University Dance Well Conducted, Moore States L aw yer R efuses M arriage O ffer O f Y oung Co-Ed “ The A ll-U niversity dance has been conducted this year on a higher plane than ever b efo re,” it was stated W ednesday by V. I. Moore, dean of student life. “ The adm issions have been bandied m ore efficiently and good order has been m aintained on the floor.’' The U niversity dance com m ittee has co n tracted with Steve G ardner the and his orchestra to furnish the music for the rem ainder of c u rre n t session. However, it is planned to use out of-town orches­ tra s from tim e to tim e with no in­ crease in the price of admission. Eleven dances have been held under th e m anagem ent of the com m ittee. The dance O ctober 19 resulted in a loss of $20.85, and N ovem ber 27, a loss of $141.25 was the other dances have been very profitable ran g in g in p ro fits from $29.55 to *603.55. The la tte r am ount was the p ro fit O ctober 26. The total n et p ro fit to date is $3,432.95, a re p o rt indicates. This am ount is deposited w ith the au d ito r of the U niversity subject to the control o f the S tu d e n ts’ Assembly. su stain ed ; b u t to n ot com pletely E ncouraged by the good show­ ing m ade this sem ester in the con­ duct of the dances, the com m ittee has determ ined relax e ffo rts to m ake the dances of the fu tu re satisfacto ry . I “ The com m ittee w ants to keep the j dances fre e from all c itic is m . In : order to p rev en t drinking at the j dances, o fficers will be instru cted j to take charge of anyone who is in any degree u nder the influence T u rn to Page 6, Col. 3 R usk to D eterm ine W inner of T rophy The Rusk L iterary Society will a t m eet this W ednesday n ig h t the 7:15 o’clock in Rusk Hall in Law' B uilding to determ ine th e I w inner of th** C irl M ayer trophy. VV C. M orris and D enver P erkins will uphold the affirm ativ e, and C harles H arris and A ylm er Mc- Neese will uphold the negative of the question, “ Resolved, th a t th e In stallm en t Plan of Buying is a D anger to A m erican P ro sp erity .” The m em bers of the society will be the judges, — o— ---------~ Landrum to Play Wednesday Night “ When will you m arry m c: in fa ir young co-ed A the School of Law approached one the of h er legal b ro th ers in library the and propounded question to the astonishm ent of the stu d en ts gathered there. “ N ever,” young man the answ ered firm ly, and escaped p ast the incredulous group. “ Then IMI sue you for breach of prom ise.” Bhe picked up her books of C ontracts, Crim ­ inal Law and T o rts and walked nonchalantly away. So, the H ildebrand Law So­ th e ciety, p ractice co u rt fo r law stud en ts, m et Monday night in th e p ractice co u rt room of th e Law B uilding and consid­ ered the case o f blighted a f­ fection in a $10,000 h e a rt balm suit. Selection of the ju ry was m ade Monday night, together with the first p resentation of evidence, h u t no action w a s m ade tow ard settlem ent. The case will be continued a t tho next m eeting of the court. A tto rn ey s the d efense for are Shahady, Phelps, R ichter and W illiamson. Tile council fo r the p la in tiff is composed of the firm s of Miller, U ribe, and Howe. Second Faculty Lecture Given By Dr. Griffith W renn Library Discussed By C urator in Talk Thursday The second of the public lec­ tu re s given by m em bers of the University facu lty this y e a r will be given T h u rsd ay a t 5 o'clock in G arrison Hall auditorium when Dr. R. H. G riffith , professor of English, will speak on “ The W renn L ibrary as the C en ter of C ulture of the U niversity.” Dr. G riffith was largely respon­ sible fo r obtaining the nucleus of the p re se n t W renn L ib rary some its ten years ago, and has been c u ra to r since th a t tim e. He has been a m em ber of the U niversity s ta f f fo r m any years, and is in ­ in th e field te rn a tio n a lly known of bibliography, having made con­ trib u tio n to the study of Pope and Byron bibliography. Miss Miriam Gordon L andrum of the Leo School of Music will play several selections b y D u Bussy a t the m eeting of Le Cercle F ra n c a s , this W ednesday n ig h t at 8 o’clock a t the U niversity Club a d ­ Miss K atherine W heatley, ju n c t professor of Rom ance la n ­ guages, will read and com m ent on a num ber of her favorite French poems. A social hour will be held follow ing the program . The upbuilding of a larg e Uni­ versity lib ra ry to be used a s a re ­ search c e n te r fo r th e South and Southw est is one of Dr. G riffith ’s chief in terests. “ His lectu re on th e W renn Li­ b rary should be of in te re st to all lovers o f ra re books and skillful book-m aking to all book lovers in g en eral,” stated Dr. A aron S ch affer, ch airm an of th e public lecture® com m ittee. as well as ASPIRING S C R I B E S FOLLOW * * * * * * * * * * * * Cross-Section of Journalism Curtain Club To (Stage First Play I Of Year Tonight ‘Queen’s Husband’ Present­ ed in Remodelled Studio Begins at 8:15 Hassell, Olsen and Meredith Have Leading Parts In Production The Curtain Club will open its year initial performance of the the tonight at 8:15 o’clock with first regular presentation of “The Queen's Husband” in S Hall stu­ dio, which recently has been re­ modeled. The production of the year by the Curtain Club will a f­ ford the spectators an opportun­ ity for their first view of the new equipment in the studio. A new lighting system has been install­ ed; a new proscenium arch has been built, a new curtain hung, and a set has been built especial­ ly for the play along the lines used in the New York production. Two mural designs by Bubi Jes- Rcn of the department o f archi­ tecture are being used, and Hor­ ace Akin has painted a special back drop for the balcony win­ dow. “ The Queen’s Husband” was written by R obert Emmet Sher­ wood, once ed ito r o f Life, The production is being directed by George B aker, who is also direc­ to r of stu d en t activities in tho U niversity M ethodist Church. Bess Olson, who takes the part of the queen, will be remember­ ed fo r h er p erform ances in “ Sat­ u rd ay ’s C hildren” and “The Mol­ lusc.” Fred M eredith, the king, also played “The in “The Mollusc,” M elting Pot,” and James Parke’s E xperim ental Theater production, “ The Prodigal Father.” Jeff H assell, Phipps, played in I “ The Mollusc,” and "T he Young­ e st.” J 4 J a m e s M uckleroy, General N o rth ru p , played In the Experi­ m ental T h e a te r production, “ The Lower D epths.” Tom Webb, La­ ker, will be remembered for his characterizatio n of the drunkard in “ The Low er Depths.” Vir­ lady-in-waiting, ginia G riffin , a also appeared in “ The M elting P o t.” O ther m em bers o f the cast are Flem ing W aters, Lord Birten; C harles P roctor, Dr. Fellman; P arks Klum pp, M ajor Blent; Dor­ othy L attim er, a lady-in-waiting; Melba T aylor, Petley; and Bob W atts, the soldier. S H all studio, where the four- day ru n will be produced, is lo­ Stu­ cated a t 2200 Speedway. dents presenting blanket taxes m ay obtain tickets for 25 cents. All other tickets ar© to be sold fo r 50 cents. Tickets may be pur­ chased a t Charlie’s Confection­ ery, University Drug Stcr«v Cam­ pus Drug Store, and the Co-Op. -o— ------------— Bullard to Talk On Alaskan Trip Dr. Fred M. B ullard, associate professor of geology and m m eral- ogy, will give an illu strated lec­ tu re on his re c e n t geological trip to Alaska a t the m eeting of the a*. C am era Club at K Hall 5 at 8 o’clock tonight. . Dr. Bullard has pictures an d rn p h o to g rap h , which he took Alaska. _. __in . . , T A K E L E A D S IN P L A Y Law Students Meet to Discuss Banquet Today Followers of Peregrinus To Gather in Auditorium At l l o’Clock Jones to Speak LE Dean Hildebrand Will In­ form New'^Students of Traditions of Special the convocation School of Law, with th e app roach-. in g annual b an q u e t ae th e p r in - : ipal topic of discussion, will be eld this m orning a t l l o’clock in the auditorium of th e Law Build­ ing, according to an announce­ m ent by Leslie B yrd, president. Dean Ira P. H ildebrand of the School o f Law will address th e a s­ sembled group. The convocation will acq u ain t new stu d e n ts w ith th e tra d itio n s of the ann u al ban q u et of th e Law School, it was explained. A. P. Jo n es, chairm an of the a r ­ ra n g e m e n ts com m ittee th e ban q u et, is scheduled to speak a t th e convocation. fo r th is week. sales will continue T icket th ro u g h o u t iProm pt response to purchasing o f tick ets fo r the b a n q u e t is being urged by th e com m ittee in charge. __ r A rrangem ents a re being m ade to care fo r some fo u r hundred law stu d en ts, guests, and friends. One of th e m ost im p o rta n t fea­ tu re s o f the app ro ach in g b an q u et is th e tap p in g o f C hancellors, Byrd pointed out. The cerem ony will be carried o u t in th