She ®*xan First College Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, JA N U A RY l l , 1928. Local Insane M ay Be O nly English 13 Students at W ork to see I F von chance the * members of a certain Eng­ lish 13 class casually clim b­ ing to the top of the Law Building to partake of a b it of insane lunch, do not call the asylum to inform them of the loss of some of th eir inm ates, but ra th e r shed a te a r over the I* ne t bs to which some students will go to find favor w ith th eir profs, now th a t exam inations are approaching. the While bem oaning fact that college students and hu­ m anity as a whole were so the m ajor ready to violate m orals and yet so re tic en t in breaking the standards of con- v« ntional dress and actions, a certain English 13 professor rem arked th a t he would adm ire the moral the man who had courage to come to school with a g a rte r taking the place of the conventional neck-tie and the necktie taking th e place of .th e conventional g arter. Student Council Workers Attend Episcopal Meet Sunday Club Program for Visitors Begins Saturday S tudents from Rice, A. & M., and C. I. Ai are expected to a t ­ tend the first session of the ninth annual m eeting of stu d en t the council of the Episcopal church in the diocese of Texas on S a t­ urday, Jan u a ry 14. The S tudent Sunday club of the TJniversity of Texas will be hosts to the s tu ­ dents th a t are expected, accord­ ing to the Rev. D. B. Murphy of the U niversity Episcopal church. The Rev. R obert N. MacCal- University Counsel Seeks Postponement Of Oil Land Suits C o u n s e l for the U niversity will appear before the Suprem e Court this m orning to seek postponem ent of the oil land lease validity suits which are now pending before that judicial body, it is expected, The suits, which are to be tried before the Supremo C ourt Jan u a ry 18, un­ less a postponem ent is granted, involve- th e right of the University wag elected ........................................ ........................ -4-to lease its lands fo r any purpose George W. Gregory Gives Student Union Project Boost T. W. Gregory of Houston, president of the E x-S tudents’ As­ his conf in sociation, expressed donee that the money for the S tu­ p ro ject would be dent Union raised, before a m eeting of the executive com m ittee of the pro­ je c t in the association room s T ues­ day afternoon, Jan u a ry IO. various Plans for raising of the funds suggestions and were discussed com m ittees were for brought up a t the m eeting. All members will be prepared to take definite action a t the next session of the executive com m ittee, w’hieh meeting will be ip ld the latter p'Jfrt of this week. Members #f the com m ittee wh * were present a t the m eeting are: T. W* G regory, chairm an, W. G. McGill, vice-chairm an, J. A. Mc­ Curdy, secretary, Max Fitchen- baum, Betty Green and Robert the Eikel, student body, Dr. R. A. Law of the athletic council, and Dr. FL Y. Benedict, exofficio member. representatives of — u-------------- Gift Received For Contests |w,uTLr„ed >. a».Ub t*J| is preparing briefs day th a t State Land Commissioner j Robison to subm it before the Suprem e C ourt: to m andam us pro- w ith regard feedings filed in the Thiesen e a s e ,; taking lands! and donations received by 1883) University subsequent should become a part of the I ni- versity’s perm anent land endow - 1 m ent or perm anent fund. the stand th a t all to C iting the state constitution,! Mr. Robison believes in following “ All to the le tte r the provision, lands and other set! property ap a rt (fo r the establishm ent and; j m aintenance of the U niversity of Texas) and all grants, donations, and appropriations th at h e r e a f t- : cr m ay be made by the S tate of I Texas or from any other source shall constitute a perm anent U niversity fu n d .” If, as Mr. Robison seeks and become to have established, all gifts to the University m ust become a p art of the U niversity's perm anent fund, only the interest from such funds, invested in bonds of the state or be of the United S tates, will available for the purposes stipu­ lated by the donors. Should Rob­ ison’s in terp retatio n be adopted by th e court, the donations and bequests which the U niversity ha* the L ittlefield received, such as fund for building a memorial gatew ay at {he south entrance of Hie campus, would be placed in the perm anent fund, and only the in terest on the money would be available fo r building the memo­ rial. N o . 8 8 New Officers Numerals Given Installed B y Cross-Country F r a t e r n i t ies' Frosh Runners New officers of the In te rfra ­ ternity Council for the second se­ m ester were installed a t a regu­ the lar dinner meet in gheld at Phi Kappa Psi house last night. suc­ Byron Vestal, Sigma Nu, ceeded Torn M artin Davis as president; Creston Funk, Chi Phi, vice president and Rice, Alpha Tau Omega, was elected secretary and this m eeting last treasu rer. At night Dean V. I, Moore was elected an honorary member. A complete revision of all rush­ ing rules will be made by a com­ to confer with m ittee appointed Dean Moore on the problem. Phi Mu Alpha, honorary mo st­ the J t.a j fratern ity , was dropped from the rolls by its own request. Charter Issues Discontinued By Bureau Editor Business Review Names 161 New Firms in December A thletic Council M ay Consider P laying M exico Ex-Studes Attend Meeting has season Seven freshm en were aw arded num erals in cross-country a t the regular m eeting of the athletic council last night. The freshm en cross-country just ended a f te r the freshm an have had a very successful season, winning all of the m eets in which they engaged. The men receiving n u ­ m erals were ML E. W hite, S. Bowen, J. Sehmidley, Cecil Cole, J. Wiggins, J. O. Levi, and M. A. Johnson. These men will be a big aid to the hopes for a success­ ful V arsity season next year, as they are some of the best that have been in the U niversity fo r some consistently won from