Student wants of comedy ~ ‘s v n v a . GizSGz x i 9ct?Gfr xoe o d¡ty, page 3 H 3 1 N 3 D W l I d O d D I W J ’ v Baker leads Dodgers to win Sports, page 6 TFER : advising divorced parents City, page 10 Th e Daily Texan THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1983 25* Askew criticizes Reagan on equal rights problem United Press International NEW ORLEANS — President Reagan is leading a retreat from A m erica’s basic prin­ ciples o f equal rights and opportunities, Democratic presidential hopeful Reubin Askew charged Monday. “ The president is leading the retreat o f blacks, Hispanics and women into the depths o f depression," the former Florida governor said during an opening session at the NA ACP’s annual convention “ We are becom ing a house divided, a nation o f have and have-nots, separated mostly along racial and ethnic lines. ’’ Askew was among five presidential aspi­ rants scheduled to address the NAACP dur­ ing its week-long convention Chicago Mayor Harold Washington was also to address the convention Other speakers Monday included Virgin­ ia Gov. C harles R obb, w ho has been men tioned as a possible U .S. Senate candidate or a D em ocratic vice presidential candidate next year. Robb, son-in-law o f form er President Lyndon Johnson, denied he was interested in a vice presidential bid and said he m ight leave politics when his term expires in Jan ­ uary 1986 R obb’s brief speech dealt m ostly with gains o f blacks in Virginia and econom ic recovery at the state lev e l. “ The prospects o f econom ic success in this country depend on the activities o f poli­ ticians at the state le v e l,” he said. A skew , how ever, sharply criticized R ea­ g a n 's econom ic recovery plans. He referred to Reaganom ics as an “ econom ic ap ar­ theid’’ and said the n atio n 's poor people are shouldering the brunt o f the president’s pol­ icies. “ An awful lot of people are going to be passed over by this recovery of R e a g a n 's,” A skew said. “ W e ’re facing m assive unem ­ ploym ent and we d o n ’t have strategies to attack it.” Askew said the U nited States is becom ­ ing a large and grow ing “ underclass” of uneducated and H ispanics who lack hope and expectations. unskilled blacks and He accused Reagan o f retreating from his obligation to desegregate public schools, trying to subsidize racism by granting tax exem ptions to segregate private schools, slowing efforts to police job discrim ination and abandoning affirm ative action “ Even though half o f all the poor fam i­ lies in A m erica are headed by w om en. R ea­ gan has opposed the Equal R ights A m end­ m en t,” Askew said Chicago Mayor Harold Washington talks with reporters at NAACP c o n t e n t io n in New O r le a n s M o n d a s . Í nited Press International New TDC hospital moves state closer to court compliance By MAUREEN SHEERAN Daily Texan Staff With the construction o f a $40 m illion prison hospi lal at the UT M edical Branch in G alveston the state is one step toward com plying with a federal court ruling to improve Texas D epartm ent o f Corrections facilities The 250,000 square-foot facility opened Sunday with a nbbon-cutting cerem ony hosted by G ov. Mark W hite In D ecem ber 1980, a U .S. District Court ruled the TEXT would have to im prove its facilities in a num ber o f areas The case Ruiz vs Hstelle involved com ­ plaints including m edical care, mental health, brutality and access to c o u rt. Im provem ents in m edical facilities for TDC are slow, said W illiam T urner, an attorney for David Ruiz, plaintiff in Ruiz vs. Estelle. lh e y don t have a m edical care plan p ro p o sed ,” Turner said “ Initially, the 1981 plan they filed was a jo k e .” Previously, the system operated one hospital in H untsville, which was dem oted to an infirmary when the T D C facility opened in G alveston “ The old hospital was a bad jo k e ,’’ T urner said. “ It did not deserve to be called a hospital " D em otion ol the old hospital w as stipulated by the court, he said Charles B row n, assistant public affairs officer for TD C. said. “ The hospital was old and could not han­ dle everything necessary for m edical care “ We are trying to com ply with the ruling handed down to u s ," Brown said The old facility housed 116 inm ates, 28 less than the 144-bed capacity o f the new facility. "T h is is an ultra-m odem fa cility .” Brown said The eight-floor hospital is linked by a long c o m d o r to John Sealy H ospital, the m ain facility in the six- buildm g com plex, said Raye T illey, TD C spokesw om ­ an. Raym ond Jarl. executive director o f T D C -U T M B . said that since 1920 TDC inmate^ in need of medical care were integrated into the John Sealy Hospital “ We had a discrete unit for five years. Jar said The unit, which was inside the John Sea.v H( sp ta provided beds for 45 inm ates he said Last year. 700 inm ates were m -puhents at the c - crete unit, Jarl said In addition, the uni: treated f • ** out-patients, he said Jarl said the new hospital is the hrst prison hosp ta in the free world affiliated with a teaching un “ It (being affiliated with UT G alveston) has a k*i of ad v an tag es.’’ Jarl said The available staff and re search facilities provide cost-effective eare tor the n m ates. Jar said Fourth year medica! stu tors to treat m ost patients a We are the only acute stale o f lex a» tha’ b e lo n g s The new hospital will > units Mosl cases will tx * at the individual units The new hospital) w specialized treatm ent, irta T i Ik v ví »d Construction ol the nei 197? bv thehM h l^ecisiatu with staff ii. Jar! said 3 hospna. ^ ari said doc- n the at j ;; _ 4 ndix idual c TDC limes ia tec that re or acute c quire are Hart takes aim at bill funding MX Plans to hold ‘extended debate on Senate floor to kill m issile project c 1983 The New York Times W A SH IN G TO N — Sen Gary H art, a contender for the Dem cratic presidential nom ination in 1984. plans to try to kill the long disputed MX m issile this week with an ‘ extended debate on the floor o f the Senate, according to his staff In debate on a m ilitary spending bill. Hart, o f Colorad* pians tc offer a long sen es o f am endm ents designed to elim inate fund1- tor the intercontinental m issile and then to hold the floor with the help o f 5 to 10 other senators for as long as it takes for the missile to be rejected, a staff m em ber said The plan to build 223 M X m issiles at a cost o f $20 billion has been the most debated part o f the long-range program Presiden! Reagan proposed in O ctober 1981 in an attem pt to revitalize the n ation's forces for nuclear deterrence It would be the first time MX opponents have turned u the filibuster Hart, a staff aide said, thought “ filibuster" was a harsh word and preferred “ extended debate “ She declined to identify the sena tors allied with him. Hart, asked why he had adopted that tactic, replied through an aide: “ I believe this m ost critical o f issues ha s not been properly laid before the people of this country and they deserve to know what a dangerous m istake their law m akers are about to make " He said that “ this issue is o f such fundam ental im portance that it deserves the greatest level o f scrutiny and exam ination in public debate H art's aides said they expected support from other senatorial contenders for the D em ocrahe pr *• ¡a F t Alan C ranston, o* C and John G lenn, o í Oh, f - cr on the MX issue as »uvr p* W ashington anc Johr Me building the m issile ;u The House is tentative * x this week or earlv ne*‘ - ek M ai would be influenced by the debate in turn, that an adverse >r c m v the Senate v ote Hart h a s set aside h o p re siJe r i . the MX issue is settled The debate will com e ver ’he ( >r . Act that was reported out ot th V It contains pre visions tor $2 5 billior? * the fiscal year beginning Oct I ant»? research on the m issile and a b sed hope that aide» sue late he vote said. and. influence aid until *n A uthonzat mittec July 5 í 2 " MX m issiles m iiion for continuing id $604 m illion tor and related technol- The com m ittee which approved a new program ft after a com m ission led bv Force. SlIOS n T ow er. R Texas he MX subm itted b\ Reagan in April t Cien Brent Scow croft ot the Air in existing retired, recom m ended bosm¿ 104 MX mi Professors, local news directors disagree on coverage of area auto-accident deaths ^m¿ Study shows video display terminals, used by more than seven million Americans, do not cause eye damage. Bob Mulish, Duly Texun Stuff University to research effects ofVDT use By TOM LABINSK1 Daily Texan Staff The University is beginning a m ulti­ year study on the effects o f video dis­ play terminals on users. However, scientists in Washington said they found no evidence the TV-like computer screens cause cataracts or other vision damage. Henry Rylander III, adjunct associate professor o f mechanical engineering, A.J. Welch, professor of electrical engi­ neering, and Neil Lubert, advisory hu­ man factors engineer at IBM Corpora­ tion in Austin received a $382,000 grant from IBM to study effects o f exposure to the VDTs. A study released by the National Re­ search Council showed more than seven million people use V D Ts, including clerical workers, air traffic controllers, airline and bank em ployees and comput­ er programmers. In addition, the report said millions o f others use VDTs at home. The engineers will be examining physiological changes in operators and will be trying to develop an objective measure o f visual fatigue. Welch said. The researchers also hope to discover ways visual fatigue can be minimized and ways video display units can be de­ signed to ease the problem “ We will be using human subjects who will be given a task at the V D T ," Welch said. “ While the subjects are performing, we will monitor brain waves, muscle movements and stiff­ ness, eye blinking and other eye m ove­ ment, some biochemical changes such as adrenalin output.’’ respiration even and Physiological changes will be record­ ed on a small computer, Welch said The engineers have developed a sophis­ ticated network for measuring human re­ sponses based on instruments used in medical research, he said. Tremendous changes in VDT design have occurred since the computer con­ soles first came into use, W elch said. “ The flickering o f light on the screen used to be very fatiguing, and you don’t see that in the new V D T s,’’ he said “ The characters are much sharper n ow .” “ The question is, how far do you keep improving them before there is no beneficial effect on the user0” he said. Welch said the researchers hope to determine how much eye damage the VDTs can cause. “ Case histories which supposedly have shown effects ranging from cancer to birth defects have no fact to them at a ll,” he said “ The radiation from VDTs is nil — it’s no different than TV and is probably less than from a color TV. “ I don’t think they cause any perma­ nent dam age,” Welch said In Washington a branch o f the Na­ tional Academy o f Sciences reported discomfort and illness blamed on VDTs are caused by other factors, som e as simple as desk height The report said many problems asso­ ciated with the terminals could be solved immediately by restructuring jobs or the workplace. “ We find no scientifically valid e v i­ dence that occupational use o f VDTs is associated with increased risk o f ocular (eye) diseases or abnormalities, includ­ ing cataracts,” the report stated. Committee member Lawrence Stark said that although he supports the re­ port’s main conclusions, he believes the report dism issed the problem erf eye strain too easily. “ I believe that many highly motivat­ ed VDT users from ocular suffer discomfort and visual fatigue beyond that appropriate to a normal work­ p lace,” said Start, a professor o f neu­ rology and optics at the University o f California. By DAVID BUTTS Daily Texan Staff Editor's Note: Highway death occurs every two hours in Texas, and we hear about it on the news almost every day. But is it news? This is the first of a two- pad series. Bobby Jam es G oforth made the news last week He died when his pick-up ran off the road A fence post crashed through the windshield and struck him in the head It made especially good television news material G oforth was one of 57 traffic fatalities during the July Fourth holiday For the me dia the holiday was a slow time, and traffic fatalities became one o f their top stones T w o University professors call it “ sensa­ tionalism .’’ while local television news di­ rectors call it “ news ” “ They (automobile accidents) are cov­ ered because it’s visual and sensational.'' said Stanley Baran, UT associate professor o f radio-tekvision-film “ The dominant thing about whether a story gets on televi sion or not is whether there is film. There's nothing better than a wreck. It’s easy to edit, and you don’t have to write “ Stephen Reese, UT assistant professor of journalism, said local news coverage often lacks imagination. “ Instead of using cam­ era crews and getting at som e major issues, they send them out to show mangled steel,” Reese said. However, Robert Dean, Channel 36 news director, said: "W hen people are that n<” more than other things, but they w ant to ■'Ce it Although they may be interested in the coverage, does u benefit people to hear about vet another traffic death Baran said it vould. but the problem is most news coverage ot traffic fatalities is taken out of c ntext W her pul in context n e w s of autorn.»bi)e death»- mav provide inform ation, he said people with useful “ Why not the bartender, who gave the guy a d im s. or the wife, w ho is left w ithout a husband ’ interview Tht professors and new s directors agreed it cotiid he m o re inform ative tha w.h,P Box Avoflable TEXAS UNION FILM SERVICE Information Lobby just in front oftfwGwwrolStor* s * P recision H airstyling F or Men & Women 442-7924 1910 E. Riverside Dr. Wed “W et-Head’ Special $10 *New O w ners & M anagement* T h e Da ily Te x a n Permanent Staff Editor Managing Editor Associate Managing Editors Editorial Page Editor News Editor Associate News Editor Special Page Editor News Assignments Editor Sports Editor Images Features Editor Associate images Features Editor Entertainment Editor Images Entertainment Features Assignments Editor Graphics Editor Assistant Graphics Editor Photo Editor G eneral R eporters Judy Ward Frank Jarmuzi Roger Campoett Mark Stutz Suzanne Michel Scott Williams Chris Boyd Paul de la Garza Kelley Shannon Carol Peoples L isa Brown-Richau Robert Smith Barbara Paulsen Richard Goldsmith Cathy Ragland Darby Smotherman Edna Jamandre Eddie Perkins Bobby Mahsh Paul Barton Maureen Sheeran Jimmy Munoz Assistant Managing Editor University Page Editor News Assistant Newswnters Editorial Assistant Entertainment Assistant Sports Make up Editor Sports Assistant Make-up Editor Wire Editor Copy Editors Artists Issue Staff Michael Atexieft David Elliot Peggie Laser David Butts Sarah Barnes Jill Davis Tom Labinski Hector Cantu Tela Goodwin Kevin Runyon Ed Combs George Lee Mary-Garl Hamilton Linda Peterson Jill Khiew Came Pickering Sam Hurí Steve George Mark Antonuccio Advertising Stan Tom Bieletetdt Leigh Ann Bmk Laura Dickerson Debbie Fletcher Greg Payne Jane Porter Maria Press Doug Rapier Linda Salsburg Jim Sweeney Sherri Winer The Daily Texan, a student newspaper at The University ot Texas at Austin is published by Texas Student Publications Drawer D University Station, Austin TX 78712-7209 The Daily Texan is published Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday except holiday and exam periods Second class postage paid at Austin. TX 78710 News contributions will be accepted by telephone (471-4591) at the editorial oMtce (Texas Student Pubtications Building 2 122) or at the news laboratory (Communication Building A4 136) Inquiries concerning delivery and classified advertising should be made m TSP Building 3 200 (471 -5244) The national advertising representative ot The Daily Texan is Communications and Advertising Services to Students. 