B a i l l i £ e x a n V ol. X X V I. A U S T I N , T E X A S , F R I D A Y , M A Y I , 1 9 2 5 No. 178 DISCH AND BELLMONT DECLARE PEACE TEX A S AND BA YLOR WILL BA TTLE TODA Y A T 3:30 M A N O R E A D S PETERKIN'? FROM STUDENTS MUST FILE PETITIONS FOR RACE LAST T H E G IE S A d op ts R esolution “ T ” A ssociation Hurlers’ Battle Between Gore or Freeze and Cox Is Likely on the Texas meets the Baylor Bears at (la r k Field this afternoon at 3:30* and the probable outcome of the game will have heavy bearing Longhorn chances for another baseball championship of the Southwest­ ern Conference. Over 5,000 are expected to attend. Baylor has won three s tra ig h t frames, taking: one from Rice and two in a row from the weak A rk ­ ansas nine. With Captain Carl Freeze or “ Red” Gore on the mound the Bruins will try desperately for something today they have never ac­ under complished on C lark Coach F ra n k Bridges—th a t is to win a game. Field last the “ F ig h t ” K eyw ord “ F ig h t” will be the keyword of the battle this afternoon when the two team s take up th e ir old feud. Bay­ lor will strive for two things— to top­ ple the Longhorns from second place and for a coveted victory. Texas will also strive for things— to preserve tradition for one, but above all to show th e ir beloved coach th at they have a morale th a t cannot be daunted by outside circumstances. two Bridges will have one of the best chances he has had to take the long end of a score here. His pitching s t a f f is working good. Freeze and Gore, both rig hth and ers, may work ag a inst the Longhorns. F r e e z e S h a k es Jinx Freeze has been hounded by a jinx du rin g the en tire conference season and has received poor infield sup­ port. He succeeded in ridding him­ self of the bad luck leech long enough Monday to blank the A rkansas club 3 to 0, and he gave up only seven hits. Coach Disch said Thu rsd ay th a t Freeze always tu rn s in his best game in an encounter with the Steers, and F rid a y ’s game is not likely to prove an exception. Gore downed the Arkansas Razor- backs Tuesday, allowing only one hit, and winning 5 to 0. He will likely go in if Freeze s ta rts and does not receive the proper reception. certain Leslie Cox Co* W ill P itch to is almost open on the mound for Texas. He has not worked out this week in the conference tilts and should be in ex­ cellent form. He was working out Thu rsday and was apparently still “ going good.” lost The Bears have won fou r games and the same number, giving them a standing of .500. The Long­ horns have played six, lost one to Rice, and tied one with T. C. U., thus giving them an average of .800. Probable line-up for Texas will be: Kibbie, 2b; P r a t t , cf; Williamson, r f ; Thompson, lf; Smalley, 3b; Falk, l b ; Radford, ss; Leissner, c; and Cox, p. -----------------------o — ----------------- S O P H O M O R E M E E T IN G T h e 33 so p h o m o re s w ho h ave b een a n e l e d for th e B. Hall d a m a g e will m ee t today at 5 o ’clock in room 2 0 4 o f the E d u c atio n B u ild in g . Sam Johnson a n d Jumbo Haynes Are Appointed Managing Editors WILL WORK TWO OUTS Jack Logan and Emil Bose in Charge of Editorial Writing S ta ffs for the American and States-1 man editions to be put out by the j new sgathering class Tuesday and Wednesday of next week were a n ­ nounced by W. D. H ornaday T h u rs ­ the American day. The s ta f f for will work Tuesday to edit Wednes­ d a y ’s paper, and the s ta ff for the Statesm an will work Wednesday. city Editors of the American will be as follows: Sam Johnson, m anaging edi­ tor, Granville Price, editor, Blanche Horn, assistan t city editor, editor, John editor, Alice Ruth Searcy, society McGruder, assistan t society editor, William Defferai, sports editor, Gil­ bert McAllister, columnist. Sammons, telegraph Reporters a re Priscilla Austin, Elizabeth Baldwin, Emil Bose, Dor­ othy H arris, Carroll Holloway, Verda Jarre ll, Dorothy McLean, Melba Mit­ chell, B ertha P orter, Fred Sherwood, S a ra h T haxton, K athry n Webb and S te w art H arkrider. E ditors of th e S tatesm an will be as follows: Jum bo Haynes, m anag­ ing editor, Louis Hamlett, city editor, K athryn Maddrey, assistant city edi­ editor, tor, A rth u r Nail Ophelia Schaeffer, editor, Gray Gillette, assistan t society edi­ tor, Robert Gould, sports editor, Lee Woods, columnist. telegraph society Reporters a re F rances Baldwin, M arg aret Cousins, Vivian Fields, Lil­ lian Harwell, Flora Holman, William Kerr, Mabel Mansell, Francis (Nig) Miller, D e w i tt Reddick, Cameron Sooter, Genevieve Swindells, Dudley Wynn and Daniel Hollis. BEFORE 12 TONIGHT STAFFS E TO EDIT AUSTI N PAPERS NEXT WEEK secretary- I With the j trea su rer, Education councilman, and Law councilman yet unannounced for ! the last opportunity to file a petition i for any office will be tonight at 12 j o’clock in the office of the Students j Association on the second floor of the Main Building, according to Mil dred Taylor, secretary of the asso- I coation. offices of The f ol l o wi ng resoluti on wa* adopt ed by the “ I ' A n o c i a t i o n af te r t o m e d i scussi on at a me e ti n g Thursday night, acc ordi ng to John Trout: “ Be it resolved by the “ T ” A s ­ of the U ni vers it y sociati on o f Texas: “ That we exp re s s our fullest faith and c o n f i d e n c e in Mr. Ditch and pledge him our unquali fied suoport in the o re s e nt co n t rov e rs y and assure him that we will e n ­ deavor to se e that he r< ce i ve s fait t r e a t m e n t . ” A no the r m e e ti n g of the assoria tion will he cal led within the next f ew days. BIEL RIPPE! OUT FOR TELL LEADER Was Member of S. M. U. Staff for Three Years FROM PRORATION OF WILL THURSDAll Interest From Am ount Will Be Used as Student Loan Fund [NOS IIK JE C IL BUTTLE George W . Brackenridge, Former Regent, Donator of Large Fund loan Bequest o f a p erm a nen t fund of $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 , interest on which is to be fund, was used as a s tu d en t t made available to the University of Texas for immediate use. as a result of the final probation of the will of the late Geo. Wr. B rackenridge T h u rs ­ day m orning the San Antonio courts. in P rincipal Intact receive all U nder the term s of the will the University will interest accruing from this p erm anen t fund, and tho principal will he kept intact. Income from the fund may be used und er the direction of the U niver­ sity Regents only as a loan fund for students, according to the provisions! of the will. Probation of the will Thursday by J u d ge R. W. B. Terrell of the 73rd J The secretary will be in her office to 12 to receive petitions from 9 be o'clock F riday night, or reached at the Alpha Phi house, 20 08 Guadalupe S treet any time during tht day. can F ight names have been turned in as candidates for offices since Sat urday, bringing the total to 3 0 per sons in the race fo r various offices While some offices are hotly con­ tested, there are six places fo r which only one candidate is announced. --------------o-------------- T FISTED FOR TODAY Comes as Climax to Activities of Senior W eek; Begins at 6 :3 0 legal battle in which District C ourt brings to an end a ' lasting over four, long Coming as a climax to the activities of senior week which began Monday the University o f | years, afternoon at Senior Vespers, the sen­ Texas has been represented by th* ior swing-out will he held this a f te r ­ Probation of this particular State. noon a t 6:30 p. rn. in fro n t of the will was contested in the courts by Main Building and will he followed Mrs. I. H. Roberts and Mrs. I. H immediately by the Y. W. C. A. b a n - 1 M cIntyre, nieces of the late Mr quet at ( :.>0 at the U niversity C a fe -1 Mr. Branckenridge, and the Univer - 1 teria. sity was to gain any legacy the will The senior swing-out is an annual provided only in case this 1913 will . J 8 . . pass , r, the . $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 In terest on In co me o f $ 3 , 2 0 0 the The senior girls are to meet a t the . William M. (Bill) Rippey, tran sfer from S. M, U., where ho received arc enable the University to! A.B. degree last year, and who is in .m a k e loans to from six to eight s t u - 1 the Law School this year, has been , known recommended as one of the three can- d ents each year. . . , whether or not special r e q u ir e m e n t ■ d i la te s for Varsity veil leader sul>- ± • I will he made of stu den ts wishrng to ject to the student s ection on May 12 J IT i r* I D uring his four years at 8. M. U.. obtain loans event in the history of the U n iv e r-1 was probated, sity,” declared Ruth McMillan, presi- dent of Cap and Gown; “ it has be- fund come enriched by tradition and hence should average $3,200 or more yearly should be carefully preserved.” On I which will this occasion the seniors hlimhnnno* . u i n Bluebonnet chain on to the Tumors to j * . . ... , tre a su re until graduation. . .. ’ m . u t ti. _ Woman’s Gym punctually i t 6 p. i n . L u i dressed in cap and gown. They will ca rry the hu(te cham of " 0‘'Ce ° f ‘ th " T ? prm m n" n' bluebonnet, to the front of tho Ma J U m v' r ”lty had not been r ‘‘ceived bj : "tu d e n t. and w a . actively in t.re .te d W, R. Long, University auditor, hut *n ®v, !l Jfader f 0 r . tW , nd w a, p m l d c n t of „ in , Editorials will be w ritten by the At the sound of a bugle the sen­ the chain upon editorial class under the direction of ■ {Deir shoulders, will m arch down and Jack Logan and Emil Bose who wen* ^orr elected. Copyreading will done by the