GOSSETT ELECTED PREXY; JOHNSON TEXAN EDITOR PERKINS FIRST IN VICTORIOUS CANDIDATES IN ANNUAL SPRING ELECTION IO I J INITIATE TONIGHT AT 7:30 All Juniors Asked to Be Pres* cnt at Special Event of Senior W eek GURDEN PIRU T U S O !! W eek Closes W ith Senior Swing-out Friday Night and Banquet ju n io rs Initiation o f the to C ap and Gown, senior g irls ’ o r ­ ganization, will be the special event for th is evening of senior week. The initiation will take the Girls’ Study place a t 7:30 Hall. in Each senior is to bring a junior, and d uring the cerem ony she will place her cap and gown on the j u n ­ ior she brings. All girls who will be seniors next y e a r are eligible for initiation and any senior girls of this y e a r’s class who have not yet joined will have th is last chance. Every junior girl, w hether invited by somebody or not, is expected to come, according to Elizabeth Bald­ win, p resident of Cap and Gown. of the P atti Bailey Is chairm an the initia­ com m ittee in charge of the Cap tion. O ther members of and Gown Council who have been m aking the plans for senior week are Gladys Stallings, M arg aret Cousins, Charlie Kelly, Dorothy Mc Vain, Hel­ en Sandel, Bernadyne Stokes, K a th ­ e rin e D outhit and Elsa Erler. The two rem aining events of the week are to be a garden p a rty in ihonor of the seniors as a compliment from Miss Ruby Terrill, which will be given Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 a t the Faculty W om en’s Club house and the traditional senior swing-out. Friday. The swing-out will be held on the campus in fro n t of the Main Building a t 6:30. The annu al Y. W. C. A* banqu et will be given a t the this University C afeteria following event. --------------o--------------* Record in 2 2 0 M ade in Sem i-Finals Is A llo w ed by O fficials Five records were broken in the re cen t Interscholastic League meet instead of fo u r as was form erly given out. The record made by C. Bracy o f Humble in the 220-yard dash is a n official record even it was m ad e in the semi-finals. if C. B racy clipped one-tenth of a necond o ff D ra p e r’s record of last y e a r who made it in 22 seconds flat. 'Bracy won second in th e finals but his record stands, according to Roy B. Henderson, director of In terscho­ lastic League athletics. “ The re cen t meet was one of the. fin est we have ever had, do n't think th e y will ever get through breaking r e c o r d s ” “ Al­ th o ug h the ra in cut down on the gate receipts Friday it did not hinder the t r a c k nor ta k e any pep out of the co n te s ta n ts,” he continued. stated Henderson. The new records set are as follows: 220-yard dash, Bracy of Humble, 21 9-10 seconds,; mile run, Sinson, Den­ ton, 4:33 and 8-10, five seconds less than the record set last y ea r; 880- y a rd run. White, Corpus Christi, 21 an d 3-10 seconds: shot put, Edmonds, and 1-2 S p u r, distance 62 Inches, than B art­ l e t t 's record o f last y ea r; high jump, S te w a rt, F o rt W orth C entral and Phillips of Main Avenue, tied, 6 feet 2 and 7-8 inches. S te w art broke the record last y ea r by jum ping 6 feet pl and 1-8 inches. two feet b e tte r feet 2 Do Y o u? Do you want to r e n t th a t room for th e sum m er? are room'* for next sum m er session. S tu den ts now engaging The Texan also reaches a g-eat num ber of prospective students. P H O N E 8 0 0 0 Advertise now! E D G O S S E T T P r e s i d e n t S t u d e n t * A s s o c i a t i o n S A M J O H N S O N E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f , D a i l y T e x a n H E L E N R E I S S N E R S e c y . - T r e s s . S t u d e n t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o n W 1 L I . A R D H. P E R K I N S M a n a g i n g E d i t o r , t he C a c t u s J O H N N. J A C K S O N H e a d Y e l l L e a d e r J O E S T E I N E R E d i t o r i n - C h i e f , T h e R a n g e r All <1(1111 Ll F C IF ll I PREXY OF 0, HAIL " M en’s Dorm itory Will Be V a­ cated Ju ne 7 for E xten­ sive R enovation John Anderson of Grapeland was I elected president of the B. Hall As­ sociation at a meet held Tuesday ev­ ening. George Hefley of ( am eron was elected vice-president and Bill Malone of Dennison, sergean t -at- arms. Plans are being made for th** Ex- B. Hall stu d en ts’ home coming which will be held on the night before the Thanksgiving gam e a t the U niver­ sity C afeteria. At this time ail fo r ­ mer residents of B. Hall will be in­ vited to sleep in their old rooms d u r ­ ing their visit to the University. P resident Anderson will assume the duties of h i s o f f i c e im m ediate­ ly which consists of appointing v a r ­ ious committees and atten ding to the rou tin e m atters. According this sum m er. to present plans, be­ tween So,OOO and $10,000 will be spent in renovating and repairing B. Hall The dorm itory will be vacated b y students J u n e 7 and will not be ready for occupancy the beginning of the fal ses­ until sion to in Septem ber, according President Anderson Fort W orth Banker W ill Speak at B .B .A . V I V I A N R I C H A R D S O N E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f , T h e L o n g h o r n M A R Y H O Y L E H E A T L Y C h a i r m a n W o m a n ’s C o u n c i l G R A N V I L L E P R I C E M a n a g i n g E d i t o r , D a i l y T e x a n W. S. ( B I L L ) E L K I N S E d i t o r i n - C h i c f , T h e C a c t u s Drama Thursday Night Here Curtain Club Costumes for DELTA SIGS GO INTO FINALS BY 2 4 -9 VICTORY Attorney General Dan Moody, one of the leading candidates in the gov­ e rn o r’s race, will be the guest with his party at the S aturday evening perform ance of “ She Stoops to Con­ three quer,” the comedy given nights, beginning Thursday the high school auditorium by the C ur­ tain Club. for at Costumes for the entire cast of A th en aeu m Literary Society H olds Open H ouse at 7 o ’clock . The Delta Sigma Phi team of the I inter fra te rn itv baseball league ad ­ v a n c e d into the finals when they d<- feater! the Delta Taus Tuesday by a , .. , „ , , . _ . , Tonight a t 8 o'clock, the A then-j *,» aeum L itera ry Society will hold its j top-heavy score of 24 to 9. annual open house at the Texas Bi- J The heavy hitters for the winners hie Chair. One of the Features on gathered eighteen hits from the de­ file program will be the funny s p e a k - |i?erv of Hudspeth and Sledge, and ing contest the R, IL C reager — — — — for * . [JIERAM, DEBUTE * FRAT [[[CTS ll Alpha Phi Epsilon A nnounces Initiation of New M em ­ bers T hursday the play j)rjze f or winch $15 goes to the best I %nru on Spe a kt.r and $10 to the second prize | “ She Stoops to ( on q ^er,’ presented by the Curtain Club Thursday, Friday, and Saturday eve- wjn n e r. nings of this week, arrived I uesday be Marion and will bt used in uress rehearsal I j acjtson with ukelele selections, Dyt the University Q uartette, to Ruth Johnson, this Hastings, costumier and in : lunge of and Fria Everton. Aside from these is a fencing bout musical numbers, between two members of Omega Delta. O ther fe a tu res will according evening, p i ((«<•• IC s. ‘ The costumes were d « * s ig r * d espe­ cially fo r use in the Curtain Club production. They are exact reproduc­ tion® of the colorful styles p-evail- ing in England during the period of George III. The dress rehearsal Wednesday night will be attended by a group of special guests, com petent theat­ rical critics, who will make sugges­ tions and c r itic is m s 'd* the play. P rop­ erties and stage settings for use in the production have been moved to the high school