V O L U M E X XI. A U S T I N , T E X A S , S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G , M A R CH 26, 1921 NO. 132 F £ CLINIC D EM 0N 5TR IIN CONCLUDES SUCCESSFUL I E Mrs. G e rtru d e M u d ge Finishes N utrition L ectu res; T w o S p e a k e r s F ea tu re PRIZE TO ATHENAEUM PREPARING FOR FINAL A n n u al A fte r -d in n e r S p e a k in g C ontest W ill Be H eld by S o cie ty Establishment of an annual Ath- eneaum after-dinner speaking prize H e le n H olden H o ld s F i r s t ! P la c e ; G la d y s R ountree Is Secon d F irst C ollege D aily in th e South VARSITY QUEEN RACE U N W I T ! POST WILL MEXICAN EDUCATION IS . , . , ‘ ,, „ .. ., ,, "I .... , .. , a . ______ Gillette, .'•lated . following committee ed by C om m an d er and P laced en C en tra liz ed B a s is STAGE FAMOUS BITTLE MAKING MUCH PROGRESS SITS VISITING CONSUL C o m m ittee to H a v e C harge of j I Circus F ea tu re Is A p p oin t- (S ystem Is B eing R e-o rg a n ize d , Austin San Sam committee has ap-] propria ted a special sum of $100 to! the University Post of tho American Legion for expo nae* - Mexjco haa made gra„ p r„Krt.ss of , ublic ,n. in a t a z i r the | tow ard, , better Battle of San Jacinto** ... connection; struction>.. aaid s ,.nior Rnriquc Rata. w ith the Varsity Circus on April 21, M„ icwl consu) at San Antonio wh,.„ tin | aa|,,.d about t h e educational Condi- I tions in Mexico, a fte r his talk before ,, I the Southwestern Political Science , Association Friday afternoon in the j auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. “There ; are at present three times as many ] schools in Mexico as there were dur­ ing the Diaz regime, hut still there is a great lack of education among the lower classes.” * " 1 ’ -otjutunt last night. A special j , . I meeting of the post has bern called . 1 • by Dr. George ( . Butte, post com m inder, for Friday night, April I, to 8 p. rn., at which time from 7 the spectacle the arrangem ents for The betterm ent of the educational I standards are assured, according to . I Senor Ruiz, particularly with the re- organization of the Departm ent of Instruction which has been Public accomplished since the election of President Obregon. This act places education in M exico on a centralised basis, modeled somewhat a fte r the educational system of France. The historical setting and details of the battle have been worked out. The post commander has appointed, to have I the - if the staging of the battle ' charge . J o e 1 A. S. Flood, Rupert Joe Buckingham, F. J. Domingnes, Jas. IL Beverley, VY. ('. Taylor, Frank McGehee, Charles K effer, Leroy Sherrill, and John K. Weber, chair- A11 members of the post are subject to the orders of the commit­ tee, in accordance with the resolution N e w E d u c a t i o n H e a d A p p o i n t e d of the post agreeing that the Uni- The new head of the D epartm ent 11,3521 Versify Post will put on the spectacle, of Public Instruction is Jose Vascon- 10,760 I Dr. Butte states. 9,792! At th.* special m eeting of the post ceU»* form erly rector of the National 6,239 next Friday the Mexican and Texan I University of Mexico, who is said to armies will be recruited and the v ari-1 « very capable man for the posi- 6,185 ous parts iii the “ b attle” assigned, j lion to which he has been appointed. 2,376 Vasconcelos lived for some time in 1,85 () the United States, although he was 1,600 educated in Europe. The new head 694 of the departm ent is well known by 327 that Senor Ruiz who 316 asconcelos will succeed In his work. There is no shortage of teachers in V a riety of P o em s to Be R ecited Mexico, according to Senor Ruiz, as the normal schools m aintained by the governm ent are turning out teachers each year and the supply is plentiful to supply the existing demand for in­ structors. lower educational facilities which are lack­ ing, as the schools of higer education are amply equipped to care for the students enrolled. is bringing his songs th at speak of the city a t night lugubrious note of the and of the the western plains, of cowboy on HERE NEXT THURSDAY 5 as D ivid ed Into Five C lasses Carl Sandburg is confident fourth ] man is chiefly . . . th.* * v * It . . . laborius positions all Triangle Track Meet . . , „ in „ a April director educational the close ot Finish dashes are O„ro,r b tnque, „ f Ath. ^ break a»ay. F in al.m eetin g s of the U niversity of $25 by Hon. Tom Connally, con-, the Marlin district, tures last night by Wm. j Qu#en*» race. lite r a ry Society. The e0,1 * ^ I test for the Connally prize will be ° n for the finish and have a t e n d e n c y I post, . the chief fea- the Varsity Home Economics Week were held on fressman from Friday morning. As a conclusion to I was announced I he lull is beginning her lectures on nutrition, Mrs. Ger- j H arry Jack, president of the Attle- to break. The entrants are impatient trud* Muduo, who has been one of naeum , the speakers featured throughout t h e |h(,w #t ^ week, gave a practical dem onstration j enaeum on April 12. of the nutrition clinic. Miss Grace Mr. Connally, donor of the prize, of f received his LL.B. degree from the W alton, Sanger Brothers, Dallas, gave a dis- University in 189b. While a student „ ,h e re he waR very active in Univer- _ • cussion of the “ Ethics of Buying. j I sity affairs and especially devoted The concluding talk was made by attention to forensic activities. Miss Helen Norton, who has given He was a member of the Atheneaum L iterary Society. lectures and conferences daily during the week on fabrics, clothing and re­ lated subjects. yester­ regulations published > day as to how to vote at the finish to. Monday night will be adhered the j will be made. McFaddens and The boxes at the until Co-op will finish at 9:30 and the results will be published immediately thereafter. Voting since yesterday gave slight gains to th: six leaders who retained their same standing with the exeep lion of Gladys Rountree who doubled to second her votes >nd Connally engaged in the practice law, serving later as county attorney of Fails County, representative in the Texas is now’ congressman D istrict of Texas and a member of ] place by forging ahead the House Foreign Relations Com- Montgomery. m ittee. During the