M ajor record labels scout for local talent at SXSW, page 10 BEST AVAILABLE COPY T h e Da il y T exan Vol. 90, No. 115 2 Sections The student newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin Friday, March 22, 1991 25c Texas women to celebrate accomplishments at I T conference Amy Schlege! Daily Texan Staff T h e election o f G ov . Ann R ich ard s and years of in creasin g w o m e n 's activism served as th e im p e tu s for a U T co n feren ce this w eek en d to celeb rate w o m e n 's a cco m ­ p lish m en ts and p rep are for fu tu re stru g g les as they m o ve in to career field s o n ce d om i­ nated by m en . "T h is c o n fe re n ce h as th e p u rp o se o f giv­ ing u n d erg rad u ates role m o d els ... h ere is how [the sp eak ers] have d on e it and h e re 's w hat to w ork f o r ," said A n n L en ox, w o m ­ e n 's co n feren ce ch air for the Texas Union com m ittee and vice p resid en t of the O ran g e Jack e ts. L en ox ad ded that m en are w elcom e to atten d . The three UT o rg a n iz a tio n s sp o n so rin g the co n feren ce are targ etin g u n d erg rad u ate stu d e n ts. T h e m ain sp o n so rs are The Liz C arp en ter L ectu resh ip in H u m an ities and S cien ce s, w h ich h a s b ee n active for six y ears, T h e Ronya K o zm etsk y C e n ten n ial L ectu resh ip in M an ag em en t and the T exas U n ion D istin g u ish ed S p e a k ­ ers C o m m ittee. for W om en The U n iv ersity W o m en 's C o n fe re n ce , ti­ tled " ( ailing All W o m en , T o C eleb rate O u r Past and E m brace O u r F u tu r e ," will begin at 9:15 a .m . Satu rd av in B a ss C o n ce rt Hall. It w as m oved from H ogg A u d itorium to Bass b ecau se of th e o v erw h elm in g stu d en t the U nion resp o n se. received m o re than 2 ,0 0 0 p h o n e calls and the G rad u ate Sch oo l of B u sin ess received 1,500. It is recom m en d ed th at th o se plan­ ning to attend arrive early. the past w e e k , In T h e co n feren ce w as th e b rainch ild o f Liz C arp en ter, a fo u n d er of the N ational W om ­ e n 's Political C au cu s, w h o said sh e ch o se the U n iv ersity b ecau se "T e x a s is su ch a re­ m arkable su ccess story and I w an ted to bring to g eth er mv colleag u es to the fo re­ front of w hat is h ap p en in g in T e x a s ." C a rp en ter will set the stage Satu rd ay for the four p an elists, U.S Rep. Pat Sch ro ed e r, B etty F ried an , Shana A lexan d er and fill R u ckelsh au s. T h e y will d iscu ss "W o m e n 's Lib R evisited, An H istorical P e rs p e c tiv e ." H ou se S p e a k er Pro Tern W ilhelm in a Del- co, D -A u stin, Railroad C o m m issio n er Lena G u errero and UT M arshall S ch o la r Jaque- line Trimier will act as the q u e stio n ers. S a r­ ah W ed d in g ton , a U T asso ciate p ro fesso r and renow ned atto rn ey the Roe vs W ad e abortion rights case, will m o d erate, in Friedan will d eliver a titled "C a m e the R e v o lu tio n ." S h e w as a fou nd er sp e ech , of the w o m e n 's cau cu s and au th o r o f the 1971 b estse ller The Fem inine M ystique, 'which fired up w om en s d esire to leav e the «.tch- en and e n te r the w orkforce T h ere will be a free lu n ch e o n in Ba^s C o n cert Hall highlighted with a sp eech from Linda E ilerbee, form er telev isio n jo u r­ nalist \fter the lu n ch eon th ere will be tw o breakou t sessio n s w ith tw o su b to p ics m each , tu o e held in the M cC ullough ( O p era Lab! Theater and Art Building Auditorium In each 1 Vi-hour session stu d en ts m ay hear Please see Conference, page 2 legislative panel OKs school financing bill Buck Sralla Daily Texan Staff Effects of Proposed School Finance Bill on MSD M em b ers of th e e d u catio n co n fe r­ e n ce co m m ittee co m p o sed o f H ou se and S e n a te m e m b ers hav e th eir fin­ gers c ro sse d , h o p in g a co m p ro m ise bill to eq u alize sch oo l fu n d in g that th ey ap p roved T h u rsd ay will p ass a cou rt test on co n stitu tio n ality . L eg islato rs have b ee n w o rkin g to restru ctu re the s ta te 's sch oo l fu n d ­ ing sy stem sin ce th e T exas S u p rem e C ourt ruled th e cu rren t m e a n s of m o ney d istrib u tio n u n co n stitu tio n ­ al. T h e co m p ro m ise bill, exp ected to be p resen ted for d eb a te to th e full H ou se and S e n a te T u esd ay or W ed n esd ay , will be o n a fast track seekin g p assag e b efo re an April 1 cou rt-im p osed d ead lin e. If leg isla­ tors c a n n o t ag re e on a plan by April 1, the cou rt say s it will cut o ff state fu nd s to all sch oo l d istricts. A lth o u g h co m m ittee m em b ers agree th e co m p ro m ise is n o t the m ost co m fo rtab le piece of leg isla­ they tion they co n ced e is a b etter altern ativ e then leav in g th e school d istricts at the m ercy of the cou rt sy stem . iiuvt* htid to p a s s , it "T h is little girl is an ugly little critter, b u t s h e 's ou r critter and w e'v e got to k eep w ith her. S h e 's stro ng, th o u g h . A nd s h e 's co n stitu ­ tional, w e th in k ," said R ep. E rn e s­ tine G lo ssb re n n e r, ch airw o m an of the H ou se sid e of the co m m ittee . "W e put lots o f bells and w h istles and ru ffles on her but s h e 's still an ugly little g irl.” T h e "u g ly little g irl" w ould create ab o u t 200 co u n ty and m u lticou nty d istricts for taxation p u rp oses, b e­ g in n in g in 1992, each d istrict w ould be required to levy a p ro p erty tax of • Bill would create new districts along existing county lines to calculate revenues •Tax generated revenues will go from $4,600 in 1991 to $4,543 in 1995 •Bill would cut loss of revenues from $166 in 1992 to $57 in 1995 • Landowner tax will go from $1.14 per $100 of land value in 1991 to $1.16 per $100 in 1995 if there are no further tax increases 60 cen ts per $100 assessed v alu a­ tion. T h e rev en u e from th e se taxes w ould be pooled and reallocated e qu ally to each district on a p er-stu - d en t b asis. A ny d istrict levying a 60- c e n t rate w ou ld receive $2,000 p er stu d en t. D uring fiscal y ear 1992, in d iv id u ­ al d is tricts can raise their taxes 45 cen ts to pay for m ain ten an ce and o p eration co sts or to recoup o u t­ stan d in g d eb ts. For every p en n y their taxes are raised above the 60- cen t req u irem en t, they will receive an ad d itional $ 1 9 .^ 0 per stu d en t from the state. For the first year, the plan allow s d istricts to tack on a second 4 5 c e n ts to the tax rate for u n eq u a li/ed local the e n rich m en t. T his m eans rev en u e g e n erated from this ad ded tax w ould n ot be shared w ith an y oth er d istricts. that B eg in n in g in 1993, sch oo ls will be required to turn ov er half of the rev­ e n u e s collected from u n eq u ali/ed local e n rich m e n t taxes to a co u n tv - w ide pool to be accessed by all d is­ tricts in the co u n ty . Felipe Campos-Daily Texan Graphics D esign ed to p h ase itself in ov er a four-year p eriod , the m inim um re­ quired tax rate in 1945 w ould shit: to 90 cen ts p er $100 and th e m ini­ m um a m o u n t th at the state would give each child in th e d istrict w ould clim b to $ 2 ,6 0 0 . is A fter the pian co m p le te ly p hased in , d istricts can raise their tax rates up to $ 1 .1 5 if t h e y d o not have an y b o n d or sim ilar d eb ts and up to $ 1 .3 5 — an ad d ition al 20 ce n ts — if they have new o u tsta n d in g d eb ts. In 1995, th e state will pay a school d istrict an ad ditional $26 per stu d ent for each p e n n y th eir rate is raised ab o v e the requ ired 9 0-ce n t level. T h e m axim um tax rate a sch oo l to en a ct d istrict w ould b e able w ould rem ain at $1.50 per S100 as long as the plan rem ain ed in effect S en . Carl Parker, ch airm an o f the Sen ate half of the co m m ittee, said that alth ou gh he felt the co m p ro ­ m ise bill w ould p ass th ro u g h the tw o ch am b ers b efo re the d ead lin e, Please see Finance, page 2 Navy training planes collide Associated Press SA N D IE G O — T w o N avy su b ­ m a rin e -h u n tin g p la n e s co llid ed T h u rsd ay , and all 27 p eop le aboard are feared dead in cold , ch o p p y w a­ ters 60 m iles off So u th e rn C alifo r­ nia, au th o rities said. th e cre w s as listed m issing but th e re w as little hope that an y o f th e crew m em b ers from the d ow n ed P-3 O rio n s su rviv ed . T h e N avy T h e all-w ea th er p lan es w ere e n ­ gaged in an an ti-su b m a rin e w arfare training ex e rcise w h en th ey collid ed in bad w e a th e r, au th o rities said . " I think w e have to be realistic h e r e ," said S e n io r C h ie f P etty O ffi­ cer Bob H ow ard , a N avy p u blic a f­ fairs officer at N orth Island N aval is very cold o u t Air S ta tio n . th ere. W e 're talking ab o u t w h at ap ­ p arently is a m id -air collisio n ... tw o aircraft. 1 w ould say it w o u ld b e very g rim ." " I t Still, he said , th e N avy is co n d u ct­ ing an ag g re ssiv e air an d sea search of the crash site. S earch and rescu e team s sp o tted and retriev ed som e d ebris from the 50 miles 50 km UNITED STATES b Channel Islands ^ CALIF. Detail! area ___ _ San Clemente 1. jf it i jSan Diego " Pacific Ocean \ m e x i c o Associated Press p lan es but found n o signs ot life. Fu rth er d etails ab ou t w hat w as found w ere not im m ediately avail­ able, H ow ard said T here w as no word on how long the search w ould last, but H ow ard said the N avy w ould m ake "e x tra o r­ d in ary " atte m p ts re­ m ains and w reck ag e. to retrieve A N avy h e lico p ter crew flying in the area an d sailors from the d e ­ stróyer I s s M errill ail reported a loud exp losion at ball of fire and ab o u t 2:30 a .m . PST, H ow ard said d u rin g a b riefin g at N orth Island N aval A ir Statio n . H e said the accid en t occu rred th e P acific O cean ab o u t 60 ov er m iles so u th w e st o f San D iego. "T h e y w ere o p eratin g in c o n ju n c­ tion with o th e r su rface and air ele­ m en ts w h en a m id-air exp losion w as the rep orted ap p roxim ately sam e tim e radio con tact w as lo s t," H ow ard said. The collisio n occu rred as o n e P-3 O rion w as arrivin g to relieve the o th er w hich had ¡ust co m p leted its part o f th e e x ercise, H ow ard said . O fficials w ere u n certain how m uch con tact th e pilots had b efo re th e crash , he said . T h e aircraft carrier U SS A braham Lint oln, the U SS M errill an d at least tw o o th e r sh ip s, alon g w ith h elico p ­ ters and fixed -w m g planes are as­ sisting in th e search . H ow ard said it w as b eliev ed 13 crew m em b ers w ere aboard o n e P-3 O rion and 14 on the o th er. The p lan es w ere on a train in g m ission from M o ffett N aval \ir Statio n n ear San lose R e m e m b e rin g victim s Scon l ewis Daily l exan Statt Math senior Joshua Freeze, left, and Plan II sopho- more Doug Houston, both members of the Steve 8iko Committee, combined remembrance with protest Thursday at the Sharpeviile Massacre Commemora- tion rally on the South Mall. Please see story on page 5. TSP to revise editor qualifications ANALYSIS ‘ration to exclud e particu lai ap p li- an ts irom the electio n . Aaron DaMommio Daily Texan Staff „ — — m— r— — The Texas S tu d e n t P ublication s board of O p eratin g T ru stees w ;il reset the clock Saturday on the pro­ cess of ch o o sin g next y ear's Daily rexutt ed ito r Although four can d id ates have applied for the p osition, the bi ard will itte m p t to revise the qualifica- tions for can d id acy at the special m eetin g. The ed ito r electio n was su p p o sed to be held d u rin g the Stu ­ d en ts Association ru n otf electio n s March 6 anu 7. Each ip p iican t tailed to m eet at ¡east one o f the u n w aivab le ed itor requ irem ents, m aking it p o ssib le for e ith er the board or th e L T adm in is Sin ce then ap p licatio n s are a m a t­ ter ot record the board aas th e ab ili­ ty to ch o o se a >ei of q u aiiiica tio n s that w ould elim in ate som e or aii of the ap p lican ts from the «. lectio n , D onze L op ez, board p resi­ d en t, >a«u >oard m em b ers w ould not co n sid er the particular q u au fica- Please see cattoi, o a y e 7 INSIDE THE TEXAN TODAY Local man suspected of running ov er wife with pickup Rep. Hugo Berlanga says he will hand over subpoenaed records. A lso inside: A legislator and U T students propose a bill to s e t a ceiling on u sed 5 book prices. W eather: Clear with highs in the 80s. Tonight lows in the upper 40s with south west winds at i b mph. . . Index: Around Campus Classifieds................... . . . Comics ........................................... Editorials................................ Entertainment................... . . . . . 15 . 1k1 15 . 4 10 Sports State & Local Television University World & Nation . . ............... 8 ....................... * 6 .......................... 14 5 ....................... ............................. 3 M i c h e l l e K o i d i n Daily Texan Staff A L akew ay m an is su sp e cte d ot ru nning over ifter his w ife in his pickup tru ck eariv Thursdav she cam e hom e intoxicated and the cou p le had an arg u m en t, Travis C o u n ty Sh eriff s O ffice d e­ tectives said Thu rsday. D etectives accu sed Patrick Sm ith , 34, o f 1305 R em m ington Road, of strikin g his w ife, Sand ra S m ith , 29, w ith his p ickup w hile sh e w alked dow n the s tre et near their h om e in W est Travis C ou n ty , said D etective G ary C u tler of th e S h e r­ if f s O ffice hom icid e detail San d ra Sm ith died of m assiv e head in ju rie s, L utler said, citin g the Travis C ounty m ed ical e\- u m n er's m topsv report SdlU 'W e tee I like there cou ld be som e foul play No i barges ia v e b een tilts, yet, and d etectiv e s liivoh ed ' C u tlei ’did. i n , tnd " s h e Friends n o u g h t x n x :i i Sm ith hom e ibout 3:30 i bit to drink, ' C utlet >atu W h en she w alked in, she and hei hu sban d began to u g u e D etectiv es are u n su re of w h at iad ig nited he conflict. lad quite lad x m d ra Sm ith then storm ed ou t of the h ou se on toot, p erhap s to get >om ethm g o e at, C u tlei sa id . " S h e left the h ou se m o w as w alking d ow n the road, nid ie w en t aftei hei in th e truck, ' C u tlet said. released ’atrick Sm ith from custody Ih u rs d a y . The Sm iths hud been n ia n ie d for e ig h t o nine years, and had tw o ch ild ren to g eth e r, C u tler \ ear -.aid. They m oved to Lake wav l e s s th an ig o from Texarkana. P atrick Sm ith s child from a previous m arriage also lived witn th em . C utiei uid said, in terv iew ed Patrick Sm ith T hursda) 'H e w as u p set, n o d ou bt about it." Sgt. I.P. B ees w ith the sh e riff's crim in al nves- tigation d iv ision a d d ed , 'H e 's p retty d istra u g h t, so there w as really not m uch in te rv iew in g to do with him . " ,ot run o v e r ," he "T h e n Mu C u tler said d etectiv es u e mil in v e stig atin g the case. O fficials are e x a m in in g Sm ith s p ickup he Patrick sm ith is th e only -.uspegt, C u tle r said, and w e 're tust in v estig a tin g th e circu m stan ces surrou nding her Death. Page 2 Friday March 22. 1991 THE DAILY TEXAN T h e Da il y T e x a n E ditor Managing Editor Associate Managing Editors ................................................ ................... News Editof Associate News Editors News Ass gnments Editor . Senior Reporters . . . . . . . . Associate Editors Entertainment Editor . . . Associate Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Generai Spods Reporters PdOIO Ed'tors Photographers ....................... .................. ....................... images Editor Associate images Editors Graphics Editor Graphics Assistant Around Campus Editor Perm anent Staff ............................................ ............................................ . . . . . . K e v m M c H a r g u e Randy Kennedy D ip u B h a tta c h a r y a K a t m a B ro w n . Scott Stanford Jeff T u rrentine . . ....................... ....................... .................................. Hope S ven . . . . . . Matthew Canton Dane Schiller ............................................................................................. Jenny Huang Aaron DaMomnmo {University >. Steve Higgmootham (City) Michelle Kodtn (Police). David lo y (University) Buck Sralla (State) Adam Hersh, Dave Wmier . . . ........................................... ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... ....................................................... Mindy Brown . . Shannon Prosser ShaiTsur Keith Nelson J a im e A ron M a rx B a O m ec k C ra ig M D o u g la s K irk J C n p p e n s , M ic h e lle P a tte rs o n M ic h e lle D a p ra M a rc Fort S co tt L e w is J o e y Lm Susanne Mason, John McConmco, Jack W Plunkett ................................ Greg 3 Werner Jeanne Acton, Bobby Ruggiero Felipe Campos Korey Coieman Mindy Brown Reporters Editorial Columnist Editorial Assistant Entertainment Assistant Sports Assistant Sports Writer Makeup Editor. Wire Editor Copy Editors Comic Strip Cartoonists V olunteer....................... . . . Locai Display A n Director C lassified Display Classified Telephone Sales Classified Telephone Service Issue Staff Toni Dtnh. Carl Nemec, Amy Schlegel, Rebecca Stewart. Nancy Thomas Geoff Henley Angela Shah David Bezanson David Dzierzanowski Matt Schulz, Jim Miller Kristine Wolff Michael Casey Melissa Gilbert, Jennifer Jarratt, Fun Lau Korey Coleman, Cameron Johnson. Robert Rodriguez, Greg Weiner .................................................................................................. Jim Snydam . . . Advertising Cindy Anderson. Scott Butler Michael Chang. Catherine Durkin. Melanie Hanson. Dave Hemphill. Sandra Kuehter. Michael La Kier. Susan lebfrom. Doug Lyon. Meima Madoiora Lisa Perry, jytle Robinson. Elsa Snyder. Stace Sorrells. Wendy Watkins. Dwight Wilhelm Lardón S'ms Brad Corbett. Cindy Garza. Sheronda Scott Joyce Inman Dav-d Ross Jennifer Brooks. Art Carrillo. Andi Harrison. Chnsti Stradford Michele Dapra. Tammy Ferguson Soma Garcia Dianne Hodgins. Shawn McMinn. Kristy Tang The Daily Texan (USPS 14S-440) a student newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin, is published by Texas Student Publications 2500 Whitrs, Austin TX 78705 The Daily Texan is published Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday and Friday except holidays exam periods and when school is not m session Second class postage paid at Austin t x ?8 7io News conmoutions will be accepted by teieonone (471-4591) at me editorial oKce Te>as Student Publications Building 2 122 > or at the news laboratory iCommunication Building A4 101) For local and national display advertising, call 471-1865 For classified display and national classified display advertising c a lM 7 t-8 9 0 0 Fcr classified word advertising, ¿ail 4 7 1 5244 Entire contents copyright 1991 Texas Student Publications The Da4y Texan Mad Subscription Rates One Semester (F all or Spring Two Semesters (Fa# and Sprtngi Summer Session O ne Year (Fan Spring and Summer) Send orders and address changes to Texas Student Publications. P O Box D. Austin. TX 78713-8904 or to To charge by VISA or MasterCard call 4 7 1 5083 TS P Building C 3 200. or call 471 5083 POSTM ASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Texan, P.O. Box D, Austin. TX 78713-8904. Advertising D eadlines for The Daily Texan Day _ ...... D eadline D ay.......................... D e a d lin e M o n d a y --------- — Wed., 4p.m. Tuesday -------- — Thur., 4p.m. — Fri., 4p.m. Wednesday — . Thursday Friday — Images — — Mon., 4p.m. Tues., 4p.m. , Fri., 4p.m. Classified W ord Ads Deadline 1 1 a m Last Business Day Prior to Publication ‘ “ SATURDAY, MARCH 2 3 r d " " * " THE UNIVERSITY CHAPTER OF D U C K S U N L IM IT E D 1ST ANNUAL SPORTING CLAYS FUN SHOOT WHERE: CAPITOL CITY TRAP AND SKEET (on Decker Ln. b/w 290S and M.L.K.) WHEN: Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 10:30 a.m.; Shooting ends at 1:00. Fee: $30 gets you one 50 round shoot, lunch, and all the refreshments courtesy of Budweiser. FOR MORE INFO.-REX 479-0340 SUPPORT WETLANDS CONSERVATION Video Resumes 2-day interviewing consultation Finance were confident that the com prom ise would m uster up to the Suprem e C ourt's standards, Rep. G reg Luna, conference com m ittee mem ber, was not as sure. He said the bill allowed for too much unequalized enrich­ ment and that the richer districts stood to benefit m ore than the poor­ er ones, but he voted for it because of the time constraint. "I think w e're opening ourselves to further litigation. I think that in four years, the disparities are going to be so great that the system is again going to be non -efficient," l.una said. Continued from page 1 the real strength of the bill would hinge on the support of educational interest groups such as the Mexican American Legal D efense and Educa­ tional Fund and the Equity C enter. "I'm not going to try real hard to get it through either house unless all of the interest groups in educa­ tion step forward and say, 'W e may not like it but w e'll accept it,' " Par­ ker said. While Parker and G lossbrenner Conference Continued from page 1 two speakers. There are 25 notable speakers in all, including Austin entrepreneur Amy Miller of Am y's Ice Cream , Ka­ thryn Thornton, a NASA astronaut, and Rep. Sherri G reenberg, D-Aus- tin. Carpenter joined with Ronya Kozmetsky, wife of the dean of the Graduate School of Business, to model the conference. Austinite Carpenter, 70, was a UT graduate and the first woman SA vice presi­ dent w ho Dtpr worked 34 years in W ashington as a political reporter and W hite House press secretary. Speakers will lecture on issues d e­ tailing past struggles, achievem ents and future avenues for wom en. She said this is a meeting of women who have realized the dream that inspired the formation of the w om ­ en's caucus in 1971. Randall Tate, assistant program director at the Texas Union, said w om en's groups from all over Texas will be attending. ¡ C U S T O M \ DOOGf A BUCN A CtOWNG \ C U S t 0 m P U S H P t O C I S S J N G \ C U S T O M HAHO-WOCiSSIP tAW____ _ C U S T O M I COLOt/lAW ENUUKHMiNTS FOt MSPUY 09 PUAUCATTOH ¡ C U S T O M COWTACT SHIFTS \ C U S T 0 f I OWE HOUt PWWTS A SU0IS_ C U S T O M ICOPYAKSTOftATfONS IC U S T O M ! SEIVKE A t i UABJUTY CUSTOM aC' W Moittr u/thet ímg 474-1177 C j i . . ...... . i i A F I N É S T # DO YOU SUFFER FROM COLD SORES OR FEVER BLISTERS? CALL NOW TO ENROLL IN RESEARCH STUDY BEFORE YOUR NEXT ATTACK! 16 years of age or over Medical care at no cost to you S275 financial incentive provided. 2 0 / 2 0 video Productions 7th A Brazos m the Radix son 1 N - I 1 I 1 .Austin. r # r ? 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Trig, stats, conversion, key stone programming •With coupon through Mor. 30 I /.7 7 34.19* \ I V ivkééf.. }Á " B r a n d C e n t r a l O WHEN YOU CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT IT AT YOUR NEAREST SEARS Through Mar 30 CLIP NOTES A STUDY IN SERIOUS SAVINGS THURSDAY S DOW JONES: 2.855 45 DOWN 16.58 Volume: 199.830,000 shares WORLD & NATION Kuwaiti security forces accused of torture T h e D a i l y T e x a n Friday, March 22. 1991 Page 3 Associated Press KUWAIT CITY — Kuwaiti security forces and free-lance gangs are using lit cigarettes, knives and other instruments to torture hundreds of people suspected of collaborat­ ing with Iraqi troops, a human rights group said Thursday. Also, the body of a man apparently beat­ en to death w as found in a Kuwait City neighborhood, the second corpse to appear in the area in recent days. U.S. officers at the scene said American officials w ere urg­ ing the Kuwaitis to investigate num erous human rights abuses. Middle East Watch, a New York-based group, said about 30 to 40 people have been killed since the U.S.