auditorium, where the play will be given, .sometime T ues­ day or Wednesday. in fro n t of Ticket sales a t the new booth of the Curtain Club the Texas Book Store are going steady, the according to announcem ent of officials in charge. To avoid the last minute rush, students arc urged to as purchase their tickets as early good possible seats in order to secure B O N N E T S U S E D IN S W I N G O U T Real Texas bluebonnets will be used in the chain which the seniors na** over to the junior* Friday eve­ ning at the senior girls’ swing-out. Artificial flowers have been used in oast years for th** traditional ce re ­ mony, bat the late blossoms this year make it possible to have the real a r ­ ticle for the first time. Th* chuin will be made iii the Women's Gym­ nasium Thursday and Friday. The bluebonnets will be kept in w ater all night anil put on the chain Friday afternoon. of the loners. Banian ami ; the the hitting of Kennard Delta Sigs with three hits each. lead C a p ta in . Dewey of the winners scored six of rims being from a circuit clout. the runs, one of his [ Hudspeth and Sledge were easily ; hits the outstanding stars for the losers, Hudspeth g ath ering three three trials at bat. at i j The next game for the Delta Sign | will be with the w inner of the Deke- j Lambda Chi game, which will de­ term ine the winner in the in terfra-j ternity league. Loi« C a m p D o r o t h y H o l m e * F r a n c e * M c C o n n e l l E U i e T o w n e s H e l e n H a m i l t o n P o l l y M o g f o r d H e l e n B e i s s n e r E v a B e l l e H u i i n g - Q u a i d V i r g i n i a T a h b W. A. C u n n i n g h a m J a c k Kn u d n o n R a y B l a n d B a s c o m N e l s o n H e r b e r t Rei** G e r a l d G r e a t h o u s e A n n i e L e e D u r h a m Ma r y F r a n c e s J o n e s H d t a J o h n s o n L e n o r a W h i t m i r e L o r e n a D r u m m o n d F o r r e s t B e n n e t t E m m e t t # S. R e d f o r d L I N G P R E S I D E N T S C R I B B L E R S Election of officers for next year waK held at the regular m eeting of I Scribblers j Alpha Phi Epsilon, honorary de­ an-! forensic bating nor rices the election of 22 new m e m - J bet s. R equirem ents for membership j society, and made president, Grace Grafius, vice-president, and Bonnie Tom Rob-!**168 inson, treasurer. last night. Milton Ling 1‘n lh" fr»terni«y arn xi-holanhip, d e - rn- ,so- jcieties. The main purpose of the «o- j eiety is to fo ster bating societies in bating experience, and general in lite rary and debating , lite rary and de- j the University. _ „ . The Banquet T hursday the sixteen-page program, for j most elaborate program made ! any previous Curtain Club produc­ t i o n , has gone to press, The pro- H. C .Burke, one of the most pop- gfam containg a complete history of u lar bankers of F o rt Worth, will be ^ plaj% th*- had for the ta k ­ the midnight serenader* who both conceived an inspiration top* clock and the initiation proper from j to 8:30 o clock, according to offi- blackboards the same second. One got c*a ’s o! decorate Varsity about lead, however, and had p r i n t - s A banquet Lo* all members will be the ed his name in three rooms when he Ffjven on May 20 at the University • fratern ity . a t ! * . c i e t y . cards and pia- And his opponent was w h istlin g !1 ami his opponent approaching. I C afeteria. their placards; fou r o f I proached a of For weeks the politician* had la­ bored. the In the wee hours night candidates came upon the cam pus to post them planned on bein* the early L a r d the bird aud getting their signs in ’ particularly choicy place a t the Main Building entrance. But when th** sun rose Tuesday morning, fo u r a r ­ e n ­ tistic signs adorned tran c e walls. the west r,ew m e m wer e elet t- * w v p ra * days ago, b u t the name*: eve-, tuesday traffi* From then on it was a race to see which could print blackboard signs Were withheld until fastest, but seem to be working, so the two often met in But the same room. the day the prize story of was related by a candidate who ap- fair prospect with his lights did not n *n£* Y. M. C. A. S P E A K E R S No more speakers will ap pear a t. the sponsor-! the University under “ Oh. I k n o w him,” , .w * m n . ac-, aaso-j Because of the im- j minenc* of final examination*, and Vet she looked the candidate h i m - ! th,> n u m b er of other student activj- ly. “ I am (foinjr to vote for him. He is j ci»te a personal friend of mine.” .he .aid sweet- *o rd m * to Howard Johnson, rem ainder of the 19 >6 self in nlze him j the eye and did not recog- *'.'■‘7 , 1 * W° U[ ! C v i a b l e for the “ Y ” to bring outside the speakers to Austin to address students, Johnson said. ot There were the two opponents, too, Wall—it’s all over now! ing. The battle scatte red candidate cards about, the campus tell the tale o f one of the hottest, and th erefore will be in old English style, in h ar-j one of the most interesting elections is over, and only j the j ever held on the old F o rty A* res U n DOTE Mary Hoyle Heatly W ins as Chairman of W om an’s Council HELEN ROSSNER S.-TRENS. nile Young, Empress Young, Betty Green, Edith Fox, Mary Murray Elected B y J ohn Pa! m e r in Ed L. Gossett of P o st and Sam Johnson of M arlin em erg­ ed victorious in two of the most hotly contested races in the his­ tory o!‘ the U niversity yester­ ’.201 students went to the day when polls to cast their ballots the spring election of the S tu dents’ As­ sociation yesterday. Gossett d efeat­ ed Bill Rippey of Dallas by a two to one vote, the form er receiving 1963 votes to his opponent's 914 votes. Sam Johnson maintained a the hold on first place day, being closely pressed by John 1463 Sammons. votes to Sammons’ 1398. It was nec­ essary to eount the seconds in this race where Johnson his increased lead, especially in the Law box. Johnson received throughout P i c k e t t Win* Tom Pickett of Palestine, former freshman leader and a t present an academic assemblyman, nosed out Win. H. Evans by a vote of 1459 to 1825. For managing editor of the Cactus it wits necessary to count the seconds of Simmons who ran third in the race, thereby giving Pressnall a slight increase in votes, but not sufficient to overcome Perking’ lead. The final results stood, 1414 for P er­ kins and 1389 for Presnall. John N. Jackson will be the next yell-leader o f the University by vir­ tue of sweeping the field with 1459 votes to his nearest com petitor’s 713. (iermari> v h o ran second in the race*, together with A. A. Semaan, who ran third with 409 votes, will act a> assistant yell-leaders. “ R i g h t H e l e n ” E l e c t e d One thousand five hundred and twenty-seven students, agreed on Hel- Jen Beissner as the “ right Helen” for the office of see retary -trea su rer of the S tudents’ Association. Her op­ ponent received 1229 votes. The men’s boxes apparently decided on the loser as the “right Helen,” as she carried tho m en’s academ, and the Law* School. race Closely paralleling the for president of the S tud ents’ Associa­ tion was that between Nig Miller and Joe Steiner, latte r in which swamped Miller two to one. Miller received 686 votes to 1930 for Stein­ er, the bull-board cartoonist, the H e a t l y D e f e a t s C o o p e r For chairman of the women’s council Mary Hoyle H eatly defeated Mabel Cooper by a vote of 684 to In the School of Business Ad­ 596. ministration VV I,. Foster defeated Luther Grimes, 129 to 103. Herbert Von Boeder was victorious in the Education School for the office (Continued on Page 3) C A L E N D A R 8 : 3 5 a. m . — W e e k l y m u s i c a l e , Gi r l s ’ S t u d y Hal l . 