~ J . A f J K JO.IN~ w 4.T,s_, G~eat Britain's only pre-war expart wom~ lumberjaok ~ :f.'orsal<:en the timber forests of In:v.eraray. 1 Sooiiland, to join the A.T.s, She is Cat"paral "Jimnzy:!' Seton, and _the reason why she he.a enlisted is · - ✓• that her . six lumberja.ok 1;>rothers volunteered at the b e g ~ of the J!~ . ~ . :. she did not want to. be left •·' . out ..of. it. ',, . · ,, ·. , · ·· · ··•:; .. • . Ccrporal Seton finds life e,s · a me_c hanic in the A.T.s, easy canpa;-ed with er her strenuw_~ existenoe in her uncle ts· timb_ business bef' ore the · war, · when she got up - ~ - 5 o 1clook in the morning, spent the dey ·sa\1:i.ng 'and haoking d.orwm t~es, working the sav1 mills and looking a£ter the tra.otors ancl lorries~. In her holideys ·she visited the forests of 0-anada and Au•ali~ . to· :lm.pr.ove her loww1edg~ of the timber trade. ·· "J~• 1 ~·jto_-i s nptV 1-9t and never remembers wearing a · ski.rt unti;l 5he. · jo~d tn& A.~eSi, 1tas· golden hair, blue eyes, and is petite and gra.oe~, . She . s till reta.in.s her· healthy -_ appetite, however·, and at her Qamp in Sruthern Canmand Sf.o/ ~a.t she does full justice to am:Ple meals p~ovidcd ;i.$ to Plt it mi:4UY• I . • , • Of bet ·six 'brothers Who . joined the . Forces,. ;one haa been killed in Singepc:»te, another is a_prisoner of . war- i n ~ , three are .J.n _the Miai3lp E~'t, and th& · other 1a ,i n the .Na,ilY..- . _. ..._ ++++t+++++ WM 9FFIOE LICENSING OF BRINERS OP FRU.I T .AND VEGET.ABLE.S From August 1 1 1942, persons engaged in the brining .of fruitn and vegetab~es 1 who have hitherto nQt been licensed in accordance with .Article 2 of the Pickles' and Sauces (Control , and M.a:x::imum Prices) Order 1942., will be reg_uired to hold such licences. Applications should be made to the Pickles o.nd SaucBs Section of tho Ministry of F.o od, st.John' 9 College., Oxford, ++++++++++- MINISTRY OF FOOD MAXIM~ :gµcms.OF FEEDING" ST'L']\i?S: PROCESSED OATS I The Ministry of Food announces tha t the maximum prices of l)rocessed oats · for feeding purposes vr.i.il remain the s ame .far- August 191+2 as for July 1942, This applies to crushed, rolled or cattle ground oats4 Sussex ground. oats; clipped oats and imported oats. The Feeding Stuffs (Mn.ximum Prices) Order has been amended accordingly. The maximum prices of these commodities for suoceeaing months Yrill be announced later. +++++++++,t. MINISTRY OF FOOD I 25/7 /42. No. 8 NOT FOR :i:lJl31IC.o.'r.ION OR DRO.iillC,L·lJs11 BF.aFORE 2000 HOURS D~ D. S. T. Si..TURDLY, JULY 25, 1942. NO'l' 'rO DE CiJ3LED 11.BRO;J) BEFORE TH.i.::1.T HOUR • THE FUNCTION OF THE lillNED SS IN 'rHE ]1UTillrn GRl~J~TER GERl I.f.N REICH 1 In the course cf tho Libyan cru.1pD.ign (1·: arch 1942) a secret Gorr.1an docuucnt wo.s captured. A brief o.ccount of its contents wo.s cabled n.t tho ti.no fror:;. cai:ro. But it is only since tho clocuDont ho.s boen cD.rofully stuc1ied in London that its full si[:;:nifico.nco has bcun rovo.alec.1. Tho clocuucnt vms cci.1;turod fro:..1 the If.CJ , of No• 2 Troop (Ger nan."Batt ori0 11 ) of the 75th Artillory Roc;incnt, which wont to Libya as part of' tho 5th Lieht Di vision. 