,2% *if. Vj&,V-•-v.; mam Fir$t\C m OLUME 51 Price Five Cents JUSTIN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, Pages Today idicowi Oilti Says' • mm. Wmm SRotceS Wmmilk £*i?wJy2 «W$P*k lAfKoon Drill \!y^ 4. & By MARY ANN BEAUMIER m fflawaaia '7 Cadtt Sponsors•*: TfljMi ingoing to flndCongress/ Bti th» 4wKWif> Pnm ' Missouri's Republican Senator Forrest Will Be Awardod '•low to take away resources from ] Thomas JE. Dewey won re-election Donnell trailed a "Fair Deft!" opponent. jthe f«^eral government and »ive ; Honorary Ranks Governor of New York Tuesday night .•••J'-. -•. -Republican Senator Robert A. Taft ot ;'<»iiuniMddhier^:'||i^General LuSH; -•;?ha-Ar»y-one of theJk^r rafees of a bitterly fought Ohio-pushed ahead in his^re-election fighfcOffice since 1939, told membez's «ion i0S "' Cadet sponsors will be awarded *: "Hr» Giles •fcas" speaking on the * Milliard E. Tydings ran behind his Repub­Lucas, one .of President Truman's top lieu^ their commissions by Miss Jesse tidelands question. The Supreme lican opponent in Maryland after a cam­tenants, held a lead—but a narrowing etofe-4 ' Court recently decided that the Eail Anderson, assistant tov the federal government has; para­Dean of Women. Sponsors are paign based largely on the Comnmnism-in-over his Republican opponent^ormelrB«^~ mount title to tidelands and has J o d y Edmondson, regimental Government issue raised by Senator Joseph resentative Everett Dirksen.' v \ ' r refused the State's request for. re«M sponsor/ cadet «o|onel; Patsy' Jo McCarthy (R-Wis). New York's Senator Herbert H. Lehman ­hearings. ^ Cater, battalion sponsor^ 'cadet ' "(D-Lib) won re-election ovet "It is a difficult procedure to "• lieutenant colonel; and Peggy Rae get back-what we once owned and : Leiutenant Governor Jfoe 3^ ' Bullard, battalion sponsor, cadet thought we were^ntitled to unless lieutenant colonel. Hanley, as widely forecast.', wp reach some agreement with the sponsors are -op Victims Company Bonni- An ex-Democratr itiifaniitjp dmiirfstration,'.' Mr. Qiles said. bel Bland, Charlotte E. Carlisle, "Basically legislation is a com* Marilyn Hampton, and Alicemarie as an Independent^ Vinceut; ^ P promise," Mr. Giles said. "Con­Meyer, all cadet captains. New Impellitteri, was elected gress is not easy to deal with, es­To be commissioned cadet lieu­The 23 girls Who were victims Epsilon house. Mayor of NeW York City in apecially if the Administration is \ tenant colonel at the. ceremonies of the Whitehall Co-op flre^ hkve • "Th«i girls were lucky to find bitter four-way race* JfflMLltjke„„;_quegtion. Working i9 Ralph J. A'niol Jr. 1' found a new home. They moved place so *oon and so ii^ar the through legislation, you have to It ma eftimatg4' r^T5e^comiflBiS^ieB; cadet "ma-" get by a sttb-eommittee^eommit- jora «are John Emerson Parks, They will live at 1811 Colorado, dean of women, said. 4(T,000,000 votes had ^beeft Vice-President, the to, the and William—E« —(Bill)-Bridges, Ddl* the recently-vacated Delta Phi .They are now busy finding fur­That would set a new record for President, and then have to start bert B. Hankins, Arthur L. Krum- niture and . This buying clothes. an election in which the Presiden ­ all. over on a two^third majority- m' Miss , Spencer C. Relyea.IUt Larry. girls . are. "buying . wiselyr" in case of a veto/' he explained. . Or Riedel; Curtis H. Hahla, any W. L. Heaton, city ' -• • r^'}V ' Representative in the Housefwii is a mystery to me. Not only is 86j>f them, will be cadet first and fiire. marshall. In the preliminary unseated by a Democratic-Repub­ therein? document giving.the gov. second lieutenants and Ranger "Can we avoid centralisation of investigation, he estimated dam­hcan-Libersl coalition formed fr­ ernment the lands, but there is non-commissioned officers. power?" asked Dr. E. E. Hale, age at approximately $10,000. the sole purple of beating him. one in contrary." --^ - Chairman-of the Department ot The damage to the residents' % . Mr. Giles pointed out that Texas personal belonsripgs was by amoke Elected in-place ef "Marc" •wm~ Economics speaking, at tha trillwl entered the Union on equal foot­ and water,* Mn» Gebauer ^ ex­ Foundation Monday.'"If it cannot ing with* other -states with the^- plained.' More^repaits than re-Jamea G. Donovan, a Democrat! be avoided; th«n it is better to exception that it retained its pub placemghta Wilt heed to be made., have.it in the hands; of ffie gov- lie lands and debts. This has been Few of the girls carried insur­ ernment," he continued. I; an establishedfact for more than One hundred and fifty-^one Comipittee. Bill Boyd is chairman Williams, ^ sordnty houses . and: ance, but the furniture in the 100years,hesaid. "The economy of jthe . JUirited house was covered; she said. in turra agents and sta£f members .. have of the Campus Publicity Division dorms for women; Bob Grainger, t The Republic of Texas ydted on been appointed to th'es.JPi|blic. and is assisted by Bill Bates and fraternity houses; and Tommy "Happy" judges chose ten par-States has gone through two acceptance of tthis proposition :1i^;Cardenii«^''»;: -; cels,^s^jdchi«^^ stages, opening into the third,'" only after itJtad been submitted Relations Committee', announced-Rodman, Speaker's Division. H aqua-queen finalists Tu ei«j a y Hale. The first pi#?-6. ydb---. Other division heads are Elinor Also Tom Reid, Organizations f Body of Echeverri to the citizens of Texas. George Tait> chairman.. night in Gregory Gyn;. iod, in which the laiaaeit fWr<6 .W.­ r Olson, women's boarding houses Division; and Selig Carr, Publica­ T6e Republicans have to " "Although this proposition Was -First meeting of the agents and and co-ops;" Mark Lewis, men's The ten finalists! will be judged system dominated ; our economy, over 46 seats now held by Demol tions and Radio Division, assisted each night o^ tlje ^Qua Carnival lasted frpm the country's inception titled "a joint -resolution," Mr. staff members will be Thursday boarding houses and co-ops; Jean by Bud Gardner. ra«t«u wellufill theirmaUw,. to °,der to To Be Taken Home Giles said, "President Tyler stated to be held December 18 through until about the' third'quarter end in the Men's Lounge of Texas 16 at Gregory Gym. of the ninteenth century., Therethat it was in effect a treaty. This Union at 8:30 o'clock, Selig Carr, The finalist Who gets the most were unlimited -national resources;! The body of Gustavo . Eche­ is the only time, as far as I can A party needs 21 ^ ^ fort the votes' becomes the AqUa Queen. business enterprise was on a small verri, graduate student ftt>m Col- find out, that one republic became "pokwrnan committee, Kanue the House to take cw^ an entity of another by treaty *' said:Tfeonnie Dugger, Daily Texan Prof Round-up Time Cherry Blair, last year's Aqua ombia> Cook Fu­ipere were no party ehangea scale. will leave the Queen, will reign until'the new interim following neral Home'Wednesday afternoon President Tyler went on record editor, Will spew on the NSA. The period queen is picked. at 4:05 for retuipt to Colombia. /' first 12 Senators elected*-?* as saying that he would respect The Public Relations Committee beg%n a small measure of govern­i?001^48 m°d twa In The ten finalists are: Nancy Asfun«ral mass^ was -held for Republic she ment regulation .which Dr. Hale Texas boundaries as recog­is a new campus organization Couvillion, Shalmir Duerson, Pola Echeverri in St Austin Chapel at can« The first 12 included 9 in* nized them. After President Ty­ called "j» sort of regulated capital­ formed in September. Its purpose By WELDON BREWER Ellis, Kathryn Grandstaff, Marge 10 o'clocjc Tuesday,. ' s cumbents. Two of the new , ^ ler's death, President Polk follow-ii to disseminate news of campus ' J6 Janet ism*" In the third period, following now Texan Editor JSft-44 Hargrove, Ann: Hyltin, Frank McBee, justice vof the tors are House membe„ the depression, competition mainly -iftfjt the same interest through agents living in ! _Hpw successful are profs-in a Lee, Clare Masterson, June Tolar, peace, said that a doctor's report Representatives"Smather (D-FL1 The cbbc for Tex^ is stiongeE every .major student house "at the social-situation? Physical Education Majors Club, a n d A n n W h i t e . • diflSPpeared*., on the cause of death had not and Case (R-Sd,>.r than California's silice the "gov University groups desiring assis* is chairman of th$, student ad-Eleven semi-finalists, will Instead of laiasez faire, which The third annual Education who been received. hy„ Tuesday after­ •rameht^^Wner^Catifor^ tance from the"Tublic "RetatiSKT Ho visory cofhmittee that planned the probably tho "hath'^g f"'«-al# called "from each a^feord-nbon, C6nneeticut» Senator Lx i»r « 1 land previously and had .only Committee ma:y send a represent- Round-up. He was assisted ^by a of the year" are Janie' Bradner, ing to his abiU^ thrgWmftftm Main Lounge of She Texas Union bed . The" 28-year-oldijengineering McMahon won re-electioa aad , %arved out a state, Mr. Giles said. ive to the weekly meettings held will lure thef sedate Button Hall representative frpm five other Charlotte Carlisler Noelie"Duggan!'