HEAT VARIATIONS CAUSED BY GROUNDWATER FLOW IN GROWTH FAULTS OF THE SOUTH TEXAS GULF COAST BASIN APPROVED: ©December 1985 by Daniel Bodner, Austin, Texas Al 1 rights reserved. No part of this Thesis may be reproduced in any rorm or by any means without permission In writing rrom the Author. Printed in the United States of America HEAT VARIATIONS CAUSED BY GROUNDWATER FLOW IN GROWTH FAULTS OF THE SOUTH TEXAS GULF COAST BASIN by DANIEL PAUL BODNER, A.B. THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas At Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN December, 1985 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The pages of this volume represent the largest single project I have ever undertaken. Throughout its duration, I have had the unfailing support and counsel of my advisor, who is also my friend, Jack Sharp. am grateful to him. I also thank my committee members, Dr. Lynton S. Land and Dr. William E. Galloway, for sharing their advice and knowledge, and for their valuable contributions to the editing process. Lynton is also gratefully acknowledged for providing the original idea which grew into this thesis, and which proved to be rewarding and stimulating. The research stimulated not only myself, but also the Texas Mining and Mineral Resource Research Institute of the Department of the Interior, whom I thank for providing one of the most tangible rewards, the support of my research. Technical support was provided by the Bureau of Economic Geology, who supplied the well logs and computer facilites used in obtaining and processing my temperature data. I especially acknowledge Graham Fogg for his advice and time, which was always given freely. iv Md colleague Paul Blanchard has been very helpful tn sharing tdeas, references, and computer frustrattons. lmmessurab1e moral support has been generoulsy provided by my friends, who have made my tenure at the University of Texas a very enjoyable one. Finally, I owe a gratitude of a much grander scale to my parents, and also to my brother and the rest of my family, who have provided me with the tools to make of my self what I choose, and who have always loved and supported me, and whom I love and support tn return. v Abstract Zones of above average subsurface temperatures have been noted in certain areas of the Gulf Coast basin. Their cause has often been cred1ted to geopressure. wh1ch presumably traps heat because of higher poros1ty and consequently lower thermal conductivity. I determined the temperature distribution in a portion of South Texas by collecting and analyztng over 1600 bottom-hole temperature measurements. The analysts 1ncluded correcting the temperatures w1th the Kehle correction scheme; construct1ng 1sothermal surfaces by both 1nterpolat1ng and extrapolat1ng the data. and Kr1g1ng the result. Temperature profiles were plotted for twelve subregions of the study area. The greatest temperature anoma11es are assoc1ated w1th the Tert1ary wncox growth fault zone, and the s1mple presence of geopressure is insufficient to account for the temperature anomaly. Numerical modeling indicates that growth faults act as zones for concentrated vertical flow. The upwelling of deep bas1na1 flu1ds advects heat and causes the high temperatures observed in the growth fault zone. The model, by Sm1th (1983), 1s two-d1mens1onal, f1n1te element, steady state, and couples heat and flu1d transport. It 1nd1cates that the source of these flu1ds 1s deep, perhaps over 20,000 feet (6096 m) below the surface. The modeling results also suggest that an unidentified region of high thermal and hydraulic conduct1v1ty could exist coastward of the Wilcox faults at a depth of about 1 s.000­20,000 feet (4572-6096m). Vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT vi LIST OF FIGURES xi INTRODUCTION PART 1 4 I I Background 4 1.1.1 The Study Area 4 t. 1.2 Regional Geology 4 1. 1.3 ThermaI History 6 1.1.4 Generalized Flow Systems 6 Meteoric Zone 9 Compactional/Overpressured Zone 9 Thermobaric Zone 11 1 2 Data ColJectjon and Preparation 13 1.2. 1 Temperature Correct ions 14 1.2.2 Creating the Computer Ftle 15 1.2.3 Manipulating the File 16 1.3 Observed Thermal Patterns 17 1 .4 Groundwater Flow 44 1.4. 1 Evidence for Vertically Moving Fluids 45 1.4.2 Regional Trends 48 1 5 Summary 48 vii PART 2 50 2. 1 Model Specjfjcatjons 51 2 2 Features of the Model 53 2.2. 1 Equations of Heat and Fluid Flow 53 2.2.2 Bounddary Conditions, Assumptions, and Limitations 59 Basal Boundary 59 Surface Boundary 60 Lateral Bondary 60 Flux Nodes 60 Mathematical Assumptions 61 Chemistry 61 Assessing Thermal Conductivity 62 Limitations of Scale 63 2 3 Design 65 2.3.1 Calibration 65 2.3.2 The Mesh 66 2.3.3 The Code Maps 67 Porosity Field 67 Thermal Conductivity 67 Permeability 68 2.4 Results 69 2.4.1 Simulation One -Conduction Dominated 70 Flux Nodes 70 Permeability Codes 72 Porosity Code 73 vt11 Therma1 Conductivity Code 74 2.4.2 Simulation One-Results 75 F1uid Flux 75 F 1 u id Pressure 76 Temperature 78 The Flow Regime 80 2.4.3 Simulation Two -Concentrated Flow 84 Flux Nodes 84 Permeability Codes 84 Porosity & Thermal Conductivity Codes 87 2.4.4 Simulation Two -Results 88 Fluid Pressure 88 Temperature 91 The Flow Regime 91 2.4.5 Simulation Three -Mixed Conditions 91 2.4.6 Simulation Three -Results 95 F 1 u id Pressure 95 Temperature 95 The Flow Regime 102 2.5 Qjscussjon 102 2.5.1 Implications of the Model 102 CONCLUSIONS 110 APPENDIX A -THE DATA 113 APPENDIX B -THE KEHLE TEMPERATURE CORRECTION SCHEME 138 APPENDIX C -CALCULATING ISOTHERMS 139 ix APPENDIX D -KRIGING The Varjogram Variogram Computer Program The Search Window The UTM Coordinate System Variogram Program GAMM8 Plotting Program NEWPLOT The Kriging Program NEWUKB APPENDIX · E -CPS 1 Posting Data Contouring Isometric Projection APPENDIX F -FLOW VELOCITY REFERENCES VITA 141 142 145 145 148 148 151 155 160 161 162 163 VECTOR FIELDS 164 181 188 x LIST OF FIGURES 1. 1 Study area. 5 1.2 Type cross section. 7 1.3 Heat flow after rifting. 8 1.4 Generalized hydrogeologic model of a sedimentary basin. 10 1.5 Generalized fluid pressure vs. depth in Gulf Coast. 12 1.6a 2oo·F isotherm -3D isometric. 18 1.6b 2oo·F isotherm -contour map. 19 1.6c Well locations for 2oo·F isotherm. 20 1.6d Standard Deviation of contoured 2oo·F isotherm. 21 1.7a 25o·F isotherm -3D isometric. 22 1.7b 25o•f isotherm -contour map. 23 1.7c Well locations for 2so·F isotherm. 24 1.7d Standard Deviation of contoured 2so·F isotherm. 25 1.8a 3oo·F isotherm -3D isometric. 26 1.8b 3oo·F isotherm -contour map. 27 1.8c Well locations for 3oo·F isotherm. 28 1.8d Standard DeviatIon of contoured 3oo·F isotherm. 29 1.9a 35o•F isotherm -3D isometric. 30 1.9b 3so·F isotherm -contour map. 31 1.9c Well locations for 3so·F isotherm. 32 1.9d Standard Deviation of contoured 35o·F isotherm. 33 1. 1Oa 40o·F isotherm -30 isometric. 34 1. 1Ob 400.F isotherm -contour map. 35 1.1 Oc We111ocations for 40o•F isotherm. 36 xt 1.1 Od Standard Deviation of contoured 4oo·F isotherm. 1. 11 Study area with subareas, Wilcox growth faults, and location of type section shown. 39 1.12 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 1. 40 1.13 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 2. 40 1.14 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 3. 40 1.15 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 4. 40 1.16 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 5. 41 1.17 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 6. 41 1.18 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 7. 41 1.19 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 8. 41 1.20 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 9. 42 1.21 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 10. 42 1.22 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 11. 42 1.23 Temperature/depth profile for subarea 12. 42 1.24 South Texas showing subareas where temperature data were collected and their corresponding geothermal gradients, generated by linear regression. 43 2.1 Study area showing location of type section 52 2.2 The finite element mesh (40x). 58 2.3 The finite element mesh (true scale). 64 2.4 Fluid flux assigned to the basement nodes of the mesh for Simulation One. 71 2.5 Horizontal permeability field for Simulation one. 72 2.6 Vertical permeability field for Simulation one. 73 xii 2.7 Porosity field for Simulation one. 74 2.8 Thermal conductivity field for Simulation One. 75 2.9 Model-generated hydraulic head for Simulation One. 77 2.10 Pressure profiles for Simulation One. 79 2.11 Modeled isotherms for Simulation One. 81 2.12 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 7. 82 2.13 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 3. 82 2.14 Modeled Temperature proflles of area 9. 82 2.15 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 12. 82 2.16 Flow velocity vectors for Simulation One. 83 2.17 Fluid flux assigned to the basement nodes of the mesh for Simulation Two. 85 2.18 Horizontal permeability field for Simulation Two. 86 2.19 Vertical permeability field for Simulation Two. 87 2.20 Thermal conductivity field for Simulation Two. 88 2.21 Model-generated hydraulic head for Simulation Two. 89 2.22 Pressure profiles for Simulation Two 90 2.23 Modeled isotherms for Simulation Two 92 2.24 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 7. 93 2.25 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 3. 93 2.26 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 9. 93 2.27 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 12. 93 2.28 Flow velocity vectors for Simulation Two 94 2.29 Horizontal permeability field for Simulation Three. 96 2.30 Vertical permeability field for Simulation Three. 96 Xtii 2.31 Porosity field for Simulation Three. 97 2.32 Thermal conductivity field for Simulation Three. 97 2.33 Model-generated hydraulic head for Simulation Two. 98 2.34 Pressure profiles for Simulation Three. 99 2.35 Modeled isotherms for Simulation Three 100 2.36 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 7. 101 2.37 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 3. 101 2.38 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 9. 101 2.39 Modeled Temperature profiles of area 12. 101 2.40 Flow velocity vectors for Simulation Three. 103 01 Typical Variogram. 143 02 Kriging a block center using a variogram. 144 03 Constructing a nondirectional variogram 147 04 Constructing aa NW-SE directional variogram 147 05 Optaining C,CO, and A by construction 154 x1v INTRODUCTION In the Gulf Coast Basin, as well as in most sedimentary basins, temperatures are unevenly distributed. The source of heat is the earth itself, which radiates heat from within in a relatively uniform fashion as a result of dispersed radioactive decay. There are many factors which cause uneven thermal patterns to emerge from this uniform heat source. These can be grouped into the following broad categories: heat transport by basinal fluids, heat transport through the solids, the presence of plutons or other heat sources or sinks, chemical reactions, and mass and energy exchanges across basina1 boundaries. Of these, conduction and transport of heat via the movement of ground water, which saturates the sediments of the basin, are perhaps the most important processes in the Gulf Coast. Water has a high specific heat (ie., it can absorb heat without greatly raising its temperature). Thus flowing ground water has the potential to transport a significant amount of heat. Conversely, the heat content itself influences groundwater movement by altering the fluid's hydraulic properties. Thus one process influences and is in tum tnfluenced by the other. These are said to be coupled. This thesis explores the importance of coupled ground water and heat transport in controlltng the deep bastnal thermal regime of the Gulf Coast Basin. Knowledge of groundwater movement tn the deep basin has practical consequences in both the energy and mineral industries, as well as tn academic inquiries into bastnal diagenesis. It ts, however, often difficult to observe groundwater movement, especially where rates are slow and/or tn the remote deep-basin. It is less difficult to measure temperatures at such points. The coupled flow phenomena provides a method by which groundwater movement tn the deep basin can be inferred from available temperature data. This is the approach of this research. The research required two distinct stages. The initial step was data collection and analysis. These are presented in Part I. Part I includes discussion of the data, their collection and preparation, descripttons of the thermal patterns that emerged from analysts of these data, and implications of these patterns for groundwater flow. After the completion of the first stage, tt was evident that too many factors were involved in the thermal regime of the basin to make any definitive conclusions possible from this largely empirical approach. However, the data were consistent and anomalous thermal trends were evident. Therefore, the second stage required computer modeling of the basin using the acquired thermal data. The details of the model, its results, and its implications are covered in Part 11. Finally, the analysis allows us to make some definite conclusions about heat flux and groundwater flow in the deep portions of the Gulf of Mexico Basin and to offer suggestions for further investigation. PART I 1. 1 BACKGROUND 1 1 1 THE STUDY AREA The study was conducted on a regional scale, covertng a large portion of South Texas ' r---­-·~ i__1 I ... 0 L ., I ·: ... 0 ... 0 Figure 1.6c: Well locations for the 200°F isotherm. Figure 1.6d: Standard Deviation of contoured 200"F isotherm (computed by Kriging). Figure 1.7a: Isotherm from corrected and Kriged BHT data with study area projected above. Figure 1.7b: Contoured 2so·F isotherm within the study area. ,,..' ·~· .... ........ ........ .,.... o fl m "' •-Ii. •n \.. ... 'f y ·~· ,,.. 