I G O T MINE—HA VE YOU GOT YOURS-EACH ONE GET ONE ©he B ailli ®*xan V O L . X X V I. A U S T I N , T E X A S , T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R I S , 1 9 2 4 N o. 5 0 Baylor May Receive Championship from Conference Moguls UPSET TURKEY DAY MIY DECIDE TITLE Despite 7-7 Tie at Dallas, Bruin Record Superior to M ustang’s W. L. T. 0 3 Baylor .................... 2 0 S. M. U ..................... I 2 Rice ......................... I Texas A. & M......... .. 2 3 I Texas ....................... 4 I T. C. U ..................... I ................ ... 0 A rkansas I 0 Okla. A.&M............ I 3 I I 0 0 I 0 Pct. 1.000 1.000 .667 .667 .250 .250 .000 .OOO W e e k - e n d S c h e d u l e Baylor vs. St. Edwards, Friday, November 21. Arkansas vs. Okla. A.&M. a t Still w ater, Okla., S atu rday, November 22. Record Broken W hen O ne Student G ets 3 4 L etters M onday t u b “ G e t a w aah i n s t e a d o f a 1 -q u a r t m a il b o x , " sa id th e p o s t ­ m a n M o n d a y m o r n i n g w h e n be c a m e to o n e o f t h e b o y s ' r o o m i n g h o u s e s a n d t h r e w b u s h e l s o f m a il o n t h e p o r c h . n e w T h u s w a s a i n t r a m u r a l m a il r e c o r d h u n g up w h e n o n e b o y g o t t h i r t y - f o u r l e t t e r s in o n e lo a d . T h e p r e l i m i n a r y to t h e r e c o r d - b r e a k e r c a m e a t 5 o ’c l o c k y e s t e r ­ d a y m o r n i n g w h e n a s p e c i a l d e l i v ­ e r y c a m e f r o m a n a u t o s c h o o l s a y ­ in g t h a t t h e i r s p e c i a l o f f e r c l o s e d a t m i d n i g h t a n d t h a t $ 2 3 . 4 7 c o u ld be s a v e d b y e n r o l l i n g b e f o r e t h e n . T h e o f f e r w a s r e f u s e d . ij Seniors W ill E lect O fficers on Friday . . . i , . __ , , . .. J ; . in . . , though officials - Southern Methodist e e ec^e * ~ »{.!.„ were not notified of . uni mg. All senmrs are unfed to attend f^ r the t' ntlre l e a r w '" Because of the m any seniors who * the meeting . . ■ Monday afte rn o o n , it was decided by I those present to postpone the elec- ... . tion of o fficers until n e x t F riday, when a m eeting will be held a t 5 2 , the Main room 158 of o clock U niversity! , faces the un pleasant task of receiv-j . m g a taste of th e ir own medicine. njr vt T * Last season the Mustangs moved j . . . everything possible on ea rth to per- .1 suade the conference to, , .■ .... aw ard the gridiron title t o them over . t ,. the Longhorns even both schools finished with an unsmirched record. And this y ea r it a p p e a r, th a t these same moguls will follow the “s 0 pre ced e n t and aw ard the title to Bay- lor much to th® dismay of M orrison’s .Steeds who obviously outplayed the P R J L a m b d a U psilon B e a r , at D ad a, S a tu rd a y even though gam ing only a <-7 tie. F o r the Mus-j tangs have also been held to a draw by A rkansas and by the Texas Ag­ gies, elevens t h a t were decisively licked by Baylor. Besides re g u la r bi-monthly pro­ gram s Phi Lam bda Upsilon, honorary chemical fr a te rn ity , has planned to compile a history of the work of the Thanksgiving Chem istry D e partm en t from Septem- Day could b ring about an undisputed b er 15, 1883 up to the p resent time, titleholder, fo r on the schedules of Members of the arc . the two leading elevens rem ain but S. h . Marek, F. h. S treato r, A. IL one conference clash. Baylor, a f te r! Ullrich, H. H. Meiers, W. A. Schulze, what may prove a disastrous skirmish TU T. Kohler, L. VV. Ayies, S. A. Dur- with St. Edw ards Friday, journeys j ban, C, E. P. J e f fre y s , J. h. Kutzer, to Houston T u rkey Day, while S. M .j V . Schneider, G. T. W hyburn, R. E. U. winds up the season with the Ok- Fannick, H. H. P ru itt, and VV. A. lahoma Aggies. C om pile H istory Felsing, councillor. O n e C h a n c e L e f t Only an upset f r a te rn ity on ° ~ r N o C e r t a i n V i c t o r ° N either eleven has a certain vie Books for Children tory ahead and th ere is a not-to-be- (Continued on F a g , 4) ' r * .« . . . O D E xhibition N ow TENNIS MEET TO Many Local Stars W ill Per­ form on Clay Court ______ Exhibit of books for childen begun last week by the departm en t of li­ b rary science will be continued this week, according to Miss Elva Bas­ com, who is in charge of the display. I The books, which a re arran g e d in re­ spective order of science, and history, will be on exhibition in j the lecture room of the library science dep artm en t from 3 to 6 o’clock F rid ay afternoon, from 7:00 to 9 F rid ay night, and from 2 to 5 S a tu rd a y aft- ernoon. nature, PHI DELTA PHI HOLDS INITIATION Six Are Initiated Into National Honorary Legal Fraternity At the re g u la r fall election, following stu d en ts were elected R oberts’ Inn of Phi Delta Phi: the to J o h n P e r r y B u l l i n g t o n J a m e s M c A f e e F l o y d L a w t o n L. G a m b ell L e s l i e L a w r e n c e L e n t z W i l b u r L e e M a t t h e w s D w i g h t L a n e S i m m o n s Phi Delta Phi is a national hono­ ra ry legal fraternity, founded a t the University of Michigan in 1869. Rob­ e r t ’s Inn was established at the U n i­ versity of Texas in 1909. Election to m em bership is based on high scho­ lastic standing, an average of 80 be ing required, and on pleasing p e r­ sonality. the A fter an initiation of new members last F rid a y evening, all the members of the inn met fo r a b a n ­ quet at the University C afeteria. Other m em bers now a tten d in g the Law School a r e : William Boyce, M au­ rice Cheek, Cecil Cook, Josh Groce, Ben R. Howell, M agister; Louis A. J e f fre y , H enry Kelly, Oscar E. Mon- nig, Herman Dressier, Milton V ance, Bob Violette, H a rry Welch, Jo hn C. White. “Each One Get One”Drive Is Last Chance Says “Doc” at or all, is the chance. inconvenient Doc S te w a rt: Let's hit it right in the eye and p u t it across IOO If per ce nt and not 75 per cent. none it’s w orth doing should shirk his share no m a tte r how difficult. I he “ Each One Get One” cam ­ paign It's last been a poor football season, but if I am not m istaken the 35,OOO spectators Thanksgiving Day will fill a IOO per ce nt paid for .Sta­ dium, take IOO per cent delight in the consciousness of a deed well done and sing the praise of a IOO per cent fighting Longhorn team. thousand dollars to go, and to get it in, in the