiences firs t few in months of his legal career, and a s ­ sured his h earers th a t the law yer’s profession was one requiring the m ost exacting knowledge and intense ap p li­ cation of any, Francis is a t present practicing law in F t. W orth, and his visit to Austin was on business fo r his firm . T ry Texan w ant ads. They bring results. Josephine Theis Big B a r g a i n s in M i l l i n e r y I’ eaturing Hats for the Thanksgiving Festivities Street and dress models in the fashionable colors, sm art­ ly trimmed in furs, metal ribbons and French flowers. A ll designs from the best Eastern shops. $12.50 values for $4. $16.50 values for $6.50. $20 values for $10. Higher values correspondingly priced. Cunning hats and caps tiny miss, a t­ the for tractively priced. C riticism . A copy of the Acorn of Dallas High has ju s t arrived a t The Texan office. In the exchange departm ent they have the following note on The T ex an : “The grade of paper used d etracts from the appearance of The Texan.” The Red Triangle. Students of Chicago U niversity are to receive a red triangle when they the w ar Y. M. C. A. subscribe fund. The buttons will be made on the order of Liberty Bond buttons, md will serve the sam e purpose. to Prexy on H igher Education. The Bary High Journal quotes Dr. Vinson’s definition of higher educa­ tion as given before the House during the recent im peachm ent trial. P rexy’s definition has been quoted all over the country, and as Journal says, “This off-hand answ er of President Vinson’s has been heralded as the most complete and yet simple defini- ion of higher education th a t has ever been given.” the Finances a t Cornell. short Cornell is $100,000 on its running expenses. This deficit is due to the fact th a t so few tuition pupils lave re-entered this year. At this U niversity the students are attem p t- ng to raise $5000 as th eir share of the w ar “ Y” w'ork, and the girls are op- earatin g a shoe .shining parlor and shucking corn to raise money fo r the fund. Toronto In the W ar. has certainly The University of Toronto a t C ana­ entered whole­ da heartedly into the war. They have so "ar four thousand and fifty-tw o fo r­ mer faculty and student members in the service of G reat B ritain. Of this num ber, 2848 men or 85 per cent of the total are commissioned officers. The V arsity, the paper of Toronto U niversity, in the copy of November 5, reports the death of two lieuten­ ants and a colonel, besides a num ber of injured form er members of the stu ­ dent body, as th at day’s casualty list. COFER LAWS PO STPO N E TRIAL. The case of M ary S prightly ag ain st Mi. E astm an Kodak came up for trial in the Cofer Law Society Thursday night. A ttorneys fo r the plain tiff were Sames and L attn er; for the de­ fendant, Carney and N u tt The case had to be postponed on account of H arry Sames being in Seton In firm ­ ary a t th a t time. A t this m eeting J. B. Ferguson and J. K. Crossman were elected to mem­ bership. is doing The society some very efficient work under the guidance of S enator Cofer. In spite of the small num ber of law students this year, the m em bership has reached tw enty-five. The m ajority of the m em bers are Se­ nior Laws, but about eight Middle Laws are active members. I t has been decided to select a few to become associate Junior Laws N ew Coats and Dresses at Greatly Reduced PricesToday Simple, correct taffetas, some with Georgette sleeves; all well made and unusual values ........ $ 8 5 0 $ 1 7 .5 0 Navy serges, in styles suitable for ^ school and street wear, some braid- j $ I 9 5 0 trimmed, others with touches of , de- \ $ 2 5 OO hand-embroidery. The newest signs ...................................................... I to * Afternoon and semi-dress frocks in satins, Georgette and combinations of velvet and sa tin ; all of colors ) $ 2 5 .0 0 I A - *° „ _ the wanted .................................................... ) $ 3 8 .5 0 ( OATS. We have all the fashionable ma­ terials: Bolivia, Silver Tone, Pom Pom and I 0 OCZ n n Broadcloth. Satin-lined models, with or fur collars. The discriminating without buyer will find