^st "u_. •"V ''"i £.$m 3SP» KS™ *t*km i «B4Wf i rp <* m' each paleface's belt a; gory. Hed efficient eare of Duncan,,who ates, is fll at Seton JDoilnnaryv 3. Evangelization^ of the World in [in scalp, upon each one of which had usual strong' game.. Bob 11 and this, /denization.I&/L/ m stamped, by 'the cleats of some Feldalike the* tackles in took care, of Miss Batchelder, State Secretary, vis^ trior's boot, the unmistakable figures 4i Protestant Missions in _ Soafli great style, for they not onrnjasaisted : ited Huntsville,Sunday,Monday and L'his was tne-«] America.J " . •: to 0. This the-first time that .the other men to get throUg^ j|i$th tie. Tuesday. She spent Wednesday moan­ as had ever succeeded in even scor-ball, but On occasions came out||i,nd car­5. India and Christian" Opportunity. ing in Austin on her way to Waxa­on her; savkge friends, and the ried the oval forward for si^||tantiai 6. Japan arid its Regeneration. hachie arid other schools in that vicinity. torial artists, as well as the other gaina^tbemselves, while on dejfejijise they. 7. Down on the Hills of Tang, or al supporters of the team, were all were rocklike. Fred1 Rame idemon-Missions in China. The Worths Week of Prayer H y elated, as the events of the even-strated his ability to diversify; piy going • If you wisn to join a class in one of ing observed every day at twelve. Mrs. will bear out beyond question. The in at guards which position!^e filled these courses, hand your name and the Jewett led Tuesday and Wednesday. ory was as unexpected as it was with great .credit to himself, despite his course you wish to the general secre­Miss Decherd will lead Friday and Miss come; and there were two reasons game ankle;; and Mainland at the Other' tary, or any member of the Missionary Hall on Saturday. it, even the Statesman does. stat§ guard was equally efficient in opening Coinmittee: Householder, Pipkin, Hides, t there is but one. In the first place holes Whenever they were needed, and .W. -H. Campbell,-Scott Brown, Milroy, The Missionary Committee is 4oing instopping them up when the Indians Atkinson. some very helpful work .outside of the ter and weaker than it has ever bieen tried to find them. Captain Parrish at Also in Bible Study the following University.-Miss Flor«KC\Weet Will ny previous year that it has'played centersurpassed even himself, for he was courses are offered to students of the begin a Mission class Japan at the -Texas, but besides this, and by no not only steady in passing the balland Ui&verslty ?•*$+• --.-»r " --1', Blind. -Institute, nest week. ' K ns to be overlooked, is the fact that the other regular line work, bat he re-• y 1 Texas team which lined up against; peatedly broke through ithe line arid7 •r The entire cominittee will meet with skell l&st Friday is perhaps the blocked Haskell's kicks, thereby causing 3. Old Testament Chiscracters. a Ladies Missionary Society week after arigest aggregation that Texas has them to lose much ground and often the 4. A Critical Study of the Life of next to give them new Ideas for Mission r sent against the Indians. The boys possession of the ball as well. . work. Christ. , : • med to have profited by their ex-Thus it will be seen that every mcin* desiring^ to take or one more ience abroad. For the market im-ber of the Texas team contributed his of these courses will hand their names The Soeial Committee is planning a vement which they exhibited in this part to the victory and it is to the and the course preferred to..the general novel meeting for Thanksgiving week. ir first. game since the trip was a team as a unit rather than to any single secretary, or to any member of the Miss Garrett is working on a very S'i!s:­elation to anyone who had watched player that the result is due. The men Bible study committee; Parrish, Glass< unique poster for this meeting. sir-"previous play this season. The "got together" in good shape and moved cock, Ramsey, Mainland. i'pt SS•: im worked as smoothly and as easily in perfect rythym" to the tune of the These and the Mission Study clf&seS We want to send Thirty' men to any perfectly oiled machine and each signals! ...-.. •r« will be held once a week at the board­Ruston Conference this yesur. How ember of it did his part in a Manner The Indians Were necessarily on the ing houses, fraternities, and other con­much are you interested in the matter! it defied criticism^ or censure. Arid defensive most of the time, hence it is' venient places in groups of ten or twelve, If you know of any good men who can much praise can not be given to hard to pick their stars. They were all at hours to suit the convenience of the go, hand In their names to Mr. Crntdi-— &aeh Schenker and Professor. Metzen­ plucky, but were simply outclassed and members. •' field. lin for this result, which they have outplayed. -Prophet at right end played sored so faithfully to achieve. We, . a strong game, while he distinguished more through left; guard; But Texas is The lecond touchdowri is scored on a .