VOL. XXX FACULTY WILL ADOPT SCHEME FOR Q U IZ Z ES C o m m ittee to R eport O n P e rm a n e n t S ystem HOLIDAYS PLANNED F our-day Period for T han k sg iv in g Is C o n tem p lated f J u st w h a t th e facu lty will substitute fo r the oid student honor system, will be decided this afternoon. News Coverage by a Competent Staffof University Students Makes THE DAILY TEXAN Most Complete Medium a w n in g s PHONE IT IN News A fter IO P. M Classified Ads Display A d s Circulation ...................... .............. 9181-61 9187 _______________ 23165 ....................._ .............. 23164 23164 (Bkt P R E M IE R R A C E D R IV E R IN U. S. Education Cost Small S E C R E T A R Y ? B a i l l i E t x a n The First College D aily in the South A U S T I N , T E X A S , T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 2 , 1 9 2 9 . Legislative Highlights T e x a n C a p ito l C o rre» po nd « nt» political p ic j u d ic c s Shades o f old cam ­ paigns and harking back to the tim e when Jam es E. F er g u so n organ ized a party o f his ow n for in 1920 and p resident; w hen G eorge E. B. P eddy ran against Els. Ie G eorg for se n ato r ran Part of Expenses of State, Regents Report Relatively considered, the cost of education is only a small item in the general expenditures of a state, according j > .he University Hoard of Regents, whtae iw enty-lhird biennial report has ju st bi en made to Governor Dan Moody. “ P a y i n g t a x e s h r s n e v e r b e e n a s p l e a s a n t a n a m u s e m e n t a s B. M ayfield ; C. Hutto ran for g o v e r n - ' .'pg an a u k m o b i l e , ” it is and when j attending the movies or b u y - r1 “* "*•*, 1 # , , . * they voted ii. I v I ag a in st in the t • Inject- 1930 J tonal o u tc ile a ll cm» 111 hi iii IVV ti UU * the ; ^ n e y fo r t d u c a t ia n , flo o r o f the H ouse Monday Eloquent complaints against to require I al! sorts of ta x e s and the oecas- spen din g Alii u* 111 the w hen the Mank.n b it all can d idates for office in to sw e a r that straight D em o eia tic ticket recent gene; a1 election . m g at the v e i y start an of prejudicial an im o sity, the bill | f d &tetes ave now ten tim es was killed by a v ote o f <>1-58 a f t ­ er num erous had been tacked on and various per­ sonal opinions aired. The bill was on the floor for more than three it hours, and the s e n tim e n t that precipitated w as one o f the most acu te y e t reached on an y bill. e l e m e n t j f° i the public school.- in inc Unit* as a now am en d m en ts exp en d itu res , that f a c 4s that Int- * NEW QUIZ PLAN APPROVED BY E N G I N E E R S - much each year as t h e y were g en eration ago, amount to tw o billion dollars an-; A l e c s E n d o r s e S c h e m e General of the I hilippines, who, according to p ersisten t le ports, will be the s e cr eta ry of state in the Hoover Cabinet. F o r m u l a t e d b v J S tim son, Governor- . , Miry , they T_ ... 0 , . , . , U.P •—Un<|rrwoo«^ that they still nullity and are gro w in g have caused som e per- sons to p n .claim that the ‘mount- mg c o s t ’ of public ed u cation is about Ic. ruin tile country. The truth is quite d iff e r e n t ; the cost E n g i n e CM' i Jig U n® Pim O lls»> a n - 14 l o l l o p - £ j t per pupil per day has noi varied j proven! S u nday faculty | is m g re p o rt a I com m ittee o i l the honor s y s - Item , w hich will be re p o rte d ) tflc* g e n e r a l fa cu lty this T u es “ The two billions sp en t annual-1 1 a c u i t y — t h e o f tho .. -I S tu d e n ts of th e College ol n V n r n i t f r i f T I I A 5 \ jp ? , -p p jjrn ^ »' I i i l l i l i i i u l 1 £ i l u The W eather Tuesday: fair with slowly rising tem perature. N o . u n PRE MED FRAT GRANTS LOCAL MEN CHARTER I 7 I n t o Initiated A lp h a Epsilon D elta FOUR CHAPTERS E ncourages Scholastic Proficiency in Sciences A lpha Epsilon D e l t a , m< a ’s h o n o ra ry p re-m edical fra te rn ity , has g ra n te d ft c h a r te r to 17 University stu ­ d ents who have had a t le a st th re e sem esters of p re-m ed i­ and whose scholastic cal work a verage p laces them within the first 2 0 p er c e n t o f their class. Dr. T. S. P ain ter, p rofessor o f zoology, is also on the charter as facu lty advisor. C harter m em bers o f the local ch ap ter are: A . M u rp h y A lliso n H. M c C u llo u g h A n d e r s o n C la u n c h G. B r in d l e y B a r k e r D. C h u n n G e o r g e B. C u n n in g h a m R a le ig h R. C u rtis A lb e r t M. D a sh ie l! H a r r y T. D a v id s o n L e la n d S . E v a n s J o e V , F l e m i n g D o n W . F r e e m a n A. A. K i lg o r e T h o m a s H. M cC o n n e ll M a rio n W . M c C urd y H o l la n d C. M itc h e ll M ark K. P o o l e D o n a ld R e d m o n d A t a r e c e n t m ee tin g o f t h e l o ­ world's speed record fo r aulos sa f e ly stored a w ay and brought his 9 3 0 “ Golden h orsepow er A r r o w ” solely for that purpose. to Englan d with A perm anent scheme of fac­ Major II. O. D. Begrave, f a ­ ulty supervision of examina­ mous taco driver, with Mrs. Se- t i o n s will be decided at the genera! t< n - grave. The Maim hope the f a c u lty m e e tin g in Garrison Hall turn room I, at 4 o ’clock. The plan | ------------------------------- --------------------- adopted will be substituted for the tem p orary sch e m e used since the abolition o f th e hpnor system D e ­ cem b e r 6 , u n d er which plan each individual instructor was responsi- 11|hie for his own exam ination. A r e ­ p o rt w ill be m ade by the fa cu lty c o m m itte e on th e perm anent s y s ­ te m . The c o m m itte e consists o f: P ro fes so r E. J. Villavaso, chair­ man, Dean T. U. Taylor, A. W. Walker, Dr. B. F. P itteng er, and Dr, S. L. Brown. I The c o m m itte e also will report at the m e e tin g on the question o f the h olding o f classes and a t te n d ­ an ce before and a fte r holidays. A proposed plan of g iv in g a four-d ay h olid a y Thanksgiving, will also be considered. If this plan is adopted, classes will not m ee t on th e Friday and Saturday o f T h ank sg iving w ee k , but the U n i­ v e r s it y wffl open S eptem ber 20, and Jan uary 2. HISS WAA - TE - G I R L S G O T O fAMP MANANA ENGINEERING FRAT T h irty Co-eds Jou rney -------------------------------- 0 --------------- U U U a l A l A M r Board of Regents' The first am en dm en t offered to much, and R eport Is Issued lack c f ed u cation the 01 iginal bill w a s to bar all tile su re st way cith er to ruin those who had at any tim e failed c o u n t i y or keep it in poverty. in the last ten year s to adhere to j the Dem ocratic p arty ning fo r office on the Dem ocratic The tw enty-third biennial rep o rt of the U niversity Board ticket. This tim e was specified to of Regents made to the Governor and the F o rty -first Leg-1covcr. the Ferguson bolt to the islature has ju s t come off the press and is being issued at.j Amer't-an party in 1920, the Pcd- r* the P residen t’s office. The rep ort of race gu b ern atorial I gu:;on-Buttc " * of 1924. On the heels of this am en d m en t cam e R ep resen tativ e George Purl’s a m en d m en t to ex- tend L S tu d e n ts shall he requirer! rum in itself, but not in compar-- ison with the wealth o f the U n i t - - t o sign the fo llo w in g exam in ation ed S ta tes, which is three hundred and f i f t y billions, or the incom e the U nited of the S tates, which is n in ety billions, or the exp en d itu re fo r au to m obiles, which is over eight billions. Two I billions in stru ctors is about w hat w e spend shall be held responsible for the in their those who . f or tobacco, and the a v er a g e an-: conduct o f e x a m in a tio n s *1926-1927. is also included. from r u n - j t y fo r pubUc scboois the President fo ? idy ?! C0Tll.est’_?” ;^ e the bar to all large day. individual pledge : “ I have n eith e r g ive n nor: received aid on this e x a m in a tio n .” S tu d e n ts m ay report “ o f d ish o n esty to the in structor if th ey F a c i l i t y C desire to do so. 2. The people c a s e s ——- is a of THEATER WILL PRESENT PLAY New M em bers in C am paign I U D C j H i n S ~ . 7 k 1 , 1 t ^?C U n iversity, and $860,-1 a m en d m en ts w ere o v e r e d until 1 cheap car, the $ 17 5 per high be n ecessa ry to insure an orderly “ A t o n e m e n t ” S a t u r d a y F o b - had bolted since reaching the vot- J n ual exp en d itu re per pupil, $ 0 0 , respective classes. They shall r e - ’ ing age* ex te n d in g back as fai as jn j be public schools, is on ly about main in the exam in ation room, and j The E x p e rim e n ta l The- A fter this, n u m e r o u s . tgn p er c c n t of the co s t o f a shall take such m easures a s m ay a f e r w i l l p r e s e n t t h e p l a y 1 A ppropriation* requested for the support and m ainten­ ance of the U niversity i:> first I p i esen ted in tho report. I he aggro- j g a t e am ount requ ested for the bi- j c i liiu m is $ 6 ,9 8 9 ,0 9 2 and $6,078,- MnKabout lhir,y o f portunitios o f < heat it g. shall be ex p ec ted to remain in the $ un .Antonio S tr ee t. S tu d e n ts ■ t h e d u l l h u l l s • a t 2 3 0 4 • EECTS MEMBERS Psi C hapter o f Eta Kappa Nu, en gin ee rin g T n T t ^ TOO7 2 Rnd $C’2 8 0 ’9 7 2 ’ “ he renu esiod ai *»*-1 w ith ou t sin east the first atofte” j *!