1 2 : 0 0 a. rn.— C o w b o ys * e o n , U n i v e r s i t y C a f e t e r i a . l u n c h ­ 2 : 0 0 p. rn.-—G r e e n h o r n s , W o ­ m e n ’s G y m . 5 : 0 0 p. rn.— H o m e E c o n o m i c s Cl ub, D E. Hai l 16. 5 : 0 0 p. rn.— R e e d M u s i c S o ­ 3 : 0 0 p. rn.— H o u s e m o t h e r * , G i r l s ’ S t u d y Hal l . 5 : 0 0 p. rn.— P i e r i a n L i t e r a r y S o c i e t y in M. B. 2 0 7 . 5 : 0 0 p. rn.— F i n a l a r c h e r y t e a m . t r y o u t * f o r 5 : 0 0 p. rn.— A r c h e r y m e e t b y Rob i n H o o d C l u b . 6 : 4 5 p. rn. — D r e s s r e h e a r s a l o f “ S h e S t o o p s t o C o n q u e r , ” S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l . 6 : 4 5 p. rn.—- U n i v e r s i t y O r c h * * tra in R a d i o R o o m . 7 : 0 0 p. rn.— O r a n g e J a c k e t s at W o m a n ' * G y rn. 7 : 0 0 p. m . — F r e d e r i c k s b u r g Cl ub , M a i n B u i l d i n g 1 S 7 . 7 : 1 5 p. rn.— P h i D e l t a G a m m a b a s e m e n t L a w B u i l d i n g . 7 : 3 0 p. rn.— L a T e r t u l i a , M a i n B u i l d i n g 1 5 8 . I* - H A R O L D TEEN — BEEZ IE’S B A B Y P A C K E D A P U N C H • ^ _ V ——-------------------- ass t h e a n n u a l WCN lr «f the U ni- A ustin Favored as v e r i t y Scandinavian S ociety will be held Saturlay May 15. For d e­ tails please call 2544 or 8260. COMMITTEE. Place for Tennis Conference Meets to th e vote o f the con feren ce. that U niversity ten n is fan s w ill havd A lthough A. and M. evidenced the opportunity o f seein g som e beau- som e desire for the m e e t, the m ajor- tifu l tennis when the V arsity star^ tty favored T exas. The result is tie up with the visitors. © h e B a l y Fir*! Coital* D*.'y % th# South © l e x a n r m W * h * 4 o r th o r*m ra* o f th* fill* # * * - f of T o t* * by th* T ot** S ta d r o l* FnfcH OM. h*e„, r v * r * m o m o x £#««■•«* o itirr* , M w ,* f . lf min St«tWir.e J'»« T -l-p h t r - i 600. E d ito rial U tfiM i 4 Ha il T rw ybow r b i t i <-»*» t i . < A^tor J® I* w . t#l*j>fc#»a M t l * » l t 'r t a if ii by th* S*MW«4 na M M M cia** n»*tt«r s t th* F « * to ffies a t A la tin , T ««**. I'r***. A. C, W righ t. M onnyor, J. Moll i t KWA RT HARK Hi UKK SA bt tx JOHNS*)* ft 0!isai I- McGill ftubvrt L. Mux*/V t* A. b. S i# * * „ ___ Fort D ot* SNA/rn* tm s ■•<—•— -- BOSIN FMS STAFF JUHor-la-Chtef J Mkt aiglet £d‘’"f Silt****isling Ro*jnans M#ns#*f _ A#ifl*At MSU os« f _ Advert* alf Mot-*#** __ , dr coot M« ¥»;.«»» ... OI rte* Msnncsr TO D A V I ST A FF DI PART MF NT EDfTORS j—T a rt Hatkt'dor — . - MlUrriaJ -T.T--T F.'litortai ►.ii Mt**r* Fri»hi*r John Sammons .— — • r*a»-.f# ,j> I Waiter • ii Isnt . ----- A - un taw Violas RIchardlM* M a rymifSt Gat** «.— Frsta Ri*l Pf et far fierce, Dorothy Smith, Kl. lat^h All**, Eofcalf j SorW ty SOCIETY WRIT FSA Oat** * Alfin** F a t f i i * rim. Margate* Marti*. G ra e * Y*rfer*.eh, /...Sa Kttotcm . N an fctnr e tt *1*0 RT WHITKR.S—Vie Ussr*, Bernard !'• rn ha-:’n, AU< -n La<•*««. B«*'*rh* H-imphr #*, N*« Mfflrr Trueaoan O'Qsims, Ant#* ,v»»»n, I imtos M«A, !«. M. Hu*#*, Ah* Kohl. REW'RT FIS- • Wand* Cray. W»h*m Rho**. H - r W t C t f « i4 , With PttUiMS, Al** lifer**.. F r a n c * . Tr#aitw «*. io fcn S a r t o r , K a t y H o * H a l , R on F lln to r , E o r# » a Chart** Greer, Ho i*® Webb. Esther,** Ram*ev. ftaiand M TO , JUcla I rf. K»-r- ..din* Sto ke * J o b * V a n y h n . D a n D a n *b y. T.IH# % u n * M a m n & c ^ s « « , 4*ci W m f * . Martha PmsSk. Eiiiabrtb WOiiam*. Edith lo*. Mary i .«-**«• Mrl>»*<#'. 1-m* 'jjr if h a t m F r a n k K « h r . Ormy Q ua.4 W atts. K illia n Hnttm yU m , V lry t n la H a t o rt . D # * n l« <3r»W*h, fS*rr.or«l Kaufman K H frank I **k NVS ~*t Ma.-,ar*- Sima, < ar-. Eta. Ruffe Master Maya# Mhadh* H-.,*?yhr#», Sylvas Mars, Ai.r* Pratfall, Eof***# Puton. J, T. Cm*, "■ Hi chi# iw w tatar tot tom. " — MORE TRUNK L IN E S N E ED E D REGULAR meeting of Phi Delta th** basement of the Law Building. Every It has developed th at the ten tru n k lines on the IU B. X. ter ie-members U expected out as a special phone system in the Main Building are not enough to give the [ initiation will be conducted. Meet- desired service to the users of the U niversity telephones which Because of are dependent on this system for outside connection the fact th at the operator must keep three lines open to r an emergency, there are only seven trunk lines available for the 187 phones served by the e x c h a n g e in the Main Building. ing will be called to order at 7 i i 5 . (.am m u W ednesday night in REPO RTER. | ' ALPH A PH I EPSILO N will have Initiation cerem onies Thursday in room 105 .of the Main Building at 5 and 7 SIO. Ail member* urged to be present. PRESIDENT. According to the operators on the hoard, at least five or six more tr u n k lines are needed in order to give the users of the University telephones anyw here near the desired service that is available if the phones were not on ihe system. There have been tw enty m inutes and even longer neriods of time last week when every one of the seven tru n k lines were busy, ii was s t a t e d by the operator. During this period it was only possible for seven of the Ll? telephones served by the U ni­ versity s y s t e m to get un outside num ber. And during those tw enty minutes, dozens of student* and professors who were an x ­ ious to get outside numbers complained about the service and aU eit the operator, who was powerless to give them a tru n k line when all were busy. This incident is only one of the many that has happened. There are very few persons who have attem pted to use the ex­ change system who have not been delayed and extrem ely a g g ra­ vated by the inability of the operator to give them an outside line. On the whole, the University exchange has proved to be very satisfactory. That is, if one does not mind to pick up his telephone often and wait for ten or even fifteen m inutes for a number. The operator has always l>een courteous, and has given excellent service, considering the fact that she has only seven lines with which to serve the 137 U niversity telephones. FR ID A Y , day on May 14, will be the last which T. O. C. p r a c tic e s »H O U SEM O TH ER S FOR GIRLS- may be taken for this* year. AU prac­ tices must be recorded on Friday from 2* to 5 p. rn. in the W. A. A. fa ilin g room. A nyone in final p ractices on their cards and for Friday will not receive credit any term. turn to LYNN EIKEL. T. O. <5 w ill have it* last m eetin g o f the year on Saturday, May 15, in the form o f a surpri.se party. All T. O. Ct m em bers sign up in front o f Miss Ratb’n office and pay 50c for the food. M eet at the gym at 2 p. rn., dressed in knickers. We are go­ ing on the “ O range T ra il,” which is a surprise from beginning to m d . Team award* will be given. Last m eetin g of th*' year W ednes­ day, U p.m., May 12, G irls’ Study Hall, Main Building. Important bu?- inoss. Every member u rged to at­ tend. MRS, E V A N S , Secretary. music bring ALL GIRLS having G irls’ Glee Club the Y.W.C'.A. it room , M ain Butlidng, before Wednes­ day, May 12. Be sure to put your nam e with your music. t«< A L IN E F A LH OUN, to i ALL m em bers of n e W. K. Long Sunday school class who intend to go the banquet Saturday night ! please g e t their tick ets from their ! club chairm an by Thursday night. ROLAND M URRAY. .Several more tru n k lines would save the users of the l i n g e r ­ old, be y.M.u. A. W ed- t0 j nesday night at 7 o'clock for a very i shy telephone* a ureal deal ot tim e and worry, and would assure Rto«co o f the Spani.1, faculty w ill lmpOTtant swimminK practice and ju n t as Rood service as one expects from the regular telephone not | address the club. A ll members are j mee^|Bg just on the s y s t e m . LA TE RTI ?LIA will hold it* regular at 7 :3( in 158 M ain B uilding. Mr. Torres ^ rn.