The foll :Yrdll[~ C'Jnnnuni C.'._uc ho..s been issuca. ~--Y the G. O;, C, -in-c. Africc..:- Our tr TJ:_: s o.c.7-vo.ncin:; s ·mth fr '.Jm Tn.nru1c.ri vc n ::Y\7 ~)ccu:.· io c.1 the 1 t J i.-m 'Jf l.ntsirnlJc -rrhcro they 1,-,rero cnthusinstico.lly rccci vc c. ~:, y the :--:J:·ulc..ti ·m. Wlill. OPFICE ( 4/10/42. No. 9 Nar FOR PUBLICATION, BROt1.DCASrr, ,9R USE ON CLUB TAPES BEFORE 0030 B.S.T. (i.e. FOR ?.iORNilJG PAPERS) ON NiONDAY, CCTOBER 5, 1942 THIS . EIVIBA.RGO SHOUID nE R:::!SPECTED O~RSEAS DY PREFACING ANY MESSAGES FILED WITH THE EN@ARGO SCHOOL.;CUILDREW TO ffilLP 17ITH THE CHRISTr:IAS MAILS The older boys o.ncl girls in Soconclary Schools ancl too.chcrs o.rc to be n.sked to volunteer to help in Ccntrol Post Offices throughout the cou.n.try during the ten days before Christm.'ls this yco.r, At the rcquost of the Postmo.ster Gcncro..l, the Board of Education today, (:Monday) asked .Authori tics o.nd Governing Bodies to give the mo.ttcr their considcro.tion. Tho Bon.lit. it o.s importo..nt thD. t the norm,.1.l work of the schools should not be cncroo..chcd upon but they boliovc tho.tin some co.scs it mn.y be possible, \vithout prejudicing tho school worY-, for pupils and ton.chcrs to be n.llowcd to begin duty o. few d.o.ys before the officio..l end of term. Help vvill be roqui;r:od genoro..lly in the lo,rger tovm.s or urbo.n D.rco.s mld volunteers will bo D.skcd to. re port for duty o.s soon o.s possible o.ftor December 14. Loco.l Posto.l will o.pprcach the Locn.l Education Authorities to find out the gcnorol n.tti tudo of tho ...\.uthori ty o.nd tho schools in the n.roo.. .. If the .L\.uthori ty is fn.vouro..blc, c cnto.ct -vvill then bo n1L1.dc between the Postn.l and tho Hco.dnnstcrs or Hco.clmistrcsscs. In no circu1:1S-\o.nccswill children unQcr 15 years of age: be employed. They shculd preferably be over 16. Nonnlly CEiploymcnt will be for eight hours o. clay but no child urn1er 16 will bo roquirccl t c vmrk fer more thru.1 44- hours o.. vvcck -rr.i. th suitable brcolcs fer etc • . The rn. to cf po.y, which ·will bo en nn hcurly bn..sis ~ viill depend upon the n.gc cf the children the p lace of cmpl r:::yriont. The rn. to will be fixed in ccnsul to. ti cn with the l oco.l Er.1}?l Jbcch~gc Authori tics and tho Head Posfa~stcr ·will sock the vicvr of the rosrJcctivc HDn.di11D..Stcrs n.nd Hcn.drnistrosscs before it is finD.lly fixed.. BOARD OF EDUCATION 4/10/42 - No. 13 UIDDLE EAST JOINT 1:Tlill COIJ.IU.NIOUE G.H,0,~, Cairo, October 4. During the night 2/3 October our patrol activity continued. Yesterd.ay there ,.-ras nothing to report from our L .m d forces, Rising dust curtailed air operat:tons.- \TAR OFFICE · 6HECK CAREFULLY AGAilfST BROADCAST ~ T .I LEJ.:~~mT IN C~'JiL.D.A .i'J--ID THE _u. s. 1~. ,__ uy CTR__ ··, 0.1..t ·'TT".,R 'i /J.-w..J u .['.JJ. __ - ·01·c -nno1r~ -.j ru l<'cllovdng is the talk to be broadcast by Sir ~.