STfte S a x to t£exan First College Daily in the South A U S T I N , T E X A S , F R ID A Y , M A R C H 1 8 , 1 9 2 7 . N o . 1 4 3 [ D IE WILL STUDENTS OPPOSE POSTING NAMES UNIVERSITY B IU S ENTER SIX MEN O F VIOLATORS OF HONOR SYSTEM AND THEIR EMES IN REVIEW N TEXAS RELAYS GIVEN Sprint Men of Micks to Be Headliner of Catholic School's Entrants AMEND OR ABOLISH THE S Y S T E M IWN! ENTERS TWO T E IS Interpretations of an election return or of an expression of opinion as reflected in a straw vote offer a rare opportunity to those who delight in begging questions. A just estim ate of the Champions W ill Not Defend recent poll of student opinion necessarily involves a number of (A n E ditorial) considerations. In the first place the small^ number of votes actually cast m ight indicate that the interest in common at!airs whicfc is v jtal to the support of representative government is lacking in the student body of the U niversity of Texas. But it we ignore this im plication and regard the vote as a c r o ss section of student opinion on this particular matter, our interest is nar­ rowed to two considerations. The adverse attitude expressed to­ ward the policy of the Honor Council in regard to t ile posting of names and the disciplinary m easures which the Council would take in cases of ordinary misdemeanors m ight indicate either that the student body is hostile to the honor system as a whole or (Continued on Page 2) N E W S T U D E N T S M U ST REGISTER ON FRIDAY DODD TO TALK ON PROBLEMS OF HISTORY in Students A lso Oppose Giving Councils Jurisdiction Over Disorderly Conduct Students will have the opportunity xt week to hear De. William E /dd, Professor of American His­ the University of Chicago tory lecture on of the general subject “ Reconstruction-North and S outh.” Although Dr. Dodd has not con fined his work to any one field of American history, he is best known as an authority on sectional conflict between North and South an d the growth of the democratic ideal. He has written several books on these subjects, the most notable being “A Life of Jefferson Davis,” “The Cot- Over 500 V otes Are Cast in ; ton Kingdom,” “ Expansion and Con- filet,’ and “The Life and Work of Woodrow Wilson.” He was also author o f “The editor and joint Riverside History of the United S tates.” Straw Poll; “Noes" Vote in Majority is <>ne of the editors Dr. Dodd’s standing in the field of history is attested by the fact that of the American Historical Review.” Ut is considered a very entertaining lec­ turer and his classes are among the most popular at the University of Chicago. He is especially noted for his brilliant characterizations of in­ dividuals. He will give five lectures here from Monday, March 21 to Thursday March 24. The exact time and place o f each will be announced later. The titles of the lectures are: “The Plight of the South and Lin coin’s Plan,” “The New East and the Program of Sumner,” “The Libera tion of the W est and their Farmer A llies,’ “ General Grant and Nation­ al Demoralization,” and “ Samuel J Tilden-Promise and Disappointment. NIA! BE TAXED A three to one vote opposed to the posting of nam es of per­ sons convicted by the honoi councils w as registered in The he T exan ’s straw vote on the fin n’ count of ballots Thursday night. A smaller majority, was opposed to honor council* jurisdiction by the over cases drunkenness involving and disorderly conduct at Gym dance* and Germans. The vote answering the first ques­ tion, “ Do you believe that the name' o f persons convicted of violations of the honor system should be posted in a public place?” was 108 affirm ­ ative and 384 negative. On the second question, “ Do you believe the honor councils, as at present consti­ tuted, should have jurisdiction ovei cases of drunkenness and disorderly conduct?” the vote was 148 in th< affirm ative and 353 in the negative More than 500 votes were cast. The straw vote covered a period of two days, in which a ballot bearing the questions was published on thf J front page of The Texan. l^uci interest was shown in the voting, and in the result.- R e c o m m e n d C h a n g e Editorially commenting on the re­ sult o f the straw vote, The Texan today recommends that the hono* system be either amended or abel ished. To this end, it suggests that a joint faculty and student commit tee be appointed to draw up amend mendts in line with the indications o' in the straw vote, to be submitted the Spring election or at a specie' It recommends further referendum, it recomroenus iu m .w i that, if the com m ittee’s survey find?! r *K ’ the present system objectionable, ** proposal be submitted to allow th< students to pass on such a recommen­ dation. Legislative M easures A ffect­ ing University Varied During Session FTE LIMITATION PASSED Initial Steps Toward Establish­ ing School of Dentistry Made By JOHN PALMER, C apitol Corre»pondent Although the 40th L egisla­ ture established a record in th e matter of “interference” in the affairs of the U niversity, few of the many measures intro­ duced found their way to the gov­ ernor for his signature. Several of the bills introduced were killed in the various committees, some were in one house passed on favorably and defeated in the other, while others were not considered by any part of the legislative organization after being introduced. Chief among the legislative pro­ posals which passed both houses fa­ vorably was Senator Pollard s m eas­ ure designed to reduce the fees of students enrolled in State institutions to $30. This bill was passed over­ whelmingly in both the House and Senate. The measure providing that the Attorney General or some des­ ignated representative sit all Board of Regents meetings, and for­ bidding the employment of outside attorneys by such Board of Regents; was also passed by both houses by large majorities. Senator Pollard was also author of this measure. at S ch ool o f D e n tis tr y Initial steps toward the establish­ ment o f a School of Dentistry in conjunction with the University were taken when the Legislature approved ap­ the resolution calling for the pointment of an investigating com­ mittee which is to look into the need of such an institution. The State of Texas now maintains no school of dentistry, Texas students finding it necessary to attend schools in other States. Assistant Attorney General Doubts Constitutionality of Floyd Exemption Ruling that taxes due the state cannot be r e lin q u ish ed by th e leg islature except for the future, as general Paul D sistant attorney c a s t a doubt upon the eon of Senator Lloyd Btitutionality measure seeking to exempt the Uni­ versity from the payment of the in heritance tax on the McDonald mil­ lion dollar bequest for an astronomy cal observatory. Page stated that if his decision i upheld in the courts, the state can no legally exempt from the payment of the inheritance tax past bequests to it, amounting to millions of dlolars The McDonald bequest was mad* public last year, but was contested by relatives of the deceased. Th matter is still in the courts. A bill was passed by both house- of the legislature recently exempt ing the University from the paymen' of the tax. This measure would save the University several hundred thousand dollars, because o f the ex ccedingly high tax on such large be­ /mosts The passage o f the