C A LEN DA R Monday 10:00 a. rn.: Debate Team m eeting at E x ­ tension Studio. Building 105. 7:00 n. m.: Oak Cliff Club meeting, Main (Elie B a illi C ON FER EN C E RESULTS Texas 31, Baylor 21, S. M U. 30. Rice 21. r*" r Oklahoma A. & M. 30, T. C. U. 23. Freshmen 25, Brackenridge High 2^. V ol. X X V I. A U S T IN , T E X A S , S U N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y I, 1 925 E IG H T P A G E S No. 103 LONGHORNS TROUNCE GAYLOR REARS 31-21 TRUETT AND D E A LE Y REFUSE REGENCY DEULEY BECAUSE OE RULES DF D A L L A S DECLINES J. NATHANIEL BUTLER DISCUSSES CHICAGO U. AT BANQUET SATURDAY Sw earingen T w ins Broadcast A th letic G am e s and M arket Reports From V arsity Radio Station hers of Editorial Staff A c­ cepting O ffices S peaking before a large audience of U n iv e rsity of C hicago Policy of Paper Forbids Mem- alum ni a t a banquet held a t the c afete ria S a tu rd a y night, Dr. J . N ath an iel Butler, s ec re ta ry to the president of th a t institutio n, discussed the development p ro g ram of Chicago U n iv e rsity which includes the exp end iture of $17,500,000 on new buildings and re- ‘• s e a r c h endowments. His address was followed by a three-reel motion pic­ the present condi­ ture tions of Chicago U niversity and showing Rome the the old fam iliar scenes of its campus. W inner Feature Story Prize for January FUE I H E REFUSED V ivian Richardson illustrating TEXAS QUINTET GETS REVENGE BY WINNING UNEXPECTED VICTORY By Ty Cobb Texas rem em bered the Alamo a t the battle of San Jacinto, and T exas rem em bered the 28 to IO football d e fe at at the basket ball gam e here last night, when the Longhorns, c o n tra ry to expecta­ tions, won decisively from t he* Baylor B ears, 31 to 21. Daughter o f Form er President V inson to Marry H. A . K elley Dealey, Truett, Crane, H en­ derson, and Sealey Decline to Accept Positions in By J umbo Haynes F u r t h e r d iffic u ltie s th e n a m in g of sev en m e m b e rs to th e U niversity B o ard of R e ­ g e n ts by G o v e rn o r M iriam F e r ­ guson, h av e re s u lte d from th e re sig n atio n of tw o of th e five a p p o in te e s c o n firm e d F r id a y b y th e S e n a te. F o u r v a ca n c ies tw o of a r e ye t to he filled, w h ich a re fo r s ix -y e a r te rm s. Ted Dealey of Dallas, editorial w rite r of the Dallas News wired his resignation to th e Governor shortly the appoint­ a f t e r confirm ation of m e n t s L. J. T ru e tt, business man a t McKinney, has also refused to serve on the board, according to o ffi­ cial reports received S atu rd ay which it was not possible to verify a t the Governor’s Mansion. Dealey Wire* Refusal Mr. Dealey w ired: “ I will be u n ­ able to serve because of a rule of the News which forbids its editorial e m ­ ployes to accept political ap po int­ m en t.” It was not definitely learned why Mr. T ru e tt refused the regency, b u t it is understood t h a t it was because of illness in his family. With the w ithdraw al of the a p ­ pointees S aturd ay, the total nu m b er o f refusals sent in since the new adm inistration took charge has been raised to five. M. M. Crane of D al­ las, Thomas S. Henderson of C am ­ eron and John Sealy of Galveston, wired the Governor Tuesday th a t “ on account of im p o rtan t business m a t ­ te rs they would n ot be able to give th e required by a place on the University b o ard .” time Twenty persons have been regents or appointed re g e n ts during the past th re e weeks, with only five m em bers It has n ot been now on the board. the newly created announced when vacancies will be filled. Five Member* on Board Since the latest resignations, the Miss Vivian Richardson, daugh­ ter of T. C. Richardson of Austin, is field editor of the Farm who and Ranch magazine, tied with De W itt Reddick the $10 prize for given for the best feature story ap­ pearing in The I exan last month. She is a member of the Ranger s ta ff, Theta Sigma Phi, w om en’s journalistic sorority, Reagan Liter­ ary Society, Rio Grande Valley Club, and is vice