T h e Da il y T e x a n S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r a t The U n i v e r s i t y o f Texas a t A u s t i n Austin, Texas, Tuesday, November 20, 1979 Fifteen Cents News and Editorial: 471-4591 Display Advertising: 471-1865 Business Office and Classified: 471-5244 Fourteen Pages Vol. 79, No. 56 Copyright 1979, Texas Student Publications, all rights reserved (USPS 146-440) Ford says president to blame By JOEL WILLIAMS State Reporter F orm er President Gerald R. Ford said Monday that President C arter is “ totally responsible” for the current econom ic p ro b le m s in the U nited States. “ T h e C a r t e r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’s economic policy is a disaster; they’ve blown it,” Ford said a t the Republican G o v e r n o r s A s s o c i a t i o n W in te r Conference at the Austin Sheraton-Crest Inn. Ford said at the close of his own ad­ m in is tra tio n he had su c c e ssfu lly brought the country out of a recession he inherited when he took office in August 1974. “ By January 1977, the economic skies the storm clouds had were bright, passed,” Ford said. Comparing economic figures from Jan. 20, 1977 when C arter took office to present figures, Ford said they painted “ a tale of woe.” When C arter was inaugurated, the in­ flation ra te was 4.8 percent and now is g reater than 13 percent, Ford said. Unemployment was going down and is now going up, the dollar was rising in value and now is declining, the prim e in­ terest ra te was 6.5 percent and now is more than twice that, and the balance of trade was in surplus and now is in deficit, Ford said. “ If the voters do their job (in 1980), they will hold C arter and the D em ocrats responsible,” Ford said. Ford said, “ I would be a candidate if my party wanted me to be a candidate” or “ if unforeseen developments” were to arise. But he said a Ford canidacy was a “ m ost rem ote possibility.” Ford cited a paper candidate C arter released in 1976, titled, “ The Economics of Stagnation,” which included what was called the “ Misery Index.” The “ Misery Index” was determined by adding the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation. The higher the number, the m ore negative the index. C arter, a t the tim e, blasted F o rd ’s 16 percent index as being the highest since Woodrow Wilson. “ P r e s id e n t C a r te r is a re c o rd holder,’ Ford said. He said that adding the current 13.2 percent inflation rate to a 6 percent unemployment rate would yield a current C arter index of m ore than 19 percent. He said form er Secretary of Treasury Michael Blumenthal predicted that by next sum m er, the unemployment rate will be 8 percent and the deficit will be $40 billion. “The C arter m isery index in 1980 will be 20 percent,” Ford said. C arter also has not slowed the rate of grow th of federal spending as he promised to do, Ford said. F ord's answ er to economic problems was three-fold. His solutions included slowing the ra te of growth of federal spending, cutting taxes and supporting the policies of the Federal Reserve Board. On other m atters, Ford blamed the energy crisis on Congress for being “ too p rovincial and too p a ro c h ia l” and therefore unable to com prom ise in pass­ ing a national energy program. The form er president said he opposes SALT II unless the United States moves to increase its m ilitary capability. He blasted C arter for cancelling the B -l bomber, reducing the size of the U.S. Navy and delaying the MX missile. T he C a r te r a d m in is tr a tio n h a s “ undercut our strategic capability,” Ford said. “ The Soviet Union is active and they don’t feel challenged by the United S ta te s b e c a u se of c e rta in policy decisions insuf­ ficient,” Ford said. inept and that a re On the Iranian crisis, he commented that it is the most serious challenge the United States has faced since World War II. Gov. Biii Clements and former President Gerald Ford joke at the Republican Governors conference Monday. Harley Soltes, Daily Texan Staff Iranians free 10 hostages, 49 face trial TEHRAN, Iran (U PI; — Moslem students released 10 m ore American hostages from the U.S. embassy Tuesday, ending a tense day of waiting for the second group to be freed. The released Americans, who like the first three were paraded a t a press conference, im­ mediately headed toward Tehran’s international airport to board an Iranian Air flight bound for Paris. There was no im m ediate explanation for the change of plans. The hostages w ere originally ex­ pected to board a special DC-8 je t chartered by the U.S. government and sent to Tehran Monday night. The freeing of the 10 Americans brought to 13 the number of hostages released but left 49 still held in the diplomatic compound by m ilitant Ira ­ nian students demanding the return of the deposed shah to stand trial for treason. The 10 hostages, six blacks and four women, checked in a t the airport for a flight to Paris, a ir­ line sources said. Only blacks and women hav/^ been released in the first crack in the em bassy stalem ate, fulfilling a prom ise by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Despite the releases, m ilitant students who took o v er th e e m b a ssy c a lle d for c o u n try w id e the United States on dem onstrations against Wednesday to build up the campaign for the shah’s extradition. Acting Foreign M inister Abol Hassan Bani-Sadr appeared to warn of a break in relations with the United States in a m essage to Iranians. Bani-Sadr said relations between Tehran and Washington had been practically non-existent “ but we m ust quickly think of solutions to end our dependence on America before official severance with A m erica.” Related photos, story Page 5 He also sent a special envoy to the United Nations to press for a Security Council meeting. But the strong feeling in the council was Iran should first respond to its demand for the im­ m ediate release of diplomatic hostages a t the em ­ bassy. The captives — four women and six blacks — were paraded before reporters as a chartered Swissair DC-8 landed in Tehran to fly them to a U.S. m ilitary base in West Germ any to join three other Americans released earlier. The hostages told reporters out of 49 o th e r Americans in captivity, two were women and one a black employee of the International Com­ munication Agency, successor to the ( SIS it was the first tim e additional women hostages were mentioned. President C arter bluntly warned Khomeini against putting any of the rem aining Americans on trial for spying and was backed up by U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim. “ Such a step would be another flagrant violation of elem entary human rights, religious precepts and international law and practice,” C arter said. Humidity, maybe rain . . . Warm, humid weather is expected Tuesday, with a 40 percent chance of rain diminishing to 20 percent Tuesday night. Cloudy skies should clear by Wednesday. Tuesday’s high should be near 80 degrees, with an over­ night low in the mid-50s. Winds will be southerly at 10 to 20 mph. The sun will set at 5:55 p.m. Tuesday and rise at 6:37 a.m. Wednesday. Ex-A ISO director guilty By SH O N D A N O V A K County Reporter An 1 1 -w o m a n , o n e - m a n j u r y deliberated more than two hours Mon­ day before convicting a form er Austin Independent School D istrict official of embezzling $10,000 in school district funds. Tomas R. Hinojosa, form er director of the AISD special education depart­ ment, was found guilty of all 20 counts in his felony theft indictment, which alleg­ ed he wrote checks to fictitious con­ sultants between 1974 and 1978 for work that was never performed. During final argum ents, defense a t­ torneys told jurors Hinojosa could not be guilty as charged because the indict­ m ent accused him of stealing the checks from individually named school board legally owned presidents who never them. Defense attorneys R obert O. Smith and Richard Banks contend the AISD Board of Trustees was the proper party to nam e as having title to and posses­ sion of the checks. Hinojosa, whose first indictm ent in January named the AISD as owner of the checks, was re-indicted in October on counts that named the individual board presidents as owners. t h e y “ O d d ly ( t h e e n o u g h , prosecutors) did it right the first tim e,” Banks said, i t was only when they re ­ indicted him that they m ade these g lar­ ing e rro rs.” But prosecutors argued that when property is owned in common by two or more persons, the Code of Criminal P roced ure allow s an ind ictm ent to allege theft by naming all or either of the persons involved. te s tif ie d During the four-day trial, two persons to whom Hinojosa wrote checks in pay­ ment for work performed in his depart­ th e y w e re n e v e r m e n t employed by the AISD. After identifying s i m i l a r i t i e s b e tw e e n H in o jo s a ’s handwriting and that on the checks, a h a n d w ritin g e x p e rt co ncluded the signatures had been forged. H inojosa’s brother-in-law said he received checks addressed to the “ con­ s u lta n ts ” a t his 8300 R enton St. residence after Hinojosa told him the recipients were foreign students with no perm anent addresses. During the punishment phase of the trial Tuesday, jurors in 167th D istrict Court will deliberate on a two- to 20- year prison term for Hinojosa. UT Council to lengthen passes proposal pass-tail deadline By ERNESTINA ROMERO Daily Texan Staff The University Council Monday overwhelmingly passed a proposal to extend the pass/fail deadline to coincide with the of­ ficial date for dropping courses without academ ic penalty. The change in the system will allow students four weeks a fte r registration to decide whether they wish to take a course on a pass/fail or letter grade basis. Previously a student only had four days after registration to decide the grading basis. A student is limited in the council’s recom m endation to one letter grade-pass/fail change per course each sem ester to avoid m assive congestion in the Office of the R egistrar. The legislation, form ulated by council student representative Susan Russell, was passed without debate much to the surprise of the student representatives. change to pass fail instead of dropping the course and repeating it again next sem ester the state only has to fund the student once. SINCE 1972 TH E council has considered six separate pieces of legislation dealing with the pass/fail system including one calling for its abolishment. Four of the five, all unsuccessful, extended the am ount of tim e a student had to decide his grading basis. Related story, Page 15 “ In reviewing previous pass/fail legislation, we discovered that all earlier proposals radically altered the whole concept of pa ss/fa il,” Rob W alters, a student representative, said after the meeting. “ This legislation . . . allows students a much m ore reasonable tim e to decide the basis of registration,” he added. TH E LEG ISLATIO N, if approved by University President P eter Flawn and the Board of Regents, will take effect with the publication of the 1980-81 G eneral Information Catalogue. Russell said she was hopeful and confident that the legislation “ I am unbelievably and pleasantly surprised at how easy the legislation passed.” Russell said. Russell argued before the council that if a student chooses to will be accepted. ‘Bomb’-wielding robber hits North Austin bank Man threatens officials with explosive, escapes through Northcross shopping mall By DIANE BALLARD University Reporter A man arm ed with a pistol and carrying a briefcase that he said contained a bomb took an undetermined sum of money from North Austin State Bank at ap­ proxim ately 2 p.m Monday. Initial police reports estim ated the sum to be $100,000 Later, however, bank and police officials refused to con­ firm the original report and would not release the amount of money stolen. “ The thief told the president of the bank, ‘I have a bomb which is capable of blowing up this bank,’ ” APD Sgt David Neely said. Bank and police officials refused to confirm the original report and would not release the amount of money stolen The holdup man, a white m ale approxim ately 52 years old, accosted a vice president in the lobby and then both men went to the president’s office where the man revealed “ what appeared (to the bank officers) to be a bomb,” Neely said. THE MAN THEN “ activated something Then he produced a gun — possibly a 38 (revolver),” Neely said. The man stayed with the president in his office and had the vice president leave the office and get the money, which the robber transferred from the bank bags to a brown plastic bag, Neely said The bank's vice president and president were un­ available for comment. After securing the money, the arm ed thief took the president with him outside the bank, through the nearby Bealls D epartm ent Store and out to the m ain entrance of Northcross Mall w here he then released the presi­ dent, Neely said AFTER RELEASING the president, the robber drove away in a brown 1976 or 1977 Cadillac, according to police reports. Police described the robber as wearing a blue suit, blue shoes and a black felt hat. His height is believed to be approximately 5-8 and his weight approxim ately 155. He was also wearing w ire-rimmed sun glasses The man was last seen heading westbound on Ander­ son Lane, a police report stated. The APD and officers with the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be working on the case, said W E Bebee, chairm an of the bank's board of directors, who would not comment further on the incident. . , Lenin Photo t>y Mark M cKinnon A bust of Lenin stares onto the main avenue through East Benin, where Nazi soldiers paraded and Hitler held court. (Related photos, story, Page 15.) Page 2 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Tuesday. November 20, 1979 Living costs up UT tuition low, housing high By DIANNA HUNT University Reporter Costs of attending the Univer­ sity increased 5 3 percent in 1979- 80, just slightly above the 5 per­ cent hikes at sim ilar institutions, a survey by the National Associa­ tion of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges indicates Although tuition and fees a t the University were much lower than the median cost of $781, room and board was higher than many of the institutions surveyed The survey was based on data the 259 received from 166 of NASULGC m em bers, including the University The survey said median costs for state residents rose from $2,221 in 1978-79 to $2,- 333 in 1979-80. Median costs at the University for Texas residents rose from $2,168 in 1978-79 to $2,258 in 1979- BO an approxim ate 5.3 percent increase Resident tuition and fees in­ creased only $22, from $416 to $438, as compared to the median c o st of $781 for s im ila r in ­ stitutions Higher room and board costs may be attributed prim arily to inflation and utility costs, said Robert Cooke, director of the University Housing and Food Service. “ Our utilities are considerably than sim ilar schools, higher” Cooke said Out of every dollar 22 3 cents is used to cover utility costs, he said Some school* are reimbursed for utility costs, but the Universi­ ty must pay those costs from room and board fees, Cooke said. Additional services, such as room phones and room clean-up, have also pushed the University costs higher than some, he said. However, some of those services, including room clean-up and ad­ ditional food service days, were discontinued last year. Despite higher rooming cost, University tuition and fees have remained lower than most in­ stitutions, the survey shows. “Our tuition is significantly lower than most other states’," said Shirley Binder, director of the student financial aid office. This is partly attributable to legislative controls, Bill Lasher, th e O ffic e of d ir e c to r of Institutional Studies, said. "Not all states have tuition levels set by the Legislature," Lasher said. Some schools may even earn money from their tui­ tion and fee costs, he said. T he N A S U L G C s u r v e y reported that moat schools cited inflation and the desire to main­ tain program quality as the primary reasons for Increasing costs. Schools in New England listed the highest tuition costs, with western schools, including Tex­ as, Oklahoma and California, ranking lower than most member schools. «M O ÉÉ ..... e M R 11* 11* JfiLjfiBHN Terry Gregston, Dally Texan Staff Architect’s misplacement A University student pauses for a moment of reflection on the nature of stability of free-floating brick walls in the courtyard of the Architecture Building. The styrofoam structure was suspended by wires as a project by architecture students. __________ So You”11 Make a Million Dollars. But...Will You Be Rich? D m f j v a t M t p o v e r t y la In Om g n a w i n g e m p t i ­ n e a s o f t h e It « m a n h e a r t . • A b a n d o n a d b y k m a F o w a r k e a * t o c h a n g e a U n a M e t o g r o w a C h a i n e d b y p o v e r t y o f b o d y a n d ^ I r U . Wa work to relieve the prison of poverty. There‘a a richness in n n l a | other». Redemptorist m Jff PRIESTS AND BROTHERS Therefc a richness in serving others. I a m I n t e r e s t e d in R e d e m p t o r l e t Q B r o t h e r h o o d Q P r l e a t h o o d i , D ÓA Quality Italian Food | 476-7202. 1601 Guadalupe In a stew ? < ’ V | C U p a n d M a i l t o 6 9 3 1 C h e t w o o d I V o c a t i o n D i r e c t o r I R e d e m p t o r i a l E s t h e r s I * H o u s t o n * T e x a a 7 7 0 * 1 I t o r c a l l . 7 1 3 / 6 6 * - 0 4 * 3 N a m e _ . . . C i t y HP -------- LET MOM DO YOUR TURKEY! LET US DO THE DRESSING!! • JGndaJCrozy • • • • • Age: — S ta te Phone C V The U n i v e r s i t y O m b u d s m a n d e a l i n g w it h s t u d e n t s U n i v e r s i t y - r e l a t e d c o m p l a i n t s a n d q u e s t i o n s . S t u d e n t S e r v i c e s B u i l d i n g R o o m 7 4 7 1 -3 8 2 5 U-STORE Self-Storage Rooms Rent by Month 8710 Burnet Rd. ^ J O f L Cottsiesv precision haircuts p ra ctica l prices 478-6754 2408 San Gabriel ORGANIZATIONS ANO G.O.I.'S Ca ll your M i l l e r C a m p u s r e p r e s e n ­ t a tiv e to find out what im p o r t a n t s e r ­ v i c e s , e q u i p m e n t , i d e a s a n d f i n e pro du cts we have to help m a k e your p a r t y or event a v e r y successful one. Guard OK after recent surgery for the last 20 years. He had a particularly severe pain the night of Oct. 5 and decided to see a doctor the next day. ‘ I'v e had a few sp ells before, but this time I had to have a little help." Lantzsch said. “ I had quite a few gall stones and some of them were large. I hope they got them all out in the operation.” Lantzsch spent 21 days in Johns Community Hospital in Taylor, his hometown. He left the hospital Oct. 27 but has gone back since for m ore c h e c k -u p s . He d e v e lo p e d pneumonia while recovering from the operation. “ I had ju s t a s t a r t of pneumonia on the bottom of my lungs. They (his doctors) got rid of that right aw ay,” he said. Lantzsch described the gall bladder pains sim ilar to that of a charleyhorse. "The pains cut my air from m e,” he said. “ You get a blockage in your tu b e s w h ic h c a u s e s th e bladder not to spill. I haven’t had any pains since I left the hospital.” W h ile r e c u p e r a t i n g L antzsch said h e ’s " la id the around a house.” lot around “ I ’ve picked a few pecans,” he said. "Today, my wife had me washing the dishes.” u s i n g S t u d e n t s th e U ndergraduate Library the past month m ay have noticed a fam iliar face missing at the security check booth Emanuel Lantzsch. the man who for the past 15 years has given students a smile and a kind thank you” after check­ ing their belongings as they left the library, has taken a leave of absence since early October to have a gall stone operation. He plans to return Jan. 2. L a n tz s c h , w ho h ad th e operation Oct. 15, said he is re c u p e ra tin g w ell and is “ rarin to come back because it’s no fun being sick.' U niversity police officer Ron Millegan, who is filling in for Lantzsch at the library ch eck o u t s ta tio n , sa id he th e c o u ld n 't e v e n g u e s s number of students who have asked about Lantzsch since Lantzsch left. “ Most of the people (who ask about Lantzsch) have ask­ ed a t least two or three times about him .” Millegan said. “ I tell them he’s had a gall bladder operation and he’s do­ ing fine.” A n o n - c o m m i s s i o n e d m em ber of the U niversity Police D epartm ent since 1964, Lantzsch, 56, said he has had gall bladder pains off and on Correction The Duily T e x a n Monday incorrectly reported that it would cost $15,000 to move the Union’s Inform ation Desk. The actual cost is $1,500. Campus Capsules Friar Society welcomes four The F r ia r S o ciety , the U n iv e rs ity ’s o ld e st honor society, welcomed four new m em bers at its 138th annual induction b re a k fa s t, John the Craddock, president of group, said Monday. jo u rn a lis m Guy Berke Breathed, Daily T e x a n staff cartoonist, who received his bachelor’s degree la s t y e a r; in P arker Camile Folse III, a Harvard University graduate and third-year University law student; W. Richard Fossey, a m em ber of the student-faculty admission com m ittee of the law school and chairm an of th e U n i v e r s i t y ’s L e g a l Research Board in 1978-79; and Anthony M. Scott, a pre- med and biology m ajor and U niversity sw im team co­ captain, were the inductees Sunday in the event at the Driskill Hotel. Carter backers to meet U n iv e rsity S tu d e n ts for Carter/M ondale will hold an organiza tonal m eeting at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Welch Hall 2.306. f o r P r e p a r a t i o n s t h e president’s Dec. 8 visit to Austin will be discussed as will plans for the cam pus cam paign for C a rte r, said David Deming, a spokesman for the local C arter/M ondale campaign office. D em ing said a ra lly a t Bergstrom Air Force Base and a fund-raising luncheon at Municipal Auditorium a re be­ ing p lanned for C a r te r ’s December visit. Shoe Shop r * SHEEPSKIN COW & CALF ★ SADDLES ★ E N G L IS H W E S T E R N Capitol Saddlery 1 6 1 4 Lavaca A u s tin , Texas 4 7 8 -9 3 0 9 VISA* T h e D a ily T e x a n , a s tu d e n t n ew sp a p e r a t T h e U n iv e r s ity o f T e x a s a t A u stin is p u b lish ed b y T e x a s S tu d e n t P u b lic a tio n s. D r a w e r D, U n iv e r s ity S ta tio n . A u stin , T X 78712 T h e D a ily T ex a n is p u b lish ed M on d ay, T u e s d a y , W ed n esd a y , T h u rsd a y , and F r i­ d a ) e x c e p t h o lid a y and e x a m p e r io d s S eco n d c la s s p o s ta g e paid a t A u stin . T ex N e w s c o n tr ib u tio n s w ill be a c c e p te d by te le p h o n e (471-45911, a t th e e d ito r ia l o f f ic e i T e x a s S tu d e n t P u b lic a tio n s B u ild in g 2.122) o r a t th e n e w s la b o r a to ry (C o m m u n ic a tio n B u ild in g A 4 136' in q u ir ie s co n c e r n in g d e liv e r y and c la s s ifie d a d v e r tis in g sh ou ld b e m a d e in T S P B u ild in g 3 200 ( 471-5244 1 and d isp la y a d v e r tis in g in T S P B u ild in g 3 210 (471-18651. T h e n a tio n a l a d v e r t is in g r e p r e s e n ta t iv e o f T h e D a ily T e x a n is C o m m u n ic a tio n s an d A d v e r tis in g S e r v ic e s to S tu d e n ts, 6330 N P u la s k i, C h ica g o . IL 60646 T h e D a ily T e x a n s u b s c r ib e s to U n ited P r e s s In ter n a tio n a l and N e w Y ork T im e s N e w s S e r v ic e T h e T ex a n is a m e m b e r o f th e A s s o c ia te d C o lle g ia te P r e s s , th e th e T e x a s D a ily N e w s p a p e r A s s o c ia tio n , and S o u th w e s t J o u r n a lis m C o n g r e s s, A m e r ic a n N e w s p a p e r P u b lis h e r s A sso cia tio n C o p y rig h t 1979, T e x a s S tu d en t P u b lic a tio n s . T H E D A IL Y T E X A N S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S O n e S e m e s t e r F a ll or S p r in g ) 1979-80 B y m a il in T e x a s B y m a il o u ts id e T e x a s w ith in U SA T w o S e m e s t e r s ( F a ll an d S p rin g) 1979-80 B y m a il in T e x a s B v m a il o u ts id e T e x a s w ith in U S A ......................................................... — S u m m e r S e s s io n 1980 B y m a il in T e x a s B y m a il o u ts id e T e x a s w ith in U S A *16 00 17 00 *29 00 31 00 *10 50 1 1 0 0 innys C O P Y IN G S E R V IC E # SWEATERS *000 VALUES TO $28.00 PANTS *000 VALUES TO SKIRTS Vi T O /2 O F F BLOUSES $Q00 VALUES TO $38.00 3300 ANDERSON LANE 454-5166 Contact Sam Elliott at 453-3925 Send o r d e r s and a d d r e s s c h a n g e s to T E X A S S T U D E N T P U B L IC A T IO N S, P 0 B ox P U B N O 146440 D . A u stin . T e x a s 78712, or to T SP B u ild in g, C3.200 SALE-QF-TH E-YEAR! Brand new reductions! Save up to 75% OFF BLOUSES & SHIRTS Solids, prints, novelties............... Values to $17 SWEATERS & KNIT TOPS Velours, vests, acrylics................ Values to $19 SKIRTS & PANTS Dressy, casual, solids, p la id s Values to $26 4*® up 490 u p 490 up W1NDBREAKERS Nylon solids & tri-tones Values to $ 3 4 ....... 790 & 990 JEANS Dark denim, straight legs............ Values to $36 . . . . 990 u p DRESSES & SKIRT SETS Terry & velours, dressy & casual Values to $ 4 0 ....... 'T U p 990 ALL-WEATHER COATS & JACKETS^ o 9 0 o o 9 0 Some detachable h o o d s .............. Values to $70 I w j mLw N ot all sizes A colors in every store Most stores open late. H ig h la n d M all BETTER Cliffs Notes help busy people... • study more effectively • increase understanding of novels, plays and poems • review quickly for exams Come in today! We have more than 200 Cliffs Notes titles to help improve your grades and save time Available at: TEXAS TEXTBOOKS 1st Floor Costilion 24th & Son Antonio 471-9633 ★ fr*e parking ★ We ere accepting RUY BACKS Tuesday, November 20. 