junior college bill is expected to materially a ffect the enrollment of the University, for the first few years of their exist- % ence, at least. Every large city in of Texas, as well a* combinations school districts, may now establish junior colleges. The measure also a ffects the University by forbidding it to operate such institutions under the supervision of the Extension De­ partment. The bill introduced in. the last day* of the session, withdrawing from sale lands, oil and gas on University pending future action, was passed in the last hours of the session. legislative None of the Educational Survey bills affectin g the University were passed by the Legislature. Senator W itt’s bill calling for the establish­ ment o f a State Board of Higher Ed­ ucation passed the Senate, but wa* killed in the House Education Conv- mittee. Museum D e f e * t # d Senator Holbrook’s bill providing for the establishment of a State Mu­ seum in conjunction with the Uni­ versity of Texas was defeated in the finance committee. * W ill Talk on “America Must Return" in Oratorical Contest at St. Louis S. A. Crowley o f Kerens will rep resent the University of Texas in the Missouri Valley Oratorical contest at St. Louis tonight, speaking on the subject “America Must Return.” In his speech, Crowley will tel how the United States, at tho end o f the World War, was in a position to win the confidence o f other na tions and establish herself as a lead cr in the world, but instead through her international policies and atti tudes, she has won the ill feeling of many countries and even the hatred o f some. Besides participating in the con­ test, Crowley will act as the Texa- representative at the regular meeting o f the conference. W. O. Moore, a1 though secretary, was unable to ab tend and Crowley is taking his place in this capacity. He will return righ* after the contest. T exas has won places in the Miss­ two ouri Valley contest the past according to Moore. Percy years, Foreman won third place last yea: and Blake Johnson was awarded firs’ place two years ago. A rt Competition for High School Stude* I Planned by League B M DEGREES co-operation with the j^ine Months' Co-ordination A free-for-all art competition for high school students of Texas will be held this year by the Interscholastic League in T e*as Fine A r t. A d i a t i o n . The contest will be under the immediate direction o f Prof. S. E. Gideon, as sociate professor o f architecture in the University, and will be held May The degree requirements for a B. 6, in the Ney Museum at Austin, be- ginning at 9 a. rn. It is open to apy B. A. degree will be the same next ginning a i y a. iii. it ^ student eligible to the League con- year as they have been in preceeding . • tests. ! years with the exception of a few: Months’ Experience | a c e d by Six w < ) r k R ---- VOL. XXV11I Friday’s Exam Schedule F rid ay , M arch 18, at 9 GROUPS XI AND XIV f Economics 1.31: G. H. 317 ^education 1.11: Ed. B. 303 .Education 1.13: Ed. B. 210 I ducation 123: M. B. 219 E lucation 189w: Ed. B. 807 E glish 1.51: M. B. 105 El glish 1.53: Ed. B. 223 En dish 1.55: Ed. B. 207 English 1.57: M. B. 321 English labw s.7: G. H. 319 English 2.41: G. H. 315 English 2.43: G. H. 3 English 2abws.7: M. B. 204 French A.7: M. B. 207 French 1.5: M. B. 209 French labw s: M. B. 157 Government labw s: G. II. I l l History 5.7: G. H. 101 History 10.5: G. H. 201 Home Economics 19: G. II. 109 Mechanical Engineering 101.1: S. B Mechanical Engineering 113: S. B. Mechanical Engineering 202.4: P. B. 201 Psychology 246ws.5: G. H. 213 Public Speaking 105.3: G. II. 303 Pure Mathematics labc.23: G, H. 7 Pure Mathematics lbcd.39: G. H. 113 Spanish A .13: G. H. 203 Spanish I . l f J M. B. 225 Spanish la b w s.l; G. H. 1 0 3 Spanish labw s.5: M, B. 205 , „ F rid a y , March 18, at 2 f GROUP IX Anthropology 202W&.5. Ed. B. 203 Architecture 126: Eng. B. 210 Architecture 139: Eng. B. 209 Chemistry 1.3: K Hall 5 Chemistry 20: M. B. 30 Chemistry 107.3: K Hall 5 (one hour — 5— 6) Chemistry 411.: B. L. 12 Civil Engineering l l : Eng. B. 207 Civil Engineering 154: Eng. B. 106 Economics 1.27: G. H. 319 Economics 1.29: G. H. 303 Economics la b w s .l: G. H. 215 Economics la b w s.3: G. H. 317 Lv-onomics lab w s.5: G. H. 315 Education 1.9: Ed. B. 303 Education la w .5 : Ed. B. 207 Education 1 3 7 w .l: Ed. B. 312 Electrical Engineering 1 0 7 w .l: Eng B. 102 English 1.41: Ed. B. 310 English 1.43: M. B. 105 English 1.45: M. B. 204 English 1.47: M. B. 207 English 1.49: Ed. B. 204 English la b w s .l: M. B. 250 English lab w s.3: G. H. IOO English la b w s.l I: Ed. B. 223 English 2.29: M. B. 208 English 2.31: M. B. 209 English 2.33: G. H. 203 English 2.35: G. H. 300 English 2.37: G. H. 200 English 2abws.5: M. B. 219 English 3.3: G. H. 109 English 123w; Ed. B. 208 English 1 3 2 w s.l: G. H. I l l English 2 0 5 fw .lt Ed. B. 210 English 2 0 5 fw .3 : M. B. 321 French A.5: M, B. 157 French 2.5: SB- B. 4 0 7 Geology l l : M. B. 306 Government 1.13: G. H. 3 Government 15: G. H. 5 Greek 22: M. B. 403 History 43: G. Ii. 113 Italian I: M. B. 205 Mechanical Engineering 208ws: P. B 209 Philosophy 103w.3: G. II. 201 Physical Education 52: M. B. 206 Psychology 40: G. H. 213 Public Speaking 105.1: G. H. 305 Pure Mathematics labc.19: M. B. 172 Spanish A . l l : G. II. 301 Spanish 1.9: G. H. Spanish 1.11: M. B. 225 Spanish 18: G. H. 101 Spanish 22.5: G. II. 103 7 H alf Mile Record Set in P r e m i e R fdavs rrevious rveiays in Notre D am e U niversity w il1 enter at least a h a lf dozen ath­ letes th e Third A nnual T exas R elays w hich w ill be staged in A ustin, March 25, on the South’s greatest cinderpath. That the Micks will be in evidence among the 1000 athletes that are expected to attend is assured by a recent let­ ter to Texas authorities from Knute Rockne, o f that athletic director school. on The sprint team th at the Notre Dame school will enter will be the headliner, as it is composed o f four speed demons. Charles Veritable last year’ Riley, quarterback football team that set the country or fire; Jose Dalla Maria, who ran sec ond to Locke in the Kansas Relay? last year; Elder and Jack Reilly w il1 compose the quartet that will sprint against the various entries in th! event. and A javelin a pol* thrower vaulter will also be brought along, if they improve su fficien tly by the datf of the relays to warrant their trip to the feature event of the South. Ulini E n te r s mini athletes will be in evidence as prominent as ever at the relays this year. Two full relay teams, am’ six other men for special events w il1 be sent to the relays from the Illi­ nois school. Illinois will not send ** relay team to defend their record se' last year in the 1-2 mile event, ac­ cording to present I four mile relay team, composed of Ponzer, Rue, M cElwee, and Sittip will make Up the four mile team. A medley relay team -w ill also be sent but as yet the personnel of that quartet has not been decided upon indications. Dan Lyon, a shot putter de luxe will be among the entries from UH nois. He is conference outdoor rec ord holder in the B ig Ten in this event. E. C. White, a pole vaulter will likewise accompany the Illinoi delegation. White indoor pol vault champion of the conference Milan Fell, broad jumper, who is IIH nois relay Carnival champion in that event, will also be listed with