D a ily T e x a n Student N ew sp aper at The University of Texas af Austin ‘en Cents Vol. 74, No. 123 64th Legislature To Organize Today New Briscoe Chooses Businessman, Lawyer By G A IL B U R R IS and B IL L SCOTT Texan Staff Writers A businessman . a lawyer and the current vice-chairman of the University System Board of Regents were named late Monday afternoon by Gov Dolph Briscoe to fill the three vacancies on the board Walter G Sterling of Houston and Thomas ll Law of Fo rt Worth, the new appointees, and Dan C. Williams, the Jenkins Garrett and Williams expired Jan. IO. This cleared the way for the ap­ pointments before the Legislature con­ venes at noon Tuesday (Related Stories, Page 9.) holdover board member, were sworn in before midnight Monday The announcement surprised many who expected former University Law Dean Page Keeton to be selected Keeton was unavailable for comment Monday night Shortly before the governor s an­ nouncement, Atty. Gen. John Hill ruled that the terms of Regents Frank Erw in Law. 56. is a Fort Worth attorney and graduate of the University law school He is past president of the b ort Worth Area Chamber of Commerce former president of the State Junior Bar of Tex­ as. current president of the University of Texas System Fo u n d a tio n , v ic e ­ president of the University Law School Association and member of the ExStudents’ Executive Council. He is a partner in the tirm of Law. Snakard. Brown and Gambill. While at the University in 1939 he out pol led John Connally in the primary race for presi­ dent of the student body but was defeated by the former governor of Texas in the runoffs. Sterling. 73. a banker and president of a Richmond. Tex., manufacturing com­ pany. also is a University graduate. He is past president of the Petroleum Club of Houston, president of Royalty Proper­ ties. a director of M & T Mortgage Investors and a director of Citizens National Bank and Trust of Baytown. He also is chairman of the Board of Trustees of Hermann Hospital Estate, president of S J I Oil and Royalty Co. and president of Real Estate Corporation. Williams, who has served on the board since 1969, is chairman of the Executive Committee of Southland Life Insurance Co. of Dallas. The three appointees will serve six-ear terms which expire Jan IO. 1981. The attorney general s ruling allowed the announcement of the appointments to be made before the opening of the L e g is la tu r e , p e rm ittin g the new members to be sworn in and participate in board meetings before Senate confir­ mation If the appointments had not been announced before noon Tuesday, the new regents could not have served until the Senate confirmed them. There was some question as to when the former regents’ terms expired Sterling replaces Erw in of Austin on the board, and Law replaces Garrett of Fort Worth. When asked what goals ho has for his regental term. Sterling replied. “ I know nothing about the job. so I can t answer that.’’ He said he would try to approach each question with an open mind and vote the best he could. Law said his main objective on the board would be to increase rapport between the regents and the -dudents. faculty, ex-students and general public. “ It is distressing to me to see the deterioration of communication between the regents and the fa c u lty and students.” Law said. He said he was surprised at his ap­ pointment as many names had been sub­ mitted to the governor, but “ this is one nonpaying job I will cherish Williams could not be reached for com­ ment Monday night W A SH IN G T O N lA P i - President Ford proposed a S16 billion antirecession tax cut Monday night, asking Congress to vote cash rebates of up in $1,000 for in­ dividual taxpayers Ford outlined a $46 billion economic and energy package in a nationally broadcast address, calling for higher taxes on oil and natural gas that experts said could increase retail gasoline prices by about a nickle a gallon. As Ford was telling Americans we are in trouble” with a deepening reces­ sion, White House officials were spelling out details of proposals he will present to Congress in his State of the I aion message on Wednesday. That address to Congress, the official said, will call for permanent reductions in the tax rates for individuals, a cut from 48 percent to 42 percent in the cor­ porate tax rate, a doubling oi the lowincome tax allowance and a $150 tax credit for homeowners who insulate their houses or take other energy saving steps In his 20-minute television and radio address. Ford declared ‘‘we have no , choice” but to put “ our domestic house in order.” The program he outlined to the public included these major points • The immediate tax cut implemented by giving 12 percent cash rebates, up to a maximum of $1,000 per tax return, to in dividuals based on their 1974 tax payments. • H igher taxes on foreign and domestic oil, natural gas and windfall profits of oil producers, to bring in $30 billion, which would be returned to the economy under procedures Ford did not describe in detail in his speech. • A one-year increase in the invest­ ment tax credit to 12 percent, this giving industry a $4 billion tax break to spur plant expansion and create more jobs. • A one-vear moratorium on new federal spending programs to hold down the budget deficit, and a 5 percent limit on increases in federal salaries and pen­ Speaking from the W hite House library. Ford declared that right now the going is rough and it mav get rougher But he said that if we do what must tx' done to lift the nation out of a deepening recession “ we will be on our way to better days ’ Ford was not specific in his speech on how the $30 billion in ‘energy tax revenues would be raised and how it then would be returned to the economy But W hite House o ffic ia ls gave newsmen an outline on the detailed program the President will present to Congress on Wednesday. They said the steps he would propose included: • An immediate tariff on foreign crude od starting at $1 and going to $3 a barrel in three months This would be done by e x e c u t iv e order, without congressional action • A recommendation that Congress place a $2-per-barrel excise tax on domestic oil and an equivalent tax on natural gas amounting to 37 cents per 1,00 cubic feet When these taxes go into effect, the tariff on foreign oil would then be reduced to $2 a barrel • A w in d fa ll profit-- tax on oil producers which officials estimated would bring in more than $12 billion. Coupled with the $18 billion they said would be raised by the levies on oil and natural gas. this would give the federal Treasury $30 billion which then would be redistributed Under Ford s plan, officials said there would be permanent downward ad­ justments in the tax rates on individuals. They refused to give specifies but did say the corporate tax rate would be cut from 48 percent to 42 percent for 1975 under the Ford plan.thus reducing corporate taxes by $6 billion They said Ford also will ask that in­ dividuals who pay no income taxes because os low earnings be granted cash payments of about SBO per person, and that the current $1,300 low income allowance for couples be increased to $‘2,600. Families earning less than this amount would not be required to file an­ nual returns sull another Ford proposal called fora $150 tax credit to home owners who add insulation, storm windows and similar of State Mark White will House to order and preside over the members until a speaker is selected After a short business meeting and the passing of a resolution providing te m p o ra ry funding for House employes, ’ho* House is expected to adjourn until Wednesday Although the state senators will not be sworn in until they meet at noon, a presession caucus will he held at IO a rn Tuesday whereby a new presi­ dent pro tempore will be selected from the senators. (R e late d Story, P a g e 3 State Sen Glenn Kothmann of San important House Speaker election Antonio is supposedly the front runner for the honor, which is based on should come early in the afternoon. length cd service in the Senate. Rep. B ill (Jayton of Springlake Kothmann a state senator since remained the House Speaker ap­ 1971 was vice-chairman of the Senate parent Munday and re-emphasized his State A ffa irs Com m ittee and a confidence that he would receive as member of the Human Resources and many as HO votes in his bid for the Natural Resources Committees dur­ state s third highest office Clayton s only announced opposi­ ing the last session The actual election of Kothmann tion should come from Rep Carl Parker of Port Arthur, who at last will not come until after the Senate is count claimed approximately 50 votes convened bv L l Gov Bill Hobby. Membership of the Senate com­ in his favor. mittees will then be announced and a Another earlier candidate. Rep. resolution calling for a joint session of Dan Kubiak of Rockdale s.,id Monday he would leave his name out oi both houses will be considered. Tho naming of House committee nomination in favor of Parker s can­ chairperson^ and assignments sup­ did, a v. posedly w in t come for another two We don't have near a majority, weeks should Clayton be elected and this is only going to tx a token op­ position to Clayton anyway.' Kubiak speaker Although the makeup of the Senate said remained virtually unchanged from Kubiak said Parker's candidacy the last session with the election of was merely an attempt to emphasize only three freshman members, the the issues most important to his House has 30 new members lib* : ii group, which ho candidly Both houses a re once again referred to as the New Dirty 30. dominated by Democrats Out of a We just want to set our priorities total of 181 legislators, there are only beton the House in the area of utility 19 Republicans, down two House seats regulation, school finance and such from the 1973 session. things.” Kubiak added By SCOTT T A G L IA R IN O Texan Staff W riter Texas' 64th Legislature will con­ vene at noon Tuesday to begin its 140day lawmaking session, with the elec non of a new House speaker and president pro tempore of the Senate set as the main events of the day. Most of the first dav's session will be taken up with pomp and ceremony. namely the swearing-in of the House s 150 representatives and the Senate’s 31 m em bers: however, the all- Ford Proposes Tax Reduction, Rebate sion benefits paid from the U S Treasury. • An oil allocation program to insure such areas as New England of adequate fuel, a five-year delay on stiffer auto pollution standards 'and stepped-up energy conservation efforts to cut foreign oil imports by one million barrels a day this year 471-4591 T w e n t y Pages Austin, Texas, Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 14, 1975 : 1 energy-saving improvements^ to *their residences One source said Ford s plan for “ energy tax revenues” to be returned to the economy calls for a portion of the $30 billion to be used to make cash payments of up to $80 per person to low-income in­ dividuals who pay no income taxes and thus presumably would not join in benefits of his proposed 12 percent tax cut. Ford acknowledged that he was shif­ ting emphasis from fighting inflation to fighting recession, saying we have suf­ fered sudden and serious setbacks in sales and unemployment S e c re ta ry ca!! tho Schlesinger Admits CIA Misdemeanors W A SH IN G T O N ( U P I ) — Defense S e c r e t a r y Ja m e s S c h le s in g e r acknowledged Monday that a postW atergate review of the C entral Intelligence Agency s activities unc v o t e d a s rn a l l n u m b e r of ‘ misdemeanors over the last 20 years. v Schlesinger. a former director of the CIA. made the disclosure to reporters atter testifying for an hour before an eight-member panel which President Ford recently named to investigate charges that the CIA has illegally spied un citizens in the I rated States. S c h le sin g e r said d isclo su re s of domestic activities by the CIA related to Watergate in 1972 prompted a broad review of all agency activities I think there were a number of issues that came about as a result of the review of intelligence activities prepetrated by W a te rga te. he sa id. The enti re history was made. Certain things came to light." He did not characterize the violations, except to say: “ These things must be viewed in the context of the 20-year history of the C IA — most of the things uncovered go all the wav back through the 1950s. The number of misdemeanors in that period is quite small " Asked if the C IA had taken steps to end those violations. Schlesinger replied ‘‘Corrective actions are continuously necessary in any institution Schlesinger was preceded as a witness bv CIA Director William Colby, who opened the closed hearing and remained inside the room during the test i mom of the defense secretary. Colby was expected to be questioned on a top-secret report which he recently prepared for Ford in response lo charges the CIA had spied on 9.000 antiwar ac­ tivists and other dissenters Former CIA Director Richard Helms, who headed the agency when many of the illegal spying activities allegedly took place, appeared before the commission after Schlesinger. Vice-President Nelson A. Rockefeller, head of the commission, opened the first meeting by pledging to “ get to the bot­ tom of this problem” and if necessary recommend legislation to curb domestic spying by the CIA “ This commission has but one objec­ tive — we are going to got to the bottom of this problem.” Rockefeller said in brief remarks after he and the other members of the panel were sworn in in a ceremony in the Vice-President s office “ We are going to conduct this inquiry w i t h d e t e r m i n a t i o n and w i t h thoroughness, and we are going to get a1! the facts, he said. Rockefeller said that the commission had been directed by Ford “ to determine ii th e CIA itas exceeded its statutory a u t h o r ity through activities conducted in the United States “ T h is commission w ill I md the answers.” the Vice-President pledged Rockefeller said the panel will deter­ mine whether “ Present safeguards are adequate to preclude unauthorized CIA activity and if not, to recommend need­ ed changes.” Rockefeller said that while the in­ vestigation will be thorough “ We can have and we must have an intelligence capability — which is essential to our security as a nation - without offending our liberties as a people T h e commission begins its work to­ day from sh it vital promise.” he said. today W a rm e r ... A warming trend is e x p e c te d T u e s d a y with a high temper­ ature near 60 and a low in the upper-30s. Skies will be cloudy and winds will be 5 to 15 m.p.h from the south to southwest. 's'jfr*' Rusk Cites Involvement As Solution to Problems Bv JO S E M. F L O R E S Texan Staff W riter Stressing that problems in the field of foreign relations can only be solved through a concerted effort on the part of all nations concerned, former Secretary of State Dean Rusk spoke to a capacity crowd at tho Lyndon B Johnson Auditorium Monday Rusk pointed out that the nuclear capability of several nations, the United States, Soviet Union and the People s Republic of China included, was of such a degree that no other solution was viable, though he conceded that there was little trust between the super­ powers Rusk voiced concern that unilateral disarmament concessions on the part of the United States would be considered a sign of weakness by the Soviets, the People's Republic of China and most Third World countries “ When we think about detente I. for one. ant a little concerned about un­ ilateral disarmament to the point of bringing about reassessments in other capitals as to what might be possible he said — Texan Staff Photo by Zach Ryall Dean Rusk addresses capacity crowd in LBJ Auditorium . “ O n e of t he p r o b l e m s t h a t democracies face is that of how to avoid tempting thieves. That is. how to avoid misjudgments and misinterpretations on the part of other certain capitals,” he continued Rusk pointed to Hitlerite conclusion during the late 1930s that Britain would dc nothing to stop the Reich march across Europe because of then Prim e M inister Charnu rlain 's alleged in­ decisiveness. as an example of temp­ ting thieves Both Washington and Moscow have an interest in avoiding conflict because there was always the possibility any con­ flict could escalate into nuclear war. the fo rm e r s e c re ta ry of slat.' s a d . emphasizing that ceilings on nuclear arms must be considered only a step towards total nuclear disarmament “ We have built a dam on nuclear weapons about one-four th of the way a c r o s s the river, but if we don't find w a y s to extend it, the nuclear arms race will continue with increasing costs in creasi ng dangers and i ncr easi ng foolishness ” Rusk said • After World Wars I and II America had a chance to pick itself up After­ world War IIL there won t be a chance to do thai There wont i v anything let*. he added R usk said that v e r i f i c a t i on of a g r e e m e n t s was one area under the um­ brella of detente that was proving to be the most difficult, with the mere limiting of the number of multiwarhead missiles that each side could deploy being of little comfort. ‘With the limitation of the number of missiles that each side may deploy being approximately 2,400, we are down to hav­ mg in g three times the number of M IR V s it would take to completely de troy the world, he said. Tile M IR \ limitations agreed upon during the Nixon administration were •'xtrcmely hard to verify, according to Rusk. “ The Soviets will not permit on-site in­ spection. and with regard to the number of v capons in a warhead, you have to have a man not only on the site but with a screwdriver in his hand to look under the nose cone to count them to bt' really sure Verification is important, not only in the military sense but also in political terms, so that demagogues do not play upon ignorance, fear and suspicion to undo the possibilities of agreement,” he said Rusk said armed intervention in the Middle Fast was unfeasible, improbable md a dangerous risk of a confrontation unwanted by either the Soviet Union or the United States “The solution to the problems faced by the countries of the Middle Fast can only evolve from among the indigenous coun­ tries. The magnitude of the problems is enormous, and only the people there can solve them.” he said. D ate Announced For TSP Elections C o m m u n ity Relations Group Citizens Charge Harassment _ ing findings to the City Coun­ By STEVE OLAFSON cil a n d m a k e r e c o m m e n ­ Texan Staff W riter Allegations of police h a r a s s ­ dations. Jo e Lung, c h a irm a n , said th ere m a y be m o r e public m e n t and m a n i p u l a t i o n of hearings in the future ch a r g e s were leveled a g ainst Angelina T o r r e s and Calvin Austin police at a public h e a r ­ C y p h e rs both sp o k e out in g o f t h e C o m m u n i t y against p olicem en working in Relations Task F o rc e Monday the E a s t Austin a r e a who they n ig h t a t the R o s e w o o d said n e e d le s s ly h a r a s s R ecreation C enter The hearing, d esigned to ob­ citizens Both n a m e d specific tain citizen input on police and d a te s and re la te d instances in which they sa id policemen c o m m u n i ty r e l a t i o n s , w a s atten ded by a p p r o x im a te ly 50 stopped th em for no reason people The task force will b r ­ and w e re a g g r e s s i v e in their EUROPEAN SKIN CARE overpatrolled. rC\-n y phhoeprsc cai/} said He c o m m e n te d th a t he m oved to South Austin to get a w a y m an n e r. T o r r e s c h arg e d th at police h a r a s s e d h e r because of h er political affiliation with the B row n B e re ts , a r a d ic a l chican o organization She said o fficers stopped h e r for no re ason and asked her if she w a s a m o n g the d e m o n s tr a t o rs at Mayor Roy Butler's used c a r lot from C y p h e r s , c o -o w n er of an E a s t Austin r e s t a u r a n t, said an o fficer charged into his r e s t a u r a n t and m anhandled a c u s t o m e r , c harg ing him with public intoxication The of­ ficer allegedly pulled out his se rv ic e rev o lv er w ith o u t cause T he E a s t Austin a r e a is also t he harassment Cyphers also said diso rd e rly conduct c h a r g e s w e r e filed against him for m e r e l y asking an o ffic e r why he w as stopped. Another w itness. R aydell Galloway, sa id t h a t officers s o m e tim e s a r r e s t a pe rso n on one c h arg e and then c han ge th at c h arg e to public intox ica­ tion a f te r the first c h a r g e will n ot s tic k . U n lik e DWI ch arges. B reathalizer t e s ts a r e not given for public in­ toxication which m a k e s the c h arg e hard to prove. Gallo w ay also testified that the police buddy s y s te m , in w h in h citizens r itiz p n s rid r id e W which with of­ ficers on patrol, helps e a se tense situations becau se a w itn es s would be p re s e n t if b ru tality c h a r g e s w e re filed ag ain st an officer He added, how ever, th at ‘ m ost poor peo­ ple a r e scuffling too ha rd to m a k e a liv ing” to have tim e for the buddy sy ste m , T o r re s added t h a t few m in o ritie s a r e involved in the buddy sy s te m . The T exas S tu d e n t P u b lic a t io n s B o a r d of Operating T rustees se t Feb. 5 as the date for the election of Daily Texan Editor and TSP Board m em b ers a t a Monday night m eeting. Jan. 24 will be the deadline for filing candidacy for those positions and Jan. 29 w ill kick off the cam paigns. Runoffs w ill be Feb. 12. The board also review ed c h a n g e s previously voted on for the T S P policy Handbook to be se n t to P resid en t Ad In terim Lorene R ogers for ap­ proval. The proposed changes involve d u tie s of the editorial m a n a g e r in d e t e r m in in g authority to withhold copy. A p r e v io u s h a n d b o o k recom m endation cited libel as the only reason copy m ay be w h th h e ld bv the ed ito ria l T o r r e s also c la i m e d t h a t c o m p la in ts of h a r a s s m e n t and b ru tality a r e ignored at the police station. She said she had little hope th a t the task force