•«* Umrtl by bli HMttng MSi J is no ue solely to the Indians' Weak-more practice and experience he Is fair —-Bend*fweU-evented-forward pass-to"©OMasirT pss,.but that it was due at lea8t :to^ivttV,^ rickiBon bucks 4 yards over left piard TiinevS. to the superior" playing • arid and Haskell is penalized is "yards"for Mahon kieks an easy goaL^JegWti;: e large score it was^an inter- Mtless team work of the Longhorn holding-T^ldwell^iris lO yards around Texas, l2| Haskeiiro7 ^ "^T game from standpoint of t^e inch. The honors for-spectacular work right end. Hastings gets 6 through left spectator* Sensational plays were un* Haskell kicks off to easi^^ Hendricksoiff^he numi>er of corked repeatedly, arid the play moved, guard^and ClldweH AT" "through right line; Hendriekson returns 35 yards, but les which he was able to find in the guardi^Feldahke adds 7 more through runs out of bounds and the ball is taken with snap and swiftness. dian line was amazing^ while the way left guard and Hendrickson goes over back part of the way and brought In . With the .same snap and good team which he circled their ends for long for 6 yards and a touchdown. Time 4 15 yards. Caldwell gains 1 yard through work that was-displayed in this game ins, and his nimble, foot work in minutes and 40 secorids. McMahon right guard, but Texas is penalized 15 Texas should have no trouble in defeat­ dging through broken fields for long kicks goal. Scote: Texas, 6; Haskell, 0. yards for holding. A quarterback kick ing her, old enemies from College Sta- was admirable. Caldwell at the Texas kicks off to Haskell's 5 yard goes out of bounds and the ball la tion^ ' . •her half gained his share of the round, line, .b&t the ball is brought back and brought in 15 yards and given to Haa­ 1 ^ ­ °, and was consistent . and reliable The Game in Det^tiL rekicked on.. accorint of Texas' off ,^|de kell. B&ird gains 1 yard through right' roughout the game, while Hastings Haskell wins the toss arid kicks off play. • McMahon kicks the ball beyond guard, and another buck by HaskeB nets -laterj Krahl did splendid work at to Texas' 10 ya:rd line. Adams returns the Haskell goal 'line, and the latter 3 yards. -Haskell'is peralfeed 15 ill McMahon at. quarter displayed ex-15 yards;. Caldwell goes over left tickle covers the ball for a.touchtaok. Haskell for holding. An attempted forward pass ^lieiit judgment and a cool head j%un-for 8 yar^s; Hendri^kson cross-bucks 5 kicks out 35 yards from her *25 yard touches the ground and the ball is re­|Pg. the', team -well and being. 4uick to yards. Caldwell bucks 5 and Hendrick-line. Caldwell returns 17 yards; Hend­turned and given to Texas. , CUkfrreH iscover and make use; of the enemies' son circles left" end for 14.-, Ramsdetl rickson bucks, over right guard for 12 bucks, right guard foryards, and ^ak spots, while ,his tackling in the bucks over right guard for 12 yards and yards.j^aldweU gains 5 yai^s around; Hendrickson makes 20 yards throu^i *ick fiield and his handling of kiekls was Hendrickson* gets^t^ mOre aroirnd left right end. Hastings goes through suc­left guard. Cslidwdl.-punts 35 yards and 're and effertiVe.f^Je kicked all four, end. Ramsdell again bucks thr^i^ tkfa cessfully^for 0 yards and i> yards] and sBaj^c^ retuxna .l^ifardsw'-" the goals from touchdowns, besides time for 13 yard8|i arid Feldal^e adds 7 Caldwell adds T yard-through the line. r * . ills jfrs-. SS3w *15*j^-x »7Y •tws TI1E TEX AA • »«i Hatfctll Indian**|i to itiMM W fj^iS " 'i'i-':-f' kell fumbles *nd Febfrhke secures the fbaU and r«a* 60 ywd?. Heiidricksoi* t©emttau*d (wai W ^ gfttna tt yard* through right tackle. FeJUx replaces "• Prophet Hendriekson yard*, ©ftWvrcll ^anmn^ right end gait\s^$ yards through left tackle, Hast* fails to gal« through left tackle. Mc­ fcftd ft»%ai4pa#*the halltaueheji Maboa talk baefc aad drop kicks a beau-, tU greuad *M i» brought teek *»i iful |?o»l from field. Time 4 minute^.. U--flV¥[rar:-Kjiftlffr Kff fftA ? Tfcxaav 2S j Haskell, 0» 5*®h» a»d kiek* &Mer replaces Fred Iftamsdelk Has­ kell kieks otf, but the ball goes back of \mfc* i ywd^ vft. Te&ta* j^al line a»d Texaa punta from '&&•. &; to*#: ilMSIf her yard line* Haskell retnrnsS tm>k ewtffcer pufci Ibe batt mm ya*d?k Mel«ain fails to gain around left |kQT wel(lw#;j^';0iftfe»H «9«i#fir inrtL wi d*»w£ " A bflafc eresa^buek and \yorka a forward pass 10 yard^ MeLain gains 1 yard I -* ": L» yV to* 1m*to* »»d and am huek* Mt %*d m*m\ kfeka, *feMabo*!iw^ m *** *** ^buck® right mttettf* fttt& m*m\ kfeta, Me&tataft, f©r 1 yard* Haskell attempts a Ibe kfekawd ¥*ldabke m&xm plaee kk>k from fields but the ball is *bebalt a»d advaam 3& yard%> but tbe ble«k»d by Parrfehv Hipkeira to Ha^eJl« ball ou ball vetaraeA *«& $vea ts> Haafeeft falls sail 45 yard liw. Haskell fails to gun over *t to* around right e«d»' An atte^ipted drop IX fakft ^1^ Ha^U l^^ 10 kiftk goea <&«!