copyreading class. ior girls, ca rrying bluebonnet also be i — o------------ T E -------------------- o------------- S C H E D U L E O F C O - E D T E N N I S IS IN G Y M Players who expect to compete in the girls’ tennis tou rnam en t may find 4 at ,h * Informal A ffair Will Be Held I‘‘I* 8chedul? P0St*d in _ _ From 9 to 12; Sopho­ mores Invited the games h a v e ! lain of the club. W om ans Gym. On account of the according to F ather Latchford, chap- Joanna A inclement weather been delayed a few days, but if the weather permits, the rem aining com- the members of the club will meet in petition can be finished shortly, said the club rooms for the annual com- Miss H iaw atha Crosslin, a s sistan t in munion breakfast. An elaborate pro- the W om an’s Physical Education De-1 g ra m has been a rran g e d for the af- K x x **cs A f 4 F n o A / i l a I h K t a c t 1 1 t a--. t i tx v . for such hi- j partm ent. i fair. F jodr, a senior honorary society. He was also the student representative on ! the athletic council in his senior year. he Since t r a n s f e rrin g to Texas, has been actively engaged in the new i students stadium drive, and has been I working on the side-show* division of In connection the Varsity Circus. The m e e tin g The freshm an class will reign su­ preme in all its glory tonight from ie 9 to 12 o’clock in the W om en’s Gym­ o f arriving at a s e tt le m e n t c o n c e r n ­ reason nasium. The ing the a ss e s s m e n t and fo r a rran g- the inform al dance* la rk y will be fail a c o n c e rte d p la n o f a c tio n i . t h . | „ p o n so re d b y ^ e|w < o f >28 f o r e v . j m atter. the p u r p o se ! fo r T Y P IS T S Now is the time to advertise for work. Theses must he turn ed in soon and there is a demand fo r typing. PUT YOUR WANT AD IN THE DAILY TEXAN eryone in the University, especially! : the officials of the class of ’27. ! It has been several years since the traditional freshm an dance as an a n ­ nual a f f a ir was abolished. The frie n d ­ ly competition between the fish and j their deadly rivals, the sophs, be­ came too g r e a t fo r the dance to be continued. S o p h o m o r e s Invited The exclusion of the sophomores caused the tro uble at the dances of form er years. T h is year, however, (Continued on Page 4) UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR IS MODERN SIR WALTER RALEIGH 5 t S r . t r - 2 1 KS. “ i to make a 9 In fro n t of the libra- D IX O N EDITS P A P E R ! Sigm a Alpha Epsilon fraternity . ry, the sticky mud jerke d one of the! Welcome Dixon, form er student of Sir W alter Raleigh th rew his coat across the campus on the ground so th a t Queen Eliza- o’clock class. beth would not have to walk in the puddle of water. A University pro- slippers o ff her foot. fessor w ent Sir W alter one b e tte r Thursday, and rescued slipper would not be forced to make class rescued with only one slipper. it on She was a pretty blonde hurrying e m b a r r a s s e d co-ed. a the mud so the mud so j and slipped from co-eds’? near, and saved the day. With Prof. J. W. Calhoun was standing University at the end of the winter! ton, F rank Graham , W alter Barnes, term is now city editor on the Ver Alton J. P. Luckett, Clinton Holt, B. th a t she the dash of th at she the dash of a young sophomore, he! no Record, a semi-weekly paper. H e , L. Bishop, J. L. M erritt, Basil Basila, was a ju nio r and is a member of Carlo Coon, Howard Doolittle, Bill Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour-! Reagan, J. Matthews, and Dave Men- the mud the the slipper from the foot of all journalism who w ithdrew from she! ted to the organization j nalistic fra te rn ity for men. * sing. ENDED BT MUTUAL CONSENT THURSDAT Love and A ffection for Uni­ versity Cause Agreement to Be Reached S M U. WILL SETTLE Coach and Athletic Director Bury Hatchet and Be­ come Friends Again By Jumbo Ha y ne * Billy Disch* beloved coach o f Varsity baseball, and L. Then Bellmont, athletic direc­ tor, reached an agreem ent late Thursday afternoon “to bury the hatchet," forget all inci­ dents o f the past and work to­ g eth er in the future “ for the love so University they both well, Peace and harmony reigned in the Athletic Department, where a th re a t­ ened breach between officials result­ announced ed when Coach Disch Tuesday that he would resign a t tho end of the baseball season and go elsewhere. It was stated among a th ­ letic circles that the entire situation was practically cleared up. May Annul S. M. U. C laim s i f t h a t It was hoped Southern M ethodist University held claims on Mr. Disch, because of an verbal or ten tativ e arrangem ents th a t might have been made by him to join the coaching sta ff of institution, t h a t they would he relinquished, in view of the course of events here T hursday. th a t president Dr. I). A. Penick, chairm an oj tho stated Thursday Athletic Council, night that he had held telephone con­ versations with of th** S ou thern Methodist University and Mr. McIntosh, athletic. director there, and th a t they were o f the opinion th a t the m atter could be settled sa t­ isfactorily. S. M. U. officials would act on the case tom orrow, he said. In commenting on the pleasant cli­ max of the affair, Mr. Bellmont said, “ Mr. I )isch and myself, because of ou r devotion and love fo r the Uni­ versity of Texas, have reached an ag re e m e n t on this m a tte r and are a b ­ solutely harmonized on any d iffe r­ ences th a t may have existed. “ I admire Mr. Disch because he ha t stood for the University throughout. I re p eat the statem ent th a t I made recently, that I love and admire Mr. Dutch, ami have always held a deep affec tio n for him.” Ditch la Pleated Coach Disch said in t u r n : “ I am glad th at we have reached the deci­ sion th a t we have, and I believe th at we can both go on now knowing b e t­ t e r how to serve the school we both love so well.” A called meeting of the University “ T ” Association m em bers a t the Y. M. C. A. Thursday night “ to discuss j the athletic situation,” adopted a res­ olution in Mr, expressing “ fa ith j Disch.” Could all the stu d en ts have been (Continued on page 4) Seniors W ant A id for M aking Chain for Senior Sw ing Th re e hundred and se v e n ty - fiv e y ard s o f the B lu e b o n n e t Chain for t h e S e n io r S w in g -O u t are c o m ­ p le te d , according to Ruth M cM il­ lan, p resident o f Can and Gown, G irls in the P. T. c la s s e s worked the all d a y Thursday ch a in s. T wo hundred yards o f the c h a in rem ains u n fin ish e d . Work w ill be continued tod ay, and the p r e s id e n t of the sen ior cia*# is is* su in g a call for help so tha t the S w in g - O u t may g o f o r w a r d as p la n n ed . Those h aving a n y spare tim e co m e to the G ym a n d aid. to m ak e N^gro Stories Are Written From New and Unusual Angle SUPERSTITION IS MOTIF Author W rote for Her Own Pleasure Until Discovered by Sandburg “ Among our great modern w riters,” said E. C. Kirkland of the English departm ent, in introducing his read­ ing T hursday afternoon, “ is Mrs. J u ­ lia Peterkin, w riter of stories of the South Carolina negroes. She is new to the public for she wrote for her nwr. pleasure until Carl Sandburg, Chicago poet, persuaded her to pub­ lish her works.” introduced Mrs. P eterkin has a new study of negroes unlike th a t of Jot*! Chandler H a rris, the relations of the negroes among themselves, ac­ cording to Mr. Kirkland. Mr. Kirkland read from Mrs. Pe- terk in ’s “ Green T hu rsdays.” The first selection, “ Green T h u rs d a y ,” the story from which the volume takes its name, is the story of the old su­ perstitions of the negroes concern­ ing the sin of breaking the soil on “Green T h u rsd a y ,” the ascension o f Christ. the day of plowman, Kildee, the in t h a t and the fact is negro plowing on the Holy Day while all of his neighbors have gone fishing. He is just a little afraid th a t lightning will strike his farm and make it un­ productive, but he can see no differ­ ence th at the grass is choking his corn aud cotton. This fe ar grows on him so th a t he stops and goes cabin. He leaves the cabin to tend to Mike, the old m u l e , and Rose, Kildee"s wife, hurries to him with little Rose, who has been burned. The child dies, and the negroes believe th a t her death if the punishment, visited upon Kildee for tu rn in g tho soil on Green T h urs­ day* to his The second sketch, “ Meeting,” is of the same characters, It is a real­ istic picture of a negro meeting, w ith all the shouting, singing, and sp irit­ uals d u rin g which the omen form a ring and shuffle around and around fa s te r as the singing becomes faster. Mira. P eterkin gets in the story all of the h um or th a t a negro meeting carries with it. The negro point of view is exceptionally well put in Mrs. Peterkin a work. Mr. Kirkland read these selections to an interested audience. He made plain the realistic a r t of the author in her stories of negro life. the hum or and pathos of Pre-L egalites H old Interesting M eeting Thursday at Seven At the regu lar meeting of the Pre- last night. Homer International at talked Law Association Jackson discussed | Convention of Advertising Men j Houston. V aughn Albertson j on the “ Significance and Traditions! of May Day.” the A short business meeting was held* in- j the P re-Law prospects for and t ra m u ra l track were discussed. The I following new members were admit- j H arvey Blan-i HI SCHOOL STUBS VARSITY, ST. EDWARD S AND AUSTIN HIGH WILL COMPETE IN EXHIBITION BOXING MATCHES T H E D A I L Y T E X A N AT