would im prov e m a t t e r s , sa ying “ the solution has to S ta r t w ith th e in d iv id u a l p o lic e m a n ." A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * m anager, and the TSP Board am endm ents add obscenity, invasion of privacy and m is­ statem en t of fact. T h e s e r e c o m m e n d a tio n s w ere m a d e la st year. but because of changes in both the U niversity presidency and the T SP B o a r d o f O p e r a tin g Trustees, the changes were n e v e r a p p r o v e d . A t th e s u g g e s t i o n o f D r. R . M . Brown, vice-president for stu­ dent a ffairs, the board review ­ ed the ch an ges and voted to r e s u b m i t th e m to th e president's office with minor changes. The board also decided to authorize a com m ittee to set policy for the upcoming e le c ­ tion and to m e et with APO o f­ ficers to finalize rules and election procedures. FOR RENT 3"Latin American SANYO Presents Diverse „ REFRIGERATORS ? bv Hatina whose training includes 18 years of experience in Paris, Warsaw, and Vienna. ♦ ♦ * Her specialities include: * * * * * * * ♦ * DEEP PORE CLEANSING Si REFINING • HAIR REMOVAL BY ELECTROLYSIS OR WAXING • BLACKHEAD & PIMPLE TREATMENTS A • SKIN RETEXTURIZING • INDIVIDUAL MAKE-UP 127.50 You pick up and return or* |32.50We deliver and pick up. By STEVE OLAFSON Texan Staff W riter L a t i n A m e r ic a n e v e n t s seem ed to keep popping up in the headlines la st year. The coup in Chile and revived in­ terest in C astro’s Cuba are tw o of m a n y e v e n t s th a t g e n e r a t e d g r e a t in t e r e s t. ‘‘Latin A m erican R e v ie w .” a h a lf - h o u r w e e k l y r a d io p r o g r a m p r o d u c e d a t the U niversity, c a n now provide University students with the l a t e s t n e w s f r o m L a tin A m erica. The U n iv e r sity ’s Institute of Latin A m e r ic a n Studies along w i t h t h e C o m m u n ic a tio n C e n t e r a r e p r o d u c in g 52 p r o g r a m s on Latin Am erican c u ltu re , p o litic s and economics. Two p r o g r a m s have already be en a i r e d w ith the th ird s c h e d u l e d fo r 1 :30 p .m . Wednesday on K U T-F M . the University radio station. The p ro g r a m will present a wide ra n ge of view s from both con­ se rv e riv es a n d r a d ic a ls . E d w a rd G lab. e x ecu tiv e I Call 452-3500 for a ^ free skin analysis. For a $15,00 contract deposit you can rent a S an yo refrigerator. T his deposit is returned upon return of the refrigerator or, if you wish, all rent can be applied to purchase. We’ve also got furnishings for your dorm or apartment. * * * * * * * ♦Apartment Shop-Second Floor % * * I * J and where, in the lists, to find these houses. In short, they have asked to be spared some of the grief of finding a house. They have received lists and place to sit while looking through the lists. A ll this toronly $20 to $30. Apparently the bureaus find people with houses for rent and make a proposition that That post has been held in the past bv such giants as Henry Cabot Lodge Sr, and Arthur H. Vandenberg, but its formal duties are limited to presiding at the caucuses of Republican senators Yet, when the G O P senators meet Tuesday to pick a successor to retired Sen. Norris Cotton of New Hampshire, they will be sending a message of some importance They will be chi using a messenger to the White House, for the conference chairman is part of the leadership team that meets regularly with the President to discuss legislative and political strategy. And symbolically, the vote will be a message to the country on the direction of the Republican Party, for there is a choice of the starkest clarity being presented. C urtis opponent for the conference chairmanship is Sen Jacob K. Javits of New \ork, and two more dissimilar figures could not be imagined. CURTIS AND JAVITS both have the ability, simply by rising to speak in the Senate, to cause certain of their colleagues to ex­ other agencies. In other I words. if. on that day, you found a house chances were that you had to pay a fee And. adding to that, there was a possibility of not finding the particular house you liked in the lists It would be unfortunate if the only method of finding a house was by paying a fee. Unfor­ tunate because there a re other perhaps more reliable and certainly more inexpen­ sive ways to find a house. It seems that $20 to $30 for a list of houses that would normally be in a 10-cent or 25-cent newspaper is expensive. It s not difficult to see that most of the benefits derived from rental bureaus are going to the renters and not the rentees r,„t rvniv on aid xiii to getting ppttint? not only ic is an their place rented but is also a savings for them while pass­ ing the bill to the rentee. So, the rentee not only pays a deposit and the first month's rent, but also a fee for access to the lists of available homes About a week ago I sat in Steak & Eggs drinking coffee and looking through ads. H a v­ ing some time to waste I decided to count the rental bureau ads that exact a fee and compare that number to the number of ads from in­ dividuals and other agencies that do not exact a fee Out of 304 ads from the furnished duplexes, furnished houses and unfurnished houses 171 were from rental bureaus and 133 were from individuals and Letters to th e e d ito r perience a sensation sim ilar to a toothache. But even among his ; critics, Javits is noted for his independence, his intellect and his f energy, while Curtis is well, many things Javits is not. The contrast in their public philosophies is suggested by the * fact that javits was the principal Republican sponsor of the emergency jobs bill, while Curtis wras the sole senator in either party to oppose an increase to $3,000 in the allowable earnings of Social Security recipients. The contrast in their political records is equally clear In 1974. which, despite Curtis’ prediction, was not an easy year for Republicans, Javits won re-election to a fourth term by 366,000 votes, running 1.2 million votes a<»ad of his running-mate for governor. IN 1972, when Curtis had the go. J fortune to run for fourth term in the G G P bastion of Nebraska, he won by 35,000 votes, running 200.000 votes behind Richard Nixon. Then there is the matter of their acuity on the issues raiser by Watergate. Javits supported the Senate Watergate investiga­ tion and the independent prosecutor and repeatedly called on Mr. Nixon for cooperation and disclosure. AS E A R L Y AS J U L Y of 1973. Curtis pronounced Mr. Nixon ‘totally innocent of any wrongdoing.” A year later, he con­ demned the impeachment proceedings as a “ lynching A month before Mr. Nixon finally resigned, Curtis led a delegation of loyalist senators to the White House to pledge continued sup­ port Curtis told this reporter he also wanted to broaden the party s base — by bringing into the Senate leadership a spokesman 'for that great area between chicago and the Pacific, ' now represented only by Sen John G. Tower of Texas, a state w hich Curtis said “ is a southwestern state, not a farm state or a midwestern state " D O O N ESBU RY HAIR CARE by M a r g a r e t Nunley UH UBUTBNANT GOVERNOR, SR W RB BBCOMING THG AMBRACAN SAMOAN WHAT?! mar?., yes, m e , ne KNOWS you HAVE TO HAVB AN ANSWBR TODAY—NBS DOWN TALKING TO me OBAN RIGHT, THIS HO- . v » It is important to have freshly washed hair when you get your hair cut ideally, you should have your barber wash your hair immediately before cut­ ting your hair so that the barber can determine a number of factors regar­ ding the characteristics and conditions ol your han­ kie seeing it before being washed, analyzing it while washing, and manipulating it while it is clean and wet. This procedure is most effective if the barber and \ MBNT! Firing Line letters should: • Be ty p e d triple-spaced. • Be 25 lines or less. The Te x a n reserves the right to edit letters for le n g th . • Include name, address, and phone number of contributor. not an assistant does the wash At the H a i r c u t Si "I es. we o t t e r the customer the option of washing his own hair prior to coming in for his ap­ pointment it he wishes to save the extra charge for the shampooing. If the custo m er has a l r e a d y washed his hair, we re-wet the hair with a wetting solution, cut the hair clean and wet (which is almost as good as it we wash it) then drv it. M ail letters to The Firing Line, The Daily Texan, Drawer D, UT Station, Austin, Tex. 78712; or bring letters to the Texan offices, Crossword Puzzler basement, Texas Student Publications Building. 5 Place again in S S S B a S O U S IS former 1 Greek letter B im a E s c e n s e s position 4 Muse of a a E a lie n s h e 6 Sym bol for poetry I i? U f t Q IlH E3 0 silver 9 Communist 7 Sunburn 12 Large truck lis S r a S ii 8 G enus of 13 Lawful SH O R H H B ra olives 14 Man's name 9 Bu y back TWI 15 Chemical salt 10 Cloth measure 17 Sewing R-AC rn c a s s a d a w 11 Expire instrument AVIC ie l 16 Roman 19 Inclines P bronze 21 Beverage E ll Pp M A Tm 18 Encom ium 22 Fem ale ruffs ■ R T o tp te iS M r lg lA lR is M 20 W eight of 24 Deposit India 26 Bacteriolo­ 44 Employs 30 Bishopric 22 Respond gist's wire 46 Otherwise 31 Negative 23 Mistake 29 Bitter vetch 47 Snake 33 Lance 25 Violent 30 Muscular 48 Contend 37 Measuring windstorms m ales (two 49 Before devices 27 Surgical words) 51 Seed 38 Silkworm thread 32 Land measure 52 Pedal digit 39 Strike out 28 Growing out 33 Ocean 55 Preposition 42 Young boy of 34 Fish eggs 35 Symbol for tantalum IO 11 9 4 7 B 5 5 2 3 36 Able r r .. 39 Speck T7~ 12 \v! 40 W oody plant SS; r r -„ r|^J 41 Period of time 15 42 Unaspirated TTT; TTT 43 Greek letter 20 T \ v 45 Standard of :: : H ir r r 24” W perfection 22 23 a jP JIM JP ACR O SS ■fid HHGddSS I BDKaH DIRE! $ 32 v ip 47 44 TC" ! L d ;;v ,' 57 TC* _ SE r. v ; 45“ S r lid ) 39 " ..... 49 53“ y '! ‘ I 43” AWAKE!! M . i 38 75“ vN H 33 56 rn 53 Title of respect 54 Iroquoian Indians 56 Also 57 Footlike part 58 Judgm ent 69 Fem ale sheep DOWN 1 Girl’s name 2 Hindu cymbals 3 Parts of legs 4 Girl's name W 30 29 NO PROBLEM, MA'AM..J U S T A LITTLE WHIPLASH i I n I 47 Disinclined 50 Most ancient I'M ... ••> XA ’ $ TC" 52 55" •X< SSS •VV av I Your Bonus: Clinique's "L ittle Necessities" Allergy Tested. 100% Fragrance Free Uncial! silver talisman? Yours w ith a n y C lin iq u e purchase of 6.00 or more., tur^um#fromIk (3$ -^.titiquccoral andamber (cwt?om cwith m j-cd;)-tuorqnetsuke. |romjapan* hooonearcidcaptainIxad?*^ 7 lazuli[romdlkihant^ianandmalachite [romIkCongoareamongourmant| Take-along sizes of things you won t want to be without. S P E C I A L h a n d A N D B O D Y L O T IO N : the smoother everyone raves about. H E R B S H A M P O O : cleans in one washing F R E S H P I N K C R E A M Y B L U S H E R : delicate, yet b rig h te n in g . N A T U R A L G L O W B A L A N C E D M A K E U P B A S E . S E A M I ST D A I L Y E Y E T R E A T : newest thing on eyes today. Two weeks only. One set to a customer. tv tre a s u re ?. dimout on the corner of 10thCr San Antonio 472*0102 VI * r - 4 T '----- ~ ~ a * CLINIQUE Clinique is a total system of cosmetic skin care. And the ve ry heart of the s y s te m is The Clinique Computer. P r o g ra m m e d by a group of leading dermatologists, it determines your skin t y p e and the rig h t C lin iq u e products for you. Y A R I N G 'S , D O W N T O W N , N O R T H L O O P , H I G H L A N D M A L L , U.T. Tuesday, January 14, 1975 THE DAILY TEXA N Page 5 Courtyard W om en Dissatisfied B> ED ENGLISH Texan Staff Writer Fifteen of the world s 64 top women tennis players will be in Austin this week tor the f ir s t annual C o u rty a rd Women's Professional Tennis Tournament And all 15 wish they weren't. The reason doesn t lie in the town or even this particular tournament The women, who begin play of the six-day tour­ nament Wednesday at IO a.rn at the Courtyard Tennis and Swim Club, have become dis­ enchanted with the proletariat of their profession. The contestants rn the Cour­ ty a r d to u rn a m e n t a re m e m b e rs of the “ minisatellite" circuit, the minor league of pro tennis. Most are not unhappy because thee are the worst of the world's best, but instead because the "supposed" big boom in women's tennis has left them out and that too big B . , , , . , .......... I. w h e re t iiey w i l l pi a y a gap has been opened between themselves and the Meanwhile the women pay dues but have no say in any top players WTA decision The blame was quickly Fourth-seeded Wendy Paish heaped on their governing ot Sydney Australia said. b o d y . Wom en s Tennis Association *W TA > and its “ We feel left out It costs $250 a year for dues. All you get is president. Billie Jean King the ll.T F (International Fifth - se ed ed Lin d sey Ladies Tennis Foundation — Heaven of London. England, said. "Before the WTA came WTA s member magazine * along three years ago, I was We didn't even get the free winning money Now I’m los­ pair ut socks you’re supposed to get " ing it all back Eleventh-seeded Sue East­ Heaven isn t alone Prac­ tically all the women in the man of Lake Bluff IU., said. “ The top 32 women have minisatellite circuit are losing money The malady, can be benefited from it ( W T A «. The prize money has gone up for traced to the prize money split them. The WTA has dis at every tournament. The minisatellite players split up criminated against the rest Pleas for a change have $1,500 a tournament, leaving several of the women short of gone unanswered. Paish said, ‘ Billie Jean *Kad eq u a te e x p e n ses Meanwhile, the Virginia Slims ing came down last year when they (Virginia Slims) circuit, the major league, weren't playing and promised splits up $75,000 a tournament. us it would improve — the The W TA dictates pay point system and pay. but scales. It also tells players Center for M exican-Am erica n Studies offering: W e m ake and S H E E P S K IN repair boots RUGS shoes • Chicane Research Tuesday 7-10 p.m. • Instructor: Evey Chapa • Unique No. 23624 b elts • ETS 37 4 F u n ctio n s of L a n g u a g e Teaching Mexican Americans • M W E 12 1 p m • • Instructor Ernest Perez • Unique No. 23633 ST E IF Sh oe Sh o p Ethnic Studies E TS 374 nnthina Mavbo nothing has hanDened happened Maybe if she d retire she d have more time to improve it Two alternatives to the present impoverished conditions the players face are to gain club sponsorships or join the European tennis circuit. Unfortunately, club spon­ sorships are rare, and the women expressed disdain for playing the weaker competi­ tion in Europe The solution the players proposed was that of splitting up into two 32-member cir­ cuits This would eliminate the class system and lump all the players together One other solution was to “ work your way” up through the system However, the process is long and tedious and only a superstar like Arizona St 972 828 " ' 0 738 10-1 644 11-' 538 49® 387 J0’ ^ Ml IO. Kentucky 92 239 11 L a S a lle ,2' ’ 229 12 M arq uette 92 ' 7* 13 Arizona 122 189 14 North C aro lin a 7' 3 !I8 15 P ro vid e n ce 93 38 16. M innesota ,0 2 73 17 Rutgers 332 22 18 Tennessee 8-2 20 19. M ich ig an 9 38 |6 20 South C a ro lin a 8 ‘ 17 O t h e r s r e c e i v i n g v o t e s , lis t e d a lp h a b e tic a lly A u b u rn . B ra d le y , DePsul, Florida State, Holy Cross, Kan­ sas. M iam i-G hio, M o rg an State, N ev i as Vegas. N otre D am e. O ral Roberts, Pa n A m e rica n , P e n n , P u r d u e , S yra cu se . Texas E l Paso , Utah, C alifornia. W ake Indiana, 14-0 through games of Saturday, received 36 firstplace votes and 972 points from a nationwide panel of sports writers and broad­ casters. UCLA. 12-0, picked up nine No. I ballots and 828 points to remain in second place, while Louisville, 11-0, received the other two top votes and 730 points for third. N orth C a ro lin a State, M aryla n d and Southern California, all with one defeat marring their records, retain­ ed the fourth, fifth and sixth spots, respectively, Alabama, eighth a week ago. moved up to seventh after knocking off Tennessee and Mississippi State. Oregon advanced one notch to eighth, and Arizona State jumped to ninth from 12th. the only new­ comer in the Top IO. Kentucky. 9-2, slipped to 10th from seventh after suf­ fering their second loss of the reason Arizona fell to 13th from 10th following a loss to Utah. road. and if we get off to a good start we ll compete all the way The Aggie starters are Davis, 5-10 Mike Floyd, 6-9 .Jerry Mercer. Parker and 6-7 John Thornton. “ I think there s several teams that could win the con­ ference right now." Metcalf said “ We don't pay too much attention to where we're pick­ ed. You know it's more a case of where you're picked at the end of the season that counts.-' Now that was funny, wasn’t it9 TEXAS TECH Texas Tech B asketb all Coach Gerald Myers wasn’t pleased with the way his Red Raiders blew last year's SWC race Tech lost three of its last five games to tie for second in a conference it probably should have won. Tech has the talent that makes it one of the two top contenders for this year s championship Rick Bullock, who recently recovered from a bad shoulder bruise sustain­ ed in a snowball fight, has the size and adequate quickness to Rebounding, something that should be a Tech strong point, hasn’ t s a tis fie d M yers. “ We’ve been outrebounded in several games, and that shouldn't happen. Bullock and Johnson could be playing better, but like the team, they've had some good games and some bad games." In preconference games the Raiders' good games have matched the bad ones to give Tech a 6-5 record including an impressive 86-82 victory over Houston Monday. category, they're just better than the rest." Sutton lumps his Razor­ back:- into a second category — the mediocre teams. “ We're just not a very good team right now. We’re not on the schedule that I had hoped we would be," Sutton said. " I think it would take a miracle for us to win it ." Sutton feels that he has talent, but it s nothing like he had at Creighton University last year when he took the B lu e ja y s to the NCA A Midwest Regional Tourna­ ment. Senior guard Ricky Medlock gives the Razorback^ a good outside attack and work: well with p lay m a k e r Robert Birden. Returning starter Jack Schulte has been termed “ up and down" by Sutton, a description he applies to the team as a whole Forward Kent Allison, a 6 6 transfer from Western Kentucky, has been supplying most of the offense Sutton's other starter I ARKANSAS is Charles Terry, brother of former SWC Most Valuable Player Martin Terry. Right now our big problem is inconsistency," Sutton said “ It s taking a while for our players to get adjusted to the new system. But we're just not in the same class with Tech and A&M But then again, not many teams in the SWC are TEXAS Texas could turn its 4-7 nonconferenCe record into the SWC championship in a repeat of the 1974 miracle. Lightning could also strike the same place five times in succession. Richard Nixon could also become a lecturer on political ethics The price of Arabian oil could go down 50 percent. No, friends. Texas is not go­ ing to be the 1975 SWC cham­ pion “ Everybody is undefeated until the conference season starts, ' Texas Coach Leon Black said. “ I think there’re still some surprises in store Black is not ready to predict a championship for his team, however, “ Last year we made gradual improvement every gam e." he said. “ At the beginning of last season we lust John Mark Wilson, and Larry Robinson was recover­ ing (rom a knee injury We didn t lost anyone else the rest of the year This year we’ve had people in and out the en­ tire year." The Texas starters are 6-8 freshman Mike Murphy 6-5 sophomore Ed Johnson. 5-10 junior Dan Krueger. 6-2 junior Tommy Delatour and 6-8 sophomore Rich Parson. Plack has also had spurts of brilliant play from sophomore Hank Bauerschlag and junior Bruce Baker “ The first games are crucial because we need to gain confidence Black said. Our people are not going to quit. though." That s what Nixon said (Next: The second division.) Longhorn Special Arkansas’ Eddie Sutton, one of the two head coaches mak­ ing their debuts in the SWC this season, doesn t give you the traditional rhetoric when it comes to making predic­ tions ‘There are two teams that are definitely ahead of all the rest in the SWC," Sutton said. “ A&M has the best, talent and Texas Tech is in the same ^urgers Super-Bert w/cheese SAV E 49' MUST BRING COUPON GOOD AU SPRING SEMESTER WHEAT BERRY BREAD now available on any sandwich SEAHORSE CAR WASH 1 Automatic 6 Self-Servica OPEN DAILY 10:30 - IO P.M. 3303 N. Lamar 1205 W. Koenig 454-3922 S t u d t m c a n 's PHOTO SERVICE 222 W. 19th 476-4326 & 5324 CAMERON RD. 453-1958 VTO ‘■QUALITY S P E C IA L IS T S ” C O M P E T IT IV E P R IC E S NIKKORMAT FTN CHROME WITH SMM F/2 LENS ......................... $32.50 NIKON CASE NO. 487 288 53 y PURCHASED WITH C A M ER A ........................... / * laS PRICE I REDEEM THIS AD FOR A 10% SAVINGS ON KODACOLORj I OR ANY NEGATIVE COLOR FILM PROCESSED BY US, INTOj | STANDARD JUMBO SIZES (3R, 2R, 3S). COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 30, 1975 Forest % AMERICA'S FAVORITE PIZZA lf*0 < e‘>° 0 V Shuttle buses are out-of-sight! Z S t t t t S X Z Z ' but When It d o e s'it's a r e a . H assle. You end up being late for an im portant c la s s or maybe you m iss it entirely. S o w h y not live w here you don’t alw ays have to depend on a shuttle bus. B e cau se no a ter how careful you are, so m etim es the bus is going to run a little ear y an you’re going to run a little late. O r vice v ersa, It s human nature. At the C o n te ssa West you’re clo se enough to cam pus (three blocks) to walk or ride a bike. Y et when you have to get to the e a s t side of cam pus fa st, you can hop on a shuttle (they sto p out front about every 15 m inutes). O r b etter ye , use our chauffeured lim ousine. Y ou’ll never be late again. The C o n te ssa W est. We’re priced com petitively, so com e by and se e us. I ane the shuttle if you’d like. ContessaVNfest 2707 R io G rande 476-4648 Limited space available for spring semester. , < AMERICA S FAVORITE PIZZA Tu esd ay, Ja n u a r y 14, 1975 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 7 N ew Look for NBA Stars Jones, Affies Lead Respective Teams PH G EM X ( AP 1 — Washington's K C Jones emphasized Monday the special significance in the fact that he and Al Attics of Golden State will coach the N a tio n a l B a s k e t b a ll Association's 25th All-Star game. Russell was named to lead the Boston Celtics as plavercoaeh for the 1966-67 season. Jones said "we had to show that we could do the job.' Currently, there are five black coaches in the league In addition to Jones and Attics, who got the A ll- S t a r The NBA AU-star game will be televised at 9 p m . Tues­ day on KYLE-24. Jones and Attics are the assignments because their first blacks ever to coach in a teams have the best records rn t h e ir c o n fe re n c e s at major All-Star contest ‘i t means a lot to the midseason. Russell no*, is with Seattle. Lennie Wilkens NBA." said Jones, who will is with Portland and Ray Scott handle the underdog East team in Tuesday night s with Detroit. Jones said that all five are nationally televised game at under much more pressure to Veterans Memorial Coliseum •The NBA was the first succeed than the league’s 13 league to have black coaches, other coaches " I don't think if one of us starting with Bill Russell, he ever was dropped that we said, "O ther sports were afraid to take a chance They would be signed by another were worried about the reac­ team." he said "B u t if a white coach ever is dropped. tion ” he has a much better chance Once the N BA broke the color line in coaching when (rf catching on with another team " The only other black coach ever in the league. Earl Lloyd, was hired by Detroit early in the 1971-72 season and was dis­ missed a year later He no longer is affiliated with the NBA Russell coached the Celtics for three seasons before step­ ping down as both player and coach in 1969 He took over as Seattle’s coach and general manager in 1973. NBA Standings E o » t« > n A l t o n * * TS, von GS w I Boston Bufta to Nev* Yon* Ptviadelotva 26 26 14 16 650 I 4 619 22 18 SSO 17 74 416 9 J Ti CantredD*vt»»n W a s h in g t o n C le v e la n d 29 ! 