-✓-alter Monckton as the postscript after this eveninG's 9 o'clock nov;s: - Thousands of Lme:r:-ioan soldiers, vv·ho bech a fcv1 V/ocks in this country, must be vrit_ing ba9~ to their pooplo at home their i'irst impressions of England. . " Tonigl,t I wa_.nt ·to r~vorse tho process. I n.m just 'back fro:µi my first' feiz-- weeks in America ana. I want to give you hqre o.t home my first impressions of' the New ·world. But first,, I ilust tell you ho;;; I cam9 to. go t1?,e1-ie. - .... J year ago this· evening J: A WD.S within D. fevv hours df sto.rting :t·or Russia fcir the Minis try of · Inftirm.'l tion. ' . . . Since . then I rave paid vis its in Goverrcrnont service to mf)st . placqs between Kwibyshev and Khartoum and between Bagd.'ld "n.nd Bathurnt in\7qst-Africa,. including Mal.ta, · Gibrn.l tar 3.nd the Libyan Desert. i .got puck to Engln.nd from the- Miq.dl_e East in June nnd nt the beginning of · August I set out · as· a · private citizen to ·c2.nti.c;:J. o.ncl the . Uni tocl StD. ton. · I _,..m·s invi tecl .t o Bo, Yvhil.0 I . \Vc;.S still in thcJ.iic.c-:ic East, by ·tho Bar Lssod.w.tions cf tho United Sta tcs and in order to represent the Bar of. Englo.nct q. t . their joµit neeting n. t Detroit~ . . ·· They gave me· a. in:.-i.rv.-ello·u s tirne and e,_ most invigoro.ting experience. I ho.d · a:n~le.- opportunities for ·r.':ull ar1d. frank di~:,cussion (and I certainly got it) not only with my brother barristers and r:.ry friends .... old friends now - of the Prc·s s ·ana radio, but also with groups of of n.11 shn.des of opinion n.nd.nll kinds of occupation~ I met · them in tho principal cities of Co.nn&..:., ancl I should lDw .to nention Moncton . in Nev,r Brunswick, where I was honoux·ocl vvith tho frocdor.1 of the City no.ncd after a r:10re ·a.istinguished mcr.1ber of ny family who fought there 1100.rly 200 ye~rs ago~ In the United States I stayed- in ~,7ashington, Nc"vv York n.nd seven different cities in tho MidcUe West .. And out of all ny t:i.~avels in Anerico.., bore s one of·, the things thD.~t. struck me. "UNQUJ\LFIED RESOLUTION" First, r:ake no nistnko n.bout the thorough deterninntion· of' the United States ana of Canad~ to seo this business through. I had been led to expect tm t I night find sor::.o of interest ·and enthusiasm · for the war effort in the Mic1c.:le West. After rill, it · if.1 one thing .• to face the vvar 20 niles · oi-· so· from the eneqy ancT quite another to tD.ckle its probler.1s at o. aistance of well over 2 1 000 niles·~ And in the very r:d.dcU.c of the heo.rt of Lnericn. you would expect to be ror.1o te fror:1 the ~,1ul t of vvar~ ,But I found in the Mid6J.o West', as- elsevvherc in qy travels (and. I was thrilled to find _it) a spirit of£ied r esolution. I don't think I couJ)i honestly say thD.t everywhere there yms o.s full an under- - standing 01..,, 'vvba t it will take to. win through. I suppose none of us r:inintains with- .out: intcr:ruption the constant spirit of o.nc1 the sense of urgency which., we need. Lnc1 life in J..r.iorica !k.1.S naturally been less ,_disturbed, though it is being substant:L.:'1.11:y:· clisturbed now, .PY the :in~:iac·t ot vmr. .• · .. . . There is . a . natUI·al tendency, which we experienced oursolvos not so long ugo, to ;.