^u?,8<:i'i.^ id«a "of each student, died shortly after col­|wo Democratic running mat. " totherpoiirt in Texas' favor was according to his need. This ia the 4 o'clock Thursdays in Texas jprofeswore, into ;.«ucbr lowly pur-student education clubs: Miss Sue Nancy Fome, Nancy Hudsjpeth, lapsing at .the foot of the steps Governor Chester A. Bowles a rtreaty by which it entered the Unioii 208, Tait said. and Barbara Kelly. . , , result of the changed develop* suita as aquare dancing, ballroom leading up to the tprtace in front Senator William' A, Benton, I ifchroeder, Association^"for Child­ments of the twentieth century. Immediately after feeing org-! dancing"," &rd" games, ping-pong, Also, Nita Mitchell, Ann 'Robi-of the Main Building. He was Republican opponents. McBfiih ?|"One of the first things I bad hood Education; Miss D. Jean-nette, Charlene Warren, Betty Recent wars have speeded up the anized, the Public Relations Com-checkers—and even snooker. pronounced dead on arrival at the is chairman of the Congressioi •to do when elefcted to office," naittee to nette Probst, 'Home Economics Wheless, and Marys M. Wiley. process, he said. University Health Centef.. Mr. Giles said, "was-to go to went work (sending *'When you come to the door at Majors; 'Miss Dorothy Ti^well, The judges who Atomic Energy Committee,,aletters to student house agents 7 ;30 we won't 'even ask whether' whittled-33 Dr. Hale l^as taught here since Echeverri was working on a Bowles is a former OPA boss. 'Washington to fight a resolution Nuping Education Majors;. Hor­hopefuls to ten finalists are: Olan 1933. During the depression, he master's degree in civil engineer- with information on Religious you're a student or faculty Tydings of Maryland was a ace C.Hartseli, PM Delta Kappa, ; directing the' national attorney Emphasis' Week activities. member," iavows Dr. C. J. Alder- Brewer, Bob Brodhax, . Skippy was Director of the Texis Division general to bring suit." honorary education.' fraternity; Browninjp Bob Cone, Bob Craww I"! ***** IttoSS When 'Orange Monday' was son, wrangler of wranglers for ^nd MiiSs Carolyn Geren, of Employment of the. WPA and. from the University of Cauca, m|^ohn^ Marshall Butler, wfaj . t "Weliaye been successful every the Round-up. "This is one time Alma ford, Eddie GUhert, Ed Hum­associated ^iththe'Texas officeof Colombia, said Eduardo Ortega, declared, the Public Relation^ Pi Lambda Theta, honorary edu­phries, Bob Snelling, aiid Jack charged in the campaign that Tydi lime in dafetfSng offensive action when professorial dignity must be the National Recove^ Adminfstra-architectural engineering student Committee arranged to' have the cation sorority. • Tolar. ings gave a "whfterwash" to*htt|. ipgain*t us in Congress," he con­ fast aside," tion. . from Popayan, Colombia. news broadcast |« by Senate' * tinued. Louise Freedman was appointed Any-student now enrolled for Wisc.^ that the ^tatftJ The tidelands were a part of en-one or more courses in the Col> Open the Valves Commahsista. „ owment nd, Mr. Giles said. This land attend th? pow-wow, Alderson ^11 aUte pi Senator' swas set aside for public education says. Education need not be the nell, one-of the Admi-^ ^ |n 1839. to student's .major subject. , sharpest critics, w« 4 Price Daniel, stale attorney Program wranglers Jim Reyn­ hind Democrat Thomas general, wil speak on the same olds Jr. and Floyd S. Elkins have nings, J*. jHibject. Thursday morning, at 10 arranged some party mixers which Chemists Tonight o'clock in Journalism Suilding they say will test the social qua­Fro*fc Cont—t Daoulllwa, Today . 812., , . . -• , Dr. Henry B. Hass, manager ,of lity of the professors. ^ Miss Ann Entries for the Freshman Be Pittman will slow the tempo for |te Conte Baylor tieini and Hemphill's Bookstore, wiU b^ Texas. Section of. the American , If you still have any steam to "The work of ^ yell leader can Miss Dqrothy Noll, assisted by An effort will be made to secut* student body they were, tied, 7-7* j PfteLBuiIding.2W *•****>: pW Chertiical Society Wednesday At Miss Mary Buice, then »will try let.off be&re getting down to mid-be told by the spasmodic actions Governor Allan Shivers as speaker Baylor was very much the under­day at 4;30 p.m. About 20 fteskn-Baylor GaUSc * Urging students -to remain TheRev. Edward Brubaker will ten years. Dr. Haas's talk will be fdSt -& orty rabbit-he^ • dH«cinjT in they had, spirit-conscious, he said that the and his series of^lectufces Wednes­ A team such good > voice if "a atfrvey, of these developments. known as "The Reluctant Profes- To Have Harvest fh^trm grpat team in. ,#* day night at 7:30p.m.at the U[ni- to wait^unfcil the night before, the University had 'a Buues, Planes, Trains ckaiiue tmm firaraity Presbyterian _ Church -it J2r. Hassja'jusfflt famous for.hin afl£»",is suppowd^o^hapjbiit ihex • The harvest moon will ba beam-1941^ ' But when the Longhorns may skip instead, ^e rabbit j^adjo Waco Salurcf^r Oration, a teennfquei«ue wMch has specialists, Dr. Fred C. Ayer . ^dents .will^M^ti^^eK^­ f*The Most Dangerous Thing You made available more than 700 'vp4 and " Dr. Chapman, leaders, going, to let rott new-m the .Main Loun^a of BayldPTfcfof Satef D*>/' '= A, , Xi. claim found fire and, spirit die down," Te*as Union at the^riday Frolie» of three meditims of transporta­ ganic compounds. His principal they are growing "&bre *n4 more, tion to Saturday's Baylor-Texas Aftor being introdlucid to bmt «< T heg§ Baptisfc-Student-Union- Binttiff said. 'However he urges The moon/ which, |f|«; Ethd Vpto 1300Tu*$day band'sfriend, researches have.been )& the fields: monsorea revival will continue reluctant" . that no student let rallying activi­Fohnan, assistant director of the Thirteen hundred student tick-game. .. . •, " ^ of activated cprbon,v aliphatic ni­atten­ wflj; !KM Wednesday night at 7:30. Bill Elkins, who is president of the ties interfere with class Union, says„ ba* talum, pc^nality. ,et» t^ the Baylor game hare been Braniff AirUnes j, v trations, And chlorinations and dance. flight leaving at 2:80 o'clock Fr£ fanner,. Baylor student, will again lessons from the charm tt«n>mit-add, Miss Alice Archer, ticket synthesis of substa^snJpf,, pharr IttjalNk! SMU Co-ad Iuprov** . > day afternoon. This is the only fries v^lead services and the" seminar af­ Another rally will be held Fri­lee, will smile happily, down It.a jtfanagefr, said late Tuesday after­ jThe condition of Mis^ Sherry flight from Austin to W«co,1G5:Tf terwards. Minette Williams, Bay-day night at 1 p.m. in front of very limp scarecrow dressed in noon. Btudent. will be in charge of 1% Haas received^ his mister't Roystor, 20, one 6i threa • SMU Hill HaH. The Friday night rally green and *oW, Baylor's colors. Out of * possible 9,000 tickets trains leave at 1:4ft and .2:80 ~degtfe6 from Ohio Weeleyan ,and Mudents injured in #-twrtn a ci» iwtlh tagin with a parade *from |Hae jeans for the ^boyn.and avaiUbUto o'clock Friday ffterno <^wt«r«8^aC4'%s0^: l3fS3^||^s(i^l^cked np: years it the Baltimore Gas En­HalL Thursday at 5 p.m^ A student 4:54, 5:81,-,7:26, 8:56, and 10^6 a ^VMea talmlt. said. The parade will be led by iiay pick up ss many as sit if Mug Roystery IWday afternoon and night «xbiat tieir diplomaa or ldft the proper gineering Corporation of Charles­ ^«MI»Ssl^3fforee. Spurs, Bevo, and fuaiiig the dwat: ftp has^that'many '•®l*akit rTa*«i' idress for.haying them mailed, ton, W.-Va., Df. Haas became suffered 'a fractured skull when the Lottghorn Band. Tower,^ chairmiJSsmw Lusk, Cd and H&0 per-tickete, se people received their d«^-professor of chemistry at 'Purdue/ she fell between two dbcoviplcd morning, ~ #a '-'We will tr^ t6 f£tt one of rae Notartine, LewisBall, Katherine ti^kijt fn; Gregory T^i^rtetioii2Officials i» a11 in 1948, 1949; and January and 4ater head, of the Department coac^wai -of a. special football train poaches, probably' Btflly Gilstnip, Ampler, liirlcne The office , t«reblu U Ju»a,n960. •f Chemistry there. Gym i* open from 8S0 to 12.and probably there w^tiAd aot ha any Orchids are $7„ """ %nd aad wae IKaUwr. %toi o'etoek. ft.