«*•• inevitably arise: I. How can that' b i l o c a t i o n , “ P arty su icid e ,” important two j * Leffislatior ques- ex a m in a tion room d u r in g tho e x - j V irginia B arnell a d i v a ; mi nation period; Ic- refrain fr o m , s e n S te e le Kennedy as R everend I man T o P earce I o d e" l o r earce L o a ^ For W eek-end f o r t y - f i r s t U f f c l a t u k m o k es u p | — f * rh!d, bdl m d ,tuW „ f nn ililIMlt* arif an im portant part o f the r e p o r t .. Such in g the character o f se cu ritie s in t which the p erm an en t fund pf t h e * a t l a legislation in clu d es: e n la r g - 1 s t a U s m a n the the word . . . 0 sau ’ o f a great “ You usually depend on a Dem ocrat to : “ously, be eq u ita b ly ad ju sted? 2. fool at the right tim e ,” f % - 1 H o w can that portion o f the t a x ! ported by cnn 1 lty h i e are to go on a d v a n t a g - ; room unless o th e rw ise in stru cted . Ca sos o f d ish o n esty shall be re- the instructor the to bnkvno f t h e ; the tax a n i b i - d *-* * ** 1 U t r t M assey m ake up th.- c a st.; ta ry ( Jam es Parke is to direct the play. J urer *’ — * ‘ : J ‘ 1 uvli,7'a t ‘on and tom m u n - and books into the i*xai 1 h u h Ma> «dith a- McC cal chapter, Leland S. Evans w Mas- :L7u*rwreKidenT*"Don w ” ~Free A lbert M president : B arker D, Chunn, tre ss- j r i s i e a v e X h u r » d » y f o r ' tra n sfe re n c e o f the a u th o r ity <.r [ : u ‘"' -luring the three hours. Dis-1 K h c ie ne v antT ecu no * “ i In general, the com p lain ts of; other tax, o t h e r ! taxp a yers, who m ostly , y and e c o n o m y . ................................... AUusiT,ns to • ^ * " • » j com m ittee. T h ( 1 The in v ested ; M d | urc a.wl r.-f.-rr. - 1 has been e o n d u c th ,* a cam paign : Alpha Epsilon Delta was o r at for n e * m e m b « « . T h e drive which | the UnWe„ it 0 A1* bama a n ( 1 at j d j , hc f w j f o llo w in g o f f ic e r s w o n t nm rv tfi f o llo w in g o f f ic e r s ; began .January 28 is to end Feb- were 1 ruary IC. N ew m em bers secured u c n n d ! n » at H ow ard C ollege, Birm ingham , A labam a, the U n iversity o f South Carolina, u lavor e x * : elected f or .semester: during the cam paign are: p a , Ocular PUI-- | c o lleg e o f f ic e r s : P resid en t, J a m e s ; Casw ell, C lyd e L ittle fie ld , second 1 th J. Other m atters p res en te d in t h o I b° h e r s and other days were port include: a r e la tiv e c o n s id e r - ivanced in d c fc n M t,f those ion o f the cost o f ed u ca tion; a broke the ranks in the pR8t d e c - j particular item s but are v a g u ely j dentf A w s t r a it e n , F ort W o r th ;! Dean V. I. Moore, P rofessor S. E. I J gecretary-treaurer, Louise Rous Gideon Dr. J. C. Doiley, VV. (). sergee.n-at-arms, 1 Moore, Dr. Harr is.s Williams, I. aga,,,st w W in frey, A ustin ; vie.* p reii- A lderson, Dr, C. P. P atterson , * m ad-; p en d itu r es " M «’* ? ? • "<■ i directed again-t the total. if we remember rightly, a matter geau> Dallas; o f record p n - m arily on scholarship in p re-m ed i­ cal co u rses and its ob jects a r e : in ( I ) . To en co u ra g e e x c e lle n c e lf*. Lochridge, E. H. H ereford , VV.! U / 7 , 7 7 *1 7*7 7 U 7** ' ' 7 i • '* now at T exas. f ra ter n ity he Joe Franklin, Dallas. in on e week not d.reeted f*u 11 1 1 is b a se ! that for It ' , the n ; . ; clee-1 H j . A b o u t 3 0 c a m p T e - W A A - ; U niveraity may be electrical y, an n o u n c es • C I ^ « « J L M e u 1 Camp Manana, P r o f e s s o r J . the land c o m m is.,o n e r to . e l l Uni- r a m , , 1 8 m i l e s u n v e r i t y oU leases to th e U niversity h onorary fr a te r n ity lio n and ing men W. T. H enrichson, A. W. Strait- on, T. N. W alsh, L. WL Loving- good, IL J. D un aw ay, and B, H. repel 1 Caldwell. The ation noun ces the elec tio n of the fol- rt c|U c * -At for a lump sum appropria- lo w in g m en a s associate m em bers:! W ee Brow nie Cocke, d ire cto r;! , Gen; con stitu tio n a lity o f laws rc- , idw m g m ill as « h .d iu a a I iiwhucid 'rofc-ssor J A. C o r r e l, C. R. E ssie H o o t s , assistant d i r e c t o r : . I s lin g to oil and g a s on U niversity , ° 4 l u a s s u chairman 1 v I *c* J1. * * I«11 I j Cranberry, R. E. Shelby, and L. P e a r c e s c a m p 1 8 m i l e s u p t h e ( d o r a d o R i v e r . T h i s t r i p i s t o c o n t i n u e u n t i l S u n d a y , chapter also an-1 February 24. The ex e c u tiv e s o f the camp are: +•* »• ** D , 1 0 • * i i * 1 , j I , A ntes. The in itiation, follow ed by a b anq uet in honor of the initiates, w a s held F eb ru ary 9 at the Dris- kill Hotel. I fo u r groups cam p is to be- divided Psi Chapter o f Eta Nu was i n - 1 to in for stalled April 24, 1928. I t is the j honors. the second ch ap ter to be installed in ; fctoups ar? Bet! Law, T on y Bro­ the south. The old m em bers in the cher, Frances Laughlin, and Ruth U niversity a re : H. A. Tan kersley, J Junkin. A regular .schedule is to bt follow ed. C lasses in w oodcraft, A b Martin, A. H. Walker, D. E. Cain, L. R. B a g w e ll, CL B. N orris,; cam pcraft. fire-Iore, nature-lore, and J. B. R eb u ck , president. co m p etin g of to be held. leaders The and h an d craft are lu ncheon A for all girls who are goin g is to be held at the C afeteria M onday, F eb ru ary 18. The n ex t m e e tin g will be held this Tuesday. DAHNKE TO ADDRESS H. E. CLUB TODAY MISS DOZIER CALLS COMMITTEE MEETING Miss Mary D ahnke, graduate I) > K1 az‘ j H o ld er of Dallas and IL E. Webb so u g h t by some of his c o n s titu ­ Ruth Junkin, he vote both for low er taxes 1 * XP o ra , o a * t < of O dessa which provided for the e n t v.uniuiijdiiam, dietician; and gare t Cunningha Miss Thelma Dillingham, faculty advisor. ice com panies a n d : and tomparifions with other j . be placing of the con trol of rates, All ,nf D ' ^ r a m ^ Reaves o, ab- re g u la tio n of House Bill n um ber 9 by * * i CAU.'' m ta vt: Mvuavvi ... liberal appropriations, u Ryy ! T e x a s S tate S en ator was ,,n ^s ' ’ ** . . . »> « . . ! ' I • 7 1 1 ’ an institutions, as to en ro llm en t, s t a ff (T.1,iflu « u r» P, « nd crnvprmnu- th e t . » ana sa u r ie s . Junior o f f ic e r s : President, How- Compromise o f the su it against j kill{,d by a votc o f G2.54, after ! for th g public schools being o n l v l * ^ f D } in * w * f'> vice P r e s e n t , aw retary-treas- 'V a lsh ; sergeant-at- the Leagan County and Purchasing j a debate ( < mpany in which toe U niveraity) Charges that ice com panies were i nendj*ureg f or higher I penditures for higher three education urer> education • " * ’ J * uv.aiden $9o0 OOO, to be paid manopolies was the bone of con- being only a sub-item in this sub- arm5s hours. ja su b ite m in this item j rules, tn a r g e s, ann g ov er n in g int on e ltem jn tbe jo t a j ex p en d itu re s ex p en d itu re s : sal„ t> L. . . I career. Dr. FL C. B row n, M. C. Parrish,! Dr. C harles VV. Rnm sdell, Dr. It. II. fir. O. It. Cham bers, J. NL Welch, .Montgomery, J, C. B agw ell,! 7 ° , . ? Urn , t 0WUrd Wh, c h a , stu d en t m ay strive during the first t h r ee pre-medical ( 2 ). To bind t o g e t h e r his o f , L K. ' ,10. ln ! f r w t e d atudents- <” >• the To bridge the gap b etw een pre-medical school and the sc h o o l man, nt ; un.i, and $50,-; , en, , on between the two sides, ii.!-. 1::- OOO to be paid into the available I fund, is included in the report. j 1,1 m e report. I .nu, . In addition to tin n port o f the 1 by the P re sid en t, are Small prohibits the takin g of fos- R e g e n t s and th,- report, of the University a n d !-1 n b or r e m .™ o f Prohistonc an- ^ tor and the registrar. S en a te bill num ber 4 8 1 *nd , item .Th 1 _v. S 'a ff'm e m b e r s and ofTicials who ; o f the gen eral d esir e a copy o f th e report may secure copies at the o f f i c e of the to an an ­ president, a ccording n oun cem ent Monday. 0 _ I ___________such fossils lands. R egu lations land office, from public pre­ scribed require the furnishin g o f a bond and the p a y m e n t of a fee by all persons w ish in g to remove such fossils. ______ imalg, except with the permission I ^ schools in which mn»-riatlun nf m an. i t s e l f ’ How' much 1 k . Avera. I of the residue -Anent for the ben 1 fK- AV» n I s p * ^ jR * Wan<*s- l'i esid,-n:, Dr. Sophomore oflicers: Fred VV’alker VV. E. Metzenthin, um» , L L I J. Dunbar. U ^ ta r v -lr -a s u r e r K. I Dean W. F. Gidley. Dunbar, s e c rotary-treHSUFor, K.jm -rtii VV. r . mber o f the club Each me perm itted t -...w, „ to [.ring one guest motto is “Truth I pursue” Alnh* *ho in-Im la I. • A. A. Droeffer; vice president, T. Blakeslee, Dean T. H. Shelby, g * lon P*™* The 'it* «nrn fa a hexagonal key w,th the Greek lot- i d tera on lts f *c* m a ln"0‘tudlnal column, is to rem iniscent o f the benzeen ring, indicating a marked leaning o f the order the stud y of ar­ gan ic chem istry. T h e freshman class will elect j the play Saturday night 1 cbruaiy lo the club » W ashington’s . \ \ . k'.t™ s:ion n,.],,, be , p c n t to educate *ke,r officers this Tuesday night *vI(-‘BIroy, se rgcant-at-ann .