M I T T S I M I Constable Lafe Young Will Face Assault Charge Today; Result Of Hallowe’en Shooting Of Student A F T E R S P E E C H E S Constable E. Lafe Young, former chief of Austin police defectives, will be tried in the Travis County court W ednesday in connection with K elly, M ahon, Raym er and S led g e Chosen B ell, G am bill, H am ilton. Hart, a chare,, o f aggravated assault grow | ing out o f the shooting of David the , Crawford, senior student in | University, on Halowe’en eve. I 1 will announce ready for the trial. It is understood that both parties Q U I PRIZES AWARDED Following the shooting of Craw- M en Chosen W ill Compoae U n i-! ford a petition asking for th e dis- missal of Young was circulated. The v ersity ’a Four V arsity D e­ bating Team s 15210000 the city Copeland petition was referred by council to J. D. Copeland, commis- j sioner of police, ducted an investigation during which I time Young was suspended from tho c h e r ;s h e d L ;v e 0 a k s W i|l Be L ieutenant G overnor T. W . Da s p a r e d , C o m m itte e R eports force. However, the officer was ox- onerated and re-enatattd at the end, of the investigation by the commis- sione/. | n v e, t;gatjon ___ p lans f or the In --------- A f t e r con­ .. I j n o h a a r t t e e f f $400,000 biology Crawford su ffered a bullet wound j building> which is to be erected on in his leg, when officers in terfere d . the northwest corner of the cam-1 with a «roup of students said to have ^ been in the act o? greasing a street, I oon car track as a H alowe’en prank. ______ Problem s to Be Met Gov ernor D eclares in Speech ________ —■ - ...... ...... —-------- B y G enevieve Aron As a result o f the final contest for representation on the University in­ tercollegiate debating team, Tuesday night, "he following eight men were selected to comprise the four teams: Cactus Makes Excellent Showing In All American College Annual ^ I Selections Recently Announced « i in- been tbe subject of so much com-j that cherished live oaks, which have a j . . u * J « . , , . Walter Camp’s All-American fo o t­ architect, | gg^bert M. Greene, ftre nearinp completion, and as M tbey have been finished bj the — building committee of the Board of I Regents will advertise in the various j ] papers of the State for construction j I bids. 1 Tuesday morning the , com m ittee Athletic Council Considers Question Of Football Coach But Makes No Final Decision DR. U R I LECTURES vidson la Alae Sworn - o Jim H art, M ember of F ootb all C om m ittee, Is A b sen t I RepublicanjM iii o f C o n serv a tiv e M o ld W ill B e A d o p t e d , Speaker Declare, B y Leon Radoff ,.r „nMientious work on the part of the f ootball com m ittee that must , , sari|y b . slow, with a definite : crystallized object in view, la all that reported.” This was the com- J ^ ^ “To understand the tendencies iii ment of L Tbeo Bellmont late Tues- time, we ^ n jght after the adjournment of Germany at the present must readjustments fbe athletic council without having which have taken place in the poli-j taken any action on the question of It is necessary to appointing a football coach for the ^ By E l i z a b e t h B o y k i n realize the situation. the governm ent critically, yet university. inability in Germany,” ^ee gim e,” said Dr. M. VV. Graham pro­ fessor of Government in the Uni­ the versity, in his lecture on “ Republican- otber two members o f the commit- jsj Key an(j Ben Brown, ism and Monarchism are at the Y. VV. C. A. Tuesday after- j ^ pr0p0se anything given as the causes for the failure noon. action Tribal ftnd f or tbo postponment of any fur- the Teutons leadership was in no the m atter tary but was decidedly elective, and until the council meets again next monarchism of the recent type Germany is very modem German8,” said Dr. Graham. “ Elective monarchism is as old as ()f tht, counc:i to tak* sense heredi- ther consderations of G ymnasium Fund D iscussed in j Tuesday. themselves. definite any the to g T races U n ification w ithout sentim ent against the old re ! Absence of Jim Hart, one o f three members o f the football com­ m ittee, and the of the y ‘»ur an th(' scvi-r‘‘st mau>!ura' cere‘ View j _ monies in years, Pat M. N eff was U- r sworn sn as governor and T. W. “ lieu,ena*t *0Ternor Tuesday at noon. Before the as- i gambled Senate and House of Rep- r M , m t w i ™ nu;,,# Chief Justice C. th(. un o f T e J U , administered th,, oath o f S u p r , Supreme of- . , fie®. The oath was first adminis- governor tered to the lieutenant and then to the governor. Immediately at noon the m essen­ ger of the Senate announced at the , | ] bar of the House, the appearance of Speak„ th(,n or(k.r„ i the sergeant- t0 the Scnator, Senators escort , , _ „ . in „ , Both VV. ll. holts, entitles, and appeal to student entitles, and appeal to student in- been the subject of so much co m -1 rf>(mUti terest. Texas took first place in the m e . , t sinc, the proposal to erect th e i r Special Feature Section rn the d m - : m,„ buUding in the north-west corn sion of D istinctive Ways of Endear- J , , r 0f the campus, are to be spared . ing College Days. Second place chairman of Cover Designs w ent to the (’actus, < ^be buiHi*’*’' committee, and Lutcher The qualifications were: dignity be- stark, another member of the corn- fitting high character of the Ameri- J mittee state that the exact time for can College Annual, and attractive- advertis:ng for bids is as yet uncer j i nesx of design aud color H on, reflecting the ap.nt of book. The Cactus second place in the division o f Sec- bas designed many important build- tion Heads. The Cactus was also jng S over the State, the most nota-1 is the Scottish Rite; mentioned in the Snap Shot Section, b]e 0f which the Beauty Section, and the S p e c ia l> Dormitory at Austin. Feature Section. the ity WIth which Mr. Greene can fin lab .received his p8rt o f the work. Mr. Greene ] , c o r n b i n . - , ^ , ainee t-iependa or tho r a p ld -L also , • .. . 