recent w ar he Mis.s Mary C earing, professor of home economics the University, in who has had direct charge of the plans for the week, stated today that ihe attendance and resp o n se -at the seryed as % eaptain. sessions had proved most satisfac-] tory. More than seven hundred wo- Congressman Connally mentioned h is . Ruby Daniel* men were registered during the week devotion to the Athenaeum while ai E tta Bain jumped the Eleventh j place. E tta Bain retained jn his letter donating the prize, J Gladys Rountree Following his graduation here, Mr. The standing is as follows: ; Mary Helen Holden Mit« Grmrirs: in Char'sj*- legislature, and remain open of Margaret Etta Bain from j * _ ,. n student and his wish for its continued • M argaret Montgomery success. T E I INGS MNOIHSH Helen Williams Mary Belle Strauss Dolores Dore Harriet Henderson Elizabeth H arcourt Mary Maude Castle and many others visited the exhibit lecture. or attended an occasional All p arts of the state were '•‘•present­ ed, according to Miss Gearing, there being delegates registered from El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Beaumont, Denison, Fort Worth, Denton, W innsboro and other cities; and towns a1] sections. P r o m i n e n t W o m e n P r e s e n t SIN MARCOS PITCHER representing practically i F resh m en Start th e F irew ork s Rats Watson Is in F ifth Inning; W illiam s Star H itter - ---------- o Elected Head of the ____ baseball V a r s i t y freshman The game was nip and tuck until Senator's Class team defeated the San Marcos Baptist Academy by the score of 10 to I. Mrs. Florence Floore, president of the State Federation of W omen’s Clubs was present for all the sessions of the week, as was Mrs. S. N. Marrs, president of the M other’s Council and _ Parent-Teacher Association. Among the women other than housewives in I ,n thj' leay oni' rim ' Thl‘ ,r<,sh-, ball fame. It seems from all reports attendance were noted particularly I men batters then laW <1<>wn “ harrasrej th at , ,.crtain cia** in the noble study »h<* San-M arcos pitcher and when of ,aw from th t business point of teachers, thf‘ Smoke <:l,'ar<' ,l a t th e «n<) of thl view the and stud en ts ninth inning the fu tu re Varsity base-' U(t<, of in U re at that it has organized effective functioning, name- bail stars were in the lead ll) to I. j f()r down some of the insld. Williams was the star hitter for , tones, sonorous d effervescent ex u b e ra n c es Movie Displaying the freshmen crashing out a h o m e l y whi8peringSi run and a base hit. Shown Third Time Sensible Shoe Is New honors are daily being heaped. (B. A. 23) has reached single. Sledge hit fifth inning with supervisors, journalists fri>shm(.n t0 k th.. a three-1 hold fo rth while the earn est Senator Gofer is pouring out his heart before , . • . Edward Polk, Em m anuel P o n s fo rd i,, - , ** w w ,, and B a rtle tt McMellan held the San , , « . . “Foot F e te ” the movie propagan­ business aspirants, da against high heels and slender Marco“ boys to three hits and o n e’ pointed toes, was shown for the third run> Dawson scored C° me the only run! and last time last night at K. Hall, for ^ e losers when he knocked out said above, when under the direction of the women’s gymnasium staff. The picture dis­ played in three reels an instructive story of foot deform ing and reform ­ ing. Freshmen San Marcos CIO OOO OOO R H F IO 2 l w | ‘h*- corner ‘'cliented . in the second inning. , a brilliant thought, he would B atteries: Polk, MvMvUan! The story begins with the pink and entertain nominations for for this class,” said he the Senator had use Score by innings: 9 I : a president a home run strategy. 021 401 .200 *** * . 2 1 . ,,n thl. h,.a,|s „ f o u , stalw arts of foot- younK bullfroRs *nd , , l e « m a , of all the joyousness and plaint of the cabbages and kings of the Amer­ ican people for a brief singing on Thursday evening of next week. He will appear in the auditorium of the Junior High School, his program opening at 8:00 o’clock. the to his destiny” and Spending that time between his thirteenth year and manhood in non­ descript but over the west and middle-west, wash- ing dishes in hotel kitchens, thrusting a pitchfork at threshing machines in Kansas fields, he has frankly “sham­ is today bled heralded among the forem ost inter­ p reters of American life. Since the desultory labors and travels of his youth he has become famous all over America and obtained recognition abroad through the practice of his " c r a f t / ’ term with which he describes his newspaper work. He delights in his “c ra ft” along with his latest a rt, writing reviews of the the ( Continue.! on page 4) ■ ■ - LITERARY SOCIETIES H O LD E V A N S T R Y -O U T S Mr. Chairm an,” said a voice from to Morpheus, ’I nominate for this office a man who has shown his talents in this line, etc., Mr. Rats W atson.” The election continued, according to eye-witnesses to the tragedy, and Mr. “ Swede” Swenson was pro­ claimed secretary of the unruly class. A conference with those in power was requested by the Senator and th at greeted the champion Of g ta te to become a law w ithout the ( henceforth and forever peace, quiet j it a p - , governor’s signature. Governor N eff. and a tten tiv en ess are to reign su- i - from L iterary societies o f the Umver- when the stur,y o fL a w point o f view win* of thf l***1 t e e t h i n is Ukcn up I s|ty .r e boldin* try -o u t. intr action on moat of tho im portant i the blMlnezz s a this week I fnr Kv" '" ' Oratorical Brize Con- i it is believed th a t he will not c o n sid -,in ‘he valley. I test The Athenaem has chosen men er the University measure and o ther! At H lat" hour last night nothing t„ represent that organization in the semi-finals which take place next I im portant bills until the early part „ f , definite could be learned from Pres- Thursday, March 31. Rusk tryouts I ident Watson as to his program for are scheduled for tonight, at which Exactly one more week remains for ,h " ■’emam der of the year, but ti is time two representatives are to be ‘h a ' ‘he newly elected prexy i will have some novel scheme for de­ chosen for semi-finals. Other socie­ -andman, Japanese or ties entering men in this contest will make their