ENTERTAINMENT Live and let die ~n v ♦*♦♦*♦*+*++♦+**♦♦♦ Af. ♦ i í W í i The Wall Dan Neil has become a quar­ terback’s best friend on a strong Texas offensive line. 9 / an live l . *2¿£~£066¿ X i OSVd 13 3 M y a 1130NVA 1SV3 LZ9Z asivyojyooNi is3mhioos 9 i o « vc O N iH s n a n d o y o iw rrmir IOU for MBAs The business school will offer new scholarships to graduate students in return for a year of community service. wyd 6 8 / 1 £ / 8 0 W« FRIZZ-EASE » 8 t n « o> #1 .«i. < C/3 =3 r- 03 00 know the tim e a n d location of y o u r events fo r n ext month. Reach him at: kris.pauIsonQ nike.com . Student Discount on Dallas Stars tickets! m M ü i ü ü M L U lia ilU lu I : FOOTB/Ui NOTES Johner may play for KU’s Rutz ■ K ansas q u a rte rb a c k Ben R utz is listed as d o u b tfu l, m e an in g b ac k u p q u arte rb a ck M att Johner m ay step in ag a in st T exas S atu rd ay . N o t th a t K ansas w ill be forced to play an in experienced q u arterback; Joh n er sta rte d th e first seven gam es of the season, giving w ay to R utz ag ain st Iow a State. R utz w as listed as the starting q u arterback going into the season b u t Johner, a junior, w on the job before the first gam e. Johner com ­ piled a 125.56 p assing efficiency, th ro w in g 10 to u c h d o w n s to ju st four interceptions. Rutz, in eig ht gam es of action, has th row n four to u c h d o w n s an d three interceptions b u t his efficiency rating is 129.89. "Johner h as really p la y ed w ell," T exas h e a d coach John M ackovic said. "W e're going to h a v e to be rea d y for b o th of th em ." Johner brin g s a slightly different look to th e offense, strictly because he is left-h an d ed , w hile R utz is rig h t-h an d e d . "It'll be a different quarterback, b u t the offense w o n 't be com pletely different except that one is left-hand­ ed and the other is right-handed," M ackovic said. "A left-hander will tend to throw to the left side m ore." Nose guard Akins returns to practice ■ Texas nose g u a rd C hris A kins, h a m p e re d by an ankle injury in recent w eeks, re tu rn e d to practice W e d n esd ay an d could be b ack in action S atu rd ay w h en K ansas h o sts Texas. "I'm a little bit b u n g e d u p , b u t then I'm an old m an," A kins said. T exas o ffe n siv e g u a r d Ben A dam s, w h o also su ffered an ankle injury, also w o rk e d o u t a little b it m o re W e d n e sd a y . lin e ­ backer T yson King, h o w ev er, w as h eld o u t of practice b u t sh o u ld be rea d y to p lay a g a in st K ansas. In sid e "I'm a little ban g ed u p from the Texas Tech gam e," K ing said. "B ut I'll be rea d y to play." Kansas, Texas have similar struggles ■ Texas an d K ansas m a y h a v e b o th b een victim s of p a st success this season. Both team s w o n 10 g am es a year ago b u t h av e stru g g le d to m atch their success in 1996. K ansas got off to a 3-1 sta rt before losing four of its next five to fall to 4-5. Texas w as ran k ed as h ig h as No. 6 in th e A sso­ ciated Press Poll b u t w o n ju st one gam e in the next five. Since then, Texas has w on tw o in a ro w an d control their d estin y for th e Big 12 S outh D ivision title. "This year, th e y 'v e b een h it by h a rd said . tim es," M ack o v ic "T h at's very sim ilar to u s a n d h o w w e play ed last year. B ut [K ansas coach] G len M ason h as d o n e a fan ­ tastic job w ith th at p ro g ra m ." — By Mark Livingston, Daily Texan staff Neil: NFL-bound lineman anchors Texas’ offensive line Continued from page 7 to keep love, life an d fam ily a lifelong p riority as football takes the N eils to strange places w here they w ill m ake new friends, new relationships a n d a new life w hile still k ee p in g th eir A ustin family in close contact. "W e're the best of friends. I look at him as a buddy, an d he looks at m e as a b u d d y ," A m ylyn said. "W e can talk about football, schoolw ork or any k ind of problem w e have. Som e­ tim es w e get off th at husb an d -w ife level, a n d w e get onto o th er levels." "W e d o n 't like to b an k on [the NFL], an d w e 're k e e p in g o th e r o p tio n s open," N eil said. "It's k ind of an exciting tim e for us. If th a t d o e s h a p p e n , it w ill be a h u g e ch ange in o u r lives. W e'll p robably be in an o th er state th a t n eith er one of u s has been to. "It's scary all at the sam e tim e. W e ju st p ray for the best, an d h o p e th at ev e ry th in g tu rn s o u t all right." If N eil blocks o u t ad v e rsity in his life like he h as d efen d ers as a L ong­ ho rn , it certainly will. A [ i V E R T I S E M E N T future, as far as w o rk goes, y o u h av e to h av e a deg ree to get a g o o d job in to d a y 's d ay an d age." D o n 't be fooled by h is com m ents. N eil is not a run-of-the-m ill jock w h o kn o w s w h a t to say w h e n asked. N eil is a straig h t-sh o o ter w h o d oes w h a t he says a n d says w h a t h e does. H e s p re a d s a ro u n d g lo ry to h is team m ates, an d he h a n d le s in d iv id ­ ual atten tio n w ith hum ility . W h eth er h e 's reco g n ized after a gam e on Sixth S treet o r a t the local L u b y 's cafeteria, N eil is forever g ra ­ cious. H e w o n 't say w h ere he w o u ld like to play p ro fe ssio n a l football, because it's a joint decision for him a n d his wife. "If y o u 're g oing to go som ew here, y o u m ig h t as w ell go so m e place w h ere they do th in g s rig h t," N eil said. "T h a t's obvio u sly w h e re w e 'd like to go, b u t w e c a n 't control it." The tw o m et th ro u g h b o th of th eir o ld e r sisters. N eil a sk e d h e r o u t w h en they w ere 13, a n d th e tw o sp e n t an ev en in g w atc h in g Harry and the Hendersons. A lm o st 10 years later, D an, A m ylyn a n d Calli, their cocker spaniel, share an a p a rtm e n t com plete w ith a view of In tersta te 35 o u t of th e living room w in d o w . But never m in d w h at w ill h ap p e n in the im m ediate future, th e tw o plan f .up Jrom the Streets o f ‘Bangkok zvc bring you... Í X ) H Jiome o f 9{podfes '96 2602 Guadalupe (Behind 7-Eleven) Monday - Friday: 11:00 AM -1 0 :0 0 PM Saturday & Sunday: Noon • 10:00 PM MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 494-1011 J □ I Í I t D avid M cW illiam s h ad just b ee n fired as h ead coach, an d the pro g ram . w as discom bobulated w ith the hiring of John M ackovic. But that fell to the . w ayside as N eil w as in love w ith the ;nam e, p layers an d repu tatio n of the • U niversity — not the coach. "It really w a sn 't for the coaches, for if th e re 's o n e th in g th a t I'v e le arn ed is th at coaches com e an d ,go," N eil said. The real th in g th a t m a d e m e ■come to Texas w as the play ers th e m ­ selves. It w as o b v io u s to m e th a t it w as the b est g ro u p of g u y s w h o g o t alo n g b etter than o th e r team s th a t I .w ent to. I felt b etter a n d m o re com ­ fo rta b le h ere th an a n y w h e re else." • N eil cam e into the p ro g ra m at a !time w h en n am es like C huck Jo h n ­ so n , Jeff Boyd, T urk M cD onald an d B lak e B ro ck erm ey er w ere k n o w n [only insid e coaching offices, since th e fans sp e n t tim e learn in g ab o u t offen siv e stars like Phil B row n or P e te r G ardere. • N eil is a n am e ev e ry o n e recog­ nizes now . S im ply because he is a fned ia m a g n et w h o can p ro v id e a g rea t 15-second so u n d bite o r a great an ecd o te for a story. But acco rd in g to h is team m ates, the elo q u en t g ia n t w h o is seen on the ev en in g n e w s o r in daily sp o rts colum ns m u st be the h id e o u s tw in to the sam e p la y er w h o takes the field each day. "H e d o e s n 't say too m u c h unless he gets pissed off," freshm an line­ m an Roger R oesler said. "H e 's the k in d of lead er w h o d o e s n 't h ave to say a n y th in g for y o u to follow him . -He speaks w ith his actions." H is to ne m ay be silent, b u t N eil's actions sp eak v olum es. N eil is on a streak of 45 consecutive starts, an d he has n o t allo w ed a sack in 22 gam es. W ith N eil at the rig h t g u a rd spot, the Texas offense h as ru sh ed for m o re th an 200 y a rd s in 10 of its last 15 reg u lar-seaso n gam es. " H e ab so lu te ly w o rk s h a rd on ev e ry play," M ackovic said. "I c a n 't ev e r rem e m b er an y o n e saying, 'D an N eil, you loafed on th a t p la y .' I ju st c a n 't rem em b er that. Even in drills, th a t's the w ay he goes. So he sets an exam p le for ev eryone." N eil m ig h t carry m o re clo u t th a n E.F. H u tto n c o u ld e v e r im a g in e h av in g . "W hen h e 's got so m e th in g to say, he says it a n d he m ean s it," Texas offensive line coach M ike D eal said. "A n d they b e tte r listen w h e n h e's got so m e th in g to say." W hether it be a tip on footing posi­ tion, blocking schem e or play execu­ tion, Neil has experience in it all. Ever since his red sh irt season of 1992, Neil has picked u p v arious all-conference h ono rs an d aw ards. T abbed a Playboy all-A m erican a n d first-tea m all- A m erican in the preseason, N eil has lived u p to every o n e's expectations on the field in 1996. "H e sets an ex am p le for the y o u n g g uys," D eal said. "Y ou know , it's easy to say to th e y o u n g g u y s o r just an y b o d y else w hose loafing, 'L ook at D an w orking. H e 's the best p lay er on th e offensive line, h e 's an all- A m erican an d h e 's w o rk in g h a rd e r th a n y o u ? T h at d o e s n 't m a k e sen se.'" But N eil's off-the-field w o rk is w h a t he is m ost p ro u d of, an d a sp o rts m an ag e m en t d eg ree from the U niv ersity is o n e goal th a t h e sp ares no expense in reaching. "T he o ne th in g th a t you h av e con­ trol o v er w h e n y ou com e to college is g ettin g y o u r degree. It's u p to you," said N eil, w h o w ill com plete d eg re e req u irem en ts in D ecem ber. "It's so m eth in g th a t's w o rth m ore than an y th in g else th a t's o u t th e r e .... If y o u w a n t to h av e any k ind of JIFFY LUBE COMPLETE OIL, LUBE, AND FLUID SERVICE. Regular price $26.99. Most vehicles. 