© t o © a t t e f t t x a n First College Daily in the South A U S T IN , T E X A S , S U N D A Y , JU L Y 24, 1927. VOL. XXVIII YESTERDAY on and m y Y esterd ay , ? o d frien d Toby I were dies standing t h e beach n e a r Beck' P o o l , w ondering why so Aiany sw eet little g irls sat on the to rocks of It ady course, it was Because th ey were young and inditer* et. A nd th e idea o f indiscretion very led us onto th e recen t B ellm ont case. t h e r e unless, n a tu ra lly “ I w onder why Mr. B ellm ont got into tro u b le ,” I saki. “ W hy,” replied Toby, “ because he talk ed .” “ H asn’t a m an th e rig h t to talk when he p leases?” “ Yes, b u t— ” “ Then Mr. B ellm ont had fectly good rig h t to talk .” a per “ But he d id n ’t have an y business doing so.” “ W hy w asn’t it his busin ess?” “ Because he said th in g s.” he “ B ecause talk th in g s! He says shouldn’t things. T h a t’s a noble sentim en t. Why, th e poor man would,, only be m aking a noise.” said because he “ T h a t’s w hat he has been doing.” criticizing are you “ Then why “ B ecause he made the w rong so rt h im ?” of noise.” “ W hat so rt was th a t? ” “ Like a lion,” “ W hat kind ought he to have m ad e?” “Like a dead m an.” “ B ut a dead m an d o esn ’t m ake any ra ck et a t all, so to speak o f.” “ I know it.” “ Then you w ant Mr. B ellm ont to be p e rfe c tly calm ?” “ Yes.” “ W hy?” “ So he w on’t g et fire d .” “ W hat m akes you think he m ight be ca n n ed ?” “ Sam N eath ery 's re p o rt.” “ W hat did Sam N e ath ery ever r e ­ p o r t? ” “ I don’t rem em ber his ex act words, this, b u t my im pression o f it w as th a t if Mr. B ellm ont d id n ’t w atch his step, he would be politely spanked and sen t hom e.” “ T hem ’* harsh words.” “ They w as spoke in a n g e r.” “ They fe lt an im ated tow ard Mr. B ellm o n t?” “ Even excited ab out him. And they advised him not to criticize his su b o rd in ates except to th e p ro p erly co n stitu ted a u th o ritie s.” “ A selfish move on the p a rt of the su b o rd in ates!” “ And a b eau tifu lly th o ughtless one It wins on the p a r t of Mr. Bellmont. the wax cig a re tte h o ld er.” “ Tell m e this. J u s t w h at got the R egents so stirre d up a b ) u t the m at­ te r ? ” “ I d o n ’t know'.” “ C an’t you g u ess?” “ C ertain ly .” “ And w h at would be your g u ess?” have “ T h at come o u t of Mr. B ellm ont’s o ffice with his nam e on them ,” too m any re p o rts “ So you th in k Mr. B ellm ont in­ d iscreet.” I Novo! Disarmament Troubles D by Potter in Lecture Ebenezer Choir Gives Concert of Spirituals in Third Appearance For the th ird tim e this sum m er, th e Ebenez ^ o { { ' &t a first-h a n d stu d y of t h e i Migs Louifte Allen> arxd j j problem s o f business, special em pha- The faculty-ha§ tak en over th e sal-j ***** being placed on T exas business I O rganized by the B oard of ary of th e d irecto r to relieve the band of this burden and to revive th e sp irit of th e band as much as possible. W ith this bu rd en lifted, the band will be enabled to g et new uniform s and o th er q u ipm ent it is badly in need of. H. E. Faculty for Fall and problem s o f the Southw est. Work Starts on _ _ _ _ _ _ -——------—o--------- —- L E A V E S O N V A C A T I O N , j Kev. a. Bascom Watts, pastor of J University Methodist church, and fam ily w ill leave M onday to spend h m onth o f vacation the Ozark* M ountains. T he P a s to r’s assistan t, Chaa. Bf. M cEuen will be in charge of the church Activities d u rin g the ab-! sence o f the