1979 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Page 3 Israeli navy stops PLO commandos By United Press International T E L AVIV, I s r a e l - Palestinian sea commandos were blown out of the w ater by the Israeli navy, and te rro rist bombs gutted two Jeru salem buses Monday to mark the second anniversary of Anwar Sad at’s historic visit to Jeru salem . President Sadat celebrated the anniversary at Mount Sinai and. in an appeal for world peace, declared the mountain where God gave Moses the Ten Com­ m andm ents open to Jew s, Christians and Moslems alike. In Lebanon, Palestinian guerrillas and their leftist Lebanese allies vowed to fight any attem pt by the Arab sum m it conference meeting in Tunisia to fo rce them to leave positions near the volatile southern border with Israel. ( hristian m ilitiam en shelled a string of P alestinian controlled towns in South Lebanon, causing m aterial dam age but no casu alties, travelers from the area said. IT WAS FROM SOUTH Lebanon that a motorized rubber Zodiac dinghy set out late Sunday night with four Palestin ian guerrillas bound for the Israeli coast. Thev never m ade it to shore: We identified a target and opened fire on i t ," said the com m ander of the Israeli patrol boat that intercepted the dinghy. “ We hit it on the first shot. It started sink­ ing and disappeared .W e found two men floating in the w a t e r . . . who were fre e z­ ing from the cold. Two other g u errillas sank with their cra ft. The m ilitary command said the guerrillas fired bazookas a t the approaching Isra e li boat. In Je ru sa le m , terrorist-w ary passangers spotted bombs aboard two buses during the early morning rush hour and the drivers evacuated the vehicles m inutes before they w ere rocked by explosions. The blasts slightly wounded 11 people, two of them children on their way to “ ALL TH E WINDOWS were broken and glass was scattered all over the sq u are.’’ school. one w itness said. In B eiru t, Lebanon, the P alestin e Liberation Organization claim ed responsibility tor both blasts Several radical P alestinian groups, including the Popular Front for the L iberation of P alestin e, claim ed responsibility for the abortive sea attack. UPI Telephoto Mount Sinai. t he violence in Israel was in m arked contrast to the words spoken by Sadat on Glenn Jobe, 28, works out near his home In Kirkwood Meadows, Calif. Jobe is currently the top-ranked U.S. biathlon competitor and one of the best prospects for a medal in the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, N Y. Biathlon combines cross country skiing and marksmanship. Olympics bound Soviet oil reserves top Saudis’ MALMO, Sweden (U P I) — The Soviet Union purpose­ ly downplayed new oil finds for the past 20 years and has the world's larg est oil reserves — about tw ice the size estim ated by the West — Swedish oil consultants reported Monday. W estern a n a ly s ts ’ u n d erestim atio n of U .S .S .R . reserves is “ so larg e that the world’s oil reserv es m ust be revised upward by an amount equalling the com bined proved reserv es of the U .S., Canada and M ex ico,” said a report by P etro Studies, an independent Swedish firm that specializes in analyzing Soviet oil and gas in­ dustries. “ P R O V E D OIL R E S E R V E S of the U .S .S .R . a re doubly a s large as cu rrently thought in the W est,” the report said. “ It is the U .S .S .R ., not Saudi A rabia, that has the w orld’s la rg est proved re serv e s of o il.” The new report, “ Soviet Proved Oil R eserv es 1946- followed the fir m ’s report last year that previous 1980, western estim ates of Soviet oil reserves w ere wrong. The 1978 report overturned a Central In tellig en ce Agency fo recast that the Soviet Union would be im por­ ting oil by 1985. In its new report, P etro Studies said that Soviet prov­ ed reserves of o j (excluding tar sands and oil sh ale) e x ­ ceed 150 billion b arrels, m ore than four tim es those of the United States. The firm said the m ost surprising finding of its report, which took two y ears to com pile, was that “ the tru e size of Soviet oil-reserve additions has been sy stem a tically downplayed by the Soviets ever since 1961. “ TH E SO V IE TS HAVE downplayed their oil re serv e additions for the past 20 y e ars and still do it today, m ak ­ ing foreign observers believe that the U .S.S.R . is finding much less oil than it actu ally does.” Figures on Soviet oil reserves published by the United Nations and w estern analysts have so fa r been uncertain because the Soviet Union has not disclosed any absolute figures on its total explored oil reserv es since World War II, the report said. To find the fa c ts on Soviet oil re serv e s, the firm system atically analyzed all relevant Soviet inform ation disclosed during the past 20 years. “This approach, never used before in studies of Soviet oil reserves, has for the first tim e m ade it possible to reconstruct Soviet absolute figures on discovered oil reserves for the la st 30 years and also to find out the 1980 plan ta rg e t,” P e tr o Studies said. “ TH E U .S .S .R . HAS B E E N the w orld’s leading oil producer sin ce 1974. Its current oil output (N ovem ber 1979) is about 11.9 million barrels daily, or 25 percent above Saudi A ra b ia ’s ,” it concluded. Zimbabwe cease-fire Guerrillas request peacekeeping force LONDON (U P I) — B la ck guerrilla leaders demanded Monday that a Com­ m o n w e a lth p e a c e k e e p in g fo r c e of several thousand arm ed m en be set up to enforce a ce a se -fire in the Zim babwe Rhodesia w ar between g u errillas and white-led governm ent troops. “ We wanted a United Nations fo rce, but we will accep t a Commonwealth fo rc e ,” said R ob ert Mugabe, one of the two main lead ers of the P a trio tic F ro n t guerrilla m ovem ent. “ However, it m ust be larg e enough and have teeth in it to enforce a c e a se ­ fire. It will have to be a peacekeeping fo rc e .” At a news conference with co-leader Joshua Nkomo, Mugabe said, “ It will have to have a strength of sev eral thou­ sand men — and be arm ed — rath er than the few hundreds envisaged by the B ritis h .’’ M U G A B E AND Nkomo spoke to rep orters as the Zimbabwe Rhodesia conference entered its eleventh week seeking agreem ent on a ce a se -fire to end the seven-year old guerrilla w ar in which nearly 30,000 people have died. The con feren ce already has agreed on an independence constitution and on arran gem ents for a two-month interim period leading up to elections and full in­ dependence. Foreign S e creta ry Lord Carrington subm itted a B ritish ce ase -fire blueprint F r id a y and c a lle d fo r a g r e e m e n t “ within a m a tte r of d ays.” Without actu ally rejectin g the B ritish plan, the g u errillas Monday subm itted their own plan and said they will not be “ stam peded” into any agreem ent that would leav e S a lis b u ry governm ent forces in a position to be used against them. TH E B R IT ISH plan called for a Com­ monwealth fo rce of about 600 men carrying only light weapons for self defense to supervise the cease-fire. But the guerrilla lead ers insisted this would be inadequate to prevent cease fire breaches or full-scale fighting. renewed Their plan called fo r: —A “ s u b s ta n tia l” Com m onw ealth arm y and police fo rce “ capable of en­ forcing the c e a s e -fire .” —D em arcation of a re a s at present dominated or controlled by each side and regrouping of rival fo rces into these a r e a s as soon a s the c e a s e -fir e is declared effective. —Rem oval of governm ent m ilitary and param ilitary units and the collec­ tion of 155,000 weapons the F ro n t says are in the hands of Rhodesian civilians. —Creation of a cease -fire supervisory com m ission of Salisbury government and guerrilla m em bers with a B ritish c h a irm a n and of a com m onw ealth supervisory com m ission m ade up from the nations in the peacekeeping force. —Exchange of prisoners. —Withdrawal of South A frican and other foreign m ilitary personnel the F ro n t says are in Zim babwe Rhodesia. Nkomo said these total well over 15,000. “ Today, peace has becom e a shining re a lity ,” Sadat said. dedic ate this wonderful event to the believers in all four corners of the world, to the m illions of friends who joined us in the m arch of peace in dignity and honor and certain ly to the peoples of Egypt, Israel and the United States who bore the brunt of the pursuit of peace, to my partners who shared in this magnificent, achievem ent - my friends P resid ent C arter and P rim e M inister (M enachem ) B eg in .” I he anniversary of the Sadat visit and violence in Isra e l and Lebanon cam e on the ( \ e of an Arab sum m it conference in Tunis, where the Lebanese government was expected to submit a proposal to curb P alestinian activ ity in the south. P alestinian leaders have branded the proposal “ an attem pt to liquidate the Palestin ian resistan ce m ovem ent.” AFL-CIO Meany replaced (U P I) W ASHINGTON - F o r m e r m erchant seam an Lane Kirkland was elected the second president of the A FL- CIO Monday, ending the 24-year reign of G e o rg e M ean y , and im m e d ia te ly offered an olive branch to non-affiliated unions. Kirkland, 57, was chosen for the $110,000-a-year post on the unanimous vote of delegates to the 13th biennial AFL-CIO convention a fte r M eany gave a w arm , sev en -m inu te nom inating speech from a w heelchair. The 85-year-old Meany, whose once- powerful voice commanded the atten ­ tion of presidents, decided to retire a fte r a series of ailm ents incapacitated him since last April. Meany praised Kirkland for his role in fostering b etter relations between the AFL-CIO and the C arter ad m inistra­ tion. “ Lane, I think, has finally got over to the White House that they can have the A m e r ic a n la b o r m o v e m e n t a s a p a rtn er,” Meany said. In an accep tan ce speech spiced with nautical term s, Kirkland indicated that winning back n o n -affiliated unions would be one of his m a jo r goals. “ I say now to those who stand outside that I have too high a regard for the calib er of their leadership to believe that they can really be governed by pet­ ty personal or pecuniary considerations, or ancient ancf tedious grudges,” he said. * Among those not in the AFL-CIO are the nation’s three larg est unions — the Team sters, United Auto W orkers and National Education Association. The T eam sters were expelled from the AFL-CIO in 1957 because of corrup­ tion, and the UAW voluntarily left the federation in 1968. The NEA never has belonged. Under a resolution adopted Friday, Meany will rem ain as “ p resid ent em eritu s” of the federation, keeping his $110,000-a-year salary. D e le g a te s a ls o e le c te d T h o m as Donahue, currently executive assistan t to Meany, to replace Kirkland in the No. 2 post as secretary -treasu rer. Donahue, 51, served as an assistan t secretary of labor for two years in Lyn­ don Johnson’s adm inistration, and was a top official of the Service Em ployees International Union before joining the AFL-CIO. He will receive a $90,000 yearly salary. K ir k la n d had b ee n s e c r e t a r y - treasu rer for 10 years, and ea rlie r was Meany s executive assistan t for nine years. Anticipated offensive prompts refugee shift BANGKOK, Thailand (U P I) - An­ ticipating a new flood of evacuees triggered by a m a jo r V ietnam ese offen ­ sive against g u errillas in Cam bodia, a u t h o r i t i e s b e g a n m o v in g 1 3 ,0 0 0 refugees aw ay from the tense border in southeast Thailand Monday Intelligence sources said V ietnam was expected to begin a m a jo r push soon against K hm er Rouge g u errillas loyal to ousted P re m ie r Pol P ot. and the fig h tin g would sen d hu nd red s of thousands of people fleeing to Thailand for safety. Reports from the border said heavy a rtillery could be heard 2 to 3 m iles in­ side Cambodia but there was little a c ­ tivity near the frontier. A ID O F F I C I A L S sa id th e T h a i m ilitary exp ects about 560.000 C am ­ bodians to c ro ss into Thailand, possibly this week, inundating refugee fa cilitie s along the border. The anticipated flood of refugees has prompted the Thais to begin moving the hom eless Cam bodians into the interior. Border police and m arines moved the 13,000 refugees by truck north from southeastern T ra t province to a new cam p at Kam put. R ep resentative of international relief agencies said work on a new cam p a t Khao I Dang, capable of holding 300,000 refugees, w as progressing and the first Cambodians would move in this week. The huge cam p at Khao I Dang — about 12,000 a c re s — is one of six new or e x ­ panded fa cilitie s designated to hold the refugees. THAI M IL IT A R Y o fficials told United P ress International they would a cce p t all of the refu gees fleeing from C am ­ bodia but those seeking asylum would be moved to the cam ps inland from the border. They said the back-and-forth m ove­ ment of Cam bodians acro ss the fro n tier was creatin g tensions and adding to the risk of fighting between the V ietnam ese and K hm er Rouge spilling over into Thailand. A 75-m ile stre tch along the border in so u th e a stern T r a t and C h an tabu ri provinces has been ruled off lm its to non-essential personnel by the m ilitary . Heavy shelling by V ietnam ese troops has hit the area in recent days, killing one Thai m arin e and wounding three others. Thai o fficials cleared another border area a month ago, sending som e 30,000 Cam bodians to a new cam p at Sa K aeo, about 30 m iles from the border. By United Press International \ /-*> Army secretary backs all-volunteer force WASHJNi^roi^ Army Secretary Clifford Alexander said Monday he is ‘‘wholeheartedly committed” to an all-volunteer force despite manpower shortfalls and recruiting malpractice, f ” T * Alexander told a Senate Armed Services Committee panel the “overall results have been good” since the creation of an all-volunteer He said the Army has managed to recruit enough volunteers to come | within 2 percent of its authorized strength at the end of each fiscal year “We continue to be wholeheartedly committed to this endeavor,” he since 1974. said. Shooting suspects remain in San Antonio ¡ail L SAN ANTONIO Two men remained in jail Monday on charges con­ nected with a Saturday shootout at Alamo Stadium in which a teen-ager was killed during a football game. There was one minute left in the third quarter of the Houston- Highlands football game when the shooting began in the stands just below the press box. * Troy Jarmon, 17, was shot and fell mortally wounded as spectators ran for cover and players sprawled prostrate on the field. Charles Fryer, 19, was charged with murder and held in lieu of $15,- 000 bond, and Franklin Johnson, 20, was charged with aggravated assault and was jailed in lieu of $5,000 bond. They were arrested by security police shortly after the shooting. * Fryer also was wounded in the leg in the exchange of gunfire. He was treated and released from a hospital before being arraigned before Ac­ ting Night Magistrate Benjamin N. Samples. : ^ M Police Lt. Albert Teel said the shootout may have been the result of a longtime feud between Jarmon and the two suspects. ’ • i ' ‘ > ■? * . ’ * •* Courthouse named In Judge Wood's memory WASHINGTON — President Carter has signed a bill naming the federal courthouse in San Antonio the “John H. Wood Jr. Federal Courthouse” in honor of a U.S. district judge slain by a sniper, the White House announced Monday, Wood, known as “Maximum John” because he dealt harshly with convicted narcotics traffickers, was shot in the back by a single .223- caliber bullet as he was leaving his apartment for work May 29. A special FBI investigative team and a local federal grand jury have not charged anyone in Wood s death during a continuous investigation the past six months. Market loses 0.43 point In NEW YORK - The stock market, battered by some bad news from Iran, the government in Washington and the nation s banks, managed to register an irregular gain Monday in moderate trading. industrial average, up about 3 points at midafternoon, lost 0.43 point to 815.27. The Dow was operating with a handicap of 0.77 point because two of its member stocks were trading minus their dividends. The Dow Jones moderate trading BOW JONES WEIJtCE 3$ Industriáis Closed at 815.7 0.43 ••wJBLr EDITORIALS Student input H elp wage war on m ediocrity The T exa n would like to provide more extensive coverage of the War on Mediocrity, but we face two major problems: we can’t find the battlefield, and we have a shortage of war correspondents We know Commander (President) Peter Flawn has a few prime projects up his sleeve, but like many closed-mouthed generals he’s not always willing to divulge his strategy secrets. The University Council also has made a few resolutions backing the cause, but we have yet to see a substantial course of action reflecting the spirit of the fight. It occurred to us that Flawn may be having problems discerning how the infantry thinks this battle should be fought. Why not ask students, who will be directly affected by academic policy changes (im­ provements ?), what they’d like to see done? So w e’re asking you to provide the T exan with battle plans that can be forwarded to Flawn. Please send your suggestions of ways to improve the academic quality of the University to The Editor, The Daily T exan, Drawer D, University Station, Austin 78712. Beth Frerking THE DAILY T EXAN Tuesday, November 20, 1979 P a g e 4 J A $ m Ww E io o i m white f o l k s a r e busblack AG Auisr IODS TO WHITE 5010015? i I DUf/IW, ) J i m u - - BVT IT COULD BE THAT 7H' MUTE FOLKS VMM BE EMBARRASSED WHEN THE Bl a c k fo lks f in d cut 10V CAN'T GET A GOOD EDUCATION JN WHITE Thoreau ’s life, work commemorated r By Thomas Ward Dear Henry David Thoreau, I t’s been 125 years since you w rote the book, “ Walden,” about your two-year walk with N ature on the shores of a M assachusetts pond There has been a civil war, a couple of world w ars and a depression or two since then. We’ve even sent men to the moon and learned to fly faster than the speed of sound. If I had the space, I ’d like to tell you about Super Bowls and atom ic energy, h a m b u rg e r in te r s ta te f ra n c h is e s , highways, television, radio, the United Nations, Gallup polls, heart transplants and mini-skirts It's all very interesting But I think you’d be m ore interested to learn how people have gotten along spiritually in the last 125 years And, in general term s, 1 m ust report to you that the human condition has changed little for the better “OUR U F E IS FRITTED away by d e ta il,” you w rote “ An honest man hardly needs to count m ore than his ten fingers, or in extrem e cases he may add his ten toes, and lump the rest Simplici ty, sim plicity, simplicity! I say let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hun dred or a thousand, instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your ac ­ counts on your thumb nail." Today, we can jet across the country in less than five hours, if you can im ­ agine. The tem ptation and the oppor­ tunity to accum ulate quantity for its own sake is g reater than ever The Protestant Work E thic is still alive and well Most people continue to trudge to their self-imposed duties in life as though they are enslaved. Your c o m m e n t, l i t t l e difference w hether you a re com m itted to a farm or a county ja il,” would strike fear and self-doubt in m ost contem ­ porary people Few bother to question their traditions and habits It is too pain­ ful, I suppose “It m a k e s b u t THE CURRENT TIMES have also been difficult for the individual. Self­ emancipation seem s to take a t least as much courage to pursue as in 1854 Few support your belief, “ If a m an does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he h e a rs a d ifferent drum m er. Let him step to the music which he hears, however m easured or far aw ay.” They like the way it sounds, mind you, but they don’t seem to p ractice it. A man or woman today must m aintain a constant vigil to guard a g a in st in­ fringem ents on personal freedom from the government and from a society en­ tranced with corporate life. These are hard tim es for pioneers and cowboys. interested to know, Mr. Thoreau, that you a re one of the most q u o te d A m e r ic a n a u t h o r s now . Friendship, self-reliance and the brave man in opposition to society a re vogue topics Your thoughts on nature, earth and heaven are discussed alm ost daily. You are even more recognized than You’d be your heralded com patriot, Ralph Waldo Emerson Last weekend, I walked down the beach, or the “ ocean sidew alk” as you called it, and looked out over the w ater. I thought about the universe and this planet and realized that civilized man does need “the tonic of wildness” you discovered a t Walden Pond. Too many of us think vocation m eans making a liv­ ing rath er than making a life. I DOUBT THAT THIS lack of change in the human condition surprises you much. “ T im e,” you wrote, “ is but the stream I go afishin' in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity rem ains." But it is a bit frustrating to think “ the mass of men (still) lead lives of quiet desperation." We continue to try to fool N ature and legislate morals. One would that with all the technological think the In­ progress w e've made since d u stria l R evolution began th a t our spirits would have progressed a t least a bit. Maybe there is still hope for the human spirit. Maybe we can do better than we have in the last 125 years. There are so many of us. though, and we have so much to learn Sincerely, Thomas Ward Ward is a graduate business s t u - dent. The Academia Waltz by Berke Breathed i v r r m i r n U O W H O M M ytx info m aw ® »» \iÑÑ£SJSflñL£ l ü w j w v f t 'c/WYfcflFML á n s o M U O FAMli VW* U & lJ ti tiCF h/£> ON w W M 'c o s t m m ; w k i» V ' w e s t miw n e l i W m .. . AMD XV 5M H1 ARÍ 1M 2 ? MAIA ON A GW¿ AACNftT Y/Cmfan you „ b 1 i c m , . SHF 5CCDY0U A w ieu m r VH0m 'U 6 T TVeSM l \ / ; s i 'v? J irin g lin e A m erican criticism of Iranians justified 1 would like to respond to the Nov. 12 editorial w ritten by an obviously uninformed David Margolis concerning the Ira­ nian students here. Pull your head out, boy! Americans aren t protesting because C arter supported the shah Hell no! A bunch of half-wit Iranian students took captive 60 Americans at the American em bassy in Tehran. Our em ­ bassy ground is the sam e legally as any ground here. How can we stand by and allow them to sieze our diplomats? It shouldn t be tolerated and it obviously won’t be. Also, the Iranian students here w ere invited by our government to ob­ tain a higher education by attending our schools. They are guests in our country, and have no right protesting the shah, spitting on citizens, throwing rocks at our police, and I read that they even tried to kidnap Minnesota Governor A1 Quie. Americans are fed up with Iran ’s attem pts to blackmail us through the use of terrorism . For the first tim e in a long while, Americans are standing up for their country, and I for one am proud to see it and be a part of it. Every illegal Ira­ nian student should be deported without hesitation! in saying David, your As for your slanderous statem ents allowed by The Daily T e x a n toward the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, I speak for m yself ignorance far exceeds m easureable standards. Where do you get off calling a fraternity a bunch of am (your plural for anus)? Iranian students voice their opinions here and we re supposed to sit back and watch, yet when we as Americans voice our own opinions, we get called names. You even stretched your skin­ ny neck out to cut down Houstonians. We are more sincere in our actions than you'll ever know. Some people are very proud of their fraternity, school and country, and are n ’t about to let jerks like yourself or those Iranian students step all over what has been worked hard for. You, David Margolis, wouldn’t know your “ anus” from a hole in the ground. David Lawrence Business R eactions to em bassy crisis pathetic I am sickened by the blatant racism of the anti-Iranian protesters, who were reported to use such phrases as “ take a bath, cam el jockeys.” and “ the ayatollah sucks.” T he D ai­ ly T e x a n is complicit with it for its uncritical acquiescence. for relations calls The current situation in Iran as well as the state of investigation and A m encan-Iranian historical analysis instead of the pathetic, knee-jerk, jingoist reaction we have seen of late. Some of the roots of the current crisis are found in the U.S. policy toward the nationalist Iranian leader Mossadeq, who had a nationalist policy regarding Ira n ’s oil w ealth, which led to his nationalization (in 1951) of British oil interests in this coun­ try. The United States' CIA was central in the overthrow of this popular government and advancing the onerous shah into power, in a process which violated Ira n ’s right to self- determ ination. The CIA was also instrum ental in the form a­ tion of the SAVAK secret police apparatus (which routinely employed torture), one useful tool of the shah in repressing the Iranian people. The shah also received abundant U.S. arm s to be used against the civilian population. He did, however, open Iran up to the investm ent of U.S. oil com­ panies The rage over the situation at the U.S. em bassy in Tehran should be directed at a series of adm inistrations whose sup­ port of the shah has assured the enmity and hostility of the Iranian people. Furtherm ore, a fundamental question should be asked: Why