selections before the elim­ ination trials occur next week. •he governor to sign or veto the bills! left by the legislature. If no action is taken by th at time, the measures autom atically become law. feating otherwise the and Williams; Newman white knit shoes of the baby and I ford and goes on through a happy childhood Brown. ............... ..o------------- in sensible shoes and bare feet on j the beach. Then comes the tragedy N E F F H A S N O T A C T E D of the p retty dancing slippers that spoiled the dancing and the final em- bracing of the broad, flat-heeled ox- ford that figures so prom inently on the campus. To judge by the c h e er-1 signed nor sent to the Secretary o f I ing the poor abused foot when pea red, the picture w as in harm ony h e f t yesterday for W aco w ithout ta k - |P rem e with public sentim ent. still : jn abeyance and has neither been ON U N IV E R S IT Y BILL University expansion bill --------- is All three showings played to ca- m easures left by the legislature and parity houses. O N E MILE S W IM IS N O W O P E N T O GIRLS the coming week. Every Saturday afternoon begin­ ning next week girls who wish to take a ten-mile paddle or a one-mile swim may do so. The prerequisites for a ten-mile paddle are four les­ sons, or a ‘ T ” in canoeing. The p re -1 E P W O R T H L E A G U E T O requisites for a one-mile swim are membership in Sunday night at the regular Ep Swimming Club a “T ” in swimming, or a one-half-; worth League m eeting the officers elected.1 mile swim. the Texas T u rtle } the previous year,. ELECT N E W O FFIC ER S for the next year will --------- he Girls wishing to make these try- Aside from this business feature of outs are required to sign up in the j t ht. evening a student program will woman’s gymnasium before 12:00 ^ given with Mr. Williams in charge the Saturday on which and several of the League members o’clock on on the program . League meet they wish to tryout. at i the M ethodist Church at 6:30 p. rn. ...... ..... o ’ A good program consisting of talks 'a n d musical numbers will be render- INVITATIONS ARE READY ------- ----- Seniors who expect to graduate in ed. I June are urged to order their com -' The League also will have a sun k meneement invitations before March j rise prayer meeting at the Methodist 29 at the latest. A sample of the Church on Sunday, E aster morning style of invitation adopted may be Th *.prayer service will begin a t 6 a., seen at, the Co-op and may be ordered rn. AB Methodists are invited to a t­ te r 23 cents each. \ tend this. S a n F r a n c i s c o C o n s u l Is H e r e Accompanying Senor Ruiz was his brother, Eduardo Ruiz, consul-gen­ eral at San Francisco who has come with a special message to Governor Neff from President Obregon, which will be delivered Saturday morning. o------------ Will Be Held Today for Various Prizes Events in the Varsity Prizes for a1! the big triangle track track squad, meet of freshmen and ineligibles will begin promptly at 3 p. rn. today on Clark Field. the various events have been offered by Austin firms. Director L. T. Bellmont will act as ref»*ree and field judge, and will be assisted by members of the coaching staff together with form er cinder artists. Tile events included in the meet ar** as follows: 120 yard high hurdles, 16 pound shot put, pole valut, IOO yard dash, 220 yard low hurdles, dis­ run, 440 cus, high jum p, one mile two mils run, 220 yard yard dash, dash, SRO yard run, javelin, broad jump. From the numerous entrants in each event the prospects are for a sharply contested meet. ----------- -O ..................... H O G G C H O O SE S MEN TO M EET O T H E R SOCIETIES T ryouts for the inter-society de­ bating team were held by Hogg De­ bating Club a t the Thursday meeting. Those chosen for the team were T. O. Mitchell, Moulton Cobb, Cecil Cham­ berlin, and Irvin Stew art, alternate. Others contesting were William Lese* lie, R. A Hittson, W alter Rundell, Glen Courtney. The program announced for next week is as follows: Extempore Speech— Glen Court­ C urrent Events— A. Kafir. Debate— Resolved the Sus- pended Sentence should Be Abol- ished. that At the m eeting for elimination next week, five men will be chosen for the final contest, which occurs on April l l . The winner in the finals in April is to be sent as University representative to the State Oratorical Meet to be held at Baylor University April 15. In addition to the honor of representing this institution in the state meet, the winner of the finals is t o be awarded the Evans prize of I ney. fifty dollars. o------------- HONOR ROLL DELAYED —— - A d d in g C o u r s e * a n d C h a n g in g S e c t i o n * To Saturday, March 26, is the last day this term for taking up a new course or changing a section in the College of Arts and the De­ partm ents of Education and En­ take up a new gineering course a student must apply to the dean of his departm ent; for a change of section he must ap­ ply to the chairman of the school concerned and then to his dean. Unless the University is respon­ sible, a fee of $4 is due for each course addition or section change. H. Y. BENEDICT, Dean of the College of Arts and Science*. TEI HULL PUT T e x a s and B a ylor R acquet Men W ill P la y First Intercol­ le g ia te M atch es Playing their first lnter-collegiate matches of the season, V arsity’s ten­ nis team will m eet today the racquet wielders from Baylor University. Play will sta rt a t 2 :00 o’clock on the new two blocks di­ rectly east of the main m en’s gym­ nasium. tennis courts, Practically nothing is known of the Baylor team. the strength of tennis enthusiasts However, Austin an* predicting a clean sweep of the matches by the Longhorn players, and their prediction is founded upon a most solid foundation. This year's team , in keeping with the team s de­ veloped by Coach D. A. Peniek for many years, will compare most fa ­ vorably with any college team in the country. S t a c y W ill H a n d l e T e a m Gillespie Stacy, an old V arsity tennis sta r and one of the leading players of the South, today will, in the absence of Dr. Penick, the head tennis coach, handle the team. Stacy ha* ranked his players in this fash­ ion: ( I) Charles G ranger (captain), (2) McNeill