VOLUME XXII First C ollege D a ily in th e South A U ST IN , TEX AS, SA T U R D A Y , NOVEM BER 26, 1921 No. 4 6 f l u B a x l n f j e x a n ETIER MMUS TOR LONGHORNS c™ l l l ® s.EL H i l l FETE IS HAZELEDWHRDSIN CUST. TO I M E HEIEN KUHN T 12858277 hletic Council A bid es by tules G overning “T ” A w ards for Players H I R T H ! JWIIOS I D E ust Play O ne-half of Intercol­ legiate G am es as Much as tw o Quarters— G et M erit Letters t d By the action of the athletic coun- o f the U niversity o f Texas, nine- n members of the Longhorn foot- have been 1921 ,1 squad o f arded the unqualified “T ,” and awarded i^nty men have been letters. Manager Brpdy Vilified Ie was awarded a Varsity mana- *ial letter, while A ssistant Man- r George Kean and Frank Can- i were awarded reserve manage- letters. M utt P lay in Half fard o f ccording to the regulations of the athletic council governing letters “ all members of football squad who have played at least two quarters in the ma- !ity o f intercollegiate games, or as ch as two quarters in the A. & gam e, shall be awarded the o ffi- Iji »» nother clause in the regulations ds “In cases o f special merit in branch o f collegiate com petition, be letter may unqualified irded by the athletic council.” P layers Com e Under This of the players receiving ll rds come under the first classif- pion; namely, they have played t least two quarters in the ma­ ty o f intercollegiate games— e x ­ it Gray, Tynes, and Sens, who of Sir work in the A. & M. game, and wn and Watson who w e r e “T ” because rded the official r play and attitude were o f spe- merit. ived their letters because Records ‘A re G iven awards, ollowing is listed the names of to ­ (players who won ter with a record o f their sea- s play— this record being the I guide o f the athletic council in E?r- is - a le I awarding of letters. The figures lid for the number of games in jch the men played: 7, bennis 6, McCallum 6, HUI mson 7, Pena 6, Domingues 8, :>re 6, Gray 3 <2 quarters A. & * Tynes 3 (4 quarters A. & M .), s 4 (2 quarters A. & M .), Burns sH*«un(uilstrap 6, Ward 7, Robertson 7, X ell 6, "McCullough 7, Elam 6, s i , Barry 3, Hamilton 3, Mur- :e 2, Stacy I, Brally 4, Gorman uhn I, Hemsell 3, Craddock 0, Hansend 3, Curtis 4, Sledge 0, er 0, W eaver Moore I, Coit 4, tein 2, Higgins I, Gardere 4, wood 4. .93 ispensation of ruch Free Meat Is Cafe Program tudents who were lucky enough jo to A. & M. last Thursday were icky in one respect. That was missing o f the free Thanksgiving ,er given by the Cafeteria raan- mnent. Approximately 250 stu* fbi, armed with knives and forks, h down on th e U niversity Corn­ 's at noon and took in supplies kind. N ot vhe appetite-killing was there quantity and variety, there was quality as well. me o f the fellow s who made the ;ge Statio*n trip had wonderful rs composed o f a ham sandwich soda-pop. Perhaps others fared t , but the Cafe menu would made any table stretch to even a comparison. A few o f the stay-at- pal items got were turkey, oyster dress- eranberry sauce, E nglish peas, The turkey was the ed did not keep the C a fe te ria ere from stu ffin g . apples, and ice cream. fact that that the unum D ram atic Club W ill P resent W ild e’s “ Im portance of B eing E arnest” on D ecem ber 7 Hazel Edwards o f Austin has been selected to take the part of Cecily Cardew in Oscar W ilde’s play, “The Importance o f B eing E arnest,” in the place o f Miss Helen Kahn who has withdrawn from the erst on ac ­ count o f illness, which will be pre­ sented at the Hancock Opera House, on Wednesday night, December 7, by the Curtain Club. According to Mr. H ow ard Mum- ford Jones o f the Department o f Comparative L ite ra tu re , u n d er whose direction the play is b eing produced, this promises to be one o f the m ost successful U niversity dramatic o f­ in A ustin ferin g s ev er presen ted Miss Edwards has had considerable dramatic ex p erience, ap p e arin g r e ­ cently with the A ustin C om m unity P lay ers in “ The V ery N aked Boy.” Miss Eloise C arr, as Gwendolyn Fairfax, also appears as one o f the outstanding performers. Has B een Shown in Dallas endorses “The Im p o rtan c e o f B eing E a r ­ n e s t” was v ery re c e n tly p resen ted by the L ittle T h e a tre P la y ers o f D al­ las w ith g re a t success. T he play has been produced in the d ram atic cen ­ te rs o f th e c o u n try by sta rs of in te r­ n atio n al re p u ta tio n . The C u rtain Club, w hich th e L ittle T h ea tre, and w hich is a college d r a ­ m atic o rg an izatio n , is well know n th ro u g h o u t th e southw est, o ffe rs th e com edy as th e firs t play o f th e se a ­ a n ­ son. The club m an ag em en t nounces th a t a U n iv ersity o rc h estra will play. F u rth e r anno u n cem en ts, the m an ag ers sta te d , re g a rd in g a d ­ vanced tick et sale will be made s h o rt­ ly. STATE CHURCHMEN WILL SPEAK HERE NEXT WEEK Bishop K insolving, C apers, and Quinn W ill T alk B efore . U niversity A ud ien ces Making their annual visit to the University students, Bishop George the Diocese of H. Kinsolving uf S. Texas, Bishop Coadjutor C. Quin o f Houston, and Bishop Wil­ liam T. Capers o f San Antonio will speak during a three-days” so jo u rn at AU Saints” Chapel beginning S u n ­ day, November 27. be Holy communion will cele­ brated Sunday morning at 7:30, with Bishop Quinn officiating. A t the regular 11:00 o’clock service Bishop Quin will preach, the sermon. All o f the churchmen will speak at the Sunday Club at 4:30 p. rn. Monday and Tuesday o f next week special conferences will be held by the bishops with the students who desire to consult them. Those wish­ ing to confer with the churchmen can arrange a conference after the Sunday meetings. The Sunday evening service will be a rally for University students at All Saints” Chapel. -------------- o-------------- Disarmament Will Be Subject of Butte at Meet of B Hallites Members o f the B Hall A ssocia­ tion are their looking forward to next m eeting, December 5, with in­ terest, for Dr. G. C. B utte, professor o f law, is to be the principal speaker on the program for that occasion. Dr. Butte, according to J. R. B ever­ ley, president o f the association, will take disarmament as the subject for his talk. in the During the war, Dr. Butte was a captain intelligence depart­ ment o f the army. His experiences while in service enable him to have a broad knowledge o f the subject be is to speak on. This, more so, be­ cause o f the fact that he is personal­ ly interested in disarmament at the present time. But the fact that is greatest in the com ing address, as all fu lly who have heard him know, is Dr. B u tte’ individual attri­ butes as an accomplished talker. speak, R ec e p tio n C row d Show s A p p re­ ciatio n fo r V ersa tile T alen t P ro c u re d in E ntertainm ent B N ICTS IS MINISTER M a rg a re t K e lly Is C rowned Q ueen of T h is Y e a r’s M id- N o v em b er R eception C rowning Miss M a rg a re t E lizab eth K elly of D allas queen o f th e annual T hanksgiving recep tio n , Dr. R o b ert in a u g u ra te d one o f the E. Vinson, m ost b rillia n t an d distinguished so­ th e U niversity, cial gath erin g s o f in F rid ay evening a t 9:00 o’clock sta te th e S enate ch am b er o f in