-f11 Zs¥R * MS Bar J 7 x " • > /-T ifsft MvralChompt A ySm M JlWi'W /•'••& ,1 n -••W4?* vis Sgss! ourts K w AP— 2B — ^ Robinson,' Dodgers, .$28!H Eight clubs Are represented ^n the SB — George Keli, Tigers, j5 , * >wI^ '<*ny4% -**< 1950 Associated Press AH-Star SS — Phil Rizzuto, Yankees,% BOB S&AMAlf 1948, the lMt triJkftrailed the Belt^; 7-6/at half-Baseball team, byt, the National ft?' BRUCE * ROCHE T* RE -r-. Wusial, Cardinals, .$46.1 • f«wfm Spirt* Writer , to Waco fof Texas, the Long-time. It took a field goal by Bobby League champion Philadelphia' CF — DiMaggio, Yankees,.301."Remember 1941" is the, motto Layne to put Texas ahead, 9-7, Phillies drew a surprising blbnk. f1' rttta! footbfil's second di-passer Mawio Mmik heaved Mi horns^had to, pull onfe out of the LP — Ralph Ki|»er, Fir]ate», ,37?| of the Texas Longhorns as they Then touchdown* came easier and •" The Amcricah League, as usual^ C — Yogi Berra, Yankees, .820| «ha|ofioii ^ iro*a«d passes right and left, hut Pern prepare for their Saturday tneet-fire.'Trilling, ^0-d, the Longhornil Texas finally won, 22-7. dominated the team, as selected P *— Bol» _LemQtt, Indians, 23«U4night, and j»W»g» fofc had too much for^th* Dormers. teg-vWIh Baylor *tt, Sat started a comcback tl^at was cfi>-•Xayne's passing led the Steer* by-881 sports.writers,and spor£s-Warren Spahn, Braveti rMt of the divMoael tMl» Ed Buitom did laostofthetoss* that's not tiie only year to recall maxed vffth only a ^ouple of min­to a 28-7 triumph in 1947, Texas' casters,.' ^ 21-1®;i."^fT «J.-Jsi ing that led Pete to a 27-Q victory. when thinking of, the Beam ­ were completed. , utes left when quarterback Paul most recent great yOar, but even-The Xll-^tar Team:'1 f" Utility «£-Bill GbOdman, Red Soxl with a pass several minutes later •«SI Southwest by the ^fes^cjated And in 1946, the Longhorns L«®t ; iBea3oi», -mf course^ * - to MarVln Gustafson fort|ie aec: To The BAYLOR GAME _*ye divisional final* w»« filled Press, but that Good t)le 'Baylor Longhorns had lost ' th|ee ball ond touchdown. liine has proved plenty rough on games and Baylor was undefeatedrm Ol ,lOOIQ VlCvv^lve — -Reporta that—th6~^ufe1{eye», wjETen" t^ose teams meet, anything poundef," Djvts will set to a Dorm havS~ come tth©; 'hard way, espe­ranked number two in the nation, can happen." be W S»s4 te»4 t» Bflif Cm4 for CC* turn his ' rushing activities on 2266 Guadalupe St. H pass and ran as far as he'could cially those played on the Bears' are likely to play in the Dallas ^Jta* towshdown, *»d Jame§ Bxy- One of the main topics of con­Larry Isbell, Baylor.passing ace, ' Beaved A'ton to Montie Goad without being tagged. Then he home field. , classic can be spiked. "'y versation among the coaches was Saturday. J , , f^tor 8>e second taltjr. ' , •" latetaled to Rabago who scam­the 1936 game in which J.T. King, unreeled one tfaiifiiig pUy pered until nearly tagged then Longhorn end-coach, played. In Thomas Walker heaved s he tossed the bill back to Hafer-that one, tfee Longhorni held an 'Wgfrty 60-yard aerial to Ted Tale nick who dodged opponents the 18-0 lead midway of the fourth rest the way score. whorainbledto the Courts'-ten. of to The quarter, but lost, 21-18. play-covered SO yards. . The biggest upset by the Long-But ClUr Ooort* heJd.^ Interception* played a*Wg part Burrows tossed to WilliamNew-SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE FOOTBALL. STATISTIC) horns came in 1937 at Waco. The Plays for Baylor (Through |aihn of Novamber 4.) berry for Pom's third extra,point Steers' only victory prior to that 1&. the game* Pens'* only touch­ .Nat..Cam Fwd. P«»s Pet-.... P,Mlt down carte *• Kal Segriat stole of the night. -'•; •••• ---• Rush Pas* Total ' "Att, Cimir ~Corapt^ A»r. game "was over Texas Tech. Bay­The'Longhorns woxked on their Atlt : 1888 778 2766 105 49 .476 39.3 offense Tuesday, engaging in i' CC aerial to sat up the score No intramural football is schi- Opp.. 1402 1145 21<7 201 89 .448 . 36.5 lor was undefeated at the time. duled for Wednesday, night Si* Ackaaws 1228 899 2127 17.4 71 99.7 dummmy scrimmage against .the which came on * toss from Joseph 41 .408 But a 38-yard field goal by Hugh te' games matching _diyiwohal final­Op*. 1190 765 1986 116 .353 39.7 Wolfe-—^kicked from the east side­freshmen. Kucera to Charles Bighara. Baylor 1242 90S 2160 154 7* .474 41.5 ists will be played Thursday Opp. . 1346 605 1950 122 54 .4 43 36.1 lines—gave: the. Longhorn* a 9-6 The emphasis was on timing of In the Class A game, Dorm H Rice 37.3 680 1547 « Opp. 1324 503 1838 > 106 15 .425 32.6 decision. -ip 917 89 .483 • running plays and perfecting pass SMU % 99J. 1828 2520 193 105 .544 31.0 Bully Gilstrap, assistant coach, patterns. There was a thorough Make Your Class Picture Opp. <1004 614 1618 111 46 .414 36.5 said that , "we were lucky to tie review of old and new plays, with ,TCU ^ 1848 8«4 2306 188 62 .449 B6.7 SMU Leads Nationin 1216 1000 2216 67 .465 35. Was on the defensive team looking over Appointment For The Opp. 144 them in 1923." That eleven, . 3*.* • VOS*9»-799 1*9*. 94 50 .*az™, thrf Baylor-offensive formations."" NOW - 676 ' 120 .417 35.1 .-jiUiiyet aOl 1477 -SO U® ?•<­ L«« THE LARGEST AND ' *vt« ; *• SELECTIONOF SLACKS % ' ' 'A®. • *11 My^CX mm IN AUSTIN M-r- '* ,ti » - . SfYfr-l, ' -J ?, ­ z. ' *-V ,%f •* •* *\ iTM *. 1 < »£ if*" / v p &, ' t SCHAEFER BROWN -, v' "tw-* I iif/ 1*m W-' 'f? n. M") 3"i k • . s.j«. • mamm i''^ v,'VT ,:T-^ • • •% ><;y > v J. V (t&t, f ^ $0'-* v ' . GABARDINES , •" J-f rtJV * , z ) -f? ^4 £ £ W'-*** i, -v' ' ' *: a SHARKSKINS msi 4? -^ ?p>0 A * a &?/ «•w it ^^ FLANNELS th i ^ \ '.5 --ly BEDFORD CORDS 11v «\t-, 1* Sfefal ­ ^ T rf 'I Vrc r,J\ Ti->1 ^ . T ,i1%f ^ Ji-p1 ^2 „ l»« COVERTS 5 A rfJ/h ' * i '*t."'-MM M.-' 'X« t ^ X ^ •; \v-.1K.* m -n*-TWEEDS 'V'S i V 4 4^ 7i DOE ^SKINS FITT1KG Avr«+­ Fu.s. mh&k •-*• r jW'i.lT.;Jfe . IptM est jlfow .....— atrength Tuesdttt' tile® «ew ba^c to con nnoffk^lfvotwstentwif |FQT- The committee acted itfter re­ He WW aometimas behind,soma-News «onnt, " including returns in T«qw in * long time. tp« ceiving an official report from \srtd' t* TP£ timea «hend, in *l»« separate fromte of the 19 counties,' feu* haft not.£fft Republic*** con­Uprise. , i-#$ ...... General aiacArtbur Monday that -on He /'-Haitip*' hwl»eUMar of complete; showed Democrat Wal* gressman fp* inpra than two 4«* Ke said he .was. so Chinese Communists ^ere Dgh^ing "ton, s«>ri(iiig to *,Wst IUH^ Albert confident not p> eowrolt w^h'R«4.;£lh|n44w ter Rogers leadipg OoiU by 17,412 cades when Guill mi na^ed ,jj| of the -wot* eufcoin* lie W^U^dn*t tho -UN "in '<*l«ovtii''Kei,eai' officials. ' 1 ^v\; ttbrrow vvf M i.-iucr Thomas, Houston pewocret, from AUSTIN' -to 18,856. ispeeiaVlileetion lastMi^^y^. even sit up to, hear abotft It; The committee directed iti mem-Ait American spokesman siedd P HUIH I OR 5 the eighth district seat. ^ ifr r WELDING * The Globe-News wid th** elec­ Len^lSg at National. Airport at Ws now '".V-on -the appne. . ~.-+4t. * in Koraa ... -•}_. thf intention •?,«?vTi£tyi'w buJWer seekingaeeat In the Texas Banna, The Texas Ms Bu­elose toueh with Acheson fey tele; f House of Representative*. He reau Jp Dallas, unoffieial. vpt^- Thf tew Election $ttt*fttt*s phone since he flaw west Saturday $<$»an*., TPWa mw«ttWI„MS.i a woi»l4 t>« the first Republican count% ageney fupported by to vote and to make ^ one S5?3i5iSS5^S5^5 state representative from Dallas newspapers' and radio station!, frankly political Speech of the county since the Civil War if he also h%d not expected to cqupt congressional campnign* votes in an.8th district race. Re- wins. Thenhe-eonfeyred at ^Seriyi^te to attemtiy comidar ifliAt*fri8fr y.~ac?~PfeVei was lead-turaa iiv thf-Thftmw-Kanna race Hotwe with "Acheson. and Sacre* iM-connectloifi ing Democratic -nominee Walter had to fce pencilled in on the Rn>- ,^'oncz Thiii n in Une-wfllt4 tary <>f Defensa Marshall, r .'S'1 f$~ ^ - „ " v "" 4< tl ' ' -• * MS' V\'IV.i* ,' 4s,** "it -f J. Reid, 69-year-old special police reau's printed forma. They ahowed •\JRS , t , ft VoW Ml XjU K| 8»itteet|ffsoJ^t^B, ; it j^in^tha red officer, by 11,483 to 9,648, %ith Thomas, like most Texas Oew»» They were fplipwed into'M? * An alrttner carrying 21 ptriuu «rats, had easily regained offic4. president's office by John Muceio, 110 boxes complete land 84 un disappeared in swirlin|* snow ov« ambassador to Korea, counted. Although it. apparently didn't the continental* dividf seuthtast •offering from a tooth itdprmt€ 1 spnrcisi..