'l.' ,.,,1 .., .... ·­.~ 0.... ,.. --­-. ~t' -­'­_i L 0141 Figure 1.7c: Well locations for the 250°F isotherm. Figure 1.7d: Standard Deviation of contoured 250°F isotherm (computed by Kriging). Figure 1.Ba: Isotherm fram corrected and Kriged BHT data with study area projectedabove. Figure 1.8b: Contoured 3oo·F isotherm within the study area. ;-\ / ' / ·~· Figure 1.8c: Well locations for the 300°F isotherm. Figure 1.8d: Standard Deviation of contoured 300"F isotherm (computed by Kriging). Figure 1.9a: Isotherm from corrected and Kriged BHT data with study area projected above. Figure 1.9b: Contoured 350°F isotherm within the study area. ; '\ ' / / ' ' / ' ' ' u 0 __ '... ______ ___ ___, / ,' I I~ ( I o~ -!! _ -, "'·~, ' ·-~: "' ... 0 ... 0 ... .... ... 0 Figure 1.9c: Well locations for the 350°F isotherm. Figure 1.9d: Standard Deviation of contoured 350°F isotherm (computed by Kriging). ..... w w u.. u.. 0 Figure 1.10a: Isotherm from corrected and Kriged BHT data with study arecfprojected above. Figure 1.10b: Contoured 400°F isotherm within the study area. >. / ' ' ' / / / / / / / / ' / / " ' ' / ' ,,' , / / ' ' \,/ -. / __ ' ,_ __ ___ _______ , ,,, " / / I ( '\ '.tJ'd I I ; I~ I I I .... l._ 'ni HI ISf[ ~" ~: .. 0 ;: ~ / I \ I IU 114 ... ~ ­ I .,~, I "4 (,. ----------1'----------""'--,_-~ ----------l,--­'-~: ,; I ,. ,.~"' I ~" ~ ..... ~ ... ~ I : ' . :\~ ___ __!_ __ "'. "\ ' ' : : ~·----­ r-----·~~'-'-·L.1 ·~· · "'Z, ... I . " Figure 1.10c: Well locations for the 400'F isotherm. Figure 1.10d: Standard Deviation of contoured 400°F isotherm (computed by Kriging) . ridge trending SW subparallel to the coast. This ridge corresponds to the Wilcox growth fault zone shown in Fig 1.11. It indicates that high temperatures occur shallower near the fault zone than in the surrounding areas and that this effect begins at. about 10,000 feet (3048m) and becomes more pronounced at increasing depths. The isothermal surfaces are informative but they obscure the actual data points. Another way to observe the thermal trends is via a series of charts plotting depth versus temperature for the actual corrected BHT measurements. For this purpose, the study area was divided into 12 subareas, shown in figure 1.11. The subareas were drawn to correspond to the Wi Icox growth fault trend (subareas 1 through 5), the Vicksburg/Frio growth fault trend (subareas 10, 11 and 12), and the remaining outlying areas. These temperature profiles appear in numeric order from figure 1.12 to 1.23. On this plot, the slope of a line corresponds to a thermal gradient. The steeper the slope, the lower the gradient. The dashed line on each plot Indicates what is generally considered the normal earth gradient of 1.64·FI100 Ft (30 •c/km) The+ signs indicate individual corrected BHT measurements. The solid line is a linear regression for the data. The correlation coef1cients among the regressions were all above .90. Fig. 1.24 summarizes all the regression lines and also tabulates the gradients represented by each regression line for each subarea. Not surprisingly, the Wilcox growth fault zone is characterized by the highest gradients, which far exceed normal _ gradients. Fairly high gradients are also found in the Vicksburg/Frio 0 .. 4000 ... :r ! ... ... 1000 > ... "' c ... • • 12000 0 ... ... • GR OUP CN[ 50 100 150 200 250 TEMPlllATURE DEG C / 1.114"Fl 100 FT ~· ., t ~ . \ ... "' c "' • 12000 0 "' ... CD "' ~ 11100 ... "' Cl 2000 2400 TEMPEllATUllE DEG F Figure 1.12 GR OUP THREE 50 100 150 200 250 TEMPIRATUllE DIG C / 1.84"Ft 100 FT 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.14 GROUP T\til'.l 0 0 10 100 150 200 250 TEMPERATUllE DEG C 1000 .. 4000 / 1.ll4°Ft 100 FT 0 "' "' 2000 "',, ... ... ! : ... • "' > 8000 .. 000 "' 0 ... "' • c • "' + • 12000 "'> "' 4000 .. 0 ... "'c + + + "' CD .. .."' .. i: 1800 .~ 5000 i ... + .. c "' Cl "' ... "' 8000 • 2000 7000 2400go..5-o--<---1•5-o~..__,.2~5-o_.~-3~5-o_........._4~5-o___... TEMPlllATURE DEG F Figure 1.13 GROUP FOUR . 0 I I I I 0 01 100 150 200 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.15 40 0 1000 c 2000 "' ,, .... :t "' r­ "' 000 0 :E "' ..m 4000 r­ "'< "' r- z 5000 I: .... "' ,,m 11000 "' 7000 1000 0 2000 ,,"' ... : • "'.. 000 0 • "' "'> 4000 r­ m < ..m 5000 i I: ... 8000 .. "' "' :a 7000 4000 ... "' ... "' ! ... 8000 > "' ... "' .. c "' • 12000 0 ... CD ~ 1800 "' ... Cl "' 2000 2400 50 TEMPERATURE DEG C / 1.64'F 100 FT ++ .. 2501 c ,,m j"" :t 2000 .... r ooo i 4ooo I I r ooo 6000 7000 m "' r­ 0 :E m "' > "' r-< m r- z I: m .... ,,m "' GROUP SIX 0 so 100 150 200 250 TEMPERATURE DEG C -1000 , / 1.64 "Ft 100 FT 0 \ "',, -2000 ~· ·:i:g .... ::c "' "\. "' . -3000 ,.. 0 ~-~ • "' "'.. -4000 ,.. 0 .. 4000 ..... ... ! .._, 8000 ..> _, ..c ; 12000 0 .._, "' ;: 1600 ..... Q 2000 2400 0 .. 4000 .. .. ... ! _, .. 8000 ..> _, ... ., c • 12000 0 .._, .. ;: 1600 ..... Q GROUP FIVE 100 150 200 250 TUIPl!llATURE DEG C 50 t / 1.64.F/ 100 FT + 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.16 GROUP SEVEN 50 100 150 200 250 TEMPERATURE DEG C / 1.&4'Ft 100 FT .... ... + - - .•+ 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.18 0 0 1000 .... 4000 .. ., .. ... 2000 "' "' ... ! _, :z: .. 8000 .. ID '" ..> _, 000 0 .. :f .. .. .. ;i:: 12000 "' > 4000 ,.. 0 i '" < "' < .._, ,.. I "' "' 5000 z ;: 1600°' -5000 z ... I: .. Q .,,l: "' ... l ;:"'.. ·6000 eooo .. " "' '"'j I -1000 7000 2400 I 50 150 250 350 450 0 1000 2000 000 4000 5000 eooo 7000 ., "' ... " :z: ID ,.. "' 0 :f ., "'> ,.. "' < ,.. "' z I: ... "' '".. .. 0 .. 4000....... ! _, .. 8000 ..> _, ..c .. ;i:: 12000 0 .._, .. ;: 1600 ..... Q 2000 2400 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.17 GROUP EIGHT 50 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE DEG C 1.64'Ft 100 FT ~ .. . + ++ .... ~ 0 2501 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.19 t 1000 I I 0 "',, t 2000 i I :;: ,.. rooo 0 I "' ~ "'.. )"",.. "'< ,.. "' 5000 z I: "' ... "' eooo " "' 7000 0 .. 4000 w w ... ! ... w 8000 > ~ ,,,,,j 0 ~ ;: 1600ot .. ... Q 20001 2400 0 .. 4000 "' "' GROUP NINE I ' t I T i 50 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE DEG C / 1.64 "Ft 100 FT .;, .... ~ .. +· •+ .. ... 250 50 150 250 350 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.20 450 50 '.;R OUP EL EVEN 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE DEG C 250 /1.64 · F~100 FT 0 t ... t .. ... ·. m . ;: 1600 .. ... Q 2000 2400 ... 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F 50 Figure 1.22 0 1000 0 ,, 2000 "' ... :z: m ,."' 000 0 :Ii .. ... "' 4000 ,. "' < ,. "' 5000 i I: ... "' 1000 "'.. "' 7000 0 1000 0 0 .. 4000 w w ... ! ... w 8000 > w ... ... w "'~ 12000 0 ... w m ;: 1600 .. w Q 2000 2400 0 .. w w GROUP TEN 0 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.21 GROUP T'M: c"/ E 0 50 100 150 200 2501 TEMPERATURE DEG C ,.1000 / 1.64!' 100 FT 0 i 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE DEG C 50 / 1.64 "F/ 100 FT ~\ 250 1 ~1000 I 0 ,, ~2000 "' .... I :z: m ,.. "' .+3000 0 I :Ii ' .. ! "' ... ~4000 ,.. I "'< i ,."' ~5000 i I I: .... I "' "'.. f1000 .. 7000 ... ,, ,, 2000 "' ~2000 "' ! ... ! _, ... ... :z: ... w ... ::::i > > 1 m ..._, I ,."' m w_, "',.. "'3000 0 -.1000 0 ... T :Ii :E ""1 :z: .. I ... I I ; 120001 "' ... I "' "' ... 4000 ,. ~·ooo ,.. "'< "'< ~ "'"j ,. ,."' "' •..~ + 5000 i ~ 11001 •5000 i I: l ... "' "' I .... .."' "'.. 1000 +1000 "' "' I 7000 ""j IC j1000 2400 I I I I 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 1.23 11-ERMAL GRADIENTS Group °F/100ft °C/lun 1 2.44 44.6 2 2.52 46.1 3 2.88 52.3 " 3.08 58.3 5 2.98 54.7 6 1.80 32.9 7 1.88 3".4' 8 1.97 36.0 9 2.oa 38.1 10 2.06 37.7 11 2.18 39.9 12 2.38 43.5 0 0 -4 I­ l l0er + ( 1-n) :AIOar + ( I -n) :A>a5 ) ­ ax ax az (x .arecti•• heat condldion and dispersion tn the solid-fluid composite) a [ 8T 8T] + -(n:AZ> L(t:-t:1J)J-2 [LAjJ(p-p1J)i-J + e-Ep LAjjpl-9] (5) ~· ~· ~ where T:c =1000/Tcrllical and T:aJ=T:c (if j=1) or =2.5 (If j>1) and PaJ= 0.634 (if j= 1) or = 1.0 (if j> 1 ) . .A;J are coerricients whieh are tabulated in the appendix of Keenan and others ( 1978). Viscosity is determined from a set of equations presented by Watson and others (1980). The domain of validity for the equations is given by (O< Temp (Deg C) <900) for (O< Pres (MPa) <300). The viscosity equation is: p=Jlo(T)exp [ p• {L LaiJ X1YJ}] (6) where J.l is viscosity. T is temperature on the Kelvin Scale; pM = plpr where p is the denisty. Pr is a reference density; X=TM-t where T"=T/Tr· Tr being a reference temperature; Y=p"-1; a11 are coefficients tabulated in Watson and others (I 980); and J.lo is given by the equation: po(T) 3 a1c (7) -= .fP [L(-)] -1 I0-6Pa.s 1c=0 T* where C\ are coefficients which are also tabulated in the reference. The two dimensional model features anisotropic permeabi I ity, and temperature/pressure dependent density and viscosity. It employs the Galerkin finite-element method using linear basis functions applied to triangular elements. The reader is referred to the the works of Wang and Anderson (1982) and Pinder and Gray ( 1977) for a complete development of this method. For more about the application of finite­elements in heat transport problems see Mercer and others ( 1975), Andrews and Anderson ( 1979) and Li ( 1980). To use the model, a finite-element mesh is designed to conform to the area being studied. The mesh is a series of polygons, each being an element. At the corners of ·each polygon are nodes. Fig. 2.2 shows the mesh used for this study. The following procedure was used to couple the heat and fluid flow equations: A purely conductive thermal regime Is Initially assumed and the temperature rlelel Is calculated by the heat transport equation (3), setting the advectlve term to zero. Appropriate viscosities and densities at the initial temperatures and pressures are then calculated for each element. These are entered Into the f lulcJ-flow equation ( 1 )+(2) to obtain a set of heads at the nodal points. The specific discharge q is then calculated ror each node (1). These are plugged back into the advective term of the heat-flow equation (3). and the whole equation is then MESH 21. 81 43. 6J fi5. 44 87. 26 109. 07 130. 89 152. 70 174. 51 196. J3 21!. 14 239.H 281. 77 283. 59 METERS • 1 O' recalculated, entering into an iterative sequence. The iterations are halted when the maximum change in nodal temperatures is less than a given tolerance. The tolerance was set at .s·c. 2.2.2 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS.ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS The basic boundaries of the model are the four sides of the mesh, representing the bottom, surf ace, northwest and southeast edges of the cross section. Basal Boundary. The basal boundary is treated by the program as impermeable with a fixed heat flux value across it. It was assumed that the temperature perturbations of the basin are not the result of any basal heat source or si~. such as a pluton or a tectonic feature. Thus the basal heat flux was treated as uniform across the width of the mesh. The value used was 60 mW/sq m, which is a typical value for stable continental interiors (Reiter 1982, Epp and others, 1970, Smith, written communication, 1985). The Cretaceous boundary was taken as the basement of the basin, and although it is not impermeable, its permeability is probably very low. Note that the northwestern portion of the mesh slopes abruptly downward from shallow depths. This is intended to correspond with the position of the ancestral cretaceous shelf edges of the Stuart City and Sligo reefs. Further southeast, the boundary of the mesh is drawn horizontal at a constant depth of about 19,000 feet (5790 m). The actual depth to the Cretaceous here is not accurately known, but is perhaps as deep as 40,000 feet ( 12200 m). However, it was impractical to include greater depths in the model because of the lack of well control and temperature data. Surface Boundary. The upper boundary of the mesh is a constant head boundary with a fixed temperature at 2o·c. Because the temperature is fixed, the model can not account for any local heating at the water table due to upwelling fluids nor can it account for possible thermal springs. Since the meteoric system is not the prime focus of this investigation, these limitations are inconsequential. Lateral (Vertical) Boundaries. The sides of the mesh are treated as impermeable (no flow) and are also thermally nonconc:luctive. This is a somewhat unrealistic configuration. The mesh does not extend to the outcrop of many of the lower formations, nor does it go far offshore. Fluid and heat transfer could occur across both boundaries in nature. To resolve this problem, fluid flux terms were added to selected nodes on each of these boundaries. Flux Nodes. Several flux nodes were assigned to the lateral boundaries. Two on the northwest boundary near the outcrop belt of the Wilcox formation were assigned a combined flux of -0.00014 Kg/s, which is about 1 /2 ml per hour. The negative sign signifies injection of fluid. On the other side of the mesh were placed three constant flux nodes which withdrew fluid at the equal but opposite rate of +0.00014 Kg/ms. This arrangement simulated the passage of fluid into the section from outcrop, and also from the section into the Gulf. These fluxes proved to be rather unimportant in their effect on the pressure and temperature fields, and consequently their assigned values could be varied considerably without appreciable influence. Aside from the two negative flux nodes on the outcrop side of the mesh, other recharge of the meteoric zone was ignored. Because the model is steady-state and noncompacting, flux nodes were needed to simulate compaction-driven fluid in the geopressured zone. The model was first designed without such nodes and the result was a complete absence of geopressuring. Several distributions of these flux nodes were tried, and it was determined that fluxes assigned just to the basal