pastor. The pu lp it will! to be built on D. in j D _____ .. £ , A d d itio n Built for C lasses from G H all Soon To B e R em oved , e D.E. Hall Annex D . E . H a l l A M T C X Ch,n' ' ‘- re™rds Dr. B enedict promised a n ig h t telescope som e tim e soon, when th e moon and the w eather are suitable fo r clear observation. The d ate will be made known th ro u g h The Texan. Telescope L ater of two court attaches retained j predict eclipses. While , “Prediction of eclipses goes back as far as the ancients, who were able to foretell them almost as accurate­ ly as we can today, although not by the same methods,” Dr. Benedict , Pointed out, One of Bi# earliest the .tory to they were y , Ti i ,r0!’™ e "bout and »-*>«•“ "« ‘heir duties once, an eclipse sneaked up, | his imperial majesty was scared along j with the rest of the in h ab itan ts. The scien tists were two chopped off, th e eclipse passed aw ay in the n atu ra l course of events, and everybody was happy again except poor Ti and H o.” . . o f ---------- the d ep art- Gets New Members ---------— o — — G O SSETT LEAV ES Work will start soon on th e annex heads of the E. Hall, according I be supplied by Rev. ( \ M. Ruby of , to inform ation given out a t the of- T here will be two new’ m em bers San M arcos and Rev. K. P. B a rto n ! lic e of th e Com ptroller. D. E. Hall th e are [ r o w being held in G Hall, and G Hall will be rem oved from the cam pus as soon as the work is com pleted and n ecessary m aterials can be moved into the annex to p rep are it fo r class work, on the faculty of the department of presiding eld er c f A ustin d istrict. home econom ics of the U n iversity this fall, according to Miss M ary E .j G earing, chairm an Ed L. Gossett? left T hursday fo r m ent. tw o appointm ents ap- V ernon, Texas, where he will prae- The proved by the* B oard of Regents of] tie# law. He w ill take his LD B . de the U niversity were Miss E lizabeth greet from the* University in August, Tarpley, in stru cto r in home econom y having com pleted his work during irs, and Mrs. Iris M. B ranagan, In- th e first term o f the Sum m er Ses- the stru c to r in a rt. last year, and the M en’s Council and in o th er student o ffices d u rin g his c a re e r on the U ni­ v ersity campus* degree fro m the T each ers’ College has also served as chairm an of o f C olum bia U niv ersity and Mrs. B ranagan has a sim ilar degree from Chicago C ai versify. M aterial from L Hall, w hich is now being removed from the cam pus, will be used in the co n stru ctio n of the annex. W ork on the annex and the rem oval o f G Hail is expected to be com pleted by the beginning of th e long session in S eptem ber. and the annex will then house d a n e s in home economies th a t Miss T arpley has a master of a rts Students Association sion. G ossett was p re sid e n t of Dr. Benedict spoke first of lu n ar revolving eclipses: “ The ea rth ab o u t the sun and the moon about the earth , n o t quite in th e same plane, If they were in the sam e plane, then two solar eclipses th ere would be each m onth, and two weeks a fte r the solar eclipse, a lunar. But they a re not in th e sam e plane, so th a t the eclipses are less freq u en t, a t least not two a m onth, He talked on solar phenom enon nex t. “ The moon as seen from the sur- is ( Con tinned from page 4) Dr, Milton R. Gutsch, associate p ro­ fessor o f history in th e U niversity, and chairm an o f the com m ittee on stu d en t re cre atio n , and e n te rta in m e n t session, w ent to Sherm an F riday w here