-led coalition forces drove Iraqi troops out of the emirate three w eeks ago. "We have interviewed people w ho de­ scribed torture techniques which are very similar to those perpetrated by the Iraqis on the Kuwaitis," said Andrew Whitley, exec­ utive director of Middle East Watch. About 2,000 people are being held, and many, "possibly the majoritv," have been abused, Whitley said. Many detainees are Palestinians, w ho claim they are being victimized as a group because som e of them assisted the Iraqis during the occupation. Iraqi President Saddam H ussein w on the support of many Palestinians with his Scud missile attacks on Israel and his repeated dem ands for a Palestinian homeland. Intent on revenge, Kuwaiti security forces have used lit cigarettes and lighters to burn people, knives to carve words into the flesh and glass bottles that have been forced up rectums, W hitley said. In one case, a captured Iraqi pilot was fatally shot in the head by Kuwaiti security forces at the Rumathiya police station in the early days of Márch, Whitley said. A Palestinian detainee since released said he w itnessed the shooting, Whitley added. He said there w'ere reports that hospital rooms were being used as interrogation and punishm ent centers by security forces. He cited Murbarak al-Kabeer Hospital, lo­ cated near a Palestinian neighborhood. Security forces have posted an armed guard at the orthopedic wing of the hospi­ tal for the past tw o weeks anJ doctors say they believe prisoners are held there. Doctors at three Kuwaiti hospitals say they have treated dozens of cases of torture and that the bodies of 45 non-Kuwaitis, man\ of them killed with bullet w ounds to the head, have been dum ped at their facili­ ties since liberation. Resistance groups rounded up suspected collaborators in the first few days after Kuwait's liberation, and openly boasted about beating Palestinians, whom they dis- played to journalists. W hen the soldiers returned, the process increasingly organized and was became carried out with "high-level army know l­ edge," Whitley said. "Torture is taking place where there are top officers,** he said. Iraqi rebels report napalm attacks by Saddam’s forces Tension grows as Iran protests abduction of Shiite authority Associated Press NICOSIA, Cyprus — Iraqi opposition groups claimed Thursday that Saddam H ussein's loyalist forces were using na­ palm, acid and chemical w eapons to crush Kurds in the north and Shiite M uslims in the south rebelling against his rule. Iraqi troops have tried to cut off supplies of food and m edicine to areas held by the insurgents, and Iraqi warplanes and heli­ copters also have attacked rebel-held northern oil fields, setting w ells ablaze, the opposition said. M eanwhile, tension grew betw een Iran and Iraq. Iran's official new s agency said the Tehran governm ent had strongly pro­ tested Iraq's reported abduction of the world's highest Shiite authority. Also Thursday, an Iraqi delegation be­ gan talks with allied officials in the Saudi capital of Riyadh on speeding up the repa­ triation of Iraqi prisoners of war. Iraq freed 1,150 Kuwaitis in compliance with cease­ fire terms. The opposition Iraqi Kurdistan Front, in a statem ent released to Iran's official Islam­ ic Republic N ew s Agency, said the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan sent a m essage the U .N . secretary-general seeking an urgent Security Council m eet­ ing on the Iraqi uprising. to IRNA said the letter from the Kurdish leader, Jalal Talabani, cited the torching of the oil wells and the use of napalm. reso lu tely It said he urged the Security Council to "act to p reven t Saddam Hussein's forces from persisting in these acts of gross environm ental terrorism and to prevent the indiscriminate destruction of civilian areas by H ussein's forces." Shiites make up 55 percent of Iraq’s 17 million population; Saddam and his top aides are members of the minority Sun­ ni Muslim sect. return to Iraq this w eekend to join forces with other opposition leaders. "This is the spring of freedom for Kur­ distan," said the guerrilla leader, w ho has spent the past 30 years fighting for a m ea­ sure of autonom y for Iraq's four million non-Arab Kurds. In London, the Free Iraq Council re­ leased a statement urging Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia to com m it troops in support of the anti-Saddam uprising. "We would invite them to intervene on the side of their Iraqi brothers to promote an Arab solution to the struggle and there­ by prevent any intervention by other for­ eign forces," said Imam Sayed Hussain al- Sader, the general secretary of the council. The Supreme Assem bly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, an umbrella of opposi­ tion groups, claims Iraqi forces have used ground-to-ground m issiles against rebel- held cities, shelled them with artillery and tank cannons, and used napalm and chem ­ ical w eapons. The Iran-based assem bly said 15,000 people w'ere killed in the southern Shiite holy city of Najaf alone. Rebels say the city has been under attack since March 19. Najaf, 100 miles south of Baghdad, is the most sacred site for Shiites. It houses the tomb of the founder of the sect, Imam Ali, Prophet M ohammed's son-in-law. The assembly also said Iraq has used a new tactic against Kurds celebrating the takeover of most of northern Iraq, mclud- ing the key oil center of Kirkuk. "Government helicopters dropped and on people demonstrating against the Bagh­ dad regime, killing large numbers of them," it said. It did not specify the type of acid. The Kurdistan Democratic Party also claimed Saddam's troops were inflicting heavy civilian casualties. "The Iraqi army is attacking the city in­ discriminately from the air using helicopter gunships and light aircraft," it said. "Hun­ dreds of civilian casualties have been in­ flicted on the citv's population." Rebel claims that Saddam had used un­ conventional w eapons to crush dissent have been im possible to verify. The United States has said it had no evidence that such weapons have been deployed. The opposition also said Grand Ayatol­ lah Abul-Hassan al-Khoei, the world's highest Shiite authority, w'as kidnapped in Najaf by Iraqi special forces. Iran, which regards itself as the defender of the world's 100 million Shiites, issued a strong protest. Shiites make up 55 percent of Iraq's 17 million population; Saddam and his top aides are members of the mi­ nority Sunni Muslim sect. The official Iraqi N ew s Agency had re­ ported W ednesday that Khoei had traveled to Baghdad, met with Saddam and ex­ pressed his support for the governm ent's drive to crush dissent. IRNA said Iranian Deputy Foreign Min­ ister H ussein Sheikholeslam on Thursday sum m oned Iraqi Charge d'Affaires Fakhri Hamoudi al-Dulaini and handed him a strongly worded note protesting the com­ pulsory transfer of Khoei to Baghdad. The deputy foreign minister also denied Iran was involved in the Iraqi unrest and protested claims that it was by Iraq's par­ liament, the agency said. 98 killed in Saudi transport plane crash Associated Press DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia — A Saudi trans­ port plane crashed Thursday w hile trying to land in bad weather and smoke from burning Kuwaiti oil fields. N inety-tw o Senegalese sol­ diers and six Saudi crew members w ere killed, officials said. Three Senegalese soldiers survived the crash but were reported in critical condition. The Senegalese were part of the U.S.-led allied force deployed in the Persian Gulf War. The ear­ ly morning crash occurred near their base in northern Saudi Arabia, where the soldiers, w ho were all Muslims, were returning from a pilgrim­ age to Mecca, officials said. Medoune Fall, Senegal’s defense minister, said an eight-day period of national mourning was declared in Senegal. "The plane crashed while trying to land be­ cause of bad weather and poor visibility result­ ing from the clouds of smoke from the oil wells set ablaze in southern Kuwait bv the ruler of Iraq," an official Saudi statement said The plane, which had tlown from Jiddah, crashed while trying to land at Ras al-Mishab, on the coast near Khafji, just south of the Kuwait border, said a Saudi military official, w ho spoke on condition of anonym ity. M edoune Fall, Senegal's defense minister, said an eight-day period of national mourning was declared in Senegal. Senegal's Defense Ministrv said the 92 Sene­ galese soldiers would be buried in Saudi Arabia to be close to Islam's holiest shrines at Mecca and Medina. Fall said the soldiers had "fallen on the field of the faith, thousands of kilometers from hom e, where they had gone to defend peace and jus­ tice." The soldiers were part of a 500-member Sene­ galese contingent in the coalition that drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait in a six-week offensive that ended in a cease-fire Feb. 28. Bush cites Los Angeles police chief as ‘exemplary' what 1 saw made me sick," Bush ^a id . Asked whether Gates was re­ sponsible for his officers' conduct, Bush said that was "a matter, the wav I see it, tor the local police de­ partment." "If there's a violation of federal law by anybody then that com es un­ der the heading of our business." He lauded Gates for "doing things for kids," including an anti­ drug program and for closing down houses of crack cocaine. "In many ways he's been an ex­ emplary police chief," Bush said. FBI Director William Sessions, m eanwhile, said the nation's police chiefs must make it clear to their de­ partments that "we do not tolerate at all police brutality or the giving of summary punishm ent, because that is not the way w e govern our- selves. 1 ie declined to com m ent on the L os Angeles case. L.A. Police Chief Daryl Gates, second from left, attends a public hearing. outset of a m eeting with his attor­ ney general, Dick Thornburgh, on the status of the Justice Depart­ ment's investigation into police bru­ tality. "What we're going to do is look into violations of the law and prose­ cute any of the people that have vio­ lated the federal law, and speak out against police brutality, because A sso cia te d Press Jalabani, in an interview with The Asso- An Iraqi woman, claiming to have fallen on stairs, seeks medical aid at an allied checkpoint, dated Press in Dam ascus, said he would Associated Press Parliament kills Britain’s poll tax Major retreats from Thatcherism Associated Press LONDON — Prime Minister John Major's governm ent on Thursday announced the death of the poll tax — an unpopular local governm ent levy — in an abrupt U-turn from the policies of his for­ mer mentor Margaret Thatcher. "The public has not been per­ suaded that the charge is fair," En­ viron m ent Secretary M ichael Heseltine told the H ouse of Com­ mons. The tax sparked a riot in London a year ago and campaigns of orga­ nized disobedience cost the C on­ servatives formerly "safe" seats in special parliamentary elec­ tions and to defeat threatened them in the next general election. two in legislators Opposition the House of Com m ons how led in derision as the governm ent ac­ know ledged finally that the flag­ ship policy of Thatcher's third term as prime minister had failed. "We have just heard the most the most com plete capitulation, startling U-turn and the most sham eless abandonm ent of con­ sistency and principle in modern political history," declared Labor Party spokesm an Bryan Gould. Scrapping the poll tax was Ma­ from former prime retreat yet the jor's biggest Thatcherism, minister's philosophy of free mar­ kets, individual initiative and re­ duced state spending. Major has parted company with Thatcher on other issues as well. He has m ended fences with the rest of the European Community, raised state benefits to children — which Thatcher had frozen since 1987 — and trimmed tax breaks for the wealthiest. In place of the poll tax, H esel­ tine said the governm ent plans to introduce by 1993 a hybrid tax based on property values and the number of adult residents in each household. He gave no details, but promised to produce a con­ sultative paper by the end of the month. Amid the cheers for the death of the tax were som e jeers for its re­ placement. "The worst of both worlds looks likely ... an unpopular and possi­ bly unfair property tax coupled with the continued nightmare of a head tax," said Alistair Macrae, secretary of the 500,000-member National Union of Public Employ­ ees, most of whom work for local authorities. Thatcher, now a rank-and-file legislator, w as not in the chamber to hear H eseltine ditch the tax — which he had promised to do w hen he challenged Thatcher for the party leadership in November. Associated Press W ASHINGTON — President Bush said Thursday the videotape of Los A ngeles police beating a prone man "made m e sick," but he defended the officers' embattled boss as "an exemplary police chief" in many w ays. Bush turned aside a question on whether Daryl Gates should step dow n, as critics in Los A ngeles are dem anding. He said Gates, a long­ time political supporter, is "entitled to a credible hearing. ... Nobody's going to prejudge anybody here." Referring to an amateur camera­ man's widely televised videotape of Los Angeles officers kicking and pummeling Rodney King on March 3, Bush said: "It w as sickening to see the beat­ ing that w as rendered. ... There's no way in mv view to explain that away. It's outrageous." Bush made the com m ents at the Associated Press Soviets resolve for new unity based on referendum results MOSCOW — Lawmakers urged national and republic leaders on Thursday to use the recent referendum on preserving the union as a springboard for approving a new treaty to join the republics. After a day of relatively calm debate, the Supreme Soviet legislature approved an eight-point resolution declaring that "a ma­ jority of people [agreed] that the fate of the country's people is indivisible, that only through joint efforts will they be able to successfully resolve questions of economic, social and cultural developm ent." The legislature had scheduled the re­ ferendum at the urging of President Mi­ khail Gorbachev. The resolution gave him another card in his bid to hold the* republics together under a new Union Treaty. Neither Gorbachev nor his chief foe, Rus­ sian Federation President Boris Yeltsin, have comm ented publicly on the results of Sunday's referendum. Walesa asks Congress for aid WASHINGTON — Polish President Lech Walesa announced Thursday that Ameri­ cans will no longer need visas to visit his country and appealed to them to do busi­ ness in his economically struggling nation. Walesa, 47, came to C apitol Hill to ask for help as his country attem pts to transform its econom y from a state-controlled en ­ terprise to a free-market system . He made the visa announcem ent in a closed m eeting of the H ouse Foreign Af­ fairs Committee and confirmed it later to reporters. "As of the 15th of April, there are not going to be any visas for all Americans com ing to Poland," Walesa said. "No prob • lems for their arrival. Poland will be freely open to all American citizens." Democrats propose recession policies WASHINGTON Democrats on the Joint Economic C om m ittee, charging the Bush administration with complacency in fighting the recession, Thursday put for­ ward programs thev said should be enacted if the recession gets worse than expected. Among the proposals, the Democrats urged the Federal Reserve to be more ag­ gressive in lowering interest rates and rec­ om m ended that Congress vote extra funds to speed up processing of unem ploym ent claims. While we have som e optim ism that the economy will weather the current period of a d v e r s i t y w e believe that these risk factors ju s t if y increased attention bv the Congress, the president and the Federal Reserve to policies that could stimulate econom ic re­ covery should the optimistic consensus be proven wrong," the Democrats said. Page 4 Friday, March 22.1991 THE DAILY TEXAN EDITORIALS Yiewpotnt o p tio n s expressed m The Dmty Texan are those of the editor and the writer oI the article They are not necessarily those ot the University administration the Beard oí Regents or the Texas Student Publications Board of Operating Trustees Opinions expressed in Dissenting Opinions and staff or guest columns are those of the writer VIEWPOINT * s m P||p® -' , . \ „• . ’ '* Vv No con-Census Bureau should recount Texas released March 10 confirmed the state's rapid growth. T exans stood up to be counted last year, and census figures boasts 16.9 million residents and is set to gain three seats in the U.S. H ouse of Representatives. Over the past decade Texas grew 19.4 percent; the state Being bigger, though, may mean the federal government will shortchange the state. Population figures determine the allocation for billions of fed­ eral aid dollars, and the C en su s Bureau may have grossly under­ counted Texas' Hispanic and border populations. For the state to even hope to provide adequate resources for its citizens over the next ten years, the C en sus Bureau m ust retrace its steps and record the "m issin g” Texans. Attorney General Dan M orales has filed suit against the Com ­ merce Department (which runs the C en su s Bureau) to do just that. If the 1990 population figures stand, he estim ates the state will be cheated of SI billion in federal funds over the next ten years. L o sses from 1980 m iscounts, says M orales, already cost the state an estim ated $580 million. Texas is critized for its crime, drugs, unem ploym ent and so on. Federal aid is not the solution, but it certainly helps. When its amount does not keep pace with the population, though, Texas is effectively "p u n ish e d ." In addition to possible aid cutbacks, the census figures could skew state redistricting. Districts are*reset every 10 years to re­ flect dem ographics, and the census' m isrepresentation could mean worsening strongarm tactics by Texas' less populated areas on the state's more populated (but invisible) districts. Texas has the second largest Hispanic population and largest rural Hispanic population in the nation. "Exacerbating this prob­ lem ," states M orales, " is the fact that the minority population in Texas and other chronically undercounted regions is increasing dramatically as a percentage of the general population." The deadline is July 15 for the Commerce Department to adjust the census figures nationally. If they choose to leave Texas' num ­ bers intact, the state m ay initiate its own population tally for redistricting pu rposes, th e bill for the recount, though, should go directly to the Com m erce Department. Federal cutbacks due to budgetary pressu res are one thing; however, we should not accept losses on the part of system atic negligence by census takers. — Adam Hersh RING Bullock appreciates support I noticed y ou r V iew point ("T a x Me B a b y ," The Daily Texan, M ar. 8) and I w ant to thank you for you r p erceptive in sig h ts into the issu e of a state lottery vs. a state incom e tax. I w ant to clarify on e p oin t. U n less you item ­ ize d ed u ctio n s on you r federal incom e tax re­ turn — an d m ost T exan s d o n 't — you w o n 't be allow ed to d ed u c t a state incom e tax from your federal return. U n d er m y plan, h ow ever, a fam ily of four m ak in g le ss than $25,000 w ould pay no state incom e tax. for T h an k s again join in g the incom e tax b an d w ag o n . It m ay not be the m ost p o p u la r place to be, but I'm convinced that it's the right one. Bob Bullock Lieutenant governor Lack of objectivity offensive It is the su p re m e irony that th ro u gh o u t an entire y ear o f d ialo g u e a d d re ssin g the in ad e ­ q u ate d iversity o f U T 's acad em ic p rogram , the m ulticultural d eb ate h as sim p ly ign ored o n e of the m ost culturally in sen sitive of the Univ ersi­ ty 's p ro g ram s. I am referring to the A rabic p rogram o f the O riental and A frican L a n g u a g e s D ep artm en t and the m edieval, O rien talist m entality which p erv ad e s this p rogram an d som eh ow m a n a g e s to p a ss for legitim ate ed u catio n . U nder the a e g is o f a "value-n eutral" curricu ­ lum , the texts an d teach in g s m eth od s em ­ ployed by the A rabic p ro g ram are effectively alien ating stu d en ts of M uslim origin w h o con ­ stitute a m ajority o f the p ro g ra m 's con stitu en ­ cy. S tu d e n ts are blithely in form ed that A rabic is a " s e x is t" lan g u ag e an d that certain a sp e c ts of Islam ic tradition are "h u m ilia tin g ." While I m ay be sh am efu lly ignorant o f the state o f the art in u p ro o tin g a lan g u ag e from its original cultural-historical context an d then reinterpretin g this context to com p ly with the prevailing political a g e n d a o f the d ay , I am painfully aw are that the linguistic c ateg o ries of the A rabic lan g u ag e are in tim ately, an d in cer­ tain a sp e c ts, inextricably related to the Islam ic m ilieu. Yet, d esp ite m y n aivete, I w ould h azard to ask -a few q u estio n s which rem ain u n an sw ered : D oes the Arabic p ro g ra m 's o sten sib le im p arti­ ality require an im p osition o f secular and o p e n ­ ly exhibit hostility to w ard s Islam to m aintain any sem b lan ce o f "o b je c tiv ity " in the c la ss­ room 7 W hat w ould be the fate, pray tell, of an y p ro ­ fessor of H ebrew or A frican lan g u ag e w ho d em o n strated sim ilar con tem p t for the cultural- ideological tradition w hich un d erlies the c o n ­ tent o f their resp ectiv e field s? H ow sad it is that w e are so selective in our se n se of acad em ic in tegrity and how p o rte n ­ tously tragic it is for the future of acad em ic tol­ eran ce that the call for "th e resp ect o f the d isp arate cu ltu res rep resen te d by the p ro p o se d m ulticultural p ro g ra m " h as fallen on d e a f ears at the A rabic lan g u ag e section o f the O riental and A frican L a n g u a g e s D ep artm en t. Ashraf M. Isma'il History Liberals want a better 'cake' 1 am now tired o f the conflict an d co n trover­ sy su rro u n d in g m u lticulturalism , "racist liber- President delivers promises, promises D ear G eorge, Rob Eberhart GUEST COLUMNIST se e m s a s th ou gh the m on ey is there after all. D uring you r p resid en tial cam paign in 1988 you m ad e a n u m b er o f statem en ts an d a num ber ot p ro m ises. You m ad e the claim that you w ould be the en viron m en tal p resid en t, the p resid en t w ho w ould not raise taxes, the e d u ­ cation p resid en t, the p resid en t w ho w ould low ­ er the deficit an d the p resid en t that w ou ld p ro­ gentler vide A m erican s with n a tio n ." T h ese are p ro m ises that you have bro­ ken. "k in d ler, a G eo rg e, you claim ed that you w ould be the environ m ental p resid en t, but vour recently re­ leased en ergy p rop osal calls for the exploitation of p rev io u sly untouched en viron m en tal pre­ serv es in A laska, an in crease o f offsh o re drill­ ing in C alifo rn ia's coastal w aters an d incredibly en o u gh , the raisin g of restriction s placed u pon the construction of nuclear p ow er p lan ts. Y our policy d o e s not in an y w ay su p p o rt the co n ser­ vation of en ergy, on ly the in crease o f p ro d u c­ tion. C on tin u ed stre ss on oil p rod uction and co n su m p tion will on iv result in a con tin u ed d e ­ pen d en cy on oil, an d n ecessitate m ore inter­ ven tion s sim ilar to the on e w e h av e ju st com ­ pleted. W hat kind o f en v iron m en t will w e have in 20 y ears with these k in d s o f p olicies? You p rom ised that you w'ouid not raise taxes and yet tw o years later taxes w ere raised on alcohol, cigarettes, g aso lin e and beer. Did you p u rp o sely m islead u s or are you just bad with m ath 7 A re you so stu p id that vou d id n 't realize that taxes w ould have to be raised in ord er to My suggestion to you, George, is to make good on the promises you made dur­ ing your cam paign." deal with the deficit? O r, did you sim p ly lie to u s an d figure that w e w ould forget w h at you said in 1988? I think you told u s to read you r lips so w e w o u ld n 't h ave to look you in the eye w hile you lied throu gh y o u r teeth. G eo rg e, you claim ed you w ou ld be the e d u ­ cation p resid en t, but recently y o u r a d m in istra ­ tion tried to cut all federally fu n d ed sch olar­ sh ip s specifically d esig n a ted for m inorities. Will the GI bill becom e their on ly w ay to afford college? You p ro m ised that you w ould he the p re si­ dent that w ould low er the deficit an d the p re si­ d ent w ho w ould p u t the U nited S ta te s on so u n d financial footin g, hut a s a resu lt o f your escalation o f ou r in volvem ent in the g u lf, the U .S. deficit m ay exceed an u n p reced en ted $400 billion. You told o u r country that there w as no m on ey for im p rovem en ts in ed u catio n , health care, h ou sin g an d the problem