38th & Guadalupe 451-3708. No Appointment Necessary Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Not valid with any other offer. Major credit cards accepted. Coupon must be presented at time of service. Coupon expires March 31,1997. A36 Put down the books and have a beer with the ‘Bats ICE BATS COLLEGE NIGHT!! Thursday, November 14th 7:30 pm Austin Ice Bats vs. Amarillo Rattlers Travis County Exposition Center $6 Tickets w/ student I.D. (reg. $8) available at Erwin Center, Texas Union, Performing Arts Center and all UTTM Outlets Groups of 10+ Save $$$ call 927-PUCK * all groups of 10 or more will automatically be registered for a drawing to compete on the ice during intermission of the game* Sign up a ty c x ir local Quick Lube fo r th e Lady Lontjhom Biaekethal Quick Lube Challenge and a chance t o win free tick^rts! Call the Dallas Stars Group office at (972) 8 6 8 -2 8 1 3 to receive this offer. Re s s2 7 i0 gate s19s“ gate Discounted Price You pay s2 2 5° for Priority Level You pay s1 4 " for Terrace Level D isco u n t available on;v on g am e s listed above Tickets m ust be reserved by Tuesday. N ovem ber ?6. 1C,Q6 Of ft» not .n a ila b le at the box office For tickets to other Dallas Stars games, CALL 214-GO-STARS Volley: Horns sweep Aggies in Erwin Center "I thought at first w e w ere too high and too anxious," said Horns coach Mick Haley. "But once Sonya got that stuff-block w e started to cruise and settle down." In fact, No. 8 Texas w as so dom i­ nating after its early struggles that the Aggies' upset victory in Septem ­ ber was all but forgotten. The Horns' 15-10,15-10,15-10 sw eep gives them sole possession of second place in the Big 12, as well as enabling them to control their ow n destiny by m oving toward a league title. Because so much w as riding on the match for Texas, the players said that their thoughts were not focused on avenging their earlier defeat, but rather im proving as a team and building up confidence. "I don't think it was necessary to prove anything to A&M," said D em e­ tria Sanee, w ho led the Horns with 19 kills and 18 digs. "We just needed to prove something to ourselves." Texas (19-4, 13-2) certainly made a statement to those w ho will fill out the brackets for the NCAA tournament, as the Horns w on their sixth match against a Top 25 opponent this season. U Anybody that didn’t enjoy [this match] as an athletic event probably doesn’t enjoy athletics.” Texas voHeybaH coach After com ing from behind to take Game 1, Texas took quick control of the second gam e by grabbing an 11-4 lead. An offensive outburst by Stacy Sykora, w ho had a match-high 24 kills for A&M, narrowed the gap to tw o points. But shortly thereafter, a kill by Katie Austin and a block by Barnes closed out Game 2. "Texas is a great team," said A&M coach Laurie Corbelli. "Our girls wanted this really badly, but w e just made too m any errors." Whether the Horns w ould pull the match out in three gam es w as ques­ tionable at times, as the A ggies (21-5, 12-3) regained m om entum late in that stanza. Texas finally iced the vic­ tory on back-to-back kills by Sarah Butler and Austin. Both the tem po and the end result of the match w ere a com plete con­ trast to the A&M victory at G. Rollie White Coliseum , a night w hen Texas show ed absolutely no signs of m ain- * taining rhythm. According to Austin^* the fact that W ednesday w as so dif^* ferent w as no fluke. "We jelled as a team tonight," ? Austin said. "Last time w e played like six different people. Tonight w e performed as one unit." Another intangible in the Horns' favor w as the season-high crowd of 6,123 that packed the low er level of the Erwin Center. H aley said he w as pleased w ith both the crow d support and the show that the players put on for the fans. "(The crowd] m ade an event out of it, and that m akes it fun," Haley said. "Anybody that didn't enjoy that as an athletic event probably doesn't enjoy athletics." H allow een F ilm! Page 10 Thursday, November 14, 1 9 9 6 T h e D a i l y T e x a n Lady Horns: Texas signs new recruits Continued from page 7 year, but physically she's mature en ou g h and strong en ou gh to play at this level." aged more than 77 points per gam e, but Conradt still w ants defense to be the main focus. W ood s is a 5-foot-9-inch guard w h o h elp ed Cedar Hill to a runner- up finish in the class 4A State Tour­ nam ent last season. She averaged 18.7 points and w as the MVP of D is­ trict 13-4A. Brown is a 5-8 guard for the A rlington C olts w ho averaged 19.2 points and 3.9 steals per gam e last season. "Jo Ruth is one of the best high school d efenders I've seen," Con- radt said. "Most players at that level aren't com m itted to defense, but she is. She m akes things happen d efen sively . She can guard an y­ body." All three w ill definitely add more scoring p ow er to Texas' volatile mix next season. The Longhorns aver­ Looking for d efen sive im prove­ ment from her team as a w hole Thursday night, the Longhorns w ill host Zala-Volan of H ungary in the first of tw o preseason scrim m ages. The No. 19-ranked Longhorns also w ill host Spartak-M oscow on N ov. 18 prior to next Saturday's season- opener in M ichigan against Detroit Mercy. "The tw o things w e're going to focus on in this gam e is playing great defense and fronting the bas­ ketball," Texas forward A m ie Smith said. "Those are tw o things that w e're going to need to do all year long to be successful and to beat people. "So we're going to try to start off on the right foot and start off run­ ning the ball and playing defense and make sure that's w hat every­ body is focusing on." Conradt w ill also use this scrim ­ m age to see how players like for­ w ards Taryn Brown and Edwina Brown handle the o p p osition in preparation of handling som e p lay­ ing time. Smith added that the scrim m ages w ill be used for players to get a feel of playing with each other and per­ form ing in certain roles. "We want to get into the habit of w inning right off the bat," Smith said of the im portance of w in nin g Thursday's scrim m age. "You got to have a certain type of intensity and a killer instinct to w in , and you 've got to try to w in every sin gle ball game." R a is e A lwareness R adical A dventures R espond A espond A nytimc R e p e l A i JtVepel rxpathy c o £ -C m cL £ o cj "2 D o< cdOS < & o T3 cd O O o 60 .£ X)a a oC/2 <0 C * n ñ l ky. o Announcing Applications for 1997-98 Long Session Resident Assistant Positions Required qualifications for these vacancies: Enrollment as a Sophomore or above at UT Austin, good academic standing (minimum GPA 2.5), and experience living in a residence hall or group-living experience. Come to one of the following information sessions to learn more about the Resident Assistant position and the application process. You must attend one of these sessions in order to apply. Applications will be distributed only at these sessions: Monday, November 18th Tuesday, November 19th Wednesday, November 20th Thursday, November 21st 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Mary E. Gearing Hall Mary E. Gearing Hall University Teaching Center University Teaching Center (GEA 105) (GEA 105) (UTC 4.110) (UTC 4.110) THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS A T AUSTIN IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER PS T3 O .3 cn cr cT PS > P S CD * s CL £ >o b : Q < O 3 CD E? AFRICAN-AMERICAN GIFTS OF BEAUTY AND DISTINCTION m* CATALOS Purely Mixed Co. is an Austin-based mail order business. We offer gifts, cards and wrapping paper celebrating African-American life with dignity and respect. MAY WE SEND YOU A FREE CATALOG? Please call 512-452-8614 and leave us your name and address, or you may fax us at 512-467-7616 or write to: 7301 Burnet Rd. #102-283 Austin, TX 78757 We ship promptly throughout the U.S. R einforce Acceptance .each A nyone .eally .wesome .esults A bound h T R A D I N G C A R D G A M e I ■ OR I GI NAL cring co: $250.000 i S - S ° M A G I C PRO TOUR-DALLAS G A T H E R I N G T H E D F W L A K E S H I L T O N 1 8 0 0 H i g h w a y 2 6 E a s t G r a p e v i n e , T X 7 6 0 5 1 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 4 5 - 1 0 1 8 A d m i s s i o n : $ 5 O p e n T o u r n a m e n t s : $ 6 - $ 1 5 A d v a n c e r e g i s t r a t i o n : 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 2 4 - 6 4 9 6 B r i n g t h i s a d f o r 1 / 2 p r i c e a d m i s s i o n w w w . w i z a r d s . c o m W i z a r d s o f t h e C o a s t , Magic: the Gathering, and M a g ic : T h e G a t h e r i n g Pro Tour, are tradem arks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©1996 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 4 , m« I i % ■ f t r "v jtf/ A K 0NDAYS & HURSDAYS. 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Kalyanaram, Director: (214) 883-6822 or toll free (800) 565-CMBA http://www.utdaUas.edu/dept/mgmt/cohort A n Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University N O V E M B E R 2 2 2 4 , 1 9 9 6 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL 326*1147 —•— A n o t h e r JW C o o k P r o d u c t i o n - S p o n s o r e d b y A u s t in G r e e n s h e e t ,,,, Concert f?w Every T800-COLLECT call you complete between now and December 16th will automatically enter you to win a trip for two to see Dishwalla live in concert in San Francisco, plus $1,000 cash to throw around town. The more 1-800-COLLECT calls you complete, the more chances you have to win. Now you have two great reasons for using 1-800-COLLECT: Up to 44% savings and a chance to see Dishwalla in San Francisco. 