Capitol. D u rin g th e as wffiich P re sid e n t Vinson crown prim e m inister, p lacin g the cerem ony acted the upon the head o f Miss Kelly, music w as played by th e U n iversity band, dressed in fu ll uniform. B radford ’a M atter Dewey B rad fo rd was m aster o f cerem onies, h erald in g the approach' of the prim e m in ister, th e queen and h er ten duchesses. The procession m arched donw th e aisle. Miss Kelly led the procession to the dias, and c a rried a scep tre stu dded vdth d ia­ m onds in h er han d . She was gow ned in white satin an d ca rried a tra in . H er duchesses follow ed, all carry in g chrysanthem um s. Em ily N alle was dressed in blue fuchsia, and bore her hand. blue chry an th em u m s in Following h er w as R u th McKelvey, who wore g reen , and who c a rrie d blue chrysanthem um s. M arth a Riv­ ers Allen wore an evening to ile tte o f w hite, and ca rried purple chrysanthe­ m um s. Dave M aud C um m ins was gowned ca rried lav en d ar chrysanthem um s. and in D uchesses D ress G ayly toilette, Luci Belle S n y d er wore a black evening and bore pink roses in her arm s. Dressed in white satin, and b earin g pink roses was E tta Bain. K ath ry n Anderson was gowned in blue, and carried pink chry an th em u m s. A gown o f blue and white was worn by Evelyn Barn­ well, who bore pink roses, and Ann lavendar, in Hamilton was dressed carrying Lucile chryanthem um s. Francklow wore an evening gown of lav en d ar, and bore in her arm s a bouquet o f chrysanthemums. Child G ives Program s * Im m ed iately follow ing the duch- (Continued oh Page 4) IN T E T O N IT ? MEET • Ii C olleges and U niversities A re R epresented in C onference on F raternity Problem s Fraternity men numbering about two hundred, and representing the leading m en’s fraternities at Ameri­ can colleges and universities, are m eeting in tho annual convention o f the In terfra tem ity Conference at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City Friday and Saturday o f this week. Problems o f interest to fr a ­ ternities and college men will be discussed at the conference. The conference will discuss prob­ lems o f relation o f the college to the fraternity, and the influence of alumni visits, fraternity rushing, the cost o f chapter houses, and the abo­ lition o f all rough-house initiations. Each subject will be discussed freely from the floor o f the convention. The Interfraternity Conference, established in 1909 at Chicago, is the result of a realization on the part of fraternities o f their common ideals and tasks. Through the efforts o f the conference mutual jealousies and rivalries have a clearer conception has arisen o f the modem fraternity as an adjunct to self-governm ent col­ leges and universities. in American diminished and Swenson is Made Captain of 'l earn By United Votes A. M. G. (S w e d e ) Sw enson o f | Stam ford was unanim ously elected I the captain of the Varsity footb all | team for 1922 yesterday aftern oon , according to the announcem ent o f i L. Theo B ellm ont, director o f nth- | letics. S Sw ede has played center on th e | team for three years, and his p er- | form ance as a gridiron star has | I been notew orthy. H e is one o f the f I most dependable men o f the s q u a d , | and I | and capable as an offensive | d efen sive player. iiHiimmiiiimmimiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnimiiiiiiiuiiiiituiiiiatiimimiitu Nimble Horse of Iron Brings Clan of Rooters Home W hen the stin g of n o t hav in g cap­ tu red a touchdow n from A. & M. has been fo rg o ttH i, and the delights of I th a t sum ptuous T hanksgiving d in n er “ w e in e r,” of co ffee have I drow ned in a cup of salads th ree a n d even been dissipated, th e re will lin ­ the g er till G abriel blows his horn I rem em brance of in I the ro o ter’s special. th e r i d e b o m e College S tatio n slowly fad ed into ; the blackness o f fa llin g night, a s the train drew o u t o f the depot. E ig h ­ teen coaches, laden w ith hoarse ro o t- ! els, w ere attach ed to the iron horse which began its task of d raw in g them I to A ustin. The passage o f an h o u r confirm ed the belief th a t the tra in had really passed o f B ryan. through and out To Long Ride E xperienced the weary passengers it seemed as if they W'erl getting an unusually long ride for trieir m oney’s the worth. Like unto a tour United States the journey seemed, so interminable was the time for the trip to be finished. o f Now and then a rustic passed in his automobile, dazzled by th e rap­ idity o f the train’s progress. Now iron m o n ster o f the pilot o f the slowness, had to back up the grades to g et a full-ahead s ta r t; the fireman took tim e to cut wood for the roaring maw o f furnace. And nature-loving, romantic students gathered night-blooming flow ers by the track side. the on Train It Erratic o f the train The pace which took throughout the trip was e rra tic and jerky to say nothing. A sudden speeding up in the neighborhood of sixty miles an hour was succeeded the by a rapid manipulation throttle, a grinding o f the brakes, and a gliding, sickening stop. Stu­ dents were catapulted their reeling P ullm ans, and a heterogeneous assemblage o f fem inine sand mascu­ line vanities were scattered thither and hither. Among the articles vis­ ible in the yellow, dim light o f the coaches were hair-nets, pipes, and so forth. from A rrive A fte r Midnight Midnight passed and the train had crept through Elgin without awak­ ening its inhabitants. It continued to creep along, until at last, at 2:00 into Aus­ a. rn., sleepy-eyed train-worn, tin. rooters left it, and sought their beds to sleep until the 8:00 o ’clock class. it dragged itself The GILMORE W IL L SPE A K TO D AY ON LIBEL LAW S Clarence E. Gilmore, railroad com­ missioner of Texas, will speak to the classes of Journalism 12 and 16 to­ day in room 7 o f the Main Building at 10:00 a. rn. on the “Criminal Libel Laws o f T exas.” Mr. Gilmore is peculiarly fitted to speak on this subject as he was formerly a newspaper man, and w as a member o f the legislature which formed the libel laws of Texas. B e spoke to the classes last week on the civil libel laws of the state. LOCKHEAD G E T S P R E SE N T H. J. Lock head, Shorthorn fu ll­ back w'ho had his ankle broken dur­ freshman-Shorthorn game, ing the was given a present yesterday morn­ ing by the freshman team. OU A. I ti TRACK’ T ro u t fo r T e x a s Com es O u t a t th e H e a d of C onferen ce R e p re s e n ta tiv e s O klahom a A. & M. ca p tu re d the S o u th w estern C o nference cross coun­ S tation try m eet held a t College to tal T h u rsd a y m o rn in g , scoring a o f 34 p o in ts. T ex as U n iversity, w ith 36 poin ts, w as second and T ex as A. th ird . & M., w ith 52 points, w as least team w hich scored The the n u m b er o f p o in ts won the m eet. T ro u t, a T ex as ru n n e r, was th e firs t m an in th e race to cro ss the line. O th e r T ex as ru n n e rs, an d the n u m b ers in w hich th ey finished, were Y oungblood, f if th ; Coale, e ig h th ; G rim es, n in th ; G riffin , O klahom a A . & M. second, tw e lfth te n th th ird , sev en th , places in th e m eet. The T ex as A g­ took an d th irte e n th . gies took fo u rth , fifte e n th , and six te e n th places. sixth, eleventh, T he team s fin ish in g behind the th re e le a d e rs w ere, B aylor, S o u th ern M ethodist U n iv ersity , Rice In s titu te , and th e U n iv ersity c f A rkansas. PUI LIST TEXIS RAME S te rlin g G rid iro n M en W ill be M issing in Squad N ext Y ear. F a c e s Hard S ch ed u le A g ainst th.