1633 West Central Street Evanston Illinois 60201 CM PS 1680 North Vine Surte 900, Hollywood CA 90028 American Passage. 500 Third Avenue West. Seattle WA 98119 The Daily Texan subscribes to United Press International and New York Times News Service The Texan is a member ot the Associated Collegiate Press, the South­ west Journalism Congress the Texas Daily Newspaper Association and American Newspaper Publishers Association, Columbia Scholastic Press Association Copyright 1983 Texas Student Publications The Daky Texan Subscription Rales One Semester (Fall or Spring) Two Semesters (Fall and Spring) Summer Session One Year (Fall. Spring and Summer) $24 00 48 00 15 60 60 00 Send orders and address changes to Texas Student Publications. P O Box D. PUB NO 146440 Austin TX 78712-7209. or to TSP Building C3 200 TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS WORK 24th & San Antonio Open Every Night Until 1:30 Open 9:30 a.m. Mon.-Sat. Sunday at Noon Happy Hour Mon.-Fri. 5-7 a price that’s worth talking about At the Famous Maker Sam­ find ple Sale, you will sportswear, dreses and coor­ dinates for summer and fall at outrageously LOW PRIC­ ES! Don’t miss the opportunity to buy brand-name fashions at DISCOUNT PRICES! All sizes will be available, but come ear­ ly to get the best bargains. HURRY IN JULY 14-17 FROM 8 AM-7 PM IN THE TRI-TOWERS LOBBY CASH, MASTERCARD A VISA ACCEPTED Jana’s Haircuts A t a m e t e n d ol l ar s 504 W. 24th 480-9701 P a r k F r e e B e h i n d M a d D o y 6. B e a n s IMMIGRATION LABOR CERTIFICATIONS Based Upon a Profession or SkM in Demand For Issuance of Permanent Resident Visas P a u l P a r so n s P C . 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I he class ring from The Sheftall Co. is deeper cut, has sharper detail, m ore options, finer quality and is available in 10, 14 and IS karat gold. That's w hy students buy class rings from The Sheftall Co., just to show h o w sm art they are. mm. 2015 E. RIVERSIDE t h e S h e f t a l l c o . J E W E L E R S G E M O L O G I S T S H ighland Mall, On the Drag, W estgate Mall North Sta r Mall in San Antonio Member Am erican (Jem Society It BALD? THINNING? ENJOY PERMANENT SEAL HAIR WITH NO SURGERY OB HASSLES. CALL 834-1231 24 HRS. DESIGNER HAIR CLUB, INC. Custom Remodeling A Design Deck», additions, kitchens, etc. Ex­ pert carpenter and sm al crew pro­ vide personal attention and top quak- ty. UT (acuity staff references, tree sstimatss. Jim Kuyper 441-3904 F IL A I AUSTÜSPORT I Savoy Court Mall 6th Street T e x a s ^ T y p i s t 448-7719 wZZL, THÍ DAILY Tf XAN/TUfSOAV, JUi Y T2. H g ^ g l Prohibition politically beneficial By S AR A H B A R N E S Dotty Texan Staff To many A m ericans, the Prohibition M ovem ent was a failed attem pt to ban the m anufacturing and sale of alcohol But som e historians now think it will be used as política] m ileage in issues concern­ ing the drinking age, o p e n -container laws and driving while intoxicated offenses Lewis G ould, chairm an o f the Depvt* ment of H istory, .said that in the last 15 year'' historians have agreed the Prohibition Movem ent was much more effective and socially im portant than people realize There is a great deal of mythology about Prohibition which is now gradually being controverted G ould said This re­ turn of consideration about DWI and aleo­ no and alcoholism is but a repiay of som e­ thing we ve been talking about for 200 year' of A m enean history Norman Brown associate professor of history said the drunk driver of today is the equivalent to the 19th century public drunk ard The DWI offender is regarded as a threat to the home because of the increasing num ber of alcohol-related deaths Sim ilarly the public drunkard was con­ sanctity of the sidered a threat to the home in stng ’ tr -nore nationa: legislation because Gould Prohibition started out said locally to see Just joking University student chases dream of becoming professional comic By E D D IE P E R K IN S Daily Texan Staff Chan Tysor has no intention of attending law schtxil after he graduates from the Uni despite his m other s versify next spring wishes He to make people laugh just wants T ysor. senior English m ajor, m em ber of Pi K appa Alpha fraternity, m ountain clim b­ e r and part-tim e painter, hopes som eday to make a career as a professional stand up com ic And although few people know it, th at’s ail h e 's ever really w anted to do " I think my m other still thought I was going to law school, until she saw my last report card, says T ysor. only halt joking about his secret am bition H ow ever, because no one graduates from the Universtiy with a degree in com edy and because Austin is a m inor-league city for producing young com ics, he must find other routes to make a name for himself So, despite his hectic schedule, T ysor finds time to perform once a week during am ateur night at the Com edy W orkshop, 302 W 15th St Every M onday night T ysor, along with 14 other aspiring comedí ans and com ediennes perform s a five- to 10-minute routine before a crow d that aver­ ages 150 And although he d o esn ’t get paid, the valuable experience, paltry ap plause and the dream of som eday making it to the top is all the rew ard he needs “ I love to be on stage and to make peo­ ple lau g h .” says T ysor. whose tapered hair­ cut and dem ure m anner belie his com ic wit " I can t think o f anything else that c o m ­ bines the tw o better You never know if y o u 're going to bom b or do well It’s excit ing " E v e n if I never go into stand-up come­ I ve dy as a profession. I ve learned a lot learned how to go in front of an audience or in front o f a classrtxim The mam thing, though, is som ething that applies to your whole life — confidence Y ou've got to e x ­ press confidence to the audience, if you slip, they won t think you re fu n n y ." A fter working three m onths at the Come­ dy W orkshop. T ysor is just now beginning to learn what types o f jokes are funny and what types are not Each week he selects certain routines and jokes from a p! of m aterial that he writes himself and mixes them with materia! from previous w eek' that have received positive responses from the audiences O ne of Tysor s favorite routines, which he opens most of his perform ances with is pretending to be a Russian com edian I u ally dressed in a tacky plaid sport jacket Tysor does ta k e o ffs on the wacky Russian trying to do im pressions of famous Ameri cans such as Jack W ayne and John Benny N eedless to say. the slightly confused Ru sian m anages to mix Benny s voice with W ayne e m annerism s, and vice versa T ysor adm its that the Russian comic as well as m ost o f his m aterial, is "stupid but says it works if he pauses long enough to give the audience the hance to thrnl about ly so r calf “ long takes It's a >ty ie joke the Unlike many am ateur com ics I . • r takes a more professional approach to his comedy His routines are slick and well rehearsed He doesn t believe in borinc the audience with nonsensical <>ngs >r Jirty jokes and says he h a s never used a mse word in his act Instead. T ysor prefers to get his laugh by poking fun at everyday people and insti tutions, such as doctor- and dentists, or w riders or even the Save the Whale move ment And although he is confident his ac! is as good as those of his peer-., he does not berate their perform ances “ I respect them for try ing. T ysor says I respect " W e 'r e all in the sam e boat anvbody who gets up there and bom bs c< r tinually. It takes a lot of courage That s one thing I've learned, though, you nave to think y o u 're funny Since starting at the Comedy W orkshop T ysor has not only gained confidence in himself as a com edian but h a ' als< > garnered respect from the profesoonals that work at the club Arthur Cicchese w h o manages the Com edy W orkshop and has prom oted three new professional com ics in less than a m onth, savs Tysor has the talent to become a big star " H e 's a real hard w orker.' Cicchese savs " H e 's becom e one o f our regular' ion UNIVERSITY AROUND CAMPUS Around Campus is a daily column list­ ing University related activities. The deadline for submitting items is I p.m. the day before publication. No exceptions will be made. MEETINGS The Baptist Student Union will meet to conduct Bible study and fellow ship services at 6:30 p.m . Tuesday at 2204 San Antonio St. A m ovie will be show n, and hom em ade ice cream will be served. LECTURES The Department of Geography and the Department of Aerospace Engineering will sponsor two lectures. “ Nationalism in M odem Africa” and “ Establishing a R e­ mote Sensing Facility m a Third W orld Country” Tuesday. The lecture on African nationalism will take place at 10 a m in Geography Building 408, while the second lecture will begin at 2 p.m . in W ooldridge Hall 115. The lecturer is Dr Alan Falcon­ er, director of the Regional Rem ote Sensing Facility in Nairobi, Kenya. Chabad House will sponsor p iz/a night, follow ed by a lecture entitled, "Judaism behind the Iron C u rtain ” at 5 45 p m Wednesday at 2101 Nueces St The guest speaker will be Eugenia L ipm anova Chabad House will also conduct aerobics from 4 to 5 p.m M onday and W ednesday in Texas Union Building 3.208 The Center for Enhanced (HI and G as Recovery Research will sponsor a lecture entitled, “ C o-surfactant E nhanced Alkaline Flooding" at 2 p.m . Tuesday in Petroleum Engineering Building 219 The guest speaker will be R.C. Nelson of the Shell D evelopm ent C om pany. ANNOUNCEMENTS Student Volunteer Services needs a friend to be with preschool age children Call 471-3065 for more inform ation The Baptist Student Union will depart upon a Corpus Christi beach retreat Friday The retreat, which will last throughout the w eekend, will include time for Bible study and recreational activities For m ore infor m ation, dial 474-1429 The Texas Triathlon C lub will mount its 10-speeds for a 30-mile training ride at 6:30 p.m Tuesday M em bers will m eet on the Gregory Gym steps POLICE REPORT Campus police reported a crim e-free day M onday, the first since The Daily Texan began its daily cam pus cnm e report one year ago. UTPD Lt. Ronald Thom as said Monday no cam pus offenses had been reported be­ tween 3 p.m . Sunday and 3 p m Monday Thomas, who has been with the depart­ ment for 13 years, called the quiet period “ extremely ra re .” “ I c a n 't recall this ever happening be­ fo re ,” he said. “ T h at's three shifts without a single offense report W e usually average about four or five during a 24-hour p eri­ o d ." Thomas attributed the quiet time to the semester break but added, “ T hieves are usually still out there on weekends, though apparently not this weekend David ( oetocr Daiti Texan Staff ( h an T y so r p erfo rm s e v e n M onday night at the C om edy W orkshop. am ateur night. S'im e nights he's real good ime nights he bom bs but th at's typi and cal of ar. am ateur If he keeps working he'll m ake it f>ne day f think h e'll be a great com ic T ysor began perform ing at the Com edy W orkshop three months ago after a friend suggested it to him Although he had done si me hum orous writing about several of the t h i n g s that g o on in his fraternity, such as the yearly golf Hell W eek ' he had never perform ed on stage before tournam ent and A fter thinking it over. Tysor reluctantly decided to g- dow n and fwt his name on the hst H ow ever, he was so apprehensive about the idea ot perform ing before a live audience that he told only one other person what he was doing “ It was a strange feeling, he says " I I stili get nervous was excited and nervous It wa- »usi one of though You just get up and those things If you didn t you do it wouldn : snow any energy I think nervous if you can control it If you ness h elp ' you can. )i>u can turn it into comedy and maybe even make a joke about it Although he jokes a lot T ysor is serious about what he wants to do with the rest of his life He realizes the chances of his be com ing a national succes' in the field of stand-up comedy are close to a m .ao n -to - one But he is confident he .a n do more than just make enough to get by ever if it m eans w ashing a few dishes along ’fie way Tyv»r say - I honestly be.