/ et bounds on Tesa^ 12 < ya*4^ fefela 8ft yard* to M^ Ml -TT-Krahl bueka eenier ft>r 3 yards. Hend­ Wa»X-^\ nfettMft* tl& baft * **i ^ ^ t«kk. kMi MMn iMMTMi i«)^ Tta« is |»»w " J.A. A» k iwi ww* HMtett tws«» S !»» tou«J«e» the ttiftt)* ••Qr(ki<)^e* » >«ek «wi «h®*~ j 0>» U»)l px« (o B«skeH on Mra*4M#-*MMft; ^**s S# y»rd liwe. "MM M» cnt tir^k a i^a<» kfek b«t t<» fer Ij yardv Baird guins 1 yard IWm* bw^M yard tbm^h kfl ta«*K attempts bift^ £•#» <>#t ^f b^aada and fe a ^kfek , fiw» IfekL M«Xlabo«i I*$**& aad^vwite l^%k^ retwrn-y^Td«s Caldwell g«>es; around ^ 5dfeMab^ wb<3> Tla^S\^ b*« on 40 rard lisw. tett. Ivt-^ rtim h s$«fts $ yard* v>« a. left;e»d. run. llislje® fcWfci! tv>> HaiKaLii. wbo re(tarm to* wto* %k* mi. yw^.j iletwartgfesoai" ^ 5S y5»?^ 1 wwr '" ILmJk. a fatty ItSdfc, b«A. asad Ike ball gas* Iwl **$ amt turn m y«w^ <0*M^t WmM ^t(w Mlt ^ v . . *> 9Mte m 40»ft w<«r •3swfi limr 3$^Jte%, $ ^ w& ^«fe . m$m ma pmte-m •:m^-9smtx h&r 3® to* ^ --asti ^^.'at nm, ^^ l?Jw^ ^ vem i. Ntftfc*. • .._. ..... Iffi 6LUNDBLL BARBER SHOP Tkree «^a&r^ eqaipm«nts> bot ^ F^t^ss 1"f,&rk g^fiaraa1te«d. tfioe Lavaca St , Vs 'j a5^^£JIS«s. ^ \V® apa»% PEAS«MW»Tl^Snos; it "-;h * ^ " "J 'I ­ AUSTIN NATIONAL BANKI $ 15oyooo -— 29o/ioo2^ooo^ooo THE PLACE TO fat SALGES RESTAURMI ' t» t4® Opeaot Hc«e. :^: fsxa West Sot& S«L Floeiift ;nol MUWt BK MAIOS AHDQBWL Caag. Aws.. * SOS, , SEQSZL toy^. auxefi ttisffleK. &w it&aegi&mak. NELSON DAVISk «t» mxx& a WWk £.»& -i.<1 <4Cr November made its appearance Sun-The edition is rather large, too irge, in fact to be interesting thrqugh­tire-jme If it were, filled with selections rom the pens of Jack .London, Robert lairr, Ellis P. Butler, and others of their lind. the matter of wmilij different; but the average Aufeggriber's iste for University, of Texas literature limited, and seventy-two pages a lit­ e more ' than godT the limit"—not to aention the fact that it must be depres­ing to the financial end of the manage­ment. '>.„ /t'.! The first prose contribution, "The Dne Coyote," is well worked up, and ilds »the readers attention to the very ad. But the learned author evident* -forgot something in selecting his haracter.; for the coyote, which, in this ketchf" is portrayed as a large, fierce east, is, in reality, the.smallest of the Enus to which he' belongs an^ the most Qeaking coward on-earth. Otherwise le story is all tight, "Concerning Athletics," by an un­lown criterion, solves, offhanded, the thletic questions that have baffled out-Dor sport* leaders for the past genera-ion. The attention of the Athletic Duncil should be called to the article, Specially to that portion which draws logical a distinction between the pro­fessional and amateur, and that pre­|ribes_iJ»fr conditions ^mder -wissdr^each |ould play. '• • --• |f."The Moon Hollow Mystery," a tale the Pecos river, is ja .well worked-iip tory of the "skeery-skeery kind," in fhicb a crazy frontiersman, bent on Jeeping settlers out of the trans-Pecos Duntry, set the river on fire every time iy prospectors, who (in this story) al­rays" traveled' by night,, attempted to Iross the Pecos. Hogsheads of .oil, jitored in a river dug-out which coiild te entered only ion hands and. knees, pas poured upon the river to furnish fuel for the fire when the always be-lighted travelers crossed* -How the oil syas procured, and. how put into "the low-mouthed dug-out, is left a mystery more subtle than the original "Moon pollow Mystery.^ 'I Went A-Fishin'.was probably en-JPygble while it lasted, but the account lot it is rather dry reading. 