2 707 526 H o u sto n A t la n t a N e w O r le a n s TO 20 17 4 34 500 20 is 8' 13 105 23: J 26 395 W**!«*n Conference M id w e t ! D M w o n Detroit 571 561 488 477 Chicago — M ilw aukee K C.-Omaha S u n d a y '* R e s u lt * B u * f 8 ' 0 114 B o s t o n 131 M i lw a u k e e 99 P h i l a d e l p h i a 88 C h i c a g o 177. S e a t t le 123, 2 0 Wilkens, also previously served three seasons as a player-eoach, before relin­ quishing the coaching burden to concentrate on playing The NBA also has two black general managers. Russell and Milwaukee’s Wayne Em ­ bry. plus the highest ranking black executive in sports, Simon Gourdine. the league s deputy commissioner and vice-president of administra­ tion. Jones starting unit will con­ sist of forwards John Havlicek of Boston and Elvin Hayes of Washington, center Bob McAdoo of Buffalo and guards Walt Frazier and Earl Monroe of New York. A tile s w ill open with forwards Rick B a r ry of Golden State and Spencer Haywood of Seattle, center Hareem Abdul-Jabbar of Milwaukee and guards Gail Goodrich of Los Angeles and Nate Archibald of Kansas City-Omaha. For the first time in the game's history the starters were chosen by the fans. The reserves were selected by consensus of the con­ ference coaches. UW Telephoto Franco Harris (r), Lynn S w a n enjoy M on day, too. Noll Praises Pitt's Desire, Mentality N EW ORLEANS (AP Coach Chuck Noll had a word of encouragement Monday for those National Football League teams which envy his Super Bowl c ha mp i o n Pittsburgh Steelers. "There isn t a great deal of difference between teams on the bottom and learns on top," said Noll in the wake of his club s 16-6 victory over the Minnesota Vikings at the Texas Tavern. Noll said the Steelers had been frustrated with their playoff failures in 1972 and 1973. They came in this year and they weren't going to be denied Our team played the best it ever played in the three playoff games against Buf­ falo. Oakland and Minnesota ." The Steelers did it with defense — a devastating rush led bv Mean Joe Greene that held Minnesota to an un­ believable 17 yards rushing. Greene and Ernie Holmes handled the inside rush. "That Greene,” said Noll. obviously marveling over his p e r f o r m a n c e , ‘ To do something like this, you have to have somebody like him. He gets off the ball so quickly sports capsules p.m. Division \ W I 19 Vancvr.. 22 16 19 >9 Chicago St LOUIS M inn .... 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. Los Tres A m ig o s M ariachi Band. 6 40 137 24 5 8 28 Otvi*ton 3 24 6 13 61 196 M o n tre al L Angeles A Pitts ... Detroit W ashton . M onday thru F rid a y 9 :0 0 a m -M id n ig h t Saturday 3: OO pm -1: OO am Sunday 3 :00 p m -M id n igh t B u ffa lo Boston Toronto C a lif . Happy Hour is from 4:00-6:00 pm daily 5 49 150 4 42 145 17 19 ............ KC .... cover charge. I! 27 107 4 20 98 23 6 1258 133 15 17 9 39 166 ..........IO 23 7 27 112 ..........3 35 5 l l 88 Division4 ........ 26 9 7 59 183 .........24 IO 7 55 198 ........ 15 20 7 37 145 ........ ll 26 8 30 U9 Tuesday t Gam** 22 I S N ev* E n g C iv ln d ..... C hicago indapois ...... 16 20 15 21 ..............7 31 Wa*! tx *on 2 46 140 136 J 34 109 123 I 3 1 123 139 3 17 92 175 Hol ston .. ............ V ’ 0 54 180 115 s 43 134 128 19 Ie Phoenix i. ’8 ISS 132 M in n ....... ..............19 18 San Diego ............... 18 19 1 j. ’23 129 177 ............. 13 26 3 29 , M ich Canadian Division Q uebec Toronto Edm ongton W in nip eg Vancvr 25 15 . ..2 3 16 .. 19 12 .............17 16 . 16 19 0 50 164 13. 1 47 171 146 2 40 120 104 2 36 137 116 2 34 113 119 \ Tuesday*Gams* Ind ianap o lis at M ichig an, canceled Phoenix at C hicago Quebec at V a n co u ve r Toronto at San Diego St Louis at N ew Y o rk Islanders Lo s Angeles at Washington Ph ila d e lp h ia at K a n sas C ity Night Owl Special! T A V ER N K m I S 9 47 120 Civilian 2 VV L T RH Of GA T Pl* GF 17 16 IO 44 143 F olksinger/guitarist THE TEXAS £<**> Division ... 26 IO658 145 21 12850174 M a ria Larson. No WHA NHI O pe ning W eek Events Today Noon - I p.m. Concert. Jo A nn Holtzm an on the piano. 6 He's moving right with the ball. He doesn’t go around people, he goes through people.” Then Noll paused for a mo­ ment. reflecting on the devastating rush that Greene led which pressured Tarkenton throughout Super Bowl IX and compl et el y stopped Minnesota’s ground game. M o n d a y 's Pro Basketball ABA Indiana 105. V irg in ia 88 Save a penny each time you make a copy 5 - 9 p.m. M onday - Thursday this week only. The Texas Union Copy Center (next door to the Texas Tavern) MOC 5 M fcM O M A oe O r SUTKA H E A V Y UfcATHFfk- V SPRING CLASSES ii UNIVERSITY TAEKW ON DO KARATE CLUB H u n t i n g F o r T h a t O ne P articular Book T h a t No O ne Has? MS SM TRY US! Friendly, Helpful Service W e Stock sm s •SMS SSM MIM rn MM i i SMS SSS SSSM SSMv.v.v .v.v.v VAW MS Vuslinites and tin- I .T. c o m m u n ity h a \ c b een receiving several free lessons with this card... T hese free lessons art1 now available to you as an introduction to K \ R \ T E . To reserve a place: MITH— i GARNER and SMITH KSTORE B MM MM xMy C LO SE D WED. & S AT. 4 77-3735 409 W. 6th SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION—1975 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.— JA N U A RY 6. 7, 8, 9 8 30 A M. to 4:30 P .M .— JA N U A RY 13, 14 JO E C THOMPSON C O N FEREN C E CENTER 24th AND RED RIVER (NORTH OF L B J LIBRARY) C L A S S E S B E G IN J A N U A R Y 20 and 21 (FINAL E X A M S S C H E D U L E D F O R A P R IL 28. 29.30. A N D M A Y I) C O U R S E O F F E R IN G S IN M M: V .V .V . Ii •Mw MM | | HI Accounting Classical Civilization American Studies Anthropology Art Astronomy Bible Biology Botany Computer S ciences Cultural Foundations of Education Econom ics Educational Psychology English European Studies Business Administration Business Com m unications iii::: G raduate Language Courses Health Education History Home Economics international Business Linguistics Management Finance Marketing French Geography German Government Music Philosophy Mathematics Middle Eastern Studies Physical Education Physics Psychology Radio-Television-Film Real Estate Russian Sociology Spanish Speech Statistics BU LLETIN S AND TENTATIVE SC H ED U LES AVAILABLE AT R O O M 301, E X T E N S IO N B U IL D IN G , 19th and S A B I N E 471-7335 ’ HOURS Page 8 Tuesday, J a n u a ry 14, 1975 T H E D A IL Y T1JXAN O P E N : M O N . & T H U R S . 8 A M to I P M T U E S . & FRI. 8 A M to 3 P M THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN M i*:1 477-9725 Austin Blood Components, Inc. EXTENSION TEACHING AND FIELD SERVICE BUREAU •MM: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. to IO p. Satu rd ays 9 a.m . to 6 p. ^1 EXTENSION EVENING CLASSES M M 2116 G u a d a lu p e \. EARN $14 WEEKLY CASH PAYMENT FOR DONATION CALL 4 7 6 -8 2 8 4 or472-6329 Business Law Chemistry WS- 476-3712 E A R N C A S H W EEKLY Blood Plasma Donors Needed Men & Women HAVE YOU SEEN THIS CARD? OPEN EVENINGS :*:M SS:--"- MSSS • BEST S E L L E R S • MOST Q U A LIT Y P A P E R B A C K SE R IE S CO M PLETE • W ID E S E L E C T IO N OF A R T BOOKS • R E F E R E N C E BOOKS • SPA N ISH BOOKS MS:S SSS::* SSSS •SMS MSS Ss*# I Wilderness/Whitewater Supply 2908 San Gabriel 9.00 A M to A OO P M. (Between IH35 and Red River) LATE REGISTRATION (($5 P ER CO URSE PENALTY) JANUARY 15. 16. 17, 20. 21 THOMPSON CONFERENCE CENTER students in attendance at The University of Texas at Austin may not register in Extension Evening Classes except with signed approval of the dean of the college or school in which they are enrolled. > Disapproval Expressed At Regent Appointments „ By BILL SCOTT and GAIL BURRIS Texan Staff W riters Student and faculty reaction to Gov. Dolph B riscoe’s three appointm ents to the U niversi­ ty System Board of R egents ranged from mild d isin terest to hopes the new men would “ put the U niversity back on the track of excellence." Ja m e s H. Sledd, professor of English, said Monday a fte r­ noon’s ap p o in tm en ts w e re m erely “ m ore of the sam e. Sledd said he wished fo rm er U niversity Law Dean P age Keeton had been appointed, but he w as in no position to know “ w hat goes on in the governor’s head. K eeton had been recom m ended by the en­ tire T ravis County legislative delegation P atricia Kruppa, a ssista n t p ro fe s s o r of h is to ry and Faculty Senate m em ber, said she thought the new regents w ere “ a recycling endeav o r" by Briscoe. i t sounds like m ore of the sam e thing. I ve never heard of e ith e r of the tw o new regents, but they sound like p a r t of th e q u ie t e s ­ tablishm ent,” Kruppa said She said she was surprised Keeton was not nam ed. He h ad e v e ry th in g goin g fo r u :„ m him “ I also see th a t no one from T ravis County was nam ed, so Briscoe didn’t, have to fool with senatorial courtesy from ( S e n . L lo y d ) D o g g e t t . ” Senatorial courtesy enables a le g isla to r from a re g e n t’s home county in essen ce to bar the approval of the regent. Student G overnm ent ViceP resident Bill P a rrish said he w as “ disappointed” w ith the choices, though he did not w ant to reflect on persons he didn’t know. “ I had hoped for th re e new regents. Briscoe m ade a m is­ take and w asn’t responsive to the e x ten t he could have b e e n ,' P arrish said. “ K eeto n w as a n a tu r a l choice for one of the openings, and I think leaving him out w as a real letdown to the aca d e m ic c o m m u n ity ,” he added. P arrish said he wondered why the governor m ade the choices he did. “ His choices had the potential to get people Sex Primer Features Dick, Jane SAN FRANCISCO (A P) Dick and Jane of storybook fam e are running into each o th e r’s arm s in a new sex m anual for children featuring explicit term s. “ Sex is what all people and all anim als and fish and birds and insects do to m ake m ore of them selves." the p rim e r says in its introduction “ Sex has howeve-. receiv ­ ed a lot of bad publicity, or no publicity at all. This seem s strange since it is perhaps the m ost intense and pleasurable of human activities " The 48-page m anual, called “ The Child's G arden of Sex. was designed for supplem en­ tary use in junior high schools and will be published next m o n th by th e n o n p r o f i t Zephyros e d u c a tio n a l E x ­ change. ovritpH o n e of the three excited, vet yet nnone did a t a ll.” Ira Iscoe, d ire cto r of the Counseling-Psychological Ser­ v ices C e n ter, said he had hoped for som ething else but respected B riscoe’s judgm ent in the m atter. “ I thought a m inority group p erso n sh o u ld h a v e been c h o sen , e it h e r a fe m a le , chicano or a b lack ,’ he said “ I hope the new regents will exercise th e ir responsibility and re d ire c t the U niversity,” Iscoe added. F ra n k F le m in g , S tudent G overnm ent president, said he had know n new reg en t Thomas H. Law through work w ith th e E x - S t u d e n t s ’ Association. “ People m ay soon be im ­ pressed with Law, Flem ing said. “ H e’s a fine person, and I think he h as an interest in bettering the U niversity " Flem ing said the failure to appoint K eeton could be a result of “ lots of things. “ I have h eard Keeton had said he wouldn’t wouldn't resign hi: his p o sitio n on the U n iv ersity faculty if he was appointed to the b o a rd ,” Flem ing said. “ F o r this reason, I c a n ’t really say B riscoe turned his back on student and faculty in­ p u t,” he added. “I wish som e th in g s h ad w o rk e d o u t d ifferently, though.” Flem ing said though he had “ no q u arrel with Regent Dan C. W illiam s,” he is not sure why the D allas insurance ex­ ecutive was reappointed for an o th er six-year term . J a m e s L. K in n e a v y , p ro f e s s o r of E n g lish and s e c r e ta r y of th e G e n e ra l F a c u lty , said “ the s a m e stereotypes of oil, law and banking interests from the big c i t i e s ’’ w e re a g a in represented on the board. “ I a m n a tu r a lly d is a p ­ p oin ted that the g o v ernor didn t pay attention to the recom m endation of the T ravis County delegation regarding th e a p p o in tm e n t of P a g e K eeton," he said. Board Selections TUE WED 14 | 15 Keeton was at the top of the list because of his understan­ ding of U niversity a ffa irs.” He added it w as “ im possi­ ble to gauge a t this tim e" how the other se n a to rs would vote during the confirm ation. “ I hope the Senate will question vigorously these a ppointm ents. It is the duty of the Senate in light of events that have taken place at the U niversity in the last several months and y e a rs .” he added. Although Austin Rep Ron­ nie E arle term ed Law “a good choice he said, “ I am heart sick b e c a u se D ean Keeton w as not appointed Regardless of the qualifications of Mr. Law, Mr. S terlin g o r Mr. W illiam s, nobody would have served in a m o re e n lig h te n e d m a n n e r than P ag e Keeton. It is a cause for .sorrow for those c o n c e rn e d with the a d ­ m inistration at the University of Texas ... I do not unders­ tand why n o t.” E a rle noted th at Williams w as th e re g e n t who last Septem ber moved to ratify the firing of form er U niversi­ ty P resid en t Stephen S purr by U niversity Chancellor C harles L eM aistre. He said W illiams' move “ in­ d ic ate s the stru ctu rality of the adm inistration at the U niver­ sity " which he said “ is an a r e a of serious study and change between the board and the adm inistration. Austin R ep.-elect Gonzalo B arrientos, who will be sworn in Tuesday, said, “ I d have to study the nam es som e m ore, but my first im pression is that i t so u n d s l i ke s t r i k e o u t a g ain ." B arrientos said he had had hopes B riscoe would have taken advantage of qualified university people, including K eeton “ We will continue trying to expand the board to include student and faculty m em b ers." he added, explain­ ing he had cam paigned to this end Austin Reps. Sarah Wed­ dington and W ilhelmina Delco w ere not available for com ­ m en t Monday night. FRI 16 END 3:00 PM THURS. i ....................... ......... LATE REGISTRATION 17 Drops begin in DEANS' OFFICES ADDS AND DROPS IN DEPARTMENTS Pay LATE REGISTRATION FEES 10:00-12:00 1:00-5:00 END 3:00 PM THURS. LAST TIME TO ADD/DROP WITHOUT SPECIAL PERMISSION - 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY LATE REGISTERING?? FINISH BY 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY 1. Pick up materials in A C A D E M I C C E N T E R Tuesday 8:00 a.m. to 5 :0 0 p.m. W e d n e sd a y 8.00 a.m. to 5 :0 0 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 2 :0 0 p.m. Obtain P U N C H E D I B M C L A S S C A R D S from the departm ents in w h ic h you are ta kin g 3 4. RCe°turne r e g i s t r a t i o n m ate rials and c la ss ca rd s to A c a d e m ic C enter before 3 :0 0 p.m. T H U R S D A Y , J A N . 16TH. 5 P A Y F E E S at the B U R S A R S O F F IC E : M A I N B L D G . 8 from 1 0 :0 0 a m. to 1 2 :0 0 no o n 1 OO p.m. to 5 :0 0 p.m. on F R ID A Y . J A N U A R Y 17TH . and 6 S T U D E N T S W H O LA T E R E G I S T E R M A Y N O T P A R T IC IP A T E IN D E P A R T M E N T A L A D D S/D RO PS P A Y FEES BY 5:00 P JR . FR ID A Y , JA N U A R Y 17th This w eek, h e w h o hesitates will probably BE SAVED Take time to fill out your add/drop cards correctly CORRECTIONS??? PET A NEW CARD - DON T ERASE) _ For $319 an amazing music system that isn’t a 'starter’or a compromise for a limited budget, but a total delight to own. T hanks to a pair of really am azing new sp eakers from A dvent, we are able to offer th e b est low -cost ste re o sys­ tem we have ev er h e a rd , a system w ith tru ly widera n g e , absolutely con­ vincing sound. 'S . S S ? s s s / I 'y # S S s S S S s s * *4* s * S * 4 *4 * ># AS j /A % /> ■ \fi * rf* J ^* f s \ V 4S * STS /s T * S S S SS > Ss S S S SS^ \ SS S A / S S A S s i ' , s 3 c rf* ' , > A S S S /S ^ S' A * S O * rf*/ ■ 'S F o r a r e c o r d p l a \ e r . we s e p ic k c d I h c B SR .fit) a u t o m a t i c t u r n t a b l e vs ill* a n VIX. c a r t r i d g e ( a n d d i a m o n d - u l u s ) , w h i c h will get a ll th o sound from \ o u r records, and tre a t th e m w ith respect. If you drop in (w ith yo u r fav o rite and or m ost d e m a n d in g record, if you w ish), w e’ll be happy to explain how the new A d v en ts sound the w ay th ey do for the price. Once you h ear o u r Advent sy stem tin* only tiling you m ay w a n t to know is how quickly w e can b rin g one out of th e stockroom. BE SURE TO USE CURRENT DATE WRONG DATES WILL INVALIDATE YOUR CARDS ' s* ss s A* / f . , &, * 'S '.ss y S S S S +> ' A 'S ,? S '? s . w \V SS SS s 4' *S s s? s T o p o w e r t h e A d v e n t* , w e ’ve chosen th e Sherw ood 7050 receiver, an outstan d in g unit w ith c le a n low -d isto rtio n s o u n d at all lis t e n i n g le vels, T h e S h e r w o o d 7 0 5 0 will a b o bring in a n am azing n u m b e r of \M a n d KM s t a t i o n w i t h o u t fu ss o r fuzz. S * 4* Af, 'S SS balanced octave-to-octave response th a t g iv es all A dvent lo u d sp eak ers th e sound people keep calling ” rig h t”. T he sound of the A d v e n t/2 com es o u t of a b eau tifu l, w arm -w h ite molded enclosure (in stead of th e usual som ething-likewTood c a b in e ts of most lowbass equals th a t of f a r m ore cost sp eak ers). A d v e n t/2 ’s are a g ra c e fu l an d dis­ expensive speak ers. ( I t’s w ithin an ace, in fac t, of th e tin ctiv e ad d itio n to ju s t ab o u t an y room th e y ’re p u t absolute b est to be had at in. any price). In b etw een top and bottom is th e m usically * x - S' , y£> A V S A S S S S * S' o S S cjp S X, DON'T FORGET TO FILL IN THE PROPER MARK-SENSE BOXES FOR PASS-FAIL MARK ' YES ' HERE ) > > * THIS TOP ROW IS ZEROS DON'T MISTAKE THEM FOR ONES % s.ss’V ’V ’^ s 4f * The new A d v e n t/2 sp e ak e rs are th e la te s t p ro d u ct o f a com pany which specializes in (and has an u n m atch ed re p u ta tio n for) low erin g th e cost of excellence in sound. The A d v e n t/2 ’s go as fa r up th e frequency scale as a n y ­ th in g you can find, a n d th e ir rf THUR I 2. See your A C A D E M I C A D V I S O R Legislators Dissatisfied T hree of A ustin’s five state legislators expressed disap­ pointm ent Monday following Gov. Dolph B riscoe’s failure to appoint fo rm er Law School D ean P ag e K eeton to the U niversity System B oard of Regents., The T rav is Coun­ ty legislative delegation had last week urged B riscoe to ap­ point Keeton in a le tte r of en­ dorsem ent Austin Sen. Lloyd Doggett, one of 31 sen ato rs to vote on c o n f i r m a tio n of th e a p ­ pointm ents, said he will talk w ith W a lte r S te r li n g of Houston, Tom Law of F o rt W o rth a n d r e a p p o i n t e d R e g e n t D an W illia m s of Dallas before m aking a deci­ sion on how he will vote. A tw o-thirds m ajo rity is needed to confirm Doggett explained Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby will soon nam e one of the standing Senate com ­ m ittees to hold hearings on the appointm ents. “ I had high hopes someone from the academ ic com m uni­ ty would be a p p o in te d ,” D o g g ett s a id , “ an d D ean CONTINUING P I m STRATION S s V A * V /V V '- V V \ \ B utler him self, expanded the police force by more than IOO officer? and raised the budget m ore than $1 m illion in one year. Butler considers th is his ' m ost lasting single-handed accom plishm ent in o f­ fice Butler responds to queries on p olice brutality by stressing the human fa llib ili­ ty elem en t “ I have n ever con sid ered m yself a p olitician ../' “ Last year our o fficers answ ered over 100.000 calls. When you have 450 m en working seven days a w eek, there have to be som e c a se s of overreaction,' he said. The stam p of this City Council w ill be branded onto A ustin's next m aster plan. Currently, m aster plan revision is under w ay via a broad-based citizen participa­ tion program called Austin Tom orrow which passed the council unanim ously. “ The Austin Tom orrow plan is the broadest, m ost am bitious program in A ustin h isto r y . This is a program whereby the public can tell us the d ir ec ­ 900 WEST SIXT H tion for Austin to go U nfortunately, we will not see the results until th is council is out of o ffice." Butler said At tim es the council cham ber echoed with sm ooth words and approval from citizen s for a stand w ell taken or a job well-done. As Butler says, how ever, there is no such thing a s p leasin g ev ery o n e. M ore often the ch a m b er resounded with voices of d issen t and d is­ trust w hile issu es sizzled with controversy. The nuclear bond issue. Ninth and 10th S treets E xp an sion P r o g r a m , u tility rebates. Wilding, the Drag vendors and extension of drinking hours brought the council under fire from d evelop ers, en ­ vironm entalists. students and other in­ terest groups Butler defends his stand on the nuclear issue. “ Our judgm ent is even m ore justified now It is obvious w e can t d e ­ pend on oil and gas any m ore “ We have to phase out oil and gas plants. We think the federal governm ent w ill o u tla w th e u se of p e tr o le u m products for boiler use by 1980. he said. “ Anything I do, I go all the way. I m not the ribbon clerk type.’’ ____________________ One of the hottest con troversies, the N inth a n d 10th S t r e e t s e x p a n s io n , brought forth angry ch arges oi a conflict of interest for Butler and resulted in hi^ a b s t e n t i o n from the vote on the proposal. It passed the council 4-2 w ithout Butler s vote. although som e say not without his help. If I had voted. I would have supported it We m ust have good a c c e s s to the County Courthouse and the $5.5 m illion librarv w e're building on 10th Street The plan w ill help insure the vitality of the downtown com m unity. “ I never did understand the opposition to that. We didn t tear down any old houses, and we didn t take one inch tit park land " P resident Lyndon B. Johnson once told B utler “ you have the w o r st job in A m erican politics because you're so close to the people.' “ B eing m ayor is certain ly not a career avenue There s no such thing as a pop­ ular d ecision ." Butler adds ‘A lth o u g h I ve been su cc e ssfu l t h r o u g h th e e le c to ra l process. I have n ever c o n sid ere d m yself a politician I have no p o litical am bitions. I h a v e s e rv ­ ed as m ay o r and re g ard e d it in the light of a civic duty, It would be in poor ta s te for m e to en­ d orse any c a n d id a te s a s m y su ccessor. I have n e v e r en d o rsed anyone w hile in public office T he v o ters are capable of m aking a se le c tio n ." Butler says. One of th e m o st d iffic u lt things Butler feels be faced w a s education of the public on issu e s H e c ites the in crease of utility r a te s a s a pro m in en t e x am p le. I will leave the m ayor’s of­ fice stronger than I found it.” We ra ise d th e e le c tric rate IOO per­ cent. th e w a s te w a te r rate 211 percent and the w ater rate 20 percent. It hurt e veryone, but it had to be done. It w a s so h a rd to g et o v e r to th e public the need for a ra ise. Y et it is o ur responsibility to provide q u a lity fa cilitie s to th e citizen s f.! \u s tin .” he says. R eflectin g on hi? ten u re of office. B u tler lean ed back in his c h a ir and re la x ­ ed ■ I feel good about the job I'v e given it my total com m itm ent. A nything I do I go all the w ay — I'm not the ribbon clerk type a “ Maybe I can be journeyman electrician if I ever go broke in the car business." “ W e’v e done a lot of things I'm pretty proud of — w e nailed a coal con tract for 26 y e ars. A y e a r o r two from now. c itie s will be cry in g for coal. “ I won t h av e any re g re ts. I h a v e given th is office m y all, b u t it sap s y our e m o tio n al and ph y sical stre n g th . I look fo rw a rd to h a v in g tim e to m y se lf and for my b u sin e sse s. I have a ranch, and I just built a house on it. I did m ost of the w ir­ ing m y se lf. M aybe I can be a journeym an e le c tr i­ cian if I e v er go bro k e in the car b u sin ess.” he laughs. / “I can’t think of any anti student vote. I voted in favor of liquor on campus ... I’ve never turned down a parade perm it... I set up a committee on the drag vendors and they’ve never done better.” Councilmembers Berl Handcox, Dan Love, Butler and Dr. Bud Dryden “To be an effective mayor ... to have any clout, you have to have the support of the council.” (the Butler did it) Photos by Phil Huber and Manuel R am irez Story by Joy Howell >iOf p l i ft raj X s Ary ,r cwt, POLICE * ’m M ' “We've never had a case of police brutality that’s been proven.With the human element, there are times when everyone overreacts.” Chief of Police Bob Miles and Butler T u esd a y , J a n u a r y 14, 1975 T B F DAILY TEXAN P a g e ll Committee Alters Grievances Plan Rape Suspect Composite Released variety of plastic transparen­ Bv JA Y JO RD EN cies to make up the facial Texan Staff Writer features of the individual." U niversity police have Ravenburg said “ However, released a composite picture the composite s hairstyle is of a suspect believed linked to not up-to-date for represen­ two rapes and an assault on ting the corn-row or hedge­ the University campus row style. But we worked with “ We d o n 't h a v e any the victim for a long time to suspects at the moment it build a representation of the depends on the investigation suspect. and leads we get, ' Ad­ “ We just started from ministrative Asst Ralph nothing on the man and kept Ravenburg said Sunday building features on him Police assembled the com­ The suspect also fits the posite from a description general description given by given by the victim of the last rape, which ex'curred Dec' 19 the victim of a Nov. 6 rape near the law school and by a in Batts Hall. The victim also was beaten with a piece of woman assaulted Dec 9 on campus. The suspect is a pipe black male. 22 to 24, 5-10. with To assemble the com­ black hair in corn row style. posite, we worked with a medium complexion, wearing blue bib overalls and a dark long-sleeved shirt at the time of the offense. One v i c t i m said her assailant was over 6-0, and one assailant wore his hair in an Afro style. Police urged persons having information on the rapes and assault which might lead to an arrest to call them im ­ mediately. Ravenbury noted one reason for the increase may bi' that women are reporting assaults more frequently than former­ ly. The UT police emergency number on any campus phone, Centrex or PAX. is 1234 Com posite sketch of rape suspect. 12 noon. Noon Concert. Jo Anne Holtzm an will play background an d sing-alo ng piano music during lunch. Free. Texas Tavern. 4-6 p.m. Concert. Folksinger/guitarist M a ria Larson will entertain during H appy Hour. Texas Tavern. M u sical Events C o m ­ mittee. 7 & 9 p.m. Film: "T a k e the M o n e y and Run." W oody Allen Film Festival begins w ith a movie about an inept crook w h o steals m oney to w in the girl of his fancy but fails to m ake the FBI M o st-W an ted List. A d ­ mission $1 for UT students, faculty, a n d staff; $1.50 for m em bers. Batts Auditorium. Theatre Committee. 8.30 - 1 1:30 p.m. M ariachi Music. Los Tres Am igos, a popular Austin group, will play. Free. Texas Tavern. W e dne sd ay 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Film: "R ecogn izin g the Birth of a K in g ." Film ab ou t Dr. M artin Luther K in g after which Innervisions, a black chorus, w ill sing. Texas Culture Room (Afro-Am erican), M ethodist Student Center. Free. A fro-Am erican Culture Com m ittee. j J e , -------- o By G AIL B U R R IS Texan Staff Writer A sim p lifie d facu lty grievance procedure was sub­ mitted to the Faculty Senate Monday outlining specific routes of recourse for faculty and teaching assistants. The Senate drafted a com­ mittee to work on the docu­ ment which was substituted for a previous, more lengthy procedure. The committee must report back to the general Senate meeting Feb. 3. If passed then, the docu­ ment would go to University Council for approval Prof. Mark Yudof of the School of Law strongly sup­ ported the substitute draft and was named chairman of the newlv-formed committee. He said the o r ig in a l grievance procedure docu­ ment, which was drawn up during the previous Faculty Senate session, was impossi­ ble to amend, and the new document was relatively sim­ ple and easy to understand. Yudof emphasized that the substitute draft made clear the basic point that faculty have the right to a grievance plaints against a faculty hearing if they feel an member. Both passed. employment-related condition Ira Iscoe, director of the is unjust or adverse to their Counseling-Psychological Center, urged that the Senate welfare. The five-and-one-half page come up with some com­ procedure document, sub­ promise on the grievance procedure. mitted by the Grievance Com­ “ There are dangers in try­ mittee of the Women Faculty Caucus, outlines steps a facul­ ing to find the perfect docu­ ty member must take to file a ment, like the perfect cup of complaint against the ad­ coffee The grievances are pil­ ing up. and I can see next May ministration. come around with nothing on The grievance committee the record.” would hear the complaint, and The motion to send the sub­ if it feels sufficient evidence stitute motion to the com­ is given, would try to settle mittee and to have it report the issue through informal back by Feb. 3 passed un­ means. If this fails, it would animously. set up a formal hearing with The Senate also approved a five faculty members sitting slate of four candidates as the in judgm ent. Th e ir Faculty Senate nominees for recommendation would then the University Committee on be passed on to the University Matters of Academic Gover­ president for final decision nance Those four are George Gideon Sjoberg, sociology professor, proposed two Schatzki, professor at the law amendments to the substitute school; Donald Sellstrom motion, one adding teaching chairman of the Department assistants and associates to of French-Italian, Sjoberg and the grievance procedure and Hugo Steinfink, professor of the other concerning com­ chemical engineering. briefs S alo n s DOW NTOW NER SA LO N Late Registration Begins Today In the Downtowner M otor Inn 477 7769 Free Parking S O U T H S ID E S A L O N 1221 S o u th Lam ar Late registration for night classes at the University will be held from 9 a rn. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Jan. 21 at the Joe C. Thompson Conference Center. A $5 late fee per course will be charged after Tuesday in addition to $15 tui­ tion per semester hour. Night classes begin Monday and are open to anyone with a high school degree or the equivalent (G ED ) who is at least 21 and is not on scholastic dismissal or dis­ ciplinary probation from any institution of higher educa­ tion. 447-6646 Ample Free Parking Tm e t D K F a N Introducing EDDIE ESPARZA at the D o w n t o w n e r S a lo n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ X r e a t iv ^ n d h h d u a liz e t ^ History Lecture A lecture on 'Oral History of the Late Victorian Working Class" will be given by Paul and Thea Thompson of the University of Essex. England, at 4 p.m. Tuesday in BusinessEconomics Building. 155. The le c t u r e was o r ig in a lly scheduled for Calhoun Hall IOO. The lecturers will play recordings from 500 English, Scottish and Welsh workers bom before 1900 which they have amassed at Essex Paul Thompson also will speak at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Architecture Building 105 on the architecture of William Butterfield of Victoria, England a u s t in h a n o w e a v e r s CO-OP is re g iste r­ ing interested persons for classes in fra m e and floor loom w eaving on S a tu rd a y s. F e b I to M a r c h 8, and in k le loom w e a v in g on w e e k d ay s at tim e s to be arra n ge d . F o r further in­ fo rm atio n , co n ta ct the K e rb e y La n e G a lle rie s, 370* K e rb e y Lane. G R A D U A T E R E C O R D E X A M P R EP A R A TIO N w ill be the topic of a Read ing and Study S k ills L a b o r a t o r y discussion to be held at noon Tuesday in Je s te r A 332 TEXAS t a v e r n EVENTS for T u e sd a y in elude a noon piano concert bv Jo Anne H o ltim a n a 4 p rn concert by folkslnger-guitarist M a r ia Larson and a t o m show by professional m agician O 'Quinn Cairo. All events are free The T ave rn is next door to Texas Union South behind G rego ry G ym TEXAS UNION THEATRE COMMITTEE w ill sponsor a film . 'Tak e the Money and Run, at 7 and 9 p m T u e sd ayin Batts A uditorium Adm ission is SI for U n iv e rsity students faculty and staff and Si 50 for m em bers T I ME MANAGEMENT AND CONCENTRATION w ill be the topic Of a R e a d in g a n d S tu d y S k in s L a b o rato ry ( R A S S O discussion to be held at 4 p m Tuesday in Je ste r A-332 UT INTERCOLLEGIATE BR IDG E T O U R N A M E N T re gistration continues through Tues­ d ay in Texas Union 114 The tourna­ ment begins at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the A lum ni Center 2110 San Ja c in to B ’vd R e g is tra tio n is fre e O nly fulltim e students m ay p articip a te . MEETINGS BAPTIST STUDENT UNION w ill meet at 7 30 p m Tuesday for a student p raise gathering a t the B a p tist Student C e n te r 2204 S a n A n t o n i o S t C h ristians and n o n-C hristians, B aptists and non-BaptiSts a re w elcom e C A M P U S C R U S A D E FOR CH RIST W ill meet for "T h e G a th e rin g " at 7 30 p rn. T u e s­ d ay in D o b le C o n fe r e n c e R o o m , Dobie Center, 2100 G u a d a lu p e St S E M IN A R S DEPARTMENT OF ADVERTISING a n d the Austin A d vertisin g Club w ill sponsor a s e m i n a r on "T h e B e s t T v C o m m e rcials of 1974 (ro m 3.30 to 5:30 p rn Tuesday in ro o m 2-102 of the Jo e C Thompson Conference Center H a r r y W a yn e M cM ah an , television colum nist for A d v e rtisin g Age and an Internatio nal lecturer and consultant on the T V co m m e r cia l, w ill d ire c t the se m in a r. A d m is­ sion is $5 for nonstudents an d $2.50 for students DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY w ill sponsor a re la tiv ity sem inar at 3 p.rn T u e s­ d a y in M o o re H a ll 9.222 D a le C o x w ill speak or. "T o w a r d s a Genera! Solution of E r n s t E q u a tio n s " A c o llo q u i u m f e a t u r i n g J u n g e n M aten ne of Ham burg, G e rm a n y, w ill be sp o n so red at 4 p .m . in I5.216B The topic w ill be " O n the S tab ility of Sm a ll Groups of G a l a x ­ ies " D EPA R TM EN T OF C H EM IST R Y w ill sponsor a d is t in g u is h e d v is it in g le c t u r e p r o g ra m at 1:30 p.rn T u e sd ay In W e lch H a ll 104W. The p r o g ra m w ill feature P rof W illia m K le m p e re r of H a rv a rd U n ive rsity, who w ill speak on Van der W a a ls M olecules and M o lecular C o m p lexes." Transactional Analysis Associates a n n o u n ce s the op e ning of offices for clinical practice and professional services Counseling Individuals, Families, and Small Groups Training, Education and Consultation TEXAS UNION 24 -HOUR Mike Mills, ACSW Robert Hendrix MDiv Charles locklin, ACSW Jane Hendrix, M SSW 452-3997 INFO " FONE 5511 P orkie st, Suite 103 at B a lco n e s and Northland T raining R ecogn ized by IT A A SKIPPER'S IMPORTED AUTO PARTS 452-0244 • A L F A -R O M E O •AU DI • A U S T IN • A U S T I N - H E ALK Y •BMW. T he real issue confronting you is this: should you or shouldn't you sign a T ri-! ewers contract. For after all the promises, golden one liners and fancy talk are over, you must examine your conscience and decide for yourself. Would you rather spend the Spring Semester in a beautiful, highrise apartment close to campus, or spend it searching for parking places* or getting claustrophobia in a dorm room? Would you rather have the freedom of apartment living and the convenience of a dorm or something less? Naturally, we believe the answer is clear. And in your heart you know we’re right. So stand up and be counted at Tri-Towers North, 801 W 24th, in the middle of the student neighborhood Page 12 Tuesday, J a n u a r y 14, 1975 T H E D A IL Y T EXA N • C A P R I (Lincoln M ercury) • C IT R O EN • C O IT (D o d g e ) • C O U R IE R (F o rd ) • CR IC K ET (P ly m o u t h ) • DATSUN • F IA T (A) Regional Distributor • F O R D (B ritish ) • H IL L M A N •HONDA • JAGUAR • L.U.V. (C h e v ro le t) •M AZDA • M ER C ED ES-BE N Z • M .G . • M O R R IS •NASH • O PEL • PEU G EO T • P IN T O (F o rd U .S .A .) • PO RSCH E • RENAULT • RILEY •ROVER •SAAB • S IM C A • SUBARU • SUN BEAM •TOYOTA • T R IU M P H •VO LVO • VO LKSW AGEN 5209 NORTH LAMAR , Add, Drop Day Causes Frustration By DOUG BURTON Texan Staff W riter Adds and drops procedure in Bellmont Hall has been com ­ pared to a bull m ark et day at th e New Y ork S tock E x ­ change. A Chicago stockyard was m ore like it Monday Groups of students w aiting in long lines south of B ellm ont w ere herded to the stru c tu re s fifth level a t the rate of 1500 Persons per hour, one Bell­ mont s Cif for said G a ry S p e e r a s s is ta n t re g istrar, said at least 15,000 stu d en ts w ent through the centralized adds and drops and estim ated 5,000 others would go through add-drop procedures in d epartm en ts. Students m ay not add courses a f t e r 3 p rn T h u r s d a y , a lth o u g h th ey m a y d r o p courses until Jan. 28 and still receive a refund. Having waited in the cold from 20 minutes to an hour before en terin g B ellm o nt, many students met with d i s ­ appointment when they tound classes closed due to heavy demand With few places to sit. a number were reduced to dropping themselves and their course catalogues to the floor and adding up their options Bicycle Routes “ W hat s the use of standing in long lin e s w hen e v ery course you need is closed ,? moaned one freshm an. Not much. Sighed Speer: “ T h ere s no way you can help them all. You have just got to turn them loose, and le t them do the best they can." Speer noted th at long lines inside Bellm ont w ere a result of demand for prim e-tim e sec­ tions. At one point over 30 students stood in line at the Freshm an E nglish Courses ta b le , w here d e p a rtm e n ta l rep resen tativ es h eard more than a few special pleas. M ar­ ty Lewis, a ssista n t instructor, said F ir s t ch o ice fo r section changes was given to students with “ docum ented schedule c o n f lic ts , l e t t e r s fro m em ployers " and o th e r special circum stances W hen o n e f r e s h m a n repeatedly asked for special permission to m ake a section change. Lewis joked to him: “ lf your m o m m a's in an iron lung, roll the iron lung up here "“ The first thing I knew, the student w as up h ere telling someone his m other was in an iron lung, and he had to come home every F rid ay and help her out of it " Lewis said “ What can you do?" he asked. At Bellmont, not much. Studied T e n ta tiv e plans for con ­ struction of future bicycle lanes by the Urban T ran spo r­ tatio n D e p a rtm e n t w ere criticized Monday as 1w o e fu l­ ly inadequate" bv m e m b e rs of tw o U n iv e r s ity S t u d e n t Government com m ittee The City Council Lobby and the Environmental Protection and I m p r o v e me n t C o m ­ mittees evaluated the plans at the request of the tr an sp o rta­ tion department and released their own study of bicycle lanes at a press conference Lyn Breeland of the State Lobby Committee said the citv report ‘fails to note the shortcomings of present bike lane pIa nn ing an d maintenance." Dale ’N apier of the City Lob­ by Committee said the 3.700 stu den ts who c o m m u te to campus by bicycle a re e n ­ dangered because 'm otorists can and do drive illegally in bike lanes with no fear of reprisal from police. D ro p p r o c e d u r e s a f t e r Thursday move to deans' of­ fices. L a te r e g is tr a tio n , fro m Tuesday through Thursday, will be held in the Academic C enter (AC). U ndergraduate and law students registering late will be assessed a late fee of $5. To begin late registration, a student m ust secure a D ean's Course R ecord Card in the AC The student will then proceed to his academ ic ad­ visor for approval of courses. A com puter class card for each course section m ust be obtained from the d ep artm en ­ ta l o ffice. When a ll c la s s card s are obtained, the stu ­ dent m ust rep o rt to the AC before 3 p.m. Thursday to sub­ m it the cards. Monday w as only the second tim e adds and drops have b e e n h e ld in B e ll m o n t . R e g is tra rs Office officials said the m ovem ent of lines w as much sm oother than in G regory G ym , the previous add-drop location. “ I f s not as easy to sneak in as it w as in G reg o ry ,” added one official. Most en tran ces and exits to th e fifth flo o r w e re w ell guarded by cam pus service organization m em bers, who gave students yellow passes to allow them to leave Bellmont and re tu rn la te r in the day WISHING YOU COULD WEAR A MASK TO COVER SKIN PROBLEMS FACE THE FUTURE WITH THE CONFIDENCE A GOO COMPLEXION GIVES. Texan Staff Photo by Zaeh Ryall 15,000 hopefuls muddle through adds and drops. — Texan S taff Photo by David Woo James Aubrey just gives up. To P LAC E A TEXAN C LA S S IF IE D AD C A L L 471-5244 Remember all those fan­ tastic things you sa w at Unicorn G allery du ring Christmas but couldn’t a f­ ford? OUR SKIN LAYERING Using All N atu ral Products (No Instruments) Is G entle, Painless, Harmless Come to our after Christmas Sale. Among other bargains, we have Alva M useum jew elry at Vi price and selected M. C. Esther prints for 13 off. This week only. IO to 6 • PITS, SCARS • B R O W N SPOTS • ACNE T Y P E CONDITIONS A NEW YOU FOR THE NEW YEAR W e also do muscle toning a n d h a ir re m o v a l, a n d h a v e excellen t a lle rg y -fre e cosmetics. COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATIONS dSKE# 4 78-8771 ' a t e . One b e m o o n Vs e to c a m p u s 476-34*7 2401 I I t£N J O Y C O N V T a * e u p By S em e ste r P e m L O O K IN G FOR BETTER OPEN M O N . -FRI. 9-5 EVENINGS B V APPOINTMENT 3 8 0 8 NORTH LAMAR 4 5 1 -7 8 1 1 L A M A R V IILACI CENTER I"x12''x6' . .