- look a bout for . rosy answers .n.nd f!,- quick Yvny out. But thJ. t is ing. and cveryvir~cre ·. I wont I found that the s ons o.ric1 ·brothers of those t o Yrhon I i,;o.s. to.ik111g ·vrnre b~mg · clraftecl into the Lroed Forces, and, ns a result; _there vvo.s n. quickening of the de ter.... . ,::..:11.a "Cl'. ;IJ. u n ~:~ii h .nc~~c~ t .-J LL'.k.c .... lJ.r C (;:r,' vie I~ i:i:;r. ,,;' 'i!,, :' ,' .8 p<1s,t--:.ibJ.e vrhn."ti8VE;r th.~; cost .. -.. .. ... ~.. . . ·- ·.• .'. ' •. .I .. . . '• -- B.i'.RRISTERS EJJ<.i~ BOK1:,}' S· . Tako, for ins to.nee, the · -rrorker,o of .i. . werica. I s ··L',7 Eiunition plo.nt13 in CMada D.J1d in various -parts of the Unitec1 States, inqluc1in0 -t}:lcr Forc1 plont [Lt · r!illmr Run ., rnd it ,i s not ·Going to be .. of the · yr,orkm2: rnan _'in AmeriC'a any nore thm! it cim "ho saicl· of .. the· · L1Dl1 hero, that he is content to soncl his son3 but 3TUcl2:os tho ".-ror1c of his hCLlids. I There ·.ifl · ·n o lirni t to ·vrhi1. t .1\Dorica will onco she k:no'liTS thn t it · is ·retlly re quired in order ·to ,;;in.. It ·.-r~w so~J Jthinz of a ·thrill, o.s I •:rn.lkcd .through ' .-.illo-..r Run, to spoo.k to sor.10 of tho non ·.-:orkin::~ thoro ,.-J'i "21 their hDnC1s, naking 7 ·.:· .. bomb0;rn; cind .: to- fi1icl. tha t· their norrxtl job tho SDI.10 as my oi;r.n, co.rrying on a -prD.ctico at tho Bn.r. : If .a nyone as1rncl me Ythat struck no no'st Cl.bout tho attitude ·t.ovrards oursolvos, . r : think I should SJ.y first, that in civ9ryono I . o.c:voss thoro was a wDJJrn sympn. thy \·d th the civil population horc ·rmcl ~ generous :. anxiety to come to thoir 1101-~1 · . · Ne~t,. I founc1 an odcl nixturo o'f a roo.dinoss to criticise, coupled a real anxiety to understoncl.. I ·.found tl1,is c:x:trMru.innrily :.a ttractivo • · · ·Tho - ori tic ism stinulatod you and t Lon you fl,ouncl_ c:v =:cnuincly. opon.:: r:1 ind roa.cLy to· listen, · t<) probe and to absorlJ, INDIA :... There n. r,ooc1 oxarnplo · of this in their atti tudo to·:mrds India, , .- . Tilr1c ancln.gain I cm:10 o.cros:...\ a disposition., sor:i.otil:1os to over-simplify tho lJroblO:i'ii' ·somotil.110:J to O.SSUBC tb.2-.t if tho i:mttcr ,.7Cl"O'• loft ·•to · t i ,Cl.1, Lt ·could be out of hand, It ym,s a s1.,1..bjcct., r. r..; I told then, a1Jout whioh •.I kn.avt too · --. 1-~~ttlo ·to offer solutions; 1Jut tho first thine bcforo su:p~)lJmz n.nsi.::rorS'. is to undorst nd tho nature of the problou. I· had 1Jocn studyin3 . tho ., constitutional question for som.o· 10 yonrs its counsel f'or nuny of the Indion Sb.tos 0,nc1 f'ro:·.1 t:L:.10 to tiu o I l1ad spent a fe:;,.-1 nonths in Indio. itsal:r. I could point out t o rnyfrionds :i.nL.mcrica, n.nc1 I, that it is fDX to o sfrrpl0 tl viow to n.ssurn.o thD.t o t ;1oro o~ror 2 ~~ ,O?O ,ooo Hinclus in Inc1ia thoy arc all ~o-pr c scntoc1 by tho Congr?ss ~cL.rty. :aor?ovor, arc ri1oro than 90 .,000 ,ooo j\I~slous to bo considoroc1. L.ncl,. :ii' it cnmo to a trial of strmFfth it -.