-,tin * T hursday, «»y la, at 7 did ; m n t(( A U , T u rtlettes, new and urged to atten d . practice i j f , , . , PR E SID E N T . A fter h aving been subjected to the old practice known as “ passing the buck,” the c o n feren ce ten n is m eet has fin a lly found a restin g place at the U n iversity. O riginally, it was scheduled to have been held at Rice Institute, but th at in stitu tion d e v e l­ oped a desire to have it played an y ­ where but in H ouston, The princi­ pal reason seem ed to be th a t the R ice players w anted a trip. The m eet w as t hen o ffe r e d to B ay­ lor, but a fte r hanging fire for sev- * ral w eeks, the Bears decided that they did not want to entertain other schools nearly so much as they w an t­ e d to be entertained by the other schools, and the tournam ent w as le ft ED G O S S E T T I wishes to th an k his sup- i ; p o rte rs for th eir activity in his b e h a lf— and respect- , fully solicits th e co-opera­ tion of all stu d en ts to I m ake next y e ar the m ost successful in th e life of I S tudent Self G overnm ent. M EETING o f Pierian Literary So­ ciety W ednesday aftern oon iii MJF 207 at 5 o ’clock for the election of officers* All m e in he na be there. please P R E S ID E N T . T H E R E will be a dress* rehearsal of .a t the play, “ She Stoups to C onquer” I the Senior High School audito­ rium tonight at fi;4o. All members of the cant must ie present on tim e. DIRECTOR. U N IV E R SIT Y O rchestra w ill have practices from 6 :4 5 to 7:45 this in the Radio to even in g (W ed n esd ay) Room. AU m em bers are asked be there an p u n ctu ally a* possible. PR E SID E N T . me« t ALL m em bers o f the Glee (Tub will in tho Y. M. C. A. chapel to elect room at 5 o ’clock officers for the on-com ing season, WOODW ARD RITTER, tod ay P r e s i d e n t . M I K E T H E A S S E M B L Y SH O U L D T A K E S T A N D A G A IN S T POSTING SI G N S ON S I D E W A L K S duo; when the Texan was about to congratulate the candi­ fy on the fact th at the sidewalks and trees of the cam pus w e r e dat( decorated w ith the pouters and other advertising m atter, a not hours before election enterprising supporters of several of few candidates conceived the idea of posting th eir candidates' the postern on the sidewalks. Students making Tuesday m orning classes were stared in the face by a la r g e num ber of posters on the sidewalks. In -.pile of the very decided student .sentiment against this unnecessary chittering up of the I m varsity campus and side­ walks, and in spite of the fact that it was pointed out to the can­ didates that nothing would be gained from the use of such posters, several found ii advisable, in their opinion, to slap the posters on the s i d e w a l k s on the eve of election. It is the belief of the Texan th a t action by the Students' As- semb iy will \w necessary to stop this practice. As long as there is no rule a g a i n s t the use of the posters, there will be students who n u ] advertise their candidacy with such ugns. P A LLED m eetin g «>f Fredericksburg Club W ednesday, May 12, at 7 p. rn. in M. IL 157. Every m em ber in urged to be there, as th in will be the h u t m eeting o f the year. Bring you r I m em bership dues, P R E SID E N T . i The Assembly, we think, will find it in accord with genera! mu den t opinion to pa s a bill which shall make it against the laws of the Student*' Association for any candidate to place posters on I th e sidewalks, or nail posters or signs to the trees on the Univer-j sitv campus. The penalty should lie th at any candidate or s tu d e n t; who does this should lie de, I ared ineligible to run for office. Such j a rule would stop the slapping of the candidates' signs on t h e , I sidewalks, and of nailing his posters to the trees. at 5 o'clock, _ FINAL try o u ts fo r archery team to­ day a t 5 o'clock, JR IA VV A T 11A C Pu OSSI J N. ARCH ERY m eet will be held by the Robin Hood Club this aftern oon o»< the whale, the advertising campaign carried on by the Candidates in this election has been ta r superior to th a t used by any other crop of office seekers, The advertisem ents printed in Die Texan have had some real m erit, and attem pted to em pha­ size the qualifications of the candidate. < lever cards and stu n ts were invented by the more original candidates to get their man b e f o r e th e students. B u t the outstanding characteristic of this election has been the intensive personal canvass that was used to get votes. But if several candidates or their supporters had not become so worked up over the election th at they found it advisable to use sidewalk signs, it would have been the best in the hiatory of student elections. , , , to W € r weaken in t h e i r work on the campus magazines and new spapers re reminded in a Tuesday m orning news story th at tin- aii-| hlicatioii* cabaret was scheduled to ’ak*- {dace at t h e Stephen, Austin Hotel un the night of Friday, May 21. The paint, of j under was m at a fr»Lstently f n now' and the h< guest i f be Gans I set we* member may not be invited to be a s down on his work on the publicu- ime of the event. This affair, free to evei / member of the staff of the Cactus, Ranger, Longhorn, and th* Daily Texan, ii given in honor of In*: staff members who have worked faithfully in helping edit the It is really an appreciation of the publications during the year. It is on this occasion, also, that those w ork of the staff member *. who have earned the T and Quills are presented with th eir aw ards. Another interesting feature of the affair is the presentation * f th e new editors. The out-going editors are also given an op­ portunity lo speak at the cabaret. H IA W A TH A CRO SSLIN. _______ / ’ C if A PEI. services. W eekly musi- ta les on W ednesday and Thursday by Girls’ U t e Club and U niversity Choir, u nder direction o f Oscar J. Fox, G irls’ S tudy B a ll, 8:35 a. rn. E veryb od y w elcom e. CH A PEL COM M ITTEE. t^ ur*c ‘ ^sdfey at ar< u /f^d t{ j £or | S ociety will meet Wed* 5 p. rn . AH mo rn burs be present as officers year will he elected . P R E S I D E N T . 