the Illinois entries. is J. V. Simon, T. J. Wachowski, and J. M. Royer, hurdler, are three other men that are likely to be chosen lr com plete the black and gold team A great deal depends upon the out come o f the relay carnival that will be staged Saturday, and the indoor conference m eet that will be held al Evanston, IIL, March l l and 12, a to just what men will com plete the squad sent by the track school. Illinoi ----------- Need More Students To Usher for Relays Students who wish to act as ushers at the Third Annual Texas Relays March 25, must sign in the office o f the director o f men’s athletics at Z Hall before noon Saturday, accord­ ing to W iley E. Glaze, director. Twenty or more students can still be used as ushers, Mr. Glaze stated, adding that if enough students did not act as ushers he would call on the Boy Scouts to fill the necessary number o f places. Students wishing to sign as ushers should see Mr Glaze in his office. — — ------o - Glascock To Speak Before Newman Club Members on Sunday Dr. C. G. Glascock, professor of romance languages in the University, will address the Newman Club Sun­ day, March 20 on the Decadence of the Spanish Language and the Cath­ olic Church. All members o f the club are urged to be at this meeting. as plans will be made for a jycnic in the near future, W. G. Cunning ham, president of the club annotine ed. Because o f winter term ex ami ria last tions, the club did not m eet . _____ Sunday. _ Greek 199 Offered in Three Section* for Spring Term Three sections o f Greek 199, the Greek elem ent in the English lan guage, will be given by Dr. Wk J Battle during the spring term, it was announced Thursday. The object of the course is to se­ cure to better acquaintance with the very large Greek elem ent in English Dr. Battle said, and should be of in­ terest to students who wish to im­ and use of prove their knowledge as well a’ language their native those students who intend to stud} the sciences, since the vocabulary of science is to a large extent drawr from the Greek. Only so much form and syntax w il1 be studied as is necessary for read ing simple sentences made up o ' words from which English deriva lives a*e made. The course is open to all students, but may not be counted by anybody who has credit for Greek 21. If it is handed in late, there I ^ r i ^ nn The subject for the com petitionj changes. One requirement that will I J n j v e r g ; ^ y C h u r c h mill Ka ft e rr A lln C i f “still he chanced is the co-ordination r e -j this year will be a group o f “.till j be changed » enc life ” subjects to be done in charcoal j quirement; the nine-months co-ordi- yj a n d d u r i n g a period o f not more than nation work will be replaced - H q # ' t(> C o n v e n t i o n consecutive hours, according to three to six months business expcr done ............. — ...... - ----------- j -------- All drawing material? ience of field , investigation . . * mo lessor rn iu« and equipment will be furnished the under the professor in the conduct IHI, contestant*, and lunch will also be: who will conduct this served them. j work. T h e Presbyterian R r> * Church will be host to Central Texar rregbyt€rial March 31-April 1-2, it J Prcsbyterial March 31-April 1-2, it ------- , , yc„ Urday by Mio? _ t p e c t a l w d . O - cp ec i.tit.d j I r e . University Edleen Beeg. About 50 delegate?[already been acquired. Prizes will be awarded,the success After the student has com peted! _ was given when the Legislature ap- ghe ^ ful contestants. An artist of note his work in business experience ho j Cate ig jn charge of proved em ergency appropriations o will deliver a lecture to the stu d en tsj must give a comprehensive report o f some appropriate art topic during; the business. This work must be done ; It also ir stay in Austin, Mr. Gideon said. ; before the last nine bour semester Wome|i fa d e r s ;n presbyterian work provided for $8,500 for the payment campus convention ; $110,000 for that purpose. the for ^ ^ Austin for the three-day c The measure introduced by Rep­ r e s e n ta tiv e William** providing for th e e x e m p tio n of certain lot* from p u rch a se by the U niversity, failed to get by the House com m ittee. A previous Legislature had authorized the purchase of certain Austin prop­ a erties for the establishm ent of by Mis*| greater campus, most of which ha%e Assurance of a bummer School on their Additional entertainm ent will be ar ranged by the Texas Fine Arts As sociation. „ CHANGE BLANKET TAX “ If you expect to see the Longhorn A p e e . The B . ment will be by this report pplicatlon fa u n a l ttnfftf+ftinmeht will be ar- work before application for a io r » . ^ ' j from an parts of Central Texas will gather at th . church for the meeting. of Insurance premiums on buildings. e ’ l , ___ _n Senator Wood’s resolution allow- a wider investm ent o f the par­ ing manent funds of the University was ______ the students must make an average! According to Roy Bedvchek o f the J passed by the Senate, but did not A regulation to be made is that JUDGES SELECTED Texas will of «n in iction against Detroit Thursday? o f D on an average amount o f work interscholastic League Bureau three j come to a vote in t he House. D ecenary to I to be able to remain in school. 24 it will be March have your blanket tax changed,” This will be tim first dance o f the stated the Athletic Manager yester large crowd if spring term, and a day. Saturday will be the first day e x p e c te d . The la s t dance o f the win­ this may be done. The blanke* ter term was one o f the most suc­ taxes for next term differ from those c e s s f u l of the y e a r , in the matter of of this term in that they are pink in attendance, pep, and entertainment Adams joined the orchestra at that | color. The exchanges may be made time, being featured on his trumpet ; at the University Co-Operative Soc- and banjo, J iety, _ ..., _ ^ ^ a D average is not made the first is automatically term, the student dropped, and he must petition the dean o f the school in order to be per­ mitted to re-enter. The petition is made with the understanding that the student must make an average grade of C during the remainder of required for a B. B. A. degree. If boys havc been selected at l.terary judges in the County Interscholastic League Meet. The boys, O. M Stubblefield, Gordon Durst, and E. G. Carroll, are to meet at the steps of the Y. M. C. A. building Friday morning at 7:lf*. Six athletic judges have also beer chosen; they are to meet sometime tomorrow afternoon, Bediebek said Re-enactm ent o f a law uninten* to n a lly le ft out of th e Revised S ta t­ utes last year, w ill m aterially a i d . the University Law School. Ulm **§f retary o f state is authorised to es* change court reports and athar portant documents and papaw# States o f the United States foreign countries, Continued t a t t i B H “ All new students who are regis­ tering for the first time, or who have been out of the University since last term, or longer, will register in my office on the first floor of the Edu­ cation Building Friday, March 18,” announced E. J. Mathews, registrar Thursday afternoon. •All those who, for any reason register after that date will be re­ quired to pay a late fee of three dollars.” Students who are already register ed in the University wil lsign up on