NEW AIR HkIL POSTC.tillD SERVICE TO FORCES A special air mail postcard Service to H. H. fore es servinc in .:\.den, Burma, coylon, India, Iran,811d Iro.k a..11<1 the personnel of His Majesty's ships on the :.Cast India station has been introduced with the co-operation of the Service deportments and British overseas I..irVli!0fS Corporation. Postage is 3d. Full particulars are obtainable at any post office. +++++·:-+++++--!-+++++ GENGR.AL POST OFFICE FURlITTURE ON LOLN TO BmiIBED-OUT FiJiILrGS ~ --·- - - --- ·- - - - - --- - · - - =---- .- --.. -... - ... - __ . . To b~ Bought or Roturncd ',fith~ Three Honths Tho Hinistor of Hon.l th has docic1ocl that , in f\1turo , furni turo and oquipmont provided by looal authori tios in ~ngland and 'Jalos for familios made homeless by air raids -.Till be on loan -.rithout charge for throe months . i.1.t an:-~ tirno durmg that period tho housoholdor may buy all or an:r of tho articlus at fixed prices . No oash pay1nmt -.-rill bo roquirod. Tho cost 'Jill bo doductod fror11 any compensation duo under thG ·.Tar DD.Jrk.'"1.go i.1.ct. Until no-.r tho fu.rni turo a:nd equipment has boen on free 108.!l for n.n indefinite period. If tho housoholdor docs not -.rish to purchase, tho furniture and oqutpmont rm1st bo roturnod to tho local council at thu ond of tho three months. A householdGr '.1ho returns somo or nJ.J. of tho f\trnituro ·.rishos to buy other articles m tho ordinary markGt IDD..y apply to tho L.ssistancu Bonrd for a cash advance of ".Jar do.nngo oomponso.tion. Goverrnnent stando.rd furniture loaned to housohohlors through looal authorities '..rill bo o.vailablo for purchD-so at fixod pricos . Tho highest price in tho schodulo is 90/- for a dressing oho st . .;_·.,_ ".m.rorobo aupboard is priced at 66/GcL. and a orockor-J cupboard o.t 48/- . Othor prices are kitchen tD-bl0 36/- suffolk chair 1 S/6d. and ordin..'U'y 9/-. L.. 4 pint kettle oosts 6~t; crockery chargos mcludo , cup and sD-ucer 4-d . In tho oaso of furniture providod hy the loco.l authority - either purchased or requisitioned - tho prioo -.1ill bo tho notuo.1 cost to tho looD-1 authorities. Householdors '.rho have boon nndo homeless in the and been lent furniture for their no-.-.r homos '\"rill no'J be givon an opportunity to buy tho loaned ~ticlos i:f th0y i,tish. In S 0 otlo.nd, tho Sooretnry of State has docidod that persons uho dosiro r~ypurchaso on torrns similar to thoso dosoribod above furniture and equipment \rith :rhich thoy ho..vo boon provided by tho local n.uthori ty. Tho 1 nor.raw. arrangomonts in SootlD-nd, ho-.mvur, nill continuu to bo that o.ny contribution paid tho cont of tho QCcorrniiodation \rill :mcludo o. char~o for the usu of tho furniture. -Mll'.JISTRY---OF..._,___ · .·- HCliLTH · •--· --··· _, . .. 19/3/42 - No. 5 · Ao T. S. nr W.\.SHD-JGTON A. T. S. iJorsonncl arc in ·v7ashinetorJ. a3sistinc the Brit:\,sh military staff. In charso of thurn is Subo.ltern Grn.yeric 0 e. Tho four nerabcrs c,f the I... T. S. whc reu.chec1 Nev.- Ycrk this week - o. corporal o..nc1 three 1)rivatus - were clerks on their vmy to Washington to o.uone:nt thu pres(::mt staff, which has boon on cluty in the h.merican capital fer .:ibout :J. year. Their jolJ has nothint3 tc do with the trc..irdn6 cf the ~.ror:1cn's Army.h.uxiliD.ry Cor:ps in tho United States. W.b.R OFFICE Ho . l1c) J.-·o:::.:fa,1_::,_,__,tGr C-cEcr~_l r\.\srct:.., to ,_:_n,)1.i:-:.c'.; tL.['st the 1E1dcrmc.nrc:l_ ~ 1 :1(i~S!. _81~ d[_il.; ':.,.'.7C -.JGC~: lcK~t \;y C!1cuy ,,.ction: •· }f~~ti"icts , .JJ.6 :·:12:1-•rc,:.:- _0*£.j,_~~ ti,_~~-- ~)utcl: 7fo :c. 1-tc.Dic~ ,:v~ "''/CJ l.,:J ~~Ur;l,1 (}r~n.:t:1.C, t.i:JO e-:1:L'I·'.I.L ,., .. ,...,~..._-_.-.. ~-·o;J i. rn:i:r 1c:s • 1 1 1 SC-·-~ - .