o f h o m e le ssn e ss but you a sk e d C o n g re ss for $56 m illion to finance the first three m on th s o f the gu lf w ar. It You p ro m ised u s that you w ou ld m ake o u r country a kindler, gen tler n a tio n ," but in stead you in vad ed Panam a in 1990 an d now Iraq. Is "kindler, gen tler n a tio n " w hich you this the p ro m ised ? I'm sorry, G eo rg e, b u t I d o n 't eq u ate the d e ath s o f th o u sa n d s o f civilian s in P anam a an d th o u sa n d s m ore in Iraq with k in d n e ss or g en tlen ess. I d id n 't realize that w hen you talked ab ou t a "th o u sa n d p o in ts o f lig h t" that you w ere d escrib in g all the U.S. bo m b s e x p lo d ­ ing th ro u gh o u t the w orld. I think this w ar is you r latest attem p t to p ro v e that you are not a w im p. G eo rge, w hat h ave you really d o n e for o u r country ? We w on the w ar in the gu lf, but w h at are the p ositive resu lts o f this w ar oth er than kn ow in g that w e "k ick ed a little a s s ? " O n ce the sm o k e clears an d w e a s s e s s exactly w h at you have acco m p lish ed d u rin g y o u r p resid en cy , w e re not g o in g to h ave m uch m ore to sh o w than a lot of d ead A rabs. It se e m s ironic that with this kind o f public record you have such a high a p p ro v a l ratin g from the A m erican public. M y su g g e stio n to you, G eo rg e, is that you start takin g care o f th in gs here at hom e, an d m ak e g o o d on the p ro m ise s you m ad e d u rin g y o u r cam p aig n . C on cern y o u rself with ou r co u n try 's real p rob lem s an d let the A rab s take care o f th em ­ selv es. Eberhart is a government senior. Nobody is right, now let's celebrate A s a colu m n ist for The Dai­ ly Texan, I get up on m y so a p box every' w eek an d a half or so to sh are m y v iew s on John Beliveau TEXAN COLUMNIST life, the u n iv erse an d ev ery th in g with 50,000 read ers. Let m e be the first to ad m it, it is great fun. I h av e also g ain ed a unique p ersp ectiv e on a n um ber of things that I had n ever c o n sid ­ ered before. The Bible, ab ortion , the b u d g e t an d the w ar are all vital issu e s of the d ay , to be su re. Every d a y The Texan ru n s c o lu m n s an d letters on the evils of o u r gov ern m en t, our econom y, o u r society, etc. Each d ay d o z e n s of p eo p le m arch into o u r editorial office, u p ­ set about so m eth in g that w e p rin t­ ed or so m eth in g that w e did not print, e ag e r to m ake their v iew s know n. All o f them are convinced that they are righ t, an d if only p eo p le w ould listen to them , every th in g w ould w ork ou t for the best. T hey tolerate no d isagreem en t. A free p ress in action. Boy, it g iv e s m e a w arm fuzzy. G u y s, I hate to burst y o u r b u b ­ the em p ero r h a s no ble, but clothes. C h a n c e s are pretty g o o d that w e are all w ron g. If the w o rld 's p rob lem s could be solved from an arm chair, then all our p ro b lem s w ould have d is a p ­ peared a lon g tim e ago . A nd even if you d o h ap p e n to stu m b le on the truth, n o b o d y really cares. It is high tim e that w e sto p p e d takin g o u rselv es so serio u sly , take a pill, an d relax. A s college stu d e n ts, w e tend to take refuge in the ivory tow er o f the U niversity, each with ou r ow n pet cau se or concern. In d o in g so , w e often lose sigh t o f w hat is real­ ly im portant in life. Sure, the eco­ nom ic health o f the United S tates is a concern, but d o es an y on e live to an alyze b u d g e t ex p en d itu res? if they do, is that living? We are so convinced o f ou r ow n su p eriority an d kn ow led ge that w e tend to forget how little w e re­ ally d o know . T he su rest path to grow th js to ad m it that w e d o not know ev ery th in g an d that w e sh ou ld o p en ou r m in d s to new con cep ts an d new Ig n o ­ rance is a s vital an ingredient for learning a s w isd o m . id eas. I he " v ir tu e s " of m odern civili­ zation have im p roved the h o u se s in which w e live, while leavin g the in h abitan ts m uch the sam e. We have a m issile that is able to hit a tin can at 10,000 m iles, an d yet jealo u sy an d p ettin ess are a s "It is high time that we stopped taking ourselves so serious­ l y ________________________ prevalent a s ever. C an w e not im p rove the lot of hum anity concurrent with the d e ­ velop m en t o f a four-slice toaster? Is the on e so m uch m ore vital than the other? t e le p h o n e We h a v e lin e s stretch in g from P aris to Peking, but d o w e really h ave an y th in g im portant to sa y ? We have b e­ com e so con cern ed with the idea o f "th e global v illa g e " that w e have into let ou r ow n hut fall d isarray. is A s a nation w e are quick to im ­ p o se ou r v a lu e s on oth ers, yet a d o se of in trospection on w hat w e co n sid er valu ab le in order. Su re, a new Ja g is nice, but so is a scenic vista or peace o f m ind. S o m e w ou ld arg u e the is even m ore difficult to obtain. The D e o n le w h o m w p la h p l " s u c c e s s fu l" lead but on e kind o f life; it is w ro n g to ign ore the o th ­ ers. I hold H enry D avid T h oreau in greater esteem than D on ald T ru m p; T ru m p erects m o n u m en ts o f ston e, T h oreau erects m o n u ­ m en ts of id ea s. later r r ~ In to d ay 's w orld , form is e n sh ­ rined over function, an d a p p e a r ­ ance ov er fact. We m u st resist the tem ptation to b ecom e m ired in petty self-rig h teo u sn ess. D o not m easu re su c c e ss by w h at oth e rs h ave d on e; n o b o d y h as ev er b e ­ com e great by im itation. In stead, k eep a w eath er's eye on w hat A. W hitney Brow n righ t­ ly calls "T h e Big P ic tu re," an d d o w hat m ak es you h ap p y . If you d o w hat you w an t, an d society se e s no w orth in it, so w h at? Is that such a lo ss? A s for m e, I am g o in g to take my ow n ad vice. I am sick o f sittin g in front o f a c o m p u ter screen. I am sick of w orking on m y colum n . I am go in g o u tsid e to en jo y the view . Beliveau isa Plan II freshman. a ls " an d thi* liki-. For once an d for all, 1 w ould p erson ally like to state w hat m o st "lib e ra ls" w ant an d /or m ean w hen they say m ulticultur­ alism . M ulticulturalism is m ore than takin g a class, read in g a book or atten din g a sem in ar. It is a way of view in g the w hole w orld an d its m any p eop les. M ulticulturalism is a w ay of thinking that recogn izes an d resp ects all oth er in d iv id u ­ als and their resp ective cultures. M any "lib e ra ls" are fighting for a better s y s­ tem of ed u catio n which inevitably will produce a truly m ore intellectually w ell-roun d ed grou p of in d ivid u als into tom orrow 's w orld a s flu- new "m o v e rs an d sh a k e r s." To m ake it sim p ler, le t's take a cake. When you tastr cake, you taste cake1 — not o g g s, su g ­ ar, butter, etc. H ow ever, com m on se n se and u n d erstan d in g m ake you realize that those things h ad to g o into the batter to m ake the cake a cake! but the cake is not bland. It h as flavor! 1’hat flavor is b ro u gh t out and en h an ced by the ingredients. That is w hat m ulticulturalists are strivin g for. They are not strivin g for a d e sse rt in which on e can taste the butter or the e g g s, but rather a batter that is flavorful and enriched by the in gredients. Tatiu Jackson Public relations There's no reason to celebrate I g u e ss that I am in Alice in Wonderland d u r­ ing the afterm ath of this so-called " ju s t w ar" that w e just fou gh t with Iraq. F or so m e reaso n , I am not on e of those 90 percent of the A m eri­ can p eop le (according to the m ain stream p ress) who feels "e u p h o r ic " ov er "w in n in g " this war. I am not eu p h oric becau se there are plenty of reaso n s not to be. Presently, there are tens o f th o u sa n d s of refu g ees from b o m bin g c am p a ig n s by ou r cou n try w ho are lan gu ish in g in the d esert, w o u n d ed an d w ith­ out food or w ater. left h o m eless I am not eu p h oric b ec au se o f all the bloody se n se le ss d e ath s on both sid e s that did not have to h ap p en , leavin g beh in d grievin g fam i­ lies d esp erately trying to find an y m ean in g in th ese trag ed ies. 1 am not celebrating the o u tco m e of this w ar. It left behind catastro p h ic en viron m en tal d a m ­ ag e of which w e are ju st a s gu ilty o f com m it­ ting a s S a d d a m H u ssein . We have further strain ed ou r trillion- dollar deficit u p at least $30 billion than it w as before the w ar, alo n g with leavin g ou r ailing d om estic problem s on the back bu rn er once again . We did not ex h au st all oth er altern ativ es b e­ fore d ecid in g to launch this w ar an d "k ick som e a s s . " This w ar could p ossib ly h av e been av erted if we an d Israel had agreed to hold an in terna­ tional conferen ce on the inevitable Palestinian issu e, which is som eth in g w e have been refu s­ ing to face up to for the p a st 40 y ears. M ostly, I am grievin g b e c au se this w as a w ar that could have been av o id ed in the first place if w e and vario u s other cou n tries had not c o n ­ tinually built u p S ad d am with m ilitary and chem ical w eap o n s th rou gh out the '80s. The m ass destruction that took place ov er this p ast m onth is a tragic result of the failure of our political lead ers to n egotiate settlem en ts peacefully w hile k eep in g the w elfare of m il­ lions of innocent lives in m ind. Adalyn Brugger 1/7 graduate UNIVERSITY T h e D a i l y T e x a i| Friday. March 2 2 .1 9 9 1 Page Bill may curb book resales Nancy Thomas Daily Texan Staff In an effo rt to p reven t b o o k sto res from g o u gin g stu d e n ts on prices for used textboo k s, a H ou ston leg isla­ tor and so m e U T stu d e n ts have drafted a bill lim iting th e am o u n t that can be ch arged for u sed b ook s. " I hope to stop so m e o f th e o u tra ­ g eou s prices ch arged for used b ooks to s tu d e n ts ," said R ep. R on W ilso n , D -H o u ston , w ho help ed so m e o f his Plan II g o v ern m e n t stu d e n ts d ev el­ op the bill. In th e class W ilson te a ch e s w e e k ­ ly at the C ap ito l, stu d e n ts cam e up w ith several id eas ab ou t bills they w ould like to see p assed and th en voted on w h ich o n e s th ey w ould try to get th rou g h th e L eg islatu re. W ilson said this bill w as of p artic­ ular in terest to him b ecau se h e re­ m em bered feelin g that b o o k sto res w ere m aking too m uch m o n ey o ff the resale o f b o o k s w h en he w as in law sch ool. Sarah M errill, Plan II sen io r, said stu d en ts w ere spurred by a g en eral feeling o f d isco n ten t reg ard in g th e prices of used textb oo k s. She said sh e resea rch ed three area b o o k sto res to d eterm in e the prices for used texts. S h e said a s tu ­ den t w h o paid $50 for a book would only get $20 upon retu rn , but th e b ooksto re w ould the sam e book for $40. resell then A ccord in g to th e bill, it w ould be a C lass C m isd em ean o r for an y o n e to sell a used textbook at a price m ore than 20 p ercen t high er than the price for w hich he or sh e pu r­ chased the u sed textbook. For exam p le, if a used textbook sold for $50, and the b ook sto re pu r­ ch ased the b ook back from the stu ­ d en t at $25, th e b ook sto re could not resell the b ook for m ore than $30. Merrill said they decided upon the 20 p ercent figure b ecau se they felt it w as fair to both stu d en ts and b oo k sto res. Emil H artu n ian , m an ag er of the textbook d ep a rtm en t at the U n iv er­ sity C o -op , said C o -o p policy is to buy b o o k s back at =iü p ercen t ot th* cu rren t retail price for th e book, not the used book price, and to charge 77 p ercen t ot the cu rren t retail new price for used b ooks. He pointed ou t that prices are d eterm in ed strict­ ly by the p u b lish e r's su g g ested r< tail price. "W e pay halt price for a n y hot e d itio n s ," H artun iai excep t oíd said. G eo rg e M itchell, p resid en t o f th C o -o p , said he d o es not b eliev e th bill has a ch a n ce to g et out of con m ittee; h ow ever, W ilson said he bt lie ves the ch a n ce s are good th at it will pass this session . M errill said sh e e n jo y e d w orking w ith W ilson on the bill. "I w as glad to have an opportunity to g o in an e attem p t to m ake ch a n g e s in th e svs tern. It w as in terestin g to participah in the legal p r o c e s s /' sh e said . S h e also said the bill w ould ap p h statew id e b ecau se b o o k sto res haw a m o n op o ly n ot ju s t in A u stin , but ev ery w h e re in T exas. W h ile a c tiv is ts a n ti-a p a rth e id could o n ce pack th e W est M all, and five years ago storm ed U T P resid en t W illiam C u n n in g h a m 's o ffice, a ral­ ly T h u rsd ay in th e sh ad o w of th e to w er d rew a crow d o f ap p ro xi­ m ately 30 stu d e n ts — lead in g org a­ n izers to b eliev e th eir cau se has b een all but fo rg otten . "W e c a n 't d o a n y th in g ab ou t the tu rn ou t, b u t it is ob v iou s that p eo­ ple have put this issu e on th e back b u rn e r," said Jen n a M arsh all, rally organizer. 'It's tim e p eop le started learn in g ab ou t this and p ayin g a tte n tio n ," sh e said, as th e crow d d isp ersed at th e d em o n stra tio n 's co n clu sio n . T h e rally, w h ich inclu ded a live ban d , com m em o rated a m a ssacre in Sou th Africa at the tow n o f S h a rp e ­ ville and recog n ized th e In tern a­ tional D ay to A bolish R acism . Sp o n so red by th e S te v e Biko C o m m ittee, 10 sp e a k ers from vari­ ou s o rg an izatio n s sp o k e in su p p ort of the U n iv ersity 's d iv estm en t in Sou th Africa and on rem em b erin g th o se w h o died in th e 1960 m assacre of 69 p ro testers by th e So u th A fri­ can g o v ern m en t. Elias N tso an e o f the Biko com m it­ tee said th ere w ere 10,000 p eop le at the 1960 rally w h en police cam e and gave them 10 m in u tes to d isp erse. "F ro m that day o n , life in Sou th A frica ch an g ed . B efore, th ey w ere passiv e resisters, afterw ard s they w an ted to fight v iolen ce w ith vio­ le n c e ," said N tsoan e. Sh u ro n d a R ob in so n o f the Black S tu d e n t A lliance feels p eop le need to start taking a stand ag ain st the action s of Sou th A frica. "T h e re i.s no tim e for m eek n ess like mv y ou n ger w h en ch ild ren b ro th e rs and sisters áre dying w hen w om en like mv m o th er art b ein g rap ed , and m en like m y father are bein g b e a te n ." O th e r sp eak ers focu sed th eir a t­ tention on th e d iv estm en t o f U l m o n ey in co m p an ies that h av e not pulled ou t o f So u th A frica. A k w a si E v a n s, p u b lis h e r of Sokoa, said, " W e placed the m o st string ent Iraq, but sa n ctio n s on G eorge Bush wran ts to lift th e sa n c- turns on Sou th A frica. ' Sibilesto M ataban e o f the A frican N ational C o n g ress and a Sou th A f r i ­ can exile, said th e n u m b e r at th e ral­ ly w as n o t that im p ortan t. "In term s of n u m b ers it is m ore im p ortant th at the 10 or 20 w ho show up and stav and learn -o m e thing is w hat m a tte rs ," said M ata­ b an e, w h o fled her cou n try in 1965. Brand C e n tr a l CLIP NOTES A STUDY IN SERIOUS WHEN YOU CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT IT AT YOUR NEAREST SEARS Through Mar 30 Greenhouse effect Maris Strautmams wraps baling wire around the metal roofing of The Greenhouse, an MFA thesis project being done by his wife, Tamsie Ringler. The Green­ house is located on the west side of the Art Building. Rebecca Stewart Daily Texan Staff John McConmco/Daily Texan Staff Few attend Sharpeville rally UT effort to prevent measles effective David Loy Daily Texan Staff O n e y ear a fter a m e asle s ep id em ic sw ep t th e state and in fected th e UT p o p u latio n , a S tu d e n t H ealth C e n ­ ter official said that ste p s taken then to p reven t fu rth er o u tb reak s are w orking. "L a s t sp rin g w e v accin ated nearly 4,0 0 0 s tu d e n ts ," Dr. M elind a M cM i- ch ael, m edical d irecto r o f th e cen ter, said T h u rsd ay . M cM ichael sh e w as not said aw are o f an y cases h av in g b ee n re­ ported this y ear at th e U n iv ersity or in the T rav is C o u n ty area. Prior to th e 1990 sp rin g b reak , the health ce n te r rep orted 17 ca se s of m easles am o n g th e stu d en t p o p u la­ tion. In A u stin , m ore th an 100 ca ses o f the d ise ase w ere co n firm ed by the T rav is C o u n ty H ealth D ep a rt­ m ent. T h e n u m b er of U T cases quickly g rew to m ore than 20. M easles, also know n as ru beola, is a viral in fectio n that is tran sm itted s e c r e t io n s th r o u g h r e s p ir a to r y passed by co u g h in g and sn eezin g . The m easle seaso n ex te n d s from late w in ter to early sp ring — usually Jan u ary to A pril, M cM ichael said. In S e p te m b e r, th e health cen ter in stitu ted a cam p aign to e n su re all stu d en ts w ould m eet the U T im ­ m u n izatio n re q u irem en ts. T h e c e n ­ ter m ailed m ore than 2,2 0 0 notices to stu d e n ts w h o had n ot received the n ecessary sh o ts. S tu d e n ts w h o did not receiv e the m and atory vacci­ natio n s b efo re fall registration w ere barred from u sin g the TEX en ro ll­ m en t sv stem . D I S K E T T E S h re ti delivery on campus Free labels, sleeves, formattina ¡.(On nQ/nn 3.5” DS/DD 3.5" DS/DD C olors 3.5" DS/HD 3.5" DS/DD (in units of 1000) 3.5" Cleaning kit - 601 75« $ 1.0 0 38c $2.75 “2 lor 1 replacement for any bad disks" 100% CmtUkfd Lltrftlme Warranty U N I K M I O R O S ______________1- 800 - 248-9399 t h m Roberto M. 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M ARTIN’S PLACE “ D IR TY S” — A u stin ’s oldest r e s ta u r a n t serv in g UT g re a t b u rg e rs since 1926. C u rb service, outdoor or indoor d in in g av ailab le. 2808 G u ad alu p e. 477-3173. HAMBURGER HILL — F e a tu n n g o u r fam ous bacon sw iss b u rg e r w ith sa u té e d m ushroom s. O pen 7 days. 11600 M anchaca. 282-8856. CARMELO’S — H om em ade Ita lia n food, aw ard w in n in g p a sta a n d a p a stry selectio n th a t is ab so lu tely prim o! 504 E a s t 5 th S tre e t, 477-7497. B ER T ’S BAR R Q — T he hom e o f th e m e a tie st an d ju c ie st BBQ for 20 y ears! S u cc u le n t ribs, sau sag e, b eef w ith trim m in g s. S p ecials D aily! 610 W. M a rtin L u th e r K ing. THE P IT BARBEQUE — 5423 C am eron Rd., 453-7866; 3815 D ry C reek (a t FM 2222), 451-0000. S e rv in g delicious b a rb eq u e m ade fresh daily. R UBY’S BARBEQUE — All n a tu r a l b risk e t, ho m em ade sides an d v e g e ta ria n p la te s too. L unch spe­ c ials u n til 5 pm M-F. L ate n ig h t u n til 4 am . F rid ay an d S a tu rd a y . We d eliv e r also. 2 9th an d G u ad alu p e. 477- 1651. S TEA K THE OLD SAN FRANCISCO STEAK HOUSE — Enjoy th e w arm a tm o sp h e re of th e 1800’s. We serv e th e fin est ste a k s, seafood, lam b, poul­ try a n d p rim e rib. A ll m ea ls serv ed w ith fresh co u n try b read , o u r fam ous block o f cheese, d in n e r salad an d b ak ed potato. N ig h tly e n te rta in m e n t. 8709 N. 1H35. 835-9200. LA VISTA AT THE HYATT REGENCY — E very T uesday n ig h t is C ollege N ig h t th ro u g h March* P re s e n t y o u r college I.D. an d g e t o u r sizzling fa jita s for tw o for $9.95. F am ous J u m b o rita s an d V¿ y a rd long beers, too. 208 B arton S prin gs, 480-2034. F ajitas-to-go also av ailab le. CHEZ ZEE BAKERY & CAFE — 5406 Bal cones Dr. 454-2666. 4 S ta rs H ilary H y lton - 11/25 89. “R e in c a rn a te d in th e form er C hez F red location. T he new m enu focuses on fresh fish an d p asta. F lav orfu l in n o v a tiv e d ish es a re m o d e rately priced. Who an d could re s ist th e b ak ery case full of te m p tin g d e sse rts ” B reak fast, lu n ch , d in n e r, S un brunch! WEST END C.’AFE — Enjoy A u stin style, com ­ fort an d cu isin e. Indoor/outdoor d in in g . Com e as you are. D aily specials. A u stin ’s o rig in al cafe. 1200 W. 6 th St. 472-7319. The Daily Texan Dining D irectory is published each Friday. For advertising inform ation, call 471-5244. Editor Continued from page 1 individual applicants tions of in m aking the revisions, but ad m itted that som e of the ap plican ts m ight not m eet the new qualifications. He said the applican ts h ave n o th ­ ing to lose since the board will not add an y new qualifications, and may m ake som e unw aivable qualifi­ cations w aivable. H e added that the board will revise qualifications for The Daily Texan m an agin g ed itor p o­ sition as well. But even if the board m an ages to fram e a set of qualifications that do not discrim inate am o n g the ap pli­ can ts, ch an g es in ed itor qualifica­ tions m ust be ap p ro v ed by UT P res­ ident William C u n n in g h am . Jam es Vick, vice p resid en t for stu d en t af­ fairs, has said th at the ad m in istra­ tion w ould accep t an y "re a so n a b le " set of qualifications, but w ould not define w h at would be reasonable in this case. Thus, the ad m inistration has the option of rejecting an y set of qualifi­ cations th at allow s a can d id ate of w h om it d oes not ap p ro ve, holding veto p o w er over can did ates while preserving the ap p earan ce of stu ­ d ent choice th rou gh an election. “The qualifications ought to be written to help elect the best Texan editor. They should not be writ­ ten to either help or hind­ er any individual.” — Ja m e s V i c k , vice president for student affairs "T h e intent all along is that the stu d en ts elect the e d ito r," Vick said, adding, "T h e qualifications ou gh t to be w ritten to help elect the b est Tex­ an editor. T hey should not be w rit­ ten to either help or h inder an y in­ d ivid u al." But Vick also said the qualifica­ tions are and should be subject to UT ap proval. H e said the U niversity m ust h ave som e say in the election p ro cess, n ot just an ad visory role, but on e with veto p ow er. The board now plans to take ed i­ tor applications — for the third time — on M on day, M arch 25. All ap pli­ can ts will need to m eet the revised qualifications to p rod uce Satu rd ay. the board plans A lthough on e TSP board m em ­ ber, m echanical en gin eerin g senior Glen N ixon, has exp ressed d oub t that the board can accom plish the revision in a single d ay, Lop ez said he believes the board will sp end lit­ tle tim e debating. "T h e m ajority of the board m em ­ bers are familiar w ith w h at w e'v e tried to ch an ge in the p a s t," he said, referring to an attem p t to ch an ge the qualifications last year. th at failed Even if the board com p letes the revision on S atu rd ay, C un n in gham m ust still ap p rov e th em before the board can certify can did ates as m eeting If he should reject the b oard 's decision , the board w ould h ave to revise them again. the qualications. The board plans to certify can d i­ d ates M arch 26, so that they could begin cam p aign in g M arch 27 for the April 8 election. A runoff, if n eces­ sary, will be held April 11. is d elayed , If certification the board faces the ch oice of eith er cu t­ ting the cam p aign tim e allow ed to can did ates — at p resen t only 12 d ays — or p ostp on in g the election. Since the board plans to ap point a m anaging ed itor for The Texan April 11, p ostp oning the election could m ean ap pointing a m an agin g ed itor before stu d en ts ch oose an editor. M U G E WAREHOUSE SALE 2 1 s t - 3 0 t u m a r c h O NLV AT OUR 8 6 6 8 R e s e a rc h B l v d . l o c a t i o n ( c l o s e d S u n d a y s ) S u n s m e r « W in t e r M e r c h a n d is e Fr o m ALL1 o u r s t o r e s . w h o l e s a l e i b e lo w !! A sso rte d m ens t womens oute rw e ar ét sp o rts w e a r from Columbia, Duckhead, Royal Robbins Woolnch.Wallamair Patagonia Helly Hansen, Nike North Face( Sierra Designs. Dress shoes, walking shoes, hiking boots ¿ sandals from Rockport, S p e rry Topsider, C larks of England S e l e c t i o n o f B o o k s • A t B a r g a i n Pr i c e s * A l l s a l e s f i n a l * in s t o c k o n l y Whole Earth Provision Co. i 8 8 6 8 R e se a r c h Blvd. 4 5 8 - 6 3 3 3 ^ ^ EVERY WOMAN S CONCERN C o n fid e n tia l, P ro fessio n al R ep roductive C are e Adoption Services s Free Pregnancy Testing s Problem Pregnancy Counseling • Abortion Services . e Birth Control e Pap Test mu REPRODUCTIVE SERVICES • Board Certified Ob-Gynecologists • Licensed Nursing Staff • Experienced Counselors a On RR Shuttle _ _ 458-8274 1009 E. 40th IMMIGRATION fy ^ * Residency Status tn USA based on Family or Employer Sponsorship * Work Permits and Visas tor Students and Pro­ fessionals * J-1 Waiver o' Foreign Residency Requirements Gloria Lee Vera A tto rn e y a t L a w 443-4788 1946 S. IH -3 5 . Sufte 2 02 , Austin . Texas 7 9 7 0 4 Itcmseú by the Texas Supreme Court Sroce 1976 Not ctnrfieti &v the Texas Board at Lega- Speaekz*t*on THE DAILY TEXAN Friday, March 22, 1991 Page 7 Can Christians and Muslims Get Along? Dr. Terry Muck. Assoc Professor of C om parative R eligion at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, will give a lecture and discussion on Christianity and Islam • What do Muslims Believe9 • M isconceptions between Christians and Muslims • W hat the Future Holds for Religious Peace • Lessons from the Gulf War Sunday, March 24, 8-10 p.m. Texas Union Sinclair Suite (3.128) P r e s e n te d b y th e P r o b e C e n te r S tu d e n ts ' M a r k e tp la c e d is c u s sio n s s e rie s WISDOM TEETH If you need the removal of wisdom teeth I É B IO M E D IC A L r e s e a r c h G R O U P INC; . . . Call 451-0411 Financial incentive provided to cover consultation, x-ray, plus qualifying surgery in exchange for your opinion on pain medication following oral surgery. FDA approved Clinical Research Study. 