TAB A ) 1. Conte-JJmy;_ l\.mendr:lent: J~onomic A.l.d -:: ~Ehinr,ic:i~e~~-\''~~ §ystems 1_'A.EproE_~fations-.A2Ci~~~l L~h "Sec~ 119. The President is directed to withhold ecor.o.nic <:.ssistance in an am.ount equivalent to the amoUJ.1t spent by any underdeveloped country other than Greece, Turkey} Iran, Is::r~el, the P..epubl1.c of China, the Philippines, and Korea for th·3 purchase of sophisticated weapons systems, such as nissile systems and jet aircraft for military purposes from any country, unless the President determines that such purchase or acquisi\~ion o.f -;.;-capon0 cyste~ns are vital to th11:~national security of the United State.s and reports ·within 30 days eilch such determination to the CongrBssn. 11Provi ed further, That none of the funds contained in this paragraphandMnonc_Of__t:l1e •f\:ncls;:•c:d ln the mlita:ry assistance creses, a.tJ.d (2) tl10 degree to which tho rc..c:ipl\:!.nt or purchr1.:.ii1,3 country is usin£: its foreign e:ccha.rige i asources to acqui:-3 r:iilit,;1i ..-eo-..ti~-~tJnt. . When th0 Pl esidant finds t1:at develop­ment assist'\ cc ut:.~~er .. this Act , or t>ales u1der t.he A.gr5_ci.~ltu.i."~il Davclol'__ e:. t , or n ::rec1p:'. cnt Oi.."' purchasing co1mtcy is divc:d...L"'1g its o-..._.. ~.'C~tio-::::c ;c~ t0 u.:r:ne~essary m..Uit...:::i.ry ex..p-8ncli tnres, to a. deg ·c~ ~ :i.cl1 :-r!ater,5.~~.Ily into:::·fe:::--or; -:-ith its d:nveloi: ~?nt_, th0 President sha.J.l tcr:nin:lt.s ~m~!. a1ilt1cai1ce £:..c~l ._al.r:;s until he is ass1.1·.-·ed th~t such diver ion i;jli. na leingar tc~e pl2c~!~ No oth;)r prvv:isicm of this Act shall be co,..\.10cl to aut 1ori~je the President, to r:aive the provisions of this S".lb3vCtic:.1.~