First C o llege D aily in th e South A U ST IN , TEX AS, FRID A Y , M AY 12, 1922 CCME XXII BE DECIDED BK ■EET HERE H A I _______ ye T eam s M eet to Contest fori T itle of Sou thw estern C onference UHS FAVORED TD r e g o r y , W hite, Brown and illiard or K latt W ill Play for T exas Ticket Sale For Vachel Lindsey Reading Started T icket sale fo r the re ad in g by Va- j chel Lindsay, of his own poem s, to be a t Ju n io r High School next T ues : day night a t eight o’clock, w as open- y«*««U«y. T h e sale in In ch arg e and Ashbel of the Sidney L anier L itera ry societies who are bringing the poet here fo r this ap p earance. FROSH CUI PRICE DF BlRGE-PICIilC UP LUE TONIGHT O uting of First Y ear Students < W ill Include M usic, R e­ fresh m en ts and D ancing T ables will be kept R eduction o f the price o f tick ets to the freshm an barge ride which is in the ro tu n - , da of th e Main Building and a t vari- j ous o th e r places on the cam pus, in addition to personal selling by m em ­ bers o f the two Ffcieties. The price cents. fifty of adm ission will T ickets can be obtained only from y e a r stu d en ts which was held y e s te r - 1 these sources. slated fo r eig h t o’clock Lake A ustin, w as th e chief action of I a m eeting of a sm all n um ber o f firs t day a fte rn o o n a t five o ’clock in the to n ig h t be at W A R N S LENDERS OF ATHLETIC TICKETS V a rsity s tu d e n ts are w arn ed to be v e r y c a r e f u l in the f u t u r e with regard to th e use o f their b lank et ta x tic k e ts. A cc ord in g to Roy M c ­ co a c h in g L ean, o f the V a r sity s t a f f , the use o f th e a d m it t a n c e t ic k e ts by others than the original p u r ch a ser s hat b ecom e a la r m in g ly h av e co m m o n . M any b een d ep rived o f the u se of their tic k e ts, b eca u se o f their fa ilu r e to ab id e by the u nd er w hich the tick ets arn r e g u la tio n s stu d e n ts issued. Rustic Banquet Is Planned For ten n is S outhw estern C onference the m p.cnships in Singles and Doubles to u rn a m e n t W hile the exact num bers th a t will be given by Mr. Lindsay are not yet known, it is fa irly ce rtain th a t he will ll be decided in Ach s ta rts this m orning a t 9 o’clock read “ G eneral W illiam Booth En th a t firs t to ‘The Congo,” his fam - - , ous stud y of negro psychology, am ong the V arsity c o u rts a t 2 1 st and Q .tnv bedw ay, and lasts th ro u g h featur- ^ y a fte rn o o n . Sixteen n e t players, v uresentatives of five S outhw estern nferen ce schools, will com pete in in ■■ ----- -*■- in o th er o f his la te r w ritings, a ttra c te d w ide-spread a tte n tio n _______ ________________ te rs H eaven,” his w ork, an^ ^ ------ „ ^ the poem Hvw... ^ ^ j i . . ,.. ^ ... * u i • U7e tilS E T J T S Z rv.CTiinfNTQ PRFPARF title s,; LA U I U U L I1 1 ti I MLI i t ll L FOR REUNION DURING ’ COMMENCEMENT WEEK Seniors Tonight I auditorium o f the Law Building. This ; action w as taken in an en d eav o r to i increase the sale of tick ets, which has ! been proceeding ra th e r slowly a t the j gtream ers 0f orange and w hite, ab o u t a hundred men stu d en ts o f the sen- original price of one dollar. I ior class will p artic ip a te this even- T ic k e t C a m p a ig n ing in a banquet on the low er floor An active cam paign fo r the sale of decorations ru stic Amici Am ong the special tick ets was w aged last n ig h t rn th e of the Y. M. C. A. and U niversity neighborhood by a com m it- tee appointed a t y e ste rd a y ’s m eeting. | sp eakers will be John A. E a rh a rt, T eam s of co-eds w ith tick ets fo r sale s ta te sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. will be statio n ed in the ro tu n d a of (j. P. P aterson will act as to a st m as­ th e m ain building today fro m -n in e te r, and sh o rt to asts will be m ade by u n til one. Several team s of boys will re p resen ta tiv e s from tTV en gineering, p a rtic ip a te in tick et selling th ro u g h ­ law, academ ic, and business adm inis­ o u t th e day, as well. tra tio n d epartm ents. John M ayfield^ Tom Nash, d irec to r of g uests the pro B anquet, A dd resses and N um ­ ber of D inners W ill Fill T hree-day Program presid en t, the prom ises th e p rem ier ev en t o f season to m em bers of the p a rty . Mu­ sic and re fre sh m e n ts have been pro­ vided, and w ith dancing and the ride on th e venerable Lake A ustin b a rg e , tion fo r the Com mence m e n ' R eunion I p ro m o ters of the ev e n t are antieipa P lans are rapidly n ea rin g com ple­ frosh gram fo r the occasion, refu ses to give o u t any inform ation as to w hat sort o f e n te rta in m e n t will be o ffered , but insists th a t it w ill be w orthy o f th e Occasion and o f the guests. T his b anquet is an annual a ffa ir, tin g little d ifficu lty in m aking it a j given by the Y. M, C. A. as a last the out-going men g e t-to g e th e r fo r o f the U niversity. H o w e v e r , t w o days o f t e n - 1 The annual b anquet, nu m ero u s a d - 1 m em orable one. a n d ) 0* ex-students o f the U niversity. rence Singles and D oubles ll go to the- school or schools, rep- I the w inning e n tra n ts.! ren ted by Idividual m edals will also go to the I n n e r of th e Singles cham pionships th e Doubles I d to the w inners of t Ue- D ope Favor* Lon gho rn* ^ B e c a u s e of th eir clean-cut victories r the S outhw estern C onference ms which will be rep resen ted in i title to u rn ey , the L onghorns, on p e r. a t least a re favored to win titles in both the singles ubles. G r a ft Last Y ear The ride this y e a r is th e ou tg ro w th o f an a tte m p te d g ra ft of last