* T exas A ggies on T han k sg iv in g D ay over one-half of th e L onghorns who m ade up the in­ itial line-up w ere playing their last fo o tb all gam e and White jersey. And o f the forty-four the Longhorn men who composed squad o f 1921 sixteen will not be able to respond to the call o f Coaches W h itak er and Seddon in Septem ber 1922. in an O range W ith p erh ap s the h ard est schedule ever m apped o u t fo r a eleven facin g th e T ex as t e a m T K l x t fall, the V a rsity coaching s ta ff will sore­ ly miss th e presence o f such men a a Tom D ennis, George M cC ullough, and the o th e r sterlin g fo o tb all play­ ers who have been g ra d u a te d from th e L onghorn squad. The follow ing play ers will not be available for service th is com ing y e a r: D ennis, Hill, Domingues, Bar­ ry, W atson, Elam, McCullough, JSray, Bens, Brown, Hamilton, W eav­ er Moore, Lockwood, Vowell and Luhn. IITTLEFIELD’S EEEIEN Blue Sm ith Stars in B rilliant F as bion — T eam O utclasses M arshall in Points of G am e Flashing a bewildering offensive that stood the lighter Marshall Col­ lege eleven on its head, Clyde Little­ field ’s freshman team ran away with the team from Marshall and won by the ample margin of 87-0. The game was played on Clark Field before a fair sized crowd. in team the Texas the opposing So far did the freshman eleven that outclass line-up every man starred. But Blue Smith, the cap­ tain o f the first year team was the most scintillating performer on the gridiron. Smith crushed his way al­ most at will through the Marshall line. And on the defensive he inter­ cepted several passes, with long re­ sulting gains. LOW E TA LK S TO EQUITY CLASS SCORELESS IE Sport Editor Lauds Dennis and McCullough as Texas Stars of Game—Murrah Plays Stellar Role in Farm erland Backfield—Fumbling Is Noticable Weakness of Both Aggregations. 15,000 Spectators Are Present on Kyle Field By Lloyd J . G re g o ry Locked in a desperate struggle, an Orange and W hite eleven and a Red and W hite eleven sw ayed up and down Kyle Field Thanksgiving Day. And just as the figures of the grimly fight­ ing gridiron gladiators were beginning to m erge with the dusk of the evening, the conflict ended in a 0-0 tie. From the view point of the cynical observer, the contest was lacking in several essentials which go into the composition of a crack gridiron exhibition— there was entirely too much fumb­ ling, and a noticable weakness in the offensive play of both elevens. But for the loyal s u p p o rte r of each school, the game was gripping, exciting, thrilling, gruelling, surprising— and so one might string out adjectival pyrotechnics, endlessly. There was som ething in the sound of the solid thud, with which tackler met runner th at indicated how hard each team was striving for the advantage. Varied Crowds in A ttendance All roads led to Bryan on Turkey In color, pulchritude, and loy­ Day. al enthusiasm the crowd was unbeat­ able. P re tty girls— the pretty girl is now becom ing as necessary a fea ­ tu re o f a high class gridiron combat as is th e "spirits-happy” “old grad” — w ere th ere in abundance. And th e O range and W hite chrysanthe­ m um s of these p re tty football fans m arched along very peaceably with khaki-clad escorts. Efficiency o f W ireless Station Is Due to W ork o f W ell-train ed Student O p eratives the the the report station, te rrito ry o f The fa st work was due to the e f­ Keeping n o t less than th ree sec­ onds behind each play the U niversity the “stayers wireless station gave the of behind” a direct Thanksgiving D ay gam e. “It was ju st like seein g the gam e, and lots more com fortable,” according to Col­ onel Prater. learn s Possess Strong D efensive The Thanksgiving Day game was the conflict o f two elevens, both pos­ sessed of a w ell-planned and determ­ ined defensive, seeking to place into effective operation an offensive, which at no tim e was well-sustained or It was a heart­ sm oothly-running. breaking game the Longhorn fo r eleven to lose. They kept the fight enemy, in throughout n early the whole o f the gam e— twice were the Orange and W hite w arriors w ithin the five-yard But it was not to be. The Farmer forwards a like a fo rts and skill o f the statio n o p er­ gam e ators. The reports o f w ere received and given to the an x ­ ious students by Gordon G ray , ac t­ ing m anager o f the and C harles Clark, Vv. E . G ray, and W er-| rad iu * of victory and glory, n e r D om berger, statio n operators. I t was their speed and accuracy th a t and backs, headed by a g ian t of gave the game play by play, the min- m an> b u r r a h , who played Ute they happened, to A ustin. The demon. proved an im passable barrier, plays w ere flashed d irectly from the football field a t College Station the moment they w ere com pleted a t the A. & M. station. Coach Bible p resen ted to the 15,- 000 spectators a n o th e r impenetrable It is true that the defensive eleven. I Longhdfha first seven reg istered i downs to the th ree marked up by the The station o p erato rs flashed tlMlI Aggies. B ut the Red and White line reports to several stations th a t sent which file® backs had found vulner- th e ir backs were in Q. S. T. calls. D erry G ardner, a I *bIe fou*h t once former s tu d e n t o f the U niversity, being scorched by im pending d e f e a b - board ship a t P o rt Labos, Mexico, w ith a *r i t t y ten ac ity o f purpose. D ennis and M cCullough Star called the station a t 11:30 p. rn. for the gam e, which was a report o f gladly returned. A, Q. S. T.,call was also received from Laredo, Texas, which was returned. Stations Ara Served range to T he o p erato rs o f the station are from all licensed men and first grade com m ercial second grade am ateu rs. S tu d en ts deserving special m ention for th e ir work along this line a re ; F ran k Rives, Reed Cranberry, G. E. Endress, W. E. G r a y , W erner Domberger and Charles Clark. 