LULING MAT G ENGINEERS OPEN Will Meet American Legion Team ; Have W on Four Out of Five Games Nagle and Cohen Are W in­ ner* in Preliminary Con­ test* of Tournament For the first tim e exhibition box-) ing m atches will be staged here b e ­ tween St. E dw ard’* C ollege, Austin High School and U n iversity boxers. In order to encourage intercollegiate boxing, gold medals will be given to the winner* o f the m atches in seven d ifferen t w eights. A ny one wishing to take part in the boxing may do! *o by signing up at the M en’s Gym I The boxing tournam ent will e x ­ tend over a period o f three day* la si­ ng fro m May 20 to May 23 inc lusive. On th e night of M ay 23, finals will >e held at the M e n ’s Gym. The pre­ lim inaries in X Hall may be w itnessed >y men spectator* on ly, but the fi- lals may be viewed by both men and women. The prelim inaries are free V charge o f fifty cents ringside and thirty-five centK general adm ission will be made for the final*. Ascher Silberstein Scholarship Aw arded to Lillian Kinser Lillian Kinder o f D allas, a sopho­ been in the U niversity, has more awarded the A w ber Silberstein schol­ arship for the session o f 1925-26 at the U n iversity, Miss Kinser is carryin g the r e g ­ ular am ount of work at the U n iver­ sity, and made a grade o f A on each <>f her five courses during both fall and w inter term s this year. Her freshman work was done at S. M. U. Miss Fora Hemphill of D allas has held the scholarship for the last two years. She will receive her B A. de­ gree at the next commencement. 4 0 -------- M cAllister Plans Visit to Scotland Dr, and Mrs. Frederick M cA llis­ ter w ill leave June 2 for Scotland, where they will spend the summer months. Dr. M cA llister, who is pro­ fessor of botany at the U n iversity, will spend much of his tim e at the U niversity o f G lasgow , where he has several friends am ong the faculty. They will also v isit relatives in Glasgow. A fter spending about two weeks in London, they will return to the United States on Septem ber 5. — — o------ —— - Fredericksburg Club Picnic M onday, May 4 Monday afternoon, May 4, was set as the date of the picnic of the Fred­ ericksburg Club at a called m eeting the Tuesday night. This w ill be main social event of the term , ac­ cording to E, E. H eim ann, president of the club. is the first Tuesday The regular m eeting date of the in each club month. The program o f the next m eeting is the “ H istory of Freder­ icksburg.” Louisville Professor of Medicine to Speak Dr. Georg** A. Hendon, professor of of surgery at Louisville, w ill the sub­ ject o f ‘ Medical E ducation” at the U niversity, May 5. the U niversity lecture on Dr. Hendon will also probably ad­ dles* the Pre-M edical Society while he is in A ustin attending the S late Medical A ssociation m eeting May 4 to 7. ’ 4 , C ON FER EN C E P 9 6 7 8 . 7 8 9 8 T. C. U. Texas S. M U Baylor Rice Texas A AM Ok. A AM. Arkansas STA ND ING W L T Pct. .857 2 6 I .880 I 4 1 .714 0 2 5 4 O .500 4 500 3 3 .375 5 3 6 3 .333 7 I .125 I 0 0 0 An atternp i w ill Vs- made by the flashy Shorthorns to add to their list of victories when to Luling W ednesday to play the strong ineligi- Am erican Legion nine. The May 1-2: T. C. V . vs. O k lah om a!bi*s have been displaying rare form th is sea on, having won foar o ut of fiv e gam es. A. & M,„ at Fort W orth; Rice v*. A rk an sa s, a t H ouston. Cam e* THU W eek journey they May I : T e x a s vs. Baylor, a t A u s­ tin. o- - “Sport* G irl” Will Be Distributed at T his contest should be a real bat­ tle as the Legion it es have also won most o f their clashes. Their line-up ex-T exas League contains several sta rs, including a form er San A n­ tonio pitcher. The catcher was with W ichita F alls la st year. W .A .A . “T ” Night “Speed” Baker, mound artist de­ luxe, is the foundation of the Short- ! horns’ power. His hurling w as re- The Sports Girl, o ffic ia l publics ; sponsible for tw o lopsided victories Hon o f the W om an’s A thletic A sse -1 over the T exas D eaf and Dumb In- ciation, is to go to press Friday, May *t*tute, for a close 6-4 win over St. . « , . E dw ard’* and a 9-1 victory over Al- 1, This Ms the first year in which - r f > ■ * * , len Academ y at Bryan. _ . the publication is to have m agazine form , as h eretofore it has been a newspaper. On “T ” night the m agazine will the he given to all m em bers and gu ests of W. A. A., as a fittin g part o f the last celebration of scholastic year for th** association as a whole. Aside from the copies issued here, one is to be sent to every m em ber o f the A thletic C onference o f Am erican College W omen in place o f the usual new s letter. — -----------o -.. -..—— —. Leading H alf Moons and Phi D ells Will M eet in Final G am e H alf Moon and Phi D elta Theta lead as in terfratern ity baseball draws to a close. The final gam** closing the spring term contest will be held Saturday at four o’clock on Stadium Field. The standing held by the H alf! M non at present w as secured by th eir' d efeatin g the Sigm a Chi nine in a clone gam e Saturday. E leven innings! were necessary in the contest which! ended with a score o f 9 to IO favoring the H alf Moons, The PH iD elta Theta team insured their place in the finals by d efeatin g tho Lambda Chis In the sem i-finals last week by a score; of 9 to 4. On the receiving end is Potsy A l­ len with as accurate work as a ma­ jor league catcher. P otsy cam e to the U n iversity with a reputation as a tw irler, but his work behind the plate seem s to prove the wisdom of his bein gshifted. P rancing around in the infield with lots of pep is that stellar quartet of B aum garten, OII**, Redfern and H ar­ ris. Baum garten holds flown the ini­ tial sack with the consistency of a veteran, but his ability is not a bit superior to that of Olle at second, Redfern at short, or H arris at the hot corner. Sellehs, M cKnight, and Tram m el are the fly-ch asers who stru t their s tu ff in the outfield. Sellehs prom­ to be another Abe Thom pson ises if he continues his present w ork, while M sK nlght and Trammel a>e hardly less accurate. Fielding is not the only thing that S C ! PRIZE CONTEST At Th* T exas Shop in lobby of Tex** Th e a t er H I L D E B R A N D L E A V E S 1st P rize, $2.50 in C ash Judge I. P. Hildebrand, dean ofj the Law School, le ft Tuesday night, in com pany with Judge W illiam Pier j in for W ashington and points son the North on business. 2nd Prize, Choice of A sh T ray a n d C heese P la te New Arrival of Linens They M ove and Move Q uickly— G et Yours Made by G O D C H A U X ^ , a house of the highest class and first in Thin Fabric Suits mak er s— Our label cannot add to their fame, we feel honored to have th eir agency. CO M E IN T O D A Y We fit you in our shop, should any alte ration be necessary— no charge. Linen a n d Linen C ra sh ..,.....$18,50 Linen a n d Linen C ra sh $20.00 Silks, finest im p o rte d .............$45.00 Silk a n d W ool m ixed ........... $30.00 A lp a c a ( g e n u in e ) .............. ,..$ 3 5 .0 0 Many Interscholastic Southwestern Marks Bet­ tered in Meets a n d Southwest conference and «tate high school track and field records win be in danger o f betterm ent when delegates for the F ifteenth Annual Interscholastic League Meet gather at the Stadium on Friday and S a t­ urday, May 8 and 9, according to Roy B. Henderson, director of League athletics. Reports from all d istric ts have been received by league head­ quarters, and speculation is ram ­ pant as to what the traeksters who showed up well in district meets will d.» in state competition. Roy Stevens of Abilene bettered the league broad jum p record when he leaped 23 feet and eight Inches This will not hold as an official dis­ tance since it was not made in a "tate meet. The present league record of is better than the 23 feet 1-2 Southw est Conference high mark, inch Baltiew of Beaum ont tied the na tarnal low hurdle record of 24 2-5 sec­ onds. The present league record in this event was set by Mac Keeble at 26 1-5 seconds. Ballies- is also lead­ ing district champions in the jive* Ho throw, a new event in league com­ petition. H is district record is 164 feet and fiv e inches. In high jum ping Rowan of Long­ view and Stew art of Breckenridge have both gone the present six foot Inglesias inches better. record two o f Port Arthur ran the 220 yard dash in 21 4-5 seconds, clipping two second* o ff the tim e set by Cockrell several years ago. Anastaaa of Sour Lake ran the half-m ile in 2 minutes 2 1-5 second*. The league half-m ile record is now held by Jim Reese at 2 minutes, 3 3-5 seconds. — — - ~ o ------------------ Taylor and Bantel Talk at Banquet of A .S.C.E. W ednesday Addresses by Dean T. U. T aylor on “ Advanced D egrees” and by P rofes­ sor E. C. H. Bantel on “E ngineer of the Future'* were the principal features of a banquet given by the U niversity chapter of the American Society o f Civil E ngineers Wednes day. Dean Taylor gave interesting rem iniscences of incidents that he has experienced as chairm an of the dip­ loma com m ittee and the requirem ents for degrees in the early days. Pro­ fessor Bantel stressed the value of continued study and mental work to engineer after leaving college. The banquet w as presided over by Professor A. T. G ranger as to ast­ m aster Other num bers on the pro­ gram were an address of welcome by W. K Brown, president of the U n i­ versity chapter; “Comment*” by L. D, B illyer, and m usical number* con­ sistin g of a “ Piano M onologue” by Allene Shankx, and violm-piann duet o f popular air* by Kathleen