asfii ».•••,;.» «BW \#r>7tfm UT^i . 0s ~ 3 B4 4*k SsSISSSK^ .....' ... . .v s^i-v."'"'^ offter Dr ?;•>"» I II I I I | 11 ir ~ L '^^T"--^r. r^' **• Hnl s&nW FrceDellfefK^Phone 197, ' Woltlcte'i^ ATTcrrtvr-rrt!^-^o JHJ SAMQLASER sate* *^i>¥^4£im^f** 5£ mM fePSi vP S "**** % ll| class,oratorical co £L ^^'.,V/^L'vv-^"vV^f-'''!.^.v^v'Vns.r':ir'v-i5-\it5 ssssifr: SSI ffad jrevealed such a spirit of enthusiasm *and class rr §&,A S»edal'Stvl#l, Cs^ ' ll^epwsentative^hos#!* VReprese wJ *1^ * *4 H 4 * f «i *i "Ci bfc *1 VWu. t-^ K ^ * V -* ._ *A.' t »f-^5s gMsi&M ff" $&* W_:J TV, %» ," opacity „ May^mght, Febrpary 8th, there, M4.tlr^siafltic audience,' The'inemb^bf ' "I ' f? fomselecl^l aU in good vo*»>a the program Vas'-^^SS £ the represkitauves for the Texaa>Yulane debate and for if-and equally ,^i • 2~ ^e «®test~with Colorado College. -HcweverrtheitenrfOMwa-Ifiir'' D I ';.£ '" 4 4 tr* iH^Ujnr^ • s * ^nr^' \ ^ i fi> v ,; ) «^I vl^Vt -^Vi H# *v V>zi&£ - s Every man in town will J bU - :hiS „ ^ j 5hoe. We have them .In * j all leathers* t i. '- vbr nn -. w—wjhhim. -«:pcu.iGu.fBjiiwj,«»f ^±u -was-at Tni8 piacfr,tfla®pttftf«f^fp PriC© S6.00 " ^ -^-was-at this plaeeahfi^the^Gtefr g W»vv r Mr. Ainswortlrt first speech showed careful prepare ^ Club had-its first-,experience at singing . s „ , ' f tion and a clear grasp of the question.' He presented-1-darkneee^for. during the rendition of the College "Med- Ladd * Wright* t a sto«itoe»' -«™-»—««»t& ««*»-1*«m^.-«»-»—--—­ , o^v^' .'. -. -, .-. • nr-»-. <:^; * v -..*.i,~ *."*. . •. • .: '.•-.. .-.* • -> ' 7 If |?5 SOL DAVIS if­ % Sealer iQ Imported irnd Somestlo' ''SI 4§? GIGARSana^TOBACGOS 5? Billiard and Pool Parlor, -ft* Sit -•* '. Open all tka Tixne ... vR ^ e».»­ 705 Congress Avenue, _., 'Phone 398. IIP^S®1* .L ^ • -^.y-.,".r I Ij 0 f|l I .n;i ) PaJl Line Of Stationery, Periodicals. -Books, and Hews. &-­&&L Boss's*&kc ,,",s « JM< >tfrr i' &>9®fi» *3 -..'"r ^ -5-==ii^s«i£*^ * 5S5mte£est wf^e**ct t)iat th® Scarbroughjpriae^J espebial pleasure. In the audience' were many f£™lfaV ­ °^f was awarded ^^6 effective debater. ,»;'§• faces, among whom may be-mentioned Professor and • f^ual ^hen the societies give a public perform-f Mrs. J„ S: Kendall, Miss Georgia KendalllkisaeaBut* : ««»> the exercises were rather long. Notwithstanding!>r and Blanton^Mr. and tow. Schweer,,ProfessoE -&fiM the length of the contest the speakers had the inspiref W. &fto^«ad Ford Witlierspoon,*£f£ matW­ tlon ot a large ^d attentive audieoco. ^And indeed! former Tesideht?'of Aiistin• or students at~M XTni^tt the speaking was well worth hearing, foiTthe subject f'yemty> ^ V^'"'/ "C~ ' ' ' under discussion, "Eesolved, that the President of tbe The ne'^ ffac£4fl?W U^ted StatMj by. %nd withJhe^dvic^ and" csnknt^of f^un^ Wt of ' -8enate, should conclude^ reciprocity ^ tariff treaties 4 nient ms given under Hie auspices ftf tKe^wrent^V. with foreign countries, along lines