the best of the V arsity squad this year in th eir p r a c tic e s ■With th a t team . W hite will be a big aid in the rebuilding of the always team which McLean has boasted of. time. White May Play Mexico 161 There were W hether or not Texas will play companies the U niversity of Mexico or not which received charters from the came up for a general discussion, S ecretary of S tate during Decem­ but no definite decision was ber, w rites Benward Nichols, reached. The U niversity of Mex­ editor of the Texas Business Re­ a t ico has been the view published monthly by tennis B ureau of Business Research of j w atch with the Longhorn the U niversity. This m onth’s ig -|seu a d and it has been considered sue of the Review will be off the by the council for the past few press about Jan u a ry 22, accord- weeks, and no doubt a final de- cision will be reached in the near ing to Mr. Nichols. future. try in g to g et “ These 161 Charter# gran ted during Decem ber represent an in­ crease of 34 over the num ber granted in December, 1926,” Mr. Nichols said. “ Total capitalization of the IGI companies am ounted to $33,268,000 compared to $7,574,- 000 in November and $7,215,000 in the previous December. Two Real E st at e Firms Two real estate and building firm s capitalized a t $ 10,000,000 each and a third with a capitali­ zation of $1,000,000 are among the larger corporations organized. A g reat many of the companies w ere small as in previous months, Tw enty-six companies their capitalization by $3,897,000 and perm its w ere granted to 32 outside companies. I n c r e a s e d N u m b e r “ The num ber of real estate about The officials of the ex-students were present a t the m eeting and went into a general discussion with the athletic council th e construction and use of the gym­ nasium which has been proposed by the E x-S tudents’ Association. The coming campaign which will be launched by association was discussed and a general out­ line of the policy to be followed was given to the council. the The m eeting was well attended. Every m ember of the council was present for the m eeting, one of the best which has been held this increased y<*a r * ;**t. EX- ST UDE S C O N T I N U E W OR K The report from Land Com­ m issioner Robison’s office that all go rn ; toto the perm anent fund of that lht. , logy bulletins are illu strated w ith Ilum ’ chaplain of A utry House of Speaking Contests for Men and W omen — —— Rice in stitu te , will lead the open- ing service in All S aint Chapel. J This service will be followed with a m eeting in G regg Pariah House,! with W alter B o c e of Rice pre- siding. Mr. Robison believes th at in the R ecept™ o f a g .ft of $100 long ru n the U niversity will ben­ lh f H o w to . Poat-IMs- a efit greatly from adhering to | patch to the public speaking de- A fte r lunch a t the U niversity j p artfttent of the U niversity to be strict in terp retatio n of the congii h y Pri7-M aftern o o n session I lls*d fOT in a contest in cafeteria, an the : extem pore speaking has been an- will be devoted to talks on S tu d en t V olunteer C onvention in nouneed bv Ellwood O , attended 1 chairm an of the departm ent. The D etroit. S tudents who this m eeting will give th eir im- contest is open to both men and pression of the D etroit gathering, women stu d en ts of the U niversity, am to Mi. Griscom, T h e annual b a n q u e t will be held fo r the .semi final pie-! at rf) bm m ary content has been aet fo r, f in a l. the j ca feteria in the U niversity 6:30 and will be followed by preparation fo r the Holy Com- Tuesday, March 27. The am nion a t AU Saints Chapel. public contest will be held according the date tution The petition to postpone the hearing on the Thiesen and Frank cases will be decided some time this m orning. -o------------- Students File Exam Petitions VOL. XXIX Blakeslee Back From Illinois j Religious Meet Changes Be Made In Streets Here Hollander’s Book Off U. T. Press Early in May Jessup of Iowa State D elivers O pening A ddress Ten Colleges Are Represented if Several im portant changes will be made in the U niversity neigh­ of borhood to make boulevards San Antonio and Nueces S treets and along Shoal Creek, the city plan now being considered is : is J adopted, G uadalupe S tre e t tra fiie ar- , the second g re atest tery at present It has been recom m ended by D r. O. ti Koch the city ’ plan th a t N ueies S treet from th e Colorado in the city. com m ittee, “T he Poetic Edda” Translation from Old Norse Geology Bulletin Issued , is „T book 1 north m em ber of as a boulevard. be has w ritten >. a book _ . , Dr, Lee M. H ollander, associate river professor of Germanic language*, which will F a th e r William Blakeslee, chap­ lain of re ­ the Newman club, tu rn ed recently from the U niver­ to N ineteenth S treet sity of Illinois, w here he re p re ­ paved a width of HO feet and sented the U niversity of Texas in From be used a m eeting sponsored by the A m er­ N ineteenth north, Noeces would ican association on religion. This conference, composed of Catho- be used .as a boulevard for south lies, Jew s, and P ro testan ts, was the first of its kind ever held in Its slogan was the U nited States. in U nderstand­ “ An A dventure ing,” and views from the several heard on religious sects w ere such subjects as “ By w hat m eans Creek, W aller Creek, and and m ethods m ay religious in ­ struction best be given in state u niversities?” come from the press early in May. “ The Dr. H ollander’s Poetic E d d a,’’ a tran slatio n from old Noise and old Anglo-Saxon. bound tra ffic only and San An­ According to A. C. W right, m an­ for tonio S treet as a boulevard Press, ager of the University northbound tra ffic only. These w here the book is being worked two stree ts would be paved at a | on> ^ will be a cloth-bound vol- width of 70 fe et, boulevards will ■ ume 0 f 8omc 400 pages. then be established along Shoal § is author Dr> R> H G riffith an o th er book recently publish- ed by the