Eht Bally ®exan First C ollege D aily in the South VOLUME XXI. A U STIN , TEXAS, T H U R SD A Y MORNING, JA N U A R Y 20, 1921 IKITI TO MEET MONTHLY WITH MISS CASIS A dvisory Group of Girls Serve A s M edium B etw een Stu­ d ents and D ean in D uring the p a st week organization of the Students' A dvisory Council to the Dean o f Women has been com plet­ ed. Members o f the Council receive their places by virtue o f the fa c t th a t they hold the im portant places most prom inent g ir ls’ organizations. They are th e mem bers o f the W om an’s Council, A lm arine H arris, chairm an, Edith Sykes, N ellie Collins, M argaret ('arter, Lucy F oster and D orothy M arkle; and the heads o f othei; girls' organizations, D orothy Broad, presi­ dent of the Y oung W omen’s C hristian A ssociation, A lice May Barrow , presi­ dent o f Cap and Gown, Ruby D aniel, president o f the W om an’s A thletic A s­ sociation, and M ary H ardy, president of P an-H ellenic. From her position as chairm an of th e W oman’s Council, Alm arine H a rris w ill act as chairm an. T his Council w a s formed a fte r care­ ful study o f sim ilar organizations in in th e North the larger u n iversities and E ast, w here the plan has met with unusual success. to bring about closer contact betw een the Dean o f Women and the g irls in the U n iversity, and to bring th e girls to a better realization that the Dean is their friend and helper as well as It gives the students their monitor. d efin ite group to whom they can go ■ br help or advice. One o f the m ost ii im portant aim s o f the Council is to be a u n ify in g body for the various or- m izations am ong the girls. Through iQ it is now p o ssib le for these groups to accom plish m ore than ever before, as w ell as to avoid any possible fr ic ­ tion. Its purpose is Two m eetings have been held at Miss O asis’ home, a t which the d etails of organization h ave been decided up­ secre­ on. Lucy F oster w as elected tary, and d efin ite m inutes are to be kept. The Council will meet a t M iss O asis’ home, a t 7 :0 0 p. rn. on th e fir st M onday of the month. I ' --------------0------------- INTERCOLLEGIATE MEET IN T E N N IS IS PL A N N E D P lans have been made for several in tercollegiate m eets in tennis. Two dual gam es w ill be played w ith A. & M. One is set fo r A pril 9, and the other will be played A pril 30. There is to be a dual m eet with S. M. U. som tim e in the spring, and about the m iddle o f M ay the squad w ill go to Southw est Tennis Champion M eet a t Waco. the According to Dr. Penick, it is hoped to send m embers to a Southern Inter­ collegiate T ennis Mee* which w ill pro­ bably be held at Sew anee. An effo rt will also be m ade to send represen­ ta tiv es to a n ational tennis meet. -------------------------------- O " .. ................ - ........- M EN’S COUNCIL HEARS FOUR CASES FOR FALL I r? including F our cases, resulting from th e fall term , exam inations, the have been considered by the Men’s Council o f the U n iv ersity , according the to T. E. H ayden, chairm an o f M en’s Council. O f these cases, all four confessed g u ilt, which amounted to breaches o f the honor system . In all ca ses p en alties were assessed by the Council. The Men’s Council h a s met tw ice th is term , on M onday, J a n u ary IO, and M onday, Jan u ary 17, at which cases were handled.-o-------------- FRESHM EN DECLAIMERS A T H EN A EU M SELECTS above the V m eetings, The A thenaeum m et Tuesday, Janu­ ary 18, in a regular session. Speak­ ers w ere selected to represent the so­ ciety in the Freshm an Declam ation Contest. The follow in g men were se­ Jack Furm an, Edw in Pugh, lected: Herbert C roft, H. A. TrieSch, J. H. Schleyer. fo r The officer? the w inter term were then elected: W. H. Jack, presi­ dent; H. A. Trieach, vice-president; J no. M yers, secretary; I . V. Ro fin- son, treasu rer; A m o N ow otny, critic; H. J. Yarbrough, reporter, R K. Gil­ len, sergeant-at-arma. GAINESVILLE BOOK GORDON SECURES DONATIONS SLOW FEDERAL REPORT Library Much N eeded in Home V ocational Students M eet For For D elingqu en t Girls Q uestions From District Supervisor V ocational s tu d e n ts .who are being i Book? for the G ainesville T rain in g I School show er are com ing in s lo w ly sent to the U niversity by the Federal I according to Miss Jeannette Collins, Government m et W ednesday night who is on the shower com m ittee. re enp r' i« "cd by H. h . Cor R esults o f two days’ balloting: F ar removal A gain st removal ................................... 177 ........................... 49 ASHBY READS AT FRANK WILL GIVE LANIER MEETING TWO PRIZES SOON M errick '. Short Stories Subject Literary \Vork of Students To of Com m ent By English Instructor Re R ecognized By Former C ollegian I PHI GAMS PILE UP SCORE ON PHI PSIS Stan ley R. Ashby, instructor in D„ A. Frank of D allas, a form er I E nglish in the U niversity, g a ^ a de- ’U n iv ersity student, is again o ffe r in g ligh tfu l reading from Leonard Mer- < to students o f th is institution tw o lit-; Final Score Is 36 to l l — B ell­ — B etty W ales, ‘M iss M inerva a n d ] ,] Board. In addition to questions by W illiam Green H ill,’ ‘L ittle W om en,’ Mr. Gordon relative to the monthly and the sim pler love stories may be r e p o r t to the N a tio n a l headquarters Series W ith Score of " 25 to 3 3 aru* don, field supervisor o f the Vocation- W inners T ake Second Game of r ic k s short stories, entitled “ W hile erary prizes, one for poetry and < th r for a novel. Mr. Frank, though not ; P aris Laughed," before a m eeting o f mont D raw s Freely From Second String Men Sidney Lanier W ednesday aftrnoon. a lite r a r y man him self, says that he The story that Mr. Ashby selected I w ishes to encourage literary produc- ( B y K enneth M cCall*) taken as the type of stories desired by ami ot*ier business m a t te r s , it was Phi Gamma D elta won her second the com m ittee for th e G ainesville *ha* a pr° 1U^ picture b(‘ ia kt' n gam e o f th e round-robin series being was “ The Woman in th e Book,” th is NO. 83 PIRATE QUINTET IN SNAPPY GAME g ir ls,” M iss Collins said. “ T he c o n j e e o f , , puttee believes that ev ery g ir l would like to co-operate in g iv in g g i e s the th rills o f “T reasure * vocational Board. ‘f * " * cham Pions 10 , interfratern ity basketball F ifty men ami one woman are now cham pionship of the University, by the Phi Kappa P h is W ed­ ST decide the ^ to th ese attending the University under the crushing Island,” f p<^era l provision*. I* o rty-five of th is • * * nil rn Ko it nrofm n»»^oAnA the wonder • o f the ideal life depicted ! Colonel” books and all thu ( ' n in L ittle Colonel t re prt a ^ met tln g 3. The gam e w as one sided though r i m i n g t 0 Mr. the Phi P sis had lots o f fig h t and uorQon one nunurea ' Gordon, one hundred per cent attend- K n t attend. u hard umil the , h«rU until tv.,, i„.,+ , w , pleasures- to be found rn th eir ch ild -, anre on these m eetin g s for which he The w inners e a s i l y outclassed nesday afternoon by a score o f 25 to favorites. \ oung W om en’s C hristian A ssociation In th is belief m akes a trip from San Antonio hood book the Social Service com m ittee o f the the brst W ednesday o f every month, and esp ecially * g of a which the losers were particularly require.! required weak. All three of their points wore has made the appeal thatbooks of t h e , m onthly hy the Waahin(pton office In made by C urtis on fouls. The Phi G ordonj Gam team played very well together o f the gam e in goal shooting a t c,v r u a w u n g , the J m aking these reports, Mr type mentioned be brought on opponents in all phases com plete report which ih«> u-ritincr nf • im nerativo , . , *' for to I. is i? K . reading room of ti,e Y. W. C. A. fo r I basos his, fa cts as to the health o f and th e individuaI pla the benefit o f the g irls in the State j institute fo r delinquent g ir ls.” _ , v a n o u s students on the report o f jn ^ood style. ! a Gained nurse who lias charge o f several o f the vocational students r , There a re about seventy-five g . , ^ l i sh()Wpf| said in b r ie f: ' ' their popularity by th e publication of the ■ amount. “author’s edition” o f “ Love F lies Out j o ’ the Window’,” the books receiving .................... introductions by such c e .e o n n e . a „ v sum 2 * j $500, celebrities as I Lido, u rn - r» n | Sir James Barrie, Mr. W illiam Dea an .. » ---------------- u — « - H owells, Mr. M aurice H ew lett. S ir ^ W illiam Robertson Nicoll. Mr. Ashby being one o f the “ pranks and passions ; versify. He hopes to uncover a go­ of th e Poet T ricotrin.” P receding