® ex a ti S om ebody Southern D em ocrats don’t e x ­ suggest* that if press th em selves, the L eague o f N atio n s op position w ill be c a ll­ ing this th e S tolid South. LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS DISCUSSION ON LEAGUE GOVERNMENT PROFS READ AND EXPLAIN ARTICLES OF PACT STUDENT FIDELITY DECLARED IN BILL PASSED YESTERDAY TM. weather d ew . here ie too lor te c h J e B c e t . - r e - S„n,.boJ, Wed « flop.! our*- First C ollege Daily in the South VOL. X X . A U ST IN , T EX A S, SA T U R D A Y M O R N IN G , J A N . IO, 1920. NO . 6 6 IH E STARTS SISON TONIGHT WITH NORMAUTES PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTESTS ARE TO BEGIN THIS MONTH I UHAS OF LEAGUE AND TREATY GIVEN BY VARSITY PROFS LETTERS OFFERED IN WRESTLING BY ATHLETIC COUNCIL G irls A re E ligib le for T w o P rizes— In tercollegiate D e­ bates B egin in A pril One F avors R eservations and A n oth er Is for L eague W h ile D isapproving T reaty Instructor C. P. Rumph A n ­ nou n ces D ecision to A w ard “TV* to M at M en on th e S q u a d ;etbsU S T " w i l l have their | aportunity to see the V ars.ty the i„ action tonight, when ^ Texas Normal aggrega- ,« meet Coach Whitaker's tossers. The frame is to be )r less of the practice variety, -he Varsity squad is still fa r selected» but it is nevertheless ®*luad rst app«*rance °* jar. j the large squad of men out , team, it has been hard to get am working in its best form, eginning with tonight’s game, pad will assume a more def- ihape. men who have been showing ll in practice and from whom Whitaker will select tonight s Forwards—Newman, ire: teViney, and I^e Dittert; Duckett, Ch as. Dittcrt and (Capri) , Guards— Russell and Harris. Hill, Penn McCullough, all-state guard year’s team, is still under the r, and has been unable to get biform. He is expected to into shape before long, how- game tonight has been called i6 in the Men’s Gym on the ay. As yet, the Normalitee it announced their line-up, but game is expected. om Is to Pop; Cheer to Flow At Cabins Today Jammy Cabin and Oak Lodge iring a jolly time to the Co­ sy. What could be more in- >n a cold day than a warm, aplace—when there’s popcorn idy aplenty? « of girls will leave the a Gym at l l , 12, I and 2 Choose yoni cabin, bring pcom and sugar, and m ast at I ready for a good time. INADE FOR J "TAIN CLUB PLAY I* Elected to M em ber- •hip—Duffy W ill D irect Activities of C lub •Hon P. H. Ling is the first man elected to membership in the Club this year. Mr. lin g has e an extensive study of both a scenic effects and modern e Certain Club has finally com- - a* p ans for its dramatic pre­ en s this year, and the details e bounced in The Texan in re*r future. The Curtain Club lWa7s had the policy of present­ l y 5* which combine dramatic l i n e a l Qualities as well aa 7 and artistic merit. • Du:fyt chairman of the di- °f visual instruction of the rittient of Extension, will di- * w°rk of the club this year. t has p rob ab ly had more ^dramaHc evporivnep than any University, having on occasions taken parts on Dan Boone of Wichita Falls offers a cash prize of $100 annually to those students who excelt in extem­ to certain pore speaking pursuant rules and regulations. The contest is open to all undergraduates who at the time of the first preliminary contests are members in good stand­ ing of one of the University liter­ ary societies or public speaking so­ cieties or clubs. The final contest will be held on the first Tuesday night in March. The subjects chosen for discussion ‘‘The League of are as follows: Nations,” for .boys, and “ Woman Suffrage in Texas,” for girls. Rep­ resentatives from each literary so­ ciety will meet in the first prelimi­ nary contest before the third Tues­ day in February. The semi-final preliminary will be held on the aft­ ernoon of the third Friday in Febru­ ary, as the result of which six women and six men students will be selected for in March. Fifty dollars will go to the winner of each division. final public contest the F reshm an C ontest. Any freshman may compete in the freshman declamation contest that will be held Tuesday night, February 3. For the first time, women first- year students will be allowed to par­ ticipate in this contest. The various literary societies will hold preliminaries some time during the next week, not later than Satur­ day night, January 17. The final preliminaries among society repre­ sentatives will be held on the afte r­ noon of January 23 in the audito­ rium of the Law Building. In the final public contest on Tuesday night, February 3, there will be six men and six women students. Dr. E. P. Wilmot, president of the Austin National Bank, offers