U niversity Press. His A re p o rt was given recom m end- book is ^“ A lexander P ope: A Bib- ing a boulevard along Shoal C re«‘k liography,” , a large book of 350 from Seventh and W est A v e n u e ! pages. T here were 300 of these north to Twenty-ninth S treet to books printed. Dr. G riffith is a leaders and Marry prom inent care fo r .tra ffic originating in the j professor of English in the Uni­ th in k ers were the program . on northw est p a rt ol of the the city. A versity and Dr. W alter A. Jessup, president sim ilar boulevard was recom m end- MTrenn Library, d e­ of Iowa S tate U niversity, ed along W aller ('le e k with two Most recent am ong the official livered in which he emphasized a co-opera- prongs originating a t N ineteenth U niversity publications is a bulle- S treet, one prong extending into tin of the B ureau of Economic live spirit as being the keynote the other prong Geology, “ E xplanatory Geology Red River and the conference. He pointed of into San Jacinto S treet, thus g iv -. pa rt 0f Southw estern T r a c ­ out the fact th a t the meeting^ was ing two through streets parallel- pecoa T exas,” by C harles Laurence called as an experim ent tow ard a This publication was is- mg b e tte r between understanding handle tra ffic . sued in December, 3000 copies of churches. Mr. Koch th at East i R being made. North Congress avenue the opening address, P r o m i n e n t M e n P r e s e n t side Drive. is cu ra to r River- j stated to ; in W o r k O u t li n e d Dean Kay, of the School L iberal A rts of the U niversity Lowa, outlined th e workings th a t the School of Religion institution. Dr. M. W. Lampe, also of Iowa U niversity and di- re c to r of the School of Religion. | gave an address on the work of j th e interesting speakers were P resid en t R. M. H ughes of Iowa S tate College, Dr. the I O. D. F oster, A m erican association of religion, and Rev. J. Elliot Ross, C. S. P., of New Y ork City. director of school. O ther U niversities and colleges re p ­ re s e n te d at the conference were Columbia U niversity, U niversity of Illinois, U niversity of C alif­ ornia, U niversity of Texas, U ni­ versity of W isconsin, U niversity of Iowa, U niversity of Virginia, U niversity of W est V irginia, A gricultural College of Iowa, and Iowa S tate T eachers’ College. o------------- [Varsity G lee Club Starts Practicing of * avenue, now' 200 fe e t wide, was Two other notew orthy publica- of destined to become the backbone j ^jong have been made by the Bu- reau of Economic Geology. W. of j of the city traffic. This street runs beside the Little ( ampus. S. Adkins of the geology d ep a rt­ m ent edited a bulletin, “ The Geo­ logy and M ineral Resources of F ort Stockton Q uadrangle,” and one, I Dr. J. T. Lonsdale “ Igneous Rocks of the Balcones j F au lt Region.” All of the geo ** 0 f > a, J * f g S C Q l S Radio Program has I . . in t . Singers Entertam Tonight A ^ * k i half-tone cuts and maps. director. The um ber of publications During Intermission of Concert --------- for I the Interscholastic League Meet which takes place the spring ‘ have been made during the year. The U niversity Longhorn band §ix thousand copies of the debate will be on the air again W ednes- bulletin have ben made, 10,000 ddy night over KUT, U n iv e rsity ; copies of “ Developing N um ber broadcasting station, according to ( Sense” fo r the m athem atics con- test, and 4,000 copies of “ Music B u rn ett P h a rr, concert will begin a t 8:30, last- H eard in Many L ands” by Mrs. ing about an hour, Mr. P h a rr said. Lota Spell This is the b an d ’s fo u rth appear­ Im portant am ong o th er Univer. ance over the radio th is y ea r; sity publications recently to come one hour being given to th e band from the U niversity P ress is “ The program each m onth. M r. P h arr j Texas History Teachers Bulle- urges every m em ber to be pres- tin .” This bulletin is one of 150 ent a t the broadcasting room a pages of essays of high school stu- dents on local Texas history. The little before 8:30. In addition to the splendid band j book, which is edited by W. P Webb, associate professor of his­ to ry , wa.* sponsored by C. M. Caldwell of Abilene and the Pal- las News each offerin g $100 in prizes. Publication was in Novem­ ber, Since re tu rn in g from its t r i p ' to San Antonio over the week- program prepared by the director end, where it atten d ed the con- j for the concert, two well known, the c e rt of the N otre Dame Glee Club, singing a rtists will assist, in the U niversity Glee has program , Mr. P h arr stated. Miss sta rte d to practice in earnest as Floy F riend and Miss Agnes Beas- they will en tertain S aturday night, j ley will en tertain the radio au- J a n u a ry 21, a t the F aculty club, j dienee during the band concert in- and will -also ap p ear in c o n c e rt; term ission w ith a varied selection j of popular num bers. Miss Beas- here some time in February. club C harles Zivley, m anager of the | ley also plays the piano. club, is planning a second trip for th e club, wieh he said would cover m ost of th e larg er towns in the Rio G rande valley. N othing defi­ nite as to the d ate of departure or the length of the trip was given by Mr. Zivley. A lthough The band program selected fo r] W ednesday night’s concert will be as follows: 1. Gloria 2. Am erican Legion M arch...... :(,Losey j j .................................... P arker | March ....I. 3. L ittle G iant March i. B attle of Shiloh B arnhouse Moon a num ber of the m em bers did not re tu rn a fte r the holidays, the club was not m ate- 5. Coronation March ...M eyerbeer rially weakened, and O. J. Fox, d irector, is very well pleased with the attendance and spirit of the boys a t rehearsal. From “ The P ro p h et” 6. Tannhau&er M arch — W agner 7. A rcadia O verture .... Laurens 8. M ountain M aiden’s Dream . .. Descriptive M arch ------------- o------------- L I CE NS E LI MI T S E T | l< ges represented. ------------- o-------------- Limousines and flivvers, alike I C ow boys H old First , belonfti t0 U niversity students I • * . m ust be supplied with new shiny 1928 license plates by F ebruary I to avoid arrests of the owners for “ driving vehicles without license” ; such was the inform a tion given out from the office of the Travis county sh eriff Mon­ day. . o— --------- —- W EATHER i M eet of N ew Year F irst m eeting of the Texas Cow- a boys fo r the year will be held at H ilsberg’s C afe, 2111 Speedway, a t 6 o’clock. T hursday evening P rofessor Leo B rew ster of the Law School will be the after* dinner speaker. Musical num bers en W eather, fo r T hursday: F air, I gram will be furnished by several women, for w ith little change in tem p eratu re . 