0 n n s r Ja, k. it 7 jo rn. at the j et* W ednesday W om an's Gym I r u t h McM i l l a n . SE N D TR MAJOR rx a m ln stio S s in the ^department o f philosophy and psych a logy will be ht*ki Saturday a f t ­ e r n o o n , May 15, at 2:00 o’elock in Main B uilding, 255. W ATTS CUNN ING H AM . COW’BOYS w ill have a meeting* at j Im -! c a fe te r ia W ednesday port ant q uestions will he and pre tent. discussed every m em ber D urged to be noon, FO REM AN. f o r the first time in the history of the Texan, a banquet W ar­ field every term for the members of the Texan staff last year,! Again this year, a banquet was given each term for the members TH of the staff. And the A ILI1 u blleatiorw Cabaret, the second of its Hind, will be given on the night of May 21. The Texan has f o u n d 1* that these bosquet* go a long way toward keeping the students at in the proper attitude toward the Texan work, and th a t it makes to r a M i n g among the staff thai cannot be obtained by say o th er method. It m ight be advisable for the editors of the R an­ ger* the Cactus* and the Longhorn to follow the example of th e» MEMBERS Texan and give a banquet each term for the staffs of each of the ’ f *>• pub! OH ti OOH. a 9 Under the supervision of Burt Dyke, this sp rin g s cabaret promise*- to be the prem ier event staged for the staffs of the com­ bined publication . With 150 students, representing four pu id i m ion* s t the cabaret, thin event will be a red letter day in the* career of tho I a ho have helped edit this year A publications. t the MTU be a regular m eetin g it the H om e E conom ies Club in E. Hall 16 Wednesday, May 12, 2* o ’clock. E L IZ A B E T H K N IG H T, P resident. o f G reenhorn C ouncil aire req u ested to be present at the Wktmen's G ym nasium at o ’clock Tx tends y a ftern o o n or at 7 o ’clock T u e sd a y night. All other m em bers o f the G reenhorn elass who are free ■n e asked to be p resent at the sam e tim e . P R E SID E N T , 2 ALL-PUBLICATIONS CABARET Staff member* of the various publications w ho a r e beginning RBCl.tA R mw.u B f * Even in the days of Barnum when “Step right up, folks, and bring your buggy whips along,” was the siren call of the circus barker, the products of Anheuser'Busch were nationally known to good fellows. And now, when buggy whips are as out df date as hoop skirts and knee-breeches, BUSCH(A-B) P A L E D R . Y is the favored drink of college men because, like tile college man, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer everywhere and every time. f < * M ist v i n " o f 1 . I, -'in iu S L I Ideal for Summer Wear H art Schaffner & M arx, Dixie Weave Suits and Griffon Zefirettes $27.50 $30 $35 A ND UP E xtra Trousers W ith Most Suits mwm Tho colors arc cool, silv er or birch gray, faw n and light tan . T he fabrics a re cool, porous w orsteds or flannels— T ailo red to k eep th e ir stylish shape. No laundry bills either. IRISH LINEN SUITS An am azin g selection in all types of these p o p u lar suits. S plendidly tailo red and m any suits to be had with two tro u sers. $15 $17.50 $20 Satisfaction or Money Back Stebbins & James 91 Anheuser-Busch Si Louis * - Distributors * M CNAM ARA B R O S . ^ „ s gftjff A u s t in , T exas * M o r e for you* m oney and ' th e b est P ep p erm in t Chewing Sweet for IN SOCIETY publication of the association, will be distributed and s ta r team s will be announed. Miss Anna Hiss, head of the d epartm en t, Miss Rosem ary Walling of Austin, re tirin g presi­ dent of W. A. A., and Miss Frances McConnell, president for n ext year, the ex-students will hold their annual I iud ing class are to he present. The meeting at the V. M. C. A. A u d ito r baccalaureate sermon will be deliv- rium, a f te r which they will go to the j ered in the stadium Sunday night at country club for luncheon, stated Dr. J 8 o'clock bv the Rev. Mr. J . M. Daw- I son, IVD., pastor of the F irst Baptist Wharey. The old-time barbecue will he held ^ hurt h of Waco. Sunday, June Ii, probably on the cam­ pus, where the members of the grad- Commencement day proper will be Monday. June Ii. It is planned to take th* graduate and their friend; auto* mobile riding around the city a t 41 ' o’clock. At 7 :30 the academic pro* ! cession will ho held at the east anil south side of the campus from where* j it will march along 22nd S treet to the stadium, where the aw arding o$ J degrees win take place. T h E D A I L Y T E X A N will make s h o rt talks. The council for next year will be installed. Miss L a v e rn e S tu gard of Lawrence, Kan­ Ex-Students Sponsoring Big Event for Old-Timers of Faculty for June 5 sas, is in m a r g e of re freshm ents and Miss B erth a Black of Navasota will issue the invitations. The fol-j lowing girls will compose the deco- be given by the ex-students An old-time barbecue which will in honor „ ration com m ittee: M arg aret Milby t of San Antonio, Lucille of Austin. E A U Kina of Lockhart. . jg ^ ^ I nom pawn , , those faculty n u m b e rs who have n connected with the University . ! for a q u a rte r of a c e n tu ry or more, h(|s bt„.„ ^ , r ^ 1 I , . _ 0 _________ and Irma D ander of Beaumont. Three Recitals Are i this y e a r’s commencement ex- J e r a s e s when abou t GOO graduates according to will receive degrees, tentative plans of the commencement committee, stated Dr. J. B. V ha rey. S c h e d u le d tor Vt eek Thr^ days wil] be devoted t0 cow_ m encement exercises this year, st a r t- . ing S aturday, Ju n e 5. Alumni and Th persons musially inclined, t h > > d a y exercises will tak e p’ace in a l " the m orning and from 10:30 to 11:30, / * , i i ThE BLUEBONNET ShOP 2 2 0 6 G u a d a lu p e S treet F o lk s, W e A re h aving A R E A L S A L E O F Dresses, hats, Underwear, Brassieres, Sweaters, Gifts C om e O ver and Look U s O ver hANCOCK Last T im es T od ay JULIAN ELTINGE A nd A N N E PE N N IN G T O N ‘MADAM BEhAVE’ A Cousin to ‘‘C harlie’s A u n t’* F ox N ew s C om edy and week and the next offer great the num erous trac tio n in view of scheduled. | concerts the Three artist pupil recitals and University Glee Club are con cert am ong the musical attractio ns of the week. recitals Following T u esd a y ’s Glee Club concert, Mary Lubbock, pupil of Da vid Griffin, will be heard in voice re -, in cital Thursday evening at RHS the Girls' Study Hall. Miss Lub­ bock is leaving for New York in the n e a r fu tu re to study un d er Madam Marcella Sembrich, and h er ap p e ar­ ance Th ursday will probably be her last in Austin fo r some time. The following Monday th e Study Hall will be the scene of a concert given by F ran c is German, baritone, assisted by Victor Powell, pianist, This m arks Mr. G erm an’s firs t ap­ pearance in song recital, his ap p e ar­ ances h ere to fo re having been at the pianoforte, where he has won the most favorable recognition. Tuesday night Mrs. John Mosher, soprano, and Norman Em erson, te n ­ or, from the atelier of Ralph Leo will be presented in concert by the University Conservatory of Music. These two singers are very popular with the Austin rausial coterie. The public is cordially invited to all of these concerts. Garden Party T oday for University Dames A garden p arty will be given by the University Dames this aftern oo n a t HO P ark Place, according to the hostess. A ssistant hostesses will be Mrs. D. N. Garza, Mrs. Geo. Sneer, Mrs. R. N. Richardson, Mrs. G. A. Ware, Mrs. H. L. Schug, Mrs. R. F. Rogers, Mrs. T. S. Hodges, and Mrs. W. L. Rockwell. In case of unfavorable weather, the m eeting will be held a t the home of Mrs. S. L. Mansell, 2813 Rio Grande. * • * Eldon Dyer was visiting in Austin last week-end. Dewey Smalley is visiting a t the Lambda Chi house. Grace B urkett of F o rt W orth is visiting here this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kvard W hite of Cuero visited Mrs. W hite's sister, Leta Graham o f Scottish Rite Dormi­ tory, S atu rd ay and Sunday. TODAY A t Austin Movie Shows han coc k: Julian E l t i n g e in “ M a d a m e B e h a v e . ” Maj esti c: Jack holt in “ Th e B l i n d Go dde ss . ' ’ Qu e e n: Claire Wi n ds o r in “ M o n e y Talks." Te xa s : Sally O ’Neill in “ Mi ke. ” h A N C O C K in electric The nam es of Julian E ltinge and Ann P ennington have for years stood out lights on Broadway and now they adorn the silver sheet in the comedy “ Madame B eh ave/' which is the attraction a t the Han­ cock T h e a te r for the last times to­ day. Eltinge plays the p a r t of Mrs. Brown, a missing witness, whom the old men are try in g to m a rry for two good and d iffe ren t reasons, as the unfolding of the plot discloses; Ann Pennington plays opposite Eltinge in her biggest p art to date in pictures, although she has alre ad y appeared in typical follies dancing bits in “ A Kiss in the D ark” and “ M anhandled,” two big picture successes. Lionel Belmore and Jac k Duffy make a fine team of c ru sty old fel­ lows who are rivals fo r the hand of “ Madame Behave.” They are both comedians of recognized m erit and garn er many of the scores of laughs in the production. 