0 , . . . . . This first AlLAmerican College Annual was published by the Am- *1111*1X00 PU (I I ft C erican College Annual Association at Chicago. J. R. Zimmerman was managing editor of the publication, j N I E DF NEW MW ■ I T I IUDS S M High O fficia ls P resent their allotted seats in the House. IP* jjU | ll | (111 0 ll ll U LH G I I ll 111 Then the governor and lieutenant governor were announced. A joint H ouse-Senate Comm ittee escorted the two executives to the front, fol- , lowed by Adjutant General Barton and Brigadier General Hutchings, as the governor’s military escort, state department heads state higher for- He traced the gradual unification of Germany under the Holy Roman Empire, the rise of feudalism, and the foundation of a federated union in 1871. The German Empire car­ ried over all ideas of feudal monar­ chy, which was reasserted time and again by the Hohenzollerns. Ger­ many at last found herself a monar­ chy or, more specifically, a polyar­ chy, for every state the union was a small monarchy. Few con­ liberal cessions were made to the local tendencies beyond superficial ality o f reading tTie returns o f t h e . aelf_govem m ent. Then revolution- as then called and upon the request ary ideajj fntered in from the East in 'rhe i practical overthrow, of the Kaiser’s republic j court officials, and presidents o f the educational rn was o f Speaker Seagler, the Rev. Burk* a^d military reverses Culpepper election as verified recently by the --------------------- in joint session House and Senate “American Interscholastic Citizen- wag th- »“aPPY vaudeville acts will he -O utlook o f Europe,” em-.hasiring . en students be present anyway. The presented, and the Umversity Saxo- the eeonom k, financial, agricu ltu ral,^ Student Relations Committee, posed o f Miss McDaniels, chairman; Miss Lavender and Dr. Roe, has charge o f the afd slit. All women members of the faculty will be pres­ ent. and the University is appearing in j lowed. this production, promised. c o m - j phone Sextette will be on hand to j and laboring conditions.^M ary Kath- Co m op.,m an n u b met l u e s u . y « readmit is the way the 7 p. m. in the Y.W.C.A. COSM OPOLITAN CLUB M EETS s t the next m eeting. advertised. “ do their stu ff. A rare treat is *“ ,y** *7 B etw w e.-n; room. Dr. [landm an spoke on the moncT T h e best dramatic talent of Aust n were served and a social hour fol- pended is demons ra that the attendance at at tlje j erine Taylor played. Refreahments, That this m oney , 1 e in eres ...k U x l mill Ko An WAVX and specific subject will be on ways a n d ; means o f ‘‘d.sseminatinic tion concerning the Summer School.” The leg isla tu re provides no funds for the operation of the short ses- - th e consequently drawn from consequenui orawn sources Last summer Austin #d. University, a n d ir o ' ' , is! E la tio n o f o fficers will be held sh ir t session far exceeded all pre­ cions records. _ JO U R N A L IST S PRACTICE ^ „ 000 Summ„ sport School, manager fo r the Journalism depart- ^ w," e « « t i v e l y ex-1 ment, h a . issued a call for men to squad. t for th e basketball Harry Moore, intramural e f f“ tl” i'5r * > lase Practice will be held 1.1 — on , _ * t . .. . . Jordan field W ednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. is . . and finanders instead of inform s- p0, itici#n> work out the problems of s tbe part Qf ,0 western states . . . settlem ent wit*h France and B el­ gium,” Dr. Graham concluded. to In regard, WI the proposal of the Board of Regents appropriate $5,000 to the erection of a gymna­ sium on Jordan Field, with the con­ dition that the Athletic Council also appropriate the same amount to the same purpose, no action was taken, but a committee of three members of the Athletic Council, Dr. J. C. Calhoun, Dr. S. N« Key and Bill McGill was appointed to investigate the need o f such an enterprise and the advisability of further draining on the treasury o f the Athletic Coun­ cil, which will be severely hit by the luck of money-making games in the new schedules. This com mittee will report its findings and opinions at the next m eeting o f the Athletic Council. L. Theo. Bellmont was also au­ thorized by the council to sign the two year <>ontra<;t with A. & M. that has been submitted to the Ath­ letic Council by the Aggie athletic authorities. Select “T” Pin Confirming the action of the “T ” Association, the Athletic Council has selected a permanent pin for the members of the “T ” A sso cia tio n . These pins are to be o f solid gold and to be given gratis to all letter men who have won letters, begin­ ning with the 1922-23 athletic sea­ son. Other letter men may purchase the pins. These pins will permit the admission of the owner to all athlet­ ic contest held at the University with the single exception o f the A. & M. game that is played in Austin. Adopt U niform Sw eater A uniform sweater for all major sports was adopted by the council. The sweater is to be white with the winner having the choice o f a “V ” neck or coat sweater. As a sort of of a souvenir, all men who are hold­ ers of athletic letters may take with them the jersey, cap or sweater that they used in the sport in which they participated. Varsity football sweat­ ers will continue to have the orange stripe at the waist. It was further decided that the editorship of the Longhorn “T” shall be put in the hands of a “ r ’ man and that the editorship and distri­ bution o f the magazine should be entirely #in the hands of ,*TM men. H. S. Caven was chosen student fresh­ man basketball manager and G. T. Kirksey was elected student fresh­ man baseball manager. o—" — - f o r m e r l o n g h o r n COACHES DE MOLAYS A fter having won the title in the City Baseball League, last summer, the Austin De Molays will begin basketball practice W ednesday a f ­ t e rn o o n at 5 p. rn. in anticipation of a successful season in that sport, according to Al E. DeVinney, coach. DeViney is a former letter man on is expected to the Longhorns, and put a good team in the field. The court at the Boy Scout's headquarters will be used by the squad until better quarters can be procured. All men desiring vO try out for the squad should report to DeViney. T H E D A I L Y i E X A M ® h p . Q a i l u ( T e x a n n @ F*WS*!>«i on th* ernmvw of tim U»l**r- ii’. .d * n ti FabLi- lh* (Bors ic# cxenpt M n * •tty af T»u< by canaa*. Inc., •*«•> <£»y. fiotMtn#. T*l- «ph f» ll4 9 . A fter & p rn. t#!«pbon« B i t i . of T n u th* U s i r m K f OIB en, R<*-s»- tfnea IBS f r t o t d by Tr***, JI BUili Enfr-rd a* *«fon4-ej*»a m atter at th* pamtaMcm at A natta. T • «*.*, ua4t r Aet of |«7t, Arreptaaca at Coner***, M»r*fc *. aporia J rata of (MW ta t* provide*! for in Sa** tins ll® J. Art of O ctober I, IH T , aa tho* Hied September *4. I t ! S. a*,. WM HARRY JACK Editor*: n-CH*ef HEMRY C. FULCHER M aaaglnf Editor Feature S ta fL _ J i« w tia EandoijHi, David H. E Eelier TOMAS G POLLARD 8up*rwt*iH0 Ii I* I nee* Mena per ERLE M RACEY ta d N ELMA GUNN Advert !•*(»* Ma na aer* A aal«teat ... A aaU U at STAFF FOR TODAY .............. RFFriRTFRR | . *o« E ditor Carl Snr*rt* ----- -— Mart,14 Tonne R a th ry a Corhran Jane K W orthhuftea fe o a Radoff John W M-Ree Reb* R Ward Helen H em * R e-n#i D anoeeay l f tiff f#d Jnn*i> C r w .