'That Di vision wo.s subsequently convortou into the 21st panzer Di vision, The uocuuont was circulatoc1 by RcL:;iuonto.l I-r. Q• on Ho.y 3rc1 1941. TRJ.NSLL.TION secret An.1y Hieh cournmd H, o . ;>-rny Hi Eh Conuand · " 21st 1:Iarch, 1941 Arny GcncroJ. stn.ff /western section. - No: Re: sto.tu1.1onts of the Fuhrer rei::;arc.linc future sto.to police r1_1roops. Reference: j~ruy IIiGh Cor.1uo.nd, J.1.rr.1y Gon. stnff/Spccial Dept , No, 24/ 9.4o b. 11.9. 4o Doubts ho.ve arisen whether at the tine when the Fuhror ' s views on the function of the li,ruccl SS were convoyccl ( to tho Generals,) a wider circulation was intondod . In this conncc• tion, thu Chiof of tllc Suprcr.10 Couu and of tho J~ruod Forces, (i.o. Field l,-Iarsho.l Keitel,) has ruled that it is hic;hly dosirablo for the views of the Fuhrer on this natter to bo disseninated o.s widely as p ossiblo. Tlw o.f'oro-ncntioncd •Order was o.t the tir..-:.c only circu- lated to Gonorals dovm to and incluuine Generals cor.11.1anding Arny Corps. Tho vic;1,;,s of tho Fuhrer, theroforc, on tho function of tho J.1.rLGd SS arc aetin circulo.tu<1 in the atta.chod docu:uont. P• P• (Si311od) Lt. Col, of the Gen. staff. Enclosure: l nor.10. ,, s a c r e t 1 - Re : - .t'U:'r.1od SS On tho occusion of the order for the RoorGo.nisation of the LCibstandarto Adolf Hitler (this probably refers to tho conversion of Hitler's SS _Bcdy Guard f'roo a bri~a.clc to a division,) on 6th A~st 1940, tho Fuhrer laid do'W!l tho principles on Viihich tho noccssi ty for the ,Aruod SS is based. These principles are sui:ma.risod in the followin 0 toxta The Greater Q.en1an Reich in its final fan~ will not exclusively enbracc within its frontiers national units per so well eisposod to the Reich. It is therefore noccssnry to uaintain state police troops outside as well ~ inside the present core of tho Reich, capable on any and cvory occasion of representin3 and asserting the inturnaJ. authority of tho Reich. This task can only bo fulfilled by a stn.tc :i?olice vr.L th uon· in its ranks of the best Gori:1an blood., who unconditionally iclontify ther.1sclvos ·with tho philosophy of lif'~ which is funda~ental to tho Groatot Goruan Reich. Only a continGent con- posed of such uen will resist in .critical t:i.r.1es d.isrupti vo influences. such a contingent will fool a pride in its intoGt'ity and will thorcforo never fraternize with the proletorio.t and with that uhdcrvio:rlcl which underuines tho fundauental idea. Moreover, in our future Greater Geri:1an Reich only a police force trained to a soldierly ucntali ty will possess tho nccc·ssary authority in its r'e lations with tho other citizens (Volksgenossen,) Throueh the CTlorious ovonts in the uilitnry sphere and thro~h its education b~ tho National socialist party out people .lin.s acquired such a soldierly nentali ty that a ttsock--knittine police" (1848) or a "bureaucratised police" (1918) can no longer assert its authority. For this reason it is nocessnry that this "State Folioo" should prove itself in SS units at the front mid should shod its blood l:lko every other contin[scnt of tho .f.i.ruod Forces. Roturnin[s hor.10 in the ranks of tho .4·l.r1:w after provinG thenselves in the field, the contingents of tho J.J'.'ncd SS will possess tho authority to c0rry out their tasks as "Sto.to ?olice 11 • The use of the J-;\.I"l:iod SS at ho1:w is likovliso to tho interest of the Arr.1ed Foroes thcusolvos. It nust never a.gain te tolerated in the future that tho Ge.roan J~.1od Forces, conscripted · frou the vrholo people, should be sont into action in t:i.l~es of interior crisis asainst their own follow citizens (Volksgenosson). such a step is the boginnin0 of the end. A state which is cor.1pelled to .• resort to these uea.sur0s thus renders itself incapable of sending its Arned Forces into action acainst tho exterior foe, and thereby abdicates. our history provides sad exar.rples of this truth. FroLl now on tho to.sk assitsned to the An:ied :iiorces will be solely and exolusively action against the exterior onoi:lics of the Reich. In order to ensure that tho nan-power of the uni ts of' the AJ:i:1ed SS shall rer.1ain of the highest quality, tho osto.blishuont of thes e units 1:1.ust reno.in restricted. The restriction cnvisac;cd by tho Fuhrer is th0.t the uni ts of tho ]1.rued SS 1n general should not exceed 5 ... 1(% of tho poace-tir.1.0 strength of the Amy 51e Division (uot.) Battlo H•Q• 2,3rd April, 1941 section IIa/IIb Distribution: II and III Above co:py for infor.uation. B• and Adjutant. - 3- The n.bovo clocUJ.1ont wn.s first issued secretly only to the highest ranks in the wohn.-.1acht. Later it ,vus n arc widely circulntod, ~vi th an explanatory note that it was consic.1orod "highly d.osirable for the vicvrn of tho Fuhrer on this r.in.ttcr ( relations between h,rr..ry and J~.rued SS) to be dissor.1ina.tod as widely as possible". It is an uttcr.ipt by Hi tlor to define the rclativo functions of thu L.rnod SS and of the wchrnncht after tho war, and is apparently intendod to allay the suspicions y1hich tho An:iy entertain re13:o.rding the An1od ss. Tho ,i~rned ss is D. part of Hil.u:~ler ts police arrzy I orCTanisod as a self--containod oilitary unit. . rts strength is now· lo divisions. In tho fiold the ss _: divisions ho.vc thoir own divisional couuandcrs, but .those are subordinated to the higher cor.1uo.ndcrs of the Gcrnan A,.ruy. It is interesting to note the tine when this docunent wo.s issued. rt ·wa.s when Hitler still hoped successfully to inva.µ.e Eneland and brine; all Europe unclor his control. Thines ha.vo chM3cd since thon, but lo.ter dcvolopr.icnt-s in Q.eruany have been a.lo~ tho linos inc1icatod in the dooUL--iont. Hir.1r.1ler and tho SS ho.vo crcn.tly increo.secl their power, und special ss uni ts of Norwogian and Dutch nationo.ls have been recruited in Norway and Holland.. MINISTRY OF INFORlL\TION .APPO:rnTM:ENT: DJ"!!PlJT.