e custom ­ a ry m an n er w ith th e five p re se n t C hancellors, black in clothed the se ­ robes, slowly encircling tap p in g by lected “ few ,” and them inform th e new m em bers of th e ir elevation to th e o rder of Chancellors. G ood-night S m ok e C auses G rief For A w a k en in g Co-ed Hearing in Suit Over Pecos Oil Land Postponed Some co-eds have a lot of hard luck. T ake, for instance, the one who burned a hole in the floor b f h er ap artm en t. the bed, She was having her good­ night c ig a re tte ; s o m e girls m inke in spite of everything. She placed an ash tra y on th e floor beside tu rn e d o ut the light, leaving only th_- glow from the gas stove to il­ lum inate the room , and g o t into bed. Looking over the edge of the bed, she was able to make out a round ob ject ju s t to below her. Believing this be th e ash tra y , she proceeded to flick the ashes from her cig­ a re tte into it. W hen she fin ­ ished sm oking, she pushed the cig a re tte into the c en ter of the object and tw isted it carelessly. She tu rn e d over and w en t to sleep. Im agine h er surprise when she awoke the n e x t m orning to find a hole burned in th e floor e n c irc l’d by a g a rte r! Phi Beta Kappa Holds Initiation Thursday Night Honorary Organization To Accept Twenty-Seven Pledges ---------- The counsel fo r the S ta te , in filin g an am ended petition, ob­ tained a continuance in Judge George C alhoun’s F ifty -th ird Dis­ tric t C ourt fo r the defend ants in th e case of the S tate ag ain st the C alifornia Oil Com pany, in which the S ta te seeks to recov er IOC acres of oil land in Pecos C ounty valued a t $1,000,000 fo r the Uni versity. The case was continued until oi Ja n u a ry 13, a f te r six weeks testim ony to allow tim e fo r the d e fe n d a n ts to prep are testim ony to m eet the additional allegation set fo rth in the S ta te 's am ended petition. Should the S tate be successful in the su it fo r recovery of this oil land in Pecos C ounty, title to some 106 acres of land in the oil aret! would be vested in th e U niversity, from which would go proceeds perm anent into th e U niversity fund, and in te re st from which would be used fo r th e construc­ tio n of buildings on the campus. the approxim ate $14,000,000 Of now in the U niversity perm anent of this fund, over the am ount was | U niversity in sim ilar su its insti- ! tu te d by the S tate. recovered fo r $1,000,000 --------------o ................ — New Curriculum J the possibilities of a new e u rn c u - a Phi B eta Kappa, hon orary echo-1 jum wijj m oet T hursday a f te r lastic fra te rn ity , will hold an in i - j iunchcon a t the U niversity Club, tia tio n fo r new pledges T hursday j p r tho night a t 6:30 o’clock a t th e Uni- j c 0n ej?0 0f A rts and Sciences, is versity Commons. f P arlin, dean of Dr. W. T. M ather will address j -g the f ra te rn ity on “ The H istory of Phi B eta K appa in the U niversity of T exas.” P resid en t H. Y. Bene dict will speak on “ The S tatistical D esirabilities of P hi B eta K appa M em bership.” The five stu d e n ts now compos lu g th e C hancellors of the Uni v e rsity are A. C hancellor; Jo h n T. M aginnis, vice grand chancellor; W illiam A r­ T he initiation T hu rsd ay night Jones, grand m arks the tw e n ty -fifth year since the founding o f the local c h ap ter of Phi B eta Kappa. It also m arks the one h undred and fifty -th ird an n iv ersary of the founding of the founding of the fra te rn ity a t W illiam and M ary College Decem­ b e r 5, 1776. nold, clerk ; Leslie B yrd, and Thco W eiss. German in Austin P. P harm acist G roup T o M eet T hursday : for Eleven m eetings are scheduled th is W ednesday as follow s: Lawrence W harton, Alpha I tho Chi house; George B aker, Cope­ land house; R. II. M ontgom ery, house; L. L. D elta T heta Phi Students Submit Problem Designs In Architecture Six stu d e n ts cf th e U niversity senior class of arehitectu- Click, GafFord house; Ellwood Grtocom, G riffith house; H. T. P arlin, Hessey house; D. F. Bob­ b itt, b ille tte house; B erry W hit­ aker, Kappa Alpha house; Judge R. VV. S tayton, L ittle Cam pus; E. K McGinnis, Mergele house; R. A. Cox, Phi Sigm a D elta boult ; F red erick Eby, Sigma Nu bouse; J. A. F itzgerald, Tau D elta , Phi house. be Eight m eetings will held T huisday night as follows: V. I. Moore, Alpha T au Omega house; C. J. Alderson, Beverly house; Sigma H arris M asterson, D elta Phi house: L. T. Bellm ont, Fos­ te r house; W . T. R olfe, H alf Moon; E. C. W ebb, McDonald house: W. T. M ather, Omega B ela Pi; C. P. P a tte rso n , Sigm a Alpha Mu house. Two houses will m eet F riday night as follows: D e w i t t Red­ and dick, Sigm a E ta Chi house, R. H. G riffith , Y. M. C. A. Two Shacks Go To Make Room For Chem Hall New Buildings Com pleted In 310 days, C ontractor Declares ral design received m ention for th e ir firs t m ajo r problem of the ye a r in th e co n test held a t the B eaux-A rts In stitu te of Design in New York. The draw in g s were tth c judged by a com m ittee of best practicing arc h ite c ts in New York N ovem ber 26. W ith the beginning of th e ra z ­ ing of the tw o m echanical engi­ neering shacks Monday, the first step w as ta k e n in th e erection of $786,453 C hem istry the The follow ing seniors received I the new new m ention fo r th e ir w ork: E dw ard Building on th e n o rth east corner Bodet, E v e re tt E ignus, Allyn Cor- of th© cam pus. The work will bo don, Jim Ham mond, Jo aq u in A. j rU8hed by th e J . E. Morgan Com­ M ora, and J. I* Thom as. Bubi ro- Jessen, a g ra d u a te stu d en t, pany, co n tracto rs. E xcavation fo r the basem ent is J A m ong th e books on the books on religion I ti<>n w cr“ W orth C ottlii*h»m , j T I* A lum ni published A 1929 D irectory of H arvard by H arv ard M eeting of Le Cir- j U niversity, is am ong th e list on educational the | books added a re as follow s: “ N’a- tu re and D irection of L earn in g ” education. O ther o f arc -T h e M inister’, W i l e ” G as. * * * * * tin e C o u p o n Weaver; Client,” G ustine Conm en W eaver; «'><''">* © and “ L abor Speaks fo r Itse lf on « « '» * • P J * - « f R eligion. A Sym posium of l-abor ! design. , L eaders T hrougho ut th e W ©rid, 7 . “ O u r der, and N .n c y e ja c q u a rd , f lass B I , A nalytical “ A D oorw ay” was the subject of , , th e ir designs. . 8:15 o'cock— The C u rta in Club by W. H. B u rto n ; “ T rad itio n al I edited by Jerom e Davis, g i v e s “ Q ueen’s H usband” a t th e S H all j T ests,” C. W . O dell; “ The Ob- m ay be found and N e w - t y p e H elp of E xam inations presen tatio n f irs t E xam ine- enc© Books: A Classified in using referen ce books in th e new “ Refcr- and .A n n o ta te d Guide to th e Principal T h u r s d a y jective or N ew -type lions,” G. M. Rush. 5 o’clock M eeting of Ashbel “ Motion P ictu res in th e C lass-I W orks o f R eference,” compiled L ite ra ry Society in « Hall. [room ,” Ben I). W ood; “ The Ado- | by John Minto H ardw ick^ M eets P re-M ed Students Dr. C. P. H ardw ick#, chief o f the U niversity H ealth Service, wil5 be the principal speaker a t a m eeting of the Pre-M edical A n o ­ ciation held at th* U niversity Y. l l . C, A. T hursday night a t 7:15 o’clock. F o l l o w i n g Dr. Hardwick©’* speech, th e re will be a discussion of the pictu re for the 1930 Cactus. C. E. M erriam discusses poli­ tics in “ Chicago: A More In ti­ m ate View of U rban Politics.” D ealing with medicine will be found “ T he A m erican Illu strated Medical D ictionary,” W. A. N. Do ra n d ; “ N u tritio n in H eath and Disease f o r N urses,” L. F. Coop­ e r; “ R ickets Including O steom a­ lacia and T etan y ,” A. F . H ess; “ Child C are and T rain in g ,” M. L. Faegne. 5 o’clock— M eeting of Sidney lescen t,” S. I. Schw ab; “ Psycho- j In fa n t and C hild,” j L an ier L ite ra ry Society in girU ’ stu d y hall. Main B uilding. logical C are of John B. W atso n ; “ Investigations of R eading,” th e Hygiene 5 o’clock— Second public lee- j in tu re in G arrison H all auditoriu m . Jam es H . B lackhurst. “ N&w M ethods 7 o’clock— M eeting of G irls’ Glee Club in Main B uilding 157. 