1 m em bers of the Longhorn band. Mr. Griscom said. Benedict Summarizes Oil Situation ' ' ^ T t c k ^ J Schedule Begins T h u r s d a y ! f">m 27 1 2 Occcmber J # November to 35 and com pares with j ^ tltu tio n will not deler and building companies increased j g-ift» to the U niversity must T he second day will be devoted to various services and b u sin ess;. « * ! » . ^ ^ m eetings. The closing session of the stu d en t council will be held in G regg House a t 6 o’clock, Sun- i day aftern o o n , and will be in the the n atu re of a discussion outlook fo r the the fu tu re work am ong stu d en ts in the col- on in contest, all undergraduate . t a - j - ---------- „ y , 3g studentg dents o f the U niversity who a r e , at the time of the first prelim i­ nary contests mem bers in good standing of one of the U niversity | literary societies or public sp e a k -: ing societies or clubs are eligible to com pete for prizes. General < subjects for the speakers in the contest are to be assigned by m em ­ bers of the faculty in the public speaking departm ent. The prize money will be divided equally be­ tween the men and women’s con­ test, according to Mr. Griscom. second and th ere will be first, and th ird prizes o ffered in each division. The num ber of contes­ to tan ts will be narrow ed down the pro- twelve students, six men and six contest, i signed fo r I postponed, and conditioned ex am -; g reater. Public service and bank proposed gym nasium standing, oil companies organized were a l s o j f or advanced fa ctu rin g companies more .th r e e in D ecem ber than | re, Batin*** VmK>r; Leat* B*e*h#. Assistant Basin*** Manager; Leat** J* Krill. IRM! BIN***. SBI *h H tf ft3 upon the pledgee, and net the sm iling rusher. It ll up to him to continue the good impression ti at be assum edly made and to earn the friendship ie nix group. Too many pledgees, young in the ways o f the world and the relation im plied by Greek societies, tacitly as­ sumed that th ey have done all that wag to be done when they ac­ cepted a bld frem a botts#, arid that it remained for .th# m embers of i ^ 4 frat! rutty to endear the ne-Hives to him. Th® m eekness draped arcjikd neophytes during running week d o ss not do npich to permit- iHMiiy e ffe c t their attitude in this regard. its another p itfall Into which ai! too many fall every year, from r.-'irieeiing the men i s their bouse, Some freshm en ar# prone w rap. them*#!#** tip in their p articular group, and totally ignore I ffeit o f the ca m p u s W hen they grad u ate they will find th a t they in u - the triffid ship of soma o f the m ost worth-while men L and that fra te rn a l ties ar# not always th# most binding, fra te rn ity c a n ciairn y j s t it hue a ii th e good m en is e v e ry class. to |pS»k o u t the IM® h e MIm» rn w h a tev e r g rou p an d he w ill fin d th a t his M e b f m on tis# c u m p m t and his poat-colieg® d ays will be infinitely H i a Lh* refinement o f vnobbiebnese to a ssu m e that can co n ta in them a ll, and it u up to the fre sh m en P W t wosrth cultivatiug ar® in one’s particular house. who iu eretd s in striking what ut for him the right * * w te n * x te m w * m d m ten slv c c u ltiv a tio n , will find th a t he . - . . . , 4. t VT -I, tir n » t v u » « « * < ! from lh* human aid* j jg £ § & * deal. Columbia Spectator, Sing-Sing, on the H anson, per­ haps the most fam ous prison in the Unit«d States and ranking with Scotland Yard as the scene of d etective and crim inal fiction , will be the scene o f another ex e­ cution as Ruth Snyder and Henry Judd d ra y m eet their death for the Haying of Mrs. Snyder’s hus- art editor 1 and, Albert Snyder, a *d architect, with a window sash Inst March at his Q ueen’s Village home. Laat m in u te attem p t* ar* a ttorn ey* b ein g m ade by the fo r the con d em n ed pair in an effort to *tay the ex e c u tio n . S. L. M ilter, G ray’* a tto r n e y , a p ­ p ealed y esterd a y to both N ew york and F ed eral court* for a • la y of e x e c u tio n , w hile Joseph leonardo, cou n sel for Mrs. S n y ­ der, is p reparing a b rief to go b efo re the S up rem e C ourt o f the U n ited S ta tes in W a sh in g ­ ton on rn w rit of error, a fla w having b een fou n d in the o rig ­ inal d o cu m en ts, it is reported. Both o f the convicted one® bftv® day been receiving visitors all regular long even far pa?t thr* other visiting hours allowed the say that prisoners. Their visitors neither expert* to beyond live next Thursday night at midnight when Warden Law®* will give the order for the since Governor Al Smith refused their pet it ion for a IO days’ reprieve in order to allow a more detailed exam ination by alienists an effo rt to prove insanity. Gray .' ill be the first to go. execution, in The U. S. S. P resid en t M on­ roe it still aground near Hiko- shim a island, about the en tra n ce to the S tra its o f S h im on osek i, J a ­ o f f thn co a st o f n orthern pan. T he lin er is on e a round- the-w orld cru ise and is o f the R obert D ollar fle e t. T he lin er and w en t aground S a tu rd a y , w hile she is coasid ared in no p a rticu la r d an ger, every e f fo r t is b ein g m ade to rush the re s­ cu e w ork for fea r of the in te r ­ m itte n t storm s that