he will rem ain fo r about a week. activities, du rin g He will re tu rn to th e cam pus, and then he will go on to W isconsin, spending the re st of th e sum m er ses­ sion th ere. He will come back to Austin the A ugust com m ence­ m ent. fo r In the absence of Dr. Gutsch, Dean V. I. M oore is acting chairm an of the com m ittee on campus e n te rta in ­ m ent. -------------- o ------------------ Registrar Gives Out Grades on Monday Grad*.; fo r the first term o f sum ­ m er school will be given ou t from the in R eg istrar’s office T uesday record books, it having been re q u est­ ed th a t all record books be re tu rn ed to th e o ffice by Monday morning. bum m er school grades are n o t sent out to p arents. In stru c to rs’ grade o f classes are due in th e office a t 8 o’clock Mon­ day m orning, it was announced. G rades will be given ou t to classi­ fied stu d en ts in record books. Un­ classified stu d e n ts will receive th eir g rad es sep a rately . “ P aul and His B an ker” will be th e the sum m er; m orning su b ject a t the U niversity ser­ P resb y terian church. V esper vices a t 7, conducted by the p a sto r on th e church lawn, will have f o r its deevotional su bject, “ The Hill Coun­ try o f the Soul.” All Sunday school stu d en t classes will be tau g h t fo r th e second term by Dr. D. A. Penick. R everend Bascom W atts, pastor o f the U niversity M ethodist church, will preach this morning a t l l , on th e subject “ T em ptation and D eliver­ ance,” which is the last o f a series of serm ons on “ P aths to the B est.” At the evening services, th e pas­ to r will preach on “ The H igh Cost o f L iberty.” Sunday school will begin at 9:30 w ith Dean T. H. Shelby, aa J u n io r church fo r su perin ten den t. children will be directed at the Wes­ ley Bible C hair a t l l , by Mrs. Bas­ com W atts. E pw orth League w ill its services a t 7, w ith Troy hold Hickman ac tin g as president. -------- Q------- - SPLAWN IN EAST P resid en t W. M. W. Splawn is now in th e E ast fo r the purpose of inter* viewing prospective appointees to the U niversity S ta ff and o f obtain­ ing inform ation arid ma to re is Is pre­ p aratory to carrying out the research' program to be instituted under th# provisions o f the * Rockefeller da tion fund. . “ Oh, n o .” “ O r too talk ativ e.” “ Oh, n o .” “ O r too careless w ith his critical Music Director Named Tuesday ,- Firit C*n«t# Daily ** UhI Sod til BuhU*hn4 ©a the camp ,* cl tit* U iin w ttr of T *x« br th* T m * Student* Pi bliest ion*, _ . „ . lee,. *r*ry morning except Monday ae* Saturday. H a' iii**# office'. B. Hall, Takn^boM SOOd. B u to r in ©ffifca. J P a s T MifK w w 91 SI-Cl (AfUr I# p rn 918*1). by the t3m**r**tr Press, A. & Wrs*ht, M aturer. J HmlL Kindred a* aseond cia** matt-*-' a t the postoffice at A natta. T ris a . r R ut st a n m m n o i DICK V A U G H A N — .— .— — ---------— — . -------------------------------- Jam#* NL Wekb CW«f EdUorial Writer W S to a L. -___ _________________ ______ ___ Mansg e t of Publication* UDSPt mss st a ff E m f C H W fig* la a il B an m w ; Leal* Beeth*. O flr* M a r a ra t; Leal!* M, N*ill, A i m - ti-(ac Mssajfer; J#*.