the most in Austin here ............................................. satisfactory values ) $ 4 8 .5 0 *° J Hats From All the Leading Makers - Low Prices - Clever Designs Phone 1601 Phone 1601 Indies’ Work Skillfully Handled by Expert Workmen. BIGGS & COMPANY TAILORS ANI) HATTERS (leaning Pressing Repairing Suits Made to Order 1007 Congress Ave. PHONE 2048 FREE DELIVERY T H E N O O K Confectionery The Place to Get Your Candies and Cold Drinks CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CRACKERS AND CAKES THEO HOLEKAMP, Proprietor 24th and Guadalupe Sts. U niversity Toggery Shop BROYLES & ROSE Proprietors Correct Clothes for Men Cleaning and Pressing 2300 1*2 Guadalupe Street Phone 3090 If Its a Pennant, the Latest Designs Are at Everybodys’ Book Store 906 Congress Ave. Where 50c Kid Skull Caps Sell for 35cts Just arrived, a new stock of beautiful Stationery. We sell the “Old Reliable” Sheaffer Fountain Pens. SWANN Furniture and Carpet Company FOR CONVENIENCE AND SERVICE CACTUS TEA ROOM Regular Meals or a la Carte Open 7 :30 A. M. to 8 P. M. We Furnish More Homes 2208 Guadalupe Street There Is a Reason Miss Fannie Sellars was hostess to the t urtain Club with a dinner a t the L ieta House la st T hursday night. The program of entertainm ent consisted of a reading by Miss Cordelia Broad- bent, and a play, “ B arbara,” the a c t­ ors taking p a rt being Miss Pearl Zilker and Messrs. Tom S curry and Bill Dupree. A five-course dinner was served to the following guests: Misses Feral Zilker, Cordelia Broad- bent, Susie F isher, Leona Gibbins, Jeannette Collett, and M ary K irkpat rick, and M essers. Sowers, Din widdle, Scurry, C rutcher, Knight, Vander- s tratten , Swift, Day, Dupree, anc Smith. Miss Frances Allen is spending the week-end in San Antonio, where she is the guest of her sister. The members of the R attle r Club entertained a num ber of th eir friends with a dance a t the Driskill Hotel F riday night. The members of the Arrowhead Club e n te r ta in e d a num ber of their freinds with a dance a t the Cactus Tea Room last S aturday night. The decorative scheme, according to the latest vogue, was one of marked sim- plic ity. I alms and vines alone being used. Punch was served throughout a delicious salad the evening, and the following course was served to guests: Misses Zilker, Seale, Brady. Haynes, Bremond, Allen, W est, Woot­ en, M artin, Allen, Childress, Lewis, Johns, Mary Smith, Kelly, Laura Johns, Wise, Booty, Cham bers, Collum, Thompson, C ollett, Crouch, Camp, and H arris; M essrs Bradley, Vandenberg. C aptain C. D. Johns, and Lieutenants M urray and H art. The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Collett and Mr. and Mrs. Bremond. Fred Hibbard is visiting friends in Austin. Rex Shaw, a last-year student of the U niversity, is a guest a t the Phi Gamma Delta House. The A ngler Club held initiation services a t the Chi Omega House F ri­ day afternoon. Miss F ritz Childress will be the guest of her sister, Miss Lad ye Bryce C hildress, in the near future. Miss Olivette Wise has been called to San Antonio because of the illness of her grandm other. Mrs. Nunn of Houston has been the guest of her son, R obert, who is a t ­ tending the U niversity. While here she was the honoree of several social functions. Mrs. J. Adams, form erly Hazel Tal­ bot, a student of the U niversity, is a g uest of her siste r Miss Rudolph T al­ bot, a t the W oman’s Building. Mrs. J. A. Edmond, nee Mary Ann B lattr.er, is visiting friends in Aus tin. “ Block” Sm ith, who has been a t Kel­ ly Field studying machine guns, has returned to his work a t S. M. A. K. B. Niven has w ithdraw n from the A rchitectural D epartm ent and is now instructing in S. M. A. Fred P. Holt, one of the “live w ires” in the E ngineering D epartm ent in 1912, was a visitor to the campus F ri day. Miss O livette Wise is spending the week-end visiting friends in San An tonio. Bob W alker, Paul Davis, and Gor don Jackson have returned from San Antonio, where they w ent to attend the funeral of Sidney Brooks. Miss Leonora Bell is visiting friends in San Antonio until Sunday. H arry