- r r # Area Ha! B norland Mary Hail R irhardeea Se'iffy Elisa Seth Bor kin J» Retmedjr k xy edr;<**dav, J a n u a r y 17, 1923 o f the m ethod j tram ural. and o th e r U niversity alb- ready in infallibility when a p p l i e d courses. The m ajority o f th e In the y ear 1922 Ohio S tate did j b u s t e e f l p r o b a h ly w ill adm it not succeed in land ing a single ma- B, A. 3 4: Sections meet as usual on to parsing letics, M AURICE AN GLT. the C actus office. ______ j re ta ry of the hoard. As soon as the j abstracts are completed, the A tto r ­ ney G eneral’* D e p artm en t will be g e y could pans p o i n t m e n t a r e s u l t e d 8 f r o m ^ U r T H 0* 8p0rt tiifl Ten ConfeTence cham- pion sh ip. due hilarity and abounding op- piorakiP' tim ism . T h ey were confid en t! D*dlc*tion of tb* Ohio su t* .ta- 3&i. t h a t crow ning ev ent of the I I courses; field o f athletics, and ai­ th e w ays o f in stru cto rs.; thou* h a d e b t o f more than half a T hey w ere the hap py-go-lucky m ilb ° n dollars is still le ft unpaid, an- bunch which w ent to the s h o w ;othf*r season like the football season lor had a date every day, w ith long way the optim istic b e lie f *a *t year will go a a | touarfl clearing the sum. th ey were “up” on year *n Dedication of the Ohio S tate s t a ­ th eir d‘um wa* that th e file asked to condem nation Thursday and S aturday. Assign- pro­ Iment tor Thursday. Smith, pp. STI. «•»*<■>*» Wain* the owner, of this are the meanwhile. While re- RACQUET club m eeting Wednesday I mains unbought, it is con fid e n tly ex- peeled by th e board t h a t i t can be secured within the n e x t few days. property reached o th er pro p e rty if no acreemcnu INSTRUCTOR. this portion H A R R IE T T E BRUSH. a t 8 p. rn. in in PERFECT BEHAVIOR W e now have plen ty o f Donald O gden S tew a r t’s “ P erfect B eh avior.’’ D on’t fail to g et a copy o f th is d elig h tfu l book, the best burlesque in years. It’s on ev ery b o d y ’s tongue. GAMMEL’S BOOK STORE 911 Congress ECO. I ; quiz section 0, which meet-; in Law B. 9 Th. S. will m eet in Law B. 7 instead, Th. J a n . 18, and S. Jan . 20. H. F. W H ITE DF! MOLAY basketball practice at 5 h e a d q u a r t e r s Scout Boy o’clock. COACH. ________________ Abstracts Of OFFICIAL NOTICES I Property To Be Prepared ______ Th„ , the a b s tra c to r, t „ t h , UnJ. versity [rand Acquisition Board have been requested to p re p are abstracts and complete descriptions of eight- initiation S een tra c ts of p ro p e rty in th a t portion the Wednesday. of the m ^ adRGANIZATION8: S a tu rd a y J a n u ­ ary 20 will be the last day to malte a1- W henever an American hears the term democracy, he m entally pricks - ............. , FRESHM AN Basketball W ednesday TU R T L E CLUB meets Wednesday night a t the Y. M. C. A. pool a t ------- - HOW do y o u s h a v e ? R EED MUSIC Society Hall IO a t 4 :30 p. rn. S E N IO R S : T hursday will be the last REED MUSIC Society initiation, S DEMOCRACY (Daily Kansan) up hts ears and prepares to p at him- MISS J O S E P H IN E SCHMID. A utocracies Still flourish in changes or additions on Wl" it>n you 80* r mi L*nUrn) LLOYD MARTIN. Hall IO at 4:30. on the bark* P R E S ID E N T . P R E S ID E N T . . . . . . . . . . _ 5 o’ciork 5 o ’clock. write-ups. . . --------- 7 o ’clock. J a n u a r y pages lOhin these y°U day - y in . , _ „ . ^ r - . , i , . P asteurized M ilks; Lunches LO U IS P. M EYER 1702 Lavaca Phone 8 7 0 6 LET U S D O Y O U R D IR T Y W O R K HOME STEAM LAUNDRY “ Good W ork Our H obby” 211 East F ifth St. Phone 3 7 0 2 JU S T F O R Y O U R S A K E W e H ave R eceived B oncilla C lasm ic F ace Pack. Boncilla P a c k a g e O ’B eauty. Boncilla V a n is h in g Cream. Boncilla Cold C rea m . I ry the D rug Store F irst” UNIV! P H O N E 3 0 5 2 HTY DRUG “ t h e c o n v e n i e n t p l a c e ” P H O N E 3 0 5 2 G A S O L IN E SO L D A L L N IG H T ‘‘We N ever Sleep” For Your C onvenience OPEN ALL NIGHT Greasing P a c k — Something new. Come give us a trial. We know how to g i -ase your m otor equipm ent. Let us drain t h a t cran k case and refill with fresh oil today, C H A R L T O N & C R O C K E T T , Inc. S» rvice Station No. I, E ast 5th and Brazos Service Station No. 2, E ast 6th and W ailer R em em ber Open All Night —— •— . - , :r::,"T:r i - T i l , j,n— rift' PLUMBING, ELECTRIC C ontracting, Repairs, Supplies R A D IO G O O D S A. E. HANCOCK CO. 9 0 8 C ongress Phone 6193 n a E xclu sive H om e C ooking W U K A S C H B R O S. 2 0 0 2 G uadalupe o n P h one 6 3 0 5 '.VI/,' January Shoe Sale Extraordinary For Men * * * to H ow ever d eligh tfu l reverie a goutl ‘dea* we would Sinclair Lewis describes in “ Bab­ the habit of the central figure bit of the book of shaving while sitting in a b athtu b of hot water. R ather j offhand, may be a- a n idle pastim e, it but Bahbitt was not living in a fra* in tellectu al Itfrnity hou*** When a dozen men does not lead prow ess, or to m ental grow th. arf> try‘n*I t0 «hare around the same M using is su fficien t for the dll- conditions are as bad as those letfante, but it has no actual R a crowded Pullman mentioned by end except itself. The student the !iame author. may watch the different meth- p a a r i n g am usem ent; but, if he od® <)f shaving e v p lo y e d by a group aspire to be a Thinker, he must! °* men hi interesting and might be devote him self assiduously to :aken as an index of their charac- anether avenue o f mental en-1t?rj* as n^ch as the condition of their cleaver— to m editation, a s y s-ideska or their method of shaking tem atic process of There is the man who brines to T h e m i n d o f t h e s t u d e n t pri- manly should be applied to the bathroom a kit of tool# large serious c o n t e m p l a t i o n of c u r - , enough to care for a Ford. Then r e n t p r o b l e m - a n d extrem e who! s u b j e c t s c o n c e r n i n g h i s s t u d i e s brings only a ra zor and lathers hi J important there thinking, hands. in reverie indulge the o th er But for is Btud ent e»rrip ^ •rodent cam es several ^ ^ topics! has not left . b r . „ h in t h . room ^ ~ ^ S S S e T t f f S ' e ^ J t . ' r 11' The" " consideration o f Theni t0 3 tke man wh0 makM t h 0 T " * ^ T r S S and! ’ ? h H ' bruah anr W,]I accomplish other to the *ame way. hot ^ , 8p th e 1 thej . i. V M W M I CA a’ H I i : A*, .......................... V . , I L - . ------- , a I I f — ----- o>--------- -------- DAY BY DAY THEY FLUNK [ Doings Of Others I T he autosuggestion o f Mon­ sieu r Co ae may cure all dis­ eases, elim inate moral defects, Although the year that ha* just straighten b o w le g s and ure passed wa* an unsuccessful one in in-1 ta n g le cross-eyes, and c a u s e tercolleaiate athletics for the Uni-{ grapes to grow on chinaberry versify of Ohio, g re a t steps were trees; but any num ber o f Uni- made in the advancem ent of physical! v e r it y aUldents w ill d en y th e ; tra in in g s a d in ia te r-fra te rn ity , in- „ T It Doesn’t Happen Often O n ly tw ice each year c a n w e m a r k d o w n high grade sh oes to this low figure. W e h a v e p lace d a t y o u r disposal over four hun­ ched pair of M en s H i g h a n d L o w Shoes w hich are broken in sizes but m odels o f g o o d style a n d highest quality. A