Rucker and W. K. Brown. a Alum inum Salesm en Get B .B .A . Credit Co-ordination credit w ill be given B. B. A. student* for sellin g W ear Ever Alum inum for three m onths this Hummer, it has been announced. Students desiring to do this work to see J. M. L ightfoot are urged at the Y. I i. C. A. im m ediately in order to secure territory. Only 25 men will be used, and no territory will be assigned a fte r Friday. RIO GRANDE CLUB BA N Q UET The Rio Grande V alley Club will hold their annual term banquet on Thursday night, May 7, at 7:30 p. m They have planned a very peppy tim e to a i, and all o f the m em bers are urged to be present. It is essential U*&t all m em bers be there in order to make this banquet the best get together m eeting o f the spring term , and sn order to end the year with sm iles from all. 500 STU DENTS changing their term . YOU room ing Are places this can fill your room* if you will let these students know that you have vacancies, lX T THE DAILY T E X A N R EN T YOUR ROOMS u . CO-ORDINATION C R E D I T and EIG HT DOLLARS A DAY IMPORTANT TO STUDENTS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Co-ordination credit will he given to all students who sell WEAR EVER ALUMINUM for th re e months this summer. Students are urged to see J. M. Lightfoot at the y . M. C. A. immediately in order to sec tire territory. No territory assigned a f t e r Friday. Only 25 men will be used. KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE S T O N E SEND US THE THINGS YOU WORE LAST SEASON Our cleaning d e p a r t m e n t can do wonders with the things you probably never expected to wear again. Results ar e really astonishing. But you can never ap pre cia te the difference until you give us a trial. GEO. WESLEY Phones 2670—-2646 E ngineering ten n is players opened their spring term tournam ent Mon­ day when Fred S. N agle and F. L. Cohen won prelim inary m atches! from Frank C. Rushing and M. I ) J Cohen respectively. taking In the initial match plyaed Mon­ day m orning. F . L. Cohen won a! rather hard fo u gh t c o n te st over M.j D. Cohen, the match by a acor** o f 9-7, 6-2. The first se t was} a see-saw a ffa ir , but in the second* set Rushing g o t in trouble and al­ lowed N agle to crash through for tit easy win. the F. L. Cohen afternoon! in match d efeated M. D. Cohen by ai 6*2, 6-2 score. M. D. Cohen was o ff form , though the fir st o f the match was hard fought. Today W. E. H ollingsw orth m eets Jam es E. Sutton the m orning in match, and in the even in g J. E. H o ff opposes I). P. Roy. Other con testa n ts in m atches W ednesday and the rem aind­ er o f the week are: T. S. Gray, E. V, W hite and K, H. Clough. m eeting the Shorthorns can do, however, as can readily lie attested by any team which has kist to them* All of them are heavy hitters and good base-run- ners, Other gam es in store for the Short- * erns are the one w ith Allen Acad­ emy here on May l l , and a tentative fracas w ith B artlett. The A lie n e e s are sm arting from the 9-1 defeat re­ c e n te r handed them at Bryan and should give lots of figh t. DONNELLY & WHITE Phone 6131 Plumbing and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. Daily Texan Want Ad Section Get What You W ant W hen You Want It— Use Texan W ant Ads. Call Today at Business O ffice, Room 155, Main Building MISCELLANEOUS SPO RTING — “ D addy’s Gone A H unt­ in g ” at the Queen T heater today. If Fay Jones will present this ad she m ay see what he killed. 821 C ongress, W E’LL have “ H ot Tam ale M olly” sung by the w hispering pianist, Co- I lumbia Record in a few days. Isaac phone .B led so e, — 6 6619. ------ DON’T DROP Math or P hysics; let I me help you pass them . Call Law- j rence Brown, phone 5283, for an ap- — Ma29 in coaching. I pointm ent HEM STITCHING IO C ents per yard 102 W est 24th St. Phone 9407 — Apr30 SPRING TIM E, and Jane Green sings on a V ictor record “ A Mama Like I You and A Papa Like M e.” A good Isaac B led soe, 821 Con- record. — 2 j gress. Phone 6619. EXPERT STEAM P E R M A N E N T W A VIN G : Mrs. Fred Farm er, the forem ost perm anent w ave and hair- dress artist o f A m erica, locates here. A visit to her salon w ill be appre­ ciated. E vening appointm ents given w orking girls. All b eau ty work done. BAY-W AY B E A U T Y SALO N, 302 — 3 L itlefield Bldg., phone 4690. FORDS REBUILT AND RECONDITIONED Come in and see us if you want a good Ford on easy term s. AU sold with a 30-day gu aran tee. BO YS! Send $1.00 for 3 beautiful knit n eckties. C ost $1.00 a piece anyw here. M oney returned if not satisfied . A m erican L egion, A bilene, — M&26 T exas. in PARTIES interested transporta­ tion to New York City this sum ­ mer and return, please mail your name and address to Box 1927-P An unusual opportunity to you.— tf MATH AND PH Y SIC S coaching. One i hour’s coaching now is worth more than three at exam ination tim e. Call — M ayi L. D. Golden, 5 9 6 3 . FOR EX PER T typing them es, th eses and all papers that require phone evening, — 6 accurate and neat Graham, aftern oon 2092. copying, 6663, o f HEAR JIM M IES JO YS new Okeh record “C larinet Marmalade Blues” price 75 cents. Big hit. Come in and let us play it for you. J. R. Reed Music Com pany, 805 C ongress Ave- nue.________________________— 6 D A N C IN G — P r iv a te studio, 5 00 W . 31 ut. P h o n e 7812. GET ST A R T E D right in Math and Physics! A good start m eans a good grade. Call Lawrence Brown, in these phone 5 2 8 3 , for coaching — Apr 30 subjects. M ALE HELP W A N TED 8 m onths country W ANTED— T eacher with fam ily, for $100 per m onth. Cow, garden, teacherage rent free. On shell highw ay. J. W. Mc Kam ey, Port Lavaca, T exas. — 2 school. W A N TED — U n iversity student must have som e kind o f regular em ploy­ m ent to remain in U niversity. Phone M alcolm Green at 8379 if you have refer­ anything o ffe r . — 3 ences. B est to T E A C H ER S W A N T E D — For sum m er Superin­ and w inter teaching. tendents, P rincipals, M usic, R om ance! L anguages, M athem atics, English,! Econom ics, A rt, H istory, A th le tic s,I M anual Training, Hom e E con om ics,1 Com m ercial. Latin, and Grades. J. L. T a ff, M emphis, Tenn., Austin phone 6039.______________ — I Spanish B O A R D & ROOM S H E R E ’S A N en tirely d iffe r e n t rec Ord that you are sure to enjoy “The Tim e Will C om e,” U kulele Isaai Harm onica and G uitar m usic. phom B ledsoe, — i 6619. C ongress, 821 LISTEN — Sallie Lee Exum m ay hea “ H er H usband’s S e c r e t” if she wil it at th* i clip this ad and p resent M ajestic o ffic e w here this show now playing. in to U niversity, W est ROOM W A N T E D — For couple clos side o cam pus prfeerred . P rice m ust b< — 3< reasonable. Phone 3493. A T T E N T IO N ! P rosp ective summc school boys! Four exceptional! room s, one cool, nicely furnished half block from cam pus, brick house hot and cold w ater, sleep in g porch Phone 7412 or call at 2410 Guada ; lupe. P OR RENT— Light, cool room s up stairs for men. E astern exposure Special term s. A pply at 2503 Ri — Grande. All co n v en ien ces. LOST & FO U N D LOST— W aterm an’s per L eft in Law B uilding, room IO.'! Finder return to T exan o ffic e , M. E __ 155.________ fou n tain LOST— All faith in the average an tiquated, inefficien t laundry. F O U N D— An up-to-date, moderi laundry in the AU STIN L A U N D R Y A N D DRY C LEANING COMPANY Phone 5368 ligh tfu lly LARGE southeast corner room, de­ furnished apartm ent, garage, sleep in g porch. 301 W est 21st, phone 4161. — 5; cool. A lso FOR R EN T— F ive room furnished cottage with sleeping porch. 705 W est 25 1-2 S treet. P.ing 3686 for — 30 i further inform ation. w ants a neat modern VV A N T ED — F am ily o f three persons furnished apartm ent for next year. R ent to* start next Septem ber. Call 9346 at you once and le t us know w hat — 2 have. house suitable FOR R EN T— Septem ber I, a large or boarding house at 2009 Whitia A ve­ nue. For further inform ation phone — 5 4663. sorority for LOST— A gold pencil bearing the in itials R. B. M. F inder please re • turn to Texan O ffice. FOUND-—A bunch o f keys with rini and belt hook. Owner may havi lf,; if he w ill c a ll at M. B. t sam e and pay for this ad. FO U N D — A bunch o f fou r keys arn P. T. ta g No. 1455. Owner mal have sam e by calling at Texan offici t and paying for this ad. LOST— A Phi Gamma D elta fra ter m ty pm with “ R. L. M .” engrave* tc on back. P ublications o ffic e for rew ard, — ti Finder please return FO UND— Maroon bathing su it wit! green stripes. Owner may hay* sam e by calling by T exan o ffic e ami paying fo r this ad. OUR H O T WEATHER SU IT STOCK BARKER MOTOR C O M P A N Y NOTE T H E PLEASED EXPRESSION! Extraordinary clothes at ordinary prices. Linen Suits $10.00, $12.50, $13.50 a n d $15.00 All nicely tailored and correct style. He has ju st found what he w ants in Light weight ghirts— m a d e ’by Earl & Wilson- anteed. -guar- THE DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIED SECTION! K nox Straw s Knox creates style for men Imported Jeddos, light as feath er © l i e B a i l l i © e x a l t Vol. XXV!. A U S T I N , T E X A S , F R I D A Y , M A Y I , 1 9 2 5 No. 1 78 DISCH AND BELLMONT DECLARE PEACE TEXAS AND BAYLOR WILL BATTLE TODAY A T 3.30| C O ™ m IS KIRKLAND R E A D S ™ B! mm i PETERKIN’S, Love and Affection for Uni- versity Cause Agreement to Be Reached S IO , Will SETTLE Coach and Athletic Director Bury Hatchet and Be­ come Friends Again Negro .Stories Are Written From New and Unusual Angle SUPERSTITION IS MOTIF Pleasure Until Discovered by Sandburg