prescribed by Con-1 erafare Clul)/ A fair audience-greeted the eliib at the gi*ess, is one of greatest interest at the present "time, 5 Steger Opera-house,tind manifeeted i:heir-pleasure jt>y1 i ^ Kr -MEH'S OUTFITTERS. -'* ;-,J.WUSWJIw tiic ummiei ramps W^re-proaucea ana tiie ^and delivery weakened the general effeetivegess of tbb |program completed.. The ladie? ,of the Current Liter-­ ' '' " arfran^nt.A 4^~rs ^atnre Club jyronounced tahe %Mr. DibrellVspeeebtfrom-the standpoint df'deliVery I'iainmeni riven bv tTiemvdurinp4lift ^Ve ^«awi Tikt/.Y ^thus^stTfIn their'^pplause^A visit to ttie^Coil^p! and£force^-~-arteniooxl"hadvrev^edr"to'tBe?glub'ihe beautiful JpW. S.-Moore'B argument ivas in-anawer to_the]pi^^ »|uldin^7tod^gr^^?<)f tl®ritoifituti'on, ^h^ 'the V \peding speech, a'ad'due, tp the fact that hejook tli^^ visitors\had be'en enferfaaned -%'%^'Hfngitt^f Itf^gg­ examples the affimative had-just-us'ed Wmaintain^th^r T&rnei5^'Marg]iail"and the'exquisite piano,playing of TTPf\V»n«tfiA« atifT annrliflil tVinm '^n •nnrtvj* fbfi 43ifi«ia T ntr« 4-t. * Vi4*£l* A ?«%*» 8SSJ' #«# SI®®! Wmmm Vi:' •'-!! "• / J*" *WUMRh£®S*' 4JI* *•«•»•' f rV »* # M *»i '* rtA — -• ,/l^| " <6 I *•«» » $ VAN^ -f-ti —b— ,1 * v "J^rv -V---r '^/.'',0.;, wiWrtppMiipWo,;. % //, * lissii^ ^1^"\T?L Kte3£ RiM maum thenew. Sr&t showing * "l^ou^gfeaiy & 3i «4?S^S« • -8B.„.. ' -• " J h,i hm-* gfaiUBM D afaqtf.pMlirir. ;.,', ?v' -s si­ w. w£r$«ti •* %jpgMU> mm iiii»1®S" V \ -Vy..'^, : ..' >!'i\ MWMj&£?£§M W&S llfss Zm £&&*>& ' * Wl$f ~* ^ ... ' -V '.-i: Mi SiliSipIl ':^V, , ,— 1 Junior la Our Wagons Wiff Caff Every Hour.H41 g til:: »«$ , J^V'7 *6; i m&c Mi! • & ffi. 1^1 H^piSSPiPlll^Blpii 903C6rtgr©88Avo^ tficti\f woi>n ij "I* ^4|fe^S5lW*s| that apio^nvfi^^-*-i~ A}, Sti "*LJL-j" u On Diathondd, Watclies, Jewelry or any GoodCollateral. We always have a' number of Bargains on "ncin^L •* ^ ***A YVU, fewjVednesday,February U»rlS08. .£-,No,'18..,' n0™ cfrlito taoal, when his cla«s, fraternity, profes-: Aus^w jewelry l& Co^ ; , * S* I. >•» ^..--^ ' ' "V ,/ „..» >.~> t * sors, and mends joined the long procession to hie '• ^ 5*9 Congress Ave, '~ '" * " ' {{, grave,"paying their heartfelt,,honest homage to his A. Thomas wad O. Kooek, Pro®; COLLATERAL BROKER. •& *o» beautiful and unselfish life. rIri pealer jn Jewelry; Diamonds. h&jgx&ve amang^he countless rare and.inagm$-||? t florai U*s time io go payback and sit down SttyjsrwilCBf MtfSi^f|j| ^si0$MIrtdenendenrie'Datf-''i*« 5en,bringscould hereand there be seen smaller. ' *n.d„enjoy Qnajof ~ Clothln*^-,^ ^r. . -,-A^vr;^^^-^^a3Bd-4eBfi-^fetentipug-ones'~sent by~those~^oor,{}eople -. ite*Boots. Shoes, duns,Pisfojb* "iJoe's, pavorite^ Cigars, ijThl class presidents have probably seen President i^o whose-humble lives he had come as a blessing and -y. ,.fi cems »•%?« Ammunition,etc. LoadedShells. 