• '.at I . ie- I was nans in line, arrived ort Worth, Texas, Feb. l L who was captured by the , when the airplane in which riding over the German lines ‘bombing raid to Coblenz gave t ort yesterday. He is the son of H. Tucker, claim agent of the Worth & Denver Railroad, ieut. Tucker told th e story of his jture and laughing said that it ed like a little now that he was home again w ith his w ile and nts He with a company of five ber planes went over the lines to b Coblenz, and when th e gasoline their tanks gave out they were all eed to descend and w ere captured. planes were th e same ones in ich the pilots and bombers had n training back of the lines. The .ators knew th a t if they returned would be nothing b u t luck as the ^ of the ships would not hold the 500 mile iugh gasoline for ad trip. iThe Americans were losing from ee to six men out o f each bomb- party because of this fact. The hanks were worked to death and ships had to be ta k e n out as /goon they could be repaired and there a not time for g e n e ra l rebuilding the planes. Lieut. Tucker figured in two sen- ional attem pts to escape. The itjime he with a n o th e r officer w ent of the window o f a n old castle reached the ground before being night. They were u n a b le to scale steep wall aro u n d the building in the m orning h a d to a s k the I t was rd to let them back in. of the most b itte r d isa p p o in ­ ts he ever had w hen he found was unable to scale the prison j ll. The guard w as astonished ten he saw the two m en who were tpposedly safe in th e upper s to rie s the old castle. The food a t th e cam p s was poor and itil terican Red C ross later began to the French, English (Continued on page 4.) M T Y MEN GUARD TREASURY N. Boyd and A lton A b b o tt Are Night W atch m en a t State C apitol [To watch over assets to the amount 533,000, OOO is th e nocturnal task A. N/Boyd, U n iv ersity law student, N Alton Abbott who is takyig a bus- **8 course in A u stin . These two men, heavily armed, sleep be- the State Rd the bars g u a rd in g Masury D epartm ent, and are custo­ ms of the S tate funds d uring the 11. ' a long estab lish ed custom a t Hate capitol to give the positions ukrht watchm an in the T reasury fitm ent and th e Comptroller's of- e t0 it • li,I ti, f ?“s.g..a . .»c~w~' VOL* XIX F I R S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H AUSTIN, TEXAS, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1919 W onder W hat The Texan Would do W ithout a Good Pair af Siasora? NO. 66 ING ESCAPE IS J FROM BOCHE by TEXAS STUDENT . R H Tucker A rrive* in ^ W o r t h A fter G ettin g Away from Hun P rison STUDENTS ABLE TO OBTAIN B. A. IN JOURNALISM \ Committee Report* Favorably to Faculty Changing Cat­ alogue Slightly FREDERICK DEAN TO SPEAK ABOUT SIAM ____ I Former Inhabitant of Oriental Country to Talk at **Y” r Friday Night SIGMA UPSILON I MEETS AT CACTUS Literary Society Reorganized Sunday, Electing Officers and Member* SECOND RICE GAME ENDS WITH DEFEAT FOR OWLS in interest The committee reported as follows: To the Faculty of t h e College of That the coming students of Jour­ nalism will be able to take a Bachelor of Arts Degree in that course is now assured since the report of a com­ mittee appointed by the President. This is considered a (fteat step in the advancement of this school, due to the fact that no degree below a Master's could be obtained I Par* it played heretofore. One of the most entertianing and instructive public lectures to be given at the University, of Texas this sea son will be that of Frederic Dean at the University Y. M. C. A. next Friday evening, February 7. No ad­ mission will be charged and the pub­ lic is invited to hear what Mr. Dean has to say about that far-off and the romantic country, Siam, and the great war. in Siam is the land of Oriental splen­ dor. Mr. Dean was a resident of Bangkok, the capital of Siam for many years. He knows the language Arts and the General Faculty. the literature and the religion of the The special committee appointed by people. His illus­ President Vinson the trated with lantern slide views, the matter of the establishment of the pictures which he uses being taken degree of Bachelor of Journalism in­ by the Siamese Government. Mr. to the University o$ Texas, recom­ Dean is a lawyer by profession. He mends that the degree be established not only was for a long time a resi­ with the requirements now for the dent of Siam, but he lived for years Bachelor of Arts Degree, except that in other parts of Asia and Europe. A rticle 7, Section A, page 102, of the j j j e y)as vjsj^et| A frica, the W est In t o l dies Central Am erica, the H aw aiian 1917-1918 Catalogue be changed read : regions, under the direction of the School of and has w ritten extensively on poli­ Journalism , a t least th ree of which tics and travel. His lecture will be m ust be advanced.” This change in intensely the way A rticle 7 would render Section C in­ through. applicable as a requirem ent fo r the degree of Bachelor of Journalsm . “ Six courses in Jo u rn a lism ,u 8iands and other lecture will be to consider interesting remote all Respectfully subm itted, H. V. BE N ED IC T, L. W. PA Y N E, W. J. BELL, W. H. MAYES, — Committee. betasT kX s a n d DELTA CHIS WIN A. T. O., Sigm a Nu, a n d S. A. E. D efe ated by M ore P o w e r­ fu l O p p o n en ts Plans for the year were discussed last night at the first gathering of literary Sigma Upsilon, honorary fraternity, held last spring. The chief matter under consideration was the election of new officers and members. since The fraternity was pretty hard hit by the war, but is now looking for­ ward to an uninterrupted season of inspiring get-togethers every other the Cactus Tea Sunday night at Room. Active members of the club are: Dr. R. H. Griffith, Dr. H. T. Parlin, Ed Angly, Turner Gamer, I. H. Jack Beall, John Cofer, Crutcher, Milton Ling, M. J. Rosen- field, Sam Acheson, Palmer Bradley, Floyd Smith and Hatcher Pickens. NO CACTUS SOLD Kingsland Unable to M aster Louie Sm ith at Center—Jimmie Greer Gam ers Greatest Number of P oints CLASSES ORGAraZED TWO GAMES TO BE PLAYEDJN AUSTIN University Professors and Y. M. C. A. Secretaries Act as Leaders Only Chance to Come Back W ill Be»on T exas Courts at Gym in Regular Bible study classes given by the Y. M. C. A. are being or­ ganized fra te rn ity the various houses and boarding establishm ents to about Secretary Jam es Anderson of the Y. M. C. A. the U niversity, according (By “S p ort” ) Texas cleaned up on the Rice Owls Saturday night by the wide margin of 38 to 22. While the game was not celite as fast as the one Friday night, both teams played hard and pepped up the contest considerably. AFTERNEXT WEEK F e b ru a ry l l a n d 12 S et as Final sale of the 1919 Cactus will D ea d lin e fo r Sale of U ni­ v ersity Y e a r Book Jimmy Greer, who w as shifted from guard to forward during the latter p a rt of the game, was the high point man. He was a sure bet on long shots and rang up basket after basket from mid-field and side center. He showed up equally as well at forward as a t guard. These classes, ten of which have already been formed, are held on every night of the week except S a t­ urday, although