president of the Journalism Department. She is an issue editor on The Texan. Miss R ichardson writes feature stories for the Houston Chronicle. She also writes poetry. ll N The banquet hall was decorated in the college colors, maroon and white, and each alumni present was provid­ ed with lite ratu re pertaining to the university. The program w'as opened by the singing of old college songs, following which short biographical sketches were given by those present. Dr. E. P. Schoch was the oldest alum ­ ni present, having g radu ated in 1895, and Mary Steussey was the youngest, not yet having received her degree. Professor B. F . P itten ge r acted as toastm aster. Dr. Butler outlined the develop­ ment and struggles of Chicago U n i­ versity from its opening in 1892 u n ­ til the present time. He explained t h a t the other grdeat universities of the countries have increased their en­ dowment as much as 80 per cent within the last five years, while Chi­ cago has increased her endowment 13 per cent. Chicago U niversity now has 13, 539 students and 600 profes­ sors, he told the alumni. The uni­ versity now has $54,000,000 in prop­ e rty and includes fofty-four build­ ings. “ We do nc*t w a n t to alienate the feelings of the alumni to the insti­ tutions where they are now located,” he emphasized, “ but we do w ant to know if these alum ni are interested in the progress of Chicago U niver­ sity. Our ambition is not to have the largest university in the cou ntry, but an institution perfectly equipped to do the work in the field where the opportunities and possibilities lie.” Dr. Butler, accompanied by Mr. J. WL Mould, sec retary of the board of tru stees of Chicago University, will leave fo r Waco Monday morning, where they will m eet with the alum ­ ni of th a t city. ---------------o------------- Mrs. R osenberry and J. C. W h ite on Program at V esp ers T om orrow left, Jimmy Sw earingen, and Bill Sw earingen, right, 18-year old sophomore* in the University, are pictured at the U niversity radio station P ow er Building, where they broadcast games and market reports. in the The resem blance of the Swear* I | ingen twins is so great that even L their close associates have trouble in distinguishing them. Both are track men, and Coach Clyde Lit­ tlefield admits that he never knows which one comas out first in a Noted Woman Historian and Former Dean of Women at Wisconsin Arrives Monday FRESHMEN MAY SIEN FOR DEBATE CLUB IN ll HULL M oore U r g e s First Y e a r Men to Jo in ; First M ee tin g This W e e k in interscholastic debating All freshmen who have had exper­ ience in high school are urged to sign up as soon as possible, if they wish to p a r ­ ticipate in the freshm an forensic so­ ciety now being organized, according to John Palm er, appointed by debat­ ing coach W. O. Moore as organizer the society. The freshm en can of sign up in V Hall, as th ere is a sheet provided for th a t purpose in the hall­ way of th a t building. and Any freshm an, regardless of fo r ­ m er experience is invited to join. The first meeting will be held sometime next week, either Professor M oore or Professor Elwood Griseom will act as critic and sponsor of the organization. Coach Moore stated that the freshmen girl speakers will prob­ ably hold several joint meetings with the boys. — — - O - — ................. B IS H O P W . T. C A P E R S TO PR E A C H T O D A Y A T ALL S A IN T S C H A P E L Mrs. Marvin B. R osenberry (Lois is being Kimball M atthews) who the U niversity campus bro ugh t u nder the auspices of the Texas Diosces of the Episcopal Church will arrive Monday morning. to Mrs. Rosenberry will be extensive­ ly entertain ed d uring her two day visit in Austin. She will be the lunch­ eon guest of the Sund ay Club Coun­ The cil Monday a t the cafeteria . parish will have her as its guest and inspirational speaker a t a dinner to he given a t the Gregg House Mon­ day evening. Women interested will he able to hear Mrs. Rosenberry Monday a f t e r ­ noon a t 4:15 when she will talk to the Guild of All S