** Hop-kia*, Ctaasiffed W w tift e * Manager. ( arr .It StaUir g% Ales Mars%r<* , Caca g a l l____ Ralph Parker . .. A s q u a t „ Assists** * A aaiatant „ A aaistaot and com paratively sound judgment*, is shortly to en ter He into active life in w hich he w ill he supposed to powers su ffic ie n t moral stren g th to co n d u c t him self as a r e sp o n sib le c i t ­ izen. Mo dean o f men w ill in te r v e n e if he passe* a bad check; no board of r* gent* will -hake w arning f inger* if he is in danger o f w asting his tim e If he fails to learn in a mot or car, M aoaginr Editor the lesson o f self-con trol while in college, no excuses will be made fo r him when he has w ithdraw n from the shelter o f the academ ic privilege. The increase o f stu d en t responsi­ the b ility would doubtless rata St in elim ination of a fe w w eaklings. But to the m ajority it would mean an opportunity to grow in strength and life.— learn he proper conduct of The Daily Iowan. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N The guy I'd like to shoot Right now Is he who alway* shrieks, “ And H ow !” And th e n ex t day he bought an Lost at the Front etiqutte book. And if you d on ’t b elieve that, read the o ffic ia l notices. IU A T A L IE K IN G STO N , G eorge Sidney and Charlie Murray are ' the leads in “ Lost at the F ro n t,” a j on And if you w on't play my w ay, F let you play w ith m y E aster w on’t eggs next year. B ull: I’m having a w onderful tim e on m y vacation. Wish you w ere h ere.” T ’other day our w reck got stalled;} so I made m y room ie g et out and push. Som e b u g h t w it yelled, “ Say, J ie that your m o to r? ” I came right! back at him w ith, “ Y eah! T hat’s m y! outboard m otor.” picture described by the press no-I rices as a war com edy. The s c a n - 1 aria appears to be a burlesque o f the | ail-too-freq u en t war picture o f over­ w helm ing horrors, and the support­ in g cast includes John Kolb and Max j Ascher. T oday’s bright idea: “ Don’t throw Send aw ay your old them to a chew ing r im fa ctory and get rebate t ic k e t s ” inner tubes. Did you ever hear that story about the travelin g salesm an who . W ill, y o u ’ve g o t your nerve— call­ ing us evei! m inded! . . . Poor room ie! He has a tough tim e. M ost freshm en do. He was afaird his friends would break his fountai n pen. They would punch him in the chest every tim e th ey saw him. So in hi? hip he p u t Me fountain pen the pocket, and— w ell, you guess rest. SUNDAY, JULY 24, 192T. 331-3 % Off Straw Hats AU new , the season** straw s B u y N o w an d Save M ajestic M an's Shop 711 C o n g r ess R eckon it ’ll sn o w ? D elia th e D ense th in k s Barton Springs is the nam e o f a new kind of shock absorber. two, though. I w ent fish in g t ’other day. J caught hom e in a w agon J u st ’em Brought Put the head o f | one Under the seat, and its tail d - ag- one w as • god p retty big, but g e e ! You ju st ought J .0 have seen the other one. the ground That And if you don't b elieve that, re ed M atrim ony is the hang-over from the ed itorials. romance. idea: Why T oday’s bright not make auto tires out o f banana peel­ ings? A nsw er w ill be on page XXX. If you don’t believe it, read the classified*. found *IVho w ants to run a nice 100-yard dash this afternoon? Bughouse fa b le : “ No, I don’t w ant Ju st bring me a any steam in g hot cup of c o ffe e .” ice w ater. We were going to te ll you that fetory about the kangaroo, but it has such a long tail con n ected with it. P ena the Dumb saw a sign on the Post Road which reads: “ O ne-A nn D riving is Dangerous, B oys.” Now she w ants to me•». P hone 51 9 ? , to b ath , p riv a te borne. f o r “ L O ST a t th e f r o n t ’’- r e n t d o n ’t w o rry a b o u t If you h a v e a ro o m th i s . A b o v e t h e Q u e e n all. d o n ’t mi*# I h e a te r M onday a n d T u e sd a y . M is* D o r­ th e p a s s M