0 ---- Under-Salaried Professor Seeks Ill-Gotten Gains P ro fesso rs are ad m itted ly u n d er­ paid, b u t m ost people th in k th a t th ey are above an y o f th e blase trick s of g arn erin g golden shekels su rre p titi­ ously. Y esterd ay an o b servant stu ­ d en t saw one o f the m em bers o f the English fa c u lty in te n tly looking at one o f the p o sters displayed on the the co rrid o r of the Main walls o f Building for the purpose of creating interest in foreign peoples. E very Texas U niversity m an who saw action in th e stru g g le of giants gave ev ery th in g he had. In the Texas line, two figures stood out— Dennis and M cCullough. Both of these men were ap p earin g fo r th e last tim e in an O range and W hite fo o tball uniform— th ey m ade their farew ell performance a n e v e r to be fo rg o tte n one. Big Tom Dennis showed him self to be one o f the greatest Texas forwards o f all time. Through his side o f the line, every Aggie line attack was rendered puny and worthless by this blond-haired tackle. W henever the Farmer punter fell back for a punt, the remaining backs lined up in a tandem formation of Dennis’ side of the line. Despite the weight o f num­ bers thrown against him, Dennis hur­ ried the punter on every kick. Time after time, the pigskin seemed to graze the finger tips of the lungeing Dennis. M cCullough Justifies Name Hook McCullough m ore th a n ju s­ tified the title of p re m ie r Longhorn end o f all tim e, which so m any have bestow ed upon him. M cC ullough’s follow ing of the ball was uncanny— he recovered fumble a fter fumble of the Aggies backs. P la y s that started aro u n d McCullough’s end merely sta rte d , th ey g ained no ground. And, finally, it was th is marvelous wing­ m an ’,s clutching o f a pass, his escape from h a lf a dozen would-be tacklers and his 30 y ard dun which placed the ball on the F a rm e r IO y ard line, and seem ed to be th e tu r n in the tide for T exas. Murrah Star* for Aggie* B u t when one talks o f stars* PR& (Continued on Page 4) Tw0 of Mexican currency, Samuel D. W. Low**, who was being exchanged fo r gold by graduated from the School o f Law in governm ent, w e r e 1920, visited the class in equity Fri- the Mexican day m orning and spoke on the s u b -; poster. The hands o f je c t o f “The Law Practice in Mexico j the professor ran gently over the | dirty-green slips o f paper, He was C ity.” Lowe is a practicing attorney in the I trying to feel if they were genuine. to Mexican capital. He declared that justice is adm inistered th ere on the clouded his face, and with a sigh he continued his way down the cor­ basis o f the amount of money which ridor. Another avenue of gain had either th4 plaintiff or the defendant been closed to him. can afford to give the judge. o f disappointment A wan look 1 : S ' ” i THE DAILY TEXAN S h e I ' e x a n B a i h } t a ' F tart CoB*** D*Br I* * tk* es»pas rf «*• TJoirenrftT a t Toss* Of Ta* T im * * « •* « * P u h i* * * * -. Sml, t f t r r m an ta# Monday. &«„«. luTHals BtdMins. Telephone S lit F e ta l* be Utrfwtrftr j r f Tom* 9 M «» HmU by I7irf*s«r»y « pL.a* nu ofter * * »• Ent*r«r~ta-CMrf WM. HAMBY JACK Mars**tut Editor to build up a defense that with- *■» * “ *7 “f ” d ”tick i h i b * « a H h i p e x to date. this *m]Pe ?|1 Tw enty Years Ago: 1901 the onslaughts of the th*- * ‘" k and i c cream cone* were served to make the party seem more kiddish. ■ nod L onghorns; but force, together with the admitted ability of H urrah, Wilson and November 24.-—There are 744 I other Aggie stars, was not I enough to enable them to score; student* registered in the University a touchdown for a victory. a University and | white draped the walls The sophomores hod their class The outstanding feature of dance last Friday night at Eighth the entire pilgrimage to College Street Hall. The hail was decorate Station, as well as in the game with the Varsity colors of orange itself was the good sportsman- and white; festoons or orange and the students. Although table upon which punch wan served. A A M the A. & M. students are the The programs were adorned by o n e sworn and ancient enemies of , of Mr. Rector's choicest ladies and the University, they w e r e made pretty souvenirs of the occa- friendly enemies who extended to the visitors every courtesy, kindness and consideration. As far as can be learned, the un­ sportsmanlike and ungentleman­ ly incidents that have character­ ized A. & ML and Texas games in former years, were entirely absent last Thursday. Likewise, the conduct of the ten n ta should begin practice immediately ao as to be in form for the tourna­ ment. At r recent meeting of the Ten­ nis Association It ems decided to hold the annual Vanity tournament during the first week in December. int* Teated Everyone •ton. and In t e d b y Misa Besa Heflin, adjunct profes­ sor of home economics, has gone to Denton to attend a conference of teachers of vocational home econom- Teacher-trainen under the ICS. S m i t h - H u g h e s Act the h ig h s c h o o l t e a c h e r * of t h e s t a t e are meet­ a n d i n g w ith t h e s t a t e director*. From Denton Miss Heflin will go to Dallas to the meeting of the Stat* Teachers' Association. She will re­ turn to the University a t the end of the week. Cabaret L uncheon D ance, Austin Country Club, tod ay 2- early. 6. Make Phone 6721. T ick ets tw o d o l­ lars. D on’t miss a good party. reservation November 26.— At a recent meet­ ing the freshmen adopted a class cap. The cap is dark green trimmed with “old gold,” and it very neat and pretty. We understand that Freshman the Lumpkin gave a reception “Cuckoo Club,” and although the af­ fair was quite informal, most of the guest* wore full dress suits. to The freshman class in “math” ta groping its way through the inter­ minable labrynth of “trig” and “logs.” Your Good >earance A p p l means that you are not only careful of your dress, but of your hair, nails and of your skin. University Girls will find per­ fect satisfaction in our equip­ ment and service. MARINELLO L ad ies' E n tra n ce o f D risk ill P h o n e 4 0 1 4 -At M ueller’s Shoe Store. r n . SNAMAN’S The Greatest Sale of the Year Austin’s M ost Talked of Ready-to-Wear Event Starting This Morning at 8:30 o’Clock The Line* Which We have Reduced Include O u r Entire Stock of Ladies’ High-Grade Ready-to-Wear Garments, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Furs, Waists, Skirts, Tea-Gowns, Underwear, Millinery, Etc. No Phone Orders—N o Approval*— No Exchanges— No Refunds No C. O. D .’s SNAMAN’S Ladies’ Exclusive Ready-to-Wear and Millinery Put in your order* early for orange and w h ite chry*anth«- m um s for T hanksgiving. Con- n a lly ’s A ustin Floral C om pany. Wear a Texas Button lapel button, or A o t h e r jew elry with the University mono­ gram is a good thing to have. Every col­ lege m an ought to w ear the insignia of school. Our line of Texas em­ blem jew elry is the quality th a t you w ant — genuine m aterial, the b e s t enam eling and w orkm anship. Come in and look it over. You’ll like th e prices, too. Lapel Button* $1.00 to $5.50 M OTUL OILS GASOLINE United States Tires Instant Service F ree Air Courteous T reatm ent “ Your W ants are Our Commands’ MILLER’S GARAGE C heatham P arke, Prop. Robt. W. Dean, Service Mgr. Walk-Over Heavy Stitching Has Created a New Style Note Yes! we have all the new styles— oxfords and High-cut*— in att the new leathers, too. $ 8.50 and up ‘W alk-over Shoes” here exclusivcdy CARL H MUELLER c t Good Shoes-tiosiery • 0 6 C O N O P E S 5 A V E . rn THE LARGEST GARAGE IN TEXAS GET WISE A sk Your N eighbor A bout KAMP MARKET For Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 4 Deliveries Daily Phone your order in 6835 ax:' av roSur ‘'A .