crisis of the S ta ­ this dium campaign sum stu den t body balk a t a f te r pledging over $200,000? There this is power enough stu d en t body to rip holes in pock­ ets comparable to the one Francis Eldon D yer: T hirty today. Can little time that in Dominguez tore in A. & M.’s line fur victory, four years ago, if each student will get into this “ Each One Get O n e” form ation. Let's the put our 4500-man team on field and eat h man “ get his m an.” L. Then Bellmont: This is the in pu ttin g final goal line punch in over the history of the University. Tho success of the campaign depends Upon the degree of co operation shown by those students who will work to make the University of Texas the biggest and best in the Southwest. The drive must not fail. the biggest undertak ing t ’arl W ebb: The .students have done nobly in the past and their participation in this drive consti­ tutes their final share in putting the Stadium over. T h o stadium is a reality and must not be allowed to slip our h a n d s . to the stud ents since the ex-students have fallen down. is up It DR. PUNTER WILL WILL ENTERKIN ADDRESS P R E H M C U R T I CLHB TO Open House W ill Be Held Tonight at Texas Bible Chair Problems Confronting Prepar­ atory Students W ill Be Them e of Talk T Ten Existing Vacancies to Be Filled on December 2nd in Try-outs for membership the C urtain Club, dram atic organization of the campus, will be held on Decem­ ber 2, according to an announcement made by Constance Douglas, president of the club. All students of the University who are interested in dram atics are eligi­ ble to enter the try-outs. A sp iran ts a re required to prepare a three-m in­ ute speech, preferably a cutting from an accepted play or a ch a rac te r de­ lineation. Lines must be committed to memory and given without the aid of stage settings. The membership of the C urtain Club is limited to fifty students and there are a t present ten vacancies in the organization. The selections will be made on the basis of voice, poise, interp re tatio n , and depth of feeling. ------------ o------------ R am shorn Society to S tage Initiation N ew M em bers T onight for The re g u la r meeting of the Ram s­ horn society will be held Tuesday evening a t 7 o’clock in room 102 of the E ngineering Building. The Hogg Debating Club will en­ terta in in honor of the m em bers’ co­ ed friends tonight with an open house at the Texas Bible ( ’hair a t 8 o ’clock witli one of the most novel program s given at the University this year. The headliner is a joint debate, a regular tit fo r ta t, catch as catch can affa ir, on the subject, “ Resolved, T hat a Man Should Be Allowed as to Many Wives as Are Necessary S upport Him,” The affirm ative side will be represen ted by Howell Kapp. said to be one of the best red-headed speakers in the club. Dudley Wynn who proved his ability as an o rator 'n the previous open house meetings of the Hoggs, while the negative speakers will be Gordon Marsh, a debater prospective this year, and Lavon Lovinggood, a veteran of m any comic debates. intercollegiate “ T h re e H undred R e a s o n s Why Girls Should Be Allowed to Play on the Longhorn Football T eam ,” will be given by B rady Morris. The president’s address will be rendered by Ty Cobb, and the Grand and Glo­ rious Grizzly G runt will be breathed by Ben S. Woodhead. Kathleen Chrisman, who is said to cold have knocked the Texan s ta ff the other night a t its banquet, will Hing and play the violin and piano. Joyce G a rre tt will give several piano solos. R efreshm ents will be served to the th eir guests, Hoggs and Dr. T. S. P ain ter, one of tho lead- ng members of the faculty of the zo­ the ology departm ent, will address Texas Pre-Medical Society its a t regular semi-monthly meeting tonight a t the University Y. M. C. A. a t 7:30 o’clock. Dr. P ain ter has announced hat he will discuss different problems th a t confront a stud ent in his work p re p ara to ry to entering a medical school. the been Dr. P a in te r has connected with the pre-medical student for sev­ eral years and is so situated th a t he will be able to give the firs t year and second y ea r student the benefit of observations th a t have been made covering a g re a t number of students. T M. C l OFFICIAL D “America Needs a Friendly W orld” Is Subject of Talk Addressing the board of directors of the Y. M. C. A. a t a supper in the Association Building Monday evening, Mr. H a rry W. White, sec­ re ta ry of the Foreign Division of the Y. M. C. A., gave a startling and inspiring discussion of a f fa irs in the F ar East. The subject of the talk th a t Mr. White gave was “ America Needs a In this speech he Friendly W orld.” forcibly outlined that the situation America em erged from the World War the strongest and richest of the nations of the world. Campaign Under Way to Raise Entire Stadium Fund by Thanksgiving A th en aeu m Literary Society to M eet at 7 o clock T onight The following program has been a r ­ ranged for the regular meeting of the Athenaeum Literary Society Tuesday night a t 7 o’clock in the Law Building: “ Tie* G reatest Evil in the U niver­ sity Life,” Carlson; “ Speech of Own Selection,” Lloyd; debate, “ Resolved, that it is better to be a hard looser than a good loser,” affirm ative, Bla­ lock anil Smith, negative, Marionson and Nelson. All visitors are welcome to pay the society a visit. L aw s and Pre-Laws W ill M eet in Final Intramural C ontest Tho in tram u ra l football champion­ ship ruce will reach a climax in a family series between the Law s and the Pre-Laws F rid ay at 4:30 o’clock on Clark Field. afternoon The Laws, who are always strong in the in tram u ra l contests, have once more pushed th e ir way into the final the Pre- the race, while round of Laws, whose games won may be in­ dicated by a small number, performed the unexpected by surviving prelimi­ n ary steps and reaching the la st lap. football series will perhaps be the most inter- t sting of the race, for rivalry be­ tween the lawyers and the future law ­ yers has reached a high mark. The final gam e of the -------------o----------- Senior A lecs Confer DOLLARS NEEDED Final Drive to Complete Task Inaugurated A m ong Student Body the Immediate response by the students Monday to the idea of the Each One Get One Campaign, the final drive in the effo rt to raise $30,000 