nodes worked best. Mathematical Assumptions. As mentioned above, the program calculates appropriate densities and viscosities as functions of both temperature and pressure (equations 4 -7). The subroutines which handle these calculations are equipped to treat pure water in fluid, steam, or supercritical phases. However, multiphase flow is not allowed. In addition, the f luid is required to be in thermal equilibrium with the medium at all times. Thermal conductivity of the rock is assumed to be constant, although in reality is varies slightly as a function of temperature. Thermal conductivity of water is treated as a function of temperature. Porosity is also assumed to be nontransient. Chemistry. Chemical processes are extremely difficult to couple with groundwater models because of the oomerous calculations which even simple chemical models require. Including such calculations in an iterative sequence across an entire mesh would result in urmanageable computation times. As a result, both density and fluid flow calculations are somewhat handicapped. Fluid samples collected from Tertiary formations in the Gulf (Fisher 1982, Land, personal communication, 1985) indicate that the salinity (ppm) of formation waters is signif icanlly correlated to its in-situ density. The modeling program assumes only pure water. In an attempt to circumvent the problem, a reference density corresponding to a 50,000 ppm solution at standard state ( 1.053 gm/cm2) was substituted for the reference density of pure water in one test run. This had no affect on the modeled temperatures, and only a subtle affect on the modeled pressures, mainly in the meteoric zone. In the modeling program, the meteroic zone can not be assigned a separate reference density from the geopressured section. Likewise, viscosity and density subroutines were writen for pure water only. Hence, high ppm pore fluids could not be realistically considered in the study. Additionally, clay dehydration reactions may contribute a significant quantity of fluid at particular horizons. Some simulation runs of the model were conducted using assigned fluid flux nodes in areas of critical temperatures and pressures to simulate such fluid release, but this failed to produce correct temperatures or heads (simulating the process in this way did not take into account the heats of reaction). Assessing Thermal CoocJuctiyitu. The model requires the assignment of both a thermal conductivity and porosity field. The thermal conductivity is assigned to the solid portion of each element, and the porosity is therefore used to determine the fraction of the element that is assigned the thermal conductivity of fresh water at the appropriate temperature and pressure. Ulfortunately, there has been very little research into the thermal conductivities of the solid portion of rocks. Instead, there have been studies which list thermal conductivities for typical rock-types. These values are given without regard to porosity, water content, or pressure. Pressure is important because an important factor in the thermal conductivity of the solid matrix is the nature of the grain to grain contacts, which may vary as a function of pressure. Of course, the mineral composition of the sediment grains is also quite important because different minerals have widely different conductivities. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of the solid matrix should be dependant upon rock type. Because of the lack of research in this field, the only guide to thermal conductivities at present are the values for typical rock types. The porosity field modifies these values. Limitations of Scale. The mesh and all the output related to the mesh have been printed at a vertical exaggeration of forty. At true scale, the actual cross section represented by the mesh is very wide relative to its depth as shown in Fig. 2.3. Since the parameters in the design of the model are assigned on a per element basis, and the width of each element is at least several kilometers, many details of the cross section were omitted. A finer mesh could have been used to increase resolution, but this would have caused longer run times and an increased complexity in the set up and calibratton of the model. Of course, an important consideration in the design of the mesh was the quality of the data. . :• .. ... " ,.; .. Ul ;; w .. ~ .." . .. .. ,.; .. . .. 0 .. .. " 0 . :: .. ~ :! .. . . .. ~ :o--. nG: ""' .... ...... :::?~ : 0 .. : .. :! .. .. .. . :: "i. ... .. .. 0 • ... .. .. .. ~ .. . .. 0 0 0• ·101° ,OL • S~3.l.3" a) ca (.) (/) Q) 2 - ca c: ~ ~ (/) ~ (/) Q) E c: - Q) E Q) Q) Q) .:t::: c: :;::: Q) ~ I- Cw; C\i ..G> :J C) u::: Generally, most of the loss of detai I was forfeited in the shallow meteoric portions of the basin. The deeper areas are apparently simpler lithologically although there are fewer well-logs available to document this fact. Because of scale, faults were treated as zones rather than as discrete discontiruities, and these zones thus reflect an averaged behavior. Modeled fluid velocities may therefore be less than the actual velocities that may exist in discrete portions of the fault zone. Likewise, much of the anisotropy caused by the small scale interlayering of muds and sands was averaged by assigning anisotropic permeabilies to the grid elements. 2.3 DESIGN 2.3.1 CALIBRATION Calibrating adjusts the model to accurately simulate the actual system. It involves repeatedly ruming the model, checking the output, making revisions, and then reruming it. In an ideally calibrated model, all of the independent variables are known. The model is adjusted so that these are all accurately reproduced by the model, and the dependent variables are then computed. Such ideal cases are rarely realized. The primary calibration tool for this investigation was the temperature data. Other constraints were the stratigraphy and the top of geopressure plus a general knowledge of the shape of the pressure­versus-depth profile. In addition were crude estimates on the magnitude of overall vertical flow from the deep basin (section 2.'1.2). The modeling procedure was as follows: 1) Four fields were assigned for vertical and horizontal intrinsic permeability, thermal conductivity, and porosity. For each field a code map was constructed where each element is represented by a coded number which is assigned a value for the particular parameter. 2) Flow rates were assigned to constant flux nodes, keeping the total flux as low as possible. 3) These parameters were then run with the program. The output from the model includes plotted isotherms and hydraulic heads. The isothermal plot was superimposed on the isothermal plots compiled from temperature data and aNJ discrepancies were noted. The same was done for the head plot. Adjustments were made to the various design aspects on a priority of permeability fields first, then if necessary flow rates, followed by conductivities and finally porosities. Initially, several parameters were adjusted between each run. As the model came closer to meeting the calibration critera, only one or two changes were made per run. 2.3.2 THE MESH The mesh (Fig 2.2) corresponds to a cross-sectional width of 176 miles (283 km) and a depth of 20,000 ft (6096 meters). In this program, four-sided polygons are each divided into two triangular elements. All rows and columns of nodes are continuous. A general rule . in designing the elements ts to avoid any elements with obtuse angles. For mathematical reasons, obtuse angles will lead to erroneous values and convergence problems. Convergence problems may also result from extreme differences in assigned parameter values in adjacent elements. As a further consideration, to compensate for some of the scale problems mentioned earlier, nodes were concentrated in areas of greatest interest, such as in the growth fault zones. 2 3 3 THE CODE MAPS Porositu Fjeld The data used to code for porosity was mostly taken from Loucks and others ( 1979), Bonham ( 1980) and Fyfe and others ( 1978). In general, porosity was treated as a function of depth, ranging from 35~ at the surface to 5~ at the greatest depths. Additionally, this decline with depth was suspended in the geopressured transition zone. Changes made to the porosity field proved to have very little effect on the modeling results. Porosity is only used in the conduction terms of the heat transfer equation (3), and its low sensitivity seems to indicate that saturated porosity is perhaps not as significant a factor in basinal thermal patterns as has been suggested by Lewis and Rose ( 1970). Thermal Conductivitu The thermal conductivity values were assigned using as a guide a table from Reiter and Tovar ( 1982) which lists thermal conductivities for various rock types. The conductivities were assigned to the mesh according to the rock types shown on the type-section. Somewhat lower conductivities were found to be necessary for the deep marine shales than the values listed in the table for shales, but this is justifiable in that much of the marine shale occurring under geopressures has been found to be more like a ·dense clay· than Hthified rock (Weaver & Beck, 1971 ). The values chosen were consequently intermediate between shale and clay. Additionally, the deepest marine shales were assigned higher conductivities because they are presumably more dense and consequently more conductive. Perroeabiltty. The data presented tn Loucks and others ( 1979) was used for permeabiltty values. This data conststed mostly of whole core analysis plotted against depth. A major draw-back with thts type of measurement is that it tgnores large scale permeabilities created by faults and fractures. These are perhaps more tmportant in determining hydrologtc characteristics of a large area. Additionally, permeabiltty is not only a functton of depth but also of rock type, pressure and chemical reactions. The whole core analyses are relative to atmospheric pressure. Nonetheless, the range of values for each depth was quite great, which provided room for adjustments in the calibration process. Permeability was the most sensitive of the input parameters. A matter of some speculation ts the contribution to permeability made by hydraulic fracturing, also known as mircofracturing. According to Fyfe and others ( 1978), microfractures are theorized to originate in flaws, which grow when pore-fluid pressure exceeds the least principal stress by an amount equal to the tensile strength of the rock. The stresses on rock can be resolved into three vectors, one for each dimension, x,y, and z. These are called the principal stresses, the smallest of which is called the least principal stress. In undeformed rock these stresses are usually compressional. Pore pressures tend to oppose compresstonal stresses equally tn all directions by forcing pore spaces open. When pore pressures exceed the least compressional force by an amount greater than the matrix can tolerate (the tensile strength), the rock ruptures, causing a fracture. Fracturing will occur in the direction perpendicular to the least principal stress. In a compacting basin the least principal stress is usually horizontal, whfle the greatest principal stress, resulting from the weight of sediments above, is vertical. Microfractures are usually oriented vertically (Jaeger & Cook, 1979). Stronger rocks are more susceptible because they tend to have greater stress differentials (the difference between least and greatest principal stresses). The strongest rocks should be those in the deeper basin, owing to their degree of consolidation. On the other hand, stress differentials decrease with depth. How these opposing factors control the occurence of hydrofacturing is currently unstudied, but faulted areas may be particularly susceptible owing to an abundance of suitably oriented flaws. 2.4 RESULTS The investigation was broken down into three simulations, each testing a basic type of flow regime. The first considered the affects of evenly dispersed advection while the second concentrated the advecting fluids along faults. The third was a special case of the second, adding a speculative region of high thermal and hydrau1ic conductivity in order to more closely meet the constraints. Several criteria were employed to calibrate the model. They were fluid flux, fluid pressure, and temperature. The degree to which model output matches the calibrating critera is a measure of how well the design of the model depicts the actual system. The same criteria where used for each simulation, and the following discussion systematically compares them to the model's output. The implications of the results are covered in the discussion section 2.5. 2.4.1 SltuLATION ONE -CONDUCTION DOMINATED The object of this simulation was to test the hypothesis that thermal patterns are basically controlled by the movement of dispersed (as opposed to fault-concentrated) compactional fluids coupled with geopressure-dominated thermaI conductivities. Flux Nodes. Fluid flux nodes were needed to simulate the release of compaction fluids, thus establishing a geopressured zone. These fluxes were evenly distributed across the base of the section. Because fluid fluxes must be assigned to nodes, which are point sources, the basal elements were given artificially high horizontal permeabilities. If this were not done, all nodes, being separated by several kilometers, would produce high pressure plumes. By assigning high horizontal permeabilities to the basal elements, a permeable avenue was created which permitted the simulation of a diffuse upward flow that would be typical of a hydraulically homogeneous compacting basin. Fig. 2.4 shows the flux distribution along the basal boundary. During calibration, very low fluxes were initially assigned. After .s::. +J 'C 4 .0­ 3: .._ 0 L 3 .0­ Fluid Flux Across Basement Q) +J Q) ToteJl flux = 3.2 gm/s E 2.0­ L Q) 0. (f) E .,.C) I 0 Figure 2.4: Fluid flux assigned to the basement nodes of the mesh for Simulation One. permeabiHties and thermal conductiv1ties were_optimized, remaining calibration discrepancies were addressed by conservatively incrementing the fluxes. This procedure was repeated until a "best fit" was obtained. The overall average was 8.91x1 o-s kg/s for each meter across the section; the total flux for the entire section being 3.2 x 1Q-3 kg/s. Perroeabi1itu Codes Figs. 2.5 through 2.8 show the coded mesh for horizontal and vertical permeability, porosity and thermal conductivity. The permeability fields were kept simple by assuming faults to have no influence. The geopressured zone was assigned the lowest permeabilities, with a rapid increase in permeability at the transition to normal pressures. The southeastern or right portion of the mesh corresponds to the sands of the Frio Formation and consequently higher permeabilities. Horizontal Permeobi1ity m2 D1.00 x 10-13 D2.00 x 10-14 [ill 5.00 x 10-16 --10 -9.00 x 10 .... :::::::::: . ::::::::. .. :::: :::: .. .... . :::::::: : ::::: .... .. :::::::: :.. .. . ::::::: ::::::: ..... . .. . ::::: : : .......... . ..... ........ .. . .. .. ... .. .... .. .. ..... .. .. . ...·.·.··.·..·.· .·..·.·. ·.·.··.·.·.· .·.·.::::::::::::: :::::: : ::::::::: :: ::::: Figure 2.5 Verticol Permeobility m2 D Loo x 1o-•s 06.oo x 10-16 IBill 0.80 x 10-l S .6.00 x 10-19 .2.00 x 10-19 Figure 2.6 Porosity Code. The porosity mesh was also simply designed. Porosity decreases from a maximum of 357' at the surface to 57' at 20,000 feet (6096 m). Porosity is held constant at 217' across the pressure transition to geopressuring. Fig. 2.7 shows the coding for the porosity mesh. .............. . .·.·........ .. .......·.·..... ............ .·.·.. .. .. .......·.·..... ............... .·.·........ ............·.·...... . ............. ... .·.·.·.·····.......... . ...... ..... ... ... ... .·.·.·.·· · .. . Porosity :t/vol. =i 35 ]26 ~21 I 10 Is Figure 2.7 Thermal Conductivity Code. The Thermal Conductivity mesh is comparatively complex (Fig. 2.8), particularly in the portions above the top of geopressure, because the lithology 1s most variable there. Sandy units typically have higher conductivities than clays and shales (Reiter and Tovar, 1982). Thus, higher conductivity units were assigned in the Frio formation on the right portion of the mesh. The lowest conductivities were assigned to the shallow geopressured section because the least consolidated thickly bedded clays were presumed to occur there. The more unconsolidated the sediments are, the more poorly they conduct heat. An Isolated high conductivity unit was placed In the deep geopressured Wilcox to correspond with a large sand body which is indicated on the type-section. Figure 2.8 2 42 SIMJLAT!ON ONE-RESULTS Fluid Flux As mentioned above, the average fluid flux assigned across the geopressured section was 8.91x10-8kg/ms for each meter across the section. An estimate for comparison was provided by Lynton Land (personnel communication, 1985). The estimate is based on the chloride concentration of Gulf Coast rivers and streams whose watersheds do not drain Pennsylvannian or Permian evaporites. Possible sources of chloride in surface waters are aerosols (mostly in the form of rain), halite from evapor1tes, and discharge of deep-basinal brines. The average value for river-borne chloride was 8 grams of chloride per square meter of land surface per year. Of this, only 1.2 grams can be accounted for by aerosols. The 6.8 gram deficit which remains is assumed to be due to the contribution from deep-basinal discharge. Figuring the flux assigned in the model provides 2.81 kg or about 2.8 liters per square meter per year, thts implies a chloride concentration in the upwelling deep-basinal fluids of 243 parts per thousand. This is well within the realm of halite saturation which is about 400 parts per thousand at 1 oo·c, and is also very similar to concentrations reported from brines in the Edwards Formation of the basin. This estimate thus provides an indication that the flux rates chosen are quite reasonable. On the other hand, a volumetric calculation yields a very different result. Using the same 2.8 kg/ms flow rate, an estimate of the initial height of a one meter square column of compacting sediment needed to produce this flow rate was obtained. Assuming a period of 40 million years and an initial porosity of 35", a column of sediment 320,000 meters high would have to be compacted to 0% porosity to maintain this flow rate. Since the depth of the basin is probably no more than 13,000 meters, the flow rate appears from this calculation to be more than an order a magnitude too high, indicating that.simple compaction is inadequate to account for the postulated flow rate. Bruce ( 1984) claims that the smectite-illite clay transition can supply as much as three times more fluid than compaction in the depth range of 7000-11000 feet (2134-3353 m). However, this is only for a 5X volume reduction from 14%to 9" porosity. Though potentially important, the transition alone does not account for all the fluid needed, nor does is account for fluids sourced from depths greater than 11000 feet (3353m). Fluid pressure Fig. 2.9 shows the pressure contours generated by the model. The contours are meters of excess hydraulic head relative METERS OF EXCESS HEAD-Trial 1 to the highest topographic elevation of the section. The contour interval is 200 meters. Since the contours are excess heads, they mark the geopressured zone. The flrst several contours should therefore correspond to the top of geopressuring as indicated by the hatchured line in the cross section of Fig. 1.2. Fig. 2.1 O shows pressure profiles taken along four transects of the section indicated on Fig. 2.9. Here the agreement with other data (shown on the figure) is not good. The pressures modeled at each of the four transects are within reason but are generally low compared to the generalized pressure trends, which are taken from Neogene deposits of South Texas (1 ine 1) and recent to Miocene in Louisiana Cline 2). But missing from the modeled pressures is the characteristic shape of the pressure profile, namely the inflection in the line caused by the transition from increasing pressure gradients at shallow geopressures to a constant pressure gradient at continued depths. The profiles are instead relatively linear, with little variation in the pressure gradient. The pressures therefore can not be considered well calibrated. Temperature Fig. 2.11 shows the isotherms produced by the model (dotted lines) superimposed on those from the BHT data (solid line). The gray shaded areas are the error ranges for the BHT data. These were taken from the contoured variances (from Kriging) shown in Figs. 1.6-1. I Od. The match of the 2oo·c isotherm is quite good, but discrepancies increase at higher temperatures, and are especially large between the 3so·c and 4oo·c isotherms. The largest discrepancies PRESSURE PSI (x 1000) 0 3 6 9 12 o--------.a.------""--------------------.....-0 Figure 2.10: Pressure profiles for Simulation One. Dashed lines show modeled pressure profiles keyed in Figure 2.9. Solid lines 1 & 2 show generalized profiles for Gulf Coast. 2 6 8 ..... 0 0 :c ~ 10 I-)( 0.. .... w I- cw w ~ 12 14 16 18 20 0 1 2 3 ..... 0 0 0 ~ )( ..... en a: w I- w 4~ 5 1 Dickinson 1953 6 2 Jones 1969 20 occur at the Wilcox growth fault zone, where modeled temperatures are much lower than the data indicate. Four temperature profiles where constructed from selected transects of Flg. 2.11 and these where superimposed on the temperature profiles from the correspond1ng subareas presented in F1gs. 1.18, 1.14, 1.20, and 1.23. The advantage of th1s comparison 1s the ability to view the actual BHT measurements 1n conjunct1on with the modeled temperatures. F1gs. 2.12 through 2.15 show these prof11es. Once aga1n, the matches are generally poor. In all but the group n1ne area, in fact, modeled temperature gradients are below average, whereas the data show that grad1ents in all areas are above average. The Flow Regime. Fig. 2.16 is of the fluid velocity vector field. The arrows in the figure are vectors, meaning that their length is proportional to the fluid veloc1ty at the point of the arrow's origin, and the direction of the arrow indicates the flow direct ion. The direction is corrected to account for the vertical exaggeration of the figure. The vectors are placed at element centers. Since many of the flow rates are extremely low, they appear only as the head of the arrow. Wide differences may still exist between these velocities, though not apparent from the figure. Appendix F Hsts the flow rates for each element. Readily apparent from the figure is the break from geopressured to meteroic regimes. The meterioc system is characterized by much h1gher flow rates as well as more variable, topograph1cally controlled directions. MODELED ISOTHERMS-Trial 1 r------------------------­ 0 4000 ... "' ... "' ! ..; "'> 8000 "' .. "' "' :I: 1200D 0 ..; CD "' ;: 1600 ... "' 0 2000 2400 0 4000 ... "' ... "' ! ..; "' 8000 > ..; "' .. "' "'3: 12000 0 .. ..; "' ; 1600 Q. Q "' 2000 2400 GROUP SE VEN \ 50 100 150 200 250 \ TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ '\ \ / 1.64°F/ 100 FT + +• + + 50 150 250 35D 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.12 GROUP NI NE 100 150 200 250 \ \ 50 TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ \ \ '. 1.64'Fl 100 FT \ '" ,. \ + '~·.. \ '+ '\ '.,....,+ ., + + "' "' "' "-' •..~\T + "-' "' "\ "\ "' 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.14 0 1000 2000 000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 000 4000 0 "' .."O % CD ,... "' 0 ~ "' > "' ,... "'< ,... "' i I: "'.. 21 "' "' "O .. "' 0 % CD ,... "' 0 "' ~ > "' ,... "'< ,... "' '· \ + \ + \ ' \ ' ' '\ \ \ '\ \ \ ' \ \ \ 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.15 ~ V> m > 4000 r­ m < m r­ 5000 z I: m .. m ,, 8000 V> 7000 5000 i I: "'.. 21 "' 6000 "' 7000 ... "' ... "' ! .. ..; "' "' > ..; "' "' 0 4000 8000 :I: 12000 0 "'.. ..; ;: 1600 ... 0 "' ... "' ... "' ! ..; > "' ..; "' .. "' ; 0 .. ..; "' 20000 2400 0 4000 8000 12000 ;: 1600 ... 0 "' 2400 GROUP THREE \ 50 100 150 200 250 \ TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ \ \, / 1.64°F/ 100 FT \ \ ·. \ \ \ " +'\ "· \ " \ " \" \" \ ... \" \ ," . \ \ "· \ " \ \ "· \ \ \ \ \ 50 150 250 35D 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.13 GROUP Tl'IE L VE \ 50 100 150 200 250 \ TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ \ 1.64'Fl 100 FT \ .. / \. ,. \ \ 0 1000 c m 2000 "O ... % m "' r­ 000 0 ~ V> m > 4000 r­ ,,. < m r­ 5000 z I: m ,,m 6000 V> 7000 0 11000 cf2000 "' .."O m "' r­ 0 ~000 % TRIAL 1 .. 0 •.tt,. .ff .. .. • .. N ,. _,. " " l ~ ~ ..... .. .... • .. .. .. .. \. A:_/.!J "' ...... • • .. .. .. .. • ......... ....-V..t • -...... -~....,....,.. ,. • .. .. .... __..-\" :!: • .. "".. • .. ... • .. .. • .. • ..... .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. • .. • .... • .. .... .. • • .. .. .. .... .. .. ~ .. • .. .. •.. • .. "' .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. "' .. .. • •• + .. .. ........ . .. ... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. • .. ...... "' i .. .. .. ~I • .. .. .. .. + .. .. I • • .. .. • .. ... .. .. ........ .. ...... .. • .. .. I .. .. "' .. • .. .. .... ~ .. + .. .. -:1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ..... • • .. .. ~ .. .. .. .... .: .. .. .. '\· .... .. N (/l \ .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. "' .. .. .. .. a:: .. w., "',_ ..1 \ .. .. .. w. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~~i \ .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 \ \ .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. \ .. .. \ ~~ \ .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... i .. .. ;i \ .... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' nl \ •.... \ ~~ \ \ .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. JI ... .. ...... .. .. • • ' ~l ' ·' +--------,---·--.,.----,---""' ~·------,--­ o. 00 24. 66 49. 32 73. 98 98. 64 123. JO 147. 96 172. 62 197. 28 221. 94 246. 60 271. 26 METERS •, o' Figure 2.16: Simulation One flow velocity vectors. ' 84 2.4.3 SltuLAIION TWO -CONCENTRATED FLOW Flux Nodes. The second simulation employed areas of concentrated vertical flow to model the basin. The same overall flux used in the first simulation was maintained in Simulation Two, but it was redistributed in such a way as to concentrate most of the flux along the Wilcox growth-fault zone. Fig. 2.17 shows this distribution. Permeabi1ilU Codes. Figs. 2.18 and 2.19 show the permeability codes. These are much more complex than in the previous simulation. Relatively high horizontal permeabilities were assigned to the basal row of elements to avoid pressure plumes around each node, but these values were much lower than those used previously in order to avoid widely dispersed fluxes across the basement.(Fig. 2.4). Elsewhere, horizontal permeability was decreased with depth, and in response to the new flux conditions, the horizontal permeability field was refined in the upper geopressured section. Specifically, values were increased in order to disperse the concentrated flux below the pressure transition, a condltion necessary to calibrate the isotherms. The justification for this alteration is that although vertical permeability in the marine shales is certainly very restricted, horizontal permeability can increase near the top of geopressure because of high porosity and a relatively unconsolidated, laminar structure. Horizontal Permeability m2 07.00x 10-13 D2.00 x 10-14 (I s.oo x 10-16 Ii3.00 x 10-17 119.00 x 10­ Figure 2.18 The vertical permeability mesh has a different configuration. Its values were assigned as a function of depth except where vertical conduits for flow were hypothesized. Two portions were modeled as such, the deeper parts of the Wi Jcox growth faults, and the geopressured portion of faults in the Catahoula Fm. .