1-800-C0LLECT Save up to 44%. U.S. residents. Void where prohibited. No purchase necessary. For free entry and rules, call 1-800-RULES4U. Sweepstakes ends 12/16/96 Savings based on a 3-minute AT&T operator-dialed interstate call. For long-distance calls. Page 12 Thursday, November 14, 1996 T h e D a ily T e x a n Flames rally to tie Stars 3-3 Associated Press DALLAS — Theoren Fleury scored with 9:21 to play as ihe C a l­ gary Flames rallied from a two-goal deficit for a 3-3 tie Wednesday night with the Dallas Stars. Fleury skated down the right side and fired a sharp-angled shot that got through the pads of Andy Moog for his eighth goal. Calgary is 0-4-1 in its last five games. Dallas is 3-1-1 over the same span. Flames goaltender rookie Dwayne Roloson had a rough first period in his NHL debut. Roloson was peppered for 18 shots and goals by Sergei Zubov, Greg Adams and Pat Verbeek in the opening period. Jarome Iginla got the Flames' only goal in a 3-1 first period, then Robert Reichel pulled Calgary to 3-2 at 14:23 with his fourth goal of the sea­ son, a blast from the top of the left circle. Zubov scored only 1:24 after the opening faceoff. Brent Gilchrist fired a pass from the left boards to a streaking Zubov near the blue line, and he skated in alone and fired a wrist shot past Roloson for his sec­ ond goal of the season. Dallas pushed its advantage to 2-0 at 5:06 of the first period when Adams converted Mike Modano's centering pass from directly in front of the net for his eighth goal of the season. Iginla, selected by the Stars in the first round of the '95 draft before being sent to the Flames last Decem­ in a deal that brought Joe ber Nieuwendyk to Dallas, made it 2-1 at 12:12 of the first period. The rook­ ie's power-play score was the sev­ enth goal of the season. But Verbeek restored the Stars' two-goal margin at 16:43, firing his fourth goal of the season from the slot while Dallas was on a power play. Dallas has five power play goals in the past four goals after manag­ ing only four in its first 13 games. Note: The Dallas Stars placed goaltender Arturs the injured reserve list Wednesday and replaced him with former Czech Republic star Roman Turek. Irbe on J efferso n Co m m o ns' T h e r e ’s r e a l l y n o t h in g COMMON ABOUT US! Around Campus is a daily column listing University-related activities sponsored by academic departments, student services and student organi­ zations registered with the Campus and Community Involvement Office. Announcements must be submitted on the proper form by noon two days before publication. Forms are available at The Daily Texan office at 25th Street and Whitis Avenue. You may no longer submit Around Campus entries by e-m ail. P lease direct questions to the Around Cam­ pus Editor at 471-4591. The Daily Texan reserves the right to edit submissions.________________ MEETINGS Texas Juggling Society meets 7-10 p.m. Thursday at All Saints Episcopal Church at 27th St. and Whitis Ave. For more information call Jim at 458- 3276 Sri Satya Sai Baba Bhajan Group meets 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Building Asian Culture Room (4.224). There is a study circle fol­ lowed by d evotional singing. For more information call Karen at 471- 4536. UT ACM (Association for Comput­ ing Machinery) meets at 7 p.m. Thurs­ day in T.U. Taylor Hall 2.106. E-mail acm@cs.utexas.edu or come by T.U. Taylor Hall 1.130 for more details. UT Tae Kwon Do works out 7-10 p.m. Monday and Thursday at Anna Hiss Gym 133. Beginners are always welcome. For more information call John at 444-0321. Campus G athering meets 12:30- 1:30 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Building Theater. All UT men are invited to join three-tim e O lym pic gold medalist Josh Davis for the meet­ ing and a brown bag lunch. Texas Union M u lticu ltu raiism Task Force Com m ittee m eets at 6 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Build­ ing African-American Culture Room (4.110). New m em bers are alw ays welcome. For more information call Sonia at 505-2408 or e-mail soniak® mail.utexas.edu. Hindu Students Council meets at 7 p.m. Thursday in College of Business Administration Building 4.348. For more inform ation call Ajay at 916- 9536. University Yoga Club meets at 5 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Build­ ing Chicano Culture Room (4.206). The meeting is free; wear loose- fitting clothing and do not eat for two hours AROUND CAMPUS before meeting. Fo^no^Hnformation call Tyson at 356-5700. The Lesbian, Bisexual and Gay Student Association meets at 8 p.m. Thursday in George L Sánchez Build- ing 296. For m ore inform ation call 912-0014. The Texas Union Fine Arts Com­ mittee meets from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Texas Union Building Art Gallery. The FAC helps promote the fine arts on campus through various media. For more information call 475-6630. Earth First! meets at 8 p.m. Thurs­ day in Texas Union Buildíing African American Culture Room (4.110). Overeaters Anonymous meets at noon Thursday in Texas Union Build­ ing African American Culture Room (4.110). For m ore inform ation call Clyde at 475-9257. The Fin an ce C om m ittee of the Texas Union Council meets at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Build­ ing Board of Directors' Room (4.118). The Christian Science Organiza­ tion meets at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Building Asian Culture Room (4.224). Anyone interested in Christian Science or in exploring spiri­ tual solutions to everyday challenges is welcome. The Association of Latin American Students meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Robert A. W elch Hall 2.308. For more information call 491-7964. Texas Cru meets at 7 p.m. Thurs­ day in Robert Lee Moore Hall 4.102. The P u n jab i C u ltu ral C ou n cil meets at 9 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Building Asian Culture Room (4.224). For m ore inform ation call Shine Macy at 505-1624 or e-mail pun- jab@uts.cc.utexas.edu. The N ative A m erican S tu d en t O rganization m eets from 4-5 p.m. Thursday in Parlin Hall 8A. All stu­ dents, faculty and staff are welcome. For more information call Sally at 252- 1269. The O b jectiv ist Stud y G roup meets at 7 p.m. Thursday in Parlin Hall 302. For more information call 349-0172. The African Students' Association meets from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Texas Union Building Battle Oaks Room (2.404). For more information call Suwebatu at 478-8147 or e-mail tope@mail.utexas.edu. B ic y c lin g A d v o cates o f T exas meets at 8 p.m. Thursday in Calhoun Hall 200. For more information call Jessica Allmendinger at 708-0987. T h e T e x as W esley F o u n d atio n meets from 5:3u-/:ju p.m. inursaay at 2202 Nueces Street for communion and faith sharing. For more informa­ tion call 474-1151. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES The Division of Housing and Food S ervice needs vo lu n teers to tutor GED students from 1-2:30 p.m. or 2:30-4 p.m. every Friday in the Beau- ford H. Jester Center south lounge. The UT D esignated Driver Pro­ gram needs volunteers from 11 p.m.-3 a.m. Thursday-Saturday. For more information call Alex Moreno at 495- 5422. The University Volunteer Center needs volunteers to serve as tutors and mentors for the Communities in S ch o o ls program . C IS w orks in schools throughout Austin to reduce the drop-out rate. For more informa- tion call 471-6161._______________ FILM/LECTURE/ DISCUSSIO N The Fine A rts C ouncil presents “Visual Arts Careers: Common Vari­ eties and Rare Hybrids," a lecture by Mark Smith, from noon-1 p.m. Thurs­ day in A rt Build ing and M useum 3.433. For more information call 471- 9183. The Department of Asian Studies p resen ts “The S tan d ard izatio n of U rd u : C o lo n ial K n o w led ge and Beyond," a lecture by David Lelyveld, at 3 p.m . Thu rsd ay in the W ill C. Hogg Building Meyerson Conference Room (4.118). For more information call 471-5811. _______ OTHER stud y, Baptist Student Ministries hosts a B ib le throu gh R om ans," at 7:14 p.m. Thursday at 2204 San Antonio St. For more infor­ mation call 474-1425. "R o a m Liberal Arts Career Services hosts an information session with represen­ tatives from Teach for America from 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday in University Teaching Center 4.112. Casual dress is suggested. For more information call Karen Julian at 471-7900. The C am pus and C om m unity Involvement Office announces that the scholarship application deadline for the Southwestern Bell Communi­ cations Inc./W ashington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars "C am p aig n '96: The Inauguration Academic Seminar" is Dec. 20. Appli­ cations and information are available in the CCIO, Texas Union Building 4.304. YO U R HANDS CAN M AKE A LL T H E D IFFEREN C E IN H EA LIN G — NATURALLY. mmmM C H I R O P R A C T I C C O L L E G E 5912 Spencer Hwy. Pasadena, TX 77505 career S a tu r d a y , N o v e m b e r - Á p m C a l e A d m is s i o n s O f f i c e lo r (281) 487-1170 o r ! i-G O -TO -TE X We make each one fresh, right when you order it, with rich smoky flavor in every bite." It’s two slices of rich smoked Cheddar, three full strips of hickory smoked bacon, sauteed onions and a savory sauce all on a 1/4 pound* of fresh beef, served when you order it so it’s hot and juicy. Wendy’s Smoky Bacon Cheeseburger. It’s a s delicious as it sounds. *Net weight before cooking. Limited lime Only F0292 1295 Copyright © 1996 Wendy’s International, Inc. All nghts reserved lfisidb one off our two locations near Campus! at the UT student Union or click into the W ¥- o n -lin e e d itio n o f The Daily — y * •easy access to a week's worth of The Daily Texan •students and UT graduates world­ wide click into the WebTexan: From an UT Ex-Student: "It's amazing that I can read The Daily Texan here in Hong Kong. I know some ex-UT students working here and in China who rely ...on the internet edition. Good Job. " —Siu-kei Cheng a t at3 w . M L K B lV C fl hUpiftufflediQ.t/p.uteiQ/.edu/IUebTeiQn/todQu/ t Hey guys Beatles ‘Anthologies MICHAEL JOLLY D a ily Texan S ta ff __ ...let it be ’ less than amazing D e sp ite the fa ct th at they threw in the towel more than 25 years ago, the Beatles are still hot property. The past year has seen the largest flurry of Beatles activ­ ity sin ce th ey b ro k e up, w ith Beatlem ania threatening to res­ urrect itself on a few occasions. First, there was that su rpris­ ingly u ninform ative A nthology documentary on prime time TV. The really juicy part, how ever, had to be the series's companion piece, three double CD sets of u n re le a se d m a terial from th e very well-guarded Beatle vaults. The third and final installm ent has only just been released, but the A nthology series is already the most successful reissue pro­ ject in p o p u lar m u sic h isto ry , shifting millions of units so far. A pparently, it