INCOMING TELEGRAM ~epartment of Stall 55 Control: 16 9 O 5 Action Rec'd: September 19, 1964 5:14 p.m. FROM: Madrid Info SS ACTION: Secntate 345 Priority G SP INFO: Bilba.o Unr..umber.;.~d AR/.\ Barcelona Unnurnbered p Seville Unnumbered USIA Valencia NSC Vigo Unnumbered INR CIA DATE: September 19, 9 NSA RMR Estimated 250 supposed students a;".ld workers stagr.d 40 minute demonstration in front Embassy beginning 1920 September 19. Chanting carefully rehearsed slogans like Cuba si Yankis no, Fuera bases, Asesions, Torrejon no., Police e.t all times in ,complete control demonstration which appeared la.eking spont­ ...aneous enthusiasm. No damage any kind. Cor:n~ent: Demonstration if ˇnot outright governrn.t=;nt spon3ored, at least e.pp:roved in arivanceo Leaflets exhorting workers to attend demonstration distributed msjor shopping street Madrid .September 18. GOS reportedly instructed national TV not ˇfilm dP-monetration. Proce1~ding~~ e:n~ply covered foreign press which like Embassy h.:ld nn11 erouG advance injications of demon­stration .. GP-3. WOODWARD NAR/9 DECLASSIFIED E.O. 13292, Sec. 3.4 REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS State Dept. Guid rn-/(o--ril .OONF 1v~:rr1TlilL1--PROHIBITED UNLESS "UNCLASSIFIED" By~ , NARA, Dar ,,. ~-I