necessary to put over the stadium, indicated th at by Thanksgiving the total of $500,000 will be raised, Wm. L. McGill, state chairman, declared the yesterday. students continues to be as strong as it promises to be, success will be as­ sured, McGill though he also points out th a t any relaxation at this time would result in the total falling short of the goal set. If the response of believes, S t u d e n t S p e a k e r * and adm inistration, Speakers who set forth the details of the plan talked to approximately 1200 of their fellow students Monday. The English 2 classes, law and busi­ ness physical train in g classes all devoted several minutes to listening to stadium speak­ ers and to signing promises to try to secure a pledge to the stadium be­ fore Tuesday. The slips signed, which form an imposing stack in the s ta ­ dium office, do not bind the student signing to get a pledge, McGill says, but are merely a promise t h a t the student will do his utmost to get such a pledge. A p p e a l l o E x e s in- anything to Engineering students will be E lectric Com panies W ith O fficials From Many of the speakers emphasized the fa ct t h a t the logical persons to whom to appeal in this final drive are the ex-students who have not given the stadium. Twenty- t e rested in the visit to the campus, five hundred exes have given $152,000. Mr. IT. E. Garvey, of the m anufac- The criticism of the laxity of the exes turing d e p a rtm en t of the W estern was not directed at these, it was de- Electric Company, and of th e B ell1 d a re d , but at the 27,000 who have given nothing a t all. The total of the Telephone Company, who is in Aus­ exes still continues, however, f a r be­ tin with the o bject of obtaining grad- low the total of the student, which is lates of the Engineering D epartm ent now slightly in excess of $203,000. to e n te r the organization the Western Electric Company, L e tte r * S e n t of On Friday, November 21, Mr. R. G. Carrolls, of the Galveston Elec­ tric Company, will visit the Univer- ity for the purpose of interviewing students interested in obtaining em ­ ployment with his company. On November 24, Mr. Roberts of the Westinghouse Company of P itts ­ burg, will be in Austin. S tudents in­ terested can see Mr. Carrolls or Mr. Roberts in room 105, Engineering Building, on the dates specified. V ESPER SERVICE Miss E sth er Damon, national sec­ re tary of Girl Reserves, spoke a t the regular vesper service of the Y. W. C. A. Monday afternoon. H er ad­ dress was on the organization of reserves am ong the girls in the high schools. a violin solo a t the services. played “ Holy City.” She Meanwhile letters began to pour out from the University. The mes­ sages from stadium headquarters, ex­ plaining the details of the plan and containing material to be sent out to the persons solicited, were received by 4600 students Monday. Hundreds of them have already sent out their full quota, as indicated by th e fact th a t many students called at stadium headquarters during the afternoon to get more pledge cards and postcards. The attitude of the loyal exes was summed up in a letter received Mon­ day from Wm. B. Ruggles, sports editor of the Dallas News and dean of sports w riters in Texas. Closing letter, Ruggles said: “ I might his add that I am glad to make my sub­ scription afte r reverses on the field merely to express my own fa ith in the future of the coach, the team, and _ I,* Mrs. Inez Mills Smythe rendered o{ course alw a>’s thc — — The effo rts of Dr. Penick, tennis! The exhibit was made last week coach, to g et Vincent Richards, and in observance of National C hildren’s Long Bill Tilden to stop over in Aus- Book Week. tin on th eir way back from Califor- to be unsuccessful and,; nia, proved the those who passed Austin tennis fans will not g e t a (hance to see these famous stars in foreign language exam ination have iction. Coach Penick has been try -i been posted a t room 216-C of the ing to g et these stars to come Lo j Main Building. S un day ’s Texan announced: “ Sig- Exam inations will Vustin for the annual tennis tourna- jje held again in F e b ru a ry , 1925, ac- ma Chi announces the pledging of R. ment. The to u rn am e n t is scheduled cording It for W ednesday a t 2 p. rn. at the Var- Boysen. aity courts. JsL A rrangem ents have been made for the initiation of all new members at this meeting, and the president of the society, Roy IL P arrish , has re ­ quested all members to be present. the sta te m e n t o f J . L. Harold Taylor of San A ntonio.” I should have been Sigma E ta Chi. ■................o------------- N A M E S P O S T E D C O R R E C T I O N Names of to - - — , * T SOPHOMORE GIRLS TO HOLD . ANNUAL BANQUET TONIGHT Dr. Penick has decided on having the annual city tennis to u rn am e n t on the above date and it is open to all tennis players in the city who will pay the admission fee of $1.00 for the singles and $1.00 admission for each doubles team. No man will be darwn who has not paid the fee. .T_.wr_ .Sophomore girls will L o c a l S ta r * to P e r f o r m en tertain with their annual banquet at the C a f­ eteria Tuesday evening, November 18, at 7 o’clock. This is the f ir s t social Many of A ustin’s best tennis p la y -f a f f a ir p u t on by th e Sophs this year, *rs will be o u i in full regalia f o r 'a n d it is expected to be one of the the tourney. Louie T halheim er will be rn the coming meet. Berkley be a Bell, youthful n et star, will strong draw ing card, Gillespie S ta ­ The football motif will be carried cy, form er Longhorn s ta r; Uncle Tom Tolland, and m any U niversity rac- out, and the council and members will luet wielders will try fo r the open I be compared to a football team and itie Football decorations rooters. the will be used, and the a f fa ir promises to be full of pep. Guests of honor who will be pres­ ent a r e : Dr. and Mrs. Splawn, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Bellmont, Miss Newton, Miss Hiss, .Stewart, Mr. Besides the banquet, the Sophs are interesting parties planning several for the year. A fter C hristm as they will stage the Twelfth Night Revels, which will be on J a n u r a y 6, and a Valentine dance, to be given some­ time in F eb ru a ry . biggest banquets of the season, ac- Miss S pears, and Miss Bewley. cording to Em m a Abbie McDonald and Grace Oldfather, girls