B y J u m b o H a y n e * i Billy Disch, beloved coach Author Wrote for Her Own °1 Varsity baseball, and L. Theo Bellmont, athletic d irec­ tor, reached an agreem ent late Thursday afternoon “to b u ry the h a tc h e t,” forget all inci­ dents of the past and work to ­ g eth er in the future “ for th e University they both love so well." aid E. f Kirkland of Lie- E nglish “ Among our great modern w riters,” departm ent, in introducing his read­ ing Thursday afternoon, "is Mrs. J u ­ “T ” A ssociation A dopts Resolution I he f o l l o w i n g r e s o l u t io n wa* a d o p t e d b y th e “ J' A s s o c i a t i o n I a f t e r a om e d is c u s s i o n at a m e e t i n g T h u r sd a y n ig h t , a c c o r d i n g to J o h n T ro u t: “ B e it r e s o l v e d bv th e “T” A s ­ o f U n i v e r s i t y th e s o c i a t io n o f T e x a s : “ T h a t w e e x n r e s s o u r tu lles* f a i t h a n d c o n f i d e n c e in Mr. D it c h and p l e d g e h im o u r u n q u a l i f i e d • u n p o r t in th e o r e s e n t c o n t r o v e r s y th a t we will e n ­ an d a s s u r e him d e a v o r to s e e th a t h e r e c e i v e s fail t r e a t m e n t . ” A n o t h e r m e e t i n g o f th e a s s o c ia tio n w ill be c a ll e d w ith in th e n e x t f e w d a y s . RIEF RIPPEY OUT TDD TELL LEADER Was Member of S. M. U. Staff for Three Years STUDENTS MUST FILE r n n y pDf]DjT|ni| PETITIONS LOR RACE BEFORE 12 TONIGHT ' " D M PRUIM I HJN OF WIEL THURSDAY STAFFS E TO EDIT A U S T I N PAPERS NEAT WEER secretary- o ffic e s I I treasurer, Education councilm an, and j Law councilm an yet unannounced for I the last opportunity to file a petition for any o ffic e w ill be tonight at 12 | o clock in th** o ffic e of the Students | A ssociation on the second floor o f ■the Main B uilding, according to Mil | dred T aylor, secretary o f the asso- ; elation. Interest From Am ount Will Be Used as Student Loan Fund ENDS LONE L E H BUTTIE \ \ ith the o f The secreta ry will be in her o ffic e to 12 to receive petitions be o'clock Friday night, or reached at the Alpha Phi house, 2608 G uadalupe S treet any tim e during the day. from J) can Eight nam es have been turned in as candidates for o ffic e s since Sat urday, bringing the total to 30 per sons in the race for various o ffic e s W hile som e o ffic e s are hotly con­ tested, there are six places fo r which only one candidate is announced. --------------- cs--------- ----- T FISTED EDR TODAY George W. Brackenridge, Former Regent, Donator of Large f und loan B equest o f a perm anent fund of $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 , interest on which is to be fund, w a s used as a stu d en t konule available to the U niversity of T exas for im m ediate use, a s a r e s u l t o f the final probation o f the will of the la te Geo. W. B rackenridge Thurs­ day m orning the San A ntonio courts. in P r i n c i p a l I n t a c t U nder the term s o f the will the U n iversity w ill receive all interest accruing from this perm anent fund, 1 and the principal w ill be kept intact, J Incom e from the fund may be used under the direction o f the U niver­ sity R egen ts only as a loan fund for stu d en ts, according to the provisions o f the will. Comes as Climax to Activities of Senior W eek; Begins at 6 :3 0 Probation o f the will Thursday by Judge R. W. B. T errell o f the 73rd D istrict Court brings to an end a lastin g over four long years, the U niversity of T exas has been represented by th? Probation o f this particular S ta te. front o f the will was con tested in the courts by be followed Mrs. I. H. Roberts and Mrs. I. H. late Mr Coming as a clim ax to the a ctiv ities of senior week which began Monday afternoon at Senior Vespers, the sen­ ior sw ing-out will be held this after- noon at 6 :3 0 p. rn. in Main B uilding and will im m ediately by the quet at *,.>0 at the U n iversity Cafe- Mr. B ranckenridge, and the U n iv e r -1 tCTIB j „ ’ I sity was to gain any legacy the will | he senior swing-out in the history o f is an annual provided only in case the U n iv e r -J w as probated, W. C. A. ban-1 M cIntyre, n ieces o f the legal battle in which th is , t event sity ,” declared Ruth M cM illan, presi- I n c o m e o f $ 3 , 2 0 0 1913 w i l l 1 Sam Johnson a n d Jumbo Haynes Are Appointed Managing Editors WILL l l T I OUTS Jack Logan and Emil Bose in Charge of Editorial Writing class T uesday S ta ffs for the American and S ta te s­ man editions to be put out by the n ew sgathering and W ednesday of next week w ere an­ nounced by W. I). H ornaday T hurs­ the Am erican day. The s t a ff for will work Tuesday to edit W ednes­ d a y ’s paper, and the s t a ff for the Statesm an w ill work W ednesday. c ity E ditors of the A m erican w ill be as fo llow s: Sam Johnson, m anaging edi­ tor, G ranville Price, editor, Blanche Horn, a ssista n t city editor, John editor, editor, Alice Ruth Searcy, society McGruder, a ssista n t society editor, W illiam D effera i, sports editor, Gil­ bert M cA llister, colum nist. Sam m ons, telegraph Reporters are P riscilla A ustin, E lizabeth Baldwin, E m il Bose, Dor­ othy H arris, Carroll H olloway, Verda Jarrell, Dorothy M cLean, Melba M it­ chell, B ertha Porter, Fred Sherwood, Sarah T haxton, K athryn Webb and S tew a rt Harkrider. E ditors of the Statesm an w ill be as fo llow s: Jum bo H aynes, m anag­ ing editor, Louis H am lett, city editor, K athryn Maddrey, a ssista n t city edi­ editor, telegraph tor, A rthur N ail « ^ L I- ? P e l‘* ^ tia e f f e r , editor, L society G ray G illette, a ssista n t society edi- ■ o L Reporters are F rances Baldw in, M argaret Cousins, V ivian Fields, L il­ lian H arwell Kerr, Mabel M iller, DeW Sooter, G enevieve Sw indells, Dudley Wynn and Daniel H ollis. E ditorials will be w ritten by the editorial class under the direction of Jack Logan and Em ii Bose who were elected. C opyreading w ill done by the copyreading class. come e n r ic h e d * ^ t r a A t o i » P Iru‘'reRt ear book, be-. t0 an interested audience. He made ; plain the realistic art of the author 1 an/i n&ihn* humor and pathos u, l c in22. He j • of t her i J was a member o f Ihe truck squad in stories o f negro life. I Informal Affair W ill Be Held From 9 to 12; Sopho­ more* Invited o ff, mem bers o f the Newm an Club i are m aking preparations to hold o n e ; jr,22 P layers who expect to com pete in the g ir ls’ ten n is tournam ent m ay find o f the la rg est and most enthusiastic I m eetings that they have h»*ld so fa r, the schedule posted in o ffice 4 at the W oman’s Gym. On account of the i according to F ather Latchford, chap- the gam es have inclem ent w eather been delayed a few days, but if the j w eather perm its, the rem aining com- The freshm an class w ill reign su- petition can be finished shortly, said Miss H iaw atha C rosslin, a ssista n t in the W oman’s P hysical Education De­ partm ent. the members o f the club w ill meet in the club rooms for the annual com- mumon breakfast. An elaborate pro- .u,, - gram has been arranged for the af fa ir. Im m ediately after lain of the club. The reason ---------- ” _ . , , , u „ . „ * Among the honorary organizations of which he w as a member were Tau j Kappa Alpha, honorary debating and social oratorical fratern ity, Punjab Kjodr, a A m i n r i was also the student representative on f the athletic council rn his senior year. „ • Ui society. He .. . th e early maSa ,(chlb> and w„ pre, ident o f c | Pre-L egalites Hold Interesting M eeting Thursday at Seven . , . , .. . , . . , , . . . .Since tran sferrin g to T exas, he I has been activi ty engaged in the new i , . students stadium drive, and has been* T . . w o rking on the side-show' division of i ,, j < in v e n tio n of A d v e rtisin g Men .. ,, the v a r s i t y C ircus. J ,* H ouston. Vaughn Albertson talked; with this he put . e of m agic tricks. He h A member o f j Sigm a Alpha Epsilon fratern ity . 3 At th e regular m eeting of the Pre- la st night, Homer In te rn a tio n a l a t . n a ... •, Law A ssociation , . ' J a c k s o n discussed . , .. L .. , M . A short business m eeting was held in -j I and the Pre-Law prospects for jtrarnural track were discussed. The „ In connection , . on a sideshow fu I l r ,, & * on the Significance and Traditions? D I X O N E D I T S P A P E R the . . . , n , , j ,■ —I- lr1 I ‘IIJI. - .. . „ ------ - , . . 