com e alon g that co a st w ith alw a y s scant and so m etim es no w arning. Martin TV. L ittleton, ch ief of counsel for Henry F. Sinclair, oil m illionaire accused with Albert S. Fail, form er secretary o f the in­ cabinet, in th# Harding terior of with robbing the governm ent the valuable T ea -l’ot Dome oil lands, has accused the United States governm ent o f conspiring ^against. Sinclair ‘’basest conspiracy ever used by so -called dem ocratic governm ent to con ­ vict a man untried.” for The occa sio n til# in ta th * o u t- buret w as b efo re F ed era l Judge F red erick L. Siddooa the su prem e court o f the D istrict o f C olum bia, as a p resen tm en t was retu rn ed in clu d ing S in clair w ith W illiam J. B urns and fiv e o th ­ er* ch argin g them w ith having ju stic e , con sp ired to ob stru ct the p resen tm en t fa ilin g to h ave the u su al acco m p a n y in g in d ic t­ m ent*- L ittle to n also co n ten d ­ ed ju ry w as retu rn w ith ou t a b e pow er to the p resen tm en t and ask ed th at it be ex p u n g ed from th e rec­ ord. th* grand that the N early half o f eleventh the r a im e n t of Marines under command of Colonel Bob H. Dunlap o f the Quantico base, set as o f J reinforcem ents for the M e r in o I already there engaged in putting •» I » » ! Monday for N icaragua WEDNESDAY, JANUARY l l , 1928. A i n t It a Grand and Glorious Feelln*? B y BRIGGS WHEN Y o u v e BEEN RIDING- "O R SA T GUNS4 FOSL EiCrHT p e s P e R A T t L y - f o u g h t c h u k k e r s A w d i n t h e c l o s i n g m i n u t e O f p l a y , Y o u ’v e c l a m m e d V h e b a l l h o m e Fo r U H N NI NCjr G O ^ \L t h e A n d , w h e n Y o u d i s m o u n t . IT 'S A T O S S — U P LU H !C H I S T h o c o e T T e s r PO ^Y Y o u ca**Yc o r a n d Yo u r t o n g u e H A N G I N G O U T F O R A R e g u l a r C i g a r e t t e . A W P T H A Y N I F T Y - L O O K E R in t h e ? F t e t p B o y a n t i c i p a t e s y a u R w a n t s a n d a s k s y o u t o M A v e a n # 3 l d G o t id O H - H - H B o t 1 f t l N ’T IT A R A N D A W D ( j ‘L - /.- L O R iO l>S F ^ g L l N f it / 1»27, P. LortJJ&rd Co.* Est. 1760 M ///& .. n o t a c o u g h i n a c a r l o a d Convenient! Why go to town for your hanking In b a n k i n g , a s in other lines of business, careful attention to detail is essential. You w ill Find that the U ni­ the versity Bank m inutest details of courtesy, friendliness, and co-opera­ tion. stresses C hecking Accounts — De­ B o x e s , Travelers posit Cheques— Tim e Deposit®. The University Bank (UN-INCORPORATED) R esou rces and Individual Re­ sp o n sib ility over $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 OO 2324 Guadalupe St. Thurlow B. Weed F U N E R A L HOME A M B U L A N C E H O M E S T E A M L A U N D R Y Classified Section ANNOUNCEMENTS BOARD AND ROOM FOR SALE y j f t f ® & T R E A D O OfTOM-ETRi^rS Seventh Ut Congress Notary Public at B. Hall Room 119 BIJA HD POK BOYS: Reasonable ratus. 202 Buat 22nd. — IO f ood home cooking. I’’horn* 6456. T Y P E W R IT E R S R E P A IR E D Have it cleaned or adjusted at— < £ik T ex a s Book S tore ANY MERCHANTS ai Austin who b«v» job* that could bv filled by d*»*rvinj U n iversity students are asked to com­ municate with U niversity Y. ML C. A. ti Phone 0014. I HEATERS relined, stove setting, fire­ place* closed, gas heaters, gas pipes E. Ka v.*n. Plumbing Repair, 140) La­ Feb. 8 vaca. Phone 6763. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Univ prvU y worn un, FOK R E N T — F u r n is h e d A p a r tm e n ts fur ^ in k « , b a th * , .a n d ail m o d e rn c o n v e n ie n c e ,. A b o h air of f u rn is h e d v c o tta g e . M rs, Val* C , G ik * . Phone 6546, 7IO West 22. - I B 'I’l l UKK MEALS. two m eals, $ !h . 5 0 j„»r monrh. Phone 556?, m o i — i i Whii.i'i. f ^24.00. MBS. G. A CUNNINGHAM has opened the home at 16011 VV hi tin and is ready to serve home rooked meal*. A b o has •it,me vaeanciea in room's. COACHING COACHING— Sp#ms*n A, Ii years* experience. as well a* you know English. 21430. H»iher* ' r e . I, 12, IU, etc I know Spaniel Phon* June I, 1021 .NOTARY PU BEIG Hi office of Tex* Students Publications, Inc. Room 111* — ti 8. Hall. Come early DONT FAIL SPANISH A, 1 / 2 , or 22. former instructor in Spanish department of Uni­ — I t versity. Ring for coaching by '•SSS. COACHING: Graduate student will coach Freshman E nglish and Fro*botan h is­ tory. Experienced teacher in both sub­ jects. Call 2-2882, 2007 W ichita St.-—14 FLORAL w o o d m a n s F L O W E R S H O P — C u t flo w e rs , w edding b o q u e ts , d e c o ra tio n s , f e rn s . — 22 f u n e ra l d e sig n * , p o t p la n ts , a n d P h o n e 0 8 6 0 , n ig h t 40 1 8 . FOR SALE Clear! Sparkling! Pure E lectrified W ater, good to drink, and good for you. For health’s sake, order a bot­ tle today. FU BN IM H E D s o u th - e a s t s te e p in g p o rch , p r iv a te te le p h o n e , g a r a g e n p a r tm ^ a t, b a th , w a te r. in c lu d e d . O ne- city by— ^ Mel®*, h a lf block c a m p u s . P h o n e 47*9. — i t j Coca Cola Bottling Work* _ Delivered anyw here in the 311 Colorado Phone 2-2988 BOARD AND ROOM MFAUS Ai n a for b o y s. N«*ar campus. Mr*. 11 loom <) ;».*t. 1707 — l l P h o n e 2 -3 9 6 8 . few room* C o n g r e s s . WOOD AND ICE E . M . A shford, P h o n e 3 7 4 2 ro o m s w ith S O U T H E A S T injrle b e d s, s h o w e r w ith hot w a te r a ll h o u r s . N ear c a m p o -. G ood ta b le b o ard . 1508 W h itU P h o n e 4 432. W oodyard - 3016 Guadalupe St. FOK S A L E R e st q u a lity G rad* A m ilk . P h o n e 094 20. FOH SALE— Typewriter, fin good con­ dition, rail Payne, Phone $76X.