Sames, who has been ill for some time, is still a t Seton Infirm ary. Miss Elizabeth Ripley is one of the week-end visitors to San Antonio. RUSK DEBATE TONIGHT AGAIN TREATS SUBJECT OF INTERCOLLEGIATES The second debate on the subject of the intercollegiate debates fo r this year, com pulsory arb itratio n , will be held a t the Rusk tonight. Members of the society who intend to try out for the debating squad will conduct the debate. The detailed program follows: C urrent Events, A. A. Long. O ration, H. W. S trassburger. Debate—Resolved, T h at the F ed er­ al G overnm ent should require com­ pulsory arb itratio n (w ith power to enforce decisions) of disputes be­ tween organized labor and in terstate public service corporations (constitu­ tionality g ran ted ). A ffirm ative, Wm. A. Rascoe, Travis Dameron, O. W. S andstrom ; negative, J. M. Forbes, Guy Beasley, Alvin N augle. ADVERTISE IN THE TEXAN IVORY PYROLIN—Hooch, Jew el­ 12-11 er, 613 Congress Avenue. It’s So Easy! To Dress Well And in Co rr ect Style Ju st Buy gwirtu Irani (Chuhra Here Exclusively Knox Hats I Hid Caps Earl & Wilson Shirts HARRELLS HO I C o n g r e s s A v e . P E C A N S P E C A N S Send a package away. We have them ready to ship by parcel post, express or freight. In neat baga, 5 pounds to 120 pounds; in fancv boxes, I 1-2 p o u n d s to 0 p o u n d s . Also include a nut cracker. We have the best. L . T. E C K 704 Congress Avenue We Examine Eves and Grind Lenses to Relieve E y e st r a in S T E L F O X C O . J . THUS. WARD, Optometrist T H E E LLIO TTS Official Photographers for the 19IM ( ’actus Appointed by Editor Elfenbein December I is Dead line for Senior pictures Caps and Gowns at the Studio Phone 1193 for Appointment 814 Congress Avenue OFFICIAL NOTICES Wait. vited. All students are cordially in- SE C O N D C A L L — The following students are requested to call a t the office of the dean of the College of A rts at the times designated: Between 8:30-11, or 2-4— Adams, S. J . ; Comesky, IC T.; Dickson, IL IL; Fitch, Leslie; Hamill, P. R.; Hender­ IL R.; son, Cif Huie, R.; Hunter, I Kaufman, (J. G.; Lazenby, E thel; Mc­ N am ara, J . Manning, M ary; Mose­ ley, Leah; Obit/., M.; Parkre, John; Shive, Alice; Smith, H. B.; Smith, Walter Ii.; Smith, W. Robert; Thomas, George; Walthall, Paul, Wilkes, 0 . I). Between 11-1:15 a. rn.— H arris, T. M f McAnnelly, S. M.; McNelly, M.j Xevins, Ja n e. IL Y. Benedict, Dean of the College of Arts. PRE-M EDIC'S— The Cactus picture will be made at Elliotts Sunday morn­ ing at 11:15. All Pre-Medics be there on time. President. R E G U L A R German tonight at K C. Hall. M E E T IN G of German Club direct­ ors Sunday morning, 10:30, a t the Elliotts— formal dress for pictures. A L L instructors in Aviation that wish to take Engineering courses are the Engineering at requested to be Building at 7 p. rn. Monday, Novem- ! ber 10th, for consultation and sched­ ule. T. IT Taylor, Dean of Engineer­ ing. TERM R E P O R T S OF S T U D E N T S — R eferring to term reports of grades, the University catalogue contains the * following provision: “ Students over twenty-one years of age supporting themselves may receive their reports instead of their parents, if they re ­ quest it in writing.” All such stu ­ dents should call at the R e g is tra r ’s office and fill out the necessary card. The addressing of these reports will begin in a few days. E. J. Mathews R egistrar. TH ERF] will be a called meeting of in Dr. o’clock today. the General Young’s office a t 12 Chairman. Science Club N O TICE, M E N — Rev. A. Frank Smith will address the men at the Y. I M. C. A. auditorium Sunday morning I at 9:30 on “ The Man Who Could Not A L L University men and women who are interested in present day de­ velopment are invisited to hear M iss i Maude Younger at the “ Y ” tonight at 7:30. Miss Younger is going to tell why the women picketing the White House, and why they refuse to eat while they are serving their sen ­ tences in jail or the work house. Be there. are TEXAN WANT ADS T E X A N want ads bring results. Rates, I cent per word for the first j insertion, three insertions fo r 2 cents, i Aboslutely no ad taken over the phone. Call a t room 109, Main Building. No id taken for less than 25 cents. P a y ­ ment in advance alw ays required. ROOM A N D BOARD — South east room and private board for two; hot md cold bath, across from campus, on east. Phone 3344. A p ­ 11-18 ply 2104 Tom Green St. street find S T U D E N T S Will comfortable rooms a t Raines Mansion, connect­ sleeping porches, ed with pleasan t $3.50 to $5.00, one-half block e ast of campus. 