aints Chapel, and again a t Vespers in the Girl's Study Hall at five. The American Association of Uni­ versity Women will honor Mrs. Ro­ a t the sen berry with a luncheon Stephen F. Austin Hotel a t noon on Tuesday. AH college women in te r­ ested in th a t work will form the guest list. F ro m five to six or Tuesday even­ ing, the Faculty W om en’s Club will give a reception a t their club house. fo r h er Alumni and ex-students of Wis­ consin who are in A ustin will have d in ner with Mrs, R osenberry a t the ca feteria on Tuesday night. Miss Elizabeth Vinson, daughter of former President Robert E. V in­ son, will be married to H. A. K el­ ley of Clevland, Ohio. The date of the marriage has been set for sometime next spring. While in tlie University, Miss Vinson was a member of the Turtle Club, Nu Upsilon Tau Tau, and on the In­ ner Council of Cap and Gown, senior w om en’s organization. She is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. SIGMA DELTA CHI WILL PLAN JOURNALISM MELT Local J o u rn a lists C o-operate W ith L e a g u e ; G ra d e H igh S chool P ap ers E n te rta in m e n t of delegates to the Interscholastic Jou rn a lism C onfer­ ence which will be held in connec­ tion with the Interscholactic League finals in the spring will be discussed a t a meeting of Sigma Delta Chi Sunday afte rn o o n a t in Main Building 157 according to A. J, Bieter, president. Members of Sigma Delta Chi are co-operating with Interscholastic League officials in grading of High School papers belonging to the J o u r ­ nalism C onference. the editions 4 o'clock 0 -_______ - semi-finals the declamation Semi-Final* for W ilmot Prize _______ board now consists of Marcellus E. Six Girls and Live Boy* Pass F oster, H ouston; George W. T y ler of Bell C ounty; S. C. Paddleford, F o rt W orth; Mrs. H. J . O’Hair, Cole- j . m a n ; and R. G. Storey, Dallas. The in Winners in to succeed H. J. Lutcher m em ber S ta rk of Orange, who fills a six-year the freshm an contest term th at expires in May, has n o t ; S atu rd ay aftern oo n were, among the I Kiris, June P earl Knape, Austin; Lots been named. j Swafford, Y oakum ; Sally Humlong, : Bronte; M artha Anne baulk, Austin; HOGGS TO TALK. B ettie LOU Woosley, T r e n to n ; a n d j Ruth Borman> Ty1er. and among the n V S V X V J a J A VZ O N OWNERSHIP^ vs, Edwin Davis, H ubbard; W S. Hughes, A ustin; A rth u r Sandlin, San DF R A I L R O ADS Antoni< ; Jackson F reem an, Austin; ja n d M erit H. Steger, San Angelo. The finals will be held F e b ru a ry * The ju d g e , were members of batable subjects, ••R e s o lv e d , T h at t h e th e publie faculty. The U S G overnm ent should own and I winners were judged on th e ir i n t e r ­ operate the railroads.” will be d i s -j p retation and delivery. cussed Tuesday n ig ht at the Hogg Debating Club. The meeting will be held a t 7 o’clock in the Y. M. C. A., and all m em bers are urged to be present on time. One of the m ost interesting of de-1 IO. L U T H E R L E A G U E T O D A Y SPEC IA L P R O G R A M A T q................ - .p e a k in g ---------- * In the debate the affirm ative will miscellaneous program of music has been arranged for the be contested by Morris Hankins an d and Anton R auhut and the negative by m eeting of the Lu ther League this F ree m a n , j a f ternoon a t 3 o’clock at the Luthor- F ran k White and L. J. “ The Craw ford Trial a t Dallas” will i an Church Annex. Miss Hildegarde he discussed by David H eath, an d Manske and Elwood Schul* a re in “ Why M id-term s” will be explained charge of the entertainm ent, by Harvey B lanton. Lavon Loving-! An im p o rtan t good will give th e weekly g ru n t. j will precede the program. business m eeting Mrs. Lois Kimball Rosenberry, who has been on the campus in the in ter­ the Episcopal students, will est of speak a t the Y. W. C. A. Vespers Monday afternoon at 5 o’clock in the Girls’ Study Hall. Mrs. Rosenberry has published sev­ eral books, the latest being “ The E x ­ pansion of New England.” She was dean of women a t the University