the reading. Mr. Ashby ; him self, The annual poetry prize, read selections from his own p a p e r j'vbieh Mr. Erank has offered for sev- on M errick, who has been given a wide I eral years, has been * P in increased a ggregation I nills who otherw ise might not find It now consists of a first tivity am ong the students of the U ni­ © of $25 and a second of $15. V a rsity ’s basketball five showed an improved brand o f the indoor sport last night at the Men’s Gym, when Coach Belm ont’s took the long end of a 36 to l l score with the Southw estern P irates, the victim s. W hile the Longhorns clearly showed their superiority, there w as plenty o f action throughout, and the fight o f interest o f the both teams held the spectators till the final w histle blew. The Pirates put up a gam e fight# hut the work of Belm ont’s first squad was too much for them. They were •Utelased at every angle of the gam e. U n iversity befori March 1924. Led by Barrett, with six field g oals to The novel must contain not les than c m b l > Gic Grange and W hite took 50,000 words. Mr, Frank has placed no restriction as to the them e o f the I tbe !ead frnm the start anr* held It t b r o u £ h o u L that he j story. He says, however, B arrett’s goal shooting was accurate when under the basket, hopes the novel may reflect the life but he cut long loose with and local color o f the Southw est. shots that went askew. He w as high . point man o f the game, how ever, w ith j tw elve counters to his credit. ^ rank’s novel prize, a sum o f is is to novel wi ittcn by a Hogg Debating Club the best the .student o f - o _ _ ----------- Tm * given some for I. * Students in the U n iversity o f T ex a s' The lin e-ups w ere as follow s: Phi Gams Phi P sis s * n __________ I D I the MOS* I O plllR T DOORS Among Student Body in th is school, and the library is s m a ll,1l f alm ost negligable. Though, on average, these g irls have not gone I above the third grade, they are inter-! ested in books o f all so rts according i lo M iss Collins. A sh e lf has been se t' aside in I which these books are to be placed, I read widely and profusely, rding a m b it is desired that th e y be b r o u g h t! to librarians, who have made m ental in as soon a? possible. The entire lot note o f the most popular books. E n g ­ wil I be sent off on Jan u ary 31. lish w riters Am erican w riters. as as much H. G. W ells with Kept in Circulation in the Y. W. C. A. room ----------o-- are read — — . , lived v , 'tell a true story. AGGIE TEAM D EPA RTS FOR SERIES O F GAM ES!?™ C ollege S tation , T exas, Jan. 19.— (v ia W ir e le m ).— The F a rm ers’ B as­ ketball team will be in Houston F ri­ day for the first o f a series o f gam es with Rice Institute. T hey play the second gam e Saturday night, From Houston, the F arm ers go to Louisi­ ana for gam es w ith Louisiana State U n iversity a t Baton R ouge on Janu­ ary 24 and 25, and for tw’o gam es with T ulane U n iv ersity a t N ew O rleans, January 26 and 27. T hey w ill return to C ollege Station on Sunday, Janu­ ary 30, and rest up for the two gam es with S ta te U n iv ersity a t College S ta ­ tion on February 4 and 5. I '? 'T0*11 a,nd.,Pete/'" is P°red ovir . shelves “ M arriage,” by W ells, has an extended circulation and the book was read exten sively “ Mr. B rin in g Sees during the war. It T hrough.’’ still retains much o f its tremendous popularity. Though not an E nglish w riter by birth, Joseph in England Conrad, who has most o f his life, rivals W ells in num­ ber o f readers. Conrad’s “ N ig g er o f the N a rcissu s,” is in constant demand. Leonard M errick, an E nglish w riter now being called “the w riter’s w riter,” is crea tin g a vogue o f popularity, with his works which were brought litera ry prom inence by E nglish into authors who began reading his works The gam es at Rice F riday and Sat- ] ant* w r y in g prefaces for them. J. M. urday w ill be w atched with in terest Carrie was one o f the w riters who fa n s, as much has a lr e a d y ; akled M errick in th is m anner, by all been tias out th is year. The O wls heaped up a score o f 37 to 17 a g a in st the Sim m ons College the first o f last week, w hile the b is t the A ggies could g et from the sam e team was a 32 to 20 victory. |p id about the team that R ice, Gf the A m erican authors, U niver- reading H owells. London, Ilergesheim er and Huneker. y . Scott F itzgerald w ith h is “ This Side o f P arad ise,” has not reached the m apority of the students a s yet with its youthful freshness and mod­ ernism . Mark Twain holds much a t­ tention am ong the readers and A rchi­ bald M arshall, an E nglish author of recent notice is now reaching a con­ am ong U n iversity spicuous readers. Southw estern guard o f la st year, w as out o f the game a t th a t tim e, and Forbes, all Southw estern center, w as unable to show his b* st form because o f phys­ ical w eakness from a recent illness. H artung w ill appear in the gam e with the O wls F riday, Forbes w ill be in much better form , and the team as a whole w ill show” the resu lts o f rig ­ orous tr a in in g for the la st few days, I it is expected that the line up w ill b a | receive Dr." P u ffer o f B os Jn" as follow s: Forbes a* center, D w yer on and H artung as guards, M cGarrity and E h lert as forw ards. M cGarrity last year, is a second-year man o f and has played as substitute in the prelim inary gam es o f the season, and ti show ing good form . to a na­ * — tio n a lly known sp ecia list child problems, who w ill make several ad­ dresses at the U n iv ersity during the com ing summer session. H is lectures will be of popular in terest as well as for teachers. DR. PUFFER TO LECTURE D U RIN G SUM M ER SESSION A rrangem ents are being made students are H artung. place team t | e all - ------------- o-------------- Dr. P u ffer is one of the many speakers being sent out over the U nit- A D D IT IO N A L M ATERIAL ^ s t a t *8 >'? the N ation al Child W el- SE N T O U T BY LIBRARY | fa re A ssociation o f N ew Y o-k, to in- i terest the public in child w elfa re work ------------- o— --------- the E xtension , It is reported by TO A ID CACTUS EDITOR o f nearly 50 per cent over the ! T exas U niversity and editor o f F. I. Tucker, fo r m e r , student of the in Loan Library of the U n iv ersity that F. I. TUCKER IN A U ST IN 1979 people received packages from j the library between October I, 1920 and J a n u ary I, 1921. T h is is an in - j crease number of people who had used the Grind Section of the Cactus, the corresponding A ustin for the week end for the pur- package.: during length o f tim e the preceding year, 600 PO®® o f a ssistin g W endell M ayes, Cac- more people having asked for the ma-1 tu® Editor, in com piling the remain- terial. There are now 1344 packages ing sections o f the year book. in the ferent subjects. library, dealing w ith 583 dif- W ithin the next two w eeks all a f ­ dons o f the Cactus will have been The purpose of the E xtension Loan com pleted and forwarded to the pttb- Library is to collect m aterial on pres-1 lishers. The C actus will be finished ent-day ?ubjects and loan it to any j and on sale by the middle o f M a y .' one w ithin th e S tate, thus servin g as A lthough little conflict has been e n - a supplem ent to the scattered public j countered in the com piling of the va- libraries o f th e State. The only c o s t. n o u s sections, Wendell Pa yes states to the individual is the postage both ‘A ll’s ways. that with the Beauty Section, not well along the Potomac.** is p or the w inners the high point j man w as D ennis Slater, who made j 12 points o u t of the 25. Bobby Rob­ inson cam e next in number o f points made. O ther stars for the Phi Gams were G ilstrap, Vowell and Lockwood. Ward and Allen played the best for I the losers. S later Robinson ................................................ Allen .................................. S tin n ett G ilstrap ............. Ward Forwards Center Guards Lockwood Vow ell ..................................... C urtiss ............................................ E lliott “The world of Mr. M errick’s books is m ainly th e world or actors and w riters. It is the darker side o f the theatrical profession that he reveals to us most frequently. He is a cynic, * but not con sisten tly so as the heroes and heroine? in every one o f his nov els win success and happiness in the end. “The ‘M errick problem s’—th e rea­ sons for his slig h t appeal to the many md his strong appeal to the fe w - is due largely to th ese ch aracteristics: The dism al character o f most of his stories, to the sam eness o f his plots and to the extrem e restrain t o f his manner. O therw ise put, the high lights, the em otional the novelty, th rills of romance arc not provided in su fficien t abundance. M ETHODIST GIRLS WILL GIVE PARTY “On the other hand, the admiration he has inspired in the more literary can ea sily be accounted for by point­ ing to his alm ost flaw less perfection o f form , his graceful m anner, his fa ith fu l pictures o f reality, his urbane sophistication. is the appeal o f the artist and man o f the world to other a rtists and men o f the w orld.” All M ethodist g irls of the U niver­ sity com m unity w ill en tertain the boys of the U niversity M ethodist Church on Friday night, January 21 .it the U n iv ersity M ethodist Church. The entertainm ent is to be in the Other works o f Merrick that have form o f a “ backw ard” party and some entirely being rome before the public are: “ Conrad planned by the com m ittee on enter- *n Quest of his Y outh,” “ When Love Flies Out o ’ the W indow.” “The Man tainm ent. “Turn backw ard” is to be the key- Who Understood W omen,” “C ynthia,” ‘The W orldlings.” and “ The Position stunts novel are It note o f the party, but the elaborate plans being perfected by m ittee are not to be revealed until I the co m -1 af Foggy H arper.” Will Hold Try-Outs For Debating Team o f Regular weekly m eeting the H ogg D ebating Club will be held to­ night at t : 15 in the H ogg room, Law Building. The regular program has been dispensed w ith in favor o f tr y ­ outs which will result in the selection o f a club team to m eet a team from the S p eak ers’ Club about the second week in February in a debate upon the subject for in tercollegiate and in- tersociety debate: Resolved, th a t th e several S ta tes o f the U nited States Ihould establish a court sim ilar to the K ansas Court o f Industrial R ela­ tions. Prof. C. D. Tom kies, Prof. E l­ wood Griscorn and T. E. Hayden wdll serve as judges. Each speech will be lim ited to five m inutes. Those who will speak are: A ffirm a tiv e, Moulton Cobb. W alter Rundell, Glen Court­ negative, ney and Richard W illiam Leslie, T. O. M itchell, E. P Choice and Ben S. W'oodhead. V isi­ tors are cordially invited to attend. Jonag; W RENN LIBRARY VISITED BY MEXICAN DELEGATION — - o------------- but the Ixiys who are resi­ T O R E A G A N S O C I E T Y I ' N o t L n ^ ' h , .tu d an t members of M ,S S ^ S C O M R E A p S the U n iversity M ethodist Church are; invited dents o f A u stin and who attend t h e , . of church are include.) in the invitation I t a ‘ned at lts f lr ,t m eetln* o f th” J"«*r|Pla " “ ‘I contents of extended. A fter dining at the Country Club, the M exican delegation, escorted by the Tuesday afternoon. There they were met by Dr. R. H. Reagan L iterary Society was enter- (G riffith who told them o f the general , , library. ined at its fir st m eeting of the year | plan and contents library Tuesday afternoon by M iss Elva L u-! pointing out a few of the m any inter cill© Bascom , adjuct professor o f Li- read | brary Science. M iss Bascom interpreted about fifteen o f Ma »• as n recent P lans for the entertainm ent o f the reading of Ma Befit-id, “ The D a u b e :,’ TO BE ENTERTAINED field ’s shorter poems, foundation for the talk sts o f the Wrenn Collection. J Dr, Robert E. Vinson, Library visited the the . . , , taking the SUM M ER STU D ENTS ARE mummer school students o f 1921 at j by Dr. D. G. Cooke, the U n iv e r sity are now being formu- iated. P icture shows on the cam pus ,com included “ B iography” several son- wili be given as usual. A number o f J nets, one o f M asefield’s typical way prom inent persons w ill give lectures, poem s, etc. The program was inter- Included am ong the lcturers ara Miss eating and g rea tly enjoyed by those bela L. W illiam s, president o f State T each ers’ Association of D allas, j M iss Mollie M ontgom ery, instruc- and P rof. H. E. Bourne o f W estern tor in Public Speaking, informed the j society of the extem poraneous public R eserve U n iv ersity . in one preciden*. The board o f publications for the speaking contest to be held The selections chosen by M iss B as­ the present. The visitors seemed td be very fav­ orably impressed by the Library, ai th'* ?ame tim e they expressed their gratification at the exchange o f siu dents between the U niversity o f Tex as and the U n iversity o f Mexico, ami hoped to see great results from th I? movement. COFER CLUB CONTINUES ROBERTUS CASE TRIAL At its regular m eeting Friday. January 20, the Cofer Law Club of the U niversity will continue the trial of S tate o f T exas vs. Lobertus. I.a st F riday the club conducted the summer T e x a n , has been appointed month. C lifford C raig, and w ill co n sist of the follow ing mem- ; urged that all who wished to t~> o u t l a w of S ta te of T exas vs. Lobertus, hers o f the fa cu lty : Prof. J. W. Cal- .fo r th is contest to make application j with Barrow ’ and Carpenter acting as district attorneys, and th e council for houn, Dr. R. A. Law’ and W. D H orn-' im m ediately. The general subject is defense con sistin g of Yeoman % and aday, director o f publicity. Coffee. the Court o f Industrial Relation? BALLOT I am FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] the proposed removal of the University to ridge site on the Colorado River. the Bracken- Name Year in University............................. Place a check mark opposite th e word which represents your attitude toward the proposed move. Do not scratch o f m utilate the ballot. Tear out and place 155 Main Building. ir box in D aily T exan office, room The grand jury brought indictm ent I ag a in st Lobertus on the charge o ! practicing m edicine in T ravis County w ithout license. The fa te of Lober­ tus w ill be further determined at the next m eeting o f the Cofer Club next F riday. AWM O—.......... . B A P T IST S T U D E N T S’ PARTY | The beat party yet given will be held a t the U niversity Baptist Church from I Friday evening, January 21, 7:30 to 10:00 o’clock. The new stu- | dents are especially invited, and they will not be disappointed in the stunts and other features o f the evening. ; The thirteen-piece orchestra will fur­ nish the music, and a reproduction of j the inauguration ceremonies will be I given by the faculty. Also, there will be refreshments. Barrow, who substituted for Duck­ ett at center, w as second high point three man, the tall center n ettin g field goals for six points. “ S lim ” played a creditable floor gam e, and alw ays got the jum p on his man at •enter, as did each of the four cen- ers used by Coach Belm ont during he fracas. M cCullough and R ussell, premier guards, broke up play a fter play. Their work w as o f the par ex- ellence v ariety, especially under the Pirul< goal, w hile Rusesll added four points to the V a rsity total with a pair of field goals. long enough into ‘ he game Captain Charles D ittort was out in uniform for th«y first tim e since an injury to his knee put him on the sick list for a few weeks ago, “B ig D itt” to got show that he has not lo st any o f the Muff that caused his election as cap­ tain o f this year's crew of basket toss- the Longhorn t rs. On the whole, quintet showed decided improvem ent. (’hey played a far better floor gam e, md. while the basket-shooting w as r f color at tim es, they succeeded in The piling up a creditable hom tlings m anaged to keep the ball in their possession the g reater part o f the fray. Coach Belmont used six- teen men again st the Pirates. He was probably savin g h is first strin g for the Baylor gam e o f F riday and Saturday o f this week at Waco. H ow ­ ever, there are some rough spots yet o be worked over before the South­ western Conference flag w ill fly from V arsity’* flagpole. score. For the visitors, the work o f Her era and Henry was consistent, and both players put up a good exhibition guard. o f the pastim e. Foster at layed a cc editable defense gam e. D uring the second h a lf, Barret and fcCullough had a run-in near the *-ide o f the court. “ Hook” w as pretty veil shaken up but not seriously in ­ jured. Coach Bellmont sent in M ar­ tin to replace him, however. “ L it­ tle ” Hitter! received a n asty blow on a nose that was already in a bad shape from the S. M. U. contest, but no serious injury resulted. The line-ups: Longhorns. Peyton P irates. ..................................H errera Cc) Forward. B arrett ............................... H olloway Forward. Duckett .............................................. H oney Center. .................................. Guard. Russell Lamb McCullough ......................................F o ster Guard. S ubstitutions: T exas — Jew m an, Lee D ittert, B arrow , H ill, M artin, Charles D ittert, H am ilton, Long, Mc­ Cord, Vowell, Lockwood. Southw estern — O stergard, Camp­ bell. (C a r lisle ). R eferee: Venne Scoring: T exas— P eyton, I field goal, 2 foul goals out o f 3 tries, 4 points; B arrett, 6 field, 12 p o in ts; D uckett, I field, 2 points; R ussell, 2 field, 4 points; Lee D ittert, I field, 2 points; Barrow, 3 field, 6 points; Mc­ Cord, 2 field, 4 p o in ts; Charles D it­ tert, I field, 2 points. 