only one m eeting is held a week by the respective classes. The classes so fa r formed are held in in the following places: Three “ B” Hall, one in K appa Psi House, be held on Tuesday, Feburary l l , and j one in Delta Chi House, one in Hyde W ednesday, F ebruary 12. This is a! P ark, one in Kelly House a t 2208 “last chance” sale and those who do Nueces St., two in Freshm an Hall, not take advantage of it are going to | and one in the Y. M. C. A. be disappointed in hoping to acquire j a num ber of teachers have volun a book a t a later date. No extra teered to take these classes, among copies will be printed, so see your duty whom are Secretaries Thomas C urrie, I c . E. Newton, and Jam es Anderson and do it! the Y. M. C. A., Drs. W. T. be some m ighty glum looking indi- Mather* L. W. Payne, D. A. Peniek, viduals m atriculating around the cam-1 and J. B. W harey of the U niversity, pus of this university. of them may beseech a good old fash- j Bible C hair. ioned kick from you. Upon in q u iry 1 you will probably be told th a t the day Present World T ask” is the topic for I ing which will baffle any man. _______ forw ards, played fast, consistent games, never letting up for a m inute. DeViney In fact some'»n 1,1 a" y of " ’h,ch are low sconj of the Owlets will asaiimed on I _____ ... ,u‘ class m eetings. Between ten and twelve pupils go • fo{. a few m inutes> . ., ... . , Some people may advance the en-, I to make up a class, and although ^ ____ , , . lightening inform ation th at, as is the! only custom, ‘ many ex tra copies will be at present, printed for the accommodation of the least fifteen more will be form ed, as annual quota of procrastinators. As it is the purpose of the Y. M. C A. ^ the case stands, there “ain ’t goin’ to to establish a class wherever there be no accommodation." so let your is a suffident num ber desiring one. tim e ten classes have b e n form ed | durjng the ,a tte r p a rt of F c b ru ary th a t a t fof two gam es Dope seems to p ^ t t(y gtrong)y tow ari, a victory thcn are startinK out 30me. ^ Rice comes to A ustin some is expected it , , , . . ' v . -I .. the tim e Beta T heta Pi and K appa Alpha won over Alpha Tau Omega and Sig­ ma Nu in the in te rfra te rn ity basket­ ball games which were played F r i­ day. Delta Chi beat Sigma Alpha TP Epsilon by a score of 16 to 7 S atur- before w a . the last day day. In the first game played F ri­ day the Betas put it over the A. T. O.’s by a score of 7 to 5. The score of the second game was 24 to 8 in favor of the K. A ’s. Sigma Chi ! should have played Delta T au Delta I S aturday but on account of a mis- i understanding about the | game was postponed and w ill be j played later this week, j I fo r the Betas was high point man ' conscience I bringing home five points. S trin g er to salt down a copy [threw one field goal. F or the A. T. annual th a t Texas has ever put out. j N M I K I I {O. McWhorten threw three free goals j and Kelly made one field goal. Both F ebruary team s played hard, and a num ber of fouls were called. The were as follow s: B etas; W right and , S tringer, forw ards; Bell center; and G arner and Sm ith, guards. A. T. O.; Kelly and G ussett, forw ards; C arter, . c e n te r; and Jacks and M cW horten, I, guards. for the Betas and Simms and Mont- Demson. who was a student gomery for the A. T. O. the dates: Tuesday, l l , and Wednesday, Feb- ru ary 12. 1919; and bring th a t old C RA W FO R D H EA R D FROM ______ . . • , friends have i « D ittm ar was In the Beta A. T. O. game, W right , , . U niversity a recently . . Crawford lineups check book with you! last two sessions and ^ U niversity the of the greatest be your guide if you wrant , r, „ i h e appear substituted Remember -mm ’ , o------ m C , 6 , „ ,n ., . i i e O l k T P P H O T A | ^ | APPEAR J AUSTIN M erle A lcock a n d O scar S eag le to Sing a t M ajestic T h e a te r Merle Alcock and Oscar Seagle, o f noted Am erican concert singers, will this under the auspices of the Aus- first in concerts in Austin w hat as they did last year. Then the Longhorns went to Rice and de­ feated them twice. Then when Rice came to A ustin, the#local five w ere completely carried cut. Needless to the Owls will come here w ith say. revenge in th eir eyes, and two in te r­ esting games will result. EXTRA PROFESSORS FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Five V isiting In stru c to rs to G ive C ourses in H isto ry D u rin g S u m m er S chool ford is now a student in the College j concert will be held Tuesday night in d u rin £ the fal1 of this year. C r a w - |tin A m ateur Musical Club. The W infrey was high point man the K. A- Signa Nu scoring five field goals. F. Moore and J. Moore each !of Osteopathy a t Kirksville; M issouri.; a t the M ajestic made three field goals and R. Rober- deau made one fo r the K. A. For EX-SOLDIER ENTERS VARSITY will sing F riday night. Signa Nu, W allace made four free goals and Lipscomb and Grizzard each made one Moores played center, and Roberdeau and Bering He was with were guards for the K. A ’s. T h e I Cos, T e x a s , has ju s t entered the U n i- ; singing by Robert G. Y arrington of San M a r-1 of the concerts will be field goal. F or ° th eatre, a t which time Merle Alcock will sing. Seagle forw ards, W infrey, versify for the rem ainder of tho year. Austin, m any of whom are U n iv e r-; * ^ > 1 v ,vt v ,sitin g pro es- One of the most attractive p arts sors wdl offt‘r c u r s e s in the coming t e University of In the first term , June 12 to of th irty young women of J exas^ the chorus gummer session o re ^ u a r .s a , ' 1 V w ^ . P. Brooks, »n es.sor I o r^' °° * • 0 the Ninetieth Division in France and club, of which Mrs. J . W . Morris is . c u r s e s on the ante-bellum South and the 359th regiment of sity students. The A m ateur Musical 51 m w rsity o Georgia, will give (Continued on page I was discharged the was sent back to Camp Bowie. He the director, is composed of the best on the agricultural and in d u strial his •re on J a n u a ry 26. j musical ta le n t of Austin. They w ill tory of the United S ta te s; Professor STUDENTS NOTICE to protect The records of the Committee on Student H ealth in­ dicates th a t you are either failing to have your te m p era ­ ture taken daily or failing to report. More than four- fifths of the students are taking their te m p e ra tu re s ‘and the reporting regularly each day in order health of themselves and th eir classmates. It is m ani­ festly unfair to these students to allow other students who fail to take this precaution to en danger the health of the student body by their indifference. W on’t you please see Miss Ruffner a t once, in the office of the Uni­ versity Physician in Main Building, and arran ge with her to have your tem p era tu re taken and reported each day? Otherwise, it will be necesary to exclude you from classes until the University Physician decides th a t the d an ger of an epidemic has passed. W e should reg re t exceedingly to do this, and hope th a t you will cooperate with us in our efforts to protect your health, as well as th a t of your fellow-students. ROBERT E. VINSON, President. Friday night “ Indian Mountain Thomas Maitland Marshall, of