0 ------------------------------ M A J E S T I C A rising young lawyer is made a prosecuting attorn ey . His duty soon compels him to p ro s­ ecute the m other of the girl he loves, although no one but the woman h e r­ self knows she is the mother. She is accused of killing the girl's fath e r, her husband. She finally tells the young a t t o r ­ ney and he resigns, later becoming courtroom defense attorney. scenes bring one thrill a f te r another. She is practically convicted w hen— the tru th becomes known and all ends well. The This is the story of “ The Blind Goddess,” which closes at the M ajes­ Jack Holt, E rn est T o r­ tic today. rence, E sther Ralston, and Louise Dresser play in it. GOSSETT ELECTED STUDENT PREXY (C ontinued From Vage 1.) count of of councilman upon th e Cotys M. M ouser’s seconds, the fo r­ to W arren mer receiving 32 votes T aliaferro's 30. Engineering councilman John E. H o ff defeated Alan F a u s t by a vote of 230 to 127. In the Law School C. P. Oliver de­ feated H a rd y Hollers, 134 to IOO. W o m e n ’s Counci l F o r The five new women m em bers of the w om en’s council with th eir votes are as follows: Ti Hie F ran c es Young 928, Empress Young 811, Betty Green 804, Edith Fox 693, and Mary Louise M urray 64 7. Granville Price fo r m anaging edi­ tor of the Daily Texan, W. S. Elkins for editor of the Cactus, Tom Hollo­ way for m anaging editor of the Ran­ ger, Vivian Richardson for editor of the Longhorn, Lea A ltheim er for m anaging editor of th e Longhorn, Marion Olson for ch airm an of the m en’s council, Bascom M. Nelson for men's g ra d u a te councilman, and Jack Wingo for Engineering assemblyman were elected without opposition. A m e n d m e n t s C arr y All am endm ents carried by big m ajorities. As a resu lt a separate created women’s assembly will be for the tre a tm e n t of purely women's problems, the elections will be moved up one week, and the U niversity a u ­ thorities will be called upon to set aside all building program s with the exception of the Power Building, so th a t an auditorium m ig ht be con­ structed. Nowlin Randolph served as chief judge of the election, being assisted by Carl Webb. Ail official re tu rn s to were tu rn ed over by Randolph the Richard Blalock, president S tudents' Association a t 9 o’clock Tuesday night. of Probably never before in the Uni­ versity’s political history has as much intensive campaigning been done by candidates, veteran stu d en ts here as­ sert. E very m anner o f advertising was re sorted to to induce th e unde­ to cast his vote for cided stu d en t the candidates. Chewing anxious gum, cigars, blotters, posters, hand­ bills, house-to-house canvassing, and midnight serenading were employed a never before to influence the s t u ­ dent vote. In the m ore hotly con­ tested races, an efficient working m a­ chine was effected in which defi­ nitely organized groups had personal interview's with practically the en­ tire stu d en t body. --------------o-------------- A D V E R T IS E in the D A I L Y T E X A N Final Plans for “T ” Night, M ay 21, Are Made by Com m ittee F inal plans are being made for the annual “ T” n igh t which will be held by the W om an’s Athletic A s­ 21, sociatio n May Miss K aty Bae Hall of Dallas, who is in charge of arrangem ents. I “ This is always one of the big­ gest events of the y e a r,” said Miss annual “ The Sports Girl,” Hall. according M I K E L a i t D a y “The Blind G od dess” with J A C K hO L T E A R N E S T T O R R E N C E E S T h E R R A L S T O N IL The Green A rcher III. George Orum Violin Solo “ At D aw ning” IV. News & Comedy H ours: l l , 12:60, 2:4(K 4 :*5, 7 :20, 9 :20 S ta rtin g Tomorrow R I C h A R D DIX LOIS W I L S O N ii L et’s G et Married” MAJESTIC The S how P l a ce o f Aust in f F Y A Q M id J V J n L ^ T H E A T R E k J Today and To m o r r ow SALLY O ’NEILL “T he W onder Girl” IN “MIKE” Semi-Annual Clearance Sale BEGINS WEDNESDAY AT 8-30 A. M. Every Garment in the house reduced. . . Our entire stock (hosiery excep ted ) is in­ cluded in this SA L E Event. . . Dresses of ev ery description. . . Suits, Coats. . . Negli- gees, Lingerie and Millinery. N O T E S tu d e n ts will ta k e a d v a n ­ tage of this sale to su p p ly th e ir s u m m e r clothes b e ­ fore leaving for hom e. sale will c o n t i n u e until This our p r e s en t st ock has bean sold, which, we e x p e c t , will not he many days. W e si ncerel y urge you to c ome this at the very o p e n i ng sale, whi le t here o f is choice. of lots Since O u r P R O F I T S A R E S A C R IF IC E D A ll S ales W ill Be F o r C A S H O N L Y 75 D R E S S E S W ILL G O FOR $ 1 0 . 7 5 A Most W onderful Dress Value There Is No Place Like hOME F u rn itu re Co. to buy quality fu rn itu re of re as­ onable prices. We also m aintain an exchange departm ent where you can buy good used furniture. Term s to Suit home Furniture Co. 408 Congress Phone 9522 R E A D T h E C L A S S I F I E D S W e’ve never seen the coffee grow, nor heard a llama bleat W e’ve never teen a Gaucho ride and throw the bolas neat W e’ve never heard Brazilians sing those lively “ Santos Blues" But, boy, we’ll get all this—and more __ __ W e’re gonna m ake this C R UISE. Come on. Joe College— Mibs Co-Ed* Sit on the top ol the world and enjoy 12.500 Miles of Adventure on (hie Two Months Student Tour to SOUTH AMERICA S. S. V A U B A N C“* V FLFEr?U* Leaving N e w York June 26th , 1 9 2 6 Returning August 2 4 th , 1926 l«f«* s a d I u f u r i o u s L a m p o rt H o lt L i* « r B , (b t Including A ll Expenses, Sightseeing Q W Trips and h otel Accom m odations. \ baiaaccd M«.U: Good f«liowsSi^Coti#eBi*lcompany. For fUserwatloM and fug information, apply, A. L. H Y D E . M a n a jf f S T U D E N T S O U T H A M E R I C A N T O U R S 24 Broadway, Now York Cltv N A T I O N A L B A N K Ju st O ff C ong ress T hE T E x a s L i n e 'NewVork via GALVESTON PLAN to reach Galveston Shortest Rail Ride Direct Ocean Ship# in the morning to connect with these popular steamers offering a wide range of accommodations. Steamers ca lla t K ey W est,F la .,making connections for H avana, M iam i, T a m p a an d S t. Petersburg. AUTOMOBILES C A R R I E D R e s e r v a t i o n s , t ic k e ts and o th e r d e ta ils s h o u ld be a rra n g e d in a d v a n c e b y lo c a l r a i l r o a d t i c k e t a g e n t o r w rite to : ' MALLORY & LINE F . T. R en n ie, G en I A gent G a lv esto n , Terne* A b o v e Omrra m w . carry p a s s e n g e r s a n d f r e i g h t addition*! freight ta ilin g * every W e d n e sd a y A COOL PANAMA WIDE BRIM STRAWS the honor,* at Fort Worth. the It * going to he a hard fight and j prize; donated by tile president, Wood- i R. B. Ritchey was awarded mer term. head the society for the first sum­ i all, for the best extem poraneous Concluding the m eeting a rising speech of the evening. This m eeting vote of thank:- was given to Woodall closed a very beneficial term o f work for bis service in the interest of the for the society. society aud for the gold medal which W. E. Hancock wa." selected to h** donated. BOI Rippey _ Pit Ha* Ed Go*«ett ...................... y*< e-P r* a » d * * » tt Tom A. Pickett Win. HL “ Teeny** Evans Secretary-T r e a u r t r : Helen E. Hamilton ----- Helen B o n n e r ..