University of Texas Bulletin No. 2802: January 8, 1928 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BULLETINS FOR 1927 List With Index PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY FOUR TIMES A MONTH, AND ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE AT AUSTIN. TEXAS, UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912 The bene&ta of education -d of useful knowledge, generally dilfuaecl through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free goTern· ment. Sam Houston CultiTated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. • • • It is the ouly didator that fr-men acknowl­edge and the only aecurity that free­men desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar EXPLANATION The University bulletins are so numbered that the first two digits of the number show the year of issue, the last two the position in the yearly series. For .example, 2701 is the first bulletin of the year 1927. These comprise the official publications of the University, publications on humanistic and scientific subjects, and bulletins pre­pared from time to time by variou:;: divisions of the University. Any bulletin will be sent to a citizen of Texas free of charge, unless its number is preceded by a dagger in this list. A nominal charge is made for all bulletins sent out of the State except for catalogues, etc., and except for bulletins sent to an institution on the exchange list of the University of Texas. Money for these bul­letins must be sent with the order, as it has been found impracticable to send bulletins on account. The omission of a number from its place in the consecutive order indicates that the number has not been used. The following serial numbers have not been used for 1927: 2707 2708 2709 2715 The following bureaus and divisions distribute bulletins issued by them; communications concerning ·bulletins in these fields should be addressed to the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, care of the bureau or division issuing the bulletin: Bureau of Eusiness Research, Bureau of Economic Geology, Bureau of Engineering Research, Inter­scholastic League Bureau, and Division (}f Extension. Communica­tions concerning all other publications of the University should be addressed to 1Jniversity PUblications, University of Te-xas, Austin, Texas. The sales price listed applies to or-ders fr-0m without the State of Texas unless the bulletin number is preceded by a dagger (t), in which case the price is charged both within and without the State. 2701: January 1, 1927. Honor List of the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, and the College of Engineering, FaJl Term, 1926-1927. 13 pp. 2702: January 8, 1927. University of Texas BuUetins for 192'6. List with Index. 10 pp. t2703: January 15, 1927. J. A. Udden and V. V. Waite: Some Microscopic Charac­ teristics of the Bend and Ellenburger Limestones. Bureau of Economic Geology. 8 pp., 9 plates. Price 25 cents. University of Texas Bulletin 2704: January 22, 1927. Preliwinary Announcement of the Summer Session, 1927. 36 pp., 9 ills. 2705: February 1, 1927. Catalogue of the University Summer Session, 1927. 99 pp. 2706: February 8, 1927. The Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin, Vol. XI, No. 2. C. D. Rice and Mary E. Decherd, Editors. 51 pp. Price 15 cents. t2710: March 8, 1927. H. P. Bybee and F. M. Bullard: The Geology of Cooke County, Texas. E. M. Hawtof: Petroleum Developments in Cooke County. Bureau of Economic Geology. 170 pp., 10 plates, 1 map. Price 75 cents. 2711: March 15, 1927. School of Business Administration. Announcement of Courses in Business Administration and Journalism, 1927­1928. 30 pp. 2712: March 22, 1927. F. E. Giesecke, C. P. Reming, and J. W. Knudson, Jr.: The Friction of Water in Elbows. Engineering Research Series No. 22. Bureau of Engineering Research, Division of the Conservation and Development of the Natural Re­sources of Texas. 36 pp., 8 tables, 15 figures. 2713: April 1, 1927. Theses and Placements of Graduate Students in Education, 1899-1926. 17 pp. t2714: April 8, 1927. Mattie Austin Hatcher: The Opening of Texas to Foreign Settlement, 1801-1821. 368 pp., 12 maps, 2 tables. Price $2.50. 2716: April 22, 1927. The University of Texas. (Book of Views.) 68 pp., 28 ills. 2717: May 1, 1927. Catalogue of the University of Texas, 1926-1927, with Announcements for 1927-1928. Main University, Austin. 397 pp. 2718: May 8, 1927. University of Texas Catalogue of the Medical Branch, 1926-1927, with Announcements for 1927-1928. 