year, w hen an anonym ous le tte r p u rp o rt­ ing to com e from the “ fresh m an g et to g e th e r com m ittee” was circu lated am ong new stu d e n ts sh o rtly before re q u estin g th e opening o f school, enclosed e ith e r the re tu rn o f tic k e t ride o r th e re m ittan ce o f a dollar. Al­ though considerable money ceived the self appointed "com m it­ te e ” gained nothing, as U niversity a u th o ritie s forced him to give the prom ised festival. T his e n te rta in ­ m ent, how ever, is a bona fide action o f th e fresh m an class. th e freshm an b arg e the to SKETCH FROM STEPHENS S READ BV M I H M Story of the Sea Is Chosen for W eek ly Public R eading * HAPLESS BOYS ARE LED THRU W AYS OP EVIL Up and down th e venerable F’o rty Acres the rockiest hills was re-1 and through all the d ark est pathw ays o f last th irteen u n fo rtu n a te night w ere led blind-foldeodson, Wood an d B uckner, o f the lylor B ears; and B ryan and Baird, the S. M| U. M ustangs. G overnor P a t M. N e ff is to be ope of th e prom inent speakers who will address the ex-students. The classes 5 y ears out ,10 y ears out, 15 years out, 20 years out, 25 y ears o u t 30 y ears out, and 35 y ea rs out will m eet in groups fo r d in n e r every night. Dia- tinguished men from each g roup will speak a t these dinners. The b an q u et will be the crow ning event o f th e re­ union. :D STEP SINGS REINED — [andolin Club and Gbrls’ Cho­ ral Club W ill Furnish M usic Gates Tells Pre-Meds of Problems Facing Prospective Doctors D r. C. S. G ates, p opular U n iv er­ sity physician, gave an in te re stin g lectu re to the P re-m ed Society la st n ig h t on the ^P roblem s o f the M edi­ he In cal S tu d e n t.” th e in tro d u ctio n the c o n g ra tu la te d the Pre-M eos on “ U niversity S tep S in g s," which oved p o p u lar w ith stu d en ts it spring, will be revived tonight ,,n the M andolin C lub and tis ' C horal Club will lead o ff fo r I o p p o rtu n ity of becom ing acq u ain ted e first of the m eetings th is y e a r . i w ith e »rh o th er b efo re e n te rin g me- Hi" talk included dia- e steps a t the S outh en tra n c e o f I . Main B uilding will continue to I e lis io n s of the su b jects: th e place fo r the m eeting. I the over-stressing o f pre-m ed w ork, M im eographed copies o f V a rsity I the necessity o f plan n in g a d efin ite ngs have been prep ared and will be | ca ree r, the im portance o f choosing a strib u ted tonight a t seven o'clock beneficial place to practice, th e n e­ cessity o f internships, and the m er­ ce n ary evils. follow ing Jm ong all those a tte n d in g the m eet­ ing. B oth men and women will as c sual have a p a r t in t i e singing. M em bers o f b oth the Y. M. C. A. d Y. W. C. A. will tak e p a r t in leading. Aided by the M andol- A short business m eetin g was held, and it was decided to have th e . an n u al spring term b an q u e t on May 26. The com m ittee in charge o f the chair- Mil stage a “ Step S ing” each F rid ay : m an, K ent H u n t, M audie M arie Burn* C lub and the C horal clubs, they ban q u et ta C harles B eavens, g h t from 7 to 8 o’clock un til the and Evan Hume. id of th e school. E I G H T E E N - M I L E P A D D L E Leaving the dock early Monday c m ing and paddling a ll day, a oap of U niversity co-eds will ta k e the ilorado river. Those who expect go are requested to sign up on the W oman s eighteen-m ile paddle bulletin board in up en; -o- b i b l e s t u d y c l a s s Friendly Society to Stage Annual Dance at Drisldll Tonight T onight a t the D riskill hotel, the an n u al May Dance given u n d er the auspices of the G irl’s F rien d ly So­ the ciety will be held. Music fo r a f fa ir will be furnished by Shak­ i * y ’» O rchestra. at 9 o’clock. ’ T ickets fo r this dance will be placed on sale in th e co rrid o r o f Hie “ Economies in the Old T estam e n t” i Main B uilding, and a t th e U niversity ll be the subject of th e lesson fo r I D rug S tore a t the price of one dot* t Bible S tudy class to n ig h t in the Jar per couple. Home m ade candy en tire .js* reading room at 7 o’clock. M iss. will also be sold, and U phine Budd will conduct the d is - . proceeds will go to th e c h a rity work ggjgn. I ca rried on by the society. th e EEH m B A K * T U L A K C o m m e n c e m e n t o r c h e str a , S B a sk e tb a ll S c h e d u le L im ited and commendable thought they may be in themselves, will be strictly limited. SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Spring is fataj /to cobwebs, out of the way corners, closets, basements, and in fact, dirt of People, are any description. like that; they like to pile in the comer what they used yester­ day. In many cases But in the spring something grips at the housewives’ heart. The piles in the corners and the cobwebs are an eye sore to her. Everything feels clammy. She shudders when she walks over the rugs. the house is spick and span from top to bottom. But that Jones boy across the street is beating his mother's rugs. Mrs. Jones is going around with a white towel over her head. Then “Mrs, Average House Wife" be­ gins to see imaginary cobwebs. The very spring air is contami­ nated with dank, smelly, dead air. And the average young­ ster misses a month, he thinks of baseball or whatnot because he doesn't know the suggestion. J* i B a i l l i ® e x a tt Pint U iiw Daily F ^ b i» b « d o b th * Omm»m r f Ut* rf Te**» b f Th* Tm*m Student* r«fc!ierffc>«* lo*., «v*rjr n o rm a * exeunt Mot,4mf. i/Mcm: Room IU, Main BuiMio* TeleolMM BIIB f l l l f i bf U»w«mity rf Tau* Pm*. ^ Bal fcnterrf ■« **eond-cJiu»* matter rf Urn pmt> th* Arf r f IST*. A « * » • * » • • *• rfBe« rf A a*ti®. Trnuw, aiwter C o » * m * . M a r * t , rrf* af is*«UMr« prwrfdrf <«* ,B I n t . n o s . A e t r f O rfw te** I , w i t , • u t w t a a i WpigriMr 24. itll. . BEAVIS C O l Editor 4ft Cbirf m H A R R Y JACK TOMAS SaV'.