-rould be a most fallacious tc$t 1:toroly to count honds. J;.nd tho' Indi~ States arc · cortainlymot ·suscoptiblo of a s:i.i:rplo division by roligions; and tho StD.tos do c10count for trro ....f:i.fths. of tho ~anoa ··of Incl'ia. · Thay oMrt be liJhtly disnissoc1 o.s an insisrni:f'ic c:.m t ito1.1 in tho problon, ~ ' . ' ·. . ... . •.' I found that most of tho so ;;r.i.. t1.1 'IV' I discussed tho na ttei · \'iorEr n:ntonishoc1 t o lonrn tl1at one of the Indian Princes, for vrho;:1· I acted, tho ITizaE1 of Hyc1orabad, .rules over 5 ,000.,000 rnore subjec·t s thun tho il.ilio.pi tC1.11.ts or the '.ll1ole of. JDJ1C1.da. Sonot:i.nes I vro..s p.skGC1 vrhutho:!.... tho Int.1ian problem should no-1:i b0 r oforrod to ar7?i trn.tion by th0 Uni tocJ. States nnd .othcrn '. of_ tho Allied Nations. Yfoll, I ho.v.o o.lw·D.ys f ound in nrbitrcL:tfons, tho firs.t ·point is to . doto1~::~tlno -rrha t is tho quos-tion for docision. · In this insto..nco it ·.muld, I supr os~., bo; to ,vho:--i ·s houlcl Groo.t at this nonont ~'....1.nd ovGr tho roins of Govur.nnont in IncliD.'lt I have nontionoc1 sor::o of tho d.if~fioul t.ics _, ·l mt there £lro o_:thors. /Tlw 3 The .'. ncricrurn enc"'. ou:cn cl vcs h['.VC ti--- ·) O]? G o..n.C.·.1cn in The ene!·1y still stcnc.,_s c.t the -~.: cttc , L ' W) we:cG t o the scctu--ity o::' Inc"'i.ic.. to C~n:..;rcss, even if -,;re Ct.ssunc th~t thdi.1' .J.rc n o l01y· cx· ·,)rc1x1.i-·e ...,_ t o 110'":o , ..,, 1 .... .i.: 1....,, with _the Jcr~xmcse , they :·1i:··ht ·.roll , I :_;r:chcr, -:< :'."'er the cnc~·.:y anly non- violent r 0sista11c-c. \ih o.t s ort oi' use ·vroulc~ this i)G Ct.t~o..inst the J o.;?cnus c: , 8llc"'. -vrho..t sort o1 o. -~) shoulc1 Yre :)c 'Jill... ~J\7l'1 :.wn in? . One 02 the c7-.L..:i..., icul-'cics o..~YJut c'.i:::;cus$in[' Ih~"'. i ru1 ~:)Jlitics o..t o.. c..istru1ce: is · ths.t -one is 2-lYG to :~c.t one ' s he2.('. so :C'c.r - U~-_) into the cl om"'.s that 0 110 ' s feet cl.on 1--'c touch the .~ :rounc.,_, Dut th~.t c7.ocsn ' t co f e.Sr the Jf:,.erico.ns I sci:,ir, They Y1orc o..h;ays rc.J.c:.y to c o:;:ic (.8': m t o cc.rth :i.11.c."'. :.:'ace the C.ifficul tics \7hon they ·1;1crc con:2r :Jn-c cc:. v-rith thc1:1., . :'i11.c7. it vro.s n •.Jt o:1ly o..:)0ut Inc"'. i o. tk>..t I ~·ounc1 om· :i:ricnc"'.s in tu:1ericc. nnxious t o :.;ct t o the ~.ntto:·.: o2 'Jur C'.i::'·2icnlti.c s an c..,_ t o tmc"':.erst cincl the:.::, They -.;r2.ntec"'. t :) ~:.nou ',rmt the li,.: htil-ir· in Li:Jyct o.nC. J::~ypt hD.c,_ reo.lly l)cen lL:e . ·"·ho..t S D:i."'-C o:c- 0. ~?10.C(! th~ Des~r.ic ViCLS t :J f i r)1t in? The}~ :~r~s?ec.1 c.t ;mc c h':)'IJ c1-.ii':;.' ui."'Cn~t :for c.11 T211.ks vrc.s the :i·.1oc7.ern nechc,niso~1·rf'i.3htih~: · 'in' ·su,ch '-col'Tit o:r..--y ::'i-·o:·.1 the CJl.~:?Ol~~.tivcly s:L1]Jle ba.ttlcs of the l ucr , Mc7- h ::JH ij.uch :·1oi:...c tro.:ininrr 011.C. ex:10:-cic:nca 'Jer·c n c- cesso.ry in vc.:i.:?oric one"':. the hanc1lins ·of. units one. :C':;rr:~-t;j_ :JllS . , I. They ·:rerc quicK t ,) sec ~~rho:c 8.C:.v.:mto.ccs the rn1.c~·7 : ·ot :1--cr.: his lone eXj?Cric11c0 ::1f ton!~ i,r~"i::S."'c· since the il1-ro.sion of ~?'. .'."11C. his thcir9w;h 1?:;_"'c~;?