Drum wright, (3) Lloyd Gregory. Each Texas player will play a Bay­ lor man of a corresponding rank a match of singles. The winner of two out of three sets will win the match. G ranger and Drum wright will en­ counter the Baylor entrants in the doubles The doubles will be fo r the hest three out of five sets. The orig­ inal contract for the meet with Bay­ lor calls for the participation of four men from each school. However, a letter received by Director Bellmont disclosed the fact th at Baylor was sending only three contestants. Aaron Tabor had been chosen as the fourth man on the team and with Gregory would have made up the other doubles team. G r a n t e r Is P l a y i n g L a s t S e a s o n Each of the three Varsity players is a letter man. Charles G ranger, the captain of the team , is playing his fourth and last year on the team . in Texas long activity During his athletics, “Chili” has made a most imposing record. He is the present holder of the Southern Association Single’s Championship. McNeill Drum wright is playing his second and last year on the team . Last year the* doubles team of Drum- wright and Granger won the South­ ern Association Doubles title. Drum- w right’s singles playing in the N a­ Intercollegiate T ournam ent tional (Coatinuad ob page 4) 16964690 C ontains M any Interesting Short Stories, J o k e s an d S k e tc h e s i April number of the Longhorr Magazine will be issued by Sunday March 27. The appearance of this Longhorn is unusually early because it is the Easter number and must bi in circulation by Sunday. In this issue there are several shor stories, some essays, a num ber o! poems, and many pages of Snips, a1 interestingly illustrated by Roystor Crane, the art editor of the mag azine. “ The Girl in the Gray Taxi” is i short story by Jam es W . Posey deal the recovery of a ceria* irig with gown and other things. “The Passing of the Accomplish m ents” by Miriam Brown is a discus sion of the women of the present generation and those of the past. “ Superstition” by Marius Perron is the story of a Mexican who was not superstitious. “The Im portance of Being Frank” is a story of a V arsity boy who could not help falling in love, and of how his older brother helped him out, w ritten by W alter M. Simmons. Due to the late grades and to the, Affirmative: Elliott Atkinson, J. J. the honor Kastohryz; negative: W. G. Camp, factors, usual retarding roll win not be compiled until the D. F. McCollum, end of this month, and will appear a t that time. Term grades are pro- Buckler. curable a t the Registrar** office. The * Panam a Question— W. WL “Track Sketches” by Royston The Weekly G runt—Howell Hopp. (OontfeBwf ob Pac« P m ) Hon. G e o r g e V a u g h a n o f Little R ock Is E lected P resid en t o f A sso cia tio n Second annual meeting of The Southwestern Political Science Asso­ ciation closes today at noon in the auditorium of the Young Mens Chris­ tian Association. The concensus of I opinion among the members is that j the meeting has exceeded pected success. the ex­ The program today opening for at 9 a. rn. in the Y. M. C. A. audi­ torium consists of: Joint session with the Texas Con­ ference of Statewide Social Agon­ i e s , presiding officer: Professor M. S. Handman, U niversity of Texas. Address on Address on “ The Need for Social Service T raining,” Professor John C. C ranberry, Southwestern University. “The Character of Training for Social Service,” Profes­ sor E. B. Reuter, Tulanc University. Address on the “ Chicago Experi­ ment on Social Service T raining,” Mr. E. T. Miller, University of Texas. Discussion by Mr. Elmer Scott, Dallas, Texas, and Miss Alicia Brown of Houston, Texas. F ^ r m P r o b l e m s D i s c u s s e d The Friday morning session of the meeting dealt with the general topic land problems, Professor VV. M. Splawik of the University of Texas presiding. Professor A. B. Cox, chief of the Division of Farm and Ranch Economics, A gricultural and*Mechan- ical College of Texas opened the session with a paper on the “ Size of Farm s and Ranches.” Professor Cox pointed out the fundam ental social and economic importance of the so­ lution of the problem of land hold­ ings. Defining as an ideal family farm one that will render maximum income when occupying the time and energy of the whole fam ily, while yet leaving the family leisure to perform their social and community duties, 0 Professor Cox pointed out th at a pol­ icy of breaking up farm s into too many small units will work as disas­ trously as the policy of having too large holdings. Large farm s tend to grow larger and small fram s tend to grow smaller. Hence the problem is to aid m the establishm ent and m ainte­ nance of farm . ideal the im portant and is particularly This the South­ particularly difficult in western States where factors the i hat enter into the determ ination of the proper size of farm s are so di­ verse. family L a n d S e t t l e m e n t C o n s i d e r e d Professor L. C. Gray, of the office ( Continued on page Four) GIRLS IO RETURN FROM ATHLETIC CONFLUENCE U n iversity R e p r e s e n ta tiv e s W ill Be M et at th e Train T o n ig h t Tonight’s “Texas Special” will bring home Ruby Daniel and E tta Gilbert, the council members of the woman’s association who have attended the Athletic C onfer­ ence of American Women in Bloom­ ington, Indiana. athletic The council members, the W. A. A., and a num ber of the W oman’s Building girls will meet the train in trucks, and a jubilee reception will be given those who have dem onstrat­ ed the Texas co-ed sport spirit for sixty girl colleges and universities represented at the conference, E tta Gilbert was awarded finnanz< in the plain diving contest held Tor the del­ egates. The Athletic Conference of Amer­ ican Women is a national conference held every three years by the athletic associations of the universities and girls’ colleges from all parts of the United States. The U niversity of Texas may well be proud o f the rec­ ord her girls have made in the or­ ganization. One of the problems set­ tled at the late m eeting in Blooming ton was the standardization of wo­ m en’s athletic honors by establish­ ing a national point system. THE MEET TODAY. Impetus will be given anew today to intram ural athletics in an unusual manner when three teams—the Varsity team, the freshmen and the ineligibles— will compete on Clark Field for track honor*. Thin will offer an opportunity to all men who have in any wise displayed interest and ability in track work to show what they are capable of doing. It is a step toward the attainm ent ut the end of all in­ tram ural athletics, namely the getting into some form of sport or other every student of the University. Besides this ad­ vantage, there is to be consid­ ered the fact that the best way in which to develop real interest in a given sport and to produce intercollegiate con­ team.