2 field, 4 points; Lamb, I field, 2 points,1 * Southw estern — Herrera, 5 foul goals out o f 8 tries, 5 points; Heney, f i r ? S c t t l y a f o c a n Flrat CoiWv» f>aify tm th* South Pttbiwhod on th* cusp ii of til* Umv«r*itjr a t Text** by th* »tu«t**r:t bo4jr m ary torm ina rxvept Mand*jr. OffW Boon 164, Main Solidi na. Telephoto* SI 49. Entered aa ta a m S S a m matter ut lh* poat- o ffk tt at A la tin . Texas, n u d er th * A e t o f \e**ptance for CffMffraaa, March S. I O . aaai'inw at «p«*ia. rate >.f p o iU ft provided for in Section 1103. Aet at October *, 191". authorised September rt. ISIS. HULON W BLACK Editor-in-chief a. a c«x ... Ma Baaing Editor Loom* Gladney _ .Advertising Mar,agar STA FF FOR TODAY. Keith Coppa g - Katherine Pollard T O, Mitchell ..Issu e Editor Assistant ............. A ssistant REPORTERS. A rthur Allen Clara Bell J, P. Gibson Elma Gunn Helen Taber Judith Porter R. E McN att Dorothy Burr Leo F o . Dan T. White Mary Kenneth McCalla M argaret Moses Eleanor Hindman Leland Derrick George A. Gage Kenneth A. Hackler II. J, Yarbrough R. F, Morrison John S. S p ratt Currie B d Thomas ■gas.!"; Austin, the gentlemen with the I proprietary air would be sur­ prised to discover what a large percentage of the people of the [ State would support it without hesitation and with enthusiasm. There is dynamite in that idea, j and we commend to the folks in | I Austin a consideration of its) possibilities OFFICIAL NOTICES Meeting T h u r s d a y night,, room 312, Edu cation Building, 7 to 8 p. rn. Work in E. A., F. C. and M. M. Ma- On sc ,nv,u?d -------- attend, of directors for JNG, K WEBER. Main Building, on F ri I f t h e p e o daY* Jan u ary 21, at 6 p. rn., to elect the year The proposal of th e regents, which was decided upon by a unanimous vote, was made in the interest o f the University and j A L L PERSONS holding member- the education of the youth of t h e shiP in the Co-Op are called to meet State. That is the sole idea they m room have had in mind. pie of Austin, or any apprecia- a hoard hie percentage of them Inject lo- 1921-22 cal considerations they may dis­ cover that that is a game the WOMEN will meet a t — - w—............ - j people of the rest of the State I Woman'* Gymnasium, Thursday 7;30 The University 'p* *n- can play at. im portant business meeting was located at Austin by a vote I follow*! by social hour of the people, re- be moved to some other section of the State by a vote of the peo- j CAI AND GOWN members pleas*.: pie. And strong arguments can ] P*y 60-cent dues to any inner coun- be put forward for such removal lei! member or treasurer. — arguments which might a p - peal to a majority of the people of Texas with compelling force. ELISA BETH RUNGE. COMMITTEE. PRESID EN T. FACULTY It can ------- - -------- THE DAIL* TEE AH 22, in room 205, .Main Building, be­ tween 2 and 6 p. rn., and again on Friday, J a n u a ry 28 and Saturday January 29, at the same place and hours. in Main have their pictures made Auditorium F riday as scheduled be­ low. If you wish to make any changes tall Joe J. Minter, phone 7151, or J drop note in Cactus office. L. M. CASIS. All members of the Y. W. C. A. ar** requested to pay their winter term pledges in the corridor of the Main Building Thursday m orning, 9 to I o’clock. 9:00. 9:30. 12:00, 12:30. 2 :00, 2:30. , F rid ay : Cap and Gown. Pennybacher Debating Club Gofer l a s Society. Hildebrand Law Society, Winsonian Club. Longhorn Magazine Staff. J j CHAIRMAN. J. J. M. FR ESH M EN Declamation*: Pre I lim inary contest will be held in Law Auditorium Friday, Ja n u ary 21. a t Woman's Gymnasium between H a g * J| I T, T. Swimming Club dues should j be paid before Friday. See room 3, TREASURER. rn and I p. m, 4:00 P m E. D. SH U RTER. .SCANO! NA VI AN Meet* Saturday GIRLS Swimming for Team or j 3 night at the home of Mrs. Carl Widen, Points: - Meeting Friday, 5 p. rn., i n j | 904 Brazos. Members come and bring dues Woman’s Gym. MANAGER. Y I PRE-M ED Basketball team will have a practice game at 9 o’clock to­ night at the Men’s Gym, F irst and second team report. Meeting of Pennybacker, F riday, j I at 5, in room 142, M. B. Every m em -! j ber be there. PR ESID EN T. I HOGG DEBATING CLUB meets Thursday night, room 3, Law Build ing, a t 7:15, All members urged to come. Visitors yelcome. PR E SE N T DAY CLUB Win meet in room 204, M, B. Thursday a fte r­ noon. A program is schedul'd that PR ESID EN T. » of in terest to alL PR ESID EN T. CAPTAIN. STU D EN TS’ ASSEMBLY will meet Friday afternoon a t 5:00 p. rn. in Assembly room. Many m atters of importantce to be discussed. PR ESID EN T. The following groups will please Ever try the All Vocational students will meet j I at 1:45 p. m., Thursday, in the Audi- ;g T tori urn of the Main Building for the I §§ j purpose of having a photograph taken for the 1921 Cactus and for the Dal­ las office, at the request of Mr. Gor­ don. Attendance is urged. J. Rosser Venable. * * J * * * * * * * * * * DOINGS OF OTHERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bsrbour Taylor President for Y ale N ot Yet A g r e e d On. . . . . m New Haven, Jan, 8.—-After an all NOTICE TO M A. DEGREE CAN- day sealion of the Yale Corporation . j DID A T ES: Please drop in the box at here today, the nomination of a pres:- .Cactus Office title of your thesis, to- dent to ftucceod Dr. A rthur T. H adley,| gether with name of Khoo, wher(J who retires in June, remains unmade, your B. A. degree was obtained, and tonight V & * when you received it. For fur- The corporation announced that "no decision was reached and) er ‘r,^orma^®*1 ca^ ®'768. the m atter was postponed until later rn the month.” LOWREY, Editor, University Section .... f . ” OWL LUNCH ROOM? We serve: 5c Coffee, Sandwiches W affles and Maple Syrup, Chili, Ham and Eggs, Pie, Doughnuts and many other good ‘eats.” Special Dinners North of Mac’s— at the sign of Green Lanters We’re Open Till Midnight P>le R.acey, ’23, Manager. What the Press Thinks of the Proposed Move 5. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. A WORD TO THE WISE. The Austin newspaper which reminded the people of that city that the University belongs to the people of Texas and not to that the city of Austin, and ‘ Austin people have no more to do with it than the people of F reestone County/’ pointed out something which must be kept in sight constantly in discussing the question of the removal of the University. Particularly the people of Austin ought to keep it in sight. Dispatches are to the effect that the people of the city are already dividing into two ramps on the question, and that those vs ho oppose removal of the University from its pres­ ent site intend to put up a con­ test. A n ti-B r itish F e e lin g A m o n g H in d u S tu d e n t* . Anti-British feeling has caused many Hindu students take an oath not Ut attend any educational inatitution sponsored by the B ritish (,r>vurnnii‘ni Government in India, says* the Uni varsity Daily Kansan. I .win, * to N o r th w e ste r n U nviaraity E s ta b lish e s S chool o f J ou rn alism . Northwestern U niversity will es­ tablish the Joseph Madill school of Journalism . The Chicago Tribune is co-operating with Northwestern and when established this school will be the newspaper training school west of th*- AHegha nies. only metropolitan O klahom a C h o o s e s D eb ate rs University of Oklahoma has chosen its debating team of ten members. Teams to be sent to the Universities of. Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas and A word of caution to the peo­ ple of Austin may be timely. There is no proposal before the legislature to move the Univer­ sity from Austin. The proposal contained in the memorial of the Board of Regents is that the University be moved to a better site where it can attain its nor-l CaJifornla* mal growth and provide the youth of the State with proper educational facilities. The con­ siderations which should be weighed in connection with this proposal have to do with the question of whether the normal growth of the institution can be its attained if it remains on present site. One thing the peo- pie of A ustin must understand. l f the educational needs of the young men and young women of Texas require the removal of the University it must br moved. l o attempt to inject any local interests into the question will mean to rule Austin opinion on the matter out of court entirely. The people of Austin are entitled to the same voice in this matter as the people of any other sec­ tion of the State— but no more. l f they make a factional quarrel out of the matter they not only will not contribute any­ thing of value to the discussion but will actually their forfeit right to speak on it at all, local C hinas* I n s titu te lo Ba O rg a n iz e d S o o n . Organization of a Chinese institute on the campus has been started by a sub-committee appointed by the com­ mittee on foreign the University of C alifornia, according to the Oriental departm ent. relations, of The institute is needed to promote interest in China and Chinese activi­ ties. The Oriental departm ent is ex­ pecting the institute when organized to build a Chinese the many m anuscripts th a t have been re* ceievd by the University. library for T * 4 *1 4 Girl* o f T. W. C. to H elp P o la n d . No more chili, no more candy, no more ham burgers! Girls of Texas Woman’s College swore off p-o-s-i-t-i v-e-l-y Thursday a fte r Rabbi George Fox had con­ cluded a plea for the starving children of Poland and Armenia. College joys are to be subtracted from and the girls are going to pool the money accruing from their sacri Aces. in TENNIS SQUAD: All who have handed tryouts their names for should see me at once. The follow­ ing matches will be played this a fte r­ noon: Spivey vs. Penick, Spivey vs, Bell, Penick vs. Bell, Bell va. Greg- ' J f | / V v,< Brown, Brown vs K ,att- Klatt **• Daniel, Daniel vs White, White vs. Willis. Matches to be played are posted the evening before the match on the west bulletin board of the gym. Men who do not appear for th eir matches will be defaulted unless they present a valid reason. D. A. PENICK COPIES of “The M arks of a World C hristian” have arrived. Members of the new class started by Dr. B ar­ ton may secure your copies by calling at the Y. M C. A. desk. Chapters two and three will be covered in the next lecture. JACK C. OGLESBY. TEXAS T U R TLE CLUB meets F riday, 7 to. 8 p rn., Y. M. 0. A. PR ESID EN T. TAU BETA PI: Meeting T hurs­ day night, Jan uary 20, at 5:15. PR ESID EN T, Exam inations for the fulfillment of the reading requirement in Foreign Language will be held on Friday, Jan u ary 21. and Saturday, Jan u ary F 4 4 "J* v *!" 4 4 *1* 4 CHAPEL NOTICK 4* * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4* 4 Dr B arton’s second talk a t Chapel was a continuation of j . his excitation to the C hristian students of the University to be up and doing before Mr. Ed- 4 told a story *f» dy arrives. He about two men who claimed ownership of a slave. On one occasion, in the presence of the 4 slave, they opened the discus- 4 sion and words led to blows. *£• Having fought for a long time ^ without reaching a decision and % having become thoroughly ex- *** the 4 see if he had anY l)ref- 4 his rnaster’ The * haunted, they turned to In this connection we would call the attention of the people of Austin to tho suggestion of the gentleman from Limestone, Mr. Thomas. He proposes that the University be moved from Austin altogether and located at Arlington, about half way be­ tween Fort Worth .and Dallas I hat suggestion is not so pre­ posterous as those gentlemen of the city of Austin who have come to view the University with a proprietary air may think. Folks rn thin section of Texas and throughout West Texas and the rannandle are peculiarly suscep­ tible to ideas of this sort. Thev have a notion taal Hie State institutions which they help to support ought to be more centrally located so that they might obtain a little return for the taxes they pay. If a se­ rious movement were started to move the University aw IyO om Estim ate places the possibilities a t * slave $300. In fact, this is the amount the 4 erenct‘ as girls pledged to the starving children Up slave was wholly of Poland and Arm enia Thursday,! J lifter Rabbi Fox told them of the *uf- * fering there. both indifferent, thereupon decided and the> that hv was not worth f i s t i n g 4 J for, claim. relinquished and , Man S tu d e n t s to S tu d y C ooking. Men students are to invade the do­ main of women at Pennsylvania State College—they are goig to learn how to cook. The home economics dep art­ ment announced today th a t a c o u r s e j 4 in cooking for men is to be inaugu- i It will be known as “domestic j rated. and I science 53— cookery for men,” will include a study of the nutritive value, selection and preparation of simple foods." with special emphasis upon those suitable for camping.” The men will have a one-hour lec- tare and three hours a week practice W0'"' The application is evident in the spiritual life There is the 4 conflict between the spiritual 4 go< i and the spiritual evil. If *j. the person takes ms lhe r ureau Prepares New ™ Z. Bulletin—deports Survey of Crockett County Zeta Tau Alpha held initiation for g* e following. Helen Bass of Den- the following: Helen Bass of Den­ ton; Joyce McLellan of San Antonio; Imogene Leavell of El Paso; Marie Alexander of Archer City; Julian Devereux of Austin. Texas. An interesting: and instructive bul- is able to attend in Seton fra n c e s McNeill, who has been Gene J a rre tt( who has been con- for several days, c!asses- „ letln on “Thtl Geology and Mineral ill Resources of Crockett County has ju st been issued by the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology of the University. The bulletin is the fined Infirm ary for some result of a survey of that countv bv two weeks, has withdrawn from the R A. Diddle and T. M. Prettym an University and returned to his home geologists of the Bureau. sets in Valley Mills. forth the resources of the county as Jess McLendon of Waco, an a1- to building stones, clays I or brick and lumnus of the Cornell chapter of the tiIe waking, gravel for the construe* Delta Kappa Epsilon fratern ity , was t!on of tfood roads, cement m aterial, a guest at the chapter house Tuesday. salt K3fpsum and anhydrite, calcite. It Mr. and Mrs. Jam es King of San g]asa an<1 Antonio are the guests of Kathleen Clifton at the Woman’s Building. . , , M a rg a rita Graham ana E h * * C arr ty , and specia, reference "a made as I sections or 182.400 acres in tho . « It is pointed out in the bulletin that the University of Texas owns 660 the PageantUS * * ‘° ‘° * * P»*«>««e. of finding oil upon Rusty Fram e of Houston, who is w^rdl’ H “ j traveling for the Humble Oil Com- cxposure upon thp "™ P? house * ‘ ^ T h e ta ' in Crockett County. M i T Dorothy Renick of Waco, a ' t r o c h e ‘a v e r i n , ^ I ^ B“ rn h a rt prom inent ev-Un,versify student a member of the editorial staff of the Waco News-Tribune, is the guest of /-h i ▼ Louise Gladnev at Building ~ * the Woman’s ti,, says. * • axls Mention is made of the f a r t th a t « at Pennsylvania fold ex- the Mara- tht> Pecos river Mrs. W. J I ineoln of P h i * .- . ! tf ndin* northw ard from mother of Ludd Lincoln of the Uni- l l ^ ^pllft crosst‘\ v e rity , is visiting a t the Pi Beta Phi f ie J - O z L a 'L Z h 0" K I *** tr a c t . It -passes 50 degrees E. and S. hospital. end in Houston. S u m m a riz e d as upon NEW RULES SUGGESTED Henry Cline is spending the w ee* I . ' ' • — Mrs. W. B. Appleby of San Antonio is visiting at the Woman’s Building Phi Mu pledges'■entertained the in­ itiates with a stunt party last night. Bernadine Appleby is ill at the P. It has been ob­ served to continue for some fifteen miles into Crockett County along the T 1 ounty a,on* the ‘ “ Th the Sheffield to ,the oil possibilities the U niversity lands in the county, the report says: "I here is, then, in Crockett County, a large fold in the buried carbonifer­ ous stra ta some 2000 feet below the surface, entering the country at about the highway ridge over the Pecos River, three and a half miles east of FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS Sheffield, and bearing approxim ately immed- Professor B. IL Miller of the Ter- rell Schools, makes the following sug- ,ateiy t0 the northw est of the Shef- gestion concerning eligibility in foot- j f‘eld tract of University land and al- though it could not be located farth er b a ll: “ Allow me to suggest th a t it would m reconnaiS8ance, because of the lack extends across the entire county, diagonally from southwest to northeast through 1 the B arnhart track of U n iv ersity , land and into the adjoining counties to the north. N ear its point o f o r i- : gin, in the M