0 - I _ | | UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR IS MODERN SIR WALTER RALEIGH Sir W alter Raleigh threw his coat across the cam pus on the ground so that Queen E liza- o'clock class. to make a 9 In fro n t o f the libra- beth would not have to walk in the ry, the M icky mud jerked o n e o f th e! W elcome Dixon, form er atudent o ft follow ing n e w m e m b e r s were adm it , pudn.e o f w ater. A L n n -e m ty pro- slippers o ff her fo o t. niter one b etter. fessor w en t Sir Thursday, and rescued slipper would not be forced to m ake class rescued with only one slipper. led to th ,-orga n iza tio n : Harvey Blan. Prof, J. W. Calhoun was standing U niversity at the end o f the w inter ton, Frank Graham, W alter Barnes, c o -ed s’* j near, and saved the day. W ith all term is now c ity editor on the V er-! Alton J. P. Luckett, Clinton Holt, B. that she the dash o f a young sophom ore, h e s no Record, a sem i-w eekly paper. He L. Bishop, J. L. M erritt, Basil B a sils, is a member of Carlo Coon, Howard Doolittle, Bill it on the fo o t o f the* Sigm a D elta Chi. professional jour-1 Reagan, J, M atthews, and Dave M en -1 (journalism who w ithdrew from the from the mud ; was a junior and a the mud so and slipped the slipper from She was a p retty blonde h u r r y in g ,em barrassed co-ed. nalistic fratern ity for men. sing. prem e in all its glory ton igh t from 9 to 12 o ’clock in the W om en’s Gym­ for such hi­ nasium . larity w ill be inform al dance the sponsored by the class o f ’28 for ev-{ in the U n iv ersity , especially! eryone the o ffic ia ls o f the class o f '27. It has been several years since the traditional freshm an dance as an an nual a ffa ir was abolished. The frien d ­ ly com petition betw een the fish and their deadly rivals, the sophs, be­ cam e too grea t for the dance to be continued. S o p h o m o r e s I n v i t e d The exclusion o f the sophom ores caused the trouble at the dances o f form er years. This year, how ever, (Continued on P a g e 4) lia Peterkin, w riter of stories of the South Carolina negroes. She is new to the public for she wrote for her own pleasure until Carl Sandburg, Chicago poet, persuaded her to pub­ lish her works.” introduced Mrs. Peterkin has a new study of negroes unlike that of Joel Chandler H arris, the relations o f the negroes among them selves, ac­ cording to Mr. Kirkland. Mr, Kirkland read from Mrs. Pe- terkin’s “Green T hursdays.” The first selection, “Green T hursday,” the story from which the volume takes its name, is the story of the old su ­ perstitions of the negroes concern­ ing the sin of breaking the soil on “Green T hursday,” the day o f the ascension o f Christ. Kildee, the negro plowm an, is plowing on the Holy Day while all of his neighbors have gone fishing. He is ju st a little afraid that lightning will .'•trike his farm and make it un­ productive, hut he can see no d iffe r ­ ence in that and the fact that the grass is choking his corn and cotton. This fear grow s on him so th at he stops and goes cabin. He leaves the cabin to tend to Mike, the old mule, and Rose, Kildee’s w ife, hurries to him with little Rose, who has been burned. The child dies, and the negroes believe that her death is the punishment visited upon Kildee soii on Green T hurs- to his Peace and harm ony reigned in th e A thletic D epartm ent, where a th rea t­ ened breach betw een o ffic ia ls resu lt­ announced ed when Coach Disch Tuesday that he would resign at tho end o f the baseball season and go elsew here. It was stated am ong ath­ letic circles that the entire situation was practically cleared up. M ay A n n u l S . M. U . C la im s if th at It was hoped Southern M ethodist U n iversity held claim s on Mr. Disch, because o f an verbal or tentative arrangem ents that m ight have been made by him to join the in stitu tio n , coaching s t a f f o f that they would be relinquished, in view of the course of ev en ts here Thursday* that president Dr. D. A. P enick, chairman of the Athletic Council, stated T hursday night that he had held telephone co n ­ versations w ith the o f Southern M ethodist U niversity and Mr. M cIntosh, athletic director t h e r e , and that th ey were o f the opinion that the m atter could be settled sa t­ isfactorily. S. M. U. o ffic ia ls would act on the case tom orrow, he said. In com m enting on the pleasant c li­ max of the a ffa ir , Mr. Bellm ont said, “ Mr. Disch and m yself, because o f our devotion and love for the U n i­ v ersity o f T exas, have reached an agreem ent on this m atter and are ab­ solutely harmonized on any d iffe r ­ ences that m ay have existed. “ I admire Mr. Disch because he haM stood f o r the U niversity throughout. I repeat the statem ent that I made recently, that I love and admire Mr. Disch, and have alw ays held a deep a ffectio n for him .” D is c h Is P le a s e d Coach Disch said in turn: “ I am glad that we have reached the d eci­ sion that we have, and I believe that we can both go on now know ing b et­ ter howr to serve the school we both love so w ell.” A called m eeting o f the U n iversity “ T ” A ssociation members a t the Y. M. C. A. Thursday night “ to discuss the athletic situ a tio n ,” adopted a res­ olution in Mr. expressing “ faith Disch.” Could all the students have been (C ontinued on page 4 ) Seniors W ant A id for M aking Chain for Senior Sw ing T h r e e h u n d r e d a n d s e v e n t y - f i v e y a r d s o f th e B l u e b o n n e t C h a in for th e S e n i o r S w m g - O u t a r e c o m ­ p le t e d , a c c o r d i n g to R u th M c M i l­ la n , p r e s i d e n t o f C a n a n d G o w n . G ir ls in t h e P . T . c l a s s e s w o r k e d th e all d a y T h u r s d a y c h a in s . T w o h u n d r e d y a r d s o f th e c h a in r e m a i n s u n f i n i s h e d . W o rk th e w ill b e c o n t i n u e d to d a y , a n d t o m a k e p r e s i d e n t o f t h e s e n i o r c la s s is i s ­ s u i n g a c a ll f o r h e lp so th a t th e S w i n g - O u t m a y g o f o r w a r d a s p l a n n e d . T h o s e h a v in g a n y s p a r e t i m e c o m e to th e G y m a n d a id . ------ ■- - | t i LASE THREE GAMES Hurlers* Battle Between Gore or Freeze and Cox Is Likely on the Texas meets the Baylor Bears at Clark Field this afternoon at 3:30, and the probable outcome of the game will have heavy bearing Longhorn chances for another baseball championship of the Southwest­ ern Conference. Over 5,000 are expected to attend. Baylor has won three stra ig h t frames, ta k in g one from Rice and tw o in a row from the weak A rk­ nine. W ith Captain Carl ansas h reeze or “ R ed” Gore on the mound the Bruins w ill try desperately for som ething today they have never ac­ under complished on Clark Coach Frank B ridges— that is to win a gam e. Field last the “ F i g h t ” K e y w o r d “ F ig h t” w ill be the keyword o f the battle this afternoon when the two team s take up their old feud. B ay­ lor will strive for tw o th in gs— to top­ ple the Longhorns from second place and for a coveted victory. T exas w ill also strive for two th in gs— to preserve tradition for one, but above all to show their beloved coach that th ey have a m orale that cannot be daunted by outride circum stances. B ridges will have one o f the best chances he has had to take the long end of a score here. H is pitching s t a f f is working good. Freeze and Gore, both righthanders, may work a g a in st the Longhorns. F r e e z e S h a k e s J i n x Freeze has been hounded by a jinx during the entire conference season and has received poor infield sup­ port. He succeeded in ridding him­ self o f the bad luck leech long enough Monday to blank the A rkansas club 3 to 0, and he g a v e up only seven h its. Coach Disch said Thursday that Freeze alw ays turns in his best gam e in an encounter w ith the Steers, and F r id a y ’s gam e is not likely to prove an exception. Gore downed the A rkansas Razor- backs Tuesday, allow in g only one hit, and w inning 5 to 0. He will likely go in if Freeze sta rts and does not receive the proper reception. C o x W i l l P i t c h certain L eslie Cox is alm ost to open on the mound for T exas. He has not worked out this week in the conference tilts and should be in e x ­ cellent form . He w as w orking out T hursday and w as apparently still “goin g good.” lost The Bears have won four gam es and the sam e number, g ivin g them a standing o f .500. The Long­ horns have played six , lost one to Rice, and tied one w ith T. C. U ., thus g iv in g them an average o f .800. Probable line-up fo r T exas w ill be: Kibbie, 2b; P ratt, c f ; W illiam son, rf; Thom pson, lf; Sm alley, 3b; F alk, lb ; Radford, ss; L eissner, c; and Cox, p. S O P H O M O R E M E E T I N G T h e 3 3 s o p h o m o r e s w h o h a r e b e e n a s s e s e d f o r t h e B. H a i l d a m a g e w ill m e e t t o d a y a t 5 o ' c l o c k in r o o m 2 0 4 o f t h e E d u c a t i o n B u i l d i n g . T h e m e e t i n g is f o r t h e p u r p o s e th e a s s e s s m e n t a n d o f a r r iv i n g at a s e t t l e m e n t c o n c e r n ­ f o r a r r a n g ­ i n g i n g a c o n c e r t e d p l a n o f a c t i o n in th e m a t t e r . T Y P IS T S Now is the tim e to advertise for work. T heses must be turned in soon and there is a demand for typing. PU T YOUR W AN T A D IN THE DAILY TEXAN “GOLDEN BED” T H E D A I L Y T E X A N 700 EXPECTED C he. ll ally fe c jtn First College D*iijr ta th* Sooth Pct tithed ca tho ( i m p * of tho Ca r m f t r of Texas hr th* T a u * S t s d « a t | Pe bi'.aetloas. tar., every ano-r.iog e* *ept Monday. Office*. M an Rn lid tag I i i . T* Sap ho a# 1 1 (9 , ft Editorial Office*. J Ha • 7, Telephone f l i t . Printed tty tho U B ir« ri{tf of I exaa Pro**, A. C. W right, Mar,acor J Hall, MOULTON “T Y ” COBB STEW ART HARKRIDER _ . Ed stop-:n . c K f M anaging Editor DORO TH Y ANN F IS H E R E ditorial A ssistant BUSINESS S T A F F *.------------------ William L. M c G i l l Robert U Murphree .. A ssistant M anager A. B. Smith __ Advertising Manager T, Wilson Erwin ___________ ________ _______A st infant AdSrertfflbig Manager) Bart Dyke __________________ Boone Crisp ------ ...