'The Scrub" is well \yritten and is.in­terestingjy told by one who apparently "A Guide to common Carriers of Belle-land!' is three pages of nonsense—which, some"siy, Is relished, now and then even by the wis­ est .men. 7 ^ Chit Chat, containing "A Fool Can Learn," "A. Robbery on the Planet Mars,"-and:"One Way It Is Done," is an improvement ovefr last month. "A Fool Can Learn" is corking good; "A Robberyf' etc., is palpably over-drawn, but not without its merit: "One Way It Is Done," 4^-*-reminiscentiy None..are bad. . ' Of the Book Reviews, "Bred in the Bone" and "Dreamy Days?' furnish good insight into the respective volumes to vhich they refer. Both are concise and -veil written. "In the Tennessee Moun­tains" is also good and also well writ­ten. But the reviewer has set off his eview quite a lot of extravagant dicta . »vhich makes his contribution rather •ong for a book -review. Of course, no jne is comjpelled to endorse his dicta, r even read it, but • it.is there, never­;helfess, a menace to the rapid" assimi­ation of the review " "With Other Colleges," ifitjod^ed with the statement that "if the depart­ment meets with the approval of the tudent body, it will be extended and leveloped," is a. new departure which it:is hoped will-meet the approval and ecure the encouragement of °thef;student body. It throws some interesting-light upon what other colleges aire doing. For Instance, the following: V; "Tulane University finds itself in the throes of «ig^^ year Tulane has been marvelously free from strenuous campaigns, but „tiiere seems to be creeping in„a spirit of rival­ry between fraternity men and non-fra­ternity men, and . even between classes of the same depa,i*tinent."; From which we infer that Texas is not alone in its ^I^'^atvfights. Perhaps, some day, the , barb elements all t>ver the land will rise up and swat the fraternity clement off the face of -the earth, /an* K' " ** » i , ' *• «• „ -.A 1 When buying your Fall Clothes Look Deeper Than the Surface. -•v Make a direful inspection of. the *''inside*' materials and workman­ & <*8 ship. If you < will come here and do that with the Autumn and Winter models of SMITH-WILCOX Smart Clothes you will find that in quality, tailoring, as well in style and fit they have no equals. •f£ SUITS 4^ 7 . ;$12.50 to $40 mgsm'OVERCOATS . $40.00 to $50 RAINCOATS $12.50 to $35 IJ?—'3 SMITH & WILCOX .n 608 CONGRESS AVENUE. AUSTIN 4 R. S. GRAVES, M. D., Ex city and county health officer. Physician and surgeon. Office over Yates A Hunter's Drug Store. Office phone, new.^ri..Res. phones, new 199; old, 1213. ' DR. FRANK McLAUGHLIN, Office phones 407; residence!, 2S old;"^ 35 new. * Short Story Contest" merely relates the progress of that movement. "The Wist­ful Ones," suggests .^missionary work among the home-sick. All of' you be­ gin here, please! - "Exchanges" are brief, but Hrell chosep,. "VerH^s." are too numerous to criticise, generally. "Evening," hbwever, deserve? special mention for its smoth, even, flow and almost perfect metre—Something rather unusual in UQiversity^borit "poe­try." "^tlilight haws been a litile more .^wicreteiji-: Thua ends jhe review^ in contradis­tinction to a-criticism or compliment^ of th$ Magazine* X«t us hope that next month inore attention will be to quaUty asd l«a to STEINWAY-KNABE-STARR —PIANOS— JESSE FRENCH PIANO CO. Maaufactureia and Divtribntoci HIGH CLASS PIANOS. Phoae «• »95 Each Phoacii **3 CoatWM-Aft.^ ­ u^OBB bid st^e, dassedwith the frat wtthtbe A. DALI ' Hdnae I410.S3 'Afyft--, * JWVtar i^Sr j$jL Zr >Vv w ^ ,%.^i «&** -4. M0& y -jr^?Jb' •'-A-r , THE TEXAN. ^ and pub-University Editor-in-Oilef Athletic Ed. M.C.A.Emim1 distanctkea from those preceding. The leading colleges have abandoned this *^b few cxoc^tiotts, using the extgrav­ajga. In *few years the growth of T<™ ^ the adc^tkm of this aot a atattor of choioe, but 99 r^*.-. r,-­ 7 the «h of the stmte­^^^be ad^Hon of fl»k make file annuaJ £kaict frcan a matter trf distiiictrw­^ 84 «»*»dera­ mum, fiihonid he striet2y tbe ^ Mm inacd «| ihgt^ ga^wJinn-i3.!! Ill H. 1.1-1 11 E. E. ZIMMERMAN, Pro|>rictor. 806 Cmgrtn Aremu Bosch* LMndrjr BuilditQf TURKISH BATHS CRYSTAL COFFEE HOUSE Still serves the best 26c meal in the city. J Short Orders t Specialty. 6x0 Brasoi St. Austin, T**?* HANCOCK HOTEL 't L. T. HAHCOCK, Proprittor. ^ Adjoins Hancock Opera House, Post-office and Masonic Temple. The best $2JOO Hotel in the city. > SATES $au» TO ta.50 PES DAY. Commercial Trade Specially Solicited. 1 SIGLHOFER'S BAKERY Families And parties furaished with bread, cakes and confeetionB on short no­tice at reaaonable rates. • .v .. xoo6 Cong. Ave. Opposite ^ Court House. U;J-V BOTH PHONES 348. E. SEELIG, Imported and domestic cigars and tobaccos, smokers' articles, newspapers and periodicals, largest billiard hail in tbe city. 615 Ave. AUSTQI. 1Iltf VII V 11 PI HHS GKOCEBIES. Special attention to student i»i dtidb •47- ioxo Ave. reason lor our adoption of the policy in advance of the predicted time when the growth of "Texas" will make its adoption necessary. But in what ap­pears in the^ annual, aside from the mere question of distinctiveness, is also the business of the purchasers of the Cactus —the student bodty.