15th April , L042. J./i. A. E1. 715 lviINISTR.Y. OF AGRICULTURE ANNOTJNGE1v.1.ENT Agricultural :Scholarships The Ministry of AgriJCul ture and J3 1isheries is offering for award , u:nrier its Scheme .of Scholarc,hi ps for the Sons a nd De.. ugh krs of Agricultural • Vforkmen and others , a limited number of agricultural scholarships . rrhe Sch0 im v,as suspended following th0 outbreak Jf war but has ·be,.m rosu1;1ed thi.s ye2_r in a modified form , and the J✓iinistry invites s.pplico.ti--ms fo r the uod.ermen tioned scholarships : - · Ten Scmior Schol1J.. rships , tcmablE:: at Agricultural Collc:g~jS or University Depart111e nts of Agriculture, for dj_ploma or degree c,.:)Urses in an ELgricultu;·al subjoct or at Voterin::'t.ry Colleges for courses· in voterin,1ry science; • Thirty Junior Schohi.rships , knable at cert?..in Fa~5,l Institutes or similar institutions , for courses nJt excecdi~1g ,'3. y0ar in duration , in a griculture , horticulture , dairying , or poul trJ husbandry . The scholarships -':I.r e open to tht_; sons 2,nd , daughters of agricu l tur al workmen or of working bailiff's , smallh·)lders and otht;r rural wo1,lrnrs whose me::m s and method of livelihood 8.re compr1.ra1Jle with th ,:i se of agricultural workin(;n , nnd to persons who are themselves bona fide workers in asr:: :. cul ture . '.J:hG vo..luc 0f the awe.rds is such t}1a t neither the recipients nor their prn\:~nts are normally required to make any contribution towards the cost of the tr::-1.ining provided. The usual meth:Jd of selecti::m is by interv iew, no vvri tten examination being held , but candidates must be able to sci.. tisfy t}·1~ iS,..luctLm Committee that they -~1.re in a position to derive edqor,tional '--' b~,;n,jfi t from the proposed courses of instruction and mu st also intend t o follow an agricultural 1~ursui t ori' comp.le tion of their trclin i ng . , J?ull inforrnat i .Jn concerning the schc:mie , and. forms of 2.pplicati on , may be obtained from the Secretary of the lv1inistry , Hotel Lind.um , S t . Annes, Ly thmn st. Annes , LEmcs . The latest d t1.te for submitting applicati,ms is l\ia y 15 , 1942 . CJ~J\DIAN SCIENTIST f_;FEEDS THE BOMBS -------------------- l youl:1£; Montreal scic:mtist, Dr.Llc,yd M.Picigeon, has' discovered o. nev-r method for the extraction of magnesiuI!1 w·hich is likely t o have a consiclero.bl e bearing on Canada's c ontribution to the mineral resources of the Allies. Such imporfance is attr.checl -bo it t.hat tho United States Government hav-e asked for sp,;:icial pcrmissi r;n to use the process, and both in the Sta tc::.; and in Canad,:. plants are being esb.blished. to apply the discovery on a c oITffi1ercial sco.le, It is expected th[lt pr-oduction vrill begin by midsunnner. In the case of a plant Yvhich is being rushccl. forvrard by the Co.naclian Government on the site of l arge deposits of dolomite • from ·which magnesiui~ metal is derived - neo.r RertfreYr, Ontario, the outr1ut '\7ill amount at the outset to some 2 tons of metal a day. ..