7 o’clock— M eeting of A ero­ in E ngineering n au tic a l Club Building IOO. j 7:15 o’clock— M eeting of pre­ medical students at the University Y. M. C. A. 7:15 o’clock— M eeting of Rusk the Law in Literary Society Building. in and Omissions P rim ary R eading,” A. I. G ates; “ O verlap­ pings in O ur Course of S tu d y ,” W . J . O sborn; “ English Girlhood a t School,” D. G a rd in e r; and “ T eaching in Col­ lege and University,” C. V. Good. The origin of printing is dis­ cussed by D. C. McMurtrie in “The Dutch Claim to the Inven­ tion of Printing,” Friday* 5 o ’c lo c k — M eeting of Pan Hel- viet Rule Books on history include: “So- in Russia” by W. R. tonic in girls’ study hall, Main I B atsell; “The Background of the i pudding. Russian Revolution’ by A. H ey-1 ’ Dr. Goldwyn G oldsm ith,' professor | to begin as soon as th* old '“" I P A T H W A Y OF PERSEVERANCE o f a rc h ite c tu re . Class A I P ro je c t, Archeology — “ A Rom an T em ple” was sen io r su b je c t of design. j I11** a rv rem oved. ^ The to ta l tim e req--iiicd •© c o n - the j plot© the new building will be 3 I r> • th e j plot® th e new building v.) de- “ contractors c o n t r a - or days, - ir k in g days, . Sophom ores who received men- clareu. , , , _— ---------- NATALIE LEVIN course— lectu res a n d quizzes, W hat more w onderful feeling prof and cuts. w thnm I could th e re possibly be t h a i (0 W hat' to , . you are requ ired ]ab more — y o u discover a t to re p o rt 1 The stru c tu ra l steel work o f : know th a t you are both a soph©- ; > . ti *’ A udiU rium -G ym nasium will more— one of those all-know ing t h e A u d i t * r i u r n * Inna im Z J Z Z Z T t * ie ’ of t h ,, creature - a n d a t the sam e ti,,.,. •« be com pleted p er week, M organ Com pany, contras a full-fledged, one-hundred cent reporter on The Daily T exan. tors, announced Tuesday. At last your name will be be* Follow ing this work, the toying «*«** «* *•*«- to e last ©* *■**«, v « - “ J jodg f , re p o rtin g I ® ° v In addition t o the classes. Y o u r high-flown hopes sink as you rush over to B. Hall to g e t your ncriod* 1 assigned h th Dr. John M. K uehne, p rofessor Bv inHtruc_ : of physics, will speak on ‘ The Ho­ of brick ami the pouring of e >n- fore the p u b lk -.n e t that it ac- £ * £ » ^ u are no o n ^ l i m - vehem ent of the N egative in Pha­ r r d e fo r the stairways and other tually will be signed to any ar- ^ ^ ^ form s are being rushed. How Up the brick work is being held and som ew hat by the re c e n t cold rainy w eather. C oncrete alto is being poured for the new tunnel connecting th e Auditorium-Gyrr.a- your t i d e —-but quite n a tu ra lly articles will be of such high cali­ to ber th a t re a d e rs will seek find the m odest b u t w orthy a u ­ thor. of the C am era Club are divided into two parts. The one is of in te re st to advanced stu d e n ts in photography; th e oth­ er is o f in te re st to beginners. T o­ n ig h t the advanced program is in charge o f Dr. B ullard, and th e has sire to work on The T exan you com pletely vanished. Now genuinely wish you had decided to be a policem an or radio p ro f— broadcaster o r a m ath an ything except a jo u rn a list. The only hour le ft fo r comes right in the m iddle o f y o u r only ; elem en tary program wi i free day an d conflicts w ith two : ducted by Dr. K uenne. or th re e o th e r classes. You h a s-j being demolished we re placed on the cam pus in 191J th e m echanical engineering fo r No doubt th ey will w an t to 1 make you ed ito r in a short tim e; I you really should not accep t the position though, for you are ter- j ribly busy w ith school and basket byt y(>ur jong. fclt a u t o g r a p h y him and th e Pow#? Building. The m eetings The shacks e .C !* 13 . PUl Pot>€ the i you lab a „ . •pa. T hey w ere o rig in a lly a ir-, ball this year. M ost probably you j ^ ^ ^ plan# h a n g ars a t the old School I wil lh‘ v* o ffc r* f r i m -f M ilitary A eronautics Barracks, j la r ,e new spapers In T exas for the l k n o w n « the Little Campus, (s u m m e r . the Indeed, you o rc j y o u r course 0 '4 r fo r tho so k e o f »nd to convoy knowledge o n offke tQ m ake stim ulate in te re st rn photography, this “ G uests arc alw ays wel­ Business come, and new m em bers . r e urged resi(. n subject. fin a lly , „ d „ , ----------- —o - ......... B it and Spur, senior riding I I o u go to J . 12 , lass or -------------- ------------- RIDING CLUB TO MEET k 01* f nYied ° L * 7 ^ T £ * £ ? * W O * p le M u re -n lw a y n l w ith the o th er J J I . 12 s tu d e n t.) : to jo in a3_ Kuehne. the club." stated L r. ^ , f# r e g. m e n t, y o u r flu c tu a tin g hopes . firg t f(, TURTLE CLUB MEETS * B usiness conditions in A m erica | R egular ro u tin e w ork of prac- are shown in “ G reat M arkets o f f i c e on strokes and stu n ts will be A m erica; a S tudy of 54 T r a d in g ! th e program for the m eeting of A reas in 36 S ta te s Ea*c of the T u rtle Club thin W ednesday aft- Rocky M ountains,” by A. Stod- ©moon a t 5 o’clock in the pool of N othing d a r£ {the W om an’s Building. G. H. Johnson tells of m anu- j e x tra wrtll be tak en up, (M aretta Talbot, president Turn to Page 6, n I Wichita f a i t .■ ' A jo **! K o a n aud M a n ia Kuefcs j *s*a&»d their M ow is Wicks**; I s i s last' weeloand. C u t T i a k e « 9 * n t # >b* days in L a s A atotyfu 108 W, 5th S t 2811 G u ad alu p e St. i >|'L1 -k Theaters Happy Stars ' T H U D A I L Y T E X A N Brown-Fentresg To W ed Friday Elizabeth Rice T o W ed Jack Finks Rabbi Entertained By Tau* Delta Phi r *AGC* H A N C O C K — “ P a r t. B o u n d ,” w ith A n n H a rd in * , F rod oric M arch, and L e slie F e n t o n , la s t tim e s to d a y - T h u rsd a y a n d F r id a y ; V a n d e r ii Ie, w ith F ra n k D e Y o e . M A J E S T IC — “ T h e T h ir te e n th Chair** w ith C o n ra d N a g e l a n d L e ila H yson s, t o d a y th ro u g h F r id a y . * Q U E E N — “ D i s r a e l i ” w ith G e o rg e A r iiss, J o a n B e n n e tt, and F lo r e n c e A r iiss, l a s t t o d a y . T h u r sd a y t i m e s th r o u g h S a tu r d a y ; “ W * s e G irls" (" K e m p y ” r e -title d ) w ith th e le a d in g r o le p la y ed by th e a u th o r , E llio tt N u g e n t- T E X A S — " P rep a n d P ep " w ith S u e C arol an d D a v id R o llin s, to d a y an d T h u rsd a y . O pening T o d ay "1 3th Chair” — Hollywood's lat­ est effo rt to lower the blood pres­ sure of the nation, and, in general, to scare everyone into c o m p lic a t e d the Majestic ^fits, staggers onto of ^b lo o d -c u rd lin g shrieks and a cob­ w e b or so. In other words. Holly­ wood is a t it again—and we ll have to go down and be properly harrowed to satisfy them. I^ L ,1 te e n today with a couple Leila Hyams, fragilely blonde; Conrad Nagel, with all the little nuances of " it" in his lam yx; and M argaret Wycherly, who should give an intelligent perform ance, promises th at th ey ’ll do th eir part by old M-G-M. Incidentally, this picture was adapted from a Broadway stage success which ran a full year with passes. And, between you and ^ P ^ h e , it should be pretty good fun. * A t the Majestic. — bill. * • * in L eila H y am s an d C o n ra d N agel " T h e T h ir te e n th C h a ir," m y ste ry p ic tu re o p e n ­ th e M a je stic . ing to d a y a t N o rm a L ee an d E llio tt N u ­ g e n t in "W ise G irls," w hich is to c p e n on th e sc re e n of th e Q u een T h e a te r T h u rs d a y . " P rop an d P e p ” — Opening at be Texas T heater for a run today abd Thursday is "Prep and Pep," a snappy little picture displaying tho lively and enlivening talents of Sue Carol in a charming tale about children in one of the old prep schools which used to be all the rage in gran d fath er’s day and of a sufficient number con­ tinue to hang on the under lip of civilization to furnish settings for ju st such movies as this. Young David Rollins plays the juvenile lead in this rapid-fire review of adolescence not yet dry behind the ears, and between the equal charm of these two starlets, "Prep and Pep" ought th be better than it sounds. Give it a look in.— c. b. N ow Show ing " P a n a B o u n d ”— Unreservedly, this is the season’s best offering. It is built around the ancient ques­ tion of the fidelity of a m arried couple— But it is treated from such a new and startling angle, th a t it seems an entirely new plot. "P aris Bound" is life itself. Ann Harding with her calm, m a­ tu red beauty and still voice con­ stitu tes the greatest charm of the picture. Miss Harding stands out lique in a movie world of bisque- raced, pugged-nose darlings who can sing and waggle th eir pretty heads in time to the music. She has serenity, brains, and womanly beauty. She is a blessing to the movies— and, personally, I’m glad there are not a whole lot more like her. She is, as I said, unique. Leslie Fenton does the b e s t work of his career as the clande­ stine lover of Ann Harding. In spite of the spectacles, obviously introduced to make him a "pansy" character, he presents one of the most manly men who has ever G lo v ed across the screen. His scene in which he plays the end of the in its u tter ballet is powerful poignance. This ballet music, by the way, is filled with the same tonal b e a u t i e s and rythmical tm oothnesses of the world’s great musical masterpieces. For an orig- A nn H a rd in g a n d .F red e ric M arch in "P a ri* B o u n d ," a s u p e rb d ra m a p lay in g it* la st tim e* to d a y a t th e H an co ck . inal movie musical score, it comes as a distinct surprise. "Paris Bound” is exquisitely Its dia­ finished in