has the U.S. so frequently supported dictatorships and aided them in the repression of their own people? Moreover, why should this country become their retirem ent haven when they are overthrown? What is being done to Am ericans in Iran is unjust. These individual American citizens are not responsible for the policies of their government. For precisely that reason, to exercise reprisals and deportations against Iranian students here would be m erely to heap one injustice upon another. As for the individual who was reported to have said, “ The U.S. has put up with this (the protesting) long enough,” in reference to the Iranian students, one m ust ask: Does he think that the U.S. has put up with the F irst Amendment to the Constitution long enough as well? Jerry Crafts Latin American Studies Lisa Pearson French is necessary because Austin is very close to Bergstrom Air Force Base, and consequently, considered a risk area by the D epartm ent of Defense. We need to support this plan so that it can be adequately enforced and the protection of Austinites will, therefore, be secured. Linda Selzer Business Sexual abuse article not ‘offensive' On Nov. 15, M.G. Hall protested the supposedly “ offen­ sive" reporting of the sexual abuse story. I read the story and was not offended; in fact, I was glad to see direct and to- the-point relating of facts. Mr. Hall asked, “ Can one imagine such writing in any of the world’s im portant new spapers?” leading The answer is “ no,” and newspapers usually reflect conventional “ dignity” and "good ta ste ," two symptoms of a society sick with useless taboos. Keep up the no bullshit reporting T e x a n . the reason that is Jerry Dean Music E ditorial headline term ed m isleading We feel that the editorial of Monday, Nov. 1 with the headline “ Texas Needs Nuclear W aste” was misleading. We basically agree with Ms. Frerking that each state should be responsible for its own nuclear waste, but we will not have Texas become the nation’s nuclear waste dump. F urther­ more, we reiterate a strong opposition to the production of m ilitary and com m ercial plant wastes. David Sugerman Caryl A. Gorski Plan II Article ‘proving' evolution questioned In a letter in the Firing L in e on Nov. 15, Jam es Mallet decisively proved that evolution is a fact. The proof is: G reat Danes look different from Chihuahuas, moths turn sooty in polluted air and chicken breeders developed a featherless chicken. (This is obviously the next step in the process of natural selection.) When I was a boy, dogs would som etimes have the most unusual litters, green celery would turn red if w atered with red w ater and a featherless chicken did not live long enough to lay “ featherless- chicken" eggs. Do you suppose that peo­ ple born without hair or pigment or extrem ities a re enjoying the evolutionary process of natural selection? Besides, I have one huge problem with the theory of evolu­ tion. How can a creature’s body function at a level vastly superior to its own intelligence? The functioning of a dog’s body is no less complicated than the functioning of a m an’s body, but humans are not intelligent enough to m ake either a dog or a man that will function. The nearest that man has ever come to creating is procreating. The answer to how the ingenious structure of bodies (and even elem ents) exists, is stated succinctly by the Word of God: . . . The just shall live by faith. For the w rath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and un­ righteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is m anifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. F or the invisible things ot him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eter­ nal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” (Romans, 1: 17-20). Cooper Francis Engineering T h e Da il y T e x a n Editor Managing Editor A ssistant Managing Editors A ssistant to the Editor N ew s Editor A ssociate N ews Editor Sports Editor A ssociate Sports Editor ........................ Beth Frerking Mark Dooley Steve Anton. Mark McKinnon Walter Borges Jann Snell ...................................Clara Tuma ........................... Arts and P'ntertainment Editor Photo Editor A ssistant Photo Editor Deborah Mann Dennis Roberson Steve Davis ............................... Lynne Dobson Jan Sonnenmair Martha Sheridan F eatu res Editor Images Editor Harvey N eville Susie Grubbs Im ages A ssociate Editor ................ ............. Suzy Lampert Cam pus A ctivities Editor Jennv Abdo. Diane Ballard. G enera! Reporters Dianna Hunt. Patrick Jankowski. Mary Ann Kreps Diane Jane Morrison, Shonda Novak David Real, Joe Tedino. Joel Williams Ron St Pierre, Gardner Selby N ew sw n te rs ..... Issue Editor News A s sista n ts ............... Editorial A ssista n t.......... Entertainm ent Assistant Sports A ssista n ts .............. Make-up E d ito r . Wire Editor ..................... .............. Copy Editors A rtists ..... ............... P hotographers................ . .......................................... Tom Baker Ernestina Romero, Paula Angerstem Julie Shaver ............. ..................................Randy Ormsby Reid Laymanee, Steve Knight Vicki Totten ............................ Gary Fendler .................. ...............Paul Wilson. Laurel Baker, Nicholas S Chriss Berke Breathed, Scott Bieser Harley Soltes. Kwong Hui Rapf\*jviC»on of any part of tfw» put>- c< of i D*t> T»x*n <*}>ky ■ > 7<•»*»' m# those of "x? eo Of tN? 0» «Jrranrairafton, S'* Boa- oí . afvv^s Board of Oparatmg Trustees A u stin'shou ld support defense plans After reading an article about the United S tates’ civil defense in the Nov 9 issue of The Daily T exan, I became concerned about the security and welfare of the American people. I was alarm ed in discovering that Russia spends 10 tim es m ore than the United States annually for civil protec­ tion. With world-wide tension building every day, I feel there is a desperate need for something to be done in the cause of our own civil defense Although President C arter has made the first step by asking Congress to double the $100 million now spent annually toward civil defense, we as proud A mericans need to become aw are of our own security and give our support in m aintaining it. Whether we want to realize it or not. our country is affected daily by threats of war However, new plans are under way to ensure our safe­ ty For example. Austin has recently developed a new plan to be implemented in the event of w ar This plan of relocation Letters & colum ns The D aily T e x a n e n c o u r a g e s its r e a d e r s to s u b m i t g u e st ( o lu m n s or le tte rs to tk e edito r on a n y su b je c t. C o lu m n s and le tte rs m u s t be in good taste, a c c u r a te , f r e e f r o m libel, m a lic e and p e rs o n a l c o n tr o v e r s y , ia nce w e re c e iv e m a n y m o r e co n trib u tio n s th a n c a n be p rin te d daily, le tte rs and c o lu m n s m a y be e d ite d fo r b re v ity a n d clarity. C o lu m n s sh ould be 70 ty p e d lines (60 c h a r a c t e r lines) or less and tr ip le -sp a c e d ; letters, 20 ty p e d lines. All m a t e r ia l s u b m itt e d f o r p u b lic a tio n on the e d i t o n a l p a g e s m u s t include the a u t h o r ’s n a m e , co lleg e sta tu s and te le p ho ne n u m b e r Mail c o l u m n s and l et ters to the Editor, T h e D aily l e x a n , PO B o x D, Aust in, T e x a s 78712, or d ro p th e m by t ie b a s e m e n t o f f i c e s o f th e T e x a s S t u d e n t t u b h c a t i o ns Building at the co rn er o f 25th S t r e e t and H hiris A v e n u e . Tuesday, November 20, 1979 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Page 5 Court cancels student rally WASHINGTON (UPI) — A federal appeals court, citing a potential of danger for Americans held in Tehran, Monday quashed efforts by an organization of American and Iranian students to hold a plea-for-peace dem onstration in front of the White House. The students said they were changing their plans. The court ruled the dem onstration planned for Tuesday at Lafayette Square, across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House, might create a dangerous situation for hostages being held at the American embassy in Tehran. hiank Jackalone. head of the student organization which planned the demonstration to prom ote peace between the United States and Iran, said the m arch will be held at another site yet to be selected The three-judge panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D istrict of Columbia ruled in favor of the government, which urgently appealed a decision Friday by U.S. District Judge Aubrey Robinson. Robinson ruled the government overstepped its bounds in refusing to grant a perm it for the dem onstration by a group of 150 to 200 students. The government argued that film footage of the protesters near the White House might be m isconstrued by the Iranians holding power in Tehran. Robinson had accepted arguments by the American Civil Liberties Union that the government had not made a sufficient­ ly direct connection between protests in Washington and poten­ tial violence in Tehran to justify a ban on demonstrations. In overturning that decision, the appeals court panel said there were other nearby sites available to the students. In the unique circum stances of this case, the court is of the view that it should accept the representation of the State Department that a demonstraion at LaFayette (Square) has an unacceptable potential for danger to the hostages now being held in the American Embassy in Tehran,” said Chief Judge J. Skelly Wright of the appeals court. ACLU lawyer Ralph Temple expressed disapointment with the ruling, calling it a "crack in the dam of free expression.” • E arlier Monday, the government told the appeals court it does not object to peaceful demonstrations so long as they are held in other locations, and steer clear of sensitive, "symbolic places" such as near the White House. Royce Lamberth. assistant U.S. attorney, told the appeals court that the hostages in Tehran might be endangered if the Washington demonstration becam e violent and film clips were ’ I seen by their captors. Hostages released Monday after 16 days of captivity In the American embassy In Tehran em brace before prass con'«rence. The rest of the hostages face the possibility of trial for espionage. Energy situation discussed Republicans blame bureaucracy, Carter By JOEL WILLIAMS State Reporter Republican governors Monday aim ed their sights squarely at the federal governm ent and made it the ta rg e t of culpability for the energy crisis during a panel discussion at the Republican (Governors Conference in Austin. If I ever go insane, let it be in Washington, where no one will notice,” said Gov. Otis R. Bowen of Indiana, chairm an of the Republican G overnors Association, quoting hum orist Irvin Cobb. After Bowen opened the panel, Gov. Bill Clements presented what has been term ed the "Texas Energy Position.” "A fter nearly three years in office. Mr. C arter has failed and is failing to develop a national energy plan which could free us from this kind of control by the OPEC nations,” Clem ents said, referring to the recent cutoff of oil shipments from Iran. “ Our oil im port bill has jumped from $8.1 billion in 1973 to m ore than $60 billion this y e a r,” Clements said. "We m ust develop a comprehensive th at puts our prim ary energy plan emphasis on the development and the production of m ore domestic energy,” he said. D eregulation and decontrol of oil and natural gas is necessary to provide the c a p ita l fo r d o m e stic p ro d u c tio n , Clements said. He also decried the "in ­ consistent and overwhelming m orass of governm ental rules and regulations to w hich a r e p re v e n tin g a c c e s s A m erica’s m ore prospective geological are a s.” Windfall profits should be plowed back into production, instead of paying for social program s and m ass transpor­ tation, as the present windfall profits legislation before Congress would do, Clements said. Virginia Gov. John Dalton criticized f e d e r a l s u r f a c e c o a l m i n i n g regulations, which he said inhibit energy independence. "W e’ve been able to create some flatland because of our surface mining industry,” Dalton said. He said every airport, school and shopping center in certain areas of is built on form er surface Virginia mines. "If the federal governm ent can tell us how to use our land in the mining of coal, then they can tell us where to build our shopping centers and other things,” Dalton said. " I don’t think we need that in A m erica.” He said coal reserves in the United States are adequate to supply much of the nation’s energy needs, but federal regulations stand in the way of its production and use. Special holiday set for Austinite BY KIRK SORSBY Daily Texan Staff Thanksgiving 1979 will be m ore meaningful to William R ay of 8510 Yellow Oak as a result of a near brush with death Sunday. Ray was saved from elec­ trocution Sunday afternoon by his brother and a friend. The three were working on a 40-foot walkway to R ay’s Lake Travis houseboat while stan­ ding in knee-deep w ater ap­ proxim ately 10 feet from the shore when he touched a 120- volt power line the men had lo w ered the walkway. to co m p lete " I was in the water moving R a y t h e w a l k w a y . ” rem em bered, "and I touched the line with my hand. I tried to push it away with my other hand, but (the line) grabbed (my hand) too.” R a y ’s brother, John, 31, owner of Hill Country Plum ­ bing, said, "I was turned the other way. I heard a scream but I thought he was just kid­ ding. Then I saw that he was all swollen up.” John jumped in the w ater and tried to get the wire out of W illiam’s hands, but stopped when he received a shock. "W e panicked; we didn’t know what to do," he said. Then the brothers’ friend. Bill Gwendenning, 23, ran up a hill to throw the switch and "I pulled my brother away from the lines,” John said. William had held the line m ore than two minutes and was purple and not breathing a s Jo h n p u t him on th e to a d m i n i s t e r w a l k w a y cardio-pulmonary resuscita­ tion. "John said that when he pulled m e out, I exhaled, th a t's all I did,” William said. He hit my chest twice and blew in my mouth. I think he dislocated my shoulder doing it.” " It seemed like I didn’t have any air for a long, long tim e ,” William said. The men had been working for approximately an hour and a half when the accident oc­ cu rred . "W e w ere alm ost finished,” John said. "We had two pieces left to put on.” Williams was reported in fair condition a t Brackenridge Hospital Monday night. F ro m his hospital room M onday, Wi l l i am said he plans to return to his job as m anager of the North Lam ar Boulevard Taco Bell Wednes­ day. Professor designs way to get to know students j n i A M K l A Ul I MT By DIANNA HUNT University Reporter With increased enrollm ent m aking large classes m ore common, both students and professors have complained about the impersonal aspects of higher education. But U n iversity a sso c ia te professor Mark Seng decided to make higher education a lit­ tle m ore personal. In an effort .to "g et to know” his students, he asked them to lunch, and what began as a sack-lunch a f­ fair has into "D ine turned with a Professor” every Tues­ day night a t Sebastian’s. " I t enables m e to get to know th e students a little b e tte r," Seng said. ‘‘It es­ tablishes a rapport with them t h e t h a t c a r r i e s classroom .” i n t o Seng, a curriculum and in­ structions associate professor in the College of Education, has issued his class a standing invitation to m eet him for di nne r e v e ry T uesd ay a t Sebastian’s, a restaurant near th e E d u c a t i o n Bui l di ng. Dinner is scheduled from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m, just prior to their learning theory class. Of the 25-member class, ap­ proxim ately seven or eight usually atte n d each week, Seng said. “ I r e a l l y e n j o y ( t h e dinners),” said Gayle Griggs- Buso, a radio-television-film in Seng’s graduate student class. " I t’s a good way (for him) to talk to students out­ side of c la ss.” “ He wants to get to know , . . . . L- his students, and this is one way he can get to know us on a personal basis,” said Cathy Keneda, a graduate student in foreign langauge education. "H e gives us a lot of support this w ay,” Keneda said. Seng said his idea originated several years ago while he was a graduate adviser. He decided to m eet at lunchtim e with his "advisees,” over a "w hite box lunch” to get to know them better. "T hat seemed to work out p re tty w ell,” he said. He c a rrie d the classroom and has been "din­ ing o u t” ever since. idea into the "In the sum m er it is es­ pecially helpful, because of the short session,” he said. Meeting for dinner m akes the students m ore com for­ table in class, Seng said. "C lass discussion is im por­ ta n t, and asking questions puts them on the line,” he said. " I think people a re a little m ore com fortable with m e ,” sin c e he s ta r te d m e e tin g students after class hours, Seng said. "They m ay feel a l i t t l e m o r e o p e n , l e s s th reatened.” " I t ’s one of the ways I got to know him ,” said Griggs-Buso, who was in Seng’s sum m er class. "A t school, its very im per­ sonal — you don’t get to know the teacher as a perso n.” Keneda said. “ This way we can learn about his other in- Harley Soltes, Dally Texan Staff An unwelcome sign The window of a Universlty-area massage parlor tells its own story: no Iranians are allowed. New Fayette plant may alter fuel bills 3y DAVID REAL City Reporter Increased fuel savings from the new Fayette coal-fired power plant may reduce electric bills for Austin’s largest electric users by 5 percent in 1981, according to a new electric depart­ ment report. But electric departm ent officials estim ated residential utility bills may still increase by 1.6 percent despite savings in fuel costs, which comprise a sm aller proportion of residential utility bills. Officials project that bills will increase because of inflation, increased distribution costs and the construction of new power plants. Although electric officials cautioned that the 5 percent es­ tim ate represented a hypothetical situation, the general trend toward lower bills for large users is caused by the large users’ high proportion of fuel costs in monthly billings, according to the $2,000 report. Austin’s largest electric users are IBM, Bergstrom Air Force Base, Texas Instrum ents, Motorola, the state and the Universi­ ty- The report was presented to the rate subcommittee of the. Electric Utility Commission Monday night. If coal costs should increase substantially beyond the departm ent’s projected 7 percent inflation, the large prim ary custom ers would share more of the increased costs than any other class, said Jorge Carrasco, an electric departm ent spokesman. But Jack Jackson, a spokesman for Association of Communi­ ty Organizations for Reform Now and an ex-officio member of the subcomm ittee, criticized the complexity of the current ra te structure. "This dem onstrates the extra sensitivity of the rate structure to nuances when everything ought to m ore or less even out,” Jackson said. "R ight now the people think you’re intentionally juggling the figures to make rates low for the large prim ary service users. They think somehow you are being paid off. "A flat-rate structure would be transparent to everyone and would react the sam e for everyone due to decreased fuel costs,” he said. R.L. Hancock, director of the city’s electric departm ent, defended the rate structure as a cost-based method of allocating expenses to various customer classifications for electric ser­ vice. At the turn of the century, the electric departm ent computed electric bills based on the number of lights in a house, Hancock said. Because of the energy crisis and the increased efforts of utility departm ents to manage electric demand growth, the days of simple billing procedures are gone, Hancock said. Anna Ketchum, Daniel Tijerina listen to Dr. Mark Seng. Tim Wentworth, Daily Texan Stat terests. nam es.” The m eetings also help Seng become acquainted with his class. " I ’m em barrassed if I t h e i r r e m e m b e r c a n ’t me said. "This puts the screws to to learn their names, he "I think th at it’s valuable t h e f o r b o t h h i m a n d students," said Carolyn Gun­ ning, a doctoral student in curriculum and instruction. I ’ve gotten to know him b e tte r,' she said. "You learn things you wouldn’t find out in a classroom situation.” It m akes me have more of the c la s s ,” in te re s t in an Keneda said. Former music professor dies Dr. Archie N. Jones, professor of music education a t the U niversity from 1940 to 1959. died in Austin Sunday. Funeral sendees will be a t a t 3 p.m. th e U n i v e r s i t y Un i t e d T u e s d a y a t M ethodist Church under arrangem ent of the Weed-Corley Funeral Home. Burial will be in Austin Memorial Park. Jones, 79, is survived by his wife and three children, two stepsons, two sisters and five grandchildren. While a t the University, Jones was a professor of music education, director of the A Cappella Choir and University Singers and longtime faculty adviser to the Cultural E ntertainm ent Comm ittee. After leaving the U niversity, Jones served as dean of the m usic conservatory of the U niversity of Missouri a t Kansas City from 1959 until his retirem en t in 1970. Jones was a president of the American Choral D ire c to rs A ssociation, In te r­ national Association of Concert Managers, Phi Mu Alpha, Sinfonía Foundation and Southwest division of the Music Educators National Conference. He also had been president of the Texas Music Teachers Association. Jones received distinguished service aw ards from the United Service Organiza­ tion, Mu Phi Epsilon and the National P ederation of Music Clubs. He was also a popular conductor of choral clinics and festivals throughout the United States Bom Sept. 20, 1900. in Atlantic, Iowa, Jones received bachelor’s and m a s te r’s degrees from the University of Minnesota and an honorary doctorate from M acPhail College of Music in Minneapolis. Meeting seeks to define East Austin needs By MARY ANN KREPS City Reporter In a "g ra ssro o ts” effort to define and activate necessary im provem ents for E ast A ustin’s black community, specifically along the 11th Street cor­ ridor, area residents and business ow ners Monday m et with architects and representatives of the Austin Redevelopment Authority. The m eetin g , term ed " a g r e a t s t a r t ” by Redevelopment Authority D irector Tom Knicker­ bocker, resulted in the creation of a tentative seven-m em ber citizen-steering com m ittee which will m eet with the San Antonio-based firm of Haywood, Jordan. McCowan Inc., a rch itects and planners, to create a neighborhood development plan. One m em ber of the newly formed com m ittee is a University student, Homer Hill, a sophm ore in accounting We are trying to develop opportunities for minority entrepreneurship, ownership, which could possibly connect with the ce n tra l business district," architect Norcell Haywood, whose firm designed the newly renovated St. Paul Square in San Antonio, told the group. "This is a first effort of real organized planning in Austin, he said. "The plan will be derived from you — you will be making a historic m ove,” Haywood told the group The City Council has allocated $25,000 to the inventory, Redevelopm ent A uthority for an analysis, planning and design study, which will result in a list of recommendations. Knickerbocker said they hope to present an " a c ­ tion plan to the City Council by February and be able to contract soon afterw ard to implement the plan. Yet, to conduct a c o m p r e h e n s iv e study of the central east section of Austin, which is bounded by East 12th Street, San Bernardo Street, E ast 10th Street and IH 35, an additional $12,500 would be needed, K nickerbocker said. The com m ittee will ask the council to grant the additional funds out of $2 million in available funds Nov. 29. However, Ray Galloway, an E a st Austin businessman for 32 years and Texas Union Building attendant, expressed reservations about the success of a project in the area. "The money is not in the community to support this project right now,” he said. K nick erb o ck er ex plained "A project like this needs people with money — it’s not going to work unless we can build homes for people that have m ade good and moved out of the community, to bring them back,” he added. t hat funds for redevelopment of the area would come from Com­ munity Development Block G rant Funds, Federal Housing Authority the Economic Development Administration and the city’s Capital Improvements Program . lo w -in te re st loans, Ada Simond, a community resident, said she feels the project has a good chance of succeeding. "There are a good many people that would have a more high-class business if they had the oppor-* tu n ity .” Simond said Page 6 □ T H E D A ILY T EX A N □ Tuesday, November 20, 1979 Pot: focus of Diamond’s plot PROBLEM P R E G N A N C Y ? A re you considering Abortion? Confidential Free Pregnancy Testing & Referrals F o r information call PROBLEM PREGNANCY of AUSTIN (512) 474-9930 600 W. 28th, No. 101 Austin, Texas 78705 W ITH JUAREZ TEQUILA GOt 0 OH Sil Vt H IMPOHH I) L BOTTIID f¥ ItOtmA MUSCOS* St I0UIS MO #0 PHOOt Society opposes military intrusion The University Students for a Libertarian Society Monday announced a three- part resolution on the Ira­ nian crisis, which in part condemns the Moslem stu­ dent seizure of the U.S. embassy. In addition, the resolu­ tion opposes any attempt by