·... ·. ·.· .·.··.· .·.·....·.·. ·.·:.· ·.·.·. .. .... .. ...... . ·.·.· .·. .... .·. ·.·.··.·.· ..·.·..·.·.· ... ... .......·..... ::::: ::: ::;::: :: :: :::::::::::::::::: ..... ...... .... .. ······ ... . .. ...... . ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~} ~~~~~~ Figure 2.19 Porosity & Thermal Conductivity Codes. The porosity field is unchanged from the f1rst stmulatton (Ftg 2.7). Slight modificattoos were made to the thermal-conductivity mesh (Ftg 2.20). The cooducttve sand body to the deep basin was removed, and the elements of least conductivity were redistributed, addtng more in the Wilcox growth-fault zone. These ref1nements were needed to calibrate the model given the new fluid flux conditions, be1ng careful to keep values wtthtn ranges supported by the available data. F1gure 2.20 2.4.4 SIMJLATION TWO-RESULTS. Fluid Pressure Fig. 2.21 shows the pressure contours for Simulation Two. Unlike the previous simulation, a plume indicative of concentrated upwelling is apparent in this figure. The .pressure vs. depth profiles derived from this diagram and given in Fig. 2.22 show much better agreement with the two other data sources shown. Line B from the growth fault zone shows near perfect agreement with Dickinson's data, reproducing the characteristic inflection point. The fact that the actual top of geopressure (indicated by the first deviation away from the hydrostatic line) does not match is not significant because Dickinson's data is from a different location, and the depth to the top of geopressuring is variable across the basin. Line D, METERS OF EXCESS HEAD-TRIAL 2 I I I I I A Bl I I I I I I I I I I c I I I ----~' I ----~ I I I I I 01 I I I I I I I I I Figure 2.21 : Hydraulic head generated by the model for Simulation Two. Dashed lines show location of pressure profiles in Figure 2.22. PRESSURE 0 PSI (x 1000) 3 6 9 12 0------------------------------------~0 2 6 8 ..... 0 :r: 0 0 10 ..... ; c.. .... w~ cw w LI. 12 14 1 18 20 0 2 3 ..... 0 0 0 .... )( rn a: w ~ w 4~ 5 1 Dickinson 1953 6 2 Jones 1969 20 Figure 2.22: Pressure profiles for Simulation Two. Dashed lines show modeled pressure-profiles keyed in Figure 2.21 . Solid lines 1 & 2 show generalized profiles for Gulf Coast. · corresponding to the Frio Formation, shows lower overpressures, as would be expected in an area of higher sand content and permeability. Temperature The temperature contours modeled in Simulation Two are shown in Fig. 2.23. The match with the data is better here as well. The modeled isotherms stay within the error margins in most places. Some discrepancies appear along the 350 and 40o•c isotherms just southeast (right) of the Wilcox growth-fault zone, where temperatures are once aga1n somewhat cool relative to the data. This trend is also evident in the temperature-vs.-depth profiles of Figs. 2.24 through 2.27, where the modeled temperatures fall consistently below the general trend indicated by the BHT measurements. No manner of fluid flux could lessen these decrepancies without disrupting the rest of the cross-section. The Flow Regime. Fig. 2.28 differs Httle in appearance from Fig. 2.16. In each, the direction and magnitude of fluid movement appear quite similar. However, as previously menttoned, the flow rates are so low in the geopressured zone that differences within thts zone do not show on the diagram. Appendix F lists the velocities from this figure. The highest values for the meteoric zone are on the order of 1 o-a m/s. In the geopressured zone where fluids are concentrated, velocities are about t 0-11 mis, and drop off elsewhere in the geopressured zone to as low as 10-14 mis. 2.4.5 Slt1JLAIION THREE -MIXED CONDITIONS MODELED ISOTHERMS-Trial 2 ~---------------.....,, 0 .... 4000 "' ... "' ! _, "'> 8000 _, "' c "' ; 12000 0 _, "' "' ; 1600 Q, "'0 0 .... 4000 "' ... "' ! _, 8000 > "' "' c "' ; 12000 0 _, "' "' ; 1600 Q, 0 "' 2000 2400 GROUP SEVEN \ 50 100 150 200 250 \ TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ \ \ / 1.64°F/ 100 FT ~ + \ + \ ++ ""' \ \. \ .. \~ \f. \+\ + \ ... + \ ... + \ •" ++ \ .:..: \ . \ " \+".. + + \ \ \ ' .+ ~ 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.24 GROUP NINE \ 50 100 150 200 250 \ TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ \ \ . 1.64°F/ 100 FT '" ,. \ \ ,. 'ff·.. '\ + '" "\ ·\.+ +·.\ + + "' "' "·' "' "\ •+ "' "·..'\ "\ "·'\\ "' "' ..., , \ 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.26 0 1000 2000 000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 000 4000 0 ... '" ... :z: Cll ,.. '" 0 ~ "' ,. '" ,.. < '" ,.. '" i I: ... '" '".. "' 0 ... '" ... :z: Cll ,.. '" 0 ~ "' ,. '" ,.. < "' ,.. '" 5000 i I: ... '" 8000 m.. "' 7000 .... ... "' ... ! _, ... > _, "' c ... "' 0 4000 8000 ;i: 12000 0 _, "' "' ; 1600 Q, "' 0 2000 0 .... 4000 ... ... ... ! _, ... 8000 > _, "' c ... ;i: 12000 0 "' _, ... ID ; 1600 Q, "' 0 2000 2400 GROUP THREE 0 \ 50 100 150 200 250 TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ .\ 1000 '.\ ·\\/1.64°F/ 100 FT c: •:\ ... 2000 " :I a: ... "' 000 r c "' ~ "' ... "' .. ',. + •+ "' > 4000 r ... ''~ ,... < ......... ... ' r 5000 z ' '\ 3: ... \ \ \ "' J;. 6000 (/) \ \ \ \ ' 7000 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.25 \ 50 GROUP 100 T'M: LVE 150 200 250 0 \ TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ \ \ . / 1.64:/ 100 FT \" \ \ \ \ \+ \ \ ++ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE OEG F Figure 2.27 t 1000 I +2000 ! i -k!ooo I I i 4000 lsooo I 8000 7000 c m,, .... :I m°' ,.. 0 ~ (/) m ,. ,.. m < m ,.. z 3: .. .... "' m (/) TRIAL 2 .. 0 ...... ,. " oi .,. ,.,,. ...• • • • • \ ~ ... ..... . " • ' I '.!.'' -.... "' ... .,. • .. " • \. --,.__ ~/' .. .... __.... .. .,. .. . " • .. " 'II """ ... ... .,. ... • • .,. ..... /' • '"" • 'II ...... "' "' .; ....... O> ... .,. .. ..... .. .,. + • + .. " • • ........ ..... .... ~.... .. ... • .. .,. .,. ...,. . + • .,. ... .,. .. "' ... + + .,. 0 ..,. .,. .. .... ~ ....... + + .,. + .,. • • .,. • .. .. ....,. .,. ...... .. .. .,. .,. .. .,. + ... ...,. .,. .,. + + + O> + .. .... .,. .,. .,. "' .. .. .,. .,. .. .,. .,. .. .,. .... + .. .... .. .,. .. ... .. .,. .. .. ... .... • "' .. .. .,. ....... "' .,. .. .. .,. .. .,. .,. .,. .. .. .,. .. ......... .,. .,. .. .. .. .,. .,. - o ... .. .,. • .. ... .; ... • • .,. ....... .,. .,. .,. • • •• • .,. .......... .... .,. • .,. • Vl "' Q:'. .,. • • •• .,. • w .., .,. I-O> .,. • w. • •.,..,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,..,. .... .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. ::::!"' ~ • • .,. • •• .,. ..... .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. ...... ..,. .. .,. .,. O> .. • • • 0 .,. ,..: .,. :; •..,. • • • • ..,..,..,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .. • •. • • .,. .. "' ;; ... • • ...,. • .,. • • ...... .,. ..,. .,. • • .,. .,. • ... "' .. .; ... .,. ...... .. "' .. .. .. .It ........ .. .... .. .. .. 0 .. .,; 0 "'o. 00 24. 66 49. 32 73. 98 98. 84 123. JO 147. 96 172. 62 197. 28 221. 94 246. 60 271. 26 METERS • 10' Figure 2.28: Simulation Two flow velocity vectors. Simulation Three evolved from Simulation Two after successive refinements. The suite of code maps are shown in figs. 2.29 through 2.32. Porosity and fluid fluxes are essentia11y unchanged and the permeabilities are also very similar, excepting the addition of a speculative zone of high thermal and hydraulic conductivity located southeast (right) of the Wi 1cox growth-faults, which was added to simulate the isotherms more closely than in Simulation Two. The differences in the code maps between Simulation Two and Three are centered around the addition of this body. In conjunction, the depth of influence of the Carrizo-associated fault was decreased as indicated in Fig. 2.30. 2 4.6 SltuLATION THREE -RESULTS Fluid Pressure. The fluid pressures are quite similar in this simulation to those from Simulation Two as illustrated in Fig. 2.33. The pressure profiles ... ... < ... "' :r: 12000 0 ... ... "' + ; 1600 ... ... 0 2000 ,+ ~ 2400()l-5-o'"""",___1...5~0~*-~2~5-0~......~3+5-0~.....~4·5-0---I 0 100D 0 2000 "' .., ... :z: Ill ,.. "' 000 0 ~ "' > "' 4000 ,.. "' < ,.. "' 5000 i I: ... "' lll "' eooo "' 7000 0 .... 4000 ... ... ... ! ... ... 8000 > ... < ... "':r: 12000 0 ... ... "' ; 1600 ... ... Q 2000 2400 50 150 250 350 450 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.38 0 .... 4000 "' ... "' ! ... ... 8000 ..> ... < ... "' :r: 12000 0 ... ... "' ; 1600 ... ... 0 2000 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.36 GROUP NIN£ 0 0 ,so 100 150 200 250 \ TEMPERATURE DEG C \ \ ·\ 1000 FT .... 4000 ... ... 0 ... .., 2000 "' ! ... ... :z: ... 8000 Ill > '\+ + ... ,.. ... "' OOD 0 '• < '• ~ ... ' 3: 12DOO 't "' ' \+ "' > "' 4000 ,.. 0 ... ... ' < "' ' ,.. "' "' ' ; 1600 ' •+' 5000 i ... '\ ... I: Q ' ... "' ' " l\ lll "' 6000 ' "' 2000 7000 2400 GROUP THR££ 100 150 200 ' 50 TEMPERATURE DEG C ' ' ' · . \ ' "·'J("1 .64°F/ 100 FT ' '\ l\ TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.37 GROUP TWE LVE 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE DEG C \so \ \ \ \ / 1.64°Fl 100 FT \ + ' ' ~ "~~ "' "·' "' "' "' " ' 50 150 250 350 TEMPERATURE DEG F Figure 2.39 250 0 1000 0 2000 "'.., ... :x: "' "',.. 000 0 ~ "' "'> 4000 ,.. < "' ,.. "' 5000 z 3: ... "' ,, "' 6000 "' 7000 0 250 1000 t m'" 0 .., ... :x: m "' ,.. 0 I ooo ~ "' "' > ,.. "'< 1 4000 ,.. "' i 3: "' ... )"" ,, "' eooo "' 70DO 450 The FJow Regime Once again, the fluid velocity vector plot 411620 .6 9153 215 10150 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 3202902.3 638338.7 6460 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 3205227.2 64271 1.2 9672 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 3195754.0 644462.9 9631 233 11609 267 12171 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 3196039.0 643095.9 9759 243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 3195259.6 640472.3 9716 226 11659 316 12259 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 3199015.1 644453.5 9690 242 12179 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 3200900.9 641396 .9 8864 228 9829 259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 3206257.7 64460 t. 1 9732 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 3204194.4 640225.0 9009 233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 3196453.2 640635.1 9547 241 10216 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 3206978.0 636547.3 13474 307 15441 337 16183 373 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 3196629.7 645602.6 9966 246 11635 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 3180931 .9 599445.4 8039 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 3161523.3 609050 .6 14794 329 15606 362 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 3182473.4 609980.3 10722 259 14480 333 15798 383 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 3164590.0 620736.3 6162 217 9167 246 9442 254 10794 300 0 0 0 0 71 3168217.7 619105.3 9844 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 3167690.2 616602.4 6753 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~ ~MCOORDINATES PEPTHnEMP PAIRS.... 31 591.5 610511. 1 6459 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 3165179.6 616367.4 13631 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 3161062.5 625726.2 15716 367 17923 414 19207 436 21463 452 0 0 0 0 76 31B4466.2 625905.5 940B 239 10369 272 12745 339 0 0 0 0 0 O n 3191196.2 626647.3 6600 220 9713 247 o o o o o o o o 7B 31B9997.6 630154.0 B990 242 10540 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 3169773.5 630656.1 9202 252 10051 270 11370 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 BO 31B7643.6 628903.3 9254 245 9B26 266 12119 319 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 3194513.7 631962.6 9374 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 3190196.6 631319.5 12247 337 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 3161402.0 632873.0 6616 252 6969 252 9961 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4 31B2122.0. 640803. 1 7326 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 3169659.4 643255.6 9756 249 11109 305 13152 352 13643 364 0 0 0 0 B6 3193157.0 635451 .B 9651 249 10985 267 11626 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 3192759.7 636619.5 9914 242 11697 321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BB 32009B2.4 550461. 1 6735 175 7006 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 3197379.5 560162.6 6102 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 3202721.4 563464.5 6936 188 7569 206 7B30 21B 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 3205672.o 5626n.9 6494 161 6802 166 6656 211 o o o o o o 92 3194224.2 571601 .3 9130 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 3199639.5 595163.4 8050 207 8591 220 9401 231 10146 244 10327 246 10592 272 94 3203800.3 593409 .5 11013 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 3207720.9 596926.9 9931 253 10342 256 10881 258 11304 265 11445 267 0 0 96 3194420.6 592163.3 10762 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 3197870.6 592808.0 10680 257 10835 262 11120 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 3166303.6 564694.1 10566 240 10942 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 3163972.1 582632.2 10810 272 0 0 0 0 0 100 3186090.6 574043.6 10111 242 11279 273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 3181242.4 589766.0 11756 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 3163125.1 591614.5 7631 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103 3170111.2 549018.3 10137 243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 3175592.3 549018.3 12014 297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 3167266.9 578808.7 7761 208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 3156696.1 552911.5 11816 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 3159136.0 558521.0 6319 195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 3159735.2 561906.111038 263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 3153183.4 568374.0 7399 212 12543 282 12841 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 3158882.0 573225.8 7506 187 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 3158060.6 581614.3 8233 218 13134 317 13704 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 3164896.0 590526.4 8235 217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 3153733.0 589302.1 6925 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 3156703.9 591134.66966 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 3163381.9 593201.1 13843 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 3164141.1 595761.1 15211 359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 3154198.0 593224.3 7426 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 3163657.7 593603.9 13844 346 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 3163139.1 594417.5 13895 353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 3165319.5 596256.3 13697 329 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I~ 121 UTM COORDINATES DEPTHl!