all details. logue is natural and clever; its music superb. And above all— it has Ann Harding— who has proved th a t there is actually something rew under the sun! At the Han­ cock for last times today. — bill. * * * " D U ra e li"— Intrigue, romance, and strategy in the masterly hands of George Ariiss are moulded into powerful historical dram a in "Dis­ raeli,” which is showing its last times on the screen a t the Queen T heater today. No more enthral­ ling dram a could be made out of bare historical events than is made in this picture, and the m anner in which those events are selected and concentrated for presentation as a dram atic whole is more than gratifying, not to speak a t length of the thoroughly com petent act­ ing with which every episode is imbued. As the first of an inun­ dation of historical dram as prom­ ised during the next few months by the moguls of Hollyw'ood, "Dis­ raeli" sets a pace which it will be hard to follow, and even harder —c.b. to better. See it. A u s tin ’* F in c tt S itte r tm n m tn t f/ctunts K. QVJO-vs* or M a tin e e——I Oc— 40c N ig h t— 1 0 c — 50c Campus Organizations A rrangem ents must be m ade now for your re­ p resentation in the 1930 Cactus, th e Book of Texas. Y o u r representative should call at B. H all 119. a The 1930 Cactus LAST DAY The Outstanding T heatri­ cal Event of the Year! G eorge A riiss rn “Disraeli” Starts Thursday “Wise Girl*” A lovable, Bubbling, Nat­ ural, Human Comedy of People You Know! w i t h E lliot N ugent Norma Lee R oland Y oung J. C. N ugent Education School Shows Decrease Of 236 Students Students of Poor Standing Eliminated From Courses Because of the fact poor students with standing have been allowed th a t no scholastic to ; take the education courses, Intro­ duction to Educational Psychology and Methods and Management in the Elem entary School, there has been a decrease of 236 in the en­ rollm ent in the School of Educa­ tion, members of the faculty point out. By the second week of the first sem ester this year, there were 1,574 enrolled. Last year there were 1,810 stu ­ dents. There have been, how­ and ever, an increase in senior the graduate in School of Education. registration students the Introduction Psychology', to Because and Educational the Methods and Management in Elem entary courses are intended prim arily for freshmen who ex­ pect to teach or to continue work in education, and because of the professional purposes these courses, students are required to I have passed three-fourth of their work during the term o r semes­ te r immediately preceding, and j m ust have received an average of I fo u r grade points per semester of work, on the basis of counting an "A " as 7, "M” as G, "C " as 5, "D” as 4, and " E " as 2. of A student's registration at the first of the year fo r the second sem ester is considered provisional until the student has attained the required Students scholarship. who graduated in the lowest one- fo u rth of their high school class may not for the two courses in education, fo r they are placed autom atically on probation. it was explained. register --------- —o — Display Is Planned paintings For Best Pictures A lobby display of the winning in the pictures and "Glorifying the American Girl" prize contest announced Tuesday by Manager Irwin R. W aite of the Majestic T heater will be made during the run of the Ziegfeld- Param ount picture, "Glorifying the American Girl," a t the Majes­ tic Saturday through Tuesday, Mr. Waite said yesterday. Any stu­ dent in the University is eligible to enter the contest, a first prize of $5 in gold being offered for the best representation of the ty p ­ ical American girl— in oils, char­ coal, ink, pencil, or any other medium. A second prize of ten tickets to the Majestic T heater also has been offered, as well as a third prize of five tickets, and nine other prizes of one ticket each. DYNAMITE New S tudents T o ' Stage Dance ut t “ has Steve G ardner’s A new students’ dance will be given in the Woman’s Gymnasium Friday night, December 13, from 9 to 12 o’clock, it was announced Tuesday by George Goodenow, general chairman of the proposed dance. Music will be furnished "Hokum by Kings.” The dance been placed on the social calendar of the University. The dance of is plans made by workers in the re ­ cent student Union drive. The idea of holding the dance was suggested during one of the lun­ cheons given drive workers. At th at time it was pointed out th at a new students’ dance would fu r nish a medium fo r the new stu­ dents ac­ become quainted. th e result better to to Plans are being form ulated make the a ffa ir one of the best dances of the year, said Goo de­ ap­ now. A eom ittee has been pointed to see th at the gym is decorated fo r the occasion. An­ other committee is a work plan­ ning special for th e guests. entertainm ent Committees in charge of the affair are as follows: General committee: George Goodenow, chairman, Dina Jack­ son, Claranelle Tucker, Joe J. Fisher, Ralph Hill, and E arnest Matthews. The floor committee members are E arnest Matthews, chairman, Charles H arty, Joe Pool, Sears Earle, Claranelle Tucker, and C. C. Dannel. Members of the publicity com­ m ittee are Joe J. Fisher,-chairman, Louise Maddox, and Ben Williams. The decoration committee is com­ posed of Ralph Hill, chairman, Nelson Waggoner, Rebecca Wil­ liams, and Francis Clark. * * e F reshm an W om en H onored W ith T ea Freshm an girls will be en ter­ tained with a tea by the Univer­ sity Women’s Club this Wednes­ day from 4 to 6 o’clock. The tea will be held a t the Men’s Faculty Club on 2304 San Antonio Street. H A N C O C K L a st Tim e* T o d ay A NN HARDING “Paris Bound’7 AU T a lk in g F o x M o v ieto n e New* C om edy C om e b e fo re I fo r 25c “PREP & PEP” S U E C A R O L Y o u r F a v o rite a n d b e r G an g of D isxy P la y Boy* in a P ic tu ra o f P a r a N on#en*a—- B u t ob bow y o u 'll lik e i t ! S T A R T S T O D A Y a t l l a . rn. C om a b e fo re L 'l~ 25c mmkiw i Thrill*! Every m inute of thi* Bayard Veiner .faire mystery play hold* you fascin a ted ! At last a m ys­ tery y«m!l not ga*** until tho final eiimax I An M-G-M AU Talking Picture— W ith Conrad Nagel and Leila Hyams A D D E D------ T h* L a s t C ollegian*: " G ra d u a tio n D ace" O th e r U n its F ir st S h o w in g in T e x a s Friday M idnite P review F lo re n x Z ie g fe ld ’s Glorifying the American Girl” T H E C A M P U S a r EVELYN CALHOUN Dorothy Fentress of Waco and Ralph Richardson Brown of Dal­ las, both graduates of th e Uni­ versity, will be married in Waco Friday, December 6, at the home of the bride. Miss F entress was a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority and Mr. Brown was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Included in the bridal party will be Mrs. Harlan Fentress, sis­ ter-in-law of the bride, Misses Blomeyer, Eugenia Nash, Evelyn Gay, Eiiabeth McKennon, Edith Seley, and Messrs. M a r v i n Brown, Harlan M. Fentress, Charles W ebster, Jack Webster, R upert H arkrider, Sam Gamhan, Frank Ye Which, and Jack Foster. * * * Club Gives Bridge P a rty for Faculty A bridge entertainm ent for the women of the faculty and their guests will be given at 8 o’clock Friday, December 6, a t the Uni­ versity Faculty Women’s Club, on 210 Whitis. The com m ittej entertainm ent the consists of Misses Evelyn Carrington, chair­ man, Annn Hiss, Calhoun Harris, Lorena Baker, Polly Crawford, and Jean Granger. Reservations may be bad by calling Louise W right at the club, it was announced. F IT Z G E R A L D R E C O V E R S Dr. J. Anderson Fitzgerald, dean of the School of Business Adm inistzration, was ill Tuesday and was unable to m eet classes. He will re tu rn to his classes to­ day. Ooy! An old fashioned Chicken Din­ ner with hot biscuits.—Just like m other cooks it a t home.