the United States to use military force against Iran and supports the rights of Iranian students in the United States. The resolution also has been endorsed by the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Tex­ as. The libertarian society the U n i v e r s i t y and Socialist Alliance will sponsor a meeting on cam­ pus at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Batts Hall 115. Jefferey Hummel, chair­ man of the society, said the organization’s hope is to forge a coalition of campus and non-campus groups op­ posing war with Iran and supporting the rights of Iranian students in the United States. H u m m e l u rged a l l students of sympathetic organizations to attend the meeting. “ Fr om honky-tonk, cocaine-blasted Panama City to the lush, violent region of the richest mari­ juana fields on earth and the glamorous nightworld of N ew Y o r k C i t y , is the “ Panama Red colorful, sprawling saga of a man with a dream in his head, a woman in his heart, and a boatload of outer space weed to move ..." “ Panama Red, which goes on sale at Austin bookstores this week, is a “ romant i c f a n t a s y , ” author Stephen Diamond said Monday. Diamond was in Austin en route to Los Angeles to promote his book, which was published three weeks ago by Avon. Diamond s agent has already received several telephone calls about mak­ ing a movie from the novel, which took three years to write and earned a $3,500 f e l l o w s h i p the Massachusetts Arts and Humanities Foundation, the author said. f rom The plot of the novel in­ v o l v e s s e c r e t ‘ ‘ a br ot herhood of dope dealers who make millions of dollars throughout the ’60s and ’70s and use these millions in the ’80s to legalize pot,” Diamond said. ‘‘The brotherhood is loosely based on the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, a drug-dealing group based in California in the late ’60s,” Diamond said. “ The group had three bases — one in New York, San F r a n c i s c o and Austin.” The novel also concerns in J a c o b Li ght , born Panama to an Indian mother and a European Jewish father. Because he inherited his father’s red hair, Jacob is known as Panama Red after he becomes a big-time mari­ juana dealer Panama Red is also a type of marijuana. Magic and psychic power are also emphasized in the book. Diamond said, with the l e a d e r of the Steve Diamond brotherhood being a magi­ cian. D i a m o n d s ai d he b e l i e v e s m a r i j u a n a E S P and e n h a nc e s telepathic ability. “ Since I ’ve been smoking mari­ juana, I have found that my telepathic abilities have in­ creased,” he said. The book ends in the ’80s when several small coun­ tries have joined in an in­ t e r n a t i o n a l common market agreement in which marijuana is legaliz­ ed, the United States not included. Diamond, a native of Panama, graduated from in Columbia University New York in 1968. “ I was originally writing about Panama,” Diamond said. His work turned more philosophical, though, when he decided to imple­ ment the theme of “ to rule truly is to serve.” Legalization of mari- IM M IG RATIO N ASSISTANCE juana would benefit the United States, Diamond said “ In 1978, the federal government estimated $48 billion was traded in mari­ juana trafficking; $46 billion was spent on alcohol and tobacco, but they are taxed,” he said. A limited number of signed copies of the novel will be available this week at Cochran's Book Shoppe, 2302 Guadalupe St. What Do the Traman People Wknt? , • Relative Perm anent Resident V isa s • Labor Certifications • N atu ralizatio n s • V isa Extensions • Practical Training Paul Parsons Attorney at Law (512) 4 7 7-7 8 87 M em ber A sto c ia tu m o f Im m igration and Satioruility L aw yers ADVENTURES GALORE' Student Escorted F U N °G R O U PS Tours 17-40 Days • b '0 Countnes See Your Travel Agent or W RITE For Free t;o¡c!e' H a rw o o d 24JS iiüADAi DP! T ours Firouz Nozari, 1966-78, of Shiraz — *hot to d oath by the U.S. trained an d arm ed troops of the Sh ah w h o have the re p ea te d ly m a c h in e -g u n n e d peaceful dem onstrators in Iran. Frye Casuals fo r Men and W omen Famous Frye quality and fit in classic Pen ny and Tassel Loafers fo r men and w o m en. Colors — Luggage Tan, Walnut, or Black s6700 Men's, $5600 W o m e n 's DESPERADOS H ig h la n d M a ll Expansion 1 0 a .m .-9 p.m. 4 5 1 -4 1 ' 6 This is not a piece of sculpture. This was a human being before he was turned into coal along with 700 other people when the Ex-Shah ordered the Rex Theatre in Abadan to be set on fire in August 1978. Shah in the U.S. — An appeal to the American people. Today the Shah, who is no less a crim inal than Hitler or Eichm an, is in the United States. A social deviant, Pa h ia vi coldly and methodically killed more than 70,000 Iranian people during a 37-year reign of oppression and tyranny This m aniac's crimes and atrocities are well documented by the thousands of graves of innocent children, youths and elderly, and by the scars of torture borne by countless individuals still among the living who lost feet, hands, and eyes in this monster's chambers of horrors. The Iranian people have Pan fu l memories of their own long years of oppression and their many dead loved ones, victim s of the stock-pi ed weapons purchased from the West with their precious natural resources. Freedom-loving Am ericans should deplore the conspiracies after plots against the Iranian people by the U S government. This barbaric Shah, after having been forced to flee by the Iranian people, was returned to the throne in 1953 by a CIA-organized coup d'etat. For 25 years the U.S. government supp .ed Political and m ilitary support for this megalomaniac. When 4,000 persons were massacred on Frid a y, September 8, 1978 in Tehran, President Carter, self-styled human rights advocate, telephoned his support to the Shah Dunng the peak of Islam ic revolution, the present Administration did not hesitate to support the installation of a m ilitary government, and after it, the government of Bakhtiar, the Shah's appointee. By the ceaseless and uncompromising insistence of the Iranian people for an Islam ic republic, the m onarchy finally crumbled. The struggle had meant the loss of the best children, in order to heroically ana conclusively end the bloodthirsty tyranny led by the Shah and supported by the U.S. government. Today the M uslim people of Iran have freedom to decide their own future. Vet the C IA and other Am erican auihor'^®s have engaged in character assassinations and subversive activities against the Iranian leadership and peop . Bringing the Shah into this country on the pretext of medical treatment is a conspiracy against the brave peo­ liberty and ple of Iran and must be a profound em barrassm ent to those Am ericans who cherish ,ust.ee dem ocracy. Am ericans should protest the presence of their soil of this crim inal who represents everything they passionately despise. American People, dem and the expulsion of the Shah from your country. Sponsored by the Muslim Students Association. HOUNOS. THEY'RE TEACHING ROCK & ROLL « m a r u m ilf T T W V ? mUWIE WC1W 1 lilPpRv*- HOUNOS. '‘PUTTIN' ON THE DOG: Featuring the classic new version of 'Under IVty Thumb" On Columba Beards and Tapes j # A v A SOUND PRODUCTION 'Columtxa" >s a trademark of CBS Inc S' 1Q79 CBS xJuced fas Jeffrey ¡.esser AVAILABLE AT YOUR FAVORITE RECORD STORE Advertisement Tuesday, November 20, 1979 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Page 7 FOR ALL YOU DO... THIS SPORTS RIGE IS FOR YCMJ. A N H E U S E R BUSCH , INC • ST LO U IS ft The Rec Sports Review Representing the Division of Recreational Sports Volleyball, Soccer Finals Rapidly Approaching ^ ^ 1 In Women’s Intramural Vollevball In Women’s Intramural Volleyball f play, the LITTLEFIELD LADIES 8 dropped the NERDS, 15-9, 5-15, 7-3 for i their second victory against two losses. The SET SISTERS ran their ! record to 4-0 with a comeback 11-15, the HOOPERS. [ 15-6, 7-2 over GAMMA PHI BETA and CONTESSA j in their own battle, locked up | CONTESSA escaping with a 9-15, 15- i 11, 8-6 squeaker. The UPSETTERS I remained undefeated with a 15-8, 15- 11 victory against SIGMA DELTA TAU. In other contests, AFC crushed L U C K Y S E V E N , 15-2, 15-1, KINSOLVING GIRLS whipped PHI CHI THETA, 15-2, 15-6, ALPHA DELTA PI thrashed ALPHA XI DELTA -B, 15-3,15-3, AMIGAS breez­ ed by MBA, 15-0. 15-9, and WANTED WOMEN bombed the BUFANTS, 15- 6, 15-11. F O O L E S In Law Grad games, ZOOM hopped by the MUCKJUMPERS, 15-10, 15-3, P O O L E S e d g e d THERMODYNAMICS, 16 14. 16-14, MBA booted C.R.A.P., 15-3, 15-8, and CASE PROBLEMS outplayed the OVER THE HILL GANG, 15-7, 15-2 SOCIOLOGY remained unbeaten in the Faculty Staff league with a 15-3, 15-8 cruise over DP3. In other con­ tests COUNSELING/PSYCHOLOGI­ If CAL downed DP2, 15-11, 5-15, 7-4, and CAL downed DP2, 15-11,5-15,74, and DPI destroyed ILAS, 15-7, 15-0. 2, HANKY PANKY did in EKS and destroyed ILAS, 15-7. 15-0. SPIKE'S GANG added a ‘W’ to their ledger at the expense of the KINKS in the Coed league. SPIKE’S had a relatively easy time of it in win­ ning 15-4, 15-2. POP’S BIOS grabbed a win over the PLAYERS, 15-2, 15-9 to go 3-1, and MASH went to 3-0 with a 15-9, 15-5 battle over the DIRTY HALF DOZEN APO im ­ pressive as they tamed MR. BILL’S DOGS, 15-1, 15-9. In other Coed gam es, ACAPULCO GOLD cam e back to beat BSU, 15-11, 4-15, 74, MBA outspiked OUR GANG, 15-11,15- 2, HANKY PANKY did in EKS aND CO, 15-11, 15-12, ZIPPERS canned AICHE, 15-5,15-3, and HEAVEN CAN WAIT rebounded to dash the MIXED MULLETS, 5-15, 15-12. 7-0. looked 15-4, In Men’s B league, the S’s rolled by S T E R N S H O T S , 15-10, AYACUCHO rallied to deck HEAD EAST, 8-15, 15-11, 7-3, SIMKINS bottl­ ed MOORE, 15-5, 10-15, 7-1, BSU edg­ ed the NEPTUNES, 15-13, 3-15, 7-5, and F O U L P L A Y d e f e a t e d DRUNGOES I, 10-15, 15-5, 74. In M e n ’s A In M e n ’s A le a g u e a c t io n l e a g u e a c t i o n , SLIPPERY ROCK got on the winning side of things with a 15-13, 15-11 win over I FELTA THI. The AVERAGE WHITE TEAM overpowered the UNDER THE SHEETS GANG, 15-13, 15-10, PARS marched over AFROTC. 15-6, 15-3, SIGMA CHI downed DELTA TAU DELTA, 15-10, 13-15, 7- 3, SIMKINS leveled BRACK, 9-15, 15- 13, 7-0, SIX PACK poured it on MOORE, 15-5, 13-15, 7-1, PRATHER beat HILL, 15-7, 16-14 and SIGMA ALPHA MU outclassed PHI PSI, 15-2, 15-2 to stretch their winning streak to four games. soccer Those DIRTY WHITE BOYS remained on the winning track in Men’s Intramural Soccer with a 2-0 blank of ZBT, FEAT likewise kept impressive shutouts winning with announcements J _____________ over SAE and the UNTOUCHABLES. The UNTOUCHABLES couldn’t touch FEAT and went down to defeat 11-0 while SAE made it somewhat closer in a 4-0 loss. Other contests found SLA shooting down the NEW BARBARIANS, 3-0, PINCHOS GRI NGOES downing DELTA KAPPA EPSILON, 4-0, the BANDITS edging DELTA SIGMA PHI, 2-1, the SHARKS nudging AIME, 4-3, PHI KAPPA ALPHA demolishing M A R C H ’S M A T E S , 7-0, t h e FINANSTERS dumping SPILL, 4-1, LOS GABACHOS over AFROTC, 2-1 and MAGGIE MAES beating the LIBYAN STARS 2-2 on corner kicks. In Women’s Soccer action, PI BEAT PHI defeated KAPPA, 3-1, and KAPPA ALPHA THETA disposed of CHI OMEGA, 4-1. tube polo SPEED rode the hot hand of Gary Ross in splashing past BE GENTLE, 8-5, to win the Tube Polo cham­ pionship last week. Ross tallied four goals and Sarah Barnett added two more as SPEED jumped out to an early lead they never relinquished. SPEED reached t he f i n a l by o u t s c o r i n g th e MUDFLAPS in a wild 28-24 victory. BE GENTLE downed the SHEAR SINKERS, 14-8, to grab the spot op­ posite SPEED. Gregory Gym Courts To Close Nov. 30 There’s good news and bad news for UT racquetball/handball players. First the bad news. The Gregory Gym Annex racquetball/handball courts will be resurfaced with a finish similar to court 10. This process will necessitate closing all Gregory Gym courts from Nov. 30 through Jan. 20. No court reservations will be taken after Nov. 27. R e s u r f a c i n g w i l l c o n s i s t of sandblasting old surfaces, putting on fiberglass reinforced concrete, and finishing with sealer and paint. Since large amounts of dust and fumes will be created by the work, it will be necessary to close all courts for the duration of the project. Now for the good news. The new surface will greatly improve the playability and durability of the courts and d ecrease any future “down-time” for maintenance. Men's W eightlifting Entries for the 1979 In tra m u ra l Open W eight L if­ ting Tou rn am ent a re due in G regory G ym 33 by 5 00 p.m . on Tuesday, Nov. 20. The tournam ent w ill in be conducted on Tuesday, Nov 27, at 4:00 p.m the G regory G ym w eight room, 17. Com petition w ill consist of a bench press by repetition contest. E ach contestant w ill bench press th eir own body w eight for a m axim u m num ber of repetitions. Contestants w ill be divided into two w eight classes for a w a rd purposes. 165 and below and 165 and above. Rec Sports Jobs Applications a re now being accepted for Spring jobs with the D ivision of R ecreation al Sports. Jobs a va ilab le include building and tennis court super­ visors and locker room attendants. Applications a re av a ila b le in G re g o ry G ym 36 and w ill be accepted until Nov. 30. Inte rv iew s w ill be scheduled for the week of Nov. 26 through Dec. T H A N K S G I V I N G OPEN REC HOURS The D ivision of Recreational Sports w ill m aintain the follow ing schedule during the Thanksgiving holiday: Thursday (1 1 /2 2 ) and Friday (1 1 /2 3 ) G regory Gym 12 noon - 6 p.m. Tennis Courts 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday (1 1 /2 4 ) G regory Gym 8 a.m. - 12 noon Bellm ont Hall 8 a.m. - 12 noon Tennis Courts 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday (1 1 /2 5 ) G regory Gym 12 noon - 6 p.m. Bellm ong Hall 12 noon - 6 p.m. Tennis Courts 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Texas Swim Center w ill close for recreational program s at 2 p.m. on Wednesday (11/21). Anna Hiss w ill close at 10 p.m. on Wednesday (11/21). A ll fa cilitie s w ill resume regular schedules on Monday (11/26). New Year Ski Trip Adventure step outside you are still overwhelm­ ed with a sen se of beauty and timelessness. Everyone is soon ready and there is an air of impatience and anticipation as you work your way up. sport clubs Beginners Fencing Tournament Ilf m en’s divisions. j|g The UT Fencing Club is proud to an­ nounce a tournam ent for beginning fencers The m eet will be held Nov. 27 beginning a t 5:15 in Bellmont 302. En­ try fee for the tournam ent is $1.00 and medals will be awarded for the top three finishers in the women’s and For this tournament, beginners will be classified as persons with two years experience or less. Participants will be allowed to use the University’s fencing equipment. To sign up, stop by the fencing room < Bellmont 302) and sign the tourna­ ment sign-up sheet. Entry fee will be due a t the start of the tournament. Deadline for sign up is 5:00 p.m. on Monday. Nov. 26. At the archery tournament held Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 10 and 11, the FT Men’s Team placed second. Mark Miller from UT was the high men s scorer. His score of 1120 out of a possible 1200 broke the previous school record of 1119. LSU, A&M, SWTSU and UT com­ peted in the annual fall tournament sponsored by the UT Archery Club. The UT W restling Team par­ ticipated in its first tournament of the year Nov. 9 and 10 at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos. In­ dividual scores were Craig Hendrix, second place at 118 lbs.; Jim Favor, third place at 158 lbs.; James White, third place at 177 lbs. The Rec Sports Review is a produc­ tion of the D ivision of Recreational Sports. This fu ll page advertisem ent is printed w eekly on Tuesdays. E d ito r is M ike M c F a rla n d ; Associate E d ito r is Steve K night. Other re g u la r con­ trib u to rs include Donna Neusch, out­ door a rticle s and M a rcia Ewell, out­ door photographs. REC SPORTS UPDATE 471-4373 With December 31 marking the end of an incredible decade, it is not too early to make your New Year’s Eve plans. The Recreational Sports Out­ door program is now taking reser­ vations for New Year’s Eve. Our festivities have been carefully plann­ ed to commemorate the close of the decade by providing an experience that will accompany you through the 80’s. On the morning of Dec. 31, picture yourself being roused from your slumber by the aroma of hot coffee, freshly baked bread and frying bacon. You lie quietly for a few moments reflecting on the day before. Was that really you gliding among the fir and pines of these glorious alpine moun­ tains? The scenery is actually Christ­ mas card picturesque. With a smile on your face, you are soon dressed and seated around a hand hewn table, breakfasting with the other nine participants who are rapidly becoming your friends. Chris, the owner and gourmet cook of St. Paul Cross Country Ski Lodge, is careful to make sure your coffee cup is always brimming and no one leaves the table hungry. He has the lunches all ready to go, and you make a men­ tal note that you must get his homemade bread recipe before you leave. By 9:30 everyone has gathered out­ side in a buzz of a c ti v i t y as preparations are being made to depart for the day. Each time you As the trip begins, you try to syn­ chronize your breathing with your strides, subtly aware of the high elevation. Your kick glide seems to be a bit smoother this a.m. You pick up a burst of speed down a small draw, in­ termittent shrills of delight echo across the mountains as each swoop down in turn. As the group begins to congregate in a grove of trees you suddenly realize that it is already 1:30 and time for lunch. Thick ham sandwiches, with fresh fruit and homemade pastry provide a fare suitable for even Skadi. the goddess of Nordic skiing. Off again, you note that the weather has been delightful. Somehow you had the thought crosscountry skiing in the mountains meant dressing for the arctic. Now here you are comfortably skiing in a shirt and wool sweater. Seldom getting a chance to dress like this in Austin, you find you are really getting into this “fashion” that ac­ companies snow country. You dis­ covered the dryness qf the area really cuts down on the sen*sation of feeling cold. After a day of ski touring, the group heads back to the rustic lodge. There is time td relax, perhaps do some in a game of reading or engage backgammon before the evening meal is served. In keeping with the is a feast of holiday, hom ecooking The groups hang together after dinner engaging in con­ versation and some singing As mid­ night approaches those that are still awake gather around the fireplace and sip wine. The 1980’s come in quietly as the snow falling outside. the meal To reserve yourself place on the crosscountry ski trip, come by Bell­ mont 104 to sign up. The trip is from Dec. 29 to Jan 6, and the lodge where you will be staying is just northwest of Silverton, Colorado. Cost of the trip is $290, which includes transportation, food, lodging, guides, ski instruction and equipment. Rec Sports is offering an alter­ native to the ski trip for your New Year celebration From Dec. 27 to Jan 10, there will be a backpacking trip to the Copper Canyon in Mexico. The Copper Canyon is relatively unex­ plored and is larger than our own Grant Canyon. There will be some time spent at the primitive villages of the Indians in the area. The canyon follows the Urique River where par­ ticipants can do a little trout fishing on the side. The trip is designed for to experienced the backpacker and is considered one of the finest backpacking experiences around To take advantage of our un­ ique offer (this may be our last chance to offer such a trip) come by Bellmont 104. Cost of the trip is £585 which includes transportation from Austin, guide service, food, technical and group equipment. intermediate Finally, for those who want to have one last fling before the spring semester arrives, Rec Sports is offer­ ing a canoe trip for women from Jan. 7-13. Spend five days of canoeing Bo­ quillas Canyon in Big Bend There will also be time for other activities such as fishing or exploring the many side canyons. Cost for this trip is $160 which transportation, guides, canoes, food, and group cam­ ping equipment. includes So spend the waning moments of this decade enjoying yourself on one of our wil de rne ss advent ures. Register for these trips right now in Bellmont 104 or call 471-1093 for more information Texas’ A.J. ‘Jam’ Jones is mobbed by fans who swarmed out of the stands after the Longhorns’ 35-10 win over TCU last Saturday. SPORTS Cowboys’ Henderson quits football Little may Larry Kolvoord, TSP Staff THE DAILY TEXAN Tuesday, November 20, 1979 Page 8 DALLAS (U P I) Dallas coach Tom Landry said Mon­ day he had decided to place talkative linebacker Thomas Henderson on w aivers, but before that action could be taken Henderson announced he was retiring from football. The surprising move, com ­ ing at a critical point in the season tor the slumping Cow­ indicated Landry had boys, finally run out of patience with the vocal Henderson and felt a d ecisive m ove had to be made to boost D allas’ chances for making the playoffs There was no im m ediate reason given, either by Lan­ dry or Henderson, as to why th*‘ action was taken H E N D E R S O N , d r e s s e d nattily m a suit, appeared genuinely surprised by the attention the announcement had brought him when he walked into a scheduled news conference. ” 1 w asn’t counting on this much ol a crowd," Henderson said. "Coach Landry talked to m e before the team meeting today and said for a number of reasons I couldn’t start for the if I couldn't Cowboys And start, i couldn’t play. He said they were going to place m e on waivers, and I said 1 alw ays wanted to be rem em bered as a Cowboy, so 1 would retire." HENDERSON declined to be too sp ec ific as to the reasons Landry gave him for making the move. ” 1 think he thought I was us­ ing the team for my own ven­ tures," Henderson said. "He did mention I had a poor gam e a gain st W ashington I e x ­ it to happen one of pected t h e s e d a y s . it h a d n 't If it w ould h a p p en ed n ow , probably have happened next year because I was going to a sk fo r an a s t r o n o m ic a l amount of money. ”1 think it was just a clash of personalities. I was a uni­ que player this year because they held a lot of things over my head. No other player had the r e s tr ic tio n s I had. I c o u ld n ’t g e t h u rt and I couldn’t be sick “ I CAN TELL you how every rookie feels when they are cut from the Cowboys. It is the m ost hollow feeling in the world." Henderson said he and Lan­ dry had perhaps 10 m eetings during the year. “They w ere alw ays like warning session s,” Henderson said. "I took them to heart. I tried to play the best I could Then, with a sm ile, Hender­ son added, "I guess Dallas isn’t big enough for the both of us." H enderson r e je c te d any thought that Landry’s action was racially motivated. D A L L A S o f f i c i a l s em p h a sized th at alth ou gh Landry had originally planned to p l a c e H e n d e r s o n on w aivers, the m ove was aban­ doned when Henderson said he was retiring. Henderson thus remained under contract to D allas if a recon ciliation could be managed. Speculation as to the cause of the m ove centered around Henderson's play in the Cow­ b o y s ’ 34-20 th e Washington Redskins Sunday, which som e coaches reported­ ly felt w as lethargic. lo s s to f o r And, while his team m ates were being thrashed on the field, Henderson grinned and m u g g e d t e l e v i s i o n cam eras, pointing to a Dallas bandana hanging from his waist and holding up a finger to indicate the Cowboys were still "No. 1." One sou rce clo se to the Cowboys said the television incident m ay have played a part in Landry's decision but also said that there was a long string of incidents that even­ tually led to the action. Dallas has lost three of its last four gam es and has seen a two-game division lead wiped out in the last two weeks. Baylor matchup By REID LAYMANCE and JOE CHEMYCZ Daily Texan Staff Texas' win over TCU Saturday moved Texas closer to a bowl game, either the Sugar. Cotton or Sun, but the Longhorns may have lost quarterback Donnie Little with a foot injury for this w eek’s gam e with Peach Bowl-bound Baylor. Little left Saturday’s gam e in the second quarter with an apparent ankle injury but was still able to play if needed. However, after the gam e, both of his feet swelled and the injury to his right foot was re­ diagnosed as arch trouble. "IT (THE INJURY) is m ore serious than we expected, ’ Coach Fred Akers said at his weekly press conference Monday. “ Donnie has kind of flat feet and the rain shoes he wore didn’t have much support, but that w as com plicated when one of TCU's defensive linem an stepped on his foot. "We re not sure if h e’ll be ready (for Baylor) It’s just a m atter of tim e," Akers added. "Knowing the competitor that he is, he could be ready. All the com petitors seem to have their injuries heal around gam e tim e." FRESHMAN RICK Mclvor will quarter­ back the offense this week “ Rick will be running the first team m ost of the week, but Herkie (W alls) w ill be in there too," Akers said. is Akers im pressed with the Baylor defense the Horns m ust face, with or without Little. “ The size between our two defenses m atches up close. They may even be bigger than us. “They have got as much physical talent as anyone w e have faced this year, in­ cluding Houston. It’s the sam e basic team that beat us last year (38-14)," Akers add­ ed. ON THE TCU gam e, Akers named run­ ning back A.J. "Jam ” Jones offensive player of the game. Jones rushed for 127 yards and tied a school record, scoring four touchdowns. Chuck Holloway, who made 17 tackles, was named defensive player of the gam e. “The defense (which held TCU to 33 yards on 38 carries) played well. Ron Bones, Bill Acker, Johnnie Johnson and Holloway all had good gam es," Akers said. T exas’ punt return play was one of the m ost pleasing aspects of the gam e to Akers. "The punt returns finally cam e. They had been coming close all year, but this tim e the timing finally cam e and we managed to break a few," he said. AFTER THE TCU gam e. Sugar Bowl rep resen tative E lliot Laudem an said either Texas or Arkansas would play in the Sugar Bowl depending on which team goes to the Cotton Bowl. "Nothing’s certain yet, but Texas or Arkansas will be in the Sugar Bowl against Alabama or Georgia," Laudeman said. “ If we take care of our business and win our last two gam es, w e’ll be in a major bowl gam e som ewhere," Akers said. “ The Sugar Bowl representative said h e’d be back next w eek (when T exas plays Baylor). “ It (Baylor) is just a big, big ball gam e, and we'll need all the support we can get from our fans," he added. Astros la n d ‘Ryan Express H O U S T O N - ( U P I ) Strikeout sp ec ia list Nolan Ryan, who has pitched four is considered no-hitters and the hardest thrower in the major leagues, Monday sign­ ed an historic" three-year contract with the Houston Astros reportedly worth $1 million a year. Ryan, the first free agent ever signed by the Astros, talk about refused the to d ifferen ces that developed between him and the Califor­ nia Angels, the team he left after the last eight of his 12 major league seasons. Dick Moss. Ryan's agent, said Houston was the only team Ryan negotiated with among the 12 which chose the right-hander in the re-entry draft. “ We didn't have a bid­ ding war," Moss said "We made a proposal to a number of clubs and asked them not to m ake a bid. We said w e would be back to them if they were the ballclub Nolan wanted to play for Ryan, 32, of nearby Alvin, received the lucrative pact with no deferred paym ents despite posting only a 26-27 record over the p ast two seasons at California and a m ediocre career record of 167-159. Ryan also has had som e arm problems the last two years. Moss disclosed that Astros owner John McMullen told him during their first m eeting • we m ay end up spending too much but no one can blam e us if it's for Nolan Ryan." le a g u e s e a s o n s R yan’s 2.909 strikeouts in 12 m a jo r is fourth best behind Hall of Fam er Walter Johnson's 3.