in charge of the banquet. Final Plans for Club Dance Made for Friday Night In discussing a publication termed W hat the Colleges Are Doing,” Dean L. IL Hubbard brought several student problems to the attention of the members of the University New­ man Club and their guests, the mem­ bers of the Southwest Texas State Teachers College Newman Club, a t a jo int meeting of the clubs Sunday. Dean Hubbard admonished th e s tu ­ dents to keep educated as well as to get educated. Beatrice Dean gave a reading, and Leo Mahoney, a blind student, gave a violin solo. EX-STUDENT DRIVE IS NOT FAILURE IN ALL LOCALITIES T While deploring the lack of inter-j The follow-up campaign is now la the est in the stadium campaign among progress ex-studenth ciaL of the pointed out th a t in several cities and j Dallas has already raised $25,000, towns the alumni have responded in Wichita Falls $10,000, F o rt Worth $7,500, Waco a wonderful way, and a re c a r r y i n g ; $8,000, San Antonio Galveston on the campaign enthusiastically* a t $5,000, Beaumont $4,000, this time. Orchesus, University dancing club, in certain sections, offi- direction of George Hill, E. E. Sew- will hold its membership try-out on Tuesday, November 17 at 7:15 at the dancing en­ rolled in dancing classes are eligible to t r y out, according to Miss Susie Fisher, yesterday ley, and Ellison Harding. ‘$4,000, Corsicana $3,000. in F o r t Worth under studio. All in dancing. association instructor students ---------- F inal plans for the dance to be held on F rid ay were made. Tickets may be obtained from any of the m em -jtion of Judg e John C. hers or from F a th e r Latchfurd. j and Richard T. Fleming. ^town. Houston has already raised $54,- A report on subscriptions to date OOO, u nd er the leadership of Mike: in other towns will be compiled in a Hogg, Will Hogg, and Raymond Dick-j few days. The permanent records son, and now a follow-up cam paign of the stadium show not only the in­ this is being conducted under the direc- jdividuals who helped put over lowness, J r., project but the subscription from each The club intends to take in between ten and twelve new members. Those receiving the highest grades will au­ the tomatically become nembers of club. The work will be graded by Miss Fisher and three members of try-out will not be the club. The open to the public, BILLY STIFF B E A U M O N T K N O W S W H E N T O C H E E R B y A lexan d er < E t t e D c t i l t j S i e x a n rim Coll*** Daily rn th* Sritfc tee,, tmerjt a»nrB'teff «ei9< M nday FeMfci.1 r.n th* ewrpn# of th# Uafewrelty of T«*« r.y th* fiwirwn «••*'. ■*•». Mum I- iWHto* 155. Telephone 114#. Bauirtel otto*, J. Brnfl I. T * » t e | til* . Prmtwi fey th* Uaivcr»»ty af TeJtmm I'rwo, A. C. Wright, M*r,*#tr. _ _ J. Hmfl. I n * * Stouten te P**H«**te*i*. MOULTON " T Y ” COBB STEWART HARKRIDER DOROTHY ANN FISH E R ... ....■»., » EDITORIAL STAFF ..... ....... ...... ............... ___ — ---------- Editor-in-Cblef Managing Editor j Editorial Assistant William L. McGill. _ Robert I.. M s t ',f a r t* . A, B Smith rim ,- rn, . ^ , , r # r m ...... T. Wilson Erwin _ — B u n Dyke Boone Crisp — _____ BUSINESS STAFF ................... ............ ...__ _________ ......... .^...Supervising Business Manager Assistant Manager , ........ Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager Circulation Manager ..............Office Manager TODAY’S STAFF Charles Banister Rachel Garza Jumbo Hayne* ..... E, Leo Wysong .. Howard Adam* „ Eliza!*th Rice «. Victor Emanuel . Shirley Loma* _ Issue Editor Assistant Issue Editor Assistant Issue Editor Assistant Issue Editor Assistant Issue Editor Society Editor Sports Editor .T h e a te r Editor S PO R T S WATTER# i Dick Ut a irrmr y >1 A r n e tt T tits Ikons me Vsn SI, A K s ttw f y iwt F *h Deris SteefaeA Dw&tii; Ye.ten U-.r.riettM M lftf g. m a rn*tar MUrxt K< «A M ■ ,* y H alier!* M» items Cesti* V ew la i« r r * n IJ Hum Kin aer Mukert Bee Horner Ken** Anet-* linemen Ms* lf*mfe»i.'c#r Urn-* Mar«h lo r n B u t ter Anni** D u rhmm I b o m en S m ith f> /•!'*)• W ynn f i- t.n t f h C lougtl Kii«»rd Sitmr* M * t J afo b * l a s t e r B y rn# # Film r Cs hi hun fm rtb'.-ls W ilra* H f h H* iridrHm A lbert Hu fir r R K PO ftT FR S SO C IE TY W R ITER S Mibtl Br or kb® .*ao I mfe*l t i ln<-km o n }(<•!* Minter J omits Foutsis Maurine Wilktr John lim vim louise Fox Ga*teeJ Carlin Elizabeth Me hat* a W illiam Arret! J im m kt I 'erne W alton IV t* r t Earl W J Im on Arth ir Merchant Barry Bishop Lillian HarwaH M aritaret (ia r c la f .VIa..rine* R utland Refeeeca B rad ley Joseph!** Tea* N u d ji# l.a n '-a r’ar Kl wafer* b B aldw in B la n ch e H orn Vivian Field* Firidif.tr B a rly Sam sal N ew ton F red 8 brr wo xf Aff nee Mn {‘•ak W m K S m ith Jerk McDermott Bt ta M artin BEARS MUST BE SE E IN G THINGS The I taylor Lariat, in discussing tho Japanese Exclusion bill of 1924, says it is not a t all im probable th a t Japan is preparing to declare w ar against the United States. The l a r i a t says th at Japan is even ha ving girls prepare for m ilitary service. Since the recent w ar at Baylor over Dr. Brooks and certain faculty members, the esteemed Baylor students m ust imagine they se** w ars and ghosts and rum ors of w ar almost everywhere. WHAT S T H E M ATTER W ITH T H E JOURNALISM STU D EN T S? D uring the firs t few weeks of school the students of the School cd Journalism elected a group of splendid officers, who proceeded to appoint a social com m ittee and several other eom- m itteea. However, since then they have been quite dorm ant. It wan originally planned to invite a num ber of prominent jo u rn al­ ists to address the students in this departm ent, and the social committee (h ealed it would be simply fine to have a picnic. There m ust have been a mixup on the speakers’ dates, and perhaps the recent rainy weather has prevented students from I laving the picnic. The Journalism D epartm ent is not rep­ resented this fall in intram ural athletic circles, and so the jo u rn ­ alists should be particularly alive in other activities. the fail. HARVARD HAS 224 FOREIGN STUDENTS the Of the total registration at H arvard this year, 234 of .students come from foreign countries. European students lead with a total of 106; 21 are Ja p an e se; 22, L atin-A m ericans; 9, East In d ian ; and 17, miscellaneous. The U niversity of Texas is proud of ’he few foreign students i a r va rd. One of th e| between the nations of governm ents to send .students to universities J VV hen we really know a fellow we usually I it has, and we wish we had as many a s best ways to promote a m i a b l e r e l a ti o n s th e world is fo r th* la oilier countries. like him, a n d when one nation really knows another nation, under­ stands its peculiarities and characteristics, it is easy to promote friendly relations between them. i r s STILL ADVANTAGEOUS TO BE BORN ON THE FARM A fter a study of the biographical sketches of people who ap­ pear in the 1923-21 edition of “ Who’s Who in Am erica,” it hits been found th a t 25.9 r>er cent of the present-day American nota­ ble.