-, J. the shape o f which is plan- birthday Sehoch. Father Gonklin, | : ‘ ^ i- tow ard t . the next generation and its child- Rt 7 belock in room 201, Engi- nmK pally. rcn*> ncering Building. M u tt E d u c a te P e o p le T h e C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r e l e c t e d * - o - “So far as its duty to itself -Lames E. Callahan, chiel yell D E L T A T H F T A P H I Tho requ irem en ts for c o n sid ­ eration by the chapter for in it ia ­ that a stu d e n t be en- tion are University teachers appointment c e RIWUJ F R S M F F T SCRIBBLERS MEET A T - o n T I i r c i T A v AT 7:30 TUESDAY A I 7 : 3 0 T U E S D A Y « S en a to r VV. h. Thom ason of n e ss.’ Each i s co n ce rn ed , each g en eration undoubtedly entitled to ‘life, ll^-! happi - 1 un- . e r t y * and ?he Puretuit oi individual is is j leader, and Paul N e tx cr and VV., yell; uenemann, assistant j Scribblers will meet at ---------- Nacogdoches continues to main- d e u c e d ly entitled to introduce his j own achievement and 7.30 tam that he wi regard his I N V E S T I G A T I O N O F enjoyment R O B B E R Y S T A R T E D t i All students who plan to teach this Tuesday night in the Y. W. anti-fraternity bill, despite the Turn to I use 2, Col. 5 . nvxt fail are in vited to attend . I C. A. room in the Main B o u d in * , ( c u r r e n t rumors to the _ = accord in g to Mrs. N. A u Shirley, M on d ay afte rn o o n , he conferred j K jr v T /iu i a vt n F F I f T R S F R E S H M A N A L E C S M E ET - - The freshm an cla ss o f the Col- in charge on 0 f E n g in e e r in g will m ee t w iH read several o f his own cor a-1 the U n iv ersity cam pus, and a f te r ; ...................................... , in the U n iversity, j of in v estig a tin g f o r m e r E n g -1 the f a c u lty co m m itte e A rthur S am p ley, instructor fra ter n itie s ^ ™ bsh , ELECTED SUNDAY x - ----------- , with Dr. C. T. Gray, chairman o f I ^ L W ‘I Y T - : ^ .. #£ I . in-1 jution p a s s e d : Austin p olice dep artm ent vestigating the robbery of several: “ W e wish to o f f ic e s o f th e gover n m e n t dejiart- w e n t in Garrison Hall friends , is for c v T C k i l S c t l j a x n / c gaged in pre-m edical s tu d v t . ! , lotion of thanks tor the courtesy places him in the jl ~ ~ 7 ~ se m e ste rs o f pre-m edical I H A N K S that he shall have completed three s tu d v ‘ pa. 7 e * 1 ^ ° ' with a scholastic average which first fifth of his be ’ p eier e"ct u li be S S S s f S i t them class; however, preference wdl ; S Z c l . _ h^rutel.ty ext ended I when their house was destroyed . F o llo w in g is a copy o f th e reso . | scien ces. thank our many! Membership in the organization t h e hospitality and ! ls e x ^c’a ded through the first yea r late S at-) help ex te n d ed us. We a p p r e c i a t e ; ° L ™v"u al. s t u jlE- IO o cloek to | eJect o f fic e r s thi8 Tuesday nij?ht a t 7 o ’clock to positions, and original short sto r y , the co n fe r e n c e said that he would L * ” ur will have a sp e c ia l m ee tin g T u esday n ig h t at discuss busin ess m atters, and w ill The m ec tin g will be held in room will he presented on thc program I the m iddle o f the week. The bill j ^ S u n d a y in thc club room in itia te 16 n e w m em bers o f t h e 201 E n g in ee rin g B u ilding. association. T h e date for ^ spring term social will be set. about fo r t h b s e m e s t e r . ! read in g bv m em bers o f the club ‘ be re ad y to in troduce the bill by | hy thc N ew m an ( iub at the m e e t ' I Monday. will not only apply to fraternities I but j on the U n iv ersity campus, state : following officers were elected I office o f the faculty members of Allan Shivers, president, and by also to all others at any (supported school. Lucy. the department, entrance being a committee Miller, president, and the p h e m a lia w e r e taken T h c m e e tin g was conducted by I for thc coming semester: The r e so lu tion w a s signed fo un ta in p en s and o th e r j much and assu re you that it will | hooks, alw ays be rem em bered by each o f o ffic er s w ere elected | u n la y night, police o f f ic ia ls said yo u r kindness and it w a s announced para- 1 thc typew riters. S everal from us.” the ^ | CO-ED TR A N SF E R S ENTER ______ Hermes, vice president; Mildred made through the transoms o f the Meredith, Howard H o f fm a n , and in terest v er y t Tbe p h o n a l o f fic e o f the fra- an expansion w hich includes the larg- colleges ; est »"<* m o st im portant b egu n by and u n iv e r sitie s o f the nation. ------------- 0------------- composed of Fred D O N O H U E L E C T U R E S UNIVERSITY A T MID-TERM ______ The S en ate M onday debated fo r bard, historian; and E u gen ia Jako-I Jelinek, secretary; Ripple Hob I rooms, police said. I Frank Teague. LITTLE CAMPUS TO HOLD MEET TONIGHT t .4„ . . i The Little C am pus A ssociation this ON HOSPITAL L I S T i ^ c o n d se m e ste r in clu d e: Helen I Lake, A nita R heilander from S i m - ) w a t e „ o f T c x a , Tho bi]j will F rhr,77rv 1 ? ------------- Hxiurc from C. I. A ., Mr*. M yrtle j m o ns C ollege. I * ” , he m L n * o f ^nre.Hvrtme ..bLn I ” T w e lv e s t u d e n t , are iii in l « a l T h om as from W ayne S t a le T each . | Sarah Collin- fro m U niversity dan! fish f o r com m ercial pur- it is C oliege, Marye ^ J o f Missouri, C ath erin e Miem from poses and for sport also, if from T rin ity C o lle ge, Mrs. Irma S an ua White from R a d c lif fe . Mrs. Lena 1 & W aite from R a d c lif fe , Mrs. L e n a j S o u t h w e s t T e x as Teachers’ Col- j J. Holb rook o f G alveston , S. M. LL, Mattie B a n n e r from ad opted , accord in g to S en ator T | v , _________ Mrs. Irmo .......... «. , H O U S E M O T H E R S MEET T h e H ou sem oth ers o f the Uni- boys and “ I have children, four tw o girls, and t h e y ’re j ju d g e o f H ou sto n C o u n ty tw o term. He w as elec te d c o u n t y at au j v e r s if y will meet W ednesday, Fob-; all ‘ro o te rs’ f o r the U n iv e r s ity ,” j served in th a t c a p a c ity f o r f o u r ®R*Wing, from O klahom a S ta te Col- j le g e, Louise Nagle from Our Lady j thor o f the b i l l A motion to a d - 1 r u a r y 13 at 3 o’clock in th : declared S en a to r N at P atton o f I years. H is e le c tio n last y e a r a s Mr. D onohue will „. t h o s e a t a t. j from W. T. S. T. C. * »e R*« Mrs. Mireola C astleb erry o f th e Lake. C elia Martin from journ arrested ; W estm in ister C ollege. Mrs. B. j m ea su re ju st b efore the v ote we# p rogram action on D a v i d s H osp ital a re : E m an uel Mary Liftman, A lo e r t Dash:ell. Tom Helen C oulter from U n iv ers ity o f v a n i t y , Vivian Sm ith, also Shelby, Jim Beard, Henry Md)*,! C alifornia, B ern ice Barker Du wa in Reed, and J e a n e tte Wad- Rice Institute, Mrs. J. Edda from ; S c h c i r from U n iv ersity o f Illinois, would be made unto* * ‘ d«?IL from ! S o u th w este rn U n iv e r s ity , Lenora bill, so that the use from S o u th w e s te r n U n i - j ta k en Baylor C ollege, Marie Faire* f ro m ! from C. I. A ., J GafTord on localize the ex te n t of u n la w fu l only I certain sections of the state, Turn to P age 2, Cal 3 an a m en d m en t from would S tarke ^ '• * o f se in e s the g ir ls ’ stud y hall. The follo w in g Crockett, a m em ber o f the F o rty -! the S en a to r from H ou ston C o u n ty I “ B u sin ess Methods that; “ T h e B u d g e t ,” discussed by Mn* dent o f the U niversity. and B e g in n in g his legislative the A nna Jaruun, and “ M enues is scheduled: m u s e : firrt L egislature and an ex-stu brings him to the S en a te for j first tim e the P rod uction.” c a r e e r ! S e n a to r P atton was a T able D ecoration.” which w ill b t ] i n the Thirtv-third Ilegislature, I in the U n iv e r s ity from 1 9 1 2 -191 3 in j the topic f soft’s talk, o f Mrs. J. E. Robert- S en ator P atton served j House o f R ep resen tatives fo r one I o f 1928, in the l and a tte n d ed the su m m er session The P etroleum Club will stud en t one speaker each mouth to U niversity th e remainder o f year, a ccord in g to Joseph rn president I F a c f s A 6 o u # F o r m e r U.T. Students Who Now Fill Solon Chairs An a n n o u n c e m e n t the C actus photograph and the Little Campus page in the year-book will be made at the m eetin g. o--------------- t w e l v e s t u d e n t s I hospitals, accord in g to a report made by the U n iv e r s ity H ealth Service. T h ose at S eton Infirm- ary a r e : V. S u g g s, L, T. D evau lt, j p e a n r , nd Earl S tilso n , a e . e ’ 755^ * AT PETROLEUM CLUB David D onoh ue, head o f the land and g e o l o g y department o f the T e x a s P acific Coal and Oil C om p any and former student o f the U n iv ersity , will address the P etroleu m Club of the University m e e tin g this Tuesday a t 5 a n d ! 