* The Cactus it sdf is only a souvenir of the at «»ll««e-W^—and I» voice the >entl­®Mnt of one . who . would not „ know _a. from a female emblem, should he nieet. it, unescorted, in corridor 8bould at least be considered, if not consulted in the^ matter of institntin^ destroys ,ai, custom N^jfed a8. thai Of printing tty ; I^dt^s.? The artificial en­ nothing-to the >phaatin^i .to:':t%o.;^^hfa|' frat ja»an_ ' i^tt^braaee—-wri thecustomof be abc Wished of tj^s %r Get distinctive­ ®oretH%iMl. is also the bwtQK > *k^ar they pktorv or & CO. THE PAWlfBBOKEBS. •_ BIB SPOkTING GOODS. Will give m "•Vfs BASGAHfS in ererytbing. >£? At 5 J-i < fi 6z3Congnas Ave. Both Phoaea, ' ^'.7, From the oldest and deepest mine, in the Indian Territory. '' . J The Coal Oat ^'made "McALESTER" Famous , ^ Sol^.onfy by Both Phones 246, E3^-Si&t3 Driakill Histel Bmldinfc Texu. If you want to buy booka aes m* H. P. V. aAMw^w. 3fevV, J* Hmt S^^Afcfrrttrsttfh GtmU CmB» ••rfWdAVGnpt €0. TO Wukasch Confection^ Store an emblem on the page usually ^ apart to than is thwn to detade, but, in deriding the e aH of theoa; part of us sww of them; and a31 of as like sobib of them, some of the time; ai^. we lib them all a Klnrgwi^n* sight hrfter ths® might like them better .vitbcHii the et( bl^ a^ its ccRicomitausiH-w i^s hsff laia. • • ^ -••• 1 ' q'^j' 1 ' 1 • * V j • ^fce KQDAK |irato «*«y Congreee A«% a^iataxra^ • mm%m ^ „ i:, -0* mm ohinisa xooan aad WmL im m 'fe - R.r ;i | r ^ w THE TEXAN. 3^ rw € f JOINT MEETING. the Freshmen to come up and buy their MV tickets. lt wai further d<»ided i*3L rj-THE RUSK. The Busk literary Society wascall­^ to order by President Ruchville, (—A1- at seven o'clock, Saturday |evening. yter' -£4 The following inte^ting^:^ program |was heard: „ v. i" Declamation—L. G. •garter. Orations—R. B. Banks, Roy Cousins. I Debate—Affirmative: E, H. Crockett, p. Davenport; Uegative: H. Duman, p. W. Fielder. ^ 1 A-­ til Mr. Boon was exc by the ifrom speaking. if was unprece­dented,in the Rusk; pit since it was [well kjiowft that Mr. Bji&n was a hearty supporter of the oratorical squad which yelled the Long Horns on to victory over the Squawmen Friday . afternoon and that his voice was taken from him somewhere on the Avenue Friday even­ing, the society voted to excuse: him,;on condition that Jie put forth every effort m his power to t»me;by the said voice before his next appearance on the pro­gram. ' ,. • I The program for next Saturday-eve­ning is as follows: Declamations—T. R. Boon, G. C. Pair, J. M. Patton. . -' ^ ^ I * Orations—W. L. Tittle (the reporter ;was unable to translate the. program colmimittee's handwriting here). Debate-^-Affirmative: Sivect, J. .^E. Quaid; negative, Shelly,"Thompson. " Question: Resolved that the United States was Justifiable in Taking over the Cuban Government. A NEW LAW SOCIETY. members of the:junior law class Tuestfayaftigfnoo^ pose of organizing &, law society. 1 A committee was appointed to draft constitution and by-laws. The society was named in honor of William Stewart Simkins. The purpose pf the society « the discussion of current legal ques­tions and cases. The following were en­siled as members.: Thornton, Maxey, Hardy CaldweU, Hosey, T. O. Davis, tt WoIf?' Harroid, Rosefield, Tittle, Hopkms, Branaford, Haynesr Gairett, CHORAL CLTJB. ;,a. m, acting upon the^uggestion of The ^Ihat a GirPs Qlee Club be organ­ob-V v"laken the steps in the r^in fact the dub is an as­ 8urL fa act; lfc ni, , already assumed,deg­' Mx. 8^aPe* 0f «oiirse Gfcl'a Gle$ Club is Mfnnft ^ r00 ^0^^ an^ ^rousical a des k litution^Dt tfaisfiatUr^ be known in •Cl*b and Ust0I7 M Tke Choral meet,n« will t* .? held iext tiojj ••.*? CTening to perfect organlza­ ^»nd Select offifeen. ws • ** s I iiiBtitnr bte expected of the new ^'1,'™.18 % the fact that a-a||| fcurtord, fc R. Bell, J. B, Mai^nigliliand. •• -w • ipl, JJ. McKe&n, A. C. Petsch, Cox.| The judges i$red a ' decision in favor of the a Jtive.' ' • 1, Walker, who spokeI on-the subject —the society. He is an. old-;|opp»er, having belonged to the AthenaejUi^i 16 year ago. ­ > "On concluding| the program, :niles were adopted;||§^:tke preliminaries hi the inter-socie||r| debate. Much inter­est is already Jt^nifested in the coming debate,' and the Athenaeum expects" to hold up her old reputation.^ , The "prayer services being held'each evening this week-are proving* a source of great spiritual strength to those who TEXANS AT JOHNS HOPKINS. WMssmm The following men are attending"the Johns Hopkins School of ..Medicine: K. U. Beall, *99; F. C. Beall, '02; M. B; Wesson, 'p$y J. S. Robinson, '04 j P; X Nixon, '05; E. L. Gilcreest, '06; p. 