— Drive out for your next dinner party. Green Lantern Ona Mila Out on Oak HUI Bead Phone 2-2447 S O C IA L C A L E N D A R F rid a y , D ecem b er 6 "T " Association a t Austin Country Club from 9 to I. (Inform al.) dance Mr?. C. F. Dunlap— Dance a t Driskill Hotel from 9 to 12. (Inform al.) Grace Hall dance a t Grace Hall from 9-12. (Inform al.) S a tu rd a y , D ecem b er 7 Alpha Epsilon Phi house (Infor­ dance from 9 to 12. mal.) All-University dance, Wom­ an ’s Gymnasium, from 9-12. C ornelia G regory H onored at Dance A debut dance honoring Miss Cornelia Gregory, graduate of the University, was held Monday night a t 9 o’clock a t the River Oaks Country Club of Houston. Miss Gregory is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W att Greg­ ory of Houston. The dance was attended by Houston debutantes and by many University stu­ dents. Miss Gregory received her de­ last gree from the University June. While in the University, she was a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority and was president of the local chapter in 1929. She also was a member of Nu Upsilon Tau Tau, honorary fra ternity for women, and of Omi­ cron Nu, home economics organi zation. of Cap and Gown, organization for and was senior girls, in 1929, in elected 1929. to Phi Beta Kappa She was president * * * Thomas Fay visited in Wichita Falls and B urkburnett during the holidays. Announcement has been made of the engagement and approach- j ing m arriage December IO of to Jack Eubank Elizabeth Rice Finks. The wedding is to take place a t the University Methodist Church. Both the groom and the bride-to-be are ex-students. ^ * * • D unlap s W ill H old D ance Decem ber 6 Mrs. F. C. Dunlap will honor th e girls of her boarding house with an annual dance Friday night from 9 to I o’clock in tho crystal ballroon of the Driskill Hotel Steve G ardner’s orchestra will play. Chaperons for tho evening will be Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pedigo, Miss Ruby Terrill, Mrs. Frances Goldbeek, Miss Dorothy Gebauer, Mrs. E. L. Faulkner, and Mrs. Anay Dabney. Mary Louise Staley of S. R. D. spent the holidays at her home in Wichita Falls. en- Tau Delta Phi fratern ity tertained Monday with an infor­ mal dinner a t the chapter house in honor of Dr. Louis Wolsey, vis­ Philadelphia. iting Rabbi from Other guests fo r the dinner were Rabbi Jacob Wienstein, Rabbi W alter Peiser, Rabbi David Zie- lonka, and Dr. H. J. E ttlinger. Dr. Piecer of Baton Rouge, La,, and Dr. Zielonka are both Tau Delta from Kappa in Cincinnati. chapter Graduate Students Pictures for th e gradu­ ate section o f th e 1930 Cactus are n ow being taken. Appointm ent* can be m ade at B. H all 119. CLEARANCE SALE of Fall and Winter Dresses S m art . Individual . C harm ing Dresses to $12.50, Now ........ ..... ........ $4.95 Dresses to $19.75, Now ------------------ $7.95 Dresser to $29.75, Now ____________ $11.95 Come Early Don’t W ait J[ / Off Coats Q / X j and • RT-* Evening Dresses Regular $8.95, ___ N o w L A S T D A Y W EDNESDAY SALE The Remainder of 800 Pairs N ew Shoes AH Sizes— A ll W idths All Six D ollar Shoes A t Or bring a friend and buy tw o pairs for $8.00 Vie I SLIPPER SHOP P e r f e c t Shoes a — P e r fe c t- Fibbing IQI L Sixth -O n e door off Congress E L e a k f a s t chockful 01 energy— Shredded Wheat. Every food e le m e n t— in Nature’s own proportions. Contributes direct* ly to health, vigor and w e llb e in g . Shredded Wheat, once a day or oftener^ is an excellent habit. Shredded Whea t h e b r a n A l l • ■ - r .f:. ' '■ ' ■ ,* t;‘ ...... ■ OVER the H ILLS... and far away! Holidays nearing— days and nights full with engagements. No time for a motor to get off its feed, because every minute counts. So fill up your tank with h u m b le B H H B I M a ft& so u N E and flash away. Over the hills or over the plains, it’s all the same to your motor when Flashlike Gasoline is in your fuel tank. Flashlike starting, flashlike pick-up, flash- like speed are yours a t the touch of your foot on the accelerator. Old car or new, Humble Flashlike Gasoline gives it speed, power, pep, and sparkle. U h can buv •* v k w r f r you ara the /tum ble Sign tumble Oil & Refining Company IAROLD TEEN—THE BIG MOMENT WEDNESDAY, DECrMEiT.R^lgag. i ■mipMPn CmIoEAp I I OO MOPE HANOLD HASN'T l e c t coct TH® STAD UM-. « ,’v£ Jolt GOT To DBE hsM fcCFaflE ______ __ -— * THE «e*M&{ ' * goP Sie! I want hooto pocket amy* thing UNPLEASANT 6CTw£ € m US AMD JOST OO OOT ANO WIN THAT r ^ v e TODA** 'OR MOUG I.AN16S LETTUCE J ^ V , _ / WHV DoNtTdHA A'S* THAT VAmiSWmG A‘AE US CAM | PE Mg POO WI? HE'S TM WfloLE t e a m - AwvwAv(S,lsPto!S& \ kin w a l k im a n d WW T o s t c a v s e v s o m e dam s — ;------ i t ^ t r T TOI r r o t t e r ! r o t t e r / THAT'S WHAT I AM — I rdUOT h + ^ a - AMD MOU) “to SOOAREl MWSElP i I TJST GOTTA WM Al 'AT G A M B f • V Clit Baliti C*xan CgSabtixtwtl Sa ISO# n « {HU? Texaa I* iwbtMbad en » • TU m m m v f a l the U » i-.« tit» of Te*a*. * « • Un, by ? r**» Bladen*. Po fell carien*, Ina­ tic. ter ne err Jay i**«pt M orral'. a* fry -lay Editor ta I a®##*, H Nail. Trie* keno* IflM W a®#?* » llt u t l f p (Alter l f •IC n Ii t i SI HU IlItT fSfthni off-**. A ll*® T«!*pb*»** M IM *»4 SMH IS. P r i n t s by th* L a l t e r i t y Pre**, A C- W right, ■ • m n *'- Entered aa •*#.**41 rime nsattea ast La* Enters* • w » a po#ti.-®?# At Astite. poet®®*# at Anatta, T <•«>*. S».b*cr^tto« F *# dollar* y«ffly- § S £ £ £ £ w £ Z Z w i i KM X ULLf* LA VIL' haul »f*si*irtea KAtarUaM A I • V * sSI w I By DAN C. FOWI,ER 1. Mer# Iinr*ati*atk»**«, 2. Tass* Raceiva* S4.S4S.S30 3. Celina and RamIi . 4 5. British Delegate*. .Sr»v*r«4*n« Visit Pop*. By ALEX MURPHREE OUR FIRST XMAS SONG Tis*- Retrain! Wa* Terrible M"rf y Chi Int ma.*!. Sarita C laus, Tis the Y uletide SfAson W ith T urkey D»r the inr.f i mar, *cf Ca a-ss Jeff Th**?#- fc.eU* / Stair Sport?: Pf** -wm-i— - Society: Ohfi- IhRrwiF- knaiK, Joaephiw* Barbs?. .... . RH*. Fe *»•*•* 8fr»*a ^ Vet - *#»•<• k-portnre Its* -In Fleetwood flora M** FarUW, Bela CIU ta*. n#*i nif.gksrr . *1 I * Wi t u e s d a y n ig h t s t a f f Issue Editor 1 ' Calvin C. H offm an Em m a .Sophy Hardin David Phelan lh H a il. ... A ssistant N igh t R e p o r ts N igh t Reporter New Students’ Dance MUCH n ested factor | | K f *Rll5FENT A TI V K Tinkham \* And m istletftc fo r teamin'. And i'.-od Faint Nick who shakes ,jt m; the ! nato W henever he doth laugh »» lobby !n- "Mitigating commute© to “ unmask the tthief In fluence l**gt#l*th»n would “ So* Whet n eed s th'* resolution < vltably b ad to the destruction of '■ j*0 pttsh this festiv e season to TeR flon, w ith its b en eficien t inhi-i The logical conclusion, biform noon human conduct, and therefore \ Tt,\ m istletoe to aid the sw ain As he is fore and a f . Ah lung he is from port to star rem it in I«wlw*- A"d 'H rirtm .. r if t , from you to them and crim e, in «ocial chaos an ultimately in revolution.’* Under Herr ct ary Hyde’s ap p iftionment among the state* of a Hid of * 7 3 ,J 2 5 .0 0 0 as Federal roads, md T exas will receive largi st a m eant with sn allotm ent of $4,- to r construction o f the ——----- in th e I n iv c rslty t state* was madf* f>n the ba-is of dr i, pct live arca , populations, md mileage* of post mads. , reported (hat other power* j d en ts th e Hcht'dulrd i,e su p p lied new M udont’ dance U > In- given at th e W om an’s Gym* na hum Friday, December IS. In an in stitu tio n a s targe anc) an com plex its th e U n iv e r sity nome m ea na m uat Im* provided to d evelop th e .soda! life of th o new s t u d e n t s . T h e p r o -' pact and appealing to them p i m d f a m e w ill h e lp S u p p ly m aintain peat*, . Foreign Seer* th a t n e e d . of the Kellogg-Briand peace pact are following the example o f the j Fritted Rta tef, Great Britain, and f rance in sending n otes to the Russian and Chintze Government* recalling their ob ligations to the* ic f r y II- It J S o c ia l a f f a i r s a r c p io n i t a l -nom « t f Mondo, that «- g * « » * “ ta te o f I i e th.- . x l t . D« o f a r u l e « f ( w ^ u* * w as nick today though. , *' , “** ' ,rm * ERF Kl). ' . att | Sun- enoun K In Zoo lab we had to I hat** the nasty I,(.ll . And " ' em r.icht in I tell you I sure an EAR EV BIRI). R amra y t h e y I war, I can only say that as far as nur For the find, time since 1870, the Italian sovereigns will visit the Pope Than day. Since the Pope became th** prisoner of the V ati­ can, no king of Italy ha gone to J sec hun or ban even seen him a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y , b u t do not se e m to fill th a t plai t! j I know n d th tr th . C h lr » « » » r , lh, Soviet Kovernment, iii in the n<*w studftiiVs life thnt futm-d a„y Other (tnvernment tta t I m«« «""K' anyway they :-.h')uld. The rea.'^on* an* they i onaidrr them:.,rive. a t *»r." »h*>*» » » » apparent. New studeiitH do' front of me. not feel r * fret* ttllnglifig with] I was glad I wasn’t the older ntudenU an they] would amonp students t h a I they knew to be a * new to the University tm they are thern- rtelveg. Tri attending the new student** dance they will he sigfsoriatinK with people whose ifltere.^ti are identical with their own, This will form a beni* for closer acquaintance. Student* cannot develop the . . Ir n p 'T sch o o l ' p in t in- rn' r e ly attending class#*. They m ust;,, get into the hock.I life of the sch o o l. 9 6chi>oi a re born when HChooi Completely Tipods and deair en of tho st u- dent. It is*lens to point I out th a t so c ia l contactq should I bt* provided at f wine •onsin on “What kind ginning cd c o n ta c ts throughout achoo] lif e . .