- for tests is by means of ju st such meets as this. There is added interest in this meet for those w ho will compete due to the fact that some thirty or more prizes, presented by the merchants of Austin and rang­ ing all the way from fountain pens and bathing suits to a thirty-day movie theatre pass, will be awarded to the winners in the various events. Thanks are due the local business men for this manifestation of inter­ est and for their generosity in making the awards. . . . , , . . . . . t nm . A i » u « > « Flmt Calk** Daily Ut OM Soot* CMTW Bom IM. Main B m M w , h i M i M sa th* carapa* a t th * O a lfM W r, Enter*4 rn ap l si th— «*»■* at ta* r n * * - a team br a* I—*— m*m wMtm M d a hr B a t t y C r x a it Mf # is a well recognized fact that training and ability to stay on the job on the part of an indi­ vidual are factors of prime im­ portance in his development into a track man. I f there are men I in the University who are cap- . * w mon** > able of representing their uni- — ’ versity on the track and who are not candidates for the squad it is their duty, aud should be At** at A«ua. rom, u»4« ta. Act o« their pleasure, to get out and C o o e r s Marrr. ». l r # tor madia# at *p*«ai rat* of prat*** provided perform the tor Section UM, Act of Octowr * ISI*. school A m ajority of the stu ­ . utWraed September n . 1*1*. dents in the University do not engage in any sort of student activity, athletic or otherwise and many spend their leisure time in a manner which is un­ productive to themselves and to It is this type the University. time the of man, who has coupled with the potential abil­ ity, whose duty it is to do his part in upholding the name of the institution. Wm H arry Jack Dagmar Carlson Russell Barrow I««ue Editor A ssistant Assistant .Mawfiaa MHor Manager HULON W BLACK Edited • so-OMef TODAY’S STA FF E m s Scholz James Beverley C arne Bell Thomas J. P. Gibson K. E. McKatt Agnes White Thelma t , Hippy Miriam Brown Jack Allensworth J , L. Edwards Lloyd J. Gregory John S. Sprott Martha McCoy George A, Gage J, P. Watson W inthrop Monro The vacancies on the track squad ju st at this time offer splendid opportunities. REPORTERS service g . IL Ca* .Adverttai this ......... QRutaey to --------------- o-------------- MISS POWELL LEAVES OFFICIAL NOTICES THE DAILY TEXAN Officer* for the next year will be elected and a good student program will be given. Alf Leaguers should come out. / f s c CHAIRMAN', g a t u r d a y thedrai, night, March 26th, at 7 ;30 p. rn., under spacial dispensa­ tion from th#- Grand Lodge All Ma.st**r Masons in the University ara •peri ally invited to be pi* sent. Miaa Isabella Powell, who for the fall and w inter term s, has been a i l e M aster’s Degree member of the woman’s athletic fac­ will be conferred at ALL METHODIST GIRL.'- will ulty, will retu rn to her home in Bai­ th^ Scottish Rite Ca- fin(i a hearty welcome awaiting them I tim ore next week. Miss Powell has A on 3mu**y m(>rn' held the position of secretary of the term athletic faculty and pianist fo r the S ta rt dancing classes Now that the gym- n asi urn classes have been ‘‘turned out the faculty is being of doors” and EARLY MORNING EASTER SER- relieved of the burden of adrainister- VICE at nix o’clock Sunday morn- ing “ freshman gym,” Miss Powell is mg the University Methodist leaving Texas until the fall term of church. Special music, Everybody next session. is invited. th’* * ' *** ing a t 9:30. right. JNO. K. WEBER .- - p.- ......——.. UH AIRMAN the new — — a t 0 ■■■—■■na—r REGULAR GEDMAN on Saturday night, March 26, 1921, will begin a t * Mi p. in., instead of at ll since Shakcy’ O rchestra leaves a few min utes before midnight to catch a train for a State trip APPLICATIONS for Social Cal- in by Saturday w a y s a good S e n d Hillya^s Flowers* A l- Phone idea. endar must be April 2. SOCIAL CALENDAR COMMITTEE 6 1 6 0 . , « .. GIRLS who ar# interested in plant-! ing, cutting or donating cut flowers! Nothing looks worse than an I .. , „ for the Laster Services af the Con-; u k * v bathing suit. federate Women’s Home will pleas# certain style suit for every fig- , see Miss Davidson in her office in a r e . W h y lo o k the Main Building as noon as pas- w h e n y o u c a n e a s ily lo o k y o u r Slid e. . s h o d d y p r e t t i e s t . I_.I • S e e . . . , , . . . _ ” . | ' . i • . . YOU HAVE WRITTEN POEMS! l*> #«“ c*r* w Baw them revised or coo- rf-. I atructiveiy triturated by successful authors? lf I here is a rQU a .several days visit in day from Grange. Marvin Eichen roh t o f Seguin has return ed to school. Joe Lackey and Stein Lde are In Luling judging a tra c k meet. Nolan Brown of Dallas is visiting at the Theta Xi house. Mrs. F. F. M angham has re tu rn ed to Cuero a f te r spending several days with her dau ghter, May Mangham. Lee Lockwood is visiting in Waco. J. C. P atterson is leaving today for a visit in Mexico City. George Luhn will spend the week­ end at his home in Taylor. Price Cross, accom panied by E d ­ mund Bass Royce as a guest, will spend the week-end at his home in Cameron. Howard Fitzgerald re tu rn ed yes­ terd a y from a visit in his home a t San Antonio. Arch H arb or has re tu rn ed from a week-end visit at home in Coleman. in his Graham Dixon i s ‘ visiting home in Dallas. Robert Robinson has re tu rn ed from a visit in his home in Cleburne. Paul Hutchinson will spend week-end a t his home in Deport. the Henry Smith is visiting in his home in Houston. Carl Johnson of San Antonio h a s withdrawn from school. -----------------o----------------- Send H illier** Flower*. A l­ P h o n