~MP f61~.... 3163369.9 593195.3 14110 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 3155095.9 500172.7 6988 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 3163061.6 533221.1 10385 234 13960 303 15097 322 16601 336 0 0 0 0 124 3158748.1 547124.7 10844 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 3163773.5 546354.6 7346 207 6793 213 9669 243 10306 254 10623 261 0 126 3153383.6 539984.7 10272 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 3199115.0 501743.1 9612 246 11020 236 11434 251 0 0 0 0 128 3195146.6 537211.5 9839 208 14594 299 15061 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 3166466.9 506119.5 9242 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 3185210.9 524491 .0 7572 218 8657 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 3150797.6 563501.2 7314 201 11510 277 11951 271 12024 271 12194 301 12361 303 132 3152597.5 569174.7 7284 196 12247 263 12395 301 12573 313 13610 362 0 133 3139142.1 584843.4 7978 228 8281 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 3139950.6 566502 .0 6296 211 6575 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 3141647.2 590931 .0 9008 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 3149363.6 593391 . 1 6542 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137 3148839.7 593392.7 7309 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 3150260.4 596291.4 8459 216 10163 246 11144 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 139 3140528.1 592661 .1 7929 234 9001 240 9392 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 3146666 .6 597314.0 6262 249 6699 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 3151050.5 596367.0 7448 217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 3140647.0 567636.9 8412 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 3140132.1 590538.2 7803 227 8793 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 3140662.2 591664.4 7499 212 9040 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 3144243.1 597229.4 9631 249 10042 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 3142527.6 569652.9 6905 258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 148 3143046.2 595494.0 10649 312 11607 341 13828 348 14610 358 0 0 0 0 149 3141000.7 597411.9 9743 249 11363 267 13194 332 13616 339 0 0 0 0 150 3146522.4 587726.6 7623 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 3140643.5 596295.0 10367 262 11200 326 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 3126331.7 567243.4 7115 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 3126140.0 564643.3 6195 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154 3133455.6 562901.7 7220 212 8224 209 10264 257 13228 342 14763 363 0 155 3135647.5 572647.9 6200 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 3135385.8 572160.2 8163 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 157 3126109.9 564656.3 6166 237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 158 3132043.2 572473.2 8313 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159 3126626.1 564014.6 6606 197 10231 297 11172 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 3134992.5 582259.4 8337 222 11732 291 12730 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 3126567.4 563341.1 6157 237 10619 270 12241 336 13701 356 0 0 0 0 162 3130907.2 582591.9 7774 215 9165 269 9679 291 0 0 0 0 0 0 163 3127711.7 576983.7 7535 209 6904 264 9107 266 9750 261 0 0 0 0 164 3128471.0 580992.5 7584 247 8114 288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165 3127715.6 576345 .6 7225 214 9209 269 9710 277 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 3130874.3 584591 .0 7530 223 8035 230 9232 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 167 3126963.2 577456.3 7294 197 6222 233 6706 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 3134164.2 575061. 7 7793 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 3136248.2 576938.3 6935 206 8383 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID 170 UTM COORDINATES DEPTH/TEMP PAIRS.... 3126374.3 577534.6 7217 211 9566 271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 3136935.1 583853.4 8307 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 172 3131543.1 579425.5 7721 213 9201 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 3134555.8 583263.9 7854 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 3130316.9 561065.9 7613 223 6350 247 9010 253 9692 269 0 0 0 0 175 3130020.6 580610.7 7602 226 9236 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 3132026.0 563671.4 7610 217 6235 237 6344 279 9334 301 9634 301 0 0 177 3133526.1 585692.2 8158 231 8824 296 9261 262 9706 270 0 0 0 0 176 3134036.6 565153.9 7750 227 9325 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 3137327.9 568613.4 9170 272 9202 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 3132667.3 565669.9 6467 223 9625 261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 181 3130928. 1 590828.1 8080 234 9882 291 10370 308 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 3126101.7 592937.1 9263 240 9765 279 10733 271 10629 273 0 0 0 0 183 3127521.1 594725.1 8885 232 10393 278 11654 293 12197 331 0 0 0 0 164 3133351.5 597514.9 6552 236 9647 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 185 3128191.4 594731.9 7770 213 8996 234 9933 291 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 3129395.5 587907.4 7652 216 9002 260 9543 271 10201 262 10714 305 0 187 3128738.2 591653.2 8686 246 9786 291 10800 309 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 3134929.6 589626.6 6777 230 9925 273 10695 264 11472 297 0 0 0 0 189 3131496.1 587395.5 6523 219 9803 25410153 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 3113723.6 556600.1 6005 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191 3112932.6 552200.9 6120 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 192 3116196.6 557027.6 7062 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 193 3124752.3 560702.7 7665 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 194 3116704.6 555693.2 7745 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195 3117076.0 558237.3 7321 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 196 3116647.0 571197.3 7710 214 11072 303 11790 305 13100 364 14410 371 0 197 3116046.5 566962.0 7100 207 7849 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 196 3112544.2 572601 .3 7722 209 10621 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199 3122639.1 565364.9 7776 260 8253 259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 3116392.0 562039.4 7739 221 10924 297 13574 366 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 311446.6 564566.5 6777 201 7759 217 8526 260 10067 298 10560 299 11059 314 202 3116097.3 562943.2 8020 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 203 3116664.6 572762.6 10123 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 3113610.9 565973.0 7487 201 8987 221 9966 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 1.0 1.0 -513 -1 -513 -1 -513 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 206 3122999.8 568247.6 7234 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 207 3122449.0 573169.4 7359 212 9976 297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 208 3122323.9 577891.4 6527 249 10234 295 11838 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 209 3116540.6 576039.5 6653 230 10306 262 11014 299 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 3118718.1 582834.9 8550 235 11045 291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 3117459.3 576224.5 6623 225 11165 298 12207 323 14093 379 14445 384 0 212 3123077.4 577290.4 8669 227 9639 289 10269 303 0 0 0 0 0 0 213 3119044.7 560694.2 6756 242 9609 260 10486 267 10966 294 0 0 0 0 214 3113098.3 580689.5 8754 240 10389 282 11545 321 12620 341 13596 375 0 215 3111570.4 561275.7 9775 256 10627 316 12483 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 3119349.5 584905.3 8587 234 10053 258 11098 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 3122556.9 580860.0 10206 293 11716 295 12394 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID 218 YIM COORDINATES ~~PTHITEMP eAIRS .11 3111722.5 574469.8 9595 281 10737~323 12540 358 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 3115964.5 576694.6 8665 230 10365 302 11865 337 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 3123496.9 581489.9 7151 214 7624 222 11505 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 221 3118823.7 575187.6 8491 231 11620 323 0 0 0 0 0 222 3121734.6 581065.0 8607 253 11671 321 12867 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 3112711.0 574611.6 8870 255 10311 306 10991 319 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 3112013.4 574078.2 11293 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 3120805.1 575099.4 8579 250 9182 256 9950 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 226 3117684.2 584778.7 9771 236 12410 327 13692 372 0 0 0 0 0 0 227 3114903.9 574101.7 8752 242 10290 300 10817 304 11825 332 0 0 0 0 226 3117630.5 575632.1 8746 244 10442 299 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 229 3119500.6 573849.1 8527 256 8830 252 9086 258 9628 276 10128 274 10236 286 230 3124110.9 57526 7 .3 7303 205 9160 247 9766 277 0 0 0 0 0 0 231 3123191.6 590376.0 7691 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 232 3120092.1 587298.4 7511 203 9589 266 10111 272 11212 295 0 0 0 0 233 3118948.7 586626.7 7967 230 10676 317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234 3123402.3 589783.5 7843 201 11283 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 3114763.1 592816.7 8901 238 11587 313 12318 337 13031 340 13509 366 14533 378 236 3116634.8 595418. 1 7839 225 9751 252 12653 321 13629 353 0 0 0 0 237 3122715.0 587481.6 7763 202 10618 312 11418 327 0 0 0 0 0 0 238 3171969.5 606718.5 13391 332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 239 3174374.9 607268.1 8002 244 6186 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 3172611.0 604669 .5 12915 284 13484 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 241 3173029.5 609132.6 7610 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 3174143.1 617140.3 9076 271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 3166825.1 618871.3 7663 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244 3167146.7 618689.3 8259 243 8587 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 245 3167308.5 612416.8 7177 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 3160316.9 610716.6 8668 270 13277 309 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 247 3175205 .6 622980. I 6975 20 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 248 3170599.3 633974.7 10739 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 316935 1.5 632847 .8 7652 217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 3176634.3 633737.9 8917 236 10323 288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 3180798.7 632688.3 6805 223 9660 270 9975 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 252 3169914.5 633003.9 8148 221 10739 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253 3175205.5 622974.0 6965 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254 3167344.2 626985.6 8939 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 3170092.2 632257 .8 9017 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 3169106.0 630694.4 9130 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 257 3173858.0 628606.2 10161 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 3174070.8 645232 .0 9452 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 259 3175231.5 642990.5 6873 286 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 3178118.2 643294.5 9033 239 10693 302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 261 3176470.3 636208.2 8430 233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 262 3174397.7 645093.0 7767 212 8823 274 9272 280 9575 282 9734 261 10244 287 263 3173657.1 645683.0 9766 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID 264 UTM COORDINATES DEPTH/TEMP PAIRS.... 3172996.3 635746.5 7900 210 8898 252 10995 271 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 3169615.1 638230.4 9546 275 10100 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 266 3170331.7 638475.6 9651 271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 3164584.2 599783.3 14045 309 14917 343 15624 337 16537 414 0 0 0 0 268 3165979.2 598945.9 15174 331 15817 406 15974 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 3153496.8 606049.1 7651 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 270 3153292.4 599331.1 7589 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 271 3165384.7 598711.1 13040 348 13985 369 15047 386 0 0 0 0 0 0 272 3164606.5 597945.9 13417 320 14531 340 15124 389 16033 396 16988 403 0 273 3153563.1 609368.7 7904 220 9074 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 274 1.0 1.0 -441 -1 -441 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 275 3153204.7 619891.6 9660 289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 276 3162256. 