0 ’G«rk jp room 201, Engineering DAI I?’WW —i I rn.**. ■*, ~ J*. lecture on in Petro ie uai -m m mm ^ “ “ Mi and from b rin gm * n o t e s | sh«n.J», J a m - - Mw-klcroy a. John . i> . BhieII. .d corresnondbnr seer* s e c r e t a r y , ’ Marion W. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1929 METHODISTS MAKE PLANS FOR YEAR it will fluty and righteousne**. -oon ap p ear p ro p er and rig h t to set aside a t least te n p er cent o f the income o f one generation fo r the education o f th e next g en era­ tion, the rem ain in g 90 per cent to be for the use and benefit of the generation Itself. This ten p er cen t ii ap p reciab ly lese than what o ur p re so rt g en e ratio n is spend­ ing fo r autom obiles and gasoline, quickly con­ things wholly and sumed in the using. Adding to high­ this the coat o f pleasure ways makes it v e ry h ard fo r an y ­ one seriously to contend th a t T ex­ as m too poor to p u t more m oney in her public schools, being th ere are are rem em bered more autom obiles in Texas than ini England and Scotland and W ales \ and Ireland com bined, m any more than fo rty in F ran ce with her million people, m ore than in C an­ ada, th ree tim es as m any as in all Germ any o r all A ustralia. Texas ir, paying out a t least th ree tim es aa much fo r autom obiles as fo r schools." th a t it REGISTRATION IN B. B. A. SCHOOL 273 The School of Business Adm in­ istration has g ain ed 35 stu d en ts since the m id-term exam inations, according J . A. F itzgerald, dean of the school. to The re g istra tio n from last se­ m ester was 238. (C ontinued From Page I) end of the fru its th ereo f as an in it elf, not m erely as a mean* to an end. But to posterity each generation owes an even g re a te r deb t than Its it owes to itself. to g re a te st piggie publr duty is pass on to its children the accu ­ m ulated wisdom and knowledge of t i e ages, not dim inished b u t ex ­ increased. One generation, cept as an essential link betw een the past and the fu tu re , is of f a r less im portance than all the g en ­ erations yet to come. W ere a single generation to fail u tte rly in passing religion and civilization on to the next, u tte r barbarism and savagery would again rule th© ea rth fo r centuries. It was n o t an accid en t th at caused the a u ­ thors of th e Texas D eclaration of Independence (most of them were college m en) to use the word ‘continuance* is an axiom in ‘it in political science th a t unless a people are educated and en lig h t­ ened, it in idle to expect the “ con­ tin u an ce" of civil liberty o r the capacity fo r self-government.* S h o u l d G i v e IO P e r C e n t “ I f we think about these m at­ and ters in the light o f tru th Campus Organizations Please have your authorized representative call im m e­ diately at B. Hall I 19 to m ake space reservation for the 1929 Cactus, graphs. This applies to all organizations without reservations, regardless of w hether or not you contemplate using photo­ The producers of the I 929 Cactus request your closest co-operation in this matter. Reservations at B. Hall 119 BULL BELLOWS By ALEX MURPHREE THOUGHT FOR TODAY “ Ail is not gold that siltier* ” that it not “bonded” end nil horn* your »on*il*. — William Eilers, Jr. REDUCTION REDUCTION i* the theme Of many a fat man's woes And what th a t fat man's woes is There a in 't nobody knows. What with all the patent m ethods To cut o ff fa tty tissues We stoutish, hand mine gentlem en Have worn our face in fissures From try in g to decide upon The method th at is best C alculated to displace A misplaced fa tty chest. T here’s Sylph gum, p aten t rollers, M assagers and such things Diets fit fo r beggars and Diets fit fo r kings. Pineapple and lamb chops, Or nothing b o t g rap efru it H am burger steak, tom atoes, Are things in good repute As method* o f com batting Fat and hanging jowls. We eat these silly things Until our stomach howls, Because we a c h e for com fort Instead o f avoirdupois We can ’t have fa t and com fort Though both would be our choice. IDLING ALONG W ITH EILERS Bunk WIW Haying th at over in France whore they eat snails, to a d ­ and such, he stools, an ts, is willing to bet it is five o u t of every five th a t have it and not •four out of five* like it is in this country. Mat tidy opines as how you will hear such chirps as these a f te r higher education has become uni­ versal, For instance a farm lady telling h er son to go milk the cows: “ Ignat/,, go forth and dis­ possess the lady bovines o f th e ir lacteal fluid." May we never see the day. Bosco said th a t when he was over in F ran ce, everytim e som e­ thing went “ boom" the boys sure did “ Taw dow n." When the enem y saluted you with a barrag e o f over-grown buckshot, it m ight have been polite to stand b u t it was not very advisable. Blinky was telling us ab o u t a guy named Ernest beating his tim e with his favorite grass widow. As fa r as Blinky is concerned “ Life is real, life i# Ernest." ~iir Daily ®*xan Fob! the eampos att lh# trailer- •fcjr af T raw , Austin, by th# Tm ** g la­ de® Ut tears,; k* •arri;; Ho#4*ty. every lac ., Editorial ottit**. B. H a lt Trlrphoar* Bl ii-Si. (After IM p. bl. B « f:««««» 9-1164 and 2-3165. B. B all, Telephone* Printed by the Uai*«r»ity Pram, A. C Wright, S a u c e r . . Eat*red a* aeeoaA r!* « leaner at the p ao to ttee at Austin. Tm##. LMrt#r-Ir,-Cheet —— i i olm ie S. P i l l * STAFF J . C. W atkins ........ Issue E ditor C laire M o r r is Ti Hie I mm e l ________ _Assistant J o b s Wood n i f f ____ Assistant N ig h t R eporter Glen P ark er Kola C lifton . Night R eporter. W ilburn Van Flee; Assistant ..... ....... Capitol C orrespondent A lb ert baffling ................. Capitol Correspondent W hat Do You Know About- By J. CTWATKINS I. Mexico ornery ? I Hoover plan*? Armament em bargo? R eps r a ti o n s ? “ Slave, commend your ta a l to God. Thou shalt not reach Mex­ ico C ity." This message, w ritten on a piece of satin , wa* received by Presi­ des* Emilio Fortes Oil Saturday, ju s t before he started on his trip to Mexico City. Sunday morning a t 7 o ’clock bis special train was w recked by a bomb aa a p ­ proached a bridge, and the fire­ man was killed. it It was a disturbed week-end in Mexico. Another p a v e n g e r train was dynam ited, with no casualties, and a bomb was discovered in the office of Aaron Saenz, political leader. The la tte r is a leading can d id ate for the six-year term for president rn the election to he held next November. He was a m em ber of both the Obregon and Galle- cabinets. Police made 34 arrests follow ­ ing a dem onstration a t the fun­ eral o f Toral, assassin of Obre­ gon, in Mexico City. Troops were also called out to begin an ex­ tensive search for p e rp etrato rs of the bombing plot on the presi­ d e n t’s train , with orders to exe­ c u te they caught. sum m arily anyone P resident Oil and p arty reached Mexico City early y ester­ day on a heavily guarded tram . bm Inform ation from F lorida indi­ cates th a t Hoover has ab o u t com­ pleted th e fram ew ork of his farm relief program , which to bt subm itted to the new C ongress in A pril. is them selves A cardinal principle of the plan will be to allow the farmers. to help through co­ nners*. i vc associations, as fa r as possible, ana virtually to give the farm er control over th e situation, but supported by the power and in flu en ce of the G overnm ent, A farm board for adm inistration is proposed, but Will have nothing to do w ith price control. E xcept fo r the fact th at Hoover does n o t favor an equalisation fe e, hts plans are aid to be en the Barre line with th- old Mc- N a r/-H augen bill. from A Republican S en ato r K ansas, Capper by nam e, intro­ duces a proposal which woald in­ em bargo stitu te ag ain st any country violating the Kellogg trea ty to renounce war. M aking use of logic, p sy ch o lo g y , and history he says: arm am ent an “ The m om ent it becomes clear th a t nation which has solemnly promised to renounce w ar as an Sftstrujgken' of national policy, but isless, provokes or which* Hove ,i ti s war, will not be able to buy munition* or supplies from th o A aerical! people with which to c a rry n the w ar— then that war will come to a sudden end. In f .ct, j do abt whether it will ever be begun. aud effectu atio n “ In Other word*., I believe the adoption of th is resolution will te n d to make the peace pact effective. It will in a mea.