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A 7-1 A rkansas run that took only 43 sec­ o n d s opened u p a 56-48 lead. CHARLOTTE, V C . — K ansas' near-p er­ fect start en ded Ind iana's hop es of a local Final Four. The third-seeded Jayhaw ks o p ened a 20- point lead w ithin the first 7lA m inutes and w ent on to an 83-65 victory over second- seeded Indiana in the S o u th east Regional sem ifinals, the H oosiers' w orst loss of the season and w orst ever in the NCAA to u r­ nam ent. K ansas (25-7) will m eet top-seeded Ar­ kansas (34-3), w hich beat Alabam a 93-70 on T hursday night, in the regional ch am p io n ­ ship gam e on Saturday for a spot in the Final Four. There w as little h op e tor Indiana (2c>-5) from the start against K ansas as the Jay­ haw ks had six three-point field goals w hen the H oosiers had th at m any p oints as their first 20-point lead cam e at 26-6 w ith 12:34 to plav in the first half. ■ ■ ■ SEATTLE — U NLV 's basketball m achine sw itched tactics from a bom bs-aw av of­ fense to an inside m uscle gam e and beat U tah both w ays to surge to a third straight NCAA W est Regional final. The defend ing national ch am pio ns, still perfect at 33-0 an d riding a 44-gam e w in ­ ning streak, m ethodically, som etim es sa­ vagely, took ap art U tah 83-66 to face Seton Hall in the regional finals. Several of the Rebels w ere on the team Seton Hall hum iliated 84-61 in the W est Re­ g io n a l at D e n v e r in 1989. "It d o esn 't help us that w e beat them tw o years ag o ," Seton Hall Coach P.J. Carlesi- m o said. "T hey'll w an t to get back at us m o re.'' UNLV show ed again that it can w in any w ay it chooses. SEATTLE — A rizona w as bigger, but Seton Hall and Terry D ehere w ere better. D ehere, co ntinuin g his hot postseason play, scored 28 points and Seton Hall con­ tained A rizona's big frontline for a 81-77 victory in the sem ifinals of the NCAA W est Regional. Fetter paces Longhorns to early lead Associated Press NCAA IN D IA N A P O ­ LIS — As expect­ ed, the battle for the team NCA A W om en's Sw im ­ m ing cham p io n ­ ship quickly d e­ veloped into a * h ° * d ° w " T hursday night betw een defending cham pion Tex­ as, seeking its seventh title in eight years, and 1989 cham pion Stanford. Texas holds the lead after the first night of th e three-day m eet a t the Indiana U niversity N atatorium w ith 210 points. Stanford is second at 199 w ith California a d ista n t third at 114, followed by Florida w ith 96. UT senior Leigh A nn Fetter did her bit to help the Lady Longhorns repeat by w inning the 50 freestyle for the fourth consecutive year. She also posted a 22.01 split time in leading off the 200 freestyle relay to help give Texas its fifth consecutive NCAA title in the event. Fetter, w ho holds th e American record in the 50 freestyle, finished in 22.13 as she becam e the third w om an in NCAA history to sw'eep an event four consecutive years. Fetter later com pleted her busy night by anchoring Texas to a sec­ ond-place finish in the 400 m edley relay. O lym pic gold m edalist and w orld cham pion Janet Evans of Stanford the first of successfully defended the three NCAA cham p io n sh ip s she w on last year w ith a 4:38.71 in the 500 freestyle. The tim e w as m ore than four seconds slow er th an her A m erican record of 4:34.39 set last year and w as even slow er th an her 4:37.70 in T h u rsd ay 's prelim s. "T onight it just h u rt a lot m ore," Evans said. "I tried to take it out harder. I w as sp in n in g my arm s a little too m u ch ." Lamar rolls on, upsets Arkansas Hatchett butchers Hogs with treys; No. 2 Cavaliers await Lady Cards Mark Babineck Daily Texan Staff For the Lam ar Lady C ardinals, it wras the third consecutive tim e in th is y e a r 's NCA A T o urn a­ m e n t they th at have plaved Da- Vid to a higher- rank ed G oliath. Women A nd, for th e th ird consecutive time, David h ad m ore th an en o u g h pop in his sling to fell the giant, this tim e zinging A rkansas 91-75 at the Erwin C enter. The Ladv R azorbacks (27-4), the No. 3 seed in the M idw'est Region, co u ld n 't m atch th e defensive quick­ ness and offensive explosiveness of 10th-seeded Lam ar, w ho will play Virginia S aturday for a Final Four berth. (29-3), The Lady C ardinals in their first to u rn a m e n t ever, are the low est seed to m ake the Regional Fi­ nals in the history of the NCAA playoffs. In a cruel tw ist of irony, Lady Ra­ zorbacks Coach John S u therland lost his last gam e as a S outhw est C onference coach at the Erwin C en ­ ter, w here he succeeded in beating the Lady L onghorns the past tw o years. "I'll tell you so m eth ing you pro b ­ ably h a v e n 't heard before; [Lamar] can sh o o t," he said. "I d o n 't think w e played a bad g a m e." M eanw hile, Lam ar Coach A1 Bar­ bre w'as all sm iles after w itnessing yet an o th e r im probable blow out. "A n y th in g I say now is anti-cli­ m atic to w'hat you just saw ," he said. "T hat w as o u r m ost o u tsta n d ­ ing gam e of the year, a n d w e've had som e o u tsta n d in g gam es. O u r will to win w as greater than theirs in the last 10 m in u te s." M ightv-m ite poin t g uard Brenda H atchett again prov ided the leader­ ship for the Ladv C ards, nailing six three-pointers en route to scoring 23 w ith o u t virtue of a tw o-point field goal. A rk a n s a s c e n te r D e lm o n ic a D eH ornev shot lights-out from the field th ro u g h o u t the contest, and her 33 p oints (on 14-of-19 shooting) individual third-h igh est w as scoring total in M idw est Regionals history. the a tta c k But d espite h er H erculean p e r­ form ance, it w'as no m atch for the p r e s e n te d by b a la n c e d Lamar. Six Lady C ards scored in double including cen ter U irannah Jackson w ith 20 an d for­ w ard Bobbie Bean, wrho h ad 14. figures, A lthough the Lady R azorbacks shot a m ore-than respectable 52.6 percent from th e field, it w as no m atch for the sizzling 59.4 percent rate the Lady C ard s p osted . Barbre said th at his sq u a d 's p e r­ form ance m eans m ore th a n sim ply advancing to the R ound of Eight. “ I that think to n ig h t w e con­ vinced folks th a t this Lam ar team is pretty g o o d ," he said, " b u t w e still have the u n d e rd o g tag because we w e re n ’t rank ed very high a n d w e have a low se e d ." ■ ■ ■ The top seed in th e M idw est Re­ gionals, Virginia, h an d le d fifth-seed O klahom a State 76-61 in the first of the tw o gam es at the D rum . The C av aliers, w h o fin ish ed ranked N o. 2 in the nation, used a 24-6 ru n in the second half to pull aw ay from th e C ow girls, w ho had fought to a 46-46 tie early into the period. f Associated Press Jojuana Rogers wrestles with Arkansas’ Delmonica DeHorney for a rebound in Lamar’s win Thursday night. : ? i ' ' - f t ' : V - " Houston’s 1991 hopes: Astronomical Tom Stallings Special to the Texan KISSIMMEE, Fla. — T hose w ho go to A stros gam es this year m ay need to buy a program sim ­ ply to identify the players. The A stros have had a face lift since April. A rebuilding program , started n ear the end of the season w ith late A u g u st trades, w as accelerated by a m ass exodus of team veterans w ho saw the w riting on the wall a n d left tow n th ro u g h free agency. G one is 14-year A stros v eteran outfielder Ter­ ry Puhl an d right fielder G len W ilson. G one are second basem an Billy D oran an d first basem an Glen Davis. The A stros' b u llp en v eterans, Dave Sm ith, Larry A ndersen an d Juan A gosto, have also d ep arted . D anny D arw in, the A stros' m ost d ep endable starter in 1990, left, as well as starter Bill Gulick- son, G len D avis' able backup, Franklin Stubbs, lasted only one season in an A stros uniform be­ fore leaving for M ilw aukee. In the w ake of those d e p a rtu re s, only tw o players, M ike Scott an d Jim D eshaies, rem ain from the H o u sto n club th at cap tu red a W estern Division crow n just five years ago. The new -look A stros will feature household nam es (if you consider a cave a househo ld) such as Karl R hodes, D ave R ohde, Steve Finley, Mike Sim m s, Carl N ichols, Xavier H ern an d ez, A1 O suna, Brian M eyer, Pete H arnisch, Dean Wil­ kins, R andy H en nis and C u rt Schilling. The d e p a rtu re of m arquee n am es d id n 't seem to b o th er A stros pitching Coach Bob Cluck. “ At o ne tim e, G len Davis a n d Billy D oran h a d n 't been h eard of e ith e r," C luck said. "D ave Sm ith is a n o th e r exam ple. He w as a non-roster invitee in 1980. O u r m anager, Bill V irdon, d id n 't even know w h o he w as, b u t h e tu rn e d som e h ead s and m ade the club o u t of sp rin g training. We w ere last in ru n s scored w ith w h at w e had last season. W h o's to say w e co u ld n 't be more productive this year?" A lthough Cluck is upbeat, he d o es acknow l­ edge the validity of question m arks. “ Realistically, to say we could w in the p e n ­ nant w ould be overly optim istic," Cluck said. “There are a lot of questions to be an sw ered , and we need every day of spring trainin g to answ er them . Jobs for first base, second base, right field a nd left field are w ide o p e n ." The pitching staff rem ains just as uncertain. "D ann y D arw in w as o u r best starter a n d Dave Smith w as o u r sto p p e r," Cluck said. "W hen they left, it just cut the g u ts o ut of the pitching staff." The d e p a rtu re of D arw in and Sm ith m ay have taken A stros m an agem ent by su rp rise, b ut A stro m anager Art H ow e did not a p p e a r bitter about any of the free agency defections or the system that freed them from their contracts. " I realize it's th e system w e have n o w ," H ow e said. "It's not the en d of it an d w e are going to see m ore of it, b u t a m anager can 't control w hat h a p p en s in the off-season so I can 't sp e n d tim e w orrying ab o u t it." Longhorn golf team faces stacked deck in annual Morris Williams tournament Matt Schulz Daily Texan Staff tom Grace Daily Texan Staff T he lO th-ranked L o n g h o rn s host the 25th a n n u al M orris Wil­ liams Intercollegiate Golf T o u rna­ m ent at the 72-par Hills of Lake­ w ay C ountry C lub M onday and Tuesday that good The adage things com e in small packages best d e­ scribes the nine-team field. A typi­ cal college even t has from 12 to 18 team s, b u t Coach Jimmy Clayton has invited only the m ost com petitive team s available. Horns Leading that list is top-ranked A rizona State, w hich features the 1990 Player of the Year, Phil M ickelson. Mickelson captured the 1990 U.S. A m ateur last su m ­ m er in C olorado and m ay be the brightest star college golf has ever produced. H e is h o t n g h t n o w , com ing off a decisive victory at the Golf W orld Invitational held last w eek at the W oodlands. The M orris W illiams tou rn am en t is not a one-m an show , how ever. T h ird -rank ed O klahom a State, Tex­ as, N o. 17 O klahom a, No. 19 A rkansas and No. 23 TCU all have the individual talent and team d epth to keep th e to u rn am en t very com petitive. H ouston, SMU an d Texas A&M ro u n d out the field. The tournam en t is nam ed after form er UT golf star M orris W illiams w ho died in a plane crash while in the Air Force in 1959. A ustin-native W illiams led Tex­ as to SWC C h am p io n sh ip s in 1947, 1948 and 1950. Last fall, W illiams w as inducted Into the Longhorn Hall of H onor. This year M ickelson will be challenged by Jeff Lee of O klahom a, Ren B udde of TCTJ, H enrik Sim onsen from H ouston an d G uy Boots of SMU, w h o is recover­ ing from an accident w here he lost a finger. From Texas, Justin Leonard, John Sosa, O m ar Uresti an d jean-Pau! H ebert ro u n d o u t the top challengers. The Astros’ 1991 hopes for solid pitching rely on a healthy Mike Scott. Associated Press Outdoor runners to host 1st meet C om ing off a successful trip to California, the Texas m e n 's and w o m en 's track team s will re tu rn to A ustin Friday for their first hom e com petition of th e season. The Texas m en, w ho w on a tri­ angular m eet against perennial p o w erhouses UCLA an d Fresno State last w eek en d , will sp e n d the entire w eekend in A ustin, h osting an all-com ers m eet w ith the Lady L onghorns on Friday an d S aturday. The Lady L o nghorns, in a d d itio n to participating in that m eet, will be sen ding their sp rin t relay team and 4 X 200 relay team to the Texas S outhern Relays in H o u sto n . The w o m en 's team took first place at the last w eek­ UC-Irvine Invitational end. “The UC-Irvine m eet w as a good start for u s ," Texas w o m e n 's Coach Terry C raw ford said. “ It w as a good o p p o rtu n ity for som e of th e people Please see Track, page 14 UT tennis comes from rainy break to no reprieve Jim Miller Daily Texan Staff to u rn am en t rained out, After a soggy sp rin g break that saw m ost of its A us­ tin-held the eighth-ranked m en 's tennis team (7-5 overall, 1-0 in S outhw est C on ­ ference) retu rn s to conference action S aturday against SMU in Dallas. ( The 12th-ranked w o m e n 's team also retu rn s, hosting conference rival A rkansas at 1 p.m . S aturday an d No. 5 D uke at th e sam e tim e S unday. The m en sh o u ld be back d o se to full-strength w ith the retu rn of Florian L o d d enkem per for doubles action. L oddenk em per w as o u t for a m o n th w ith a back injury. D espite only com ing in w ith a 7-5 m ark, the m en m oved u p in the latest ITCA poll from N o. 10 to No. 8. Coach Dave S nyder, w h o professes “ not to pay too Please see Tennis, page 14 Horns must quit throwing games away ANALYSIS needs to prove the resurgence is for real, The third man this weekend will junior transfer right­ be another hander, Brad Porterfield. With a 3-0 record and a 2.80 ERA, Porterfield lfcoks solid enough, but he makes Gustafson nervous bv continually having to pitch his wav out of trou­ ble. The root of Gustafson's indigna­ tion is the collective performances of the tw'o pitchers who were sup­ posed to lead the staff this season, his onlv two veterans with any real experience — Chris Gaskill and Rodney Pedraza, Gaskill (4-2, 4.47 ERA) is current­ ly searching for the 90-91 mpb fast­ ball that he once owned as a fresh­ man and sophomore. If he can find it, Texas could use his big-game ex­ perience come playoff time. thought Pedraza (2-3, 4.21) is somewhat of a mystery' The junior right-hander is to have major-league ability. The onlv problem seems to have been getting that ability to show up on the mound on anv sort of consistent basis. After he was re­ legated to a short-relief role, Pedra­ za seemed to be finding himself again as he recorded four saves. But his last two appearances have been rocky at best. Texas pitching hasn't been a con­ stant problem. At times, each of the aforementioned pitchers have per­ formed brilliantly. Consistency, however, has been another matter. And it appears that a few of them are mired in slumps at one of the worst times of the year — the week of the SWC opener. Whatever happens, the pitching staff does have one thing going for it — impeccable defense. Second baseman Kyle Moody, shortstop Shane Halter, third baseman Clay King and first baseman Scott Pugh have time and again saved runs. Offensively, Gustafson's onlv complaint seems to be an occasional lapse in clutch hitting. Brand W en tra i o CLIP NOTES A STUDY IN WHEN YOU CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT IT AT YOUR NEAREST SEARS Through Mor 30 SERIOUS SAVINGS MICROSOFT’ WINDOWS 3.0 ^ Easy to use multi-purpose software i* Word processing and color paint With calendar and calculator File manager programs included C raig M. Douglas Daily Texan Staff Texas Coach Cliff Gustafson had better get another bench for the bullpen. There's not enough room down there for all the pitchers he doesn't see fit to start. "It is getting a little crowded down there," Gustafson said earlier this w'eek. He is piloting the No. 3 Long­ horns (24-9) into SWC play for the 24th time in his career with a prob­ lem that is somewhat unique during his tenure. The pitching shortage that many people forecasted prior to the season has actually developed into a pitching crisis of sorts. But "crisis" at Texas, compared with anywhere else, has different meanings. For mortal programs, a crisis might involve not having enough pitchers in the bullpen or finding someone who can just throw strikes. At Texas, a crisis arises when it looks like you may not have enough pitching to get to the College World Series in Omaha. It seems that Texas goes into this weekend's SWC-opening series against TCU with only one starting pitcher who has proven to be con­ sistently effective this season. Jun­ ior transfer Scott Harrison Stands alone with a 7-0 record and a 1.94 ERA. After that, it gets a bit interesting. Brooks Kieschnick will enter SWC play as the No. 2 starter. The fresh­ man right-hander began the season as one of the Longhorns' top three pitchers, but receded into the shad­ ows of the bullpen after a few' in­ consistent performances. h o w e v e r, K ie s c h n ic k , h as bounced back with consecutive sol­ id performances against Kansas and Lubbock Christian — but he still c> a) 91 CLASSIC SERIES ONE 100 CARD SET .41 M V) Desert Storm in stock 11 -6 :30 M O N -S A T SUN 12-5 1 blk South of St. Ed’s 3500 S. Congress 443-3779 CHRIS’S LIQUOR 5201 CAMERON RD. 451-7391 OPEN 10-9 PM 2418 S. LAMAR BLVD. 442-2288 OPEN 10-9 PM 6 for each case SHINER BOCK Case 12 oz. beer brewed in Texas. CORONA BEER Case 12 oz. beer imp. from Mex.. case HEINEKEN or AMSTEL Light 12 oz. beer pro. of Holland 12 for RED STRIPE BEER 12 oz. beer imp. from Jamaica SPATEN CLUB WEISSE 500 ml imp. from Germany . PECAN ST LAGER 12 oz. beer brewed in Texas . RATTLESNAKE BEER 12 oz. beer brewed in Shiner. 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Joe Sharkeys Exclusively For The Tall or Big 8000 A n d e rs o n Sq. • Austin, TX • 451-7848 • M-F 9-7 Sat. 9-6 Sun. N o on-4 ” Our research is essential in the fight against cancer." Randi Fishbeck is thriving as a laboratory research assistant a t The University o f Texas M.D. Anderson C ancer Center. Before she earned a BS in Biology in 1988. Randi h a d applied to M.D. Anderson. "I was very impressed with the program a n d felt like this is where I should b e . ' Two years a n d one prom otion later, Randi said her in vitro work with cells is “n o t just a job, it's a career." She enjoys testing drugs that m ay help cure more cancers. "My jo b keeps me m otivated because I ca n see the results. This work is very relevant to fighting ca n ce r . ' We are currently seeking Research Assistants with a BS or MS degree in a science and training in one or more of the following areas: biochemistry, immunology, m olecular biology, recom binant DNA te c h ­ niques, tissue culture, or animal work. Openings in the following disciplines: • PATHOLOGY • NEURO-ONCOLOGY • MOLECULAR PATHO LOG Y • INFECTIOUS DISEASE • MOLECULAR GENETICS • H EM A TO LO G Y NUCLEAR MEDICINE TUMOR BIOLOGY P H A R M A C O L O G Y • IMMUNOLOGY • RADIOBIOLOGY • BIOCHEM ISTRY/M OLECULAR BIO LO G Y In addition to the unlimited professional challenges and rewards at M.D. Anderson, w e can offer you: Strong collaboration between clinical and basic science departments Opportunity to work with a diverse set of models and a wide variety of clinical material State-of-the-art technology Active continuing education programs C om petitive benefits package Participatory retirement plan Interest-free relocation loan Special recreational features such as a swimming pool, jogging track and tennis courts Explore these unlimited opportunities today! Salary com mensurate with experience. For more information, please co n ta c t Pat Martinez at (713)792-8009 or stop by our Employment Office at 1100 Holcombe Blvd, Houston Main Bldg., Rm. 1.150 Monday-Friday 9-5. If you prefer, send your resume to: M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., HMB 205, Houston, Texas 77030. TEE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Smoke-free environment. > y I TH E DAILY’ TEXAYí Friday. March 22. 1991 Page 9 ROSES! ROSES! ROSES! Casa Verde Florist FTD • 4 50 1 Guadalupe • On UT Shuttle Rt Utmost Daily Specials 451-0691 DAN’S 1600 LAVACA 5353 BURNET ROAD 478-5423 459-8689 SO P - B U n d r t W N aky JIM BEAM BOP* Bourbon WhMkvy ANCIENT AGE SPECIALS G000 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ] 9.49 4.99 7.99 8.99 6.19 8.99 8.49 7.99 CABIN STILL 80 B> Bouftxm Wbnkey CANADIAN MIST 80 Pr Can W N M y CRUZAN RUM 80 Pr V I Bum CLAN MACGREGOR 80 Pr Scotch Vftmky CARDIN BRANDY SO Pr French B m t y FIGHTING COCK 101 Pr Bourbor W N x n 1.75 LT. 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Only qualifications 4 and 5 may be waived by a two-thirds vote of Executive Committee members present when the editor is appointed. Editor, 1991 Cactus Yearbook Qualifications: 1. Be a student registered at UT-Austin. 2. Have completed at least 60 hours of college work. 3. Have completed at least 30 hours at UT-Austin with a minimum GPA of 2.25. 4. Have served on the Cactus staff as a section editor or associate editor during 1989-90 or 1990-91. 5. Provide a resume, grade transcript, samples of previous work, at least three letters of recommendation and a proposal for the operation of Cactus during the year as editor. Only qualifications 2 and 4 may be waived by two-thirds vote of Executive Committee members present when editor is appointed. Editor, 1991 Peregrinus Law School Yearbook Qualifications: 1. Be enrolled as a bonafide student in the School of Law. 2. Agree to continue as a bonafide student in the School of Law for at least six months following appointment. 3. Be enrolled either in the summer and fall semesters or the fall and spring semesters following appointment. 4. Have served on the staff of a college yearbook for at least one year. 5. Provide a resume, at least three letters of recommendation and a proposal for the operation of Peregrinus during the year as editor. Only qualification 4 may be waived by two-thirds vote of Executive Committee members present when editor is appointed. Station Manager, KTSB Radio Qualifications: 1. Be a student registered at UT-Austin. 2. Have completed at least 45 hours of college work. 3. Have completed at least 30 hours at UT-Austin with a minimum GPA of 2.25. 4. Have worked at the KTSB radio sta tion for at least two semesters, with on-air and production experience and at least one semester in an executive staff position. 