*r»»ir>*r G. POLLARD ffcwiMM* Um rooter JATO ISE GLADNEY sad KEITH COPPAGE Adversa*in* Manager* STAPP FOR TODAY Mary Bowman. *«j Kenneth Hackler Geo. H. Cof fe lt - __ ..... .............. .!*•«• Editor Acutest ....A s s is t a n t REPORTERS KUI* Brown Horace Walker Ana* Dm»1* Myrtle McLemore Irwin Tbellen Jan* Worthington Viola Oerter A. Ha«*er Winnie D. J*«*fc»oa Friday, May 1 2 , 1922 THIS WEEK T a d ., U i i r t r i i t f S h rin e C lub, M B. 1 4 2 , 2 p. m . L o n g h o rn B an d , M en’i G ym , u n ifo r m e d , 3 : 3 0 p. rn. P r e se n t-D a y C lub, Astilbe! room , G irls' G lee C lub, S H all IO, 5 5 p. m. p. rn. H a ll, 7 p. rn. " W -E ' C lu b, V. M, C. A ., 7 p. rn. B ib le S tu d y C lass, g ir ls’ rea d in g ro o m , 7 p. rn. F re sh m a n B a rg e R id e, Lake § I A u stin , 8 p. rn. S a tu rd a y L o n g h o rn B and, M e n ’s G y m , 3 : 3 0 p. rn. in u n ifo rm , MM • UWM MM riMII^ Domes or others M a rth a M cC oy, E d ito r laws announcem ent N e w D o rm ito ry at C orn ell Construction work is to begin im ^ m e d i a t e l y on lloldt Hall, new dor­ m itory a t Cornell University, accord­ ing to the recently He does have an imagination made by the hoard of trustees. The though. Every time he swings viciously with the rug beater he lhuildin* win accommodate sixty men. It la also planned to allow the custom hears tens of thousands of voic­ of memorial room*, now used in con­ es cheering him, and he sees a nection with the other dormitories, small white baseball go floating to he continued here. According to over the distant fence. Occas­ this plan, the room will he named ionally a puff of white dry dirt a fte r the donor of a sum which is I from the rug brings him to his practically the cost of the room ; in I senses. this ras(. it will he $167,000. The running expenses of the building will be drawn from the room rental and It is good exer\»e. We from the annual appropriation from ■ Spring house cleaning is a blessing, whether it is needed or not. e # • a the alum ni fund. fellowship at Michigan University now is the held by Robert Frost, poet probable result of a report recently made to the president of th at school. It is not known whether the donor of the tem porary endowment will re ­ new the fund or not. It was also sug­ gested th a t if the endowment be con­ tinued, the appointm ent he given to Mr. Front. At a late faculty session of the University of Idaho it was decided that Idaho’s basketball schedule for next year cannot exceed 22 games. This will lighten the schedule consid­ erably a sMbottt 30 games were played this year. To S e le c t M o tt P o p u la r G irl Over 8,000 ballots have been dis­ tributed among the students in an election designed to determ ine the most beautiful and the most popular girl in Wisconsin. The professors also will be subjected to public judgm ent in regard to th eir ability and popu­ larity. To D rop S tu d en t* F rom S ch ool A ruling ha* recently been enacted j by the faculty of the University of < Tulsa whereby* a!) students failing in i c over forty per cent of th eir work j will be dropped from school. Another ' plan under consideration will the num ber of student activities which the student engages. limit in K C a rn iv a l at S ta n fo r d Vanity Fair, S tan fo rd ’s 1922 spring carnival opened recently for a two- night showing. T hirty and concessions and fifty dancing girls constitute the carnival. shows S en io rs to B e E x a m in ed A petition th at seniors be exempted from final exams was rejected on April IT by President Doney of Wil­ na mette University, when presented by the senior class. The president stated th a t exams are necessary as test of a student's a fundam ental knowledge. N in e P h. D.'* to B e G iven According to recent advices, nine applications have been received by the registrar'* office at the University of }j Iowa for the Ph. D. d e g r e e . "For F low ers Fone 8261" — M o t h e r ’s Day Sunday, May 14 th [ rn For M other livin g— flow ers bright Roses, Peonies, Carnations, Bas­ kets, Potted Plants, Window Boxes. For M other’s memory- flow ers w h ite E aster Lilies, Lily Valley, Peo­ nies, Roses, Cem etery Plants, Baskets, Bouquets. C onnelly's Austin Floral Co., Inc. 722 Congress Flowers phone 8261 mm J. C. LYNCH WOMEN’S WEAR Congress Ave. A t N in th S t. IN D IV ID U A L A D A P T IO N FO R EVERY H O U R Conservatism Combined With Smartness Figured C repe de Chine D resses $14.75, $19.75 and $29.50 Fibre Silk S w eaters Slip-over and Tuxedo Special $8.75 D im ity Blouses Smart and Unusual $3.50 LA L L SU ITS A T R E D U C ED PRICES itiwtniiimttHimHjmwHmiiHtiiiiUiiiiiiitiuiwuiiiiimtimiiiiHtHiiUMiiimiifiuiHiiHHRitiHiitiiiiiittiuisiiiiiuinwnituiUiiiuiiftfiiuim S ta n fo r d F e n c e r s C o a st C ham pions Leland S tan fo rd ’* fencing team was adjudged the champion of the Pacif­ ic* Cote*t a t the eonclufdon vf a recent meet at Stanford. The captain of the team won all five of hi* match#*, thus becoming the individual colleg­ iate champion of the coast. M ay C o n tin u e C re a tiv e A rts F e llo w ­ ship Continuation of the creative a rts -At M ueller’s Shoe Store Do You Know a Good Racket? — We are taking special pleasure in showing our Rackets this season. They are the finest on the mar­ ket. a m a t e u r a t h l e t i c s In so far as the dangers at- tendant upon 'the professional- get tired of seeing that picture be in the same place. It looks like ism in college athletics can a new picture if it is changed legislation through avoided from its place over the piano to passed in collegiate athletic con­ a wall space where the plaster ferences, the drastic rules laid is cracked. The white spot on down by the Southwestern Con­ the wall doesn’t look half as bad as the crack in the plaster. And ference during its recent meet­ the Victrola—It has been In one ing in Dallas are valuable. The corner so long it seems -as If it spirit shown is commendable, is fastened there.