- ur«- underw rite the peace pact, without compelling uh to police th e world.” (Continued From Page I ) Garnett© N o rthcot shall College. from M ar­ Jean Aldrick from Beloit, Helen Wilson from M ary Baldwin, Nel­ lie Page from E. T. 8, T. (*., Doris Farm er from College of Wooster, Ohio. Elsie Wyman from I«ake Forest College, Alim H udson from Bay­ lor College, Mrs. It, W hisenhunt from N. T. f>. T. C„ lu n a Osh- man from C. I. A,, Mayre F oster from Southw estern Univ., G e r­ trude Foster from Southw estern University, Rachel Ferguson from Austin College, Mrs. Laura Vie- regge from H illsboro Ju n io r Col­ lege. Edna Lewis from S. F. A. S. T. Cb, Ruth Slaton from Texas Tech, Lorraine Von Rosenberg from Colorado College, Gladys Higgins from West m oorland College, Daisy McKay from H ouston Ju n io r Col­ lege and J u a n ita Cochran from C. I. A. Ruth Eldridge o f Ban Antonio, to is also a tra n s f e r but failed name her fo rm er school. A "crip " course usually tu rn s out to be h reg u lar crons to bear. HOWARD TALKS AT VESPERS SERVICE Mbs Hilda Howard, national rotary of the Y. W. trav« mg • A. for the southw estern r e ­ g io n / arg* I si! students ‘to come out o f the cage of indifference and ignorance, and face life as it fealty ie,” delivered Monday afternoon at the Vespers service, in a talk every things the surface <>f ‘Many Am erican students to u r sum m er," Miss Europe Howard asserted, a “and it in shame that so many o f them only see over there. I. im pean students are in­ terested in, and appreciate A m er­ icans. as well an what is happen­ should ing in America. America be more interested learning about Europeans anti conditions rn European countries." she con­ cluded. in Students of E ducation 27.12, a course in stu d y of the principles of teaching, u n d er Mrs, Cora Mar­ tin, will leave this Tuesday m orn­ ing at 7 o'clock fo r San Antonio to visit the R iver Bend Country Day School o f H e tty S. Browne. The school is u n d er the direction of Mrs. Brown and her daughter, Sybil, who tau g h t in the d ep a rt­ ment of household arts the U niversity fo r th ree weeks in the summer. at Seventeen persons had signed for the trip at 3 o ’clock Monday planning afternoon. Those to make the trip a te ; .Margaret M. Bridges. Je a n e tte Leary, Lucille Full wood, Lucille B arnett, Ruth C. Baker, Onion rodm an, Mrs. Maggie FL McLeod, Dr. Annie Webb B lanton, Lena A. Dean, Hob Gray, E rm a Yon, Susan Seed, Miss B utler, Mary Belle T urner, M argaret F’rank, Millie Louise King, and Virginia Rich, The class will re tu rn this a fte r­ noon. Official Notice GAY AND HER GANG ACS-OLO FRIEND OE COINE OJAS HARRIED YESTERDAY ANO H ES A L R E A D Y .. OECIoeO TWAT HIS BITTER ____ ^ ■ , WALP ISNT SATISFACTORY/ rfCv Divorce is Yet to Come (-JCS PLANKING TO GLT A OiOORCC-BUT W E'LL ONLY G ET H A R - J ' . S r - ' R ico a g a in _________ By GLADYS PARKER y e s - h a r r y AIU© REPEAT AT LO SURE J im h a s t e . I . .Ill lf _4 f I **»* — ' M / L / YESTERDAY IS A SAO TICOE TO G E T HARRIED— YOU SHOULD AL­ L A Y S PU T I T OPP UNTIL T O - n o m auy--" ■. •urn* » T u e s d a y , f e b r u a r y 12,1929. rn s i s T H E D A I L Y T E X A N NOW AT CRESCENT Lucille Davis, Alpha D elta Pi, retu rn ed Sunday from h e r home in Am arillo where she has been for the past few weeks recu p er­ atin g from a severe attack of the “ flu .” from Mildred W ashburn th e Delta D elta D elta house has re­ turned to h er home in Clebnrne. She will not be th e second sem ester. school in econom ist fo ri . . . A. F. Mc Lu re, . , the Dal! -'n*non of T c S tates D epartm ent of A g ricu ltu re,! has enrolled in the U niversity fo ri B etty Green o f El Campo, work on his m aster of a rts Tommie H ughes o f Houston , was a visito r a t th e Alpha T au the Ignited j o meg a house over th e week-end. a de- i form er U niversity stu d en t, spent Sunday a t the K appa D elta house. , T ocicn RUBY C. LEWIS Society Editor Telephone 9135 Mothers’ Club of G am m a Phi Beta Entertains W ith Traditional Tea Dinner Guests Sunday D inner guests a t the Alpha Tau Omega house Sunday w ere: Hilda W offord, Julia Ball. K atherine H enderson, Marie Sullivan, An­ to in ette Sullivan of C orpus C h rs- ti, and Polly R ountree. Alpha Phi house: JU* rn ice Bar- gree. ker. Pi B eta Phi house: M rs. How­ ard Amason of Roswell, New Mexico. M ary Ryan and Thrace Rogers sp en t th e week-end in San An­ tonio. Hancock N o w SOCIAL CA LEN DA R Friday, February 15 Phi D elta T h eta dance, 7-1 o’clock, Hotel. dinner- a t Austin Alpha Rho Chi open house, 8-11 o'clock a t c h a p te r house. Saturday, February 16 9 - 1 0 , W om an’s G erm an, Gymnasium. Tau D elta Phi open house. 8- 11 o’clock at c h a p te r house. L ittle Cam pus open house and dance, 8-11 o’clock a t Lit­ tle Cam pus D orm itory. V irginia C unningham , a pledge of th e Pi Beta Phi soro rity , spent ! |- } | the week-end in San Antonio. Elizabeth Jakson o * San An- J fr tonic was a v isitor Sunday at tho Pi B eta Phi house. ASTON GLASS and A nita S tew art in “ Name the Woman,” now playing at the C rescent th eater, a dram a of a neglected wife. ‘S IM B A ’ FINE A T THE Q U E E N ‘SYNTHETIC SIN’ NOW AT MAJESTIC A p ictu re worth two h o u rs, and more, of anybody’s tim e— a red ­ blooded adventure chronicled by the a le rt cameras of th e M artin Johnsons— th a t’s “ Sim ba,” which continues on the Queen silver- sheet u n til Saturday. A fte r witnessing en th rallin g ad v en tu res which m ake t h e sp ectato r forget his surroundings and even his identity fo r a time. A fte r living through th e tensest m om ents of the entire fo u r years of ad v en tu re of the Johnson sa f­ ari, it seem s the height o f a n ti­ clim ax to try to com m ent fo rm al­ ly on “ Sim ba.” Pitiless cruelty, splendid cour­ age, pathos, even hum or can found adven­ in this record o f tures. Dynamic, vivid, it is no picture fo r the nervously over­ w rought— b u t is is one o f th e few pictures th a t will enchant a m a­ jo rity o f its spectators. This w rit­ er endorses it as a g re a t picture — b u t don’t ask me your m onev back!— A. N. C. f o r roa n ous Hilarious, ribsplitting, and up- characterizes Colleen Moore’s “ Syn­ t h e t i c S i n,” its which plays last tim es a t th e th e a te r Majestic a today; b u t conservative es­ tim ate m ight p u t a dam per on th e superlatives. I t Sis a clever com­ edy, done in the Colleen typical fashion, Moore be j with th ree o r fo u r ex tra im per­ sonations throw n fo r good m easure, and it is satisfying ce r­ tainly fo r those who are shop­ ping fo r comedy, though not so thoroughly so as it m ight be, p er­ tim es haps. B u t th ere are two th at one’s sh irt buttons are really in danger, and you might as well see it fo r them .— C. B. Colleen in The M others Club of Gamma Phi Beta sorority en tertain ed at ; the home of Mrs. H. B. Ruckman j with a trad itio n al V alentine tea Monday afternoon from 4 to Bi.'lj) oclock. H onorees fo r the a ffa ir w ere: Mrs. H. J. Smith of Paw ­ huska, Oklahoma, a visiting del­ egate, and Mrs. Lynn Hawkins, the new housem other. Decorations w ere in red, car- I rying o u t the V alentine m otif, j Flowers in the living room were red carnations; dining room, red sweet peas; and in the sun parlor, red tulips. Girls assisting in dining room were Alice M arie Correll, Isabelle Mayes, M ary Miller Cox, Mildred Ruckm an. Augusta Shiv­ ers, Loraine Decherd, and Emma Virginia Decherd. the the in Members of th e house p arty included Mrs. IL J. 8m ith, Mrs. Lynn Hawkins, M rs. H. B. Ruck­ man, Mrs. R. A. Cox, Dorothy Al­ len Shivers, M ary Frances Llewel­ lyn, E leanor Lueteke, Dorothy Johnson, Mrs. B radley of Hous­ ton, a ch a rte r m em ber, and Mrs. Virgil Thompson o f Weslaco, also a ch a rter m em ber. Helen U psehulte and O ra Da­ vis, mem bers o f the Phi Mu sor­ ority, will re tu rn this Tuesday from a visit to San Antonio. Carl Moulden and Law Sulli­ van, students in A. & M. College, were week-end visitors th e campus. on V irginia Root o f the Kappa Delta house sp en t the week-end a t her home in San Antonio. Classified Ad Section T e le p h o n e 2-3164 o r 2-3165 ANNOUNCEMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT AUTOMOBILES ROOMS FOR RENT of removal — WOODMAN’S NOTICE FLOWER SHOP from 204 W. 6th to 909 Congress. We will be glad to sec our old custom ers and new 'friends. Phone 0360. PALL GREENLEE present a copy this ad a1 the box office of Queen today and sec the show. of the FOH RENT! Furnished or unfurnished 2004 apartm ent close to Univaraty. Sabine Street. Phons 6186. APARTMENT with and sleeping porch. Also, sm all upstairs if apartm ent for rent to boys. Meals desired. Phone 9907. private hath Gage Bros. Hoofing and H eating Tin Work Dependable Service 7th & Red R iver Phone 5279 ial gathered on any subject. TEXAS RESEARCH BUREAU— Mater­ South­ western history arid biography a spec­ ialty. 706 W. Reasonable 24th. Phone 7657. charges. DON’T WORRY— See Mrs. nickel, Spir­ itual medium. Now at 602 W*»t 6th St, NO COLORED. Phone 23861. Sun­ day appointment. 80A R D S t ROOM GIRLS —■ Approved One-half square north of cam pus. Desirable 2407 Phone 867.9. rooms and boat'd. W hitis. Mrs. Kcrshner. house. ROOM AND BOARD for two boys, $30 OO per month- Two meals for 817.00. fir rf*,ms may be had without meals. 2712 N ucr es. Phone 23582. BOARD AND ROOM— for boys. Nice rooms and sleeping porch for $32 per month. Heat furnished 1811 Colorado, phone 5967. FOR SALE GIB LH, "PH Get By” sin g s Nick Lucas, itrun-iwiek Record. J, K, Reed M usic Go., 805 Congress, the Crooning Troubador. LIVE AND LOVE" sung by Oscar Gro­ Sweet 821 Con­ gan —Colombia Record. ['■ase Bledsoe. It's and pretty. gree Phone 6619. PERSIAN KITTENS FOR SALE. Cactus Tea Room. Phone 3310. LAUNDRY H O M E L A U N D R l l PHONE! 