ll leathers and all sizes are a v a ila b le to th o se w h o co m e early. E very pair worth the regular price— n o w a r e a l b u y at this low figure. REGULAR $8, $9 and $10 VALUES NOW SEE DISPLAY IN C E N T E R WINDOW $5.85 S E E DISPLAY IN S E N T E R WINDOW DILLINGHAM S OC I E T Y F A I R F A X N I S B E T , S o c i e t y E d it o r . O f f i c e T e l e p h o n e ( f r o m 5 to 6 ) 5 1 2 5 R e s i d e n c e T e l e p h o n e 4 2 1 7 T H E D A I L Y T E X A f c core with laughs fo r every line, , received. “ One of the most i n t e r - j will be made an annual e \V n t “ Doc” Eckdahl, P e te F ulcher, eating p apers th a t have come Miss D orothy DuMars, A rt Biard and I | Miss Victoria M atthews make a show in within “ Cow the office is a small pap er p r i n t e d ; on a mimeograph, containing car- to any th at would do credit t h e m - 1 Bells, selves, but these few combined with J toons dancers, singers an d good actors will p a p e r,” he said. th e plans of be a hit. Choruses, and a Chinese J tho league are form ulated, a n o th er act, will be real fe a tu res for th e re-J crtnto8t vvin iH, a ,; p I to the mime* vue. coni ous ones already If On cold days a g rea t wood f i r e a t the “ C actus” gives you a w elcom e th a t is cheery and to tho mom- h o m e l i k e . into! Any girl should "aum in regard to the meet. in swimming com m unicate with Miss interested Semi-Annual S y m o n d t - P i r k l e Arn in teresting account has been Z eta T au Alpha held initiation T u esd ay nicht fo r Minnie May French T cx a i b» r> “ Over the Hill,” the w onder pi • easily out-j , . Vick of F o rt distanced every cither screen presen- S w i m m i n g M e e t I OF W o m e n S t u d e n t s I s Planned for Spring tation in the m a t t e r of a contenu-j ous run in New York and is now on Chi Omega held initiation Monday blousing enthusiasm throughout .it fop E lectra Anderson of Plain- country, will be seen here tut ---------- solemnized Islands. T h e | Arthui% an(1 Constance received from a H onolulu pap er of j of Corsicana, M ary Long of Ha3- lu re of Broadway, that the wedding of Miss John nie Pirkle ; kell, and Mary Glenn of Houston and P ro fe sso r Percival W orth. M. Symonds of the U niversity of Hawaii w h ic) w ss C hristm as Day a t the home cif Pro- a fessor and Mrs. A r t h u r Andrew^, yjgvv, Ina Josephine Williams o f P ort Honolulu, H aw aian Douglas of bride, who was given aw ay by Pro-J San Antonio. fe cso r Andrews, wore a gown of w hite crepe de chine with veil, and carried a showier b o u q u et of bride roses, sweet peas, and m aiden hair , , r™ fe m . The bride is a g ra d u ate of th e U niversity of Texas, where she was also an assistant in Psychology. She also spent two yea rs a t Colum- bin U niversity w here she did ad- ! vanced work P ro ­ f e s t e r and Mrs. Symonds will make th e ir home in Honolulu. form er U niversity stu d e n t has accepted a Oil Com­ Pope a re atte n d in g the Tennis Tour- ancj unqualified n a m e n t a t San Antonio. • , th e Texas pany in New York City. Ja m e s S. M cKnight and J. Roger choice of Miss Mildred Marshall * position w ith in Psychology. ......................... ______ . * , , » ! Inter-class swill the women of tin. be held iii the sprin statem ent made by I heat ie today anti Thursday. “ Over the Hill” is an e x tra o rd in ary picture. It does not depend upon the etern al triang le for its sustained interest, n o r require mob scenes to j the physical tr bolster up shortcom ings in th e plot. and There is som ething wholesome and the story that the blase New Yorker, so i artic ula r and discrim inating in his theatrical e n tertain m e n t, a so in tere stin g enthusiasm f o r sweet in Paul II. Sloane ^adapted the story Doris Cook has recovered from her from Will C arle to n ’* “F a rm B allads” it. re c e n t illness and is again attend in g i and H a rry Millarde classes. directed cots are to sti- “ P rim arily th women in swim- m utate interest is no other u re Probabl ming all b e t t e r a sport which g aro und development,” she explained. An elimination meet will be held within each class for th e selection of th e six best swimmers who will form the class team. A final meet betw een the teams of each class will \ n y girl is eligible except be held. University T urtle ling meets for University are to g, acco rd in g to a Helen Sa urn of g d ep a rtm en t. j solid year on its initial run. A lp h a A lp h a G a m m a T e a Alpha Alpha G am m a, a r c h i t e c t - 1 e n te r­ u ra l f r a te r n ity fo r women tain ed Tuesday with a te a and ex­ hibit of work done by th e members. Besides the m em bers of the fra te r- Phi, nity, members of T au B eta h o n o ra ry E ng in eering w ere guests a t th e tea, which was M arble Falls. given at the W om en’s F aculty Club on Whitis Avenue. D orothy Arnold has re tu rn e d from a week-end visit a t her home in San Marcos. -------- Gamm a Phi B eta announces the - Alexa Rhea, who has been ill a t her home fo r some time is now able to be out. the Toledo* Georgia Haney is ill a t P. and S. G rady W atson has re tu rn e d from Ohio where he has been playing pro­ fessional football with Tigers, and is visiting a t the Delta hospital. K appa Epsilon house fo r the n ex t few’ j days. fr a te rn ity pledging of Ju lia F ra n c e s Ebeling of H igh School Papers M ay Be C onsidered at League M eeting According to Roy Bedichek, d i r e c - ' the U niversity interscholastic tor, is con tem p lating a contest league for the high school publications of • | the State, in which a complete file and | of the papers will be the S tate Interscholastic definite plans have been made reg ard in g the and J Meet in the spring. No league, kept [ nothing in th e w ay of a contest will i be possible before n ext year. In one o f the re c e n t issues of the I ______ Delia Crisp I Seton Infirm ary. has re tu rn ed from judged a t J * ™ y Gl end a t her home in Elgin. T i . weck_ I new suggestion of the SR* Bess Gilbert has recovered from i Leaguer, an invitation was extended to ex- illness. ( t o the high school papers a b rie f ______________________________ ______I change and was m et with immediate j th irty days to avoid the w rath of a I I€'sP°nse. Mc* Bedichek has s ta rte d ; professional w ife-beater and to avoid a critical column in the Leaguer for -, m aking love to girls with whom he i com m ents on tho different papers ,; sym pathizes. The picture is showing J a t the Majestic fo r the last time t o - : j day, and with W anda Hawley as the | fiance of the sym pathetic, rich young ■ man, it is a good team. m __Hnrw^n ii r i r iirrn n rI ~~.I ■_....................... William Fox, its producer, has s u p - : members of the plied a corps of sin gularly com petent Club. players, eaded by Mary Carr, whose j portray al o f the M other has made ; Miss Saum declared. her famous. “ T u rtle s are too f a r advanced,” r rn EXTRA HIGH PATENT A U S T I N , T E X A S . I AUSTIN MAID I r n UT8\ mea P^llNl IHIH r n The m eet will bo held a t Deep Eddy and will include relay races,, strokes and obstacle races as well as types. diving contests of various it Should this meet be successful, "t'bm Iud «* finn Ftritdty M l m i u S It’s M A D E In A U S T IN f b i o P ICT U R ES — L I T T L E P R IC ES I T o d a y a n d T h u r s d a y “ OVER T H E HILL” A P i c t u r e T h a t W i l l L i v e F o r e v e r S p e c i a l M u s i c a t N i g h t R e g u l a r P r i c e s Suits & Overcoats T h e in te re stin g fe a tu re s o f this Sale is n o t th e low prices, b u t the H ig h Q u alities th ese L ow p rices w ill buy. $25.00 Suits $30.00 Suits $35.00 Suits $40.00 Suits $45.00 Suits $50.00 Suits $60.00 Suits $65.00 Suits and Overcoats now ..............