of Wisconsin for some time and later travelled for the American Associa­ tion of College Women. At present irs. Rosenberry is lecturing a t the conferences of the Episcopal students over the United States. W aco Rabbi Speaker at Chapel T uesday chapel Rabbi Wolfe Macht of IX aco will conduct services Tuesday, and Friday, Wednesday, Thursday, according to an announ cem ent from the Chapel committee. Rabbi Macht, who is coming to Austin especially to conduct these services, is a g ra d u ate of Hebrew Union College of Cincin­ nati, and has been in Waco fo r the past six years. Rabbi Macht’s subjects are as fol­ lows; Tuesday, “ God’s R ainbo w ;” Wednesday, “The Task of the A ges;” Thursday, “ The Spiritual Conditions of Peace;” and Friday, “The Religion of R abindranath Tag ore.” Ut. Rev. Win. Theodotus Capers, I). D,, bishop of W est Texas, will preach a t the 11 o’clock service at the All Saint s Chapel, Rev. Du Rosie M urphy yesterday . Bishop Capers is well known throughout the state, and is the University parish expected to tu rn out to h e a r him. stated I At 6 o’clock, Bishop C apers will I *•» address the S unday Club, and every one is invited to hear him. & — — --------- — M A D D R E Y W R IT E S BEST IN A U G U R A T I O N STORY Miss K athryn M addrey of Bon ham had the distinction of w ritin g ] the best newspaper story of the in­ au guratio n of Governor Miriam F e r ­ guson, according to the vote of the r e ­ journalism new s-gathering and porting class. Members of the class covered the inauguration as an as­ signment. The students voted on the stories by num ber without the names of the writers. H i t s Maddrey is a ;unior student in the University and stays at the Scottish Rite Dor­ mitory. knowing A large n u m b e r of leading High Schools of the s ta te belong to th* conference and will be represen ted in Mrs, R osenberry is a historian of the the spring. note having w ritten a hook on the the ‘ prize which will “ Expansion of New England.” She has served as associate professor of s p ap e r judged best by the local chap- history in Vassar, Wellesley College, t e r of Sigma Delta Chi promises to I keen. In jud gin g the papers a num- and the University of Wisconsin, Sbe is likewise the leading dean o f ber of d iffe re n t fe a tu re s are taken women in the United States. She has , into consideration such as editorials, the only book ever writ-1 news stories, advertize m eats, make- published fo r be awarded Com petition *ubJ«e t u,’d ' r the Utle d P. and w r v i “ to K h o° 1' of ‘The Dean of W om en.” I A date will be set a t tho m eeting Mrs. R osenberry will be the house Sunday for the formal pledging ser- guest of Miss Lucy Newton, Dean o f; vice for the newly elected members Women, during her stay in the city. of Sigma Delta Chi. All members of I the chapter are expected to be pre- j sent. ---------- _o----------- - M aro o n s M eet W aco H ere M o n d a y N ight s p e c i a l MUSIC W IT H j comprise the ] ..... ...— Three hard games for schedule the Austin Maroons, j The second of a series of four ser- Bobby R obertson’s own, during the moos on “ Some Men and J e s u s ” will coming week. The firs t game of the be given by Rev. Lawrence W'har- week will be played here Monday ton a t the U niversity Presbyterian night with the Waco High team. The church tonight a t 8 o’clock, the en- be played h e r e : tire service not to last over forty- second game will the Main five minutes. The sermon will dis- when the Maroons m eet Avenue team of Fan Antonio. the On i cuss “The Man Who Climbed F rid ay night they play the Brack- j Sycamore Tree," and will be supple- enridge High last mented by special music by the stu- game of the week. * dent orchestra. team fo r the SER M O N BY W H A R T O N Referee Forbes and Coach ^ The Bears, all primed by Coach Fr an k Bridges for a big victory over the jaded Longhorns, had a 2 to 0 lead in the first minute of play, but th ereafter the Steers lead th ro ugh ­ out the game, the first half ending 16 to IO for Texas, Coach S