3 ^ 0 2 FOR RENT STUDENT SPECIALS 1924 Overland Touring, flood Running Condition. For 825 plus 1929 R egis­ tration 1021 Ford Touring. Already Registered 1926 Ford R egistration 'roaring. 1929 ____ - ....... 135.00 _____ HOO.00 KNIGHT W H IPPET CO. 309 W. 6th Phone 2316! ROOMS FOR RENT FOR R EN T: A ttractive rooms near cam ­ pus, suitable for women students de­ Phone 22934 between I siring quiet. and 2 o’clock daily. bath; BOYS: For rent, half of room adjoining in nice home; all modern con­ veniences, Including sleeping porch. Dial 4539. 1810 Congress. NICE ROOM to couple who would to prepare breakfast blocks from U n iversity. Phone 423H. like in room. Two 2603 Wichita. beds. FOR RENT: Nice cool rooms with single entrance and bath. reasonably 608 W. 25th S treet; phons located and Private Conveniently priced, 2-2145. room, newly BOYS W ANTED— Have one largo front fam ished. Single beds. Price Dial Hot aud cold water, ga* heat. reasonable 1904 Guadalupe. 23423, Rf Kl MS FOR BOYK— Private entrance, sleeping porch, hot water, and ai! con. vet!tem e*. One block front campus, 203 East 23rd St., Dial 4703. WANTED LOST AND FOUND a took WILL the person who hide overcoat by m istake Sunday at lunch for in S. R. 1>. living room call 23893 Shelton. Reward. net in sterling with LOST— Mlue drop with A. T. O. seat sterling chain. Lost last Tuesday in dancing stu - dio. Finder return to 119 B. Hall fur reward. long FELT HAT with sw eat band on lost on Campti*. Please return to Rembert Moreland, 2 100 San Antonio. initials R. B. M LOST Hound r« cord of Pi T heta, education fraternity, Lambda i* needed im m ediately. Borrower will kindly re­ turn today to office o f M iss Annie it Webb Blanton. LOST - Dark brown key-tainer and key* Saturday night or Sunday m orning. Finder pleats# return to room 119 B. Hall. leather LOST—-Gold fraternity ring, either in gym , allower or w restling room. Dont Saturday In-tween 5 p. rn. and 6 p. rn. Reward if returned to Garrison Hall 208. LOST— Ladies* white gold Elgin w rist­ watch, between L ittlefield Dormitory and Cafeteria, Liberal Reward. Kmiiie lift u hut Littlefield Dormitory. LOSE SOM ETH INC ? it through Tho Texan C lassifieds. Dsal 23164 or Find 28165, ring 8717. HIGHEST ITR IC ES paid clothing and shoe*. for c a st-off 40 7 East 6th or WOOD WANTED— College Boys (a l! hours evenings, to work two 9028 between I and 2 o’clock. WOOD— WOOD Delivered anywhere in the City L. EAST PRODUCE CO JOURNALISM senior must have work to sta y in school. An* thing regular. night. Phone 5CU0 or Phones 4101-25913 102 W. 2nd COAL AND WOOD— Best O rsdes. Quick Service. U niversity Coal and Wood C o . 606 San Marco*. Phone 7741. Afternoons Spinks. W ANTED— C o lleg e h o u r s ever. i g s . I and 2 o ’clock. b o y s to w ork Call tw o 90 2 ti b e tw e e n DRESSMAKING FIRST CLASS dressm aking. Work gear- anteed. Do all kinds of tailored work and alterations. Dinner evening dresses a ■pe'-ialty. Phone 22038. WE MEND silk hem stitching, hose. pleating, buttons, rhinestones, gold and •liver clips. Mabel Gannaway, 716 Con­ greet Phone 8342. Over Beacon's JOURNALISM senior m ust have work to regular. Afternoon or Right, Phone 3310. Spinks. in school. Anything stay W ANTED—Man or woman solicitor foi accident in.surar.ee. Good pay for spars tin** Give residence and phone number for conference. Mr. Huddleston, P. O. Box 7SS, dty. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for se c ­ A. clothing and SCHWARTZ. 417 East 6th. Phone 3762. ond-hand shoes. room in private nome. Modern FOR RENT — A ttractively furnished in every way. With or without garage. 2812 Peer! Street. Phone 8162. P lease call after I p. rn. FOR KENT: Single room for lady. R eas- enable. Gas heat. Two blocks from campus, 2200 Nueces Street, Phone 7282. ROOMS FOR MEN—Meals 1907 Nueces. Phone 22.882. if desired. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for two or I block w est of campus. three boys. 2309 San Antonio St. ROOMS for six boys a t 1903 1-2 W ich­ ita. Two garage*. Sleeping porch and janitor service. Phone 3310. QUIET COMFORTABLE room in private home northwest of U niversity. Gas heat. Linen furnished. 2805 San Pedro. Phone 3429 or 9255. FOR RENT— Single room for lady. Gas from U niversity. beat. Two blocks 2200 Nueces Street. FOR BOYS: two modern rooms or down, all convenient home. Near U niversity. Phone 6100 pm*, apetaly* i s p r i n k , I 2601 KMM. ROOM fur about eigh t boys at 1903 1-2 conven­ Wichita. Ga. heat. Every ience. Two garages. Phone 8310. TWO DESIRABLE upstairs rooms for boys. One sou theast and one with sleeping porch adjacent. 1700 Congress. Phone 7627. LARGE southeast room. Suitable two boys or couple. Garage. North Guadalupe. Phone 7009. for 2810 FOR BOYS—Single and Double Rooms. 2407 First House North of Campos, University Avenue. Phone 5271. WANTED: Two or three boys t» sitars suite of two bed rooms and bath wth two other boys. E verything Baw and convenient. Rio Grande, Phons 9397. 2468 APPROVED HOUSE: P leasant rootst sleeping porch, g irls; board lf desired Block of campus. Reasonable rates, I# East 25, Phone 8148. TWO CLEAN, furnished rooms. South­ east exposure. W alking distance of reasonable, W ales U niversity, Rent and light furnished. Phone #811. ROOM FOR TWO OR THREE BOYS Room and private sleeping porch adjoin­ ing both. Situated in private home within tw o blocks of campus. Reasonable. Phone 2-3237 601 W est 10th UK By BEN DAVE ALLEN O U c a n t brush all but the acids away „ Squibb’s neutralizes them . . . . NO TOOTH-BRUSH can scour away the acids in the mouth that cause tooth decay and infected gums. But Squibb’s Dental Cream can bring you protection be­ cause it is made with more than 50% o f Squibb’s Milk of Magnesia. For dentists everywhere agree that Milk of Mag­ nesia is the best product known to guard teeth and gums from the threat of acids at The Danger Line. 40c a large tube, at Copyright 1929 by E. R. Squibb & Sons all druggists. Business Directory DENTIST OPTOMETRIST D r. E . B. C row der, D oatiaf $05 S e a rh ro o g h B ldg., A tit ti et, T o* Ort. Lynn and L f nu D ental Surgeons $07 Seer bro ugh Bldg., Phonn S I M A. B U R ST Y N , O. D. Careful eye exam ination. Correct end com fortable glattee. 618 1-2 Congress PLUMBING BL R A V E N — PLUMBER “W here Coed Plum bing Repair* ! A re Made” 1403 L a m a S treet, Phone 6763 DR. B. E. FARMER 405 Scarbrough Bldg., Pit. 2-3 8 1 3 w c ANDREWARTHA PLUM BING i Phone 22403 Shop 408 E. 18th St. j v e rs ity neighborhood. FOR R E N T — A ttra c tiv e q u ie t room . U ni­ P hone 716* -ugh Many Campaign* 'MALAK:A M3CCS" * \ T H E A T E R S W ITH C. B. “ M OTHER K N O W S B EST.’* B eing first the H ancock's talkie anc! the firs t Fox Movie­ length picture tone to s t r i k e A u stin ; being fairly good, on a whole pro­ gram of sound. At th e H an­ cock. featu re “ S I M B A.” Positively a erum ptiotts picture, m eaning E xcellent, besides if s good. being an animal pictu re, and thrilling too. Lion hunting in Afrffca. At the Queen. •‘SYNTHETIC SIN .” Colleen Al oore sins and gets it over with to the satisfaction of most people, to the w edding of An- 19 nio„ Moreno, and to the ac­ com panim ent o f sounds. At the Majestic. “ NAME THE WOMAN.” The French m otto film ed with a prosecuting his Wife, and the o th er man fu r­ nishing the horse-play. Even a m urder trial. E tc. A t the C rescent. atto rn e y , less “ JUST M ARRIED.” J u s t a fairly clever com edy to A nne Nicholls cred it as au th o r than to Jam es Hall and Ruth T aylor's as actors. Aboard ship stu ff. W orth seeing. At th e Texas. > COMPLETE SOUND BILL AT HANCOCK In “ Mother Knows B est,” Fox M ovietone picture playing now and the Hancock, through Friday a t M adge Bellamy again steps fo r­ w ard to defend h er ever disputed title of A ctress and -establishes o u r conviction th a t she is capable when given m aterial to w ork with ll— and who can doubt Edna Fer- ! b e r’s ability to furnish m aterial. ■Miss Bellamy handed th e public a j o l t with her “ Sandy” a few years Aback and has been held to th at ‘type of giddy, giggling Misses 1*11 ch as she p o rtray ed t in “ Silk! Stockings” and “ Sum m er B ach -1 „ Her perform ance in “ Moth- j e:or. is m uch more e r Knows B est” serio u s and decidedly less ani­ m ated. She is one of the best in a splendid cast. However, no star is going to shine v ery brightly ag ain st the incom parable Louise D resser, who plays th e p a rt of M other; and if she doesn’t “ know b est,” darn right th inks she does. W ith o u t these two, B arry Norton an d his appeal would make the p ictu re; he can best be described by the adjective “ b ea u tifu l,” but I am afraid he would resent my using th at term . No doubt you are interested in the sound th at goes w ith the pic­ tu re more than an y th in g else. W ell, it starts a t th e bottom and ran g es to excellent. L et’s get the w orst over with first. Miss Bell­ amy should eat onions before she tin g s or else have th e volume con­ trols turned up a notch or two. Y ou’ll about “ Sally of My D ream s” they used it so often. The talk in g sequence a t the end of the p ictu re is p er­ fectly toned. The voices do not blare a t you, nor do you have to *sit breathless to h ear them . That p art of the dialogue sounds more n atu ra l than any we have heard yet. probably dream Aesop’s Fables in sound is very am using with excellently adapted squeeks and squawks. T here is a Fox Movietone news reel, and the Brox Sisters sing and wiggle their hands. One of them is going to g et hysterical som etim e and bite th e oth er two— th en th ey ’ll have to shoot all th ree of them .