[\l'a -'cio:n :C' or ECcho..nise ,2. ~::,,:ctlcs l ons ~JCforc tho Wc.J.."'• . . . : I. I k2t :~w lrien'~:. . s in. . ~:1crica ·,ri th ifo ~?rOJ?hccic s o~:' victories ;)u-t I hoj?e they a1Jsor1Jco.. the :)ulic:2 th::~t is in : .10 tho.t our ·? 6rc0s · :i.l1 the liictcUe leo.rnt in h~?.rC'. WOJ."'~'o.r(.; the lessons thc.t hav e to :Jc i.·..:o.stered 0nsineorinc, to.ctico.l C\.11.c:. strr.t0~ic; .:m e;_ thc..t o.11 r ::inkG DJ.'c G:Jil1c t o 0 ivo c~ go oQ acc ~unt of thcuselvcs in the 1xittlos to c oi.--1e . Evt-ryvrherc I \,ent I f m.m~.,_ ,r•. :ceo.l c..nxiety t o hce.:c ,rho.t little I knew of Russio.. There uc~s the \7.2.!'~~18st 2-.c.nir~".tion :t'or the: ~::.o..gnif'icent i'i:_;ht ·.rhich the Sovie t is :·mtti.11[~ tq. I ho.c':. ~)oen in Russic, ,,rhcn the .~.:ct .~ck on I'Ios c ')VT wo.s o.t its h ei ght nnc1 I wo.s o.1)le to tell the·. how Russ ion culture, r0:;;1r cs.:.;nt oc.,_ :)y 1.Jall c..t, O:;?vro. ane. concert , Yf8.S r!l-"'<~ in :cui~)7shc~v ~~-u:cin~_; th:--.t ti~·.:.e ; ol the oncouro.:~c;_1cnt we s ot fron tho uilit:::.ry }?o.J.."'c~c.'..C :)c~'orc !-.'Io.rsho.l Voroshilov - :)ut above all of the p.J.tient rw:1c1 jnc..,_onit2.~)l c onc.7..tu"ctnco m.~ the Hussio...11. ~?C0~~1lc :in c"!.cfoncc of the h oly soil of Russi.'..'1.. I 0.1·'- :310.c.,_ I k:1cw ~17Jout tho.t :Jsco.usc :C'r --r.: the c1o.y I 1211.dccl t o th0 c.2-.y I left the -31 :::)l" 'ious n '":.:~1c ")::: Stctlin~'.:rrn=:.. Yio..3 o;n cvory lip . We ll, this visit t o Lu.crico. h.,s ~)cen n. stia-ub:tinc o,nc.,_ encolll"o.g:ins OXJ?el"ioncc o.nr2 I sh1.ll alvro.ys :)c Sl"c.'.tc~...,ul t o the finoric811 o.11.c1 CD:nc.dion Bar Asc Jcio..tions for no._1.cin:..; it ~.?ossi7Jlc. 1 I s~vY o. country cY!: CL.t'"1plituc.:.e ~me.:_ :Jco.utli\ll cities , each i,;ith its mm c1i21"'crcnt chcJ.T1, o. people toG ,yJ: in:'.'inito v n.ricty :mt :il1~-:'or~·1.cc1 with the visour oncJ. cl.rivc o':.." yr:mth. COI-i[ ~ON TIES Ther e o.:re sroo:t cii:i~f er enc c s of ct:;::>~;? 2.ncl. outl ook c:0.0. o-~inion :>ctvrecn us ru1.c.. 01.rr -?J.lios in the Hm-r -,~fol. . lt.. 211(1 th.ere no.y :Jc, to c... lossc:c extent, l)ctween us m1.cJ. e r c2.t D0ni.i.-nion o:Z' CCU1e.c:L1... But t ho tics th::1.:t; :)inc:. us t o 0 oth cr .'. "'J."' G str-'Jn--· i::mou~,;11. It is n ot only 8. Co::r:1.rn1 Lons u o.[:C ; it is n o t r)nly the h er it n.r; G which v;e Sh[w.."' C in the C:xDOll L.".W. /Tho.t Th8.t is inc1eecl o. strong tie. · F.or:, bcco..uso y;c bo"ch inherited. .the systeL1 of the Connon Lo.Yr, our rules of cioncluc-'c 2.11.'~l our :_)oliticnl l)rinci:-i_)lcs sounc1ly bo.sea. on tho sane founc.h tion. Here 2nct in Anerica ·:re a.on' t norcly think of frocc1rn-:i 2..S ro1 abstract thinz;. Yie :)rotoct ond frccdm.1 of S~)OCCh in :22rli2..r1cnt in Courts. In both cou.ntl!ics frocc1on fror.1 cc.'"i.iricious er.cost; vrhich we each afro "iO the lonrr traclition of our ConstitutioncJ. history, is c1eo.rly vrizcu c:.nd strenuously defended. N0t for us systen of concontro.tion cm.r~·s. N0t for us 0; sui_)ror.10 D. 1 la:r.,r lore., u.nintorcstc