$18.75 and Overcoats now .............. $22.50 and Overcoats now .............. $26.25 and Overcoats now ..............$30,00 and Overcoats now .............. $33.75 and Overcoats now .............. $37.50 and Overcoats now ............ ..$45.00 and Overcoats now ........... $48.75 M anhattan Shirts at Reduced Price* WALTER WILCOX The Store for Men and Boys C. M. M I L L E R W all Paper, P a in ts, O ils, W hite Leads, V a rn ish e s, W in d o w G lass and P a in te rs Supplies Picture Framing a Specialty 807 Congress HYDE PARK FLORAL 9 1 7 C ongress Q U E E N L ast Tim e T oday CONSTANCE TALMADGE “EAST IS WEST” T om orrow “N ight L ife in H o lly w o o d ” ENUS PENCILS lapel tfUwtj QuieEfjf p e n c i l i n th e « • r i d 1JORthcHtud<*ntor prof., the ■ superb VENUS out-rivals all for perfect pencil work. 17 black degrees--3 copying, A m e r ic a n L e a d P e n c i l Co. :0 Fifth At*. l f Writi* for Vbwts neil VKNM* K1 • <*! Mf <-ha rn . * S K I P MAJESTIC P resen ts WALLACE REID In a 3 0 D A Y S *» A P aram o u n t P ictu re Last T im es T od ay H a n c o c k I t ’s ready, the snappiest musical j j revue and good vaudeville acts that j have vaulted the fo o t lights in some moons, and it’s s e ttin g b e tte r every th e T ravis P ost re ­ I day. vue, which will be seen a t the H an­ cock today and T h u rsd a y evenings, is a ja m up good show, clean to the “ T aps” H A N C O C 17 O P E R A H O U S E l l . Bud F ish e r’s New S ensation MUTT AND JEFF “ O n T heir H o n ey m o o n ” A Bevy of G irls!! G irls!! G irls!! P rices F rom 50c to $1.50 Plus T ax THE WALTER TIPS COMPANY 708 C ongress H ardw are and M achinery S porting Goods, G uns an d A m m unition A utom obile A ccessories Y O U H A V E H E A R D IT— N O W SE E IT A m e ric a n L eg io n P re se n ts T A P Q J. x x . I wj* A t T h e Hancock Opera House TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT Matine Thursday at 3 p. rn. PRICES: First Eight Rows of Orchestra Balance of Orchestra ...... $1.50 $1.25 First Three Rows of Balcony . . . . . $1.00 Balance of Balcony ..... $1.25 Boxes ......................... ...... ................. $ *75 SECURE YOUR TICKETS EARLY AT RENFRO’S Septim a Smith has re tu r n e d from Seton Infirm a ry and is visiting at the Alpha Delta Pi house for a few days. Vivian Jolley of L ockhart w ithd raw n from the University. has THEA TRES T H E A T R E C A L E N D A R T e x a s : “ O v e r t h e H i l l , ” w it h an a l l - s t a r c a s t . Q u e e n : C o n s t a n c e T a l m a d g e in “ E a s t Is W e s t , ” l a s t t i m e t o d a y . M a j e s t i c : W a l l a c e R e id a n d W a n d a H a w l e y in “ T h i r t y Days,* l a s t t i m e t o d a y . H a n c o c k : “ T a p s , ” m u s i c a l r e ­ v u e . a l l - s t a r c a s t . C r e s c e n t : “ T h e S i n F l o o d , ’ w ith Q u e e n Constance Talm adge crowns a m e­ teoric c a ree r with her tem peram en ­ tally brilliant in te rp re ta tio n of t h e ; role of Ming Toy in “E a s t is W est,” , showing a t the Queen for th e last tim e today. Fresh from an Oriental background Ming Toy is plunged into the complexities and complications of life as it is lived in Am erica. The ch iefest charm o f Ming Toy lies in j the refreshin gly unsophisticated way, in which she re gards Am erican ways seen throug h eyes u n tu to re d to the su av ity of th e O riental. It is here t h a t Connie has h er g r e a t opportunity f o r h er ability as a commedienne, an op p o rtu n ity which she utilized to the fu lle s t extent. M a j e s t i c W allace Reid comes in for a lot of in prison for lover laughs as the D O N N E L L Y & W H IT E | Phone 6131 Plumbing and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. J. S. KOENIG Chiropodist and Foot Specialist 418 Littlefield Bldg. Phone 4855 H ancock Jan. 24-25 JC S M.GAITC< ORIGINAL MOvJUCtlON SD UPI N T U 60c up to *2.50 Plus Tax CACTUS SUBSCRIBERS T he follow ing is a list of the C actus subscribers w ho subscribed in full d u rin g the reg istra tio n sale, A p a rt of this list is being published each day in a lp h a b e tic a l o rd er. AU subscribers a re requested to watch fo r th e ir nam e and if it does not a p p e a r, to bring th eir receipts to The T exan office and have them ad d ed to th e list. Raigoredsky, Paul Ramsey, Zelda Ratcliff, Blanche Rawalt, L. E. Raymon, S. J. Read, Margaret Redus, Constance Reese, Warren Reinhart, Chat. Rhotan, H. D. Robinson, Florence Robinson, Frances Rockwell, Helen Rodriquez, A. Rogan, Mildred Rosenberg, S. J. Rountree, Mrs. A. P. Rowe, Ted Rudolph, R. G. Ruhlen, W alter Rutlege, L. W. Ruysenaas, Den* Ryan, Reginald G. Samuels, Lillian Seastrunk, Elwanor E Scharff, Lucille Schieffer, Odea I Schmidt Etalka Schweer, Henry F. Scott, Miss Lorane E. Scott, Nell Segre«t, Margaret Shinn, E dith Short, E. H ays Shults, R. B. Simon, J. E. Slack, B ernie Slavik, F ra n k H. Smi h, Edis A. J. Sm ith, M aud Sm ith, W m . R. Jr. Sm ither, Georgia H. Sm yth, M u rray G. Snell, B erenice S peers, A nne O la Spence, Chas. Stacy, F. A. Stam ps, E lizabeth S tark J. Stephenson, F ran k S tephenson, W . S. Steussy, M ary Stevens, Alice S tevens, Louis Stevens, Sybil Clair Stew art, lr* in Story, H. C. Stover, Lucille Slnad, Angela Stulken, Florence Swain, R. H. Swann, Ura S w eet Lewis K. Suttle, Inez C A C T UIS ohio i s m isis . ,| o pfiamiif Mil HOIS'I s P°rt Gossip . f n T h a t S t a t e I t E i g h t h in E x p e n ­ d i t u r e s f o r H i g h e r E d u c a - ti o n a i I n c i t a t i o n * Special to The Texan. Columbus. Ohio., J a n u a ry I* -— Both sri expenditures p er cap ita of population and p e r *1,000 of wealth fo r higher education, Ohio wa* eighth am ong sta te s of the widdle west during 1921-22, according to statistics com piled b j f a r ! E. Steeb, busine** m an ag er of Ohio ."