- Tuea*lay that the B ritish iletega- i Urn to th** five-power naval con -, , ference in London next month will > of Premier MueOon- of j state for india. Announcement n . he compos .Spirit tiio faces green ,„,,t ,„rd j WPOM Arthl|r . . h* in j .j , , . . . . . . , , And I went down town this a ft­ that HOT take up ernoon to K UECK and w e were oft Street Cai* for home starting when I saw .loan Crawford was and i playing in “The Untamed” „ -Y “ so we got tried to get of I and I a check cashed and COULDN’T So „ .j an*! we di*ln t have a DlMr. , . ,,, , . ,, ■ t “ “u p . ut „ , . Bdrnu)n, fortlftn J«»» CRUSHED to the EARTH. Alhl.r, y A|„ „ „ ,u.r- T v co* my -hoe,, off now ,m n* OUR PORTRAIT GALLERY N o . 4 - —T h e E n g i n e e r i n g S t u d * the Daily Cardinal of th** I ’n iver-; Whon yesterday I sang of Law*, Yours, BETTY Engineer# did laugh their » th,. brum o f this, of w*hat now grown The Wisconsin co-ed# answer i In ... store for them, quite overbold. our j,piten# nttle recked Hwy Fate did hold T h o se in charge o f the af- report# that a girl, in ord r to be j f a i r a rc to 1>* c o n g r a tu la te d popului must not amoke, drink, or on th eir decision to keep the ] neck. p r ic e o f a d m is s io n a t th e lo w - . (Slit po:* TD de l€Vet. Tnt're are that men do not seem to know*; many students in t h e U aiv er-1 w hat they want. “ lf a girl acts! An E ngineer is adept at all tools s ity vvh o s e f in a n c e s w ill nofcU weet and simple, she ta too naive. I lk wo,-]d begirt with Hines and perm it much entertainm ent, If #h<* is sophisticated, they think; but all tho new students that if is throwing the dog, aril she tries being just natural, . he is can possibly afford it should! be present a t the dance. If tumid*! od prosaic, one said. new students bo not attend the any other a ffa ir during Official Notice year, they should lie p re sell a t the nev ,« adentV dance Men students Interested in o f­ where they may become ae- ficiating at intramural basketball fp ia in te d w ith th* * pimp Ie w it.hj g am<.. make application at the in- \vh*!irt tp i v u iv to In* J ta so ci-, tramutal office before Thursday, ‘'ted th r o n g h m it th e ir s tu d e n t December 5. O fficials will be '“U And frowns upon ungeometric us. But we return the fellow glare chanician. On Math he Calculus— j g 0 homely that he wonders why He know a far more than any me­ Of turbines, deisel engines, ten­ j at the rat* of $1 per gam**. thrives— and even w{t fc glidj. rules athletes only he*# lonely. sio n — he - a Chi Upsilon Plans p. M. W H ITA K ER , Intram u ral D irecter. for glare Who doesn’t know steel-shaving* from curled-hair. For Nationalization Plans for nationalization were AU bus - e rn administration stu­ dents who are candidates for de­ grees tim coming June and who ignod both their degree have not discussed at. the regular m eeting and diploma cards, are requested do it once, so that the list of Cb! Upsilon, honorary geology At part of the plaintiff, while bingle- ton Morris w ill U k e the p art the defendant. The case will be, heart beating loudly, continued at the next meeting. Business M agazine i I the University The Texas Business Review, a o f I « « m in g ly calm , b o t w ith 600 in the other states, somebody eLse important. Some seventy-five in 383 Texas j Christmas Eve, December 2 4 „„ j j president, announced Tuesday, monthly summary of business and Thursday night, Allwyn Cooper, .students of from Galveston t Kp the for . (hair. out of the ] quivering secretary. of 4 000 Flams office, with for the of rf * . . . fui one js always careful of his j and 50 in six foreign countries. fifteen members of tbs Orange Jackets taken 1 in complete uniform was meet,nK' talking ab out; not my em otional j ^ a d a y f or th,, 193O C actus. state, Austin may be the Funny j Fouth to som e folks but i f s the old NORTH FORK to me. The sun carn** out today though and j I sort of T H A W E D me out, if you I appearance. At length, you are 204 APPLY FOR DEGREES for business! You swell DENTON, Dec. 3#— A total of with the feeling of your own im- 204 seniors at the Texas State ; P°rtance. . First you look all over Gam* ljRVJ CoUeg*. for Women have applic'l for degrees to be Building, and Education Building conferred in June. 1 for the man’s office, and, when, Enrollment in th.* department conferred rn June. j for the m ans mn ce, an., is the after an hou rs search, you fin* !y J practice The numbcfr in the Urn*] Slavonic L anguage Roll Reaches 35 Ha}lj Mft.n BuMingf fC. I. A. ) , to apply w n e n ,;, ready „ REBUKES APPLAUSE Philadelphia.— During a recent program of the Philadelphia Or­ Stokowski, di­ chestra, Leopold rector o f the orchestra paused to request his audience that it con* Ug M e d ie v a l” ■ Ult s. N Of . c«*«*ifft. »*». I, lh. ch«tf> i- WK. C .tote at. Galveston Club W ill Select Orchestra Definite arrangements for an orchestra to play for their an­ nual Christmas dance will be made by the Texas-Galveston Club at a meeting t be held in Main Building 172 at 7 o’clock1' ever to request degrees at locate it, o f Slavonic languug**s .151 largest versity has reached a total of students, Dr. Eduard Micek, as-o* ^ ,iny on(, i«„ f — - — cia ie professor of Slavonic have applied for bachelor of Bd-1 b t y o u ^ p tim is tic and guages, ha** announced. Of the** .n e e d ecree,. 48 for bm'hclor of m,no,I reporter that you • ■ ? - « * 36, tw enty are new students. Four yourself down out,(de hn door to arts, and 5 for bachelor of music courses in Cxech are given in th** by wait, thinking that maybe, degrees. 'I ne vocational home eco­ University this year, including be nomics group is the most popular, intermediate Czech. ginner A reading and with 44 landidates for graduation. third-year Czech, a a composition and in For the first time, d e , . , rn* will besand a half hour,. Then h r u .h « . in ,ht; ^ar , ,° n *L_ >,,.l i not be there for two hours y e t , , deter- , KV, r ____ chance, he might come in Of this group, 151 - »au* norm*** ruup i- l^ut k*’ ^ H sn rn u k e course l not m . n ac u I e , ‘ of ciapping. hands, “This strange beating together T.l* : of hands,” he said, “has no mean- , To me * 18 velJ f , We try to make sounds like music, the„ in b e tv K n come5 this (,rilicjl. am . . . . . ^ , a * sooner. ( in* y ° u* tom. 1 am ^ l c i z m g a cus­ ^ I don’t know where it orig- ( inated, but probably back in some ^ jn meJi„ al ,lays. the | teitech bii'rature of the F.i,hteenth. | conferred upon Bt t l c w in ( libr* ^ j h a y ^ ^ c h a ' e him 'through Vhc- Nineteenth and Twentieth cento- science, ries, the latter offered for first time this year. I grees. tho this course have as Red for d e -S hall till you finally pounce upon him, year breath being left some­ where en route. You ply him with I ! the questions you nuvc ow n — — -o— c l ASS ROLL GROWS Enrollment ing about for those two and a half in the department hours, and he, never taking his There are 34 scholar-hip# avail- able for students who wish to take These may be courses in Czech, obtained regardless of whether or not th** applicant is of Czech ori­ gin. They are valued at $30 each and aru offered by various Czech organizations and individual in order to promote th** study of the language. , of architecture has increased 18 I eyes from the paper he is read per cent over last year. T he to­ tal enrollment last year was 18‘J. This year the enrollment is 216. Every class is crowded, sections had to be split, and in some cases the same class is given in two d if­ ferent rooms. There has been no increase in the faculty in the past two years, stated T. U. Taylor, S h e p p a r d F e a t u r e ‘•t‘an of the College of Engineer- mg. ing, answers you in exactly three monosyllables; s a y s “Pardon me,” and hurries away. You drag yourself back to The your article. Texan office, type an­ which process takes almost other article, and it. Your story is but four and a half lines long. look over then he Try as you might, it refuses to be stretched out a bit longer. You carefully* put it on the desk I The total enrollment in the Col­ E d w a r d s S y n d i c a t e s lege o f Engineering has increased J and limp out. 5 ou are complete­ ly per cent over last year, Dean I ly fagged out; in fact, you have ; Taylor stated. i lost weight. You are disgusted Rcminiscing of the time when Morris Sheppard was a student in th** University, and how curtain o f his view# regarding the ques­ tion of prohibition were formed, in a part of a syndicated article by Fraser Edwards for the Uni­ versal Press. have been th in k -1 by rf»PPi'’« h“ this ad the Cactus Pressing Shop to get a suit pressed free. FIRST C LA S* DRESSMAKING— A ltera­ tions, S a tisfa ctio n Guaranteed. Mrs. F oyil. Phone 76 5 6. Th# order. LADIKS d resses designed and made to that individual make them d ifferen t. Se# MiVs Sm ith at th# Mabel Ganna way Shop. 716 C ongress Ave. Phone # 3 6 2 . touche# ROASTED PEANUTS POPCORN NONE It ETTER W A N TED LOST & FO U N D W ANTED— Tham es and th eses to tyi>«. Private instruction in typ ew ritin g and in U n i­ former a ss ista n t shorthand by v ersity . Dial 9 9 **. WTLL th# gentlem an who took the wronx overcoat at W om an’s ftuJdinjc Friday I'hoae i t t Cecil Butler. nigh t return 4828. Business Directory DENTIST LAUNDRY FOR SALE FOR SA L E — N ew Corona typew riters. Im prove your *choel work E asy term *. by u sing a typew riter. Phone 9 6 *6 . O ffice hour* from 2 p. na. to 7 p. rn. Other hours by appointm ent only Tea year* in A ustin YOUR Photography by Elliott**. In tro­ ductory offer : Four 8*10 P rofessorial Photograph*, one colored in oil. a t a bar­ gain. Paul M. H argi*. Phono 2 -3 8 9 3 1012 W. 30th Street. APARTM ENTS FOR R E N T ] » ^ $ ^ ~ &6*2* Ground floor new N ail# Building, opposite New Greyhound S tation . 