\s o.dditional units are built this r3.te will be stepped up to· 20 tons a day. The process, which employs a ne-vr Therrno..l nethod of metallic abstracti on, Yiill be commercialised by a nevr Gover:nraent m·med company Yrhich has been set ui-:i by the Hon. C.D.Hmve, Canadian Minister of M\mi ~i ons & Supply f whp~ ~he Government vrill also spend over a million pounds on 'the initial plant. Magnesium is esf:1entia.l in the rn,.'lld.n:; of our most effective exports to Gerr:iany - incendiary bombs. It is also used vd th o.luminium in the structure of aeroplanes, while its ma.nifolc.1 further uses r an~c from photogra1)hy t o chemico.l prepar8.ticns. It is only new, hovrever, th3. t many of the difficulties involv-ed in its quick extraction fr om dolomi tc ho..ve been solved.• ++++++-··+ +-, ++ CA..NADA HOUSE (ISSUED THROUGH THE DOMINIONS OFFic:F~ PRES2, s:~CTION · '',, •' I •· 11 .f ' Not for publ icn. tion 15/4/42 No . 5 before 3;, 30 p . G. r,"f edne0c.1ay9 J,.pril 15 MR. R• .!,.. BlTr LER ' S SPEECH LT FRm.£ A h ousewifery flo. t vvhEJre girls will J.ec:-.rn practicecl hc,usekee]iins i s one of the fe o. turcs of o. nevr Senior Cc uncil School opened to1ore shi1)s mi the "stocks " of h i s toble-shipyo.rd.• ++++++++++++++ IBOTOGRAPHS C}J'l' BE OBTJ1.INED FROM BIPl?A (OEN . 8483) 15/4/42 - No,.. :L2 BRICKS TO BE CONTROLLED Manuf acture of bricks is to be controlled from May 4, 1942 urilor ond Order, S.R. & o. 1942, ffo·.675, made by the E inister of Horks and Buildings. The Order provides tha t: (1) No person sha ll produce build ing brioks excoI,;-t o.t such premises in such quantities and subject to such conditions as Ilk'W be Dpc c ified in a licence granted by or on behalf of the h i n lst er of \forks and Buildings. (2) In this Order tho expression ibuild ing bricks r means 'walling uni't st ( not being hollm-r blocks) Hhioh: ( a ) consist of any hard o.nd dur able inorgo.nio substance other than refra ctory substances employed s p ecifica lly on a ccount of this re:f'ra ctory property; (b) are suit D.b le for bn~.l d::.ng and bonding ; o.hd ( c) are of such a shape ~ size o.nd ,;might that they can b e mn.nipulated by one hunde Notes for the Pross~ . This Order is n. first step t o implement the recorrimendation of the S imnonds Committee to the Hinister of \forks o.nd Buildings that the current total no..tional output of bricks should be deoreo. sed by 12~; m1d 4);$ by the closure of s pecified brickworks, or in the CD.Se of lD.rgor -vrorks by reduction of productivity:, Licences to manufacture bricks in a ocordn.nce with this Ordor Yrill bo i s sued to all producers in due coursa, · but mflJ.1.ufacturers who do not receive a · licence before 25th April, 19/i.2 : · should apply t o the Diroctor of Bricks, Ministry of Yl orks and Build:.ngs: :1~Jcimbeth Bridg e House, 1i.lbert Embanlammt, S .E. 1. MINISTRY OF WORKS j _;i.lthouc;h ther e haD been an increase of 5q,; in the homo production of early p ot at oe s , tho I.dnistry of Food con s ider it n ecessary to nake • a rransemont s to se cure fair .distribution durinc tho early wcoks of the season. Durin~ this pe ri od tho Hinistry -vlill accordi n ~ly op erate a spe ci a l scheme for the mD.rkc tin3 of now potatoes from the 1:iain producing areas and '.aill rcloasu the ir r oscrvc of old potatoes . Grovrors in the Scilly Isles ., Cormvall., 11evon , renbrokeshiro , Kent , Essex , Bedfordshire, Cheshire , Lnnc ashirc , Lincolm;h.ir(; , Cur.1bridc cshirc , Soko of p ctcr borou[sh , Huntin[2'.donshiro , Norfolk (part), 11.nd 'Jorc cstor shiro, will be r Gqui roc1 to sell only to a uthori sed new potato collectors specially