-------------------- ------------- „--- SuppfT-dng Business Manager j . . . ___...O ffice Manager ] * « « ._ ________ C irculation M anager! ,Trrr, -. FEA tuni f i r m a Baldwin G»r AI Hater Ft uh Mentor l P O R T E R S Mary Baldwin FU mer Calli hen John T>avla Abe M-h! Outlier Wynn Katy Bae If rail Bonnie Tom K-h!n*»n Reneera Heftier Arthur Merchant M e l b a M i t r b e l l A n n i e Lee Durham lf en rte* ta Merer Kila C a r t e r Margaret Dunean W ILLIA M J. DINCH. On account of differences between certain members of the I nivarsity athletic department* the name of William J. Disch, for fifteen year- coach of baseball here and w inner of twelve South­ w estern Conference championships, frequently has been before the public. It is the opinion of The Texan th a t Mr. Disch, in his rela­ tions with m a jo r league baseball clubs, has done absolutely noth­ ing wrong, and should not be censured in any way for his actions,* An article in Thursday s p aper w ritten by the editor of the Long­ horn “T, * stated that Mr. Disch had received $500 from the New York Amel iran League club when Heinie Odom* fo rm er Long­ horn shortstop, signed w ith the Yankees. This .statement is in ­ in a local dow ntow n newspaper accurate, as was pointed out Thursday morning. Mr. Disch received $500 for recommending to the New* York club th a t it purchase M artin Autrey, catcher fo r the Austin team of th e Texas A ssociation; Benny Bedford, c e n te r fielder f o r the A ustin team of the Texas Association, anc Heinie Odom, and all three recommendations were made during the sum m er time, when Mr. Disch was not identified in any re ­ is nothing spect with the U niversity of Texas. Surely there w rong with a U niversity man earning $500 from source during the su m m er months. an outside F u rth erm o re , th*- Longhorn “T ” editor s a id : “ Now, the ma jollity of the members of th e Athletic Council, particularly th< I acuity members, regard I ti sc b ’s acceptance of the money as rep rehensible and as opjmsed to th** s p irit of a m a te u r athletics. J w as on the basis of this point that Odom was ruled ineligible though no publicity at the time was given this p a rtic u la r phase o' the Odem c a s e /’ This sta te m e n t was inaccurate, to**, for righ a t t e r the A thletic Council declared Odom ineligible, Dr. D. A fVni< k. chairm an of the council, stated that the reason th a t Odon was declared ineligible was because in the opinion of the council Odom became a professional when he accepted the bonus money. D uring his fifteen years here, Mr. Disch has lived for the University and fo r his boys, a n d he has taken a great personal interest in each student who has played with him on Longhorn team s. He has spent much tim e and money in pro cu rin g his boy.* emplo}mem in the sum m er time, and his connections w ith big league clubs have been purely for th e interest of his boy*, and not for any selfish gain. He -h* K PHona 4066 ______ GIFT SHOPS LITTLE T SHOP Afternoon Teas a Specialty T iffin From 5 to 8 Sunday E vening B R Y D S O N L U M B E R C O M P A N Y Building Material* And H em et 415 West 19th Street P h o n o 5 3 3 1 METAL WORK Ornamental Metal Work For Home A Office f ig u r e With Mo. Phone 4660. E T. SiggeL H S Lait U h St. A U STIN RUBBE R STA M P CO, *Lu,b b * r S ___ **0» West 6th Streot Seale, Stencil# P h o n e 8 7 1 8 RUGS CLEANED tired R ugt and C arpet! cleaned, mended, J S T * V CAPITAL CARPET CLEAN- e-iLO, ZI 17 L ast Avenue, phene 8538. MOVING AND SHIPPING SECOND-HAND CLOTHES F . M A S T E R M oving, Crating and Shipping OSTEOPATHS WM. A LEW'IS, M D.. D O . Specialfree in Osteopathy PIANO WORK R A. PF E IF E R Plano W ork S c i e n t i f i c a l l y Fendered ^non 1406 Red River S r.ret. Dial 3656 PLUMBING L a v a M o v ers R esh arp en ed 7Se I c e B o k o s R e l i n e d PLUM BING REPAIR SHOP Re Yen. 14113 Lavaca Phone 8763 Let U s Do Your P lum bing Repair Work PITTSFORD A FEHR ________Phone 388ft______________ POTATO CHIPS Pie km eking Time Is Here C a i ! on U s for Q u a l i t y Products We Appreciate Students' Trade SAN I-PRODUCTS OF TEXAS Phone 306* | ......_ PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHS W here the is beauty v c take it it W lf* r I hr is none we m a k e THE J E S S E N STUDIO h i g h e s t c a s h p r i c e s Paid For Second-hand Clothing end Sh oot Phone 3762 TRANSFERS J. R EESE, T R A N S F E R M oving and H auling O ut-of-Town Trips a Specialty. Phono KUT A. H. Pool T ransfer Co. M oving, P acking and shipping, We move household goods and pianos. AH work guaranteed, phone 2557 WELDERS STOERM ER BROTH ERS General M ach in ists and W elders 102 East Sib Street P hone 88X8 WELDING A N D RADIATOR REPAIRING AUSTIN W ELD IN G A R A DIATOR WORKS E lectric and A cetylene W elding Radiator Repairing 20S E a s t Sth Strong_______ P h one 3718 W O O D Y AR DS HEATER BLOCKS f X .2 5 P P R R I C K D E L I V E R E D W E. S JIPSON Phono M N , IN SOCIETY E n t e r t a i n m e n t H e l d for Seniors S O C I AL C A L E N D A R Fri day tall ro o m s of Freshman dance, May I, Wom­ e n ’s Gym,, 9-12. Gym, Saturday, 9-12. German. Saturday, K. ( ’. Hall. A ll-University dance, W om en’s Phi Delta Theta picnic, May 3. 5 p. rn. to 9 p. in., Perry Winkle Lodge. Complimenting all June and A ug­ ust seniors and celebrating senior w eek, Miss Newton and the Cap ami Gown Council entertained w ith a garden party at the F a c u lty W o m ­ en's < lob from *1:00 to 6:00 ye ste r ­ th e day afternoon. The club were attractively d e c o ra te d in fresh, green and c a n d e la b ra s. in serving were Mildred A ssisting Fielding, Mabel Mansell, Willie May been visiting Bery, Virginia Mantor, Knauer, Llorine Ashcroft, Leola Mar­ tin, Ruth Hilliard, Mildred Beall, Mary Nixon, Rosalie Biggio, Ruth Penick, Carrie P fe if f e r , Dorothy Price, Mildred Cannon, Mary Esther Streiber, Elizabeth Greenlee, An­ toinette Burns, Virginia Harper, Elizabeth Lusk, Virginia Wilson, Mabel Cooper Militia Kirkpatrick, Dorothy fis h e r , a f ew days Irene Kehoe. Margaret Parsons, Mil­ dred Hackett, Lyra Haisley, E liz a -1 Elsi« Tyson has withdrawn from beth Wroe, Margaret Young, Eugenia j the University and returned to her Dilworth, Mellanea Mayers, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Scudder have their daughter, Vera daughter, Dorothy, at Kirby Hall. Pauline Wallace has just returned Arnold Manske is ill at Seton. Janet home in Mansfield. Barbara and Mildred. has returned from Mrs. Lee Knight stay in iSanAntonio. is visiting her AIV,™, Abrams, C h a r t a e , Mrs jj c . TuwnM who has bael) Stark Know,I, Mary McMillan, and (he Cap visit!ng EIsie aad EdRar Tow m .s ha, and Gown C ouncl composed o f Ruth I rcturned to har home in Houston. McMillan, Joyce Garrett, Margaret i Duncan, Frances ( ’ox, Marion Goode, Bar bael Dunaway. Rosemary Walling Elizabeth Eby, Mary Goldman and H elen Konjias. F i n n y Guinn spent last week-end in Georgetown. Roland Bailey is reported ill a t * * * * Seton Infirmary. Delta Kappa Epsilon wishes to an­ nounce o f Robert initiation Brown of Pearsall and Alan Faust of Dublin. the Delta ( ’hi announces the Initiation of W hites­ of W. Lignon Foster boro. Mr. Reid Portlow o f Mexia, spent in A us­ friends the w e e k - e n d with tin. D orothy Sturgis and Jewell W ag­ goner will visit in Dallas this week­ end. Today and T o m o r r ow ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN “The Midnight Express’»> Something Different! Dinner Dance THE CACTUS TEA ROOM ex ten d s an in vitatio n to all U niversity s tu d e n ts to a tte n d a sp e c ia l d in n e r d a n c e from 6 :3 0 till 8 :3 0 P. M. F r id a y evening. Special a r r a n g e m e n ts hav e been m a d e to hav e th e distinctive T e x a s ’ C actus N ig h t-H a w k s O rc h e s tra play for th e d a n ce . No Cover C h a rg e S pecial Food a n d Lots of F un A Real Party F e lix w r i t e s f r o m — Lucerne Ho for the land of Cheese, Choco­ late, and yodels! We went alping first thing this morning among the foothills to get in condition for the Olympic’s Yodeling contest day after tomorrow. Imagine represent­ ing our country in such a famous international tilt! I put the finishing touches on a new c re sc e n d o 'p ro f u n do yodel with which we hope to carry the field. Jack is acting as my all­ round manager, rubber, and trainer and I have to give him credit in spite of our spat over Kitty. This is a beautiful country, old feline, but you can’t help but notice how the advertisers have slipped up cm a wonderful opportunity to cover the mountainsides. Yours in M u Mu, F E L IX aconja c o l l i e S p e c ia l Tu n e O I ; i p Iivy-pfbl (4 hr$.ft,jn L°P*op\ and retl,rh \ | ) 6 0 1 " ; , f ur th er about For Canard Third Cabin trips wri t e to particulars Send for the Three Ptise W m nina Seo»i« writ­ ten by Goiiextaft* w ho c ro » « - I th i« m a y v ia C**ru*r4 ls*t centon. CUNARD & ANCHOR LINES flohn Bro* . SIS Centre** Avenue, Anotia, Teats, rn local agent* T H E D A I L Y T E X A N THEATER ROW B y L o u i e T. H a m l e t ! Q u e e n : “ D a d d y ’* G o n e A H u n t ­ ing, ' T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t ­ u r d a y . H a n c o c k : “ T h e M i d n i g h t E x - pr e**, ’’ F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y . M a j e s t i c : “ H e r H u s b a n d ' * S e ­ t h u r s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t ­ c r e t , ” u r d a y . l e x a s : I he G o l d e n Be d, ’ F r i ­ day a n d S a t u r d a y . “ H e r H u s b a n d s Secret j W i t h A n t o n i o M oreno Frank Lloyd's First National pic­ ture, “ Her Husbands Secret," now at the Majestic Theater, has a ttra c t­ ed unusual praise from magazine and newspaper critics of the country be­ cause of its sincerity. Antonio Moreno, Patsy Ruth Miller, Ruth ( lifford, and David Torrence are the featured players and others in the big cast include Phyllis Haver and Walter McGrail. I he picture is an adaptation from May E ding ton’s Saturday E vening Post story, “Judgment." I Alice Jo yc e in Q u e e n Film it Another noted stage success has been brought to the screen with real ism and great dramatic force. This tim e is “D addy’s Gone a-Hunt- ing," the play by Zoo Akins in which Marjorie Rambeau won tame. which last night. Frank B o lt a g e made the pro­ duction for Metro-Goldwy n-Mnycr. I opened at the Queen Theater In being transferred to the screen none of fhe strength of this drama has been lost, and much has been add­ ed in wa.