tew art, who has been working overtime for two weeks, staged a g re a t comeback with his rejuvenated longhorns. M att Newell, one of the la rg e st athletes in school, was stationed a t a guard position, and the Richmond boy gave the Longhorns the necessary power a victory. Captain to Lester Settegast, who had been h a n ­ repeatedly dicapped with threw sensational field and was one of the chief factors in the success of his team. H ubert Foster, flashing his 1924 form; Sandi Esqui­ vel, playing his usual strong game, and Carl Nation, the lath-like fo r­ the ward, doing his best work of year, were all potent factors in last night’s g re a t victory over the Bears, always one of the Longhorn’s chief rivals in every sport. injuries, goals, over put Longhorns Play Well In addition to the s ta rtin g line­ up, Dick Nagle, Dewey Smalley, Mau­ rice S ta in e r, and Stud Wright, the other athletes used by the Longhorn coach, played well. The performance of Nagle, who made his debut here, was especially good, and he promises to develop into a valuable player. F rank Bridges, the Baylor coach, as usual, did the unusual, startin g second-stringers, and for this act he is a wiser hut a sadder man. The Longhorns took a commanding lead over the Cubs, and his Bears could never overcome the big score. Strick­ land was easily the outstanding p er­ form er for Baylor. Coach Bridges has a wonderful a r r a y of talent, but his boys j u s t ca n ’t shoot from the middle of the field and win basket ball games. Bridges Changes Line-up threw the ball in the Bel] of Baylor threw a field goal immediately a fte r the game started, hut Texas tied the score a moment later on a goal by Esquivel. The Longhorn* took the lead when Long Lester, center and captain, tossed a sensational field goal. Esquivel and Miera th rew foul goals, making the count 5 to 3 for Texas. A fter Sandi threw another goal, this one count­ ing for two points, the Bears called time out to counsel over the situa­ tions. Winchester was perked and re ­ placed by Sisco of football fame. C arrie Nation made a long run, c a r­ rying the sphere almost to the goal and basket. Coach Bridges then became worried over the score, which was 9 to 3 again*! him, and changed the line-up as follows: Chamhless fo r Bell, Miers for Jones, Strickland for Creasey, Morris for Sisco. W ith Baylor’s prize Bears in the ring, Esquivel and Nation threw field goals, making th e score 13 to 3. A Baylor player threw the ball into the stand occupied by the girls, and the game was delayed several minutes while ‘^ h a g g le rs ” re ­ covered the ball. Sisco and S ettegast made foul throws, followed by a goal from the court by Morris, making the co u n t 14 to 6. Strickland and N a­ tion made two successful throws for goals. Coach S te w a rt sent in Stall- ter for Nation, who got a big hand from the crowd as he left the court. then stopped while The game was Bridges had a five or six-minute argum ent; there was no decision as the referee could not find the solution in the rule book. A fte r Morris made a foul toss, Dewey Smalley was sent in for Stall- ter, the referee claiming the Longhorn player had talked hack to him, or r a th e r had talked to his back. Morris th rew another foul goal, and the helf ended L6 to IO for the Long- th at (Continued on Page 3) 4 Varsity Sophomores Operate Station, Make Honor Roll, and Star on Track Team WEAVING BEAUTIFUL SCARFS PLAN ADOPTED BY DOROTHY SCOTT FOR EARNING MONEY - , - .............................. B y Eli*»b*th B ald w in Dorothy Scott Puts Into Practice What She Learns in Class B y H a t « i H a d K k Weaving of beautiful woolen j scarfs is the plan adopted by Dor- 1 Making good grades seems to be as much a habit with the othy Pat Scott, of Ferris, and the I Swearingen twins as running 440 yards around Clark Field in the ^hort time of about 52 or 53 seconds. They made the*q. R D., for e a r in g mon#y to buy! fir*t per cent honor roll all three term* during their freshm an8 the “thick malted*”, candy ban,* year, each having made straight A’s in the five courses which rhewlwir picture #tow ticket*, th e y carried. The? seem to be in line for a similar record this and other rtecensttie* in the life of year since one's grades for the fall term, 1924, were three A’s, the varsity coed. Mi** Scott gained a B, and a C. of weaving her knowledge in a in textile* offered by the course So Jimmy and Bill built the transmit­ Their resemblance i* so great King sets now used in station WCMI jjom€ Economics Department. 