- s., ° may need. Phone 5345 6th and Congree: TOM t a 0. POLLARD Supernal n* Boaiaeaa Manager — --------— TTjtVth coppas U>L,“ 8tf f >T , r 1 — STAFF FOR TODAY Fraud* G wu«m w®*D.GK«4.ii - r e p o r t e r s Cfltlta* Miriam _ — Clara L Crook P a ttern sr Footta Broo Sekot* K atherine Shaw Beryl May Sarah Shannon A gatha M <• Larry R^h.rt Clark Erwin S*» it s Gordon Batler J*-%n Way B M Pool Saturday, November 26, 1921 •bident! of both institutions during the game was a fine ex , bibi ti on of good sportsm anship. Issue Editor • . to-A*,“ u2t The ardent yelling by the root- iers was unm arred by conten­ r::' tious incidents, or disrespectful wrangling. . . . . . The game itself demonstrated the fact th a t two teams, each above all things desiring to win, can still play clean and f air football. The game was not in terrupted by frequent penalties, vexatious quibbling, or unneces­ sary controversy. Even if the result had been a victory for one side, it was a fair and square game that could leave no bitter feeling in its wake. the -o— —-W -W. H. J. Although TEXAS VERSUS A. & M. of ""from cham pionship T hat the University pos- scd a better team this year The game Is now over, with the Southwestern Conference undetermined. ... Kyi. Ki.iJ last O iM ppointin, though t h . pant -,;r, is- s r ir a - « M S U ? ; r * w i s S T .,; ’ * S ! ¥ 5 S . i " and alumni, the spirit, the cour­ more attractive schedule a r­ age, the tenacity with which ra n g e d for next year and with every member of the Longhorn the return of many of our beg team fought demands the over­ players for the 1922 season, the whelming praise of every spec­ University of Texas should be tato r of the contest. And to the gin to work with a view of se- student who stops to consider ail the farts and circurnstan ces the curing th* conference pennant left c o n c l u s i o n is inevitable th at the next fall. The vacancies by the men who have now tie score of 0-0 is in reality a played their last game with the victory for Texas. Longhorns must be filled, a uni­ fied Texas spirit behind next than A. & M. ie generally ad- year's team must be aroused: mined without argument. With j the prospects are promising and our wealth of material, we had j there i* work enough for every several players for every p o si-1 Longhorn supporter. lion and quite a number of men of stellar ability. Considering; brawn and football skill, T e x a s Thanks are due the men who was in line to win the Turkey i operated I the University wire­ (lass station on Thanksgiving way classic. But the failure of the L ong-1 Day so^ efficiently that reports horns to break the tie score re- of the Texas-A. & M. game were suited not from fault or lack of received in Austin a few sec- brilliant playing on their part.ionds after the play had taken but from the spirit that made I place on Kyle Field. Through it possible for the Farm ers to this means University students place a stone wall in the face who were unable to make the of practically every Longhorn j trip to College Station were sup- alay. The Aggies held the econ‘ plied with accurate news of the to a tie “ju st because they had game. to,” which answer, though ap­ parently childish, indicate* the determining psychology of the game. The soldier who goes to war on a foreign field may fight valiantly and with a devout prayer for victory, but the odds are in favor of the man who fights in defense of his home­ land and that he holds most dear. So it was that the Aggies were animated by one of the greatest and most impelling spirits that can influ­ ence man—-defense of the home field and the old tradition that A. & M. should not be defeated on Kyle Field. November 24.—The Cactus Board held its fifth meeting of the year Wednesday. General plana have been consummated and temporary assign­ ment made to the members of the board, but much yet remains to be j worked out in the m atter of details.' All appointments to the board are understood to be tentative only, th e; question of remaining on the board depending upon the work done b y; the appointee. Those not doing their share of the work will be dropped from the board. November But it is not to be intim ated from what has been stated that the Longhorns did not go into the game with the determ ina­ tion to do their utmost to win. Every man on Coach W hitaker's squad was fighting to win and every player was animated by a passion to defeat the Aggies 26.—The Engineers on their own field. The differ­ v,„0 . The I xxnghorns *ave 8 meaJ dance in the west draw- ence was th is: were fighting an offensive gam e ing **2® of the ^ ff^ e rm g Mid* to win a victory, while the Ag- mg\ The seniors appeared in their gies were playing a defensive (i“ Unctr*e uruforms* which con- game to prevent a defeat. A n d ,8lste(i of khakl trouser® and hloe the fact that several times d u r -P hirts’ Representatives the mg the game the Longhorn^, by engineering departments of the Un!-j a series of brilliant plays, a1- ; v««itte» of Oklahoma, Nebraska, and I there. Alexander. most accomplished the reputed Arkanfca* wer€ i°y°us and! impossibility of scoring and win- Frederk k CUir« was ning the game, rebounds to the ^tfae—hia £*1* <**? " r n s hand. credit and glory of the Texas November 26.— The first try-outs for the intercollegiate debating team j gjggg£ l8Rt ni*ht. Twenty-one! FROM O U TEXAN FILES U n iv e r s it y A c tiv itie s T w e n t y a n d T e n Y e a r s A g o as R e p o r t e d la t h e C o l u m n s o f T h e T e x a n ... '....d ••’•N' sussmiHOMiMOM »o< m \ m m IMM ■..tumiWMwtawMmuwwiiamawniiiiiaiiiMmwmntaMiBMMMwaw As it has been the invariable waH held the past t e n !men were selected by the judges, giving them good and sufficient ma­ terial for the final preliminaries. At the finals a team of six men will bt custom during years th at A. Bl M. win from Texas on Kyle Field, the fact that the game Thursday re­ sulted in a tie is in itself a vie-1 nA«cUd. of Ute tory for Varsity', The psycho- J Th<* annual Babv Show logical effect of the game being Om an’s council was held last night, played on A. & M /s home field ITh* * trl* appeared in romper*, ap- made It possible for the Aggies!*00** short dresses, and sock*. There T e n Y e a r s A g o : 1911 things ■ _j ^ from the 'Mi THE DAILY TEXAN parents in Bryan during the Thanks- j that time— and these show best in giving holidays. the early morning hours. J. R. Manning, B.B.A., spending the week end in Austin '21, is Green ribbons must hereafter be I worn by all freshmen girls o f the Buddie Rose is visiting friends in i Oregon Agricultural College who at- * ____________ _______ /-< n . . . L - * i G ir ls W e a r R i b b o n s Houston this week end. i tend upperclass dances. of Wichita Falls are guests at the Alpha Tau Omega house. H. B. Williford of Mexia, is visit- k g his b rother, a student in the Uni- versity. . ----------—o ........ — Girl* o n D e b a t i n g T e a m For the first time in five years, a girl has been selected for the debat - ing team at the University of Kan- Sam Lane is a guest at the Chi Phi , I t house. j -’.as. C arrie B el T b o n a i E d ito r Delta Delta Delta Sorority com­ memorated their thirty-third anniver­ s e Wednesday, November twenty- hird. Mrs. Wells, charter member >f the Texas University Chapter, gave in interesting resume of the found- ng and early history of the chapter. Elise Irwin, Katherine Brougher, ^'ranees Kemp, and Ellen Ada Stephens of the Alpha Delta Pi house attended the A. & M. game and re­ named over for the Thanksgiving ances. Herbert Ash, E. E. Bentley, and the R d. b . Archer are visiting at Margaret Montgomery of New Or­ leans is a guest at the Theta house. Acacia house. tain pen with engraving R. B. Re­ turn or call Rosalie Biggio, Newman — 23 Hall and receive re ward. DR. WILLIAM E. BERGMAN, suite 905 Littlefield Building, dental surgeon and pyorrhea specialist, of­ fice phone 2538, Austin, Texas. — tf A NEWLY furnished bedroom, con -! venient to hot and cold water and I garage. Apply at 1684 San Jacinto1 I Street. Gentlemen preferred. — 26 j STUDENTS— Good, first class bar­ ber service at the Hall of Fame, Palace Barber Shop, next door to —tf ' Kress. ; WANTED— A student to teach a child music on the mandolin gui­ tar in excange for room rent, phone —23 13667. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION in type­ writing and shorthand by experi­ Individ­ rates. — 24 enced commercial teacher. ual attention. Reasonable Phone 4704. last Saturday night. LOST— An overcoat at the German found, please return to 2610 Guadalupe or — 28 phone 6638. If TAKEN by mistake from first S. P. special returning from A. & M. gaberdine coat. Please return same to Tom Dix and receive his own coat 7375, and liberal reward. — 26 609 West Sixteenth. Phone F i n a l E x a m s Pass A w a y Final exams are a thing o f the past in the Wharton School of* the The University of Pennsylvania. dean of that school believes that the time may be better spent in co-ordi­ nating the work of the term. Two weeks will be spent on this here­ after. CLASSIFIEDS WANTED— A coach in English I. Third or fourth year student pre­ — 24 ferred. Phone 8142. LOST— Gold fountain pen with ini­ tials A. T. Return to or call Ag­ nes Townsend, Newman Hall. Re­ — 23 ward. LOST— Lower part of silver foun- 1 i" .. Scatter Sunshine With Greeting Cards Beautifully designed engraved per­ sonal greetings—prompt engraving service* Christmas seals, tinsel, cards, tissues, stickers, marking cards, name cards, place cards, tallys, crepe and tissue. Shop Early THE E. L. STECK CO. 909 Congress Avenue Claude McCann from Victoria is visiting at the Sigma Chi house. Katherine Lilliard is a guest at the Pi Phi house. Alma Rhodes will spend the week end in San Antonio. Virginia Parchman and Margaret Marsh are in Bryan for the week end. Louise Montgomery of Wichita Falls is visiting at the Theta house. Frances Lewis is the guest of Anna Beth Lockett in Houston. Grace Jarrett of Valley Mills is vis­ iting the Delta Delta Delta house for the week end. Edythe Buie, who has been ill at P. and S. Hospital, has recovered. Delphine Popham of Dallas is a guest of Miriam Collins at 305 West 19th street. Stella Slade remained over in Col­ lege Station for the A. & M. dances. Cilia Whitt of Lockney, a graduate of the class of 1921, is visiting friends in Austin for the week end. Elizabeth Stamps returned yester­ day from her home in Seguin, where she spent Thanksgiving. S OF OTHERS M artha M cC oy, E d ito r F o c h R e c e iv e s H o n o r a r y D e g r e e * Columbia University bestowed the degree on Marshal Foch, marshal of France, generalissimo of the Allied Armies, and member of the French Academy of Arts and Letters, on November 19. in J a p a n G le e C lu b M ay S in g Japanese booking agency is anx­ ious to sign up the glee club o f the University of Washington for a tour through the principal cities of Japan ; during Jan u ary and February. All the expenses of the men and a per­ centage of the gate receipts have been promised. Washington’s base­ ball team is touring Japan at pres­ ent. They have won l l out of 15 games, and are the first team to have defeated the University of Waseda. T r a c k M e n to T r a v e l of Officials the Oxford-Cam- bridge relay carnival have invited the coach of the track team of the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania to send rep­ resentatives to England to compete in the first annual relay carnival. I n d o o r T e n n i s R e v i v e d Six courts for indoor tennis will be laid out at Cornell during the winter term . This sport has not been on the calendar several years. for Hazel Graham of Gainesville, Texas, a member of the 1921 class, is visiting friends in the University. Alma Kernole is visiting her grand D a n c e in E a r l y M o r n i n g From 1:00 a. rn. to 6:00 a. rn. are the hours for a party to be given at the University of Utah. The dance is for the astronomy class and they expect to look at the planets at EXTRA PANTS FREE With Your Suit H ere’s your chance to get a suit made to your m easure with an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS ABSOLUTELY FREE. This is just like having two suits. The extra trotters give you additional wear. Choose Your Material Today. EVERY SUIT WE M AKE IS G U A R A N TE E D B. D. FORD, 103 Ea*t Sixth Thomas Sanders and Charles tin k le are spending the week end n Houston. Freinch Tarkington of Cuero is {•isiting at the Delta Chi house. D. Yager of Abilene is visiting at | he Delta Kappa Epsilon house. Philip Ezell of Palestine is visit- ®-og at the Delta Tau Delta house. John Reddestg of Lufkin is visit­ ing at the Delta Theta Phi house. Chas. M. Dittert of Bellville is vis­ aing at the Delta Theta Phi house. Douglas English is visiting friends fa the city. louston. George Hamilton is visiting in H. Patterson is here from Uvalde [isiting firends. Pat Holmes of Seguin is visiting it the Phi Gamma Delta house. Captain Claude Rogers of Camp Travis is visiting friends here. Robert Nelmns is visiting friends h Dallas. Ed. Lange and A. J. Benton of fun Antonio are visiting at the Sig- ta Nu house. Murry Ezzell of San Antonio is isiting at the Theta Xi house. Miss Lucy Newton expects to re- I1 im to Austin tonight after attend- |ig the conference of the deans of the of omen from the colleges authwest this week in Dallas. Dovie Smith spent Thanksgiving San Marcos visiting relatives. Fay Shelton and Mildred Coop- ood spent Thanksgiving San areos. in Robert L. Cowan, a student in the Eiversity medical branch at Gal­ lon, is visiting friends in the Unl- nrsity. I K Pat aPatterson of Uvalde lest at the Phi Gamma Delta house. is I Walter Hall and Allan Montgomery COMING! COMING! COMING! This Is Your Call to Pre­ pare for Christmas. ^ £ i i i i motley G reeting Cards and U sable G ifts P aper D ecorations Coin and B ill Cases T ags Seals W rapping Paper T w ine T insel Cord G um m ed Ribbons Cards Labels Tissue We have them all. New designs, refined and beau­ executed. Come tifully for an early selection. University Co-op W.H. Richardson & Co. DAYLO FLASHLIGHTS AND BATTERIES UNIVERSAL VACUUM BOTTLES W ARRANTED -H IG H G R A D E POCKET KNIVES GUNS, RIFLES AND U.M.C. AMMUNITION 416 Congress Avenue CLEANING—PRESSING—ALTERATIONS E xpert W orkm anship and Service R easonably Priced UNIVERSITY TOGGERY SHOP BROYLES & ROSE Phone 3090 2302 Guadalupe Only when we have righted any possible error and made you feel our interest and willingness to serve you in every way have we accomplished th e full purpose of our service. DRISKILL HOTEL LAUNDRY Phone 6444 LOOKERS CAFE Ask the Old Studes LOOKE BROS., Props. Phone 735 620 Congress Quality Service Home of WHITMANS CANDIES GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY 900 Congress Ave. “ « « SAN ANTONIO & AUSTIN BUS LINE Cars Leave §pn Antonio, 6:00 A. M.—Arrive in Austin, 9:30 A . M. 12:30 P. M. 9:00 A. M,— “ 3:30 P. M. - - “ 12:00 M. 6:30 P. “ 3:00 P. M.— M . 9:30 P. “ 6:00 P. M.— M. Cars Leave Austin, 6:00 A. M.