Saturday, or will be required to pay a late fee o f three dollars. Women students will sign up in the Dean of Women’s office, Main B uilding,-111 Men students will register as fo l­ low’s: students in the school of Busi­ ness Administration, Dean F itzger­ ald’s o ffice, R Hall, 13; students in the Engineering school, Dean Tay­ lor’s office, E ngineering Building 107; all other men students will sign up in the reading room o f the Main Library, second floor. Irish Party Given at Bible Chair by Methodist Students in evidence Irishmen and green will be every­ at the Wesley where Bible Chair this evening from 7 :30 on, according to Maude Maddox who is directing the social affairs of the Methodist Student Federation. Th< party, which is being given in honor o f St. Patrick, w ill open the soda program for the spring term of the Methodist Church. The decoration* program and refreshm ents for the occasion will bear out the Colo scheme of old Erin and all those whc attend are urged to “wear the green” and come prepared to participate in a true Irish party. Term Grades Due in Registrar's Office by Tuesday at 6 The last grade reports are due by 6 p. rn. Tuesday afternoon, it was announced at the Registrar’s o ffice and Wednesday will be taken up in the making out o f reports. Students may call a1 the Regis­ trar’s o ffice any tim e Thursday to receive their grades, if they have handed them in. No student will re ceive his glades Thursday unless he has already grade book. in recordinf will be some delay grades, and the student will receive them late. subm itted his I - - - - - - - - - - - — — o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Freshman Adam s To Play at Gym Dance Freshman Adams, latest addition to Steve Gardner’s Hokum Kings seven-piece orchestra, which held the contract for the All-University dance during the fall and winter term, will again feature the entertainm ent at the Women’s Gymnasium Saturday night. he B ally f^exan I AA G L A D Y O O C _ CA NAE AODMO ~ fti *4 ©CXM v^A «iTiM b1b IM T T h is Boc-rfj^ a i t > F c R v jE tK ^ J S t e p o h 'eft.. I B e e t * * - t h ' s / To FWD Mfc i m Th iS Ca r ( / , , VJHAT^ HT T o S U H ? r- ^ C T H I S is W A x S U S DAY O F F A M S S o o Q E OOH MA CsE7 A T c k ET,1 \ FR ID A Y , MARQH 18, 1927 f JF S b o 6u V S DOWT LAY OF-F-A M E * IM I (SOMMA BOST TAI ?5f “I Some of ui may yet be great men. Napoleon changed shirt* but once a week when a young man. Iiiw Bailor . * A i i u t u t Americanism; Licking the kids be­ cause reasoning with them takes too much time. At a recent conference at the Uni­ versity of Illinois, a speaker said that a coonskin coat is md necessary for a college man. Now will some genius please inform us whether or not we MUST leave off our garters and hav« pictures on our raincoats. exes will continue to populate these organizations with women and men of their own caliber. The influence of a cheat fo r evil on a fratern ity at next rush reason will be as incon­ siderate as a drop of w ater on a duck’s back. Carrying the argum ent of this unw orthy gentlem an fu r­ ther, let us suppose an organization had a large b andi of cheats whose names are posted. T hat organiza­ tion ought to suffer in pledge sea­ ri- son. The w riter has observed fra tern ities and valry among the sororities for high standards. This is seen in the fact th a t these organ­ izations pu t up th eir best men for office in the annual contests. We believe th at when names of cheats are posted the organizations about the campus will take it in spir­ it and begin rivalry fo r the highest percentage of men and women who are not cheats. Some of the most honorable fra t men have spoken to (Continued on page 3) the (Continued From Page I) that it will support only a limited conception of an honor system—-one which confines itself to the adminis­ trant*!! of a codg of academie honor. In view of the fact that the pres­ it* \ the is within ent Honor Council constitutional rights in carrying for­ ward the policies it recently adopt­ ed, a change in constitution would be necessary to so restrict the powers of the count ii th at they may be brought into harmony with th* limited conception of an honor sys­ tem. To this end Tho Texan advo­ cates that a joint faculty and s tu ­ to dent committee be appointed make a thorough survey of the sys­ tem, and irs the light of this survey, consider and d ra ft a constitutional the amendment which shall functions of the honor council in such a m anner th at its jurisdiction will be restricted to cases involving academic honor, and th at its power* of inflicting punishment will bt* fixed by positive limitations. This pro­ posed ami. ndoM iit should be submit­ ted to the student body In the spring joint election?. If, however, commit tot should the abolition of the system, the meas­ ure should include a proposal which woald perm it the. student body to puss on such a r«coraniemlatiC Hit of th S flfTCtfOTL, im p a rted bt ti sm art, becom ing b a l rem ain s a. - ~ if the h a t lo uif time. ' is Stetson.' m ade Forty Dollars W '.t i, fo r iV v J iJ r t T W S I T ! SU N H A I ,r. U T I KAI I • l f * M n B S te w w : C..-«*p«ny. STETSONS in the b etter and new er shapes and colors. College m en dem and the best, W e can supply th e best. MAJESTIC MAN’S SHOP E D M E JO S E P H , M gr. , 'J rn .K ' ■ R1DAY, MARCH 18, 1927. Coming to Queen on rn IARGARKT WITHERSPOON, editor; F*u!W Knuckle*. Alice Temple, Edith Fem. Nan kifflette. Alice Mae Willis, Martha Anne Faulk, Edith Bowman, Gladys Whitley, ifldina McFarland. Glady* KiseheU. Society news and personals may be phoned to The Texan office (9181-61), or to . He of the society reporters. the N ew s has been received o f and M rs. rth of a son to Ju dge e t il C ham berlain. Both th e p a r­ ity are ex -stu d en ts, Mrs. Chamber* iii having been B arb ara M ounts. G ilbert M cA llister o f the Y. M. C. A. was tak en to St, D avid’s H ospital T h u rsd ay w ith a slight a tta c k of the grippe. Mrs. J . H . C arraw ay is visiting her son, Jen n in g s. TODAY At Austin Movie Shows I n t e r s t a t e V a u d e v i l l e a n d s c r e e n f e a t u r e . H a n c o c k : C o n t i n u o u s M a j e s t i c : D o u g l a s M a c L e a n in “ L e t It R a i n . ’ Q u e e n : R i n - T i n - T i n in “ H iss o f K e n t u c k y . " G r a n d C e n t r a l : T o m M ix in “ H a r d B o i l e d . " T e x a s : A n t o n i o M o r e n o a n d A l i c e T e r r y in “ M a r e N o s t r u m . " Now Showing at Hancock * H A N C O C K Q U E E N stre e t, A m elange o f m irth, m elody, and dance step s b rin g Jo h n n ie B erkes back to th e vaudeville stag e, and w ith him one of the beau ties o f the th e a te r’s b rig h t V irginia Sully, who c a rry on in th e headline a c t of th e show th is week a t the H ancock T h ea ter. B erkes e n te rta in s w ith novelty dance ideas in which he excels an d th e com edy lines, too, are snappy, w ith Miss Sully sp arrin g fo r the laughs. Jo e M arks, a fa rc e u r of th e ec­ cen tric p lan e, M ac L eonard, a com e­ ly young w om an, an d H ow ard S ny­ der, a clever stra ig h t m an seem to th a t alm ost m easu re up be a trio to th e h ead lin ers. All good dancers, too. a re Sun P o n g Lin an d C om pany step rig h t back into A m erican vaudeville a f te r O rien tal an d E uropean