ofessor sing Cadman’s the Song,” and “ He Gave Me a Rose,” U niversity of Colorado, will give they courses on the West and the ?xpan- Tuesday night. wdll sing. “ The F airy Pipers,” and sion of the American people; and Dr. A. K. Christian, of the University of “ Mammy’s Lullaby.” This is the first time in the his- Pennsylvania, will give a special art­ th a t a woman’s vanced course on the history of Texas, Professor Brooks is De P l a n s are being Renne professor of Georgia history a t the University of Georgia, and is an ic tory of Austin ) chorus composed of local talent has 1803-1845. been organized. s ! > ing made to make the Amateur Mus- \ , it al club a permanent organization, j V which will bring leading artists to >i Austin every season. Other artists ^ who will sing this spring with the i and Paul J ! club are Lucy Gates Althoute. Oscar Seagle, who will sing F r i­ day night, sang with an evangelist in Austin several years ago. Mr. j Seagle was an evangelistic singer for i many years, and bas been in concert J j work only the last few years. He take up ) has had m any offers grand opera work, but has refused every offer because of a promise th a t he made to his mother before her death. He promised her than he would never sing in grand opera. to (C ontinued on Page 4.) W hat’s on Today Cofer Law 7:30 p. rn. Magazine a t Texan Office. Tom orrow Ram shorn at 7:30 . - in representative of a* night watchman themselves through school. I n ' ,iays when Senator M orris Shep- ? ' ' as ^tending the U niversity he the Poller s office at tfye m unificient ) *>0 per month, and much of his reading was done propped up on °unge which was furnished him a bed. j Beginning this afternoon and con­ ' k°^s wbo w ant to I tinuing throughout the week, R. A. Daily, the W est Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn., will lecture on “ Law Books and How to Use Them.” Mr. Daily arrived the in Austin Sunday, and visited Law D epartm ent this m orning when he made arrangem ents for the series of talks. They will be given each afternoon from 3 to 4 o’clock irwroom 105, Law building. Following his - 1 present there is no appropriation a night watchman in the Comp- _r a office, hut $800 a year is al­ talks here, Mr. Daily will visit other universities and conduct sim ilar courses. fr Boyd Nitti eak e - V vvatchman >n the State epartment. Formerly, only an was employed, but this year and Mr. Abbott have been the work. naVo no ro°m to pay, the Treas- ot / Panment furnishes an ideal tit n<4ihtUdu ’ and by sPlittin * the bt «« c°nfined every • < they each draw $33 a t the ^ Salary and to : sui Trry month- centi fca*Urer Bakt‘r says th a t he praet*ce of employ- two KUe e bovs tv divide th* ™ k’ °PP°rtum ty to help beld the u position. 8611001 than if only W i l l i s McG r e g o r a v i s i t o r Lieut. Willis M. McGregor, a stu­ dent in the Academic Department in 1912, was a visitor at the Law Build­ ing this morning. He has just rej from France after several turned months’ overseas service in the Third Anti-aircraft Battalion, and is consid­ ering entering the Law Department. Lieut. McGregor is a graduate of Texas Christian University, taking a B. A. degree in 1917. While in Aus­ tin he is staying at the Delta Chf house. ash#’ # fit* Sally ftxan FIRST COLLEGE DAILY IN TH E SOUTH Published on the campus of the U n iversity of Texas by the student body through the Publications Board every afternoon except Saturday and on Sunday morning. Office: M ain B uilding, U n iversity o f T exas, Room 155, Telephone 3149. Subscription price $3.00 per year— provided for students through the Student A ctivity Fee. Entered as second-class m atter at the postoffice at A ustin, T exas, under the A ct of Congress, March 3, 1879. Acceptance for m ailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, A ct o f October 3. 1917, authorized Septem ber 24, 1918. T E X A N A D V ISO R Y B O A R D : F. E d w ard W alker, '18, Editor-in-Chief. GUS F. T aylor, Jr., ’19. W herry, ’18. J Turner G arn er, N u g en t E. Brown, Leon Stanley, ....................................................................M anaging Editor. ....................................................................... B usiness Manager ......................................................................... Circulation Manager. S T A F F T O D A Y 'S IS S U E : lase Editor: Hill Cocke Assistant: Reavis Cox REPORTERS: Howard Aronson, ’22 E v e re tt Jones, ’22 Louise Gladney, ’22 T ra v is Moursond, 22 B. Lloyd, 22 W. W h itm an , ” 22 R o b e rt C ow an, ’21 W. IL Ja c k , 22 E d ith A u stin , 20 E d g a r P e rry , 22 THE SIGMA DELTA CHI EDITION. We are quite pleased with the showing m ade by the Sigma Delta Chi pledges in handling Sunday’s edition of The Texan. It was an interesting p a p er from beginning to end, and we feel sure th a t most of The Texan readers enjoyed it. Particularly good were the feature stories therein contained, and we know th a t the faculty members involved, themselves had to enjoy a laugh over the write-ups of th eir antics. We shall be glad to have o th er special editions of The Texan from the various classes and departm ents, in addition to the customary Co-ed edition. HAVE YOU ATTENDED CHAPEL? Perhaps many of the students who have ju st entered the Uni­ versity this term are not aw are th a t the Chapel exercises, which are compulsory in many of the denominational schools of the state, exist even here in the University. Others have doubtless forgotten the fact. An u r g e n t ‘invitation is extended to all stu­ dents to attend the services regularly or irregularly. Announce­ ment of the speaker in charge each day is alw ays made p re ­ viously in The Texan. A good time to start, in our minds, would be this week. We are privileged to have President Vinson every morning this week in Chapel, and those who have either a desire to attend Chapel or to see and h e a r the President should be on hand. From the popular renditions of th e Ballet Russe on the* local stag e, we are led to think it m ight be m ore a p ­ propriately named the B allet R uff. T ra La La La! T ra La L a L a! look is here. T h at m eans spring out for a norther tomorrow. The F ord car has been lately a t ­ tributed w ith the following song when climbing some of A ustin’s steep h ills: “ I think I can, I think I can, I th in k I —can, I—-thought —I —‘could— I— thought- I—could, I - I — I —c a n t.” This spring atm osphere m akes us w ant to gambol on the green like we used to do when we were young and lost o u r w a is t- ! graceful, before we line. W hen we say gambol, we are not j m an re fe rrin g “ g reen ” is not baize. to ivory blocks and the 1 “ M IS S E S .” Once th e lovesick poet W'rote, A little love, a little kiss,” Now men m ay like to prove it well B u t— som etim es th ey m ay m iss. T h e re ’s the “ m iss” you miss on p u r­ T h e re ’s the “ m iss” th a t m akes you pose. sw ear, you m iss her And the “ m iss” th a t m akes you te a r your h air. , T h e re ’s the “ m iss” th a t often m akes y our b ra in reel And the “ m iss” beyond recall B ut the biggest “ m iss” th a t you ever missed . W as the kiss from th e m iss a t New- According to the news