- were born on farm s; 24.5 per cent in villages and towns; 24.8 p e r cent in small cities; 20.6 per cent in large cities; and 4.1 j>er cent in suburbs. Thus* ut a t t a lea show that it is still advantageous to be bom on the farm , that the forks of the creek lead in producing our great** t citizens. However, the towns and cities are gaining on the country. More than a th ird of our population is found on the farm - ; yet th is th ird of our population produces only a fifth of ’W ho g Who in Am erica.” Improved educational advantages of the cities i* probably the reason for the failure of the farm s to furnish their share of great men. A U STIN N EW SPA PER S CONSOLIDATE The A ustin Am erican has purchased the Austin Statesm an, and the consolidation will become effective December 7. There Will .still be a m orning and afternoon paper here, but they will be published in the same plant and under the same managem ent. Big business Is the o rd er of the day, and the consolidation is j in keeping with the trend of events. Big business has many a d -j vantages over small business, and the form er is better for the; public and the employees. The Texan is glad to see the consolidation, and believes the; nevi arrangem ent will be for th * best interests of A ustin. THANKSGIVING GAME COMES NEXT With the T. C. U. gam e in the won column, the Longhorns sta rte d yesterday to prepare tor the A. & M. game Thanksgiving. T hirty thousand seats have been sold for the annual football cia ic, and Oospite Texas’ had year, there will be more interest than ever iii the Turkey Day battle. From our point of view, it Is hoped that the big crowd will not be the only good th in g about the game. The J longhorns will have a chance to win the game with the Aggies, liniest several of the players are injured in scrim m age this week and the first o f next week, Coach Stew art may have all of his first-strin g men in fa ir shape fo r the big game. I t is be­ lieved th at when the Longhorns have th eir regular line-up on the field, the; can battle on even term s with almost any team of the Southw est. The team showed a reversal of form in S atu rd ay ’s contest arith T. C. U. and If our men can play all four quarters Thanksgiving like they did during the first five m inutes against the Horned Frogs, the new Memorial Stadium will be dedicated i II with a victory. ALL W. A. A. council members will report sometime today and take ex­ amination on the constitution. J. SCHMID. ALL members of the Sigma Chi and Acacia frat#rnities who have not had their pictures made for the Car­ ina plea ie do so today. ORGANIZATION EDITOR. ALL GIRLS who have decided not to sit in the White Section at the Thanksgiving game come to the gym na durn and scratch their name from the list; otherwise they will be beld responsible for the price of the seat. J. SCHMID. -— o-— E ach one get one. W e must not Mrs. N ell Burns Fashionable Dressmaking < md Remodeling Satisfaction Guaranteed 410 L ittle fie ld Bldg. Dial 6001 D O N N E L L Y & W H IT E P hone 6131 Plum bing and H eatin g C o n tracto rs 905 Congress Ave. Order Your Thanksgiving Chrysanthemums Now From The A rt Flow er Shop 204 W. (Rh St., Phono 9360 wwwiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiii DR. J. S. KOENIG Chiropodist— Foot Specialist 321 Littlefield Bldg. Phone 4855 iifiimiawuiHimiuiii!iaii}(Miuii:ttaiiiniiiinuiiii;« e n a I 1 THIRST is th e n a tu ra l d e m a n d of th e h u m a n b o d y for w a te r, a n essential to its existence. T h a t is w h y a glass of w a te r — cool, s p a r k ­ ling, delicious - is th e o n ly th in g w h ich will re ally q u e n c h y o u r thirst. Do not d e ­ prive y o u r sy ste m of w h a t it m u st have. Drink P len ty of P U R E W ater PRICES GO U P I NHDBHHhS I GO WHBKttKBM WHEN YOU! D A C Y ’ S I DOWN LA DIES’ HATS AND SHOES AT POPULAR PRICES ALWAYS TH E LATEST STYLES UPSTAIRS Over Woolworth’* ms J STUDENT SPECIAL RATE Special Rate to Co-eds PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE In our Dry Cleaniner and Dyeing Department we give One-Day Service Just Telephone 6444 | DRISKILL H O T E L L A U N D R Y WATER IS ALWAYS PURE GOOD WORK OUR HOBBY C A L L 3 7 0 2 HOME STEAM LAUNDRY 211 E a st 5th S treet IN SOCIETY e l i z a b e t h b i c e E d itor GRACE GRAFIUS A'*st. Editor ■ s a g . Fall Term Inter-Fraternity Pledge Dance to Be Held Friday at Country Club Pledges of all fra te rn itie s on the campus will be e n tertain ed at the a n ­ nual inter-pledge dance to be given from 8 to 12 o'clock F rid ay evening at the C ountry Club. The a f f a i r is to be an inform al one and is given to provide the pledges of every f r a ­ te rn ity a chance to know each other. The pledges have been asked to se­ lect two each initiated m em bers from their fr a te rn ity the to chapter. re p re s e n t This dance has been placed on the social calendar and all who plan to atten d are asked to make their dates at once. Tickets m ay be obtained from Charles Campbell, Joe Dutton, or J. A. Lubben, who a re in charge. Music will be given by the Howard Payne T rou bad ou rs from B row n­ wood. * ♦ * * Isabelle Crosier, Alice H aughton, K atherine Lee Howard, V irgin ia Hal- linan, and Rosalie Biggio spent the week-end as guests of J a n e Seiser at her home in San Antonio. Sigm a E t a Chi the pledging of John Brice of San An­ tonio and S tanton Hallowell of San Antonio. announces F ran k Henderson and Jac k Mc­ Dermott spent the week-end with friends in Belton. Y. M. C. A. O u ting Residents of the University Y. M. C. A. entertained their friends S a t­ urday evening with the reg ular lei rn picnic which was held on L itt’e Bee c.eek. The group hiked to the a p ­ the creek wher e a p d n itd spot on delicious supper of barbecued chick­ en, salad, toast, pickles, and coffee, was prepared und er the direction of Miss Eileen Begg. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rogers of Brownwood are visiting their daugh­ ter, Ruth, at the Scottish Rite Dor­ mitory. Douglas Wolseley has retu rn ed from his home in F o rt Worth. Sigma E ta Chi the pledging of W. Lawrence K eitt of Hubbard. announces Sigma E t a Chi entertained with a dinner Sunday in honor of Miss Lucy Newton, dean of women, and L. H. Hubbard, dean of men. Among those present were Misses Ruth Gaulke of Grand Forks, N o rth Dakota, Patti Bailey, Sue Archibald, Polly B arr, and the f r a t e r n i t y pledges. Sam Johnson has returned from E a c h o n e g e t o n e . W e m u t t n o t a b rie ' visit to San Marcos. f a i l . F rances Myrick spent the week-j end as the guest of friends in Lock-) hart. Mrs. William Kuykendall and lit­ tle daughter, Lamond, were guests at tho T heta house last week. A u stin C om m unity P layers S arah H a rd y and Helen Voss have re tu rn ed to the Alpha Delta Pi house a f te r a short visit in San Antonio. M argaret Davidson spent the week­ end in Taylor. Harold Tipps of San Marcos was a week-end visitor on the campus. Mrs. Marion G ood in g of New York City was a guest of the K a p p a Alpha 'I heta house last week. Tommie Y arrell spent the week-end with relatives and friends in Belton and Lorena. Dolly H ilbert has retu rned from a visit to her home in Dallas. P r e s e n t ADAM AND EVA T h e G reat N e w Y ork C om ed y S uccess T h r e e A c t s S e e M iss A d d i e H u g h s a s E v a H ancock O pera H ou se W e d n e s d a y a n d T h u r s d a y 7 5 c , $ 1 . 0 0 , $ 1 . 5 0 T a x F r e e fa i l. -At Mue lle r’s Shoe S to r e Hosiery I lo d a y the -It Pays to sell “Stockings” th a t satisfy! fastidious w om an m ust have “Stockings that sat­ isfy” her, not only in appearance, durability, a n d price, but also in beauty of coloring. -We are show ing the largest and best selected stock in C entral T exas— All colors and the new est shades — C hiffon an d special weights. $ 1.65 $ 2.00 $ 2.50 $ 3.00 Pre-M eds W ill G ive A ll-U n iversity H op in W om an ’s G ym Steve G a rd n er’s orchestra will f u r ­ nish the music for one of the most unique dances ever given on the c a m ­ pus when they play one of the most solemn and grewsome fu neral dirges the that has ever been w ritten as grand march is formed and led amid decorations th a t bespeak of coffins, skeletons and g ra veyards at the Wo­ m an ’s Gym, F riday, November 21, ac­ cording to Kent H unt, ch a irm a n of the committee in charge. The plans have been completed for the the annual fall term dance of Pre-Med Society and the g re a te r num ­ ber of the members are bu.'.y this week with their assignm ents of making the boneyard material that will be preva­ lent on F rid ay night. Special favors have been ordered t h a t are in keep­ ing with the dom inant tone of the dance. C o ntrary to the usual cus­ tom, the dance may be attended by of any University student only by members who are in good standing. instead E a c h o n e g e t o n e . We m u t t n o t f a i l. 0 ---- EXES INVITED TO REUNION F o rm er roomers of B. Hall, no m a tte r what p a r t of the world they are in now, are all being sent invita- There arc tw o ways of w alk­ ing up the University C a m ­ pus— O n e w ay— coughing and sneezing— w ith a rat­ tle in your throat and pills in your pocket— rattling T h e other w ay is the W ilcox way— that you laugh as you pass a D rug Store. lets Every m an needs w arm er things in Novem ber and the following items are suggested to take the place of a m ustard foot bath— Mu rising Union Suits M u n s in g S h ir ts and D r a w e r s H e a v y Woolen S h ir ts L i g h t Woolen S h i r t s Woolen Socks S w e a t e r s L in ed Gloves M u ff l e r s Tr l i a l f e r Tt T u c o x , TODAY M a t i n e e 3 P . M . — N i g h t 8 : 1 5 G ILFO Y LE & L A N G E In a P o t p o u r r i o f U N I Q U E S P E C I A L T I E S W A L T E R A N D EMILY W A L T E R S Elsie C lark E v a n t B r o t , a n d M a id ie D u F r e t n e D A N V ELER IO & CO. W A R D BROS. Q U E E N T o d a y a n d W e d n e t d a y “ B R E A D ” From the F am ou s N ovel by Cha*. G. Norris W ith M ae Busch R obert F ra z er P at O ’M alley H ob art B o sw o r th W a n d a H a w le y L o a v e s o f F e d e r a l B r e a d w ill b e a f t e r ­ l o b b y b e t w e e n o u r in n o o n 3 : 3 0 a n d 5 : 3 0 . g i v e n a w a y e v e r y W h o l e W h e a t B r e a d S t a r t i n g N e x t M o n d a y “T H E C O V E R E D W A G O N ” L a s t T i m e in A u s t i n R e g u l a r P r i c e s G L O R I A S W A N S O N “HER LOVE STORY" -No d iffe r e n t from th e tom ­ boy of ‘ M a n h a n d le d ! ” -This tim e G loria is a Prin­ love in a ro m an tic cess story by M ary Roberts R inehart. “ O u r G a n g ” C o m e d y A P a r a m o u n t P i c t u r e Today a n d T o m o r r c MAJESTIC. ■IPM fcaPl IV a n d 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 P . M. Call for K ohn’s H om e M ade Bread Ea ch o n e g e t o n e . W e m u s t n o t S P E C I A L T O G I R L S O N L Y G a l l e r y 5 0 c A BILL OF HITS lions to a tten d the B. Hall reunion held Thanksgiving. which is to be to reach An e f fo rt is being made e v e ry e x -s tu d e n t who s ta y e d a t th e J a s possible p r e s e n t. Hall a t a n y tim e w hile a tte n d in g the I niversity in order to have as many — ---------------o-------- «— EACH ONE GET O N E . O n e of th e S easo n s Rest L o o k in g S u its Is A Two-Button Model $40 $45 It is shown here— featuring widely peaked la­ pels. It creates a big-shouldered, narrow hip effect, and will be .seen v ery often on the cam pus, favored by m en who are the first to sense clothing destined to enjoy a wide vogue. You will find it at Scar­ brough s iMan s Shop in browns, Blues, a n d varied stripings, affording probably the best choice around Felt Hats $5.00 It is really unnecessary to pay a high price for a felt hat when style, sm artness, and quality are em ­ bodied in one at this feature price. A hat that will give you excellent service— w ith the snap brim s and welt