-._,,,._.,-_:,-._,_,.... ---· __________ Rb.TION JJ{PJi.NGEl'IBNTS FOR , THZ Pi1.SSOVER ... The Ministry of Food has again made s_pecial m~ranr;cments to meet the ration rcquiromonts of Jews durinz the Passover (l1.pril 2nd - 9th). Kosher butt or for tho Passover Fuast will be avuilablo for so.lo by retail in specially printed. vvTD.ppors at a pried not c:x:ccodine ls. 7a. per lb. K.oshor sveor will also be o..vailablu, but no special arrnnrscncnts will bo made in r0spoct cf Kosh--:r r.1cat since it is assuned that those :_,arsons who roquiro such m0at 2cru alr0ady rc3istorud with Kosh,.;r butchers. • Tho ~Juwish custonors of f'IlY r0tailvr who is not vlillin 0 to sup)lY KDshcr butter nncl suc;.:.'.r, will be allcrrocl to their rvquirernmts fr( L1 .1J.1othur rutailor. 1 For this purpo:::.;u o.p1-,lic2~tions shoulc~ be mrLdc to the locnl F·)Od Office cmcl should b0 L".Ccor:i.p£.micd by the r,;.tion h)oks, or ·by the roluvant doposi hid :;_, :.[;C:S of cou::?ons which nust bG rccovor0cl fro1-: thu rotailcrs. Enorc;cncy ration cn.rcls will then b0 issuod n.nc1 the ration book coupons will be CDnoallocl. +++++++++++++++++++++ MII~STRY or FOOD "};_9/3/~ - No. 10 NOT FOR PUBLICATIO~-, BRO.ADCJ)ST, OR USE ON CLUB T.APES BEFORE 00.30 :a.s.T. (i.e. ROR MORNING PAPERS) ON FRIDAY, 1',fARCH 20. THIS :2M61\RGO SHOUL2J BE RESPECTED OVER.SE.AS BY PREFJ~CING AN'i :MESSAGES PILED \TITH THE EMBJffiGO. MEJ\T RATION: ISSU8 OF CANNFJ) CORNED PORK The Jilinistry of Food mmounces that in certain areas canned corned pork -rvill be issuecl from ne::-ct week in place of canned corned beef as part of the meat :ration, The total issue of canned meat vnll be approximately half pork and half beef, The pork will be distributed throughout the country but no assurance can be given that it will be avo.ilnble in every nrea, rhe price ·will be the same as that of cnnned corned beef, 1 Dl though before the vmr conned corned pork vras usually sold nt a slightly higher 1")rice. . ... --... 000----- MINISTRY OF FOOD Cairo, JIarch ,.J_9 z 1 %.2 , r Other them pn.trol ac-ci vity to re1)ort. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lill_ JFFIC:S, I , 19/,3/42 RNL' ION DO OKS : ~Icntbor.3 of the public ·Jere recently lU'gsd to nmke su.rc that the rn1mcs EtnJ. full ;_·,:lJrcs;::;e::; of oll retail,...;rs ·with v-rhorn the~, arc rcgi:-.::tcred for food :::mpplics ore written in -t.Jw spaces _p.1."'ovicled. in L:hc.~ir r,rt-ion books .. l..i.nny of them h.::ive not done Go , and 3 larg8 :proportion of the ration -books ,7hich D.rt; being taken or sent to I11 ood Offices in connection ·;ri th the l\Totiunal Milk ~3chcme do not show the nnmc uncl odcl.rcss c,f the milk rcto.:i.lC:r . . . I~1 such cnsus ~ I:1ood._ O'f!ioes cnnnot is ::::ue: the necess,.:-\ry aut.t1or1 tics :,nd c,._m:-.n0.,:.,rallle u_elr..:,r is likely to occur . 1 The s~pncos :in ·:rhich rctc..ilers ' nart18S . nnd adc.1rcsscr::: should be entered Hill be f'ounc.L ci thcr - (n) on the inside cover; tho cheese rLtail~r Jhould be entered. in t:he s~x.1ce Ti1c..~~ckcd " Spare D"; the mill;: rctrcilC:r in tho· mo.rked " Spo.rc G", o.nd the egg ret.1ilm~ immedL:t.ely ·bclm7 the milk rct~1ilcr , (b) on the slip pe1.stcd on the inside frcnt cover , YThcrc the l1,'.)Tfl(;G ;_:nc1 rJd.d::ccJ,S;3(;S of' the milk o.nc1 egg reto.ilcrs ;Jl1,oi1J.J.d be •;.rri ttcn :Ln tho.t order, or (c) on form R. G.12A , nex~ to the insid0 bnck cover . '711.el"e th(., spnccn -i_nt.cnclecl. for 1ailk Dnd eggs do not bc~r these ,,;ordf; ,,c im:;crt the:m. ng.:1.irn.:,t the. name of tlk rcL:i.lcrs . - - ---oOo - ---- lvITNISTRY OF FOOD 19/3/42 - Nc..15 NOT :'.7 0il :2u.0LICNI.1IOI.J DHO;J)Cl..3T', OR USE G1T CLUB T_'.i.PES BEFORE 003(· j B.S..T. (i. 1~. ?CT1. ~.D1{l'JIHG =7;._p:;::i.1S) ON FIUDAY} 1-.:ld:'°H 20,1942 THIS :-81'J3iJ.{G0 :SHOULD .._:E :dESPECTED OVEiIBE.b.S BY PJEFACING ..;.NY MI!:SS" ..GZS FILE:G fIT H THE El,3L.i. ht;.,lc7 ::-i 19th Februs~ry last, that o. dirGcticr.. chould 1)0 1c:.J·J.ecl unclcr L.rciclc 4 Li' t}".c Ltost on Engctgt::;ment Order, ,:;x01:·.ptint..: e;;r1:·lcyt;rG in the i:l-luc,tric::~ co1ccr11~cl 1 fror: thL:. rrvisio1 3 of thl.l t Or