appointed by tho Mini stry, unless srantod a [srowcr- s alesr:11.in lic0nco to soll direct to other buyer:.» Sufficient a uthori sed new potato collectors will be appointed to h r, ndlc3 the nroducc of each district , and licensed [;rov,rer- sal csnen will only oc nllov.rod. to so ll in specified districts or to nominated. buyers . . Growers of l0ss than a qu a rt e r of an o.cru of early potat Qcs will bo exempt fron this r equirement . In order t o r c~c;ul a t c distribution , the a uthori sed new -pot o.t o collecto r s will consi sn supplies to c onsu-:iption areas scloctod uy the Uililietry , where: they will be alloc ated to distributors by tho Ministry. Thcsu arrDnccrn.mts Ydll apply in the c ountie s n mncd until July 12th or until supplies D.re; sufficient to nD.kc speci a l control of distrilmtion unn0cu csa.ry. In the oth0r counties of Enc;l Dnd a nd Y!o.l cs , and in ;3cotl .1nd rmd Northern Irelru1d ., g r owc:;rs , unles s holdinc c;r o-vrer-sa l osmen licences , v1ill b0 r equired to ;3ell to licensed pot ato uc rchnnts or licen sed potato buyers, foll owi nc the existing rnr:.inc r op system. Thu Ministry propose to distribute shipments fr crn Northe rn Ireland, Ea.g s will be suppl,ied by the Ministry f or purchases by 2-uthori sed nevv l)oto.to collectors in the districts in which th e spc ci.:.il schor.1e is operated.~ An Order will be issued shortly c ivinc eff e ct to these p r op os o.l s and prescrib in[; fixed c;r mvvrs' p rices a nd IJD.Xir::n.1L1 wholesale and rotail prices. tf" ., MINIS'.l'RY OF FOOD 15.4.42 No. 17 COD LIVER OIL ~\ND FRUIT JUICES Under the ne,ir Vi fa.rains Scheme, paynerit fox: .Cod Liver Oil and Fruit Juices (exc8J_Jt where they are supplied free) is made by fixing 2-½d. postage stamps to the appropriate ccupons. Holders of coupon pages are urged, in order to save thenselves tipe at the Foocl Office or distribution centre -vrhen obtaining supplies, to have the stD.m~ps ready '7hcn they go to the Fooc1 Office • . ++++++++++++++++ MINISTRY of FOOD ...; SUGiffi STOCKS The Ministry of Fooa. announces that stocks of sugar which have been stored for a considerable time up and. down the country are nmv being turned. over. The bulk of these stocks will be disposed of to manufacturing :1sers, but some Yrill l)robably go to the retail trade. S-Ugar which has been. stored for any . considerable time loses its free-running quality, and the retailer may have to accept sugar ·which is hard. or lumpy or crusted but othenvise quite fit for household. use. Consumers are asked. by the ~.:~inistry to accept sugar in this condit'ion as one of the necessary inconveniences of war-time. ++++++++++++++++++ 1\IINISTRY OF FOOD 15/4/~.2 No . 19 REFRESHl\tf8NT S IN PUBLIC .AIR RAID SHELTE,.-qS The Hinister of Food has r,w ae rm Orcl..er authorising the Council of the Borough of Port Talbot to provide refrcshncnts in public nir raiu shelters ~ithin its are 2 and regul8ting conditions under which rcfre slmcnts nny lie supplied . The Order is on the s8.me li.nc ~3 as those olreo.a.y issued for London, Liverpool, Coventry und. other tm-ms . Persons or firns appointed us caterers for the shcl ters \tlll be s pccinlly l.iccnsed and -vnll ,,·vark under the gcnernl directions of tho Council. ++++++++++++++++++++ ~------··•.. ---OF- -- -MINISTRY FOOD No , 20 H • Q• R • ..:,. • F • Middl e East Wed . 