- We actually and the more rigorously the reg­ have a regular concert when we ulations are enforced (which in find it changed; otherwise, it wouldn't have been played at all. itself will involve innumerable The smell of the furniture polish difficulties) the better the sit­ more than refreshing. Above uation will be. all, the house is clean fo*/ anoth­ of the Conference has been ac­ er year. Life is worth Irving after all. cused by someone of violating in some way and to some degree moat of these rules; and prob­ ably in most cases the charges are just Hied. So that this ac­ tion taken by the Conference aa a body is a decided step for­ ward. OFFICIAL NOTICES —-University Daily Kansan. FOREIGN LANGUAGE * * * I t is o n ly t h e f i r s t s te p , h o w - as follows: Spanish, M, B. ; May 12 and 13 from 2 to req u ire ­ m ent examination* will be held on p. na. 218; French, Ed. B. 302; Germ an, Ed. B. 303; Greek and Latin, Ed. B. 206. Students wishing to take them should tu rn th# in day and they w ish to take them to the chairm an of the com m ittee. their -ami names subject on which J. O. LOFBERG, t r i n i n g ALL VOCATIONAL s tu ­ dents who have not yet furnished the undersigned with a statem ent in w riting aa to w hether or not they desire to remain in summ er school, are urgently requested to do so w ith­ If you are a senior, it is out delay, necessary this that you report office before the end of the week, to BRUCE A. LOW, Co-ordinator. orchestra t#)li ht Commencement a t 7 o’clock a t _ ... a .. -4 4 /Avvi ftrfkti irk colleges hi! over ever, and more difficult work ref na i us to be accomplished be­ finished. As is fore the job long as athletics continues to be vt ll the center of attention in school and the chief medium of adver­ the tising country, as long a» promoting athletic contests continues to be a highly profitable big business enterprise, ar|d as long as coach­ es are paid high salaries to pro­ duce teams that are a creditable advertisement of the colleges, so long will it be difficult to stamp out professionalism in its en­ tirety. The first two of these conditions it may be impossible to eradicate, for the interest of students in sports hardly ought where to be stamped out and ____ there in a demand there will Bl- ) REHEARSAL OF way* be a business to satisfy it.. The th ird I i more susceptible to; s Ha!1 change, and yet it is the most dangerous of the three. Coaches are paid high salaries because it is thought th a t they can w in ; and it is the desire to win al­ ways th a t plays havoc with amateur sport. The influence of gam blers must also be con­ sidered, for it would be hard to tell ju st how much profession-’ alias: has been due to that cause; j but the basis cause of the trouble I the sp irit of "praise if you wir. and gripe if you lose." How to cure it is a problem. Prob­ ably it can best be eradicated participation!; by encouraging rath er th an observation The: thrill o f the is enough to keep up the interest! of the players; but the spectat­ or gets his th rill from seeing his team win, which accounts for the fact th a t the man who doesn't take p a rt Is the man who doe* nm e-tenhs o tf the kicking. a game itself !>r o f . REED. CHAPEL N O T IC E chapel Yesterday’s talk was based upon Browning’* “ Saul.” While this poem is not as gener­ ally known as some of Browning’s oth er poems, regarded by scholars as on# of his most m agnif­ It is soundly icen t productions. philosophical and religious, beauti­ ful in form and a most convinc­ in g piece of clim actic art. is it The name of the poem is “ Saul,” b u t the hero is David, the young shepherd and h a r p ist D avid’s m u­ s k calms in the insane Saul. The poet shows the pow er of m usic over the various phases o f life . He then shows the power o f love where music fails and the climax of love is shown in the* person of reaches Christ which Browning through pathetic utterances of David in the closing stanza. The lecture w a s one of the most convincing and entertaining pre­ sented by the speaker. Dr. Payne will close hi* series of addresses this morning by analyzing Brown­ ing’s “ A Death in the D esert.'' * * * Whatever the cause may be, I one thing is d e a r. The trouble; lim somewhen h3 the sentiment j of the student body and in the commerdaHxIw of that senti­ m ent, U ntil that rn corrected, the good that am be done by Omtewmm ruling*, excellent Chairm an. -The new styles in Calfskin— YOUNG MEN S OXFO RDS Blat k and Brown—medium toe, low flat rubber heels. $8 50 to $10 .0 0 All sizes— We Can F it You C all H. Mueller COH Congress Avenue Home of Good Shoes. Hosiery Genuine SEERSUCKER SUITS For $10.75 COHN BROS. Phone 8056 Come In and Handle One for Yourself TENNIS BALLS A fresh 1922 stock— Get the full enjoyment out of your game, by using live balls. The Co-Op Graduation Presents Jewelry, useful articles of Silver, Toilet and M anicure Pieces, or prac­ tical gifts of fine Leather, are excel­ lent graduation presents as y o u know. M any people think good quality in such things is necessarily expensive. T