~-Arrive in San Antonio, 9:30 A. M. 12:30 P. M. M. 3:30 P. 6:30 P. M. 9:30 P. M. “ “ « “ “ “ “ “ “ “ * 9:00 A. M.— 12:00 M. — 3:00 P. M.— 6:00 P. M.— Round Trip, $5.00 3 0 8 C o n g re** -One Way, $2.75 - P h o n e 6 2 2 7 JiiimiMMttlNiUMMil IIIIHIfiffl««»M wmn«M iiiniUHiM miimmiiiiuiiutniliimiUM IwinumtMlMllimH(WWMWi ttiitfniHHiiittUHWuiHimiiniimwHiiiNuiiiiiHiitiioimtiuiftiiiMittm I S 3 C. M. MILLER I Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Varnishes, Window Glass and Painters’ Supplies Picture Framing a Specialty 807 Congress Avenue RMMHMBII MRS. IDA MAE PAGE FALLON “Modiste” We m ake evening kowns on short notice. I will per- onally supervise any buying. Our gowns are dis­ tinctive. 806 Congress (Up Stairs) P h one 4536 Prices R eaonable m im r n iTinin i................................... M i MAZDA LAMPS S H A D E S — STUDENT LAMPS—SUPPLIES A. E. HANCOCK CO. 908 Congress Ave. Phone 6198 Hello—Everybody come around to J O S E P H ’ S Phones 6325—6335 A Hearty Welcome Awaits You At Courtesy “Free Delivery’ Satisfaction THE UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP Where Quality and Service Reigns Supreme THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I AM A LIFE MEMBER OF THE DON’T WORRY CLUB AND THAT I ALONE CAN FORFEIT MY MEMBERSHIP M. SILVER, Organizer HEADQUARTERS IN DRISKILL BARBER SHOP F i m " . ■ s t " ™ ; - I T ? i t ! 1 1 n ‘ ; i n ; ! n i n e . ' t i u h : E yes E xam in ed -—G lasses F itted J. THOMAS WARD Optometrist— 7 18 Congress— Optician ‘To see well, see Ward THE DAILY TEXAN the middle of the field session o f the Aggies. in the pos­ thrown upon each face from a spot­ light. Ball Throws Light Line-up: Texas McCullough ........... Wilson Position A. & M. Pena ...... Winn Vowell ............ Murrah From the center of the chamber thare was suspended a huge revol­ ving silver ball, upon whose surface multi-colored thrown City th a t is », - from several spotlights, sending back pictures of the metropolis froms the rays af vari-colored lighU upon the I backgToand 0f “ Puppets of F ate,” dancers, A portion of the life of New York frequently overlooked 4n lights were T exas H - Swenson .... .................. Dubois Harmonius decorations stars in “Umphville,” a “Rubes” ^ mal I-town skit th a t uses clever dia­ logue and a little music as a back­ ground for her work. Al Wohlman in “The G raduate” • g°0<“ f l0 .*Ct’ w ith new son** a P a v in g baritone, and rapid-fire , ch atter in between 1 -u atter rn between. Other numbers include two aero- FOR THE LADY FOR THE MAN The Best Hosiery Value in Am erica Hill .................. Dietrich Dennis ........,..... ... C a ru th e rs c o n s i s t e d ^ ,. stor>. is concerned with the lives llv*>y mow showing at the Texas T heater.! hatic ami contortionist acts, and some m wh,cn the audlence of a stage, done in blue, red and yel­ low lights around the walls, and an orange and white border along each side of the prom enade of the pro­ cession. O ther Feature* Added of Gabriel and Sorrentina, and be- La^ts £i * aFv I gins with Gabriel’s d ep artu re for the and America. Viola E n t e r t a i n your friends at the new world, Dana create- an appealing ch arac-1 C a c tu 5 T e a Room. The food s e r v j c e are as unusual > te r in the role ot the young Italian a an cj , wife who remains in Venice, looking r j (h e s u r r o u n d in g , . 0------------ - L. E. L. T. L. G. C. R. G. R. T. r . rn. Q. B. L. H. R. JI. F. B. THANKSGIVING FRACAS HAS RESULT IN SCORELESS TIE (Continued from Page One) Hurrah, the gigantic guard of the Aggies, must be lauded. Hurrah was just about the whole A. &. M. team. One would be safe in saying th at H u r­ rah had a hand in two-thirds of the tackle* made by the Aggies. This big fellow wa* all over the field—■ tackling, blocking kicks, knocking peases, and inspiring his team -m ates with fight. W ithout Murrah, A. & M. would have been hopelessly beaten. For no man ever stood up better un­ der a heavy load than did this for­ ward— during the entire game he was caring for, and caring for very well, indeed, three and four of the Longhorn forwards. Backfield Plays W ell Among the backfield performers, missed by a few inches. Sanders who had gone in for M iller punted out of danger. During the rest of the firs! half, the ball hugged the center of the field. L o n g h o r n B a n d D r i l l s During the intermission between halves, the T -xas Longhorn Band, a swell looking organization in all th eir i paraphernalia of Jazz, got a groat nar d by their playing and drilling upon the field. The C adet Corps then, took the ft* Id and gave a m atch­ less exhibition o f cheering and group drill. The Cadets put a snap and a whip into their yelling which is in­ imitable. The third q u a rte r was largely a repetition of what had gone before. Neither team was able to make a continued advance the rock-like defensive of the opposition. During this q u a rte r a num ber o f sub­ stitutions were made by both team s. For T*'xas, G ray w ent in fo r Vowell; for face of in for First D o w n s Infre*qu#r»t W atson Adds Strength for P en a; Domingues Tyne*, and Tynes fo r Robertson. there were no out-standing players. I fiurrts for Texas, Tynes kepi Although, squirming hi* way through the Aggie line small gains; R o b e rta s punted well; Elam ran first class in­ terference for his backs; and Watson threatened to exhibit, a t times, flashes of his one time speed of foot. W eir of the Aggies who was playing his first full game of the year ripped through the Texas forw ards for oc­ casional gains. W ith the appearance of Rats W at­ son upon the field soon a fte r the be­ ginning of the fourth qu arter, the strategy of tho game was m aterially changed, W atson called for a b a r­ rage of passes, and it was one of these passes which Hook McCullough m anaged to pull f r ow a half dozen grasping hands that placed the ball on the Aggie IO yard line. MeCul- From the .t a r t of the Kame, it wa. louKhi , kimmtng s iong the ride line evident , th at the contort w a, to b e ; Hk, , frig htone.l bird, eluded aevoral hard fought. Both tea m , found dif- ta c k le r,- and only a fine tackle by ficulty safety man brought him re- , h(. for A n t *""> ». down. Stacey, who had gone in tow, quired yardage shifti wt.n t through There wa, but tween the punting of Robertaon a n d ) Domingues waa good Miller. The handling of punt, by ro r on|y j yard. On the third down, Miller, the Aggie safety man, w»«| B uckner, an Aagia h»lf, the onijr HNB m iserable—Texas recovered half of between Stacey and the line, brought her own punts. It was beautiful t<> j ^ Texas half down for no gain. On watch the way both pairs of fot]rth down, McCullough made a w ent down under th eir punts. Wil­ heroic effort to gather in a pass, but son of the Aggies and McCullough could not cluth the pigskin. o f the Longhorns took no chances w ith a long retu rn , but smashed into the high the the receiver spirals descended safety m an’s arms. little to choose be- TyI1M oft „ y , rijj in m a k i n g T exas Use* Passe* instant into ends I t h e the Again by passes, and a running at­ tack, the the Texas eleven carried ball to within striking distance of the i goal. Unable to pierce the Aggie line I for additional yardage, Watson called j for a