$1.64«.. 1313 E. 6th REMOVES J CONCRETEBLOCKS | PINE SHELVES - No. 2YP I"xl2"x3' ---- 82' ea. 8"x8"x8" ... . . . . 39 se.I 55‘ ...I r'xl2''x4' . . $1 -09 ea. 8"x8"xl2" . 57 .al 1''xl2''x5' . • $1.37 ea. 8"x8"xl6" . TEXAS LUMBER CO. Wells now you can. (Leave our studio and go about your usual routine) • E N L A R G E D PORES • W H ITEH EAD S • BLACKHEADS SHELYA N G M A T E I RIALS Gallery* nicorn D o b ie N T E RN A T ION A L SKIN CORRECTION CENTER h o u sin g ? 2n d flo o r THEN TAKE A LOOK AT R nfiislra U n ii S u p e rv is io n Main bldg, T h e D a il y T e x a n 171 -5865 lf ) CLASSINED ADVERTISING KEEP IN TOUCH AWMHW** Z I operative C o u n i 1 I& 7 H A VE Y O U M O V E D RECENTLY? IF SO, PLEASE READ THIS it ♦(>» mater** der rn . S h u ttle ’S 8061. WHETHER YOU W ANT TO PEMA • RENT • LEASE • BUY • SELL u " . ap e v e n itt ' lf a s tu d e n t a fte r registration, changes his home or his Austin address, he is expected to notify the R e g is tra r and his Dean in w riting at once. He w ill be held responsible fo r a c o m m u n ic a tio n fro m U n iv e rs ity O ffic e s se n t to him at the address last given and may not claim indulgence on th e plea of having m oved his lo d g in g s a n d th e re fo re o f not having received the com m unication." (UT G eneral Inform ation FEY/ apart janua electr i FE Vt4 C a ta lo g u e P89) b ed rot m e. t i in DoDie V ia l/ ra te C an A r® TEXAN CLASSIFIEDS GIVE QUICK, FAST RESULTS AND THEY'RE INEXPENSIVE IMPORTANT: Local addresses are used to mail class schedules after a d d s /d ro p s . To give us your new a d d re s s in time for the m ail-out, fill out and return the form below to any d e p artm ental office or Main Building 16 before 3 :0 0 P.M. Thursday; January 16th. RETURN BY 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th. THE U N IV E R S IT Y OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN O F F IC E OF THE REGISTRAR ADDRESS U P-DA TE FORM PLEASE PRINT DATE SocSec Number NAME — - C lo s e - J /y W * PERMANENT ADDRESS LOCAL ADDRESS f S treet Street S ta te j iCE jOOKS iapiy [ I t e x a s ) _________ _ .... ............ J Zip Code L L ocal Phone St u d e n t * s S ig n a tu r e Home Phone •* T h e TODAY \ f f CLASSIFIEDS % f ARE OPEN DAILY I MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. A Z i p Code S tate CALL W ;q 4 7 1 .5 2 4 4 V Q a r e a code P e rm a n e n t A d d re s s i s u se d t o r a l l Report and P r e - r e g i s t r a t i o n m a i l i n g s . G ra d e 4:30 P.M. w \ T u esd ay, January 14, 1975 THE DAILY TEXAN P ag e 13 Blake To Star in 'Baretta' By B O B T H O M A S A ssociated P ress W riter LOS ANGELES (A P) — ' ‘They throw you a dead r a t and tell you to m ake a Thanksgiving dinner out of it,” says R obert Blake, television's new angry man. • But w e’re doing it,” the acto r adds m ischievously. As any v eteran w atcher of TV talk shows realizes, R obert Blake is a feisty, outspoken, contentious m an. U niversal Television is discovering the sam e, now th a t Blake is starring in ' B a re tta ,” a crim e show that m akes its debut F ri­ day on NBG. “ The fights w e’ve had are som ething m onum ental, says Blake, a dark, chunky man of 41 or 42, “ I forget w hich; people I respect tell m e I shouldn’t tell my age or T H lose p a rt of the audience “ They try to m ake me do scripts th at a re so lousy they m ake me throw up DISTINCTIVE HAIRSTYLING by JAE I r I I IA«Z*4 dovey. . . . Inside reports, though obviously prejudiced, a re prom ising. Says director B ernard Kowalsky: “ T here are a few acto rs who hang around town for a long tim e until finally everything begins to work for them . T hat happened to Lee M arvin and C harles Bronson and P e te r Falk “ I think Bob Blake will be n ex t.” BLAKE HAS WAITED a long tim e for it He h as had a varied c are e r in Hollywood, touching the fringes of stard o m but never quite making it. He was a m em b er of the “ Our G ang” com edies, appearing first under his real n am e of Mickey G ubitosi, then as Bobby Blake He was a child acto r in 'T reasu re of the S ierra M ad re’ and “ H um oresque” and played L ittle B eaver in th e “ Red Ryder series a t Republic, As an adult a c to r, Blake won resp ect among his p ee rs but few m eaty roles T hat seem ed to have changed when R ichard Brooks picked him to play one of the killers of “ In Cold Blood. M E N A N D W O M E N 'S i “ I fin m yself full of bennies and work all night rew ritin g the script so I can play it I m ay not get through the season s 12 shows before my health goes I won t be doing any of that Mannix-P eter Gunn crap that they want to do." BLAKE HAS SPENT a lifetim e battling th e sy ste m , and he adm its th at he has found his toughest opponents rn the “ Black T ow er,” so nam ed for the corporative h e a d q u arters of MC AUniversal. The com pany’s executives are noted for th eir darksuited a ttire . ,, .... . If “ B a re tta ” is a success, of course, both sides will be lovey- © of Austin A decent profit is expected, but a ripoff is ridicu lou s! J A E 's h a s a cum ulative experience of 53 years to serve you. Sh a m p o o , conditioner, stylecut, blo-dry $6.50 U U n p e rm s from $1 5.00 com plete 6009 BURNET RO. T ™ 454-0484 foPEN Monday thru Friday IO to 9, Saturday IO to 6 Alley Theatre To Present 'Twelfth Night' Thursday T h e A lle y T h e a t r e in Houston opens a month-long ru n of S h a k e s p e a r e ’s “ Twelfth N ight” at 8 p.m. Thursday. D irector R obert E. Leonard has set this lyrical comedy in a 19th C en tu ry versio n of S h a k e s p e a r e ’s im a g in a r y country of “ Illy ria ," with sets designed by John Kenny. Tear Our Book Cr /avo (Doney In these tim es of high prices and ram pant inflation, w e've com e up with som ething that even Gerald Ford w ould approve of the F R E E S T U D E N T C O U P O N B O O K , which has been saving m oney for students on this cam pus since 1972. This week you can pick up your S P R I N G 1975 coupon book and save money on food, clothing, enter­ tainment. books, haircuts, glasse s, records, typewriters, potting soil, new spapers, m agazines, waterbeds, car repairs, sailing, and m any other item s and services. THE FOLLOW ING M E R C H A N T S OFFERING VALUABLE COUPONS: ARE ALL S tarring in the production will be Sharon Swink. Tony Russell, Lillian Evans Cal Bedford and Ronald Bishop. 'lf T ickets a re a v a ila b le bv contacting the Alley box of­ fice 615 Texas Ave , Houston 77002. o r calling (713 ) 228-8421. You Just Wouldn't Wear That Frilly Robe...' Ja m e s Dean (center) tries to explain to his father w h y he's a “ Rebel W ithout a Cause.” The classic 1955 film a b o u t m isunderstood y o u th , directed by N icholas Ray, Yale Graduate N o w By JAY SHARBUTT AP Television W riter NEW YORK (A P) - Henry Winkler, who P ^ s F onde, the super-cool, greasy-haired, leather-jacketed high school dropout on ABC’s “ H appy D ays” series, is a Yale m an. TO UCH YOUR PARTNER A G A IN ! f B a llr o o m D a n c e d C la s s e s $ IIJ I? PER SESSION Campus C lasses Start January 14 Call J 474-4.l8-?J ‘Bal§Us w ill be sh o w n at 7 and 9 p.m. Tuesday in Jester Auditorium , as part of the C inem aT exas film series. High School ' Punk' No kidding. He has a m a s te r's degree from th e Y ale School of D ram a. He grew up in New York but says he w a sn 't a Fun C ity F onzie. He a tte n d e d private school and w ore a tie, a blue blazer and grey slacks each day. He saw his share of Fonzies — people h e re c a ll th em “ punks" if they are fleet of foot - but says “ I gave ’em a lot of room. I d go upstairs on th e ro o f of th e n e a r e s t building if they w ere around.” lh* says h e’s acted in 60 plavs and two m ovies — “ The L o rd s of F l a t b u s h ” and ‘ Crazy J o e ” — since gr aduat ing from college in ____:__ u;f»nt hut rr,, “ I alm alm nct ost went, but then I The m ovies______ w ere followed realized. E v e ry th in g ’s break­ bv one a p p e a ra n c e in the ing for you, you cannot go and “ M ary T y ler M oore" and if you break the flow you’re “ Bob N e w h a rt” se rie s on d ead ,” ’ he laughed. CBS. You have to understand I W in k le r, w ho s a id h is com e from a G erm an-Jew ish “ M ary T y ler M oore” shot fam ily w here guilt is the m ain consisted of IO .speaking lines, d ie t," he added, slipping into alm ost blew his chance for the a Bronx accent: “ Ya have ya Fonzie role by nearly passing up his first big TV break on tom ato juice, a little guilt and the N ew hart series It happen­ then the m ain course.” So he didn t go to F rance. ed this way He called the casting agent, He says he auditioned to play a P uerto Rican on the asked about another p a rt and N ew hart show, didn’t get the wound up playing a reform ed job but did h ear sounds of in­ bank ro b b er who, despite N ew hart’s counseling, goes terest from the casting agent. His paren ts w ere going to and robs another bank. This led to an audition for F rance on vacation at the tim e and w anted him to join the Fonzie role he finally land­ ed them for his 28th birthday. Cham ber M u s ic C e le b r a t io n 1967. Oexas Union Spring Prague Chamber Orchestra W ednesday, J a n u a r y 22 Antone's Imports Antont's Po-Boy American Collegiate Marketing Bakers Dozen Arm y-Navy Store Bead Shaman Balanced Way Health foods Bob Elliot's Body Bizarre Brown Bag Bushwackar Flapiack Canyon Nothing Strikes Back H a y d n , J armet* k , M o za rt Flower Market Frame n Lens Gregory's Groat Exchange Hilbert's Burgers The Hobbit Hole Holiday House Ona Hour Martinizing a n d T h u rsd a y , J a n u a r y 28 Porry Rose Firestone M o z a r t, P r o k o f ie v , D v o r a k House of Jeans Caffa' Capital Optical Ching W ang Cleaners Cuatro Caminos Dan's Typewriters D ave's Body Shop D avid's Station film n Photos Inner Sanctum Records Int'l Car Parts Ixtlan Joseph’s Frame-it-Yourself Jungle Store Lagos Books Luigi's Mitchell's Exxon Mother Earth Motorloss Motion Potpourri Delicatessen TownLake SailAw ay SamWitch Squeeze Inn Straw Hat String Shop Sunshine Records Texas Observer Texas Pizza Texas Rose Emporium Undo Stanley's University Booksellers Victor's Wavecrest Waterbeds What's Going On Wilderness Whitewater H o g g A u d ito riu n */8 :0 0 P M .50 with Optional Sendees Fee Ticket sales begin Monday, -January 13 Hogg Box Office/10-6 weekdays S p o n so red by The Cultural E ntertainm ent C om m ittee o f the T exas U nion & The D epartm ent o f Music PICK UP YOUR SPRING 1975 UT FREE STUDENT COUPON BOOK AT OUR SPECIALLY MARKED TABLE IN THE CO-OP THIS WEEK!!! |S|oVV Q R S B * * * * * * * * A book c JLo *c *q # Distribution on C a m p u s A g e n c y P.O. Box 5004 Austin, T exas 7 8 7 6 3 4 5 9 -6 0 9 3 P a a e 14 Tuesd ay , J a n u a r y 14, 1975 THE DAILY TEXAN store COME SEE BOR S U N R I S E S SUIT! 2* POSH MALI iOH CU*DAI WF* \ 'N igh t Porter' Complete Bore , second sight. As before, they im m erse t h e m s e l v e s in a s a d o ­ m asochistic relationship. This tim e, however, it com prises little m ore than cu ttin g each oilier up with bits of broken glass and occasional a fte r­ noon .sessions of fellatio. The f a c t t h a t t h e i r s-m ex p erie n c e s a r e n ’t d e c o ra te d with th e a tric s’ w hips, chains a n d l e a t h e r b o o ts d id n ’t bother m e; anyone who knows anything at all about sado­ m aso ch ism know s th a t its base is em otional and psy­ chological, not physical, and certain ly not flashy uses of gadgetry. What bothered me w as th a t d ire c to r L ilian a C avani o v e re s tim a te d h er audience’s knowledge of s-m. The fact that the w hips and boots a re n ’t th ere (and don t N E E D to be th ere) should be e x p la in e d . F u r t h e r m o r e , th e re ’s no verbal o r vocal degradation in this movie — th u s , w e h a v e an s-m relationship which has nothing explained to us in em otional te rm s, and nothing visible to us in p h y s i c a l - t h e a t r i c a l term s “ The Night P o r te r ” views sado-m asochism as a kind of sexual dehum anization and then blam es the whole sordid business on the h o rro rs and dehum anization of w ar. Such a p re m ise is a t b e st im ­ a g in a tiv e and a t w o rst preposterous. Most modern au thorities on s-m (G erald and Caroline G reene, for in­ sta n c e ) believe th a t sad o ­ m asochistic tendencies are sex u al p re fe re n c e s ra th e r than psychological sicknesses Besides, there a re certainly many sado-m asochists who haven t been in a w ar, much “ The N igh t P o r te r ;” d i r e c t e d by L i l i a n a C a v a n i; p r o d u c e d by Robert Gordon Edwards; screenplay by Cavani and h a lo M osca!i; starring Dirk Bogarde, Charlotte Rampling; at the Americana. By W IL L IA M A. STONE JR Texan Staff Writer Some movies a re simply too shallow and em pty-headed to be offensive — “ The Night P o r t e r ” is one of th e m . Though it pretends to be a scorching, in sig h tfu l story about w ar, degradation and sad o -m aso ch istic love, i f s really nothing m ore than an ill conceived, poorly-directed piece of boorishness. The film o p erates on two levels: one setting is Vienna, 1957. the oth er is a G erm an c o n c e n tratio n c am p durin g World W ar II (this is shown through flashbacks). In the concentration cam p, a young fem ale prisoner (C harlotte Ram pling) is forced into sex­ ual subm ission by a sadistic SS officer (D irk B ogarde). He teaches her fellatio and keeps her as his personal sex slave (when not shooting a t her, that is, or m aking her sing and dance — a la D ietrich — for other SS officers). ANYWAY, to m ake a long, dull story even duller, R am pl­ ing survives the w ar and IO years la te r unexpectedly runs into Bogarde. H e’s now w ork­ ing as a night p o rte r in a seedy Viennese hotel , she s m arried (happily, m ore or less) to a young, am bitious symphony conductor on tour in Europe. O n e lo o k a t B o g a r d e , h ow ever, and all the w ar m em o ries su rg e b ack , for both of them , and it s love at th e /a g a r b o w l ICE CREAM & CANDIES N O W OPEN Phone 4 78 -03 14 Hours Arinnii n n cr* a m i tv nf th e re ’s a crippling scarcity of quick-cutting and intelligent editing. I SAID e a rlie r th a t th is movie w asn ’t offensive, and within its own fram ew ork, it isn ’t. W hat h a s h ap p en ed , though, is th at “ P o rte r” has been com pared rep eated ly to B ernardo B erto lu cci’s “ L ast Tango in P a ris ," and th a t, to me anyway, IS offensive E x ­ cept for two c a m e ra shots th a t Cavani stole rig h t out of “ T a n g o ,” “ N ig h t P o r t e r ” re s e m b le s “ L a s t T an g o about as much as “ M arne” resem bles “ The E x o rc is t.” Bertolucci w as concerned with showing us how the c ir­ cum stances of our lives can affect our behavior w ithin an in te n s e ly p h y s ic a l an d e m o t io n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p ; C avani is co n c e rn e d w ith showing us th a t our sexual behavior has been so politiciz­ ed and d e h u m a n iz e d th a t w e’re all headed for d e stru c ­ tion B ertolucci’s “ T ango” was a beautiful film visually; C avani’s “ P o rte r” is an ugly one. The acting in “ T ango” seem ed h o n e st and im ­ provisational; the acting in “ P norfp 3S thoui rte rr” looks as though it w as calculated on a slide rule, with R am pling and Bogarde still not com fortable in what they're doing — and who can blam e them ? The com parison of “ Night P o rte r" to "L a st Tango in P a ris” is inevitable, but it is also totally in acc u rate and just about the grossest insult to “ Tango” I can im agine. B e fo re m a k in g a n o th e r movie, I hope Cavani takes a good long look at “ N ight P o r t e r .” B esid es being a shabby and near-w orthless ex­ perim ent in storytelling, it s also a perfect guideline of how NOT to m ake a movie, and C avani could w ell benefit from w atching her own m is­ takes. I fear, how ever, th at she has deceived herself into thinking th a t “ P o r t e r ” is somehow profound and elec­ trifying, when in fact, it’s just the opposite. In the w ords of w riter-director Mel Brooks. “ It s the kind of thing that has to be practiced over and over again, until i f s abandoned M etropolitan Opera s ta r M attiw ilda Dobbs joins Swiss-born guest conductor G ustav M eier for the Austin Symphony O rch estra’s fourth concert at 8 p.m. Friday in Municipal Auditorium. Dobbs has been asked to s ng scores that will dem onstrate her talent and versatility. Her selections include R ichard S trauss' “ Monologue and T ransform ation Scene from “ D aphne” and Bassols X avier Montsalatg e’s "Cinco Canciones N eg ras.” Also on the program a re Luigi Cherubini s O verture to “ A nacreon” and H ector Berlioz “ Symphonic F an tastiq u e.” M eier, along with K arel Husa, W alter Ducloux and Donald Voohrees. will com plete the guest conductor ro ster for the rem ainder of the symphony season Beginning in July, Japanese-born Akira Endo will assum e the position of artistic d irecto r and conductor of the Austin Symphony O rch estra for the l!»7r>76 and 1976-77 seasons. Paul A ffelder’s program notes for this con­ ce rt reveal interesting insights into the lives of the four com posers, especially Berlioz, the com poser of the m ajo r sym phonic work of F rid ay ’s concert, “ Symphonic F antastique. According to Affelder, there w ere two un­ derlying factors which caused the rom antic young B erlioz to w rite the Symphonic Fan tastiq u e’ in 1830. The first w as his recent acquaintance with Goethe s “ F a u st and the second, and far m ore im p o rtan t factor, was Berlioz’s uncontrollable passion for the Irish actre ss H enrietta Smithson Berlioz went to great lengths to a ttra c t her attention, even presenting a concert of his w orks at the P aris C onservatory — a concert which she did not even bother to attend N ext Berlioz started bom barding her with love le tte rs, which she soon refused to accept. F inally, in despair, he com posed the “ Symphonic F a n ta stiq u e ” as a last outpouring of his em otions. At a P a ris perform ance in 1832. Smithson m ade her appearance, but she apparently was the only person in the audience who was not aw are that it was she who w as the central figure of the symphony’s p rogram When she finally learned this, she m et the composer, and the two w ere eventually m arried. T ickets to the concert m ay be purchased daily at the Austin Symphony office. 701 W. loth St . at the Hogg A uditorium Box Office, and. on the day of the concert, at the M unicipal Auditorium Box Office. Ticket prices range from $2.50 to $5.50. For further inform ation, call the Austin Symphony office at 476-6064 A R B Y 'S H A M B U R G E R SPECIAL 5 - 1 0 0 % PURE BEEF H A M B U R G E R S FOR $1.00 4823484823234823482323232353485348 ---------I S m a ll meat patty w ith Kraft mustard, a n d pickles plus Heinx Ketchup Not said se p a ra te ly oreaoru Keg $ 1 . 7 5 v a lu e SAVE 75' Iresta u ran t ! G O O D THRU J A N 22 ■ ■ Tonight's Special Shiner Micheiob Mug Pitcher .20 .30 $1.10 $1.60 WELCOME BACK S TO "th e unique sa ndw ich & pizza restaurant' TUESDAY IS SORORITY DISCOUNT queeze Q flJ IN S ID C THE RUSTY NAIL E V E R Y B O D Y 'S B A R U 24th and Rio G ran d e H — — TACO FLATS SOUTH 5 p.m. - Midnight Spaghetti - $1.19 a plate Wine 20' & 35* a glass Also serving L a sa gn a & Sp agh e tti Fri., Sat., Sun. even in gs 2801 G u a d a lu p e 4 7 2 -3 0 3 4 451-3760 m j i -j / w 5400 Burnet Burnet nRd NOT VALID 3*»vu o. WITHOUT COUP(Wj4411 W. Ben 5 » 5 * * A t r o N SWUW&5 ( M W J - Spaghetti Gala - Tues. & Sun. §| 472-15B2 1705 Guadalupe A G r e q Y»mm E M e rp riie ( Q u a lit y 2510 G u a d a lu p e a* less a concentration cam p FURTHERMORE, sc rip tw riters Cavani and Halo M o scati have tack ed on a tedious subplot about a group of fo rm er SS officers d e ter­ mined to assassin ate R am pl­ ing. She is, a fte r all, a victim of a n d p o te n tia l w itn e s s against their w ar crim es. It 1 * because of this subplot th a t w e’re forced to w atch R am pl­ ing and Bogarde p ractically starv e to death as they hide out in his ap a rtm e n t (which is ridiculous, since the SS group KNOWS th ey ’re there, and could ju st barge in a t any tim e to g e t them ). P e r h a p s th e l a r g e s t problem with “ Night P o rte r” is th a t it seem s lo last an e te r­ nity. (In reality , it la sts only two hours, and i f s probably the m ost slow-moving movie I ve seen since “Je rem ia h Johnson.” , Cavani fills her scenes with large chunks of silence and long, unnecessary shots of people staring off into s p a c e o r w a lk in g d o w n h a l l w a y s . N o th in g e v e r MOVES in this movie because th e re s nothing on sc re e n w orth w atching, and because S y m p h o n y To Feature R e n o w n e d Guest Artists TONITE WEEKLY S P E C IA L S FO O SBA LL T O U R N E Y 3 M e a t B u r r it o s ............................. only 99c *5 0 Hobo P la t e s ............................... 