B323-816-50m BULLETIN • OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS 1916: No. 52 SEPTEMBER 15 1916 Published by the University six times a month and entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at AUSTIN, TEXAS SIX HUNDRED SELECTED WORDS FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR SPELLING MATCHES OF THE UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE PREFATORY NOTE This bulletin contains a list of words to be used in the Junior and the Senior spelling matches of the University Interscholastic League, the purpose being to provide a list of words commonly misspelled for special study by pupils and for use in regular spelling lessons, as well as for spelling matches at schoolhouse meetings and the county con­ tests of the Interscholastic League. These lists were prepared by Dr. L. W. Payne, Jr., Head of the Correspondence Division and author of "Learn to Spell." The basis of selection was a pamphlet entitled "A Measuring Scale for Ability in Spelling," consisting of the 1000 most commonly used words and compiled for the Russell Sage Foundation by Leonard P. Ayres; also "A List of 3200 Words for the New York State Spelling Bee for 1916"; "A List of Words (600) for the Third Illinois State Contest in Spelling (1916) "; "Concrete Investigation in the Material for English Spelling," Bulletin of the University of South Dakota; and a number of recent high-school textbooks on spelling. For the detailed rules·ot conducting the spelling matches, see the Constitution and Rules of the University Interscholastic League. THREE HUNDRED SELECTED WORDS FOR THE JUNIOR SPELLING MATCH aboard :llligator angel athlete absence almost angle athletics account already annually auctioneer across altar (place of antecedent automobile address worship) anvil avoirdupois admirable always apology babbling adviser ambitious apparently balance a~eeable amiable arithmetic bananas airy· among asked baptism aisle (in a amount asthma batting church) anchor asylum bayonet bedstead derrick beefsteak describe beggar despair beginning dessert believe difference benefited dining-room bicycle dismissal biggest divide bigoted dreamt boring dungeon brakeman dynamite business eclipse busy electricity cancellation embroidery cancer emperor cannibal endeavor cannon (a gun) enemy catechism cavalry celery cemetery cereal (grain) certainly chaparral chapel chieftain chimneys chisel entirely error exceedingly exhaust extreme farthest father (a parent) feather February feminine choir (singers) fiend cinder fiery cinnamon finally cipher flannel cities foliage college foreign columns forest coming freezing comma fulfill commodities fundamental conferred furniture copies garage core (of an gases apple) gesture corkscrew geyser corral gingham courageous glaciers crammed glycerin criticizing gorgeous dandelion grammar dandruff granite debtor grateful decency grease (fatty delicious substance) Greece (a country) grievous groceries guitar handcuffs handsome handkerchief headache heard (a verb) herd (of cattle) hearth heartily heir (to a fortune) holiday holly (a plant) holy (sacred) horrible humorous hyacinth hygiene iceberg icicle immediately impatience imperative implement incubator ivory janitor jaundice jellies kernel (of a nut) kidneys knack knapsack knotted laboratory larynx lassos ledger leopard lettuce lightning lilies literary loose lose lovable making Manila manual marriage meant merely mirror misspell moccasin mountainous mucilage negroes niece nursery onion original parcel pastime pavilion peaceable peninsula pennant perilous personal Philip piteous pity plain (unadorned) plane (level surface) poisonous poppies prairie preceding prisoner pursue quire (of paper) really received referee referring reformatory religious repetition roguish ruffian sassafras Saturday scent (odor) scissors secession secrecy studying seize succeed sensitive sure separate survivor sergeant temperature shepherd terrify sheriff theirs shrubbery threadbare siege tired sieve tobaccd similar together smooth treasure speech tries specimen truly statue Tuesday stubborn tugging two (numeral) umbrella union until using usually vanilla vengeance village villain vinegar virtue vomiting wadding wading wafer waif waist (part of body) weak (not strong) Wednesday week (seven days) weevil whey wrench writing yesterday yolk THREE HUNDRED SELECTED WORDS FOR THE SENIOR SPELLING MATCH abbreviation abscess absorption accommodation accompanying acetic acetylene acquittal aeroplane affidavit aging aggravating alcoholic alleged altogether ammonia analysis anecdote annihilation anonymous anthracite antidote appearance appendix arc (of a circle) archangel architecture arctic armies arrangements artillery asceticism assassination association attached attacked audacious auxiliary bachelor bacillus bacteria ballads bankruptcy barbarous barricade battalion bayou beneficial besiege biased bilious bisector bituminous boulevard boycott Britannica bulletin calendar canvas (a cloth) canvass (to count, solicit) capital (chief) capitol (a building) casually catarrh caterpillar Catiline ceiling (of a house) censure centennial chagrined changeable chaperon chauffeur chiffonier chloroform chronologically Cincinnati classicism climactic colleague combatant comedy committee complement (that which completes) compliment (a commendation) consensus conspicuous constellation corporation corps (body of men) correspondence corridor courteous crystalline cylindrical decisive deficit deprecation description digestible disappearance disappointed disciple discipline dissatisfied dissipated divisible duchess dynamos ecstasy efflorescence elasticity eligible eliminate Elizabethan elliptical embarrassed encyclopedia endurance entrance epochs equally equinoctial equilateral equivalent erysipelas eskimos exaggeration excellency exhibition existence extension Fahrenheit fascinating fatiguing feudal ferocious fictitious filament forceps forcible fricassee frivolous fuchsia fugitive gaiety gelatin genitive gigantic grandeur guttural haranguing heinous hemorrhage homologous hydrophobia hypocrisy hypotenuse Iliad illegible incite (to arouse) indefinite indict inexpressible infallible intercede interfering interchangeable isosceles khaki knickerbockers laboratory led (past tense lead) leisure library license liniment mackerel maintenance malicious manageable mantel (a shelf) mantle (a robe) martyr marshal (noun) martial (adjective) Massachusetts massacred Matthew medallion mesquite mi1linery miracle mischievous narration necessary nightingale noticeable occasiou occurrence o'clock Odyssey omitted opportunity optimist orchid orifice ostracism paraffin parallel parliament participial pastoral penitentiary persistence pessimist Philippines picnicking pilgrimage porcelain positive precipice preferred preliminary nreparation Presbyterian primitive principal (chief) principle (fundamen­ tal cause) privilege professor proceed procedure proportion pursuit query questionnaire quiz quizzes rarefy rarity recommen­ dation rendezvous resurrection ridiculous rhapsody rhythmically sacrament sacrifice sacrilegious scalene scarcity schedule schism scrupulous secretary separator serviceable session (a sitting together) silhouette simile sincerely solecism stationary (standing) stationery (writing material) stereotype stimulant superinteJ:\dent supercilious supersede supremacy surprise susceptible symptoms synonymous tentative terrace terrapin testament testimony theorem there (adverb) too (adverb) tragedy tranquillity transferred tremendous tuberculosis typify tyranny unanimous unwieldy venomous ventilation vicinity warrior weird wintry writers zoology