- 408 • I wouid like to surpass W alter Johnson’s strikeout record in the three or four years that I will be h ere,” Ryan said. The Astros have an option to retain Ryan for a fourth year in 1983. N either the Astros nor Moss would discuss any other details of what Moss called "a truly historic" contract. Ryan joins 20-game winner Joe N iek ro and N atio n a l League strikeout king J.R. Richard in Houston’s starting rotation . R ich ard led the N ational L eague with 313 last season and strik eou ts R y a n w a s t h e American League with 223. t o p s i n Along w ith his four no- hitters. Ryan holds the major league record for strikeouts in one season 383. and m ost 300 strikeout seasons, five “On paper.” Richard said, “ it's the best pitching staff in baseball But until we go down on the field and prove it, we re nothing." Ryan said he dream ed about playing for the Astros when he was growing up. "My wife and I are m ore ex­ cited about this opportunity than the contract itself," he said. Astros Manager Bill Virdon said "With Nolan, I’ve got to think w e have a better chance of b rin gin g a p en nan t to Houston That is my one and only d esire.” During the first half of last se a so n , R yan had a 12-6 record including a one-hitter, a pair of two-hitters and two three-hitters He finished 16- 14. Ryan broke into the major leagues in 1968 with the New York Mets where he spent four easons before going to the Angels. D a lla s' Thomas Henderson goes through training exercises at the Cowboys camp last summer. Henderson retired Monday. UPI Tetepnoto > Rams ground Falcons, tie for first Tuesday, November 20, 1979 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Page 9 Rule change to block Sugar Bowl mismatch ATHENS, Ga. (U PI) — The Georgia Bulldogs let the Sugar Bowl partially off the hook Monday. The bowl was in danger of winding up with a host team with a 5-6 record should Georgia lose to Georgia Tech Saturday and Alabama lose to Auburn a week later. That would be all moot of course if Alabama, as expected, beats Auburn to com plete a perfect season and continue its bid for the national championship. Although only 5-5 overall, the Bulldogs are 5-1 in SEC play and would be tied for th e S o u th e a ste rn C o n feren ce c h a m ­ pionship with Alabama, currently un­ beaten and ranked No. 1 nationally, if the Crimson Tide was upset by Auburn Dec. 1. The SEC contract with the Sugar Bowl has a “ last appearance” rule which, in case of a tie, would prohibit Alabama from retur­ ning this year since the Crimson Tide played in the bowl last year. GEORGIA EASED that threat by get­ ting the Southeastern C onference to relieve it of its “ obligation” to represent the SEC in the Sugar Bowl if the Bulldogs should end their season with a losing record. However, if Georgia wins its non­ con feren ce gam e Saturday, Alabama would have to beat or tie Auburn to go to the Sugar Bowl. Georgia asked the SEC Sunday night to change the rule and the conference agreed Monday, emphasizing that the change was for only the Jan. 1, 1980 gam e and not for future Sugar Bowls. SEC Comm issioner Boyd McWhorter said he was instructed by the league’s six- m em ber executive com m ittee, in a un­ animous vote, to ask the Sugar Bowl to waive the SEC’s “ last appearance” rule “ for this year only " so that Alabama could get the bowl berth even if it doesn't win the league title outright. MCWHORTER EARLIER declined to predict whether the executive com m ittee would accept G eorgia’s offer. “ I never would forecast what they’re going to do,” said the com m issioner. And he pointed out that it would have to be a joint agreem ent. “Of course the Sugar Bowl has to be in on this too since w e’re under contract.” The Sugar Bowl Association, acting through its president Robert Fasbacher, quickly agreed. “ The essen ce of this accum ulative ac­ tion,” said McWhorter, “ is that if Auburn beats Alabama and if Georgia Tech beats Georgia, the Sugar Bowl Association has a g r e e d to s e l e c t th e S o u th e a ste r n Conference representative for its Jan. 1, 1980 gam e.” That representative, obviously, would be Alabama which would still be 10-1 and highly ranked. Georgia officials said they initiated the request without any outside pressure and said the proposal had the unanimous sup­ port of G eorgia’s coaches and players as well as the school administration. “ I think this will clear the air so we can direct our total concentration on prepar­ ing for our state championship contest with our traditional rival Georgia Tech,” said Georgia Coach Vince Dooley. “ This action should lay to rest all questions con­ cerning G eorgia’s position regarding the Sugar Bow l.” Dallas in trouble — Landry DALLAS (UPI) - With his team turning from bland to sour. Coach Tom Landry has no trouble assessing the situa­ tion with the D allas Cowboys. “ I’d say we are in a lot of t r o u b l e , ” s a id L a n d r y . “ We’ve been beaten three of the la s t four g a m e s and haven’t looked good. We don’t look like the Cowboys of last year.” l o s s D a l l a s ’ 3 4 -2 0 to Washington Sunday not only left the Cowboys tied for the NFC E a s t the R edskins and P hiladelphia Eagles, but it left them in a deflated state going into the Thanksgiving Day battle with lead w ith the streaking Houston Oilers. “ We are just not hitting on all cylinders,” said linebacker D.D. Lewis. “ But if you look back in past seasons when we have had a lull, the defense usually com es back and keeps people from scoring. “ That is what is going to have to take place. We are trying like crazy. Maybe we are trying too hard. We have to adopt the attitude that if the other team scores any points at all it’s too many. “We have four gam es left and we can pull it off. And if we do we will be going into the playoffs on an upbeat.” Although D allas has been snoozing for much of the season, the alarm clock might have gone off when Redskins coach Jack Pardee ordered a tim e out with 14 seconds to play in the gam e and ran the field goal team onto the field. Mark M osley’s 45-yarder provided a 14-point winning margin instead of an 11-point win. Pardee said after the gam e he wanted the extra points because of tiebreaking the factor involving points. to lo s e ‘ ‘ Y ou h a t e to W ashington,” said Landry. “ They kind of like to rub it in .” Sports Shorts LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Vince Ferragam o, starting his th r e w f i r s t N F L g a m e , touchdown passes of 29 and 40 yards Monday night to lead the Los Angeles R am s to a 20- 14 victory over the Atlanta Falcons and a share of the lead in the NFC West. The Rams, now b-o. are tied with New Orleans atop the division while Atlanta fell to 4- 8 . F e r r a g a m o , a fo u r-y ea r v e t e r a n f r o m n e a r b y T orran ce, C a lif., and the University of Nebraska, was starting in place of the injured Pat Haden. He com pleted 9- of-22 passes for 171 yards and the two touchdowns. T he R a m s in te r c e p te d F a lco n q u a rterb a ck June in th e f ir s t J o n e s t w ic e quarter, converting one of the turnovers into a touchdown and marching to the four-yard line following the second tur­ nover as the quarter ended. On the first play of the second quarter, running back Wendell Tyler fumbled on the R am s’ one-yard line and Atlanta took over on its 20. Jones’ second pass of the gam e was picked off by left com erback Sid Justin amd returned 13 yards to the Atlan­ ta 45. Four plays later the Rams grabbed a 7-0 lead 4:19 into the gam e on F erragm ao’s 29-yard pass to Preston Den- nard in the end zone. Los Angeles m ade it 14-0 with 36 seconds left in the half on the 40-yard touchdown pass from F e r r a g a m o to B illy Waddy, cappoing a drive of 76 yards in seven plays. A tla n t a n a r r o w e d th e R am s’ lead to 14-7 10 m inutes into the third period on a 15- yard p a ss from J o n es to W a l l a c e F r a n c i s . T h e touchdown m arch covered 76 yards in 10 plays with half­ back Bubba Bean rushing three tim es for 24 yards and catching a 13-yard pass from Jones, playing for the injured Steve Bartkowski. UTEP wins N C A A cross country By United Press International BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Henry Rono of Washington State tied an NCAA record Monday with his third individual championship and Texas-El Paso nipped Oregon for the team title in the 41st NCAA Cross Country Championship at Lehigh University. Rono, a native of Kenya who holds three world records in track, ran the 10,000-meter course at Saucon Valley Fields in a tim e of 28:19.4 to defeat defending champion Alberto Salazar of Oregon, who was clocked in 28:27.6. In adding to his individual titles in 1976 and 1977, Rono tied the NCAA mark of three championships held by Gerry Lindgren of Washington State in 1966,1967 and 1969 and Steve Prefontaine of Oregon in 1970, 1971 and 1973. Texas-El P aso won its second straight team championship and its fourth in the last five years. A & M picked to win title DALLAS — A poll of 25 broadcasters and w riters gave Tex­ as A&M a slight edge over Arkansas in this y ea r’s Southwest Conference basketball race. Texas A&M received 13 first place votes and 213 overall points in the preferential balloting while Arkansas was second with 209 points. N ext cam e Texas Tech with 153, Houston 135V2, Texas 134V2 SMU IIIV2, Baylor 73V2, Rice 59 and TCU 36. FREE IQ TEST THE AUSTIN TEST CENTRE • M - intelligence and personality tests. Your IQ, personality and aptitude determine your future. i offers for a limited time free K n o w . them . N o o bligatio n s. 2 8 0 4 Rio G ra n d e Austin, Texas S p o n s o r e d (f\ t h e i u s t i n C h u r c h of S c i e n t o l o g y < PRINCESS GARDNER SPECIAL TH AN K SG IV IN G LUNCH Tuesday beginning at 11:00 featuring Cream of Tomato Soup with Homo mad# Croutons Choice of Roast Tom Turhey with Dressing or Baked Smoked Ham with Pineapple Sauce Choice of Buttered Whipped Potatoes or Candied Sweet Potatoes Gibiet Cream Gravy Choice of Buttered English Peas, Tender Carrots with Honey Glaze, or Mexican Cream Style Corn Cranberry Sauce Pumpkin Pie Hot Dinner Roll All for $2.95 At "Adds & Drops” in the Union Food Mall and at the Varsity Cafeteria Texas I nion Dining Services “ “ 1 ■*9.00 CASH "” *9.00 DOLLARS CASH! t I I I I I ing a blo od p la s m a d on or It on ly ta k e s I 1? hou rs, | and you can donate every Toe con s a v * a lit* by ba-« . | 7 ? hours. I You w ill receiv e $8.00 for firs t d o n a tio n ond ■ $10.00 for a se con d dor.a- your _ n on in the sa m e w ee k. . If you b rin g this ad in w ith ~ I you, y ou w ill re c e ive a * Parklane A c c e s s o r ie s Soft M onique C ow hide sports a distinctive p o d d e d motif beauti­ fully e nhanced by double gold rings C hoose from two fashionable colors to highlight your complete wardrobe. VISA & MoUarCharga W a lc o m * A\ppairel Slnop First Laval P roa 1 hr. p a r k i n g ' w / $ 3 . 0 0 p u rc h a se w / 4 3 . 0 0 o u r c h a s a first d on ation . $ 1 0 0 b o n u s a fte r y o u r f I I I I AUSTIN BLOOD COMPONENTS, INC. | 5 1 0 W est 29th Phone 4 7 7 -3 7 3 5 ■ ?Jr.; foot. A Fri. I rn.rn.-7M paa. (toan M ' fVwv. ¿ ► at ■ S H K I — \ t t e a * . . . A ^ . h i a A . , . , > i | i a t , . - « A H W UPI Telephoto g iin ln 'S fJ y 's ^ m r801''6'’ bV A'la"“ 'S Ray EaS,e,"n9 a,ter a 1 7 " y a r d Oilers look forward to shootout with Pokes on Thanksgiving HOUSTON (UPI) - Dan Pastorini wore a patch over his painful right eye, but there w as no tim e off for him or anyone else Monday as the Houston Oilers went to work for what several players bragged would be a Thanksgiv­ ing Day feast. V etera n d e fe n s iv e ta c k le E lv in Bethea said he had been anticipating playing the D allas Cowboys since their last regular season m eeting in 1974. The two Texas team s m eet at 3 p.m. Thursday in Texas Stadium. “ I’ll have turkey at three and turkey when I get h om e,” Bethea said. “ I guess that’ll get in the D allas papers, won’t it? ” Center Carl Mauck added, “ I don’t hate the Cowboys. I love the Cowboys. They have the best organization in the NFL. Forty percent of NFL m erchan­ dise sold has the Cowboy name on it. They are A m erica’s heroes. How can you root against A m erica’s heroes?” Other Oilers were more diplomatic. Veteran cornerback Willie Alexander said there “ was no love lost between us, but we can’t afford to get caught in all the emotional an tics.” “ It’s just another football gam e,” Earl Campbell said. “ It’s nothing per­ sonal.” O ilers coach es com p ressed their work schedule, finalizing a gam e plan in which include they expected Pastorini. to The strong-armed quarterback has passed as w ell as he ever has during Houston’s four-game win streak. But he suffered a scratched right eye in the second quarter of a 42-21 win over Cin­ cinnati Sunday and did not return to the gam e. Pastorini looked like Captain Hook as he stood on the sidelines during the se­ cond half. His eye was covered by a patch, and tape around his head held the patch in place. Afterward, he said sm oke in the A strod om e ir r ita te d th e e y e and prompted him to m ake a late Sunday trip to a hospital em ergency ward. A team physician said there was no impairment of vision but there was som e loss of response. Offensive coach King Hill spoke with Pastorini after the trip to the hospital. “ The doctor said there w ere som e scratches on the eyeball, not on the cor­ nea, just on the white a rea ,” Hill said. Pastorini’s pain w as severe enough Sunday to spoil for him the post-gam e celebration se t off by the te a m ’s biggest win since 1975. “ I can’t talk right now. My eye hurts,” he said. “ We don’t anticipate him having any more problems and we feel like he’s go­ ing to be 100 percent by Thursday,” Hill said. “ Unless he gets it re-aggravated he probably won’t go back to the physician.” Monday is usually the O ilers’ day off when only the injured players report for m edical treatment. But Phillips scheduled a light practice consisting of watching film s and running through plays. There was no great concern among coaches that backup quarterback Gif­ ford N ie ls e n w ould not sub for Pastorini adequately, especially after his performance in the second half against the Bengals. He com pleted 10 of 16 passes for 139 yards and one touchdown. He did not throw an in­ terception. Pastorini completed 10 of 14 tosses for 182 yards and a touchdown. Next time you're in Mexico, stop by and visit th( Cue ¡vi» fabrica in Ti’quila. Since 1795we’ve welcomed our guests with our best. A traditional taste of Cuervo Gold. Visitors to Cuervo have always been greeted in a special way. ence the un ique taste of Cue rw Gold. They're met at the gates and incited inside to experi­ .> Th is is the way we've said "we leo me "for more than ISO £ - m For this dedication to tradition is what makes Cuervo ! years. A nd it is as traditioaal as Cuervo Gold itself. Gold truly special. Neat, on the rocks, with a splash of soda, in a perfect Sunrise or Margarita, Cuervo Gold will bring you back to a time when quality ruled the world. Cuervo. The Gold standard since 1795. CU ER V O E S P EC IA . * TI J U IL A 8 0 PROOF I M P O R T E D A N D B O T T L E D BY ® 1978 HEU BLEIN . INC HARTFO RD . CO N N T H E D A IL Y T E X A N Tuesday, November 20, 1979 Page 10 ENTERTAINMENT_ Heavy metal Hounds barking up wrong tree in Armadillo debut By ROBERT DRAPER "D o ya wanna rork and ro ll? ” T h e re ’s something very displeasing about a band that scream s out this question and then dem onstrates a c om plete lack of comprehension of the phrase’s meaning The Hounds have their good points, but last Saturday at the Armadillo the audience was callo on to endure too much. It was not an auspicious debut that heavy m etal I m ust qualify this a rticle with the admission the Hounds’ m usical ballpark usually doesn’t work for m e T here are excep ­ tions, but usually the genre expressly concerns itself with contrived m achism o debauchery, hav­ ing little to say beyond I-w anna-ream -ya-baby proclam ations. Heavy m etal was an unwanted anachronism from the m om ent of its inception, dead on its feet, transparent and lacklu ster. The will to heavy m etal is, from my standpoint, the will to misused power T H E HOUNDS were b est when they w eren’t preoccupied with m e tallic m ania Jo e Cuttone’s bass solo preceding "U n d er My Thum b” and Don G riffin ’s moody guitar ostinato in “ H orses” stood above the muck Most songs — particu larly the gracefu lly m uscular encore “ P o rtrait of a Dead M an” — had their clev er moments. But I don’t know many people who a re wealthy enough to take in every concert that has its m om ents. Usually the Hounds were personable but disappointing, stepping into m istakes first created by Boston, F oreigner and the like. P a r tic u la r ly guilty was lead v o ca list and Jo h n H u n ter, who e e n t e r - s ta g e a t tr a c tio n appeared to be acting out an identity c ris is on stag e. R o b ert P la n t, S te v e W alsh, M ick G raham Hunter embodied each from tim e to tim e, but never very convincingly. Creeping to the edge of the stage and cooing at the audience, feigning unbridled astonishm ent at the quality of the guitar solos and flagellating bassist Cuttone with, of all things, a pink ribbon, served to under­ mine the band’s legitim acy until there was very little left. V E R Y LIT T LE, that is, except a curious aura of sin cerity about the Hounds. One gets the feeling that they a re n ’t in it for the money: they enjoy their m usic and really think it’s what rock ‘n ’ roll is all about. Their version of the Stones’ “ Under My Thumb buries Mick Ja g g e r ’s delightful scorn and constitutes a g rea ter act of sacrileg e than the supposed Knack a tro cities, but Hunter’s ad m ira­ tion for the Stones is very real. Maybe it’s because they aren ’t big shots yet, but the Hounds really seem like a bunch of nice guys who don’t mean any harm. I ’m sayin’, But then the whole cozy picture decomposes. We see Hunter bellowing, “ I ain ’t talkin’ bout hearts-and-flowers bullshit! ‘Hey bitch, I a in ’t had any all week! Y a b etter sta rt puttin’ out for m e ! ” We see guitarists Griffin and Glen R ichard Rupp g rim ace and drop to their knees as they grind out solos which m iss every mark save those already hit by other bands. We see Michael N eff assailing us with the obligatory drum solo, powerful but m arred by predictability. I t’s too much to bear. This band’s value is highly suspect Commander Cody blasts sound barrier By HUNT BLAIR “ We c a m e to b o o g ie , ' th e “ o ld C o m g r o w le d m and er,” and boogie he did, p ractically knocking the w alls down in a rip-roaring co n cert Sunday night at A rm adillo World H eadquarters. Com m ander Cody, fam ous in the h e arts and honky-tonks of T exas m usic fans and part of the original Austin Country Sound, got his Austin s ta rt at the A rm adillo about six y e ars a g o , so h is concert w as som ething of a hom ecom ing The Com m ander took the it was non-stop stag e, and th at cou n try ro ck a b illy foot stom ping m u sic loose, that puts Cody and the boys in a cla ss som ew here lietween country, new wave and rock and roll with little w estern swing thrown in on ju st a from the m o­ top for fun m ent he sat down at his piano H E DIDN’T s ta y sea ted long. He ran to the front of the stage, then back to the back, over to the piano, back and forth between sev eral m ikes, seem ingly shouting into all of them a t once, and then he leapt into the air in a sort of jumping ja c k cartw heel A c­ tive perform ers a re one thing, but this man was on fire. You had to adm ire his stam ina if nothing else the c o n c e r t F o r tu n a te ly , to th e r e w as m ore than speed. There was the m usic. The tunes were good, upbeat and silly. But there was one sm all problem. The sound itself It was so loud that it hit the audience with the fo rce of a bulldozer and ju st about as much subtle- ty. The piano and vocals lost a c ritica l b attle to distortion It was disappointing Pushing the volume control to its up­ per lim its is a trick usually reserved for bad bands who need to cover up a lack of talent. than a This was too loud for even t h e f a i t h f u l A r m a d i l l o few regulars. More fans put their hands to their ears a number of tunes. It’s too bad. because Commander Cody norm ally has plenty of talent and enough style to hold anyone’s attention, but with such a loud pounding on the old eardrum s, it was hard to keep your attention on the music. I L IK E CODY I'v e got a couple of his record s and I think a lot of it is tine stuff, but this is the first con cert I Haagen-Dazs ice cream i S 3 Steamboat ____ can rem em b er actually m ov­ ing back from the front row to that the back row. It was b ru tal w all of sound th a t drove m e back. My e a rs w ere not alone. S it­ ting in the back, I watched quite a few people head for the door betore the Com m ander had even com e back for an en­ core The concert, alm ost six y e a r s e x a c tly s in c e Cody recorded a live album a t the A rm a d illo , m ig h t’ve b ee n great. ju s t loud. Instead, it was There w ere a couple of sav­ ing g race s. Most notable w ere the perform ances of “ Two T rip le C h eese-b u rg ers, An Order of F r ie s ,” and “ B eat Me Daddy, E ig h t To The B a r .” And of course, two old f a v o r i t e s ,“ S m o k e. S m o k e, Sm oke” and “ Hot Rod Lin­ coln ” were well received. The m em bers of the w arm up a c t, W hiskey D rinking l o t s m o r e M u s ic , w e r e tolerable sitting in with Cody than they w ere alone. A cou­ ple of beers helped the even­ ing a lot. But all in all, if you the c o n c e rt, don’t m issed spend any tim e crying about it. You didn’t m iss enough. Crumb, Chavez works featured Jan Sonnenm air, Daily Texan Staff ‘The Piano M an’ Songwriter/slnger Billy Joel performs at the Special Events Center at 8 p.m. Saturday as a follow-up to his smash concert last year at the SEC. Tickets for the performance are $9.50, $8.50 and $7.50 and may be purchased at the SEC box office or charged by calling Dial-A-Ticket at 477-6060. L es Ami» Sidew alk C afe 2 tth A San Antonio Tuesday & Wednesday Night Special 4 C a tfith & Boiled Shrim p ALL YOU CAN IA T! 5-10 PM $ 5 95 S e rve d W ith S a la d B a r, B eans, French Fries A H u s h P u p p ie s N o w Serving Cocktails! THE BRANDING IRON 6'*j M tU t Pa*t O a k Hill on H w y . 71 W «»t e » m W «¿y » 2 6 3 - 2 8 2 7 %P resents _ ★ Tom o rro w Night * The Afro-American Players Present An Evening with. . . THE ART ENSEMBLE OF CHICAGO ★ F rid a y * THE BUGS HENDERSON GROUP The Wommack Bro*. ★ Saturday * ERIC JOHNSON & THE MAGNETS ★ Tues & Wed , N ovem b er 27th & 28th * JOHN PR1NE The Fabulous Thunderbirds S * 5 % BARTON SPRIN G S RD . 