hat is a m istaken idea. W ithin the price range of $1 to $3 you will find h e r e innum erable choice gifts for boys and girls, each the quality that discrim inating p er­ sons are proud to possess. Let us be your graduation gift coun­ sellor. , Carl Mayer Company 404-406 Congress Avenue J ew ele rs-—Silversm iths— D iam ond M erchants THE HALLM ARK STORE 6 1 8 C ongress A ve. rn, W hat s this— No More Cuts? N O T C H A P E L C U T S . N O T R E C I T A T I O N C U T S . But no more shaving cuts. W i llia m s ’ Shaving Cream has helped abolish them. You can “ go into high when you climb your face with Williams’ Shaving Cream. It lathers instantly. And lathers right: T h ic k and creamy. It softens the meanest bristle. Q u i c k . R i g h t d o w n to t h e very base o f every hair. N o need to cut chapel, recitation or face w hen you use a keen razor and W ill­ iams’ Shaving Cream. Be skeptical. Prove it for yourself. T ry i t — tomorrow before chapel. W illia m s Shaving Cream I MU The 1922 Cactus Is Just Off the Press1 IT H A S BEEN SH IPPED A N D WILL BE READY FOR SALE THE MINUTE IT ARRIVES IN AUSTIN REMEMBER: 1. You must have your receipt. 2. No checks will be accepted. 3. If you subscribed with your library deposit, we will have your assignment.' 4. You may pay $5.00 and get your library deposit assignment returned. Watch the Daily Texan Announcement of the cactus Arrival rf"* m e a s It s'{'- \ J . i E le a n o r H in d m a n E d ito r LitJ B eard-B road Miss Dorothy Broad of Paris and jpMt John Bt-ard of Tyl^r are to be m arried tonight in San Antonio i t [eight th irty at the home of Mrs. H. A. Rogers. Miss Broad took her B. A. degree in 1921 and will get her . A. degree in June. She has been an ssistant in the B. A. departm ent for he past year. She is a member of Cuppa Kappa Gamma and Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. Beard is president of the Seri tor Law Class and a member b f Delta Chi fratern ity . They will leave San Antonio tonight for Mex­ ico C ity where Mr. Beard has a po­ sition with the Pierton Power Lum- o ber Co. Barlow-Pew Word has been received here of th e wedding of M arjory Pew o f El f Paso and Lee Roy Barlow of Aus­ tin, both form er U niversity students. The ceremony was perform ed on the A f lig h t of May 9 at the home of the ride in El Paso. The bride was a member of (’hi Omega sorority and 'th e groom of Phi Gamma Delta f ra ­ ternity*. Mr. Barlow was in the mid- fdle law class in the fall term but has passed the exam inations fo r the bar and is now practicing in Austin. A l ­ couple ter. a short honeymoon, the Will reside here. in Honor of Founders’ Day the Delta Sigma Phi fra tern ity e n te r­ tained with a banquet a t the Dris- kill on the night of May 9. The fra ­ tern ity colors, and white, were carried out in effective deco­ rations, with white carnations for flowers. ae toastm aster for the occasion. Jim Nowlin served green Frances Myrick returned yester­ day from a visit to her home in Lockhart where she was called by the, illness of her brother. Mrs. Philip Pearson of Richmond is spendin ga few days a t the Pi Beta Phi house. Mrs. Pearson was form ­ erly Hallie Kelley. Fern Byas of San Antonio is the the guest o f Dorothy DuMar» for week-end. M rs. Howell Duncan of San An­ gelo is a guest at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Mrs. Florence Bell will spend the week-end in F o rt W orth. Nan R. Gilkerson will spend the week-end in Galveston. C. F. Otey will spend the week-end jjfin Runge visiting friends and rela­ tiv e s . Esther Wilson is spending a few days in San Antonio. q little m an?” asked the m inister, when he had regained his breath. “ Hom e!” panted the boy. “ Ma's going to spank me.” “ W hat!” gasped the astonished “ Are you eager to have m inister. your m other spank you th at you run home so fa st? ” “ No,” shouted the boy over his shoulder, as he resumed his home­ ward flight, “ but if I don’t get there before pa, he'll do it!” — Pittsburgh Christian Advocate. W h en you th in k of clean in g an d tailo rin g we a re th in k in g of you. Biggs & Co. M o th er's D ay— F o r y o u th e re is only one M other in th e w hole w ide w o rld .— Send h e r a g ree tin g c a rd from th e B lue­ bonnet Shop. Iii I-' I = = = = = = = = s a s s - - -—S353WH SMB rn 1mm rn EVERY GEORGETTE CREPE A N D SILK BLOUSE IN THE H O U SE ONE-HALF PRICE TODAY, 9 to 12 M. ESTES & COMPANY 816 Congress THE DAILY TEXAN please retu rn it to the Texan office for rew ard? — l l during LOST— On campus or on Clark Field League Interscholastic meet, young m an’s coat, dark with red stripe, size 36, belonging to Please r e ­ Shawner from Troupe. — l l turn to Texan office. ONE LARGE south* room, beautiful­ ly furnished, for rent with board, to a couple. Adjoins bath. 2206 San — 16 Antonio. in Girls’ Study — LOST Saturday Hall pen. fountain gold-banded Please retu rn to Texan Office. .— 12 LOST— A pair of shell-rimmed glas­ ses in black case be tween L ibrary and Main Building or in Girls' Study Hall. Finder please leave at lost and found office or call 7847. Reward. — 12 W ILL THE PERSON whp took a a blue silk umbrella with white and yellow striped handle from room 142 M. B. please call M. Bounds 5096. _ i 3 . VJ.