7 9 C P R IZE 7 :0 0 P M BEER • W INE • P O O L FO R LESS H A P P Y H O U R P R IC E S O N B E E R Highballs with every food purchase 19th & G u a d a lu p e o p e n a f noon NIGHT A T SM YLIES 1 0:3 0 AM 11 OO P M C E C -7 4 / announces The A ustin Sym ph on y Orchestra Cherubini, R. Strauss, Montsalvatge, Berlioz Conductor: G u stav M eier Soloist: M attiw ild a D obbs, Soprano Friday, January 17 M u nicipal Auditorium , 8 p.m. .50 with Optional Services Fee T ick et s a le s begin M o n d a y , Jan u ary 1 3 / H o g g Box O ffice/1 0-6 weekdays B u * schedules Jester. Kinsolving, C o -o p /7 :00-7:30pm T ile O i l I i i r u l E n t e r t a in m e n t C o m m it t e e ol* t h e T e x a s t Tn io n ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET G&M CATERING - DELWOOD CENTER IH 35 & 38V4 • • • FRIED CA T FISH EV ER Y M E A L Rib Eye Dinner I OTHER ENTREES rn is— ALSO 4 VEGETABLES 6 SALADS BREADS 8. DESSERTS BREA • • • 2 OAC A O _ 26 ll PLUS Rib Eye Steak Buttery Baked Potato or French Fries. Hot Texas Toast, and C risp T o sse d Salad $ 1 29 Also Chop Steak Dinner BONANZA SIRLOIN PIT TOTAL PRICE A BEAUTIFUL NEW ROOM TO SET THE STAGE FOR THE WHOLE SHOW. 2815 G uadalupe 478-3560 >6 * * * * JE TE IE TE U TE TE TE TE O F F W IT H T H IS COUPON W D M T E M A N 26, 1 9 7 5 ______________ ] TE N O T IP PIN G 'C O M E A S y O U A R E * TE TE 2100-A G U A D A LU PE TE TE A ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Ar ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Tuesday, January 14, 1975 THE DA1L\ TEXAN Page I CS's 'Season'— a Real Gem in Every W ay ••That Championship Season;” directed by Ken Johnson; written by Jason Miller; starring John Bernardoni, Oliver Handley, John Huddleston. Brent Thomas and Rob Wilds; at Center Stage. By VICKY BOW LES Texan Staff Writer Let s have a silent moment in praise af Center Stage So many recent Austin produc­ tions have had problems with good cast and bad play or weak cast and strong play Finally Ken Johnson has come up vvuh a winner com­ bination we can a1! savor and enjoy. Jason Miller s That Cham­ pionship Season" is a Pulitzer Prize-winner While that doesn t necessarily mean much. "Season's” award was indeed richly deserved One can almost forgive Miller his appearance in "The Exorcist on the basis of this excellent play. AND W H IL E many will argue that translation of a play from the New York stage to that of a much smaller city will of necessity diminish tho value of that production, they are quite wrong The Center Stage effort is nothing less than brilliant, and I have heard some who saw the New York version say ours sur­ passes it The actors, all local talent seem to have become intense­ ly involved in this personal story of four former high school basketball champions who meet with their coach on the 20th anniversary ct their state title victory in the tradition of Albee this simple reunion becomes the busts tor a number of revelations about the average, middle class. 38vecr-old American male. That may sound trite, for who knows WHAT is average but that s precisely the point There is no single issue or theme which can present a full-scale picture of a modern American Miller has drawn on his own experiences of liv­ ing to show the frustrations (and yes. satisfactions* every man. and every woman who tidily believable as a man who could retain such control over “ his boys.” despite vast separations in time and dis­ tance His one fault is in his slow-paced delivery and many hesitations, possibly the result .it not knowing bi" lines too well Coach s long speeches about his childhood do repre­ THIS R E U N IO N at the sent a break in the previous point in each c h a ra c te r's life when he feels he is most un- fast pace of the play, but they are also poetically written and happy and most unsuccessful could be delivered a little causes outbursts which set friend against friend, brother more effectively. again"! brother It is ultimate­ JO H N B E R N A R D O N I^ performance as Phil Romano ly a purging experience an stands out Phil is a totally unexorcism?1 st rupulous man who uses his money and power to control Coach (Oliver Handley • is others and then complains the man who has molded their when he thinks people want characters His doctrine of him only for his wealth Ber•Win win, win. at any cost nardom comes across as the forced them in their youth to quintessential "man you love set unreasonable goals for to hate." blending voice and themselves. For 38 years, body movements to appear each has struggled to reach thoroughly ruthless tins impossible dream, and Tom (John Huddleston) is now. realizing this cannot be also excellent as the alcoholic done. Is unable to cope with whose life is primarily "cheap his 'mediocrity shades of cynicism arid booze ” Like "Death of a Salesman >. Claire the alcoholic sister in Handley s coach is essenA lbee's “ A Delicate Students' Balance." his lines contain the most insight (as well as Attorney most of the comedy! because The stu d e n ts' o tto rn e y s, Frank he is somehow removed from Iv y a n d Ann B o w e r , a re a v a ila b le b y a p p o in t m e n t from the struggle of everyday life g a m . to 5 p .m . M o n d a y the others are engaged in t h r o u g h F r i d a y in S p e e c h Huddleston does not play the B u ild in g , R o o m 3. T e le p h o n e 471-77 «fe The stu d e n ts at­ alcoholism itself for laughs; torn eys wiM h a n d le la n d lo r d his stumbling and slurred ten an t, c o n su m e r protection, speech are subtle yet telling e m p lo y e s ' r ig h ts t a x a tio n a n d Rob Wilds shows great in su ra n ce cases. C r im in a l cases a n d d o m e stic pro b le m s. promise as an actor in the role / has ever known a man, can identify with. There is nothing "s p e c ta c u la r" in 'That Championship Season " it s just two hours lifted from a situation anyone could poten­ tially face given the proper motivation AFTER ANDY WARHOL’S -fHARRENSTEIN’. .. “ANDY WARHOL'S ‘DRACULA' IS A SUPER CAMP, SUPER GORE, SUPER SEX! DELIGHT.” —After Da rh “Warhol’s ‘Dracula1: A Comedy Triumph. The funniest film comedy since Woody? Alien’s ‘Sleeper’. It’s a riot spoof of the horror-movie genre.” \ — T e x a n S t a f f P hoto b y C a r o l J o a n S im m o n * W h a d a y a m e a n this to w n ain't b ig enough... Thomas, Wilds, Huddleston, Handley, Bernardoni (l-r) of George, the town s mayor His best moments are the highly' emotional scenes when he discovers Phil has been sleeping with his wife; the emotion seems genuine, sum­ first sight left me in open­ mouthed amazement. He has utilized the limited space of his stage to great advantage, particularly with the "porch area. This Center Stage produc­ tion is hopefully a foreshadow­ ing of a championship season for Austin. moned up from something deep within him. James is the least deman­ ding role, but Brent Thomas brings to it a depth of characterization that saves it from becoming a “ supporting role.” DIRECTOR JOHNSON also designed the set. which at * * * “ That Championship Season" plays at 8 30 p m Fridays and Saturdays and 8 p.m. Sundays Call 477-1012 for reservations. ___ S E E S E N T A S T W O B IG O N E S ! *j UWM —Joe Baff ake, Philo. Daily N ews “More fun than Andy Warhol’s ‘Frankenstein’. It builds to a wild climax once hilarious and shocking, that makes audiences howl.” I f c iw w a ii’a ■ r ... TODAY AT 1:00-4:45-8:30 a J J j) A | p When women. '★ \ —Fantom G ray, The Atlanta Constipation V i ★ ★ ★ : HIGHEST RATING" A L O ST their tails!. —USOHAWCane*.XTOakyMm S y T tr EARTH “lf yon dig high camp and gore galore, see Andy Warhol’s new movie, ‘Dracula.” ■ C U B 3m U 3 H "itjfil*’Hi — N o r m a L e e ftretw M a tt* NC Y . S u n d a y N e w I * : y~ I 0 k- w ---------- - ---------------------------- * iJ i. l J T H n i n o M L l B . '.F a d u i f c . '.'.T- W a passes " O R A G A IN MAY. BOX OFHCI OWN 6 30 SNOW STARTS 7:00 STEVE M CQ U EEN ifjou don't understand p a in NEWMAN them when they tell you their storj 4 t h e y 'l l INFERNO ■ '§m> (S i. »■ - sh o w * j o u ! © " freebie; is a SMASH! 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 ,Alan James Arkin* Caan Freebie and the Bean R A f lG A IN M A T S . E V E R Y P A V T I L 1 : 3 0 P . M . - S I. 2 5 DOBIE saturn I & 2 21st & G u ad a lu p e Second Level D o b ie S tarts T O M O R R O W ! FEATURES 2-4-6-8-10 K O K E NITE" FINE FOODS! HELD OVER 3rd WEEK! O P E N 6:00 FEA T U RE 6:30 & 10:00 6400 Buies! Road - 465-6933 EXCLUSIVE AUSTIN SHOWING-It s Terrific! ouoresuyldrJ Starring TOM LAUGHLIN PG he I r ia l fT p f fT p • | Billy Jack CANA 2200 Hancock Drive-453 6641 p i NOW! OPEN 1:15 FEATURES 1.30 3:30 5 30 7 45-10:00 REDUCED PRICES Til 5:45 A FASCINATING AND POWERFUL WORK" — Frances Taylor, N e w house New spapers « THE NIGHT SSS PORTER rn “s Dirk Bogarde • Charlotte Ram pling OPEN 1:45 NO PASSES ADM. 'ISO AU DAY TRANS TEXA S FEA. 12:00 I 20-2:40 _ _ 4:00-5:20-6:40 ■ 8:00-9:20 2224 Guadaiuoe St - 477-1964 Peter Locke & Jim Buckley Present A Mammoth Film s Release A ESYU 4 E H M ? AN OUTRAGEOUS PARODY OF YESTERYEARS’ SUPER HEROES! WY 10 Bt CONFUSED WITH THE ORIGINAL -HASH GORDOk COLO* Mall 477-1324 Exclusive E n g a g e m e n t " S T A V IS K Y * on e „t th e m o s t r e w a r d in g„ film s . - N o r a Sayre, I ’v e se e n t h is ye a r.” N e w York Times “ Resnais brings the period to life, creating an aura of elegance and grace arui a mood of sadness and corruption.” — Kathleen Carroll. N Y D aily N e w s “ST A V ISK Y with Jean-Paul Belmondo is an exq u isite re­ creation of the early thirties milieu o f political scandal and prejudice,” A T TRANS* TEXAS A u s t in K ' ^ ’ T D IS N E — Judith Crist, New York M aga zin e anoACMiNOco MEN WOMEN ANO COUPLES POR swinging coupes seekin g MIDN1TE MOVIES “ Resnais never makes a false move... creates the mood missed by ‘The Great Gatsby/ The cast is splendid. — N e w sw e e k M aga zin e "F u n D> EJ PRODUCTIONS^ . Games” CALI 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 KW starting TIME I EVERY NITE S JH Cinema ll at Midnight “ST A V ISK Y is Alain R esnais’ I I NFM \ I at Midnight best film . ” —William Paul, Village Voice JERRY GROSS Presents JEAN-PAUL BELMONDO Features 1:10 3:20 5.30 in ALAIN RESNAIS I $ I 25 STAVISKY Starring CHARLES BOYER Directed by 7:40 9:50 $150 *> Page 16 Tuesday/ Ja n u a ry 14, 1975 T H E D A IL Y T E X A N ALAIN RESNAIS •Screenplay by JORGE SEMPRUN Musical Score Composed by STEPHEN SONDHEIM fu r I PAPEXU* GUIDA** suottsno MT U jjjo*-’* nor ae *v a**•* i[Distributed by CREMATION IN D U S T R IE S ) JO AN N E W O O DW ARD “THE EFFECT O f GAMMA RAYS ON MAN-IN-THE-MOON WALI DISNEY pievents W IN NIE the POOH and T1GGER TOO TtCHNICOLOH, WEEKDAYS OPLN 6:30 P M SHOWS AT 7:00-9:10 The P a u l N e w m a n P ro d u ctio n of the 1971 P u liU e r Prizew inning play Reduced Price Until 7 P.M. 'Front Page' Bad News . u ii. J news triumphs over love. A few of the supporting actors survive Billy Wilder’s treatment of “ The Front Page,’’ but not enough to bring this mori­ bund film to life. Universal probably thought Wilder would come through with another “ Sting.” Instead Wilder and his collaborator have made a bitter, antijour­ nalism tract out of the 1929 Hect and MacArthur play. Undoubtedly the original play creaks, but Wilder’s additions don’t help There’s no nostalgia or gaiety from Wilder, who has expanded this theater piece, thrown in profanity absent from other film versions and given the action a cynical, lethally slow pace. For anyone who has seen either the 1931 film with Pat O'Brien and Adolphe Menjou or “ His Girl Friday’ with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell, the story is familiar. Others coming to “ The Front Page for the first time may find some enjoyment in the plot Hildy Johnson, reporter, is leaving Walter Burns, his editor, to get married when Earl Williams, scheduled to hang in the morning, escapes On the trail, Hildy drops the fiancee for the story, and thus As for the professionalism, Wilder doesn't even get laughs out of the wisecracks from the guys in the press room, and the few amusing spots come from the fringe characters - Vincent Gardenia as the Red-baiting sheriff, Austin Pendleton as Earl Williams, David Wayne as an effeminate reporter. Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon could have been ideal in the lead roles. Something went wrong, because Matthau is merely all right in a ham-fisted way. and Lemmon is a curiously diffident Hildy Johnson. Despite his light comedy polish, Lemmon drops into the serious vein of his “ Save the Tiger’’ performance at odd moments — maybe he and Matthau should have switched roles. Memories of “ His Girl Friday” will not stand in the way for those to whom the lines are still fresh, so Wilder may get away with it (although what is served by the tasteless satire on a Viennese psy­ choanalyst?). There are precious few moments as good as the scene of Hildy s fiancee playing organ for a silent film, but the end titles indicate what the film might have been — a sweet send-up of the play. “ The Front Page” in Wilder’s hands is an unconvincing museum piece. This is the first version where journalism looks so un­ exciting that Hildy seems better off with his fiancee in Philadelphia than chasing down leads for Walter Burns in New York. television 6:30 p .m . 7 9 24 36 IO 9 The A sce n t of M an 24 M o v i e ‘ S a t a n 's T r i a n g l e , '' sta rrin g K im N ovak, Doug M cC lu re, A le ja n d ro R e v , J i m Davis. 36 M o v ie " T h e Dead Don't D ie ," Ray s ta r rin g G e o rg e H a m ilto n Jo a n M i l l a r d , L in d a C r is ta ! Sebastian $1 .OO C o v e r W e d .-S a t. Sl.SO -2-4- 1500 S O U T H P LE A SA N T V A LLEY RD NEW f i l m ... AIRPORT 1975 ■9«» -6 » .10- SI.SO til A p.m. FEATURES - 1: 10- -3:20-5:30-7:45- f:5S- MGM™-,....STAMEY HUBRICH PRODUCTION THE BUCKET SUPER P A R I S I O * U, MEEROCOIOR & A UMVERSAL PCUWE TECHMCOLDP" PAMAVtSlOW ‘ BURT REYNOLDS IN“ THE LONGEST YARD" T H E M C O LO R B v TECHNICOLOR* A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Pp! l£ b ^ Birth ofa Legend GB "UFO" 914 N. LAMAR I I I I I I I I I I I 3427 JEFFERSON And 35th Street 477-3783 At Bannister lane 2700 GUADALUPE I Thanks for making us feel so welcome and helping us grow. And to show our ap I preciation we'll give you a FREE WHOPPER at no cost with the purchase of one ■ Whopper at regular price. Clip out the coupon below and bring it in for your FRI! ^WHOPPER. 'Round up the young 'uns and come in real soon. g m m im I I I This coupon entitles bearer to ONE Whopper at no cost with purchase of ONE Whopper at regular price. Only one Whopper coupon per person. OFFER EXPIRES JAN. 31, 1975 1423 W B EN W H ITE' BARGAIN MATINEE $1.50 til 6:30 FEATURES 6:30-8:45 * * * * M E M P H IS * * BLUES * C A RAVAN * * fe atu ring * F u rr y L e w is * * B u k k a W h it e * S a m C h a tm o n TF and more * * Tickets a v a ila b le a t the Ritz, * O a t W illie s a n d * D iscou n t Record s * it 1r1HkYr1Y1YlY**Yt***i UMHrnm n ofwt o r g f f iT H re m a n s* * » ® STREET Fro m W arner FEATURES 1:10-3:20 5:30-7.40-9.50 a c ie 5 v it i i u u k s j r HELD OVER! " BURGER KING m n ; The C ultural Entertainm ent Com mittee of the Texas Union presents the I""- q u a i Presents one of the legendary figures in cinema 4- J REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE it 1228 WEST BEN WHITE BOULEVARD w hopper” SO U T H W O O D 442-2333 • $1.25 til 7 p.m. D R A G O N : 8:00 DEATH: 6:15-9:50 * At 27th Street I “ free FEATURES 7:30-9:45 FEATURES 1:00-3:10 5:25-7:40-9:55 2400 G U A D A L U P E TOO SMOOTH KING $1.50 HI 7:30 472 5611 AVEN UE VILL A CF 4 Live Austin Rock & Roll by BURGER M o t s u it a b le fo r y o u n g p e r s o n s M u s t be 1 8 y r s to ente r a ti ,1*■V Vt 1 l X U l l LS.L B C BARGAIN MATINEE V A R S I T Y «.**. AND OUR SPECIAL THANKS TO YOU AUSTIN, FROM At Jamestown Drive 713 C O N G R E S S rn——rn THANK YOU TEXAS! 8237 RESEARCH BLVD. 2 A d u lt S h o w s W e e k ly C a ll for Titles 4 7 7 -0 2 9 1 S I O FF w it h th is a d or S tu d e n t ID | T H ENDS T O D A Y - M O T H b R LA U T H r W -3:30- NO COVER CHARGE TONITE j N -5:40-7:50- -PLUS SHORT- Adult Bookstore 2 5 c Arcade nor THE GOLDEN GUN FEATURES -1:20- BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! The best in live rock and roll 7 nights a week Open at 8:00 p.m. Music begins 8:30 Happy Hour from 8 to 9 A BA RG A IN MATINEES AND PASSES ARE SUSPENDED in'Calor 521 East Sixth O p e n 1 0 :0 0 a .m . to 2 : 0 0 a .m . S u n . 12 n o o n - m id n ig h t 23rd and Pearl JAMES BOND 0 0 7 DAYS til 6 p.m. FEATURES -1:30-4:10-6:509:30- a space odyssey ADULT M O V I E S RATED X A cross from Tri-Towers N orth - 3 hrs. free p a r k in g Sl.SO 2001 Records (on D ra g ) too. 40< LONGNECKS REDUCED PRICES TIL 6 P.M. MON THRU SAT. A Q U A R IU S THEATRES 4 A n all (Parental LONGNECK NITE, PARAMOUNT til A p.m. FEATURES PG O a t W illie s a n d D isco u n t (formerly of Blood, Sweat, a n d I ears J LAST 3 WILLIS ALAN RAMSEY SPtyNqq R OffP.TfCKET INFO AT^Q^Tj 4 4 4 -3 2 2 2 • a Guidance) rating I hope not. No one would come to see it then.” A d va n c e tickets at BOBBY DOYLE BAND 4 7 2 -7 3 1 5 STEAM HEAT TIL 6 P.M. get MEMPHIS BLUES CARAVAN TONIGHT TONIGHT M O N THRU SAT f / t i i n / ln r l h or A t*?f1 F founded her own rather lucrative operation with several girls, bought a townhouse as her base and ex­ perienced the first of ’what were to be several police busts “ The scene you saw in the police station is the end of the litm. Xaviera and her girls are booked, placed briefly in the tank with some hostile street hookers and released on high bail Presumably, she goes back to her trade “ There is no complete nudi­ ty in the film . It was suggested, but I wouldn't go for that The sex scenes with the customers are simulated. I do appear in some very scan­ ty and suggestive lingerie. ' “ I imagine the film will get an R (Restricted) rating. The producer thinks it might SUN., JAN. 19 CHESE 1411 Lavaca REDUCED PRICES .t PM -- in the film money Lbecause she had sold her film rights to her first book to author Robin Moore, who was involved in its creation. “ She said she would see me in January when My Fat Friend will play Toronto for two weeks. I ’m looking forward to that meeting Recently, there was releas­ ed a pornographic movie presumably based on “ The Happy Hooker that exploited Miss Hollander’s name in the title. Her lawyers quickly put a stop to that. It was com­ pletely unauthorized, pure fic­ tion “ Our p ic tu r e ,” Miss Redgrave said, “ tells only the first part of Xaviera’s story How she came here af fianced, she thought, to an American named Carl, only to be jilted with the assistance of Carl s mother. “ She turned to prostitution. p m CASTLE 9 W om an 7 N B A An-Star G am e 9 Sound stage — Jo hn and D a v id B ro m b e rg 24 M a r c u s W elb y 36 P o lic e Stro y , ,m i She read the script of “ The Happy Hooker" at the end of October and went to work in the film three days later. Miss Redgrave didn’t know a n yth in g about M iss Hollander until the film script was handed to her She lost no time in brushing up on the sub­ ject. who has written four best-selling paperback books about her experiences in and out of bed. “ I went immediately to a big book store and asked if they had her books.” Miss Redgrave said “ The clerk said I would find all of them. on a shelf marked Adult Books, next to the sports sec­ tion. I thought that was nice placing.’ Miss Hollander, who was separated from this country by official order and is now a rather nervous resident of Toronto — Canada would like to find a reason to expel her — has been in touch with Miss Redgrave She phoned one night to see how things were going with the film,” the actress said. “ We had quite a chat. As I un­ derstand it. she doesn't share 9 Captioned A B C News 24 W id e W orld M y s te ry — ' P o lic e H e a d q u a rte rs," starring B d Nelson, W illia m Jo rd an _______ 36 Tonight Show 8 30 p m 9 A m e rica 24 Happy D ays 36 Adam-12 7:30 p ITI 7 M A SH headed by father Sir Michael Redgrave, explains why she is appearing in a motion picture titled “ The Happy Hooker.” She is portraying Xaviera Hollander, author of a book of that title, the Dutch girl who came to New York and became the city's most publicized bordello hostess since Polly Adler in the old days. “ The script was submitted to me,” Miss Redgrave said, “ and I thought it was a good one, offering a unique role. You don't get many of that type “ It is not a pornographic movie. Naturally, I wouldn’t do one of those I think it will be a musing in a sense It is be­ ing done by responsible, reputable people, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing it. My hus­ band, John Clark, thought it was a fantastic opportunity, if I could do it.” “ Could do it was the key because Miss Redgrave has been starring on Broadway since last March in “ My Fat Friend,” a most strenuous role, eight performances a week, two on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 1 0 : 3 0 p rn, Bendell. 7 pm By JACK GAVER UPI Drama Editor NEW YORK (U PI) - This is the 17th Precinct station of the New York Police Depart­ ment. Midtown, East Side. The desk sergeant is questioning a tall, beautiful blonde in a low-cut shimmer­ ing gown topped by a full­ length white mink coat. Five other attractive females stand by. “ Your name?’ “ Xaviera Hollander. “ Spell it.” She does. She gives an ad­ dress “ The charge?” the sergeant asks. “ Pross," replies a clerk, “ and living off the profits of prostitution ” “ That’s all. Madam.” says the sergeant, stressing “ Madam.” The camera stops, the sound man shuts off his mike and Lynn Redgrave takes a onehour lunch break. Across the street to a hotel suite, the coat and gown come oft. a dressing robe goes on. and the English star of stage and screen, member of the notable British acting clan 9 Lilia s, Yoga and You 24. 36 News 8 pm. 7 H a w a ii P iv e - 0 Hee H a w Assignm ent A m e ric a Bew itch e d News Redgrave Portrays Prostitute i__ n A iir c ♦ r i i i m n h c A U A r I n V P “ The Front P a g e;” directed by Blly Wilder; screenplay by Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond; starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau; at the Fox Twin. By MIKE SPIES Texan Staff Writer The North Austin Optimist Club presents Junior League Basketball on Austin Com­ munity Television, channel 2 from 7:30 to IO p.m. Tuesday. 