4 7 7 - 9 7 * * fVM THI LOTIONS EXPLO SIV ES AND T H IS K U N K S thun CLOS1D hl-tot PH YRIW O RK RESTAURANT-BAR 403 E. SIXTH 478 -2 9 1 2 Tonight THE DEAN SCOTT SHOW Longest Happy Hour in Town Double Shots — 2 for 1 — 11 am -8 pm NEVER A COVER CHARGE D ¿0 SC Fog T O U R Ensemble provides ‘thankless music By NICK VINCELLI L ast Sunday evening, the Hogg Auditorium was f a n a t i c a l a s s a u l t e d w ith ham m erings of the UT Percussion Ensem ble. th e a d r o i t and One can well im agine the d ifficu lties inherent in p rojecting balance and eloquence in such a lim ited ch am b er medium a s a percussion ensem ­ ble as well as in finding substantial and a ttractiv e works w ritten sp ecifically for it. Judging from Sunday’s perform ance, how ever, it is c le a r that this group has m et both challenges with ad­ m irab le ability and not without a g reat deal of courageous panache. The program , m ade up solely of modern works, did not draw a crow d big enough to riv a l Woodstock, but was nevertheless a m usically sophisticated gathering who seem ed to digest the perform ances with som e intelligence and ap­ preciation The two m ajor works presented w ere Carlos Chavez’ “ X ochipilli” and George Crum b’s “ An­ cient V oices of Children.” surrounded by an in­ nocuous trio of ag reeab le effo rts by G eorge F ro ck , B ru ce Radek and H orace Silver, resp ec­ tively. T H E CHAVEZ WORK, with its obvious in tim ations of V illas-Lobos, is a jau ntily exciting piece and provided a rollicking vehicle for the ensem ble’s bravado. It was the Crumb work, however, that was the p rogram ’s m ain and m ost fiendishly demanding attractio n . Utilizing often bizarre techniques, “ Ancient V oices of Children,” (1970) is a m usical setting of texts by the Spanish poet L orca. It is a gruelling work to perform and som ething of a m inor avant- g ard e m a s te rp ie c e — m u sic th a t co n ju re s an cestral rev eries, surreal im ages and prim itive melodies. In this work, the soprano is required to sing not only the m ost torturous of vocal glissandos, but to whisper, shout and bleat into the strings of an am plified piano (an e ffe ct which, though com ­ ical to watch, produces a nirfgical resonance). Other perform ers are required to periodically shout, whisper and chant. At one point, the pianist plays a b rief passage of Bac h on a toy piano. Quarter-tones a re plucked on a mandolin to cre a te a prim itive sound scenario. E lizabeth Mannion’s soprano handles the role with the necessary theatricality and technique. The ensem ble executed the perform ance with im ­ pressive skill. The program ended with a jazz tune by Horace tif led “ M ica’s Silver, arranged by John R ice D ream .” It was an entertaining but highly in­ congruous inclusion in the program The m ost eloquent com m ent was uttered by a sym pathetic listener who rem arked, a fte r the end of the Crumb work, how nice tt was to have such thankless m usic done so well. A U S T IN ’S F IN E S T GAM E ROOM THE CONTINENTAL CLUB Tree House t i u v k i - i l r i c k * - w - % . E g N I B , r tS T o n ig h t Juiie Christensen Quartet & Special Priende 502 Dawson Rd. GREA T MUSICIANS SERIES 79-80 p resen ts JESSYE NORMAN Magnificent Soprano from Augusta who has gathered an international following: “ One of the few great singers.” (Edinburgh) M on day, N o v e m b e r 2 6 8 p.m. Hogg A u d it or iu m , U . T . Campus Happy Hour 2:30 - 7 pm 5Ce Lone Star ALWAYS 4 4 2 - 9 9 0 4 1 3 1 5 S. Congress I f l UNIVERSAL AMUSEMENT l | | The Finest in Adult Motion Picture Entertainment ^ ADULT THEATRES 3 Mora Doysl H A R O L D L IM E Presents “ o u r * covetg.rl ant) c(?nte»1old N A N C Y S U IT E R a n d " H U S T L E R c enterfo ld D E S IR E C < | I 1 1 jj | j I | HELD OVER! 8th W«ek 3 M o r e D a y s ! HOW FfiRDOfSflGIRlHflVl TOCO TO UKTBNCU HER TINGÜ 7 cwAAOoemiANcs DEEP T f I R I O I T eASTVANCOUTH 0 MJU.TS l ~ * ita m n 9 UNDA LOVELACE HARRY REEMS A N D " a Sensation! A BREATHTAKING EROTIC ODYSSEY the likes of «rtiicH has never been so strongly deprcted on the streen V A R IE T Y p l u s I I I I I t « A H I 1 « t v M t l f l l V I l r j j 11 ^ x “ T r r r r j W Dan Fbgdberg will accompany himself on acoustic guitar & piano AUSTIN MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM THIS COM ING M O N D AY NOVEMBER 26th a t 8 :0 0 PM ON SALE AT: RAYM OND S DRUGS DISCOVERY RECORDS (AUSTIN) FUPSIDf RECORDS (AUSTIN & SAN MARCOS) JAM & JEUY GENERAL STORE (SAN A N T O N IO ) PRODl C tJ) BY PACE CONCERTS AND JA M PRODl CTIOSS For ticket information call 471-1444 i J U M iS S ‘i J a n e S M The College of Fine Arts m O v - l ¿224 G U A D A L U P E • 4 " ' 96J 2 1 3 0 S C o n g r e s s 4 4 2 - 5 7 1 9 Cu finmmif fi ConrnrtteeWM* Matinees Daily No One Under 18 Admitted Late Shows Friday & Saturday. Sundays Open Noon Please Bring I.D.’s Regardless Of Age ~ BILLY JOEL This Saturday! Sat. Nov. 24 8:00 PM $9.50 $ « 5 0 $7.50 T ic k e ts a v a ila b le at d o o r D o o r s o p e n at 7 :0 0 P M Austin 477-6060 Temple 774-9176 San Marcos 392-2751 Killeen 526-2881 urw TO Sfr o f W MF 4T a o f w 5PCCV4L fKIN TS CENTER Tuesday, November 20, 1979 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Pane 11 Dance company sets high goals n r s a n / n i KATHY SAMON I Y S A M O N on In its first performance, the Austin Repertory Dancers Company proved that it is in- t e n t e s t a b l i s h i n g professional goals and deter­ mined to achieve them. But it is a young company which has not yet reached its desired level of maturity. This is not a group that is bored or aloof; on the con­ t r a r y , t he d a n c e r s a r e energetic, though not overly animated, and are aware of the mood for each piece. Their delivery is successful because it is neither reserved nor overstated; is right on it target. Also noteworthy is the wide range of choreography offered in a single perfor­ mance. on However, for a company in- t e n t e s t a b l i s h i n g professional standards of quality, relatively few of the dancers have the technical training necessary to meet these demands. And although it was entertaining to include w o r k s by f o u r A u s t i n choreographers, many of the pieces were similar in mood and style and lacking in choreographic risks or ex­ perimentation. Judy Dillen’s “ Gathering,” with music by Ralph Towner, presented the company at its b e s t . of celebration,“Gathering” has a lifting, lyrical quality that tenderness for unfolds a d a n c e A a a n d s n a r p i n v n n c space, and a joyous urgency fo r m o v e m e n t . L y n n e Grossman particularly un­ d e r s t o o d D i l l e n ’s choreography: the long flow­ ing lines, the pull of her body through space. “ Gathering’s ” signature movements, the large circular sweep of an arm as it collects space, the flowing lines of arabesques and the crossing and weaving of the five dancers, matched Tow ner’s dream y m usic, allowing for an enraptured quality few but Grossman at­ tained. A duet by Kate Fisher and Jan Bosworth, “The Act of Moving,” was the only piece that revealed daring. Perfor­ ming without accom pani­ ment, Fisher and Bosworth experimented with all the elements of modem dance. Fisher would mold a shape in space, hold it, dismiss it and stop — filling a silence with energy. Rhythm, balance and timing were intense individual studies tied together by a con­ tinuing thread of progression and contradiction. The drama of the piece hinged on her ability to show us a move­ ment, establish an intensity of exploration, abruptly walk away from us and just as adroitly slide into another study. “ A l c o t t S o n a t a , ” choreographed by Shelley Graham, is loosely based on Louisa May Alcott’s “ Little Women.” The drama of the , • • . piece is in its clean, simple movement, perfectly com ­ plemented by Charles Ives’ music (performed by pianist Dennis Davenport). U n d e r l y i n g t he we l l - mannered. almost courtly at­ titude of the dancers is a sense of poignancy and internal s t r u g g l e ; of d e f i n i n g territory, but not wanting to breax ties as the dancers move together, break away and come together. F a c e s of P r a y e r , ” choreographed by Glen Daw­ son (music by J.S. Bach), is a piece that was saved by a well-rehearsed, precise corps of five women. The piece was reverent, yet somehow lacked spiritual impact. The difficul­ ty with religious pieces is transm itting the awe and adoration of prayer into ac­ tual movement, or taking the through audience that emotional level. Dawson’s choreography came close but never managed to lift the cur­ tain between audience and performers. to Perhaps the downfall of the e v e n i n g wa s “ A u s t i n Breakdown,” with music by the Doobie Brothers. Initially , the dance was captivating. Five of the seven dancers created a spark of recognition with the pantomime gestures of pulling on suspenders and the careful scratching of someone’s behind. It was wh a t t he a ud i e n c e wa s familiar with, but it had a sur- it r e a l q u a l i t y , a s represented Dawson's special interpretation of reality. if After the introduction, the dance became a barnyard shambl es . Knee- sl appi ng promenading is fun, in fact, i t ’s cont agi ous. But the danger is that sloppiness can result, as it did in this case. It’s a cute dance, a flashy showy dance, but there was no place on the modern dance program for it. A hodgepodge of any and every country style was used. Beth Pliler and 1 ^ ^ Steve Hagey w ere c a re fre e and bold th e ir energetic partnering, filling the em pty m ovem ent to its lim it. in Austin R ep erto ry D ancers Company dem o n strated that it is aw are of w hat it takes to form a successsful com pany, a c l e a n , w e l l - r e h e a r s e d program and careful staging and production They’ve set an enorm ous a rtis tic goal for them selves in attte m p tin g to establish professional quality. The potential is there, but it is still m aturing. c A t^o u n d tow ij Aroundtown is a list of Tuesday’s arts and entertainment ac­ tivities in and around Austin. Tickets for the Neil Diamond concert scheduled for Dec. 14 are on sale at the SEC north terrace box office. Tickets are $15, $12.50 and $10. An exhibition titled “ Woman-in-Sight: New Art in Texas,” is on view at the Dougherty Cultural Center, 1110 Barton Springs Road. Auditions for “ Mandragola,” a comedy by Machiavelli, will be from 6 to 8 p.m. at Theatre in the Rye, 120 W. Fifth St. Call 472-9733 for more information. ‘The Face on the Barroom Floor” is the featured piece in a recital by Jane Barndt, with Jess Walters and William White. Music of Handel, Purcell, Schubert, Faure and Berg is also featured. The recital is free and takes place in the Music Building Recital Hall at 8 p.m. The upper level of the Michener Gallery features the Blaffer collection on view though Dec. 16. The exhibit includes the work of El Greco, Rubens and Ribera and other m asterworks span­ ning the early R enaissance to the Rococco. St. Edward s U niversity Moody Hall Atrium Gallery exhibits “ Fibers of Four” through Saturday. The exhibit consists of weaving, batik and stitchery. Admission is free. l l £ 3 £X» Í>rii>e4 n 6902 Burleson Road New Cine-fi Sound System 385-7217 Privacy of Your Auto XXX Original Uncut Note: T h eatre o p erates th ro u g h your car radio. If your car has n o radio, bring a portable sou n d 0tN *9o¿ CttlNA SiSTEBS WILL EXCITE YOUR SENSES sta rrin g VICKI LYON ORIENTAL BABYSITTER Linda Wong I f* j f l j t l t r e s t a u r a n t C# b a r 1 C H m v I S 17th an d G u a d a lu p e 476-8566 N O COVER *1°° HIGHBALLS MON.-THURS. NIGHTS AFTER 8 P.M. TUESDAYS R o c k y T h o m p s o n - t o n ig h t at 9:30 COMPLETE MENU TILL MIDNIGHT MON.-SAT. s [4 é V é V é J " t w i n D R IV E -IN V . Show town USA ^ H w y H I A Ca w w o h BOX-OFFICE OPEN 6 :0 0 “ TUIiOAY O M i r 91.00 m PIRSON The sights and sounds of the ‘60 ’s A IU F P JC A Í1 GRAF F IT 7 P L U S A N O W STO R Y W IT H N O W M U S K ! m m m mFin, SHO W TO W N-W EST PE TER ¿ i FALK * * A L A N a k k i n Z % Á O The In-Laws -PLUS- A PURSUIT ÍHR0U0M I HI NATIONS GRfAUST AMUSLMfNT PARKS V TW IN DRIVE-IN V SouThsidr ^ 7 1 0 fc. P e n W h i t e « 4 4 4 - 2 2 9 6 / * BOX-OFFICE OPEN 6:00 Wait till you see the weird part. M O R IN 8i PLUS- Ml NK> W IN K L E R F IELD 1 h i : i ? o i :> ‘ SOUTHSIDE-NORTH EVERY BABYSITTER S NIGHTMARE BECOMES REAL’ WHEN A STRANGER C A L L S («i -PLUS- Walk into the incredible frue enpenence of Billy Hayes a K Opens 6:30 S tarts Dusk O L B Y S T E R E O | N O p ” E D U C E O 1:20-4:20-7:20-10:10 1:30-3:30-5.30-7:30-9:30 WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND (pg) 5:45-7:45-9:45 V I L L A G E 4 1:45-3:45 2700 ANDERSON • 451-8352 2:00-3:40-5:10- 6:40 8:10-9:50 CIRCLE STEREO C A N REPAIR PROMPTLY N O MATTER WHERE Y O U B O U G H T IT IN OR OUT OF WARRANTY GD ¿ IM P CIRCLE STEREO, IN C . 1211 Red River 476 0 9 4 7 _ V 1H€ MMKITY • • • 474 4351 • • • WUTHERING HfrG H TS s t a r r i n g Lcivvronce O liv ia r a n d M a r la O b e r o n 6:00 10:05 plus Little Foxes with Batta Davit 8:00 TONIGHT ONLY $1.50 FIRST M ATINE! SHOW ING ONLY C A P I T A L P L A Z A 452-7646 I H 35 NORTH Nwiwrw Thmwt IJ4-JJ4-M4-7Í4-IM» it’s coming at 30,000 m.p.h.... METEOR umTNiX.... - APIS r iw nniv YANKS R Al P acin o fA N D JUSTI CE ^ j FOR A L L ’ », G E N E R A L C I N E M A T H E A T R E S 145-1: t S-S:?S- 7; JS-t :45 12 34 7:SB-S40-7:M-9.St H BURT REYNOLDS JILL C A N D IC E C lA Y B U R G H BERGEN AM ÍTYVILLi; I O R R O R *m 1m 5:35-7:45-9:55 L A K E H IL L S 2428 BEN W HITE • 444-0 S52 1 » I « 5:10-6:40-8:10 9:50 M R NUKE’S "I Jfe quivocally I he m o s l te rr ify in g WHEN A STRANGER CALLS h R Plus Soeoal O 5:45-7:20 9:10 R I V E R S I D E 1930 RIVERSIDE • 441-5689 5:40 7:30 9:20 S C R E E N S F R E E PARKING IN 00BIE GARAGE D 0 8 IE M A IL 477-1324 ACADEM Y AW ARD W INNER PETER BOGDANOVICH’S BRILLIANT PICTURE SHO W THAT INTRODUCED AMERICA TO THE FORGOTTEN 50’S THE LAST PICTURE SHOW PETER BOGDANOVICH . 4 . » <■ I (SAT & SUN-12:45-3^)0)-5:15-7:30-9:45 THE NIGHT, THE PROWLER PLUS A SHORT FILM FEATU RING “ D EV 0 ” (SAT 1 SUN-12:30-2:45)-540-7:15-9:30 ALL S H O W S $1 OO E V E R Y T U E S D A Y X I MIDNIGHT EXPRESS — academy award winner and winnir OF SFVERAl GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS fro m the novel by KURT V O N N E G U T , JR. I S L A U G H T E R H O U S E - P I V E MICHAEL SACKS and VALERIE PERRINE R { A 8 d l y P % n m N o t trumtarw to tim m totane MIDNIGHTER ■ k Wk 1 T \ 4 5 3 - 6 6 4 1 Tiddler o n t h e Roof N O W IN G L O R I O U S D O LB Y STEREO (5:1S-$1.S0)4:1S K 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 JESUS .. .the m an you thought you knew.j (5:15-$1.50)-7:3©-9:45 (5:30-$ 1.SO >-4.-00- 10; 15 A Q U A R I U S d 4 4 4 - 3 2 2 2 M IC H A E L DOU G LA S Hunmne\ (5:45-51.50)4 :00. 10: ^ M ALC OL M MCDOWELL T IM E A F T E R T IM E (4:00$ 1.50 >4 :15-10:30 SYLVESTER STALLONE R O C K Y n (5:45-$ 1.50 )4 :15-1 OilO The Legacy I t is a b irth rig h t o f liv in g d e a th ... «___ (4:00$1.50)4:00-10:15 i i 'M i k d i r e r i T K E l TERRIFYING' ', f I < 4 ^ I W H E N A ST R A N G E R CALLS RunnmeM IC H A E L D O U G L A S S U S A N A N S R A C H 2:15-f5:JO-$I.S0)'A'7:4S-4:55 I r C I |C I the man you thought you knew. ?:15-(5:45-$l-50)-10:15 2HHM5:15-$ 1.50)-7 30-9:45 A MOST INGENIOUS THRI lER1 T I M E A F T E R T I M E 240-{5:15-$ 1 J0)-7:45-9Ji5 2 J0-(5J0-$1.50)440-10:15 _245(440-S ISOLU L 16 w HUT'S RESTAURANT ham ous For Hambu rgers Since 1939 • Liva Musk With No Covor on Wad., Fri., A Sot. • Taka Out Orders Available Phone In Ahead • Partios Welcome 807 W. 6th 472-0693 u t c x j i k m m m v w jk s UNANIMOUS! A BREATH TAKING FILM! Executed with h.gh-pitched passion, romance, and dazzling energy . . . brilliant performances. The bordello offers a banquet of women: innocent and tough, sensual, mischievous . . . with a Niagara of party- clad prostitutes signaling the Start of work. —PaulD Zimmerman, Nawswetk " A SOLIDLY PROFESSIONAL WORK. It is passionate and stirring . . . with enough power and style to make it memorable. There is more here for the voyeur . . . the scenes inside the bordello . . . explicit, four-letter dialogue, are uiuiHlw miiilidimAnrinnil •1 vividly m ultidimensional." -A H. Weiier, New York Times "A REMARKABLE SUPERIOR PICTURE STARTLING, VERT POWERFUL AND MOVING. K is gripping, technically brilliant, commercial M il universally appealing to all. A wipe canvas et Pecadence and vulgarity Rasb to see i t " —Res Reed. New York Daily News "0 0 ANYTHING TO SEE IT!" — Vogue Magazme "A VITAL, WONDERFUL. AN0 SHARPLY ORIGINAL MOVIE It is exebar a t tempestuous, hilarious and pow erlul." — Bernard Drew, Cannett Newspapers ★ ★ ★ ★ # A BRILLIANT, DAZZLING GIANT OF A FILM A behind the scenes view ef a bordello. The women debase or tantalae their cifttomers. Their ace is sexual power and thnse women are the film's life-fhrieg ferce " -Mgr/or.e Rcsen. Ms Magazine "A MAGNIFICENT NEW MOVIE ABOUT LOVE. HATE AND SEX The perfermancis are everpoweriag. Five camera eyes" -LaonarU Harr,a. CBS TV “ A FASCINATING FILM! Rich ie character and mond." —Gene Shaht, NBC TV "MEMORABLE GREAT! A Him with passren. ftr c i, superb camera werh and directinn" —Kevin Senders. ABC TV l>M ~ l o v b WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY LINA yvERTMULLER , A Ml BBÍ AT R STflNMANN «MLL.V BAXTER PRESENTATION g.anca«log. J MA HIANCCl A MflATOT AOS WAGftl/L **»A «X ITO ' NWA C(l/«lll A «WHCOAM-WONM5ÍN RELEASE T O D A Y 3, 7 , 9:15 Union Theater $1.50 with UT - Ifif• } m \m ][ST-] •T sl[ST»’ !■.■]P I ® P P l P P l l p r e s e n t s TONIGHT ONLYI FEDERICO F E L L IN I’S « f t yv Mr ‘ * V • ~ ¿ [ » . J-vKY f % ■„ efr BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM OF 1963 F e ll in i '.1 m o v ie a b o u t m o v ie -m a k in g . M ARCELLO M ASTR0IANNI CLAUDIA CARDINALE ANO U K AIMEE B AR BARA STEELE Music by N in o Rota. JESTER AUD 7 & 9:20 p.m. Only $1.25 XBXSJD aKEXXSD SXXM XXSX f u r n i s h e d a p a r t m e n t s ■ U t N I S H R D A P A R T M E N T S ROOMMATES TRAVEL TYPING Page 12 □ THE D A IL Y TEXAN □ Tuesday, November 20, 1979 CLA SSIF I f O ADVEr R T IS IN G r a t e s 15 w o rd m in im u m * .15 E a ch w o rd I tim e » 34 E a ch w o rd 3 tim e * * 42 E a c h w o rd 5 tim e * * AS E a ch w o rd 10 tim e * 54 70 1 col * 1 in c h 1 tim e 54 24 I col * I Inc h 2-9 tim e * I col x 1 in ch 10 o r m o re tim e * 54 01 S T U D E N T /F A C U L T Y /S T A F F R A T E S 13 w o rd m in im u m , ea Monday 11 00 a m 1uo»doy I I 00 a m Wodnooday T*«an Thursday ta«an W»dna»day 11 00 a m Thursday I I 00 a m frtdoy ta .o n In tha event of ofron mado in an odvor liw m tn l, immadiato notifo mu«t ba given at (ho publithort aro rotpontiWo for only O NI Incorrord m iortion All claim t for ad- |utlm ontt thould bo modo not lolor than JO dayt oftor publication FOR SALE M ia c a lla n a o u t-F o r S ala F O R SAI F tio n 108 A t ( o t t 472 1306 fo u r t ic k e t* U T B a y lo r, s e c­ D A N I O GEL B E R G tic k e ts G re a t, fr o n t cm tio n fn kots C a ll 478 7756 U N C L E SAM' S USED RE CO RD S B U Y S E L L T R A D E Downtown Flea m a rke t, 601 East 5th. F rid a y, Saturday, Sunday, 10-6. 476 8348. SERVICES 11 111111 n i n i n n INSTANT PASSPORT RESUME APPLICATION PHOTOS W hih You W ait K o y r e S t u d i o s 2420 Guadalupe 472-4219 AUTOS FOR SALE 1951 M E R C U R Y 4 doo r sedan fo r t a la *700 C a ll 472 7463 top ater $350 m o n th 452-0060. la te e ve n in g s 327- 4837 4 58-4070 c o o k in g L A R G E B E A U T IF U L e ffic ie n c y *150 p lu s e l e c t r i c C a n T h e H id e a w a y A p a r tm e n ts 45 E a s t A v e 4*7 4400 a fte r 8 r ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 9 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 A P A R T M E N T S Shuttle bus at fro n t door E x tra large eff. fo r *180 tu rn . 1BR fo r *215 fu rn . Off of R iverside 2425 E lm o n t M ila n o Apts. C a ll - L e a v e M e ssa g e 442-2736 G O I N G B A NA NA S ? W e r e n t a p a r t m e n t s , d u p l e x e s , houses al l over Austin. F R E E Real W orld P roperties 443 2212 South 458 6111 N o rth 345 6350 N o rth w e s t U N I V E R S I T Y A R E A A B P E fficie n cie s *179, shuttle or w alk to campus. AC. 2215 Leon 474-7732 $175-$210 L a rg e one b e d ro o m f u lly c a rp e te d , w a lk in clo se t, c a b le T V , d isp o sa l, s w im ­ m in g pool, w a te r and gas fu rn is h e d W a lk in g d is ta n c e U T. No c h ild r e n , no pets F O U N T A IN TER R AC E A P A R T M E N T S 610 W 30th St 477 8858 U N IV E R S IT Y A R E A 2BR, 2BA, ceiling fan, covered p a rkin g , spacious, 2 doors, vacancy now. 22nd and San G abriel, *325 plus E. A fte r 5, 478-1749. A B P L a rg e , IB R , c a r p e t, d ls - hw asher, disposal, CA l m . Shuttle or w a lk UT. *280. 2212 San G a b r ie l 474-7732 IB R A N D e ffic ie n c y A B P E ig h t b lo c k s f r o m c a m p u s , o n s h u t t l e , q u i e t n e ig h b o rh o o d M o v e in D e c e m b e r 1st. 476 5839 A B P E F F . , 1 BRs F r o m $177.50 fo r f a ll 5 b lo cks to c a m p u s , L e a s in g s h u ttle , pool. C H A P A R R A L A P T S . 2408 Leon 476-3467 E ff. *170 p lu s E. 1-1 $210 F u rn is h e d p lu s E . F R E E Locating Service "U n iq u e L iv in g " or 441-1773 926-7307 4 B L O C K S W E S T O F C A M P U S P a n e le d e ffic ie n c y W a lk -in c lo s e t, gas (s to v e ), w a te r in c lu d e d , $160 A f te r 9 a m 477-5514 o r 476-7916 R E S P O N S I B L E F E M A L E S h a r e b e a u tifu l 2B R d u p le x South F ire p la c e , g la ss enclosed te r r a r iu m , b a r, y a rd , s k y lig h t* $185, W b ills 441-7056 M A L E H O U S E M A T E n e e d e d . O w n fu rn is h e d house, 5510 ro o m M a n o r Rd C a ll 928-3511._______________ in p a r t ly NO N S M O K I NG~GR A D U A T E p r e fe rre d . 2BR d u p le x , E R , 5125 C a ll B ill, 478-3668, L e a v e m essage 442-2188 M A T U R E H O U S E M A T E , m a le o r fe m a le , fo r la rg e , p e a c e fu l 2B R house nea r 45th and Shoal C reek $147 p lu s '/a b ills . John, 458-8451.___________________ L O O K IN G R ) R fe m a le ro o m m a te to s h a re b ra n d new a p a rtm e n t. C a ll L y n n , 459 445L R E S P O N SÍ B L E L I B E R A L f e m a le h o u s e m a te needed to s h a re 1BR a p a r t ­ m e n t th re e b lo c k s f r o m c a m p u s F re d , 472-7155^ a*ter_6 ____ _________ M A T U R E , S T A B L E s tu d e n t needed to s h a re la rg e d u p le x In W est A u s tin . $119 p lu s o n e -h a lf u t ilitie s . G a y , n o n -s m o k e r p r e fe rr e d D. F o x, B o x 12503, A u s tin , Texa s, 7871 1 N E E D F E M A L E ro o m m a te , s h a re 2BR, 2BA a p a rtm e n t. R iv e rs id e a re a , s h u ttle , $160, Vi E . C a ll Laura_, 441-7154 M A L E - N E E D E D fo r s p rin g S h a re IB R , w e st ca m p u s , $110 plu s e le c tr ic ity . Joe, 477-2884 3B R C O N D O M IN IU M nee d _ ..................._________________ c lu b h o u s e , a m m a le la w s tu d e n t. F u r- In S E . A u s tin , In d o o r poo l, tw o c o n d o m a te s . I *. 2BR A P A R T M E N T S fu rn is h e d and nished, A B P , $175 447-7604 , 5 í i i r ? n. ,* M t ' ’ M 444-1848 9-7 M - F , 9-6 S o t.. 12-8 S u it. 1-1 N O R T H C E N T R A L 4516306, $175 l í 68 S u n " D r R O O M M A T E W A N T E D b e d ro o m h o m e , C a m e ro n R d $115/m o n th p lu * 'A . 452-2975.____________ t T i f T a r e 3 a re a ii'nTa^-r0 ' N lc h o ts ' R o ,e * ' ,n c 478~ ° 911' G R A D S T U D E N T fo r n ic e house. C ity , j j T . bus. N ic e n e ig h b o rh o o d C lose to 44/ 4807.______ ____________________ _ s h o p p in g *130 p lu s u t i l i t ies 474-0117 IB R a n d ef- O L D M A IN A p a rtm e n ts . fic le n c ie s a v a iia b le now F o u r b lo c k s s h a r e H O U S E . 2B R , 2 8 A , 2 s to ry . f o r S87 50, Vj b ills . M o v e -in d a te fle x ib le . U T . s h u t t l e A ls o p r e le a s in g _______________ J a n u a ry 478-1971. ___________________ p h j| 443.0 , 23 . Ki le a v e -----------™ r * /ñ S nn » i4 f e m a le s h a r e h u g e , u r nished, W /D , *125, Vx N e w W ave 472.746, L A R G E M O D E R N e f f i c ie n c y w i t h V E R y n e a t s e p a r a t e b e d r o o m , m u s t A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . S p eedw ay s h u t- tie 474-9569 B R /B A 3.2 bj(( Q ------- 1----- ----------------- -------------— — — ------- P U L C H R IT U D IN O U S h a v e n a w a its ,hose of h n a tu rity se e k in g s a n c tu a ry fo r k » ^ r » r w t i n a r f l i ' h (g h e r a ttr ib u te s . O n ly ( v e r y ) re s p o n si- ra b ie , C A /C H p a id N e w c a rp e tin g , d is ^ Je n e a f # n o n s m o k in g need resp o n d . h w a s h e r $260 453-6855._______ _________ 3BR house, 7 m ile s ea st c a m p u s . *165, R IV E R S ID E 2B R , lV a B A , *295, e le c- s h a re u t ilit ie s . 926-0487^________________ t r i c it y . One m in u te to s h u ttle S u blea se R O O M M A T E W A N T E D to s h a r e b e g in n in g J a n u a r y . 447-7088.___________ b e a u t i f u l d u p le x o f f P e a s e P a r k . M U S T S U B L E T v e r y * l6 0 /m o n th , Vj e le c tr ic . C a ll P e te r, 478- A v a ila b le D ec. 1st R oom fo r tw o R iv e r - 3300 sid e a re a C a ll e v e n in g s 443-5273. *255 F I M A L E N E E D E D p lu « * • __________________ _______________ D e c e m b e r *116 67, Vj E. K a th y , 443-7541 E F F IC IE N C Y *179 p lu s É Gas h e a tin g a f te r noo iv ________ ____________________ _ P re le a s e fo r D e c e m b e r. Close to U .T 442-7538, 443-8770. N O N S M O K E R , R E S P O N S I B L E V E R Y L A R G E one b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t A m e r ic a n needed to s h a re a v e ry la rg e , w e st of c a m p u s R ig h t on s h u ttle 472- w e ll e q u ip p e d e ffic ie n c y n e a r ca m p u s , 9614 _______ _ t o r 2 B R , 2B A *92 p lu s h a lf b ills 474-3086 la r g e I B R M U S T S U B L E A S E c a m p u s , w a lk o r s h u ttle 476-9462. *215 plus E W est R E S P O N S IB L E , N E A T , n o n s m o k in g fe m a le . S h are 2BR a p a rtm e n t fo r s p r- *125, Va b ills . D ia n a , 445- in n s h u ttle -------------- , ------------ . O N E B E D R O O M a p a rtm e n t fo r re n t. W C ro u te , *170 plu s b ills . C a ll 478-5189. anu ------ — - - - - e f f i c i e n c y a p a r t m e n t A B P ™ ™ . o L e, R K S i J S . K itt.T .n K 'r * , Ü S S ' 4 :----------------- -------- ... . • I I a B L O C K ca m p u s . T w o e ffic ie n c ie s , *140 and *170, A B P , k itc h e n e tte * . O ne now, one D e c e m b e r 476-1700. 