a prize of $25 to the winner in each division. In terco lleg ia te D ebates. Debates will be held with Utah and Arizona during April in Austin. Teams will be sent to Oklahoma and Colorado some time in the first two weeks in April. To determine the University de­ bating team and the winners of the A. P. B arrett and Woodie Gilbert prizes, amounting to $200, a contest will be held on the night of Tuesday, February IO. The Texas State intercollegiate oratorical contest will be held here the latter p art of April. ----------- o ..... — FO RM ER U . O F T. P R O F. RE- P O R T E D H O NO RED . News has reached the University that Jae*b Anton de Haas, former instr actor in the School of Business Administration, is now a professor in business training in the University of Rotterdam, Holland. Mr. De Haas taught here several years, leaving in 1917, after which he spent two years in the University of Washington aa instmete*. MILITARY SYSTEM BEING DISCUSSED BY UNIYERRSHIES Dr. R. E. Vinson, President of the University of Texas, will return to the city next Monday from Wash­ ington, D. C., where he has been a t­ tending the National Association of State Universities, of which the Uni­ versity of Texas is a member. The body kl considering the question of a system of military training to be universal for the state universities of the country. A committee was named to investigate the m atter and *o report to the association* and as a member of this committee Dr. Vin­ in Washington since son has been last week meeting with the other It will not be known committeemen. until Dr. Vinson’s return what course will be re co m m en d e d by the commit­ tee in regard to military train lag Patterson Is E loquent in D e­ fe n se o f L eague— H istory Ju stifies It BLALOCK-PEDDY WRANGLE R ousing D eb ate on R eserva­ tions— B and C ontributes to L ively Program “The League of Nations now pre­ sented is a fire departm ent with some power to help extinguish the flames of war which can not be pre­ vented while the world is made up of i inflamable material and while a peace of revenge, like the one we have for consideration, is in force. Nevertheless, because I believe in a League of Nations, and because the ; league is so bound up with the peace treaty that the two are inseperable in issue, I shall vote for both. I do 1 not believe the treaty will make for peace, but a chance.’ ” say ‘give them I This, in brief, is one professor’s i position with regard to the accept­ ance of the League of Nations and the peace treaty to be voted on by faculty members and students in every American university on Jan u ­ ary 13. Letters will be awarded in w rest­ ling this year, according to a state­ ment made yesterday by C. P. Rumph in wrestling, yesterday instructor afternoon. So fa r it has been im­ possible to secure any inter-scholas­ tic meets in any weights, but as the sport is an im portant one anyway, ! the Council thought it advisable to | give “ T V ’ in spite of this handicap. Rules for giving the letters have j not as yet been definitely drawn up jin all details. As stands now, there will be an elimination meet I 11 t* r t* W Iii some time during the spring term in which a University champion for each weight will be determined. The men who come out a t the top will re­ ceive letters. I t is possible th a t the ones who are runners-up in the tour­ nament will be given “T-seconds,” al- ! though this has not been as yet def- | initely stated. it l/t* OII V.1 I i I > I > i *• V* V» • * , . T reaty a P unishm ent. B o x in g Included. A ssem b lv A lso A ccep ts J a c k ­ son’s R esign ation and P ro­ vid es for E lection I t Resolutions to the effect th at the University of Texas, due to the spirit o ~ jn r e s t th a t exists in the United States a t the present time, declares its fidelity anti devotion to the Presi- dent of the United States anti the Constitution, were read and adopted at a meeting of the Students’ Assem­ bly at 4:30 p. rn. yesterday. These resolutions are to be put into mime- ographic form and spread over the campus, and are to be signed by the student body and then sent to Washington. “This is a chance for every man and woman in the University to vote intelligently on a momentous ques­ tion,” was the statem ent of Walace Hawkins, president of the Students’ Association, in opening the convoca­ tion held last night a t the law au­ ditorium on the League of Nation®. The Band opened the program with in The first m a tte rV to be discussed was the proffered resignation of one of the Assembly members, D. D. Jackson, of the Education Depart- ment . The resignation was accept- some real harmony and variety waH decided to fill the several