6 1 0 -6 1 2 Braxo* M0° D EN TIST DR. G U FFIN BARNEY FARM ER t e x a s r e s e a r c h a n d c o a c h i n g BU R E A U — Material gathered on any VCR REN T— Furnished apartm ent, 1310 PISO’S for COUGHS PISD'K "iv** quirk, effective r e l i e f . PUa^ant. soothing and hewing. Excellent for children - corita ns no opnitrs Sue* eoNnftiliy «UMfd for 6*> years. 35c and 69c sixes. QUICK RELIEF ANNOUNCEM ENTS subject, ro a ch in g in ail brunette* by e*- pert*. F ir st cla ss typing of paper# and th e ses. Telpehune 56 3 4. 709 W est 21th S treet. . HJGHFJ5T ?**h pries* paid for *econd hxtu! clothing *od shoe*. W# buy *nd t»P - A. Swart*. 417 K**t 6th, Phone 1762 { ROOMS FOR RENT BOY'S ROOM for rent chimp, el so board. very r#a-suable. Good home cooked f f i l Rio Grande. P hene 2—6227. meal*, TY PING room s, APARTM ENT FOR RENT — T wo large sleeping porch 318.00— water and light* furnished. TIS W est 2 2 tx St. Phone * 518. FOR RENT FOB R E N T —Unusual!'* n ice room in pri­ for quiet alodial** young 26»4 Rio Grande. Phone 2 -256(1. vate home man. ---------- San Antonio— adult*. ------------- " - n~ T TYPEW RITERS " * _ _ . AUSTIN T Y P E W R IT F.R CO. R ent, repnlr— Buy, se ll all make*. 968 C e a s r t u Phone »822 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS •M Y SW EETER than Sw eet.” Columbia! Record. Give record* for X m as.--Isaac j Bled.*oc. 821 Congrcn*. Phone *-619 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Dentist •12 Norwood Bldg. P h o n e 2 - 3 6 1 3 DRS. LYN N A LY N N Dental Surgeon* IS I S Norwood] Bldg. TAILOR SHOPS to CENTS AT T H * W EST END W in C l o u and Preea • S n it Free* Snit and Pair of PaaA# PHON* MIS H O M E l a u n d r - l l PHONE 3 7 0 2 LAW YERS GREETINGS from W HITE, WILCOX. TAYLOR A GARDNER 1466 Norwood PJdg. A ttorneya-at-L aw Ik* D. W hit# Ch*#. A. W ilcox Q. C. T aylor J. H arris Gardner OPTOMETRIST A . BUR STYN, O. D. E x am in a tio n an d glass* # f itte d h o u rs n o tice 6 1 # 1 -2 C ongress FLORAL W O O D M A N S FLOW ER SHOP — Col flower*, wedding bouquet*, tabla A d ­ oration*, l f ambe} Floral Telegraph D elivery. #19 O n* grea*. P hone i8 6 0 . d esign *. a rtistic COAL FOR ^OAL— COKE A N D WOOD U «H e**ity Coal * Wood Co. Phono 7741 soft San Marco* Sh PLUMBERS E. P.AVEN, Plumbing repair*, Gas 8tdk ting*. Ga* healer*.''- Wee gelaetlvn. Price* reasonable. Merlon w ater baa tora. G RADUATE A ND FACULTY— Thcaee end M* e- pertly end neatly typed- Thoroughly experienced. Refer- encea. Cecil Batler, Phono 4181, 2894 MEN'S W rit* Watch**, tpecad 84.95.— L LAV ES, 217 Vt. «fc. Phone be it mg r them es, and I SONS. Dow Ltd cag I PARROTS. c*n*riee and =*#««- Gift* to rem, m berwi —C. T . MARTIN A Bird and Poultry Supplies. expertly typed. Kx rte n e need. I rustotnary. Cecil Butler. Phone BRIDGE Slippers f make an 2194 N uect* S treet. ~ ~ .(teal Xmas \ Gift. $«.6« —Carl H . MJailer Shoe Store. ----------------------------* , 1592 Lavaca BEAUTY PARLOR BLUR BONNETT BE A U TY SHOP Shampoo set< 4l.<6 9 — F lair ‘ora*8* 59# P#*-ma#.#nt wave-* *7,59 end ITO Phone 2 -3 9 4 3 1493 L avaca S treet, Phono 67CS* A history o f Alpha chapter at given Oklahoma University was grand by Mr*. F. M. Bullard, president. Mrn, Bullard was a charter member or Alpha chap­ ter. A history of beta chapter at the U niversity WM rive® by a charter member, Mr*. T. B. May- ! ha!!. Members present at the moot-' mg wen* Mrs. F. B. Plummer, Mrs. Y.. II. Bellbird#, Mrs. Robert I IL Cuyler, Mrs. F. M. Bullard, Mrs. T. B, May hall, Mr*. L. S. * B r o w n , Mrs. F. L. W hitney,' Misses Anna Whitney, Esther McClung, Gertrude Bordel. Eitnonc , Marion and The next regular m eeting luau of the School of Busine** Administration. AU men Pf the School of Busi- j A dmini tti at ion who are in - 1 The Austin Little Theater w ill. n ti rc.-ite*! in playing basketball, will j present It* second play of meet this Wednesday night from ti to 0 DO o'clock in the freshman December 9, IO, anti l l at gym na luna, To Give Play Edward Jenks, English jurist; of Lausanne; Dr. Cesar Roux , , t „m Professor Ignace Moscicki. presi- o f Poland. tnd Franz Cu_ The Polish “ Mrs. Bumpstead-Leigh, I pr#«4de»t wa# unable to attend the political * ceremonies because of ,h ^ ‘ mont o f Brussels. a t lw»MU MANAGER. The Racquet Club will hold the their regular m eeting on Twenty-fourth Street court# this Wad Heyday afternoon at 5 o’clock. . MARGARET KIHKN'ER, Turtle Club will hold a regu- {!&r meeting at 5 o’eloek Uu# Wed- of Benday afternoon in the W’oman’s gerrundc Hall, 1607 San Jacinto Street, J u n e s IT. Parke, director of the Little Theater playa, stated T ueaday. is ‘ Mrs. BumpKtead-Leigh” a three-act comedy. The actors are Ellwood Griseom, chairman of the speaking; departm ent of public Spoil jo t. Daisy Gilbert, Ed Barlow, Allan Shivers, Helen Glasscock, Mrs, Dave Reed, Tom Green, Claude Voyles, Mr#. Maxtyn E lliot, Jo*, J. L. sephine Thais, for litc h a tf. The scenic artist the play is Ben Dailey, Austin architect. and Mr#. Sponsor. Graduate Students Pictures for the gradu­ ate section of the 1930 Cactus are now being taken. Appointm ents can be m ade at B. Hall 119. \ the ftervrnffy will he held H or- , Building pooh nay, January 6, ’a t ‘4h(.* Lome of* Hrs- C. E. Cook. * JANET WOOD, T H E D A I I T T E X A N miiiiii m ...................... I I ........• r n i i i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i t r r S HttMMe -ZmteXj C H R I S T M A S ±\ NOTHER Christmas-time is here! Another season of good cheer, of joyous giving, and of happiness. THE DAILY TEXAN YOUR PAPER T H E D A I L Y T E X A S GERMAN’S LATEST LIQUID AIR’ SPEED CAR '§mm WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1929. s s Pre-Meds Elect Two to Society Mineral Lease Offered for Sale in both sales ag g re g a tin g approx innately 8,000 m ately 4.000 acres. A pproxi­ acres have been ’AJGCC ai,. ...... I— I Students Plan Organization Of Rho Chi Chapter P t n n o a o u t ic k l H o n o r a r y S o c i e t y F o u n d e d In 1912 and graduates of the W ^ g m ity College of Pharmacy a / e planning the organisation of a focal chapter of Rho Chs, honorary society fo r pfaurmaeist*, L. W Skhieu**-, instructor in th* College of Pharmacy, announced Tues­ day. "T he petition for the • -tablish- m ent of a chapter of Rho Chi in A ustin ar as favorably pawed upon try tile national council a t Ann A r­ tush, Mich., O ctober 22, A mem* fear of th at body will be sent fo r­ m ally to install the chap ter when a d ate convenient to the out-of-town auim ni, who are am ong the orig­ he agreed inal petitioners, Upon,” Hr. Bch I* use raid. can “ Rho Chi had its inception in lhOh when a group o f senior s tu ­ dents a t the U niversity of Michi­ gan College of Pharm acy organ* la cd a society to which they gave the name of Aristolochin- .Society, which was accepted as one of the Campus honor societies four year lite r . in alumni m em bers "T he active in terest shown by th e the m onthly m eetings which were held d u rin g 1910 caused the members o f Urn A ristolochin Society to tak e steps to e .tab! lh oth er local ch ap ters and to convert the so­ ciety into a national organization, Rho Chi was chosen as a more d e ­ sirable nam e for the national o r­ ganization, and Ju n e 8, 1912, Al­ pha ch ap ter of Rho Chi wa* grant cd a c h a rte r by the S tate of Mich­ igan, Girls’ Glee Club I Rehearses For Second Concert Rehear Aals are being held by the Girls* Glee Club for th e sec­ ond concert to be given th is year, which will be presented a t F re d e r­ icksburg D ecem ber l l . A third concert will be held in Sm ithville December IS, and a fourth Ja n wary & a t the Auatin High School i Auditorium The club plan* to of South Texas M ar h 17-22, including Beaum ont I and Port A rthur. The Glee Club I is under the direction of G ilbert > E Schramm. a to u r I make The first concert c f the year j was given at Elgin Monday, No- j vc rn ber 25, and was sponsored by the Elgin P a re n t-Tear he rV A**"-1 j elation and the K iw anh Club, The ; Elgin C ourier printed Novem ber j 2H the following com plim entary j w rite-up of the perform ance: "The Girls* file?