arathon Mountains, the I lower formations have been observed j to be strongly inclined and this fold­ ing decreases in the upper stratam lie a very g reat help to high s c h o o l ' exP°8ures, football as well as other high school athletics if the University Interscho­ lastic League would require all mem­ bers to file with the League within the opening of the ten days a fter school session for each prospective football player an eligibility card giv­ ing lull inform ation about every point covered by the League rules except scholarship, and require certification to the League within three or four clays a fte r each game is played, th'* names of all players who participat­ ed. Scholarship eligibility should be certified to the League immediately a fte r each report is sent out by the school. I believe th at some such sys­ tem will be very helpful to all of us. Players becoming eligible after the opening of school could be certified ai the time they become so.” STUDENTS WATCH YOUR EYESIGHT probably it ♦ so t h a t a t th e surface the trend of this P e n n sy lv a n ia n fold is m a r k e d by sligh t d e p a r t u r e s from th e n o rm a l in rate of dip of the s u rf a c e fo rm a tio n s. “ I he value of this fold as concen­ tra to r of pertoleum cannot be esti­ mated as there is no sub-surface data for a basis. However, the evidence the devlopment of a supplied from similar geological fold in north-cen­ tral Texas is positive. It is possible to state th at if petroleum is present in any of the form ations underlying the Pecos Valley, the most desirable area for testing is along the axis of the fold. As the fold is undoubtedly irregular in the lower form ations, as indicated by the surface stra ta , all lo­ cations along the fold will not be of equal value, but impossible to make more definite statem ents. The few tests under operation in the re­ gion record shows oil in the carboni­ ferous strata, but no completions have been made, nor has petroleum in com­ mercial quantities been reported.” it is RAMSHORN HEARS TALKS ON ENGINEERING LAWS Financial topics received the a t­ tention of the Ramshorn Literary Society on Tuesday night; T. L. Al­ len discussed the Engineers’ License Law, which is to come before the present Texas Legislature during the law present session. The proposed would require all practicing engineers to hold I lenses. Professional engi­ neers are anxious to see such a law passed in this State. F. Cannon dis­ cussed a standard compensation for engineers. B. A. Crocker the Society of the work and purposes of the I. C. C. K B. Dornberger gave an illustrated lecture on the utiliza­ tion of lignite. told CLASSIFIEDS Ballroom, DANCING. In terp re­ tive, I eclinique, Modem Dances, spe­ cialized. instruction by appointment. Private studio. Phone tf 2991. Individual \ IS H the Palace Barber Shop Hall of Fame, next to Kress, Bill Wolfe, Prop. How’s th is0 A check good for one shine is given With each suit, coat- suit or dress th at goes out of the Stu- i dents’ Tailor Shop and Shine Par- lor. 2404 Guadalupe, Phone 5008. 2-5 ORS. H INK EY & K IN N EY , C H I­ ROPRACTORS, 802 Littlefield Bldg. tf Phone 4609. MORE STU DEN T TA I L E Board­ ers Wanted at 111 Vi East 18th. Ele­ gant and bountiful table, best «f cook­ ing, unlimited eats. Not like a board­ —24 ing house, but a home. TA K EN : A blue cloak from the library cloak room between the hours of 10:30 and 12. Saturday, lf found, please phone Jan u ary 15. velour In­ L O ST: Kappa Beta Pi pin. tl itiala W. Z D. 1919, Te a> Chapter. Finder please return to Woman’s Building, or Lost and Found office, —20 FOUND: At K C. Hall. gold bar pin. Ov Mer may have it by paying for this ad. Phone 4486. —21 DR WILLIAM E. BERGMAN— Suite 410 Littlefield Building. Dentist and Pyorrhea Specialist. Phone 2538. tf FOR REN T: Room for one young man student, at 2409 Whit is Avenue. ---20 ('all 7533. LOSI A W, O. W money purs* , containing no money but storm* papers of importance to me. Finder notify W alter H. Reese. Y M. (* A., phons 2550. 20. Arnold & Ackerman, D’s. C. CHIROPRACTORS Complete X-Ray Laboratory 309 West 6th Street Phone 7393 Consultation Free New Spring Silks Ready I'* * * h » to u u & ,& , C H E N E Y FOULARDS IN A U ..-A WIDE R A N G E O F D E ­ SIG N 'S. B E A U T I F U L PRINTINGS. AT THE LOW LEVEL ' l l I '•KV1':l' PRICES— 40 ••RICES—40 IN. I W 1 " K- THE YARD $2.98. fir I Jf I' ~ Cheney* $1,75 C o r e a n Crepe, Washable, yard $1.29 A A \ \\ H l( JA I R* r n N m f Williams’ Special Messaline, 36 inches wide, Navy and ................ $1.75 Black; yard M allinson’s N ew Creations Are H ere Including Indestructible Voile W hippoorwill Brocades, Chinchilla Satins, Crepe Egypt Skirting, xMelodee and I ussy VV Blow Silks A l NEW LOW LEVEL PRICES New Silk Marquisettes The ultra fashionable novelty of the season used in drap­ ing nvel changeable Faff etas. All the new light shades, $2.98 10-in. wide, yard ............... -At Mueller's Shoe Store c a n tT e v e r SH O E WALKS YOU AWAY FROM FOOT ILLS -Cantilever O xford’s No. 57, approved by the Phy­ sical training Department of the University. All leathers— All sizes Here Exclusively CARL H. M UELLER 608 Congress Ave. Home of Good Shoes. . . .Hosiery A lu m xm 4 * . I he Quality of Our University Seal Stationery Deserves Your Attention Hose to Match Black and Brown Satin Slippers, 1612 Lavaca MATTHEWS DRUG STORE Phone 645 I I o a* s* l f T O B I N ’S B O O K S T O R E 801-803 Congress Avenue Phone 6510 -o- MANY COUNTIES SEND ROCKS TO BE TESTED Many counties have recently sent I gravel, sand and cement samples to the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology of th3 University to bel tested as road m aterials, according to j G. M. Parkinson, assi. ant testing en­ gineer in the Engineering Division of the Bureau. The number of counties increased sending in m aterial about 25 per cent in six last months. Kleberg, Smith, Cameron, Tom Green, Colorado, Williams and j Gillespie counties have sent the greater p a rt of the m au t .a1 for test- j mg in the last six months, it is s ta t­ ed. has the in - l o s e a p p l i c a t i o n s t a n t t a x o n y o u r v i s i o n . l o c t u d y it a c o n ­ A t t h e s l i g h t e s t i n d i c a t i o n o f u n d u e s t r a i n , c o m e to u s f o r a t h o r o u g h ex* a m i n a t i o n o f y o u r e y e s . W e C a n Q u i c k l y T e l l W h e t h e r G l a s s e s A r e N e c e s s a r y J. THOMAS WARD O p t o m e t r i s t 7 1 8 C o n g r e s s Louis and Baby Louis Heels Hose to Match Many other new Novelties In Footwear Haynie’s Barber Shop N ext door to United Cigar Store Phone 6242 523 Congress Ave. S H O E CO. 606 Congress Ave. -LET HYDE PARK FLORAL CO. “Say it With Flowers ALL FLOWERS IN SEASON DANDY FRENCH PASTRY Excellent sendee Best quality 1 Maverick Cafe J. A. JACKSON WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY 617 Congress Ave. Phone 133 Everything In Drugs JO S E P H ’S P H A R M A C Y STUDENT’S HEADQUARTERS DOWNTOWN Woodie Gilbert Drug Co. REXALL STORE Congress at 7th Phones 325-335 Phone 5345 Motorcycle Del. 321-327 Congress Ave. Drugs, Soda, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Articles DONNELLY & WHITE Plumbing and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. Phone 131 MCKEAN-EILERS COMPANY W holesale Dry Goods NOTIONS AND FUR- NISHINO GOODS ------ WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YOU YOU’LL LIKE OUR SERVICE After the M ajestic You’ll Kind Your Friends Here. G R IFFIT H D R U G CO. gjlllllllllllllBillllltlllllliillHtllliillllllllliiilljMlliiliHllUllllljlijiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.i.iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiHiHiiiiininiiniiiijfj MONOGRAM STATIONERY ENGRAVED CHRISTMAS CARDS EVERSHARP PENCILS CONKLIN AND WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS QUALITY MILLS “ Austin Maid’’ and “W hite Dom e” Flour Ct earn of Corn, High-Grade Meal and Mill Products Austin, Texas STUDENTS When Down Town Call Around — At The— BON TON CAFE Best Place To Eat Near Littlefield Building 609 Congress Avenue United States Depository THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK Austin, Texas RESOLVES $8,009,009.00 E. P. WILMOT, President INO. H. CHILES, Vice-Pres. T. H. DAVIS, Vice-President WM. H. FOLTS, Vice-President MORRIS HIRSCHFELD, V. P. C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Cash. S. B. ROBERDEAU, Asst. Cashier FACULTY AND STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITEB" NO ACCOUNT TOO SMALL TO HANDLE -------- ------------ o------------- initiated: Small Percentage of Students Require Genevieve Aron, Grace