1 t(S 13. " --1"--'--' ''' ' ' 'a, benediction^/ ^ -Mapufaotured-tr5rthe*i GREAT,BARGAINS IN UNRE4^ DEBMEDPtEDOES. >s feall class meetiiigs for the purpose of electing commit-*^ / Standing on the threshold of'a bright and promising CUBAN CIGAFf FACTORY Cqngress Ayo , aWi^, Texas. il charge o,»Vf.tsiosasss&.,« «S18 %:• -• "• • • • -.!f,vi^5 (®SEB^S?¥0?5^«®P5ts; ;w^w> 1 deiv M H' w* V, t#y, K " Ed Ciftne^ son of Crane,'is very-Sewo /no. B.'Stetsdir Hals,T -•tat i« up again. r > *1 I'* pneumonia,at B. Hall. T£e ilhW **s *ery JgAK*4M>[«WHWf»W8 " .1 '-Ci I 4 ? T O fnranoo i'n' ", ' '' *' suddenly contracted last Thursday. And proved> quite '* * , ^'-...» ^ w j. ^1 "~\ $3,50 . _ Cavaness, one of Georgetown's baseball stars. ' >jt nnrnrin* +nVn<* ™D™ *w1l»i rJLDUfifUtl ~ w i:-B°ssisroi <3eorgetowtf8' b™ewi 6to> • --*•*• ~ PHC Indl7- §& • ' .; Crane Vve tern summoned'to hi, bedside,-tad «e®§ ' % s ""now ' OTTti See those nobby suits we B. ,V. Solomon showed "himself to he the society man with their son.<• wmmtM&eofa S08 Colorfcdogtmt of the Glee Club on .the trip. ar9 showing^;, ^ : he the trio * --'-rr»u J--'-* ~ "/>• ]"i I® 1 1 1 , > A he Matinee^ Oltxb, and the musical organizations effrt{r~——r '!•••' y*AC iiiUOl^Oi UigttllJAimUJW Ul»^> ; $15. $>2.50, $10 . Herbert Rhodius went to his home in San Antonio ' ^ie Univeiaitjr^under the aggressive lead of Dr. Schdcb/^A. C«8PALDIHC. ; last week, claiming to be sick. " -^ have received firfteh praise for "their "enterprise,^' p-v-p-­ P. - •m ' Waiter at Oripnt»1 TW*l ^ j* secur^-rfor the Austirj public Kordica a^d JIiss F. E Mistrot­ 80R00LS £Jg|> ATHLBTIO* yi Cor. 5ih St. «u»* Voutttma Ar*. itTB8 OV THU naeum, and then you ^ill get a prize af 'T^S t-fj. Wood and Hogsett attended •S^ ^tlh^rih^ (A ^.-»'<• f»'^lW»g ™* undet n yHVvVl lv^ *V ' Clifton Shepherd's -father, Congressman Shepherd 'Miss Alma Proctor, treasurer. After ._ f of the Texarkana districtr is-seriouslv ill. iclass had its picture taken on the front ®V' v" Talanc«; of year , came over to see Mansfield and incidentally to see some"1 m*D<* that high and honorable association. Pres^* t^i&w Colorado Strict. friends. * _ j Jdent Hays and Mayor.Brown are much? dejected and" U>" ' K v ^ r Tovo-n if MMt. o J "v1 » To My Friends and Customers "delighted the wise, etc. , ^ ^ '"Senior Laws were "a sorry set,w has been called dowrC U s, ? 0~ -£ ^Tir> *> Vf • % , -kf ^ V u r—w-. My stock Qt woolens, ^of ihe latest 1ihl8 r. -^ • /, • .turit to be SW-"The Texan, desires to thanJt', y t&i* DENTIST ion in Oiupinal" ^thai~ masniificeni" horlv owiflomoTt^a-n^ D^ti/iinvn -fA«< make Highland lng~y ^24\OOttgresB \Aicei»i# ' " So its Tod Moore, Dibrell, Slay,.'and W. S. M6ore|ffIeai18' is devoted to'short^.torie^' MROSENGRIN; ,*• ^;l5»ni© "^viui>'?vith Bishopjixeaop andana iiacjtei-s-iorHaekett-for alternateaiiernarea. VTulane;xmane ana-i-,""and-s"or^ verse^.extremely.w«vj.v.„wuwjf shorthkw essays,2gtagecouajo,,pL«g^jiuj[tig»,-jv4oing6l|--^ -. :x ' "VY-terse, twinkling >at+]p ntiA nn ' 'y "' '• n.