touched a chord w ith Baby B oom ers and th e ir wallets. When the announcement was made that a six-CD set would be released alongside the Anthology documentary, it was a little sur­ prising since the ex-Beatles had b ee n c la im in g for y e a rs th a t there was not that much decent stuff in their vaults. It turns out the Beatles w ere right. Scanning through Antholo­ gy it's apparent that there were ANTHOLOGY 3 Artist: Beatles Label: Capitol Records Rating: ★★!; (out of five)______ very few completed masters left. O f th o se th a t m ad e it o nto Anthology, a few certainly didn't deserve to languish in the vaults: an early, obscure cover, Leave My Kitten Alone, a superior take on the Rubber Soul track, I'm Looking T h rou g h You and an a c o u stic reading of While My Guitar Gen­ tly Weeps. Y et the b u lk o f A n thology is taken up with alternate versions, re h ea rsa ls, screw -u p s, dem os and lo-fi live tracks of question­ able worth. It's the first time any Please see Beatles, page 13 E N T E R T A I N M E N T T h e D a il y T e x a n THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1998 13 Jordan, Bugs & Co. blow this game RANDY KRAMEN_____________ D a ily T exan S ta ff ~ In the wake of four NBA titles and his own brand of $23 cologne, M ichael Jordan, profes­ sio n a l b a s k e tb a ll's m o st lu c ra tiv e p e rso n a, attempts to augment his status as an American pop culture icon by taking his game to the sil­ ver screen. S p littin g top b illin g w ith an e sta b lish e d show biz name, Jordan team s up with W arner Bros, wiseacre Bugs Bunny in Space Jam, a film that combines live-action with com puter-gener­ ated 3-D animation. Space Jam opens with a young Jordan prac­ ticin g his bu d d in g b ask etb all sk ills w ith his father in the middle of the night. The 10-year- old M.J. dream s of som eday going to college, w inning a national cham pionship, nabbing an NBA title and signing a sizable shoe contract. The credits that follow are accompanied by a tacky m ontage show casing M .J.'s career high­ lights, set to the tune of a remixed Whoop, There It Is. What better way to raise viewer expectations? T h e e n s u in g ta le p its th e L o o n e y T u n es ag ain st the N erd lu cks, a d im in u tive gang of alien them e-park thugs determ ined to enslave Bugs and friends as the main attraction of their struggling M oron Mountain. The N erdlucks corner the cartoon entertain­ ers at a town hall meeting, but Bugs tricks the aliens into giving the Looney Tunes a sporting chance to defend themselves. C a p ita liz in g on th e ir o u tra g e o u s h e ig h t ad v an tag e, the L o on ey T u n es ch a lle n g e the N erdlucks to a basketball contest. Because the Nerdlucks possess no knowledge of the game, they decide to steal the talent from NBA players, transform ing them into hulking M onstars. Bill Murray, left, Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan discuss their grim futures after Space Jam Fearing eternal slavery, Bugs Bunny enlists the aid of basketball demigod Jordan to coach the Looney Tunes and defeat the alien all-stars. The anim ated graphics are technically mas-, terful, providing a virtually seam less blend of live-action and cartoon environm ents. Howev­ er, the attention given to stylistic detail can't compensate for a hollow script. The exp o sition is w eak as the cam era cuts b a ck and fo rth b e tw e e n M o ro n M o u n ta in , Looney Land and multiple earth locations, ran­ dom ly in tro d u cin g ch aracters w ithout estab ­ lish ing a co h eren t story line. The in coherent narrative is compounded by director Joe Pytka, a seasoned v eteran of TV com m ercials, who tries to stretch a 30-second premise to cover an hour-and-a-half film. To make matters worse, animated characters in the Space Jam cosmos are bland, unm otivat­ ed caricatu res that fail to d eliver punchlines w ith the accu racy and tim in g Looney Tunes fans have come to expect. The only red eem in g jo k es in Space Jam — references to Pulp Fiction and Kentucky Fried C h ick en — arriv e too la te to save the film . W ithout Mel Blanc, the Looney Tunes have lost their edge. Contributing to the lackluster performances, Jo rd a n fa ils to g rasp th e co n cep t of a ctin g , proving that his charisma is confined to the bas­ ketball court. Wayne Knight, ("N ew m an" from Seinfeld), plays Jordan's neurotic publicist, lend- SPACE JAM Starring: Michael Jordan, Bill Murray, Larry Byrd, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Shawn Bradley, Mugsey Bogues, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Taz, Loia Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian, Porky Pig, Yosemite Sam, Sylvester, Tweety Bird, Foghorn Leghorn, Wile E, Coyote, Roadrun- ner, Pepe Le Pew, Granny, the bull Director: Ivan Reitman Playing at: opens Friday Rating: ★ (out of five) ing himself to be the butt of banal slapstick. The acting is further watered down by a high percentage of characters playing "them selves." Executive producer David Falk, Jordan's agent and p e rso n al a tto rn e y , co n sc rip ts h is o th er NBA clients, Patrick Ewing, Shawn Bradley and Muggsy Bogues, to fill cameo roles. The names attract an audience, but their pathetic attempt at humor fails to satisfy. In fact, Bill M urray, NBA flunky, provides the only live-action comic relief in this flavor­ less flop. Space Jam may appeal to kids more than older audiences. W hatever happened to Kazaam? Paéatetad Restaurant and Bar 6 0 19 n. I-35 4 5 9 - 6 0 2 4 ?Jl r u J C H ICK EN H O U SE 1- 1 AGES! S U P P O R T Y O U R P A R T Y A T F r e e F o o d Bu f f e t ! 5-7 PM MON-FRI Strawberry Mango Coco Banana Sangria i BOMBARITA(limit2) $ 5 .0 0 R i t a s --------------------— — $ 2 .5 0 JUM BO RITAS---------------- $ 4 .5 0 C e r v e z a I m p o r t a d a $ 1 .7 5 C e r v e z a D o m e s t ic a $ 1 .5 0 $ 2 .0 0 W e l l D r i n k s H a p p y H o u r 1 2 - 7 p m M o n - F r i Li &EAry l u n c h 405 West 2nd • 477-0461 • * Advance Tix Available at Waterloo Records O U ^ W S/ i/ J O/J rr}Js 3 iW l> . w ! T Jlt/3 S X Á jS ifiJ l Tj Oj'I'H ¡J p jn d o o /s <5 Frida\, November 15 Missile Command The Impossibles 30 FT. Fall si th e m y ilc h u fh ii Jfj siii cl Saturday, A/ STEREO S L E E P E R S O N TWO SCREENS • R SCREEN ONE. 1 20 4 20 7:15 10:10 D O LST SCREEN TWO: 2 00 5 00 *:0 0 D O L IY GREAT HILLS 8 / 1 ? U S 1 8 3 & G R E A T H I L L S T R A I L 7 9 4 - 8 0 7 6 | S E T I T ' O F F 1 20 4 13 7:15 9 45 R STEREO * R O M E O A JU L IET 1 30 4 30 7 20 9 50 7 0 1 3 TM X/D IO ITA l L A R G E R T H A N LIFE 1 10 3 15 5 15 7 25 9 50 70 TMX S W I N G E R S 1 00 3 05 5 10 7 30 9 35 R D O L IY * B A D M O O N 9 : 2 5 R STEREO T H E A S S O C I A T E 1:50 4 50 7 20 9 55 7013 STEREO H IG H S C H O O L H IO H 1 00 3 00 5 00 7.15 9 30 7013 STEREO T o G I L L I A N o n h o r 3 7 t h B I R T H D A Y 1:30 4 20 7 00 PG13 STEREO L O N G K I S S G O O D N I G H T O N 2 SCREEN S R 1 40 4 40 7:10 9 40 D O U Y GIFT C ER T IF IC A T E S ON SALE Archers of Loaf, who possess the most meaningless name in pop history, piay Saturday at Electric Lounge. Geyer CD release Thurs. 14: Blue Sky F ri. 15: C u m b u s tib le E d is o n , Fri. 15: George DeVore W aiting on Godot Sat. 16: Big Pow Wow Sat. 16: A rch ers o f L oaf, M agic Sun. 17: Lee Person Dirt, Sincola, W aiting on Godot Mon. 18: Paul Orta Mon. 18: W edding Present, V er­ Tues. 19: Thad Beckmann sus, Girlspy Wed. 20: Matt Powell Tues. 19: Floor 19, U rsula's Curse Wed. 20: Asylum Street Spankers IR O N C ACTU S CD release E M O 'S 606 Trinity St., 472-9240 Thurs. 14: Lucky Strikes Fri. 15: Blue Mist Sat. 16: Tejazz T hu r. 14: T h o razin e, B lo rt, The Tues. 19: Lee Ann Byrum Reclusives Wed. 20: Atlantic Soul Review Dead End Cruisers LA ZONA R O SA Sat. 16: Starfish, 746 Hero, Slow ­ 612 W. Fourth St., 472-9075 poke Mon. 18: Action Slacks Thur. 14: Calvin Russell Band Fri. 15: Guitar Jake Andrews Tue. 19: Karp, The R egistrators, Sat. 16: Beausoleil C H E L S E A S T R E E T PU B A N D 603 Red River St., 477-Em os 11200 L akelin e M all D rive, 454- Fri. 15: Bouncing Souls, Dropkick, Thur. 14- Sat. 16: Classie, C edric Tue. 19- Wed. 20: David Trout C O N TIN EN TA L CLUB 1315 Sou th C on g ress A ve., 441- The Motards W ed . 20: P h o n o -C o m b , D eath King Soul Sun. 17: Asylum Street Spankers, T u e. 18: G e o rg e D e v o re , T h e Roam G RILL 7739 Ballou 2444 sW o r t h Thur. 14: People's Choice Fri. 15: Lost Wolf Wed. 20: DJ M A G G IE M A E'S 512 Trinity St., 478-8562 Thur. 14: Be Wires Fri. 15: The Hitmen, The Grooves S a t. 16: T h e H itm e n , T h e Grooves Mon. 18: Lee Person Tue. 19: The Grooves Wed. 20: Junkbox M O Z A R T 'S COFFEE 3285 Lake Austin Blvd., 477-2900 Thur. 14: Sam Shepherd Fri. 15: Marshal Styler Sat. 16: Weighted Eights Sun. 17: Java Jazz Wed. 20: Kim Simpson TO P OF THE M ARC 618 W. Sixth St., 472-9849 Thur. 14: E lias H aslanger, The Fri. 15: Luky Strikes, Duck Soup Sat. 16: Johnny Dee Su n . 17: M r. F ab u lo u s, C asin o FLIPN O TIC S C O FFEESPA C E 1601 Barton Sp rin g s Road, 322- L IB E R T Y LUNCH 405 W. Second St., 477-0461 Brew F ri. 15: R ick B ro u s s a r d & T he T h u r. 14: So u th ern C u ltu re On Shadow m en, Ted R od d y 's Tear- The Skids, Miss Xana D o n 't, The joint Troubadors Sat. 16: KVRX Benefit Wanted Wed. 20: Tomas Ramirez Trio Fll, The Impossibles Fri. 15: M issile command, 30 Foot Royal S a t. 16: Jo n a th a n R ich m a n & HANG 'EM H IGH SA LO O N Band, Sixteen Deluxe, Spoon W ATERLO O ICE H O USE 201 E. Sixth St., 322-9143 600 N. Lamar Blvd., 472-5400 T h u rs . 14: T h e C o ry M o rro w TH E LUM BER YARD T hu rs. 14: Tina M arsh and the 16511 Bratton Lane, 255-9622 Creative Opportunity Orchestra H EA D LIN ER S E A ST 406 E. Sixth St., 478-3844 T H U R S D A Y E V E N IN G I © TV Data _ _ _ 6:00 6:30 7:00 A - UT Residence Hall Cable 7:30 8:00 B Over Air Channels 9:00 9:30 C - Austin Cable 10:00 8:30 B A S I C C H A N N E L S 10:30 - 11:00 N O V E M B E R 14,1996 I 11:30 12:00 12:30 K TBC K VU E KXAN K E Y E K LR U KNVA @ 0 News JL0 News JL0 N e w s ! 