-1' Mttd' Sepublisans failed however ki matter, inasmuch a* Thomas was The ambassador said,he could Of Buttet, Montana, Tuesday. athe due to a shtKrtage of dentist» Oatted Statea^Bri^ilni#': attempts in Tarrant (fort Worth) reelected, Secretary of State "Bent not make any atatement on the Groun^ parties, headed for t^e And the situation is no> fanpro«-w**i M %t/W and Houston (Crockett) County Shepperd said in Austin that votes Korean crisis in view of, the fast rugged SoUntry -to check, report sponsors a resolution ttgi according to I?r, Frederick^ of to elect members of the Texas for Hanna would be thrown o^t that it Is coming up for United hearing a terrific,., explosion J&v* Elliott, dean of ihi Detttal drafWdlPOr ;^ie jB^euri#­ House. -Hanna, however^ claimad he had Nations discussion at tak* Sue. eral hours" latw.^ther reports Br^?hk hUniv^raity. %f Twm, on the -­ Meanwhile Texas/biggest itate properly filed* ceas Wedneid*y, -pinpointed the "explosion ' just speaking at a meeting,^,t^a ^u» %«,. CHRONO-CHART in the traditionally solidly Demo north of' where the Northern Pa- Antonio District Dentft] &p?jety, dicawon cratic South, sent Gev. Allan Sht-^ific raUj-oad crossed the conti­fillVVIWVQII III! > awVIV-'IOn1 veM and his demooratie adminis­nental divide. ­ New/Unique, Amazing and Revealing Tka Air Fo*f«. Itid Tuesday it u ^ *• £? ^1 ) i T > tration back into office* Despite clotids^il iffle^ #Wck ^ spend several million doU»r» .» « t v-^v;.' .».v-v^V-.-V. ?....; .7 .--. ^ had up *1»WA Republicans put only Clocked the divide and surround­to convert the former Nava| it/ % ^ ••'• • r . 'v* ' * token opposition for state offices, ing mountains near there, a B-17 Center «t Sampson, N.Y, into 'a No oth^r work like it < and for most. QQimty offices had and C-47 took oft to -join in the basic training base to absorb the ticularly the resolntxon of offered no candidates at all search. . a • basic training operations iiow con-Guill, 41-year-old Pampa real ducted at Sheppard Air; .l?orce . No Bibl«student can afford to bo without jt-estate broker* was sjightiy ahead Dr. W. R. WhjU, pr«*id*nt «f Base at Wichita Palls, Texas. This Korfean aggression and ta r«feiib*> HaUowe'eq mey^e over, but although write-in candidates in,e»rjy coasts «* Ppfctar 4Abw Baylor Usiwwity likened Gom-Is to allow expansion of ^ technical 'Qw worst Is yet fc come. welcomed. •. rillo) County. In other ~ counties mumsm rto a giant snake recently. training at Sheppatd. kts.? -Sibils Makes an ideal gift in the vapt district Con^e Pecemher 8, the fourth Anybody can -run^afed campaign just the tail 'iwiwmwt.1' 28-county He said, Korea wna which makes up the 'Texas Pan annual "Ugiy Jlan" contest will rules bar nothing that the Univer­of" that snake^ and you can't kil}:handlei he and Rogers,, £2-ye4r-be held; and if p|ist years are any sity administration will. allow, snakes by striking at their tails. /?AVEThe Hair Yoii Now Hav# old ?a^p» att»rney, we^ »haring indication, anyttiji^ ;g^a and Steele pays. -; "The head of the snake is in Special Of fer the ^ounty«by«connty leads-projmbly wilL The first three ^U&ly Shn"' Moscow,. I hope that we don't M PoU Quiekly~fa$ily—fcenomli*tty,:M The Amarillo ^Globe-News said Jack Steele, Ugly Man Election contests were run for the, benefit have to-etrike thgr?, hut from to- A$3.00va1uie—Specialforoneweekonly $2,00 the lead in the Guill-Rogers race Commission chairman* is alerting of the Campus Chest, with hallots dey'a. headlines such a move ap­ •• :i-'- /• '." * •••; ' ;v '' ' -*.'•':'L -V-^. •/•('• •.'" v-'"' • • •' • • -' -• •'• • '• '-'h • ,'• '. had switched back and forth s^ the Forty Acres to plan NOW to selling for a nickle. N^: worthy pears inevitable." , , , er^ times as its count progistsod. run BOine of the skeletons that are benefit has. been found for this t it Th>"T|ewspaper said the~T«cer[inipposedly' in everyope'a closet. yedr, but Steele says he'll find Striking hut drivers and H*W« which attracted national interest "Look around, in the dark cor­one before too long. "Most every­ton Transit Company -officials ' »«afa »iw«UtftiM l» HEMPHILL'S ber Holeombe's proposal br^ak Ui tiif Solid South had ap­just look around the dining room/1 Other members of the Ugly Man SJUMlHAftOW M parently drawn a record ^vote for Steele urges. "The winning candi­Election Commission are Stanley to let a ' fact-finding committee mf&4. Trtvif# *f? HMWOlMMt a general in the fen- Bruce. „ for :* 26-cent hpurly •' handle district. if not dear, to you." • 250T Guadalupo _ 109 East 21st -TT-^ Tr^PS^Ti Steele said it. would he a defi­Selloat for UT•'. -.*>.' V. • ;> • •>. «*,!*•; v;, . *-k* I.*•&*'i*> f-' 4 i5 4 -V 4" 7" ^ 4t-.& & «--St. ^ cS * « * : •»" ^ ^ ^ -•?•• A TONIGHT!! j •*? At Ypur Own Campus Shoe Store Oft ^e^Dri in Person ^ v Q*| > - 1^- % >4t-\ f lOPOHOE <--m% am r,* *' u. k.>K'''? ' 1E.H % " P * vl I % uz* rv1' *-> end oar..;i«liy«iolletto? iJS & "F arm ' ' 0 * *• , ^ •* *<* faiopti«'ior^li^lBnwiis»ln^ * t » ' ^' }!<," % f .w-j value Wiathn>p«...tli«re?f Starfc at 8:0Q >" Atype for every " U t&mu, •-••rnmmi'mwm Xi^W^ „ * ^ "$ ^ ' o • ^ w .W/J v < t. ^poowioe, ustyle r ''•^fofe?ef7t#i»%.r / f *&&& A> Full Two'Hour, Show in GREGORY GYM fc-fi: '• *t 7f*ip %-, ... V^V ^ ';*$?• ^Musie Building Box Office # Ro|ifr0 No. 8 (on drag) & •^Willlai*! Charles Music Co. • King'* Record Shop ^ p^--i It SH frJt'j?** - it S|e> Unhwrrity Co-0|» 9a ifw '«r •; sees Is. \m m. "fa 41*4 *3 3&M y 55 > J-% }, A" '4*^ fc . mm a... All Proceeds to benefit the 3--'. • ' •' m Pi mm a-* I** / •'ta'gw'ify iisfm S4" *?! lr- SHOf .j|i»Tp*S| 9 S « ii n KKWft* * M-U ^ ^ W* rrfr H'W^'LPI^ip.R||ip ki t'ai&At'^»vM,sg^V<•".>«!-• ,'i'< l^mim!Saff9^mt^"Thw '' ,„aii>---t> •V,N i'\ in zxW&Si&biS rY. SSISs •> '^«Jt\ %irt'jfc%fi-' '"tfitjl'A-'-wM-V'1 **•^J9t''Jt »WWBivj^fNOKJI'st ? '\fw|lW&;JMHWlU.-/• lw$: OOB titougfet to thiai>rop** M •5*»«tN«»«<«•»« nxtogm afth* fin© outdoor athletic raST* T ._, &»},p»)^ed «f ••• ,(. provide* fcgr L»W Austin. f -WMn« states* $•% A* *y *onnieduccer allttW »ttp«rlor lUftfr writing his b«fof«. Their intolerance of thrir 4!^ |Pm** VoTlter '"'•' < jwemj !«t'» hope so. People wmnt juniors is matched only by theirMl ««jKBjR NEW SNOBBISH m de­ rilin&WMf sari ridinr n to—perhaps neod to feel superior icorn of their elders ,,," . ^ ' om .fined W Russell Lynes. in this "|rttsubjects At Lake Austin. in these days of shallow value* 'TKen, under the Taste" j&ioiba ^ month's Harper's includes the Re« plWUy^tvK^ ptit *tDwtemoath, irritating. ... ,\t_, i . , ss:hKs»s: • i?4 *"r r•^T° sarl"s!S Physical, Occupational, and Re-the equ*lity ,of individuals is, to are reading, but takes i,2iS:'r; That's the only wSrtf to describe m*~ ** ™ -v -™» «, ««cn». n» verse (or Anti-snoh) Snobs?—but * ihe JJ's of the world, btit » to telling' yon the a# *11^ .*•*.****™ '*•»«><» of enough.pencil nhsrpenere in he leaves oat one vital category, ' mockery; some peoRie think they ,the oarjier and more obscui^ w»ysi«d laeeaccise. _ .• the tfoiveisity. ,V* • , This class is epitomised hy^"W,w are better than >you (but aha,' books by the same author .," the myaterioius symbol' afifixed to £®*!{f •r* no* a* good as '^^f^h«ir«i 'a**-' >T.rtni-!lir^r^™iH^r)'n'm»" • Th*trtu,lant« »' »«institution ^ alittle blank^verse^X^uite ^puKr tit -^ <""• proportion should have to either. ifl the Texan these days) received '***factor ytth _lu^^^'^Mty a bog of pencils aroundor to ahawtl S "ITuesday entitled "To Ronnie in In Harper's "The Nt#' «&IEk ''*'SpSS?°&iii)r,M ?'a5i' 0c* ^Admiration of his unaidedCourse hisni, the Regional Snob is de-Snobs iLh !?'; .R«verse ^ • and solitary heroism." scribed thusly* 9 8nob ­ °*Xlwb?*t* *hout i TT..TTZfnr tff-dMB, or invade *,j«ofs office to ^ Our -first reaction is to be sad­ dened by JJ's sentiments, for be «».«',!m TeXa* \ia Mid that Ton ,^.JThose who are unsure, who ar* joying intramural contest ssflbosi-4W_nd JJ point out why ­ °s*i!yingextents. gWBia PeTOIlifty yW w*a™* »«-» HffU o*rw»i««. made important by tlie jso* the gaUesl, mfet^hoy Tftiy "ovm-­ >W-^ There is alsoT under thSr cate-_T ter than other people. W$#: emphasize bis proportions." ~ ^-T * .e^vigwrihe-PB^eplty^S' gory The World Is My Home If we would only turn irt inij But it occurred to ub that per- tun> * ^-^9.«ja_kn a.„«»»,!..,j.rT *** BK some of its PT fee. to buy,a fleet J;'. *^*.""I™* <»llap-roommate?" hags "JJ" should ^classified1 as besf places in a dozen ports. ^ ^ „,, StSTsrifc* which .bout ten »t«-^ * <*"<" » «— Vv— , a strange kind of Snob: the face­ tious "I-am-humbled-in-your-prp­ ^,«jd r°"tog^er "* Elective System Grew sence" variety. • ^SSL^S'i^' *f year-in* year-out. *"&& The need is ^obvious ft** stum» this away with anything but, are ^al­ toydvM Quoth little JJ—in guarded now through the University, and .."