— tflO W OOD W OOD AII kinds of wood delivered at once. Get our prices now. W. C. Lear, Phone —d o I7S0. * WOOD— WOOD— Nothing but grader; Postoak, Cedar, the best cordwood, Meek*. Prompt delivery. W est Austin — 22 Woodyard. Phone 7486. WOOD-WOOD. ' Best in the City." Get our prices before buying. We spec­ tip — 10 ialise Phone 5052. A. IS. H ibbard- in student orders. $2 and L O T ON W. 3 5 th S t. $750, a n o th e r on S a la d o $ 1 0 0 0 . L e t us xhow y o u . f . IL S im s. H arrow a n d S c a r b ro n g n ' B ldg. — l l 614 FOK A F E W D A Y S --S u it, e x tr a t r o u s e r s , a ll wool, m ade to m e a s u re — o n ly $23.50 P r e s s in g S hop. 2504 — 14 a t The G u a d a lu p e . C a c tu s LOST AND FOUND L O ST — B lue m ix tu re o v e rc o a t, S c a r ­ b ro u g h lab. i in aid e. C all ‘2 3 9 6 8 , P h il­ — IS fu r re w a rd . lip-", $5 Reward Lost, F rid ay , roan’s scarf, printed crepe with blue border. Finder call K endall at 2-2786 or 5775 for rew ard. L O ST — B lack lo o se -le a f F in d e r p lease D aily T e x a n Office o r call 4564. r e t u r n le a th e r book. t o n o te T h e I -— 17 LOST -*Th .r A * v . c / > , critics is announced us one of the finest rom ances in which this beautiful star has y e t appeared. “The G ateway to the M oon” is to be shown at the Hancock th ea ­ ter for three days, com m encing W ednesday. — H. S. Love anc! Learn The beautiful Esther Ralston will star in a com edy o f exper­ ience at the Queen on W ednesday and Thursday. As the m ajority of U niversity students have been doing little else than loving and learning since their registration in school, they should be interested. “ S m o k e El T r e li e s C igar* W I F E TEXAS T o d a y an d T o m o r r o w W e d n e s d a y a n d T h u r s d a y M arion Davies QUEEN ;J N O W ! A l s o T H U R S o f T h e C harm aine P rice G lory” “ W hat rep eats her great tri- umph in a rom ance of prim itive p assions. I K ? 3 E B B CI 9 £ ft jf | | | A N CO C F.PPI k A L S O F O X N E W S — K R A Z Y K A T Flowers E S T H E R RALSTON * iii ii ViriATEO LOVE R. Ii. BRDWORTH SaJ'tn.m’, Yale. '17 L e t N a tu re ex­ p ress ten­ th e d er feelings — s a y i t iv i t h flo w e rs. A N D LEARN M ajestic Man’s S hop 711 C ongress HILLYER’S Flowers Wired All Over the World A lso C om edy L atest N ew s J. P. M A X WWLL, Head Design In gutter, M issouri, '19 FULL SI ZED SECTION HUDSON RIVCR VEHICULAR TUNNEL DIAMETER. 2 9 FT. C I N . On E verything this w eek M ajestic M a n ’s Shop 711 C ongress H. H. RUGG. iM .tign E n g in e e r , Sciiith Dakota Scbocl of Mines, 'IS R. De CAM P, E n g in e e r , M ontana, *17 If you are an advanced student or a grad­ uate very possibly you are in a position to give valuable assistance to first and second year stu­ dents who may be meeting with difficulties in certain courses. Coaching is profitable to student and in­ structor, alike. You have an opportunity to as­ sist the other fellow in his hour of need. Examinations will soon be here and worried eds and co-eds will be wondering where to turn for help. You have the answer for those stu­ dents. Place a small advertisement in the classified section of The Daily Texan—the logical medium for every campus m essage.. Dial 8-0-0-0. You’ll find it convenient to phone in your ad. If you wish, an advertising staff member will write your message. M J. RUBEL. An't De Jig# £ minter, linum i< of I n hm>logjr Vienna, '21 Y O U N G E R C O L L E G E M E N ON R E C E N T W E S T I N G H O U S E J O B S J E WALTER. Conte ed o f the H udson River. — it is over a m ile and a half long. .— it is designed for autom obiles to use. B e c a u se — gonous carbon m onoxide gas, W W m otor cars create an entirely new need for tunnel ventilation. Yet even w hen the H o llan d Tunnel is filled to capacity and 2 000 m o­ tor cars are passing th ro u g h it in is fresh each direction, the air stupendous, the never-before-un­ d ertak en , are not rare here. H e n c e young m en o f capacity, o f enter­ to prise, o f genius, bud m u ch challenge their im aginations and abilities. T h is is a type o f engineering u n d e rta k in g w ith w h ic h young the in aa organization of melt size o f W estinghouse frequently are b ro u g h t into intim ate contact. the O p po rtu nities to w ork on A b a tte ry o f 56 fans d r i v e n by Westinghouse motors pump fresh air into, and foul air out of, the H o lla n d T unn el. T w e n ty -e ig h t more Westinghouse-motored fans are a reserve. Westinghouse ^ planned th^ lighting system in the tunnel; also - I Student Honored A t Holiday Party D orothy Kemp o f H onolulu, who visited in D allas during the holidays with Jane W orthington, was honored a t a party Friday ( evening, Decem ber 30, at Miss , W orthington’s home. F orty-five \ m em bers of the younger crowd j there attended. Miss W orthing, i ton w as assisted by her mother, f Mrs. J. K. W orthington, re- in iThe Colors I T h e S tyles ! The L ea th ers! ITT ERE ^are f a s h io n ’* ’X I smartest shoe modes— for every hour—-for every occasion — as pleasing to the eye as they are com­ forting to thcqfoot Austin** 'SbutStyla Creator’ ah you have to j with *s - .M- u t o 4 Kames won by H o u s e m o t h e r s M e e t ii, ami has been victorious j W ed n esd ay 3 o ’CIock Id, Texas University, a t The V. M, A. d isban d ed b r a w o f t h , preaan t « « . » , it Wi!* .nay road- " * * ! thl* W e d n e ^ a y a 3 o ’clo ck U niversity housem others > ny l o I mg ahead of nearly all her rivals. I M*™. Bu,W“ " ' ln n oo n that T m , , U a v e r a * - ™ th * h t “d y 1 th ™ m on,hly Feb. 21 Baylor U niversity, at varsity ha work. ______ Feb. 23 Rice Institute, at Did­ Don’t think your girl will coo ju s t because she is pigeon-toed. contributed Mr. Joe Law a ch aracter bit in Irish as Officer O’Brien, the m ost finished pied* of work of the evening, though it was eclipsed to some e x ten t by the comedy o f Dewey B radford, the funniest portrayal of the hard stage Dick th a t ever walked the I Austin boards. Helen Knotts of W ichita Falls spent the week-end a t th e Kappa house. T h e Fair Co-Ed W. A. A. will m eet T hursday L f W. W. Charters* R E N T A T Y P E W R I T E R An < xpert has figured out th at a college education is worth $72,- 000, fir STO per flay for each day spent in college. Generally