edges— In the new shades of blues and brow ns— town. HONOR ROLL OF THE LAST DRIVE I GOT MINE Under this heading will appear the nam es of those who have done their bit for Varsity in this last drive. T he first list will be ru n F ri­ day m orning. WILL YOUR NAME BE THERE? EACH ONE GET ONE EACH ONE GET ONE A t S . G R E E N B E R G ’S W h er e E y e s A r e E x a m i n e d a n d the Best Glasses A r e Made S e e U s a n d Y o u ’ll S e e B etter 8th and Congress In Practice Since 1895 “ The best is none too good and chepaer in the long r u n ” BON TON BAKERY A D O L P H K O H N . Proprietor 1307 Lavaca S treet P h o n e 6572 TEXAS MUST NOT FAIL a * . • 7hpatricali§ ent. “ Those W ho Dance at T exas A fter starching fur months for a story vehicle which woald prove a worthy successor to his triu m p h an t screen version of “ A nna C hristie,” Thomas H. I nee has filmed sn “ Those latest production Who Dance,” his with Blanche Sweet, a dram a th at promises to prove the sensation of the year. It is a F irst National r e ­ le a se and comes day. the Texas to-j to With an all-star fa st headed by Blanche Sweet, Bessie Love and W a r ­ ner Baxter, lo re has launched into ar* entirely new fertile field of story material, for he has found his ch a r­ acters and his in Am erica's most remarkable and newest industry — bootlegging;. them e T H E A T E R C A L E N D A R H a n c o c k : V a u d e v ille Bill. Q u e e n : " B r e a d , ” a C h a r l e s N o r ­ ris p la y . M a j e s t i c : G lo r ia “ H e r L o v e S t o r y . ” S w a n s o n in T e x a s : Blanche S w e e t in “ T h o s e W h o D a n c e . " C om m unity Players Present “ A dam and Eva ’ the “ Adam and Eva,” th ree-act comedy which is being produced by the Austin Com munity Flayers, will be presented a t the Hancock T h ea ter on W ednesday and Thursday nights. The Com munity Players are composed of Austin people, University faculty students members, and University spoken who are interested in the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING la Th* D a ily T e x a n Doe# Y ou r B a y in g and S ailin g F or Y an O ff ic e : Main B u ild in g 155. P h o n e 3 1 4 9 J FOR R E N T — Six room cottage on southeast corner lot, 3100 G uada­ lupe; sleeping porch, phone 7812. — 30 i EIOYS— If interested in e x tra nice, quiet room, single beds and every­ call a t 1907 — 19 thing strictly modern, Nueces. WILL the person who borrowed m y fountain pen initialed K F. please leave it a t The Texan office. — 19 M ISC EL LA N EO U S MATH C OACH—Students, don't let your quiz be fatal. Get the services for i of an experienced math daily lessons, quizzes, and exam ina­ tions, Phone 9267. 102 West 20th St. I coach — 20 WOOD, WOOD-—Heater blocks and! stove wood in ricks or cords. Phone — 201 5287. J. Reese. MATH COACH— Students, don't let * your quiz be fatal. Get the services! of an experienced m ath coach fori daily .lessons, quizzes, and exam ina­ tion. Phone 9367. 102 VV est 20th St. — 21 D A N C I N G — P r i v a t a s tu d i o , SOO W. 31 #1. Phone 7812. T Y P E W R IT E R Will pay cash for typew riter if priced rig h t and in good condition. Dial 3413 a f te r 6 p. rn. COACHING in German A or I, F. K. -—20 A nderson; phone 4968. E lectric M arcel W a v er $ 3 .0 0 G u aran teed Electric C urling Irons $ 1 .0 0 S tu d e n ts’ Lumps And All Other Kinds of Electrical Appliances JOHN L. MARTIN 410 C ongress Ave. Phone 3563, LOST A N D F O U N D LOST— Dower past of Duo fold fo un ­ tain pen between .Senior High and Congress, or Guadalupe and 715 W est 24th. Phone 9377, Reward.- 22 LOST—-A black fountain pen with the initials J. B. on barrel. Finder please leave at Texan office or dial 5967 and call for Mr. Patterson.— 19 LOST— Bar pin, platinum, diamond setting. Finder phone 9259, Re­ — 21 mand. “ F 1921” and with LOST— Small gold football engraved initials "C.B ” on the bottom. Call 6918 o r —--IO re tu r n to Clint Blackman. the LOST— A Phi Mu sorority pin set with pearls. F inder re tu rn to Mil­ 23 d red Carson or call 4217. LOST— A Byers & Hayes Shorthand? fountain pen with gold clip, Re tu rn to Texan office or phone 4058.T - 20 I without L O S T — Red W ate rm an fountain pen cap between Woman'* in Building and Main Building or Main Building. R eturn to Texan o f­ — 23 fice. LOST— A black the initials “ T J . B . ” fountain pen with barrel. on F inder please leave a t Texan office or dial 5967 and call for Mr. P a t t e r ­ — 20 son. FO R SALE FOR SALE— Practically new Edison Phonograph with 35 records a t a Phone 3409 Speedway. — 22 bargain. 3045. F O R SALE— New R a m e r gas heater, phone I cheap, never been — 18 9181, used; CONN Alto Saxophone sale cheap for cash. Excellent condi­ tion. H. C. Naschke, phone 4709 a f te r 5 p. rn. for FOR SALE— Six passenger Evinrude motor boat. M otor ju s t overhaul­ ed. Entire o u tfit for less than cost o f new motor. At University boat house. Phone 3755 fo r dem o nstra­ — 19 tion. BOARD A N D ROOM LOST—B ar pin, platinum, diamond letting. F inder phone 9258. Re — 20 ward. FOR RENT— A nice large room for boys. 307 W e d 2 let St — 19 I Phone 3484. quiet drama and development of local ta l­ Monday at the Hancock T heater. “ Adam and E v a ” is a clever com­ the edy. The story centers about family of Jam es King, a rich rubber m an u fa c tu re r who have been spoiled by too much money The younger daughter, Eva, who is played by Ad­ dle Hughs, bt sued for m arriage by three men, Dr. Jack Dalamater, played by Frank Broaddus, Adam Smith, played by Ray Jackson, and Lo rd Andrew Gordon, played by L. A. Barton. the second A special fe a tu re of this play is balcony, better that known as the “ Boost” will be opened for co-eds alone. Advanc e seat sale* are going very well. Gloria Sw anson in Her Love S to ry ’ Gloria Swanson in the brief per- j iod It takes to make two pictures has bridged the gap between the b ourge­ oise and royalty. In “ M anhandled” shown at the Ma­ jestic T h eater but a short time ago, Gloria was plain Toss ie McGuire, Now she is Her Royal Highness, P rin ­ cess Marie Louise T av a trin a Sagoia, (we'M call her the Princess fo r short) only daughter of the ruling Archduke o f Vlatavia, fo r her new Param ount picture, “ H er Love S to ry ,” which will be shown today and Wednesday at the Majestic. “ P enny A n t e ” Heads Bill at Hancock Gorgeous