'E. Monroe, '06. —O -' ^ ­QUESTION FOR DEBATE. ­ The question for the Inter-Society de­bate as submitted Hy the faculty com­mittee on Forensics and Oratory is: '^Resolved, That the Suffrage in Texas Cities, with Reference to municipal Af­fairs, Should be Restricted to Taxpayers on Real and Personal Property."'' If you wish, to rent or buy a' Sei^ us.. ' We make the teniasr ;.p fQFTEXAS ; vj. R. N Bosh Temple/ cor. Congress Ave and >*1 Eighth Street. , ' ­ - Both PItone# "V Open Ereiilao ; The Freshmen engineers and acedema held a joint Meeting last Monday after­mon and elected W. L. Shaw manager of the Freshmen football kt^am. Mu<^i enthusiasm was manifested. The ''Gob­lins of 1910" are awakening from their long dream, and expect to whip every­thing before them wi#ftheir football team. They say it is a "hummer." *o- FRESHMEN ACADEMS MEET. \^ The Freshmen academs met again last Saturday afternoon. They adopted class hats, and utcidently talked Freshmen re­ception. The finance-committee report*. aJ . Ann % * —. • • e<*. °®ly $23 pn hand, and argued for. meeting that no tickets should be told m after November l7. So come lorth^ $rie»hin^^ Show iH«t you w® game. Produce $2. Give yoijur« upp«ar classman friend » ^eoinp.^ Make a date. Rent a dress suit,-Buy. a pair of white gloves. Come to the Freshmen reception. -'' 0 (1 -Tsmn»*jWTOX"8ona» . 3 ———.in „ r-v_ e~ . >' u. _The girls of the senior clam invlto >11 other University; g|rb to a vaudeville i performance to be presented by student ^ talent in Mrs. Kir^a room* ftqm 4 to S& - JSjyJ-^ 1900. kobAK FINISMIING... JORDAN f» P. W. McFADDEN p M Mil!FP DRUGGIST. . V 4Ti* lYUIJLlEtflV , -*••1 ——Two Stores University 6rng Store, 2300 Guadalupe. Up-Town Drug Store, 1610 Lavaca. HUTCHCRAFT SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. llS 6ia ; Congress^ BON TON BAKERY, ADOLPH KOHN, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. 730 Congress Ave. _ -----" qpftjfbread, cakes and confectioneries on short notice at reasonable rates. Both phones 572. * 1 DR. G. M. Physician and Surgeon. Office, YateS A Hunter's Prug^ Store; office at University Drug Store, 7 to ft, »n. Tpli'phon» oonn^tinni. , , , •••»»•••»»»•#!» 122 E«»t Nintfc Street -Aft ideai resort for refined people?­Three sessions daily. Music every tesiion.. Free ItcspectfidBy Invited Fyee prize drawing at each afternoon and night session. .. -• < I' * > W.A.ACHILLES&CO DEALERS IN Groceries, Wood, Feed ind CoaL ', Both Phonee, 394. ' Corner Guadalupe and W, Sixteenth Sts. gURNHAM BROS. -DEALER IN- Wall Paper, Pdntsaad, i . Varnishes, Window Glue. PICTURE FRAMING • SPECXALTT.; 7x1 Coagreas Aw. — i—. »— , ' *_ J.'W. GIBSON M. D, *• 1 001 Congress Ave. -ft? BOTH PHONES. r-^4-_M Old 759» *4­ MALE ACADEMT * 1 AUSTIN, TEXAS. Prepares ^specially for the University of Texa». Affiliated. '111 J. STANLEY rOKD, PrlndpaL#vf» Old Phone 179s. 6x0 W. I9U1 it IIP! : OK. r. W. SWTB, DENTIST. ^ Oppo^ite Avenue HoUl, over XaUer. 36»&? Phone 1034. ~ t A 7«* Coagxees Ave.^%^' A«»ti«,Te»i.5^tt • * I at r?) -Satisfaetio* gi^teedr ^ 5.C i'V^l ^ «*'iv ?• * and in prieee. H t • ' jii'' 1 ' I C. H. Phones 444. OK n«M j-m? r Virt Sp«Mbt fn Icbm for ilw «if" Xa­ ST1- bT ""J Have yon tried i# good^ ">h ify pktrn im ^and who (or the last two yens hkr OwKeller's JPENTIST'ovpiritm' and ottf vifm iHD|»»«> THE TEXAN. A and Personal Mention \ •» yV "LL*' i ~*-m » ' <-• • Y; ..,' 0 ..... ••••.« . '.. . ­lr V •rj®-*-*n:y|~ Jfcj .iv. r-",*Hfci».^'-, A crowd of young people oftbe Urn* %3WBjBpHWr 4 k ^ |x*waty, chaperoned by Mrs. Speaxa, en M ff CHOCOLATES IfcM iifcfe tar «feai Wl#ft* tiifepy®1 tk»(«ftww*w at Bease Paik iimHI il (M^ M* » «•**,./ ^jwday. KODAKS loaned to student*. J<**jp. \V*a*** IJpkj I*1. B. ^ii I«^ Is alwa^ m v^\ (10 Oaafittt Aw, upstair*. s ; -., •ft |^fVyH%?% J: H ungtari* Mtm rw j<. good taste * ­ »"V ^* "•' fttte ttffBtta, ex^. Cteflftege mt visiting A*s5in aM tk Uni­^ willbe ktt ijbwlA wsmASl.5" •» • $"-L' .> .. > J I ©sm* Jftw tafc • aft tMJ|y ^ _ -3fos.l»L.f', AnaeM , ffVa&sy -ami. ^Sajtwdsy ffbci T, l%^r adrar Iteea* fenflwiiw>/thBtt vasettai ttte Sun LAUNDRY '^KSXiASL guaite cmssy wPlSBW «d£JF^u&m Snaik Wtst dittfi. <$£ Hfisn^ tlftenr ta» iftmieEall mtsmmi. ttastfc m3«K fthHtttamfi IPte. Sesaai auii& itihfi ^ibaikaft m ttr w. liEAl,WA3!S; ML B., ­, lnqf&t tk« « bm&m am ? i -.ii 1 t^rC \ eqdbI Swpwi. ~^ SbL 1*. Yates Bffimstsfk_ jyjf^* **&%!