{ . DmECTOR OF CHOCOLliTE AND SUGAR CONFECTIONERY The Ministry of Food announces that Mr. Eric Mackintosh has .been appointed DepUiUDirectar of Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery. Mr. Mackintosh hns been a · manber of the governing body of the Chocolate War-Time Association: and Chairman of the Rationing Canmittea and Control and Distribution Cammittee: of the Chocolate War•Tima Assoqiation and the Sugnr Confectionecy ··war-Time Association.. ++++++++++++++++++ ~TRY OF FOOD &TERATION -OF DETAILS ON Rl\'rION BOOKS .AND JDENTirf I CARDS ~ : ... ., . . Details on the front cover of' the ration book and on the identity card must on no .acoount be altered by the holde1r. If' the details do not agree, or whenever any change is nec.e ssary ( e,g, because of a removal or a change of name on marr.1.nge) the · · epplioant must go to the National Registration Office fir1t•and. the Food Office lnter. Both offices will alwnys need to see eo;J\ dooum.ents. ' •·! . ++++++~+++++++++++.+ MINISTRY OF FOOD 25/(/42 .- No. 11 . A. T. S. WOMAN WHO FOOLED THE GERMANS By pretending to feel fa:int when she was about to be questioned by the No.zis, an English woman to.ken prisoner in France vms able to esoape to this country to join the A. T. S. She is Sergeant Violet C:r'oss who now wears six medal ribbons, including those of the Croix de Guerre: and the Medal de la Reoonnaissanoe Fra.ncai,s ~ Sergea,nt Ct-oss was nursing with the :P-.cenoh ATinY when she was captured by the Germans s.nd they naked h:l.::.:..:ti ~c St. '."'. -.-t ::ti--up- . p ·.;;1poI1~~1. I~~~_:: Ob.::rko::.-~1-do ...-~. ~ Y:.:..rfii-"':W1-·· if.Jt b~i::.:. . r~ ·-=-i t ::u:' bi.: : zu d _~1: Ro~rc11 ~:o:: ~.::dicrc::.dc:: Gc:i.~cr'. .L::\ vcrb::i.." ·: )i t0t 1_::_r:)rdcn. Die God:-:i~c:: dee Ftihrcro lib~:~ -~i~ ~:-.ffcn-SS ·:-_r<..rdcr.. de::-- .I .A. . ., J. o\.. • ', ···1.•··.,....:..''":"'.•• . !::..:. 1 TI 1 -:~ t t 0 ·• ' I I \ G o l c i ' E - ~-tr • : ___. .. .. . ":':-.ff o ! . - SS D,:,r Fiihr~r dU,.. .:.;rto :-.:-: 6 .. 8 .. lS- .0 -~~lc..,.~r: lJ h dee J3cfchl::i zi:r...Glicdn:I:U.11-'~ ic:-- L ib.1t~:ud::r · ~ . a lI l.:i tlcr ......- oc L ,vr r.t~.lt wird :..:it r-cir:o!1 Gr nze;:_ ::.:i ::-ht :.u; .. o ..11liuc .. lich Vol!:c- l:orpcr u:.:np~·.::non,dic van ~✓-;rnhcr o .i !~ d0· : ltoiqh v,ohl,1011O:~ i '":C :" :Cntibcr r-;t chc:-.:.. t1bvr dc.n L:cr::. dcr: Hoichac hinr:·.l~ :u-- t c- d ·.h.)r :" )t- ~ \";.::1di'1'.,oi~v S!,:_~:.½:'~t .ru_p_pon-}:' ::, liz..;i zu u:.t 0r:! .ltc!1;c.i0 t1. . joo.c.,r Si tu:-.ticr: bcfiihin:t ict, dio .Au tori t 2t 0.c:~ ~ ich --·c · i:: In:10r11 zu V1,,;rtrotcn ~':.d dui--ch~ucctzcn., !io;:".c .Auf .....c:bo 1:·~:·~n 11.ur ui!lu St , : ··.tc;?Jlizoi 0rfiil- lcn, die i:: ihr;:;:: Rcihc:1 HE!r1or ban.ton dvut ocho:! 'w lutco hc~t und ~ich ohn0 jcdcn Vorbch.