«.......... |u ltto r -» * -c H « e f T e a * * : John Sammons Second choices .... ... . 185 462 343 291 320 311 240 X B I 380 804 646 487 437 713 449 120 l l ! 143 87 r n 103 128 88 21 Grand Total Sam Johnson Second c h o i c e 258 95 481 119 105 IS IOO 142 79 155 108 107 4 6 53 66 70 84 286 203 164 173 184 173 38 132 20 Grand t o t a l ..... Thorn*“ A. Rous.-** . M a n |> |i > ( Editor af Cactus: Willard H. P e r k i n s ......... .. Second t ho ice* .... ... 293 54 149 166 39 131 64 417 112 IOO 9 98 9 19! 37 Grand total ......... Joe S. Pr-eanalJ Second choice* ... 245 82 442 162 116 20 112 l f 98 24 S i — 914 126 — 1961 IO I 65 - 1 4 5 9 1125 HH 84 -1229 - 1 5 2 7 53— 1049 16 - 349 — 1398 1125 S3 19 - 338 - 1463 4 I — SSO 78— 1177 Id- - 237 1414 1076 313 63- 10- 112 386 31 25 62 2 7 — 643 uranu iwiai .............. ..... Tom mi* Simmon* Yell Leakier: John N. Jackson Bernard B t m b su m ......... Eugene F German A A. Semaart 33 2 51 162 84 Chairman Women * Council: Mabel C o o p er Mary Hoyle R eally .. .. Idea’s B B A . Counrtlmaa: Luther R Grimes W. I “ Ligon” Foster Mea'* Ed. Councilman: Warren Taliaferro ....... Herbert 8. Von Boeder Coly* M. Mount-r M en’s En* Councilman: Alan Faurt John E. H off M en’* Law Councilmaa: Hardy Hollers C. P. O l i v e r ....................... ...... Women** Council: Em pre*-* Young Till*** France* Young Mary Nunn . Margaret Hey** Mary Louise Murray ' Edith Fox Minerva Cunningham Betty Green ........ Frances McClellan First amendment Second amendment Th>rd amendment Fourth amendment Fifth amendment Sixth am endm ent ........ . . . * * * a -a — ......I •aa,ga a —aw*. awa awa aw. aaa,a. a w . . a a a * wa aw 496 81 299 248 526 626 , — ...... ....... ...... 744 855 556 569 590 646 442 755 548 164 8 64 17 16 IO 103 120 . ....... 9 8 6 7 4 4 6 9 9 a w w w 196 l l 19 2 7 6 188 23 127 25 6 3 ....... ...... ; •»"'** ; ----- 8 3 - 1 4 5 9 JO— 184 w w. 713 42- 409 3 3 - 41 — 596 39— 684 103 120 2 6 — 26 21— 21 17— 17 127 230 .... — 127 230 . i. IOO 134 I 2 I ** 2 I I 0 3 I 5 3 2 I I 2 I 3 .......— IOO ....— > 134 . 811 63 58— 925 615 49 4 3 — 623 41 — 647 41— 593 I 2 9 — 4x0 39— 804 I 43 - 606 _______ — 1643 414 1894 304 . . — 1976 ----------- — - 350 — , . — ............ . •.WWWW a * . a a a ............... . — . a w , . . . a . . . . . . ............... a . a . a e * . * aw* • ♦ . . a * . . . . . . # * * * « • ♦ . • a w * e^o4fh Initiation Ceremony of Phi Delta G am m a Tonight at 7 o'clock i Phi Delta Gamma, professional forensic fraternity, will hold its an­ nual apring term initiation ceremony tonight at 7 o ’clock in the basement o f the Law Building. The election from among the candidates for mem bership was held at the last meeting of the organization. The men who * were elected have all taken an active part ill the forensic activities o f the various literary aocietiei during the past year. Phi Delta Gamma is a national organization the Texas chapter of which wa* established last year. W, O. Moore, public speaking professor in the University, who is national president o f the organization, will be among those present tonight. All members are urged to be present to­ night for the initiation ceremony, ac­ cording to the president. MI K E "It •vt may lose nu*, although I have it doped out that we will finish seven points ahead o f A. & M t h e coach declared. the Aggies will surprise us and take some events which I believe we will win. it on my men that Fv* impressed * hey must put a1! into they have every event." is possible that Several records ar** expected to i be broken. A ubrey Cockrell of Texas, is likely to shatter the mark J in the 220-yard dash, as he has done already this season, although the rec- ' ord must be made in the con ference | meet to be official. Jack Taylor of Baylor, may lower the discus throw record. He has a mark o f 157 feet 7 inches to hi** credit this year. This j is an unofficial world’s record. Leo Baldwin may he able to s u r p a t h e ■ feat of Bud Sprague in putting the "hot 44 feet, I inches for a c o n fe r ­ ence record. Baldwin is expected to J near the 15-foot mark and may even • do better. exclusive T wenty -*even men, o f Trainer Wiaian, Student M anager! | Stevenson, and Coaches Littlefield and Alderson will make up the Texas delegation at Fort Worth. ---------------o ~ ----------- - Hancock President of Texonian During First Summ er T erm An extem poraneous speaking con­ te.-! comprised the program for the final os* ion of the Texonian Liter­ ary Society for the spring term. T E X A N TRACK DOPE Following in ro a c h Littlefield's table on how the point sheet should look after th** Southwestern Conference meet at Fort Worth Friday and Saturday: E v e n t . J OO-yard dash 220-yard dash 440-yard dash 880-yard r u n Mile run Two-mile run Relay .. 129-yard hurdles 220-yard hurdles Pole vault ... .. Broad jump ... High jump ... Shot put Discus throw Javelin throw . Totals ........ .. .. ... .......... ............... .... ..................... T e a . A A M . T . C . U . B e y . R ic e S M U . A r k . 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 I 3 0 % 0 0 ft 3 0 3 ti 0 0 6 8 6 2 0 6 a 0 0 5 0 Ti 2 0 3 2 — 2 I 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 0 I 0 0 0 2 I 5 .... 4 K 0 6 3 2 3 2 2 I 2 Oel 0 I 3 3 I 2 J 0 0 0 0 I 0 I) 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 I 0 0 26 5 ll — 3 5 5 TEXAS DOPED TO WIN CONFERENCE TRACK AT FT. WORTH SATURDAY swamper! th** Aggies under an 85 to 32 score here last Friday does not mean his men will run away with The Texa* Longhorn track team ill win the Southwestern C on fer- ice meet at Fort Worth Friday and iturday with a total of 55 points id the Aggies will fmi*h second with 48, according to a resume o f the dope on tho* sr n iggle for the cham ­ for The Texan pionship compiled T uesday by Coach Clyde Littlefield. Lit! !<* **leld believe* the Rice Owls will be third v ith 25 porn;*, the B ay ­ lor Keo:* next with 24. T CL U /« Horned F*ogs next with 6. the S. M. U. Muat ang^ next with 5 and the Arkans i- Hogs last witii 3 The coach believes the battle for suprem acy between the Steers and th*- Farmers will be one of the best in the hi "tory of the annual co n fer­ ence meet. He point* out that th*' and White fact that th** Orang** RENT-A-FORD PA Y BY THE MILE Touring* ................. 10c per mile Roadster* .......... 10c per mile Coupes ....................................... 12c per mile Sedan* ...... 14c per mile Fifty-cent Hour Guarantee After 6 P. M, Phones 7777, 6288, 9144 P atton T ransfer Co. 417*19 Congree* Are. Fe at ure s o f in te re st to re sidents “No rth of 19th ” CHECKING A CC O U NTS— 4Vc PAID ON TIME D E P O S I T S - - A B A. TR A V ELIN G CHEC KS— SA FETY DEPO SIT B O X E S— NOTARY P U BLIC — 8 :3 0 to 4 P. M. 8 ,3 0 to 2 P. M. Saturday* The University Bank (un-incorporated) 2324 Guadalupe Resources & Individual Responsibility Over $4 00 ,0 0 0 .0 0 W here the Students Get Their Glasses Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted We do not dilate the pu ­ pils. No time l o * from work. WARD & TREADWELL OPTOMETRISTS C o n g r e e Avenue At Seventh Street The Prince of Style Has Come to Tow n Tropical Worsted Suits $25 02010101000100532389010002484853022300020102000000020000021002 T w o Trouser Suits COLLEGE SEAL JEWELRY a selection. The prince of style, thi.