4 5 Apr i l 1 942 Enemy aerodromes a t Dorna and 1.fortuba v;er e succ e s ·s fully .raided by our 'borJber aircraft l a st night (11.p ril 4 4/15). Ob j e ctive s in the Ben gh a zi a nd Bar ce ar eas were att acked on },(ondD.y ni 3ht (.April 1 3/14) • .:~c ti vi ty ov e r Cyr enaic a y est erday was r e stricted owinG t o sand.s t or ms . Three Me . 1 09 s were shot cl own over Mal ta y est erday and a Br , 20 vvas dest r oy ed a t dusk on Mondror . Fr ob a ll op er at i ons one of our fi e;ht er s i s r1issing but the p ilot is saf e. ++++++++++++++++ 15/4/42 - Ho. 21 '.I1:RAVBL CONCESSIC'l l:10R CIVIL DE:B1ENCE SERVICb~:i I r1hc 1iinistry of Horne :-3ocurity h·1s d.ccid.ed that wholc-timo members of tho Civil Defence Services \lho arc moved from one d.epot or post to anoth1.. T in o.ny ren.d.ju:Jtrncnt of service mC1.y be repaid. for any incrcD.scd cost oi' tr:::i.vcl from their homes to the ncn p l o..ccs of a:uty. 'J:hosc uho ~rD.vcl hy rail urn] \ihosc tour of duty extends into two a.o.ys .-vrill continue to w::;c \-✓Orkmcn ' s tickets or chcD.p day-return tickets for the double journey. The , :inistry l:w.s informca. the local ~uthori tics of this concession. It will not :J.IY) ly to those Y✓ho live in lodgings, or who are trcmsferrea. to outsia.c their he.me J~ .. , R.N . VoR . ) hc.. s been sunk . rrhe next of Idn o..:' co..mnl-ticc~ ~1.:-.ve lJccn inf orr!l.cd .. / 15/1+/)~ - .No ._.l§_ Lir IHni.stry No . 67Q0 .AIR 1HNISTRY COMNUNI(JJE ' ----~--·►-··- · - ·· .. . - · Durin~~ todo.y our fi.shtors mnde a · seri es of s-v:ccps ov er Northern France . Hurrico.nes c arryin.z bombs t ook part in t ;v0 of these and 1 attacked an enemy o.erodrome and ot her t :.:i. r r;ets . Fighters o.lso escorted a snall force of b ombers uhich a tt D.cked the docks at Chcrbourg . Tv10 m emy :t'ip;hters CL.re kncwm t o hm.i.ve been destroyed in combats. Three of our fi 2p.t crs ore r:ii ssing . Shortly of:tcr da-rm this mor n i nr, CL. Hudson aircrn.ft of Coo.sto.l Com.1:1.and bo:ribcd a medium sized enerny supply ship off the Norwegi an c oast. +++++·++++++-:-++++ -:·· 15/4/42 ... No~ 37 L.ir Hinistry Nevvs Service Air Ministry Bulletin Nc:i.6699 ADD ''HURRI-BOHBBRS OVER NOR'J.11-IERN FRi1.NCE 11 Later this _afternoon and evening Fighter CommD:t1d oontinuod its offensivG operations, which during tho day havo ranged from Cap Gris Nez to the Cherbourg Peninsulc.l"~ Farther vrest along tho COQSt of Northorn Fr:ince, the command sent squadrons. to escort bombers in attacks on targets at Cherbourg, and brought the bombers oll back again, after seeing bombs fall in the to.rget area~ The fighters escorted the bomb~rs over the 80 o_dd miles of vrator and the a-tt[lcks vmre carried out · from a cloudless sky $1 L~tor, ovo'I; Co.p Gris Noz tvro American ED.glo pilots each destroyed a Focke Viulf 190i One of tho pilots said after-i;1ards "Y!o wore flying at 25 ,-000 foot, acting ns escort for the Hurric~ne bombers ,;-rlrnn n large formation of enerqy fighters appeD.rod. It Has D. ding-dong battle fc)r some time and developed into _a ::wries of dog-fights''• 15/1/ L~2 - No. 38 J\.ir Hin_istry No. 6701~ AJ1Lll~EISTRY Cm.'lL11JNI()UE Our fichters destroyed o. thircl ener~y fishtcr in the course of t oday ts offensive oper n.ti ons. ++++++ ++ ·!- ·-'- +++++++++++