— B. B. ------------- 0 -------------- f ^ m r ti m m IL/ t* ILjJVI A T THE T E X A S , Jam es Hall, Ruth T aylor, and a good deal of sillim ent from the pen of Anne Nichols, erstw hile a u th o r of “ Abie’s Irish Rose”— and dash, asterisk, dollar m ark, exclam ation point— are th e chief in g redients of “J u s t M arried,” which plays a t the T exas th eate r Tuesday and W ednesday. Ruth shows h er total lack o f perso n al­ ity, Jam es Hail gets d ru n k , but d elig h tfu lly everybody so, and gets m arried, sails fo r E urope on a honeym oon, and has a lot of fu n , including the audience. — C. .B WALL STREET FILM COMING “ The Wolf of Wall S tr e e t” s ta r­ ring George B ancroft, w ith Bac- lanova .and Nancy C arro ll, comes to the Queen S aturday, as a talkie. T E X A S TOMORROW TODAY JUST MARRIED A n A nn Nichols S to ry c f a T h o u sa n d L aughs, S ta rrin g Jam es Hall and Ruth Taylor Adapted Music COMEDY — NE W S DONT MISS IT C lite M artin dch n son A frica n E xpedition G yp DANIEL E . POMEROY FVes S V e s e n t s nhe Sensation c f the Season M n Mrs Martin Johnson / / TUE MOST TALKED ABOUT PRESENTATION I OC A t e e s * .JUNGLE UTE EVE* MADE QUEEN THEATRE N O W _ rn P, T H E D A I L Y T E X A N TUESDAY, F E B R U A R Y 12, TO29. DAZED PORKERS RETL RN HOME FOR FOUR GAMES SPORT TALK and gone to Her home in Bon­ ham to lecu p erate from pneu- monia. FRAT TITLE TO BE DECIDED TONIGHT Lydia Russell. Pi B e ta Phi, has the U niversity Tommy Tough to Tackle R A N K E D F I F T H withdrawn from tonight when Steers Invade Aggie Camp For Clash Saturday Scrimmage to End Spring Football Work * I j A thoroughly dumbfounded and surprised A Acari sa* quintet packed itll belonging* and de­ parted fo r the O zark* Saturd ay get to night p erfectly satisfied It was this away from Austin. that self -ame lon gh orn gave the P orkers their last drub­ since th at bing in 1027, been the Razorback* had night running ram pant through all the they opposition. continued their winning, but then came the day of reckoning S at­ urday. Friday night, club arid An amazed Texas student body is still wondering how Jt all hap­ pened, and is ready to pay high­ est tribute to the members of the squad who turned the trick. The victory did not do much except to prove th at the Porkers were beatable. en­ trench T exas more firmly in sec­ ond place in the conference race and put h er in a position to tie with the Porkers fo r first place should either Rice or A. A NL their bump them o ff in one of fou r rem aining games. I t did, however, The chances o f either of these are clubs to down the Porkers re ­ their rather slim since all at maining gam es are played home, and it is practically impos­ sible fo r anyone to trounce the Porkers a t home. The Razor- back* will be on edge a fte r their loss to the Longhorn five. Coach W alker went to College Station Monday to see the Ag­ gie? and Ponies play, as the F a r ­ mers are the n ext opponents for The Steers the T exas quintet. Saturday will invade Aggieland night, and then return to Austin for a weeks’ work before meeting the Bayior five here the follow­ ing week-end. the In the of W alker, absence Holly Brock directed the work of second the Steers. Out of Razorback fray came two stars, who havu been known an reserve* It was the work up to th at tim e. of Frank Cheatham th at supplied the need ed impetus fo r the win. Jam es Fomby and Cheatham covered Schoonover throughout the game, and th?- black-headed Porker forward did not loop a single field goal dur ing the fray, while Fomby was going high in Picket! a fight for the tip-off. the air give to T exas should win the rest of her scheduled five gam e* without any undue exertion, and every­ clean thing seems clear sweep by the Arkansas five of their rem aining frays. Right now it appears as though T exas will finish in second place. fo r a T E ST S MADE FOK UNION FOUNDATION Test holes on the proposed lo­ cation fo r the Auditorium-Gym- nasium are being drilled, acco rd ­ ing to John A. McCurdy, secre­ tary of the Ex-Stu d en ts’ Associa­ tion. The new location is IOO feet north of the previous location and is 180 feet north of T w enty-first S treet and IOO feet east of Speed­ way. Underwood Typewriters Genuine Shipman W ard rebuilt Ike new. E a s y monthly p a y ­ a* ment*, ta m e p ractically rent. T en day* free trial. TEXAS BOOK STORE If You MUST Take Notes • • • try this a m a z i n g n e w idea IMPLY hold a so ft , S s m o o th , b la c k -writ in g V F X V E T p cn c ilin y o u r h an d anti note^ p ra c t ic a lly w r i t e t h e m s e l v e s . T h e b lan k lo o k o n y o u r face v an ish es and e v e ry th in g comes out O. K . B y BO B C A N T R E L L T « u » Sparta WMtm C O N F E R E N C E STA N D IN G ....... .. 8 .. 7 Arkansas T o a a s A . A M S. M. U. T . C. U , .... . ™ 8 5 B a y lo r 6 Rice 7 5 R W L P e t. 8 7 5 I . 7 1 5 2 6 6 6 SOO 2 5 0 . 2 0 0 . 1 6 6 ti A 4 6 6 4 5 2 I I 2 4 Tho st? students who witnessed game between S atu rd ay night's the T exas and Arkansan saw greatest basketball fam e th at has been played in Austin since 1927 the the Steers handed when the Porkers a twin whipping in two most sen national game** ever S atu rd ay ’* played in the state. the fra y taw T exas outclass Porkers, and whip them to a fraz­ zle all the way. We think th at any club which will use its tall at men, and m eet the P orkers their own game will have a b etter chance of bumping the Porkers than one which drop? back on the defense. the s u m of To name th a t g reat 36*25 win one would have to name every man who got in the Big ’Un Rose gam e fo r Texas. was probably the outstanding sta r o f the gam e, playing the g reatest game he has ever played. Not was his floor work flawless, but the big fellow was sinking his them count, shots, and making skinny Cheatham appeared in a new role as guard, and Schoon­ over will be glad to give anybody recommendations as to the ability of Cheatham to do what he's told. lied W ray was on P irkell Uke a and the young P o rk er shadow, cen ter was sorely vexed by the regularity with which W ray cram p­ ed his style, and to add to his w orries Rookie Jam es Fom by was outjum pm g him on the toss-up ap­ proxim ately half the time. I Solly Brock mustn’t be forgot­ th** ten. This little fighter was club. mainspring o f the Texas Playing like a demon all the time, of every he was In the midst tangle, and dribbled in and out of th o Porker defense. While T exas was playing fo r time in the sec­ ond half, it was Brock who crossed the Porker defense up with his that carried hr rn fast dribbling under the goal, only to have him turn around and dribble back to * he other end of the floor. While Brock didn’t sink so many shots, his counters cam e at the time th e f did the roost good. Doc Wisian want back several y ear* in one of his stories y e ste r­ day afternoon. Buck B u cksp an n,; a member o f W alker’s cage squad, was carryin g an economics t e x t ; around with him, and th at gave j Doc his chance. Dick Hooper, the only on© armed baseball player th a t ever played in the conference, was the su b ject of Doc’s tale. E c o ­ nomics was Dick’s “jon ah ” sub-; th at Dick je c t, and everywhere economic** went, he carried his than book with him, and more once- Doc sard he had found Dick engrossed in the pages of the text in the dressing room, oblivious o f the noise and hubbub around him. and eleven, Now th at T. C. U. has a new coach , the fa c t that Dan Salkeld,j end and captain of the champion­ Jack ship Abilene Shackleford o f the name club have enrolled a t the F o rt W orth school significance. tak e# added These two men will be a power in the Toad club in 1 9 3 0 . Both w ere mentioned among the best A ll-S tate men in 1923. on The D. K. E . and K. A. fives the fin a l* o f the will tangle In f ia t league basketball Tuesday night in what promises to be the b act game* of the year in th at have B o th fratern ities league- race put powerful clubs in the this year, and have pulled through rn tough schedule to figh t their into the final fray of the seu- 0 n the tame night, ‘W ich­ i t a and Little Campus “ B ” will M e t for the independent title .