-Ute Unl-j versity. The figure* w ere precented in support of $9,000,000 appropria­ legislature tion req u est bef re the fi­ from Ohio S u te U niversity nance its program until the middle to of 1925. E xp en d itu res by raid-western the f o r t states, per capita of population higher education ranged from $ 1 8 0 in Iowa to 48 cents In Ohio, the av­ table com- erage being $1.28, p ated by Mr, Steeb reveals. On the bagie of expenditures p e r $1,000 of wealth, the range was from $ 1 4 0 in i t Michigan to 26 te n ts in Ohio, shows. C ontinuing, it points o u t th a t appropriations su p p o rt IO institutions of higher education' in C alifornia, 8 in W isconsin, 7 in M ichigan, and 6; each in M nnesota, Lllinois and Ohio, 3 each in Iowa and Indiana. “ At the average per capita ra te of raised $1.28 Ohio would $7,400,000 d u rin g 1921-22, or a t the average ra te p e r $1,000 of wealth the^ am ount realiz* d would been j $8,600,000,° Mr. Steeb concludes. have have —o---------- O hio State Claim* Possession of One Youthful Prodgy B f J u les Cern Coach Milton Rom ney is p utting his cagem en through the grill this week, and from all indications V ar­ sity is going to stag* a grand com e­ back against the Oklahom a Aggies rn Aggieville S aturday. the th e ‘clan k ” Before *omg into the gym of the Men’s P. T. shack, sound of of ■lapping m ils, weights, and the “ p a t-p a t” of rope- jum pers, convinces one of the fact th at prep aratio n s fo r in tram u ral and full d ep artm ental con tests are sway. Things are alre ad y beginning to get “ h o t” even though the con­ tests are a m onth aw ay. in rack et a re The w edders of the w orking fa ith fu lly each aftern o o n and Dr. Penick is alm ost certain to p u t some conference w inners on the ten n is co urts this year. in a sh o rt while The F reshm an baseball candidates a t are being seen and not heard present, but they are going to be both seen and heard Coach F rank Gibson ia m aking rapid progress and prospects fo r develop­ ing a fa st team are good. Clyde L ittlefield, freshm an b ask et­ ball coach, has a score of scrappers who are p u ttin g fo rth every e f fo rt to make the team . The selection c f team will be a d ifficu lt the m atter as this cause V arsity bunch who would players to w orry ab out th eir posi­ tion*. th ere are some first in LITERARY Speaker* Special to The Texan. Columbus, Ohio, Ja n u a ry 16.— j Following th e ir re g u la r business o f first- m eeting T uesday night, the Speak- the follow ing offi- W ith the announcem ent q u arte r grades, Sam uel Luchs, 15- era* Club elected o fficers year old freshm an in the college of w in ter arts, philosophy and science a t Ohio cera were chosen: Andrew P atto n , p resid en t; Ken- takes rank as S tate U niversity Luchs drew neth H ackle/, vice p resid en t; John youthful straig h t " A V which is a* high as H. H. Dennis, $r., sec retary -trea su r- grades go, in his courses fo r the fall e r; John S. M ayfield, serg ean t-at- q u arter. One grade fell as low as arm s; H erschel S, M urphy, re p o rte r; “ A— **. R obert Goodwin, critic. prodigy. term . The fo r a A ttractin g atten tio n for scholastic Much in te re st was shown in the achievem ent is not a p artic u la rly new selection o f these officers, installed new p resid en t was experience for Luchs. His prema- ta re arrival a t Ohio S tate Univer- a t thig m eeting, b u t the o th er offi- r.ty was made possible by his ear- cer% wjjj no| be 8Worn jn until the lier feat of taking a short cut through next high school at Bellaire, Ohio, in three s years, where h** also found tim e to act as valedictorian o f his class. m eeting, 0 Members of Zeta B eta T au f r a ­ tern ity , to which Luchfc is pledged, clare “ Sam is not a*g rin d .” (C ontinued from page I) m Loving Cup O ffered * m t * Co-ed A th letes W ith -cd A th letes W Best Grades as Club ‘ of U niver*ity stu d en ts to the crowd- ed floor. G overnor Stretto* Economy In his the _________ governor j c o n -1 address stressed rigid econom y and a F o r the high"At scholarship record, attractive legislative program . “ A sacred tru s t is th a t of a loving cup will be aw arded to one of the girls athletic clubs by the Co- m aker,” stated the governor. up, it was announced at the meet- ing of th e Woman s A thletic Coon- to m an. T hus to serve is a noble “ Thin cup am bition. No man should consider cli held T uesday night. will not be aw arded until early next him self too big o r too busy to take fall, so th at wo may average in t h e ; an active i ntere8t in the political af- spring term grades of the stu d en ts,” fa i„ of the country> My frie n da, Mi a* Anna His#, d irec to r o f physical and co. workerSf w ith m u tu a, co n fi. donee, w ith en larged t r . i r . i r , f«r women vision, w ith! j quickened zeal and w ith lofty id,-ah,! e b b J u a b * tho hfchM t record, exclusive of physical t r a i n i n g ; ^ in ser- K .trad e., will race,ye thy cup. “ His function is the highest known J to the s u t e .H ourselves alated law- th e room used bv Many P ro b lem , to Be Met Many grave and serious It was decided to j u t a new floor on th* Da rin g prob- C lub In th e basem ent of the Woman**I the Buildi g, and to buy a m irro r fo r lem s c o n fro n t you,” continued ‘T h e educational life of one end of the r om, fo r the b en efit governor. o f the dancers. These im jrovcm ents the state is co un tin g upon you; the will be made within the next month, \ livestock in tere sts covet your coun- and the Dancing Club will use Raj set; the fo rtu n es of farm ers new studio fo r the an n u al exhibition aw ait your actio n s; the baro m eter of butine** i* e s and falls as you v ote, given in the spring term . When th e m att' r o f scholastic rec- the ‘Eyes of T exas are Upon Y ou.’ ©rd pertain in g to council m em ber- Through w ritten messages subm it- w as discussed, a m otion was parsed ted by me to your honorable body th at gjrU a c tin g on the athletic you are fam iliar with my views on council m ust be tak in g fo u r courses, certain phases of legislation and it and making a € average. a l w decided th a t no g i r l could work you from tim e t0 tim e oth ef r fo r points to w ard aw ards fo r mom m endationa th an fo u r years l your conaidtraU „ n . , , I t w a s .ahali be my pleasur<, to 8ubmit J those y e a n being el#M d „ fo„ the e th W A.A Th* resignation of Johnny d ik er- f0r Te“ * ,nd Texas for ■»* •‘‘ould con,um'nK *h"“Kht *n<* ***• m‘ l aor, baseball m anager, and Dorothy T i l t * * " , , , , F isher, treasurer, w ere accepted, but appointments fo r thew vacant place* . will not be made until the next meat- , In t * m ‘ A t.