86 pp. 2719: May 15, 1927. University of Texas Catalogue of the College of Mines and Metallurgy, 1926-1927, with Announcements for 1927-1928. 42 pp. List With Index of University of Texas Bulletins 2720: May 22, 1927. The Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin, Vol. XI, No. 3. C. D. Rice and Mary E. Decherd, Editors. 25 pp. Price 15 cents. 2721: June 1, 1927. Honor List of the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, and the College of Engineering, Winter Term, 1926-1927. 13 pp. 2722: June 8, 1927. Constitution and Rules <>f the Interscholastic League, Division of Extension. 62 pp. Price 10 cents. 2723: June 15, 1927. Words for the Spelling and Plain Writing Contest of the Interscholastic League Bureau, Division of Extension. 41 pp. Price 5 cents each; 50 cents per dozen; $3 per hundred. 2724: June 22, 1927. Honor List of the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business Adiministration, the School of Education, and the College of Engineering, Spring Term, 1926-1927. 13 pp. 2725: July 1, 1927. Yearbook of the Department of Architecture of the Uni­versity of Texas, 1927-1928. 15 pp., 25 plates. 2726: July 8, 1927. R. K. Immel: Speaking Contests and Speech Education. The Interscholastic League Bureau, Division of Extension. 16 pp. 2727: July 15, 1927. Catalogue of the Graduate School, 1926-1927, with An­nouncements for 1927-1928. 214 pp. 2728: July 22, 1927. Ellwood Griscom, Jr.: The Literary Societies Train for Public Speaking, Debate, Oratory, and Comradeship. 2729: August 1, 1927. Farm Relief Legislation. The Interscholastic League Bu­reau, Division of Extension. 89 pp. Price 20 cents. 2730: August 8, 1927. F. E. Giesecke, H. R. Thomas, and G. A. Parkinson: Effect of Various Salts in the Mixing Water on the Com­pressive Strength of Mortars. Engineering Research Series No. 23. Bureau of Engineering Research, Division of the Conservation and Development of the Natural Re­sources of Texas. 20 pp., 3 tables. University of Texas Bulletin 2731: August 15, 1927. Latin Leaflet, Number 19, Tournament Number. Roberta F. Lavender, Editor. W. J. Battle, Ruby Terrill, Mrs. H. J. Leon, Associate Editors. 31 pp. Price 5 cents each. 2732: August 22, 1927. H. T. Manuel: The Seven-Year Elementary School in Texas. Introduction, T. H. Shelby. Bureau of School Inquiry, Division of Extension. 97 pp. Price 15 cents. 2733: September 1, 1927. Announcement of Courses in the Bureau of Extension Teaching. Division of Extension. 72 pp. 2734: September 8, 1927. Announcement of Courses in the School of Law, 1927-1928. 18 pp. 2735: September 15, 1927. Final Announcement of Courses, Main University, 1927­1928. 136 pp. 2736: September 22, 1927. Supplement to the Catalog~ of the Colfoge of Mines ancl Metallurgy, 19·26-1927, with A.dditional A.nnouncements for 1927-1928. 16 pp. 2737: October 1, 1927. Lota Spell: Music Hea;rd in Many Lands. The Inter­scholastic League Bureau. Division of Extension. 47 pp. Price 20 cents. t2738 : October 8, 1927. W. S. Adkins: The Geology and Mineral Resources of the· Fort Stockton Quadrangle. Bureau of Economic Geology, Division of the Conservation and Development of the· Natural Resources of Texas. 166 pp., 6 plates, 1 map. Price 75 cents. 2739: October 15, 1927. The Three-R Contest. The Interscholastic League Bureau, Division of Extension. 12 pp. 2740: October 22, 1927. Tables of Classes and Sections, Main University, 1926­1927. 84 pp. 2741: November 1, 1927. Directory of the Main University, 1927-1928. 156 pp. 2742: November 8, 1927. The Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin, Vol. XII, No. 1. C. D. Rice and Mary E. Decherd, Editors. 29 pp. Price­15 cents. t2743: November 15, 1927. Studies in English, No. 7. 180 pp. Price $1.50. List With Index of University of Texas Bulletins t2744: November 22, 1927. John T. Lonsdale: Igneous Rocks of the Balcones Fault Region of Texas. Bureau of Economic Geology. Division of the Conservation and Development of the Natural Re­ sources of Texas. 178 pp., 9 plates, 1 map. Price $1. t2745: December 1, 1927. Charles L. Baker: Explanatory Geology of a Part of Southwestern Tra'R8--Pecos Texa,s. 70 pp., 1 map. Price 50 cents. 2746: December 8, 1927. The Texas History Teacher's, Vol. XIV, No. 1. W. P. Webb, Managing Editor. 150 pp. Price 15 cents. 2747: December 15, 1927. Report of the President, 1926-1927. 