} Here are two dubs which play! Basketball as it should be played, wad fans who see this game will Be dished oui same n ice basket­ ball, and m ay rest assured that m m m not be a walkaway. . W H k f i n A rkansas gam©", g o n e,; th * biggest w o rry o f t h e athletic council lf * v tL It was the For- h e r g a n e f tk s t w ere cau sin g the call council to feel uneasy. T he supply o f tick ets exh austed th e those a c til S a tu rd a y w o re: th a t; e x p e c t W o •sa WHI h e a r plenty o f ta le * of F rid a y night, n o d outorpribmg rtudent J . . . K I N G OF TUB l.IGHT H E A V I E S . A S e a l f i g h t i n g C h a m p i o n . . LOUGHRAN MAS* D EFEN D ED H IS C R O VON EVE (3 t i m e W A S A LOO »C AL CON T E N D L R i— WAS SELM flOMTIHGSlftCt ML kJAS A L A O ... S l o e * * ' A c ts A—* Steer Netmen Given High National Rating tennis Two form er U n iversity players and on** present S te e r net sta r are included among the players named in the re ce n t ra n k ­ ings made by nj© U nited S tates I.awn Tennis Association. Of the ten men nam ed, six were firnl year, in while new com ers the other four. last replaced the select group W ilmer Allison, member of the 1925, wa* S teer n et squad in com m ittee, ranked fifth by the advancing from eleventh to fifth during the year. Berk©! y Bell, member of this y ear’s Mjuad and title holder, conference singles holds the position held by Allison last year, eleventh, ju st one be­ low the select circle. Louis Thai* heim er was placed in the list. tw enty-eighth Allison was paired with two men in the double . ranking, thv team o f Allison and Van Ryn b e­ ing tanked fo u rth , while the team of Allison and Bell was placed fifth in the national standing. T exas p layers have been ran k ­ ed among the h igh est in the land for the past several years, espe­ cially since Thai h eim er and W hite intercollegiate won the national tim e, doubles title. T exas player* have been entered in eastern m eets, and one T e x a s tar, W ilm er Allison, was a m em ­ ber of the A m erican Davis Cup team in 1928. Since that —o- CLUB TO DISCUSS PRISON CONDITIONS T h e prison system will be the topic of discussion a t the m eeting this of tho P resen t Day Club the T u tsd ay in C afeteria. a t I o ’clock L au ra G race H u n ter will give a in rep o rt on p resen t conditions the prisons. V irginia M ontague, president, will lead the discussion. FORD COUPE WANTED Must be bargain for cash. Phone 7000 The last week of spring foot­ ball work began Monday after- ! noon with approxim ately seventy J men reporting for the last lap of the training period. This is one of the largest squads that has re- I ported for spring work in some tim e, and the coaches who have ; been handling the men are more ' showing than satisfied with the which has been made. The training will end with a practice scrim m age with the St. ; Edwards spring gridders who have been at work fo r the past week, j The scrim m age in no way will be . a gam e, but will be a scrim m age ; in every sense1 o f the word. This will give every man a chance to j prove his w orth against someone he doesn’t know. Monday and Tuesday of n ext week, field days will be held fo r the members of the squad with prizes going to the best men in certain departm ents. The men will be picked on th eir perform ances in the trials. tackle, The best end, guard, cen ter and best all-around man will be picked by Coaches Jam es, and Karow Ja m e s and Karow. have been handling the men all during the spring practice period with occasional help from L ittle­ field, who has been directing the destinies of the track squad. --------------- o— ------------ AGGIE GOLFERS IN TWO DUAL CLASHES Special to Th* Daily Trr,an. C O L L E G E STATIO N , Feb. l l i — Texan Aggie g o lfe r, will be given ample opportunity to d e m -1. the onstrat© their m erits during rem ainder of the school year with the varsity gold team slated fo r two dual m eets and the Southwest C onference tou rn am en t and with an intram ural tournam ent and a the tournam ent the college champion g o lfer of planned for this spring. determ ine to is The intram ural tournam ent not open to members of the v a r­ but the final college sity team stu- tournam ent is open to all ( dents of the college. Tom Iiolleron of San Antonio, last y ear elected to captain the the 1929 Aggie golf team , won college title last y ear and the year before but this y e a r he is not in school and in his absence C. W. Schw eers, also o f San Antonio, is m anaging the varsity gold pros- is | pects. Coach Dana X. Bible coach of the varsity team . ©---------------- N ancy H arm on, Kappa D elta, has withdrawn from the U niver­ sity fo r this sem ester and has r e ­ turned to her home in San An-1 She will do coordination ; tonio. work fo r the bachelor of business j adm inistration degree. The F ra te rn ity Lea# ie title will the be decided Kappa Alpha quint dashes with the Deke five in the Intram ural Gymnasium a t 7 :3 0 o'clock. These two clubs have fought their way and through a tonight’* gam e promises to be one of the best gam es for intram ural fans this y ear. tough schedule, Odds seem to favor the Deke’s, but the K. A .’s may upset the dope and run aw ay with the honors. The winner o f the game tonight will become fratern ity champions, and receive a gold cup which is awarded annually to the fra te rn ­ ity division. The winner of the game will also meet the independent cham ­ the pions play-off fo r tho University title. in the semi-finals of AGGIES OUT-STALL SMU TO WIN, 18-16 Apicial to Tho Daily T*mam the l l C O L L E G E STATIO N, Feb. — Coach Chuck B assett’s T exas thunder Aggie cag ers stole of the enemy to outstall the S. M. coach U. M ustang ch arge* of Jim m y St. C lair and grained a close 18-16 decision over the p erfecters of the stalling game a t the A. & M. Memorial Gymnasium Monday night. Keeton, Aggie guard, was easily the star of the game. Brow n, S. forw ard, was high point M. U. man with ten points. --------------- o -------------- Ja n e t F iles, Delta Delta Delta, in San A n­ spent the week-end tonio. Travis B ailey, form er student j o f the U niversity, spent the week- Epsilon .. Q. . . . Si* “ VALENTINE W e still have lots of V al­ entines th at express the right sentim ent. Call in today and see our stock. CO-OP S e n d ^ H e r - Wife - - Mother-, Daughter-Sister, * Sweet "v j heart Chocolates ( J o t American Queen* StX^lentines Day Q f e b .1 4 - Ste our beautiful Valentine Packages Mow/ University Drug Store P. W. McFadden Sc Co. ..a. Experience — Fairness — Impartiality M. 6 . Burnside for Chairman of Men’s Council Election Feb. 19th MUSIC CREDIT INCREASE YO UR CHANCES 1 0 0 ^ for APPOINTMENT AS a T E A C H E R in the PUBLIC SCHOOLS of T E X A S UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY of MUSIC 2508 GUADALUPE ST. Frank LeFevre Reed, DIRECTOR. T h e only music school or c o n s e rv a to ry in A U S T I N from which you can get C R E D I T fo r P IA N O , V O I C E , end A N Y MUSIC C O U R S E on any T E A C H E R ’S C E R T I F I C A T E is­ sued bv the S T A T E D E P A R T M E N T CIF E D U C A T IO N e t the C A P I T O L . Id&uifScmd VELVET Pencils AMERICAN PENCIL CO., Willow Ave., Hoboism. N. J A VENUS Pen cil Fa Ctorv Product* BEAUTY-ENH AN CED AND IDEALIZED As only an intuitive artist and skillful practician can. Ari an opening special w** offer a real Eugene Permanent Wave for $4 Hair Set 25c. Shampoo and Finger wave 50c. THE ROSE MARIE Opposite Driskili Hotel Kula and D orothy Snyder of the Pi Beta Phi house spent the week-end in San Antonio. Their to m other returned with ?pend a few days. them Nu ch ap ter of Chi nounces the pledging Rigor of D ecatur. Phi of an- Ja c k P K DIAL 9090 W hen Y o u ’re H u n g ry , P . K. Has Now Installed F R E E M O T O R C Y C L E D E L I V E R Y Till 2 a. rn. S e rv ice Ail Night PK SANDWICH SHOPS, INC. Opposite H a n c o c k T h e a t e r Opposite the U n iv ersity M A J E S T I C M A N ’S S H O P Clothes and Furnishings will gladden the eyes that are sensitive to new things and the trend of Style. S h a k e off the L eth arg y of old man winter and get into a new S P R IN G E n ­ semble. Done Exactly Right When your health is at stake a prescription must be compounded with the most painstaking exact­ ness. The ingredients used must be fresh, potent, and pure. It will pay you to bring your prescription to us. Our perfected system of checking and rechecking all prescriptions assures you of absolute correct­ ness and safety. Dial 5361 and 5362 Griffith Drug Company Scarbrough Building P I A N OWITH I w e w e B k JE# JErn U P Rh Frank LeFevre PIANIST, THEORIST, COMPOSER, EDUCATOR P ro fe s s o r of Music U n iv ersity of T e x a s fo r twelve years D I R E C T O R U N I V E R S I T Y C O N S E R V A T O R Y O F M U S IC 2 5 0 8 Guadalupe S tr e e t The only music school or co n s e rv a to ry in A U S T I N o r g a n ­ ised as an ed ucatio n al institution and accred ited as such by the S T A T E D E P A R T M E N T O F E D U C A T IO N a t the C A P I T O L . E n d o rsed by the A u stin C ham b er of C o m m erce