'Happy Hooker' Discovery Dance Grou (1955) * * * * * ♦ * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4c * D irected by N icho la s Ray SPECIAL FREE BONUS EVENT * * * with Ja m es Dean , Natalie Wood, S a l Mineo. Dannis Hopper, and Jim B ackus * * " T o d a y s high scho o l and colleg e students seeing ... R K B E L * U I mot T 4 C l i fo r the fir s t tim e are alm ost as caug h t * up in Ja m e s D ean O ' the first g e n e ratio n o f ad o lescent view ers * was. e x p e rie n c in g th a t te n d e r , ro m a n tic , m arvelo u sly, * m asochistic id e n tific a tio n w ith the boy w h o docs e v e ry th in g * o ra n g because he ra le s so m u ch ... he is the sym b o l for m is­ * * understood y o u th H e is inside the skin o f m o i ingoing and tele visio n - w atch in g y o u th ... in a way that K e a ts an d 'shells .. i are not. + P a u lin e K a e l. K iss K iss H ang Hang ♦ JESTER AUDITORIUM 7 &9 * * £ * S e a s o n Ticket go o d for entire se m e ste r s w orth of film - $ 1 5 A va ila b le at Je ste r B o x Office SI Friday/January 24/H ogg Auditorium/8:00 PM Tit Ret drawing,: Wednesday, january 15/Hogg Box Office/10-6 weekdays General salts*: Wednesday, january 22/$3.00 ll Vs must bo precented at door. \o cameras or tape recorders Texas Union Ideas and Issues Committee presents M aster Class 3:00-5:00 PM /Admission $2.00 Location to be announced. ______________ Tuesday, January 14 1975 TH E D A IL Y T E X A N Page 17 FURN. APARTS. ■ FOR SALE C L A S S IF IE D A D V E R T I N G RATES 15 word m in im u m E s c * word one tim e 5 E s c - word 2-4 tim es * Each w ord 5-5 " m e * J E a c h w ord IO or m o r e lim es 5 Student ' 9 'e each tim e * C lassified Display S3 35 I ooi. * I inc" one tim e S3 13 I col. * I inch 2-9 tim es I col < I inch ten or m ore tim es J2 SS F R E E W H E E LIN G B IC YC LE SHOP FOR W H A T E V E R Mondo* !«>on frido* your l l OO o.rn Wodno*do* T«»on Tuo*do* l l OO a 'n Thor*do* To.on Wodnotdo* l l O O "” fndo* To*on Thu»*do* l l OC o n Close to cam pi**, la rg e , open Beam ed ceiling fully shag c a rp e te d . CA CH. a ll t>, it-in kitchen, color co-ordinated no utility com pany hassles 4000 Avenue A 452 5533 Ct 45! 6533 L a rg e I bedroom s & effic ie n c ie s large closets, fu lly . arpeted, cab le , disposal w a ’ er gas s w im m in g pool furnished W a lkin g distance to U T , no c hildren or pets 610 West 30th - 477-8858 needs 2404 S AN GABR I e t *77 6M b Q P E T i L 9 P W ON X U E S D A Y & TH U R SD A Y In (Ho o»ont al »"or» modo rn on od*ort'**mon! xnmodiot* nofMi* 'W I' bo gi.on a* (no publnho'* O'* '#»!>on*.M« 'O' on!* O N I m<*froot >n»*rtion AH dorms tor od!w*tm #nt* (howid bo mod# FO UNTAIN TERRACE APARTM ENTS Close to cam pus, la rg e open re am e d ceilings fully shag c arp e te d , CA C h all built-in Kitchen, color c o-ordinated no u tility com pany rassles 4200 Avenue a 154 6423. or 451 65,33 BROWNSTONE PARK APARTM ENTS LO W S T U D E N T R A T E5 •5 w ord m in im u m each cia, I E ach additional w ord each d a y * S2 64 I c d * I inch each day U n c la s s ifie d *'' I line 3 days Si OC P repaid, No R e fu n d s 1 S tu d e n ts m u s t show A u d ito r 's receipts and pay in advance :.n TSP Bldg 3 200 125th & W hitls) from 8 a rn >0 4 30 p m M ond ay through F r-d a v Are c onvenien tly located 8. pc,'..eel r ght I 6, 2 bedroom a p a rtm e n t* located on shuttle bus route F ro m S U I 50 A LL B IL L S P A ID 5106 N L a m a r 454-3496 a paragon o*operty 404 E 30th Lovely I bdrm apts. W a lkin g distance to ca m p u s , n a l 1 lo * s I shag carp e * drapes dishw asher cable T v laun dry fa c ilitie s. Auto - For Sale $119 ■68 D O D G E V A N M a k e Offer 454-9257. 1971 C H E V im p ala , e x c elle n t condition, fully lo a d * j 35 JOG actus m ileage, new tir e *1600 4 - ’ 4682 472 6599 AC, a u to tra n s m is s io n Si 500 scud Ca'-' a fte r 5, 282 0019 5970 IN T E R N A T IO N A L T R A V E L A L L V-8 clean. A C .A ’ e x c elle n t condition re c re a tio n a l-fa m ily vehicle SUDO 459584/ weekend e v e n in g s A L L BILLS P A ID FO R s A u E 65 / W b ug 60.000 m ile s New tires, s ta r te r p u m p . ty n e -u p C a i' Jo hr 472-7831 2 BR $245 I BR $159 E ff . $135 M in i-E ff $112.50 FO R SA LE 1972 C hevrolet im p a 'a 350ci PS » 8 AC, a T Good condition w ill b arga.n 452 2571 2408 L E O N '973 H O N D A 750 Best offer over *'3 0 0 D ave 459-0302 a lt e r 7 pm Musical - For Sale C R O W N DC-300A one year old m in t condition W o rld s best superam p 200 w atts per channel *729 N ew only *575 Can B ill, 452-746! a tte r 7 476-3467 4 Blocks fro m C am pus 900 W 2?nd I bedroom apt CA CH b ill* paid $135 E “ iciencies, CA CH bills pa J C a ll 472 4940 or 478-7411 *90 - 104 E. 32nd W alk or Shuttle to U T 476-5940, 452-2462 345-4555 Save 20% Save 10% Save 10% A M S T E R MUSIC 1624 L a va ca TH R E E ELMS 400 West 35th 2 B d rm 2 Ba F u rn . • U nfu rn . E x tr a sarge, shag carpet, dishw asher. range disposal, re frig . p riv a te patio storage, close to shuttle and cam pus, cable, pool 451-3941 Pets - For Sale E F F IC IE N C IE S C LO SE TO C A M P U S S H U T T L E BUS A FG HA N p u p p ie s AK C . Cham pion sired 454-9257 K IT T E N , black speckled fe m a le ap­ p ro x im a te ly three months old, likes dogs Coil 444-8761. S w im m in g pool, b e au tifu lly furnished. d ouble or studio bed. a ll h a ve d is ­ hw asher. disposal, c entra! am and heat G E R M A N S H E P H E R D pups for sale Pull blood Weaned and w orm ed 836 8952 a fte r 5 OO (6 B LO C K S F R O M C A M P U S ) M A N A G E R A P T 106,454 9108 Homes - For Sale 10*55 H E N S L E E A m e ric a n a M o b ile Horne Tw o bedroom,. I “a bath CA C H . *3 IOO 836-2178 W A N T a B U Y an old house, subscribe to the U T H om e Buyers Report, D avid G ray 327-1141, 452-5626 Misc, - For Sale 305 WEST 35TH A P A R T M E N T NORTH 2 b e d ro o m /1 & T a bath 4-plex u n f u r n . , c a r p e t , CA C H , p riv a t e fenced patio, e x tra s t o r a g e . 8617 F i r e s i d e , $155 m o n t h pius E or SI90/m o n t h AB P F le x ib le on lease d u ra tio n . Add $15/month t u rn . 836-2468 L ux u ry A p a rtm e n ts TO P CASH P R IC E S paid for diamonds, old gold Capitol D iam ond Shop. 4018 N L a m a r, 454-6877 mg, h e a 'e r B eau tiful 185 474-1398 evenings. TO P K N E M e c h an ic al d ra w in g sets *35 H a rd ly ever used 453 5737 Pius m is­ cellaneous item s *25 o r best C A N O N F -! body *325 00. Booster T t in d e r -* 1 6 0 OO. speed G o e r SUO OO, Focusing screens 8 S .0 SIS OO each; FO 200 m m (4 0 *150 00 FO 300m m f5 6 *230 00 Cab 5 8 478-4024, Don w ith aii the Goodies I BR. $155 Eff. $130 29th Aves' cf G uadalupe 2907 West A v e 474-1712 L A R G E , A 1 1 R A C T IV E I and 2 b drm furnished unfurnished a p a rt with pool. S -art at *125 OO 451-5012 NOW L E A S I N G MARK XX I Bedroom EL C ID & E L DORADO 472-4893 S H U T T L E BUS C O R N E R C H E C K O UR S U M M E R R A T E S I BR Furn. 1315 N o r w a lk Lane 476-0948 S H U T T L E BUS C O R N E R NOW L E A S I N G A S P E N W OO D t?2 acres, G uadalupe R iv er (rootage. SO acres pecan trees, well, *650 acre bi acre-., creek, deer, *450 acre 83 a< res Spacious Contem porary Liv in g! 2 Pools - Covered Parking SHUTTLE - c it y b u s r o u t e s C O N V E N IE N T TO A N V L O C A T IO N I BR, $149 - 2 BR. $199 4539 G uadalu pe 452-4447 Come Live With Us! F N F ' E l d a r e a . I bedroom W i t h every e i ' M Furnished or unfurnished F ro m * 148 50 pius e ie c tr ic t y 807 W est Lynn 477 7794 4/2 4162 B a rry G itlin g w a te r Co t B t C R O O M *140 pius E N ear cam pus 6 shuttle C onvenient to dow ntown New fu rn itu re and POO! 407 W 38th 453-7963, 472 4162 B a rry G itlin g w a te r Co 2 B E D R O O M , 2 B A T H *210 A B P F u l l kitchen, la u n d ry and poet N ext to c a m ­ pus Le Font 803 W est 28th. 472-6480. 472 4'6? B a rry G itlin g w a te r Co * 144 50 O N E B E D R O O M . Sao Paulo A p a r tm e n ts , s h ag , pool, b a lc o n ie s , m ahogany panelled, one bl0CjV T a ve rn , shuttle. 15th S treet 476-5072 476-4999 RESIDENT SATISFACTION South Shore 1'/2 hours South 587-2181 Landscaped c ourtyard, pool and playground. Brand new efficiency and one bedroom apts, overlooking the water - modern, vibrant, super­ view. From $149.50 all bills paid, Come by and v is it w ith a staff that is in terested in your livin g ease and c o m fo rt. CASUA LLY YOU C re ativ e Outdoor P o rtra its Save ]/3 Now for St V alentine's Day ROYCE PORTRAITS 2420 Guadalupe 300 E. Riverside Dr. a paragon property 472-4219 Page 18 Tuesday, Jan uary 14, 1975 THE DAILY TEXAN 444-3337 -sh 2 BDRM, $175 $220 A LL B ILLS PAID L A R G E I and 2 bedroom a p a r tm e n t* * 120 *145 Close to Shuttle bus and U T 454-8853, c all a fte r 5 p .rn w eekdays. D ishw ashers - 2 L a rg e Pools S ec u rity MOVE IN TODAY 1901 W il l o w Creek w e ll-lig h te d p la c e n e a r C a m ero n shuttle Big yard, trees pets w elcom e *125 ptu* e le c tric ity 474 2582 444-0010 NOW LEASING 1 BR -$145 up 2 BR -$180 906 W E S T 22NO A ttra c tiv e la rg e One bedroom C aroch AC P erfec t tor couple or ro o m m a te s *175 m onth C om e by see o w n e r, A vaila b le now. c l e a n up AC Paid T an gle w o od N orth 1020 E 45th 452-0060 S huttle Bus Corner , O N L Y *115 P IU S E t E C T R iC lT Y N ce e ffic ie n c ie s near shuttle bus No pets 3805 A re B 459-8564 is a pain in the 1111 But H abitat Hunters can H elp, w ith a F R E E Locator Service specializing in student complexes with access to shuttle. Come by or Call 2 BEDRO O M F U R N IS H E D U N D E R $200 A L L B IL L S P A ID Shag cable, w a lk -in s , pool com plete kitchen, clo*,n lo chopping *, Town I ake *170 A B P unfu rn is he d 474 4493 472-416? B a rry G H tin g w a te i Co 2 BLO CK S TO CAM PU S F RO M $145 A L L B I L L S P A I D I 8, ? bedroom e ffic ie n c y . F u n Kitchen, carpeted, la rg e w alk in closets O rients furnishings P ea c efu l C ourtyard w ith pool O nly steps lo shopping 405 E as t lis t 472 2147 472-4165 B a rry G itlin g w a te r Com pany G OOD TW O Bf: D R O O M H o m e 1 Study Bike to carnous *100 R ental Bureau Fee 45 i 7433 S A N J A C IN T O a r m s 1709 San Jacinto W a lkin g distance U n iv e rs ity . L a rg e I bedroom C A /C H c arp e te d , disposal W a te r g a * cable paid No pets *150 4760920, 472 4838 f- A RG A N > F F I c I E N L Y A P T . F u t n I sh to taste M odern new e ffic ie n c y , H ts W est loth Rent *109 50 w a le r and gas p aid Cad I E W iley Co (or appoint rnent 47 2 9228 or see m a n a g e r a fte r 5 I, •!, in U nit 201 W O O D P A N E L t D, large 2 bedroom , 2 bath on shuttle L a rg e pool 2 blocks fro m U T Law School *?50 mo. A B P .3212 Red R iver 477 2104 U T a r i a . *1 2 5 p lu s e l e c t r i c n y D ishw asher, disposal shag c a rp e t l u ll kitchen full Sired nod gas ra n g e 400 W est )4th 451 7937 ! B E D R O O M *137 E ffic ie n c y SUS V e ry close to cam pus a"ay g o o d . A u t o m o b i le de sira ble M rs S m ith P O Box R114 N orthw e s t Station, tin , 78758. study, R ental I S L A N D ! M a n s io n Com plete Isolation Cheap! *1000 per year R e n ta l B ure au Fee 451-7433 c a r ib b e a n 2 B L O C K S TO U T C o ry c o t t a g e . Appliance*, y a rd A ll for *140. R ental Bureau Fee 451 7433 P E M B A R T O N H E IG H T S Spacious 2 bedroom , den, redwood deck, fenced yard, nice R ental B ureau. Fee 451-7433. C LO SE i n 4 bedroom hom e, nice y a rd O nly *215 R e n ta l B ureau . F e e 451-7433. U T N IC E 2 B R , fenced yard *145, no lease, m o v e t o d a y l In q u ir e (1 0 1 9 ) D O M U S . 476 4632 Fee. S T U D E N T S ! 3 B R , CA CH, 2 bath, fenc­ ed yard. G ara g e . *195, inquire (0619) D O M U S 476-463? Fee S H U T T L E , 3 BR. fenced y a rd O nly *190, pets fine. N orth side, local info (0902) O O M US 476 4637 Fee JOB WANTED F O R M E R C O L L E G E Si nylish Instructor seeks e d ito ria l w ork 441-2363 evenings or w r i t e 516 A c ad em y Austin, 78704 FURN. DUPLEXES FEM ALE R O O M M A T E , age 25 30 Share duplex, own bedroom , m ust like riels *85 m onth plus i bills 8-5. 4785615 A fter 5 478-4523. E N E IE L D 2 BR CA C H , carpeted, *150, no lease nice y a rd , m in 10909) D O M U S , 476-463? Fee PRETTY DUPLEX 2 bedroom d u p le * 'o r re n t in a quiet N o rth e a s t A u s tin residential neighborhood E a c h duplex o ffe r* forge fenced b a c k y a rd , covered parking, ex It,I st',raga room Plus w asher, d ry e r connections K itc h e n appliances fu r ­ nished *160 p lu * bids Col! 928 2796 B A B Y S IT T E R w ith car 2 30 -5 3 0 p m. Tues T h o r* Tw o girts Phone 475-0671 oi 471-5514 MSA P R IN T IN G , B IN D IN G THE COMPLETE PRO FESSIO NAL F U LL T IM E T Y P I N G SER VICE 472-3210 and 472-7677 ROOMMATES P R E S C H O O L T E A C H E R re e d e d . S enior or g ra d s tudent c o n sid e red Hours 12 30 5 30 472-2370 ON S H U T T L E , north U T P a r tia lly fu r­ nished 3 bedroom , ivy bath. Fenced. Responsible people *225. 345-3083. B N F i E i D RO AD, 2 bedroom , I bath a h c ie ' t r ic A B P pool shuttle 2208 E n fie ld Road 476-0734 A M F M , *40. 2 T R . 476- S T E A D Y B A B Y S IT T E R w .tn car i I 45 3 30 p rn 5 days week. I y ea r boy 441 ) 393 a fte r 6 p m 2 E F F IC IE NC Y A P A R TMS MTS a t 4405 Avenue h >IOO pius f and *85 plus E A tte r 5 453-7194 L A W S CHO O ! A R E A I bedroom 2800 Sw isher, Apt 112 *135 plus E CA C H . c able 476 7781. 141 i844 *35 HELP WANTED l i v i n g , fa r m house No $80 Renta! B ureau Fee. 451 UT A R E A N ic e 2 bed ro o m , CA CH. Good house O nly SHO Bureau Fee 451-7433 H O L L E Y 'S C O P Y S E R V IC E A com plete serv ice typing copies printing. binding, 140! M o n te D riv e 476-3018. C R E A T IV E D R A M A T IC S Instructor p a rt t,m e Pan Am R e cre a tion Center C a f 476-9193 T A R R Y T O W N 3-2 brick . C A /C H . Shut tie bus, new carpets, fenced yard , c a r ­ port *270 Beth A ttend!. 454-4677, 4772 166 W A I K I. A W SCHOOL. L a rg e 2 bedroom C A /C H pool, 'a- ndry *230 A B P NO pets FL re r O ats. 3001 Red R iv e r 472Y< 14 M R S . B O D O U P 'S T Y P IN G S E R V IC E R odo '-is theses, dissertations and books typed a c c u ra te ly ‘ ast and reasonable Fainting and b inding on request. C lo te in. 478 8113 S E C R E T A R Y 20 hours per w eek *2 71 per hour A p p ly P a r h n 25 4 p m J anua ry 8 IO 1314 N E A R CAM PUS AND S H U T T l FBU S I B d r m . furnished a p a rtm e n t *1 IO *>25, w a te r, gas, and - .(H e paid 478-41 IS 4776048 N o children No pets T H E G R F EN H O U .S f E x tr a larg e one b edroom ap t *150 pet m onth, w a te r and tight*, paid B eau tifully dec m a t e d Close in 2411 S 5th 474-570! 477-5893 APARTMENT H U N T IN G neighbors 7433 D IS S E R T A T IO N S , theses reports and la w b r . e l s E x p e r ie n c e d ty p is t T a rry to w n 250? B rid le P ath L o rra in e B ra d y 477-4715 U p rig h t piano ph 472-3264 uttle w a lk TO CLASS O ld M a in A p a rtm e n ts ! bedroom and e ffic ie n c ie s A p a rtm e t* a v a ila b le for next sem ester Cal: 477 3264 Dobie M a l l, Suite 8a 2021 G u a da lu p e 474-1532 Convient location - close to UT campus. p e d a l co untry B O B B Y E D E L A F I E L D . IB M S e le c to r p-ca elite 25 years experience booxs d is s e r t Dons, th e s e s , re p o rts , m im eogra phing 442 7184 E xc . e le c tric ran g e *125 444-7175 U N I V E R S I T Y A R E A , on shuttle. Nice 5 472 is98 - Volvo AC 7660 N ic e 3 bedroom home Den. AC CH. fenced y a rd . C a ll 451-7433, R ental B ureau Fee room nome G a ra g e Student*. R ental B ureau . F e e, 451-7433. V IR G I N I A S C H N E ID E R D iv e rs ifie d Services G ra d u a te and undergradu ate typing, printing, binning 1515 Koenig Lane 459 7205 UNCLASSIFIED ON S H U T T L E I BR, Si60 Pius E I BR, Si75 A B P w a l k N E W H O M E , N E W fu r n itu re 4 2 AC C H , North. Accessible to cam pus *275 P r e fe r graduates, fa c u lty . 836-5371. 604 W, 29th St. 1300-1302 West 24th WILLOW CREEK L U X U R Y 3 BR 2 b a th , t , r e p la c e c a r p e t, d is h w a s h e r, m a n y e x t r a s (2834) D O M U S 476 4632 Fee 476*4632 LA CANAD A 476 1088 S P L E N D ID 2 br, C A 'C H c arp e te d dis­ hw asher, *185. pets Can ;2022'- D O M U S . 476-4632 Fee A L L AREAS A L L P R IC E S CHEZ JACQUES Best R a te on the L ake Shuttle Bus F ro n t Doc2400 Town L a k e C irc le 442-8340 Habitat Hunters borders targe ranch, deer *4oo/acre 138 Large one, two and three bedroom pats, wi th plenty good dee a nd 75 a c re s in good d e e r a re a s , Qf storage F rom $135 all bills paid. *425 acre SMILEY REALTY S M IL E Y , TE XA S MOVE IN TODAY Under N ew M a n a g em e n t is one good reason for living at GONZALES COU NTY L A R G E P O O L • A L L B IL L S P A ID W O N T L A S T 1 2 BR West *165 CA CH, c a rp e t nice y ard (1022) O O M U S . 4764632 Fee DOMUS I & 2 BR 476-7688 BR - $170 3 BR - $325 I BDRM T an gle wood Annex A U S T IN R E N T A L E X P E R T S LO N G V IE W APTS. 2408 Longview NOW L E A S I N G $T3D U P UNF. HOUSES 444-1458 444-3750 S TARK T Y P IN G S pec ialty Technical E x p e rie n c e d theses, d is s e rta tio n s PR'S, m a n u s c rip ts c h P r in tin g , binding C harlene S tark 453-5218 S A V E 1 2 BR only *145 Pets. fenced y a rd storage no lease (1023) D O M U S 476-4632 Fee RO O MS IN fra te r n ity house One or 2 person* across fro m S im kins H a ll 608 P a 'k P lace 447-8007 476-8879 I SOO E . R iverside D r. P R O F E S S IO N * ! T Y P IS T iB M C o r re c ting S e le c te e l l. Thesis, dissertations. Student papers 837-4086 S H U T T L E UT 2 BR. CA CH. *175 gar a g e fen c ed y a rd , no tease (2216) D O M US 476-4632 Fee RO O M S FO R R E N T Shuttle Close to cam pus. La u n d ry fa c ilitie s g am e room ABP 580 Phone 475-8215. NO W L E A S IN G S q u a re I BR - $155 453-4883 london U T S H U T T L E , 2 BR fe n c e d S150, c arp e t, garage, pets No tease '09331 D O M US 476-4632 Fee P R IV A T E RO O M S . Tw o blocks cam pus c e n tra a ir M a id service, kitchen, co-ed 241 f R.o G ra n d e 476 2551 a tte r 6 OO p rn apartm ents NO W L E A S IN G $1T5T ST52750 $115 $135 One BR L u x u r y Beau* ’ ut a p a rtm e n t com plex on Town L a ke E x te n s iv e take frontage Spacious e ffic ie n c ie s I bedroom , 2 bedroom s, 3 bedroom s. Ducks CA CH. S w im m in g p ool o v e r lo o k in g Tow n Lake. D is h w a s h e r d is p o s a l L a u n d ry fa c ilit.e s A ll bills paid Shuttle bus. R e n ­ ting below m a rk e t Discounts on c e r ta in a p a rtm e n ts TM F CROC K E T T C O M P A N Y ihe c om plete s e c re ta ria l service T Y P IN G - theses, m anuscripts, rep o rt*, papers resum es A U T O M A T IC T Y P IN G - letters and m ulti-c o p ied originals X E R O X C O P IE S *3 OO for IOO copies (p e r o rig in a ls ! P R IN T IN G offset and letterpress and com plete lines of offic e products 453 7987 5530 B urnet Rd L A K E T R A V IS isolated w a te rfro n t One or tw o bedroom s *170 C a ll now R e n ta l B ureau . F e e 451-7433 N E A T B E D R O O M convenient to U T d o w n to w n M a tu r e s tu d e n t p r e fe r fe m a le , no s m o ke rs P r iv a te bath. re frig . etc *65. 478-0992 TOWN LAKE JE R R IC K APTS. BEAT INFLATION *35 I BR Furn. M A R K IV APTS. 475-0736 478-4096 S H U T T L E BUS C O R N E R 454-3953 452-5093 3815 Guadalu pe B U F F E T E V E T T E -S c h a e ffe r c la r.n e 1 w nod, in good condition M ust sen now M a k e offer Cal! 476 4424 W arranty $155 U N IVER S ITY SQ UA RE weekends TWO C A S T IL IA N c ontracts tor spring s e m e s te r W i l l s e ll a t B IG loss D e s p e ra te 1 C a ll Bob. 475-0562 Reports Resumes, Theses, Letters Ail U n iv ers ity and business work Last M in u te Service O pen 9-8 M on-Th 8. 9 5 F rl-S a t Dobie M a ll 472-8936 T A R R Y T O W N D y n a m ic 2-2 pool. pool ta ble E x tr a nice Won t last R ental B ureau F ee 451-7433 P R IV A T E R O O M and bath for re n t tor fe m ale student Q u iet neighborhood L im ite d kitchen and phone privileges, fenced b a ck y ard SSO m onth. C a ll 452 9411,9am 5pm. A fte r 5, 477-5392 Ask for P a" weekdays SERVICE L A K E A U S T IN on shuttle C o ly living. C om plete Just *150 R ental B ureau Fee 451-7433 R O O M in f u l l y f u r n i s h e d h o u s e *85 month plus e le c tric Ten m inute w a it from cam pus B a rn e tt, 474-2588 Sin g l e ROOM I block cam pus Best accom odations. A v a ila b le for the serious student Q uiet 'op c o m fo rt, m a id s er­ vice, bids paid *90 m onth 205 West 20th 472-'94 1 453 4082 R K U T A R E A Nice large 5 room hom e Bike to school *175 R ental B ureau F ee 451 7433 D IS C O U N T ON Dobie C on trac t. Call C ody collect a n y tim e 512-625-5545 S P R I N G ON TOWN L A K E 3100 Speedway N e x t to A m e ric a n a The atre, w alk ng d is ­ tance to N orth LOOP Shopping C e -f? ' and Luby's N e ar shuttle and Austin tra n s it Tw o bedroom tia-s one and twc oaths A v a ila b le one J bd rm , 2 sa w ith new shag c a rp e t CA CH dishw asher disposal, door to door g arbage pickup, pool. m a id s ervice if desired w a s h a te ria in com plex. See owners, A p t 113 o r c a ll 45! 4848 T E A C 4050-S Perk, and S a n iu 1 2000-A tuner a m p P erfec t condition Call 453 2062 a fte r 6 OO p rn Ti 1500 C a l c u l a t o r Jones 477-5781 O ld New O rle a n s s ty le a p a r t m e n t AU b ill/ c a id N e w shag c a rp e t, new d ra pe s, CA CH pool. SUride ck g re a * m a n a g e rs. v e ry close to L a w School 311 E a s t l i s t 478-6776 451-6533 4 H O R S E C O R R A L , dog run c o ly one bedroom Just *135 R ental B ureau Fee C a ll 451-7433 t e x a n DORM 1905 Nueces Doubles *1 99 s e m e s te r S in g le s 5148 25-sem ester D a ily m a id service. central air R e fr ig e ra to r * , hot plates allowed Two blocks fro m cam pus Co­ e d Resident M a n a g e rs 477-1760. 472-4171 472-4175 NOW L E A S I N G 2122 H a n c o c k Dr. P IO N E E R SX-838 re ce ive r h it *499 JBL-J6 speakers, list *598 eau" Four months. 30% aff 345-2895 L ixe new 4400 A V E A E S Y C A M P U S OR IN T H E C O U N T R Y The R e n ta l Bureau has homes for all Austin * oldest larges* and best R ental Service 4501 G uad alupe 451-7433 D IS C O U N T ON D obie C on frac t. C all Ctndy collect a n y tN E A R U T Rooms *65 a ll bitts paid 908 W 29th E ffic ie n c ies *95 plus e le c tric ity . 2907 San G a b rie l. B a rh am P roperties. 926-9365. PARAGON PR OPERTIES RETREAT APTS. TYPING F N F i E L D , L A K E A U S T IN . 2 bedroom home C A /C H . *150. Rental B ureau . F e e 451-7433. M D DORM FO R MEN 2 60 2 G uadalupe Sm gic or double K itchen privileges. B d l* paid. 477-8045. Y o u r tim e is va luable Our service is free Colorful Shag C a rpe t Central A ir Pool Shuttle Bus 3 Blks. I BEDROOM W A L K TO C A M P U S APARTMENTS D U A L 1219 T U R N T A B L E dust cover. cass. q u a ' t , c a rtrid g e Top of the line 1125. 452 1676 • • • • Large a p a rtm e n ts , f u lly snag c a rp e te d . CA CH. a ll b u ilt- in k i* hen each a p a rt m e n t has its o w n p r iv a t e c/s’ io o r b a lco n y, pool. 