5. Provide a resume, at least three letters of recommendation and a proposal for the operation of KTSB during the year as station manager. Only qualifications 2, 3, and 4 may be waived by two-thirds vote of Executive Committee members present when editor is appointed. T h e Da i l y T e x a n Page 10 Friday, March 22,1991 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT By Southwest 1991 South Rockhead rules New local band mixes funk, R & B Andy Langer Daily Texan Staff L o c a l fu n k sters J o e R o c k h e a d will bring a m u­ tant m ix o f fu nk, m etal, rap and R & B to the Sani- ta riu m F rid a y night. W ith their la r g e r - t h a n - li f e sou n d and e n e r­ getic, a n y th in g -g o es stage sh ow , the g rou p hop es to put a long y ear's exp erien ce to th e test. C V C \ A / for "W e w ere too n ew to he read y for last y e a r's Sou th By S o u th w e st, and w e sp e n t th e y ear aim in g to be this y e a r's s h o w c a s e ," ready says gu itarist B rew ski Salm in eo. "W e have aged 20 y e ars in this last year of playing. W e w ere h op in g to be the next N ew Kids O n T h e Block, but now w e are sh o o tin g to be the n ext G ratefu l D e a d ." Jo in in g Salm in eo in Jo e R ockhead (originally the nam e o f Fred Flint- s to n e 's bow ling partner) are vocalist Bob S ch n e id e r, bassist Stev e B ernal, d ru m m er M ark Salm on and key­ board ist R .T. Sin ister. P ercu ssionist Jon N elson is also a m em b er w hen not on to u r w ith Poi D og P ond er- JOEROCKHEAD W here Sanitarium, 705 Red River St. Date Friday “We have aged 20 years in this last year of play­ ing. We were hoping to be the next New Kids On The Block, but now we are shooting to be the next Grateful Dead.” — Joe Rockhead member Brewski Salmineo ing. T h e six m u sicians hav e sp ent m uch o f the last year on the Austin club circuit and are now preparing for a C D and tape release. T heir al­ bu m , Party Till You're D ead, is a sur­ prisingly polish ed effo rt in­ clu d es several album oriented rock rad io-read y tracks, w ithout resort­ ing to com m on com m ercial hard rock p seu d o-g roov es or Red Hot Chili P ep p ers im itations. A lthough the C D has sold well and gained fa­ vorable local p ress, th e band claim s is also their the n ew est m aterial that IHU Eric Bond Daily Texan Staff S u e Foley has had a b u sy year. S in ce h e r arrival fro m O t t a w a , ju st 12 C an ad a, m o n t h s a g o , Foley h as signed a co n tract with A n t o n e ' s R ecord s, op en ed for and jam m ed w ith o n e o f her m en to rs (leg end ary gu itarist Buddy G u y), and estab lish ed a n am e for h erself in the saturated A u stin m u­ sic scen e. “I just want to make a record the way I want to c L , make it.” — Sue Foley "1 w as Foley co m es from a m u sically ori­ en ted fam ily — h er fath er and th ree bro th ers all play g u itar — and gro w ­ ing up in C an ad a, sh e listened to all kinds o f m usic. into the S to n é s and Led Z ep p elin a lot w hen 1 w as a teen -ag er — B ritish ro c k ," sh e says. " I found ou t that they [the S to n es] w ere Jim m y R eed , into C h u ck Berry and M uddy W aters. T hen I ju st started looking for their stuff. M uddy w as the first, and after th at, 1 got into e v e ry b o d y ." S h e d ev eloped a passion for b lu es, alo n g w ith skill at u n d erage b ar-crash in g . "W h e n I w as 15 years old , a friend and I sn u ck into a bar and saw Jam es C o tto n play tw o nig h ts in a row . 1 w alked out of th ere and that w as it, I knew w hat I w an ted to b e. I'd been p laying g u i­ tar sin ce 1 w as 13, but At w a sn 't until then that 1 knew w hat kind o f guitar I w as d estined fo r ." A ccord ing to Foley, A ustin has a in C an ad a as a blu es repu tation m ecca, and A n to n e 's in particular has an esteem ed rep u tatio n . A fter hearin g her d em o tap e, club ow n er C lifford A n ton e invited her to A u s­ tin. W ithin a w eek, Foley w as playing with so m e o f A u stin 's m ost re sp ect­ ed m u sician s and h as n o co m ­ p lain ts. "1 feel at h o m e h ere, and I'v e never felt that in an y o th er club. Members of Austin’s own Joe Rockhead yank their collective chord as they gear up for their first appearance in the South by Southwest Festival. stro n g est. [digital "W e are p lanning to d o som e D A T tech n ology ] au d io record ing o f the new stu ff b ecau se those are the tracks w e really e n jo y . As w e play m ore to g eth e r w e are find ing new e le m e n ts and b eco m ­ ing a b etter b a n d ," say s S ch n e id e r, a .k .a . M C C h eez W hiz. D esp ite the h ig h -class D A T te ch ­ n olog y , Jo e R ockhead m em b ers have fresh m em ories o f th e low - b u d g et T exas club circuit to rem ind th em of the im p o rtan ce o f Sou th By S o u th w e s t's record in d u stry cro w d . Say s S in ister, " I t 's an im p o rtan t sh ow b ecau se o f th e record b ig w ig s th ere and th e fact that w e are local boys. At the sam e tim e, it c a n 't be 'm ak e it or b reak it' b eca u se w e are hav ing so m u ch fu n. A lth o u g h I w ould hate to give up m ak in g sa n d ­ w ich es all d ay. T h at w ould ju st d e ­ stroy m e ." Local music success Foley stays true to blues rhythm Sergeants wake up music scene Thaddeus Evert Daily Texan Staff w ith m o st of to d ay 's a ltern a ­ tive m u sic fall­ in g so m e w h ere b etw een goth ic d e a th n o is e , ja n g ly g u itar- pop, and u n in ­ fu n k / s p ir e d b a n d s r a p , w h o exam in e d ifferen t g e n re s o f­ fer a refresh in g ch a n g e . For those w h o seek a ch an g e from th e luke­ warm a splash o f the C o ffe e Se rg ean ts m ight be stim u latin g . colleg e m u sic scen e, the scen e, A lthough the S e rg ea n ts are rela­ their tively* new on roots trace back to several w ell- know n A u stin b an d s. G u itarist and vocalist C arey B ow m an has played for A lam o C h oir and Brit- COFFEE SERGEANTS W here Texas Tavern, Union Date: Saturday for a in 's legend ary R onn ie Lane. D ru m m er D ou g Sp in k s h as played th e D harm a Bum s, d ru m s H u nd red th M o n key and Rudi D add. M ike B arn ett hon ed his aco u stic guitar skills w ith the Irish folk grou p , G rim alk in . S p e n ce r B arry, previou sly the b assist for th e W igglies, is the b a n d 's m ost recen t e n listm en t. B arry d e s c rib e s th e b a n d 's so u n d as a fu sion of sty les. "T h e in ten t w e had from the b eg in n in g w as folk w ith a kind o f p sy ch e d e l­ ic e d g e ," says Barry. " W e thou g ht w e m ight call it fo lk ed elic.' " But B ow m an ad d s that the aim o f the m usic is m ore th an a redux o f th ese th em es. " O n e o f the p ri­ m ary things th at w e try to do w ith ou r m u sic is to m ess w ith p e o p le 's p ercep tion of tim e ." says B ow ­ m an. "W e like to u se m u sic from all sorts o f different' eras ... som e '60 s p sy ch ed elic, so m e m od ern electric s tu ff." T h e four so n g s on th eir d em o tape A utum n D ays p rovid e a good sam ple o f th e S e rg ea n ts' m aterial. T h e m usic is su b tle — so m e tim e s d istu rbin gly su b tle — ch a ra c te r­ ized by p atien t and d rivin g m elo ­ d ies. T h e th e S o m e th in g Y ou C an 't s o m b e r Change, o ffers a w ell-crafted d is­ play of their talen t. featu rin g tap e, As the b a n d 's so n g w riter, B ow ­ m an sees the b a n d 's p u rp o se as not ju st e n te rta in in g th e au d ien ce, but also ch a llen g in g it. B ow m an say s, " I heard that Salv ad o r Dali tried to take p e o p le 's co n cep t of I see us reality and d isto rt try in g to do the sam e th in g . I think of ou r m u sic a s a p h o to ­ graph that w e fill in by d raw in g on it." it. Ed Hall mix thrash, conversation Trevor Wallace Daily Texan Staff E d Hall is gen erally regarded as o n e o f the b est th in g s to com e ou t of the A u stin p u n k /fu n k /p sy ch ed elic scen e in y ears. W'hat m ost people d o n 't realize is th at in private, the th ree -p e rso n gro u p is a co n v e rsa ­ tional blu r, ju m p in g from on e su b ­ ject to a n o th er. T a k e its recen t sw itch from B oner R ecord s to K ing C o ffe y 's (d ru m m er for the B u tth ole S u rfers) label, T ran ce R ecord s. "W e d o n 't have an y bad feelin g s tow ard B o n e r," says gu itarist G ary C h e ste r, in a su rp risin g ly norm al voice for a m an w h o m ak es his living h ow ling and screech in g . "B u t T ran ce is local, and K ing [C offey] lives on e street aw ay from m e ." B ottom line: "[It'll] put m oney into the local e co n o m y , create jo b s in A ustin, that sort o f th in g ." "P lu s th ey gave us 10 g r a n d ," Larry S tru b ad d s h u ­ m orou sly. O ut o f the b lu e, K evin W hitley su g g e sts that the band m em b ers d iscu ss w h at they w ere d oin g 10 years ago. " I w as g rad u atin g from high s c h o o l," S tru b says. " I w as liste n in g to re c o rd s ," W h itley sta te s proudly. "M o stly Y es and H aircu t 1 0 0 ." " I w as in th e 11th g r a d e ," C h e ste r say s. "H e y , tell him the p eein g in the co rn er s to r y ," says W hitley. " I n high sch o o l, I w en t h o m e w ith a girl from a par- LOVE AND NAPALM LIVE starring ED HALL with ST37i Lithium X-mas, Sugar Shack, Crust and the Pain Teens W here:The Ritz, 320 E. Sixth St. Date Friday t y ," C h ester starts. "H e r dad w o u ld n 't let m e leave the room for som e reaso n , and I had to go to th e b ath ro o m , so I did it on th e ca rp et. I w as also in a band . W e played parts from R ush and Black S ab b a th s o n g s ." S o m eh o w , the con v ersatio n lead s to sch o o l. Both C h este r and Stru b are U n iv ersity g rad u ates. W h itley "d ro p p e d ou t, like David B y rn e, b eca u se h e d id n 't need college to p rove h e 's c re a tiv e ," say s C h este r. "D o n 't put D avid B y rn e 's n am e th e a rtic le ," p lead s W h itley , then ad d s, "D a v id B y rn e and I w ere in a g an g to g eth er until w e b oth clean ed up ou r a c t." in "D id you ev er hear o f the G . G o rd o n Lid d y H igh S ch oo l B a n d ?" ask s W h itley , o n ce again sw itch in g the su b ject. "T h e y w ere th e se guys w h o w ould ad v ertise exact tim es o f th eir sh o w s at certain m alls on flyers. T h e n th ey 'd run into th e m all w ith very m inim al e q u ip ­ m en t, plug into o u tlets in th e atrium and play o n e m in ­ ute so n g s until secu rity cam e and b u sted th e m ." T h e con v ersatio n finally d raw s to an en d , an d W h it­ ley h as som e closin g th o u g h ts. "F u c k th e p ig s !" he say s. "N o , w ait. Y ou c a n 't say that. P uck th e Figs! W ait. T h ere a re n 't a n y ice rinks in A u stin , n o o n e will know w hat that i s ." Not long ago, she was in Canada. Now, Foley is Antone’s heartthrob. I've never felt th e w arm th and the know led ge th e p eo p le h ere have, from C lifford right d ow n the d o o r m e n ," sh e says. to From the b eg in n in g o f h er stint w ith A n to n e 's , Foley h as b een a b lu es d arling; at th e you n g age of 22, her style so u n d s like it w as sea­ soned in C h icag o for several y ears. And it's a sty le sh e plans to m ain ­ tain. W hile So u th By S o u th w est o f­ fers e xp o su re for m ajo r labels, sh e says sh e w o n 't allow it to ste er her aw ay from h er real am b itio n . Say s Foley, " I did [S X S W j last y ear, and there w as all this atte n tio n brou ght to m e by m any m ajo r labels. T h at w as good in a w ay, but it w as also d istracting . I'm signed to A n to n e 's, and I w ant to m ake a b lu es record ... I ju st w an t to m ake a record the w ay I w an t to m ake i t ." SUE FOLEY W here Antone's, 2915 Guadalupe St. Date. Saturday A WRINKLE IN TIME Rem em ber the fourth grade? Re­ m em ber when you availed yourself of the finest that child ren's literature had to offer? Mrs. Frisby an d the Rats o f N IM H . The Phantom Tollbooth. And, of c ourse, the Newbery Award- In Time. Re­ winning A W rin kle m em ber thinking to yourself, W hat a fine transition this w o u ld make to the stage? W ell, your childhood hopes and dreams have finally been fulfilled. The UT Department of Theatre and D ance brings the M adeleine L'Engle scien ce fiction classic to the stage on Saturday and Sunday at the B. Iden Payne Theatre at 23rd Street jacinto Boulevard. At 2 and San p.m ., and don't tes- seracts. forget your j a l i p a p a susso So, you say you're into multicuitu- talism, eh? W ell, here's your ch an ce to prove it. O n Friday, UT's M cC ul­ lough Theatre will be playing host to one of the world's most renowned griots, G am bia's Jali Papa Susso. the storyteller/musician The tradition of the griot, the Afri­ can charged with preserving the heritage of his people, spans back centuries. Papa Susso is the head of the Manding Music and D ance com pany, which researches the Manding people. Papa Susso will bring his tradition here to town with a lively evening of storytelling and music, much of w hich will be per­ formed on the kora, a 2 1 -stringed lute-harp. This should be a fascinat­ ing perform ance and som ething that truly is off the beaten track. traditions of MEISTERSCHAFT Mark Twain o n ce said that learn­ learning takes hours, ing English CRITICS' CH O IC E 19th century French takes days, and learning G er­ man takes years. And so he created "patent untversally-applicable his language automat ically-adjustable d ram a," Meisterschaft. Taken from a popular language course, the play pokes fun at such courses and provides a jovial look at the way people com m unicate. The play will be presented Friday and Saturday at Batts Hall Auditorium by UT's Department of G erm ank Lan­ guages. W orried about your recent displays of Sc hadenfreude? Having trouble straightening out your W el­ tanschauung? M ake plans to be there at 8 p.m ., or risk missing what is sure to be a sehr gut play. ALAN FEINBERG Isn't it time you put away those damn Richard Clayderman records and caught som e real piano music for a change? A good p lace to start would be the Alan Feinberg recital Saturday. Feinberg is a nationally re­ nowned virtuoso who has gained acclaim for his romantic style of playing and wide variety of selec­ tions, from Ravel to contem porary com posers like Amy B each . The per­ form ance will be held in UT's Bates recital hall at 8 p.m. A D A M H O LZM A N UT's lessen Series of concerts continues on Saturday with Adam H ol/m an , á recent addition to the UT m usic faculty. Holzman (who was tw ice c hosen to study under master guitarist Andres Segovia) will be performing on classical guitar in ust coi; before 11 00 on on the day the ad is scheduled to end to quoiify for *ne 5 addi­ insertions at no tional charge * Must specify ' Longhorn W o nt Ac class • cotton to qua fy for $ 5 'a ’e * Changes crfiowea for h ;e Only", T O P L A C E A W O R D O R L IN E A D C A L L : 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 CLASSIFIED W ORD A D R A TE S * Charged by th« wont. 15 ward mm»- -tum Set .n 5 at type only Rates ore tor csntecufcve 3c yS Each ward 1 tune iatts w o'd 3 hmes tO t- wore E times Eot” * o r3 ’ 0 times Each word ! 5 times £a«8 word JO tiroes S 38 S 02 $t 4S S. 30 S3 00 S3 40 per insertion S' 00 charge >o change copy First two words may on o* capital lexers 2S< to ' eoch odditiorai -o rd m capita' let­ ters M o s t e a r a ondV sc accepted C L A S S I F I E D L IN E A D 'R A T E S 'Charged by - e hoe One .otamr rich m -iPurs Available do* Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday . . . Thursday 4 p.m ^ d a y 4 p.m. Monday, 4 p.m. Tuesdoy, 4 p m Wednesday, 4 p m hi the event ot errors mode m an ad verhsement nonce must be g-ven by 11 a m the hrst day, as 'be publishers ore responsible lo r only jp N E «correct nserhan A ( claims A adiustm*nts should be made not later than 30 days che' public crtton P-e paid lulls receive cedi? slip if 'equesfed at time of can­ celation and it amount exceeds $ 2 00 Slip must be presented *o- a reorder wrthi- 90 days to be voltd Credit slips ore non-tronsferabie In consideratior- of The Daily Texan s for acceptance of odverhsing copy publication tfse agency and the od- verhser will indemnify and save harm­ less, Texas Student Publications and its officers employees, and agents against all loss, liability, domage, and expense o* -hatsoever nature arising out of the copying printing, or publishing of its tmrta- o tvertisment mduding without non reosonoble attorney s tees resum­ ing from claims of sum for libel, viola­ tion of right of privacy, plogtonsm and copyright and trodemod nfnngement DEADLINE: 11:00 a.m . prior to publication M A S T E R C A R D V I S A A C C E P T E D MasterCard C L A S S IF IC A T IO N S TRANSPORTATION 10 - Misc. Autos 20 — Sports- Foreign Autos 30 — Trucks-Vor»s 40 - V•hides to Trope* 50 — Servk# Rspoir 60 — Ports- Accessories 70 — Mot ore yetes 80— Btcycies 40 — Vehicle Leasing 100 — Vehicles Wonted R iA i 1ST ATT SALfS 110 — Services 1 20 — Houses 1 30 — Condos* Townhouses 140 — Mobile Homes-Lots 150 — Acreage- Lots 160— Oupiexes Apartments 1 70 — Wanted 180 — Loons MfRC HANOI SI 190 — Appliances 200 — Furniture-Household 2 1 0 - Stereo-TV 220 — Computers- iquipment 230 — Photo-Comer as 240— Boats 250 — MuskoI Instruments 260 —Hobbtes 270 —Machinery- equipment 280 — SporttngComptng Iquipment 290 —F urnrture Applionc e Rental 300 —Garage- Rummage Sales 3 1 0 - Trode 320 —Wonted to Buy or Rent M l RC HANOI SI 330 —Pets 3 4 0 - Longhorn Wont Ads 345 - Misc. RENTAL 350 — Rental Services 360 —Furn. Apts 3 7 0 - Unf. Apts. 3 8 0 - Furn Duplexes 390 —Unf. (Xrpiexes 400 —Condos- Townhouses 410 — Furn. Houses 4 2 0 - Unf Houses 425 —Rooms 4 3 0 - Room-Board 435 —Co-ops 440 —Roommates 4 5 0 - Mobile Homes-Lots 470 - Resorts 480 — Sforage Space 490 — Wanted to Rent-Lease 500 - Misc ANNOUNCEMINTS 510—entertainment Tickets 520 — Personals 530 -T ra v e l- T transportation S40 — Lost A Found 550 — Licensed Child Care S60 - Public Notice 570 — Music-Musicians e DUC ATIONAL 580 — MuskoI Instruction 590 — Tutoring 600 — Instruction Wonted 610 — Misc. Instruction s e t v ic e s 620 — Legal Services 630 — Computer Services 640 — exterminators 650 — Mo v*ng- Hauling 660 — Storoge 670 — Pointing s e R v ic e s 6 8 0 - Office 690 — Rental Iquipment 700 — Furniture Repair 710— Appliance 9 to f> o ir 720 - Stereo-TV Repair 730 — Home Repoir 740 — Bicycle Repoir 750 - Typing 760 — Misc. Services IMPLOYMfNT 770 — employment Agencies 780 — employment Services 790 — Part time 800 — General Help Wanted 810 — Office ■ Clerical 820 — Accounfing- Book keeping 830 - Administrative- Mongement 8 4 0 - Sales 850 - Retail 860 — engineering* Technical 870 - Medical 880 — Professional 890 — Clubs-Restaurants 900 — Domestic - Household 910— Positions Wonted 920 — Work Wonted B u s in e s s 930 — Business Opportunities 940 — Opportunities Wonted 4 7 1 SELL YOUR ITEM in th e "LONGHORN WANT ADS" 20 Words, 5 Days s 5 ° ° OR WE WILL RUN THE AD AN ADDITIONAL 5 DAYS AT NO CHARGE! ‘ See Specifications TRANSPORTATION MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL 10 — Misc. Autos 220 — Com puters- 345 — Misc. 360 — Furn. Apts. j O V E R N M E N T SEIZED vehicles S'OC Chevys Surplus Your o re c il l 8 0 5 -6 8 7 - 6 0 0 0 E*- S -9 4 ’ 3 2-13-23P rpfps Mercedes, Corvettes from G O VESN.M EN- SEIZED Vehicles from $100 rp rp s M erceoes Corvettes Chevys Surplus Buyers Smde (1) 8 0 5 9 6 2 8 0 0 0 Ext. S-9413 3-4 -25 P >988 FORD Taurus G l, fully W hite wr*h dark w indow s Top stereo Ask ng $ 6 4 0 0 negotiable Catt 2 5 0 - ______________ S7 " i 3M0 ’ 06 lood e d G O VERNM EN T SEIZED vehicles fro m $100 Corvettes, Chevy*. Porsche*, and other confiscated properties For Buyers Guioe 18001772-9212 e»t 5158 Aisc open evenmgs & weekends 3-19-5P 20 — Sports-Foreign Autos '8 9 B M W 3 2 5 excellent shape loaoed, w arra n ty $14,700 3 4 6 -4 3 6 6 . 512- 3 7 2 s c : 3-7 "B_____________________ K A R M A N N GH1A G re a t condition N ew engine/transmisston with lo w mileage $1995 OBO Home 3 8 8 -7 0 8 6 3-18-5B 1980 VOLVO G l P e rfe c condition N e w micnenns $ 3 4 0 0 fm . See at Altho M u ­ sk: 611 W 2 9 * 4 7 7 -5 0 0 9 o r 4 7 4 -4 8 9 9 3-19 4E______________________________ 1985 H O N D A A ccord 5 speed a new dutch, lo w miieoge Excellent condition $5 9 93 Col 2 6 3 ' r ^ 3-21-3B 8 6 H O N D A CRX & block w n ro of, tint­ ed Needs few repairs $ 2 2 0 0 O B O 44 2 35'- 3 2: 56___________________ 70 — Motorcycles 1975 H O N D A 36C Twin pocx: condi­ tion, garaged, helm et mciudec $ 4 7 5 Days 447-9 41 9 , everungs 4 4 4 -3 84 1 3- 18-SE________________________________ 1985 N IN JA 6 0 0 $ 1800 negotiable 2 58 4 7 ’ 2 3-18 5E REAL ESTATE SALES 130 — Condos - Townhouses WEST CAMPUS CONDO S 2 BR, 2 BA, 2 3 0 0 Leon # 2 0 4 a n d # 1 0 2 , v e r y w e 1 m o i” - to n e d Q u ie ' c c ,rr.£ :e x w a lk ic d r o g / c a m p u s T C A D , 9 2 8 s q u a re fe e * le a s e d th ru M a y $ 6 2 9 0 0 , f i ­ n o n c n g a v a .ía b íe , c o i! Jo» 3 4 3 - 6 9 9 C K V A Inc 3 68-F Sunny West End C ondo wtth spectacular hill country view. 2 -2 h , firepioce, pool, hot tub, clubhouse W est 6th St. with direct access to downtown, M opac, Zilker Pork & UT shut­ tle. $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 All reasonable offers considered. 4 6 7-15 41. 3-18-58 MERCHANDISE 200 — Furniture- Househoid NEW f u t o n ' 3 me o « Oiock laque- home bought at Austin Futor m Decem­ ber Che*» and mght stand oil $350, paid $600 251-9533 after 6 3-22-28 CALL 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 TO PLA C EA CLASSIFIED A D Equipment lAP TOP ISM PC 512KB 2 3.5" floppy? Battery pocx for portable use Corrying cose extra disk free AJI manuals phis 3 2 DOS onty $850 Coll Bnce ot 454- 3440 3 S 38 250 — Musical Instrum ents ’9 6 ’ GIBSON ES335 Sunburst All nal equipments, neck/electronics reworked, hardshell cose, $700 firm. 474-2783 3-20-5B r L O N G H O R N W A N T A D S Tl 850 DOT motnx printer. $75 476- 3400 3-I8 -5B_____________________ DENON DCD860 CD player Remote, voroble output digital output, foder. pitch control 2 months old. never used $295 323-0638 3-18 5NC__________ MONGOOSE KOS causer vector bon, DX pedo is. turbo soddle Good cond- tion $600, obo 504-524-6070 3-18-58 STING TICKETS I'm setting 2 tickets. 3rd row Arena for $40 a p*ece or best offer Coll 469-9660 3-18-5P______________ HtFI VCR unopened $300 computer XT- r jrt>o 20 MEG HD Mouse 2-5 1/4 Dnves $30C Work # 8 3 2-0 025 DO W 3M9-58______________________________ 80286 !Bm Clone 32 m E HD. 5 1/4M 3 1/2" floppy 768 KB RAM MS WORD, poscof Bos.* Autosketc Windows Deskmgte $1000 834-2112 3-19-5NC 1985 HONDA elite 80 - -ec 6.000 miles, tooki ond ams great $500 Coll 929- 0662 3-20-56_____________________ 1990 MODEL ALPINE mountom bike ’ 8 speeds, new condition, extras. $200 472-5635 3-20-5P_________________ G O ING TO EUROPE this summer? Jan- sport backpack 400 cubic nches. interno, home Used once 5 comport­ ments $75 Lora 4 "8 -c7 3 3 3-21-5B COLOR TV, VCR. stereo, cordless phone, onswenng m ofiine, 10 speed twke, voe- cum Ata- 2600 and games Pnce fram S 30-S ':S 339 -3U 6 3-22-5NC CAMPER TOP for P/U, 5 x6', fit Mozdo El-2200 see' "Crown' Slide windows 6 months old Cost $695 sell $450 *58- ?93c 3-2 5B_____________________ MATCHING GRAY couch, cho" sec- oi. to- $ 3 SC 346-36" j 3-21-5E ¡ove SPEAKERS JBL 4311 monitor seres $750. 345 9189 aher 5 messoge 3-22-5B FOR SALE P mo relio racing 12 speed with Compi components 54cm i-ame Great for campus borgom at $300 Catt 476-4774 anytime 3-22-56 345 — Misc. MEW OfitGINAL CONOmOM late 60 A-earty 70 * C A S H Buying GokT-Sifver Broken Chans, Class Rings Unwanted Jewelry S erving SluOenis Smce 1976 Liberty Coins 45th 4 Guadalupe 452-3611 USED FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES VINTAGE CLOTHING JEWELRY DECORATIVE ITEMS | Aupúm Antiqued. £tcÁ4M$€ 5 1 1 7 N. L am ar J10-6 7 D a ys a W e e k ¡ ( H i m PADRE SPRING BREAK THE V ID E O Relive the contests, beoch, sports, body wotchmg me clubs Mexico, ond m c-e One hour, VHS S8 50 eoH y-order discoun1 Send o n ', $24 9 5 to G ngodean Productions 1623 G ard en S» Austin, TX 7 8 7 0 2 3-21-2B TEXAS LONGHORNS "M.r.atura Desk Top Nomes' - Eree Sample - Acrylic Nomes Box 69136, Odessa, TX 79764 3-21-2P______________________________ RENTAL 360 — Furn. Apts. CLASS ACTS! ■ a i » ! ! . i J S L a á í ü b S • I M l 3 j . . . . . J H I ÜÍI H O U STO N 2801 H e m p h tU P a rk - 472-8J98 B R A N D Y W IN E 2804 W h itis A ve . - 472-7049 DALLAS 2803 H e m p h 'il P a rk • 472-8398 W1LSHIRE 301 W . 