** Club of the U niversity of T exas, under the di- ! reetion of G ilbert K. Schramm, j well-known m usician, appeared in concert at the High School audi* i torium last Monday evening at 8) o'clock, under the sponsorship of j the Elgin Parent Teacher ■’ Asso- ’ elation. ''E specially outstanding on the program was Miss Mary Steg er,: 'Song of the a ng soprano, who j Robin,* by A nna Case, followed by | an equally appreciated encore. VI is5* Steger*'? rendition was d e a r | arid unusually aw ed. "Mi ss Adelaide Rogers, eontral- to, sang ‘My H e a rt at Thy Sw eet Voice,* from 'Sam pson and Deli­ la h / by S aint Saenz. H er rich, full voice gave splendid and easy in terp retatio n to the difficu lt se­ lection. Max V alier, notable G erm an ex p erim en ter in speed cars, Is shown in his latest creation— an auto which h propelled by the escape of liquid a ir from shown containers. V alier ju s t a f te r the car had passed its be- firs t successful test. He is iievea the new fo rce will create th e g u n ­ g re a te r speeds powder rockets he has h e re to ­ fore used. th an University Dance- (C ontinued from Page t) of liquor/* it WH Mated. The o f­ fenders will be reported to the dean of stu d en t life who will take such action as the University re g ­ ulations dem and. Not only those present at the a in e e who a re un- influence of liquor will be taken in charge by o fficers, but anyone in the vicinity of the gymnasium who is under th e cf- in in i der the philosophy, "T he Q uest for C er­ tain ty /* adds to the p hilosopher’s = large n u m b er of books of a phil­ osophical n atu re. Two books on psychology add­ ed are “ A Study of M ental Ac­ tiv ity /' lf. A. C a rr; and “ F u n d a ­ m entals o f O bjective Psychol­ o g y /’ J* F* Dashiell. PRA CTICE ARCHERY A practice to u rn a m e n t will be the fe a tu re of th e Robin Hood m eeting this W ednesday a fte r- • noon at 5 o’clock on th e archery field th e Doom House, Zeda LaCina, president, stated Tuesday. H ugh Y antis, in coach, will in stru c t th e girls regular shooting. a d ja c e n t to The biographical field has been enriched by "T he B iography of l a R. BL I by W . S. and M argie I "H en ry th e Eighth*’ by f \ Hack- * V ineyard retu rned M onday from in I th e Prince of Wales*'I a n d : Beaum ont where th ey visited Iren e Sanders 1. Tow nsend, — o-------------- . "T he Gu d in C om pendium " is a Miss Sanders* home, It is likely th a t those who are pot stu d en ts in the U niversity anil who violate th e rule against d rin k ­ ing will be excluded from fu tu re dances. study on genealogy by G. C. We® ver, list by “ In B lu ffla n d ," L. I the Books on economics to be add* H aase; “ Lionhard E u le r Kin Bei- des “ The | x v iii/’ O. Spics®; "Jo h an n es Cal­ vin,” IL H offm an; "L a Chanson de W illam e” edited by E. S. Ty- I ler; and "T he K ing W ho W as a ed are “ L abor and In tern atio n al- frag Zur G eistesgcschichte by L. L. I .Orwin; ism Money Illusion” by Irving Fisher: this and "C o rp o rate E arn in g Pow er" rep resen ted on K in g /’ IL G. Wells. is taking conditions are by W. L. ( ’rum. is L ite ra tu re When you are iir a hurry to make that 8 o’clock class, drop by PETE’S PLACE for a quick breakfast. O n e Egg H a w or B ac on B u t t e r e d Toast C o ffee 30c P E T E ’S P L A C E Qui ck Del i ver y Dial 2 - 30 1 4 ‘You D o n ’t Wa i t on U* Mu c h ’’ " 'P relude in G Minor,* by Rach­ m aninoff, played by Mian Mildred i Ktdd, Glee (*iub pianist, showed j feet* of liquor or has liquor taken brilliance interpretation* his possession will be charge, it was declared. , "The colors attached to the sea! . o f fchHa, h« explain,.!. th o m r , t t y o r , r o y .l blue and . . . The ch ap ter which will b , in stalled m Austin will be known a s; Nu chapter, and will be the t h i r - 1 tcen th in the U nited tSates. lightly H , r „ £0„ » f J through light, easy touch and clear and tra e rfW ly play,.,I, w a . ,W i s t f u l . -T he v*'*U v Co-Kd Q u artet, composed of well-blended voices, gave ‘Boat S o n g / by Cowen, and th a t ever-popular num ber, ‘Roses o f Picardy,’ by Haydn Wood. “ The fe a tu re of The c h a rte r mem bers o f Nu chapter of Rho Chi will be as follows: C. C. Albers, ad ju n ct pro- H U O , of pharm acy, U nlver.ity j Pharm acy, A ustin; College of A ustin; Ennis A. Viereck, Jlous- to n ; Elm er A. Richard, A lvin;; th(, skH w E dw ard Alpha G ragnon, San An­ tonio ; Frank. C herry G uffin, Aus tin ; H arvey W agenfuher, New B raunfels, cx stu d en ts; and L. W. Schleuse, in stru c to r in pharm acy In t h . Pharm acy. the program under the direction of Miss Ja n e t ^ , [ , ved lh'.. m ore clas­ sical num bers with a bit of spicy to er** a ta p dance by Miss I (ntt by stu d en ts a t The com m ittee step, not because bad, bid because it desires to keep s this weekly so u a l function tirely free from criticism . com m ittee m em bers believe plnn outlined *vill prevent d rin k ­ the dances, j Sheppard, and a clever pianologue, Members of the dance com m ittee a r ,. a * follow s: Virgil Tillery, j ‘Foolish Q u estio n s/ by Miss Flor , enc* W eymouth. The skit itself, J chairm an{ Bess Olsen, Byron Skel- , entitled ‘S ister M asons/ proved to ; lont Arm) Nowotny, and Miss Lula I be a very clever and unusual tak e ’ jy Bawley. Coll. . . o f , o ff „„ th , B n d en t o rJc r Q[ e n ­ The i the I In tro d u cto ry U niversity num bers .f u n . Ma- j . M embership in Rho Chi is lim­ ited to stu d en ts o f colleges th a t a re mem brs of the Am erican As­ sociation of Colleges of Pharm acy. Kiowa Indian Art Shown at C. I. A. Spacial ta The ImHy Tampa*. > . . “ r DENTON, Dec. 9, W ater color . . . P i n . . have been S ta te College and placed on display. . Bom*. "The selections sung by the en- tire Glee Club showed excellent tra in in g and quality in the c a re ­ fully blended voices and melodies. The following num bers were giv­ en : ‘In the Deeps O' the Daisies’ and ‘Noon and N ig h t/ by C. FL H aw ley; 'Im p a tie n c e / by S chubert by and Y e ste rd a y and T oday Charles G ilbert S prout; ‘M inuet,’ j by P a tty S tair, and ‘Will O’ th e Forty-five— (C ontinued from Page I) favouring goods , F a b ric s /’ in his "T extile "C u ltu re and Social Progress” by J. K. F oiaom d i l l s with sociol­ ogy- John Dewey*6! latest book on y K" '" * ,n d “ lu‘ : W isp.' by S p m -s; 'A Song o f De­ bouch! by tho Tvx. h B aht,’ by W alter Howe Joncx. and fo r W o m b (C X A .) j .0 „ , Morwwy.* by I’o d l KIU*. | J The paintings were bought from T heir final num ber, in which the in white, m em bers w ere dressed O scar B ro u z e J a c k s o n , d irector! WParjn* o ran |fr w.a r fR across th eir of of the a rt school a t Oklahoma Uni-!; shoulders, featu red a group varsity, who bar, marie a study of | snappy U niversity songs, conelud- the native a rts o f the Indians and mg with "T he Eyes of T exas/* encouraged the artists to devote j “ The club is under the m anagc- th e ir tim e to painting. India® a rt- m ent o f Mins Em ma V irginia fate whose w orks are included in j Decherd, with Miss Mildred Kid.! this group ar« Monroe Tso-To-Ke, accom panist hteve Mopope, Jack Hokeah, Spcn- c e r A shah, and Miss T sa-fo-K e. from "T he Effect o f the Recent Bul! •sensory and never uses a model. M arket on the New York Money The pictures depict scene: the are fam iliar to tribe. The speech given by Dr. J. C. Holley, title s such as "Love CnR,” ' M oth­ associate prole.*tor of business er and Papoose." "The W arrior reg u lar the adm inistration, a t m eeting of Beta Alpha Psi, hon­ in G reen," and "Cha ung the Evil orary and professional act >unting ■Spirit" reveal the typical subjects of th e work. * fra te rn ity , held in the M en’* F a c ­ ulty Club Tuesday night a t 6:30 o’clock. - DOLLEY GIVES TALK which M arket” was the subject of The Kiowa Indian paints — ___0______ the The next regular m eeting of Beta Alpha Psi will be held I hur day, Decem ber 12, G resham Marmion, president, announced. V uhing President Calls on Benedict a f te r I pneum onia, j night j P resid en t II. A. Morgan o f th* U niversity of Tenner-*** , who has come routh fo r his health a serious a tta c k of a rriv ed in A ustin Monday v/itln A, J. McKenzie o f San An­ tonio and y esterd ay aftern o o n vis­ ited P re sid e n t H . Y. Benedict. Mr, M organ expects to go on to t h i s m orning C orpus C hristi w here he will rem ain fo r an in- J d efin ite period. §M Graduate Students Pictures for the gradu­ ate section of the 1930 Cactus are now being taken. Appointments can be made at B. Hall 1X 9. * SAWYERS R a i n w e a r I BOC VK WD sue Kl. It 9 S* iu jr» rn , I n a «u.k.« liS»<4 rn Unnwg f.yii'tlw. ma lh. mmpna •MMI «rf|.4nw4 retire* HW. ».»4 «xhm*« *»,».- rn* a* §r>rn* o ffmmrantm ma, - S- m itt mm hw»s t*f« mn CMMit hat. tampa* 4»Vm mr* an >»ni4 I. 't in* nun.. • ST-bi car MMS ta. f/ttrmmimtd aa Lr«r ■ ort afc.aH.hdl- 4r> »>,4 a»4 arc ha ba t»4 ar williv.4 bal tam. .ar rtaaya aa jaaa ,«.(•* I*, a --lr •*«»!, mt airt** far r.mrf fmrpmmr. twobakral <«hara. Stw^ra awj- — bar.