on- o th y I). H uger* m a y h a v e thin a t (teeing IDEAL PLACE TO ROOM fin e d b o y s w h o w a n t FO H HO VS -N ic e q u ie t cool ro o m fo r r e ­ P ric e s r e a s o n a b le . W a lk in g d is ta nee o f U n iv e r ­ s ity . Chon'* 4!»68 fo r a p p o in tm e n t. — -22 to s tu d y . A T T R A C T IV E ( r e e f ro o m w ith s in g le b e d s fo r g ir ls . W ith in o n e block o f U n iv e r ­ 2 1 6 9 . —24 s ity a n d C a fe te r ia . U n iv e r s ity A ve. Chon*: 6 0 5 3 . FOK IU- N T — To ro o m s w ith r a t e s , m aid s e rv ic e , g irl* . s le e p in g L a rg e p o rc h . s o u t h e a s t S u m m e r 2608 S p e e d w a y . P h o n o N IC E cool s o u th ro o m * , ro o m s a n d a p a r tm e n t. S t r e e t . s h o w e r b a th , 2211 R io G ra n d e —.2 2 f o rd a b le room # S i C D EN TS - I t you a r e h u n tin g cool, com te r m o f su m t r y 251 ( — 21 m e r sc h o o l a t R io G ra n d e . r e a - o n a h le P h o n e 9 5 6 3 . fo r se c o n d r a t e s , F O R R E N T — T w o cool ro o m s w ith p r iv a te b a th a n d p r i v a t e e n tr a n c e . W ill a c c o m ­ 606 W e s t 2 6 S tr e e t. — 28 m o d a te P h o n e 2 2 1 4 5 , th r e e bo y * . W A N T E D S m a ll f u r n is h e d c o tta g e . p r e - fe ra b ly w a lk in g d is ta n c e of U n iv e r s ity , W ill to n g e r, b e g in n in g S e p te m b e r I . W r ite P. O. Box 1927. U n i­ v e r s i t y S ta tio n , g iv in g fu ll d e s e h ip tio n . 14 fo r y e a r o r r e n t NOTICE OF SALE B ook b u y e rs, libraTiuns and all w ho need books, ta b le t# , school su p p lie s and s ta tio n e ry goods, should ta k e a d ­ v a n ta g e of th is h a lf-p ric e sale, now groin# on a t — 910 Congress F o r m e r C ity B o o k S to r e R . B a r r o w FO R S A L E — H o u s e o f e le v e n ro o m s. S u i t ­ a b le fo r r o o m in g h o u se o r f r a t e r n i t y . O n in g o o d r e p a ir, w a lk in g 2708 G u ad alu p e. .—J u. £2 Mf'in c a r lin s . All d is ta n c e fro m U n iv e r s ity , P h o n e 129. L E T u* d e m o n s tra te th e B runsw ick part*- trope for you in y our home. J . K. Re*d — 24 M usic Co. FOR SALE— Scholarship la on# cf the lead lag business collatee mf the Soatkwstg: If Interested, write Manager, Box HST, yaiverglty S ta tio n , • . 4**■■*— • -rn mm i . . ?vjp j- . ^ v* J .■■dr;-.■■■'■ - *• ., ................. ■; v;^ -f . .' '■ ' the Committee on Admission that from other Colleges o f the University to o f Texas has definitely voted CLASSES in tennis are being offered promise no credit on any work taken from 7 to 8 in the mornings and 51 on any crusie. E. J MATHEWS, Registrar.; to 6 in the afternoons. These extra curricular classes are for beginners and intermediates, Class©* are open to all University women and child­ ren. ED! * ATTON* 144, Mental Hygiene, GRADES FOR the first term will bd , given out on Tuesday, July 26, to alii all students whose record of work booklets have been filed in the Reg­ is given the second term from 9 to »»trar’s Office not later than Satur- 10 daily in Room 307, Education day, July 23. Those who have not Building. turned in their booklets should do so today. JULIA A. KIRKWOOD * , _ j J . , E. J. MATHEWS, Registrar. ENGLISH lb .3 meeting at 10 ©’clock in G. H. 319 should be and is now changed to lh.4. English lb.4 meeting at l l o’clock in G. II, 303 should be and is now changed to lb.5. NOTICE OF change in activities program of July 26-30: Friday, July 29: 8 p. rn.