2110 Tom Green St. Rhone 2413. L O S T — Cap of a Conklin fountain pen, between Woman’s Gym and Main Building, Please return to T e x ­ 11-17 an office. CO ACHING in F'rench and German Phone 43, or call at 1901 Wliitis. 11-19 LOST -In woman’s gym Wednesday, a cameo pin. Fender phone 1598,; or return to Mary ('atherine Hill and | 11-20; receive reward. L O S T — Gold rimmed g la s se s, in black case, in Room 158, Tuesday. Finder 11-18 please phone 1783. The T e x a s Barber Shop. We please. 1008 Con­ Mac. Oliphant, Prop. gress. S T U D E N T S — Go to the Palace Barber Shop, Bosche Bldg., for first class work. Billy Wolf, Prop. The Co-Op Barber Shop, next to Majestic Theatre. Good service. At the Driskill Barber Shop you get 'ood service and the best treatm ent Merits Silver, Prop. F R E S H M A N — you and all old s tu ­ dents are invited to Reno’s Barber Service unex­ -thop, 104 \\ Oth St. celled. R E A S O N O V E R ^ “ TH E P LA C E SO D I F F E R E N T " Littlefield Building; LAIRD SCHOBER BOOTS AND SLIPPERS D I L L I N G H A M ’S Al ford-Achilles Grocery Co. Consolidated. Carry a complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Catering especially to Sororities and Fraternities. Cour­ teous treatment and prompt delivery. Old Phones 865-3120 New Phone 160 1602-1 Lavaca Street King’s Candies for American Queens F R C -N l T— Fruit and nut assortment. MEADOW Q U E E N — Milk Chocolates. N C T TRIO— Pecans, Brazil nuts and walnuts T E X A S — General assort ment. U n iversity D r u g S t o r e “ The Convenient Place” PHONE 1 0 4 0 PHONE I G K ) For the Best Laundry Work in the City Work Returned Sam e Day if Desired TH E AM ERICAN LA U N D R Y Suits Cleaned and Pressed 909 ( (ingress Avenue Wukasch Cafe and Grocers On Guadalupe, Opposite Campus Confectionery, H o t Lunches served at all hours; Candies and Cold Drinks. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. C igars and t akes Phone 4007 Phone 1071 U N I V E R S I T Y B A R B E R S K O P N. W. RI T L F DGE, Proprietor 2216 G U A D A L U P E ST. Across the Street from the Campus Artistic Stylish and Up-to-Date Work Guaranteed Subscribe for the Texan J I 1 PACKAGES V S T * TENS ANV TW ENTIES THC TURKISH- . C I G A R E T T E Not by accident is Murad the greatest selling cigarette in America. S O M E T H IN G did it. What? Goodness— that’s all. Unchang­ ing, unmistakable, inimitable, irresist­ ible, Goodness. l or further particulars— ( J f u c ^ e y^or youAAvtfy — c o rn u a te r% u /u id u r d fi 2J CirifcCiya/ijettL /M itfV un tlod Make?* of the Highest Grade 7 urkish and I gyptian Cigarettes in th* World REMEMBER— Turkish tobacco is thrn world’s most famous tobacco for cigarettes Twenty-five years ago the General Electric Com|-any was founded Since then, electricity has sent its thrill through the whole structure o f life Eager to turn wheels, to lift and carry, to banish dark, to gather heat, to hurl voices and thoughts across space, to give the world new tools for its work — electricity has bent to man's w ill Throughout this period the General Electric Company has held the great resp o n sib ilities and high ideals o f leadership. It has set free the spirit o f research. It has given tangible form to inven- lion, in apparatus o f infinite precision and gigantic power. A nd it has gone forth,co-operating with every industry, to command this unseen force and fetch it far to serve all people. By the achievements which this com­ pany has already recorded may best be judged the greater ends its future shall attain, the deeper mysteries it yet shall solve in. electrifying more and more o f the world's work. ? ♦ JO G E N E