- WE DON’T ADVERTISE MUCH We are just busy and don’t have time to write copy— but we’ve got the merchandise and at the right price:— everything a ’man wears from sox up. LAWS AND ARMSTRONG Men’s Furnishers and Tailors 720 Congress Ave. SWIMMING Today A l DEEP EDDY Dr T. F. Cox D e n tia t Scarbrough Bldg. Let Us Watch Your Teeth DR. GUFFIN and associates Dentist* Phone 7839 — 812 Vt Congree* We do your work now T r y d * “I A A O u r $1.00 W ashing Fam ily Sand it the gundrtf A ustin Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. (W e W ash in S o ft W a te r) THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS offers CORRESPONDENCE / COURSES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Take a course during the summer months. The work m ay be done either at home or on a summer’s trip. Courses of college grade, courses p rep arato ry to Teachers’ Certifi­ cates, courses in Law, and Business and Vocational courses may be had. Stop by I. H all, Room 11 for Further Information M O TH ER ’S D A Y N ext Sunday We have made a special effort to get you something for Mother’s Day. Something new— good—appro­ priate. DON’T FORGET YOUR MOTHER G ifts That Last LA. N S D Q ^ N E - n A R R I T T /7=D. L IL IE S - [ > 7 1 6 OONGHKJ V------ U s Rusk Rusk will hold its final regular meeting of this long session, next Saturday night, May 13 the follow­ ing Saturday, May 20 already being the allotted entertainm ent with which this or­ ganization always closes Its year's work. the Rusk Banquet, to Plans for the banquet are to be perfected at this week’s meeting, and prospective after-dinner speak­ ers must be on hand. A fter the dis­ posal of this m atter, the following program is scheduled: “ Some Recent Happenings,” C. L. Phinney; “ Some G littering G eneralities,” Nowlin Ran­ dolph; and a debate on the ques­ the United tion: Resolved, T hat States should m aintain a navy of only, regardless o f the of sufficient strength for police power other nations, with C. T. Groce and M. G. Smyth as affirm ative speakers, and Homer A. Williams and J. H. Tipps as negative speakers. policy Hogg At the m eeting of the Hogg De­ bating Club next Tuesday night sev­ eral m atters of business will be taken up concerning this y e a r’s activities. A short program will be rendered as follows: D ebate: Resolved, T hat the editorship o f the U niversity publica­ tions should be elim inated from poli­ tics. Allen Nisbet, R obert Hutchins, Negative; W alter Rundell, Milton Wilson, A ffirm ative. Ashbel will m eet in called session this afternoon a t 5 o'clock in the Ashbel room for the purpose of dis­ tribu tin g tickets for Vachel Lind­ say. All m em bers are urged to be present. “ F o r F lo w ers Forte 8261.** CLASSIFIEDS STUDENTS— Good, firat clast bar­ ber service at the Hall of Fame, Palace Barber Shop, next door to — i f K ress. ate, satisfaction assured; H E M ST IT C H *^— Chargee moder­ sewing at machines rented and Household Specialty Shop 1700 La­ t f vaca. Phone 7086. repaired DR. WILLIAM E. BERGMAN, suite 905 Littlefield Building, dental surgeon and pyorrhea specialist, of­ fice phon* 2538. Austin. Texas —tf W ILL TH E PERSON who found a last Friday kodak in the Gym Aikbcl There is a reason for this. et r I ti ‘f A G reat Hit Missed.— Stage mana- P|*er—“ All ready, run up the curtain." Stage hand— “ Say, what do you -Froth. think I am, a squirrel' Moonshine Visibility Test.— One inoon— pretty good; two moons— the ‘teal s tu ff; No moon— wood alsohol. — Life. Of Course, U nintentional—Joe— ^ ‘Sweets to the sw eet?” M Sephine— “Oh, thank you; may I — Goblin. p a ss you the n u ts? ” The Simple Life.— First Cannibal “ Our chief has hay fever.” Second cannibal— “ W hat brought ‘ First Cannibal— “He ate a grass widow.” —Journal American Medical t on?” ssociation. All Clear Now.— “ Money the root of all evil.” T hat is the reason rn all try to dig it up.— Columbia fester. is His Scattered A cquaintance.— She “ W hat were you doing a fte r the i n d e n t ? ” tance.” He—^ “ Scraping up an acquain­ — Widow. Local color.— Poet— I am out here get local color fo r a pastoral poem. Farm er— I reckon you're g e ttin ’ it, mister. I painted that settee only j [this morn in’. — Boston T ranscript M other’s Gentle Hand.—-T he lit­ tle boy in this' story from “Touche a [Tout” was evidently a firm believer jill the old adage. evils fchoose the less.” T urning a corner fat full speed he collided with the I m inister. “ O f tw o “W here are you running to, my W ant a job this summer? L. O. Clark at “Y ” today. | $7.00 per day guarantee. ,Q _ : Students wishing summer ^employment see E. J. • Hood, [2110 Tom Green Street tonight :30 to 8:30. W an t a job this summer? See L. O. Clark at “Y ” today. $7.00 p er day guarantee. For good h o m e cooking, deasant surroundings, Cactus ca Room. - O '* Hillyer’s flow ers persuade vhere argum ents fail. Phone 1160. For Mother’s day flowers, 'hone 6964. H yde Park Floral Hillyer’s flow ers m ake old sew. Phone A IM . E ll Sr tgtjSfllL:: It A Dress Shoe You’ll w ant for w ear to teas and in the eve­ nings, A brocaided satin w ith trim m ings of patent m ake this shoe a modish, new thing in footwear. Priced Specially A t New Grey Silk Hose—Fine Quality $2.00 DONNELLY A WHITE Plumbing sad Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ars. Phone 131 Y o u r F rie n d s, Von Boeckmann- Jones Co. Printers TH U R LO W B . W E E D Em balm er mad F uneral D irector! M odern F uneral H om e. Superior A m bulance S o rtie#. Lavaca a t 17th Phono SOSO HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE BUILDING LAST CHANCE! To get a good, sure-money-making job for this summer. A bout SO University men have already cinched this opportunity. ONLY 5 MORE MEN NEEDED Training class starts tonight. See me at Y. M. C. A . TO D A Y . S. W . OW ENS §§J IL lk ■ I-JBI b.i S I S The 1922 Cactus Is Just Off the Press IT HAS BEEN SH IPPED A N D WILL BE READY FOR SALE T H E M INUTE IT ARRIVES IN A U STIN You must have your receipt. No checks will