'roes. 1008 W est 25 a 4785592 or 451-6533 KENRAY Stereo - For Sale L A R G E D ESK otter. 454-9020 2 BEDROOM A L L B ILLS p a i d W A L K TO CAM PU S 6 BLO C K S W E S T O F F D R A G Motorcycles - For Sale G U IT A R S T R IN G SETS H O H N E R H A R M O N IC A S Y A M A H A G U IT A R S SHS pius E . w ith or w it h o u t pictures 2 Da y Service 472-3210 a n d 472-7677 UT NORTH N ic e a n d r o o m y 2 bedroom , fenced. Students *190 R ental B ure au F ee 451-7433 Rooms share a bath kitch e n privile g es CA CH I blocks fro m ca pus *90 Call 4 7R SOU cr 478-741 1 NOW L E A S I N G $125 PLUS E RE SUM ES T O W N L A K E ! . Lovely 2 bedroom , no tease P orch, fenced yard *140. R ental B ureau , F e e 451-7433. U N IV E R S IT Y V ILL A G E WE RENT AUSTIN 711 W. 32nd 454-4917 Close to s h u ttle bus and te n n is c o u rts , f u lly c a rp e te d a ll b u t!*- n k itc h e n , CA c h pool o verlooking c - t e k lo ts of tre e s W a te r gas a nd c a b le TV p a id 407 45trt $r 459-86U r 45 '65 3 3 FURNISHED EFFICIENCY APARTM ENTS S m a ll, quiet "i unit c o m p le x U n iq u e a r c h ite c tu r e One b lo c k fro m IF shu(tie Id e a l fu r a n yo n e 'ir e d o f the noise and im p ers o n a lity of la rg e c o m p ie *e s *145 in c lu d e s e fe c tric it. A v a ila b le ic? im m e d ia te o c c u p a n c y C alf UM 67 SJ com e by 710 W 38m A fter 5 c a i! 474-3345. *71 T O Y O T A C orolla Coup 30 OOO m iles Buckingham Square *) tyo/jJux Ann ^ Z IL K E R P A R K R oom y 2 b e d ro o m hom e C o m p le te 1 Has it all, just *165 R e n ta l B ure au 451-7433 b ric k O N I Y 200 Y A R O S F R O M U T C A M P U S . 2910 Red R iv e r 476-563! a paragon property Bedroom AII Bil ls Paid Walk to Cam pus BE DROOM N o w (e a s in g i c * th e s o r in g AC carp e te d paneled pool. on shuttle 46tn and Ave. A 454-8903 B rin g your ow n room m ate or we w ill m a tch you w ith a com patible one This IS e c o n o m y 8. co n v e n ie n c e a* its $160 I NEED A GREAT P L A C E TO L I V E ? T R Y THE B LA CKS TO NE APARTMENTS Just N orth of 27th at G uadalu p e 2707 H e m p h ill P ark B A R T O N H E IG H T S R a m b lin g 3-2, ga age 2000 sq ft , C A /C H . O n ly *215 Re ta i B ure au Fe e. 451-7433 ROO M S Share a ?9igc room for S64 SO mo or ta k e an e n tire room for S IU 50 fu r ­ nished, a it bills na id. M aid service once NOW L E A S IN G $135 H U N T IN G T O N V ILL A V IS IT IN G c ia : , CESSO R re tu r n in g to E u ro p e , s e llin g P e u g e o t404 1967 70.000 *650 best o ffe r 47i 5291, 452-4542 130’ N o rw a lk L a n e Shuttle Bus C orner Larg e turn-shed efficiencies, built-in kitchen a p p lia n c e s . CA C h lots of storage super location, close to g rocery and shuttle bus at fro n t door Gas and w afer paid 910 West 26th 472-6589 or 4516533 VA SQUARE BACK, 970 blue good condition A utom atic. 50.000 m iles *1300 or bes* offer 452-3676 EFF T I M B E R S APTS. E F F IC IE N C Y WALK TO CAMPUS Call 477-5282 R E B U IL T 1600 V W E ngine 6 m onth. 6,OOO rn ie w a rra n ty *275 installed 8374086 I BR FURN. C O ZY G A R A G E A P T T ra v is H eights near shuttle, fenced y a rd SHO R ental B ureau F e e. 451 7433 2 I O M P I t X E S -B O T H c o n v e n t to UT and shut* .' bus. 2 BR 2 BA *215 A B P Studio 2 BR I BA 4169 w a te r paid Both units nicely tu rn discount for p a rtia lly turn - discount for f y e a r lease 472-6099 Q uiet i bedroom a partm ents C e n tra l w e s t Austin L a rg e bedroom w ith b u ilt­ in desk, Shag carp e tin g individual c e n ­ t r y a c dish w a s her 'sun dry fa c ilitie s W a te r & T V c a b le paid Shuttle bits near bv t i4 5 plus ele c t 80’ B anco 476 6i->0 $115 - $150 Shuttle b u * a’ front door pool, CA CH shag carp e tin g , a ll b u ilt-in * tchen ten -is courts across the streets huge trees 4504 Speedway 453-3769 or 451-6533 Fleur de Lis ■E31II3DHI 451-4584 4400 Ave B E FFIC IE N C Y FURN. APARTS. "o* lot#' THE ESTABLISHMENT Si29 PLUS E. c a m p o * or s h u ttle N e w I fed kitchen & bath & n ice ly P a rk in g , m aid 8. lau n d ry m c plus e le c tricity W ove in 45331235 TYPING FURN. HOUSES G R E A T L O C A T IO N IF shuttle L a rg e • urn. I bedroom , C A C H , larg e w atk-in closet A ll conveniences 451-2268 THE TREES N O W L E A S IN G E F F IC IE N C Y Si 39 A L L BILLS P A ID (hon JO do** oft*, publication W a lk to bedroom , furnished O nly SI 35 now C a ll FURN. APARTS. ■ E F F IC IE N C Y A IR conditioned apts I bedroom , tile bath, s ep a rate study room .d ev t bookshelves) e le c tric cooking appliances A B P . 472-5805, S huttle CHOICE E FF IC IE N C Y APTS. E F F IC IE N C Y SI 39 AL L BILLS P A ID WE CAR RY A LARGE ^ E L E C T I O N OF PA RTS A ND ACCESSORIES ALSO T R Y OUR O N E -D A Y R E P A I R S E R V IC E 3 OO p rn 7Uotday to«on Mondo* b ic y c l e FURN. APARTS. ■ ' $125 - ST40 Misc. - For Sale DCAOUNS SCHSOUIE FURN. APARTS. ■ R O O M M A T E N E E D E D Own room in 2 bedroom house *87 50 month plus half b id * John 475 8448 FEM ALE TO S H A R E three-bedroom house, need own transp o rta tio n . S125 alt bills paid 836 6936 N E E D R O O M M A T E to snare 2-bdrm duplex near cam pus *82 SO month abp 3204 To m G reen No 5 C h a rlie 472-55)0 F E M A L E R O O M M A T E !S ), Un '70s or 30s i Share lu x u ry a pt., B roadm oor N e x t C apita! R 'a ia Pools CR shuttle I Vi baths Own la rg e bedroom for one *110, for two, *55 each Ai! bills paid 454 1209 F F M A L E R O O M M A T E or couple need ed O w n room . *45 pius bills F or m ore inform ation, c all 476-8237 F IL M S T U D E N T needs lib e ra l room­ m ate Share 2 bedroom duplex w ith d a rk ro o m . *95 plus bills. R ic h ard 44? 5638 NO R E N T 1 F e m a le housem ate share larg e townhouse a p a rtm e n t In South J u *t buy groceries S m all y a rd , own room Jeanne. 442 1790 pay S E N IO R P E R S O N needed to share two bedroom a p a rtm e n t. *87 SO m onth C all Bob, 345 5700 E xtension 281 4213 A V E N U E F 4 b e d ro o m /2 bath, hardwood floors, larg e k ill hen, porches. patios, plants, Steve. 451 6832 M O D E L S , W R IT E R S , photographers for N atio n a l Association and Publishers. Good pay on tre e lance assignem tn is accep ted 451-6382 F E M A L E R O O M M A T E needed to share two bedroom studio. *68 75 ABP E nglish A ,re SR Shuttle 447 5415 E A R N * 8 0 three evenings and Sat Apply I pm or 4 pm or 7 pm s harp Tuesday on­ ly 7524 North L a m a r No 211 p r i v a t e R O O M S a va ila b le in spacious V ic to ria n hom e F e m a le student* only. Call Sign Id. 477 7524 W A N T E D G R A D U A T E N O T E ta k e 's N a tu r a l Sciences. M u s t type P a ra d ig m L e c tu re Notes 504 W 24th 4/2-7986 R O O M M A T E TO S H A R E one bedroom apt *80 m o. A B P 6 blocks to U n iv e rs i­ ty C a ll H a n k 472 9538 2408 Leon Access to color I V and stereo RA POSITIONS A pplication F o rm s for 1975 76 Resident Assistant positions w ill be a va ila b le beginning D ece m b e r 5 a t the Jester Center D ire c to r's O ffic e, Jester E as t and W est D e sk *; M e n 's Residence H a ll O ffic e, Housing and Food S ervice O f­ fice, and the G e n e ra l In fo rm a tio n and R e fe rra l Services In the Speech and M a in Buildings in fo rm a tio n sessions w ill be held D e ce m b e r 9 and J an u a ry 14 a t 7 30 p.m . In Jester W est • Second F lo o r Lounge D e ad lin e fo r applications is J a n u a ry IT, F U L L T IM E C O U N S E L O R needed for y e a r round re sid e n tial w ilderness c a m p s e r v in g e m o t io n a lly d is t u r b e d a d o le s c e n ts E x t e n s iv e tr a v e l and ad venture invoiced M u * ! be single, he althy and able to w ith s tan d the rig o r* of i ontinoal em otional stress in the out of-doors R equire a one y e a r c o m m it! m ent to the position. S ta rtin g s ala ry * 5 0 0 /m o n th R o o m an d b o a rd and hosp ita lira tio n i n s u r a n t For fu rth e r details c o m a rt D is co v e ry la n d , Inc B ry an Texas 717 822-7326. i R E S P O N S IB L E lib e r a l housem ate G rad student w ith 3 t house near c a m ­ pus Y a rd , garden. C A /C H . Ai D u P re e 452 516! TW O R O O M M A T E S w a n te d Own rooms NW Austin house *60 pius 1 3 bills N ancy 453 6807 RO O M M ATE N E E D E D 2BR 2 8 a th , pius an c o m fo rta b le additives a b p Apt. $60 C am ino R eal Dom ingo 474 1601 N E E D m a l e ro o m m a te s for South R iverside Studio A p a rtm e n t A B P . F ir s t M onth's R ent F r e e C all 447-4733 S E R IO U S S T U D E N T share 3 bedroom home In N o rth A ustin Own room F u r­ nished $80 OO 1 /3 bills. 837-5721 a fte r 5. N E R E D S T U D IO U S room m ate to share 2 bedroom fu rn is h ed apt- on R iv ers id e D riv e C all 442 5017 UNF. DUPLEXES D E L U X E D U P L E X , I bedroom, 7 batt' F i r e p a n , c overed garag e Close to IH JS 444-9407. 44! 0041 B A R T O N H IL L . 4 -P L E X , 1300 H ollow Creek. A ll e le c tric built in appliances. C H ' CA, w a s h e r-d ry e r connection, *155, w ater paid 258-2264. 442-9467 H O L ID A Y HOUSE No. I 1003 B a rto n Springs Rd. P art-tim e openings fo r fountain help and cashiers must be able to work noon. Monday through F r i­ day. Excellent opportunity for college student. F rin g e benefits include p ro fit sharing plan, scholarship program , food discounts, and more. Apply In person between 5pm-7pm daily. I \ Court Hears Aid Queries ROOM & BOARD B E L L S O N D O R M F O R M E N e xcellent home-cooked m eals. AC, m aid, s w im ­ ming pool. M IO R io G rand e, 474-4552 8 5 30 T R Y C O O P E R A T E E t i vTl^O " a f T h i A rk Co-Ed Co-Oft offering a lte rn a tiv e lifestyle, involvem ent, and friendship. Apply at 2000 P e a r l TW O W O M E N 'S Co-Op U n iv e rsity H ous­ ing Contracts *0 sublease tor spring semester Contact O lga or Tom at 471 4613. CO-OP V A C A N C IE S , econom ical spring semester. H o m e y but no m om m y. Co-ed, all-men, all-wom en, and veg etarian. 4761957 510 W est 23rd, ICO. LOST & FOUND SM A LL L IG H T brown dog c a l l e d "T im o " w as lost in E a s t Austin. H as tag with phone num ber C all 385-4043 520 rew ard S50 R E W A R D G e rm a n Shepherd, 4 m o , lost in v ic in ity of W 13th L o rrain e. 476 0335, 474 621 1. 472-3833 LO ST w h i t e f e m a le sh e p h e rd , 8 months C o lla r, tags 33rd Street off G uadalupe P le a se return. 476 5562 LO S T C O L O R IM eyeglasses near B u r ­ g e e and P h a rm a c y building lf found please co ntact F a b io 442-5017 SERVICES C O N F I D E N T I A L C A R E for pregnant u n m a r r ie d m o th e rs E d n a G la d n e y Home 2308 H em ph ill. F o rt W orth Toll free num ber 1-800 792 ti04 C O M P L E T E T U N E U P tor Honda 350 twins G a r a g e ca lls m ake if necessary SIO OO La b o r Ron. 475-8437 M E N T A L P A T IE N T S Lib e ratio n P r o ­ ject Been hurt bv therapy and wish to speak o u t ’ 471-5179 (S h a r i). A B O R T IO N A L T E R N A T IV E S ' P re g ra n t and distressed"* Help is as near as your telephone Pro -Life A dvocates 510 W est 26th, 472-4198 L I N D A 'S IN C O M E tax s e r v ic e Ait te rm s p r e p a r e d c h e a p ly A i! w o rk guaranteed 2506 So 6th 441-0383 Monday, the Travis County Commissioners Court heard several agencies’ requests for ad van ce fu n d in g and designated Jan 22 for public hearing of the 1975 budget Austin Ambulance Service received an extension of its contract for one month under terms of the 1974 contract. The extension, effective through March I. is the second one-month request this year by the ambulance service and was grantted by the court as proposed by Commissioner Bob Honts, The Delinquency Preven­ tion Project also was assured funding for two months, awaiting a funding request to the State Criminal Justice Council. The program is fund­ ed on a 50-50 basis by the coun­ ty and state but has not received approval by the Criminal Justice Council. A request for advance fun­ ding also was made by the Austin Rehabilitation Center The court approved $4,432.07 to meet payroll needs and operational costs of the center. Another appropriation of S T O P S M O K IN G sem inar starting Feb Conducted by Cooper Consultants. In nos a liv e G u a ra n te e d C all 447-4549 to­ day $9,987.23 was made to the TRA VC O P ro je c t of the Travis County Adult Proba­ tion Department. In other business com­ missioners approved a re­ quest of the county treasurer to shred documents of paid, exchanged or otherwise cancelled 1971, 1972 and 1973 bonds, warrants and coupons. They also established a speed limit on Old San Antonio Highway in Precinct No. 3. Students' Attorney M O V IN G W E c a n m o ve you fa st Cheaper than you think, w ou’ breaking ,t 454 7846 454-0072 The student*' attorney*, Frank Iv y a n d A n n B o w e r, are available by appointment from 8 a.m. to 5 p . m . M on d ay th ro u gh F rid ay In Speech Building, Room 3. Telephone 471-7796. The student* at­ torney* will handle landlordtenant, consumer protection, employes' rights, taxation and insurance cases. Criminal cases and domestic problems. G IN N Y 'S ^COPYING ■SERVICE ■&v p r * i n c . 42 D o b ie M a l i 476-9171 Free P a rk in g 7 a rn - 1 0 p m M F v a rn. • 5 p.rn Sat MISCELLANEOUS N E I S O N 'S G I F T S Zuni Indian je w e lry A frica n and M exn an im ports 4612 South Congress 444 3614 Closed M ondays UNF. APARTS. B E L A I R E L u x u ry mobile hom e park I star r a tin g C o n cre te patios, p av e d street laund ry I cts of beau*dot trees S w im m in g pool N ice lawns. 841 A irp o rt B lv d 385 3600 L E A R N TO P L A Y G U IT A R Beg in ner and ad van ce d D re w Thomason 4787079 S25 S E M E S T E R Cam pus parking. SW co rner 2!st and Nueces B efo re 5 4540471 After 5 44! 476? St 34 50 I B E D R O O M SBO P a u lo A p a rtm e n ts Shag, pool, b alco n ies, m ahogany panelled, one block park. T avern, shuttle, 15th S treet 476-5072. 476 4999 Q U I E T I A N D 2 B ed ro om ap artm ents on W est 22nd for sedate grad u a te students or staff SUO - S220 plus e le c tric ity 6-9 p.m. only. 454-3124 r e t u r n r u s s ia n 406 R e ad e rs to D e p artm e n t ( C A I 415) For a chance to re sell 'hem M onday, T u e s­ day. ana W ednesday p l e a s e FOR RENT BA RRY G EN E S M lT H - C a il C a n d y W eesner B a r th o lo w I 303 482-8949Thm king Of you. CHANGE YO UR L IF E S T Y L E p ro fe s s o rs , G ra d Stud ents R e t 1apellous house at fabulous L a k e w a y tu r n ,, u n tu rn , low w inter rates 261 5335 after 5 p rn 261-5043 A T T E N T IO N S T U D E N T S L e a rn to use your c re a tiv e mind follow ing courses w ill be taught F E M A L E S T U D E N T “ lovely p riv ate bedroom Close to school. 500 E 32nd 478 5439 atter 5 OO The i O V E R S E A S JOBS A u stra lia , Euro p e. S A m e rica . A fric a S tu d e n ts a ll p r o f e s s io n s and o c ­ cupations, S700 to S3000 m onthly E x penses paid, o v e rtim e sightseeing F r e e in fo r m a t io n T R A N S VV O R L D R E S E A R C H CO Dept A5, P O Sox 603, Corte M a d e ra . CA 94925 Proposal Review Set and the proposed MoPac Blvd "W e would like to put shops and stores in one w e ll­ designed center where we won t have strip -hops like we have OTI B u rn e t Road.” Jagger said He added that his companyhad agreed to previous restrictions on the Windridge A p a r tm e n ts and the Timberwood Office Park Martha Hudson president Now or Never an en­ vironmental group said Mon­ day she opposes tho project because she tears "it will be very much on the scale of the high density housing on East Riverside Drive She said her group is also concerned with the danger of polluted storm runoff into the B a rto n (’reek drainage basin University students who will be living with their families next and because part of the summer may be eligible for fultime summer jobs through Pro­ proposed development tract lies in the recharge area for ject SET (Summer Employment in Texas I. Interested students should apply by Feb I. to the University the Edwards Aquifer which is Office of Student Financial Aids The federally-funded program a large storehouse of un­ features employers from public, nonprofit agencies such as derground water Jagger said the building hospitals, schools, recreation centers and city agencies Students will work 40 hours a week tor 12 weeks at $2 IO an project will not increase hour. Since Project SKT is considered a part ot the financial aid flooding rn the area because package, each student will be expected to save S750 for school his company will retain storm water on the side of the creek expenses. Necessary forms are available at the student imanna! aids and filter if back in through sand traps. office at 2608 Whitis Ave last week, but the fiveBy M ARY WALSH member committee passed Texan Staff Writer A zoning application for the the request on to the full ninedevelopment of a shopping member Planning Commis­ sion without taking action center comparable to the size "W e thought it's better to of Highland Mall will be reviewed by the City Planning have nine votes (of the Plan­ ning C o m m is s io n ) on Commission Tuesday night. The shopping center is part something this important in the shaping of Austin than just of a master plan proposal the five votes of the zoning which includes apartment and office units on 233 acres of com m ittee.’’ committee member Betty Himmelblau land in the Barton Creek area said Monday. of West Austin Sid Jagger, president of Jag g er Associates, the developers of Windridge Jagger Associates said the Apartments, presented the shopping center would be at plan to the Zoning Committee the intersection of Highway 360 i9lt STATE CAPITAL 15th ink CENTRAL BU SIN ESS DISTRICT I Project SET Provides Fulltime Sum m er Jobs 5 th I I I L J New State-University-Business route. Capitol Route Begins Today JESTER CENTER STORE allowed to stop anywhere Red-flagged buses w ill begin operation Tuesday on between the school and residential a re a s ,” B ill Austin Transit s new shuttle Moore, assistant director of system which runs between the Urban Transportation the University, the Capitol Department, said and downtown. Moore said that he met with The State - U n iv e rsity Student Government Presi­ Business shuttle system (SU B) will “ provide a connec­ dent Frank Fleming, among others, to discuss a new route tion that is now missing,’ The result was the S U B George Henry, an Urban system which was approved Transportation Department by City Council last Thursday official, said Monday. The fare for the shuttle will The buses will run from be 30 cents during peak hours First and Lavaca Streets on and 15 cents in off-peak hours the south to 23rd Street and A monthly pass may be San Jacinto Boulevard on the purchased for $4 which allows north from 7:30 a m. to 5:30 unlimited riding between 8:30 p m stopping at every corner a rn and 4 p.rn on the route Buses will leave The passes, valid only for the every 15 minutes, except dur­ ing the peak period from l l 30 SUB route, go on sale Jan. 27 a m . to 1:30 pm. , when another bus will be added to the line and the system will •run at 10-minute intervals. nod1 sr'f “ Under the terms of the T E I franchise, they are not Your ON CAMPUS Student Store W eekdays 8:00 til 6:00 Saturdays 9:00 til 1:00 GARAGE A PA RTM EN T. L a rg e bedroom, living room Se p arate Kitchen sep arate bathroom slOO plus last month rent in ad vance plus bills 452-3676 •RECORDS • M A G A Z IN E S CONVENIENT FOR SHUTTLE BUS RIDERS! w 0c V A CK” GV* Without Calling ^ iARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICES 1&, * \D° I S* W ,0 S A Free Service 24 Hours a Day -V 472-4162 48 & * * * ■ tv *0 Iv v ,qes ERS . SERVICE N O T IC E O F IN T E N T IO N TO IN C O R P O R A T E N o tic e is h e rb y g iv e n th a t W a y n e E d w a r d S e r v e r , d /b a V a l v e L i ­ q uidators whose p rin cip al business o f­ fice is located at 9411 F a r m to M a rk e t Road I960. H a rris County, Texas in fends on or before Ja n u a r y I, 1975 to be incorporated without a change of firm nam e D ated D ecem b er 19, 1974 W a y n e E d w a r d S e rv e r O w ner • COSMETICS •BLUEBOOKS •SPIRALS •SNACKS Don’t Make A Move • Personal Acceptance • D ating and Re latin g • A ch ie vin g B ette r G rad es • M y s te ry ct Stim u la tin g the Mind and Body • M e tap h y sics • G uide tor B e tte r Liv in g For fu rth e r inform ation call M r . Steven M o rta ( U T ) 471-4239 or Dr M ich a e l VV. j o t t e r s 453-3727 I------ Shuttles C h an ge Slightly Although temporary con­ struction detours are no longer necessary, there will be a few minor changes in the IF , EC, E R and MS shuttle bus routes this semester. Jim Wilson, assistant vice­ president for U n iv e rsity business affairs, said Monday that shuttle buses will resume running every eight minutes from 6:30 a rn. to 6 p m. and every 30 minutes until ll p.m. He also said the SIR, NR. and RC stops on 21st Street will be in front of Jester Center, although last week they stopped across from the Business-Economics Building because of construction The IF Route will stop on the south side of 26th Street rn tront of the Robert Lee Moore Building instead of on the n o rth w e s t co rn er on Speedway Street. Wilson said this change was made to reduce hazardous conditions for pedestrians last semester. Instead of turning west on 21st from San Ja c in t o Boulevard, the EC route will turn on 19th Street and stop in front of Moore-Hill Dor­ mitory. This change turns the entire front curb of Jester Center into a bus zone. The only other change is on the MS route, with one stop being moved to the corner of Memphis Street and Lake Austin Boulevard. The new stop is only about IOO yards away from last semester s stop. Wilson said. Shopp ing Center U N IV ER SIT Y OF T E X A S v v)5 V " vV ' V o ' V 'V C V c- .VcV . V V V 00^ ^V eV ,feV Yv U " ” * e O *3 < < o*. ii •Se* CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING _________ ORDER BLANK ,»« F'-'vj* v se W k< V '* .. ’S - 't V V o e W , 5' fs V 4 b t? Stu d e n t N e w s p a p e r at The U niversity of Texas at A u stin E t*' o sV V V - V V . 50 V\e C V „ - °V iW *** sV '' ;> v .''ob*V '4 „nO^ ,,C»' °> T V ' „ V V T V 4 VkV „ ,O ^ O '* „ V <-