'Ml ® 0 N e w s ! Hollywood | Martini; ¡Single New York Undercover 1 Simpsons 1 Seinfeld 1 N e w s ! Murphy Bzzz! Jerry Springer Paid Prog. Ent. Tonight ¡You Gotta See This! 1 Murder One "Chapter Five" Turning P o in t! Nightline 1 C o a c h ! Married... [Hard Copy Pat Bullard Wh. Fortune 1 Friends 1 [Single Guy [Seinfeld 1 jSuddenly ER "N o Brain, N o G a in " 1 Tonight Show (In Stereo) Late Night (In S te re o )! Later! H om e Imp. Diagnosis Murder 1 Moloney (In Stereo) 1 48 Hours (In Stereo) 1 N e w s ! Late Show (In S te re o )! Star Trek: Next Gener. Late Late News News 0 C. Sandiego Business Newshour With Jim Lehrer Austin at Issue Mystery! "Poirot" 1 Murder Vicar Keeping Up OneFoot Computer Chem. World Fresh Prince Universe Andy Griffith 1 Love Lucy “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” **M¡ (1966) Elvis Presley. C h e e rs! C he ers! Hawaii Five-0 LAPD K13VC •13; ffi Dinosaurs ! Simpsons IE Dating Game Newlywed Baywatch “Shattered" 1 Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Hollywood Real TV 1 C o p s ! Scoop KVR/TSTV .15. © | Burly Bear [Texas Politics Distinguished Speakers To Be Announced Pink Floyd: Thunder Waltz or Die E.P.K.’s [Alterna Mednick Hitchhiker Paid Prog. C A B L E C H A N N E L S A&E •20 © Equalizer "A lw ays a Lady" [Biography: Richard Pryor Ancient Mysteries (R) Mysteries of the Bible Law & Order (Part 2 of 2 ) ! | Biography: Richard Pryor Ancient Mysteries (R) A M C © (5:30) “The Big Clock” [“The Flame and the Arrow” ★ * * (1950) [“My Darling Clementine" * ★ * % (1946) Henry Fonda. [ “The Flame and the Arrow" (1950) |“My Darting Clementine” BET _y_ Hit List [UnReal Comicview Talk Thea Rap City © Money Club Steals-Dealr Politics Equal Time Rivera Uve Charles Grodin America After Hours Rivera Uve (R) Charles Grodin (R) Moneyline X Crossfire ! Prime News Politics Larry King Uve 1 World Today 1 Sports Moneyline NeweNlght Showbiz NewsNight Sports © Daily Show Politically [“Soul Man" * * ' / 2 (1986, Comedy) C. Thomas Howell. Dream On A-List (R) 1 Daily Show Politically Saturday Night Live ! ffi Justice Justice [Prime Time: Simpson Trial Story: Pam Smart Justice Miller's Law Prime Time: Sim pson Trial Story (R) Dream On Daily Show Justice Miller's Law Public Policy Conference [Prime Time Public Affairs © Beyond 2000 {Next Step CD Mirror Has Two Faces © Sportscenter | Kickoff Wild Discovery: Family O.J. Civil Trial Movie Magic Next Step Lost Civilizations Next Step Beyond 2000 Wild Discovery: Family Movie Magic Next Step Gossip Newa Daily ¡Talk Soup [Night Stand [Howard B. Howard S. Ransom Prsmiere (R) O.J. Civil Trial (R) Prime Time Public Affairs (R) Collage Football: Georgia Tech at Maryland. (Live) 1 Sportscenter ! Motorcycle Racing Inside PGA Sr. PGA © Drag Racing NHL Hockey: Pittsburgh Penguins at Boston Bruins. From the Fleet Center. (Live) W Our Lady-Daily Mass 0 [Rescue 911 (In Stereo) 1 Befors They Were Stars! Highway to Heaven 1 Love of the Father [Prophets 700 Club Roaary-Land [John Paul II Choices Say Ves Life In Christ Our Lady-Daily Mass Angelica Uva NHL 2Night Auto Racing Glory Days NBA 2Night ATP Tennia Destination Extreme (R) News [News News News [News News ¡News News Three Stooges News Living Carson News Carson News Paid Prog. Paid Prog. News News Designing Unsolved Mysteries "Victim of Love: Tha Shannon Mohr Story" (1993) Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Nurses 30something MTV ü 0 Beavis-Butt. Singled Out European Music Awards From London. Performers include Bryan Adams and Metallica. Beavis-Butt. Singled Out Alternativa Nation (In Stereo) Rugrats ! Alex Mack Happy Days I Lovs Lucy Munsters M.T. Moore |Rhode T a x i! Odd Couple Bewitched jJeannie Darkside V "T h e Deception" (R) 1 Tims Trax "Face of Death" Friday tha 13th: The Series Twil Zone Darkside V "T he Deception" ( R ) ! Tim# Trax "F a ce of D eath" I !------- --- --- - Van Dyke Superock Bob Newharl R. Wilkerson [Benny Hinn 1 Bible Behind Bob Larson Biahop J. IJohn Osteen Praise the Lord Hometime MedDetect Trauma-ER D-Day (R) (Part 2 of 2) History of the Submarine [MedDetect [Trauma-ER D-Day (R) (Part 2 of 2) History of the Submarine ] Club Dance (In Stereo) Prima Tim# Country ¡News [Club Dane* Dallas "The Lost Child" Dukas of Hazzard Prime Time Country (R) I In the Heat of the Night 2! "Red Dawn” (1984, Adventure) Patrick Swayze, “The Man Who Capturad Eichmann” (1996, Drama) ¡Nui Hunters: Stalking Evil "No Retr. II" Local Local Local Local Local Local I Local [Local Local Local [Local ¡Local I Local Local News 0 E HopeGlorl D o u g ! 0 0 Twit. Zone ~22 0 J. Bernard 0 Hometime 27 0 Dukes of Hazzard 1 f { { I ] j PRESID IO THEATRES W E R E B IG ON B A R G A IN S HEY STUDENTS! YES, FOLKS. That's right! Now students pay only $4.25 w/ID - Bargain matinees until 6 00 pm $3.50 - Children and seniors $3 50 - and only $5.25 for adult adm ission! For Village Only. STUDENT DISCOUNTS DAILY WITH VALID STUDENT f.D. Times Valid lor Friday, November 15,1996 Only RIVERSIDE 8 IN RIVERSIDE MALL SPACE JAM (PG) 11 30 1.30 3 30 5 30 7:30 9.30 12:00 THE MIRROR HAS TWO FACES (PG-13) 1:00 4:15 7:00 9:45 12:30 RANSOM (R) 12 00 2:30 5:05 7:45 10:15 12:50 SET IT OFF (R) 12 15 2 45 5.20 7,55 10 25 12 55 ROMEO & JULIET (PG-13) 11:45 2:15 4 45 7:15 9 55 12:20 LOVEMASTER (R) 12:30 3:15 5 45 8 10 10 30 12 40 SLEEPERS (R) 12 00 4 00 7:15 10:05 GHOST AND THE DARKNESS (R) 12:30 5 00 9 55 THINNER (R) 3:00 7:50 12 20 HIGH SCHOOL HIGH (PG-13) 12:50 Midnight 448-0008 NO FREÍ PASSES Q T S D IG IT A L KO FREE PXSStS HO FREE CASSES D 0 L 8 Y S R D O L B Y S R HO FIE! HASSES KO sncim DISCOUNTS D O L B Y S R D O L B Y S R D O L B Y S R D O L B Y S R D O L B Y S R D O L B Y S R VILLAGE CINEMA 451-8352 2700 ANDERSON LOVEMASTER (R) 3QQ 5 3Q 8 00 10 20 SECRETS LOQ­ TREES LOUNGE(R) U ES (R) CAUGHT (R) 5:00 1010 G R A SS HARP (PG) 2-32 1 39 MICHAEL COLLINS (R) 3 30 7 :1 5 1 0 00 C N B C CNN COM CO U RT C S P A N DISC El I 1 E SP N i E SP N 2 EWTN FAM ----------- - HNN LIFE ------- ----- 1 29 J _ NICK SCI-FI ! ------- -— , TBN TLC TNN TNT TWC 24 JL 23 VH1 W GN W T BS I H BO M A X SH O W A ctcétf Nails 2 100 E. O ltorf # 1 6 • Austin, T X 78741 (At Willow Creek Shopping Center) Full Set F ill------- M an icu re P ed icu re _ M an icu re & P e d ic u re .___ $20.00 $12.00 $10.00 $17.00 $ 2 4 . 0 0 Mon-Sat 9-8 - Sun 12-6 Extra! $3 Off on Full Set, $2 Off on Fill, or $3 Off on Manicure & Pedicure with this ad!! W alk-Ins Welcom e (512) 326-3625 UNIV 33 0 Tu y Yo Maria Barrio Canaveral de Pasiones Bienvenidos Noticiero P. Impacto Hoy con Daniela Al Derbez U SA •17; Highlander: The Series ! Murder, She Wrote 1 "Escape From Alcatraz" ★ ★ ★ (1979, Adventure) Clint Eastwood. Silk Stalkings (In Stereo)! i Big Date Renegade 'Living Le g e n d " I D O L B Y Elton John: Love Songs Celine Dion - Falling Video Collection (R) Cheap Trick] Bandstand [crossroads Sex Appeal Soul of VH1 •After Hours Fam. Mat. Bzzz! "The Fly" (1986, Science Fiction) Jeff Goldblum, News (In Stereo) 1 Wiseguy In the Heat of the Night! ¡Simon & Simon Videos Videos "Rocky IV” ★ * (1985, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire. “Rocky V" (1990, Drama) Sylvester Stallone. ¡“Over the Top" *16 (1987, Drama) 0 “Police-Mission” ■ E3“Stea! Big, Steal Little" * * “3 Ninjas Knuckle Up" * Real Sports (In Stereo) 1 j“Thu Conspiracy of Fear" (1996) Leslie Hope. ‘NR1 "The Immortals" ★ ★ (1995, Drama) Eric Roberts. 'R' S3 ][“Object of Obsession" “Man of the House” * * (1995) ‘PG' S3 Full Frontal On the Set Sherman [inside the NFL (In Stereo) ' Arliss ( R ) ! !“Jade” (1995) David Caruso. 'R' S ’ 1 (1995) 'NR' ["Stand by Me” * * * jl986) Wil Wheaton. “A Reason to Believe" ★ * “Party Girl" (1995) Parker Posey. 'R' Directed By “About Last N ight." * * * P R E M I U M C H A N N E L S 18613 R ESE ARCH BLVD BETWEEN BURNET ROAD AND 0HLEN 4 6 7 - 6 1 7 4 4534 WESTGATE BLVD. A C R O SS FROM THE WESTGATE M ALL 8 9 2 - 2 8 6 0 Austin's Lowest Prices for T V 's • V C R ’s • Stereos • Microwaves • Major A pplian ce s Home & Car Audio NOBODY. BUT N O BO D Y B EA T S R E X LOW P R IC E S Y O U ALW AYS; P A Y LESS D A M A C O M I P A M . C M C T C D C P CASSETTE RECORDER W/BUILT-IN CD PLAYER, EXTRA B A SS SYSTEM # R X D S 1 5 L P a9e 16 Thursday, November 14,1996 T he D a ily T exan To Place a Classified Ad Call 471-5244 e-mail: classads®www.utexas edu or on-line at: http://fetumedia.jou.utexas.edu/ CLASS/clasform .htm l Classified W o rd Ad Rates Charged by the w ord Based on a 15 w ord m tnim um , the following ra te s apply 1 day........................................ $ 6 4 5 2 d a ys..............................-....$ 1 3 .3 0 3 days...................................$ 1 7 .5 5 4 d a y s ...................................$ 3 1 .6 0 $ 3 4 7 5 5 days First tw o w ords may be all capital le tte rs $ .2 5 fo r each additional w o rd le t t e r s . M asterC ard and Visa accepted c a p ita l in Classified Display Ad Rates Charged by th e colum n inch. One column inch m inim um A variety of type faces and sizes and b o rd e rs a vailable. Fall ra te s Sept 1-May 3 0 1 to 21 colum n inches p er m onth $ 9 7 5 p e r col. inch over 2 1 column inches p er m onth Call fo r rates. FAX ADS TO 471-6741 m9m|iJ ■ H |K k .vpHQ 8:OG-5:OG/Monday-Friday/TSP Building 3.2 0 0 Deadline: 11:00 a.m. prior to publication TRANSPORTATION 10—Misc. Autos 2 0 —Sports-Foreign Autos 30-Trucks-Vans 40 —Vehicles to Trade 50—Service-Repair 60-Parts-Accessones 70—Motorcycles 8 0 —Bicycles 90-Vehicles-Leasing 10O-Vehicles-Wanted REAL ESTATE SALES ■ M E R C H A N D IS E 190—Appliances 200-Fumiture-Household 210-Stereo-TV 220—Compute rs-Equipment 230-Photo-Camera 240-B oats 250-M usical Instruments 260—Hobbies 2 70—Machinery-Fquipment 280-Sporting-Camping Equipment 110—Services 120-Houses 130-Condos-Townhomes 140—Mobile Homes-lots 150-Acreage-Lots 160—Duplexes-Apartments 170-W anted 180-Loans 290-Fumiture-Appliance Rental 300-Garage-Rummage Sales 310-Trade 320—Wanted to Buy or Rent 330—Pets 340-Longhom Want Ads 345—Misc. RENTAL 350—Rental Services 360—Furnished Apts. 370-Unfumished Apts. 380—Furnished Duplexes 390-Unfumished Duplexes 4 00—Condos-Townhomes 410-Fumished Houses 420-Unfumished Houses 4 2 5 —Rooms 430-Room-Board 4 3 5 —Co-ops 440-Roommates 450-M obile Homes-Lots 460-Business Rentals 4 7 0 Resorts 480-Storage Space 490-W anted to Rent-Lease 500-M isc. ANNOUNCEMENTS 510-Entertainment-Tickets 520-Personals 5 3 0 -T ravel-T ransportation 5 4 0 -L o st & Found 550—Licensed Child Care 560-Public Notice 570-Music-Musicians EDUCATIONAL 580-M usical Instruction 5 90—Tutoring 600—Instruction Wanted 6 1 0 —Misc. Instruction 620—Legal Services 630—Computer Services 6 40—Exterminators 650—Moving-Hauling 6 60—Storage 6 70—Painting 6 80—Office 690-Rentai Equipment 700—Furniture Rental 710—Appliance Repair 720—Stereo-TV Repair 730—Home Repair 740—Bicycle Repair 750—Typing 7 6 0 —Misc. Services EM PLOYM ENT 770—Employment Agencies 780—Employment Services 790—Part Time 800—General Help Wanted 810—Office-Clerical 820—Accounting-Bookkeeping 8 30—Administrative- Management 8 40—Sales 850—Retail 8 6 0 —Engineenng-T echmcal 870—Medical 880—Professional 890—Clubs-Restaurants 900—Domestic Household 910—Positions Wanted 920—Work Wanted 930—Business Opportunities 940-Opportunities Wanted MASTERCARD & VISA ACCEPTED ADVERTISING TERMS In in th e e v e n t o f e r r o r s m a d e advertisement, notice m ust be given by 41 8.m. th e fir s t day, as the publishers- á w r e s p o n s ib le fo r o n ly ONE in c c y -ra g t insertion All claims fo r adjustm ents should be m ade n o t la te r th a n 3 0 days a fte r publication Pre paid kills receive cre dit slip if requested at tim e of cancellation, and if a m o u n t e xce e d s $ 2 . 