1 colored yarn engrossed did she become in the art4 fashioning dainty neck-pieces1 o f that she from gaily loom. Her busine** pros­ bought a the Scottish pered fro rn the start, Rite Dormitory girt* being eager to obtain specimens of her handicraft. The loom itself cost $83 and Miss Scott already had made more than enough scarfs to pay for it. .She said that she would soon accumulate a large enough fund to enlarge her business. last year made Mi** Scott’* experience i* indica­ tive of the practicality of the train ing given girl* who register home economics courses home economic For example three students who attended the Universi­ ty their spending money by making dresses for other girl* who lived at the same dormi­ tory with them. At first they sewed only a few for friend*, but soon the demand tor their servies became so . * :,^4 ' groat that they were unable to find time to fill all of their engagement*, Co-ed« D esign O w n C lothes * home economics course is afforded for j by thtf, large enrollment. There are at varsity.I jgo Kir}g taking the course in design-, jng which is open to freshman girls. This course is a prerequisite to all courses in sewing. There are TI girls taking advanced clothing bourse* this year. S t u d y M a t e r i a l S e l e c t i o n An elementary course in sewing j ”Thi* year many girls in these courses are designing and making their clothes, thereby saving quite a: bit o f money. Nut only ar® they sav­ ing mrney, but some of the more} industrious mre* are making money sewing for their friends. These girls; are getting : tract lea I value out of] their instruction In school because ; they are learning much about the selection of clothing from the stand - 1 point of economy and durability as well as from the standpoint of be­ comingness,” said Miss Lucy Rath­ bone of the Home Economic* De­ partment. Just how iff eft Ive Is the trains given the girts may be surmised from a comparison of the cost o the dresses made by girts in one o f the advanced d a n e s w in ready made dresses, Ready made dresses, selling for $50 were made by the girl* for 222. One girl made an en­ semble suit. Proof of the popularity of the forth all of the participants to cornel slip, forward and sign a probation “Whistle Yell” practice. Most of the ring leaders were suspended. A certain sum was I levied on each student in the Uni-j versify to pay for tho damage done to the hall and when all of the ex­ citement had died down and all fact* had been sifted, it wa* found that the fatalities wore Might. Thus ended the great “Battle of K. C. Hail ” S H I R T S A L E OVER 200 SHIRTS TO GO AT 1-3 OFF $4.00 Shirts at $3.50 Shirts at $3.00 Shirts at $2.50 Shirts at $2.00 Shirts at $ 2 .6 5 $ 2 .3 5 $2.00 $ 1 .6 5 $ 1 .3 5 These Shirts are all new, clean stock— and S tand­ ard Brands. See them while we have y our size. UNIVERSITY TOGGERY B R O Y LE S & R O S E 2302 G uad. Phone 3090 SPECIAL SALE CONTINUES We have disposed of all our P ark er Pens but have a few Dunns left th at w e are offering at 25 per cent reduction. ORDER YOUR VALENTINE CANDY NOW And Let Us Deliver it Feb. 14 A Fresh A ssortm ent of King s and W hitman s Just In in the length " " I ast year the Swearingen J im my and BHI Swearingen, 13-3 year old sophomore*, lire at Lock- j tal rf. is that even their close associates have whose broadcasting wave trouble at times In addition to the two dishfuls bing’ 268 meters. th* rn. Coach Clyde Littlefield admits transmitting set* they have already on*! constructed and put into operation, that he never knows