\ of color and lavish beauty. Alice Joyce, more lovely than when four she retired years ago, has the role of Edith. the screen from “ T h e M idni ght E x p r e s s '’ Replete \ \ ith I hrills Pat Harmoti who play- the heavy in “ The Midnight Express," which has come to the Hancock Theater for a two-day run, had a great deal of difficulty in making up f o r his part. Those who see the picture will no- i tire a prominent cauliflower ear and and very nasty scar on his cheek. In the days of circus acting and oil the legitim ate, where Harmon got his early training, such makeup simply and depended on the use of p u tty grease paint of the proper. -At M u e lle r’s Shoe S to re Slippers to Dance at May Parties T h e y o u n g g irl will sim p ly re v e l in th e se s u m m e r Slip­ p e rs for a fte rn o o n a n d ev e­ n in g — th e y a re so v e ry a t ­ tra c tiv e a n d in te re stin g ly v a ­ ried , She is s u re fin d e ith e r a softly colored d o e­ skin or an a rtis tic a lly d e s ig n ­ ed satin w hich will h a r m o ­ n ize w ith h e r frocks. to B lo nd e satins, g la z e d kid p a te n t, pastel do eskin , w hite kid. — T h e s e a s o n ’s new est s t i l e s a n d we can lit y o u — $10, $11, $12, $14 H O SIE R Y All Shades and colors $1.65, $1.95 a n d up CARL H MUELLER Home o f G ood S h oes-Hosiery e o a c o N o p E s s a v e . Now P la y in g at 11:00 a. rn. and 2:15, 1:00, 5:45, 7:30, 9:15 p.m. i f 2 ----------------------------------------- W IT H ANTONIO MORENO A N D Patsy Ruth Miller — a s t o r y a b o u t M A R R I A G E ! t h e s u b j e c t o f n e v e r - f a i l i n g i n t e r e s t Next Mo n d a y “ Mad a me San* G e n e ” m i s t i c Where did Daddy w a n d e r - when Daddy said Good-bye '■ ‘Daddy ’s Cjone JL'H anting* the film o f lo v e adventur Picture W I T H A L IC E J O Y C E PE R C Y M A R M O N T S h o ws 11: 00. 12:30, 4: 00, 2 : 1 5 , 5 : 45 . 7:30, 9 : 1 5 S P A T F A M I L Y C O M E D Y N E W S S P E C IA L A D D E D A T T R A C T I O N EW EN H A IL ——»The O nly O ne S i n g i n g — I l l u s t r a t e d 4 :1 5 — 9:00 Q U E E N N O W P L A Y IN G De Mille Pic ture at T e x a s Rumors that Geed ll. Dc Mille is grooming another Gloria Swanson have been coming out of Hollywood ever since work began on that direc­ production, tor’s latest Paramount “The Golden Bed," which will be the feature Friday at the Texas Thea­ ter. lh* Mille gave sci cen tests to forty of Hollyu Mod s most famous beauties before he selected Miss Rich, aud] then changed her from a brunette T E X A S T o d a y a n d T o m o r r o w deftness, that her natural interpre- tative qualities were greatly enhanced I am quite aware that! when the ‘fra m e’ was changed." ...O'* to a blo ade before acceptance. C om raenting upon tile change, De Mille said, M iss Rich h a s scored past successes us a brunette, but when I tested her as a blonde fo r ms p icture, I found t ~l 4, (*,**,, i i n t o l i er w o r k w i t h a ne w s u e l i t t e n , . Pay the PostaRe on y o u *: Pu b b c ** lion* a n d let us s e n d t h e m h o m e f o r , you. Call a t r o o m 155, M. B. Our May Shoes Were Designed to Please the College Girls and Boys] Footwear of the Latest Styles Prices That Are Fair Bure th r e a d silk h o s ie ry — Perfects, sh a d e s, full fashio ned, of course. Sheerest I hit tons S h a d o w clocks, silk to top Men s p u re >ilk sox fa sh io n a b le $2.45 5 5 c * «*»L nm rn m, It* Vt ■ »f> ..... I (KIL BEMIRES Cproduc (ion (Inc of th e s m a rte s t oxfords we have ever ’i <*u may have it in Bimana calf or b l a c k call ft* *T r* A I p / a O U shown, r T < n . IDfufce 109 W . 6t h St. C e p P h o n e 6045 I HVWRI'iriWNl11—. S C A R B R O U G H ’ S M A N ' S S H O P Men’s Suits O f Tropical Worsteds $ 2 7 . 5 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 of three tropical we ig ht A new shipment worsted suits that m en e v e r y w h e r e are b u y i n g for S u m m e r wear. I a d o r e d with the p e r fe c ­ tion of the w inte r apparel, yet as light we ig ht and as com fortab le as suits of cotton. H o ld a press r em ark a b ly well, a n d are b e c o m i n g in a n d the po pular light shades of grey, blue. tan, a n d E xtra trousers that m e a n longer w e a r more service as well as neat er a ppe a r a n c e . Co ns ervat ive a n d English models. MEN’S SHIRTS MEN'S UNIONS M en’s S h irts of English broadcloth, fo r some time the favored m a te ria l of men In the who are d iscrim in a tin g d ressers. solid colors t h a t are most popular, white, tan, blue, a n d grey. Collars attach ed and neckband st vies $2.00 Full cut union suits of line quality mate­ rial that w e a rs well and th a t is cool and com fortable, Well made in athletic style w ith elastic inserts across back for free­ dom and comfort $1.00 Men’s Low Shoes M en’s low shoes in black and tan models, bai or blucher style# W i t h a broad com fort­ able toe that harm onizes well with the wider trousers, and broad leather ... ........... $6.00 heels. All s iz e s S h o e S e c t i o n — Ma in F l o o r . All Leather Traveling Bags De&igned Especially for Men Decidedly a masculine tra v e lin g bag, of ail leath er with sewed E nglish fram e. L ea th er lined with pockets, brass plated Jift- up catches, and lock. T h re e piece style, black ti* Q O C and m ahogany color L u g g a g e S e c t i o n — Downst ai r s S t o r e. S C A R B R O U G H ’S Sigm a D elta Chi W ill M ake Final Plans to Entertain D elegates W heelock Papers in Library H ave Record of Education Plans Book on E lem ents o f A ccounting W ritten by W . F. W oodbridge Final plans for en te rta in m e n t of high school stu d en ts a tten d in g the journalism m eet to be held in con­ nection with In terscholastic the League next week will be m ade at the m eeting o f Sigm a D elta Chi in room 15" o f the Main B uilding a t 4 p. rn. Sunday, according to A. J. Bieter, p re s id e n t This will be the last m eeting o f the year. T entative plans for a ban q u et and o ther m eans o f e n te rta in m e n t were made at the last m eeting, and com­ m ittees were appointed to m ake ar- range(rents. The«e com m ittees will rep o rt th e ir activities. A pproxim ately twelve re p re s e n ta ­ tives o f high school pap ers are ex­ pected to com pete fo r honors in news gathering and editorial contest*. As city signment* will be made as offices, and the winner* will be aw arded gold, silver and bronze med­ als. in Education Banquet W ill Be H eld at Cafeteria Saturday POSTPONED EXAMS WILL BEGIN ON T U E S D A Y , M A Y 12 FROSH DANCE (C o n tin aed from page I ) Postponed exam inations, exam ina­ tions fo r advanced standing, and ex­ am inations to remove course condi­ tions will begin on T uesday, May 12, 1925, according to E. J . M athews, R eg istrar. Applications fo r exam i­ nations m ust be in the R e g istrar's o f­ fice not la te r than T uesday, May 5, a fte r which date o th ers positively will not be accepted. R u l e s govern­ ing these exam inations will be found on pages 28 to 3I> of the Hand-book. .Students nhould not petition unless they are sure of tak in g these exam i­ absence nations, as an f r o m such exam ination calls for a grade o f F. unexcused PEACE they are included In the invitation, I thue bringing about a feelin g friend- line? g ra th e r than enm ity. for The decorations from the Q ueen’? retain ed the Ball have been “ F a ts ” O bernier's freshm an dance. or chest* a will fu rn ish th e music for the occasion. John Estes, president! o f th e freshm an class, will lead the I g ran d m arch fav o rin g Miss Lily Bes? Voss o f A ustin. The freshm an com m itte in charge of the dance includes Jo e King, chair-) m an; and M urrin C lark. “ Ox” H ig -1 gins. and V ernon price of adm ission will be $1.10. S ingleton. The fo r ( haperons the occasion will be Mrs. M. M uckleroy, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. S te w art and Dean L. H, H ub­ bard. DO NOT ENVY YOUR CLASS MATES THEIR WELL DRESSED APPEARANCE But patronize a reputable " M A S T E R C L E A N E R and get the most out of your wardrobe. D ry Cleaner— D yer— H atter ss Ave. Phones e^Ktassachusetzs Institute of technology School of Chemical Engineering T radice COACHES ATTENTION! LET THE DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIED COLUMNS BRING YOUR CUSTO­ MERS. THURLOW B. WEED AMBULANCE SERVICE Funeral Home Phones 6080 and 6817 CAMPUS SHOP Expert C leaning and P ressing fo r MEN and WOMEN PHONE 4998 Approved M A R IN ELLO B E A U T Y S H O P Driakill Hotel All Mari nett e T r e a t m e n t * , E x p e r t Marcel ine, H a i r C u t t i n g a n d P e r m a n e n t W av i ng PH O N E 4014 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN H O T W E A T H E R TWO PIECE SUITS 9.85 to 30.00 A wide rang** of popular fa b rics— Palm Beach, G aberdines and fine all wool Tropical W orsteds in new est models fo r men and young men. All models. MISCELLANEOUS O d What You Want When You Want It— U se Texan Want Ads. Call Today at Business Office, Room 155, Main Building CO-ORDINATION CREDIT EIGHT DOLLARS A DAY IMPORTANT TO STUDENTS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Co-ordination credit will be given to all students who sell WEAR EVER ALUMINUM for three months this summer. v S‘U