¡eve that any time a person tries a> hard a ' he c an at what he wants to do then ibe sky > 'he limit Mentor program seeks high minority retention By J I L L DA VIS Daily 7 exan Staff In an effort to increase m inority retention rates, the dean o f students office is contin program which matches uing a "m en to r faculty m em bers with students It the p ro­ gram is successful, it will eventually e x ­ pand to include all UT students Sam uel Taylor, student developm ent specialist, said the program fosters a stu­ de n t's understanding o f the U niv ersity 's ac adem ic program s and lifestyles Dean of students officials find that mi- nontiy students have trouble m aking the transition from high school to the U niversi­ ty- Presently, the U niversity averages an 81 percent retention rate for first year students A fter the second year the retention rate is It drops to 66 approxim ately 73 percent percent the third year Gary H anson, assistant dean o f students, said T uesday, “ T h at’s very low com pared Han to most colleges around the country son cued the U niversity’s high academic standards and its learning skilK program ' like the Reading and Study Skills L aborato­ ry as the reasons for the University s sue cess. " W e w o n ’t consider expansion until af­ ter the next sem ester ' T aylor s a i d He said the main concern is making the second se­ 'If 1 can mester as successful a ' the last I !! really be pull that o f f ." T aylor said. accom plishing som ething Hanson said the m entor program will be another asset to the U niversity "A n y tim e you have a real large universi- ty cam pus like this where students will tend to feel lost, such a program pro v id e' a good steppingslone to get them off on the right foot He added that because o f the p r o ­ gram . students will not feel thev are totally on their own T aylor said the initial ideas for creating a m entor program at the University came fr<>m a national study which show ed a d i­ rect relation betw een faculty-students rela­ t i o n s and retention "B ecause of that study other universities in the country such as the L niversity of M ichigan established m entor­ ing program s W e’ve heard of it i s other places, but it was mostly our own ideas Taylor said The nine m entors and 25 m entorees meet twice a week in a group session and three times a week on an individual basis. Taylor said that often w asn't enough B u t he added We found that people were hungry for more interaction ” T aylor said arc going to schedule more program s w riere ev eryone can get together They enjoy sharing experiences Beverly T ucker, assistant dean of stu dents, said the m entoring program also gives students a roie mode: and helps therr, to develop a netw ork o f vm rces as a sup­ port system Tucker saicf although the pro­ gram to address me problem of retention, the program has other benefits is p nm an.y meant There doesn't have t< be a problem Tucker said " I t enhances the university e d ­ ucation that faculty is avaiiabie for them to UiX to she added Students will alv realize T aylor said the only problem which the mentors and m entoree' had was scheduling around classes We will trv to handle this through better screening T avior said We will trv and nciude som e type of aca­ dem ics in the process Taylor said the m entors have provided students with som eon e to confide in and some m entors nave helped students find jobs They aisc introduce the students to peo­ ple w ho could be ar. academ ic inspiration T aylor said the program s participants were a major factor in its success ‘ The people we had were really good fo lk s ." he said Thai makes ai. the difference in the world Tavior said he felt the program would be It just made a success from the beginning sense to me It's been proven in the com- mumtv — things like Big Brothers and Big Sisters UT stays off censure list; maintains academic image By H E C T O R C A N T l Daily Texan Staff Because of concern with its national im­ age, the Lm versirv h a ' made efforts to stay off a national censure list, a I niversitv pro­ fessor said Monday The Am erican Assocatior »f I niversitv Professors at its annual meeting as: m onth, censured six colleges and universi­ ties for v iclations of academ c freedom The University at Austin ha' not mask the the list for alm ost m ) vears I think the University ' ven- interested said L T s A AL P in its national im ace chapter president Aiar. Friedman fhat s why it has been more careful handling m at­ ters in recent years The AA UP uses its censure list to let ad­ m inistrators and m e m b e r s of governing boards know that the association s policies and guidelines on academ ic freedom and tenure are being violated at that institution The I niversitv was last .en su red in 1944 when University President H om er Rainev was abruptly tired “ C ertainly in the tim e that I have been here, there have been cases ot professors w ho have been very unhappy Friedman said ‘ 1 have been asked to look into cases tn the last couple of years. but none of them have w arranted investigations Fnedm an said recent L T professor com ­ plaints have not had a com m on ongin AA U P com m ittees study reported inci­ dents from across the country and make censure recom m endations at the organiza­ tio n ’s annual m eeting Action against an in­ stitution is decided o r a majority vote of attending delegates The same process is used w hen a college or university is form al­ ly uncensured The A A U P approxim ately received 2,000 inquines on specific problem s of aca­ dem ic freedom and tenure in the 1982-83 academ ic year O f the 45 institutions on the A A U P's com plete list, seven are in Texas They are A m anllo College censured in 1968. Blinn College (1976), Frank Phillips (1969), Laredo Junior College College 197U Houston Baptist Lm versirv 1975 1, UT Health Science Center at Houston d '”7 and UT Perm ian Basin t 19 " 9 ) The censure has no Iegai force Fned­ man said It is used to let the public and possible em ployees know that a certain uni­ versity is not follow ing guidelines set for academ ic freedom Som etim es it has an ef­ fect ano '•ometimes it doesn t More than 10 Texas colleges and univer­ sities have made the A A U P list We are happv to have recently removed Texas A&M . Texas Tech and Sam Houston College from the list said national AA UP assistant general secretary Jordan Kurland I d o n 't have a theorv that would embrace or explain why all these Texas colleges ase censured They involved som ewhat differ­ ent situations K urland said the num ber o f Texas institu­ tions on the list could be coincidental Ten years ago, we had four or five in­ stitutions from Arkansas. Kurland said. That s large com pared to the area and the total num ber of censured institutions Now we have two For years, we didn t have m y in New England Now we have three tn Massachusetts alone Kurland noted that four of the seven cur- 'T m h censured in T exas are community colleges H aving all those community coi leges on the list has to give some indication that community colleges tend to operate with policies somewhat different than larger in­ stitutions in Texas, “ Kurland said Fnedman thinks the large number of Texas institutions on the list is a result of political reasons “ There has been a long history o f políti­ ca] interference in education in this stale," Fnedman said “ Decisions are made for political reasons rather than educational ones . ” The number o f censured institutions add­ ed this year is the largest since 1973, when AA UP delegates censured 11 colleges and universities Due Vu falls after diving for pass from his brother Monday. High tem peratures reaching in to the 90s and occasional rain showers were not enough to prevent ball w hile w aiting for their father. him from playing fo o tb a ll on the South M all The tw o b o y s were tossing a nerf Incomplete J ^^^^TM ^AIl^lXAN/TUISDAYJUL>M 2^90^^^^^^^g EDITORIALS Colum nists Scott Cobb Tracy Duvall Lee Kite Dan Leftwich Dale Maiedon Tim Martindale Matthew R Sorenson Peter Zavaletta Editorial Cartoonists Mark Antonuccio Lee Coltison Stephen George Rick Pressley T h e Da il y T e x a n E D I T O R I A L B O A R D Roqer Campbell Editor Chris Boyd Editorial Page Editor Editorial Assistants Brett Beaty John Bradshaw Yvonne Carter Henry Cobb Tela Goodwin John MacDougall Steve Magid Barry Osborne Sue Putnam Editorial Researchers Barbie Smith Bill Dean Opinions expressed m Th« Daily Texan are those of the editor or the * n » r of ¡he a r t * * and an* not necessarrfy those of the University administration the Board ot Begem s or the Texas Student Publications Board tit Operating T-ustees Recognize new Co-Op union... When in a May 27 election University Co-Op employees voted 84-7 to support unioniza­ tion, it was supposed to be the turning point in Co-Op management’s conduct toward the union. • Management is dictating “ what to do. During the first negotiating session June 27, members were told: 1) the Co-Op would no longer pay for union negotiating sessions held during working hours (the only time the meetings will be held); and 2) the Co- Op no longer would deduct union dues from payroll checks; instead, dues have to be collected outside the store. It turns out that things haven’t changed so much Remember, Co-Op President Jerry Matthews had said, “ It’s important that we (Co-Op management) abide by the outcome of the election . ’ ’ after all. And Co-Op Vice President Charles Walker, i f they truly represent a ma­ jority of the people in the bargaining unit, they will be recognized (after the election).’’ The election is over — that’s a fact. The promis­ es, however, have disap­ peared. How soon they forget. Now, Matthews claims the newly created Univer­ sity Co-Op Employees Un­ ion is a waste of time. The Co-Op, he says, is “ not big enough to have a un­ ion. We’re not Gary, Indi­ ana. We’re not a steel mill. • Management refuses to negotiate in good faith by, among other things, failing to make any commit­ ment to serious scheduling of the negotiating sessions. For example, since the ini­ tial negotiating session, management has designat­ ed 37 days when it can’t meet, for various reasons. That 16 days until registration for negotiating a new contract, the busiest time of the year for the Co-Op. leaves only Walker said last week that the reason union rep­ resentatives “ probably feel we’re dragging our feet is that we’re starting later.’’ Well, the fact is Co-Op management should be going out of its way to ensure prompt and equitable negotiations. When the sides meet for the next round of negotia­ tions Saturday, management might want to keep those things in mind. And deal with all of them in good faith. — Roger Campbell WE IN MANAGEMENT LIKE TO THINK THAT WÉ&E PRETTY OPEN-MINDED ABOUT THIS WHOLE UNHN THING-. Mark Antonuccio, Daily Texan Cartoonist The Co-Op is, however, a business. One whose employees are desperately trying to seek a contractual agreement as soon as possible. Yet, by most indica­ tions, management has shown little, if any, coopera­ tion. Consider two of the complaints lodged by union representatives: ... and provide a legitimate co-op A n advertisement in the 1915 Cactus yearbook and Gucci purses do not a Co-Op make. Other stores in the University area supply those rather doubtful “ school supplies.” The Co-Op has no business sell­ ing these goods. asks the question: “ Why the Co-Op?’’ The an­ swer: in 1896 there was “ no definite place at which the students could buy school supplies at rea­ sonable prices.” It’s time, 68 years later, to repeat the question. Why the Co-Op? Is the Co-Op living up to the two objectives of the Co-Op, stated in the Cactus many years ago? No. The Co-Op’s reason for existence was to furnish “ goods to students at prices lower than can be ob­ tained elsewhere and by giving a service which a pri­ vately owned store would not give.” Is that happen­ ing now? No. Reading the Co-Op advertisement is educational and entertaining. It is, in fact, a scream. According to the ad, the Co-Op was intended to sell “ all textbooks, stationery, athletic goods, photo­ graphic supplies, pennants, college jewelry and other student supplies. These goods are sold at a small mar­ gin of p ro fit. . . ” In other words, items sold at Special Effects and on the ground floor of the Co-Op do not belong in a co­ op for cheaper school supplies. Button-down shirts And then we come to the textbook portion of the ad: “ Never is a book sold above list price and fre­ quently below .” Bought a textbook lately? Better yet, have you tried to sell one back? Students, who are, by the way, members of the Co-Op, are bitten by book prices at the beginning and end of each semester. For example, a textbook that sells new for about $27 goes for about $8 during buybacks at the Co-Op. Apparently, lower buyback prices is one of the bene­ fits of Co-Op membership. Why doesn’t the Co-Op offer lower prices across the board or a 25 percent discount for members? Why doesn’t the Co-Op show more interest in fairly serving its clientele instead of gouging it at every turn? Why the Co-Op? Until the University Co-Op lives up to its original goals and starts serving its members, we need to change the name — maybe to Neiman Mark-up on the Drag. — Tela Goodwin Summer school doesn’t make sense Lee Kite is a contradiction of It is outrageous to even try to terms have sch m it e m LI/ / NOTE JOCK ARMS; QUITE AN ATTRACTION AT SORORITY MIXERS FEET HE HASN'T SEEN SINCE MIDDLE OF FRESHMAN YEAR CENTENNIAL CONDOMINIUMS PRESENTS "THE SUPREME BODY JOCK.91 There are a lot of stereotypes at U T— Moose Letterman, Missy Ozone, Jona­ than Hawthorne Billingsley III ("Chip ’, frat rat) Centennial homebuyers and now the distinctive They're exceptionally smart recogniz­ ing a premier location. Just 2 short blocks from campus, Centennial homeowners are minutes away from choice entertainment, the best shopping or a late-night bite. Their HMsiare favorite sorority and fraternity houses are also nearby! Not to mention a complete array of fantastic features at home: a sparkling pool and cool fountains with inviting tanning deck, refreshing spa, secured off-street parking, cozy fireplace, time-saving microwave oven and complete washer/dryer package. And of course, enough space to share with good friends. Shake the label put on you— join the truly exceptional types at Centennial Condominiums (g g M T E M H O A D ConrM^^a^ pM ¡JP i n ^ có nd o m m u m sT 501 W. 28th batwaan San Antonio and Nuacas For further information call (812)478-7746 NEVER SETTLE FOB 8ECONO BEST. Those were the good ol’ days — the economy was booming, bargain hunting and discount houses were considered déclassé, so people did not admit to selling or buying ’cheap*. The times have much so, that we at Co-op North are proud to be considered cheap! In fact, we even brag that in our huge inventory of used books A records, everything is discounted one half and more! To cheapen things even further, look for our special coupon ads in the Texan. Plus, we offer lots of free parking. C h eap ! C h eap ! C h eap ! May be considered a tacky motto by some — but our customers love it because they Save! Sa ®a W e ^ ^ J j ^ t o r e t h a T i j j r o u d J t o b e c h * ^ Hours: Mondsy-Ssturday 10-7 463-3031 /4101 GUADALUPE Co-op North Gustafson toughens schedule A tougher schedule for the NCAA cham pion Texas Longhorn baseball team will in­ clude a little more traveling than usual next year. Texas, which lost two games to Oral Roberts in its first non-conference road tnp in seven years last season, has added home- and-home series with Arizona State and Cal-Fullerton to next season’s schedule. It will also host a series against the Maine Black Bears, a participant in this year’s College World Series. As with most college scheduling, the whole thing came about rather haphazardly, said Texas coach Cliff Gustafson "W hen Arizona State came down here this year we agreed to go out there next y e a r," Gustafson said. "T hey still wanted to come down here. Cal-Fullerton wanted to come back down, and we agreed to go there. Maine was just passing through, so we scheduled th em ." Gustafson added he thought the tougher schedule would help his team. “ I try to get the top names and the top teams available," he said. " I think you need to play some strong competition and some not-so-strong competition. That way you can give your team some severe tests against the strong teams and you can exper­ iment with different lineups against the weaker teams without getting embarrass­ e d .” SHOE SHOP Wa make and rapalr boots belts shoes leather goods Rugs SHEEPSKIN COW & CALF «SA00US- INOUSH OTSTKN C apitol S addlery Austin, Texas 1614 Lavaca 478-9309 Sell It, Rent It, Buy It with Classified Ads in THE DAILY TEXAN ■ ___ ■PETER : t o s h l ,1 $10 in advance ! N $12.50 at the gets i * Saturday, July 2 3 1 1 ¡ I m W ----L------ .. ---I iric Burdon & The Original Animals Friday, August 19th $8.00 in advance $10.00 at the gate Tickets Aualshta aft: Inner Sanctum, Waterloo, Hastings (Guedslupe, North, Berton Creek), Treasured Trace, Both Aimy-Nevy. For more Wo cal 327-6484. & Summer nights. Summer theater. UT Summer Thaatar Serias Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Draamcoat The hit Broadway musical from the creators of Jesus Christ Superstar\ July 2 ,6 , 8 .1 4 ,1 6 and 24 8pm (except July 24: 2pm) B Iden Payne Theatre Stridsr A moving drama with music, based on a Tolstoy story July 1 .7 ,9 ,1 3 ,1 5 ,2 1 ,2 2 and 24 8pm, Theatre Room Berlin to Broadway with Kurt W tlll - A M u s lc s lV o jja j^ The life and songs of the great theatre composer! July 8 ,9 .1 3 ,1 5 ,1 6 ,2 0 ,2 1 and 24 8pm, Opera Lab Theatre Single tickets: $5.50 (students and senior citizens), $6.50 (public) at the PAC and all UTTM outlets Information. 