columns, th e 1 “tem p eratu re tak ers” are now fu lly j organized. We thought it was a fram e! I ) all the time. “Y” POOL HALL POPULAR c a u l < “ Who would ever think th a t U n i­ v ersity students the num ber of to seventy would use the pool tables each day at the U niversity of Texas Y C. A.,* stu d en t th e re is a daily average of th a t num - ‘ ; ber h ab it these places of am usem ent, using them as recreative reso rts. In the course of a y ear’s tim e counting tw enty-six days a m onth fo r nine m onths, over 16,000 men tak e advan- tag e of the offers of the in stitu tio n . An. RECENT INFORMATION SAYS FORMER TEXAS MEN IN GOOD HEALTH th e Some of from . “ Over T h ere” s ta te s t h a t th e m a jo rity *. j *. . la te st news * .u xr .o f health and enjoying a r s i t y stu d en ts are in th e best JI the sig h ts. > •*. . \ e t ta ker sa y 3 th a t he is am ong the B o ch e1' ’ in G erm any. M r. W h ittak er w as se- l verely wounded in Septem ber, b u t h as fu lly recovered and is ag ain on a c tiv e ! d u ty. He m entioned th a t he does not ■ £ th in k he will be home for m any days, the d ay to but th a t he longed fo r v rem arked Jam es A n d e rso n .! T he ,a te s t ,e tte r from B erry W hit-! “ The pace is slacking, how ever,” i™ me when he would he-**t«r “ Ole’ T he A* and to Penn Field. continued Mr. Anderson, “ because of T ex as* the decreased num ber of soldiers in W illiam B ren n an is also in “ Boche- A ustin, and also the removal of th e I l a n d ” H e received a clipping o f the and rem ark ed th a t Radio School tables are close I on Sunday also. A s, he th o u g h t he would have to “ lick” a a sm all rem uneration fo r th e use of ^ew th e tables and cues, a sm all ch arg e of 1 15 cent** an hour is levied to pay ex- pense?, such as cue tip s, tab le covers, chalk, and the like. G uillerm o H all, ad ju n ct pro fesso r “ In addition to the tables are t h e ; of rom ance lan g u ag es in the U niver- chess gam es, dominoes, checkers, V ie-' sity of T ex a s,*has recently organized tro la and swim m ing pool w ith w hich a class in S p an ish a t San Antonio, th e stu d en ts m ay enjoy them selves, j He m eets the class, which num bers T h ere is no way of telling ju s t how tw en ty stu d en ts, once a week in San m any stu d en ts v isit and p a rtic ip a te j Antonio in the recreativ e gam es daily.” H A L L C L U B O R G A N IZ E S --------- Ole F a rm e rs w ith him. in extension 0------------- T his w ork is an experim ent > £ don teaching. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N TH E CARDINAL His Graciousness, the Cardinal, is h erew ith us today. He sists him high where all may see who chance to look his way, sa y: , ., They listening may wisdom learn; but hark! and hear him W hat, what, what, w hat! Wheet, wheet, wheet, wheet. Cheerl cheer! cheer! His title undisputed is, Crown Prince, and Priest of att. In dignety he wears his robe, and cap so bright and tall. B ut harken as above your heasl he bobs, and gives his call: What, what, what ,w hat! Wheet, wheet wheet, wheet. Cheer! cheer! cheer! The Mocking Bird, his chorus steals and pour out bursts of . , A stream then finds, and cools his throat, near passing girl Then anstvers clear, the Cardinal, with manners sweet and What, what, what /what! Wheet, ivheet wheet, wheetl Cheer! cheer! cheer! joy, and boy. coy: K a t h r y n Q u a r l e s . CHORUS IS AT WORK SCHOLARSHIPS TO BE GIVEN AT RICE Four $250 Graduate Scholar* ships to be Awarded Students H e rb ert K. Dennis, L ectu rer in Civics and P h ilan th ro p y a t Rice In ­ lette r to Dr. s titu te , h as w ritten a to c e rta in R. E. Vinson relative scholarships offered a t th a t school. T he le tte r follow s: J a n u a ry 30, 1919 P resid en t R obert E rn e st Vinson, U n i­ v ersity of Texas, A ustin, Texas. My D ear S ir: T here has been es­ tablished a t the Rice In stitu te a lec­ tu resh ip in Civics and P h ilan th ro p y , to g eth er w ith fo u r g ra d u a te sch o lar­ ships of $250 each. The S h arp Lec­ tu resh ip h a s fo r its purpose th e p ro ­ motion of knowledge concerning con­ tem p o rary social problem s th ro u g h re searc h ; th e aw akenng of an en ­ lightened public in te re st in h u m a n ita r­ ian p ro jects th ro u g h public lectu res; tra in in g of and stu d en ts fo r social service th e in South. p a rtc u la rly th e T he courses offered u n d er th is foundation will be listed in the c a ta ­ logue of th e Rice In s titu te as P h ila n ­ th ro p y 500 and 510; th ey include the an aly sis and description of ty pes and social m a la d ju s tm e n t and th e study of m ethods of relief and prevention, PALACE of SWEETS M anufacturer of High Grade Candies and Ice Cream. FRUITS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Old Phone 1544. CAPITOL FISH MARKET 40 W om en Under Mrs. Sander and Miss Beaver Prepar ing for Recitals S an d er, The W om en’s C horus of th e U ni- the d irectio n of M rs. I versify u n d er C has. and M iss B eulah B eavers, accom panist, h as been doing some excellent work th is y ea r. A t! p re sen t th e re a re ab out fo r ty g irls in | re g u la r atten d an ce upon th e class. J The ch orus has been le a rn in g the follow ing selectio n : in S un­ sh in e” by P en su ti, “ In O u r B o at” by Cowan, an a rra n g e m e n t of “ H u m o r­ esque” by D vorak, and “ M in u et” by P a tti S ta ir. “ O ut w ith I t is th o u g h t likely th a t a re cital in I I conjunction the U n iv ersity S trin g ed O rc h estra m ay be a rra n g e d the la tte r p a r t of th is term . D u rin g j th e sp rin g , th e chorus w ill probably ap p e a r ag ain in a recital. T he suc­ la s t cess of y ea r h a s encouraged th e g irls in ag ain a tte m p tin g a public ap p earan ce. the Ja p a n e se o p e re tta A ccording to M rs. S an d er th e g irls I will h av e a p a rty as soon as th e “ flu” ban is lifted. WHEELER TO MAKE SURVEYS The B u reau of Economic Geology and Technology of the U niversity of j T exas will cooperate w ith th e U nited S ta tes Geological Survey in m aking ex plorations fo r potash in th e w estern I p a r t of the S tate. rIh is will be the continuation o i some w ork th a t t h e ; 1 G overnm ent h as been c a rry in g on fo r j j two y ears. Orby C. W heeler who h a s ; been engaged to tak e c h a rg e of the j work will be stationed a t A m arillo, b u t will extend his o b servations as fa r south a s Sheffield on the Pecos R iver. C om panies engaged in d rillin g in th is p a rt of th e S ta te a re invited to com­ m unicate w’ith O. C. W heeler, A m a­ rillo, Texas. 0 .L HOOCK : H eadquarters for First-Class Repairing and Engraving 513 Cong. Ave. Old P h o n e 2720 QUALITY MILLS M anufacturers S. W. I. High G rade Flour and Corn Products Fish, O ysters,' Poultry, Fruit and V egetables Austin, - Texas 1 0 0 2 C o n g r ess A v e . P h o n e 5 1 9 EXCELSIOR MARKET ) B e e f , Po* k . V e a l, M u tto n , L am b , H o m e R e n d e r e d L ard. D r e sse d F o w ls. Phone 625-725 A u to D e liv e r y . SEN D V A L E N T IN E S N O W TO T H E R E S O L D IE R S O V ER Clever ones m ay be found at YE QUALITYE SHOPPE The Gift Shop of Austin 1104 Colorado St. UNIVERSITY CASH GROCERY CLOSE PRICES HIGH-GRADE GOODS GOOD SERVICE PROMPT DELIVERY COMMAND US Phone 628 231 2 Guadalupe If in N e e d o f F r u its or V e g e ta b le s RING I-3-4-9 DUNHAM’S FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET 303 W . 