^' .to have to talk about it ways quite sure that everyone, anonymity— fine itII be a playboy or a roue or sjT-""* "'•.«-«« , ."Angry winds and dark clouds come the Religious Snoba who atmete or a politician or To Cafeteria Education an an surround him. believe "that those who disap­engineer ... • £ :(Tki« U* tin lixlh in a «e»: book, "If Yo« Want an Edu­.He walks prove of their faith or themethods on. But in each one there are soma •^iife^giS5gaK^.7/giq^ H« of taint «xcerpt*' from th« by which they try to spread it are 5?7j cation"—-Ed.) ," . * / "7Th© -mountain shakes bebeath Jioarrconstants ..^ versi K1PT de , Unmnitf «f Chicago band* 'Bigots7,"1 sihd ibe Tolerance Snob, his feet. t for or ; the desire significance, "ih: The elective system role^ f&rsi" --: the "I-am-more-tolerant-than-any» sifceeasrin afield... He stands erect*--'— Atk'Jy in the colleges, and then in the body" person who has a knack AS PEONS and frequent hltch-hik- The stars loose their course, • a cry for security.*. for getting his name printed "on V high schools. The elective system . forget their harmony. '* ' htofoljk"* ^ Texan workers often grouse the letterheads of societies for the aj hunger—often hidden be­»bont has been described as "cafeteria The; sea has left its home and prevention furthering neath masculinity or cynicism, Officiat 5£?= tie singular ' or of • reaches to his knees. •education.". Since every boy or often exaggerated in sentimental* ^^gTfMir#^*':?r l^.rtjm»a-«faMrtb«iM.T.the high; ^ Ho does not stymble. ity—for love, or attention, or be* girl is different from every others­ "The Senstial Snobt. .* tak* Trees bend, are hurled to ths log cared for ,.. >• boy or girl, the schools were go-special pride h.being able to wrest itoweai: -good spirit ana proper.;^ Hours/ .Houre, H6ui» you stand, ground, ' -Every day; the student gets up, /JoticeA ing to educate each of them for more pleasure per c.ell from th«. » ..* a v«yfine line, >atching exhaust pipes on 1951 ga-Bould'efs topple. from their races past a hundred students on flesh than anyone else." The Sex ' v « UnlTertfty «r»duate» trbo h»v« not bis own best development. heights, bis way to class, listens to a pro* „ belles % iV •awled Snobs, .under this category, are ;tis-»jgsg\v -for their diplomas or given-« This sounded sensible, until the ^ Birds are dashed on crags. feasor ... »d(Jr«B» to th« : University well described in the Kinsey Re­ ^iGqod Surely, there must be olher peons ^««sl»tr«rare.*».fqUow>.:..' " -; He does not change-his course. faces, but not human elective system ran hog-wild, and He sees port, says Lyries, except for two enthusiasm with sensible values in the University. If ao, what's wrong ;. .' Rudolph Herbert Ackenatn, MaUeolm • -many of our educational institu­Man, are yon blind to danger? faces ... Only oranges riding GplMia Alexunder, Mary .Sue Awwail. varieties which that report pro­ with this idea: \ pickie Le* B«rb«r, Betty Serbnu, BoU tions constructed their curricula'' Look about you and see that it crates propelled by waving reads other things that are important. tfge 1 . Wililwh. duced—^'1 could tell Kinsey a % fyEdgar is impossible Blsck, Melvbt Allen Blessen, and Doro­—r-or.tried to-—on the sole basis of • • thing or two," and "Why I've ;J?opr sportsxn&nsWp: to tarn over ^f Organize a; UNIVERSITY HITCBi thy Marie Bohac. To proceed. ' individual differences. The funda­ Why should we love each othsr? J?ff known that for years." » SF«wB -B0»weJI.: jRoy All«i mental that He walks on. ' What has that guy done for me? similarities made..* •.. Clifford, Mrs. Malvlna . Prager . Collin*.' . The Emotional Snoba ve SnoU" a ^P« all frail and insubstantial in a reads: . . Volnejr Ellia. • . • feappened to Texaa A&H. I^ Aggiee' ^^ ' ^ Alao, Eliaalioth Travi« Elll»on, Barbara to learn-, and the school taught deur, insecurity, or a need-for a which finds its roots among ado-world of harsh and crushing Longhorn& ( £; Jano Krneiaen. David Donald Ford, WU-" forces.. . , ;o£ two Baylor cubs ao enraged that^| « Crittenden Frederick, Gale Trnitt , him. If he wanted torbe a chemist, satisfying heroism;. lescents, who since they, are hav--' -limitedtl Gifford, Silas Griar»i. — tynn Martin he could take chCiftinU'y cottrHea Thp snob, says Lynes. resorts to ing their first encounter with Our strength lies, together, and" that the Beats who were not given ^ •;•;•Hakea 3K,-:9ttaX;i.JM». Hankins, Edwin and forget about the subjects that snobbishness "as a means of mas­believe that ho only together, in the basic #5ni­ sexual love* one JleBlwrath Hedcea, JRalph. Orahnm ~ l£Uli prayer ai any quart«? To«iped homely Swd placard would be attaches to and Hene Manuel Hinoiosa. a chemist needs when he isn't"" saging his ego." Maybe JJ feels else has ever been so in love l«rities of allmen. - Atoo Brnev Herbert IHeni Ha "Guar * '* * " ' 'aband which would encircle neck of Jeu. Porry Edward Johnaon, Joltn "practicing his, chemistry.-' -W be ™ibl« ^ Kichard Xei^ler, Theodora Emmery Kui-Side by'side-with the elective -. <*>«*, about, yell, do Aanek, Riehani Victor I«wi», Charm Iiimbaojrh. Henry D. Undaley in, Enid system w.ent progressive educa­ tik»r but remember iMs is a Uni-^rGt nn. whizzing past. * Anne lofti», Ira South I*e Jr., Jack EUiott Pate, Virginia. brakes for Longhorn dust-eaters. Meyer,. Aldo K Olcue, Floyd Edsar him. Parents' who wouldn't think B»f Ph®U». Ralph Phillip* Prinsrle, Wen-of trusting their children in mat-' f Mi Paice Ragsdale, Rkmiro Cortes A CONTRIBUTION Sure, we' beat SMU. But —we • ; « YOU TELL US ters of health or morals sent them . JrSl jg^iSS"«SKS To the Editor: haven't beat Baylor, TCU, or to schools which regarded child­ To the Editor j w Al*o, Jamea Thomaa Sidlo, Charie* to contribute to a A&M. Jame* Smith. Thomaa Clinton Smith Jr., ren as experts in the matter of We want rTexas loses to" Oklahoma by one Murriall Lew Soader, Hubert Letord' their own education^ fund to help the girls who lost Baylor has a good, team-this Stone-Jr., Claratiee Elmo Stringer, SWh point; Tpxas beats SMU by three Chang Tang, Raymond Kuasell Thotnaa, --£heir-clothes* etc* irf the Whitehall --War, based on somewhat the same ' ' ' * • if-iw« * Liberal education considers you, Peggy Joy Thompson, and Albert Trig- fire. We M-e each enclosing a Strategy as SMU—if you can't points (the last two given thenfc : ««•.* ;•"• *.-. but it doesn't consider you'an ex­ wark of Ladd,Democracy . Also, Frank . Batton Troseth, Ciitt* pert on education, laberal educa­. jcheck for>5. run it well—start throwing it. almost deliberatly); so what? Chuin Taien, Jo*e Manuel Reyes Valdea.: Minaa Basils Vavakoa, Robert S. Wake­tion considers you, but it doesn't BEVERLY SMYTH They derailed Texas' great 1941 Which is the best team? field, All Husayn Wairdi, George Alvin eleven, and a repeat wouldn't bo Watkina, Mrs. Gertrude Evelyn Sum-think you have; yet had enough, -. JjBJETHSMYTH . » as.one reporter put it, J^It'e - Otia mdignants,and movie atar "I think 'that'ihoat of tha CHAItLEY TRlMBL^f v impossible ... n P%«>» 4|wirt«t> Smer . mers Whaley, and Henry Stephen*' experience to -know what to study, • * ;:^r; because football has got so tangled tm-ytML ; III: JU, J^boys who dislike John Derek^ Whiter ••; . or even, sometimes, why to study* Let's stay, behind ' ths 'Horns Also,;Amos E«alie Willson Jr., Donald SPIRIT READING letters W* consider «ano^g , the^ just jealoas of hia looka ?**?• jy'n».'OHie Woolsey, and George (To Be Continued) -To the Editor: j and keep 'em up fojtheir remain­and meaaed and balled up with ' IV® mos& interesting letters those .• • How eaa he prove L>ouis Wysatta Jr. Beat the H-__„ Out of Baylor! ing games. ' crasy little rules, regulations, and iffiv.'l it we.imv* often wonder^ v.;^. Two. interviews will be conducUd by ;r.'i Jsfes That seem* to be the chant now.-• --* ORLAND SIMS exceptions that it takes a wizard Sve representatives iff th^Wright. Let's keep it up. We found out •with a powerful pair of field gyjs­ . W^rtd.,, »TT~i3& Patterson Air Poree Basi sfczm 'qji/ j mi : ^Saturday that the-spirit counts ...AND MORE ses to follow it." der^for freedom, fi^at-Motion Picture: So they're • (ill To the-Editor - Tbe -representatives wfll interview the students of fU of T deserve A\ - and parts! W« mid-year gradnaterin ekctrical, mechan-erifufd ~ This ^eporter warns that -foot-; .. . \i'vlooks small Mseronavtieal, and ehemieal engineer. • hand.;..