471-1444. Charge- a-Ticket: 477-6080 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Local band offers appeal through innovative style THE D A II Y TFXAN TU ESD A Y, fULY 12, 1S83 ? A G E 7 Angelo’: realistic portrayal of Gypsy life By S T E V E N MAGID Daily Texan Staff Many people claim much of today's mu­ sic sounds the same But this isn't to say that Alabama sounds like The Talking Heads, or Al DiMeola like Ted Nugent, but rather these groups fall new wave, into definite classes of music heavy metal, country, blues, et al and within each there is little deviation A few artists, however, do manage to bridge the gap from one musical category to the other Bands like The Police, Dixie Dregs and The Clash defy similar classifi­ cations and have made themselves distin­ guishable by creating their own musical cat egones Tribe is one of Austin’s up and coming local bands devoted to developing a style of music which also defies categoriza­ tion. Consisting of Brent Ballard on guitar and lead vocals, Kevin Booth on bass and [Tennis Bruhn on drums. Tribe offers local music enthusiasts still another definition of rock "W hat we re trying to do is play pop with a lot of energy behind it," Ballard, a history junior at the University, said. "S o much pop music is such garbage We try to play innovative pop." Ballard, 22, and Booth, 21. the founding members of Tribe, both attended Stratford High School in Houston but never played music together until moving to Austin a few years ago to attend ihe University In Aus tin they started a ja/z tusiori oriented band called Peer Pressure, which lasted tor a short lime About one and a halt years a g o . the band changed Us name to t ribe and be gan playing several clubs in Austin " W e ’ve all been through our lusion stage," Ballard said " It was important we all went through that Technical ability is not what we base our music on, but it sure helps " W e enjoy simplicity in music." Booth affirmed "A nd that (simplicity) should have a lot to do with music We're not tech no-rockers We want to play dance music that you can also sit down and watch Band members cite a broad range of in fluences in its music Musicians as diverse as Eric Johnson. The Police, XTC and King Crimson were mentioned as influencing them in one way or another. Tribe is a mix ture of energetic guitar and bass runs and spicy but not overbearing rhythms all of which is presented in a tight package that fans of all types enjoy hearing and seeing The band is lining up a series of concert dates throughout Central Texas and will go into a Kerrville recording studio in August Bruhn best expressed the sentiments of the band. " I feel the music industry is in a slump right now. 1 hope we will help to bring it out " SOMETHING’S DIFFERENT AT J Brent B allard ... Tribe guitarist. B U Y , S IL L , RENT, TRADE ... W A N T A D S . . . 471-5244 T H E 2402 GUADALUPE 474-4351 upstairs ANGELO, MY LOVE 7 :1 5 . 9 4 0 ¡downstairs ' 1ATRAYIATA 7 0 0 . 9 3 0 CtVICM X CHARUS BURGER AMACULMOS GREEN CHICKEN ENCHILADAS PSSfTO ALL DAY TUESDAY RESTAURANT W I RE COOKING ONE MENU ALL DAT LONG $2.95-16.95 CONTINUOUS SERVICE 11:30 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. (UNTIL 11: FRI. A SAT.) INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SEATING FEATURING $1.00 MARGARITAS ALL DAY \ V >, U ,4 *•' 1106 W #«t 34th St. BOGART 7 he Big Sleep How. I'd H.ti/vk >> . X ( OMINO O! A NO I C-' X ™ . JU , C•’*'«' «•» • it»' " » , ' -M2 f I wsh that was me1 HIGH >oc *c' Cplaygirl B TEX A S I 22M GUADA» * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # REEL TO REEL By M K H \E I S A K S / D a ily le xa ri Stafj **\ngek). My written and di­ re* ted bv Robert Duvall: with Angelo and Michael Lvanv and Steve IsigimofT. at the \ arsitv I heatre. Unpretentious as a Angelo My fove Rating ★ ★ ★ family snapshot, .enters on it- subject tor his own ^ake divining deeper meanings only incidentally Yet by the movie s end writer director Robert Duval! has firmly rooted Angelo Evans volatile personality in the (ivpsy world that both formed and explains the 10 year old s peculiar charic ma Duvall conceived the film after meeting Yngdo by chance on a New Yorx reel n 1977 Duvall worked on the film for the next six year* with ihe complu t . of the New York Gypsy comrmirntv Ihe resulting ->em¡ documentary features a cast which literally pfaw itself Restless editing? pastes together -.cenes REBEL xK DRIVE M 358-7217 ™ 6902 Burieaan Rd. Radio Sound System UN TÓ- P l ' í # MY SISTER SEKA SEKA O P E f£ >;ir Start XSK PRIVACY O F YOUR AUTO X X X Original Uncut AUSTIN 6 • 13 T H O M P S O N 0*1 1 « S O N . S o «1 M O N T 0 * 0 0 » P H O N t > M - U I > atG m ju n muul i 2 4 H O U R A D U L T T H E A T R E C O M P L E X V I D E O T A P E R E N T A L S & L A R Q E t r S E L E C T IO N - L O W E S T i r t z A i n c u v i S A L E S P R IC E S S E E UP TO 6 M O V E S ON SEN ABATE U U N S PON 7>* M K X OF LO V E G A M E S FO R R IC H E R S L E E P Y H EA D S W E D IS H E R O T IC A ALL M A L E C A S T G E N E R A L C I N E M A T H E A T R E S 44) gxgk mm tmwu a: íü snows kknh « 9 i . W SUN lmSm P NinNfl snow c * * * HIGHLANO l»AUc,«V,?A 4 3 1 - 7 3 2 6 H IG H L A N D M A I L B c V D I H u m 1 f lh** i H l i 12-2:30-500 7 30-10-00 TENDER MERCIES * 12 15-2:15-4 ’ 5-6 15 fclVlfclS mm CAPITAL PLAZA 4 5 2 - 7 6 4 6 1-35 c t C A M C B O N 8 D YELLOW BEARD > 1.45-345-7 «5-9-45 PESSY PG 1 2 - 2 :3 0 - 5 :0 0 7 .3 0 - 1 0 :0 0 1 TWILIGHT ZO N E* 1 15-3:30-545 MO-10-15 ¿ m e THEATRES T IM ES S H O W N P O P TOO A Y O N L Y i g o o * T W 4 JG H T P N C E S U N T IE D TO S E A T W G A C . S H O W S B E F O S E 6 .00 P M NON-SAT SUNDAY mO U D A V S :*t S H O W o*** o a A M B B L A N A i g o o N O R T H C R O S S 6 < WA . A I 5 1 4 7 kmo€m%om » IU M . I T ^ -OPTMCPO** M*VL P SY C H O II S A V A N N A H S M I L E S 1 g (5 19 «S00.7 3 M 4 S jjg i (11 «6-3*0 » 00' S T R O K E R A C E (t 00-3-00-6-00 13 D0i ! PC -7 1 5 * '» B U t T H U N M c OO J VS SO K X -7 *M S S [a ] G A N D H I ’ t ’ 00-4 JC C O O K 'S GATES OF HELL FLASHDANCE ¡No one under f7 admitted* 12 0CW’ 45-G 55 30-3 30-5 X P g y (1 'S-3 1S-6 '5 62 aot-7 J0-6 4Í ^ 4 4 4 - 3 2 2 2 ’ — ¿s V A U Jit A Q U A P t r i S 4 < FLASHBXNCE ’ 2 4S-3 00-S» M0O»’ AS-»*S P C ■M 30-2 otM x R E T U R N O F T H E J E D I X** -an ErwjAorm#»- • V- pmmes, cw am ounts 12 ° ° v? 1M % YELLOWBEARO TWILIGHT ZONE *2 30-2 30-4 30 S2 00v? 00-9 30 p j- Í 12 00-2 30-5 00 *a O O F * » !O I5 I B B 1 2 I P I A M E R I C A N A ^ 4 5 3 - 6 6 4 1 L .. . iSOC HANCOCK OP .....................- 1 I A l t GAMES 7 0 M M 6 - Track D o lb y Stereo p j . :2-30-5 00 K50V J0-6 S5 S O U $ 4 0 0 A L L M O V IE S $ 4 0 0 1 E X C L U D IN G M ID N IG H T S H O W S ■ T H W O O O 2 <^ 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 1« I3 w M N WMITC U 1 I 8 SPACE RAIDER 1 k. _ _____ ■ . . ! THE M A N W ITH T W O M U U N S | j -jj- 1 30-3 30-5 30-7 «6-6-55 ‘^ pQ- ! t 00-3 00-5 00- 7 15-9 15 FNOW COAST TO ( OAST cRrrv s axp «c m en ces aptcait) » u t r í «imam I - i^. V. /:*’ P»! P ^rr..o« «ja>| u<9 <•!« V- « U T T I I p i:M A W t ■ W rti «»»» It , th. w w TO or* HU. M>np* A ■*‘T » crm .1 POMAA* E kmkAm- i.- . J f ía a 1 ' IgmeMCe Todcy at 8:00 p.m. Union THaatr* 1.75 UT 2.2S Non-UT Cary Grant Katherine Hepburn At a (iyp sy tria l Angelo (I) claim s he know s who stole a rin g fro m his h om e. filled with pithy -aus us character as of ten as not engaged m biting, sometimes ll is a conniving and amusing, argumen» variegated world in which honor prevails over justice a world in whx.h. in the ah >ence of absolute good, everyone ha- the opportunity to b< ght a ’npelling mo ature »assy aggressive and self- c e n ­ adult tered * I/ovemvselt he said after seeing the first print of the movie Quieter cultures Angelo Evans •c1 u Id judge him a brat A s it i though, it s clear he need every ounce of self pos­ session possible is Íhí .hief flaw of Angelí My D o e an aimless pi<»t driven by imperfectly ex­ plained motives * Angelo, My Love' is above all cinematic portraiture seeking to >nvey rather than rationalize its subjects It' characters are *>>th gifted and worthy of the attention NO COVER $1.00 DRINKS UVE ROCK N ROLL COMING: GARY MOORE • Fotmm > or rmuz/\ 714 D. VINYLS-72* 12173 BURNET 835-6993 BUY, SILL, RENT, TRADE... WANT ADS...471 -5244 P R E S I D I O T H E A T R E S •• ■ - - - '........ 7 a \uil de Via/vnnes A - 1 . » Jidl * 2 3 0 - 5 0 0 - 7 3 0 - 10 0 0 w ra r : ^ THE t T o r i 3 3 0 - 8 0 C V IL L A G E A 2700 AMOCKSON • 451 -«352 JSWI.S BOND 00™" IPUSSY THE SURVIVORS 12 0 0 - 2 3 0 - 5 0 0 - 7 3 0 - 1 0 Í K ) 1 0 0 - 3 1 5 - 5 3 0 - 7 4 5 - 1 0 0 0 BUPT Rt UÑOLOS V, A A different km d o f gam»- W a rG a m es 12 1 5 - 2 15- 4 1 5 - 6 15- 8 1 5 - 1 0 15 L A K E H IL L S 242S U N W H IT I >4444)552 12 3 5 - 3 0 0 - 5 2 5 - 7 5 0 - 10 15 ruYCND 2 ' 0 - 3 ; 0 - - 30 7 4 0 - 9 5 0 R IV E R S I D E 1930 RIVERSIDC • 441 5689 1 0 0 - 3 15- 5 3 0 - 7 4 5 - 1 0 0 0 tS e C O U K ' M O N E E S M O . - Rt r O R S H O W S S TA P TtNG B E F O S E 9 P V t N y ******* >« nc»j nt o«* •« tw* M ® 'TfUW «*MM»««l pnc» Al LnA*N«N» /, Vilia#G fUBt ’’ :'\fxky.--F aii F»atur*« , o«* A P t N H a y C o c a C ola TMtEASUME T O M Win Fw w A o Thaatro tíchats . - - I A V s * GOO COUIDOO TMC TRH'HS T H A T W / CANDO H A A P * M A N / T h t P h i U d e l p h i a Story Today at 9:55 pj». Union Thaotr* 1.75 UT 2.25 Mon-UT Dtroctod by toon-Riem I Starring: Akm Dtkm Frpnch with svbHRts Today at 6KM pan. Umon Thaotr* 1.75 UT 2J5 Non-UT Lott Show Union Tha air» 1.75 UT 1135 pan. 225 Non-UT Tomorrow: TkeCoafomist vya. jncf u PACE 8/THf DAILY TEXAN/TUESDAY, JULY 12,1983 C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G 471-5244 / 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday TSP Building 3.200 / 2500 Whitis c l a s s ip iid A ovransm o Coww culh w P a y ! ■— i I H i t sc h word 1 km * I 22 C adi word 3 Urna. t 48 Cadi word 5 «mal $ 59 toch w ord >0 «mal $ 97 1 c o l « 1 inch 1 tor w W « I col, * 1 inch 2-9 Uma* 5 6 23 I c o i 1 1 m di K > jr mora I $ 5 90 $ 1.00 chorga to chongo copy bra tern wordi may ba o l c op ad t a a *n 25c tor aoch oáá tonot word m c op ad laOar*. M oilarcord and W m accepted. 2 0 % D ISC O U N T on o l d o a dtad odbsrttens ptocad m panon and prapoid (coah or chsck only — no cradk card*. TSRBmkkng, Room 3.200 2 5 0 0 White M o nd a y Ihrough fndoy l a m 4 3 0 p m D t A D L IN I SC H ID U L K M o n d a y T o tu rn . . . . PH d a y 1 1 o-m . T o o a d o y T o o o n . . . M o n d o y 1 1 0 4 0 . W a d n o a d o y T o x a n .T w o a d o y 11 o a n . T h u r s d a y Tom ow W a d n a a d a y 11 s j c P r f d o y T o x o n . . . Th u r s d a y 11 o j o . In l**o ovont od afpoci m odo In on od* Id is u ld bo a jdoya oflor j FOR SALE Autos for Sol* 79 V W £ d * i A/C. AM/FM. 48 5 0 0 rmtat f « a t b m condOon N ew krai Mutf xa* A $ 2 7 9 0 442 3 3 0 9 ' V W 9U G tor iota 1968 Claon. A M / F M canalla, rum great, $ 7 5 0 or baa oWar 443 9Q || 1939 P lY M O U T H 4-door w don CompiaMty r. ba*. Id péoca in «avaro! cor ahow*. O ra r $ 9 0 0 0 iin'i'awad. M oba after S a n o u mqumai only Con- lo d W d l Haaag. 1-341-3100 1976 SUtABU, A M /F M Grao» buy) 3 4 6 -8 5 8 2 A C $1700 1977 A M C Gramkn. AC, A M / F M canana, good conckkon $1200 443-5179 after 5 0 0 p m Aik lor Mika 7 2 V W Von, 7 3 raowtl r y n a 33,000 m4a« Bum graoH $1400 Perfect ter machóme! 451- 0570.______________________________________ 1970 V O t V O 4-door, AJkVFM, A C Bum and looki graol $1500 or b ad otlar 3 4 6-85 82 1976 CHEVfTTE, AT, good condikon, 77,000 mdai. $1.150 Aflar 6 p.m, 454-1288 1975 TO YO TA Corola. 78,000 m*e» Automok^ A C, Bodio. Eacalant condikon Aiking $1400 C o l 441 9137( 6 9 A M C Baboi N a w krai, rodkitor, ond buttery Powar daanng ond broka $ 6 0 0 C o* 4 6 7 82 2 8 ofter 5 p.m CONDOS FOR SALE F H A - 5 % DOW N $46,500 F U R N ISH E D FOR SALE htflvy ••curRy. pool, nlcfowtvt. m d much ft M $ 5 9 ,0 0 0 475*8096 Autos for Sols_____ L A M V OU CSW EBKS N aw ond mad V W port» * » bub anginal $ 6 9 9 mitad a d, .achonga W a buy V W » any condteon. 251-2265._________________ TO YO TA C O ftO N A , 1976 Ongm ol ownar, low nalaoga AC, 4-door, $ 2 , 9 5 0 0 0 47 4-7333, Sol (a. N aw rodnk, coiiaOa M EBC ED ES 220SE, '64, 4 door, rod laothar interi­ or - Body tn great shops, new snoms, C o la d o r . 4am M uit tal $4,800 or bad onar 476-0356, 4 7 7 - 9 3 5 0 ___________________________________ DEPENDABLE, E C O N O M IC A L , but ugly, 1970 Datam 510 w4h axkot for $ 4 0 0 1-863-5080 af­ ter 6 pjn 1978 TOYOTA Coroto 52,000 miiot E ^ g n . overhauled racanky Aikm g $ 2 5 0 0 476-8351 aody momingi and/or lato evening». 1976 A U D I I001S 58 ,000 miles G o o d condikon Buni wa*. $1500 nagokobla C o * 346-1521 o* 1976 DATSUN, AC. AT, 4-door. 8210 G o o d con- dteon. Skidart going homa. $1950 0 0 nego. Pou- to. 443-9152 ______________________________ SUBARU 1974, sound body, naadi now angina, or rabukd prai anl angma $ 4 0 0 467-0711, John. 5- 11 p m 1978 FO RD Fiado, botga, AC. 60,000 milai, vary $2,300 nagokobla. C o l Famon- 1447-9176. FIAT 1976 Spidor, rad convarlibla, 5 ipd, 61,000 nktei, rag go v G o o d condikon. $ 3 5 0 0 00 Co* 346-1377 1971 V W Bug. $ 6 5 0 4 74 -450 3 mommgi Tom * STUDENTS * PARENTS * D o yo u n aif a favor a n d sae Summartrae To w n ho m e i W a have 1 ond 2 B R 'i with p oo l a nd garages, minute, from UT campus. Pnces from $ 5 9 , 0 0 0 Call Irma, 9 2 6 - 2 0 3 0 , 3 4 3 0 0 0 6 Sheila Mustin 1616 W. 6th, 2-1, CA/CH, newly shuttle, pool. remodeled, UT $39,500. Call Jim 327-8894. Evenings, 928-4455. THE JOHNSTON GROUP $69,500 PERFECT for your UT kids. 3/2/2, loft, pool, tennis, 8V ? % V A Total payment, $490.00 Owner, agent 441-1212. O N E B E D R O O M condo. Three blocks from B- tchool $4 7,00 0 Security, pool, iocuzzi. mi­ crowave C a* 47 7 -3 2 2 7 CONDOS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS 188 F U 8 N IS H Í0 condo. 