stage settings and elabo- ! ra te costumes provide pleasing background for the bill which opened a The bill opens with J a c k Evans. Teddy Evans and Madie du Fresno ir. what is billed as “Dancers From D o w n la n d .” Elsie Clark came neat with some of her song hits. The young woman has a fairly go* a1 voice, and her songs were of the variety which does not strain the imagination to enjoy. Bertie and Archie W ard, come­ dians on their skit “ Fenny Monte,” the m ajority exposed the fact th a t df the audience poker, jud gin g from the laughs caused by th dr poker cracks. understood E m m ett Gilfoyle and Elsie Lange brought some more gorgeous staging and beautiful costumes. The ventriloquists are back this week. The crying baby was imitated so perfectly that it brought down the house. W alter and Emily Walters arc responsible fa. this bit of fou B read’’ Plays at Q u een T heater T oday the Charles Norris, author of “ B read” which in its screen form i.s showing a t the Queen Theater, was of F rank eleven years the junior when F rank Norris was the famous au th or of “ McTeague,” “The P it,” and “ The Octupus.” Charles was ju st ou t of the University of California then and considered himself a drudge of the fam ily with no fu tu r e ahead but “the business.” His f a th e r was a wholesale jeweler and the family was well to do. F ran k , who was des­ tined to la? the family genius, gave early evidence of precocity, both an a w riter and an artist. T E N N I S S U P P L I E S There is nothing more invigorating than a good game of tennis. We lurve everything for the right kind of a game. RACKETS NETS B A 1.1 WHITE TROUSERS ETC. See Our Window T H E CO- OP L IG H T A CUESTA REY 10 c to 2 5 c EL TRELLES Sc to 3 for 50c For sale in the University neighborhood by University Drug Store, B.&E. Cafe, Home Drug. Co., W u k ash Bros., C. G. Wuka*h ABE FRANK CIGAR CO. D IST R IB U T O R S Damon— P yth ia s- ♦‘W hat did P r o f f e r Sm ith m e n m k t m orning wlw>n he told you that no roan contd ever rn *ke a •ilk pur*,** ant o f a sow ’# e a r J” ROOM, without board, for one man. Onr-fca.f black from campus, 2905 — 22 Wichita, Phone 3313. He mean? th at I d never be able to do good work with a poor pencil. i ’%** J 11 ha**;to get,a film's !t’» th e Old S m it, watt draw iuf pencil made.*’ F O R R EN T—Large, well furnished roam, private upstairs ap artm en t. Corner f l a t and Whitia, across from University. Meals convenient. Ref­ 20 erences. 4161 ELd& ) 2»e i t i lead*— all deair* t : v a ste r durning p e n d r I HONESTLY rENUS PENCILS Se heft# mMt/q fluffy a a* writ EN »R tHe student or prof., the superb V FNI ■$ out-rival- all Tor |>erfeet pencil work. 17 Hark degree#—3 copying. A m e r ic a n L ead P e n c il Ca, ll# Fifth A n . Jftnr t u f t Writ* tmr lMw#W on Vrouw J W fti and Vrow* mmemmKM rvwii* It s a joy to come in and look oved our fine stock of books. W e promise you a liberal education from just reading the titles of the books on our shelves. Just arrived, a large shipment of hand- bound books suitable for Christmas gifts. Com e in and see us. GAMMELL BOOK STORE 1004 Congress » » ♦ « • a-w-i L [For red Fountain Pen Satisfaction Use "The Ink That Made Fountain Pen Possible” FOUNTAIN PEN INK asg**-* ■■ provide a predicam ent. Baylor (C ontinued from Page I) underestim ated possibility of a double still loss which would g re a te r and Rice would be thrown into a tie for first place along with the Texas Ag­ gies, if the la tte r does the expected and tum bles the Longhorns in their annual classic. However, Doc S te­ w art may be expected to have som e­ thing to say a b o u t the latter. Like­ wise Rice, although em bittered by the loss to the Texas Aggies, due mostly according to Houston scribes, to the referee, will a tte m p t to vent their spite on Baylor and the Soon­ ers, who gained more glory for the conference last week by tying Creigh­ ton's powerful team are more likely to upset the dope than anybody else. In the Dallas game Bridges must have sensed th a t a tie would mean the conference title fo r Baylor and second played for th a t tie in half. The Bruin defense rendered im potent Stolly’s passing, and Baylor scored through the aerial game, but this change in form was co unterbal­ anced by H u b e rt Walling, who in the first half tore through the Bay­ lor line on a succession of trick playa fo r the M ustang touchdown. the The Texas Aggies, helped by some pl p AII Bobbed Hair Shampoos 35? M ANICURES 50c Reduction in Permanent W ave F o rm erly $ 2 5 .0 0 — N ow 15.00 CACTUS BEAUTY SHOP 2 2 1 8 Quad Dial 3 5 1 9 Ui. of the breaks and Puny Wilson’s edu- Arkansas had an easy time defeat- cated toe, came from behind in the ing Phillips p reparing for their game last q u a rte r and defeated Rice 13-6, with Oklahoma A. & M. S atu rd ay in th u s elim inating the Heismen from which the Razorback* by virtue of A g g ie s their tie with S. M. U., will be fav- the u ndefeated rank. Texas orites but in which we predict a vic­ q u a rte r which bodes ill Thanksgiving Day. tory for the Sooners. New Clothes New Overcoats LATE ARRIVALS and as the w eather is also late arriving you have a big stock to choose from. S w i r l y I r a n i ( C l n t l j r s need no praise— and if they did— p rin te r’s ink could never tell of the hidden stitches that m ake Society Brand Suits hold their shape. n il W e w ant you to come to H arrell’s and let your eye* do that which advertising can at best imperfectly express— the High Quality in Society Brand Clothes. throughout I $40 to $60 O ther Suits and O vercoats— $60 $20 Com e in and do y our clothes buying a bit in ad­ ance of the cold w eather arrival. New lots of C orduroy Blue-Grey T rousers $6.50 and $7.50 Every One Getting One The ta ch One Get One Stadium Campaign is sweeping the campus. Speakers addressed many classes and dormitories yester­ day and hundreds of students signed commitmant blanks to get one additional Stadium pledge before Thanksgiving. \\ hile the first report is not supposed to be made until Fri­ day, several students have already brought in pledges. The faculty has joined in the campaign with a fine spirit. Austin citizens are out “getting one” today. ■J Everyone is determined that the great Stadium game shall not be lost. Write that letter, see that prospect today. # Each One Get One Now. t