to u rs w ith only o f those m edley ac ts sueh as only O rie n ta ls can p u t over. “ H ie C ountry Club G irls,” a fem ale q u a r­ te tte , and M eehan’s C anines, leap ­ ing greyhounds, are the two re m a in ­ in g num bers. The R in-T in-Tin p ic tu re now show­ ing a t th e Q ueen T h e a te r is n o t ju s t a n o th e r R in-T in-T in p ictu re , b u t a p ictu re th a t stands on its own fo u r fe et, w ith a g ripping sto ry , excel­ le n t d irectio n , and a splendid cast. The p ictu re is “ H ills o f K en tu ck y ," ad ap ted fro m D orothy Y o st’s sto ry , “ The U n tam ed H e a rt." R in-T in-T in ap p ears as th e “ G rey G host," a dog who leads a h u n g ry pack upon d ep red atio n th ro u g h the m o untain ham lets. His story, which Make your D A T E S now for the opening dance of th e Spring term . W om en’s Gym Saturday N ight S teve G ardner Playing C O L O R YOU A R E L I K E L Y TO L I K E IS A L E S A N H E D A I L Y T E X A W and a? m entioned “ lonther-necks’ such his tro u b les, w hen n o t being reprim anded by his m ajo r, consists o f fig h tin g gobs and th en being p u t on gu ard duty fo r fig h tin g 'hem . M U S I C B O X R E V U E , W ith b eau ty , ta le n t, up ro ars of lau g h ter and p re tty m use , Irving B erlin ’s fo u rth “ Music Box R evue’’ is com ing to th o H ancock Theater on M arch 26, m atin ee and night. It will be found .one o f tho welcome en tertain m e n ts to be seen here th is season. T he revtie is said to teem with o rig in ality and p len ty of good, honest fu n . The so n g -h its a re n u ­ m erous and include “ Tell H er in th e S p rin g tim e," “ Tokio B lues." “ In the Shade of th e Sheltering T re e," and m any others. LEGISLATURE (C ontinued from Page I ) to the Law L ib rary . The 40th Legislature**approved a $10,000 ap p ro p riatio n fo r the e sta te lishm ent of a su itab le m em orial fo r those who served in th e W orld W ar. The m em orial is to be placed in th e S tadium along w ith th e o th er tab lets placed til ere by individuals and by sta te ed u catio n al in stitu tio n s in hon­ o r of th e ir heroic dead. Bogies Bill D e f e a t e d P robably th e m oU im p o rtan t m ea­ su re a ffe c tin g the U niversity had it been passed, w as the_ Beggs co n sti­ tu tio n a l allowing 17 W est T exas cou n ties tp tax the 2,* 000,000 acres htfld th e re by the U ni­ m easure was versity. A lthough am en d m en t T O D A Y Rim Tin Tin * “Hills of Kentucky’’ A lso Bill G r i m ’* S e r ie s a n d • N ew * ■ rn C o m i n g T h is W a y “ T h e M y s t e r i o u s Rider* C R E S C E N T T o d a y a n d S a t u r d a y Elaine H am m erstein “The Unwritten Law” A D r a m a t i c M a s t e r p i e c e A lso C o m e d y E n t i r e P r o g r a m Is F i r s t R u n in A u s t i n M a t i n e e s 10c N ig h ts 2 5 c Jac k so n , a* ‘The Mysterious Rider* A Param ount Pietu ro , j includes a wonderful dog rom ance, is entw ined w ith th e histo ry of a young m o u n tain school teac h er (D or­ othy DW a n ) and tw o b ro th ers of the Cain and Abel v arie ty ( Jaso n Ro­ bard s and Tom S an tsch i). T h ere a re b ea u tifu l backgrounds, b rillia n t photography and a series of ten se episodes. H ow ard B teth er- to n directed. M A J E S T I C T here is a tra d itio n and custom p re v alen t upon all sea-going ships of w ar th a t th e U nited S ta tes M arine, b e tte r know n as “ L eather-N eck," and th e com m only known “gob" can ­ no t en joy a p eacefu l sail unless a b a ttle betw een the two ensues. As f a r back as the M errim ac and Old Ironsides, these two fig h ters found pleasu re in fig h tin g each other. I t is due, perhaps, to the fa c t th a t the “ Devil Dog" is n o t re q u ired to do an y w ork while on board ship. This undoubtedly has aroused th e ire and jealo u sy o f th e deck-sw ab­ bing sailor and th e re su lts are us­ ually black eyes, broken jaw s and o th er slight in ju ries such as a b ro ­ ken arni, dislocated collar-bone, loss o f teeth , etc. In “ L et I t R ain ,” D ouglas Mac- L ea h ’s la te st com edy which plays a t to d ay , Doug the M ajestic T h e a te r p o rtra y s the role o f one o f th e afo re- Say it W ith Flowers But Say It W ith Ours B 1406 Lavaca Phone CICO T E X A S T o d a y a n d T o m o r r o w R e x I n g r a m Presents A lice Terry and Antonio Moreno in “Mare Nostrum” (our s e a ) A pow erful story by one o f the greatest living au­ thors, Ibanez! HANCOCK Last Tim es T oday Double Heading Bill Johnnie Joe M arks Berkes & Co. & Co. A nd other great acts Starting Tom orrow A u stin ’s Favorite i/ TONY 'hr it> om mix n MREATK'A. r USUI ROBBERT JR It is Tom M ix’s M onth overw helm ingly passed in tho House, it was defeated in th e S enate. The N eal m easure allow ing the U n iv ersity facu lty m em bers to bt given leaves of absence w ith specified am ounts of com pensation was de­ feated in the S enate, a f te r the charge o f d onating m oney to U niv ersity pro­ fessors had been m ade. One con stitu tio n al am endm ent a f footing the U niv ersity was finall: approved by both h o u se s .. It provide fo r th e em pow ering o f th e legislature to create and establish?a S ta te Board of E ducation, upon which bo ard th* P resid en t of th e U niversity would rn i a m em ber along w ith the o th er head; j of various ed ucational in stitu tio n s. GRAND-CENTRAL O N T H E S C R E E N T O D A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y TOM MIX ( B a d M a n W i t h a G u n ) K in g o f t h e C o w b o y s R u n n i n g W i ld a n d S h o o t “ E m U p " a a s HARD BOILED A R o u g h R i d in g R o m a n c e in t h e W i d e O p e n Space* He M a r r i e s t h e G ir l in t h e E n d A d m i s s i o n O n ly 10c a n d 20c Send Your Message Through The Texan Here They Are! The Greatest Spread of New Spring Suits This Town Has Ever Seen F eaturing a w onderful group of unm atchable values w ith tw o pairs of trousers 35 HO $45 Full of style—full of “pep”—full of good looks. Splendidly tailor­ the greatest ed and presenting range of new colors—new patterns and new fabrics. I Come in and m ake your selec­ tions now w hile our stocks are full, com plete and at their best. Fttshunt Park Clothes - Charier House Clothes O. /?. Slater's „ College Shoes REM EM BER— That this is one store where you are always just as w el­ come to look as you are to buy. a tte r M C O X . Trim Tailored Coats for Spring Days Stunning sport coats especially made for the co­ eds, we have them . . . boyishly belted, with soft rolling lapels and deep patch pockets; trim campus, street and dress coats, too, in straight line, pleated, and paneled. A ll are fashioned of luxurious Spring fabrics. Many have the added luxury of fur trims . . . dis­ posed in a new manner. Priced special for Friday and Saturday selling . . , $ 2 5 J0 0 a n d COLORFUL SPRING FROCKS A striking, imposing and beautiful collection of frocks fo r the College Miss with the infinite charm of the French and the practicability of America. The new est m aterials and most entrancing colors. Clever new interpretations of the Spring fashion mode at interesting priced , * • $16.75 and $25-0® Be sure and see these Beautiful values today! NAMAN E xclusive Ladle*’ R eady-to-W ear and M illinery 608 C ongress A ve, ■ ■ p i 1 1 r i~ 3Sr&*kiA jiftstW N ew H