6th St. Austin, Tex. M ad e S e e O u r CLOTHING to M ea su re. L in e . A . G. GERJ ES 1 6 1 0 L a v a c a . FISCHER & BROTHER J o sep h F isc h e r G R O C E R IE S , F E E D A N D C H A R C O A L P h o n e s 5 4 e n d 1 9 5 5 T h e re ’s the “ m iss” th a t surely m akes Watchmaker and Jeweler 420 Congress A ve. Austin Tobin's Book Store 801-803 Congress Avenue New line of Stationery and Correspondence Cards Embossed to suit customer Calling Cards engraved at short notice Kodaks and Kodak Albums Desk Sets, Manicure Sets and Fountain Pens with special emphasis upon social case work. A definite part of the tra in in g provided will be field work in connection with charitable agencies in the city o f H ouston, and the pre­ p aratio n by each stu d e n t of a thesis embodying th e re su lts of an indepen­ dently conducted in v estig atio n . These courses are open to graduates o f ap­ proved colleges and u n iv e r s e s , and in c e rtain cases to duly qualified un­ d e rg ra d u a te s ; upon their satisfactory com pletion th e stu d en t w ill receive a certificate, o r if his work is of an ex­ ceptionally hgh c h a ra c te r he m ay be­ come a candidate fo r the degree of M aster of A rts. S tu d en ts who come to stu d y P h ila n th ro p y will find avail­ able advanced courses in Philosophy, H istory, Economics, S ta tistic s, Ju ris­ prudence, B usiness Adm in­ istratio n . and Since the shcolarships of $250 are open to stu d en ts from in stitu tio n s of higher learning other than Institute, we should deem & 7 if you would bring this _ ment to the attention of such of students as may be possessed personal and mental quality would fit them for p r o fe s s ^ work. Applications for the ships may be addressed to f turer, and should include an o f the student’s previous , social science, together with end m ents from instructors. for Thanking you your operation, Very faithfully yours HERBERT K. DENNIS Lecturer in Civics and Philanthi ---------------- -o— Meet me at Texas Barter 1008 Congress. Advertise in the DAILY We Handle a Complete Line of TENNIS EQUIPMENT BASEBALL EQUIPMENT LET US SHOW YOU OUR STOCK University CO-OP M i un IP. BON TON CAFE 609 CONGRESS AVE. The Best Place in Town to Eat Just remodeled. K. H. PARK, Proprietor. DONNELLY & WHITE Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Supplies UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP Next to Co-Op N. W. RUTLEDGE UNIVERSITY SHINING PARLOR 2 2 1 2 Guadalupe St. Cigars and M a g a zin e MRS. N. W. RUTLER PLANTATION & CONSUMERS’ COFFEE CO. GROCERIES High-Grade Coffees, T eas, Spices and E xtracts Phone 1625 202 W est Sixth St. H a v e Y o u r S h o e s REMADE a t ALLEN’S T h e y lo o k m o st lik e n e w H e r e Y our Clothe* P R E S S E D , CLEANED *** R E P A IR E D at BROOKS 1 2 y e a r s w ith S tu dent* 459? 2 4 0 0 G u a d a lu p e P h o n e 4 5 9 7 2 4 0 0 G u a d a lu p e phol|e W e c e ll fo r e n d d e liv e r W e c a ll fo r and deliver GOOD EATINGS PARIS CAFE POPULAR WAGNER CAFE AND CONFECTIONERS C. G. W AG NER, Prop. - J , Short Orders, Lunches a t A ll Hours, Stationery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc. phoDe Y O U R B U S IN E S S S O L IC IT E D 2 l l l Speedw ay \ When the University Has Dormitories in 1950 ? Spring Arrivals New Fashion Park Suits. New Manhattan Shirts.. New Spring Hats. New Spring Neckwear. Come in and look over the new things while they are new. Our reduction sale on all Winter Suits and Overcoats will continue for a short time longer. u 616 CoMutiEaa(Avkirv& ‘‘George!" “Yassah!" “Take my grip up to number 13.” “Yassah." “Then phone Mr. Mathews to come over so I can register." PROSPECTS FOR OKLAHOMA TRACK TEAM ARE GOOD DOROTHY LOCHRIDGE S O C I E T Y at the beginning of this work which prevents this disposition. A move-! ment is now on foot to get the pass­ age of a joint resolution through Con-1 gross making it possible for the Uni- j versity to retain these records. The director of the Bureau has been in communication with Texas represen-1 mil1 *>? ™“rri«d on ‘he 14th °f tatives advising them as to thesitus-1 rU8-Iy.a.t “^‘?h noon m Cannon' G^ j ma A' and M' Colle«° at stlllw!,tOT to Eulah Mildred Owners. They will j April 26 or May 3—Dual meet with tiqp. It is hoped that ultimately the live in Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Camp- j University of Texas at Norman. fuel records will be retained in Texas bell was a very prominent student in | May 9 an(, ^-S outhw estern Con- to become part of the Texas War Rec­ the University. ference meet at Southern Methodist ords. University at Dallas. Track and field athletes at the Uni­ versity of Oklahoma have the busiest season aliead of them in the history ; of the school. They will participate in two dual and three general meets, i The schedule follows: April 19—Dual meet with Oklaho- from Beaumont, Will Campbell, , „ „ „ - ( ; , May 16—Oklahoma Intercollegia ti meet, place undecided. May 31—Missouri Valley Confer­ ence meet, Drake Stadium, Des Moines. Coach R. G. Soutar is dfctimistic over the prospects and believes the team will duplicate its success of last spring when it defeated Texas in ss dual meet and easily won the South­ western Conference meet. Most of last year’s men are in school again and other former stars have returned from military service and will be eligible to compete. For best service, patronize Co-Op Barber Shop, 715 Congress.’ -----------------o----------------- Advertise in the DAILY TEXAN. E liS K b O - UR*-**0 t dnueii^ 1J degrees a t all stationers I t ta k e s e ig h t months and more than hall a hun­ dred processes to make an Eldorado. But my, what a pencil! TEXAS WAR RECORDS being collected Milton R. Gutsch in C harge o f M This D epartm ent o f University The Texas W a r Records Collection the d ire c tio n of Milton R. under Gutsch of the University of Texas has twelve' large sized lately received boxes of docum ents. These papers re-, jate to the F ir s t, Second, Third and Fourth L iberty L o an c a m p a ig n s in the States of T exas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Ifew Mexico an d Arizona. They in­ clude all co rrespondence carried on by the Governor an d Deputy Governor of the Federal reserve district and their s e v e ra l campaigns. agents Among the docu m en ts are circular let­ ters. advertising fo rm s , honor flags, banners, tag s, a n d buttons. These records were contributed to the collec­ tion by J. W. Hoopes of Dallas, the Deputy G overnor o f this Federal re- th ese in WUKASCH BROS. Lunches, Cigars, Cold Drinks, Staple Groceries Phone 1071 2220 Guadalupe serve district. When the boxes arrived it was found that several had been damaged by.water and mice. This il­ lustrates the need for the immediate collection of records if they are to exist a few years from now. A short time ago a number of prom­ inent men interested in the food prob­ lem, including E. D. Peden the admin­ istrator for Texas'/met