place kick. Stacey attem pted to boot the oval between the bars from J the 32 yard line on a place kick. On I the pas*, Watson fumbled, momen­ tarily, and the kick was blocked by I the ever alert Murrah. Murrah Blocks Kick Another attem pt to send over a field g*»al, this time from the 62 yard | line came very close to being fatal. M urrah blocked the kick. The ball rolled toward the Longhorn goal line, I with three Farm ers in bot pursuit; J but McCullough, alive to ail emergen­ cies recovered for Texas. The game ended with the bai] In BEAUTY DESIGNS in BAGS and LADIES MESH VANITY CASES Our Prices Right JOE KOEN & SON Jew elers Ju st off the Avenue on Sixth NO WOMAN KNOWS F a it Play la Fir*! Q uarter The first q u arter and the early portion of the second found the ball near the center of the field. But in the second quarter, a fumble by Mil-! ler which Coit, who had gone in to j rest the injured McCullough, recov­ ered came near proving disastrous.! With the ball on the Aggie 26 yard line, MeCallum and Ty nos quickly made first down- Tynes was playing g reat bail. With the ball on the 16 yard line, a touchdown seemed cer­ tain, for the Orange and White back* were hitting harder, and finding the j holes better, than at any other time in the game. Tynes went over right tackle for 4 yards. And, now, came the break which likely cost Text* a touchdown. Robertson darted away on an off-tackle brush; Big Dennis had cleared a path for his back, but Robertson slipped and waul thrown for a ioaa. Tynes hit the line for a 3 yard gam. With five yards to go, and fourth down, Robertson passed: to Dennis. At the official! thought the distance had been made, j The tape showed th a t first down was first, J. R. REED Austin's Leading Music House Let Uc Watch Your Teeth DR. GUFFIN and associates D entists Phone 7889 — 612 W Congress We do your work now - DONNELLY & WHITE I Plumbing and Heating Contractors 805 Congress Ave. Phone 131 | Conklin Pens Moore Elam Robertson MeCallum Tyn es Evans Morris Miller Weir Pinson the ja te r a8 an During the evening music was ^or jette r th at never comes, and played by the Mandolin Club, im m igrant arriving in Glee Club, and the Austin C h o ra l! Ntew York. The search for Gabriel Club sang, w hile the Austin Commu- m New York and th eir final meet- nity players presented a short play, -n^ SUppijf>* the m aterial for a quaint “The Very Naked Boy.” orchestra furnished music fo r dana*. A good comedy is the added at- S h a k e rs an<) pathetic story. {Taction with “ Puppets of F ate.” the Officials: Referee, Cochran, Kala­ mazoo; Umpires, Tipson, Kansas; H. L. Venne, Haskell. ■■mw "■ - Wmm i Ow"- **«mm ANNUAL FETE IS THANKSGIVING'S NOTABLE AFFAIR An attendance of a the fair-sized crowd characterized reception. Refreshm ents were served in the ro­ tunda as the progressed. The variety of the en tertain m en t de­ lighted the guests, and a ffa ir was m arked by an atm osphere of vic­ tory and pleasure. o ------------- evening the ( Continued from Page One) GIRLS SE E K WORK M a je stic A theatrical old-tim er brings his two best vaudeville prospects of the season for the big act on the Majestic bill this week. The act com bines1 dancing, singing, and “stu n t” a c tin g ,| with special costuming fo r the vari- i Otis phases. The two girls are of un­ usual attractiveness and ability for esses ft child seated Sn a box and borne on the shoulders of two por­ the to ters, distributed program s guests, as the procession passed. When the coronation ceremonies w ere finished, the cortege proceeded to the hall of the House of Repre­ sentatives where Miss Kelly with P erry P o rte r as her partner led the grand march of the reception. As the queen and her duchesses passed into the hall, a dazzling light was secretary, reporta th a t a num ber o f L girls have applied p a y m e n t. The g.rla a re eager to earn money for the Christm as boll days. There are some particularly interesting openings for students in-, threated in psychology. One ap p li-! cation fo r nursing, and several for stenographic work are a t present in the hands of the Y .W . C. A. MIM Josephine Bud.l, Y. W. C. A. j ' ^ m i a m deMUle'. satire, “In 1999," It prc. | to her for • m - L enU th(, home.breaker>s triangle as with the mascuIine ^ ^ 9(1C0n(J for honor8 jt ^ ^ I and feminine roles reversed. The first and best of feminine I Dr. T. F. Cox Dentist Scarbrough Bldg. F resh Cakes, Pies Pastries and Bread IT T Y E L L . i • B E F E D W E L L a sot-q Lavaca St HANCOCK “ OPERA HOUSE1 1 Bert Lytell in n A Trip to Paradise'’ Also The Austin Film Library Presents “The Holy City" Pal Pencils will not jam CHAS. H. RAVEY Jew eler % Block From High Prices 106 W est 6th INDIA TIRES BUILT FOR THE MAN W HO WANTS THE BEST F red P. H art W. B THE HART TIRE CO. Corner 5th and Brazos St. Phone 6283 Road Service itMjvKitBWWitMHMmmfmuii.inmMiitumuiimttMHriiHMttiiSiisjoatwuMti EAGLE AUTO SERVICE Cadillac 8 ~ 6 —Day or Night— sT anT ™ 3 2 9 3 S t a n d " 011 W - 7 t h S t - JOE OYERVIDES, Proprietor ttBBHBHHKWIUHIfM HHWMWHri Hmm WMWIII ti WUU Box* Stationery and University Seal T ablet and Box at MATTHEWS DRUG STORE 1612 Lavaca Phone 6645 Majestic I B IG T I M E V A U D E V I L L E Msitin** rn. 3 : 0 0 p N igh t 9 : 1 5 p. WILLIAM ROCK N a n c y W e lfo r d W ith H e ly n Eby in S o n g s, and C h a r a c te r S tu d ie s. and Dances DOROTHEA SADLER and Company P r e s e n t in g W. C. DeMille'a S a t ir e — “ In I W S ” AL WOHLMAN Th*- G r ad u ate WHITEFIELD IRLEAND U m p us-ville STAGPOLE AND SPIER A u s t r a lia ’* S u rp rise D u o THREE LEES W a tc h th e P ip e NO WOMAN KNOWS Boys! Look! Suits Cleaned and pressed ................. $ .70 ..........30 Suits p re s s e d Ladies suits Cleaned and pressed................ 70 No-D-Lay-Cleaners- Dyers 119 E. 6th St. W R I G H T ’ S Auto Service Cars for Hire With or Without Drivers Driverless Buicks and Fords Maverick Comer Phone 7711 DAY OR NIG HT SWANN FURNITURE AND CARPET COMPANY W e Build More Homes CHAS. H. RAVEY Jeweler Block From High Prices 106 West 6th Y our Friend*, Von Boeckmann- Jones Co. Printers 401 Congress Ave. Phone 6598 Rugs Cleaned 203 W. 6th St mss F or Your Appearance Sake Send Your Cleaning and Dyeing To K E L L Y S M I T H The S u p r e m e M otion P ic tu r e of All T im e D. W. Griffith’s Original Production W ith All These Stars W A L L A C E R E ID L IL L IA N G IS H H E N R Y B . W A L T H A L L M A R Y A L D E N M A E M A R S H D O N A L D C R IS P 3 0 0 0 Horse* 1 8 0 0 0 P e o p le O verture “A R e m in isc e n c e o f E v e r la s tin g S o u t h e r n T u n e s ” November 28, 29, 30 ju st shipm ent re­ New ceived— in the most pop­ ular num bers and colors. Pure thread silks, pure dyes.— Priced lower th an Hosiery of its Quality. One trial m akes a regular customer. Holeproofffosi- Men Its economy to w ear Holeprooj Big value— Long service— DRISKILL BEAUTY SHOP Mrs. F rith o f Schneider TURKISH BATHS AND BODY MASSAGE Full Line o f Combes and Hair Goods.— Also Toilet Articles 23 Y etr’s Experiment© 114 ET 6th St. 2nd Door From Lobby v Phones 7802-78 WUKASH BROS. JOE WUKASH Fancy Groceries Exclusive Home Cooking Fruits and Picnic Lunches 2002 G uadalupe St. 2000 G uadalupe St. Phone 6305 HOME S T E A M L A U N D R Y Phone 3702