^. -Miiy-^friMii <• Colpfado are-upn»gaiBst iW.*. "''Xxr^®r®ej twinklmg^tattle^ a®d no obituaries?-(Jfe4;JSert^.! *"*> "v -»,—•' ' » ., L 1 *• "X&. besxlivery fnraST UKB O i-«r -ai « w »f? ' < i W" ^berg is re^ed'-a» the-brightest EnglisirjKhol&r.thid" C ;<>ttle MeJ&ion, iw a pronanmt y«ung rttoffl^TTBiv^ We,-S^t forth,-«id The a^Mpmim that' " IN CITY of Bmh^ teemed the rtudente.and altered t ^ RUBBERTIRE .-iQlee ymb coneeirt ,at his town. •< ; t * „ £?\ ^»7\ •& r. w a«RmSESi flj-. q gal pf in^jest itf social TOattfers^, They haveMei^a^ " " "a/' ^""" 3 ss^rpf lSMf; ^Hscirr, xae oiimors aau oypnvwoxes wu m»pioiiires^was elected president of the' baU. H>This^ the fifehest" ilUU »II fflllMtlllll n ^ 'taken Tuesday, The, sun jiid lus face^and' the honor;that can fe epsfOTed unon,^ low^r classman ^. . , -howled, hufriEe~&w^on^pro^e3M"^thouJpS"feS^^fheT5J^c^^cKo'cJ?:r^®eTSarve8tc«i Sft vPauir"freshmaTxt in Bs"^mous^Toof-gaMen'^ ^J8 Shavenis-very^po^ukr with' tS#>^Sd^iir^ndn^)Wrirz 1^j 1 ziSfr#fPr' ff ^ speech at B. Hall"Ladieg4jq&gentlemen,'maiiy pleas| frhWi&r , Of MING 4 ^ 4(A\%\ f\P^V\ » J "^At fleeting of^the Jjjnidr Class'^esday, ^ebrnajy jh<''"Unlvfr-wUy, jgr ^Ouu vTTy wTUvvTVSOt Mowing filecbd for spring 11th, the following oifieera were elected ior tha spring*' »%^-asfe'. r +Amv> /*1 t«* 1 * ' 'k.4i * & s^'^tuchvO iNTERNATl|gN/£L^ |walv due to the cheerfulness P3-vO» > «**T«BPW; only the ;•,> vWln*.0 M. mm*). •Bim&m mmm «-r*r*ivr mmmm MRS -_i> :L MBpoW;W ^BpdmJT. IJSmsmM L*!lAtOu)t1«'i mrnvm.i £^"7* V " ll"--:;:'.:i :.\h-^M • . ...iH>X ': • Vs* Roorii Hi §1 in $£?*r;>f^.{S>-­...J ;..iM'r ^SSsS^xS &• ­ T/^s33*i $ Monday, March 10, at 9 a. m. Uroun II—Monday. Wednesday. Fndav ilR*1 OTijpatty, Work*:17th andleMgh.Ave. Salesrooms *327 Chestnut Sfc7 '""" f.-V''.VTrt^-,_rTr., •-&V ,i riustory ^ III, ^r>^»T* yi'^ ^*' *"» * * * * **-* Xiftf^ixk. 1&A XIj • *•,«•*«*»•*-•j^OOj^T 31atheinutics 1, JI.. Tr *>,.A .Boom 'ML +1* Att -I TV. -J * ' * D g$ut J^n |Vt fc i i M*I i * i » i • > «|i « • f 4 « • JxOOlu^ TT-SpMshT ....Rooj$vffi land. msmm t#£ i"~tfrjtitiV, -J ^~s r» * I m 'x^|^v^X,4'<5T km Tuesday, 'March 11, at 9 a. m. -^•{•Jroup lX^TiiiiS?ia^ Thursday ^Saturday; at ^jtemUtry t • ^A M, ,«.1^. t...«...t ,.,.,.T.,.,,vCham y?"^'V:ji?»I^CH Sducation 5 ...iAV" «J• • ,•.< rft?'?m-•&<&v*--4--.£• -i-English It X v. ... •/ V -• SKs-gR !^.r-•• -J ' •b i-pv^::y.^*^-'.V'4"r JilPMSilll l2&lfB||| • t • « *"•< r j*-w* I 1 » * « v *"giittoy^prr lV . &tm ».m..,:,c*.... .frJIMpapaig IffotJ'ifiipai.ics Q&^sSs'* • • vX-v#•4u^J *t. '' Sjf«Jnish 4H. 11. ...«..fb.-.« . |L*» *w-»» I J "" *•!» --•:il,.'.-gg^^^sg p. TO.T 1 « T/M smzkMLaiu. in, IV. v .vk^.-.;-.:"". :5.w, /, ^ 'footr4 ' } i>l « t y it. t. ^W»— * , ,», ,.,_r 1 T J . ..1. .-r^---c _"W*W!: -. -*l» , S Sr»vcs>^'-r! j'f Sj'ts^S^ srft^ 1 f, *,k< » » r£ *•* ^ *i£j|< «'<• § «MisaMsiBtmafaiMBB __ iP^lgHHB^PBg