in conference. It was decided that all the education-1 a1 and propaganda records of the food administration be added to the War Records Collection. Price lists of every commodity in each community to be sent in weekly. Th^ committee unan­ imously recommended to Washington the adoption of the University of Tex­ as as the official custodian for the correspondence and confidential docu­ ments of the food administration. This report met with favor, but could not be adopted because of the Federal statute. The War Records Bureau has wi­ dened its field to include the collec­ tion of war music. Through the School of Music have come the first contri­ butions. Communications have been sent to music houses over the country .asking their assistance. The War Records Bureau has be­ come interested in the fuel literature gotten out during the war. Although the fuel admiistration wants the rec­ ords to be deposited in the Univer­ sity Library, Congress passed a law BEST SHOP IN TOWN FOR TONSORIAL WORK l E u m M m P leaning, Pressing, T a ilo rin g Suits M ade to O r d e r bone 5 9 8 106 West 6th St. Reasonover’s Barber Shop Littlefield Bldg. The Citizens Bank & Trust Company AUSTIN, TEXAS. e The Guaranty Fund Bank. This Bank is under the supervision of the Banking Com­ missioner of the State of Texas. We respectfully solicit the accounts of University students. B. Gracy, President. Eldred McKinnon, V. P. and Cashier. Leo Kuhn, Asst. Cashier. Joseph’s Pharmacy CORNER 7th AND CONGRESS TRY OUR LINE OF SPECIALS Ho! ^ ut Sundae noc°late Fudge Sundae Cocoanut Parfait J,1*1 Fudge Sundae ait MaHow Sunade Pure Orange Juice Cocoanut Parfait Pimento Cheese Sandwich Hot Chocolate and Hot Coffee PHONES 325, 335 The Walter Tips Company Jobbers a co AHT0 ACCESSORIES and h a rd w a re Burd I,- . mPlete lin e c f accessories tor tire auto carried at a f times. h,bH Compression Rings. Atwater-Kent Ignition Systems WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Dr. R. H. Griffith, who has been ill time has recovered suf­ for some ficiently to be brought home. The collection of war posters now numbers from five hundred to six hun­ dred. It includes complete series of lithographs and broadsides issued of- tidally by the United States Govern ment through its departments, and a j Paris Island, S. C. He received I considerable number of foreign w a r! discharge Thursday, posters, British, French, Canadian,! Miss Kitty McKinnfcr of San Anto- Russian, Czecho-Slav, Jugo-Slav, Po-inio is a guest at the Zeta house, lish, Italian and Zionist. These post- j Dr. Young of the Botany Depart- j ers have been mounted on cloth. Triench Tarkington is visiting the Delta Chi house, after an eight months stay in Quantico, Va., and his ment is better. The Bureau has begun making a Miss Hattie Smither has returned Lieut. Franklin Stacy, son of Gen. careful analysis of the State news- to her home in Georgetown. | papers from July I, 1914, to the pres- ent time, notes being made of every Stacy, has returned from France. I item pertaining to Texas or Texans Lieut. Maceo Steward a fonder stu- in the great war. A County Records dent, has returned from France and I Committee in each county in the State plans to enter the University. is being organized. They will cooper- Corinne Storey, Alma Caldwell, J ate with the University in the acqui- Florence Blanks, Mildred Combs, Geo. sition of county and local war records. Martindale and Frances Myrick spent ' It is intended, by means of question- the week-end in Lockhart, j naires, sketch, with war correspondence and tory department is ill. photograph, of every Texan in the Miss Annie Ke I army or navy of the United States | Government or’any of the Allies. It i is planned also to make an agricul­ tural, industrial, educational and mer- cantile war census of each county. er of San Antonio, is suffering fro^i a sprained ankle.] The Acacia Fraternity announces initiation of Nolan Queen of to procure a biographic^ Dr. Chas. W. Ramsdell of the his- the Georgetown, Texas. Keofe rom It is hoped that when the collection is completed it will be one of the most comprehensive in the United States. About fifteen states, including Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Ida­ ho, Wyoming, Illinois, Arkansas, M is-! souri, Georgia, Oklahoma and A la-1 bama are now promoting similar movements. Many of these are fol­ lowing the plans laid out by the Uni­ versity of 'Texas. Try a Texan Want Ad. HERMAN L ACHILLES MEAT MARKET AU Kinds of Meats, Fish and Oysters You will find it most conven lent to board at the SPECIALIZE IN CATERING TO CASH TRADE CACTUS TEA ROOM 1608 Lavaca St. Telephone 692 FOR EVERYTHING GOOD TO EAT VISIT THE BIG STORE A Complete Stock Prices Consistent to Quality BAUER BROS. 2501-2503 Guadalupe Street Phones 182, 967, 690 Established 1847 JOHN BREMOND COMPANY Wholesale Grocers and Roasters of High Grade Coffee * .................................... A quaint and delightfully dif ferent sort of place Service 7:30 rn. to 8 p. m Very Moderate Prices EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED J. THOMAS WARD Optometrist STELFOX CO 614 Congress Ave. STUDENTS Make Our Store Your Meeting Place When Down Town VAN SMITH DRUG CO. 6th & Congress Ave. HANCOCK OperaHouse Monday, February 3 H E R E ’S A Clean, W h o l e s o m e Bul Iv Song Play Hancock Opera • House T H U R S D A Y , F E B . 6 Annual Engagem ent of Am erica’s Most Popular Romance O liver Moroseo Presents The Most Talked of P lay of the Century BIRD OF PARADISE With the Famous Hawaiian Singers and Players And A Typical Morosco Cast T H E D A I L Y T E X A N LECTURES SENT OVER STATE OFFICIAL NOTICES QUESTIONAIRES A R E ^ | given out to law s ABOUT SUMMER SCHOOL F if t y S t e r e o p t ic a n S lid e s A c ­ c o m p a n y L e c tu r e s to T e x a s T o w n s NOTICE* Dr. Joe Gilbert’s office hours are from l l to I. Dr. Decherd’* office hours are from i i to I. M. O. KUFFNER, Nurse. the summer school that is to be conducted by the Lew Department, questionnaires have TO ALL C A N D I D A T E S FOR DE- been distributed among all students asking whether the auditor wil be instructed they expect to attend and if so, in- green Sn June, 1910: A f t e r February of the department, In preparation for l i e TV •----- » * charge the full a m o u n t of five dol- flUjr jng what courses they would pre- The Division of Visual Instruction of the University Extension Depart- ment has just completed plans for a g circuit of illustrated lectures to begin about February 15. Six illustrated lectures, comprising a copy with Sty typewritten will be sent out to towns 'all over the State, no charges being made ex­ cept those of exrpess one way. About fiity-four towns applied for jars for an diploma lees for students fer to take. that have matriculated before that; * ,, A candidates are involved. ..Thc purp0se of the questionnaire lantern slides each date. A f e w e n g i n e e r s , laws, and M. | ia t0 determine approximately how large our summer registration will be.” Assistant Dean C. S. Potts said tb js morning. to know what courses to prepare for and NOTICE: There will be a meeting decide on a schedule. Those intend- ing to be candidates for degrees at the close of the session are expected ^ the purpose of r e o r g a n iz i n g .