>*mUmiiife jtei; ititey ad^t t&» gnn test StoSBMu-M^afeiffle^ «ffiB Uraimtij­tmes, " m^A. ^ ^ J IS. at few sm. ^ * il- The Students '' WftRwSSS&gj hpiMssi H U RD 'S P..i-i-In. •«fe Scotch Plaids . i^jstri 1 -Roman! Stripes * . .. and Turf Plaids /tj '.jp? rlaids i'( > \i u • : ' ] The newest effec il ' Most substitutes for the Genuine have , just come to BERLIN'S us. A range of are offered at college centers, tHere­ """ * V i. -M' fore be sure the pen you purchase FINE is marked Waterrnan'sldeal, which is sold and guaranteed bv STATIONERY • J TOBIN. We are also agents for * i.:v t::!dwpW''0t different self cold iridescent stripe SiTIHlLf, combinations that uty, rich EASTMAN'S KODAKS '.SSvb5'-' • V­ ings and refined s jrtness_surpass any- From $1.00 to $35.00. V-J? ' **• *2 kMA'--: j,fix f~we shown. You will : m&ig.\ think as we do if Lrt drop in and have ys M a look. A. G. w" ^ l\ien*s Furnishlns^s Clothlns Made to Measure, Athletic Good* 616 Cong. Ave. ^ and oil Kind, of Penants 1610 Lavaca Street ' m - AUSTIN. TEXAB THE BAND. -fc.' By request of the San Antonio Fair GEO. W. PATTERSON associationihe,JJtaity S3a^0By..jE^dJJ5i5 PROPRIETOR ECLIPSE STABLES. OMHIBtTS ARD went to San Antonio to play on Thurs­BAGGAGE TRANSFER day November 8, at the fair grounds. FINE CARRIAGES AND LIGHT LIVERY. RUBBER-TIRED HOSPITAL The program, Which waa. composed chief -^ ^ v J_ AMBULANCE. •' -• •> .­ ly of operatic selections, was rendered / u 108 to ii6 East Seventh St Both Phoat* iex. both to the director and to the baqd< as a For t Fint-Clam Haireat and Slur* V i The secretary of. the iair association i Stop at the t J* _ •* >. 4 •.iT* t-• issued passes to each member of the band, so that they might v leave the grounds and ' paying, v+ ^S-'V gate fees. The passes Were, also; good FIRST "CLASS, MODERN EQUIPMENTS for the grand stand at the races. For We are the friends of the students GLASER ft ROSENBERG, Props. these arid many other courtesies ren­910 Coatma Av*. dered by the management of the fair, the members of the band are most grateful .DAVIS,! In view of the fa^that.the director -peater in a full line of imported and HOTEL SUTOR and the members of-the band volun EuropeanStyie. domestic cigars and tobaccos, stationery tarily enter into this musical organiza­BEST CAFE IN THE OTT. periodicals, books and news, Wiley's ­tion for the pleasure they receive out -— W. J. SUTOR, candies. Billiards and pooh of il,.and at'the same time with a desire Proprietor and Itanagtr. 705 Congress Ave. to promote the. best interests of ouSjr University, we can not be expected to M. M. SMITH, M. D., surpass bands whose directors an^L mem­Physician and Surgeon. HILL, PHYSICIAN AND SUSGSQN. bers are paid. But we can say, without Office over Chiles' Drug Stor . boasting, that the' University band of street and Congms Ave. Resi4ence^2408 Office over Chile's Drug Store. dei»ee^80pr Whitis Ave. Both :<­heartily thank them for the^ kindness BEAUTIFY YOUR ROQM in? making this"remark to other people.> ' Handsome trunk cover in college co)'The band was accompanied by Regiii-ors; or a beautiful Persian pattern, made tr William^ MisBea Helen Curtis. to fit ' your trunk. Every student Practical Numbing and Etoetrioei .MflPt should have one; it Ethel Cook and:, Bessie» Ildyd. Mrs. Globes and Shades. seat of yoitr tronlf ; easy to pM dn Stone and Mr. Collins w&e there to Phones »35» t>4 < taken off. Ord^ pro today—Send site meet their sons, Mr. Stone, the cornet .. !l^?' . ij of trunk and $1 and we will send cover •wN soloist, and Mr. Oollinis, violin soloist.­ prepaid. If not Mtisfaet^ry^woney re­ funded. We also have initials to match, VOICE CULTO The complete exteftasion of the honor iOe per letter^ 'sewed on of thetne law. departmentaepartmenc was con- . • -|system or sidered/ and the general impression J AMERICAN TKUJfK COVl}t CO| -ALWAYS , seemed, to be hLiator of' the extension. P. "O. ®w lii^ •• ~ j :;:H; .. 1 .Wsk*rl. 31plE Want your trade. WiH treat you right. Will appreciate .a calL— ;;KC9^Sp: & Koock ,,, r _ TBS RELIABLE JSWKLEBS. M 519 Congress Ate. fe £ona[ ' College Pint. Am 1 iy GOTO SSF HIE BUSY Btf FOE t •>*­ If tMHES, BON HONS, (MATES on srecuiTT Sp-AtY *•* MAX HAUSCfflLD/Pr.* ' t" •... mi'-r sociExy. Mrs, E. E. Witt of Fort Worth is the gtiest of Miss.Myrtle Garrett 'cpr$ ' -'• : . A $3 Chilton fountain pen for $1 at Atf Important meeting of the Cactus board was held Tuesday afternoon. ^T*»Ajg^rpcj->-KODAK8 loaned to students. Jordan, 610 Congress lit, upstairs. Wallace Tyler of Belton is the guest «£ the Beta* Miss AlmaRather is pledged to the Ztfa fitt Alphas. Middlebrook and Janie AittOBio Friday. Two nieely fnnmhed rooma for rent, W. 15th St. :\«WW? **¥***** ai this m-f Kae* and Stedraan spent the *eek«d in (SdcSngs at the home of -MSsa-Kaia^ 'i! oar store, including is" %%, ,Rr " 5P"" Father and the University students, ft JtdOQB. vv. —. SBr. ~B. It. Wibon of Nico^doches has ^n visiUng his daughter, Miss Janie Wilson,"at Chi Omega haS. Wt make KODAK prints ever* day. 810 Congress Ave, upatairs. J®8*. W« N. Perkins of Nacogdoches . Ltvmae h»4_week^^ Wk • KODAKS loaned to students.1 Jordan, Oonjrress Ava., upstairs. of the King held a re­riscopal giris Saturday T r *t • the residence of Judge .