which 0 7)1 for us* on 268 mater* for broad­ comes out first on the track. casting purposes and one for use on ••Th*}- are both mighty good men." for code work with 1600 meters said Littlefield. "One time one of them comes out first w hile the o ih tT ' naval stations, another set will he I h ave a hard ! constructed soon for use on 80 rset- leads the next time. time in keeping them straight in my era as an amateur station for expen­ d e d and never know w hich one it mental purpose*. There ar# numer­ ic who lead*. They h a v e sh ow n t h i s ; ous receiving set* in station, year a great improvement over th e I some of w hich h ave been construct- work th e y did on th e track while ed by the Swearingen twins. These freshmen and have p o ssib ilitie s of young men receive no pay from the making v a lu a b le men on th is year’s government for this work. In fact, they consider their position an bon squad.” twins j or having little work attached to it. They have had some practical ex­ perience with radio for about seven years, so constructing a set I* a sim­ ple matter for them. each received a silver medal for hay jog the highest scholastic record* of any member of tho freshman track team. Each year the Athletic Conn­ ed give* a medal to a member af each squad who make* the highest identical grades of grade*. The to these men caused the be forced to give the two medals rather than one. Each of the twins spend* about five hour* a day in the radio Sta­ tion. It seems that there would be i , little time far other things, hut ju st* * leisure stu­ like some of the more dents, Rill and Jimmy have very modern hobbies, They find time to play golf and dance just as much as some others, and they get just as much enjoyment out af doing so. Plan ta At lewd H arvard The Swearingen twins plan to re­ ceive B ILA. degrees from the Uni­ versity of Texas. Their scholastic training will be concluded in the Harvard Business School. Besides the necessary time it take* to make the honor roil grade*, and beside* the hour and fifteen minutes required of them to spend on the in preparing for truck each *|ay the relay and 440, the Swearingen twins spend a great deal of time in the government radio station on the second floor of the University power Their close resemblance i* quite house. There they broad* ant mar* tot report* and weather forecast* i noticeable on the campus and kl the four times daily— at 0:45 and 11.45 I source of much comment. On* fair a. rn. and 2:45 and 3:46 p. m. Also, co-ed was heard to remark, “I don’t like to go all of the football and basketball know whether I would games played by the University arc i with one of them or not. They look broadcasted from this -lotion. The so much alike- just exactly alike to s peer hrs and music at Ma’s inaugu- mc. They could shift dates on me ration were broadcasted from there, without my ever knowing it,” B r o a d c a s t Marl**! R e p o r t * council . l i . 4 *i, AMMONIA GAS AND CORDWOOD USED BY SOPHS A N D F R O S H IN “BATTLE OF K. C. H A L L ” have been in the mat, and old-timers about the campus are la* meriting this feet with stories about the combats that were fought in the days of ’20 and ’21. Even before the days cd prosent3 ------ -—................................... .— the furnish fresh m en large; ti n served only to ."enior*. however, thoro wore battles j crowd was so thick on stair* i n which the sophomore* did not a1- leading up to the hall that as the ways w in . The tost one <»t this char- eombanants in the thick of the fray atter was the famous “ Battle of K.! succumbed to the fumes of ammonia, Cl Hair* in 1919. This fight lasted they were paused oui over the heads ail afternoon and well into the night; of their comrades to waiting araby-1 o number of student* were injured j lance*. Reserve* from the police Ma +k*i, by shot- of ammonia; aud a their number ire re put on probation and i clubs as weapons, As soon a* they MtspendMMi. * appeared they were unarmed and I thrown out on the edge of the mob. F r o sh T ie -u p S op h * ft-