peppy numbers. I v»csncy with an elected member; The purpose of the gathering was ........................................... explanted by Mr. Hawkins,, facts on the referendum of the League of Na- the Educational in which he stated the ' th at departm ent through a I then in , Walace Hawkins, president, ad-1 tions. for bouts of w... ---- — --- — Present plans by Ms1. Humph for 1 the carrying on of these elimination j contests call three ' rounds each, with one-minute inter­ vals between the rounds. A referee in the ring will watch for any viola iii mc tions of these rules, and if possible j ^ anj there will be three judges sitting J ” different parts of the house, who will decide on t h e w i n n e r points, provided there is no knock-out, j special election which in the case of these bouts is ! Association. decidedly improbable. o n the basis of I from five rounds of elimination contest boxing is too great a strain on the fighters, since no one but profession- It may be found later th a t in the 1 moni(jhcd the Assembly to back him an ,.w . up in his calling u nofficially an elec­ tion for Tuesday, January 13, and the appointm ent of the Peace Treaty and League of N ations referendum com m ittee. Mr. Hawkins’ actions , were confirm ed without discussion. Continued on page 3.) _ w;_ SCHEDULE^ MUST ~ The m atter of the numerous th efts B E A D H E R E D I U i committ* d in thfe U niversity neigh­ borhood in the last few months was N o C h an ges Can Be M ade in J taken up and created much discus- sion, but on account o f the provi- ' sions in the honor system concern- Inter-F rat G am es as A l- r e a d y A n n o u n c e d ' ing this m a t t e r , no definite action Due to many irregularities in the j was made read s: CURRIE RETURNS interfraternity basketball schedule since play started after the holidays. Coach Berry M. W hitaker, in charge j o f this branch of intramural spores, ^ T w Currie, “ Y ” se c re ta ry , wishes to call the attention o f fra- j r e t u r r r e ( j T h u r s d a y night from Des te m ity players to article V o f the Moines, where he accompanied the by-laws o f the league. The article U niversity delegates. He stayed over to attend a conference of all college secretaries in America, the purpose of which was the planning of a sec­ ond National conference of Y. M. C. A. secretaries to be held in the Bummer. “ All games shall be played at the time and place arranged for by the schedule committee, unless changed officially. An official change can be made only by the consent of both teams and the advisor of the coun­ c i l” a ■ confined to his bed. j however, th at he will be up in a day Mr. Currie is at present ill with I t is hoped With the coming of Hie Varsity ‘ or two in Dean H. Y. Benedict, who pre­ sided the absence of President Vinson, introduced the next speaker, Dr. H. G. James, of the School of Government, on the “ Explanation of the Treaty.” Two small. Dr. J a m e s E x p la in s D o c u m e n t s . Dr. James said: The number of persons who have read the propo­ sitions on the League of Nations is extremely distinct phases of the league are the ratifi­ cation of the treaty by Germany, and the covenant of the League of Na­ tions. The text of the League of Nations begins with a preamble. This has no binding effect and is only a gratuitous discussion. Purposes are stated In the preamble: Article I of league deals with mem­ bership; and a special proviaon found in Article III, states that any mem­ ber may withdraw. I shad merely take up the substance of the m atter contained th# student speakers will speak for th# details, the referendum, and the rati­ fication of the league. league, and the in Continued from page 3) —— «------------ J- * NEEDS OF SCHOOLS MET BY EXTENSION D ivision o f V isual Instruction F urnishes S lides and R eels for S tate basketball schedule the Gym will be occupied a t practically all hours, and untom the game® are played on tir a mix-up in the schedule will result. Mr. W hitaker asks that the teams play their games on time and at the place where they are scheduled. CO-OP BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECT FOUR NEW MEMBERS The division of visual instruction of the Department of Extension was reorganized this year as a separate division for the purpose of meeting It the needs of the Texas schools. the use of lantern has promoted fail* team the official lose a game in Election of the board of directors V n . Anna B. Cade of Chester 0 P O I L TAX P A Y M E N T U R G E D at a meeting of the members heLJ ^ slides to visualize the subject matter Section 2 of article V reads: “ If to appear as per one ____ ^ schedule, it automatically forfeits