-:lt •··it dcr d : .c. Gror1cd~,t • :.0}10 Rcieh tr:·..,1:ondcn "Jcl t··~not~~~-- 1.1.u.11-':. idontifiOi ,rt. Eir.. 00 - zuc ~:-:::or. .n:coctzto!l Vorb ~;11d .. lJ oi:1 \lird ::uch i:: 2rr:l ti- cchon Zci ton z~rcctz<.:.ndcn Ei~:..tirinn:1 ··~d0:rntohc::. .. Ei1 U\U.. S •..:!1~l~ : $U~lOVXK0iT- .-... oclchcr Vorb::nd rli~"'~-:.. r.:.i Stolz, n:. c.::.: :lr- :.~it de Pr:ilotr:ri--~ t u11d dcl"' die tr· . \or.de Idec un"'!; c~:1olc11d~:;-1 UntorwoJ.t fr :·.te;: ni~ron. , .bcr ~uch 0ino ~ r) lizci. truppo :.~u.r dc-.nn 6.u!l ,-.na.orl~n V lkcrro- n-Jcr,cn rcn;oniibcr 0.ic 11..)t·:rnndi.t;o .A1rt : ;:-:!. t:~.t bcci tzon,w0nn ' cic oold:.tinch ::uc: :c...icl"·. tot :..:..::"t .. 1 Ur.nor Vcl!: ic.t durch di_ ·-; rt1.b: .·,mllon Erci.c,: ..1isoc 1:ricr:criochcr .Art "X-"ld die z~ziohu.:1.-·: durch die m:tio:1 .l·- :--:::.zi · .lictincllc P·-:rt.ci dcrc:rt cold~:t-:.cc~. 0::.1-.,:~•:JtoJ.l"t 1 d: .oo c¼nc " ntr'X-j>fntric:-~or..do Pr;l~. :~_-.. ~• : {--; r-~-r6 i ,-de~ oino "vcrbo ::=tote Polizci'~ · (lj18) Gich : ..icht :~ci:r au:.~ch;_o-c~~wn ~:~.ll!'l .. D:·.hcr ict cc: :actwondit:~d -. er: cich d.ic.:c :'!Jt~ -~.t:"'t=, . ~li:;oi." "i.:!.1 "!'Cr.chlonocnon Vcrl:iline.o~:. :;n d..:r J'_;:' ~.Y~.1t · , ,_i1::1r.t." b"'\.-~;.i-,:rt u:1·~ cbonco Blutopfcr bri1j,:-rt wio j 00. - :,_. \ 7,ch.".:. __-_ G. .J ~ · ~:.\.:h:.:· '- . c1--....1. .. - c... - T en .r. . . , r - - ,, cichcnru.otcll(.n~ c..~~.sG die Qu e.ti t~t dcr-w.c.n=:;c . .1C:!:!. i . c: -~ c. rba.Dd(,n dcr ~ ::-.:ffcn--SS stots h J c~,.-,-~~·t i -7 "".)lcibJ. . ~ :.. "GO CL.<.; · ,ifn·, - _,_.,_ ,. d .:, r ~ ~rb~.d --. be '!rc.:izt blc.i acr:. Der Fiihrer .... i0ht" di~!3~ ,. "' ··-ronzu:1 ,: c..--.rln, d ·. c - e.i V ·rb d:r ~ Lff'(;n--3S i:::! ,..11::.:;....~i::cn di.c Eta::r:l:~ van 5 - lo ~ d~r , ·r::"' '-'- ,.. ....... ctarke; d e s Hcor •c nicb.t ~b ._r,...chrci t~t. _____ , -. --~--·-- -- -- .. . ,. - ·- ----- . -~. - -. -- . - - "• i _ i 1., l. 2. v~A ~. • A. llt) JJ ."'t"'"~ T ~-- ~~ I\ t ) I~1 ~, 1y NOT~ roR,THE GUIDANCE OF Tlm Pms The Fuel Efficiency Oormnittee of the Ministry. of Fuel & Powex- (Dr. E.c. Grwnell;, of Impe~aJ.. Chemioal Industries, . is· . Cha~n) is tackl.ing the important : probl«n · of· tuel eool.1.0lq in industry 1n three prinoipal. vm.ys:• ( l) · The :f\tel experts·~·who a.re. members of the Qommittee, are getting f,rade Assooiations, such as the Iron & steal Fed.eration, to fin,1 out the soope tor econoicy in their ovrn industry. (2) They have started training 'Glasses fo~ boiler and tu.mace opera.tors_ and. management staff throughout -the country. (3) · Oomb.lstion engineers nre available in the regioni to ad.vise fa.ctory_nanage- ments on the ,best methods of · achieving the greatest possi'Qle .eff'ioieney in the use of fuel. · · · This ·drive for .fuel saving in . industry is oomplementa:y ·to the domestio econonv ~aign,._ ana·.- the success of the as a. whole will .depend on the . .· Ca.II4)A.ign maxinum effort in both spheres.