1 614381.5 8353 245 9601 268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 277 3158927.1 617502.5 7626 224 8318 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 278 3163276.4 619033.7 8073 235 9851 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 279 3165012.7 620634.6 7364 219 7680 228 10632 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 3165146.8 617927. 1 8155 239 9750 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 261 3158154.3 618385.4 7909 218 8172 249 8824 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 285 3165434.3 623165.5 8911 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 286 3155337.1 628236.7 6693 248 9903 280 10919 292 11236 309 11516 313 0 287 3159214.2 626235.2 8268 243 9221 269 10170 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 288 3159445.4 622395.5 8149 219 8995 258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 289 3155741.1 633657.9 8799 256 9961 287 10382 306 11305 323 0 0 0 0 290 3159309.5 624574.9 9880 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 291 3155331.2 628249.0 8692 246 9902 280 10918 292 11235 309 11515 313 0 292 3162633.2 631803.3 11395 316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 294 3162079.2 632245.2 10127 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 295 3163972.4 629366.8 9171 283 9421 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 296 3164686.0 625562.1 8826 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 297 3162060.2 637148.7 8995 234 9207 251 9788 263 10524 302 0 0 0 0 298 3151711.8 599562.4 7510 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 299 3146403.1 609538.8 9675 243 10299 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 3144760.3 608714.5 9564 279 9934 287 10327 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 301 3150460.9 606692.1 8585 239 10032 280 11617 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 302 3150938.5 604476.7 6466 214 9612 279 10118 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 3151036.1 606563.8 9090 24710634 26711218 26411703 325 0 0 0 0 304 3149147.5 606043.2 8693 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 3151091.1 601462.0 8646 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 306 3143388.4 606169.0 8906 249 9762 277 10038 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 307 3149545.3 602690.2 7427 202 8452 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 308 3142234.9 604112.6 8403 245 9515 281 10026 283 10500 287 0 0 0 0 309 3141070.7 602699.8 10004 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 310 3144725.9 603263.5 9143 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 3151293.6 614446.6 10161 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 312 3146334.7 614007.7 9084 242 10827 293 11883 348 0 0 0 0 0 0 313 3152090.5 620210.4 8187 227 9566 281 9984 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 314 3151184.8 612954.5 8543 226 9607 293 10226 300 10610 309 0 0 0 0 315 3141700.9 617941.9 9700 258 10310 290 10640 305 11162 3 316 3143578.8 616068.0 6750 246 10440 295 10629 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 \28 ~~7 UTti COORQl~H~ ~~~HIT~tiP Pt!IRS.... 31495742 6143 7.4 9 zcoordtnate (supply a dummy var1able, blanks should work; however, if you have problems, you mtght have to supply zeros) Grade-thickness (another dummy) Thickness Value (thts ts the value you are krigtng) card 6-+n Your Data Cone data potnt per card). To then run NEWUKB on the CDC the following command needs to be executed (this procedure as of May, 1985): LDSET,PRESET=ZERO The computer than prompts with: LOR> You then type: NE\VUKB, datafile Where datafile is the name given to the input deck. The program then generates a file called OUTPUT, which contains the kriged grid, giving the kriged value for the block center under the column "thickness" and the 158 row and column for each block center. These block-centers can be displayed by using the following program MAPWB, which provides a crude line-printed map of the output. However, it will not handle more than approximately 30 blocks across. The output file can be used as input for a plotting package (eg. CPSl). MAPWB For a I ine-printed map of the kriged output used the output file in conjunction with the following cards: CARD COLLJ1N FORMAT DESCRIPTION Card 1 1-10 F10.0 North coord of upper edge (row 1) 11-20 F10.0 East coord of left edge (col 1) 21-25 F5.0 Block size y dimension 26-30 F5.0 Block size x dimension 31-35 15 Beginning col. no. of area to be mapped 36-40 15 Ending col. no. of area to be mapped 41-45 15 Beginning row. no. of area to be mapped 46-50 15 Ending row. no. of area tobe mapped Card 2 1-10 FlO.O Scale parameter to make variable 1 an integer (usually 1) 11-20 FlO.O Scale parameter to make variable2 an integer (usually 1) 21-30 FlO.O Sea le parameter to make variable3 an integer (usually 1) Card 3 Format Card for your data (bracketted by paren.). You must format for the following variables in order (use tab format if necessary): East coordinate (as produced by NEWUKB) North coordinate (as produced by NEWUKB) Variable 1 (thickness) var1able 2 (dummy> Variable 3 (dummy) Card 4-+ n Data (from output of NEWUKB) APPENDIX E-CPS 1 The following files were used to execute the CPS I graphics subroutines on the Dual Cyber computer. The command file was used to submit the job batch, ie., run CPS I as a job on a queue independant of an interactive user. The command file is written in a command language which is specific to the operating system (called Taurus) on the CDC at the University of Texas. The verb files contain the commands (which they call verbs) to execute the CPS I subroutines. CPS I turned out to be computation intensive . . The contouring programs, for example, required an average of 300 seconds of central processing time. The isometric plots (3-D) took even longer. The boldface print indicates file names or variables that can be changed depending on the desired options and which files the user desires to be used for data input, etc... Because of the complexity of using CPS I, these files are presented without explanation. For descriptions of their construction and use, the reader is refered to a Taurus manual for the command files, and a CPS 1 manual for the verb files. 160 POSTING DATA COMMAND FI LE READPF 4170 T400L50 READPF 4170 POSTYRB RENitiME T 400L50 Tit.PE 1 RFL 220000 CPS 1 POSTYRB CPS 1TRN••PLOT. SKIPCC. EXIT. REVIEW L•Dit.V SAVEPF 4170 5682 DAY OUTPUT P400LSO=PLOT ZAP VERB FILE $VC .x>B= 1 $END WELL LOCATOIS FOR K400L50 $VC AOl=1,YMIN=3014056.1,YMAX=3237605.5)CMIN=450501.3)CMAX= 718654.3, Xltc=1 .,Vltc=1. $END $VC PDEF=1,XSCL=23000,YSCL=23000,IOPT=O $END $VC POLY=1,NPC=27,ISMB=O,ISCL=1,IFHT=2 $END (20X,f20.1,T1 ,f20.1) 3014594. 7 451204. 7 3014007.3 675797.4 3055372.3 6 74940.5 ect..... 3112021.3 475036.1 3112309.0 450669.6 3014594.7 451204.7 $VC FENC=1,NPC=27,IFMT=2,ISCL=1 $END ( 20X,F20.1,T 1,F20.1) 3014594. 7 451204. 7 3014007.3 675797.4 3055372.3 6 74940.5 ect.... 3112021.3 475036.1 3112309.0 450669.8 3014594. 7 451204. 7 $CD FILD=O $END $VC LGPT=1,ISM8=-6,SIZE=0.06,LUN=1 iMODE=2 $END $CD f 1LD=1,SIZP=0.06,1PSN=1,tcLS=5 ~END ( 19X,2f 10.0,T1,11,T4,SA1) $VC NWPG= 1 $END $VC STOP= 1 $END CONTOURING COMMAND FILE READPF 5576 (RGCOIB IRG350 RENAME IRG350TAPE1 REWALLX RFL,250000 CPS 1 IRGCOIB CPS 1TRN,,PlTCNT. St::IPCC. EXIT. REVIEW,l=DAYCIT SAVEPf 5576 8908 DAYCIT,(350L50=PlTCNT,OUT(RGB=OUTPUT ZAP VERB FILE $VC "-18= 1 $END 1250L30 $VC AOl=1,XHIN=450501.3,XHAX=718654.3,YHIN=3014056.1,YHAX= 3237605.5, XI te=5000.,YI te=5000. $END $VC t1;RD=1,tCP=O,lfHT=2,LUN=1 $END ( 19X,2f 10.0,T56,F8.0) $'t'C STAT= 1 $END $VC PDEF=1,XSCL=23000.,VSCL=23000.,t'llDE=1 $END $VC POLY=1,NPC=27,ISHB=O,ISCL=1,IFHT=2 $END (20X,f20.1,T1 ,f20.1) 3014594. 7 451204. 7 3014007.3 6 75797 .4 3055372.3 6 74940.5 ect... 3112021.3 475036.1 3112309.0 450669.8 3014594. 7 451204. 7 $VC FEtC=1,NPC=27,lfHT=2,ISCL=1 $END (20X,f20.1,T1 ,F20.1) 3014594. 7 451204. 7 3014007.3 6 75797 .4 3055372.3 6 74940.5 ect... 3112021.3 475036.1 3112309.0 450669.8 301 4594.7 451 204.7 $CD FILD=O $END . $VC CTYP= 1,NREF=0,BOLD=O,DIS1=4.,DIS2=2.,HSHR=O,LABR= 1,SIZE=.08 $END $VC ClV4= 1,ZIDA=1,CLHN=-5000.,DEL=-500.,tCV=30,ICRT=1 $END $VC STOP• 1 $END ISOMETRIC PROJECTION COMMAND FI LE READPF 5576 YRBISOC IRG350 RENAME KR6350 TAPE1 REWALLX RFL,371000 CPS 1YRBISOC CPS1TRN,,1350LSO SKIPCC EXIT REVIEW,L=DAYISO SAVEPF 5576 8908 MYISO,1350L50, OUTISO=OUTPUT ZAP VERB FILE $VC .xlB=1 $END LOOKllG •RTHEAST,,DEPTH TO 250 DEG f $VC AOl=1,YHIN=3014056.1,YHAX=3237605.5)CHIN=450501.3,XHAX=718654.3, XINC=8000.,YINC=8000. $END $VC t1;RD=1,IFMT=2,LUN=1,NCP=O,NZ=1,IANL=1 $END ( 18X,F10.0,Ft O.O,T56,F8.0) $VC STAT=1 $END $VC PDEF• 1,XSCL•SOOOO.,VSCL•SOOOO. $END $VC RFIT=1,NREF=1,ZIM=1,ITYP=1,ZIDB=O $END $VC ISOH=1,ZIDA=1,ZSCL=2500.,ZHIN=-20000.,ZHAX=1000., ISID=1,THET=65. $END $VC NWPG= 1 $END $'t'C STOP= 1 $END APPENDIX F -FLOW VELOCITY VECTOR FIELDS The flow velocity vectors are listed for each triangular element. They appear by column, each column taking three lines in this listing. The columns are listed in order, as they appear from the left to right side of the mesh. The vectors for each element are listed in order starting at the bottom or basement of the mesh, and working toward the top. There are twenty-two elements in each column, and the vectors of the top two elements are all that appear on the third line for each column. The columns can be distinquished by this partial line. 164 SIMULA I IUN UNl:-Honzontal component O.f.H-12 O."ifl;-J{ c.1,~-10 O.f,,E-J.n n.TH-10 o. 79[-l(I o.'J3l-1D O.l'OE-10 0.86[-lO O.BJE-ID n.tor-oci r.c•;·f-Jr. 0.7('[-l[l C1.5~E-l0 o.~11r-10 o.4sr-10 o.sH-10 0.18£-10 0.58[-09 0.20E-D9 !! .111r-c9 n. C'l'f + r, li 0.11[-lJ -O. t"'E -11 n.~rr-111 o. ?7[-J 0 0.5H-10 0.3U-l0 o.sor-10 o.3•r-10 o.ur-10 o.38£-u o.1or-10 o.J1r-10 n.?>n-10 0.21E-ll1 0.2£,[-JO o.1sr-10 0.16[-lD o.9er-11 0.32[-09 D.1£.E-D!J 0.1'.'r-oc;i O.Offt(lO O.?G[-11 O.?.H-11 0.5~F-11 -11 • . ,n-11 o.2sr-10 -o.11r-10 0.38£-10 o.sor-11 0.33£-10 1.15£-lD o.,'\r-10 o.1r~L-1n o.:?n-111 O.Jf,[-11' o.11r-10 o.en-11 o.'Jn-11 o.•2r-11 O. UE-09 1.nr-10 O.l~r::-O'J 0.?'~· [-10 o.Df-1<' o.ur-10 o.•~F:-11 -0.!.\[-Jl o.61r-11 -o.21r-11 o. nr-10 o.2u-11 1.18£-lO 0.12£-11 o.. 1rir-10 o.~~r-u O.U[-JD 0.51[-JJ o.1or-10 0.3~E.-ll 0.5£.E-11 0.20£-11 0.95E-1D o.5or-10 o.,c;r-10 o. Cl'f+OO -O.l5E-l!J 0.4'"'[-1(1 o.sor-11 -o.n~-11 o.r.sr-11 -o.44£-11 o.36£-10 -o.•1r-11 1.2n-10 o.55£-u o.2~r-10 0.3J(-JI o.15r-10 o. 3&(-11 o. 82£-11 o. J?f-ll .0.26[-11 0.32E-12 lelOE-10 -D.89£-11 O.JH-10 o. {)(1[•00 -O .. ~H-10 o.1ir-o~ -o.12r-11 -o.11E-10 -o.1•r-11 -0.65£-11 o.sH-10 0.28£-12 0.35£-10 o.2u-u o.~n. -10 O.~OF:-1? o.1•r-10 -o.6,E-12 o.J6£-11 -o.2Er-11 0.12£-11 -D.13E-11 -O.tlE-11 -D.42£-11 -o.,~r-10 -o.~~E-11. -o .3 ?.E-!J'J o.~1r-Q~ -r.1~r-10 -o.~nE-10 -o.tor-10 o.nr-10 O.lOE-10 -O.JBE-11 o.29c-10 -1.s2r-11 o.21(-10 -o.r~r-11 o.~•E-ll -O.T?E-11 o.19c-11 -o.11r-10 -o.52r-11 -o.11r-11 -o.2or-09 -o.1•c-09 -o.ur-09 o.~1r-10 -0.97[-ll~ 0.7"E-oq -0.9~(-JI -O.HE-11 -o.16r-09 -0.43£-10 -o.11r-09 o.ur-10 0.48£-10 -0.45E-12 o.33E-11 -o.12r-10 O.l~E-10 -O.l\E-10 o.39£-11 -o.21r-10 -o.12r-10 -o.22r-10 -o.58E-09 -o.59E-o9 -3.4P[-0? -o.~~E-10 -o. 70[-09 0.4J[-0~ -0.73[-lJ -o.11r-11 -o.3•r-11 o.1or-11 -o.52r-10 0.12£-09 1.11£-09 o.55£-U O.?:?J:'-JO 0. 3~[-11! o.~'::lr-10 o.1or:-10 0.25£-10 -0.27£-10 -o.87£-11 -0.51£-10 -O.l4E-08 -D.26[-08 -0.20E-OP -0.~~E-OP -o.5n-oq O.Ler-10 -0 .. 6R[-Jl o. 4?E-11 o.1u-11 D.25£-11 o.ur-10 0.15£-09 0.35E-D9 0.3JE-D9 0.35[-0Q 0.:HE-Oq (l.2':lf-09 0.2f,£-O'J 0.24£-09 0.22£-09 o.nr-n 0.15£-89 8.45£-08 0.25E-D8 o.?2[-0P -0.5fE-On -o.•6t-o9 -o.2or-09 -o.22r-11 o. f.9£-U o.18r-11 O.JU-11 o.nr-11 0.82£-13 -0.13£-09 1.nr-10 o.69r-09 o.nr-09 (!. f.fl[-(111 0.%[-0q 0.68£-09 0.79£-0CJ D.60£-09 0.73E-19 Oe20E-07 De24E-D1 O.?OF-07 0.31E-C7 -o.•~r-o~ -o.4oE-09 0.7~E-J2 -0.9DE-l2 -n.•1r-11 . o.ssr-11 -o.11r-11 o.25c-11 1.12r-u 1.nc-10 -0.89E-09 -0.47[-JO -0.2PE-09 o.uE-OR 0.64£-09 0.66£...;09 o.soc-09 0.58E-09 0.16£-0J o.22c-11 0.19f-07 0.3-F-07 -o.•5E-09 -o.~1r-09 o. ?Of-1? -o. 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O.J( E-10 0.2 C: [ -0'? o.:H:, r-11 o.11r-11 r.~si:: -11 o.Rl'[ -10 o. 57[-J 1 o.nE-10 o.su-11 O. f>H-10 o.2oc-11 O.SOE-10 tt.18£-ll o.•3£-lD Oe lH-11 0.32£-10 l.9BE-12 0.26£-10 1.ur-12 1.nr-11 SIMULATION ONE-Vertical component -0.~4[ -13 -o.qr(-1~ -O.:Hf-11 -0.~9£-11 -D.6~£-li -~.50E-11 o.•6c-11 -o.11c-11 -o.1or-11 1.ur-12 r.~ir: -10 o.c; ~ r-11 0.1 5f-10 r."JE-11 o.ur-10 o.CJsr-11 o.soc-10 o.uc-10 8.35£-10 0.15£-10 !l.2,r-10 0.1'·[-10 -0.26f-13 -0.7~E-1~ (I. 9tr-11 o.tRE-12 o.sH-11 -0.21j£-ll o.•or-11 -o.13c-11 o.53£-ll 11.26£-11 (1.53[ -11 o • . ~flF:-11 o.1or-11 0.3?E-ll o. 88£-11 o.65£-11 O.lDE-10 0.65£-11 o.nr-u D.BH-ll (!.15~-10 o. lllE-10 -n.i~r-13 -o.1JE-J~ o.J7E-13 -O.JSE-12 o.•1r-11 -o.1or-10 o.•9£-11 -0.53£-11 D.3U-ll -D.25E-ll O.JRf-11 o. 1(,[-1 2 O... H-11 o. 2!'.lE-ll o. !19£-11 o.u.c-11 o•• 6E-ll 0.2'1E-ll o.59c-11 Oa38E-11 0. 79F -11 U.lH-H O.l~E -ll o. !; (][-] l o. ~ 1r-t~ -0.7~f-JJ -o.1•r-12 o.19r-1 2 -o.soc-12 -o.2?r-11 o.sr.r-11 0.15£-11 -o. ur-11 -0.81£-12 0.29£-11 0.18£-11 -o.sn-11 -0.49£-12 D.19£-11 o.22c-11 -·· 51£-111. uc-11 n.3 '..:"~ -11 O.l"E-ll (j'I ....J u.~91 -12 o.n'.E-11 -r.~~E-1~ -O.S~[-17 o.22r-13 -o.3~£-12 O.HE-11 -o. HE-10 0.35£-11 -a. 88£-11 o.tQf-13 -o.frr-11 r.?TE-12 -o.3~r-11 -o.11r-11 -o.~oc-11 -0.12£-11 -o.12r-11 -o.1•r-11 -•·•lr-12 O.?•r--H O.l~E-11 0 .. :?1[-11 0. f\3[-11 -t.~5r-t? . -o.~~E-12 -o.3•r-12 -o.~1r-12 o.91c-11 -o.16r-10 o.s1r-11 -e.1•r-11 o.:nr-11 -0./.\:'.