osiery Colors fo r N ew Effects in Costumes n e ’s n e t h e r EXTREMITIES, th a t is, one's stockinged /C r J legs, sue so much a part of the costume o f today, that often the change of hosiery color will give a V _> / n e w and different effect to a dress. QColor is almost as im­ portant as the dress itself, and in our assortments of long wearing Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Stockings we try to have €VCry new and wanted shade. QNinetymine times out of a hundred the color you want is bere. If it isn’t we w ill have it dyed w ithout extra charge. Cot ham Gold Strifes in Sheer and Regular Weights are priced from $1.85 a pair. Chiffons from $1.95 a pair. 7 ^ run that Starts above can pass the g o ld Stripe IS M ore new dresses cmd spring m illinery ju st unboxed. ti m eT. H. WILLIAMS & CO. Congress Ave* i t Stfi Street - W i t h f Shirley Mason A P a r a m o u n t P i c t u r e IL “ T he H o u s e W i t h o u t a K ey" IIL O v e r t u r e IV . T o p ic s & F ab le # V. P a th * N ew * S T U D E N T S t Enjoy San Antonio! $ 1 .5 0 RTT.a e v e r y su nda y Train L eaves A ustin 6 :1 0 a. rn. L eaves San A ntonio Returning 2 :1 0 p. rn. and 8 p. rn. Sunday. Theatres—Movies—Park#—* Miss toe* —-Alamo— U• S. Post, JEtc. OFFICE AUSTIN HOTEL P h o n e s nm s a d 6 0 9 6 l l . L. MORRIS, P. A T. A. ROB T WERR, Aaa*! ► I *, * ;-'2 U:s' “ :’v 'V | . pl" STEERS FACE TIGERS I M A I T C T I M T U T T P Q H ' A V 1 1 1 A U O I U N I In coolam on, we again offer our | compliments to those of the opposi- ; cion who have not the m oral courage I d bftckbfme to write in The Texart nftiftls, pen name?, etc., omitted. The honorable ma mr- as it did against the ITouse of m the Texas team f ill use this jn the box is a question. Baker, I STUDENTS registered for the fol- lowing courses wiil please note the veteran o f last season, who is con J changes in classrooms from the orig th e best tw irler in the con* inaj schedule, effective a t the open* will probably get the assign-1 ;ng of the spring term : George M erirariiy. a life time friend of Billy Dis ch. will lead his pro* against Disch’s Longhorns for! rm rit, and be is likely to have enough | the first time in many reasons. The gtuff to keep th(? bijf bat* of th* Tigers have two complete teams o j n check. Fielder, Hogtie, regulars, either one of which could g*orbef?> or Higgins are other postdbll be thrown against the Longhorn* for *t jfg their initiation of m ajor League fire Rip Collins, who hails from Au* tin and vicinity and who ha* a* much stuff as any of the American League the twirlers will probably draw a* mound assignment for the day, plan* at present are to make th e >the w rite r in the tone in which this game a sort of a gala homecoming day ar^jcjc -lA w ritten. f o r Collin*. W e e Marvyn Shea w ill probably be behind the bat. Firing Line j n a sparsely settled commihnity when the right* of individual* do not are individual’s cross, th e In the outfield, the I igers have; param ou at, but in an age of o v e r-1 IL 203 (C ontinued from page 2) Heavy Hitter* rights 204 Applied M athematics HO*, TTS j f . Law B. 105 Botany 132s, MWF l l , B. L. I l l Business Adm inistration 197s, JA WF IO: G. H ,*201 Busine** Adm inistration 216s, M Business A dm inistration 227*, M -F F IO: G. H. HS IO: G. IL 315 9: G.H.l 13 R: G. IL 300 Business Adm inistration 240s, M-S Business Administration 250s, M-b Education 107s, TTS IO: Ed. B. Psychology IO Is. I, M.WF 8: G. E. J. MATHEWS, Registrar. probably the most consistent and population! and complicated economic; heaviest hitting trio in the majors. |R(j life, the individual’s right*; Pother gill, Heilman, and Manusch muat sto p when those of society are who will probably play against the destroyed. L et us pu t the fear of Longhorn* all finished in the first *»> the law dn the h eart of the cheat as among the American League hitter? E nj?jand does th at of the law in the last season case of th e would-be m urderer, and .350. cheating will almost entirely stop. with marks well above Against such an array of stars which are estimated to be at least 25 pet cent better than last year Billy Ditch will use one of the green­ coached in est teams that he has years. th< men are, natural talent constantly stalks in the Longhorn caitif The opposition argues fo r a sec­ ond choice for the evil doer. The second khance has many times as much sin back of it as was ever com­ m itted in the first instance. On the campus we have “ second-chance” men. Borne of these have been pun-] Hall. ished m ore than twice for cheating. The Longhorn combination, which \ f the fear of God had been put in i* built around Meredith Hopkins in their h earts before the first offense, the infield, and Heine Baumgarten in 11 doubt if they would ever have the outfield will line up much the ; cheated One time. Inexperienced though B. B. .A students who wish to be con­ s i d e r dfor positions coming to the attention of the School of Business A dm inistration, their name* immediately at my office, S. Hall 2. should file A. H, RIBBINK. HOUSE MOTHERS for men student? will m eet Friday night, March 18 a t 7:30 o’clock in the Girl’s Study Im portant, MRS. O. L. ALBRIGHT, Secretary STUDENTS who desire to usher at the relays should leave th eir name? GREEK 190s, the Greek element in the English language, WHI be given in three lections during the spring I term . They a re : Section 11, Main Building 40 5; section 2 TTS 12, Main Building 403; section! 3, MWE 12, Main Building 172. W. J. BATTLE in judges .STUDENTS desiring to be used a?) Interscholastic League] track and field rn ceti may have their; names placed on the list by notify- j ing Roy B, Henderson, Little Cam -1 pus, telephone 2-3406. The League is receiving many call* for judges No rem uneration paid. but all expense j Student PIGG CLUB m eets Friday night, March 18, a t 7:30. The purpose of this m eeting is to select members to represent the club in the spring term debates. All members are urged to try out. SCHMIDT, CZECH CLUB. As several of the members have stated th at they wiT not be here on the night of the 18th Friday, thy m eeting set for th a t time has been postponed until some time next term , GEORGE KACIR THE TEXAS Philosophy Club wil’ meet in room 20" of Garrison Hall Friday evening at 7:45. Dr. Hanson T ufts Parlin, Jun ior Dean of the Col lege of Arts and Sciences will speak OPENING GYM DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Featuring F r e s h m a n Adams with Steve G ard ­ n er’s new 7-pfece orches­ tra. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N FRIDAY, MARQH IS, 1927. at the athletic office before noon Saturday, March 19th. on Philosophy and the Modern Novel. TOM H. TUTTLE, Pres. WILEY E. GLAZE. LONGHORN BAND rehearsal at Hall at 7:00 tonight. G. A. TOEPPERW~EIN -........ n Newman Club rooms. Dr. Glascock been five applications filed in the of the foreign language department j Athletic Office for the position of will speak on the decadence of the assistant managers of football, Wiley Spanish language E. Glaze, director of men’s athletics church. announced Thursday. and the Catholic I, MWL I LEWMAN CLUB will hold its rggu- i*r meeting next Sunday in the A PP LIC A TIO N S FILED Up to the present time there have Mr. Glaze stated that several more bo applications were expected to made in the next few days. Early Spring Suits READY TO DON Official Notices A re here now for your inspection in a m ost com plete assem blage. These suits are made from fine domestic and for­ eign fabrics in new weaves and colors. The smartest dress preferences of College Men are conformed to in style and fine tailoring. Two-Trouser Suits A s Low as- $30 and $35 Others for $45, $55, $65 IN ABUNDANCE Spring Hat Spring Shirt Spring Neckwear Spring Hosiery Satisfaction Guaranteed STEBBINS & JAMES Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes TEXT B O O K S NEW AND USED FOR ALL YOUR COURSES School Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS Parker, Conklin, Sheaffer, 1.50, 2.75 and up Engineering, Artists, and Drawing Supplies Stationery for every Purpose Stationery with University Seal TEXAS BOOK STORE “THE STUDENTS BOOK EXCH ANG E” Opposite University Main Entrance— on Guadalupe Street Thurlow B. Weed FUNERAL HOME PHONES 6080— 6317 AMBULANCE - THE DAILY TEXAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY $ JO .S5 . .70 . .SS . too 3. SO 1 Insertion .___ _ 2 in sertio n * ,, I in sertio n * 4 i n s e r t i o n s _ 8 in se rtio n s __ I m o n t h _ Bold applies t ion. faro M axim um o f 25 W ord* display type rates' upon Je ss* Hopkins, Classified Ad Mgr. APARTMENTS FOR RENr FOR K ENT N icely fu rn ish e d a p a rtm e n ts , d e e p in g p o rc h .* , p riv a te b a th , ail m od­ e rn an d d e lig h tfu l, cool fo r su m m er, Low 705 W est re n t. j j Mina A nnie B a rn h a rt. j 22 I >2 S t. BOARD AND ROOM duped GIRLS- C oolest place ra te s Re- on te rm an d sum * fo r sp rin g m er school on hoard an d room . T el. 21916. — 17 2906 W h itts Ave. M rs. E v an s. cam p u s. ROOM ROA iii)— F o r m en. Room fo r th ree b ey s, one block o f cam p u s. N ice tab le b.oird reaso n ab le. M rs. W inder, 2 2 12 Tom G reen. P h o n e SOS4. 17 BOARD A R O O M —F o re m e n . Room fo r th re e b oys, c o n v en ien t to tow n and U n i­ v e rsity . A lso n ice tab le board a t re a s o n ­ able ra te s . 1707 C o n g re ss. P hone 2396*. 16 Board, j FOR BOYS— N ice q u iet j room s w ith b o ard th re e m eal*, 62 4.59 p e r m o n th . Two m eals, $18,50, S u n d ay n ig h t su p p e rs, P a t t e r ­ Dial £967. son. 17 1 9 9 1 . W h ills. Mr*. ROOM ft BOARD— for m en Show er w ith h o t and cold w a te r h o u rs, S leep in g p o rch . cooked m eal*. A venue. Phone* 4432. o r couple*. a t ail A lae nice home 1998 W hlti* — IS N IC E Rn (OM an d board P lenty of good m ilk, fa s t c ere als, a t $28.00 p er m o n th . N ueces. in p riv a te hom e. ( ream w ith b re a k ­ 2712 — 16 ROOM ft BOARD fo r boys. Room s nicely 1906 G u ad ­ #-~19 fu rn ish e d . E x cellen t m eals. alupe £ ?r* et. P h o n e 9656. ROOM ft HOARD— F or boys, $30.00 per m onth. A L o n erv e m eals a t reaso n ab le 202 E a s t 22. — 23 ra te s. Good hom e cooking. P hone h i3 6 . n ity * BO VS— On acco u n t of b ay s g o in g to f r a t e r ­ I will have a few v acan cies fo r h o ard an d room , o r hoard alone. Gail M rs. J . D C opeland. 1905 U n iv e rsity A venue. — 23 P h o n e 80 4 3. FIND YOUR NAME IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION AND SEE THE SHOW IDEAL PLACE TO ROOM BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE HATES A N IG H T CLASS th S p a n ish Ab, w in te r term of S p an ish A. is o ffere d by tb e E x ten sio n T ea ch in g B u reau o f th e U n iv e r­ s ity on M onday a n d T h u rsd a y ev en in g s of from 7 to 8:$0 o ’clock. A ppli­ each week th e co u rse m ay be m ade e ith e r catio n for o r in class, E d u catio n Bldg., th ro u g h th e E x te n sio n T each in g B ureau, c o m e r E ast 18th an d Red R iv er St*. — 16 room 203, ST U D E N T S—-Sell y o u r old clo th es, shoes. etc., fo r th e h ig h e st cash price. W e call fo r them . P h o n e 3 762. A. S c h w a rtz. M I2 C LEA N IN G , p re ssin g an d a lte ra tio n is our sp e c ia lty , H av e y o u r w ork done by an ex p ert. join o u r c le a n ­ ing club. B ig g s A Co. P h o n e 7601. A p .l S av e m oney an d DO YOU w ish typing doneT N eat accurate l i c h i 2 — 24 work guaranteed. Ring 2 -1580. early o r late. FO R SA LE — 1923 Fo rd coupe, good tire* , u p h o lste ry , p a in t an d m o to r fo r 1100.90. — 18 P h o n e 5384. * FO R SA L E — 1924 coupg, good an d all in f a ir c o n d itio n . P h o n e 5384. tire s , body P rice $150,00. — 18 m od ern FO R SA L E — B a rg ain to U n iv e rsity people, in six -ro o m bungalow , U n iv e rsity co m m u n ity . M u st be sold Im ­ tow n. Call m ed ia te ly as — 20 ow n er. 9907. lea v in g located am I FU R N IS H E D a p a rtm e n ts , th re e room s, p riv a te b a th , sleep in g p o rc h an d B etw een U n iv e rs ity P h o n e s, -— l f g a ra g e and C apitol. office, 8823, H om e 4789. 2006 W ic h ita S t. fo r $30.00. u p s ta ir s , FO R BOYS o r co u p les— A niee cool room F o r p a r tic ­ to U n iv e rsity . — lo u lars, ph o n e 3026. c o n v en ien t FOR R E N T — 2 room s and sleep in g po rch . 1909 — 19 N ueces, P h o n e 23082. S a n d e rs' H o u se, cheap. R ates LOST AND FOUND L A R G E ROOM w ith t^ a sse d -in porch fo r boys. A pply 405 W est L O ST— B etw een 2 6 th an d S peedw ay an d 2 8 th an d Rio G ran d e, o r on Rio G rande b lack le a th e r p u rse c o n ta in in g tw o S tre e t. c a r, coin p a rs e s ta in pen. R ew ard 8239. w ith m oney. A lso black fo u n ­ fo r in fo rm a tio n . R in g — 17 e a s t sleep in g po rch . One block fro m cam p u s. sity Ave. ROOM FO R BOYS— N ice room w ith s o u th ­ B oard is d e sired . 1907 1-2 U n iv e r­ — 17 sleep in g 2 1 s t — 18 T R A N S FE R S E R V IC E and g e n era l h a u lin g done by a s tu d e n t. Also hay f o r sale. — 2 1 P h o n e 28995. LO ST — C am eo pin a t sta d iu m , or betw een s ta d iu m an d P ig g ly -W ig g iy . Call 9589 1 7 fo r rew ard . COACHING I KNOW MATH I , De you 7 Three yea rs’ coaching experience, recommended by the faculty. Dial 9510 for Andrew W oods. J u l i FO U N D — An sd in T h e T exan w hich sa y s t h a t Mr. Fly P a rso n s m ay h av e a p a ss to th e Queen T h e a te r to d ay , as he has now — 18 fin ish ed his ex am s. IDEAL PLACE TO ROOM COACHING— G erm an A, I , and 2 by g ra d ­ u a te of G erm an U n iv e rsity . R ecom m end­ ed by m em b ers o f German Departm ent. — M arch 23 2509 N ueces. P h o n e 4928. BOYS— Cool room s fo r sp rin g te rra , sleep ­ in g p orch, hot and cold w a ter, sh o w er 402 W est 2 4 th — i s b a th s ,bloc k from cam p u s. S tre e t. COACHING— Spanish A. I , 2, etc,, French. I know Spanish s s well you know E nglish . . Hubert Le*. 23430. I and as Phone -_ J y g J ed FOR BOYS OR C O U PL E S— L ovely fu rn is h ­ in new hom e, one block car, 312 E a s t 3 1 st -18 h o t w ater, b e a u tifu l view . S t. Speedw ay H eig h t* . P h o n e 23868. room MATH AND PH Y SIC S COACH— E x p ert co ach in g . Five y e a rs ’ experience. S tr ic t­ ly u n d e r th e h o n o r sy ste m , * S a tis fa c tio n g u a ra n te e d . Dial 5968 fo r Golden. Mch Si DRESSMAKING PL E A T IN G — Any sty le . H e m stitc h in g , silk, c o tto n , gold, silv e r. B u tto n s fa n c y co v ­ e red . 