Speaking B r M N. B. News note of the advance of I in C hina: An in s till-1 to chop civilisation o ff human m eat said be heads moi# hum anely will tried o u t here soon. is said to be a cro^s between a pillory j and a guillotine and to have a capacity of one ordinary human head a m inute. It I>r. Jam es N aism ith, who in­ vented the game of basketball rn 1821 cs now professor of physical training at th* U niversity of K an­ sas. Freshmen a t H arvard arc now perm itted reg u lar physical train in g courses and go mt r d W e b a tin g instead when the w eath er, to cut th eir I is permissible for ice activities. America is a country where you have to have a good reason to get awny with m urder or no reason at all. Loss of the voice it* nothirjg to fear these days. do I* to smoke one of th fse cig- arette s. Full Schedule * K In Basketball ■ Wmm * Complete 1928 Schedule Is Published for Student Inform ation .Schedules fo r the *«v»n univer­ sities iii the Southwest Conference basketball league are now com pletely made out and art* aa fol­ lows: U a t r m i t f of Texas Jan. 15-14. Arkansas, at Fay­ etteville. Jan. 21, Rice, at Austin. Jan, 30. Baylor, at Austin. Feb." I, Rice. at Houston. Feb. 4, A. & M., at Austin. Feb. l l , Baylor, at Waco. Feb. 18. S. M ti., at Dilia*. Feb, 20, T. C. ti., at Ft. Worth. Feb. 28, T. C. U., a ‘ Austin Mar. 3, A. k M Station. ton. S M U. Jan l l , Rice Institute, at Horn Jan Jan l l , T. C. U, at Dallas. 16, Texas A. A M., a t Col­ lege Station. 23, Jan , Dallas. Texas A. & M , at Feb. 4. T. C, U„ at Fort Worth. Feb 10-11, A rkansas, a t F ay­ etteville, Ark. Feb. Dallas. B i Bas. las. Waco. A ustin. at Waco. Waco. Feb. 20, Baylor University, nt Barter Jan 14, T C. Ii., at Ft. Worth. Jan . 23, Rice, a t F o rt W orth. Jan, 28, Rice at Houston. Ja n . 80, Texas U niversity, af Feb. 5-4, Arkan Mi* University, Feb. l l , Texas University, a t Feb. 21, S. M. U„ at Dallas. Feb. 27, T. C. ll., a t Waco, Feb, 20, S. M. U., at Waco. A i M. Jan. 7, Rice, at Houston. Jan 16, 8. M. IL, at College Jan . 21, T. C. U,, a t F t. W orth, Jan . 23, S. M. IL, at Dallas, Jan . 30, Rice, at College S ta­ Station. tion, Feb. 3, Texas, at Austin. Feb. Station. l l , T. C. U., at College; Fob 20-21, Arkansas, a t C ob! lege Station. lion. Mar, 3, Texas, a t College S t s - 1 Rice Jan . 14, S. M. U. a t Houston. Jan . 21, Texas, at Austin. Jan . 23, Baylor, at Waco. Jan, 28, Baylor, at Houston. Jan, 80, A. & M., at College In “ The F a ir Co-ed,” now be­ king shown a t the Texas th eate r, Marion Davies given to the pie- I turc-goipg world a screen version I of another fam ous play, ! This time it. is from the pen of ! George Ade and Gustav Luders. stage j stage This is the third an during the play which has been used by Metro- a Marion Gold wvn-May et Davies vehicle last year. The first was “ The Red Mill,” a Dim version of the fam- I nun o p eretta by V ictor H erbert second [and H enry Blossom; the the was “ Quality pen of Sir Jam es flair ie. and con-; sidereal one of the best whimsical plays ever w ritten. .Street,*' from In “ The Fair C o -ed /’ which was directed by 8am Wood, Marion has the role 4f an American co-ed. It is the first film the screen has the story ever presented where was treated solely from the Wo. m an’s angle. Johnny Mack Brown, former football hero, is seen in the lead­ ing male role. Feb. I, Texas, at Houston. Feb. 13, T. C. IL. at Houston, i Feb. 17-18, Arkansas, a t H oua-( Dbyetjeville Feb, 3-4, B aylor U niversity, at Waco. etteville. Houston. Feb. 1 0-U , S. M. U., at F ay ­ Feb, 1718. Rice In stitu te, at Feb, 20-21, Texas A. & M,, at College Station. Station. ton. W orth. W orth. W orth. Station Feb. 24, T. C. LL, a t F o rt Fab. 25, S. M. U., at D allas T. C. U. l l , S. M. U.. at Dallas . Jan Jan . 14, Baylor, at F o rt W orth. Jan . 21, A. & M.# a t F ort Feb. 14, S. M. U., a t F o rt Feb. I I , A. & M., a t College I Fort W orth, j F ort W orth. Feb. 13, Rice, at Houston, Feb. 20. Feb. 24, Feb. 27; Baylor, a t Waco. Feb, 28, Texas, a t Austin. A rkantas Texas, at RFiee, a t Jan . 13-14, Texas, at F ay ette­ ville. Jan . 201-21, Hendrix College, a t I F irst C hurch of Christ, Scientist O F A U S T IN , T E X A S ANNOUNCES A F R E E L E C T U R E O N C H R I S T I A N S C I E N C E By W STUART BOOTH, C S B, of Denver, Colorado Member o f the Board of Lectureship o f The M other Church, The F ir it Church of C h n -t, Scientist in Boston. M assachu­ setts. CHU ECH EDIFICE. 1401 COLORADO STREET FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13th, 1928, 8 O'CLOCK THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTENT) You are requested to be m your seat by 7:50 P. M. Conference Ball Dope Collected G irls B asketball T rain in g S t a r t e d Austin Players Give “The Bride 99 Individual Performances Make Play a Success The Austin L ittle T h eater p re­ sented the cleverest crook play of a • rook-play season al th e%high 1 bool auditorium Tuesday night ami will rep eat the p erform ance j again tonight a t 8:15. B asketball, the oldest w om an’s ; -port in the U niversity ha* been j started for the w inter. A bout 45 girls in terested in the sp o rt met in tie* wom an’s gym on T uesday and signed un fo r the team . Ail of the work is under Miss Wood, in stru cto r o f th# physical train ing d ep artm en t; the tc tu a l coach- p. T. to be u n d er the j ing is m ajors. are a h eart exam ination Crowell, a B grade The prerequisites of the work by I>r. in posture. the to the th is lines, b u t j lows: On W ednesday at 7 1 Campbell and Lillian L eissner. ; and a pass in th ree coituses previous term . The m eeting tim es are as fol- and on T hursday a t 5, 1he freshm en and sophom ore girls will m eet under M artha Dickey, V irginia The actors were u n fo rtu n a te in having play produce against tim e and were ru sty on ] th eir individual j perform ances were well handled. Under the direction of Mrs. J. R, Nelms, Jr. the emphanis has been laid on C haracterization, and the result is a vast im provem ent over the bare line-reading of Home ear- at 5, th., ju n io r and aenior , i r l a ; , )er production!. Miss Jowphim? will m eet un d er Peggy Banks, Thei.