1g72 R O O M M A T E N E E O E D f o r s p r in g . c h a re IB R 1BA, * 9 3 /m o n fh p lu s ' i £■ . s tu d io u s , , u n . 711 W 32nd C a ll 451- S U B L E T S P A C IO U S 2-1'/a s tu d io a p a rt- M O V E m e n t * 2 9 5 p lu s e le c tr ic ity . N R /S R s h u t- tle a t doo r 442-7266 _____________tio n , 453-7120. K e e p tr y in g tN "n o w ,- s t a r t s h a r in g r e n t p e c e m ber 1st C a ll fo r m o re in fo r m a - L A R G E 1-1 n e a r c a m p u s IF . *220 p lu s E . A v a ila b le end of D e c e m b e r 452 2855. S U B L E T L A R G E IB R *205 plus E . O n IF ro u te C a ll 459-7012 a fte r 5 O N E B E D R O O M fu rn is h e d On s h u ttle , R iv e rs id e a re a . C a ll a fte r 1 30 p .m 443- 2486 R E S P O N S IB L E F E M A L E to s h a re IB R a p a rtm e n t fre e lig h t h o u sekeeping Bob, 478-0017 a f te r 9 p .m . in e xc h a n g e fo r ____ N E A T , R E S P O N S IB L E fe m a le s h a re s u p e r nice, fu rn is h e d , 2-1'/a a p a rtm e n t: fir e p la c e , p a tio . N o n s m o k e r. R iv e rs id e 443-0846 a fte r 6 . _________________ _ _ _ _ _ A V A I L A B L E N O W ! L u x u rio u s e ffic ie n - R O O M M A T E FO R tw o b e d ro o m d u p le x , *115 m o n th p lu s '/a b ills . P e ts o.k. Rene, cy IB R in H y d e P a rk F u rn is h e d *196 478-6904 M / F . ___ p lu * e le c tr ic ity See at 4105 S p eedw ay R E S P O N S IB L E , M A T U R E h o u s e m a te No 104 R ic k , 345-8980 w a n te d to sh a re 2BR d u p le x , *117 5 0 /m o. p lu s Va u t ilitie s . P re fe r som eone 23 y rs . o r o ld e r C a ll 474-6905, T im . L e a v e m essage N O N S M O K E R G R A D U A T E 2BR d u p le x In M a p le w o o d a re a p lu * '/ i b ills P a u l, 472-6513 a fte r 8 to s h a re *125 UNPÜRN. APARTM1NTS m UNFURN. APARTMENTS KINGSGATE “ Thanksgiving Special” 2 BR-2 BATH UNF. $275 & E. 2005 W illow Creek 44 7 -6 6 9 6 SAT 10-4 M-F 9 - 6 FURNISHED APART N O N S M O K IN G R O O M M A T E w a n te d fo r 2BR, 2 s to ry house, T r a v is H e ig h ts . *160 plu s b ills . M a ry , 471-4675, 447-5423. ROOM AND BOARD C O N T E S S A V A C A N C Y , food, s e c u rity , la u n d r y ro o m , pool A v a ila b le fo r s p rin g s e m e s te r. 476-6503 _____ ____ A S A V IN G S of *100 to g ir l w h o subleases ro o m in C a s tilia n fo r s p rin g s e m e s te r C a ll 478 6797 b e fo re Dec 1st D E U T S C H E S H A U S tw o b lo c k s fro m U n iv e r s it y , c o o p e r a tiv e ly m a n a g e d , p le a s a n t a tm o s p h e re , good food, s e v e ra l g r a d u a te stu d e n ts. S p anish and G e rm a n spoken a t d in n e r and in fo r m a lly . 477- 8865 ______________________________ C A S T IL IA N V A C A N C Y s p rin g G ood pool, p a rtie s , s e c u rity E x c e lle n t c a m ­ pus lo c a tio n C a ll M a ria n n e , 478-1047 D Ó B IE S ID E s u ite v a c a n c y to sublease fo r s p r in g s e m e ste r, fo r one g ir l. 474- 6816 RO O M , B O A R D , s m a ll c o m p e n s a tio n to s e rio u s fe m a le g ra d u a te o r n u rs in g s tu ­ d e n t in e x c h a n g e fo r lig h t hou se ke e p in g d u tie s fo r e ld e r ly la d y . 282-3960 b e fo re ten a f te r t o u r ________ ______________ in ­ D O B IE V A C A N C Y A n y te re s te d In su b le a s in g a c o rn e r s u ite in D o b ie c o n ta c t Jo a n at 477 4839 f e m a le S U B L E A S IN G D O U B L E ro o m In D o bie C e n te r fe m a le S p rin g s e m e s te r. E v e ly n , 477-4565 a fte r 6 p .m . fo r ROOMS F O R c o n v e n ie n c e , S T U D E N T S r e m e m b e r th e A la m o A u s tin s E u ro ­ pean s ty le ho te l M o n th ly , w e e k ly , d a y s. R e aso n a b le 4 7 6 - 4 3 8 1 ______________ t o c a m p u s . C O E D D O R M n e x t R e m od eled , new fu rn is h in g s , r e c re a tio n a r e a , s u n d e c k , w id e s c r e e n T V , r e fr ig e ra to r s , no m e a ls, 24 ho u r s e c u ri­ ty Tao s 2612 G u a d a lu p e , 474-6905__ W A L K IN G D IS T A N C E U T , shag c a rp e t, CA CH K itc h e n p riv ile g e s . *1 1 5 /m o n th . U n iv e r s ity H ouse, 2710 N ueces. C a ll 477- 9388 F E M A L E L I V E r e n t fre e in e x c h a n g e f o r t o r l i g h t h o u s e k e e p in g d u t ie s b a c h e lo r in c o u n tr y hom e, 13 m ile s c a m ­ pus. 458-3165. _______________ ____ r o o m W IT H k itc h e n p riv ile g e s , n o n ­ s m o k in g s tu d e n t. Close to CR s h u ttle . 451 8743 w e e kd a ys C ó ~ E D W A L K I N G d i s t a n c e U T CA CH k itc h e n p riv ile g e s s in g le ro o m s a v a ila b le , 2411 R io G ra n d e C a ll 477-1205 R O O M FO R re n t. 16 x 20. u n a tta c h e d to house w ith s e p a ra te b a th ro o m . L o c a te d a t 4307 B e lle v u e * 1 0 0 'm o n th . 258-3336 LO ST S M A L L w h ite m lx -b re e d dog n a m ­ ed Sam N o fa g s, o n ly fle a c o lla r H e 's 10 m o n th s o ld If seen or found, p lease c o n ­ ta c t Cal 474-2441 44L9753 L O S T G R E E N M o r o c c a n w a l l e t p i e a s e c a l l 4 7 6 -6 9 7 5 o r d e l i v e r A n th ro p o lo g y D e p a rtm e n t. Joan G ross LO ST O M E G A w a tc h If found, please c a ll 474-2189 R e w a rd ______ _________ _ c o n t a i n i n g L O S T B R I E F C A S E p ro fe s s o r s notebooks. C o n te n ts o f v a lu e onlv to o w n e r *25 re w a rd C a ll 327-2092^ LO S T K E Y S on Lone S ta r key c h a in In T exa s T a v e rn P lease c a ll LO ST L H A S A APSO m a le blo n d w e a r ­ in g re d fle a c o lla r H e m p h ill P a rk , ne a r S p eedw ay and 31st F n d a v N o v e m b e r la th R e w a rd C a ll 472-6286 u n f u r n is h e d d u p l e x e s 21-1 N O R T H W E S T , S28S. F le m in g N ic h o ls R o le - N O R T h 7210B G ra n d C a nyon D r T h re e la rg e b e d ro o m s plu s 837-0430 a f te r 5 0C ______ ______ *350 p lu s d e p o s it In c 478-0911 442-4807 N O R T H W E S T L A R G E 2 B R h a r d w o o d f lo o r s k itc h e n a op- anees *350 453-8356 I S A s u n d e c k , C A C H ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i A L I E R A T IO N S P E C IA L S titc h N 3 im e 7524 N tw o fo r one l am ar 451 8821 _ P re-leasin g for Spring * c • 1, 2, 3, 4 4 B* S • 2 lighted tennis court» • shuttle bu« stops • exercise rooms sauna» * putting green» * three pools • furnishod/unfurnished • free cable TV 2101 Burton Dr. 4 4 7-4 13 0 THE HILLS of Chevy Chase 2310 W ickeriham ( r i g h t o H € . R i v n i d o ) 385-9295 “Even Grow n- Lp s need A Place To Play ★ Tennis ★ Pool ★ Clubhouse ★ Fishing ★ Jogging Trails ★ W alkin g Distance to Shuttle j j . '> H L.» - ... 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T w o A m e r ic a n A irlin e s h a lf p r ic e coupons, *50 each o r __ best o ffe r 474-4790, keep f r y in g . N E E D R ID E to and fr o m D a lla s fo r T h a n k s g iv in g . W a n t to le a ve W edne sday e v e n in g C a ll Lo u a n n , d a y : 472-9231; o r e v e n in g : 451-2473. TW O 50% d is c o u n t coupons. A m e ric a n A irlin e s E x p ir e 12/15! 452-8287, a f te r 6 p .m . B e st o ffe r MISCELLANEOUS S K Y D I V E THIS W E E K E N D C A L L A U S T IN P A R A C H U T E C E N T E R 459-0710 P R O B L E M P R E G N A N C Y ? F r e e p re g n a n c y te s tin g and r e fe rr a ls . 474- 9930. _______ _______ ____________ A N Y O N E IN T E R E S T E D in s p ir it fille d s tu d e n t fe llo w s h ip , c a ll D a v id , 477-9087 (a n y t im e ) ; C onnie, 451-3535. o w n B U I L D Y O U R b u s i n e s s . D is tr ib u to rs h ip , a v a ila b le s m a ll in v e s t­ m e n t p ro v id e d T r a v e l p ro g ra m possib le to s ta rt. P a rt-tim e . D u B ose E n e rp rls e s , 1-540-4196 WANTED C LASS R IN G S ,"g o ld je w e lry , old p ocke t w a tc h e s , c u r r e n c y , s ta m p s w a n te d . H ig h p ric e s p a id P io n e e r Coin C o m ­ pan y, 5555 N o rth L a m a r , B ld g . C- 113 in C o m m e rc e P a rk , 451-3607 B U Y IN G W O R L D g old, gold je w e lry , s c ra p gold, o ld c oins, a n tiq u e s, p ocke t w a tc h e s P a y in g f a i r m a r k e t p r ic e . C a p ito l C oin Co. 3004 G u a d a lu p e , 472- 1676. P h ilip N o h ra , o w n e r __________ S T A M P S W A N T E D . W e b u y s ta m p co lle c tio n s , a c c u m u la tio n s , o ld le tte rs w ith s ta m p s o r p o s tm a rk s D e a to n 's S ta m p Shop, 206 W . 13th 474-9525. T A L E N T E D P E R S O N S in m u s ic , dan ce o r c o m e d y f o r T u e s d a y n ig h t co n te st. Cash p riz e s ! See W a y n e a t R o cky R a c ­ coon 's, T in n in F o r d R d . ______________ N E E D T H R E E good tic k e ts fo r B illy Joel c o n c e rt C a ll b e fo re W edne sday __________________ eve n in g , 928-4713. N E E D 2-4 g e n e ra l a d m is s io n tic k e ts to T e xa s-A 8 ,M . C a ll B o bby a fte r noon, 471- 5037 PERSONAL t h a t s p e c ia l V I A H E L P S y o u m e e t som eone P re v ie w , fro m v id e o ta p e lib r a r y of peo ple w h o 'd lik e m e e tin g you. 454-3501 fhen choose O s a k a O R I E N T A L M a s s a g e . 24 h o u rs /7 da ys a w eek. *5.00 d is c o u n t w ith th is ad. 11812 N. L a m a r . UNFURNISHED HOUSES H Y D E P A R K a ttr a c t iv e 2B R . C A /C H , g a ra g e , y a r d . N o do g s. S 3 2 5 /m o n th , lease, and d e p o s it. J a c k 452-2517, 452- ____________ 9559 W .E . A ss o c ia te s O L D E R R E M O D E L E D house 3-1, east of U T b a s e b a ll s ta d iu m One b lo c k fro m s h u ttle 458-6111 (S h e r i) , 459-7823. FOR RENT M IN I- S T O R A G E S O U T H . C o n c re te b lo ck c o n s tru c tio n . *12 50 up m o n th ly . 4 4 4 -2 4 1 1, W o o d l a n d 's A A A M i n i W arehouse TYPING Gome dÍM*®ser fo r yourself th e c h e e r f u l a lm o - p h e r e a n d p r o f e s s io n a l s e r i i c e o f f e r e d f o r a ll n o u r T Y P I N G a n d C O P \ I N G n e e d » . 5 0 4 W . 2 4 th 477-6671 duality SH aiatak Gaaraat«a4‘ * 2 7 t h S T R E E T A n n V B A 0 4 TYPING , PRINTING , B IN D IN G The C o m p l e t e P ro fession al FULLTIME TYPING SERVICE 4 7 2 - 3 2 1 0 4 7 2 - 7 6 7 7 2 7 0 7 HEMPHILL PK P l e n t y o f P a r k i n g • • • • • • • • « « • • • • • • • • a econotype : econocopy Ty pin g, C o p y in g , B in d in g , P ri n ti n g I B M C orre cti n g Selectric R e n t a l & Supplies NORTH M o n . - F r i . 8 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 S a t . 9 - 5 i < < ¡ • 37th & Guadalupe 4 5 3 -5 4 5 2 ' SOUTH Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:00 • E. Riverside & Lakeshore 4 4 3 -4 4 9 8 * WOODS T Y P I N G S ERV IC E When you w ant it done rig h t 472-6302 2200 Guadalupe, side entrance ^ " O ^ E A T iV E SERVICES ^ Baa* M A T t t l A l P t W M t n O M • WHITTEN • EDITED • GRAPHICS • PROOFREAD TYPED PHOTOGRAPHY BETTER THAN A TYHNG SERVICE 2 2 0 0 G ua d a lu p a • Suita 228 • 4 7 8 -3 6 3 3 T Y P IN G : T H E S E S , d is s e rta tio n s , t e r m p a p e rs , re p o rts , etc. E x p e rie n c e d , IB M S e le c tric . N e a r N o rth c ro s s M a ll. 458- 6465 P R O F E S S IO N A L T Y P IS T w i t h e x ­ p e rie n c e a n d know -h ow . D is s e rta tio n s , theses, p ro fe s s io n a l re p o rts , e tc . B a r ­ b a ra T u llo s , 453-5124. N E A T , A C C U R A T E and p ro m p t ty p in g , th eses m y s p e c ia lty R e asonable ra te s . C a li 447-2868^ ___ _____________ C A L L D e A n n e a t 474-1563 8-5 M -F o r 345- 1244, 453-0234 w e ekends and e v e n in g s . N o r m a lly 1-day service^________________ P R O F E S S IO N A L T Y P IN G - IB M - lo w / n e g o tia b le fees - students, p ro fe s so rs , businesses C a ll 346-1724 a fte r 5 and w e ekends. T Y P IN G , A L L fie ld s In c lu d in g sc ie n c e a n d m o s t fo re ig n la nguages, t r a n s c r ip ­ tio n , d r a f tin g 477-1768, 472-4196 T Y P IN G - ™7 "p e r page Second d r a fts w ith m in o r c o rre c tio n s 40“ per page. 476- 4835 _ C U S T O M T Y P IN G . F a s t, a c c u r a te , re a s o n a b le . 444-6980. }? \aA ¿ Á x A rm M B A 0 4 RESUMES with or without pictures 2 Day Service 2 7 0 7 Hem phill Park Just North of 27th at Guadalupe 4 7 2 -3 2 1 0 4 7 2 -7 6 7 7 P R O F E S S IO N A L Q U A L IT Y t y p in g . S a tis fa c tio n g u a ra n te e d . C a m pu s p ic k ­ u p and d e liv e r y . IB M C o rre c tin g S e lec­ t r ic . H e le n , 836-3562. T Y P IN G F A S T , p ro fe s s io n a l, a ll ty p e s , theses, d is s e rta tio n s . S l/p a g e 441-6657 P R Ó F E S S IO N A lT t y P 1 ST w i t h e x ­ p e rie n c e . D is s e rta tio n s , theses, r e p o rts a nd le g a l d o c u m e n ts . C a ll D o ttie B e ll, 327-07S4. _________________________ P R O M P T E F F I C I E N T t y p in g E x ­ p e rie n c e d . In d iv id u a ls /b u s in e s s e s Rush ra te s . s e rv ic e a v a ila b le R e asonable C a ll 258-9521 o r 836-3459 C E R T I F I E D 1st cla ss a d va n ce d ty p in g . P i c a E v e n in g s /w e e k e n d s 472-4309 E l i t e S l. O O / p g 8 5 ‘ / p g T Y P IN G ? R E A S O N A B L E ra te s p r o m p t s e rv ic e . E v e n in g s and w e e k e n d s 926- 3279 926-5678. 452-8558 sure w * DO type FRESHMAN THEMES **rt eet with geed | redes why 2707 Hemphill j u t ' N o rth a t 27»h a t O ua dalupo 4 7 2 -3 2 1 0 4 7 2 -7 6 7 7 TYPING N E A T A C C U R A T E te rm p a p e r ty p in g , 75* page. C a ll M a rla , 476-5924 P R O F E S S IO N A L C U S T O M F a s t, a c c u ra te , re a so n a b le 444-1626 t y p in g . T Y P IN G - B Y ex-school te a c h e r A c ­ c u ra te . dependable, re a s o n a b le G e n e ra l *1 d o u b le space page. pap ers, theses ____________________________ 444-8160. W E M A K E y o u r w o rd s lo ok good. T y p ­ in g and p ro o fin g , 80*/page. E liz a b e th , 478-4080, 476-9718 HELP WANTED P x y c M o t r t c A i* t a f o it c a If you'ro a n x io u t, d o p ro tto d , or ta n t d oop the fa b ro C lin k o f A u ttin m a y bo a blo to hoíp Troatm ont ,* troo lo t I h oo t w h o cnoat s im plo on fry entona b a to d to lo ly on m o d ita l evaluations Thit o p p o rtu n ity n a v a ila b le due to te llin g procedure* re q uired b y the Federal Law re g a rd in g the d e ve lo p m e n t of n e w m edication* For co m p lo t* in fo rm a tio n a n d lo fin d o u t it you q u a lity , call 4 7 7 - 2 0 8 7 . O R G A N I C C H E M I S T R a d ia n C o rp o ra tio n , a r a p id ly g ro w in g re s e a rc h and d e v e lo p m e n t f ir m has tw o p a r t - t i m e p o s it io n s a v a i l a b l e f o r c h e m i s t r y m a jo r s w i t h o r g a n i c c h e m is tr y b a c k g ro u n d s D u tie s in c lu d e s e a r c h i n g f o r o r g a n i c c h e m is tr y d a ta and c o m p u te riz in g the in fo rm a tio n . S a la ry c o m m e n s u ra te w ith b a c k g ro u n d and e x p e rie n c e . I n te r v ie w h o u rs a re : 9-11 a .m . and 2-4 p .m . l i t e r a t u r e R AD IAN CORPORATION 8500 Shoal C re e k B lv d A u s tin , T x . 78758 An E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y e r M / F O P P O R T U N IT Y FO R I N T E L L I G E N T A T T R A C T I V E C O U P L E R e sponsible fo r A u s tin re s id e n ts lim ite d d o m e s tic d u tie s . N ice s e p a ra te a p a r t ­ m e n t a v a ila b le . A ll re n t, u t ilitie s , and food fu rn is h e d plus s a la ry C o n v e n ie n t to U n iv e r s ity and to w n . O ff tim e a v a ila b le to r sch o o l o r o th e r w o rk , fo r la w s tu d e n t. P hone M rs . g ra d u a te or Lea ch, 476-9124 S ta rtin g tim e fle x ib le . id e a l E N G I N E E R IN D U S T R IA L/M E C H A N IC A L S e eking g ra d u a te s tu d e n t to w o rk p a r t- tim e , fle x ib le hou rs, on p ro d u c t d e v e lo p ­ m e n t. Im m e d ia te R u d y C a in , H o w a rd S y s te m s C o r p o r a t io n , 400 A t t a y a c , A u s tin , T x . 474-1378 C H R IS T M A S M O N E Y S ta r t N o w ! Be a d is tr ib u to r f o r th e e x ­ c it in g new A ia n n a A lo e V e ra h e a lth , h a ir, and s k in c a re ! Choose y o u r ow n h o u rs ; w r ite y o u r ow n p a y c h e c k ! C a ll 836-3860, 10 a .m .-4 p .m . A P A R T M E N T M A N A G E R R e s p o n s i b l e , n e a t , c o u r t e o u s , m e c h a n ic a lly in c lin e d and m o tiv a te d c o u p le needed b e g in n in g D e c e m b e r 22nd to m a n a g e 29 u n it a p a rtm e n t c o m p le x on s h u ttle ro u te a t 108 W . 45th in e x c h a n g e t o r o n e b e d ro o m a p a r t m e n t S e nd r e s u m e to a p t. No. 101, 108 W . 45th, A u s tin , o r c a ll 452-1419 o r 453-2771 f o r In ­ t e rv ie w a p p o in tm e n t. NOW H IR IN G SCHOOL BUS D R IV E R S R e lia b le w o m en and m e n needed. M u s t be a v a ila b le 6:15 a m -8:45 a .m a n d /o r 2 p .m .-4.30 p .m . S ta rtin g p a y *4.20 per h o u r. A p p ly N o rth , 5901 G u a d a lu p e , 452- 5007; C e n tra l, 1315 W . 5th, 474-5773; South, 3300 Jones Rd., 892-2620 D E L IV E R T E L E P H O N E BO O K S F U L L OR P A R T D A Y S M e n o r w o m e n o v e r 18 w ith a u to m o b ile s In A u s tin , L a k e T r a v is , a r e needed L e a n d e r, P flu g e r v ille and R ound R o ck. D e liv e ry s ta rts a b o u t D e c e m b e r 12. Send n am e, add ress, age, te le p h o n e n u m b e r, ty p e of auto, in s u ra n c e c o m p a n y and h o u rs a v a ila b le on a post c a rd to D D .A . IN C ., Box D-1D, T he D a ily T e xa n . * A n E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y e r * A L L Y O U F O L K S t h a t n e e d e x t r a m o n e y can se ll flo w e rs w ith T h e O r ig in a l F lo w e r People. P a id d a ily . 288-1102;___ PA RT- T iM E COOK to p re p a re e v e n in g m e a ls to r b a ch e lo r, e a t d in n e r w ith h im , w a s h dishes, sta y a fte r d in n e r fo r d in k s - c o n v e rs a tio n , and d a te on w e e ke n d s. A p p ly a fte r 5:30 p .m . T h u rs d a y o r a f te r 4 p .m F r id a y , S a tu rd a y and S u nday. N o tra n s p o r ta tio n nece s sa ry. A p p ly In p e r ­ son a t L o t 79, 1301 W est O lto rf, A u s tin , T exa s. __________ W A IT P E R S O N S W A N T E D a t T he B a c k R oom . A p p ly betw een noon and 5:00. 441- 4677 G O V E R N E S S N E E D E D fe m a le . R e ference s re q u ire d . 474-1917. f o r y o u n g A U D IO R E C O R D IN G e n g in e e r - m u s t be e x p e rie n c e d in m u lt i- tr a c k r e c o rd in g , r e p a i r s a n d s e c o n d a r y e l e c t r o n i c m a in te n a n c e , as w e ll as bein g a b le to w o r k lo n g a n d o d d h o u r s . M u c h e m p h a s is p la ce d on w illin g n e s s to le a rn , r e lia b ilit y , and no sense of h u m o r 478- 3 1 4 1 . _____ ___________ O V E R S E A S JO B S - s u m m e r / y e a r ro u n d . E u ro p e , S. A m e r ic a A u s tr a lia , A s ia , etc A ll fie ld s , *500-51,200 m o n th ly . E xp e n se s p a id S ig h ts e e in g F re e in fo . W r ite : IJC, Box 52-TE, C o ron a del M a r, CA 92625 _____ _____ ____ N O W A C C E P T IN G a p p lic a tio n s fo r s p r ­ in g ru s h p o sitio n s. A p p ly a t the U n iv e r s i­ t y Co-Op. 2246 G u a d a lu p e E O .E to m a n a g e R E S P O N S IB L E C O U P L E U T are a d o r m ito ry One person m u s t not w o rk o r go to school F u rn is h e d IB R a p a rtm e n t w ith u t ilit ie s plu s s a la ry a n d c o m m is s io n . C a ll B a rb a ra , 385-9700 E X P E R IE N C E D M A I D n e e ded f iv e d a y s /w e e k M u s t have ow n tra n s p o r ta ­ tio n and re fe re n c e s re q u ire d . 474-1996. I D E A L J O B f o r h o u s e w i v e s a n d stu d e n ts . H o u rly w a g e p lu s bonus. F u ll- o r p a r t- tim e 474-6264, ask fo r S toney. REELIA B L E H Ó US E K E E PE R - I I v e i n o r p a r t - t i m e S o m e c h i l d c a r e R e fe re n c e s and tr a n s p o r ta tio n re q u ire d . 327-0293 Earn C hristm as M o n e y Now! You can m a ke $ 4 .0 0 - $ 5 .0 0 per hour delivering pizzas tit o z < Z N O N o & □ I S G re a t even in g p a rt-tim e job W ork in your ow n neighborhood Free m eals A pp ly a fte r 4 :0 0 p.m . • 4115 Guadalwp* 458-9101 • 2 0t 1 i . Rivorúda 447-6681 • 404 W. 26th 476-7181 • 1110 Watt Lynn 474-7676 LOST & FOUND HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Have gun, will travel: 1979 Mercenary seeks active employment By CRAIG CUNNINGHAM M an fo r hire. Body guard, courier and other clandestine ivork. Ten years m e rc e n a ry e x ­ perience. All serious calls con­ sid e r e d ...” The ad, unobtrusive and buried deep in the personals section of an Austin newspaper, reads like most c la s s ifie d a d v e rtis e m e n ts and probably did not receiv e much attention from the average reader glancing a t the page. H enry Johnson is com pletely serious about the ad. He is even m ore serious about his line of work “ a professional m ercenary. SITTING in a restau ran t sipping coffee and dressed in arm y fatigues, he looks as if he could be Quint, the c h aracter played by R obert Shaw in the movie “Ja w s.” • While he has held various jobs since finishing secondary school in England a t age 14, the m ost colorful t h o s e a s a o n e s h a v e b e e n m ercenary soldier — a person who, solely for money, works in league with one side or the other in w ars or civil disputes. “ I w as in the m erchant m arines — until I found there was m ore money killing people,” he said. DURING THE V ietnam w ar, Johnson was involved in various clandestine acts of surveillance and sabotage directed a t the North Viet­ nam ese, he said. While he would n o r disclose the identity of the party who w as paying him for these various jobs, he said he and the o th e r m e rc e n a rie s in his group worked on missions in which U.S. involved — " th in g s troops and personnel could not legal­ the ly be Am ericans w eren’t supposed to do.” Johnson said he and the other men in his detachm ent were recruited by a U.S. Army sergeant when his m erchant m arine ship was docked in Singapore. Whiie the sergeant did not specifically offer Johnson a job, he said, the sergeant “ intim ated” that if Johnson w ere interested in the job he could m eet some men who might hire him at the Singapore a ir­ port. JOHNSON did so, becoming part of a m ercenary detachm ent com ­ prised of approxim ately 15 men. Their assignm ents ranged from ' sabotaging of dangerous a re a s — villages w here Viet Cong w ere su sp e c te d of hiding, o r a rm s dum ps,” to attem pting to rescue American prisoners of w ar being held in North Vietnam and Cam­ bodia. Johnson was in Vietnam for three years and estim ates he was paid m ore than $100,000 for his services as a m ercenary during that tim e. HIS NEXT m ercenary job after Vietnam was in Guatem ala. He was hired by the G uatem alan govern­ m ent to help fight insurgents who were attem pting to overthrow the government, he said. There, he did “ security w ork,” he said, m onitor­ ing the rebels and backing up the a rm y d u rin g s k ir m is h e s . T he governm ent paid him approxim ate­ ly $600 p e r week for his services there, he said. The whole affair was less than satisfying, however. He described the whole operation as “ general tu r­ moil. I didn't know who I was fighting fo r.” He noted, however, that “ South America is á good place for w ar.” AFTER DOING security work for oil companies involved in the North Sea oil project, he decided to come to Texas. Texas has everything,” he said,” I'd lay my life down for Texas.” En route to Texas however, his plane stopped in South Carolina, and he decided to stay there for awhile. In South Carolina, he ran a sm all gas station and pool hall, but while th e re he w as o ffe re d s e v e ra l m ercenary jobs. to A LAWYER w a n te d h im recruit and train an arm y that could fight in the Middle E ast, and a Cana­ dian wanted him to lead a detach­ m ent headed for South America. He declined both offers, however, F inally, five months ago, he cam e to Texas. After traveling the sta te he applied to becom e a T exas R a n g e r b u t w as not a c c e p te d b e c a u s e o f e d u c a t i o n a l r e ­ quirem ents, he said. Johnson is living in Austin now and hopes to be able to stay here for a while. CONSEQUENTLY, he has run his ad to earn money to enable him to stay. I don’t really have any other skills,” he said. Response to the ad has not been that good, although he has gotten a few offers. The fact that he som etim es h as to kill people does not bother him, he said “ It's a job; people need you to do things others can’t or don’t w ant to do.” Co-op book department closes for remodeling, reopens Monday The general books depart­ m ent of the University Co-Op will be closed until Monday for remodeling. “ We’re closed for general business through the end of the week. We a re allowing people to pick up special orders; however, w e’re not taking any m ore o rd ers,” said M arcia Fero, m anager/buyer of the departm ent. “ The whole point is to give m ore floor and shelf space to the g eneral books d e p a rt­ ment, our academ ic sections in p articular,” F ero said. The fine a rts section, including music and dance, will be im ­ proved and expanded. “ T H E R E H A SN ’T been anything done to the general books departm ent for years, and some of our fixtures were literally falling a p a rt beneath our books,” Fero said. The remodeling is the first p art of a two-stage renovation plan for the second floor. Beginning Monday, the mez­ zanine w ill also u ndergo changes. It