be accepted. If you subscribed with your library de­ posit, we will have your assignment. You may pay $5.00 and get your library deposit assignment returned. Watch the Daily Texan Announcement of the Cactus Arrival . H ■ I M THC DAILY ^ ■ = 2 = T H U M DIETETICS CUSS STUDIES r e s o l u t io n c a l l s f o r s p e c ia l H I H Of MEXICANS LEGISLATURE TO SAVE SCHOOLS A resolution urging the governor fore, be it resolved by th e U n iv ersity One-third of West Avenue High School Children Reach Nor­ mal in Five Months o f T exas to call a special session o f the leg islatu re to en a ct legislation that is necessary to a v ert the W orking in connection with the In­ danger th at is th rea ten in g the pub­ d ietetics ternationa! In stitu te, the lic schools o f T exas w as adopted by dan* o f the public health nursing de- the U n iversity P ost o f the A m erican Legion at their m eetin g held T hurs­ full day night. The resolu tion reads J partm ent has made distinct progress in the nutrition claes which they in P ost o f the Am erican L egion: I. That w e urge th e H onorable; Pat M. N e ff, G overnor o f the S tate j o f T exas to call a special session o f j the L egislature o f T exas im m ediate-1 ly, and recom m end the en a ctm en t o f! any and all em ergen cy leg isla tio n as in his ju d gem en t m ay be n ecessa ry J and proper to avert the dan ger now th reaten in g our public schools. started am ong th • M exican children o f the W est A ven u e High School less than fiv e m onths ago. When* the children w ere exam ined, w eighed, and m easured in the latter part o f Der em ber, 29.5 per c e n t o f them Were found to be TO p e r c e n t under w eight. A fte r atten d in g the rm tn-j lion class, one-third o f the children have reached norm al w eight. T he class is held in a little house c lo se to the in tern ation al In stitu te. It has been cosily furnished by th e, g irls o f the Y. W, C. A., o f the Home f E conom ic D ep artm en t, and o f the J public health nursing departm ent. E very w eek the children are w eighed I W hereas, the public school system o f T ex a s is now con fron ted with a crisis, and school boards in all parts o f the sta te are fin d in g it d iffic u lt and in m any in stan ces im possible to em ploy teachers for the com ing ses­ sion so that the very ex iste n c e of many schools, particu larly the rural d istricts, is th rea ten ed ; and, in the 2 That we urge ex ecu tiv e com m ittee and S tate com m ander o f the departm ent o f T exas o f the Am ­ erican Legion to appeal to th e G over­ nor o f T exas to com e to the r e lie f o f the public schools at once, and that all o f the posts in the departm ent o f j T exas be asked by the e x e c u tiv e com* m ittee to unite in this appeal. W hereas, the A m erican Legion stands behind the program o f popu­ lar ed u cation , b eliev in g th at an e n ­ ligh ten ed citizen sh ip is the b est s a fe ­ guard o f the republic, now , there- 3. T hat copies o f this resolution the be forw arded by the post H onorable Pat M. N e ff, G overnor o f; T exas, and to the S ta te C om m ander and to the press. to LUTHER L E A G U E E N T E R T A IN S S ain t M artin's L uther L eague w ill and an y d « r - « . or W ig h t la recorded. T he p rin cip le. | ^ entertain the con firm ation class o f i n e r t . . . m j |h u year with , Mcitl Frid, y e v en . the , 2 , t 8 p. w „ at „ d e fe a t being charged who cracks firsts. to the ' lurler health and nutrition are taught by! 1 m eans o f sto ries and m ovies. As a Lutheran A nnex, a t 14 and C on g­ ress A venue. The en terta in m en t com ­ recen t fe a tu r e , each girl in the die- m ittee baa com pleted all plans for a tr tlc s c ) a « mule, - a v isit tp th* horn* ,(K.jab|e evening. A „ L utheran atu- o f an individual child and tries to dents and their frien d s are cord ial­ b e tte r co n d itio n s that can be ram s-J ly requested to atten d . FELLOWS: KEEP COOL By w earing gen u in e Seersucker Suits. Ask for J. Darrell Jones At Scarbrough’s Today 2 to 6 p. in. Stylish Hosiery Ii ithout Extravayance The woman who has thought it necessary to pay high prices for sm art hosiery will be agreeably surprised when she comes here and prices Hole- proof. But reasonable prices are not the only saving this famous hosiery’ offers. Its extraordi­ nary durability makes your money go nftuch far­ ther. Our stock of Holeproof is complete in all re­ spects: materials, colors, sizes and styles— for woman and man. R E A D TH E A D S IN TH E DAILY T E X A N AU U I h t i t On S M DELHI PSI Sigma Chi Wins Over Sigma Nu for Finals in Fraternity Series N SENIOR O TTS D e fe a tin g the Sigma Nu baseball team by a score o f 7 to 3 yesterd a y aftern o o n , the Sigm a Chi fra tern ity team gained the right to p lay the Phi Gamma D elta team for the in ter­ fra tern ity baseball cham pionship. C on tin u in g th e Sigm a D elta Psi O v e r Fifty Men Out for Two- mile Run, Shot Put and Baseball Throw The conspicuous fe a tu r e s o f the gam e yesterday were the co n siste n t­ ly good hurling o f Harris W illiam s, for the w inners, who fanned eigh t o f the Sigm a Nu players and allow ed only fiv e hits, and the spectacular work o f Stein Lee, who, in addition one to p erfect put and the b aseb all throw yesterday I d iffic u lt double play, wa* responsible for tw o runs in a sin gle inning w ith ­ out the n ecessity o f a single hit. worked on the tw o m ile run, the shot tryou ts, b etw een f i f t y and six ty men aftern oon . including field in g, The tw o m ile run proved the hard­ e st event o f the n in e e v e n ts that have been tried fo