[-lJ {l.l::'E-Jl -o. 5'-f-11 o.11r-1~ ~o.2sr-11 -o.3•r-1~ o.58£-13 D.SSE-13 1.21E-ll o.1sr-12 O."J?E-ll 0.(;9[-11 o.?3E-10 -o.R~r-1r -o.1sr-1~ -o.•9£-12 o. 16[-lJ o.nr-10 0.79[-11 1.11r-10 -1.11r-11 D.60£-11 -o.i:-~·r-11 o.•1r-11 -o.,&r-11 0.2!'£-11 -O.HE-ll o.71£-12 o.11r-11 o.21r-11 D.•9E-11 0.2R'.:: -11 O.J4'E-H (l.?.6[-10 o.2n-10 o. 2!".E-1 • o.nr-11 0.18£-11 o.sM-H o.r.r.r-13 o.•sr-11 o.1•r-10 -1.1er-11 0.')6(-11 -o. ur-10 0.71£-11 -o.q•E-11 D.HE-ll -O.HE-11 o.2oc-11 -o.1,r-11 1.nr-11 le91E-ll o.13r_-10 o.10E-10 o.nc-11 0.41![-10 0. J(l[-10 -O.?IE-10 o.ellr-11 o••5[-11 ·O. 13E-10 -O.C?H-10 o.r.H-ll O. l~E-10 -O.lM-12 -0.24E-10 o.ur-11 -o.21E-ll o.10r-10 -0.28£-10 1.11r-11 -1.21r-11 D.78£-11 -D.82£-11 o.•2r-10 -o.11r-09 o.11r-10 o.11r-10 n.15r-10 o.23r-10 o.12c-10 o.1•r-10 o.11r-10 o.1•r-10 1.3oc-10 o.•9E-11 o.1nr-10 -o.1~r-10 -o.39r-11 -o.21r-10 -o.1ec-10 -o.25r-10 -o.3,E-lD -o.••r-10 -o.ssr-11 -o.2lr-09 -o.1nr-09 -o.~,r-09 O.DT-10 0.13[-10 0.86[-11 o. 11r-1 o · o.1r.r-10 o.111E-10 0.15£-10 0.13£-10 o.1er-12 D.'8E-ll o.:nr-1!> 0.9~[-10 O.l?[-10 0.15£-09 -0.21£-10 o.•1r-10 -o.•6r-11 D.52£-11 -1.23£-09 1.15£-U -0.63E-09 o.1?F:-10 O.tH-10 O.J•E-10 o.12r-10 0.11 E-10 0.61£-11 o.1n-10 o.11r-10 t.U:.E-10 1·97E-ll o.1u-u 0.19E-1Z 0.9~'[-12 o.26r:-12 O.lBE-11 o.ter-10 0.68£-10 o.nr-10 0.12£-19 1.nc-10 o.•9E-19 0.!:1"[-11 o.1•r-10 0.13[-00 · o.1~£-10 o.1n-10 0.9:"E-ll o.12r-10 o.10r-10 11.58£-11 o.10r-10 1.1or-10 0.15E-11 o.1or-n D.(.<;iE-ll o. J f"-1(1 (I. 7~· [-J l o.e.or-11 O. 7RE-1J o. l'J£-U O.R3£-11 o.92r-11 o.asr-11 1.83£-11 o.~H-11 o. P.:.'E-1] (I. f.C,[-l J (l.7H-ll o.,M-11 o.1sr-11 -0.18£-10 -o.12r-11 0.11£-10 -D.11£-11 o.13c-10 -o.1~E-09 0.16[-10 0.8'.ff-11 0.17(-10 o.~H-11 O.R:'f-11 o.1er-11 O.!.'H-11 0.!'1-E-11 0.83[-Jl D.7AC-ll 0.84£-11 o.11r-10 o.eu-11 -o.•sc-11 0.85£-11 o.1or-10 D.85£-11 -1.15£-10 D.85£-11 1.11£-U -0.19£-09 -0.7~E-10 o.1n:-10 o.1n-10 o.asr-11 o. 95E-l l o. RSE-11 O.R5£-11 o.er.r-11 o.ar.r-11 o.er.r-11 o.1,c-11 0.8£,[-11 0.1.1~• [-Jt O.R7£-1l O. l''JE-11 o.11c-1 o Oa lM-10 0.12£-10 o.sor-11 o.1,c-11 o.11r-11 -o.1qr-10 -o.t5 E-oq o.11r-1 n o.11r-10 o.a!ir-11 O.IJOE-11 O. RSE-11 o. 78£-11 o.9r.r-11 o.Jr.£-11 o.ar.r-u o. nc-u o.se.r-11 o. 7H-11 o.esr-11 O.&!'E-11 o.32r-11 . o.64£-11 0.99£-11 0.11£-lD 1.r.9c-11 1.1sc-11 -0.17£-0? o.11r-10 -0.fC,[-JO O. Jff-10 c.aor-11 0. 7SE-ll o.1ar-u o. 76£-11 o.1£.r-11 0.13£-11 1.nc-11 1. nr-11 o.11r-11 o. f. 7[-l l 0.67£-11 o.&3E-ll 0.6H-ll 0.60£-11 o.ur-11 o.,n-11 O.UE-11 1.1ar-n -o. nc.-10 o.11r-on 0.16[-JO O.tf(-10 o.1M-11 o. 7f-10 o. lf.[-1(1 l'. 7~E-1l 0.81£-11 o. nr-11 o.1~r-11 D. 7H-ll 1.1r.r-11 1.l2E-11 1.nr-11 0 .69[-11 o. 73E-1l o.r,Jr-11 o.nr-11 o•• 9£.-11 0.2"?£-11 o.• 9£-11 1.11c-u 0.67£-11 1.1u-11 -o.•n-10 o.':'"E-10 o. J(,f-10o.nr-11 O.l !'E-10 0. 73[-J J O.PH-11 o.nr-11 O.P,E-11 o. £.'1£-11 0.18£-ll 0.12£-10 o.e2r-11 0.69E-11 o.1r.r-11 . 0.68£-11 o. JCJC-ll 0.9•£-11 o.nr-u 1.11c-11 1.1r;c-11 1.1r.r-n o.u-.i:: -10 o.1?c-or; O.J~[-10 o. l!T-10 o.e.H-11 o. 9'lE-11 o.e1r-11 0.95£-11 o. nr-11 o.,tE-11 o.16£-11 1.ar.r-11 0.7:'!(-Jl O.R~£-ll o. (,9[-11 o. '3[-11 o.1or-11 0.62£-14 o.11r-11 -o.22r-11 1.ur-11 ••,8£-12 11.11r:.-o~ o.1n-10 o.1sr-10 0 .1r.[-l [I 0.9P,[-Jl o.1n-10 0.95£-11 o.12r-10 o.,or-11 o.11c-10 o.au-11 1.ur-11 o.~n-11 o. ~ 7[-11 o.13E-Jt1 o. '7[-11 0.55£-12 o.•or-11 -o.e1r-11 o.•9£-12 -o.5sr-11 -1.33£-11 o.1~r-12 -o.11r-10 o.1sr-10 1J.1n:-10 n.J"~ r-10 o.1.nr-10 O.lH-tO o.6Jr-11 O. l SE-1.0 0.41.r-11 0.12[-10 -o.•er-13 o.nr-10 o.•1r-11 o.11c-10 -o.r.5r-11 o.nr-u o.11c-12 1.11£-U -a.11r-10 1.68£-ll -1.s•c-11 -o.s1r-10 -o.1~r-09 O.J5E-10 O.l~E-Jll O.l!'>E-10 O.l!>E-JO O. HE-10 0.17£-10 o.nc-10 0.75£-11 1.nr-11 1.ur-11 l).H[-JO 0. J7[-10 o.,:'r-11 o.1or-1~ -o.sac-12 0.59£-11 -0.67£-11 Oe78E-11 -D.12£-11 leHE-U -o .1 f,r-oq 0.1:-r-c~ - Q'\ \0 J. I -' ,--1 J ll.1'3[-10 n • 11 l -1 t• o. J'. ~-]() (, . 1, l -1 (1 O.Z~[-1:1 ll.JS(-10 o •. E,[-ll o. Hr -Jr o.1er-11 O. l(,[-10 0.12[-10 D.22[-10 o.12f-10 o.1r.c-10 o.1sr-10 o.nc-10 0.15E-U 0.15E-10 D.25£-11 O.l H-09 Q.{<'!:"-lf! O.JH-10 O.JH-lll O.lf!::-111 D.H[-10 o.1r.r-10 D. lH-10 o.u.t-10 o.1u-10 a.ur-u o.nr-11 O.Jf;[-10 0.1'-(-10 o.:nr-10 o.1or-1.a o. 27£-10 o.1sr-10 0.29£-10 o.nc-10 o.uc-11 D.23£-11 0.7/l[-10 o.u:r-10 !J.10[-10 o.1n-10 O.Hf-10 o.nr.-1n O. l H-10 o. nr-10 o.1H:-10 e.13r-10 1.nr-u 1.uc-11 o.1u-10 O.J:•[-JO 0.23[-l[) o.ur-10 o.2r,r-10 O. lH-10 o. 27£-10 0.1 n-u 1.21c-10 1.21c-11 o.11r-10 0.4(lf-lll o.1or_-10 n.nr-10. o.1u-10 o.1n-10 "· ur-1 o O.lPE-10 O.lH-10 O.l:JE-10 o. Hc-10 o.2oc:-10 o.11r-10 0.19£-10 o.1n-u o.21r-u o.uc-10 0.19£-lD a.uc-u o.:uc-u 1.uc-11 1.21c-11 0.36[-10 o.3s E-lo SIMULATION TWO-Horizontal component a .'Ja r: -13 :J.37[-12 o. 1iar_-;c· -, . :· :-.; -1 J 'J.ti1 ::--10 C.1\3(-10 o. ~, E-09 c.57E-10 -0.13£-09 -0.39[-10 -0.13£-09 -0.17£-08 -DelOE-D7 -t.,IE-18 -D.25E-17 -~.18£-07 -O.SZE-07 -o.29r-09 -o.83E-oq -o.1•r-10 -o.•sr-10 -o.33£-10 -o.31r-10 -o.31r-10 -o.28r-11 -1.1Jr-11 -1.e1r·11 -0.29£-10 o.11r-10 -o.56£-13 -o.•1r-11 -o.t9r-10 -o.11r-09 -o.1•r-oe -1.aec-11 -1.,Jc-11 -1.15r-11 -O.lJE-07 -0.~1£-07 -o•3r­r-01 o.r;Ar-09 O.!'. ~E-Or-09 0.56(-11 0.39E-11 0.3H-ll o.11r-u 0.15E-ll 1.10r-11 11.uc-12 1.s1r-12 o.?ar-10 o.9f,£-Il 0.33f.-OS 0.31[-09 o.n.c-09 o.2sr-09 D.21E-D9 11.2or-0'9 o.u.r-19 lelSE-19 o. HE-0 B o.3JE-oa o.2sr-09 0.2'JE-09 o.•sr-11 o.1?r-11 o.2er-11 o. nr-11 o.nr-u 0.79£-12 l.JDE-12 1.•u-n o.?u-10 o.5r.r-11 0.2CE-09 0.17[-09 o.1~c-09 o.1:n:-09 O.lDE-09 o.e2c-u l.&JE-11 1.•9£-lD o.12r-0R o.~2£-10 O.B2[-10 o.1Rr-10 o.~!:·E-09 o.:>,,,c-u O. 39E-ll O.CJIE-JD o. 53£-11 0.7H-10 o.ur-11 o.r.2r-10 o. nr-u o.sor-10 0.15£-11 o.• n-10 o.ur-12 D.32£-10 1.78£-l! 1.2&r-111 1.:nc-12 1.nr-11 o. Hf-09 o.1~·r-11 - -..J "" SIMULATION TWO-Vertical component. -0.(,P[-]4 o.7JE-lti -o.2or.-11 -0.2~[-10 -0.30(-11 -0.14£-JO 0.97£-11 -o.• 1.ff-11 o.r,oc-11 -o.2r,r-11 P.~]f.-10 o...;1:,c-11 0.?7[-10 0.9H-JJ o.2u-10 O.'JH-11 o.ur-10 o.11r-10 o.21r-10 0.15£-lD tl.?0[-10 O.t'T-10 !J.?H-13 o.11rr-1~ ~.~2r-10 -o.1qc-1n 0.19(-10 -0.7•E-1t O.lOE-10 -o.r,2r-11 o.ur-10 la33E-ll fJ. ''ll-11 0. "<•[-11 o.~. ~r-u o.r,n-u o.E.1r-11 0.89£-11 o.93E-11 o.5•£-11 o.uc-11 ••83£-11 i:t.lH-l:I o.~ur:-11 o.on-u 0 • l'•[-J :;­ 0.20[-JO -P.'13£-tO o.12r-10 -o.32r-10 o.12r-10 -o.1£r-10 o.t2r-11 -o.82r-11 0.3?f-ll -O.Lff-11 0.19£-11 o.•9E-ll -0.81£-13 o.21r-11 o.22r-11 -o.2or-12 t.58E-ll o. t 9£-11 0.67f-11 o.~~r-11 o.t9f-t2 O.f, ~[-1? r.2~r:-10 o.t&E-11 o.1£.r-10 -o.22r-10 o.13r-11 -o.1•r-10 D.32E-ll -D.13£-11 -!J.\6~-12 -O.~OE-ll -o.33r-11 -o.&~r-11 -o.2or-11 -o.2er-11 -o.19r-11 -o.53£-11 1.12c-12 -o.ttr-11 o.1~r-11 -0.44r-11 1J. nr-12 O.lf..E-11 o.1nr-13 o.11or-1? o.2•r-10 -o.1or-10 O.IOE-10 -0.51E-1D o.ssr-11 -o.3sr-11 -0~?5[-11 -o.?~E-10 -~.16£-11 -O.l~E-10 -0.59£-11 -0.83£-ll -0.71E-ll -0.97E-ll -o.r,r,c-11 -D.90£-11 -o.s1r-11 -o.e~r-11 0.19r-u o.'19L-11 U.93[-12 o.21r-11 0.5H-l0 o.sir-11 0.35£-10 -0.87£-10 1.2or-10 -1.1sc-11 o.1~r-10 -o.s1r-10 0.52E-ll -0.3DE-10 -0.32£-11 -o.12r-10 -o.e8r-11 -o.12c-10 -t.89£-11 -1.12c-11 -o.1or-10 -o.11c-10 o.sn:-11 o. 1"£-tc o.3~r-11 o.r.H-lt 0.1:?£-H 0.27[-11 o.1r,c-10 -o.11c-09 '·'•c-11 -1.12r-11 o.,2E-10 -o.'lqE-10 o.2\c-10 -o.2~r-10 o.11r-11 -o.13r-10 -o.11r-10 -o.22E-10 -o.12c-11 -1.2sc-11 -~.13f-1D -0.23[-10 O. [-lO o. 77[-J l I} • , , I.'[ -1 l o. 7H-ll o.t:i9r-11 0.7'>[-11 o.1or-10 o.nr-ll 0.63£-10 o. nr-11 0.23[-10 o.nr-11 o.nr-10 o.r.1r-11 o.24r-10 o.79£-11 o.1sr-10 De5DE-1l 1.21c-11 o.q1[-tO £1. u,r-n -o.2ar-10 0. 1:;r-11 o.nE-11 o.a2r-11 o. 72£-11 o. 7M-ll o.r.n-11 o.72£-11 1.ur-11 •• 33£-11 O,.f.,fi[-JJ o. w~r-11 (1. nr-1o o.11r-10 0.22£-11 o.22r-10 o.•2r-12 o.13r-10 -o.25r-11 •·nc-u -o.39r-10 -o.12r-o~ o. 7H-ll o.1oc-11 O.R2£-11 O. 'J!JE-1 l o.1er-11 o.1or-10 o.72[-ll 0.47£-11 t.98E-1l 1. nr-11 o.ir;r-10 o.11Jr-10 o.11E-10 -o.i2r-13 -o.•r.r-11 -o.r.~r-11 -o.1or-10 o.ssc-12 -o.11r-10 o.11r-11 -o. nr:-09 0.13(-09 0.70[-ll 0. (, 7[-11 0.9PE-ll o. 9':.E-11 o.1or-10 O.'J5E-ll 0.14[-lD 1.95£-11 1.ur-11 1.9n-11 o.1u-10 O.[-11 c.eH-11 n.R9E-11 o. nr-11 0.62£-11 o.nr-11 o.&3E-1l D.J8E-ll .,. &3[-11 0.7F.l[-11 o.~nE-11 o.2eE-10 o. 97£-11 0.26£-10 o. Hr-10 0.23£-10 o.nr-11 o.ur-u 1.ur-11 O.J2E-1D o.::HE-JO SIMULATION THREE-Horizontal component o .10r-12 o.21tr-12 O.'lf!E-lD O.?RE-10 o.•n-10 0.43£-J 0 o.59£-10 0.48£-10 o.5sc-10 o.s2r-11 0.5H-1D 0. 'l(,[-10 o.sor-10 D.31£-10 0.34£-10 0.24£-10 0.96£-09 D.UE-09 D.58£-09 t.nE-09 o.1~ir-09 o.oor•oo -o.ur-12 o.HE-12 o.2~r-10 -o.ssE-11 0.23£-10 o.sr.r-11 o.2u-10 D.87£-11 o.2Jc-10 o.1sr-10 o.1qr-10o.ur-09 o.1ar-10 o.oor•on o.nr-10 o.1n:-10 o.15r-10 o.12r-10 o.ur-09 D.31£-09 0.28£-19 1.nr-n -o. 1£,[-ll 0~1or-12 -o.2Jr-11 -o.s~r-10 -o.2sr-11 -o.3sr-10 D.13E-1D -0.15£-10 D.lJE-11 -0.21E-1J o.u~r-10 o. 7"![-11 o. Hf-lo o.ur-10 o.ur-10 0.90[-JJ 0.3!![-09 0.19£-09 0.25£-09 o.95£-U o.1sr..-09 o.1~r-10 - ....... U1 -0.5111-11 o.r'l'-lJ -r·. 1 •-r -J P -O.;>H-lrJ o.13F-11 -O.lH-10 O.lll-JO -0.25£-11 0.12£-10 o.or-11 O.lH-10 0.74[-ll r.1n-1c o. q,[-11 O. l H-lll 0.6P£-ll 0.27£-09 Oelf.£-09 0.18£-09 0.9H-l0 0.~51-l!I 0.(1(1[•00 -0 .. 25f-10 o.11f,[-lJ -O.PT-10 (l.8~(-11 o. 6:?.£-10 c.11r-10 o.sn-10 o.14r-10 o.•5r-10 0.20£-ID o .J~r-1 o o. 1:-r-u1 o. ~Sf -10 C.JIE-JI' o.1!ir-10 O.AJE.-JJ 0.29£-09 0.15£-09 OeHE-09 o.r.4E-l0 O.%f-10 O.f'tt(+Ol' -n.£.n.-10 0.27[-lU -r.22f-J(l o.~ ~ r-10 o.1or-o'J o.e1r-10 o.11r-09 o.•u-10 0.78£-10 0.33[-llt 0.5RF-10 0. l o.1or-oq -o.1tr-09 o.9~E-10 -o.1,r-10 o. 73£-10 o.1n-09 0.93£-10 11.12£-0'J o.nr-n 0.95l-10 O.'.;O[-tr o.12c-10 0.5?[-10 0.62£-10 0.49£-10 0.15£-0R o.s4£-o9 0.55£-09 o.12r-10 0.1 ·;r-09 O.~lE-10 -0.,4[-0'1 o.s~r-10 -o.2Jr-09 0.1~[-(lq -0.~9[-1~ o.11r-09 -0.15£-09 0.68£-09 OellJE-09 0.15£-09 0.17f-OE-08 o.1or-10 0.60[-08 o.JJ[-10 0.23E-08 -o.1r.r-10 o.eu-oe 0.7JF-O'l O.f, 7f.-IJ'_1 o.RH-11 O.lRt::-lO n.Hr-1n 0.2~£-10 0.7H-10 O.J9E-10 o.1u-o., o.u;c-11 0.21[-lO -O.?Pf-10 -o.sPr-09 -0.5hr-o' -o.•sr-09 0.53[-10 o.sn-oe 0.67£-0A o.38£-08 D.65£-118 o.c;l[-OR 0. Ht[• llC o.r-oq o.·ur-0·1 o.12r-1c o.?::.> t:-10 o.J9r-ll' 0.19[-10 o.sn-10 o.6r.r-10 o.59£-10 o.1or-10 n.1~r-09 -o.~1c-09 -o.61r-09 -o.11r-o'l -o.11r-09 0.44E-lll o.54r-oe 0.13£-08 D.UE-08 o.r.5r-os 0.5]f.-OB o.oor•oo 0.5:"f'-09 0.40f-(lO fl.~H-09 O. DE-O'l o.12r-01J o.74£-10 o.uE-ll 0.3£,£-10 0.32£-10 o. 30E-ID 0.41[-0? -0.4A[-0<1 -0.4Pf-O'J -0.1,(-01 -o.11r-09 o.1n-09 o.•r.r-08 0.89E-D8 o.55£-08 D.8H-08 o.r,2r-0R O. S'IE-rie o.1.1sr-oq O.:'IF.[-0<1 0.3"f -D'J 0.17[-0'l 0.16£-09 0.11£-0'9 0.60£-11 o.s5r-10 o.nr-10 o.ur-10 0.57£-09 o.4.~r-11 -o.•or-09 -o.~?E-o? -o.21r-10 0.16£-09 o.r.3£-09 o.sr.c-09 o.nr-01 o.1u-01 O.R6E-08 O.lPE-07 0.65 £-09 0 • :3'.[_ -or:: o. :nr-0° o.nE-O'J o.nr-09 0.27E-09 o.tr.E-10 o.2or-10 o.nr-10 1.u;r-111 0.25f-09 o.111c-10 0.17[-1)9 0.17£-(l'l 0.3H-ll o. nr-10 O.UE-0'1 0.40£-0'1 e.11r-01 1.1u-01 o.1or-01 0.73[-(lfl o.r.lE-09 O.f-.H_-10 O.C>lE-Oq o.1u_-10 o.1or-10 o.it1r-09 0.15£-1.0 o. B' E-O'l o.1sr-10 0.32£-12 0.23[-JO 0.19£-12 o.nr-10 o.3£.E-n o.21r-10 o.35£-o9 o.21r-10 lt.'19£-08 De42E-11 o.13r-01 0.91\E-Of! n.1r.r-01 O.S:'IE-09 0.5~[-09 o.'J(,[-ll O. l\5E-ll o.79£-11 o.su-n o.1n-10 0.10£-12 0.'18£-13 -D.13E-12 -o.21r-11 o. Pf-10 o.nr-09 o. 6('[-09 o.53£-o' 0.31£-09 0.2£,[-0') Oe27£-0') o.JJE-08 o.12r-01 0.10(-0R 0.€:(,[-(17 O.'H[-09 o.~ 7E-09 0.9H-ll o.nr-11 o.r.n-11 o.43£-11 o.nr-10 0.29£-11 0.26[-11 o.:nr-10 ll .. ?.7E-l.O D. 3:.'l f-lO ri .•n-09 O.G J E-09 o.53£-o~ 0.80£-ll o.21r-n 0.19£-09 o.su-09 o.9u-os o.~~r-09 -o.13r-01 0.5H-O'l 0.!':7[-09 o.9or-11 O.BOE-ll o.11r-11 0.49£-11 o.15r-10 o.nr-10 o.12c-10 o.31c-10 o.nr-10 0.::'!!'1[-10 o.iter-o~ O.Gf>E-09 o.ssr.-09 o.:nr-10 D.13£-08 o.Hc-08 o.1u-oe De56E-09 IJ.l"if-(17 o .;>f.£.-r11 0.55 E-O'J o.2"r-10 0.51-.E-O'J 0.3'![-10 o.9H-Jt 0.49[-09 0.90[-11 O.H[-10 o.e2r-11 0.1 Jt-08 o.8~£-11 0.77£-09 0.82[-11o.nr-09 o.au-11 0.68£-0') o.ur-10 o.56£-0'J Oe32E-1D o.su-n O.J3C-IJ1 o.111r-01 o .. 5'5!:-09 0 • !1 f, [ -0CJ "·e•n-10 n. :Br-10 0.28£-10 o.3n-10 0.23E-10 o.2•c-10 o.nr-10 De 13E-11J (J .. ? OF-10 o.:> ot-i!l o. f,::>r:-lD o.:rnr-o" 0.99£-13 0.39[-ll -0.86[-10 -O.r.6E-10 -~.18£-09 -O.lSE-09 -O.t;H-10 -o. n~-o? o.12F--10 o.11r-10 o.?1'£-10 o.2•r-10 o.19r-10 o. Ul£-10 o.2u-10 0.26£-10 o.39£-n 1.28£-lD !J.lqE-10 O.J7F-1D o .. pqr-1:11 o.11r-10 o. 39£-11 0.63E-ll -o.1sr-10 -o.•3r-1o -0.16£-09 -0.12£-09 -o.1Jr-09 -o.2~r-oo o • . nr-10 o.J1r-1u O.H•E-10 D.J2E-10 o. 31£-10 o.nr-10 0.21£-10 o.•2r-10 0.28£-10 0.21£-11 o.t~r-10 o.1~r-J(l IJ.7ff-1l o.5or-11 o. r.r.r-11 o.1sr-10 -o.••r-10 o.•or-10 -e.15c-09 -D.69£-10 -0.25E-09 -O.? 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(., 7E-1l 0.70E-ll o. nE-11 o. 69£-11 0.68E-ll 0.69E-11 o.r.3£-11 o.76£-11 o. 56E-ll !J.62[-11 o. f, ~£-11 o.1or-10 0.10£-10 o.1or-10 0.23E-JO o.1n-10 0.24£-10 0.11£-lD 0.24E-18 O.!.''l[-10 -:J.£'1E-JD 0.67[-H a. r, 1r-1 J o. HE-ll o. 71(-11 0.68[-11 Oe 7\E-11 0.63[-11 o.r.1c-11 o.sr.r-11 1.31£-11 0.1;~[-11 o. 87[-t J 0.17E-JO o.11r-10 0.28[-Jl o.22r-10 o.11r-11 0.13£-10 -0.18£-11 •• Jr.£-11 -a.1Ar-10 -a.1~r-oq O.HF.-11 0.611£-11 o.11r-11 o. 93[-J 1 o. nr-11 o. 96E-l 1 o.67£-11 le44£-11 0.92£-11 o. 73£-11 O.JH-10 o.1H-H o.11r-10 -o.11r-11 -o.ititr-11 -0.65£-11 -0.98£-11 0.9r.E-12 -0.17£-10 1.11r-10 -O.J'![-09 0. DE-05 o.r.n-11 0.(:.2[-Jl 0.'?3[-11 0.91£-Jl o.96£-11 o. 91£-11 0.13£-10 0.90£-11 o.12r-10 D.89£-11 O.J.0[-10o.ur-09 n.fl"E-JJ O.A'l[-J(l o.1or-10 -o.•,r-10 o.11r-11 -o.11r-10 o.s•r-11 -0.81E-11 D.97£-11 Oe 18E-ID 0.6H-ll a. 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After graduating Westfield Senior High School in 1978, he attended Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, where he received his AB. in geology in May of 1982. He spent the following year experimenting in various employment fields including computer programming/data processing, architecture, and consulting-geology. In September of 1983, Dan enrolled in the Master's program at the Univeristy of Texas at Austin, to study hydrogeology under the direction of Dr. John M. Sharp. Upon graduation from the program, he will begin work at Woodward-Clyde Geotechnical Consultants in the Walnut Creek, California office.