e idea. fo o d way* rn 6160. W ith a Boom S p rin g T erm for it was decided At the re g u la r m eeting of the wo­ m an's athletic council on Tuesday to announce night, the team m em bers in baseball, bas­ ketball and hockey as soon as they have been approved by the council a t the next meeting. All o f the prac­ tices for these w inter sports a re now in. Plans were made and accepted for the decoration of a float to be en tered in the V arsity Circus parade in April. the Katherine Pollard, publicity m an­ ager of athletic council an ­ nounced th at Dr. Mabel Ulrich had been secured to give a series of lec­ tu res to the girls on “ General Health and Sex H ygiene.” Dr. Ulrich has appeared before the University girls in previous series of lectures under the general direction o f the Y. W. C. A. This time, the athletic council will be aided by the Y. W. C. A. and the Austin M other’s Club. The adoption of the sw eater given by the W. A. A. fo r DOO points was discussed. It was decided to present the sw eater a t the next meeting, with suggested alteration s. A large part of the money received from the V a r­ sity Circus will be given to the fund now sta rte d by the . m e n ’s athletic council for the purpose of building up the U niversity boathouse, grounds and dock. and Lake Austin will be the scene of the g re a te r portion of the co-ed a t h ­ letic classes d uring the spring term. Swimming, rowing canoeing, classes are to be offered this term , the usual custom, and co n tra ry girls taking lake sports will not be required than one to a tte n d more class a week. This class will neces­ sitate spending a good p a r t of the afternoo n on the lake, however. to Classes held in town will be com­ paratively few. Tennis classes will be held in the mornings before 10:00 ten ev ery m orning o’clock. A fte r T H E DAILY TEXAN the courts will be free fo r any who are working for points o r team s. No swimming classes will be held in the Wom an’s Building pool on W ednes­ day or on S aturday afternoons. At these times the pool will be open for g irL who wish to get in practice. No P. T classes will be held on W ednes­ days, the way the schedule is now a r ­ ranged. This is necessitated by the strenu ous efforts required o nthe p a rt of the work on the lake during sunny a f t ­ ernoons. in directing instructors the Archery will be taken up again this term . Much difficulty has been experienced in securing archery Hip­ p i e s hertofore. Two of the bows now on hand are too strong fo r the use of girls and since the only house in the United S tates that furnishes a rc h ­ ery supplies does not have them in stock at present, the present collec­ tion of two bows and twelve arrows is not being used much. ---------- o----------- . Som e p e o p le like ice c r e a m ; every one Lovet, H o m e -m a d e ice c re a m . You c a n n o t co n ­ ceive th e go od ness of “ B lu e­ b o n n e t H o m e -m a d e ice c r e a m ” until you h a v e tried it on one of th e se hot a fte rn o o n s . Let us serv e it to you c o v ered w ith luscious, fre s h , re d s tra w b e rr ie s . T h e B lu e b o n n et T e a Shop. ice cold, ll CLASSIFIEDS DR. W ILLIAM E. BERGM AN— Suite 410 Littlefield Building. Dentist and P yorrhea Specialist. Phone 2638. j V IS IT the Palace Barber Shop; Hall of Fame, next to Kress, Bill : Wolfe, Prop lf LOST Light brown suitcase m ark­ initials M. W. G. Finder 26 ed with please call 4 8 It# for reward. WANTED--University girl to help; with housework for room and board. ( Mi's. L. T. Bellmont, Phone 8306. | — 27 D o n ’t ru sh h o m e for d in n e r. C ome to th e Q u a lity C a fe te ria w h e re you c an select d ish es to suit your a p p e ti te a n d po c k et- book. W e serv e fro m 12 o ’clock u ntil 5. WUKASCH BROS. Hom e-m ade Cakes and Pies THE C. & S. BATHING SUIT will pass inspection of the Gym nasium Faculty. You can g e l th a t suit th at fits, does nqt sag with wear, yet it is of aproved length. Let us fit you in e ith er th e color fast black ones or the vari-eolored ones. SELECT YOUR EASTER CARDS A T THE Announcing a Free Lecture C. & S. S P O R T IN G G O O D S CO. 704 Congress Thomson Motor Car Co. Goodyear Tires and Tubes S e a t Covers. B u m p ers, Gasoline, Oil an d G re ase. D o dg e B ro th e rs M o to r C a rs Sales a n d Service. R H I M Christian Science ON BY DR. JOHN M. Tun, C. S. B. i M em ber of the Board af Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Mass. j * S unday Evening, 8 p. rn., M arch 27th, 1921, Hancock O pera House. T he Public is cordially invited to attend . asse C. M. MILLER Everything In Drugs Woodie Gilbert Drug Co. R E C A LL STORE Phone 5345 Motorcycle Del. CO-OP H P U T I ? I M g CHRISTIANSON STUDIO O fficia l Photographer* for th e U niversity of T exas C actus for the Y ear 1921. :’,i ,,,l ' ' 1 ii .i'lidiJtH; » ' ' w ;'' FOR A QUICK SHINE Get a bottle of Thomsen's DYO 35c Special all colors at MATTHEWS DRUG STORE 1612 Lavaca Street Open ’till 9 o'clock tonight To-morrow is Easter a n d you will find this s to re all r e a d y an d w a it­ ing for you with N e w a n d C o m p l e t e stocks of M e n s A p p a r e l. L v e r y th in g here a m a n w e a r s — fro m H a t s to Shoes a n d each d e p a r t m e n t is s h o w i n g tile n e w e s t a n d correct styles for Spring. Fashion P a r k Clothes Stein-Block Clothes Michael s-Stern Clothes M an h atta n Shirts K eiser’s N eckw ear Munising Union Suits Dobbs’ Fifth Ave. H ats Stetson’s Fine Hats Crofut & K napp Hats Stacy-Adam s Shoes Slater & M orrill’s Shoes Interwoven Socks You will^find all of the ab o v e w ell­ k n o w n a n d s t a n d a r d b ra n d s of m e rc h a n d is e h ere exclusively. Walter W. Wilcox b ib CONGRESS A VENU E Formerly Smith & Wilcox ............... n ------ lay WE H A V E IN STOCK NOW 507, 5 0 9 ,5 1 1 , R e g u l a r N o te b o o k fillers— A ls o a fe w of th o se good, gre y b a c k note b o o k s l e ft- - W. A. ACHILLES & CO. P IO N E E R G R O C E RS lit; Especial Attention and Service to Fraternity and Sorority Houses 1602-04 Lavaca Street Phones 665. 