2 btocta UT Swmwwng pool, ipa, ipectacutor naw. covarad porting, «e- cunTy, FHA appro rad. 1800 Lovoco. $57,000 Waakdoyt. 476-9710. weekand» 452 6212 FOR SALE Motorcydd» for Sols 1981 SUZUKI G S450, 3 0 0 0 imtai. wmddrald Halrm, 60mpg, $1050 477 3 7 2 5 ______________ 1983 Y A M A H A M ID N IG H T 50 Sp e o o l immocu lorn 6 0 0 mdai Sharp bteck wiki gold tom, Ion of block chroma on a nyn a 92 mpg at 55 mph Bai­ ter Ihon o mopad ond owekar than M B 5 Pur choiad naw ter $817 W i* tal tor $ 6 5 0 N«gok- obte C o l Bryon. 4 7 7-98 42 1981 SUZUKI G S 4 5 0 Eica*»ni condteon 4,200 rmtei Wiki haknal $1,000 Ene ol 44 5 -4 6 6 4 1980 Y A M A H A 40 0C C 60 M P G Vary claon, txtek ownar 25 5 -0 3 3 8 125CC HABtEY Do vkH o t lo w milaoga. Excattem condikon $3 00 .0 0 4 7 7 -6 0 4 4 81 Y A M A H A Exciter 185 lo w mlaoga, go o d con dmon, $6 5 0 C o l 4 7 8 -0 9 2 5 or - >r 4 72 7100 1976 K A W A SA K I K Z 400 Extras, 2 Helmets $4 95 00 Bad offor From whaal bumpor hitch $ 2 0 0 0 M u d sa*. 474-7971 MUST S E ll 1973 Norton 75 0 Ovarhouted an­ gina, mmt condikon, kka naw kras, $ 9 0 0 O 8.0 444-4771 M UST S E ll 75 Hondo 3 6 0 Buns graot Eloctnc •tarter - vary good condikon $ 4 5 0 0 8 .0 444- 4771 A 1982 Hondo Express. Almost naw for 2 7 0 Co* fanny 83 7 -3 4 2 3 _________________ DRYRIDER RAINSUfT, ona-pwe. ya*ow X L Dow cyda covar, block w/haot raudont txtes $ 20.00 aoch. 4 4 3-79 30 1978 H O N D A Howk 4 0 0 with Ba* helmet Graot campus cruisar $600. C o l boter. 3:00 p.m. 474- 2974. _______________ 1973 H O N D A 35 0 $ 4 0 0 M u d m l by July 15 A ik ter Kant, 4 5 8 -6 0 9 5 C o * qnykma___________ H U ITIN ', M UST sa* quickly 1974 CB Hondo 550- 4. Ex cala nt condikon. Enc 45 4-1090 am. 835- 7 6 7 5 pjn. 1980 SUZUKI G S 5 5 0 L lots of axtras Vary low milai Sted 4. $1300 Sanoui buyars. 47 8 -6 5 8 6 M U ST S E ll 7 4 KZ400, tunad, M S Wmdsfwald, luggoga rock. $ 5 9 5 0 0 or bad otter Bruca 4 8 0 -9 7 6 6 or 473-0301. tat n n g _________ Just 1977 Y A M A H A SX -3 6 0 G oo d condition. 258- 36 4 3 after 4 3 0 p m $ 5 0 0 or bast ofter 1975 H O N D A C B200T 6,000 mttes. Graot cam­ pus b * « $ 4 0 0 or b ad ofter lynn 447-1465, 478 8341. 1980 K A W A SA K I KZ 2 5 0 75 mpg. Nowfy tunad 8,000 mlas. $550. Vmca after 7 p.m. 480-0132 MUST SELL Bus waok. '8 2 4 5 0 Suzuki. Lika naw, 28 0 0 mitas $1000 or bod ofter C o * Joy, 345- 5189, or Sharon, 2 5 0 -7 7 3 8 Bicycle» for Sole BICYCLE JU N K YA RD M an's Cruzors $4 5 Girft Cruzan $29. 3 spaods $ 3 9 10 spaads $35 1104 E 1st, 1-5, 7 D a ys_____________________________ S C H W IN N SUPER LtTour ten tpaod txyd o, 25 " froma, axtras, G oo d condition $175 836-2316 SEA RS 10 tpaod Uka now, hardly usad With chain and lock. $120/nogokate C o * 482-0543. AU STRO -D A IM IER, AD-SIE , 24-inch froma, oil ol- tey componants 385-0191 aventngs. B k y d M fo r S d s FUJI 12 . block ZAmch froma G oo d corah- kon $178 . nago Cod 4 7 8 -6 5 8 6 la o ra m .ooqa PUCH, 10-apaad, troma 23. wkh locker. ExcaSani $ 1 5 0 0 0 (Naw $220001, C o l 478- «hopa, 198: 6813 12, $15 BRIDG ESTO NE. 10 ipaad M a m , 26 inch lorafy mad $150 0 0 C o * 451-2452 l aova moaaoga Mu«lcol for Sole S O U N D S O F THE SIXTIES Fonso Com bo Com- poct o rgon Parted ter Now W ova or Punk. G o o d condition $100 0 0 laslta A M P $ 3 5 0 0 0 4 9 5 -5 5 8 8 ofter 6 3 0 p.m____________________ N E W BOOTLEGS, ptycakdK racordsl Akon N o ­ tion lacords, 8 0 9 W 12th 10-30-6 00 pm 47 6 1160. 4 4 7 -3 6 3 3 ______________________________ AC O U ST IC GUITAR wkh cosa. $100 C o * 478- 0 4 7 0 after kvo. Ate ter Bath in #31 Photography for Sole M UST SELL Minolta SBT 101 with VMtor 28mm Ians, carry c o m — $140 Tokos go o d pichicas. Also outo-alactnc 400mm Ions with corrymg cosa, $100 Both nagokobla 476-9518 avanmgz Pets for Sole AK C W E IM ER A N E R puppies Dewdows ond tails dockad $ 1 2 5 0 0 28 8-01 68___________________ Homo» for Sole 2 SDR M/1 BATH 1 6 5 x 6 5 ' lot Huoa troat 15 mm- utes walking to U T $57,000 9 0 0 iq. ft A l now materials tnsutekon/winn^plumtxna/siding/v dows/roof/corpat/c#*ng tens/A C C o l onyk - Dova 477-6821 Texrn-Ex *3 BR Ho u m W a lk to UT. ‘Restored 2BR — 1 block to shuttte. 'l a r g e 2-dory, 3 or 4BR. Call Todd at John B. Sanford Realtors 454-6633 467-2514 Mobile Home» for Sole 8 x 4 8 ' STAR MobÜe home 2BR/1BA, M ake after, osiuma $137 20/mo 473-2618 Ticket» for Sole____ PETER, P A U l & M a ry tickets ter sale. Great front Boor ond low areno loots $15 ond up. 4 8 0-07 57 MUcelloneou» for Sole FINEST SOU TH W ESTERN Indian lewelry plus ax- caRent selection gifts & cords. N elson'i Gifts, 45 02 S. Congress, 444-3814 Y U C A T A N H A M M O C K S , lorgest and cheapest in town $ 5 0 0 0 M o di 441-6454_________ LARGE O A K secretarial date, $ 3 0 0 or bast ofter Antique ook woshstand, $75 451-0513._______ M O V IN G M U ST saR bedroom suite. Chest, m . roo. ormoue. haodboord. nlghtdond. G oo d condi- kon. P a d $750. SaR ter $ 4 75 478-1939 SAM PLE SALE. Famous name womans apparel from D a la s M od. Wholesale pnces. 4 7 7 -9 3 5 0 Codt only. $10- $40. PLAN TS FO R sale - cheopi 2917 Peod (betwoen 29th and 30th) Bought out nursery — must sa* Great ter indoors la rge and sma* $1000- $65 0 0 M i K s l l o i M o g i f o r Solo K E N M 0 8 C WASHER. 90» dryar, $275, 55 g o io n oquonum, «tond $175 powa. vocuum $75. 836- 56 45 478 5693 _____________________ FttI OUT ter wla 1041 Afcm on I d 45 8 3116 100 C O U P O N S for dncounf pnead color pnn) film and procM M ig tome*, a* .«p o w rt uzot S«nd $ 1 9 0 0 local chock/mon#y orcter to Box 14276, Autfin 78761 U SED SAIL Board wiodrxtef brond Fu* ng $ 4 7 5 0 0 or bo# ofter 454 6 9 8 3 Stev* IE F R IG E R A T O rT d O R M u/. $55 iCwTtemo, f Block IF Shufka 'la u n d r y Factlikoi 108 W. 45fh 452-1419 WALK TO UT OLD M AIN APARTMENTS 25th and PtaH, «ffkwncito, $250 + Electricity 1-295-2276 VIEWPOINT APTS 2518 Leon Efficiencies $260.00 pool, laundry, Monoger, Apt 116 478-3533,476-7205 N O W PRELEASING (or tummor 8 tel 18R, 45lh ond Duval Sponnh Oak» Aparknonk. CA, CH, got ond water paid. O n ihukte and cky but. Summor ■ate» $ 2 5 0 46 7 0 6 9 8 _________________________ SU M M E R RATES SmaM, akrockvoly (umtthod and dougnod aporknont-wotl campus $ 2 7 5 $ 3 3 0 + E 451-8122, Wotlworld Rool Estate 38TH 3 0 2 W att 3 8 k i noor ifsutko A l m o* o v o * abio, Fstm tbad/unfum ehod G at/w ater p aid Sw wwm ng pool. Sum m or km From $1 9 5 4 5 3 4 0 Ó 2 WEST 26TH 91 0 W a it 26th N < o community Efhcionciat, on itwllte Cia», watar p aid $ 2 4 0 - E 4 7 7 - 2 1 6 0 ALL BILLS PAID EFFICIENCY $260 In H y d e Bods, d o t a to c om p u i & thutite Pool, (uky carpeted, draped, a n d b e o u k M y p a n ­ eled. A l butR-m kitchen, CA/CH 458-4511 4 0 0 0 A ve n u e A, 4 5 8 4511 C E N T R A L P R O P E R T IES I N C 4 5 1 - 6 5 3 3 Now Leasing for Fall Fleu-de-Lis Apts. 4 0 4 E 30th black W #»t o f D uval O n ly a five minute walk to com put from these large 1, 2, a n d 3 b ed roo m apartment». All at­ tractively fum khed. O w n e r pay» water, got, a n d cable. Laundry ro o m * provided. Contact Jerom e C ox, 4 7 2 -6 5 1 5 , o r Cliff M m gro ve , 47 6-7011 S 3 - ALL BILLS PAID IBR's A N D EFFICIENCIES Availab le of The Pepperlroe Laundry foolitiei. applionce*, 3 block» from shuttle stop between S p e e d w a y o n d D u val of 3 0 4 E 34th Rent» ran ging from S 2 6 5 - S 3 4 5 448-APTS SPI 4 4 5 6 6 2 9 1515 P A LM A P LA Z A 1 block to UT ihutfo but. on Enfield I d lo rgt 2 B R l and efkcsonaot, water pmd $ 2 5 0 $3v5/mo O n e year te a u 397-2576, M f Bom 5pm 20 5 W 20ki, 1 block horn campus. EfBaonoos and room», A8P, $ 2 5 0 - $ 2 l5 O n e year b o e 397-2576, M-F, 8am-5pm_____________________ WEST C A M P U S Largo 28R m 4-ptex. Avakabte Juno 1 Wikun ovaRung detone» $ 4 5 0 + E Kan M cW Kom t, 3 2 7 -5 0 0 0 After 6 pm. 478-2410 FREE LO C A T IN G Service; Condo» - Aportasen»» - Homo» Duplexe» Dorm» A l Area» A l Pnce» Habitat Hunters, 4 74-1532 910 YVtST 26ki Nice community, ofBcioncy, 2 blocks from campus, on thukte, g o s/ n otar paid, $ 2 4 0 « E 4 7 7 2160_________________________ 302 W 38lh A l sizes, kimahod/untemqbod N ear shut*# Gas/water paid. 453-4002. S K A N S E N APTS Akimo dougn, 1-1. CA/Ch, vautt- od codings, coding tens, porche», baltóme», low I C o* 4 5 3 -4 7 8 4 for leave message 42 0 5 Speedway W ALK UT SU M M E R O N L Y Spacious 2-1, CA/ CH, dehwother, dnpotal, pato, pool, laundry, ptootant, 452-1658, 4 7 8 - 3 3 0 3 ________________ L A W S C H O O L efficiency Bukt-ms, alhc fan, sun deck, bdk dnnded $250/summer $ 3 50/to* 9 2 6 7 2 4 3 ________________________________________ SUPER SU M M E R Rates! 1 room efficiency, $219 50 ♦ E 1 8R studio w/cedmg fon, dote to campus, $2 5 5 * E Sun W e e Apartment» 4 0 4 W 35th, 451 9595,451-2986, 3 4 5 - 0 7 7 2 __________ W A L K IN G DISTAN CE to UT. 1/1 Avadabte to tel $ 2 6 0 0 0 4 8 0 -8 5 6 0 Eliott System.____________ 1 B LO CK from campus. 2-2, fumehed or unfur­ nished $ 4 3 5 ABP summer, $ 5 3 5 ABP f d l 4 7 6 5631 The Elko* System LARGE 1-B0RM avadabte — Garden Gate (female aporknent complex) fo r upcommg tel and Spring term Fumehed. Great security Two blocks from compui C o l Elaine 2 5 8 -9 2 5 9 CHEAP RENT! W o k to campus. Suite mate ar­ rangement AC, $210 <- E Westwodd Real Estate 451-8122 TEXAN CLASSIFIED AD ORDER FORM Efficiency. 1 BR, 2 BR, furnished o r unfurnished 478-2775 Manager Apt. #1 Nam «__ 1717 ENFIELD RD. Lu xu ry1 B R Manager Apl. #113 478-9767 105 E. 31 ST (Walk to UT) Luxury efficiency, all built-irw Water, go s paid 477-4005 Manager Apt. #103 Address. City___ NEWLY REMODELED N e a r cam pus on shuttle Efficiencies $215- * E. 1 bed roo m s $ 2 6 5 - 1 2 8 5 + E $ 2 3 0 Conveniently located in small, quiet com plex Inquire about loll rates 4 5 1-85 32 , 4 4 2 - 4 0 7 6 _______ Phone. .State Zip. 1 6 11 16 21 2 7 12 • 17 22 I* 8 13 i 23 i 4 9 14 L«* - Start Date: In d Date: Total Runs: 10 --------------------- 15 5 20 25 CONDOS FOR SALE CONDOS FOR SALE CONDOS FOR SALE CONDOS FOR SALE IKATIS (Minimum Ad-15 Words) MINIMUM A D - 15 WORDS TeO rkw V os*A4, kM k m C e sa a n to T n a i k M M s t O k m 0, AueBn. TX7*712. PRELEASING FOR FALL 5 BLOCKS WEST UT CASBAH APTS. 2200 S A N GABRIEL 473-8553 444-2750 *2B R 2 B A *D W , D IS P O S A L ’CA /C H , Ceiling Fan 'L a u n d ry Facilities "Courtyard with B a r-B -Q Pit 'Furnished, oil electric 'C o v e r e d Parking ‘Spacious, Fully Carpeted 'S u m m e r Rates $ 3 7 5 + E 'Fait/Spring $ 5 0 0 + E *W C Bus Route Per Word .................................................................* m . .4 8 Time* ; 2 3 .............................................................................................. 4......................................... . ................................................................. S 9 * * ................................................................. M 7 ..................................................................... .. J 1 ................................................................. * . * » o ......................................................................r r " ..............................................................................................1 .1 7 . 1 3 1 4 .............................................................................. « . , j y ...................................................... : : : : 1^3 . >* . ’ • . 1* . M ........................................ « 471-5244 Check Enclosed for $ ----- C h a rg e my V IS A M asterCard Exp Date. SAVE 20%! Place yo u r ad at the TSP Business Office, 25th & Whitis, p ay cash (or check) and get a 2 0 % Discount CONDOS FOR SALE CONDOS FOR SALE CONDOS FOR SALE CONDOS FOR SALE L I M I T E D O F F K R 6 % * \ l \ t \ m t - t i l s I r n m VJl i. l i «h h v , , | ) t t m o n t h ■ f - t i m , t h o n I \ -d n a h n b - n r x x ( ) \ i ; N Mi i l l l l s 0-1 N III h I i All r Condominium Owner's Home & Duplex Owners If you worry about the hassles of keeping your property lea se<£ and well kept; you should worry no longer. W e at C. L. Reeves Real Estate specialize in property man-* agement. Give us a call and let us help you get the hassles out of * owning property. Call ___________ and ask for Connie today I 447-8303 We Still Have A V iew Left 2 BR $115,000*122,500 1 BRw/Den $99,950 MODEL OPEN 11-6 pm 477-1413 - *4™jS (512)451-2191 MAC BINTLIFF & CO., REALTORS 1510 N o r t h I -o iip • O M i ' l l ,i, I,., 11 , II ,|,,« ,, ,1 ..„ . • Martota T u é m • Pool * Healed Spa • Covered Partdng • 1V* Mocfca from Shuttle 1304 Mariposa Dr. * 2220 Leon ^Jrauió Cjjt re en CONDOMINIUMS 1BR-1BA, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2 From $34,950 (512)444-1110 & o k fDface Condominiums 8 U n its A vailable From $78,500 2 Bedroom 2 Baths • Sh u tttk R o u t e • Microwaves • 2 Pools • C sMng Fans • Bookcases • Private Decks • Enclos ed PaMos Bring M s ad to Travis Green and register for FREE salboat give away Cass Hardesty Re/Max Capttot 481-2242 OeraM TMbodaua Heal Catate 478-2782 Property Management by Witt A Aaaoe. (512)478-2782 N f j j * • f Shuttle Route Below Market Financing AINew AppRwicee Laundry Room Redwood Sauna Smal, Prívete Complex West Campus Marketed by Gerald Thibodeaux 478-2782 Property Management by Witt 4k Assoc. (512) 478-2782 1 I 2811 Rio Grande 2802 Nueces Preserve the Wild Life. Discover the natural off-campus and hand-painted tile. habitat. Preservation Square. A unique condominium community with comforts and social advan­ tages enough to satisfy your wildest wishes. There’s nothing like it anywhere. With 15 intriguing floor plans of decidedly úntame style. Some have elaborate, original fireplaces, some have stained-glass windows, some have hardwood floors Wild life extends to the great outdoors as well. Where a pool, sundeck and swirling Jacuzzi sooth the civilized world away Preservation Square. A commu­ nity fit for the endangered college species. For the few who really know how to live — and have the instincts to survive in style. Preservation Square. Preserv­ ing the wild life. m s i m m s m u W m u n H m m a a u i 477-2542/474-5206 21st and Pearl in the heart of West Campus Ceiling Ians Decks Fireplaces Washer/Dryer Hot tub Security gates Shuttle Srtn\T«f?JWES “A Limited Edition" from $64,400 Offered by Gerald Thibodeaux 1 BR, 2-2 Available 3 Blocks to Campus Yesterday’s Memories Brought to Life for the Way you Live Today Eff., 1, 2-2, & 1 Bedrooms w/Study Available Conveniently Located at 28th Street & Nueces a 1 Block to WC Shuttle a Ceiling Fans a Security Gates a Pool & Hot Tub a Covered Parking a And Much More Priced from $79,400 ★ --- . 