Page 1 Side 1 October 5, 1950 Rec Oct 9. 50 And Oct 11. 50 My dear Sir John, I am sorry to be so slow to write, but I have been overwhelmed by an attack of the terrible pollens a New England fall produces, and they have made me asthmatic. I believe the attack has been more severe this year by my sojourn in the clear air of Greece, which did not require that I develop resistance to such things. Now, however, with the coming of cooler days I am returning to normal. I received today the copy you made of EvansŐ provisional numbers. I thank you very much for it, and for the time spent in making it. I think I can make good use of it, and perhaps with it I may be able to trace some of the newly found pieces. I did not manage to see the Ashmolean collection again after I left you, since the Museum was closed for the fair, and I had no time to come up to Oxford again before I left. Consequently I saw the fairy very thoroughly, and saw a bit more of Oxford, but missed the opportunity to check my readings again and see the rest of the collection. All the tablets listed in the concordance are originals, not casts, with the possible exception of the one apparently in Rome, which I have not seen. When I was at the Ashmolean I carefully checked that point and took down the numbers, and copied only those which were originals. Some of the Ashmolean collection are casts supposedly indicated not only by the NEON but also by a differently colored label in the display. There was there one mislabeled, which I think the staff has now corrected. I am afraid I can do no more to confirm 1938.489. I have had prints made of the photographs I took of the new fragments. They are generally clear enough for study, but they are by no means suitable for publication. My photography is not yet expert, and in additional the people who developed the film in Page 2 Side 1 Athens, put many scratches will will spoil all prints. May I also thank you again for your hospitality and hope that I shall be able to come to Oxford again before too long and see you again. With best wishes, Emmett L Bennett Jr