^ specify their intention and indicate join th numb€r 0f courses and hours nec- Chairman Diploma Committee. Cir. night at 7:30 in room ICI Law Build-________ “We also want student desiring T u . TAYLOR, iet on Monday to t anJ submit his ap- ' essary.” these lectures, and these towns have — - - " been ofrmed into four groups or cir- cults. Sig sets of lectures are sent out to every circuit, eahc town rn the 1 circuit being permitted to keep the ^ lecture one week. plication m The siv lectures that make up this; I WFMRY I EE TAYLOR. HENK I LKCa The Ground Hog saw v shadow so a c c o r d ? ^ tradition we have six L l ! w eeks of winter, not so dreadful as all th •Rag Merchants are ^ C U T PRICES And there that is selling is one Store S o c ie ty Brand Clothes at Cut Prices— that’s the Store to patronize. Drop in. 8— BIG SONG HITS— 8 By Gene Stratton-Porter, Author of “ A Girl of the Limberlost,” etc. n o v e l t y S U C C E S S A unique scenic produc­ tion, and a perfect cast of players. PRICES: 25c, 50c, 75c $1. Seat Sale at Box Office I series are: o r r THE WONDERFUL O f i C VOLCANO SCENE of (I) “Germany’s Dream DR. B E V E R L Y YOU N G H ER E ______ Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and 75c a World Empire,” (2) “Belgium the I Downtrodden,” (3) “Germany’s Gov­ ernment of Conquered Nationalities,” (4) “Soldiers All,” (5) “Our Na­ tional Synjhols,” (6) “The Grandeur of the Rockies.” Number I of this war prepared by Dr. T. H. Kiter, fir Beverly Young, of San An- ! i ♦ 4 nm cinntVi of the History Department of the tonio, Superintendent of th$ South- I western Insane Asylum in that city, University number 3 by Dr L L . was a visitor at the Law Department Boysen. and numbers 4 and 5 by Miss is a graduate Stella Sh.ntleff art cr,tm of the Di- to,lay. Dr. Young j from Galveston. the Medical Department at vision of V isual Instruction. _ _ _ _ _ Fir T ■ \ d q • Le Cercle F ra n cis aura un reunion j important et in c e s s a n t spt heure et derm. lundi soir a ^ I _ a importance were settled. _ matters of ' The traditional home of the Hogg is ^ ^ ^ bagement room8 of the balding. This room has under- It served gone the horror8 first as a barracks for the Radio war. s j Those who have not received a copy gtudents and later as headquarters of the Longhorn may get one by call­ ing by the Texan office. MAGAZINE STAFF: Meeting on Wednesday at 4 o’clock. Room I G. Hall. for the S. A. T. C. The President stated, however, that the work of reconstruction was well under way and that the Hogg would soon re­ turn to its old pen. The Secretary also promised the resurrection of the is a valuable Club Journal. This RAMSHORN MEETS Tuesday night archive containing both the original the It has been buried in some obscure nook of at 7:30, Engineering Building. V is -| wngRtution> and a record of SECRETARY Club’s doings in the past. itors welcome. EDITOR. ; f i / v r i p tlU llil K U U V E N A I L U pressed that it has escaped mutila­ n r n n m i k T e n the Law and bope was~ex tion by soldiers formerly stationed ----- three D e b a t in g C lu b . R e o r g a n iz e d there* W ith F o u r O ld M en a s M e m b e r s the leading American scholars in the field of English history. Profess Boucher, of Washington University, St. Louis, has specialized on the his- tory of the South, and the University of Chicago recently published a vain- able study by him of Nullification in South Carolina. Messrs. RamsdeH and Cunningham of the regular staff will give courses respectively on the Civil War and Reconstruction and on the History of Latin-America. Students desiring graduate work ia| history will find much greater oppor­ tunities than the Summer School hat previously been able to offer. GRAHAM’S C o ld a n d H o t Drinks C a n d ie s , Cigars,Stationery D R U G S M e e t M e Here 9 t h a n d Congress SULPHUR MU BATH HOUSE in The organizations receiving these services are scattered over the entire the extreme State. Three are couthern point of Texas, while sev­ eral others are on the northern bor­ der. Besides the public schools, four three County colleges, one church, School Superintendents, County Agents have applied for these lectures. and In reference to the probable extent COMMUNITY CONCERT N U M B E R O N E , MERLE ALCOCK, Contralto; BECHTEL ALCOCK, Tenor TU E SD A Y , F E B . 4, 191 9, 8 : 3 0 P. M. Price*: $ 2 .0 0 end $ 1 .0 0 TM* concert i* given e t thi*’*time on account o f the Club being u n ­ able to *ecure the e n g a g e m e n t o f th e te artist* at a later date. “ _ N U M B E R TW O OSCAR SEAGLE AMERICA’S FO R EM O ST B A R IT O N E AU SPIC ES A M A T E U R CHORAL CLUB MAJESTIC THEATRE FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1919, 8 : 3 0 P. M. Price*: $ 2 .0 0 and $ 1 .50 Reservation* made at J. R. Reed * Mu*ic Store NICK LINZ HATTER and Spring and Summer Samples Just Arrived P h o n e 2 6 5 2 Drop in and Let Us Take Your Measure D A R IN G E S C A P E IS M A D E F R O M B O C H E BY T E X A S S T U D E N T (Continued from page I.) was not an American plane on front until the middle of beptem and the officers uirccuil)i a „ liro„ directing artillery fire. There was v r i furnish them with food. The treat- or they were usee on y ------- ment was not bad and . - ., ... the balance there had hand hall and volley ball something wrong with urw 10 exercise on. courts to exercise on. lf Villa iron I t was at Villager! that T ieut th a t Lieut, but two bombs beside the pilot and then in the Tucker made his second attempt to observer. escape. There were eleven Lieut Tucker is a graduate of the party and he was the first one out Fortb Worth High School and of the of the window as he was the lightest, j Engineering Department of the Uni- Two members of this party managed versity of Texas. He was a star to get away and American army through Switzerland. in the party gave Lieut. returned Hc ^ to of this service next year, J. W. S h e p -1 Around four old members as a ^ ^ pard, head of the Visual Instruction nucleus the Hogg debating club has been get Janos, a service of the University, made the been finally reorganized. following statement: “ In view of former member and officer of the club the success of our first attem pt in s in conference with the three other this service, we are planning to ex- last year men issued a call for a s p e c i a l meeting for last Friday even- tend type of extension w o r k greatly next year. We have already ing. All those p r o s p e c tu s who at- begun preparation of twenty-five new tended the first meeting on Wednes- lectures, and will expect the service day evening together with as to reach more than one hundred and many more met at 7 :30 in room 157. fifty schools.” this last ° ' By unanimous vote it was de­ cided that the Hogg, as of old, would be represented by a page the Cactus. A date with the Elliotts for q{ the Club,g picture has and once more the Univer- the the „grim t»’ of he&r in ^ q_____ _______ P R O F E S S O R S m o c i i m m c r F O K b U M M L K _ ‘ (Continued from Rage .) . , . this Monday 6 1 1 C o n g r e s s singing was very good CHAPEL NOTI JE. ______ The four old members elected a