2 9 th - 472-7049 Great Summer Rates e Fullv Furnished • Laundrv Room • Central A»r Heat • 2 Blocks From UT FURNISHED WEST campus opt fo r sum­ mer 3 7 blocks fro m campus, W /D , m i­ crowave secu-rty ideai fo r tw o $ 6 0 0 / month 3 20 0 6 3 6 3 -2 2 -5E T H R E E O A K S P E C A N S Q U A R E APARTMENTS • Summer Rates from 5250 • 1 Bdr 1 Ba • Furnished • Laundry • PRELEASE FOR SUMMER OR FALL 451*5840 409 W. 38th St. 1 -1 2 -1 2 - 2 3-2 Prelease NOW! C A S A G R A N D E EFF-AII Bills Paid Summer Fait $340 Summer Fall S340 Summer Fall $410 Summer Fall $440 $640 Summer Fall Summer Rates Available Furnished Unfurnished Large rooms, parking laundry, pool, on UT shuttle, near UT 1400 Rio Grande 479-0389 327-3446 T R A N S P O R T A T I O N I f G U I D E 7 5 B I K E S $ 2 5 and up South 900 W b en White ¡• c r o w tram A A Hoap ) tra rtr 54th St A A k v u t tacroe* tram Lamme s Candy! Every Saturday Austin Bicycle Salvage 2 4 4 - 7 4 4 4 NEW OWNERSHIP APPLE T O Y O T A now has COLLEGE GRAD PLAN on new vehicles (Largest Selection of Toyota s m Austin) Come by for Details A m / -TOOTX m i 805 W 5lh Street * • 478-5676 8 M CLIP THIS HANDY GUIDE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE TO AUTO NEEDS CHEAP INSURANCE Call 1-800-444-7014 lor FREE Quote HONDA SPECIALIST Q U A LITY A U TO M O TIV E Mountain Bikes 928-2810 NOW-1991 GT BIKES • MANY 1990 MODELS REDUCED 10000 (0b STUDENT DISCOUNTS BUCK’S BIKES VISA MC Am f tp Discover Welcome CALL 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 T O P L A C E A C L A S S I F I E D A D HONDA vrsjr SINCE 1974 ACURA j j j g g MON-PHl 8 AM-6 PM 4 4 1 - 3 7 3 7 1602 S LAMAR O n e B l o c k F r o m C a m p u s N o w P re le a sin g Su m m e r R a te s S ta rtin g at $295 • 1 B R & 2 B r • C e ilin g Fans • Central A C • On Shuttle • L a u n d rv Room • F u l l s F u r n i - h e d • Pool Rio Nueces 600 W .26th 4 7 4 - 0 9 7 1 SUMMER PRICES SLASHED! ELEGANT SPACIOUS APARTMENTS (CONTROLLED ACCESS SECURITY) • NOW PRELEASING 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. All of the amenities: Microwave ovens Ceiling fans Totally automatic kitchens Tropical pool setting Covered parking Large closets Decorator furniture CONVENIENT TO HANCOCK CENTER, UT & SAN MARCOS SHUTTLES PARK PLAZA- PLAZA COURT A P A R T M E N T S "LU X U R Y A T K lA S O N A B lt P R K tS " 15 E. 41st 452-651 WP. APTS. 1 0 1 E . 3 3 r d 3 Bd-2 B H uge 1 B d -L u iu ry Units Exceptional F urm stungt - P retty Pool Pako Shuttle lust a te w s te p * 4 7 6 *0 3 6 3 *y Ap*t. CEXTIRYPL4ZA Eff.s -1 & 2 Bedrms. All Bills Paid 4210 Red River' 452-4366 Summer Fall Leasing (Special Summer RatesI G R A N A D A 920 E. 40th St. 453-8652 Efficiencies 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm. S u m m e r F a ll L e a s in g ★ W ALK TO ★ CAMPUS 1100 EAST 3 2 N D ST. AV ALO N APTS. One BR - $265 Summer rate Walk-m closets, ceiling fans, on site monagement, laundry. Great for low-engmeenng students 4 7 6 -3 6 2 9 3 -7 -2 0 B A M ESQ UITE TREE APARTMENTS O n e b e d ro o m fu rn is h e d a p a rtm e n ts. C lo se s h u ttle D ish w a sh e r, A /C , C eil n g fan, L a u n d ry foe ties a n d h ot tub. W a te r a n d T V c a b le p a d N o pets 2 4 1 0 L o n g v ie w co m p u s ^ e c - to R esident m a n a g e r # 3 0 1 F o r 4 7 8 - 2 3 5 7 N O W ' __________________________ 2 26 ? 0 h C in fo A V A IL A B L E U N IT S N O W PRELEASING summer/fall, walk UT. 1-1 small quiet com plex W ell m a in ­ tained 2711 Hemphill Park 4 78 -1 8 7 0 2 2 0-20B H A RDW O O D Svcarpet LUXURY 2-1-5 covered parking, w asher/ dryer, p o o l hot tub, $ 7 2 5 . 611 E 45th 343 6 3 9 9 ? 26 70B A______ fireplace, 1-1 FURNISHED Hyde Park area, close to UT, call Tom, 4 51 -5 0 9 6 o r Tina, 447 5197 2 -2 7 20B SPACIOUS, QUIET. 2 -2 s. UT I block, CA/CH, fans walk-m closet, pool, dish washer Red R iver/30th S 5 5 0 -S 6 0 0 4 7 7 -3 3 8 8 3 -6 -20B-C________________ O N E BED RO OM one bath aportment, furnished, very large close to compus Covered porkm g $ 3 5 0 /m o 331-0117.3- 7-7B-E 370 — U nf. Apts. BLACKSTONE APTS. 2910 Medical Arts St. ALL BILLS PAID! 2 bdrm - 2 bath Free cable! N o w pre-leasing for summer & fall Call 474-9523 3 -2 1 -2 0 B C G re a t location. Exclusive, quiet, residential. 8 blocks from UT. 2 blocks from shuttle. C able paid, exercise room, pool & laundry. 1 Bdr starting a t $ 3 4 0 2 Bdr at $ 4 9 5 . Best m an ag e r and clien- tel 711 W 32n d. Buckingham Sq. Apts. 453-4991 3-21-20B All Bills Paid Efficiencies and 1 -Vs from $ 2 4 5 - $ 3 9 5 . 2 Blocks from shuttle. PEPPERTREE II APTS. 410 W . 37th 4 5 1 -8 5 3 2 /4 5 2 -1 1 2 1 ___________________________2 18 20B K Luxury Units on Shuttle. Ceil­ ing fans, microwave, Washer/ Dryer provided, gas paid. 1-1, $ 3 2 5. Lg 2-2 $525. PROPERTIES ONE 836-0727 3 -.8 -2 0 B PRELEASE N O W 1 o r m o v e n o w 1 SOUTH SHUTTLE! TRAVIS HEIGHTS • Huge! 2-2 Roommate Floorplon ($795 Summer1] e Huge11-1 $339 $375 $275 PROPERTIES ONE 4 4 7 -7 3 6 8 3-19 20B-A ★ LARGE APTS. ★ e Easy access to U T — Bus #1 g o e s d ire c tly to th e d ra g e V e ry la rg e 1-Vs, a p p ro x 6 2 5 - 7 5 0 sq ft. (a t $ 2 8 0 -2 9 5 ) e P oo l e P lenty o f p a rk in g e C o n v e n ie n t to e v e ry th in g e O n M e tro ro u te e L a u n d ry fa cilitie s e L o w y e a r ro u n d rates ♦ ★ E N F IE LD * • 8 AREA! ♦ H u g e e ffic ie n c ie s P o o l, h u g e ♦ ♦ w a lk -m c lo s e ts , b a s ic c a b le . ♦ ♦ 9 g re a t c a rp e t a n d trie. C a ll: ; * 482-0398 * ; Norwood Apts. 5606 N. Lamar 451-1917 2-28 20B-C PRE-LEASING/LEASING ★ WEST CAMPUS ★ W O R D PLACE' O N E B E D R O O M S L A R G E A N D E X C L U S IV E P R IC E D F R O M 5 4 7 5 .0 0 ON-SITE MNGT CALL SETH V 478-0933(101)474-0606(11)7 ^ P L E A S E LEA VE M E S S A G E D ONE MONTH FREE RENT Pre-leasing for Sum m er/Fall e lo w d e p o s it e e x tra la rg e a p a rtm e n ts e p ro m p t m o in te n a n c e /v e ry c le a n e N R shuttle bus e sw im m in g p o o l Large, quiet, immaculately clean semi-efficiency. Kitchen, walk-m closet, laundry, gas heat & cook­ ing, w ater/gas, furnished. O n site m anager. Fall 5 2 7 0 -S u m ­ mer $ 2 3 5 . RED OAK APARTMENTS 2104 San G abriel ★ 476-7916 ★ 3-19 2 0 8 A e n e w ly d e c o ra te d e la rg e I b e d r o o m - 7 5 0 sq. ft. e la rg e 2 -2 1 0 2 5 sq. ft. NORTH O F UT Large efficiency $195 • electricity 4 7 7 -2 2 1 4 4 54 -4 4 4 1 3 -2 0- 108 _ UNEXPECTED voconcy- W alk UT Very nice 11 $ 2 7 5 , 104 E 32nd M anager, #102 4 76 3940. 3 38 1622 3 7! I0B BROOKHOLLOW APARTMENTS 1414 A re n a Dr. 4 4 5 - 5 6 5 5 3-19 20B RENTAL 360 — Furn. Apts. W a lk to C a m p us, 1 0 0 0 W . 2 6 th St. $ 2 4 5 -2 9 5 — Summer $ 31 5 -3 6 3 — Fall. 478-4886 3-18-10B-A W ALK TO UNIVERSITY O n e bedroom apartment, dishwasher, microwave, w a ­ ter and gas paid, quiet com­ plex. Summer - $ 2 3 0 . 345-1552 * * r WEST CAM PUS1 Large 2-2 big c lo ­ sets, cf, m icrow ave, cp, $ 5 5 0 ' Pre-leas- mg. Front Page Properties 4 80 -8 51 8 . 3- 5-20B -C SPACIOUS, QUIET, 2-2's, UT 1 bloTT CA /C H , fans, w alk m doset, pool, dish washer Red R iver/30th. S 5 5 0 -S 6 0 0 4 77 3 3 8 8 3 -6 20B-C LIVE IN BEST L O C A T IO N IN A U STIN A N D FIVE M IN U TE S FR O M U.T. SHUTTLE Enjoy ipooou* 2 bedroom'? bofb oportmenh wifh our Spring MOVE IN SPECIAL fkrv MorcK 3Ht Hurry ond t oll for details (Pestnchoos apply ) Three bedroom alvo avotloble (not w- specials Pr7 both, all bills paid. West Campus. Shuttle stop (WC) Furnished ovoiloble. $1,200 4 7 4 -7 7 3 2 3-21-58 2 -2 ALL appliances, ceilmq fans, pool tenms courts, secunty, $ 4 (X )-$ 4 5 0 Call 8 3 7 -9 0 3 9 /4 4 7 -1 0 2 9 ,3 2 2 -5 8 f \ M Y f lM t ' $ 3 2 5 Large 1 bedroom apart­ ment. W a lk in closets, C A / CH, ceiling fans, pool, w ater and gas paid. W alking dis­ tance to U.T. 610 W . 30th. M a n a g e r apartm ent # 1 3 4. 4 7 7 -8 8 5 8 . M IN U T E S FROM CAMPUS 34th S treet Guadalupe 1-1 Available immediately ceiling Fjüy tans laundry room & cov­ ered parking furnished 4 7 7 -6 6 6 1 3-6 20B-E ★ 5 BLOCKS WEST UT ★ TIMBERWOODAPTS. E fficiencies: F u rn is h e d /U n fu m , Lofts, Firep la ces, P ool, L a u n d ry, H u g e Trees, • •R O O M TO BREATH E!.. Wes! cam ­ pus, nice lorge 1-1, gas paid, cp, $ 3 2 0 - $ 3 6 0 FRONT PAi ------------ GE IE, 4 80 -8 51 8 3-18- 20B-C 458-6185 DYER TRANSMISSION & AUTOMOTIVE, INC. Domestic & Foreign T rerwntsMon Overhauled e Alteon Tranamtewon* Overhauled ^ y u j n n n a f a » «■# H O N D A Come ride with us $ Í $ Engine Overhauled A C R e p a ir » 7513 North I.H. 35 Austin, TX 78752 20% OFF any TRANSMISSION WE INSTALL á 459-3311 6509 N. Lamar A What You Won't See Because You Live at Willow Creek Hills Apartments. O N PV SHUTTLE ROUTE Í $ i * 6 9 8 reg $1000 00 TTL N o w Preleasing Huge I & 2 ' s Free Cable T V Furnished & Unfurnished 444-0010 Com e See W hat We've Leased Toitai/! RENTAL RENTAL SERVICES SERVICES EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMM MSMI 400 — Condos- 440 — Room m ates 7 5 0 — Typing 760 — Misc. Services 790— Part time 790 — Part time Townhouses WC 2-2 Alt AMENITIES INCLUDING W/D, MICROW AVE SECURITY. FANS COVERED PARKING 650/MO MITCH 4 7 6 267 3 PMT 3 71 206 C ••D E C O R A TO R SYIE1 2 2 toft ond «o» fc*g bedroom s CR, W /D West Campus $ 6 0 0 /6 5 0 FRONT PAGE PROPERTIES 4 80 8518 3 2 2-20 8 C 420 — U nf. Houses GINGERBREAD Stately Hemphill Park home available lor fall Pre-lease 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, alcove study, hardwood 2 porches, CA/CH, ceiling fans, fenced yard w/huge trees. 4 7 4 - 0 6 0 6 or 2 7 2 -5 7 8 3 . Ask for Miss Lorie. floors, _______________________ 3 -4 2 06 A 477-LIVE 24 hr* O W to ih io n e d charm o f 1 to 3 bedroom Homes H ard w o od . 9 0 s oppirances $ 2 5 0 6 0 0 2-19 2 08 A 2-1-1 NEAR IF shuttle, large kitchen. W /D connections, $ 5 0 0 A voilob le 4-15 Coll 4 54 1175 2 2 0 -7 0 6 PRE LEASE LARGE RENOVATED HYDE PARK 3 2 HUGE FENCED YARD DECK, JACUZZI IN MASTER BATH. 2 CAR GARAGE AVAILABLE 8 /2 5 1 500/ M O MITCH 4 7 6 2 6 7 3 3 21-206 C PRE LEASE HYDE PARK 3-2 COTTAGE FENCED YARD DECK. W /D , FANS ETC 8 /7 0 1 2 0 0 /M O MITCH 4 7 6 -2 6 7 3 3-21-208-C_________ AVAILABLE PRE LEASE SUMMER O NLY-CENTEN NIAL O RANG E TREE. CROIX 3-2, 2-2. 1-1 STARTING FROM S 3 5 0 -S 8 0 0 MITCH 4 76 2 6 7 3 3-21 20S-C_________ PRELEASE JUNE o r August beouhful four bed ro om in Torrytown, $ 18 0 0 /m o Coll Koren at Campus Condos 4 7 4 -4 8 0 0 3- 21 2 06 K ___________________________ 425 — Rooms SHORT WALK UT Quiet, petless. nonsmoking, Shared kitchen For private bath, ABP $ 2 7 5 4 7 4 -2 0 5 1 /4 9 5 -9 3 4 6 Shared bills, bath: $180 Call 472-5646 3 -21-2 0 B-E LARGE CLEAN carpeted ro o m Pnvote e n tro n ce/b oth /refn ge ro tor N o kitchen Q uiet in dividual N o pets 38th Street Bills paid 4 53 -5 4 1 7 3 -7 2 08 A SHORT W ALK UT Q uiet, non-wnokmq, petless Shored kitchen For private both ABP $ 2 7 5 4 9 5 -9 3 4 6 Shared bills, both $180 Coll 4 7 2 -5 6 4 6 3 -2 2 -2 0 8 E 430 — R oom -B oard ORIENTAL STUDENT to live tn o nice ro o m a n d b o a rd house. Free in fo r house work. 3 8 8 4 86 2 exchange 3-22-18______________________________ ' old er • H om ey ol *2-6 house» h o u s e » • blocks UT «Greet meals «All bills •Friends «Punt Doubles $260-275 (summer) $299-309 (fall) Singles $295-329 (summer) $335-389 (fall) ICC CO-OPS 476-1957 510 W. 23rd SHORT WALK UT Quiet, nonsmoking, petless. Shared kitchen. For private bath, ABP $ 2 7 5 4 7 4 -2 0 5 1 /4 9 5 -9 3 4 6 Shared bills, bath. $180 Call 472-5646 3-21-20B-E R O O M M A T E S E R V IC E Will help you find a compat­ ible roommate. Male or female. Call Sam. 280-7118 3 19 2 0 * C SHORT WALK UT Q uiet, pettess. nonsmoking, Shared kitchen. For private bath, ABP $2 75 4 7 4 -2 0 5 1 /4 9 5 -9 3 4 6 Shared bills, bath: $180 Call 472-5646 3 -2 1 -2 0 * E PERFECT OFF compos housing fo r non­ smoking fem óle Share room m luxury condo, w /d . pool, security computer, mt crow ove, near shuttle o nd much more $ 2 0 0 • A b rils , 3 85-4391 3-18 108 2BR 2*?BA RO O M M ATE NEEDED to w n h o m * co vered parking $ 3 5 0 - ’ ? utilities I smoke N o pets Leslie 4 7 7 -6 9 4 7 3-18 SB_________ Security gote, FEMALE GRADUATE student w anted to shore 3 BDR house near UT $2 2 5 /m o * 1/3 bills. Penny or Tonyo 4 7 4 -2 3 0 4 3 -1 9 -5 * non CONSIDERATE. RESPONSIBLE h o u s e m o te w o n te d s m o k in g , Convenient, furnished tw o bedroom s $ 2 6 0 / 1/2 bills Coll A pn l 3 2 2 9315 3- 2 0 -3 9 ' SHORT W ALK UT Quiet, non-smokma, pettess Shored kitchen For private both, ABP $ 2 7 5 4 9 5 -9 3 4 6 Shored bills, bath $180 Coll 4 7 2 -5 6 4 6 3 -2 2 2 08 E 460 — Business Rentals PRIVATE OFFICE w /deck. in cluding Dell System 200, color, software copier electric included, $ 2 5 0 Kns 4 59 -7 00 1 3 -2 0 -3 P ______________________________ AVAILABLE 3-2, C A /C H room ,m odem , kitchen Fenced Eilers. $ 6 2 5 Pre-leosinq $ 7 0 0 451 3108 3 -2 2 IE living 5014 4 -2 '7 , C A /C H large A N N O U N C EM EN TS 520 — Personals W A N TE D Stimulating (I hope) co rre ­ spondence w ith bright brainy, interest­ in g w om en ages 2 0 -3 5 W rite Sonny Q , P O Box 3 8 9 lo w o City, IA 5 2 2 4 4 2- 27-19P_______________________________ 540 — Lost & Found F O U N D Silver bracelet near Stemdam Hall C all to id entify 4 7 9 -6 9 5 9 3 *2 0 - 5N C _________________________________ EDUCATIONAL Instruction GUITAR LESSONS R & B Rock. |ozz. country 10 years teochmg experience A nd y Bullington 452-6181 2 -2 8 -2 0 B -A SERVICES 750 — Typing zT v l e y The Complete Professional Typing Service B LO C K IU S TiR ir V L E Y * 9 27TH STRUT 2707 Hemphill Park 472-3210 472-7477 P A P E R S R E S U M E S R U S H J O B S D o t's T y p in g 2 0 0 2 -A G u d a lu p e 4 7 2 -5 3 5 3 W ORD PR O C ESSIN G W RITING TU TO R WPS1.75 ds page 7 days a week 4 6 9 -9 4 3 1 435 — Co-ops 580 — M usical SHORT W ALK UT. Q uiet, non-smoking, petless Shored kitchen For pnvote both, ABP $ 2 7 5 4 9 5 -9 3 4 6 Shored bills, both $180 Coll 4 7 2 -5 6 4 6 3 -2 2 -2 0 8 E NEED A p a p e r o r resume typed? 16 y e a r s P r o o f r e a d in g available, quick turnaround 8 3 6 -6 7 8 7 2 18 20B e x p e r ie n c e SERVICES 660 — Storage * * ★ S T U D E N T S ★ ^ W e l c o m e B a c k T o W a t s o n & T a y lo r M I N I S T O R A G E Store Your Stuff For The Summer 928-0109 1 mile So. of MLK on Ed Bluestein EMPLOYMENT 7 9 0 — Port tim e Are you a healthy, non smoking 3 -2 2 1B-C male between the oges o f 21 ★ FUN DATING! ★ Meet new fnends and share lifestyles (male or female). Fnendly 8. Reputable. Call Sam 280-7118 ★ 3 - 1 9 - 2 0 * 0 ★ EMPLOYMENT 780 — Em ploym ent Services M ID N IG H T SUN! Sum m er e m p lo y m e n t - A laska t o $ 6 0 0 a - W o m e n /M e n ro o m / w eek. A irfa re plus b o a r d p r o v id e d . H ir in g th ro u g h A p ril. C all n o w ! Info: 1 -9 0 0 9 8 8 -5 1 5 2 Ext 170 ($ 3 / min. - fo u r minutes m axV re- fundable.) _____________ 3 -6 20» 790 — P art Time $600.00 Compensation PART-TIME CLERK TYPIST rapidly ex­ Pharmaco, a research panding clinical organization, is currently seeking an individual as a PART-TIME CLERK TYPIST to work 1-5 p.m., Monday-Fri- day, in our South Austin lo­ cation. This person will have excellent gram m ar and proofreading skills, profes­ sional demeanor, and be able to type 4 0 -5 0 wpm. Experience with WordPer­ fect a plus. Duties include acting as a receptionist, fil­ ing, copying and typing cor­ respondence, proposals, and other materials as needed. If interested, please sent resume and salary his­ tory to: PHARMACO Human Resources (Clerk Typist) Two Park Place 4009 Banister Lane Austin, Texas 78704 3-18 5B-K and 55, w eighing 135-220, and w ithin 10% o f y o u r ideal weight? If so, you may qualify to participate in a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to $600.0 0. The dates and times of the study are listed below ; you must be available to remain in our facility fo r the entire penod to be eligible: Check-in time 4-5 0 0 pm W ednesday, A pril 3 W ednesday, A pril 10 W ednesday, A pnl 17 Check-out time: 7 -8 :3 0 am Friday, A pnl 5 Friday, A pnl 12 Friday, A pril 19 To qualify, you must pass our free physical exam and screen­ ing tests. Meals, accom m oda­ Wanted: MS DOS literate individual to assist in final development and testing of new video telephone prod­ ucts. Position requires minor programming, lots of hands on testing, & careful atten­ tion to details. Requires a firm commitment of hrs. per week (minimum 2 0 up to 40 available), through end of '91. Send resume to: Person­ nel, The Video Telecom Corp., 1901 West Broker Ln., Austin, TX 78 75 8. 3 -2 0 -4 * P.T.P. A g ro w in g p a r ty p h o to c o m p a n y i f a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s f o r students in ­ te re ste d in la te m g h t p a r ty p h o to g ra ­ p h y. M u s t h a v e 3 5 m m ca m e ra k n o w l­ e d g e . re lia b le tra n s p o rta tio n , b e fun a n d fle x ib le C o ll 4 7 4 -7 1 0 1 o r c o m e tions, entertainment, and recre­ b y 2 2 2 2 R io G ra n d e , Surte D112 fro m ational activities provided free- 1 0 -5 . M o n d a y -F rid a y . 3 -2 0 -5 * of-charge. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e c a ll 462-0492 PH A R M A C O R ESEARCH FO R BETTER H E A L T H 3-22-1B-K $700.00 Compensation Are you a healthy, non-smoking male between the ages o f 18 and 40, w eighing 135-220, ond w ithin 10% o f y o u r ideal weight? If so, you may qualify to participate in a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to $ 7 00 .0 0 . The dates and times of the study are listed below; you must be available to remain in our facility fo r the entire period to be eligible: Check-in time: 5 -6 :0 0 pm Check-out time: 9-10 0 0 am Friday, A pril 5 Friday, A pril 12 Fnday, A pril 19 Friday, A pril 26 Sunday, A pril 7 Sunday, A pril 14 Sunday, A pril 21 Sunday, A pril 28 To qualify, you must pass our free physical exam and screen­ ing tests. Meals, accom m oda­ tions, entertainment, and recre­ ational activities provided free- of-charge F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e c a ll 462-0492 P H A R M A C O R ESEARCH FO R BETTER H E A L T H 3-22-1B-K 8 3 4 - 3 0 3 0 $ 5 .0 0 H r. ★ STUDENTS ★★★ Concert Tickets Soles Phone Rep Positions Part-time Evening Hours Mon.-Th Friday Sat. Morn. 5:30-9:00 pm 5:30-8 00 pm 9:00-12:00 pm 2-22-20B-K Customer Service/ TELEMARKETING tim e e v e n in g w o rk , P a rt t h r u T h u rs d a y , M o n d a y a v a ila b le in Sun A tm o s ­ p h e re . B ase Plus C o m m is ­ sion. 453-3838 3-22-2B Always Hiring Good Voices 282-1908 3-21-208-C $ PUT YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO WORK! $ FIRST U S A T E LE M A R K E TIN G is cur- re n tly a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s f o r the fo llo w in g p ro fe ssio na ls... f o r m o fk e tm g ★ MARKETING AGENT R e p rese n ta tive s w ill tie re s p o n s i­ b le co n su m e r p ro d u c ts a n d services, p n m o rily p re m iu m c re d it c a rd s n a tio n ­ w id e This p o s itio n re q u ire s e x ­ c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n skills w ith so m e soles e x p e n e n c e p re fe rre d D a y & e v e n in g h o u rs a v a ila b le 8 3 0 - 12 3 0 M -F , o r 1-5 M -F , o r 5 3 0 - 9 3 0 M -F . W E G U A R A N T E E $ 6 /h o u r plus b e n e fits! C o m m issio n m a y b e e a rn e d o n som e p ro je cts. PLEASE a p p ly in p e rso n M -F 1 0 a m - 4 3 0 p m a t FIRST USA TELEMARKETING 50 5 Barton Springs Rd. Suite 6 0 0 EOE 3 -2 0 -2 0 8 -C COLLEGE BOOKSTORE 33 HRS'WEEK PART TIME SALES POSITION WEEKENDS INVOLVED HIGH SCHOOL DtPtOMA RE QUIRED 6 MTMS BOOKSTORE EXPERI ENCE AND/OR 3 COLLEGE COURSES IN ENGLISH OR HISTORY OR RELATED FIELD REQUIRED. USE CD ROM UPDATE STOCK LIST SHELF AND DISPLAY BOOKS WORK AT ERONT DESK TO ASSIST CUSTOMERS EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE CLOSE PROXIMITY TO UT DISCOUNTS O N MA JOR MERCHANDISE IF INTERESTED APPLY AT UNIVERSITY COOP. 2246 GUADALUPE M-F, 9 AM I PM 3-19-48 SHIPPING/RECEIVING CLERK 20 HRS.WK PART TIME POSITION NEEDED IN A COI LEGE BOOKSTORE SHIPPING/RECEIVING INCLUDES PACK EXPERIENCE NEEDED ING/UNPACKING CARTONS PRICING BOOKS AND PROCESSING PAPERWORK M INIM UM HIGH SCFtOOL DIPLOMA 6 MTHS GENERAL AND CRT/COMPUTER RELATED CLERICAL EXPERIENCE ABILITY TO LIFT 50 LBS DETAIL ORIENTED G OOD COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS CLOSE PROX IMITY TO UT DISCOUNTS O N MOST MLR CHANDISE IF INTERESTED APPLY AT UNI VERSITY COOP. 2246 GUADALUPE M-F, 9 AM 1 PM 3-19-46 LONGHORN COPIES • Resumes • Theses • Term Papefs • Word Processing • Binding • L a se r P rin tin g 2518 Guadalupe 476-4498 STARR QUALITY WORD PROCESSING Fnendly, professional service! 7 days a week! • Dissertations • Research papers • Book manuscript 1 page or 1,000! 444-0801 WORD P R O C ESSIN G PA PER S IM PROVE G R A D ES 5 MIN UT 7 DAYS RUSH 3 2 2 0 2 1 3 Speedway TYPING DOBIÉ M A LL Laser Printing/Spell ch eck A pplications/R esum es T e rm /R e s e a rc h Papers A pplication Form s Audio Tran scription 4 6 0 -5 6 5 3 “ M A R Y 'S ★ T Y P I N G Papers Resumes 25% Discount for First Time Users 3 4 3 -8 4 7 1 ★ Leave Message 3 -2 2 -2 0 B Z I V L E Y T ER M P A P ER S D IS S E R T A T IO N S 27th & Guadalupe 472-3210 472-7677 P D Q W o rd Processing Papers: $1.50 a page • Spell Check • Laser Printing • 3 months storage • 5 minutes from UT Full range of services available. Call 4 5 3 -4 5 6 8 Leave message. W e check messages every hour. ___________________________ 3 -5 2 0 8 -A SAM E-DAY service on w o rd processing. $1 S O 'po qe 1 Includes la s e rp n n tm g Ex­ pert quality, hop py Customers Reports, theses, letters, resumes m ailing lists M i- choel, 4 67 8 5 8 6 2-19-2QP____________ FAST ACCURATE w o rd processing Re­ ports, monusenpts. Excellent spelling grom m ar $1 4 5 / page Candy 4 5 Í- 4 5 0 9 p ag er 4 83 -2 6 9 1 2- 2 2 - 2 0 * 0 resumes graphics Z I V L E Y W ORD PROCESSING LASER PRINTING 27th & Guadalupe 472-3210 472-7677 W O R D PROCESSING experienced, p ro ­ f e s s io n a l G r o d u o t e / u ndergraduate w o rk $1.5 0 /p a g e Bar- b oro Tullos 4 53 -5 1 2 4 3 -5 -2 0 B _________ t y p is t W O RD -UP any |ob any tim e Fast, mtelli gent full-service w o rd -p ro ce ssin g Spelling guaranteed Also com puter con- suiting 4 5 9 8 04 7 3 -7 -2 0 8 _____________ ASAP W o rd Processing Popers/R eporh/ Theses com pleted w ith core ond often tion $1 8 5 - la s t m.nute o k 4 51 -4 88 5 3- 18-20P Z I V L E Y A P P L IC A T IO N S R ES U M ES 27th & Guadalupe 472-3210 472-7677 PERSONAL SERVICE w ith Communique W o rd Processing Loser printed, choice o f typeface, $2 page, pick-u p/d eliven n g o v o ilo b le 1 8 3 6 0 6 9 7 3-19 208 PAPERS TYPED la sor printed $ 2 .0 0 / page Resumes fro m $10 Q ua lity Desk­ top Designs 2 4 hours1 Renea 8 3 2 -9 5 7 8 3-19-4B__________________ _ WRITE C O N N E C T IO N for perfection W o rd processing w ith spell check C om ­ plete com puterized w ntm g analysis avail- oble 4 7 9 -8 7 4 9 3 -2 1-5 6 ______________ 760 — Misc. Services FLORIDA S NAUGHTIEST Blondes w ant to talk with you live Call 24 hrs a day. 1- 9 0 0 -9 8 8 1403 $9 9 5 /c a ll 3-19-20P CALL 471-5244 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD THK DAILY T e x a n Friday, March 22, 1991 Page 13 800 — G e n era l Help W a n te d 800 — G e n e ra l H elp W anted 820 — Accounting- B o okkeepin g ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION M tw t sofa Word TypcSc* «★! W ndK r*of estate D#t6 h r one area supervisors — $7 3 d 'Hr Co# 4 * 0 3 21 2 0 * 302 5 to - furth e r .i-Formene*' EOE 3 -18-208-C STUDENT LIVE-IN Personal care attendant for a nxrfe handicapped student for summer Pad room & board and smail monthly sti­ pend. Caff Danteffe Car­ penter at UT Student Health Center 471-2166 Sot/Sun Residential Treatment Cent© near Oak Hill htr ng fyjl * n mental health worker & pot time o v e rn g i MHW Excellent references MUST Calf Stacey at 462 2 6 6 9 or 2 8 8 -2 6 8 7 M o nd e through Fnday between 9 on and 1 pm 3-1» - t* PLAYLEADER P o rt-tim e e v e n in g p o v tio n a t A ustin C h ild G u id a n c e C e n te r S uperv.se c h ild re n in w a itin g o -e c & p ro v id e stru ctu re d a ct v.nes P -ev.ous e x p e - e nce w o rk in g w ith c h ild re n re q u ire d P re fe r u n d e rg ra d u a te stud e nt m a jo r ■ng in o h e lp in g p ro fe ssio n Coll 451-2242 3-21 5B SHORT WALK UT law -related errands, FuH/ Run Part-time. G reat fo r prelaws. O w n economical, reliable car. $4 .25 Also hiring: typists, ac- counting/bookkeepm g trainee. N onsm oking self starters. 40 8 W est 17th St. W ritten application 9 am -4 pm weekdays. 