* summer, in his cool and roy­ al highness— tropical worsteds. Showing a line of new colors to add zest. to making Time and service hav e proven tropical worsteds a top-notcher for s u m m e r wear. For the G raduate TEXAS BOOK STORE H ere They A re—Those Snappy Wide Brim Straws : $3 f:"1; A varied selection of smart wide brim s tr a w s with plain or fancy bands. Fine and coarse weaves to suit any taste. Super-Six Oxfords $6 Many new models with new f e a ­ tures are here— wide soft toes and broad leuther heels that make for com fort. Slip into a pair o f these today; they are smart and can be and had in black. tan, blonde light Scarbrough's THE DAILY TEXAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY PHONE 8000 Classified Ad Section Your Message Daily to 6,500 Readers PHONE 8000 ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES LET US FRAM E THAT PICTURF.! New line of m oulding just rereived, and price* 8 th. J.4 right. THE GAZLEY CO.. 204 W. Phone 7087. WK COPY THEM ES, three* and do ail kind* of stenographing, multigraphing and mim­ eographing. Call 5934. 914 Littlefield Bldg., Texas Multigranb Shop. Mr*. K. -I. Adam*. Every day is registration day for courses the 250 one-third college offered by the NEW WAY CAFF., 108 W*Mt 5th St. for our Mexican Student;* are alw ays try a change lunch: you'JI welcome. Phone 21 343. In m eal*, like it. MATH AND PHYSICS COACH Expert coaching. Four year*’ experience. Strictly Satisfaction guaran- —26 ; teed. Dial 5983 for GOLDEN. under Honor System . '•T V E FOUND A NEW BABY .” Played by Ted Lewis and his orchestra. Colons- Isaar B ledsoe, 821 Conure** j | ! him reeosd. Phnoe 6819. HOME AND INVESTM ENT. Brand large rooms new duplex, cunaiating o f each f i v e lovely, with modern fixture*. Situated com fort", expensive bath only a few steps w est of the (J. on a largu level lot with sidewalk*, curb and double garage. P resent revenue $90,00 per m onth; J owner a non-resident, reason for sellin g ; ' price SI 1.500; convenient term s can be ar- ' ranged. STO- ; VALL, phone 5702. interested dial R, C. If LOST AND FOUND AUTO PAINT SHOP DRESSM AKERS OR N A M EN TA L IRON WORK Rafiattk Y m Car W ith AutharUad Duce a u t o p a i n t s h o p E. I t Cai* Fhawa *00* m i s s l o t t i e McIn t y r e Dr** tat ak lag Entrance Dtrfakill Lobby ar B r i i t i St. E. T. SICHEL Ornamental M etal Wark* Blacksm ithing II S E. 4*b SA N K S MRS C F ROSS O f ..m a k in g m Littlefield Bid*. Phone 2070. PLUMBERS E. RAVEN, PLUM BER “W ham Good Plumbing Repair* Ar* Made* 1403 Lavaca St. Pbaa* H U A N NOUNCEMENTS PURE, CLEAN MILK 12 I-2c ut. Phone 0-1560 PARAMOUNT DAIRY “ End. the Quest for the Beat” Th ILAS SA N E AND TRUST C O M P AN Y I a va* ternate • Par C w t Oaaraatead DOCTORS Gaad Laad Nate* AUSTIN NATIONAL BAN E U. S Cavers****! Dwpaaitarg *'ff*«-i S Surplice $! .000,000 OO B E A U T Y S H O P S MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP P a n — at W aving Bv Whip Metal Hair Cat flag ~ Pkaa* 4014 INSURANCE CARPET C LEANERS Rug* Cleaned-Rrbau ad; Wark Gaaraat**d CAPITAL CARPET CLEANERS g i l t Leat A »♦.-B lack-Caf ier-Pbaa* 41 Sd CLEANERS DES. LYNN AND LYNN Deatal Surge*— SM Scarkraugk Bldg. Pkaa* S IM F U R N I T U R E Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged McCl e l l a n f u r n i t u r e c o , We M w *. Crate, Pack and Skip Furniture Repairing a Specialty P b on . 2-1 *31 SIS E- bib St. Cat U . Talk With Y ea Regarding Your Future W . D. FOSTER. Agency Agent* W anted Pbaa* 5927 Room I, Sm ith Bldg. RICHARD CORNER A gent 510 Scarbrough BH* THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSUR­ ANCE CO. J O. ANDREW ARTHA COMPANY Higk Cr •d* Plumbing and Elf trig Fiatura* Pbaa* 8702 far Yaur Repair. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FOX SCHMIDT Plum bing. H eating, E lectric, Repalra Pbaa* 0040 41S W 4 0 RU BBER STAM PS AUSTIN RUBBER STAM P CO. Rubber Stam p*—-Seal*— S ten cils 201 W. 6th Pbaa* STI* BOOKS fo r si! C o r r e s p o n d e n c e C o u r s e * Ail mail orders given prompt University of Texas EXTENSION TEACHING Bureau For full inform ation, call by I HALL, ROOM l l . REPAIRING attention. DELZELL d DEM ENT W recking Service— General Repairing 405 T rinity Phone 7143, 5407, 9773 MAX DAVIS Cleaning aaa P ressin g Wars. Gal'ar* Far and Da-Jivarad S IJ Braca* P h ene 7444 BRYDSON LUMBER co. B uilding Malarial of AH Kinds lath A Guadalupe Phone at*! THESIS WORK A SPECIALTY Also Other Stenographic Work end Dict* lion. Mi** Ruby Sm ith, Phene S455. LUMBER. STE NO G RA PH ER S M ATTR ESS FACTORIES W A N T E D TO BUY MATTHESS ES MADE OVER Rag* Cleaned SO UTH ERN BEDDING M FG CO„ IN C ♦hawa aaa* 407 E. 4th. Phone 5711 W E P^jr THE HIGHEST PRICES Far Off Clot brag end Shoes ma Raw* orb POTATO CHIPS i Student*, ba making up that Picnic beg, re aseethe* Salted Peanut*. F ain t* Chip#, SAN I'PRODUCTS STOERMER BROTH ERS General M ach in ate and Welder* W ELDER S APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR R E N T ! Faculty m em ­ ber* and -urnmer school student* can t j find a cooler, more d eligh tfu l place to stay Summer than at SPEE D W A Y or* rate". 13 8 3 3 8 . 191 * Speedway- ARMS Phone 94 59 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping porches. W ater end apartm ent with light* fur- ni-bed. A cool place for the sum m er. One bloc k Iliad St- Phone 5468, from Uni vers tty. E _ _ S H W. U h ISS h a s t 5th S|r»*t- r 1*44)4 (MSS —I* Fboft* , # 1 «* 7-1-4-0 U n iv ersity Service Co. BUSINESS SERVICE COACHING: In French A. Spanish £ I £ GARAGES Th*ta***-. Garage. Pbaa* *444. W recking d r e s s m a k e r s STR O M Q UIST! A i * ifiiRi ar*- P* * 'rn C orrespondence Student* EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE UNIVERSITY CO OP 22 10 Guadalupe Austin, Texas. We can supply you with second-hand W ANTED: Room" suitable for light house- book* at a good savin g. far all your correspondence courses Mail order* given prompt attention. » S F & TEXAS BOOK STORE MISCELLANEOUS t THE LATEST IN LADIES* HATS and aho** are arriving daily. Alway* a new a*«ortmeat to choose from. High duality at over WooL low price. DACY’S. upstairs — 19 : worths. I .OST: W h it, .net yellow fo ld W .hi [wnHI. “G ladys’* engraved on barrel amati gold and Mala between Co-Op lost Finder return to M. B. 165. chain; Building. of $15.00 FOR 30 DAYS. I am making a special price LOST— Black wool Jensen bathing suit some- for papering your room; a b o . wh,.rt, around th- cam pun. Thursday. Flnd- or . , r pj^aAc —89 ape. it,, prices on painting, both outside. Phone 8714. re tu rn to Publications Office inside and M-20 2 9 4©. HEWARD. ' m | Maitre**** Renovated $1.50 Bug* Cleaned and Shampooed Austin Mattress ic Carpet Cleburne Co. Phone 2-1511 W A N TED- Room with private hath - • 'ne- convenient to Un vc fur Guadalupe t» Ga- ______________ rage al*o wanted Write P. O. Box 1112. able room*, ca n celin g ; »ui*abfe for HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: Two c o m f o r t ­ light included. Reasonable Phone hoii-e k eep in g; water and A l*o ffcrele«* cooker prke- 2888 North Guadalupe. JJM.________________________________ 16 j for sale light* ROOMS FOR RENT bleeping porch, FURN ISH ED ROOMS, k itchenette, private south and eaar; facing ga* range, sink ; hot and cold water. Ona- $13.00 m onthly. hatf block of campus. Student* preferred. Dial *108. 1 3 * I k"ow SpaMgb aa aal! aa you kuuw | porrb One block from cam pus: term*; Engtiah. H ubert Law 864 S e a t J2ad m g .w e s t . Phone 4815, 4i»a» 1 1 SH ANNON HARRIS m ay have a pats to tee th* abow at th* Queen W edaeaday,