tem- authority on the history of the South, porary chairman and proceeded with Professor Marshall was trained at the In University of California under Profes- the business of reconstruction. brief talks each of the old members sor H. E. Bolton. His book on the is song day a t chapel, presented some phase of the Hogg as I Western Boundary of the Louisiana The it had existed in former years. They Purchase is an important contribution morning. The students were given spoke of its original aim as a society, to the history of the Southwest, with a the opportunity of picking out their the gaining of the most beneficial re- very direct bearing on Texas. Dr. favorite hymns, and they sang the tb its for all members. This end is j Christian has just finished his grad- It gained by constitutional** limiting the uate work for the Ph. D. degree at the more heartily for thereby insuring University of Pennsylvania. His the- when submarines would sink |_ anrR of the v avv a to have some special singing every each man a number of appearances sis is a biography of the second pres- , . ident of Texas. Mirabeau B Lamar. doctor was one of the men who got Monday morning. This morning a on the program. They pointed out trio of young ladies sang very beau- how this was f a r more possible in the In the second term, beginning July tifully an anthem entitled “ I Will Hogg than in the comparatively much 23 and closing August 30, Professor the Hills.” larger societies. They recounted some Lawrence M. Larson will give courses e Miggeg Louiae Roe> Mavis Douglas, of the accomplishments of the club in on recent English history and on the Widen composed the trio, past years. And with considerable development of the British Empire; pride they explained that the present and Professor C. S. Boucher will offer . Beginning tomorrow morning Pre- apparent death of the club was due to courses on the American Revolution the flocking of its members to t h e . and 0n United States history since i860. Professor Larson is from the He is one of I of T h e * n U n h a n d they could carry si(lent Vinson will speak at chapel \ th a t reason. their is the aim of the Chapel Committee membership to 32 i v Hoaido tha r»ilot and eac^ rnornin£ 8:35. A special in- colors during the two years of war. Two prospective members we Two prospective members were University of lllinoi requested to turn in their names. The completed list was read by the Chair- extended to those who do vitation is extended to those who do not know the President. ------------ o-------------------- ^ they will sing again. ^ ^ j n e Eyes Unto to Lieut Tucker, According tlV,,a'V' ere , »-- ^ d r . , ' . . the Others we), degpite his eJ(per. the hurdier at both schools. The election of the officers for the remainder of the winter term was (Continued from page I.) Jonas and Brad- next disposed of. ______ ience. His face is rounder than his g;Kma Nu> Haas and Lipscomb were field were chosen, respectively, for the Tucker credit for being the brains f^e n d s bere have ever seen it. On f 0j Wards while Wallace and G iz z a rd offices of President and Vice-Presi- that all bjs uniform he has the insignia of pjayed at ^uard. Hamilton was at dent, Height was elected Secretary, of shared equally. He was picked as Treasurer, Fbe ^ ame played Saturday be- Spears was selected for the difficult hun patrol and by a prison. tween Delta Chi and S. A. E. was position of club critic, Hunter was much closer than the score indicates, decided upon as reporter, and, after ten minute a hotly contested race, Hall was sin- It was played in CAPT. J. W. CARTER IN SCHOOL halves, and both teams were working gled out to fill the strenous position up tbe American air service surrounded center Klatt refereed the game. to bv ^ y-iant. by a \ giant, bears wound stripe. There were several sea captains taken inverted U. He also inverted U. He also insignia and a in the prison who had been Bailey was picked plan but he says the overseas _________________________________________ ___________ returned two I I l o AOVV I C I K L . t D R . T. F. C O X DENTIST "__ hard every minufe of the time, of Sergeant-at-Arms. Capt John W. Carter, of Houston, Christian was high point man for a student in the Law Department in Delta Chi, bringing home four field LOST—Between Library and 1917, has reentered Wo- the University goals. White and Bonnett each made man,g building, a Waterman fountain to Irene two field goals. ^ Beavers made J:wo ^ Finder please return two year’s service in Phone 830 515 S c a r b r o u g h Bldg. a fter almost A u s t i n , T e x a s the army. Capt. Carter expects to field goals for S. A. E., and San- take a law degiee in 1920. . - , . i Solicits Students’ Work Ladies by Engagement A l l B e a u ty Work 211 E. 5th D L JAO C o r . 5 t h And San I H ig h Shoe P rices Reduced WE CAN SAVE YOU DOLLARS FRANK DeLASHMUTT United States Depositary The Austin National Bank -------- of Austin, Texas RESOURCES $5,000,000.00 lident- j Nevil, Woman’s building, forwards and Nail played at ford threw one free goal and made — one field goal. Christian and White When in need of a unampoo, stop played the University Beauty Parlor, center for Delta Chi. H a rt and Bon- 2206 Guadalupe. Phone 1130. y — the guards. Ward and nett were P a rker started the game as guards FOR RENT Room for boys. Pri- for S, A. E. Sanford and Beavers vate bath, sleeping porch, etc., 702 W. were the forwards and Shane played at center. Lawrence was substituted for Sanford; Martin for Beavers, and Beavers for Ware. ROOM FOR RENT- versity Avenue. -At 2008 Uni- ^ one 1282. I ^ H. C. W ILLIA M S R E -E N T E R S LOST- eampus. fice. A Conklin fountain pen on Please return to Texan of- Lieut. H. C. Williams, of Dallas, LOST—A Parker Fountain Pen < hen entered the Law Department. i Lieut Williams was a student of the somewhere on the campus. Return to ] University in 1917 and left to enter ! I lrhe Fi0rst ° fficerS’ Train“ ? Camp at Lost—Somewhere between the Law j Leon Spring.. He won Ti.s commis- Buildin(; am, McFadde„.s or McFad. } sion, was transferred to the air ser- 1 , , . , . later stationed at New • , den s and Newman Hall an old fash- , v . u , ,, M . • IT IS HERE • That All White Sanitary Soda Fountain at McFadden’s-----The One You Have Been Waiting for Ready to Satisfy Your Thirst and Sense of Beauty The University Drug Store “The Convenient Place” .. i x, , vice, and York He was exnectine to leave for overseas service when the armistice law | was signed, student. is a middle * *' He u • Advertise in the DAILY TEXAN. Try a Texan Want Ad. ,, , gold and black pin‘ Finder I plesise call Grace Phillips at Newman F Hall. _ ’ , E. P. WILMOT, President. JNO. H. CHILES, Vice-President MORRIS HIRSHFELD Wm. H. FOLTS, Vice- C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Asst-Cashier. FOR RENT— Well furnished mod era housekeeping apartments, large and small, very desirable near Uni­ versity. Approved house. Mrs. Val • C. Giles, 710 West 22nd, Jhone 546. Faculty and Students’ Account? Solicited - No Account Too Small to B E T A S , K . A .S A N D man and all applicants were ac- HOME STEAM LAUNDRY D E L T A C H IS W I N cepted by the Society, T U R K I S H BATHS, M A SS A G IN G