37th V " * . * AAA y " * I •asusta» 8LC jhukte 8tag. 478-2782 Property Management by Witt A Associates 478-2782 Model Open 10-6 Daily Marketing Agent Gerald Thibodeaux FURNISHED AFARTMENTS UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS condos w i io n CO-OP HOUSING ROOMMATES ROOMMATES SERVICES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 5 BLOCKS WEST UT Large efficiency, poneled living room, kitcHen, go* stove, refrigerator, woft in i Red closet, foundry $ 2 1 0 -1 2 4 0 ♦ Oak Apartments, 2104 Son Gabriel PARKSIDE APTS. 4209 BURNET RD Large 18# apartments Wad kept m nrca neigh­ borhood Ideal for faculty or lenout itudant N o pet» Located oc rot» «kraal from Romtay Pork (2 irwla» from UT campo») 4 5 3 -5 2 3 9 or 4 5 4 3251 MOVE IN TODAY OR PRE-LEASE FOR FALL 2 BR I , BA townhouse on ¡hurtle route Fireplace w asher/dryer con nectiorn, gas appliances eartbtone carpeh, 2 large ¡undecks one car garoge $54 0 /m o n tb Roommates welcom ed Open Henee JwRy i« , t * . i« Call Connie! C.L. Kccrcs l e a l Estele 447-8303 TRY CO OP LIVING! Everyone al the ARK invrtes you to dinner for a taste of co op irte We offer ro -e d hvmg atr coodt- 19 tiomnq a swtmming poo! home cooked m eals a week sell governm ent and a vartefy of educational and social pro grams W om en especially are encouraged to apply S u m m e r & l a * v a c a n c i e s CALL 476-5678 OR COME BY 2000 PEARL TARRYTOWN POOL, laundry, ihuMa, larga 2B¡M M 2606 Enfold Trop^ono Apt» 474 5930 CONDOS CLARKSVILLE AREA S t u r t h e r e .,0jr ^ R o c v n v M A t C V sJctw oru / \ 2*i t kn,4,rxnéi *2t*> " . ÍA k . K fuK O W S H i.! /uctou Ek thuM. /6k /6a nwro E * 7 7 4 7 7* n u n c t o $30C -u ,x ~ .-y i. w A f . 'H , 6 f'uF“ k f 'r jWje» A » AuUu-, H, - - ,1 to i VI 'uG *f 'O, ? 6 * D o v . * ‘>4 4 9 ( 2 V.I. I f M 'N ' ■■ JtotX>»iAAT» * ‘ M A 28 *( kpr^M /use mote '/Koevnc AVAILABLE fM M € D iA TF: -' ihufNe Pool, Sum.»Yke» '/ j # * * * ™ & ____ _____ F fM A iF W ANTED to fen* 5 M b $ 5 my, w /D rye* C. 0 « T Bk -ig r e o t f? f 3 4 6 5 4 0 6 $ 2 7 5 • R E S P O N S E f oree G n $ 2 2 7 50 ASAR f f M X , f k Ví bAs 4 ’ V i#» 4 4 4 6 4 6 0 l f M A »1 «roods m 6EAUT1FUI VIEW ov»dooki Ei o h Port 1M «o ft/tfo lfo to UT $210 ♦ E A«o4abia no» 4 7 l’ 7443,474-1384 A * lor MC 18# APARTMENTS a»o4abla Waking dntonca UT i unlAat Hawai Propartia», 477 $300-$400 _________________________________ 9925 • 7. - v A • , .V , I: ,p r FURNISHED W K K Ñ c r ' » 0 7 So* C < M , 3 2 2 0 /m o ^ . e C « I I ^ 1 ^ « S n ? 5 3 WAIK TO UT lo r j* eUaency ovatotfo >u*« 10 *2 4 5 ♦ F, pool, cwimg Ion, qua#» cotoptox Foun- lom Torrot.A p», 610 W 30*,, 477 # 6 5 6 SURtf T FUtNISMf 0 2Id Onm bodroom mod (or dorna» Col » ♦ f 454-0659 474 4526 « too*. ~ Com«w' M7290 Mamey ar 1 1 ovototfo no», « art*» « $225 * E Fool < * * , »o j g g g g i »fo*fo 9251116 Ffco» Syd— • ' EFFICIENCY NEA# UT or 230 0 0 452 4 5 )6 ,4 7 7 2214. 4 M M 1 2 itiuflU 1225 00 S J o S 3104 Duvol, 3016 Spewfcvoy, 5012 Duvd 452 4516, 477 2214,. . 433-0012 WARWICK APARTMENTS w T S m T T w m or/$350-375 ♦ f fdl), vNkmaooi (To* or*» *2 7 5 * EyCorpotod, c«4«9 Ion., AC dnhwoto en. dopowh/landKopwí compton «to q<*to <* M /w afc- mo«ptor»/»u«»fock and pod « to í X Í Í T " . ' 0 “ T 2907 W w A «. |oNW 29lb¡ 477 1630 ^ ' < > ••* Port, LARGE DMDEO ofhoorK*. •a h t (8) Nock» Iron, UT on lE $ 2 2 5 j | - ? 5 --------------------- » pomt ond corpa*, - - — Ir $225 summer 75 M 302 E 3 4 * Seo# I 474-7503 472 Í _ . , . 229 4 ________________ WEST AUSTIN affiaancy, nawty ramodalad. qua). $280 ♦ E Monogor 1115 Wap 1 0 * # 20 4 477- 3461__________________ LEASING FOR M W c * to campui Sbutda at Iron» to door Eumnhad or unfom fod Larga a * aency, $295 r E, 2 M 2 8A alficiancy. $455 ♦ E Mowna Kot, 405 E 31# 472 2147 NICE EFFICIENCIES, 1 and 2 t r , Convanant North Control locabon N a » carpal, Ida. ond »aH papar Fumnhad and urdurrwhad. pool $260 $400 ♦ E 451-4561,442-4076 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS THE THREE ELM APARTMENTS la rg e 2-2 ond 1-1 avoiloble now Small, quiet complex with pool 4 00 W. 35th. $ 3 7 5 + E, ond $ 2 7 0 + E Call Steve at 4 7 8 -7 7 5 0 or 4 52 6 02 4 APARTMENTS ON 6TH STREET Lr»a on the mo*t exciting street m Austin IBS loft, catling Ians, antique footed tubs with S oot kitchens, hot tub Available August, 4 78 814 or 4 7 4 8 2 9 3 COMPLETELY REMODELED! to see the M ake on appointment freshest, newest efficiency in the UT area. The Sihrerdiff is now leasing at $275/m onth + E. Conveniently locat­ ed 621 West 31st Call Chns Mazzucco for an oppomtment FSA Horn son- Pearson, 472-6201 NEWLY «EDECOHATED 1, 28# aportmaNt on »ht#fo, avodabla imme d n tety $ 295-5345 Com aron Troca l?OOE.52nd 453-6239___________ EFFICIENCIES. I V» and 2 2 », 1900 forton 442 96)2______________________________________ 3 BLOCKS to camput I and 2 bedroom» crrodabia no» Summer ond fad rota» darting at $200 M an­ ager, 4 76-0774 The EKolt System LUXURY LIVING 1 1 condo with pool, loundry, am ynl h , C \ on (bufo $295 tummar, $375 lot Ebon i,451-8178 FREE RENTAL SERVICE We hove meo aportmont», Unrramty area. $265/up, Kothy or Tam, 452 2978______________________________________ A ll BILLS Pod W a l to UT, only $245 Rental Ad. 476-4684, 3004 Guodakipa, Open kl 9 pm Eaa (TEX-11) N O W LEASING* Beautiful 1 ond 28# sportman* Swimming pool ond garden, shuttle bus at comer Open 7 doy» o week. 454-0202_______________ SUMMER SPECIAL 2 months at reduced pnces 1 8 2 bedrooms, 3 blocks from compus 474-5981 EFFICIENCY. WEST oI campus 3 block» Qwot two unit settlement $215 0 0 lome biib pod Fresh point and corpet Available immediately No pets, refer­ ences Jock Jenmngs 474-6897 Consokdoled Realty ONE BEDROOM, near comput, downtown Now or Aug 1 $ 24 5 * deposit Kerry. 471-5271, 458- 4301 SPACIOUS EFFICIENCIES ond 1 bedrooms Quiet complex with pool noor shuttle S 2 4 0 -Í2 7 5 ♦ E 451-4206,442-4076 UNFURNISHED DUPLEXES NEAR SHUTTLE SosAheod 2 2. carpets, drapes, patio, water pod No pots $40 0 190QA Valley Hti 442-8377, 2 8 2 -0 9 3 5 ___________________ CLOSE IN, Fenced yard, trees, bedroom, 2038-6 S lamor 5350/month Water and gat pod 458- 6310_________________________________ SPACIOUS 3-2 wdh don, »4hm walang < UT ihsdlle, St Edward's, and IRS $250 $ 4 8 0 /month Phone 445-5727 after I p m Ta RRYTOWN 2BR, hat everything, only $ 400 Rental A d 476-4684, 3004 Guodolupe Open R6 9 pjn Fee (TEX-10) 2BR 1BA Refrigerator, stove, dnhwathor. washer/ dryer 5 blocks wed of campus. $550 Pets ok Col Roge Wifts, Broker 479 830 0/4 78 -8 9 88 N o w leosmg 1 and 2BR apartments m Capital Plazo oreo Pool, nica grounds, on shuttle •o u te FURNISHED HOUSES 5211 Cameron Rd. 458-4521 N O SECURITY deposit for quality tenants without pets Attractive one, two ond three bedroom Hyde Pork houses, duplexes, triplexes, ovodobie July 1 2B#s $475 $525, 3 M s S525-S675 IBRs, A6P $360-5410 Co* Jen. 48G9191 FREE APARTMENT LOCATING ALL OVER AUSTIN APARTMENTS DUPLEXES / TOW NHOUSES RESIDENCES “lust One Cell end You're Hones Free FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS ROOMS P r i v a t e P r o p e r t i e s 4 7 2 2 4 7 0 WEST CAMPUS N o w luxury tw o b o d ro o m c o n d o s ovoilobio for foil som ostor Hootod p o o * s e c u rity fire ploca, oppboncot 4 block» to c a m p u s $ 8 5 0 to $ 8 7 5 per m onth GSI 477-5721 RRE-LEASf FOR AUGUST - CENTRALLY lO C A T ED LUXURY CO NDO M IN IU M S NEAR HAN COCK CENTER 1-1, appkancm. cmkng Ion hr. ploc., adequate storog. From $ 345 AS* C am po ny 3 45-9643 2-1 NEW, qua» noor Town Lak*. tumohod Short/ long form loos* $ 5 9 0 0 0 nogodabl. 478 8096 ___________________________ 4 78 -2 62 3 SUMMER RATES, 2404 longvww #106 Appk ancos furmshod, including imcrowav. ond ccxkng Ion $395 454-8301_________________________ EFFICIENCY C O NDO near 6th it r e e l^ e c a r Squoro, shuHl. Qwot, me. neighborhood 5310 plul E Jim. 480-9191__________________ BRAND NEW luxury 2BR? ^ BA condo on Enfold thuNlo Coiling Ion», pool, whirlpool, sauna, » erase room $ 8 0 0 Inuottor'» Rooky, 4 72 -3 68 6 or 4 7 6 -5 7 7 4 ________________________________ 1BDR UNF condo. Townlak. South, 2 bfcs down town, convomont to campus, iwimmmg pool gas wator potd $375/monlh Co* Patty 4 76 2673 452 9692_________________________________ CROIX CO N D O — 3 blkt Wod ol campus 2 fe males need 1 or 2 othars to shor. 2 2 turn lor Fa#/ Spring Jacuzzi, Security, Ceikng fans, Fu# „/d Firxptoc. $300 ooch/mo ♦ E Col Cofoci 214/ 231 6138 botwoon 8 and 10 p m NEW LUXURY 2-2. W«st compu» shut#. 5~btocb to UT, securdy gatos. $325 ooch ♦ E 3 botconm» 345-4178 C0-0F HOUSING T A O S WILL b . o C o o p Ih a la# Coed, AC. widm croon c o b t. TV. 19 h om ocookod m oab a « t o . sundock. Across I f o Street fro m UT Co# 4 7 4 -6 9 0 5 o r com e by 2612 G u o d a tu p . fo r o tour S A N D IA C O - O f h o o u tifo campus $ 2 4 0 -5 2 6 0 ¡ABR mcludm t o m . food 4 7 3 - 8 5 1 3 .4 7 4 -2 0 0 2 __________________________ ip o cio u s H o# block DEUTSCHES HAUS, 2103 N u o c m he» m t h w ond fa * vacancies fo r G orm an tp e a k e n C o m . by fo r d m n o r o t6 p .m o r ca * 4 7 7 -8 8 6 5 fo r m fo ROYAL C O - O f G o o d frwnch Dokcious food Q w o t n e ig h b o rh o o d Summer, fa* voconcies 4 7 8 0 8 8 0 V oit 1805 Pm H FALL LEASING Furnished 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom PENTHOUSE ARTS. 1801 Rio Orando 2 Block» to UT Swimming Pool 476-2084 W # o re o h o u s e h o ld o f fo u r « o - n a n d fiv e men, o g e i 2 6 3 4 m ostly v e g e ia n o r c - c n o n sm okers W « shore m e o H c o o k in g , o n d cho - t n t o , pe ro trv e fy o n d H ove OU' Owe ro o m s W e a re io o k m g * 'K o w o m o n w h o w o u ld like lo shore o h o m e w ith n 4 /A ? 8 ? 8 L a u r e l H o u s e C o o p H as s u m m e r o n d f o i l v a c a n c ie s T w o b lo c k s f r o m U T c a m p u s S e lf g o v e r n e d . 4 4 p n v a i e f u r m s b e d , C A / C H , 17 p r e p a r e d m e a s * w e e k . 2 4 h o u r k it c h e n a c c e s s , m i c r o w o v e , c a b i e T V s u n d e c k , f r e e p o r k m g C o m e b y 1 9 0 5 N u e r e s o r c a lí 4 7 8 0 4 7 0 ______________________________________ UNFURNISHED HOUSES AVAILABLE N O W tw o and *hr«« bedroom ><4»*' hom«s apoTfrr^rxts C Q[. r>, k r y 7 4 hour • ^ o rrr*o tK>n 4 5 ? 5 9 7 9 • T W O B f D R O O m Hyci** housev S42S $ 4 ^ 0 avo4cri^« now D eposit s ? 0 0 N r, Pen N e w fy f# d *c o ra l» d 4 8 0 V -9 ’ N O SECURlTV depovf4 on I and 2 b^droon^s r pafii Faces sto^ S 3 6 0 A BP Gaf* 4 8 0 9191 SPACIOUS 3BP su$* depose needed Coll j-m 4 8 0 919 A compos N o '.«to jn ty SHARE FANTASTIC 3 2 hom e an CP city buses irvdfviduai or g ro u p furnt$hed 0>f jn k jrn rs ^e d >46 3 9 2 0 o r age, Rental A»d 4 7 6 - 4 6 8 4 3 u 0 4 Cxuodoiupe O pen vj 9 p m fete {TEX-6 ) G A R A G f APARTM ENT BR opp<*afxes ' v©g ' $175 Rento! A td 4 76 4 6 8 4 3 0 0 4 G u o d o ' /oe O p e n hli 9 p m fe e TEX 7 UT SHUTTLE 2BR AC oppkonce», fenced $ 3 ? 5 Rental A id 4 76 4 6 8 4 3 0 0 4 G ooda'up e O p e r - 9 p m fe e fTEX 8 NO RTH UT 2BR g a ra g e A id 4 76 4 6 8 4 30C 4 G u odoiape Ope*- Fee fTEX-51________________________ __________ fenced $315 Rental 9 p - 2 BR $ 2 0 0 A v a ila b le now Homy' Renta* A» M M A T| wo r»*ed to shore #*r«® bed tOtjre. h Owi® 2*1* *w '!J#ker gids C o l 4 5 2 8 4 8 2 R E S P O N S E Í SrA/n A room pocx S lOC fEMU- . f i>partm.r>r - o r y r r x )Uty A ug :xIH 4 4 2 5 7 7 0 K e w n-«ng n a k Bed f 'U Ar ' ' / f j onto d u p ie , 1/5 Oik-. 442 9? Sk k' » / 8 8 975 » $ 2 0 I ' V A l f N O N ,M ' f t 1 P to I; A - -, ,s« W a lt to shuttle $ 6 5 * 8 * 4 5 3 4 6 6 4 a f o - 5 0 0 P m _____ . , h r rvON 5M*-4rfk ipre»^ r y v t —' prakesu-x io snare 2 8 0 duple» near 135 290E - n rija e i 5 8 Cal! Ruste*' 4 5 4 0 6 5 9 4 7 4 • r»E> at cat $ 2 0 0 4 5 2 6 R ÍS **O N S *lE * E M A ,f y ’ 5 0 0 ■ 6 oh-. C a l A r S snare 2 2 a* SR k- k j 44 5 0 0 4 8 W A N T E D M A T 'J k f ncm-smcmw • House e o 1 com-pui $ * 6 6 ^ug 4 / 4 0 8 5 9 v aAh o re i BR Available r nVO R O O M M A Tt s from r ompus S 25 n« r ,'6« r - 4 76 : ->r 2 r*Hrmr\ »o « 2 2 fu rr 2 f f M A lE S ^eeri Oo»w C o n d o fo r takr spfifr new or»dc 4 ' nivhed *v D C a i 713 4 9 3 -4 9 7 W a yn e ' bfock west o f com puii tic. $2>T, rn 'T'tr'OWOYf BEfeA F E M A .J *c kb*ore 2.- dup*en v e r, reo* iu Jv v o» 4 77-0193 compus $170 A BP Coi» f e e RESFONSlBtE F EM A iE g ro d Sha^e cjute* G r rushed h o m t neor CR shiARe Cora* 9 2 8 247 5 $ 2 0 0 00' 2b*fis NEEDED1 R O O m m a t E fo* Bedroom 2 Ba^- a p e -m e n 4 4 2 3 7 4 8 FEMALE R O O M M A T E E ff ' s^'oni^ $ '2 0 mo E »eo 4 7V 5661 s h o rt ig / ó 0 0 p n X > O p o rtm tn f pn m esioge wtih Ar W O MALE oomma^es needed r bouse N e a r CR sbu*N» $ 6 0 0 0 4 pd s S ;0C Co*’ Scon afte# 6 :0 0 9! 2 1 RECENTLY re m o d e le d O n shuttle. 2 miies from UT N c p e n $ 4 6 5 / m onth 4 4 2 5 5 3 8 RESPOn S BlE G U IE " •'•ea* non-fm o*?n shore o 2 op» $ }65 0 0 plus 2 b»«s 4 L A W SC H O O L 3 or 4 bedroom s G avo»r n#oi a p p i'cnces c a rp e te a kitchen no p e n $ 0 5 0 9 2 6 -7 2 4 3 M/'F TO share n#» way Prefer grad p m 4 7 3 8 3 3 4 •R B apartm er- ork^sg oduh Cc FURNISHED BOYS W o & m g distor-'e >’ $ 85 $ 2 0 5 ABP M ow ell optr+iRks 4 7 7 9 9 2 5 TAOS COED D orm ocross the stree» from UT Now leasing fo r summer 4 / 4 6 9 0 5 BILLS PAID PRÍVATE C O ED STUDENT R OO M S™ FJRN ¡Sn*ED - S u m m e r DISCO UNTS - - KITCHEN — T W O BLOCKS CAM PUS — N O W 2 4 0 5 RfO LEASING FALL G R A N D E 4 7 7 -1 5 2 9 ________________ $ 4 5 0 0 UP - THE CASTILIAN rents room s by *he day o r wee» on our Summer H otel R o o r For econom ical oc commodatkons fo r your guests contact The CashL on 2 3 2 3 Son A n to n .o St 478-9811 f A l L n o n Sm O«^ N O mature ♦emoie fo r com torta b fe 2BR dup»e« Fenced yard w - D D o v t Springs .no shottie $160 p*us b ds 44 -4 5C ’ MM EDiATELY T W O fem»o*e ••oc''-mates *o snore beosAfui 3 2 2 condo SR, RC p o o ! deck ABP N o s m o k e r $ 2 2 0 ec 4 4 3 8210 F E M AiE R O O M M A T E m m ed*ateiy Horns Podr S200-"'mo C A e 3 / 2 house Ca# ean> 4 8 0 - 9 7 3 " MALE RO O M M A T E w onted *or A C co n d o Poo» ho* tub Shore oedroom $ 6 0 me 4 7 4 - 0 8 4 5 CHEAP $ 6 5 pe* monm ABP Cc» 4 ? 4 5 4 4 5 ae f o r t 9 a m O n e block from campus NEED 4 pioce unw September? 