0 0 . S lip m u s t be presented fo r a reorder within 9 0 days to be valid. Credit slips ar e non-transferrebte In c o n s id e r a tio n o f th e D aily T e x a n 's a c c e p ta n c e o f a d v e r tis in g c o p y fo r publication, the agency and the advertiser will indem nify and save h arm less. Texas S tu d e n t P u b lic a tio n s a nd its o ffic e rs , em ployees, and a gents a g a in st all lia b ility , d a m a g e , a n d e x p e n s e " a f w h a ts o e v e r n a tu re a ris in g o u t o f th e co p y in g , p rin tin g , o r p u b lis h in g o f its advertisem ent including w itho u t lim itation reasonable attorney's fees resulting from claims of suits fo r libel, violation of righ t Of p riv a c y , p la g ia ris m and c o p y rig h t and tradem ark infringement. TRANSPORTATION MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL Longhorn Want: A ds Longhorn Want: A ds 20 - Sports-Foreign Autos 1986 SILVER Volkswagen Cabriolet. Great conditioni Runs good. $ 3 ,395 O BO 3 3 9 1738, after 6pm , and anytime weekends. 1 1-5-5B VW FOX '8 8 only 63K, 4dr, 4spd, FM/Cass, $ 18 00 467 -72 59. 11-6- 5B 30 - Trucks-Vans 1985 JEEP CJ-7 6o , +electric. N o pets, smokers ok. 453- 8 4 1 8 ’ ROOMMATE NEEDED. M /F needed to share a 3 / 2 condo. O n #1 Juus route. O w n bath. Anim al lover/Hon- s m okjr. Alex (512)467-2775 . 1 1-14-5B $ 4 5 0 /m o . C a ll ANNOUNCEMENTS THE HOTTEST LIVE PARTY LINES 1 -664-410-1122 1-268-404-7425 FREE OF PREMIUM CHARGES' ONLY L.D. RATES APPLY EROTIC ONE O N O NE ACTION 1-800679-G IRL (4475) MUST BE 1 8 11-62Ó&T) 530 - Travel- FL. A ll Transportation NEED DRIVER one w ay to St Peters­ burg paid. 1 1 /2 2 /9 6 Call 2 67 -14 57. 11-12- 8B 540 - Lost & Found LOST DOG Golden mix with white expenses socks. N o tog or collar Please coll 708 -81 01. 1 1-14-3NC BLUE TOPAZ Pendant w /s tire r Large, rectangular Lost 1 1 /1 2 on com pus/Co-op area Reward ¿78. 3822 Leave message. 11-14-3N£! 560 - Public Notice FAST FUNDRAISER- Ratse $ 5 0 0 ¡ft 5 days- Greeks, Groups, Clubs, M oti voted Individuals. Fast, easy- n6 fi­ (800) $62 n an cial o b lig a tio n . 1982, ext 33 9-11-20P 10-14-20B 520 - Personals 11 1-206-B PREIEASE FOR Spring Semesterl Large Hyde Park efficiencies from $ 39 5-$ 435. Very nice! 451 -09 88 I 1-6-10B-D T he D a il y T e x a n Thursday, November 14,1996 Page 17 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT E M P L O Y M E N T 7 9 0 - Port tim e NEEDED: INTERNET Tech support representatives for W indow s & M ac­ Internet knowledge required. intosh Flexible hours $ 6 /h r. 707-3111. 11- 13-10B-D *GREAT JOB* Be Paid to Have Fun! Extend-A Care is now Hiring Group Leaders to work with elementary-age children at all 66 locations. N o weekends! Just weekday af­ ternoons of fun! Must be 18 w /H S Diploma or GED CALL Extend-A-Care For Kids 472-99 29 ext. 408 EOE 11-13-10B-A CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER close to CR Shuttle route needs P/T or sub­ stitute teachers. G reat experience for education or sociology majors Laura 9 28 -22 12. 1 1-13-2B PART-TIME Support for busy benefits administra­ tion firm. Duties include filing, computer entry and copying Requires computer literacy, organiza­ tion, and self motivation. Beautiful office in SW Austin. Hourly rote of $6 .0 0 with flexible hours Contact M ary Brown at 707-5319 11-14-2B 7 9 0 - P art tim e SMALL DINER needs P/T waitperson for daytim e work G ood wages and tipsl A pply at. 6 2 6 North Lamar. 11- 14-5B LAW FIRM seeks part-time runner/of­ fice assistant for morning position. Must be motivated self-starter, hove professional attitude & reliable trans­ portation. 2Q-25hrs/wk $ 6 /h r For inform ation contact Keith at 473 - 266 1. 1 1-14-20B-C CHURCH NURSERY workers needed for Sunday mornings. $ 5 .5 0 /h r Hyde Park United Methodist Church. 481 -19 64 11-14-58 (¡AORNING RUNNER needed for im- mediate employment. Professional at­ titude, own transportation, lifting re­ quired to 1:0 0 /2 .0 0 p m , M-F, $6 /h r Apply in person 7 0 0 Lavaca, Suite 7 2 0 be­ tween 9 00am-2 00pm. 1 1-14-20B-C Hours are 8 :15am BATTING C O AC H needed for high school student. 2 hrs/w k, wage nego­ tiable Coll M ary, 892 -20 74 11-14- 5B to w ork a AUSTIN INSURANCE C O M PAN Y needs an energetic, motivated indi­ vidual flexible 10- 12hrs/w k, $ 7 /h r, on sales oriented newsletter. Must have graphic/layout experience and work with Pagemok- er, FotoTouch, and Microsoft W ord. Please send resume to: Shelley, P.O. Box 2 72 55, Austin TX, 7 87 55 11-14-2B V ttA _ «fe--* ■ l ; : f V r W T I I I I M PART-TIME COUNTER sole» and of­ fice help G ood pay, flexible sched­ ule and more Send resume or come by for application. Comtech Commu­ nications 2 4 1 6 B S.Lamar 7 8 7 0 4 . 11-14-56 INSURANCE CLERK needed Typing, filing, data entry required. Flexible hours. C all 8:30am -5pm . 7 9 4 -2 8 3 8 . 1 1-14-5B is seeking THE CADEAU on energetic, motivated sales associate and stockroom assistant. Also seek­ ing Christmas help. Bring your re­ sume to 4001 North Lamar 11-14- 5BB 8 0 0 - G eneral Help W anted EM PIOYM ENT- INTERNATIONAL Earn up to $ 2 5 -$ 4 5 /h o u r teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. N o teaching background or Asian lan­ info, coll: guages required 10- (206) 9 7 1 -3 5 7 0 ext. J586 77. 21-25P For SALESMAN FOR t-shirts com pany to sell to student organizations Teed Shirts 4 16 -83 33. 10-I8-20B-B CO NSER VATIO N JOBS W ild life positions $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 / yr. Clerical, Security, G om e W arden, Etc. N o experience. For info coll 219-769-8301 Ext. W TX533 8om -8 pm, Sun-Fri. 10-24-4P EMPLOYMENT - 7 9 0 PART TIME O r call our Jobline fo r more information at 4 4 1 -JOBS. EMPLOYMENT • 7 9 0 PART TIME EDUCATIONAL 7 9 0 - Part tim e 10-15-20B-0 Fax resume ASAP to 2 18 -14 37 or call 218-1166 U -1 1 -5 M ANNOUNCEMENTS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT 7 6 0 * Misc. Services 790 - Part tim e EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 7 9 0 - B arf tim a 7 90 - Port tim e - ÍO O - P u b lk N olle» j^A S jJ'Z /w w w . PureFilm.com W here • ^ m ^ r g in g directors screen their films f|»W orld w ide exposure and distribu- (310) 556 -35 30. 10-10-8P____ ' EDUCATION EQUALS DEBT ..G O f- TO COLLEGE FREE. Billions of feder- f al and private-sector dollars. Attend J, college free Call now 1 (800) 425- * 07 2 3 Ext. 3. 10-22-20B FIND CHEEZY Pick-up Lines At The Gath6rin g w w w ta ke m e .co m 11-14- 2B j 580 - Musical Instruction k GUITAR LESSONS: Blues, Rock. R&B. * Jazz. Experienced teacher. Andy Bu- 5, lington. 452 -61 81. 1 1-5-20B-A & 9 0 * T u to rin g i PUBLIC SPEAKING scare you to 1 death? Help is available Free semi- „ nor. Personal coaching. O n g o in g * workshop. C all the Confidence Clinic * 990 -37 66. 10-23-20B SERVICES 6 3 0 - Computer Services J ! J SOFTWARE CUSTOMIZATION and f development, database design, com- M puter/business consultation, W e b K page creation. Call Programmers In- ** ternational (512)867-9405 11-8-5B 7 3 0 - Typing PROFESSIONAL W ORD PROCESS­ ING . Also tape transcription and typ­ ing onto applications Rush |obs Call 916-Q 777 anytime 10-28-20B-C ZIVLEY THE Complete Professional Typing Service APPLICATIONS TERM PAPERS DISSERTATIONS RESUMES W O R D PROCESSING LASER PRINTING FORMATTING 2 7 0 7 HEMPHILL PARK 27th & Guadalupe 4 7 2 -32 10 j y . PAPERS DUE? Typing, proofreading, research for all your class projects. Fast. Friendly Affordable. First-rate. *3 4 6 -4 1 83. 1 1-13-19B ' WILL DO TYPING Correspondence Reports Transcription, etc. 389-0067 1 1-U-5B 7 60 - Misc. Services I HIV HOME TEST. Discreet and confi­ dential. Results in 3 days. Send $ 6 0 .0 0 to : Results, Inc., M oll Sta­ tion, Ste. 205 , Dublin, G A, 31021 10-23-20P “ INTERNET RESEARCHER. The inter net has vast amounts of information. "Too much time to research it for your projects? I will. Call for rates. 612- ^ 050 6(pgr). 1 1-13-5B ANNOUNCEMENTS 5 10 - Entertainment ■ Tickets Tickets Concerts/Sports Rush • Meiissa Etheridge • Stone Temple Pilots • Soundgarden • The Smashing Pumpkins • Spurs-Bulls 478-9999 5 3 0 - Travel - Transportation NEED A JOB? Learn interviewing skills that succeed. Dept. C 3 1 6G 1- 800 - 237-1106 EMPLOYMENT Now Accept ing A p pl i ca t io ns For THE DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIED AD TAKERS n -ttio e D u tie s in c lu d e ta k in g v o lu n ta ry ads by phone, filin g , typing , c o o r­ d in a tin g p ro je c ts , a s s is tin g sale and su p e rv is o ry sta ff w ith c le ric a l ta s k s . E x c e lle n t c o -w o rk e r and custo m e r service skills needed. FULL TIME/PART TIME Flexible schedule, Easy W ork, N o Experience, Earn $30 0-$ 600 weekly At Home, Guaranteed Coll 7 days, 1-407-875-2022 E x t 3 7 2 4 H 4 3 10-22-20B-B PAY OFF loans! I ! I those student Friendly & energetic voices needed im provement com pany. for home G reat work environment N o selling. Eves & Sun 4-6:30pm $ 7 /h r & bo­ nuses 833-7498. I0-24-20B-A P o sitions A va ila ble For Spring M -F: 9-12 $ 5 . 