> played a dashing maiden ; Louise Adams, an d Irm a H ander. lady with a Hex complex, and her T here will be no practice during stage presence and gowns did her I dead week preceding exam ination t he- usual credit. week, b u t work will be resum ed again on the second of F eb ru ary . On Fridays a t 7 and T uesday Good C haracter W ork Q ualifications o f a good house-J m other will be the cen tral them e of the program and the follow­ ing num bers will be g iv en ; R e v ; urn# o f previous m eeting, Mrs. L. L. Lusk; some q ualifications of a! good housem other, Mrs. Van * Giles, agood housem other as I Bee ; her, Mrs. J. R. Jam eson ; resum e rn Jo u rn al of Home Econom ics, De­ cem ber, 1026, Mrs. VV. J . Kirk. article D o Y o u F e e l M o o n S t r u c k ? G o to A N D J O I N T H E 5 ,0 0 0 $3.00 per month Four months for $10.00 All makes, F. L. P a tty Phone 6060 we deliver Texas Ahead on Scores for AII of Games I):.po may be doped, scores may be com pared, and gray hairs may an grow on young heads, all in e ffo rt to determ ine th e outcome pf basketball games, h u t facts are tacts, and a fte r all th a t is what counts. In this In the p ast years of conference com petition, the basketball team s of Texas have am assed a p retty good to tal of scores. The exact num ber is 5,108, same num ber of years the team s shat have opposed Texas team s have totaled 3.172 points. In point of the ^ of games won by Texas or her prin­ cipal opponents, following may prove in terestin g : Texas has num ber the ^ ‘‘T *fanrH*s w^ h A. & I won *r> 18 j M. while A. & M. has won gam es; Texas has won 38 gam es with B aylor against 11 games won 28 by B aylor; Texas has won games with Rice as com pared to J games won by Rice; the Uni­ games versity has garnered 21 in 6 out of 8 games with Arkan MI. No m a tte r w hat the outcom e of It may he g ratify in g to pot# th at ’ m< S. M. U. is quite a way behind Texas in ga mea won. May it be ever thus. W .A .A . A w a rd s Pins, Initiates T h u rs d a y o- . evening a t 5:45 in th e C afeteria! for a business m eeting and a so-} rial. T here will be an initiation of all new member? and the aw ard the j I of the 100-point pins. At business m eeting there will be re-1 ports and j hockey m anagers and a discussion will be brought up as to what the basketball from I new sp o rt will be adopted. A fter the dinner, for which the . th e ; .g irls can g et th eir tickets in gym,! | balcony o f the W om an’s j there will be music, songs, and a | stu n t entitled “ A Brain M atch.” “ Smoke El T re llis Cigar*.” STX • * . ' / ’ I * c- Save Money I f t h e r e e v e r w a s a t i m e t o n a v e m o n e y o n l in e c l o t h e s —t h a t t i m e is n o w . One Trouser Suits Two Trouser Suits Overcoats and Top Coats Our .stock of hundreds of suits and overcoats m akes this the greatest clothing event of Austin. Suits ju st the weight fo r early spring wear. from H art-S c h affn er & M a rx - L angro ck - L e a rb u ry Models and patterns t h a t University men will w ant $30.00 Suits and Overcoats ....... $35.00 Suits and Overcoats ......... $40.00 Suits and Overcoats ......... . $43.50 Suits and Overcoats ...... $22.50 $26.26 $30.00 $32.65 $45.00 Suits arid Overcoats ......... $50.00 Suits and O v e r c o a t s ......... $55.00 Suits and Overcoats .......... $60.00 Suits aud Overcoats .......... $33.75 $37.50 $41.25 $45.00 200 Suits at Half Price I his lot is an accumulation of broken lots. A suit of this, or two of that. T h ey’re good, all wool patterns, tailored to our usual high stan­ dards. They are worth looking over.* Satisfaction G uaranteed Stebbins & James “Use the Classified Ads” Inexpensive—Effective Advertising “The T a,Ie P E T E S A Y S — l f we fa il to thank you, your pure hate is F IIEE* W hy not try our daim ons H am burgers, K int Wickes, ami Pastries? D ia l 2 3 0 1 4 F o r B e tte r F ood* P E T E ’S PL A C E 2 4 0 4 G u a d a lu p e “Use the Classified Ads” Inexpensive—Effective Advertising “AU This W eek” Your Opportunity to SAVE! I hoiisand3 of Lovely Ifn d e rg a rm e n ts . . . All kinds . . . Silk, R ay o n , C otto n . . . Tailored or Elaborately Lace Trim cried . . . A n d all so rem ark ably u n d e r­ regular-selling prices th at U niversity Misses will surely supply presen t and fu­ tu re needs frorA this m a m m o th Sale! Sale - S econd F loor Sale - Second F loor It t \ I F eatu rin g - 3 0 0 Silk U nderthings $2.79 Each G o w n s - Teddies - Slips B loom ers - Step-ins You’ll find daintiness galore in this group of exquisite underfineries! All of fine quality crepe de chine in soft pastel shades, beautifully finished. J A N U A R Y W H IT E S A L E Crepe de Chine P ajam as Crepe de Chine Slips Crepe de Chine Gowns Crepe de Chine Step-ins Glove S ilk Gowns Glove Silk Teddies Glove S ilk Bloomers Philippine Slips Voile Gowns Voile Teddies Voile Step-Ins Hand-Made Gowns Hand-Made Teddies Radium Slips A ll G re a tly R educed for Sale T re m e n d o u s R eductions on Women’s Shoes . . . A clearance of several hun dred pairs of wom en’s shoes, at these two greatly reduced prices. You’ll find some of the season's sm artest models. Broken sizes and one or tw o pairs of a kind. For Shoes O riginally $ 6 .0 0 to $ 1 0 .0 0 For Shoes O riginally $ 1 0 .0 0 to $ 1 2 .5 0 MAIN F L O O R ’ rn a*— Do You Want to Rent Your Rooms? If so, h ow can you possibly do it unless you let the students know w hat you have. Your room m ay be just w hat they have been w ant­ ing. Let the C lassified Section of T he D aily Texan help you to fill your vacant room s, or those extra places at your table. A C lassified only costs a dollar for a w eek. Let us send for yours, or just phone it in. Dial 8000 # T-life §< v;L.’■;/ I m m - I M wmm HHH