50 v a risto rs. R h in esto n e s s e t to o r ­ d er. P hone 8862, M abel G atinaw ay, 716 C o n g ress. O ver Beacon Shoe S to re. — M17 ST U D EN TS— L e t m e do y o u r sp rin g d r e s s ­ m ak in g . Now is th e tim e. R elining and rem odeling o f c o ats s a tis fa c to rily done. Call Mr*. N ellie Lee, 2492 San A ntonio. P h o n e — l a 328$. GIRLS— L et me d e sig n y o u r sp rin g d re sse s and c o stu m es for E a s te r. R em odeling and a lte ra tio n a sp e c ia lty . M rs. F o s te r, o v er — A pril 13 B eacon’s. P hone 8362. FO B Q U IET BOYS— N ice room s w ith sleep­ foe tow n an d U niver­ 1908 Speed­ re n t. — IT ing porch. A b o couple*. C onvenient sity. 4 Also g a rag e Phone 5808. way. sm all a p a rtm e n t to fo r hom e. P L E A S A N T fro n t so u th e a s t room in p riv a te P riv a te f r o n t e n tra n c e , b a th a d ­ joining, all co n v en ien ces, q u ie t n e ig h b o r­ hood. Two an d o n e -h alf blocks n o rth of cam pus. 296 A rchw ay. P h o n e 4808. — 17 FOR BOYS— N ice q u iet ro o m s w ith sleep ­ ing p o rc h an d a ll m odern co nveniencea. A lso tab le board. One block fro m c am p u s. H ave niee room fo r couple. P h o n e 8794. - J* room BOYS OR C O U PL ES— N icely fu rn ish e d C am pus so u th one block. th o se who will re m a in th ro u g h su m m e r term . P h o n e 23040. 2609 — 16 W ich ita. in p riv a te hom e. P re fe r BOYS— R t 2510 R io G rande a re th re e n ice double ro o m s an d tw o sin g le ro o m s w ith all R udd H e a te r, h o t an d cold w a te r a t h o u rs. P h o n e 9563. — I i room s and BOYS— B oys, you a re m issin g in A u stin . Campus. P h o n e 22862. th e n ic e st th * b e st hom e cooked m eals J u s t tike hom e. One block o f IC BOYS— Two nice cool sin g le beds. P r iv a te b ath , h o t an d cold w a te r. P re fe r boys who wilt rem ain th is su m m er. — 17 2619 Rio G rande. P hone 8983, room s w ith room fo r ROOM FOR R E N T — One n icely fu rn ish e d p re ­ ferred . P r iv a te hom e, U n iv e rsity two b lac k s. — 28 2511 W ich ita, tw o k ay s, u p p erclassm en P h o n e 21271. FOR R E N T — New g a rag e a p a rtm e n t. Tw o bed room s, h ail and b a th . Cool an d has p riv a te e n t ranee. Room fo r fo u r boys com ­ — 22 fo rta b ly . 606 W e rt 2 5 th . FOR R E N T — L arg e room w ith p riv a te e n ­ Two blocks from U n iv e rsity . 794 W est 24 S t. 23 to s tu d e n ts o r in s tru c to r. tra n c e FO R R E N T -- F o r boys, nice q u iet room in p riv a te hnmo. All m odern convenience*. — 28 695 W est 28 S t. P h o n e 23320. ROOMS FOR RENT fo r one or A CH O IC E ROOM on U n iv e rsity A venue tw o m en. Al! c o n v en ien ces. Cai! 9439 o r see a t 1904 U n iv e rsity A v e­ — 29 nue. WANTED W ANTED— Boy to exchange work for room ren t. Call $ ) l t a lter 5 CO p . rn, — 29 in g p o rch w ith ROOMS FO R BOYS— L arg e s o u th e a s t sleep ­ ro o m s. L aw - - 2 0 O nly on* block o f U n iv e rsity a n d B u ild in g . 1920 Sp eed w ay . tw o nice stu d y FO R BOYS— Room s yon will Uke M eals th e a v era g e a t a b o u t 39c. P h o n e — 17 1998 W h itis A ve. above 3998. e n tra n c e , nicely EAST ROO M — In new p riv a te borne, p riv a te sin g le bed*. A d jo in in g b a th w ith h o t an d cold w ater. 2 i - 2 b locks fro m cam p u s. 209 E ast — 17 26 1 - 2 , P h o n e 2-2992. fu rn ish e d w ith ENGINEERING STU DENT w ish es one or two ro o m m ates in p riv a te hom e. M u sic­ ian p re fe rre d . M odern, q u ie t place. Ga­ ra g e if w anted. Also g a ra g e fo r day p a rk ­ — 17 ing. 2620 1 - 2 W ichita. BOY S— H o t w e a th e r's c o m in g ! G et th a t cool room a t 2510 Rio G rande. H o t w a­ 17 te r an d sleep in g porch. P h o n e 9563. one block from cam p u s. FO R BOYS— N ice well fu rn ish e d ro m s, only Sleeping porch, h o t an d cold w a ter a t all h o u rs, and all m odern convenience*. Call a t 1906 W ich­ — 17 ita o r P h o n e 4442. FO R R E N T —-To g irls, la rg e cool room s for sp rin g term . A cross th e s tr e e t fro m th e cam po*. 2909 W hlti* Ave. P hone 22229. 17 FO R R E N T —One d esirab le so u th room w ith sleep in g porch, sin g le bed and a lt m od­ P hone — 17 e m co n v en ien ces, 3213. 2202 N ueces. fo r o th e r Q U IE T ROOM th re e Sleeping ■porch an d all m odern co n v en ien ces. R ea­ 16 so n ab le term s. Dial 7 41 4, 1949 N ueces. tw o b oys, o n ly th e ho u se. ro o m ers in reduced G IR L S — C oolest room s on cam p u s, special i u d su m m er E v a n s, 2006 — l f fo r sp rin g T el. 2191$. M rs. school. W h i tis Av*. ra te s AUTO PAINT SHOP P LU M B ER S fUfkslghi y o u r e a r w kb a u th o rise d Duo*. AUTO PAINT SHOP 409 Cola. E. R. Cele E. RAVEN, PLUM BER "W here good p lum bing repairs ar* awd*.*1 P h eae 4743 t a o s Lavaca S t. DOCTORS POTATO CHIPS DR. E. B CROWDER, D entist Office Phone 94AS •OS Scarbrough B ldg. Rec. Phone OSIS A ustin, T exas Student, in m aking that picnic box, remam hee salted peanuts, potato chip*. S A N I. PR O D U CTS Phea* SOM p m W aat 4th S t LUMBER BRYDSON LUMBER CO. Building Material et All KJadi 19th and Guadalupe W A N T E D TO BU Y W e P a y the H ighest P rices for C est -aff Clothing and Sheas 407 E a st 6 th St- P l e a s STH CARPET CLEANERS^ WOOD Rug* Cleaned. Rebound— Work Guaranteed CAPITO L C A R P E T C L EA N E R S B u y y o u r W ood, E g g s, an d C hicken* I rom L. E a st Produce Co. 2117 E a s t Ave., B lack ft Cooper. P h 4S33 Phone 4101 103 W est Sad St TINNERS AND ROOFERS W A N T E D TO BU Y GAGE BROTHERS Furnaces, Ro©Gag, and T i* Work ; 7lh A Red Rive* S ts* Repair las,. Phone 1279 H ig h e st c a sh p rice paid C lo th in g . S hoes, and S u it C ase s. fo r S econd-hand A . S C H W A R T * —P h o n e 37S2 ' ■* "■■■' j ,*:**,-•¥ • J 'A-' ' • < • : , BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE TO T H E A M B ITIO U S real a c c u ra te , n e at, an d c o rre c t ST U D E N T S— F or tru in g , salt 5655 f o r R uby S m ith . All w ork g u a r ­ — M arch 22 re aso n a b le. anteed. P ric es is flow er W OODMAN FLO W KR S H O P — S p rin g t tm e E x p re s s y o u r g re e tin g w ith flow er*. C ut flow ers for all occasions, P h o n e ta b le and w edding A p io 9360. deco ratio n * . tim e. riv in g e v e ry d ay . L A D IE S— S p rin g h a ts an d shoes a re a r ­ F o r b e tte r value, try Dae y e . U p s ta irs o v e r Wool w o rth ’s. W hen M ch. 8 yon go up p rices go down. th e se s, and do W E C O PY T H E M E S , ail kinds of ste n o g ra p h in g , m u ltig ra p h in g and m im eo g rap h in g . C all 5934, 914 L ittle field B ldg. T ex as M ulti-graph Shop. M rs. E J . — t i A dam s, WOOD— C ord Wood- Block sto v e wood. £"ard 8616 G uadalupe S tre e t. Phone 3742. E. M. A sh fo rd . MefalS p ro m p t d e liv e ry . S. M FO ST ER has th e b e st of firewood. T he place w here you g e t fa ll m easu re. — Feb. 25 Call 4661. ST U D EN TS— I h a v e b e a u tifu l h an d -p ain ted Ka*ter, M o th er'* Day. and G reetin g card*. Also h a n d -p ain te d n o v e lties, taliey a n d score 18 card s. 2704 G uadalupe. P h o n e 4237. in g b u sin e ss colleges of FOR SA LE — S c h o la rsh ip ta on* of th e le a d ­ th e S o u th w est, in te re s te d , w rite M a n a g er. Box 1927, — i f l f U n iv e rsity S ta tio n . A N O TH ER T w e n ty -fiv e c e n t M echanical re c o rd in g s, 821 C ongree* Are* „ IfhNM $91*. reco rd sale- Isa a c Bledsoe, — 20