the game; if both teams fail to appear, for the University C o-Op. took place — ; both of textbooks. An average of 1 5 0 'counting.” Attention to these points' F r i d a y afternoon. Dr, T. U. Taylor, as faculty mem- slide sets per month has been sent on the part of the fraternities will ■eliminate the possibility of a mix-up her whose term had expired, was re- out. The division of visual instruc- elected. Henry Strassburger was * tion has made arrangements with j in the schedule. elected to membership from the Ijlw j the Community Motion Picture Bu- Department, W. G . Thomas from t h e reau of Dallas to provide motion Engineering Department, Smith fro mthe College of Arts. Eugene picture programs for the schools and centers. This depart- two hundred the in- 0f President It. E. Vinson, Prof. T. j reels on subjects dealing with coro- came to Austin Wednesday in terest of poll tax payment by women U. Taylor, C. D. Rice. C. S. Potts, rn unity problems which are kept in voters. A fter the business meeting and students is at the Driscoll on Wednesday she at­ • or Thurs­ te n d e d four ?*i\v he enter- day, Th .•\ui*i>' | talced Pr f • wly ' om elected pie*. .1 ut Normal Cod* Fletcher and Mrs. C. E. end J. A. B arres f* party. to • I,,, lop-.i •'’n-Or. establish- further serve the schools and corn­ ic. p'pc v of of firers to run munities of Texas by providing !ee- ' thf policies to he lures and entertainment* In connec­ tion with the visual inatnsetfoa w e d . a pamphlet on visual instruction, which imes duties on contairls information as to its serv- . , j continues in of- ices. Another pamphlet on motion S-»v'dstrom F P. Bennett and W. G. Recently the division published ""homas. This body picture service is being printed. Ptens are now being made Tap n*-*w ho* rd a * toy* •ri’ J o ’ rx - H' The original board was composed i ment also has about circulation over the State. over the run- j community follows: 'n. , >>, I V - O. W. 'ted. J ’ “The treaty violates ethnological principles, therefore it can not ‘stay put,’ ” the professor, who withheld his name, continued. Peoples be­ longing to Bulgaria have been given to Serbia; those belonging to Serbia to Italy for purposes of punishment and placation. Such a treaty can through not endure. this peace, is made up of inflamable material which can be ignited by a tiny spark. The League of Nations can not guarantee peace under that treaty. The league will not cause war, as the Senate argues, but at the same time can not prevent them, cering only in the capacity of a fire The world, (Continued on page 4.) CHANGES MADE IN ELECTION JUDGES C orrected List o f R eferendu m O fficers H as B een Subm it­ ted and A pp roved Correct and final announcement of judges and clerks for the referen­ dum to be taken by students and faculty members next Tuesday, is follows by Charles announced as H arritt, Jr., chairman in charge of the election details, there being sev­ eral changes from the announcement made public Friday in The Texan. Central Corridor Main Building— Judges, Ben S. Pope, Henry M. Buf- kin, McCord McIntyre; clerks, G. Finlay Simmons, Corinne Flood, Bert Rawlins, Tomas Pollard, Helen Mather. Girls’ Study Hall — Judges, Mab Laura Davis, Alethea Harrison, Sleeper; clerks, Susan Davidson, Ruby A. Black, Dorothy Lockridge, Zoe Kinnery, Elizabeth Nelson. Business Administration Building —Judges, Ed Stedman, Jr., Sidney Griffin, Bill Hoge; clerks, H. M. Pevehouse, Gregg Francis, Roy Chen- ault, Henry Bolanz. Law Building—Judges, Tom Hay­ den, Carl Callaway, Raymond P. Kl­ u d g e ; clerks, William S. Banks, Edith Schneider, Charles J. Andrews, John Redditt. Engineering Building — Judges, Pat Caldwell, William Weeg, Charlie Brooks; clerks, Grady Fuller, Guy Trout, Read Cranberry , Jule Hardy. Education Building—Judges, W. Fletcher Garner, Mary Keblinger; clerks, Willie Baker, R. D. Jackson, Kathleen Molesworth. The first judge named will in each case be chairman of th at poll, and will have charge of arrangements and details of that box. TICKETS BEING EXCHANGED. Athletic rickets are now being ex­ changed at the office of the Athletic ouroil and at the Woman’s Gym- i iurn. The first basketball game comes Saturday evening. Fall term rickets are void and will not be ac­ cepted for admission, according to a statement Issued by L. Theo Bell­ mont today. m e S a i l ® C j e x a t i FIRING LINE A CALL FOR SANITY. B A S ^ ^ M BALL TRYOUTS HOLD INITIAL MI Coach “ Billy” D itch mad C ap­ tain Bobby Cannon Begin 1920 P reparation* _ ™ pt,w»h«d on ta* *** 8***. - I i i T/nJ? ^ in I Liar tin * a n d I t often happens th a t an unaua- innocent little sparklet wUl develop into a flare by a little ** Of fie*: Room ii * . Telephone 1149. w a n to n fa n n in g . T h e M cK eever ^ Entered ** $*eond-*iam m*tt*r *t th* po*t- p la n fo r f r a te rn ity I„ a meeting at which t h . inspire- waj| f u rn iahed b y D ean T . U. c o m p e t it i o n T a y jor> th e pep by M r. A. M. P ra te r , off,**. »t Austin. Tex*#, under th* Act of _ mg to have be^n the cause ana in- Cor. rT«e, M a r c h ii. mailing ct in for au th o rised S eptem ber 24, ISIS. SSS- ,T* ^ V u“ Y J r « ~ £ ^ m , t o h » 7 ^ \ tn: spec Sci _____ m u c h w a r m disC U Ssioi on the campus. And it has led m any non, and the Texas fight spin to thinking. So fa r so good. te a # I strumc-nt of much w a r .Section HOS. Act o f O ctober S. IS H . ra te o f ****** ------- ~ lf?*. _ I . p a r i t y by Capt. Bobbie Can- tR . T oras fiarht spirit by y Coach Billy Disch, 1920 baseball was o ff yesterday with an impe- bi(]f fa ir to carry it through Texan Advisory Board MILTON F LINO Editor-iB-Chief WESLEY W. BROWN MILDRED PAXTON But, as also often happens, much fanning will lead too I to proper- Halon W. B la c k ................. Managing Editor N u g m t E. B row n M aurice J . L ovelady I I B a ln e a e M an ag er. . __ u _ .. S T A F F FOR TODAY. s i t r s x s s i s s ; - . . . ..... - s Keever lecture the m ajo rity of the goT)8 0f U niversity baseball history, audience were the m achinations of a disconcerting fac- Hon. N inety-five men answered the call me^ yesterday, and Coach Disch. surprised announced th a t he had received calls c’ ;Jan at As was noted in Friday m orning's “ - A ssociate: Ruby A. Black. Issue E ditor fo r today: Hilton E. Howell. twenty-five or Texan, a speaker presented a coun- from an additional for boarding houses thirty, telling him th a t they would ter-proposition and barbs, couched in a m ore or less be unabje to be present. Mr. Disch him8e1f as being most well j ironical language, and presented with ^ an air o f unm istakable sarcasm rn- . reefed e t Mr. M cKeever, th en on the rle»*ed w ,th the m o o n * , end ie op- II R Cox Will G. Knox. ‘ stage. A nother speaker elaborated tim istlc over the prospects for this Fred J W hite on certain elem ents of the McKeever J y ear»s nine. Frances R ow e.1 P ^ n , entirely m isinterpreting it and R eporters: K enneth McCalla. Elizabeth H arcourt. Milton D. Shirley. A n o tab ie feature of the m eeting Beaum ont S tinnett. ------------------------------------------------------ ending it by an ab ru p t and more or vfts^ rd ay wag tbe fach that every ^ j . . , j f |,i , a from of the CONVENTION. T H E M E S S A G E O K A G R E A T ! ^ - room, followed by a group of ad- I herents, all in the face of the lec- If there was one appeal that tu re r, who was about to begin his th . s p « V . r _ D . . n Taylor, Mr. Prater, and Bobbie Cannon— took occasion, more than once during the coarse of th e ir rem arks to call attention to the I rM narltabiy e0od fo rtu n e of the Uni- was hoard most clearly in the re-, address. cent convention of .seven thou- 1 , 1 ' v e r i t y in having a , t h . coach o f I t. sand students of American and ■ « m patby ** in terp retin g it as a re- baseball team a m an who occupies Canadian colleges at Des Moines, lation or Jceling ^ fis tin g between | a Diace at ti a place a t the top of the list of Iowa, it was the appeal for serv- an inferior and a superior. Common coaches of the S outhw est—a coac1 ice, for unselfish sacrifice for sense should show him th a t th at is whose team never fails to win games syTn* some purpose or ideal too g rea t!not the meaninK and a coach who train s his players If he should express his ip a th y .” If he should express to he bounded by personality °ri to be gentlem en as well as athletes. sym pathy for a sick friend, would province. rem arks superiority on his th a t predicate The motto of the assemblage, p a rt? Most certainly not. W hat stressed the fa c t th a t activity along which was properly called the was m eant was a feeling o f fellow- athletic to se­ lines was essential Student Volunteer Convention, sh,P aruI a f<’c,,nK for thc tnals and curing the m ost possible out of uni- was “I he Evangelization of the Now the versify or college life. A student is World in [his Generation. Hut, w rjter is not in favor strictly of the 1 not a real college student, he main there was also a message for the M cKeever plan, because it worked in j ta ine ' ? » • « • * “* th e life changed and ctrufd he heard. Mr. McKeever, in body in mind. The lecture sh o u ld . have been heard by the drsgruntied ! th eir own . loft, showed an alm ost solid barb a t- , the needs Of other countries and ItenP»- An w hat we used to call a c n p ^ & ll8t