* . . ,Ithink the student body ^^^pg^r#ai^i|I^«er«a40:tha^ ^Students ahould contaet the Stn. has scored a major victory—a ball will kiU-jtself as.a gamo any­ SMU has a great team and it's .^. ^^fe'ohn.appreciates-:her -letter-,... Employment Bureau for an iotexw s _ -„ * *54 magnificats support,, "A< : fcettera'^ at Student Employments Bureau. 'M' ^ JIMlllY H.TUCKER . . We all learned &at the jlcolnmn, poms out her but , And the sorrow of the souls " . OR DO WE? The last two meeting* for the intttf best way to win football-games, »#«*»•* to *utt Ch» «utK ud MOModttor Antes i.„ .hling distaste for Alan Ladd To the Editor: ^ AND MORE SPIRIT even against overwhelming, oddfe,^oSMS^ELiy* ** «* Admtairtrfc; , "What do all the girls see". To the Editor: „ .. is to show our Mr. Calhoun informs ns thai team we're behind io ine ctergyman s yearning under our present system we' have ... a t^am is only as good as them one hundred per cent ... And the election's Sling;' good medical,-care that has nO I'SM-ilMreetor of University .its backers. LESTER LEVTf ally swoon over him. Personal-' Veteran Advisdry Berviee, By #u meangj to ^^elf.centered fault. This granted, then wh^ * v---,.-—~ WOUK saavice , ly, I don't tiiink he's cutef^ movement. to. change a perfect day •&£ nn*bl* tomMt my ™°*^Jvpio Doily Texan Crossword Puzzle ftod finds a.temple in the soul, ' system? , ^ • •il his films feature mordep or * other Instructor in Englisli _ Recenti^r Senator Langer croaa y»f brutality.** Id. rasp ./examined' Mr. Jordan • (optome­ '4.note 19.beam « ^ -• Meln Gottl Poor Ala^ri on Campus %Aifm trist leader) and Mr. Jordan irai --ifJliis iVf j 5.pal " of thC 21. theme' mwfflpttn mw*. %:r*-p^. » «it w«rent for BattyBibbar|§f -unaware that "some people were .9. medley -scale 23. disdain j Today's **&*£ who says "There should be .JO. river (Fr.) 5. not hot 27. openings jg, unable .to purchase a pair of glas­>' ^ _ -4 jKccM0£nl* " 1 11 5^ more,aetors in Hollywood Iike-f« 11. humus---a.suggestioQS (anat) V-Answer Is 4 < A~' * s< s. Can those people afforcTm^di-^ CeBsgtete l^m ... ^ ..^ AM Ssaeritwii Fsrae»slt*r, Alan, stars who take a real-12. trustwoithy 7. emplqy 2J8. crowns in th* * wS \, A';ical care? Could not we walk four interest in their fans/* h^ 14. from 8.walledholy 29. allied "v" , .blocks" from our state capitc^ to would probaby end up as a' 15. azone ^ , city atdigits'S.,• .^ witness the same thing? ... J ^.exclamation •*•...;-• toegoda "• »•» nwud Ja tows 20.braAch fiM recently been described in Waa^> 1 ,, , -.i 33. contradict * &*m as selfish and avarieions . Our favorite pte on tha 22. business 13.large ty'P*?du^d^ii^ ington Journeys r.g Editor. J? would baiter/ to $< poly in danger? Could you read ^ app^oJdmat^ : iMift "The.jaS!^ (a bulletin of toi ^ chamber -j r»s*ta • .Hfe .mftnt. A»d. We" feel " ^.at ho^'ti;^''1 .Children's Burean) and say Wf ft the same about a lofc '||bave anything approaching an*de^ r' M THIS ISSUE to the ' KE •Innate health system? Have •i**r £$£»« ,/^H>ple .died while someone ^ BETTY CARDW If .;%lnquiriag to see if they could af-I Jfs /Jj^Kirkpatric -|#0]Pd medical care? Are t&e'Ameri- Chamb fre^ krfimm IS"3 gleans wondering why only 125 4T,sm^l £4^»ould-be doctors were admitted to. PWKl and President T^ptan in _;i .depression mm fttnortanee to the *Amk * A6;Hebrew ilane University Medical Schodt ISb nt of 2,000 applicants? -^ pU month his obvious? ^ ' sam meadqr. (4r *, - ^-^haade# tapatui Mr. Calhoun "foidn't x«ad your editorial on "Is 0JT jD»4Mk»|>k I'-i* ^ w fcfeSAa it m i vV "I ' ' "u. r > '<*$ ?*«* »ettbter* initiated,into, the Pi Beta Phi alumnae Will Bold the pledging< of EldonaHamilton K ^ (Irtwril'.tfcm fthl-frater­their annual settlementschool sale of Laredo, and,Gerry Bowersof nity Saturday night are David 0„ andtea from $ to6 o'clock Tue*» Edinburg. jBoxeman of Dallas/ a senisr rail-day'at the home of Mrs. Fred P. coring in geology; Clarence L. Sharpe, 12, Niles Road.„:&•»*£ Five advertising studentrNirll tionaUnknown evangelist of Frase of Copperas Cove, a senior * \.;^w tour business Anns related to their field in San Antonio November ^jMtoeatioq, major; and Bobby T. " Members of . the Delta Dalta 18 and 14. tWebb of Corpus Christ), a junior Dalta Mothers Club will meet Fri-They 'will be accompanied bytjtaajoring irv chemical engineering Alan Scott, associate professor of S1(im Alpha lota, honorary nu Officers of *he Fellowship will day lit 10 a.m, in the -chapter Field*,'» will bif jshown at BUlel •4 William F. Frants and Carl H. journalism. The ton* Will include sic fraternity, will give a Festive be eleeted frem tennomineesfor Gravn, Eloise Catberbe; h* ft,* o| Foundation' Wednesday evening at Abel represented the Dallas Alum­house for a business,session. Roberts, , Elisabeth Field, Anne mm -44- «4*._ visits to advertising Arms an#re­Tea from 4:30 to S;S0 o'clock jpresidenl anf xjca-presidential p*. 8 o'clock.: ,r • of . thirty *' " ni Chapter'ofTheta'Chf at tKelff^ Peat, Gloria Ratchford, Marilyn I jtiataon.*""" ~ "" ''* -^ lated industries, such as radiosta­Wednesday afternoon irj the Mu sitions...Four vice-presidents are V The film is a 95-minute comedy of the €tph»hes of Alpha" Onitefon wHftflflini'cej tions and newspapers. • ->•— sio-I4b*a»y. Sadler, Linda Rowe, BeUi«.'Smith, »• 1 •1 elected to carry out duties.of -a About Jiw&tfe Hit in 4d rural ''" * ' " "•""" ' * ' "•'* 'J' ""." •' " 1 " • •. i" ii in 'i >*lijn miirfHi'WVi * •&Wi.r Margaret Tat^ Kay tutt, and'Pat I *- reporter, hirtojrf*% and secretary-Buesia, starrir* Michael-" Cold-th^K^-^ KW^* Moore.'; '• 3V ^ W«»" etudente will meet at . treasurer. :stein and ffolen Beverly.. The next . I 7 p, ni, Thursday in Garrison Hall b . 10T to diseusi, .formation of a ilypwdui F«ll»i»iiitp mu ^ear " student* wilt be ad-jrember 17 at the JKappa Sap|M nutted free, and, non^student* wil! Gammasororitjr howw^r? hometown club. Students frOm a speech on the World Student iffir cents* Odessa and' Odessa exes are in :';r ^^V: Christian Federation Thuwda*at W^mmmmyWaM Sidney Lanier Literary Saeiaty 7. P-in. by Miss MS^^eahne de tUduard Taborsky, associate pro­WSM:" will have its group picture taken • ... •• .... V •- : • '' O": Jody Edmondsonr president of Haller, an executive df the Federa-fessor of government, will spealc for the Cactus Wednesday after­ 4Y.®Ci.^^akonlthe^ persons to a public meeting of Beta Beta noon at 3 o'clock m front oiEAlpha, honorary women's business -cations ofa-good^fficerJWednea- Modern Languages Building. pa Si . day night at 7 o'clock to a mest-l ff gro rre — admini«tratjQHTfrateraity/W>ri3j.j: ing of >frMliaaa FtlUvikip at Miss de Hajller will bei*^nore3 dv at; 5 p, xtu inMmtg*ner Hall :r, -Charles fit. &ovotny,-associated FganteNtttthe Student Christian Association. with a tea Friday afternoon from with the Austin laboratories of _i3?r. Tabowky'*_speeclwiU deal * "A tjwining schoolfor yp^ijgi ^ * to-6 tfdoek afr tte Y; All atu* th« Jeffegog Chemical Company, dents are invited. with "Aspects Behind the Iron. hasutMuoi established aAi jfw^ffi w&l spealc to Sigma Iota Epafle*, • 1 f *">*- ; Curtain.** honorary management fraternity, <^dre«r Biblii.teachiiw^Pi Barker-Calvery Members of the South Central Thursday at 7 p.m. in Architec­ °a 1» attoidea, by>.,ah^' Taxa* Club will meet in front of ilMtau AuocUttm, ture Building 105. His topic will 2.000 German people each weei the Texas Union Wednesday at.,7 will meet Wednesday at 3 p. m-be chemical company management ; ,;Mr^Gateweo4 i;ppoJrt»-'i p. m. and ther go to-the Liberty in the International Room of the problems. of religious concnn In ~ flattemit nylons usually 1.95 pr. Bell fop the .regular meeting. • Tex^s Union, Mrs. Stella*RmtfiJU th^*] Thft speech /mil; be preceded. by!A .th lengths. A wonderful High School. dies Newcomers Club in the Ar­ocea|Mtnt8 frona * '* * ' - ---­ chitecture Building. ; . . ; • , • •••':* tote . , (« opportunity to buy your winter stocking wardrobe;' Mr. Talley said that no weather. , % Paulihis Frances ' Herlclots waa house next pro the beaufifut new shades are Bordeaux, Orleans, and married Novemb.fr 4 in Taylor to Nof Pagan—-Brubaker is satisfactory unless it fita the and three pairs and Ventilation. The fourth Floyd Ralph Rich, eXrstudent at people living in it. At the Resent Normandie. All in sizes 8'/^ to 11: lent to; that of econwny. By DOROTHY KREAGER for 4.25 the University. time the home is the most back­ make people btfild certain typ« a "We do not' need to fear the ward piece of modem architec­ spair isr not W. kn^w you are In certain j>laceft. A ^ ture, be said. . Alice Miriam • -Zulu pagan, but we do have to "despair." • ~ , type house ahouidhneit^lie ate of Randolph-Macon, was mar­:[ear. the educated man," the Rev. Concluding, he said^lf^return^ ried to Dr. Walter Lanf. ex-8tU' Edward Brubaker,,guest speaker, ing to Christ is real, you must see in the fact tihiat few people design Buy. Your Christmas Gift Hose Now. dent of the University^! Austin^ bej»n his series of "Focus on at least one way you must change their houses, hot instead merchant oistmcrivE mitMtm&Mkj&Tisin Washington, D. C. " V ' -' " ' Faith'* talks Sunday night. in order to go^a^ toJ3pi*t in a builders plan them -without the "EGUR-WAY HAIRCUTS^ Dr. Long received his pre-medi» Taking the subject "Education: real fashion. ,v,„ help of .an_ architect and with cal training at the University, and —Threat or Promise?" the Rev. "Just increasing eSutation is cheapness asTthe main object^"~~ liiVinvc-vv^v took his medical degree at |Iar-Mr. Brubaker brought .the prpb-not the answer, though* We need p. J.