will include sec­ tio n s f o r te c h n ic a l a n d reference m aterials, UT and regional press works, m edical literature and a children’s section that Fero says will be one of the largest in the area. The new facilities will be finished and ready for the sp r­ ing sem ester with a grand opening planned toward the end of January. FER O SAID the d e p a rt­ m ent will be open for C hrist­ m as sales. “ We have a lot of books to sell so hopefully the construction won’t turn people off too m uch,” she said. In addition to the rem odel­ ing, the Co-Op intends to have a computerized stock system installed by February. “ We will be able to tell a custom er in 15 seconds what books we have in stock,” F ero said. Overcrowded conditions Official says airport coping By BRENDA HOOKER Even though the num ber of passengers flying on the nine com m ercial airlines serving A u s tin ’s R o b e r t M u e lle r Municipal Airport continues to increase, the airport has not yet reached its capacity, said Roy Bayless, director of the City of Austin Aviation D epartm ent. A irport co n sultants have suggested to the City Council that a new a ir ca rrie r airport be built at Manor, Bayless said. The council is holding work sessions concerning the airport. During October 153,199 a ir­ line passengers arrived and dep arted through M ueller, which is an increase of 10 per­ cent over October of last year, Bayless said. For the first 10 m onths of this year, 1,527,936 passengers have gone through M ueller’s gates, he said. This is an in­ crease of nearly 19 percent over the first 10 m onths of 1978. “ The term inal is not large enough in ­ to han d le creasin g tra ffic , but plans have been m ade to solve th is,” Bayless said. the Plans have also been m ade to increase gate space and ticket counter space, he add­ ed. W ith th e h o lid a y s a p ­ proaching the traffic will in­ crease even more, Bayless said, but the airport is an­ ticipating this and has made the to handle preparations flow of holiday travelers. “ During the past year, the num ber of public p arking places has just about doubled, so that we now have 1,700 public parking spaces, which will greatly improve our abili­ ty to handle the large holiday volume,” Bayless said. He said the main reason for the increase in passengers is b e c a u se of “ our h e a lth y economy” which allows m ore people to travel. “ What was an unusually busy day two years ago is an average day today,” Bayless said. Council meeting seeks student views to S tu d e n t r e p r e s e n ta tiv e s th e University Council will m eet a t noon Tuesday in the Texas G overnor’s Room of the Texas Union Building to hear in­ put fro m s tu d e n ts on U n iv e rs ity policies. The six representatives will exam ine the effects of President P e te r Flaw n’s recent approval of a m inim um GPA requirem ent in the College of Business Administration and U niversity Council decisions m ade Monday concerning ex­ the deadline for p a s s /fa il tending registration and creating a policy to a t­ tra c t N ational M erit and N ational Achievement Scholars to the U niversi­ ty. Student input m eetings a re scheduled after monthly council m eetings to dis­ cuss recent decisions and problem s of students a t to prepare for issues to be brought before the council. the U niversity and THE UNIVERSITY Council is the l e g i s l a t i v e b o d y w h ic h m a k e s recom m endations to Flawn concerning rule and catalogue changes, student services and student organizations. The Senior Cabinet appoints two student the council, and representatives Flaw n appoints from student/faculty com m ittee recom m en­ dations. four o th ers to “ We six a re the student voice in the legislative workings of the cam p us,” said Dean H obart, student rep resen­ tative and m a ste r candidate in the G raduate School of Business, “ but it is hard when there is no real constituen­ cy. You ju st know what happens to you and to your friends. T hat’s a narrow range of experience.” STUDENT R EPR ESEN TA TIV ES set up the m eetings to show that they are “ accessible, willing to listen and want to do w hat is best,” Hobart said. If the U niversity Council is not the ap­ propriate body to handle a stud ent’s complaint, representatives will suggest a person to contact. S tu d en t r e p r e s e n ta tiv e s in c lu d e Kobart; Carm en Mayoral, senior in the College of Education; Mark M etts, senior in the College of Liberal A rts; Susan R u ss e ll, sop h om o re in th e College of L iberal A rts; M aureen Walker, doctoral candidate in English; and Rob W alters, senior in the College of Liberal Arts. They will serve until August 1980 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TH E R E D T o m a to R e s ta u ra n t now h ir ­ in g f o r s e m e s t e r b r e a k a n d n e x t s e m e ste r. A ll p o s itio n s . A p p ly in p e rson only. 1601 G u a d a lu p e , 4 30-5:30. C H E M IS T O R c h e m ic a l e n g in e e r to c a r r y o u t e x p e r im e n t s a n d p e r f o r m g e n e ra l la b o ra to r y w o rk on g o v e rn m e n t c o n tr a c t S y n th e tic a n d a n a ly tic a l a b ili­ ty a e s ire d . In te r e s t in p o ly m e rs h e lp fu l. B a c h e lo r's d e g re e o r e q u iv a le n t. W ill c o n s id e r p a r t - t im e e m p lo y m e n t C a ll 471-5679 N E E D E D t h r e e d e liv e ry p e o p le M u s t h a ve ow n c a r. A p p ly M a m a 's P iz z a , 1507 L a v a c a I M M E D I A T E L Y M O N IT O R E Q U I P M E N T f o u r w e e k ly . C le a n p o lic e r e c o r d , re fe re n c e s F re e s tu d y a fte r 10 a m . w e e k d a y s tim e s lo c a l t im e 452-5763 S E S P O N s I b l T p e r S O N tcT care Tori ye a r o ld b o y e v e ry F r id a y , 8 a m -6 p .m . M ust h a v e o w n tra n s p o r ta tio n . In te re s ts in s p o r t s , o u t i n g s , c r a f t s P a y n e g o tia b le A f te r 6 p m .. 478-3498 D I N I N G R O O M a n d .' o r k i t c h e n a ssis ta n ce needed fo r s p rin g sem e ste r fo r lu n c h and d in n e r s h ifts . R e ference s re q u ire d C a ll 478 5370 o r 471-7397. H E L P N E E D E D L ig h t c a r p e n tr y s k ills F le x ib le h o u r s 837-1087 ______ S E C U R IT Y G U A R D S needed D e pen­ dable, h a rd w o rk in g p e rsons to w o rk both n ig h t a n d d a y s h ifts . E x c e lle n t P h ysical c o n d itio n a n d p e rs o n a b le a t- t'tu d e re c o rd r e q u ir e d C le a n p o lice A p p ly in p e rso n a t D o b ie C e n te r fro n t desx E N E R G E T IC , N E A T , s h o rt o r d e r c o m ­ b in a tio n p re p and cook. F u ll- t im e E x ­ c e lle n t w a ges w o rk a b le sch e d u le F a n ­ ta s tic w o rk in g a tm o s p h e re . F a n d a n g o 's R e s ta u ra n t a n d C a n tin a , 2438 W. A n d e r ­ son Lane. N E E D E D ~ P A R T T Í M E c o n ces si on w o rk e rs , b a rte n d e rs , and b o o k k e e p in g h e lp A p p ly V o lu m e S e rvice s, M u n ic ip a l A u d ito riu m , 400 South 1st. 10 a .m -5 p .m . S E A S O N A L - F U L L - o r p a r t-tim e . A ls o f u ll- tim e p e rm a n e n t. A p p ly in p e rs o n a t .________ ______ _ ______ S ch e rts and M o re a t D o b ie M a ll. e ve n in g s. S3 00 hou r. C o u n try C lu b of A u s tin . 5712 E. R iv e rs id e D r. H E L P W A N T E D : m a id tw o U T s tu d e n ts In w e st c a m p u s a re a . C a ll 476- _ 5949__ t o r P A R T - T I M E S A L E S E a r n $400- S 500/m onth. E v e n in g sales P ro fe s s io n a l a p p e a ra n c e , good c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills F o r in te rv ie w , c a ll L a r r y , 258-0685. W A N T E D - F U L L o r p a r t- tim e h e lp fo r m o n th of D e c e m b e r S a la ry open C on­ t a c t Red C o le m a n 's L iq u o rs a t (214 ) 363- 5485^ P A R T - OR f u ll- tim e d is h w a s h e r N o e x ­ p e r ie n c e n e c e s s a ry E v e n in g S h i f t . *3.00 h o u r E O E 459-4248, ask fo r Rob P A R T - T IM E STOCK c le r k and c o s m e tic sales A p p ly in person, W a lg re e n 's , 113 W O lto r f B A R ' T i m e W A I T P E R S O N S a n d be tlp e rs o n s needed E x c e lle n t p a y and b e n e fits A p p ly in person a t R a m a d a in n C a p ito l, 300 E l ' t h St D E N T A L A S S IS T A N T fo r tw o o r th re e m o rn in g s /w e e k P re v io u s e x p e rie n c e r e q u ire d W rite D a lly Texa n, P O. Box D2K, 78712 M A D DOG a n d B eans is now a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r k itc h e n help . A p p ly In person, 512 W 24th, fr o m 4-6 p .m B E A N S R E S T A U R A N T is a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r e x p e rie n c e d cook. A p p ly in p erson, 311 W . 6th St. W A N T E D m a t u r e co u p le to m a n a g e nice c o m p le x . 472-6715 M A J O R C A R r e n t a l a g e n c y h a s o p e n in g s fo r fu ll- tim e p o s itio n s as re n ta l a g e n ts and s e rv ic e a ge nts Base s a la ry p lu s b e n e fits In clu d e d F o r c o n fid e n tia l in te r v ie w plea se c a ll M s F is h e r a t 474- 6636 b etw e en 8 a m .-5 p m M U S IC IA N S W A N T E D fo r v a r ie t y ban d, ^ tu c a n o , c o u n try , disco, a n d ro c k m u s ic . N eed tru m p e ts , saxophones, k e y b o a rd s , b a s s / g u ita r p la y e rs . D e ja V u O ffic e w T T itr, 447 3033 Soap Creek Saloon * TONIGHT THE EXPLOSIVES PLU S ROKY CRIMSON THURSDAY JERRY JEFF WALKER I 11306 N. LAMAR 4 A 838-0509 _ / Tuesday, November 20, 1979 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Page 13 College alcohol advertising reported to have ‘bad Influence’ The effects of alcohol advertising have recently come under lire from persons ranging from college professors to adver­ tising m anagers. The number of alcohol advertisem ents in college newspapers present an anti-educational m essage and pose a bad influence on college students. Dr. W arren Breed and Dr. Jam es De Foe reported in the magazine College H ealth. 1 he Daily T e x a n runs many alcohol advertisem ents but has little selective control over the num ber or m essage of in­ dividual brands because the T e x a n has few advertising regulations, J.R . Barger, Texas Student Publications adver­ tising director, said. In Hie Problem of Alcohol Advertisements in College Newspapers,” a comparison of the num ber of alcohol ads in 32 college newspapers with the number of ads for bookstores and soft drinks showed that the alcohol ads far outnumbered other ads. De F oe and Breed related the heavy advertising to alcoholism on campus and suggested that students, faculty and staff dis­ cuss the problem and seek some resolution. DE FOE AND Breed criticized ad v ertisem en ts th at presented the anti-educational theme that the beer drinker em erges as a charm ing rascal; the serious students as worried drones. 1’he Texan, although it does not carry many ads for p a r­ ticular brands of alcohol, advertises local “ on sale” alcohol prevalently. On sale refers to taverns, clubs and restaurants that advertise alcoholic beverages. “ THERE IS NO legal way for us (TSP) to exclude alcohol advertising without being accused of being discrim inatory,” Barger said. “ I try to be as objective and fair as I can.” B arger said TSP has guidelines that prevent advertising that is sexist, racist or offensive to a particular religious group or person. Otherwise advertisem ents cannot be refused B arger said. 3 Campus News in Brief Registration deadline for CLEP exams today Tuesday is the deadline to register for the Dec. 13 CLEP Subject Examinations. Credit may be earned for English 314K, Economics 302 and 303, Government 310L, Psychology 301 and Sociology 302. Scores w ill b e m a i l e d f r o m P r i n c e t o n , N .J . by a p ­ proximately Jan. 16. R egistra­ tion forms, sam ple questions and eligibility information are available a t the M easurement and Evaluation Center, 2616 Wichita St., 471-3032. AN N O U N C EM EN TS DEPARTM ENT OF ASTRO NO M Y will show the films “ Galaxies." "Invisible Universe" and "Exploring the Milky Way" at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Robert Lee Moore Hall 4 102. TE X A 8 M EM O R IA L M U 8E U M will display te c h n o lo g ic a l e x lh lb it the art and “ Bakuba Environment and Technology in Zaire" through Feb. 3. U T LA W STUDENTS FOR HU M AN RIGHTS will host a forum on "Rights ot Lesbians and Gay Men" at noon Tuesday In the law school auditorium. I D E A S A N D I N T E R A C T I O N Inform al C O M M IT T E E w ill host an reception for the UT men's basketball team from 11 45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m Tues­ day in the Texas Union Patio. In case of ram, the reception will be In the Texas Tavern. UT FILM C O M M ITTE E will present "Love and Anarchy" at 3, 7 and 9 :15 p.m. Tues­ day In the Texas Tavern. Admission is $1 50 with UT ID and $2 for the general public. MEETINGS S C IE N C E F IC T IO N A N D F A N T A S Y SO CIETY will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in Union Building 4.108. LIB E R A L A R T8 C O U N C IL will meet at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Sutton Hall 210. S T U D E N T REPR ESENTATIVES OF THE UN IV ER SITY C O U N C IL will meet to plan issues for introduction at University Council meetings at noon Tuesday in the Texas Governor's Room in the Texas Union Building. U N IT will meet at 7 p.m Tuesday on the se­ cond floor lounge in Jester Center West RED RYDER PRESERVATION SO CIETY will meet at 7 30 p.m. Tuesday in the Tex as Tavern. ARCHERY C LU B will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the range in Anna Hiss Gym. UT AD VE RTISING C LUB will meet at 7:30 p m Tuesday in Union Building 4 118 for a wine and cheese party BE LLY D A N C E C LU B will meet at 7 30 p.m Tuesday in Bellmont Hall 502A to dance. PHI CH I THETA will meet at 7 30 p m. Tues­ day in Union Building 4.110. AN CH OR ET TES will meet at 7 p.m Tuesday in Russell A Steindam Hall. S O C IA LIS T PARTY OF TEXAS will meet to discuss union efforts in Texas at 7:30 p m Tuesday in Union Building 2 410 UN IVER SITY YOUNG DEM O CR ATS will meet at 7:30 p.m Tuesday In Welch Hall 2.256. World Hunger Project will prresent a film. U N IV ER 8ITY STUDENTS FOR CARTER- M O N DALE will meet to plan the Dec 8 presidential visit at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Welch Hall 2.306. UNIVERSITY REPU BLIC A N S will hold a finance meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Graduate School of Business Building 1 212. Fund raising and plans for 1980 will be discussed YOUNG TEXAN S FOR REAGAN will hold an organisational meeting a! 7 30 p m Tues day in Busmess-Economics Building 161 LECTURES ^ B A L ESTATE SO CIETY will sponsor a lec­ ture by Ken Jastrow , p re s id e n t of Investm ent C o rp., on Lum berm an "Currrent in Real Issues and Trends Estate Financing" at 7 30 p.m Tuesday in Graduate School of Business Building 2218. DEPARTM ENT OF ANTHROPOLOG Y will sponsor a lecture by Dr. Sabina MacCor mack, assistant professor of history, on P a g a n is m a n d C h r is t ia n it y at Copacabana: Holy Site, Holy Image and Pilgrimage at 4 p.m Tuesday In Burdlne Hall 136 DEPARTM ENT OF GEOLOGY will sponsor lectures by John Herber. M A. candidate, on "Holocene Sediment Under Laguna Madre, Cameron Co., Tx." and by Robert Chapin, M A candidate, on "Short Term Variations. Sampling Techniques and A c ­ curacy of Analyses of the Concentration of Nitrate in Pumped Municipal G round Waters North Texas" at 1 p m. Tuesday in Geology Building 100. by jo h n n y h a rt B .C . r O f . , up vViirl w e l i t e y £ a ¡ ? f ' — 'csn o g m Y ' ©Ft*«d Enterprise* lr*c 1878 TANK MCNAMARA f REAUX 7 "MO OF Cob 'AS&I9TAMT COGUES'ARE E X -W A T lO M COMEt/Y W RITERS SECRETLY M lR E P To PROVIPE h im MTH Hl9 FAMOUS? by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds □ □ □ O D D □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ O Q Q D Q D Ü Q □ □ □ □ □ □GDQ □□□□O □□□□□□□□□ n c e g o □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Q G D g n o a g □ □ □ □ □ o e d d c □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ■P O O P □ □ □ □ □ ! ! □ □ w^mi\ H i i i ni miiiiii DOWN 1 Vampires, e.g. 2 Throb 3 Weight allow­ ance 4 Horde 5 Faust and Aida 6 Malay coin 7 Post card message 4 words 8 Paradises 9 Flower 10 Conductor 11 Aura 12 French city 13 Besides 18 Chop 24 Prerogative 25 Corrodes 26 Endured 27 Problem 28 Originates 29 Pitch 31 Edible seed 32 Maggot 33 Ruhr city 35 English gob: Slang 37 — code 40 Cage 41 Edge 46 Disappear 48 Cultivated 51 Sonar’s kin 52 Iowa college 53 Dross 54 — shirt 55 Saucy 57 Shellfish 58 Top-notch 59 Solitary 60 — Laurel 63 Container 19 Iowa city 20 Bird dog 21 Chemical suf­ fix 22 Completed 23 Alerts 25 Legal matter 26 Skewer 30 It. title 31 Color 34 Of musical sound 36 Stares 38 Possesses 39 Plumes: 2 words 42 Above: Poet. 43 Of the morn­ ing 44 Attend 45 Cowboy 47 — Cole DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau this is roland hepley it m s shortl y after dusk when THE MEPlA EVENT FIRST SWEPT I THROUOH THE SMALL HOOSIER ; HAMLSTOFROSEWATER,. MEMBERS OF TUB ROSEWATER 6Ú.P. CAUCUS HAP JUST CAST THE FIRST BALLOT IN A PRESIPBHUAL STRAP) POLL CAUCUS MEMBER AL FENPER EXPLAINS WHAT HAPPENEP NEXT. IT WAS AWFUL THE HOTUOU7S THE CAMBRAS. SOM! Ot :JS TRJBPTDSTAV OFF THE RECORP, 3UT IT U)AS HOPEE# ¡RE WERE FORCEPTOSTANPBV HELP­ LESSLY AS OUR REMARKS HERE BLOWN ALL OUT OF PROPORTION' /¡HP STRJPPEP OF THEIR. CONTEXT! THE POLL RJOHT THERE IN RESULTS? FRONT OF OUR FAMILIES' Page 14 □ THE DAILY TEXAN □ Tuesday, November 20, 1979 A step behind the Iron Curtain (Editor’s Note: McKinnon visited East Berlin in August on his way to a conference on Scandinavian politics in Copenhagen. His trip was funded in part by grants from Pian II and the Department of European Studies. Klaus m u s t o r d e r 11 y e a r s in a d ­ v a n c e f o r a car, 10 y e a r s ah ea d f o r • a telephone an d w a it th re e and one- h a lf y e a rs f o r the wood to build a dining ro o m table. He has been collecting re c o rd a lb u m s f o r 10 y e a rs and is p rou d o f his 15-record set. Klaus is not in p riso n nor is he destitute. He is an a v e r a g e citizen who w o r k s in a f a c t o r y building ship engines. K la us has a w ife and two s m a ll ch ild re n a nd sp e n d s his f r e e tim e d rin k in g sh ots o f R u ssia n v o d k a w ith the boys. K la u s lives in R o sto c k — a n o rth e r n p ort town in C o m m u n is t E a s t G e r m a n y . We m e t on a tra in out o f E a s t Berlin. East Berlin. Heavily arm ed guards, dogs, barbed wire and an oppressive wall are the welcoming com m ittee at C h e c k Point Charlie — one of the few access points into the city. The transition from West to E ast Berlin is trenchant and arresting. Only a wall separates the city of more than 3 million, yet the differences are stark. WEST BERLIN is a thriving, colorful city, not unlike other m ajor European cities, replete with discos and depart­ ment stores. E ast Berlin, however, appears to be in a tim e warp. It is as if, ex cep t for m in o r ch a n g e s along specific tourist routes, the city has remained unchanged for 40 years. There is no color, no laughter. Children play in lots, climbing around in rubble left from World War II; lean out over shrapnel- residents pocked walls from their balconies. East Berliners stand in line for hours to purchase simple goods (which in the taken for west a re bountiful and granted) because the item s grace the store shelves only rarely and in limited quantity. An ailing E ast Berlin woman who could not get a wheelchair had to rely on a diplom at’s wife to smuggle one in for her. O thers, who do not have western contacts, are not as lucky. th a n $3 a p a c k Bookstore windows display works by Marx, Engels and Stalin — and that is all. Stale, tasteless cigarettes sell for m o re (w e s te rn cigarettes, if you can find them, sell for around $5) A simple Russian-made car costs $24,000 and even if you have the money there is little chance one will be available. M odest A m erican cars, driven by U.S. diplomats, are stared at incredulously and longingly. ALTHOUGH a u th o ritie s seek to paralyze the osmosis of western in­ fluence into E ast Berlin, the proximity of West Berlin has m ade the attem pt futile. It is estim ated that 80 percent of East Berliners can pick up western telev isio n b ec a u se of th e stro n g transmission from West Berlin. The general mood of the people is one of resignation and m alaise. Older persons are tired of vacillating government policy and the younger generation, influenced by the west, are finding it harder and harder to em­ brace hard-line socialist doctrines with any conviction. The aw areness they a re confined within boundaries prom otes an ambience of sad acceptance. Only in the children does one find an expres­ sion of life’s vitality. When asked why there is not m ore agitation for change, the American consular general in East Berlin ex­ plained that while western influence has had a marked impact, when E ast G erm ans look to the neighboring com ­ m u n ist c o u n trie s of P oland and Czechoslovakia they feel lucky to have what they do. OCCASIONALLY’ however, the will for freedom is so strong that persons m ake daring escapes in crop dusters and hot air balloons. But, for every per­ son that successfully escapes there a re many m ore who fail and end up in E ast G erm an prisons. Berlin to Rostock It was strange for an E ast G erman to s trik e up a c o n v e rsa tio n w ith a foreigner on a train, much less to do so with other E ast Germans in the com­ p a rtm e n t. My Tony Lam a cowboy Works by Lenin, Engels and Marx on display in a bookstore window. boots left no doubt as to where I was from. But K laus’ curiosity overcam e his reservations. When the conversation progressed beyond salutatio ns, we stepped into the corridor so we could not be overheard. When he learned that I was not due in Copenhagen for a couple of days he in­ vited me to stay with him and his fam i­ ly, and I agreed. When we reached his apartm ent in a simple four-story dwelling (undiscer- nable from the thousands of other sim ­ ple four-story buildings), he asked if I had noticed the man who rode with us on the train. When I told him I hadn’t, he explained that although the m an’s tic k e t w as for town beyond Rostock, he got off with us. boarded the sam e bus and got off at the sam e bus stop. the IT WAS then I questioned my deci­ sion to stop in Rostock. But, a fte r checking in with the police (three ruddy men, behind three plain desks, with three black telephones) and downing a few bottles of vodka with Klaus and some of his friends, I began to feel m ore comfortable and less threatened. Although I couldn’t communicate very well with anyone but Klaus, when the spirits took effect we all became very anim ated and the whole scene began to resem ble a game of charades. in p o litic a l o r ideological differences was not great. They were, however, obsessed with American culture. They wanted to know all about the latest American bands, John Travolta and the Grand Ca­ nyon. (They asked m e if I rem em bered that a few days earlier wras the anniver­ sary of Elvis Presley’s death — which I hadn’t.) i n t e r e s t T h e ir For the m ost part they a re not unhap­ py with their lives. They ache to travel and see the United States but were quick to point out that there is not the poverty in E ast Germany found in A m e ric a . They w ere proud th a t everyone is ta k e n care of. T h e re a r e , h o w e v e r, in h e re n t problem s in the system with regards to the labor. Because it is virtually im ­ possible to get fired from a job once hired, many pockets of labor have an abundant work force with little work to keep workers occupied. Consequently, often workers are penalized for o v e r ­ produ cing , ONLY DID the mood become serious when Klaus told me that because he had to wait m ore than three years for wood to build a table, he had to get it surreptitiously. For divulging that kind of information — specifically, that the E a st German economy was such that at tim es he had to resort to buying item s on the black m arket — he told me he could go to prison. The concern over western influence was evident when sweeping revisions in the penal code were instituted Aug. 1. As outlined in the July 29 edition of the L o s A n g e le s T im e s , they include: • Prison term s of up to three years a r e provided for such undefined offenses as “ denigration of the sta te ’’ and 'disturbing the socialist way of life.” • B roadening the d efin itio n of illegal association.” The definition previously applied only to organized groups. It will apply to any form of association, presumably including even two individuals engaged in casual con­ versation. The penalty for illegal association is increased from three to five years in prison. • As amended, the laws covering hostility to the state could be applied to an E ast G erm an complaining about consum er shortages in a letter to a relative in the west. It could also apply to two East G erm ans sitting in a beer hall grumbling about official red tape. Rostock to Copenhagen Before boarding a ferry for Denmark the train was stopped, our passports carefully scrutinized. Guards picked ap a rt the com partm ents, seat cushions were torn off and specially trained dogs were sent under the train to search for stowaways. In exchange for his hospitality Klaus had only two requests: “ Many picture- p o stcard s from A m erica” and the Eagles album H otel California. A Russian soldier marches off duty at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Story, photos by Mark McKinnon An East German youth tests the water at a public pool. The view into East Berlin from Check Point Charlie.