0 0 P e r H o u r APP L Y IN PERSON T HE D A I L Y T E X A N T S P R o o m 3 . 2 0 0 T ele p h o n e in q u irie s not accep ted. A p p lic a n ts m ust be a U n ive rsity N E A R U T ! Part/Full-time W ill of T e xa s s tu d e n t or the spou se train N /S office $6-6 2 5 /h r of a s tu d e n t -Typist touchtype 30wpm. M a c / network exp a plus 474 -22 46 -Runner: paralegal errands. Need good car 474 2246 -Clerical/bookkeeping 474 -20 32 11-4-26NC FUN JOBI Great P/T work for person loves who +$ 1 5 /h r 458 -95 69. 11-6-10B anim als Possible 11-1-20B 7 9 0 - P art tim e PRESCHOQL TEACHER 9-1 or 2 6 15. 2 5 0 -51 17 or 331 - 795 4. Center located in N W Austin 1 1-8-6B $ 6 /h r $6 /H R receptionist PART-TIME needed M W F 1-5:30. Other part- time work avail, into Spring. Kim or John, C a pital P roperties/BH &G . 458-6244. 11-8-10B RECEPTIONIST/FILING CLERK for non-smoking law office through end of semester. 476 -34 00. 1 1-8-5B DOC HOLLIDAY'S Pawn hiring P/T. N orth & South locations, A M /P M shifts available. 18yrs+ only 499- 4 81 1. 11-1 1-5P TELEMARKETERS NEEDED for part- time evenings. N o experience neces­ sary. Relaxed atmosphere $6.50+ bonus. Coll afternoons 328-4527. 11-1 1-5B SMILING FACES w anted to w ork sandwich snack Simple bar. m aking/cashier. Part-time evenings 4- 9pm $6 /h r +tips 9 1 0 W Anderson Ln. 482 -09 29. 11-11-5B-B CHRISTMAS M O N E Y I $ 6 -10/h r. Easy work, Dobie M all, 4-8pm week­ days. Call G erald for interview. 505- 234 9. I 1-1 1-20P APPOINTMENT SETTERS N o sales $ 5 /h r. to start W eekly bonus. On campus location Paid weekly. Call M ike 474-9091 11-12-4B PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST for Aveda Salon. G reat hours for students. 37 1 -18 18 11-1-16B C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E REPS Part-time Kelly Technical Services has many part-time customer rep positions avail­ able for immediate hire. Q ualified candidates should have: -excellent communication skills -know ledge of W indows -typ e 4 0 wpm Benefits: -Flexible hours -Bonuses -Paid training YMCA COME WORK TO PLAY Afterschool staff. 2:00pm to 6:30pm . WEEKDAYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, da ys/w k opportunities available Supervising and interacting with children. Various sites in Austin. $5 0 0 /h r beginning YM CA membership benefits A pply in person at 18 0 9 E 6th St. 11-4-20B-A SERVICES 7 50 - Typing ►▼ Resumes 4 4 ►▼ Papers / Tbeses 4 ►▼ User Printing 4 ► y ▼ 79< Color Copies 4 4 ►▼ Rush Jobs 4 ► 4 ^ b e l ’s Copies 4 V ¥■ 1906 Guadalupe St 4 ► 4 472-5353 7 6 0 - M ac. Services Fast, Easy Loans up to % $ 4 3 0 ° ° ! i CASH PAWN 2 2209 E. Riverside 4 4 1 - 1 4 4 4 ¥ W hat You W rite Is W hat You Are IDEAS TO WORDS provides expert W riting- Editing-Proofreading • Term Papers-Reports-Thesis • M anuscripts • Technical and Creative Copy • Resum es ITW.....Words With Power 280-8364 EMPLOYMENT MEN & WOMEN AGES 18 to 45 Up To $500.00 Compensation to p a rtic ip a te Are you a healthy, non-sm oking m an or w om an betw een the ages of 18 and 45? If so, you m ay q u a lify in a p h a rm a c e u tic a l research study and receive up to $ 5 0 0 .0 0 . The dates and tim es of the study are listed below; you must be available to rem ain in our facility for the entire period to be eligible: Check-in: Monday, December 9 Monday, December 16 Check-Out: T uesday, December 10 Tuesday, December 17 To qualify, you must pass our free physical exam and screening tests. M eals, accom m odations, e n te rta in m e n t, an d re c re a tio n a l ac tiv itie s provided free of charge. For more information, please call 462-0492 P H A R M A C O MEN & WOMEN AGES 18 to 45 Up To $650.00 Compensation Are you a healthy, non-smoking man or woman between the ages of 18 and 45? If so, you may qualify to participate in a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to $650.00. The dates and times of the study are listed below; you must be available to remain in our facility for the entire period to be eligible: Check-In: Friday, December 6 Friday, December 13 Check-Out: Sunday, December 8 Sunday, December 15 In addition, brief out-patient visits will be required on the following dates: December 8 ,9 ,1 5 and 16 To qualify, you must pass our free physical exam and screening tests. Meals, accommodations, entertainment, and recreational activities provided free of charge. For more information, please call 462-0492 P H A R M A C O ttCCCSZCCCZ233ICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC^^ LADY IN wheelchair needs part-time help w ith routine personal care and errands 476 -77 25. 11-12-5B-B FILE CLERK needed for Jenson Fishing Title Can set own P/T hours. O wn transportation. 836 -17 88. 1 1-12-4B HELP NEEDED with housekeeping, er­ rands, light office work. 1-2 after­ noons/week. G ood salary. Call 342- 1723. 11-12-4B-C TAKE HOME UP TO $ 20 00 BY XMAS$! ‘ work around your schedule cleaning private homes ‘ must be available 4 or more daytime hours ‘ must have phone and car CALL TODAY, W ORK TOMORROW 45 2 -5 3 1 0 Shannon's Personnel Service Inc since 1985 I M 2-5B T U T O R Tutor needed for Girls, ages 9-17, in a residential treatment center. Emphasis on science & math. Special ed experience or degree preferred. Must be 2 1 yrs of age 1 8hrs/w k. $ 7 .8 7 /h r Apply: Settlement Home 1600 Peyton G in Rd 836 -2 1 5 0 n r3 so COURIER NEEDED for deliver,es 1 1 30-4, Mon-Fri. Must have pick-up truck. Pays well. 322 -0 1 4 0 11-13- 5B INTERNET SURF and get paid! Tell us about yourself: W ebM aster, PO Box 2 0 0 2 5 3 , Austin, 7 8 7 2 0 . 11-I3-5B EMPLOYMENT - 7 9 0 PART TIME MCI is now hiring Part-Time English & Bilingual Spanish T elem arketin g Sales Professionals. MCI employees earn great money! They also receive outstanding benefits...paid training, health/dental/vision insurance, educatioanl assistance, free long distance calling, and much more! Apply in person today at our North Austin center located at: 9001 N IH-35 (take the Rundberg exit). MEN & WOMEN AGES 18 to 45 Up To $650.00 Compensation Are you a healthy, non-smoking man or woman between the ages of 18 and 45? If so, you may qualify to participate in a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to $650.00. The dates and times of the study are listed below: you must be available to remain in our facility for the entire period to be eligible: Check-In: Friday, December 13 Friday, December 20 Check-Out: Sunday, December 15 Sunday. December 22 In addition, brief out-patient visits will be required on the following dates: December 15,16,22 and 23 To qualify, you must pass our free physical exam and screening tests. Meals, accommodations, entertainment, and recreational activities provided free of charge. For more information, please call 462-0492 P H A R M A C O ?£XSS5SS5SS5SSSSSSSS5555SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS5SSSSS5SSZjC MEN & WOMEN AGES 18 to 45 Up To $750.00 Compensation Are you a healthy, non-smoking man or woman between the ages of 18 and 45? If so, you may qualify to participate in a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to $750.00. The dates and times of the study are listed below; you must be available to remain in our facility for the entire period to be eligible: Check-In Saturday, December 7 Saturday, December 14 Saturday. December 21 Check-Out Monday, December 9 Monday, December 16 Monday, December 23 To qualify, you must pass our free physical examination and screening tests. M eals, accommodations, entertainment, and recreational activities will be provided free of charge. For more information, please call 462-0492 P H A R M A C O MEN AGES 18 to 40 Up To $850.00 Compensation Are you a healthy, non-smoking man between the ages of 18 and 40? If so, you may qualify to .participate in a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to $850.00. The dates and times of the study are listed below; you must be available to remain in our facility for the entire period to be eligible: Check-in: Friday, December 6 Friday, December 13 Check-Out: Monday, December 9 Monday, December 16 In addition, brief out-patient visits will be required on the following dates: December 10,17 To qualify, you must pass our free physical exam and screening tests. Meals, accommodations, entertainment, and recreational activities provided free of charge. For more information, please call 462-0492 P H A R M A C O MEN AGES 18 to 45 Up To $800.00 Compensation Are you a healthy, non-smoking man between the ages of 18 and 45? If so, you may quality to participate in a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to $800.00. The dates and times of the study are listed below; you must be available to remain in our facility for the entire period to be eligible: Check-In: Friday, November 22 Friday, December 6 Check-Out: Sunday, November 24 Sunday, December 8 In addition, brief out-patient visits will be required on the following dates: November 24-26 and December 8-10 To quality, you must pass our free physical exam and screening tests. Meals, accommodations, entertainment, and recreational activities provided free of charge. For more information, please call 462-0492 P H A R M A C O s ' n r m JANUARY 2-M, 1397 ■ 4,5, 8 OR ] WIGHTS i l 7 9 0 - Part tim e S t e a n u i o a t i COLLEBE SKI TOWM USk I T0U . F M I M Y 0 M U T K M AND U U K V A T IO N t 1‘800'SUNCHASE |http:/teww.»!««nibo«t-»kl.com/CollM«.html 11 N O B O D Y DO ES SK I B R E A K S B E T T E R ! D O N ATE T O D A Y EARJV CASH TODAY u p t o # 1 5 0 /M o n th I ¿ M R . ^ m s - s i S i m Li o x-xCrí/ü lia VS. \ ¿ 5 3 it V /. L is / s j j H i, Q [ /U li iiiiJ i! br MEW DONOR HOURS: Mxm-Frl 9-3:30 Sal 10-2:30 RETURN DONOR HOURS: Moa S-5 T-TH 9-6 F 8-4 Student's #1 Choice for Extra Cash 1 ■ | I $20 I I CASH T O D A Y I l-800-SUNCHASE ; r toll rtss aBratMATJoe * txfsrjAnoiw A ► MT ne WÍM AT tm EDUCATIONAL 6 1 0 - Misc. Instruction COURSE SCHEDULING PROBLEMS? University Extension Evening Courses Might Work For You! Sm all Classes Autom atic Crecjit Transfer CALL NOW FOR SPRING P h o n e 4 7 1 - 2 9 0 0 Http iiw w w utexas e d u /d ce/u n ivext OK FIRST DONATION ONLY W C O U PONIEXP 11^0/96 $20 EACH DONATION $165 PM MONTH Can Donate 2x/week Schedule Own Time • Extra C l e a n , State-o f- the-A rt F ac ility • O n l y 1 5 M in u te s from U T C a m p u s BID MED A NEW High Tech Plasm a Facility Please Call for Appt. 251-8855 H O U R S 8 A M 7 P M I H- 35 S P tlug er ville Exit W e s t side I H- 35 behind E X X O N Need a part-time jo b to help pay colletje expenses? | Earn up to $8.34 per hr. The IRS, Austin Service C enter at 3651 S. IH '35 is recruiting for part-time Seasonal Clerks and Data Transcribers to begin working in January/February. Clerk Part-Time Shifts* Monday - Friday 6 a.m. - 12 Noon 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. 