-don't forget to add thasa "There are several problesiis in vard. to. i^ effect upon col-i education-hot more eaucauon. building Mr. Talley huv education, a house," BEAUTY SHOP stocking purchases to your-Hosiery : ; lege . Students. Bev. Brubaker will but a mo^e dedicated education.*? .said, "When thesa vro'blema am «H* W-WMJUW r\' Anita Mol, student, and Ral»art conclude hia aeries of talks at 7:30 Club Card * .. remembeK your Tadd MaCay, ex-^tudent,, were with "The Most Dangerous Thing 13th pair is FREE! You Can Do/' married Saturday morning in the chapel of the. Usiy^nity PreAhy-He stated"that,' by the way etu^ terian Church. * dents go to college, they ask not useTour . for wisdom but for ignorance, be­Cherge Accounl- Mrs. Richard .R. DSLSRI, ex-cause ihey are seeking power and The Product student, is now at Thunderbird-wealth instead of truth. , The! Pield, Phoenix, Arik., with her hue* meaning of'life is not taught* for, ©ally Quick band who is attending the:Amer­although almost every creed is in­ican Institute -for Foreiyy Trade directly taught by the college pro­ Ttxon Rtsults at the field/She is a member of fessors, it is forbidden to teach Alpha Delta Pi. Christianity. ^0 p-" ' ' • ' "* H, , "Since it is impossible to teach Board For Sale Nursery Mary Elisabeth Traat, business objectively, the wrong influence administration major, and Jaha is often exercised upon the mal­ fl* V. E. 35mm stili fllm a"nd slide prb* THB SAFETY PEN. Iadlviduil cm lot Ragar 9eall« .geography major, leable minds of the students," Revk •jiMV-. j/ ioctor. Complete with case. Practleally *ew-*S2a,W);-: S-SJ4SS—«U» i m wire married October 26 .in Aus­ Brubaker aaid.' \ ^~ 3710-A Ba ley Lane; . ^ . UNIVEBSlT-y MEN 1 . Piclup—delivery. 6-04S8r^B-0&98. tin. they -ig-il^Su Mtwli f»mily «tyle. Bon* mad* rolU aaa pies * »pecUlty. . . FOBjSAUn^Nw 19S0 Fo*d CoRvertible. norance, the logical conclusion DOWNTOWN KINDERGARTEN. Nor*200.00 G. MRS. HOWARD PAINE, _ discount. ' W." Lord and sery. 1st grade baby sitting, 60c follows that they get just that, he S402 Soton -2 blocks west of campus. Company. Georgetown, Texas. ' , Phone 8-S171 Five Professors? said. half, 18.09, weekly. 400 East Sad; 2-8568. 41 BLACK DODGE Redan, 48 motor-in / A-l heater. Rea­ «« 'practiced by the "Scifnce, condition, radio and sonably priced. Fred* Coffiy. Telephone ,-s.ir -Will Attend '«1 H i layman; doesn't bring good o? hap­ 8-4673 after 1:00 p.m. . » Rooms for Rent mm\ J piness,"-he further stated,, "for DELICIOUS meals -served* family style. SAN ANTONIO: Large bedroom for 1st Golden fried chlcksn with all tbe trim- ASME Meeting we have no scienpe to help «s get *.5? mattresses. Car­ mines every Thursday. Conveatiently lo­Help Wanted ?c3 g*wd . floors.. % block, from eampus. w out of the trouble of ever greater cated behind Gregory Gym. 11:15 to l40 Electric refrigerator furnished. Porter Five University Engineering M. p.m.: BiSO t« S:10 p.m. Mrs. *. J{; CryW comfort and ever sharper claws/' Service. Utilities paid. S2C.0O per person. Sifec 207 E. -22nd, Ph. 2-8S48. , QUICK CASH I Inspjed!« room or telephone 8-S720. professors will attend the Amer­The Rev. Brubaker went on to ican Society of Mechanical Engl* Salesmen wanted tor beautifully de­A^«A£T1VELY FURNISHED bedroom say that people erroneously define Coaching signed Christmas card pietiirina with bath. Graduate atudent. Private neers' annual national meeting1 sin as ignorance, and say that TEXAS UNIVERSITY TOWIS, Costa ' from .November 28 to Decemb^ 1' MATH. R. M. son nothinr. Yon keep 40 per cent of ixs.'sr fstu^ world is going wrongs Randie. SI09 Grasdvlew all sates, ' irt New York City. . " . 8-1168. >.V deduce .that , education ope * ( " \ Phone"7*2449 V Roommate Wanted •r^s They are W, R. Woolrich, dean -<. solution for saving the^vorld. COACHING, translations. French* of college of engineering; Carl J, i .German. Silton 2S09 San Antonio, "But knowing ^hat is n„_­ UNIVEKSITYGIRL will share beeaU- Eckhardt, professor of meehanical fully furnished upper S room duplex doesn't ma^e j»s obey," he pointed' COACHING FRENCH experlmetd. Tele-Losf and Found sim with one girl, 880.00 month. 1 atria engineering and vice-president of out, "We^eflfe-the problem, and • Phoae S-81S0, S—«8. 160.80. Phone 7-288S. ^ " : s ASME; Dr. Byron Short, professor don't know it. The greatest de« of mechanical engineering; Dr. H. Special.Services Dancing LOST: 2 camera* in one large taQ J. Plass, aseistant professor of en-Stad«nt*« Article FaUMi«4 sis'&sr.wr^ T gineering mechanics; and 3 ,t Mary Lou Widcman, junior line r«s^vs« .. LfcARN TO DANCE l--G««e*, 8%.*8>4 camera, with ».* gvf-n^HAR' Dalley, instructo; arts student from Tucson, had an University Ballroom classes. Monday and leas. Thursday S-—» p.m. 1 hour class les- fef »A OAlfe. mechaBies^^l®' ' article published in the fiftieth U°/y«sity girls free, , . Wm i uii" ill# Mii^ rf»und trip per persoa. anniversary edition of School 'ANNETTE DUVAL DANCE STUDIO Call Warren Malar. 7-4807 " 10th and Congress Arts. * , JPhona 8-3961 or 2.9088 4v ^ £mr Congress Refrigerators •The article is' antitlid ;.^A­ l—Slty Filter ST KNOW WtDNMDAY 9hankvgMng! '• :|||f Furnished Apartment* I—Special lens a*. Left under first row of seats in Forfont J-• Memorial Stadium. EuraMa of fl«M, S between north SO and 40 ya*d_ Unes Typih^ l" Lenghorn Jaad Sytton' Sjiidar bay~~W**k~Month 5&.&#«§bar* bitht^-otw^ pleaee caU Moton B. Crookett TrTai refrigerator. Private entrance. ACC 8-4282.#-se«ei aA KVUBXUl reward be generous Will >'is£xk-er, «!* T*\ *«»•% supervisor in 1BS3 B dissertations. oaid, with no quest w Sr nDffibw W w^fc^s.s'7asfartaMt *' TRESES, esdf£s,^Wlftfc«-iiife­ typewriter. TOWN AND COUNTRY Apwtmeets. Va-LOST: Shrine ring—diamond cresceatf1 .Award wiimersfor color, fabric, cut eaney (or 2 or S boys. l6rs. PJckettk i •^•^r.tReyaolds Aadrkfes. SSS Mi* OOO0 trytea 4eae'^ •*# Manager, S01 East 84th. Phone 2-7168. L*™. Bldg., San Antonio. Ta^cas. F-0S47. faomeb^ 1541. 1950 15glorious fabrics15) S100.00 reward, ,'1''k'uiSfS; aft 5ES-»SfTS We«tlnghou»e §n4 MK.XVSSI' ' *new printsandplaids8,exdusiveiyOui^'s. Professionit [ IntirfifttioqiJ Harvester Greater silhoucteevariety before: 8 Barbers -r ,0-1 SWircuts CAMQf Cood WorkmeSi ffom sleek aepesbeatb to flouncing taffeta, m -S: Stacy's fewb«^Shol> " For Sale 2602 ^irtiadalupe &eo«wt)bliqu^ 4fkpc^ihe cwtume iool^pl«a*sap -f , 'tis Hf 3KI I'r* Specialize In 5 Y § JA I Ctiniuiif rttBxceffa* good >8088. phooa Inese feed nttnra, _ STUDKN* OPERATED busin r«n aateboakft wfJT -»*"• , astab 1 for f»|ll «r h* i IncTudee*all CSfs^Md equb" % office and ntw track. 2-0801 [ammo anjwiv after " r " AISLLW 0UHM *»& P"f At-? Mil RJEL'JHHIu »-£iW^ciur~ pj 3 I LL;M *** ***» !'JFiLOUl4!4 f JWI4LI m" n i i • rn rrii".'it liWJOUCdH • tJUii THf r.it'iii stiu W5S:.VKS.'ffiSr . 7-MM. Unfurnished AptrfmeAf n^il^Ui MMfVHISN ufs Hnn'!' %v:- Ujurjano i3ucpe2, Book, William-.CHarles .cMeforfcan«»t«f the «a2W&8rffi ja^W^it $0, cents.|||||§ lies opens Thursday night at ® •the "physical and mental develop­player{ Dulcina, Spanish dancerj Music? .