<**.» -. ­ 7 1 Beta. Omieron of Beta Theta Pi-atoty refreshments and attractive programs embossed in. the Greek letters contributed to the pleas­ure of jbhe evening. \ ^ ^ • y , If we can be of any service to you down town, command us.. Smith ' • ' , 3*-* Jackson. , ~ Mr. D. R. Wilson of Nacogdoches en­ tertained the young ladies of Chi Omega hall at a theater $»rty in honor of his daughter, Miss Janie Wilson.. After the play, "The Toast of the Town," an oys­ ter supper 6was served to the following: Misses Hilsman, Williams, Lomax, Bliem, Middlebrook, Smith, Barham, Rougeley, Lewis, Ceieta Lewis, Mc-Intosh and Louise Perkins of Nacogdoches. _ » Miss Maybelle Keliey entertained the Theta club most enjoyably Monday af­ternoon. The University girls, belong­ing to the club, are Misses Garrison, Weller, Gould, Hutchings, McNulty, Kel­iey and Nell Wortham. The next meet­ing will be held at the home of Miss Sallie Belle Weller next .Monday after­noon. V5" —»« « Students wanting stenographic work done, see me. Residence 709 W. 22nd St.,"old phone, 1072. G. M. Griffith. •SMS DR. ALBERT S. GRANT, ^pp^gysi!.. DENTIST. ^ ^ :^ ^ 6io Congress.Avenue. JNO. E. KELLER, STATIONERY, |sS® onIy~complete stock of I KODAKS AND SUPPLIES jj in the city. ^24 Congress Avenf * MAXWELL & SPALDmG .. druggists '*«i Corner Ninth and Congress Ave. No. 759. x t ^y> * W. H. Roach J. M. Pattoa • ROACH & PATTON |* Acents far s. wras t co„ OF cnicufio, MORS Spcdal Rates to St«dertj-We are Stadeats Too. Old Phone rJ0 2200 Specdway-^Eyreg' RegMence— HABIT Of eoing to N. W. RUTLEDGE for a Fi^t Class Hair Cut and an Easy Shasre. Students' Trade especially solicited. -2214 Guadalupe Street. ""•H located Between University and^ajatoL Parties wishing to hire .the only.dance hall in. the city, equipped with electric fans and massive front porch, will kind: ly call at the halX, 1606 Lavaca street* or ring up either phone; No. 394, for terms. ACHmjBS,^'^ EVERY STUDENT Is cordially invited to visit our store. We will take pleasure in nui^ feel at home here, and in showing you our stock. ^.77^ . Fine assMtment bf ~ PIGTURES just* received. Get "some of our nobby and appropriate pietures for rooms. ; Only place in town with a full stock of standard and miscellaneous boot. All the late novels are ,to be found on our shelves. , " ; H The latest in plain and embossed stationery (including that with the fniversity seal) •, engraved calling cards, souvenir postals, fountain Fontaine-Bickler Book Company. go8 Congress Avenue. (Both ol^ *V*r«ity studet^) 614 Congress Avenue Students' Accounts Given Attention Capital, $100,000.00 ,< •> J . * • • < ­ " 7\' Schutze's vuuici,uuuci j High grade candies, ice cream and fountain drinks, fruits, cigars and to­baccos, hot chili and oysters. New ice cream parlor and Palm Garden in cob* nection. Give us a trial. , Your trade wOl be -appreciated. Opposite nortbwut corner of the campus.. 1^—" ' if K'. Schutze's Confectionery • If >n r . .. ^kate at the •* a -j* . i to I City Ri nk Three Sessions Dally k--. MUSIC Sixteenth and Guadalupe Streets .... It is the purpose of the .... ? Citizens Bank and Trust Co. of Austin, Texas to render service to the general public "'! • 'i '< v which is satisfactory in every way ::: • . -J.jS ^ WMr IL HAMBY, President * _StDR. B. M. WORSHAM, Vke-PrewlMl A. J. EILEKS, Vice-President J. W. HOOPE3. Cashier w W. P. LAWS, Prop. • • j o V /CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING J *A Suits Pressed —......50 cts. Cleaned ,............75 eta. to |x4» • Ladies Skirts Pressed........50 cts. Cleaned ............75 cts. to i Hats cleaned and blocked. Work called for and delivered. 8x0 Congre* A*. • \ Phones 312. National Bank Bivites you to opjen your account with them, aa they are ..capable of »®w ----$ 350,000.00 DirectoraTinancial Strength Over 3,000,000.00 j So begin today «nd open your tgcount with th«m. They Mil Money ^Orders payable in ail part, of the world. At the 01d|honel60l v::*; vYellow Front Y°ur clothfes cleaned, pressed repaired. Give us a trial Work caUedj -, ne^ered.on ^hort notice. ^ University boys, come to se^]B| or send fo|| US. ' i.:';; r. Au j: •: --jttjjL , . DS. ^JaFteoicAsoir,DS. TXfi. •r Specialist Chronic Disensea of * ' SystcaaTsni Stomachi \ Office and LabcMrator^y rooms * Pendexter Bunding; ptoe 532# J m. ; • V. 4 --h "1 Ava. Teaw. 12&