666, 867 WE DO ALL OUR BAKING —Bread —Pies —Cakes —French Pastry Maverick Cafe U nited States D epository THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BA A ustin, T exas RESOURSES $8,000,000.00 Wall Paper, Paint* Oils, W hite Lead, W indow Glass and Painter’s Supplies. Picture fram ing a specialty JC. P. WILMOT, Prssidsat J NO. H. CHILES, Vice-Prs*. T. H. DAVIS, Vie#-President WM. H. FOLTS, Vice-Prssidsnt *807 Congress Avenue Phene 6266 MORRIS HIRSCHFELD, V. P. C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Cssfc. S B ROBERDEAU, Asst. Cashier MACKEN TRANSFER CO. Phone 5077 A U TH O R IZED RAILROAD BAGGAGE TR A N SFER We Haul Everything FACULTY A N D STUDENTS* A CCO UNTS SOLICITED NO ACCOUNT TOO SMALL TO HANDLE ■ 0153532323234848532348010201015348020002020053232302010053530000530153230002025389234848535348020200010002020202025302 000202010002000091010102010002000002230001010100010248010102010200020101020000535348 M A C ’ S “For Service” i rn' &. I # THE DAH.V TEXAN FARM PROBLEMS I,arm Prock .______ < Continued front page Ona) * prices of farm product* have risen to thigh peak* and haze fa en suddenly! ! and very quickly a fte r the war period j inn m anagement aud farm eco- had ***** However, the quick fall L eg io n P o s t M em b ers ........... Enrollm ent of ail ex-aervke mea in j United State* D epartm ent of was later followed by a mon- gradual Legion during the present week is Engineering D epartm ent.” A ^ k u itu r e . follow ed ^ rith a paper • b e r i n g and a final re ad ju stm e n t. | bH ng urged by th e officers o f th e Jo-j Dean T. U. T ay lo r y esterd ay . “ And j th e " fallow ing p ro g ra m : Land S ettlem en t and R esettle- Th* sodden fall was alw ays caused cmj p„ Htj aa thifi w e tk has bf.^n dea. the recen tly com piled f a i t o / a a a l u / f l V t l T i t o u n a / 4 a n I I l l l l t P l I I — I I. I . ____I__________ _ on rnent.” P rofessor G ray en u m eratin g th ree facto rs th a t e n te r into the in­ crease of a g ric u ltu ra l products as fol­ lows: (a) extension o f ag ricu ltu re to new lands: (b) more intensive u se , o f lands now included in fa rm ,; and »»* im proved I (el em ploym ent methods. of mor> A sound policy of ag ricu ltu ral ex pans ion would regulate the rate of , ^ by a lack of excessive dem and due * ------- * to peace conditions. P rof. G ray believes th a t the fa rm ­ ers should use common se run- in the th e ir difficulties and realization of * - ig n ite d as “ M em bership W eek,” T h e j p ro b a tio n e rs will be pla»ed on U niversity L egionnaire* develop here the stro n g e st collegiate post of the A m erican le g io n in the country. *” 1 « aspire i — a -* --------- — " . _ *> _h“ v" inevitable d e­ to Put aff m in prices, Mr. (fray believe? No en g in eerin g freshm an was put D uring the sp rin g term the sex iety o u t in J a n u a ry , but those who fell will hold its annual b an q u et at which Every mar, who served d u rin g the below re q u irem en ts, along with the the M orris Sheppard prize will be the recen t w ar upperclassm en, w ere p u t or. p ro ba­ given to th* man who m akes the b est: cline service is eligible to m em bership in tion, su b ject to re q u ire­ a fte r-d in n e r speech. th a t fa rm ers' org an izatio n s to con I fbf. Legion, whieh is organized on a m ents and reg u latio n s. AU of those pard was a t one troi the supply o f farm products and national basts with hund red s o f th o u -, who earn ed the official engineering Rusk. Many o th er In terestin g things to educate the fa rm ers to a re lit* * - sands of m em bers In the le g io n th e! nam e of “ lam**-ducks” w ere old era- are planned for th e sp rin g term and * r tion of th eir needs is the answ er to fa rm e r officers arid buck p riv ate s nies, and th ere are p ractically no new a Ji the old m em bers a re urged to re ­ instate them selves in o rd e r th a t th ey the sam e foo tin g as com -; case*, acco rd in g to Dean T aylor. in any bran ch o f tim e president of: S en ato r Shep­ ; m eet on catalogue ............ . A s R e su lt of F in als Husk Literary will hold the first j m eeting of the term tonight a1 Rusk “ Over tw enty names will be drop-J room 0 f tb,. Faw Building at 7:15 John Awtrv> chairman of states J program committee, has announced Installation annou n ce­ m en t of program for spring te rm ; try-outs fo r Evans O ra­ to rical C ontest. list of s p r in g L f # H *•- th*- to I re g u la r nolle*- board som e tim e Mon* t#,rm o fficer com m ittee m o rn in g .’* K L t ^ I * ^ e erm ine i S ^ e ^ a l r ^ u l t u r e and in-i th<“ fa rm *ir>s question. expansion, nal *alance e ween ag ncu u « d ustrv. utilize the land first who n is most suitable, provide a carefu l se- j SA N DBURG TO A P P E A R lection of settlers and place them on s o lu b le kinds of farm s, and provide cred it facilities and ex p e rt guidance in o rder to create the most favorable conditions fo r the farm ers. (Continued from P age One) HERE NEXT THURSDAY ©----------- ----------- for f j common w elfare and rid e s r th e prom otion of the in te re sts ! probation in Ja n u a ry were successful ties. a i l . th e ir Q uite a n u m b er of those placed on mav take ad v an tage of tues. a c tin - j • fu rn ish in g s. of the country. Ex-service men are req u ested to hand th e ir applications fo r m em b er­ ship in the U n iv ersity post to any p resen t m em ber o f th e post, or to in m aking good, and w ere relieved from th a t try in g ordeal. ■ — o-------------- A USTIN HIGH TAKES Arnold A Ackerman* D ’». C. CHIROPRACTORS TRACK MEET EASILY C om plete X-Ray Laboratory - 1921- Austin H igh School P’riday a f te r ­ noon in a trac k m eet on C lark Field the San M arcos Academy d efeated point*. Both *qut.d by M team t had good m aterial, but the A cadem y could not m atch the sw ift cin d er paw ers and heavy men from Austin High. Although to 2- th e wind was ag ain st the home stretch,* ru n n e rs on the good dim e was made in m any of the race^. Austin v an especially strong on taking first th re e places. Brock o f Austin was first, m aking th e tim e in IO 4-0 sec­ onds. lo o y a rd dash, the A ustin took the follow ing ev en ts: F irst tw o places in 220 y a rd da>h, and 220 yard h u rd les; and first place in the follow ing 440 yard dash, 880 yard dash, mile run, 120 y ard hurdle, shot p u t, broad jum p, javelin throw , and high jum p. Au.