3-21 208-E WEST AUSTIN gourm et shop needs port time help A ppty in person otter 1 30pm 1601 W atarston at W est Lynn 3-18-78 TELEMARKETING P O S ITIO N S now available N o soies A ppointm ent semog only 2 blocks From fam ous $ 6 -$ 1 0 /h r jh ift Experience prefe rred A fternoon currently Ojien Coll P8C M arketing Co. 4 7 7 3 8 0 8 3-19 58___________________ FULL T IM l/P o H time checker positions availab le Shifts start at H :00am A pply « person only Tom Thumb #71 2 7 2 5 Exposition 3-19-58 SUMMER DAY CA M P leader needed Pton a nd n stn xt -ecreotional activities fo r children Co# 4 5 3 -7 7 6 5 For interview 3 -2 0 -6 8 ______________________________ PART TIME position a voiloble ta r lee- ng consultant a t torge South Austin apan ment community Experienced need only apply Send resume to PO Box 3 3 2 6 5 Austin, Texas 7 8 7 6 4 . 3 -20-108 Cl a r k s v il l e w i n e shop needs p on tim e help Evenings. M -S Register stock etc Minim um commitm ent through 2-91 A p p ly 1130 W 6th, 10am-6pm 3 -2 0 -3 8 PART-TIME kennel helper 8 30am -12 0 0 noon M o n Fn Every other weekend Duties include maintain grounds, clean kennels, medicate animals and vanous o th e r duties 4 7 6 -1 0 6 9 3 -2 0 -3 6 COORDINATORS/PERFORMERS need- ed fo r campus stnp-o-grom have Km and make money. $ 8 /h r CoH 4 7 6 - 9 1 5 6 .3 -2 0 -3 » ________________________ M O R N IN G A ID needed from 8 3 0 to 12:30 to w o rk w ith young toddlers *C t Fn t a i FOR EARNINGS FOR MORE NFOR M A T IO N C A LI 4 4 7 8 3 3 7 3 8 58 -©©dec: G o o d RESEARCH 4SSiSTA N ' ocy Ail Hours avaiiabi© M .r 20 Hrs.. weex Apply 3 8 3 4 Capitol o t Texas -iq n w a v N Suii© *110 3 4 6 -9 37 3- 2~ 48 A______________________________ N O W HIRING Austin 1 statewide police association m em ber, Hip O u t­ standing commissions Excellent o p p ortu ­ nity to r summer Ca# 4 7 8 -9 19 6 fa r a p ­ plications 3 21 '0 6 yates TRAVEL CAREERS $ :« OOC S«S 3 0 0 /y r Cause Ships/Airlines. Hotels. Resorts H a w a ii Australia. O n e m C arib b ea n E«ceii©nt O o o o r*u n itie s i l l 515 S 03- 4 0 0 0 Ext C-9413 jM cn-P n) 3 -2 2 6P < :TCHEN HELP an a S cH e n a e r N il a n a por* 'im e day a nd mght Interviews 9-11, M -F S /m e East Restauran' at 2 90 0 Du- ■ : : : qp 8 1 0 - O f f i c e - Clerical SHORT W ALK UT (1) Typing/ FULL pART TIME; word-processing / campu-tinker trainee 4.5 - wpm), (2) Book­ keeping “ramee prebusinessi; (3) ^-e-aw u: eqai er-ana*. in cwn car Nonsmoking self-start- ers, $ 4 .0 0 - $ 4 .2 5 . W n t e a p p 8 - 4 weekdays, 40 8 W . 17th 18-208 E ENERGETIC °A RT im e -e te o tio n ill I qn- "voing Sa 2 0 /h o u r noon-S 30pm wotl tor merv nw is -3-: C E : : : ;7 ~ - 820 — Accounting- 8 o o k k e e p in g LEARN BOOKKEEPING SHORT WALK UT. FULL-/PART- BookKeepinq/accountmg T1ME trainee cea; *or prrmusmess -na- ;Or: JISC *yping, wcra-orocessinq, compu-tinker ‘ratnee (45 - wpm); or»:aw tr-rjna runner Nonsmcx- ng seff-starters. $4.25. Wntten ap­ -veekdays, 4 ()B W plication 8 - 4 17th. ___________________________ 2-18-20B-E SHORT WALK UT Run taw-related errands. Full/ tor prelaw*. Part-time. Great Own economical reliable car, $4,25, Also hirmg: typists; ac counting, bookkeeping trainee Nonsmoking self starters. 408 West 17th St. Wntten application 9 a — -4 arr- weekdays. 3-21 20B-E F i n d i n g h o u s i n g c a n b e t h e p i t s . But The Daily Texan can help with the April 26th Housing Guide. B 4 0 — S a le s AGGRESSIVE DIRECT SALES 535,000-55000 annu ally Comrmsion & Restd uals Marketing Nationc Long Distance Service. 5 openings. Cail 219-9121. 860 — Engineering- Technical Consulting business near lamps, needs seif-storhng EE upper dtvi ston or grad student 2 0 hrs. week. Prefer famtlionty with SPICE crcud simulation and a n alog and digital design Flexible hours. US citizen. oir*h cerhfi transcript, and persona cate, references required. Contac tots or Dwight 477-6011 R O UND ED toetAar with 'N O lV tD U A L computors a na C coding exoer=©‘'te a wtd© range a t OtAei n a ynati compute aquícea Aar* Hrm O w n •ranvoortatton nm© Cotl 452 -25 9" ©xi 48 - 3-18 :8 880 — Professional FASHIO N ILLUSTRATOR *-e© a n te a rto t needed b y tocat a w a re ! and accesone* manufacturer 3ir-p i.p a -rius! Cai1 She© ev s’ AS2 4828 3-20 38__________ 890 - Clubs- Restaurants NOW HIRING JAMAICA RACQUET CLUB New Sixth Street dub now hiring cocktail waitpeapie Must be TABC certified, e n ­ ergetic and well-groomed. Apply m person. 601 E a s t 6th, M-F, 1-4 p.m. 3-19-48 r ACQ BEL. :s .omina to Qax Hill. FuR and part ¡me job op partuntties are available for per sonable & hard working people Accepting applications at our ; to*e an William Cannon & Sen 'White or come see Adolf M F 2 5 at ’he .ome* j* William Can non i 2 9 0 w AA> I 3REAT -ion©y 'xjrte n dm q AEC jo b p tocem w ii asustonce ertihcation Phone AUSTIN SCHOOL 3F SARTEN D I RS 4 5 9 S8 * 88 2- S 70P MESA HILLS Cate raw iccefXmq appe ca tion j tor y fl'i stotf If yo ui© raervdl outgo'nq. fo v v * 90' the io b 3435 Grey stone 3 4 5 -8 4 1 4 3-18-58. raw a cce p m g appi 'H E N E W A uthor anon* borrender wort staff n perse '6 01 N o rth Lamar a fte r 5 -00 pm. 4 57 6 4 0 7 3 -Í9-AP 9 0 0 — D om estic- H o u s e h o ld v e s c o n s i b i e . o v m q p e r s o n n e e o e d t o h e i p c a r e t o r in f o n t n N W A u s t in . M - F ] C 5 0 0 f l e x i b l e i c u r v i u s i E r 'c i i s h , h a v e refer- i c e c K e n c e s & t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . 345-3822 Live-in position w it h p a r t , time childcare for chil­ dren ages 3 and 6 n W e s t l a x e Hills. Must Have own car. Room, board, and ytioena. Call 328- 0304 0-9:30 p.m. __________________________ 3- 20- 20* NEXÍ SCHO O L -eoi 3 Opm cn e i schr o l .are 3 4 5 2 ut© xras Car -©quiieu 0612. M o p a u For svesi 3-2 1-7 8 VESTLAKt i5R Q f t S 3 0 f ©qu. es «oos * eeim i 7 hours every ether ~«e« $25 Musi Hove . ar CGii 3 2 8 -4 7 4 8 eve run 7 Opm 3 7 2 38 BUSINESS 930 — Business Opportunities "M A U SNACK drill» -ending a. saw Gross $ 2 2 0 0 m onthly w o rkin g -.rs ©«*©» 3wnet rnusi raave ihe v o u r S9 - 3 0 0 / 0 * 0 836 - 5>-4 3-21-20P AT&T ASSISTANT STUDENT CAMPUS MANAGER To manage a group of students on a ca ty basis and ass s: «nth overas event roe mentation. Saies/teadershc experience a plus AT&T STUDENT R EPR ESEN TATIV E CAMPUS GROUP To ad as our on-campus representative! Must be outgoing m t saies-tnented. To find out more about these great oo- portunrbes. call * -SCC-592-212' crsenc resume to: COI, A TST Recruitment. 1500 Walnut St., 19th I . Philadelphia. PA 19102. Equal Opoty Employer THE WEKEELA CAMPS, C A NTO N , M AINE O n e o f Am erica s most prestí gious comps, seeks creative d y ­ namos for stoh positions June 17 -A ug us! 8 fo r tenms a thletics lacrosse, gymnastics, w aterfront ra d io vid eo, pia n o dance-ballet dram a song eod ers cam pcraft ropes, ceramics, art, w o odw o rking, p ho togra­ phy yearbook Also kitchen ond It you m aintenance positions think you're tops. Reply To g u ita r 130 S Mertcle Rd Columbus, O h 43209 (614)235-3177 E A S Y M O Í4E Y i pay up to 110 00 lor Gold Class I also buy • Gokl Wedding Rings Bands • Rings • Ctia-ns (even it Oru ken) James Lewis Gold Buyer 458-2639 Getting A Crowded? « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ u s Storage and organization - that is w hat we d o in our unique stores devoted to products that help people get organized! We need energetic, hard working individuals to join our Stock / Disolay Team at our Austin store on B urnet Road. T e m p o r a r y / Part-tim e Stockers During A pril and May, your enthusiastic at­ titude will put you on the right track to success. You will enjoy physical work at a rapid pace in a very detail-oriented environ­ ment Hours are 4-9am, Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays Plea*« drop by the store w ee k­ day» and fill ouf on application at: 6111 Burner Road, betw een Anderson ond 163. Join a fun and growing com pany that offers you a chance to really enjoy your job, as well as earn pay well above industry standards Equal O p portu nity Employer T h e C o n t a i n e r S t o r e 8111 Burnet Rd. I ★ T elemarketing ★ Evenings and Weekends Salary Plus Bonus 477-9821 Robert M. ★ ★ 3-6-206 E LEARN BOOKKEEPING SHORT WALK UT FULL -/P A R I TIME B o o k k e e p m g /o c - counling trainee d e al for prebusiness motor also, fypmg/word-processing/ compu hnker (romee (45 wpm), olso, prelaw errond runner Nonsmoking self starters $ 4 00 $4 25 Write application 8-4 weekdays, 408 W 17th 2-18 206-E WANTED 85 people who want to lose weight. We pay you to lose 10- 29lbs. in the next 30 days using the DIET DISK program as seen on TV. To find out more, call Carol: 512-346-5115. 3 -2 2 -5 B EMPLOYMENT 8 00 — G e n e ra l H elp W anted N A T IO N A L T E L E C O M M U N IC A T IO N S LONG DISTANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY IS INTERVIEWING FOR PROFESSIONAL PART-TIME MARKETING/SURVEY REPS. W e o f f e r : • Hourly plus commissions • Paid holidays, free long distance • C om petitive product offerings • Strong m arketing support provided Plan your Spring schedule to work with our schedule Shifts ate 1 00 pm-5 pm (M-F) No night* or weekends Must possess good communication skills Will train bright enthusiastic individuals Mkt Fin pre law majors are encouraged to oppiy Advancement opportunities GALL 4 5 3 - 5 0 0 0 between 8:30-4:30 p.m. STUDENT LIVE-IN Personal care attendant for a male handicapped student for summer Paid room & board and small monthly sti­ pend. Call Danielle Car­ penter at UT Student Health Center. 471-2166. 3-18 10* G R A D U A T IO N 2 0 - 3 0 hou r* a week le m p o ro iy port time sales pouhon, some *»eekends High school d.plom a requires! Some college p re fe n e d W o rk at gra du atio n center Minim um 1 yeai retoil and 0 months d e n col exjaenence G o o d sustomer servís», in ventory and skw.li display W o ik urvie pressure Close proxim ity to UT Employ- ue discount o n most merchandise If mte- esled apph a ' University C o O p, 2 2 4 6 G uadalupe M F 9 a m. -1 p m STUDENT RUNNER needed M u tt b* a self start»i meticulous, a nd task onem ed Needs tiex.bie schedule Send results» to CER, 3 7 3 ' Executive L e iior Drive Smie 156. Austin TX 78731 3 -2 2 -5 8 Large management company seeks experienced manager for small condominium project lo cated in the West Campus area Experience required Must live on site Please send resume fo The Tipton Group 18383 Preston Rd Su ite 2 0 0 L / B 1 3 Dallas, Texas '5 2 5 2 Attention Brian Crow or Call (214) 2 5 0 4 6 4 6 3 ’ uft APARTMFNl MANAGER covftttK*vi, Ko/nvoiK cknmJ coupfc pta* Apt inofK»9«fn«Al i H u w « v t t - o 2V k" -rsÉrv^ab '«yv* pCVVM3« pPiMMkl hW» T«3pan.v 4 »k s’ the 3-19-4B b/v yuv&t ww>ii at»** C apt a fnc4«$i salary \ IK man a* 10^ W St #K)1 Avitw\ W ai v o i 4Í>2 \4 \9 appt tfnapnswq 4^3 ???! 22U fa? m M Y INTERN FOR Ananviol is iv ic e ca. Hours 5 8pm Ask fo i M a r i o r Rtchord a t 3 4 6 4 4 9 4 3 22 SB iN T I U I G f N L f JOttS AH h .u m h t» US DfcA N ow 0 )6 0 5 5 b 1 6 0 0 0 , tM K 94>3 3 7 2 3? Sell Unwanted Items In The Classifieds T h e D a i l y T e x a m 471-5244 - CLASSIFIED DEPT Mowe; Mowe Driving Panama (15) Torrents of Mowe Racing Hondo West Was Won Mowe: Eagle and the Hawk Spmg Mowe: Who's Harry Mowe: Mundo Extraño Mowe No Me Digas Adros Mowe: Overland Mowe: Western Heritage Creek C15) Coroner (15) Youig Fury Mowe; Radar Nootchka Mowe Mummy inso Hollywood Insider Insc Street Hawk Yogi Youthquake Yoa Mare Monte Carlo (Pt 1 of 2) Monte Carlo (Pt 2 Yoa Think Fast Don t Sit Dennis Denos Lassie Lassie Wilder Summer Charlando Chicano Business Good NWA Pro Wrestling Soul Tra» Hang»' In Preseason Baseball oí 2) _ Out of Tme * Generaoone Chesotnto Mowe Mowe Deadly Suddenly Dbi. Canton TV Doq House Logan s Rui Miami Vice Mr Wizard Out Control Twilite Mowe: Topai Bugs Bomy MacGyver Mowe Top Gun " and País ■ . Mowe: Handmaids Tale Baby (:15) Bunging Up Mowe: A Time to Love and a Tune to Die (30) Another Time Mowe: Nightbreed Mowe: Mummy (45) Cartel (25) Dog Tags Mowe Suddenly Another Place Mowe: Topa; Mowe: Strange Balando Noücwo Sabado Gigante . • f e * j Work) Vision Mowe: Mundo Extraño HBO 3 Mowe: Crusoe Get Smart NBA 21 Jump Street Super Face Hanan' In Gtoget $100.000 Bulls Eye Basketball • News Mowe Target Denos Clarissa Freshmen Insp Looney Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart TwiliQbt Counter- strike WLAF Football . • Mowe: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Mowe: Killer tí® (530) CommuKty Billboard Cokxsounds News Chnstoptier Talk» To Russia Cotorsounds Kids TV LCRA sa (530) Corán. (600) Comm. Commonly Billboard Heaven's Gate Sabbath Gospel Truth Davsonno Evangelism From Lincoln Pk. Temple Black Heritage J. Ferguson Hekxse Art History Recepbon Now Hear This Ptvlmawde Zend* Farm Health Celebration of Praise Let Live Inteiwew Jesus Christ Aojpuncture Page 14 Friday, March 22, 1991 T H E D AILY T E X A N Sunday Brunch 11:00 a.m. Guest S p e a k e r Mos ¡he Waldoks, The B ig B ook o wish Humor author of Topic: When a poor m an eats a Chicken: Jew ish hum or Free to The University Community Hill el Foundation 2 1 0 5 S a n A n t o n io Track: Both teams home for weekend meet Continued from page 8 who hadn't traveled with us to [na­ tionals] to get back into the swing of things, and it gave us a look at how our younger athletes will perform in competition." These meets will serve as the first real preparation for the Texas Re­ lays, which will be held in Austin during the first week of April. For the Texas men, three athletes have earned provisional qualifica­ tions for the N C A A championships during the first two meets — John Poole, Jeff Stucky and Mike Poole, all javelin throwers. With the start of the outdoor sea­ son, Crawford, whose team earned runner-up status at the N C A A in­ door championships, will try to im­ prove on last year's disappointing eighth-place outdoor showing at na­ tionals following her third indoor N C A A title. Tennis: Tough conference matches ahead Continued from page 8 much attention to the polls," offered that "w e haven't hurt ourselves that much ranking-wise because the five losses that we have, have been to teams ranked in the Top 10." The women's team did some moving of their own in the latest ITC A poll, from No. 6 to No. 12, despite sporting an 11-2 overall record which includes victories over three Top 20 opponents. " I don't care about the rankings anyway because I'm chairman of the N C A A Tennis Committee and we do the actual selections" for the postseason tournament, Coach Jeff Moore said. The committee "doesn't even look at those rank­ ings," Moore added. "W e look at power rankings like basketball does. W e [Texas] know where we are, where we belong and where we will be." FRIDAY____________________ MARCH 22 SATURDAY____________________ MARCH 23 KTBC KVUE KXAN KBVO KLRU © ® Bob V4a CaotamN Muppet Babies Garhek) and Fnends Wnae Wizard of Real Gravedaie Tomatoes TBS OTD BET © Bonanza VxleoLP UNI © MAX © AMC © TNT (TS) USA (17) NICK © WGN (630) Ptatawswn Mowe: Sticky Fngers (15) Ther Big Moment Travels of Jam e (5.00) Pax) CL Duckuta Farm Heattairff :'ocyic B E T (H ) (6:00) Paid Pad Bobby Jones Person Scree» • • UNI © TV Mujer Movie: La Sombra de Los Heos Dulce Desata El Lobo * i AMC © TN T (IS) U S A (T7) NICK WGN ,u - (Corn) (Cort) Other Side of the Moor Rider From < f 45) Very (6:30) Popeye Fraggfe Muxets (MO) Cartoon Express Crazy About Moves Idea Move Anoo Move Move: Indy Speedway klAu 1 I.e. r4rW iVWB Hammer ® Insp eattatif* Lasse Maya the Eoeekas Casde Divorce Cl Etepnan w e e .1 Judge Penner David, Annapoks (15) Molly Banana Bozo Magnum. pj. Joan Rwrs Geraldo KTBC © C D KVUE © C D KXAN KBVO f f l ® KLRU © C D TBS (TO Today Tny Toons Lias! Beaver 7 AM C8S T ie Morrang Good Momeig America JV - ■■■ Happy Days Láveme Mr Roaers Sesame Street Bewitched Utle House Reos & Kathn Lee rrv Proyamrmn M ne: 1 Carpet .30 z 8 \ $ H o o c n 10 " 1 1 - 1 2 ~ 4 PM •30 9 PM L 3Q q PM 6 » ■ Joan Fkvers Price Is Agft Young & Restless News B « u W As the World Guúng LigN Geraldo - Wheel Roncem l'n Te» Truth Tnalwatch Love Closer Look Days of Our Uves Sally Jessy Raphael Home Match Game Lovro AH My Ctaldren One Life to Live Another World General Hospital Santa Barbara Donahue Inst m Ettoon Oprah Winfrey Jeopardy* NBC News News Wheel Hunter • Hard Copy Trump Card _ 4 ™ L J 2J C PM E ll m__-’ Yvnj 5 fl 6 Z- CBS News 30 Cosby Show College Basketball College Basketball • • 7 PM 1 jm Q PM 5La Q PM . ..JSt 10 " * " L jsl - : 12 5 Chartenaers News ABC News News Growo Full House Fmly Strangers Baby Talk 20/20 News NdKfine Newhart Into the : • : • Kale & Mamas Matlock Bamaby Jones Hogan GomerfMe Tale Sp» Peter Par IWya hd.or ALf 3 s Company Who's Ntoht Court Most Wanted Against the Law Fkghway to Heaven rrv Programmn Mowe [Colorado Territory Video Vibrations Cristal TV Mujer Move Baby Blue Marine Movie Grant Old Grt Tom & Valeo Soul Platavtswn - - Natacha Rap City Cnstaia Video LP Mana Soft. Notes N otw o De Mujeres Fkntstones (TV Programm» Bradv Bunch Mr Rogers Good Times **?■'» Hilbdkes A Gnffith Happy Days Sanford Master of the Game (PI 3 of 4) Mcvie: Band of Angels • - Street Read Square One 3-u Marital/ Lehrer D.C. Week f e Ü ... Great * Mosax Austxi City Lands Of! Aa News rjsjb- Sanford Screen Video Soul : News Person MaJmgbt Love Santa d Boxeo Estelar Coors Light P a i Rodríguez En Vivo World Move Terror of the Tonns Movie Heaven Knows Move: Christmas Vacation Move: A Shock to the System Move: Sailor Who Fen Move: Annapoks (:15) Mody L 451 Grand Old Girl Move Wake Up and Dream Move: T i the End of t»ne Move; Tender f e ’« c Dark Shadows Star Trelc Next News Tcncnt Arseno Hall Show f e j f e . Movie: Uttle Big Man Move To Please a Lady ^ Move Speedway * Judge Chan React Lffite Koala Noozles TYCWb Name Tune Wipeout Maya the Todays A Gnffith Win. Lose Hollywood Lasse Fkpper Pvramto Judge Loooev Heathctff D. Van Honey noone Beaver Move: A Slight Case Divorce Cl of Murder Ten of Us Gkkgan Buos Bunny and Pals Dance Cartoon Express Swamp Hitchhiker Move: Task Force Murder, She Wrote • Hitchcock Rav Hitchhiker Yoa Cant on TV Hey Dude Get Picture Inch Hgh DuckTales Cfyp 'n Mask Chas Make Grade Insp. Bud & Lou Jeanne Looney Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart NBA Basketball • News Night Coal Move Aif Force Swamo Get Smart Miami Vice Get Smart Get Smart Sxnon and Sxnon Night (35) Hume Friday Nrte • 45) Death Screen Streets Move: Wake Up and Move: Dive Bomber Leo Vision v"-w Sandra de ( 10) Comrade m Move: Vampires on Bikn Beach Get Smart Get Smart Movie Get Smart Get Smart Scandal, Sesame Street Wrestkng Mr Rogers Newton Natue National Geographic Explorer Video LP Video Soul Work) Visx» : Mowe San Miguel el Rap City Alto Uttle Rosey Pad Amtsh FMIMkes m s Peter Pan Bobby's Jerry Kids Piggsburg Fun House WWF Superstars Beetlejuce Kid n ' Play New Kids Bugs & Tweety Wknd Tennis Chipmunks By the Bell GuvNxt Capt Fanxfv Pad Nancy Sews To Be Announced Lap • NBC Sports Worlc Mowe: That Dam Cat Pro Bowlers' to a Wide Work! of Sports PGA Golf • • Eyes of Sekef ABC News News NBC News News Street Young Riders Wheel Amen - Mowe Fie of the Golden Goose Rockford Files Star Trek Next Hidden Can. Tex. Gardener Victory Wüson Ciao Yan Can Goamet Joy of My Stud» Mtrwk 91 House Lawrence Welk 7 AM 1 :30 n AM 8 3 Í Q 3 .30 1 0,U :30 1 1 1 1 30 1 2 " " 4 PM ..... 1...JL n PM ...... L 30 q PM .......:? .. :3Q 4 ™ ...... r PM 5 ,30 6 Z ........ . . a 7 PM ? . M p PM .. Ninja Turtle Traws County Likely News Paid Mssrng College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball • • ■ • Ausbn City Umrts Mowe; Task Force CBS Satoday Mowe: Lady Mobster Q PM Night Mowe News ñOQOn'S Mowe Double Exposure 1 0 u M - 1 1 P¥ ’ _¿2 4 1 2 AM 30 • News Mowe Bullitt World Down Home Golden Yearbook COPS Wild Am. COPS Come Stop Mud Made in EmotvNest Shannon's Deal News Saturday Night Live Mowe: Weekend Jam Natl Geographic Amencan Gigolo Travels Off Air Amencan Gladiators Haooy Days Mowe: Land That Time fagot Mowe: People That Time Forgot R. Mart» 0. Wüson Wrestling . - -U.S. Olympic Norn Tracks Mowe: Gargoyles Teen Summit Screen Paid Budwetser Sports Sports Profiles Video LP Pax) Rap City Teen Summrt News Frank's PI. Video Soul : Budwetser Sports Sports Profiles Midnight Love Rap City SUCCESS AT UT — SINCE 1980 • TYPING-RESUMES-TERMS PAPERS • TEST & EXAM REVIEWS • CLASS NOTES • TUTOflINC * Afl Subjects OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TIL MIDNIGHT SUNOAY-THURSDAY 4 7 2 - 6 6 6 6 LIFE FNN/BRV FAM D ISC NASH A&E HSE ESPN SHOW DISN ACTV ACTV ACTV . ® .... M Drxisaucers Lffles Hazel FhnngNun 7 AM Attitudes Lifestyles : js . 8 - O C Baby Knows M . 5 Sister Kate 8 to cb y Q » Gourmet 1 0 A" Preview Momfig Marketkne Supplements Market Watch Earth Battle Video City of Morning ... Fugrtwe 700 Club Pase .. . Sawvai (50 » Program Gude HBO ffi) Mowe: Overboard • • Mowe Uttle Shop of Sheila Avengers Body. Jams Horrors Yoa World Paso** Do It Self Sa Garden Rendezvous Great Pulse Yoa World ■ • American Too Card Cel. Qutdrs Muse Shoo Standard Tme American F a Hr* L£L____ __ Supermarket L Ullman Moon- .kgnong Attitudes Mtoday Market Rpt Amw.Batw Movie: Girl Mutual From Mars £ % !& ShopTak V-arxet.... . Wall Street Countdown • Father 1 1 AM L I L i o 1 2 pw .....! f , ,25 4 PM - & 9 PM .....f e J S q PM ..........1 . J 9 ... 4 ™ “ _ J 8 c PM Movie Marva Colkns Story 5 ,w - e PM 6 M E A _____ 7 PM L A Law Mowe Foreign Body Q PM « JU Q PM j s : . 10 p*Iz. J f i 11 .. ¿SLJ 12 m 30 Self- MarketWrap Batman L S & . ........... Pasouale Do It Sell i a L k i i _ Crook, C O F A Popeye Sq Garden M. Natue OnStage VideoPM Fugitive Sncwtwardm Rendezvous Survrval Slang Mag. Supermarket Mutual Beyond 2ÍXX Avengers • & £ £ ......... Rai TeiTn ...... Enbepreneu New Zorro Brother M t e . ..... Mowe Doctor and * '■ * * * . .. Mowe: Gel From Mars M - Wild TTyngs the Dewis Lionel Hampton South Bank Mowe Doctor & • 700 Club War Chron Fxeoower War Years Bordertuwn Safan Mowe No Name on the Bullet Wlti Discovery Showcase • On Stage l l i i L . . Nashville Now Crook On Stage Texas Nashwlle Now Drve to Crook, F Y . Mowe 1 Love You, Alice B. Toldas Golden Age of Rock At the Improv Mowe 1 Love You, Akce B. Toktas T IHIman _Myiy OtXM Mowe Strangers ENG. Hand .. 