~. M:EVR~jd (Drafting Office and Officer) DEPARTl\1ENT OF STATE JA\?moran um of Conversation DATE: April 26, 1968 SUBJECT: Site for Viet-Nam Negotiations P/'.RTICIPANTS: Corneliu Bogdan, Rumanian Ambassador Eugene V. Rostow, Under Secretary for Political Affairs COPIES TO: r At the White House reception on April 2, the Rumanian Ambassador engaged me in casual conversation with a group and of course asked the usual question about whether we had reached agreement with the North Vietnamese on the subject of a site for the talks. I replied that so far as I knew we had not, and asked jocularly whether we were all going to meet in Bucharest. He immediately turned serious and inquired whether this was an official request. I replied that it was not, but that we re­mained of course interested in all possibilities of agreement within the framework stated by the President and the Secretary. DECLASSll'IED E.O. l'2 58, Sec. 3.5 Stat"' ept. '] 1·d·, ;1 s . Y-~~-' ARA, D tt ~-·\·Of _J F OR~l DS-12.:-4 3-6,