-v*.i.er in an , ' 1 13 comioonw eal;h , “* * pl‘ " m the * orld iE which The admission price o f 25c p er couple to the M other Goose Ball was “ w ithdraw n and tick et Wail adm it th e co-ed* to the! en tertain m e n t. the B lanket T a x ; 7 **** 1 " M''mbers of the 38th Legislature, tw*nty-seventh governor of the V ™ " • ----- -------- D * CURRIE RETURNS — — _ I t w as announced th a t en tertain the Ma- th e; je*tic T h eatre will freshman team who sold the highest y esterday from Sherm an, where he n um ber of C actu s d u rin g th** recent I1** been visiting his b ro th er who I drive, ^ r - Thom as W. C urrie retu rn ed been iii. T H E D A I L Y T E X A W S um m er School H as M ore G rad u ate OULU COACHES S P in th e being alread y a n d W o l f CONTRACTS FO! YEAR S tu d e n ts T h an V arsity Long T erm T here were m ore g ra d u ate stu -j during both term s, and thi* sum m er t least 350 student* w orking P reparation* are last sum m er jeeta will be given long session of advanced degrees. to au tistic * re-1 W eathers and W ill Assist Frank Bridges --------- ught th a t th ere will be a t L yona> W eathers tow ard .le n t' m the sum m er school session o f the U n iversity of T exas in 1922 the e n tire th an 1921-22, acco rd in* 2 5 1 1 made to U ke c a r e of a a increased Waco, T ex as, Ja n . 15.-—T h e Bay- Gently compiled. T h e r e were th e j enrollm ent, and m o re a d v a n c e d sub- jor a th le tic coaching s ta f f fo r the g r a d u a t e s tu d e n ts w o rk in g in for <■» U niversity d u rin g en-! stro n g er faculty. Dr. H. W. H a rp er, session, as com pared with 156 rolled d u rin g th e preceding long set- dean of the G rad u ate School, will aion. An in crease o f approxim ate-! continue his work d u rin g th e sum- The sum m er dem on- ly 300 per cen t in th e enrollm ent >f m er session. the G raduate School is expected for j Stratton school will be expanded to the sum m er session o f 1923, accord- m eet the c o w in g needs of th e state be more ing advance I rolfrnent has been increasin g in the demonstration work past In 1918 th e re w ere 77 gradu- subjects this y e a r th an ev er b efo re. * t . students enrolled term o f the Hummer sewion end to , conducted in one o f the Austin P - I.ast year th ere He school buildings n e a r the U niver- in the second term . w ere 251 g ra d u a te stu d e n ts enrolled I sity campus. season o f 1923-24 has tak en tn two additional m em bers. Teddy Lyons o f V inton, L o u isian a, p re se n t b a s k e tb a ll' captain and lead e r o f th e B ears in 1921, has been signed to coach th e Cub bask etb all squad fo r th e season of 1923, and G uy B. W eath ers of Waco, an ex-captain o f the B ear football team and a m em ber of th e team will have ch arg e o f baseball Cub fo o tb .ll and b « .b a ! l ^ , 923.24 Both L yonj and the en- teachers, and th e re will in first! Th* demonstration w e r t wffl be, ^ in which ta ilin g ra te the the to in W eathers have had fo u r y e a rs of train in g u n d e r head coach F ra n k B. Bridges. --------- o ...— — Mrs. W o lfe Lectures Hard F ought G am es Feature Fraternity CAMPUS SHORTS B asketball Program on D om estic E vents in Second of S eries -S ' w* Austin High b ask etb all p layers are Phi Sigma D elta was d efeated by B eta T heta Pi, IO to 3, while Lamb- th e second of h er series to clash with the E n g in eers W e d n ev da < hi Alpha w en t down b efo re Kap- of le ctu res on c u rre n t events, Mrs. day aftern o o n a t 4 o ’clock. So fa r pa Alpha by a score o f 5 to 2 in C lara Snell W olfe spoke T u esd ay the E ngineer team has not been de- £W0 basketball gam es in th e Men s n ight a t th e T exas Bible C h air on* Teated, and all th e m em bers of th e (;ym last night. The second co n test I v ents ta k in g place in the p a s t two ! College of E n g in ee rin g weeks. H e r in tro d u ctio n d e a lt w ith j d en t th a t th e ir q u in te t will rep eat *pbe som ew hat top heavy score of a m iscellany of dom estic ev en ts, such ! th eir win of last y e a r over A ustin th e Phi Sig-Beta gam e does n o t in- as th e re sig n a tio n of S e n a to r F all, tussle, High School. A ustin fan s are n o t dteute the fierceness o f the the action of W ill H ays in su p p o rt­ o v erconfident since th e ir d efeat by *j»he only th ing th a t m ade the score o f A r- ing th e issu an ce of film s Waco, b u t an in te re stin g gam e is ex- 0 f eacb team v ary to the e x te n t th a t buckle, and the rem oval of W . P. C th e R e. peeled. ; it did was th a t the B etas had b e tte r Hardin’g fro m th e head 0# feel confi- was fu lj 0f th rills, G iving - ....... the the th e th a t laurels. laurels. in tra m u ra l in tra m u ra l “ Sjp: C ro fto n , m a n a g e r o f luck in tossing baskets, as th e nuns- serve g o ard b er of try* fo r goal was ab o u t E n g in eer trac k a sp ira n ts, says even. The firs t h alf ended w ith the his men are p lan n in g to walk o ff B etas on the larg e end of a 7 to I score. P itzer o f th e B etas su stain e I with with in this h alf. L ittle scoring was done in th e last h a lf as y ear the E n g in eers piled up a to tal the B etas added only th re e more of 87 points ag a in st th e ir oppon­ po in ts and the Phi Sigs w ere only e n ts’ 27. C ro fto n says his men are able to add two. so good he is a fra id th a t Coach L it­ tlefield will pick a bunch of them fo r V arsity m ateria l, and a t p re sen t he refu ses to give o u t any dope on likely candidates. L ast L ast a broken nose c o n fe rrin g with H erb ert M. G reen e, whose plans accepted fo r a building have been by the Board of R egents, is here on the cam pus the resid en t a rc h ite c t G. A. E ndress, and oth.ir P resid en t R. E. V in to n U niversity a u th o ritie s. T uesday Mr. G reene and o th er visiting arch itects j looked o v er the g ro u n d where the proposed building is to be erected. N othing has y et been done ab o u t; lettin g the c o n tra c t fo r building, it is understood. The the Lam bda Chis the evening was th rille r o f by the n o t so much ch aracterized i t w as th e w ay close score, b u t fought. Num erous, fouls w ere called on both sides. T he firs t h alf ended w ith lead in g the K appa A lpha’s, 2 to I. T he second h a lf opened w ith a ru sh and seven! m inutes of fig h tin g passed b efo re a *oal was made. K appa A lpha took | th e lead on th is goal and held it from j th en on. The lineups: B etas: B ern ard , T u rn e r, Ma> rer, Jo n es, and F u rm an . Pitzer,* Phi Sigs: Lefkow itz, B luestein, L. j L au d a, C. L ands and Levy. L am bda X i: Reese, P ate, N orm an, j E lm ore, M cKenzie, Nelson. 