58 pp., 24 tables. t2748: December 22, 1927. Emil Bose and O. A. Cavins: The Cretaceous and Tertiary of SoutAern Texas and Northern Mexico. Emil Bose: Cret«ceous Ammonites from Texas and Northern Mexico. Bureau of Economic Geology, Division of the Conserva­ tion and Development of the Natural Resources of Texas. 357 pp., 18 plates, 1 map. Price $2. AN INDEX TO THE BULLETINS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PUBLISHED DURING 1927 Adkins, W. S., The Geology and, Mineral Resources of the Fort Stockton Quadrangle, 2738. Announcements: Bureau of Extension Teaching, Courses in, 2733. Business Administration and Journalism, Courses in, 1927-1928, 2711. Journalism, Courses in Business Administration aml, 2711. La,w, Courses in the SchAJol of, 1927-1928, 2734. Ma,in University, Final, 1927-1928, 2735. Summer Sessum, Preliminwry, 1927, 2704. Architecture, Yea,rbook of the Department of, 1927-1928, 2725. Arts and, Sciences, College of: Honor List, 1926-1927: Fall Term, 2701; Winter Term, 2721; Spring Term, 2724. Baker, Charles L., Explanatory Geology of a Part of Southwestern Trans-Pecos Texas, 2745. Book of Views, The University of Texas, 2716. Bose, Emil, and 0. A. Cavins, The Cretaceous and, Tertiary of Southern Texas a.nd, Northern Mexico, and Emil Bose: Cre­taceous Ammonites from Texas and, Northern Mexico, 2748. Bullard, F. M., and H. P. Bybee, The Geology of Cooke County, Texas, and E. M. Hawtof, Petroleum Developments in Cooke County, 2710. Bulletins, List of, with Imlex, University of Texas, 1926, 2702. Bureau of Economic Geology: Creta,ceous and, Tertiary of Southern Texas and, Northern Mexico, and Cretaceous Ammonites from Texas and Northe.rn Mexico, 2748. Explanatory Geology of a Part of Southwestern Trans-Pecos Texas, 2745. Geology of Cooke County, Texas, The, and Petroleum Developments in Cooke County, 2710. Geology and, Mineral Resources of the Fort Stockton Quadrangle, 2738. Igneous Rocks of the Balcones Fault ReJJion of Texas, 2744. Some Microscopic Characteristics of the Bend, and, Ellenburger Limestones, 2703. Bureau of Engineering Research: Effect of Various Salts in the Mixing Wate.r on the Compressive Strength of Mortars, 2730. Friction of Water in Elbows, The, 2712. List Witk Index of University of Texas Bulletins Business Administration: Announcement of Courses in, and Journal,ism, 2711. Honor List of the School of, 1926-1927: Fall Term, 2701; Winter Term, 2721; Spring Term, 2724. Bybee, H.P., and F. M. Bullard, The Geology of Cooke County, Texas, and E. M. Hawtof, Petroleum DevelO'[Yments in Cooke County, 2710. Catalogues: College of Mines and Metallurgy, 1926--.J.927, 2719. Graduate School, 1926-1927, 2727. Medical Branch, 1926-1927, 2718. Summer Session, 1927, 2705. University of Texas, 1926-1927, Main University, 2717. Cavins, O. A., and Emil Bose, The Cretaceous and Tertiary of Southern Texas and Northern Mexico, and Emil Bose: Cre­taceous Ammonites from Texas and Northern Mexico, 2748. Classes and Sections, Main University, 1926-1927, Tables of, 2740. College of Mines and Metallurgy: Catalogue of the, 2719. Supplement to the Catalogue of the, 2736. Constitution and Rules of the Interscholastic League, 2722. Correspondence Courses. (See Bureau of Extension Teaching, Courses in.) Cretaceous and Tertiary of Southern Texas and Northern Mexico, and Cretaceous Ammonites of Northern Mexico, 2748. Directory of the Main University, 1927-1928, 2741. Education, Honor List of the School of, 1926-1927: Fall Term, 2701; Winter Term, 2721; Spring Term, 2724. Effect of Various Salts in the Mixing Water on the Compressive Strength of Mortars, 2730. Engineering, College of: Honor List, 1926-1927: Fall Term, 2701; Winter Term, 2721; Spring Term, 2724. English, Studies in, No. 7, 2743. Explanatory Geology of a Part of Southwestern Trans-Pecos Texas, 2745. Extension Division: Announcement of Courses in the Bureau of Extension Teaching, 2733. Interscholastic League Bulletins. (See Interscholastic League.) Farm Relief Legislation, 2729. Foreign Settlement, The Opening of Texas to, 1801-1821, 2714. Final AnnQuncement of Courses in the Main University, 1927-1928, 2735. Friction of Water in Elbows, The, 2712. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Fort Stockton Quadrangle, The, 2738. University of Texas Bulletin Geology of Cooke County, Texas, The, and Petroleum Developmenta in Cooke County, 2710. Giesecke, F. E., C. P. Reming, and J. W. Knudson, Jr., The Friction of Water in Elbows, 2712. Giesecke, F. E ., H. R. Thomas, and G. A. Parkinson, Effect of Various Salts in the Mixing Water on the Compressive Strength of Mortars, 2730. Graduate School, Catalogue of the, 2727. Graduate Students, Theses and Placements of, in Education, 2713. Griscom, Ellwood, Jr., The Literary Societies Train for Public Speak­ ing, Debate, Oratory, and Comradeship, 2728. Hatcher, Mattie Austin, The Opening of Texas to Foreign Settlement, 1801-1821, 2714. Hawtof, E. M., Petroleum Developments in Cooke County, and I{. P. Bybee and F. M. Bullard, The Geology of Cooke CountJy, Texas, 2710. History Teachers' Bulletin, The Texas, Vol. XIV, No. 1, 2746. Honor List of the College of Arts and Sciences-, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, a,nd the College of Engineering, 1926-1927: Fall Term, 2701; Winter Term, 2721; Spring Term, 2724. Igneous Reeks of the Balcones Fault Region of Texas, 2744. Immel, R. K., Speaking Contests and Speech Education, 2726. Indttx, List with, Univerlfity of Texas Bul,letins for 1926, 2702. Interscholastic uague: Constitution and Rules of the, 2722. Farm Reli:ef Legislation, 2729. Music Heard in Many La,nds, 2737. Speaking Contests and Speech Education, 2726. The Three-R Contest, 2739. Words for the Spelling and Plain Writing Contest, 2723. Journalism, Announcement of Courses in Business Administration and, 2711. Knudson, J. W., Jr., F. E. Giesecke, and C. P. Reming, The Friction of Water in Elbows, 2712. Latin Leaflet, No. 19. Tournament Number, 2731. Law, Announcement of Coursett in the School of, 1927-1928, 2734. List with Index of University of Texas Bulletins for 1926, 2702. Literary Societies Train for Public Speaking, Debate, Oratory, and Comradeship, The, 2728. Lonsdale, J. T., Igneous Rocks of the Balcones Fault Region of Texas, 2744. Manuel, H. T., The Seven-Year Elementary School in Texas, 2732. Mathematics Teachers' Bmletin, The Texas, Vol. XI, No. 2, 2706; Vol. XI, No. 3, 2720; Vol. XII, No. 1, 2742. List With Index of University of Texas Bulletins 11 Medical Branch, University of Texas, Catalogue of the, 1926-1927~ 2718. Mines and Metallurgy: Catalogue of the College of, 2719. Swpplement to the Catalogue of, 1926-1927, with Additional An­ nouncements for 1927-19!!8, 2736. Music Heard in Many Lands, 2737. Opening of Texas to Foreign Settlement, 1801-1821, The, 2714. Parkinson, J. A., F. E. Giesecke, and H. R. Thomas, Effect of Various Salts in the Mixing WateT on the Compressive Strength of Mortars, 2730. Preliminary Announcements of the Sumtmer Session, 1927, 2704. President, Report of the, for 1926-1927, 2747. Reming, C. P., F. E. Giesecke, and J. W. Knudson, The Friction of Water in Elbows, 2712. Report of the President, 1926-1927, 2747. School of Business Administration, Announcement of Courses in Business Administration and Journalism, 19~-1928, 2711. Seven-Year Elementary School in Texas, The, 2732. Some Microscopic Cluwacteri.stics of the Bend and Ellenburger Lime­ stones, 2703. Speaking Contests and Speech Education, 2726. Spell, Lota, Music Heard in Many Lands, 2737. Studies in English, No. 7, 2743. Summer Session: Catalogue of the, 1927, 2705. Preliminary Announcement of the, 1927, 2704. Supplement to the Catalogue of the College of Mines and Metallurgy, 1926-1927, with Additional A-nnouncements for 1927-1928, 2736. Tables of Classes and Sections, Main University, 1926-1927, 2740. Tables of Grades. (See Tables of Classes and Sections.) Texas History Teachers' Bulletin, The, Vol. XIV, No. 1, 2746. Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin, The, Vol. XI, No. 2, 2706; Vol. XI, No. 8, 2720; Vol. XII, No. 1, 2742. Theses and Placements of Graduate Students in Education, 1899-1926, 2713. Thomas, H. R., F. E. Giesecke, and G. A. Parkinson, Effect of Various Salts in the Mixing Water on the Compressive Strength of Mortars, 2730. Three-R Contest, The, 2739. Udden, J. A., and V. V. Waite, Some Microscopic Characteristics of the Bend and Ellenburger Limestones, 2703. Unirversity of Texas Bulletin University of Texas: Book of Views, 2716. Bulletins for 1926, List with Index, 2702. Classes and Sections, Main University, Tables of, 1926-1927, 2740. College of Mines and Metallurgy, Catalogue of the, 1926-1927, 2719. Directory of the Main University, 1927-1928, 2741. Final Announcement of Courses in the; Main, 1927-1928, 2735. Graduate School, Catalogue of the, 1926-1927, 2727. Main, Catalogue of the, 1926-1927, 2717. Medical Branch, Catalogue of the, 2718. Report of the President for 1926-1927, 2747. School of L