Nimon, Del- ftna Gomes, Blanca Gomez, William De Witt, Mark Posey, John Nolan, Sterling Burke, A. Cadaval, France M e d ic a l A t t e n t io n j Drought, Dena Ru pen aa rn, Margaret Brogan, Katherine Fincher, Wallace “Health of the students o f the U n i-1 neath, Allan Koch, Jack Fernandez, in swimming requirements will be an- try- unusually excellent I Dan Fernandez, Genevieve Cullen. J, f ‘ ■ rin 1 * plans and Jatos for L A W S T U D E N T S U SE Ne w m a n club HOLDS INITIATION FOR NEW MEMBERS INTEREST IN SWIMMING MOUNTS AS TURTLE CLUB BEGINS WORK THE DAU T T E X A J DEDICATION SPEECH OF GRIFFITH SENT TO WORLD LIBRARIES LAW CURRICULUM FOR COMING YEAR PUT IN HANDS OF COMMITTEE .Swimming- day* “The Great Torch R ace;’ an ad- There have been some changes in dress delivered by Dr. R. H. Griffith, the School of Law owing to the death curator of the Wrenn Library, at the of Judge MacLaurin. His classes dedication of the Wrenn Library on Constitutional Law, Municipal Opera- Instruments, March 26, 1920, is ju st o ff the press, -io n s and Negotiable and in frequent practices on the part and copies are being mailed to the have been distributed among Profes- Judge of those who are trying for the V ar-1 lar£*»t libraries o f the world, both sors Potts, and Butte, and public and private. Among the most \ Towner Mr. Potts has taken two} famous of these libraries are: The I hours in Constitutional Law, Judge Library of the English Museum, The; Townes has taken the third. Dr. Butte University Library, Cambridge, Li- has the classes in Negotiable In stru -1 brary o f the Corporation of London,!ments, and Mr. Bobbit has M u n ich ; ^ ierpont .Morgan Library, The I pal Corporations. Bodleian Library, Oxford, England,! Chicago Public Library, Library of appointment of a committee to decide I .b ow er, r e c o in !? | th . U n iver.ity of Dublin, La Biboli- borne point, with reference to the cur-J Judge Townes has announced the « . . . The increase activity New members o f the Newman Club among Co*Rd* to the extent of re­ were initiated at the club rooms last doubled energy expended in try-outs night at seven o’clock. cere- monies were conducted by the officers for membership in the Turtle Club of the club, who are; Merideth Po­ sey, president; Francis Dominguez, vice-president, Genieve Zagst, sec re tary, and Nell Collin*, treasurer. This was one of the largest groups ever Regarding the work o f the Turtle each initiated into this club, which is the meet.log of the club, a new stroke and organisation of the Catholic students a new dive aire taken ap and practiced i , to the exclusion o f all others. C a l l s - ,.,,. Club, it is explained that of the University. atty team. at initiates During the dinner a new toastmaster. Following th# initiation ceremonies at th# club room* the entire club re paired to the Cactus Tea Room where a banquet was held in honor of the then,. , and cold precede this a* warming up measures, Substitute* of the club will jm e e t with them during the month o f Jan- Mr. Posey acted as nary. These girls comprise the wait- ing list for the club. Membership is vocal solo wa* given by Miss Cullen, limited to twenty* When a member accompanied by Miss Hell Collins. Dr. Barker, of the University faculty, gave a very interesting talk on the beginings of Texas and with especial reference to Stephen F. Austin. Mr. Bellamy made the toast for the old members, to which Miss Strieber re plied for the new members. Mr. James Hunter gave a toast to Rev. Father Ross, the chaplain of the dub. The following new members were fails to fulfill requirements or is ab­ sent twice in succession the m eetings she is dropped from the roll and the best of the substitutes takes to her place, She is then wear the insignia of the club, a black and orange turtle. Meetings take place every Friday, entitled from A meeting called for all girls try­ ing out for the team or who intend to take the one-mile swims for credit dur­ ing th< spring term, will be held at the Woman’s Gymnasium Friday at 5 p. rn., according to Etta Gilbert, swim­ ming manager. Attendance on this meeting is imperative for those who are working for a place on the team, the manager states. A few changes XT ~ Thomas Culiigan, Clement d uke, Vc lam Picton, James Brady, Pauline Byrne, Emily Bracher, Mary Mar­ tens, Josephine /.agst, Helen Rimes, Mary Esther Strieber, Elgin Teal, Vlair# McDonough, Helen Kava- nough, Katherine Tynan, Kila Belle Brunner, outs discussed. WEEK OF FESTIVE GAIETY PLANNED BY JUNIOR CLASS the direction University Campus Verities of Trees Covered With Many Plans for Junior Week are nearing completion under of members of the committee appointed by William McGill, president of the Junior Academy At a previous meet ing this committee was made perma­ nent. With Everett Jones as chair­ man and Ruby Daniels as vice chair­ man, the committee* presented a ten­ tative program which was adopted al the last meeting of the junior class According to B. C. Tharp, adjunct professor of botany, more than forty varieties of trees, both native and alien, are found on the campus of the University. Among the foreign trees, brought into thin country by the Bu­ reau of Plant Industry, are the catal­ It was decided that the five-day Yes • pa, the paper mulberry from Japan, tivitii will he held sometime during the “tree of heaven” from Asia, the the early part of April, the exact da * Asiatic elm, and the tamarisks, or b«*ing dependent,, upon the presence of salt cedars. Mesquite, redbud, elm, a fu|j moon Among the festivities pecan, walnut, cedar, osage, orange, suggested and planned are a barn prickly ash, dogwood and sycamore dance at the Men>g Gymnasium at are the most prominent o f the native which fhe boys will wear overalls and j the girls aprons, this dance to he a trees found. gala a ffa ir of soda pop and red rib­ bons; the Bluebonnet Chain, a cere­ monious a ffa ir given by both junior and senior girl* at tw ilight; the an­ nual trolley ride; a barge ride and as a climax of the wee* the big Jun­ ior Prom for the girls and asmoker for the men. Each event of Junior Wick will be directed by a separate Junior; committee In order a i Week this year may be the be«t dos-I hav,„ no so,„d in any Sure, you can come time during the morning for Hot Chocolate, Sandwiches’ everything. Cactus Tea n’ Room. DHS, KINNEY & KINNEY, ( HI RO PR AUTO RS, 802 Littlefield Bldg Phone 4609. * Send H a ir y .F lo w e r .. Al-, sibl). it w„ voted -------------o—------— - « t_i-ii that — tf. ... * w ays a good idea. Phone affairs until tho spring term. T hat w onderful B u t t e r ­ s c o t c h P ie at the Cactus Tea Room. Advertise ii! the Daily Texan. Among other theque Nationals, Pari?, France, The|riculum of next year. Now York Public Library, the Ll-1 things they are to decide whether or I brary of Congress, and the libraries not to add a fourth year to graduate o f many State Universities. work, the number o f elective courses to be given hereafter, and p ractica-: hility of sectionizing of the largest J This committee consists of I classes Mr. Potts, Judge Hildebrand and Dr. Butte, In this address Dr. Griffith likens the book collectors, who have founded the great libraries of the world, to the contestants in the ancient Greek torch race. It is they who have passed on the torch from one age to the other by the preservation o f the best o f the thought of each genera­ tion. CAFETERIA PATRONAGE _ 0 _ He compares the Library of the University o f Texas with the other libraries of America, and mentions the men who by their contributions have added to the value of the Uni­ versity Library. In conclusion. Dr. Griffith says, “ When time shall come to its end, fa r yonder in the future, when the race shall have been run and the goal reached, and the num­ ber of torches shall be fulfilled, then the flames, the colors of all the torch­ es that humanity carries shall blend, j and from them shall leap, shall b e 1 bom, the white light of truth. In that day, when days shall cease anil time shall be no more, then Man, freed from the shadows o f darkness, bathed light, shall see God, whose dwelling from eternity to eternity is Light. In that splendor may it not be found that we have lagged in the running, have | left to any other hands the torches I we might have borne.” in beams of ineffable IS NOT YET NORMAL g The Cafeteria, daring the two d a y s .! of its operation since its repair, h a s j || served about half of its usual num- ’ g ber of patrons. C. W. Perkins, cash- j i ier, gives these figures: Served at! breakfast, Tuesday, 196; at dinner, 263; at supper, 233; served at break- > fa st Wednesday, 263; at dinner, 