— Lecture, “ Masterpieces of Greek Literature,” English 2a.2 meeting at 10 o’clockI illustrated, Prfoessor ll. J. 1/eon. In M. B. $16 should be and is now changed to 2a.3. English 2c.4 meeting at 11 o’clock O* If- 819 should be and is now ‘changed to 2c. 5. Professor Melvin'* lecture replac­ ed by that of Professor Leon. Trip to San Antonio scheduled for Monday, July 25 has been postponed until August 8. E. J. MATHEW'S, Registrar PHILOSOPHY 103 will meet in G. H. 203. Philosophy 172 will meet in (J. H. 218. % E. J. MATHEWS, Registrar THE following students are requested to call at M. B, 140 between 10 and J 2 o’clock to confer about their English requirement tor graduation: Faris, Durham B.; Feweli, Orba; Giles, Frank; Howard, Rosanna Small; Yelderman, Pauline, DAVID LEE CLARK PROSPECTIVE cruise-around-world Acting Chairman to the Committee on Students’ Use of English. students will please take notice T H E D A I L Y T E X A Bf -w te m i'-ijgaaj-. Society Senior Weds Principal senior in Miss EIP - Tres*, the University this summer, was mar- ried to Mr. J, H. Sandlin, principal the Weimar High School, in San night. Mrs.! and ...w ill receive her degree in August. i (They will both teach in Weimar next I Marcos, Wednesday Sandlin will remain in school ... , .tl . year. * * G. E . Turner and Rip C ollins are visiting in Dallas and Ft. Worth over the week-end. * Stationery Bargain 35c per box high grade A linen paper. N othing cheap but th e price. Form er­ ly sold for 70c. TEXAS B O O K STORE K X s K & S i t O i X t Q i i X i i i X Charm May Defy Definition But the new .summer dTeases— marie new regu­ larly by proper clean in g certain ly captures it. A charm ing dress confers charm to the w earer, and only by being im m aculate- ly clean, and well cared for can dresses confer the (harm they are intended to confer. Send your dresses to us regularly. .... r SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1927. Lois Blair of the Woman’s Build-: ing is visiting her aunt in San Mar- are visiting cos this week-end. ! week-end. Beulah Erwin and Alma Kinkaid this in San Antonio John A. McCurdy, executive sec­ retary of the Ex-Student*’ Associa­ tion, is in San Antonio on Associa­ tion business. He will return Tues­ day. Grace Hilton is spending a few cays in Marlin. Hazel Atkinson, Maurine W olfe, and Nora Rheinlander are spending, the week-end at Miss Rheinlander’s home in Lockhart. Miss Bessie Hammon of Dallas is summer here the second term of school and is at Annex B of the I Woman's Building. Miss Hammon is! a graduate student and received her degree from Trinity University. James Thomas, instructor in the College of Engineering, has just ac-j cepted a government position in Washington, D. C. Pauline Keeton of Bonham is here tor the second term at Annex A of the Woman'* Building. Miss Keeton attended the University long session. last Mrs. Roy White of Abbeville, La., is visiting her son, Roy White, Jr., Alpha Rho Chi, who is a senior ar­ chitect in the University this sum­ mer. Bill Clayton, Delta Theta Phi, and student in the Law. School, will spend the rest of the summer in El Paso. Carrie May Hamby, former stu­ dent, is visiting in Houston. Jack Halseil of Laredo is staying at the Sigma Chi house for the sec­ ond term of summer school. Rufus Ragsdale and Al King are for staying at the Phi Gam house the second term., Mary McKinley is week-end in Houston. spending the July Clearance Sale in the * Collegiate S hoppe” For Misses and Small Women D rastic R eductions in S m art A pparel Spring & Summer Coats $25.00 Coats, now .... $12.50 $39.50 Coats, now .... $19.75 $49.50 Coals, now .... $24.75 $69.50 Coats, now .... $34.75 „ Silk & Wool Dresses Up to $1 5.00 Dresses.. $5.00 Up to $25.00 Dresses.. $10.00 $25.00 Dresses, now .. $12.50 $39.50 D yesses, now $19.75 S ize* 13-1 7 L Second Floor < 0 $ Ain t that a and it that a rra n d . glorious feeling? “ When you’re cuddled up there in that cozy old chair . . . and you naturally guess she’s gonna say /Y es' . . . Ain't that a grand and glorious feeling?” A new fox-trot, nimble bs melody, with a neat and interesting refrain. It carries some amusing country-ftddler and banjo effects. Listed below ar© a number of other smart dance records. Come , , in and hear them— today I , A in ’t T hat a Grand and G lorious k F ee lin g ? ^ * Vo* Trot W(tA Vocal Refrain ” J u st U k e a B u tterfly—Vox Trot - j- HUK Vocal Refrain Th* Taon*AX>ovi»a Mo. 80732, 10-lacfc Sa-lu-Ui I —Few Trot With Vocal Refrain * W ABING’* f’SNNAyt VANIANS W b o -o o ? fo n - o o ! T h at’. W ho! - Fox T ro t H it* Vocal R efra in * t i a t S h i t * * * t a h o t h * V r c m s O a c n a r r u It*. 20727,10-inch J ti *t A nother Day W asted Away Fo* Trot ICttA Vocal Refrain S in g Me a Baby Sonj >1 tc/roi Fe* 'Brot With Vocal Refrain F * w I Ho. 30724, lO-ioeb Wammus pinnbylvasians M agnolia A N ’t That a Grand and G loriou s *. F e e lin g ? Johnny Ma*vin No. 20781, I O-ioati H o n o lu lu M oon With Piano W h en D ay I* D one 4t Th* Reman* ' F*anklyn Bau* V It*. 30719,1(Mach J. R. Reed Music Co. 805 Congress Phones 7508— 6524 MASTER CLEANER— DYER— HATTER Phone number on every page in the book Special Southland Motor Coach Excursions TO DALLAS O N E W A Y $4.00 R oun d T rip $7.00 TO SAN ANTONIO O N E W A Y $2.75 R oun d T rip $5.00 T O WACO O n e W ay $2.25 Round Trip $4.00 L E A V E R E D B A L L S T A T IO N N orth b ou n d : IO am , 4 p m , IO pm S o u th b o u n d : E v e ry H our 6 : 3 0 a. rn. to 6 : 3 0 p . rn. English Main! AND TRANSPORTATION GS Worn en ’s Silk-to-Top Service Chiffon Silk Hosiery $1.95 Pair Featuring the N ew Jewelry Grotto Blue and Sunbeam Rose 5 0 c to $ 5 # 9 5 If you choose these hose— you add a slender line of silken trimness to neat ankles! You pur­ chase cool semi-sheerness and exquisite shading to blend with and beautify every chic costume! in wearing And you buy perfect satisfaction qualities. -H aze — F lesh — W h ite — G old ——A lom a — S ilv er f — C ham paign* — A tm o s p h e r e H o sie r y — M ain F loor Like matchless bits of Mediterranean skies! So clear, so deep, so vividly blue are these stones! And lovely as an early summer sunbeam are the rose stones! Of incomparable beauty— with a certain Old World charm! Set in exotic oxi­ dized silver are; C hoker* F esto o n * E a r rin g s B r a c e le ts V a n itie s R in gs B r o o ch es L ip stick * C ig a r e tte C ase* S e p a r a te ly or in M atch in g S ets J e w e lr y — M ain F lo o r A nd Now!— Scarbrough s Clearance of White Kid Footwear ' Smart New Seasonable Models Drastically Reduced for Clearance! FINAL CLEARANCE SALE OF HATS $5.00 $2.50 and $1.00 T he kind everyone will be w earing- And for w h ich th ey will pay a much h igh er price unless th e y are w ise enough to attend th is sale. Som e of t h e m odels are th e la st w ord in Fall Fash- to our usual jons, 1Tie fabrics a r e o f fine quality, and th e w orkm anship up standard, w h eth er you are for » reas occasions—-you are sure to find your hat here at your price. seeking a jau n ty felt hat, silk hat or a hat JOSEPHINE 912 Congress T rim s Patents Colored Kid K