2 2 u n fu ^-s h e d oportm ent foc»ng wokesbort on NR sh»/m« $ 50 • E Coil 9 4 4 ^4 -0 7 2 4 >uve 2 N D SUMMER Session 0 **fy $ 3 0 0 0 0 entire uor> ♦ compus 3 3 rd & D uvol C o i MM 4 7 4 -4 2 3 9 '*7 smoM biMs in d ivxlu o i room G ove to £ f M A l E R O G m m A ’ E tc shore o r g e 2 2 apt tor M l N o r # Ausxm CR shume $215 ASF 4 5 8 9 5 6 5 SUM MER SPECIAL M o le ro o m in g house AH BtBs Poid 2 monlhs a t reduced pnce 3 blocks from campus 4 7 4 5981 C O N D O M A T E FEMAvE tc shore m xyry conOc or. CR vhurtle Close k cam pus AmertAies g o k x e $ 2 5 0 * E 4 7 7 -0 9 8 6 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS G r .th H o l d o í T h e s e FANTASTIC DOLLAR SAVINGS 3704 Speedway 454-7015 El Cid La Paz W e ll M a k e Y o u A D e a l. B e s t S u m m e r R a te s in T o w n . ★ Summer Housing As Low As ★ ★ $120 Per Session * Check These Features And Sign Up Today: spacious floor plans —Fully equipped Kitchens —Walk-in closets —Garage parking available —Panoramic view —3 blocks to campus —Pool — Sundeck — Floor parties — Exercise room — Laundry facilities —Cable TV hook-ups T ri Towers Has I t All Together For th e UT Man And Woman 476-7636 8 0 1 W . 8 4 t h S t . TRI-TOWERS . 2 4 T H S T . , A U S T I N , T E X A S 7 8 7 0 5 IS 1 2 ) 4 7 8 - 7 6 3 9 “ iiiP ASTEPADOVE FOR THE DISCRIMINATING MAN & WOMAN REDUCED RATES FOR SUMMER ALL THE AMENITIES HOME. Been lo o k in g for a place to h a n g y o u r hat? A t D u v a l V i l l a A p a r t m e n t s , o u r e x t e n s i v e r e n o v a t i o n s , n o v \ i n p r o g r e s s , w i l l o f f e r a w o n d e r f u l r e t r e a t : s p a c i o u s f l o o r p l a n s ; n e w d e s i g n e r t i l e , c a r p e t , a n d m i n i - b l i n d s ; r e d e s i g n e d k i t c h e n s a n d b a t h s ; l o a d s o f b o o k c a s e s , c l o s e t s , a n d c a b i n e t s . . . C o n v e n i e n t l y l o c a t e d i n H y d e P a r k , w e r e c l o s e t o c a m p u s , p o p u l a r r e s t a u r a n t s , s h o p p i n g , a n d s h u t t l e b u s W a l k c r S h u t t l e t< ( a m p u t ! Special Summer Rates Apartments Act III 4312 S p eed w ay Act IV 3311 Red River Act VI 2801 H em phill Act VIII 2808 Whitxs Act IX 2803 Hem phill Act X 301 W 29th Three Oaks 409W 38th Pecan Square 506 w 37th W esterner Rio N u eces 000 w 20th 280Ó Hem phill Condominiums 2000 Whitls 3000 G uadalupe 453-0540 474-B125 476-0411 474-5650 476-0411 474-5650 453-3383 459-1597 472-0649 474-0971 454-4621 454-4621 Ed Padgett Company ^ o«k. 4 5 4 - 4 6 2 1 i M t e á SUMMER RATES! Also Lt\ising tor Fall U W M H O O L ? P H O P € S A ifS 4 79 6219 tke e tem m ip $ 5 0 0 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES RF ■■m prc4est*onal »-i«rv»«w counsehng ond m* M ded SCA 45 7184 5 A4F'TT f N c o m p o ie d t d A t d by pw aon rjpte* HELP WANTED INSTANT CASH & BONUS ¡V yok/rf r sfhoc- #hv to* dona# 0W?» •wu 11 >, or donde W e r • t# n r dov penod on<5 «ecew dondM and $ ■> you* #•* CznC donflRw */ ... you dor<4or yp, * 4 «net*# r- wee* 6 n r - w#'*,.-- *he ^ 2» w# N t «S yOc m l - r iw » c $ / oonwi * y O d lrf kh d her# OKtdtnre I d l 4 4 ^ 4 #our V t «V Sc m * '4Nr eokd L ond ion- jrorf /f Auer Ptewec 5*n*e 710C JuodaM» S' oonw SPECIAL EDUCATORS h re c te d p ro te sito o n a te supervise a n d de . spe»: »a pr>rgy<>rris CJ* #$e A u fh r . eorn»ng s' H our/, o n e r o m p e m o k o n n e g o tia b le 'e s u m e P C iyaitabM if S e n d s b o r.n e ' Atftfen TX 7 8 7 1 2 R U N N E L e e d e d 1 rr# busy ' ommercKJ? '«íg estate a n d ' o n s tru c h o r fsrm to r-^r e rro n d s a p p r o x fTK#e: r '2 h o u rs pe* wee* 3 hof* dOyS Y915 5 0 4 W 2 4 # RHONE AN S W E R sN ’D $ e v ic t mon#:¡ Caft 4 7 7 '9 )5 *0 30om 5 >/jpm. -Only $ ‘ 5 0 0 o TW O BROT»-# RS Mr.*weg *ncyuser<^ds -,#i'.es or- iong defence 4 72 7 9 ; 8 jR f M O / ‘N*\ R' >»#'ted ,fons*par* f y» •o rg t ca rg o ypr Three y e a n enperteoce Skrwe 4 4 2 9 3 0 / fD EAi M O V IN G Lor a? and lo n g distar-, e a ble ro tes *N $U R f D 4 7 6 -7 7 8 5 Houset»/>4di >f>' es p*ano4 eovon f «nes* serve* M 'S PORTRAY ST j D O Praíesswono 0 * 0 por traes o* «owes* prttm *r $a*wr r .uf»om pormaes done trow photo or by oppotntm en* CdB beíore f very one We* n o o r a t 4 76- 5 • 72 D abw Center NEED TO o te wtt»gb* o n d /or «mprr>t#e your ’■upst-iif* * :■/)*' guaronKeec: AUtnt.ono' progran-» Co® Rabm 4 6 8 6 0 0 ) fREE í O C a T*n G ,r df¡ oportments dup*e*es nouiec to* pr»ya*e pe» o » I 2 6 Í S 2 0 0 * 7 , 247C i" - ra te Prop#die*. oAhms MISCELLANEOUS >ERAftA’ f ENTRANCE ■Av t r»eo- JT large urpetec v- g«e d o o r p o k in g $ 2 0 0 /me LOST A FOUND '’A ’ A 'a n g e »obby v-f.ney 2 7 # 6 G uadalupe 4 '5 4 793 do rs Reword' fem aie 2 yn trer»dty **#*■, ip e o o ) iwn# 2 $?0C X R fW A # D / vos knov. w h to * sevtoa -xtotoy •to . t o - u . - iam %*ir o» o* » ocr 4 5 4 y .-* e*- n g ’- ' B a t o r H i s O r & * h e r l e f t o n H o l i O t o C r e e » D r A p t appo»nTme"- * 1 0 3 O p e - ~ 3 C ~ 0 0 t a v o r 0 , 444-0094 454-7619 P r i m e - P e n d i * * t a n P r o p e r t i e s S a r t o r No P lace To Live This Fall? M o v e O n O v e r T o F t f • One Block to IF Shuttle 1 o r z I b e : • • Sas & r- ; / • 2 Swtrnr" r : ■ • 3 .a .,' 2r. - — • urs 9-5 31* 1' ■- y 4 5 4 - 3 4 9 6 5 1 0 6 N L a m a ' P r o f e s s < c n a i i y V a n o g e c r v P y r a m i d p , o p e ^ e s oMe $ 2 h6o d ^ CTDNSf R 2BR ?vwn*ake condo $2 76 - m tt* 6 arietes Calí 84 442 4 6 3 PLACE FUI V C T ^ Í A N T a»ie*> , furnrshed *eeuty ' to Aug 15 $235 m o ■ e I HOUSETRAINED g r a d $ tv a t' . r ty d t Pork ^nateow Boosh m or $ 2 0 0 / mo plus s n o 't 4 58 i j i BUENA VISTA undo 2 '2 St o-e . AyadakAe fal'! $325»m aam 83* e o v t messoge spoctc ABP $ 2 0 0 RESPO NStBlf N o r * $ 2 3 7 5 0 mo pen. -n rtd rt' 4 5 4 723 2 BERa M f vr, * o4*. $1 depow* CLEAN RESPONSIBLE ^teeded p* »our b«> from rampus C A 'C H d^bw ashe- poof pet-. Summer $195 00 f Fgk $ 4 2 4 74 8648 327 3 3 ? Keep t»y.-ng- t * ' RO^^M-MATE F C 4 3 2 Mot,.-#. prtfe ^e d -o rg t House b*As 4 7 6 013 9 xeep hY tr*g v n o ie - ipo- -jus yore* $200 FEMAiE R O O M M ATE warned to «hart 2 b roarr dup*ex $ 60 5 brtts R /kor.d N c 'Vjp# cK'tmatt 8 3 5 6 5 8 9 2ND SUMMER iesskor orvy femo*e * :>om '--cr»e to rg t 2 bedroom 593)___________ jponmer** $ 2 /T ABR ' , U ffM A L E R O O M M A Tf w p o o lOTuíJE HAty ' * y O v r ' / 6 fum*sr,etí , hr ' 4* ROOM AND BOARD t hE CAST it A N has spore ov®éat>it G- ond summer sess*or D oubw $ 3 9 4 s>ng, Rr^_e *nciude$ 5 scrum pt*o. meo*- pe Contract ■ o r oe prora*®*; q* ?r. - 3*2* LI r m %43* 1 W > J /7 A I 4*7 J# M2 4S7 M J EM3I I EMU I ♦ EMU 14 EM3I99 £>•• r R « r*M .># itmfti Hem »*f4> R#t«r# •« « # • k 1 toe ÍM # riiaa • / W w k# fri • Vary >»h m 6H • L«m 0 / aan#»»i * 44»o *«e* to Root roar»# / w »• ¿T ñ w #a a a « fa 44 7 G 4 Í r#»ia« la flVto «fow# 1 P-e-pmi Pat Ucn* Titorisc Service 5 0 4 W 2 4 t o S r O f f k . 4 5 6 5 0 6 0 4 7 7 7003 u p s t a ir s I r o m i n n e r S a n c tu m " JTQB FOR h n t yec mam chem*smy poseo' Jeffrey iOCOtiSOT* 4 T 7 - 2 3 5 9 •og*r calculus physics econom ics ond Ndrory FRENCH T j T Q t ’N G b sohor- grom m ar C a f 4 76- 2 8 2 6 a C on ver S M 4 v . ORO'JE* fo o K - ng F ranch classes stom nc now eocher has 'ie g r ee and ejtpen®Yice Teoch- tng longuoges 4 8 0 -0 9 M A TH TUTOR to# of) -,0 we- dnm *or courses spec o it/in q »r cakuius G»ve KOune# *he ec©c -mprovtsec and PERSONAL tRAD.ATL D fN " piayer >oo*s k y *ema*e e n n i porm®- • t r oncon 4 '’ 4-5158 -to prockc q** 'K om ec W A N : g o o c sou» 'e e d apptv o Da4v T ©Hex' P O Bo* would o p o re c x j# • ove you nght Dam -6 Ausfcr "Di 7 g - ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Do you have a MAIL in your basement? You do if you live in D obie C enter! D obie o ffers c o n ­ v en ien ce of a sh o p p in g m all rig h t d o w n s ta irs, p lu s a lot m ore. L arge room a n d a p a rtm e n t suites, full m eal p lan s, off stre et p a rk in g g a ­ rag e, a n d 24-hour se c u rity . You c a n even enjoy su c h lu x u rie s as a w id e -scre en TV room , pool, s a u n a a n d g am eroom . D O BIE C E N T E R 4 0 1 W 39th 451 4255 Brownstone Park Apartments Ei Dorado 3501 Speedway 472 4893 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION El Cam po 305 W 39th 452 8537 A ll C om plexes L ocated on IF SH U TTLE S o , w h y U n i k a n v m o r e ? M a k e y o u r s e l f a t h o m e . DUVAL VILLA APARTMENTS 4305 IX iv o l, A u s tin Ic x .is T s r s i 451-2343 V ’ i l U k ^ u l e n 4 4 7 - 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 1 B u rló n D r. i x r r r r . . , . Ü S E L IL JI M H i Now Leasing For 2nd Summer Session 8 Fall Calor Write For more information P.O. Box *R’ UT Station Austin. Texas 78712 (512) 472-8411 PACI 10/THE DAILY TIXAN/TUESDAY, JULY 12,1983 CITY City considering police complaints board By PAUL BARTON Daily Texan Staff City Council members are considering establishing a 15-member elected board that would receive complaints and handle issues relating to Austin Police Department ac­ tions. The board is a recommendation of the city’s Human Relations Commission, fol­ lowing a study prompted by incidents sur­ rounding a Feb 19 Ku Klux Klan march An investigation by the city’s Police A dvis­ ory Council into alleged police brutality at the march is still not complete. ‘‘What we're trying to do is look at what the community's concerns are,” said John Darrouzet, chairman of the Human Rela­ tions Commission. He said the board would act as a ‘‘central clearing house” where the community’s concerns about police opera­ tions “could be Filtered.” “ What we have now is an amorphous aftermath," Darrouzet said, explaining there are diverse ways people react to inci dents like the Feb. 19 march “ Everybody had an opinion about what had happened,” he said “ The idea is to have a more orderly format for processing that information.” After receiving community input, the |ob of the board would be to pose questions to people related to the incident, Darrouzet said. If the answers received are not satis factory, the board would refer the matter to the Human Relations Commission If the commission agreed there were problems with the answers the commission would “ take these concerns to the appropri­ ate jurisdiction,” Darrouzet added The Office of District Attorney, the City Coun­ cil or the Civil Service Commission would be most likely to be contacted Although it would ask questions relating to police matters, the board would not have subpoena power “ Whoever wants to coop­ erate and give answers can,” Darrouzet said “ I question how strong the group would be without subpoena powers,” Place 3 council member Sally Shipman said. Ship­ man ^aid she would reserve judgment until she had a chance to study the idea further. “ W e certainly need something like this,” she added. “ W e can't afford another Ku Klux Klan fiasco. Place 4 council member Mark Spaeth also expressed concern about the lack of subpoena power “ I don’t know how they’re going to review unless they have (subpoena) power,” he said. Darrouzet said there were reasons sub­ poena power was not recommended for the board. “ You want cooperation,” he said. “ If you use subpoena power yo u ’re forcing people to do something.” Darrouzet also said police boards with investigatory independent subpoena and powers “ have not been shown to w ork.” “ I think it’s a good idea basically,” Place 6 council member Charles Urdy said about establishing the board. “ M any peo­ ple in the community wanted a board that would have subpoena powers. It ’s not clear how that would fuse with the grand jury . ” Urdy added: “ The problem is most po­ lice brutality criminal-type cases are charges. W e don’t have the authority to take away from the authority of the grand ju ry .” Commission to examine Austin’s need for Fayette 4 By PAUL BARTON Daily Texan Staff Members of the c ity’s Electric Utility Commission agreed Monday night to launch a study into whether Austin should participate in the construction of a fourth electrical generating plant in Fayette Coun­ ty The city is already a part owner — along with the Lower Colorado River Authority — of two western coal burning plants in Fayette County. In addition, a bond election on Fayette 3, which would use lignite, is expected to be held in September. The plant and related projects are expected to cost nearly $662 million. Peck Young, chairman of the commis­ sion, appointed a three-member subcom­ mittee to investigate Austin’s need for Fay­ ette 4. He said the issue is important to resolve before Austin voters are asked to approve Fayette 3. “ W e need to know the answer before we look at the people and ask them to pay for Fayette 3 ,” Young said. The L C R A ’s need for an additional plant is “ critical,” Young said. “ The question is does Austin need it?” Even if there is a need for Austin to par­ ticipate in Fayette 4, Young said the issue could not be on the September bond ballot “ W e ’ve got to have the hard data from L C R A ,” Young said. He added that specif­ ic information about cost and other factors would probably not be available until after the first of the year ment. Because it will have engineering similar to that o f Fayette 3. city officials estimate Fayette 4 could be built for 70 percent of the cost. Regardless of Fayette 4, selling voters on the need for Fayette 3 w ill be hard enough. Young said “ I think this is going to be a difficult bond campaign,” he said. “ There is no question lignite is a contro­ versial issue and there is going to be a lot of heated debate (about Fayette 3 ),” he said. Other city projects are expected to be in­ cluded in the bond package also, and the total cost o f the issue will likely come close to $1 billion. That factor alone. Young said, will make it difficult to focus voter attention on the needs of the electric depart­ But if they are shown the need. Young said, “ I don’t think the voters of Austin w ill turn down anything that is necessary.” On another matter. Young said Austin electric customers will likely experience an 8 percent to 12 percent increase in their electric bills next year That would be the effect o f a rate increase the commission will probably have to recommend to the City Council about the middle of September, he said. The main factor fueling the increase, he said, is the city’s continued debt payments on the South Texas Project. “ South Texas is what’s driving the en­ gine,” Young said. “ Until we sell it, that’s going to happen to us.” HELP WANTED HELPWANTED HELP WANTED TYPING TYPING TYPING Group offers solutions to non-custodial parents By PEGGIE LASER Daily Texan Staff The rights of children to have a meaning­ ful relationship with both of their original parents is a problem of great importance to a group of concerned Austin parents. Austin’s chapter of Texas Fathers for Equal Rights, established since the early 1970s, is trying to make the public aware of the problems children and their non-custo­ dial parents are experiencing Susie Madere, volunteer community awareness representative for T F E R , said Monday, “ I believe that we should change the name of the group because we represent fathers who don’t have custody of their children as well as many mothers.” The group consists of members