-tin also took the relay ra ce easily. Th»* Academ y took f-rst place in pole v au lt and discuss throw . —v ° - C ac tu s T e a Room . Service 7 :3 0 a. rn. to 7 :3 0 p. rn- . S u r ­ p risin g ly good h o m e cooked m eals o r a la c a r te service. M o d e ra te p rices. ‘G iv e uh one c h a n c e anti you’ll give us two” VULCANIZING 1 0 8 W . 5 t h Phone 7883 WUKASCH BROS. Home-made Cakes and Pies 309 W est 6th Street Phone 7393 C o n s u l t a t i o n Free ------------ o— -- NEED GLASSES? — S e e — S. GREENBERG Exclusive Optometrist* 7 0 7 * C o u g T e 8 a A v e . n o w # T -<* MA* v'ne woorf: I OOO MI ..ct A natol F ried laM in a. Of LUXE QEVl/E Of MILOSH AWO DANCE * C L A U D E £ M A N I O N " / t i l l » r « / u i t v c / ’ ? CAHILL Q O M A IN L - ‘ a c o n t o s M I X U P ’’ C A R L E T O N L B A L L E W . X P » A / r P o e t iN M - w i O N A iif f A i r n ( THG. B P I A N T J* * HP D C ?A s/ 1 OP AS M O V ING H A N • kAOPY I NANCY fA V A N N A A CO H G IN A HON o r i^ iu I A J w i / r q 'C ' T R A IN O !? tdo •? bu/ i n s rr in tack la it/ ' K t L P O. H. Richardson, D. C. X-Ray Laboratory C hiropractor Palm er School G raduate^ Hours 1 0 - 1 2 2 -6 S u n d a y IO to l l a. rn. S u ite 502-504-505-510 L ittle fie ld B ldg. O ffice Phone 5107 Home 406 7 Lady A tten d an t SELECT YOUR EASTER CARDS A T T H E COOP CLEANING # ' ' ' r PRESSING University Toggery Complete Line of Gent’s Furnishings 2300 1 2 Guadalupe Tel. SOSO T h is m o rn in g fin d s u s re a d y to serv e you w ith S O C IE T Y B R A N D C L O T H E S a n d h ig h clafifc W h e n th e ta ilo rs c an m a k e b e tte r c lo th e s th a n Society B ra n d — W e will c h a n g e to th o se c lothes. N o little “ o n e h o rs e ’ ta ilo r sh o p can ev er h o p e to p a y th e a rtis ts w h o d esig n S o ciety B ran d , or em p lo y th e h ig h est p a id ta ilo rs w h o fashion th e finest w o o len s in to stylish suit;: w e o ffer y o u - - br;ar’:uj th e !ah I of a l f r e d D ec k er f m a r,v f*Vf‘rv st° ry , arH* ‘*ach consisting of many short ep ig ram ­ matic sayings which are v ery q u o ta ­ ble. lonesom e Am erican folk melodies. songs th at work In his study o f cowboy and folk songs, Mr. S andburg has been a c ­ quainted w ith the work o f John A. Lomax and his appreciation of the value o f is unqualified. “ As an apostle fu rth e rin g A m erican folk songs probably no man has done more than John A. Lomax w ith his cow boy and negro songs and the wealth of fact with which he presents JjT^i them ,” is one o f S an d b u rg ’s quoted* estim ates. T h is issue o f the M agazine is on e in tere stin g and its ap ­ of pearance is eagerly aw aited. the most ---------- O'.......... ....... VARSITY TENNIS TEAM WILL PLAY TOURNEY T O D A Y Continued from Page One) last sum m er was h eartily com m ended T ickets for the S andburg evening are on sale at Jo rd an s, 70S C ongress Avenue, and in the co rrid o r of the j ^ ^ Main Building. The price, including Lloyd G regory is playing his s e c I w ar tax, is 55 cents, ! end y e a r on the team and has an o th er {year in school. G regory is th e pres- ent holder of the S outhw estern Con- LIBRARY GIVEN POWER Good Mrn on Squad eastern experts. TO CERTIFY RECORDS f, re nee singles title. — . I G overnor Neff Aaron T aber, who had been select- aH the fo u rth man on the team , inter* e j lib raria n of th e U niversity and th e I collegiate tennis. He has been show- ----- this week signed ^ ag y^t p articip ated in .2, authorizing t ra te r S enate Bill No. h r . b“ twetM1 the archives in M exico, lie^show ed to make fnK m uch p ro m im the origin and progress of the ^ olution th a i. fUgtodian of the * n j certified copies o f public record* and I ye a r, both in singles and when paired U j and 192) although e x p e l l i n g m any ppoyidillJ, th a t these certified copies j in d o b i e s w ith G re g o ry .’ T ab e r will d iffe ren t *dm inietration», m*i . .am** b,. law ful and have th . in reality yvar* of p r^ rv a a tow ard, tile , t m t , and elTect ag jf made by tW , th , waS()n Ideal- a i'to a tin f the m e n who over- i co > ln ty c |e r k a o f th e counties whence j are tra n .fe rre d ; and author- threw the In a . regime. The (ihreKon. the ld n y county eommiaahmers and other adm ini.tration triumph of principle, over pemonali. curtu a> B t of public docum ent, to! tier and the outlook to, the rcaltza-; |end u , tb<, Univcr»ity „ f T e x ., those non of the proarettaive revolutionary pub,.,, ^ , M r ,.llstod). wMch ideal, is bnpht, thouttn the dtfftcul- are niainlj, of hiatorica, ya|uei to en I tie . confront,na the new tav ern men! aM( ^ U niw r, ity to m akl, copies I are enorm ous. Haynie's Barber Shop Next door to United Cigar Store Phone 6242 52i> Congress Ave. I proljably b»* -con in action la te r in J fo r h i.to rica l uses. ‘ the resu t of th ro u g h o u t — * LEONARD BAKER Successor to B aker & P eterson PHONE 7640 1516 LAVACA ST. High G rade Dry C leaning Pressing, etc. MEN’S SUITS C leaned and pressed . . . $1.00 WOMEN’S C oat Suit* and Dresses cleaned $1 OO aet! tip and p r e s s e d Called for and Delivered P rom ptly Tht- m eeting was closed by an ad-; dress by the H onorable E duardo R uiz,: ------- Mexican consul-general a t San F ra n ­ cisco, in which he made an eloquent; appeal for aid and u n derstanding by the people o f the U nited S ta tes in the realization of the ideals of Mex­ ico. H ain es to Edit Q u a rterly The executive com m ittee o f the: Association met a t 6 o’clock in the] evening, selected P rofessor C. G.j H aines of the U niversity of Texae as; editor of the q u arterly and P rofessor i W, € . Binkley of the U niversity of j T exas as sec retary tre a s u re r fo r the ensuing year. P rofessor G ray Lecture* “ F arm ers can do little to control th e p n ee or the dem and fo r th e ir products, b u t th ey car control th e supply to some ex te n t,” stated Pro­ feasor L C. G ray a t his lecture last I **«P night. P ro fe sso r G ray w ent on to say th a t th* sudden quick fall o f price* o f J f e e s a ; UNIVERSITY BEAUTY SHOP S h a m p o o Rainwater and Sunshine • ii m P h o n e 600r LORAINE Driskill Barber Shop