6 p.m. - 12 a.m. Saturday - Sunday 4 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 12:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. O th e r shifts available Data Transcriber Part-Time Shifts* Monday - Friday 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. 10:30 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. Saturday - Sunday Work an eight, nine, or ten hour shift between the hours of 5:30 a .m. and 4:00 p.m. Friday - Monday Work an eight or ten hour shift between the hours of 5:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. You m ust A PPLY N O W to receive consideration for these shifts. M ust he a U .S . citizen to apply. Call 1RS-JOBS (477-5627) for application information Department of the Treasury • Internal Revenue Service • An Equal Opportunity Employer L o n ghorn E m p lo y m e n t S e rvic e s W e need d e p e n d a b le p e o p le fo r v a rio u s te m p o ra ry a s s ig n m e n ts in clu d in g : c le ric a l, da ta e n try , te c h n ic a l and lig h t in d u s tria l. M ust be a v a ila b le 8 -5 s h o rt o r lo n g te rm S ta rt w o rk in g im m e d i­ a te ly . P a y $ 6 .5 0 -$ 1 0 + d e p e n d in g on as sig n m e n t. C a ll to d a y fo r an a p p o in tm e n t 326 -H O R N , J o b L in e : 4 6 2 -3 4 2 2 , In te rn e t: w w w .lo n g h o rn jo b s .c o m 10-23-206 c N ATIO N AL PARKS HIRING - Posi- tions ore now available ot N o tional Parks, Forests & W ild life Preserves. Excellent benefits + bonuses! Call: 1- 2 06 -97 1-36 20 ext N 5 8 6 7 7 30P 10-29 CRUISE SHIPS N O W HIRING - Earn up to $2 ,0 0 0 + / month w orking on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies W o rld travel (H aw aii, M exico, the C aribbean, etc.). Seasonal and full time employment available N o ex­ perience necessary For more infor­ mation call 1 -2 0 6 -9 7 1 -3 5 5 0 ext. C 5 8 6 7 1 . 10-29-30P EARN SUBSTANTIAL residual income & eliminate long-distance phone bills with prepaid phonecards C all 473- 8 5 2 9 10-29-20B EARN M ONEY for the holidays and have fun working with children. Part- time or full-time, temporary or permo- nent, M onday-Friday. 4 1 6 -7 3 4 4 10-30-20B N E A R U T ! Part/Full -time W ill train. N /S office $6-6 2 5 /h r. -T ypist: touchtype 30wpm . M a c / network exp.a plus. 474 -2 2 4 6 -R unner: paralegal errands Need good car. 474-2246. - C le r ic a l/b o o k k e e p in g 474 -2 0 3 2 11-1-20B FLORIST SEEKING delivery and sales help. A M & PM shifts available. 451- 6 7 2 8 11-4-20B-C DESK CLERKS needed, full and port- time 7am-3pm shift, 3pm -1 1pm shift A pply in person. Days Inn University. 4 7 8 -1 6 3 ! 11-7-7B-D ADVANCE TICKET SALES Immediate Openings $ 7 /h r guaranteed + bonuses and benefits. Evenings. 371-1265 1 I-6-3B-D RUN NER LAW firm has immediate opening for part time runner. Must have your own dependable transportation and good driving record. General office skiils, typing, spelling, filing, and an­ swering telephones necessary. Hours M W F 11:30am-6pm. A pply at 301 Congress, Ste 800 11-7-7B ENERGETIC SALESPERSON needed N.Austin store. Flexible hours. Hour­ ly + commissions References w ill be checked DP 832 -85 59. 11-7-1 OB EMPLOYMENT 8 0 0 - General Help W onted NOW HIRING SECURITY OFFICERS Having a hard tim e m aking ends m eet! Need extra income without sacrificing your GPA to get it? If so, we have the perfect job for you!! At Zimco we offer: • Full & Part Tim e Positions • • Evening & Night Positions • • Study W hile You Work • • C ar N ot Required • * School Holidays O ff • • No Experience Necessary • • Uniform s Provided • C A L L 343-7210 N O W Z IM C O SEC URITY CO NSULTANTS I km-K * BO IV10 Part or Full- Time F le x ib le Schedules Base $6.50 Hr. Call 454-4467 8 1 0 - Office-Clerical $ 6 $ 10/hr Certified Gov t Auction Firm now accepting applications for on-site Auction and office personnel. Flexible Part-time and Full-Time hours. * Paid Training * Paid travel * Health/Medical Insurance * Vacation Pay * Bonuses Computer Skills Required Dependable & Dedicated People Only Send Resum e to 40 0 E Andetson Lane Ste 4 0 0 Austin. TX 78 7 5 2 FAX 8 3 2 -6 8 4 0 or Apply By Phone 832-9006 Page 18 Thursday, November 14, 1996 T h e D a il y T e x a n Crossword Edited by Will Shortz D ILB ER T No. 1003 ACROSS 1 Close in on, old-style t Pioneer Dadaist • Command in a western 19 Played 19 Sea duck 17 The king has drowned, in 33-Across? 18 Yarn 1 9 ------ whim 20 She, to Chanel 21 Spread 22 Stable fare, in 33-Across? 24 Bulbous glass vessel 27 Sports finales, for short 2 8 Gibraltar, e.g.: Abbr. 90 Paddled 99 This puzzle's theme 99 Con men, in slang 40 Cauterize 41 Baths 44 Whisky Rebellion suppressor 45 Noted family of philanthropists 47 Drag Miss DuBois to dinner, in 33-Across? 91 Her cow set Chicago ablaze, 1871 92 Buggy 53 Cousin of a Comanche 56 Naturalists' 29 Statutory----- study ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 87 Father finch, in 33-Across? 99 Seafood entree 00 Popular Christmas gift 81 “— — Bones Gwine ter Rise Again’ (old song) 82 Psalms and Proverbs, e.g.. Abbr. 89 Copped DOWN 1 First name in folk 2 Extra bright 3 Andean land: Abbr. 4 “ Exodus"hero 5 Put the lid back on 6 Not straight 7 Newswoman Poussaint 8A.S.A.P. 9 Hater 10 Confirmation and others 11 Aphrodite's amour 12 “You------ kidding!" 14 “ I haven’t 16 Mitch of 60 s rock 21 No longer stocking 22 Inkling 23 Orch. leaders 24 Gov. Landon 25 Russian for “peace” " D o o n e s b u r y By carry trudeau Puzzte by J a m e * R. Leads 26 Princess' tormentor 90 Fishing basket 31 Atmospheric: Prefix 32 Villa------ 34 Stand 35 Words on a freshness label 36 Revivalist, for short 37 Skylark or Eagle, e.g. 38 Divs. of a day 41 Jeer 42 Wan 43 Anatomical ring 50 Bouquets, to wine 45 Ad salesmen have them: Abbr. 53 Doing, so to speak 54 Asian unit of connoisseurs 46 Eyeopeners 48 Weight allowances 49 Smart one weight (actually) 55 In 57 Writing tip 58 Bother, with “at" Answers to any three clues in this puzzle are available by touch-tone phone: 1-900-420-5656 (75c per minute). Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. Super Longhorn Want Ads 20 WORDS YOUK KÉSUttÉ LOOKS G00DJ BUT CJE COULD ONLY PAY HALF OF 60HAT YOU'RE W AKING NOU). ARE YOU INTERESTED? SO... YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A BRILLIANT ENGINEER U)H0 IS a c t i v e l y SEEKING A PAY CUT? by Scott Adams /^COELL, YOU ^ HAVE TO CONSIDER THE MANY INTANGIBLES. •SUCH AS ttY S A V IN G S ACCOUNT i f I WORKED H E R E ? Da il y T ex a n C la ssified s EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 800 - General Help Wanted CLAIMS ENTRY MEDICAL INVOICING Steady work, excellent income, flexible schedule. Students welcome. Some DOS experience helpful, modem. 33 1-3 9 0 0 or 800-359-9221. 11-13-10B m o w ThírTmgí University Sales and Marketing, the leader in on s KAVf D £ C IH C TO H C L f voo GCT Vtx/R B o J > y B AC X A rriT IC ALL — m r . YLAH- w r REALIZED HitT FRliNPSfllP ¿.oYALry... Fibf<-'Ty... Tuae thinap a r e important than Ai o r í- v AMYTH/Na cums “ c o u l d crrtu us... so WE Rl GcONh/A M AKf m PUT ÍVtKYTHhH* \*ACX T B NOR** *i N I NOTtCEP YOU FAILEl> >0UK Ko9 y a o r YOU K lC K E b O F F youR t.r*. s o f t b a l l t f a m , ANt> My Bub suppler Jj o f s n ’t R E ALLY M E IN THIS Bow B e l ie v e / > i h J>au6U t o ntNTlOH THltT 850 * Retail G R f A ' F / I LdAS UrtNlmiNii W /iW you Two wouuh Com? AXcunb! You GUYS... >ou auys Ak£ ivc Bzsrf o*.. ixcuse rue'... i s n T f í I Fl&LiRED THAT S c fM f BACK TWfAE I WAS WORTH / | T ¿ F A S J A T lB L F J>ANCf THE NV XT T / / * jr yjt Hrr the > £ l l o w Xoje// f o r t , w u n n y To S ca n th e ou-ts tcxke 9 v r \... j u s t a im 2 f s b o o t, th e la s e r i t s t h a t ENTRY-LEVEL OPPORTUNITIES A IM Management Group Inc., based in Houston, is one of the notion's top mutuol funds monogers. We re experiencing tremendous growth. Our otmosphere provides all the excitement of o new company combined with the comfort and backing of a solid organization. This is your opportunity to. join AIM Monogement as we seek entry-level professionals for our Austin office. Mutual Fund Raprasantativas In this Austin-based position, you'll join a teom responsible for communicating fund policies and provid­ ing services to shareholders, potential shareholders and brokers. Qualifications include 1-2 yeors of customer service experience, famifiority with computen, excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work independently os well as on o teom. A college degree ond experience in the financial industry ore preferred. Rusuarch & Records Specialist in this entry-level position, you'll be responsible for providing administrative ond dericol assistance for the Operations Deportment. Qualifications include ot least one year general dericol experience, excel­ lent recordkeeping ond organizational skills, accuracy ond speed in entering dote ond the ability to work independently. When it comes to employee motivation AIM Monogement is right on target. We offer a compre­ hensive benefits package, excellent training program ond on opportunity to work with stote-of- fhe-art technology within o highly professional atmosphere. We ore reviewing resumes for o start date of 1 /6 /9 7 We invite qualified candidates to fax a resume ond salary requirements to ( 7 1 3 ) 2 1 4 -7 5 6 5 c/o S M -M F R -A u s tin . Resumes m ay also be mailed to Human Resources-SM , P .O . B ox 4 3 3 3 , H o u sto n , T X 7 7 2 1 0 - 4 3 3 3 . P E O P L E A R E O U R P R O D U C T We're on equal opportunity employer