who pay dues and new members who seek the group out to receive helpful advice or to air the problems they are having concerning issues such as visitation rights and child support. T F E R meets the First and third Wednes­ day o f each month in the V illa Capri Motor Hotel restaurant at IH 35 and 26th Street. “ These special meetings give those in at­ tendance a chance to participate in informa­ tive discussions that w ill beneFit every­ one,” Madere said. Michael Diehl, information coordinator for T F E R , said, “ As of June 17, there were 13 legislative bills put into effect that T F E R endorsed actively, and I feel that on the whole, the Legislature did a very balanced jo b .” House B ill 2, allowing for wage assign­ ment, and the other relevant bills, in many ways affect consistent compliance of child support payments Diehl said Senate B ill 10 was important because it allowed divorcing parents to mediate under the court system to arrive at an agreement, including visitation and child support, that would be suitable for both par­ ties He said research done by volunteers for T F E R have found this method is suc­ cessful because there is less animosity be­ tween parents. “ If a couple is able to sit down and dis­ cuss what is Financially feasible and when the most appropriate times for visitation should be, everything works out better for everyone, especially the child,” Diehl said. Another bill passed involves the issue of a non-custodial parent having access to the child’s dental, doctor and school records “ This means that at least the parent with­ out custody can still be aware and feel that he or she is still a part of the child’s life ,” Diehl said According to Madere and Diehl, T F E R has been able to help many parents who have been in despair over their custody situations to overcome many problems by providing them with the names of compe­ tent lawyers and consultants. Although the legislative bills were sup­ posed to be in effect as of June 17, Diehl claims it will be at least another six months before they are really spread out into the Field. He said, “ One of the main goals of T F E R is to get the word out to parents with­ out custody and inform them that there is something that can be done legally to im­ prove certain unfortunate situations. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST to 7 PM EST 7 - 1 2 - 8 3 3 0 CO COMPUTERIZED TYPING Fast, accurate, easy changes, expenenced Co# Margaret, 837 2440 FAST SERVICE fypmg English $1 00 page Spon- ish, Italian, Portuguese $125 poge Karen 452 6726 ______ legal Professional, expenenced typist (near UT campus) 477-5456_____________________________________ TYPING REPORTS, resumes, charts, theses, ek Rush lobs occepted Call 8 am-10 pm Reasonable rates Corofyn 459-9527 INTELLIGENTLY polished REPORTS punctuation, grammar cud Peauauve return*) wiih flair Personalized attention Ruth available Edito­ rial profeuionob Creative Services, 2420 Guada­ lupe, 478-3633. SpeKir PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE typing theses, re ports, etc $1 00/poge, most cases Campus pick-up ond delivery Jorw*, 244-0213 TYPING IN my North Austin home Reasonable rates, IBM Selec tnc II CoA Pat, 834-0778 PRO FESSIO N AL TYPING $1 25/pog* or $1.50 ie- gal Rushers welcome Candoce, 451-4885 QUALITY TYPING Service Manuscnpts, theses, term papers, tobies ond charts, ek Fast turnover UT-BBA IBM Selectnc III 477 5139 9 a m 9 p.m MS route EX55 ELECTRONIC typing. Neat, accurate ond expenenced CaA Lisa, 454-7929, 9-4 OLIVETTI PRAXIS 35 typewriter. Doisy wheel, self- correcting, international characters/keyboard Per feet, almost new condition, w/case $400, 478- 2096__________________________________________ TYPING, PRO FESSIO N AL job, tOOwpm Editing m eluded M argie Raehsler, 346-3590 (days) 345- 8811 (nights and weekends) $1 25 TYPING, rushes included Careful proofing, extensive ocodermc expenence (PR, theisa, legal technical) IBM Correcting Patricio Henderson, B A , 467-0167 (lomar/55th). T Y PIN G /PR O O FIN G N O N PA REIL reports, theses, resumes, manuscript^ letters, statistical, fi­ nancial, legal, medical South Joe, 477-2552 BABYSITTER NEEDED Sundays 18 p m and some weekend evenings $2/hr Near campus 478- 1907 BUSIN ESS M AJO R interested »n small business wants someone to start driving delivery truck part hme and work into selling Come grow with our company as you go thru school Good driving record 3505 North 1-35 BARTENDER FOR lunch and dinner shift Woitper son for lunch and dinner shift Call Jeanme at 4 74 6392 TYPING A TYPING STORE We also provide: e Word Processing • Typesetting e Color Copies e Xerox 9500 Copies • Reductions e Printing and Binding e Office and School Supplies 1 5 0 5 L A V A C A 4 7 8 - 9 4 8 4 (Free parking while shopping at Holley s 11 J Master Typist ' v [ ) ' r g worry P 'o c e s s m g vir-r- j n o o n e d a y s e rvic e RESUMES. TERM PAPERS, THESIS Doble Moll “ 36 472-0293 K IN G \ * I I PHI G A M M A DELTA HOUSE 3 \ \ a lt[a/úhd Jmn jivuuj^ M B A // 4 TYPING, PRINTING, BINDING The Complete Proteuional FULL TIME TYPING SERVICE 472-3210 472-7677 2707 HEMPHILL PK. Plenty of Parking Y E S w e t y p e FRESHM AN THEMES So start out with g o o d gra d e s TfyiAtAd J L n \ v ( t iL 4 M B A ¿J RESUMES one or two day service with or without pictures TYPING BY DEANNE Specializing in theses, term papers, dissertations iegal IBM Correcting Selec tnc. Reasonable rates 447-7284 KATHE'S Q UICK Type dissertations, theses, legal and professional References available 15 years experience 282 6)39 2707 Hemphill Park Just North of 27th ot Guadalupe 472-3210 472-7677 W o r d s - plus TYPING/W ORD PROCESSING Resum es * Papers la w Dnefs * Dissertations Personalized M ultiple letters TUTORING Expenenced * Professional Moth and English 4 7 2 - 2 6 8 4 2404 Rio Grande TYPING SERVICE 440-4400 1005 E ST ELMO Vera Tee's Typing/Word Processing 18 t- yrs. legal exp. 7 Days a Week Call Anytime Area — 38’/2 & Duval 454-1532 PRO FESSIO N AL TYPIST Accurate service, fast tarn around Theses, dissertations, professional reports, etc. Barbara Tullos, 453-5124 W O O D S TYPING Service when you want it don* nght. 2200 Guadalupe, «de entrance 472-6302 TYPING - TUTORING - proofreading 10 years ex­ penence, former college teacher M A in Engksh See your grades go up 276-7771 PATTY'S W O RD Processing. Term papers, prates «onol reports, dissertations Pick up, rush service hll midnight. 345-4269 TYPING - FAST, accurate, reasonable ExceAent speflmg/grammor Resume specialist. Candy, 451 9596._________________________________ __ W O RD PROCESSING/TYPING in my SOUTH AUSTIN home Ten years secretarial expenence in engineering and accounting fields. Theses, disser­ tations, technical reports, law review monusenpts, resumes, etc Millie 448-3959 PEAN U TS® by Charles M. Schulz LOOK I 60T A LETTER FROM MARGE ...SHE'S AT CAMP AND SHE SAYS 5HE'S LONELY... T J J SHE LIKES . YOU THAT'S \ W H V! > > I WONDER WHY SHE WROTE TO ME... y _ A j i \il( V 7- It n É K rs L O S A N G E L E S . 'lOW '/ ] H IG H E S T T E M P E R A T U R E S U P I W E A T H E R F O T O C A S T * Auslin skies will he partly cloudly Tuesday with a 30 percent chance of afternoon thundershowers and a 20 perceni chance of night-lime thundershowers The high will he in the lower VOs and the low in the lower 70s. Winds will be from the southeast at 10 15 mph Nationally, skies will be generalls lair with showers expected through portions oí the northern Pacific and western Gull coasts and pans of the southern Plateau and Florida YOU AND THE BERMUDA TRiAN&LE b y jo h n n y h a rt G UYS A N D GALS TRAVEL Hy-Pro Chem ical Co Has IM M ED IATE open­ ings for 6 sharp, enthusiastic, high spmted gals and guys who one free to travel to Los Ange les, N ew York. Tempo. N ew O rleans, and other m ajor U S cities N o experience neces­ sary Two weeks expense guaranteed trommg program plus oil transportation provided Must be availab le for perm anent and immediate em ploym ent For interview, call Cindy W ig ­ gins, 337-2920 Tuesday and W ednesdoy only, 10-5 pm. Therapist Technician IV (Part Time) Expenenced working with autistic/cutistic-like persons and implementation of highly struc hired program m ing Must be able to obtain a chauffeur's driver's license poor to em ploy­ ment, and be insuraMe under center's auto in­ surance policy Hours vary M onday-Saturdoy Solary $5 54/hour Apply by Fnday, Ju ly 15th. 5:00 pm at Austtn-Travis County M ental Health- M ental Retardation Center. 1430 C o l­ lier or call 447-2166 between 4-5 pm EO E Part time counter receptionist opening. 6 am-3 pm Saturdays and Sundays Apply in person BUDGET RENT-A-CAR 3330 MANOR ROAD 478-6430 Wanted Beach Combers PELIC A N W H A RF is now accepting ap p lica­ tions for part time assistant waitpersons, host­ ess/host Please apply in person only, 9-11 am, 7 days at 425 W est Riverside Drive. N o phone colts please EO E. SHERATON CREST IN N Front desk clerk needed Must have good per­ sonality and neat appearance Otwy expen­ enced need apply A pply at personnel office at the bock of the hotel, M onday W ednesday 1-4 ZILKER PARK TRAIN DRIVER NEED ED Skirting the last week of July 30 hours/week or more until end of August W eekends only starting in Septem ber, $ 3 7 5/hour Interviews at T ram Station M onday, July 18th 9 am 5 p m 478 8167 START IMMEDITELY! GREAT PAY! Any schedule, easy, fun atmosphere In­ doors After 1 p.m, 2908 Cole St. White house 2 blocks east 30fh and Red River. CABLE TV MARKETING Ve hove severo! openings for good sales wople High earnings potential for top pro- lucers Col Jim Austin Satellite TV 346-2557 EO E APARTMENT MANAGER looking for couple to manage a 28 unit ap art­ ment complex with pool. Located within walk­ ing distance of UT. Experience preferred but net necessary Send resume to P.O. Box 2115, Austin, TX 78768 Looking for a fun career that offers unlimited opportunity and earning potential? Arthur M urray D ance School seeking ambitious men and wom en to tram as professional dance in­ structors. N o experience necessary Full and part time training program starting soon A p­ ply 8776-B Research Blvd., G rand Central Station, M-F, 2-5 p m , 6-8 p.m. NO PHONE CALLS OFF-SHORE OIL fob». No experience necessary Many positions ovofiable For information, 1-312- 888-4347 ext. E-1114__________________________ OFF-SHORE OH JO BS No experience necessory M any positions available Caff refundable 312- 888-4347 EXT E-1114____________ 0 'S TUXEDOS needs students to w ori morning Hours 9 30-1 Sales experience needed Coll 476 5477________________________________________ PH O N E SALES part time in tHe evenings $5 00 479-6219_____________________________________ DESK CLERK, motel, part hme, 9pm- 7am every other night, oho 2pm-9pm 6 days Applicant must be available through summer and foil semesters Must be personable, neat appearing, some col­ lege, experience in dealing with public, depend­ able Ideal for law student Apply in person morn­ ings. West Winds Motel, IH35 and Airport Bfvd NATIONAL CHILD Core Center is now occpehng applications for full and part hme expenenced pre school teochen Good benefits. For further mfor motion, please call 346-6160 EXPERIENCED W AITRESSES needed full or port tim« Apply in person Lazy Daisy 2801 Guo do kips. BEA N 'S RESTAURANT and Bar is now interview mg W M time bartenders Inquire at 311 West 6th St No calls. 2-4 p.m. M O RN IN G TEACHER expenenced with fours for new program Beginning foil Cooperative child care near university 474-5101 INFANT CAREGIVER, mornings beginning fa# Co­ operative near University Desire energetic parent of older child. 474-5101 EXPERIENCED FULL time or part time night stock er Immediate opening Excellent pay ana benefits Minimum 1 year expenence Contact Manger, Tom Thumb #77, 3 7 0 0 Bee Caves Rood CAM PUS REPRESENTATIVE needed for complete line of custom screen pnnted shirts Knowledge of Greek system helpful Send application letter to Phtl Kregor. Gemini Shirts, 306 Buckingham Ter race, Louisville, KY 40222 GREAT OPPORTUNITY for full or part-time con­ sultants No expenence necessary1 Unlimited in- comel Call Robin 458-6001 LOS TRES Bobos restaurant is now Turma for cock­ tail waitpersons, waitpersons, & kitchen help Please apply m person at 1206 W. 38th Thank you very much INTERESTED IN earning extra money for a couple of hours doily? How about o paper route* For more information or appointment call 250-9464 IM PRO VISATIO N Al ACTRESS wanted for legal framing program July 28 & 29 Call Texas Legal Services Center 477-4562. STALLION DRIVE-IN hmng port time barback ond part time waitpersons Apply at 5534 N Lamar No phone coAs please BEA N 'S RESTAURANT & Bor accepting applica­ tions for expenenced dependable day and rught waitpersons ond hostpersons Apply m person, 2 4 p.m., 311 W 6lh. PART TIME cashier needed ot Games Galaxy Ap­ ply 11 am-1 pm. 459-0889 Capitol Plaza. PIA N O INSTRUCTOR for beginning ond interme­ diate youth and adult 10 hours a week 476- 5662 ________________________________________ TEACHER W ITH degree m elementary education needed September 1 for 2V)-3 year old children Private nursery school m W est Lake Hills Hours 8 12 CoA 327-1530 after 4 30 p m ______________ M AKE CALLS for slock broker 1-2 mghtts/week 6 30-8 30 pm $5/hour CoA Craig Shephord 45B-1131 _____________________________________ BABYSITTER NEEDED Mornings 8-1 Start August 1 Reference, own transportation. 327 3331 West lake HiAs Area THEATER TECHNICIAN. Mognom Theater in La foyette, LA needs lighting technician ond/or techni­ cal director wiAing to wort 2 shows — "A Street­ car Nam ed Desire" and "House of Bemodo Alba" Pay room, board, transportation 453-3641, Car tie or Loren.___________________________________ LICENSED REAL ESTATE agents needed for M or part time employment Flexible Schedule Gener­ ous Commission - C.entroAy located. Need own transportation. CaB Jody 474-1532 flexible HIGH SPEED typist for part time work hours must type minimum of 80 wpm Knowledge of word processors helpful CaA 346-3660 GO VERNM ENT JO BS S I4 50,000 Voconoes must be fiAed immediately. 312-888-4347 ext. E- 1114__________________________________________ LO VIN G PERSON to core for children in my home near campus. 11 30-5 30 p.m July 18-29 Mon­ day-Friday S2 50/hr 478-1907 HUPWANTED HELPWANTED JOIN OUR TEAM! 7-B « « n t ix tt t m C w y . STORECLERK FULL AND PART TIME We are seeking career-minded, dependable and hard ] working indMduab to work in our atores. Good start- 1 ing salary with periodic increases. Excetent opportu- f nity for advancement. Excetent benefits included: MerMcal Heakh A Hospital Insurance Profit Sharing Credk Union Paid Training Part tima ifu l Urn positions avatabla at tha Mowing location» Paid Vacation Hotdaya Stock Purchase Dental Insurance StekLeava #12708* 409 Wed 1 M i AmeNBaNy #10000 • 2000 Qusáshw MarfcPHH u in EOE/M/F/WV f § ¡