e p t u e L e a th e r High Spike Heels Covered Box Heels Medium Round Toes M a in F lo o r vMaWSM* ' face o f the earth is just about larg * enough to cover the sun/* Dr. Bene­ dict said. “Here is tho sun shimug, as Lewis Carrol said, with all its might on the earth and moon. On the non-sun side of each are the shadows, that of the moon being on the average 232,000 miles long, that of the earth 860,000. T o ta l S olar E clip se “Sometimes the pencil point of the shadow of the moon when it comes between the earth and the sun is long enough to reach the earth, and if it hits the sun center, there is a total ec lip se visible on some parts of the earth and a partial eclipse visi­ ble on each side of the path of total­ ity. 'T h e path of the needle of the shadow is never more than 167 miles wide and varies from that down to nothing, when the shadow of the moon is not long enough to reach the earth. E x citin g M om ent “Probably the most exciting part of an eclipse may be observed if you ae© the thing from a high hill, ann two or three minutes before the short period of totality you can see the little oval shadow approaching. “Total solar eclipses are relatively infrequent, and yet Denver has bac two within 40 years. If you are very patient and are willing to wait about 363 years, there will bf* another. is *'Eclipses make us realize how very much of the earth’s surface is cover­ ed with water and how much of the earth territory. “uncivilized” When eclipses are predicted from time to time, scientists scatter about in the path of observation, observe weather conditions, and select fa­ vorable spots to wait. Hard Luck “It is a very distressing thing to go half-way across the globe, to see an eclipse, say to Japan as scientists did recently, and then have cloud* obscure the sky for a minute or two that minute being the exact time of the darkness.” In speaking of lunar eclipses, Dr, Benedict pointed out that there can never be a real totally dark shadow cast by the earth because of the re­ fraction of the light from the sun by “ In the atmosphere of the earth. lunar eclipses,” he said, “it is not the moon that is so dark; it is the moonlight. They average two and a half hours, Sofar C oron a in Since “The solar corona is beautiful, and is worth much to scientists who want to learn the nature of the sun, but it is utterly impossible to observe it is except when the sun total eclipse. spectroscope, the which might be called the chemist for the astronomer, was invented, there has been about an bour of totality.” Dr. Benedict illustrated his whole lecture with a series of slides pre­ pared especially by the Extension De­ partment for the talk. There were ( xhaustivc* diagrams along with ac­ tual photographs of eclipses. On the diagram* he gave definite expla­ nation of the physics of the eclipse, bringing in the mathematics and the data concerned. Venus Transited The lecture ended with a word about “ transits.” “ A transit is the >ame thing as an eclipse, but it just doesn't make enough splutter,” Dean and Benny Venus crossing between the earth and sun are visible as tiny black spots, which, however, wouldn’t be noticed if they weren’t told about by scien­ t i s t s ” explained. “ Mercury Are you Interested in We have a com plete stock o f good used books on this su b ject in our basem ents. ‘Come in and browse around” ffEXAS . BOOK I STORE We sell at w h olesale to ! C olleges and Libraries Linen Suits $11.35 Newest tty lex, and best quality— ** to b a y n o w. ijeatic Man’s Shop 711 C ongree*