r by th e honorary a th ­ letic fr a te r n ity a sp iran ts. Only nine for q u a lified the* sh o t pot. men w ere able to fin ish the distance run in th e tim e required for senior standing. T h ose th a t succeeded in m aking this e v e n t in the senior tim e .seconds w ere: o f 12 m in u tes, 15 N ew berry, H arris, D avis, M cCurdy, H aw ley, O gletree, R eese, W illiam s, and Gormon. S ev en teen in senior stan d in g In th is ev en t, th e c a n d id a te s had to shove in direct com ­ th e bail a d ista n c e parison w ith th eir w eigh ts. Men o f ev e r 150 p ounds had to put the shot 30 feet, and th e w a le ranged dow n­ w ard in com parison with their res­ p ective w eigh ts. T he fo llo w in g men gain ed sen ior sta n d in g in this even t: R eese, O g le tr e e , C ook, H olt, Nam i, S la v ik , B righ t, Karnes, R agland, D ickson, K a van eau , H ill, Harris, M cC andless, and T ow nsend. B oyk in , W hite, --------------- o—------------* LONCHORN-AGGIE BASEBALL SERIES TO START TODAY (C ontinued from page I ) Aggies Ara Strengthened Strengthened by the return to the lineup o f B ugs Morris, clean tip hit­ short-field scin tillatin g ter, and a er, the A ggies o f this aftern oon and tom orrow afternoon will be a m u m more form idable aggregation , Irmo the nine w hich wan d efeated tw ice rn as many gam es season in clashes on the C ollege Field diam ond. Morris is a very'd an gerou s stickm an, and when he ii in the gam e, Sm ith, D w yer, Dinan, Guynae, C raw ford, M athews, and his other team -m ates seem to h it better. earlier Opposing Line ups Announced send Coach Diach will likely the follow in g batting array again st the visitors: C arton, 3b; Johnson, c f; D unnaw ay, lf; Lei* -mer, rf; Odom ss; Boyd, 2b; A llen , r; P onsford, p. lh ; N ow lin, In the b aseb all throw , seventeen ath letes threw the pill 25o reet and gained sen ior sta n d in g . Those who Just w hat battin g order th e A ggies; qu alified in the th row are: R eese, Og- lctree, W illia m s, N am i, G arrett, Rag-j will em ploy is not d e fin ite ly know n, it will probably be ax fo llo w s: land, DickJson, Sm ith , Brail fate. S e t - . but ie g a st, T olan d , C ook, K avaneau, H ill,J D ougherty, 2b; M athews, lf ; Sm ith, Harris., M eCandlen, Boykin. 3b; Morris, ss; Dinan, r f; G uynes, c f; Dwyer, lh ; Craw ford, c; E hlert, p. Coach C lyde L ittle fie ld , who has control o f th e Sigm a D elta*Psi, a c­ tiv itie s in the U n iv e r sity , stated that the in itia l tr y o u ts w ould culm inate n e x t w eek in th e IO mile walk and fifty yard the gym n a stics w ith th e sw im co m in g la te r in the year. A fter th e regu lar tr y o u ts have been held, all those d e sir in g to attem pt the re­ q u irem en ts for se n io r or junior stand­ in g in th e a th le tic fra tern ity again w ill have the during p ra ctica lly all o f thV school year. op p o rtu n ity o--------------- nawinwwmaaai1- THEA TEES Q ueen l a th e m id st o f all the frenzied e x c ite m e n t o f tim prise race of the y e a r, t h e d a s h m a d e b y B ob b ie N o rto n , th e heroine of Q ueen o ’ the T u r f’* w as the culm i­ n ation o f a h ectic racin g period for th e brave little h eroin e. Her air­ p lane flig h t to the sid e o f her in­ ju red brother, her mad cross-country dash in an au to m o b ile to g e t to the sta r tin g post in tim e to ride “ Alert" in the b ig g est race o f the year, the r e a listic tr e a tm e n t o f race-track sc e n e s, com bine to m ake up an ex-j tremens in te r e stin g p ictu re for the ] ra cin g fan. T he a v e r a g e m oving pie- j to r e fa n w ill be pleased with the d ram atic e f f e c t s and introduc­ tion o f the s w if t -m oving action o f I th e play, the . rn QUEEN Fri. & Sat. The Photodramatie Race Track Classic of the Screen “QUEEN OF THE TURF' D I HANCOCK lln D L 'O A UAVTCrll OPERA HOUSER__ Today and Balance o f Week George Arliss in “The Ruling Passion” Added Attraction Comedy and Pathe News died. T he w ork in this nutrition class serv es as practical exercise for the public health nursing stu d en ts. A c­ cording to Miss Jane D u ffy , it is a very unique plan, In fa c t, she I know s o f no other such class that is j d oin g work o f this nature. C I , \ # THEATRE ■ K w # Y Today and Saturday A DOLL? MOTIFS M (from the play'btl h e s u i K l a r r i i HAROLD LLOYD rn Extra “EASTERN WESTERNER” Regular Prices T o d a y a n d Tom orrow “SCH OO L D A Y S” Starring W esley Barry Also Leather P s A e rs ’ 33. TEXAS STATE SAENGERFEST GRAND CONCERT Majestic Theatre M ONDAY, MAY IS, 1922, A T 8 P. M. P L E A SE N O T E :— The Mass C horus la k in g part in this concert consists o f 12 o rgan ized S in gin g S o c ie tie s o f d ie T exas Saengerbund (250 V o ic e s ).— The L ad ies’ Chorus N um bers will be rendered by 65 trained voices of the A ustin Choral C lub.— T he O rchestra (4 6 P ieces) consists of som e o f th e best m usicians in T ex a s.— This C oncert will be the B iggest M usical E vent o f the Season — T here will be on e con ­ cert only. T ickets for sale by J. R. Reed M usic C o., Bohn Bros., Carl H. M uel­ ler, and M em bers o f the A u stin Saengerrum b*,— P rices: P arquet $1.50, B alcony $1,00. The 1922 Cactus Is Just Off the Press IT H A S BEEN SH IPPED A N D WILL BE READY FOR SALE TH E MINUTE IT ARRIVES IN AUSTIN REMEMBER:- X: You must have your receipt. No checks will be accepted. If you subscribed with your library de­ posit, we w ill have your assignment. You may pay $5.00 and get your library deposit assignment returned. 1 . 2. 3. 4. Watch The Daily Texan For Announcement of Cactus Arrival