3 (Cent) (Com) Donald Duck Deliverance Scats Thorouglibre Mowe 6 arence, Pooh Tree School Baseball Senwr PGA Getting Fit the Lion Mowe: The Gun for Dumbo Mowe: Blue Brti 30i Commuotv Billboard Education Ptykna Cutting Receotan Sarataa! C.O.P.S. Plexus N Ptadnoton Lunch Box Mus» Box Family Robrson Danger Bay (5:30) Community (&00) Community Billboard Billboard Commuotv Billboard Titus Androvcus • . Commantv Billboard Steps of Salvation Mutb- Ungual. Mutb- Cuftural Probecenter Technosoae Easter Eoos V-Rams Raccoons Care Bears Donald Duck Wn. Lose Kids, Inc. Present Technokxw Zend* Back Talk Motherland Mckey Easter Bunny Mowe: Flipper Satanism Video Heaven's Caroline Health Perspective New Athens Good Age Gate Faith Sabbath Catch Ptylmorwde • Only One Sky Technosoae Mowe Both Sides of the Law Scuba Womens College Basketball JL.. '? Again! . Workout Body Body Tenas Detvecch» Women's the NBA College Mowe. Basketball Wrong Guys Muscle In PGA Mowe: Baby Maker • ■ American Cowboy Mowe: Yous to Keep Senwr PGA Golf - . f e w _ Ucence to Motowork) German Soccer v:L.'L‘- Sports Center Hire Mowe Madhouse Mowe: Grease - Paul McCartney Crumbcake Mowe Clarence, the Lion (25) M Station: Hawai SportsTalk Mowe: Look Ski Wald .. Basketball Who's Talking S a fra SpeedWeek Mowe: Love at Large Danoer Bav Labor Beat Mowe: Superman Live From Austin C35) Boxng Madhouse * Liberation Impacto College Baseball . - • Mowe: Overboard • Kids in -Wis f e ll Mowe: W B , Blue Center Tenas - m Loose Cannons ( 45) Corned (:15) Into the Fire Mowe Clash of the Titans Blue Bed Vrieot Banana Ptvtma Video Global Jungle That Wfxch Is H a* Sinatra Christian Es Amor Love/Alive Childproof Hotv Temple Believers Authority Wulf Akve and Dangerous Vanguarda Hispana Black Heritage Du**- Vswn • P R I M E TIME 7:00 pm © C D COLLEGE BASKETBALL NCAA Tournament, regional semifinal (L) (D) * * MASTER OF THE GAME (PT 3 OF 4) (1984) Dyan Cannon, Harry Hamlin. A powerful South African family has its ups and downs over 100 years. MOVIE A SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM (1990) Michael Caine, Swoozie Kurtz. A harried advertising executive with a nagging wife snaps when passed over for promotion and decides to murder his way to true happiness. R Q © (D MACNEIL/LEHRER NEWSH0UR g OS GET SMART © CD FULL HOUSE D.J. decides she's too fat to wear a bathing suit at an upcoming swimming party and secretly goes on a crash diet (R) p © CD HUNTER Hunter witnesses the robbery and murder of his restaurateur friend. (BOD AMERICA'S MOST WANTED A man is charged with aiding two strangers in the sexual assault of his wife; a teenager is accused of killing her baby © SUBARU SKI WORLD 3 * * MOVIE LOVE AT LARGE 1990) Tom Berenger, Elizabeth Perkins. Two detectives meet after they are hired by different people to follow the same man. R’ Q 7:30 pm 05) GET SMART © CD FAMILY MATTERS The unexpected visit by a man from Harriette and Rachael's past causes surprises, p 9 O P. PRO WINTER SURFING From Huntington Beach and Bear Mountain, Calif. (T) 8:00 pm © * * * MOVIE TILL THE END OF TIME (1946) Dorothy McGuire, Guy Madison. A war widow finds romance and new self-esteem after she befriends an ex Marine © CD WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW g © GET SMART © CD PERFECT STRANGERS Balki and Larry are in trouble after they discover they are catering three parties on the same night. S(D AGAINST THE LAW MacHeath helps a distraught homeless man who has taken hostages in the mayor's office. (R) p 3 ESPN'S SPEE0WEEK 8:30 pm © * * MOVIE THE SAILOR WHO FELL FROM GRACE WITH THE SEA (1976) Sarah Miles, Kris Kristofferson A disillusioned sailor reiects the sea for love of a sexually repressed widow R' © (D WALL STREET WEEK America's best known market timer tells where he thinks the market is heading p © GET SMART © CD BABY TALK Mickey helps an unborn friend make an unscheduled entry into the world, p 3 TOP RANK BOXING 10-round heavyweight bout between Ray Mercer and Rocky Sekorski from Lake Tahoe, Nev. (L) 8:35 pm 3 *♦ MOVIE MADHOUSE (1990) John larroquette, Kirstie Alley. A couple's bliss is shattered when the husband's cousin and other unwelcome houseguests refuse to leave PG13 p 9:00 pm © CD COLLEGE BASKETBALL NCAA Tournament, regional semifinal (L) © CD GREAT PERFORMANCES On her 70th birthday, Dame Margot Fonteyn remembers her life from her first dancing lessons to a career that took her to the top. GET SMART ® NEWS © (D 20/20 p © C D DARK SHADOWS In 1790, Angelique s curse wreaks havoc as the vampire Barnabas attacks Abigail, Naomi loses her mind, and Sara and Daniel suffer from a fatal fever, g ffl CD STAR TREK; THE NEXT GENERATION Wesley falls in love with a 16-year-old beauty that the Enterprise is transporting, but her powerful and jealous guardian disrupts the romance, p © GET SMART 9:30 pm 10:00 pm (ED * ★ * MOVIE BAND OF ANGELS (1957) Clark Gable, Yvonne De Carlo. A Civil War romance begins between a former slave-runner and a beautiful aristocrat who learns her mother was a slave © ★★ MOVIE TENDER COMRADE (1943) Ginger Rogers, Robert Ryan. Women turn to each other for support while their husbands are at war © GET SMART 0 NIGHT COURT g © CD © GD n f w s « » CD ARSENIO HALL g 10:05 pm 3 * * MOVIE LOOSE CANNONS (1990) Gene Hackman, Dan Aykroyd. A tough cop investigating a politically sensitive case teams with a new partner who has a multiple-personality disorder. R' 10:30 pm ® * * MOVIE CLEO/LEO (1989) Jane Hamilton, Scott Baker When a male chauvinist is turned into a woman, he discovers what it's like to feel the lechery he used to dish out. R' © CD LIVING MOSAIC The wildlife and landscape of the Tamaulipan biotic province in Mexico are featured m GET SMART ® THE ROUSTERS © CD NIGHTLINE g © (D TONIGHT SHOW Bob Newhart, Bobby McFerrin and Voicestra 3 SPORTSCENTER 11:00 pm © CD AUSTIN CITY LIMITS The Cowboy Junkies perform Blue Moon Revisited and Cause Cheap Is How I Feel; Walter Hyatt mixes Brazilian sounds with classic jazz and blues. © GET SMART © CD NEWHART A heavy winter storm has everyone acting a little strange p © GD ★★★★ MOVIE LITTLE BIG MAN (1970) Dustin Hoffman, Faye Dunaway. A 121-year-old man, the only white survivor of Custer's Last Stand, reminisces about his experiences as an adopted Indian. PG' 11:30 pm © CD NEWS ® GET SMART @ * MOVIE SCANDAL, INC. (1957) Robert Hutton, Patricia Wright. A scandal magazine bent on preying on private lives of movie stars and people in the public eye is exposed. © CD INTO THE NIGHT © ® LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 3 TENNIS Lipton International Players Championship, semifinal from Key Biscayne, Fla (T) 11:45 pm 3 SHOWTIME COMEDY CLUB NETWORK 12:00 am © (D SIMON AND SIMON © * * MOVIE WAKE UP AND DREAM (1946) John Payne, June Haver. A child searches for her brother, who was declared missing in action during World War II. © GET SMART 12:10 am ® ★ MOVIE STREETS (1989) Christina Applegate, David Mendenhall. On a weekend trip to Los Angeles, a boy from a wealthy family becomes involved with a prostitute's daughter. R' 12:15 am 3 * * MOVIE INTO THE FIRE (1987) Art Hindle, Susan Anspach. A rock musician drifts into a small town and takes a job as a handyman, only to become a pawn in a game of murder, passion and deceit R' p 12:30 am ® GET SMART © CD FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS 12:35 am © (D HUNTER The wife of a businessman who was killed in a yacht explosion becomes the prime suspect when it's discovered that she was written out of his will, p 12:45 am (D) ★ MOVIE DEATHMOON (1978) Robert Foxworth, France Nuyen A man's nightmares about a werewolf continue when he goes to Hawaii to relax 1:00 am © CD PAID PROGRAMMING © GET SMART o * * MOVIE SECRETS OF MONTE CARLO (1951) Warren Douglas, Lois Hall, An American on his way to the Orient gets involved in a jewel robbery 1:30 am © (D PARTY MACHINE WITH NIA PEEPLES © GET SMART © CD © ® new s ESP N SHO W D ISN ACTV ACTV ACTV U FE j a FNN/BRV FAM Supplements — i | - Amer Baby 7 AM (600) Self ... . J S Q AM Baby Knows inyesong Finance Day by Day Art & Craft High Tech. IRS Tax 8 9 ..... . 10, ¡30 :30 EB , Attitudes Goamet Mutual Corp Lifestyles Lifestyles S«ter Kate Supermarket Lifestyles Lifestyles 11 AM 1 ' M . \ 1 2 PM Garden Popeye HeattaMI Heathcliff F'stone Bonanza Vrgman DISC ¡ a NASH 05) A&E H SE fe, Ramsey ■ • Pax) .. Aust» World of Disney Mowe: Same Time, Next Year f e f e . S Africa Tonv Brown D C Week Wall St Fnng Line McLauohlm College Basketball Tenas • • • • • PGA Go« Movie; Buffalo ■■Billand tbe Indians To Be Announced (15) Bret Mavendc Pad CPAs On Call The Lazy Ace CBS News ABC News On Scene Mama's Pad 1 0 AM IU 25 1 1 s 1 2 m 4 PM ........ : .22. 9 PM t ...R q PM JSL 4 ^ .j f l C PM . 6 ,25 7 PM .... / ...a t , Q PM 8 _ js l Q PM - ...,22. 1 1 PM . . . . . , f e. 1 2 AM b J5 C PM News 60 Minutes Murder, She Wrote Mowe Field of Dreams News 1 0 w J Í L j s l fe / :.. . ■ • • • • 30 Pad (:45) News 7 AM ____ L f l o o 9 z ....... f e l 10 AM ........M 11 AM C S f f s 4 PM 1 30 C M — a . (630) Self- Diabetes PhYSxaan Fam Jaeiaf-.. Cardiology OB/GYN Physician Fam Intemi ¿Sz'GYN— Physiaan Cardiotoov Dentistry Fam Infectious -... 3 P“ ..JSL 4 PM .....“ ..,29 C PM 5 ,29 R pm ...J il 7 PM ./ JSL O O ..... 1 * IdC tiilffiS Herpeswrus New Getaway *-'•........ Ptiarmacy .. Physician ia-u sitJ Cardiology f e f e ..... D U 2 OB/GYN 8 yJL. . Physxaan 10 ... z L jf i., 11 " . J L sl SeW- 1 ? AM ,L 30 Lifestwes Lifestyles Lifestyles Lifestyles Lifestyles Investing Mutual IRS Tax Hah Tech. Finance Coro SCORE Card SCORE Card • - • • • • News Life Goes On NBC News Super Bloopers Hendersons True Colors Parker Funny Expose Lrwng fjc a t........ ABC Sunday Night Mowe News Newhart Mowe Key West Rea! lie Mowe Death of a San f e i f e Mamed Anton» Cop News Good Gnef Com» Stop Live Star Trek: Next Friday toe 13to ....... Part (:15) Pal Joey Pad Oft Ax Fx»aL»e Special Dfihate Newton Nat'l Geographic Nature Masterpiece Theatre Yes Bemg Alio, AHo AII0. Alio! Off Ax LIFE FNN/BRV FAM Supplements Swiss DISC M NASH .. -IB ,, A&E HSE & - Vxgnan Collector's In- « (530) Program Gode Deaf Speed ...'/ J. Truck Orphans Amencan Medical Telewswn Winston Hidden Hero Motosoorts House Coast to Coast Anxnal Odyssey Bass Bass Ouuoor NASCAR Racxig Academy Awards Outdoor Saltwater Mowe: Give Us Barabbas Golf Tenas Hockey ro a e « '! Uve . Warren German Soccer M SI Soccer War Chron. Hxiden Hero Fftaower Equnox NHRA Winston Wild Thxigs Best of toe BBC MgtorSOOrtS Truck»' u f e . f e Amencan Sports Work) Challenoe Amencan Caesar Oa Century ATP Tenas Gerbert Pole COP,S. Batman Brother Bonanza Rifleman Wagon Tra» Mowe: Gxl From Mars • Brother f e ± .... R » T» T» Bik Stalkon Bordertown Brg Valley Survival Mowe: Night • • * Show Stars of Hockey Hockey Mowe: Bad landers (:15) T & Planet WCW Main Event Mowe Savage - Netwk Pad f e o Pad Journey Sovival Mowe: Jungle Book Natxxial Geographic Bobby Jones Exptorer Fa/Record Video Pad MAX m (Cont) Mcwe: (Cont) (45) AMC (IS) TNT (TS) USA ITT) NICK © WGN a Popeye Cartoons Cl Duckuta (:15) What UNI tra (6:30) Ptatawsx» Hoyy Santa Misa Work) Vision Debates Palenque Fútbol/ Soccer . Nobody's Perfect Movie: Nuns on the Run Millionaire Plavhnv Mowe: Lady Refuses Bugs Bunny and Pals Mowe: Many Rivers to 6 oss Jem Cartoon Express - J, Canales Mowe: Fat Mowe: Too Mowe: Los Reyes del Man and 1 irtle Rny Many Gxff. Wrestkng Mowe: Valley of the Kings MacGyver Mowe: Yea Liv'g Danger Movie: Divorce of Lady X Penis Mowe: Bachelor & B'Sxr Mowe: Season of Giants (Pt 1 of 2) Mowe: Season of Boxeo Budwetser Mowe: Galkpoli Hentaoe Mass In- Star Search wiki, wad West Movie: Ragtime Band Charlie's Angels Preseason Baseball . Heatodiff Kablooey Fhooer Yogi You Kablooey Clarissa Crazy Kids Dennis Fifteen Freshmen Ok) Sultan Nightingale T» Soldier Can't on TV Out Control Fifteen Mowe: Rose Dancing Toa Balando Noooero Siempre en Domxigo Mowe: Mad Max/ Thunder > Mowe: Lethal Mowe. Dangerous Mmnlight Mowe: Viva Zapata! Weapon 2 * . Mowe: Cnss Cross Giants (Pt 2 of 2) Swamp Hitchcock Denos Movie: Murder, She Fighter Wrote Squadron Mowe: Crazy Kids Ctanssa Insp. Mowe: Thirteen at Doner Murdef 101 Loonev Mowe: Batttegrounc Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart Counter- strike Equalizer Mowe: Affairs of Mowe Go Ceflmr Get Smart fa Broke! Miami Vice Get Smart Get Smart Movie: Promise * News ( 40) Reoia Monsters R*er . ■ Hollywood Insider Get Smart Get Smart Mgvte Body (:15) Camp Pad Get Smart and Soul Mowe Criss Cross Mowe: Dangerous . . - . 1M L ( 45) Behm ESPN i l . SHOW , -J5 Henry's Cat DISN 3 Mother Lifestyles Lee Hanev In PGA School Soorts Reporters Center Barber Saab America's Hase LPGA Golf Too Stow Kids-TV OWL/TV Mowe Masters of toe Universe Wuzzles Pound Donald Duck Mowe: Elm- Chanted Forest Fxst Wild Swans Mowe: They Were Expendable Best of Disney Mowe; Frog Pnnce Family Robrison ACTV sa Comm. Faith Gospel Hillcrest Baptist Sundav Mass Imoact Yoa Bible Hyde Part Hoa Esta es Tnumohant ACTV © (530) Comm. Community Billboard Lion Speaks Am. Cutting Aust» Motherland Estamos en í r Gardeners Persian TV ACTV (530) Comm. Metan wrphei Astronomy Network Deadly Deceit Whats on You MxxJ? . . Mowe: Tequia Sunrise Mowe: Sporta Titulares Mowe: La Muerte & m.i ■; : - Canales J Canales Work) Visan HBO r a Babar Mowe: Bear • (:45l Family . Soorts Mowe Karate Kid Ml Mowe; Urbar Cowboy . Formula One Racxig f e " Golf Mowe: Lean on Me Sports Preseason Baseball Mowe Raising Anznna (35) Heartbreak Hotel Mowe: Masters of the lloverse Mowe Pretty Woman Mowe: AH Centex PC Dogs Go to Heaven Avon lea Users KidzKlub Evening With Mowe: Dtsneys Coyote Tales Anne Moray Cokxsounds Health Tios Alternative Views EartWme News Impacto Greater Love Hoa Riverbend Knowing This Is Es Ama Unite WHdPtxl Hank Sinatra It s Yoa Tan Now Hear The Church Education St James Council Agenda Baptist Over comer Stone Help " • Interview Dawd Let People Speak Ch$iel Celebration of Praise Steos of Satvatan New Athens Banana Cook Earth Zend* Farm's Back Deadly Deceit Cavalcade Shakers Movie: Bear Winston Raw' Forest Int i Cat Mowe Daisy New Zorro Muter South Bank Change Charles Stanley J. John Winrano Nature of Thxigs Discovery Sunday Discovery Sunday Wngs Larry Jones P*rt.......... Best of the BBC Mowe: Camelot PM cnbro kifo W Dance Bass Hot Rod Show Truck Hidden. Hero Winston A & E Revue Carolines Comedy Shakers (.451 Children of lle s s w God (30) Josaphrw Raker Story Ball Qua Sports Center to a Bowla Mowe: Casualties Mowe: Les Girls of War Ladies Pro Bowlers Movie: Duty Harry Mowe: Gkda To Russia Discovery Sunday Irv Ran Forest Senior Terns (:45) Yakov THE D a i l y T e x a n Friday, March 22. 1991 Page 15 P R E V IO U S P U Z Z L E S O L V E D A C R O S S 1 S e a fo o d 5 E d ib le root 9 R o g u e 14 Frenzy 15 Filled with re v e re n c e 16 Ms D insm ore 17 M in e o p en in g 18 Art s u b je c ts 20 Im pudent: a rc h a ic 2 2 A rela tiv e 2 3 B efo re: p re f. 2 4 Plus 25 D o o m ed o n e 2 6 S e e d 27 Role 28 N e x t to S un . 31 C loth p a tte rn 34 F a s te n e rs 3 5 A G e rs h w in 36 Fail to find 3 7 B ow ling units 38 Door p art 39 W ant — 40 Allows to u se 41 Edgy 42 R ecent: pref. 43 Finishes 4 4 O c e a n h a za rd 4 5 S te e p rocks 47 N ot high 4 8 S ta le m a te 51 C u s to m er 5 3 W a te rc o lo r, e g 55 R en tals 57 S c e n t 58 C afe p a tro n 5 9 H oofs, p e r h a p s 6 0 N eck g ro w th 61 US d ra m a tis t 62 C o lo rs 6 3 Fruit d e c a y D O W N 1 T ype of pain 2 E le c tro n ic d e v ic e 3 N im b le 4 G reek le tte r 5 G ift 6 B es to w 7 H o u s e h o ld e x p e n s e 8 U n n atu ral 9 In te rs e c tin g lines 10 Mrs. L u ce 11 D is p a ra g in g re m a rk 12 A p p e a ra n c e 13 B rat 19 S o m e TV p ro g ra m s 21 A n te d up 2 5 S tro n g w inds 26 B akery item 2 7 P o o ls 2 9 R a in b o w s , e g . 3 0 A cc e p t 31 S c h e m e 3 2 O re d e p o s it 33 Ally [ b o N E R A D O R El S I O N S I N N E T ■ ' R I G E R A T O R A d Te s R I S H E ¡ R ofcÉK Id A iM fP S s E R E s T Ó A L E N T E MR G SJ 34 M usic g ro u p s 37 E x te n t 3 8 S h a n k 4 0 S c o re s in h o rs e s h o e s 41 C o m m u n ity 4 4 P a lm s (off) 4 6 A d)ust 47 B u rd e n e d 4 8 — w a v e 4 9 H o l e --------- 50 P lum e so u rc e 51 M a rc 's love 5 2 M e ta l 5 3 P ray e r 5 4 G ra v e 5 6 F re q u e n tly: po et <£) 1 9 9 1 U n it e d F e a t u r e S y n d ic a t e (MB GOT A BUILT-IN CLIENTELE FOR TEARS TO COME - ENGINEERS, THE CONTRACTORS, 7HE WEAPONS SALESMEN, THE PIPLOMATS, THE PRESS'. THE AROUND CAMPUS A round C am pus is a d aily colum n list­ ing U niversity-related activities sponsored by academ ic d e p artm e n ts, stu d e n t services and registered stu d e n t o rg a n iz atio n s. To appear in A round C am pus, o rg a n iz atio n s m u st be registered w ith the O ffice of C am ­ p u s A ctivities. A n n o u n c em e n ts m u st be su b m itte d on the correct form , availab le in The D aily Texan office, 25th Street and W hitis A venue, by 11 a.m . the day before p u b lic a tio n . The D aily Texan reserves the right to e d it su b m issio n s to conform to sty le sig n ific a n t a lth o u g h no ru le s , changes w ill be m ade. MEETINGS U niversity M ethodist S tu d e n t Fellow ­ sh ip will m eet at 9:45 a.m . for a discussion of "A C hristian u n d e rsta n d in g of peace" an d at 6 p .m . for w orship an d fellow ship S unday a t U niversity U nited M ethodist C hurch, 2409 G uadalupe St. S p an ish T ertulia w ill m eet at 4:30 p.m . Friday at W aterloo Ice H ouse, 608 W. 24th St. U niversity C hurch on th e Rock will m eet for prayer a n d w o rsh ip at 7 a.m . M ondays an d W ednesdays in U niversity Teaching C enter 3.110. F ellow ship m eet­ ings are h e ld on Fridays. Call 474-4372. The S h ire of the Ivory T ow er w ill not m eet at th e usual tim e on S a tu rd ay a t Pease Park. Call 926-6930. Korean P resbyterians on C a m p u s will m eet at 7 p.m . S aturdays at th e Korean U nited Presbyterian C hurch, 5500 A venue G. C hinese Bible S tudy w ill m eet at 6:30 p.m . Friday in Taylor Hall 2.006. U niversity Council C om m ittee on M u lti­ cultural E ducation will sp o n so r a series of public m eetings from M o n d ay through T hursday a n d from April 2 th ro u g h April 4 from 4 to 6 p.m . in the M ain Building Aca­ dem ic Room (212) to hear from m em bers of the U niversity com m unity w h o w ish to speak. Israeli S tu d e n ts A ssociation w ill m eet at 7:30 p.m . Friday at the M artin B rothers Cafe, 2815 G uadalupe St. All stu d e n ts in ­ terested in speaking H ebrew are w elcom e to join. Call G uy at 320-8571. in Israel-related issu e s an d C hinese S tu d e n ts and S cholars A ssocia­ tion will m eet at 7:30 p.m . Friday in Robert Lee M oore Hall 5.104. U niversity N eo-D adaist Front w ill m eet Saturday from 7:30 to 9 p .m . in th e Texas U nion Building 4.108. S tu d e n ts O lder T han A verage, a social/ su p p o rt g ro u p for stu d e n ts age 23 a n d old­ er, will m eet from 5 to 7 p.m . Friday in the Texas U nion Building Battle O aks Room (2.400). A sian B usiness S tu d e n ts A ssociation will hold a n officers m eeting a t 3 p.m . Fri­ day in the Texas Union B uilding A sian C ul­ tu re Room (4.224). Rho Beta Rho w ill m eet at 9 p .m . Friday in Beauford H. Jester C enter 203A. SHORT COURSES UT K endo A ssociation o ffers b e g in n in g an d adv an ced training in k e n d o , th e art of Japanese sw o rd m a n sh ip from noon to 2:30 p.m . S aturday in the R ecreational Sports C enter 1.106 and from noon to 2:30 p.m . S unday in L. Theo Bellmont Hall 502. Call 326-9021. T he B aptist S tu d en t U nion w ill have conversational English classes for in tern a­ tional stu d e n ts at 11 a.m . a n d 3 p.m . Friday in the B aptist S tud ent C enter, 2204 San A n­ tonio St. For m ore inform ation call 474- 1429. U niversity Folk D ance Society w ill con­ du ct the fo u rth of four classes on English country d an ce at 8 p.m . Friday in the Texas U nion B uilding Tow er Room (5.102). FILMS AND LECTURES The D ep artm en t of S panish an d Por­ tuguese is sp o n so rin g a Portuguese c o m e r sation hour (Bate-Papo) from noon to 1 p m Friday in Batts 1 fall 201. The D epartm ent o f G e ography is sp o n ­ soring a lecture by Dr David Eaton, D e­ partm ent of G eography, on "M an ag in g the Yellow River" at 3 p m Friday in G eogra­ phy Building 408. T he In stitu te for G eophysics is sp o n so r­ ing a sem inar by Bill C arlson, D epartm ent ot Geological Sciences, on "Q u an titativ e íex tu ral A nalysis ot M etam orphic Rocks" at 4 p.m . Friday in The A trium (C onference Room 382), H701 M oPac Expressw ay. T he In tern atio n al O ffice is sp o n so rin g a lecture by Geoffrey Lee W illiams, D irector of the INSTEP C am bridge program s, on "T he E uropean C om m unity: the W ideners V ersus the D eepeners” at 3:30 p.m M on­ day in College of B usiness A dm inistration Building 4.348, The D e p artm en t of G erm anic L anguages is spo n so rin g a lecture bv M aurice Jaccard on "S w itzerland: A D em ocracy in a Multi- Lingual S tate" at 4 p .m . Friday in E.P. Schoch Building 4.104. P a k istan i S tu d e n ts A ssociation is sp o n ­ soring a taped lecture by Dr. Israr A hm ad on "T heory of E volution in Islam " a t 4:45 p.m . Friday in G ra d u ate School of Business Building 2.120. T he A nim e C lub is sp o n so rin g a free screening of Jap anaese anim ation from 7 p.m . to m id n ig h t Friday in E ngineering Teaching C enter II 2.108. T he B u d d h ist A ssociation is sp o n so rin g a lecture by U pasaka Hsu at 7 p.m . Friday in Texas U nion Building 2.102. B razilian S tu d ies S tu d e n t G ro u p and Brazilian S tudies com m ittee of ILAS are sp onsoring a lecture by Dr Joao Reis of the D epartm ent of H istory at the U niversidade. Federal da Bahía on "S lavery a n d Race in Brazil" at 5 p.m . M arch 28 in Sid Richard­ son Hall ILASSA lounge (1.302). B razilian S tu d ies S tu d e n t G ro u p , Brazi­ lian S tudies C om m ittee of ILAS an d the D epartm ent of H istory will sp o n so r a lec­ ture by Dr. Joao Reis of the D e p artm en t of H istory at th e U niversidade Federal da Bahia on "F u n erary Ritual an d Rebellion in Brazil, 1836" on M arch 29 at 3 p .m . in G a r­ rison Hall 100. Probe C enter S tu d e n ts are sp o n so rin g a m arketplace discussion by Terrv M uck on "C an C h ristian s an d M usiim s Be Friends?" at 8 p.m . S unday in the Texas U nion Build­ ing Sinclair Suite 3.128. UT R ussian C lu b is sp o n so rin g a sh o w ­ ing of A Forgotten Tune for the Flute, a Soviet rom antic com edv, at 7:30 p.m . Friday in C alhoun H a lf422'. U niversity G row th Forum is sp o n so rin g a lecture by John H oughton, Ph.D ., associ­ ate professor of Sociology at St. E dw ard's U n iv e rsity ,‘on "A u stin Plan an d the Perils of C om m unitv-B ased C om prehensive Plan­ nin g " at noon Friday in the Texas U nion Building Board of D irectors Room (4.118). OTHER Services for S tu d e n ts w ith D isabilities needs volunteers for the spring sem ester. Previous v olunteers an d new applicants are w elcom e. Call 471.-1201. T he E uropean S tu d en t A ssociation will have h ap p y h o u r at 8:30 p.m . Friday at M artin B rothers Cafe, 2815 G uad alu p e St. Call 320-0650. T eatro Frontera encourages any stu d e n ts of color — particularly C hícanos as — w ho have experienced a racial incident to share their experience. The incident m ay be overt or covert but m ust have h a p p en e d at the U niversit\ o r in the UT area. Interview s are to create a perform ance being collected event p roduced bv 440-7045 lea tro hrontera Call The G ay and Lesbian S tu d e n ts A ssocia­ tion will have happy hour trom 4:30 to f> p.m Friday in th e Texas Union Building C actus t ate G ay G rad u ate S tu d e n ts w ill have happy h our at 5:30 p .m . Friday at C harlie's, 1301 I avaca St Texas M em orial M useum is spo n so rin g an exhibition of Traditional C rafts of Saudi Arabia S aturday th ro u g h May 12 H ours are M onday th ro u g h Friday from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m , Saturday from 10 a.m . to 5 p m. a n d Sunday from 1 to 5 p m. T he U niversity A m ateur Radio C lub will have a sw ap net (on the air) at 9 p.m . S undays Radio frequent v is 146 94 Ml I/. T he M uslim S tu d e n t A ssociation w ill have jum m a praver at noon Friday in Rob­ ert A Welch Malí 5.266. UT S ailing C lub w ill have a sail at 10 a.m . S aturday. I he car pool will m eet at the n o rth w est c orner of 26th Street and S p eed ­ way. T he S tudy A broad O ffice an n o u n ces new o p p o rtu n ite s for sem ester stu d y and in te rn sh ip s in L ondon, E ngland, Juniors and above are eligible for in te rn sh ip s in various areas. D eadline for applications is April 27. Go to the office .it 100 W. 26th St. or call 471-1211, C habad Jew ish S tu d en t O rganization in ­ vites all Jew ish stu d e n ts to com e to Shabbat services and a fuli-course m eal beginning w ith a candle lighting at 6 p.m . Friday at the C habad H ouse, 2101 N ueces St. UT Ballet Folklórico w ill practice from noon to 2 p .m . Saturday in the Texas U nion Building T ow er Room (5.102). In d ian S tu d e n ts A ssociation w ill cele­ brate Holi at n o o n M arch 30 in E astw oods Park. In d ian S tu d e n ts A ssociation w ill have a dance at 8 p.m . M arch 5() • m ju < A (£ s . 1710 LAVACA STREET 476-5638 3300 WEST A N D E R S O N LANE 454-5833 SALE ENDS M AR CH 26, 1991 OPEN 9AM TO MIDNIGHT • 365 DAYS A YEAR lORllRRKRRRSWIMR AUSTIN 24th & Guadalupe (On The Drag) (512) 478-5711 1 Hour Free Validated Parking at •ALL RIGHT ’ PARKING LOTS' 24th & San Antonio VtOtO SALES ONLY B U Y , SELL, RENT, TRADE... WANT ADS...471 -5244 jo b th a t y o u ’ll a ctually en­ jo y g o in g to every day? You’ve found it. Open supervisor-staff relation­ ships create an enjoyable w ork­ ing environm ent. You’ll enjoy a bright, modern suburban office setting. The atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed. As a C u sto m e r Relay Agent, you’li assist persons w ith spe­ cia l c o m m u n ic a tio n needs. S tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills and the a b ility to assist te le ­ com m unication customers in a professional, helpful manner is required. Relay Agents must be able to accurately type 45 wpm and be able to work on a shift rotation basis. A p p lic a tio n s w ill be a c c e p te d in person only. M onday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm 1321 Rutherford Lane, Suite 120 Austin ■ M B Sprint Services • A Un ited Telecom C om pany Equal O pportunity Em ployer S m oke Free Environm ent A D ru g /A lco h o l Screening Em ployer