0............. Cap and G o w n Plans for B anquet to Be D iscu ssed T hu rsd ay te rm Cap and Gown will hold th e firs t on i m eeting fo r the w in ter T h u rsd ay a fte rn o o n a t 5 o’clock in the G irl’s S tu d y Hall. S everal m a t­ ters o f im p o rtan ce will be p re sen ted to th e socH \y, especially those co n ­ cern in g th e b an q u e t to be given on Ja n u a ry 24 fo r all m em bers of C ap ! and Gown. T his th e f irs t tim e th a t C ap and Gown has ever a tte m p te d to have a its m em bership b an q u et solely fo r and th e q u ite is In n e r C ouncil anxious t h a t ev ery m em ber be pres-1 en t a t th e m eeting on T h u rsd a y iii ! o rd er th a t the plans m ay be c a rried | on successfully. All g irls in itiated la s t sp rin g o r i gJ w I this fa ll are eligible fo r a tte n d a n c e a t th e m eeting and b an q u e t. Phone 2633. San A ntonio. W. H. W ilson, 2*09 ICLASSIFIEDS ] Call m eetin g U n i­ v ersity S h r i n e Club, W ednesday 5 p. rn., Y.M .C.A All s tu d e n t an d fa c u lty S h rm er: u rg ed to a tte n d . Im p o rta n t b u si­ ness. P R E S . SPA N ISH betw een C O A C H IN G , phone 7467, 6:30 and 7:3 0 p. rn. — 17 WOOD! W OOD! F o r sa le ; oak h e a t­ e r blocks $2 p er rick, $8.50 cord delivered. Phone 5287. J . R eese. — 19 LO ST— $5.00 re w a rd ; sm all brow n allig a to r pocketbook T u esd ay a f t ­ tick et. ernoon. Nam e on a th letic $19.50 per m onth. BOARD fo r U niversity s tu d e n ts »t > good T h re e wood L Rj»n- — 17 m eals. Call 7704. M rs. Rf M. derson, 308 W. 14th. ROOMS FO R BOYS— C on v en ien tly , well fu rn ish ed room s a t $7.50 per 1615 C ongress A venue. m onth. Phone 3612. *— F ellow s: We have a big reduction on all Suits and O vercoats. Buy your suit now From J. DARRELL JO N E S A t ScarbrougH’a M en’* Shop 2 to 6 P. M. Ck! THE DRY CLEANING HABIT T h e h a b i t of b u n d l i n g clothes o ff to “a n y c l e a n e r ” w o r k s a d e t r i m e n t to your o w n sa t­ isfaction a n d to t h e life of your clothes. T h e d r y c le a n in g i n d u s t r y has been as ca r e fu lly evo lv ed as a n y in d u s tria l science. W e a r e e q u i p p e d to serv e you. S a tisfa ctio n g u a r a n t e e d . Nick Linz 611 Congress Ave. Phones 2652-7936 Mr. Lym an H oover, re p resen tativ e j K appa A lpha: M oore. H .m se ll.' of the S tu d e n t V o lu n teer M oTa-^M*»*' A ik er- Barwise, *"<1 M itchell.! m em bers of the f m ent, addressed the P resb y terian Theological Sem inary a t th eir chapel h o u r, T uesday m orn­ talk w as ab o u t the vast ing. His field fo r service open to m inisters and m inisterial can d id ates. — A thletic au th o rities a t S. M. U. i an n o u n ce th a t a c h a rte r has been g ra n te d them by tho Sigm a D elta Psi. n ational ath letic fra te rn ity . R ay M orrison, head INSTALLED AT S. M. U. SIGMA DELTA PSI IS U niversity O rchestra coqch - o - to B egin R ehearsals at M eeting T hursday the R ehearsals of th e U niversity O r-j ch estra will begin w ith in itia l m eeting of the o rg an izatio n T h u rs-J day evenin* a t 7 :3 0 in S Hall. All o f th e m em bers have been in stru cted to re p o rt fifte e n o r tw en ty m inutes ea rlier in o rd er to be ready to play prom ptly a t 7:30. Those who tried o u t d u rin g the p a st week will be given an o p p o rtu n ity to p ractice in the first two o r th re e rehearsals in o rd er th a t th e ir fu ll m erits may bo known. L ater, as w ith other m usi­ cal organizations, a selection will be m ade fo r th e re g u la r m em bership. A secondary o rg an izatio n will be form ed, m em ber* o f which will be train e d and coached to fill vacancies as they occur in th e re g u la r o rg a n i­ In v itatio n s have been sen t zation. players. T he o u t to nearly f if ty first app earan ce o f the o rch estra will probably be in connection w ith th** convention c f all th e m usical o r­ ganizations o f th e U niversity, which Mr. F ran k Reed, P ro fesso r of M u­ sic, is p lan n in g f< r a d ate early in May. — o ~ ------- FRESH M AN HONOR ROLL ■ F reshm an g irls’ h o n o r roll will be m ade up a t th e end o f thi? week and Miss M cDaniels u rg es th a t all fresh -; man girls who m ade an average of B in academ ic work an d A in physical! train in g , re p o rt th e ir grad es to the D ean of W om en’s office a t once The ten highest will be placed cm] the honor roll to be posted in th e W.A.A. council room and the Dean j o f W omen’* o ffice. On account of the illness of Miss M cDaniels b efore C hristm as it wa* im possible to ob-j lain the g rades fro m the re g is tra r; th e so it depends prom ptness of th e g irls in b ringing | in th eir grade*. a lto g e th e r on at S o u th e rn M ethodist U n iversity, a n ­ nounced th a t try o u ts fo r m em b ersh ip ; the natio n al ath letic fr a te r n ity .' Jin j the Sigm a D elta Psi, will be held this ! m onth. A n u m b er of stu d en ts are j ro u n d in g it is r e - ; into shape, and p o rted th a t a few have alm ost com-1 dieted th e te sts. Jam es S te w a rt of W axahachie, who y e a r won I th re e le tte rs in football, b asketball, and trac k , tops the list w ith all but It is re q u ired th a t one te st to pass, a m em ber o f this fra te rn ity swim! one h u n d red yards, and since Stew- j a r t has y e t to swim a stro k e it m ay I tak e him som etim e to q u alify . last CAST FOR CURTAIN CLUB PLAY WILL BE SELECTED R ehearsal o f the C u rtain C lub fo r th e pu rp o se of selecting a c a st fo r a forth co m in g play will be held W ed­ nesday a t 4 o ’clock in the au d ito riu m o f the Main B uilding. AU m em bers o f the club w ishing to ta k e p a rt in th e production m ust ap p e ar p ro m p t­ ly a t the designated hour. C H A PE L NOTICE The sp eak er yesterd ay a t C hapel w as R ector O s-man of S t. A n­ drew s Episcopal C hurch, H ous­ to n . He re fe rre d to a passage in the Old T estam e n t ab o u t th e p as­ sage o f th e Jo rd a n R iver by th e children of Israel, and stressed the fa c t th a t th ey did not succeed in p assing o v er th e riv er until th ey proceeded to the w a te r’s edge and s ta rte d the ac tu a l passage. F rom th a t he drew the lesson illu stra te d by th e th re e words, “ Proceed, pass over, and possess.” In connection a n o th e r w ith this herr ferred g ro u p o f th re e yords fo r fu rth e r perso n al illu s tra tio n : living and The ad d ress w as a ttra c tiv e and help­ ful. “ Purpose, p ersev eren ce.” to W E’VE LOWERED PRICES BUT NOT QUALITY Our Entire S tock O f Suits and Overcoats M ade By K uppenheim er NOW ON SALE AT 1-4 OFF Regular Price E very Suit and O vercoat in this sa le co m es from our reg ­ ular sto ck — Your best assurance o f intrinsic q uality. A t their form er prices these garm ents w ere great values, b ut w ith the reduction n ow in effe c t th e va lu es are so m uch greater. It w ill p a y you to buy for present as w ell as future needs. M E N ’S O D D PAINTS R E D U C E D S W E A T E R S A N D B A T H R O B E S R E D U C E D 25 OI 0 25 0 IO B O Y S ’ S U IT S , O V E R C O A T S A N D O D D P A N T S R E D U C E D 2 5 P E R C E N T Hirshfeld & Anderson — T h e H ouse of K uppenheim er C lothes