329. j The former average was about 425) for each meal. Mr. Perkins attri­ butes this deficiency to the fact that a number of regular patrons of the Cafeteria have paid a month’s board in advance at other boarding places, under the impression that it would be some time before the University Commons resumed operation. It is evident, however, th at the attend­ ance is steadily rising, and he hopes before long to b# serving th# usual number. Send Hillyer’a Flowers. A l­ Phone idea. ways a good 6160. PLED G ES MAY BE PAID TODAY Finance committees of the Young, Women’s Christian Association will I keep tables for the payment of dues} in the corridor of the Main Building today. Pledges made during the fall drive have been slow in coming in, according to the finance chairmen, i and it is th© desire of the committee j thai January should not pass without having in all back pledges. ' NEED GLASSES? — See— S. GREENBERG Exclusive O ptom etrists 707 Congress Ave. HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE “ The Face At Your W indow ’’ W illiam Fox production Thor., Fri., Sat. Continuous Shows l l to l l E G r t W E A R i of the FINEST Imported and DOMESTIC Silks for to purchase tbe good An opportunity a REAL dresser $5.00 four in hand for $3.00. You can pay more— but absolutely no more in neckw ear values than these fine ties represent— Did you ever KNOW of SOCIETY BRAND Suits selling al HALF PRICE / No— and probably never will again— G et yours while this sale is on— Buy it today. HARRELLS HOME OF WHITMANS CANDIES DRUGS AND DRUG SUNDRIES Fountain delicacies a specialty. O u r prescription d ep a rtm en t always a t your service. GRAHAM DRUG CO. 900 Congress Avenue Phones 105-654 uumumuiffiiiijsuuuHiiufiiiJiutuHiHiddiamiiiutiii C. M. MILLER W all Paper, Paints Oils, W hite Lead, W indow Glass and P a in te r’s Supplies. Picture fram ing a specialty 807 Congress Avenue Phone 6266 J. R. REED MUSIC CO. AUSTIN’S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE mam. We Are In Our New Home Now — Ready For— CLEANING, PRESSING, ALTERATIONS All W ork G uaranteed Your Satisfaction Is O ur Sole Desire SHINING PARLOR THE CLUB PRESSING SHOP I A | sr %WX: Ii Tod a v --- 2 ; 3 0 ~ 6 . 3 0 S O L L Y W A D D / G a i j r t p i e UNS® AC Darien H urray W ALTER I m I'ZZA.WI Fdit-h a fiddle W S B M S I T R O U P E I ILL //I''G one Are The Dsvs* u/aM. ROTERT BUCHA N A e ^ ^ m e , A D t e a jf o f Nu* ■MHM Phone 2144 2218 G uadalupe i ^HffiHttiMfilfi^ii(iLltt}lttHW(HlilH!li)U}iiiiilliiil(ttHll|jitlltllll!rlitl)lHliilli.,!ltt8iflttI(tlHt)MSittlfiliiIl!il[tlftIi!Htilil!il&iHUSl)i!inilliiilllUilfHttUtt&‘ P T O W R . A Y M M # ' l e ’ V f ^ifiiimiiiiiitnnuuHUiisiiHUfiiiiiiitttuiiiUHiiiuiuiUiiiiituiiiiuttiJtiiiUihiiiiiiiHiiuiiuiUintHiuiBUiiuiiiiuiiyiiifmiuiHiUfUiiimiiHiiiiiuiiiiuiiiHiHauujdimi^ E L E C T R I C A L LAMPS. SHADES. PORTABLES CURLERS IRONS, GRILLS, Call on us for your plum bing and electrical wants. SKS A. E. HANCOCK CO. Phone 19‘? J | 908 Congress I ? m m m m m m m m m m mm mrxrmm PORTk AITS b y p h o t o g r a p h y THE CHRISTIANSON STUDIO LEAVE YOUR FILMS HERE BEFORE 9 :3 0 A M. and you will get them at 5:30 p. rn. T h is is g o o d w e a t h e r few to shoot a m N M H S M H B | ill I im m MAC’S c r o r Service »»r- •* ■ i w z a txmmsaasmmm WRIGHT’S or AUTO SERVICE Cai*? For Hire W ith W ithout Driver Driverless Buicks and Fords MAVERICK CORNER PHONE 7711 Residence Phone 440 DAY OR NIGHT SWANN FURNITURE & CARPETS COMPANY We Build More Homes 401 Congress 9venue ( O < o VI Ms L . % J p i A r V LJL I 2 2 *1i¥ 7 E carry a complete line of standard text * * books, writing ta b le ts, drawing instru­ ments and other supplies for school work. Our stock of , . J P [ T e a T I Student’s Note Books bas just been received. Come in and let us explain the advantages of this high grade loose leaf note book Oar Price* are Right- The CO-OP Cokes a Nickle Atta Boy PRIVATE LIBRARY Governor O. M. Roberts Left V aluab le Books to Law School of Students the Law School of the University are in having use of th*? personal law library of Governor Oran M, Roberta. fortunate Governor Roberts will be recalled as a friend of education in all its forms. He did many things for edu cation during the years o f his admin iteration, 187D-83, among them being the founding of Sam Houston State Normal, and also the founding of the Lniversity of Texas Governor R odens wa* an ardent friend ami supporter of the Univer­ sity until his death, in 1898. In 1883, ne was appointed professor of Law in the University of Texas. At his death, Governor Roberts left to the University his personal li­ brary. Mr*. M K. Spain, daughter o f Governor Roberts, states that the library was valued by Governor Rob­ erts at one thousand dollars, but that this was a private and conservative estimate. There is no list kept of these books in the Law Library, and hence no def­ inite estim ate of the number can be made Mrs. lone P. Spears, Law Li­ brarian, state* that they are scattered over the library and are used exten­ sively by tho student*. * a * * ha been verstti r _ I . t during the present session of school, less than one fourth o f one p a r e n t of the total attendance having wen contend to the hospital,” Dr. C. W. Goddard, University physician, stated Wednesday, least fifty •‘Although we haw* at calls from students daily, a only small percentage of thes patients are sent to the hospital," he said. Dr Goddard announced that spe­ cial classer in physical training have been formed, far the benefit of those students who I ave weak hearts, cur­ vature of the spine, or other ail­ ments, which make it impossible for them to take the regular prescribed course of physical training. Exer­ cise* which will remedy the**- defect? are gone through by these students, and the course is made a? light for them as potable. Frequent re-exam- inations ar- given students who de­ sire them, A report ha* been received from Dr. Oscar Davis, State Health Officejr, on a recent, extensive sanitary sur­ vey of the grounds and buildings of the University, The survey was con­ ducted at the invitation of Dr. God- I inspections were da rd, and careful made of all buildings where the health of the student body concerned. Only a few minor sources o f possible in the general health sys­ defection tem were four i Conditions as a whole were reported most favorable. is Forme* Student Writes of Life as Interior Missionary to Chile been received by Miss Alta Heflin, secretary to Registrar Mathews, from Miss Agnes Graham, a former student of the University. Miss Graham received her degree from the University in 1918, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She be­ came a student volunteer while in the University, and on leaving went to the Bapti?’. Seminary at Louisville, Ken­ tucky for two .years’ training, from where she was sent to Chile by the Southern Baptist Missionary Board. Miss Graham is at Santiago fo r a year where she is receiving private instruction irs the language, which is pure Castilian and from here will be sent to an interior missionary town in Chile, Miss Graham is delighted with the wonderful scenery of the country, de­ scribing “t>ie million trees and the I lr speaking ; wand erf a moan tains,” of the Uaiver sty of Santiago, she m y* t h a t the hessian is ju st closing! for the m m v * r '/sealion and will open I for the fartI term In March. In commenting an her experiences: UM a m issionary she said: “ I wish peo­ ple foetid understand th a t being a! m issionary is no d ifferen t from living a t home One live?, and dresses in the same m anner as they would were If one is not a mis­ they a t horn' sionary before one leaving will not be a m issionary in a foreign fit Id, fo r greasing th e ocean does not make a missionary.” home. •....... "O — ----------------------- A mo.*; interesting letter has just 6 1 6 0 . Students can alw ays find at YE QUALITYE SH O P PE First— A hearty welcome, w hether you come to look or to buy. Second— Gifts wherr you need them. T hird— Good pictures. Fourth— Cards for all oc­ casions. F ifth— Party favors. T H E G IF T SHOP OF AUSTIN 1104 Colorado St. F irst House N o rth G overnor * Rio a* too M a k e Y o u r S h o e s L a s t To make your shoes last long have them re-soled right. Bring them to us and let us put on Korry- Krome GENUINE LEATHER SOLES There is twice the wear in Korry Soles; genuine leather, permanently water - proof. Here’s genuine economy for every member of the family. Let us add life to your shoes. G*o. R. Allen P. 4597 2400 Goad VISIT the: P alace Barber Shop* Advert**© in th* Daily Texan. H a ll Bi ii W o lfe, Prop. o f F a m e , n e x t to Kress,