• Cg., University* • Qo-Op, way ^ to the^ Staia»f ^ "Etude Symphonique," E.Rosai, o4Clock in Hogg Auditoiiotm. .._®r; Kane's best-known Wok is ment of;spastic "children at the Tato and J^lia, dancers of tropi­the Music Building boat .office, and From a sneaked peep comes cal tempos; Otto .Bolivar, Cuban King's Shop. { 'J Louisiana Hayride," the-story of wafarat, Ifeliate, Be$ttaullf _ center.'A speech therapist and*a Record news of a sensational Arabic Huey Longism. physio-therapist are employed at singer; EI Gringo, tamborine art-Since* his orchestra w^'^gati­ number starring JuHa Broker, "Pathway to the Stars" Is • 1 ized sixteen years ago, Cugat'has f"«™*s *•years old, -he was'sub­The Texannes will appear in an V V J s ' r ^ . » Yt°ry ^ng to riches of " become one of the nation's mosl stituting for his father when the out-of-the-ordinairy '•^Ragtime John McDonogh, one of the great* popular band leaders. He has.am torn Mornin* Star/! wad latter could »qt play. At the age Cowboy Joe" .number. Bobby est landowners of the Old South. Success of Britt Trio iow Befe;Beneath Nigiftfr Sha of 12, he was composing hymns M Jones, a tap dancing .acrobat, puts fVitv> ru. , 4 pi .apposed in,, many movies in­ cluding* MTwo Girls and.a Saill This will be Mr. Kane's second and 0*h^tral piece*. the. -spark in a between-scenes •' m~ i; »> ' ^ ^^1 4--v or," "Bathing Beauty," and "Nep: visit to Austin and the Texas Booknumber. -> _ He was $0 when the liemraeas - tunes's Daughter." Store. He was there in 194* to TUXEDO |fur nat—Bit' *11 -axv* Institute at Malines, the central The music, rumttr has it, will ' Music such as "Begin the Be-autograph coptes ^ of "Bride of ' Catholic organ school of Belgium, be sweet and dreamy, low and "Let "people listen to chamber have heard and stien it in print guie," written for Cugat by Cole Fortune." -• JLONOHORN CLEAN conferred tyaon him its Grand Prix blue,, ragtime, hillbilly, -and jazz. music and they will like it," said Porter^-and'Gugat's awtt* compo­ fiP 253S Guadalupe, Ph. 63847 for ififcerpretation and ^compos!-/ Old.favorites-fr< ^ffl^^jmtaieai-4>WByeB^gHnMt"i »i*io WttT"~^re n&S&firreviewer*"for nationaltion.~Atthe «£™» tim.u^.rr liBf.k.TnajF be spit of music, referring to the success it is the essence of music, and presented alongwith rumbas tan-jouriialSj and a contributor to"Col^ 5uatfet holding forth tin the latest second organist at the Malines they think only music lovers —"'^•ad congas at thfe concert. tier's, Reader's Digest, Americas Kty ovarrTpicasc. Cathedral. Two join laW^e was Monday night. would understand. However, jthis Mercury, and other magazines. chief organist '• i ' What's a show .without lseau« Indicative of the growth in pop­not highbrow." ^ Studies took bim to Paris for ties? The five finalists in the Miss NAUD Group to See ularity of chamber music was the Alfio-Pignotti, guest lecturer in several long periods. There he FreBhtnan contest will be present­rescheduling of the concert from Violin and membe-of the trio, said Children^ Production studied with the famous organist ed. Miss Texas, Margaret J5ue Recital people have a misconstrued idea xtattt% m • , „ Dupre and with Charles Tourne-1 Sommers, makes her contribution UD ®fuslc and in a blues number. Hall to Hogg Auditorium. Atten­of chamber musie. "They think r .,,,Drama mire, disciple of Cesar Frapck, PHONE Now on tout the' FLOR PEETERS dance ha^ increased each year but chamber music is to be played " ^er* by the Chil- United States* Peeters.who>-fe-*-T are Ellie Lucket, Kathryn Grand- drens' Theater of the Recreation Vacuumed and Sidewalk sponse has required such a move. hall," Mr. Pignotti said. Fine Arte Festival-artist forihe stdff; Louise Randall, Nina Lee "Qualities of chamber music Department/ Friday at 7:30 p. m. v S t e a m "Recordings have added much c,ean second time, * has performed in Jones, and Luciamie Knight. are becoming more familiar to: the irr Texas Uniofi 401. Pqris,' -Amsterdam.. Copenhagen, Radio House Gives to the popularity of chamber mu­^ m - The-^Dixie"-dumber stare Bob average conceft-gocfr Mr-tJlricb • 'Co-hostesses for the^meetingBerlin, Some, and Naples. As a Massey, Margaret Sommers, Ken* explained. sic," Mr. -Pignotti pointed out. are Mrs. Carl R. Sanders and Mtb. composer, he -has written many tieth" McC^llum, and a quartet, -"Formerly, performances of cham­Charles Roger Zang."Reservations The author of ^'Chamber "Music" works fOT organ', piano, voice, or Ben Joust(|n, Jane Grizzard,. Jul-and of a Concert ber music were so rare that few may be'made by calling Mrs, Zang A IITA Two Plays Friday \J/ '-Education Car Wash Co. cbestra, and chorus, among which Ben Houston, Jane Grizzard, Jul­ peofple were acquainted With it," at 6r0049. All University students' Goer" said that the ordinary mu­ AU I U. 221 S. Lamar _ As part of the Fine Arts Fes­ia Broker, and Jo Hannan will he said. • wives are invited. sic fan, was -beginning to. realize tival the students and staff of appear in -the-"Arabian" number. that it is not and a forbidding ^ • (" Jl V.-Radio £[ouse will produee two Rosalyn Haney and Teddy Pri­ aristocratic art." PRlVlMN-THEATRE'S plays Friday with the Jsifwest past nteaux dance in the "Dream" num­ fHONf ever presented by that group. "As a matter of fact," he added, 2-5291 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY ber." , More than 160 students make "only in the ensemble • do you find Feature Starts at 7 p. m. Admission is 74 cents. Proceeds TYPEWRITERS up the casts of the two shows real democracy. The orchestra is , "BACK TO will be used to establish an exam dictator--­ which will" be held in Recital "Sail undfr the tbumb of "a fSgV IpjUTAAlffg file in' the library and for the i£p£ess* John Wayne at 8:30 p.. m. Admission is free Robert Elnioe Ferguson Memorial it has to be. But in chamber mu­TYPEWRITERS but by ticket only. Tickets may be sic, one finds flawless balance and fund, a loan fund for. students set CgTHESRIRPER SURPRISED TYPEWRITERS Building selfish team work. -. , WisWiFl"-r-obtained at the Music up last year byliica.' ' " ^ box office. . Horace Britt, professor of vio-Robert Walker*Joan Lealie "My Client Curley," by Norman Tickets are on saie at the Texas lihcello and founder of the trio, TYPEWRITERS REN TED " $u "ROCK ISLAND Book Store, the University Co-Op, fig TRAIL" Corwin and Lucille Fletcher, is said, "I am not only convinced, and Williaih-Charles Music Store. iff Forest Tudker the first play to be dramatized. I am certain that many people are TYPIWRITERS s o;> L D There will be a ticket booth on .the • , Adel* Mara ly,,; Harvey R, Herbst, production frightened by what they have Mall Wednesday, and;tickets may "CALIFORNIA GOLD manager Radio House, is di­ HtoHStooSOiiaHBer ;'i»SB8w.:,TR«y.. of be purchased at the box officfe. TYPEWRITERS RUSH" rector aad-giB^ Nummy sad Ken Gompertz are starred. • FAI**" i^«4S %US " "THE1 UT Ex Gue«t At Own J?l^-,™^ TYPEWRITERS RE N T E D •«* The second play is "TBe Fall of Rory Calhoon ' ^l-s^^SPHALT!; LAUNDERWELL Nigh JUNGLE" the City" by Archibald MacLeish, Dr. Joseph B. Baldwin* a for- S O I D 'NEAR THE CAMPUS* M** imms LottiiCalhm and stats Stanley Pitts or guest 'last week at the presen­ RIRAWID tation of -its--play,-''Constant 2716 Guadalupe -Ph. 20233 Bendix Automatic Laundry NOMI WfttfT McCOY" -, Star," at Illinois Wesleyan Uni­ 2*0789 Wrfejr;Grani^)fj;:^; versity, now celebrating its iOOth LEAVE your laundry With u« |£A£S IN MY CI«OWM*k irafc ... Joan Evan* .riv-oed anniversary. and pick it up.asytime.at your - j^WUiOW' ME QUIETLY*"* 1 Dr. Baldwins-assistant prof essor convenience. 1 • • * ' ' _ -r f — Ft .. William Lmndigan ^ ^ STORE Drow ; ...you have no unpleasant after-taste* ! 4-5:30 <—, Tea for newly organized • Sigma Alpha Iota, Music Build* * WHILE YOU $M0KE THEMyou get more pleasure than •- i»g Library; 4i30 —^ Hemphill Freshman-Read' any other cigarette can giv£ you—#flf s why millions of S*l?» \r, Sag201. Contest^ Speech Building ; SMOIERF* t kc vnPj' Jy f SAYITHEY£ J-*• "V SATISFY.^ >> 5 — Rio fiiande ValleyrClub pic-j tore,' MLB step#. ,• f M — Dr. Eduard Taborsky to ad­ m "DAKOTA dress Beta Beta Alpha, „Wa$­Wayne gener Hail 216. ^" 6:30 ~» Tlie Rev. John Xnowles to speafe at"BSF banquet, Uni-{ versity Christian Church. 19 r— Freshman r Fellowship tp eliect officers, YMCA. —Swing and^ri^J^Jw.I^ung^, Texas tteion. w' 1 7:80 r—r Obseryatory opeo,, Phyw sics Building. -r,t 1 Film, ^reen: FleldsT' Hiile! Foundatiom^|gs|: \,f§n WIN "75 * ••5 3*^ |S — Phi Alpha IffiSa tofc ^ear EC /' HI •*— "Holiday Escapades,4' 'Austin- M High School. * -\ — "The Wlnslow Boyr X Hall. essaus ill 8 j—-"Foyty, Acres Allies/' /dress reheantil, Mags Audjtov­,,y....f . --J QUIZ P : 8;15 i-»t t Am^ricaifc Ch^nieal So^j pi ciety' to hear Henry.B. .Basi,] M SjuWjn&i^. 1 I [ 8:30 '«ju Flor y^feter# lii Festival _G»gor, rrT''^1 if i. To Participate f&t&WffiWHiiasurfsi ZZL CATS " •mi s-.ir£ 3Bp)! the HewAll-W. tier Route SKrimpa sfn«i)rfiy *i«a ftleMn > W--' ^ -Ciby'L or