( ( Amembassy LONDON PARIS BONN NEW DELHI PRAGUE ~---oftelegram to------m.:~-------~N.UO!tlD~I.::;S..______ ~-· ! : Classification ----- ..~ r-people and their long standing and fundamental belief X in the rig~t of people to order their own lives. The Soviet charges were in effect seeking erroneously .to involve the USo The Secretary pointed out that any Soviet action against Czechoslovakia co.uld not fail to . have a harmful effect on US/Soviet relationso highly The Secretary c·oncluded that since the USSR has a ~professional intelliaence service which must know. that the charges of · us involvement - were completely untrue, we wondered whe~her, or not the charges were being used as a pretext to lay the basis for some Soviet action against Czechoslovakia. Dobrynin made only one comment and that was that it was not true that the Soviet ~---~c;:cusations were··1n:-an:y-·way related to a pretext or excuseo Beyond that he said he could only report to his government. Ambassador Bohlen noted a Soviet ~newspaper comment that the current visit of German Defense Minister Schroeder was "very suspicious", and he told Dobrynin that this visit had.been laid "on for many months·. -" i\ Dobrynin The press was informed t~at-was called in to take up the Soviet charges against ' the US regarding Czechoslovakia and to xpl nation. _J • t